QP - SSC - Q8113 - v2.0 - AI Machine Learning Engineer

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Qualification Pack

AI - Machine Learning Engineer

QP Code: SSC/Q8113

Version: 2.0

NSQF Level: 7

IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council,NASSCOM,Plot No - 7, 8, 9 & 10,3rd Floor,
Sector 126, Noida
Uttar Pradesh - 201303

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 1

Qualification Pack

SSC/Q8113: AI - Machine Learning Engineer ........................................................................................ 3
Brief Job Description ...................................................................................................................... 3
Applicable National Occupational Standards (NOS) ............................................................................. 3
Compulsory NOS ........................................................................................................................... 3
Qualification Pack (QP) Parameters .............................................................................................. 3
SSC/N8121: Evaluate technical performance of algorithmic models .................................................... 5
SSC/N8122: Develop software code to support the deployment of algorithmic models ...................... 9
SSC/N9001: Manage your work to meet requirements ...................................................................... 13
SSC/N9002: Work effectively with colleagues .................................................................................... 17
SSC/N9004: Provide data/information in standard formats ................................................................ 21
SSC/N9006: Build and Maintain relationships in a Workplace ............................................................ 25
SSC/N9014: Maintain an inclusive, environmentally sustainable workplace ...................................... 29
Assessment Guidelines and Weightage ............................................................................................. 32
Assessment Guidelines ............................................................................................................... 32
Assessment Weightage ............................................................................................................... 33
Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................... 34
Glossary ............................................................................................................................................. 36

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 2

Qualification Pack

SSC/Q8113: AI - Machine Learning Engineer

Brief Job Description

Individuals at this job are responsible for developing applications and platforms in AI & Big Data Analytics.
S/he will be responsible for developing software code to deploy algorithmic models as per the needs of the
business and evaluating the technical performance of the same

Personal Attributes

A Machine Learning engineer needs to have strong analytical and logical skills, attention to detail and
problem solving ability. S/he needs to have good communication skills to work with various stakeholders
that includes Data Scientists, Data Architects, Business Analysts etc. to ensure alignment on business

Applicable National Occupational Standards (NOS)

Compulsory NOS:

1. SSC/N8121: Evaluate technical performance of algorithmic models

2. SSC/N8122: Develop software code to support the deployment of algorithmic models

3. SSC/N9001: Manage your work to meet requirements

4. SSC/N9002: Work effectively with colleagues

5. SSC/N9004: Provide data/information in standard formats

6. SSC/N9006: Build and Maintain relationships in a Workplace

7. SSC/N9014: Maintain an inclusive, environmentally sustainable workplace

Qualification Pack (QP) Parameters

Sector IT-ITeS

Sub-Sector Future Skills

Occupation Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics

Country India

NSQF Level 7

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 3

Qualification Pack

Aligned to NCO/ISCO/ISIC

Minimum Educational Graduate

Qualification & (Engineering/Technology/Statistics/Mathematics/Computer Science)
Experience with 2-3 Years of experience Recommended

Minimum Level of
Education for Training in

Pre-Requisite License or

Minimum Job Entry Age 21 Years

Last Reviewed On 14/04/2020

Next Review Date 14/04/2025

Deactivation Date 14/04/2025

NSQC Approval Date

Version 2.0

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 4

Qualification Pack

SSC/N8121: Evaluate technical performance of algorithmic models


This unit is about measuring the technical performance of algorithmic models for deployment.


This unit/task covers the following:

Define model parameters

Analyse technical constraints
Technical Performance Constraints: speed, runtime, memory

Elements and Performance Criteria

Define model parameters

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. define technical specifications and limitations of the system running the algorithmic model
PC2. define the data flows and evaluate the data structures in the algorithmic model
Analyse technical constraints
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC3. evaluate the speed, runtime and memory interdependencies of the algorithmic model
PC4. evaluate the parallel programming constraints of the system
PC5. modify and test the algorithmic model to fit speed, runtime and memory limitations of the
PC6. update documentation on the algorithmic model
PC7. provide feedback on model performance to the team responsible for designing and developing
the model

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. the purpose and aims of the system being developed

KU2. organizational policies, procedures and guidelines for evaluating the technical performance
of algorithmic models
KU3. different data sources and how to access the required documents and information from data
KU4. organizational policies and procedures for sharing data
KU5. organizational policies and procedures for documenting algorithmic models
KU6. who to involve when evaluating the technical performance of algorithmic models
KU7. the range of standard templates and tools available and how to use them
KU8. how to identify and interpret the technical specifications and limitations of a system
KU9. different algorithmic models

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 5

Qualification Pack

KU10. different data flows and data structures

KU11. how to evaluate the speed, runtime and memory dependencies of algorithmic models
KU12. different parallel computing systems such as SISD (Single Instruction Single Data Stream),
SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data Streams), MISD (Multiple Instructions Single Data
Stream), MIMD (Multiple Instructions Multiple Data Streams)
KU13. different methodological approaches to measure algorithmic model performance such as Big
O notation
KU14. how to identify and refer anomalies
KU15. how to work on various operating systems such as linux, ubuntu, or windows

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. make decisions on suitable courses of action.

