Epigraphia Carnatica, Vol. VII - Inscriptions in The Shimoga District, Part I (Mysore Archaeological Series)

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Preface age

List of Illustrations

Introduction 1—47
Pa^idavas 1, Ayodhya 4 5 S'atavahanas, 4 ; Kadambas, 6 ;

Sendrakas, 12 ; Senavaras, 12 ; Gangas 12 ;

Rashtrakajas, 1 6 ; S'antaras, 17 ; CMJukyas, 18 ;

Nolamba-Pallavas, 26 ; Pandyas; 26 ; Kajachuryas, 26 ;

Hoysalas, 30 ; Sindas, 34 ; Seva^as (or Yadavas), 36 ;

Vijayanagar, 38 ; Kudali-matha, 4 2 ; Ke}adi, 42 ;

Sante-Bennilr, 44 ; Bijapur, 44 ; Chitaldroog, 45 ;

British, 4 5 ; Mysore, 45. Architecture, 46.

List o f the Inscriptions classified and in chronological order .. 1— 6

Tiext o f the Inscriptions in Roman characters, ^ .. 1— 345

arranged to show the composition

Translations o f the Inscriptions •. .• 1— 196

Text o f the Inscriptions, arranged as in the original,- ..

in Kanna^a^ characters .. .; .. 1— 478

Addenda et Corrigenda .. .. . 1— 2

Alphabetical list'of Towns and Villages where the Inscriptions were found. . 1— 3
Index to Introduction .. ... .. 1— 5
the grant has not been elsewhere met. with, and his descent is not given. Bat on comparing this in­
scription with that o f Mrigesavaraima in the Hitpahebbagilu plates (H s . 1 8 ), it, will at once appear
how similar they are throughout. The unusual prefix to the king’ s name also occurs
there, and in both the plates are described as pattika. Mandhi,trivarmma was therefore of the same
period as .Mrigesavanama, and perhaps a near relation who may have come just before or just after him.
There are no data for fixing the exa ct time of either, but they no doubt belong to the 5th century.

W e next aome to the Talaguada pillar (S k . 1 7 6 ), than which no more important or interestir^
inscription has been discovered in Mysore, whether we regard its contents, its style, or its execution/,
and i t has attracted much attention in Europe.* The pillar, which is o f a very hard dark grey granite,
is standing in front o f the ruined Pranamesvara temple. Its pedestal is 5 feet 4 inches high and i
foot 4 inches square at the top, a little more at the base. Th e shaft is Octagonal, 6 feet 4 inches
high, each face being 7 inches wide, but tapering slightly towards the top. The finial is a pear-shaped
ornament, I foot 11 inches high, with a considerable piece split off lengthwise on one side, taking off
a little bit from the end o f line 10, but no letters are lost. The engr§.ving is in artistically cut
box-headed characters, and there are two lines on each face except the last, which has only half m
line. The invocation at the beginning is on the pedestal, and runs up connecting with the first line.
The inscription reads from the botto m upwards. It is mostly in excellent preservation, except on
the side exposed to the south-west monsoon, which is a good deal worn. The language is Sanskrit
throughout, and the composition is in the high-flown Ksivya style, which it is evident was in full vogue
in the South at that early period, as pointed out by Dr. Btlhler. I had gladly consented to the publication
of the inscription by him,, than whom no one was better qualified to do it justice but his lamented
death put a stop to this. The first 24 verses are in a very rare mefre, which Dr. Kielhorn has stated^
iij not described in any Hindu work on prosody, nor does it occur throughout Hindu literature.
But a minute search has resulted in his discovery o f a verse in the same metre in each of two Gupta
and Vakataka inscriptions of the 4th or 5th century.® Also twb>^rses in the celebrated Bower manu-
script,^ a Buddhist work o f about 400 to 450 A .D , written on birch barij obtained in Tibet, which
has been deciphered atid published with se m ieh lahoiii’ and skill by Dr, Hoetfflle. Dr.Kielhorn is
of opinion* that other specimens in ly be probably found if a search be made in old w?b^gs.* “ It is
clear ' he says “ that we have to do with a Mdtrdsamaka, in which each of the four pAdas of^hek.vej'se
contains 15 matras. The following is the scheme,—
PAdas 1 and 3 : ^
Padas 2 and 4 • —.——* .w.. — ^
In padas 2 and 4 this scheme is followed throughout the 24 verses. In the two odd padas it
is strictly followed iu only 30 (out of 48) first and third padas; iti 14 other instances, where there
is the short for the 6th mAtrA o f the pAda, a long is used, and then the following long sometimes
(altogether three times) will be substituted by two sh o rt; and in the remaining four, the existing in­
stances show in place o f the same short, one long and one short. The secondary form of the scheme
for pAdas 1 and 3 is therefore,—
----v _.w — ww w 16 mAtras
and w w — w — w 17 matrAs” 6

A summary of the contents was given in my Introduction toVol. IV , and X>r. BflMer directed attention to the importance of
the inscription in the of the 21st Sep. 1895.
2 . . . .
B in unheTcamvtes Zndisches Meirum, in the Gottingen Nathriohten for 1899, S e ft 2.
3 , . .
I'usdm inscription, 1. 1 and 2, (Gupto. Inscriptions, p. 270); VSk^taka inscription at AjantI, 1. 5—8, {Archssological Survey
of Western India, Vol. IV, p. 125). tt . / j- j
Part I, p. i (itt sureytm), and verse 38.
My Assistant, Mr. It. Ifarasimhachar, M.A., finds the metre in Bh}mahhatta’s Rdwi»i»r./'M«it/», (a work illustrating Panini’ s
Sutras, published in the Bombay K&vyamdld). See vv. 44 (p. 68) and 58 (p. 174) for instance, and there may be others.
But the second matrS of the third pSda in verses iSland 21 is long.

After the usual expression Siddham, the inscription opens with obeisance and ascription of
Tictory to S'iva, and praise of the Bralunaus. Next follows praise o f the king Kakusthavarmma, the
Kadamba Senani, the moon in the sky o f a great race (hriha l-anvaya). Then commences the highly
important historical portion of the inscription. There was, it says, (at Tajagunda is implied) a family
o f very devout Brahmans,> born in the poira o f the Haritiputra, the ch ief rishi Manayya, of the path of
three rishis. An interesting account is given o f their ritual and domestic habits, decidedly archaic.in
character. Their hair was constantly wet with the final ablutions after many kinds o f sacrifices, they
had performed the avagdha (or bath on completion of vedic study), maintained the sacred fire, drank
sdim juice, and grew fa t on sacrifical animals and offerings. They had a huiamba tree growing near
their house, from tending which they acquired its name and qualities. In this Kadamba family
there arose a distinguished and learned Brahman named MayuraSarmma, who, together with his guru
ViraAarmma, went to the city of the Pallava kings {%
• e. Kafichi), and desiring to be proficient in
pravachana, entered into every ghatilcd,'^ and (thus) became a quick (or ready) debater (or disputant).
There a sharp quarrel arose in connection with the Pallava horses or stables,3 and he became
so enraged that Kshatriyas should lord it over Brahmans, that he resolved though he was a Brahman
to become a Kshatriya for the purpose o f revenge- Accordingly, practising himself in the use o f wea­
pons,— very different from the sacrificial implements he had been accustomed to handle,— he over­
came the Pallava guards at the frontier and escaped to the inaccessible forests at S'riparvvata (in
Karnul District, near the junction o f the Tuugabhadra and Krishpa rivers). Here he grew to such
power that he levied tribute from the great Bana and other kings,. These proceedings made the Pal­
lava kings frown, but aided him in carrying out his designs, and in making preparations for a vigorous
campaign. The kings o f Kauchi (the Pallavas) now m arched against him with their ocean of an
army, resolved to put him down. But journeying in various difficult disguises, he penetrated to*
their camps at night, and smote them down like a powerful falcon. Eating the food o f disaster, and
being rendered helpless, they were forced by him to carry his sword after him. They therefore
quickly resolved to make friendship with him ; and gave him a crown, at the same time conferring
upon him a territory bounded by the Amararnuava (or Western Ocean) and extending as far as Pre-
mara (Malva.), with an undertaking that it should not be entered (or invaded) by others. And having
raeditb,ted on Senapati and the Mothers, he was anointed by Shacjanana.

His successors were his son Kahguvarmma ; whose son was Bhagiratha; whose soti was Raghu ;
whose brother was Bhagirathi or Kakustha. A glowing account is given o f the prosperity o f the
kingdom under the latter ; and his daughters, it is implied, were given in marriage to the Gupta

The punctilious enumeration of details savours somewhat of the perfervour of new converts.
The meaning of ghatikd-sthdna is not accurately known. Mr. Pathak has translated it ‘religious centre’ ("Ind. Ant. X IV , 24).
Dr. Kielhorn has published an article on the subject ( Gottingen Nachriokteu tor 1900, S eft 3), with special reference to
the use of the word in this inscription, and gives quotations in support of his view that it means something like irahma-
puri. At the same time I met with the following inscriptions in Mysore. In On. 178, (Vol. V), we have
Dundubhau hSyan® Bhadrapade mSsS s'ubhe dinS I
DttaikSktyfl SSma-v3de vyadhattSm ghatika[s'ra]matp il (or ghatika [krajmaip ||)
I have been unable to obtain information as to what Dttahka says in the Sima-vSda, but the Adi-parva of the Mahl-BhSrata
contains some weird stories about Utahka. He paid a visit to the serpent world to recover certain earrings which the
serpent king had stolen. He it was who urged the emperor JanamSjaya to perform the serpent sacrifice. Observing some
women wsaving, it suggested to him a method of reckoning time.
On the other hand, in Sk. 197 in the present volume, in the description of the beauties and attractions of Kunta'la, we are
told that it contsinedi~dharmmaTcJce-nermmamum ihSgahk-agaramum dda ghatikS-sthdnas that were
supports of piety and mines of enjoyment. The latter clause seems to convey an idea quite opposed to the former, but we
here certainly have the mention of some kind of institution.
3 .
All that we are told as to the cause of a quarrel that led to such dire results is,—tatra Pallavds'ra-tatHsthSna ialahina
Hvrtna roshitdh.

and other kings. This king, Kakusthavarmnal, caused a tank to be made for the celebrated temple
here at which Satakaruioi and other great kings had worshipped. The king’ s son S ’&ntivarmma, who
it appears had acquired three c?0wns, commissioned Kubja (the hunClibaok), who had composed this
poem (Mvyam), to have it inscribed on the stone. The inscription closes with a benediction on
Stbanakundhr (now Tiliagunda), which was the resort o f people from all quarters.
This learned inscription is full o f interesting and important matter from beginning to end.
It gives what appears to be a realistic and true account o f the origin of the Kadamba line o f kings,
■free from the numerous legends that are current regarding it,i and MaydrasarmniS. is no doubt the
Hayhravarmml who is always represented as the progenitor o f the line (see S k , H 7 ) . The inform*
ation about the Pallavas, Kadchi, Ba^a and S' riparvvata are highly imp >rtaut, as well as the
references to the Premara country, the Guptas, and Satakarnni. In fact, the various lines o f inquiry
it suggests are well nigh iiv.'xh uastible. It is ranch to be regretted that Dr. Buhl'r was not spared
to elucidate, as no one conld so well do, the different questions it offers for investigation. The
inscription is mot dated, but every thing points to the 5th century as the periotl to which it belongs.

Another ancient Kadamba inscription is S k . 6 8 , on a stone at Taijagani, in front of the Rdm4-

ivara temple. In it we have the king Madbuvarmmd o f the Kadamba family,— who were purihed by
meditation on Svami MahasSna and the group o f Mothers, o f the MS.navya-g6tra and Hariiiputras,—
making grants in the villages o f S'atdmahila (which means the hundred women) and Ketakapa^u*
There is no d.ate, but from the style it may be assigned to about 500.
' H I. 1 3 is a dating in 870 A.D. Unfjrtunattfly, o f the name of the paramount sovereign
only ■. r.tsa M.vrasatya remains. From ths d a'e the inscription falls in the reign o f the Hashtra.*
kuta king Nripatuftga or Ainoghavarsha, but I am unable to identify Marasatya, unless it was th^t
king's name. In any case, Indra is said to be ruling the Banavdsi Twelve Thousand, which is the
reason for placing this under the Kadambas.

The next inscription (S k . 4 5 which ico n a stone at the Gaatam§svara temt>Ie in the Gauj
agrahara, is filled with somewhat confused lists o f donations, principally sdle, to that god, and to
the Brahmans o f a number o f villages, first among whom come the thousand o f Gautama-grama, At
one point we have mention o f Kannarasa ns ruling the kingdom o ' th^ world. This was the R&sh(ra-
kuta king, and fi.xes the date at about 890. And Ajavarmmarasa, son of the Kadambas, is mentioned*
Again, when S'antarasa was ruling, the Kadamba Ajammarasa, no doubt the same, made a grant

From S b , ' 1 2 2 we only get the nameKuvara (or the prince) Taila (see S k . 1 1 7 ). Its date may
be about 1030. S k . 151 gives us Ch.^vun^ ruling Banavase, Saiitalige and Hayve, as far as the
Western Ocean, under the Ghalukyas, in 1047. He is described as making sport o f Kofikapa, as Ahava*
malla’ s Hanuman, a wild-fire to Kat.iagila-vada, and thruster aside o f Kannama. The Ourjjara*
ChSra, Choja and other kings were moved at the grandeur o f H&ya. He set up the fine
ihSmnda pillar at B.illigave, on which this inscription is engraved, and made a grant for the Bher-
undesvara ( ? at the top). S k . 1 2 0 shows him making a grant in 1048 for a Jain basndi in Balligaye*
By his order Nagavanuma erected habitations (ni/atira) for the different sects.2 He recurs in S k . 11,
dated 1C63, in which he is called Ghamnnda-Niiyaka In S k . 1 5 2 : we have a Kadamba Satyiiray^*
Deva ruling Kapanfif, also under the Chilukyas, .and making a grant. This singular inscription,
which is on what is called the iidki-Brahma stone, will be noticed m another place farther on.. In
S k . 1 9 1 we have a vira-Kadamba . . . rjjuna-DSya in, ? l O t i

^Bat there i» an evident desiin to exalt the Brahmans at.the of (he Kshatriyas. ,
There was aho a famous ChSmnnda-Riya connected with S'rava^a Belgoja in the l®th century, who had s younger hrothep

S k , 117 is on copper plates at the Virakta-matha in Balgami. It contains a gt nealogy of the

Kadambas, and records a grant in 1118 by the king Soma for the establishment o f an agiahara for
.67 Brahmans. In accordance with the usual legend, Kadamba is said to have sprung from a drop o f
.sweat which fell from the brow of S'iva under a kadamba tree, and he was born with four long arms
• and an eye in his forehead. He begat Mayuravarma, who begat liavivarma, whose son was Nriga-
warma, and he begat Kiitivarma. In his line arose Vikrama-Tailapa, who destroyed his enemies,
watching for them with the sword in his hand like a black serpent with hood expanded, and who
per'ormcd from his birth numeious sacrifices for the promotion of ciharma, which, as a four-footed
bull, still wanders about at will in the shade of his sacrificial po^'ts, rejoicing in the streams of the
final ablutions. In his line was born the king Tailama, who won the earth by his courteous maimers.
His son was Kama-Deva, whose bounty was proclaimed by heralds from road to road, from city to city,
mud from village to village, in all directions. His son was Malla, whose queen w'as Padmavati. But
he also had a favourite queen Basavala-Devi, who was the mother of Soma, at the soupd of whose
kettle-drums his enemies swooned away. Though some of these names occur in other granfs,i this
genealogy as a whole appears to be new.
S k , 1 0 0 is an elaborate account of the Chalukya kihgs.'^^ln the reign o f jSomesvara Bhu-
l&kamalla, when he had come on an expedition to the South,— the Kadamba king Taila, whose
.abode was at ViraU-n.agari- (llanugal), delivered a very long spe(ch praising Baljigave and its
temples in the highest terms, expecially the Kedara temple and matha, and the gurus of the latter.
The emperor was overcome by his eloquence, and wished to perforin some work of merit in so aus­
picious a place, on which Taila skilfully brought to hi's notice a grant he had himself already made,
'and procured confirmation ftir it. The date is 112^. H I. 4 7 , ' which'fe one'year later, records the
death of Tiiilapa, on account of which event a man narned ‘Boppaha Tiiade- §ood the vowf'he had
taken for the occasion (vSle vdhjamy, and went to sveirggd With'Tailuha-Deva..’ Anil Mayftrava'rtna-
Deva with all his ofiicials made a grant for the family, in coiisidefatioiv bf Btippa’s having fulfilled
'Ms time vow (simeya-joto). We have had instances of similar_;Sel&saci-ifieos-pp the. deathf of the
‘-Gahga king KitimS.-gga in about.915 (see A g i 5 and 2 7 , Vol. V>);,juid on the death of. the Hoj sala
;king Ballala in 122.) (see B l. 112, Vol. V), Thsue-was apparently the same thing on the.dp'jithpf
*Bainmarasa-Deva, the Ganga king of" Asandi, in about-14M) (see K S . 1 4 6 ^ Vol. V I). .S k .:2 4 9
■records another niost determined ca s e o f the kind % 1185, oh the deatii;of Laicbchala-Devi. ..•.vi

The next grant is S ll. 7 9 , on a copper plate' belonging tb-llie'Tv&3hH ’Srifagfen mSiha.^'-It'is
^engraved in a most confiiSSd find'irregular marinei’j on small and M agk.N agarl chjarapfcers.ostfid it is
'•difficuit to read or make any sense out of sofiae paits; It professes to he a grant o f viHag'rSorigin-

■•ally made by a Kadamba i kiiig Piirandara-Raya (also apparently- called Aditya-Sindbm iaisnother
■place), in 1154, to VidyasMkam-Bharati, the STingeri gurui? and-confirmed by t h e ‘Vijayatiagar
king Harih u’fi-Raya, presumably at the instance h f his minister-Vidyafanya.^ Near .the h^innirig
-are a mirabcr of profebssd quotations from'the S’anhara-vijaga, giving-only the first-and last-.jvch d's.
But they have not been found in the copies o f -that work th-it have .beeri'coiisulted. cA^goadfid'eal o f
•the inscription is ta'ken-up with the titles and- pretensions .of: the :gmms,i-the. countiies-overi.lvhi'ch
'th ey claim to h;ive travelled, thb-language^they knw,aind Hue various-bcanphpsjrf.,learni,^ ire',wi^h
•they were proficient, "one of-which-«§6'msWfery like hy phot ism. -c S k i 80'?if;-an<rthei-,predS:Cjjt §ipiit'P
As the Karguda-ri grant of 1108 (ZTMi. 249). . . . - -- ' ’ ' m jl-'ii-'*'
It is menlionetrby .Buchanan in 1801 in his Travels (II, btt't'l! bail -neTefife?ii'"bft('iie§sMl ifi ^ttsUg'Asigkt^if iUtid Sb
few years ago, when it had been produced before the Bombay High "Court in connection with some law suit aiiH traii^
laded by a committee appointed for the purpo^, wEiovhowever, tw judge TrbSi a vdislori sho-wn to mej wWvH)tt!l>ery Sectt-
' !( rate-in their interpretation".

•copper plate in the same matha. It prol'esses to be a gcant, to the guru Vidyaiankai’a-Bharati, o f
the Sringapuri and two other agraharas, each containing 360 shares, also other villages yielding
altogether a revenue o f 12000 nislikas, hy a. Kadamba-Raya, on a date expressed in a peculiar
‘ manner*, meant apparently as equivalent to 1235, Then follow lists of the insignia and symbols o f
the guru, and o f the countries between Setu and Himanin which the S’ankararya-guru is worshipped
by 2032 great Brahmans. ^

In S k . 2 3 6 , o f date 117-t, we have an altogether new and different account.of the; origin o f
the Kadambas, which is deduced from the Nandas. When Parasurama was destroying all theiKsba-
. triyas, a king o f the Ltimar race named Soma, from whom, the Kalachuryya family arosej was
preserved by his guru ASvatthhma or Kvaramsa, who disguised him by letting his mustaches and
beard grow thick, and instructed him in the use o f weapons. Rejoiced at their escape, thoking and his
■guru went to the Kailasa mountain to offer thanks to the lord o f Parvvati, and tl|«te they saw the
honoured king Nanda worshipping S iv a with flowers. He had been so engaged? tor many days,
supplicating S'iva for a son, and was turning awhy ip despair that no response had been vouchsafed
to him, when, -as if saying,“ *Do not he distressed,som e hadamta fell before hil»< •Accepting
them as a sign, he worshipped S'iva with these flowers, and obtained from him the boon, the god
announcing to Isvaram^a that two brilliant sons would be born to the king under the name of the
Kadamba-kula, and that he was to teach them the use o f weapons. Accordingly, Kirttivarmma and
Maytavarmma were born. The latter had a son Tayta, whose son was S'Auta, whose sen was
; Mailu. After he and many others o f the line had ruled, there was Boppa, the husband o f S'ri-Deyi.
Bopparasa, lamenting that since the Kadamba Taila no one had arisen in the family worthy,to
■ protect the whole world, together with his wife supplicated Dakshi^a Somanktha for a son. ;4Ud

Kvara granted the boon that they should have aeon equal in bodily strength to Rayamur&ri-S6ma,-vvho
i should transfer the glory of the Kalachuryyas to the Kadambas. And after his birth, in order that .he
’ ■;might be recognized as the Kadamba Rudra, the god appeared to the wife in a dream,— clad in whita
ganvrents, mounted on Nandi,— and marking the child’s forehead with vihMti (or ashes j, gave him the
name Soma. A long account follows o f his growth;, and distinction. A n officer under him, named
Machi-Nayaka, erected in Bandanike inNagarhkhanda the Boppelvara temple, which the king Soma,
his wife Lachchala-Pevi, _and others endowed. And the Kalachuryya ting iUya^iBKi'|.ii-Spvid)eya*s
minister Nacharasa granted certain taxes for it in 1174. S k . 1 9 7 the fafthef inforiualm^
■that the Kadambas were the rulers o f Nagara-kbanda, and that Boppa was the son o f Braiima Viid
'€hattala-Devi. His son was Soma, praised as in thte former inscription, to whom and to Laibchala-
, Dev’ i was born Boppa,. who is said to have had an army o f 18 afoho/M'^ijand whose capital {rnfulMni)
, was Bandhava-pura (Bandanike).::-A lis t o f Jain gurus is .tbe.n given,: ending •with k’ ayakiriiij^sjho
. .-was the preceptor of ;S'ankar%sam.auta, Boppa-Deva’s ^ h ie f suppoTr,ter,:his, decent..,being framed
, from the Naiidn-vamla. He Jjuilt a splendid Jina tenpiple for S.'antinAtha in Magudi,. which gained
such approval even f rom Snryyabharanaj. the priest of iTrjjsuraRtalcai m Balipura (Balgami), that he
granted an endowment for^t. S'ankama-Deva now distributed all his wealth, and marched away to
join the king Ballala, in whose service he Came willi .Tiim to .Tanagunda. W hile they were
there, Recharasa, the Kajachuryya minister, came to Magiidi to worship at the,^ temple, which be
•did along with Boppa and S'ankara, and was so pleased with it> that h o made a graut for it. Tbia
‘ was'in 1 18 2. The merchants and •others also g^ h ted dues for it. ,

' ■ ' ' S k . 1 8 3 ’ o f 1200 gives ah account o f the establishment; o f the Sthahhgfidh^or!^^
Mqkkapjia-Iiadamba; .rnhng tH^^iintala.. OQlTOt^, ,he ,B0Ug%4ilig8Utly
the region o f the South for any Brahmans, but found none. He therefore without ’delay W»nfc forth.

and doing vorsl) p to the Aliiclicliatra figraliArd, succeeded in obtaining ihirty-two rialiman families,,
purified by 12000 agnihotias. These he sent btfoiahim, and settled them in the outskirts o f the
city (BalligrSme), in tl:e gnat agiahara (f Sih/nugudtm, wliidi he founded in a tiact he had noted^.
where ware the g< d Pia^un esvara, fatnois tlnoughout the four yugus as set up by Brahma, and the
tirtfha encircUd by the five Lingas set up by tliat and other gods. Verses follow, praising Tanagun-
dur, its vegetation, and the learning of its Biahntans. Each couple o f the gods congratulated
themselves thr ughoat the night on the abundance of the offerings rfhey obtained there. Tiilocbana-
deva, a Brahman of tlie Chakra-vamla in it, set up the god Madhava, in consequence of a dream in-
which that god appeared to him, and be and his brothers made grantsffor it. Though well acquaint­
ed with all learning, Trildchana-deva in the presence of learned men pretended ignorance o f even
how to read ; one thing he had not ’ earnt, namely to say the two letters i Jla fno) to beggais. In S k ,
2 2 5 wre have Brahma, son o f Boppa-Deva, as ruler o f Nag ira-khanda, under the Hoysala king,
Ballala, in 1204.
Ot these kings there is one inscription, S k , l 5 4 , ' in which we liave Pogilli-Sendraka-n ahaiaja
ruling the Nayarkhavda (that i^, Kagaiaklu nda) ai d Jedugur, under the ( haluk^a crnpeior V/naya-
ditya RajSiraya, in about 685.
The Sendrakas are a line o f subordinate kings nantioned in early inscriptions, who seem to have
much in common with the Sindas, (sec the section on these farther on) and to occupy contiguous
parts of the Bo.nbiy and Mysore countries. They claim to be o f the Bhujagendranvaya or lineage o£
the snake king^ just as the Sindas claim to be o f the Phapiraja-vamia, which has the same meaning.
They were thus both of Naga race. The Sendraka-visliaya is mentioned in the Beppur plates, containing
a Kadaraba grant of the 5th century. (Bl< 2 4 5 * Vol. V). One of the witnesses in the Mon ara plates, o f
the same period, (C g . 1, Vo), I) is.a Sendrika, but tins may perhaps not be the same name. In C i. 4 3 -
the country south of Basavapattana seems to be called the Sendra country so late as the 17th century,
and this must have adjoined, the Sin la, country, as appears from their inscriptions in this volume.
The SSnavara kings were brought to notice in Vol. VI. 1 here is only one inscriptioc here ( S k ,
2 7 8 ) nferring to them, in which we find the priihuvi-vallabha Senavara-bhftvara under the Chaju^
kya king Vijayaditya-Satyasraya, in abot 700, It is too much defaced to supply any information.

The earliest Gahga insreiption in this volume is S k . 5 2 , engraved on copper plates which
apparently belong to the Tagarti agrahara.3 A peculiar feature is that they are inscribed in an
ejrfraordinaiy mixture o f alphabets, o f which there are at least three, used indiscriminately. Th e
oldest has not been met with elsewhere, and in certain respects bears some resemblance to tlie AAoka
char-acters ; another is Hala-K inna la, and the thh'd is a form o f Nagarl.'* Commencing in

A faCrsimile ispaUished in /<«<. A vt. XIX, M i, Ind.Ant., VII, 108.

Originally published by me in 1878 (Jnd. Ant. V f I, 172) as the Harihara plates, as they were sent to roe by the Superin-
teiident ot Znam SeMlem’int.tfrom that plac?, to which it was understood they belonged.
Similarly, the Parli-lCiihedi plates of the Eajinga Ganga king Vajraliasta (published by Pr. Kielhorn in Ep. InS. I l l , 220),
and the Chicaeole plates of Satyavarmmi of the same dynasty (published by Or. Fleet in Ind, Ant. X IV , 10), arein a
mixture of alphabets. Of the former. Dr. Kielhorn says,—“ The characters present a curious mixture of the N8gart
alphabet a»'written ip Southern India, and of several TOuthem^ alphabets properly so called ... -The writer has not ,
merely shoivn his f,»m(li»rity with sereral kinds,of writing, hat luvs ■"'•Iso displayed some skill in the .arrangement of the
different characters .w Every letter appears 'ih at least two forms, and tor some we have bo less than four (or even
more) different forms."

thorusual manner o f the Ganga copper plate grants, we have first KongulivarmmS, who divided the
great pillar o f stone with a single stroke o f his sword, and was adorned with a coronet o f
Thar^nikdra petals (see S h - 4 ) . His son was YishyugSpa, whose son was Tadang^la-MMhava*
’ R&ya, ruling in Talavaaa-pura. On the date |^ven, which apparently corresponds with 357 A.O,
he granted laud as a reward to R3,ma-dera, the son o f a or farmer, for an act o f bravery in
killing Henjera, and rescuing Rajamalla’ s wife and guards.

After a considerable interi^l we come to S h . 9 3 , in which we find that when E pyappa assumed
the crown, Butuga was governing the MandalUndd and had a q[ueen Chikkabbe, to whom he gave a tank
for the god. No date is raentipned. In S h - 2 4 , also without date, Satyavakya-Permmana(Ji i®
ruling, and Kote . . . . governing the Mandali-nild Thousand,, S k . 8 3 , Of 1058, and $ k . 1 5 2 , Of
lOGO, are o f the time when the Chdlttkya prince Vikrarailditya, who was a Ganga on the mother^S
side and'adopts all the Gafiga titles, was in BaUiSive, ruling Gangavd(Ji, as well as apparently the
Banavasi, Santalige and Nelanabavatji provinces, under his father, called Ahavamalla and Trailokya-
malla. His minister for B.uiavase was the Perggade NAraijayya. In S h . 6 have a Barmrna*
Deva, with his wife, son and other relatives, making a grant at Ma^d^i. From S k * 1 0 9 , of 1070,
to S k . 1 3 0 , o f 1075, we hive the Brahma-Kshatra Bhuvanaika-vlra Hdaydditya-D&va ruling first
Gafigavadi, and then the Binavase and Santalige provinces, under the ChSJukya king Bhuvanaika*
malla. His wife was Lichchali-Devi, whose beauty and accomplishments are highly extolled. In
the last inscription the Eighteen agraharas are added to his administration, and he is said to have
taken tribute from the neighbouring Chera, ChOja, Pa^dya, Pallava and other kings, extended M i
territory as fa r as the four oceans, and to be living in peace in the royal city Bal|ig^ve. From
H I. 1 4 , o f 1076, to S h . 1 1 5 , o f 1103, wa have Tribhuvanamalla Gaiiga-Permmfidi*Heva ruling Gafiga*
T&di under the Chalnkya king Tribhuvanamalla. In 1085 ( S h . 1 0 )* the king is said to have givep
Mm the Mapdali Thousand, with all the rights as regards treasure trove and undei^ound stores,
according to the rule of one-third (in6hd^a?»%««fara).2 And he in turn rewarded Perggaijs Nokkayy^
who had enlarged a tank, formed paddy-fields, built basadis and established places for the distri­
bution o f water and food, with the government o f Taljtekere and the headsWp o f eight villages, also
givipg Mm 20 horses, 500 servants, and a village, besides granting royal insignia for thebasadid,
fiud taxes for their support. The poetry o f the inscription was composed by the minister for peate
and war, DAmi-R^ja. With S h . 5 1 o f 1108 we have Bhujabala-Gauga-PermmadUDgva, who yras
ruling GaAgavadi and the Meghutti-Maydali Thousand S h . 9 7 o f 1113 informs us that this king’s
wife was Ganga-mahadSvi, and they had four sohs-^Gaiiga, H&rasihga, Goggi, and KahyaAga. The
king’s residence was at EijiehalU (now in Eoppatalnql and here be appears with a second wife Bachali*
Devi. The way in which she fascinated her husband, it says, was like a play (wd^oSa).® He gave
her the title pdtra-jaga-dale (head o f the world of dancers) and seems to have bestowed on her the
.village o f Bannikere, where she bnilt a Jina temple, and the king endowed it, the whole o f Ms
family and ministers being present. Among other grants given for it the Lokkigu^M prabhagays
Lokki gadyana, a coinage not met with before.

S h . 5 7 o f 1115 brings us to Nanniya-GaAga, the eldest son o f Bhujabala-GaAgS and G a A ^

mahadevi. This inscription also contains the detailed genealogy o f the GsuAgas and list of garas
which will be noticed under S h . , 4 . The king Continued to reside at E^ehalJi and made a grant for

This inscription is the eariiest here that contains the iong account of the Origin and genealogy of .the 0 a ^ s . •They wiU
all be noticed together at the end of this section.
So in the original, buhit may he a mistake for the usual tribhdgdbhj/anfara. i u t this word is doubtful.

.abasadi In 1118 be made ( S k . 1 2 7 ) a grant for Umb*MaheSvara o f the Pancba Lifiga temple
atBalgam i. In il2 0 b e w a s attacked ‘ by the Poysaja king Bit|i-Peva’ s general Boppa (g h . 1 2 )
and a battle was fought at Halasur. g h . 1 5 also mentions a great battle in 1122. From g h . 4 <
we learn that Nanniya-Qanga built o f stone the Pattada-tlrtha basadi o f Ma^i^aU which his grand"
&ther had erected, and built also 25 other chaity&layas. His queen was Kanchala-DSvi and they
had a son Hermm&di or Permmadi.
In S h . 5 6 we have Vira*Gafiga-Permmadi-I)eva, whose general GaAgimayya made an attack
upon Belagaratti in 1125 but lost his life in the <attempt. In SH. 9 9 we are informed that the
king had built a fort in Kannakapura in Maudali*nad, and in 1127 made a grant for a well dug for
the temple to the east o f the fort. g h . 3 7 and 2 0 and g k . 1 8 are again of the time o f Nanniya*
Ganga who was ruling the Edevatte Seventy, the Ballave Seventy, Narivelige and agrabdra Begur,

C i- 7 3 carries na to the Ganga kings o f Asandi under the Hoysalas., Barmmarasa was ruling
in 1180. In H I- 7 9 of 1185, he is called MS,ta Bammarasa. O i. 6 4 gives us the history o f
the family to Narasiipha as already published in V ol y i . In 1214, while the latter was ruling, a
nll-prabhu founded a village, constructed tanks and erected a temple, which he endowed. Among
other gifts was one for the scMMeh&rya o f the god Harihara, a man who answers questions by
putting a salak% or stick into a book at random and so finding a suitable passage. In g h . 5 the
minister Ganga’s son Madhnshdana erected a 6a£ig5Svara temple in 1218 in the name of his father.
In Ci* 7 2 we have a Vaijarasa ruling, in 1220, who must therefore be a Vaija III, and in the
second part o f the same inscription is another Bammarasa in 1221. g h . 8 7 o f 1245 is too much
defaced to make oat the connected meaning, but begins with an enumeration o f Bhujabala, Vira,
and Nanniya Giibga, who have been mentioned above as ruling Mapduii-nkd.

We may now proceed to consider the detailed account o f the origin and genealogy o f the
Gafigas as given in the following inscriptions-—g h . 1 0 , 6 4 , 5 7 , 4 , 3 9 and 5 6 (only the be­
ginning), dating in the end of the 1 1th and beginning o f the 12th centuries* The most complete are
the Puraje and Kallhi^ud^a stones (g h . 6 4 and 4 ), o f 1112 and 1122. Both begin with ac­
knowledgement of the Ohajukya sovereignty, after which the second gives an account o f the Hoy-
salas to Narasiipha.Then both continue alike, the former professing to give the IJcshvdh*-va7)iSA-
vatdram and the latter the Gangdnvaydtatdrap, of which the following is a summary, from the
latter.* In Ayodhya-pura was bom the head-jewel of the Ikshvaku race, Hari&chandra (according to
S h - 1 0 , the son o f Dhana^'aya,— capturer o f Kanyakubja,— and Gaudhk’i-D^vi), who ruled in peace
for a long time. His son was Bharata, whose wife was Vijaya-mahadevi. When the longing o f
pregnancy arose in her, she went to bathe in the Ganges and recovered her brightness. In due time
she boro a son, who from the above circumstance was named Gaflgadatta. H e in turn had a son
Bharata, whose son was again Gafigadatta, whose son was Harischandra. His son was another
Bharata, whose son was also Gangadatta. While the Ganga line was thus continuing, there arose
in it a king named Vishnagupta, who gained an empire and ruled from Ahichchhatra-pura, where he
performed the Aindra*dhvaja-pujji, and Devendra being pleased thereat gave him Airavata (his ele­
phant, regent elephant o f the east). To Vishpugupta and his wife Prithvimati were born the sons
Bhagadatta and S'ridatta. To the former the father gave Kalinga, which he ruled in peace as
Kajifiga Ganga. To S'ridatta be gave the ancestral kingdom and the elephant, which thenceforward
was adopted as a crest. Then there arose in his family Priyabandhu or PriyabandhuvarmmS, to

^Ictually the earliest containing this account is the inscription at Humcha dated 1076 (to appear in Tol. V III.) which if
much superior in execution, the characters in these Shimoga inscriptionslheing small and cramped.

^ 0 note all the variations would he tedious and of no use. Of the kings some have probably more than one name.

whom ladra, pleased with his faith, gave five ornaments (or tokens), saying— “ I f in your line any
who countenance falsehood (or a false faith) should arise, they (the ornaments) will disappear.” A n ^
.giving to Ahichchhatra the name o f Vijayapura, DevSndra departed. The Ganga line continued t o
flourish, and in it, to the king Kampa was born a son named Padman&bha. The latter, distressed
at having no sons, brought Padmaprabha’ s idsOwa-iilcaf* into his power, and thus obtained two sons,
whom he named Rama and Lakshtnapa. A t this juncture, HahipMa, ruler o f Ujjayini-pura, attacked
Padmanabha, demanding the five ornaments. Fadman^bha indignantly replied that it was as im­
possible for him to part with them as for Mahipala to wear them, and added a defiant message.
Meanwhile, taking counsel with his ministers, he sent his sons away, with his younger sister a virgin,
and forty-eight chosen Brahmans. And as they were going to the south, he gave to M m a and
Lakshmapa the names Dadiga and Madhava.t

Continuing b y daily journeys, they arrived at Perur (or Gaftga Perur), where they met with the
distinguished muni Simhanandy-achfiryya, and informed him o f their circumstances. He, taking
them by the hand, made them proficient in all learning and obtained for them from the goddess
Padmavati the boon o f a sword and a kingdom. M&dhava, seizing the sword, gave a shout and
struck with it a stone pillar, which immediately broke in two.^ Recognizing this as an auspicious
sign, Simhanandi crowned them with a coronet o f kar^niMra petals, provided them with a suitable
retinue, and put them in possession" o f the Ninety-six Thousand kingdom, with Nandagiri (Nandi-
droog) as their stronghold, and Kuvajala (Kolar) as their capital. And the boundaries o f that Giafiga-
vadi country were,— north, as far as Maraudale ; east, Topda-nkiJ ; west, the ocean and Cheram ;
south, Kongu. Thus secure in the kingdom, they were marching to subdue Konkaua, when they
passed through Mandali, and being pleased with the place, by the advice of Simhanandi erected a
chaityalaya there.

On their return to K6l§,la, a son was horn to Dadiga, named Madbava, who su<;ceeded to the
throne. His son was Harivarmma, whoSe son was Vishpugopa, who associated with falsehood (or a
Talse creed) and the ornaments given by Indra accordingly disappeared. His son was Prithvi-Gafiga,
who favoured the true faith, and his son was Tadangkla-MMhava. There followed in succession
Avinita, Durvvinita, Mushkara, S'rivikrama, and Bhuvikrama, whose sons were Nava-KS-ma and
Ejaga, From the latter there succeeded EreyaUga, Srivallabha, S’lipuriisha, S'ivamara, and
Idiirasituha, who subdued the Malava Seven and named it Qanga-M^ava, cast aside Gbitrakfita and
slew Jaykesi in battle. His son was Richamalla, Whose grandsons w‘ere Marulayya and Bdtnga.
Then followed Ereyappa, Vira-Vedauga, Rachamalla, EyeyaUga, Butuga, Marula-Deva, Guttiya
Ganga, Marasinga, Govindara, Saigotta Vijay&ditya, Rachamalla, Marasinga, Kurnla Rajiga (in
some called Satyavakya), and Garvvada Ganga. G6vindara*s nephew was apparently Rakkasa Gaftga,
whose younger brother was Kaliyaftga.

Here a diversion is made to give the descent of the §.oharyyas of the Kr3,nAr-gapa, These were,
'briefly,— Simhanandi, Arhadbali, Damanandi, Balachandra, Meghachandra, Gunachandra, Gupa-
■nandi, Prabhachandra, Maghanandi and PrabbS-chandra, whose colleagues were Anantabiryya and
Munichandra, and their disciples S'rutakirtti, Kanakanandi Vadiraja, M&dhavacbandra and BMa>
ehandra, • Prabhachandra’ s disciple was Budhachandra, and his lay-disciple Barmma-Deva Bhoja-

No farther mention is made of what occurred itt their father’s kingdom, the remainder of the narrative following the
• fortunes of these two sons, t have omitted some of the supernatural details introduced into the preceding story, such as
the nirvdna of N§mi-Ttrthakara, the kSvalajndtta of Pars'va-BhattSraka and the visit of SaadharmSndrS.
%iis incident is mentioned in nearly all the old Gtafiga plates and in one place it is desorihed as a W or bolt which was an
obstacle preventing his securing the throne.

He appointed the hcmii which, Da^iga and M&dhava bad formerly built o f wood and established
on the hill o f Manidali, and for which the Ganga kings had continued to provide offerings, to be the
chief lasadi in the Edadore Seventy o f the Mandali Thousand, giving it the name o f Pattada basadi
(the Crown church), and endowed it. His sons were Mdrasifiga, Nanniya Ganga, Hakkasa Gafiga, and
Bhujabala Ganga, each of whom made grants for it, flere dates are given for each. And Nanniya
Gafiga had the basadi built of stone in 1112, and erected 25 other basadi s, endowing them. His
wife was Kanchala-Devi, and they had a son Hermmhdi or Permmadi-Deva, (From S h . 6 4 i k
appears that he became Ereyaflga-Hoysala’s somin-law).

Such is the account, and parts o f it have the appearance of fable, while others are undoubtedly
true. The origin o f the Gahgas is derived from Ikshvaku and traced back to Ayodhya-pura.^
Under Vishnugupta the seat o f government is moved to Abichchhatra, which it is hinted was Vijaya-
Pura.2 To this king is attributed the separation into the two lines of the Eastern and Western Oangas,
those of KaliAgn and Mysore. W ith the arrival of Dadiga and Madhava in the south, at Gaiiga-Perur,
and the establishment of the Gabgavadi kingdom in Mysore aided by Simhanand', we seem to come
to historical events. For Ganga-Perhr is in the Kadapa District, and still bears that name to distin­
guish it from Other Perhrs. Simhanandi is known from literature and other records, and is in
several places described as the founder of the Gabga kingdom. The succession o f rulers is in generrd
accord with what we know from inscriptions in various parts, but many of the details vary, which is
only to be expected in such extended annals.

The name Qabga which designates this line o f kings,— whence Gafigavadi, the name o f their
kingdom, and GahgavadikS,ras, now contracted to Gangadik^ras, that .o f its people,— is not an
ordinary one. The stories all derive it from the Gangl, or Ganges river, and they may be right. F or
the only race known to uS bearing a similar name are the Oabgaridm mentioned in Greek and Roman
classical writers, who, along with thePrasii, the people o f Bebar, were the subjects o f Chandra Gupta,
and occupied Bengal. Pliny calls them Gafigarid® Calingm, and describes them as a powerful people
with a large military force.^ Now when we consider the alleged and probable connection p f Chandra
Gupta, and the proved connection o f ASoka, with Mysore, grounds are not wanting, it seems to me, pa
which to bam a derivation of the Bame o f the Gahgas here from that of the subjects o f those rulers in
the north. Mauryas and Guptas, who had their origin there, survived in the south ; why not Gaigas ,?
The intimate relation that Jainism, which they professed, bore to the same region, lends support to
the tradition, however overlaid with subsequent mystification.
A *
• •
The R4shtrakfita inscriptions in this volume begin with Sk, 283, not dated, which is o f the
reign o f NripatuAga or AmSghavarsha, about 830. HI. 13 of 870 is also o f his time, but the only
name remaining o f the king is Marasatya. The actual name o f AmSghavarsha seems not to be
known. Perhaps the information is now Obtained here. Indra was ruling Banavasi at that time. The
next three inscriptions belong to Kannara-Deva II (Sk« 456 of about 8 99 , 284 o f 902, and 219 Of
911 so far as his reign is concerned). In this last we kave a Kalivittarasa ruling Banavfisi, in the
execution o f whose orders the nal-gavunda o f the N igarakhapda Seventy died, on which the king
gave the offioe to his widow Jakkiyabbe. She seems to have held it with great credit for seven
years, rejoicing in her beauty, until incapacitated by .some bodily ailment, on which she resigned
everything to her daughter, and coming to the o f Bandamke, expired in performance of Jaina^

^he Chalukyas also claim to have been originally in Ay8dhyS-pura ('see Sk. 1Z5J,
There was a place called Vijayapura from which a Chalukya grant of the 5th century was issued, supposed to he in Gujarat
(see Ind Ant, V II, 24D.
See Ptolemy’s Oeoyrdphyhy MoCrindle fin d . A nt, X l l t , 395).

TOWS, The inscriptiop was composed by NagavarmmS» H I . 21 to 2 3 are o f the time o f Suravpa-
Tarsha, a title o f Goviada IV. Their date is 934. S k . 1 8 4 is o f the same reign, (and 3 2 2 )
though no overlord is mentioned. In it Puliyyamina, perggade of the SUntalige Thonsand, who had
•attained the rank o f great minister, is said to have constructed the big tank at Ta^iagunda in 935, and
made it over to the town on condition o f certain annual payments being kept up. The remaining
two are o f the time o f Akalavarsha, Khandara-Ballaha, or Kannara-Deva, S k . 1 8 3 is of about 950,
and Sankaraganda was governing Banav&si-na^. S h , 2 2 is dated 963.
Sa n ta ra s
The S ’antaras were brought to notice in Vol. VI. But S k . 1 0 3 gives the following account of
their origin and genealogy. They were born from the arms o f Brahma, that is, were Kshatriyas,. and
being free (s'dnta) from the quality o f tmias (darkness), free (sdnta) from enemies by their might,
and free (sdnta) from fear and avarice, they acquired the name of S'§.ntaras, Among them arose
Ammana, whose brother was Sihgi*Deva. Ammaua’ s son was Taila, whose son was Kh.ma, His wife
was Bijjala-Devi, and they had a son Jagadeva. Bijiala-M vi’ s sister WasGhattala-D^vi, who bore to
Vijayaditya-Deva a son Jayakesi, who was reckoned as Jagadeva’ s elder brother. He ruled the Seven
Kohkanas, and had a younger brother Sihgi-D5va.

The earliest mention o f the S'antaras here is in S k . 2 8 3 o f about S30, in which we have Jagesi
{? Jayagesi) ruling the whole o f Santalige, which corresponds with the present TirthabaUi taluq. S k .
4 5 5 , o f about 890, mentions Santarasa without specifying any name. In S k , 2 8 4 we have Vikra-
miditya Santara ruling in 902. An Ereya-Permmaiji Santa-Kamapa is also mentioned, whose son
w as? Ainbinayita, whose son was Chandiga, but the inscription is not clear. H I . 2 1 to 2 3 , oi
only mention Santara, without any nam e.. In S h . 1 14 we have Jiaadatta-Raya in. ? 950. He is said
to be born in the Kanaka-kula, and o f the line o f the Kalase kings. These were Santaras, as we have
seen iu Vol. V I. In S k . 1 9 5 Oddamana appears ask in g o f the Santajige Thousand in 1007,
when he made a raid on Talagunda, carrying off the good looking women and the temple cows.
S k . 4 7 shows a Vikrama-S'antara S'tivallabha-Deva making a grant in 1027 to the thirty-two
thousand Brahmans o f the Gauda agrahSra. S k . 5 3 presents a NannhSantara Annala-Deva in the
same year making a grant for a temple erected by the son o f the chief Brahman o f T&garache (now
Tagarti). In S k . 6 3 there is Trailokyamalla Vira-Santara-Deva, who in 1063 remitted to certain
Brahmans o f agrahara Kanriavur all the taxes that had been imposed by the members of his family.
•The imprecations at the end are novel. S k . 4 6 gives as apparently a Vira-S5,ntaraclitya (no doubt
the same as the preceding), who made a grant in 1068 for the god GautameSvara of the Gauj agra­
hara. S k . 6 2 o f about 1070 mentions Trailokyamalla Vira-Santara-Beva’s death, on which the
Gavunda o f Porapaje, it says, bore the burden (apparently the body) on his back for three days
more and then released it, receiving from the succeeding S5,ntara money for preserving (?th e body
o f his predecessor). The inscription is obscure as to its meaning. In 1076 a Kali-Santara-Doya
lays siege to some place (S k . 5 0 ) .
It is here, in 1149, that S k . 1 0 3 shows us Tribhuvanamalla Jagadevarusa in the residence o f
Setu’ , ruling the kingdom. Surrounded by learned men and his court, he was discoursing on dhar-
mim, and said,— “ As water though o f one substance is used under many names, so one is the Divine
essence but it is served under many modes o f life on which his son Bammarasa made a petition
representing the merit o f the Dakshina Kedara and virtues o f ita flcharyya Gautama. The king and
his son therefore united in making a grant for the god. In 1173 and 1191 a Vira-Santara-Deva was
ruling (S h . 1 1 6 , S k . 3 8 ) . In the latter, the wife o f a warrior who fell in battle performed saM‘
the south-west of Sagar taluq.

gamma aad died with him, taking svargga by force, S k . 3 1 2 of 1287 gives us the continuation o f
the line from Bira, His son was Brahma or Bommar&sa, whose son was Tammarasa. He is describ­
ed as breaker of the pride o f the La}a king, destroyer of the Kadamba king, hunter of the Korl-
ka^i king, setter up o f the Tula king. His residence was at Hosagunda, the chief jewel of the
Santajige kingdom. His minister Soma-Nflyaka had the Kaliya-gatta o f Sapija built, in return for
which, the Brahmans o f Sandilya, in the presence of the Brahmans of all the 96 villages (several
named), resolved to call it Somanatha-gatfa, and made a grant to him o f lands and a house.
Cha lu
kya s
The inscriptions o f the Chalukyas, as was to be expected, are the most numerous in the volume.
The first is a fragment which refers to the early king Polekesi, and may therefore belong to about 640.
Next comes S k . 1 5 4 , of the time of Vinayaditya, about 6 85 , Pogilli-Stodraka-mahaiaja being the
governor of Ndyarkhap^annd Jelugur, S k . 2 7 8 is o f the time of Vijayaditya, about 700. It men­
tions the SSnavara king,

Wo then come to the later Cha}ukyas, and there are two inscriptions (C i, 7 , S k , 1 7 9 ) of Aliava-
malla, a title of Tailapa, dating 992 and 997. In the latter, Bhimarasa was governor of Banavasi*,^
Santalige and some other provinces, S k . 71 is o f the time o f Satyasraya, 1002, and Bhima-Baja
was still governor ofBanavasi. S k ,J 2 8 7 , dated 1012, belongs to the reign of Tribhuvanamalla. Iriva-
bedauga-Deva's (that is, Satya^raya’s) son Kitndamarasa now appears as viceroy o f Baiiavasi and
Santalige, and this position he held throughout the reign o f Jayasiiigha till the accession of Ahava-
malla in 1042 (S k , 1 0 4 ), He is also called Kunda-Baja (S k . 3 0 7 ) and Kundaka.Baja (S k . 9 ) . In
S k , 2 8 7 a predicament is presented which it says was like the suit in tlie Bharata, in which the
well, the pot and the rope each belonged to a different man. S k , 3 0 7 quotes a text which occasionally
recurs in the inscriptions, saying,— By these two (classes of) men only is the disk of the sun burst
through® the sannyasi absorbed in yoga, and he who dies facing the foe in battle. In S k . 2 8 5
Kundamarasa is styled a Mari to the Tivulas, and Battiga’s (that is, his father SatyaiSraya’s) liaffa
(or stubborn one).

With S k - 1 2 5 begin the inscriptions of Jayasiinha-Deva, JagadMramalla. In this, Tailapa is

described as a fierce fear of the last day to Chola, and as eager for war with Chola, O f the kings
o f the Chalukya dynasty, it says that 59 bad sat on the throne in Ayodhya-pura with great glory.
In their line was boril SatyaSraya-Deva, who became a sdrlha-hhauma or universal emperor. In that •
Satyairaya-kula arose Nunnmadi-Taila. The land and the crown having fallen into the bands of the
Rat(as, he drove them out, this millstone to the llattas, and took possession of the crown of the Cbd-
Jukya kingdom. Jayasingha was a sun to the lotus king Bhoja, and a lion to the elephant Rfijendra-
Chola, The Seven Mala^'a) he made to pack up their bundles, and forced Chera and Chola to plunge
into the sea. Kundamarasa was ruling t'le Banavase Twelve Thousand, the Santalige Thousand
and the Hayve Five Hundred, ubliaya sdmyadi (? with both rights) as far as to the Western Ocean,
and had his residence in Balipura (Balgami),. S k . 9 says that he was also ruling the Eighteen
agraharas. In Sk, 1 7 7 the thirty-two thousand Brahmans o f the Sthanakundur agrahara make
a grant for the god Pranamesvara. In S k . 3 0 a SatyaSraya-Deva appears ruling Santalige under
Kundamarasa, He is credited with victory over the Tivuja forces, and is styled Kundama's warrior
(anJeaMraX S k . 20a shows Jayasimhain 1032 in the residence of Etagiii, (Yalagiri in the Nizam’ s
Dominions)* . There is mention o f a Padmanabhayya, minister of Vijayaditya-Deva, no doubt the
viceroy of Nojambavadi (see C i. 18).

■^ery coannoaly written as Baam se in the inscriptions.

2 . .
That is, the/ force their way mto sva^ga or paradise hy an heroic end. br. FpeL’ s Fan, Di/it.,<5\

ShJ 1 2 6 is an interesting and important inscription. The opening portion states that after the
Pandavas had performed the Rajasuya sacrifice, they came to Baljigave and set up the Five Lingas.
The king was now, 1036, in the residence o f Pottalakere, and he made a grant for the repairs o f
the temple o f the Pancha Liiiga set up by the Pandavas, which was the Kalamukhi Brahmachari-
•sthana o f Baljigave. The grant was made to the celebrated LakujiSvara-pandita,! who was living
there and whoso prases are given at great length. He had the title Vadi-Rudragui.ia, and the oppon-
•ents he overcame in disputation were Akalahka, Vadi-gharatta, Mfidhava-bhat^a, Jnanananda,
Visvanala, Abhayachandra, Vadibha*simha, VSdiraja, and Nayavadi. The inscription closes with,
what I am informed is a quotation from Kumarila-bhatta, a'firming that Mahadevais god, and th at
the rules enjoined in the three vedas for th 3 order of castes and a^ramas are dliarmma •, moreover
undertaking to refute in public assembly any one who casts aspersion on these two statements. The
town is directed to maintain the work of merit: “ let the irreligious leave it entirely alone.” S k . 1 5 3
-shows the king in 1039 residing at Ghattadakere.

With S k , 3 2 3 negin the inscriptions of Ti'ailokyamalla or Ahavatnalla, whoso name w as

Some^vara. 'W o here find Singayna-Devarasa as governor of Banavasi and Saatalige, besides
-other districts as far as to the Western Ocean. Among the epithets applied to him he is called
guardian o f Kollipake, the door o f the South. He repaired the temple o f the goddess Bhagavatl
Balliyabbe near Balligave and endowed it. In the same year we see in S k . 1 6 0 that Chamuyda-
Rayarasa was made governor o f Banavasi and other provinces. S k . 1 5 1 describes him as lord o f
Banavasi-pura, a brave at the courts o f three kings, making sport o f Koukaua, a wild-fire to Kanagile*"
vada, thruster aside of Kaunama. The splendour o f his elephants and horses moved to jealousy th e
'Gurjjara, Chera, Chola and other kings. He erected in 1017 the fine Bherunde^vara pillar a tB a l-
garni, which is surmounted by a gcnidO’-bliSmiuIa, and has this inscription engraved on its base*
From S k . 1 2 0 it would appear that he himself was known as the ganda-bHnmda. In H I. 1 0 7 and
119, o f 1018 and 1054, we have Trailokyamalia Nanni-Nolainba Pallava-PerminS-nadi-Deva as
governor o f certain provinces. In S k . 1 1 3 the king is described as a lion to the elephant Oh6|a,
a gale to the cloud Kajinga, a sun to the darkness Panchala, a wild-fire to the forest Magadha, »
thunderbolt to the mountains Malava, a garnd-a to the serpent Keraja, and a submarine fire to the
ocean the Nepala army. In a moment he sent the Seven Malava, which came against him, to
•destruction ; the Seven Konkana and Seven Male, which united together, he terrified and forced te
obey him ; in the middle o f the battle the Ghoja king grew faint and died. The son o f the vad4«*
hyavahdri or senior merchant o f the royal city Balligrame erected a temple there to Abhinava-Sd-
mesvara, H I . 1 gives us the interesting information that Trailokyatnalla’ s chief queen was Hoysa|ft*
Devi. She made a grant for a tirttlia which a Gauda o f Onnaji (the earliest form o f the present
Honnali) had established on the bank o f the Tuftgabhadra,

In S k . 8 3 we find Chalukya-Gaiiga-Pernimanadi Vikram?iditya-Deva, who was a younger son

•of the king by a Ganga mother and as-sumes all the Oauga titles, appointed in 1058 as viceroy o f
Gangavadi, with Banavasi, S.intalige and Nolanibav'idi, holding his residence at Baljigave. S k . 1 5 2
records a strange event that took place there in 1063 in lus time. This inscription is on what
is called the sula-BrahwJt stone .and is somewhat obscure. A man nam’ d Tujiiva Chaydiga seems

riikiilts'vara was a famo-aj S'aiva teaolier, often mentioiie-J in the insuripfioas, as well as the Lalndaganu!, his system o f
doctrine. His career seems to have beg-an at Mel[)adi in North Arcot District, as he is aimed in connection -with a grant
there in the time of Rajendra-Choli, 1020, as hro-Jght to notice by Dr. HnUzschfS'o. In-L In?., I l l , 27). Here vie findhiia.
in 1036 settled at Balgami in Mysore. Event^.ially he went to Kiroliana in the Lata country, identified hy Dr. Btthtep
with Karvan in Baroda, -where he founded the Pas'upata seat, whose doctrines are explained in the Sanadars'ana-sangr^a,
(see i:p. lad . I, 271 •,V, 226). Bat an inscription of 1079 in Arfcilgud taluq (Vol. V) shows us a Nakularyya who w®*
minister for peace and war to the Kongajva king AdatarSditya, and boasts of being able to write in four languages.
|o hare made a vow that ha would not let (the nail on) his finger grow, in order to avert some
agreement about the Banavase fort to which he was apparently opposed. But Ballavarasa^, on pay»
ing a visit to P&nuugal, when Kadamba SatyaSraya-Deva was ruling Kananhr, these two made a
grant of the fort, on which Tulava Chandiga cut off the finger which he had given, at the Permmalu,.
temple, and climbing up to the Bherundesvara on the top o f the pillar above mentioned, threw
himself down on the points of spears and died. There is a figure of a man impaled on a row o f
stakes, whence the name of the stone, which is erected near the base of the pillar.
S k . 11 shows Chamupda-Nayaka acting as king o f the Banavasi province in 1063. He is
apparently the same as the Chffmu^da-Rayarasa o f S k , 1 5 1 above, who held that position in 1047.-
C i . 1 8 shows us Vishpuvarddhana-Vijayfiditya as a viceroy. He is called the Behgi-mandaleSvara,,
being a son of the king by an Eastern Ch§,lukya mother. He had made a victorious expedition to-
tbe South, and was encamped at Mudukakere in 1063. In the same year we are told by S k . 1 7 0
that the great minister, the dandanftyaka Rupabhattayya, who was in charge o f the va4da-tavulOf
( ? the principal taxes) and the Eighteen, agrahsiras, established the Jayanti Bauddha vihara in
Balligave, and made grants for it and for the worship o f Tar& Bhagavati and o f the gods Kelava,,
Lokesvara and Bauddha {BauddJuz.dSva), with all their attendant gods, and for distribution o f
food to the yiginis, hus'alis and smnydsis. Buddhism there.'bre survived to a very late period here.
The site of this vihara is still pointed out, and I found there the image of Tara Bhagavati. This-,
was made, according'tO Sk. 1 6 9 , by N^giyakka, wife of the nad-perggade^. She was apparently o f
the Bappura family, no doubt the same as the Batpura family* from which the Chalukya king Puli-
kesi obtained his wife in 550, and the ddi-)mhd‘ Iiappnra-vams'a to which Satyasraya-Dhruva-Indra-
Tarmma, the Chttlukya governor at Revati-dvipa in 611, belonged^. In S k . 1 9 Lakshmarasa appears
as the governor o f Banavasi,

With the highly important inscription S k . 1 3 6 we enter upon the reign o f Bhuvanaikamalla,.
who was S5mesvara II. It begins with laudation of his father’s rule, which left no evil persons o r
enemies in Kuntala. th e worthless kings of Lata Kajiuga Ganga Karahata Turushka Varala Choja.
Kaninata Saurashtra Malava Da^arnua KoSala Kerala and other countries gave tribute and were con-

fined to their own boundaries. He also slew Magadha Andhra Avanti Vanga Dravija Kuru Khasa Abbira
Pafichaja Lala and others, and made their forces serve him. Even so the muscles o f his arm and-
the energy o f his mind not being exhausted, he set out alone (for svarga) as if to fight against Indra,.
defeat him, and make him give tribute. And on the date corresponding with the 29th o f March
1068, performing the rites of supreme yoga at Ku.ruvartti, he ascended to heaven in the-
Tufigabhadra. Bilhana in his Vihramanka-charilra^ states that Ahavamalla was seized with a
severe fever, and feeling that his end was approaching, had him self conveyed to the banks of the
Tungabhadra, Bathing in the river and giving away much gold in charity, he waded in until the
water reached his neck, and amid the din of the waves and o f all manner o f musical iustruments-
deliberately drowned himselR

The inscription goes on to say that on the date corresponding with the 11th of April 1068, o r
fourteen days after this tragic ceremony, his eldest son Some^vaia assumed the throne, with all the
royal insignia, and the desire of the whole world was drawn to him. The Chol.a king thought to take
advantage of this juncture, exclaiming,— “ A new reign ; (a kingdom) fit only for a hero ; now is
the time to invade i t ; I will surround Giitti and besiege it.’’ This he did, with an immense army.
^ '
-Ballavarasa appears again in Sk. 124 and H I. 30.
- 2 . . . .
She was still living in 1018 (sae Sk. 108), .where she is called sdviisi of the Bauddha temple.
Ind. Ant, XIX, 10. J. B o .B r. X, 34?. Published hy Pr. BOhler.
This mode of deatli. Dr. BUaalarkar says, is called Jalas'imddhi. {Barhj Mist, BeHtint 84).

Somelvara at oace put his forces iu tnotioa to oppose hiraj and on the adraaced cavalry coming into
contact, a fierce battle ensued, in which Vira-Chola turned his back and fled. Alt the foreign kings
were in coaso(iueace stricken with terror, - and gladly became Somesvara’ s servants. H e retained
Lakshma, who is represented as indispensable to the Ohajukya kingdom, as the governor of Banavasi,
writing a sasana and conferring royal honours upon him. Junior is king Vikrama-Ga6ga to me ; to
that Permmadii-Deva the next junior is Vira*Nolamba*Deva; to me, to Pennma^', and to Sihgi, you
are the junior ; but to you all (the rest) are juuiors ; i — said the king, thus ranking him next to
the royal family. Lakshraana besarne lord o f the great Baiiavase-nal, Vikrama-Nojamba became
lord of Kolamba-Sindavadi, and Ganga-mandalika became lord o f the territory beginning from Ajam-
pura,2 — Bhuvanaikamalla giving them those countries with the view of their being like a long bar (or
bolt) to the South. Lakshina trod down Konlcaua, drove back the Seven Kombh, and uprooted the
Seven Male, He is called Rayadanda-Gopala, and united in himself the chief heroic characters of
both Bdmdyana and Bhdrata. His minister and chief treasurer was Somanatha, a Jain, who was
a very distinguished poet, having the cognomen Sarasvati-mukha-mukura, and being the author of
Sulcuindra-chtrita. He persuaded Lakshma to build of stone the MaUikamoda-S'antiuS,tha basadi in
Baligrama, which was o f wood ; and he set up a stone pillar, he says, at the principal entrance, re-
couatiiig all his names and titles. He also with the emperor’ s permission granted for it some land
which had formerly belonged to other basadis.

With S k , 1 0 9 and 1 1 0 we come to the [Ganga prince IJdayaditya as viceroy o f GahgaVadi^

Banavase and Santalige, in about 1070. He was o f Brahma-Kshatra descent, and had the title
Bhuvanaikavira. His wife was Lachchala-Devi, o f great beauty and accomplishments. In 1 1 0 we
have the following list of the later Chajukyas, which is also repeated in 1 3 0 and 1 3 5 : — Tailapa,
Satyateya, Vikramaditya, Ayyana, Jayasimha, and Trailokyamalla. In S k . 1 2 9 we find him in
1071 applying to the king, who was in the residence o f Bahkapura, for a grant on account o f the god
Hariharaditya o f Baljigave, and for the matha attached to it. A t the head of this was the Advaita
luminary Guuagalla-yogi, whose virtues are highly extolled. Among the sculptures at the top o f the
stone is an effigy of him, with his name over it. He is also called in the inscription Gupagalla
Nagavarmmacharyya. A list is given o f several temples and a tirtha he had erected. In Sfc. 2 9 5
UdayMitya, by order o f the senior queen, granted in 1074 the tax on marriage pandals o f the
Seventy families and on looking glasses o f dancing girls, to provide for the offerings to the god Ra-
mejvara o f agrahara Bhattara-Posavfir. In 1075 the king was still at Bahk5pura, wuth Ddayaditya
as his viceroy ( S k . 2 2 1 )i He made a grant for a new basadi erected at Bandanike. In S k . 1 3 0
of the same year we find the Mandali Thousand and the Eighteen agrah&ras added to U dayM tya’s

With H I . 1 4 o f 1076 we find Tribhuvanamalla Gauga-Permmadi-Deva on the throne, with all .

the Gahga titles. This was Vikramaditya, who is said in S k , 1 2 4 to have easily overcome the
Cliola and L ala kings, with their feudatories, and secured the kingdom. He terrified DharS, and

Ch61a, and his feet were reverenced by the Saurfishti’a Anga Kajinga Vanga Magadha Andhra
Avanti and Paficbala kings. Scorning to share it with others, he took the whole burden o f the
world upon himself. His goveraor o f Banavase, Santalige and the Eighteen agraharas was Barmma-
Devarasa, who was persuaded by Pratikantha-Singayya in a discourse on dharmma to obtain a
village from Ballavai’asa and give it to the Permma4i basadi in Baljigave, This the emperor sane*
tioned, as it appears the basadi was one established by himself when he was a prince {kumdra), and

^Singi evidently means Jayasiiplia or Jayasingha, Vira-JVolamba.

I am sorry I have not hean ahle to identify this place. Ga&gi-mandalika was perhaps TJdaydditya, see below.

viceroy of Banavasi. The grant was made to RSmaseiia-paadita, who is very highly praised as being
in grammar Pftjyapada^ln logic Akalahka, and in poetry Samantabhadra. S k . 1 0 7 introduces the
king’s younger brother Jayasimhx, who is-praised as a, Nolamba. H ) so shot his arrows that they
went through the body and came out at the back. He seems to liave added the Seven Kohkai^as to
the kingdom, but the inscription is much defaced.

Here our attention is directed to the line o f gurus o f the S akti-parsbe, in the Muvara-koneya-
santati of the Parvvatavali, who frequently recur. In this place we have Kedara^akti, whose disciple,
an ornament to the Lakula-samaya, was Rudrabharana, and his disciple Valuiiki, described as a
Lakula hand.i Parvvata is no doubt S'ri-parvvata, a great S'aiva sacred place in the Karniil District,
near where the Tu&gabhadra joins the Krishna. From g k , 9 9 it appears that the Muvara-kope
sect included or was connected with the Kalaraukhas. Of these, Divyajndni Kdsmira-deva was cha-
kravartti (S k . 114 )- Muvara-ko^e is literally the cell o f the three.® There is no information to
explain the term, but S k . 1 0 8 prefaces it by Devarrata-muni-sautati. O f the S'akti-parshe,
Kedarasakti is said to be the agrani ( g k . 9 8 ) or chief, and may have been the founder. Sk, 9 4
and 9 9 describe his son and disciple Srikantba, who was as another LakuleSa. His son nOd dis­
ciple again was SomeSvara, praised at length in S k . 9 8 , where he is said to have made the
Ldkula-siddhdnta to blossom. S k . 9 9 says that war appeared to him as tears, and a battle as filled
with demons. The famous Keddresvara of the north, from which the temple at Balgami was
named the Dakshiuia Kedardivara, is in the Himalayas in Garhwal, at an elevation'of more than
11000 f*et above thesea.^ S k . 1 0 0 says that the god Kedara in Balligave, thinking with supreme
benevolence on his faithful worshippers, —afraid o f the cold and unable to make that distant pilgrim,
age,— frees them frmoa all sins (here).

In S k . 1 3 5 , we have Barmmadevarasa stillin power in 1078, but in g k . i l l , about two years

later, Guijduniarasa appears, g k . 2 9 3 of 1080, however, clearly shows that the Yuva-raja Jayasimhd
had been appointed viceroy of Banavase, Santalige and the two Six Hundreds (Belvala). In g k 2 9 7
he is described as on tho most affectionate terms with his brother, like Lakshma^a to Rama. He h ad
burnt Dahala, put to flight Laja and TivUja, and terrified Konkana. The territory he was ruling is
said to be— all the lands as far as the southern ocean, within Puligere, Ke .. .. , ?Reppu-male, Kasa-
valam, Banavdse-ndd aud Belvaja. Bala-Deva washis governor for Banavase and the Eighteeii
agraharas, as Well as manager of the customs of Balipura. In C i . . 3 3 We have Tribhuvanamalla*
Pa^idya-Deva, who was a defeater o f the designs of Rajiga-Choja, ruling Nojambavadi in 1083. S h i
1 0 shows Gaiiga-Permmadi.Deva at the same time governing the Mandali Thousand.

lu S k - 1 6 a grant is made in 1085 to the 1300 Brahmans o f the Begfiir agrahara, and a long
account is given o f their virtues and learning. In g k . 1 7 8 o f 1092 we have a long account o f the
32000 BrabmansofTanagundur.4 They are said to have come from Ahichchhatra, having gained 12000
agniholras, and purified their bodies by bathing in the ttrttha near the five great lifigas set up by
Brahma, Indra, Chandra, Yama and Agai. They were residents of 144 villages received as don­
ations for the 18 horse-sacrifices of king Mayuravarmma, and were jewels in the frontal ornament o f
the lady the Kuntala country, g k - 1 8 6 says that Mukkanna-Kadamba, who was king o f Kuntala
and lord of Banavasi, made search throughout the South for Brahmans, but finding none, went
without delay to the Ahichchatra agrahara, and there succeeded in obtaining 32 Brahman families.

fo r Iiakula see above, p. 19. A former pandit of mine itrove to make it m^tafaTc-o^, security for three boons.
The Eftwal or chief priest of KedarnSth is always of the Jaigam caste from Mysore (Jmp. Oas. V III, 109).
Possibly the 32000 assigned to this and other agrahtras (see p. 4 above), which seems an excessive number, may mean that
they -were Brahmans of the Thirty-two Thousand country (NopamhavSdi). Mukkappa Eadawba is said to have brough
only 32 families from Ahichchatra, and Gauj is said to have had only lOQQ BrahmaUS at first.

puriaed by idOOO Tiiasa li3 broagbt and settled in tlia great agrabara o f Stbauugudha
which he had established »ii the oatskirts o f the city (Balipura) in a tract he had noted containing
ihe Pranatnesvara temple and the ttrltha encircled by the five lihgas set up by Brahma and
other gods (as above).

S k . 1 1 4 o f lOS^G contains the praises o f a general named KMidasa, who had overthrown the
Ldla king, Magadha, N6paja, Panchaja, Choih and other's, brought in as spoil their treasury, ele­
phants, wives and horses, and made them subject' to the Chajukya emperor. His junior uncle was
Sarvva-Deva, whose descent is given at length. His preceptor was Varekara, disciple of Trilochana,
wiio belonged to the line o f Kalamuklias o f whom Divyajnani Kasmira-deva was emperor. Advised by
his guru, Sarvva-Deva erected a SarvveiVara temple at the Tripurautaka iu Balligramai and endowed
iti In S k . 1 3 o f 1098 Anantapala appears as a maha-prachanda-dandanayaka. By his order, the
manager o f the vadda-rdvul i-suhica of Banavasi remitted a certain portion for the god Vishnu in
what is here called Marastnga’s Begur agrahara. In S k . 1 0 8 o f the same date, we have the senior
L%la Kannada minister for peace aud'war, Bhivanayya. The great minister Padmanabhayya was
governing Banavase. Two men named Lokarasa and Jogarasa set up gods in their own names at
Balligrama, and made grants for them in the presence o f all the principal residents. Among these
are mentioned the names o f the priests o f the five mathas, and the sdvdsi o f the Bauddha temple,
Nagiyakka.1 In S k . 311 we again have Anantapalayya, who had entrusted Banavase to Gdvinda-
rasa, styled rana-ranga-Bhairava. S k , 9 8 and 9 9 are elaborate records o f grants made by him in
1103 and in his jurisdiction in 1113 by the Pandya king Kama-Deva. Incidentally we learn that there
were five mathas and three puras in Balligave, and the names of the acharyyas at the head of the
former are given. Both inscriptions, were composed by the fast poet (dsu-lcavi), the very clever poet
(ati-patu-hwi), Malli-deva or Mallikarjjuna-bhatta o f Qobbur, who was an adept in mnemonic feats.
If two from two different sides should together come writing it down from the end and reading it
out, he would arrange the poem so read out, whatever it might be, as a new poem ; would repeat
four stories from hearing them (simultaneously) repeated ; and make calculations in any given figures.
He is called avnihimn'i-chalcmvarttl, and dhdrand-sdrvvabhawna; also a Nitalaksha and a Shan-
mukha among good poets. In the second is a detailed account o f the Pandyas, which will be noticed
under that head. S k . 1 3 1 gives us the genealogy of Govinda. His minister for peace and war,
ISvarayya-Nayaka, made a grant in 1104 for the god Narasimha ; and the other ministers, lhatta-
guttas, and the king’s servants (aras'ilgal) were to contribute certain amounts every year, Anantapala
and Govinda appear again in 1107 ( S k 1 9 2 ) , when Trivaji-bhatta, who was perggade o f the great
village of Tanagundur, applied to the 32000 for land in which to dig a well for charitable purposes.

S k . 1 3 7 , o f 1114, again refers to AnantapMa and Govinda, from which it appears that the
latter was the former’ s brother-in-law. The following account is here given o f the Cha}ukyas.—
As the original Boar raised up the earth which had been carried down to Patala, so did Taila deliver
as if in sport the land which had fallen into the hands of foreign kings. He was succeeded by his son.
Satyakaya •, whose son Vikrama followed ; and then the latter’s younger brother Dasavarmma.

DaSavarmma’s sou.Jayasimha came next, and then Jayasimha's son Ahavamalla, Then 'th e latter’ s
elder brother (agraja) Bhuvanaikamalla, followed by Bhuvanaikamalla's younger brother Vikramauka,

At his feet the Sauvira, Abhira, Andhra, Golla and other kings prostrated themselves with humility
when he frowned. Chola lost his boundaries, Pallava held his hands full o f sprouts, Andhra hunted
for caves in the mountains, Singhaja's burnt heart was turned to a desert, Mfljava was jumped over,

1 ' '
Se» above, p. 20.

Guijjara’s a m was shattered— such was his treatment o f them. There being no one there to make
a stand and fight against him, Kafichi was overwhelmed, and his only regret was that if he went
farther south there was no brave king to war against, Lala fled, Choja held his ears and shook,
Kaliftga’s kingdom being ruined he begged for alms. In S k . 3 1 6 we still here Govindarasa ruling
Banavase in 1117, but Anantap§.la does not appear,
la S k . 2 4 6 of 1123 we find a Ramayya ruling Bauavasi. This inscription contains another
record of a vow. When the mah4-samanta Bopparasa and his wife Siriya-Devi visited a certain
temple at the rice fields (in Bandalikke), Dekaya-Nayaka, a cowherd's son, made a vow, saying—
“ If the king obtains a son, I will give my head to swing on the pole for the god Brahma o f Ko^dasa-
bavi." The reference is to the hook-swinging festivaHn which a Sudra offers himself to be suspended
by a hook fastened through the sinews o f the back and swung round, his endurance o f the torture
being supposed to gratify the god.i In C i, 61 we have Raya-Pandya ruling Nolambavadi ami Sau-
talige in 1125. Under him Pallava-Raya was governiug the Bilichi Seventy and the Diimmi Twelve.
A local chief named Iruga built and endowed a temple o f Irugesa.

With S h , 9 9 we come to the inscriptions of Bhulokamalla or Somesvara III, S k . 2-80 men­

tions Plavauga (1127) as his 2nd year, and S k . 2 6 6 gives Kalayukti (1139) as his 13th year,
S k . 1 0 0 , dated 1129, contains a list of the Chalukyas, with a long panegyric o f him and his father.
Like Vishnu who crushed in battle the Asura that had carried off the earth to the infernal regions, and
brought it back, Was Taila, His son was Sattiga, whose son was Vikrama. His younger brother

was Dasavarmma, whose son was Jayasimha. His son was Ahavamalla, whose eldest son was
Bhuvanaikamalla. The younger brother was Permmadi-Deva Vikramaditya, ‘ His palace was flood­
ed with streams the ichor of rutting elephants and the foam from the mouths o f horses brought
and handed over by the kings he had subdued. The Malava, Chola, Gaula, Magadha, Anga,
Turushka, Kalihga and Vauga kings submitted to him, otherwise he would at once have sent them
to enjoy the kingdom of the gods. His son was SomeSvara Bhulokamalla, praised at length, who
in the course o f expeditions to all parts, came to the south and encamped in Hulluni tirtha. During
a discource on dharmma, the Kadamba king Taila, whose residence was Virata-nagari, a great
favourite o f his lord, seized the opportunity to make a petition. This he did in a long speeeh,
describing the glories o f Ballig§,ve and the virtues o f its people. The five temples, to which were
attached the five mathas, he says were those o f Hari, Hara, Kamalasana, Vitaraga and Bauddha.
E e also mentions that there were three puras. He then enlarges on the merit o f this Dakshina
Kmlara, the eminence of its matha and gurus. These were o f the Muvarakoneya-santati o f the
Parvvat&vali, and mention is made o f Kedarasakti, S'rikantha, Somefivara and Vidy5.bharana, the
equal o f BhSrabhflti, the victor over Bauddhas, Mimamsakas and Sy&dvadis, a true ornament o f the
Naiyyayikas. Not wishing to be distracted in his studies, he made over the business o f the matha to
VamaSakti. But at the beginning o f the inscription Vidyabharana is said to have given the manage­
ment of the Ked5,ra matha to Gautama, which must have been later, as appears from the Conclusion.^
The king was completely overcome by Taila’s eloquence, and gazing with brightened eyes on the face
o f the Kadamba lion, said, “ We must perform some work o f merit in that temple,” to d inquired
what towns there were near. On which Taila, in reply, skilfully brought to notice a grant he had him­
self made, and asked for its confirmation. This proposal the king accepted, and made the grant to

This practice has now been put a stop to, the man being suspended by a hoot fastened to his waist-cloth. But in the
present tour of the Governor of Madras a petition was presented to him requesting its revival, as the surest way of preventing
drought and famine and other public calamities, which were attributed to its prohibition.

On the other hand we find VSlmas'atti at the head of the matha in 1156 (Sk. 104).

Vidyabhara^a, whom he sent for and was perhaps curious to see after what he had heard. Vidya-
bharaua, accepting it, made it over to Gai^tama. The fortune o f the Ked&ra matha, it is finally said,
, was planted through Som elvara; through VamaSakti it threw out branches, spread abroad and
blossomed; then through Gautania it bore fruit.* S h . 3 2 records an act o f scthdgamam in 1134; In
Sk. 1 12 two sculptors, in order to cl^ar some aspersion on their guild, set up an image o f the god
Kusuresvara and made it over to Gautama as attached to the Kedare4vara temple, while the towns­
people granted certain dues as an endowment for it.

With, S k . 2 9 0 we have tlm reign o f JagadekamUlIa. S k . 2 7 6 gives Dundubhi (1143) as his

fith year. The inscription affirms its ma^ha to be a branch: o f the Sfirathi-matha and to bsi &
Naishtika-matha : if the head o f it is. without Brahmacharyyaj he is to be expelled from the mathaf
In S k . 2 6 7 we have the senior Kannada, minister for peace and war, Barama-Dfivarasa, ruling
Banavase in 1147, Sovi-Devarasa, called Bhagavati’s warrior, was the lord o f Bandapike ; and five
gavunda, brothers had a Kali-deva temple built, the goddess Bhagavatl, the SeVen Mothers^ a
Vrishabeivara, and an image o f the Sun made. O i. 3 8 and 3 9 show us Vira-Pli,ndya governing
Nojambavadi from his residence in UchchaUgi,

The next inscription, S k . 1 0 4 , dated 1156, brings us to the 6th year o f Trailokyamalla,
Under him Bijjaria-Deva was ruling the whole country, and Mahadevarasa was governing BaUavase.
Mayidevarasa, manager o f the principal customs o f BauaVase, being in Balligr&me, delivered a dis-_
course on dharmma to his courtiers, who in response expatiated on the merits o f the Oaksbih^
Ked§,ra and on the eminence o f the gurus o f the Mfivara-koheya-santati of the Parvvatavali. Of these,
Gautama is mentioned and Vamasakti said to be his son. The fortune of the Kedara matha is said
to have been planted by Some§vara, it put forth branches and blossoms through Gautama, till its
fame was spread in all the world by Vamasakti.^ Taking to miiid what his advisers said, he remitted
the duties on the hard areca-nut, the produce of the god B^edarSSvara’ s garden, and on the betel-leaves
from the garden. S k . 1 0 8 , eight yeafs later, commences'with a list o f the Chalukyas. First
Taila, a cause o f terror to the La^a and Mafava kings, to Oheramma and the Gfirjjara king. Then,
in succession, his son SatyaSraya ; bis sou Vikrama •, his younger brother DaSavarmml.; his son Jaya-
simha;hi8 son Ahavam alla; his son Bhuvanaikamalla ; hie younger brother Permmfidi-R&ya,
Vikramaditya ; his son BHiilokamalla, Sojne^vara ; then Jagad^kamalla, who, churning the ocean thO
Chofa and Gurjjara armies, obtained elephants, treasure and horses. His younger brother followed,,
Tailapa called Trailokyamalla, Under him was Bijjana-Ueva, seated on the chariot o f whose mind,
Mahadevarasa w as ruling Banavase. Hje is said to have slain S'rivatsa-daijdSsa and a general
Kalidasa is also praised. One day when MahadSvarasa was in Balipura, the muni K6dara§akti3
•delivered a discourse on dharmma^ taking as his t e x t ,~ “ VVhosO sets up but one HAga, acquires a
myriad-fold all the merit described iu the dgamas". Influenced by this discourse, Mahadevardap4a-
nayaka paid a visit to Vamaiakti, priest o f the Kodiya matha, descended in the Devavrata-mbni-
santati, the .Muyara-koueya-santati, from KedaraSakti, Srikantha, Somfisvara a n d . . , whose disciple
he was,— and set up the god Mai lape^vara in the name o f his father, making grants for it.
With S k , 2 4 9 o f 1185 we come to the 5th year o f the last Ghfilnkya, TribhuvanamallaS6m6-
svara IV. Lachchala-Devi, the senior queen o f the mahsi-ma^^s-leSvara Sfivi-D^varasa,^ went to
svargga; on which a man named Boka, who had previously taken a vow that he would die with the
D M , immediately gave himself up to be beheaded. His master seemS to have Called upon him to

In tie similar verse in S k. 104, which is much later, Gautama is mentioned before Vlmas'akti, the latter being hk bod.

See the similar verse in S k , 100 where VAmas'akti comes before Gautania, This must have been a later K8d4ras'akti,
Probably the Sfividfiv.ai'asa, lord of Bandacibe, mentioned in Sk. ^67.

fulfil his TOW, aud he instantly complied, a" grant being made for his wife and children. His courage
is applauded, and the moral is drawn that a word spoken with full resolve must not be broken. Our
last Chajukya inscription here is H I. 4 6 , o f the same reign, dated 1089, the latest known for the ,
Ghajakyas. Malli-Devarasa, who was ruling in Belagavartti (now Belagutti), made a grant for the
god Siddesvara and remitted certain taxes.

There are four inscriptions, dating from 1048 to 1054, relating to the Nolambas, who were
Pallavas by descent, and claim to be lords of Kauchi-pnra. In H I. 1 0 7 Trailokyamalla Nanni-
Nolamba-Pallava-Permminadi was ruling certain provinces under the Cha}ukyas. In O i. 8 and 0
we have TrailSkyamalla No}amba-Pallava-Permma4i»l)§va placed in command o f a force, with which
ho put to flight Chola's great army, and encamped in Bammukar. In H I. 1 19 he appears ruling the
Dadirvvalige Thousand, the Ballakunda Three Hundred aud Konadiyur. His minister was also
apparently called Trailokyamalla Nolamba-Permmadi. Later on, the Chajukya prince Jayasimha, as
Tve have already seen, had the titles Vlra-No}amba-Pallava-Permmanadi.

The Pdndya kings are identified with the hill-fort o f Uchchangi (just over the northern border
o f Mysore, in the south-west of the Bellary District), which became the seat o f government for the
Nolambav^di Thirty*two Thousand (the Chitaldroog District). From S k . 9 9 we learn that these
Pap4yas were o f the Gliandra-vamSa or Lunar race. They were originally the rulers of the Hnyve
country, one o f tUe'Soven Kohkarias, and their capital was Sisugali, so called because o f the courage
{JcaUt’Jim) which distinguished the children (sjsm) born there. After many Papdya kings had ruled,,
in that place, there arose the king Chandra, whose wife was Kammala-D^vi. Their son was Kama
and his wife was Bhagala-Devi, a Rajaputri jewel. These two had a son Chandra, whose wife was
Savala-Devi, to whom was bom Kfima-Deva.

But previous to this the Chajukya prince Jayastrnha Vira-Nojaraba is said ( S k . 1 0 7 ) to have
made the Seven Konkaria become like bracelets {kafiTcari,a) to the'emperor. And in O i. 3 3 and 3 8
we have a Tribhuvanamalla-Papdya-DSva ruling Nolambavadi, among whose titles are “ defeater o f
the designs of R&jiga-ChoK’ (the ruler o f Veugi). The dates are 1083 and 1112.

The Kama-Deva above mentioned was ruling in 1113. He claims to be lord o f Gokarna-pura
and protector of the Konkana-rS,shtra. He was seated on the Paridya throne, like the nose to the
face of the Panidya line, and had the title Nigajaiika-inalla. Induced by an eloquent discourse deli­
vered by the eminent S3,rasvata, SoraeSvara-paiiiita,! on a text quoted from the S'iva-dharmma, he
made a grant for the god Dakshinia KedareSvafa of the royal city Bajligave.

C L 6 1 brings us to Tribhuvanamalla Baya-Paydya-Deva, who was ruling the Nolambavadi

and S§,ntalige provinces iii 1125. C i. 3 8 and 3 9 are of the time o f Jagad^kamalla Vira-Paridya- .
Deva, 1149, Among his titles are, —champion cutting on both sides (panchclMdi-ganda), and
defeater of the designs of Rajendra-Chola. Sk. 3 0 0 mentions a Papdya-Gevarasa, son o f ...
4ya»DSva, carrying olT a dancing girl from Uddare by foi’ce in 1180.

The Kalachuryas immediately succeeded the .Chalukyas, whose minister Bijjana or Bijjala was
the' first of the Kajachuryas who held possession of the territory dependent on Kalya^ia. From S k .
1 8 and 1 2 3 we learn his titles, among which were,— ^lord o f Kalanjara-pura,3 having the flag o f a
. - p “"v ^ ^ ■'5 “
One o! tlie S'akti-panshe, MSvara-ktfeya-sanWna and PamatSmnSya previously referred to. In Bandelkhand. ,

goldea bull, aacl the sounds o f the 4^fnaruga and t&ryya, S ’aniT&ra-siddhi, Giridurggaraalla,*
Niilankataalla, S k . 2 3 8 says that the rule o f the Kajachuryya line gave light to the world
through S om a ; through Pemtna it became spotless ; through Gorvvapa it was distinguished for
enjoyments ; through Vajra it acquired might of arm ; king Yoga obtained it With stability ; through
Permmadi it tasted happiness ; and acquired power through king Bgjana. H I . 5 0 adds that his
younger brother was Mailugi-Deva. His grandson was ? Sanka. His son was Raya-Murari-Soyi-Deva,
whose younger brother was Mallugi-Deva. Then comes Sankama-DSva.

S k . 1 9 7 , after stating that the Lakshmi o f the Chalukya kingdom transferred her society
with pleasure to Bijjala,— the author adding the query,** v\h a t ; is it a new thing for women to seek
after something new ? ’ ’— goes on to say that the king vf Sinahala carried his tray, the NepSila king waS
bis perfumer, Kferaja was his betel-bearer, Gftrjjara was his artificer, Turushka was Ms groom,
La}a was his valet, Pandya was his joc/ey i, Kajihga was the attendant on his elephant,— tbns did
they daily do the work o f servants. Bijjala’ s younger brother Mailugi-Deva succeeded him. After
that, Bijjala’ s grandson Kandara. Then that king’s junior uncle Soyi-Deva, who drew to himself
Earppata and Euntala, and set his mind upon Lata and K&nchi. His younger brother Mailugi-D^va

then ruled, followed by the next younger brother Sankama, and he by his younger brother Ahava-

S k , 1 2 3 commences with an account o f the creation o f the world, followed by a list of the
Chalukya kings who ruled the Kuntala country, down to Nurmma(Ji-Taila, ** At that time ’’ it then
proceeds to say *‘ was Bijjala king,” who brought into subjection the earth, from the ocean on the
south to his northern boundary the GbAiukya capital. His governor of Banavase in 1159 was K e li-
rsja or KeSava-Deva, whose descent is given at length. He was the son o f Holalamarasa and Du^g&-
devi, and had two wives, Lakshmi-devi and Siri-dSvi. On his becoming angry, there were brought
under his orders Sankanamale, Santalige, T^atachche-m alla’ s territory, GAvatdr, Mogaln-nAd, Siri-
vilr, the Vanavasi-hill-fort, Kondarate, Hayve, Gutti and Hettila, One day when he was seated in
his court, surrounded by all the judges and great officers (many o f whom are named), Recharasa
began a discourse on dharmma, in which he extolled the merit o f Balipnra, and urged the establish­
ment there o f the god KeSava in a KSSavapura and its endowment. This was accordingly done, on a
tract o f land to the south o f Balipura, obtained from the priest o f the Five Liftgas set up by the
Flnijavas, and other claimants. A Kelava temple was built, o f which it is said that timber and stone
ware transformed to the utmost iu its construction, as if striving to add to all the variety o f forms
in which Brahma and had created wood and stone.^2 The pura in front o f the temple, filled with
commodious houses, having cots in each chamber, containing the softest beds, and all manner o f
vessels, was bestowed on Brahmans. These and some further grants were made in the presence o f
the representatives o f the five mathas and three pnras. The priests of the five mathas are named.
Reference is also made to the seven Brahmapuris. The superintendence o f these and o f the new
pura was vested by Kesimayya in his dr&dhya, the raja-guru Vamasakti, son of Gautama, and an
ornament o f the Lakulagama, who was the head o f the Dakshipa Kedfira sthana.

In S k . 1 6 1 we have Kariya-Kesimayya, as the governor o f Banavase-n§,d is here called, march­

ing against Bandajike. S k . 1 3 9 shows as Padmarasa as danfianayaka o f Banavase-nad when
Vama^akti’s hanii (captive) was carried off. In 1162 Bijjana’ s army marched to destroy Tagarate

W ese last two were adopted hy the Hoysala king BalUla II , and are accounted for in Bl> 137 (Vol. V ) as commeiBorating
the capture of Uchohangi.
Thiatenple seems to have altogether disappeared.

(S k , 5 6 ) . The same year (S k. 1 0 8 ) B'jjaJa had a great minister Kasapayya-Nayaka, by whose

permission Bammarasa was the ruler .of . Baeavasej-na^.. But we obtaiu a glimpse oT the system o f
administration, for he was controlled by five karay.ams, who were royal censors appointed “ to see
that the Lakshmi o f that Bommarasa’s government was free from adulteiy,"'—that is, to ensure his
loyalty,-rand these were like the five senses to king Bi^ala, “ unmatched in ministerial skill, bold as
fierce lions, able in detecting . frauds, superior to all opposition.’ ' Bammarasa and ihis^courtiers,
united with these, were one day discoursing on dAorwma, and began to extol ithe Kddiya-matha, the
Dakshiva-Kedara*sthana. Among other praises, it is said to be a place for the recital o f the four
vSdas and their mgas ; a plaice fot'glosses on the Kaumara, Pdniniya, S'akatayana,; S ’abdanuS^na,
and other grammars ; a place for glosses on the NJiaya, Vailbshika, Mimamsa>iSankbyai BaucWha,
and others the six darlanas ; a place for glosses on the L§.kula-siddhanta, the Pata.njala and other,
yoga*eastras ; a place for the study o f the eighteen puranas, the dharmma-sastrnj all poems, diam as,.
comedies and every branch of learning *, a place where food was freely distributed to the poor,, the
destitute, the lame, the blind, the deaf, storytellers, singers, drummers, flute players,, dancers, eu­
logists, the naked, the wounded, kshcipctnaJcas^§li,aAan4i^tridan4h parama-hamsa and other mendic^fs,.,
from all Countfies ; a place for the treatment o f the diseases o f destitute sick persons ; a place o f secur-,
ity from fear for all living thin^. At this juncture Bijjala-maharaya having come there in the cou i^ ,
o f his expedition to subdue the South, and encamped in Balligdve,— they all repaired to his presence,
and were recounting to him these distinguished merits of the K6diya-matha, when Kasapayya-Na-
yaka rose, and standing in front o f his maharaja with .folded handsf made a petition in a speecli
which is given at length. If consists o f praises of the .Dakshina Kedara and of Vamasaktij the exist­
ing gum of its matha, and winds up with a request that the king wouldlthere perform some endhr-‘
ing work o f merit. He accordingly made grants for the Dakshina EedmeSvara temple, as well a s .
for temples at Abbalur. A year later (S k . 2 4 2 ) , WefindHhat Bijjate’s son-imlaw, Bhrminoarasa o f
Bandapike, was the ruler of the Banavase countryi, His. son Bopparasa*- had - for wife Siriya-Devi,'
daughter of the Kadamba king S'anta, and their son waS.Sdmaior Soyi-Deva; ‘ An officer under him,
named lMacheya-Nayaka,-rwhose, guru was Devalafcti o f the Kalamukha- sect, head o f the Hiriya*
malba o f BaHunakur,-*-erected a temple with a-stono towery decorated with carvings and figures»
in Bandapike. This he dedicated to SomeSvara,, after the name o f his master^ ‘who granted endow­
ments for ifc, as well as some p|hej; persons. And; the temple was declared to Be a Brahmdch^ri*
matha. , S k . 1 0 8 has already been noticed, under the Ghalukyas;
With S k . 9 2 o f.H 6 8 w e co m e to the reign of Rayamurari-Sovi-Dem. The earth (j^nlhvV)
which o f old through the stupidity o f Prithu had for a long time been reduced io the condition, of a.
cow, became the chosen crownedi queen o f Bijjana-Deva; and thus rose to renown like the jewel
which, at first covered up by the sea shore, came to be the haustuhJia oU Vishpu’ s breast. And
like the moop rising from the ocean, so did Soma rise out o f the ocean kingBijjapa. He committed
the government o f all the countries attached to the treasury o f the South to the mahd-s&manta Byalike-
Kesimayya or Ke^ava-dapdariayaka,, not apparently the same as the governor mentioned in S k . 1 2 3
above. He was ruler of the Taddavddi Thousand, the Hdnuhgal Five Hundred and the Banavase
Twelve Thousand. Coming oa a toiir o f inspection through the territory under his jurisdiction, he
arrived at Ba)}igaye, and was struck with astouishmeat at the learning, charities and pious perform­
ances of the Dakshipa-Kedaresvara, and saying— “ This is double o f Varapasi, a hundred-fold o f
Kedira, a thousand-fold of S'riparvvata,” resolved to perform there some work o f merit. lie therer
fore approached the head of the temple, the rajaguru-deva Vamabakti, and noted fo r a long time his
pre-eminence in all learning; how in grammar he was a P&uini, in polity and discernment S’ribli&r
shapa, in drama and the science o f music Bharata, in poetry Subandha himself, in siddbanta Laku»
ISIrara. To him he made knowa hiar charitable iateations, and received the r e p l y , B e it s o : if you
make any benefaction, we will accept it,” Thereupon he made a grant, and obtained a copper iasana
from the king confirming it. S k . 1 7 1 shows a Kadamba (whose name is gone) as governor of Bana-
* vase. S k . 2 3 8 contains the account already referred to before as to ihe origin of the Kadambas,
and the transfer o f the glory o f the Kalachuryya-vanisa to the K&dathba-vamsa, in the persons of the
two kings S6ma o f those two lines. S k . 2 0 3 mention? the gOTCrnors o f Nagarakhaoda andBana-
vase in 1176. The name o f the former is gOne, but the latter was VikramS. iitya-Deva, perhaps
Of the Sihda family.*

The reijgn o f Sankaina-Deva begins with S k . 9 3 o f 1179. In his court were continually heard
the heralds _announcing that Gauja has sent elephants; Turushka, horses ; the Simhajaking,
pearls ; Choja, white cloths ; Magadha, m usk; the a king, sandal ; find, the lia la king.
young girls. The king, attended by his great ministers and generals, several p f whom are named,
coming on a tour o f pleasure to the south, on his arrival at was Struck, »s his prede­
cessor had been, with the Dakshina K6d$iresyara temple, and saying— “ This is traly the Southern ^ 6 -
dara,” — resolved to perform there a work o f merit. lie also noted for a long time with astonishment
the greatness o f the penance and learning p f the head o f the temple, the rajaguru-deva VhraaSakti,
who is said, as above, to be in grammar Pdnini, and so on ; but in poetry he is here said to be
llagha himself, instead o f Subhandhu as in S k , 9 2 , and LakuJiSvara there, appears here in the
form Nakiijisvara, T o him a grant was made for the god. And Tailaha Deva and Eraharasa
coming and seeing the work of merit, said— This temple belongs to the family o f the gurus o f our
line” and on that account they also made a grant. S k . 123& informs us that the grants made for
the god Kesava set up by the Bauavase-uad governor K65iraja and for the god SPmanatha o f Baada-
cilie having run out, fresh grants were made for the two by the Gupta prince Jogi-Devarasa, the
Kadamba prince Boppa-Devarasa and certain chiefs o f the N^arakhai^da Seventy, Ifl HI- 50 *8
introduced a great general named Kavauayya-dandanayaka, uprooter of the Velaada Chd}eya king­
dom, displacer o f Hoysaiia, terrifier o f Konkapa. He was descended from Bankarasa o f Balihajra in
the Sagara country, and had a younger brother Madeva-dapdanayaka.
S k . 1 5 8 is the first inscription o f Ahavamalla’ s reign. S k . 119 repeats the statements
about Bijjana already referred to above under S k . 9 2 , and after mentioning the reigns in succession
of Rayamurari-Sovi-Deva and his equal Sankama-Deva, says that the latter’ s younger brother Ahaya-
raalla came to the throne,—^ lion to the elephant Gauja, a net for the sh o a l. o f fish the Chaujika
army, a south wind to the rain-cl )ud the Andhra king, a continual thunder-clap to the swan the
, Malava king. That emperor’ s powers o f government became his chief ministers. The first of these
was Lakslimana. Then there was Chandugi-deva who burnt the territory o f the brave Vijayaditya,
and captured the Chola and Hoysala kingdoms. Rechapa, SPvaiia and Kavana are next mentioned.
The king, surrounded by all these great ministers, summoned to his presence the experienced adminis­
trator Kesimayya-dandanayaka (already referred to under g k . 1 2 3 ) , and saying to him ,— “ Govern
the country which is the treasury o f the South like a father,” — ^ave him the Banavase-nad. This
ho accepted as a distinguished favour, and so well did this Krishna-KS-lava-deva rule that under
his government none were conceited, none couspicuoas in splendour, none in opposition, none
clamouring for influence, none creating a disturbance," hone who were in suffering, no enemies filled
with anger, none who receiving titles had their heads turned by the songs o f poets. He was
double o f Chapakya, ^enfold o f S'akaluka, a hundred-fold o f Bhylgu, a thousand-fold o f Hafi. A list is
given o f his principal ministers,’ with their chdractensticsV and his kai*anams and other advisere.
See Fleet’ s XVw. ziyn., 578.

