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Received: 19 July 2019 Revised: 29 January 2020 Accepted: 29 January 2020

DOI: 10.1002/pc.25543


A review on recent advances in sandwich structures based

on polyurethane foam cores

Tayyab Khan1 | Volkan Acar1 | M. Raci Aydin1 | Burak Hülagü1 |

Hamit Akbulut1 | M. Özgür Seydibeyog

Department of Aerospace Engineering,
Khalifa University of Science and
Technology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Sandwich composites with a polyurethane foam (PUF) core have become a
Emirates versatile set of materials with applications ranging from basic construction ele-
Department of Material Science and
ments to advanced engineering materials. This diverse range of applications
Engineering, Izmir Katip Celebi
University, Izmir, Turkey has provided these sandwich materials with a distinctive position in today's
engineering world. This review focuses on the broad research that has been
carried out on PUF core-based sandwich composites over the years—especially
M. Özgür Seydibeyoglu, Department of
Material Science and Engineering, Izmir in the last decade. Thorough details have been presented focusing on basic
Katip Celebi University, 35620 Izmir, PUF core sandwich structures, advanced PUF core sandwich composites with
Email: [email protected];
different kinds of reinforcements and complex structures such as hybrid sand-
[email protected] wich panels. All the research presented here has been categorized carefully,
such as the types of materials used in various studies, the types of reinforce-
ments and testing techniques used, including mechanical, electrical, dynamic,
thermal and acoustic methods etc. Comparisons have also been made based on
similar materials, similar testing procedures and similar application areas.
Research areas have been highlighted by giving a deep insight into the most
promising research, manufacturing techniques and improvement procedures.
Major consumption areas and application sectors for PUF core sandwich com-
posites have also been discussed in this review. Finally, conclusions have been
made based on the results found from a literature investigation.

core material, face sheets, polyurethane, reinforcement, sandwich structures, structural

1 | INTRODUCTION polyhedral cells pack in three-dimensions to fill space;

these three-dimensional cells as characterized as foams.[1]
Polyurethane foams (PUFs) are one of the most exhaus- Different techniques have been used over the years to
tively researched and exploited groups from the poly- manufacture these PUFs in order to achieve the desired
meric family, thanks to their remarkable properties such properties. Also, there is a wide variety of polyols and iso-
as light weight, environment-friendliness, low density, cyanates available as raw materials, which can be used to
impact and shock absorption, processability, and out- modify the cellular structure according to the desired
standing elasticity. Like other cellular solids, PUFs are requirements for a particular application.[2] Current
characterized as cellular structures in which the annual production of polyurethane (PU) raw materials is

Polymer Composites. 2020;1–46. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pc © 2020 Society of Plastics Engineers 1


estimated as 12 million metric tons with a rapid increase reinforced-PUF cores have also been enhanced over the
every year.[3] Such properties have led researchers and years. Reinforced PUF cores for sandwich applications
manufacturers to utilize polyurethane (PU) in a variety of are discussed in detail in this review.
sectors like leather finishing, automotive, furniture, With commercial production of PUF, it is being used
refrigeration, sports, transportation, insulating materials in various industrial applications, especially in applica-
and marine applications.[4–7] This versatile range of appli- tions requiring insulation and lightweight. It is preferred
cations is possible mainly by altering its main constitu- mainly for reasons of lightness, low thermal conductivity,
ents like polyols and isocyanates and their proportions.[8] for providing structural strength to sandwich composites,
Thus, PU can be manufactured in various physical states for ensuring automatic adhesion without requiring a sep-
such as viscous liquids, low-density soft foam, flexible arate bonding stage and allowing low-cost panel produc-
and semi-flexible foam and hard foam according to the tion. As discussed earlier, PUF is used as a core material
properties required in the different sectors. A wide vari- in sandwich composites. As a surface plate in sandwich
ety of PU with density ranging from 10 kg/m3 to 800 kg/ structures, various materials ranging from metal-based
m3 can be manufactured to meet various target parame- light structures to laminated composite boards can be
ters. Apart from this, low cost is another major advantage used. According to this proposed use, PUFs have been
that has persuaded manufacturers to prefer PU for differ- widely used in sandwich structures with new production
ent applications over the years. technologies and have been the subject of much scientific
Even though the PU industry is considered to be fully research in recent decades. The fact that the basic ele-
developed today—with such a wide range of applications ments that form the PUF can be mixed in different pro-
and impressive characteristics—some disadvantages like portions with different densities and stiffness values,
low mechanical strength still limit the use of PU in vari- allows different mechanical, dynamic, thermal features
ous structural applications. Consequently, it is important etc. to be achieved. In addition, this situation has resulted
to manufacture polyurethane foams (PUFs) for high- in a wide research area on the properties of different
performance applications.[9] One of the major ways of additives, and especially for lightness and insulation.
producing PUFs with superior strength in recent years Various studies relating to PUF core sandwich com-
has been to use reinforcements of different kinds, such as posites have been found from a detailed literature
nanoparticles like carbon nanotubes, carbides, fibers, fab- research carried out using the Scopus database and the
rics and bio additives.[10–13] Depending on the type of keywords “Polyurethane” and “Sandwich” with “Article
reinforcement, the resulting Polyurethane Composites Title, Abstract and Keywords” filters. By looking at the
(PUCs) exhibit remarkable properties, such as high- distribution of these studies by years, we see that 76% of
impact resistance, low density, high strength to weight them were carried out after 2000, and the number of
ratio, high elasticity, and corrosion and abrasion studies performed in the last ten years constitute more
resistance.[14] than half of all studies. These results support the predic-
PUFs are also characterized as traditional core mate- tion that the use of PUF in sandwich structures has
rials for sandwich structures, which usually consist of increased with the new production technologies and that
upper and lower face sheets that are bonded together this increase will further accelerate in the coming years.
with a core material. These sandwich structures are used Figure 1.a shows the percentages of PU and sandwich
for numerous applications in the aerospace, marine, structures according to years. When the studies con-
automotive, insulated sandwich panel, shipbuilding and ducted since 1966 are examined in terms of “Document
construction industries and the blades of ocean current Type”, 98% of these studies are seen as Articles and Con-
turbines.[15–20] In recent years, researchers have ference papers (Figure 1.b).
reinforced polyurethanes (PUs) with different reinforcing These studies have focused on a wide area depending
agents such as nanofillers and have successfully on the production methods, varying boundary conditions
improved the properties of the resulting PU and on the intended use. These include: the construction
nanocomposites.[21] Therefore, being a versatile member sector (roof, wall and floor applications), train cabin bod-
of the polymeric group with an impressive chemical com- ies, automotive applications, furniture, storage, protec-
position and good solvent resistance, PUs have become a tion, sound insulation, thermal insulation for gas tanks,
perfect choice as a matrix for various hybrid bone simulations tests for orthopedic implants, cold stor-
nanocomposites.[14] Similarly, PUFs have also been age tanks, cold rooms and refrigerated transport con-
reinforced by a variety of nanoreinforcements to prepare tainers and trucks, liquefied natural gas (LNG) main
composite foams that have shown some remarkable transport and containment systems, and passive fire pro-
properties.[22,23] Based on these reinforcements, the over- tection. It also involves areas from sports—like
all performance of the sandwich composites having surfboards—to missile wings, mechanical (especially

F I G U R E 1 Studies relating to PU and sandwich structures from past years. A, Years–documents. B, Document type [Color figure can
be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

low-velocity impact test, buckling, bending and shear effective means to achieve such a structure is by making
strength, crushing response and ballistic resistance) and composites such as sandwich structures.[24] These well-
dynamic properties (like frequency, damping, and acous- known sandwich structures consist of outer face mate-
tics). In addition, studies on a variety of subjects have rials usually made up of composites or metals having
been performed and are still being carried out by using high stiffness and a softer core material with low density
reinforcing micro- and nanoadditives in the PUF foam in between them. These core materials are usually made
cell (void), in the face sheets of sandwich structures, and from a less expensive material having a lower strength
in the interlayer between the core material and the face compared to the face sheets but providing effective over-
sheets. Studies in which PUF is reinforced with nano- all load distribution and increasing the moment of iner-
and microadditives started in the 2000s and are continu- tia, which reduces stresses. Sandwich composites have
ing to increase. provided a remedy for weight and flexural strength chal-
This review highlights the research carried out on lenges in multiple sectors like aerospace, marine, auto-
sandwich structures with PUF cores in previous years, motive and architecture during the last few
especially in the last decade. Various research areas such decades.[17,24–26] A general representation of a sandwich
as mechanical, thermal, dynamic, insulation and electro- structure is shown in Figure 2.
magnetic interference etc. have been thoroughly investi-
gated and categorized to provide a deep insight into a
wide range of research. Comparisons have also been 2.1 | Face sheets/skins
made by considering experimental, numerical and ana-
lytical studies in these research areas. Remarkable studies As a general trend, face sheets for sandwich composites
have been explained in detail by providing actual experi- are prepared from either metals or fiber-reinforced com-
mental findings from different researches over the years. posites that provide superior strength and stiffness. Alu-
Almost all the research that has been carried out most minum and steel sheets are generally preferred among
recently has been covered in this review. Sandwich struc- metals as face materials. Wood-based face sheets are also
tures and their constituents are discussed in detail in being used in sandwich structures along with wood-fiber
Section 2. Whereas, Section 3 gives an insight of the prop- cores because of good thermal and acoustic insulation
erties and the applications of PUF. Research carried out
on PUF core sandwich structures is presented in detail in
Section 4. Different industrial applications of sandwich
composites with PUF cores have been discussed in detail
in Section 5, which is followed by the conclusion in
Section 6.


Load carrying members in various engineering and struc-

tural applications are preferred to be as light as possible, F I G U R E 2 A general representation of a sandwich structure
along with having a very high strength. One of the most [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

properties.[27] However, with recent breakthroughs in structure.[20] A lot of research has been carried out in pre-
hybrid materials, functionally graded materials (FGMs) vious years using different kinds of core materials.
have overtaken conventional materials. These FMGs are Based on geometry, honeycombs, corrugated cores,
a special group of composites possessing the unique char- lattice cores and different kinds of truss structures are
acteristic of varying material properties throughout their regarded as the most common types of core materials.
structure.[28] Nowadays, functionally graded ceramic Honeycomb sandwich composites are extensively used in
metals, graphene-reinforced composites (GRCs) and aerospace and automotive applications because of their
functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced compos- moisture-resistant hollow structure that provides an
ites (FG-CNTRCs) are widely being used for multiple impressive impact resistance.[35] Honeycomb cores are
applications. These advanced composites based on also continuously being reinforced with other materials
graphene and nanotubes exhibit unparalleled mechani- such as metallic tubes[36] and aluminum grids[37] to fur-
cal, electrical and thermal characteristics and have also ther improve properties like blast resistance, energy
been used as face sheets for sandwich composites.[28,29] absorption, and stiffness, which make them ideal for
Hence, face sheets have outstanding load-bearing capa- aerospace applications. Egg- and pyramid-shaped honey-
bilities especially in the case of bending loads. In a sand- comb cores from a previous study have shown superior
wich structure, the major portion of the overall bending specific energy absorption compared to other honeycomb
load is carried by the face sheets made up of materials cores with low densities.[38] In recent years, researchers
such as metals or composites that provide high bending have utilized new techniques such as selective laser melt-
stiffness.[17,29] The face sheets of a sandwich structures ing (SLM) to manufacture lattice core structures that can
are shown in Figure 2. be used instead of honeycombs in aerospace applications.
Conventionally, face sheets are adhesively bonded to SLM is a layered manufacturing technique that enables
the core material, which results in a sandwich structure to produce the complex unit-cell architectures of the lat-
possessing an outstanding strength-to-weight ratio. tice cores. Different kinds of metallic powders have been
Bonding between face sheets and core material is criti- selectively melted to form metallic micro lattice cores
cally important, as under most loading conditions, the with open cells in previous studies. It has been found that
very frequent failure mode of delamination between these micro lattice cores are competitive with the conven-
face sheets and core can occur.[30,31] Metal face sheets tional aluminum honeycomb and aluminum foam
like steel show a very poor bonding with softer core cores.[39,40] The SLM process provides open cell architec-
materials like polymeric cores. This poor bonding in ture of the lattice structures which is highly advanta-
metal-polymer sandwich composites is mainly due to geous in aerospace applications such as moisture
the significant difference in their electrical and thermal reduction. Similarly, corrugated core-based sandwich
properties that limits the possibility of bonding pro- composites with different geometries such as Y-shaped
cesses like welding and mechanical joining.[32] To cores[19] have been studied in past years and have
address this drawback, different techniques like roll reported a better energy-absorption capability compared
bonding and reinforcing the core with metallic inserts to to conventional core materials. Woven corrugated cores
induce better bonding have been studied in previous from a previous study also resulted in a sandwich struc-
research.[32,33] Another widely used solution is to use ture that showed an excellent skin-core delamination
FGMs as face sheets, which reduces the difference of resistance.[41] Truss core-based sandwich structures, such
material properties across the interface and ultimately as lattice truss core sandwich panels[42] and pyramidal
results in better adhesion.[28] truss core sandwich structures,[43] have also drawn signif-
icant attention in past years, which exhibit good energy-
absorption ability mainly for out-of-phase bending and
2.2 | Core material compressive loads.
Core materials for sandwich composites can also be
One of the main advantages associated with sandwich categorized as polymeric foams, wood cores, metallic
structures is the availability of a diverse range of core foams, cork agglomerates and ceramic cores, based on
materials. The choice of core material depends on the the type of material. For example, balsa wood core-based
type of application and the distinct target parameters. sandwich composites have found their use in the decks of
Every core has its own unique chemical, physical and bridges, wind turbine blades and aerospace applications
mechanical features that can be considered for a specific because of their lightweight.[30,44] Metallic foam-based
design purpose.[34] Along with weight and cost, strength, sandwich composites, especially aluminum core compos-
stiffness and energy absorption are usually the most ites, are commonly being used and are continuously
demanding properties in the design of a sandwich under research in the aeronautics, marine and

automotive industries.[45] These aluminum foam-based dependent on a number of parameters such as the
sandwich composites are found to be very effective in impact energy, core thickness, face sheet thickness and
automotive structures where impact phenomena are the diameter of the impactor.[51] Within polymer cores,
common.[46] Along with this, advancements in these PUF has been undoubtedly the most thoroughly
aluminum foam-based sandwich composites are consis- researched core material. This review illustrates the
tently being made in the form of innovative research. past research on sandwich composites based on PUF
For example, a research group in a recent study cores to date, with a special focus on most recent
achieved major improvement in the energy absorption breakthroughs within the past decade.
capability of the aluminum foam sandwich structures Figure 3 represents various core geometries and their
by embedding aluminum pins in the aluminum foam sandwich structures.
core sandwich composites. The aluminum pins rein-
forcement also helped to control the deformation pat-
terns of the foam cells.[47] Response of these aluminum
foam-based sandwich composites to different types of
loadings has also been investigated by using numerical
approach in the past. A high degree of correlation was
achieved in one of such studies between the numerical
predications and the experimental results for the local
indentation of aluminum foam core sandwich compos-
ites. Furthermore, the results of the study also enabled
the research group to successfully develop and verify a
relation between shear strain and indenter size.[48]
Ceramic cores are also getting a great deal of attention,
mainly in high temperature applications, and silicon
carbide (SiC)-based cores in a recent study showed the
capability to resist a thermal shock of 1000 C.[26]
Another class of core materials for sandwich structures
is cork agglomerates, which have very impressive prop-
erties like high-impact resistance and good damping
qualities when exposed to vibrations. They also show
noteworthy acoustic and thermal insulation character-
istics. In a recent study, it has been observed that these
cork agglomerates show a better core stress limit in
comparison to other core materials.[49] Among differ-
ent core types, polymer foams have been widely used
in sandwich panels for decades in various industrial
applications, thanks to their lightweight, low cost, high
strength to weight ratio and other impressive proper-
ties. Polymethacrylimide (PMI) foam, polyvinyl chlo-
ride (PVC) and polyurethane foams are the most
common examples of these polymeric foams that have
been extensively used as core materials for sandwich
composites. The mechanical performance of these poly-
mer core-based sandwich composites depends on mul-
tiple factors such as test parameters and the properties
of face sheets and core materials. For example, an
experimental study on the indentation of PMI foam
cored sandwich composites showed that PMI core den-
sity and the shape of the indenter has a great influence
on the indentation response of the sandwich speci-
mens.[50] In another study, it was observed that the
residual compressive strength of the PUF core-based F I G U R E 3 Various core geometries and their sandwich
sandwich composites after the impact loading was structure [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

