Nanotechnology For Precision Drug Delivery Advancements in Pharmacology and Therapeutics

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Nanotechnology for precision drug delivery: Advancements in

pharmacology and therapeutics.
Proykova Bawa*
Department of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Introduction platforms that integrate both therapeutic and diagnostic

capabilities. Theranostics combines targeted drug delivery
Precision medicine, which aims to deliver therapies tailored to
with real-time imaging and monitoring of treatment response.
individual patients, has revolutionized the field of healthcare.
Nanocarriers can be loaded with contrast agents or imaging
Nanotechnology, with its ability to manipulate and control
probes, allowing for non-invasive imaging modalities such as
matter at the nanoscale, has emerged as a powerful tool in
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography
precision drug delivery. By designing and engineering
(CT), or fluorescence imaging. This integration of diagnostics
nanocarriers, researchers can enhance the efficacy, safety, and
and therapeutics facilitates personalized medicine by
targeted delivery of therapeutic agents. This article explores
providing real-time feedback on treatment efficacy and guiding
the advancements in pharmacology and therapeutics achieved
therapeutic decision-making. The safety and biocompatibility
through nanotechnology-enabled precision drug delivery [1].
of nanocarriers are of paramount importance for their
Nano carriers, such as nanoparticles, liposomes, dendrimers, clinical translation. Extensive research is being conducted
and micelles, are designed to encapsulate and deliver to ensure the biocompatibility of nanomaterials, evaluate
therapeutic agents to specific target sites in the body. These their long-term effects, and assess potential toxicity. Surface
carriers offer several advantages, including improved drug modifications and engineering approaches are employed to
solubility, protection from degradation, prolonged circulation reduce immunogenicity and improve the biodegradability of
time, and enhanced cellular uptake. Moreover, their small size nanocarriers, minimizing adverse effects and optimizing their
allows them to bypass physiological barriers and accumulate clinical applicability [4].
in target tissues more efficiently. Nano carriers can be surface-
functionalized with ligands, antibodies, or peptides to actively Nanotechnology has revolutionized the field of precision
target specific cells or tissues. This active targeting facilitates drug delivery, providing innovative solutions to overcome
the selective accumulation of drugs at the desired site, challenges associated with conventional drug administration.
reducing off-target effects and enhancing therapeutic efficacy. Through the design and engineering of nanocarriers,
By exploiting the unique characteristics of tumor tissues, researchers have achieved enhanced targeting, controlled
nanocarriers can be designed to accumulate preferentially in release, and improved accumulation of therapeutic agents
cancer cells, resulting in improved anti-cancer drug delivery at specific sites. Nanotechnology-enabled precision drug
while minimizing damage to healthy tissues [2]. delivery has the potential to revolutionize pharmacology
and therapeutics, enabling personalized medicine, improving
Nanotechnology enables the design of drug delivery systems treatment outcomes, and reducing adverse effects. Continued
with controlled release profiles. Various stimuli-responsive research, collaboration, and regulatory efforts are essential
Nano carriers have been developed that can release drugs in to further unlock the vast potential of nanotechnology in the
response to specific triggers, such as pH, temperature, light, realm of precision drug delivery and advance patient care [5].
or enzymatic activity. This controlled release mechanism
allows for sustained drug release at the target site, optimizing References
therapeutic efficacy while minimizing systemic toxicity. The
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human body possesses several biological barriers that can
landscape of drug products containing nanomaterials in the
impede drug delivery to target sites. Nanotechnology provides
United States. Nat Nanotechnol. 2017;12(6):523-9.
innovative solutions to overcome these barriers. For instance,
nanocarriers can be engineered to cross the blood-brain barrier, 2. Caster JM, Patel AN, Zhang T, et al. Investigational
enabling the delivery of therapeutic agents to the central nanomedicines in 2016: A review of nanotherapeutics
nervous system for the treatment of neurological disorders. currently undergoing clinical trials. Wiley Interdiscip Rev
Similarly, Nano carriers can be designed to penetrate mucosal Nanomed Nanobiotechnol. 2017;9(1):1416.
barriers, allowing for efficient drug delivery through oral, 3. Bobo D, Robinson KJ, Islam J, et al. Nanoparticle-based
nasal, or ocular routes [3]. medicines: A review of FDA-approved materials and
Nanotechnology has enabled the development of theranostic clinical trials to date. Pharm Res. 2016;33:2373-87.

*Correspondence to: Proykova Bawa, Department of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, E-mail: [email protected]
Received: 27-Jun-2023, Manuscript No. AAAJMR-23-105804; Editor assigned: 29-Jun-2022, PreQC No. AAAJMR-23-105804(PQ); Reviewed: 13-Jul-2023, QC No.
AAAJMR-23-105804; Revised: 17-Jul-2023, Manuscript No. AAAJMR-23-105804(R); Published: 24-Jul-2023, DOI:10.35841/aaajmr-7.4.186

Citation: Bawa P. Nanotechnology for precision drug delivery: Advancements in pharmacology and therapeutics. Allied J Med Res.
1 Allied J Med Res 2023 Volume 7 Issue 4
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Citation: Bawa P. Nanotechnology for precision drug delivery: Advancements in pharmacology and therapeutics. Allied J Med Res.
Allied J Med Res 2023 Volume 7 Issue 4 2

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