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National Education Policy-2020

Common Minimum Syllabus for all U.P. State Universities/ Colleges

SUBJECT: Horticulture
Name Designation Affiliation
Steering Committee
Mrs. Monika S. Garg, (I.A.S.), Additional Chief Secretary Department of Higher Education
Chairperson Steering U.P., Lucknow
Prof. Poonam Tandan Professor, Department of Lucknow University, U.P.
Prof. Hare Krishna Professor, Department of CCS University Meerut, U.P.
Dr. Dinesh C. Sharma Associate Professor K.M. Govt. Girls P.G. College
Badalpur, G.B. Nagar, U.P.
Supervisory Committee – Science Streams
Dr. Vijay Kumar Singh Associate Professor, Agra College Agra
Department of Zoology
Dr. Santosh Singh Associate Professor, M. G. K. Vidyapeeth, Varanasi
Department of Agriculture
Dr. Baby Tabassum Associate Professor, Govt. Raza P. G. College,
Department of Zoology Rampur
Dr. Sanjay Jain Associate Professor, St. John’s College, Agra
Department of Statistics
Syllabus Developed By (Subject Committee)
Dr. N. K. Singh Associate Professor, B. V. R. I. Bichpuri, Agra
Department of C. D. &
Dr. Kanhaiya Singh Principal Scientist, Division of I. A. R. I. New Delhi
Fruits and Horticultural
Dr. Awani Kumar Singh Principal Scientist I. A. R. I. New Delhi
Science, CPCT
 Subject prerequisites: 10+2 passed any subject.
 Programme outcomes (POs) - (after 3 years UG) explained commonly for faculty.
 Programme specific outcomes (PSOs)- (after 3 years UG)

1) Transfer knowledge of horticulture including fruits, vegetables and flowers production and
their post harvest management through teaching, research, extension and training.
2) Develop innovative agro- techniques to enhance the production and productivity of
horticultural crops.
3) Increase farmers’ income through adopting hi-tech horticulture.
4) Create job opportunities for the unemployed youths through training and extension, especially
for the development of socially and economically depressed segment of society.
5) Establishment of models nurseries in rural areas for the availability of quality planting
materials of fruits, vegetables and flowers.
6) Prolong the post harvest storage life of horticultural commodities and increase income through
value addition of the products and to reduce post harvest losses.

 List of all papers in all six semesters.

Semester-wise Title of the Papers in B. A. (Horticulture)

Year Semester Course Code Paper Title Theory/Practical Credits

I A470101T Fundamentals of Horticulture Theory 6

I II A470201T Plant Propagation and Nursery Theory 4

II A470202P Nursery Management Practical 2

III A470301T Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables Theory 6

II IV A470401T Fruit Production Theory 4

IV A470402P Practical Fruit Production Practical 2

V A470501T Vegetable Production Theory 5

V A470502T Vegetable Seed Production Theory 5

V A470503R Commercial Horticultural Nursery Project 3

III VI A470601T Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Theory 5
VI A470602T Commercial Floriculture Theory 5

VI A470603R Processing of Fruits and Vegetables Project 3

Certificate in Horticulture
First Year, Sem. I,
Course I (Theory)

Programme/Class: Certificate Year: First Semester: First

Subject: Horticulture
Course Code: A470101T Course Title: Fundamentals of Horticulture
Course outcomes:
1) The student will be able to understand different branches of horticulture.
2) The student will be able to learn about water, nutrient, and insect pest and disease
management in horticultural crops.
3) Can demonstrate advanced technologies like training, pruning, etc in horticulture.