3 | POLY URETHANE FOAM Within these sandwich structures, the PUF core accounts
for many advantages, such as cost efficiency, light weight,
Polyurethanes (PUs) were first manufactured by Otto stability and energy absorption. Over the years PUF cores
Bayer in the 1930s and are regarded as one of the most have been manufactured using different proportions of
important members of the polymeric group. PUF is raw materials to achieve the required properties. Simi-
mostly manufactured from different kinds of polyols and larly, a vast variety of face sheets have also been used
isocyanates (one of the basic building blocks of polymeric with PUF cores in previous years for different industrial
materials) in a polyaddition reaction.[52,53] With a diverse applications. However, with advancements in materials,
variety of raw materials (polyols and isocyanates) and the researchers felt the need to further enhance the proper-
possibility of changing their proportions while ties of these PUF sandwiches, and thus, they started
manufacturing the PUF; it is possible to achieve count- manufacturing PUF cores with various reinforcements.
less different kinds of PUFs. This versatility in the synthe- These reinforced PUF cores have shown some remark-
sis of PUFs allows control of the desired properties while able properties in previous years.
it is manufactured and to make PUFs according to spe-
cific requirements.[52] Based on their chemical composi-
tion and mechanical properties such as strength, stiffness 4.1 | Neat PUF core sandwich structures
and rigidity, PUFs are generally categorized as rigid poly-
urethane foams (RPUFs), semi-rigid polyurethane foams, In the early years, PUF core sandwich composites started
and viscoelastic and flexible foams.[9,53] Accordingly, getting a great deal of attention in numerous industrial
these different kinds of PUFs have found their use in and construction applications. In these PUF core sand-
numerous applications over the years, such as furniture, wich composites, one of the major interests has always
construction, footwear, domestic appliances, automotive been to study their mechanical behavior. For this reason,
uses, refrigeration and as an insulating material.[53–56] many researchers have studied the mechanical properties
And as mentioned above, one of the major uses of PUFs of PUF core sandwich composites over the years, such as
(especially RPUFs) are as a core material for sandwich flexural strength, stiffness, creep, buckling, and fatigue
structures that are widely used in many applications. The behavior.
stepwise preparation of PUF is shown in Figure 4. A great deal of research in previous years has focused
on the flexural performance of PUF sandwich composites
under bending loads. Researchers have used different
4 | P U F CO R E SA N D W IC H numerical, analytical and experimental techniques to
STRUCTURES analyze the flexural behavior of PUF sandwich compos-
ites and have focused on different parameters and their
For the past few decades, PUF core-based sandwich com- effects on their flexural performance.[57–71] One of the
posites have been continuously used in various fields. most important parameters is the density of the PUF
The main purpose of manufacturing these PUF core- core, which has a great influence on the flexural behavior
based sandwich composites is to achieve a very light- of sandwich composites. For example, Sharaf et al.[72]
weight structure along with high strength and stiffness. analyzed PUF sandwich panels under flexural loading.
The effect of core density on flexural performance sand-
wich composites was observed by using PUF cores with
two different densities (0.31 and 0.63 kg/m3). Six samples
(P1 to P6) were manufactured with a soft PUF core with
a density of 0.31 kg/m3 and four samples (P7 to P10) were
manufactured by using a hard core with a density of
0.63 kg/m3. The experimental results indicated that PUF
density had a major influence on the strength of sand-
wich composites. A substantial increase of 165% and
113% was calculated in flexural strength and stiffness,
respectively, when the core density was doubled. Also, a
PUF core with a lower density was more vulnerable to
failure under concentrated loads. Relative slip between
the upper and lower face sheets under bending loads was
F I G U R E 4 Manufacturing of PUF. A, Mixing of polyol with also calculated for sandwich specimens with different
isocyanate. B, Mechanical mixing. C, Foam rising. D. PUF[20] densities. It was observed that the sandwich specimen

with a high-density foam showed significantly lower slip validated the results with experimental data using PUF
values, indicating the rigidity of the foam. Load vs slip sandwich specimens with aluminum face sheets based on
behavior of all the specimens under bending loads is the analytical findings that found optimum values for
given in Figure 5. core density (320 kg/m3), face sheet thickness (1.3 mm),
In another similar study by Uday et al.,[73] the effect and core thickness (93 mm). The results found by the
of the density of RPUFs on the flexural properties of analysis agreed with the experimental values for the opti-
sandwich composites with glass/epoxy face sheets was mized sandwich beam. Swanson and Kim[76] used opti-
considered. RPUF cores with three different densities of mization theory and performed experiments on PUF
125, 250 and 500 kg/m3 were used in sandwich struc- sandwich composites with varying core densities (96.1,
tures. From three-point bending tests it was observed that 160 and 320 kg/m3) and different core thicknesses to
with an increase in foam density, the flexural rigidity of select an optimum design. It was observed, by comparing
the sandwich composites increased along with a notice- experimental data with the analysis that sandwich com-
able decrease in bending stress, normal stress and shear posites with a core density of 320 kg/m3, along with a
stress. These results indicated that the density of the PUF core thickness value of 6.35 mm, gave values closest to
foam core is critically important in considering the flex- the optimum conditions. In another study, Briscoe
ural behavior. An interesting approach was applied by et al.[77] developed a design methodology for sandwich
Tuwair et al.[74] to study the structural performance of composites with thin metal web cores as well as for sand-
sandwich panels with PUF cores having different densi- wich composites with RPUF core used for residential
ties. Sandwich panels consisting of three different core roofs. A detailed analytical approach was applied that
structures that is, a high-density PUF core, a bidirectional considered panel deflection, core shear failure, bearing
grid core structure filled with low-density PUF, and a failure and buckling of the face sheets and webs. The roof
trapezoidal core structure filled with low-density PUF. A loadings of 1500, 2000, and 3000 N/m2 were and the span
detailed study was carried out by subjection all these lengths for both types of core materials were determined.
sandwich composites to flatwise compression tests, flat- It was observed that the span length of the web core
wise tensile tests, 3-point bending, and 4-point bending sandwich panels was limited to 7 m, while the span
tests. It was observed that the sandwich composites with length for the RPUF core was restricted to 4 m. Also, it
a trapezoidal core filled with low-density PUF exhibited was found that the no RPUF core designs could sustain a
better strength as well as better flexural and shear stiff- load greater than 3000 N/m2 when the depth was limited
ness. Also, the sandwich composites sandwich compos- to 400 mm.
ites with a trapezoidal core were less vulnerable to In other research, Thomsen and Frostig[78] considered
localized stresses under concentrated load. high-order sandwich panel theory (HSAPT) for analytical
Researchers have also used an analytical approach for modeling of sandwich beams with PUF under bending
optimization of sandwich beams with a PUF core in pre- loads and compared the results with experimental out-
vious years. Gibson[75] used analytical modeling for stiff- comes. In comparison with the experimental results, it
ness optimization in foam-core sandwich composites and was observed that HSAPT fully demonstrated the bend-
ing behavior of sandwich panels and accurately predicted
the high stress zones at the point of application of the
load and at the support points. It was concluded that
HSAPT could be used very effectively in the design of
sandwich panels with flexible cores. The debonding phe-
nomenon in sandwich composites also has a great impact
on flexural performance and needs to be considered.
Triantafillou and Gibson[79] studied failure modes in PUF
core sandwich structures using an analytical approach
and focused on debonding between the face sheets and
core material. Analysis was performed for a three-point
bending conditions. Experimental tests were also per-
formed on specimens with aluminum face sheets and an
RPUF core. The results from the analysis predicted the
actual behavior very well and it was concluded that the
F I G U R E 5 Load vs relative slip response of sandwich initial crack in the interface region needed to be large
specimens under bending loads[72] [Color figure can be viewed at enough for debonding to take place. All these theoretical
wileyonlinelibrary.com] results showed a good correlation with experimental

findings and could be effectively used in the design of ribs in the longitudinal direction. PP core sandwich com-
PUF sandwich composites. posites were observed to be stiffer than PUF sandwich
The processing temperature during manufacturing of composites, which was mainly because of a higher shear
PUF sandwich composites has also been shown to be a modulus in the PP core. A remarkable increase in both
great influence on flexural performance in previous strength and stiffness was seen by the introduction of
research. Mirzapour et al.[80] manufactured PUF sand- GFRP ribs for both types of sandwich panels. Mamalis
wich panels with glass/epoxy face sheets using different et al.,[84] in a similar study, used four different types of
processing conditions. Dry and wet faces were applied foam cores, including PUF foam, and studied their flex-
using these different processing conditions and all the ural behavior and collapse modes under three-point
specimens were subjected to flexural loading. It was bending conditions. Frequent failure modes of core shear
observed that with an increase in the temperature during failure and local indentation were observed in all types of
the manufacturing of the sandwich composites, the core sandwich specimens. However, it was observed that
strength decreased; however, at the same time, sandwich panels with a PUF core showed the lowest
debonding strength between the face sheets and the core peak load values that was directly related to the lower
material increased. Improvements in the flexural strength shear modulus of the PUF compared to other core mate-
of these sandwich composites as high as 267% were rials. The research indicated that flexural performance is
achieved. Based on core strength and debonding strength, greatly influenced by the shear modulus of the core mate-
an optimum temperature was selected to achieve the best rial. Experimental configurations for bending tests of
sandwich structure. Ostwal et al.[81] also manufactured sandwich specimens are shown in Figure 6.
sandwich composites with glass/epoxy face sheets having PUF core-based sandwich composites with either
PUF and polyisocyanurate foam (PIR) cores and studied GFRP or metal face sheets have been very popular as
the effects of post curing on their flexural behavior. It panels for bridge decks in construction applications.
was found that with post curing at elevated temperatures, Researchers in past years[85–87] have mainly focused on
flexural rigidity increased for both types of sandwich flexural behavior, buckling and stress concentration in
composites. However, it was also observed that while these bridge decks panels. Tuwair et al.[88] studied the
PUF is thermally stable up to 100 C compared to PIR influence of different environmental factors on such PU
(stable up to 200 C), a post curing at 70 C resulted in core-based deck panels. Sandwich panels were exposed to
more stiffness in PUF than in PIR. These results indi- thermal cycling, ultraviolet radiation and deicing solution
cated that processing temperature during the prior to flexural testing. It was observed that thermal
manufacturing process and post curing at high tempera- cycling had a major effect on the flexural properties of
tures could give better performance. sandwich panels, and a degradation of 24% was observed
Some researchers have also compared PUF sandwich in their ultimate strength. Deicing solution also had simi-
panels with other structures used for similar applications lar effects on the modulus of elasticity and ultimate ten-
based on flexural performance. For example, Shawkat sile strength of both the face sheets and the core material.
et al.[82] investigated the bending performance of PUF However, ultraviolet radiation had no major effect on the
core sandwich composites with carbon fiber-reinforced tensile modulus or tensile strength of the core material
polymer (CFRP) face sheets. Specimens were tested and face sheets.
under both three-point and four-point bending condi- Another flexural study on PUF-based bride decks was
tions and were compared with traditional reinforced con- conducted by Freitas et al.[89] in which a PUF core-based
crete (RC) panels used in construction applications. sandwich renovation system for steel bridge decks was
Sandwich composites showed a similar strength com- presented. Four-point bending tests were conducted to
pared to 100 mm thick RC panels. Buckling of CFRP study the flexural performance of sandwich specimens,
skins was the most common failure mode observed in the and the results were compared with the outcomes of a
study. It was indicated in the research that a better per- numerical analysis. Temperature was found to have had
formance could be achieved by using glass fiber- a major effect on the flexural performance of the test
reinforced polymer (GFRP) face sheets instead of CFRP, specimens. It was observed that both the stiffness and the
which has shown superior flexural behavior in past strength of the sandwich composites decreased with an
research. increase in temperature. A major reduction in stresses on
Correia et al.[83] also performed a comparison and the deck plate from 60 to 95% was observed by using the
investigated the structural behavior of GFRP sandwich renovation system adopted in the research. Sandwich
composites with both PUF and polypropylene composite with a core thickness of 30 mm gave the best
(PP) honeycomb cores. Furthermore, both types of sand- performance. A bridge deck sandwich panel filled with
wich structures were strengthened by introducing GFRP PUF under a four-point bending test is shown in

F I G U R E 6 Sandwich specimen under A, three-point loading and B, four-point bending. Adapted from Reference [84] and [18],
respectively [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

FIGURE 7 Deformation of bridge deck sandwich panel filled with PUF under experimental and Finite Element (FE) Tests[87] [Color
figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

Figure 7. The deflection of the sandwich panel under sandwich panels. Another important study related to the
four-point bending load in the FEA is represented creep behavior of PUF core sandwich composites was
by U, U2. conducted by Huang and Gibson.[94] A simple model for
For structural applications, it is essential to estimate predicting creep response of sandwich panels with a poly-
other mechanical properties of these sandwich compos- mer core was presented in this study. The results of the
ites as well, for example, the creep behavior when these analyses were compared with experimental data for sand-
sandwich composites are subjected to loading for a very wich composites made of a RPUF core and steel face
long period. Researchers in past years[90–92] have used sheets. The model presented gave a good description of
different numerical and experimental techniques to study the creep behavior of the sandwich panels for a loading
the creep performance of PUF core sandwich panels. period of up to 1200 hours.
Garrido et al.[93] used analytical modeling and performed Sandwich composites are also widely used in aero-
experimental tests to study the creep behavior of sand- space and automotive applications because of their light-
wich composite panels with GFRP face sheets and RPUF weight and good energy-absorption ability. One of the
cores. A full-scale sandwich panel was manufactured and main advantages of these sandwich composites is to min-
tested for creep under simply supported conditions of imize the damage under various impact conditions in
bending for 3600 hours. The sandwich panel showed a such applications. These impacts can be classified as low-
significant increase in deflection due to creep. velocity impacts, debris-flow impacts and high-velocity
Findley's power law in a simplified form was used to impacts. Detailed research on PUF sandwich composites
predict the effect of creep on the material when subjected has been carried out in previous years to study their
to long-term deformations. A Composed Creep Model impact behavior using different numerical, analytical and
(CCM) was also used to predict the effect of creep for a experimental techniques.[95–106] Sadighi and
period of 50 years. CCM results were compared with the Pouriayevali studied the low-velocity impact of PUF
experimental data and gave a very small error, which sandwich beams using indentation theory and Finite Ele-
implied that CCM could be regarded as an effective ment Analysis (FEA). Experiments were performed on
approach for creep evaluation in the design of such sandwich composites with both polyurethane and poly

vinyl chloride (PVC) cores. Good accuracy was observed different density configurations (37, 49, 70, 95, 105 and
between the theoretical, FEA and experimental results. 240 kg/m3) were used in the manufacture of sandwich
In another research, Wang et al.[107] studied the influence composites. PUF with a density of 49 kg/m3 exhibited the
of impact variables and sandwich configuration parame- best performance based on energy absorption and ballis-
ters on the low-velocity impact behavior of PUF core tic limit velocity, whereas a PUF core with a density of
sandwich composites with carbon fiber laminated face 70 kg/m3 showed better ballistic performance in terms of
sheets. Foam core thickness showed no influence on specific energy absorption. Failure patterns of all the
either the damage state or the impact response. An sandwich specimens with varying PUF densities are illus-
increase in impact energy increased both indentation trated in Figure 9. It can be concluded from these previ-
depth and damage diameter in the sandwich composites. ous investigations that the impact behavior of PUF
Moreover, parameters like contact duration, the ratio of sandwich composites depends on both the impact test
absorbed energy to the impact energy and the peak load parameters and on the geometric configuration of the
decreased with face sheet thickness and increased with sandwich structures.
impact energy. Peak loads and the first load drop were
predicted by numerical analysis and were compared with
the actual results. A good accuracy in FEA results was
observed compared to experimental results. These results
are shown in a force-time history graph for two experi-
mental impact test cases (PURT2L3_E30I2 and
PURT2L1_E30I1), and their respective FEA, in Figure 8.
A different geometric configuration was used in
another study by Shim and Yap,[108] in which the impact
behavior of sandwich structures with 10 layers of poly-
urethane foam, and mild steel with four different geomet-
rical formations, was investigated. A theoretical model
was also used to predict the actual impact behavior. A
good correlation was observed between the overall exper-
imental results and the theoretical data. Both the theoret-
ical and experimental results showed that the
geometrical configuration of the sandwich composites
was a significant influence.
Nasirzadeh and Sabet[109] investigated the influence
of PUF core density on the high-velocity impact response
of sandwich structures with composite face sheets. Six

