Diss Final Exams

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Ana yells at her little sister when she is actually

angry with her mom. This defense mechanism is
1. A technique used in Psychotherapy that allows the called?
patient to have an inner a. Regression c. Displacement
dialogue with one’s self by saying freely the words b. Denial d. Repression
that he or she associates with
a thing, person or an event. 11. Ideas that are not in your awareness now, but you
a. Free association c. Analytic Psychology can recall them easily would be found in which
b. Freudian slip d. Humanistic Psychoanalysis level of consciousness?
a. Preconscious level c. Conscious level
2. He was an Austrian neurologist and is known as b. Unconscious level d. Nonconscious level
the Father of Psychoanalysis.
a. Carl Jung c. Sigmund Freud 12. Sucking and biting give the child sexual
b. Jacques Lacan d. Eric Fromm gratification as well as nourishment.
a. Anal stage c. Genital stage
3. A system of Psychological theory and therapy b. Oral stage d. Phallic stage
investigating the interaction of
conscious and unconscious elements in the mind. 13. The part of the subconscious which operates on
a. Defense mechanism c. Analytic theory the pleasure principle.
b. Rational choice theory d. Psychoanalysis a. Superego c. Ego
b. Self d. Id
4. Refers to the processes of self-deception that
protect people from anxious thoughts 14. He was a Swiss Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst who
or feelings. founded Analytical Psychology.
a. Defense mechanism c. Analytic theory a. Carl Jung c. Erich Fromm
b. Rational choice theory d. Psychoanalysis b. Jacques Lacan d. Sigmund Freud

5. This personality type tries to meet the desires of 15. Sally was thirsty. However, she knew that her
the id in a way that is socially server would be back soon to refill her water glass,
acceptable in the world. It deals with the reality. so she waited until then to get a drink, even
a. Superego c. Id though she really just wanted to drink from Mr.
b. Ego d. Conscious level Smith’s glass. What is this an example of?
a. Self- control c. Ego
6. After breaking up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, b. Id d. Superego
you still keep his/her belongings
because you are hoping that he/she will come II. True or False: Shade A if the statements is TRUE and
back is an example of which defense shade B if the statement is False
a. Displacement c. Denial 16. Microstructures are the social structures formed
b. Sublimation d. Regression among groups or institutions.
17. Social functions are the effects of social structures
7. During this stage, children may develop strong or their purpose.
sexual attachments to the parent of 18. Macrostructures are social structures that were
the other gender and begin to view the parent of established by the individual or within a group that
the same gender as a rival for the resulted in individual interactions.
other parent’s affections. 19. Structural functionalism is the essential
a. Oral stage c. Phallic stage sociological theory that revolves around the notion
b. Genital stage d. Anal stage that a society is composed of a system of inter
connected parts that have their own particular
8. Maria knew that she could steal the supplies from function.
work, and no one would know about it. However, 20. Manifest function is the predicted, intended, and
she knew that stealing was wrong, so she decided expected effect of a social structure.
not to take anything, even though she would 21. Structural functionalism is the same as the human
probably never get caught. What is this an body parts that have specific functions,
example of? functionalism implies that all structures in society
a. Dishonesty c. Ego have their own purpose and specific functions.
b. Id d. Superego 22. Addressing elders with respect, as an example of a
macrostructure, patterns and shapes the younger
9. The part of your subconscious that operates on generation to promote social values.
the morality principle is called
a. Superego b. Ego c. Self d. Id
23. When one of the parts of the society does not
perform properly, the entire society could not
function well. Political socialization is a means by
which proper civic conduct, duties and good
citizenship are promoted and societal values and
beliefs are passed on to the younger generation.
24. Political socialization is a means by which proper
civic conduct, duties and good citizenship are
promoted and societal values and beliefs are
passed on to the younger generation.
25. Recruitment is the way by which political systems
attract the interest of the public through
participation in debates and other engagements.
26. The unpredicted and unexpected disruptions of
social structures is called latent dysfunction.
27. Various parts of the society are interrelated.
28. Davis and Moore aimed to develop a theory, which
they called middle range theory that would be
more focused and manageable.
29. Theorists respond to the social phenomena that
pervade society.
30. Communication is the means by which society
learns about the issues and
affairs of the state.
31. Jean Monnet is the Father of “Institutionalism”
32. Feminism is an approach that aims to understand
and analyze how actions, thoughts, and meaning
that penetrate into the social consciousness
deeply enough to embed themselves into the
social psyche.
33. Habits are patterns, routines, norms and rules
that govern and direct social thought and action.
34. Informan instituttions are social practices that
have been commonly viewed as acceptable and
more persistent than codified laws.
35. Regulative functions operates through coercive
isomorphism, which places value on expediency as
an effect of compliance.
36. Formal Institutions are the codified rules, policies,
and norms that are considered official, originating
from state laws, government or organizations.
37. Jean Moonet was a French political economist and
diplomat and was viewed as one of the originators
of the European Union. He saw how the needs of
the state are to be achieved through the principle
of supranationality.These are the codified rules,
policies, and norms that are considered official,
originating from state laws,government or
38. Institutional actors are the people who make up
society, whose actions are controlled and
regulated by institutions.
39. Cognitive functions through mimetic isomorphism,
which places values on what is being complied
with by others.
40. David Mitrany was known as a Romanian-born
Bristish scholar, historian, and political theorist
and considered as the father of functionalism in
international relations, which is classified under
liberal institutionalism.

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