Credits: 6 Core Compulsory / Elective

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 6

Unit Topics No. of

Scope and importance, classification of horticultural crops, area
I and production, fruit and vegetable zones of India and Uttar 12
Principles, planning and layout, planting systems and planting
II densities 11
Principles, objectives, types and methods of pruning and
III training of fruit crops, types and use of growth regulators in 11
Water management– irrigation methods, merits and demerits, 11
IV weed management
Integrated nutrient management in horticultural crops-manures
V and fertilizers, different methods of application 11
Cropping systems, intercropping, multi-tier cropping, mulching– 11
VI objectives, types merits and demerits
Classification of bearing habits of fruit trees, factors influencing
VII the fruitfulness and unfruitfulness, 11

VIII Rejuvenation of old orchards, top working. 12

Suggested Readings:

1. Jitendra Singh, 2002. Basic Horticulture. Kalyani Publishers, Hyderabad.

2. T. K. Chattopadhyay, 1997. Text book on pomology. Volume I Kalyani Publishers, New
3. J. S. Bal, 1997. Fruit Growing, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
4. जीतेन्द्र ससह, २०१८. आधारीय बागवानी, कल्याणी प्रकाशक लुधधयाना Ӏ
5. आर. के . पाठक एवं सी. एम्. ओझा, २०११. फल धवज्ञानं, भारतीय कृ धष अनुसन्द्धान
पररषद् नई ददल्ली Ӏ
6. धवशाल नाथ, ददनेश कु मार पाण्डेय, दीना नाथ ससह, अजय धमश्र एवं मुहम्मद मुस्तफा,
२०१२. उद्यान धवज्ञानं के मौधलक धसधान्द्त, सतीश सीररयल पधललसशग हाउस ददल्ली Ӏ
7. राम रोशन शमाा, २०१७. आधुधनक फलोत्पादन, कल्याणी प्रकाशक लुधधयाना Ӏ
8. धबजेंर ससह एवं अशोक कु मार चौहान, २०१८. उद्यान धवज्ञानं, कल्याणी प्रकाशक लुधधयाना Ӏ
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Part A (20 marks): Seminar/Assignment on any topic of the above syllabus. Test with multiple choice
questions / short and long answer questions.
Part B (5 marks): Class Interaction/Teacher Assessment
Course prerequisites: Nil.

Suggested equivalent online courses:

 Courses running in all the Agricultural Colleges/Institutes/Universities.
Certificate in Horticulture
First Year, Sem. II
Course I (Theory)

Programme/Class: Certificate Year: First Semester: Second

Subject: Horticulture
Course Code: A470201T Course Title: Plant Propagation and Nursery Management
Course outcomes:

1) The student will be able to understand basis of plant propagation and nursery
management techniques
2) Knowledge of nursery establishment and nursery rules and regulation.
3) Can demonstrate advanced propagation methods of horticultural crops.

Credits: 4 Core Compulsory / Elective

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 4

Unit Topics No. of

Propagation: Need and potentialities for plant multiplication,
I sexual and asexual methods of propagation, advantages and 7
Seed dormancy, types of dormancy (scarification &
II stratification) internal and external factors, apomixes – mono- 8
embrony and polyembrony.
Techniques of propagation through specialized organs, corms,
runners, suckers and stolons.
Propagation Structures: Mist chamber, humidifiers, and 7
IV greenhouses.
Use of growth regulators in propagation, types and stages of
V seed germination with examples. 7
Vegetative propagation, cutting, layering, grafting, budding, 8
VI factor affecting healing of graftage and budding.
Factors influencing rooting of cuttings and layering, selection
VII and maintenance of mother trees. 7
VIII Nursery registration act. Insect/pest/disease control in nursery. 8
Suggested Readings:

1. Hudson T. Hartmann, Dale E. Kester, Fred T. Davies, Jr. and Robert L. Geneve. 2017. Plant
Propagation- Principles and Practices (7th Edition). PHI Learning Private Limited, New
2. R.R. Sharma, 2002. Propagation of Horticultural Crops-Principles and Practices. Kalyani
Publishers, New Delhi.
3. J. S. Bal, 1997. Fruit Growing, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
4. आर. के . पाठक, २०११. फल वृक्ष प्रवधान, भारतीय कृ धष अनुसन्द्धान पररषद्, नई ददल्ली Ӏ
5. जीतेन्द्र ससह, २०१८. आधारीय बागवानी, कल्याणी प्रकाशक लुधधयाना Ӏ
6. आर. के . पाठक एवं सी. एम्. ओझा, २०११. फल धवज्ञानं, भारतीय कृ धष अनुसन्द्धान
पररषद्, नई ददल्ली Ӏ
7. धवशाल नाथ, ददनेश कु मार पाण्डेय, दीना नाथ ससह अजय धमश्र एवं मुहम्मद मुस्तफा,
२०१२. उद्यान धवज्ञानं के मौधलक धसधान्द्त, सतीश सीररयल पधललसशग हाउस ददल्ली Ӏ
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Part A (20 marks): Seminar/Assignment on any topic of the above syllabus. Test with multiple choice
questions / short and long answer questions.
Part B (5 marks): Class Interaction/Teacher Assessment
Course prerequisites: Nil.

Suggested equivalent online courses:

 Courses running in all the Agricultural Colleges/Institutes/Universities.

Certificate in Horticulture
First Year, Sem. II
Course II (Practical)

Programme/Class: Certificate Year: First Semester: Second

Subject: Horticulture
Course Code: A470202P Course Title: Nursery Management
Course outcomes:
1) The student will be able to understand basis of plant propagation and nursery management
2) Knowledge of nursery establishment and nursery rules and regulation.
3) Can demonstrate advanced propagation methods of horticultural crops.
Credits: 2 Core Compulsory / Elective
Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 02
No. of
Unit Topics
Media for propagation of plants in nursery beds. Preparation of
I 7
nursery beds and sowing of seeds. Raising of rootstocks.
II Seed treatments for breaking dormancy. 8

Practicing different types of cuttings, layering, graftings and


Visit of the commercial nurseries, seed production and seed

IV 7
processing plants.
Suggested Readings:

1. Hudson T. Hartmann, Dale E. Kester, Fred T. Davies, Jr. and Robert L. Geneve. 2017. Plant
Propagation- Principles and Practices (7th Edition). PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi-
2. R. R. Sharma, 2002. Propagation of Horticultural Crops-Principles and Practices. Kalyani
Publishers, New Delhi.
3. J. S. Bal, 1997. Fruit Growing, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
4. आर. के . पाठक, २०११. फल वृक्ष प्रवधान, भारतीय कृ धष अनुसन्द्धान पररषद् नई ददल्ली Ӏ
5. जीतेन्द्र ससह, २०१८. आधारीय बागवानी, कल्याणी प्रकाशक लुधधयाना Ӏ
6. आर. के . पाठक एवं सी. एम्. ओझा, २०११. फल धवज्ञानं, भारतीय कृ धष अनुसन्द्धान पररषद्
नई ददल्ली Ӏ
7. धवशाल नाथ, ददनेश कु मार पाण्डेय, दीना नाथ ससह अजय धमश्र एवं मुहम्मद मुस्तफा, २०१२. उद्यान
धवज्ञानं के मौधलक धसधान्द्त, सतीश सीररयल पधललसशग हाउस ददल्ली Ӏ
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: (25 marks)
Practical file evaluation. Main focus on presentation, content and use of proper technique/method. Viva

Course prerequisites: Nil.

Suggested equivalent online courses:

 Courses running in all the Agricultural Colleges/Institutes/Universities.

Diploma in Horticulture
Second Year, Sem. III
Course I (Theory)

Programme/Class: Diploma Year: Second Semester: III

Subject: Horticulture
Course Code: A470301T Course Title: Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables
Course outcomes:

1) Students will able to understand the post harvest technology aspects, preservation
methods, and preparation of value added products of fruits and vegetables.
2) Will gain skill in doing post harvest operations pertaining to Horticultural products.
3) Will gain skills to operate a small processing fruit and vegetable processing unit for self

Credits: 6 Core Compulsory / Elective

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 6

Unit Topics No. of

Importance and scope of fruit and vegetable preservation
I industry in India and losses in post-harvest operations. 12

II Planning and establishment of processing plant. 11

Principles and methods of preservation, canning and bottling of

III 11
fruits and vegetables.

