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published: 13 October 2021

doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.693386

AGIG Chemo-Immunotherapy in
Patients With Advanced Pancreatic
Cancer: A Single-Arm, Single-Center,
Phase 2 Study
Wangshu Dai 1,2†, Xin Qiu 3†, Changchang Lu 3†, Zhengyun Zou 1, Huizi Sha 1,
Weiwei Kong 1, Baorui Liu 1* and Juan Du 1,3*
Edited by:
1The Comprehensive Cancer Center of Drum Tower Hospital, Medical School of Nanjing University & Clinical Cancer Institute
Kuirong Jiang,
Nanjing Medical University, China of Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, 2 The Cadre Health Care Ward, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, The Affiliated Hospital of
Nanjing University Medical School, Nanjing, China, 3 The Comprehensive Cancer Center of Drum Tower Hospital, Clinical
Reviewed by:
College of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, China
Xi Yang,
Fudan University, China
Pierpaolo Correale, Background: To date, chemotherapy remains the only effective treatment of
Azienda ospedaliera ‘Bianchi-
Melacrino-Morelli’, Italy
unresectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma. In the past few years, the interest in
immunological anticancer therapy rises sharply. AGIG is a novel chemo-
Juan Du immunotherapy regimen that combines nab-paclitaxel + gemcitabine chemotherapy
[email protected]
with sequential recombinant interleukin-2 (IL-2) and granulocyte-macrophage colony
Baorui Liu
[email protected] stimulating factor (GM-CSF) therapy. We conducted a single-arm prospective phase II

These authors have contributed study to determine the efficacy and safety of the first-line treatment of advanced
equally to this work pancreatic cancer with AGIG regimen.

Specialty section:
Methods: Nab-paclitaxel (125 mg/m2) and gemcitabine (1000 mg/m2) were administered
This article was submitted to intravenously to all patients on days 1 and 8 triweekly, interleukin-2 (1000000U) and GM-
Gastrointestinal Cancers,
CSF (100 µg) were administered subcutaneously on days 3-5 after chemotherapy. The
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Oncology primary end point was ORR by the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors, version
Received: 10 April 2021 1.1. Secondary end points included safety profile, progression-free survival (PFS), overall
Accepted: 23 September 2021 survival (OS). Patients’ conditions along with the efficacy and safety were assessed every
Published: 13 October 2021
two cycles.
Dai W, Qiu X, Lu C, Zou Z, Sha H, Results: Between 11/2018 and 01/2020, sixty-four patients were enrolled. In the sixty-
Kong W, Liu B and Du J (2021)
four evaluable patients, the disease control rate (DCR) and overall response rate (ORR)
AGIG Chemo-Immunotherapy
in Patients With Advanced were 76.6% and 43.75%, respectively. The median follow-up time was 12.1 (range 7.1–
Pancreatic Cancer: A Single-Arm, 22.4) months. The median PFS was 5.7 (range 1.63–15.8) months. The median OS was
Single-Center, Phase 2 Study.
Front. Oncol. 11:693386.
14.2 (range 2.9–22.0) months. The most common adverse event was fever (75%). The
doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.693386 incidence of III/IV grade neutropenia was 4.69%. In subgroup analyses, we found that

Frontiers in Oncology | 1 October 2021 | Volume 11 | Article 693386

Dai et al. Chemo-Immunotherapy In Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

eosinophil count in the blood elevated three times higher than baseline level predicted a
longer survival.
Conclusions: The AGIG chemo-immunotherapy regimen has presented favorable ORR,
OS, and manageable toxicities as first-line therapeutic strategy of advanced pancreatic
cancer treatment. This regimen may be a novel reliable therapeutic option for patients with
preserved performance status. The improvement of treatment efficiency may be related to
the activation of non-specific immune response.
Clinical Trial Registration: identifier NCT03768687.
Keywords: objective response rate, overall survival, advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma, chemo-
immunotherapy, nab-paclitaxel, gemcitabine