GS2. plan and organize your own work to achieve targets and deadlines
GS3. refer anomalies to the supervisor
GS4. check your work is complete and free from errors

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 6

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Define model parameters 10 20 - -

PC1. define technical specifications and

limitations of the system running the 5 10 - -
algorithmic model

PC2. define the data flows and evaluate the

5 10 - -
data structures in the algorithmic model

Analyse technical constraints 20 50 - -

PC3. evaluate the speed, runtime and memory

5 10 - -
interdependencies of the algorithmic model

PC4. evaluate the parallel programming

5 10 - -
constraints of the system

PC5. modify and test the algorithmic model to

fit speed, runtime and memory limitations of 5 15 - -
the system

PC6. update documentation on the algorithmic

- 5 - -

PC7. provide feedback on model performance

to the team responsible for designing and 5 10 - -
developing the model

NOS Total 30 70 - -

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 7

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code SSC/N8121

NOS Name Evaluate technical performance of algorithmic models

Sector IT-ITeS

Sub-Sector Future Skills

Occupation Artificial Intelligence & Big Data Analytics

NSQF Level 7

Credits TBD

Version 1.0

Last Reviewed Date 17/10/2018

Next Review Date 31/12/2019

NSQC Clearance Date 19/12/2018

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 8

Qualification Pack

SSC/N8122: Develop software code to support the deployment of

algorithmic models


This unit is about developing software code to support the deployment of algorithmic models to meet
specific requirements and constraints.


This unit/task covers the following:

Define requirements
Convert specifications into code
Perform unit tests
Software Requirements Specification: functional requirements, non-functional requirements
High Level Design: technical solution selected and its rationale, assumptions, constraints,
dependencies, interfaces
Low Level Design: programming structures, coding standards, checklists

Elements and Performance Criteria

Define requirements
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. define technical specifications and limitations of the autonomous system
PC2. evaluate the design of data flows and structures in the autonomous system
PC3. evaluate the design of core algorithmic models in the autonomous system
PC4. evaluate the parallel programming constraints of the autonomous system
Convert specifications into code
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC5. integrate technical specifications, data flows, core algorithmic models and parallel
programming constraints and convert them into reusable code
PC6. create documentation on developed software code for relevant stakeholders
PC7. validate developed code with relevant stakeholders
Perform unit tests
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC8. create and execute unit test cases to analyse the performance of the code
PC9. evaluate the defects in the code and identify corrective actions
PC10. implement corrective actions to optimize code performance
PC11. submit tested and optimized code for approval by appropriate people

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 9

Qualification Pack

KU1. the purpose and aims of the autonomous system being developed
KU2. organizational policies, procedures and guidelines for developing software code
KU3. different data sources and how to access the required documents and information from data
KU4. organizational policies and procedures for sharing data
KU5. organizational policies and procedures for documenting developed code
KU6. who to involve when developing software code
KU7. their organization's approval process for software code designs
KU8. the range of standard templates and tools available and how to use them
KU9. how to identify and interpret the technical specifications and limitations of an autonomous
KU10. different data flows and data structures
KU11. different algorithmic models and their design
KU12. different parallel computing systems such as SISD (Single Instruction Single Data Stream),
SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data Streams), MISD (Multiple Instructions Single Data
Stream), MIMD (Multiple Instructions Multiple Data Streams)
KU13. the range of code generation tools and unit testing tools used to develop software code
KU14. how to use coding tools
KU15. how to create, review and execute unit test cases
KU16. how to determine whether components are suitable for re-use
KU17. different types of problems and defects that may occur and how these may be resolved
KU18. how recording corrective actions for problems and defects can improve future designs
KU19. how to use corrective actions to optimize performance of software code
KU20. how to identify and refer anomalies
KU21. how to work on various operating systems such as linux, ubuntu, or windows

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. make a decision on a suitable course of action

GS2. apply problem-solving approaches in different situations
GS3. analyze data and activities
GS4. configure data and disseminate relevant information to others
GS5. apply balanced judgments to different situations
GS6. check your work is complete and free from errors

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 10

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Define requirements 11 24 - -

PC1. define technical specifications and

2 3 - -
limitations of the autonomous system

PC2. evaluate the design of data flows and

3 7 - -
structures in the autonomous system

PC3. evaluate the design of core algorithmic

3 7 - -
models in the autonomous system

PC4. evaluate the parallel programming

3 7 - -
constraints of the autonomous system

Convert specifications into code 5 25 - -

PC5. integrate technical specifications, data

flows, core algorithmic models and parallel
5 15 - -
programming constraints and convert them
into reusable code

