Nippon Steel

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2-6-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 100-8071 Japan U019en_02_202004f
Tel: +81-3-6867-4111 © 2019, 2020 NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION
Introduction Characteristics

Galvanized steel sheet was previously better known as corrugated iron, which
was mainly used for roofing and siding materials, as well as sundry goods, but its 1. Excellent corrosion-resistance properties
uses have recently expanded across a wider range of fields. The degree of protection afforded by the steel sheet is every bit as good as conventional hot-dip
galvanized steel sheet, but in addition, this surface has greater adhesion to paint, and after applying
Among other types, DURGRIPTM – which is an alloyed hot-dip galvanized steel such coating, its corrosion resistance is further enhanced.
sheet – affords superior coating and welding performance than existing hot-dip
galvanized steel sheet, and is widely used in vehicles, electrical equipment, and 2. Superior painting efficacy
construction materials, etc. DURGRIPTM is heat-processed after hot dipping, and The ability of paint to adhere to this surface is markedly improved thanks to the slightly rough surface
after Zn-Fe plating, making this optimal as a base steel sheet for painting.
electroplated with a zinc-iron alloy. This surface is comprised of minute con-
cave and convex irregularities, making this perfect as a base steel sheet 3. Ease of welding
for painting purposes. The characteristics, standards, and applications, The Zn-Fe plating makes this product easier to weld than ordinary galvanized steel sheet.
etc. of DURGRIP are introduced in this catalogue. Please digest
the details to confirm the superiority of DURGRIPTM. 4. Choice of materials available for wide range
of applications
Select from a versatile range of materials designed to accommodate diverse needs, such as automo-
tive, electrical equipment, and construction materials.

Two types of DURGRIP are available, namely uncoated and lubricating film-coated.

DURGRIP (uncoated type)

Superior welding and corrosion resistance
Contents after painting.
Examples of Product Uses....................2 Steel sheet
Zinc-iron plating 鋼板
Manufacturing Processes.......................4 (Zinc rich)
Manufacturing Location. ...........................5
Manufacturing Equipment......................6
Manufacturing Specifications.............8 DURGRIP (lubricating film-coated type)
Scope of Manufacturing....................... 14 The application of a lubricating film to the
plating surface reduces friction, and enhanc- Lubricating film coat
Quality Attributes........................................... 18
es press processing.
Usage Precautions .................................... 22
Ordering Guidelines. .................................. 23 Zinc-iron alloy layer Steel sheet
Packaging and Labeling....................... 24 (Zinc rich)

Notice: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this publication, the use of
the information is at the reader’s risk and no warranty is implied or expressed by NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION with respect to
the use of the information contained herein. The information in this publication is subject to change or modification without notice.
Please contact the NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION office for the latest information.
Please refrain from unauthorized reproduction or copying of the contents of this publication.
The names of our products and services shown in this publication are trademarks or registered trademarks of NIPPON STEEL
CORPORATION , affiliated companies, or third parties granting rights to NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION or affiliated companies.
Other product or service names shown may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Examples of Product Uses
DURGRIP is a superior hot-dip galvanized steel sheet in terms of its corrosion-resistance ██ Examples of applications for elec-
after painting and weldability, making it well suited to uses requiring painted or welded com- trical equipment
ponents, notably for construction materials, vehicles, and electrical equipment. •Washing machines
██ Examples of applications for automotive components (Car exposed pan- •Air conditioners
els, unexposed panels, and parts) •Vending machines
(external, side, back and bottom pan-
els, parts)

Cowling (windscreen) panel Trunk (boot) lid outer/inner

Hood (bonnet) outer/inner

Pillar outer

Quarter panel

Wheelhouse outer

Locker outer/inner
Front floor

██ Examples of applications for architecture and furniture

•Signboards, doors, sashes, shutters
•Cabinets, steel furniture
•OA equipment, etc.

Front fender (wing) Door outer

Door inner

Back door outer/inner

2 3
Manufacturing Processes Manufacturing Location

Inserting scrap injection
Iron ore Sintering plant

Setouchi Works
Pig iron Hirohata area East Nippon Works
Kyushu Works Kashima area
Yawata area
Basic oxygen
Vacuum gas
Inserting furnace Continuous casting East Nippon Works
Coal Coking plant exhausting system Kimitsu area
Blast furnace hotmetal iron
Nagoya Works

Continuous heating furnace

Roughing mill Finishing mill Temper rolling mill Pickling line Cold-rolling mill

In the heat-processing furnace, coils used for the
base metal are subjected to surface treatments
such as the cleansing of rolling oil and other
deposits and the removal of oxides, and then,
the coils undergo material property adjustments.

Zinc galvanizing process

Cooling facility

Welder Tension reel

Pay-off reel Skinpass rolling mill Leveler
Heat-processing furnace Zink bath DURGRIP
Steel sheet Coil
Base Metal Hot-dip Galvanizing Alloying Process Surface Treatment
Hot-rolled or cold-rolled coils that After the surfaces of the base metal are cleaned, After passing through the zink bath, the DURGRIP is subjected to lubricating
comply with specific standards the coils are immersed in a molten zinc bath to sheet is appropriately heated in the film-coated treatment or chromate-free
are used as the base metal for provide the zinc coating. The coating mass is alloying equipment to create an even treatment as required.
DURGRIP. adjusted by a gas wiping system immediately zinc-iron alloy coating.
after the hot-dip galvanizing.

4 5
Manufacturing Equipment
Constant Casting Cold Rolling
from the Blast Furnace For orders that require a cold-rolled base metal, the
Pig iron is extracted through the chemical reaction of iron sheets are processed to the prescribed thickness by cold
ore and coke. In order to process the extracted pig iron rolling after acid pickling.
into strong yet flexible steel to meet the quality requested The important points for cold-rolling quality are the
by customers, surplus carbon and impurities must be re- sheet thickness accuracy and flatness. We manufacture
moved, and the chemical constituents adjusted through high quality cold-rolled coils as base metal with to a fine
four processes – namely pre-molten iron treatment, rotat- degree of tolerance in sheet thickness by using superior
ing furnace, secondary refining, and constant casting – to automated sheet thickness controllers and cutting-edge
create “slabs” as the interim material. shape controllers.

