S4 - SG - HOTS in Practice (Science)

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Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers

Session 4 - HOTS in Practice (SCIENCE)

Title of Session Session 4: HOTS in Practice / SCIENCE

Supporting HOTS in the Classroom
Session Objective At the end of the session, participants will be able to:
● explain the parts of the SOLO-based assessment items in the package
● formulate SOLO-based items/answers
● explain how an item an/or an answer match/es a SOLO level
Session Outputs Accomplished Worksheets A to D
Session Duration and Worksheet 4A - 8:45 - 10:00 A.M.
Time Worksheet 4B - 10:30 - 12:00 NN
Worksheet 4C - 1:00 - 2:30 P.M.
Worksheet 4D - 3:00 - 4:00 P.M.
Key Content 1. Components of the HOTS learning package:
a. Table containing details on the subject, grade level, topic, and competencies.
b. Stem/item/prompt
c. SOLO-based items/questions
d. Spaces for responses
e. Section for acceptable answer and rationalization

Methodologies Presentation/Discussion
Brainstorming/Group work
Accomplishment of worksheets individually
Learning Resource Developing Learners’ Higher Order Thinking Skills in Science for Grades 7,8,9,& 10 , A Teacher’s Resource
Package Worksheets A, B, C, D

Time Session Objective Detailed Content Detailed Description of Methodology Learner’s Output Learning Resource Materials
Introduction of To set the mood of Presentation of the ● Facilitator greets the participants Slide decks 2-5
the session the participants and session objectives and introduces himself/herself and
(3 mins) to give an overview and presentation
8:30 – 8:33 of the session. outline.

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 4: HOTS in Practice (English) | Page 1
sets their mood at the same time.
(1 min.)
●Facilitator presents the title,
objectives, and presentation
outline of the session. (2 min.)

Priming Activity To recall solo levels Review questions on ● Facilitator presents 10-item review Correct responses to Slides 6 - 16
(12 mins) and learning the SOLO levels and questions. (Note: This can be the given questions.
8:34 – 8:45 approaches learning approaches given in a quiz bee type or use of
as discussed in the kahoot)
previous sessions. ● Facilitator gives instructions on
how the review will be conducted.
(1 min.)
● Facilitator allows 1 minute for
reading, answering, and
processing each question. (10
● Facilitator may opt to give prices to

Note: Excess time can be used for

clarifications before proceeding to
the session. (1 min)
Worksheet 4A To present This part of the ●Facilitator introduces the session Analysis of Slide decks 17 - 18
as Workshop 1 examples of the session will be on SOLO-based Assessment Worksheet A
(75 mins) components of the allotted for Items using worksheet A and
8:46 – 10:00 HOTS PLPs and presenting and presents session objectives.
analyze how analyzing (5 min.)
SOLO-based item is SOLO-based items
crafted and from the structured
●Facilitator distributes Worksheet A
rationalized. stem and looking into Worksheet A
how rationalization to the participants, asks the
for each item is participants to browse the pages
given. and explains that it contains
samples of the different
components of the resource
learning package.
(5 min.)

Worksheet A

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●Facilitator asks the participants to
study and analyze the worksheets
and give feedback, particularly on
the crafting of the items and the
rationalization. Point out that
feedback shall be based on the
previous day’s discussion on
SOLO. (15 min.)
Slide deck 19

●After the time for analyzing the

items in Worksheet A, the
facilitator asks the participants to
share their feedback. Sharing of
feedback shall be done for every
sample in each worksheet. (5 min.)
Slide decks 20 - 23
●Facilitator presents the other levels
of questions and rationalization for
the first sample given in Worksheet
A. (10 min.). Slide deck 24

●Facilitator asks for feedback for the

second sample in Worksheet A. (5
Slide decks 25 – 29
●Facilitator presents the other levels
of questions and rationalization for
the second sample given in
Worksheet A. (10 min.).
Slide deck 30
●Facilitator asks for feedback for the
third sample in Worksheet A. (5
Slide decks 31 - 34
●Facilitator presents the other levels
of questions and rationalization for
the third sample given in
Worksheet A. (10 min.).