PC6. create documentation on developed

- 5 - -
software code for relevant stakeholders

PC7. validate developed code with relevant

- 5 - -

Perform unit tests 9 26 - -

PC8. create and execute unit test cases to

3 7 - -
analyse the performance of the code

PC9. evaluate the defects in the code and

3 7 - -
identify corrective actions

PC10. implement corrective actions to optimize

3 7 - -
code performance

PC11. submit tested and optimized code for

- 5 - -
approval by appropriate people

NOS Total 25 75 - -

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 11

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code SSC/N8122

NOS Name Develop software code to support the deployment of algorithmic models

Sector IT-ITeS

Sub-Sector Future Skills

Occupation Artificial Intelligence & Big Data Analytics

NSQF Level 7

Credits TBD

Version 1.0

Last Reviewed Date 17/10/2018

Next Review Date 31/12/2019

NSQC Clearance Date 19/12/2018

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 12

Qualification Pack

SSC/N9001: Manage your work to meet requirements


This unit is about planning and organizing your work in order to complete it to the required standards on


The scope covers the following :

Utilise resources
Ensure compliance

Elements and Performance Criteria

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. establish and agree your work requirements with appropriate people
PC2. keep the immediate work area clean and tidy
PC3. utilize time effectively
PC4. use resources correctly and efficiently
PC5. treat confidential information correctly
PC6. work in line with the organization's policies and procedures
PC7. work within the limits of the job role
PC8. obtain guidance from appropriate people, where necessary
PC9. ensure the work meets the agreed requirements

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. the priorities for the area of work

KU2. role, responsibilities, limits of the responsibilities and whom these must be agreed with, as
well as when to involve others
KU3. the importance of having a tidy work area and how to do this
KU4. how to prioritize your workload according to urgency and importance and the benefits of this
KU5. the organizations policies and procedures, especially for dealing with confidential
information, and the importance of complying with these
KU6. the purpose of keeping others updated with the progress of the work
KU7. the purpose and value of being flexible and adapting work plans to reflect change
KU8. the importance of completing work accurately and how to do this
KU9. appropriate timescales for completing the work and the implications of not meeting these for
self and the organization
KU10. resources needed for the work and how to obtain and use these

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 13

Qualification Pack

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. read instructions, guidelines, procedures, rules and service level agreements
GS2. ask for clarification and advice from line managers
GS3. communicate orally with colleagues
GS4. make decisions on suitable courses
GS5. plan and organize the work to achieve targets and deadlines
GS6. agree to objectives and work requirements
GS7. deliver consistent and reliable service to customers
GS8. check that the work meets customer requirements
GS9. refer anomalies to the line manager
GS10. seek clarification on problems from others
GS11. provide relevant information to others
GS12. analyze needs, requirements and dependencies in order to meet the work requirements
GS13. apply judgments to different situations
GS14. ensure the work is complete and free from errors
GS15. get the work checked by peers
GS16. work effectively in a team environment
GS17. use information technology effectively, to input and/or extract data accurately
GS18. identify and refer anomalies in data
GS19. store and retrieve information
GS20. keep up to date with changes, procedures and practices in the role

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 14

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

25 75 - -

PC1. establish and agree your work

- 6.25 - -
requirements with appropriate people

PC2. keep the immediate work area clean

6.25 6.25 - -
and tidy

PC3. utilize time effectively 6.25 6.25 - -

PC4. use resources correctly and

6.25 12.5 - -

PC5. treat confidential information

- 6.25 - -

PC6. work in line with the organization's

- 12.5 - -
policies and procedures

PC7. work within the limits of the job role - 6.25 - -

PC8. obtain guidance from appropriate

- 6.25 - -
people, where necessary

PC9. ensure the work meets the agreed

6.25 12.5 - -

NOS Total 25 75 - -

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 15

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code SSC/N9001

NOS Name Manage your work to meet requirements

Sector IT-ITeS

IT Services, Business Process Management, Engineering R&D, Software

Sub-Sector Product Development, IT Support Services, Software Products, Future

Occupation Generic

NSQF Level 4

Credits TBD

Version 2.0

Last Reviewed Date NA

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Clearance Date

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 16

Qualification Pack

SSC/N9002: Work effectively with colleagues


This unit is about working effectively with colleagues, either in your own work group or in other work
groups within your organization.