Rotating furnace Cold rolling

Constant hot-dip galvanizing (Plating)

Electrolytic Cleaning, Annealing,

Plating, Post-processing
Any oil that becomes attached in the cold-rolling process is
removed by electrolytic cleaning, which is followed by anneal-
ing and plating. Crystalline structures in cold-rolled coils are
stretched in the rolling direction creating a hard but fragile mate-
rial. In the annealing process, it is heated and kept in a gaseous
reducing atmosphere to recrystallize, and materials suited to the
standards set for the purpose and usage application are manu-
factured. Next, they are immersed in a molten zinc galvanizing
Hot rolling
tank for the zinc coating. The coating mass is adjusted by gas
From Hot Rolling to Acid Pickling Constant hot-dip galvanizing (Annealing) wiping immediately after the hot-dip galvanizing.
In the rolling process, base metals (hot-rolled coils) with minimal surface scratches or internal defects After the addition of this coating, they are heated appropri-
that are good for processing are manufactured by strictly controlling the temperature and roll surface, ately in the alloying equipment, the iron fuses into the coating
etc. All processes – from insertion through heating the furnace to completion of coiling – are computer layer to form an alloyed coating of zinc and iron, which affords
controlled, with the quality of each product precisely controlled with dynamic and swift management. superior characteristics in terms of corrosion resistance, paint-
Hot-rolled coils used for base metals continuously undergo acid pickling, and any scaling on the sur- ing, and welding. Additionally, the provision of a lubricating film
face (iron oxide film) is removed to prepare for beautiful surfaces in the latter process. coating can enhance pressing for some customers.

6 7
Manufacturing Specifications
██ Type (JIS Specifications) JIS G-3302-2010 ██ Coating Mass (Unit: g/m2) ██ Coating mass and applicable thickness
Minimum coating mass Coating
Cold-rolled Base Metal Coils Hot-rolled Base Metal Coils Coating mass F04 F06 F08 F10 F12 F18
Both Both Obverse Reverse
Type of mass Thickness 030 045 060 070 090 120
sides sides side side (mm)
Type Designation Nominal thickness (mm) NIPPON STEEL Nominal thickness Coating (designa- (triple (one (triple (triple
designation (mm) tion) spot spot spot spot
Commercial SGCC 0.25 ~ 3.2 0.35
Commercial SGHC 1.6 ~ 4.5 method) method) method) method)
Grade 1 SGCD1 0.40 ~ 2.3
340N class SGH340 1.6 ~ 4.5 F04 40 34 — — 0.4
Drawing Grade 2 SGCD2 0.40 ~ 2.3
Structural 400N class SGH400 1.6 ~ 4.5 Equal coating F06 60 51 — —
Grade 3 SGCD3 0.60 ~ 2.3
on both sides F08 80 68 — — 0.5
440N class SGH440 1.6 ~ 4.5
340N class SGC340 0.25 ~ 3.2 (designation on
both sides) F10 100 85 — —
Structural 400N class SGC400 0.25 ~ 3.2 Note: 0.55
On the above type designations, F04~F12 indicates the coating mass. [JIS] F12 120 102 — —
440N class SGC440 0.25 ~ 3.2
(F18) 180 153 — — 0.6
030 — — 20 20
1. Nominal thicknesses other than those listed in the above table are subject to Equal coating on
agreement between the producer and purchaser. both sides 045 — — 30 30 0.8
2. On the above type designations, F04~F12 indicates the coating mass, but F10 (designation on
060 — — 40 40
and F12 are not applicable to Drawing Grades 1, 2, and 3. one side) 1
[NIPPON STEEL 080 — — 55 55
██ Type (NIPPON STEEL Standards) 090 — — 60 60 1.4

Cold-rolled Base Metal Coils Hot-rolled Base Metal Coils Notes:

1. Please consult us in advance about any coating mass designations in paren- 1.6
Equivalent JF Equivalent JF theses.
Type Designation Type Designation 2. In the case of differentiated coating masses, mass designation codes with
Standards Standards 2
the opposite obverse/reverse codes are also available.
Commercial NSACC — Commercial NSAHC — i.e.: 030/045 ⇔ 045/030
Grade 1 NSAC270C JAC270C Commercial automotive use NSAH270C JAH270C 3
Grade 2 NSAC270D JAC270D
Grade 1 NSAH270D JAH270D ██ Surface Treatments (JIS Standards) 3.2
Drawing Grade 3 NSAC270E JAC270E Grade 2 NSAH270E JAH270E Type of surface treatment Designation
Grade 4 NSAC270F JAC270F
340N class NSAH340 — Chromate treatment C 4.5
Grade 5 NSAC270G JAC260G
Commercial, high 400N class NSAH400 — Chromate-free treatment NC
Drawing, : Can be manufactured
high strength, 340N class NSAC340BH JAC340H strength 440N class NSAH440 — No Treatment M
bake-hardened type 490N class NSAH490 — : Please consult us in advance
340N class NSAC340 —
Commercial, 310N class NSAH310N —
high strength
400N class NSAC400 — Commercial ██ Skin-Pass Rolling
370N class NSAH370N JAH370W (JIS Standards and NIPPON STEEL Specifications)
440N class NSAC440 — automotive, high
strength 400N class NSAH400N JAH400W
340N class NSAC340R JAC340W Type Designation
440N class NSAH440N JAH440W
Drawing, 370N class NSAC370R — Specification for Skin-Pass Rolling S
high strength 390N class NSAC390R JAC390W Automotive draw- 490N class NSAH490R
No Specification for Skin-Pass Rolling —
ing, high strength, 590N class NSAH590R JAH590R
440N class NSAC440R JAC440W
Automotive, 440N class NSAH440B JAH440A
590N class NSAC590N JAC590R
high strength High burring, high
590N class NSAH590B JAH590A ██ Surface Treatments (NIPPON STEEL Specifications)
High burring, 440N class NSAC440B JAC440A
780N class NSAH780B JAH780A Type of surface treatment Designation
high strength 590N class NSAC590B JAC590A
270N class NSAHT270 — Chromate treatment C
340N class NSAC340E JAC340P
For use in steel 340N class NSAHT340 — Chromate-free treatment (organic, general-purpose) QM
Deep drawing, 370N class NSAC370E —
pipes 410N class NSAHT410 — Chromate-free treatment (inorganic, lubricant) FN
high strength 390N class NSAC390E JAC390P
440N class NSAC440E JAC440P 490N class NSAHT490 — Automotive lubricant treatment L, V

590N class NSAC590D JAC590Y Notes: No Treatment M

1. When the above types are selected, 030-090 is applied as the coating mass
Low yield ratio, 780N class NSAC780D JAC780Y
designation code for equal coatings on both sides.
high strength 980N class NSAC980D JAC980Y ██ Oiling (NIPPON STEEL Specifications) ██ Oiling (JIS Standards)
1180N class NSAC1180D JAC1180Y
Type Designation Type Designation
High formability, 590T class NSAC590T JAC590T
Heavily oiled H Oiled O
high strength 780T class NSAC780T JAC780T
Normally oiled N Non-oiled X
Hot Stamping 1500 class NSSQA1500 —
Lightly oiled L
1. If NSAC270E, NSAC270F, and NSAC270G are covered by a non-aging guarantee, they are tagged with an N at the end of the Non-oiled X
designation code to create NSAC270EN, NSAC270FN, and NSAC270GN. Non-aging refers to properties that do not cause
stretcher strains during press forming, and are guaranteed for six months after manufacture.
2. When the above types are selected, 030-090 is applied as the coating mass designation code for equal coatings on both sides.

