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A Brief History of Electromagnetism

Charles Byrne (Charles [email protected]) Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Massachusetts Lowell Lowell, MA 01854, USA (The most recent version is available as a pdf le at http://faculty.uml.edu/cbyrne/cbyrne.html) January 15, 2011
Abstract Understanding the connections between magnetism and electricity and exploiting that understanding for technological innovation dominated science in the nineteenth century, and yet no one saw it coming. In the index to Butterelds classic history of the scientic revolution [3], which he locates roughly from 1300 to 1800, the word electricity does not appear. Electricity, as we now call it, was not completely unknown, of course. In the late sixteenth century, Gilbert, famous for his studies of magnetism, discovered that certain materials, mainly crystals, could be made attractive by rubbing them with a cloth. He called these materials electrics. Among Gilberts accomplishments was his overturning of the conventional wisdom about magnets, when he showed, experimentally, that magnets could still attract nails after being rubbed with garlic. Sometime after Gilbert, electrostatic repulsion and induction were discovered, making the analogy with magnetism obvious. However, until some way was found to study electricity in the laboratory, the mysteries of electricity would remain hidden and its importance unappreciated. Nobody in 1800 could have imagined that, within a hundred years or so, people would live in cities illuminated by electric light, work with machinery driven by electricity, in factories cooled by electric-powered refrigeration, and go home to listen to a radio and talk to neighbors on a telephone. How we got there is the subject of this note.

Whats Past is Prologue

The history of science is not simply important for its own sake, but as a bridge connecting the arts with the sciences. When we study the history of science, we begin to see science as an integral part of the broader quest by human beings to 1

understand themselves and their world. Progress in science comes not only from nding answers to questions, but from learning to ask better questions. The questions we are able to ask, indeed the observations we are able to make, are conditioned by our society, our history, and our intellectual outlook. Science does not exist in a vacuum. As Shakespeares line, carved into the wall of the National Archives building in Washington, D.C., suggests, the past sets the stage for what comes next, indeed, for what can come next.

Are We There Yet?

We should be a little careful when we talk about progress, either within science or more generally. Reasonable people can argue about whether or not the development of atomic weapons ought to be called progress. Einstein and others warned, at the beginning of the atomic age, that the emotional and psychological development of human beings had not kept pace with technological development, that we did not have the capacity to control our technology. It does seem that we have a dicult time concerning ourselves, as a society, with problems that will become more serious in the future, preferring instead the motto I wont be there. You wont be there. We can certainly agree, though, that science, overall, has led us to a better, even if not complete, understanding of ourselves and our world and to the technology that is capable of providing decent life and health to far more people than in the past. These successes have given science and scientists a certain amount of political power that is not universally welcomed, however. Recent attempts to challenge the status of science within the community, most notably in the debate over creation science and evolution, have really been attempts to lessen the political power of science, not debates within science itself; the decades long attacks on science by the cigarette industry and eorts to weaken the EPA show clearly that it is not only some religious groups that want the political inuence of science diminished. Many of the issues our society will have to deal with in the near future, including nuclear power, terrorism, genetic engineering, energy, climate change, control of technology, space travel, and so on, involve science and demand a more sophisticated understanding of science on the part of the general public. The recent book Physics for Future Presidents: the Science Behind the Headlines [9] discusses many of these topics, supposedly as an attempt by the author to educate presidents-to-be, who will be called on to make decisions, to initiate legislation, and to guide the public debate concerning these issues. 2

History reminds us that progress need not be permanent. The technological expertise and artistic heights achieved by the Romans, even the mathematical sophistication of Archimedes, were essentially lost, at least in the west, for fteen hundred years. History also teaches us how unpredictable the future can be, which is, in fact, the underlying theme of this chapter. No one in 1800 could have imagined the electrication that transformed society over the nineteenth century, just as no one in 1900 could have imagined Hiroshima and Nagasaki, only a few decades in the future, let alone the world of today.

Why Do Things Move?