F I G U R E 8 Comparison of contact force-time history of two

experimental impact test cases with FEA results[107] [Color figure F I G U R E 9 Failure patterns for sandwich specimens with
can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com] different core densities under high-velocity impact[109]

When sandwich panels are subjected to cyclic loading interfacial bonding on the fatigue behavior in three dif-
for a long time (such as in orthotropic bridge decks), it ferent sandwich structures: Epoxy/Glass-PUF-Polyester
becomes essential to study their fatigue behavior and esti- (EPP), Epoxy/Glass-PUF-Epoxy/Glass (EPE) and Polyes-
mate the fatigue life. Different numerical and experimen- ter/Glass-PUF-Polyester/Glass (PPP). It was noticed that
tal techniques have been applied in previous years to among all three types of sandwich structures, EPE
analyze the response of PUF sandwich structures under exhibited the best bending fatigue characteristics, as well
fatigue loading.[110–112] For example, to investigate the as SD, while PPP had the lowest fatigue properties and
influence of a PUF core on the fatigue behavior of sand- stiffness degradation among all the specimens. A compar-
wich structures, Frank et al.[113] performed fatigue ana- ison of fatigue cracks generated in a sandwich bridge
lyses of web-core steel sandwich structures with and deck with a PUF core and a bonded steel plate deck sys-
without PUF. It was observed that sandwich structures tem is shown in Figure 10.
with PUF exhibited superior fatigue strength. Also, the Another well-known failure mode in sandwich com-
fatigue strength evaluated for a life of two million cycles posites is the buckling phenomenon. It has been studied
agreed with previous studies for similar structures. by many researchers in previous years by subjecting PUF
In a comparison-based study, Mathieson and Fam[114] sandwich composites to axial loading. Different Finite
studied the fatigue behavior of sandwich panels having a Element (FE) models and experiments have been con-
PUF core and GFRP face skins. Fatigue analysis was per- ducted to study the buckling behavior and different fail-
formed under reverse bending (R = −1) load conditions ure modes in this previous research.[116–121] Boccaccio
and a comparison was made with the fully unloaded et al.[122] analyzed the buckling response of PUF-based
(R = 0) case. Curves for fatigue life were established and sandwich composites subjected to edgewise compression.
compared based on maximum loads of 30 to 70% of the An FE model was also used to simulate the actual experi-
ultimate load. A reduction of around 10% in the fatigue ment and its results were validated against the experi-
life was observed for the R = −1 loading condition com- mental test results. It was found that by keeping the
pared to R = 0. From the results it was concluded that to overall thickness of the sandwich composite constant,
have a fatigue life of at least two million cycles (which is buckling phenomenon is related to the thickness of the
generally regarded as an acceptable fatigue life in struc- core material as well as the thickness of the face sheets. If
tural applications), the service loading should not exceed the core thickness is reduced, the sandwich panel with
30% to 45% of the ultimate strength for the R = −1 and thicker face sheets becomes more sensitive to buckling.
R = 0 cases, respectively. Increasing the thickness of the face sheets also resulted
PUF sandwich composites with different kinds of face in an increase in imperfections at the face/core interface,
sheets have shown different fatigue behavior in previous which led to frequent buckling. In a theoretical study,
research. For example, Sharma et al.[115] also used FEA Davis and Hakmi[123] studied the post buckling behavior
to study the bending fatigue behavior and stiffness degra- of PUF-filled steel sandwich beams by performing a
dation (SD) of PUF core sandwiches with different face series of experiments, and by using a formula for
sheets. The study mainly focused on the impact of enhanced effective width. It was concluded that the

FIGURE 10 Fatigue crack in A, bonded steel plate and B, sandwich panel with PUF core. Adapted from Reference [110]

expressions used in the study could be safely used to pre- of specimens with a PUF core. Such a big difference was
dict the effective width for sandwich beams having a because of the very high flexibility of the PUF in the out-
small width to thickness ratio (b/t < 120). of-plane direction compared to the honeycomb core.
A similar study considering the influence of geomet- In another comparison by Mamalis et al.,[125] the
ric parameters was conducted by Mathieson and Fam[124] edgewise compression behavior of sandwich composites
that investigated the failure response of PUF sandwich with four different types of cores (Polymethacrylimide
composites with GFRP skins under axial loading experi- (PMI), two types of PVC foam and PUF) was investigated.
ments and analysis. Test specimens with a slenderness From the test results, it was observed that specimens with
ratio from 15 to 70 were considered. The skin wrinkling different cores showed three different types of collapse
failure mode was observed for short sandwich panels modes. These collapse modes were buckling with foam
with slenderness from 15 to 17; global buckling was core shear failure, unstable disintegration of the sand-
observed for panels with slenderness from 41 to 70 and wich panels and progressive end crushing. It was
mixed failure modes were observed for panels with inter- observed that specimens with PVC cores exhibited the
mediate slenderness. Also, it was observed that increas- best performance in terms of peak load and average
ing the face sheet thickness and core shear modulus crushing load. Furthermore, progressive end-crushing
greatly increased the ultimate load. A comparative study failure mode was regarded as being the failure mode hav-
was carried out by Correia et al.[83] based on two different ing the greatest effect among all the failure modes. Fail-
core materials. The structural behavior of sandwich struc- ure modes for PUF core sandwich specimens under
tures with two different cores (PUF and PP honeycomb) edgewise compression and a graph of load (P) and crash
and GFRP face sheets was investigated. Many tests were energy absorption (Eabs) vs displacement are shown in
performed on both types of sandwich structures, includ- Figure 11.
ing edgewise compression tests. The failure load calcu- Other researchers in past years have also studied the
lated for PP honeycomb test specimens was double that effect of drilling parameters on delamination and the

F I G U R E 1 1 Failure mode
of PUF core sandwich under
edgewise compression. A,
Stepwise views of failure. B,
Combined graph of absorbed
crash energy and load vs

quality of holes in PUF sandwich composites. Sharma showed maximum degradation in flexural strength and
et al.[126] manufactured PUF sandwich specimens with edgewise compression strength, whereas CSM-S compos-
glass/polyester face sheets and investigated the influence ites showed minimum degradation. Also, compressive
of different drilling parameters such as drilling velocity, strength and flexural strength decreased with an increase
flute length and feed rate on the delamination of the in temperature. The failure of two sandwich specimens
sandwich structure. A delamination factor—defined as exposed to moisture with different core densities under
the ratio of the maximum diameter of the damage zone edgewise compression is shown in Figure 12.
to the standard diameter of the hole—was used in the Researchers have also studied the effects of moisture
study. Damage caused by the drilling was studied by absorption on performance of PUF sandwich composites
using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was by using distilled water. For example, Mohamed et al.[129]
found that among all the drilling parameters, drilling studied the impact of moisture absorption on the
velocity had the greatest effect on the delamination fac- mechanical properties of E-glass/PU sandwich compos-
tor (39.5%). Flute length also had a great effect on the ites. Specimens were immersed in distilled water for a
delamination factor (34%), whereas feed rate had the period of 75 days and tests were performed after every
least influence (24%). Also, it was observed that with an 15 days. In addition, test results for both wet and dry
increase in drilling velocity, flute length and feed rate, samples were also compared. Flexural and low-velocity
the quality of the drill hole degraded. Rao et al.[127] also impact tests were performed on all the specimens. A sig-
studied the effects of different drilling parameters such nificant degradation in mechanical properties was
as thrust force, feed rate, torque and speed on the qual- observed after moisture absorption. Sample S1 (after
ity of drilled holes in PUF core sandwich structures. 15 days) showed a decrease of 35% in flexural strength
Four different kinds of E-glass fabrics were used to compared to dry samples and S2 (after 30 days) showed a
manufacture face sheets in vinyl ester resin. In all four decrease of 17% compared to S1 samples. Energy absorp-
types of sandwich composites, it was observed that tor- tion was observed to be increased as more moisture pene-
que was mainly influenced by feed rate and the diame- trated the specimens. The degradation in mechanical
ter of the drilled holes, whereas the thrust force was properties was also obvious from low-velocity impact
influenced by feed rate only. Thrust force was increased tests with an energy level of 30 J. FEA was also carried
at higher feed rates, which resulted in an increase in out and the results were validated by comparing it with
delamination. Hence, it was concluded that to achieve the experimental data.
drilled holes of better quality, the feed rate needed to To study the effects of moisture absorption for a lon-
be low. ger period, Huo et al.[130] conducted both experimental
Apart from the mechanical behavior of PUF sand- and numerical analysis on moisture diffusion in PUF
wiches, some researchers in past years have studied their core sandwich composites with E-glass/PU face sheets by
response in other areas such as moisture absorption, immersing the specimens in distilled water for almost
insulating behavior and damping response etc. Manujesh 7 months. Tests were performed on sandwich specimens
et al.[128] studied the effects of moisture absorption on the as well as on neat resin, face sheets and the PUF core
mechanical behavior of PUF sandwich composites. Four separately, and their moisture diffusion behavior was
different types of sandwich specimens were man- observed. Face sheets and neat resin exhibited moisture
ufactured using woven roving (WR), chopped strand mat diffusion behavior in accordance with Fick's law. How-
(CSM), stitched bond mat (SBM) and chopped strand ever, PUF core showed significant deviation from Fick's
stitched mat (CSM-S) fabrics for face sheets. All the sand- law. Therefore, a multi-stage diffusion model with time-
wich specimens were exposed to moisture in a salt fog dependent diffusivity was adopted to demonstrate that
chamber for 180 days. The mechanical properties, in deviation. In the model, it was assumed that diffusion
terms of flexural strength, core shear strength, edgewise within the PU core changes with time mainly because of
and flatwise compression, were calculated and compared its complex cellular structure and its internal stresses.
before and after the moisture absorption. All the speci- The simulation results were validated with experimental
mens showed a linear degradation in mechanical proper- data and showed a good correlation. Shawkat et al.[82]
ties over time. Among all the specimens, WR and SBM also studied the effect of moisture absorption by immers-
showed maximum moisture absorption, while minimum ing one kind of test specimens in water for around three
absorption was observed in CSM-S sandwich composites. months. It was observed that the failure mode of the wet
It was observed that the density of PUF also plays an specimens changed from shear to buckling compared to
important role in flexural and compressive degradation. dry specimens. However, no negative effect of moisture
With a decrease in PUF density, an increase in degrada- absorption on strength of the specimens was seen in that
tion was seen in terms of strength. SBM specimens research.

F I G U R E 1 2 Failure of PUF sandwich specimens exposed to moisture for 180 days under edgewise testing. A, Specimen with PUF core
density of 100 kg/m3. B, Specimen with PUF core density of 300 kg/m3[128] [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

Sandwich structures experience different kinds of

loads during their service life. One of these critical load-
ing conditions is dynamic loading when these sandwich
composites are subjected to vibrations. Dynamic loading
has a serious impact on the overall service life of sand-
wich composites and must be paid serious attention.
Researchers in previous years have used various experi-
mental, numerical and mathematical modeling tech-
niques to find the natural frequencies and study the
dynamic behavior of flat and curved PUF sandwich
composites.[131–136] Baba and Thoppul[137] investigated
the dynamic behavior of flat and curved sandwich beams
with debonding between the face sheets and the PUF
core. A decrease in natural frequencies was observed for
sandwich composites having interfacial debonding. The
damping loss factor was also increased for sandwich spec-
imens with debonding because of an increase in friction.
Moreover, the damping loss factor was observed to be
more sensitive to debonding and curvature instead of fre-
quency. A schematic for an experimental set-up to study
the vibrational response and natural frequencies of
curved sandwich specimens with respect to flat sandwich F I G U R E 1 3 Schematic of experimental set-up to measure the
specimens is given in Figures 13 and 14, respectively. vibration response of PUF core sandwich specimens[137] [Color
Material properties and test parameters also influence figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
the dynamic response of PUF sandwich composites.
Sharma et al.[138] studied in detail the influence of core
density, type of skin material, operating temperature and decreased in the range from 60 to 100 C. Of all the speci-
interface bonding on the dynamic response of PUF sand- mens, PPP exhibited the best damping properties.
wich composites. Three different sandwich structures: A good estimation of dynamic behavior has been
Epoxy/Glass-PUF-Polyester (EPP), Epoxy/Glass-PUF- achieved in previous years using both numerical and ana-
Epoxy/Glass (EPE) and Polyester/Glass-PUF-Polyester/ lytical formulations. For example, Barbieri et al.[139] per-
Glass (PPP) with varying core densities of 0.60, 0.65 and formed dynamic analysis and studied the frequency
0.70 g/cc were prepared and tested. It was observed that response of RPUF-based sandwich beams having hot-
all sandwich composites showed a similar damping rolled steel and high-impact polystyrene face sheets.
response. With a decrease in foam density, damping Experiments were performed using an impact hammer
capability of the composites increased. Depending on the and four accelerometers positioned along the sandwich
temperature, sandwich composites showed different beam. Mathematical models were also presented based
responses in three different temperature zones. The on the Timoshenko beam theory and finite element
damping capability of all the composites was increased in method (FEM). The physical parameters (loss factor for
the temperature range from −20 to 0 C, it decreased mar- RPUF and Young's modulus) were estimated using a
ginally in the range from 0 to 60 C and drastically Genetic Algorithm (GA) method and the amplitude

Based on the thermal behavior, a sample house was

designed and simulated to estimate the energy consump-
tion for a longer period. PU-CSIPs showed a high energy-
saving gain for a longer period.
Apart from using different types of core materials, Xu
et al.[140] studied the effect of the foaming process on
insulation thickness and the performance of PUF sand-
wich panels used in cold storage warehouses. Blends of
blowing agents (HCFC-141b/HFC-245fa) of six different
proportions were used during the manufacture of the
PUF. Thermal conductivity of the sandwich panels was
measured within a temperature range from −165 to 20 C.
Insulation thickness values were calculated for PUF
made from blends of blowing agents and it was observed
that the values were very low compared to the results of
the recommended data. It clearly indicated that by using
such blends during the manufacturing process, energy
savings could be achieved by reducing the insulation
thickness and still demonstrate similar insulation perfor-
mance. The post stability of the PUF was also evaluated
by using a 3D parabolic shrinkage model, which provided
a scientific method to evaluate the panel shrinkage.