8 9
Manufacturing Specifications

██ Size Tolerance ██ Mechanical Properties (JIS Standards) JIS G 3302-2012 (abstract)

Thickness tolerances are applied to the total values of nominal plate thickness and Base Metal (Cold-Rolled Coils)
corresponding coating thickness. Cold-rolled Base Metal with tensile
limit lowered to 780 N/m2 (Unit: mm)
Tensile Test

Designa- Elongation (%)

Cold-rolled Base Metal (units: mm) Nominal Width Type Yield Tensile
Test piece
tion point strength Nominal thickness (mm)
thickness <1,250 1,250≤t<1,600 (JIS)
Nominal Width (N/mm ) (N/mm2)
0.25≤t<0.40 0.40≤t<0.60 0.60≤t<1.0 1.0≤t<1.6 1.6≤t<2.5 2.5≤
thickness 0.60≤t<0.80 ±0.08 ±0.09
<630 630≤t<1,000 1,000≤t<1,250 1,250≤t<1,600 1,600≤
Commercial SGCC (205≤) (270≤) — — — — — —
0.80≤t<1.00 ±0.09 ±0.10
<0.25 ±0.04 ±0.04 ±0.04 — —
Grade 1 SGCD1 — 270≤ — 34≤ 36≤ 37≤ 38≤ —
1.00≤t<1.25 ±0.11 ±0.12 No. 5 rolling
0.25≤t<0.40 ±0.05 ±0.05 ±0.05 ±0.06 —
Grade 2 SGCD2 — 270≤ — 36≤ 38≤ 39≤ 40≤ — direction
1.25≤t<1.60 ±0.12 ±0.14 Drawing
0.40≤t<0.60 ±0.06 ±0.06 ±0.06 ±0.07 ±0.08
41≤ 43≤ 44≤
1.60≤t<2.00 ±0.14 ±0.16 Grade 3 SGCD3 — 270≤ — 38≤ —
0.60≤t<0.80 ±0.07 ±0.07 ±0.07 ±0.07 ±0.08 (40≤) (41≤) (42≤)
2.00≤t≤2.30 ±0.16 ±0.18 40N class SGC340 245≤ 340≤ 20≤ 20≤ 20≤ 20≤ 20≤ 20≤ No. 5 rolling
0.80≤t<1.00 ±0.07 ±0.07 ±0.08 ±0.09 ±0.10
Note: direction or
1.00≤t<1.25 ±0.08 ±0.08 ±0.09 ±0.10 ±0.12 400N class SGC400 295≤ 400≤ 18≤ 18≤ 18≤ 18≤ 18≤ 18≤
Thickness shall be measured from an optimal spot at least Structural perpendicular
1.25≤t<1.60 ±0.09 ±0.10 ±0.11 ±0.12 ±0.14 25 mm inside the edge. to the rolling
440N class SGC440 335≤ 440≤ 18≤ 18≤ 18≤ 18≤ 18≤ 18≤
1.60≤t<2.00 ±0.11 ±0.12 ±0.13 ±0.14 ±0.16
2.00≤t<2.50 ±0.13 ±0.14 ±0.15 ±0.16 ±0.18 Notes:
1. Figures in parentheses are for reference.
2.50≤t<3.15 ±0.15 ±0.16 ±0.17 ±0.18 ±0.21 2. Figures in parentheses are JIS Standards, but NIPPON STEEL guarantees the upper values.
3. If non-aging is specified for SGCD3, it is guaranteed for six months after shipping from the manufacturer.
3.15≤ ±0.17 ±0.18 ±0.20 ±0.21 —
4. Tensile tests are not generally conducted for nominal thicknesses of less than 0.25 mm.
Note:Thickness shall be measured from an optimal spot at least 25 mm inside the edge.
Base Metal (Hot-Rolled Coils)
Base Metal (Hot-Rolled Coils) Base Metal (Hot-Rolled Coils)
Tensile Test
Commercial quality using hot-rolled coils (Unit: mm) Structural quality using hot-rolled coils
Type Designa- Tensile Elongation (%)
Yield point
Width (Unit: mm) tion strength Nominal thickness Test piece (JIS)
Nominal (N/mm2)
thickness (N/mm2) (1.6 mm≤)
<1,250 1,250≤t<1,500 1,500≤t<1,800 1,800≤t<2,300 Nominal Width
thickness Commercial SGHC (205≤) (270≤) — No. 5 rolling direction
1.60≤t<2.00 ±0.17 ±0.18 ±0.19 ±0.22(*) <1,600 1,600≤t<2,000
340N class SGH340 245≤ 340≤ 20≤
2.00≤t<2.50 ±0.18 ±0.20 ±0.22 ±0.26(*) 1.60≤t<2.00 ±0.20 ±0.24 No. 5 rolling direction
Structural 400N class SGH400 295≤ 400≤ 18≤ or perpendicular to the
2.50≤t<3.15 ±0.20 ±0.22 ±0.25 ±0.27 2.00≤t<2.50 ±0.21 ±0.26
rolling direction
440N class SGH440 335≤ 440≤ 18≤
3.15≤t<4.00 ±0.22 ±0.24 ±0.27 ±0.28 2.50≤t<3.15 ±0.23 ±0.30
3.15≤t<4.00 ±0.25 ±0.35 Note: Figures in parentheses are for reference.
4.00≤t<5.00 ±0.25 ±0.27 — —
5.00≤t<6.00 ±0.27 ±0.29 — — 4.00≤t<5.00 ±0.46 —
6.00≤ ±0.30 ±0.31 — — 5.00≤t≤6.00 ±0.51 —
Notes: Note:
1. Thickness shall be measured from an optional spot 25 mm or more inside from the edge. Thickness shall be measured from an optional spot 25 mm or
2. This tolerance shall be applied to widths under 2,000 mm. more inside from the edge.

Corresponding Coating Thickness

Coating mass designation F04 F06 F08 F10 F12 F18 030 045 060 090
Corresponding coating thickness 0.008 0.013 0.017 0.021 0.026 0.034 0.008 0.012 0.016 0.026
Note: The corresponding coating thickness is calculated using a density of 7.1 g/m and the calculated value is
rounded down to the third decimal place according to JIS Z 8401.

