Justin Broomhead PMP Final Digitalmarketing

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Justin Broomhead



CRN 2663 Fall 2023

Personal Marketing Plan

Executive summary


My first objective is that I would love to open my own business. I have always been

interested in being my own boss and being in charge of running my own company. My love

for food makes this an easy choice for me for what industry I would like to go into, food or

food delivery.

My second objective would be to have a job that allows me to live in Telluride, CO. Colorado

has always been a dream destination for me. As someone who loves hiking and the outdoors.

Being able to live in an area that gives me good work and easy access to hobbies would be


My third objective is having an income of $60,000 or more starting is ideal. It is enough for

me to support myself and have room to work for a higher salary. While I’ll still have money

to use for retirement planning, entertainment, or other needs and wants.


Situational analysis


My strengths lie in my hardworking nature, enabling me to accomplish my goals with

determination. This drive not only allows me to conquer challenges but also enhances my

reputation in the eyes of both prospective employers and colleagues. Additionally, I pride myself

on punctuality, a quality that ensures I complete tasks and meet deadlines in a timely manner.

Coupled with effective time management skills, this trait makes me a valuable asset to any

project requiring prompt completion. Lastly, I have a genuine passion for learning. My

enthusiasm, along with a quick learning capacity, enables me to grasp new concepts efficiently,

allowing me to spend more quality time applying my skills to the tasks at hand

My weaknesses include a challenge in grasping the needs and wants of different

individuals. Recognizing that everyone possesses unique preferences, I find it difficult to identify

and address each person's specific requirements, making it challenging to categorize people

effectively for marketing objectives. To address this, I plan to invest more time in studying and

identifying commonalities among various needs and wants. Secondly, I struggle with memory

retention. This has posed difficulties in academic settings, especially when preparing for tests. To

overcome this, I have adopted the practice of extensively documenting information, reducing the

reliance on memorization. Lastly, I face challenges in understanding and managing others'

emotions. It is sometimes challenging for me to accurately interpret the emotions of those around

me, leading to awkward situations. To improve in this area, I am actively working on enhancing

my listening skills to gain a deeper understanding of people and their emotions.


Environmental Analysis

A marketing specialist is responsible for tasks such as brainstorming ideas for marketing

campaigns, creating brand messages to improve brand awareness, researching, and analyzing

data, and developing sales presentations. As of 2023 the typical salary ranges between $64,803

and $87,094. EverCommerce, Evolve Marketing Inc, and Media News Group are all large

businesses that are in the Denver area. They have multiple jobs in my field and related fields that

I could easily apply for, as well as having good reputations for their marketing groups in the

company. There are many jobs in the Denver area that are in my field and more importantly, the

exact job I am interested in.

The total global market for digital advertising is currently estimated around 531 billion

U.S. dollars, within the next eight years is expected to grow by an estimated $1 trillion. The

actual marketing industry job growth is currently expanding rapidly , at around 10% due to

technology and social media, all of those combined create new markets and new ways to reach

consumers. Currently in the marketing field there is an unemployment rate of 3.5%, while about

19% of all marketing jobs are given to new college graduates.

Market Strategy


One year into the future is the exact time I am supposed to graduate college and earn my degree

in marketing. My internship over the next summer will lead into a job for that company In a sales

or marketing position. It should be an entry level position that only requires about a year have

previous experience. The starting salary that I'm looking for is probably around $60,000. My

contingency for this is to try and find another company that has a intro position available and

apply to that or as many other companies needed until I get a job in the marketing field.

Three years into the future I should have a firm grasp of my field and should be looking for

growth opportunities. At this point I should be branching out in the company and looking at other

tasks that were related to and maybe unrelated to my field. At this point I should hopefully be in

a manager or senior position, making around $80,000. My contingency for this is looking to

other fields that I would be able to work in and try and make a career in those instead.

Five years into the future I should be an expert in my field. Hopefully still in sales or marketing

or doing something in an adjacent field that I enjoy. I will be a manager or a senior position at

this time hopefully making over $100,000. My contingency of this is similar to my three-year

contingency, because if I am not enjoying this field or my job, I do plan to look for employment

elsewhere to try and find the work life balance that I like.

Some potential developments in my personal life that I have taken into consideration are the

economy. If the economy does really well, I do expect my job and career growth to also expand

and grow as well, however if the economy has a downturn, I can hopefully find something and

not be forced out of a job. Another development that I thought of is starting a family, as this

would have a heavy impact on my work life balance and the growth of my career. An additional

development I have thought of is that other companies recruit me if they like the work that I do,

and they think I am a suitable employee for their company. All of these potential developments

will make me take a step back and evaluate my life and my career individually and together,

looking at the pros and cons of each and taking into consideration many other factors of my life

at that moment.


To position myself for the job I want, I recognize that leveraging internships is a key

pathway to success. By actively pursuing internships, I aim to gain hands-on experience in my

desired field, enhancing my skills and knowledge to a level that makes me an exceptionally

qualified candidate for the job. Internships serve as invaluable opportunities for practical

learning, allowing me to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. This experience

will not only refine my technical abilities but also foster a deep understanding of industry

dynamics, trends, and best practices.

