Asme B16.11 2016 22

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Figure 1 Method of Designating Outlets of Reéueing “ees and Crosses, % % Mea Mey Mase (c) Produce Conformance iting eovered under para 1.11 shall be marked with ether the ASTI. Fitings Speciation material Wentteation (2g, "WP_—") or Standard, Fitnge covered under par. 1-2 shall be aed with a supplementary sul as flows (2) For ASTIAZS4, MO, A820, and A815 sulTthe material grade with "S68" (sce ASTM A960 Supplementary Requirement S58). (21 For ASTM Fitting Speciation B36, suc the (3) For all ASTH Forging Speifenton, sus "B16" (a) Cless Designation. 2000, 3000, 6000, o 9000, applicable Alternatively, the designation 2M, 3M, 6M, OF BMasappliable may bused whereM stands for 1000, (e) Sie. The nominal pipe size related tothe end 4412 Omission of Markings. Where size and shape of ficngs clo no peril ofthe above markings, hey may be ome in the reverse oer given above. 5 MATERIAL 5. Standard Materials Fetngs shall be made of materials consisting of forgings. bar, seamless pipe or seamless tabla products These material enform the equtements fo he Speaiications A234, A403, 820, AB1S, oF B3G6 oF [ASTM Forging Specifications ALOS, A182” A350, 462, FBS Tees, elbows and erosses shall not be machined Alrcty fom bar stock. 6 DIMENSIONS 6. General ance for socet-welding Siting gien in Tales 1,2, 1, tnd 1-2 and the dimensions without tolerances (er Uheeaded fetings given im Tables 3 through 6 and STables 3 Qhrough 1-6 are ominal values and subject to the designated manufacturing olerances 62 Socket Fitings {6:21 Body Wall Ticknes. The doy val thicknesoF 16.22 Socket Wall Thickness. The socket wall average thienese and minima tienes shal oe les than hecorerponding ales, Cshownin Tahoe 12-1, and 6.2.3 Socket Pestion, The fixed position for the bottom ofthe socket with reference tothe centertine af the speket-welding Mitng shall be maintained 35 Fequiredythedimenston Tables Tad. Forrede ‘ing tings, se para. 65. 16.2.4 Socket Depth. the socks depth shall aotheless than themilmum lies shown in Tablst,2, 1, and 12 6.25 Socket Bore, The inside surface ofthe socket bore shall presenta good workmanlike fish that free of burt 6.2.6 Perpendicuarity. The end fas of socket ‘wedi tings sal be ig ale the socket se. 6.2.7 what, The forging rads sal ot reduce the with ofthe fa welding surface to less than the valve howe in Fire 2 6.3 Threaded Fitings 16.31 Wall Thickness. The body or end wal thickness ‘num values, Gas shown in Tables S tuough 5 oF ables 13 through 632 Internal Threading. Al fisings with internal threads shall be threaded with American National Standard Taper Pipe Threads (ASME B1.20.1. Variations in threading shall be Limited to one tura lange or one tatm small from the gaging notch when ‘sing working gages The reference pit for En the starting end ofthe fiting provided the chamfer floes not exceed the major diameter ofthe internal ‘Bread When a chamfer onthe interne thread conde

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