Linux Desktop

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Linux Desktop

About the document
1.1 Copyright
This document is copyrighted (c) 2003 ArtiVisi Intermedia.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation
License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the
Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with
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1.2 Disclaimer
No liability for the contents of this documents can be
accepted. Use the concepts, examples and other content at
your own risk. As this is a new edition of this document,
there may be errors and inaccuracies, that may of course be
damaging to your system. Proceed with caution, and
although this is highly unlikely, the author(s) do not take
any responsibility for that.

You are strongly recommended to take a backup of your

system before major installation and backups at regular

1.3 Version
Revision : 1.0.1

Date : April 2002

The latest version of this document is available on

1.4 Knowledge Required

No prior knowledge required
1.5 Feedback and corrections
If you have questions or comments about this document,
please feel free to mail us at [email protected]. We
welcome any suggestions or criticisms. Thanks.
2 About the authors

Endy Muhardin
Lahir di Jakarta, 8 Juni 1979. Lulus dari SMUN 81 Jakarta
Timur pada tahun 1997 dan melanjutkan ke Teknik Industri
STT Telkom. Di masa kuliah salah pergaulan sehingga
terkena wabah Linux-PHP-MySQL. Selain itu, aktif dalam
berbagai organisasi mahasiswa seperti Himpunan Mahasiswa
Teknik Industri STT Telkom dan Senat Mahasiswa STT Telkom.
Pada tahun 1999 ikut terlibat mendirikan start-up company
Telematics Indonesia <>.
Menyelesaikan kuliah pada tahun 2001, meninggalkan
Telematics Indonesia yang sedang direstrukturisasi, dan hijrah
ke Surabaya.

Saat ini bekerja sebagai trainer di Aptech Computer Education

dengan spesialisasi Java, Linux, dan PHP. Selain itu juga aktif
sebagai dosen luar di STIKOM Surabaya untuk matakuliah
Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek dengan Java dan Aplikasi
Internet II.

Tulisan yang dihasilkan antara lain, Modul Pelatihan PHP

Programming, Modul Praktikum Java Fundamental, Modul
Praktikum Java Distributed, dan berbagai materi lain yang
dapat didownload di

Aktivitas utama saat ini adalah menginkubasi perusahaan

start-up ArtiVisi Intermedia <>.

Penulis dapat dihubungi melalui email [email protected]

Chapter 1
3 Linux Graphical User Interface
Session Objectives :
At the end of the session, the student will be able to :
¾ Manage desktop
¾ Arrange Icons
¾ Work with Control Center
¾ Set wallpaper and Screen Savers
¾ Set Time
¾ Invoke Programs and Applications
¾ Running Frequently-used Applications under Linux
¾ Create Shortcuts
¾ Work with Konqueror
¾ Create File and Folder
¾ Cut, Copy, and Paste

3.1 Working with KDE Desktop

After logging on to KDE Desktop, the first screen that will
appear is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1

The icon is arranged within the desktop. Some of them is also

found in Windows desktop, e.g : Trash, Internet, and Home.
Trash icon has the same function as Windows’ Recycle Bin.
Home icon refers to user’s personal directory within the
computer. While internet icon refers to web browser.

The position of the icons can be arranged easily by performing

click and drag operation. Please note that icon and shortcut is
activated with single click.
1. Click and Hold “Internet” icon.

2. Move the icon to the center of the desktop.

3. Release the mouse button.

4. Rearrange the position of the icons as shown in

Figure 1.

3.2 Look N Feel

You can customize the behavior of the window manager by
using “Control Center”.

1. Click the control center icon as shown in figure 2.

Figure 2

After clicking the icon, the following window will appear

Figure 3

This is the control center of KDE. You can manage the whole
desktop and window manager using this tool. We will do some
customization using Control Center.

2. Click Look and Feel in the left pane to expand the

menu available.

3. Click Background.
The right pane of the Control Center will display
Background configuration.
Figure 4

KDE has multiple desktops, the default number of desktop is 4.

You can add more desktop in the desktop section of Look and

In the Background section, you can specify the wallpaper for

each of the desktops. Or you can also choose Common
Background to set same wallpaper for all desktops.

4. Set different wallpaper for each desktop.

5. Click Apply button to reflect changes.

Set screensaver

6. Click on the Screensaver menu to display Screen

Saver Configuration

The following screen will appear.

Figure 5

7. Choose Science.

8. Click Apply to reflect changes

Change System Date and Time

Change on system’s date and time is reflected to the BIOS
9. Click on System Menu

10. Go to date & Time Configuration Window, as

shown in figure 6.

11. Click Modify to perform changes.

Figure 6

New dialog box will appear, as shown in figure 7. You will be

prompted for root password.

Root is the super user account. It has permission to run all

kind of operation within the machine. You should avoid logging
on as root as much as possible.

12. Enter root password and proceed

Figure 7

Now the configuration window is shown in read-write mode. You

can apply changes to system date and time.