INTRODUCTION Immune-based regimens are showing promise where other

approaches have failed when treating pancreatic cancer (13, 14).
Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest solid malignancies in the Immune checkpoint inhibitors along with therapeutic vaccines
world. Despite decades of efforts, it remains the fourth leading and combination immunotherapies are commonly used as
cause of cancer-related death worldwide, with a five-year survival immunotherapeutic strategies. Even though the antitumor effect
rate of less than 5% (1). Without treatment, the median survival and mechanism of the above-mentioned immunotherapeutic
time is consistently shorter than six months (2). Since 1997, strategies remain unclear, these researches produced abundant
gemcitabine had been the standard treatment for unresectable data concerning the mechanisms of the efficient tumor-specific
pancreatic adenocarcinoma (3). After decades of exploration, adaptive immune response triggered by immune-modulating
both FOLFIRINOX (fluorouracil, irinotecan, and oxaliplatin) agents (15).
and nab-paclitaxel with gemcitabine (AG) prolong overall It was reported that chemo-immunotherapy might represent
survival (OS) compared with gemcitabine alone (4, 5). Till as an innovative reliable therapy option for first-line treatment of
now, chemotherapy remains the only effective treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer sufferers (16, 17). Interleukin-2 (IL-2)
unresectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma (6). was used to promote the proliferation of cross-primed cytotoxic T
As mentioned above, FOLFIRINOX is one of the standard lymphocyte clones, while granulocyte-macrophage colony
treatment strategies for patients with advanced pancreatic cancer stimulating factor (GM-CSF) was required to activate the
and has demonstrated good effectiveness in Europe and North antigen-presenting ability of the dendritic cells expressed in
America (7, 8). However, grade III/IV adverse events were human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. GM-CSF is
commonly observed in the FOLFIRINOX treatment courses. To essential for the differentiation of dendritic cells, which are
our knowledge, cancer drug tolerability is different between Asian responsible for processing and presenting tumor antigens for
and white populations. These differences may be related to genetic the priming of antitumor cytotoxic T lymphocytes (18, 19). Some
or environmental factor. Increased chemotherapy-induced myelo- GM-CSF-based cancer immunotherapy strategies have been
suppression was one of the most commonly observed adverse events developed for in clinical practice (20). It was reported that IL-2
in Asian patients (9, 10). Chinese patients were unendurable to and GM-CSF were demonstrated as innovative and reliable
FOLFIRINOX chemotherapy sometimes. The combination of nab- adjuvants of chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer
paclitaxel and gemcitabine is recommended as the first-line (21, 22). These results offered the rationale to design a novel
treatment regimen for patients with advanced pancreatic cancer treatment chemo-immunotherapy regimen that combines
by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) traditional chemotherapy with IL-2 and GM-CSF.
guidelines. A phase I/II study evaluated the AG chemotherapy AGIG is a novel chemo-immunotherapy regimen that
regimen in Chinese patients with advanced pancreatic cancer (11). combines AG chemotherapy with sequential recombinant IL-2
The study was carried out at a dose and schedule different from the and GM-CSF therapy (nab-paclitaxel, gemcitabine, IL-2 and
classic MPACT study. The recommended administration schedule GM-CSF). In this study, we implemented a single-arm, single-
was described as follows, nab-paclitaxel (125 mg/m2) along with center prospective phase II study to determine the efficacy and
gemcitabine (1000 mg/m2) was administered on the first day and safety of the AGIG regimen as the first-line treatment of
the eighth day, the treatment was repeated every three weeks (12). advanced pancreatic cancer in China.
Although the trail did not meet its primary endpoint of identifying
the maximum tolerated dose in Chinese pancreatic cancer sufferers,
the study showed a manageable safety profile with a favorable MATERIALS AND METHOD
antitumor effect in pancreatic cancer sufferers.
With the clinical development and application of PD-1/PD-L1 Patients
immune-checkpoint blockade, the interest in the exploration of This was a prospective study involving pancreatic sufferers
immunological anticancer strategies rises sharply in these years. receiving AGIG Chemo-immunotherapy regimen from

Frontiers in Oncology | 2 October 2021 | Volume 11 | Article 693386

Dai et al. Chemo-Immunotherapy In Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