4.2 | Particle-reinforced PUF core

sandwich structures

From past research, it can be observed that PUF is exten-

sively used in different industrial and structural applica-
tions because of its impressive properties. However, there
is always a need for some improvement in performance of
PUF in certain applications. For this reason, researchers in
F I G U R E 1 4 Natural frequencies of different curved sandwich past years have used different reinforcing agents with PUF
specimens normalized with respect to flat sandwich specimens with
to achieve better properties, such as high strength, stiff-
no debond[137] [Color figure can be viewed at
ness, energy absorption and electrical conductance etc.
This section discusses previous research on particle-
reinforced PUF sandwich composites in detail.
correlation coefficient. The estimated and experimental One of the major advantages of using PU in different
Frequency Response Function (FRF) curves were com- industrial and structural applications is that it gives a
pared. It was observed that for three vibration modes, the homogenous mixture with almost any kind of reinforce-
numerical study showed very good outcomes when com- ment. Thus, depending on the amount and type of rein-
pared to the experimental data and published literature. forcement, the mechanical and other properties of PU
Another major use of PUF sandwich composites is as can be easily improved according to specific require-
thermal insulation panels for buildings. Mohamed et al. ments. These is also an unlimited variety of reinforcing
[67] also studied the dynamic thermal behavior of sand- particles available to improve the properties of PU, like
wich composites with different core materials. Thermal bio-additives, ceramic particles, clay, metallic powders
behavior was simulated using FEA and the results were and carbon-based nanoparticles such as graphene and
compared for all the sandwich specimens. It was carbon nanotubes (CNTs) etc. All these reinforcing parti-
observed that composite structural insulated panels cles have their own advantages.
(CSIPs) specimens with a PUF core (PU-CSIPs) showed a However, with breakthroughs in carbon nanomaterials
better dynamic thermal behavior and had a better ther- like graphene and CNTs, researchers have continuously
mal resistance compared to SIPS with both extruded explored their use as reinforcements in the PU matrix to
polystyrene (XPS) and expanded polystyrene (EPS) cores. achieve superior mechanical, thermal, electrical and

structural properties. These nanoparticles have higher microstructure of the nanoclay-reinforced PUF, it was
strength compared to any other materials, which makes seen that by increasing the content of nanoclay it resulted
them a perfect choice for reinforcements. It is observed in a smaller cell size but did not affect the regular distri-
from previous research that even with reinforcements on a bution. Also, it was observed from low-velocity impact
very small scale, these nanoparticles can give the required tests that reinforced PUF sandwich composites could
strength and other properties to the PU matrix. Among withstand higher peak loads compared to sandwich com-
different kinds of carbon nanoparticles, CNT-reinforced posites with neat PUF. In addition, reinforced PUF sand-
PU nanocomposites have shown remarkable performance wich structures showed improved thermal insulation
in terms of strength, energy absorption and electrical con- properties compared to neat PUF sandwiches.
ductance etc. in previous years and are widely being used A similar analysis considering organo-montmorillonite
by researchers in different fields.[141–156] Transmission (OMMT) nanoclay as reinforcement for a PUF core in sand-
Electron Micrographs (TEM) of multi-wall carbon nan- wich structures was performed by Sachse et al.[171] Low-
otubes (MWCNTs) embedded in polyurethane from a pre- velocity impact tests were performed on the PUF sandwich
vious study are shown in Figure 15. specimens with reinforcement ratios varying from 0 to 10%
Graphene and graphene oxide are other well-known by weight. It was observed that the addition of nanoclay
types of carbon nanostructures that also exhibit remark- resulted in an improvement in energy absorption of the
able properties. Different mixtures of graphene and sandwich composites under impact loading. Moreover, the
graphene oxide as reinforcements for PU have been stud- performance of two different kinds of face sheets
ied by many researchers in previous years and have (Polyamide and PP) was also investigated in this study. It
shown remarkable improvements in various was noticed that polyamide face sheets showed superior
properties.[157–162] Other popular choices over the years mechanical properties compared to PP face sheets.
for reinforcing particles for PU have been metallic pow- Another study investigating the low-velocity impact
ders, ceramics particles, nanoclay, natural clays, modified behavior of nanoclay-reinforced PUF sandwich compos-
sand etc.[163–169] Among these different kinds of rein- ites was carried out by Hosur et al.[172] Tests were per-
forcements, TEMs of different forms of natural clays formed on sandwich specimens with a neat core, and
embedded in the PU matrix from a previous study are 0.5% and 1% nanoclay-reinforced cores by weight. It was
shown in Figure 16. observed that nanoclay-reinforced specimens exhibited
Particle-reinforced PUF sandwich structures studied higher peak loads, had smaller damage areas and stron-
by different researchers in past years are discussed below. ger cell structures compared to their neat counterparts.
A major part of the research into particle-reinforced Moreover, a relatively brittle fracture was seen in
PUF sandwich structures from previous years was based nanoclay-reinforced samples because of an increase in
on nanoclay reinforcements to the PUF core. These stiffness. The improvement in low-velocity impact dam-
nanoclay-reinforced PUF sandwiches have shown better age of PUF sandwich composites reinforced with differ-
performance in terms of energy absorption, strength and ent ratios of nanoclay is shown in Figure 17.
thermal insulation etc. For example, Njuguna et al.,[170] Sandwich structures are also subjected to high impact
prepared nanoclay-reinforced PUF sandwich composites loadings under certain applications. The energy absorption
by using montmorillonite (MMT) nanoclay with different of nanoclay reinforced PUF sandwich composites under
reinforcement ratios (0-10% by weight). From the high-impact loading was investigated by Nasirzadeh and

MWCNT reinforcements in a PU
matrix. B, TEM of single
MWCNT surrounded by a PU
matrix[150] [Color figure can be
viewed at

F I G U R E 1 6 TEM of A,
soil in PU matrix; B, rock in PU
matrix; C and D, sand in PU

Sabet.[173] Reinforcement ratios of nanoclay varied from reinforcement ratio. Also, nanoclay reinforcement pro-
0 to 3% by weight in the PUF core. Similar results com- vided resistance against crack growth and deformation of
pared to previous research were obtained and it was cell structures, which provided higher strength.
observed from the microstructure that nanoclay reinforce- In order to investigate the performance of nanoclay
ment reduced the cell size. Test results indicated that the reinforcements in the PUF core against other
best performance was observed for specimens with a nanoparticles, Saha et al.[175] conducted a comparison-
nanoclay reinforcement of 0.5% in terms of energy absorp- based study by using four different kinds of
tion and impact resistance, whereas test specimens with nanoparticles: nano TiO2, carbon nanofibers (CNFs),
3% nanoclay reinforcement exhibited the lowest ballistic multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), and
performance. A failure analysis of a PUF sandwich com- nanoclay. The performance of sandwich specimens with
posite with 3% nanoclay reinforcement exhibiting different nanoparticles was compared based on debond
debonding between the face sheets and the core material fracture toughness by subjecting the sandwich specimens
is shown in Figure 18. to a Tilted Sandwich Debond (TSD) test configuration.
Other than impact behavior, researchers in previous Reinforcement ratios of nanoparticles varied from 0 to
years have also studied other mechanical properties of 1.5%. It was noticed that among all reinforcement types,
MMT nanoclay-reinforced PUF sandwich structures. For nanoclay with 1% reinforcement showed the highest
example, Zainuddin et al.[174] studied the flexural behav- increase of 69% in debond fracture toughness compared
ior of nanoclay-reinforced PUF sandwich structures with to neat PUF core sandwich specimens. Furthermore,
reinforcement ratios ranging from 0 to 5% by weight. MWCNTs exhibited better debond fracture toughness
PUF and sandwich specimens were separately subjected compared to CNFs for all reinforcement ratios. All this
to three-point bending tests. It was observed that the flex- previous research indicated that modification of the PUF
ural stresses decreased with an increase in the core with nanoclay enhanced the mechanical properties

of the sandwich structures. In fact, nanoclay could also

exhibit better performance compared to other types of
nanoparticle reinforcements. The configuration of the
TSD test for sandwich panels and load vs displacement
results at different crack lengths (a) are shown in
Figure 19.
Carbon-based nanoparticles such as CNTs and
graphene etc., which exhibit remarkable strength and
stiffness have also been used as reinforcements in PU
core sandwich structures to enhance their properties.
CNT-reinforced composites show superior mechanical
properties such as high strength and energy absorption.
However, the major problem of agglomeration of CNTs
in a polymer matrix can also have a negative impact on
the mechanical properties instead of an improvement.
Consequently, the agglomeration phenomenon must be
considered during the manufacturing process of
reinforced sandwich composites.
Adnan et al.[176] studied the effect of CNT-
reinforcement on compression and energy-absorption
behavior in PUF sandwich composites with different
reinforcement ratios between 0 to 3% by weight. Fluctuat-
ing behavior was observed from the results of compres-
sion tests for different values of CNT reinforcements. A
F I G U R E 1 7 Impact damage of PUF sandwich specimens. A, good improvement in compressive strength was observed
Neat. B 0.5% nanoclay. C 1% nanoclay. Adapted from Reference
for a small-scale reinforcement of 0.5%. A decrease in
[172] [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
compressive strength for higher ratios of reinforcements
was caused by nonhomogeneous mixing and agglomera-
tion of CNTs in the PUF matrix. However, an increase in
energy-absorption capability was observed by increasing
the reinforcement ratio of CNTs. Thus, the best energy-
absorption performance was shown by sandwich compos-
ites with a 3% weight ratio of CNTs.
A study based on graphene reinforcement, focusing
on the electromagnetic interference (EMI) and
microwave-absorbing (MA) behavior of PUF-based sand-
wich configurations was conducted by Li et al.[177] in
which multilayered PU/graphene (PUG) sandwich com-
posites were manufactured. Different graphene ratios
were used to prepare PUG composites ranging from 0 to
20% by weight and the effect of gradient structure on the
MA and EMI performance was investigated. It was
observed that there is an optimum gradient structure,
which can provide remarkable MA and EMI properties.
Other similar research conducted by Park et al. [178] used
MWCNT reinforcement in the PUF core to improve the
EMI and radar absorbing properties of the sandwich
structure. In this study, face sheets were also reinforced
by carbon black to further enhance the performance.
F I G U R E 1 8 Fracture mode in a nanoclay-reinforced PUF Simulations were also performed to verify the experimen-
sandwich panel subjected to a high-velocity impact test[173] tal data. It was concluded that the absorbing capability of

F I G U R E 1 9 Tilted
sandwich debond test. A,
Schematic and B, load vs
displacement results at different
crack lengths of sandwich
specimen with 1 wt% MWCNT
reinforcement to the core[175]
[Color figure can be viewed at

F I G U R E 2 0 Schematic of
manufacturing of nanophased
PUF. A, Step 1. B, Step 2. C, Step
3. D, Step 4[179]

the reinforced sandwich specimens was really improved the radar absorption capability of the sandwich compos-
and the experimental outcomes showed a good agree- ite. Moreover, face sheets were also reinforced with
ment with simulated results. These results could be very graphite powder in this study having weight ratios from
effectively used in the design process of polymer compos- 6 to 8%. Optimum performance was observed for graphite
ites to achieve a higher MA performance. powder reinforcement of 20% to the PUF core. Almost
CNFs are another carbon-based nanostructure addi- 100% radar cross-section (RCS) reduction was achieved
tive that shows great improvement in the mechanical and zero radar signature was observed at nine different
properties of PUF sandwich composites. Zainuddin frequencies in the different sandwich structures. In the
et al.[179] prepared a PUF core reinforced with 1% CNFs case of carbonyl iron reinforcement, maximum attenua-
by weight and studied the shear and fatigue performance tion was observed for sandwich specimens having 50%
of the sandwich specimens. CNF-reinforced specimens reinforcement in the PUF core, whereas the foam core
showed improved shear strength and shear modulus having 20% graphite powder reinforcement exhibited
values compared to neat specimens. A significant optimum attenuation behavior. Attenuation and RCS
increase in fatigue behavior of the sandwich composites reduction behavior of sandwich composites with carbonyl
was seen for CNF reinforcement. It was observed that the iron reinforcement to the PUF core is shown in
reinforced sandwich specimens would exhibit 400 000 Figure 22. All these results from previous research indi-
more fatigue cycles than sandwich specimens with a neat cated that carbon-based nanostructures can have a major
PUF core. The manufacturing process used in the study influence on the performance of PUF core-based sand-
to prepare nanoparticle-reinforced PUFs is illustrated in wich composites used in a variety of applications.
Figure 20, whereas the SEM of CNFs and their Another widely used particle reinforcement choice
nanophased PUFs used in the study are given in for PUF sandwich composites from the metallic oxides
Figure 21. group is TiO2. It has been observed in previous years that
Graphite is another crystalline allotrope of carbon TiO2 nanoparticle-reinforcement on a small scale can
and has been used in powder form as particle reinforce- show a major improvement in different properties of the
ment for PUF sandwich composites by Hunjra et al.[180] PUF sandwich composites. As discussed before, Saha
The effect of graphite powder and carbonyl iron rein- et al.[175] studied the debond fracture toughness of PUF
forcement (ranging from 5 to 30% and 30 to 55% by sandwich specimens reinforced with different sizes of
weight, respectively) to the PUF core was observed for nano TiO2 ranging from 5 to 30 nm diameters. Around a

F I G U R E 2 1 SEM of A,
CNFs. B, CNFs embedded in
PUF matrix. C, Cell structure of
neat PUF. D, Cell structure of
1 wt% CNF-reinforced PUF.
Adapted from Reference [179]

F I G U R E 2 2 A, The attenuation
and B, RCS reduction of four types of
sandwich structures with composite face
sheets and a carbonyl iron-reinforced
PUF core[180] [Color figure can be
viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

50% improvement in debond fracture toughness was observed for sandwich specimens with a 1% reinforce-
observed for reinforcements with particles of 5 nm diam- ment ratio. An impressive increase was observed in both
eter. However, a decrease in debond fracture was loss modulus and storage modulus from a dynamic
observed with an increase in particle size. Another study mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA). Also, SEM results
considering TiO2 as reinforcement for PUF sandwich indicated that there was a homogenous distribution of
composites was conducted by Keshavarz et al.[181] The the TiO2 particles in the PUF matrix and there was no
thermal performance of PUF sandwich composites indication of agglomeration.
reinforced with 0 to 1% ratio by mass of TiO2 was investi- One other study related to TiO2 nanoparticles rein-
gated in the study. The best thermal stability was forcement in PUF-based sandwich composites was

conducted by Mahfuz et al.[182] The strain rate response particles, whereas the best results for debond fracture
and compressive behavior of 3% TiO2-reinforced sand- toughness were obtained with a reinforcement ratio of
wich specimens were investigated by using high strain 0.1%. Results also indicated that improvement in
rate compression tests. An average increase between mechanical strength and debond fracture toughness were
40 to 60% was observed in both compressive strength and not achieved with similar reinforcement ratios of SiC in
energy-absorption capability of the reinforced sandwich the PUF core. A major improvement in compressive
specimens compared to their neat counterparts. More- strength was determined to be as a result of the func-
over, it was observed that TiO2-reinforced sandwich spec- tionalization of the SiC particles.
imens also exhibited better thermal stability compared to Among other reinforcement types, bio-based additives
neat specimens. All this research indicated that TiO2 have become popular in recent years to modify polymer
reinforcement can have a major influence on the materials. The major advantages of using bio-based mate-
mechanical and other properties of PUF-based sandwich rials are sustainability and low production costs. A recent
composites and could be effectively used as reinforce- study carried out by Chan et al.[185] manufactured
ments. Other metal reinforcements could include pure sustainable-based sandwich structures with an oil-based
metallic powder or solid metallic inserts. PUF core and used waste rice hull ashes (RHA) as rein-
For a general overview of performance of particle- forcement. Rice hulls were used in both cooked and
reinforced PUF sandwich composites and their mechani- uncooked form as reinforcements to the PUF core in 3 to
cal behavior before and after reinforcement, Birman 5% ratios by weight. Three-point bending and uniaxial
et al.[183] used an analytical approach by considering compression tests were performed on both neat and
Mori-Tanaka based stress analysis and self-consistent reinforced sandwich specimens. It was observed that
methods. A detailed analysis was performed to investi- reinforcement with cooked RHA resulted in an increase
gate the bending, buckling, wrinkling and compressive in strength compared to neat specimens. Furthermore, a
collapse response of particle-reinforced PUF sandwich numerical model was also created by using FEA and the
composites. Aluminum particles were considered as the obtained results showed a good correlation with experi-
reinforcement for the PUF core based-sandwich compos- mental outcomes. The results indicated that the sandwich
ites. Good results were found in terms of shear modulus, biocomposites could be effectively used as an alternative
bulk modulus and modulus of elasticity. It was concluded to traditional drywall materials in building applications
that the particle reinforcement to the PUF core increased (Table 1).
the stiffness and provided support to the face sheets,
which in turn, improved the wrinkling behavior. Com-
pressive collapse strength was observed to be increased 4.3 | Fiber- and polymer-reinforced PUF
every time with particle reinforcement. However, particle core sandwich structures
reinforcement had very little impact on the stability and
bending performance of the sandwich structures. It was Another successful way to enhance the performance of
concluded from the study that particle reinforcement PUF in previous years has been the reinforcement of dif-
could be very effective when the local response of the ferent types of fibers and fabrics. These reinforcements
sandwich composites was considered. can range from nanofibers, chopped fibers, shear pins,
Other particle reinforcement types discussed in this 3D fabrics and long fibers based on their sizes and
review from past research include ceramic particles and shapes. According to the type of reinforcement, glass
bio-based additives. SiC is a well-known member of the fibers, polymers, shear keys, pins and different kinds of
ceramic group and has been extensively used as a rein- natural fibers/fillers have been most common. A major
forcement material in different applications. Previous improvement in the different mechanical properties of
research, carried out by Stewart et al.[184] used SiC fiber-reinforced PUFs has been observed by previous
nanoparticles as a reinforcement material for the PUF researchers by using different kinds of fibers.[186–198]
core in a sandwich structure. Mechanical and fracture Fiber-reinforced PUFs can be used in different industrial
behaviors of neat and reinforced PUF sandwich speci- applications to achieve better performance in comparison
mens were observed using a three-point bending test and to its neat counterpart. This section focuses on previous
debond fracture toughness test. The reinforcement ratios research based on fiber/fabric-reinforced PUF sandwich
of nanoparticles varied from 0.1 to 2% by weight. Test composites.
results indicated an improvement ranging from 50 to 70% Glass fibers have been the most widely studied among
in both compressive and flexural performance of sand- all kinds of fibers in previous studies and have been used
wich specimens with a reinforcement ratio of 1%. Further in different shapes, sizes, and orientations in previous
improvement was achieved by functionalizing the SiC years as reinforcements for the PUF core in sandwich