Width Tolerances (unit: mm) Length Tolerances (unit: mm)

Base Metal In the case In the case of using hot-rolled coils In the case of using In the case of using
of using cold-rolled coils hot-rolled coils
Classification of Classification of
Classification cold-rolled tolerance A tolerance B +15 +15
of Width coils (mill edge) (cut edge) 0 0
0 +25 +10
+10 0 0

Note: 1. In the case of using hot-rolled coil base metal, “B” is commonly 2. Classification of Tolerance
used as the classification of tolerance. A: Mill edge B: Cut edge

10 11
Manufacturing Specifications

██ Mechanical Properties (NIPPON STEEL Specifications)

Base Metal (Cold-rolled Coils)

Tensile Test

Yield Point or Tensile Bake-hard- Hole Elongation (%)

Type Designation Test piece /
Yield Resistance Strength ening value expansion Nominal Thickness (mm)
(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2) rate (%) Test direction
0.25≦t<0.40 0.40≦t<0.60 0.6≦t<0.8 0.8≦t<1.0 1.0≦t<1.2 1.2≦t<1.6 1.6≦t<2.0 2.0≦t<2.5 2.5≦
Commercial NSACC (205≦) (270≦) — — — — — — — — —
Grade 1 NSAC270C — 270≦ — 34≦ 36≦ 36≦ 37≦ 37≦ 38≦ 38≦ 39≦
Grade 2 NSAC270D — 270≦ — 36≦ 38≦ 38≦ 39≦ 39≦ 40≦ 40≦ 41≦
Drawing Grade 3 NSAC270E a) — 270≦ — 38≦ 41≦ 41≦ 43≦ 43≦ 44≦ 44≦ 44≦ JIS No. 5
Grade 4 NSAC270F a) — 270≦ — 40≦ 43≦ 43≦ 45≦ 45≦ 46≦ 46≦ 46≦ rolling
Grade 5 NSAC270G a) — 270≦ — 43≦ 46≦ 46≦ 48≦ 48≦ 49≦ 49≦ 49≦ direction

340N class NSAC340 245≦ 340≦ (20≦) 20≦ 20≦ 20≦ 20≦ 20≦ 20≦ 20≦ 20≦
400N class NSAC400 295≦ 400≦ (18≦) 18≦ 18≦ 18≦ 18≦ 18≦ 18≦ 18≦ 18≦ Yield point or yield resistance (N/mm2)
high strength
440N class NSAC440 335≦ 440≦ (18≦) 18≦ 18≦ 18≦ 18≦ 18≦ 18≦ 18≦ 18≦ Designation Nominal thickness (mm)
Drawing, high strength, 0.60≦t<0.80 0.80≦t<1.00 1.00≦t≤2.3
340N class NSAC340BH (195≦) 340≦ 30≦ — 32≦ 34≦ 35≦ 36≦ 37≦ 38≦ 39≦ 39≦
bake-hardened type NSAC590B 370~590 360~580 350~570
340N class NSAC340R 185≦ 340≦ — 32≦ 34≦ 35≦ 36≦ 37≦ 38≦ 39≦ 39≦ NSAC590D 325~470 315~460 305~450
Drawing, 370N class NSAC370R 205≦ 370≦ — 31≦ 33≦ 34≦ 35≦ 36≦ 37≦ 38≦ 38≦ NSAC780D 420~645 410~635 400~625
high strength 390N class NSAC390R 225≦ 390≦ — 29≦ 31≦ 32≦ 33≦ 34≦ 35≦ 36≦ 36≦ NSAC980D — 590~930 580~920
440N class NSAC440R 265≦ 440≦ — 27≦ 29≦ 30≦ 30≦ 31≦ 31≦ 32≦ 32≦
Automotive manufac- Notes:
590N class NSAC590N 390≦ 590≦ — — 17≦ 17≦ 18≦ 18≦ 18≦ 19≦ 19≦ 1. For the paint bake-hardening value (BH amount), the yield point
turing, high strength JIS No. 5
increase amount is shown after a 2% pre-strain and heating at
High burring, 440N class NSAC440B 265≦ 440≦ (60≦) — 27≦ 29≦ 30≦ 30≦ 31≦ 31≦ 32≦ 32≦ perpendicular
170°C for about twenty minutes.
high strength to rolling
590N class NSAC590B as per table on the right 590≦ (45≦) — — 14~29 15~30 16~31 17~32 17≦ 17≦ 17≦ 2. Data for hole expansion is for reference. Details may be agreed
340N class NSAC340E 165≦ 340≦ — — — 32≦ 34≦ 35≦ 36≦ 37≦ — — — upon between the producer and purchaser
The hole expansion rate is as per on JFS T 1001 (hole ex-
Deep drawing, 370N class NSAC370E 205≦ 370≦ — — — 31≦ 33≦ 34≦ 35≦ 36≦ — — — pansion test method).
high strength 390N class NSAC390E 225≦ 390≦ — — 29≦ 31≦ 32≦ 33≦ 34≦ — — — 3. Figures in parentheses are for reference.
4. Figures in parentheses may be agreed upon between the pro-
440N class NSAC440E 265≦ 440≦ — — 27≦ 29≦ 30≦ 30≦ 31≦ — — —
ducer and purchaser.
590N class NSAC590D as per table on the right 590≦ — — — 17~32 18~33 19~34 20~35 21≦ 21≦ 21≦ 5. If non-aging is specified for NSAC270E, NSAC270F, and
Low yield ratio, NSAC270G, they are guaranteed for six months after manufac-
780N class NSAC780D as per table on the right 780≦ — — — 12~25 13~26 14~27 15~28 16≦ 16≦ —
high strength ture. Non-aging refers to properties that do not cause stretcher
980N class NSAC980D as per table on the right 980≦ — — — — 9~20 10~21 11~22 12≦ 12≦ — strains during press forming.