Wfaen, surrounded by the royal censors and all his ministers, he was ruling Banavase, together with
Hayve, Santa]ig^, Yedadore and other countries, one day in a great court assembly a councillor
named Sv&ini-dera or Savi*deva, a disciple o f Vamasakti, started a discourse on After
praising the governor, he directed his attention to the glory and merit of Balipura, in which the rak-
shasa Bali had himself dwelt, made gifts and in the course o f mmmtdaras been considered as Indra
himself. Here he urged the ruler to perform some work o f merit, who immediately said “ Be it so.”
And assembling together the princes Tailaha-0§va and Eraharasa, the town mayors, the chief
priests, the Saudore-herggade, the generals who had given him success with Kannara, subdued
Konkaija and taken tribute from Vijayaditya, and gained honour from Hoysaja vira-Ballaja-Deva ;
also the Bananju merchants from Ayyayole, Challuhki and other chief gramas nagaras JcMifus hharw-
a^o,s dron^muTthas paras and patlanas in La]a Gauja Karnnata Bangala Ka^mii’a and other
countries at the points o f the compass; the Nani Desi, Manevarata and JoiApa,— in their presence he
assigned the property of Bananjigas o f Balligave dying without sons, for the god GavareSvara ; that o f
those who die in the nagara, for the god Nagrreivara ; and in all the five mathas, the three puras,
and the seven Brahmapuris, in whichever unclaimod property accrues, to the god o f that quarter.
In S k . 1 4 4 Kesimayya is invested with the title o f Verggaije of the aniahpura (or female apart­
ments). S k . 1 9 7 contains an elaborate account o f Jambu-dvipa, Bharata and Kuntala, which
is included in Karnpata. The Chajukyas were at first the favourites o f the lady earth, but when
.they went to enjoy the pleasures of heaven, the Rattas gained her favour. Taila however drove
them off, and he and his successors held possession o f her down to Nunnmadi Taila. The Lakshmi
o f the Chajukya kingdom then transferred her affections to Bijjala and his successors of the Kala-
churi line. “ W hat,” says the poet, “ is it a new thing for women to seek after something new In
obtaining the kingdom for Bijjala and bis family a principal part is claimed for R§charasa or Recha-
da^dldhinatha. Having received in succession various countries from the Kalachuri emperors, he ex­
pressed a desire for N5,garakhaacla and accordingly became its ruler. Such was its prosperity under
him that it was like a lotus, in which Banavase was like the Sri. During his government the Ka-
damba king Boppa*D§va had Baudhava-pnra' (Bandanike) as his royal city, and a chief named
S'ankara erected a Jina temple for S'antinatha at Magundi. The important historical details men­
tioned in connection with this have already been noticed under the Kadambas. S k . 2 4 5 refers to
an encounter which took place through some misunderstanding between Boppa-Deva’s followers when
he went to Esajeyahajli to collect tribute and the musketeers o f Maluge-Deva’s army which was on
the march to Balfiglve. In S k , 2 2 7 we have Charukirtti-pandita-deva, the title of the Srava^a
Bejgoja gurus, repairing a PaScha basti and obtaining for it a tranfer o f villages originally granted
to another basti, which was probably no longer in existence. H I. 2 5 is the last inscription here o f
the Kalachuryas, but the whole o f the portion relating to them has J^en purposely effaced.

Most of the Hoysaja inscriptions in this volume relate to the time of Ballala II. But the first is
S h . 8 9 , very much defaced. Then comes Sh,. 6 4 , the date of which is not clear. It is o f the time
o f the Chalukya emperor Tribhuvanamalla-Deva, and apparently of the time of the Hoysaja king
Narasimhal. An account is givan o f the Hoysala kings down to bis time, but mention is first made
of Hemmadi-avasa or Hermma-Maudhata-bhupa, a Ganga king who was Ereyanga-Hoysala’s son-in-
law. Ereyahga it says was a powerful right hand to the Chalukya king. Heti’amplcd down the Majava
army„_burnt Dhara and laid it in ruins, dragged out Chola and plundered his camp or capital, broke
and rained Kalifiga. Of his son Vishnu it is said that the world-renowned Koyatur, Talavana-pura
an V’ U:\yavayap'ira were consumed in-the flames of his glory. The king Hemma erected a Jina
temple, and Chamala-DSvi, wife o f N§,ga, younger brother o f N&rasiipha’ s minister Tippana, made
a grant.

Here follows the detailed account o f the origin of the Gahga family from the Ikshvaku-vams'a as
already noticed under the Gafigas. Then comes a list o f Jaina gurus as in No. 57 down to Anantavirya,
after whom it proceeds somewhat differently from that. Then, commencing with Hermmsldi-Barmma-
Deva, several Gafiga kings and their wives are mentioned. When Efeyahga-Hosyala’s son-in'law
Hermmadi-Deva was in the residence o f Harige, ruling the Ededore-fMapdali] Thousand, he erected
a chaityaylaya in Kuntal4-pura and made grants for it in S'aka 989, to the guru Prahhachahdra.
Later on, Satya-Gadga-Deva, being in the residence o f E^ehajli, made the Ganga-Jinalaya at the
Kuruli-tirtha, and granted endowments for it in S'aka 1054 (? 1034) to his guru M&dhavachandra.
Some other grants were also made to Halachandra.

From S h . 1 2 it appears that Poysaja Bitti-Deva’s general Boppa^a made an attack in 1120 on
Bhujabala-Gafiga-Permmadi-Deva, and a battle took place in Halashr. In S k , 8 7 the servants of
the tupporfa (or ghi gate) to the queen o f Hoysala-Ballaja-Deva (I) deposited a fund for the
god Dalles vara. The inscriptions o f Narasimha’s time are mostly effaced.

Of those o f the reign o f Ballala II, S h . 4 3 , 4 5 and 4 0 begin with a list o f Vishpuvarddhana’s
conquests, lu the last, a Jaina merchant named Hoysala-Goydi-S'e|ti was living in Ededore, pro­
moting (it says) by acts o f kindness to others long life, health and wealth. One day he heard a recital
of the S'iva-dharraraa and was thereby moved to make a grant for the god Siddhesvara. (There seems
no doubt that S'iva worship in accordance with the Lihgayit creed superseded that o f Jina throughout
these parts. Several lingas have been noticed, both free-standing aqd engraved as symbols at the
head of inscriptions, which have been simply formed by cutting down a seated Jina into the required
shape). C i. 7 3 and 7 7 o f 1180 show the king residing at Vijayasamudram, th&same as Hallavftr
on the Tuiigabhadra (see C n . 2 4 4 , Vol. VI) . In S k , 1 4 5 we 6nd G6parasa, the minister and general
of Ballala, ruling the Banavase province in 1184, with Bajligrame as the capital. HI. 91u'ecords some
regulations regarding the, trade o f their agrab§,ra made by the Dravilti-desa Brahmans o f Kolligana-
ghatta, who were connected, it says, with Ahicjichatra. The agrahara Was a resort o f merchants and
traders form Ayyavalege, Talumaluge, the new Dvaravati (perhaps Dorasamudra), and the four points
of the compass ; and the regulations iiovv made were intended to be observed from east to west and
from south to north as far as Himavanta. A great deal of the latter part of the inscription is effaced.
Sk. 1 4 8 relates the voluntary death o f a Jaina merchant’s wife by the rite called samddhi.

S k . 1 0 5 extols Ballala by saying that on hearing the teirible sound o f his twanging bow,
Chola was driven out o f his mind, Pandya escaped by night to the summit o f a mountain together
with his army, Vafiga, Kalinga and Magadha, though kings over mighty hosts, fled. When he flash-

ed his sword, Lala stood bewildered, Magadha trembled, Andhra was blinded, GaUla was split in two,
the Konkana king was terror-stricken, Nepa^a dropped his bow, Malava in despair fled to the desert
and fell, Choja took to howling. His minister and general was Eraga or E.reyana, who was appoint­
ed governor o f ths Banavase and Saiitalige provinces. Owing to a discourse one day on dharmma, he
visited the Kedara temple and was amazed at the learning and penence o f the r5ja-guru Vamasakti-
deva, of which a long description is given. In addition to his other accomplishments he seems to have
been a promoter o f music and dancing. The king was at the time (1193) residing at Lokkigun^i,
after a victorious expedition to, the north. A nd Ereyanna made a grant for the god Dakshipa Kedft-
re^vara. The inscription was composed by Maleya, panijita o f the Kavirajas (the bards or eulogists).
The U'^xt year ( S k . 1 3 3 ) Kumara-Padmi-Deva was appointed governor of the Banavase province.

He patronized the temple o f Agmirara at Balipara, the line o f whosQ‘ dchdryyas were the Srautreya-
siddhanti Kutn§,ra.5i7a, his disciple VHmaMva, and his son DevaSiva. To the latter he made a grant
for the temple, of the well-kaovra sihala‘ VrUti o f the city, with a'finger exhibited {anguli^rSkshant-
forbuMiag the entry of both forces, those o f the king and those of his agents. On seeing this
work of merit, EkaUrasa also made a grant. Sk. 186 is the inscription containing an account o f
the introduction of Brahmans to the South by Mukkaana Kadatnba and tlie foundation of the Tana-
gundur agrahara already referred to under the Kadambas, Sh. 65 relates how savanta-Marayya
forcibly defaced a stone Sasaua which had been written, and set up another.

Sk. 225 contains the important statement that the Kiintala country was ruled by the nine
Nandas, the Gnpta-kula Mauryya kings ; then by the Rattasj after whom the Chajukyas ru lM ;
after them the king Bij jala o f the Kalachuryya-vamSa ; and then the king Ballaja o f the Hoysajas.
The latter in 1204 was in Vijayasamudra (see above). A 'Kadamba king named Brahma was the
ruler o f Mgara-khanijaj in which was the splendid city Bandhava-nagara (Bandanike). A temple for
S'antinatha was created there by a merchant and the management o f it was given to S'ubhachandra,
who had raised up the ttrttha of Bandanike. Nagara-khatida possessed five agrahAras, the learning '
o f whose Brahmans is praised, as well as the merits o f certain merchants and others named. Bal-
lA|a’ s minister Eammata-Malla showed special favour to Bandanike, and he, with the Brahmans o f
the five agraharas and a hambar o f headmen and merchants, who are named, united in making grants
for the god Santinatha o f Banda\tike. At the top o f the inscription has been inserted the statement
that ReCha, aod after him Ravage Boppa who was half a Recha, were the principal promoters of the
Urttha ol S’anta*Jina, the lord of Bandhava-'pura.

HI. 7 describes Ballaja as a sua to the darkness the Ch6la king, Garuda to the extended ser-
pent Kajiuga, a thunderbolt to the mountain the NSpAJa king, a lion to the rogue-elephant the Andhra
king, a wild-fire to the forest MAJava, a moon to the Chalukya lotus (causing it to close up). Under
his governor Malli-D§va was a chief named Savanta-BAvayya, who had received the title o f SAvanta
from the Obalukya emperor as a reward for capturing an elephant which had escaped to the forest
and was sporting on the hills. He made grants for the god Kuruva RamanAtha or RAmesvara o f
MojA-Guruva.* Some other gods were also set up in the neighbourhood. And the nAJ-prabha and
all the gau^as showed the ttrtha o f the god Ramanatha to Hoysaya vira-Ballala-Deva and obtained
his sanction to extend the god's land to the river, and for certain other grants. Sk. 235 contains
the-usual account o f the rise and genealogy o f the HjysaJas, and a farther account o f the governor
Matli-Deva or Kamraata-Malla In Sk. 247 he is called the mahd-va^cfa-hShdri or great senior
merchant. He renewed th© grants to Brahmans originally made by Sovi-Deva in Bandhavapura,
maintained by kis son Boppa, and confirmed under the Yadu kingdom, being kept up by Malyana-
dayclanAyaka. He also erected a temple there, aiid secured the assistance o f the senior queen Abhi-
nava-Ketala-mahaclevi® in obtaining a grant for it from the king in 1207. Two years later that queen’s
younger brother Madhava-dannayaka made a farther grant to Brahmans in Baydalike. Sk. 196
W is is the Ram^'vara ttrtha mentionel in the Kashtrakuta plates of Govinda Prabhutavarsha, dating 803 A.D. (See Jfys.
Ins., Ivii, and Ind. Ant. XT, 126). Gorava there appears as a description of the donee, to whom a previous grant hy (the
ChSJn^ya king) KirttivarmmJ was conBrmed. Kurava or Guruva is now the name of the Island in the *ira4gabliadrd, a
few miles south of HonnSli, which contains the temple of RSmanStha or RSmfe'vara. Seehelow, under H I. 8, for the legend
of its formation.
But there is also a Ttrtha Rimes'vara close by, two miles west of Belagiitti. It is formed by a natural perennial spring issn»
ing from the side of a hill, led into a stone cistern. There is a maptapa above and a large NSga at the side. The place is a
favourite one for picnics and marriages of the natives.
As the KSdirSs' var a tp le at Halehid is attributed to king BalWla and his queen Ahhinm-KStala-DSvi, it seems probable that
they were influenced to erect it hy their obtaining acquaintance with the Dakshipa RedarSsvara temple at BalgSmi.
Scale u 9 6 3 a. f e e i ; .


ii a memorial pillar of the death at Chikka Mags4i, by the Jaiua rite called saniddhi, of Jakkavve,
wife of the renowned Bharata. The iiissripiion contains a long eulogy of her, partly in Sanskrit and
partly in Kannada.
* , " ,
In C i. 6 4 Ballaja-Deva is said to be sole ruler of the Seven-and-a-half Lakh country. Under
him were the Gahga kings of AsancTt beginning with Vaijarasa, already brought to notice under that
head. S h . S 4 records a grant made to Brahmans by Ball ala on the occasion of his paying a visit
to the dSmma o f Durvasa on the bank o f the Tufigabbadra. But the contents of the inscription are
peculiar and cannot be relied on, being taken only from a manuscript copy in possession o f the people
■of the place. S h . 5 begins with an account o f the Gf.ftgas, followed by eulogy o f the Hoysalas down
to BalLala. His generals are represented as carrying only canes in their hands and issuing peremp­
tory orders to the Chola, KaliUga, Chera and PM cha la kings. Madhusfxdana, a descendant from
Rakkasa-GaUga’ s general Goggi, had a temple of GahgSIvara built in the name o f his father.
C i . 7 2 brings us to the reign o f Narasimha II, upvooter o f the Magara kingdom, establisher o f
the Chola kingdom, sole ruler of the Sevett*and-a-half Lakh country. The envoys o f Simhana, L a ja
and Gaula are lepresented as struck with admiration at his power and trembling to incur his enmity,
uaying to one another, “ See ; these elephants are what Magarega (or the Magara king) gave in war i
thes:^ are the elephants Ch6|a s m t ; these rutting elephants are what Kadava-Iiaya seissed froBft
Pandya." Saying to himself “ Why I am called master o f elephants when there are no troops o f ele*
phants o f which I am master” ,— the king Narasimha marched without stopping for a hundred
das, and overthrowing formidable enemies in the east, captured the hundred (or hundreds of) ele­
phants with wbich Magara came against him, and brought them iu with his horse. Theu follows
account o f the Gauga kipg$ o f Asandi as abovo« A Gauga under them erected a temple and endowed
it., B it at the end o f the iusoriptionTis an interesting statement that a dispute had arisen regarding-
boundaries, about which the headmen went in a body to the king, who had pitched his camp outside
Sijagodu. He’ and the five ministers then gave the following decision :^ T h e boundary of the two ;n a ^
NonambavS.<Ji and G a n gavfid i—for Gangava^i,—Guliyakallu, the H&dshgi hill, Hakiyadope, Taliya-
katta; the division runs along the field boundary o f Bidarahal}!.
H i . 8 records a grant b y the king for the god RfimUnatha o f Mora-Guruva. It also contains
the legendary account o f the formation o f this island in the Tufigabhadra, called Kuruva' (the
above Guruva) which is about five miles south o f Honuali, opposite to the point where the' -Hire
Halla stream enters the river from the west. A Boya woman named Dharani-boyiti, spreading o u t
reed-grass on the ground and plaiting it together, produce d a mora -(or winnowing basket)* in the
middle of the Tufigabhadra. There she and a Bova named Vanaraja’ Ilama took up their abode in
a pandal o f reed-grass which they put to the shed that had been Matanga-rishi’s diratnd. The period
o f flood in the Tungabhadra coincided with the tijne o f the woman’s delivery, and on seeing the
river coming down threatening to overhelm them, they placed that mora in the middle. Thereupon
the Tungabhadra, out o f respect for a devoted wife who had given birth to a child, divided, anJ
flowed on leaving them safe on the island thus formed. This became celebrated as the holy kshfi-
tra of the god Ramanatha, to whom grants were made by the Sinda kings o f Bejagutti and other
local authorities. C i . 5 2 shows the king residing at Pafichaja in Cbd|a-uad in 1383. Having-
slain many kings and being sole ruler over all the earth as far. as the ocean, was it in order to
attack them iu the rear, it asks, that Narasimha pursued after Kadava, Magara and P ap dya?
It was because they fled for fear o f being caught by him, Yama for the same reason hiding him self
and the moon standing ready with its deerS as if to stamp it in the middle o f their backs.

is in the shape of a shoTel or scoop, but much ■wider.

Acoordinf; tp Hindu belief the marks on the moon represent a deer. The moon was ready to help the Idng as h« was of tbo
liunar race.

Sh* 8 7 is a single inscription o f the time of SomeSvara, who was residing at Kannandr, which
is near 3 riraagam. Tlie Gahga titles are here applied to Vishnuvarddhana

With S h , 6 1 and 6 2 we come to the reign of Narasimha III. The stone is a memorial to a
matt who fell in defending K dali when it was attacked. His wife, it says, gave arm and hand and
went to svarga. This means that she performed sahdgamana and was burnt with her husband’s
body. The 'gtdsii-hal (for maM-sati-Iial) which commemorate such sacriSces always have a post en­
graved on them with an arm and hand projecting from it. The proper explanation of this symbol
has not been satisfactorily obtained. H I . 1 1 says that a chief named Gafiga-Perumale-Deva had
been to Dorasarnudra and returned to the Hole Hounur ,na4. He made a grant for the god liama-
eatha of Mofa-ftujfuva. In H h 9 0 the same chief Is described as plunderer of (he Chola camp
(o r capital), and as lord of Ko|igaaagit|a-vritti in Panidya-nad, where he appears to be ruling,
Kojiganagatta was an agrah&ra called Chdlamahidevipura, S h . 7 8 records a grant for the god
Ifarasiipha o f Khdali, the southern V&rauasi, at the junction o f the Tonga and BbadrS,.
S h . 1 9 goes on to the reign o f Ballaja III. I h e king’s signature to the grant is Mahparol-
ga7j4ct‘ S h . € 8 is of much interest. It relates that after the Tnraka war, on the occasion of bis
son vlra-Ballala-Raya returning from OiJli fth^t is, Delhi, whither he had been taken as a hostage by
the Musalmaiis), and entering the city, the 6th o f May .1313, the king remitted certain taxes for the
god B4manitha o f Khdali, H i . 7 6 shows that NSm atii (noyr ZTyamati) was an agrabAra in !314>
H I . 1 1 7 stotes that Sankiya-sahani, brother-in-law o f the king’s senior home minister, marched
against Basava,-I)eva of Chandavur below the (ihats. He destroyed the Tu|uyae bat was apparently
mortally wounded in tin battle o^ the Ghats^ and ^fching in the ? Ddvadana-ttrttha, he went to the
-worid o f Vishpa. In S h . 6 9 , dated 1320, the king is boasted to be a terror giving fever to Cbdl%
MAlava, Gau|a and Gftrjjara ; a Vishnuvarddhana, sun and emperor of the South, Madhaya qr Ha^-
danna, tirho had received favour from the great minister Bembeya-dannayaka, together with the
sixty ftifmers and the hundred and twenty temple priests, made a grant for the god Hama (of Ku(jlalij
The inscriptioa was composed by the leavUvara Bramma-deva. 0 1 . 6 5 mentions an attack by
Gafigu Selar, who is called the son o f Bu-a-Bakkanna-Wodeyar. The date is given as S'aka lOOO,
Vikrama. But this does not correspond in any way and must be quite wrong. A n inscription at
Belur, dated 1397, calls Ganga Salar the Turuka o f Kallubarige, and says he burnt the gopuraof the
Delur temple ^tow ay. I hare assqm’ d that this was tlis sam •, the founder perhaps o f the line o f
Bahmani Sultans o f Kalbarga, and assigned it to 1340 A.D.

The Sindas gave their name to the Sindavadi province, which extended over parts o f the Shi-
moga, Chitaldroogj Bellary, Dharwar and Bijapur Districts. It is mentioned as far back as 750
(See M j, 3 6 , Vol. VI), or even in the 5th century (see K d . 1 6 2 , Vol. VI). 'The inscriptions o f
the Sindas in this volume are nearly all confined to the Honiiali taluq, where their chief city was
Belagavarttx or Bejagavatti, now Belagutti. Their origin is related in H I. 5 0 as follows From
the union in love o f S ’iva and Sindhu (the name ot the rivor Indus), was born a son with great glory,
and in proof thereof, Bliava, the husband o f Giiija, gave him the name Saindhava, saying, “ Be a
king in the earth,” and appointed the king o f the serpents for his protection. Being his son, the
husband of G a u ri...........and eating that fruit, the child grew. And ParameSvara directed the
g o ile s s MUati to assist his son in war, and gave him a second name o f Nidud61 (long-armed) Sinda.
Karahala being (appointed) his country, he su blu el all enemies and became the king o f that land.
In H I. 2 0 the story is given thus ; — On Sura-Sindhu (the river o f the gods, the Ganges) obtaining
union with Bhava (S'iva), a sm was born, whose name was Haravita and Saindhava-vara, with the
great kiag o f the serpents as his protector, Karahadla being (appointed) his territory, he shook and
subdued his enemies and became master of the world.

• The titles o f the kings include,— mah§.-maiidaleSvara, lord of K irah&ta-pura, obtainer o f a

boon from the goddess Malati (or Malachi), distinguished by the blue flag (nila-dhvajt), having th«
sounds of the mallali and turyya, o f the Phayii aja-varasa (the race of the king of serpents) * having
the tiger and deer crest {vydghra~mriga-ldnchchhmam), ruling many countries included in the Kara-
hada Four Thousand.2 They also have the titles (H I. 9 8 , 2 3 ) Siuda-Uovinda and Patala*chakra-
vartti. Th e list o f countries forming the territory o f the Sindas o f Belagavatti is unfortunately
somewhat defaced. But in H I . 5 0 we are told-that the following were the nads won by his own
arm or inherited from his ancestors by lAvara-Deva in 1180 the Eijevatte 70, the Narig-alige 4 0 ,
the Bellave 70, the Holalflr . . . . ; in SantaPge,— the Mnduvara 8 0, the Ye^asuleya 70 ; in Kadam-
baUke-nad,-?-the KoUiga 70, the Fifty-six B ida .. • te 7Q, the . . 30, Arakefa, the . . mijavolaln
12, the Attigeri 12, the Elambem 12. But H I. 2 8 , 2 7 , 2 8 give what were evidently the prin­
cipal provinces o f their kingdom, namely, E(Javatte-nad in Bellave, the Mudavalla 30 and the
Narivalige 4 0 .

The following is a table o f the kings as gathered from the inscriptions

H ridndol S in d 0 •’
among many rulers of his line was
Piriya-Chattarasa, whose wife was Dorabaraai or LokabaraM
I *
C h a tta ra sa , 1117
Afterwards there w » e the brothers (father not menUoned)
J ^ I A ” t
A3ach& jHi^sam

* I A
its'vara~I>evaf 1166-1180
i| .
1 AJ
Paiidya Deva M a lti-IM v a , M ilUa, R&ya Vijaya
* ^ "
b y . . . . Devi I by Ohattale
\ A I

Sovala Kaiale M es'a va -D eva , 1232
(daughter) (daughter)

Bira-JDeva, H arabira,

T h e earliest king mentioned seems to be the Kayavirarasa o f S k . 6 9 in 1061, but no parti­

culars are given of him. Then com es Ghattarasa of S k . 3 1 6 , in 1117, when Qovindarasa, mini*
,8ter th xlu k va Tribhuvsnaraalla, was governor of Bauavase. A grant was made for a temple, t o
Eudra'akti, disciple o f Kn; &lakti, ppomoter o f the Kalainnkha-samnya, of the Sakti-paridhi of the

See teraarks above, tn the section on S jndrakas.

Karihaii or Karahfita is ia the Satara District. There w-is also a branch of the Sindas who had their chief city at Eramharage
fToiburga in the Nizatn*s Dominions), with dates from 1076 to 1179. Fleet’ s Ketn. Dym, Sit.

Parvvatlvali. Thea we have Isvara-Oeva in H I. 9 8 of 11G6, under theHoysaJa king Narasiuga-

Deva. H i , 2 7 and 2 8 relate to fights with Sihgi-Deva, the king of Santalige. H I. 4 5 informs
us that the fjoysa^a king Ballala had appointed Todapille-dannayaka as governor of Belagavartti-,
1175. S k . 2 0 6 of 1176 shows the Kalaehuryyas in possession of the country, and Vikra-
maditya-Deva, probably a Siada, as governor o f Banavase. In H I. 5 0 of 1180 their minister Kava-
nayya’ s younger brother Madeva-darujanayaka was the governor, descended from Sankavasa of the
Sagara country, A detailed account is given of the Sindanvaya. H i. 4 3 of 1189 shows the Chalu-
kyas again in possession. In H I, 3 7 , 3 3 , 4 0 and 2 8 we have records o f persistent attacks made
in 1196 and 1197 by Umd-Devi, who must have been the queen of Hoysala Ballala
II. Her force is said to have been defeated on each occasion, but she s ems to have obtained a lot
o t booty. In 1198 the Hoysajas were again in the ascendant ( S k , 3 1 5 ) and continued so. In
1208 we find their minister Tudapille-daprifiyaka still in office (H I. 2 5 ). In 1215 the Y&davas o f
Devagiri are in possession (H I . 4 4 ) , and Mayi-Deva was governor of Banavase. Also in 1216
(H I. 4 8 ). But in 1222 Vanka-ravnta bad been appointed (HI* 2 0 ) . In 1232 Honna-Bommi*
Setti was in that office. The Sindas must have had troublous times in keeping in with so many
changing overlords. But none are mentioned after this. A battle took place in 1245 at Kftdali be­
tween ? Boppula and the Sfivupa general S'ridhara (H I. 5 4 )- The Sinda king had now taken up
his residence in Kalfise. In 1247 another battle Was fought at Nematti between Dfikarasa and the
^ A
ministers Medimaya and Srfdhara (H I . 5 5 ) . On this occasion Ecbaya, son-in-law o f the Sinda
tin g Bira-Deva’s Patta-sahani GaAgeya-Sfihani, madAgood the pledge he had taken at a council of
war before the whole court that he w u ld drive off the enemy in confusion, in consequence o f which
he had been presented with the umbrella which was the stake,

Sevunas (or Yadavas)


The line of kings called by various writers the Yadayas o f Devagiri, it seems more correct to desig­
nate as thO Sennas or Sevunas. This is the name; applied to them by the Hoysajas, who call them­
selves the Yddaras. The titlO Yadava-Narayapa, again, used by the aSvuna kings, is also adopted
by the Hoysajas, aud both lines claim to be lords o f Dv5ravati-pura,— Bv5.raka, the capital o f Krishna
in K a t h ja v a r b u t in the ca^e o f the Hoysajas with no doubt a secondary reference to their own capi­
tal Dvarasamudra or Dorasamudta. Devagiri is .the modern Baulatabad, in the north-west of the
Kizam’s Dominions. The Sfittpa or Sfivuua countiy was to the north of the Godfivari, aud probably
corresponded in great part with the m ilern Khandesh.i The titles of these kings include,— Yadava-
Narayana, bhujabala-praudba-praffipa-chakravartti, having the flag o f a golden Garuda. H I. 1 7
says the birth o f the Yadava-vamsa was as follows To relieve the excessive burdens o f the world
were R(i,ma and Krishna b orn ; by which that exalted family at once became the most honoured and
famous in the eai’th. The first of those unequalled ones who acquired complete possession of the lady
earth was Jayatugi-DIva; -whose sou was the valiant Singhana. (Then follows) Ifand&ra-Deva,
whose heralds are represented as summoning by proclan)ation Kfiraja, Hammlra, Konkana and Choja
to submit at once.' His son was king E3,machandra. (This list omits Mahadfiva, the younger
brother and successor of Kand&ra).
The inscriptions ofthess Sevuna kings in this volume range from the time o f Singhapa iii 1215
to that o f Ramachaedra or Rama-Deva in 1295. Fierce contests took place between the Hoysajas
and the Sevupas for possession of the late Chajukya and Kajachurya territories, with varying success »
The first inscription is S k . 9 5 o f 1215, Simhapa-Deva is here described a; a goad to the
elephant Gftrjara, master o f the Majava woman, plucker up by the roots o f the lotus (lie head o f the

ihandarkax’ s Evrli/ H in t. D ik 'ca n , 09,


Teluag.i king. Alsn as a thundarbnlt craslxiag into the tlatkness the army of the Karpnata king,
a lion to the troops o f the Ma].ava elephants, a roaring Agastya to the ocean the hosts of the Teiun.
, ga king’s army, ills great minister and supreme conddant was Mayideva-pandita, to whom the
king committed all the worries of business, and occupied hims^jif in the enjoyment o f family plea­
sures. Another great minister was ganda-pecldara Hemmayya-Nayaka, whose wife was Rappubayi.
This husband and wife, in the enjoyment of peace and wisdom {suMa-sanJeatha.vmddadim),'^ came to
Balig’tve, whose chief glory was the god D.akshina-Kedaresvara, and the guru Vamafcikti ol the
Kodi-matlia, iu penance like Uparaanyu o f old. And after >eemg the festivals o f the god and the
great learning and piety o f the dcMryya, they made grants for the temple. In H I . 4 4 and 4 8 Ma-
yideva appears as governor o f Banavase in 1215 and 1216. H . 2 0 shows Vanka-ravuta in that ufiica
in 1222. Ten years later Honna-Bomma-Setti was the governor (H I* 4 3 ).

W e now come to the reign of Kanahara-Deva with g k . 2 1 7 , but there is nothing of importance
in his inscriptions. Of Mahadeva-Raya’s inscriptions, C i. 2 1 gives the fallowing list of his prede­
cessors :— In the Soma-vamsa arose king J a itu g i; bis son was km g Bhillama ; after whom was the
emperor Simhana. After him came Sarangapani, who put to flight the armies of his enemies. Then
the heroic Mahadeva-Raya. Sarangapani, a name o f Vishpn, is evidently meant for Knshna-Kan-
dhara. Mahadeva-Baya is described, in somewhat tlie same terms as Simhapa-Deva before him, as
aTrinetra to the pride o f Mala va-Raya, tem fier of Gurjara-Raya and rooter out o f the lotus the head
of Telunga-Rayn. His councillors were the Brahraa-Kshatra brothers Chatta-Raja and Kucha-Bajai
sons of Nimbi-Raja ; also Chatta’s son Chaaiida.2-Those two ministers were in their own royal city
Betiir, governing the Honambavadi province in 1268, and Chaundarasa made a grant for the god
Bille^vara o f the agrahara Dakshiijia Bhaskarapuri or Dakshinaditya-nagari, which was Eogilflr,
surrounded by terrible forests, th^ resort o f wild elephants.

The remaining inscriptions are o f the reign o f Raraachandra or Bama-Dera. Ci* 2 4 records
the death in battle in 1230 o f Chaundarasa, who has the titles rdya-darid<ind{ka and ^sani-Hmuma,
He fell in fighting against Mummafli-Singeya-Nayaka at Doravade in Ku;ug&du-nM. For it is
impossible (.it says) to set aside the letters, (of destiny) originally written ; all are the sport of Vidhatfi
(Fate). Ha seems to have been buried with Ling&yit honours, as they ra sed f r him an uppara-tm4it
with a Nandi flag, and shouting Ho ! U ghe! UghS ! committed him to VireSvara. C i* 2 3 informs
us of the death in battle of Ghavu^darasa’s brother-in-law Joparasa in 1282. S k . 1 4 1 contains a
singular memorial o f devotion in which a man named Nepapala-deva presented to the god the chain
of the cradle in which be carried his son, and he and his wife Yellu-bai’ s son GaaeSvara and his wife
Bommiyi, together in conjugal affection, entered the fire on the field o f battle and gained svargga.-
H l. 1 7 contains a list o f the previous kings as already noticed above. Ramachandra has here
several of the usual Chajukya titles, and is said to be a TrinStra to the pride o f the Majava king
an elephant-goad to the Gnrjjara king, estahlisher of the Telunga king, a rough hand on the brace­
let of the Lakshmi the Hoysania king’s empire, to hostile kings a Jagajhampa^himpandchdrgya. His
minister and general was S'ridhara, whom we have already met with abeve. Hitherto (it says) the
Dhara king Bhoja’ s fame was alone, now S'ridhara's fame has become a com j^nion to it. His son-
in-law Vithala-dannayaka’s grandson Lakama-DSva seems to have remitted the taxes (or intended
to, for the inscription is incomplete) on a grant made to MaUikarjjuna-guru as custodian o f the lii^a

. ill do not remember sesing this pliraae used anywhere of private persons, but only of kings, being the common eipression
for describing their rule.
'these chiefs do not claim to he Sinlas, but the nameJ are those of Sindas, in the Belagutti and Telbnrga branches.

. which the Hoysa^a king vira-Bullala-Deva (III) had set up at ? Jalevale, on the western bank of the
Tn i^aoliadra, iu the name o f his"father Narasinga*Ddva (III).

The earliest o f the Vijayanagar inscriptions are o f the reign of Bukka-Raya. Sfe. 281 of 1368
is interesting and important. It records the establishment o f an agrahara by the king’s great mini­
ster Madhara, regarding whom* some remarkable details are given. It is moreover dated in the
Satav/ibam s’aica, the only inscription I have met with so dated, clearly testifying, it would seem, to
a kimwledge o f (he origin of the S'alivahaua era, and also o f S'atavahaoa rule in ancient times over
the part o f the country in which this inscription is found. After the invocations, Jamadagnya is
praised, who turned back the ocean and conquered the earth, and slaying the Kshatras who were filled
with pride from enjoying it, made it as far as encircled by the ocean the possession o f the Brahmans.
Then follows the mention of the king Bukka, whose fame was proclaimed as far as the southern,
eastern and western oceans. His minister, distinguished for policy and courage, was Mddhava, wba
was the son o f Chauuija, an austere ascetic Brahman of the Angirasa-gotra. Through the astonish­
ing favour of his guru Kaslvilasa, MWhava gained celebrity as a S ’aiva. By his masterful energies
he subdued this world and the next, and was speedily the conqueror o f how many countries on the
shores o f the Western Ocean, He clea. ed and made plain the ruined path o f the upantshads, which
was overgrown and dangerous from the serpents the proud advocates o f evil doctrines ; so that
though the abode o f Brahma is so far, he was ever helping the worthy to go there without a guide,
and was praised by the wise as the guru who established the path of the upamsJiads. Bukka-Raya,
on mounting the great throne o f the new Vijayanagava which was like the principal jewel in the
middle o f the pearl necklace the Tiingabhadra, that encircled the Hemakuta mountain as if it were
the throat o f the lady earth, committed the government as far as the Western Ocean to his minister
MMhav^. And he, in order that his administration might be without trouble, on the adviqe o f the
S ’iva guru Kaslvilasa Kriy&iakti, worshipped his favourite lihga Tryambakanatha by means o f daily
special ceremonies and by a number o f rites and practices as^prescribed in the SaivSmndya. Then,
itt order to complete the great vow which he had commenced with special rites a year before in
accordauce with the directions o f the S'iva-sandht/d, be requested the king’s permission to make the
grant o f a village, but explained that it must be one acquired from his own funds. He accordingly
purchased Muchchunijii and its two hamlets in N^arakhand®> situated it is said in his own Eighteen-
I mapdala country, of which the chief place is ChandrakCita-pura. And forming it into 80 shares, he be-
, stowed them on Kalnfiir Brahmans, pre-eminent by their virtues and the country o f their bii th, tra­
vellers to the farthest point o f the ChdrdyantycMtieharandmndya. The Sasana was composed by
the learned Phanisitu, son o f Vilvanatharyya, and, written out by Lahideva-bhatta, son of Kama-
d§va o f the SArngarava Kathas. The inscription which follows (S k . 2 8 2 } is the deed o f sale for
* the villages. They were sold for 200 varaha, five times the value o f the annual rent, and a present
o f 18 cloths for the representatives o f the 18 kampapas o f the Gutti kingdom^ o f the Bauavase
Twelve Thousand nad.
With H I . 8 4 , begin the inscriptions of Haribara-Raya I I /A f t e r an invocation of VAmana, the
dwarf incarnation o f Vishnu, which is, a favourite one for representation at the head of Vijaya­
nagar grants, Harihara-Raya’s son Chikka-Raya-Vodeyar, we are told, was in Ir a g a , the city of the

^Tiis was one of the villages gi’anted in the 3rd century by the Kadamba king S'iva[skanda]vamiinfi (see Sk. 264},
whose grant follows on the same pillar that of the S'atavShana king SStakarijoi.

^his no doubt explains the Eighteen-Mapdala country previously mentioned, and ChandraUfita-pura may. he Chandragutti,
shortly called Gutti.

Mdle-rajya (or hill Idngolom), ruling the Thirty-six kampaua in 1379. His minister, cham pion'
orer three Iciags,^ il jstroyar of the Turgka army, Vira-Vasanta-Vfadhava-R&ya was also in the city
A A ’

of Araga, ruling the Araga a i l Gutti Thirty-six kampaua. An officer under him, named Basavappa
Nayaka,— desom 'led from one o f the same name, who is called guardian o f Rodda, the champion
who capture 1 th e., .. o f fifty-six chieftains,— makes a grant (or intended to, for the inscription is not
complete) t> some one who is not named, but has a variety o f epithets, including— establisher o f
the six darsanas, a.nd prativAiU-hhaymJcara, which specially apply to B'rlvaishnavas. In 1390 the
A. '''
great minister .Mallapp-Odeyar was carrying on the Araga kingdom (S k . 313)* In same year
a number o f gaudas made a grant for the god Rame^vara o f Kurava, and established a pura for the
god, which they named Ramapura (H I . Q)> In S k . 2 4 1 we have an account o f Banda^ike*
beautUul as Amaravati, an admired ornament to the Banavase-nad, which was like the face to th o
Kuntala country, that represented the Ituntda or curls o f the lady the ocean-girdled earth. Bd-
chappa-Vadcyar, who was on the throne o f Gove, made grants for the temple o f the goddess B an n »
o f Bandaiyike. The inscription winds up with what appears to be some fragment o f a s'halcMnaJidt-
my'ty relating how the goddess wandered about in the forest in PSudye-mUndala, and coming from
Kod, paid a visit to (the goddess) Brahmani, and then came to hear witness along with those w ho
attended the car-festival in Bandalike. O n "H l. 7 l Vira-Vasanta-MIdhava-Rayn is described a s
destroyer o f the Turaka army, reducer o f the Seven Konkanas to dust, plunderer of Kadamba, pro*
tector o f the people of Kadamba-pura, lord o f Gove-pura. His son Bachana-B&ya, with the epithets,
theRangini glory, Giridurgga-malla, setter up o f Kofikapa, was in 1396 established in tlie K a-
damba-Uaj i’ -! throne,' ruling over Chandragutti, Banavase, Konkaya, Rafigiyi and all the other
kingdoms. B iUarasa’s son Anantaraja grants a number o f taxes, which are specified, for the god
Balinatha o f Hojaguydi-pura in Pandya-nad.

S h . 7 0 is the first of Deva-Eaya’ s inscriptions. Under his orders Vi|htbhayya-Odeyar waa

ruling the Araga kingdom in 1409. A grant was made to Venkayna-bhatta, reciter of the puraya
- before the god Eamanatha o f Eudali, winch is the southern Varanasi and the great Prayaga at the
<»nfluence o f the Tunga and Bhadra. S h . 3 0 states that in 1413, when Yeye-Lakke-Ndyaka was
ruling the Dummi and Banftr nads, he had a great forest near Bankiyapura (now Benkipur) cleared,
and built there tw o villages named Narasimhapura and Lakshmipura, with a tank, He also grant­
ed a number o f taxes and the transit duties o f Bankiyapura, also called Vankipuri, for the god
Lakshmi-hiarasimha. S k . 2 5 2 is a memorial of the rite o f sati, audits observance seems to have
been unusually prevalent during the Vijayanagar period. S k . 3 7 is another. It informs us that
Virnpa-danayaka was in Chandragutti, ruling the Gove Gutti kingdom in 1417, when a certain Rama^
Gauda seems to have expired in his presence. Irugapa-Vodeyar took notes of the occurrence and sent
(? the body) from Gutti to Harika, where Bama-Gauda's wife performed sahagarnana and was burnt
vifith her husband’ s body. In 1420 Bachaya-Vodeyar’ s younger brother Mallappa-Oder was governing
Gutti-durgga (S k . 2 8 8 ).

Sk 93 of 1422 shows Peva-Rdya’ s son Vijaya-Elya on the throne, Bayicheya-dayu&yaka’s

son • • . was governor. A priest named BuHi-deva, who seems to have been a Jafigama, died, and
his three wives gave his body to the tomb. Nothing is said in this case o f their giving up their lives
at the same time, and this is not enjoined by the Lihgayit creed.

Wth Sk. 40. of 1430 we have Vijaya-Raya’s son Deva-Raya (in Sk. 240 called Immadi-
D6va-R^ya) a s k in g ; and the treasurer Arasappa’ s son Handiya-Raya was governor o f the Gfive

Chaadragutti kingdom. S h . 7 1 o f 1431 gives aa account o f Myaijuia-Odr^yar, who was governing, in

A A * '
Ihe Araga kingdom, the Hanagavadiya-Bhagada-nad o f Aiiaveri-nad and the Holeya-Honnur-nad.
He was ilescsended from Bukka-Raya’s minister Baichapa, whose son was Mahgappa, whose son again,
famous as the king of Mahislimati, was Baichapa, whose son was Rayan^a. In return for the chhatra
and other works he had established, the farmers and subjects o f his two nads conferred upon him
Dauriayakapura, free o f all taxes, with all its revenues, details o f which are given. And shares were
also provided for 20 Brahmans. The grant was made in the presence of all the gods of Kudali,
which in addition to being described as the southern Varanasi and Prayaga, is said to be the original
Harihara, at the confluence o f the Tung§, and Bhadra. In 1442 the son of the Kadamba S6yi-De-
varasa of Bandalike, the famous royal city (rdjadlMm) o f the Nagarakhanda Seventy, together with
his son and sondn-law, blockaded Kappegere, a hamlet of Banavase (S k . 2 4 0 ) . in ' S k . 3 6 we hear
o f the death of the son of R&raa-gauda of Harika, before mentioned, and his wife performed saha-
gamam. Mallasara-Odeyar Was governor of Gove Chandragutti at the time, 1415.

S k . 2 3 9 13 of the reign of Mallikarjjuna-Raya. This also records the sdhagamam o f the two
wives o f a chief who died.

With S k . 2 3 4 we come to the time o f Krishna-R&ya. S h . 1 consists o f copper plates giving his
pedigree. From Chandra arose in succession Budha, Purflrava, Ayu, Nahusha. Yayati and Turvasu.
In that line there was the king Timma, famous among the Tuluva kings, whose wife was DevakL

Their son was TSrara, to whom and his wife Bukkama was born Narasa. Quickly damming up the
K&Verl when in full flood, he crossed over and seized the enemy alive in battle, and taking possess­
ion of him and of his capital, made Srirahgapattana (Seringapatam) his own abode. Having conquer­
ed Chera, Ch61a and Pandya, as well as the proud lord o f Madhura, the fierce Turushka, the G aja-
pati king and others; from the bank o f the Ganges to Lanka, and from the eastern to the western .
mountains he imposed his commands upon all kings. In RameSvara and other holy places he from
time to time bestowed the sixteen great gifts. FromTippaji and Nagala-Devi were born to kiug
Narasimha the sons Vii a-Nrisimba and Kfishua-Raya. The former, seated on the jewel throne in
Vijayanagar, by his fame and policy putting to shame Nriga, Nala and Nahusha, attracting all hearts
t o himself, ruled from Setu to Sumeru and from the eastern to the western mountains. All manner o f
gifts did he make in Kanakasada, in the temple of Virfipaksha, in Kalahasti, Venkatadri and Kanchl,
in S'riSaila, S'6paiaila, Harihara, Ahobala, Sangama, S'riranga, and Kiimbhakona, in Nandi-tirtha,
Nivritti, Gokarpa, Rama-setu and all the other holy places in the world. Having ruled to the full
anoiq)osed, this king o f the earth ascended to svarga, as if to rule the kingdom o f the sky. Might­
ier even than him, the king Krishpa-Raya then boro up the earth on his shoulders as if a jewelled
epaulette. As though in order that the .great gifts (jtrahmdnda, svarna-MSru and others) which he
had bestowed might be long enjoyed, he would stay the chariot o f the sun and provide resting placea
for the gods, he erected pillars, stretching like mountain peaks into the sky, filled with the accounts
o f his victorious expeditions to every point of the campass and with the names o f his titles. In
Ktechi, S'rUaila, S'on3,chala, Kanakasabha, Yehkatadii and other places did he again and again
bestow the great gifts prescribed in the Mstras, He was served by Ahga, Vanga. Kajinga and other
kings, and shone in the power of good fortune ard the fullness of fame from the eastern to the
western mountains and from the extremity o f Hemachala to Setu, On the application of Tippa-
«5ma, son o f the Kandhachara Brahman, the minister Madappa, he granted to Vi^ve^vara, a
highly esteemed teacher, the village o f Bhapdaripalli, in the country between the TungfiSnd the
Bhadra called Yedatore, in the Honnfir-sirae of the S'tiranga kingdom. Tho ^asana was composed
by Sabhapali. S k . 8 4 and 8 5 are similar inscriptions, the latter also by Sabhapati, recording

grants to Narayana-yatindra o f the Kft^ali Arya-ma^ha, and to Vyasatirtha-yatindra o f the MadhvS.-

nharya creed, disciple o f Brabmayyatirtha.^

Sadasiva-Raya's inscriptions begin with O i. 7 6 , in which his agent Raraarajedeyar grants the
local barbers' tax to a barber named K o . . .. H I 9 is a grant for the god Ramesvara of'Kuruva, ia
the middle o f the Tuhgabhadrii. In C i. 6 2 . RSma-Deva is described as the supreme king, master o f
Kuntala, the middle region, 126,000 yOjanas in extent, of Jambu-dvipa, and lord o f the throne of
Vidyanagari, which Harihara-maharaya built and consecrated in the name o f VidyAranya-^ripMa,
who was in the form o f the Virupaksha-lifiga, the master of Pampfi. on the bank o f the Tufigabhadra.
S h . 8 3 o f S'aka 1510 {A.D. 1587) brings us to the time o f Venkatapati-Deva»Raya and pro­
vides an account o f his pedigree.2 In the descent from Chandra (the left eye o f Hari), Budha,
Pururava, Ayu, Nahusha, Yayati and Puru, was born Bharata. In his line was S'antanu, fourth
from whom was Vijaya, from whom was Abhimanyu, and from him.Pariksbit. Nanda was eighth
from him, ninth from whom was Chalikka, seventh from him EAja-Narendra, tenth from him Bijja-
Jendra, and third from him Hemmadi-R§,ya, the lord o f Mayapuri, who prostrated himself before
Murari. Fourth from him was Tata-Pinnama, from whom was born the capturer of seven forts in one
day, Soma-Deva, whose son was Raghava-Deva, from whom came Pinnama, lord o f Araviti-nagari,
whose son was Bukka, who firmly established the kingdom o f S5,luva-Nrisimha, Bukka married
Ballambika, and their son was Rama-Raja. Though it was protected by Sapada’s army of 70,000
Sindh horse, he subdued the Adavani® hill-fort in battle, and put to flight Kisappildaya, who vied
with Indra in power. He also took the lofty Kandanavoli-durga,^ and drank the water from the feet
of Hari there, through his faith escaping harm although his kinsmen had put poison into it. Rama-
Raja’ s wife was Lakkambika and their son was S ’ri-Rafiga-Raja, His wife was Tirumal§,mbik&,
who bore to him in succession the sons Rama-Raja, Tirumala-R&ya and Vefikatfidri. Rftma-R&ja
destroyed all his enemies and ruled the circle o f the world, havin g Venkatadri as his helper. Tint-

*One of my pandits (VenkataramanSoliSrya) Has supplied the following account of VySsatirtha, which is bprne out by a little
wort called Vydsa-vijaya.—Brahmanyat^rthi.was the head of the Abbiir matha near Channapatna. A woman, whose hus­
band was dying, was preparing to become a sati,. hut being dissuaded by her friends, came to Brahmanyatirtha for his
advice. He blessed her that she should continue a wife and bear two sons, of whom g ive me, he said, the elder, and live
with the younger. On returning home she was surprised to find her husband revived, and according to the sage’s predic­
tion she in course of time bore two sons. The elder was brought up in his matha by Brahmanyatirtha, who in the seventh
year, consecrated him, giving him the name Vydsatirtha, and sent him to Mulb^gal, where he studied under 8'rip5dtch&rya
for twelve years. After this he and his gurus went to Pilnduraftga and bathed in the Bhtmarathi, and he set out on a pil­
grimage to the holy places in the north. On his return he went to S'rirangam, where some dispute arose about his admis­
sion, and he fixed a space for Vaishnavas. H e also had the large Vyftsasamudra tanh made on the Mysore and Kadapa
border. After this he was for twelve years at Tirupati, where the guru of the VydsarfljA matha is even now entitled to
certain privileges in consequence. H e became the author of the following imimrtant works on the Hvaita philosophy
Tdfparya-chandriM, Nydydmj-ita and IParJea-i&^dava, Eventually he went to Anegondi (or VijAyanagar). 'Wliilethere,the
king was warned of an evil muhUrfa (a period of 48 minutes) approaching, and advised to put some one else on the thrOHe
forthat time. Not knowing whom to choose, the king sent out his state elephant with a garland, which the animal
presented to VySsatirtha. The latter was not enamoured at the prospect, and said he was only a mendicant; it must he
a mistake. But on being urged, he hid himself in a cave, and the elephant being sent out again, again took the garland to
him at the cave. He could not any longer deny the divine summons, and so for the time of the evil mtthSria was appointed
to the throne. But in order both to make manifest the danger and to escape it, instead of sitting on the throne, he threw
his ascetic’ s robe on it, which immediately burst into flame and was burnt. The danger being thus averted, he took his seat,
and in'the short time left him signed grants of land to the Brahmans who had anointed him-, (Some of these grants, it is
said, are still to be met w ith!) He ended his days at Anegondi, and his minddvafia or tomb is at a spot cAlled Nava-vrind-
Jvana, on an island in the TungabhadrS about half a mile from that plaoe.
S . ■
With the exception of the Devauahalli grant of S'aka 1508, published by me in 1879 {itys> Ins. 252), this is the earliest of
the similar grants that have been published ;—on® of S'aka 1523 (Ep. Ind. IV; 269); one of 1558 (Ep- Ind., Ill, 226); and
one of 1558 (.Ind. A nt. X III, 125).
Adoni, to the north of Bellary. Said to be Kurnool, see Bp. Ind. TV, 270.

mala was then anointed to the throne^ and repeatedly made gifts o f gold, Md-purusJta and others,
as well as minor ones, in Kanclii, S'riiaiiga, S'eshachala, Kanakasabha, Ahobaladd and other places.
He was succeeded by his son Sri-Ranga-Kaya, bom from Vegalamba, who established himself at
Uddagiri, and having conquered Kondavi<Ju, Vinikonda-pura and other fortresses, took up his resid­
ence in Penugorida-puri, being anointed to the throne by chief Brahmans. When he went to the feet
of Murari (or died), his younger brother Vehkatapati-Deva-Raya established the throne o f the empire
in Suragiri, being anointed by Tatayaryya, the guru of his own gotra, and other chief Rrahmana
Immediately after his accession he subdued the Yavanas, driving back Malik-Ibrahim in despair to
his house, and thoroughly beating Muhamraad-Shah (Kutb-Shahi kings of Gdlkonda, see Ep. Ini. IV,
270), His wives were VenkatambS., Raghavamba, Ped-Obamamba and Pin-Obamamba. He was
served as door-keepers by the Kambhoja, Bhoja, Kajinga, Karahata and other kings, and by his own
authority held possession of the throne of Karnata, having destroyed all his enemies from Setu even
to Himadri. He made a grant of two villages to Malla-Jyosya, The Sasana was composed by Krishna-
kavi Kamakoti,! grandson of Sabhapati.
The last Vijayanagar inscription is Sh. 27 of 1621, the reign o f Rama-Deva-maharaya, One
of the Sante-Bennur chiefs made a grant on the occasion o f his son’s marriage.
K u d•a li-n ia th

There are two matbas at Kudali,— the S'ringSri-matha of the Smartha sect, and the A rya-
matha of the Madhva sect, called the Kallu-matha or stone matha. Of the inscriptions o f the S ’rin-
geri-matha, Sh- 79 has been sufiBciently described already under Kadambas. It professes to be a
grant to Vidyasaukara-Bharati and his guru successors. The titles and pretensions of S'ankara--
Bh§,ratindra are given at great length. But the inscription begins with praise o f Vidyaranya, w h o
established a great ruler in Vidyanagara. Sh, 80 is also a grant to Vidyasankara-Bharati or
Sarasvati.Uharatiadra. Sh. 8 l is a grant to Narasiipha-Bharati. Sh. 82 is a grant by S'ankara-
* . . A
Bharati, consecrated by the hands of Narasimha-Bharati. Of the inscriptions o f the Arya-matha,
Sh, 84 is a grant to Nardyapa-yatindra, disciple o f Raghupati-yatindra. Sh. 85 is a grant to
Vyasatirtha-yatindra, disciple of Brahmanyatirtha.

K ela d i
Some account of these kings was given in Vol. VI. Here we find certain details o f their genea­
logy in Sh, 2. The line begins with SadaMva, whose son was S ’ankendra, whose son was the great
Venkata, his valour an adamantine armour to the Karnata country. He w'as a diamond elephant-
goad to 1,lie rutting elephants the bounding Taujava kings, a sun do the darkness the Kiratas, a
boundary mountain to stop the great ocean of Mlechchhas ever seeking to overflow the South in vio-
tdtious expeditious. His son was Bhadra, whose son was Virabhadra. He was a hel^ to the raja-
dhiraja Veiikatadri (Veiikatapati-Raya II), being to him like alon g right arm, and he gave protection
to the southern kings alarmed by the great army o f the Patusaha (the Adil-Shahi king o f Bijapur).
Their titles Were Yedava-Murari, Kote-kolahala, establisher o f the pure Vaidik§,dvaita-siddhanta,
Farther steps can be added from Sh. 29 and other inscriptions, but it seems better to give the
following list o f the kings taken from my Gazetteer o f Mysore, II, 432.
1. Chaudappa-Nayaka, son of Hulibailu Basappa 1499— 1513
2. Sadasiva-Nayaka, son o f 1 1613— 1545
3. Sankanna-NAyaka I, son o f 2 1 5 4 5 — 1558

4. Sankanna-Nayaka II, younger brother of S 1 5 5 8 — 1570

1 5 7 0 — 1582
5. RamarajarNAyaka, son o f 3

'proHi other grants it appears that KSmakSti was the name of Sahh^pati’s soB.
6. Venkatappa-N4yaka I, younger brother o f 5 .. 1582— 1629
7. Virabhadra-Nayaka, grandson o f 6, and son o f Bhadrappa-Nayaka 1623— 1645
8. S ’ivappa-Nayaka, grandson o f 4, and son o f Siddappa Nftyaka 1645— 1660
9. Venkatappa-Nayaka If, younger brother o f 8 .. 1660— 1661
] 0 ., Bhadrappa-Nayaka, son o f 8 .. 1661— 1663
1 ]. Soma^ekhara-Nayaka I, younger brother o f 10 .. 1 6 6 3 - - 1671
12 . Chennamaji, widow o f 11 .. 1671— 1697
13. Basappa-Nayaka I, adopted son o f 1 2 4. 1697— 1714
14. Somasekhara-Nayaka II, son o f 13 .. 1714'— 1739
15. Basappa-Nayaka II, nephew o f 14, and son o f Virabhadra-Nayaka 1739— 1754
16. Chenna Basappa Nayaka, adopted son o f 15 .. 1754^— 1757
17. Virammaji, widow o f 15 .. 1757— H 6S
18, Somasekhara-Nayaka III, adopted son of 17 .. ........... ..
S k , 2 5 5 and 5 5 are o f the time o f Sadasiva-Nayaka, in. the latter of which he is said to be
protecting the Araga country. H I. 9 informs us that he had made a grant for the god Btimanfi,tha
of Kuruva. H I . 8 3 is o f the time of Virabhadra-Nayaka, son o f Bhadrappa-Nayaka, and grandson
of Venkatappa-Nayaka. From H I. 8 2 it would appear that he had a minister o f his own name.
Sh. 2 tells o f his Brahman minister Rainakyishna, to whom the king gave five villages, which he in
turn made over to Brahmans. With S k . 2 7 begin the grants Of S6inaiekhara-N%aka I, who, as
Sh. 8 1 informs us, was the son of S'ivappa-Nayaka, grandson o f Siddappa-Nayaka, and great-grand­
son of S'aukaiifia-Nayaka. S h . 2 8 is a grant to the Balikoppa matha, freeing from transit duties
the loads o f 60 of the pack bullocks employed iu its service. A list is given of the articles to be loaded,
namely, areca-nut, pepper, fringed silk cloths, dried cocoa-nuts, grass, husked rice, unhusked rice,
salt, tamarind, jaggory, oil, ghi, baskets, ... catecbu, tobacco, cloths &c. The colour and age of the
bullocks were to be registered at the tMnas of Ikkeri, Durgga, Vasudare (Vastfira), Sakkarepatta^a^
Kainandurgga, the hobali below the Ghats, and the custom-house at Chandavara. These seem to
indicate the boundaries o f the kingdom. S h . 3 is his grant o f an unibali to the boatmen of the fel*ry
at Siinoge, who were allowed to take fees from passengers, but were required to remain under the
orders of the Simoge fort and provide harigdJs (or basket boats) for the service o f the palace as
might be required.
The succeeding grants are by his widow Chennamaji,— S k , 2 1 3 , 8 2 , 7 9 and S h 1 7 . The
third is an interesting specimen o f the style o f official orders. It begins with the words nirUpa-praU
(copy of order), with date and signature, and ends with nirupoh haniu (the order stops), followed by
the names o f the local officials. A man applied for an umbali for himself and an endowment for »
matha erected by his father, on the ground that during the oppression of the Moguls he had erected
cattle-folds at his own expense, and taken great pains to protect the cattle.
S h . 2 9 is a grant by Basavappa-Nayaka, son o f the above Chennamaji, The concluding vers­
es are some quotation addressed to Guha, and say that wherever a jogisvara once performs the
worship of S'iva-linga, there all holy places abide for ever. A single gift made through love of Kara,
with faith in S’ iva, frees from sin and procures mdhsha.

Sh. 128 brings us to Somasekhara-Nayaka II. He made & grant for a herdsman who
killed a tiger that had been infesting the Balaur pass. In S h . 7 is an account o f the erection o f
the Basavana-vaddu (or dam) on the Tufiga for his father-in-law Nirv&naiya. S h . 9 8 is a grant
to Eaghurdjatirtha-svfimi o f the Kfidali stone matha.

H I. 9 4 is o f the time o f Basappa-Nayak i II. S k . 2 0 9 refers to Siddappa-Nayaka, perhaps a

minister. Kodihalli Basavappa seems to have beheaded a Mancha-Barmma who was committing

lawless acts, and for whose arrest alone orders had been issued. For this it would appear he-
must have been put into confinement pending the enquiry, and he claims compensation for the time
his land was thrown out o f season. A refusal already given o f this petition was confirmed, with a
remark that petitions of this kind from the countiy for payment o f money are not to be made. B u t'
the next year, Somasekara-Nayaka III, in, S h . 2 1 0 on the advice o f Sivalingappa, probably his guru,
granted him an unibali. Each o f these orders is called a vale, that is oh, a palmyra-leaf book ; and
ends with the statement that if consists o f 1 vale, leaf or page.

Sante Bennnr

An account of these chiefs was given in^ Vol. VI. W e have here a few inscriptions relating to
them. Sh. 1 0 8 refers to a Hire-Rangappa-Nayaka. It is not clear if he belongs here. C i. 6 2
describes them as of the Puvala-vamsa, and mentions Hanumi-Nayaka’s sons Billappa-Nayaka and
Kengappa-Nayaka. They admitted as hereditary the claim o f one Linganna to the offices of sena*
bSva, jyotisha, and purohita in all th e villages of the Sante-Fennfir-Mme, belonging to the Uchchangi-
Tente. In C i. 6 7 Kengappa-Nayaka makes a grant to a tumbler, g b , 1 0 7 has Hire Hanu-
mappa-Nayaka’ s son Rangappa-Nayaka. It is not certain that he belongs to Sante Bennur. Ci- 4 2
brings us to Mummadi-Hanumappa-Nayaka. Ci, 4 7 and 4 8 are in Mahratti. H I. 3 4 contains
a confused account, in which the following succession appears Hire-Hanumappa, whose son was
? Tula-Hanumappa, whose son was Immadi-Hanumappa, whose grandson was Kengappa, whose son
was Basavappa.


The Adil Shahi kings of Bijapur were descended from a prince said to be a son of the Ottomaa
Sultan Amurath or MurSd, and brother o f Muhammad the Great, the conqueror of Constantinople*
He escaped to Persia, and was transported to the Bahmani court in India, where he rose to power and
ended by establishing this line o f kings, They were constant rivals o f Vijayanagar, and some time
after the overthrow of that power invaded Mysore and gained possession o f large tracts of the
country. These were formed into the provinces of Carnatic Bijapur Balaghat and Carnatic Bijapur
Payanghat, and placed under Shahji, father of the famous Sivaji. Their principal opponents here
were the Keladi and Mysore kings.

S k . 3 2 4 dated 1632, is a fine Arabic and Persian -inscription of the Sultan Muhammad Adil

8h^h, son o f Ibrfihim Adil Shah, recording the erection of a fort on the bill at the MAsur Madaga
tank, as an indication of victory and an attempt “ to repel the wicked infidels and establish the
auspicious Islam.”
C i 4 3 and 4 4 are of the same reign, and o f considerable interest. The former is partly in
Persian and partly in Kannada. The governor Bari-Malik, son o f Lar-Khan, son o f Shekh Malik,
resolved to construct a tank, the breached dam of which is still in existence in the hills to the north-
Ifest of the great Sfilekere. When laying the foundation he heard that the Sultan was ill, and vowed'
not to complete it till his recovery. He seems to have obtained from the Hindus some texts as to
the merit derived from making a tank. Of these the first is as follows The quail and the boar,
the 6he»buffalo and the elephant, the teacher and the carrier out (of the work),— these six went to
Svarga, All the pandits seem to be acquainted with the verse, but cannot say where it occurs. It is
conjectured to be in the Mdsa-maMimya o f the Vayu or other purAna. The explanation o f it is,— That
a quail once scooped a hole in the ground (to nestle in) ; a boar came and made it larger; a buffalo-
and an elephant each in turn enlarged it still m ore ; a holy man then pointed out that it could be
made into a tank or pond, and the king to whom he gave this advice carried out the idea. For their
shares in this work o f merit, all went to svarga or paradise. The second text is,— A tank, hidden-

treasure, establishing tha vedas, a S'iva temple, groves, family, sons,— these seven ara continuons
progeny, it is said. That is, these seven confer continuons benefit an 1 their reward is unending.
But what moved him to make the tank was, to provide for the security o f the region south from
"Basavapattaua, where the Sendra cooutry (as it appears to be called) was covered with great forest
the haunt o f robbers. On travellers complaining to him o f the dangers of the place, he at once S£ud
‘ I will go myself and see what there is there.’ This he did, and clearing away the forest, built there
a town called Mallipura (or Valipura), and made this tank, such that the three worlds were astonish­
ed. He freely gave out the land for cultivation, and formed the most sanguine expectations as to
the result. ‘ I will sow without limit ’ he said,' and to all travelling between Ramesa and Ka§i will
daily supply milk from sugar-cane mills and will set up watersheds. I will continually plant cocoa-nuto,
plantains and rice, with betel vines, so that all the people'shall be prosperous..’ C i. 4 4 , which is aK
in Persian, states that the Sultan recovered from his illness, and the governor was under the obligation
of fulfilling his vow. He therefore completed the tank, aud named it Vali Surfir (joy o f a friend).

H I. 1 0 6 and C i- 4 6 appear to be grants by governors under the Bijapur SuU4tts. C i, 51

shows the S'rimanta Sahib, a Mahratta governor at Basavapatta^ia, who makes a grant in conjunc­
tion with the Sar-Jamindar, The final imprecatory verse runs t h u s O h ! B&ghava-R&jendra 1 though
living through seven kalpas, never have I heard o f or seen any one who has taken away what he has
given. This is said to have been spoken by Jambavanta to Rftma on his proposing to carry away A
jewelled tray which was found buried in the ground o f Rava^a’ s palace. But Rama haring bestowed
Lanka on Vibhishana, is reminded that he should not remove anything from it.

A fuller account o f these chiefs will come in the volume for the Chitaldroog District. There are
here only two inscriptions belonging to them, in the Sante-Benniir country, o f which they for some
time possessed themselves. C i . 2 7 is by Boleya-Kanaana-N&yaka’ s grandson Hiriya-Tiinmana-N&y-
aka. C i. 2 0 is by Bommana-Nayaka, son of Medakere-NS.yaka, who was the son o f ?Kariyappa-

U r t t is h

Under this heading must be placed S k , 3 2 4 . This is the fine Arabic and Persian inscription
of the Bijapur Sultans already referred to above. When the sluice of the tank below was repaired in
1863 by the Bombay Government, this stone was brought down from the hill aud built in over the
sluice. And across its face was inscribed the fact in Kattnada; an exajnple, unfortunately not
wanting in other parts, of the sacrifice of bygone art and sentiment to modern bald utility.

M y so re

The only inscription o f the Mysore kings is S k . 9 1 , recording the visit o f the late Mahardjah
to the KedareSvara and other temples at Belgavi in 1885. It seems very tame and flat after the
glowing and eloquent descriptions o f royal visits to the place in ancient times, and the glory o f this
once-splendid mother o f cities, as it was called, has long passed away.

A rch ite ctu re

The most striking examples of architecture in the District are at Belgami and Bandalike. Bel-
■garni was" the royal city or capital (rdjadhini) of the Banavase Twelve Thousand, The name is vari­
ously written in inscriptions as Balligave, Balligamve, Balligrame, BaUipura or Balipura. It is said
to derive its name from the rakshasa Bali, and to have been visited by the Pandava brothers after
their performance of the Rajasuya sacrifice. They set up the five lingas o f the Pancha Linga temple.
It was a place of such antiquity even in the 12th century that it was styled the anddi rdjadhdni, or
immemoi’ial capital, and pattamngdla tavarmmane the mother of cities. It contained five mathas
and throe puras, besides seven Brahmapuris, The first were connected with temples to Vishnu, S'iva,
Brahma, Jina and Buddha. The principal temple seems to have been that o f Dakshina Kedare^vara,
to which was attached the Kodiya-matha. At the head o f this were a very learned and distinguished
line of high priests, a brauch o f the Kajamukhas, forming the S'akti-parishe o f the Muvara-koneya-
santati of the Parvvatavali, The first one named is Kedara^akti, whose disciple was S'rikantha,
whose disciple was SomeSvara (with dates 1094-] 113), who had a younger brother Vidyabharana,
Someivara’ s disciple was Gautama (dates 1129-1149), whose disciple was Vamasakti (dates 1156-
1193), whose disciple was Jnanasakti. There was also a Vamasakti, disciple of S'rikantha, in 1215,
And there was besides another line from Kfidarasakti, namely, his disciple Kudrabharana, whose
disciple was Valmiki in 1078, This matha was not only celebrated for learning, but was a centre
for dispensing medicine to all manner of sick persons, and like the mediaeval monasteries in Europe,
for distribution of food to the destitute and mendicants o f all classes and sects. Another principal
temple was the Pancha Linga, already referred to. This had attached to it the Kalamukha Brah-
macbari-sthana, at the head of which in 1036 was the celebrated Lakulisvara, founder o f the Pa^u-
pata sect, whose system of philos jphy is frequently referred to as the Lakula-siddhanta and the La-

Belgami is now an ordinary small village o f 1100 inhabitants. Several o f the temples of which
it formerly boasted still exist, but mostly in ruins. The Kedaresvara is perhaps the best preserved.
It is a triple temple, originally of very ornate design, in theChalukyan style. In front o f each o f the
pinnacles is the Hoysala crest, but this must have been added after the Banavasi country had come
into their possession, as the temple is evidently of much older date, and there is no Hoysala inscrip­
tion in support of a claim for them as the founders o f it. But the erection o f the Kedaresvara
temple at Halebid was almost certainly suggested by this one, for Abhinava-Ketala-Devi, who was
associated with Ballaja II in its erection, was, it would seem, connected with the neighbouring city of
Bandalike (see S k . 2 3 5 ). The Kedaresvara at Belgami is situated behind the embankment of the
Tavarekere or lotus tank which is frequently mentioned in the inscriptions. The Kodiya-matha, as
its name indicates, must have been situated near the Mdi, or waste weir. Another temple still stand­
ing is the Pancha-Linga, towards the north, near the Jiddi tank. The sculpture in it must have been
very fine, especially the Uina-Mahelvara groups. Two dudrapdlaka in the Bangalore Museum were
brought, I believe, from here. There is a Nilakantha shrine, the linga in which is of green stone. North
o f this is the Tripurantaka, a double temple, with rich carving in the doorways and the perforated
screen between the two chapels. In the middle of the village is the SomeSvara temple, now a large
and plain building. The Jina basti is represented by a massive seated Jina in the yard of a private
house. There is also a colossal fallen statue o f Jina to the east of the village. The Bauddhalaya was
to the west of the Jiddi tank, where a large mutilated figure of Tara Bhagavati is still lying.
North-west of the village is a small island called Sita-honda, which contained a temple of Jalasayana
and a number of Vishnu shrines. The images have been removed, I was told, to Shimoga.
-------- 1 _ ..........- ______________________________________________________________--------------------- --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------

Tavarmmane,—i t e home from which a bride goes forth on becoming a wife.


a <
3 2
or. C5
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o cc



The most striking object standing in the village is perhaps the Bheru^iddivara pillar, now called
the Garuda-kambha. It is a lofty and elegant monolith, with a figure of theGapda Bherupda at the
. top.i It was erected, according to the inscription on its base (S k . 151)i by Chamupda-Mya in 1047,
and probably fixed the length o f the hMrun4a pole used in measuring land (see g k , 1 2 0 ). Near to
it is the S'hla Brahma stone, representing a man about to leap from the top o f the pillar, supported
by celestial nymphs ; with another tableau showing him fallen upon the points o f a row o f stakes.
This act o f suicide was apparently in fulfilment of a vow (see g k . 1 5 2 ). It is much to be desired
that some efficient arrangements were made for conserving the interesting temples a*»d other monu­
ments at Balgaini. The existing arrangements seem next to useless. Some scattered stones bearing
inscriptions have been collected in the precincts of the K6dare§vara temple, but Lingiyits have been
allowed to build mud walls within the temples round the Nandi, thus forming separate little dark
chambers for their own peculiar worship. The enclosure Walls are in a broken down condition, and
the courtyards overgrown with rank vegetation.

Bandalike or Bandanike, as it is called in the inscriptions, must have beeu a splendid city in its
time, and appears to have been the rdjadhdni (royal city or capital) of the N§,garakhauda Seventy.
It is now entirely deserted and overgrown with teak trees. O f the rained temples there, the SomeS-
vara had an elaborately carved screen on each side o f the doorway, extending from the ground to
the roof, representing an one side the B4mdi/am story and on the other the Bhdrata stoi’y. The former
has been much damaged by fire. The Trimurti temple must have been a handsome building. It has a
fine simha-laldta, with the regents o f the cardinal points, in front of a dome which has tumbled
down. In the centre of this carving is an empty niche formerly occupied by some image. There is
also a ruined Sahasralinga temple. The Jina basti must have been a large and important one. On
the pillars are inscriptions engraved in bandhas or wheels, with a key to their interpretation (see
S k . 2 2 2 to 2 3 4 , and 2 2 8 to 2 3 1 ) . Near the Trimficti temple is a sculptured stone representing
tile acts described in S k . 2 4 9 . , In the lowest tableau the queen is seen giving away her cloth to
her attendants, preparatory to the last farewell. In the middle tableau, on one side are the attendants
standing round the cloth, over which is held an umbrella Of honour, while on the other side is seated
a man in penance, surrounded by others with drawn swords preparing to cut off his head.

The PrariameSvara temple at Talgunda, of which harfily anything remains, is o f special interest
on account o f its antiquity and associations. It professes to have been founded by Brahma, and
the fine pillar inscription in front o f it says that S&takarijni and other great kings performed
worship there, which would take us back to the 2nd century. Close by is the Brahma tiriha, the five
lingas at which are said to have been set up by the gods Brahma, Indra, Chandra, Yama and Agni.
The tank covered with lotus, the construction of which it is the object of the pillar inscription
to record, is also still there. Talgunda moreover was the birth-place o f the Kadambas.

At Sante-Bennur is an imposing mosque erected by Randulha Khan on the site o f the Ranga-
natha temple, which was destroyed. The mosque was desecrated in revenge by the ousted chief, and
has never been used. The honda or reservoir in front, faced round with flights of steps, had orna­
mental pavilions at the angles and in the centre. These were improved with elegant additions by
the Muhammadans, but are in a ruinous condition. A fountain used to play from the middle one.

Its dimensions are as tollows,—tlie shaft, to the top of the cornice of the capital, 80 feet 6 inches high; the Bheruudes'eara
at top, about 4 feet high ; the bottom of the pillar is I foot 6 inches square to 8 feet from the ground j above that it is
circular, of the same diameter, with decorative bands. The Bherunda is a double-headed eagle, with human body.
dassifietl L ist o f the Inscriptions, (irrangeH in chronological order.

Date A .D , N a m e o f R uler. Talu q No. Date A .I), Nam e o f R uler. T alu q N o .


? 1193 Jauam ejaya Sk 12 i? 1193 Jauam ejaya Sk 45
? 1193 „ 86 I ..

? c 1750 D ham m angada Sh 86 I


?c 250 Siva[skancla]varm m a i S k 2 34 ? 1075 rjju n a -D eva Sk 1 91

Maud hat ri var 111m a
„ 100
c 400 „ 29 1118 Som a ,, 1 1 7
450 S'an tivarm m a „ 1 76 1129 T aila
?c 500 M adhuvarm m a „ 66 1130 T a ila p a -D e v a HI 47
870 lu d ra HI 13 ? 1154 P u ra u d ara -E ay a .. Sh 79
?c 890 Ajavarm m arasa Sk 455 C 1170 •• *’• Sk 171
? c 1030 K u vara T aila S h 122 1174 Soaia .. „ 236
1047 C havun ^a-R ayarasa S k 151 ? 1182 B oppa-D eva „ 197
1048 „ 120 ? 1200 M ukkanna . „ 180
1060 Satyasraya-D eva „ 11*2 “ 1204 B rahm a .. „ 225
1063 C hiim u nda-N ayaka .. „ 11 ? 1235 K adam ba-R aya Sh 80


c 685 P ogilli I Sk 154;j c 700 Seiiavara Sk 2 7 8

357 Tadaiigala-M adh ava Sk 52 ? 1118 Nanniya-Ganga Sk 1 2 7
Ereyaj>pa Sh 96 1120 51 ** Sh 12
Satyavakya „ 24 1122 M •• 15
V ikram aditya-D eva Sk 83 1122 51 *• 4
„ 1 52 1122 5? •* 51 13
B arm m a-D eva Sh 6 ? 1122 n 39
1070 U d a ya d ity a -D e va S k 109 ? c 1122 11 51 42
„ 110 c 1122 ll ^ *• 55 44
1072 „ 132 1125 Vira-G ahga 9) 56
„ 51 1127 51 •• 5) 99
„ 130 1140 N ann iyE .G anga. ») 37
1076 G ahga-P erm m adi HI 14 1142 •• 11 20
Sh 10 1158 Sk 18
1085 **
1103 « 14 1180 Barm m arasa Ci 73
S k 115 1185 M ara B am m arasa HI 79
1108 Sh 51 1214 Narasimharasa Ci 64
Sh 5
n il „ '8 9 1218 *. ••
1112 ,, 64 1220 V aijarasa •• Ci 72
1113 „ 97 1221 Bam m arasa „ 72
1115 „ 23 ? c 1245 »• «• Sh 8 7
1115 N anniya-Gaftga Sh 57
Date A.D. Name of Ruler. faluq No. Date A.D. Name of Ruler. Taluq No


M ashtvakuta
- c 830 Nripatunga Amoghavarsha Sk 283 934 Suvarnnavarsha HI 22
870 . . rasa Marasatya HI 13 934 11 • „ 23
?c 890 Kannai a Vallablia Sk 456 935 Sk 1 94
902 „ 2 84 935 11 „ 322
918 „ Akalavarsha „ 21 9 ? c 950 Khandara-Ballaha „ 183
934 Suvarnnavarsha HI 21 963 Kannara-Deva Sh 22


c 830 Ja[ya]gesi Sk 283 1027 N anni-S’antara Sk 53

?c 890 8'an tarasa „ 456 1063 Vira-S'antara V 63
902 V ik v a ih id ity a -S ’antara .. „ 2 84 1068 u 11 4 6
934 S'an tara HI 21 ? c l0 7 0 n •• 11 6 2
934 „ 22 1 1076 Kali'S'antai a J1 5 0
11 **
934 „ 23 1149 Jagadevarasa 1> 1 0 3
950 Jinadatta-R ^ya Sk 1 1 4 1173 V ira -S ’antara 11 £8
? c 1000 •• •• Sk 1 8 0 . 1191 1) *• Sh 11 6
1007 Oddamm ana 1287 Tam m arasa Sk 312
1027 Vikram a-S'antara ” '^ 7


Polekes'v Sk 10 1061 Trail6kyam al]a-D eva Sk 5

?c 640
Vinayaditya-Ilaj^sraya „ 3 54 1063 11 » 11
c 685
yijayaditya-SatyaSraya .. 2 7 8 1063 11 Ci 18
c 700

?c 980 Ahavamalla-D^va „ 184 1065 iy Sk 1 7 0

992 Ci 7 1^65 1) „ 296
997 Sk 179 1066 11 „ 19
? 1002 SatyMraya ,, 71 1067 „ 169
1012 Tribhuvanamalla-Deva „ 287 1068 „ 136
1016 Jayasingha-Deva „ 3 07 c 1070 Bhuvanaikainalla-Deva „ 109
? 1016 » 308 1070 11 „ 110
1017 285 1071 1
1 „ 129
1071 HI 81
1019 I) 1 25 11

1021 5? >> 9 1072

11 Sk 1 3 2
„ 295
1028 » 33 II
? 1029
1030 ••
11 „221


103! )> 11
>• 20
1032 1075 „ 139
1075 SoraSsvara „ 67
1036 5) 1 26
1075 HI 69
1039 A >» 1 5 3 19

1042 Ahavamalla-D6va 184 1076 Tribhuvanamalla-Deya Sk 50

1046 Trailokyamalla-Deva 323 1076 11 HI 14
1046 160 1077 11 S k 124
c 1078 11
i1 151
1047 „ 107
1078 „ 135
1048 t) 1>
H i 107 1080 „ 8
1048 71
1054 „ 11 9 1080 Vikramaditya ,, 2 18
1054 Sk 118 c 1080 Tribhuvanamalla-Deva I ll
1055 HI 1 1080 „ 293
A 11

1058 Ahavanialla-DSva Sk 83 1080 11 « 297

1060 Traildkyamalla-Dgva c 1080 1J Ci 19
1060 ? 1083 51

Date A .D . N a m e o f R u ler. T a lu q No. Date A .D . Nam e p f Ruler. Taluq No.

? 1085 T rib h u v a n a m a lla-D ev a S h 10 111.4 ^ Vikram afika *« Sk 137

1085 S k 16 1115 Tribhuvanam alla-D eva • • Sh 57
1086 11 2 7 5 1115 •« Sk 60
1088 )) t) 17 1117 •» >1 3 1 6
1089 11 14 1120 •• Sh 12
1089 J agadekam alla-D eya 11 3 0 9 1122 T ra ilS k yam alla-D eva '») 4
c 1090 Y ik r a m M ity a HI 3 0 1122 ■Tribhuvanam alla-D eva 11 4 2
1032 T ribh uvanam alla-D eva Sk 1 78 1122 44
? 1092 166 1122 11 1 3
1093 90 1122 ,, 11 15
1094 11 94 ? 1122 11 *• 11 3 9
I09G 114 1123 •• Sk 2 4 6
1098 »• 13 1125 Sh 56
1098 106 1125 Ci 61
c 1100 19 3 11 1127 Bhul6kam alla-D eva Sh 99
c 1100 11 11 15 1127 S6m ^§vara-D eva . • Sk 2 8 0
c UOO HI 109 1 1 2 ’J „ Bhulokutnalla . .
1J ;o o
1103 Sh 14 11 3 1 B hhlokam alla-D eva * . 1> 1 3 3
1103 V ikram aditya Sk 98 ?1134 , , • > Sh 32
1303 Tribbu van am alla-D eva Hi 66 1139 • « Sk 2 6 6
1103 67 1139 . .
1) 1 1 2
1104 Sk 131 1140 , , Sh 37
1107 1> 11 1 9 2 1141 Jagadekamalla-Dfeva • . Sk 2 9 0
? 1108 Sh 51 1143 « 276
1108 11 Sk 294 1147 ♦ ,
_?1 2 6 7
c ir .o 39 11 149 ? 1149 11 • • Ci 38
c m o » 77 1149 39
n il Sh 89 1149 11 • » S^ 164
n il HI 10 1149 , .
19 1 6 5
1112 ^3
Sh 64 1156 T rail6k yam alla-D eva 11 1 0 4
1113 97 c 1164 11 1 0 8
11,13 Sk 99 1185 S6m e§vara-D eva 11 2 4 9
1114 • • 11 76 1189 1) HI 46


1048 N a n n i-N ola m b a 9 9 HI 107 I c 1 0 5 0 Trailokyam alla N o ja m ta Ci 9

c 1050 N o ja m b a • • Ci 8 / ? 1054 •• HI 119

? 1083 Tribh u van am u lla-P aiid ya Ci 33 1125 R'aya-Pandya -• Ci 61
? 1112 •• •• „ 58 ? 1149 Vira'PS,nclya >• „ 38
1113 K a m a -D e v a .. Sk 99 1149 « *• 39
?cn 20 .. Ci 3 1180 Pandya-D evarasa Sk 3 0 0

1158 Bijjana-DSva Sk U2 11 6 3 B ijja9a-D eva *• Sk 56
1158 11 **
„ 19 0 1162 .. „ 1 02
1158 M 18 1163 ll „ 242
1159 „ 123 1163 „ 1 08
1188 Rayataurari-Sovi-D eva .. „ 92
1160 V ** „ 78
c 1160 „ 139 c m o )> » 171
c 1160 >, 161 ? 1170 w •• „ 1 81
c 1160 146 c 1170 11 *• „ 272
1) ••
D a t e A , D . N a m e o f R u l e r . T a l u q N o . D a t e A . D N a m e o f R u l e r . T a l u q N o .

1 1 7 1 R a y a m u r § , r i - S 6 v i - D e v a S k 1 5 > 1 1 8 0 S a n k a m a - D e v a H i 5 0

? 1 1 7 1 ? 1 1 8 0 A h a v a m a l l a - D e v a y , S k
» 2 5 1 1 5 S

? 1 1 7 2 „ 2 0 9 1 1 8 1 t . 1 1 9
19 11

1 1 7 4 „ 2 3 6 1 1 8 1 11 1 4 4
? 1 1 8 2 1 9 7
U 7 5 5) » 7 3 ^1 19

1 1 7 6 „ 2 0 6 1 1 8 3 1 5 9
11 1 ”
1 1 7 9 „ 9 6 1 1 8 3 2 4 5
i« 1 9)

1 1 7 9 S a u k a m a - D e v a „ 1 2 3 6 ? c 1 2 0 0 2 2 7
11 99

1 1 8 0 „ 2 3 7 1 2 0 8 H I 2 5

? U 8 0 „ 3 0 0

H o y s a l a

S h 8 9 1 2 0 3 B a l l a j a - D e v a I I , S h 8 8
m i B i t t i - D e v a

N a r a s i m h a - D e v a „ 6 4 1 2 0 3 . S k 1 1 3
? 1 1 1 2 1)

, , „ 1 2 ? 1 2 0 3 11 .. *9 .2 4 4
1 1 2 0

91 1 - c ; 1 2 0 3 11 •c H I 1 0 8
? c 1 1 2 0

( B a l l & l a - D e r a ) S k 8 7 0 1 2 C 4 S h 6 5
1 1 3 1 9)

C i 6 0 1 2 0 4 • • S k 2 2 5
i l 4 2 1)

N a r a s i m h a - D e v a 111 8 7 1 2 0 4 11 •• H I 7
1 1 6 3

„ 9 8 1 2 0 7 S k 2 3 5
? 1 1 6 6 >9

S h .3 5 ) 2 0 9 * 11 2 3 5
1 1 6 7

C i 7 4 1 2 1 1 • • S h 1 0 3
- 1 1 6 8 • 99

„ 3 6 ? 1 2 1 1 S k 2 0 2
1 1 7 0 1)

S h 4 3 ? 1 2 1 2 • • 19 1 9 5
? 1 1 7 2 B a ! l a { a - D e v a I I 91

„ 4 5 1 2 1 4 C i 6 4
9 1 1 7 2 1)

H I 4 5 1 2 1 5 S t 2 4 7
1 1 7 5 11

S h 5 2 1 2 1 6 S h 5 4
? 1 1 7 3 11

„ 5 3 1 2 1 8 99 5
? 1 1 7 8 11

„ 3 6 1 2 2 0 C i 6
1 1 8 0 11

1 2 2 0 N a r a s i m h a - D e v a l l . . 99 7 2
? 1 1 8 0 „ 4 0

C i 7 3 1 2 2 5 . r 9 1 4 0
1 1 8 0 11

7 7 1 2 2 8 H 1 8
1 1 8 0 11 ' " - I
S k 2 1 2 1 2 2 9 • . i A 4 5
1 1 8 1 11

„ 1 6 8 1 2 3 3 •< 5 2
? l l f c ‘2 11

1 1 6 4 1 4 5 1 2 4 5 S o m e s v a r a - 1 l e v a • » S h 8 7

H I 9 1 1 2 8 7 N a r a s i m h a - D e v a H I . . 6 1
? 1 1 S 5 19

„ i n 1 2 8 7 M 6 2
? c l l 8 5 11

? 1 1 8 6 S k 1 4 3 1 2 8 9 H I 1 1

? 1 1 8 6 „ 1 4 8 1 2 9 0 . . 11 9 0

9 1 1 8 6 „ 2 1 4 1 2 9 1 t • S h 7 8

9 1 1 8 8 S h 1 1 8 1 2 9 2 •4 7 2
If 11

1 1 9 3 S k 1 0 5 _ ? 1 2 9 6 •• 7 5

1 1 9 4 „ 1 3 8 1 3 0 9 B a l l ^ a - D e v a 1 1 1 . r 11 1 9

1 1 9 8 „ 3 1 5 1 3 1 3 • • 11 6 8
S h 4 8 ? 1 3 1 4 H I 7 6
? c l 2 0 0 11

S k 1 8 6 ? 1 3 1 9 4 • 1 1 7
? 1 2 0 0 91 11

C i 3 7 1 3 2 0 .. S h 6 9
1 2 0 0 9) 19

S k 1 5 6 ? » • C i 6 5
? 1 2 0 2 1 3 4 0

B i n d a

1061 K a y a v i r a s a , • . S k 6 9 1 1 6 6 I s v a r a - D e v a r a s a HI 98
1117 C h a t t a r a s a „ 3 1 6 1 1 7 2
11 •• ,, 27
Date A-O. N a m e o f R uler. fa lu q N o . Date A ,D . N am e of Ruler. Taluq No
■9 1
U 73 Isva ra D evarasa HI .e j 1204 M alli-D evarasa HI 7
1175 45 i 1208 11 25
1176 brk 206 1215 Igvai a-D evarasa 11 41
1180 HI 50 1215 11 11 42
1187- M a lli-D ev ara sa 35 1215 11 44
1189 J) 46 1216 i» 11 48
1195 •• 51 1222 >1 •• 11 20
1196 37 1232 K esava-D evarasa 11 43
1196 38 1244 Bira-Devaxasa 11 49
1196 •• 49 1245 »» 11 64
1197 28 1246 11 •• 58
1197 39 1247 11 55
1198 •• Sk 3 1 5 1247 1 )i ' ••1 11 56
?c 1200 •• HI 123 1

Seviina (or Yadava)

1215 S im h ap a -D ev a ,* Sk 95 1268 M ahadeva-R aya .. Ci 21
1215 11 •• HI 44 1268 11 ■■ 11 22
12 1 6 f) 48 1268 .. Sk 41
” If
1222 )) Sk 2 7 0 1269 Ram achandra-D §va .. >1 1 7 2
1222 11 ♦• 11 2 7 3 1270 11 •• 11 121
1222 11 HI 20 1277 11 •• Ci 2
12 2 3 If Sk 1 7 5 1280 11 • .. 11 2 4
12 2 3 •• 11 2 6 8 1281 11- ■■ Sk 1 4 0
1224 •• 243 1282 11 •• Ci 23
1230 1) 274 1283 11 •• Sk 203
1232 1J HI 43 1284 11 •• 11 1 2 2
1244 11 .• Sk 80 1284 11 11 291
1248 K h an dara-D eva 11 2 1 7 1286 11 •. 11 141
1286 HI 12
1256 1) » 198 )>
1256 1) 11 1 99 1286 11 11 17
1256 .• )1 2 7 1 ? 1294 11 •• Sk 211
M ahadeva-R aya .• Ci 4 i2 9 4 •• HI 2 9
1265 11
Sk 41 1295 if •• Ci 26
12 6 8 ••


1368 B u k k a-R aya Sk 281 ? 1413 (H arihara-R aya) •• Sh 30

1368 „ 282 1415 •. 11 31

1376 •• „ 57 1416 D ev a-R ay a •• Sk 2 5 2

1377 H arih ara-R aya „ 35 1417 11 11 37

HI 84 1420 1** 288
1379 ’1
Sk 313 1422 V ija ya -R a ya .. 11 9 3
HI 6 1430 D eva-R aya •• 11 4 0
Sk 241 1431 11 <> Sh 71
? 1396 IJ
HI 71 1442 Im raadi-Deva-EAya Sk 2 4 0
„ 96 ? 1445 11 >* 36
Sk 2 6 0 1447 M allikarjuna-R Aya •• 239
? 1398
Sh 11 1485 •( Sh 10 9
? c 1400
Sk 3 0 2 1510 Krishiua-Kaya 9« Sk 2 3 4
HI 68 1510 'Y •' m 101
? 1403 D ev a -R a y a
Sh 1 1 0 1513 11 (« Sh- 1
•• ,, 70 1515 11 «» Sk 25
1409 11


Date'A. Dj ' 1 Name bf‘ Ruler.' TaluqNo. Date A;I‘J, Name o f Ruler* Taluq No.

1524 Kyishpa'Raya Sh ' 26' 1 1565 Rama-Deva-Raya Ci 62

1327 » «4 1570 ‘ * Sk 28 • •

1527 99 •• 85 1587 Venkatapati-Deva-Raya •• Sh 83

1545 Sada4iva-Raya Ci 76 I 1621 Rama-Deva-Raya „ 27-
1537 99 •• HI 9

K u d k ii-m a th d
• *

? 1154 S'aukara-Bharati Sh 79 1 1527 Vyasatirtha-yatiudra .. Sh 8 5,

? 1235 VidyAsaukara-BhS,rati 80 1668 Narasimha-Bharati .,81
1527 NdrAyatia-yatindra „ 84 1 1633 S'aukara-Bharati „ 83

? 1544 Sad as'ira-N ayak a Sk 2 55 1681 C haanam aji Sk 82

1556 ij )» 55 16 9 1 99 „ 79
1557 HI 9 16 9 6 M Sh 17
1571 n 60 1712 B asavappa-N ayaka ■ „ 29
16^2 Virabhadra-Nayaka » 83 1718 Soin aiekh ara-N ayaka „ 128
? 1636 »> 8 2 ' 1719 Sk 4 2

1641 Sh • 1722 99
Sh 7
1664 Soraasekbara-Nayaka Sk 27 ' 1724 „ 21
1668 Sh 81 1738 98
1670 28 1752 Basappa*Nayaka HI 74
1671 9) 3 c 1757 Siddappa-Nayaka Sk 2 0 9
1672 Cbannamaji Sk 2 1 3 1758 Som asekhara-N ayaka « 210

Sariti Benvmr
1558 H re-Rahgappa-N5yaka . • Sh l og ? c 1610 . . • ♦ Ci 63
1562 Pilapa-Nayaka Gi 69 c 1615 H auum appa-Nayaka •
1565 „ Kehgappa-Nayaka •. „ 62 ? 1616 .. • * J9
? 0 1565 Kengappa-N lyaka 67 ? 1616 49
Sk 107
i, 99

1576 Rafigappa-N ay aka ? 1625 M um m adi-H auum appa-N a. *9

1601 M um m adi-Hanum appa-N». Ci 42 ? 1667 Basavappa HI 34
? 0 1610 Haaumappa-Nkyaka „ 25 • •

1632 M uham m ad Adil Shah .. Sk 3 2 4 ? 1679 Shkhaji •• HI 1 0 6
1653 99 •• Ci 43 1679 Navab-Divan Ci 46
1653 79 •* „ 44 1758 S'rimanta-S&hib « •

Timmai)ipa*iJiyaka Ci 27 I? 1689 i Boramantja-Jiayaka ..1 Gi 20

Srittsh Mysore
1863 Bombay Gk>vemment Sk 324 I 1885 ChamarjiJa W o d e y a r Sk 9
S H I MO Q A T A L U Q .

At SJiinioga, on co;pperplates in possession of VHragaduru Surarpa.

(N4gari chaiaoters.)