TABLE 1 Summary of the studies in particle-reinforced PUF core sandwich structures

S. No. Face material Reinforcement material wt% Test(s)/analysis Ref.

1. Aluminum Nanoclay (MMT) Up to 10 Low-velocity impact [170]
2. Glass fiber-reinforced polyamide Nanoclay (OMMT) Up to 10 Low-velocity impact [171]
Glass fiber-reinforced Compression
polypropylene Characterization
3. Carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy Nanoclay Up to 1 Low-velocity impact [172]
4. Glass fiber-reinforced polyester Nanoclay Up to 3 High-velocity impact [173]
5. Aluminum Nanoclay (MMT) Up to 5 Three-point bending [174]
Numerical analysis
6. Glass fiber-reinforced epoxy Nanoclay Up to 1.5 Tilted sandwich debond testing [175]
7. Aluminum CNT Up to 3 Compression [176]
8. Carbon fiber /epoxy prepreg Carbon black Up to 5 EMI characterization [178]
Carbon black-reinforced glass / MWCNT
epoxy prepreg
9. Glass fiber-reinforced epoxy CNF 1 Fatigue [179]
Quasi-static shear
10. Carbon fiber /epoxy Graphite powder Up to 55 EMI characterization [180]
Carbon black-reinforced glass / Carbonyl iron
11. Rigid PUF TiO2 Up to 1 Thermal analysis [181]
12. Glass fiber-reinforced epoxy TiO2 3 Compression [182]
13. Unspecified face material Al powder Unquantified Analytical analysis [183]
Numerical analysis
14. Carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy SiC Up to 2 Tilted sandwich debond testing [184]
Three-point bending
Compression testing
15. Woven hemp fabric-reinforced Rice hulls ashes Up to 5 Tensile [185]
epoxy Compression
Three-point bending
Numerical analysis

structures. The resulting reinforced sandwich composites sandwich specimens were subjected to drop tower (low
have shown remarkable properties in terms of various velocity) and gas gun (high velocity) impact tests.
parameters compared specimens with a neat PUF core. Reinforced sandwich specimens showed improved per-
For example, Buenrostro and Whisler[199] studied the formance under both test conditions and dissipated the
impact behavior of glass fiber-reinforced PUF core sand- impact force more effectively than their neat counter-
wich specimens by using a low-cost manufacturing tech- parts. A numerical study was also performed that pro-
nique and compared the results with sandwich vided similar outcomes compared to experimental
specimens with a neat PUF core. Firstly, the mechanical results. Another study to investigate the low velocity
properties of the reinforced and neat PUF were investi- impact response of the carbon nanofibers reinforced PUF
gated using three-point bending tests and then their sandwich composites was performed by Bhuiyan

et al.[200] PUF cores were reinforced with 0.2, 0.4, and sandwich specimens. A combination glass and polyester
0.6% by weight and the impact response was investigated thread was used by Kim et al.[204] to stitch PUF core
for different energy levels of 15, 29 and 44 J. The study sandwich specimens in the thickness direction. More-
illustrated the sandwich composites with nanophased over, stiffened sandwich specimens were also prepared in
PUF cores exhibited higher peak loads compared to the the study by using pre-impregnated (prepreg) glass/
neat specimens. In addition, it was observed that the epoxy. The bending performance and fatigue behavior of
sandwich specimens with nanophased cores absorbed unstitched, stitched and stiffened sandwich specimens
more energy at low energy level and less energy at high were investigated. An improvement of 50% was observed
energy level. Among the nanofiber-reinforced systems, in the bending strength of stitched specimens compared
the sandwich specimens 0.2% reinforcement showed best to unstitched specimens. Stiffened specimens showed a
performance. remarkable improvement in bending strength of over
In another study using glass fiber reinforcement for 10 times compared to unstitched specimens. However, it
the PUF core, Dai et al.[201] used traditional 2D woven was concluded that stitching could not increase the
fabric made of glass fiber and proposed a new looped fatigue strength because of resin deposition around the
glass fabric reinforcement (U-cor). The mechanical prop- stitching thread, which contributed to the brittleness of
erties for both kinds of reinforcements to the PUF core the specimens. These results clearly indicated that both
were calculated in terms of tension, compression, peeling stitched and tufted sandwich configurations can be used
and shear response. A major improvement was observed very effectively to achieve higher bending and edgewise
from experimental outcomes for looped fabric reinforce- compression strength in different applications. Figure 23
ment compared to traditional 2D fabric reinforcement. represents a schematic view of the through-thickness
Looped fabric improved the interface, tension and shear- stitching and tufting processes.
ing properties of the sandwich specimens. Numerical Another way of reinforcing fibers such as glass fibers
analysis was also carried out in this study on U-cor sand- into a foam core of sandwich material (mainly to improve
wich specimens and it was in a good agreement with the their shear behavior) is by introducing them as shear
experimental values. keys. These fiber-based shear keys are generally made of
A different technique was used for reinforcing glass glass fiber impregnated with epoxy resin. Different ana-
fibers to the sandwich composite by Henao et al.[202] lytical and experimental studies have been carried out in
Glass fibers were both stitched and through-thickness previous years to investigate the performance of sand-
tufted in both PUF and PVC core-based sandwich speci- wich composites with and without shear keys. Mostafa
mens. Furthermore, two different kinds of face sheets et al.[205] used FEA to study the effect of shear key diame-
(carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy) were used in the study. ter on the shear performance of sandwich composites
The mechanical behavior of non-tufted and tufted speci- with both PVC and PUF cores. Semi-circular shear keys
mens was investigated by subjecting them to three-point with 5 different diameters (2, 5, 8, 11 and 14 mm) were
bending and edgewise compression tests. A major used in the study. The results of FEA indicated that the
enhancement was observed by using the tuft reinforce- shear keys tend to improve the debonding between face
ment in specimens with a PUF core. An increase of 106% sheets and the core material, which consequently
in failure load was observed for tufted specimens with resulted in an improvement in the in-plane shear
carbon fiber face sheets compared to non-tufted speci- response. It was also observed that specimens having
mens. Likewise, tufted PUF specimens with glass fiber shear keys with diameters of 8 mm showed superior per-
face sheets showed an improvement of 192.53% in face formance compared to other specimens. It was also indi-
bending strength. cated in the research that a wide range of parameters
In a similar study, Sharma et al.[203] also applied a needed to be studied to investigate the detailed effect of
through-thickness stitching technique to PUF sandwich shear keys. Therefore, Mostafa et al.[206] carried out
specimens using glass fabric for stitching. The buckling another study to observe the flexural behavior of sand-
behavior of both unstitched and stitched sandwich speci- wich specimens with shear keys based on glass fibers.
mens was investigated by using edgewise compression Four-point bending tests were performed on both neat
tests. It was observed that stitching provided a significant and shear key-reinforced sandwich specimens. Also, a
increase in buckling strength of the test specimens and numerical study was performed using MATLAB. Experi-
prevented debonding of the face sheets. FEA was also mental results indicated that the sandwich specimens
performed in the study and the effect of stitch row spac- with shear keys showed very high flexural strength and
ing on the buckling behavior was observed. The results stiffness compared to neat specimens. This improvement
indicated that a decrease in stitch row spacing resulted in was mainly because of the better interfacial strength due
a significant increase in buckling strength of the to the introduction of the shear keys. A good correlation

F I G U R E 2 3 Schematic diagram of A, stitching and B, tufting. Failure of C, nontufted and D, tufted sandwich panel. Adapted from
Reference [202] [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

F I G U R E 2 4 Failure modes of A, PUF sandwich without shear keys and B, PUF sandwich with shear keys. Adapted from Reference
[206] [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

was also observed in the study between experimental and improved shear performance. Failure modes of sandwich
numerical results. specimen with and without shear keys, subjected to a
To further investigate the effect of shear keys, four-point bending tests are shown in Figure 24.
Mostafa[207] considered different pitches (space between In previous years, bio-based fibers and natural fillers
shear keys) in another study. The mechanical properties have gained much attention because of their mechanical
of the foam core, the face sheets and the glass fibers were properties, their lightweight and environmental friendli-
investigated by performing several tests such as tensile, ness. Another major advantage in using natural fillers is
compressive and shear tests. Five different pitches their cost effectiveness. All these advantages have moti-
(15, 25, 35, 45 and 55 mm) were considered in the study. vated researchers to use them as reinforcements for the
A clear enhancement in mechanical properties was PUF core in sandwich composites. For example,
observed from both the experimental and numerical Abidin[208] used kenaf fiber reinforcement for PUF sand-
results by the introduction of shear keys. Among differ- wich composites and studied their ballistic response. The
ent pitch sizes, sandwich specimens with a pitch size of reinforcement ratio of kenaf fiber in the PUF varied from
45 mm gave optimum results and an improvement of 0 to 30% in increments of 10%. Ballistic-impact tests and
about 10% was observed in shear performance compared quasi-compression tests were performed on neat and
to neat specimens. Moreover, experimental results reinforced sandwich specimens. Compression test results
showed a good correlation with numerical outcomes. It indicated a major improvement in Young's Modulus and
could be concluded from this past research that shear in the energy absorption of the reinforced composites
keys can be very effective to minimize the delamination over their neat counterparts. Superior ballistic resistance
of face sheets from the core material resulting in an was also observed for reinforced sandwich specimens.

Optimum results were obtained with a reinforcement of specimens were investigated. A reinforcement ratio of
20% of kenaf fiber in terms of both compression as well as EFB varying from 15 to 30% by weight was used in the
impact behavior. It was concluded in the study that kenaf study. The flexural performance of the reinforced PUF
fiber could be used very effectively in industrial applica- core sandwich composites was compared with traditional
tions to resist indentation caused by bullet impacts. sandwich panels having a polyethylene terephthalate
Another study using natural fibers based on coconut (PET) foam core. The flexural and compressive strength
coir (CC) fibers as reinforcement (ranging from 0 to 20%) of the PUF was significantly enhanced with the EFB rein-
to the PUF core in a sandwich structure was carried out forcement. Also, the sandwich specimens with 30% core
by Azmi et al.[209] The effect of reinforcement on density, reinforcement showed a major improvement in flexural
weight per unit area and flexural performance of the strength compared to sandwich panels with a PET core.
specimens was observed. It was seen that both density In addition, the superior toughness of the EFB-reinforced
and weight per unit area linearly decreased with an core helped to prevent debonding between the face sheets
increase in the fiber-reinforcement ratio. Moreover, fiber and the core material.
reinforcement of 10% gave optimum results in terms of EFB was used along with palm shells as reinforce-
flexural strength. Further increases in the reinforcement ment to the PUF core by Cheng et al.[211,212] Single palm
ratio resulted in a decrease in flexural strength, which shells and hybrid palm shells—consisting of dried palm
resulted in interface cracks. shell (DPS) and palm kernel shell (PKS)—were used in
Another well-known type of natural reinforcement to the study. The flexural performance and falling weight
the PUF core, namely empty fruit bunch fiber (EFB), was impact response of the sandwich specimens were investi-
used in a study by Teo et al.[210] and the mechanical gated. Higher mechanical properties, in terms of com-
properties of the palm oil-based PUF and its sandwich pressive and flexural strength, were observed for the

F I G U R E 2 5 Microscopic images of A, neat PUF. B, 15% EFB-reinforced PUF. C, 20% EFB-reinforced PUF and 30% EFB-reinforced
PUF[210] [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

hybrid shell reinforcement compared to the single shell mechanical properties were greatly improved. The fabri-
reinforcement. The blending ratio of the DPS and PKS cation technique used in the study to manufacture sand-
was also observed to have a significant influence on the wich panels with a neat PUF core and pin-reinforced
stiffness of specimens. In the case of impact loading, opti- PUF core is shown in Figure 26.
mum values were observed for hybrid specimens with a Another study considering pin-reinforcement to the
50% content of each type of palm shells. The results indi- PUF core was conducted by Nia et al.[215] using alumi-
cated the high potential for these bio-based reinforce- num pins. The research mainly focused on the effect of
ments for use in different applications. Microscopic the density of the PUF core and the reinforcement ratio
images of EFB-reinforced palm oil-based PUFs with dif- on the high-velocity impact resistance of the sandwich
ferent reinforcement ratios are shown in Figure 25. specimens. Different conclusions were made based on
To improve the mechanical properties (mainly com- the experimental outcomes in the study. It was observed
pressive behavior) of PUF sandwich composites, through- that increasing the density of the PUF core increased the
thickness pins of different materials have also been used as impact performance of the sandwich specimens in terms
reinforcements in previous years. The pins have provided a of energy absorption and ballistic velocity limit. A consid-
major advantage in terms of enhanced properties such as erable improvement was achieved in energy absorption
indentation strength and compressive strength etc. For and ballistic performance by aluminum pin reinforce-
example, Abdi et al.[213] used cylindrical polymer pins as ment. Moreover, introduction of aluminum pins also
reinforcement to a PUF core in a sandwich structure and changed the shape of failure in the back face sheets. All
studied the flatwise compression and indentation response. these results suggested that pin reinforcements could be
It was observed from experimental results that both inden- considered during the design process of sandwich speci-
tation and compressive strengths were increased with pin mens to achieve better performance in terms of different
reinforcement. Moreover, it was seen that the compression parameters. Figure 27 shows polymer pin reinforcement
and indentation strength were increased by increasing the in a sandwich structure and its failure mode under com-
diameter of the cylindrical pins. pression testing.
Another study was conducted by the same research In previous years, another technique used by
group to study the flexural properties of cylindrical pin- researchers to enhance the mechanical properties of PUF
reinforced sandwich specimens with a PUF core.[214] sandwich composites was using rigid inserts as reinforce-
Similar results were founds compared to the precious ments for the core. These rigid inserts were mainly made
study, and it was observed that increasing the pin diame- up of polymers such as polyurethane. Reinforcing these
ter improved the flexural strength of the pin-reinforced polymer-based rigid inserts gives the advantage of
sandwich specimens. Loading rate also influenced the increasing the density of a “foam-in-foam” structure and
flexural performance and it was observed that by increas- ultimately improves the mechanical properties. To inves-
ing the loading rate, the flexural properties of both neat- tigate the effect of such rigid inserts on mechanical prop-
and pin-reinforced sandwich specimens increased. It was erties, Yuan and Shutov[216] used open-pore PUF
concluded that by using pin reinforcement, the weight of reinforcement on closed-pore PUF. A major improve-
the sandwich specimens was slightly increased but the ment was observed in the mechanical properties of the