Base Metal (Hot-rolled coils) Base Metal (Hot-rolled coils)

Tensile Test Tensile Test
Yield Point Hole Elongation (%) Test piece / Yield Point Hole Elongation (%) Test piece /
Type Designation Tensile Type Designation Tensile
or Yield expan- Nominal Thickness (mm) or Yield expan- Nominal Thickness (mm)
Strength Test direc- Strength Test direc-
Resistance sion rate Resistance sion rate
(N/mm2) tion (N/mm2) tion
(N/mm2) (%) 1.6≦t<2.0 2.0≦t<2.5 2.5≦t<3.2 3.2≦t<4.0 4.0≦ (N/mm2) (%) 1.6≦t<2.0 2.0≦t<2.5 2.5≦t<3.2 3.2≦t<4.0 4.0≦
Commercial NSAHC (205≦) (270≦) — — — — — — JIS No. 5
Drawing, 490N class NSAH490R 345≦ 490≦ — 22≦ 23≦ 24≦ 25≦ 27≦ perpen-
Commercial, automotive NSAH270C (≦333) 270≦ — 29≦ 29≦ 29≦ 31≦ 31≦
automotive, dicular
Grade 1 NSAH270D — 270≦ — 32≦ 33≦ 35≦ 37≦ 39≦ high strength to rolling
Drawing 590N class NSAH590R 440≦ 590≦ — 17≦ 18≦ 18≦ — —
Grade 2 NSAH270E — 270≦ — 33≦ 35≦ 37≦ 39≦ 41≦ direction
340N class NSAH340 245≦ 340≦ — 20≦ 20≦ 20≦ 20≦ 20≦
400N class NSAH400 295≦ 400≦ — 18≦ 18≦ 18≦ 18≦ 18≦ Tensile Test
high strength JIS No. Yield Point Elongation (%)
440N class NSAH440 335≦ 440≦ — 18≦ 18≦ 18≦ 18≦ 18≦ Tensile
5 rolling Type Designation or Yield Test piece /
490N class NSAH490 365≦ 490≦ — 16≦ 16≦ 16≦ 16≦ 16≦ Strength Nominal Thickness (mm)
direction Resistance Test direction
310N class NSAH310N (185≦) 310≦ — 33≦ 34≦ 36≦ 38≦ 40≦ (N/mm2) 1.4≤t≤1.6 1.6<t≤3.0 3.0<t≤4.5
Commercial, 370N class NSAH370N 225≦ 370≦ — 32≦ 33≦ 35≦ 36≦ 37≦ 270N class NSAHT270 — 270≦ 30≦ 32≦ 35≦
high strength 400N class NSAH400N 255≦ 400≦ — 31≦ 32≦ 34≦ 35≦ 36≦ For use in steel 340N class NSAHT340 — 340≦ 25≦ 27≦ 30≦ JIS No. 5 rolling
440N class NSAH440N 305≦ 440≦ — 29≦ 30≦ 32≦ 33≦ 34≦ pipes 410N class NSAHT410 — 410≦ 20≦ 22≦ 25≦ direction
High burring, 490N class NSAHT490 — 490≦ 15≦ 18≦ 20≦
440N class NSAH440B 305≦ 440≦ (70≦) 29≦ 30≦ 32≦ 33≦ 34≦
high strength
1. Data for hole expansion is for reference. Details may be agreed upon between the producer and purchaser
The hole expansion rate is as per on JFS T 1001 (hole expansion test method).
2. Figures in parentheses are for reference.

12 13
Scope of Manufacturing
██ Available Sizes for Nominal Thickness and Width
For orders other than shown, please consult us in advance per product.

Commercial, Drawing Grades 1, 2 and 3 Drawing, high strength, bake-hardened type —340N class Deep drawing, high strength — 340N, 390N & 440N classes Low yield ratio, high strength — 590N class
(base metal: cold-rolled coils) (base metal: cold-rolled coils) (base metal: cold-rolled coils) (base metal: cold-rolled coils)

3.2) (1,250、
3.2 2.4 2.4 2.4
2.3) (1,700、
2.3) (1,600、

3 2.2 2.2
Deep drawing, 2.2
high strength (1,850、
2.8 2.0 2
340N class (1,700、
2) 2
2.3) (610、
1.8) (1,850、
1.8) (610、
1.8) (1,550、
2.3 (1,250、
2.3) 1.8 1.8
Commercial, 390N class 1.6) (1,840、
(1,550、 1.6) Low yield ratio,
2.2 Drawing 1.6 1.6 high strength
1.6) (1,600、

Thickness (mm)

Thickness (mm)
Thickness (mm)

Thickness (mm)
Grades 1 1.6 590N class
2.0 (1,250、
2.0) (1,380、
2.0) 1.4 1.4
440N class (1,560、 (1,600、
1.4 1.4) 1.4)
1.8 (1,380、
1.8) 1.2 Drawing, high strength, 1.2
bake-hardened type – 340N class
(1,700、0.75) 1.2
1 1 1 (1,700、0.7)
Drawing Grades 2 & 3
0.6) 1 (1,400、
1.0) (1,560、
0.8 (1,840、
0.8 0.8 (1,250、 0.7)(1,600、 0.75)
(1,750、 0.7)
(1,750、 0.7) (1,850、 0.7) 0.7)
(1,850、 (1,250、 (1,850、
0.7) (610、
0.65) 0.65)
(1,700、0.65) (1,700、0.65) (1,700、 0.7)
(1,750、0.65) 0.8
0.6 (1,600、0.6) 0.6 (1,600、
0.55) 0.6 (610、
(1,640、0.6) (700、
0.8) (1,400、
0.55) (1,850、
0.6) (1,200、
0.55) (1,700、0.6) 0.6) (1,540、
0.55) (1,700、 0.6)
(1,600、 0.55) (1,600、0.55) (1,640、0.55)
0.5) (1,250、
0.5) (610、
0.5) (1,200、
0.5) (610、
0.5) (1,540、0.5)
0.4 0.4 0.4 0.6

600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800
Width (mm) Width (mm) Width (mm) Width (mm)

Drawing Grades 4 and 5 Drawing, High strength — 390 & 440N classes Automotive, high strength — 590N class Low yield ratio, high strength — 780N class
(base metal: cold-rolled coils) (base metal: cold-rolled coils) (base metal: cold-rolled coils) (base metal: cold-rolled coils)

2.8 2.4 2.4

2.2 (610、
2.3) (1,600、
2.6) (1,100、
2.0) (1,250、
2.0) 2.6 2.2 2.2
Drawing Grade 4 (800、
2.0) (1,250、
1.8) (1,700、
1.8) (1,850、
1.8) 2.4 2 2
2.2 1.8 Automotive, 1.8
1.8) (1,400、
(1,250、 1.8)
1.6 high strength
2.0 (1,640、
2.0) 1.6 590N class 1.6 Low yield ratio,
1.4) (1,500、
(700、 (1,700、 (1,850、 high strength

Thickness (mm)

Thickness (mm)
Thickness (mm)

Thickness (mm)

1.4 1.4) 1.4) 1.4)

