The Human Body - Organs and Circulatory System

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The Human Body

Organs and The Circulatory System

The organs are
found in different
positions in the
human body.

The human organs work

together to form a system.
The Circulatory System
● carries food and oxygen to all
parts of the body.
● also carries waste substances
that the body does not need.
● has three main parts : the
heart, the blood vessels and
the blood.
The heart
● is a special muscle.
● pumps blood through the body ;
this is called circulation.
● Every time the heart muscle
contracts (squeezes) to pump
blood, you can feel a heartbeat.
● It takes less than a minute to
pump blood to every part of your
● The heart does this all the time
and never stops.
The heart
● has two sides – the left and the
● The left side pumps blood that
contains oxygen all around the
● The right side pumps blood
without oxygen to the lungs only.
● Blood is a red liquid that flows
around the body.
● It carries food particles and oxygen
to all parts of the body.

● It also picks up waste products,

such as carbon dioxide from the
body and carries them to organs
which can get rid of them like the
lungs and the kidneys.
Blood vessels
Blood moves through the body in blood vessels. There are three
kinds of blood vessels: arteries, veins and capillaries.

Artery Vein
carries blood containing carries blood containing
food and oxygen from wastes such as carbon
the heart to the body. dioxide, from the body
towards the heart.
Join arteries and veins. Very narrow with
thin walls to allow substances like
oxygen and food to move through
Blood always moves along the same
pathway in the blood vessels.
Right side Left side

1. The heart pumps 2. The oxygen-rich blood

blood in the arteries to travels back in veins from the
the lungs to pick up lungs to the heart. These are
oxygen. the only veins that carry blood
with oxygen
4. The blood from the
rest of the body,
which is now low in 3. The heart pumps
oxygen, travels back to the oxygen- rich
the heart in veins blood in other
arteries to the rest of
the body.
Many vertebrates have similar circulatory
1 systems to ours.
Different organisms have different
circulation pathways for blood to
travel around the body. All animals
need blood to be transported to the
lungs (or gills in fish) in order to be

After the blood is oxygenated, it

travels back to the heart in
amphibians, reptiles, mammals and
birds in order to be transported to
the rest of the body.
Many vertebrates have similar
circulatory systems to ours.
In fish, once the blood
leaves the gill capillaries it
travels directly to the rest of
the body before travelling
back to the heart.
Heartbeat and pulse
Your heart beats about 90 times a minute.
1 - When you are grown up it will beat about 70 times a minute.

- When you run around your body needs a lot more food and

- The more active you are, the more often your heart needs to beat
to supply enough food particles and oxygen from the blood.

- A small beat felt under the skin due to the pressure of blood as
the heart pumps it around the body. You can count your
heartbeats by feeling your pulse. It can be measured in time by
counting the number of beats per minute (BPM).

- We can feel pulse on the side of the neck and in the inside of the
Pulse rates are not the same. There are various factors that
affect pulse rate.

Age is one of them. Children have faster pulse rates at rest

than adults.

Pulse rates can also vary according to fitness, gender and

time of day, as well as emotions.

For example, our hearts beat faster when we are nervous.

Fit people generally have lower pulse rates than unfit
people. Males usually have lower pulse rates than females.
TERM 1 AY. 2022 – 2023

Write the answers in your Science notebook.

Some animals have faster heartbeats than others.
The table shows some of them.
Animal (beats per

Human 70

Elephant 30

Mouse 500

Blue whale 10

Cat 150

Hummingbird 1300
1. a. Which animal has the fastest heartbeat?

b. Which animal has the slowest heartbeat?


2. a. Which animal is the biggest? _______________

b. Which animal is the smallest? _______________

3. a. List the animals in the table according to their
heartbeats. Start with the lowest heartbeat.
_________________ _________________
_________________ __________________
_________________ __________________

b. What pattern do you notice in the results?

4. Write a conclusion about animal heartbeats from
these results.


5. Predict the heartbeat of a:

a. horse _______
b. shrew ______
6. When the average bat hibernates, its heart rate drops
to about 20 beats per minute. Why is this so?


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