FIGURE 26 Schematic of
the manufacting process for A,
neat PUF sandwich and B, Pin-
reinforced sandwich panel[214]
[Color figure can be viewed at

F I G U R E 2 7 Sandwich specimen A, with pin reinforcement (PUF partially removed to show pins) and B, failure of pin-reinforced PUF
sandwich composite under compressive loading. Adapted from Reference [214] [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

reinforced sandwich specimens. The results indicated 4.4 | Polyurethane foam in hybrid core
that for a small increase in the density of the foam (25%), sandwich structures
the reinforced sandwich structure showed an impressive
improvement of about 100%. Moreover, the support fac- A lot of research is available from past years with PUF as
tor increased to about 65%. a core material in combination with different other mate-
In a similar study considering rigid inserts as rein- rials and configurations to form hybrid cores. These
forcements, Sharma and Raghupathy[217] used PUF with hybrid core materials in a sandwich structure give great
a high density of 900 kg/m3 as reinforcement to the PUF advantages in terms of mechanical, thermal and dynamic
core of sandwich panels. Two different volume fractions properties. Most common examples of hybrid cores are
of reinforcement (0.1 and 0.2) were considered in the foam-filled honeycombs, web cores with PUF, truss, pyr-
study. The shear behavior of neat and reinforced sand- amid and corrugated cores reinforced with PUF. These
wich specimens was observed in terms of shear modulus sandwich composites with hybrid cores are being used
by direct shear tests. Flexural strength was also calculated widely in various industrial applications.
by using three-point bending and four-point bending Many researchers in previous years have used PUF
tests. It was observed from experimental outcomes that reinforcement for honeycomb cores to make hybrid cores
without any noticeable increase in the weight of the of sandwich composites. These PUF/honeycomb hybrids
sandwich specimens, the shear modulus increased about exhibit major advantages, especially their energy-
35% for an insert volume fraction of 0.2. Also, the load- absorption capability during impact loading. To study the
carrying ability of sandwich specimens with rigid inserts impact response of aluminum honeycomb cores
was found to be increased substantially. Another study reinforced with PU, Roudbeneh et al.[219] used PUF with
was carried out by a similar research group to study the three different densities (56.95, 108.65 and 137.13 kg/m3)
dynamic behavior of sandwich specimens with PUF rigid to fill aluminum honeycomb cores. The ballistic perfor-
inserts.[218] The research mainly focused on the effects of mance of sandwich specimens was studied using gas gun
core density, core thickness and rigid inserts on the apparatus. Test results indicated that the ballistic limit
dynamic response of sandwich specimens mainly in velocity increased linearly with the increase in density of
terms of the fundamental frequency for different bound- the PUF. Moreover, the specific energy of the sandwich
ary conditions. It was observed that an increase in core structures with the highest density of foam was found to
density resulted in a significant increase in fundamental be 24% more than the unfilled sandwich specimens.
frequency for a given thickness. The fundamental fre- Unfilled and PUF-filled honeycomb cores and their
quency was also found to increase with an increase in respective sandwich composites are shown in Figure 28,
thickness of the core material. Also, the fundamental fre- while Figure 29 represents the energy absorbed at the
quency was observed to be increased by introducing the ballistic limit by aluminum plate, a honeycomb core, an
rigid inserts in the core material for most of the boundary unfilled honeycomb sandwich specimen and a foam-
conditions. This previous research indicated a great filled honeycomb core sandwich specimen with three dif-
potential for rigid inserts to improve the performance of ferent foams (foam1, foam2 and foam3) of varying densi-
PUF core-based sandwich specimens (Table 2). ties of 56.94, 108.65 and 137.13 kg/m3 respectively).

TABLE 2 Summary of the studies in fiber- and polymer-reinforced PUF core sandwich structures

S. no. Face material Reinforcement material Reinforcement type Test(s)/analysis Ref.

1. Glass fiber-reinforced Chopped glass fiber 3 wt% addition Low velocity impact [199]
epoxy High velocity impact
Three-point bending
Numerical analysis
2. Carbon fiber- reinforced Carbon nanofibers Up to 0.6 wt% addition Low velocity impact [200]
epoxy Characterization
3. Glass fiber-reinforced Glass fabric Looped fabric Flatwise tensile [201]
epoxy prepreg reinforcement Peeling
Numerical analysis
4. Glass fiber-reinforced Glass fiber Stitching Three-point bending [202]
epoxy Tufting Edgewise compression
Carbon fiber-reinforced Numerical analysis
5. Glass fiber-reinforced Glass fiber Stitching Edgewise compression [203]
epoxy Numerical analysis
6. Glass fiber-reinforced Nylon/glass fiber Stitching Bending fatigue [204]
epoxy Glass fiber-reinforced Stiffening Four-point bending
epoxy prepreg
7. Glass fiber-reinforced Chopped strand glass fiber Shear key placement Tensile [205]
epoxy impregnated with epoxy Compression
Numerical analysis
8. Glass fiber-reinforced Chopped strand glass fiber Shear key placement Tensile [206]
epoxy impregnated with epoxy Compression
Four-point bending
Analytical analysis
9. Glass fiber-reinforced Chopped strand glass Shear key placement Tensile [207]
epoxy fiber impregnated with Compression
epoxy Shear
Out-of-plane shear
Numerical analysis
10. Mild steel plate Kenaf fiber Up to 30 wt% addition High velocity impact [208]
11. Glass fiber-reinforced Coconut coir fiber Up to 20 wt% addition Three-point bending [209]
epoxy Characterization
12. UD flax-reinforced epoxy Empty fruit bunch fiber Up to 30 vol% addition Tensile [210]
Three-point bending
13. Jute woven-impregnated Palm shell 75 wt% addition Three-point bending [211]
by vinyl ester Empty fruit bunch Compression
14. Jute woven-reinforced Palm shell 60 wt% addition Low velocity impact [212]
epoxy Empty fruit bunch 8 wt% addition
15. Glass fiber-reinforced Polymer pins Through-thickness Indentation [213]
polyester reinforcement Flatwise compression

TABLE 2 (Continued)

S. no. Face material Reinforcement material Reinforcement type Test(s)/analysis Ref.

16. Glass fiber–reinforced Polymer pins Through-thickness Flatwise compression [214]
polyester reinforcement Three-point bending
17. Aluminum Aluminum pins 37 wt% addition High velocity impact [215]
18. Glass fiber-reinforced RPUF of 900 kg/m3 Up to 0.2 vol% addition Shear [217]
epoxy density Rigid insert Three-point bending
Four-point bending
19. Glass fiber–reinforced RPUF of 900 kg/m3 Rigid inserts of different Experimental modal analysis [218]
polymer density volume fractions

F I G U R E 2 8 The specimens. A,
Aluminum honeycomb. B, Unfilled
honeycomb core sandwich. C, PUF-filled
honeycomb. D, PUF-filled honeycomb
core sandwich[219] [Color figure can be
viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

Another study considering the impact behavior of honeycomb with syntactic foam. This research indicated
PUF-filled honeycomb core sandwich composites was the potential for PUF-filled honeycomb sandwich com-
conducted by Vaidya et al.[220] PUF and syntactic foams posites in moving structures such as automobiles. Three
were considered to fill the honeycomb core. Impact different kinds of PUFs based on density were also used
behavior was investigated in terms of low- and high- in another other study as fillers for honeycomb sandwich
velocity impact tests. It was observed from test results structures conducted by Mozafari et al.[221] A similar
that the ballistic limit was impressively enhanced to 73% analysis was carried out considering the impact response
by filling the honeycomb core with PUF, and the energy and crashworthiness of foam-filled and unfilled sandwich
absorbed was increased by 92%. The ballistic limit was specimens. Three different foams (F1, F2 and F3 with
also found to increase by about 74% by filling the varying densities of 65, 90 and 145 kg/m3) were used to

F I G U R E 2 9 The energy absorbed

by different specimens during ballistic
impact testing[219] [Color figure can be
viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

fill three different kinds of honeycombs (HC1, HC2 and

HC3) in the studies. The resulting foam-filled honeycomb
sandwich specimens were given appropriate names (eg,
sandwich structure with HC1 and F1 is named as HC1F1
and so on). Furthermore, three different types of circular
tubes (T1, T2 and T3) were also used in the study. An
FEA was conducted in the study and the sandwich speci-
mens were tested under a wide range of impact energies
and were also subjected to compression testing. It was
seen that specimens filled with PUF of lower density
showed higher specific energy absorption under low
impact energies. In a similar way, specimens filled with
PUF of higher density showed higher specific energy F I G U R E 3 0 Ratio of specific absorbed energy to peak
compression force for different specimens[221] [Color figure can be
absorption under high impact energies. These results
viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
indicated that PUF-filled honeycomb sandwich compos-
ites with different densities of foam show different
responses at different impact energies and can be selected an optimum sandwich structure having the desired mate-
for specific applications accordingly to achieve optimum rial properties could be manufactured. Another very
results. Figure 30 illustrates the ratio of specific absorbed recent study based on the investigation of vibration anal-
energy (SAE) to peak compression force (PCF) for the dif- ysis of aluminum honeycomb-based sandwich structures
ferent specimens used in the study. filled with PUF was conducted by Aydin and
Other than the impact response and energy- Gündogdu.[223] In this study, the effect of face sheet
absorption capability of PUF-filled honeycomb sandwich thickness and core thickness on the vibrational response
structures, researchers have also studied other properties of the sandwich panel was also investigated. Experiments
in past years. For example, Li[222] investigated the effect were performed based on the Taguchi method, and a
of cell size on the shear modulus and Young's modulus detailed numerical analysis was also carried out that
using FEA. Moreover, the effect of Poisson's ratio on showed a good correlation with the experimental data. It
these properties was also investigated. It was observed was observed that sandwich panels filled with PUF
that by decreasing the cell size of the honeycomb, the exhibited improved energy storage capability and showed
density of the cells increased and it also increased the higher damping ratio values. A similar trend was
resistance of the structure to external loads. However, it observed for an increase in core thickness and it was con-
was observed that the shear modulus decreased by cluded that the core thickness should be increased in
decreasing the cell size of the honeycomb, which was order to achieve high values for natural frequencies and
mainly because of thinner cell walls that decreased the damping ratios.
constraints at the boundary. It was also concluded in the A different target parameter—microwave absorption
study that by filling the honeycomb structure with poly- of foam-filled honeycomb sandwich structures—was
urethane foam, which had a negative Poisson's ratio, studied by He and Gong.[224] In this research, PUF was
resulted in a dramatic increase in both shear modulus also reinforced with carbonyl iron/nickel fibers (CINF)
and Young's modulus. It was seen that the cell size and and magnetic metal powder (MMP) to enhance its
Poisson's ratio showed exactly opposite effects and that absorbing capability. It was observed that the addition of

CINF and MMP to PUF resulted in a major improvement showed crushing of the core material as its primary fail-
in microwave absorption. A major enhancement was ure mode. This showed an improvement in strength and
observed in microwave absorption of the sandwich speci- load-carrying capacity of foam-filled sandwich specimens
men compared to foam-filled honeycomb structures. The compared to their neat counterparts. In terms of peak
results of the study indicated a promising use of foam- load, an increase of about 250% was observed by filling
filled honeycomb structures in radar-absorbing applica- the core material with PUF. Three-dimensional woven
tions. Reflectivity of different specimens at varying fre- sandwich specimens and the failure modes of sandwich
quencies is shown in Figure 31. specimens with and without PUF under low-velocity
One of the other well-known methods to enhance the impact are shown in Figure 32.
stability and performance of sandwich composites is to Another study was conducted by a similar research
use 3D fabrics that are woven into both top and bottom group to investigate the vibration response of 3D woven
face sheets. Such sandwich composites give an advantage sandwich specimens made of glass fabric with and with-
in preventing the delamination of face sheets from the out PUF.[226] Parameters like damping ratios and the fre-
core material because of material differences, as seen in quency response function (FRF) were studied in the
the case of conventional sandwich composites. research. Sandwich specimens with and without PUF
Researchers have manufactured such sandwich compos- were tested for flexural vibrations and it was observed
ites by using 3D woven fabrics and have looked into sev- that filling the core with PUF resulted in a 150% increase
eral mechanical and other properties over the years. In in the damping ratio along with an increase of 77% in
addition, these 3D fabric cores are conventionally filled weight at the same time. It was also observed that the
with polymers to make a hybrid core and further number of vibration modes also reduced from 5 to 2 for
enhance the desired properties. One such research pro- specimens filled with PUF.
ject was conducted by Vaidya et al.[225] and the low- Other research on 3D woven fabric sandwich speci-
velocity impact performance of sandwich specimens with mens from past years focused on the flexural behavior,
both hollow- and PUF-filled hybrid cores was investi- type of reinforcing material and fatigue response. A
gated. Failure modes were also investigated in the study detailed study related to flexural performance of 3D
and it was observed that with the use of such 3D glass woven sandwich composites made of glass fabrics was
fabric cores, the delamination phenomenon no longer conducted by Azadian et al.[227] Sandwich specimens
existed. Moreover, it was seen that unfilled sandwich were prepared by knitting the fabrics in different shapes
specimens showed a rupture of face sheets and buckling such as U-shape and V-shape specimens. PUF was used
of the core fabrics, while foam-filled sandwich specimens as a filler to make hybrid sandwich composites, and spec-
imens with and without PUF were subjected to three-
point bending loads. The cross-sectional shape was
observed to have a major influence on the bending per-
formance of the sandwich specimens, and it was observed
that the V-shape-reinforced specimens exhibited the best
performance and showed higher bending stiffness than
all other specimens. Moreover, no delamination was
observed in the newly designed sandwich specimens.
To study the material properties, Jia et al.[228] used
two different kinds of materials (glass fiber and polyester
filaments) to make woven fabrics. Furthermore, these
woven fabric sandwich specimens were filled with PUF.
Experiments were performed to investigate the flexural
and compression properties of the manufactured sand-
wich specimens. Conclusions were made based on the
type of material used to make the woven fabrics. It was
observed that samples with polyester filament face sheets
F I G U R E 3 1 Reflectivity of PUF-filled honeycomb specimens
had better compressive and flexural strength compared to
at different frequencies. A, Hmp1—honeycomb filled with 40 wt% specimens with glass fiber filaments. This behavior was
MMP-reinforced PUF. B, Hpm2—honeycomb filled with 2 wt% mainly observed due to the brittleness of glass fibers.
CINF-reinforced PUF. C, Hpm3r—honeycomb filled with 2 wt% Another study using woven sandwich composites with
CINF and 40 wt%-reinforced PUF. D, Hpm3rt—sandwich structure glass fibers was carried out by Judawisastra et al.[229]
of Hpm3rt with a matching layer on top[224] Sandwich specimens were filled with PUF and the

sandwich panel of glass woven
fabric. A, Weft. B, Weft direction
views. The failure mode for
sandwich specimen C, Without
PUF and D, with PUF under
low-velocity impact testing.
Adapted from Reference [225]
[Color figure can be viewed at