Drawing, (1,700、
1.8 (1,840、
1.8) 1.4 1.4 780N class
High strength — (1,640、
1.2 390N class (1,400、
1.2) (1,250、
1.4 (1,700、
1.4) (1,820、
1.4) 1.2 1.2
Drawing Grade 5 (1,600、
1 (800、
1.0) (1,115、
1 1 1
0.75) (1,820、
(1,740、 0.9) (610、
1.0) (1,400、
1.0) (800、
1.0) (1,250、
0.8 (1,750、0.7) 0.8 (1,600、0.7) (1,820、 0.75) 0.8 (800、
0.8) (1,115、
0.8) 0.8
(1,700、 0.7) (1,250、
(1,700、0.65) (1,850、 0.7) (610、
0.65) (1,750、0.7) (1,840、 0.7)
0.6 (1,600、0.6) (1,750、0.65) (1,700、0.65) (1,750、 0.65)
0.6 (1,250、
0.65) 0.6 0.6
(1,700、 0.6) 440N class 0.6) (1,700、
(1,250、 0.6)
0.55) (1,600、0.55)
0.5) (1,250、
0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800
Width (mm) Width (mm) Width (mm) Width (mm)

14 15
Scope of Manufacturing

██ Available Sizes for Nominal Thickness and Width

Low yield ratio, high strength – 980N class Row yield ratio, high strength — 1180N class Commercial, automotive, high strength — 370N, 400N & 440N classes For use in steel pipes – 270N, 340N & 410N classes
(base metal: cold-rolled coils) (base metal: cold-rolled coils) (base metal: hot-rolled coils) (base metal: hot-rolled coils)

2.4 2.6 4.8 4.8 For use in steel pipes

4.5) (1,250、
4.5) 270N & 340N classes
4.5) (1,250、
2.2 2.4 (800; 2.3) (1000; 2.3) 4.4 4.4
4.3) (1,250、
2.0) (1,200、
2 2.2 4 4.0

1.8 (1,400、
1.8) 2 3.6 3.6
(1030; 1.8) 3.2)(650、3.2) (1,250、3.2)
(610、 (1,550、
3.2) 410N class
1.6 Low yield ratio, 1.8 3.2 3.2
Thickness (mm)

Thickness (mm)

Thickness (mm)

Thickness (mm)
high strength
1.4 980N class 1.6 2.8 Commercial, (1,550、
2.8) 2.8
automotive, (1,600、
1.2) (1030; 1.4)
1.2 (1,400、
1.2) 1.4 2.4 high strength (1,840、
2.3) 2.4
370N class (650、
2.3) (1,250、
(990; 1.2)
1 1.2 2 400N class (1,524、
2.0) 2
1.0) (1,100、1.0) (1,840、
440N class
0.8 1 1.6 1.6
(800; 1.0) (940; 1.0) (610、
1.6) (1,524、

0.6 0.8 1.2 1.2

0.4 0.6 0.8 0.8

600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800
Width (mm) Width (mm) Width (mm) Width (mm)

Commercial, drawing, Grades 1, 2 & 3 Commercial, high strength – 340N, 400N & 440N classes Automotive, drawing, high strength – 590N class Hot Stamping – 1500 class
(base metal: hot-rolled coils) (base metal: Hot-rolled coils) (base metal: hot-rolled coils) (base metals: Hot-rolled coils)

4.8 4.8 3 2.6

4.5) (1,250、
4.5) (650、
4.5) (1,250、
4.4 4.4 2.8 2.4 (800; 2.3) (1360, 2.3)

Drawing, (800、
2.6) (1,219、
4.0 4 2.6 2.2
Grades 1 & 2
(1490, 2.0)
3.6 3.6 2.4 2
3.4) (650、3.4) (1360, 2.0)
3.4) (1,550、
( 、 ) 3.2)(650、3.2) (1,250、3.2)
(610、 (1,550、
3.2 610 3.2 (650、3.2) (1,250、
3.2) (1,550、
3.2) 3.2 2.2 Automotive, 1.8
Thickness (mm)

Thickness (mm)

Thickness (mm)

Thickness (mm)
(1450; 1.6)
2.8 (1,550、2.8) (1,600、2.8) 2.8 Commercial, 2.8) (1,600、2.8)
2 high strength 1.6 (1490; 1.6)
(1,600、 2.6)
(1,520、2.6) (1,840、
2.6) high strength (1,600、
2.6) 590N class
(1,600、2.6) 340N class
2.4 2.4 (1,840、
2.3) 1.8 1.4
2.3) (1,520、 2.3) 400N class (1,600、
2.0) 2.0) (1,600、2.0)
(1,400、 440N clas (1450; 1.2)
2 (1,840、
2.0) 2 (1,524、
2.0) 1.6 1.2
Commercial, drawing, (1,840、
2.0) (800、
1.6) (1,219、
Grade 1
1.6 1.6 1.4 1
1.6) (1,600、
1.6) (610、
1.6) (1,524、
1.6) (800, 1.0) (1325, 1.0)

1.2 1.2 1.2 0.8

0.8 0.8 1 0.6

600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800
Width (mm) Width (mm) Width (mm) Width (mm)

16 17
Quality Attributes
██ Press Formability Paint adhesion Examples of paint adhesion (Initial adhesion)
DURGRIP is widely used from simple bending to advanced drawing in the same way as the hot- and DURGRIP has minute concave and convex DURGRIP(galvanized) DURGRIP(galvannealed) Cold rolled steel sheet
cold-rolled steel sheets of the base metal that is used. Select an appropriate material grade with due imperfections on the surface, so paint adheres
consideration for the shape of the parts used. A lubricating film-coated type can also be selected. very well.

Press Formability

GA (Lubricating film-coated) Forming tolerance Numeric values indicate

fold pressure
25kN 20kN 15kN 10kN 7kN

×: Split 〇 : Pass 〇: Pass 〇: Pass ×: Creased

Treatment conditions: Dipping phosphate treatment, Cation ED 20 μ printing
3mm Bulge
Assessment test: After drawing a grid pattern, Erichsen bulging,
5mm forming
Sellotape peeling

crank crank 〇: Pass ×: Creased Examples of exterior appearance of base metal surface before
25kN 15kN 10kN 7kN
painting (scanning electron microscope image ×1,000)
DURGRIP(galvanized) DURGRIP(galvannealed) Cold-rolled steel sheet
GA (uncoated) Forming tolerance

██ Painting
Phosphate treatment
Even phosphate treatment can be applied to the surface of NS Silver Alloy.
(P comparison: Proportion of Zn2Fe(PO4)2•4H2O within the film crystal)

An example of DURGRIP’s phosphate treatment Phosphate film type examples

Cold rolled steel

3.0 Immersed type

Corrosion-resistance Examples of corrosion resistance when painted
Phosphate amount (g/m2)

DURGRIP (45g/m2)
Treatment conditions:
Immersed type
of general painting (Saltwater spray test)
Scanning electron The DURGRIP coating is formed at almost δ DURGRIP(galvanized) DURGRIP(galvannealed) Cold-rolled steel sheet
2.0 microscope image 1 equivalence (FeZn7; iron density: 10%). Ac-
×400 cordingly, there are minute concave and convex
Cold-rolled imperfections on the surface, and a thicker
steel sheet inert oxide film is applied than in the case of
galvanized sheets that are not subject to alloy-
ing treatment, ensuring much greater corrosion
resistance when painted in most cases.

