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The circulatory system carries food and oxygen to all parts of the body.
It also carries waste that the body doesn’t need.
Parts of the circulatory system:
The heart
Blood vessels
Blood vessels
Carbon Dioxide
Circulatory system
The Heart:

The heart is a special

muscle and its function is
to pump blood
throughout your body.
This process is called
circulation.The heart has
2 sides. The left side
pumps blood containing
oxygen all around the
body. The right side
pumps blood without
oxygen to the lungs only.
The heart is protected by
the ribcage.
*Blood is a red liquid that flows around
the body carrying food and oxygen to
all parts of the body.
* It also carries waste such as CO2
which the kidneys and lungs get rid off.

Blood vessels:
Blood moves through the body through
blood vessels. The 3 types of blood
vessels are
Veins and
Each kind of blood vessel has a different
structure and function. The blood vessels run
from the heart to lungs, around the body and
back to the heart. It moves along the same
1. The heart pumps blood in arteries to the
lungs to pick up oxygen
2. The oxygen rich blood travels back in the
veins from the lungs to the heart. These are
the only veins that carry blood with oxygen
3. The heart pumps the oxygen rich blood in
other arteries to the rest of the body
4. The blood from the rest of the body which is
now low in oxygen travels back to the heart
in veins.
Heart beat and pulse:
Heart beats about 90 beats per minute. Grown ups have 70 beats per minute.
When you are active , the heart beats faster because it needs more oxygen to
supply. Heart beat can be counted by the pulse. The pulse is caused by the
pressure of the blood as the heart pumps it to the rest of the body. 2 places to
find pulse are on the side of the neck and the inside of the wrists.

1. Why does the heart pump blood to the lungs before it pumps it to the rest of
the body?
2. Why do we need 3 kinds of blood vessels?
3. What is the difference between a heartbeat and a pulse?
4. Draw a cycle diagram to show pathway of blood flow.
Breathing rate

Parts of the respiratory system:

● Two lungs
● Air tubes leading from the nose and
mouth to the lungs
● Muscles in the chest that allow air to
move in and out of the lungs
*We breathe through our lungs.
*Lungs are in the chest protected by the ribcage.
*They are like stretchy sponges that fill up with air.
* When we breathe in, oxygen from the air moves into the blood
vessels in the lungs.
*Blood carries the oxygen to the heart and then to the other
parts of the body.
* As the body uses up oxygen, it makes carbon dioxide
* the blood carries carbon dioxide back to the lungs.
*We get rid of the co2 as we breathe out.
* We breathe in and out 16 times per minute
*The number of times we breathe in and out in 1 minute is
called the breathing rate.
Puberty- The stage in your life where you become an adult and will be able to
Harmones- Chemicals in our body which helps make these changes
Sperm- male sex cell
Ova - female sex cell
Fertilisation- During reproduction, a sperm and an egg join together to form a
new living being. This process is known as fertilisation
Menstruation- the release of unfertilised egg along with the lining of the uterus
*Any living thing that lives in the body of other living thing is called a Parasite
The living thing that the parasite infects is called a host.

*Bacteria, viruses and fungi are parasites.

*Bacteria causes cholera and pneumonia, not all bacterias are harmful.

*Viruses are smaller than bacteria and cause illness in humans, animals and
*They cause flu and chicken pox in humans.

*Mushroom and yeast are fungi, but they cause diseases like ringworm in
humans and animals,, athlete’s foot in humans and rusts in plants
* Some insects spread diseases like malaria, yellow fever(spread by
mosquitoes) and sleeping sickness(spread by tsetse fly). They don't cause
the disease but spread the parasite. These insects are called as vectors.
Body’s defense against diseases:
Tears contain a chemical substance that kills bacteria
Mucus is sticky and traps germs
Skin acts as a barrier to stop germs
Acid in the stomach kills germs in the food

Practice good hygiene for preventing the spread of diseases

Wash hands before eating, handling pets
Cover while sneezing
Wash kitchen surfaces
Keep toilets clean
Wash raw unpeeled fruits
Do not store food at room temperature
Drink safe, clean water
Keep wounds covered

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