(K ) Sri-Ganadhlpatay^ nama^ |
namas tunga-Siral-clitiinl)i^oliaiidra‘ cliS>mai’a*cliS.rav& j
trail6kya-iiagar§,ramlb]ia-iiiula-stambMya S ainbba-vS H
Harer lila-var&liasya danislitrSrda^das sa pata vaV t
Hemadri-kala^a yatra dkatri ckhatra-Sriyaip dadhau |]
kalyaaayS,stu tad dhama pratyuha^tiinirapaham j
yad ga jo'p y AgajodbM tam Harinapi eta pujyatS ||
asti kshiramayad devair matbyam4n§,n m abtobudheh j
navanitam ivodbhutam apanita-tamo itiahah ||
tasyasit tanayas tap6bhir atujail’ aiivartba^naTn^ Bndhah
punyair asya Pururava bbuja-balair ayur dvishaan nigbnatalk j
tasy-Ayur Nabushd'sya tasya parnsbd yuddhe Yayatilli ksbitau
kbyatas tasya cha Turvasnr Yasu-nibbab M-Devayani-pateh [j
tad-vamse Devakijanir didipe Timma-bbbpatih |
yaSasvi Tujuvendresbu Yadoh Krishna ivanvay§ ||
tato'bbud Bukkamajanip Isvara-ksbitipalaka^ |
atrasam agnna-bbramsam mauli-ratnam mabibbujam I|
sarasad ndabbut tasman Narasavanipalakab |
Devaki-nandanSt Kamo Devala-nandanad iva f|
Kaverim Mu badbv3. babu|a-3ala-bbarS,m yo vdafligbyaiva ^atrftn
iivagrabam gribitva samiti bbuja-balat tan eba tS-jyaSn tadiyain |
kritva S'riranga-pfiirTain tad api nija-vase pattanain. yo babbase
kirti-stambbam nikbaya tri-bbuvana-bbavana-stftyamanS'padllnah ||
Cberam Gbojam eba Papdyam tam api eba MadbUrarvallabbaJli mana-bbdsbani
viryodagrain Turusbkani^Gajapati-npipatifi ebapi jitvil tad-anySn (
a-Ganga-tira-Lanka-pratbama-cbarama-bbbbbrit-tatantain nitantam
kbyata]^ ksbonipatinam srajam iva & a s ^ Sasanain yd vyatamt |[
vividba-sukyitoddame Efi.mesvara-pramukbe mubur
mudita-bridayas stbane stbdne vyadbatta yatba-vidbi |
budba-parivritd nana-ddnani yo bbuvi sbodaSa
tri-bbuvana-ianodgitam spbitam yaiaji punaruktayan |1
Tippaji-NagalarDevyoh Kausalya-§rf-Sumitray6b |
devyor (H a) iva Npisimbendrat tasmSit Pabktiratbad iya ||
virau vinayinau Eama-Laksbmanav iva nandanau j
jatau Yira-Nyisimbendra-Krisbpa-E^ya-mabipatt ][
Shimoga T alu q.

vfra-sri-N4rasunlias sa Vijayanagare ratna-simliasanasthah

kirty& nity^ nirasyan Nriga-Nala-Naliusliaii apy avanyain vadanyan |
4 S^tor & Sum^rdr avanisura-nutah svairam a cliddayadrer
4 paschatyachalantad akhija-hridayam avarjya rajyam saiasa ||
nan4-d4nany akarsh.it Kanaka-sadasi yas ^ri-Virupaksha-deva-
sthane ^ri-Kalahastisitur api nagare Venkatadrau cha Kanchyam (
S'rfSaile Sona^ail^ mahati HariharS 'h6bale Saugame cha
Srirahg§ KumbhakonS hrita-tamasi maha-Nanditirthe Nivrittau J|
GbkariiS Eamasetau jagati tad itar&hv apy aiesheshu pnpya-
sthaneshv arabdha-nanavidha-bahula-mahadana-vai-i-pravahaih (
"kshmabhrit-paksha-chhidodyattara-Kulisadharotkanthiti kunthitabhut [|
brahm4ridajqi visva»chakrain ghatam udita-mahabhfitakam ratna-dhenum
sapt4mbh6dhim3 cha kalpa-kshitiruha-latikd kanchanim kamadh^num |
svarpa-kshmam y& hirapyasva-ratham api tulapurusham g6-sahasram
h4ma§vam h^magarbham kanaka-kari-ratham pancha-lahgaly at4nit ||
rkjyaip prasasya nirvighnam prajyam dyam iva sasitum J
tasmin gun^na vikhyat^ kshiter Indre divam gat6 ||
tatd'py avarya-virya-sri-Krishna-Eaya-mahipatih )
bibharti mani-keyura-nirvi^esham mahim bhuje |)
kJrtya yasya samantatah prasritaya visyam ruchaikyam vrajed
ity Mahkya pura Purarir abhavat phalekshana^i prayasah |
Padd4ksh6‘pi chaturbhujo'jani chaturyaktro'bhavat Padmabhuh
E ap khadgam adhad Eama cha kamalam yinan cha Vani kard ||
yat-pratapa-jito bhanuh pataty ambunidhau dhruyam |
dnssaham manasas tapam sutaram sodhum akshamah ||
satr&ii&m yasam et^ dadata iti rusha kin nu saptamburaSin
nHna-s^n&-turanga-trutita-yasumati-dhulika-palikabhih j
sani§6shya syairaiu etat-pratinidhi-jaladhi-srenikam yd yidhatte
brahina9 (II 6)da-svarna-Tneru-pramukha-nija-mahadana-t6yair ameyaih ||
mad-dattam arthi-sarthas sriyam»iha suchirain bhunjatam ity ayekshya
prayati pratyuha-het6s tapana-ratha-gater alayam deyatanam |
tat-tad-dig*-jaitra-yrityapi cha biruda-padair ahkitams tatra tatra
sthitvS. jS.ta-pratishtham yyatanuta bhuyi yo bhubhrid-abhrahkashagran ||
Kafichi-Srilaila-S'6pachala-Kanaka-sabha Veukatadri-pramukhye-
shv 4varty4vartya saryeshy atanuta yidhiyad bhuyase ^reyase ya^ |
dSvasthaneshu tirtheshv api kanaka-tulapurushadini nana-
danany Svbpadanair api samam akhijair agamokt&ni tani ||
rfisha-kyita-pratiparthiva-dandal^ S'esha-bhuja-kshiti-raksharia-Satuadah |
bbsishege-tappuya-rayara-gan^as toshakrid arthishu yd rapa-chan^ah ||
xS.j4dhiraja ity nkto yo raja-param^yarah j
Hiudaraya-suratrS.na-dushta-^ardula-mardanah |[
ga 3augha-gaflid.abheru^<Ja ity-4di-birudanvitah |
sUokaya mah&raya jaya jiyeti y&dibhib ||
Ahga-Vahga-Kajifigadyai rajabhis sevyate cha yah |
stutyaudaryas sudhibhis sa Vijayanagare ratna-simhasanasthal^
SH m oga T aluq, I

isliinapalati Krishna-Raya-ksMtipatir adharikyitya n!tya Nrigadin J

a pdrvadrer atkastakskitidkara-'katakad a cka Hetnackalautad
a sefcor artki-sartka-sriyam ika bakulikrifcya Mrtya samindkS ||
Sakabde Salivakasya sakasrena ckatuS-satai^ |
ckatus-trimsat-sain§.-yukte Srimukke VatsarS kraiaai ||
Puskya-mase tatka daise makodaya-samanvite [
punya-kale ^ubke yoge sri-Virupakska-saimidkau ||
TungabkadrSi-nadi-tire Kyiskna-R&yd maka-matik |
kandkaokara-dvijendrena Madapamatya-sunuiia ||
vijnapto'matya-varyena Tippasoma-sudkarmina |
Haritanvaya-jataya varApastainba-sutrine |[
Yajuskanam varenyaya Madkavaradkya-sunave |
^rauta-smarta-pravinaya sada skat-karma-vartin« !j
upadkyayagraganyaya dadau Yisyeavaraya cka ]
Sriranga-rajyake ckaiva IJonnurasya cka simani 1|
Tunga-Bkadryor antarale nadau Tedetorabkidke |
Siriyurabkidkad gramat d i-(III a) sara prackim samMritam ||
tatka d'akskinatak pratyag disi Benkipurabkidkat f
Jannapurabkidkad gramad uttarasyanj di^i stkitam |j
Bkandaripalli-narnanain sarva-sasya-samanvitam |
pratinamneti vikkyatam Kriskjaarayapurain sada ||
Barvamanyam ckatus-sima-samyutam cka samantata^ |
nidki-nikskepa-paskana-siddka-sadkya-jalanvitain H
akskiiiyagami-sakitam eka-bkogyaip sabkurukam |
_ vapi-kupa-tatakais cka kackckkenapi samanvitam ||
putra-pautradibkir bkogyam kramad a-ckandra-tS.rakani |
danasyadkamanasyapi vikrayades tatkockitam {|
paritak prayatais snigdkaik purokita-purogamaik j
vividkair vibudkais srauta-patkikair adkikair giram j)
Kyiskna-Deva-makarayo mananiyo manasvinaja |
sa-kiranya-payo-dkara-purvakam dattav&n muda ||
asyagrakara-varyasya ckatus-sima-vitiir^ayalj |
sarveskam sukka-bodkaya likkyate de^a-bk&skaya H
Bhandarikalliya pratinama Kriskiiar&>yapurada ckatus-simSrvivara mudalu Kavilago^diya gady |
tenkalu Ckenaapurada gadiya madkyada kutta ] paduvalu S iriyiira teVara niravariya gadi | ba^a-
ga isanya Bkandeda gadi |
tad idam avam-vaBipaka-vimita-dharayasya Kriskp.a-Rayasya |
fiasanam uru-kavi-vaibkava-nivaha-nidanasya bkkri-danasya 1|
Kriskna-Deva-Tnaharaya-sasanSna sabka^patik j
abkanin myidu-sandai'bkam tad idam tamra-sasanaip ||
Kyiskna-DeTarmakaraya-sasanam Mallapatmajak |
tvaskta sri-Yiranackaryo vyalikkat tamrars3,sanain ||
dana-palakayor madkye danack ckkreyo'nupalanam |
danat svargam ayapnoti palanM achyutam padaip 1|
sva-dattad dvi-gupam puiiyam para-dattaniipalanam |
para-dattapakarena sva-dattam niskpkalam bkavet |1
4 Shim oga T aluq.
8Ta*3attam para-dattam v a y o hareta vasu n dh aram |
shash ti-varslia-saliasraiii vish th ayam ja y a te krim ih ||
fikaxTa bh a gin i loke sarvesham e r a bMbbujam |
n a b b o jy a n a k a r a -g ra b y a r ip r a -d a tta v asu n d b a ra ||
fiam&nyo'yam d b a rm a -setu r nripanam k ale kale palan iyo b h a ra d b h ih |
earvaii Itan bb§,vinah partbivendran bbuyo bbuyo yacbate Eamacbandrab |f

At Shimoga, on ccg^er plates mpossession of Fleader KoTUrayya^

(Ndgari characters.)

( R ) S'ri-Granelaya nam ah [
namaa tunga-siraS-cbumbi-cbandra-obamara-cbarave |
trailokya-nagararambba-mula-stambbaya Sambbave ||
H a r e r lila-varab aSya dam sbtra-d an ^as sa p a tu r a h |
HemMri-kalaia yatra dbatri' cbHatra-sriyam dadbau ||
jayaty Adrindraj^lisbta-spbatikacbba-kajebarali (
jagad*ananda-danS.tiridagdba^ ^ri-Sadaaifali l|
kdpa*prasadau sapbalau kritavan' pitri-putrayoli |
Laksbrni-Nrisimbo jayati satya-jnanarsukbatmakab ||
asti praSastab Keladi-Sadasiva-mabipatib |
acbaryakam vidbatte yad-iitis sarva-m abibbaj^ ]|
tad-garbba-jata-Sankendraj jato mana-dbano maban J
sarromsa-iiroratnabbuto Venkata-bbupatib ||
garvitabita-sand6ba-vadanabjariiisakarab j
Karna^a-dbarani-vajra-kavatayita-rikraniah ||
pratyartbi-vasudbanatba-makutodyan-maricbibbib J
fanjittogbri-yugas satya-Hariscbandras su-dbarmikah H
kbyataS Ari-Keladi-Sadasiva-mabipalanvayambbonidbeb
pbrnendub pratipakaba-partbiva-gaja-pruddanda-kantbirarab ]
saujanyambunidbir Nidbisa-vibbavo yidya-rivekairayo
Bbojai sat-kari-santater Vara-gunas §ri-Vtokata-ksbmapati^ H
safikbyatita-kirata-inap4ala-bala-dbvS.ntaugba'Cbandadyutib ]
nissiinarjita-vikrajnorjita-bbujai M-Yenkata-ksbrnapatil^ il
Bbadra-bbumipatis tasya tanayo yinayojvalah |
Sada5Lva-padambb6ja-bbramaribbuta-manasah ||
S’iva-prasad^t sanjata^ kumaro Bbadra-bbupateli |
vidvS.n vireki rikranto Virabbadra-mabipatik ||
Irimad-rajadbirajakbyo yo raja-parame^rarab |
tasya §ri-Vefikatadryakbya-siipbasaria-pate^ prabbok 11
sabayas sarya-karyesbu daksbinocbcba-bbujayifcah |
kirti-pratapa-sampaimo dbarma-kamartba-tatparah ||
*In Kannada characters.
S H m oga T aluq.
■patusalia-maLaseiia-trasta-daksliiijarbliiibliu(IIa)jaiii [
al)liayasya vidbat&dyan*niti-Saurya-vivekavan 1|
raya-simbasanarudbair agrabaran kritan pura |
vicbarya palayan dbarnla-suksbma-tatvavidam varah ||
vi^uddba-vaidikadvaita-siddbanta-stbapanotsukab |
Yadav6papad6p6ta-MurS'ri-birud6jvala^i ||
pratyartbi-dbarapipala-kote-kolabalabbidbah ]
deva-go -vipra-sevakficb-cbbiva-bbakta-^irotnanib jj
Sobbayam api "Virabbadra-nripater bastab sardjayate j
tasyddyad-bbuja-vikrainakbya-dbaranijatainbu-d&ne punal^
kantav udyata-Saurya-vairi-vanita-netram sarojayate H
sri-Virabbadra-ksbitmayakena vidbiyaiaanain dvija-dana-dbaram 1
drisbtva vyayd me bbaviteti bbitab svadub samudrab stbitavS.n sa-dbre 2011
tasyaste su-mabamatyab svami-k&rya-dburaiidbaratL |
veda-sastra-kalabbijno raja-niti-vicbaksbanab ||
sbadgunya-naipunya-nidbih §akti-traya-virajitafl )
Vasisbta-gotre sanjata AsvaJayana-EUtrayuk ||
Babvricbam pravard vidvan para-rari-sabddarah j
Krisbna-Eaya-svarna-k6sadbi§a-Narayana-prabb6h ||
napta §ri-Eamakrisbnasya pantro mantri-sir6ma:ftdh |
Purusbottama-mantrindra-sunub sawa-gunakarab ||
Eamakrisbnabvayo mantri Sakrasyera Bribaspatih ]
tasya sila-gunais tusbto Yirabbadi’a-mabipatib ||
sva-paramparaya prapta-Araga-ksbiti-mandale |
Gajanurakhya-simayain. Tungabbadra-t,ate ^ubbd ||
Nandigeri-Kolatadi-Sakbarebayalabvayaih |
Tattikere-Hebbayalu-namabbyam saba paficliabbih H
upagramaih ^ubbair yuktam Triyambakapurabbidbaiii |
agraharam su-prasiddham chatus-sima-samanvitam i|
nidbi-prabhrity-asbta-bboga-tejas-svamyais cba Samyutana |
adhi-vikrayayor dana-parivartanaydb kshaUiam ||
yajanadi-kriya-sbatka-sat-karmasakta-cbeiase I
vidusbe Eamakrishiiaya mabapatraya dbimatd |1
sa-biranyab-dana-dbara-puryam a-cbandra-tarakam I
sa-santanam sukbi bbunjan tisbtbeti vyataran rauda 1|
abdby-abgesbu-mabi-sankbya-sakabde Visbu-vatsare |
Asyine masi babale'mayasyayam rayer dine ||
sury6par£lga-samayd siddbarsbi-jana-sdyite |.
Kotisyara-Siya-ksbetre tire punya-mabodadbeb |l
Vasisbta-gotra rig-yddi A^yalayana-sbtrabbak |
( I I V) suyarna-kdsadbisaS sri-Eamakrisbnakbya-mantri-rat ||
viyabaya dyijatibbyas tatbopanayanaya cba j
* datva biranyam paryaptam krityS, danany ftneka^ab ||
Srotriyair dbarma-Sastrajnaih panditendraib samam Jtnuda j
syStaSya-dana^i nirmaya yatba-^&straiji tada prmab ||
€ Shim oga Taluq.

Virabhadravani^ena Sivarpana-dhiyatmane |
dattam samagra-phaladatn paSchopagrama-sobMtam ||
Triyambakefe-G6palakrisbna-sanja-prasaiinay6h |
abbimnkbyastbayor Isa-Visbnv6h sadana-bbasurain II
bbadrakarasya raudrasya bbadrasya bbajakavaleh |
Virabbadrasya devasya manojfialaya-nianditam ||
siddka-dvadaia-nisbkapti-yuta-vrittibhir anvitam j
ramyara sa-vastubbir gebaih Triyarabakapuram subbam (|
cbid-ananda-gban6 Laksbmi-Nrisimbah priyatam iti |
nana-sakba-goti’a-sutra-srotriyebbyab pradattavan (|
Virabbadravanisena Karnata-ksbiti-bbubbujam |
nija-rajyadbirajatva-samstbapana-patiyasa ||
Eamakrisbnabbidbanena daksbagryenatma-mantrina |
karitasyagrabarasya bbasvad-brabmana-samsade H
sa-santanam nirbbayena bboktum a-cbandra-tarakam |
lekbayitra sva-namnaiya diyate dana-^asanam )|
spbutam asyagrabarasya cbatus-sima-kutumbinam [
vipranam nama-gotradi likbyate desa-bbasbaya ||
svasti sri-jayabbyudaya-Salivahana-saka-varsba 1564 neya Visbu-samvatsavada Asvtja-ba 30 Adi-
varadallu 6rimad*Edava-Murari kote-kolabala visuddba-vaidikadvaita-siddbantarpratisbtapaka
S'iya-guru-bbakti-paraya^iar ada Keladi-VMkatappa-Nayakara pautraru Bbadrappa-Nayakara
putraru Virabbadra-Nayakaru Cbinnabbapdarada Purusbottamayyana maga Eamakrisbnapp-
ayynakaiyya suryo'paraga-punya-kaladali madista Triyambakapurada agrabarada devastbanagalu
brabmarige saba kotta tamra-sasanada kramay entendare namage kanacbiy ada Aragada-rajya-
kke saluva Gajanura-ame-yalage kotte syastbeya yiyara | deyastbanagalige Triyambakesyarac
deyaru Gopalakrisbna-deyaru Virabbadra-deyarige saba deyastana 3 kke amrita-padi-nanda-dipti^
muntada devata-yecbebakke Nandigen-grama 1 kke rekbe ga 80 Hebbayala-grama 1 kke rekbe
ga 25 ubbayam grama 2 kke rekbe ga 105 agrabarakke Triyambakapurada grama 1 kke
rekbe ga 120 (Illi?) Tattikere-grama 1 kke rekbe ga 200 Sakbarebayalu-grama 1 kke rekbe ga
20 antu grama 3 kke ga 340 munnuru-nalayattu-yarabakke undige-yiyara | (39 lims following
cmttain names, dc., of share-holders) antu Triyapibakapurada agrabarake saluya Triyambakapura-
mukbyaVada grama 6 kke rekbe ga 485 nanura-embbattaidu-yarabana rekbeya bbumiya grama-
galanu Kejadiya VMkafcappa-Nayakara pautraru Bbadrappa-Nayakara putraru Virabbadra-
bfayakaru Visbu-samyatsarada Asyija-ba 30 yu Adiyara-suryoparaga-punya-kaladali Eama-
krisbnappayyana kaiyya madista Triyambakapurada agrabarada deyastbanagalu brabmaru satra-
dbarmake saba sa-biranyodaka-daua-dbara-puryakay agi Sadasiyarpitay agi kottey agi i-grama-
gaja cbatus-^imeya gadigalaU stbapitaya madisi kotta Vamana-mudre-kallugala cbatus-sime-bbu-
mi-yalagula nidbi-niksb^pa-jala-pasbana-aksbiui-agami-siddba-sadhyangal emba asbta-bboga-t^
jas-syamyavanu agu-madikondu deyata-seye satra-dbarmayanu nadasikondu niyu uimma santaua-
paramparey agi a-cban4rarka-stbayigal agi adhi-kraya-dana-pariyartauegalige salisikondu sarya-
manyadali stikbadim anubbayisi kondu babiri endu Keladi-Veiikatappa-Nayakara pautraru Bha-
drappa-Nayakara putraru Virabbadra-Nayakaru Obiunabbandarada Eamakrisbnappa(IVa)
appanaVara mommaga Purusbottamayyauayara maga Eamakrisbnappayyaua kaiyya madisida
Triyambakapurada agrabarakke kotta tamra-sasana | ,
aditya-cbaudray anilo'^nala^ cba dyaur bbumir apo bridayam Yamas cba |
abai cba ratri^ cba ubbe cba sandbye dbarmas cba janati narasya yrittam ||
Shimoga Taluq.
dana-palanayor madliyS danat irey6'mipS.laiiaiM |
danat svargam ayS.pa6ti palanM achyutam padaip ||
Bva-dattad dvi-gunam punyam para-dattanupalanaip |
para-dattapaliareria sva-dattam nishplialam bhav^t ||
sva-dattain para-dattam va y6 harefca rasundharam j
sbashti-varusba-sabasrani visbtbyam jayatS krimib ||
ekaiva bhagini loke sarvesbam eva bbubbujam |
na bhojya na kara-grahya vipra-dattS. Vasundhara ||
yavad dadhati dharanim dbaramdbaraugbd yavat stbiti ravi-niSakara-tarak&^iam j
yavat katba Eagbupater jayatiba tavat W-Virabbadra-Dripa^dharma-varab stbiro'stu (|
Parvatx-pina-vaksboja-parii’ambba-yilasinah j
syad Isasya kripa nitya Virabhadra-aripottam^ ||
samanyo^yain dbarma-setur nripanam kMe kal^ pManiyo bbavadbbih |
sarvan evam bbavinah partbivandran bbuyo bbuyo yacbatS Kaijaacbandrah ||

In Shimoga, on a copper plate in possession o f Anibigara Basava.

(Ifl) svasti sn-vijayabbyudaya-Salivabana-Saka-varusba 1594 neya Virodbikritu-samvatsarada

S'ravana-suddba 15 lu Srimat-Keladi-SomaSekbara-Nayakaru S'imoge-Tnbgabbadra-nadiya baru-
gola-Mudalinga-muntada-ambigarige barasi kotta tamra-sasana-kramav entemdare nlyu umbaU
bidabek endu bojikolalagi Simoge-kote-bavMil i iddu b6gi-baba-margastara kayya rokka
tegadukoluta barugola baki datisi prastutav emb^ga berajada barugola vadagisi kotu aramane-
seve madikond ibabage Gajanura-sime-valagaua KorlabaJU-gi^^iii^dinda rfekbu pramanu ga 24
yipatu-nalku-varabana bbumiyanu umbajiyagi bit idbeve i-bbumige saluva cbatur-gadige netta
gadi-kallina valagula yen untada sarya-samyavanu purya-maryadeyali a g u -m ^ k o n d i nimma
santana-paramparey agi anubbavisikondu ba(I&)badu prakn Simoge-muttigSlu katti bita
saipbbandba biri-kartaru Sivappa-Nayaka-ayyanavaru barasi kota nirupa pramanu Raiiga-Boya
Timma Sanna-Mariya Muda saba ja 3 ke bita battegarakada teranu talavara-mukbantara baba
bidu-vakkala teru Karibuduga Kodamoge-Timma Dodda-Cbenna saba muyarinda saluva ka§a-
vargada teru i-aru-mandigu barugola-teru saba bitt idb^ye isbtanu anubbavisi-koindu aramaije-
seveye gatiyagi yibadu yendu kotta tamra-Sasana ||
, sri-Sada^iya,

At KaTlx(rgud4a {Shimoga hdbU), on a stonelying to the east of the Siddheivara temple.

SVimat-parama-gambTiira-syadvadamogba- lancbanam (
jiyat trailokya-natbasya sasanam Jina-sasanam |1
svasti samasta-bbuvana^rayam §ri-pritbvi-vallabba mabarajadbiraja parame^vara parama-bba-
ttaraka SatyaSraya-kula-tilaka Cbalukyabbaranam srimat-Tri}.6kyainalla-D6vara vijayaTrajyam
*In Kannada characters.
8 Shiraoga T aluq.
nttarottarabliivriddhi-pravardcniaiaanain a-cliandrarkka-tarara-baram saluttam ire {
Ganganvayayataram ent endode |
Sale Vrishabba-Tirtha-kalam | sulalitam ene sakaja-bliavya-cliittanandam ]
Kali-kMa-nirjjitam §ri- [ lalana-lavanya-yarddbanain kramadindara ||
sogayisuva-kaladoj ki- | rttige mula-stambbam enip Ayodhya-purado} j
jagad-adbinatham puttida- | n aganyan Ikshvaku-varasa-chudaratnam ||
dkarege Hari4cbandra-nripe- | Svaran orvvane kantan agi dorvyaladindam |
birudaran adirppi yidya- | parinatiyim neredu sukbadin ire pala-kalara
yri ^.tana putran indu-Hara-basa-nibliojyala-kirtti sad-gund- (
petan udatta-yairi-kula-bhedanakari ka}a-prayinan ud- |
dhuta-majam Surendra-sadrisam Bharatam kayi-raja-pujitaiu |'
kbyatan atarkya-punya-nilayam su-janagrani yisrutanyayam ||
riju-sija-yuktey enisida | Vijaya-mabadeyi tanage satiy ene yibiidba- |
yraja-pujyam Bbaratam Bba- | yaja-sadrisam tane sakala-dbatri-tajado} |[
fi^Vijaya-mabSideyige garbbba-ddbalam negale |
tarala-tarabga-bbangura-samanyiteyam jbasba-cbakrayaka-bba- (
sura-kalabaipsa-puriteyan udgba-Iatankifca-gatreyam mano- |
bara-naya-saitya-mandya-^ubba-gandba-saniira-nivaseyam tald- |
dari nere Gangeyam nalidu miy-abbiyancbcbbeyan eyde tajdidal ||
ka}abamsa-yane palarum | keladiyar-oda yogi purnria-Ganga-nadiyam |
yijasitamam pokku nira- j kuladind oladi padi gadiyan anta} ||
antu manad-alampu poge Gafiga-nadiyo} oladi nija-gribakke yandu naya-masam neredu putra-
nam paded atabge |
Ganga-nadiyoju mindu la- |tabgi magam badedal appa karanadindam ]
mangalya-namay ondud i- j langaneg adbipatige Gangadattakbyanam j(
&-6angadattauge Bbaratan emba magam pnttidan atange Gangadattan embam pntti J
gona-nidbige Gangadattan- j g anugina putram yiyeka-nidbi pntti daya- f
graniy agi Harisobandram | pranuta-nripendram dbaritriyol sobbisidam j(
mattam a-nrip6ttamange Bbaratan emba sutam pnttidan atange Gangadattan emba magan
agim intu Gauganyayam saluttam ire j
Hari-vamsa-ketu Nemi- j ^yara-Tirtbam yarttisuttam ire Gang-a-kulani- |
bara-bbanu puttidam bba- [ sura-tejarn Visbiiuguptan emba nripalain ||
a-dbaradbinatbam samrajya-padayiyam kaikond Abicbchbatra-puradolu snkbam irddu Nemi-
Tirtbakara parama-deya-niryyana-kaladoJAindradhyajay embapujeyain made Deyendran osedu f
anupamad airayatamam j manonuragadoje Visbnuguptang ittain |
dina-pujeyinde muktiya- j n anargbyamam padegum endod ulidudu piride ||
a-Vsbnugupta-mabarajangam Ppitbvimati-mabadeyigam Bbagadattanum Sridattanum embatana-
yar age Bbagadattange Kalinga-desamam kudal atanu Kalifiga-delaman ^ d u Kalinga-Gangan
§.gi sukbadind ire |
itta.1 udatta-yalo-nidhi | matta-dyipamam samasta-rajyamnmam Sri- (
datta-nripang ittain bbu- [ pottaman enisirdda Visbnugupta-narendram ||
antu SVidattanind ittal aney-undige saluttam ii-e |
j, Priyabandbu-yarmman udayisi | nayadindam sakala-dbatriyam pajisidam )
bbaya-lobba-durllabbaiji la- | ksbmi-yuyati-mukbabja-sbanda-mandita-bS.sam ||
va II ant a-Priyabandbu sukba-rajyain geyyuttam ire tat-samayadoju ParSya-Bbattarakargge
Kerala-jn^notpattiy age Saudbarmm^ndram bandu Keyaji-pujeyam made Priyabandbu tanuqj
Shim oga Taluq. 9

bhaktiyiin bandu pfijeyam madal atana bbaktig Indram mecbcbi divyav app aydu-to^agegajam
kottu nimm anvayadolu mitbya-drisLtigaJ agalodam adriSyafigaJ akkum endu pejdu Vijaya-
pnrakk Abicbcbbatram emba pesaran ittu Divijendram p6pndum ittalu Gauganvayam sampung^a-
-chandranante percbcM vartfcisuttam ire tad-anvayadoju Kampa-malupatige Padmanabban emba
magaip putti |
tanage tanubbavar illade j manadoju cbintisutam irddu Padmaprabban ar- |
ppina-kani ^asana-devate- ( y ane pujisi divya-mantradim sadbisida[m] H
antu sadbisi sadbita-vidyan agi piitrar irvYaram padedu RSma-Laksbmanar emba pesaran ittu.j
parama-snebadoj irbbaram nadape lila-matradim cbandranant |
ire sampurnna-kajagar agi beleyal vidya-balodyogaib Ur- |
YTareyoJ cbodyam enal saluttam ire ku-tti-§ri diS&-bb§.gadoJ ]
pared aia-gajamam palancb aleye laksbmi-bbaradind oppidar ||
antn sukbadind irppudnm attal XJjjayini-puradbipati-mabip&la todavugalam bediy attidode
Padmanabbam Kritantanante raudra-veSamatn kaikon^u |
emag adan attalk agadu | tamage tudal yogyam alia santam iral vej \
samarakke vandan appade | nimisadol ant iridu vira-rasamam merevem |1
antn nudidade mantri-varggadol alocbisi tanna tangeyaip kanneyum nalvattepbar aptar appa
vipra-santanamnin berasn kalapidod avar ddaksbinabbimukbar agi baruttum Eama-Laksbma-
nargge Dadiga-Madbavar endu pesaran ittu nicbcba-payanadim |
band avargaj. ucbita-padaman a- | gnndaleyim kaiidar amala-laksbnd-cbitta- |
nandanamam Peruram |mandara-nameru-pusbpa-gandbadriynmam ||
va II antu Ganga-Heruram kand alliya tataka-tiradoju bidaip bittn cbaityalayamam kandu
nirbbbara-bbaktiyim tri-pradaksbinam geydu stutiyisi samasta-vidya-paravara-paragaram {
Jina-samaya-sudbambb6dbi-sampurnna-cbandraram | uttama-ksbam&di-dala-kuSala-dbannma-
rataratn | cbaritra-bbadra-dbanaram 1vineya-jananandaraip | cbatus-samudra-mudrita-yasah-pra-
ka^aram [ sakaja-savadya-duraram | Kran&r-gganambara-sabasrakiraparam |dvada§a-vidba-tap6-
nusbthana-nisbtbitarain ) Ganga-rajya-samuddbarariarai|i | §ri-Siiphanandy-aobaryyaram kasadu
guru-bbakti-pfirwakam vandisi tamma band-abbiprayam ellamam tijiya-pe|e kaikond avargge
samasta-vidyabbimukhar mmadi kelav4num deyasadim Padm§,vati-deviyam bbakti-pftrwakam
abvanatn geydu varam badedu kbalgamum samasta-rajyaman avargge mS.di |
muni-pati nodal vidvaj- |jana-pfijyam Madhavam Sila-stambbaman ar- |
dd anugeydu poyyal adu pun- |mene muridudu vira-purusbar enam madar ||
a-sabasamam kandu |
muni-pati karnnikarad esaloj nere pattaman eyde kat^i saj- |
jana-jana-vandyaram parasi seseyan ikki samasta-dbatriyam |
manam osed ittu knncbaman agnrwina ketanam agi madi bar- |
pp anitu parigrabam gaia-turafigamumam nijam age madidar 1|
antu Bamasta-rajyamam madi buddbiyan avargg int endu peldaru |
nudidudan arolam nudidu tappidodam Jina-sasanakk odam- |
badadadam anya-narig ered attidadam madbu-mamsa-seve gey- (
dadam aknlinar app avara kolkodey adodam arttbig arttbamam |
kudadodam ahavSfiganadoJ odidadam kidugum kula-kramam ||
'«ndu peldu j
uttamam appa Nandagiri kote polal Kuvajalam age toip- {
battaru-sSiSiram visbayam aptan anindya-Jinendrau S.ji-ran.- |
io Shimoga Taluq.
gatta-jayam jayam Jina-mataip matam % ire santatam nijo- |
dattateyindam a-Dadiga-MMIiava-bliiibhujar ^dar urrviyam ||
mattam a-nadinge sime |
uttara-dik-tatavadhige tage Madarkkale mMa Tonda-na- |
d att aparaseg ambunidhi Cberam enipp ede tenka Kongu mat- |
t ittojag ulja yairigajaa ikki paravrita-Gaiigavadi-tom- {
battaru-sasiram dal ene madidar intutu Gangar ujjugam ||
antu dbaritrig adhipatiy agi Dadiga-Madbavar irvvaruin Kofikana-visbaya-sadbana-nimittam*
baruttam Ma^daliyam kandar adara prabb^vam ent ene (
nuta-Mabendrarpuram dbara-ta}adol opputt irdda vikbyatiyim |
Krita-kalam Madana-puram negale mikk a-Treteyol sajjana- [
stuta Mandala-puram tritiya-pesarim DvaparadoJ santaton- |
natiyim Mandaliy embar intu Kali-kalam sandud int i-puram II
ant a-nalku-yugakkam nalku-pesaripd oppuva Mandaliya babir-bbbagadoiu saugandhamam
kude pasarisu¥a sabasra-patrav app alardda tavaregajim nana-jalacbcbariy-ulipadind oppuva beg-
gereyam kaiaju bidam bitlu tad-giriya ramyamani kandum illi cbaityalayamam madim endu
Kranur-ggana-tilakar Siinbanandy-acliaryyar ppeje maba-prasadam endu cbaityalayamam madisi
kdlavanum divasadim K^alakke pAgi snkhadim rajyam geyyuttam ire Ganganvayaip percbobi
varttisutt ire Dadigange MMbavan eipba sutan agi rajyam geyyal atana magam Hari-varmman
atana putrain Visbnu-Gopan emban kgi mitbyatvakke salvuduv ant a-todav adrisyangaj, agi poge
atana magam Pritbvi-Gaiigam samyag-drisbtiy atana magam birudaram tadangalu voyd adi- -
gi^isuva Ta^afigala-MMbavan atana magam j
Avinita-Gangan embara | bhuvanakk adhinatban agi putti budbargg ut- (
savamam puttisidain Ma- | dbava-Eayana marmman abdbiyante gabhiram 1|
antu §ata-jiviy emb adMamain ke].du |
bbaradindam cbnrcbchu-vaydain pogaje budba-janam banda KaveriyoJ bbi- (
karam agal vira-laksbmi-nayana-kumudini-cbandramam nindu nodal 1
parivaram tanna kirtti-prabbe bajase disa-bbagamam cbodyam agal |
parama-Sri-Jaina-padam nelase bridayadol Meru-sailopamanam ||
antu churcbobu-vaydu barddunkidan atau-auvayadoju Durvvinita-Gangan atange Musbkaran -
emban adan atange S'rivikraman atana magam Bbuvikraman atana magandir nNavakama-§ri-
■Efagar avarolu Ereyana magan Ereyangan atanind udayisidam SVivallabban atabge Sri- -
purusban adan atange S'ivamaran emban atange Marasimban udayam geydam |
avayavadinde sadbisida Malavav eluvan eyde Ganga-Ma- |
JavaV enal akkaram baredu kal nirisutte kalalcbi Cbitraku- |
tavan ufe Kannamujjeya-nripanujanam Jayakesiyam maba- |
bavadoje Marasimba-nripan ikki nimircbcbidan atma-sauryyamam ||
tanayain Sri-Marasimbang anupamita-Jagattungan adam jagat-pa-I
vana-laksbmi-vallabbang int ndiyisi negajdam Racbamallavanyam |
Manu-marggam Ganga-cbudamani jayarvanitadbisa-bbuvallabbesam j
Jina'dbarmmambodbi-cbandrain guna-gapa-nijayam raja-vidyadbarendratn ]|
ant atana marmmandir Marujayyara Butuga-Permmadi tad-apatyan Ereyapam tat-suta-Vira-
ve^afigan embafige |
udayam geydam vidyar | sudatisam Mara-rupan ucbita-vijasam |
vidita-sakalarttha-Bastram | mridu-vakyam Eacbamallan abitara-mallam ||
S h im oga T a ltiq . 11
anti a-Eachamallanind Ereyangan atana magam Butugan atana magam ■ Marula-Bevan
atan-itmajam Guttiya-Gafigaii atanindam marey erida Marasiftgan §.tana sutam Govindaran atana
, putram Saigotta-Vijayadityan atanindam BacEaniallan atanini Marasingan ^tana sutam Kurnla-
Eajigan atanindam Garwada-Gangam Govindarana tammana magan appa Mamma^Govindaram |
tengan udid adardu kijtam ) kaufigam midukad iral edada-kayyoj mada-ma- |
tangamane pididu nilisida | Gangam samanya-nripane Rakkasa-Ganga |(
tad-anujam Kaliyangan atanind uttarottaram Ganganvayam saluttum ire Kranur-gganad-Sclia-
ryyavatarav entendode |
dakskina-desamivasi Gaiiga-maM-manda].ika-ku|a-samuddliaranaJ;i j
sri-Mula-sangha-natlio namna sri-Simlianandi-»munih ||
avara tad-anantaram Arhadkalyadiaryyarum Bettada-Damanandi-bliattirakaruni B§Jaclian»
dra-khattarakarnm Megkackandra-traividya-devaruip. j Gmiachandra-paiiidita-devar avarinda |
elege gmja-ruckiyin olp ag- ( galisire gnna-ruclii-vika§a-Tag-rasmiyin uch,- |
ckalise vadanendu pempam | tajedam Gunanandi-devaAakda-Brahma H
avarim bajikam Akalanka-simkasanaman alankarisi negardda tarkkika-ckakr^vararum. J
vadibka-simkarum |para-vadi-kula-kama}a-vana-mada-mata6garum) Bauddka-vadi-timiracpataA-
garum j sMkkya-vadi-kuJadri-Vajradkararum J naiyyayikack&ryya-biujata-kutkararsm |mim^-
saka-mata-gkanagkana-prackauda-pavanarum j siddhanta-varddki-Yarddhana-sudkakararum| sa-
kala-sakitya-pravinarum Jmanobkava-bkaya-rahitarum j Jina-samayambara-diy&kararum j appa
Sri-Mula-safigkada Kondakundanvayada Kranur-ggana Meskapaskana-gaekokhada irimat-Pra-
bkackandra-siddkanta-devar avara siskyaru )
anavadyackarar mMa- | gkanandi-siddkanta-devar adkikrita-Jina-^S,- |
sana-samrakskakar esedar |jJina-mata-sad-dkarmma-sampadaiii nega|-vinegaip ||
avara fiiskyaru |
Ckaturasyam ckaturoktiyim prakkuteyind Isanj guijia-vyapaka- j
stkitiyiin Visknu su-buddki-vistarateyitn Bauddkam dal i-Jaina-pad* |
dkatiyind irddum id em vickitrataramo ckaturyyam ad t-samun- J
nata-siddkanta-vibkuskapang enisidam srimat-Prabkackandramam ll
avara sadkarmmaru |
nuta-siddkantam Anantabiryya-mnnigam snddkakskarakaradiin |
satatam sri-Munickandra-divya-munigam samvarttisutt irkkum a- I
pratimam tan ene pempu-vettar nditodattar jjagad-vandyar nr- ]
jjitar udyotita-visvar apratikata-prajnar mmaki-bkagadoj ||

avara Siskyaru |
vadi-vana-dakana-kutavaha | vadi-Manobkava-visaJa-Hara-nitiJakskarp |
vadi-mada-radani-biduvam | bkedipa mrigaraja jayata Srutakirtti-budkaip I
kavi-gamakirvadi-vagmiga- 1 1 avandiram geldu Kanakanandi traivi- |
dya-vilasam tri-bkuvana-mal- la-vadirajam dal enisidam nripa-sabkeyoj ||

avara sadkarmmaru |
ckaritra-ckakri samyama- ] dhari KrSnur-gganagraganyam sadayam 1
sri-ramanam siddkanta-vi- [ Saradan ati-visada-kirtti Madkavackandraip 11

avara Siskyaru ]
vara-Sastrambudki-varddkana- |karinankatn biruda-vadi-mada-visph§4aJp t •
nirutam tan enal esedam | dkareyoj Traividya-Balackandra-yatindraip I
12 Shimoga Taluq.
Iri-Prabhacliandra-siddliantardeTara sisbyaru |
vasumatig ojpu-vetta dhaTaMtapavaranav agi kirtti nar- |
ttisuvudu pempu*vetta makimonnati Meruge mapdapan dal |
g esevudu sad-guna-pratati mauktika-maleya lileyam samar- [
ttkisuvudu sajjanakke sahajatam enal Budhachandra-devara ||
karavam varunig endu nidi piridum nistejam eyd irdd tan- |
n iravam nodade sat-pada-prabhuteyam ta}d irppa doshakaram (
doreye pej enutam kalaJaka-rakitam sad-vrittadindam tiras- |
karipam cbandranan o}pu-vetta Budbachandrarn santatotsahadim ||
nn^igaj satya-suvamna-bbusbana-ganam cbittam su-ratnanga}am |
madag itt irppa karan^akaip tann tapas-sri-bbamini*bb^iy en- |
dade dusb-kirttiyan anta mattina §atbar dnrbbodbar asprisyar etn |
padiyS sad-budba-sevyan appa Budbacbandra-kbyata-yogindranol ||
sura-dbSnu vrati-rupamam tajedudo girwana-bbujatvi- |
dbareyoj tapasa-rupadim nelasito pej embinam barppndam |
kared artbi-prakarakke kottn vipula-^ri-kirttiyam tajdidam |
nirutam ^ri-Budhacbandra-deva-munipam vatsalya-ratnakarani l|
int enisi negald Acbaryya-ParaniesbtbigaJ-anvaya-tiJakaruiji Jina-sadnia-nirmmapanarum appa
Budhacbandrarpandita-devaru pravarttisutt ire |Prabbacbandra-siddbanta-devara gud^a |
jaya-jaya-vallabban an- j vaya-varidhi-sitarocbi bhurana-stutyam )
priya-murtti Jina-padabja- j dvaya-bbringam Barmma-deva bbuja-baJa-G-angam ||
ant enisi negardda Barmma-deva bbnja-ba]a-Ganga-Permmadi-devam Mandaliya bettada mele
munnam Dadiga-Madbavar mmadisida basadiyam tamma Gabganvayadavar ppadi salisuttum ba-
ralu tad-anantaram mara-vesan agi madisi Mandali-sasirav Edadore-eppattara basadigaj inn appuva
munn Muvakkum Pattada-basadiya pratibaddbav agi samadeyar mmukbyav agi bitta datti
Tattekere sarwa-bMba-paribara mattam basadiyim tenkana kereya kejage taja-vritti gadde
ga}eya mattalu murn beddale galeya mattal arum intu Pattada-tirttbada basadige saluttam ire
atana tanubbavaru |
jayadakbmi-pati Marasingan-anujam satya-priyam sanda Nan- (
niya-Gauga-ksbitipa}akam tad-anujam tejasvi vikranta-cba- |
kra-yutani Rakkasa-Gangan &tan-anujain viragragaiiyam tad-a- |
nvaya-laksbmi-griba-dipakam BbujabaJa-Sri-Ganga-bbupalakain ||
a-M&rasifiga-d^vaiii Urdravajliy emb prumam basadiy-agneya-konareyim mfidalu gadde gajeya
mattal ondu beddale mattal eradumain bittam 1 Maghanandi-siddbanta-devara guddam
Marasiftga-devam mattav atana tamma Prabbacbandra-siddbanta-devara guddain Nanniya-
Ganga-dSvam Sifiyurage yemb brumam a-gaddeyim tenkana koladakelage gajeya mattal ondu
beddale mattal eradumam bittam ( Barmma-deva saka Marasiuga Nanniya-Ganga 9 7 6 Vija 9 8 7
Su 9 9 2 Saumya | Anantaviryya-siddbanta-devara guddam Rakkasa-Gangam Nanniya-Ganganj
bi|ta gaddeyini tebkalu Harakeriya sime-varam bitta gadde gajeya mattal ondu beddale gajeya
mattal eraduni int i-vritti Mandaliya bolada bhumiy int i-banneradu mattalu beddaleya sime
mbdania dese taja-vrittiya gadde | tenka Harakeriya simeya natta kalugalu baduvalu piri-vaffa
badaga Morasara-koja mattam katakada govaip Rakkasa-Gangam Huliyakereya gaddeyum adara
auttana beddaleyumam bittan adara sime mudalu Cbikka-Banajiganakere tebkalu Tattakereya
guddeya badagada . . . nirvvari baduvalu natta kallim baralu guddeya mudana nirwari ba^a-
galu badagana dimbina nirvvari Cbikka-Banjiganakereya badagana kodi ||
Municbandra-siddbanta-devara guddaip )
Shim oga T aluq. 13
bhuja-baladim §atru-mahi- ] bhuja-kujaniain kittu uiutti kontegalaip kon* [
d ajita-balan enisi negardain | Bbujabala-Ganga-ksbitt&in avanipa'^tijakaiji ||
int enisi negardda Bbujabala-Ganga-Permraadi-deyara Saka-varska 1027 neya Sarvvajita-
Palguna-masada 1 Sukravarad andu Mandaliya Pat|ada-tirfctbada basadiya nitya-nivedya»p_uje-
gam risbiyai’g g ahara-danakkam bitta datti Hegganagile yemb uram sarvTa-badha-paribarain
madi bittan (3 lines following contain details o f ioundaries) Prabhaobandra-siddbanta-ddvara
gudda Nanniya-Ganga-Permniadi-deYa j '
a-Bbujabala-Ganga-. • • • | ...................... vana-bbrajita maga-vuttida . . . |
................... dik-tatam ra- |jyabhisbavadbipatiy enipa Nanniya-Gangain ||
desegalan eyde parvvida nelakk ide tarn nelagatt enippa bal- |
p esevudu tolol en-deseya gandara miseya mele-mele var- ]
ttisuvudu ganda-garvvada Jasam badavagniya b4yan eyde bat- j
tisavudu tejain en adbikan adano Nanniya-Ganga-bbubbujam l|
pada-nakbadol dasananate namra-nripaji-nrakbankadim jaya- |
spada-bbujadalli sban-mtikbate durjjaya-fokti-dbaratvadirn. cbatur-i|
vvadanate vaktradol cbatura-vaniyin opp iral entu norppad a- 1
bbyudayaman eydidattn palavum mukbadiin tave kirtti Gangano} ||
dig-ibbman otti kilidipan aggada kesarivole vaydadam j
sugiye tala-prabaradole‘ maggipan imgutadinde mintavani j
nagaman ivam kavung-udiva teng-udivannaue Sambusailamain [
negapida Pauti-dolavanan §Jipan embiidu Marasirigana ||
svasti Satya-vakya-Konguli-varmma dbarmma-mabarajadbii’ajaiu parameSvaram ^ Kojala-
purarTaresv-ai'am | Nandagiri-natbam mada-gajendra-lancbbanam cbatura-Virinchanam Pad-
mavati-d6vi-labdba-vai-a-prasadam vicbakijamodam nauniya-Gangam jayad-uttaraiigam 1Gafiga-
kuJa-kuvalaya-Saracb-cbandram | mandalika-Dev^ndram | darppoddbatiirati-Tanaja-Tana'Vftdaii-
dam 1Kusumakodandam |gandara-gandam j duttara gaiidam 1namadi-samasta-prasasti-sabitam
Sriman-Nanniya-Gauga-Permmadi-deYam tamm-ajjam Barmina-Devam madisida Mandaliya Patta-
da-tirtbada basadiyam kalu-vesan agi madisida Pattada-basadige Saka-varsba 1043 neya
S'ubbakrit-saravatsarada Bbadrapada-masada suddba 5 Bribaspativarad andu Kuruliya-basadiy
adiy-agi pancbavimsati-chaityalayamain dbarmma-prabbavaneyinda madisida Prabbacbandra-
siddbanta-devara sishyar mukbyav agi bitta vritti basadiya munde gadde gajeya mattar ondu
beddale galeya mattar eradu Basadiyaballiya suukamumam bittaru mattam bTanniya-Gabga-
Devanum patta-maba-devi Kanobala-DeYiyarum Padmavati-devige barasi Hermma^i-Devanam
hadedu kanikeyam tann-alva nad-urggajola sara-mita-panavam kottar a-cbandrarkka-t&ram-
baram | Bndbacbandra-pandita-devara guddam |
munisim dig-danti-dantanga].an avayavadind otti begam cbbajall eip- (
binegam kitt ettane taragegajan adatind alikallandadim su- |
sane varddhi-vratamam surr ene tavuvinegam pirane kopadiin poy--1
yane bettam pittu-pittagire sarnSradoJ i-vira-Permmadi-Deyaip ||
(usm l final verse)

A t Soisavana-GangUr (same hdbli), on a stone to the south of the Gangddhare&vara tem^e.

Namas tuiiga-SlraS-cbumbi-cbandra-cbamara-cbarave I
trailokya-nagararambba-mula-stambbaya S’ambbave ||
14 S him oga T alu q.
svasfci sri Satya-vakya-KonguJi-vainmia dharmma-maMrajadliiraja paramMvarara Kolala-
pura-varddhisvaram Nandagiri-natliam dalita-ripu-y6thaip mada-gaiendra-laSchhanam Pad-
inavati-devi-labdha-vara-prasadam YicJiakiJamodam Gaiiga-Gafigeyam satya-Kadkeyam jayad-
uttaraiigam sad-guna . . . . paripantlii-Pi\rttha Gadaga-tirttlia-rathya-Ganga-pravaham vara- *
vanita-sanjmdkam Ganga-knja-^ekharaiit samyaktVatratnakaranum appa Dadiga-Madhava . . .
. . . danvayaip jayad-ufctaranga Rakkasa-Gaflga Bkujabaja-Ganga Vii’a-Gafiga Nainniya-
Ganga Hei’mmadi-DSvaniQd ittalu M a .................................................................................................
lalanvayadoju ]
Cbbjana jubu Majavana gonmuia Cberarau atti tiniba Ma- j
kali Varajanam tuliva gandh.a-gajani Khaclian-alley-ajiibu Ne- j
pajana benna-cbammatige yim nadetandane vira-Vishnu-bhu- [
p^akan ejnba sambhramavo vairi-nripalara mandalangajol |j
va ; ^-Vish^uvarddbana-tanujan enisida Narasimba-bbfi.pang Echala-Devigaip j
vri II Kali-kala-ksbatra-pufcra-prabalatara-duracbai'a-sandobadindajn j
pole porddal pesi besaradiv ajida mahi-kanteyaxp raksbisal tarn j
Jalajaksbaoi tane band ant udayisidavol Vira-Ballalu-D^vam j
kula . . . . janacbara . . uripavaran udayam-geydan a^cbaryya-sauryyain II
va antii sukba-saukatli^-vinodadini Dorasamudrada nelavidinoju rajyam geyyuttam ire j
dbareg igal kodey ondu Purpasai’ar irbbar drisbtigal muru sat- |
purusbar unalvaru tave varidbigal ayd . . . are ritut- |
karav tl a-muni-mukbyar enba . . mirdd-a-dantiy ombatt id a- |
' cbcbari tna . • pidbi patt enal negaldapara Ballaja-bbupalakam ||
podeviittal Chola ba kollanig ele K a lin g a .............mmara Cb^rara |
nade Koy[t]brakke nim ini gadiyole bbaradiin v5}e Pancbala bidam [
nade sand adrisa peg agganig enute b$sam b§lvar aksbepadindam (
padevaUam Vira-Ballalana vijaya-[ya]so-yatreyo} vetra-bastar ||
keja vasanta-bala-sabakarada tan-nelal Mritalig a- |
bbila-layabi-nishtbura-pbanaughada mey-nelal uddbatarig un- j
mijita-pundarikada nejal jaya-laksbinig enippa Vira-Ba- |
llalana tola-balu-nejal adudu dbatrige vajra-panjaram ||
svasti samasta-bbuvanasrayam sri-pritbvi-vallabbam mabarajadbiraja paramesvaram parama-
bbattarakam' Dvaravati-pura-varadbisvaram Yadava-kulambara-dyumani samyaktva-cbudamam
Vasantika-deviyariin labdba-vara-prasadarum mrigamadamodani maleraja-raja maleparoju
gapdarn gaiida-bberun^am ekanga-vira Banivara-siddbi giri-durgga-malla vaii’ibba-kaiitbirava
nissabka-Hoysana &’imat-pratapa-cbakravartti sri-Vira-Ballaja-Devaru Dorasamudrada nela-
vidinoju sukha-saiikatba-vinodadira rajyam geyyuttam ire | tat-p.ada-padmopajiviy appa Madbu-
Sudana-Devau-uditoditanvayav entendade |
badevala-Goggi tam negalda-Rakkasa-Gangaua rajya-vistarara |
kadu-gali-ganda Raebenau-urjjita-kirtti-vilasa-murttiyam |
Podeyalar atma-jivita . . . nata kalpa-mabijan endu |
.............................. pogale mfl.rttisida . sad-arttbi-vallabha |(
vaebaua H ant enisida negalda paurnsa-patakanum......................pramadavalokanuin su-
kavi-jana-vesbtitanum yairi-latika-Iavitranurn san-marggadolu atisayara Manu-m&rggi padevaja-
Goggigaip I
pa<Jevala-Goggigam negalda-Mailave-ranigam ata puttidam |
Mudiyanan aty-udatta-yasan abava-dbiran udara-sampadaip |
Shimoga Taluq. n

jada[n i]dliig abja murtti-Makaradlivajani antana M^ru-su-sthiram (

nadi todaj illade negalda-Nanniya-Gangana rajya-bliiisanaiTi ||
mattav atanuia sarbba-kabya-samsebya-puru§anum sampakvamyita-geya-ras6tkai4a-karu§aiium
' •^rita-jana-nidhanam daridrya-davanajam sTa-var9 na-tS.pa-nivarakanvim nija-vamSa-vanaja*
vana-vikasaaa-prakai'Tisanum enisida negalda
padevala-Mudiyanaiigam Jakkale-maha-satigam Vilbliuv intu puttidam |
jadanidkig Indra-sindMrav ad ento s u r a - ...........................................t
podaripa danadind amaina ckandra»sa-lakshana*charu,-niurtti . . |
drida-nuta-dhairyyadind adhika-Sauryyadin i-Vibku-Gangaii krjjitam |1
ati'gambhiradin aty-udaradin anunopaya-san-mantradim |
. . ti-sammohaua-murttiyim jaladki tain kalpa-drumain Padmajam |
satu-Pusbpayudha barpu lam Mudiyana p r o ................n- i-Gangana6g |
ati-rfipavati-Jakkalainbikeya putram n6rppad t-dbatriyol. |
Guru-Kamandaka-Damanam ] nirupama-Obanakya-Bhatti-Ydgandbaranim |
parikipad iva mantrajfiam ] dbareyol Mudiyanna-sunu yi-Yibbu-Gangain
va I . . nalina-dala-netranuip sallalita-gatranum karyya«Bribaspatiyuin Tacbaka*Vacbaspati-
yum mflrtti-Makaradbvajanuni kirtti-Garudadbvajamim enisida Gajlganajn j
nayavidan endu satyavidan endu kalavidan endu saurjyadoJ j
bbaya-rabitatmau endu vara-cbaru-cbaritran udaran emba per- /
mmeya nele kirttig anman ene dbarani bannipud eyde sajjana- /
Sraya-guna-M^ruvam Mudiyaliatmaja-Ganganan uttarottaram |'
gunavatiy endu rupavatiy endu kalavatiy endu peli . . . j
gananege vappute . saleyum dbareyol saman appad appa taip |
pbani-[gana]-rajanam sura-vadbu-janav endapitd eyde sajjana- j
grani Vibbu-Gangan-aggada-manobari Vijjale-raniy i-jagam |
parikipod igal igalina kal-satiyai'kkalan entu polipem j
parama-pavitreyani kamaja-netreyan unnata-kal’mma-patreyain J
parama-gunadhyeyam................................kanteyam karam j
vara-guniy endu kirttisuva permmeyan em pogaivein dbaritriyol j(
. . rijesaniye petta | Siriyam kaustubhama kamadbenuvan ant a- |
snra-taru Gangana kantego | nirupama , . . Mudigan osed udayisidam ||
Harigam Rugmanigam Manobbava Bbavang a-Gaurigani Sbanmukbain j
Purubutam Sacbi-devigam maga Jayantain puttuv ond-andadim |
paramanandade Gafiganange sati-Vijja-Devigam puttidain |
sura-rupam Madbusudanam sogayipam saujanya-kandankurarn il
goravar brabmanar asritar bbadavar isbtar ppanditar ppatbakar j
ppiriyar ggayaka-vadakar kkatbakar ant a-narttakar-vvandigal j
saranayata-digambarar bbadbirar andbar sbddaSa . . de taitt |
kared ivara Madbusudanam sogayipam bbii-loka-kalpa-drumam ||
stbiratara-murttigam vibudba-sebya-mab6nnata-rupegam mabo- j
tkara-Madbusudanailvita-yaSo-vadbugam vara-siddba-saraso- |
tkarn-ka,vi-cbitta-jata-nuta-parsva-budbarkige vole vagyam o- |
ppiral esegum payodbi-ravi-cbandrar ila-Yadbu-Mern-nilvinam ||
Mandali-nadolag esevudu | Kbandialipnrav enisi nega|da Mudu-Gangauram f
gandara tirtbam Gaugan a- | kbanditav ene madisidan eseva GabgSIvarama^ |
su-rucbira-Matsya-Kurmma-dridba-Sukaran a-]Srarasimba-E§.man j
16 Shim oga T aluq.
vara-Eaghu-Eama-Eamain . . alii su-Vamana-Kalki-Tivikramo- |
rurajita-Lakshrai-NarayanaQ urjjita-punya-dasayatarata- j
nirupama Ganga-sunu-Madhusudanag ig abhivanchhitarttliamain 1|
sthirav aty-unnata-ramyav end enipuv a.-Harmyaclialain Tara-bhu- ||
dbai’a-H^madri-samana-samya^ene emb ant avagam norppad im )
paramartthani Madhusudanam prabhu-lasad-Gafigesyara-dvaramam [
dkareyol nirmtnisi pempu-vettud enisum trailokya-sammobanam ||
Srimatu Saka-varsha 1139 teneya Babudbanya-samvatsarada Vaisakba-suddba 3 Somavarad-
andu svasti ^riman-nal-prabbu Madhusudana-Deyam tamm ayyana besara Gaugesyara-deyara
deyalyayajn madisi &-deyara sri-karyyake Amritarasi-gurugala momma Sume§yara-guruga}a
kalam karobcbi dbara-puryyakam madi bitta datti Gangasamudrada kereya kelage gadde kamba
40 a-kereyojage kamba 50 a-deyara nanda-diyigege ella keyi kamba 30

At llaralme {same hobU), on a north-west pillar in the rahga-mantapa of the Bdtnesvara temple.

Syasti sriman-maba-inandale^yara bbuja-baJa-Gauga permmadi-Barmma-Deya Mandaliya-tir-

tthada Paftada-basadige bitta datti (2 lines foUowmg contain details of gift) mattam atana-patted-
arasi Ganga-mabadeyi bitta yritti Sujeya-bayalu | mattam atana maga Marasinga-Deya bitta
vritti Ai’drayaili | mattam atana bitta tala-yritti basadiy-agneya Konareyim mudalu gadde
ga^eya mattal ondu beddale galeya mattal eradu | mattam atana tamma Satya-Ganga bitta yritti
Siriyuru j mattam a-gaddeyim tenkalu bitta tala-yritti gadde galeya mattal ondu beddale geleya
mattal eradu | mattam atana tamma Eakkasa-Ganga Huliyakereya gaddeyum adara suttana
Eeddaleyama bitta ( mattam Harakereya sime-paryyanta bitta gadde gajeya mattal ondu bedd­
ale galeya mattal eradu 1 mattam atana tamma Bbujabala-Ganga Hegganaleya bitta | Haraker-
iya vrittiya ke^eyolage bitta gadde galeya mattal ondn { mattam a-kereyim baduyana kojada
kelage bitta sa]a-keyi galeya mattal ondu mattam a-koladira badagalu bitta beddale galeya
mattal ondu [ mattam atana maga Marasibga-Deya Nanniya-Ganga-Permmadi basadiya munde
bitta gadde galeya mattal ondu | mattam basadiya badagana beggerege parida kala-kelage bitta
beddale galeya mattal eradum adakke sime mudana kola haduyalu Morasara-kola j mattam Ba-
sadiyaballiya sunkamam bitta | mattam tann alya-nad-urggololu Padmayati-deyige kanikeyam
kotta ^ara 5 mita paiyaman a-cbandrarkka-taram-baram ||mattam Vira-Ganganapattakke hiriya-
kejeya kelage bitta gadde galeya mattal ondu (3 lines following contain details of gift)

At the sameplace, on a stone in the old site of the Matt.

S^ri-Guru-libga-svamiyayara padave gati subbam astu -| 6m namab |
namas tunga-siras-cbumbi-cbandra-cbamara-charaye |
trailokya-nagarararnbba-mbla-stambbaya Sambbaye l|
syasti Sri. jayabbyudaya-Saliyahana-saka-varusa sa 1664 ya S ubbakritu-nama-sam | Margasira
ba 7 yu Budbayara sjimat-Keladi-Somafekbara-Nayakara maya Nirvan-aiyanavarige Hole-
Basavaiyana bliakta Harakeri-Tunga-tirada stbaladalu Guru-linga-syamiyavara samadbiya mele
kattisida virakta-mathake' Hayinurolage kattisida Basayana-vaddu Guru-Basava-syamiyayara
mukbantra ||
Shim oga T aluq. 17

At TatteTcere (same hohli), on a stone in front of the Rmnekvara Ufnj^.
•Svasti Saka-varsliara 1001 neya Krodhana-samvafcsarada Jyeslitlia-balii4a-<5liat:ti-Va4dav^ra
-^asana nindudu
srimat-parama-gamblura-syadvadam6g}ia-lafi.clilianam |
jiyat ti’aijokya-natbasya sasanam Jiua-sasanain ||
namo Vifcaragaya svasti samasta-bhuvanasraya sri-ppithTi-vallabba maliarajadhiraja parame-
svara parama-bbattarakam Satyasraya . , tilakam Cbalukyabbaranam srimat-Tribbiivana-malla-
Devar kKalyanada-nelavidinoi sukbadim rajyatn geyyuttam. i . . . .
jiyafc samasta-kakubbantara-vartti-kirttil’
Iksbvaku-vamsa-klila-Taridbi-Tarddban^ndu|i. (
BbagiratM -vi......................................... tO dvitiyah jj
svasti samasta-bbuvanadbi§vareksbvaku-vamsa-kula^gagana-gabbasti-mMini parakramakranta-
Kanyakubjadbi^vara-siro.......................... li-mukko p^rttbiva-Parttbah | samara-keli-Dbananjaya
Dbananjayab [ tasya vallabba Gandbari-Devi tat-suto Hariscbandrah | R o b i .............Dadiga-
Madbavapara-namadbeyabj a-Ganganvayad-arasuga}-eIlav e}ge-padivada-cbandranant uditoditav-
agi pala . . . . jyam geyyutf; ire tad-anvayambara-dyumaniyum Gaiiga-cbu^amajiiyuin enisida
bbuja-bala Gaiiga-Permmadi.......................
guni belv-arttbi-janakke dana-mani dor-ggarbboddbatadbmata-nir* (
gbrina-vairi-prakarakke bal-kani kaja-vinyasa-varasi sat- f
pa . . . . vesbtita-yasam vikranta-tungabi nripa- |
graniy adam Kali-Gaiiga-DeTana sutam sri-Barmma-bbupalakaip 1|
kanda H....................................r w i baba- [ parigbadin ari-nriparan aledu. seleyol voyd ur- |-
vvare bannisal esedam Gan- [ gara-Bbimain lokadojage bbuja-bala-Ga . . . 11
. . . . liy enisida Permmadi-Barmma-DeYangam Pandya-kulodbbavey enisida Ganga-maba-deiri-
yarggani ratna-trayam pu ttu van te................
vri 11Sri-Marasingan avani-taja-raksba-palain [
Kamopamam Bbagiratbanvaya-ratna-dipam |
bbima-pratapan a b it a ................................ |
satnanyan allan uditoditan eka-vakyaip |1
atan-anmum arppum loka-vikbyatain ada tad-anantaradol | svasti S a ty a .................. varmma-
'dbarmraa-mabarajadbiraja pavamesvaram Kuvajala-pura-varesvaram | Nandagii’i-natbam raja-
Mandbataan 1 P adm avati-labdba-vara-pra..........................cbakilamodan | asati-sabodarain vira-
Vrikodaram ) samyaktva-ratnakaram Jina-pada-sekbaraib [ mada-gajendra-lanchbanam cbatura-
v i .............ga-Gaugeyam saucbA.njaneyain ] Ganga-kula-kamala-marttandain duttara-gandam |
nanniya-Gaiigain jayad-uttarangam ] ^riman-maba-ma^idaj^^varam Tribbuvana-3Jialla-Ganga-Per-
mm^i-devar gGangavadi-tombbattara-sasiramam bayk^isi tad-abbyantarada Mandali-sasiratnatn
srimat-Tribbuvaua-malla-Devar ddaye-geyye nidbi-nidbS-nain olagagi tri-bbagabbyantara-siddbi-
yinde sukbadim rajyam geyyutt ire 1
kanda |j srige neley agi vachana- | srig agaram S.gi nija-bbujarjjita-vijaya- |
§rig aruban agi kirtti- J srig adbipatiy agi sukbadin ire Ganga-nfipain 1|
vri II nndidude nanni madidude sasanam ittude Ramar-esu mar- |
ppididude vajra-lepam urad irdude mrityu pardpakaradol j
nadedude batte sbad-gnname meyy ene dbarmmado} ondi ninnavol |
nadeva nripeudi’an avan akbi}S.vaniyc4 Kali-Qabga-bbfipati ||
IS Shim oga T alu q.
stMrane Meru-girindradol senasuvain gamliliiraEe Tarddhiyol [
purudippam kaliye SurSudra-sutanam mechcham malia-daaiye j
sura-bhujakk oregattavam chaduraLe PaSalaJanim mikkan en- j
d ivad igal dkare bannikum rana-jaya-pioituAganam Gauganam ||
ka !1 ama4a*cbaritram purusho- | ttaman enisida Ganga-blmpan atana tammam |
vimala-yasam G6vindara- ( n amogba-vakyam knmara-oluida-ratnam ![
ant irvvarum sukhadinx rajyaip geyyptt ire ]
ka 11 dharmmakk fi.rmmain dayege ta- | var-mmane siskteslita-kajpa-bliujam gofcra- |
sarmmam ki46ttamam Pole- |yamjnan enal nal-guuakke macbcliax’am ante H
^gunottaman enisida Poleyammangam ramant-ratnam enisida Kejeyabbegain su-pntrah kuja-
dipaka 6nisi Nokkayyam pntti samarttban &gi Mandajiya Kencba-Garundana makkaju Ka].eyab-
beyuln Malliyabbeyumam maduvey agi Kai^bbe-gavitige Gujjanain pntti tandege padirmmadiy-
agi Pei'minadi-Gavundan eipba pesarain padedam ) Malliyabbe Jinadasan emba maganam
padedal ant irvvar mmakkal verasn Nokkayyam sukbadin irppudtim Gafiga-Perinmadi-deYar
Tattekerege bijayain geydu samastadbikaramaip kude Der^ndrange Bribaspatiyantn BaUndrange
Bbarggayan ent ante saniasta-rajya-bbara-niiupita-mabd.matya-padavi-Tirajaniana-inan6nnata-
prabbu-mantrotsaba-sakti-traya-sampannam maba-mabimotpannajp j sujana-janddharam bandba-
va-prakaram | purnsba-ratnakarajn para-baja-bbikaram | pati-karyya-bbara-kraman asabaya-
vikraman uparjjanacbaryyan acbajita-dbairyyatn . . . ksbara-sainudram lancbakara-mukba-
mudrajn j patige kalapain jaya-laksbmi-niksbepatn [ kodanda-Parttbam saujaiiya-tirttbam ] Jina-
padaradbakain j Kali-yuga-sadbakam | Gangana Hanumantam |jaya-laksbmi-kantam | Sriman-
raaba-pradblnam | piriya-perggade Nokkayyam |
yri II partthivaram nirakaripa dana-gunoktiyin arttbig arttbamam ]
prarttbisad iva-karanade pefggade Nokkanan i-payopaka- |
rarttbajn idanx Sarxram enip ondu pura^a-varoktiyindam a- j
prarttbita-danadinde negajv unnati sandud ila-tajagrado} ||
mayggadol ojpinol gunadol aiciminoj di’ppinol adud ondn pern- |
P drggam asadhyam iixt iriva-kava-gunangale sajam endu k^J- |
dargg edegondn jdnkarise raja-gunakk alavatta Hokkanani [
perggadey embudd dburake nxarggadeyam patig eka-sadhanam ||
ka il perggadetanamam ballar | kbkbalgaman auaip ariyar ulid amatyar nNokkam j
perggade-Gangana maneyol | marggede sangarada moneyoj ene meobchadar ar ||
kiridarol ajaradada manain | neyo piridakk ase-geyva buddbiyin atam j
tere-vididu jonnadaiidina | perey andade Nokkan uttarottaram adam ||
agalisida kerege madisi- | da galdeg ettisida devata-gribak aravan- j
tageg anna-danad edeg i- j jagadoi pavan ill ad &n kritarttbano Nokkam |(
saranidbi balasidud ernb an- [ t iral itt i-Tattekereya perggere suttal |
paliya nadnv Aniarasailada | dorey enisida terade basadi sogayisi toi-kkum l|
piriya-magam Gujjanan an- | tarayav ag ildan atan eyduge sarggam J
baral indu X^'okka-Perggade | Harigeyal ettisidan eradn Jina-mandiramain ||
tanage para-bitame bitam en | d anumanisi Nokkan oldu madise vi^va- |
Vaniyolage NellaTattiya [ Jina-bbavanaux ribbu-vimanamam polt irkkuin ||
&-Nellavattiya Tattekeray eradum basadiyumam Jinadasange paroksba-yinayain age madi-
sida perggade-Nokkayyana paropakararttbakkam vxrakkam vitaranakkain ^I’X-Gaidga-Permmadi-
devar mmecbcb iru-gale-gudi-cbamara-nxegbadambaradi-rajya-cbinbangalan itt adakke tellantiy
endu modala-mbla-dbana Tattekere Kiluru Areyurn Herige Kadavuru Simoge Tayikeri Henna-
S h im oga Taluq^ 19
Tarada-gavunda-Trittiymnan irppattu-kuduregav aynur-algalan itt ftrggaja siddkayavan ittn
chandrarkka-taram-baram sarwa-namasyam age PanasavS,diyam bitt anitu maba-mahimeyam
ta^dida perggade-Nokkayyam Mula-sarigada Kranur-gganada Mesbapasbana-gaohclibada sri-
Prabhacbandra-siddhantigara guddan agi nalkum basadiyam madisi Tattekereya basadiyam
pujisuvar a-Gana-gacbchhada-sthana-patigalge tamma baliyal Tattekereya kejage galde galeya
mattar ondu ola-gereyala beldale mattar ondu alii parekarargge galde Gunigana mattaru muru
beldale galeya mattar ondu | kumbarargge galde Gunigana mattar ondu beldale Gunigana
mattar ondu Tattekereya angadiya tereyum sunkamam basadige Ganga-Permmadi-devam bitt a
yi-dbarmmamam raksbisidatam sasira-kapileyam danam geydam kidisidam GangeyoJ sasira-
kapileyam tindam | sandbi-vigrabi Dama-Eajarp. sasana-gabbamam peldu baredam poydarg
Santojanum Padmanum mangala si’i |

At Gajmur (same lioUi), on a stone in Malta’s garden.
SVbbam astu
namas tunga-liras-obumbi-obandra-cbamara-cbarave |
trailokya-nagararambba-mula-stambbaya Sambbave !|
(5 lines illegible') dalu Aragada-rajyake saluva G ajanura.......................... Aragada Deyapa-Danna-
yaka-vodeyara makkalu Timma . . . vodeyaru maganiy a lu v a g a ..................... Gajanura-gr8,ma-
d a lu ........................b a y a lin a ............... Mandalada-rajyada T ojagana...................................................
............ V enkata-N ayaka............................ R an ganatba...........................................................................
.............vara gaddeya sam ipadalu................................. Handige . . k a ttey a ......................................
entn aksbaradalu . . . h a g a d a ...................................... ... . cbinna-varada...................................
....................Gajanura-gavuda ta m m a ............................... Katteya N a g a y a .........................................
............... cbatus-sime-stbana-pratisbtbeya madi kottaru alupida . . . Varanasiyali sabasra-govanu
vadbisida pataka bruna-batyasritav abudu (usual final verse) yi-devastbaua.......................kadadu
nilisi a-dovalyava nilisidata Gajanura-Mallojayyana magam S'iriyojanu barada-§asanakke a-d^vat©
. . . Bubbam astu |

A t Gondichattanahalli {same hdbli), on a vtralcal in the waste-weir of the fanh.
SVasti ■samadbigata-pancba-maba-sabda maba-mandal^lvara Tribbuvana-malla bbuja-bala-
Ganga Permmadi-devargge Srimaob-Cbalukya-Vikrama-varsa 46 neya S’arbari-sainvatsa . . .
Cbaitra-suddba 5 Adivaradandu sriman-maba-mandalMvara Poyasala-Bitti-D§vana dannayaka
Boppanan etti baralu Halasura kalagadalu tanna dburamain svami nddutt iralu Cbambavanasi-
maga avar-abe Butabbege putGda leiika Bammaya-Nayakam sura-loka-praptan ada |

In the same place, on another vtrahal.
Svasti Srimacb-Cbalukya-Vikrama-varsbada 47' Subbakritu-samvatsarada Bbadrapada-suddba
10 Adivaradandu Sriman-maba-ma^dalesvara Tribbuvana-malla Nanniya-Gailga Permm^di-de-
v a r u ............................. b o g a lu ............................tajt iridu sura-loka-praptan ^da.
20 Shim oga T aluq.
At the same place.
Svasti samasta . * ................... (4 lines gone) ^riman-malia.................. ............... .. Devani
............. ...........................mandalelvaram Tribhuvana-malla.................................................ire ; . . .
. ............... ...............Cha].ukya'Vikraina-kMada . . ne Subkauu-samvatsarada Karttika-suddha 5
Bribavaradanda linga-pratisbt0yain madi deyalyamam kalasa-nirmmanam madi srimatu-Pai’vvata-
vaJHya Jagadiiida-Pan^itara kalam karchcbi dbara-purvvakam m&di Jakkesvara-devarige tarn
kattisida piriya-kereya modal eriya kejage galeyal are-mattala galde galeya vondu mattaru
beldale {mud find phrases)

At M§,imSumsavd(li {same hdbli), on a vtrahal in the south of the tsvara temple.
. . nayadim nilal ede vak- |
sriyam satyade bbuja-pratapade . . . . . f
sriyan. udarafce kirfcti- |
sriyam tajed esedan ..................... II
.................. srirnatu-CbaJukya-yBd’ama-varsbada 47 neya S’ubkakri................ rada Karttika-
iaddha-bidige-Adivaradandu/srimat-Tribhuvana-malla-Nanniya-Gariga-Permmadi-deraru nodi
mecbcbi bicbobalisutt ire^j''
sabaiji H araj^ipu-san- dobaman ayayayade kondu mecbcbisi palaram
baba-balajdlm pariye ma- I babayadol nindu deya-lokakk odam II

At Ka^dkaUu (same Jidbli), on a stone in the Patel Ghannappa's hack-yard.

Dbatu-samyatsarada Magba-su 6 A srimat-Keladi-Cbennamajiyayaru Deyappa . . . ge barasi

kalisida karyya cbinada kante G ajanura............... deyarige daiidige umbali-bage Gajanura-
sime-Kadnkalu-grama {after details of the grant) yi-panavina gramayanu S lyarppitav agi bittu
yi-bhumige linga-mndre &la-stbapitava madisuyallige abage bujurinda uliga-janavanna kalubisi
ade vedayu gramadayara karisi kondu gadi . . kara barada-ritiy ilana mad-ittu sila-stbapitava
madisi kottu yi-kagadaya senabboyara kaditake barisi tirigi iyara yasake koduvad agi . . . .

At Kdktpura {same hdbli), on a stone in the field of Achchamma, ivife of B'jmia-S'dstri.
Subbam astu niryigbnam astu |
namas tunga-siras-cbumbi-cbandra-cbamararcbarave |
trailokya-nagararambba-mula-stambbaya S’arabbaye ||
syasti ^ri*jayabbyudaya-Salivabana-saka-yarusba 1637 neya Jaya-samyatsarada Asyija-suddba
15 yalu srimatu aliya-Mrya;iaiyaaayaru Gajanura-sime-stbajada senabboya Mari-Basayapnana
mommaga MariyaiOinanu Harakeri-Tungabbadra-tiradallu brabmarugajige manegaja kattisi
kotfcu S'iyarppitav agi nadesuya agrabarada dbarmmake uttaraya madisi kotta Ka^inatbapurada-
gramakke §ila-stbapita madisi ade ]
Shim oga Taluq. 21
At Kushum-agraMra {same hdbli), on a stone in fhe north-west corner in the rahga-mantapa
of tlie BMmetvara temple. .
"S’ri-Bluinaiiatlia saranu Ij svasti sri jay6'bliyudaya5 cha Saka-varusha 1231 neya Saumya-samvatsa-
rada JesMa-sudlia 13 Bri ] svasti Srimatu pratapa-cliakravartti Hoyisana sri-Vira-BallaJa-D^v-
arasaru Dorasanmdradalu sukka-sankata-vinodadalu ckatus-samudra-mudrita-prakhyatav agi
rajyam geyivalli a-rayana maneya sandhi-vigraM Lakkannanavara balu-manusya Devappa-
Hariyappanavaru Hadavalike-nadinge sarwMhikarigaJ agiddalli Gafiiga-maadali Hadavalike-
nada aruvattn-gavudu nM-ippattu-stana sasirad-eju-nuru-gavare-gan^aru niuntagi a-Kustig&-
ralu neradii Hadavaj.ika-nada sarvvadbikari Devappa-Hariyappanavarige Svayambbu-linga-
dibya-ksbetra-gbatita-stbana yi-Bbimanatba-devarige uivu launtagi aruvattu-gavudu nur-
ippattu-stbanavu badinentu-samayavu neradu. sarw a-bM bey ill endu sarvvamanyav agi yi-
devarige kotta dbarmma sva-ruobiyinda dbara-purwakav agi bitta dbarmma nada-voppa Irt-
Bbimanatba Malaparolu-gaada mangajam aba M sxi ||

On a vwaMl in the south o f the same temple.
Svasti §riraatu[cbalukya-]Vikrama-kalada 67 neya Dundubbi-sainvatsara....................d amav^
seya................................................. sriman-maba-mandaleSvaram iTanniya . . . sara permma. . . .
. . . m u d u k a .................. lavadiya Kudanarasana.............. kamabovana Bovaip Manaliya . . . .
. . . dalu sami-kaiyyake . . . Ibaran iridu sura-loka-praptan ada 1| mangajaip ab^ ||

At the same temple, on a stone in the north wall of the Basavana arikam.
Krddbi-samvassarada Magba-ba 14 Somavaradaln . . . . . Nayakaru Gajanura-sxme-sapiast£^
prajega}n Eraganabura-Basavappa-Nayakara Bagana-Gayudaru Uttaraji-Basavappana . . . .
. . -G a v u d a ............................ ppa-Gavuda B asavi........................ Virana . . . . . ' ........................ *
. . . samasta-gavuda-prajegaju ........................ binnaba stbanika Tammanann ganacbarada ka(*
ttugeya teruva banavanu Sivaratri-punya-kaladalu dbar^-purvakav &gi nandd-diptig en . . . .
............ yi-terige-bapavi......................nanda-diptiyanu nadasudu {usml imprecatory phrases) . . .
. . . . yi-dbarmavanu nadasuvad endu kotta sasana I|

'At Arakcre {same hohli), on a mrakcHat the CMldra-tevaru.
•Svasti Saka-varisba 88 aydaneya Rudbirodgari-samvatsaram pravarttise Kannara-D6va . . .
tbivi-rajyan geyyutt ire . . ' . . . . . . Santaligeyol ......................dyalige-n&da Arigeriya-nal-
gavu n da...................Gellura Mara-Gavunda . . . . kereya-Gavunda pasidu degulava madisidom
•atana tamma Bettuga turugaloj s a t t u .......................................................G6vi-Gavnnda kalla
22 Shimoga Taluq.

At the same place, m another mrakdl.

Svasti srimach^Cliaiukya-Vikrama-kalada 40 ttaneya Manxnatlia-samvascharad andu Sriman-maka-

inandalesvara Tribliuvaiia-malla Permmadi-Gannara-Devaru samasta-prasasti-saMtar appa M -
man-maha-sanaanta Edavale-eppattara Manneya-Bammarasana maga Manneya-Goggarasanana
bidisi kriti-geydu kopdu-kogi nadepido . . konda nambid ajdana kayyalu sattu sura-16ka-praptan
adan atana tapmia Manneya-Odawarasaip tanna nadapida eleyaru Agacbi-Tadaketanu pattaY
a}iye Masanana kude kadu kalla madisi ejeyar-irwarigam bitta galde mattalu 2 beldele mattalu
4 Goggarasage cbatrake Arakereyalu bitt galde kamma 25 beldele kamma 50 Elavattiyalu bitta
galde kamma 25 beldele kamma 50 i-dharmmamam tappade pratipS.Usuva Oddamarasai-dharmma-
van alidaya Gaugeya tadiyalu kavileyan alida

At Bairehoppa {same hdbli), on a vtrahal in Hanumantayya's field.
Svasti Satya-va . . . . Konguuivarmma dharmma-mabarajadbiraja parame . . . . . . . . . Jala-
pura-paramesvara ^rimat-Permmanadiga] pritbm-rajyan geye Kote . . Mandali-aadu-sasiramuman
ale Gangavurada tarugalolain . darada Allamma-Gavundara maga Cbolam si . .
jitena labhyate laksbmir mritenapi surangana |
ksbaiia-vidbvamsane kaye ka cLinta marane rane ||
.......................... sildida Aydugamim Majanum Maraganum Naga . . . . Muddanu odane-
siddbisidar 11

At Mattur-agrahdra {same hdbli), on copperplates in possession of the Pat§l Tirumaldvadhdni.
(Nagari characters.)

{First 53 lines beginning “ sri-GanMhipataye namah ” are the same as No. 1 of this Talugf)
satrunam vasam ete dadata iti rusba kin iiu saptamburasin
nana-senl-turanga-trutita-vasumati-dbulika-palikabbih |
saipsosbya svairam etat-pratinidbi-jaladbi-srenikam yo vidbatte
Brabrnanda-svama-M^ru-pramukba-nija-maba-dana-toyair ameyaih ||
mad-dattam arthi-sartbas sriyam iba sncbiram bbunjatam ity avetya
prayah pratyuba-betos tapana-ratba-gater alayam devatanam |
tat-tad-dig-jaitra-vrityapi cba birada-padair ankitams tatra tatra
stambban jata-pratistban vyatanuta bbuvi yo bbubbrid-abbrankasbagran 1(
avpityavritya sarvesbv atanuta vidbivad bbbyase sreyase yab |
deva-stbanesbu tirtbesbv api kanaka-tula-purasbadini nana-
. danany evopadanair api samam akbilair agamoktani tani \\
Sesba-bbuja-ksbiti-raksbaiia-saundah J
Shim oga T aluq. 23^

l)hasliege tappuva rayara gandah

toshakrid artkishu yo ra^ia-ckandah 1|
rajadkiraja ity ukto y6 raja-pararoesvarak |
muru-rayara gandas cka para-rd.ya-kkayankarak ||
Indu-raya-suratrano duskta-sardkla-mardanak |
vira-pratapa ity adi-kirljdair uckitair yutak ||
alokaya makaraya jaya jiveti vMibkik |
Anga-Vanga-K^ingadyair rajabkis sevyate cka yah 1|
stuty-audaryas sudkibkis sa Vijaya {I I I a) nagare ratna-simkasanasthah
kskmapalM Kriskna-E%a-kskitipatir adkarikritya nitya Hrigadin |
a piirvadrer atkasta-kskitidkara-katakad a cka Hemackal^ntad
a Setor artki-sartka-sriyam ika baku^^kritya kirty& samindke ]|
Salivakana-nirnite sak&.bde dasabkis sataik [
ckatuS-satais ckataS-ckatYarim^ata ganit^ kramat j|
Svabkana-vatsare Puskya-mase Makara-sankrame ]
Hastarkske Bkaumavar§ cka Kriskna-tire'ti-payaiie 1|
Asvalayana-sutraya Yasisktkanraya-bkuskine j
Rik-sakkadkyayine veda-vedant&gama-vedind ||
vi^vamodana-silaya visvasaya vapuskmat^ [
aSy arpita-juskam pumsam ^svasaika-vidkayine I]
Hanne-Tipparasambodki-purna-ckandraya bkushkaye [
bkusuraya kridi dkyata-VisknaVe ripa-jisknaye 1|
saryatisayine sarva-makgalaSleska-^obkine |
vibkaye Tryambakakkyaya yirodki-pura-bkedine 1|
prajyasyAraga-raiyasya Gajanuru-stkajasya cka |
Ganga-mandali-nados cka bkuskapam bkuyx yisrutam H
prackyam sri-Tungabkadrayah Sulebailos cka dakskinaBi j
Sogane-natnakad gramM EamaDatkalay§,d api ||
pasckimasa-stkitam gramat Kusuguros cka yisrutat ]
gramack cka Honnakally-akkyad uttaraayam diSi stkitam 1|
kkyatam gramatikam Urukadayuram sya^simaya |
sakitam cka Danayaka-Hosakallim upalritam |1
(IIIV ) Krisknarayapurain cketi prati-nama-sama^ritam |
saryada sarya-sasyadkyam Matthra-gramam uttamam ||
(5 stansas following beginning “ sarvamdnycm chaftts-simd'^ are the Same as No. 1 of this Taltigy
yasasyi yajamano'sau Tryambakah prabku-sekkarah [
tatraiya yatsare masi tatraiya samaye subke ||
Kotisanyaya-inurdhanyo dkanyo manyo m aniskin^ [
skad-darsanambudkek para-drisya yisvadkiko gu^aik ||
makatma Madkayaradkya-maka3pbk6Didki-ckandramah |
varApastapiba-sutro yo Yajaskd Haritanyayak ||
tasmai Hari karara {11 ct) dkya iti kkyat&ya dkimate |
pradad gramatikam Urukadayurv iti yisrutam ||
A^yalayana-sutraya slagkya-KMyapa-gotriue |
Rik-sakkadkyayine yeda-y^dine gunaSaline [|
Hosakalii-Marekatte-Sankalapura-namakain ]
M Shiinoga T alu q.
Tryambako vyatarad Dandaubbajayaubliajayaya cba ||
yimSaty-abbyadbikam vritti-^atam atra samasrit^ |
trimsad-vrittir vibaya sva viprebhy6 vyatarat parah |I
Matturu-namadbeye'smiE grame te te mabisurfih j
vrittimanto vilikbyante veda-vedaiiga-pai’agah ||
(139 lines foUowing contain names of vrittidars and details of boundaries; the fdttowing verses
beginning “ tad, idam avant ” are the same as No. 1 of this Talng)
^ri-Yiriipaksba. (in Kannada characters).

At Taraganahdlu-agrahdra (same hoUi), on copjyer opiates in possession of NdrdyandvaMni.
• (NS.gari characters.)
(Ih) S’ubhatn astn
namas tunga-&as-obuinbi-cbandra-cbamara-cb&rave |
trailokya-nagararambba-mula-stambbaya S’aipbbave ||
raksbayai jagat&n bbuyM dayajur Dyiradananah I
Indradi-dSva-nikarais stfiyamaaas sada vibhnb )|
ratna-simbasanasind dbiras cbanda-parakramab j
TajMbii’ajas tejasyi yo raja-parapi^yarali i|
vairi-mandala-dor-dandarsbanda-kbandana-kesari |
Eama-Dey6 mabarayah sarya-sastra-yilaradah [|
tasmin ^sati bbupale dbaranim sakalam imam ||
tasytbsaim anujiyino jitatama manyah praja-palakas
tan-lnadbye jita-Satru-bbiipa-iiikarah Kengabbidbo'bbdn arlpab |
satyain tena mabdtalam ripu-yadbu-netrambubbih plavitam
tat-sfimis cba parakrami yara-guiio namna Hanuman abbut U
vad^ny^'smin bbdpe krita-sakala-dane subba-dine
kad§.cMt tasyasin matir ayani-dane sruta-pbale |
yiyabe^sau suaor bhuvana-tilakam gramam amalam
dadau dbara-purvam Vijayi-Bilige-Puttarvidusbe jj
s6‘yam bbumisuras sada S'iya-pada-dvandvarcbane tatparo
yedantartba-yicbara-suddba-bridayas sat-tirtba-gami sada J
ty§,ge ySna mabi-taj^ yitarani Karn6‘pi yismarito
g§,mbbirye cba payonidbir bi nitaram bbeje‘sya samyam na ya ||
Vi§yamitrasa-g6tr6‘yam B6dbayana-su-sutravan |
Yajur-yedi maba-prajno dbiman Gaiigadbaratmajab |)
vedaipbudbi-sara-ksboui-ganite S aka-vatsare |
Durrttaty-akbye yatsare cba mase Madbaya-namake |j
Sukla-paksbe tritiyayam subbe cba Stbirav^sare [
Puttapakbyo mabi-deyo yidyaj-jana-siromanih !|
Aragakbyasya yeptbye cba Gajanuros cba simani |
Gafige-maridala-n&dau cba Tmigabbbadra-nadi-tate ||
vidyamanam maba-gramaip syikritam bhumipalakat ]
Yaraggabaly iti kbyatam seyyan cba yibudbottamaih ||
Mallesa-d^yatatn cbaiva pra {Ila) ti-namna tu S ankaram [
Shim oga Taluq,. • 25
■apa-grameiia saMtajn K^ikoppabtidliSna cha j|
sarvamanyam chatus-simam grili&ramadi-sainyutam f
nidlii-niksliepa''p^sL§,^ia-siddlia-s§,dliya-]a]anvitam ||
aksMuy-Hgami-Sainyuktam subka-vriksliadi-saiiiyutaip ]
vapi-kupa-tatakais oka kacbcbbar4mai§ cba sarnyutaip !l
patra-pautradibbir bbdgyam kramad a-cbandra-tarakam [
danadhi-kraya-yogyam cba yogyaip cba parivartanS 1|
Puttapakbyo mabi-deYO mananiyo manasvibbi|i J
sa-birauya-payo-dbar^-purvakam brabmavittawiah [|
svayam dadau cba viprebbyo da^abbyo brabmandttamah j
kritva cba tasya gbosbasya sambbagam vritfci-namakam i|
(2 9 lims following contain names ofvrittidars and details ofboundaries)
saksbiiio'tra vilikbyante sbrya-cbandra-mukbas sura^ j]
(wsml final verses) H sri-G6pala-Krisbija

At SaJcrebail (same TiobU), on a co^er plate in possession of the Patel,

Namas tunga-siras-cbumbi-cbandra'cbamara-cbarave |
trailokya-nagararambba-mula-stambb^ya Sambbave ||
svasti Sri jayabhyudaya-Salivabana-Saka-varusba 1593 neya SadbaraiTia-samvatsarada J^sbtba-
Su 1 lu Srimat-sajjana-suddba-SWacbara-sainpaiina dyS.va-pritbvi-inab&-niabattiija volagM a Kup-
pastakantbe-Manobara-Devara sisyaru Kempunaxiie-Devarige Srimad-Edava-Murari kotS-koia-
ba}a viSuddba-vaidikadvaita-siddbantarpratisbtbapaka Siya-gimi-bbakti-parayanar M a Kejadi
Sadasiva-Eaya-Nayakara vamsodbbavar ada Sankanna-Nayakara prapautraru Siddappa-
Nayakara pautraru Sivappa-NS-yakaraputrai’ ada SomaSekbara-Nayakam kotta dbaxiOa-S^sanada
kramav entendare Bidirura Balekoppadallu Damma besarallu matbava kattisi nimage sapanu-
madida Vasikrita-matbada dbarmmake beruva many ada ettu Hade 60 ayivattu yettina manyavanu
S'ivarppitav agi bitt idbeve yi-yettinalu tavu jinisu adake menasu jballi-patte kbobari kavada
akki bbatta ragi uppu bnli bella yeijiHe tuppa vidala bbsakayi katta bogesoppa javaji muHtagi
Yikkeri-durgga Vasudare Sakkarepattaiia Kamanadurggada bobaji gbatlada kelagaua bobaji
Cbandavarada sunka saba yi-tbanegalalli yettngaja varna vayasa barasi berikondu sbad-darHsana
................................................. dbarmavanu nadasikondu | (Jm<fk) nimma Sisya-paramparey S.gi a-
cbandrarkka-sthayigal agi sukbadim anubbavisikondu babudu endu kotta yettina-maHyada dbar-
ma-^asana [ deya-saksbi (final verses) 1|

On copper plates in possession of the ?a)ne Patel.
(lA ) N am as tuuga-Siras-cbnm bi-cbandra-cbam ara-obaravS |
trai]6kya-nagararainbba-inbla-stam bbS.ya SambbavS ||
Bvasti Sri jayabbyudaya-Salirahana^Saka-varusba 1634 n eya Khara-saipivatsarada PbS.Iguna-
ba 10 lu Srimat-sajiana-Suddba-Sivacbara-sampanna dyavS,-pritbyi-mab§,-mabattina vojagada
*In B^annada characters.
26 Shimoga Taluq.

Charam&rti-MaliSIvararu Melai^a-gavi-Basavalinga-Devara Sisyaru Basavalinga-Devarige Yedava-

Marari-k6te-k6}illjala visuddha-vaidikadvaita-siddhaiita-pratislitliapaka S'iva-guru-bhakti-pa-
rlLya^iar ada KeJadi-SadMiva-Baya'-NS.yakara vamsodbhavar ada Siddappa-Nayakara prapautrara
SWappa-Nayakara pautraru SdmaSekbara-Nayakara dbarma-patniyar ada Ohennammajiyavara
putraru Basavappa-Nayakaru barasi kot^a bbu,-dSna-dharma-sasanada kramav entendare
yiyarige uttara kotta sv^stbige Msanava barasi-ko(Jabek endu Mariyappanavara beliddarinda
barasi-kot^adu G-^janura-sime Triyanibakaparada agrabaradinda Lokayanu tanna yajamanike-
vrittibagye uttarav ada svasteya vojage uttara kottadu Sakbarebayala-gramadinda vingadisi-
kottaddu (iQ lilies fdUmving contain details of the grant) muvattu-vare yarahana svastbeyanu Sivarppi-
tav agi kottev ftgi yi-bbumige netta Imga-mudre-kallin-ojag ulla nidbi-niksbepa-jala-pasb^
na-aksbipi-agami-siddba-saddbyangaj emba asbt a-bboga-tejas-svamyangaju yi-bbumiyab sasya-
rama-muntagi y6nu adbika-pbalav abante saba agum^ikoudu nimma Sisya-parajuparyav agi a-
cbandrarkarstayigal agi sukbadim auubbavisikondu yibari eudu barasi-kotta bbu-dana-dbarma-
sasana (usual final verses)
yatra yogiSvarab kuryat Siva-lingarcbanam sakrit |
vasanti tatra tirtbani saryaiii satatam Guba |)
Harasya priuanartbam tu S'iya-bbaktaya diyate |
daaam tad yimalaip proktam keyalam moksba-sadbanam ||



At BenUpura, on a stone to the south in the~enclosure of the Lakshninarasimha temple.

rasimbl,ya namah j
namas s t u b ............. ............................................. ye j
irailokya-nagararambba-mbla............................ ||
................ btyudaya>Yudbisbtbira-Vikraina............................... sanda Kali-yarusba
45J5 saudb ................................................ rgasira-suddba 5 Gu bbaadari SaiigamMa para . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . ja raja-parame§yara m-i-yira-pratapa H aribara................................... ...
mabarayaru Sri-Virupaksba-simeya . . . ._.................................. ya-nagarada uelayldinalu yarna<-
^rama-dbarinanga............ .................. -....................iba kaladalu a-mabarayara u i r u ..................... ...
..........................n a|utt iba brabjuaHya-kula-sambbayita..................................... ... maba-man-
tri-manobarar apa S i r u ...................... ... . . ya Daksbipa-Baranasi mabarVaraba-sambbuti . .
................ ... kba-cbakrankite maba-tira-samuiandbiy a p a ................................Laksbmi-ma-
nobara srimad-bbakta-jana-priya srim ad-yM a..........................................................namad-Bhava-
Brabmendradi-samasta-risbi-jaua-pratipala...................... .................. mba-deyara diyya-sri-p§,da-
padmangajige dattay ada deya ................................... t endare ||
sri-Narasimbadg Maya- j yan a-babu-ratna-suyama....................j
............ rcbaue maba- | yiniyogaya nontu bbaktiyiud a -n a ................||
......................................... kalay a t i t a ................ -mauaya-dauartat-prabbeyanu . . . . . .
...................... num ll

Yere-Bamma-nripana suta jagav ( arivam . ........................ I

......................la-dipa-s^yeya ^ nere madida Lakba-Eajanu
SW m oga T aluq. 27

K am al^ bakan olid iye 4at-parampareyam

................................... Lakshumiya sam- |
bkramad Ere-Lakba-nripa-kuma................

................Sangame^a-vamsadi-mabaTayara yajna-pratapa..................... ■....................... nisbtaruni

dusbta-nigraba-sisbta-pratipalakarum B^sa . , . , ................ balarum Visbau-bbakti-viracbita-
lankritarum je s b t b a ........................................................ ba-r^jeiia krita-prati................ ...
pem m a di..................................... Harasimbaai II mjnan-maba-Nayakacbaryyarum appa . . . . ,
................................... Yera-Lakhe-Nayakaru Dutnmiya-nadu Banura . . . . .. ................... ...
nadanu ajuva kaladalu Bankiyapurada k&luva}i ............................ ya prantadalu maba-ara^yav
agi yidda bajuvanu............... ... . yanu stbala-nirdSsava madi tataka-pratisbtbeya madi 4 , . .
................ nadiyalu kattirda Narasiipbapiirada grama 1 a-tatakada m u ..................... Laksb-
mipurada grama 1 ubbayara grama yeradaSa asbta-bboga-teja...............................ya sakala-
svamyavanu firi-Laksbumi-Narasitnba-dSvarige samarpisi . . •.................. nyav §.gi na<J.adu . .
. . yeradu pura-varga . . prajegalu maduva maduveya su n ...................... yere bindi basu yemme
kona kudure naderu bandi yettina sunka a-purada 1 ...................simeyalu belada tota tudike
kabbin.-ale . . . sunka Bankiyapuradalu dSvarig© nadeva manyada totada adakeya sunka prativa*
. . . . banda yeieya-berina suiika antu yisbtara sunka Barandu . . lu devarige nadava m&nyada
totada adakeya sunka a-puradalu yippattu . . . ggade sunka yisbtaralu yenu buttuva dhar.-
mavanu a-mabarayara nirupadim a-.Sidapanijiaga . . . saba Bankiyapurada-tbaneyada sunka
guttigeya maduva boleya bora-sunka Agastya-gotra-Rik-Sakbeya Dannapana maga KAgapua-
gala . . . . yarige Yajus-sakbeya Bbaradv&ja-gotrada Markandeya . . . . damiagalu Laksbuml*
Narasimba-devara Sri-pada-sama.............db&ra-pbrvakadinda kotta stbirardbarma4S,sanakkA
Aubbam astu ||

dana-palanayor madbyfi danat sreyonupklanam j

danat svargam av&pn6ti p&lanad acbyutani padam )|
yacba-datbam mano-dattajp dbar§.-dattam na diyatS j
sbasbti-varsba-sabasrapii visbt4yS,m j4yate krimik ||
nastam kulam bbinna-tat^ka-kbpajn
prabbrasbta-rajyam ^ai’aU%ata . . 1
.............nam deva-gribaiu cba jirnnam
ya nddbare . purva-cbatur-gunam . . . ||
ekaiva bbagini loke sai'vesbaua eva bbbbbujam !
na bbo . , na kara-grabya d^va-datta vasundbara ]|
samanyoyam dbarma-setur nripanam kale kale palaniyo bbavadbbih |
sarvan etan bbavinab p4rtbivendran bbuyo bbbyd yacbate Eamacbandrak II
sri-Vaikbanasar uttaml-samayajar ved4nta-sampanna-sad- [
bb4v4cb4ra.rsu-g6tra-K4syaparu . . santana^VankipuriT j
devastbana-su-sampad‘adbipati-tat-parampara- j
sambbavar . . . . ttamarya-sutan end a-Cbennapacbarya[nu]m ||
. t-pitambara-Visbpiu-V&mana-Muradbvamsi Nrikantbiravab 1,
[ta]t-padambuja-sSva-sannabitan a-Obennappa-viprottama |
• tat-putrah . ..............................tat-stbana-samraksbakar [
tat-kalasa .......................................................... ... . . . |1
2& Shimoga

na visliaiii visham ity ahur bralmiasvam visham ucbyate [

Vieliam ekakinam hanti bralimasvam putra-paatrakam |i
.............................. kskumikanta kfipa-jaladM sarvare . . . . . enn-antarangadalli nilisid int.
i-5ttblia4S.saiia-kraHiava nirmisidaip ||
dbarma-gaiitakaiia knlav adu | nirmftlavait eyidi naraka-v§;rdhiyoJ |
dJiarma-Sakayi . . . mala- J nirmala-saubhagyav ayuv akke . . vakkum ||
yiatu saksia-lokaika-natha............................gri-Lakgbumig amala-nirmita-^asanakke ^ubbam astu
mangalam aba Sri Sri Sri.