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Note: The remaining time shall
be used by the facilitator to
wrap up the session for
Workshop 1 (5 mins)

Worksheet 4B ● Craft acceptable This part of the ● Facilitator presents workshop 2 Answered Worksheet Slide deck 37
as Workshop 2 answers based session will be which is the Worksheet B. (2 mins) 4B
(90 mins) on the three allotted for analyzing
(10:30 – 12:00) levels of SOLO a SOLO-based item ● Facilitator presents the session Slide deck 38
model namely and provide an objectives. (2 mins)
unistructural, acceptable answer
multistructural based on the given ● Facilitator gives the Slide deck 39
and relational item. Anticipation-Reaction Guide in
(UMR). checking the prior knowledge of
the participants. (5 min.)
● Discuss each
item/answer that Slide decks 40 – 45
● Facilitator asks questions
matches the
three levels of regarding the discussion in the
the SOLO model. previous session. (10)

● Write ● Facilitator gives worksheet 4B with Worksheet 4B

unistructural, three items. The topics are both
multistructural Biology for Grades 7 and 9 and
and relational Chemistry for Grade 9. (5mins)

Slide decks 46 -55

● Facilitator lets each participant
answer the worksheet individually,
but the group leader will
consolidate the answers of each
member. They are going to
present and defend their answers
on how it falls to unistructural,
multistructural and relational. The
facilitator allows the participants to
answer item 1 and process it

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 4: HOTS in Practice (English) | Page 4
through the following guide

ANALYSIS: (15 mins)

Guide Questions:
1.Based on your consolidated
answers, when can we say that the
acceptable answers are
multistructural and relational?
2. What do you mean by
multistructural and relational?

Abstraction (30 mins)

1.Why is it important to have a good
2. Do you think you can make
questions based on the stem of the
three (3) different levels of SOLO
model namely the unistructural,
multistructural and relational?

3. As classroom teachers, how are

you going to help students from
unistructural to become
multistructural and relational?
4. What do you think is your impact
or contribution in helping learners
develop their higher order thinking


● Facilitator gives the remaining two

(2) items and allow the participants
to answer them individually but to
be reported by group.

Assessment: Slide deck 56

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Facilitator lets the participants
answer the Anticipation-Reaction
Guide (Reaction Column). (5 mins)
Closure: Facilitator projects the Slide deck 57
screen the quote (1 min)

Worksheet 4C To give This part of the ● Facilitator presents workshop 3 Answered Worksheet Slide deck 59
as Workshop 3 rationalization of session will be which is Worksheet C. (2 mins) 4C
(90 mins) items based on the allotted for analyzing
1:00 – 2:30 three levels of the a SOLO-based item ● Facilitator presents the session Slide deck 60
SOLO model and providing an objectives. (2 mins)
namely acceptable answer
unistructural, based on the given ● Facilitator gives the Slide deck 61
multistructural and item. Anticipation-Reaction Guide in
relational. checking the prior knowledge of
the participants. (5 mins)

● Facilitator distributes worksheet 4C

Worksheet C
with three items. The topics are
Biology for Grade 10 and Earth
and Space for Grade 7 and
Chemistry for Grade 10. (5 mins)

Slide decks 62 – 70
● Facilitator lets each participants
answer the worksheet individually,
but the group leader will
consolidate the answers of each
member. They are going to present
and defend their answers on how it
falls to unistructural,
multistructural, and relational. The
facilitator allows the participants to
answer item 1 and process it
through the following guide

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ANALYSIS: (20 mins)

Guide Questions:
1.Based on your consolidated
answers, when can we say that the
acceptable answers are
multistructural and relational?
2. What are your bases in
formulating your acceptable answers
in unistructural
,multistructural and relational?