bending fatigue behavior of specimens with and without FEA. It was observed that bonding strength also had an
PUF was investigated. Specimens were filled with PUF of influence on the blast performance of hybrid sandwich
two different densities and varying thicknesses. Com- composites. An increase in interlayer thickness resulted
pared to unfilled specimens, it was observed that foam- in an enhancement in deflection and an increase in
filled specimens exhibited remarkable fatigue strength in energy absorption.
terms of low values of stiffness degradation and very long Another interlayer study to investigate the low-
fatigue lives. Sandwich specimens with 10 mm-thick PUF velocity impact of sandwich composites using FEA was
showed the best fatigue performance and exhibited a conducted by Suvorov and Dvorak.[231] Two different
fatigue life of more than 106 cycles and 6% lower stiffness types of interlayer materials (PUF and compressible elas-
degradation at an 80% of the ultimate bending load. tomeric foam [EF]) were used in the study. A comparison
Sandwich specimens with and without PUF were also of two interlayers was made in terms of bending deflec-
subjected to compressions and three-point bending tests tions and impact resistance. Simulations were carried out
in the study. The results of these tests are given in on different kinds of sandwich specimens and it was
Table 3. observed that the impact performance of specimens with
Another very effective way to manufacture hybrid the PUF interlayer was significantly improved. The addi-
sandwich panels having superior mechanical properties tion of the PUF interlayer reduced the deflections of face
in previous years has been the introduction of interlayers sheets as well as the compression in the core material,
between the face sheets and the core material. These whereas the EF interlayer showed an increase in both
hybrid sandwich panels have shown some remarkable local and overall deflections compared to the PUF inter-
properties, mainly superior impact and blast resistance. layer, but gave better results in terms of compression of
Consequently, researchers in past years have mainly the core material. It was concluded from the study that
focused on the impact response of such hybrid sandwich both types of interlayers provided an impressive decrease
panels. For example, Lim et al.[230] prepared hybrid sand- in strain energy release rates from the interfacial cracks
wich specimens with rolled homogenous steel (RHA) and hence gave better performance than conventional
face sheets, an aluminum alloy foam core and interlayers sandwich structures. A schematic representation of a
of PUF, and then investigated the blast resistance using sandwich specimen with interlayers is given in Figure 33.
FEA. A major enhancement in blast resistance was Sandwich composites with a truss core comprising
observed for hybrid sandwich panels with PUF inter- different shapes are widely preferred in various structural
layers compared to conventional sandwich panels. and civil infrastructures. These sandwich panels are
Hybrid sandwich panels exhibited superior performance made by repeating a single 3D unit cell throughout the
in terms of energy absorption and deflection compared to structure. The overall structure can carry higher struc-
normal sandwich panels for a fixed value of overall thick- tural loads and provides a superior blast resistance. The
ness. An optimization study was also performed in the addition of a polymer into these hollow truss cores has
research using the Kriging simulation and results were shown further improvement in different properties over
found to be in total agreement with the outcomes of the the years. A detailed study was carried out by Yungwirth

TABLE 3 Results of three-point bending and compression tests[229] (Specimens without PUF: 89021-UF and 86005-U. Specimens with
PUF: 89021-F and 89018-F)

Material Core shear Compression Ultimate

(panel) modulus Gc (MPa) strength σ'c (MPa) load 3 PB Pu (N) Failure mode in 3 PB tests
89 021-UF 1.2 ± 0.3 0.40 ± 0.05 151 ± 6 Core pile failure (some panels
failed by partial skin failure)
89 021-F 21.2 ± 3.5 2.5 ± 0.1 653 ± 43 Skin failure after limited core failure
89 018-F 14.8 ± 1.5 3.4 ± 0.2 258 ± 9 Skin failure after limited core failure
86 005-UF 6.2 ± 1.0 1.0 + 0.3 201 ± 10 Core pile failure and skin failure

F I G U R E 3 3 Schematic view of a hybrid sandwich panel with

interlayers[230] [Color figure can be viewed at

et al.[232] to investigate the ballistic response of sandwich

panels with a pyramidal lattice truss core. Furthermore,
the influence of the infiltration of polymers and ceramics
was also studied in the research. Conclusions were made
based on the exit velocity of the projectile from the back
face sheet. From the test results, it was observed that
sandwich specimens without any addition to the core F I G U R E 3 4 Schematic of the manufacturing process used to
showed a reduction of around 25% in the projectile veloc- prepare pyramidal lattice core sandwich specimens. A, Process
ity but could not prevent perforation. With the addition sequence. B, Single layer panel. C, Double layer panel[232] [Color
of the PU elastomer—having a higher glass transition figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
temperature than the test temperature—provided a much
higher ballistic resistance and stopped the projectile, and gave 2 to 4 times better results than a base sandwich
whereas the best ballistic performance was observed for structure without any filler. A detailed numerical study
sandwich specimens with added alumina prisms into the was also performed in the research to validate the results.
lattice core showing minimal damage to the back face Also, it was observed that increasing the face sheet thick-
sheet. This research indicated that such hybrid sandwich ness resulted in an increase in natural frequencies and
panels could be used very effectively as blast resistance improved the overall damping response. A very recent
load-bearing structures in various applications. A sche- study on truss-core hybrid sandwich structures filled with
matic of the manufacturing process used to prepare pyra- PUF was conducted by Arunkumar et al.[234] to investi-
midal lattice truss core sandwich specimens in the study gate the vibro-acoustic response. Different truss-core
is given in Figure 34. A double layer pyramidal truss core types were studied in the research. Initially the vibration
sandwich composite filled with PU elastomer is shown in response was calculated by using harmonic excitation,
Figure 35, before and after ballistic impact testing. and later on, the acoustic response was investigated for
Another study carried out on pyramidal sandwich all the specimens. Experimental results showed that by
composites by Yang et al.[233] focused on the damping filling the empty spaces of the truss core with PUF pro-
response. Hybrid sandwich panels were filled with sili- vided a major reduction in amplitudes for vibrational
cone rubber, soft and hard PUF. Modal and quasi-static responses as well as acoustic responses. Also, a signifi-
compression tests were performed on all the specimens. cant reduction in sound power level was observed as a
Experimental results showed that sandwich panels filled result of the foam filling. It was concluded from the study
with hard and soft PUF exhibited the best performance that for all types of truss cores, an impressive reduction

T A B L E 4 The reduction in the sound power level in terms of

decibels (dB) of sandwich panels by foam filling[234]

Sound power level (dB)

Cellular Trapezoidal Triangular

Influence core core core
Without foam 106.65 105.52 106.43
With foam 94.65 93.67 93.99
Reduction in SPL 12 11.85 12.44

sandwich specimens was studied in detail. A numerical

model was also proposed and was successfully validated
with experimental outcomes. It was observed from the
experiments that the addition of ribs provided stability to
the overall structure and prevented the wrinkling of the
face sheets. It also allowed the upper face sheet to reach
its maximum strength. Results of a parametric study in
the research also showed that the flexural strength
increased with a decrease in rib spacing. All the above
FIGURE 35 Impact testing at 613 ms−1 velocity. A, Double
results have indicated that hybrid sandwich composites
layer pyramidal truss core filled with PU elastomer before test
could be very easily used as alternatives to conventional
and B, after test[232] [Color figure can be viewed at
sandwich panels and could give superior performance in
different applications (Table 5).

could be achieved when the sandwich panels were filled

with PUF. The effect of adding PUF on sound power 4.5 | Impact response of PUF core
levels is given in Table 4. sandwich structures
Other very similar hybrid sandwich configurations to
truss cores are tubular cores and ribs with different As mentioned previously, PUFs are widely used in aero-
shapes that can be filled with a polymeric foam in a simi- space, marine, automotive and many other industrial
lar way to improve their properties. Sandwich panels applications due to their high strength to weight ratio,
with tubular cores were manufactured by Yuen et al.[235] excellent insulation properties and superior energy
Three different kinds of polymeric foams (PUF, expanded absorption capabilities. Also, it has been found from the
polystyrene and polyethylene) were used to fill the tubu- literature investigation of PUFs in previous sections that
lar cores and all the specimens were subjected to a uni- a wide range of studies have been carried out to find out
form blast load. Different specimens, in terms of the the impact response of these structures. It is very impor-
distance between the tubular cores, were tested and it tant to determine the impact behavior of these structure
was observed that the sandwich specimens with con- in order to ensure their safe and beneficial use. Like
strained cores showed higher energy absorption because many other construction materials, these structures react
of extra tubular cores. Moreover, it was seen that by fill- differently to different strain rates. Since PUFs are mostly
ing the tubular cores with a polymeric foam provided a used as core materials in sandwich structures, the impact
further increase in energy absorption and hence response PUF core-based sandwich structures has been
enhanced the performance. Similar results were observed investigated in most of the previous researches. Even
for different kinds of polymeric foams. These outcomes though nanostructured PUFs having different reinforce-
indicated that such sandwich panels with tubular cores ments exhibit improved mechanical properties, the stain
could be used very effectively as an alternative for blast rate effect on different mechanical properties of these
barriers. foams is not yet fully understood. Therefore, researchers
A different approach was used by Sharaf and Fam[236] are consistently trying to study the strain rate effect on
to manufacture hybrid sandwich panels. GFRP ribs hav- certain mechanical properties. In this regard, a study was
ing different patterns were introduced into PUF cores of conducted to investigate the compressive and low veloc-
different densities and the flexural behavior of all the ity impact response of RPUFs nanostructured with

TABLE 5 Summary of the studies of PUF in hybrid core sandwich structures

S. No. Face material Core geometry Hybridization Test(s)/analysis Ref.

1. Aluminum Aluminum honeycomb PUF filling High velocity impact [219]
2. Carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy Kraft paper honeycomb PUF filling High velocity impact [220]
3. Moveable rigid plate Aluminum honeycomb PUF filling Compression [221]
Aluminum circular tubes Low velocity impact
Numerical analysis
4. Unspecified face material Aluminum honeycomb PUF filling Numerical analysis [222]
5. Aluminum Aluminum honeycomb PUF filling Experimental modal analysis [223]
Numerical modal analysis
6. Nanotitanium powder / Unspecified honeycomb PUF filling Microwave absorption [224]
hydrogenation Characterization
rubber composite
7. Glass fiber-reinforced epoxy 3D woven glass fabric PUF filling Low velocity impact [225]
8. Glass fiber-reinforced epoxy 3D woven glass fabric PUF filling Experimental modal analysis [226]
9. Glass fiber-reinforced 3D woven glass fabric PUF filling Tensile [227]
polyester Three-point bending
10. Glass fiber-reinforced epoxy / 3D woven glass fabric PUF filling Compression [228]
polyamide 3D polyester filament Three-point bending
Polyester filament- reinforced
epoxy / polyamide
11. Glass fiber-reinforced epoxy 3D woven glass fabric PUF filling Shear [229]
Three-point bending
12. Rolled homogeneous armor Al alloy foam structure Interlayer hybridization Numerical analysis [230]
13. Graphite-reinforced epoxy PVC foam structure Interlayer hybridization Numerical analysis [231]
14. Stainless steel Steel truss core PU elastomer filling, High velocity impact [232]
Alumina addition
15. Carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy Al truss core PU foam filling, Experimental modal analysis [233]
Interlayer hybridization, Quasi-static compression
Silicon rubber addition Numerical analysis
16. Aluminum Al truss core PUF filling Acoustic [234]
Al honeycomb Experimental modal analysis
Numerical analysis
17. Steel Al tubular core PUF filling Tensile [235]
Steel tubular core Polystyrene foam filling Compression
Polyethylene foam filling Blast
18. Glass fiber-reinforced epoxy GFRP ribs structure PUF filling Three-point bending [236]
Four-point bending
Uniform load bending

bacterial cellulose at both low and intermediate strain recent study that strain rate has a great influence on
rates. In the study, it was observed that both neat and other mechanical properties of PUFs and their direction
nanostructured bacterial cellulose PUFs exhibited strain dependence (parallel and perpendicular to the foam rise
rate effect on yield stress and densification stress, which directions). The overall elastic stiffness, yield stress and
was primarily associated with the strain rate sensitivity of the effective energy absorption capacity were observed to
the base polymer.[237] It has also been observed in a increase linearly with an increase in the strain rate for all

loading angles. Also, it was found that the strain rate target, the resulting damage mechanism and the strain
influenced the deformation modes of the foam cells.[238] rate are presented below.
Therefore, it is critically important to consider the strain
rate parameter while investigation the response of PUFs • Impact energy, shape and diameter of the impactor's
and PUF core based sandwich composites under different tip, contact angle, and the velocity of the impactor.
mechanical loadings, especially under impact loading • Hardness, thickness and density of the face sheet
conditions. material.
Based on their working requirements, PUF core • Thickness, density, porosity, and the type of chain for-
sandwich structures can be subjected to different kinds mation within the porous structure of the core
of impact loadings. The impact response of these sand- material.
wich structures is generally investigated under two • Type of bonding between the face sheets and the core
groups: low velocity impact test and high velocity material.
impact test. Low velocity impact response is generally
related to the damages, hardness and toughness, contact Furthermore, while metals tend to absorb energy in
forces and energy absorption rates that result from the the elastic and plastic regions, composite materials usu-
low velocity impacts during maintenance and service ally absorb energy in the elastic region. In sandwich com-
procedures. Non-penetrating low velocity impact load- posites, the face sheets absorb energy in the elastic region
ings can damage the internal structure of these sand- whereas the core material exhibits metal-like behavior
wich composites and these internal damages can in turn and absorbs energy in booth elastic and plastic
cause stresses, which may ultimately lead to serious regions.[239,240] Along with this, strain rate is another
unexpected hazards during their service. The low veloc- important factor that should be considered while investi-
ity impact tests are generally performed at a speed range gating the impact response of the sandwich composites.
of 1-10 m/s. The high velocity impact behavior is related The strain rate is related to the amount of deformation
to the damage mechanisms resulting from sudden high that takes place in the structure and it dependent on the
impacts of small particles. These high velocity impact loading conditions and time.
tests are generally performed to investigate the response In a study conducted by Mane et al. 2017, the impact
to high-velocity impacts such as aircraft bird strikes, response of PUFs that are commonly used due to their
bullet strikes, aircraft accidents, ammunition explo- superior thermal insulation and energy absorption capa-
sions, automotive accidents, etc. The tests are carried bilities was experimentally investigated under different
out at high velocities ranging from 50 to 1000 m/s. strain rates. For this purpose, uniaxial compression tests
When an object hits a moving aircraft, the relative were performed at semi-static (0.0033 s-1) and dynamic
velocities of the two moving bodies are so high that the (800 s-1) strain rates. The results of the study showed that
impact can lead to a drastic damage. there was a significant difference in the mechanical prop-
While examining the studies conducted to find the erties of the PUFs that were compressed with different
impact response of sandwich composites, following strain rates. It was observed that the PUFs that were
important factors should be considered; compressed with dynamic strain rates exhibited high
energy absorption capabilities compared to the PUFs that
• Energy absorbed as a result of non-penetration low were compressed with semi-static strain rates. Also, it
velocity impacts and a thorough analysis of the dam- was found that useful range of the PUFs was decreased
aged area with an increase in the strain range. However, the energy
• Energy absorbed during the penetration absorption capability and the yield strength of the PUFs
• Residual stresses in the sandwich structures after the were increased with an increase in the strain rate. It was
impact and the damage caused to internal structure concluded that the impact behavior of the PUFs varied
depending on the density of the PUF, strain rate, and the
The impact performance of the sandwich structures temperature.[241]
generally depends of different parameters such as the The impact response of the PUF core based sandwich
type of the material used in face sheets, structure of the structures with different types of face sheets, different
core materials, and the interfacial adhesion between the core densities, different reinforcement materials and the
face sheets and the core material. In a broader perspec- types of reinforcements has been already discussed in
tive, the important parameters that affect the impact detail in the above sections. Therefore, those details will
behavior of sandwich composites, the energy transfer not be repeated here and only some additional informa-
between the sandwich structure (target) and the tip of tion regarding the impact behavior will be briefly dis-
the impactor, the energy absorption capability of the cussed in this section.