Ai the same village, on a stone in the field of the Patel Usman Sahib.

Svasti Sri jayabbyudaya-S'S-livabai;a-Saka-varsba savirada-ijiuiiuru-ippattelu sanda vartamana--

Partbiva-sajnvatsarada SVS.vana-suddba 10 lu Sriinan-mabarajadbiraja raja-paramSSvara Sri-
vita-Haribara-Eaya-mabarlyaru VidyS.nagaTadalli sukba-sankatba-vinodadijn rajyam geyyuttav
i b a lu .................................... ........................dh&ra-purvakav a g i ......................................................... ...
. . . , ..................... . . . . » Bidareya Singaya-Naykanu L ak sbm i-............ .. (usml fined'
verses and im^ecatory phrases)

At Hutta {same hdbli), on a vtrahal in the field of the ShanVhog Edmappa.

Svasti Sri pritbvi-vallabba mabarajadbiraja parameSvara parama-bbattaraka SatyaSraya-kula-

iijaka Ch&lukya-varisbada 51 neya Ananda-samvatsarada VaiSakba-babuJa-padiva-Badbavarad
andu. . . . . . Devarigam............... puttida su -p u tra......................... dS.na snana-purwakam madi
suryya-loka-praptan &dam 1|atana sati Deviyakkam purusba-bratamam kaikondu Mandali-sasirada
Edatore-nada Uttavada-gramadalu sara-l6ka-praptaj S.dal | a ........................ .. . kalln Nilu-gud-
d a d a ............................................

At Anfaragange (same JioUi), on a stem at the village entrance.
Kamas tnaga-Siras-cbumbi-obandra-cbamara-cbarave |
trailOkya-nagararambba-rnbla-stambbaya S'ambbave ||
Sadbarai;ia-sairivatsarada Cbaitra-ba 5 lu Honnabaliya Eami-Nayakana maga KSfci-Nayakana
maga Antaragaiige-Saiineyaru grama-gaudike /

At Timmeddpura (same hdbli), on a stone in the tanh.
Yi-kere*rdru purusba-pramana nintu Timmalapurakke sallabeku ]|
Sbim oga T alu q. 29

At Hiriyiir {smne Jidbli)^ on a vtraMl to flie south, of fh^ S'iMMsvara temple.

Svasti sriman-malia-mandalelvara *Hoysala-Vlra-BallaJvi-Devarti Dorasatnudrada nelavujinala

sukha-sankatta-vinodadiin rajyai|i geyuttam ire !l tat-pada-padmopajivi H sVasti irimat-Hijiyap-
panu Mandali-sayarada nal-prabhu vadda-vyavahariy a^avig-odeya Hoysala-G6yi*Settiyara su-
putra Kalli-Set^iya kuva[ra] Balla-Gavuiidan a-vura fcurava haljiya gand uyyal S4rvvari-samyatsa-
rada Sravana-sudda 15 Budhavarad andu Sibayya barida balaram kondu turuv ellain magalcbi
sura-loka-praptan adam l| m a t t a ................................... odedu mudalsi balaram kopdu svami-
karyya . . . . sura-ldka*praptan adam || — ^

A t the samex)lace, on a second vtraJcal.
Svasti Srimacb-Cbalukya-Virkama-varsada 65 neya Raudri-samvatsarada Asvayuja-sudda-
padiva-Adivarad andu sriman-maba-mandalesvaram Nanliiya-Ganga-Permma^i-Devara nadojage
maba-prabbu Adavigaveya Sinda-Gamundana . . . okkalu telliga Bittimayyana magam gotra-
pavitram Lokigundige beram . . . kam bog irdalli a-gramada turuvam Torabara-Kalaya a-puyya-
ling eragi mel-alann iridu kudureyarn pididu tamma Kusana kayya markolu magule ajevaridu
marbbalaman kadisi turuvam magurcbcbi telliga Barmmanna gura-loka praptan da ||sri ^ri.

At the same_place, on a third viraltal,

Vibbava-samvatsarada Jesbtba-su 10 So Adavi . . ya sri-Siddbe^vara-devara padaradbakarum

appa nadiga-Daseyana magam Barike-Beddammanu tanagaip mukti-padarttbaV % ’i . . . . . . . .
manadim sura-loka-praptan adam sri ||

Oii_a Slone to the south of the same temple.
Namas tunga-siras-cbutnbi-obandra-cb4mara-cbarav6 |
trailokya-nagararambba-mbla-stambbaya Sambbave ||

. . . . gati i|. . . . . . . . ......................................... svasti samasta-bbuvanMrayam M-prltbvi-

vallabbam mabarajadbiraja parame^varaip parama-bbattaraka SatyMyaya-kula-tilakam Cbalu-
kyabbarapaiu srimat-Tribbuvanamalla-Devara vija . ......................rabbivyiddbi-pravarddbama*
nam a-cbandrarkka-taratn-baram saluttam ire i|............tat-pada-padmopajivi |1
■ nttamam appa Naudagiri kotp polal Kuvalala . . . tom- |
bbattaru-sasiram visayam aptau anindya^Jineudran aji-rau- [
gatta-jayam Jayam Jina-matam matam ag ire sautatam nijo- j
dattateyiudam a-Dadiga,-Madbava-bbubbujar ajdar nrvviyam ||
30 Shimoga Taluq.

uttara-dik-tatavadliige tage Madarkkale muda Toiade-na- |

d att aparaseg aipbunidhi............................. .. • • • Kongum at- |
t itt ojag ujla vairigalan ikki valarrita-Gaugavadirtom- (
bhattafu-sasiram . . . madidan intatu Gangan ujjagam [J
. . , . . Gaugaaim . j^a I . . . Hai-iTarmaia-Visbaa-aripaaim nijadiip |
.................. ... I . . . . . . . . . . . Ganga-nripaiam jj
SriparUsam Sivaaiaraia | ........................................................ j
. . . dYipado} ari-aripa- j kopaaaja-sikbey enippa Vijeyadityaia ||
............... yereda Marasiaga- | . ■ . karular-ojigam pesarvett a- 1
Maraiaia taa-aripa-tilakaaa [ piriya-aiagaia S atyavakyap acbalita-dbairyyain ||
Garvvada-Gaagam vasudbeyol |orvvaae kali cbagi saucbi Guttiya-Gangaia (
d6r-vikraaiabbiraaiaa a* | gurvviaa kali Eacbamalla-bbabhj’it-tilakam ||
................................................ j ......................kilva namada kariyam j
pingade nilisuva s^basa- | tupgam keyajame negalda Eakkasa-GaPgam il
. . . . enisi negardda Gapga-vam^odbhavaro] a-Dadigana piagaip Cbptclichuvayda-GaPgan &tana
sutani Pritbyi-Gaiigan atana taneyam Sriyikraman 4tana putram Bkuyikramam..................... |1
S'ripurusbam . . . . . ant 4-rajapa taneya iSiyaiPara-Deyain tat-taniibbaya Ketaya-Permmadi tat-
putram . . ruga-Pemmadi . tad-atmajam Marula-Pevana tad-anujam Guttiya-Gangan atana
magam Marasingan atana magain YajfeyaPga-Dlyan atana magam Bamma-Deva yint i-Gaiiga-
vamsojjataru rajyam geyye ^rfmat-Prabliacliandra-siddlianti-dSyara gudda bbnja-bala-Ganga
Hemmadi-Barpama-Deva, . . ..................... laraparu S rip a ................ giri-vaji’a . . . . ; ..............
. . . atana patta-mabadeyiy ent endade . . . . . . bita . . . yenisida . . nmbadeviya putra
. . . t oda-vuttida Marasingani . . . Ganga-Bbujabala-Ganga-bbubbujar arjjisida . . perme
nirantaraip l|
stbiranS Merp-girindradol sepasuvajp gambbirane yarddbiyol j
purud irppaip kaliye Sarendra-sntanam mecbobam maba-d^niye (
sura-bbbjakk oreg attuvain cbadurape Pancbalanam geldan and (
irad i-dbarani bannikmn rana-jaya-pl’ottunganam Gabganaip ||
nudidude nanpi madidude sasana..................................mar- (
ppididude yajra-lepa . . . rdude mrityu paropakaradol 1
na^edude batte . . . . . . . meyyane . . . yol i d u ................. j
na4eya-nripendran ayan akbilayaniyol Kali-Ganga-bbupati ||
•.. . atana patta-mabadeyi Paddiga-bbupana magal Ganga-mabadeyigam agra-tanuja................ ...
©ntendadell syaSti Satyayakya-Kongoiiiyarmma dbarmma-mabarajadbiraja parame^yara Kuyajala-
pura-yaresyara ISTandagiri-natba dalita-ripu-yutba mada-gajendra-laficbcbbana cbatura-Virin-
cbana Padroayati-deyi-labdba-yara-prasada viobakilamodaNanniya-Ganga jayad-uttarangaGanga-
kuja-kuyalaya-saracb-cbandra mandalika-Deyendra darppoddhatara.............., . . gandai’a gapda
duttara gapda namadi-prasasti-sabitam sriman-Nanniya-Gauga-Permniadi-Devar Edeballijra vidi-
nalu sukba-sankatba-yinOdadiiu rajyam geyyutt ire tat-pada-padmopajiyi ||svasti-srimat-Ededore-
yeppattara nal-prabbu Jinendra-padaravindamrita-bbringan ensida Sinda-Gavundan atana maba-
sati mabesyara-gapagragapyey ensida Naga-Gavundiyum | Viragrameyali sukbadim jiyisutt ire |
Cbalukya-Vikrama-saniyatsarada 9 . neya S'ubbakrit-sainyatsarad uttarayapa-sankramapa-
suryya-grabapa-byatipata-pupya-kMadalu srimat-SiddhSsyara-Deyar-aobaryya Brabmesyara-
Deyara kalam karcbcbi dbara-purwakatn madiy a ...................... bbogakkam abara-danakkain
jirppo (7 lines following contain details of grant and usual final phrase and verse)
Shiraoga Taluqi. 31

Svasti saTnadhigata-paficlia-malia-sabdam [ma]lia-mandalesTaram l)varavati-pura-varadliiS(^aram
’ YMava-kuJambara-dyumani satpyaktva-cliudamani majaparolu ganda ga^iija-praclianda . . . . . .
. . . ksiiatriya‘ dharmma'nirmniala-paripurnnarp.navam kadanaika-Bliairavaip Basanti-d^vi"
labdIia-vara-prasMainiita. appa HoysaJa-DeYana permme entfendade tl
Nilagiri Hadiyaghattaiji | Y^luipmale ICanclii Tujuva Eajepdrapuraifi ]
Kolala-Bayalu-naduma- | n al. apade konda Visbn,uvarddhaiia-I)eYam
va !|mattam entendade ||Talakadu Gaiigavatii Kolainbava(Ji Kongu NaiigaU Banarase Hannngalu
Halasige Ve . grame TJchckangi Balliri Eodda Valluru yin.t i-sarnasta-durgganga)ain tad’-desa-
mumani tanna parakrama . koiidu vira-lakskmiyuraaip jaya-lakshmiyuinalpL lakskmiyumaip arjisi
ika-loka-kbyatiyumam para-loka-suklaamumain paded i-niaba-mandalesvarani Viskpiivarddbana-
Hoysala-Devam pritkyi-raiyam geyye H yatana putram .Vira-Narasiinba-B&Van ^fcan.-agra-'
tanujam Vira-Ballalu-Devaru Dorasamudrada neTtavidinolu sukba-saiikatlia-YirLOdadiiii rajyapi
geyyutt ire ]|tat-pada-padmopajivi |[ svasti stimat-Ededorel oppava Map.daIi-sS,yirada na|-prabL.u
vadda-vyavahari Jiaendra-padaradhakarum appa Hoysala-Goydi-Settiya'rayan-agra-tanujaip
BaUa-Gavundan atana tamma Boppa-Gavundan int i-suputrar werasu dirggbaynr-arogyaisvaryya-
diyan talarddu paropakarartthadiip sukkadiip jivisutfc itdd ondu-devasam Siva-*dliarinma-katbaria-
vam keldu Ckalukya-Vikrama-varsbada 149 neya Sarwari-saniYatsarad nttarayana-sankranti-
suryya-grabana-vitipatam int i-sudinam kudalu sri-Siddhesvara-deVar-anga-bliogakkain nivedya-
kkam abara-danakkam jirnnoddharakam . . . da devasvada gaddeya biriya-lialja............ hali-
yala gadde kamba ippattu H{usual final verse)

Dundubi-samvatsarada Plialguiia-suddba-padiva-Somavarad andu Boppa-Gauda Govinda-Gauda
H adavala................Siddheivara-devara devalyada bkanda-spbutita-jirnnoddharakkam akarada
............ kamba hattu 10 beddale kamba ippattu 20 . . . . toj-a kamba 8 {rest illegible)

At the same village, on a stone lying in Sdlh^a FuttaSasa^ia's laclt^yatd.

Namas tuuga-siras'okumbi-ckandra-ckamara^'ckdrave |
trailokya-nagararambka-miila-stambkaya S'ambkave ||
Bvasti samasta-bkuvanasrayam sri-pritkvi-vaUabkairi makarajadhirajam paramesvaram parama-
............ Satyasraya-kula-tilakam ......................srimat-Tribkuvanamalla . . . . . vijaya-rajyam
uttarottarabkivriddki-pravarddkamanam d-chandrarkka-taram-barain salvuttam ire . . tat-pada-
padmopajivi !1 svasti Satyavakya-Koiigulivarmma dkarmma-makarajadkiraja...........K6].ala-pura-
varesvara N andagiri-natka................ckatura-Viranokana Padmavati-devi-labdka-vara..................
................ya-Gaiiga jayad-uttaraiiga . . . Gaiiga-kuja-kuvajaya . . . . . . mandalika-Devendram
. . . . arati-vanaja-vana-vedanda..........................•.............. ... prasasti-sakitam sriman-Nanniya-
Gaiiga-Permmadi-Devar Edehalliya vidinalu sukka-sankatka-Vinodadim rajyaip geyyuttam ire j|
tat-pada-padm opajivi......................... Gangayan atan-agra-tanujain Hadavala Hemmadi-Der-
arasaru sukkadiip. jivisutt irdd ondu-devasam Siva-dkarmma-katkanavalp . . ’ ................... ..............
.................................................. H a d a v a la ........................Ckakabbekereya b a d a g a n a .............. gadde
32 Shim oga T aluq.
kamba . . . . kereja badagana kodiyim b e d d a le ................yint i-bhumiya Nanniya-GaAga-
Devam kude p a d e d u .................. bbagi Smga-Gayu,dana san-matadim yiba-lokakke kbyatiyam
para-lokakke sakbaman arjjisidain mangalam aha sri f| (usual final verse)

Syasti samadhigata-paacha-maha-^abda maha-mandalesvaram Draravati-pura-varadhisyaram
Yadaya-kujambara-dyumapi samyaktya-chudamani iPalaparo|u ganda kadana-praoha^da saucha-
Gangeya kshatriya-dharmma-nirmmala-parip'Clrunarfiayam kadanaika-Bhairayam Visantik^d^yi-
labdba-yara-prasadanum appa Hoysala-Deyana perQim'ey entendade (|
Nilagiri Hadiyaghattain | Yejmnmale Kanchi Tujyu Rajendrapuram j
Kolala Bayalu-nadumau | al Apade kouda VishAuyarddhana-Deyam ||
atana suputram Vira*Narasingha-bhhpalan ataa-agra-tanujaip Vira-Ballala-Deyaru Dorasamudrada
nelavidinalu sukha-saiikatha-yinodadjm rajyaip geyvutt irejj tat-pada-padmopajivi || syasti tidmad-
Ededore-yeppattu Mandali-sAyirada nalu-prabhu Nema-Veggadey atana magam Chipiia-Gaiida-
maba-prabhu Hoysala Goydi-Settiya-rayan-agra-tandjam Balla-Gaundan atana tammaip Prabhu-
sena-Setti Boppayan iut iyaya yerasi sukhadim jivisnttam irddu Nandana-sapiyatsarad Asada-
suda 11 Gn Karkkataka-saukramanadal a-deyarige gadde kamma hanneradu 12 Tayareyakereya
kelagey a-kereya yo}age beddaJe kamba muyattu $0 mam Bagayadiya Somdsvara-panditara
kalam karohcbi dhara-pui*yyakam mAdal ataijl . . . . l a asthAnamaip Gdbbidina Dasaya-Jiyara
maga Nagarasige kottan a-Goydi-Set'tiya besayagam akkasale Chattojana tammarp. Mallojam
iii’inda badagalu kerpyam katpsidam deyalayayam ettisldam a-dharmtnayam pratipalisatt irdanp
maugalm aba sri sri (usual final versqs)

At the same village, on a stone lying in Patel’s tvet land, to the west.
Namas tubga-tiras-cbumbi-cbandra^cbamara-obaraye j
trailokya-nagararaipbba-mbla-stambbaya S'ambbaye ||
.............................................. gati II syasti samasta-bhuyanasrayam sri-pritbyi-yallabbam maba-
Tajadbirajam paramSsyarain parama-bbattarakam Satyasraya-kula-tilakam Cbalukyabbaranam
Arimat-Tribbuyanamalla-Deyara yijaya-rajyam uttarottarabbiyyiddbi-prayarddbamanam a-chan-
drarkka-taram-barani salluttara ire tat-pada-padm6pajivi Ij svasti Satyayakya^Koiiguli-
varmnia dbarmnia-mabarajadbirajam paramesyara Kolala-pura-varadbtsyaram bTandagiri-natba
dajita-ripu-yutba mada-gajendra-lanobbana cbatnra-Virindbana Padmayati-deyi-labdba-yara-
prasada yicbakiiamoda Nanniya-Ganga jayad-uttarauga Ganga-kula-kuyalaya-saracb-cbandra
mandaiika-Devendra - darppoddbatarati-yanaja-yana-vedanda Kusmakodanda gandara-ganda
duttai’a-ganda namadi-samasta-prasasti-sabita sriman-Nanniya-Gaiiga-Permmadi-DeyarEd,ehalliya
bidinalu snkba-sankatba-yinodadim rajyam geyuttam ire |1 tat-pada-padmopajiyi. H Hadayala
Gafigayyan atan-agra-tanujam Hadayala Permmadi-Dey-arasu sukbadim jiyisutt irdd ondu-deya-
sam Siya-dbarm m a............ podayig ascbaryya. sri-Kamatbesyara-deyara degulamain garbbba-
g r i b a ............. kalu'gelasayam madisi a-deyara niyedyakke Cbakiyakereya kelage Gangana . .
. . . gadde bedaley agi kamba 70 Ayyeyakereya kelage gadde bedale kamba 80 yint i-bbbmiyain
Nanniya-Ganga-Deyam koie padedu Tangobbagi Siuga-Gauvundana san-matadim bitt iba-Iokake
kbyatiyam para-lokake sukbamam yarjjisi konda mangalam aba sri sri || (usual final verse)
Shim oga Taluq. 33

Sva^ti samadMgata-paSclia-malia-sabda malia-maadalesvaram Dvaravati-pura-varadlii...............
va-kulambara-dyumani satMyaktva-cbudamani meJeparolu g a .............. chanda §aucba-Gang§ya
ksbatriya-dbarnima-nirtamala-paripuninarnava kadanai...............ti-devi-labdba-yara-prasadanilm
apa Hoysana-D^vana permmey enten . . . |
. . . ri Hadiyagbattam ( Yiummale KaQobi Tulvu RajendrapufaiP |
Kolala B a ............... man [ a].-apade koiida Visbunvarddbapa-Devam j|
atana snputraip. Vira-Nara . . . . palan atan-agra*taniijam Vira-Ballala-Devam Dorasamudrada^,
nelavidinalu su . . . . katba-vinodadim rajyam geyuttam ire | tat-pada-padmopajivi [ svasti
Srimatu . . dore-yeppattu Mandali-sayirada nabprabbu Nema-Veggadey atana maga CMnna-
Gaunia maba-prabbu Hosana Goviina-Settiya-rayan-agra-tanujam Balli-Gaundan atana tammaip
Prabbu . . Setti Boayyan int avaru verasi sukbadim jivisuttam irddn Naridana-$amvatsarada
fi.sada-suda 11 Gu Karkataka-saftkramairadal a-devarige Mallikarjiuna-gurugala kalain toladu
dbara-purvvakam madi a-dbarmmavam pratipalisnvarri yiba-lokakke sttkbamarn para-lokakke-
gatiyam padavaru mangalam aba sri sri |i
dayeyind int idan eyde kayda-purusbang ayum maba-sriyuln ak- |
key idam kayade kolra papige Guru-ksbetrabgajol Varana- |
siyoj ej-koti-muniudraram kavileyum Tedadbyaram kond ad ond- [
ayalam sargugum endu saridapud i-sailaksharaip db&triyoj ||
sva-datt&m para-dattam va yo bareta Tasnndbaram [
sbasbti-varsba-sabasrani vistbayam jayate krimih ||
vaka-dattam mano-dattam dbara-dattam tathaira cba i
narakan anuvarttante yavacb cbandra-divakarau ||

A t Do44m {same TioUi), on a stone urAer a tamarind tree in the PateVs inam land.
Sarvadbari-samvacbarada Pusya-ba 1 lu srimatu Eaghava-Timtnars-ayyanavaru Narsipurada
Kallagonda-Gaudage kotta kerre •manyada gadeya kramav entendare ( rdnu namma Bankiya-
purada simeyojagada Dodderiya kerreya kattisi rbpu-madisidake kotta gadde keireya kelag&
manriu kbanduga kerre mele mannu kbanduga antu ma kba 2 aksbaradalu manpn kba^duga
bijavariya gadenu ninu geyisi rupa-madikobdu sarvamanyav &gi ninna putra-pautrabbivriddbiy
agi anubbavisikondu sukbadalli yiral nUavanu j yi-manyakke ar-obbaru alupidftru tama matru-
galige alupidaru | tamma tande-tayanu Varanagili konda papakke bobaru ] endu kota kerre
manya-gadeya ^.asanakke subbam astu mangalam aba Bilike Malli-Gondftna baraba || kammafa
. . . . I badagi , . . ura akkasale Halage 1| sri.

At ChamatiMlu, a hechiralc, village attached to Gang^ru, on a stone lying in the north
' of the Hanumanta temple.
SVimatu Vibbava-samvatsarada Palguna-su va | srimatu Kutinamaduvina ^rimad-asesba-mab^-^
janangaju tamma bali Kempidiyanu devasa boratagi Bidireya-Naykana magaju Kacbama-Naykiti
. tamma barivanakke k otta d u ............. ga 1 2 .....................tettu sukbadim- bajuva,du idake ajubi-
dade kalteya . . . . karadugujl Kutinamadnvina-balliya................ nda . . . lUuntagi . . . manga-
lam aba B ri^ri H . . ^
34 Shim oga T a lu q ,

At Sdhanahalli (same hdbli), on a stone lying on the lank of the Bhadra river.
Om namas S'iv^ya ||
Nainas tuiiga-^iras-cliumbi-cliandra-cliamara-cliarave |
traijokya-nagararambha-mula-stambliaya S'ambhave (|
namas Siddhebbyali guru . . . . svasti samadhigata-panoba-maha-sabda maha-man{Jalesvaram
* 5 r im a ............. Dvaravati-pura-var&dbisvarain Yadava-kulambara-dyumani samyktva-cbuda-
ma.ni malaparolu gan(Ja kadana-praebanda saucba*Gangeya ksbatra-dbarmma-nirmmala-paripur-
Jinarptnavam satya-RMbeya kadbuaika-Bbairavam...................... kara rana-ranga-dbira virodbi-
man^alika-kuranga-kantbiraVa vairi-mandalika..........................samasfca-lbkaika-natba sri-Puru-
sbottamardevara padabja-bbringa sabasottubgan aneka-namadi. ............... sriman-maba-mandaie-
svaraTribbuvana-malla Yira-Ganga Hoysaja . . . Yira-Ballala-Devaru Kongu-Nangali-Talakadu-
Banavase-HS,nungala-Halasige-B6luvala-Nonanibavadi*Ucbchangi-gonda-ganda bhuja-bala Vira-
BallA-flaj-'Devaru Dorasamudrada nelevidinolu dusbta-nigraba-sisbta-pratipalanam geydu sukba-
sankatha-vinodadira rajyam utfcardttarabbivriddbi-praYardbamanam a-cbandrarkka-taram-baram
saluttam ire | tat-pada-padmopajivigaj appa lrimat-$mga--Nayaka Makanaballiya Mulastana-
derarige Madbava-Panditara kalam karcbcbi dbara-purvvakam madi bitta datti matta de 1
kamba 50 ||( u s m I final verse and imprecatory phrase)

At Sidddpura {same hoUi), on a stone to the south of the Siddhesvara temple.
Namas tuiiga-^iraS-cbumbi-cbandra-cbamara-cbarave |
traijokyamagararambba-mula-stambbaya Sambbave ]|
aVasti sri pritbvi-Vallabbain mabarajadbirajara paramesvaram parama-bbattarakanx Satyasraya-
kula*tijakam ^rimatu TribbuTanamalla-Devara vijeya-rajyam uttarottarabbivriddbi-pravarddba-
manam a*cban.dr&rkka-taram-baram salluttam ire srimat-Tribbuvana-malla Kojala-pura-varadbi-
SVarain Padma[v:a]fci-labdba-vara-prasada duttara-ganda Bbujabala-Gabga-Permmadi-DeTaru
Gangavadi-tombattaru-sasiram Megbutti-Mandali-sasiramumam sukba-sankatba-vinodadiin rajyajn
gaiyyuttam ire tat-pada-padmopajivigal appa srimatu Balligaveya Cbatti-Gamundange puttida
ija . . diya Kefca-Gamunda irimatu Obalukya-Vikrama-kalada muvatteneya Sarwajitu-samvatsa-
rftda Pbblgupa-suddba-paurnami-Yaddavarad andu Srikantha-Pap(Jitara kalam karcbcbi kaige
dhareyan eredu beggade-Getannanu Siddbesvara-devargge padi-salike-bb6ga*nivedyake bitta
datti deguladinde Kagaluba|ladim tenkalu Mapdali galeyalu mattale 1 beddale gadde Guiiigana
mattalu 1 intu pramSninalu dbarmmamam pratipajisidam Ganga-Gamanda sakalorbbi-stutam
appa dbarmmaman idam kayda-purusbang ayum ^riyum aisvaryamum akkud idam kayade
kSiVapapigam . . . Yarauasi-Kuruksbetrangalolu e k k o ............ draram vedadbyarum konda-
p&takav a k k u in ............................ stbanamumam || (psual final verse)

At the someplace, on a virakal.

Svasti srim an -m a ba ....................... pa-Y ira-B allaJa-D evara...................sukba-sarikatbarvindda .

. . • iralu Y ilam bi-sajiivatsarada S r a ...................A divara (2 lines gone) Bit^e-Bovain kadi turu*
Shim oga T aluq. 35

^ am maguchi saggastan ada . . . . Bamma-Gauiida Keta-Gauada Madi-Gaunda Eama-Gaunda

nalvar-gaudugaluiil Bitte-Eovana makkajige a-chandra-taram salurant agi bjtta gade bedaJi
kamba 20 i-flharmaman aUdagle naraka ||

On a virahal under a kdncMla free in frant of the same temple,
[The upper part is gone) sriman-maha-maiidalesvarain BallaJa-Der-arasaru D orasa.......... sukba*
saiikatba-vinodadim rajyam g e y u tta ................... ..

At Sogdne agrdhara (same Tidbli), o)i a stotie in the S'aiikara teniplA.*
Nainas tunga-Mras-cbuifibi-cbandra-cb&mara-cliaraye j
traijokya-nagararambba-mula-staijibhaya Saijlbbave H
kskoni-cbakram abiiprasarita-payali-purabbiramain njahat |
sanandam vikasat-saroruba-dhiya gadyas Sarojalayam |
arudbam avalokya jata-basitab potri Harib patu Vah !|
asti saryatra vikbyato bbu-bbujanam ^ikbamanih [
Vira-Pratapa-putraS cba Devi-garbbabdbi-cbandramalj If
Iksbvakunam yatba Eamab Yadunam Kamala-patih |
tatba sri-Vira-Ballakbyo yasasvi bbuvi vi4rutah ||
dbarme cbasya Yudbisbtbiro bbuja-bale Partbo dvisbam nigbnatah
yuddbe Bhargava-Rama eva sa Hariicbandra^ cba saty6'bhav»t |
Saurye S antanujo tbbuvi sritir iva cbayur-guue Dronajd
audarye cbarkasunub pratbita-guna-gano Vlra-Balla-ksbiti^ah ||
S'iva-puja-rata^ ^riman ksb4tra-dbarmma-dburandliarab |
vadanyanam Sibir-iva bbog^ Rati-patir yatba If
viraS sri-Balla-Rayab pratbita-guna-gapah Jausaiakhye parindre
tasmin simbasanastbas sa mudita-bfidayah kirttimS.n raja-varyaji |
nitya rifcya nirasyan Naja-Nabusba-Nrigan apy avanyam atbanyan
a Setor a Sumeror api sakala-mahini prajya-rajyaip sasasa |1
patra-pautraib parivritas s^mantais saobivais tatba |
samamfsasati bbu-cbakram BallMakbyo mabipatih j'
sa kadacbid agad rS-ia Burvasa^rama-maniJalain j
tatraiva Tungabbadrayas tire cbaiVatipS.vane 1| :
danani vividbam datva brabmai.iebhyo babdni cba j .
tatas cba bhumi-danan cba datva tv a-cbandra-tarakaip i|
S'alivabana-iLirnit^ sakabde dasabbil Sataib |
ekaS satas trayah pafLcba iakabdS ganite kram&.t jj
S'rimukbe vatsarS MS.ghe paurnamasyaip subbe dine ]
Bbaga-riksbendavare cba Tunga-tire^fei-S6bban§^ ||
cbandroparaga-samaye §ri-Bbimesvara-sannidbau j

•From the JJ^gari copy B'applied hy the people of the village. tSo in the original-
3S ' S h im oga T aluq.
Erig-Yajus-Sama-sakhebliyo bralimanebhyo mudanvitah ||
r4jyasy Araga-venthasya Syaraa-gratna-stbalasya cba |
Ganga-mandala-nados cba bbusbanam bbuvi vi^ratam ||
ppaohyam Mattnra-gramasya Dnmmalasya cba daksbinam j
pratichiin pascbimam asam Sjriyuro^ cba vi^rutat [|
gramasya Julidbarasya uttarasyam di^i stbitam |
stbapya-grava-yutam simaja upagramais su-^obban^m ||
Josalesapuran cbefci pratinama-samasritam |
sai’vada sarva-sasyadliyam Sog-ane-gramam uttamaip II
sarvamanyam cbatus-Maa-samyatam cba samantatab j
pidbi'jiiksbepa-pasbMia-siddba-sadbya-jalanvitam ||
aksi-ixiy-agami-sarnyuktam pritbag bbogyam sa-bbbruham j
vapi-kbpa:tatakais cba kacbcbbenapi samanvitam ||
putra-pautradibbir bbogyaip kramad a-cbandra-tarakam |
d§-nasyadbamanasyapi vikrayasyapi cbocbitam ||
paritaik prayatais snigdbai|i purobita-piirogamaib (
viyidbair vibudbais srauta-patbikair adbikair gira ||
Vira*^^abala-EajeIldr6 manaaiyo maba-matih j
yata4 chaikada^avidbam kritva tebbyab pritbak pritbak ||
sarbiraoaya-payo-dbara-purvakam dattavan muda |
vibudbair giyamanasya gi’ama-deyasya Obakrinah j
tri*nisbka-sankbyaka bbumir Vittbale^asya kalpita ||
psbibbis stuyamanasya grS-ma-devasya Dburjateh |
tri-pisbka-sarikbyaka bbumi^ S'ankarasya cba kalpita II
S6g&ne-namadbeye‘smin grame'tatra mabisurah |
bbagavanto Tilikbyante vMa-vbdanga-paragah ||
(1 8 lines following contain names of nrittidars, details of lomdaries and usual final verses)
sra-datta putrika dbatri pitri-datta sabodari |
anya-datta cba mata cba tasmad dattam parityajet ||
yas sva-dattam parair dattam bareta sura-viprayoh |
vrittim sa jayate vid-bbug varsbanam ayutayutam ]|
gamanyo^yam dbarma-setur nripanam kale kale palaniyd mabadbhib |
sary^n etan bbavinah partbivendran bbuyo bbuyo y^cbate Eamacbandrab if.
samuddbaranti ye viprani sidantara mat-parayanam |
tan uddbarisbyamy acbirad apadbbyo naur ivarnavat ||
sarvas samuddbared raja piteva vyasanat prajah |
S.tnianam atmana dhiro yatba gaja-patir gajan ||
erajp'vidbo narapatir vimanenarka-varcbasa |
vidbuy^basubbam kritsnam Indrena saba modate ||
ima&galaiu aba sri sri

A t Bidare {Bidare lidbli), on a stone lying on the tanJc hund, behind the Sdlesvara temple,
C50 lines gone) yum d b a t r i............................ deyirkk a..................cbatur-bbbujangaja................
. la-narige pu^ya-saippada...................... riga B u cb a n a ........................................ .... atu}a-§aurya-
Sbimoga Talaq. 87
nidhi guna-mahitam blifi-nuta-Ballala-dharitriDatliaiia...................... Ohaturaaananante . . . .
.............................ante Bliaskara-^sntanante......................... .. ................................................para-hita
, ................... . II kudu . Arkkaja nudidan appade d a .............................n aji-fangadoje todardade
.......................................udgka-MlanoJ paridorepud i ............................ viSruta-visra d t a ..................
kadu-gali Vira*Hoysa . .............................................jana-kajpa-maliiniliaua endu b k u .................
abhivarriniku............. mmanan-agra-sunu.............. ... . . oj asuhrit-kuj.a-nirm'&.lano..................
d h ip a t y a ...................................... ... krama-sar6ja-nata-janat§.-man6bara . . . . dgha-
kirtti-sabita . . . samstuta^sukti-bandhura . . . . jaya . . . . stbiratara-punya-mfirtti sirigaiik
................... karmmuka-nutanarjjunam |
n ittu r a ..................... | ..........................................d^nakk [
attigal adam sirigam j nettane . . . . Heminana putram |1
a-cbandrarkkam sakald- ] rvvi-cbakradol ogeda kirtti negaldam , . . . |
....................................^. 1 . . . pratipanna-Karnnaa ahita*K?itantaitl 11
nirupama-dasavataram | spburita-sudar^anan udagra-laksbmisam bba- ]
sura-vinuta-vritti yesedain | n ir n t a ................................ G6vindara ]!
padevaJa-Kalang olpina | gede K&male-nari negajda Permmadiya per- |
madadiyar ene sogayisida . j Mridange sogayipavol A gajeyuip............. !l
kala-bamsa-yane rambha- / lajitd . . . . . . kacha-bhardll&sini k6» |
kila-nade sogayipalu Ka- J male-nari nijadhipati . . tddyinam (|
................................................................................. mano- I
. . . . ribhrama-kalavati Permmale-nari santatani j
Sarasatig em-beral. . Girijag em-beral aggada . . . em-beral |
...................................................... Kalana kante ranjipal !|
Kamale-nari sakala-ka- j Ja-mabitege negajda . digam Ballugan eipb i- |
. . . dbairyyar akbila-di- | sa-man(Jala-datta-kirttigal sUtar adar 1|
permmege tayveney enisida | Permmale-narige tanujar adar ggupadim |
nurmmadi nija-kulajargg ene } dharmma*yutar nega^da Baichanain Siugaj^anuni [>
a-nalvarolam piriya |
padevaJa-Madanum Madananum vanita-jana-chitta-'barigal |
padevala-Madanum EaTijanum nikbilartthi-janartti-harigai f
padevala-Madanuin negalda Sudfakanum ghana-sauryya-§§.ligaj |
padevala-Madanum Mridanum asrita-raksbakar entu nolpadam H
................... mallam | . . . . v a d b ft ........................ .. .............. }
................................. I jaya-laksbmi-vallabbam virodhi-jana-brit-sellapi II
anupama-vitarana-gunado} ] Dinanatha-sutange . . Baligaip Sibigalp j
vinuta-Khacharangam aggala j m ene n o ............ Gadbicbigam eleyo} il
anuvaradolu ripu-sakala^ | gbana-kari-gbateyam ............ .. |
. . . singan enisi negajda- ] Jana-mabitain Singan amala-laksbmi . . . I|
. turn padevaJa-Hemmadi tamm-avve KalavVe-badevaJitiya be.sarim Kalesvara-devara devMaya—
mam madisidan a-padevala-HemmMiya maga padevala-KS|aya.............. badevajiti Kalavveya
besara KMesvara-devalayamam kal-besanaip mfi.dida S*aka-varusba 1089 neya Sarwajit-sainva-
tsarada Chaitra-suddba-bidige-Brihaspativarad andu sri-Kilesvara-devarige Kaly^na-Panditara
kalam karcbcbi dbara-purwakam madi bitta bbumi(3 lines following contain details of grant and usual
final verse) ||KM^svara-devaradevalayava m l-tra..............m&dida |ada. . . . . . g&veya . . . mSdida
.............. maga Malloja madida garbbba-griba ||antu badevajanavaru badada purvitada janina-
bbumiy-urgg4>i Bidirey A davigaive............................... H iriy ftru ............................. adakke balji
38 Shim oga T alnq.
HaiJavalanaliaUi j Kommanalialu [ Malalakere | Kilasuru adakke kalavaJU HadavalanahaUi |
JSyaJi } Belagali (|

A t the same village, on a vtrakal in Matfi Basappa’s waste land in the had
of DoddaJcere.
NamAs tunga-siras-chumbi-ohandra-cliamara-cliarave (
■ traildkya-nagararambha-mularstambhaya S'ambbave ||
■svasti samasta-bbuvanasrayam sri-pritbvi-vallabba mabarajadhiraja paramesvara parama-bba-
ttarakam Satya^raya-kula-tilaka Cbalukyabbararia srimat-Tribbuvauamalla-Devara vijaya-
rajyam uttarottarabbivriddhi-pravarddbamanam a-cbandrarkka-taram saluttam ire tat-pada-
jpadmopajivi |
uttaipam appa Nandagiri-kote poial Kuvalalam a . . . tom- )
bbattara-sasiram visbayam aptan anindya-Jinendran aji-raii- |
gatta-jayam jayain Jina-matam matam ag ire santatam nijo- |
dattateyindam 4-Dadiga-Madbava-bbubbujar aldar urvyiyam ||
iat enisi negarfcfce-vetta Gabgamnayada...............ru rajyam geyyuttam ire (ire) | svasti samastar
prasasti-sabitajn sriman-maba-mandale^varam Tribbuvana-malla-Vira-Ganga-Permmadi-Devaru
sukba-sankatbd-vinodadim rajyam geyvuttam ire srimacb-Cbalukya-Vu’kama-kalada 50 neya
Visvg,vasu-saniv*atsarada Magba-suddba-bidige-Somavarad andu svasti dustararati-mastaka-stba-
gita-dor-ddanda kadana-pracbandam nija-kula-kuvalaya-sudbakara ripu-nikara-bbikaram Hara-
hasana-rucbira-kirty-angana-bbuja..................... adbisvara parama-Mabesvaram namadi-samasta-
pragasti-sabitan appa padevala-Gangimayya Belagavarttiya . . . . mele dbaliyan itt a}ev-
ajidu palar-alivinalu tanna paricbcbbedisi |
dburadoju pati-bita-^auryya . . | . . varisuva manajar ellara pempani j
doregidjsi Vira-Gangana | Hanumam dbare pogalalu Bura-gati popa . . |)
. ... padevaJa-Ganga ||
adirdudu dbare kbnra-gbatadi- ( n udirdavu taragegal i . . ya-rasa-vasadim (
bidirdav ari-narara bridayam | kadanadoj i-Gangan eri pariyise hayamam j|
pati-bitan e n d u .........................................

At Nidigi {same hdbli), on a stone in Doddamcme Navilappa-Gatuia’s fidd.
Srimat-parama-gambbira-syad-vadamogba-lancbbanam |
jiyat trailokya-natbasya sasanam Jina-sasanam ||
Bvasti samasta-bbuvanasraya sri-pritbvi-vallabba mabarajadhiraja paramesvara parama-bbatta-
rakam Satya^raya-kula-tilalcam Cbalukyabbaranam srimat-Tribhuvanamalla-Devara vijaya-rajyam
u . . ttarabbivriddbi-pravarddbamanam a-cbandrarkka-tarain-baram saluttam ire | tat-pada-
padmopajivi \
uttamam appa N a n ......................................... tom- |
bbattaru-s&siram visbayam aptan anindya-Jinendran aji-rab- |
gatta-jayam jayam Jina-matam matam ag ire santatam nijo- |
dattateyindam a-Dadiga-Madbava-bbubbujar Mdar urvviyam ||
Shim oga T alaq. S9

uttara-dik-tatavadliige tage Ma . . . muda Tonde-na- |

d att aparaieg ambunidhi Cbervoley ippa . . . . Kongu ma- |
tt itt oJaguUa vairigalan ikki para.vrita*GaugavMi-toin- 1
battaru-sasiram . dale madidar intutu Gangar ajjugam H
. . , Gaiiganim bbaya- I m illada Harivarmma Vishpu-npipanipi nijadijp |
balle Tadangal-Madhava- | n allim bali Cburchchuyayda-Ganga-nripalam il
S’ripurusliani S'ivamaram | bhupala-Kritanta bM pan a-Sayigottam [
dvipadbiparol ari-nripa- | kbpanala-sikhey enippa Vijayadityam ||
*m a . yerida Marasingan a- j Kurula-Rajigam pesarvett a,T j
Marulam tan-uripa-tilakana | piriya-magam Satyavakyan achalda-sauryyaHi ||
Garvvada-Gan. . . vasudheyo- j 1 orvvane kali cbagi sauchi Guttiya-Gangaip (
dor-vvikratnabhirainan a- ] gurvvina kali Racbamalla-bbu-nripa-tilakam ||
teugam mu . . . hasiya kau- | vuiigam pidid adasi kilvan a-mada-kariyam 1
pingade uilisuva sabaaa- j tungam kevalame negalda Rakkasa-Gaiigam ||
int enisi negalda Ganga-vam^odbhavarol a-Dadigana magatn Cburcbcbuvayda-Gangan atan®
sutam Durvvinitan atana taneyam Srivikraman ataaa putram BMvikramani ] tat-aunu Sripuru*
sha-mabarajam ( tat-taneyam Sivamara-Devam ( tatHanubhavan E r e y a ............. tat‘ putrani
Biituga-Vermmadi j tad-atmajam Marula-Devam j tad-anuja Guttiya-Gaugan atapa marmmani
Marasinga-Deyan atana . . gam Ka . . ga-Deyan atana magam BarmmarBeyan inttl G aiig^
yamsodbhayaru rajyam geyye |
daksbina-desa-niyasi Ganga-mabi-mandalika-kula-sandbaranah |
§ri-Mulasaiigba-natb6 namna sri-Simbanandi-mnnill U ,
sri-Mulasangba-yiyad-amri- | tamala-rncbi-rucbira-Koudakundanvaya-la- |
ksbmi-mabitam Jina-dbarmma-la- [ lamam KrSnurgganam jananunda-karalix H
a-ganad-anyayadolu [
manir iya yanarasau malikeyamaradrau tilakam iya lalate cbandrikeyamritainsau |
iva sarasi-saroje matta-bbringi-nikayab satnajani Jina-dbarmmo nirmmajo Bajachaudrab |1
ayara sisbyaru |
yimala-§ri-Jaina-dbarmmambara-bimakaran udyat-tapo-rajya-laksbttii- |
ramanam bhumandaladbisanum ubbaya-siddbanta-ratnakaram jaii- |
gama-tirtbam bbayya-yaktrambuja-kbarakiranam sri-Prabbacbandta-siddba-t j
nta-munindram ksbira-nirakara-yisada-yas6-yeshtitas§.-vibbagarn ||
avara sisbyaru j
guniy ene Jina-mata-raksba- | maniy ene kavi-gamaka-yadi-yagmi-prayara- |
graniy ene pandita-cbMa- ] maniy ene Gunanandi-Devai’ esedar ddhareyol 1|
tat-sadbarmmaru j
alaye pel nudiyalke . . birudam man map ele Sabkbya va- 1
g-balamam nacbcbade mii adang edarad ir cbCbbarbbaka Naiyyayika ]
maleyal bed iru mattam eke cbaladind i-bandapam ketnmanan- |
daleyal sri-Gunacbandra-Devan amalam yadibha-kantbiravairi j]
tat-sadbarmmaru |
Gafiga-yari su-saivalam sura-kari d^nardra-ganda-stbajah j
S'ambbuh kantba-yilagna-ghora-garalas cbandrah kalafikabkitali (
Kailaso yana-vallari-pariyritas samyam katbam vacbiny abam |
kirtya . saha Magbanandi-yaminas chandratapodyacb-cbhriya H
Iwjbaritra-obakresvara-muni-raja-rajana sisbyaru !l syasti sanladbigata-pancba-maba-^abdamaba-
*Sd in ths original.
40 Slunsoga T alnq.
kalyanaslita-maha-pratiharyya-cliatus-trimsad-atisaya-virajamaiia bhagavad-Arliat-paramesTara-
parama -bhattaraka.-muklia -kamala •vinirggata -sad-asad-adi-vastu -svarupa -nirupaiia-pravana-
siddhantamrita-varddhi-var-ddliaUta-visuddlieddlia-biiddhi-samriddliarum sakaja-bhuvilna-prasi- c
ddbarum sama-dama-yama-niyarna-niyainitantahkaranarum vak-sundari-stana-mandana-ratna-
bbaranarum appa srimat-Prabbacharidra»siddhanta-devar «ntendade [
asid a^&ntarala-prathita-prithu-yaso-v-yoma-Ganga-tararigah (
cbancbacb-charitra-dhatri-bbavad-ati-lalitodara-gatnbliira-murttih j
vak-kantottunga-pina-stana-kajasa-lasan-nuta-cbufca-pravalab j
. siddbanta-ksbira-nirS.kara*hiniakirapa§ ^ri-Prabhachandra-Deyah j|
abhinava-ganadhara-rupani f tri*bIluvaiia-jaiia-Tinuta-cbarana-sarasiruha-bbrifigam f
Subha-mati-traividyaspada- j H ubbaya-kavindrottaTnam Prabhachandra-budhaDi | |
arara sadharmmaru |
sa si-v isa d a -k irtti n ir m ia a d a - | n asad risa-g n n a -ratu n a-v a rd d lii K r a n u r g g a u a -sa d - j
b isa ru b a -v a n a rk k a n e m b u d u | yasuH iatiyol A n a n ta v iry y a -sid d h a n tig a ra m ||
ta t-s a d h a r m m a r u | '
■ mana-vacbaha-kaya-gupiiya* } n anunayadiip taledu paScha-samitiya va^adin* j
d aimvasan ada taponidti j Miwickandra-bratipan akhila-raddbantesam j)
int enisi negartteyaip taJeda'^rimatnPrabhachandra-siddhanta-deyara guddam bhuja-bala-Gaoga--
Permmadi-Barmma-Deya |
balavad-vairigalam padalpa^isi geld ugrajiyol mandane [
chaladindam pariyittu vairi‘ pUrainam tat-koteyam tad-mahi- |
tajamam kondu dharitri ban^isuvinam sri-Barmma-Devam mahi- j
talamam tol-valadim nimirchcbidan id em Permmadi sauryyatmano ||
bbaradind ant adataiigam j sarap enda nripangav eradu banda narangam j
suragiri vajragaram | sura-bbujam Barmma-Devan adatara devam ||
int enisida Barmma-Deyana patta-mabadeviy entendade |
Jin6ndra-padambuja-matta*bbribgi gunavali-bbushana-bbusbitangi j
nitambininam kalasayamana virajate Gaiiga-mahadbidevi ||
nijav enip i-negartteya mab§,satig ntsavaraam nimirchchuv a- j
tmajar enisirdda tammut-odabuttidar oppnva Mara . . . . |
sa-jayade’ Satya-Ganga-nripanuip kali Rakkasa-Ganga-Devanum |
Bhujabala-Ganga-bb&bbujanutil §.rjjisidar jjasamam nirantaram 1|
stbirane Meru-girindranol senasuvam gambbirane varddbiyol |
pnrudippam kaliye Snrendra-sutanam mecbcbam maba-cbagiye |
snra-bbujakk ore-gattuvam chadurane Pancbalanam geldan an- |
d irad i-dbarani bannikum rana-jaya-prottunganam Ganganam ||
nndidude nanni madidude ^asanam ittude Rama-resu mar- |
ppididude vajra-lepam urad irddude mrityu paropakaradoj |
nadedude batte sad-gnname meyy ene ninnavol intu nitiyol |
nadeva nripendran aran ileyol kali-Ganga-bhiipati 1|
atana tammam |
gaja-ripu-visbtara ii-vibbav6daya Parsya-Jinendra-pada-paii- |
kaja-mada-bbringa Ganga-kula-mandana daudita-yairi-vargga Bba- j
vajanibba-murtti dig-yalaya-yarttita-kirtti samasta-dbatriyol |
Bbujabala-Ganga-bbupa ninag ar ddore mandajikaika-bbairava ||
Shim oga TaltKj. 41
atana patta-maliadevi ||
pattada . . . ran anujam | patta .. bhupange Gangavadige tajeda} j
> pattaman endade Garigana [ patta-mali&deviyantu . . . . . . . . . Ii
Ganga-mabadeviyarggam Bbujabala-Gadga-Devan-agrA-tanujan eniendade |
kaliy an ad irdda . . . endu nimrid ettida bahuve . . . . ]
lla ja d ........................ m a re .............. * s a l e ..............)
. n ase-geya,n . . alavi . . . . Nanniysl-^xangaii intu mandajika |
prada . . vesaram desey antu varam nimircbcbida ||
d ajfia-late parvvid en-deseyolam vidyuj-jaya-stambliav int (
iv enal dig-gajav a r t t b i...................... kattal kettid attunga-bas-* H
tavan ant anya-balakke dorppa-uevadim Kodandadattange ni- |
Java nin a . ye Gangan-atma-kara . . safigrama-rangagradol Ii
ja s a .............................akbilaba-devat§,panga-ra^- j
mi-sabasram cbamaram karindra-ripn . . . Yikramam . . . . |
ge su-samrajya . tabbivriddbi-vibbavaip niecbcbutt iral . . )
................ ire Satya-Gangan esedam vi^v&vani-bbagadol ||
svasti Satyavakya-Kongunivarmma dbarmma*mab^rajadhiraja paramesvaral)! Kuvalala-purai-
varadbisvaram N a n da giri-n a tb a...............mada-gajSndra-lancbchbanam cbatnra-Virincbanam
Padmavati-devi-labdba-Tara-prasadam viohakilamodam nanniya . . . . ttarabgaip Ganga-kula-
knvalaya . . . vendram darppoddbatarati-vanaja-vana-vedandam Kusumakodajidam gandara
gandam duttara gandam'namadi-samasta................ sriman-Nanniya-Gangain .. ..................... nel€t-
vidinalu sukba-saukatba-vinodadiip rajyam geyyutt ire Srimatu Kalamburu-nag»r&dhipati patta-
nastba............................... madisida basadiy entendade |
idu Bbu-deyate botta bon-galasamo &eyas-sudba-bbara-pu- j
radin a ..............................................................traya-mandana- |
spadamo tan e n d u .................. lokaip. mano- j
mudadim bannise Barmmi-SetG Jina-cbaityavasamam madidatp ||
bbu va n a....................................... mabatvadim . . . . cbatur-vvarnna-saiigbakk abhisbtaman itt
ettisi J aina-gebamanan utsaba-sandoba . , "

. . d anujau'ishta-sisbta-jana-kajpa-kujam sadanopa^ohbita- |
bbyudaya-vibbutig aspadan udatta-kaladbipan itaU emba . . |
...................uditoditam negaldan i-vasudba-taladoj nirantarara ||
Barmmi-Settiya vanite |
tanag anuvasey enisi jaga- ( j-jana-samstnta-sila-gmia-ganala . . . . |
.............................................I . . . ' ................................. rajisut irdda| ||
avar-irvyarggam aganya-punya-janita-^&ir*ayur-arogya-yai- f
bbaya-sam pan-m abim augba................... . , '...................]
..................................................................... • . roS-dut ir- |
ppa yilasam beras olpuvettan ayani-cbakraiji manam-golyinain |1
ant ayar nitnadisida b a sa d iya 'p u ja -v id b a n a..................... .. ..........................rsbxyargg &bara-dSnar
kkam srimacb-Cbalukya-Vikrama-kalada 42 nalyatt-era^aneya Manumatba-samvatsarad uttraaya-
na-sankra........................................... punya-titbiyandu iriman-branniya-Ganga*Permmadi-Deya-
nindam kudalu padedu Barmmi-Settiyar mMesbapasbaopia-gacbcbbambara-Saracb-cbandra . . SV-
bbakii'tti-Deva-bbattarakara kalam karcbcbi dbara-purwakain saryva-namasyam sarvTa*badb^
42 Shimoga Taluq.

pariharav agi basadige kotta vritti {following 5 lines contain details of grant and boundaries and-
final phrases)
bahubbir wasudba datta rajabbis Sagaradibbib ]
yasya yasya yada bbbmis tasya tasya tada pbalam i|
(usucd final verses)
At Harobenavalli (same hdbli), on a virakal in front of the SomSsvara temple.
Svasti samasta-bbuvanasrayam iri-pritbvi-vallabbam mabS.i’ajadbirajam paramesvaram parama-
bbattS,rakaip Satyalraya-kula-tilabam para-nari-gahodarani cbalad-afika-Rama S anivara-siddbi'
giri-durgga-mallan ekaaga-Tiram maleraja-raja malaparblu gapda ganda-bberupda kadana-
pracbapda . . . . . . . . Yadava-ki4S-mbara-dyumarii.......................................... mesvara-Dev-arsara
ipaga l^arasmga*I)ey-arsaru Dorasanmdi’ada nelevidinala sukba-san . . . rajyam geyyuttam
iddalli s^imanu maba-pradbani Yimmadi-Ravuta-E%a-raya-kumara.........................payakanu
Janneya-Rappayakanu . ■r a ja ........................................................................ . . . . k u la ............. .. . .
. . . appana .■............ Saka-varusa 1208 neya Beya-samvatsarada Pbalgupa . . Somavaradalu
Sosagundada Bomm-arsapavaru Kbdaliya yiridu .. turuva kopdu.......... dina Beppevali-Janne-gu-
rugala var alidu buyala baridu k4di taR iridu a-Bome-NS;ykaiia bepdati.. .. bave-N4y(k)akitti
tbju-kaye gottu sargga-praptar adaru arara urddbra-kriyeya avara maga Pilleya-Nayakanu
madi ^ri-Hormesvara-deyara sannidbiyalu biragalla nilsi .a-Honnesvara-devara amrita-padigevu
blragalla pujeya nadasuvaat agi Kabinakateya kelage 10 kamba' galdeyanu a-Pi}leya-Naykanu
a-Janneya-gurugalige kala toladu dbara-purvyakav agi kottaru a-biragalla pujeya nadasuvapt
agi ^-Janneya-gurUgala avara santatiyanu navu tri-suddbiyinda nambidavaru | mapgaiaiP
abS. II Sri Sri Sri

A t the same place, on another virakal.
Svasti samasta-bbuvanasrayam Sri-pritbvi-vallabbam mabarajadbiraja para[me]svara parapia-
bbattarakam SatyaSraya-kula-tilakam para-nari-stibodarani cbalad-anka-Rama Sanivara-siddbi
giri'durgga-mallan e k a n g a -v i......................... suka-sankata-vinodadi..................................................
....................yakaru Madugeya-Danpayakaru Kudaleya nelavidinalu sukba-sapkatba-vinoda-
dim rajyam geyyuttam irddalli a .. rama . . . . ti-Nayka svasti Srimatu maba-savantadbipati . . . .
kala jata . siclila m arkkom ba..................Bitti-Devana bidiiige B a lia ................ purava sadbisa ..
................... Cbokkiya-Naykana Bommalamma-Yayka.................. yana Bommeyana .. S aka-varu-
sba 1208 Byaya-saipvatsarada Palgupa-su 7 Somavaradalu Hosagundada Bomm-arasanavaru
K udaleya..........turuva kopdu boballi bidina Beppavalliya Janneya-gurugflla ur alidu buyala
baridu kadi talt iridu meradu svarga-praptar adaru | avara vurdbva-kriyani avara appa Pileya-
Nayakanu raadi Sri-HonneSvara-devara sannidbiyalu biragalla nilsi a-Honnesvara-devara amrita-
padigevu biragalla pujenu nadasuvant ^gi Kabinakateya kelagana bhumi |a-biragala pujeya-
nu nadasuvant agi a-Janneya-gurugalanu avara santatiyanu navu tri-suddbiyinda nambidevu |f
mangalam aba || Sri Sri Sri

A t Purale (same hdbli), on a stone lying in front of the Vira-Someivara temple, south-west
of the village.
Srimat-parama-gambbira-syadvadamogba-lancbbanam |
jiyat trailokya-natbasya Sasanain Jina-Sasanam ||
Shim oga T alu q. 4(r

svasti samasta-bliuvanasrayain sri-pritlivi-vallabliajis mabarajadbiraja paramSsvara parama-bhattSr

rakam Saty^sraya-kula-tilakam Cbalukyabbaranapl sri-Tribbuvanamalla-JDevara vijaya-rajyam.
•uttarottarabbivriddbi-pra'varddbamanam a-cbaadr&rkka-fcaram-baram saluttam ire |

enag end a-Vikramaiikam gada nigal.aman ikk ittano vovo Kina- [

§anav61 eytandu kaypim kilade taleyan a-viran em manban e-gey- |.
ven enuttam bbifciyam-patt adane kanasu-gaiid tnnmalam-goridu cbddyam [
nanas end ecbcbatt irut ... tanneya taleyan afci-bbrantan and indn nolknm |]

tat-pada-padmopajivi |i srimad-Ereyanga-Hoyisalati-aliyain Hemmadiy-arasana kirtti-vi4aradatn

entendade |
ivanindam kapden elum-kadala kadeyan eluTn-kubbrit-kutamam dig- |
dhava-danti-bratamain idkada pavanan eptittnin yaso-laksbmi
................ tam tann end arivin alavu tann ^rpu tann elge tann . . |
. . vil^am tanna pemp attalagam enisidsiip. Hernmia Mandhata-bbbpam 1|
svasti si’i-janma-geham nibbrita-nirupamaurVvanaloddama-tejaip j
vistaropatta-bbn-m andalam amala-ya&ai-oh andra-sambhuti-dbamaip [
Vastu-bratodbbava-stbanakam atisaya-satvavajambam gabbiraiu ]
prastutyain nityam ambbonidbi-nibham esegum Hoysalorvvisa-vaiji^ain j|
adarol Kaustubbad end anarglia-gunamam devebbad uddama-sa*- |
tvad agurwam bimarasmiy-njvala-kala-sanipattiyam parija- |
tad udaratvada pempan orvvane nitantain taldi tan alte put- j
tidan udvejita-vira-vairi Vinayadityavanipajakain jl
madavad-bbupa-baiandbakara-baranam tejodbikara santata- |
bhyudayam samhrita-vidvishat-kuvalaya-(ip)Srikain suhricb-ehakra-gam- ]
mada-sampadana-betu sat-patba-gatam -padmbdbhavddbavakam |
viditarttbanuga-naman alte Vinayadityavanipalakam ||
Vinayaditya-nripam saj- | janargam dnrjjanargam atma-vinayaip. tSj&lp I
janiyise nayamam bbayamain ] vinutan aldem visala-bbnmandalaniaip !|
a-Vinayadityana vadbu j Bbavbdbbava-mantra-devata-sannibhe sad- ]
bbava-guna-bbavanam akhila-ka- |la-vilasite Ke].ayabarasiy embal pesarim 1|
a-dampafige tanubbava- | n adorn Sacbigajn Snradbipatigarn mmm ent j
adam Jayantanante vi- | sbada-vidurantarafigan Ereyaiiga-nripam |

vri II atain Chalukya-bbupa}.akana balada-bhujd-dandam nddaiida-bbnpa- |

brata-prottunga-bbubbrid-vidalana-kulisara vandi-sasyaugba-niegbain {
svetambbojata-deva-dviradana-sarad-abbrendu-kundavadata- (
dyota-prodyad-yasas-sri-dbavalita-bbnvanaip dhiran ekanga-viraip ||
iialava-seneyam tulidu Dbareyan evade suttu tuldi tack- |
Cholanan ildu tat-katakamam kadupin nejce sure-gonda do§- |
sali Kalinganam nauridu' bbaiigisid atma-bbuja-pratapamam j
kele disadbipam negaldan i-teradin£dj Ereyanga-bbubbujam j|
ereyan akbilorvvig enisirdd- | Ereyanga-nripajakan-angane cbelvifig“ j
erevatki sila-ganadim | nered Ecbala-Deviy-antu nonfarum ojaie ||
ene negald avar-irvvarggam [ tanubbavar nnegsldar alte Ballalam V i- |
sbim-nripalakan ETday^di- j tyan einba pesai-indam akbila-va3udba*taJadoJ ||
44 S h im o g a T aluq.

vfi II avarol-inadhyaman %iyum dhai’aniyam piirwAparambhodliiy ey- |

duyinam kuije nimirchchuV ondu-nija-baha-yikrama-kridey-ud- |
bkavadind uttaman adan uttama-guiia-brataika-dhamam dbara- j
dhava-ehud^inani Yadavabja-dinapaip sri-Visbnu-bbupalakam ||
eleg eseva Kdyat<ir ttafc-T- | alavanapuram ante Eayarayapuram bal- [■
paj.a balada Visbnu-tejo- ] jyalapade bendavii balisLta-ripu-durgganga]. H
kamalakshain purushottamaip * . kabladanam dvisMa-dai> |
tya-mada-dbvamsan ananta-bbdga-yutan uryvi-bbara-dbaureyan ut- j
tataa-satvanvitan udgba-YMava-kulaiankaran end intu Vi- |
sk^u-mabisani sale tane Vishnuy enipam Laksbmi-vadbu-vallabbaip ||
ka II Laksbnji-devi Khagadbipa- | laksbmabg esed irdda Visbnug yant ante valara j
Laksbna^-Devi lasau-mriga- j, lakslim&nane Visbnug agra-satiy ene negayda} i|
avarge Manojanante sudati-jana^cbittaman i|ko|alke salv- |
avayava-sobheyind atannv emb abbidbanainan anad angana- j
niyabanian.............................Aai-aran ecbcbi yuddbadol j
tavisuTan adan ataabbavan apratimam Warasunba-bbubbiljam ||
ripn-sarppad-darppa-dayanala-bahala-sikba-jala-ka|anjbuvabam [
Tipu-bbbp6ddipra-dipa-prakara-patu[tara]-spbara-janjha-saniirain j
ripu-naganika-Tarkshyam ripu-nripa-nalini-shanda-vetanda-rCipatn |
ripu-bbbbbrid-bbbri-Tajrain ripu-nripa-mada-matanga-simbain bTrisimbam ||
svasti sr!-Yadu-vaip§a-mandana-nianih ksbdiu^a-cbudamanis ]
tejah-pufija-vinirjjitambara-mayis'sad-vandya-cbudamanih |
yasyodyat-su-yaSas-suparyya-sarita loka-trayam sobbate |
jiyat pada-yuganaman-nripa-fcujas sri-bfarasijnho nripah |)
Sri-Mulasangba-vikbyate Mesbapasbana-gacbcbbake | .
Kranur-ggana-Jinayasd nirmmitam Hemma-bbubbritah ||
svasti samadbigata-pancba-naaba-sabda maba-mapdalesvarain Dvarayati-pura-varadlusvarani.. .
, . davanala Paudya-kula*kamala-Tana-Yedanda ganda-bberunda mandalib;a''bentekara para-
ma^idala-surekara sangrama-bbima Kali-kala-Kama sakala-vandi-brinda . santarppana-sarQart-
tba-vitarana-vinoda Vasantiba-devi-labdba-vara-prasada mrigamadamoda Yadava-kujambara-
dyumapi mandalika-makuta-cbudamani kadana-pracbapda maleparol ganda namMi-samasta-
praSasti-sabitam srimat-Tribbuvana-malla Talekadu-Kongu-Nangali-Gangavadi-Nolambavadi-
BanaTase-Hannngalu-Huligere-Beluvalam-gonda bbuja-bala Vira-Ganga pratapa-Hoysala-Narar
simba-Devaru sakala-mabi-mandalamam dusbta-nigraba-sisbta-pratipalanadim sukba-sankatb^
vinodadim Dorasamudrada nelevidinolu rajyam geyyuttana ire | tat-pada-padmopajiyi [
tad-rajye bndba-koti-sampad-avana-prajye pradbS-nagranir ||
unmijat-sukritambarasi . . . . sampatti-cbandrodayab |
irimat-Tippana-bbupatis sanindagad uddana-db4r4-jalair |
ddbatri sampratipadyate pratidindm ■• ma .. sasyasraya j|
tasya slagbya-gunodayasya dbarani-vandyo'nujatas svayam |
iriman-Naga-chamupati.......................................yatta yah |
yat-tejah-prakarair ajayata param padmanuraga-pradair- |
dripyad-vairi-tamo-gbata-vigbatanair ddevo^gra .. gi’amauib ||
Srimacb-Cbamala-Devi bbati bbavatity evam budhair yy^ stut^ {
tad-vamie guna-sangame nara-m ani.............................nih |
Shim oga T aluq, 45

sa iata bhuvanabtirama-vibliaTair llavanya-punyodayair j

ddevi (samprati) yan-mukba-pankaje vijayate vani jagt-pavani I]
Gangara dbatriyol avani- | mangalam enisirda . . . a-stri-ratunam |
tun ga-jan a............................. j ............................ ag ire kottaj H
Tachana I1(y)Ikshuvaka-Tamsavatarani ad entendade j
sale Vrisbabba-Tirttha-kalam [ su-lalitam ene sakala-bbavya-cbittanandata 1
Kali-kala-riirjjitam sri- | lalana-lavanya-varddhana-kramadindam 1|
sogeyisuva-kaladol ki- | rttige mula-stambbam enip Ayodbya-purado} |
iagad-adbinathani puttida- | n aganyan Iksbvaku-vamsa-cbudaratiiaip ||
dbarege Harisckandra-nripe- | svaran orw ane kantan agi dor-vvaladindani J
birudaran adirppi vidya- |parinatiyim neredu sukbadin ire pala-kalam ||
Tri II atana putran indu-dara-basa-nibbojvala-kirtti sad-guno- I
petan udatta-vairi-kula-bhedana-kari kala-praTiuan ud- j
dbuta-malarn Surendra-Sadrisam Bbaratam kavi-raia-pujitam |
kbyatan atarkkya-puiiya-nilayam su-janagrani vismtanvayam ||
riju-^ila-yukfcey enisida [ Vijaya-mabadev’i tanage satiy ene vibudba- j
vraja-pujyaiii Bbaratam Bba- j vaja-sadrisam negaje sakala-dbatri-tajadol II
vacbana ||a-Vijaya-mabadevige garbba-dobajam negale |
vri II tarala-taranga-bbangura-samanviteyam jbasha-obakraYaka-bba- |
sura-kala-bamsa-puriteyan udgba-latankita-gatreyain mano- |
bara-nava-saitya-mandya-^ubba-gandba-samira-nibbasyeyam tale- |
dari nere Gafigeyam nalidu miv-abbivancbcbbeyan eyde taldidal ||
kala-bamsa-yane palarum [ keladiyar-oda TOgi purpna-Ganga-nadiyam |
vilasitamam pokkn nira- | kuladind oladi padi gMiyan antal ||
antu manad-alampn pompuli-voge Ganga-nadiyol oladi nija-gribake vandu naTa-masam neredu
putranam paded atauge | •
Ganga-nadiyolu mindu la- | tangi magam badedal appa karanadindam |
majlgalya-namam adud i- | langaneg adbipatige Gangadattakhyanam ||
va II a-Gaiigadattange Bbaratan emba magam puttidan atange Gangadattan embam magam
puttidam |
kam II guna-nidbig’e Gangadattan- | g anngina putram viveka-nidbi putti daya- j
graniy agi Hariscbandra- | pranuta-nripendram dbaritriyol sobhisidam 1|
mattam a-nrip6ttamange Bbaratan emba sutam puttidan atauge Gangadattan emba magan a g
iutu Ganganvyayam saluttam ire |
katn II Hari-vam^a-ketu Nenii- |^vara-Tirttbam varttisuttam ire Gauga-kulam- (
bara-bbanu puttidam bba- | sura-tejam Visbnuguptan emba narendram ||
va II a-dbaradbinatbam samrajya-padayiyatn kaykondu Abicbcbbatra-puradolu sukbam irddu |
va II Nemi-Tirttbakara parama-dovara nirvvana-kaladol Aindra-dbvajam emba pbjeyam made
Devendran osedu |
kam II anupamad Airavatamam | manonuragadole Visbnuguptang ittam |
Jina-pujeyinde muktiya- | n anarghyamam padegum ended ulidudu piride ||
va II a-Visbnugupta-mabarajangam Pritbvimati-mabadevigam Bbagadattam S'ridattan emba
tanayar age |
va II Bbagadattange Kalinga-desamam kudal atanum Kalinga-desaman'aldn Kajfnga-Gangan agi
Sukbadin ire |
46 Shim oga Taluq.
(y)ittal udatta-yaso-nidhi | matta-dvipamam samasta-rajyamumain Sri- J
datta-nripang ittam bliu- J pofctaman enisirdda Vishnugupta-narendram 1|
antn Sridattaaind ittal aney-undige saluttam ire |
Priyabandhu-varmman udayisi j nayadindam sakala-dbatriyam palisidam |
bhaya-loblia-durllabbam la- j ksbmi-yuvati-mukhabja-sbanda-inandita-hasaDa ||
ant a-Priyabandbu eukliadim rajyam geyyuttam ire tat-samayadola Pai'sva-Bkattarakargge
K^vala-inanotpattiy age Saudbarmmendrairi bandu Keyali-pujeyain made Priyabandbuvmn tanum
Ibkaktiyira bandu pujeyam madal atana bbaktig Indram mecbohi divyam app aydum tuduge-
galam kottu nimm-anvayadolu mitbya-drisbtigal agalodam adrisyaiigal akkum endu peldu
Vijayapurakk Abicbbatram endu pesaran ittu Divijendram popud ittalu Ganganvayam sani-
purnna-chandranante perckchi varttisuttam ire tad-anvayadolu Eampa-maliipatige Padmana-
bkan emba magarn putG j
kam 11 ta n a g e ta n u b k a y a r illa d e | manado]. ckin tisu tam ird d u P a d m a p ra b k a n a - [
rp p in a k a n i sasana-d& vate- j y a n e pu jisi d ivy a-m an trd im sadkisidam [|
v a II a n tu sadkisi (d i)sad k ita-vid yan & gi p u trar-irb b ara m padedu E a m a -L a k sk m a n a r en d u p esa ran
i^tu I
vri II parama-snehadol, irbbaram nadapi lila-niatradim ckandranan- |
t ire sampkrnna-kaJangar agi beleyal vidya-balodyogara nr- j
bbareyol okodyam^enal saluttam ir$ Mrtti-§ri di^a-bkagadol |
pered aM-gajamam pa|aficljaleye lakskmi-bkaradind oppidar ||
T a II antu sukkadim irppudu mattal Ujjeniya-puradkipati-Makip^an a-tudugegalam bediy atti-
dade Padmanabliam Kritantanante raudra-veskamam kaikondu |
ka II yemag adan attalik agadii [ tamage tudal yogyam altu santam iral vel j
samarkke vandan appade |nimisadoj ant iridu vira-rasamam merevem ||
va II antu nudid atti mantri-Targgadol ajockisi tanna tafigey Alabbeymn nS-lratenabar aptar
appa vipra-santanamam berasi kalipidad avar ddakskinabkimukkar agi baruttam Rfiima-Lakskma-
^largge Dadiga-Madkavar endu pesaran ittu niokcka-vayanadim baruttam ire j
ka !! band avargal nckita-padaman a- | gundeleyim kandar amala-laksJbmi-ckitta- {
nandanamam Pdruram |mandara-nameru-pnskpa-gandkadriyumatn ||
va II antu Gafiga-Heruram kand alkya tataka-tiradolu bidam bittu Chaity&.layamam kandu nir-
bbkara-bkaktiyitn tri-pradakskinam geydu stutiyisi samasta-vidya-parayara-paragarum Jina-
samaya-sudkambkodki-sampurmia-ckandrarum uttama-kskamadi-da^a-kusala-dkarmma-nirataruin
Ckaritra-ckakra-dkararamyineya-jananandaram ckatus-samudra-mudrita-ya§ak-prakdsaramsakala-'
Sayadya-duraram Kanur-ggapambara-sakasra-kiranaram dyadasa-yidka-tap6nusktha[naj -nisktki-
taram Ganga-rajya-samuddkaranaram sri-Simkanandy-ackaryaram kaJidu guru-bkakti-puryya-
kam bandisi tamma band-abkiprayam ellamam tiliya pMe kaykond ayargge samasta-vidky-
kbkimukkar mmadi kelayanu-diyasadim Padmayati-deyiyain yidki-pdryyakam akyanam geydu
Varam badedu kkalgamumam samasta-rajyaman ayargge made [
ka II muni-pati nodalu yidya- | j-jana-pujyam Madkayam mla-stambkaman a- |
rdd anugeydu poyyal adu pu- | nmene muridudu vira-puruskar enam madar |1
Va II Asakasamam karxdu |
vri II muni-pati karnnikarad esalol nere pattaman eyde katti sa- |
' j-jana-jana-yandyaram parasi seseyan ikki samasta-dkatriyam (
manam osed ittu kunckaman aguryyina ketanam agi madi be- |
rpp anitu parigrakam gaja-turabgamumam nijam age madidar ||
Shimoga Taluq. 47

va II a n tu sa m a s ta -r a jy a m a m m adi b u d d liiy a n iv a r g g in t endu besa sid aru j

Tri II n u d id u d au a ro la m n u d id u tappidadam J in a -sa sa n a k k odam - |
b a d a d a d a m a n y a -n a r ig ei-ed attidadam m adbii-m arasa-seve g e - |
y d a d a m a k u lin ar ap p a va ra k olk odeyadadam a rttb ig a rttb a m a m |
k u d ad ad a m abavaiigaiiadol ddidadam k id u g u m kiila-kram ain ||

vri II uttamani apjDa Nandigiri kote polal Kuvalalam alke tom- j

bba ttaru -sa sira m v isb a y a m aptan a nin dya-Jinendi-au a ji-r a n - |
g a tta -ja y a m ja y a m J in a -m a ta m m a ta m a g ire Santatam n ijo - |
d a tta tey in d a m a -D a d ig a -M a d b a v a -b b u b b u ja r ald ar u rb b iyaip i!
u tta r a -d ik -ta ta v a d b ig e ta g e M o d a [r k k a ]le m u da Tondo-na* }
d a tt aparaseg a m b im id b i C b er-od e y irp p a teiika K o fig u m a - j
t t itt o la g u lla y a irig a la n ikki paravrita-G angavadi-tom - |
b b a ttaru -sa sira m d a l ele m adidan intubu G a n g a a u jju g a m 1|

anta sata-jiviy embud a-sabdamam keldu |

bbaradindani cburcbchuvaydam bogale budba-janam bandu Kavtriyol bbi- j
karam agal vira-laksbrni-nayana-kumudini-cbandramam nindu nodal ]
• parivaram tanna kirtti-prabbe balase di&vbbagainam cbodyam agal (
parama-sri-Jaina-padam nelase bridayadol Meru-sailopamanam |)
ka II. kar . . arida G-anganim bhaya- |m illada Harivarmma'Visbnu-bhapanim nijadim |
balle Tadangal-Madhava- | n allim bali Cburcbcbuvayda-Ganga-nripalam ji
S'ripurusbam S'ivamaram | . . lam kritanta-bbupan a-Sayigottam j
dvipadbiparol ari-nripa- j kopanala-sikbey enippa Vijayadityam ll
. . . re yerida Marasiiigan a- | Kurula-Eajigam pesar-vvett a- j
Mai’ulam tan-nripa-tilakana | piriya magam Satya-vakyan acbalita-sauryyam ||
Garvvada-Gafigam vasudbeyo- |1 orw ane kali cbagi saucbi Guttiya-Gangam j
dor-Tvikramabbiraman a- | gurrvina kali Eacbamalla-bbbbbri............. ||
teugam murivam basiya ka- |iingam pidid-adasi ki}van a-mada-kariyam [
piiigade nilisuva sabasa- | tungam kevalame negalda Eakkasa-GaAgam ||
avayavadinde sadbisida Malavam eluman eyde Ganga-Ma- |
Javam enal akkaram baredu kal nirisutte kalalcbi Cbitraku- (
taman ure Kannamajjeya-nripanujanam Jayakesiyam maba- |
bavadole MarasiAga-nripan ikki nimircbcbidan atma-sauryyamam ||
tanayam ^ri-MarasimhaAg anupama-iagad-uttuAgan adam jagat-pa- j
vana-Laksbmi-vallabbaAg int udayisi negaldam Eacbamallavanisam |
Manu-marggam GaAga-cbudamani jaya-vanitadbisa-bburallabbe^am f
Jina-dbarmmambbodbi-chandram guna-gana-nilayam raja-vidya-dbarendram ||

int enisi negalda Ganga-vam§odbbavar a-Dadigana magam Cburcbcbuvayda-GaAgan atana sutaip

Durvvinitan atana tanayam sri . . . . nu Sripurusba-mabarajam tat-tanayam . . . Deva tat-ta-
nfi,bbavan EreyaAga-Hemmadi tat-putram Butuga-Hemmadi tad-atmajaru . . . Deya tad-amija
Guttiya-Gangan atana momma Marasinga-Devan atana magam KaliyaAga-Devan atana magaip
Barmma-DeTanin a-GaAga-yamsodbbayaru rajyam geyye ]
d a k sb in a -d e sa -n iy a si j G a A g a -m a b i-m a n d a lik a -k u la -sa n d b a ra n a h |
s r i-M u la -s a n g b a -n a tb o | n a m n a ir i-S im b a n a n d i-m n n ih ||
48 S him oga T aluq.

sri-M u la-sariglia-viyad-am ri-' j ta m a la -r u c M -r u c liir a . . . . ja y a -la - |

k sh m i-m ah itam J in a -d h a rro m a -la - j lam aip K a iiu r -g g a n a -ja n a . . . karam Ij

a-ga^ada anvayadolu |
mai.iir iva van arasau M ^ik ev& in arad rau
tilakam iva lala te ckandrikevam ritam sau |
iva sarasi saroje m a tta -b h rifig i n ikam am
sam ajan i J in a -d h a rm m a n irm in alo B a la ch a n d ra h ||

a vara sisliyaru |
vimaJa-sri-Jaina-dliarmainambara-liimakaran udyat-ta . . . . lakshint* (
ramanam bhumandaladhisa-nutan ufcbaya-siddbanta-ratnakaram jan- 1
gama-tirtham bkavya-vaktr^mbuja-kbara-kiranam sri-Prabbacbandra-siddb&n- I
ta-munindram ksbira’Hir^kara-Ti§ada-yas6-vesbtitasa-vibb%am ||
manamam niyamisal ariya- | r ttanuvam . . . tprppa muniynm nmniye j
manamam tannvam niyamisa- ] 1 anudinam i-Nemi-Devan oryvane ballain (|
avara Siskyaru |
g u n iy en e J in a -m a ta -ra k sb a - | m a n iy ene k avi-gam aka-vadi-T agm i-praT ara-
g raiiiy ene pandita-cM da-* | n ian iy ene G u n a n an d i-D eva r esed a r d d b a rey o j ||

tat'Sadkarmmarn |
alave p el n u d iy alk e ninna b iru d a m m an m an ele S M k b y a va- |
g -b a la m a m n a c b c b a d e nin a d a n g edarad ir chC harbbaka N a iy y a y ik a j
m a ley al b ed iru m a t!a m eke c b a la d in d i-b an dapam k em m a n a n - j
daleyal sri-G u n ach an d ra -D eva n a m a la m vad ibba-kan tbiravam ||

tat-gadkarmmaru |
G an ga-vai’i su -saivalam sura-kari d an ard ra-gan d a-sth alah |
S a m b b u h k a n tb a -v ila g n a -g b o ra -g a ra la h chandrah k a la n k to k ita h |
K a ija so van a-yallari-pai’ivritas sa m y am k atbam v a c b m y a b a m |
k irtya tais sab a lla g b a n a a d i-y a m in a s c b a n d r a ta p 6 d y a c b c b b r iy a (m ) |

a-cbSiritra-obakresvara-m uni-raja-rajana sisb yaru svasti sa m a d b ig a ta -p a n c b a -m a b a *^ a b d a m a b ^ t a -

lya p .asb ta -m a b a -p ratib a ry y a cb atn s-trim S a d -a tisa y a -v ira ja m a n a -b b a g a v a d -A rb a t-p a ra m S ^ v a ra -p a *-
r a m a -b b a tta ra k a -rn n k b a -k a m a la -v in irg g a ta -sa d -a sa d -a d i-v a stu -sv a ru p a -n iru p a n a - p ra y a p -a -ra d d b a -
n tam rita-V arddbi-varddbanaTratry-abbai’ anarum appa srim atu -P rab b ac jb an d i’a -sid d b A n ta -d e v a r
e n te n d a d e |

asid a§ antarala-prabala-p rifchu -yaSo-yyom a-G anga-taran gab

cbaS.cbacb-cbaritra’-d b a fcrib b a y ad -a tila lito d ara -ga m b b ira -m b rttih [
v ak -k a n ta -tu n g a -p in a -sta n a -k a ja sa -la sa n -n u ta -c b u ta -p ra y a la b
sid d b an ta -k sb ira -n ira k ara -b im ak ira n a b sr i-P r a b b a c b a n d r a -D e y a h ||
abbin a v a-G a u a d b a ra . . . j tr i-b b u y a n a -ja n a -v in u ta -c b a r a n a -s a r a s ir u b a -y u g a ip |
§u b b a -m a ti . . . ru b a -y a n a rk k a n e m b u d u | y a su m a tiy o l A n a n ta y ir y y a -s id d b a n tik a r a ip g
yad i-va n a-d a b a n a-b u ta va b a | y a d i-M a n 6 b b a y a -(y a d i)-y is a la -H a r a -n ita J a k s b a in j
yad i-m a d a -ra d a n i-b id u y a m | b b e d ip a n iriga raja m ja y a tu S r ita M r tti-b u d b a iii ||

tat-sadbarmmaru |
k a v i-g a m a k a -y a d i-v a g m ig a - ( J e v e m b a r a m g e ld u K a n a k a n a n d i-tr a iy i- J
d ya-yilasam tr ib b u v a n a -m a - [ lla -V a d ir a ja m d al e n isid a m n rip a -sa b b e y o | ||
Shim oga T aluq. 4$

arara sadharm tuaru |

m a n a -v a c t a n a -k a y a -g u p t iy o - [ 1 anu n ayadiip taja d u panclia-sam ifciya v asa d ia - j
d atniYasan a d a ta p o n id lii | M u u ic lia n d ra -b ratip a n akliila*raddliante§aip H
avara sish y a ru |
p irid a m pogaJ.vad en g a la | puru} un i e-ma(Jal en du m u n i-p a tiy erab i - |
T a ra-ch in tam an i . . . . | K u r u li su -sa u in a n a -d h y a u a d -u m liy en ik k u ip i|
ta p 6 n u s h tb a [n a ]-n isb tliita r S,r endade |
K a n a k a c h a n d ra -m u n ia d r a n a padainam | n e n e v a b b a v ya -sain u b ad a papa-saqx- |
b a n an a m app u d u ta p p a d u ni^chayam | m a n a ......................... n ic b ch a lm n |(
a vara sa d b arm m a ru |
m u n i y a ......................................... au a v ad y a cb a ran e Jaina-^a- [
san a-raksh am an i Santane sa k a la -ra g a -d v esb a -d o sb a -p ra b b a S . |
ja n a n u rv v i-n u ta n e g u n a -p ra n a y ita m ia n embinan''. vii-a m e - |
d in iyo . . d b a v a c b a n d r a -D e v a n esed^tin cb aritra-cliak iesvaraip k

ta t-sa d b a r r a m a r u J
v a ra -sa stra m b u d b i-v a rd d h a n a - | harinankam biruda-vadi-m ada-vispbalairi }
n iru tam tan en a l esed a m f d b a rey o l T ra iv id y a -B a la o b a n d ra -m u n in d ra in (|

a v a r a sa d b a rm m a ru j
v ri II..................... a jd u m d b a rm m a m a n u p eksbisi ta k [k ]-e d e g iy a d d.ga}um |
p in a-n itam b am ain g b a n a -k u c b a -d v a y a m a m m aregondu m a -tb o - j
d y an a m a n o ld u p o k k u n ere n ila -p a ta srita r a p p a y o g ig a l j
dS.na-vinodanol d o r e g e -v a p p a r e M a d b a v a c b a n d ra -D e v a n o . ||
................ S a ty a -G a n g a m k u d e KuruJiyoJ a d a n n a -d an a -p rab b a-v i- |
starad im sri-B a l.a cb a n d ra -b ra ti-p a ti pad ed am danadim j i y analk n r- |
v v a re y a m sam piirnriam a g a l ta n isid a m id u b a l-c b o d y a m a k sb ip a -r id d b i- J
sp b u rita m k a y g a n m i poiamutt i r e ..................................................... ■ • • adarp. ||
a vara sa d b a rm m a ru |
C b a tu r a s y a -k o ti-k u ta d o - [_i atiSayam en isird d a K o p a n a -tirth a d o l ig a l |
n u tiy ip a V a d d a c b a r y y a - | b r a ti-p a tiy e N e m i-I)e v a r in d a m e p d jy a ||
sth a v a ra -ja b g a m a m an itu m | p a v a n a m a d a ............................................. [
. . . jiy en isi b a lv -a d ig a la | jiy a m sri-N & m i-D ev a r u d ay ise §u b b a d a ia ||

avara sa d b a rm m a ru ]
a d b a n a r g g a s r ita r g isb t'a-sa n tatige c b a tu r -w a r n iia -sa n g b a k k e tan |
a d b ik o tsa b a d in . . . . b a y a k e y a m b ^ r p p a rttb a m a m v a n c b c b b e y a m |
b u d b a -c b i n t a m a n i ...................................................................... kurtt ittii M a- |
d b a va c b an d ra m p a d e d a m sa m a sta -b b u v a n a -p ra stu ty a m a ia stu ty a jn a m ||
avara sad b arm m aru [
s^dhisi g u r u p a d e sa d o - | 1 a d b ik y a tey a y tu sa k ala -sb a t-k a rm m ag a ju |
vedantar m a . . d a r ib a - [ r g g o d b u m a -g b a r a ttp u edane to d a rv v a m a . . . ||
sakini-daki . . . . . . . j. k in i-c b o r a ri-m a r i-d e v y e y a r anitu ib |
lokam ariyalke • . ■ 1 sak alam an a riy e b iru d a m D evendranum aip ||
int en isi n e g a lte y a m t a le d a ^ r im a t-P r a b b a c b a n d ra -sid d b a n ta -d e v a r a gudda B bujabala-G radgav
H e rm m a d i-B a rm m a -D e v a | •
b a la v a d -v a ir ig a la m p a d al-vad isi g e ld u grajiyo]. m andane j
c b a la d in d a m p a r iy ittu v a iri-p u ra m a m ta t-k o te y a m ta d -m a b i- |

$0 Shim oga Taluq.
tajamam fcondu dharitri baimisuvinain sri-Bamma-Devam inalii- |
talamam tol-vajadim nimirclicliidaii id em Hermmadi sauryyatmano ||
4taJia pat^a^mahad^viy entendade |
Jinendra-padambuja-matta-bliriflgi . . . . -bbusbana-bbiisbitangi j
•nitambininam ti].akayamin.a yirajate Ganga-mabadhiddvi ||
vri IJnijav en,ip i-negartteya roabasafcig uteava[ma]m nipjircbcbuv a- |
tmajar 6nisirdda tammut odahuttidar oppava Marasinganuip j
sa-jayade Satya-Qanga-nripanum kaH-Rakkasa-Ganga-Devauum |
Bhujabaja-Ganga-' . bhujanum arjjisi perj-jasamaip nirantaram (|
gajaripu-visMaraji-vibbavodaya-P^rsva-Jipendra-p&da-paii* |
kaja-mada-bbringa Ganga-kula-ma6<Jfiii^ dandita-vairi-vargga Bba- |
Vaia-nibba-murtti dig-vajaya-yarttita-kirtti samasta’-dhatriyo} ]
BbujabaJa-Ganga-bbupa Qinag ar ddore mandalikaika-Bhiraya H
4tana patfra'mabS.devi 1
[ ' .............] aluyaraji anuja [ ditta . bhupauge Gabgayadige tajedal j
pattaman ©ndade Gaiigana j patta-mahadeyi yantu nontarum ojare ||
yri II maritt a^autamani balladal aled udadbi-brafcamam tuge saiid a- |
Heru-ksbonindramam trasitiol enisi tarangojadu naksbatramaip p e j (
&ranum ballare ballade pogalge . . yisyambbara-bbara-yira- [
§ri-ramalidba-yajra-dradbitaa-gbana-bbu]a-stambbaiiam GaAga ninnaip ||
ajtuieyayag id utisnya . . mole . . prakasa yellayo |
rannaye bep.dirol maneg oryyar ud^reyar a^pia bnttare J
bunniyay ullad em jagadol oryyale bbagiye tane lese b u b - |
nanniyol intu garbbiteyar a rg g a ja Cbandala-D^yiy-andadim ||
5rImad-Bbujabala-Gaii[ga]-I)eyanga:n Ganga-mabadSyigam puttida Satya-Gangana prat&pam
cntene |
jasam udyad-dbayalatapatram akhilaba-deyatapauga-ra- j
6mi-saba............ gajendra-ripu-pitbam yikramam t3.n ad a- |
ge su-samrajya-latabbiyriddbi-yibbayam mayyett iral ballidar |
bbesakeyyutt ire Satya-Gangan esedam visy§.yani-bbS,gadol ||

atan-arasi |;
pati Satya-Gaiiga-Deyam | gati . . . . dara-laksbmi tan enisi ._ . . . |
..............tajedal em . . . | ................aro ra](ji Kancbala-DSvi ||
Bbayabbayange rupu mada-samaja-yairige vikra(ma-kra)maip Sur^n* |
dr&yanijakke dana-gunam abdbige gunp Amaracbajakke sam- |
bbayita-dbairyam aggalipud endade Ganga*kubirit*kumara . . [
.............palakange dorey appare mikka kubhrit-kumS.rakar ||
............. yindam ksbirabdbiyu- | m asayasadim perobobuvante G anginyayam uip |
pasarise p ercbcbnge ninnin- | d asadalam audaryya-sauryya Gauga-kumara ||

irim anu maba-mandaJMyaran Breyaaga-Hoysana-Deyan-aliyam gandara daya^i Rusiyara sdla

mayana gandba-yaranam Hermmadi-Deyan Ededore . . . . sl-yiramumam S a rig e y a nelevidino|a
sukbadin ajutt irddu Kuntalapuradoju Cbaityalayamam ma4i deyara puja-yidbanakkam cbatur-
warn^arsangba-samudaya-cbatus-samayad abara-danakkam khanda-spbutita-jirnnoddbarakkani
Sbim oga Taluq^. 51

■samud^a-mukliya-stlianaiti madi Yedadore-Maadali-nada prabbu-gavundugajamkarejal atti dliaria_

ma arayke yendu Saka-Tarsba 989 neya Plavanga-samvatsarada Pusya-su 13 dasi-Guruv&ra-vutta-
' rayana-sankratnanad andu tamma gurugalu sri-Prabli&cliandra+siddhanta-dfevara: kalam k ardich *
dhara-puryvaka madi bi^ta dattiy ^-gramad ubbaya . . sarwa-nam asyay alii huttuy &ya-daya_
s unka-nidbiirdkshepa saryya-badha-paribara [|

matt a-raja-saryyanya Satya-Gaiiga-Peyan Edebalj.iya neleyiijinolu sukkadim rajyaln geyyut#

irddalli Kuruliya-tirttbadalu Ganga-Jinalayamaip madi Saka-Varsa 1054* a e y a Nandana-samya<-
tsarada Cbaitra-su-pun^amiy-A-diyara-soma-grabapad andu tanna gm’dgalu i5ri“M adbava-
cbandra-D eyara kalam k arcbcbi dhar&-puryyakaia madi bitta datti . . . b a n n a .........................

syasti sriman-maba-ma^Ldalesyara Gaftga-Hermmadi-Deyara sannidbij'^alli sarvyadhikari B agiya-

H eggade Lokkimayyana m agaH eggade-Cbandim ayyam Kuruliya tamma gauclikeyam K aliyara-
M alli-S'etti marara kondu arasara sannidbiyalu Balacbandra-Devargge dhara-puryyakam
madi bittaru ||

matta Siriyama-Settiyum atana m akkaj-u...............atana gaudikeya Nanniyarasa-Dfeya H alja -

vuradalu Balacbandra-Devargge dhira-puryyaka m M i kottaru || ant u bb ay a-gram a d a................
samya sunka sahita saryya-badlia-paribara . . . . . . . . (5 lines foUowing contain details of ioun-
daries and usual final verses)
. A t the same temple, on the pedestal of the lihga.

Eaktaksbi-samyatsarada Bbadrapada-suddba 13 K syasti M Vira-Balla}a-Deyaru [. . .jsam udrada

neleyidinalu sukbadim rajyam geyyutt ire iriroanu-mabl.-pradbana H iriya-H edeya-A savara-
Marayyangala sannidbanadalu . . . dannayaka V isb u . . . . Hema-Gavupda H adavaia-K ala-
yya Ganga-Gayuuda Bappa-Gayunda Gayi-Gayunda Mancba-Gavunda Lakka-Gavundugalu B a y i-
cbayya Honnayya-m nkbyuv ada samasta-prabbu-gayundugaju tammag agi . . KuntaJ^puradalli
sad-acb&ryyar appa N’^micbandra-Bhattaraka-deyarige nalu<-prabhu . . . savanta-Marayyanu,
vicbarisi . . . K a la -G a y u n d a ................. mayana Pemma . . . . diyaraip kandu t a v a ....................
barada Sila-sasanayam todadu balatk^radi tamma bbaktiy age s a l u t t a ....................... Benpayalli-
y a l l i ............................... kondu nal-prabbugaju adbikari sayanta-Marayyanum manaddbarey S gi
Nemichandra-Bbattaraka-deyara kalam toladu dbara-puryyakay agi . . . . Sila-sasauatam b a re-
du Benayaseya D odikeya . . . . {usual fined, phrases and versus)

A t the same village, on a pUlar in Basa-S'etti’s field,.
East face.
Vyaya-sainyatsara-Pusbj’^ada |bahulada barasiya KujanayaradoJ sad- |
vinaya-nidlii Balacbandram | su-samadbiyam mudipi nakam eydidan igal 1|
atitbigam ......................[ pratibba-pragalbbya . . Mauu-munig . . |
. . ruta-yadigala danam a- | v atisayam i-Balacbandran ullanneyaratn ||
. lale budba-samiti sisbtara |balagara melmellane maruge dana-yinodam
pralaya-praksbobhadavol ] kali . M -Balacbandran abbinaya-ebandram |1

• So in the-Origiaal, but 1064s=:Paridh^iTii Nandana .^1034.

52 SHmoga Taluq.

West face.
manamam niyamisal ariyar j ttanumanl . . . torppa muniyum muniye |
manarpam tanuvam niyamisa- | 1 amidinam i-Nemi-D6van orwane ballara |[

At the same village) on a mdstiJcal to the north.

fevara-samvatsarada prathama-Jyestha-su 10 Adityavarad andu Honne-Nayakana maga Tirumala»-

Nayakana kud© Mayakkanu bhaya . . kke hodar%i nilisida vira-ldkakke......................

At Kudu, {same hobli), on a learn of the ranga-mantapa of the Rdmesvara temple.
Svasti srimai-pratapa-cbakravavtti Hoyisaiia-^ri-Vti-a-BallaJa-Dev-arsaru sukha-rajyain geyyut*
tam ire Turaka-vigrayadalli (d)PiliyiBda makkalu Vira-Ballaia-B^a pattapa-praresa inadur-
avasaradalli | Pl'amadi-saipvatsarada Jesbta-sudba-dasamiyalli Kfidaliya Eamanatba-ddvarige
aguva Cbikka-Kftdaliya HanasavMiya purvvaya apfirwaya aluy anyaya yenu yill endu dhara-pur-
TYaka madida dharmma {usual final verse)

In the same temple, on a stone to the south. .