Abstraction (30 mins)

1.How did you formulate the
rationalization in
unistructural,multistructural and
relational levels of SOLO model?
2. Can you discuss to the group
which levels of SOLO model namely
the unistructural,multistructural and
relational did you find it difficult to
formulate acceptable answers and
3. What are your strategies in
formulating acceptable answers and
rationalization based on the given
stem? How did you do it?


Facilitator gives the remaining two

(2) items and allow the participants
to answer it individually but to be
reported it by group.
● Note: Facilitator processes the
answers of the participants using

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 4: HOTS in Practice (English) | Page 7
the guide questions posted

Slide deck 71

Assessment: (5 mins)
The facilitator will let the participants
answer the Anticipation-Reaction Slide deck 72
Guide (Reaction Column).

Closure: The facilitator will project

the screen the quote (1 min)

Worksheet 4D To formulate A unistructural (U) ● Facilitator presents the Accomplished Slide deck 74
as Workshop 4 SOLO-based response is one session/workshop. (2 mins) Worksheet D
(90 mins) items/answers and where the focus is on
(3:00 – 4:30) explain how an a single attribute. It Slide deck 75
item/answer might involve writing ● Facilitator gives the session
matches a SOLO a single sentence objective. (2 mins)
level with one main idea, Worksheet D, manila paper
undertaking one and pentel pen
algorithm, or ● Facilitator gives each participant a
providing one reason copy of Worksheet 4D Item 1 and
or suggestion, or a manila paper and a pentel pen
identifying one for group output. (5 mins)
relevant piece of Slide deck 76
information from the
stimulus, etc. The ● Facilitator shows the table
key to this level is in containing necessary details: such
the name. The prefix as subject, grade level, topic,
‘uni’ stands for competencies (PISA and K to 12
‘oneness’. So, the Curriculum), and Higher Order
‘structure’ of the Thinking Strategy Adopted of
response is a single Worksheet 4D item 1. (3 mins) Worksheet 4D Item 1
aspect that is Slide deck 77
relevant to the
question or activity. ● Facilitator asks participants to
In same manner, a complete Worksheet 4D Item 1
questions are a type

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 4: HOTS in Practice (English) | Page 8
of question that and consolidate their answer by
typically elicit, writing in the manila paper.
response, These are (Note: Participants have to
questions that are accomplish the worksheet 4D item 1
characterized by the with a Unistructural Question,
following: (1) Single Unistructural response and a Participants’ outputs
focus; (2) rationalization for the formulated
Closed-ended; questions.) (10 mins)
(3)Low cognitive
demand; (4) Limited ● Facilitator asks the representative
scope; (5) Objective of each group to present their
assessment; (6) Lack output. (10 mins)
of depth; and quick
● Facilitator processes the outputs
A multistructural by the following questions: (10
(M) response is one mins)
that includes several
relevant independent
pieces of information Unistructural Questions:
from the stimulus or a. Looking at the group output, do
comprises a number the questions focus on a single
(i.e., more than 1) idea or concept?
usually sequential b. Does it require a close-ended
actions, answer or an open-ended
explanations, answer?
algorithms, etc. The c. Does it answer require a higher
key to this level is in order thinking or just a quick
the name. The prefix response?
‘multi’ stands for
‘many’. So, the
structure of the
response contains Acceptable Unistructural Response:
more than one a. Describe the group's
aspect that is unistructural response?
relevant to the b. Can you find the acceptable
question or activity.
answer in a unistructural
Further the different
response from the stem.
aspects are seen to
be independent of Slide deck 78
one another. There is