13. Click apply to reflect changes.

Altering mouse setting

14. Open Peripheral section, choose Mouse.

15. Go to Advanced tab, and change Pointer

Acceleration value to 4x, as shown in figure 8.

Figure 8

16. Click apply

Your mouse should move a little bit faster by now.

3.3 Shortcut Creating

Now we will create shortcut in the desktop. Shortcut is very
useful to access frequently used applications and open
frequently accessed files or folders.
1. Right click anywhere on the desktop,

You will see a context menu displayed as shown in figure 11. In

this context menu, you can also create new text file, HTML file,

Figure 9

2. Select Link to Application

Another dialog box will appear, as shown in figure 10. In this

dialog box, you must specify name for your shortcut. You also
can change the icon by clicking it and find a suitable one.
Figure 10

3. Click Execute tab, the following window will appear.

This dialog box asks you the path to your application. You can
select one by using the navigator. Or, you can type the
command line statement to invoke the application directly in
the command box.
Figure 11

Click OK when you have finished.

Creating Link to File and Folder.

4. Again, right click anywhere on the desktop to pop
up the context menu. Refer to figure 12.

Figure 12

5. Now select Link to Location (URL), the following

screen will appear.

Figure 13

You can specify link to your favorite folder within the computer
or your documents in your home directory. You can even
specify link to a website in the Net.
6. For our case, type in /mnt/windows in the dialog

This link will point to windows partition in our computer, as we

will frequently access it to get our documents.

7. Click OK.

Our new shortcut will appear on the desktop, as shown in

figure 14.

Figure 14

3.4 Using Konqueror

Konqueror actually is a web browser. It means that Konqueror
can be used for traversing the Internet, opening websites.
Within KDE, Konqueror is also used to browse the local hard
disk as its default file manager.
You can use other file manager as well, for example: File
Manager and Nautilus.

For our example, we will be using Konqueror.

1. Invoke Konqueror by clicking the Home icon in the

taskbar. Refer to figure 15.

Figure 15

You will see a window appear as shown in figure 16. Konqueror

is opening your private directory, which is /home/user. User is
replaced with your login name.
Figure 16

The default setting for Konqueror is Icon View. In this mode, you can only see the file
name and the icon representing its type of file.
Sometimes, we want to get more detailed information, such as file size, last time
modified, etc. in that case, we will have to configure Konqueror.

2. Click Detail View icon, as shown in Figure 17.

Figure 17

Now, you will see a more detail information, as shown in figure


Create New Folder

We can perform file and folder operation within the Konqueror.
First we will create a new folder.

3. Right click on the blank space in the right pane, as

shown in figure 18.

A context menu will appear.

4. Choose Create New > Directory.

Figure 18

You will get another dialog box, prompting you for the name of
the new directory. Refer to figure 19

5. Fill in the box with “Temp” for temporary folder.

6. Click OK.

You will get your new folder.

Figure 19
7. Perform the same step and create new text file
within the Temp folder.

8. Type your name for its file name.

Cutting File and Pasting.

Cut – paste is used if we want to move one or multiple file from
one folder to another.

9. Now, create new Directory within your Home


10. Browse the computer and locate your text file

which is created in the previous section.

You can use any other file as well, as long as you have the
appropriate permission to do cut – paste operation.
11. Right click on the file icon, as shown in figure 20

12. Select cut.

Figure 20

13. Move to another folder, and again, Right click.

14. Select paste. Refer to figure 21

Figure 21

You will find your file is being transferred to the folder.

15. Perform the same step from 10 to 14 to copy the
file, select copy instead of cut. Refer to figure 22.

16. Copy the file from the temp directory to your

home directory.

Figure 22

3.5 KMail / Netscape Messenger

K mail is an email client application, identical to Microsoft
Outlook Express. In order to use Kmail to retrieve your email,
you have to own an email account with pop3 feature enabled.

Kmail has several useful features, e.g: Address Book, Message

Filtering, etc.
In this section we will use Kmail and perform some
configuration on email account and Address Book.

1. Click on the Kmail icon to activate Kmail, as shown

in figure 23

Figure 23

You will meet the initial screen of Kmail as shown in figure 24.
Figure 24

Now we will install one mail address in Kmail.

2. Click on Setting as shown in figure 25.

Figure 25

3. Go to Configure Kmail. Refer to figure 26.

Figure 26

4. Fill in your personal information in the Identity

menu, as shown in Figure 27.

You can specify your own Signature. Signature will by default

be attached to all your outgoing mails.
Figure 27

5. Go to Network Menu, you will see the screen as

shown in figure 28.

6. Specify your email address and its SMTP Server.

Please remember that not all email account has POP3 feature.
Consult your email account documentation for further details.
You can use Telkom Mail or SoftHome mail to get POP3 access.
Figure 28
7. Click add to add new mail account.

8. Select POP3. Refer to Figure 29.

Figure 29

The next screen will appear. You are requested to enter your
login name, password, and the name of your mailserver.