Nainas tunga-siras-chumbi-cbandra-cbarnara-cbaravS |
trailokya-nagararambba-mula-stambbaya S’ambbavS 1|
STasti sri jay^bbtidaya-Saka-varn^ada 1242 neya Eaadri-samvatsarada Asvaynja-babnja* 5 Soma—
•rarad andu | §rim at-pa..................tepuvarolu ganda Ta[da]Ta-Narayana . .. ...................sandha
apftrvva-rupa | rApa-Kandarppa ( . . . . Cbdla-Malava-Gan|a-Gurjjara-bhaya-jvara | svasti.
Visbnuvardbana j tenkanaditya | tenkana-cbakravartti . . . . ya para-rayara ganda-bberunda |
Sanivara-siddhi | giri-durgga-malla | Vira-Ball^a-Dev-arasaru | nija-sakala-rajyavan appukey-
yuva -vira-Bhairava | tora-batta | gaja-bbima | sibgara-bara | vira . . . J viradanda . . j sbri-
mS.cJuva ravuttara ganda pradbana-Bembeya-dapp&yakam . . . putram virddhi . .
ka II . . . . . ya Bembana guna [ ............ ... gova Madbavan upa- j
cbarisi Kudali-Eama . . | . angaraiiga-bbdgava nenadam ||
mundana dbarmmava dbarminaga- | linda nilalk a d u ............... |
sanda........................a- |nandadi Madbava . . . va-Eayana putram ||
aub a-Md.dbava.............. govala ganda . . . . uddanda-mapdalikara ganda praje-mecbcbe.
gandam |a-Gangana-nadu neradali a-Gangana-nadingo aru-dere bandali Kudaliya vui-u-daringe a-
aruvatu-bonnu aruvattu-bonnina kulav anubbavisi a-Madannanavarum j aruvattu-gauduin | nur-
ippattu-stanamam muntagi a-Eame-devar-anga-bbogakke kotta dbarmmav idake purvvayav"
apurvvayav end ilia nanda-vujake vondu-gapada. man-eppe saluvadu i-dbarmavan avan.
a]ipidavanu nis-santanav abanu |
pade-maten i-dbarmamava ] todadava ravarava-narakada kadalol. kedadaVa |
bidad ujjivisidaTan ava j Mridan end ettidenun i-mrudu-basta-dbvajavan II
idu baresidata kavisvara-Bramma-Deva . . . . .
Shimog^ T a lu q . 5^

Ai the same place, on another stone.
(Nagari characters)
Namas tuaga &c. jj
Eik-saklii SW a-bliakti-paljaya.................puslipodgama . |
............. yah panclita...............no dvijailj \
santosha................aldiyapane clicKhayaya |
sriman Vithtliala-mantri . . . vaja ij
Saka-Tarsha [1] 330 sanda varfctamana-Sarvvadhari-saipvatsarada X^lialguiia'Suddlia................
i| sri . . . . adhiraja raja-pararae . . . ^ri-vira-pratapa-Savihava-maharayara biipba-pratibiiii'
b a -b b u ta ............Deva-Baya-mabarayaru ViJayanagarij'ali Sri-Yirupaksha-deYai’a saimidliiyali
varnMrama . . . . sukha-sahkatlia-vinodadira rajyaTa palisutt iba kaladalu tadjya,-rajya-sam--
r a jy a d a .................. samana-sambbtiYana . . khyati ................. ... d a sM a .............dadlu-sudha-
karodaya sri . . . . . . g a b b ir a ..................... sahita sahityd-kala-kaXanidhi . . anudinam
ma . . . . sakala-daiia.............saka sngara . . tatratya.. . . sTaaamam . . . . manas tab giya-
ma . . , in fird h a ja -k irtti....................... yajana-adhyayana-adby§,pai)a-daaa-pratigra]ia-sbat-
karm a-niratara............Yajus-sakliiidliyayigalu Gayati’i-lnantjra-prasa . . . pramukhar aba . . K6-
tisvara-Diksbitara kula . . karu Narasimb.a-............. kanna-Bbattarige kotta sila-la'5aiiada kramav
entendare sri-vira-Pratapa-Deva-Eay8,-(mabaraja)-mabarayara nirbpadinda Vitbtbanua-Odeyaru
Aragada rajyayan aluva kaladalu srxmat-Tunga-Bbadva-sarigauia-daksbma-Varaiiasi-ffiaha-Praya'
gavadaKudaliya.Ea.manatba-devarali puranava beluvaVenkaii!,ia-u,padbyarigeAragada-rajyadaKu-
dalinadolage a-Eamaiiatba-devara ami’ita-padige saluva Hauasavadiy-em[ba]-gramadalu arainaueya
bbandarakke.. . . . . .gadyana 15 aksbaradalu badiuaidu boiina.......... grama gadyana .abali............
sarvY^amanyavanu a-Vitbtbainia-Odeyaru a-Venkaniia-npadbyara kMa-.'.........grama-vasab ■. su-
kara-jmtav agi- • •. nadavabage kattaley a g i .......... MuebukundMrama-Visyarupa-devara sanni-
dhiyali d.evat6 dde,sa-pitruddegav agi.......... 15 . . . . bira^tyOdaka-dana ..purvakav agi a-Vitb-
tbnna-Vodeyaru a-Veukaima-iipadbyarige a-cbandrarka-stki.yi5' S.gi kottey agi a-Venk.anna-up^-
dbyaru aba., sunkadakulada ga 15..........a-Eamauatba-devarali pur&na-beluttaii’Wira-Pratapa-
Deva-Eaya-mabarayarige ayur-arogya-aisvaryyabbivpiddbigal atabdgo i-dbarmakartrigalu Vitba- '
ima-Odeyarige veddkt^usbyabbivriddbigal ababage mupde |.dbapniaTa palisuya palakara aynsb-
yabbivriddbi ababage tri-sandbyanusbtbana-samayadalu devata Bedikoluya .. i-dbarmapalakam-
gajige Varanasiya Visvesyai’a-devara saunidbiyali s6 ijia-sury6paj'%a*pupya-kaladalli alankS.ra-
sabitav agi savira-gova kotta-pbalavau aiduva

sardba-koti-trayam Visbnu tat-samam Siya-mandiraxp |

eka-Visbiium pratisbtapya tat-samam labbatS nyipa ||

(9 lines foTloiving contain fiml phrases and verses) srimatu VEtbanna-Vedeyaru Venkanna-Bbattarige
kotta ^asanakke mafigalam
’'Vitbanuagaja baraba 6ri
A t the same place, <m another stone.
(N£gari ohaiacteis)
S'ri-Gapadbipataye nainah j
namas-tunga &c.l|
*In Kannada ohaiaotar.
54 S him oga fa liiq .
sTasti Sri jayabhyudaya-S’aka-varslia 1352 saudu varfctamana-Sadharana-salnvatsarada Pusbya-
ba 80 ^ d i Sriinan-maliarajadliiraja raja-pai’am^s vara Si’i-vira-Pratapa-ViJaya-Rayara kumararu Pra-
tapa-Deva-Raya-maMrayafii Vijayanagariyali simbasana-stliar agi si’i»Virupaksha-derara sanni-
dbxyaln varnaSrama-dliarfiiagalaau sukka-saukatha-vinodadiiu r^yaranu pai^palisutta sararajya-
dburandliarar agi yika kaladalu-j
tulapurusha-mukliyanima]ia-d4naBy . . . |
Deva-Eajeiia Deveadro »a tu]S,m adliiroliati ||
a^PrataparBeva-Eaya-mali&.rayara nirupadinda avara maneya sriaian-malia-pradlianaru ||
srimad-raja-kirita-juslita'Cliarapah srI-Bukka-Eajak purS.
purnarthah. PuruMfca-kirtti-valitO bliupas Sriya SVipatih j
'asid Baicbapa-daiidanayaka-maha-dor-da.nda-sajjikritail^
bodaytjair bbuvi kbaiiditari-nikaras Sri-S'aiabba-pbja-parah |j
rajnas tasya samasta-bbS,ra-bbarane daksbasya siksba-vidbau
rajn§,ip cbabafca-raksbanaJ^ budlia-varab santaiiTatali sarvatab j
asid Baicliapa-daildanayaka-mabamaiyasya purvakbila-
KsbmadMSadbipa-»na3iakarpita-pad6 Mangappa-daiidadhipah |(
tat-piitrali puru-punya-Iabdba-mabima Mabisbmati-rajavat
Idiyatab kshn3a-tala-ma)^danaya jaiiitd Dbatra dliaritri-patib j
dbiman Baicbapa-dandaaayaba-niaba-namna gunaiS cbanvito
Devendi-adi-niarud-ganesbii gai^itah pritliviin cbir4ya(n)vatat ||
tat-putrab sarasab samasta-gun^-yuk sarvartba-sampat-jjradah
sarvesbam vidusbaqi dvisbaip cba bara^e durvara-durgadhipab |
Sri-S’arvarobaaa-tatparah pratidiaam sarvair gunair Devarat
bbupalavali-pujito vijayate Eaya^ma-Eajab ksbitau [I
jayati jita-Manojab S ambbu-padabja-pujab j
smita-vadana-sarojas sampada Rajarajab j
pbalita-sukrita-bijo lalitasesha-rajo |
'’■'l jita-ripu-krita-pujo vira-Eayaiina-Rajab ||
a-E^yanna-Odeyaru Aragada-rajya Aneveriya-udda Hanagavadiya Bbagada-nS.iJu5Holeyabonn&ra-
nad^ira sa-dbavmadiuda palisutta ibakaladalu a-Eayann-0deyarigeAiieTeriya-nS.dola,gana Hanaga*
vadiya Bbagada samasta-gauda-prajegalu Holeyabonnura-nada samasta-gauiidu-prajegalu tammo-
j.u sarvaikamafcyav agi kbtta bbu-dana-sasanada kramav entendare Sadliarana-satnvafcsarada Push*
ya-ba 30 A ardbodaya-punya-kaladalu srimat-Tunga-Bbadra-saugama-daksbina-Varaiiasi-maba*
Prayagadi-Haribarav ada Kudaliya samasta-devata-samiidbiyalu Sri . . . . Mahesvra-sri-Laksb*
mi-Nai’ayana-prifciy agi sarvamtinyav agi Eayanu-Odeyani maduva cbbatra-dharniagajige sa-
biranyodaka-dana-dbara-purvakav agi dbareyan eradu cbatus-simege Vamana'-mudreya kallugala
nettu a-Damiayakapuravanu sarvamanyav agi Eayann-Odeyarn maduva cbbtrada dbarmau-
galige namma sukrlta-sak^biy agi kottsvu ) a-Daunayakapurada grama ondakke biriyara-mane-
yavaru aja-kattalege barasikott iba pramana-rekbe 155 bonnige Aragada-nkda NayakavMigalu
purva . . . uubbavisi baba buttuvali . . pramanu bonnu j a-Danuayakapurake saluva cbatus-
•simeyolag ulla tbta tudike gadde beddalu eta eri kalu nirtlrambba kadarambba adakeyr :uara
tengina-mara halasu mavu uerile bunlse bale badaue muntada en iilla kij.u.-pacbebe trina-kasbta-
mijntada d b a n y a d a ................... hiriyara-maueyinda banda bit^i bidbara marada bitti kraya
kaddaya a-uadugala bageyi sa rva ................... j| sufika-karuka grama-gadyana paucba-karuka
^ana-dere ame-dere magga-mudre olavaru borav&ru maduve . . . , umntada en uUa sufika ta{a-
Shim oga l^altiq. 55

varikege saluva ambali vadugore gauridam'bali sakav % i a-N&yakava^igalu ^4aTaka hut^uvaji

praku pramaria varaha ga 35 akskaradalu muvattaidu hounanu tettu baka ^-Daniiayaka-
purada cbatus-simeya vivara {W lines following contain details of l)Oundarie$) iut t-chatos-
Bimeyolag ulja nidbi-niksbepa-jala-pfcbana-aksbiiji-agami-siddlia^saddbyav ettiba askta-bboga*
-tejas-svamya-sakaT kgi Da^n^yakapuravauu Baickaya'dannS,yaka-odeyara makkaju Rayana-O^e-
yaru Kudaliyali maduva dkarisagalige nav eradu-naija gauncla'prajcgala namma namma stri-putra-
jnati-dayadya-savantanUQiataT kgi a-Da^nayakapurada muTattaidu-konnaau namma namma
gramagaja m e l e ............ kon^n . . . . santana-paramparey agi a-ckandrarka-stkayiy agi a-dkai’-
ma nadeyabek agi dbareyan eradu- u-Damiayakapurada gramada ckatus-simege Vamana‘ mn-
dreya kallu nettu sai’Va/mftnyav agi kotteVu int appudakke'tamma yaradu-nadft samasta-gaudu-
prajegala yavaj-jivada dkarmagale sakski t-maryadeyali sarvaminyav agi namage kotta Danijaya-
kapuravanu srotriyav agi 20 vrittiya madi nimma Eu<Jaliya makajanafigalige kotlev agi ^.-Dap^a-
yakapura sai’va-badke-parikai’av agi ivuvadn njiivatta-aidu konnn kereya kattikora|u tOtavan
ikktiva sammandba entu-konnu ubbayam nalvatta-mkr-konnanu namma ckkatrada dkarmata
nadasuvavarige tettu santana-paramparey agi annbkavisi babiri |[^int appudakke &-Rayawa‘Vo-
deyara sva-kastada voppa sri-Triyambaka | 4-Dan4yakapnrada dhana salada kaijemege Nara-
simka-devara Beluguliya sunka-karuka saka yelu-vai'aka ubkayam aivattu-konnanu naru Kuda-
liyalli maduva dkarmmagalige ardkodaya-punya-kaladalu dhareyan eradu ko^tevu j a-dkarma-
vittada vivara (8 lines^ following contain details of gift ) Dan^ayakapurada makajanan-
galu Kudaliya Ckaiidi-Bikskitara Eekannangnlu Ananta-Bkatjaru Liftgannabgaju Okan^a-Bka-
ttaru-modalada 20 vrittimantaru teruvada va ga 43 Bejuguliya smikadinda ga 7 ubkayam
aivattu-konnanu ettikondu devata-stkanaga^a dkarma-okkatrakke prati-divasa 14 Brakmara
kattaleya ojage nyunatiriktav illada kage nimma yavaj-jivada sukrita-sakskiy agi tappade nadtti
sutta bakiri yandu kotta dkarma-lasana Rayama-Odeyara oppa | 5ci-Triyambaka

On a stone in the south wag to the same temple.
' Namas tuiiga &c.l|
.......... svasti Sri jayabliyudayaS oka S'aka-varuskada 1215 neya Kkara-samvatsarada VayiSakkft*
Bu 15 lu srimatu pravuda-pratapa-ckakravartfci-Hoysaria-sri-Vira«NaraSiuga-Bev-arsara rSfjyai
b b y u d a .................. r a ,y a ......................yendu . . . . . yimmadi.............................. madaneya - .
................. Narana (7 lines gone) . . sia-Ramanatka-devara amrita‘ padige dkara-purvvakav ag-
Maka.dev a r a ...........a-ckandrarkka-taram-baram bai’a s i ........... kotta dharrmaa (iisual finalj>hrases)
........... Deviya su ta ....................rafcnam ckaturyya . . ra-nada {usual final vCTSS) . . . . . gajam aka.
^ri S r i...................... imayakark tan (m f illegible)

At the same temple, o x a viraJcal near the entrance,
Svasti Sri pritkvi-vallabkam m a k a -r a ja d k iia .............Manmatka-samVatsarada Pialguria-su 13
Bri p r a t a ............... N arasinga-Devana maneya kiriya-pradkftna . : ............. danii% akara maneya
Bale-Someya-Nayakana Ma . . . Nayakanu vukkadileg endu bakalli m aley . . kude kadi ta jit-
iridu biddalli avar-anna H a r i ........... nilisida bira-galu mangalam ak& Sri Sri
56 S b im o g a T a lu q .

On a viraJcal to the east of the Hanumanta temple, in the ivay leading to the same village.
Namas tuiiga &c.||
svasti ^rimanu malia-jDasayi , , . . . kaligal-ankusa Biraya-Nayakaaa alu afiga-java . . . Mareya*
N4yaka atana roaga Hiteya Okandauakereya bacla . . iridu danava kondu kohalli tula marajti
d^va-l6ka-praptai' adaru niaugalain aka sri sri sri

At the same village, on a stone in the enclosure of the Narasimha temple.
namas tuuga &c.||
srasti m jayabliyudayas cka S'aka-vavusada 1214 neyaKkara-samvatsara-Vaieakka-su' 15 lu srasti
^ritoatu praTuiJa-pi’atapa-ckakraTartti Hoysaua-sri-Vira-Narasimka-Dev'-arsaru rajya . r . Hi J sva-
efci foimanu mak&-man4ale3'Varam ari-raya-gaja-kesari | . . . , rauna inaiidala . . . ranamam nii-
rmmadi-ckakravartfci | maka-marulalesyaram niaka . . rsara . , . Dev-arsaru srasti srima . .
•. r a y a r u ......... yirmiaadi. . . . raya srimanu maluvpradkanam Madaneya-dannayakanu Ckika-
Jfadaneya-daAn^yakanil srasti samasta-prasasti-sakitam praje-meokche-ganda . . . magadige
I&la-gu:^dige svS.mi- vakekakara gaiida parivara-sannakanum Madaneya-dannayakara maga
Kiinaya-Nayakana nirkpadim |^rimatu sarvvadkikk'i satya-Hadkeya Sukkada-Narana-Daranu
Kamanijanu j Nameya-Mayi-Kaykana Sojd-Devanu Lkagavat-Garuda . . . Nayakana maga Vileya-
Naykapu ikt inikaru mukhya-samasta-kkakatamottainaru. Narasimka-ksketrada Tunga-Bkadra-
sakgamada dakskina-Yaranasi Kudaliya srajaimbku-^ri-Narasimka-devara aanda-dirigege Gakga-
malidaliya fajyada Sugura annpu-sukkadavolage dinam-prati tara . . daaam dkark-purvra-
kar agi kottant ^-Madaueya-dannayakaru |Ckikka-Madanoya-dannayakaru tamma Gakga-na^-
ojaga^ia Bejugaliyavoja-sukka kora-siikka stala-nibandkiy agi amrita-padige a-ckandrarkka-tarani-
bara sira*dkara-pftvvvakav agi kotta dkarmma H{gisual final phrases and verse)

ckitfcadol int i-dkam . ma- [ n ettauum kedipo ninde manadand a-naragam

sattida kotumba-sakitam 1 tv6 . . . koje ravuravake gala-galau ijigura l! '
makgalam aka Sri Sri Sri i[ ‘

At the same village, on a copperplate lelonging to Kudfi Srihghi matt.
_ (Nagari cliaraoters.)
(Front) S'ri-Vidya
Bamas tukga &c.'i

Harer lila-rarakasya damsktra-dandas sa patu rak J

HemMri-Sikkara yatra dkatri ckkatra-Sriyaip dadkau ||
. . . . Srimat-parama-gurave jaya-sampado . ................... .sandSsa . adritiya vandS guru-pi.
dnkam Sri Gajapaty aneko'stu Sri-Sakkara-Sasana
astiavastimati dkara su-ridita-Spingeri-simkasanam
tatra svaBti-Sarasrati*gnru-taraS Sri-Sakkar&inSadbkavak

I S ;Q ; g « l 3 ( J E U t i l l S U U & :
la e u u ^ i^ t& r jfiiR is a ]

IK M ^ gA T -T -* **** »Y J,r,fai UMflTMT — ^

iliM itt»itM «ta!S W «M ii% if:«ll«ilciIM 8 M * g /4 !*i

K U D A L I M A T H A C O P P E R P L A T E (SH 7 9 ).
Sliim oga T aluq. 57

Hri-Vi(lj'a.nagaie pratislitMta-malia-bliu-mandaladhisvaro
Vidyarauya-inunisvard Yijayate Gangadharah patu vah 1|

pancliasan-mita-koti-ydjana-blmva + gui-uh + dvi-sap tasal-lokah + jaaaih + ayktada^a-sakasrani ri-

skayas Saunakadayali + S’aukarah+jayati Titata-kirttih + Rudra-3aktih+so ‘ yam Sarvesvaro bkati
+ S'aiikav6 vijayaya te + iti Saukaravijaye tv adyara uktam + svasti snmadkigata-paiicka-inalia-
§abda prltliivy-ap-i,ejo-vsi.yv-akasadi-paSckavimEati-tatvamsa-jiva-Parabrakmaikya-(v)6nkara-laya-
syetara-llrabma-srislita-Jambu-dvipavrita-ckatus-sainudi’a-madkya-Meru-Himackala-Malaya- . . .
Makendra-Kanya-Trikiita-Vindkya-Sakya............. Varaka-Bkadra-Brabma-Mla-Varuna-Kanya-
S'riiigfi-AgastyackalkH............... ckatnra Andliva-Dravida-Haiva-Tula'^dalaya-Kalara-KalarDula-
Traigartta-Kiiru-Gandkara .................... Kai'nata-Vikvaya-Matra-Lata-Pandya-Pnlaka . . K u m -
Turvi‘-kka-Simliala-Gaucla-Kerala . . Kcnkana . . Auga-Karata (u)6dkra-Para-Sindku-mukkya-
sababra-desa-bkaska-jfia raja-manya-pra-ckatnrya . . mastaka prakata-satya*. . pramana kala-
kolahala sat-kala-raja............. Bkaratmdra-gurn-stkaiiLackarya VasiskGia-Visvamitra-Kasyapatri-
devata-dvatrimsad-asana-vidita-prajna svAdkisktkanadi-sp.kasrarantar-vritti-bala-pratapa-jnapu-
I’ana-kaladika-gana-TOga-maha-ydga-bralima-yuga-parinata deva-danavadi-sakti-ganair Hri-S’r:-
matri-stkana-stkiti-pradii nija-svarupa-jua nigainagiima-kLita-ddshajna Tcdanta,-Pri\bkakai’a-nyAya-
-gtuidliarva-ckliando-nigkfUitu-kavya-uatakSJafikara -akskara -lakskaiia-knya -dharana -tan-
tra-mata-rakskana samudra-sakuua - ckkaya-sastra-Bkarata-gayana-va.stu-ratiia-parikska-ckitra-
kalady-aneka-prasiddha-sakala-sastra-sravana-parangata para-kaya-pravosa-vasyady-akai’skanadi-
ckatur-asifci-vidya-pati sri-Vijaypo -saukara-Bkarali-guru-bkattackarya Visvaiupackarva Vaiskna-
va-pranavadackarya Pvamanujagama-sri-Bkagavad-aradkya-Nilakantkaradkjm-Vajranakkara-
Devaradkya para-maka-yantra . . . si’i-vimata-sammata-Samantaradhya Kaa-vasa-Brakmarasa-
Sarii.-va!i-gurn-?daijclanamisra-kala-kal:ijna-Sarasvati-vag-vijaya Safikara-Bbarafindra svatantra-
svecldia-vikara-p:ira-pdrangata vada-maka-sankaparakatakari Rudralayadi-askta-skaskti-Siv-a-
kslietra 08 Viskim-ksketra 50 S'akti 21 Ganapati-stkana 12 Aditya ckaiiskasti-yogini-mukkya-
stkal i 02 Bkairava Ekamsa-Eudra-kotl-Eamesa-LaksInmiBesa-Biidrapada-Visknupada'IIarikara-
Hiranyagarbka-si'i-Vidya-devata-pada-padmaradknka adi-suddka-mi6ra-S'aivackara-jna vibkuti-ru-
drakska-niatoddkara Eudi ackarana-para kaskaya-vastra-danda-kamandalu-laiiekliana Sri-stk^na-
matlia-sak asra-nilaya-stkanackarya-manya sarva-desa-pujya-paduka asana-triskayackita Yadava-
Sringa-Viirya-rakska-dakska Kadambara-Eaya-bliarana Deva-Eaja-rajaiya . . (5acX:)sri-pritkvi-
uddkaraka-Hari-si'i-Varaka-yukta-ukkayaiikita-sakski naga-mudra Araga 1 Ckandragupta . . 1
raja-pdjita-paduka-sauieta svannbkava-paratara-ke^ktha-Kadamba-Tam'ianvaya-Pura.iidara-Eaya
S'Miviikana-saka 1073 neya SVimukka-Magka-ba 14 Somavara-punya-kaladalu + sri + dvadasa-
sam .. ta-desa-madkya-desa Eam ackaiidra+sri + Beniira-kam23anadalIu Sanibapure vritli 13 trayo-
dasa bliu-saidceta-sila-sthajiita-^i’i-Vidyasankararpita-dkarmakkisekam + linga-saila-samjSeya-vritti
3 trayasya Yarada-dakskina-stkka, uaga-miidra + Brakma-Rudra-adigo baki-gramai S'ivapnra--
Bhadra-nagare pratyekam niskka-dvadasah Kamatka-kslietre Kalasanvayaika-putra Brahma-pu~
garama Ckaniio-karuvu gadyaua 10 Adapura-vritti 2 naga-m udra+3 + , . + Purandai’a-kka-
lya vakfima + sri-guru Adi-Kaitribkesvora-sanuaddba-satra-dkarma-Bharati-yogauvaya-Makiska-
para Cliati-gadiyallu vritti 12 ubkayfi nnga-niudva-rdia mfila-gum-Kaginela-TilaTali-Tadasa-Vfi~
rugala-Ha3tmavati-Blutne3a-Panduranga-mnkbya-r-ati'a ?.lauyapura.............. nagara Gauripura-
vritti 1'2S adige Sadliapura-S'ivapura............. Gdkai-nadi-Gomatita-Kasipura tatra stkanO ma.........
lapiira-Pulikoppa-modalada agra-puja-avadkana 7 vama 14 jati 101 kula Saiva-sammata-kkatB
1 5 ^
58 S bim oga T aluq.
rudraksha-kasliaya-Yastraka-de]ia§i’i-Bhagiratlu-mukliya-salia-nadi-tirtb.a-kamandalu-jala-Smna.tra“ -
deha pavitiakrita-vama-jita-kula-vidya-guru srimat-parama-kamsa-parivrajakackai'ya-varya pada-
vakya-praniana-paravara-paiina yama-niyama-mauua-tapas-cliakravatti anadi-guru-parampara-
prapta-skad-darsaaa-sthapanacliarya Yedanta-vyakhyaaa-simhasaiiadlusvara Sankhya-traya-prati-
palaka sakala-ridya-visarada niganiagama-sara-kridaya Yaddika-marga-pravartaka bliumandala-
ckarya risliy-asrama-Narasimha- ksk$tra-Vidyanagara-stka- VidyasaQkai'a-Sarasvaty -aradkaka
sarva-deia-sala-miilage paratava-sii-saparya-vaibkaYakke guru-stkana-i^anya-matha-mudracliara
paficba-vadya-dliakka-dindima-jhallari-patalia-jagbatikadi-vadya bbatta*st6tra svania-rajata-karaii-
kita-nija-sevaka bliakfca-pMaaa manobbisbta-prada Hari-Hai’a-Hiranyagarbliadi-srimad-Vijayasan-
kara-Bliarati-sii-pada-puj(y)aka sri-guru-paramparadigalige+Soraamia-Kadamba-kala-tilaka-Ptt-
randara-R aya..................... {usual final verses) dkavmena vardhate putraji ||dbarmcna punya-
vardbanam |
sYa*datta putrika db^tri pitrd datta sabodari |
anya-dattS. svayam Inata tasmat tam palayet sada ||
srirguvu-deva Dbarnia-Eaja palyate . . . janaib . . mangala tnaba sri sri
{around) puradity-a-siodbn-krite-patram cliakre ksbiti-vimsati-krita-dbarma-kirtih ...................
aba Haribara-kai’a-nityam paripurifca-dbarma-kirti-sriy'am bbavatu || li'i-guru samany'oyaip &c j|

On another copper plate belonging to the same mallui.

(N’dgari characters.)
{On the seal) Sri-Vidyasaukara srim klim saah pratbamain smarami Haribara sri 4i>i-Yarabasya
{front) svasti Tripurasnndari-S'ricbakra-Bayakim Bbaratim vaade sri-gm'»-pu;a . . . hrt
ixamas tanga-sirah=;ananya» cbintayantd lnain===my abaia x gotretia sbad-vairi-cbcbbeda.-
cbakram =S’aiv%ame xS'aukaracbaryam ide + bindu-tri-kdaa aim jananira Brahmiin jagan-m^»
taram + cbakra-rupim bbaje + ekara-nilaya devi e kama-rupini + aksba-majamrita-kai-a = SarasYati==
iti Sankaravijaye=DeYirabasy6ktatn=nain6 Brabmane=mamayusbya*srim—iti iaantram =iii-

srasti sri samadbigata-pancba-maba-Sabda mabaraja-rajesvari-................... bbuvana*na.yaki-

bbagavati-pada-padmaradbaka STanubhava-pra3S.anuga=diksba. ..................... Bbattaraka Gauda*
Mapdanamisrasrama-stbita-Sarasvati-nija-pada-cba......................... vidya sakala-sastresbu jaya-
prada sri-gura-Vijaya^ankara-Bbarati S'rividyaradbaka-sampradayika S'liYidyaradbakasya svar-
Ba-vrisbty-agamana-kale tasyaprema-karunya-Tadava-Narayana bbuja-bala pratapa-cbakravarti=
5ri 4- saparyadi-dvadasa-kala-niyamaradbana-cbatush-sbasbty-ripacbarya-dYatrirDsat-seYakadi-
rajopacharya-vaibbava-brabma-prariadigalige dattani—Himayad-gii’indra- daksbma-stbita- Sabya-
dri-desa-m adhye+m aha-ra= sri-prata =Kadamba-RS.yaru5=Sainantaduvga = Banavase==Araga*
lcaaipa9 adalu=sukba—prati-Ari-S'ali-samjSo vim^ati-ManmatbS Bjasx M agbo Siva-sendu-cha-
samynktS It |
Shimoga Taluq. 59
sri-S’ringapnry-adi-inali4graLA,ran islitani purtani man&ratliaptim + Havl-Hart-Hiranyagarbha-'
............... kara i-ishtapti . . . . n a d iga iige-'a gn i-lio...................velauarp cbanupalanEip isMam
ity abhidhiyate=Yapi-kupa-fcatakadi-devatayataca iti S’ailiaravijay6ktami=garva-desa-fIeYa-garu-
sthana-YarnaSrarpa-Hariha............... yutd-3amsthana=darsanadi»de]ia-jaaita ..sttu rah ^ b ha tS ,-
ciaryadiH - taipata..................svasti samasta-prasasti-sahita-kula-pujarclianady^auga-bliaikslia-
HiahafcTaya-japa-parayana-angaH’anga-nitya-naimi,ttik6tsava-La.Titra-kriya*-inanya=* Kasyapa-Gtau-
tama-Bkaradvaja-Vasisibtiia-KattSika.-Visvamitra'-Kaundinya-Jamadagni-Jabali-Atri......... dvada-
sottara-satan gofcriiiali Syingapdra-Vidyaranyapura-Padmanaiayanapura.............vritti-iiislika-
pratyeka pratyeka 360 sankhya prathamadi-ki'ameria sa-kiranyddaka-dliSrft-piirvaka sri-
Vidya ranyasaya daittain=Vasisiitliah Kasyap6’ tri-Visv§;initr6’tha Gautamah=;tasya makliya-
grakara tatli& Gana-pungavam !1 . . . . . sri-garu-sri-guru-de\'a-Karayaria-Gauda-G6vinda-
Dattatreya-dar^anauanfaram sYa-bhavana-stkapana-sampradaya-stliana = raja-ganadM§Tara-sa-
kskinali Hiranyagarblia*Ohaudrasiklia-S’ai’ada-sri-Vidya§ankara-Yai*ada-Vib]iandakasrama*Malia-
lakesvara- sn-Narasimka —^ri-Tungabkadra - ................................... S'rifigalesvara—Bhairavadi-
mukkya-ieYata........................................SVjiiga-3tkanadi-*=antaral0=^ri-5rt-niakaraja 4 U18 1| 101
..................rmeiia paIj'ate=vardkate=sri-Bkagavati-de/i varade sri^aisvaryasya samagrasy^
= sriy a k = sa la -m u la g e .............................vridky4di-=gajanta=guru-pras&dakkinjana-deka-janak.
maka-iakskini-prapti=:saparya . . . . saiikefca SVidgapurt;-Vidyaranyapura=Airipita—Sackida-=^
Sivapu=^ Satavalk=ki’arasimkai=HaraTalli=Vtidava=BelagudikaJi=GaudaYa=Belupura=^ AlavaJ
Sambapura=Beluka=Sa&kanka =:Maka=Yid_vapu=:Ckakranagara=Varada-mftla-gramddi-dYa-
dasa-sakasra-niskka-parimita-kku-saiik6fca-bku-i’asayak svarna-ia^ayak svarnaiaya........ sa-ki-
ranyodaka-sek&di-Ala-stkapita-Vamana-mudradi - saiikka-ckafcra- likga-lafickkaaa-kkuskana =na-
gara - pattanagrakara - pura - palli-koppa - sarva - jauapadadi - saTva - de^a - mafcka -stkana-guru-'
raja-dvijadi=l5=18 —101= kaladi - ckkapaima- dMa- de^a-stkana -madkye == gajasva-satBma--
kkaadulika-ckkatra-ckaoiara-torana-kalasa-dkvaja-pataka-ratkayadka -padati-samlta-vitlii-prasta-
ra-kuraju maragudi-makara-ckakra-trisulayudka ubkaya-par^va-svarna-vetrankita-'kkata- paficka-
maka-v§.dya-jkallari- diriditna-dawaru- 4kakka - pataka-pataka -3afiikka--ok£kra-ubkaya-tala-kakala-
sammeladi-jag-katakadi- vadya rajopacharya - vaibbava desa-desa - deva-guru -raja£-tkan§,ckara-
doska-prayasckitta-vyayakaradi-agra-tambula-agra-puja-paurokityadi-Tnabajana-sarva - yajamana
mudrS.-'Yiekara^ia-kar.iva-sre.sktka |1^ri-gurusri-(&»e^)4n-Vijayasankara-Bktrati-svaiBi-svarragraka-*
katakska-deka - pavitrikrita-kkavabdki-magna-deha-pavitrikrita—Swa-sakfci-Viski>u - lanckkana-
mukkya-shad-darsaaadi-ftkottara-sata - stkaladi-skasbti-S’iva - Viskjju-sakti - mukhya-ekMiti-sam«-
stkanadkisktkita-JaTnbkdvipavrit.a-(ma) dakskina-de4a= kkatackarya ^ata-3tkaladi
Aadkras cka Dravida Chola Karnata................. .. |
Kaliiigas cka Turuskkas cka Keraja BarbaradayaJj i|
Gurjara Parajlikal cka Malayo Konkauadayak |
Gaula-Panckala-Hammira-Suraseua-Prasamkakak ||
Kuruksketranx cka KMmiram YauYaaak Kasikadayak [
dakskinofctara'-madkye tu Jambudvipo viSiskyato j|
a-Setu-Himayor madky$ Saukararya-garum bkajs +
A i dvatriip^ad-dvl-aakasra-dikskita-yaracharan makABrakmakau [
iti Saiikaravijayoktam A’i-guru-Vidya-Vijaya-sankara sri-Vidjaranya ....................
tirtkasrama-vanaranya-kula- parvata-sagaram |
Sarasvati-Bkaratindra^ ckackara vasudka-tajam ||
(2 lines fflegibJe)
Shimoga Taluq.
devr.-iravya guru-dravya vipra-iravj'a SivarcTimie [
(1 line illegible)
(usual final verses) fiii * ^ri-Kadamba sri * sri mangala maba sri sri

On cojgier jjlates in the same matha.

(la) llamas tunga &c. |i

svasti sri jayabbyadaya-Salivahana-saka-varslia 1591 neya Kilaka-samvatsarada Vaisaklia-

suddba 15 Hu ^rimat-parama-bamsa-pariTrajakaebarya-varya pada-vakya-pramaiia-paraFara-pa-
riria jama.-uiyaiKady-asbtanga-yoga-niratar ada Kudali-matbada Ammuji-svamigala samprada-
yadaVidyaraiiya-Bbarati-SYamigala kara-kamala-sanjatar ada sri-Narasimba-Bbarati-svaraigaJige |
sritnad-Yedava-Murari kote-kolahala '.'isaddba-vaidikadvaita-siddbanta-pratisbtbapaka S'iva-guru-
bbakti-paiayanav ada Kcladi-Sadasiva-Eaya-nayakara vamsodbliavar ada Saiikanna-Nayakara pra-
pautraru Bidapa-Yayakara pautraru Siyappa-Nayakara putrar ada Somasekbara-Nayakara
kotta dbarma-sasanada kramav entendare j praku Hiri-Vciikatapa-Yayakarii Arnmaji-svamigalige
ICuJidi-Tnattia-dbarmako ] bitta KerebalJi-Gayatura-grauiagalu j madbyadali visakalitav agiddalli
(It) Plavaiiga-samvatsarada MargaMra-sttdba 15 SaumyaYara-aomdparaga-pmiya-kaladaUtt
punai'-udbarava niadi S’ivarpitav agi bit^adu (here follow details o f g ift) namma besa-
rallu nivu madida Eomasekbarapurada' agrabarada brabniarige nivu barasikotta patte
praaiiiuu |[ (37 lines following contain names o f vritiidars, &c ) yinnura-arYatu-Tarabauu vaudu-
bauavina bbumiyanu Somasekbarapurada agrabara-devastbana-Kudali-matbada dbarlua-satra-
Xasi"(ibarrj!ika saba. [ S'ivarpitav agi bitev agi i-gramada bbiimige saluva chatur-gadi Va|aguja
nidbi-uiksbcpa-jala-pasbaua-aksbini-agami-siddba-EadbyGUgal emba asbta- (Ilia ) bbdga-teja-
svainyavanu purva-mariyadeli agumadi-kondu nimma sisbya-parampareyagi a-cbaudrarka-stbayigaj
^gi ag i’;;bara-matba-dbarmavanu nadasikoiidu sukbadim anubbavisi-babadu yendu kotta dbarma-
Sasaua deva-saksbi 1|(iisiial final verses) iri-Sadasiva.

On another copperplate helonging to the same matha.
(Frottt) sub bam astu
namas tunga &c.||
svasti 6ri vijayabbyndaya- Salivabana-saka-varusa 1605 neya sanda varttamaua-Eudbirodgari*
samvatsarada S'ravana-ba 10 llu ^rimat‘ parama-hamsa-parivrajakd.cbaiy3m-varyya pada-v4kya-
pramana-paravara-paiina yama-aiyamady’ asbtanga-ydgamiratar ada S'ringeri- sn-AmniS,ji-
svamigalavara sampradayastbar ada Yax’asimba-Bharati-svamigalaiyanavara kara-kamala-sanja-
tar ada sri-S'aukara-Bbarati-svamigalavani j Tudaviyalli namma mathada nivesanadalli Sabugisa-
Efisbnapayanu nirmana-madista siiamaya-devastbanadalli pratishtbe-madida CbandramauJi-
Svara-devara abblsbeka-sabasrauama-mantrapusbpa-amritapadi-nandadipa (kti) •paueba-parva-
vadya-muntada viniyogongajige navu Sivarpanav dgi kotta-svaste-sasanada kramav entendare
plirvudali namma matba-dbarmake nadadu bandantha Honnura sime-valagdna Anuveri-p^b'ge
BalaTaKanasinckate-gramadali prAkn utara Cbandapana-Narasapagega 6(and three others named)

•In Kannada characters*

Shim oga T a lu q . 61

antu uttara ga 22 yippatt-erada varahana bliumin ulidu melada bhumi §,dy-anta*gramavaimu tat-
samvatsarada Asbadba-ba 30 yu Stbiravara-sui'y6})araga-ptiiiya-kaladalli sa-birany6daka*daiia-
dbara-purvakav agi SivarpanaT agi bittidbeve i-gramadacbafcur-gadiva|age yenu agami adantb-
addanu devata-sevege nadadu-baba-riti bittideve i-gramake saluva cbatus-sime*valagaija nidbi-
niksbepa'jala-pasba^Si-aksbmi-agami-siddba-sadby&ugal emba askta-bboga-tejas-svamyavannu
namma sisbya-parampareyav agi yi-artbakke tappade natjasi-baba-riti S'ivarpa^a madi barasi
kotta dbarma-sasana j y^akke deva-saksbigalu {tmial final verses) *sri-Vidyaiafikara.

Another copier sasana lelonging to the same matha.

(Nagari cliaraeters)

(I&) iri-Veiikate^%a namab |

yasya samparka-punyena nari-ratnam abliut sila j
yad upasyam suuianas&m tad vastv [ajdvandvara asraye j|
yasya Dviradavaktradyab parisbadyab paras-Sataia j
vighnam nigbnapti bhajatdm Visbvaksenam tam asraye ||
Harer lila-varabasya damsbtra-dandas sa piitu vab |
Hemadri-katasa yatra dbatri chbatra-sriyam dadbau ||
kalyaij&yastu tad dbama pratyuba-timirapabaip |
yad gajo’py Agajodbbutaip Paficbasyenapi lalitain ||
jayati ksbira-jaladher jatajp savyeksbajiam Hareb ]
alambanam cbakbranam amarayusb-karam mabali 1!
pautras tasya Pururava Budba-sutag tasy-Ayuj- asyatmajab
safijayne Nabusbd Yayatir abbavat tasmacb cba Purus tatab }
tad-vamse Bbarbto babbbta nripatis tat-santatau S'antami.s
tat-turyo Vijayo ’ Bbimanyur udabbut tasmat Pariksbit tatab j|
Nanda$ tasyasbtamo’ bbbt samajaui navamas tasya rdjna^ Obalikka* I
ksbm^pas tat-saptamaS Sripati-rucbir abbavad raja-purvo uar^udrab i
tasyasi [d] Bijjalendrd dasama iba ni‘ipo Vira-Hemmali-Eayas
tarttiyiko Murarau krita-natir udabbut tasy^a !Maya-punsab y
tat-turyo ’jani Tata-Pinna [raa]-mabipald nijaldkana-
trastaiuitra-ganas tato ^jani baran durgani saptabitat |
abnaikina sa Sonii-Deva-npipatis tasyaiva .jajfie (Ila) suto
viro Eagb[ava]-I)eyarad iti tata^ sri-Pinnaiuo ^ bbun Bripah i|
Aravi^-jaagari-vibbor abbbd asya Bukka-dbaraippatis sutab |
y^na Saluva-Nyisimba-rajyam apy edbaniana-ioabasa stbiri-kritam ||
svab-kaniinM cba tanu-kantibbir aksbipantim.
Bukkayauipa-tilako budba-kalpailakbt |
kalyariinim Kamalanabba ivabdbi-kauyam
Ballanibikam udayabad babu-manya-^ilam 1|
suteya kalasambudbMi SurabbitMugam MadbaySit
Kumaram iyaSankarat ku^a-mabibhritali kanyakd j

*In Nagari characters.

62 S h im o g a T a ln q .

Jayantam amaraqDrablior ajji S'acliiva Bukkadhipat

sati jagati Ballamalabliata Eama-Eajam sutani |j
saliasrais saptatya sakitam api yas Sindhu-janisham
Sapadasyaaikam samiti bliuja-^aaryena mabata j
vijityadatt6’smad Avani-giri-durgam vibhutaya
vidbutendrah Kasapp-Udayam api vidravya sabasa ||
Kandauuavoli-durgam uru-kandalad-abbyudayo
babu-balena yo babutai-ena vijitya Hareh |
sannibitasya tatra cbavanambusbu bbakfcataya
jfiatibbir arpitam sudhayati sma uisbevya visliam ||
Iri-Eama-Eaja-ksbitipasya ta^ya cbintamaner artbi-kadambakanam j
Laksbmir ivambboruba-ldobanasya Lakkambikamusbya mabisby alasit :|
tasyadbikais samabbavat tanayas tapobbih
S'ri-ranga-Eaja-nvipatib aasi-vamsa-dipah |
S-san samullasati dhamani yasya obitram
netrani vairi-sudrisan cba nii-anjaiiani ||
satim Tirumalambikam cbarita-Iilayarmidbati-
pratbam api titiksbaya vasmiiati-ya (II h) 66 rundbatiin j
Himdmsur iva Eobinim bridaya-barinim sad-gunair
amodata sadbarmiuim ayam avapya viragranib ||
racbita-naya-vicbaram Eama-Eajan cba dbiram
vara-Tirumala-Rayam Veiikatadri-ksbitisara ]
ajanayata sa etan anupurvya kumaran
iba Tirumala-DeTyam eva raja mabauiah |1
sakala-bbuTana-kantakaii aiatin
samiti nibatya sa Eama-Etija-virab |
Bbarata-Manu-Bbagxratba di-raj a-
prathita-yasah prasasasa cbakram urvyali !1
vitarana-paripatim yasya Vidyadbariuam
n'akbara-mukbara-Yiiia-nada-gitam nisamya ]
anukalam ayam avalambu-bimbapadesal
amara-nagara-sakbi lajjaya majjativa jj
vyarajata sri-vara-Vmikatadri-Eajali ksbitau Laksbmana-cliaru-murttih |
jya-gbosba-durikrita-megba-nadali kurvan su-mitrasaya-barsba-posbani |j ||
trisbu Srii-aiiga-kshma-paribridba-kumareshv adbi-ranam
vijityari-ksbmapams Tirumala-maharaya-nripatili |
mabaujas [samrbjye] su-matir abbisbikto nirupame
prasasty urvim sarvam api tisrisbu murtisbv iva Hai’ih [|
yasasvinam agrasarasya yasya pattabbisbeke sati partbiveuddh |
danambu-purair abbisbicbyamaua devi-padam bbumir iyam dadbati ||
yasyati-praudba-tejas-sayitari vima (III «)ta-dbvauta-bbediny udite
kirti-ksbirarnavantas-spbutatara-Yikasat-pi'indarikdpamasya |
s'veta-cbcbbatrasya madbye kanaka-[ka] las'ika bbasate kariiikabbd,
tasydpante marbla-dvayam iva vicbalacb-cbamara-dvandvam aste ||
sbv bvrityavritya sarvesbv atanuta vidbivad bbuyase s'reyase yah |
Shim oga Taluq. 63

deva-s(3liane.3lm tirthestv api kanaka-tula-purusMdini na[n^]-

d§.nany evopadanair api samam akhilair S.gatnokt&ni tani ||
anantaram tat-tanayah pratitas okakasti kastapajita-dyu-lakhi |
sri-Vegalamba-akira-piiuya-rasih-S'iirauga-'RayaS srita-bkagadlieyali i|]
Uddagirau sthitab parivijitya cba durga-chayan
dui’gama-Koiidavidu-Vinikonrla-pura-pramvikhyan (
bbu-valayaika-ratna-Penugonda-puie nivasan
rajati yah sa u)akai4dima-lMohhanatah. 1|
yatha-vidhi mahi-surottama-krltabhishekdtsave
yadiya-kara-varid© kanaka*vrishti-de sai’vatah |
yasomaya-tarahgini dasa-dig-antare jrimbhate
satam prasainito ’ bhavat kpipanatorti-daranalah jl
nitya nirastadi-iiripe sapatnan saitthritya samraksliita-sarva-lok© [
S'rirauga-Kaya-kshitipalake 'smin padam Murareh paramam prapauixe 1|
vidvat-trana-parayanas tad-anujas Iri-Vdgalamba-pura-
puuyotkarsha-phalagamas Tii’umala-sri-de [va]-rayatmabhuh.1
(IIK ) santana'drur iva sthitas sura-giran sami ajya-simhasane
sarvaip sasfci nayeiia VMkatapati-lri-deva-rayali ksliamaip ||
yatha, Eaghu-kulodv^ahas svayaiii Ai'midhati-janiua
sva-g6ti’a-guruiia sudhi-tilaka-Tatayaryyepa yah |
yatha-vidhi mahi-surottama-kritabhishekoteaTh
yadiya-kara-varide kanaka-vrishti-de sarvatalx |1
yatha-vidhi yasas-vina viraohitabhisheka-kshapo [
vibhidya Yavapasavan vijayate prasasau. mahitn. J|
^rf-V^hkatambd vara-Raghavamba Pedobamaaiba oha Pinobaaiamba |
nitya saineta iva saktayo yam dovyo’ nnrundhanti pavitra-sijah |1
yasyati-prathitanjaso rapa-ttmkhe sena-bhatair udbhatais (
satopahrita-saindhava-dvipa-ghata-sastratapatradimah |
nirvipno Malukibhu-ramli-tanubhhs samprapya gehani mahau (r)
marddas san Mahamad[d]a-Sahur ayate sarthabhidham anvaham j|
yasminn aiigada-nii’visesham akhilam urviip bhuje bibhrati
pritah pannaga-maiidaladhipa-kulakshoaibhyito nir-bharah j
sevante Vrlsha-sailatani adhigatas sri-Vehkatadhisvaraip*
varaM-gambhiryy^-vi^esha-dhuryyas Chaurasi-durgaika-vibhala-vaiyyah {
patashta-dig-]’aya-maaah-prakama-bhayahkaras Sanigadharahtarahgah
hata-ripnr animeshanokaho yachakaaam
hosa-birudara-gando raya-rahutta-mindah j f
Sishla-samrakshana-paro dushta-sanldula-mardanah |
aribha-gandabherundo Ha(IV a) rbbhakti-sudha-nidhih ||
Atreya-gotrajanam agrasaro bhubhujani udara-yasah ] f
ity-adi-birudair vandi-tatya nityam abhishtiitah |
jaya jiveti vadinya jailitanjali-baddhaya ||
Kambhoja-Bhdja-Kalifiga-Karahatadi-p arthivaih |
pratihara-padain praptaih prastuta-stuti-ghoshanah jj
60 ‘ yam niti-jitadibhupati-tatas SutrSma-Sakhisudlii-
*Last p4da is wanting fOtlior W f ig wanting.
€4 S h im o g a T a lu q .

sai-thanam bhuja-tejasa sva-vasayaii Karuata-simhasanam [

a Setor api cha-Himadri vimatan samhritya sasan muda
sarvorvim prachakasti Vtekatapati-sri-dera-rayagranih ||
dasa-banendu-sankliyaka-kale tu S aka-vatsare |
Sarvajid-vatsare suddba-Kartikyani dvadasi-tifcliau |!
sri-Veiikatesa-padabja-sannidbau sreyasam nidhau [
veda-vManta-siddlianta-milri ams a-para-dris vaue l|
sad-achara-dburinaya sarva-vidyaika-bandhave [
tri-skandha-jfi&na-Tidusliam sekbaraya dvijanmano ||
nifcyanna-dana-santusbta-nikbila-dvija-sanisade j
Ratbifcara-maba-gotra-para vara-sudbamsave 1|
Asralayana-sutr^a Rik-sakbaya mabatmane |
Harbe-grama-stba-Honnendra-pautraya prathitaujase |!
Matsomayaji-putraya sarva-siddbanta-Tedine |
jafcakadisbv ati-praudba-kuialaya cba dbbnate ||
Malla-Jyosyaya santaya Sekbaraya dvijamnanam j
Penugonda-maha-rajye vata-sima-samanvitam ||
prakbyafcam cba maba-gramaai Malnuru-stbala-sobbitam |
(7 lines foUotving contain details of boundaries)
ralaya-Yamana-gambbais cba pallibbis cba samanvitam |
Vandan- (a) uru-maba-gramam gribaramaii cba samyutani H
sri-Yenkata-mabaraya-samudrau prati-namakau j
sai’va-manyau cbatus-simav ubbau gramau samantatah 1|
nidhi*niksbepa^pasbana-siddba-sadbya-jalan7it,au |
asksbiny-a.g5,mi-samyuktav &ka-bbogau ga-^bburubau !1
vapi-kupa-tatakais cba kacbcbbar^mais cba samyutau |
putra-pautradibbir bbogyau kramad a-cbandra-tarakain |1
danadbamana-vikriti-yogyau viiiimayoobitau |
patitah prayataih snigdhaih purobita-purogamaib i|
vividblar vibbadbais srauta-patbikair adbikair gira [
Yeiikatendra-iuabarayo maaaniyb manasvinam |
sa-^bivanya-payo-dbara-pArvakam dattavan muda || sia |
(V a) sri-Yeixkatapati-R%a*ksbitipati-varyyasya kirti-dburyasya |
®sanam idara Sudbi-jana-kuvalaya-cbandrasya bbu-niabendrasya
sri-rVenkatapati-Raya-ksbmapa-nidesena sasana-slokau |
Krisbna-kavi-Kamakotis sa-rasam abbap.it Sabbapateh paiitrab |1
sri-Ymikata-raabaraya-suktya Gfanapayatmajah |
sri-Yirana-mabacbary 6 vyalikbat tamra-^asanam ||
(9 lines following contain usual final verses)
Sri-VMkatesa *

*In Kannada charaoteTe*

Shimoga Taluq. 68

At the same village, on eojoper plates belonging to the Kallii*niatTi<i-
(NJigari characters.)
(,(I a) &i-Ganadhipataye nama^ IJ
namas tunga &c. !|
Harer lila-varahasya damslitra'danda|i_ sa patu vah |
HemM'ri-sikhara yatra dhafcri cliliatra-kdyaip dadbau ||
kalyanayastu tad dliama pratyuka-timirapaliani |
yad gajd’py Agajodbhutam Harer api cba pujyate ||
asti ksMraniayM dSvair mathyaniaiia-iiiaMiabudli^h (
navanitam ivodbbufcam apanita-tamo [ma]bah {{
tasyasit tanayas tapobbir atulair auvartha-nama Budbab
puijyair asya Pururava bbuja-balair ayur dvisb&m mgbnatab |'
tasy Ayur Nabusbo'sya tasya parusbo yuddbe Tayatih ksbitau
kby^tas tasya tu Tarvasur Vasu-nibbai sri-DS.-ryHid'pat§h fl
tad-vam^e I)evaki-jS.»ir didipe Timma-bbbpatih |
yasasvi Palaveadresbu Yaddh Krishna ivbnvaye ||
tato ^bbbd Bukkama-jauir Kvarab ksbitipdlakah | *
Devaki-nandan&t Kamo Devaki-nandanad iTa l|
Vividba-sukritoddamd RUmesvara-pramukbe mubur
niu[di]ta-bridayas stbane stbani vyadbatta yatb4-vidbi |
budba-parivjito nana-dbndni yo bbnvi sbodasa
tri-bbuvana-janodgitam spbttaitt yasah punar-uktayan j]
K^vdrim Mu badbyS. babaja’jala-rayam tarn vilangbyiava satrum
jiva-grabani gribitva samiti bbuja-balat tan cba rajyam tadiyain |
kritvd, SViraaiga-purvam tad api nija-yasd pattauam yo yabbd.se
kirtbstambbam pikbaya tri-bbuyana-bbayana-stuyamdnapadanab ||
Cberam Cbolam cba Papdyain tad api cba Madbura-yallabbam mana-bbdsbain (
yiryddagrani Tarusbkam Gajapati-nyipatim cbdapi jitya tad-anydn |
d Gangd'tira-Laukd-pratbama-obarama-bbubbrit-tatdntam nitdntam
kbydtah ksbonipatiadin srajam iya sirasim ^asapaiP yd yyatdnit ||
Tippdji-bTdgald-(I b) De/ydh Kausalyd-sri-Sumitraydb |
■deyydr iya Krisimbendrdt tasmdt Pafiktiratbdd iya i|
yirau vinayinau Rdma-Laksbraapay iva nandanan f
jdtau Vira-Nyisimbendra-ICrisbpa-Rdya-piabipati ||
vira-sri-Ndrasimbab sa Vijayanagard ratna-simbasapa-stba^
Mrtyd nityd niragyati jN’ylga'^Nala-Kabusbdn, apy avanydm atbdnydn |
d Setdr d Sumerdr ayanisura-natas syairam d cbddayddrer
d pdscbdtyacbaldntdd akhila-bvidayam dyar-jya rdjyam daddsa ||
ndna-dandny akdrsbit Kanaka-sadasi yas sri-Virupdksba-deya-
stbdne sri-KdlabastiSitm' api nagare Venkatadran cba Kdncbyam )
S’risaile Sona-saile mabati Havibare ^ bdbald Sabgame cba
Srii-ange Kumbbakdne bata-taraasi mabd-Nanditirtbe Nivrittau ||
•Next two lines are wanting'*
66 Bhimoga Taluq.

Gokar^e Eama-setau jagati tad-itareshv apy aseslieshu punya-

sthanesliv arabdKa-naua-Yidha-........maba-dana-vari-pravaliaih |
kshmabbrit-paksba-obcbhidodyad-vara-Kulisa-dharotkantbita kuntMtdbhut !i
brabmmdam visva-cbakram gbatam udita-maba-bhufcakam ratnasanum
saptambhodlums clia kalpakshifciruha-tilakaiu kancbanim kamadhenum )
svarna-ksbmam yo biranyasYa-rafcbam api [cba] tula-pArusham go-sabasram
bemasvam bema-garbbam kanaka-maya-ratbam pafioba-Iangaly atanit (|
prajyatn'prasasya nir-vigbnain rajyam dyam iva sasitum |
tasmin gunena vikbyate ksbiter indre divaan gate ||
tato’py avarya-virya-srib Krisbna-Kaya-mabipatih |
bibbarti mani-keyura-nirvisesbam mabim bbuje |1
kirfcya yasya samantatab prasritaya TiSvam rucbaikyam vrajed
ity Maakya pura Pararir abbavad pbaleksbaaab prayasah |
Padm ^sbo ‘pi cbatur-bbujo ‘jaai obatur-vaktro ‘bbavat Padmabbub
Kali kbadgam adbat Rama cba kanialam viuafi cba Vani kare |i
§atrunam vasam ete (II a) dadata iti rusba kinnu saptambur^in
nd,na-3§na-turabga-fcrntita-vasumati-dbu}ika-p^bkabbih |
sams6sbya svaivam §tat-pratinidbi-jaladbi-^renika yo vidbatt§
brabmanda-svarria-meru-pramukba-aija-maba-daaa-toyair amfeyaib ||
mad-dattam artbi-sbrtbas sriyam iba su-cbiram bbunjatS,m ity avetya
prayab pratyuba-betos tapana-ratba-gater alayan devatanam |
tat-tad-dig-jaiti-a-vrityapi cba biruda-padair abkit^ms tatra tatra
stambban jata-pratisbtb&a vyatanuta bbavi yo bbbbbrid-abbrankashagrail*|
sbv fi,Yrityayfitya sarvesbv atanuta vidbirad bbuyase sreyase yali )
deva-stbanesbutirtbesbv api ka[naka]tul^-purusb^dini nanar
dana[.. .. ]padanair api saraam akbi^air agamokt^ui bbbyab ||
r 6 sba-k|:ita-pratbpartbiva-dap,das Sesba-bbuja-ksbiti-rakibaua-sau^da^ I
[ bbasbege tappova rayara gandah to.sba-krid artbishu yo rapa-chandab 1
rajadbiraja ity ukto yo raja-paramesvarab |
muru-rayara-gandas cba para-raya-bbayankarah II
Hindu-raya-suratrano dasbta* ^ardula-mardanab |
vira-pratapa ity-adi-birudair ucbitair vritaji ||
alokaya mabaraja jaya jiveti rM ibbib |
Anga-Vafiga-Kajingadyai rajabbis sevyate pba yab ||
stutyaudaryah sudbibbih sa Vijayanagate ratna-iimbasana-^tbab
ksbmapalan Krishna-Raya-ksbitipatir adbarikritya nitya Npigadin |
^ purv&drer atbasta-ksbitidbara-katakad a cba Hemacbal&ntad |
d Set6r artbi-sartba-^riyam iba babajikritya kirtya samindbe ||
Sakabde Salivaba (II b) sya sabasrmia cbatns-^ataik |
naTabbyadbikaya cbatvarim^atS, ganiie ki-amlt ||
Sarvajin-namake varsbe masi Kartika-namani |
§ukla-paksb6 cba punyaySm Uttbaaa-dvS.daii-iitbau (1
Tungabbadra-nadi-tire [tva]ngat-kalI61a-Sitale |
Shimoga Taluq. 67

saimidliau Vithalesasya sarva-sampad-yidliayiiii l|

srimat-paramalaamsakliya-parivraje mahatmanfe |
pada-vakya-pramau^liya-sarasvat-paradrisVane [|
Vaislinavagama-siddlianta-pratishtliacliarya-manjaye |
nigamagaina-niriiita-Nirjaradliisa-mantrine \
nripendra-makuti-ratna-nirajita-niyangliraye 1
nir-ahaiikara-chittaya niti-margopadeMne ||
Kudalyarya-matliiy%a kalushasprishta-murttaye )
iisky^ya M-Eagkupater yatindrasya maliatjiianalti II
(Iri-)Narayana-yatindraya ^fita-kamita-d%ine |
Arag&khya-maha-grama-rentlieye vihita-stliitalp (|
Hvalehatyabkidliara graroam Hurulihali-namakam |
tatba Bulapuram gr&main Biraii(a)baliti-nainakam 1|
Molen(a)lialiti-aamanam sarTa-sasyopasobbifam |
sarTamaoiyara cliatus-sim&-sainyiitam grama-paSchakam H
nidlii-niksliepa-p§,sli^na-sidd]aii-sd.dliya-jal§,nritarn j
aksMny-agarQi-samyTiktam eka-bhogyam sa-bhurnbam 1|
vapi-kbpa-tatakais cha kacbchharatnais cha saibyutam |
Sishyar-prasishya- sambli6jya[ip] kramad a-cbandra-tarakam j
danadbimata-vikiiti-yogyam viniipayoobitam [
paritati prajataili sisbya-purohita-purdgamaib |1
vibhudbair vividha-srauta-patbikair adbikair gira |
Krisbna'iE&ya-mabS.ray<> mananiyo manasYiaain ||
sa-biranya-payodb&ra-purTakam dattaTan mmda ]
6isbya*prasisbya-sainbb6jya.in kramS.d a-cbaudra-ta (I I I a)rakam |
danadbiipati-Tikriti-yogyaiti vinimayoObitam j
tais tais samyak tataS cbinbair diksbu. praebyadisbu kramat ||
samyag Yamana-mudraiika-^illyah parivartanam j
deva-s^ksbinalb |1 (here foTloiv final verses and details ofloundaries) §ri-Yirupaksba*

Another set of copper plates lelonging to the same mafha.

(N4gari cha):acters.)

(I & ) Sri-Gan^dbipatye najnab | (49 lines following are the same as in No- 84 above.)
bhasbege-tappuYa-rayara-gai.idas t 6 sba-krid.-artbisbu yo rapa-cbandial;l |
(15 lines following are the same as in No. 84 above.)
S’esbaya nara-vesbaya Siksbitantara-vairi^e )
pur§^ia-pa rusb a-dby ana-pusty at-pulaka-mbrttaye Ij
Madbvacbarya-matainbbti3a-inarttaiidS.yita-teja«e |
Brabmanya-tii’tba-Sisbyaya brabma-nirniala-murttaye ||
Vy^sa-tirtba-yatiudraya vidyad-indiYarendaY§ |
Bankapura-EQaba-grama-venlbay^ vibita-stbitim ||
Hanugallu-maba-siiani vikbyatim adbikam Britain |
pracbyam Kamanabalyas cba KodakopYas cba daksbipain |1
*In Kannada chatacters.
Shimoga Taluq.

Sirumapura-namno ' pi sima-pascliimatas sthitaip |

Gadiyankanahalyas clia sampraptam di^am uttarim ||
Srimad-Vyasapurabliikhyam aparam sam up^ritam |
Gatirapurabliidham gramam sarva-^asyopalobhitam ||
sarva-manyam cbatus-sim&-£amyutam cb a samantatah j
nidbi'jiiksbepa-p^sbana-siddlia-sadhya-jalanvitam |
aksHny-agami-samynktam eka-bhogyam sa-bburuham |J
v^pi-kupa-tatakai^ cba kacbcbbar&mais cba samyutam |
Sisbya-praSisbya-satiibbojyam kram ad a-cbandi’a-tarakam ||
dan^dbamana-vikriti-yogyam vinimayochitam j
pantah prayatais snigdbaih purobita- pnrogamaih |i
vividbair vibu dbail srauta-patbikair adbikair gira |
.................... raabarayo mauaniyo manasTinarc |
sa-biraiiya-payo-dbara-pbryakram dattavan muda j|
ya^asvx yajam^no ‘ sau yatina sa-purogamah J
vidbaya tam imam gramam trimlad-vritti-samanvitam ||
vrittis samstbapya panchatra matbayani-suta-pateh |
nan^gotra-dvijatibbyo vrittir anya dadau muda ||
vrittimanto ‘ tra likbyante vipra vedanta-p^ragah |
(here follow natnes of vrittidars, details ofhoundaries and u$wjI fm l verses) sri-Virapaksba*

At the same v'dlage, on copperplates in possession of the archaha of the BrahnSivara temple.
(Nagari Characters.)

(I V) namas tunga &o. |1

svasti samsata-bbuvanasraya Sri-pritbvi-vallabba mab§.rajadbiraja paramesvaraA yodbya-puravar^
dbisYara Surya-[ku]16dbbava,. .suyarnna-mayura-lancbbaria-dbvaja ekadam-dbura-dbavala Viasbna-
ya-obakravarti ripu-raya-mastaka-sula saucba-GM geyapratapa-Lankesvara para-nari-sabodarasara-
T;iagata-yajra-puiijara namadi-samasta-rajayali-samajabkrita Hemachakravava-Stita "Rukumaiigada-
cbakrayartti Bukumaiigada-cbakrayanti-suta Dhai’mangada-obakrayartti Ayodbya-purim sukha-
safikatba-yinode rajya-karita, KnaUda-samvacbbari daksbina-disayarasiVijaya-yake bijayamkarauna
Palada-yyara-sabasra-manya-sampamia m udale.. .kam .. .stbaji................ Macbbanu V§,cbana Ketana
...... . . . . ( l l a ) nu Santanu B&manu yasi daiva... yanajariaiju .bbatu bovuna sarvvalabkara-bbuSbita
bovTite yai tyasi sanmukba-bovuna &pana panavasan(jla-*man.ditate yarayatia ityudasi .. etam V um -
bare-yargramacbi tbayfi.vaviya kari tumbi appuliye-gr&mi sukbe acba m aha-untjati... adbi-deyata
saptakayya............V igbnesyara-saunidba...apuli Brahma^-v^cba Visbim -Vam a-Rudra-v4cba tri-ya-
cba dSvuna te samasta pattare ..vira pratisbti-karvu.. .gClleyacbi davayi sola-jenai m ilayu...Vasu-
deyivam gramu ambbi vasavu mabutam gras§.si ala ..................mukbya boyuna &, (I I h) sesba-desu.
cbau-pattanicba mijavfma do-varga anagbu v&runa sakhya-karayuna do-varg4si dbiravulasi ne-
ybna cbavulSi karviya sakbd karayiyele ya uppari ray^te yd sold-jana widaveyksi Akaravdtottare
gram u sarwa-namsya karavuua dilbala teya pattareyd yird addbasiteyacbi grdma-madbye anga-
vadi gbarate...bbum i agayadi yyara yvara nivarttane karayunate yacbe ya dvibada-madhye padi-
*In Kannada eharaqters.
Shim oga T a lu q . 6^

ya danari khavu singliavvatta aslit'a'bli6 ga-teja(III a) sS^mya-sahita gharate bhumi ATcarav&tottam

sarwamanya sarTva-bhadba-pariliai'a-kauavuna dilbale punar api te ya vira-madliye namva birti
Sridhara-deva-nmkhya-bavaniiacbe bharana-karavuua Brahmana-bavannasi cbMnnS. avitadu ka~
ravuna Akaravatottare bbami dilhalli evitim vargaraye clibiuiialiane karauna kadanatallibeya
sa .. deva-sannidlianesbn punar dbara-purvvake datta ba-dbarmu jo kavanu lop&to sv4 »a-garddapu
cMndalu karma-cba^dalu Brabmabatyeoba na pape gbbegbbo (usual final verse)

Ai Isaldpura (same hdbli), an a stone near the eastern gate.
namas tuiiga &c. |1
svasti sri Satyavakya-Kongoli-TarruTna-dbarmina........... svara Koldla-pura-var^dbisvaram ITanda*^
giri-nafcbam....................... Padmavivti-devi-labdba-vara-pi’asida vicbakijamoda........................yad-
uttaranga sad-gunottunga paripautbi-P4rttba gaudara............... samubain Qaftga-kula...................
samyaktva-ratnakaraimm...........jayad-uttarangam Rakka^a-Ganga Bbujaba-la-Ganga Vira-Gaiiga
Nanniya-Ganga.......nvajadolu.. |
Cbolana jubn Alalavana gonmuri Cberanan at(i..... |
.............. .........................................ajley am bu .......... )
* ........................matiigeySiji nadetandane Yira...-. )
..................................................... ... . . . . map^alau...!!
....... a-Visbnuvarddbana-tanujan ensida Kara...................... .
......... jputra-prabalatara............ . j
(3 lines gone)
...antu sukba....................... lajyam geyyuttam ire ]
dbaregigal kodey .. Purpa^ara....... ]

. . . . . . en al n eg a rd a p a m B alla la -b b u p a jak a m H

Bvasti s a m a ...............................rajadbiiAjara param eiT arain paraipa-bb attarakaip................... .................................

d y lim a n i samyakfcva-cbud a m a n i.............................................................................. k a d e .............................................................
g a -m a d a m o ......... ..............................................So m S sv ara -D ev a ........... ............................. o m e A ,............. ...............................
b a p p a ..........................................................S otna................................................S 6 m e sv a v a -D e ?-a ra sa n i K a n n a n b ra ........
ra jy a m g e y u tt iralu a ta n a s r i -p M a ......... ■.............................. p ra ta p a v en ten dode \\ ............................. — .
m a d a .................... ladin a n d u v a -m a k u ta -ra tn a -sb a y a m sa le s a n d a ............................... v a ra -k irtti-jy b tiy ear
t a p a n a n ................ ........................sAm rajya b a b a [ta ]ra n iy o g b d b ip a t iy a ............................... a le y a .................................
M e r u -t e j a ........................ tnanava........................................................ ............. ............. o d ap u ttid a ........................................... ..
iduT e n a g irdu dam . . . o d a -v u ttiy Sip sa m a -g u ................................ 1 ad en a ban nipen i Ij . . . P a ly a y n a u -^
a n n ja ..........................ent en d ad e ||

kara-lejai-viya b b a sk a r a -p r iy a -su ta ......... .................... S r i-B e v iy a tm i.......... |

s tb ira -sa l-la k sb m ig u r a s -s tb a .................................... tm a -sa d m a u e ............................... ||

p a tin o rp p u d i - n i l a - l a t a u g i ..........................................satnasfca-gotra-pavitran enisiyniiii.......................... ..

................n a rajy a -sa m u d d b ara n a p p a P a l i y a n ........................ m on au u sb tb a n a-ja p a-sa n aa d h i..........................
___ devata-pbja-tatparan appa D barm m ara.......... .. .. .. Harigeya-gramadoju............... pada
paiikaja-sada-samseveyam............... cbakravartti Basava .. .. Siva-murti.. •. .. Dampiaya... . . .
. . . . tarn p e r m m e y o l a ......................... .. sa n -m u n iy a m ll (rest gone)
70 Shim oga Taluq.

At SantegadCir (sums hoW), on a stone lying in the south of the MaUappa temple.

namas tunga &c. \

tri-jagad-yantra.............. Vasudha ......... |
... pratliita-nrityo ............... m m iyato ||
... kslia-vastu-vishayaya jagadd-Htaya
sriskti-stM ti-....... . vaya |
sa .. ... ne vijita-kopa-manobliavaya
tubhyam namas tri . . . . . . . . . . |f
.......... sri-pritkvi-Tallabha mab.arajadbuaja paramSsvara Tadava-ku}ambara-dyumani samyaktva-
cbudamaui Vasantiha-devi-labdha-vara-prasada Malaya|a'kastfirikamOda ............ja-raja manuja-
Manoja maleparolu gancla kadana-pracbanda | S'anivara-siddbi giri-durgga-malla .........................
elialad-aiika-R^ma......-.bbiman a-sab&ya-sAra j raija*i’a&ga-dMra ni^-laiika-pratapa-ciiakravartti
Hoyisaiya*Vira-Balla........... Dorasamudrada nalevidinoju dusbta-nigraka-^isbta-pratipalanam g ey-
dn sukba-sankatlia ... dadiin prithvi-rajyam geyyuttam ire II
vyitta li kela*vasanta-bala*sakak^rada tan-nelal asritalig a- j
bbila-'layahi-msbtkura-pkanaugbada mey-nejal uddkatarig un- [
milita-iDundarikada nelal jaya-laksbmig enippa Vira-Ba- j
llajana tola-bala-nelal adndu dbatrig© vajra-pafijaram ||
la s a ............... pallaVa-sobbi samakrantangan anga-brita................... balaa adbikrita .... jvaram
Criirjjarain ............percbcbnvud a ....... .Malan Ucbcbangiy enippa....yegal n irjjita ..............Malam
kusid irkkuum H
vacbana ]|antn sogayisuva Yadava-oliakravariti .............. Visbnuvarddbana maleraja-r§.ja mala-
parolu ganda Tadava-Yamsa-rarddlibvarddbana-sudbakara Poyisana-Vxra-Ballala-Bayana divya-
sri-pada-padumopajiviy appa maba-pradbana biriya-padiy§.ra...Maraya...anvayamenfc endode II
kanda 1|cbafcur-vvarnnadol adbika- ) khyatiyaa oJa . . . . dugudha-Yaridhiyolu La- |
ksmi tanu-vogev-ant ogedal ] ksbma-taladol Lokkiy-akka vanitS.-ratu3iain ||
^ri-Mai'i-Setti-vibhugain ) tamarasekskaney dnippa Lokkambikegam |
Eama-Laksbtiianara teradin- j d i-mabiyol pnttidar....... ganunr f|
cbam 11 Hari-Bajabliadrar a...voda-vuttida • •- dusbtaram pari- [
barisale putiidam Mali- .......ribbu- Mari-Settigam |
sarasija-vaktre . . . . Jage Maraya Keficbave Cbikka-Tamma mu- [
Varu padapinde pu .. .. varidbiyol sudbe puttuvante .. j|
aTarol ati-prakbyMam ] dbavala-yasam savanta-Mara dbirodattam |
kavi-gttru .......... ja- | na-vinuta-pradbana-cbudaratunam ||
Maram vara-vilasini-jana-vatamsakaradim solisal |
dbirani ... prakata .. nant© pageyam ....... 1 ugrajiyoj )
taram Bannama-Someyam pati-bita-vyaparadol kude gam- |
blura-ksbira-samudradant ire .. samanta-Marottamam ||
&ruiti-karnnam daye refcrav a,*pratima-daksbipyam manah pravudbi-vak |
nuta-Sauryyain param atyndaram.. .. ©mbant ir ur- |
jjita-tejam maleraja,-raja- mabipajp Ballaja-R&ya...... (
... irddan entu nolpadam....... samanta-MMottamaip ||
S h im og a T a lu q . 71
kadagava ripugala siramam [ pode-sendam pode .. kanduka-krideyan. .. |
gadisade ranadojag aduva- I padiyalu savanta-M^ra .. ,-virani |1
elidar enisuva ...... | 41apads pelal appud en avarim Ba- |
llalana padiyara-Maratn | puli . . . . biradol ari-nji ... galam ||

..........t ati.. kkyata...Yira-BallaJa-Ilayana biriya^hadiyara.. .Mai’ayaip tanUa tammam Vaisbnava-

cM (Jama...Kali'yuga ... ja m aM -pag^ta Ballaia-Bevaua padaradbakan appa padiyara-Cbikka-
T a .............. atange priya •. tanag ayur-arogyaisvaryyabbiyriddbi-tad-arttbav 4giy a ••• pfesarali
devalayaman ettisi puramaip madisi devargge puje punagk^rav a n g a -b b o g a .........prati-divasa ...
... tap6dbanar-abara-d^aa-kbarida-spbutita-iirnjri6ddhai*akam maba*naivedyakkaiu Maragodu ...
. . . . . .. kramav ent endade ll

^rim a......... ga-uadolag ati-prakby§,tiyain taldi b b u - )

rama*kantege......... jaua-stomam Gaiiga-GS.VundarL a- j
Masana-Gavundam Bacbale M a k a n ii................. ]
, .............. neya C b ik k a ...........................yam \
uerey omma ta ra g a la ..............bajugaip cbandrarkkar mllanna ko- j
tt epedam ............................................Per- |
ggereyind uttara- devaitiatrikam eaipp ^-bbumiyaru.M... | ’
...................................................... sand6badiin ||

vacbaUa jj antu Gaugana-nMa sakaja-guna-nilaya.... vagudbeya Ho^teyya badaTala-Kajayyanum l

palavajiyim ............ M^cba-Gavundan-oJag&d-... ra -yep p a tta ............ sayii’ada sam asta-prabbu-
g§,vundugal odambatfcu Cbikkesrara-devarige kotta sunkada kramav ent endede (8 lines foUoiving
contain details of gift)
gamanta-Marayya Gaiigana-nad-adbikariy agiddu madida dbarmma Saka-varsbada ...........
Dundubbi-samvatsarada Pusbya-suddba 10 A divarad uttarayaiia-saukram&nad andu Cbikkesvara-
dSvara sthanamam S'riparuvatada purvva-dv&'ada Tripm &ntakad-acbaryyam S'uryyabbaraua-
B^vara ^iskyam Mallikarjjuna-pai^ditarige savanta-Mareya kalam karebcbi db&ra-pui’vvakam madi
k otta . . . . Cbikko^vara-devarige b i m nur-ettinoiage a-pattanasami-6 0 ydi-Settige ett ippattu . . .
... Sarrva-bbadba-parib&ra 20 d&varige 80 {final phrases) mafiga]a maba ^ri

At Hdibaiide (same hoUi), on a stone near the south tcastdweir of the tanh.-
srimat-parama ..................... I1
........... ........................ Obalakbyabbaraiiaai srimat-TribbuTanamalla-Devara vijaya-rajyam uttaro-
ttarabbivTiddbi-pravarddbamanani a-obandrakka-t&rara saluttam ire 1| ................. . . atana m a-
gam Ereyanga ( 4 lines gone ) Visbnuvardbana-ma ...........................................................enisi K eta-
verggade(6 lines ,90we) sri-S'ubbacbandra-de Va l l ................................ .. ..................................... tun,daruin
vadi-kolabala ....................sva*samaya-raksbana-paksbapati......................... .. .........enisida Kauaka-
.... traividya-siddbanta-devara sisbyar appa Municbandra-siddbanta-devara gud(Ji K ^ ta w e
.. ..................... BitG-DIvannra Bbujabala-GaAga-Permmadiyum Bamma-Gavnijdanu nai-prabbtt
Klbalukya-Vikrama-kalada 35 neya Vikrnta-sanivagtarada Pbalguna-magada Suddba- panobami-
B fibavarad andu .......... mukbya-stbanav a g i.. ...Obandtasskbara-verggade kattisida kereya ke|a-
ge g a ld e kamma muvottn a-kereya tenka^ia-kodiyallu beddale mattar ondu mane aru g^na VOndu
(usml final verse) §rimatuKanakanandi-traividya-devara guddam senabova-B6ga-dSvana barabaii Iri
72 • S h im o g a T a lu q .

At Holalur {Holalur Jiobli), on a stone inpatel Dodda-Cliannappa's field.

srimanu maTia-mandalesvara ari-raya-gaja-kesari Vira-Komarara mayiduna Mahadev-arasaru

Hoialura bhumi pauobottara-marijadey agi Hoyisala-Madi-Gavudage salvu umbajiya m attaru-
10 kamba 13^ kotta bbumi mangala malia sri

At the same village, on the slabs around the dtpamdh-hamha in front of the Hanuinanta temple.
srimatu | Hati | Hoialura [ gaudugala | mammakkaju | Muttaja | Badrappa-Gaudana maga | K a --
re Cbikkappaua maga [ Masane-Vlrappa-Gaudana maga |Badrappa-Gaudana maga X a re-K en cli-
appa-Gaudana maga Kancbagaranaballi-Virappana maga Masane-Virappa-Gaudana maga | V tr a
ppa-Gaudauu madiddu deva-sthana dipa-male-kambba saha 1|kere saba 2

At the same village, on a copper plate in possession of Pdladdra-Chanmppa.
(I ff) srx-Ganadbipatige ||namas tuiiga &c. |j
jay^bhyudaya-nripa-Salivaba-varuskangalu j Virabhadra-deva-padave gati | Eaudri-nanja-
saipvacharadalu raja-sri-rajaru Salivahana-[sa]ka*Tarusa *1002099 varusav iratage yikatu .......
..................Bamma-l^ira-Rajuge Virapa-Gaudaru saluge kotadu kha 300 .......................... yisukondu
MS.ga-bbabula Mangalavarada lOyallu Virapa-Gaudage kotadu A-lapabali-bumi-vaJagana bbu­
mi ga 15 varaba Harumagate-valagciua bbumi ga 15 varababbumige vi ... (Ih)... vare madu kba
2 ... bijavari ga bbumiyam g a ....... Gauda bbumi-cbandra-. .......anubbavisi bai’u[va]d endu ba-
rasi kottaru ............... senabova-Eamappa ........................... simege Yirapa-Gauda.............. kai-
vada-mUntagi sime.......muntagi doreTa-ta,ru-muntagi bbumige nalku mulege kallu nattaddu
r^ja-sriyaru katoke tamma apaniya kottaddu tamma Virapa avina nodi mabA.-Kiliballige sad-utta
[ra]va kottaddariuda Savigondanaballi yendu besaru nadiyabeku gi'amade boyidu banneradn
kaivada-muntagi buugi boyidu avara parampariyalli undu-barodu {imprecatory phrases) senabbata-
Eamapa barada barabu

A t Sugar {same hobli), on a stone in Murudaiya's field, north of the village.
P&rfcti[va]-samvatsara-Asa-ba 11 Bu Sugura G6pala-devana maga Gayapiianu Bairavojange akkas^-
le-Linganu bottayisi kotta bbumiya krama (5 lines foTloiving contain details of gift) Gopa-Gavuda
hanneradu bi'^u mund-ittu kottanu mangala Si’i
At Alahalli {same hobli), on a stone to the north of the Virabhadra temple,
{west face) svasti samasta-bbuvana-vikyata naya-vinaya-rinuta gagana-nirmroalachara charu-cbari
. . ku-bbata-samaja . sasi . bala-patu-pataba-3vapa Handagiri-natba Ganga-vamsodbbavan
atisaya-... . sana sabaja-Xandarppa sakalollido ^rimat-Biituga Ereyappa-Permmadi-pattab gattuT
andu Bbtugam MandE''li'ua {south face) dan alvandu tann-ai'asi Cbikkabbege Badaganni-keyeya ba-
(east.face) daga^a badariya pintana-kepyam bitta devargge Billara-Pocbarasarum dlvandu i-sa[sa]
na^Sivafige bitta
^Probably a mistake for 1299.
Shimoga Taluq. 73


Ai the same village, oii a stone in the icdavdra's field.

jiyat traiJ6kya-n§,thasya saftanani Jina-sasanam |1

svasti sanaasta-blmvaiiasrayam sri-pritlivi-valUibliaiii makaiajadHrajaparm^^varam parama-bliatta-

rakam Satya^raya-kuja^tikikam Ciialakyabliara^am ^rimat-TriblmYatianialla-Devara vijaya-rajyam
■attarottarabbivTiddlii-pravarddbamanam a-obandvarkka-t4ram-baram saluttam ire Kalyanapura-
da neleYidiliol sukha-saiikatba-vinodadim rajyain geyyutt ire tat-pada-padmopajivi |

svasti samasta-vastu*guna-bbusbapaa abdki*parita»bbutala- j

prastuta-kirtti Bhavabhava-murtti Jaya-vaaita-prapurpnarTri- 1
tta-stana-bai’a ........ v&ncbMta-kalpa-kuiaausavan a- |
b b y a sta -k a la g a n ja -ju a h ene Gangaraisam sarasaip d b a ritriy o i 11
vin ayadh arata u daram unnati k u la u g . . ^varyyam eipb f
initum Mobilise bobbe-rettan enuturp dbati’i-talam k u rttu ki- J
rtta n e -g e y g u m ja y a d -u tta ran g an a n asesha-si’i-v a r d d b a . , .prasaiir |
g a n .........................vitarap a-vy^san gan am Gaftganam H

ant enisi negardda Nitivakya-Kongupivarimna dbarmma-maharajadbiraja parameivarain K u-

Tajala'ptira-varadhisvarani Nandagiri-n4tbatn sakala-gnpa-sanatham mada-gajendra-lancbhanaiii
paripurppikpita-vibildba-jana-niaiio-Yaucbbanani Padmpvati-kbdba-vara-prasadam inrigamadimo-
dam Gafiga-kpln'kiivalaya'-^sirach-chandram mapdalika- .. draip darpp6 ddliatS.rati-mandalika-
vanaja*vana*vedapda darddbara-gapda naumdi-stnaasta-prasasti-sahitam ^riman-maba-mandale^vft-
ram Tribbuvaiiamalla Bbujabala-Gapga-Permmbdi-Devara patta-mabadevi j)

puttida ...anujan | Pattiga-Deyabge Gangavadige taleda} ^

pat^man esed ire Gangana [ pat|afmabadeviy-anta nontarum olare 1|
parivara^surabbig antor- ] pura-mukbya-mapdaBege Gaiiga-madevige nayaki- j
yaran ad ... odam sati |d ore ........nripa......... pa4eye
ant avargge
Ganga-kula-tijakar enisida | Gaiiga*nripain Marasinga-ntipa Goggi-nripaip {
tunga-yasan enisidain Kaliy- | auga-nripam negardar ejege kumaragrapigal U
K 6l^la“pura-var§§a-nri- | pAJa-sutar imnada-gajea<lra-lanchhanar ari-bbu- |
pala-kula-’'^anaja-‘vana-snp- | dalar npegardar ssamasta-su-bbatigrapigal [j

ant enisi negardda Gaiiga-Permnnidi^Devaruin Ganga-mabadeviyaruip kumara-varggammp Manda.

li-sAsirad-olagap-Ec|ehalliya vidiuol sakba-sankatba-vinodadim rajyam goj^yuttam iral A,“mab&~
mandakSvaran-arddliMga-laksbrni '

^ri-\adba jaya-vadbu kirtti- j sri-vadbu vag*vadbuv enippa vadbti Ganga-nripaug j

i-vadbuT enisida BUcbala- ] Beviyol epey enben ulida nripa-vaniteyarain ||
i-cbatur-anibbudbi-vSsbtita- 1 bbu-cbakrada satiyar ennal adadav end |
Bacbala-Bevige saman-. '] . cba-tnajii-pratati doreye cbintA-mapiyol 1;
Kama-madebba-gaminige . name pbjyam enippa pempinind |
74 Shim oga T aluq.

iva . . . tnarn tanupi kalpa-kujakk eue . . ......................... [

d ................ ra-dana-guna-bMsliane d^na-vinode dana-cliin- |
tlmani dana-kalpa-latej emb idu BS,cbala-Deng oppade II
ejagad arati-bliubhujaran ajiyoj an jisi, . . rtijSnghtigalg [
eyagisut irppa darppada poda . . . . gandan appa ta- |
nn e re y a iia ............. tanage Ganga-maliibhujanam vilasadind )
eragisi ... bbagya-bbai-ad annati Baokala-Devig oppugum j| -
antum allade |[
ari-biruda-patra'jagadaja | dkareg ellam nine raya jagadaje i- [
dbareg ellaili endu pirid-a- | daradind ... si patra-jagadale-vesaram |j
kude I'ftya jagadale-pesar | y a d ed a ........ deya kadeya badayuga} iyal j
padedal rayarol appam | kude Baobala-Devi patra-jagadaje-vesarain ||
mattatn ll
.......... .. m evade . nade . tanna maliatya-vrittiyam |
bedade npdive negalda Baobala-Deviya kiftti. . . . |
adi dig-angana-natiyarol taiiiv illade’ mattav iuliu... |
............. .. bira . . . p a tra ..............mele patramum ||

mattam svasty anaTmrat;a-ri5n'piTiq-TrnlT7atiAbTnrnda,Trf>-r'^b"‘’va-pliala-bh6ga-bhagird lalita - kai’ajQ-ft-

grihita-bkava-prayogiiii Bhujabala-Gauga-bbupala-yisala-yakslia-stbal.a'-nivasini | nritya*Yidy^-
prabbaya-prabkuta-nirm m ala-ya^-vibliasiiii..,sthSaa“p§.tra-iaukha“raandane | pratipaksha-gayik&-
gana-niana-*parikhandarLe { anavarata-dana-janita-Tibudlia-jaua-kargbe 1 deva . na-sa-tarshe ... j
ckatura-vidya-vinode | kaSturikamode j ari-biruda-patra-jagadaje j Jm a-gandbodaka-pavitrfkrita-
vini}a-nUa-kunta|e [ nikliila-kula-palika-giyamana-yisada-yaso-gioi.. .sfcbana-.. .Jina-lasaua-saam’ajya-
yasaropatake [ paropakara-kamajakara-cliakrayake | saubli%ya-Sachi-devi srimad-Bacliala-Deviyar
Bannikereya trBbbogabhyantara-siddliiyiilda . sukkadin irappa |
jana-iiute Backala-DeViya . . . |
jauauige sari dore saiuanam enalke ke} a- j
vaniyo} padavalati . . . |
ja n a n iy a ......... jauaniyar e^eye ||
paded-odame daua-dbarmma- | kk odalu yiseslxa-yratakk iv ene negalda jasaip j
ba(Jedad a y , , : matige . ] .....................vasudka-taladoj ||
a-mabknubbaveytodaputtidam j|
Jina-padambuja-bkringam | Jina-samaya-sarojini-marta ... |
..............prabka- | v epe negarda BabubaU dhara-mandaladol II
eleyam mur-adiyam kott | ajipadan A b j o ................ ... , . . [
............... dind I ijisidapam namma Bakubaliy a-Baliyam ||

ant enisi negarda srimad-B§,cliala-Devi.. .. .kubaliy-annanu dkarmma-karyykjochanaman aldckisi I

i-bkavanadol enduip pari- | Sobkitam ..................................... |
........... end end akH- ( rakkaya-baiskajya-sastra-danaman eseyal ||
inkduva bageykn Mandali- | nad olagapa Banni .........anunayadindam j
ma4isidal. Jina-grikamam Jnadadig ajumbam endu dhare pogajvinegam | |
sakgangajojag id uttama- } sakgam ... Mula-sangam a-sanga . . . . |
ttnkgam Desiga-ganam a- [ saiigado} a • . , . . gnddi Backala-DSvi j|
Shim ogit T a lu q . 79

desadol uftariiam enisuVa | Desiga-ganada............iMadisidal idam |

D^siga-ganalcke Mandali- ( sasirakam tilakam enipa cliaity&layamam H
allige DSsiga-gatfadava- | rg a lla ^ matt &va-gaftadal ^rgg and edakul |
allade tejam bondipa- [ rg ftllad ad entuip. budhabja-vana-kala-banisa j|
sura-manuja-bbujaga-bbuvana- | ntarado} mnad Idav ina udippav av int im (
doreye Jina-bbavanam all em- ] bara matu ditam budli^bja-vana-kala-bamsa ||
jajadbi-paiita-bbu-vajaydoj negard oppnya Gangavadi-na- [
dolage negartte-vett eseva Mapdali-najke mukbakke mug enipp j
alaviyan anta Bannikereyol nered Oppuva Parsvanatban ig |
ali-kula-nija-kuntalege BacbalarDevig abbisbta-siddbiyam ||

ant enisi negarda m-Parsvan^tha-devargge Cbalukya-Vikrama-varsbada 37 neya Nandana-sarp-

vatsarada Pausbya-siiddba 5 Brihavarad-uttarayana-safikrantiy andu ilandali-sasirada baliya
Mdam Budaligereyal Bannjk^reyal tala-vritti gardde mattar mbyn touta mattar ondu ganay
eradu Purada Koiiyo . . a-yei*adura ta]a-bbandadar spnkar olag&gi yint initumam Bbujabala-r
Ganga-PermmadirDevarum Ganga-mabMeviyarum varggade-Bbcbala-Dbviyarnm Knjnara-Ganga-
rasanum Mbx'asinga-Devanum Goggai-DSvanum Kaliyanga-Derannm samasta-pradbanara na4a-
prabbugala sannidbanadalu sarvya-badbb-paribai’a saryva-namasyam agi deyara ^ri-pada-padma^
muJa(Jol dbara-purTvakam madi bittaru ||

dbare pusiyogade belag i- | dbareyam bbuja-paladin alda Bbujabala-Gaiigam j

pared irkke Jaina-dbarmmam ] dbareyoj cbandrarkka-taram ullannevaram ||
sakalbryvi-stutam appa dbarmipaman idaip kadam cbirai^yaryya-bbnin- (
bbukan akkum viparitadim nadedavang a-Gafigey a^Varana- |
si-Kuruksbetradol eyde go-dvija-mUni»striyarkkalam konda pa- {
takan alfkum bidad irkkum a-purusbaii entnm ranrava-stbanamam |(
(after usual final verse)
^aganam id ayud elliya | ^asanam b r ittar eke salisuve nan i- [
iasanamati eroba pataka- [ u a-sakalam rauravakke galagalap iligniVi l|

devara Sri-pkdadoju dbbra-punrvakadim pura-vayggada snnkayam devargge bittftr Bannikepeyalu

kallukutiga Kajoja deva-dasigalige bi^ta beddale gajeyalu mattar Ondu 1|

sri*De^i-gapa-varddbi-varddbana-kara| cbandro ‘ ka^bkbnkitas

stbeybn iri-Maladbari-Deva-jatpinab putrah pavitro bbnvi j
sad-dbarmmaika-Sikbamanir Jina-pa . . . . cbintamapis j
sa Mtnan S’ubbacbandra-D^va-mnnipas siddbant£-ratnakarah ||
firi-Lokkigup4iya prabbu Erakayiialn Sti-P§.rsvad§var-*anga-bb6gakke baddiyind aksbayamagi kotta
Lokkiya gadyanam 1 1| mattam bitta gardde Inattar ondu berddale mattaru muru ||

At SdvagondanaJialfi (same hobW), m a stem in fke southeast lam. ^
Pingala-sam 1 Puiya 6 srimatu Keladi-Somasekara-Nayakam Kudali^Kalnmatba-Ra^burfi.ya-ttp-
tha-syamigalige ] Gajanftra-simeyallu [ Cbennagoindana-kopada badaln | Yedatore-Harumagatey-
allina Sbyago^danabaili S'ivbrppitav.agi koitn yidbbre Sri
76 Shinioga T aluq.

At Bannilxre (same hdiU), on a sfome, south of the KaEUivara temple.
namas tuuga &c. ||
svasti samasta-bliuvanasrayam sri-pritlivi-vallaliliam maliarajaLlliirajam paramesvaram parama-bha-
ttarakam Satyasraya-kula-tijakain Cliajukyabharai.iam si-imacI-BLul6 kaiiialla-DeYa vijaya-i’ajyam
uttarofctarabbivrkldbi-pravarddhaiiianatn a-cliandrarkka-taram saluttam ire !| tat-pada-padmopa*
jivigaj appa Satyavakya-Kuuguuivarmma dharinma-mabarajadhirajam paramesvaram Kolala-pura-
varesvara Nandagri-natbaia sakala-guna-sanatbam mada-gajeudra-lanchbanani chatura-Virincba-
nara Padmavati-labdha-vara-prasadam mrlgamadamodain Gauga-kula-kuvalaya'Sarach-cbandram
mandalika-Devendram Nanniya-Ciafigam jayad-uttarangam darppoddbatarati-vanaja-vana-vedan.-
dam dustara gandam namadi-samasta-pi asasti-sabitam Brimad-BbulokamaUa-Vira-Ganga-Permmadi-
Deva[s chijaram Jiyat 11 svasti samasta-guna-gaualaiikarana satya-saucbacbara-cbaru-charitra-naya-
vinaya-sila-guna-sampanna su-jana-prasaBnan asrita-jaua-kalpa-vriksba sakala-kala-siksba-daksbaa
akhila-samanta-santana-sandbarana Jina-dbarmma-barmya-ramya-ratna-toraiia nija-kula-kuvala-
ya-sudhakara samyaktva-ratnakaran aharabbaya-bbaishajya-sastra-dana-vinoda sakaja-janahlada
i“aya-si esbtbi-mukba-tilaka Jina-pujotsava-harsha-pulakam srimaa-maha-vadda-vyavahari Siddhige-
SettiyarraVii’a-Gangarasara suebam anavaratara .saluttam ire | sri-Vira-Gangarasaru Gangavadi-
tombhattaru-sasii-adolage Mandali-nadolage Kanaiakapurada koteyam madi tri-bbogabbyantaram
sukba-saiikatba-viuodadim rajyam geyyuttam iralu Siddhige-Settiyara vi^isbtar appa Aiikaraayya-
Nayak'jrum Bluiskai a-Scttiyaruv 3,-koteya purvva-bhagada Mulastbaiia-devara munde baviyan
agalisidod a-bavigam devarggav avarau uddesisi Gaiigarasaruni Bannikerey-ur-odeya Rudrama-
yyanutn srimacb-Cbalukya-Vikrama-varslia[57tb]neya Plavanga-samvatsarada Vai^akba-^uddha 15
Adivara-byatipata-soma-grabaiiad andu dbara-purvvakam madi bitta bbumi (here foUw details of
gift) int i-dliarmmamau avan orvvani pratipalisidavarige tri-bbuvauadbipatyam akkum i-dbarm-
man avan-orabban ali .. n ene patalam sa-kutumbame 2 1 taleya pityigalum raura^akk ijivaru
(usual final verse)

At Holehatti (same hdbli), around the d'lpamdlc pillar of the Baiigasvumi tcmpde.

snbam astu namas tunga &e.* |1

^rimatu HatGboIalu-purada gavudara mommakkylu Muttajja-Bhadrappa-Gaudana piaga Kare-
Cbikkappa-Gaudana maga iVlasali-Virappa-Gandana maga Bbadrappa-Gaudana maga Kare-Ken-
cbappa-Gaudana maga Kancbugaranaballi-Virappa-Gaudana maga Pasani-Cbikkappa-Gaudana
maga Virappa-Gaadaua dbarmina-patniyaru Iveiicbama S'i'Ya-pun.yavppana-bbakti devastba[na]-
dipa-mahala-kamba j kallu-kutiga Kaua-sabina maga Bade-KS,ua kelasa

At Anaviri, (same holiU), on a stone in-the old site of the Mahantayya's matha.

(25 lines gone) svasti gamasta»bbuvna§raya sri-pritbvi-vallabha mabarajadbir^jam param§^vara®i

DYaravati-pura-vai*adbisvaram YS.dava-kulambara-dyumani sarvvftjua-cbudamai.ii maleraja-raja
*In Nagari cjiaracterg, ‘
S him oga Taluq. 77
malaparoju garidan a-sahaya-Suran ekaiiga-vira Sanivara-siddhigiri-durgga-malla chalad-afika-Ea-
ma nissanka-pratapa clialiravartti sri-Vira-Ballata-Devanum. euka-sankat^-vinodadim rajyam gey-
yutt iraluBa[l]lala-Deva-varasliada Bkava-samvatsarada Pu^ya-M§,rgasira 13 Somavara-vutfcara-
yana-sankramana-byatipata-punya-dmam dorakojalu Ballala-Devaua patta-salianikalum Ayibeya-
sahani sri-Mallikarjjuna-devara jirnoddbaravanu tanna ajiyandiru Ballayya-Ketayya-makbyav
agi suvarna-kalasava niMisi dbarmmava pratipalisidaru Bada-Setti Mottada samasta......................
^ri-Mallikarjuna-devarige Mutagepabaliya m udana............ .. • .yanu derarige bittaru Bada-Setti
Mottada samasta-sabani.................. ... sabanikalu Ayibeya ^ri-Mallikarjuna.................. ..................
. . . S,diyagi yeradu. majada n adu va......................... ■sri-Mallikarjmia-devara................... ...............