In his famous The Origins of Modern Science [3] Buttereld singles out the problem of motion as the most signicant intellectual hurdle the human mind has confronted and overcome in the last fteen hundred years. The ancients had theories of motion, but for Aristotle, as a scientist perhaps more of a biologist than a physicist, motion as change in location was insignicant compared to motion as qualitative change, as, say, when an acorn grows into a tree. The change experienced by the acorn is clearly oriented toward a goal, to make a tree. By focusing on qualitative change, Aristotle placed too much emphasis on the importance of a goal. His idea that even physical motion was change toward a goal infected science for over a thousand years. The one instance of motion as change in location whose importance the ancients appreciated was the motion of the heavens. Aristotle had his theories of the heavens and Ptolemy his astronomical system of an earth-centered universe. Because the objects in the heavens, the moon, the planets and the stars, certainly appear to move rapidly, they must be made of an unearthly material, the quintessence. So things stood until the middle ages. Gradually, natural philosophers, the term used to describe scientists prior to the nineteenth century, began to take a more serious interest in motion as change in location, due, in part, to their growing interest in military matters and the motion of cannon balls. Now, motion on earth and motion of the heavenly bodies came to be studied by some of the same people, such as Galileo, and this set the stage for the unied theory of motion due to gravity that would come later, with Newton. Copernicus theory of a sun-centered astronomical system, Tycho Brahes nakedeye observations of the heavens, Keplers systematizing of planetary motion, the invention of the telescope and its use by Galileo to observe the pock-marked moon 3

and the mini-planetary system of Jupiter, Galileos study of balls rolling down inclined planes, and nally Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation marked a century of tremendous progress in the study of motion and put mechanics at the top of the list of scientic paradigms for the next century. Most of the theoretical developments of the eighteenth century involved the expansion of Newtons mechanics to ever more complex systems, so that, by the end of that century, celestial mechanics and potential theory were well developed mathematical subjects. As we shall see, the early development of the eld we now call electromagnetism involved little mathematics. As the subject evolved, the mathematics of potential theory, borrowed from the study of gravitation and celestial mechanics, was combined with the newly discovered vector calculus and the mathematical treatment of heat propagation to give the theoretical formulation of electromagnetism familiar to us today.

Go Fly a Kite

The ancients knew about magnets and used them as compasses. Static electricity was easily observed and thought to be similar to magnetism. As had been known for centuries, static electricity exhibited both attraction and repulsion. For that reason, it was argued that there were two distinct types of electricity. Benjamin Franklin opposed this idea, insisting instead on two types of charge, positive and negative. Some progress was made in capturing electricity for study with the invention of the Leyden jar, a device for storing relatively large electrostatic charge (and giving rather large shocks). The discharge from the Leyden jar reminded Franklin of lightning and prompted him and others to y kites in thunderstorms and to discover that lightning would charge a Leyden jar; lightning was electricity. These experiments led to his invention of the lightning rod, a conducting device attached to houses to direct lightning strikes down to the ground. The obvious analogies with magnetism had been noticed by Gilbert and others in the late sixteenth century, and near the end of the eighteenth century Coulomb found that both magnetic and electrical attraction fell o as the square of the distance, as did gravity, according to Newton. Indeed, the physical connection between magnetism and gravity seemed more plausible than one between magnetism and electricity, and more worth studying. But things were about to change.

Bring in the Frogs

In 1791 Galvani observed that a twitching of the muscles of a dead frog he was dissecting seemed to be caused by sparks from a nearby discharge of a Leyden jar. He noticed that the sparks need not actually touch the muscles, provided a metal scalpel touched the muscles at the time of discharge. He also saw twitching muscles when the frog was suspended by brass hooks on an iron railing in a thunderstorm. Eventually, he realized that the Leyden jar and thunderstorm played no essential roles; two scalpels of dierent metals touching the muscles were sucient to produce the twitching. Galvani concluded that the electricity was in the muscles; it was animal electricity.

