T10 2022

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HGD 20503



1. Suppose we want to test the hypothesis that mothers with low socio-economic status
(SES) deliver babies whose birthweight are lower than normal. To test this
hypothesis, a list is obtained of birthweight from 100 consecutive, full-term, live-born
deliveries from the maternity ward of a hospital in a low-SES area. The mean
birthweight (x bar) is found to be 115 oz with a sample standard deviation (s) of 24
oz. Suppose we know from nationwide surveys based on millions of deliveries that
the mean birthweight in the United States is 120 oz.

i. Based on the above situation, define the null hypothesis (H 0) and alternative
hypothesis (Ha).
= The null hypothesis denoted H 0, is the hypothesis to be tested.The
alternate hypothesis, donated by Ha, is the hypothesis that in some way
contradicts the null hypothesis

ii. Differentiate between Type I and Type II error.

= The probability of a type l is error is the probability of rejecting the
null hypothesis when H0 is true. Meanwhile, the probability of type ll
error is the probability of accepting the null hypothesis when H a is true.
This probability is a function of µ as well as the factors.

2. To test the hypothesis that eating fish makes one smarter, a random sample of 12
persons take a fish oil supplement for one year and then are given IQ test. Here are
the results:

116 111 101 120 99 94 106 115 107 101 110 92

Hypothesis for this situation is H0: µ = 100, and Ha: µ > 100

a) Based on the hypothesis stated, state the null hypothesis and alternative
hypothesis in sentence.

 H0: µ = 100 is no effect because eating fish does not help increase
the mean IQ
 Ha: µ > 100 is effective when eating fish it helps increase the mean
b) Compute mean and standard deviation based on the given data.

3. In 19 subjects, the mean isometric strength for the operated limb (in newtons) was
250.8 with a SD of 130.9. we assume that these 19 patients constitute a random
sample from a population of similar subjects. Construct 95% confidence interval.
4. A sample of 10 patients yielded the following results:

20.5 14.8 21.3 12.7 15.2 26.6 23.4 22.9 15.7 19.24
a) What is the average serum bilirubin level of patients admitted to a hospital for
treatment of hepatitis?
b) Construct a 95% confidence interval for the population mean.

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