At (lie same village, on a stone lying in Kaiigappa’s fkld.
svasti ^rimatu . . yanandi-bbattaraka-devaru . . . . Arabaata-Buvi SettiSri-MCilasanga-Sura-• ,
. . gana Mara-Settiya maga Bitti-Setti dbarmmavaia . . . . . madiaida . . Pra3apati-.?amvatsarada
Cbaitra-^uddba 10 Somavara ^rimatu Hoysana-Vira-Ballala-Deva pritbvi-rajyam-geyvutt irala
Zaju . . -T ippayange................ 20 kamba k e y y a .......... ... purvvakam madi b h u m i...................
............................-............................lancbbanam |
jiyat trailokya-nathasya Sasanam Jina-sasanani |1
{final verse)

At Arasanakatte (same Tidbli), on a virahd under ahamjan tree, north ofthe vUlage.
svat ^ri jayabbyudaya-S’aka-varusba 1312 neya Pram6 du.ta-,samvatsarada ASvija-su 5 S^l
Hagarara Bommana........... Kama-Gondana kadi sura-loka-praptan ada

At AUagere (same Jiobli), on a stone near the village gate.
sri-Ganadbipataye namah Cbika-pe . . Gurupadba-devarige Abaligere-gavu...Bbava-samvatsarada
Magba-ba 1 0 lu appane agi nirupavagi iddalli sila-stbapita agade yiddadarinda Tuva-saravat-
sarada S*ravana-ba 7 lu yi-matbada cbaranti-bireru . . kavarada-guru Basavappa-svamiyavaru
helikondalli sila-stbapita madisuva-bage appaxie adadarinda sila-.qtbapita ayitu

At Ndgasamudra (same hohli), on a eoppeir plate in possession of the Patel O'hanna-Sasappa.
(Front) Ganadbipatayo namab || namas tunga &c. ||
i^ri-jaya |ffalivabaua-saha-varu^a f l 4 9 9 varu^a Siddbarti-namarsam j da-A-Svija-su 1 0 lu Ra j|Hire-

*Tlie composition of Nos. 17 and 18 is very corrupt. fS o is in the original; 1499=Dhatu; Siddharthi=1482.
78 S M m oga T alu q.
H an am ap pa-N ^ ak a................atanakum ara Eangapa-Nayakaru . . . . ..T......... .. Mayagon(Ja-G-au4
Kodainagi ga^ege . . . vadi ata mauige bandu yivara hope kodi yandu kelidalli Mayagonda-^
Gavudanu Timmappaiiu bone kotann | Kariyannanu H ojebonnura gauda Mallappana b on e ko-
tanu I appane kelikondu Mayagonda-Gavadanu bandege kejikopdanu J satorige ga 10 g e p§.rige
ga 50 madi....... kulitu banneradu | nava-dbanyava kudisi kulittt bbisi bende-madi tnkada b ak i
tukada tupa | bapdenu Mayagopdamapi Gote-Gavudana menayolage pujisi Mayagonda-Gava*
danu tamma bandbu-balagava kudikopdu updu sime-gandike vptam idisi dtada akki ma gapduga^
karurcbu . . potara [ bepde botu M ayagopda-Gavndahotu made mumlu 4ne-binde Anaveri-Hanu»
manta-deTaru boratu nimma sakbaru sabavagi boradisikopdu [ bepde botu muude nadavaru §!■<•
bepde mundake Sagiboguvaga nadiga Yankapanu ada-biddu vedikop(Jaga alada-marake g o tu
madi I alle sura-cbandi’a mele kallu ne^u a-kallu salugallu netu yitake bepde bolake kalu nettu j
yivu chandra yirita abbopadu (pack) bepde bolad abbivare...2 akadi 60 maru 5 M ayagopda-Gavu*
dage palisi kota t'udugore(re)m elu varabada bacbada kotaru idake tapidare Gopi-devi^padak©
tapida b age | kottanta dbarma tapidare BlumarRama-padake tapida bage 1 Mayagopda-Gavudana
mani-devaru Hakadi-Malle^vara-deraru yidake bepde bolan anubbavisi baruvadu tanna ayusa-
parambbapariyadalli apubbavisi baruvadu nayikaru gupikalraru m u n t^ i yiddakke saksbi Qtere
folhw mmes of other ioitnesses) tanna sannumatadinda vaf)pita-haki bafakotta barahavu sim e-gavu -
diki sannumatadinda barakottantba baraha yin t ivara sannumatadinda baradantha sya n a bb oga -
Yankanana baraba tamrada sasana ^ri

On another coj)])er plate in possession of the same pat§l.

{Front) M-Gapadbipate 1| namas tn iga &c. ||

Sri jaya ] Salivahana-^aka-varnsba f 102099 ne vayusa Pb§.lgupada-masa ... cbaradallu Playanga-
nama-samvacbaradalu Sanivara-dasamiyalu Anaveri*Hiri-Venkatappa'... Hire-Rabgappa-Kayaka
• . . muSrege urdbake sarma-sidbi Girusana tamma samudrada girisavajage padama ... arasige
Hiri-Yankatappa-Nayakage kudisidarinda barsbav ayitu karupadinda ankanu tanna manasu bar-
Sbavagi j ya kodaliyandu ke}idarinda bbumiyanu kottadarinda bbumiyanu nanage palisidarin-
da devara kirti babala-kala anubbavisababudu j kirtiya ruta yidarinda tanna manasn barusbav-
a g i .........mannote giAmada valage ga 60 varabada bbumiyapnu kallu nettu pbalisi kottadarinda
sostiyali kfeluvanu kallunu kattaddu pilHsi S-bolava mereyalli nindirisi j yintu tanna m§.tu nadisa-
beku babala batusbavagi abbayav adarinda Paek) Urudad ittavallatn endu . . . avana hesaru
nade3mbeku yendu vandu gamavannu avussarada besaru b^ki janaru kudi nadiyabeku yendu
Nagasamudradam embo gramavannu besar agi kattisi sura-cbandraru yiruva pariyentra nadiya­
beku yendu a-gramavanu buginn boyisi palisi kottaru sari yendu voppisi gauda Mallappa-Gaudanu
tanna magalige daneru kottantba sari-grama Yarada-Gaudanu tanna magalige moktada yilla
bandu tanu tanna sammata andava atavannu bake barakotta barabu yidake s&kshi {here follow
names of witnesses') banneradu kaivada muntagi sime-gaudike muntagi tavai’e matiyage . ,
utta vikili vandu kallu nettu boje dande bbidara me|eyalli gedi kallu I . . . Bbata Narappaua
voppi barada barapam baraba (ftnal pihrases) iri

fS o in the original.
S h im oga T a lu q .

At Kmisi, on a stono near the store-room o f the fort.

lrimat-paraaia-^ainblura-SyadTS.d§.m6ghaJ&nchlianam j
jiyat trail6kyaru^thasya Sasanam Jiaa-SS.sanai{i |1
tanag endu . v a ...................................... nan- |
d a .. putraiig ati-bhitiya.. .. matavasbtambhadijn njadi kofi- 1
^ano j&ma ... sompnvetta polalol Kumba^ikeyoJ m&didaip [
Jina-g^haAgalav aieyiip p alavu.......... ......... ......... ||
.........y ije n d ra ........................... tufig§4riya (
d orey a ................bhakti-maxiadiin Pumbucbcbnm ipanaegain f
.............. Lokkiyabbeyam Jiaargebalnaip m ididam |
dhatey ellajp pogalvannegam b i ......... avantpalakam |i

Jinadatta-Rayaip ^ rm a n -m a b l.........dbipati-Bommarasa*Gaudara makkalu ........... ti-datta tanna

anuja M4uibbadra-Gaudara makkaju raya-vibhaija ra ja ........ ESvanta Nade»Gauda Suritanpa PGri-
ya-Tamma-Gaudani mtikbjavada afcana anuja Padmayanu atana tamma Cbikka-Tamma-Gaudaru
atana anuja Hopnana-Gaudarn dbama-M sanavam Sadharana-samvatsarada Kartfcjka-sudda-pun-
nami-S6 .................................Setti Sokki-Setti Paduma-Setti .. ........................ vAda a-dibya-sthi.nake
............ sandayav e n d u .........dejige yendu bitti yendu k§la salladu i-dharmmava nadasidavarige
svarga-padava padevaru i-dharmniakke tappidayaru ejaneya narakakke boharu

Jinar-abbiSeka-nimittain ] gbana-purparn kumbak endu Kumbase-puramarn |

Jinadatta-Bayan ittam [ Kanaka-kujddbbavaru Kalasa-rajdnvayarum H

Sannakoppada bastiyinda badagalu Belalakoppada keye . • . kallu sarubu saba b itta r u ....................
bijavari . k o t^ ru pratipalisuvadu

At Chamenahaiji {sapte hoUi), on a stone near the M&nesvara temple, north of the village.
namas tunga &c. |

(after usual final verse) svasti samadbigata-pancba-mabd-^abda mabd-mandalesvara uttai’a-Madburk-

dbisvara PatG-Pombucbcbarpura-varadbisyara Padmavati-devi-labdba-yara-prasadam S'antav-adi-
tyaip sak4a-jana-stutyam niti-sarbbajnam kapdlikacb§,ryyaJn gapika-Man6jarn baya-Vatsa-rajauj
Jina-(padarabu)pMa-pafikaja-bbramaraip mapdalika*bbepupdain jagad-eka-dapi nap)adi(ya)samas-
ta-praiasti-sabitam §riman-maba-mapdal&ivararp Vira-Sdntara-Devara vijaya-rajyam nttarottara-
'bbivriddbi-pravarddbamS.pamd-cbandrarkka-t&...saluttani ire |1tat-pada-(pada)padm 6pajm galu...
...m auu maba-pradbanam kumaraip Ereyama.......putra gotra-pavitra yaebaka*jana-cbintapia[ni]...
. . .mat.'-a-guna-sanipannar appapatta-sabani-Bamniayya...miyaballiya Masapa-GavubdaAgani Kaja-
b be-G a ... puttida Santara-G&vunda ant inibaruip Brabme^vara,..bitta bbum i Saka ... 1096 ney»
Vijaya-saipvatsarada Sravana........... kravarad andu kotta gade (here fdUow details of gift andrfindi
phrases) patta-sa[ba]pi-Bampiayyanum Masana-Gavupdanuni S.tana maga Santara-Gavnpdanti^
M aleya-Jiyabge kalam karcbcbi dbara-pdrw akam m adida.. .Santara-Ddvaru Masana-Gavupd^ge
, . . baji karadi kere-kejage gadde matturu | asanega bbumi mattarum , ...........................
xnangala mabd Sri !l
Shim oga T aluq.

At Chikkamarasa {same hdbU), on a stone in the hack-yard_of the gara4i-mane.
Pram6du[ta-sam]Tatsaradalli Kalube-Rangan&fcliana Chikkamarasa emba grama[va]uu V e n k a ta d ii-'
R§.jaiyyanavara komara R aiigappa-Rajaiyyanu amritapadige dbaren eradu kottaru yidanu aJupi-»
dare kadeg aba pataka

At Kunihosur {same hdbli), on a mrakal in. ftmt of the KaUesvara temjale.
{Upper portion is gone) ^rimatu .................Devaru sukba-sankatba-vinodadim rajyam geyyuttam i r e
Bvasti yama-niyama-svadbyS.ya-dbyana-dharana - maunanusbthana-japa-samadbi-sila - sam pann ar
app an&diy-agrabara Kapsavura kaluvajiy appa Sirivura Muda-Gayundana magain........G a vu d an a
...KallappaBoppa-QaYudana maga Saniyama........ d b a ji.....................turuvanu..............tagi talut
iridu syargga-16ka-pi aptan ada || Saka-varisa 1104 neya Rlava-samvatsarada P u fya-ba 5 S 6 -
mavarad andu

At Sdntagere {same hdbli), on a pillar lying on the south hill,
firi'Harihara-devara pura i-dbam m akke sahayigalig© les agali i-dharmmakke tappidavana sa n t-
Sna uissantaaa i-Savaatagereg© huttiruva prabbu Eama-gau^a mafigala maba §ri


At Hdranahalli, {same hdbli), on a stone in Uagkav^ndra-Bdya's field.

Vijambi-sanivatsarada Asvija-sa 10 lu ^rimat-KeJadi-Somasekbara-Nayakaru R ^ a p p a g e barasi
kajubida airupa-pratnapa Honn^}i-k6te sSrogara Gavulojiya ETonnaJi-sime Bajavura bapuv§lu buli-
y u babaja divasa ravudi madutt iddalli ^-buliyaiiu kadidu yivanu mrutay-Manu yivana makkaja
K anoja Marusojage Saba um bajige appapey agabek endu aliya . . . . . . yanu bejida-samnjandba
HftranabaR-sime H ftranabaRi-gram a................um bji gadde

~r-s‘-o f* s s rs rs --
— — ——

SoutJfSasi of ShiMrpur, on a vtrakal in Basavana-kovi.
§ri-Mallikarjima-Devaru sri Kiodhana-samvatsarada Md.glia-stt 15 Soma Srimatu-Tdri-Gavudana
N aga-G avudana maga Mddi-Gavada palivanavara kude kadi deva-lokakke hoda sanda atanTi tatn-
m a Taji-Gavudana maga CkanBappaim tamma anna Mddi-6avuda.nu deva-lokakke sandan endu
n ilsid a b!ra-kallu .1 kam mafigala mak^ Sri sri

On a second vtrakal in the same jdace.

sri Krodliana-samvatsarada Maglia-su 15 Somavara Tdri-Gavudana Naga-Gavudana maga Madi-

Gavuda palivanavara kude kadi svargarstkau aka kaladalu tandeya kude kaduvara kude ko . . .
dadadi Hariyakka deva-lokakke kodade tamma ckikka-taude Ckennanu nillisida kira-galu 1 kam.
mangaja maka sri Sri

On a third stone tn the same place.

svasti Sri jayakkyudaya-Salivakaua-Saka-varska 1621 ueya Bakudkanya-sarnvatsarada ASvija-Su-
ddkada 12 Somavara MS|eriakalli-sime desayi Beluvandura Sakke Sivappa-Nayakaru deva-loka-
praptavada Samadki

M isiir {ShikmiMr hobli), in front of the Koie Bdmcsvara temple.

svasti samasta-kkuvauaSrayam Sri-pritkvi-vallabkam makarajadkiraja parameSvara parajna-bkatta-
rakam SatyaSraya-kula-tilakam CliS.lukyabkaranani Srimat-Trai}6kyaraalla-D^vara vijaya-rajyam
uttai’ottarabkivyiddki-pravarddkamanam a-ckandrarkka-tarain-kara saluttam ire tat-pada-padmd-
pajivi samadkigata-panCha-maka-Sabda maka samautadkipati maka - praekanda - dandauAyakam
vairi-blniya-dayaka satya-Eadkeyam Sauck-Aujaneya sujana-prasanna nudidn mattenna Srimat-
Trailokyamalla-Beva-padabja-bkringa sakasottuAga narn^di-.samasta-praSasti-sakita Srimau........
rerggade-dandanayakam . . (4- lines effaced) sarojini-raja........ rniyavatamsa ripu-vijaya-dakska...
perage palivara papdati gancla . . ^ danti . . k4ra rana-ranga-nira pusivara bayaip suduva
plsunai'a nelvva ,.. jaya-lakskmi-toranam Nakiya"gandha-varaira namadi-samasta-praSasti-sakitarn
Srimad-daudanayakain Kesi-llajanum samasta-guna-virajitan appa Srimat-perggadey - Ayvamay-
yaugalu Saka-varska 983 ueya Plava-sainvatsarada Bkadrapada-sudda 9 Soinavaradandina Kanya-
sankran (left side) . . . . b§-ra............ ................ d iv a r g g ................ ( usual final phrases and verses')
Shikarpur Taluk.

At the same temple.

prasti samasta-bliuvana^raya m -prithvi-va........... mesrara parama-bhatta... Saty4sraya-kula.........

firimat-TrailokyaEoalla.-D§va............ pravarddham4aam a-oliand) arkka........... dinoj sukha-saukatba-
v i ........... padmopajivi samasfca-rajya............. samanonna............... vibbava........... mfcbmanikyam
.............. kamalakara.............. dinanatlia-obint^mani- ........... ^riman-Nani-veg!>ade............v a t-
sarada Pausbya-^u ........... yandu Banavasi .. ■. (rest iUegWle)

At the same village, on a virakcd in the south of the Virohhadra temple.

svasti ^rimatu-Ji Mulai-aafigbada . sura Nemi-Devara gudda Devi-Setti Somove Langave yint i -
jnuvaru samadhiyiudam amdipi svarggastar adaru maugala maba sri

On a stone in the wait of the same temple.

...........dbannmika-pundarika-sbanda- . mSdaua-karaya gunottaraya |

samsara-s^gara-nima........ bastavaiambanavate Jina-sasanaya ]j

*Adi-Brabman . . . Jinam taV enuta sasirvyara , Brabma-Jina-uilaya-kai’ttaru Brabma-Jina ...

earam mudadim 1|

svasti samasta-bbuvan4§i>aya sri-pritbvi-vallabba maba ... raja paramesvara parama-bbattarakam

Satya^raya-kula-tila .........Tribbiivanamalla-Devara v i ........... pravarddbamanam a-cbajadrarkka-
ta ra m .........anavarata-parama-kalya Laksbtni-sama'.... anavarata-vitta ............mukba-darp-
p a n a .........bbyudaya-sucbana.......... mridu-raadbara . ....................................... Tribbuvanamalla...
....................sankatba-vi......... geyyuttam Banavasi............... luttam ir a lu .........niyama-svMbyaya
.................... .. kuja-tijaka......................... saka . sisbta.....................bala-para...........................lo-
n n a ta ........... matada .. .............. m aba-pra............. ma-bbattd ............... ^astra-p&ra........... nda-
nvayada.. .parama........... apasta............... Jaina-sa.. .devara....... nija-Mrtti.. .nara m&sa................d ig -
antara.......... Buiiya-Ba.............samu............... pura........... battu gadyapakay “andu........... badagana
....... Bigiiya-Ba.. Setti tanna basadige bidisida galde guUi........badagapa-javajiya tanna basadige
bidisida ... gunigana mattal ondu rayi....... galde gunigana matta... ondu matta Biniya...... gapi-
gana mattal ondu int i-nalku mattalu galde devara . •. anga-bbogakkam pujarig . . . . ^b&ra-dana-
kkam jiriioddbara .. karmma ... besakkam yint i-nS.lku .. g a ld e y a ....... sasirvvar 4-chaadrarkka-
stbayi-Varam .... (im d final phrases etnd verse)
janan ad em dbaritri ........ ... iy ... |
ksbina................... ' oppi torppa gir- |
vvana-pu .......... uUam negald agrabaradoj |
Bineya. ......................utsavodayam 1|

*It has heeil found impossible to put this into verse.

Sliikarpur Taluq.

... mvmrnisid ond a-kritrima-Jinendragaramam... |

. sailjanita-punyar............. |
. . . . ttama-sad-dliai-maia na .. sand esa....... (
........ sukhodaj^ain........................ ll
.... vyauam agalke .... rajanvita ... ... ... dragaramam m a d i........ madalke sa,sirwaru taoima ...
tram Bii^ieya-Bamnii-Setti madisida..........dontam belay endu karunyaip"geydu............ippattan&lku
2 4 .......jana-saleyam........ badagala sasiravyara be.sadj sama.sta ..........•• yi-Jinalayaiigal4 dhar-
mangaian araydu puro-vriddbige...........mangala mah^ sri

At Gama, {same Iwbli) in front af tlie Mdfi tem^e.
■sYasti sri pyithvi'vallabham Jayasinggha-Deyara rajyain uttarottara salutfc ire svasfci .^amadbigata*
paficha-maba-mandalesvara Cbavund&-labdha*vara*prailafcti sri-Kuuda-R&jam Bana[yaseJ-paimir-
cbbasiramuma padiaent-agraha .... sukba-sankafclia-vinodadijn ra ... ... svasti S'akba-yarisba 943
neya*Durmniukbi-SamTatsarada Vaiiakba4addba 3 Sotnayarad andu yudeyala...L 6kayyana paro-
ksbada go-§asi'bbun)i 5 Agabeyam KStayauum niyisida kallu avala darmma a-chandr&rkka'taram-
barain ialutt ire baredam Pegam khaijdarasidam Paduyya mafigala.

On a stone to the left of tlie same temple.
stasti sri anadi to agrabara Polak§si-arasara
mMisida digula {rest gone)

West of the same village, on a stone near the Kwnndvati river.
sri svasti samasta-bbuvanasrayaip sri-pritbvi-vallabbam mabartijadbiraja raja-param^syara parama-
bbatfarakam Saty^raya kula-tiiakant Cbalukyabbarapanl 4rimat-Trail6kyainalla-D&vara vijaya-
rajyam uttarottarabbivriddbi-prayarddbambuani &-cban.drarIcka-tarani-baratn saluttam ire tat-plU
da-pad mop ajivi samadbigata-paficb-maba-sabda maba-nia^idalesvara Banavasi-pura-vareSvara M a-
barLaksbmi-labdba-Vara-prasad6 ttunga-vin6da-iiayakS,cbaryya namSdi-samasta-prasasti-sahita......
sriman-maba-nlap.daJ.esTara Cbamnpda-Nayaka sarvva.............. ............ pannirsasiramamam sukba”
saukatba-vinodadin arasu-geyyuttam ire vajam&na-samasta-rajya-bbara................ auanta prabbu~
mantv6staba-sabti(ya)-stopaiinar appa iritnat-pergg6[4e]-S6vaa&taiya gana
................. .............. . ... tarn ire Sakba-varsba 984 neya S'ubba[kyi]t-.samvatsarada Pusya-.su 10
uttarayana-safikranti-A.dityavara........ mana agrabara . . tiadavana Partbana-poleya......................
sirikandam dbbpa modalada devara aiiga-rangakke ... . ......... keye kapalakke . . vadda-rayn|a
perjjunka................pa(Jevola a-tirtha-stbapaka . . agrabara ............. brahmanarum s§,sirwarun»
. . eppattokkalu . . . . sarvvarum ..................... {usual final phrases) K&vana Sigbra-likhita asa-
gara Pavana Mukauu J&janu kotab-ellarum kCidi VinS;yakaiigain sodar ew egam sirikbaudake okka-
lalu 1 panava koduvaru Ij
*ProbaHy a mistake for Durmraati.
Shikarpur Taluq.

On Goppm’ plates of Bdgur-agrahdra, (same hdbli).

^ri'Ga^esaya uamah |

jayaty anshkritani Visli^ioi’ varahani kshobkitamavam j

dakshinonnata-damsht'ragra-visranta-bliuvanam yapuh ||

svasti saniasta-bbuvaua^rya sri-pritbvi-vallabha mabarajadhii-aja raja-paramesrara parama-bhatta—

raka Hastinapura'Varadbisvara ai’dba-Bhagadatta ripu-raya-kanta-datta-vaidbavya Paiidava-kula--
kamala-mirtt^nda ekanga-vira raiia-ranga-dhira A^vapati-Baya-disapatta Gajapati-Raya-saiph.a—
raka Narapati-Raya-mastaka-tala-prahari samauta-mriga-cbatuura Kpnkana-cbatui-di^-bbyailkara
cbacbcba»puta cbacba-pu^a Kvai’a-imikba-kam.ala-vimi'gata-suddlia-saranga-Brabma-vin.a,-[Ta]di
Bbarata4astra-prasiddban,eka-^astra-praYxna Kora^baka - Vyali-Nagarjunadi-mantra-sastra-prasi-
ddha aamudaya-oiainita-padaravinda ari-raya-kula-Yilaya*-kalanala nityakara paiAngana-putra suva'^
rna-raraba-laficbbaiia-dliv'aja samasta-rajy&vali-virajita samalankrita-sri-Soma-vamsddbhav.i Sri*
Pariksbicb-cbakravartti-sat-putra Janamejaya-cbakravartti Hastinapure sukba-sat-katha-vinodena
daksbina-disopakramam rajyam dig-vijayam yati vijayam karomi Tungabbadra-Haridra-feangame
Sri-Haribara-deva-aanpidbau katakam utkalitam Ohaitra-masa-krisbna-paksbe Sdmadine tritiya-
y&m Visakba-naksbatre saiikraute ryatipata-tan-nimitte sarpa-yagaui karomi Banavase-pannirchba*
sira-sabasra-tan-madbye Badagana-*Yadanada-yappattara tan-madbye Sii-anady-agrabara-Begura-
gramat Brabmanafc Kaniiada-S§,kheya Srivatsa-gotrada Somesvara-pattavardbanam Kannada-Sa-
kbeya Vasisbtba-gotrada Madbava-Bbata*pattavardbanaru Kannada-Sakbeya Gautama-gotrada
Narayana-pattavardbauaru Kamiada-sakbeya Visvamitra-gotrada Visbriu-diksbitaru cbaugba-
makbya nana-gotrada sabasrada munnbraTaru Brabmariab sarpa-yagarambba-samayS Mirv^da-
purvakam cbakravartti mecbcbi paScbanga-pasaya-cbbatra-sukbasana-balara-gaddige ankti-tafika-
dauda*kbaijdaua asbta-bboga-teja-svamyavaimu sarva-namaskritanagi Kumudvatbuadi-tirasya pd-
rra-dig-bbage Beguva-gramat tan*madbya-pravisbta-G6karnapalyain Basayapura Aisvaryapura
Haluvdgilii dvaya-Mugalikere Ketatti Koppa Cbampakatii’fcba Kencbapura Dbiipapura yevatn daSa-
gramal; dbara-purvakapi dattam tasya gramasya simantaram kalbam (Jiere follow details of houn-
daries and final verses) Ari-raya-tala-prabari yamba voppa (tisual fiml verses) BvaiArpap ivagi
•• O

At the same village^ on a stone near the asvatlia tree to the south-east of the MalUkirjuna temple.

namas tasmai Varabaya lilayoddbaratl mabim [

kbur&ntara-gato yasya Merab kanakanayate i|

svasti samasta-bbuvaaaSrayam sii^pfitbyi-vallabbain mabarajadbb’ajapi prameSvarato parama-

bbattarakaai Satyasraya-kula-tilakam Cbajuky^bbaranam li’imat-Tribbuvanamalla-IJevarn Ka-
lyanadol sukba-sabkatbd-vinodadini rajyam geyvuttam ire tat-pada-padmopajivi sainadliigata-
panoba-maba-sabda maba-samnntadbipati roaba*prachanda*dandanayakan Anantapalaua besadiip
Banavasi-pannircbcbbdsirada vadda-ravulada suukad adbishtayakam srimad-dandanfi-yakant M^di-

*From copy supplied by the people.

Shikarpiir Taluq.

Eajam Chajukya-Viki’ama-Tarsliada 22 neya tsvara-samvatsavada Pauslija-sudda 10 A.dityavarad-

andm-uttarayana-sankramaaa-ummittaia Srimad-agraharam Marasingana B ^ d r a Vislniu-devargge
dhara-pui'wakara . . di d-gramada adakeya >a4da-ravalada sunkadolage mft . . , adakeya suuka-
mumam mattani tauimage nadeva kira-kala-sunkadojage biika^eya eleya perifige dasavandamumam
mattara ka . . . yam pattavinge' sunkain visamumam davasayodolti................. naraumam bitta II
mattara a-tithiyandu Sriman-maba .....................heggade-dapdandyakam Mabadeva-Bbattara besa-»
diip p a a n d y a ............ kaip Vittarasaa a-graaiada pannayada' su b k a d o ..................... . ttaiji jj mattam
a-titbiyandu pannircbcbbasirada . . . .................... yya-pramukba-karauangala besadiin ...............
............... nand-gramada p ei'jju fik a d oja ..................................eleya d a va sa y a d a ..................... mumam
bittarp [ (usual final phrases and final verse)

On a stem to the stsuth of the same temple.
visuddba-jnaua-delidya tri-vedi-divya-ebaksbusbe |
^reyalp.-prapti-niTOittaya namab ?dmdrddbadbariiie ||
Svasti samasfca-bbuvan^rayam sri-pritbvl-rallabba tnabarajadbiidjamr paramesvaram param a-
bbattarakam SatyMraya-kaJa-tilakPin Ohalukyabbaranaip ^rimat-TribbuTaiiamalla-DSvara v ija -
ya-rajyam uttarottarabhivriddbi-pravarddbamanaQi d-ebandrarkka-taram-baram salisuttam ir6 |l
svasti yama-niyama-SYadbydya-dbyaiia-dbdi’apa-mdiiaiiusbtbdna-japa-samadby-adi - sampartnarura
bfimamsaka-Lokdyata-Bauddba-Safikya-Vaiiesbikadi-^astragama-ku^alar agnisbtomadi-visistesbta-
vidvaj-jana-pujitaru dyafcrimsat-sabasra'samayagragapyar aueka-sruti-smriti - Srutyarttba-klrttf*
traya^sampaauar appa sri-srimad-agrabara-Begdra-mabajaaam sasirada munurvvarumam sam asta-
guna-sampannar appa stiinad-Arpbada-Kdia'“Gamandana maganx Cbattagosi pada-pujeyam kott
odambadisi Cba^ukya-Yikrama-kalada 14 neya S'ukla-saipvatsarada Jesbtba-inasada amavasye-
Somavaradandu desiga-pravasigara abara-dauakke b i t ^ sattram sarbba-namasyam ebandrarkka-
tAram-baram salnttam irppant Agi Kadamba-gattada kejag© Mutta-vayalolage bitta galu e k a c b -
ebaviya gajeyalu kamnjam 25 ondu maneya nive4aaaitt sarbba-bMbA-paribara {uswd final phrases)


At the same place.

namas tiiaga &e, j|
svasti samasta-bbuvaul«rayam §ri-pritbvi-vallabbam mab&,rajadbirajam paramesvaram parama?-
bbattArakam SatyaSraya-kuJa-tiJakaip Cbajukyabbarapaip Srimat-Tribbuvanarnalla-Devara vija ya -
ra.iyam iittar6ttarabbivriddbi-pra[va]rddhamauam A-cbandiarkka-taram-barara salattam ire Jj
svasti yama-iiiyaTQa-svAdbyAyavdbyaiia-dbarana-in6naimsbtbana--japa-samAdbi“Sila-sampannar a§e»
sba-dik-prakaSa-Wrtti-sampannaruin cbatur-vv5da-pamv£lra-3arvVa-bita“samAga;ma-matigaitarkkar-
vyakarapa-BatidbalankAra-obbamdo-nigantu . . . . Sruti-smritbmantra-taiitra-jyotir-jfiauadi-sakaia*
cbaushasbtbi-SratAvatAraruni M im aipsa......... rbata-samaya-sbad-darSanMhara-samltar agnisbto-
m adi . . . ..........sabasra-samayagragapyar anekar obcbatar-bbbAsba .. .................... .............sasirada
m b n a r w a r g g e p§,da-p£ije {rest gone)
86 Sliikarpvir Taluq.

At the same place.
pratyakslia-vastii-vishayay a jagadd-liitaya
visva-stliifci-pra|aya-sanibhava-karanaya |
sarwatmane vijita-kopa-Manobhayaya
tubbyam namah tri-bhuvana-prabbave Sivaya H
svasti samasta-bbuynasrayam sri-pritbyi-yallaba mabarajadbiraja paramesyaram param a-bhatta-
raka Satya^raya-kula-tilakam Cbalukyabbaranarn si’imat-Tribbuyanamalla-Deyara vijaya-raiyam
iittarottarabhiyriddbi-prayarddhaTnanam a-ch’andrarkka-taram-baram saluttam ire ll svasty a k b ija --
jagad-utpatti-3tbiti'pralaya-sambara- kala-karana - Garuda-dbyaja - Pauaagasayana-nabM-kamala--
sana-Brabma-Laksbmi-yiBala-vaksba-stbala-ba...yati-sar6ja-yii ajaniauaru Rug-Yajus-Saniatbarbba-
vedangopafiga-laksbana-laksbitara yajana-yajanadbyayanadbyapana-paragam agnistomadi-sapta-
soma-samstbayabbritaru rakta-sarasirub6dara-dala-nibba-CbatQr-yvaktra-sastr,a-sbad-angashtada“
§a-smriti-pm’ana-kayya-natakartba-grantba-pray6 ga-pada-yinyasa-lalit^g 6 pangar Mabesvara-Vai-
ebnayety-adi-samaya-niyamastbaru Ny%a-Yaiscsbika - Lokayata - S^iikya - Banddba-Mimamsadi—
tarkka-sastragama-pariuatara saptarsbi-samanar eka-yakyar asesba-dik-prak4^ita-kirtti-dhyajaru
dyatrira^at-sabasra-samayagraganyar sri-Mallikarjjuna-deya-labdbf.-yai’a-prasadita-punyar appa
srimad-agrabaram Begura sasirada munurbbaru Cbalukya-Vikrama-yarsbada 10 neya Ki'6 dbana~
samvatsarada Cbaitra-babula 11 Adityayara Mesba-sankramanadandu I1 yama-niyama-syadhyaya-
dbyana-dbarana-mautianusbtbaiia-japa-samadbi-nisbtbitaru Kapi-gotra-prafcisbtbitaru K olla g a r-
adbisbtbitar appa srimatu Soyiyana-Bbattara magam Narana-Bbattara magam gotra-pavitraip
Appana-Bbattaru pada-pu je gottu desiga-pravasigar-abara-satrakke deyasalum biAbm anar
Tinbantagi Narila-kereya kelage kaobcbayiya gadimbadalu bitta galde kamma ayvattu 50 satrakke
maney ondu 1 (usual final phrases and verses)

mad-vamsajar para-mabipati-yam^aja va
pS,pad apeta-manaso bbuyi bbayi-bbupali |
ye palayanti mama dbarmam imam samastam
tebbyo maya viracbitanjalir esba murddbni il

At the same place.
(Lines 1 to Q the same as in No. 16 above) syasti yama-niyama-syadbyaya-dbyana-dbai’a)a.a-
monannsbtbaaa-japa-samadbi-sila-sampanrar a se sb a ..................... JRug-Yajus-Samatbarbba-para”
gar agnisbtomadi-vi^isbtesbta-yidvaj-j’a n a r u ................ rasirubodara-dala-nibba-Cbatur-vvaktra*
Sastra-sbad-angasbtadaSa..................... karttba-grantba-prayoga-pada-vinyasa-Iali..................... ... »
eampannar appa Srim ad..................... ... samasta-guna-sampannar appa A n g ir a ...........................
C . ...............................cbaritra Bharadyaja-kula.............................. dharaniyo}............................... ...
................ rana-yiyeki vimala............................. r a jita .............. samyak-kulabdbindra .. ........................
madiyam dyunaii ................... S’antana || atam pada-pujeyam .............. Chalukya-Vikrama-kala'
da 13 neya Vibbava-samvatsarada K ................... Bribaspati ........ dina soma-grabaiia-titbi
•......................sarbba-namasyam cbandrarkka-taram saluttam ................................

At ih^$ame place.

namastuiiga &c. |!
visuJ^'^A-juaiia-debaya t^I-vedi-dibya-cliakshuslie |
,4’ ‘‘fl-*prapt^>‘"iiiKiittaya namas Som&rddliadliaririe [\

Gana...svasti samadbigaJ^paM^^maba-sabda-maha-mandaJesvaMn KaJanjara-pura-var&dbiSvara

suvai’nna-vrishabha-d^i^^^Hmai’uga-turyya-ml’ggboSbana Ka^achuryya-kularkainala-aaarttapda
mana-Kanakacbaia subhj^H aditya kaligal-ankusa gaja-sauianta ^aran&gata-vajra-paSjapa prata-
pa-Lank^svara para-a^ri-sa'Mbdara Sanivara-siddbi giri»dnrgga-inalla obalad-anka-Eama vairibba-
ka^tbirava nissanka-malk^'iiamadi-saTBasta-prasasti-sabitara srimatu bbuja-ba}a-cbakravartti T r i-
'bbHvanamalla-Bijiaija-Bev-arasaxTx sukba-sab.katba-viii6dadiip rajyam geyyuttam ire I svasti sapia-
dbigata-paficba-inab?.-sabda-maba-inai[fda4ea‘varajp KbiMa-para-varMbisvavaqi Eapdagiri-natbaiji
mada-gaj^ndra - lancbhanam PadmS.vati-labdba’-vara-prasada mylgamadamoda Ganga-Gangeya
jayad-uttai'afiga rBS,rkk6)a-Bbaii*avam nam&di-samasta-prasaSfci-sabitam Sriman-mabd-ma^dalesTa-
ram Nanniya-Gauga-Permmadi-Bev-arasaru Yedevatte*yepa . . Bellave-yeppattumaip Narive-
ligeyumaip anMiy-agrabaram B^guram sukhadin ajuttam ire |

vyi j! bedidad allad iyada nilimpa^kujam karad iva dd.nadijp j

Pode suravanijam adu p^} doreye mani cpintisalke kai- [
gdduvad ailad irddad adp taip kudad artti-janakke r&gadiin f
ni(J irad ivan i-vasudbeyol sale Nanniya-Ganga-bbubbujani il

svasti yama-niyama - svadbyaya-dbyana-dbaraiia-niOQS.nusbtbaaa-japa-samadbi- sila-samparmar

appa ^ritpad-anadiy-agrah^ra B&gura sUsirada-mppurwav ePtene |

mattebba II saranayata-ripu-braja-kuja-kubbyid‘*gambbira-pirakarar |
ddurita-dr6ba-vir6 dbi-varana*gbat§,-bhyftbakke pancbaaapar ]
ddhareyol markkoJ.uv-ugra-vairi-raiani-safigbS.tamaip tbj.va bba~ ]
sura-sbryyaip^nv epalke sasirada-mbnbrvyar yaio-mbrttigal 11

kaPi H pratyekarn a-dharapiara- ( satyada saucbada kplabbipianada jasad op- f

d aty-upnatikeyan Ajapum | pitya-stbitam eyd© pogalal Sin neyadapapo 1|
& gr^madali |
Vfi il ^ri-sura-siddba-kippara^aroraga-kuppurusbadi-vandyanjAb- {
jasana-samstptam Nagadbararcbcbitan ipdu-dbaram surelvarain J
V&sava-pujitam ravi-ka^SAka-butaSapa-n^tyaa oldu dA |
v4Sau Gme^ap ige sukba-sainpadaipain sale Mallikarijupatp H
b.-tribuvana-svamiya p&darUdbakam Sapangiyara seuabdva M§,dimayyaa2 ePteudade |

cbapipa II saka}a-kaJa-ka]apa-bahu-vidye-vicb^radoJ Indra-piaatriyaip |

prakatita-kbtti tatva-naya-kovida kabya-purapa-nataka- |
prakara-mahatvadoj Manuvan ejisuvam Obaturasya-vam§a-var- j
ddbakan ivan endn Madiyapanam pogalgam dhareyol jagaj-janaip II
§.-Tibbuvina satiy entene [
83 ^ ^ jjk a r p u r T alu q.

Eutigam Arundhatigam \ n u r m m a d i Timsad-nnnatiyfndain

pati-bhakliyiu auclxitya- | i-vasumatiyoi ||

a-dampatigalinge | ^
kani 11 kbliuambliolhiyoj udayipa | taradliipan-^k ® garbbham- |
bboraSiyol udayisidam ) ravajita-visada-ldvtt’ ^^^™^™ Sottiam i|

matte HSiva-padambuja-seve seve S'iva-dbarmmam aptam Sivam

. byavasayam S'iva-puje mantrame malia-pauobaksl%^2jj^®*™®j^
avani-chakradol aggalam mabimeyol Mabesvaram SC
bbuvanpddamanan onde-nalageyoj inn e-vannipam bal!^B||^m 1|

mattam Hatana guruvina prabbavav entene ^

munisindam kadalara kadangi kudivant a-tapi-Vatapiyani ] \
gbanam app ond-udaragniyim kidisi Vindbyadiiudvamam tad-yild- |
obanadim nodi uijajneyini nilisid a-Kumbbodbbavam kopa-san- [
janitain JBbaskara-Devanol samane saucbacbara-nih-kopiyol H

ka 11guru Bbaskara-Devain Sura- | guruge samam tande Madimayyam deyyam |

paramarttban Haram enal i- | dbareyol Someyana dorege dhanyarum olare ll
atana sabajata-yugar [ nniti-vidar mMalliyannanum Masaiieyanum j
bbu-taladoi . . ta saba- | jatafigain bbaktar avanim perar olare H

a-senabova-Sova-Gauda Madimayyabge sreyorttbam agi svasti S'aka-varsbsba 1081 B abudhanya-

samvatsarada Bbadrapadad amavase-surya-grabana-dina-traya-sankramana-byatipata-punya-ti-,
tbiy andu sasirada munurvvariiige pada-pujeyam kott odambadisi Uttara-dlallikarjjuna-devargge
sn,S.na-naivedya-kbanda-spbutita-3irnn6 ddbarakko Hujicbavayala inanyada keyyolage d ev a ra
gadimba .., gadde kamma 25 urim baduvalu Telligagereya keiagana naanyada ... olage §,-gadini-
badalu kamma 15 int i-dbarmmaman a-cbandrarkka-taraip-baram saluttam ire {usual final verse'^
i-sasanad kallam Maravaliya ... Yamiyanna ... suvariya Nadimayyana likbitam '1

A i the same place.
om pratyaksba-vastu-visbayaya ja ga d d -bit% a
vl^va'stbiti-pralaya-sambbava-karanaya |
Sarvvafcmand vijita-kopa-Manobbavaya
tubbyam namas tri-bbuvana-prabbave Siv&ya p

sVasti saiuasta-bbuvanasrayam §ri-pritbvi-vallabbam mabarajadbirajam paramesvaram parama-

bbatt&rakam Satyasraya-kula-tilakam Cba}.ukyabbaranain 6rimat-Trail6kyamalla-D6vara vijaya-
rfijyam nttarottarabbivrlddbi-pravarddbamanam di-cbandrarkka-taram-baraip saluttam ire | ta t-
pada-padmopajivi samadbigatarpanoba^maba-labda maba*mandalesvaran udara-M&be^varam c b a -
lake bal-gai^dalp sauryya-martta^dam patig &ka-dddam sangrdma-Garudain manuja-MS.iidbdtaip
kirtti-vikbyataip gotra-manikyajn 'nveka-CbS.tjiakyaJii para-nari-sabodaram btra-Vyikodarain k o d -
aigida-Parttbani saujanya-tirttbairi. mandalika-kantbiravam para-cbakra-bbairaTam rS.ya-danda-G6p-
l l a maleya-ma^dalika-mriga-Sald&laip ^rimat - Traijokyamalla - Deva-pada-pankaja - bbramarani^
Sliikarpnr T aluq.' 98

man-malia-niiiiidaleisvaranx Lakslimarasar Banavase-pannir-clicliliasiramumam duslita-nigralia-visi-

sMa-pi’atipalauadim snklia-sankatha-viuodadiin rajyam. geyyuttain ire [ Edevett-epppattarkkam
Jyogayyam mamioyau agi sukliadiii alutt ire ||

kanda !| kari-gliatcgal-cddauodey iri- j d ari-balamaiii geldu chakri Tailapanapi sau- j

garadol mechchisid adatam [ pfira*bala-mallam pratapi Kontada-Biraip (j
srimad-Vaisyanvayadol | tjamanyame Balcba-kulada Kontada-Hirafig |
a-mabimey-iittavam maga- |n i-ijialiiyol negaldau avdna taneyam Somain jj
ataiia su-piitran abita- [ vrata-bliayankarau ud.iri gdtra-pa.vitram j
nifci-vidam dkarmmanyam j blui-tajado} negalda Biruda-Sarwanyankain ||
Hara-cliarana-ka aiala-bbringaip j dliuradol perapiiigan ap.ya-vauita-pufcram j
stliira-vakyam budlia-mitrain { sdra-tartiY eredavarge Biruda-Sarvvimyarikani |[

atam Marasiiigaua Behurad ildti Birudasarwajaagbatta-modalage palaTum keregalam kattisi

tam ia kattisida SarTojilagadtiugam alliya Mnllibarjjuna-devara matliada vidyarttbiga],-aIi&ra-dSi—
nada satrakkam Piivata . . . maaueyam Jyogayyanumam Bebiira Saata-G^vundanuni K6fca*
Gavundanuman oclaiidpadisi sviman.-malia-mauda.}esYai:am. Laksbmarasar rdli sarvva-namasyam
age padedu Saka-TEr^a 9 8 8 aeya ParAbbava-samvatsarada Bkadrapadada pupuaiae-Sbmavar’ada
soma-grabana-parTva-uirnittadian srimat-Kasmira-paaidit'a-devara ;5isbyar ,svasti yama-iiiyania-sva~'
dbyaya-dbytxua-dbaraiia-japa-sainadbi-sliad-afigopabai’adi-saanpannar appa siimat-Trilocbana-pan-
dita-devara kalam karcbcbi dbara-purvvakam Mallikavjjima-deYara galdeyiip paduvalu pokkarini-
yim badagalu bitta g a ld o ........ Biradasarvajuagattiige kere-godabgege bereya kejage .......... .
mattar 6nd« 1 [usual final inhmses ami verses.)


A,t the same place.

prafcyaksba-vastu-vishayaya jagadd-bitAya
visva-stbiti-pralayii-sambbava-Iwrariaya ]
sarvvAtuiane Tijlta-kopa-Manobbavaya
tubby am naiiias tri-bbiivana-prabbavA Sivaya ||
pracbalita-raviudu-maiidalaiu akuficbiua-S'esham uebchalai-jaladbi(b) ]
uddbulitasya Sambbor abbaya-karAspbl|anam jay^iti |j

STasti samasta-bbuvana^raya ^ii-pritbvi-vallabba maliarajadhii-aja paramesv'ava parama-bhatta-

raka Satyasraya-kuja-tilaka Cbalukyabbarana sAbtisalankaraua gandarol gaudam teja-marttaixlaomt
saurya-NarAyanam cbatura-Cbarayaijaip cbauvapa-Bahasrafcabu ripu-raja-PAblx kirtti-Vidyadba-
ram vikraiua-SVidbarain kddanda-Raaiam marppade Bhimara ma!likamddarn tyAga-yinodam ari-rA-
ya-taleya karavattam raya-pratapadityam ganda-baiigaram Kali-yuga-nirain ripu-uripati-brit-seUatn
Jagadekaimallani srimaj-Jayasiipha-Bevar nija-vijaya-kataka-samanvitam lila-vijamdinde T agirila-
nelevidinoj Saka^vai’sha 953 ya Prajapati-samvatsarada Pausbya-suddha-paucbami-Bribaspati-,
varad anda Banavasi-paunir-cbchhAsirada karupapain Edevettav-eppattara bajiya Bebftra BfArasiu-
ga-Gavundam JagadAkamalla-GavLinda-vesai-umam samasta-rajya-cbibnamuma ankagabbinava-teja-
mumain padedu tanna tammapi Deka-Gayundani madisida Sivalayakke kba«da-spbutita-nava-karjnf
ma-puja-nimittam vritti vAlkum endu biunapam geyye tad-tars,^abbyantarad uttai'ayana-sauki'anja-'
tiadandu devatArcbcbauanautarain deva-dvija-guru-sAkshiyam anukijxVijayAditya-Bexmxia pi-aadbAit
90 s ^ iik a r p u r T a lu q .
Padmanabhayyana G-unavarmmayyan-£inat^iip ^-degulada kereya kelage kacbcliaviya gajuii..
badole bitta gald e galeya mattar 3 beddale fls^ttar 5 adakeya totadalu varslialdfe maradal ond
adake eleya sunka maneya nelasanam miidana porage |tenka sefcavina badagana-
kodi I muda devalayam ) badaga Nerilakere | nanda^vigege ganam ma 6 ru


mattam a-nada jiianneyatn ari-nripa-madeblia-(kumbki)'kuml^a-stliala-splialaaa-kis6ra-kesari pa*

ra-bala-kesai’i [ vaii’i-bala-jajadki-badav^nalani ] droha-kalanajMsm J vikraala-tungam | Cbavvana
singam ] parivara-ckiutamani | su-jaEa-ckudarnaiji'j ripu-nripati-^ikshatrajp j gotra-pavitram j
pratipakslia-raksbasam j yuddba-samakshamim ] nudidaute gandain |*'^anda-pracliaJidam ) srimatu
manneyam Jdgayyam Saka-varsba 971 neya Virodhi-sanivafcsarada HS-g’had-amavasye-MaugaJa-
vara-vyatipata-sdi’yya-grabanad andu B^hura Mallikdijjuna-devage alii taonge nadera maayada,
k ejy ola g e bitta ga^de 9 gajeya matta 1 a-kapipaiiada baliya Navileyal ^ berddala mattar 2 D e-
vangeriya mane . . initumam pratipajisuvar [ (ustcal final phrases and verses.) ... Kajamuklia*
Bamaya*samuddhai’anar saktbpariskeya bkujauga ...............Kasmira-paridita-devara sisby ar..........
......... samddhi-sampannar appa s r im a .......... . ......... kalarti karchcki dliara-purvvakam ma ... ,
................. $ri-M allikarjjuna.........................

At Arasanagere (same hobli), on a stone in front of the JDuiWialli Chanmippa’s house.

iri-Ganadbipataye namab j
namas tufiga &c. li
Bvasti foi jayabbyudaya-SaliYabana-saka-varsba 1437 neya yura-samvatgarada Vaisdkba-su 3 lu.
srimatu Apastambba-sutrada Harita-gotrada Kotbisdnvayada Madbavaradbya-odeyara kmnararu
Haribardradbyarige ASvalayana-sutrada Vasisbta-gotrada Hapni-Madarasara makkaju Sivana-
samudrada Tipparasara makkalu Triyarpbakarasaru ko^ta agrabarada sila-gasanada kramav
ent endare Krisbna-Raya-mabarayavu sukbadim rajyavan aluttam yiddalli a-i’ayaru namage
nayakatanake palisida Majenabaili'simege saluva Madaravalli-gramad - olagaiia Bayirdpnrav
emba gramavanu pvakali suryyopaiaga-punya-kaladalli ^ri'Haribarariatba-pritiy agi Haribara
puraY ada Bayirapurayanu nimage sa-biranyodaka-dana-dbara-purvvakav agi kottev agi a-grama-
maiidala ho}e-dandey agi y^asakke sankdchav agal agi Arisinageri-siuie-ojage grama-mandalakke
takkasbtu bbumiyanu dbayeu eradu Vamana-mudre-kallauu netisi kotter agi a-Bayirdpurada
kolada cbatus-simeya vivara (after details ofbotmdaries) yint i-cbatus-sime-olag-uUa uidbi-niksbepa-
jala-pasbdna-aksbiiii-agdmi-siddha-sddhyangal emba asbta-bbdga-teja-samyagalanu a-cbandrdr-
kka-stbayigal agi nimma santana-pdramparey agi sukbadim bbogisi babiriy endu ndvu namma
Eva-rucbiyinda odambattu kotta Haribarapurav emba pratindmadbeyav dda Bayii’dpurada agraba­
rada Sild-sasana ||(usual final verses)

saryosbam cbbarditam bbuukte svdpi sva-cbcbbarditaii'i na tu j

tatab kasbtataro Bicbab sva-dattasyapabdi-akah ||

Triyambaka-dasa baraba dri jL

Shikai’pnr Taluq. 91

At Hitiala (same Jiobh), on 'a stone at the sluice of the tank-bund.
Bvasti ........ parmemra parama-bhattaraka Satyasraya-kii..................... . vijaya-rajyam iitta-
rottarabhi'.................... Saka-vavsha 99 ... ... Virbclhi-saiuTatsara-Margasira-babula................
................... srasti Nagavadiya DeTOrfei-Jiyara b a re d a ............... nakacb^riya singa Lok 6jan&
kandarane maiigalam a h a ........................

At MMaravalU (same hohli), on a stone near the Hanumanfardya temple.

Sobhakrita-saipvatsarada Marga^iva-su 1 0 l£l srimatu Keladi-Venkatappa - Nayakara bhaktili

Anandapurada Cbampaka-sarasi*-mab&,-mabafctina tnathada dharmmake irimatu. Keladi-Sbma-
sekbara-Nayakaru | tamipa bhaktiyali cbaturmasyada SWarpitada bagge uttara kottad.dii j
Maliaderapurada sime - vajagana Madaravaji - grama I nu. Sivarpitavagi bita gr^niake mir-
vigbnam astu

At Taralagatta (same hdM), on a stone in front of the Basava Temple,

fobham astu svasti sri-vijayabhyudaya-SaliYahana-saka-Yarsha 1492 neya P r a ............ sara Mia-

.............. parivrajakachS.ryar &da.............pada ................. tirtha §i't-pa .............. Ratnaohaudra-
devara.......... Jadiya-Sadaliva .............Ramar&ja-N4yaka .............puriyav agabeku yendn
mege salu hataya........... sasanakke Subham astu

At Kudagere (Belandtir hobli), on copper plates.

(I b) sjddbam !t Mi-vijaya-Vaijayautyam dharmura-maharajah Svami-MahasMa-matri-gapanudbja-

tabbisbiktah. Mauavyasa-gbtro H^riti-putrah. pratikrita-svadbyaya-charehohakah Kadambanaip
Bri-vijaya-Siva-Mandhatri-varic (Ila) aneka-suchirenopacbita-vipula-punya-skandbah abavar-
jjita-vipula-parauia-dridba-safcvab sa vatsare dvitiye VaiMkba-paurnamasyan .Kodm§.la-gram^
siiiiui sa-paniya-patam sa-daksbinaui su-kbatva-vasaudanam (II b) a-bbata-pravesam a-taskara-
visbtakam Kauudinyasa-gotrfiya dattauuyogaya Taittiriya-sabrabmacbaripe Deva-«aruimane Mode-
karani-nama-palarn r&ja-miuena vimMti-niTarttanam ked4rani datta\an (III ft) pramadat adbar-
minad va yo’syabbiharta sa p&taka-samyuto bbavati uktaii cba
sva-dattaip para-datt^ip tu y 6 bareta vasundhardm |
sbabasti-varsba-sabasianii narake pacbyate tu sab jj
yb’ sya abhiraksbitb sa tat-phak-bbak tkfcan cba
babubbir vasudba bbukta rajabbis SagarS-dibbib I
yasya yasya yada bhutaih(bbumas)tasya tasya tada pbalam [| .
Damodaradattyna rabasjadbikriMa likfefA'eyaip pattik4
92 S b ik a rp u r T aluq.

A t the same village, on a stone mar the SklilhSsvara temgie.
svasti samasta-bhuvan&sraya sri-prithvi-vail abba mabarajadliii-aja paramesrara parama-bliattara-
kam Satyasraya-kula-tilakam Cbalukyabbaraiiam srimaj-Jayasiiiglia-Devara vijaya-rajjam a-chan_
drarkka-taram-baram uttarofctarabliivxiddbige salufctam ire tat-jjada-padmopajivi samadbigata—
pancba-maba-sabda mabd-mandaieivarani Banavasi-pura-varesvaram Cbamunda-labdba^vara-pra-
sadapi ■vairi-gbat^-kesari su-jaDa-kaivA.rau. alObaka-Trinetram Mada-dbuni - dhavajam gaja-ra.ja-“
mallam katakada govajp ari-bala-timira-aiarfctandara sai'anagata-vajra-paiijaram ripu-kunja,ranku§a-
namadi-sarnasta-prasasti-sabitam srimad-Iriva-Bederiga-Be vara magarn srimat-Kundamarasar Bana—
■vasi-pannir-cbcbbasiramuip Santalige-sasiramumam Bilavrittiyam tri-bbbgabbyaatara-siddbiyin.-
dam aj-Uttam ire tat-piltra samadbigata-paficba-maba-^abda maba-samantam vijaya-laksbini-kan-
tab ay^yana siiiga sing’aii-anugam ] sarpara-pracbandam komara-marttandam inandalika-kumara-
ganda-gala-gattariy arobaka-gaja-kesari katakam abbisa virbdba-nasara samanta-biruda-bbei'un.-
dani rcuyu-raya-sainaata biruda-gfliida-liiiikba-darppaiiara dusbtebba-mallam dburtta-jana-brit-se-
llapi nitt-elv-ulla-biruda-pendati-gaiidaai samanta-Gai”d(lam Tivula-bala-jaladbi-matbana-mantba-
rLodbhava-jayangaBaliagita-viMla-bbuja-dr.ndam J etta gab bisit attaiya-biruda-pendati-gandam.
Kaliyuga-niraap ICuadamau'-anba-kara-a^madi-samasfca.-prasasti-sabitam srimat-Satyasi-aya-Devar
Santalige-sasiramaip sukba-sankatba-viiibdadindam aluttum P Saka-varsba 953 neya Prata6 d6 t[a]
samvatsarada Pausbya-bat.ula 1.3 Mangalavai-amum uttarayaiia-saiikrantiy andu Kodala-tirtba-
mam piind alliya mula'-stbar.am Pingaiesvara-devarggam Svayambhu-deVarggam nitya-’nivedyam
stbanakkam eudum tirfcbadim tefika Gangerey-lriya kejage Sattigala-bayalol Balacbandra-^Jiyara
iisbya Sautasiya-Bbajarai'a kalam kar<?bcbi dbara-purwakam kotta galdej galeya mattar erada
abkadolam matta 3 int i-keyge merey avud endade (here follow details of boundaries) int i-dbar-
mmarDan ar-orvvar pratipalisidavargge BriparvatadoJ ela-koB-lingakke nityra-nivedyam itta pba-
1 am sasir-biabmanargge sasira-kavileya kotta phalam |int idan ar-orvvar alid-arasanakke gavun.-
danakke Varanasi-Prayage-Arghyatirtbam-Kuru ksbetradole sayira-tappodbanamum s%ira-bra-
bmatiartimam s%ira kavileyuman a}i(3 a paficba-maba-patakana p6 da-l6kakke podan adbo-gatig
ijidaip II (usual final verses)

On a stone west of the same temjile.
irimatn svasti vnayabbyiidaya-Salivabana-saka-varusba 1453 neya Vikritu-sainvatsarada Sravana-
iuddbs. 1 la Tnliya-Madbarasa-Nayakara Sidai-devarige hagala naivMyakke bitta bbdmiAra-
gada ayigandugada bola malada totada volage nuru mara (usual imprecatory phrases) Kaliseya-
Basavana laraba

On a stone cast of the same^ temple,
naixas tnnga &c. |1
Salivabana-saka-varusa 1474 parivar[ta]nege saluva Paridbavi-samvatsarada Kdi'tika-lu 1 In
Rajapnrada Cbennavlratiija-Vadeyaru Kudigeriya Sida^'d^varige Tarigiriyappa-Na[ya]kara tamage
Shikarp^ir Taluq. 9S

kotta Kudigeriya volagana biiiiini kba 5 aksbaradalii ayi-kliandugada gad,eyauu udina-vadeya

kajjayake kottevu yi-bliumige nauiiua S'iva-sodara-sisyaiai ar-abbara alipidare Kajapurada-Yodern-
devara padake fcappidaru | {iisml fiml phrases') sri-Yit-upaksha Kaligeya Basavana baraha

On a stone in the enclosure of tJte same temple,
svasfci samasta-bbuvanasrayajn sri-prithvi-rallablta|in maharajadhiraja parawelvarain parama-bhat“
larakara Satyasraya-kula-tijakam Chalukyabharanam irivaaj-JayasiughafDevara v ija y a .............a-
cbandrai’kka-taram-barav uttarofctarabbivriddbige s a l a ....................... padmdpajivi satoadhigata-
paiicba-maba-sabda m a ....................lesvai'am Banavase-pui’a-varesvai’am Cbauiund§,-labdba-vara-
...................... ri-ghata-kosari su-jaua-kaivaraa arobaka .. ...................... rb^,na-,1 ba'valaTii g’aja-rflja-
mallam matta-matauga-bbi................ . yajra-paiijaram ripu-kuniarafikusam ai'i-bala-tiinira-ma ...
................garajam sangrama-Eaman abbimS-na-Mera ja s a ........... .. para-Vidybdbara katekada
go van acbalita-dbairyya.............dalanityo ... -jy a la u a .................... -yisphu ... ...................; ... ...
raja-gbata-sarppain m a le y a ............................................. prabari .aneka-ksbmapala-cbbgamaiji
........ inandalika-naga-davani mandalika-bandi................................vairi-gbaratfa maridalika.........
......... gbaratta brimad-Iriya.................................sriraat-Kundamai’a'Jar b B a ..............................
......... Santalige-sasiraniumara ............ .............. bbogabbyanfcara-siddbiyindani a ....................
......... 9 neya Pralibava-samva ..............................................varaipum u tta ra ................................
tadiya k a p ile .............................. modala kampana......................................... Mulastbana-Piuga ...
............................ stbanada Bajachandra............................. yara kalato karcbcbi dbaia-purvvakaiii
....................keyyamaip alipudu (Jiere folhw details of (jift ami final phrases and verse-, rest illegible.')

At bechirakh Sddagalale attached to the same village, on a stone.
( JJ^^r part gone ) Harjbara sukka-sankaiba-vinodadim vajyam geyyuttam
irddalli S r i ..................... pradbana Hadarasa-Odeyara A.raga-Gi jdidada male-de^ada
rajyavan aluttam ivdda kaladalli Saka-varusba 1299 neya Pingala-.sapivatsai'ada Kai’ttika-
saddba 13 Gumvaradalu snniatii llajaballi-nad-olagada Kan^iuru yevad-ag{h)raba . . . balji-
Iravaturu eraclnmain yerppattu-balli-olagada a-agraharada asesba-mabajanangalu a-nada samasta-
gaudu-prabbugalu Gautama-gramada bettada Narasimba-deyavige a-Gautama-gramada katn-ba-
yala gnttada naleya gadeyanu Kodamani Ramaya-Naykana maga Tala-Narkann a-Karaba3j.i-c.ada
mabajanangtila a-samasta,-nadayarige bicnabain madi Narasimb a-devara aroritanadige bifralijyQ-
daka-sabita dbai'eyan erasidanu yi-dharmtnavara samastarum pratipalisuvaru {tistwil final verses)

At Hire-Wdralta [same hdili), on a mdstikal in the bach yard, of Boresvara-deva’s matlia.

namas tuuga &0. i|

Yimmadi-Pratapa-Deva-Eayaru sukha-rajyam geyiva S'aka-varusa* savlrada nramiura aruvatta-eia-
neya Eaksbasa-samvat.sarada Magba.-babula I llu Harikada Eama-Gayndara makkaj.ii Bhayiravar-
*So ill the original: 1367=Rakt&kshi, 1358=^Ksikshasa.
94 Shikarpur Talr.q.

Gavutlaru svarggastar adalli avara madavalige Bliayiri-Gavudiyu kudi fakagamanava madidaru

Gove Ckaadragiittiya Mallarasa-Odeyara k§,'.adali mukalar adaru

On another mdsbTml in the same xitace.

svati ^ri jajabhyudaya-S'aka-varaska 1339 neya varttamaua-Heinalambi-i?amvatsarada B badrapa-

da- su 8 Maiii svirna;a-;T\aliS.!’ajadhiraja parameiJvara si’i-vira-pratapa-Deva-Rayara Vijeyanagariya
simba?anadalli sukba-sankatba-vinodadi samasta-rajyamam pratipalisutt iddalli Deva-Eaya-Ode-
yara nirupadim Gove Guttiya rajyavann Virupa-daiinayakai'u Cbandraguttiy^ali yiddalli avara sam-
mukhakke Eama-Gavudaru bogi yiddu alii devara padava kudidanu a-sthitiyanu Yirugappa-Vode-
yarn Ohittayisi Guttiyiuda IJarikake ka^ubidalli Rama-Gavuda stri Bomma-Gavadi a-Eam a-Gavu-
dara kudi sabagamanam madi Kama-Gavudaru Bemmalckanu svai-ggava suregoiidaru endd barada
si]a-g§,sanakbe luangala maba sri 4ri srf

At the same village, on a viralcal called Llpdcalln-Bhlttapiia to the east of the Channaiyana-katte.

svasti saraadbigata-pancba-maba-sabda maba-mandajesvaram Patti-Pombucbcba-pura-varadbjsva-

ram Padma , . . bdba-vara-prasadam Saiitar-S.dityam sakala-jana-stutyam ^ri-Vira-Santa-
ra-Deva . . . . . vinodadim rajyam geyyutt iralu aras-aiika-galaip kondeyara garidani stri-
M a n m a tb a .................... sabani rajyam geyyutfc iralu ay-Aiinadaiii-Bivapam svasti Saka-varisba
111 4 neya . . . . kritu . . . . . rttika-su 10 Bri | Uddareya Ekalarasam Jambura-
tbanantarav ^giddalli badavala-M abiyanna.....................gala-Gaudam nad-alan erabikondu b a d -
dn muttidalli Ekkalarasam horavattu kadi kedisi kettodi . . . Bivanaip taguldu kudureyam
tividu bana kaligopdu tagi talt iridu svargga-praptau ada avara . . . . Biyavve kalla nirisuvalli
kude sattu svarggavam suregon^alu 1|

Suliya bbusbanadante ka- | palamayam ppitbviyaute uava-kbandamayam |

lala-biviyante ta’ e-para | d-alamayam Bivan irida sHinarangaiiadol ||

At Ahhilcoppa (same hoUi), on a stone in the Chamalasava’s field.

Mantratba-saip Asa[da]-su 7 lu Srimatu Baleyaballiya simhasana-kartaiada Cbannaviran-OdeyaTu-

Devaru j A b b ey a d a lu ...........................sanda gelisida nancla . . geya paliya kramavuv eutendare
nau:age pura-vargadolage saluva Abbeyak ippa-gramacl-olagauavara kaiyinda niuage . . . »
. . gaddeyanu navu n i n a g e ..........................yagi sila-lekirn . . , palisidev agi ninii a-
gaddeya sarva-phalavanu auu . . . . ninu ninna sautara-paraiDparyeBia a-obaudiarka-
Btayiy age sukbadim bbogisi . . srayaiige sakni3'a kalakke namma pala . . padi .« endu samarppi-
sic ar obbaru yint i-n^da senara p^rupaty-a-kartaru (usual final p h rases) .....................
S h ik a rp u r T a lu q . 9&-

At ChilcJca-Belugmji {same hobli), on a vtrahal built info tlw roof of fhe Virabhaira temple.
nainas tunga &c. )|
Saka-varusha sa 1353 neya Sadh&i’ana-sainvatsarada Kirttika»ba 13 svastiiri rajMliir&ja raja-pa-
ramesvara k-i-vira-pi’atapa-Viiaya-Raya-maliarayara kamS.ra Deva-Eaya-oialiarayaru Yijayanaga-»
riya-pattanadallu sukha-safikatlia-yinodadim ra.iyara geyaiittam irdduGove Chandraguttiyar&jya'
vanu bhandarada Arsappagala maga Handiya-Rayan aluttam irddalli Posagundada S6mayi“de
vara sfchanika . . . dinda S6 yi[ya]x-asanu mare mari binnaham ra§4i a-Posagundakke dMUya
inadidalli a-Posagundada danaraali Hannekereya Sata-Gavudana maga KeScbe-Gavnda sere sOre-'
Lolialli kM i bedakalu i-kalu naduvalli 5.-Keficbe-Gavudana gux-ti Sivaratraiya-Odeyarige sejya-'
godaneyalli kha 3 da polana dbaren eradu atana svargakke salisi baradu kadisi natta kali Arii.
bkumiya dharen eredavaru Naga-Qavnda KHmi-Gavuda Nagarasiya eradu natta vira-
gallu i-kalla kadidaia Tamtnejana maga Kalikbja mangala malia &ii ^ri

On a nrakal in front of the seme temple.
svasti Srimatu Y&dava-Narayanam bbuja-bala pi’at^pa-oliakravartti Mabadeva-Rayana dalavayi
Balige-Devanu Kava’ Devana mel etti nadavalli srimatu kaligap-ankusa Vitbala-daunayakaru kb<Je'
kutakke tapnke dannayakara gan(Ja kritake tapu[x’’a] danpayakara ganda Vitkala-daimayakara Na-
yakaraya-Nayanu kaligaij-ankasa kondeyara gan<Ja Garu [da]-Narayaiiam Vibhava-samvacbhara-
Vais5.kba~suddlia-tadige-S6mavaradalu yuddbadali talt iridu meredn sura-loka-praptan adanu

At Hirt-Beluguilji (same hoUi), on a stone in the site of the mined ViraMamatha,
west of the village.
nirvigbnam astu
namas fanga &c. ||
svasti §ri jayabhyudaya-Salivdbana-saka'varusa sa 1641-neya parivartanege salnva Vik^ri-saravat-
sarada Bbadrapada-ba 2 Id Srimat-Keladi-Sovasekbara-Nayakar-aiyanavarige Honnappa-Setra
maga Nirvapayyanavaru arike-mMi j nanna-aUya Mali-Setru Beluvanddra-sime [ brabmana Bilu-
gunji-gramadallu kat^ista Virakta-matbakke dbarmma nadeyabek eiida |yivara mommaga | K o-
latura-Setru beRkopdadavinda [ yivara kaya-kraya ga 85 nu aramanege tegadukop^n S'ivarppi-
[ta]v agi bidisi 'kottadu ( here follow details of gift) btjavari bbumiyanu yi-Ko}attura-Setra patni
Cbenna . . mapimaga Basavapa saba bidisida bbakti-svdstbe

At Chittanakajli (same hobli), on a stone in the Sinappa's field to the north of the village.
svasti sri jayabbyudaya-S^alivabana-saka-varusa sa 1445 neya Svabbanu-samvatsaradaMagba-babu-
la 30 Guruva [ asbta-graba-yoga kudidali Gadigina Mali-Settiyara maga Somi-Setiyarige §ri-kara-
96 S h ik a rp u r T a lu q .

nada-TriyamLaka-arasaru namage Ambatekoppada simeya m%aniyag-i palisida Barura G attana-

bajiyalu Barura sri-Sidde-devara ... tri-kala-amritapadige satana-kliaiidugada holake maf>gaja
malia sri sri

At Baruni {same luibli), on a stone in the enclosure of the Siddhesvara temple.

sri-paramesvaraa aksbaya- ] i-iipakan amaroragendra-vaiidita-cliaranani j

papa-baran appa S'ambbuva- j n apottum neniya ....... Kalesvaranani 1|

svasti sauiasta-bhuvanasraya pritbvi-vallabba mabavajadbiraja paramesvara parama .

Satyasraya-knla-tilakam Cbaluky^bbavana siiarat-Tribbavanamalla-Deva-vijaya-iajyam utta . . .
bbivriddbi-pravardbamanam a-cbandi-arkka-taram-barain saluttam ire tat-pada-padmopajivi sam^
- adhigata-pancha-raalia-Sabda niaba-sa\Tiaxita'Hupa!;i maba-pracbanda . . . nayakav a ri-b b a y a -
dayakaip sakalarttbi-kuralaya-cbanclara Yipra-Vidyadbara cbatura-Chaturanana sauryya-pa&cba-
iranam pati-bit S-bjaneya sabasa-Vainateya Hara-obarana-kamala-sba .. avana guna-ganabbarana
dandauatha-mandana-manikya pura.. .Cbailukbya v%-vadliu-vadaua-inani-darppana yandi-vrinda-
aantarppaaa .saranagata-vajra-paiijara n&madi-samasta-prasasti-sabitara sriman-niaba-senadbipati
taa-pradhdnara dandanayakam Barmma-Devarsar Banavase-paimir-cbcbbasirarnumam S&ptali"
gasiramumam duslita-nigraba'sisbta-pratipd,laneyim sukba-saukatba-vinocbidim rajyam geyyuttam
‘ire Saka^varsha 099 ya NaJa-saniYatgarada S'rabeyoJ Bidij^abe Bidiyamayyana putram Dayima-
Gosasi lira samipada tenkana kereyam kattisi kalanta galelu dbanmnamam mecbcbi Bariy'dra-(y)-
urodeyaip Bittimayya-praaiukha-niabajanaui asasbaip nered ildu dbara-purvvakain madi Dayima-
Gosasige kotta ura samipada gunigaaa nalku matta . . . n a-Dayima-G6 sasi alliya Mulastba-
jjada Siddbelvara . . . . ttarayana-gafikranti-Yyatipata Adityavara . . . . purwakain
madi bittan a-keyyolage uivedyaka . . . . . . bitta mattaru muru devara nanda-divigege
. . . . {usual final phrases and verse) , '

On copper plates from Gauja-agrahdra {same Jtohli).
(Nagari characters.)
{lb) .................... avisbkritaip Vi.sbii6 r varabam ksbo' . . . .
.............................................. . . . . bhuvauapi vapuh

gvasti saaiastarbhuvanasraya iri-pritlivi-vallabba mabaiAjadbiraja paramgsvai’a pavama-bkatta*

raka Hastinapura-YaradMsvara §.robaka-Bbagadatta ripu-raya-kant^-datta-yairi-vaidbabya Panda-
Ta-kula-kamala-marttapda kadaaa-pracbanda Kalinga-kodapda gaiida-marttaiida ek&flga-yira rana-
rauga-dMra Asvapati-Eaya-disapa^ta^Gajapati-Raya-samb&raka Narapatidlaya-mastakn-tala-pra-
hari bay^rudba-praudba rekha-Revaata sdmanta-m¥iga-cbamura Kofikana-cliatur-disd-bbayabkara
nity a-kara paraugaua-putra suYai’pp.a*vaiAha-lancbbaiia-dbYaja samasta-rajk.vak-virdjita-samalan-
krita 6ri-S 6 ma-vamsodbbava &'i'Pariksbioii-cbakraYartti tasya putra Janamejaya’ Cbakravarttl.Has'
tiud,pure sukba-sankatba-viuodena rajyam karoti daksbina-dAayare dig-vijaya-yatreyam yijayam
karomi Tuugabhadi-a-Haridra-sajiigame sri-Harihara-deva-sanuidbau ka^kam utkajitain Cbaitra*
Shikar}-)iu’ T alu q. 99

A t the same place, on a third stone.

nainas tuiiga &c. li

svasti samasta-prasayti- saliitam sriman-malia-manflajesvaraia Viki’a,ma'S antora S rlvallabha-Deva^^
yama-niyama-svaJliyaya- Jhyana-dliarana-maunauuslitljana - japa - samadhi'sila- ^luia-sampaimar
appa srimad-anatliy-agraliai’am Gaudada uiuvatt-ir-cliclxhasira-asesha-inaliajanagajge Saka-Varslia-
da 9 . . ya Pi'iibhava-samyatsarada S'ravaiyada . . se-saitkr4ati-t)yatipata-A.difcyava.ra . . .
vvombliafctu va . . vaicyst gale . . yippattuma . . keyya ura . . dana eradti baj^a-
lolage dana-kctfcu kiiiaiii karchchi dLara-jiurvakam madi vittara

A t the. same pkice, on a fourth stone.

. . ............................................................ dandu Gaiitaa’/ara-deva . . ■ . • lu'ttbava

mindu devargge Suryya-Sdma-vamsadi . . . Ijjiya’ntai’a'siddliiyindain Gaudatnatti bitta kolta
dbarmmavu ; . . liajanada liiaua-nialiimonnatiyuiiiam' porgg-ide _* . , deyyaJium pottba-
.^rabakam Janafddanayyanu vi geyyal ad eiii; oudado
&'imat-tri-b3]Hvana . . . |
. . jakbiala-mai'ut-?asaiikarkkdtma- [
vydmasbta , ., . nisida |
Soinesvaraa alte Gautaxnesvara-deTarf If
. . .. . pannir-cliobbasirav agniliocra Manu-ixiarggara pa- j
darclicbaneya . . . iniuva- |
ttdr-cbcbliasira bbarapad-agTaliai'am Gaitda |l
vri II Sai-asijasaxnbliavani padeda putrarol adi Maricliiy Atriy % A - |
girasa Pulastya-Deya Pulaliam Kratu ganda VaSisbtbar ei’bbato- j
1 sari doi’(3-pati pS,sati samani tone yiiit ei^ey endu baiinikum |
dbai-ani dliaramara-pratatiyam sale- Gaudada punpyamaxitara 11
' Bbaraiam mumiani rajyada | bliavaniam laid ildii sunkamam marppand a- [
daradim Gaudada Gaute- j svai'a-devnbg ittaii eradn suukada tereya !!
piriya-iere viidda-i’avitlav f uvagara saiiuanta blrakti perjjmikaril de- j
, vax’ig iutu garbba-badba- | paviliaiTan Bliaratauiiide yattisi nadoguip H
int i-dbarmmamain sa-vistaram keldu d6v;ira devaiige uaika lakkav adakeya vadrla-ravulada siia,-
kamumaip perjjmikamaina tavam BLaskarayyaanip diiara-piii’bbakam bit>tu kotVar {usual final
phrases) cliitari-Jakkaxi-nmbali maltav kkeyye niaiieya daaacla tere . » htiram matt ennad,
ittar i-muyatt-ir-obolibasirav Aneka-yuga . . . (tisual final verse)

A t the same vdlafje, an a viruhal in the Blv'itana~hana.

Saka-varsba 1081 lieya Pramadi-saniyciisarada« Asyayuja-su 1 SoinaYaradandu svasti yama-niya-

ttia-sTadbyaya-dbyana-dliarana'maunannst,liana-japa-saiiiadlji-si!a,-guii.a-sa’»npa!inara ekagra-sam^
dhi-oastra-sinriti-margga-nirataiTL paxlii-lij'alaai^oia-nirjinayaiiiki'.i’arn cbattxi’-vveda-nuikliddgataram
febda-sastraiaufearaua . . . . inukba-darppan.irnm japa-Jiiyaua . . bbavarum S W -p a dd rcbch i
100 Sliikarpur Taluq.
taruip . . . . , samaya . . , kripalaruni liita . . . Brahma-vamsodbliayarmp nir-
Tiaya . . . v a iri-g h a ta -sa rp p a ....................................................................... .............................. .....
. , .......................... .............................. ..... appa sriinatu Kumara-Birarasaru . . , . . . •
- . . . K ala-Saiikanna........................ Hayya kudi tnruvam magurokclii sayalu
deva-kannakiyani bandu deva-lokakke kondu-bogal ataua viratvake mecbcbi S.taiia , . bidin-,
ge.Gaudada muratt-ir-obclibasiva-asesba-inabiijaliaugalu srimatu Kumai-a-Birarasaru . . .
M d i d a ..........................dalu maiinisidaru

At the same place, on another stone.
syasti samasta-k-buvana............................................... praYarddbamana ... .................., maba ...
......................mura-sasiramumaip dusbta-nigi’aba-Yisisbta-pi’atipalaneyin-i sukba-saiikatba-vmodfi- -
■diin rajyam geyyufctam ire svasti yarna-niyama-s\'S.dliyaya-dhy&na-db&rana-niauiian.usMb&na-japa-
samadbi ... ... sampannar a2^pa ^rimad'-agrabaram Gaudada mpdiajana muYatfc-ir-cbcbbasira__ __
Saka-varsba 997 neya Raksbasa-samTatsarada M a g h a ................. Kali-Sautara-Deyaru ............ .
t t iy a lu ..................................riyade talt irid idir'fmtu k M i ' G a u d a d a ............ L ok abbeya............... .
.......... ............ ubali gunigana mattar 1 mane-Vaua gutte gulam sarwa-badbe-parihara.......... ebit'^
tari-Jakkan-umbali matta dauada inaiieya . . . jjaribara matte maga vidita . . . milvat-
ir-cbcbbasiram ijldu kottar a-cbaudr&rkkani ||

jiteua labbyate laksbmir mritenapi surafigaua j

ksbaiia-Yidbvamsaiie kaye ka cliinti mftrape raite jj

At the same village, on a hrolcen stone in the Chilamhard-lihattcCs field.
srasti samasta-bbuvanasrayam sri-pritbvi . . bba mabarajadbiraja paramf'svarajn pa . . . t
bbatt-arakam tSatyasraya-kula-tilakam C'ba.lukyabbaranaiusrimad-BlmvanaikJtmalla-L’eYara vijaya- |
rajyam uttarottarabbiYriddbi-praYarddhamanam a-chaadra-tarpjp-banup saluttam ire tat-pada- v
padmopajivi samadbigata-pancba-maba-sabda maba-mandalesYartup sr)-[SatyaYa]kya Gaiiga-Per-i
turoanadiy Udeyaditya Deva . . , vase-pamiir-cb-obbasiramumaiu Stuitali-sayiramuiBaip . . ,J
dushtba-mgraba-visisMa-pratipajanadipi .sukba-.sajikatba-vi . . . . rajyaiu gbyyuttam ire . ^
. . . . svasti Ganga-jaja.-dbauta . , nirmmala-parama-pavitiikritottamaiiga pratyak.sba
. . . . . ntamarii gotra-sikbamani parivara-kamadbenu . . . . . bbe Veniiakabbe
Saka-varsba 997 neya N a ...................... ...... . . . . Pansbya-pauriiuamavasyey-uttaraya
(rest illegible)

On copper plates from iPdgartiagrahdra, {same hobti).
• . ' (Pilrvvada Hale iCarmada and Nagari eharactei’S.)

( I I ) svasti iirjjitarn bliag'avata gata-[gbana]-gaganabbena Padtoanabbena srimaj-Jabnaveya-kuJS.-

TOala-byoma-vibbiubana-bbaskaras ^sva-kbadgaika - prabara - kbaudita-maba-Bil4-stambba-labdha-
S bik arpiir T&luq. 101

bala-pavakramah................................. lalata-patt0dbliasita[^]^riTOaii-Konguii'''a'rina dharama-ma-

Mrajadliiraja[h] tasya putro Visniig6pa-inaliai’ajadli.ifajas tasya putrah Kol^ia-para-yaradhi^-
vara[h] Gauga-kula-marttancla[hj mada-gajendra-lafi.oluina[h;} Padm4Vati-(?Ja)-deviya labdha-
yara-prasada[h] TadaBgala-Madliava-Rayas Tkalavanapara-madliyl S*aga-vai’sliii nayana-giri...
Sadkaraua-Sammacliclihaare Phalguna-ina-amavase-ft.div§[rad aadu Kare»nada Devanuranul , .
Tarakuladal' Madhi-Gavu<Janasii’'putra Eama-devatiu Hefijaran iridu R&iamallana heiidati blianta-
ravanu balvidatiud oppisid allige mecbcbu kotta bbumi {rest contains details of boundaries)
iakskinSin Edena<J*eppatta . lakshi

At iJw sawe village, on a stone in tli6 mdosure of the Jandrdana temple.
Bvastj' aneka-bbuTaDa-jana-viauta-Jayagiyamana-bliagavad-anvipama . , parisana-raabbgra-
Tamsavatamsiin ufctara-Madluir4-pui’i-sai'ovai‘a-r^ja-bamsam I’admlvati-vara-pi-asadasadliita-Patti*«
Eombuloba-pui’a-varesvava vipula-tula-purasba-biranyagarbblia-*ti“ay§,dy-adliika-da.na mrigaraja-
laficliliana-yirajitS,jivay6tpanpa babu-kala-kbinuu su*bbata-Triiietram parangapa-putrain Malege
m4rttan(Jam gajake bal-gaiidain baya-Vatsarajain vauita-Manoja BbrigU'E matacMvyya giri-raja-
dkairyya vairi-kiunara-gaja-gbatfi-sjngba ripu-nripa-ni?acliara-Krisingba,vii'ddbi-kuia-Kala-pUsa
raja-vidya-vilasa Nanni-Santeira nS,madi-3atnasta-pi-asasti-[sa]hftam sriimxd-Apaala-DeYa sukba-
Biinkatka-vinodadim rajyain goyyuttauip Saka-vai’slia 949 jieya Prabhaya- 3a?nvatsarada ^sbddba-
sudda 5 Bi’iUaspatwara-daksliinlyana-ScUiknwtiy aiidu Tagai’acbtiya vu .■-odeya Arasinlayyana
magara pei’bbarwa-MadhavaiyaAa degulada Narayana-devargge deva-blii igake .dhara-pui’bbaka*
dim Santalige-sasirada baliya Kodanada-itiuvattai--ol.agana Kudigei’iya maiSleya-volagagj. f?aTbb&-
bhyantara-siddbiyiada kottaip {usual final phrases and verses) /

At the same village, on a stone to the left of the Tirumah-dSva temple,
. naipas tuiiga &e. !|
svasti §ri jaya,bliyiidaya-Sabv4baua-3aka-varusa *1437 peya Chitrabbami-samTatsara-Magha-
4uddka 5 llu 1 Toranadiirvolagada Tagavateya-gramadallu j Tirukanayyana malikalti Daommakkaju
Chikka-Dasaj’yanu Tagarateya-gi’amadalu Ikriiveiigidanafckana devatApratislitbege bdkida dra*
vya 1 ga 70 akkaradalu yeppattu-varaba a-devara aaifita-padige Triyambak-ai’asara Sampaya|iya ■
Hosakoppadalu bkuuii kefe-kelage Imda , . eptu A-dasalolagp pidru-tupdu ubbayam tup^u
tannondake bljavari kha 27 aksharadalu yippata-elu-khapdugafbliumiyanu Tiruvengajanathaaa
atofita-padige bittaru embudakke 4ubhaman i...

On a stone to the left of the same teniple.
namas tunga &c. ||
Bvasti ^ri jayabbyuda3"a-SaIivabana4 aka-varuslia sa 1478 neya Na}a-saipvatsarada Margasira-4a
15 pu Sdmavaradalu Brimat . . Jadiya Sada^ira-Raya-NayakaTayyanavaru Aragada simayaau
*So in the oirigiiial: but 1437=Bh3va ; ChitMhMnu=s^l445.
8 3 0 0 ‘i
102 Shikarpux’ I ’ alu q.

pratip^lisutt iha kaladali avarige puiiyav ag-abek eudu Tagarateya Tiruvengalanatlia-pratiniani

Th’ikisettiya-koppada Tirukauaiyyagala mommaga Cliikka-Dasaiyyanu somoparaga-punya-kalad-
alli dina 1 kke muvai'u brahmarige anna-satrakke bitta gaddeya virara (liere follow details of gift)
aravattu-muru-kbandugada bbatta guttigeya kolamm safcraicke bitten agi adnkke sakshi {usual
final verses and,phrases) ^ubkam astu sri

At the same village, on a stone near the Mddi temple.

svasti Irimatu Kalaoliuriya nija'-bliuja-malla bliuja-bali-cbaki'avai-tti Bijjanake-varsliada 5 n ey a

Chitrabbanu-samTatsai’ada Jesbtbad aro§.vase-S6 mavS.rad andu Bijjaiia-Devana dliali T^garate-
yam kidisavalli Masanada Jakkarana maga Muda-dalara tajut iiidu mai’aluobi sara-loka^pra-
ptan adam

Bijjay^'ckakravartti besasalu Bajagaranu Bamnia-Pandyanu . |

. i . . . Tagax’ateya kidijjai’ige baiida dMiy and j
A rjj imagfintu enoyane Mudana balpu banduy end
Ui’jjita-teja . . . . . . kade geldu pondida

j 57
1 At -the same place.

s ri-G a ia ^ d h ip a ta jg ^ a i^ 1
, .- " ' nainas tnng-aTS'cT'J

sriman*malia-maiidalesvaram ari-raj^a-vibliadha bba^ege tappuva rayara ganda pdryva-pa^chima-

daksbiiia-samudradliipaii sri-vira-Bukka-Eayana vijaya-rajyadoln 8'aka-varuslia 1297 Raksliasa-
samvatsarada Maglia-ba 10 si-imatu Toranada Tagarafciya inabajanaiigala priya-putra Bommojada
maga Siriya Malojanu a-Tagaratiyanu daladnlu bayidu turn sere lioliag.a ada hayada . . . .
kondu Siriya-Malojanu kallari.i bembattiy iridu tanu Kavilasa-praptau adftnu || yi-kalla luahaja-
nanga].u niadisi . . . .

At the same place.

svasti ytuna-niyama-svadbya . . . . japa-stunadlii-dliyana-dka . . . . . nuskttiaua-'sampa-

nna veda-niantra-samu-gii . . . . Tarvveya m ajana................... .^. . . ................ B a s a v a ..............
k a t a k a ............................Sobliakrit-saiji . . da i-lag bad a................ Cliikkaiyyana maga . . . .
agrabaiam Tagaratege parijdttn koteya innltli'a G-oVara . . nniga bacldkararan iridu satta rdja-
galum dambiyalun . . . tanurahngisum aga
*This inscription contains many mistakes.
Shikarpnr Talnq. 103

kaada ||bilgalu tergalan isava sa- J I’alg’a} gart-Yerasip a . •svami-Gaiigana . ••j

galgbndiyo . . kadal omnay |eaal ottisii kimn . . . padaVaK f|
bliayam illada kali-Gopani [ . . dana matt avana inaidana Kttppagana |
jaya vaiyda bilgajam sarar j iiiayam agiral echcbav S-gaJ a,ta . . . . ||
pera perano bayam ^To |taru pariyar vvendir udeyaii-urobohuva padado} (
... du gelal anmi sayal j baripadage brabma-puta-p^takav anitaln ij
endu tarigandii turava lii^iralobj . . gala toijalcb iriyal sandudu kirtti-si’i . divYaadu . .
yajange deva-kajinike-.................begaJplada........................ nameva marachi . . tura
parivedeya terade . . . . kajaa ej;agisida kadalo kabge kedilt entii . tav ijudar-
adin eppat-okala........................ dadiya . . .. sikke yaradu mattara baUyan idam |{ . . .
magam Bibiyale taraui bavam

At the same phee^
Saka-varusba 015 neya Vijaya-sajiivatsarada Asvija- . . . . Somavai-ad audu Irf ................. ..
eadu nadu-nettiya...............katdnlo ualYariiY inta Yattaisida . . . ele . . . laksbad idu kange
. . . sagiy alte ....................... . baggisida............ kandhareyol . . . . man d-ksbaiiadind ava
sukkaniain ksbanadinda sugatiyan asiigatiya.......... .. .............
jit^na labbyate laksbmib mriteaapi suraugaa^ j
kshana-vidlivaipsape kaye ka cbiuta marag|j’.s»s..,ll, .
Hakaiyya bai'eda . . . . Taiarana maga geyda

At the same place.
' namas tnfiga &c. ||
SYasti samasta-bburanasrayam Ad-iiritlivi-Yallabha mabavajadbiraja pararuesvara parama-bbatta-
raka Sa,tya^raya-kidu-tilaka Cbalukyabliarana, siimat-TribbuYariamalla . ................. ttarofctarS.-
bbiyriddbi-pravai'ddbamanam a-cban,drarkka-{aram-baram salnttam, ire |j j^ama-niyaraa . , . .
dbyana-dbS.rana-maunanusbtbE'ina-parayaiia-japaT.sareiadbi-sila-Balnpannar appa ^rima...............
bara Tagarateyole samasta-prasasti-.sabitain sritnan-mal'A-raandalesvara TribliuYanamalla-Dev-
arasaru . . . patta-gatiida si’imaeb-Gb^ukjTi.^Vikraina*varsbada . iieya Manmatba*saipva . . ba
5 Mangalavarad andu- manbeya . , •br&bmauara............. berida . . . . . . piitram Bibbada
Bimirta-dalaKim . . yidu kadu .sattn sura-lbkis-prAptau ada . . .................. .............mai^iya}
enipa Bipinia-dalajra tamni ^Idara padi-vediyol nmmaliy&g iridn bilda nija . . . riyalu ||
yann aldan enna. deliam i- |d ennadu mane makka], etmad enuade rapadol |
tauna bigu . . . kaligal |nimiind nggalarmii o|are Biimna-dal.AiA !|
*billam jevade geydad akku . ................l attagaim Bimiua-dalarau aydaiie aainim nila-nilayeda
tege yaue kali ................................. i-jagara ariyal |
fFroiii licre tliis inscription contains many mistakes.
104 Sliikarpiir Talnq.

vritta !1 kottudu gramame bed eria tanu man ikkuvalli tain j

................. ..................................... vandigalge tam
kott uobitagajam ... nal-prabbu Bimma-didara.......... . . bildona Macbing’^*'
yyaa erad nydar atann j
... adyain bidyam pogale satta birama-dalara ||
^W-il verse$) M-Ganapataye nainali sri sri

At the same village, on a stone south of the KaMs'vara temple.

s'p’asti Saka-nripa-kalatita-saravatsara-sataiaga} 900 Babudh&nya-samvatsarara pravattise su ryya-

grabaiiad andu Datteyyanxim Tibkayyanum pervv-urbba gfeyye Tagarattiya mahajanakko P o n -
aabbe ponna kottii sale ni l 0ndu mattalara koruju kotta . . i-sasanaman aledam k a riley a n
aleda Bima-Gos'^si nirisida

At Ka}j.nur {same hdbli), on a stone near the Ganapati temple.
svasti samadliigata-panob-maba-sabda mali^-man^alesvaran uttai’a-Madburadbi^varain P a tti-
P dicb iicjicba-pnra-var6.5vara PadmaTati-IabcUia-vara-prasadain myigamadamodam Santar-aditya
sakala-jaua^tutya-Brlmat-Trailokya-malla-vira-Santara-Devam svai’ggastbar again tat-padar6-
dbaka Purada Bit.tiyauna'nu(Jidant§ g a p d a ................... benkojvaiii svamini-bbrityain gotra^nistara
Po.rapaJ.eya Gavunda munna mftru-deTasam ene benna-baran ettikondn teredu ISantara....... pai’o-
ksbadale ataua pimbadigo i| sriman-maba-mapdalesvara ......... tara-Devai’a daya geyye padeda
Itapiaa ponna-iiTayifceyaln gana Kannavnrada sasirvvar Anpav ane kallam avar-abbe Saibab-
bege yetti nirisida ... vojam kandarisida mt ngalani malia sri sri

On a stone in front of the same temple.
{ Tipper portion gone) . . . g o t r a - p a v it r a ...................... charitrani sakala-sash’a-jfia biruda-
sai.’vvajna namadi-samasta-prasasti-sabita §i’imat-Prail6kya-malla-Vira-Santai'a-Devarim Saka-va-
risba 984 neya S’Obbakritn-samvatsarada Margga^ira-paui’nnamase-sdma-grabapad andu svastiya-
ma-niyanm-sv^dhyaya-dhyana-dharana-niaunanusbtb&na-parayanar appa 4riinad-agrabara-Kap-
Bayurada Ghattada-kattigeyalliya inabijanake Santar-okalal puttidp tere kirakujada dayada
. . . dalage . . . . kalam karclicbi dbaiA-purvvakam madi a-cbandiArkka-taram-baraip
aarvya-namasya bittan i-dbarm m ayan n .............. Santara kuladol puttidavam {usual final phrases)

nindale mudara dinapam j rauduge(in) apara . yatte birugan enam |

ma(Jidndan alidadam rapa- | k G4idodam para-kajatradole kudidadam ii
iytsml final verses)
•anya-kshlitre kritam papani pupya-ksbetiA vinasyati |
pupya-ksbetre kritatn paparti vajra-lep^na tisbtbati |(
S h ik a r p u r T a lu q . 105
At Tadagani (Udagmi hobU), on a stone east of the Bdmeivara temph.
«vasti SvS,mi-Maliaseiia-Ma[tri-gaua]nudhya.tabhisliiktaiiam Maaavyasa-g6[tranai}i} H ariti-p u tr^
n^m Kadamb&nam , M-Maduvarimna S'atomaMlaTgi’ama . . ta^ kasya p ergg alan ya
. . varttanik KetakapMS 6ka-varttani dvadasa . . , G^autama-gotraya Nar&yapa-
iarmma^e vM a . . pdaka^pftrvvam dattavan nikkirtti . . . . . sengn- . . . srota H
uktam cba |{usual fined verses.) ...{on the top) ...,,.I£asyapa-g6tm ia M -S6m a..


At KademncUhalli {same luMi), on a viraliad in frond of the Hampesvara temple.

fivasti lirimatu Chalukya-cbakravartti-Somesvara-Deva-varisba . ..................................................| ,
. . . DSvanum n i k a r a ................................ ..... . . N a y a k a n -a ^ iy a ...................... J .
. . . . m agulchi pala[ra}ip konda talfc iridu sura-loka-praptan ada . . . ke m erficM
Kalaramada senabbova M a k a y y a -B u c h a .................................. gala bh&vi-kereya k e la g e /b it ta
^ a d d e ..................... ^

On a virakal to the south of the same temple.

svasli samasta-pra^asti-sabitam Irimauu naaba-maadalesvaram Kayavir-arasarn pvitbvi-rS^jya g e l

yutt ire Plava-samvatsarada BbUdrapada . .’ . . . . . . . kondu turuvam maralcbi snrsw
loka-praptan adaip samasta-gana-sampannar appa ruvari-Biyagopayaaa maga Yibbatann ya
biraliikge bola bb4vi-kelage ko^aru kam 5 maiigala laaba Sri {final verse as in No. 59 above.)

At the same place.

sVa'sti Srimatu-Obalukya-Vikrama-varsba 2 neya Pla*-sanivatsarada As^ija-babula 10 B riba va r^

rad andu sinmad-anadi-agrabara Tanagundara turavam Manneyam magule arasan ayam kS.yy^
M utagiya tal§,ra T)fei turavam m agitlcbi sura-loka-praptan M a atana magam Masauayage nai6r*
vatt-ircbebbasiram karunyam geydu olagejey-olage guneganal ondu mattalu keyyuniaip opdi*
maneyumani. sarvvanianyam nadayisuvaru H Ha]li-Setti_ muntittu kallam nilisida H oyoja b esa i»
tgeyda divara-Gadayana ajiya Dasaya kalu |1 -

At Uttardniha}H {same hMi), on. a stane north of the Virabhadra temple.

avasti saraasta-bbuvanesvarayat sri-pritbuvi-bballabain mabS,rajadbiraja paramesvarani paramar

bbattaraka SatyaSrayam kula-tilafcam Chalukyabbarana Sri-pyitbuvi-rajyam geyye svasti sam adH-
*So in the original. fS o in the original, and as a nile the long vowels are omitted thronghout this inscription.
106 Shikarpur Taluq.

gata-paficlia-maha-sabda maha-samanta srimad-Bliima-Eajam BanaTasi-pannir-chchli^siravain{ny,

altire Ottayya nal-gavundu geyye Saka-varsha *034 n.eya Subliakrit-samvatsarada Pbalguna-
bahula 9 A[di]tyavarad andu TJttaraniya garunda Kondesara Butagosi li6ga-padisbte geydu niS,di,
eida degulaip devapgge bitta keli gniiigana mattal ondu devargge bitta kavileya i-dbarmma--
ranorvYau ataninrparoksbade nedeyisidanatange Kuruksbefcrado] sayira-kavileyata dhanam gotta—
jjbalam akkun^id-atange Baranarasiyol sayu’a-kaYileyuvam s&siyYar-bramanaruvam konda ba-
tara sarggiy/svasti sri TJttaraniya gavundu Kondesara-Bixtagosige miiru bbagam Koudesara-Joga'-
Q» n n b b a g a m

On a masUkat mar ihe same iemple.
K b a ra -sa m y a tsa ra d a SLiyayuja-ba 2 Cru |1m im a tu B ogara K a r a d iy a . . S etti ta n n a . . a§-
v iv a k a lu sv a rg g a sta n a d a lli atan a m a d u y a lig e N a g a m m a k u d e sabagriinanay adalli nibfe'ida m a s ti-
J c a lu -^ v a tisb te g e m a n g a ja n iaba Sri

73 ,
At the same place.
irvyadbari-sanivatsarada S’rayana-su 1 So Yire-Nayakanavara sangada Chikka Jambura G u^da-
iiTudana maga Bommannanu Divigeyabajiya buyyalalli samara-rangadalli kadis ura-loka-praptau
la mabgala mab& sri sri

At-Hire-JamMr {same hohli), on a stone near the Virahhadrn temple,
Bvasti y a m a -n iy a m a -sY a d b y a y a -d h y a n a -d b a ra i> a -m a u n a n u sb tb a n a - ja p a -sa m a d b i-^ ila * sa m p a n n a r
Yvid ita'*-Y ed a-y^d an tagain a-sbat-tark k a-p aficba-Y yak aran ad i-sam asta-n iran ik ta-cb aritar a g n is b t o in -
& tyagiiiisbt6m a-ukthya - sbodasi-yajapeyatiratr6pt6i’y y a m a -sa p ta -s6m a-5a m sth a ya b b ritb d .v a ga h a n a -
Ji^avitvikritottatnllngar a p p a srim ad-agrabararn J am b u ra m abaian ain sasirvvarum A tr e y a -g o t r a ja r
ap(pa K esayojbaru nam askara-pui'Yvakam li svasti Sak a-varsb a 931. neya S a u m y a -sa m v a tsa ra d a
u tti^ ray a p a-sa n k ran ti- A d ity a y a r a d andu^ a g n is b ta g e y a d b a rm m ak k en d u b itta k a ld a le y a k e y i
k a tn in a 3 0 (here follow farther details of gift, and usual final verses.)

p a k a -b b ed i k rita g b n a s c b a b b u m i-b a r tta cb a te trayah (

narak&n n a tiva rttan te y a v a cb cb an d ra -d iy a k a ra u ||

sb a sb ti-v a rsh a -sa b a sra n i s y a r g g e m od ati b b u m id ah ]

a cb c b b e tta c b an u m a n ta c b a ta n y e y a n ara k e vasSt ||

a g n is b th a g e y u m m a tb a m u m a m ra k sb isid a rg g e a [n a]n ta *p u n ya N a g a d a sa y y a m bared a |{ A g u a y o

iia m a b )l

*=80 in the original ; bnt Saka 984=Tir6dhikrit, and Subhakrit5=924.