Lose the Frogs

In 1800 Volta discovered that electricity could be produced by two dissimilar metals, copper and zinc, say, in salt water; no animal electricity here, and no further need for the frogs. He had discovered the battery and introduced electrodynamics. Only six weeks after Voltas initial report, Nicholson and Carlisle discovered electrolysis, the loosening up and separating of distinct atoms in molecules, such as the hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water. The fact that chemical reactions produced electric currents suggested the reverse, that electrical currents could stimulate chemical reactions; this is electrochemistry, which led to the discovery and isolation of many new elements in the decades that followed. In 1807 Humphry Davy isolated some active metals from their liquid compounds and became the rst to form sodium, potassium, calcium, strontium, barium, and magnesium. In 1821 Seebeck found that the electric current would continue as long as the temperatures of the two metals were kept dierent; this is thermoelectricity and provides the basis for the thermocouple, which could then be used as a thermometer.

Bring in the Magnets

In 1819 Oersted placed a current-carrying wire over a compass, not expecting anything in particular to happen. The needle turned violently perpendicular to the axis of the wire. When Oersted reversed the direction of the current, the needle jerked around 180 degrees. This meant that magnetism and electricity were not just analogous, but intimately related; electromagnetism was born. Soon after, Arago demonstrated 5

that a wire carrying an electric current behaved like a magnet. Ampere, in 1820, conrmed that a wire carrying a current was a magnet by demonstrating attraction and repulsion between two separate current-carrying wires. He also experimented with wires in various congurations and related the strength of the magnetic force to the strength of the current in the wire. This connection between electric current and magnetism led fairly soon after to the telegraph, and later in the century, to the telephone.

Enter Faraday

So electric currents can produce magnetism. But can magnets produce electric currents? Can the relationship be reversed? In 1831, Michael Faraday tried to see if a current would be produced in a wire if it was placed in a magnetic eld created by another current-carrying wire. The experiment failed, sort of. When the current was turned on in the second wire, generating the magnetic eld, the rst wire experienced a brief current, but then nothing; when the current was turned o, again a brief current in the rst wire. Faraday, an experimental genius who, as a young man, had been an assistant to Davy, and later the inventor of refrigeration, made the right conjecture that it is not the mere presence of the magnetic eld that causes a current, but changes in that magnetic eld. He conrmed this conjecture by showing that a current would ow through a coiled wire when a magnetized rod was moved in and out of the coil; he (and, independently, Henry in the USA) had invented electromagnetic induction and the electric generator and, like Columbus, had discovered a new world.

Do The Math

Mathematics has yet to appear in our brief history of electromagnetism, but that was about to change. Although Faraday, often described as being innocent of mathematics, developed his concept of lines of force in what we would view as an unsophisticated manner, he was a great scientist and his intuition would prove to be remarkably accurate. In the summer of 1831, the same summer in which the forty-year old Faraday rst observed the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, the creation of an electric current by a changing magnetic eld, James Clerk Maxwell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Maxwells rst paper on electromagnetism, On Faradays Lines of Force , appeared in 1855, when he was about 25 years old. The paper involved a mathematical development of the results of Faraday and others and established the mathematical methods Maxwell would use later in his more famous work On Physical Lines of Force . Although Maxwell did not have available all of the compact vector notation we have today, his work was mathematically dicult. The following is an excerpt from a letter Faraday himself sent to Maxwell concerning this point. There is one thing I would be glad to ask you. When a mathematician engaged in investigating physical actions and results has arrived at his conclusions, may they not be expressed in common language as fully, clearly and denitely as in mathematical formulae? If so, would it not be a great boon to such as I to express them so? - translating them out of their hieroglyphics, that we may work upon them by experiment. Hasnt every beginning student of vector calculus and electromagnetism wished that Maxwell and his followers had heeded Faradays pleas? Maxwell reasoned that, since an electric current sets up a magnetic eld, and a changing magnetic eld creates an electrical eld, there should be what we now call electromagnetic waves, as these two types of elds leap-frog across (empty?) space. These waves would obey partial dierential equations, called Maxwells equations, although their familiar form came later and is due to Heaviside [6]. Analyzing the mathematical properties of the resulting wave equations, Maxwell discovered that the propagation speed of these waves was the same as that of light, leading to the conclusion that light itself is an electromagnetic phenomenon, distinguished from other electromagnetic radiation only by its frequency. That light also exhibits behavior more particle-like than wave-like is part of the story of the science of the next century. Maxwell predicted that electromagnetic radiation could exist at various frequencies, not only those associated with visible light. Infrared and ultraviolet radiation had been known since early in the century, and perhaps they too were part of a spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. After Maxwells death from cancer at forty-eight, Hertz demonstrated, in 1888, the possibility of electromagnetic radiation at very low frequencies, radio waves. In 1895 Rntgen discovered electromagnetic waves at the o high-frequency end of the spectrum, the so-called x-rays.