IV Methods of preparation of juices, squashes and syrups. 11

V Methods of preparation of jam, jelly and marmalade. 11

Preservation by sugar and chemicals: candies, preserves and 11
VI chemical preservatives.
Preservation with salt and vinegar: pickling, chutneys and
VII sauces. 12
Government policy on import and export of processed fruits.
Food laws.
Suggested Readings:

1. R. P. Srivastava, and Sanjeev Kumar. 2002. Fruits and Vegetable Preservation – Principles
and Practice. International Book Distributing Co., Lucknow.
2. G. S. Siddappaa, Girdhari Lal and G. L. Tandon. 1998. Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables.
ICAR, New Delhi.
3. वी. के . धिपाठी, २०१८. फल- सलजी तुडाई उपरांत प्रवंधन एवं प्रसंस्करण, कल्याणी
प्रकाशक लुधधयाना Ӏ
4. जी. एस. सैनी, २०१०. आधुधनक फल एवं सलजी परररक्षण प्रौद्योधगकी, रामापधललसशग हाउस मेरठ Ӏ
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Part A (20 marks): Seminar/Assignment on any topic of the above syllabus. Test with multiple choice
questions / short and long answer questions.
Part B (5 marks): Class Interaction/Teacher Assessment
Course prerequisites: Nil.

Suggested equivalent online courses:

 Courses running in all the Agricultural Colleges/Institutes/Universities.

Diploma in Horticulture
Second Year, Sem. IV
Course I (Theory)

Programme/Class: Diploma Year: Second Semester: IV

Subject: Horticulture
Course Code: A470401T Course Title: Fruit Production
Course outcomes:
1) At the end of the course the student will be able to practice the production technologies
of fruit crops.
2) Can demonstrate important production techniques and diagnose problems in cultivation of
fruit crops.
Credits: 4 Core Compulsory / Elective
Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 4

Unit Topics No. of

Importance and scope, area, production and export potential of
fruit crops, varieties, climate and soil requirements, propagation
techniques, planting density and systems, after care, training and
I pruning. Management of water, nutrient and weeds and 8
harvesting methods, of the following crops:

II Mango, banana, citrus 8

Papaya, guava, pomegranate

IV Apple, pear, peach 7

V Cherry, strawberry, almond, 8

VI Bael, ber, aonla, 7

VII Pineapple, jackfruit and litchi 7
Physiological disorders, important disease and insect pests of 8
VIII fruit crops.
Suggested Readings:

1. W. S. Dhillon, 2013. Fruit Production in India. Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi
2. T. K. Chattopadhyay, 1997. Text book on Pomology. Volume II Kalyani Publishers, New
3. आर. के . पाठक एवं सी. एम्. ओझा, २०११. फल धवज्ञानं, भारतीय कृ धष अनुसन्द्धान
पररषद् नई ददल्ली Ӏ
4. राम रोशन शमाा, २०१७. आधुधनक फलोत्पादन, कल्याणी प्रकाशक लुधधयाना Ӏ
5. धबजेंर ससह एवं अशोक कु मार चौहान, २०१८. उद्यान धवज्ञानं, कल्याणी प्रकाशक लुधधयाना Ӏ

This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
Part A (20 marks): Seminar/Assignment on any topic of the above syllabus. Test with multiple choice
questions / short and long answer questions.
Part B (5 marks): Class Interaction/Teacher Assessment
Course prerequisites: Nil.

Suggested equivalent online courses:

 Courses running in all the Agricultural Colleges/Institutes/Universities.