November 2018 to January 2020 at the Comprehensive Cancer RESULTS

Centre of Drum Tower Hospital, Clinical Cancer Institute of
Nanjing University. In all cases, a multidisciplinary team Patient Characteristics
participated in the diagnosis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma Between 11/2018 and 01/2020, a total of sixty-four patients were
followed by the NCCN guidelines. Patients with Eastern enrolled and evaluated in our trial. Figure 2 showed the study
Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance score flowchart of this trial. Patient characteristic files at baseline are
higher than 1, inadequate bone marrow, abnormal liver or summarized in Table 1. There were thirty-six (56.25%) males and
renal functions, additional other malignancies, and patients twenty-eight (43.75%) females. The median age was 62 (range 33 -
older than eighty-five years were excluded. Patients enrolled in 81) years. All subjects were ECOG PS 0–1. Fifty-nine PC sufferers
the trial were prescribed AGIG regimen. (92.19%) had elevated baseline CA199, with a median value of
1033 (range 27 - 30491) u/mL. In total, 51.56% (n = 33) of the
Procedures tumors were located in the head and neck of the pancreas. 40.63%
Patients enrolled in the trial received AGIG chemo- (n = 26) of the tumors were located in the body or tail of the
immunotherapy. Nab-paclitaxel (125 mg/m2) and gemcitabine pancreas. 49 patients were histologically diagnosed as
(1000 mg/m2) were administered intravenously to all patients on adenocarcinoma including one case of cystadenocarcinoma and
the first day and the eighth day of the treatment cycle. IL-2 one case of mucinous adenocarcinoma. 4 patients were
(10000000 U) and GM-CSF (100 µg) were administered histologically diagnosed as adeno-squamous carcinoma, and none
subcutaneously on three to five days after chemotherapy. The of the patients developed undifferentiated or undifferentiated
treatment is repeated every three weeks. Figure 1 showed the neuroendocrine carcinoma. In addition, 11 patients’ pathological
drug administration protocol of the AGIG regimen. We evaluate types are still unknown due to the limited pathologic sampling
clinical and laboratory results at baseline and repeated every time ability of endoscopic ultrasonography. Nearly half of enrolled
before chemotherapy. Radiographic response evaluation was patients (n = 31, 48.44%) had metastases at the initial diagnosis.
performed every six weeks. Subjects continued their treatment The majority of the cases had liver (n = 23, 74.19%) or peritoneal
until disease progression, clinical judgment, occurrence of (n = 10, 32.26%) metastasis. Seven patients had undergone a
unacceptable toxicity, or withdrawal of consent. Supportive prior resection.
care was permitted during the treatment course. Second line
therapy after disease progression was left to the discretion of the Treatment Completion Rates
treating oncologist. Seventy-four subjects were assessed for eligibility initially. Six
patients were excluded because they did not meet inclusion
Assessment criteria. Four patients had abnormal baseline laboratory results
All patients were evaluated every two cycles of AGIG chemo- and two patients had immeasurable disease. Sixty-eight patients
immunotherapy using multislice computed tomography scans were allocated to intervention. Four patients did not receive
with contrast medium. Physical examination and laboratory allocated intervention, two for patient preference and two for
tests including blood routine test, biochemical index and unknown reason. A total of sixty-four patients proceeded to
serum CA199 assays were performed every time before AGIG and were analyzed for toxic effects and efficacy. Forty-eight
chemotherapy. We categorize tumor response into complete patients were observed disease progression throughout the follow
response (CR), partial response (PR), stable disease (SD), and up. Seven patients received surgical resection. Seven patients had
progressive disease (PD) according to the Response Evaluation been receiving maintenance therapy till the last follow-up date
Criteria in Solid Tumors (version 1.1). With respect to the (August 1st, 2020). Two patients drop out the trial, 1 with
safety observation of the treatment, we graded adverse events obstructive jaundice and 1 with femoral head necrosis.
according to the National Cancer Institute Common
Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (version 4.0). Radiographic Response Evaluation
Overall survival (OS) was defined as the duration from the Radiographic response was measured with RECIST 1.1 every two
beginning of chemotherapy to the date of death of any cause. cycles of AGIG chemo-immunotherapy. With sixty-four patients
Progression free survival (PFS) was defined as the duration evaluated, two patients discontinued chemotherapy early
from the beginning of chemotherapy to the date of disease because of obstructive jaundice and femoral head necrosis.
progression or death. Subjects without event were censored at Twenty-eight patients (43.75%) had PR, twenty-one patients
the last follow-up date (August 1st, 2020). Characteristic files (32.81%) had SD, and fifteen patients (23.43%) had PD.
were collected at the moment of admission. Table 2 summarized the detail information of best response.
For all patients (n = 64), the overall response rate (ORR) and
Statistical Analysis disease control rate (DCR) was 43.75% and 76.6% respectively.
All data were analyzed using Graphpad Prism 6 and SPSS No significant difference in treatment response rate was observed
software (version 21.0). Survival analyses were performed using between the two primary tumor sites.
the Kaplane-Meier method, Log-rank (Mantel-Cox) tests and
Gehan-Breslow-Wilcoxon tests. Data were presented as median Survival Analysis and Subgroup Analysis
and range. A P value less than 0.05 was considered At the last follow-up (1st August 2020), thirty-two patients
statistical significance. (50%) had died. All sixty-four patients were included for