Just Dot the is and Cross the ts?

By the end of the nineteenth century, some scientists felt that all that was left to do in physics was to dot the is and cross the ts. However, other scientists saw paradoxes and worried that there were problems yet to be solved; how serious these might turn out to be was not always clear. Maxwell himself had noted, about 1869, that his work on the specic heats of gases revealed conicts between rigorous theory and experimental ndings that he was unable to explain; it seemed that internal vibration of atoms was being frozen outat suciently low temperatures, something for which classical physics could not account. His was probably the rst suggestion that classical physics could be wrong. There were also the mysteries, observed by Newton, associated with the partial reection of light by thick glass. Advances in geology and biology had suggested strongly that the earth and the sun were much older than previously thought, which was not possible, according to the physics of the day; unless a new form of energy was operating, the sun would have burned out a long time ago. Newton thought that light was a stream of particles. Around 1800 Young demonstrated that a beam of light displayed interference eects similar to water waves. Eventually, his work convinced people that Newton had been wrong on this point and most accepted that light is a wave phenomenon. Faraday, Maxwell, Hertz and others further developed the wave theory of light and related light to other forms of electromagnetic radiation. Ironically, it was Hertz, in 1887, who discovered the photo-electric eect, later given by Einstein as conrming evidence that light has a particle nature. When light strikes a metal, it can cause the metal to release an electrically charged particle, an electron. If light were simply a wave, there would not be enough energy in the small part of the wave that hits the metal to displace the electron; in 1905 Einstein will argue that light is quantized, that is, it consists of individual bundles or particles, later called photons, each with enough energy to cause the electron to be released. It was recognized that there were other problems with the wave theory of light. All known waves required a medium in which to propagate. Sound cannot propagate in a vacuum; it needs air or water or something. The sound waves are actually compressions and rarefactions of the medium, and how fast the waves propagate depends on how fast the material in the medium can perform these movements; sound travels faster in water than in air, for example. Light travels extremely fast, but does not propagate instantaneously, as Olaus

Roemer rst demonstrated around 1700. He observed that the moons of Jupiter appeared to complete their orbits sooner when Jupiter was nearer to Earth. He reasoned, correctly, that the light takes a nite amount of time to travel from the moons to Earth, and that the distance is less when Jupiter is closer. If light travels through a medium, which scientists called the ether, then the ether must be a very strange substance indeed. The material that makes up the ether must be able to compress and expand very quickly. Light comes to us from great distances so the ether must extend throughout all of space. The earth moves around the sun, and therefore through this ether, at a very great speed, and yet there are no friction eects, while very much slower winds produce a great deal of weathering. Light can also be polarized, so the medium must be capable of supporting transverse waves, not just longitudinal waves, as in acoustics. To top it all o, the Michelson-Morley experiment, performed in Cleveland in 1887, failed to detect the presence of the ether.


Seeing is Believing

If radio waves could travel around the earth through an invisible ether, and if hypnotists can mesmerize their subjects, why cant human beings communicate with each other and with the dead, telepathically? Why should atoms exist when we cannot see them, while ghosts must not, even when, as some claimed, they have shown up in photographs? When is seeing believing? In the late 1800s the experimental physicist William Crooke claimed to have discovered radiant matter [4]. When he passed an electric current through a glass tube lled with a low-pressure gas, a small object within the tube could be made to move from one end to the other, driven, so Crooke claimed, by radiant particles of matter, later called cathode rays, streaming from one end of the tube to the other. Crooke then went on, without much success, to nd material explanation for some of the alleged eects of spiritualism. He felt that it ought to be possible for humans to receive transmissions in much the same way as a radio receives signals. It was a time of considerable uncertainty, and it was not clear that Crookes radiant matter, atoms, x-rays, radio waves, radioactivity, and the ether were any more real than ghosts, table tapping, and communicating with the dead; they all called into question established physics. Crooke felt that scientists had a calling to investigate all these mysteries, and should avoid preconceptions about what was true or false. Others accused him of betraying his scientic calling and of being duped by spiritualists. Perhaps remembering 9

that even the word scientist was unknown prior to the 1830s, they knew, nevertheless, that, if the history of the nineteenth century taught them anything, it was that there were also serious problems on the horizon of which they were completely unaware.