Diploma in Horticulture
Second Year, Sem. IV
Course III (Practical)
Programme/Class: Diploma Year: Second Semester: IV

Subject: Horticulture
Course Code: A470402P Course Title: Fruit Production
Course outcomes:
1) At the end of the course the student will be able to practice the production technologies
of fruit crops.
2) Can demonstrate important production techniques and diagnose problems in cultivation of
fruit crops.
3) Student can establish a small fruit orchard of high yielding new variety with improved
production technologies.
Credits: 2 Core Compulsory / Elective
Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 2

Unit Topics No. of

Planning and layout of orchard, tools and implements,
I identification of various horticultural crops, preparation of 8
nursery beds, digging of pits for fruit plants.
Planting systems, training and pruning of orchard trees,
II preparation of fertilizer mixtures and application including bio- 7
fertilizer in fruit crops.
Preparation and application of growth regulators, layout of
III different irrigation systems, identification and management of 8
nutritional disorder in fruits.
Maturity standards, harvesting, grading, packaging and storage.
IV Visit to commercial orchards and diagnosis of maladies. 7

Suggested Readings:

1. W. S. Dhillon, 2013. Fruit Production in India. Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi.
2. T. K. Chattopadhyay, 1997. Text book on Pomology. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
3. आर. के . पाठक एवं सी. एम्. ओझा, २०११. फल धवज्ञानं, भारतीय कृ धष अनुसन्द्धान
पररषद् नई ददल्ली Ӏ
4. राम रोशन शमाा, २०१७. आधुधनक फलोत्पादन, कल्याणी प्रकाशक लुधधयाना Ӏ
5. धबजेंर ससह एवं अशोक कु मार चौहान, २०१८. उद्यान धवज्ञानं, कल्याणी प्रकाशक लुधधयाना Ӏ
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: (25 marks)

Practical file evaluation. Main focus on presentation, content and use of proper technique/method. Viva

Course prerequisites: Nil.

Suggested equivalent online courses:
 Courses running in all the Agricultural Colleges/Institutes/Universities.

Third Year, Sem. V
Course I (Theory)

Programme/Class: Degree Year: Third Semester: V

Subject: Horticulture
Course Code: A470501T Course Title: Vegetable Production
Course outcomes:
1) At the end of the course the students will gain knowledge on the scenario of vegetable cultivat
ion, advanced production technologies and post harvest handling of vegetable crop.
2) Will gain skill on important cultivation techniques in vegetable crop.

Credits: 5 Core Compulsory / Elective

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 5

Unit Topics No. of

Importance and scope of vegetable crops in India and Uttar
I Pradesh in human nutrition and national economy. Preparation 9
of kitchen gardens.
Description of varieties and hybrids, origin, climate and soil,
nursery practices and transplanting, preparation of field and
II sowing/planting for direct sown and planted vegetable crops, 8
production technologies, insect-pests and diseases, post-harvest
technology and marketing of following vegetable crops:

III Tomato, brinjal, chillies 10

IV Okra, peas, cowpea 10

V Cabbage, cauliflower, knolkhol, broccoli 10

VI Spinach, garlic, onion, radish 10

VII Carrot, turnip, potato 8

VIII Cucurbits: Pumpkin, Bottle gourd, bitter gourd 10

Suggested Readings:

1. B. R. Choudhary 2009. A Text Book on Production Technology of Vegetables. Kalyani

Publishers. Ludhiana.
2. M. S. Dhaliwal, 2008. Handbook of Vegetable Crops. Kalyani Publishers. Ludhiana
3. आया प्रेम ससह, २००३. लयवसाधयक सधलजयों का उत्पादन, कल्याणी प्रकाशक लुधधयाना Ӏ
4. राजेंर कु मार शुक्ल, पी. के . शुक्ल एवं ए. के . पाण्डेय, २०१८. आधुधनक शाकोत्पदन,
कल्याणी प्रकाशक लुधधयाना Ӏ
5. दान ससह एवं सत्य प्रकाश, २०१९. सलजी एवं मसालें वाली फसलों की उत्पादन तकनीकी,
कल्याणी प्रकाशक लुधधयाना Ӏ
6. राज नारायण एवं अन्द्य, २०१८. सलजी उत्पादन तकनीक, टुडे एवं टोमारो सप्रटसा पधललशसा
नई ददल्ली Ӏ