The scope covers the following :

Communicate with colleagues

Show respect

Elements and Performance Criteria

Communicate with colleagues

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. communicate with colleagues clearly, concisely and accurately
PC2. work with colleagues to integrate the work effectively with theirs
PC3. pass on essential information to colleagues in line with organizational requirements
Show respect
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC4. work in ways that show respect for colleagues
PC5. carry out commitments one has made to colleagues
PC6. identify any problems while working with colleagues and take the initiative to solve these
PC7. follow the organization’s policies and procedures for working with colleagues

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. the organization's policies and procedures for working with colleagues and the role and
responsibilities in relation to this
KU2. the importance of effective communication and establishing good working relationships with
KU3. different methods of communication and the circumstances in which it is appropriate to use
KU4. benefits of developing productive working relationships with colleagues
KU5. the importance of creating an environment of trust and mutual respect in an environment
where there is no authority over those working with
KU6. where you do not meet the commitments, the implications this will have on individuals and
the organization
KU7. different types of information that colleagues might need and the importance of providing this
information when it is required

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 17

Qualification Pack

KU8. the importance of understanding problems from the colleagues perspective and how to
provide support, where necessary, to resolve these

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. complete accurate, well written work with attention to detail

GS2. communicate effectively with colleagues in writing
GS3. read instructions, guidelines, procedures, rules and service level agreements
GS4. make decisions on suitable courses
GS5. ask for clarification and advice from line managers
GS6. help reach agreements with colleagues
GS7. plan and organize the work to achieve targets and deadlines
GS8. ensure the work meets customer requirements, and deliver consistent and reliable service
GS9. apply problem solving approaches in different situations
GS10. apply balanced judgments to different situations
GS11. ensure the work is complete and free from errors
GS12. ensure the work is complete and free from errors
GS13. work effectively with colleagues and other teams in a team environment
GS14. treat other cultures with respect
GS15. identify and refer anomalies
GS16. keep up to date with changes, procedures and practices in the role

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 18

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Communicate with colleagues 18 30 - -

PC1. communicate with colleagues clearly,

- 20 - -
concisely and accurately

PC2. work with colleagues to integrate the

- 10 - -
work effectively with theirs

PC3. pass on essential information to

colleagues in line with organizational 18 - - -

Show respect 2 50 - -

PC4. work in ways that show respect for

2 20 - -

PC5. carry out commitments one has made

- 10 - -
to colleagues

PC6. identify any problems while working

with colleagues and take the initiative to - 10 - -
solve these problems

PC7. follow the organization’s policies and

- 10 - -
procedures for working with colleagues

NOS Total 20 80 - -

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 19

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code SSC/N9002

NOS Name Work effectively with colleagues

Sector IT-ITeS

IT Services, Business Process Management, Engineering R&D, Software

Sub-Sector Product Development, IT Support Services, Software Products, Future

Occupation Generic

NSQF Level 4

Credits TBD

Version 2.0

Last Reviewed Date NA

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Clearance Date

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 20

Qualification Pack

SSC/N9004: Provide data/information in standard formats


This unit is about providing specified data/information related to your work in templates or other standard


The scope covers the following :

Obtain information
Analyze and report information

Elements and Performance Criteria

Obtain information
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. establish and agree with appropriate people the data/information you need to provide, the
formats in which you need to provide it, and when you need to provide it
PC2. obtain the data/information from reliable sources
PC3. check that the obtained data/information is accurate, complete and up-to-date
PC4. obtain advice or guidance from appropriate people where there are problems with the
Analyze and report information
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC5. carry out rule-based analysis of the data/information, if required
PC6. insert the data/information into the agreed formats
PC7. report any unresolved anomalies in the data/ information to appropriate people
PC8. provide complete, accurate and up-to-date data/information to the appropriate people in the
required formats on time

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. the organization's procedures and guidelines for providing data/information in standard
formats and the role and responsibilities in relation to this
KU2. the knowledge management culture of the organization
KU3. the organization's policies and procedures for recording and sharing information and the
importance of complying with these
KU4. the importance of validating data/information before use and how to do this
KU5. procedures for updating data in appropriate formats and with proper validation
KU6. the purpose of the CRM database
KU7. how to use the CRM database to record and extract information

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 21

Qualification Pack

KU8. the importance of having data/information reviewed by others

KU9. the scope of any data/information requirements including the level of detail required
KU10. the importance of keeping within the scope of work and adhering to timescales
KU11. data/information one may need to provide including the sources and how to do this
KU12. templates and formats used for data/information including their purpose and how to use
KU13. different techniques used to obtain data/information and how to apply these
KU14. rule-based analysis on the data/information
KU15. typical anomalies that may occur in data/information
KU16. whom to go to in the event of inaccurate data/information and how to report this

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. complete accurate, well written work with attention to detail