If You Can Spray Them, They Exist

Up through the seventeenth century, philosophy, especially the works of Aristotle, had colored the way scientists looked at the physical world. By the end of the nineteenth century, most scientists would have agreed that philosophy had been banished from science, that metaphysics, that is, statements that could not be empirically veried, had no place in science. But philosophy began to sneak back in, as questions about causality and the existence of objects we cannot see, such as atoms, started to be asked [1]. Most scientists are probably realists, believing that the objects they study have an existence independent of the instruments used to probe them. On the other side of the debate, positivists, or, at least, the more extreme positivists, hold that we have no way of observing an observer-independent reality, and therefore cannot verify that there is such a reality. Positivists hold that scientic theories are simply instruments used to hold together observed facts and make predictions. They do accept that the theories describe an empirical reality that is the same for all observers, but not a reality independent of observation. At rst, scientists felt that it was safe for them to carry on without worrying too much about these philosophical points, but quantum theory would change things [7]. The idea that matter is composed of very small indivisible atoms goes back to the ancient Greeks. But it wasnt until after Einsteins 1905 paper on Brownian motion and subsequent experimental conrmations of his predictions that the actual existence of atoms was more or less universally accepted. I recall reading somewhere about a conversation between a philosopher of science and an experimental physicist, in which the physicist was explaining how he sprayed an object with positrons. The philosopher then asked him if he really believed that positrons exist. The physicist answered, If you can spray them, they exist.


Whats Going On?

Experiments with cathode rays revealed that they were deected by magnets, unlike any form of radiation similar to light, and unresponsive to gravity. Maybe they were


very small electrically charged particles. In 1897 J.J. Thomson established that the cathode rays were, indeed, electrically charged particles, which he called electrons. For this discovery he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1906. Perhaps there were two fundamental objects in nature, the atoms of materials and the electrons. However, Voltas experiments suggested the electrons were within the material and involved in chemical reactions. In 1899 Thomson investigated the photo-electric eect and found that cathode rays could be produced by shining light on certain metals; the photo-electric eect revealed that electrons were inside the materials. Were they between the atoms, or inside the atoms? If they were within the atoms, perhaps their number and conguration could help explain Mendeleevs periodic table and the variety of elements found in nature. In 1912, Max von Laue demonstrated that Rntgens x-ray beams can be diracted; o this provided a powerful tool for determining the structure of crystals and molecules and later played an important role in the discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA. In 1923, the French physicist Louis de Broglie suggested that moving particles, such as electrons, should exhibit wave-like properties characterized by a wave-length. In particular, he suggested that beams of electrons sent through a narrow aperture could be diracted. In 1937 G.P. Thomson, the son of J.J. Thomson, shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Clinton Davisson for their work demonstrating that beams of electrons can be diracted. As someone once put it, The father won the prize for showing that electrons are particles, and the son won it for showing that they arent. Some suggested that, since beams of electrons exhibited wave-like properties, they should give rise to the sort of interference eects Young had shown were exhibited by beams of light. The rst laboratory experiment showing double-slit interference eects of beams of electrons was performed in 1989. J.J. Thomson also discovered that the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons depended not at all on the intensity of the light, but only on its frequency. This puzzling aspect of the photo-electric eect prompted Einstein to consider the possibility that light is quantized, that is, it comes in small packages, or light quanta, later called photons. Max Plank had earlier suggested that energy might be quantized, in order to explain the absence of the ultraviolet catastrophe in black-body radiation. It was his 1905 work on the photo-electric eect, not his work on special and general relativity, that eventually won for Einstein the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics. Einsteins 1905 paper that deals with the photo-electric eect is really a paper about the particle nature of light. But this idea met with great resistance, and it was made clear to Einstein that his prize was not for the whole paper, but for that part 11

dealing with the photo-electric eect. He was even asked not to mention the particle nature of light in his Nobel speech. Were the electrons the only sub-atomic particles? No, as Rutherfords discovery of the atomic nucleus in 1911 would reveal. And what is radioactivity, anyway? The new century was dawning, and all these questions were in the air. It was about 1900, Planck had just discovered the quantum theory, Einstein was in the patent oce, where he would remain until 1909, Bohr and Schrdinger schoolboys, Heisenberg not o yet born. A new scientic revolution was about to occur, and, as in 1800, nobody could have guessed what was coming next [8].


