Homeostasis Summary

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olletem ortctt0te r 0f tertlte teldin{, t0 gtoitf rut0r

Ir tttergnl 0rt0riolg ' -'.a teoding atoy c0Plt!0rIp3
rg!0ttl,0tv o{ 0 c0n$ t0,lr fntgrnot bo}{mon's r0p.ru tc I e ottgct( f itlrore f
rom I tte btoott
environment {0r thB 6pu[ t\tithd('u r th0 bodJ 0l0m0rulus ! 0rrepts thg btood tor ltnrotton
pr0rim0l conv0turpd lubule | 0bsorbl Ioh of
tle,qnTIvE FesoBAcK ConrRol Loop 9lU(0s0 r 0I0i00 OCid , tons t dod ilte a
ilt0intqtn stAbilttl 0nd re,ttore egUilibTiu tn disl0l convotul0d tuburg ! conrrotilho r0t00J0 Ot iont
in o sy[torn roop 0f Ients r reabsofb l{0ter ond sod ium ,iiiitdi"-
e"g" ReEt,i0tuov! 6t boctv tpmppr0rurp PreSsUre grOdient
i{ bodl i0mpotol0te t, + swpOring sn6 solUle c0ncenl rAtlOh grOdtpnt
vo sodilo tion
t' + shiverinq ond bosemenr membr0nc
y0s0cOnstlctiOh 0lopplUrsT litrr0re dn
lumen ol coP,t0t0
podocylp (eI o{ coPsute
Receptors Eense otood 0t0s f{g R oc 1'-rlutor hote in cqpft,0ry
chon0e in l0clor, cndorhetiu[t
foctor r is pJ foctol {q llJ
o boro sel Pojnr bs l0t{ s gr ,0lnl
- tirst (ell tover r 00ch c0ll i3 Per{0r0t0d by
thous0nds ol ilny membrong -lin9d circu l0r h0lp{
- tlttr0lps ptostr)0 ( t0ns, omin0 0ct'd r gtucosgJ
" IAsE tlEr.lI tlEl.{ B R*NE
- rrrod0 up ot o nelh,0rr of co[00gnOnd OtycopfOrglnJ
Et{ectors rPceiv0 - 0cts os o tttter , stoPs 10r08 0r0tgin mol0cUIpJ
E{le(,l0r5 0ct Ett ect0rs 0ct {ron qo.ttlnq thl^ough
ln{o r m0t ion to d0CrP0$g
t o Jn (rPose . PO OOCY T E CELL
loctor. trom rPceptor. {0ct0r.
- on0 o{ rhe cetls th0l thofPJ U p tne fintng o+ 0ot{moit
c0Psule surroundfn0 rh0 glonerulor copfilortg8
- h0ye ms6l, tt[{ tanoer-rrlCg grojQctlohC iltth gops
rg ce pl0r rh0t is ss0s it lve 1o 0 spPci{l'c
- 0 c eil ! lissue bettilgen then
slimuluJ 0lld (ommunicoteJ tffth 0 conlrot . qtOUERU L AR FILTRAI E
csntre by gpner0t tn0 \grve imPulses 0r - {lui(l th0t +attprs throu0[ frorn the uood i[10 Bo$loon',r
spsdivlg 0 ltLPt!t{f0l al ellenqlr
tttecl0l - o tissue I orgon rhol currlpr 0ul 0n oction M0l.EC'l,JLEs REABS0RDED FRoM PRo{It'tAt C, T,
in rg$p0nse t0 o stamutus (e.g.tnuscleI '0tl gtrJc0ss no glucose t's presen, ih urine
on{, glonds, '0mino 0cr'dsr vitorDlt)s,0nd inorgonic iont
'Urp0 the cohcenlrotlon ol urQ0 t't, thp tltroil k
PoslTIvE FrroBAc,( Conr*ol Loop hiahpr thon in the c0piildrt,t t(ouctng
ofipli{ y ! reinf orcc a chofige 1s1 q slttgilr, urpd fo diltu.to fr|h tho filtrarp bac-r
lftpn t'nto th e btood
drlttinq tl 0NAy f rOm tt! t.ttt.il01 ttdtg r the mOyenenr ol 0lt rhpsp soture from pCT Int0 +he
o"q"Btood ctotiing c0Plll0rIes incrPosPs th0 w0tgr poten ttql ot the
tiltr0t0 qnd decrP0spx of thg
ilhen 0 brcod yerset is iniut'!d, e l0lelll$ sllcl( blood in rhe C0pillOri0J
t0 thp ex pot ed ar 00, r0l e dtitrg chemlc0lJ ltl4l
0rtr0ct m0r, Dt0tetgtc unrrl 0 (l0l t0tmJ -,,-
B uooD (r LucosE
ExcrETroN 9lUCO90n c( derls ( liytr cetrr)
inc reate lhe conce ntratt,on of 0tucose
De0min0tl0n thg btP0kdown of elc?s'r 0mino qct'dt
inSUt jn Pcelts (mUscte
in the litrgTu 6y the 79tllQu0t ol oilnatr|o ot d (0rn ond f dt c?ilJ,
u rP0 t, qlll 59 - -- 9d 1o btood lo bc exc-reled,by decreose the (oilcentratlon 0f gtucote
"- f gl00t
ti ridnels)
_:urH20 I Eel0 0cId F{i 6 H '::7,?,iiy;fl:i.
Nttrz-c--[ool'l C
- CoOll (convertod 4 ond F cgtls
ll fo glucoso
do-ilcl rlse
qturogon ( riv0r 69115 reSPond tO leSS
9luc0gon ( no gtYcogp n
1'l N IIE
0 or tor) in-LiIoa'qrucos e ---
insuin > -d9Nn) . musclP ond tut
omin0 0cId 0mm0ni0 cetls respond to m0re insUtdtl
( incr?0sod up10re ond {t0
uo w !l?3"3,1,','#:i
ot qtUCosg)

Neppno r{ o( celt.t qlueogon-) li'rer cetl5 resPond t0 il'|0r,

nt disto I O
?sl,llLl'Lo. con Vo l(t d0lect foll grrrcdgon (brPordo0rl o{
in btood gtucotp'--r'
insutin ( gtVcogen
et terun Qd
0rie rubu(e tubule to grucosel. rt{0r,
mUrcte, ond +Ot ce.U
9lt Coq Ql,t s46y7 fetn pnergy rospol'ld to reSJ lnSUl.4
statg thq t cott b0 convQ.rtpd ( dgcreosed u0tore ot
bdck fo gtueatc (roandrq g lucosg)

w*,, liuOr qnd rx utc I p cetff )

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