Spray type

0 Treatment conditions:
30 60 90 120 Continuous spray
Spray time (seconds) Bonderite #137
TA: 14~15
FA: 0.45~0.5
Treatment processes: AC: 0.7, 55°C Scan-
Degreasing Washing with water Chemical treatment ning electron Painting processes:

Fine cleaner Bonderite #137 microscope image Alkaline degreasing Chemical treatment Sealing Melamine alkyd paint Saltwater spray test
#4326: 60°C TA: 14~15, FA: 0.45~0.5 ×300
Bonderite #3112 Parkoren #62 Amylac #3 25 μ Test duration based on
Spray: 120 seconds AC: 0.7, 55°C Continuous spray method Standard conditions: Standard conditions: JIS Z 3271: 240 hours
Spray for two minutes Immerse for 15 seconds
Washing with water Drying

18 19
Quality Attributes

Corrosion resistance for electro-deposition coating ██ Welding

DURGRIP efficiently prevents swelling of paint coatings and scabbing in damaged areas with various corrosion-resistance tests When resistance welding of galvanized steel sheet is compared with cold-rolled steel, in general, the
implemented on the assumption of use as internal or external automotive panels. appropriate welding condition will be a high heat input zone. This is because the zinc itself is a soft
metal with a low melting point, and thus melts and diffuses in the initial stages of electrification, while
heat generation is minimized for overlapping areas since less electrical current is required.
(1) Chipping corrosion resistance (2) Corrosion due to repeated drying and wetting
The following photos show the results for saltwater spray In practice, these materials are subject to repeated drying and
tests and exposure to air, and the performance of DURGRIP is wetting, so a promotion test that combines wet/dry cycles is Direct spot welding
clearly superior. close to reality. An example of conditions for appropriate welding of galvanized steel sheet is shown below. Appropri-
ate welding current range for galvanized steel sheet is higher than that for cold-rolled steel sheet.
Examples of triple-coated corrosion resistance Saltwater spray exposure test results are presented
to chipping in the following photos.
An example of conditions for appropriate welding of galvanized steel sheet
DURGRIP (Galvannealed 45 g/m2) Cold-rolled steel sheet Type DURGRIP DURGRIP Cold-rolled steel
Paint type (Galvanized) (Galvannealed) sheet
t=0.8 mm
13 Electrode: Circular type, 5.0 mmφ

Anion electro-depositio
Current application time: 10 ∞
DURGRIP (90/90)

Welding current (kA)

Single electro-deposition coating
10 Appropriate range
(Base material breakdown)
9 (galvannealed)
DURGRIP (90/90)
8 Cold-rolled steel sheet
Cathodic electro-deposition

Insufficient strength
200 250 300 400
Pressure (kg)
Anion electro-deposition

Continuous spot weldability:

Sample preparation process
With continuous spot welding, when the number of spots is greater, the tip of the electrode is more
Bonderite #137, Spray for two minutes easily contaminated with the zinc-iron alloy, and thus its weldability deteriorates. The thicker this
Triple coating (Melamine alkyd)

Elecron #7000 20 μ protective coating is, the more evident this tendency becomes. If electroplated to create a thinner
coating, continuous spot welding of some 5,000 spots or more is possible, but with thicker coatings,
Amylac TP16R 25 μ the tip of the electrode must be cleaned appropriately. In this respect, our DURGRIP is comparatively
Amylac #030 30 μ beneficial, and work can continue for at least 5,000 spots.

Test method Example of continuous spot weldability for galvanized steel sheets
Cathodic electro-deposition

Immersion in 38°warm water for 120 hours

Non-alloyed products

Number of continuous spot welds (spots)

Chipping and cross cutting 100,000
ZINKOTE (electro galvanized)
Exposure to the elements for six months, 3% NaCl sprayed daily DURGRIP (galvanized)
Cold-rolled steel sheet Alloyed product
DURGRIP (galvannealed)

Painting processes:
Degreasing Chemical treatment Electro-deposition 5,000
Fine cleaner Bonderite
#4357 #3004 Anion Elecron
Spray A for Standard conditions: #7000 20 μ
two minutes Immerse for two minutes Cathodic Power top
U30 20 μ 1,000
Intermediate coating Top coating
Melamine alkyd 35 μ Melamine alkyd 35 μ 30 50 100 150 200
Amylac intermediate coating Amylac top coating (white) Coating mass (one side: g/m2)
Test method: Saltwater spray/exposure to air, 3% saltwater spray
once a day

20 21
Usage Precautions Ordering Guidelines
If inappropriately handled or used, hot-dip galvanized sheet cannot demonstrate their When placing an order, please confirm the following in accordance with the pur-
characteristic properties. Please pay attention to the following usage precautions. pose of the order.

Storage and Loading/Unloading Welding and Brazing Specifications Internal and External Diameters