The Year of the Golden Eggs

As Rigden relates in [10], toward the end of his life Einstein looked back to 1905, when he was twenty-six, and told Leo Szilard, They were the happiest years of my life. Nobody expected me to lay golden eggs. It is appropriate to end our story in 1905 because it was both an end and a beginning. In ve great papers published in that year, Einstein solved several of the major outstanding problems that had worried physicists for years, but the way he answered them was revolutionary and began a whole new era of physics. After 1905 the development of electromagnetism merges with that of quantum mechanics, and becomes too big a story to relate here. The problems that attracted Einstein involved apparent contradictions, and his answers were surprising. Is matter continuous or discrete? It is discrete; atoms do exist. Is light wave-like or particle-like? It is both. Are the laws of thermodynamics absolute or statistical? They are statistical. Are the laws of physics the same for observers in relative motion to one another? Yes; in particular, each will measure the speed of light to be the same. And, by the way, our notion of three-dimensional space and a separate dimension of time is wrong (special relativity), and gravity and acceleration are really the same thing (general relativity). Is inertial mass the same as gravitational mass? Yes. And what is mass, anyway? It is really energy, as E = mc2 tells us.


Do People Matter?

Our brief history of electromagnetism has focused on people. But how important are individuals in the development of science? If Mozart had never lived, nobody else would have composed his music. If Picasso had never lived, nobody else would


have painted his pictures. If Winston Churchill had never lived, or had he died of his injuries when, in the 1930s, he was hit by a car on Fifth Avenue in New York City, western Europe would probably be dierent today. But if Darwin had never lived, someone else would have published roughly the same ideas, at about the same time; in fact, Alfred Russel Wallace did just that. If Einstein had not lived, somebody else, maybe Poincar, would have hit on roughly the same ideas, perhaps a bit later. e Relativity would have been discovered by someone else. The fact that light behaves both like a wave and like a particle would have become apparent to someone else. The fact that atoms do really exist would have been demonstrated by someone else, although perhaps in a dierent way. Nevertheless, just as Mozarts work is unique, even though it was obviously inuenced by the times in which he composed and is clearly in the style of the late 18th century, Darwins view of what he was doing diered somewhat from the view taken by Wallace, and Einsteins work reected his own fascination with apparent contradiction and a remarkable ability to, as we often hear today, think outside the box . Each of the people we have encountered in this brief history made a unique contribution, even though, had they not lived, others would probably have made their discoveries, one way or another. People matter in another way, as well. Science is the work of individual people just as art, music and politics are. The book of nature, as some call it, is not easily read. Science is a human activity. Scientists are often mistaken and blind to what their training and culture prevent them from seeing. The history of the development of science is, like all history, our own story.


Whats Next?

The twentieth century has taught us that all natural phenomena are based on two physical principles, quantum mechanics and relativity. The combination of special relativity and quantum mechanics led to a unication of three of the four fundamental forces of nature, electromagnetic force and the weak and strong nuclear forces, originally thought to be unrelated. The remaining quest is to combine quantum mechanics with general relativity, which describes gravity. Such a unication seems necessary if one is to solve the mysteries posed by dark matter and dark energy [2], which make up over three-quarters of the stu of the universe, but of which nothing is known and whose existence can only be inferred from their gravitational eects. Perhaps what will be needed is a paradigm shift, to use Kuhns popular phrase; perhaps the notion 13

of a fundamental particle, or even of an observer will need to be abandoned. The June 2010 issue of Scientic American contains an article called Twelve events that will change everything. The article identies twelve events, both natural and man-made, that could happen at any time and would transform society. It also rates the events in terms of how likely they are to occur: fusion energy (very unlikely); extraterrestrial intelligence, nuclear exchange, and asteroid collision (unlikely); deadly pandemic, room-temperature superconductors, and extra dimensions (50-50); cloning of a human, machine self-awareness, and polar meltdown (likely); and creation of life, and Pacic earthquake (almost certain). Our brief study of the history of electromagnetism should convince us that the event that will really change everything is not on this list nor on anyone elses list.