Moreover, internships provide a platform to cultivate a network of professionals within

the industry, as building relationships with experienced individuals can offer mentorship,

guidance, and insights that are key in both personal and professional development. Recognizing

the trend of companies requiring several years of experience for entry-level positions, securing

relevant internships becomes a strategic move. Gaining this experience early on positions me as

a candidate with a competitive edge, surpassing the expectations of employers seeking seasoned


The ideal scenario involves securing an internship with the company I aspire to join right

after college. This not only provides firsthand experience of the company culture, values, and

operations but also allows me to contribute meaningfully during the internship, making a lasting

impression. In essence, strategically utilizing internships is not just a means to accumulate

experience; it's a deliberate effort to outshine my peers. Armed with practical skills, industry

insights, and a network of professionals, I aim to graduate not only with a degree but with a

comprehensive and impressive portfolio that sets me apart from other candidates entering the job



My unique skills and abilities set me apart from my peers and colleagues. I excel in

planning, executing, and completing tasks accurately and efficiently, showcasing strong time

management skills and adaptability. Whether working independently or in a team, I bring

versatility that allows me to contribute effectively to a wide range of projects. My aptitude for

learning and adapting to new information makes me well-suited for innovative and creative


I simplify work processes by consistently applying effort and a strong work ethic to my

assignments. My ability to adapt, learn quickly, and complete tasks in a timely manner makes me

an invaluable asset to any workforce. Backed by my extensive experience and education, I can

confidently demonstrate my worth and commitment to high-quality work.


As I am still in the process of completing my degree, my resume includes an overview of

my work experience and relevant coursework, providing a snapshot of the skills and knowledge I

possess in anticipation of obtaining my bachelor's degree. A pivotal moment in honing my

professional profile was during a business communications class where a significant portion of

my grade was dedicated to crafting a professional resume. This document has proven successful

in securing a previous internship, and I am confident in its professionalism based on the valuable

feedback received.

While I don't engage in social media extensively, I maintain an updated LinkedIn profile

that mirrors my resume and work experiences. Other social profiles I possess are curated to

reflect my achievements, ethics, and genuine personality, making them content I would proudly

share with a potential employer.

In pursuit of internships related to sales promotion tools, I target companies offering paid

internships through various platforms, including Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Handshake.

This approach broadens my scope, allowing me to explore a diverse range of opportunities.

For self-promotion during interviews, I script responses that emphasize my achievements,

experience, strengths, and even the weaknesses I've overcome. I proactively anticipate potential

questions and reciprocate by formulating thoughtful inquiries that demonstrate my knowledge

and interest in the prospective company.

Lastly, in the realm of public relations, I prioritize a positive and respectful demeanor.

Throughout my previous employment, I've maintained harmonious relationships with coworkers,

receiving no complaints. In academic settings, I strive to be amicable with professors,

classmates, and peers, believing that treating others with dignity and respect fosters positive

opinions and mutual regard. My upbringing has ingrained in me the importance of fostering

positive connections with everyone, and I endeavor to uphold this approach in both personal and

professional interactions.


I intend to enter the workforce immediately upon graduating from college. I have a

comprehensive resume, detailing the skills and knowledge I've acquired throughout my academic

journey. My resume is currently available on various platforms, including LinkedIn, Glassdoor,

Handshake, Indeed, and ZipRecruiter. I ensure that these profiles stay up to date, regularly

updating them to reflect the completion of courses or my graduation.


In addition to these professional platforms, I plan to create specific accounts on

Facebook, X (Twitter), and Instagram. These accounts will exclusively feature work-related or

professionally appropriate content, showcasing images that highlight my qualifications and

aspects of my social life I believe would be valuable for potential employers and colleagues to

see. The content will mainly consist of pictures and events that portray me as a well-rounded

individual, embodying qualities such as cultural awareness, goodness, and alignment with

company values.


As of 2023 the typical salary ranges between $64,803 and $87,094. EverCommerce,

Evolve Marketing Inc, and Media News Group are all large businesses that are in the Denver

area. They have multiple jobs in my field and related fields that I could easily apply for, as well

as having good reputations for their marketing groups in the company.


• Hunt, C. Shane, et al. Marketing, Because Everyone Is A Marketer. fourth ed., McGraw

Hill .

• “How to Become a Marketing Specialist.” Maryville Online, 2023,




• Salary.com, Site built by: “Marketing Specialist Salary in Atlanta, GA.” Salary.Com,



%2464%2C803%20and%20%2487%2C094. Accessed 10 Sept. 2023.

• “Digital Advertising and Marketing Global Market to Reach $1.5 Trillion by 2030:

Influencer Marketing Is Powerful Weapon for Digital Marketing Teams.” Yahoo!

Finance, Yahoo!, finance.yahoo.com/news/digital-advertising-marketing-global-market-


%20analysis%20period%202022%2D2030. Accessed 10 Sept. 2023.

• Novik, Posted by By Vitaliy, and Vitaliy NovikVitaliy Novik is a doctoral candidate in

Economics at George Washington University in Washington DC. Prior to this he obtained

a degree in Chemical Engineering and worked as an engineer. The opinions expressed in

his posts are his own. View A. “Marketing Major Salary and Careers Data.” Big

Economics, 3 Jan. 2023, bigeconomics.org/marketing-major-salary-and-careers-data/.

• “The NCES Fast Facts Tool Provides Quick Answers to Many Education Questions

(National Center for Education Statistics).” National Center for Education Statistics

(NCES) Home Page, a Part of the U.S. Department of Education,



%2019%20percent)%3B. Accessed 10 Sept. 2023.

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