This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
Part A (20 marks): Seminar/Assignment on any topic of the above syllabus. Test with multiple choice
questions / short and long answer questions.
Part B (5 marks): Class Interaction/Teacher Assessment
Course prerequisites: Nil.

Suggested equivalent online courses:

 Courses running in all the Agricultural Colleges/Institutes/Universities.

Third Year, Sem. V
Course II (Theory)

Programme/Class: Degree Year: Third Semester: V

Subject: Horticulture
Course Code: A470502T Course Title: Vegetable Seed Production
Course outcomes:

1) At the end of the course the students will gain knowledge on the scenario of vegetable seed
industry, advanced production technologies and post harvest handling of vegetable seeds.
2) Will gain skill on seed production, processing, packaging and marketing of
important vegetable crop and establish a commercial seed production unit.

Credits: 5 Core Compulsory / Elective

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 5

Unit Topics No. of

Importance and scope of vegetable seed production in India.
I Principles of vegetable seed production. 10

II Definition of seed, classes-types of seed. 8

Land requirements, climate, season, planting time, nursery
III management, seed rate, rouging, seed extraction and storage of 8
following vegetable crops:
Tomato, brinjal, chillies
IV 10

V Okra, peas and potato 9

VI Cabbage, cauliflower, brocoly 10

VII Onion, radish, carrot 10

VIII Cucurbits: Pumpkin, Bottle gourd, bitter gourd 10

Suggested Readings:

1. P. Hazra and M.G. Som, 2009. Vegetable Seed Production and Hybrid Technology. Kalyani
Publishers, Ludhiana.
2. B. S. Asati and Prabhakar Singh. 2020. Seed Production Technology of Vegetables. Daya
Publishing House. New Delhi
3. आया प्रेम ससह, २००३. लयवसाधयक सधलजयों का उत्पादन, कल्याणी प्रकाशक लुधधयाना Ӏ
4. राजेंर कु मार शुक्ल, पी. के . शुक्ल एवं ए. के . पाण्डेय, २०१८. आधुधनक शाकोत्पदन,
कल्याणी प्रकाशक लुधधयाना Ӏ
5. दान ससह एवं सत्य प्रकाश, २०१९. सलजी एवं मसालें वाली फसलों की उत्पादन तकनीकी,
कल्याणी प्रकाशक लुधधयाना Ӏ
6. राज नारायण एवं अन्द्य, २०१८. सलजी उत्पादन तकनीक, टुडे एवं टोमारो सप्रटसा एवं
पधललशसा नई ददल्ली Ӏ
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all.

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Part A (20 marks): Seminar/Assignment on any topic of the above syllabus. Test with multiple choice
questions / short and long answer questions.
Part B (5 marks): Class Interaction/Teacher Assessment
Course prerequisites: Nil.

Suggested equivalent online courses:

 Courses running in all the Agricultural Colleges/Institutes/Universities.

Third Year, Sem. V
Course III (Project)

Programme/Class: Degree Year: Third Semester: V

Subject: Horticulture
Course Code: A470503R Course Title: Commercial Horticultural Nursery
Course outcomes:

 Students can become eligible to undertake end to end technical and management aspects of a
commercial nursery.
 Can practice skills in various propagation methods and care of nursery plants.
 Will gain ability to manage a commercial horticultural nursery business.