GS2. read instructions, guidelines, procedures, rules and service level agreements
GS3. listen effectively and orally communicate information accurately
GS4. follow rule-based decision-making processes
GS5. make decisions on suitable courses of action
GS6. plan and organize the work to achieve targets and deadlines
GS7. check the work meets customer requirements and exceed customer expectations
GS8. apply problem solving approaches in different situations
GS9. configure data and disseminate relevant information to others
GS10. apply balanced judgments to different situations
GS11. use information technology effectively, to input and/or extract data accurately
GS12. validate and update data
GS13. store and retrieve information

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 22

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Obtain information 18.75 31.25 - -

PC1. establish and agree with appropriate

people the data/information you need to
12.5 - - -
provide, the formats in which you need to
provide it, and when you need to provide it

PC2. obtain the data/information from reliable

- 12.5 - -

PC3. check that the obtained data/information

6.25 6.25 - -
is accurate, complete and up-to-date

PC4. obtain advice or guidance from

appropriate people where there are problems - 12.5 - -
with the data/information

Analyze and report information 6.25 43.75 - -

PC5. carry out rule-based analysis of the

- 25 - -
data/information, if required

PC6. insert the data/information into the

- 12.5 - -
agreed formats

PC7. report any unresolved anomalies in the

6.25 - - -
data/ information to appropriate people

PC8. provide complete, accurate and up-to-

date data/information to the appropriate - 6.25 - -
people in the required formats on time

NOS Total 25 75 - -

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 23

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code SSC/N9004

NOS Name Provide data/information in standard formats

Sector IT-ITeS

IT Services, Business Process Management, Engineering R&D, Software

Sub-Sector Product Development, IT Support Services, Software Products, Future

Occupation Generic

NSQF Level 4

Credits TBD

Version 2.0

Last Reviewed Date NA

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Clearance Date

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 24

Qualification Pack

SSC/N9006: Build and Maintain relationships in a Workplace


This unit is about building and maintaining constructive relationships at the workplace.


The scope covers the following :

This unit/task covers the following: Build relationships, Maintain relationships

Appropriate people: line manager, members of the team/department, members from other

Elements and Performance Criteria

Build relationships
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. build rapport with appropriate people at the workplace
PC2. develop new professional relationships
PC3. build alliances to establish mutually beneficial working arrangements
PC4. foster an environment where others feel respected
PC5. identify and engage a diverse range of influential contacts
Maintain relationships
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC6. obtain guidance from appropriate people, where necessary
PC7. attentively listen to ideas and give constructive feedback
PC8. promptly resolve conflicts between team members
PC9. work with colleagues to deliver shared goals
PC10. recognize the contributions made by your colleagues

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. organizational policies and procedures for building relationships and their role and
responsibilities in relation to this
KU2. training programs to enable the development of relevant behavioural competencies
KU3. the importance of creating an environment of trust and mutual respect in the organisation
KU4. the importance of effective communication in developing productive working relationships
with colleagues
KU5. training programs to enable the development of relevant behavioural competencies

Generic Skills (GS)

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 25

Qualification Pack

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. ask for clarification and advice from line managers

GS2. work effectively in a team environment

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 26

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Build relationships 17 33 - -

PC1. build rapport with appropriate people at

3 7 - -
the workplace

PC2. develop new professional relationships 3 7 - -

PC3. build alliances to establish mutually

3 7 - -
beneficial working arrangements

PC4. foster an environment where others

4 6 - -
feel respected

PC5. identify and engage a diverse range of

4 6 - -
influential contacts

Maintain relationships 13 37 - -

PC6. obtain guidance from appropriate

3 7 - -
people, where necessary

PC7. attentively listen to ideas and give

3 7 - -
constructive feedback

PC8. promptly resolve conflicts between

2 8 - -
team members

PC9. work with colleagues to deliver shared

2 8 - -

PC10. recognize the contributions made by

3 7 - -
your colleagues

NOS Total 30 70 - -

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 27

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code SSC/N9006

NOS Name Build and Maintain relationships in a Workplace

Sector IT-ITeS

Sub-Sector Future Skills

Occupation Artificial Intelligence & Big Data Analytics

NSQF Level 6

Credits TBD

Version 3.0

Last Reviewed Date NA

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Clearance Date

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 28

Qualification Pack

SSC/N9014: Maintain an inclusive, environmentally sustainable workplace


The unit is about implementing and improving diversity equality and inclusion in a sustainable and
environment friendly workplace.