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 4: HOTS in Practice (English) | Page 9
no integration of Rationalization:
pieces of information a. What makes your question
or seeing unistructural?
inter-related aspects.
In the like same
manner, a
multistructural ● Facilitator presents the slide with Worksheet 4D Item 2 ,
question is a type of answers from the teacher’s manila paper and marker
questioning resource, after the processing of
technique that the output.
encourages learners
to organize
information, make Worksheet 4D Item 2
comparisons, and Slide deck 79
contrast, organize ● Facilitator gives each participant a
information, identify copy of Worksheet 4D Item 2 and
patterns, promote a manila paper and pentel pen for
critical thinking, group output.
typically open-ended,
and go beyond a
simple recall
● Facilitator asks the participants to
complete Worksheet 4D Item 2
A relational (R) and lets the leader of the group Group’s output
response is one that consolidate their answers by
integrates all relevant writing on the manila paper. They
pieces of information have to accomplish the worksheet
or data from the 4D item 2 with a Multistructural
stimulus. These Question, Multistructural response
aspects in the and a rationalization for the
stimulus are now formulated questions. (10 mins)
linked to one another
resulting in an overall
coherence, a pattern, ● Facilitator lets each group’s
to the data presented representative present their
and any approach to output. (10 mins)
be undertaken.
There is no
inconsistency within ● Facilitator asks the following
the known system. A processing questions: (10 mins)
relational questions

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 4: HOTS in Practice (English) | Page 10
are type of Multistructural Questions:
questioning a. Looking at the group outputs do
technique that the questions require learners
encourages learners to that organizes ideas? In what
to explore the manner?
connections, and b. Does it require a close-ended
interaction between
answer or an open-ended
different elements or
answer? What did you do to
concepts. It requires
students to identify answer the question?
cause-and-effect c. Does it answer require a higher
relationships, and
order thinking or just a quick
dependence within a
given topic. response?
Relational questions
center around the Acceptable Multistructural
connections and Response:
interactions between
different elements or a. Describe the group's
concepts. Overall, multistructural response?
relational questions
b. Can you find the acceptable
aim to foster a
deeper answer to a multistructural
understanding of the question from the stem? What
topic by encouraging does it require you to do?
learners to explore
the underlying c. What indicates that a learner’s Slide decks 80
concepts level of thinking is
relationships and multistructural?
connections. They
help learners to see
the bigger picture Rationalization:
and develop a more a. What makes your question Worksheet 4D Item 3, manila
holistic and multistructural? paper and markers
interconnected view
of the subject matter.
They promote a
deeper Worksheet 4D
understanding of the ● Facilitator presents the slides with
topic by exploring the answers from the teacher’s

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 4: HOTS in Practice (English) | Page 11
complex web of resource after the processing of
relationships and the output.
dependencies that
exist within them
● Facilitator gives each participant a
copy of Worksheet 4D Item 3 and
a manila paper and pentel pen for
group output.

Group’s output
● Facilitator asks the participants to
complete Worksheet 4D Item 3
and let the leader consolidate their
answers by writing on the manila
paper. They have to accomplish
worksheet 4D Item 3 with a
Relational Question, Relational
response, and a rationalization for
the formulated questions. (10

● Facilitator lets each group’s

representative present their output.
(10 mins)

●Facilitator processes the outputs

by the following questions: (10

Relational Questions:
a. Looking at each group's outputs,
what does the relational question
is asking the learners to do?

b. Does it answer require a higher

order thinking or just a quick

Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers - Session 4: HOTS in Practice (English) | Page 12
c. Based on the questions
formulated, what skills are being
developed to the learners?

Acceptable Relational Response:

a. Describe the group relational
response? Slide deck 82

b. Does the answer require higher

order thinking?

c. Based on your responses, what

particular skills were

a. What makes your question

● Facilitator presents the slides with

answers from the teacher’s
resource after the processing of
the output. (5 mins)

Abstraction for To wrap up the The levels of SOLO ● Facilitator wraps up the session Intensified Slide decks 84 - 89
Session 4 session of the Model are by presenting the illustration of understanding of the
SOLO framework prestructural, the SOLO model. SOLO framework.
relational and
extended abstract.
Closure To give motivational ● Facilitator ends the session by Slide decks 90 -92
quotes for the giving any motivational quotes
participants that participants can reflect on.

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