Top Test Reviewer
Top Test Reviewer
Top Test Reviewer
1. John Watson formed the movement called existentialism.
2. Freud is known as the founder of psychoanalysis.
3. Ethnicity and culture are considered widely variable in the study
of personality.
4. Reliability of assessment techniques is intended to measure a
certain test and its scores.
5. The MMPI is considered a projective measure of assessment.
6. The MMPI is not appropriate for people with limited reading
7. A test-taker tends to make himself appear unacceptable on a
self-report inventory.
8. Self-report inventories remain the most objective approach to
personality assessment.
9. Online testing is less expensive and less time-consuming than
conventional classroom tests.
10. There is a significant difference in scores between online tests
and paper-and-pencil tests.
11. Projective tests are totally accurate and objective in their
ability to describe personality.
12. Projective tests have low reliability and low validity, but are
widely used anyway.
13. The Rorschach Inkblot tests can be widely used for ethnic
minorities rather than the MMPI.
14. Clinical interviews and behavioral assessments are routinely
done for assessment of personality.
15. Men are more often diagnosed with depression than are
1. Watson argued that psychology must be studied by our senses,
while Freud believed we should study the unconscious
mind. Give two real-life examples of the importance of how we
study with our senses as in Watson’s viewpoint, and
two examples in real-life of why we need to focus on the
2. The Internet, Facebook, and other media has increased our
social networking. Give your opinions on how social
networking can (A) increase and (B) decrease the accuracy of
how we can perceive others? Give at least two different
responses for A and B.
3. Until recently, culture and ethnicity were not studied in the
assessment of personality. However, traditional research
studies have been done extensively on family background,
gender differences and life span development. (A) Share at
least three reasons why culture and ethnicity are important
concepts to add to present day research. (B) Now relate
culture and ethnicity to such problems as gangs and turmoil in
public schools.
4. (A) List at least three differences between paper-and pencil
tests and online tests. (B) Provide an example of what kind
or type of personality test would be best-suited for a paper-and
pencil type test and for an online test.
5. The case study or case history is the primary method for
studying a patient’s emotional problems.
(A) What are at least three benefits from studying case studies
and/or case histories?
(B) What are three deficits in studying only case studies?
6. What is the relationship between theory and each of the
following terms:
(a) philosophy, (b) speculation, (c) hypothesis, and (d)
7. What is the relationship between theory and observation?
8. List and briefly discuss six criteria for a useful theory.