1. Exposure to water during loading/unloading and storage may 1. In resistance welding, because the electrodes are soiled by Depending on the severity and method of fabrication to be In the case of coils, specify the inside and outside coil diameters
cause corrosion. Strictly avoid loading/unloading during rain the pick up of zinc, they should be properly maintained and undertaken, choose the appropriate specification from those according to the specifications of the uncoilers on the shearing
and prevent exposure to seawater and condensation. Also, replaced at regular intervals. In seam welding, the service life shown in this catalog. line.
avoid storage in atmospheres of high humidity or sulfur di- of electrodes can be extended by using a knurl-gear driving When selecting inside diameters, it is necessary to consider the
oxide. Indoor storage under dry, clean conditions is recom- system. Coating Mass occurrence of break and reel marks on the area of the inside di-
mended. 2. In welding, fumes consisting mainly of zinc oxides are gener- ameter, depending on the thickness.
2. Broken or torn packaging paper must be repaired. ated. Although the effect of these fumes will differ depending Select the most suitable coating mass according to the required
on the working environment, it is recommended that welding corrosion resistance, application conditions, and fabrication Dimensional Accuracy (Sheet thickness, width, length)
be conducted in a well-ventilated place. methods.
Warning! Dimensional accuracy of thickness, width and length is guaran-
3. In brazing, avoid high-temperature brazing using silver and
• Falling and rolling coils are very dangerous, as is the col- other brazing fillers. Penetration of zinc alloy into crystal teed within the range of sizes described in this catalog.
lapse of piled sheets. boundaries can occur, thereby causing brittle fracture in some However, there are cases that require strict size specifications
cases. The size of galvanized steel sheets (thickness, width and length) with respect to assembly accuracy and dimensional accuracy of
is the basic condition for product yield. Design the product with the parts, depending on the application conditions of the finished
Handling Degreasing reference to the range of available sizes described in this cata- products. In such cases, please consult us in advance to clarify
log. Sizes are available in 0.05-mm increments for thickness and your specifications.
1. This product must be handled carefully to avoid damaging the 1. The use of weak alkaline-type and organic solvents and non- 1-mm increments for width and length.
coating or film treatment on the surface. Perspiration and fin- ionic-type detergents is recommended for degreasing. Some Applications, Fabrication Methods and Other Issues
gerprints may impair paint adhesion and corrosion resistance. types of degreasing agents such as strong alkaline agents Coil
2. In these cases, post-processing or repairs must be imple- cause melting of the coating films and corrosion of the zinc. NIPPON STEEL implements quality control to better suit the in-
mented if necessary. Prior confirmation is requested when such agents are used. Select coils or cut-length sheets according to shear and fabrica- tended application. For that purpose, it is requested that the in-
2. In the case of degreasing at high temperatures (more than tion conditions. tended application, fabrication method, and any other require-
Press Forming 60°C) or using ultrasonic cleaning, there are cases in which The selection of coils will effectively improve product yield by al- ments be clearly indicated.
the coating film is damaged. Due care should be taken to lowing continuous and automated operation. In the case of coils,
1. When applying severe press forming, there are cases in which prevent this. however, some defective parts may unavoidably be included be-
the coating film is damaged. Prior confirmation is requested 3. Conduct sufficient drying after degreasing. Handling in an in- cause their removal, based on inspection, is impossible.
when such press forming is applied. sufficiently dry state may cause the coating film to peel off.
2. In press forming, some types of extreme pressure additives 4. In alkali ion cleaning, there are cases in which oily substances Edge Finish
contained in lubricating oil can cause melting and corrosion of remaining in the cleaning water may adversely affect the coat-
the surface coating films and base metals. Prior confirmation ing film. Prior confirmation is requested when such cleaning Please indicate if the order requires a milled edge or a slit edge.
is requested when such additives are used. Excessive dam- is applied.
age to surface layers during press forming will adversely affect Surface Treatment
paint adhesion and corrosion resistance. Painting
Select the most suitable surface treatment from among those
DURGRIP is a steel sheet to be painted. It is not intended for use described in this catalog according to the treatment method af-
Attention! without prior coating. ter fabrication and the application conditions.
• When removing (cutting) the coil binding hoops (bands)
prior to use, make sure that the end of the coil is pinned Aging Oiling
down directly beneath the center of the coil in order to
prevent the end of the coil from suddenly springing out of Generally, steel sheets tend to show deterioration in quality over The decision whether or not to apply rust-preventing oil can be
the coil end; alternatively, be certain to remove the binding time. For example: degraded formability, stretcher stains, and made separately from the kind of surface treatment. Oiling is rec-
in a location where safety can be assured and no danger coil breaks. To avoid this, usage at the earliest possible time is ommended in order to improve intermediate rust resistance, to
would be posed if the coil end were to spring out upon recommended. However, this problem can be avoided if prod- mitigate fingerprints and damage during handling, and to main-
release. ucts with aging resistance are selected. tain lubrication during press forming. Meanwhile, oiling is indis-
• Coils are formed by winding flat sheets. When the bind- pensable for galvanized sheets lacking surface treatment.
ing hoops or other external restraints that keep the sheet
in coil form are removed and the coil end is freed, the
Package Mass
end of the coil will spring out to return to its flat state. 1. Prior confirmation is requested when the product is to be ex-
Furthermore, there have also been cases when the coil posed to high temperature conditions for a long time. Specify the package mass according to the local loading/un-
bindings work loose, allowing the coil to spring out. Such 2. Avoid using in acid and strong alkaline environments. (There loading capacity and work efficiency.
cases may endanger people nearby and cause damage, are cases in which phosphate zinc and other chemical treat- The heavier the coil mass, the higher the work efficiency. In the
so great care must be paid when removing the coil bind- ments used for treating the base steel sheets for painting can case of coils, specify the maximum mass (unit minimum mass if
ing hoops (bands). have high acidity and cause the film to melt.) necessary).

22 23
Packaging and Labeling
The finished product is packaged and shipped as per normal procedure for steel to ensure that it is
handled and stored with care prior to its use. The external layer of packaging consists of a packaging
An Example of Packaging
label that contains details of the finished product that it is affixed to. Furthermore, the Package Card is
also included, which is the warranty for the product in question. Cut Steel Sheet Example
The Package Card is used when taking receipt of the product and confirming its condition. The in-
Seal Hoop
formation contained on the Package Card and labels is detailed herein.
Packaging Paper
Packaging Labels and Package Cards
Title Name
Item Notation Method
Packaging Label
① Product Name Not shown Product name is displayed

Class/Grade Not shown Class and grade of materials used are displayed
JIS Certification Mark,
JIS Certifying Body, Not shown Only the applicable materials are displayed.
JIS Certification Number

The spec code for the finished product is displayed
Spec Designation Specification
(see note below) Seal Protector
Horizontal Skids
③ Coating Weight The weight is displayed Vertical Skids Seal Hoop

Seal Protector
Dimensions Dimensions The dimensions are displayed
Finished Product
Number of Sheets Number of Sheets Only for cut sheets Hoop
Packaging Label

This is displayed depending on the contractual arrangements
Mass Net Quantity
(actual quantity or estimated value)
Length Length Contractual estimate or specific coil length is displayed

⑥ Inspection Number Inspection Number Displayed on each package

Coil Example
⑦ Coil Number Coil Number Displayed for each production lot
Month and Date of Manufacture — The date of manufacture is displayed
Customer Name Not shown The customer name is displayed
“(Location Name) WORKS (or AREA), NIPPON STEEL Finished
⑧ Company and Works Name Not shown
CORPORATION” is displayed Product

Packaging Label
Example of a Packaging Label
Note: Notation Used for Specifications Packaging Paper

For JIS Standards


JIS G 3302 SGCD2 : S M O ( N )
060 ① ② ③ ④ ⑤

1 . 2 0 0 X 1219 X COIL
①:Spec Number ④:Surface Treatment Code

9 , 215LBS 9 , 337LBS
②:Spec Designation
③:Skin-pass Code
⑤:Oiling Designation
⑥ ⑦
5-67738-02 61-31332
For NIPPON STEEL Specifications

⑧ ○○WORKS (or AREA) NSAC270D : S G L O N

MADE IN JAPAN ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥

①:Spec Number ④:Surface Treatment Code

②:Skin-pass Code ⑤:Oiling Designation (When no oils are used, this is given the value X)
③:Surface Finish Code ⑥:Code for the amount of oil to be applied

24 25

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