Shikarpur Taluq. IQ7


At fhe same viHuge, on a viraJcal on the GhigaUTtatte tcmk-hund.

srasti srimatu Kalacliuiya bhuja-ba}a-chakravartti r^ya-MurS.ri Sovi-Deva-varshada 8 neya J aya -

aamratsarada Palguya-sudda 14 Adivarad andu irim atu anadi-agavb&ram Jambura s^sirTvara
besadim dbivara-Bacbeya Bjtteyura Siugada MailohaTGrauda (y)aran irida hendir-udey ucbi tu ru -
Taoi ko'mbali halaram kondu snra-loka-praptan ada I] veTse as in No. 59 above)

At the same place.

Evasti srimatu CbaJukyarVikrama-varisbada 38 neya Jaya-samvatsarada Ohaiti’a-ba 1 A divarad-

andn wima[j]-Jambura Divabeya V oppa BadavAr-aJlvinalu idirau adire paridu palara kondu sura-
16ka-pr&ptan ada atange paroksba-vinayav endu Heldteyara B4iana kalla nirlsida l| (final verse as
m No. 59 above. )

At the same place.

svasti Sriniacb-ChaQujkya-Vikrama-kalada 35 neya V ik i d t a - s a m .............................Adityav5-rad

andu si’imad-anbdiy-agrabarain Jambura . . _ • karayada bavarada alliy aju bandu bayalal od*
d a l u ...................... tayana magaip Ji&gantian alliy alan iridode . . . . sura-16ka-pr§,ptan
9.6ia (final verse as in__No. cbove.} . gandba-v&ranain CbattojanS magam ruvari-Ketdjaiji
m adi . , . ^ . b&, sri in tt

At the same place,

svasti Srimatu bbuja-bala-cbakravartti Bijjana*Deva . . . . Pramadi-saipvatsarada P balgu -

^ - b a 5 Adivarad andu Sri . . nadiy-agrabaram Jambura Matsareya ICallarasa muttalu . .
airvara besasidade divara-Bitteyam palaranr kondu kudureyan iridu sura-16ka-pr^ptan ada
(j/hial verse as in No. 59 eibove.)

At CMKka-J'anMr (same lubli), on a stoM in front of {he KallMvara temple.
STsati Sri jay§,bbyudaya-S'alivabana-iaka-varuSa | 1613 neya Prajotpatya-samvatsaradalu" nirbpa-
■prati srimat-Keladi-Cbannamajiyavaru 8'ivap-Odeyarige Sai’anartbi Udagani-sime Cbikka-Jam-
bura-gram ada Kalle-Gaudanu bujilru bandu tanu Sukla-satavatsaradalli ] H ogalara r§.jakadalli
ta u n a kaiyinda sambalava kottu mandi katti masftlattiyalli kasbtava madiddbene umbaji pMisi-
kondu tanna guru-devaru Cbikka-Jembura matbada brbdbya stalada Harasbra Liiigappa-dlvaru
108 S h ik arpu r T aluq.
tarma tande Gaiige-Gauda kattist i-Virakta-mat^kke salia svasti palisikolabek endu Iielikopd*
samanda yi-gram a . dinda yitage umbaji uttarava kottadu sistininda ga 12 praku nilista .
g a 23 ubhayam ga 35 kke vivara (here folhiv details) muvattaidu-varalianu uttarava kottu p n ra -
varggakke uttarav ada bbumige linga-madra-Mla-stbapitava madisuvallige bujurinda ftligada
Cbanna-Mallana kalubisi idheve chavu-gramadavara karasikondu gadita . ra barada riti yivar'
na mund ittu rekhe-pramanu bbumi vifigadisi-kottu pura-vargga uttarav ada banneradu v a ra h M a
bbum ige ^ila-stbapitava madisikottu yi-kagadava senabbovara kaditake barasi tiruga y ita n a
va^ake koduvahage Prajotpatya-samvatsarada Maga-ba 10 llu katu-madisuvadagi niriipa 1 6 ri
NadigarRangauna | stajada . . . . joyisa-Linga-bbattaru yi-gram ada senabova K arakada
Sivaramanna sri

At Karinele {same JtolM), on a stone in front of the Hanumanta-dSm temple.

. ^rimatu Yadava-lSTarayana-cbakravartti.......................... Simbaiia-Deva . .

tteneya Eaudri-samvatsara Pa . . . . . . . turu praputan adudarkke.

At the same village, on a stone to the north of Kademane-heri.
.............................................................. pura-varesvara Cbamundfirlabdba-vara-prasadam v a iri-g b a ta -
kesari su-jana-kaivaran arobaka-Trinetram mada-dana-dbavajam Srimad-Iriva-Bedanga-Devara m a -
gam ^rimat-Kundamarasara pada-paukaja-bbramara svasti samadbigata-paScba-maba-sabda m a -
ha-samanta vairi-Kritanta kataka-Narayanam gandara’ ganda kadana-marttanda mandaRka-kum&ra-
jagad-dalanari-mapdalika-taleya-karavattan ivara deva srimad-Brabma-Devarasar NagarakbaoDL-
dav elpattuvan ^uttam ire Bbaratimayya nuran aluttam ire Nagarjunam n§,r-ggavondu g e y y e
Araja-Gavundan ur-ggavundu geyye Saka-va 951 neya Sukla«samvatsarada uttarayana-sankr&n-
tiy andu Ka.rineleya kelage bitta ma 1 {usual final phrases)

At Silaki {same hd>U)f on a stone td^the\north of the Virahhadra temple.

ari-Gapadbipataye namah )
nam astuftga &c. 1|

srasti Sri 3ayabbyudayb,-Kali-ytiga-S'alivabana-Saka-varuSa 1602 neya Raudri-sam Pusbya-ba 7

Budbavaradalu Srimat-Kejadi-Cbennamajiyayaru Cbennavira-Devarige saranartbi TJdugani-Sime
Bijaki-gr&mada Virabbadra-devarige svasti salad endu Bijaki-Virayyanu belikonda sammandha
Sri-devara amyltapadi-nandadiptigege Bilaki-grama anda Raudri-sam | Pusya-ba 4 Budhav&ra-
8abikrS.nti-puuya-kaladalli S'ivarppitav agi bita gadde (here follow details of. grant) i-svastiyanti
iaroddbaravkgi nadasuvaru mafigala maba Sri Sri
Sliikax’pur Taluq. 109

A t A dagan ii {same IxoV.i)^ on a stone in front o f the B asava temple.

svasti saraasfca-blmvanasi’ayara sri-pritlivi-vallablia inaliarajadhivaja paramesvara parama-bhatbira-

kain Satyasraya-bnla-tilakam . . kyabliaranam sri>nad-A.lia'vamaria-Dev-ara vaiyam uttarofctarablii-
Tri...................... manatn a-cbandfakka-tai-am saluttam ire svasbi saiaasta-ni’fpa-jana-stutya' . .
vakya-KonganirVarmma-dbarmma-inaliarajadbii-ajain Kblalapara-varciivarara Nandagiri-nafclia ma-
da-gajendra-laiacbha-aani Padm4v'att-]abdha-vara-pra«adam Nauniya-Qafigam Ganga-Kiisum^a-
dhain iiiaiidakika-makuta-cbuJamant^ srimaeJi-Chalakya - Gaftga-Periiimaiiadi-Yikrainaditya-Devar
VanaVcisi paiuiii-clichliasiramiiin Sd.ntalige sasiraimini. Nolambavadi mtivatt-i . . sirani-olagagi
djranga-mandalam tombliattara-sasiraumm dusbta-tiigraba-vdsislita-prati . . . . nadiin rajadbaiii-
Balligaveyalu sukba*f^abkatl a-viiiodadim rajyam-geyyubtam ire samasta-raiya-bliara-iiirupita-aia-
kamatya-padavi-virajamana maiiOuuata-prabiiu-maati'ObEaha-iaktbtraya-.smnpauHar-appa srimat-
Perggade-Naranayya pramuklia-karaua'm Banayase pannir-clichkaisiranian anubkayis-uttaiu ire
Jiddulige-yelpattara Arasimmayyain ual-gfivundu geyye Adjgatfceya Gaggi-Settiya magani Ma-
cbayyaii ur-ggavinr;la geyye Saka-rarslia 979 tte n e y a Hemalarabi-sanivatsaradu Plialguim-ba-
hula 1 Adivarad anda Bedara gliatti Madiyaiigeriyan irida tiiyiiyain konda pendii’-adoyau urcb-
cliidar emba puyyeiam kelda kariogahisade Macli-Gavundan atti um
jilena labliyate lakslnuir mritenapi suraiigaua j
ksliana-vidhvanisane kaye ka cbiuta marane rape |j
yemb i-M6kavtbaniaQ atma-gatani bagedu sangrama-pariclicbbediyagi mar-bbaladolam mudalisi
Belagavattiyalu turavam magTilclii palaran iridu kadikbandamagi sura-loka-praptaii ^dad avar-
annam Chitta-Gavuiidauain Maclia-Gavnudana bbai'ryye Cbagiyabbeymn avara magaii Aleyyaiiuiii
ildu Ma . . . ttada bayalol brabmanain Maduvayyange kMani karchobi dhara-purvvakam
bitta galde {details o f gift and final phrases)

A t the same pdace, on a %nd virahal.

svasti sri S'aka-?ara.sba 1209 ueya PiAgala-sanivatsarada Pusliya-ba 10 Bbrigi.vara . . . .

^vriman-........................., maba-pradliana Udda.riya Dekarasa . . . Baicha-bfaykara kuma-
ra Mecba-Gavupdaau Adigattiya.............................................. bpyalu . . .' , . . .
. . . . acbobari-vade svargga-praptan ada mangala inab.a Sri ^I'i subbam bbavatn

8 o

A t S'irdlalioppa { s m e hoUl], on copper plates in pmsessio i o f Jdyis-Seshappa.

(Xi^ari characters.)
(Ih) sri-Saiikavano gati j Aibham a-stu j .
payaty avisbkritaip Visbiior varaluim ksbabliitarnavain |
dirkshinonnata-damslitragre visranta-blmvanain vapuh |1
110 S liik a rp u r T aluq.
Bvasti sainasta-bhuvanasraya sri-pritlivi-tlliara-vallablia mabsiiaj^dliiiaja raja-pai'affies-s^ara parania-
bliattclraka Hastinapura-varadliisvara aroliaka-Bhagadatta ripu-raya-kanta-datfa-vairi-vaidhavya
Pandava-kula-ka[mala]-mai’taQda kadana-praabanda kaliga-kodanda ganda-marttanda yekanga-
viia raua-i'aitga-dliira As\^apati-iaya-disapatta Gajapati-Eaya-samLaraka Narapati-Eaya-mastaka"
tala-prabari f amantaka-mriga-cls&xura Konkana-ebafur-disa-bbayaiikara chacbcba-putta kacba-
putta Isvara-mukha-kamala^vinirgata-Bralima-vinadi-Bhai’ata-sastra-prasiddlia aneka-sastra^pra-
viria Koranba-Vyali-Nagarjuriadi-mautra-traya-suddha prasiddha-samudaya-namita-pMaravinda
ari-raya-kula-vilaya^kalanala nity-akara paraiigana-putra-. suvarDa-vaaalia-JancLbaria-dbvaja | sri-
Koina-vamsodbhava Pariksbita-cbakraTartti tat-putra Jabamejaya-chakrayartti Hastinapure snkba"
Baiikatlia-viuodena dakshina-disa-vare ya-dig-vijaya-yatreyam Tuugabhadra-Hai-idra-sangame sri.
Hariliara-deva-sannidbau katakaai utkalitam Cdiaitra-mase krisbna-pakslie Somadine Bharant-
niaba-uaksbafcie sankranti-vyatipata-nimitta-samaye | sarpr.-yagam karomi asirvada-purvakam
cbaki avartti maobcbi paiichafiga-pasaja-( I I a ) chbatra-3ukbasana-anka-danda-kIianc!aue-j6tisEa-
iipadliike sarva-namasyavagi yevam Hire-Jambura-gramat Masu.ru Gotte-varaba BaJJura-gramat j
brahmanat | Kannada-sakbeyaVa^isbtba-gohrada Asvalayana-sufcrada Euk-Mklieya Chliaya-Bhat-
tara putra Cbikka-C]ikaye-Bba[tta]ru tat-putra S arikara-Lingana-Joyisarige nikamukliya tasyagr^-
xnatitara-simantaranam kafclia(h)-purvakam pratliama-stbalam purva-paschima-daksbinottara-pa-
£sba]nar.pratislitbeyii dvitiya-stbalaio purva-pa^cbima-dakshinottara-pasbana-pratisbtbeyu tritiya-.
stbalam purva-jjascbima-dakshinottara-pasbaiia-pratisbtbeyu cbaturiba-stbalam purva-pascbima-
tiak.sbnottara-pasbanR-pratisbtlieyu yevam-katba ( / / b ) Jaiiibur£.-sime-Ma&ura-ame-jy6tisba-up&“ '
dbyake yavacb cbandras oka suryyas cbav agi Krisbnarpanara || yfevain gramat Ari-raya-kula-
udaya-kalanala sri sri {usual final verses)

At Bekigami^ {Tdlagunda liolM), on a pillar in the mak-mtrmce of the Keddreivara temple.

^ w asti srimacb-Ciialukya-Vikraraa-varsbada 55 neya Virddbikritu-sanivatsarad Asvaijad amavasey

^Auivara-siayya-grabanad abdu sriuaatu Hoysaria-Ballala-Deyan-arasi tuppada-bagala seviyaru
8ri-Ballesvara-[de]vara nivfedyakkam pAjarigalig . . _. . var-arttbauiagi' salevarn . , sege
kadam gotta gadyana . . . vriddbi varsbakke gadya . . . yeradu honnu Mallesvara-de-
vargge kudiivantagi . . . konda pujari Lokimayyara kalam karcbcjii Ballesvarada stha-
...........................pacli yeradu gadyana . . . . mam dbar.a-purvvakan) madi kottar a-stba-
makkam a-botige Lokimayyana vainsadavar-odeyaru saleyaparuseya bonnan avargge kuduTudu
kott-i-dbarmmamam pratipalisuvxtdu maiigala inaba sri yi-dbarminaman alidavam pancba-maba--
patakan akkum ,l|

At the same temple, on the ith pillar of the verandah.

Bvasti Srimatu ral-p: abbu bTaadiragaiada Gala-Gandanu m-KedM’a-devara mandapadalu alab—

S liikarpur T aln q. Ill
On the beam of the western door-way of the same verandah.

sriman-maha-pradhanaiTi Btrayya-Dandauayakai’u alafikara-salxita tefikaiia-muklia bkadi’ava ma-


A.t the same temple, on a vtralcal to the ivest of the entrance,

svasti sritnacTi-Cliaj.ukya-Yikrama-varsha liadinaidaneya Srimukha-samvatsarada Karttika-bahuja

Da . . • yandu Haleya-Nayakaua mayidima Ko . • ya-Nayaka . . . . taada . . . .
talt iridu sura-loka-pi’aptan a d a ................... _

. On the first stone in the enclosure of the same temple.

subbam asta Saka 1807 ke sariyada Parttiva-sam jj rada Marga^ii’a-bahuja 3 lu sau 1835 ney
isavi December tarikhu 24 «e Guruvara-iUryyodayadalli Maisftru-;iialia[raja] Cbaroa-Kaja-Vaderu
Balligavi-Ketaresvara-vagaire-devara darusbanada uddesya dayama(Jisi babu-santosbarudbar ada-
ru devara vimyoga derastana-kamagtirige erpadu madyai’ agi toriitte yi-Balligavi-nad-ella Kallu-
mani-Garjina . . . Cbannapaiyanavaru iddu • . Garjina-Gurupadappana aksbaraga]u ||

At the same place, on a 2nd stemc,

om namah S'iraya II
nap’ as tunga &c 1|
namas sasvatikananta-jfianaisraiyamayafcmano [
sankalpa-sapbala-brabma'stambbararabhaya Sambbave _1|

Kalacburyya-kulladbisa Murari-saebivesvara |
svasti te Kesavamatya yavad a-ebandra—tarakain 1|

Bvasti samasfca-bbuvanasraya sri-pritbvi-vallabba mabarajadbiraja paramesvara parama-bliatta-

raka Kalaiijara-pxu’a-varadbisvara snvarnna-vrisbabba-dbvaja damaruka-tftryya-nirgh6sban.a Kaja-
cburyya-knla-kamala-marttanda kadana-praebauda maua-Kanakaobala su-bbabar-aditya kaligai-
afikusa gaia-samanta ^aranagata-vajra-panjara pratapa-Lankesvara para-nari-sabodara S’anivara-
siddbi giri-durgga-malla cbalad-auka-Rama vairibha-kantbirava nis^anka-malladi-yatbartfcba-na-
ma-srimad-bbuia-bala-cbakraVartti Tribbuvanamalla Bijjana-Devani mabi-vallabbeyan aHudinav
aimbbavisidan ent endade 1|

vri pritbvi ya Pritbun4 pui-a cbirataram mudbena gotvam f^ta j

seyam Bijjana-Deva-patta- mabishi-vrittau bbriSam kridate | ;
ratnam deva tatbaiva bbati jadadbau veladbipadbastbale |-
Visbnor vvaksbasi kaustubbam nripa-Tara praudbena s§k slagbata |i
112 Shikarpur Taliiq.

va [| int a-clvitiya-svamitvadim vasudlia-valaj-amdm snkhadiii eka-chcliliatradini rajyam geyviitt

irdd atma-rajja-bhara-nirupaiiam madid a-maharaja-priya-tanaja-pratapamam peivade jl

matteblia il ripu-bliupala-tamaugliam ode Icumudtt-bratam karaiii percliohe tad- |

I’ipu-kanta-muklia-pankajam korage naksluifci'odajeiam Ipda- j
li-paribbrajitan arjjitorjiita-yasas-sri-cdiandrikadliisvai’aip |
nripane Somau enalke Bijjana-mabipalabdbiyol puttida ||

va 11a-bliuja-bala Tribliuvauarnalla-lDeva-tanujam rajadliii^jain raja-iiiarttandam marftanda-karati-

tibra-teja-svabbayam bbavitasesba-jdicbakabbilasliita-pliala-pradajrakam vairi-bkaj^a-dayakani E a -
ya-Murari Sovi-Deva-cliakresvaram eamasta-pradli&iarim parivoslititanagd suklia-saiikatba-viiloda-
dim rajyam geyvuttam irddu .samadliigata-pancba-inalia-aabda malia-samanta senadi-baliattara"
niyogadhisbtliayakam pi’ablni.-manir6tsaha-prRm‘akba-i]iti-nislitliay;ikam ^nniau-maba-pradlianam
sarvvadhikari maha-pas§,yitam Byalikeya,-Kesimayya-Dalulariayakarani karadu daksluua-di^ava-
rada bbandaravada dcsangal elUtvam duslita-nigralia-sislita-2:)ratipalauam inalpud eudu karnuyam
inaclal malia-prasadam endu kaikonda maba-pi acbanda-danda-iiatha-prataponnatiyam pelyade ||

yri II idii Vidyadliara-lokali allad idu nakaaikayant allad iiit j

idu Gaadbarvva-nikayay all ansv id a-sat-Kiunara-bratav all j
id ale Byalika-Kesimayya-yijaya-piar-ambiiadol marggipod- |
adata-kslinaapa-nikaya-purpaka-chayam vj'omaika-sankirnnakam ■'

___,cbampaka._!l Maii’a-eliaya-ESVya-yritti uija-vritti puratana-raja-nlti tarn |

tanag alayatta nitiye.pararttbame tantia bliujarjjitai-tthav al- [
daiia inaliimoanatifcyame uijomietiy asrifca-tusbti tannad end [
enipa negalte porcbclie sale jlvise Kesava-Dandauayaka II
va )| aut aneka-mahimoanatam Taddavadi sasii’amutnam Eanugall aynurumam Banayase pauuir.
cbcbbasiramumam sukbadin ap.eka-kalain paripalisuttam sva-de&ivaldkanarfcfcliam bandu srimad-
anadi-pattanain rajadliaui-Balligaveya srimad-dakdiiua-Kedare.%ara-doyara mata-kuta-prasada
ratna puje suyarnpa-kalasa vidya-dauaanadaaadj-aDeka-srl-karryamam nodi jidn Varanasigam
vimiraadi Kedarakkam mU'mmacIiS'riparyyafcakkam sasirmmadiy adu-karanay illig enanum dharm-
mavam tnadi kritarttban alien eudu tadiya-stbaniicliaryyar ajipa sriinad-raja-guru-devara sami-
pakke vaud avara vid) a-^•isesba-nIaililrlOnuatiyaln niduin nodi ||

yri II sabde Panini(h)-pandito naya-cbaye-SVibbuslinn&charyyakh j

natyadau bliarate^ munis, olia Bharatah kavye Subandliuh svaj-am j
siddiiaute ijukulisvaras S'iva-pade Skando maln-mandale j
so’yam raja-gurur yyathartlia-kathita^ sri-Vamasaktir yyatib j!

ifcy'-ady-aneka-praka.radinl stutiyisatav atinjya-dliarmiriabliipraya-yrlttantainan avarg aripiiyudim

tad astu niy enam dharimnavam luadidadam svlkarisi iliey enal srimat-Kalaclirnyya-varsIiada 16
neya Saryyadbari-samvatsarada Vaisaklia-Pauvnuami-Adifcj^avara-soma-gi’aliana-sankramana-vya-
tipatad andu Hanugal-naia Yelambiya-kampanada baliya bSdam Cliikka-Kannugiyam ^rimad-
daksbiua-K6dara-devar-anga -bhoga-ranga-bhoga-kbaurla-spliutita-jirnnoddliarakkara brahmana-
tapodhanar-anna.-dana-vidya-danakkav a-stlianad ajbaryya srimad-Gantama-Deva-priya-si.sliya
srimad-raja-guru-deyara kalam karcliclii tri-bbogabhyantarav a-oliaudrarka-taram-baram salvant-
agi srimad-Eaya-Murari Sovi-Bevage bianaliam geydu tambra-easanamam patledu tanda Byalikeya-
Kesimayya-Dandan-ayakain dliara-purwakfun inadi kottaa i-dlirrmnOrnan avaaamim paripalisida-
Sliitai’pur Taluq. 113

V aran a^i-K u ruksh etrady-u tkrislita - kskefcrangajal v ed a -^ fetro d ita k ita g n ik a in a sliy a ja n a - sakasra*-
krakinanarige s a h a sra -k a v ile g a la m suvarnnaneka-ratnangalira kodum k o la g u m a m k attisi danatnam
k o tta pkalav i-d liarm iiia m a a alidavau §,-ksk.ei:radol S,-titliiyol a-bralimari'avuiiian a -k a v ile g a la m
STa-hastadinday_ a lid a narakaklcQ ilid a n iy -a rttlia d a sakgliitvena ^ruti 1| (imial final verse)-

At the same jilace, on a 'drd stone.

Bvasti samasta-bkiiTanasraya Si’i-prithti-vallablia inakfeajadlnraja.i'Sja-parameiTara. sri-vira-Pra-

tapa-Deva-Kayara kumara Vijaya-B&ya-makarayaru..................Hastinayatiya nelavidinolu £ukha-
sankatha-vinodadim rajyam geyyntt ire Iritnau-maba-pvadliana, Baylobeya-Daniiayakara kiimara
.......................................................... geye • b e liy a ....................D evaru..................... Deyaru Koda-
nad-olagana ... Kudigereya Siddbesyai’a-Deyaru Pancbesyara-Deyaru mukkyayada .....................
^acbariya Bulla-Deyakgala sa-ch&ritrav ent endade, j| parama-suddha . . payana-obaritra vi^ala-
clijttam sastradol jwinataiiyayaiabudhi-sudliakaram ......... sri kalpa-bburubam ................. ...
arati-da ... pa rajipam dkarejol a-Bommi-Beyana su-putram Bu|}a-Deva^i kriva-d^na........ ...........
jxigamokfci'ya yicharadolnin migi ... pi’abliaya dhai’aniyola tannam.................. k otta ........ amba-
db^veyan eyadu .........b b a k ti............... ... tannol ayagam yara-gmii Bulja-Deyana cbaritrateg ar
sari bbfi-tajagradol 1|

• kara-cbarana-dyayakke............. jaugama-rupininda dba- |

...raniyolii puje-gotnbau ati-bhaktara .. vadojam nirantaraip j
parama-S'ivagamilcarige tay adhikari enippan avagam j
stbii’ateyolu BuBa-Deyaua guiiaugala bannipar ar dbarifcriyol ||

S'aka-yiirusham...sayirada munnbra nalyafcfca nalkara S'ubbakyi(;ity enisida saiiivatsai'adol Asyija-

suddbada p a ficb a m i-.....................yavaradoj

.....................................................; -i
stbirav all ©nag endu ... Bulla-Deyanu |
suralokakfc aidida Su- /
r©ndrana raniyaru........ |

... muvar-kanteyar ) unnatadindale samadbig odalara kottar [

Cbenna.. .Bullayya Bacbale [ nnnate'Madukaye tamm©l atisayadindatn |1 ^ri

At the same place., on a Uh stone.

namas tunga &c. ||

jayaty ^ visb k ritam Visbiaor yyarah am k sb o b b ita m ^ a y a m (
daksbin on nata-dam sbtragra-yi^r& n ta-bbu yan am y ap u h jj

Svasti samasta-bbuvanaSrayam sri-pritbyi-yallabbam mabarajadbirajam paramo^yara pai’ama-bba^v

tarakam Satyasraya-kula-tUakam Cbalukyabbaranam srimat-Tinbbuyanamalla-DSyara vijaya-rajyapj
114 Shikarpur Talnq.

uttar6ttai'ablii7riddhi-pravardliama.iiaQia-cliaadrarkka-t4ram-bai’am saluttaua ire i! svasti samasta"

bbuvana-vikbyata - paSoba-sata-vira-sasana-labdbaueka-gana - g'analaukrita satja - saucbacbara"
cbaru-charitra naya-vinaya-Vira-Balafija-dharnima-pratipalana visuddha-gudda-dhvaja*vir§.jita-
nuna-Kbandali-Mulabhadrodbliava dvatrimsa-velamavavum ashtadasa-pattaiiamuni cbausbasbti-
yoga-pitbamain ajavatta-nalku-gbaiika-stbanarauin Ayyavole-pura-paramSsvaran sarana,gata-vajra-
paSjararuip pirid-ittit-marevani marege rare kavarum para-iiari-sabodararum Mrita-jana-kalpa-vri-
ksbarum namadi-samasta-prasasti-sabitam srimaii-maba-pa|tai;ia)n rajadliaiu-Balligrameya pattana-
Svami Hanumanta'-Settiyam Bammi-Settiyum Mecbi-SetByum Saudoro-Bittimayyanum ...da-svami
S’ankarayyanu senabuya-S’aiikaraiyyanu cbarad-afltka-liamai'n maiiigara JSiagi-Settiyum antu sama-
sta-nagaramu mummuri-dandamum Maudara-Baladeva-Settij'-u Meliari-Katayanu Bitiyaniianu
Bhattakeriya Kali-Septiyum jagati-smnuliam beragi nalvar rvovugalum arurattu-kottaji/um naga-
rada vasa-varttigalum irdu ||

dbareg eseva sakti-pari(r)sbege [ karam agrani yenipa parvvatavaliyol Mu- (

yaralibneya-santatig a- j bbaranam Kedaragakti-muni-pati negarda j|
a-munipan-agra-Msbyar [ srimat-S'rikantha-Panditar vrasudheyol inn- j
e mate Lakuli^ar j ttain ene sarvya-jna-kalpa-r esedar filurnbam ||

a-muuipana sisbyar svasti yama-niyama-svadbyaya-praiiayama-]irafcyaliara-dbyaiia-dbS.rana-mau-

nanusbtbana-japa-samadbi-Mla-sampaunai’ siddbaiita-tarkka-vyakarana- karya-nataka-bbaratady-
aneka-sabitya-vidya-praviriaruin appa daksbina-disa-bbagada Tavaregereya Nakbaresvara-Devar-
acbaryyaru Somesvara-Pandita-Devargge svasti Irimacb-Cbalukya-Vikcama-varsbada 18 neya Sri-
mukba-samvatsarada PaTguiiad Amavasye-AdivAra-surya-grabanad andu devai’-anga-bbogakkatn
kbanda-spbutitakkam alliya vidyarttbi-tapodbanar-abM'a-danakkam endu kalam-karcbcbi dbara-
purvvakam raadi [after details of (lift) int inituman asesba-nagaram neradiddu kottaru || i-dbar-
mmakke Cbavvondabovam anukCila-sabaya ||

ivan iyrandadol eyde raksbisidavafig isblarttba-samsiddbi sam- |

bbavikuin pmid alipange Gange Gave Kedaram Kuruksbotram em- |
b ivarol pesade parvvaram kaVileyaiu stri-balaram liugiy-a- |
ppavaram kondan avam sva-gotra-sabitam bilgum iilalia-gboradol ||

At the same place, on a fifth stone.

namas tuiiga &o, j|

gotrasmam a-gotraip oba gb-tr%ana-yutapi S'ivam |
Paiicba-gor nnidbanam somam vandb Nyankr-afika-^ekbaram ;|

va i| svasti samasta-bbuvanasraya sri-pritbvi-vallabba mabarajadbiraja paramesvara parama-

bbattarakam Dvaravati-pura-varadbisvard Yadava-kula-kamala-kalika-vikasa-bbaskaram Gfirjara-
varanankusam Malaviya mallam Telunga-raya-sirab-kamala-sa-mulotpatana-karam ari-raya-jaga^
jbampam raya-Narayaiia sii-Simbana-Derana pratapav ent endade ||

garjjan-Malava-varanakhila-gbatA-saugbalta-paficbananali j
S hikarpur' T aluq. U s

Teluilgesa-cliarau-samulaa-jaladlii-sphurjjat-sada-Kumblia-siis |
sar-vva-kshmapati-sekliaro v'ijayate sri-Simlianas sarvvada '||

tat-pMa-padmdpajivi Sriman-maha-pradhanam sarwadlukari malid-pavama-visvasi- raya-nayakg,-

N^i’ayanam M-Mayi-Deva-Papditara prabliavam ent endade ||

vriqi si'imat-Simha-nripd nivedya sakala-vyapara-cliiutam kriti j

bhuiikte sarvya-sukliopablioga-niratas saiflsara-bijam prabbuh |
byaparena su-nisohiteaa satatam yena praja rafijitali |
prayo’rafci-gaiiaa vijitya sakalau aste bbuvam dbarayan |!

va i| ant alliya §rimanu maba-pas%taiii sarwadbikari parama-visviisi ganda-peadara Hemmayya-

Nayakana prabbavav ent endade 1|

bridaye kamalarp .drisbtva jibvayam cha sarasvatim- ]

kirttis sapatnya-kbinneva yasya yati dig-antavam jl
Sokam I Soinesvara-yates sisbyo Vaidyanatbtoghri-pujakah (
•Bbiina-padabja-madbulit diyyadd- Hemma-mahtpatTh ||

atana satiya prabliavam ent endade ||

kanda || vomniifrge sarij Arundhatiy | iminiug a-Laksbmi-devl sarisaman akkum |
bemmeyalu saradbi nayaka- j Hemmana sati Euppubayig itarar ssariye j|

vAcbana '1 ant a -d a n ip a tig a l irbbarurn sukba-sankatba-vinodadim B a li g a v e g e b a n d -ir d d S i-stb a -

-|akk adbideyTam ap p a srim ad-daksbin a-K edilresvara-devara p ra b b a v a m en t endade ||

pialini || VidbbHari-sura-mukbya^ sii-Bali^’ama-madhye |

^ruti-janita-vaobobbir bbbakti-namras stuvanti j
bridaya-kamala-kantam yani prapasyanti'siddba }
namata S’ivam ameyam tain cbidananda-rupani |1

upasate^A'irupaksbam tatra Koti-mi tba-stbitah |

Vamasaktir yyatha purvvam Upamanyur mmaba-tapah y

va II ant alliya deva-bbogainam Apbaryya-SVikaiitha-Bdvava sisbyar appa maba-brati V§,masakti-

Devara vidya-samagrateyaip bratitvamam kanda Kedaresvara-devara nanda-divige-gandbaksbate-
na-karanam 137 neya Tuva-samvatsarada Bbadrapadad Amavasye-Bribaspativaradandu Hemmay-
ya-Nayakaru Banavase-nada suukadbikaradaliy a-stlianaobaryya Vamasakti-Devara pada-prakgba-
lanam geydu dbara-purwakam madi bejjuiika-mauneya ineydere-vokkalu-dere-mukbya kiruknla-
sunka*volagagi muttu manika patte davaaav ena beridadaiii sarvvamanyavAgi bitta stbalada ettu
-25 SiriToJala-stbalada gana 2 {final phrases)

Vindbyatavisbv a-toyasu ^usbka-kotara-yasinab |

krisbnasarppab prajayante deva-bralima-ova-liariiiah ||

su n k a d a v a n agali aras a g a li ad b ik a riy a g a li yi-^asan ada n ia r iy a d e g e a lid a ta n a {usual im­

precatory phrase.)
116 S liik a rp n r T alu q.

At the same place, on the sixth stone.
6m namali Sivaya || namas tunga &c. |i
nama^ sasvatikananta-jnanaisvaryyainayatman^ j
sankalpa-sapliala-bralmia-sfcambliarambliaya S'ambliave |j

namo raja-gurave svasti samasfca-bbavanasrya sri-pritlivi-vallabba maliarajadbiraja parame^vaka

parama-bbattaraka Kalanjara-pura-varadbiiTara suYarnu3,-Trisbabba-dbvaJa damaruka-turyya-riirg.
gbosbana KaJ-aoburrya-kula-kamala-marttanda kadana-pTacbanda mana-Kanakacbala subbatar-^di-
t ja kaligal-ankusa gaja-samanta saFan^ata-vajra-panjara pratapa-LabkesYara para-aari-sabodara
S'anivara-siddbi giri-durgga-malla cbalad-arika-Iiama Yairibba-kantbirava nissaiika-mall&di-ya'
tbai'ttba-nania srimad-bbuja-bala-cbakraYartti TribbuYanamalla-Bijjana-DeYam mabi-vallabbeyan
anudinam auubbavisidan ent eodade ||

vri I! pritbYi ya Pritbund. pura cbb'ataram mudbena gotvaiii gata |

seyain Bijjana-DeYa-patta-mabisbi-Yrittau cbiram kridate j
ratnam deva tatbaiva bbati jadadbau YeladbipatbaS-sthale | -
Visbnor Yvaksbasi kaustubbam nripa-yara 23raudbena sa ^lagbata 1|

va II ant enisida rajadbiraja-priya-tanaya-pratapamam pejvade ||

vri II ripu-bbupala-tamaugbam ode kumuda-brbtam karain percbobe tad- j

ripu-kanta-mukba-pankajam korage naksbatrodayeiam kala- |
Jl-paribbrijitan unnatonnata-yasai-^ri-cbandrikbdbisvaram j
nripane S6man enalke Bijjana-mabipajabdbiyol puttida 1|

va II antu putti ksboni-talav ellavan eka-ebobbatradind-alda Raya-Murari SoYi-T)evanujan ajdan

ent endade ||

ka II tat-samanantaradol dhare- | g ntsavamam madi satya-feucba-bratada Sa- |

ritsuta-doreyam nava-Puru- | kutsam Sankamma-Devan bjdain dhareya H

utpala II Gaula-gajan Turusbka-turagain vara-Sinibala-nbtba-maaktikam |

Cbola-sudbambaram Magadba-katturiynin Malayesa-chandanain |
Lalana bajakan ariyir endu cbarar sale binuapangajam j
kelisut irppar olagadolam vibbu-Sankama-DeYa-bbupana ||

ant aneka-prakai-adim Yasudba-Yalayavatp nisb-kantakam malida mab^rbjbdhiraja cbakre^varans

rajya-pradbanabgabgaje mabH-pradbanar bdar enisida piriya-danda-nayakam Lakmi-Dbvanum bb—
hattara-niyogadbiskthayakam Cbandmigi-Bevanum vasudbaika-bbndbavam Eecbanayya-dandana-
yakamim sarYYadbikari SoYanay^ya-dandanbyakanum samasta-senagresaram Kavanayya-dandanar-
yakanum volagagi samasta-pradbanasabitam Yinodadim daksbina-disavarakke vandu BanaYase-^
pannir-cbcbbasirad adbisbtbanain Balligrameya srimad-daksbina-Kedar^SYara-deYara tri-kuta—
prasadamumam lata-maiitapamumamratna-pujaneka-svarna-kalasangalnmam vidy4-dfeianna-dan^
dy-aneka-sri-karyyamam nodi yatbdrttbain daksbin,a-Kedai’av illi nay endnum dbarmma-karyya—
mam madalvelkuy endu tadiya-stbananbaryyar appa ^rimad-raja-guru-devaram kand avara-
tapah-prabb&vadi-samarttbyakk Mobaryyadiin nidinn nodi !|
S h ik arpu r T aluq. 111^
Sabde Panini-pandito naya-chaye S'ribliushaiJiacliaryyakah |
natyadaia Bkarate munis cha Bliai*atah kavy^shu Maghas svayain [
siddliantS Nakulisvaras S'ira-pade Skaudas srabhavam ggupais 1
so ‘ yaiu raja-gurus sada vijayate §ri-VamasaJitir yyatih tl

•416ka II ity-aneka-g’unadbisam G-autama-priya-naudanain |

satvoddbatas samasadya Sankama-ksbbp.ipalakah j| .

va svasti si-imat-Sankama-Deva-varshada 5 ney^ VikS.vi-samvatsarada Vaisakba-ma.sad amavasje-
S6maTara-Vrisb.a-sankramana-Tyatip3,tad aiidu ^rimat-Kedaresvara-devanx aiiga-blioga-rafigarbbd-
ga-kbanda-spbntita-jiriinoddbarakkam tapoddhana-bralimapar-abara-danakkam ( Jidduligeya
kampanada baliya badam Kiru-BaUigayeyain srimat-Sankama-De\ra-ckakv?^vartti ) tadiya-sfcban&*
ckaryyar appa srimad-raja-guru-V^masakti-dSyara kMam karcbcbi dbara-purwakam madiy
a-ckandrarkka-taram-baram sarwa-namaSyam salvautagi kotlan i-dharmniamaa avan orbbam
paripalisidam sata-kratuyam madidavan 'j i-dharmmaman abdayam sata-kratuvuman tadiya-dvija-
ruvau alidantaha narakakke volian [

svasti sriman-maba-mai.idalAlyaran Tailaha-Devauain. Sriman-malia-mandalesvara yexaharasanum

baudu dbarmmamaip nodryidu uamm anvayanugatav appa guru-kula-stkanav illi navuv eninuip
dkarmmavain macjal-yelkuv -endu dkanniua-buddhiyan tandar avara pi’atapamam pelvade ||

vri kadanakk ugmriy aminal tridasa-bbuvanayara pritiyirp bandu kanbafig {

odavidd aiSvaryamam bbitarig asu-gafciyam malpane nolpav endang [
ide dal malpanx karutt Ekkala-nripa-fcanayan Pailapa-ksbonipalam [
madadindam pritiyindam bridayada kripoyim sadu macbcbalke nickclia j|

ka dhuradojag ddida ripu-nripa- | r arasiyara kataksha-rucbiyan iksbisar innupi |

dbareyolag Erabarasana posa- ) karavaltba bejage polayit emb ati-bbayadim IJ

va i| ant aneka-prakarada pogabegam negaltegan tave neley enisi sriman-maba-mandalesyaram

Tailaha-DSyanuni sriman-maba-mandalesyarani Yarabarasanum srieiat-Kedavesvara-deyara maba-
naiv^yakkam nauda-divigegavn pr4g-likbita-visisbta-titbiyol tadiya-stbaaacharyyar appa srimad-
raja*guru-Vama^kti-devara kalam karcbcbi . dbara-pbrvyakain inadi Jiddulige-nada baliya
badam Kiru-Balligayeya manueyuman) kiru-kulaya-daya-sabitam sarwa-namasyav a-cbandi’arkka-
tarain-baram saluvantagi kottar {usual final phrases) iy-arbthada saksbitveaa smriti |sloka [
sva-dattam &c. H

On the same stone.
svasti arimat-Saka-varsba 1108 neya Parabbava-samvatsarada Vaisakba-ba 5 Va srimat-Kedara-
devara maixtapaman avadbiyal ninvanani madidakke Srimad-raja-guru-devar mmecbcbi Kiru-Bal-
ligaveya balanalli Ravalegereyin tenkal Haligutada keyi kammam nur-ayyattam Bisaddja 1 Cbavo-
ja I Singojan int i-muyarggav a-ohandrarkkam sarvva-uamasyam salvautagi kottar il niattam a-
Bedugey- eppattara baliya badam Sivuvolalumam saryya-aamasyavagi tvi-bbdg&bbyantara nade-
vantagi kottaru sosti astu Siva-sasana
118 S h lk a rp u r T aln q.

At the same place, on a seventh stone,

namas tunga &c. ||

Girija-sringarenduli pravarddhayaty antaram mano-varddliirn |
sura-dannjaradhyasya clia yasya sa vah patu Parvvatl-ramanak ||
svasti feii-vanitaKppita- | vistiriinorasthajam-ripu-braja-masta- j
nyasta-charauaip samasta-ja | laa-stuta-sita-Hrtti Vikramaditya-nfipam |[
tat-pada padma-inadlmkara- | n utpa^ita-balavad-abita-bahn-balam vi- |
dvat-pfljyam gupa-ratna-sa | ritpatiy enisidan Anantapala-chamupam [|
pati-bjtarol ellam aggada |pati-hitan ati-sucliigal ensi negajdavarol mikk |
-atbkicbi daksbar enipparo- |1 ati-daksbau Anautapala-dandadhigam f|

arbvh'a-vilaya-Kalam [ vara-vibhudbamblioja-vana-inaralan id em bi- |

ttarisidano 16kadol bba- | sura-yasaman Anantapajan aha , , . ll

svasti samadliigata-paScha-maha-sabda maha-samaatadhipati inaha-pi’achanda^dandanayakam

ripu-pura-Tripiira-Hara-sayakam j sakala-nata-nagna-bhiigna-g%aka - vandi-brinda-santarppana-
samarttha-vitarana-vilasain | vira-lakshmi-nivasaip | virodhi-Panchananam [ viveka-Chaturana-
nam | guna-ratna*malikalankAram j budha-janadharam | Lata-kula-kumuda-Tana-vidhu-karam j
Hara-chai’ana-sarasiruha-inadhukaram srimad-Anantapala-dandanayakan erad-Arii-nurarualp Bana-
Tase-pannirchchhasiramtim vadda^ravnlamum perjjunkamumam padedu sukha-sankatha-vinodadim
pratipalisuttam irp ;l tat-pada-padmopajivi ||

sri-vanita-kucha-.sambhrita- | pivara-vaksha-sthalam lasad-guna-mani-ma- |

la-vilasitan en esedano ) Govindam sakala-vibudha-janatanandam !|

anataratiyan ovad ikki jayamain taldal samartthatman a- |

vano Gdyiadane sardda sishtar-edaram tuldalke galvaiinan a- |
vauo Govindane kirttiyain padedu jiy ayy embiuara saudan a- ]
vano Govindane matte matte peraram kanem dhara-:chakrado]. ii

sarau emag endu bandad ariyem maled antade bhaLidol podald 1

uriy Urigannan ugra-pbani-kun^alamam kiviyol kaiabjadol |
suruchira-sulamam mirupa dadegatatn nija-vaktradol vibhi- ]
kai-am ene torugum samarc-rangadol i-ralia-rahga-Bhairavam J|

ui-iv Uriganna nild urivol age bhayahkara-kdpa-vanhi bhi- |

kara-kara-Mlamam kavam agnrbbisut irppa karasi tane p61t |
ire ganain age sad-blnta*ganani ripu-senege polkum ugra-saii- [
gara-dhareyol maha-pralaya-Bhairavanam rana-raiiga-Bhairavaip ii

bara-sidilain tudufikuva maddndha-gajakk idjragi kdlkalam |

niuriv uradinda per-bbuliya miseyol uyyalan aduv onda pe- j
rarikey birar antadam ad e-vesagondape nettarain nela-
kk ereyade mangumi-samara-rangadol i-rana-rahga-Bhairavapi |1

ar>bhr.tar-al-garnl-pinila-basigadim nore-nettar emba ban- |

dhura-iara-kuhkumt.-.iravadin udgha-siras-saraanihangajim |
Shikarpur Taluq. 119

karam osed arckcliipam nija-bhujasi-lata-sthita-Ciia^;idika-padl.in* |

kuruka-yugara . . samara-rangadol i-rana-ranga-Bjiairava l|

ari-vira-bhataran ati-bM- |kara-bbuja-nisieui-marggadiip sarggamaa a- |

cbchariy enal erisuvam san- | garadol raua-rauga-Bbairayam Govindam J

bii’udara Javan adatara goj- | muri malevara mari ganda-vacbcbaradoj ma- |

cbcbarisuvara mirttu sauryya- | bbarayain rana-ranga-Bbairavara Govindaip \
raiia-rranga-Bbairavam guna- | tnaiii-raaiidanau, annau-anka-karaip su-bbata- |
graniy ene negardirddam dba- [ raniyol Govindan abita-danuja-Mukimdam ||

adatinoj anroinol ayado- 1 J odavida nicbcbatikeyoj perar ssaman ill em- j

budan enisava su-bbataip jita- ) kadauaip j-aiya-raiiga-BbairaA'am Govindam H

vara-vidya-nidbi-Kesi-Raja-vibbugam Nilabbogain putti bba- |

sura-kix’fcti-priyan agi sanda'gupa-ratnam I)asi-Rajam Para- |
sara-godrainbara-cigmarocbi jbanakain tay cbaru-aana-guna- j
kare Somambike tan enalke jagadoj Govindan em dlianyano j|

vacbanam || mattam a-mabanubbavan-aadaryya-prabbavamannpejvade |)

praSnottaram 1! . . sana . . . . muntana , . sa . yi-p6gad amp [

esakaman antavange pesav avud ad etara mele birdu tac |
oseyisuvam priyarii mulldalam k in g em pesar arppin-elgeyim |
vasUmaiiyol vicbarisnv.a(J e-doreyara rana-ranga-Bbiravam jj
Kali-kala-Karnr.iam j|
vacbanam || a-samasta-guna-gapabbarananum |'vibbuda-jana-saranann'm [ nija-viauddba-kirtti-
cbandvikb-prabbaya-vikasita -jagad- vajaya-kairavanum | rana-ranga-Bbairavanurn sakaia-su*kavi-
jana-kalpa-bbujanum |viSbama-baya-Vatsa-rajanum | vira-laksbmi-mvasanuv •[ Anantapala-pra-
sadasaditadbikara-laksbmi-vilasanum enisida srimad-daud$n%aka-G6vindarasar Melyatteya
vadda-ravujamuv eradum bilkodeymn perjjuukanmniam padedu sukba-.’ankatba-vinodadim prati-
palisuttam ire 1!

dbareg eseva Sakti-parsbego ( karam agi*aniy enipa Parwatavaijiyol. Mb- |

vara*kdneya santatig a- |bbaranam Kedarasakti-yatipafci negaldam H

a-Kedara-niuntndrana,| loka-prastutaua sisbyan aty-ainala-guna- j

nikain yasab-patakam ] SVikantbam vibndba-cbbta-yana-kalakantbajn j|

Hara-padambbdjado]. chittaman eseva mukbambbojadol Bbarati-sun- |

dariyara cbbritradol nirmmalateyan akbilasantadol S’akra-dikkun- |
jara-bbasvat-kirttiyam bittarade nirisidam sad-gunadbyam niuniadrb- |
bbaranam S'rikan' b3'‘ devani budba-ki4a-tijaka:u tarkka-vidya-samudrain !!

a-mabanubbavana Sisbyan e-doreyan endade |1

Akalaukambra-mubija-Cbaitra-samayaip L6kayatambb6dbi-si- |
takarara Sankhyf,-ibara-disa-radani Mimamsaugana-kambu-kau- j
tba-kanan-mauktika-bbusbanam S’ugata-nirejbta-cbanclamSu Ta- |
rkkikarSomelvara-sbrl pampu-valedam bTaiyy ayikagresaratn jj

kelabar Tarkka-visaradar kkelabar aptalapa-sambddbakar |

' kkelabar nnataka-kovidar kkelabar ol-gabbanga|arn ballayar |
120 S h ik a rp u r T $luq.

kkelabar vyakaranajnar int initumam bapp intu visvatnbbara- |

taladol ballavar ar eaalke negaldani vidyabdbi-SdmeSvaratii ||

svastiyama-niyama-svadliy^ya-dbyana-dh^rajja-mauiiauusbtbana-japa-sainadhi-siia-sampaiinam |
vibudha-jana-prasarmara ( nyaya-sasfcra-vistrita-sai'oja-vana-divakaram ^| Vaiseshikq,-varddbi-var-
ddbana-sarat-sudhakaram j Sajikbyagama-praviaa-maniky^bbaraiiain | guru-cbarana-sarasirulia-
shatcharapam |^abda-^astra-sahakara-vana-Yasantam | prajnodayodbuddlia-Lakula-siddhaatain |
nirupamopanyasa-Deva-nadi-pravaliam | nija-datta-niautra-prabhava- samvarddhita- sisbya-sandS-
bam 1 sabitya*vidya-maba-nadi-prav4ba-iiimnagadbisvaram | bbakti-prabbava-paritiisbta-Parame-'
avaram ] niravadya-nirmmaja—tapo-gunaika-nilayam | kirfcti-kaumudi-mudit.a-medini-valayam {
namadi-prasasti-sabitam si-imat-Soiiiesvara-tpandita-devar ll '

eue uegard a-muni-natbam I’ tanag ayipi ya^orttbi Krisbna-Eajanujan ol- j

pina-kani Govindam pada- |viiiatahita-brindan akhija-vibudlianandam [|

svasti samasfca-bbuvanasrayam sri-ppitbvi-vallabbam mabaraiadbjrajam paramesvarani param a-

bbattarakam Satyasraya-kula-tiiakam Cbalakyabhal-anain srimat-Tribbuvanamalla^DeTara vijaya-
I’ajyam uttarottarabbivriddbi-pi’avarddbamaiiam 4-obandrarkka-tamm-baram saluttam iral Kalya-
nada neleTidirLol sukba-saukatba-vinddadim i-ajy-am geyyuttam ire [ srimacb-Ohalukya-Yikrama*'
varshada 27 ueya Cbitrabbaau-sarnvatsai’ada Pausbya-suddha 13 Budbavarad uttarayana-saukra-
ntiyandu || Kuntala-dbaritri-kanteya vilola-kuntaja-kalapadant eseva Banavase-pannircbcbbasi-
rakk alankaram agi torppa Balligaveya T§,varegereya dakshina-Kedaresvara-derara stbanad
acbaryyar appa S6me5yara-pandifca»devara kalain karchcbi db^ra-purwakam madi §rimad-dan(Ja-
nayakain Govindarasar srimat-KMareSvara-devai'a dhupa-dipa-nivedyakk endu. | av-agardoj pidid
alii Tnaruvadam eradu-lakkav-adakege perjjuftkamum vadda-r&vulamuin eradum bilkodeymp sarwa->
namasyam eadu bittar ||
ivau iy-andadol eyde palisidavaiig isbtarttba-sainsiddbi sam- j
bbavikum pupd alidandu Gaiige Gaye Kedaram Kuru-ksbetram em- )
b ivarol pesade parvvaram kavileyaip sti-i-balaram iibgiy a- |
ppavaram kondan avam sva-gotra-sabitaiji bijguip nigodafigaloi |i
{usual final verse.)
vinuta-niadhuroktiyini tanu | an-atisaya-vacbo-vibbCitig iduve yasas-sa- j
sanam adud embinam ^a- | sanamaii idara baredan aiu-kavi Nitalaksbam |{

parikise Maili-deva~vibbug hr ssamAn irbbarmii ir-kkelafigalol |

bareduvan aiityadim bareva bajipa bajipa kabbam entufc ant- j
ire posa-gabbamam nudiva bbavisi kelva katb3,-cbatusbkamani j
dbare parikarmmam end initumam guniyippa mati-prabb4vadoJ jj

srimat-sabaja-Sarasvata | vacbaka-Yarijasanam | nana-vidhavadbarana-cbakravartti Mallik§,rjju-

na-bbattam kavi-Kanjasambbavam !| .

At the same place, on an eighth stone.

Brimat-traildkya-vandaysya Laknji^asya ^a$anam |

jayaty anugatatmesbta-drisbtadrisbta-pbala-pradam
Shikarpur Taluq. 121

yo dliarjnmaji*natirn sasti yMa-danila-dharo natab ]

tach-cliliasaiiam jayaty»’ etat tri-loki-inaitgalf.-pradam ||

vasantatijakam 1| yad-Visvaiiatha-padavi-stuti-riipa-veda- |
viataika;sasana-sila*talavad vibliati |
■ Pai'ikejagarb'blia-liridayam sa jayaty aeliintyas |
traildkya-sasaua-patus Taruiiendu’maulih ii

*§16 II samikara barparavlidam bliutayavaya-laksbifcani }

iti Soine^varo’ pasyan niimir wadi-rnanohavab ||

§ivam astu ||
vri II svasti srimack-Clialukyauvaya-gagana-sarat-pumna-cbandram kaviadra- |
' prastutyam chandi'a-r6cbih-patal.a-nibba-yasam satru-bliup^Ja-masta* [
nyasta*sri-pada-padmani vHai'ana-guna-santarppitasesb:a-bliu-d6- |
va-stomam aarwabbaumagrani vipula-balam Vikramaditya-Devara !' -

birudam bitt alki kandirpp ati-bhaya-rasadin tamma tairni alva visvam- |

bkareyani bitt adri-kunjanga}ol ulid iilid irpp urkki mai-antu yuddba- j
jiradol bitt atma,-kautaugliaman amara*vadku-vai’ggadol lileyindam |
nered irpp udyogamam satrararge salisuvam Vikrarnaditya-Devam || -

Ta 11 enisi pogalteyuip negalteyum appukeyda samasta-bbiivauairaya §n-pritlivi-vallablia ma-

lifi.r3,jadbiraja paramesvara parama-bbattaraka Saty6iraya-kula-tilaka Chalukyabkaraiia srimaC-
TribhuTanatpalle-Uevain nija-vijaya-r6.jyam uttarottarabbivriddbi-praTarddbainanam a-cbandrar-
kka-t6.ram ealal Kalyanada nelebidinol parama^kaly6nabliyudaya-bbagi samasta-dhara-iuai.ida|a*
man eka-clipbliatradiin palisuttam sukha-sankatba-viuodadind u’e f,

vpi II jagadol pium kbyatiyau taldida larigadbararL-aumayadol r6.ja-bhavaip ]

negald akbya-s6myadirvd a-§asige gata-kalankafcmarol tanimol entum |
negaldatt ill arttba-sadyisyadin enisi jasam betta nana-kavlndrp- |
kcig adai-ppad olpu tammol negale negalda Paiidyarkkalol punya-punjar ||

va anekai’ arasu-makkal prabliavise |

kan II -Krita-yugadol Jamadagnige kritakrity'^aiig ogedn Eenuki-pati S aiiaa-

krita-guru-vadbanam vadbiyisi | ICritayiry’^ya.tniajanau ati-balaip Parasudbaraip [[

yyi II dbarani-inaiidaladol dbarabbujaran irppatt oudu sul koudu tad- j

dharani-niandalattam san'jasta-dbarani-devbirgge vaiddhy-antikam- ]
baram itt alii dbaramara-svadol iralk ag endu pog otti sa- j
garabiaip cb6pada korppinol budha-iintani sri-Penuki-nandar.am 1|

kan 11 kapa-matrodakanian iralk |anam iyade pasobiuiabdbi teged edeyol Kon- |

kaiir.-saptakainain Pbaili-kaii- [ kana-varade nija^rayarttbani a-vibbu padedam H

va abtu Parasuiama-srisbtiy enisida ) • • ,

kan 11 Konkana-db6ti’i-vaniteya 1 kankanadant eseva Haiveyol Sisugali sand |

ankada n6yaka-inanivol | binkain ya led irkkum atnla-iobba-sadanam ||
*So in the original.
122 S h ik a rp u r T alu q.
pesar-arigal. alii puttida ) sisugarp kalitanaman itlu pande-tanakk a- |
Tasatam enisirppar adarim | Sisngaliy enisittu rajadliani-sresktham l|

v a II alii palambamip Pandj^ar arasu-geydu saluttam ire |

kan II janata-mano’ bliinandaiia- | m ene kirtti-jyotsue bejage jag'adolage jalakk- |

ane Chandramn§.ya-pay6- | vanadhiyol udayisidan urvvara-pati-Cbandram j|

lalana-jana-ratnam Kam- | mala-Devi jan&bbivandyey a-Ohandrar.g u- |

jvala-cbandrikeyant ant a- | ggalisidal esed olpan atma-sangatiyindam jl

sutan ogedam vibbu tad-dam- | patigalg Abdbijeyum Abdbisayananum ivar i- |

ksliitig enip avai’g ati-subbagam [ cbatura-stri-jana-mano’bliiramam Kamam ||

cbafcure guna-rupavati jana- | nute Bbagala-Devi raja-putri-ratnam |

Rati tan i-Kamang i- | satiy enal a-vibbuge cbitta-vallabbey adal ||

a-lagbu-bhuja-balan a-Bba- | gala-llevigam a-nripendra-Kainangam nir- |

mmalatara-ya^an udayisidam ( vilasita-vibbavS,nukrita-Surendraip Cbandram~||

vri II kalitanam -arggam i-ka]i katakshisnvannegam elliyum bbuja- |

. balad-alav i-bbujft-bali virodbisurannegam eka-marggadim j
saint iral akkum lU’bbid-adat iy-adatain bbrukuti-prabbavamain |
nelegolipannegam mukbaddl embudu Chandra-narendranam jagam ||

kan II vanit^jana-vandye yaio- | dbane Savala-Devi su-dridha-pnrusba-vratey ant j

enip a-Cbandrang i-bba- | mini Eohini tan enalke vallabbey adpl ||

a-vibbuviugani Savala- [ Devigam adam tanbbbavam Bbava-bbakti | -

sri-Taran a-malina-kiidti- | §ri-vibhavam Kama-Devan adatai’a devam j|

vri II E atig eneyage bira-siri madbavam age mababavam gamu- |

rjjita-visham istra-patadin aratigalani Divijendra-k&mini- |
tatig eragippa balme nijam agire sanda samagran amba ba- (
pp atiiiaya-Kama-devan ivan endapud ui’vvare Kama-Devanaip f|

v a 11 ant ensi Pandyanvayavaliy emba m aniniya mogakke mug ifppante Paiidya-pitbikeyo} ir-
d d a I samadbigata-pancba-maha-sabda maba-mandalesvara | Gokarnna-pura-varadbiiivara | Pan*
dya-vamsa-cbudamapi | gandara damani j parangana-Nadi-nandana | budha-jauanandana | Kob-
kana-rasbtra-pala [ pusirara sula [ kirttige n a lla | Nigalaiika-malla ! sirah-sekbaribbuta-^rimat--
Tribhuvanamalla-Deva-padaravinda | vira-vritti-kandali-kanda | namadi-prasasti-sabita ^rimat-Tri-
l)buvanamalla-K.ama-Devarasar ssiikba-saAkatba-vinodadim rajyam geyuttam irdd-ondn devasam
Siva-dbarmma-katba-katbana-prasaugadol j

^lokah II dbarmmah kirtti-lata-kando dbarmmd loka-dvaye bitab j

dbarmmikad aparo nasti vandyo jagati kalcbana' ||_

Ta II emba Siva-dbarmmannsasanaman atm aradbyar appa Sarasvata-mabodaya ^limat-Somesvara-

pandita-devara divya-vacbanadindam ■avadbarisi Siva-dbarmma-karyya-tatparyya-tad-gata-cbi-
ttan agi

kan II Vanavasi-desamam Tribbp- 1 vanamalla-nripalu-kirtti-laksbmi-latika-

vana-pajan akhila-vidyaj- | jaua-palan AnantajAjan adhipatiy iyal ||
Shikai’pur T alu q. 183

!l padedu niyogise tan-niyogadiiii tat-pada-padmopajivi ||

kan II rana-ranga-Bhairavaip va- ] raiia-ripu-vikkrama-vibliasi visrutatara-sad- |

gmian annan-anka-kafaip ( ppanuta-ya^aip Krishna-Rajan-a^iugina tammam ||
maleyade besakeyva besam j tnaleyad enal pSlisuttam ire Banavaseyam j
malapara juju sudba-ai- |rramala-parama*yalah-prabbava'nidhi Govindara II

Bauavase-n&k idu bhusbana- ] m ene sogayipa rajadbaui Balipuradol ta- |

j-janapam pattanasavi dal | ene pesar vaded irdda Mecbi-Settiya nutana ||

BbuvanaikaTSettiy-atmb- [ dbbavan enisida iMeobi-Setti kal-garcbcb ag a- I

' bja-vanad adbas-stbalad un- j baliy-a\raniyan iyalke sainucbita-yyavabaratp tl

Ta II §,-maba-rajadhani-Balligaveyol ulla

kan II anituin pancba-matba-stba- | na-nagaramum muru-ppuramum aipyuttire ne- |

ttane nura-pattu kammama- | n an-avadyam marugondu dbar^-sabitam ||

Ta II niattam a-raaba-rajadbani^Balligaveya pancba-matba-stbanado]. piriya-matbad &cbaryyar

i'^'fi.ntasiva-panditarum | Pancbalingad acbaryyar lcKriyai5akti-paTiditarnin j Tripurantakad-Sicb&''
ryyar kKriyasakti-panditarum | Muliga*Ponneya-jiyaruip [ nagaradol Entbeyana Barmmi-Setti-
yuiu j modal age |

aJnitum pancba-matba*stba- | na-nagaramum muju-puramum iyalk a-m§- |

'diniyam kottu jagaj-jana- | vinutam T&vareyakerege nadev-uvvareyoj. ||

Hari*diseyol K^dare- | svarauge munt Amban itta tontam Bitri- |

i?ara-difeyol Ponneya-ji- | yara toijtam merey ag iral toruYudaip ||

• Saranidbi-nayakana disa- j varad C(Jeyol nat^a kal Dbanesvarana di»4a- |

varad edeyoj Pnligeya-De- | vara tontam merey ag iral toruvudam [1

dbareyarn kaykondam San- j kara-niratam nuru-pattu-kammaman a-^^k 1

aras enisida dand&dbi- | svara Govindam jagftj-jana-stutan ariyal ||

va II antu k&l-garcbcbu vadedu | ,

kan 'I dhareyan adan akhija-badba- | paribarade Mecbi-Setti sale kad udutt {
ire salipar akbila-badba- | paribararn madi pancba-matba-nagarang?l II

va 11 6mba dridba-vyavastbeyam paded allim baliyain Parvvatamnayada Muvara-koneya-Santana''

da 8aktbparisbeyol.nega|te vadedu sisbya-cbataka-varsba-kala-mukbar enisida KaJamukbaroJ ||

kan 11 an-agbaip S’rikantbam budba- |jana-nuta Kedarasakti-sAnu brid-abja- |

sana-nirata-S rikaptbam [ muni-pati-parirabdba-vara-vacba4-§ri-kantbain 11

vri 11 paramatmagama-vediy Agiynm ati-procbcbanda-vaditvam o- 1

pp ire jaiiibunadam appa pongo kadu-gamp ayt embiuain sandan I- [
svara-padambuja-4ekbaram dridba-tapas-sampatti-jaya-svayam- |
varan acbaryya-gunavali-vilasitatn S'rikantba-yogisvarain |1

kan 11 Brikantba-sutam nata-yati- [ lokam Somesvaram mumsvara-rupa- |

S’rikantbara duritasura- | Vaiknntbam sva-kriti-gbosbavad-budba-kantlan ||
124 S h ik a rp u r T alu q.
va II enisid afciBaradhyar appa |yama-iiijama-svadlij^aya-dhyana-dliarana-rQaunanuslitlaana-japa-
samadki-sila-sampanna | budha-jana-prasarma [ dliarana-Padmagarbblia | patiitpadana-sanda-
rbblia f kavita-sarojiui-makaranda | gamaki-mukba-mukurunda | vadi-mauobara !Yagmitva-Vidy&-
dbara | nir-avadya-tapo-guiiabbyudaya | Sarasvata-inabddaya srimat-Someivara-pandita-devaralii
dbarmma-karyya-pratigrabakk ^rabajp geyd anugi’aham padedu J Bapavase-panau’cbcbbasira-
kkam taley enisida- rajadbaui Balligaveya tenkana Tfivaregerey’ erij'a jagat-trayMbisvara §ri-
daksbina-KedaresYara-devara deva-kulada kbanda-sphutita-jirnnoddbarakkam a-devara gandba-
pusbpa-dbupa-dipa-naivedyadi-napa-Yidbopabarakkam alliya tapodbanadigala abarakkam endu
sarvva-namasyam age || .

Yfi I! giri-BbaYa-lacbana‘ 37 pramita-Vikkrama-varsba-ja-bfandanakbya-va- j

tsara-bbaYa-Paushya-masa-sita-paksba-cbaturttbi-Mabija-vai’adol |
berasiral uttarayanadol a-mabiyam maM bannisal mabi- j
srara-tilakani inabi-raYi-jaladi-mayarn vibbu triptan appinam j[

kan I a-sakalaYani-nutan enip | a-SarasYata-mab6daya-Y'ratiya guno- ]

dbbasiya kalam karcbcbi vi- |bbasara-yasan ittan osedu dbara-sahitam ||

Ganga‘yamuna-s4gara- { sangaaiadol kbti-pai’YY'arum kavilegalum j

liugigajum beras aiidam | lipgatnau i-db^rmmamam karatt alid adbamam |1

kavilegalam kotiyan osed | aYani-sura-kotig ittan i-dbarmmakk u- j

dbbavamato padedavan a-ti- |rttba-Yitatiyol liiiga-lingi-jaua-Sanuidbiyol ||

slokab II sYa-dattam para-dattam Ya yo bareta YasundbarS,m j

sbasbti-Yarsba-sabasraiii Yisbtbayam jayate krimih j|

end intu J
kan II kii,vi-nutam eual ored ati-patn- [ kavi-Sarasvata-mabodayana kiukaran i- |
S'iva-dbarmma-sasanaYan abhi- | navam ag ire Mallikaijjunaryyam baredam ||

Gobbura dbamiia-sarvYabbauma Mallikarjjuna-bhattain su-kavindra-Shaiimukliaip bbadram

-astu SiYa-^asanaya 1|

At tlie same place, on a ninth stone.

nam as tu n g a Sue, ||

n am ah S iva b b y am sanu cliarabbyam H

si’i-V id y a b b a ra n a i-y ya-u irin m ala-rau n er a jn a -p rasa d a rp p ita -

sii-K ed a ra -.iia tb a d liip a ty a -p a d a Y i-Y ib h ra ja m a n a m sadti |
K ed a resv a ra -d ev a -n irb b b a ra -d a y a -d iY y a m rita lo k a n a in
pratyakshikrita- p b r v v a -G a u ta m a -n m n itn sri-G autainain raksbatafc

S ri-ra m a n i-m an a h -p riya n a n a b b i-sa r o r n h a -m a d b y a d o l V a e b a s - ]

sri-i-amanisaii u d b b a v isid a m t a d -u d a g r a -b h u ja n g a lin d e d u r - |
VYai-aiia-baliu-Yiryya-pai’ip a l.ita 'v a rd d b i-p a rita -b liu ta | a r j

S 'ri-ram an isaa-am sam ene p u t iid a r ^ d i-O h a ln k j^ a -b h u b b iija r !1

SB ikarpur T aluq. 125

avarojage ||

kanda || raseyam raseg liyd-asuranan | a-sama-bliuja-balade gamara-satJiayadol ure m ar- (

ddisi tanda Chakriyai^i nene- | yisuvaipi bhuja-bala-roakatvadim Taila-nfipaiiX it

vrijli Tilapa-Devan-agra-tanayam prab|iu-Satfcigan atan-atmajain j

iri-lalaa§,dhipam negax’da Vikraman atana tamman udvisbad- |
bbu-latika-kutharan enipam Da^avarrama-nripam tad-atmajam f
bbu-laianMvaram'padedu palisidani Jayasimban urvviyam l|

kaa ^sallalita-sauryyan A.hava- | mallani tat-taanjau fttau-agra-sutara b h 'l- |

vallabban elliyum a-prati- j mallam Bbuvanaikamallan allim baliyajl

taph-Obalakya-nripalaro- [
1 acbchari jasam i-uripauge sbodasa-rajb- |
dyacb-cbaritam enisi db&rini me- ]
cbebalu Permma^i-D^van atana tammam |1

vn nirntam kilpattn muip manasikeya deseyam bit^n Kurmm^vataram {

beras infc i-vi^va-visvambbareyan asadalam taldid andindam M a - {
parivadakk aiiji tarn manasikeyan adbikatn taidi mMagi visvaip- |
bbareyam nihkle^adim taldida H ariy enipam Yikramaditya-Devam ||

Kali-kalavanipala-jala-cbira-dor-vvasopajatoddbata- |
kbila-kalusbya-kalanka-panka-patela-praksbajanam madal end |
olavim tirtba-jalavagabanaman ^dam madub irppante n icb cb - J
alum irppal jaya-laksbmi kbadga-jaladol Cbalukya-cbakresana H

kan I ajavaiid-arati-bbnpati- j gaja balagam tandu kuduva gaja-mada-dbara- (

jajada bayMgaJa lala- |ja^ada ponalu babujav a-nripendralayadoj |1

vpi II Malava-Obbla-Ganla-Magadbanga-Tui’usbka-Kalinga*Vanga-bb<i- |
p^akar anji b ercb cb i besakeyd osed endudan endu rajya-sal- |
lile'yol irppad 4n ariyen alladod agale deya-raiya-sal- j
lileyol 4-nrip6ttamaran eydipau evade KutitaleSvara 1|

«nisida Permmadi-Eayange'll

vpi II ent ati-cbara-laksbana-guiiam mani Robapa-bbudbarkke t§.n |

ent ampitambur^Sige sudbakaran ent udayacbalakke tad- /
dbvanta-virodbi sanjanitam ante nripanvaya-mandanam kaja- J
k^ntan udagra-tejan ene S6ma-mabibbujan andu puttida |!

pnttuvndum vii'odbi-nripa-santatig &.rttate tottenal karam |

pnttidnd elliyum nikbila-Knntaia-bbAtala-raga-varddbanam j
pnttidud avagam negarda Bbaratig andu Sa-natbatodayaip j
pnttidnd ended ar ddorege-vappa nripalakar a-nripalanol II

kan II maniyad ari-nripara cbM a- |maniyunian a-nripara knmbbi-kumbbottba-Iasail” {

maniyuman aniyaram avan nder j vaui gattal bagevan atma-sai4ava-daieyoJ ||
126 Shikarpur Taluq.-

nade-galal odarisal atam |nade-galal odarisidar aliitar adarige bhayadini f

nudigalal odarise begam | nudigalal odarisidar ari-nripar vvana-cbararol ||

pode-send aduva padadol ) pode-sendam podeyal ollad ari-nripa-^iramain |

pode-send aduvan irad end- | ode bhuja-balad-ajaran aranol alevavan olan§ It

vyi II sad-amala-raga-varddlii-rasa-pumnate Vikrama-obakrig adnd a - |

dudu mukulikritatvam a-subrit-kara-pankarubakke begam a- j
dudu nikbilorvvig ayata-drig-utpala-basam id embinam samant |
ndaya-maba-mabidliaraman ejidan opp ire Soma-vallabba |j

dhareyam pott irddu bbaravyapagama-vivasam bbogamam k&nan enduni ||

nirntam Bliogisan endum taredudu dhareyam pottu bem Kurmma-rdjahg |
irad inn 4-pranigal viiramisuge sukhadind em barol visva-visvam- |
bhareyam dor-ddandadol ta].didan atuja-bajam S6ma-Chalukya-bhupa 1|

^ri-kanta-ramya-harmmyam nOgarda nija-mahorasthalaip charu-Tira- |

sri-kanta^-k§Ji-.^umbhan-manimaya-bhavanam naija-tibrasi vidya- |
sri-kantd-lasya-raugam nija-mukha-kamajam nichcham embannegam dhS,- | ■
tri-kantam taldidain srigalan atula-bajodbhasi Bhulokamalla ||

vinatarati-nripaja-mauli-majiigal nakshatram atmiya-ki- |

rtti navabhyunnata-chandrika-prasaram orant asta-tapam ja ga j- |
jananl ellam su-chakorakavajiy enal Somakhye bhu-chakradoj |
tanag anvarttham enal virajisidapam SomesrarorvvUvara ||

sva-kalali-danadindam Tibudha-fcatig ati-pritiyam marppa(jlam |

takaram Srikantha-bhusha-mani kuvajaya-santarppnadh&yi end in- |
tu karam samstutyan ag irppadam eseya vinirddoshanol nish-kaJaAka- |
prakara-prakhyatanol tam saman enipane pej Somanol bydma-soma ||

kan i ari-bhiipara tejada da].l- ] uri m agguvud omme tanna pesar-golal 6n a- |

chcbari vadedudo jagadol bhi- | karatara-fcaravAri-yari BomeSvarana ||

Vfl Knntaiam atma-vallabheya kuntalam oppuya Kanchi kanohi sn- |

ddhanta-nitanjbini-janada dhare nijonnata-dana-dharey emb |
antire sutfcaluip sale nimirchchi nijogra-bhuja-prafcapam a - |"
santaman eyde palisidan urvviyan orvyane S6ma-vallabha |)

maryyadA-rahitd Yamo niyamitd nAdyapi mat-palitan

nighnan eya janan asau na gamitas Svanmadrir artthArtthinall |
Mainakadi-mahibhritam na saranam jAto’ ham ity anyaham
sri-S6mesyara-Deva-yalIabha-mana4 chinta-rase majjati ||

va 11enisida Chajukya-chakrayartti Sdmesvardrvvi^yaram Bhhlokamallam dig-vijayam geyyal

eudu dakshinabhimukhan Sgi bandu Hulluniya tirtthadol bidam bittu sukha-sankath^vinodadun
dharmma-prasangamam maduttam irpudum ayasaram-badedu ||

kan II srimat-Kadainba-vamsa-si | kbamaiii mandajika-makuta-vibhrajita-chu- |

damani vidvaj-jana-chin- j tamani dhairyya-prasiddha-^ailam Taila II
S hikarpur T alu q. 127
firimad-Virata-nagari- j dhamani Vauavasa-pura-vare^varan aty-a-
dddma-jaya-^ri-manktika- j damam Tailan> mjeivar^ty-anukdla (i

Tallerddu niad irddu kara-kamalangajara mugidu Dera binnapav end int endal!

vri II janapada-kotiyoj negarda Kuntala-de^ame s&rav alii t&m |

Banavase-nadu sary adaroj paribkavise Balligave saj- |
jana-aidbi pattanaiigala tavar-mmane saram enippa kirtti tad- [
VananidKi merey age sale parvvidud urvvi samasfca-dhatriya-ll

adu ribudbaikavasam Amar&vatiy-ant ati-bbdgi-s§vyav ant j

- adu pesarvettu ranjisuva Bhogavati-purad-ante bbavisalk j
adu Dbanada-prasevyav Alakapurad-ant ene BalUgayeg a- |
Vudo padi-pattanam negarda varddbi-parita-samasta-dbatriyol |1

va II alliya nagara-janafigala gunangalam pelvade |]

vri I! para-bitar Ska-vakyar ariviiige tavar-mtnane dbarminad agaranr ]

sa-rasa-kavl^varavalige keli-gribam kani perrmneg ormmeyum |
Hari-flara-Pinkajasana-Jinadi-vinirmina}a-dbarminar ended dr 1
ddoreyaro B^lligaveya mabd-nagaraAgaloJ i-:lbariti’iyol ([

kan kiduV-odameyan ondane ko- ) tt ede madagad ibam-parangal emb eraduman ab- |
gadiyol kidad odameyan adi- ] g a<Jig arjjipar alii negarda nagara-janangal ||

vri Surapatiyante sarwa-vibudbaSrayar Indra-gajendradante bbd - |

suratara-ddna-sampad-adbikoimatar induvinante sat-kala- ]
dbarair Abirajanante nikbila-ksbameg llspadar eudod iga]. &r ]
ddoreyaro Balligaveya mabil-nagaraugalol i-dbaritriyol U

a-nagara-janakke |l _■

karige rada,nam bbayaiikara- ) tata-danisbtrafikuram ibbdrig unnata-paksbaHI

sarabba-ripug adud enibant j iral esevar prabbugal alii tat-pattanadol [j

inattam alii

Hari-Hara-Kamalasana-Vi | taraga-BauddbdlayabgaJind intu vasun- |

dhareg eseva pancba-saradant | ire paficba-fflatbafigal esevuv a-pattaiiadoj

mattam alii

muruip puranga). alliya | mbrum kapgaj samagra-ljakabmige men a- |

nireya koralol nelasida ] mbruin muttipa sarangal embant irkku i|

va 11 intu sakala-saundaryyakkam sakala-dharmmakkani tavar-mmaney enisida BaJligdveyo| dak-

sbina-dik-tata-nikata-vartti mapdita-pundarika-sbandopantam upt alii nagara-janangal S.rjjisid
aganya-punya-pnnjame S’iva-bbavanav bdante Nagaresvaram enisi pesar-vadedu sogayisuttam
irppudu 11

kan 11 daksbipa-K^daram pa- | pa-ksbaya-karapam a4esba-nagara-jana-pra- |

tyaksMkrita-Siva-sannidhi ] saksb&t-kfita-Kpita-yuga-prabba-sarvvasva jj
128 S h ik a r p u r T a lu q .

va II mattanj alii pariva-tirttha-nalini-jaja-pravaham adu K&d4ra-Glanga-jala-pravaliaman anukari-

seyum abhram-liham enipa vibhramaman ardda Siva-bbavanam adu K^d&ra-maba-mabidbaraiQaii
anukariseyum-alli tapaxp geyva divya-fcapodbanare . duschai’a-feapaS-cbaraija-parinatantahkaranar
appa KM§.ra-divya-tap6dhanaraa aniikariseyum int apurYx^a-Ked^ramum SV a-linga-puja-pulaka*
Basya-sa-rasa-kedaramum euisi Paramesvara-stbanam irppud alii ||

vri II aste Kedara-devo bima-cbaya-obakitan dura-yatrasamarttbaa

praksbinas^sba-papan ati-karuna-rasardrikritatm4ntaraugab |
kurvvan yasyati-bbaktavanata-sura-siras-Mkbara-^ri-mabatvaiu
Sri-padambboja-laksbmir vviracbayati sa vah patu Cbaudrarddbatnauji^i ||

mattam a-punya-stb&nadol ||

kan II Kali-kalusba-kbalax'a bbayadim j balid irddapan illi Krlta-yugadbipaa int i- |

Kaligoteya baladin enalk j alagbu-gunakaram! esevud a-pr^kara ||

va II mattam a-matbam Kamatbanante sakaJa-jauMbararnum | Purusbasimbanaute birar^ya-kaSi-

pu-dana-samsobbitamum | Kuruksbetradante SarasYati-\^ilasitamum | Kbacbara-ldkadante vid y^
dbaradbisvara-pariTritamum J Mandara-maba-mabidbaradante sarvya-dik-sarabbutamum | Vasu-
devanant akrftrokti-Sravana-i’amaniyamuiri | Ebavam-bbayanadante brabmacbari-sadacbara-sam*
bbavitamum | vivekiyante yidyabbaraiia-viracbita-saundaryyamuin | Godavari-tiradante Gfiutama-
ryya-paricbaryya^-parikaramum enisi sogayisuVud i-matbada gUru-kula-kramamam pejvade ||

kan II Muyarakoneya-santati | dera-bratan eseya-Parvyat§,vaJiyol t&a |

^virbbbavisidan amala-ya- | s6-vibbu K§daraaakfci-paiidit-deya ||

Srikaptbam maukfcika-ma | lakalpita-kantbam eseya Sarasatig ene vi (

dya-kanaka-nikasban anata- j lokam 'tacb-cbbisyan esedan allim bajiya ||

a-naunipana tisbyam vi- | dya-mabima-ksbira-yarddbi-varddbana-somani f

Somesvararyyan esedam | k3.ma-vimlabja-sbanda-cbandadypta ||

tad-anantara ||

arBbarabbutig eney eni- [ p a-bbagavan-munipan-aniijan esad irddam Vi* |

dyabbaraiiam nirmmala-vi- | dyabbaraiiaip cbatura-kirtti-k^ntabbarana ||

vri II Bauddbaty-uddbata-gaiida-^aila*dalana-prai’ambba-dambb6}ita
Mimamsa-mata-kumbbi-kumbba-dalana-prodyan-mrigadbi^ata j
Syadvaddtpala-sbanda-obandakai'ata yasyasti sa bbrajate
§ri-Vidyabbaranas sad-abbaranavan N’aiyyayik&naip munih II

va II enisid §.-Vidy£lbbaranain vidya-bbarana-vy4sangav allad itara-vyasangaman ollade matbar

vyasangamam nijagra-sisbyauum guru-kula-samuddbarana-vama-saktiyum enisida Vamaiakti-
Oiunisvaranoj niyogisid-.lgal ||

vri II jaladbi-parita-bbutalamati eyde nijonnata-saudba-ra^mi-map.- |

paladin anaratam belagi soman ati-sramadinde manbud em |
najina-sakham sabasra-karaditn belapandav enippud £iytu ni- |
rmmala-mati-Vamasakti matbamam parirakxbisal endu nilvudu ||

va II endu binnapam geyyuduin matbada dbarmmada permmeyumam tan-matb4cbaryyara

S bik arpu r T alu q. 1 29

dHarmma-vidya-tapas-Silateyumam kerddu r6manclia-lcancliukita-g§.traiium prasanna-netranum &gi

K^damba-kanthiravana mogamam nodi pav enanum dharinmaniaii fi-stbS-nadol madal verkkuT
allige samipangal app urggal avuv ebdu besagolvuduin Derar b bere dbarminani madal tM

enanuin dbarinmaman an alii Devara vjjaya-rajjabhivriddbi-nimittav agi madiden adant Devar

BTa-hastadim db&ra-purvvakam njadi dbarmmaman a-cbandrarkka-stayiy§.gi mai*ppnd embudum
adane manade gond alliya kbanda-spbutita-jirnnoddharakkani tapodbanar-^bara-dauakkam
vidya-dajiakkaBl devatd-pujegav endu sTasti srimach-ChaJukya-Bbuldka-varsbada 3 neya Kilaka-
samvatsarada Maghad'amavasye-Brihaspativ&ra-vyatipatad andu Vidyabkarana-devaram barisi
kalam karclicbi dbara-pftrwakam madi Jiddulige-nadolagaua Tadavanaleytiman a-nM olage gthala-
vrittiy agi hakknjeya bolanumain tri-bbogabbyantaravagi kottii mattav eley adake dhanyav emb
i-yastugalu-modalagi kraya-vikraya-yogyaugal app-avarkk ellam vadda-ravulam bejjunkam emb
ivu modalagiy ujlant appa sunkangal ellamam bi-ttu sarvva-namasyavdigi koitagaj |1

kan II a-Vidyabbaranam vi- j dya-vividba-vinoda-yoga-saukbya-stbiti-bbaii- |

gavabav end adan ejisi |bbb-vinata-nijagr.a-sisbya-Gaatama-mnniyoJ J

matbadbipatyamam niyojisidagal ||

yri II lalitatara-pradipadavol a-matliamam palabar mmunindrar u- |

jvala-guna-mandanar bbelagidar bbajiyam muni-Gautamam vini- j
rmmalatara-i’atna-dipa-kaiikankuradante nirantaram ja g a d - |
vilasita-kirtti dal bejagidam dliare kai miigid oldu jiy enal ||

Kedara-stbana-laksbmis samajani jagate kalpa-valli-praroba*«

Tastba SdmesYararyyad acbalita-tapaso ‘ nantaram yain aiabteb j
saraSakha-sallasat-pallava-samupacbita pusbpit4 samparita
sarvvam nrvvim tato 'nu ptabbavati pbaJitS, GautamacbS,ryya-varyyat ||

(usual final phrases and verses).

At the same plaee.

svasti §rinaad-rS.ja-gara Vama§akti-devaruin taob-cbbishya Juauasakti-devarnm | Plava-saipvatsa-

ra-MargaSira*ba 1 So | patrada . . . . . . . . Mallavegav a-maddale-Madigam dSvat^-
vrittiya gi stbala-vritti-bakkajeyal kotta gadde mattar eradu rokka ga 10 puradot mane-mftrakav
a-cbandrarkkan nadevar |1 •

At the same place, on a tenth stone.

6qi nam al Sivaya i>.

namas tubga &c. [j

vedo mulam atbo vritir dridbataTa-ny§>yadi-§&.stram kbalu

smrity-adir w itap as satatn kisalayo dharmmo 'nur&gab kriyab |
130 S h ik a i’ p u r T a lu q .

pushpam yat Siva-sasaa6kfci*viditam sankalpitarttliam phalaip

dharmmah kalpa-taruh karotu bhavatah sri-Vama^akter jnuneli ||

d6r-ddandair vvitapaih karaih kisalayajh pushpais smitair mmangalaih

padalambi-jata-sata-nikarakair nnaa^-pLaiais siddhibhih f
byaptas S'aila-sutamarendra-lataya si’i-parijata§ S’ivas
^lamad-Bijjala-bbupateh pratidinam kuryyad ablushtanl pbalam ||

Bvasti samadhigata-paficba-maba-sabda maba-maiidalesvarain mali4-samanta-makuta-maiukya-

manjari-'punja-ranjita-pada-pitbam Kajanjaraptn’a-varadbiivaram savarnria - vriskabba-dhvajain
damaruga-turyya-nirgbdsbanam Kajachuryya-kula-kamala-martta^dam kadana-pracbandam m an a-
Kanakacbalajn su-bbatar-adityam kaligal-anku§aip gaja-samanta tarauagafca-vajra-panjaram p ra -
tapa-Lafikesvaraip | pai’a-aavi-sabodaram | Sanivara-siddbi | G-iridurgga-mallam cbalad-anka-K a-
mam 1 vairibha-kantLiravam | ni^safika-mallani namadi-praSasti-sahifcam srim ad-bhuja-bala-cha-
kravartti Tribhuvanainalla Bijjala-Devarasai’ a pratapa-prabbavam ent eada<Je ii

vri II asubrid-udagra-bhubujara tSjada daU-uriyain samantu rna- j

ggise nija-dor-vvaja-prathita-khadga-samuchcbajad-achcha-vari-sam- |
■prasarav a^esba*bbutalaman ilia mabibhujar anyar embinam j
pesai’vaded iga Bijjala-m abibbujan o rw a n e tdne taldidam l|

virarati-nripottamaiiaua-lasad-valmika-saQcbari dar- |
vvarodagra-tadiya-rakta-jaja-dbara-ksbira-samsevi ta- |
cb-obari-prana-samira-payi piridum mattam ksbudkogranala- |
dbaram bbikara-kbadga-kala-bbujagaHi sri-Bijjala-ksbmapana ||

kedarid arati-bbbpara Sirb-ma^iga], negajd ali-kalgal ur- |

Tvada bhata-^astra-3afiohayada minohugal oppava m m cbugal saiaanfc |
• odavida rakta-jala-jala-dbaregal ag ire varsham intu bolt- |
adu male-galataam negalda-Bijjala-Deyana sangarangaiia |)

surida karul karu} todaro birdda bbatar bbliata-sastra-gbatadind |

urujda bayaia bayanga} edeyol kuniv-attegal atteyam bbayan- (
karatarav age norppa marul a-aaarujani gele sova tan-nisa- j
cbariyar enalke nodal arid 4ytu ranam Giridurgga-mallana jj

nudidane Meru»M andan-iilaksbaram ittane bedi bandavang f

edarina ke^u kadane sarau-bugutanda nripanvayakke bem- j
bidid a-ja. a naratvav enal innanan anya-narendrarol samam |
nudiyad ir anra Bijjala-mabipaEan abava-raudra-rupana' ||

va II intujpogarttegani n egaltegap l3,ie m bk-.:tLa iam ada Bijjala-Deva-inabipaJana ^sri-padas*

padmopajiviy enisica K a sa p a y y t-N % ik m a gunangalam pogalvade || ’

v fi II kasav enit irddadam nija-airikibana-matrade tat-ksbanani karam |

kasaTaram agi torppudu nijesbta-visisbta-janakke sat-kula- |
prasava-jani kke iad-gribi -gribangalo} ant adarindav elliyum |
Kasapaya-Niyakakbye pesav-vettudu varddbi-parita-dbatriyo} ||
Shikarjpur T alu q. 131
vrifcta II manamaai Sankara-pada-paukaruliadol dharmtnarjjit&tmiya-k^a- |
chanamam sislita-janaftgalol nija-blxuja-kfuratvamani sv&mi-vai- J
ri-nar^dliisvaraTyuddhadoJ taledan end aud anya-^amanyano |
jauatarmastaka-mandanam Kasapayam viSyambhara-chakradoJ i(

ka II Hara-cbaraua-kamala-yuga-sbat- |cliarayam uuta-vividha-Tibudha-vinuta-sa^

■ ' • • magra- j
bharanam su-bhata-jMaika- | bharanam kevalame K asapaya^ vasumatiyoj ||

itarar-adHfcaradim na- | Sita-desaman akkatikkeyim kaikond u- |

rijitav agi m&lpan ene para- |bita-karyyadol dro Kasapayang ene-vappar ||

Ta II a-mab^aubMvan-anumatadira Banavase-nadan alvara Bammarasan atana gunati^ayav ent

endode 1|

vn tann-adbikaram emb amrita-vrishtigalim balayippan eyde vi- j

dy6nnata-vipra-§isbta-jana-sasya-oliayaugalau endu santatam j
sannuti-geyvub irppud avanl-fcab«n udgba-kala-visesha-sam- J
pannanan oldu kai-mugidu Barmmanan asrita-Sarmma-karmraanaiii |]

ka adhikarigal arebar bbudlia- j rg adbikarigaj. enipar allad infc ifcanavol |

adliikarigai enipavar ar J bbndbarg enipam Barmman akliija-budha-jana-^artnma [|

va II a-Bammarasana adkikara-lakslimiya abyabhicHaradallig adhyakshattium r4jadbyakshamum

-enisi Sridkara-Nayakam Acbapa-N % akam Ghattjniayya«Nayakam M alliyana-N%akam Tikkima-
yyarNayakan end int ayyar-kkaranafigal &-Bijjala-Beya-maMpalan-aydum-karapangal-aute ran ji-
suttam irppar avara gupatisayav ent endade j|

vri II para-hita'kavyyar abdbi-sama-dbairyyar abadbita-mantra-viryyar ud- j

dhnratara-simba-sauryyar upadba-cliatur&ry5’-ar avaryya-karyyar ut- j
spbnrita-yaso-nadat-prabala-tkryyar uparjjita-punya-varyyar I- |
Svara-pada-bhakt'i-dliuryyar enipar kkarapangaj id S-mahatmaro ||

va II mattm &-Bammai'asana pii-iya siriya mukha-kamala-vikasakke raviy enisida Ravi-Deva-m aha-

pradkanana gunati^ayaT ent endade ||

vri II alarg ema mantri-mukhyara mukbamburubam Ravi-Deva-mantra-ni- |

rmtaala-kiraiigalini mugivuv ekeyo hasta-sai’orubaugaj u]l- |
alardapud eke Bammarasan-uddhata-rajya-saniagra-dSvata- [
lalita-vilocbanotpalav id ackciiari norppad aseska-dh&ti’iyol II

va II int inibarum ond4gi sukba-sankatha»vin6dadind ondn-divasaip dh.arnima'i'prasafi.gadindain.

ird du dakshina-Kedara-stbanamum SWa-iiiiga-piija-pulak'a-Kasj'a-sa-rasa'kedara-stbanarQum naish.-
tbika-brabmacbaryya-Siva-mnni-janaausbtbana-nisbtbita-stbteainmp saAga-Rig-Yajus-Sam&tha-
rvva-cbatar-vveda*-3vadbyaya-3thanamum KaumUra-Papiniya-Sakatayana-Sabdann^asan&di-byaka-
rapa-by^akbyana-stbanamara Nyaya-YaiSesbika-Mimamsa-S&Lkbya-Bauddbadi-sbad-darSana-bya-
kbyana-stbanamuin Lakala-siddbaata,,-Patanja]ali-y6ga-lajtra“byakbyana-stbanaTnuin asbtS ia^a-
pura^a-dbarmma- ^stra-sakala-kabya-ualaka-natikadi^vivldba»vidya-3tbanamum dinanatba-pafi-
-kada^di-tridaixdi-bamsa-paramabamsadi-nana-de3a-bb3ksbvk.;,-ja-a liv n-yyanna - c a ;a -jtbanatnunj
132 S h ik arpu r T aluq.
Tiinanatha-rogi-jana-roga-bliaisliajya-silianamum sakala-bbutabbaya-pradana-stbaBiaimmi agi
Kodiya-mathav irppud a-stM nadol enanum ondu-dharinmamam madi namma vyittamumam vitta''-
mumam tri-sapta-kulamumaip pavitram marppam'emba bageyiOi bagevut irpduduv annegam d a k -
shina-dig-bliagamam sadbisal endu Bijjala-maharajam bijayam -geydu Balligaveyola bidam b ittu
sukha-saiikatba-viuodadindaV irppudum anibarum ondagi bandu kajlirddu Kodiya-mathada d b a -
rmma-prasaugamani marppudum a-prastavadoju' Kasapayya-Nayakan erddu nind ird d a ta n --
mabarajaiig abbimukban agi kara-kama}angala nmgidu Deva binuapay end int enda ||

ka II dakshina-Kedaram pa- | pa-ksbaya-karanam as6sba-nagara-jana-pra- ]

tyakshikrita-S'iva-sannidbi | saksbatkrita-Krita-yuga(m)-prabba-sarvfaEvain II

v a Had alladeyuv a-matham purana-Kamatban-ante sakaja-lokadbaramnip Parusbasim ban-ante

hirapya-ka^ipu-dana-sam^obbitamum K uruksbetrad-ante Sarasvati-vilasitamum K bacbara-lokadan--
te vidyadbaradbisvara-parivritamum Mandara-maba-mabidbarad-ante saryva- dik-sarabbutam um
Vasudevan-ant akrurokti-sravana-ramaniyamum BbaTani-bhavanad-ante brabm acbari-sadacbara-
sambbavitamum agirppud a-matbada gura-kala-kramay^ta-Grautamacbaryya-Msbyam Vama^akti-
Biuni^raracbaryyan 4-nmnisvarana mabimeyam pelvade |J
vri II guru-kula-dipar embinegam arinatbamam palarum munisvarar |
wara-gupa-mandanar yvejagidar Tvaliyam muni-Vdmaiakti bba- |
suratara-ratna-dipa-kalikankurad-ant ema cbaudran-anle bba- | '
skara-kirariangal-ante bejapaip dbare kai-mugid oldu jty-enal |]

ka I Tadanam rani-narttana-* [ aadanam nija-bridayam amala-manimaya-sadanam |

Madanabarang ene bbutaja- | vidita-ya^am Vamaiakti-paudita-deva If

vri II kanta-bbru-latikasu vibbramavatisbv antar nnivelyaiksbavam

Bbapam taob-cbapajesbu locbana-cbayesbv atm iya-pausbpfc isbun |
samprapyatanutam nirudba-cbaritafi sri-Yamasakfcer njmnner
ngrodagra-tapali-prabbaYa-bbayatas Safikalpajanma bbn vi ||

va II adu-karauadin a-matbadoj dntinum-dbarmuiamain Devar mmadidod adu cbandrarkka-stbd-

yiyS,gi nadevud embuduv adane manade-gondu Bijjala-mabipalam daksbipa-Kodaresvara-deVar--
anga-bbogakkam tapodbanar-abara-danakkam vidy^-danakkam kbanda-spbntita-jirnpoddbara-
kkam Sisbtesbta-santarpanakkam end a-6 neya Visbu-samvatsarada Pusbya-masad-amavS.sye-
suryya-grabauad andu Gautamaobaryya'-sisbyar appa Vamasakti-pandita-dcvara kalam k b r cb cb i
Kurum-badadolagana Kirugeriyara tri-bb6gabbyantaram dbara-pbryvakam madi kottan {usual
final phrases and verses) Pandya-rS,jyada baji Cbitturumam Gntolala-kampauadoju Ayirapeyumann
KMadi-tombbattaroJu Koneya-Neriligeyumatn Sattaligeya-kampariadolu Sidiyanuru-divigeyumam
tri-bbogabbyantara-sabita dbara-purvvakavagi kottarn mattam Basbra-kampanadoln Cbang&ru
Mattiyaballiyuma Nagarikbandeyad-ojagaka Javaliyuraam tri-bbog^bbyantara-sabitayagi ^rimad*-
raja-gura-Vama§alcti-devara kalatn karcbcbi dbfo’a-pur/vakam mddi kottarn || mattam a-prastd-
va doln Bandanikeya Soyi-Devarasarum Chapdugi-Deva-Lakumi-Deya-dannayalsarum binnapam
geyyalu Kodiya-matbada srimatu daksbina-KedS.resyara-deyar-anga-bb6gakkam sri-S6man§,tba»
devar-anga-bbogakkam A bbalura BrabmeSyara-dSvar-anga-bbdgakkam Nagarakbandeyada kam -'
panadoju Karinele Maruvase Mntiganaballi Kundangiyumam Hanugalla-kampanadoju Cbikka-
Kannugeyumam tri-bbogabbyantara-sabitain savyya-namasyay agi kottani svasti Sri ||
SUikarpur T alu q. 13S
At the same place, on an eleventh stone.

