Chemistry Assignment 25

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31. The vapour pressure of pure liquid A is 10 torr and at the same temperature when 9 g of
B solid dissolved in 20g of A, its Vapour pressure is reduced to 5 torr. If the molecular
mass of A is 200 amu, then the molecular mass of B is

1) 100 amu 2) 90 amu 3) 75 amu 4) 120 amu



1) 2) Ph  C  CH 2  CH 2  Ph

3) PH  CH  CH  CH  pH 4) Ph  CH  C  CH  Ph

33. The standard molar heat of formation of ethane, CO2 and water are respectively
21.1, 94.1, &  68.3kcal . The standard molar heat of combustion of ethane will be

1) 372 kcal / mol 2) 162 kcal / mol 3) 240 kcal / mol 4) 183.5 kcal / mol

34. The solubility of AB2 is 0.05 g per 100mL at 250 C . Calculate kSP of AB2 at 250 C ?
[Atomic mass of A = 20 amu, atomic mass of B = 40 amu]

1) 103 2) 5 107 3) 106 4) 5 103

35. Lithium hydride reacts with aluminium chloride to form a complex. The geometry of the
complex and the ligand present in the complex is

1) Octahedral, chloride

2) Tetrahedral, hydride

3) Octahedral, bridging chloride

4) Tetrahedral, chloride and hydride

36. If the radius of first Bohr’s orbit of hydrogen is x, then de-Broglie wavelength of
electron in its 3rd orbit is
1) 2 x 2) 6 x 3) 9x 4)

37. Trichloroacetaldehyde , CCl3CHO reacts with chlorobenzene in presence of sulphuric

acid and produces

1) 2)

3) 4)
38. The rms speed of N 2 molecules in a gas is u. If the temperature is doubled and the
nitrogen molecules dissociate into nitrogen atoms, the rms sped becomes

1) 2u 2) 4u 3) 14u 4) 2u

39. Given ECl0   1.36V , ECr

3  0.74V
2 / Cl / Cr

ECr O 2  / Cr 3
 1.33V , EMnO

/ Mn 2 
 1.51V
2 7 4

Among the following, the strongest reducing agent is :

1) Mn 2 2) Cr 3 3) Cl  4) Cr
40. Na and Li are placed in dry air, we get :
1) NaOH , Na2O, Li2O 2) Na2O, Li2O
3) Na2O, Li2O, Li3 N , NH 3 4) Na2O, Li3 N , Li2O
41.  X   K 2CO3  Air  
 Y 

Y   Cl2 
  Z  Pink

Which of the following is correct?

1) X= black, MnO2 , Y=Blue, K 2CrO4 ,Z= KMnO4
2) X= green, Cr2O3 , Y= yellow, K 2CrO4 , Z  K 2Cr2O7
3) X= black, MnO2 , Y= green, K 2 MnO4 , Z= Z  KMnO4
4) X= black, Bi2O3 , Y= colourless KBiO2 , Z  KBiO3
42. Which element among the following cannot form an amphoteric oxide?

1) Al 2) Sn 3) Sb 4) p

43. The incorrect statement about the oxyacids , HC1O4 and CIO , is

1) The central atom in both HC1O4 and HC1O is sp3 hybridized

2) HC1O4 is formed in the reaction between Cl2 and H 2O

3)The conjugate base of HC1O4 is weaker base than H 2O

4) HC1O4 is more acidic than HC1O because of the resonance stabilization of its anion

44. Which of the following is incorrect?

1) FeCl3 is used in detection of phenol

2) Fehling solution is used in detection of glucose

3) Tollen’s reagent is used in detection of unsaturation

4) NaHSO3 is used in detection of carbonyl compound

45. When metal ‘M’ is treated with NaOH , a white gelatinous precipitate ‘x’ is obtained ,
which is soluble in excess of NaOH . Compound ‘X’ when heated strongly gives an
oxide which is used in chromatography as an adsorbent . The metal ‘M’ is

1)Fe 2)Zn 3)Ca 4)AI

46. Phenol on treatment with CO2 in the presence of NaOH followed by acidification
produces compound X as the major product . X on treatment with  CH 3CO 2 O in the
presence of catalytic amount of H 2 SO4 produces

1) 2)

3) 4)
47. The species in which the N-atom is in sate of sp hybridization is
1) NO2 2) NO2  3) NO2  4) NO3
48. Consider the following sequence of reaction

The intermediate products (X) and (Y) are respectively

1) 2)

3) 4)
49. Element X crystallizes in 12 co-ordination fcc lattice . On applying high temperature it
changes to 8 coordination bcc lattice . Find the ratio of the density of the crystal lattice
before and after applying high temperature

4) 2  2  :  3 
3 3
1)1:1 2)3:2 3) 2 : 3

Identify the product of above higher esterification reaction.


51. How many of the following intermediates have at least one contributing structure in
which all atoms have their octet complete?
52. The number of essential amino acids among the following is _______

Histidine, Glycine, Valine, Alanine, Aspartic acid, Lysine, Methionine.

53. The number of geometric isomers possible for the complex CoL2C12   L  H 2 NCH 2CH 2O 

54. Amoung the following, the number of compound s then can react with PC15 to give
POCl3 are O2 , CO2 , SO2 , H 2O, H 2 SO4 , P4O10

55. One mole of N 2O4 (g) at 300 k is kept in a closed container under one atmosphere. It is
heated to 600K when 20% by mass of N 2O4 (g) decomposes to NO2 (g) . The resultant
pressure (in atm ) is

56. 5 mol of Fe2  C2O4 3 is oxidised by x mol of K 2Cr2O7 in acidic medium, calculate the
value of X?

57. 16g of a radio active substance is reduced to 0.5g after 1 hour. The half life of the
radioactive substance in minutes is

58. How many isomer of C4 H 8O when react with CH 3 MgBr followed by acidification to give
20 alcohol?

59. A solution of phenol in chloroform when treated with aqueous NaOH gives a compound
p as a major product. The mass percentage of carbon in p is ____

(to the nearest integer)

60. The sum of the number of lone pairs and  -bonds present in glucosazone is _______

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