You can “Enable interval mail checking” to have Kmail checks

your mail automatically for the time interval given.
Figure 30

Checking mails
You can also retrieve your mails manually by clicking the Check
Mail button, as shown in figure 31.
Figure 31

Reading mail
You can read mail by selecting the mail from the right pane and
see the content in the lower right pane, as shown in figure 31.

Or you can doubleclick the email and display a more complete


You can see the complete view in figure 32.

Figure 32

Replying Email
9. Right click on the email you want to reply. You will
get a context menu as shown in figure 33.

10. Select reply or hit R button.

Figure 33

Note : the reply all button is used if your incoming mail has
multiple destination address. The sender sent the mail to
several people including you. If you select reply all button, your
reply message will go to every email address found in the
original mail.

Forward option is used to resend the original mail to another


After clicking the reply button, you will get a new window as
shown in figure 34.
Figure 34

Type in your message and click send.

Create new mail

In most of the time, we want to create a blank email, not a reply
to an existing mail. In that case, follow these steps
11. Click on the New Mail Button

Figure 35

A new window will appear.

12. Click on the … button, refer to figure 36, the
address book will pop up.

Figure 36

13. Select one of the address listed, or

14. Type in an email address in the destination field.

15. Type in your message.

16. Click send to put the email in outgoing queue.

3.6 Mozilla/Netscape 6.2

Mozilla is a web browser. It is developed from Netscape
Navigator. Starting from version 6.0, Netscape decides to
publish Navigator’s source code to public, making Netscape 6.0
an Open Source Software. It is then called Mozilla.

1. Click start menu, go to Networking, choose www,

and click Mozilla. Refer to figure 37.

Figure 37

You can use another web browser, e.g: Links (konsole based
browser), Konqueror, or Lynx.

You will see a screen as shown in figure 38.

Figure 38
2. Click on the address bar, and fill in the website’s

Figure 39

3. Type in to open

Aptech Worldwide website.

You will see that like its competitor Microsoft Internet Explorer,
Mozilla also support Flash enabled website.
4. Click Edit > Preference to access Mozilla’s
configuration window. Refer to figure 40.

Figure 40

In this menu, you can customize the behavior of the browser.

Cookies expire period, security setting, etc. At most of the time,
you will not need any of this, as Mozilla’s default setting has
been properly configured for normal use.
Figure 41

5. Click OK to close the configuration window.

3.7 Xchat
Xchat is an application similar to mIRC. It is used to access
Internet Relay Chat, a communication protocol which is popular
among Netters.

1. Click Start > Networking > IRC > Xchat to invoke

Figure 42

You will see the following screen appears. Xchat is connecting

to DALNet server.
Figure 43

There are many chatroom in the internet. IRC users have their
own term for chatroom, namely channel. You can join channel
by typing the command /join #channel-name
Figure 44

Figure 44 represents an user is chatting in #indolinux channel.

3.8 AbiWord
Abiword is the default wordprocessor application in KDE. It has
some of MS Word’s functionality, but it is far away from MS
Word. However, AbiWord is quite sufficient for daily use.
1. Invoke Abiword

2. Click Start > Office > WordProcessor > Abiword

Figure 45

You will be presented the initial screen of AbiWord. As can be

seen in figure 46.
Figure 46

Create a document using AbiWord and do some formatting.

3.9 Gnumeric
Gnumeric is A GNU version of Microsoft Excel. It has all of MS
Excel functionality. You can use built in function such as
Financial functions, Mathematical, etc. We will try out some of
them in the following examples.

Invoke Gnumeric.
1. Click Start > Office > Spreadsheets > Gnumeric

Figure 47

You will see the blank worksheet of Gnumeric as shown in

figure 48. Unlike MS Excel, its default setting has only one
worksheet available. You can change this configuration later.
Figure 48

2. Click the function button to display the Function

List dialog box. Refer to figure 49.
Figure 49

Gnumeric support multiple file format. You can choose among

Win95 Excel data format, HTML, LaTex, and even XML. The full
list of the file format can be viewed in figure 50.
3. Click Save button to save your document.

4. Click the file format dropdown box. A list containing

file formats will be shown. Refer to figure 50.

Figure 50

5. Choose an appropriate file format.

6. Give your file a new name.

7. Click the OK button.

8. Close Gnumeric
3.10 Yahoo Messenger
Yahoo messenger is an instant messenger application
commonly used in internet. To be able to use Yahoo Messenger,
you will have to download the package and install it.

You also have to own an account in Yahoo.

However, for our learning need, the Yahoo Messenger is already

installed in your machine.

1. Click the Yahoo Messenger icon.

After you have connected to the internet, you will get the initial
screen displaying your friends.

Figure 51

2. Double click on the friend icon to start a chat


A new window will appear displaying your message, as shown in

figure 52.
Figure 52

3. Click the close icon to end session and close yahoo


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