As Buttereld points out in [3], science became modern in the period 1300 to 1800 not when experiment and observation replaced adherence to the authority of ancient philosophers, but when the experimentation was performed under the control of mathematics. New mathematical tools, logarithms, algebra, analytic geometry, and calculus, certainly played an important role, but so did mathematical thinking, measuring quantities, rather than speculating about qualities, idealizing and abstracting from a physical situation, and the like. Astronomy and mechanics were the rst to benet from this new approach. Paradoxically, our understanding of electromagnetism rests largely on a century or more of intuition, conjecture, experimentation and invention that was almost completely free of mathematics. To a degree, this was because the objects of interest, magnets and electricity, were close at hand and, increasingly, available for study. In contrast, Newtons synthesis of terrestrial and celestial gravitation was necessarily largely a mathematical achievement; observational data was available, but experimentation was not possible. With Maxwell and the mathematicians, electromagnetism became a modern science. Now electromagnetism could be studied with a pencil and paper, as well as with generators. Consequences of the equations could be tested in the laboratory and used to advance technology. The incompleteness of the theory, with regard to the ether, the arrow of time, the nite speed of light, also served to motivate further theoretical and experimental investigation. As electromagnetism, in particular, and physics, generally, became more mathematical, studies of the very small (nuclear physics), the very large (the universe), 14

and the very long ago (cosmology) became possible. The search for unifying theories of everything became mathematical studies, the consequences of the theories largely beyond observation [11]. In 2000 the mathematical physicist Ed Witten wrote a paper describing the physics of the century just ending [12]. Even the title is revealing; the quest is for mathematical understanding. He points out that, as physics became more mathematical in the rst half of the twentieth century, with relativity and non-relativistic quantum mechanics, it had a broad inuence on mathematics itself. The equations involved were familiar to the mathematicians of the day, even if the applications were not, and their use in physics prompted further mathematical development, and the emergence of new elds, such as functional analysis. In contrast, the physics of the second half of the century involves mathematics, principally quantum concepts applied to elds, not just particles, the foundations of which are not well understood by mathematicians. This is mathematics with which even the mathematicians are not familiar. Providing a mathematical foundation for the standard model for particle physics should keep the mathematicians of the next century busy for a while. The most interesting sentence in [12] is The quest to understand string theory may well prove to be a central theme in physics of the twenty-rst century. Are physicists now just trying to understand their own mathematics, instead of the physical world?

[1] Baggott, J. (1992) The Meaning of Quantum Theory, Oxford University Press. [2] Brockman, M. (2009) Whats Next? Dispatches on the Future of Science, Vintage Books, New York. [3] Buttereld, H. (1957) The Origins of Modern Science: 13001800, Free Press Paperback (MacMillan Co.). [4] Fara, P. (2009) Science: A Four Thousand Year History, Oxford University Press. [5] Feynman, R., Leighton, R., and Sands, M. (1963) The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. 1. Boston: Addison-Wesley. [6] Gonzalez-Velasco, E. (2008) personal communication. [7] Heisenberg, W. (1958) Physics and Philosophy, Harper Torchbooks. 15

[8] Lindley, D. (2007) Uncertainty: Einstein, Heisenberg, Bohr, and the Struggle for the Soul of Science, Doubleday. [9] Muller, R. (2008) Physics for Future Presidents: the Science Behind the Headlines, Norton. [10] Rigden, J. (2005) Einstein 1905: The Standard of Greatness, Harvard University Press. [11] Smolin, L. (2006) The Trouble with Physics, Houghton Miin. [12] Witten, E. (2002) Physical law and the quest for mathematical understanding. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 40(1), pp. 2129.


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