The scope covers the following :

The scope covers the following: Enrich policies to respect diversity, Reinforce practices/
regulations/policies to promote and improve equity (equality)/inclusivity, Emphasize sustainable
environmental practices

Elements and Performance Criteria

Sustainable Practices
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. optimize usage of electricity/energy, materials, and water in various asks / activities /
processes and plan the implementation of energy efficient systems in a phased manner
PC2. segregate recyclable, non-recyclable and hazardous waste generated for disposal or efficient
waste management
Respect diversity and strengthen practices to promote equity (equality)/inclusivity
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC3. understand the diversity policy of the organization and use internal & external communication
to colleagues to improve
PC4. comply with PwD inclusive policies for an adaptable and equitable work environment
PC5. improve through specifically designed recruitment practices, PwD friendly infrastructure, job
roles, etc.
PC6. use and advocate for appropriate verbal/nonverbal communication, schemes and benefits of

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. the organization's policies and procedures about gender inclusivity, equality and
sustainability while working with colleagues and your role and responsibilities in relation to
KU2. inclusive tools and practices of communication to acknowledge/validate, share and promote
the cause of gender parity at workplace. For example - supporting women with mentorship
programs, speaking out against discriminatory practices or harassment
KU3. the concept of gender, gender equality and gender discrimination, and all forms of gender
discrimination, violence and inequality, including the current and historical causes of gender
inequality in the workplace

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Qualification Pack

KU4. how to maintain and provide a conducive work environment that is free from any
harassment. facilities and amenities to PwD to perform and excel in their role
KU5. organization's redressal mechanisms (like the POSH committee) to address harassment and
bias at the workplace, with awareness of prevalent legislations against bias and sexual
KU6. initiatives towards efficient use of natural resources and energy, reduction and prevention of
pollution and promoting waste avoidance and recycling measures in line with internationally
disseminated technologies and practices
KU7. all about various energy options including renewable and non-renewable with their
environmental impacts, health issues, usage, safety and energy security
KU8. implications that any non-compliance with electricity and energy may have on individuals
and the organization
KU9. the organization's electricity first aid emergency procedures
KU10. how to monitor, measure and report performance of environmental conservation
KU11. different types of electricity accidents, safety and security and how and when to report these
KU12. how to use the electricity/energy safety, accident reporting, emergency procedures and the
importance of these

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. read PwD instructions, guidelines, procedures, diversity policies/acts, rules and service level
GS2. be aware of one's own gender identity and gender role.and respectful of the gender
performances of others
GS3. organize team building or sensitization workshops to address gender biases, stereotypes and
potentially blind spots
GS4. clarify personal norms and values related to energy production and usage as well as to reflect
and evaluate their own energy usage in terms of efficiency and sufficiency
GS5. listen and communicate (oral) effectively and accurately on all PwD policies
GS6. apply balanced judgments in gender diversity situations
GS7. take action to reduce the carbon footprint of business activities and embed environmental
GS8. calibration session with employees to discuss gender biases, stereotypes and potentially blind

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 30

Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Sustainable Practices 10 30 - -

PC1. optimize usage of electricity/energy,

materials, and water in various asks / activities /
5 15 - -
processes and plan the implementation of energy
efficient systems in a phased manner

PC2. segregate recyclable, non-recyclable and

hazardous waste generated for disposal or 5 15 - -
efficient waste management

Respect diversity and strengthen practices to

10 50 - -
promote equity (equality)/inclusivity

PC3. understand the diversity policy of the

organization and use internal & external 5 10 - -
communication to colleagues to improve

PC4. comply with PwD inclusive policies for an

- 10 - -
adaptable and equitable work environment

PC5. improve through specifically designed

recruitment practices, PwD friendly - 20 - -
infrastructure, job roles, etc.

PC6. use and advocate for appropriate

verbal/nonverbal communication, schemes and 5 10 - -
benefits of PwD.

NOS Total 20 80 - -

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 31

Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code SSC/N9014

NOS Name Maintain an inclusive, environmentally sustainable workplace

Sector IT-ITeS

IT Services, Business Process Management, Engineering R&D, Software

Product Development, Future Skills

Occupation Generic,

NSQF Level 5

Credits TBD

Version 1.0

Last Reviewed Date NA

Next Review Date 31/03/2025

NSQC Clearance Date

Assessment Guidelines and Assessment Weightage

Assessment Guidelines

1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each
Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay
down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC.

2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.

3. Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, and where applicable, on the selected
elective/option NOS/set of NOS.

4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at
each examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below).

5. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at
each examination/training center based on this criterion.

6. To pass a QP, a trainee should score an average of 70% across generic NOS’ and a minimum of 70% for
each technical NOS

7. In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack.

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 32

Qualification Pack

Minimum Aggregate Passing % at QP Level : 70

(Please note: Every Trainee should score a minimum aggregate passing percentage as specified above, to
successfully clear the Qualification Pack assessment.)