It has been stated in a study conducted by Nemes comfortable, safer and more enjoyable. PU structures
et al.[242] that the energy absorption capability of the sand- have a wide range of use in different industrial applica-
wich panels increased with an increase in the impact veloc- tions due to their superior properties such as light weight,
ity, which resulted from high strain rate due to an increase insulation, high abrasion resistance, self-adhesion, shear
in the core material's crushing stresses and face sheet's strength, elasticity and low cost. PU structures can be
stresses. Within a sandwich structure, the upper face sheets obtained with different hardness and densities by varying
have the highest strain rates. Also, the core material parts the ratio of constituents (isocyanate and polyol). If the
that are closer to the impact site provide greater progression reaction process is designed so that no voids (gas bubbles)
in the dynamic yield strength and are subjected to higher remain in the structure, a solid elastomeric structure is
strain rates.[108] In addition, exposure of the sandwich com- obtained, as in skateboard wheels. If the reaction is
posites to higher velocity impacts results in higher strain designed to form gas bubbles in the structure, then a
rates.[109] Another study conducted by Houser et al.,[172] structure called polyurethane foam (PUF) is obtained.
reported that the change in the energy absorption results The majority of the commercially used PU is used in PUF
from strain rate effects due to the deformation in geometry form. PUFs are used for various surface coatings such as
and material of the sandwich composites. metal, composite, plastic, cloth and as insulation of struc-
Dean et al.[243] conducted an interesting study on tures such as roofs, walls and floors, furniture, land, air
high velocity impact response of sandwich composites and sea vehicles, sports equipment, refrigerators and
and investigated the amount of energy absorbed during freezers along with their major use as a core material for
the entry of bullet into a metal fiber core sandwich struc- sandwich structures.
ture, both numerically and experimentally. The experi- For applications where comfort and sound insula-
mental results showed that the energy absorption rates tion are desired, flexible PUF is preferred, hard PUF is
were maximum at speeds closer to the ballistic limit used for heat isolation and cavity filling, while elasto-
range. Furthermore, results of the numerical study indi- meric PU constructions are preferred for wear resis-
cated that this increase was related to the kinetic energy tance applications. Information about the common
of the separated particles and to the strain rate. In uses of PUF sandwich structures are given below.[244]
another study conducted by Nia et al.,[215] it was observed The most important advantages of PUF sandwich struc-
that an increase in the impact velocity resulted in an tures can be expressed as follows: high heat insulation
increase in the absorbed energy. This behavior was capacity to save more heating energy, resistance to
reported to be caused by the strain rate effect. Another thermal heat transfer, having superior load-carrying
high velocity impact study on PUF core based sandwich capacity, high resistance to pressure, light weight, long
composites was conducted by Roudbeneh et al.[219] It was life, ease of production and installation, excellent fire
observed in the study that the absorbed energy and the resistance with proper additives, good bonding ability
structural efficiency of the sandwich composites with doors and windows, the possibility of various sur-
increased with an increase in the density of the PUF core. face coatings with almost no maintenance, and reduc-
However, it was also indicated that an increase in the tion in CO2. All these impressive properties contribute
density of the PUF core increased the overall weight, to the preservation of the environment. Some applica-
which could limit the use of such sandwich structures. tions of PUF core sandwich structures can be seen in
It can be concluded from the literature available on Figures 36 and 37.
the impact response of PU core sandwich composites that
there are certain important parameters that should be
considered while investigating the impact behavior of 5.1 | Construction applications
these composites. All of these-above mentioned parame-
ters have their own effect on the performance of the Polyurethanes—being basic building elements, insulation
sandwich composites. By changing these parameters, a elements, adhesive and sealing materials—are very
sandwich structure for a particular application requiring important structural materials that are needed almost
specific properties can be easily achieved. everywhere in construction applications. Especially in
floor, wall and roof applications, they are widely used
because of their insulation and lightweight. The use of
5 | A P PL I C A T I O N S O F P U F - B A S E D PUF is more prominent in buildings where energy effi-
S A NDW IC H S T R UC T UR ES ciency is required. Due to their excellent insulation prop-
erties, hard PUF sandwiches are preferred in many
Polyurethanes (PU) provide sustainable energy use and applications for protection against hot and cold tempera-
energy conservation along with making life more tures. They have extremely low thermal conductivity

FIGURE 36 Some applications of PUF core sandwich structures. A, An insulating panel. B, Thermal insulation of a building.[245] C,
An interior part in an automobile.[246] D, Surfboard construction[247] [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

Demonstration of industrial
applications of PUF core
sandwich structures in: A,
Rotor blade. B, Acoustic
insulation. C, Water
resistance. D, Aircraft
fuselage[248] [Color figure can
be viewed at

5.2 | Furniture applications

A person spends an average of 200 000 hours on beds,

seats, couches and chairs during his/her lifetime. There-
fore, the highest quality is demanded in these products.
Polyurethanes offer superior quality applications to a
wide range of these basic products and systems. These
structures provide comfortable, durable and light surfaces
in the furniture. Different types of PUF constructions are
used in different areas, such as seats, chairs, car seats,
interior trim and bedding materials, whereas hard PUF
sandwich composites are used in doors, window frame
railings and the exterior skeleton panels of furniture.[244]
In the furniture sector, a wide range of PUF hard struc-
tures with a density of 800 kg/m3 to softer foams with a
density of 10 kg/m3 for filling and packaging purposes.
FIGURE 38 Wet module[249] [Color figure can be viewed at
PUF sandwich panels used in furniture can be in the
form of wood-coverings or may be of a very different
material, such as aluminum foil, fabric or coated paper.
values compared to conventional insulation materials. Window frames are building elements that are contin-
The insulation properties are very high even when the uously exposed to external influences such as hot and
sandwich construction is thin. These constructions are cold temperatures, wind and sunlight. Also, windows are
used almost everywhere in prefabricated buildings, cold- the components with the lowest thermal insulation in
air warehouses, factory buildings, containers, from floors most residential buildings. For this reason, polyurethane
to interior-exterior roof walls, and sloped and flat rigid foam is a good insulating material for window
roofs.[244] Another major application of PUF based sand- frames. PUF-cored frames have very good heat and sound
wich panels is the panelized residential roofs. These insulation, are easy to clean and require low mainte-
panels have additional advantages of reduced air infiltra- nance, have high durability and exhibit exceptional dura-
tion and improved thermal insulation that result in major bility against mechanical stress generated by weather
energy savings. These energy savings are even more conditions such as snow, rain and wind.[250]
prominent when the air conditioning ducts are placed in
the attic. These insulated attics provide higher energy
savings for both heating and cooling compared to the 5.3 | Vehicle applications
conventional vented attic.[77] In recent years, many inno-
vative techniques have been applied in the construction PUF has a wide range of uses in different fields for land,
applications that have revolutionized this sector. One of air and sea because of its superior properties and it offers
these innovative techniques is the application of offsite impressive alternatives for unusual designs. Flexible and
manufacturing (OSM) in construction sector to produce semi-flexible PUFs are widely used in parts such as bum-
the sandwich panels. The OSM technique provides a pers, mudguards, the interior and exterior components of
major advantage of centralizing repeatable processes, sidewalls, floor and ceiling coverings, armchairs and arm-
which results in low cost, higher standards, rapid delivery rests. Vehicles with exterior finishes and extremely com-
and speedy production. By utilizing the OSM technique, fortable interiors require more qualified PUF sandwich
RPUF core based sandwich panels are being used in sev- constructions.[251] Acoustic foams are used to reduce
eral industrial and commercial construction applications sound and vibration levels. Acoustic foams form the core
such as hospitals, farming buildings, recreational struc- of insulating sandwich panels used especially for insula-
tures, equestrian hangers etc. Another recent innovative tion of structural noises in vehicles. Another promising
building process that used RPUF based sandwich panels feature of PUF is that it has high impact resistance even
is known as “industrialized wet area module” (Figure 38) at extremely low temperatures when it is produced as a
that is fabricated by using OSM technique and consists of micro-celled, almost pore-free solid material. The rigidity
a kitchen, bathroom and laundry. This approach drasti- of these products can be further increased by using rein-
cally reduces the price and enables more efficient use of forcements such as glass and natural fibers. These struc-
resources.[249] tures are mainly used in automobile exteriors (front and

rear panels, door joint plates) and commercial vehicles and carbon fibers. PUF provides structural strength to
(wide format coverings and mudguards).[244] the body, heat and sound insulation, and lightweight,
To increase the safety of passengers and pedestrians which helps in floatation. Different PUF-based filling
in case of accidents, parts with energy absorbing features materials are used in many marine vehicles, including
like PUFs are required. Innovative integrated PUF sys- fishing boats, to avoid situations like continuous mois-
tems are also used to hold the vehicle window frames ture, hard-abrasive sea/ocean impacts and water leakage
more tightly. Sandwich constructions are another area of to undesired areas. Hard PUFs are widely used in marine
use in which the complex voids in the structural parts applications because of their closed cell structure, which
and the horizontal and vertical shell parts are filled with makes them suitable against perforation, along with
foam. With this method, a more stable vehicle structure lightweight and impact resistance.[252] By using these
is achieved by adding a little more weight to the overall structures, it is possible to provide lightness, durability
structure. Properties like lightweight, ease of formability and insulation to the body of the marine vessels.[253] PUF
and strength make PUFs one of the most suitable mate- sandwich constructions, being the main elements provid-
rials for vehicle aerodynamics. These products allow the ing heat insulation, are also used in freezer compart-
flow of air around the body of the vehicle above a certain ments, especially in cold rooms and freezers in land and
speed and provide a strong grip. Front and rear body kits sea vehicles.
and fins are made of PUF. By mounting these elements
together, the vehicle's handling is improved by increasing
the force applied to the road. This results in greater fric- 5.5 | Other applications
tional forces between the tires and the asphalt. PUF
spoilers can easily be produced by coating and painting Apart from the basic usage areas described above, PUF
processes. Even in the wings of aircrafts, spoilers with core sandwich constructions have a wide range of appli-
more aerodynamic features can be produced by different cations ranging from wind turbine blades to sports equip-
methods compared to that of automobiles.[250] ment, from cold air storage to cooling machines, from
In addition to these uses, flexible and rigid PUF core storage tanks to fluid-carrying pipes and mold-making
sandwich constructions are used in commercial vehicle elements in the manufacturing sector. Polyurethane
cabins, caravans, buses and trains. Although damage cau- foams are used to form integral surfaces that provide
sed to the PUF sandwich construction used in vehicles is effective sealing against leaks. Sprayed polyurethane
not very frequent, removal and replacement of all compo- foams can be easily applied to surfaces with irregularly
nents can be regarded as a disadvantage of PUF sandwich shaped structures. The foam layer completely adheres to
structures when damage does occur.[244] It is also possible the horizontal or vertical surfaces and is resistant to high
to recycle these materials by demolishing them in an wind stresses.[244] All these properties make PUF suitable
environmentally friendly manner at the end of their ser- for a versatile range of applications. Some of the major
vice life.[251] RPUFs, aluminum, steel and glass fiber- industrial uses of PUF in different sectors are given as
reinforced polymer (GFRP) are also used as surface plates following.
to meet the high strength requirements of road vibration,
and to absorb the impacts, especially in load-carrying • Sports equipment such as surf boards, snowboards and
refrigerated vehicles. ski gear are examples of PUF core sandwiches.
• These constructions can be produced in flexible or
hard form according to their use in cable and pipe
5.4 | Marine applications insulation applications that require long-distance fluid
and energy transfer, where they provide resistance to
Insulation, lightweight, and body strength are required in high temperature, durability and good insulation
all ships ranging from small boats to large transatlantic properties.
freight containers. In these marine vehicles, these proper- • The PUFs used for insulation and protection on the
ties can be obtained by filling polyurethane between two outer surfaces of fluid pipes are circular shaped struc-
hard surfaces. PUF-reinforced sandwich constructions tures and can be considered as sandwich structures
are used in the walls, ceilings and floor coverings of the because their outer surfaces are covered with harder
skeleton structures, which constitute the main body of surface elements.
the vessels. In recent years, apart from conventional sur- • PUFs protect containers and storage tanks from exter-
face coatings, sandwich constructions have been made nal influences and transportation damage. They are
using hard PUF cores compressed between fiber- also preferred for thermal insulation in storage. For
reinforced polymer composite surface plates such as glass many years, direct foam molding has been performed

to ensure that hot water tanks with outer metal sur- Impact behavior and energy absorption of PUF sand-
faces are well insulated. wich composites is mainly influenced by the test parame-
• Almost all refrigerators and freezers are manufactured ters (such as impact energy, peak load, size and shape of
using hard PUF. The thermoplastic inner surface and impactor, etc.). Material properties and geometries of the
the thin-walled steel outer casing are pre-mounted to PUF core, like density and thickness, also affect the over-
inject PUF into the gap between the inner and outer all energy absorption of the sandwich structure. How-
surfaces. Thus, the existing structure is transformed ever, the buckling phenomenon in PUF sandwich
into a sandwich structure. The low density hard PUF composites under axially loaded conditions is totally
is an excellent insulating material and thanks to its dependent on geometric configurations (mainly slender-
adhesive structure, it bonds the inner and outer sur- ness) of the test specimens. Also, it can be said that when
faces to each other to provide the structural integrity of subjected to moisture of a long period of time, PUF sand-
the cabinet. High strength and a low weight are wich composites show a noticeable degradation in
obtained by using PUF sandwiches in refrigerators. mechanical properties such as strength and stiffness.
The damping response of PUF sandwich composites
also varies with a change in PUF core density. As a gen-
6 | C ON C L U S I ON S eral trend, it can be said that a PUF core with a higher
density in a sandwich structure exhibits better damping
A detailed investigation of research related to PUF-based characteristics. In curved sandwich beams, damping
sandwich composites up to the present has been carried response is also dependent on the curvature. In terms of
out, with a major focus on research in the past decade. It insulation behavior, it is observed from past research that
has been observed that a wide range of studies have been PUF-based sandwich composites show superior insulat-
carried out on these structures in previous years. From ing properties compared to other insulating materials
published literature, it can be seen that these structures and can result in energy savings.
have grown from simple sandwich composites that were Even though PUF core-based sandwich composites
used for basic applications to advanced and complex have shown some remarkable properties over the years,
engineering materials used for multiple applications researchers have felt the need to further improve their
today. Many techniques have been used by many properties in different applications by mainly reinforcing
researchers in past years to improve the performance of the PUF core with different materials such as particles,
these sandwich composites for particular applications fibers, fabrics, solid inserts and bio-additives etc. These
and very successful results have been achieved. This reinforcements have shown some remarkable improve-
ongoing research has consistently helped in the develop- ments to different properties in the resulting reinforced
ment of these PUF-based sandwich composites into very sandwich structures. It can be concluded that particle
important engineering materials in the modern world. reinforcements to the PUF core in small weight percent-
General trends that have been found through litera- ages can improve the mechanical, electrical, thermal,
ture investigation have allowed some important conclu- dynamic, magnetic and interlayer properties of sandwich
sions to highlighted, as follows: composites. A major improvement in impact response
PUF core-based sandwich composites are lightweight has been observed with particle reinforcement with
structures that are highly preferred in aerospace, con- nanoclay, graphene, CNTs, metallic oxides and ceramics.
struction and automotive applications etc., where weight One important parameter to be considered during parti-
is of critical importance. The flexural properties of PUF cle reinforcement is to avoid the phenomenon of agglom-
sandwich composites are mainly affected by the geomet- eration, which can have a negative effect on the desired
rical and material properties of the test specimens. By parameters.
changing the type of material in the face sheets, the Another successful way to enhance the properties of
thickness of both face sheets and core material, and the PUF core-based sandwich composites in previous years
density of the core material, the PUF sandwich compos- has been the addition of different kinds of fibers into the
ites can be manufactured with superior flexural strength. core material. A vast variety of fibers, such as short fibers,
Experimental parameters such as processing temperature chopped fibers, long fibers and natural fibers have been
also have a great influence on the flexural performance used by different researchers. It can be concluded that
of PUF sandwich composites and should be considered. major improvements in flexural performance and com-
In addition, the fatigue behavior of PUF sandwich struc- pressive behavior of fiber-reinforced sandwich compos-
tures is mainly dependent on the ultimate load. It is ites has been achieved.
observed that for a lower value of applied load, PUF One of the most effective ways to manufacture sand-
sandwich composites show a longer fatigue life. wich specimens of superior performance is to use hybrid

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