Credits: 3 Core Compulsory / Elective

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 3(6 hours)
Unit Topics
Nursery production of fruit crops: Raising of rootstocks, grafting and budding of
rootstocks, management of grafted plants, plant certification, packaging and
marketing, quality control. Nursery production of ornamentals: Production of
plantlets, production of potted plants, management and maintenance, sale and
I marketing. Nursery raising/procurement and transplanting, management and
maintenance of the vegetable crops

Suggested Readings:

1. Hudson T. Hartmann, Dale E. Kester, Fred T. Davies, Jr. and Robert L. Geneve. 2017. Plant
Propagation- Principles and Practices (7th Edition). PHI Learning Private Limited, New
2. R. R. Sharma, 2002. Propagation of Horticultural Crops- Principles and Practices. Kalyani
Publishers, New Delhi.
3. J. S. Bal, 1997. Fruit Growing, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
4. आर. के . पाठक, २०११. फल वृक्ष प्रवधान, भारतीय कृ धष अनुसन्द्धान पररषद्, नई ददल्ली Ӏ
5. जीतेन्द्र ससह, २०१८. आधारीय बागवानी, कल्याणी प्रकाशक लुधधयाना Ӏ
6. धवशाल नाथ, ददनेश कु मार पाण्डेय, दीना नाथ ससह अजय धमश्र एवं मुहम्मद मुस्तफा, २०१२
उद्यान धवज्ञानं के मौधलक धसधान्द्त, सतीश सीररयल पधललसशग हाउस ददल्ली Ӏ

This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Projects file evaluation, presentation, content and proper use of research methodology. Viva-voce.

Course prerequisites: Nil.


Third Year, Sem. VI

Course I (Theory)

Programme/Class: Degree Year: Third Semester: VI

Subject: Horticulture
Course Code: A470601T Course Title: Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Gardening
Course outcomes:

1) At the end of this curse, the students will able to plan and design the garden of their own with
all the elements of garden and principles.
2) The student will gain skill in manual drawing and execution of garden and establish a flower

Credits: 5 Core Compulsory / Elective

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 5

Unit Topics No. of

History, definitions, scope of ornamental horticulture in India
I and Uttar Pradesh 10
Importance, classification, and general cultivation aspects for
II ornamental plants viz. Annuals, biennales and herbaceous 8
Introduction to bulbous ornamentals, shrubs, climbers, trees and
indoor plants.
Importance, design and establishment of garden 10
IV features/components viz. hedge, edge, borders
V Flower beds, fences, garden walls, gates and carpet bed. 10
Shade garden, roof garden, terrace garden, rockery, fountains, 10
VI avenue planting and children garden.
VII Lawn types, establishment and maintenance. 9
Uses of vertical garden, art of making bonsai, culture of bonsai
and maintenance.
Suggested Readings:

1. A. K. Singh, 2006. Flower Crops: Cultivation and Management. New India publishing
agency, Pitampura, New Delhi.
2. J. S. Arora, 2006. Introductory Ornamental Horticulture, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana.
7. अधनल कु मार ससह, २००८. लयवसाधयक पुष्पोत्पादन, प्रकाशन धनदेशालय, गोधवन्द्द वल्लभ पन्द्त
कृ धष एवं प्रौद्योधगकी धवश्वधवद्यालय पन्द्त नगर, उत्तराखंड Ӏ
8. के . आर. मौयाा, २०१६. फू लों की लयवसाधयक खेती, दया पधललके शन नई ददल्ली Ӏ
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Part A (20 marks): Seminar/Assignment on any topic of the above syllabus. Test with multiple choice
questions / short and long answer questions.
Part B (5 marks): Class Interaction/Teacher Assessment
Course prerequisites: Nil.

Suggested equivalent online courses:

 Courses running in all the Agricultural Colleges/Institutes/Universities.