Assessment Weightage

Compulsory NOS

National Occupational Theory Practical Project Viva Total

Standards Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks

technical performance of 30 70 - - 100 25
algorithmic models

software code to support
25 75 - - 100 25
the deployment of
algorithmic models

SSC/N9001.Manage your
25 75 - - 100 10
work to meet requirements

SSC/N9002.Work effectively
20 80 - - 100 10
with colleagues

data/information in standard 25 75 - - 100 10

SSC/N9006.Build and
Maintain relationships in a 30 70 - - 100 10

SSC/N9014.Maintain an
inclusive, environmentally 20 80 - - 100 10
sustainable workplace

Total 175 525 - - 700 100

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 33

Qualification Pack


NOS National Occupational Standard(s)

NSQF National Skills Qualifications Framework

QP Qualifications Pack

TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training

IT-ITeS Information Technology - Information Technology enabled Services

BPM Business Process Management

BPO Business Process Outsourcing

KPO Knowledge Process Outsourcing


IPO Information Process Outsourcing

BCA Bachelor of Computer Applications

B.Sc. Bachelor of Science

OS Occupational Standard(s)

NOS National Occupational Standard(s)

QP Qualifications Pack

UGC University Grants Commission

MHRD Ministry of Human Resource Development

MoLE Ministry of Labour and Employment

NVEQF National Vocational Education Qualifications Framework

NVQF National Vocational Qualifications Framework

IT-ITeS Information Technology - Information Technology enabled Services

BPM Business Process Management

BPO Business Process Outsourcing

KPO Knowledge Process Outsourcing


QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 34

Qualification Pack

IPO Information Process Outsourcing

BCA Bachelor of Computer Applications

B.Sc. Bachelor of Science

OS Occupational Standard(s)

NOS National Occupational Standard(s)

QP Qualifications Pack

UGC University Grants Commission

MHRD Ministry of Human Resource Development

MoLE Ministry of Labour and Employment

NVEQF National Vocational Education Qualifications Framework

NVQF National Vocational Qualifications Framework

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 35

Qualification Pack


Sector is a conglomeration of different business operations having

similar business and interests. It may also be defined as a distinct
subset of the economy whose components share similar characteristics
and interests.

Sub-sector is derived from a further breakdown based on the

characteristics and interests of its components.

Occupation is a set of job roles, which perform similar/ related set of

functions in an industry.

Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique
Job role
employment opportunity in an organisation.

OS specify the standards of performance an individual must achieve

when carrying out a function in the workplace, together with the
Knowledge and Understanding (KU) they need to meet that standard
Standards (OS)
consistently. Occupational Standards are applicable both in the Indian
and global contexts.

Performance Criteria Performance Criteria (PC) are statements that together specify the
(PC) standard of performance required when carrying out a task.

NOS are occupational standards which apply uniquely in the Indian
Standards (NOS)

QP comprises the set of OS, together with the educational, training and
Qualifications Pack
other criteria required to perform a job role. A QP is assigned a unique
qualifications pack code.

Unit code is a unique identifier for an Occupational Standard, which is

Unit Code
denoted by an ‘N’

Unit title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent
Unit Title
should be able to do.

Description gives a short summary of the unit content. This would be

Description helpful to anyone searching on a database to verify that this is the
appropriate OS they are looking for.

Scope is a set of statements specifying the range of variables that an

Scope individual may have to deal with in carrying out the function which have
a critical impact on quality of performance required.

Knowledge and Understanding (KU) are statements which together

Knowledge and specify the technical, generic, professional and organisational specific
Understanding (KU) knowledge that an individual needs in order to perform to the required

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 36

Qualification Pack

Organisational context includes the way the organisation is structured

and how it operates, including the extent of operative knowledge
managers have of their relevant areas of responsibility.

Technical knowledge is the specific knowledge needed to accomplish

Technical Knowledge
specific designated responsibilities.

Core skills or Generic Skills (GS) are a group of skills that are the key to
learning and working in today’s world. These skills are typically needed
Core Skills/ Generic
in any work environment in today’s world. These skills are typically
Skills (GS)
needed in any work environment. In the context of the OS, these include
communication related skills that are applicable to most job roles.

Electives are NOS/set of NOS that are identified by the sector as

contributive to specialization in a job role. There may be multiple
Electives electives within a QP for each specialized job role. Trainees must select
at least one elective for the successful completion of a QP with

Options are NOS/set of NOS that are identified by the sector as

Options additional skills. There may be multiple options within a QP. It is not
mandatory to select any of the options to complete a QP with Options.

Sector is a conglomeration of different business operations having

similar businesses and interests. It may also be defined as a distinct
subset of the economy whose components share similar characteristics
and interests.

Sub-sector is derived from a further breakdown based on the

characteristics and interests of its components.

Vertical may exist within a sub-sector representing different domain

areas or the client industries served by the industry.

Occupation is a set of job roles, which perform similar/related set of

functions in an industry.

Function is an activity necessary for achieving the key purpose of the

sector, occupation, or area of work, which can be carried out by a
person or a group of persons. Functions are identified through functional
analysis and form the basis of OS.