Frontiers in Oncology | 3 October 2021 | Volume 11 | Article 693386

Dai et al. Chemo-Immunotherapy In Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

TABLE 1 | Baseline characteristics. (intention-to-treat population).

Characteristic AGIG (N = 64) No. (%)

Male 36 56.25%
Female 28 43.75%
Age, median (range),y 62 (33-81)
0 19 29.70%
1 45 70.30%
CA 19-9 level at baseline
median (range), u/ml 1033 (27-30491)
<37 × ULN Normal 28 43.75%
≥37 × ULN Normal 31 48.43%
Unknown 5 7.80%
Tumor site
Head and neck 33 51.56%
Body and tail 26 40.63%
Unknown 5 7.81%
Adenocarcinoma 49 76.56%
Adeno-squamous carcinoma 4 6.25%
Unclear 11 17.19%
Resection 7 10.94%
locally advanced 26 40.63%
Metastatic 31 48.44%
Site of metastatic disease N = 31 No.(%)
Liver 23 74.19%
Lung 4 12.90%
Peritoneum 10 32.26%
Bone 2 6.45%
No. of metastatic sites
1 1 3.23%
2 5 16.13%
3 1 3.23%
>3 24 77.25%

survival analysis. The median follow-up time was 12.1 (range (3.2%) were treated with thrombopoietin. No patients suffered
7.1–22.4) months. For all patients, the median PFS was 5.7 adverse event leading to death.
(range 1.63–15.8) months (Figure 3A), the median OS was
14.2 (range 2.9–22.0) months (Figure 3B), and the one-year
survival rate was 65%. We performed subgroup survival
analyses in CA199 level (Figure 4A), eosinophil count
variation (Figure 4B), NK cell count variation (Figure 4C) Generally, advanced pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is
and CD3+CD4/CD3+CD8+ proportion (Figure 4D). We considered an incurable presentation of PC. This trial was
found that eosinophil count in the blood elevated three carried out to investigate the efficacy and safety of the AGIG
times higher than baseline level predicted a longer survival regimen in Chinese patients with advanced PC. In the present
(P = 0.016) (Figure 4B). study, the ORR was 43.75%, with a significantly higher ORR
compared with MPACT study (22.96%, n=431) (p =0.0007) (12)
Adverse Events and a slightly higher ORR compared with LAPACT study
The therapy-related toxicities are summarized in Table 3. (33.64%, n=107) (23) and HALO 202 study (32.60% n=92) (3).
Generally, the incidence of adverse events was 79.69% (n=51), Other efficacy endpoints (PFS, 5.7 months; OS, 14.2 months) were
and fever was the most common side effect, with an incidence of not inferior to the findings of the MPACT study (PFS, 5.5 months;
75%. For severe adverse events, thirty-eight patients (59.38%) OS, 8.5 months) (12) and the study of Karasic et al. (PFS,
were observed with grade III/IV toxicities, among which 84.21% 6.4 months; OS, 12.1 months) (24). The PFS was a little shorter
(n = 32) was alopecia, 26.32% (n = 10) was peripheral sensory in this study than that in the study of Karasic et al. (5.7 months
neuropathy, 7.89% (n = 3) was neutropenia, 13.16% (n = 5) was vs 5.5 months). We hypothesize that these discrepancies
thrombocytopenia, 10.53% (n = 4) was anemia. Totally, three are attributed to differences in the radiographic response
patients (4.69%) received granulocyte-colony stimulating factor measuring frequency, with biweekly measurement in this study
treatment before or after chemotherapy. In addition, five patients versus triweekly measurement in the study of Karasic et al. (24).