Third Year, Sem. VI
Course II (Theory)

Programme/Class: Degree Year: Third Semester: VI

Subject: Horticulture
Course Code: A470602T Course Title: Commercial Floriculture
Course outcomes:

1) At the end of this curse, the student will be able to practice production technology of cut flow
ers, loose flowers and growing commercial flowers.
2) Student will become eligible to manage and establish a commercial floriculture unit.

Credits: Core Compulsory / Elective

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 5

Unit Topics No. of

Scope and importance of commercial floriculture in India and
I Uttar Pradesh 8
Production techniques of commercial flower crops like rose and
II marigold for domestic and export market. 10

Production techniques of commercial flower crops like gladiolus

III and gerbera for domestic and export market. 10

Production techniques of commercial flower crops like

IV chrysanthemum and carnation for domestic and export market. 10

Production techniques of commercial flower crops like tuberose

V and dahlia for domestic and export market. 10
Production techniques of commercial flower crops like jasmine
VI and orchid for domestic and export market. 10

Growing of flowers under protected environments such as glass

VII house, plastic house etc., 8
Postharvest technology of cut flowers in respect of commercial
VIII flower crops, dehydration technique for drying of flowers. 9

Suggested Readings:
1. A. K. Singh, 2006. Flower Crops: Cultivation and Management. New India publishing
Agency, Pitampura, New Delhi.
2. J. S. Arora, 2006. Introductory Ornamental Horticulture, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana
3. अधनल कु मार ससह, २००८. लयवसाधयक पुष्पोत्पादन, प्रकाशन धनदेशालय, गोधवन्द्द वल्लभ
पन्द्त कृ धष एवं प्रौद्योधगकी धवश्वधवद्यालय पन्द्त नगर, उत्तराखंड Ӏ
4. के . आर. मौयाा, २०१६. फू लों की लयवसाधयक खेती, दया पधललके शन नई ददल्ली Ӏ
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all

Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:

Part A (20 marks): Seminar/Assignment on any topic of the above syllabus. Test with multiple choice
questions / short and long answer questions.
Part B (5 marks): Class Interaction/Teacher Assessment

Course prerequisites: Nil.

Suggested equivalent online courses:

 Courses running in all the Agricultural Colleges/Institutes/Universities.

B. A. in Horticulture
Third Year, Sem. VI
Course III (Project)
Programme/Class: Degree Year: Third Semester: VI

Subject: Horticulture
Course Code: A470603R Course Title: Processing of Fruits and Vegetables.
Course outcomes:
1) Students can become eligible to undertake end to end technical and management aspects of a
fruits and vegetable processing unit for value addition.
2) Can practice skills related to processing unit maintenance and production techniques of value
added products.
3) Will gain ability to manage a processing unit for the fruits and vegetable preservation.

Credits: 3 Core Compulsory / Elective

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks:
Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 3 (6 huors)
Unit Topics
Planning and execution of a market survey, preparation of processing schedule,
preparation of project module based on market information, calculation of capital costs,
source of finance, assessment of working capital requirements and other financial aspects,
identification of sources for procurement of raw material, production and quality analysis
of fruits and vegetables products at commercial scale, packaging, labeling, pricing and
marketing of product.
Suggested Readings:
1. R. P. Srivastava, and Sanjeev Kumar. 2002. Fruits and Vegetable Preservation – Principles and
Practice. International Book Distributing Co., Lucknow.
2. Siddappaa, G. S., Girdhari Lal and G. L. Tandon. 1998. Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables. ICAR,
New Delhi.
3. वी. के . धिपाठी, २०१८. फल- सलजी तुडाई उपरांत प्रवंधन एवं प्रसंस्करण, कल्याणी प्रकाशक लुधधयाना Ӏ
4. जी. एस. सैनी, २०१०. आधुधनक फल एवं सलजी परररक्षण प्रौद्योधगकी, रामा पधललसशग हाउस मेरठ Ӏ
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects: Open for all
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
Projects file evaluation, presentation, content and proper use of research methodology, Viva-voce.

Course prerequisites: Nil.

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