Sub-functions are sub-activities essential to fulfill the achieving the

objectives of the function.

Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique
Job role
employment opportunity in an organisation.

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 37

Qualification Pack

OS specify the standards of performance an individual must achieve

when carrying out a function in the workplace, together with the
knowledge and understanding they need to meet that standard
Standards (OS)
consistently. Occupational Standards are applicable both in the Indian
and global contexts.

Performance Criteria are statements that together specify the standard

Performance Criteria
of performance required when carrying out a task.

NOS are Occupational Standards which apply uniquely in the Indian

Qualifications Pack Qualifications Pack Code is a unique reference code that identifies a
Code qualifications pack.

Qualifications Pack comprises the set of OS, together with the

educational, training and other criteria required to perform a job role. A
Qualifications Pack is assigned a unique qualification pack code.

Unit Code is a unique identifier for an OS unit, which can be denoted

Unit Code
with either an O or an N.

Unit Title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent
Unit Title
should be able to do.

Description gives a short summary of the unit content. This would be

Description helpful to anyone searching on a database to verify that this is the
appropriate OS they are looking for.

Scope is the set of statements specifying the range of variables that an

Scope individual may have to deal with in carrying out the function which have
a critical impact on the quality of performance required.

Knowledge and Understanding are statements which together specify

Knowledge and the technical, generic, professional and organizational specific
Understanding knowledge that an individual needs in order to perform to the required

Organisational Context includes the way the organisation is structured

and how it operates, including the extent of operative knowledge
managers have of their relevant areas of responsibility.

Technical Knowledge is the specific knowledge needed to accomplish

Technical Knowledge
specific designated responsibilities.

Core Skills or Generic Skills are a group of skills that are key to learning
Core Skills/Generic and working in today's world. These skills are typically needed in any
Skills work environment. In the context of the OS, these include
communication related skills that are applicable to most job roles.

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 38

Qualification Pack

Helpdesk is an entity to which the customers will report their IT

Helpdesk problems. IT Service Helpdesk Attendant is responsible for managing
the helpdesk.

Sector is a conglomeration of different business operations having

similar businesses and interests. It may also be defined as a distinct
subset of the economy whose components share similar characteristics
and interests.

Sub-sector is derived from a further breakdown based on the

characteristics and interests of its components.

Vertical may exist within a sub-sector representing different domain

areas or the client industries served by the industry.

Occupation is a set of job roles, which perform similar/related set of

functions in an industry.

Function is an activity necessary for achieving the key purpose of the

sector, occupation, or area of work, which can be carried out by a
person or a group of persons. Functions are identified through functional
analysis and form the basis of OS.

Sub-functions are sub-activities essential to fulfill the achieving the

objectives of the function.

Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique
Job role
employment opportunity in an organisation.

OS specify the standards of performance an individual must achieve

when carrying out a function in the workplace, together with the
knowledge and understanding they need to meet that standard
Standards (OS)
consistently. Occupational Standards are applicable both in the Indian
and global contexts.

Performance Criteria are statements that together specify the standard

Performance Criteria
of performance required when carrying out a task.

NOS are Occupational Standards which apply uniquely in the Indian

Qualifications Pack Qualifications Pack Code is a unique reference code that identifies a
Code qualifications pack.

Qualifications Pack comprises the set of OS, together with the

educational, training and other criteria required to perform a job role. A
Qualifications Pack is assigned a unique qualification pack code.

Unit Code is a unique identifier for an OS unit, which can be denoted

Unit Code
with either an O or an N.

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 39

Qualification Pack

Unit Title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent
Unit Title
should be able to do.

Description gives a short summary of the unit content. This would be

Description helpful to anyone searching on a database to verify that this is the
appropriate OS they are looking for.

Scope is the set of statements specifying the range of variables that an

Scope individual may have to deal with in carrying out the function which have
a critical impact on the quality of performance required.

Knowledge and Understanding are statements which together specify

Knowledge and the technical, generic, professional and organizational specific
Understanding knowledge that an individual needs in order to perform to the required

Organisational Context includes the way the organisation is structured

and how it operates, including the extent of operative knowledge
managers have of their relevant areas of responsibility.

Technical Knowledge is the specific knowledge needed to accomplish

Technical Knowledge
specific designated responsibilities.

Core Skills or Generic Skills are a group of skills that are key to learning
Core Skills/Generic and working in today's world. These skills are typically needed in any
Skills work environment. In the context of the OS, these include
communication related skills that are applicable to most job roles.

Helpdesk is an entity to which the customers will report their IT

Helpdesk problems. IT Service Helpdesk Attendant is responsible for managing
the helpdesk.

QRC Approved || IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council 40

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