Frontiers in Oncology | 4 October 2021 | Volume 11 | Article 693386

Dai et al. Chemo-Immunotherapy In Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

FIGURE 1 | Protocol of drug administration. Nab-paclitaxel (125 mg/m2) and gemcitabine (1000 mg/m2) were administered intravenously to all patients on days 1
and 8 triweekly. Interleukin-2 (10000000 U) and GM-CSF (100 µg) were administered subcutaneously on days 3-5 after chemotherapy.

FIGURE 2 | Study flowchart.

Frontiers in Oncology | 5 October 2021 | Volume 11 | Article 693386

Dai et al. Chemo-Immunotherapy In Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

TABLE 2 | Response rate by treatment group.

Best Response Patients No. (%) Overall (n = 64) Patients No. (%)

Head and neck Body and tail NA

Partial response 28 (43.75) 15 (45.45) 10 (38.46) 3 (6)

Stable disease 21 (32.81) 10 (30.30) 10 (38.46) 1 (20)
Progressive disease 15 (23.43) 8 (24.24) 6 (23.08) 1 (20)
Disease control rate 49 (76.56) 25 (75.76) 20 (76.92) 4 (80)


FIGURE 3 | Survival analysis. (A) Overall survival, (B) Progression-free survival.

TABLE 3 | Summary of adverse events.

Adverse event Any grade (n = 64) Grade 3-4 (n = 64)

White blood cell decreased 25 (39.06%) 3 (4.69%)

Anemia 33 (51.56%) 4 (6.25%)
Platelet count decreased 20 (31.25%) 5 (7.81%)
Neutrophil count decreased 32 (50%) 3 (4.69%)
Diarrhea 2 (3.13%) 0 (0%)
Rash maculopapular 22 (34.38%) 5 (7.81%)
Alopecia 52 (81.25%) 32 (50%)
Fatigue 28 (43.75%) 9 (14.06%)
Fever 48 (75%) 6 (9.38%)
Nausea 42 (65.63%) 12 (18.75%)
Vomiting 23 (35.94%) 15 (23.44%)
Dysgeusia 20 (31.25%) 0 (0%)
Anorexia 32 (50%) 8 (12.5%)
Peripheral sensory neuropathy 26 (40.6%) 10 (15.6%)
Adverse event leading to death 0 (0%)

The effectiveness of the AGIG regimen was also favorable compared patients (12.5%) received granulocyte-colony stimulating factor
to other first-line treatment options presented by previous studies (3/8) or thrombopoietin (5/8) treatment before or after
in patients with advanced PC (25–27). Accordingly, we consider chemotherapy. We attribute the results to the application of
the AGIG regimen to be not inferior to the traditional therapy GM-CSF. GM-CSF is an important hematopoietic growth
regimen in Chinese patients with advanced PC. factor and immune modulator. It stimulates the proliferation of
The toxic effects of AGIG were modest. Two patients macrophage, granulocyte, erythroid, eosinophil, megakaryocyte
discontinued chemotherapy early because of obstructive and multipotent progenitors cells depending on its concentration
jaundice and femoral head necrosis and none of the patients (28). It also controls eosinophil function in some cases (29, 30).
required discontinuation of AGIG because of toxicity. Fever was the most common adverse effect in sequential
Exhilaratingly, we observed an obviously decrease in incidences administration period of interleukin-2 and GM-CSF. Rash
of neutropenia and thrombocytopenia. Totally, only eight maculopapular, alopecia, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, peripheral

Frontiers in Oncology | 6 October 2021 | Volume 11 | Article 693386

Dai et al. Chemo-Immunotherapy In Advanced Pancreatic Cancer



FIGURE 4 | Subgroup analysis in CA199 level (A), Eosinophil count variation (B), NK cell count variation (C) and CD3+CD4/CD3+CD8+ proportion (D). *P < 0.05.

neuropathy, and neuropsychiatric symptoms were seen with This study has some limitations. Lack of randomization in a
AGIG regimen. However, these effects did not lead to decreased single-arm trial restricts our ability to assess the specific role of
chemotherapy intensity or treatment discontinuation. These AGIG. Insufficient sample size limits the accuracy and authenticity
findings suggest that lower incidence of myelosuppression in of the results. The improvement of the benefit must be considered
AGIG regimen ensured full dose of drug administration and hypothesis generating. Given the favorable safety profile and the
sufficient course of treatment, which may account for a survival encouraging antitumor activity of the AGIG regimen, validation by
benefit in the trial. a larger randomized trial is necessary.
In previous researches, it was explained that the activity of In conclusion, the AGIG regimen appears more active and
chemo-immunotherapy is mainly depends on the presence of an safe than the standard AG chemotherapy. To our knowledge, the
efficient host’s immune response. Cytotoxic drugs were able to study demonstrates the antitumor efficacy of a chemo-
induce immunogenic cell death, autophagy and antigen immunomodulatory strategy in treating advanced PC sufferers
remodeling. In turn, immunological danger signals may empower for the first time. These results open a new research area for the
an efficient tumor-specific immune response (31, 32). In subgroup treatment of pancreatic cancer by combinatory approaches of
analysis, we found that eosinophil count in the blood elevated three cytotoxic chemotherapy and immune modulators. Further
times higher than baseline level predicted a longer survival. But it is a investigation is warranted.
pity that we did not investigate the underlying mechanisms due to
the insufficient study design. The increase of eosinophils in cancer
patients has been known for over decades (33). To our knowledge, CONCLUSION
tumor-infiltrating eosinophils was firstly described in human
gastric cancers in the 1980s. The infiltrating of eosinophils The AGIG Chemo-immunotherapy has presented encouraging
suggests a good prognostic value for prolonged survival (30). ORR, DCR, OS, and manageable toxicities as first-line treatment
Eosinophils exert anti-tumor effects via direct and indirect option for advanced PC sufferers. This regimen may be a reliable
mechanisms (34). Eosinophils have been reported to infiltrate option for patients with preserved performance status. The
multiple tumors, either as an integral part of the tumor improvement of treatment efficiency may result from the
microenvironment or in response to various therapeutic activation of non-specific immune response.
strategies. An antitumor role for eosinophils has been
demonstrated in various in vitro studies. Eosinophil recruitment,
prolonged survival and degranulation have been demonstrated in DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
both human and mouse models (35). The above literatures confirm
the phenomenon we observed in this study. Lack of randomization The original contributions presented in the study are included in
restricts our ability to explore the implicated mechanisms, and the article/supplementary material. Further inquiries can be
further studies are needed. directed to the corresponding authors.

Frontiers in Oncology | 7 October 2021 | Volume 11 | Article 693386

Dai et al. Chemo-Immunotherapy In Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

ETHICS STATEMENT responsible for archiving the study files. XQ and CL helped
analyzed the data. ZZ, HS, and WK reviewed the analysis of the
The studies involving human participants were reviewed and data and approved the final manuscript. JD and BL helped design
approved by the Ethics Committee of Drum Tower Hospital. The the study, analyze the data, and write the manuscript. All authors
patients/participants provided their written informed consent to contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.
participate in this study. Written informed consent was obtained
from the individual(s) for the publication of any potentially
identifiable images or data included in this article.
The study was supported by Chen Xiao-Ping Foundation for the
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Development of Science an Technology of Hubei Province (No.
CXPJJH11900001-2019101). The Affiliated Nanjing Drum
WD has seen the original study data, reviewed the analysis of the Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School
data, approved the final manuscript, and is the author sponsored this study.

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