6ni namas Sivabhyam sanacharabhyam ||

vedo mulam atho vritir ddri^hataram ny%adi4astrai^klialu

8mrity-adir vvitapas satam kisalayo dharmmo’ bhiragak kriyah j
pusbpam tat-S'iva-sasanasya paramas sankalpitartba-prado
dbarmniah kalpa-tarus samastu pbaja-dg§ sri-Gautair&charyya le []

ka Ij Sri-ramani-vallabba-na- |bM-i’uclmambnjadol ogedan Abjabbarara ta^

d-Varijabbava-bbuia-jatar j ddb§,vaniyol Sant aresvarar ppalar esedar i|

santa-tamo-guna-ganar ati- ) santa-samagraii-vargga-dor-bbala-vibbavar |

ssanta-bbaya-lobhar adarim j Saatara-vesar Adud avarge bbft-mandaladoi i!

avarolage 1|

ka a-nata-ripu-priparan enduda- ] n enisal nija-blmja-parakrama-kramame samar- j

ttban enalk Ammaiia-vesarim |jana-pati dhariniyo} esedan orbban apurvyam |[

ataPa sabajatara jaga- ] ti-tala-yarttita-bbuja-pratApam sale dh§,- |

tn-tala-pati-ku}a-tilakam j kbyata-gniTiam Singi-Devan embam pesarim ||

a-negald Ammaba-Devana ] sunn samagrari-yargga-mastaka-Mlam j

iiAnanata-nrlpa-janata- j sri-nidbi dbairya-prasiddha-sailam Tailam || ■

vri jl a-Taila-ksbitivallabbange taneyaip sri-Kaina-bbupalan ant j

atam Santara-aiandale§vara-maba"Samrajya-]akshTni-Rati- j
pritam vira-yirodhi-S'ambara-baratn SantApanogresbu-sam- |
patasadita-visva-sasanan enal vikbyatiyaip taldidatn j|

kam II a-viblmvina vadbu Bijjala- | Devi jagan-ndte S’ite tan ene pati-sam- |
bhavana-gupadolu taledaju |bbu-valeyadol apialay enipa-jasad nnnatiya ||

avai’-irvtarggam puttidfc |n avicbidatara-sainpad-ndayam unnata-^niti- j

pravivefca-yogadim pn- |ttuvavol Jagadeyan emba Santara-bbupaip j|

atana gunaiigalam pelvade ||

vri II Jiua-dbarmma-ksbira-nirakara-viiada-saracb-cbandran ntkrisbta-vidvaj- | ■

jana-sukti-brata-tara-taralatara-lasan-mauktikodara-hAram j
vinut6dyat-kirtti-;;bandratapa-dbavalita-dikpala-dig-rainya-baTmyam |
janata-netraAga-santarppana-karan enipaip sri-Jagaddeva-bbupa ||

iva-gunakke taniia tode-sakki nijasrita-panditarkkalo| |

tivid-iidagra-laksbmi nija-dor-bbalad elgege sakki ^atra-vi- |
ravanipala-kApteyara k arnn a-kara-cbyuta-nutna-ratna-bhfl.- |
sbavaliy ended ar ddorege vandapar i-Jagadeva-bbupanol ||
S liik a rp u r T alu q.
fcusuma-3rag-bliara-SuQy6ddliata-kaclia-l)liaram udd^ma-liaiina-prakanclix- |
pX-asarSipSta-prainmbliad-gliana-jaghana-tatain mauktikodara-Mra- |
lasa-raiigat-tuiiga-piiia-stana-kaja§a-yugam ^ri-Jagaddeva-bbupar |
la-isubridbbaya-tyapeta-ksbitipati-tati-^uddbanta’-kanta-kadambam |(

va i| d-Jagader-arasana jananiy enipa Bijjala-Deviy-odavuttida Ohattala-D^vigam Vijay& ditya-

Devafigam Jayak^^i-Devan ettiba pavitra-kshatra^patram pntti taj-Jagaddevang agrajanm an eni*
sidan a«r^j6ttamana raja'dbarmma*gniiEngaj.am pelvade y

vri II eragad arati-bbubbajaran dtina-bbiija-baladim padapjbujakk j

eragisi sapta-Konkaria-samunnata-laksbrniyaii &}du miri b&- |
Iv-afikeya birar ilia taaag embinegam Jayakesi-bbubbujam [
nefeda nripa}a-ntti-ga^ad unnatiyim jasamam nim ircbcbida ||

cbagam aii isikoUada vaaipakar ill avanipakar mmado- J[

dyogaman okku baladavar ilia jayotsukan agi poge k oj- |
pogada desam ill enisuv a-JayakSsi-aijagrajatan k- )
s&-gnja-Tartti-kirttiy enal- ar jJagaderaaavol yalasvigaj l|

ka II l-Jagadevana tammam [ raja-Siroma^iy enippa pempajn taled int |

i-jagadoj budba-jaua-sura- j bbuj&tam SiAgi-Devan ene pesarvadegu 11

vri 11 ugnj u gul endu nanjaa ugujippan udagra-visb^bi-kantbamara |

sugivinam otti cbakkene tadiya-pbana-gana-nutna-ratnaiAam |
tegedu nijagrajaug ese?a tolyaniy ag ire malpaii endo4 ar |
ppogajaro Singi-Devana parakramad unnatiyam dbar&gradoj ||

va II intu kirtti-Srigam Srigam adbinatban enisid a-Jayak&Si-Devabge priy&nujanu Singi-Devafige

priyagrajanum enisida satnadbigata-pafi.cba-maba->-§abda-niaba-mandaJe§varam P atti-P om bucb- ■
cba-pnra-varadbisvaram Padmd.vati-devi-labdba-vara-pras&daip kasturik§,m6dam niti-^stra-jfiain
s^bitya-sarbbajnam aras-anka-galam birudara 6uianl svimat*Tribbuvana-malla Jagadev-arasain
SAtuvina bidinoj snkba-sankatb^-vinodadim rajyip geyyuttam irdd ondu-devasaip cbatura-budha-
jana-parivaram berasu dbarmma-prasaDgamam madattain int enda |1

§16ka II ekam ova payas-tatvam n^na-jiama-nisb^vitam J

tatbaikam devata-tatvam n&masrama-nisbevitain H

va II einbndum a-prastavadol ||

ka II Hara-cbaraiia-kamala-mada-sbat- j cbaranam ^isbtesbta-nikara-bbaranam yuddbd- {

ddbura-barana-kai-ana-paiinata- j kara-karanam dbar;nma-sastra-vibitScbaranaJii H

vri II bedidavange kajpa-mabijaln b b u ja -g a rw a d e bandu yudbbamam |

mM idavange nungava Javam iaranfi.gatan appavange kay- ]
gudida vajra-sannabanam itane dal perar ar enippa na- |
dadiya rM ij’-atn miguva rudiya Bammarasain samahita |i

Ta II m u k u llk rita -k a ra -k a m a la n a g i bin n ap am e n d in t enda

S hikarpur T aluq. 135
ka II Dakslii^a-Kedarani pa- |pa-ksliaya-k§,ra9am aSeska-bhuyana-jana-pra- |
tyakshikrita-SiVa-sannidbi j saksbatkrita-Kfita-yuga-prabha-sarvvas\ a Ij

va II a-K^dai’a-stb^uadiacb^ryya-v'aryyam Crautam§.ryyana gunaugajani pejvade ||

vri II lalitatara-pradipadavol t-mathamaip palabar mmurdadrar u- j

jraja-guna-jnaadanar bbelagidar bbajiyaip muni-Gaufcamam vinir- |
mmalatara-ratna-dlpa-kaUktokuradante nirantaram jagad- |-
■ Tijasita-kirtti dal belagidam dhare kaymugid oldu jiy enal ||

Ta II adajiud alliy euanuv ondu dkarmoiamaip m^didod ad aksbayamuni uikhila-papa-ksbaya-

karanamum appud enda bitmavam geyvudum adaiie manade-gondu Balligayego bandu
srimaeb-ObSJakya-pratapa-chakravartti*Jagadekamalla-Deva-varsliada 13 _neya S'ukla-samvacsa-
rada Karttikada paumnaraasye-S6maY§.ra-soina-grabanadaiidu srimad-Baksbina-Kedaresvara-
devara dibya-^ri-pada-padTna-saiuiidbiyoiu Jagadev-arasanum taana kamaram Bammarasanum
ond&g irddu Srimad-vadi-Vidyabbarana-pandita-d^vara sishyar bppa Srimad-Gautama-papdita-
devara k41am karobchi dhara-pCu’vyakaip luMi devara naivMyakkarn kbaiida-spl.atita-jiriinoddb^
rakkain tapodbanar-abara-danakkam vidy^daaakkav endu Saatalige-sayiradolagaua Kodanada.
80 ra baliya badam Kunddram tri-bhogabbyantara-sabifcaip sarvYa-nania4yam agi kotia mattain
Madumbada bolad aidauyada deseya Kabbila-Kefcanakereya kil-eriya gardde mattar eradumam
garwa-iiam/isyamagi kottar {usual final phrases) mattam a-prastdvadoju Kodanddsi' kampanadola
Abbaseyumam HosaYa|liyumaip sarbba-namasyavagi Muduvalala-kampanadolu Govindana-
bajliyamaip tri-bbogabbyantaravagi dbara-pdrbbakam m&di kottaru svasfcy astu S'iya-4asanaya ||

At the same place, on a tmlth stone.

M 6m nama4 B'iyaja, |1 _
namas tubga &o, ||
Evasti sa m a sta-b b u v a n a sray a m 4 ri-p ritb ti-v a lla b b a m m abarajadbirajam paramesvarain p a rara a-
b h a tta r a k a m Satyd 4raya-k u la*ti}ak am 4riijiacb-C balukyabbaranam T r a ilo k y a m a lla - D evara v ijaya-
rdjyam u ttarottardbbirriddbi-praY arddbam diiam a -cb a n d ra rk k a -tara m -b a ram saluttam ii’e ta t-
sa m a y a d o j j svasti sam ad b ig a ta-p a n cb a -m a b a -^a b d a -m a b a -m a n d alesY ara m K alan jara -p u ra-v ara -
dbi4varaip | suYarioia-vi'isbabba-dbvajaitj saan d a ryy a-M ak a rad b va jain j damaruka-fcuryya'-nirg-
g b o sb a n a m } bbu p ala-m an i-b bu sbaiiam | K a lac b u riya-k u la-k am ala-m d rttan d aip j k ad an a -p raeb ap -
dara 1 man.a-I4!^ana!cacbalam su b b a tar-a d ity am j kaligal-anknsara | g a ja -sa m a a ta sa ra n ag a ta-v ajra -
p a n ja ra m | pratapa-LabkesYaram | p ara-aaii-sah od aran i 1 S a u iv a ra -sid d h i j G irid u rg g a -n ia lla m j
-c b a la d -a b k a -E a m a m ( vairibba-kantbiravam [ n issabka-m allam n ain adi-sam asta-pra4asti-sah itain
srim an -m ab a-m ap d alesvaram B ijjapa-D evarasaru sakala-desab galm am d u sb ta -n ig r a h a -sisb ta -p r a -
tip a la n a d in d aluttam ire lan -m ab a -p ra cb a p d a-d a n d a n d y a k am v a ir i-b b a y a -d a y a k a m ] n ir-n p im itta -
-b b u Y a n a-ja n a-m itram j gotra-pavitram | cb atu ra-jan a-sarasa fia b a d d v -a r a s a m B an a va se-p a n n -
ir-c b o b b a sira m u m a m sri-B ijjapa-D eY aatabkaran a-ru paru .m |_ sa k a la -b u d b a -ja n a -m a n a s-sa ro ja n i-
rd jab am saru n i SYaSrita-jana-cbiatitarttba-prada-cbintam apigalum ] c lin a n a tb a -ja n a -d a i’idi’y a -

ta m o -v ig b a tta n a -d y u m a n ig a lu Y en ipa P ofcarasa-C battim arasa-P adm arasa-Sovarasar iut i-n a lv a r

136 S h ik arpu r Taluq.,
tkaranangal-o^agudi sukhadiu ajiittam ire | tan-malia-pradliai3am | pradliaiia-jana-manimaya}a4<^
karam Makaradlivajakaram | Hara-charana-sarasiraha-sliatcharanam | budha-janaika-sarauaift |
firimad-Eayanarayana-pura-tantra^manya-sahavasy-Ananda-bliattopadkyaya-priya-tanujam |
tarppita-budba-samajam | Vrisba-gana-gotra-pavitram j Gaurala-Devi-priya-putran ity-&di-nto|^
va}i-viiajain§.nam Mayi-Devarasaji esedan antum alladeyu ||

Tfi 11 kudid ell-andadin andu Nanda-kulainam geld atuia-mautrakke nan- |

cbade Ob&iakkyan ad eke mantriy enipam pel end anS.y&sadin- |
de dridbarati-kulangalam tavisi tanna svamig aty-unnata- j
bbyudaya-sriyan odarcbebut ippan olavim §ri-Mayi-dandS,dbipaip |[

viditam kayy antu tannam paded ereda bndbam pogi matt-orvvanajn be- |
didadam sangramadol nirjjita-madau enipam pogi matt omme bil voy- | -
d idirol band antadam danada bbuja-balad urvY alt ad end endn nicbcbam |
mndadim va . . Ivan .end and itara-jana-sama-skandbane Mayi-Deva ||

Ta II enisida maba-pradbanam Banavase-pannircbobbasirada vadda-ravula-bejjunkada beggade-

dandanayabara Mayi-Devaraspr rajadhani-Ba}ligiameya nelavidinol sukhadin irddu ondu-diva.-
sam sakala-budba-jana-parivara-parivritan agirddu dharmma-prasangamam marppudum avarga-
lum adane inanade-gond int endar. !l ‘ ■

Daksbina-Kedaram pa-. Jpa-ksbaya-karanam asesba-nagara-jana-pra- |

tyaksbikrita-Siva-sannidbi |saksbatkrita-Krita-yuga-prabhd-sarvvasvain H
mattam a-matbam purana-Kamatbanante Sakala-ldkadharamnm ksbira-nirakaradante nija,
laksbini-paritdsbita-purana-purusbamum Bbavdni-bbavanadante brabmacbari-sadacbara-sainbb^-
■vitamuin Kuruksbetradante Sarasvati-vilasitamum Kbacbara-lokadante vidyadbarddbis?ara-pa-
Tivritamum ^li-Kailasadante Vainasakti-deva-paripalitamum agirppudu mattav d-mathada gurn-
knla-kramamam pelvade i|

Muvarakoneya-santati- [ deva-vratan eseva Parvvatavajiyol tan |

avirbbbavisidaii amala-ya- |s6-vibbava-vinutan enipa G-autama-munipa ||
a-Oantamana tanujam ] ba-Girija-pati-padambujonniada-bbringom |
raga-paranniukhan ucbitd- [ dyogam sri-Vamasakti-pandita-deva II
vri|| Kedara-stbana-laksbmis samajani jagate kalpavalliti roba-
vastba Somesvaraiyyad acbalita-tapaso 'nantaram Gautamaryydt j
sambdkba sallasat-pallava-sainupacbita pusbpita Kamparita
.sarvvatn urvviin tato bu prabbavati prasita Vainasakter niunindrat ||
ka II vadanarn. vani-lila- |sadanam nija-bridayam amala-inanimaya-sadanain-1
Madanabaraiig ene bbu-tala- |vidita-ya^am Vamasakti-pandita-devam ||

adayindav illiy enanpv ondu dbarminamara malpud endn pelvuduv adane manade-gondn
svasti srimacb-Cbalukya-Traildkyamalla-varsbada 6 neya Yuva-samvatsarada Magbad-amavasyey
uttarayana-saukranti-Somavara-vyatipatadandu svasti yama-niyama-sv§.dbyaya-dbyana-dbarana-
maunanusbtbana-japa-samadhi-sila-guna-sampannar vvudha-jana-prasannarum srimad-rajadbani-
Balipura-Dakshina-Kedaresvara-devara stbanad-dcbaryyarum appa ^rimad-Vama^akti-pan(Jita-.
S hikarpur T aluq. 137

devara k alam karchcM dkara-purvvakam m a d i tap6dlianar-3.1iai’ a-d an a k k am d e v a r a n iv M y a k k a ip

khanda-spliutita-jirnnoddliarakkaY endii ^ri-K edarM vara-devara to n ta d a lu p u tta v avu pannada
gon t-ad akeya vadda-ravu la k ejju n k a v eradum bilkodfiya su n kav in itu m am m a tta v a -to n ta d eleya
pann&yad ella-sufikamumaipi sarwa-badlia-parikaravagi nadavant% iralu bittu kottan (MSMft'I
finalphrases-not completed).

In the same place, on a thirteenth stone.

namal S'ivaya ]
nityam bbftr-adi*-[ta]tTa-spburad-ama|a-vapuh-p6sba-pur,byat-fcri46ki-
lila-nimimana-daksbah Ksliitidhara-tanaya-prema-nirmni&,na-laksliyak |
stbemne Heniadri-harmy6dita-sukha-nilay6’ nanta-laksbmi-B.ivasak
Somali somarddba-dhari sa bbavatu bbavatam bbutaye Bbutanatbab H

yo Laksbmim oijaTTaksbasa kara-tale Govarddkanadri^arain

nabliau Pankaja-sanibhavam vasumatim pa3oh3,t pradese stbiram |
rajiva-sriyam aksbisbu stliirataram tejas tanau sasTate
dhatte so’ stu sukbaya sarvva-jagatam Yisbiiur Yadunam patih |1

BVasti samasta-bhuvanairayaip §ri-prithvi-vallablia makarfi-jadbiraja param^§Vara parama-bha-

Itarakam Y a dava-kula-tilakam Hoysalabbaranam imat-pratapa-cbakraYarti}i-Yira>Balla].a-D§-
vara vamsanyayav ent endade 1|

§loka jl tasyadyd Yira-Ballalas tad-bbrata VisbnuYarddbanah ]

tad-apatyam bbuvi kbyato blrisimba-pritbiYipatiih. |

ySnaie^ba-mabi mabi-bbrid-ucbitam s6bb4ln dadbaradarafc

yenasesba-ripu-dvipa Yidajitah pradbvasta-yutbya yatb4 |
yenasau bbuvanangane nija-ya^o-dipah pratisbihapitah
so’yam Yira-Nrisimba-bbupatir abbud bburaau pratapanvitab H

vir^rati-vidaraijah kararubair gambbira-bbima-dbvanib

krodba-bliranta-nitanta-pinga-nayanas tejaS-cbbatalankrltah [
kurvan saukbyata asesbatah tri-jagatam bbu-cbakra-Chakri svayain
reje ^ri-Narasimba-bbupa-tilako bbumau Yadu-gramanib 1|

muni munid iiitad abdbi maran allad kalpa-kujani Surari-sb- |

dan an adatindav eltid atibbangadoj on[da]da Maudaradri ne- (
ttaiie mriga-rupamam taledu buttada kesari gunpin-arpinol J
TinutaY enippa binpiua par^kramadol Narasimba-bbubbuja I]

teralad arati-bbubbujara nitt-eluvam sale tedu bottan i- j

tt urulva sirangalam balu-garulgalol agade ko(y)dudu kantbadoi j
dbarisi kap^lamam pididu nettaran inti manonuragadim )
dburadoju kbadga-kali kunid aduval 5-Narasimba-bbupana ||
138 Sliikarpur Taluq.

tasyabMd bliuvanabhoga-bliuslianodyad-yosodlianah |
sunur bBallala-bhupalah palayan prltbivim imam |

va II a»bMpa}akana pratapa-prabhavam eut endade ||

CboJaS cbalita-cbitta-vrittir abba vat Pandyah pratistba-sprih^m

tyaktva naktam agan nagagra-sikbaram bbitya sa-sainyas svayam (
anye Vanga-Kalinga-Magadba-maba-sainyesvara dudruvuh
§rntva Hoysala-cbakravartti-vijaya*jya-gb6sbanam bbisba^ara II

nija-bbuja-baJa-Bliiinab kirtti-v§.rddbes tu somab

eamara-vijaya-Ramah rupa-sampatti-Kamab |
jayati bbuvana-dipo vira- Ballala-bbupah H

L^lam belagi nindam Magadban agidan ant Andbran ant andhan adam |
G-auJam saul adan a-Kpiikana-nripati bbayMankan agirddan a-Ne- |
palam cbapa-cbyutam Malava madav ajidum malavam bofcku bildam |
Cbolam golunde-gondam jadidad asiyan Avira-Ballala-Deva ||

nija-rajya-cbyutar agi baldapev enuttum bbitiyim vairigal |

kujav er odi babitrav ere kelabar putt ere bbupalaka* ]
brajav ellarn giri-durgav ere su-bbatar sri-vira-Ballala-bbu- |
bbujan ant artbiyol eridam ripu-kuja-dbvantari vaibaliya ||

tasyadvitiyiVmatyabdbi-vivardbana-sudhakarab |
virajate mantra-yutah ksbitav Braga-dandai’at n

yat-samartbyain bbuvana-bbavan§ dbarmma-nirmmana-daksbam

yasyaudaryyam bbuvana-bbavane ’ bbipsitarrtbarppanadbyam [
yat-sauryarn vai bbuvana-bbavane satru-nirnnasa-yogyam
so’yaiu jiby^d Ereyana-chaniu-nayako y^vad urvvi ||

dbarmmendivara-vaktram asrita-subrit -punyard bi-sacb-cbandrikam

vidyEl-dugdba-payonidbim budba-nutan vidvacb-cbkora-dvijan |
udbudhyan parivarddbayan pratidinam pusbyan muda prinayan
pritbvyam adbbuta-kirttiman Ereyalio vidyotate cbandravat ||

va II a-cbamunatbatn Banavase-pannir-cbbasiramumarn Santajige-sayiramuman ekadbistbitani

madiy ajuttam irdd ondu-devasam dharmma-prasangadim sri-Kedara-devara stalamumaip tadiya-
stbanacbaryyar appa srimad-raja-guru-Vamaiakti-devara tapab-prabbayamumam nidum nddiy a-
mabanubbavara yama-niyama-svadbyaya-dbydaa-dbai’ana-maunanusbtbana-japa*samadbi - Sila-
sampannarum (y)asbtanga-y6ga-nishtba-pratisbtbita-naisbthika-cbbatra-santati-sanobbannarnm
bsbeyaka-virajamananamra-kamra- ksbonila-mauU - kilita-barinila-rojamba-jala - pariranjita -nija*-
pada-payojarum kavi-gamaki-yadi-vagmi-pramukba - vividba-vidvaj-janananda-karana-jangama-
ka}pa-bbfl.jarum vedanta-3iddbd.ntagama-sbat-tarkka-sakala-vy&karana-nirmmala-dbarmnia-§astra-
dy-a^esba-§astrarttba-nirnnaya-nirpniktarum para-vadi-parvvata-petana-patana-patutara-vividba
. . nda^prahbyata-yukti-yuktarum anavarata-aata-niiimpadbisa-maiii-makuta-gbattita-prabyaktar-
S hikarpur T alu q. 139

iniikta-plialargpliara-tara-rajita-OliarLdracMda- charana-naklia-kirana- liarinanka-cliandinka-cliako-

rai’um saka|a-su-kavi-nikurumbadliararum anna-dana-suvamna-dana-kanya-dana-go-dana-bliu-da-
nabkaya-bliaisajyady-aDeka-daiia-prasangarum Hara-obarana-sa.i'6ja-bbrjngarum Sarada-nirada-
ra-nih&ra -sankba-S'ankaranga-visada-ya§as--sudba-dbaTalita-dasardi4a-valayarum tapas-^ri-kanta-
kamaniya-nijayarum daruna-daridrya-dava-pavak6paliata-vividba-vandi(ta)-sand6ba-kantarauta“
santai-ppana- kavaiia-karana-kanaka-Yarsba-kala-megbarum durikrita-duritaugbarum asatya-do-
sba-durllabbarum asrita-jana-vallabharum anadi-pattana-rajadhaai-Balipurada srimad-Daksbinai-
Kedaresvara-devara divya-^ri-pada-padmaradbakarum visislita-naiia-mantra-sadbakar appa ilrf-
Tuad-raja-gTiru-Vamasakti-devara guru-kula-kramav ent endade H

yah Parvvat^vali-vilasita-puiiya-kirtti-
kanta-sakbo’pi budba-brinda-sutanvito’ pi [
niti-priyo’ pi yatir ity abbidbiyamanab
sri-G-autamo munir abbkd bhuvane vicbitram |1

kadevand ambudbiyol Surendra-gajamam stri-ratnamam Laksbmiyam |

todavam kaustubbamam Sarasvatiyumam devadigal munn ivam |
paded ant i-satu-putranam su-jananam dbarmmajnanam dhanyanam |
padedam sad-gupi-Vamasakti-yatiyam lokottamaip, Gautamam ||

ajna rajuam ^irasi vibbavo vidvatam mandiresbu

jiianam nityorjjita-para-pade Parvvati-prana-bbarttuh ]
yasyodyogo jayati jagatam raksbanarttbam samartthah
so^yam Jiyyad bbuVana-vinuto Vamasakti-bratindrab. jl

tarkk&rkkodaya-bbudharam pravilasat-kavyakbya-ratnakarain
^abdotpatti-vivecbane cba chaturam cbhandahkrid-agresaram |
tad-vidyai’ttbi-man6ratbaika-nikarain tatva-prabodhakaram
sriQiat-sad-budba-Vamasakti-yaminam samsa;nti sarvve budbah H

pbutk§.r6tphulla-gallair iba bahu-vidba-ragamSakair vvam^akagryaih

etabbir vyakta-sapta-svara-vibita-lasad-gitika-gayikabbih |
jalukyais tair minridafl.ga-s7ara-subbara-iiadad-vadakair nrityam ittbani
lalityottbam vidhatnm prabbavati bbuvarie Vamafekti-bratindrab ||

ekas sastraip vidbatte samucbita-pada-vinyasa-vibbrajitarttbam

tagyanyo vakya-bbavani gbatayati kurute cbarttba-sampattim anyah |
etacb cbitrani vidbatte gbatayati karate bodbayaty aprabuddhan
ekas sri-Vamasakti-vrati-patir aparo Vyasavad byapipartti ||

Ta II a-cbakr&svaran uttara-dig-bbagakke bijayam geydu Lokkigu^idiya nelevidinoj sakba-sanka-

tba-vinodadim pritbvi-rajyam geyyuttam ire tat-pada-padmopajivi sriman-maba-pradbanani sar^
Tvadbikari maba-pasayitam Yaiava-kataka-raksba-pajakam ripu-aripa-bentekaram para-maudala-
surekaram sri-Vi^vaDatba-deva-divya-Sri-pada-padmararadbakam para-bala-sadbakam vairi-gba-
rattain rana-ranga-Bbairavam maba-pracbanda-dandanayakain vairl-bbaya-dayakan appa Yare-
yannana nirinmala-vam4anyayam ent endade H
140 SHkarpur Talnq.

vri II ja n a -n u ta M a r a m a y y a n akhilaT an ip^ran an atan a pi-iyan- |

gane pati-bkakte komale lasad-gimi N%ala-Deviyargge Bar- |
mmanu guna-varmman ada sutan atana tamman iidatta-kirtti-san- j
janakan enalke pej Eragan-annanam avalo pe'ttal urbbiyol |i

enisida balavantam | Baliya bajiyam pavitra-madalu piridum |

lileyoje puttidara budbarg | alayav enisalke dharej^oJ Ej;aga-cbamupa f,

va i| a-cbamunatbam Banavase-pannircbbasirada rajadbani-Balipurada srimad-Daksbina-Keda-

Tcsvara-devara puje-naivedya-nandbdivige-Chaitra-pavitrady-aneka-bbogakkam tapodhanar-aha-
ra-danakkam kbanda-sphutita-jirnnoddbarav int initakkam tann albeya Santalige-nada Muddba--
Kundaniya \rittiyolagana Chiyana-Salivuram potthada modala gadyanam badineptakke sarvva^
namasya-kattu-guttige pindadana-sarwa-badba-paribaraY a-cbandrarkka-stbayiy%i saluvant S.gi
Saka-Yarsba 1114 neya Paridbavi-samatsarada Pusbya-babula 5 Sukravara-Yuttar^ana-sankra-'
manad andu srimad-raja-guru-Yama^akti-deYara ^ri-pada-ptaksbalanam gaidu tan-mabarajanim
dbara-purvvakam mMisi kottaru || i-dbai’inmamam pratipalisidange 6anga-YamnS,-sarigamadalu
veda-Yedanga-vittamar appa brahmaiiargge k6ti-g6Yuga].am svarnna-ratnalankara-sabitaY agi
kotta-pbalav akka || {usual final imprecatory phrases, and verse).

kayir^ljara pandita M a le y a n a kaYite k a llo ja-O b a ttey an a lik b ita |j

In the same place, on a fourteenth stone.

namas tunga &c. |j

svasti samasta-bbuvanasrayam sri-pritbvi-Yallabbam mabarajad hiraja paramesvaraam pai’ama-

bbattarakam Satya^raya-kula-tilakam Cbalukyabbaranani mmat-Tribbuvanamalla-DeYara vijaya-
I’ajy'am uttarottarabbiYiiddbi-praYarddbamanam a-obaudi*arkka-taram-baram salluttam ire tat-pS,-
da-padmopajiYi svasti samadbigata-pancba-maba'Iabda maba-samantadbipati maba-praobanda-
dandanayakan astbana-vastu-nayaka vipra-kula-kuniudini-sudbakara satya-ratnakara niyoga-
Yogaadbara kadana-keli-dburandbara srimat-TribbuYanamalla-I)eva-p§,daradbaka para-ba]a-
sadbaka namadi-samasta-prasasti-sabitam ^riman-mab4-pradbanan antahpuradbyaksbam sabava-
sigal-adbisbtbayakam beri-Lala-Kannada sandbi-vigrabi mane-verggade sriman-maba-pradbanam
dandanayakam Bbivanayyangala deseyim svasti samasta-prasasti-sabitam sriman-maba-pradbanam
dandanayakarp Padmanabbayyangalu Banavase-pannirchbasiramum sukbadim pratipajisuttam
ire tad-rajadbaniya vistaram ent endade 1|

vritta II jalaniba-sbandadim madbukaraYaliyim kalabamsa-kira-ko- j

kila-sabakara-bburuba-Yanavaliyiin nava-naga-puga-pa- j
tala-mucbukunda-kunda-lati[ka]-Yritadindame Balligave Kun- |
tala-Yisbayangana-kutiJa-kuntaJad-ant iral oppi toruga ||

Kontiya basiralu P3.ndavar- | ant ayvar ppempu-vettn dbariniyol |

Kantu-nripa-rupa-sannibbar ] ant ayvar pputtidar Obikakabbeya basaral |1
Shikarpur Taluq. Ut
antu Bammadevarasanim kiriyam Nagadevayya-Nayakan atanim?kiriyam Tikarasan Stanim kirf—
yan enisiyum Lokarasam Jogarasan ant irbbarunt dharmma-chittadolam prabhutvadolam viratva-
dolam paropakarartthadojam kirttiya negarttey-arttliitTak anurdpatn ada pursha-ratnakarar
enisida tamm-irbbarum ^riiaad-rajadbani-Balligrameya daksbina-disa-bb^'ada TaYaregereyim
badagana-deseyolu sri-Loke^vara-devaramam sri-Joge^vara-devai’ maam pratisktheyaip njadiy
a-devar-anga-kbogakam Obaitra-pavitrakkam nivedyakkam alliya p u jarija grasakk endu pattana-
savi Hanumanta-Settiyum Bammi-Settiyurp MecH-Settiyum pattanasavitanam geyynttam s u k ia -
din ire Ldkarasanum Jdgadeva-Nayakanum Bammi'Settige bonnam kotfa ay-ayyan-um baliy*
bbumiyolage deguladim mudaiu saleya-bhumiyim paduYblu tenkalu Bammi-Settiya keyim b ad a-
gana-dese badagaln Kommajjana tontadiifl tenkaluy intu cbatus-sime-inereyagi naduye kouda
kotta bbumi pattanasavi-mukbyam a g i satnasta-nagaraftgalnm Gammauda-saTi Sankarayyanumt
senabova-Sankarayyanuip. Saudbore Cbittireayyanum pirija-matba-Bbex’uiidesYarad acbaryya-§ri-
mad-Gaula-^pandita-devaruni Panoba-Lingad-aobaryyarn S'rikantba-pandita-d^vara srim at-Tri-
purantakad acbaryyar cbCbaturS,n.ana-paaditaru Sri-Mulastbana-mukhyatn 4gi pancba-m atbad
aryya M uliga Honneya-jiyarum ^aleya^parsbeyurn Bauddbalyada savasi N^giyakkanum pattanada.
{sama) samasta^Brabmapuriya mabajanangalum manigara-Nagi-S'ettiyuin Togara M&obi-Settiyunt
minda-guddali Nami-Settiyum samasta-mummnri-dandagaiiim intu pattanam asesbada samiir
dbanadalu srimacb-Cb^ukya-Vikrama*kalada 22neya Babudbanya-sainvatsarada Pusbyad ama-
vasyey-Adityav§.ram uttarayana-saukr&nti - vyatipatad andu Lokai-asaiige Bammi-SetG tanu
umbajiyolage devargge kotta keyi kammmav ayvattu intu i-dbarmmamam tappade pratipalisida-
Targge Prayage Varanasi Kuruksbetram Argbyatirtbam emba pu[pya]-tirtbangalolu sabasra-kav£“'
legalam kodum kolagamnin ponnalu kattisi sabasra-cbatur-vveda-paragar appa brabm argg a jan -
kara-sabitain kotta-punyamantar apparu i-dbaymmaman ajida maba-patakang a(baip)-tirtbaAga*
JoJu sabasra-kavilegalmatn cbatux’-w eda-paragar appa brahmanai’umam ekoti-tapo-dbanarutnan.
alida maba-patakar apparu tl {usual final verse).

10 7

In the same place^ on a fifteenth stone.

bbuyad Bbbta-patir wibiiur ddivibbnv&m v6 bbogabbpid-bbusbai.i6

bbaJabbila*drig-udbbav6gra-buta-bbug-bharasta-Bbav6dbbaYab |
S'ambbus sa . . . nimadi-bbfttir abbaTO Bbxma*svayambbur BbaTO
Bbubyidbbu-prabbnr atbxa-bbakta-bbaya-bbid Bbafggo bbri^ain bbutaye
svasti samasta-jaga . . . , [
ya-stutar akalabka-cbaritar akbi].a-disa-vi- j
nyasta-sudba-dbava|a-ya§6- [
vistarar enisida ObaJukya-bbupalakaroJ jj

baJayad-Yidvisbta-bbupalaka-timira-cbayaip pinge Chalukja-bbubbrit- (

knla-pankejata-sbitndakk amard eseye Yikasam tri-lokaxxgal ellani |
be^Jagal Trailokyanxalla-priya-sutau adbikain Vikramaditya-Bevaip |
vi|asad-Yastu^pra§ast6daya-gii'i-nibha-simbasanasinaxx adam ii
142 S h ik a rp u r T aluq.
cTiattir-antakliaiida-bhu-mandala-pati cliatur-as&nta-sankranta-tejam
ckatur-asapala-Mla-pratinidhi cliafcui’-ambliodhi-gambhiryya-dhuryyam |
Cbatiiragyodyat-kalali-nidhi cbatur-upadba-saddba-buddhi-prabbavam
cbatur-angauika-bhara-prachalita-dig-ibham VikramMitya Deva ||
tri-bhuvana-bhuri-bbara-dbaranaika*dhurandbara-b§.bu-dandanaBi |
tri-bhuvana-kantaka-prakara-sambarlioddbata-KaJa-daiidanam |
tri-bbuvana ..........yaSo-dhavalikrita-PadmajSndanatn |
Tribbuvanamallanara senesuv-anya-nripajakan avan utbbiyoj |
ballal s u ................. I • • • dharadbi^an-anuga-dammam marttan- ]
dollasita-tejan aprati- |mallam Jayasimba-bbupan aobalita-kopa !l

sakalorbbi.............................. naman-ma* |
stakar ittum tetturn irddar ssukbadin abitar ngrajig ettauum uttS.- |
.. karalerdd aydugeya..................... yya . . t-k^r- |
mmuka-bastam vaksbadoj tettisi be|eyisaue benpol ambain Nojamba ||
idir aut ugrari-bbu.......................................... va- |
•. dol imbam Bb^rati-n§.rige vadanadp} imbam jaya-Srige dor-dan- |
^ a d o j............................................... yim nia- |
didan urbbipala-cbudamani jita-ripu-bbubbrit-kadambam Nolambam ||

. . . . pracbanda-daudMbifom jana-vinutam biupina tiiipina gunpina kanija . .

* . madi Bbrigu-pungavange Cbanakyang ainfirnunadi SakatS, .. ge sasirmmadi . .
« . . . katn Idravila-pancbakamura beias alki balknvam binkada ponkamam bisutu
. . . . . basta-gatam adudu cbakrige sapta-Konkanam kankanadante danija-pati .
................. nol besam-badedu k6pM6padind eyde sannisidain ku . . . . . . .
. samudram bidid odi kodi dsejedam dor- ggarbbad lirbbinde tettisidaip.....................
. stambbama ||
satatam lokam oraldu bannisutam irke , . dana . |
..........................................prabala-baba-dapda-vidbramsito- |
ddbta-vira................. - ...............................natn . .|
nita ............................................................... 11

s6-vidambita-3udbakrid-bimban-ante S a n t a l i g e ........................................................ajutti-
xe sukbadim Tamba-cbamupan abita-butavaba-k6pa 11

dbareg eseva S'akti-parsbe . •| ................................................. yol Mii- (

vara-ko^ieya-santatig a- | bbaranam Kedara^akti-muni-pati negarda ||

a-muniya sishya . . . . j .............................................viniala-yasa§*Sn- |

dhamam Lakula-samaya-la- | lamam Eudrabba-murtti Rudrabbarana ||

. . para-bitatman a-muiundrana ^isbyam

Valmiki-muniya dorey ene |
Valraiki-munindran esedan urbbitaladoi H
S h ik a rp u r T a lu q . 1 43

............................ya rakskanan udgha-kaja-vicliaksliariam |

loka-kitaiikaram Kali-kalanka-bhayakkaran Isa-kifikaram |
L S .k u la -k a i........................................... ...... endu Vi-1.- (
miki-munindranam manadi gond abhivarnmguguni 1|

kebitige V ikram a-kS.lada................................ tad^anvita-Pusbya-masada kfisbnatpaficbami . .

. . dol uttaraya^iada . ........................... ..... kriyol pa(Jed arttbiyim 'dvija-punga . . . sab-
da-maba - s S m a n tM b i...................... ^sakalarttbi-sarttba ....................................... ..... ram
sabasa-Vrifcodaram . . . . la-cbaritra;n dba samasta-pl'a^asti-sabitam
sriman-mab&-pradb4............. ................... Jaka-nripa-sandbi-vigrabi . ...................dant eseva Kun-
taja-visbayakk alankaranam enisida B an a va S e-n a d a ............................................... pa-nivM yadi-babu-
vidbarcbcbanegam m a ta k u ta -p ra sa d a -k b a ...................................... Tavaragereya kelagana-tala-
d ol kotta 'toutam .............................................................Jiddulige-yerppattara baliya badatp . .
................................. .. . . . . . ma^ittam mediniy a r i y a l k e ....................................... (usual fma^
v erses) ...................................... bbakti-samudbbav&’ stu ]j (rest gone).

In the same place, on a sixteenth stone,
6in namab S'ivaya || . ,
namas tunga &c. H

namas tunga-iata-cbandra-chandrikabboga-bbutaye |
Bbavaui-d6r-llata-gadba"pai’iraijibbaya S’ambbavo 1!
H aray4 namab H

Sn»kanta-6irija-yutau muni-nutau pritau cba gitau srutau

tatvaikatmya-dbarau p ritb a k -k y ita -v a p u ......................irayau |
devau pritikarau parau Hari-Harau traijokya-raksb^karau
pat^tp tvam satataip cbamupati-MabMeva tvad-isbtarfctbadau j|

Sri-vadbu vakshadoj vijaya-kamini dor-vvajadol lasad-yasaA- |

Sri-vadhu dh&triyaip nimird-ajapda-tatam-barav atnbarain-baram |
tivire kurttu raksbisutav xrkk Agajesvaran Isvarain Maba- j
deva-cbam&panam prabaja-cb&panan apratima-prat&panain U

ka II' Sri-vallabhan-atuia-jaya- | m-vallabban-amaJ,a-rtabbi-padHi6dbbava-Vak- |

sri-vallabba-bbuja*sambbavar |i-vasadbeyol esedar akbila-CblJukyeiar ||

T fitta II avaroj vikranta-laksbmi-nidbi ■vitata-bbujat6padim Latanam Mar |

lavanam Cberammanam Gurjjaranan aledu Obajukya-samrajya'laksbmi- |
dbavan udyat-tejadindam nimird-amarda-yaso-ra^iyam lileyindam )
bbuvapa-prastatya-Taila*ksbitipati tajedam vira-Cb&Jukya-rayain ||

kan II atana tannjam dbairyyo- | p&tam SatyMraya-ksbitMam bbnvana- |

kbyatam negaldam tat-tanu- ] jatam Vikrama-mabipan apratirftpa II
144 Shikarpur Taluq.

ka II ati-balan atana tammam |ksliitipati-Dasavai’mmaa 4tan-ataialiliavam bhft.* {

nuta-Jayasimha-nripam tat- j sutan apratimallan enipan Ahavamalla ||

yri II A-havamalla-Dwana tanudbhavan a-Bhuvanaikamallan a- |

vyahata-vikramam ribliava-S akran udagra-payodbi-veshtitoi'- |
vvi-hita-karyyan 4tan-anujain samaraugana-bhiman ugra-vi- |
di’obi-vimarddi vira-paramarddi-visala-bbuja- . . . . . . 1|

. . nol sauryyakke db§.tri-dha . . nikarado} uttunga-dhairyyakke Kutnbho- |

dbbavanol binpinge vSramnidhi . . . . tanpitige inaranipan atand |
avamanam gaiyvan ullangbisavan atisaya-spurttiyim torppan atj'-u- |
.................dyam nija-guna-gauadim yira-Perminadi-Rayara §

vikramadim tanage disa,- |obakram besakeyye Vikramaditya .■ . . f

cbakraman aldam nata-ripu- |cbakram durllafighyam enisal ajna-cbakra |1

ka II BMilokamallan urbbi- [ palakana su , . . pala-kula viki’ama-sau- |

chajakan Atana tanayam |palisidam sakajam enipa visvambhareyam ll

yri 11dhareyam talda : . . Svaram nija-sii’as-sabasramam taldi dik- |

kariyam parddu kathora-pitba-kamathAsinam grama-ivasa-ta- |
tparan end-i . . . lileyim nija-bhuja-praspurttiyira tajdidam |
dbareyain tonga-kubhrit-payodhai’eyan i-Somesvarorvvisyarain 1|

ka II allim baliltke kirttige |nallam nirminita-jatala-ripu-yanita-dba- |

mmillam bbupala-kulakk ellam Jagadekamallan apratimalla 1|

yritta il ari-dbatripati-Cboia-Gurjjara-obamu-varAsiyol babu-Man- |

dara-mantba-kriyeyinde puttida karindra-sreniyam lakshmiyani |
turaganikaman cyde kondu jagadol vikbyatiyam taldidam |
stbira-tejarn Jagadekmalla-vesarim CbAdukya-cbakresyaram ||

* tad-antara tad-annja-pratapav ent eudode ||

kanda |1 irmmadi DaSakaptbange pa- [ dirmmadi DagaSatabhiijange Ramangam tarn |

nurmmadiy enise Make .. j nurmmadi Tailapa-mabipan urjjitan Ada |

yritta ||dbareyam . . . laksbmi-dbareyn anudinoparjji . . . . punnyo- |

ddbareyara gananda*nana-jana-janapada.sampatti . . . . . |
dbareyam nana-vidbagi . . . atisaya-svacbcbba-sat-kirtti . . . . J
dbareyain Trailokyamalla-ksbitipati taledam vira-laksbmi-yilasam ||

kan|| ksbiti tanniudam rajan- j yatiy adal enalke vijaya-laksbmi- ^1

nata-babn-dandan aprati- |bata-tejam vairi-bridayake . .

va II antu svasti srimat-Trailokyamalla-Deva nirupama-prabbavam rajyain geyyuttam ire tat-ka-

ladoju gyasti samadbigata-pancb-maba-sabda maba-mandalesvaram Kalanjara-pura-yaradbiAyara
suvarnna-yrisbabba-dbyaja damaruga- . . rya-nirggbosbanam Kalacburya-kula-kamaja-marttanda
S liikarpur T aluq. 145

kadana-praclianda mana-KanakaohaJa subhatar-adifcya................................gaja-samanta ^a-

ranagata-Tajra-pafijara pratapa-Lankesvara para-aari-sakodara Sanivara-siddlii Giri , . • .
ctalad-anka-Eama vairibha-kanthirava nissanka-malla-namadi-samasta-pra^asti-sahitaiii srimaa-
maba-mapda}^varam . . . . sara tat-pratapa-prabbavam ent endade il*

vritta II. . . . jibvagrad ............................... . dradindam |

............ uimirda nija-jvaleyam ni .. vidvit- |
kula-Titra . . . . .................................. ........................... pati - .
Bijjane^a-ksbitipati vitatatopa-teias-samaja l|

dhrita-dbairyyam dliairyyadin dam mereYau. i v a .................................. , , |

jita-karyyam k a ry y a d in d a g g a lip a n i j a - m a b a ..............................................d ind u - |
rjjita . . , . .................................. ...... sa l-k irttiy in d un- ]
natan eadu ip v a ir i-b b u p a -p r a t a t i-n u .................... B ijian a-k sbm ataleB a ||

va !| . . p r a t i - m a n ............................................... prat&panum d b a ritri-c b a k ra m a n a -k ra . . dim r a jy a m g a y -

Yattam ird ondu-divasam srim a . . d ev a . . v ip u la -la k sh m i-m v a sa m a lp a d a g a n y a -p u n y a a
appa . . va . . k s b a m a n e ........................... dari . . , y a m a n a rid a p are g ita jfia u u m a t i -
^aya-prajfianu. . . svasti srtm a . . . tip riy a -p a d a ra v in d a -b h riiig a m n irm ta ita *rip u -k u la -
. .........................................................................m an iyu m en ip a si-im au -M abadeY a-dan danayaka v a i r i -b h a y a -
dayaka |j

.................................. v a k sb a sta la -v a la y a d o j a -cb a n d ra -td ra-sa b a si'am |

Sreyas-sam panna-di . • . . . ..................................................................... j
d ak ran ta-d b atri-ta }a v ak bila-p ayorali-Y elan tav entum j
jiy ent e m b a ...................................rjjitavam

Ya i{ a-cb a m u p a ti-n irm m a la n va y afii en t endode [f

v r itta il jan ak am M a J . a ......................................... ...... ........................................ j

. . P a d m a m b ik e m 4 te nirm m alatar A g a sty a n k a -sa d -g o tr a -sa n - j
jan itam t a j - j a n ..................................................................................po sa ta m . |
. . g en e . , . devi ta t-ta n e y a n i-M adevan atyu rjjita H

va 11 a -K a lid a s a -o b a m u p a tiy a cbaritram am pSJvade ||

vrl II bala- ................................poreda . . . . .

kolal end irppalli . . . . mane nija-dbanama . . . ykondu kS- |
. . . * .................... lem endu . . nilisida d i-jagain bannisal nir- [
mmala-cbittam permme-vettam para-bita-cbarita , , . gan a-Kalidasam K

...............................1 tan a v a r a ..............................dol Deva-rajam |

naga-sangbatangal.ol Kancbana-dbaranidbaram vriksbadol kalpa-vriksbam
. . , , . varddhigalol amrita-v&rasiy ent ante pempim j
migilada . . . mesvara-nripati-chamunatha.....................• 1|

va II . . . . nisida mab^-pradbana-Kalidasa-cbamupatiya . tea dade ,

. besavam a-16kam ellam b e sa se .................................... pan-
*From lieie the inscription is much defaced.
146 S liikarp n r T aluq.
golvinam bliata . . . , M a b a d e v a n g e ...........................nmu
tan endode . . nirniinala-charitam Mah^deva-dandeSa n in n olu ll

bbaradim S'rivatsa-dandesanol iriye Mab^devan ngr&siyind a- [

cbcbariy a ............................................................. . . . . , |
................................ tadi . . ndud ant aragam , • •1

. . ru base . . . . Kosage Sitagere Ballare Raobu . . . .......................................................

.................... . . ravede . . . . mattam | . • . ponna-galasam kattisi .........................................
. . isitta tadeyol . . . . maba . . . : ............................................................. ..... . . ."
Padigatta m a ............................................................ || srima . . kana bS, . . ya . M adana—
nam Sriyatsanam cbakra-pa . . daiidadbipa-Kalidasaua magam . . . . daadadbipa || cb a -
...................... tavarmmane . . nara-cbakravartti bbu-valeyada bbusbana . . . ra .. jan -u darad
u d a tta -r o u r tt i................................. ................................ vilasada . . kaliga^a devan em bud a n i-
fiam Mabadevanan i-jagaj-janam ||

vacbana || antu negarttegam pogarttegam tane nele . . . . . srimad-Bijjarie^vara-

manoratba-samarudban Banavase-desaman aluttav irddalli dela-vijasa-vistaramam pejvad© ||

vri II pbalita-kujam manangoRpa puga-vanam vanado]. samain . . (

jalaja . . pdnalgaRip bejada kartali nelv-ele-valli baggigond- |
nliva Sukam pika-dbvanigalim nalidaduv-Anangan angana- j
kulama . . laksbmadaksbmige samriddbi karatp Banavase-desadol ||

va II a-Banavase-de^akke tilakad-ant opputtirppa maba-pattaiiam Balipuram adara vilasam en t

endade i|

............................samakiriinam |
vana-mala-lalitam a ^ e ....................man- |
danav amaja-kamala-kuvalaya- |
vana-sevyam suka-pika|i-kala-rava-ramyam ||

va 11 mattam Dbanada-pratimallar enipa nagai’angaRm palavum pura-panoba-matbam palarum^

Brabma-purigal vividba-nana-ramya-barmyaugaRm manobaram enipa BaRpurado} dusbta-
nigraba-sisbta-pratipalanadim srimau-maba-pradbanam kari-turaga ................................. senadbi—
p a t i ..................... B a n a v a s e -n a d a ...............................Mabadevarasaru sukba-sankatb^-vinodadim.
rajyam gayvuttam irdd ondu-divasam ||

vri II keladol y i l a ^ i ................................Lilavati-devi mattam |

kela . . . lavaiiya-laksbmi-nidbi nija . . . . . . |
............................saksbi-dvaytngikritana . . . bari . . |
. . . . . . vir&mafcya-vidvaj-jatia-vinuta-Mabadeva-dandadbin^tbam ||

anupama-tejan apratima . . . .................. yara |

janaka ........................................................................... |
• . . janamam • . •j
. . . . jSauav enippa m a b i g e .................... deyana ||
Shikarpur T aluq. 147

mattam a-kumaranin udita

sarasa........ vidya- f dkara-kinnara . . . . sakaja-subka-lakshanadim |

vara-Lakskniiy enipa ma .. | ni .. d uttama ... y irppud idu paramarttha ||

stkira ni .. dvaya-dhara .............. .. .. dhi^yaran amala-pu^ya-pnnja-stliirata-saliak^ri-Maygura-

Mallayyam a-okaicupatiya pradkana jj

manam Adri-priya-kanyaka-priya-vara-sri-p§,da-bhakfci-sphurad |
dbana ......................................tsava-bbasvack'charitram ja ga j- |
. janamam kay-mugisal samartlaam enisal vidvaj-;janananda-var- |
ddbana........ Mali adeTa-N§,yaka . . . . vidy^vadbft-vallabbam ||

ckatur-upadha-saipsuddliam | cbatur-ambborlii-vilasitochcbalita-yaSa- |
................ vidya- I cbatura . . . . . . n alte lajamatya H

sura-mantri-pratimallam | paropakara................... |
. . . . ama|a-kirtti-bba-blia- ] sura-16........................ ||

mattam ........ ivarana pi’adbana ... dayya-Nayakana vijaya-inahonnatiy ent endade || ............
amala-kirtti-Dekkba-devi .. bita ... pfijifca .........Nayaka Sandaiyyam ........... sanistutariun........ .
a n n p a m a -te ja . . . v id b a vim aja -cb a ritra m b h b n id liig e ... v ila sa d '^ g u n a -r a tn a -•• ■*nidhi T ib u d b a -
jana-stuta .............. anupama-dbairyyani U arttbig arttbaman arttbi-janakk afcipritiyan iva ........
nrbbi-satpstutan enisi ....... u.rjjita-bbasvat-kirtti-rS.jita-pa........ |1

T ri II sarasa-kavin dra-sam stu ta-gu n am su jan agrani M sb ta -b a n d b u d u r - ]

d d b a ratara-d b aii'yyan ap i-a tim a4a u ryy an u p ir jjita -p u n y a . . . . j
. . su ra-bb ujan uyivala-ya^o-vibbavam M a n u -v ritti s a d -g u p a - |
kavan akbiloditaiii Y i b u d b a ............................................... ....... . . ||

a n tu s a m a s ta . . . . d b y a k sb a sS.manta’-pradb^navn, ......... m enisi n ija stb a n a d o lu dbarm m a-katbS.-

m a n y a r a p p u d u m tad -a v a sa ra d o lu II

k a II sarasiruba-tati d in ak ara- ] karad in d a la r v a n t e ......... yinegani |

sarasokti-yuktiyam... | ....... dbarmma-prasangav artthisidam ||

ant 6,-samayadol H

vri II bbasitoddbulita-nirmmalMga-rncbiyiin tMadriy ent ante k a- |

ng esad atyujyala- . . . . danta-rucbiyind astb&nadol obandrikd- |
prasaratn parvyidud embinam muni-nutam dbarm m a-prasabga-kriy^ I
yyasanam tad-gurn-ta . . . . tejan ulidam KedaraSaktisvaram ||

tad-yakyam ent endade ||

M oka 11y o lifigatn stb a p ay ed ekam y id b i-p u ry y a m sa-dakshinain |

saryy&,gani6ditani p u n ya m koti-koti-gun am la b b e t |1

e i a b u v a tad -yak yarttbam am y ic b a risi deyata-p ratisbtba-p rad eS an yesban an S.gi 1|

v r i 11 pratibuddba . . n an a ya n i-yan aja-saras-tira-K ed ara-d eyS .- 1

yatanakk end andu tad-bbasura-pada-yugamam kandu bhasya ... ki- |
Jita-Hemadrindra ... yama-§ama-dama-nistandranam purnna-pu^ya- (
kritiyam sri-Vama4akti-yratiyan atisayanandadiip bandu kanija |
148 S liik arp ur Taluq.

a-munisyarana guru-kula-kramamarp pejyade il

ka II Devavrata-muni-santati 1 Muvara-koneya ... valita.-ii- j

skyavaliya....... sam- | bhavita-Kedarasaktiyum Srikantbam H
Srikantha-munige Vag-de- | vi-kaiitkada baradant© guna-bkusliitaa a- j
lokita-Siva-padaii anata- [ •. kam Somesvararyyan anupama-Msliyam j|

Somesyara-munigala Sisbya........ sarana ... sakala-yibudba-lalama ........ tan-munisvarana

sbya sri-Vamasaktisvara ............. panga-sarakke sompi tadiya ............... gbattado ... cbalad-
u jjv a la ........................................ nMvaranain kaiidu labdbanujnau agi srimat-Kedara-.................
...................... ......... m appa Mabadeyesvara-deyara janakabbidbana-purvvaka ........ Jape^vara-
d ev a ra ....... m appa Kalidasa- ................ye murtti-bbiitam ada ... r oppuya Kesava-murttiya.........
....................vatsarada Margasirad amaya.sye-S6mayara-suryya-grabana-yyatipatad andu (| svasti
sriman-Mabadeva-dandanayaka srimat-Kodiya-matbad acbaryya-Vamasakti-paiidita-devara kalarp.
karcbcbi dbara-puryvakam madi Jiddulige-yeppattafa baliya badamam Dugubya-Cbikkaleyam tri-
bbogabbyaatara-sabitam ....... deyar-anga-bboga-ranga-bbogakkam tapodbanar-abara-danakkam
vidya-daiiakkam matakuta-pi’asadakkam kbanda-spbutita-jirimoddbarakkav endu sarvva-nama-
^yav agi kottam || mafctam a-muyam-deyara naiyedyakk endu Jiddulige-yeppattara........... y ep p a -
ttara manniya .. mara M acbarasa.......Mavantana Kdnayya a-muvaru-devara naiyedyakk© b itta
mattar ondu beddalu mattar eradu || mattam a-muvaru-deyara .naivedya .................. m an eya...
... Bandanikeya kodageyalli bitta gadde mattai' eradu || {usmlimprecatoryphrases and verse.)
svasti srimat-Saka-yarsba 1105 neya Sobbakritu-samvatsarada..........adade Bommayyam Jiddu-
lige ....... k o tta .............

At the same village, on a stone behind the Prabhu-dSva-gaddige.

namas tunga &o. j|

svasti samasta-bbuyanairayam sri-pritbyi-vallabbam mabarajadbiraja paramesyaram parania-
bbatbdrakam Satyasraya-kula-ti}akam Cbajukyabbaranam srimad-Bbuvanaikamalla-Devara yijaya-
rajyam uttarottarabbivriddbi-pravarddbamanam a-cbandrarkka-taram saluttam ire tat-pada-pad-
mopajivi samasta-bbuvana-stuta Brabma-Ksbatra-viranvaya sri-pritbvi-vallabba mabarajadbiraja
paramesvaram Kolalapura-varesyaram Kandagiri-natbam mada-gajendra-lancbbanam Somesva-
ra-labdba-vara-prasada Ganga-Knsumayudbam Vikrama-Gangam jayad-uttarangam sakala-jana-
cbintamani mandidika-makuta-cbudamani srimach-Obalukya-Ganga-Permmadi Bbuvanaika-viran
Udeyaditya-Ueyam Gangavadi-modalagi Banavase-pannircbbasiramumam Santalige-sasiramuman.
aldu sukba-sankatba-vinodadim rajyam gayyutt ire tan-mano-nayana-vallabbe svasty anayarata-
parama-kalyanabbyudaya-sabasra-pbala-bboga-bbagini dvitiya-Laksbmi-samane sabaja-saubba.-
gya-rupa-nidbane bbuvana-vidyadbari sakala-kala-dbari cbikurita-chakora-nayane lilalasa-gamane
sarigitaka-prasanga-yiyeka-obudamani saranagata-raksbamani yacbaka-jana-jangama-nidbana-ka-
la^e Sarada-devi-labdba-yara-prasade srimad-Udayaditya-Devan-arddbangiyar appa srimat-Lach.-
chala-Deviayar |1

kanda ||pocbcba-posa-dese mdrggadol acbcbari rasa-bhavam oje babu-vidba-gatiyo} |

. I nacbcbani nirbbana-patraai enisida patra
{rest gone.)
Shikarpur T aluq. 149

On a stone standing against the gaddige in front of the same matlia.

. . svas-taruniddlia-kankaria’ krihaj-jhankara-vacMla-lia* |
sta-stomancliita-sanolialacli-cliaiiiara.-jat^ud61a'lila-iTiarud- |
vistirima-dyunadi-pay .... Japam deva-devam tri*16- )
ka-stutyam dayageyg abkishta-pliajamapi Gaiiri-manovallabliaiia fi

apad-dbafcriddbra-vaji’am pbanipa-pbana-maiii ... sam-yyAbbiraman- 1

gapurvrakbai’vva-pur'irvacba}an akbila-jagad-visrama-stbana-divyar j
§ri-padanalpa-kalpa-druma .... jana-santu,sbti-drisbti-prasada- j
vyap&rarp inalke saypam sakala*i’ucbira-tejar-prakasam MabeSam 1|

Dija-k6ty-arkka-prabha,-bbasura-taiiu-rucbiyol. talta kantbasita-jyo- 1

ti iagad-dipra-pradipMbara-ma|inateyain p61e kang-oppu .. N a- j
kaja-nana-mauli-jn^la-mapi-gana-gbriliiiliat-pada-padraam vibb^svad- 1
bbujagendralankritaty&yata-bbuja-bbnjagani raksbisutt iikke namtnam |i

sritnacb-Ohaltikya-cbakresvaran atula-baja^b Tailapam tibra-tej6- |

dbamam SatyMrayam vikrama-guna-nilayam Viki’amadityan atyu- (
ddamam sand Ayyanani eabasa-nidbi Jayasiiigam dhara-cbakra-laksbmi- |
dbamam Trailokyamailan uegale nega].dud i-pi'ajya-Cbalukya-rajyam |1

§.-negald abavai-jjita-jayadhipan Abavamalla-DA»au am- |

bborddbi-mekbala-vaJaya-raTnya-mabi-mahilSi-manar-priyam (
s&nrita-yak-sudbamaya-sndbajaidbi cbaru-CliaJukya-rajya-la* ]
ksluni-nilayam negartte-vadedam nija-bburi-bbnia-pratapadim II

Saran endum bbitiyim kay-mugidiiv iradod ammamma dor-vvikramadam- ]

baradicfi IVaildkyamallam masagi inulidu mel ettidam dh^Jiy-ittam |
pariv-ittajn routtidam tdl tulid ulidan adaugottidaTi tuttidam ber- J
tveras ant ant etti kirtt ettidan abitaran embant idam ke^al akhum ||

tan-nripa-nandanam bburana-vandya-guna n BbuvanaikamalljT-De- |

Tan nafa-nS.tba-r5.jya-ramai.ii-ramaniya-pararddbya-bbusbanam j
Pannagaraja-bbusharia-padabja-paraga-pavitra-sekbaram (
pronnata-kirtti-didhiti-sudba-dbavalikrita-visva-Tisbtapam |
kaviva-nenam podalva-bisu-nettara dbare sidlilva-muttu pa- |
ruva-radanali sorvva-karul unmuva-kbanda <i eialva-inastakam |
tavuva-balam ka|alva-nakbam eruva-suy suriv-eru tore nur- [
gguva ripu-dantigal pariye gandba-gajaTYi Bbuvapaikamallana i|

svasti samasta-bbuvan&lraya sri-pritbvi-vallabba mabarajadbirSja parameSrara parama-bba|tara-

kam Satyasraya-kuia-tilakam Cbalnkyabbarana-n Srimad-Bbuvanaikamalla-Devara vijaya-r^Jyam
uttarottarabbivriddbi-pravarddbamanam a-cbandiarkka-taram saluttam ire ||
150 S h ik a rp u r T ah iq,
vrittam [j S-pritlivlsvara-pada-pankarulia-3eva-tatparam vikrama- |
topa-proldalanaliita-prakaran anya-kskonipalarclicliita- |
sri-pMamburuha'ti virodhi-nripa-chu laropita .. prabha- |
vopetam Bbuvanaikaviran esedam ^ri-'danga-Chakrayudhain ||

kanda |! Sri-mabimarnnavan akhila- |bsbmamara-jhakresaa afcma-bhuja-baja-vijayo- |

ddamaqn Brabma-Kshati’a-si- j khamani rajadhirajan Udaj^adityam J]

vrittam j] rudbiya maiidalesvararu............................................. |

......... bbivaram nelanam . . .......................... )
... ganarum ninage gandare pel Bbiivanaikavira.......... |
(tJie rest of the stone is hrolceit off).


On a stone on the lund of the pond.

namas tiiriga &c. I1

svasti samasta-bbuvanasrayatp sri-pritbvi-Tallabbam m' barajadbiraja paramesvara param a-bha-
ttaraka-p Satyfi^sraya-kula-tilakaai Cbalukyabbaraiia'-'^'li'mat-TribbuTanamalla-Devara vijaya -
rajyam uttarottarabbivriddbi-pravarddbamanam a-d IIjbandbka-taram saluttam ire tat-pada-
padmopajivi samadbigata-paricba-maba-sabda mal*^®'lia-saiiiadbipati maba - pracbanda-danda-
nayaka mane-verggade-dandanayakain Gundamarasaru Banavase-nad-olagana kampanam agra-
baratn vadda-ravularp bei’jjufika yeradum bilkodeyuman alutt ire yirara varnsadole jyesbtban
udit(y)a-Krisbnanum enisida samadbigata-paficba-maba-sabda maba-samantadbipati maba-pra-
cbanda-dandanayakap vibudba-pradayakap haya-Vatsa-raja.n rupa-Manojam pararttba-Jimft-
tavabanan aritatta-Bbairavam Gundana sannaba samasta-nam4vali-sametar appa Jekkamarasanuoi
^ri-Barabakodiya sri-Sarwesvara-derargge namaskarain madi divya-Lingamamam kanda piridum
bbaktar agi devargge snana-puja-pracbinteyam madavekura eadu peuteyol tingalinge yaleya-
peru manya-vandakkam pana 1 samasta-sunkada tban^ntarangalol kantbeya-vana yaradu bidina
ka ... dakeya peringe yarad-adake mattan sri-rajadbani - BaUigrameya pattariasavi-naodalage
samasta-nagararn pavitrake kotta papa \ angadiyalu parwa-nivedyakke akki ba 1 Jiddu}ige-erp-
pattaralukotta kantbe-vanam ... ya manera Bala-devanum yalliya tambuligaruv ildu vokkalolke
.. 25 pe .. dronamumam kottaru sovanigaru kotta vi 5 akkasali . su .. vi 5 kodatiyam ... me 5 int
initumam • bbadi .. sri-Sarvve[6va]ra-devara cbintayakam Kamalasana-panditange .. II

In the same place, on a second stone,

dm namab S’ivaya ||
namas tuiiga &c, ||
^ri-Vadirudra-sisbyasya Dbruvesvara«gur6r ggirah |
. . . . bam vidusbaqi karnne kalpa-padapa-manjari ||

dm nam ab Sivaya || svasti samasfca-bbuvanasrayam sri-pritbvi-vallabhaiqq mabarajadbirajam p a-

rame^varam parama-bbattarakam Satya§raya-kula-tilakam Cbaiukyabbaranaim srimad-Bbulokap
Shikarpuif T alu q. 151
malla-Devara vijaj^a-rajyam utfa '6ttai abhivrlddlii-pfavarddliam^aam a-chandr4rkka-t§.ra:ii-I)a-
ram saluttam ire ||

silpigal a ti-v im a la -g u n a - | kalpar P a v a n a u u m esev a R a v a n a n m p s a t - [

kalpar ddliarm m a-4ravai)&- | n alp a r ss63a rar u d a tta -v im a la -c h a r itr a r ||

nija-tata-n gada RaghaYani janaili tarn Ballavve Gaurisa-da- |

sa-janangal tavag islita-baudlm-nikaram sri-Gautamaiyyarn muui- j
vraja-vandyao) modalage Kodiya-matliakk aoli§.i’yyar agirddavar |
nija-sat-sv4migaj ended e-vogulvudo tat-kirttiyarn lokadol .!!

enisida B avapan u n R avananuin irb baru m iiija-silpi-kala-kalankam arn k a la y a l en d u K u su v e S Y a ra -

devara pratisbtheyan m adi M e c b i-S e tti-K irtfci-S e tG -p ra m a k b a n a se sb a -n a g a ra -ja u a p a n c b a -m a tlia -
stbanagalam kareyal a lliyaY aru sabifcaY a-K usuYeavara-stbanam am sri-G a u ta m a -d e v a rg g e ^ r im a t-
K edaresYara-devara p r a tib a d d h a Y a g i ku dal a-sri-G au tam a-d evar Siddbarfctba-sam Yatsarada. P a -
skya-su d d h a-tra yo d a sy-A d itya Y a rofcta r^ a n a-sa iik ran tiyo l. aiesh a -n a g ara -ja n a n g a |a pancha-m atha<-
sthanada sannidhanadalli d eY ara anga-bkogakkaaiiniYedyakkam Yen du tan u n a b a k k a le -k e y a b h d m i
Tola-N arasim ka-deYara k e y y in d a m u d aiia-b ayalalli araYattu-kam m a-gaddeyaixi dbara-pui’Y Y akav
a g i k ottar m attam M e c lii-S e tti-K irtti-S e tti-p r a m u k h a -a a g a r a -ja n a n g a l a ty a n ta -Y isu d d lia -d h a rm n ia -
ditth iga l appudarim sri-K u su Y ^sY ara-d eY ara d e v a la y a d a kh an da-B p lin tita-jirnu oddh arakk e n d n
BaYanan. ird d a maneya siddkajm m an a -ch an d ra rk k a-ta ram -b ara m sa lu v an t a g i b itta r || m a tta t e -
llig a r ayvatt-okkalum devara n an d ad ivigege gm iadal o n d u -so n tig e-ya n iieya m b itta r || m a tta m
K keY aleya-G aYu n da-m u kh yaY a g i sa m a sta -sip p ig a -g o tta liy ellam devara O k aitra-pavitrada par-
Yvakke prati-saipvatsara okkalol ondu-paijiam am m a d u v e y adalli m a d a v a n ig a n ava ralli o n d u -p a p a
m a d a v a l i g e .............. p anam u m am ku su m biya h a n a ...................... a-cban drarkka-taram -bai*aip . . . . . . . . .
pratipalisidavargge Vatana ....... kavileyain kodum .. kolagum a.............. appa Brahmanarige
kotta pHala (usual filial verses) natnas S'ivaya H

On a stone near the steps of the same pond.

svasti ^rimat-Yadava-ckakravartti vii'a-Ballala-Deva-varshada ISneya Rudbirodgari-saipYatsarada

Chaitra-su. 7 A-dandn Amritackaadra-bkattaraka-deYai’a guddam Kesava-Settiya Madayyam
samadhi-vidhiyim mudipi sura-loka-praptan adam ...«•

On a stone in the Chauhi-honda of the same matha.

narna# tunga &o. |j

svasti samasta-bliuvanasrayain^ sri-pritbvi-Yallabbaip . nialiarajadliiraja parame§Yarap parama-

bkat^rakap Satyasraya-kula-tilakam Ckalukyabkaranam srimat-TribliuYanamalla-BeYara vijaya-
rajyam uttarottarabkivriddbi-praYarddkamanam a-cbandrarkka-tara,p-barap sukha-saakatha-
vinodadim rajyam geyvnttam ire |1
152 S h ik arp u r Taluq.

vri II piriyaoi Ch^ukyarol Tailapa-nripan avanindana bajikke pratapa- |

kk orey ar tTrailokyamalla-ksliitipatiTvarau allindam itt adi-bhupa- (
larigam cbaturyyadoj sauryyadol anupama-sambhogadol cb^gadoj tarn |
sura-tejo-muvttiyol kirttiyol adhikan ivam Vikrairiaditya-DevJ.in ||

kanda || Tribhuvaiiamallam Permma- | di bbima-bhujan akbija-dhareyan alutfe ire vi- f

ra-bliata-siras-?ekharan abi- | ta-bbayankaran eiiipa Kalidasa-obamupam ||

vri (I jagadol marampa-Lala-ksbitipa-Maga[dha]-]Srepala-Paficbala-Cb61a- j

digalarn kitt ikki bbandaraman adbika-gajendrangalan pendirap va- j
jigalam tand ittu sauryyam negaje negarda-Cbalukya-cbakresvarang u- |
ndige ....... dita-bbuta}aman abita-santrasan i-Kalidasa_n ll

kanda 11a-vibbuviua kirly-ayyar | kovajame Sarvra-Pe »a-dandadbisam |

Devendran-ondu-vibbavamau | ayagam int eladu tandu bbbgisutirddarp 11

ene negarda Sarvva-Devana ]

Manu-marggana snjana-jana-man6rafijanan-&r- (
ppina ka^iiya jasada besan i- |
tana negarda-vasmavataram ent ene p^Jyen H

vri II nettane dugdba-varddbiyoiag i-jagamam belagal sudbakarain 1

putbava marggadim Sarasijodbbaya-vamsa-ja-Vatsa-gotrad olp |
ittalam appa Kamme-goladol knlamap belagal kulottainam |
puttidan ellarutp pogale .. yan a-jeyan apara-paurnsbam II

kanda 11Cbavunda-cbainupatlgan |Sri-vadbuv enisirda Kejayakabbegam madamain }

kevalam em putte puttisuv- 1 a-vibbuyim Nagavarmnia-dandadbiiarfi ||

pati-bbaktige Paramana Pa- j rvvati cbatnryyoktig Ajana Bbarati sirig A -

cbyutana Siri N^avarmniana ( sati bbavise Nagiyakkan pmbndu lokam II
vri If Girisai'.ga a Givijategam Ganapauun Senaniyu;ii puttuv ant j
ire vidya-nidbi Nagavarmma-yibluigam sri-Kagiyakka£tgay a- |
daradi-.n pnttida Sarwa-Deva-vibbuynm Cbayunda-dandesannm j
siriyan sautatain agl bbogisuge clmndradityar ullannegacp ||

kanda i|I!ama:« Laksbmanan antiral |i-mabiyol Sarvva-Devanirn Eayanuv u- [

ddama-bbuja-viryyar adbika- | preniade sukiiain irkke lakke-PiyaJige-varam If

vri II pirid app aisvaryyamam madiige vidita-yasaai Saryva-Devange bba- |

sura-tejam vijjra-vidyadbaran enisuva Cbayunda-Rayange Sarw e- j
syara-deva p deya-lrindarcbcbita-pada-yug&lana cbandra-lekbavatainsap {
Girije^ap yyoma-ke^aa sakalsi-durita-vidlivapsan isam Mabesam 11

kanda || durita-dbvamsakan Isap | paramfitmarn sarwa-karttu S'aryyaifi Sarvve- |

syara-devap raksbisug a- | daradindam Sarvva-Devanup Rayanumam 1!

vri II Hariyindam Mandari.na Mandara-matbanadin ambbodbiy ainbbodbiyindam [

dbare bannam bettuv a-Mandara-giri sariye tiupinol vkrddbiy ettam [
S tik a rp u r T alu q. 163
doreyS pel gunpinoj dliai-iiii sarisam enal bappude bippinol Man- |
dara-iaijakk arpnavakk urvvareg adhika-gnnara node Cb^vunda-R^yaip II

kanda ]| ene negarda Rayanim kiyi- |yau arppinoj kajpa-kujadin attajagam gun- |
pinol ambudhig adbikani pern- | pinoj aggada M era-giidgav uddam Biddam

yri II dbare kampam-golgam asa-kari pe^ajngum Amblioja-jam bercbbugum sa- |

garam ettan mereyaai datugiun anupama-dos-sabasam Sarvva-Devain j
dhuradol pimmettidandunp para-yanitege soltandum itt arttbig ill end |
eradam matadidandum bbaya-vasade saran-bokkaram kayadanduar ll

nudi Kanakadriyol kadasid akkarav aiinm madebha-vairiyol |

madagida bayke danam amaravanijatada jauvvanan dbanam j
badavanabayta.. .. stu kalusbana pralay£iui4an-8!gey-andacQ en- |
dade balik enan endape mabbnnatiyatp vibbu-SarTva-Deyanaip |(

kanda H vinaya-nidbauam vidvaj- |jana-tilakam Sarwa-Deva-dandadbipan end |

anupama-Laksbmiy id enisuva- j vauite niabAsatiyorolage Sautala-Devi ||
sati-ratna-Santikabbega |vitaraliadoju negai’da Sarwa-Deya-cbamiipaAg 1
atula-balan osedu puttida- | n atisayain ag eseva Sovi-Deya-kumaraip ||

Pulikara-nagarada SomS- j Svara-deva-vara-prasadadindam Some- |

svaran ndayisal udayisidudu \siri sale nile Sarvva-De\'an'anvaj'ak ella ||

Sbinain budba-jana-varidbi- 1 soinam kavi-gamaka-vadi-vagmitva-guici&'' 1

rainam vara-vadbu-jana- \Kainari sangraraa-rangad edeyolu Bbimain ||

tauag isbtain daivam Isam pored-adbipati Chalnkya-obakresvara j, saj- j

jaua-vandyaai Nagavarmma a janakan amale-tay Magiyakkam jagafc-p4- j
vana-rnpa ;rVamadeva-brati gpi’uv annjani Rayanum Biddaniirn pu- |
tran udattap Sovi-Devam snjanare sakliar e.p dbanyano Sai’vva-D^vaai li

k a n d a j! Hara-pada-padma-sbatpada- | n m-n-teja o •■'arvy-i-Deyan-anvayak ellaip |

dm’ita-bar’ani maduva sad- | gurn-kulama/p bbaktiyindam esadir-e pelyetn ||

vri 11 vara-Kalamnkba-abakravartfci muni divya-juani Kasmira-de- (

Tara santanadol a-Trilbobana-munindrang agra-sisbyain V are- (
svara-devam tapad aidiakaran anaalaai nisbtba-param pandita- |
bbarsjra p dbvara devan Isvarana pad&radhakarp dbarmmikam jj

kbala-karinmantakan i-Varesvara-munindrarp ^iksbe malalke nir- |

mala-bbavoktiya Sarvva-Deva-vibbu Valligrameyol rridbiyatn |
tsdedirpp a-Tripurantakakke tilakap naatt ante nbrppaga pon- j
galasain tan enisalke ma4isidan i-Sarwesvaravasamarn |1

eleg ella-p Bali-rajadbani nayanakk anandam end Indran i- |

polalap nodutam irdd ad iHiye vimanam nindud embantir i- [
154 S h ik arp u r T alu q.
ttajam a g oppire Saravva-Devan amala-Si'i-k^mini-vallabhaqa |
kalaSarohariatn age madisidan i-Sarvesvarav&samam '|

idu Idkottaram ambinam negarda Valligram adol Meru tan )

idu Kaijasam id embinam dharegav akasakkav udittan int [
idan Ambboja-jan embina™ jana-nutarn §ri-Sarvva-Devan mano- |
mudadinn. mddisidam vicbitra-taramam Sarwe^varavasamam I

samadbigata-panclia-maba-iabda maba-samantadbipati maba-prachanda-da^idanayaka sisbte'

sbta-pbaja-pi’adayaka dvija-;c ula-pay6nidbi-ka],adbara guna-ratna-Eobana-mabidhara sajjan^bba-
raiaa pati-karyya-samuddbarana svami-mauo-ranjanan abita-mada-bbanjana nayagam acba-
ryyan acbalita-dbairya namadi-samasta-prasasti-sabita srimad-dajridanayabacfi Sarvva-Devarasaru
srimacb-Cbalukya-Vikrama-kalada 21 neya Dbatu-sanvatsarada Pusbya-su 5 Adivarad-andin-utta-
rayan.a-sa6kranti-vyati]3atad andu rajadbaai-Balligram eyolu tanna madisida srimat-^arve^yara-
devar-anga-bbogakkatn nivedyakhav alliya tapodbanar-asanacbcbbadanakkam pradbana-sametaa
cbakravarttige binnapain geydij, Parame^vara-dattiyagi tala-vittiyoln Balliya-bayaloju ga d d e
matta I Nagarikbanda 70 ra baliya bada Harnvadeppamam yama - niyama - svadbyaya-dbyana**
dbarana-maunanusbtbana-japa-sainadbi-sila-sampannar appa srimat-Varesyara- pan(Jita-devara
kalam karclicbi dbara-purvvaka sarva-namaiyamagi bittar int i-dhai*mmauian avan o rw a m
pratipajisidavam Kuruksbetradolan Varanasiyolarn Prayageyolav Ai'ggbyatirttbadolam sAsira-
kavijeyam kodum kolagumarn pancba-ratnagalolu kattisi sasira-veda-pdragar appa B rabm anargg
ubbaya-mukhi-gotta puuyaman eydugum idan alidavau a-punya-tirttbangalol anitu kavileyu-
matn anibar-Brahmanaruman alida-patakaman eydugn || {usual final verses).

In the same place, on a second stone.

nainas tunga &c. ||

svasti samadbiga ........... maba-sabda maba-mandalesvaram Kolabi-pura-varadbi^yarain P a d -
mavati-labdba-Tara-prasadarn rajadliiraja PernitnAdi-D^vam svasti srim acb-Cb^ukya-Vikram ada
27 neya Cbitrabbanu-sawivatsarada Pbalgana-babula-padyami-Somavaradandu V a d era ficb a ra sa ^
bidinge dajiy ittode Yiragarasana b a n ^ A laiigonte-sasirake.... puttida Mallayya K ariyaya-
Nayakam Padmavati-labdba-vara-prasddaoi ^bill-auka^k4ra.n a-nayakan-a}iyam Bibaya-Naya-
kam pade-mecbcbe-gaEidam paricbchbedi - gandara niafigalad-ayamatn bedikondu H aruvana-
baUiyuvam Kedaramam muttida Bedar-AybarsauoJ kadi talt iridu sura-loka-praptan adaip ||
jitena labbyate &o. ||

On a stone in the same matha.

T&raya-sainvatsarada Margasira - Suda - pancbamiyalu Adapa-Nayakanaiyanavara karyake

kartarAda Lingarasaiyanavara Krisbnayyanu Karuvag-ala . . yage kotta b o l a ............
S hikarpu r T alu q. 15 5

On copperplates of the same matha,
(N4gart characters.)

{11) namas tunga &c. |

jayaty Mi-Varahasya damslitra-koti-pi-atishthita |
mahi Mandakini-mula-stliita-Vishnii-pad6pam4 I1

Hara-ckatura-lalata-sveda-biudoh kadamba-
kskitija-iala-dharapyam avirasit Kadam bah |
saia]a-bhuja-cbatushk6 b b^ a -n etrah Purarili
para iva niravadyodara-vidyaTadatab H

samajani tasmad ekab khadga-balakraata-mediiii-cbakrab j

nija-bbuja-nirjita-VarmS, Mayuravarma dbaradUsab ||

tasmafc purvra-mahidhrad ravir iva bhupo babbuva Ravivai’ ma |

tad-apatyacfi Nrigavarma tasinat sri-Kirtivarmabhufi ||

astd Vikrama-Tailapa-ksbitipatis tatrauvavaye karat

krisbnabi-spliufca-jagaruka-cbaritah pratyartbi-sai’vankasbah |
yasyajaama-makbavasana-salilair yupavali-cbcbayaya
dppto’ dyapi cbatusb-pado vrisba-varab svairam parikramati ||

abbavat Tailama-samjno yamsS tasyoru-vikramo raja |

anunaya-vasikritakbila-jalanidbi-ra^ana-mabi-kara-graba^alt II

yiras tsamad ajani jagatan bbagadbeyaika-niurtib

devas tyaga-tri-bbuvana-gurub Kania-Devab ksbitisab ]
yasyaudaryatp patbi patbi tatba pattanS pattane’ smin
grame grdme disi disi sada vandino varnayanti ||

tasmat svi-K4ma-bbupalad abbun Malla-dharapatib 1|

yad-ya^ah-ksbira-varasau brabmandaib kamatbayitagi ||

asit Padraavati patta-mahisbi Malla-bbupateb j

yad-yaso-Nilakarithasya kantba-nilayate nabhak ||

samajani Basavala-Den rajnas tasyaika-vallabbd rajni j

yasyam abbinava-iladano jafcas sri-Soma-bbupo’ sau |1

cbandlimiob kati mtagoh kati kati svarnacbalat katy atbo

kalpa-ksbmarubatab samabritavata brisbtbena saran kanan j
Dh&tra yd vidadbe kutuhalataya sri-Sdma-dbatripatir
nd cbed asya katbam bbavanti vimalas tat-tad-gunandim ll

yasya dig-vijayddyoge cbitram alaksbyate janaih |

tddifcah pratigarjanti nissana murchbita dvisbab 1|

evasti samadbigata-pancba- (Ila ) maba-sabda maba-mandalesvaraip Banavdsi-pura«varMb}|va~

rain Jayanti-Bri-Madbakesyara-deva-labdba-vara-prasada samasta-kula-mabfdhara«oliakra«chakra»
156 S h ik a rp u r T alu q.
varti-Himavad"girindra-rundra-tala-sthapita-nija-yas6dyacli- cliandrasila -jaya-stainbhanum K§,_
damba-kula-katnala-martandanuni para-nripati-raakuta-gbattita-obaranaraviudai’yugajaiium pei>-.
matti-turya-nirghoshananum Sakbacbarendra-dlivaja - virajaiaana-manottanga-simha - laficllha-
nauura cbatiirMiti-nagaradhisbtbita-nijamatya-sarfchamim aneka^vamedbava-bhrita-jalfi/Vag^ba-
pavitra-gatranum Ajja-devi“]abdba-[va]ra-pras&danum safcya-rafcnakaram vairimada-bhafijananum
saranagafca-vraja-panjara kaligala-aukasefcy-adi-namavaji-virajifcak si'i-vira-Soma-bhumipatih B ana
Tasi-deSa-pramukbakbil.a-dbaraiu-talam nisbkaiit.akam palayan dharma-sacbivair d ba rm a -
katbaip srinvann ekadagraliara-karaiieuatmano jaam a saphalain kartum iobcbban V i}am bi-sam
vatsarasy-Ashadba-krisbna-pakshamavasyayam tiiliau Somavai'a-yuktayam gurya-graban^ H arm i-
hajli-kampaualankara-bbutara Kelligundabbidhaaam gramottamajn Kuppaturu-Pananje-Gedeya-
Pii’iya-Kelligod-iti-grama-cbatusbtaya-madhyavarfcinam Senavalli-Kacbcbhavi-M avinaballiti palli-
traya-yutaia uidbi-niksbSpashta-bhaga-tojas-svamyadi-sakala-vishayopetam anangali-preksbaBit-
yam sarVanamasyatn naua-gotrebbyab sapta-sbashti-sankiiyakebbyo Brabmanebbyo biraonyd-
daka-dbara-purvakara datfcavS.n j (Jiere follow mmes, of donees) Siddbesrai'asyaikS. vrittih
veda-§astray6h pratyekam ekaika vi’itfcih evam ekona-saptati-vritfcik mabajanaib (r)u rod e-R agba-
v a y a sasanai’tbam vim,^afci-kamba-saukbyaki punas sva-praybjan&rtbaip da.^a-kamba-sabkby&ka
bbum ir dbara-purbbaka-datta || atba tasya gramasya sima-nirnaynb kriyate (liere follow details of
houndaries) .

dduani va prdanam vapi danacb chbreyo’ uupalaiiam ]

dan&t svargam avapnoti p ^ an a d acbyutam padam ||
sva'dattS.m para-dattaip va yo barefca vasundbai’ain |
sbasbtbi-vai'sba-sahasrani visbtb% ain jayate ki’imjh ||
gam ekim ratnikam ek^m bbum er apy ekam afigulam |
baran narakam apnoti'yavad a-bbbta-samplavam ||
na visbam visbatn ity abur btabm asvam visbam ncbyate |
■visbam ekakinam banti brabmasvam pnti’a-pautrakam ||

On a stone to the right of the door-viay of the Somesvara temple.

Sri-Vaiii-Girijadbipar Garuda-bamsoksb&sanar varddbi-ra- j

jiv’adrindra-nivasigal madbupa-i’ aktambborubendu-prabbar |
ddevar satra-rajas-tamo-guna-yutar dvy*asbta-tri-netr6tpalar |
Govindabjaja-S'ankai’a-tri-pui’usbar pajikke nammain cbiram ||

namas tuaga &c. ||

svasti samasta-bbuvanisrayam sri-prifcbvi-vallabbara mabarajadbirajam paramesvaram pai’a^ia-
bbattarakam Satyalraya-kula-tijakam Cbaiukya-bbarariam sriinat-Ti ailokyamalla'Deva-vijaya-
rS.jyam ufetarottarabbivciddbi-pravardbamanam a-cbandrarkka-taratp-baram sallactam ire j|

Meru-girindradante VibpdbMrayan Kvavanant Umesan a* |

sa-radanindranant adbika*danan Abisvarauante visva-bbu« |
S h ik arpu r T alu q. 157
bhlra-bhara-kshamam vidhuvinaate kajaspadau ambudhiyante La-1
kshmi-ramaniya-janma-nilayarp negard Afaavamalla-vallabha 1|
Chola-madebha-kesari Kalinga-ghanaghana-3han^a-v§,yu Pan-1
chaja-tamas-tamo’ri Magadhavanija-braja-dava-pavakam |
Ma}ava-g6tra-sai{a-pavi Korala-pannaga-Panuagari Ne- |
paia-balambur&si-ba^avanajau Ahavamalla-yallabha ||
pravimala-kirttiyol vibhavado} sucharitrado]. arppino} maha- |
hava-jayado} gunonnatiyol AhavamallanoJ am samauav era- i .
b avanipaa 6m Yayatiyo Bhagirthano Piirukutsano Purd- |
ravano Dilipano Bharatano Nagano Nahushavamsano |)
ei’agada vtrad afijad adatar s^ara^-enuada-rayar endud an- 1
t irad ataviSvarar jJavana barige vSgada yuddha-lalasar i
mmare-vugad afikacbeyar ijid odada durggada gandar a^ki belu-1
kurada madandhar ill idu parakraraara Ahavamalla-devana H
kshauadim Malavara ejum eyde vijayakk eydittu sandirda-Kod- !
kana? ejum Maley eluni aSji besekeydatt ovad dnt ahavan- i
ganadoj Chojikan arami sattan akhila-dvipavani-pajaka- i
graniga], kappaman ittar,en adatano Trai}6kyamalladhipam ||

svasti samasta-praSasti-sahita ^rimad-anadi-pat^anam rajadhani-Balligrameya patta^a-raadhyadolu sri-

madu va^dha-byavabdri Halikabbeya S6vi-SettiSaka-yarsbada976neya Jaya-samvatsarad* Vaisakha-
bahula-Aksheya-tritiyad Araavaso-Adivara-nimittara dbarmma-chittar agi linga-pratish^heyatp madly
Abhiaava-Somesvara-devareadn pesaran a-devava sn§,aa-nivedyakkara nandadivigegav tlliy achary-
yara grkaakkav endu bitta tala-vritti Arekereyal^elagana gadde Katsaviya-galeyolu mattar eradu a-
kereyo}agana bhnmi gadde beddalu sahita mattara nalku a-bhumige sime mbdalu Cbandresvara-
devara bhamiye mere teukalu Bendeya-kereya tenkania-kodyiiri paduva mundagi parida-jala-pravalia-
■ve mere pa^nval Ajakere-yeriye mere badagalu Gbaturmukba-devara bhumiye mere Arakereya
kelagai.ia-bbfimi mattar eradara sime raudalu Mnlastbanada devara tontada bhftmiye mere tebkalu
Paiicba-lingada bh&miye mere pa(Jnvala Bbagavati-deviya bbfimiye mere badagalu kerege bitta bbumi-
ye mere a-keyeya badagana-ko(Ji-yeriya kelagana-pudontav onduman a-devara tenkana kelada raja-
yidhiyim badagan afigadigalumara 6,-raja-vidhiyim tenkaii-axigadigala hindana ketiy ondumam Tamm-
aradhyar pattanada mkliga Jnanasiva-devara kalam karchchi dhara-purwaka sarvya-namAya-sarva-
b§,dha-paribaram S,gi bittan a-devdlyamIdta-kramadim jirnijiav again pattanasavi Mechi-Settl Kirtti-
Settiy asesha-nagara pancha-maiham hiriya-matbain Bherundesvarad achaiyyam Muliga-Madukesvara*
paniJita-devavuinPaucha-lingad-ach§,ryya-Sarbbe^vara-pandita-devarum Tripurantakad-icharyya Jnana-
sakti-devarura. var intinimbara sannidhanadalii samasta-mumrauri-dandamum D&aa-desi-byavahariga-
Inm Manigara-Maliadeva-Setti int inibarum tamma dharmraav agi kaikondu Gavare^vara-derar endu
pesaran ittu jiruuoddbaramaiii madid aynurvvara prasasli svasti samasta-bhuvana-vikhyata-pancba-sata-
yjra'Bananju-dharmma-pratipala-visuddba-gudda-dhvaja--vira)amaaa-mananuaa-s6hRsa-lakshmy“ alin-
©ta-vaksbaGlbala-bbuvana-parakramonnatavum V§,sudeva-Khandali--Mulabbadra—vamSodbbavarmp
Bbagavati-labdba-vara-prasadarum dvatrira6adu-ve}omarav asbtada§a-pattananga}u cbausbashtbi-
yoga-pitbamum cbatur-ddisey-asrama-nana-dela-bbramantukaravargge puttiyum Krita-yuga-Trete^
Dvapara-Kali-yugam modal age Brabtna-Visbuu-Mabesvararavara matam pritbviy* hasumbey age
asbta-loka-palakare goutage Vasugiye balas age pbani-kiilangaje darav agi bokkan* vola-vasumbey
a g i cbakrame belav agi kiir-asiye mara-surigey age basumbeyol amulya-vastugaj* vastuga] agi
158 S hik& rpu r T a lu q .
Lala-Barvvara-Parasa-NepaJa-Ekapada-Lambakarrina-Stri-rajya-GhoJamakhain emba litfiia'de-
^angalolara gfama-nagara-kheda-kharvvada-madainba-pattaiia-diojiainukba-samvahanav emba digu-
daati-pattanaugalain pada-margga-jala-marggadoja 8hat-kbaada-manda]anga }am pokkku bbadra-
maraga-pavala-marakata-karkketana--naaa-vastungalumaa elWavaagav-agara-cbandana-karppftra-
kasturi-kudkuma-malegajadi-sugaadlia-dravyafigalamam pejriyum mnriyuQi pegaloj antu su6ka-
chchliayamumain kidisi cbakravarttiya suvarnua-bhapdaramumani manikya-bhandaramumam
pattisa-bhandarainumam tekkane tivi mikkudarolu chatus-samaya-sbadu-darsana-vilishta-vidagdha-
pandita-muni-janafigalge nityam bese-keyyuttatja avara parasida-a^rvv§lda-fia.ta-saba8ra-vacha-
nangalam taleyol aiitu kaykojuttam Mahadevarumau isht§,-devarum agi bagedu dhammartha-katoa-
bhogangalma maba-sukhadin anubhavisutta garddapa-mabishS-vahaka-chSlabharaiia-bhusUtar
appa entum nada padinamvarum gavajegalum gatrigarura settiyarurp settiguttarum aftkak&ra-
rurp biraruip biravanigaruip gandigai’um gavundarttm gavunda-st&migalu enta balabke-danda-
hastaruip aneyS bheriy agi bheriye raaddajey agi bs}u*godegaIe nejal agi maM-samudram§ nir-
garigey agi ladraae karagarvalan agi Varunane gajevidivan &g i Dhanadane bha^d&rigan agi nava-
gi-ahaugale kinkaiiav agi Rahuve tongal age Ketuve surigsy agi Kujikane moaey % i chandradityark-
kale bembalav agi muvattu-mu-devarkale notakarkal agi kshamey emba balam kirttu krodha-^atl'UT
emba bagevaaaa iridu kadi gelda bhafcariya makkala davaruga para-nirghghoskaparum appa Siimad-
Aiyyavojey-ainurvvar-svamigaja taramaj ollidarum nirmmala-tejarurp teja-tSjottungarum satyadala
Gangeyar-aimai’um chaladala Duryyodhanan-annarutp dor-vvaladalu BhioiaSenan-anuarum aneyentey
atfci koluvaruip hasavinante niudu koluvaram hSvinante vishade koluvaruip siiphadante sirdda
koluvarurp Brihaspatiyaute buddhimantaruin Narayananaafc upaya-karttararuip Narada-risbiyante
kalaba-sampurpriarura benderi mirttu-garavarmp boha-Mariya cballavaduvai'uip baha-Mariyan idir-
ggoluvaram huttirda-huliyam kenakuvarum hariva bbandiya kalam kavaratn kesaram kichchidu-
varuip maniJa saraviyam posavarum sidilam pididii torppanup chandradifcyarkaiaip nejak ilihu-
varuip Isvara-bhattarakaua nosala-kappu cbatur-bbujamumaip Brahmar-attahasamumam Bhagavatig
unmatbainumam appa trailokya-vakya-vachaiiaugalmam sadisuva-Sadhakanaate traijokyamam
sadisuva-Gudda-iastrad avayava-lakshanangalan aridu nudiv aftgadi-vandirggajmaip dese-masagi
bappa pasumbegam kapa-parida-karttegam muridu birdda penakkam sujevoda-bbandakkain ettida-
nettara-kuregaip patta-palakkam payda-beligam mbrey eipba sabdakkam sameya-dbarmmakka
kudida-sanghatakkam madida-byavastbegaip tappavar allaru tongalinante pagevana taleyam kond»
pattigeyante pagevana hastavam katti mere varum pairavan ollaru peiiakke nallar svasti samasta-
prasasfci-sabitam ^rimad-Ayyavoley-aynurvva-svamigaJge sa^btaugav eragi podavatta ikku hasumbe-
yafp nidu sasiyaip kudu settl srimad-Ayyavo}ey-aynurvva-svamigaIge talige-dambulamam boyi jaya-
mangalamam (|

svasty anavarata-paramotsabigal enipa Irimad-Ayaurvvaruip pattapasavi-Mechi-Setti-Kirtti-Setti-

mukhyav-ase$ha-uagaraDgaluip GavarMvara-devara anga-bhogakkav alliya khanda-sphutita-jirnuo-
-ddbarakam kotta-dbarmmayaip ^ri-nagaraugaj-angadigalalu varsbakke pratjeka \isaip hattu chinna-
geyikada byavaharigalu pratyeka varsbakke visam hattu stbalada gavaregaju varsbakke basumbege
panav ondu n§,aa-de^i-gavaregalu varsbakke basumbege bagav ondu karppura-kastftri-kuakuma-sri-
kbapdam mutt-olagagi samasta-tbkada-bbandav anitakkam ponge kapi eradu stbalada dusiga-vyavaha-
rlgajalaip nana-desi-dusiga-vyavaharigajalutp ponge kapi eradu melasu-jirige-sasavi-sadahuge-vova*
kottumbaliy-ojagagi ponge visav ondu sakbkhare-yipgu-sunthi-bippali-eleyakiy allav arisina naru beru
sam asta-tukadabhaplakke ponge visa ondu bejjunka vadda-ravulake nadava dandanayakaru hattak
oadu herina suukavaip bitju kottaru sthajada hejuva Bapaiijigaru boragapiip banda s.niasta-BanaSji-
garam heringe mana vondu malag&ra nalvatt-okalalu tamma karandagegajalu praty^ra huvina sarav
SM kSrpur T a liq . 159

•ondu tambuliga sasirbbaralu Chaitra-pavitrada parvva-biyakke vokkalalu ele sayirav onduip telligar_-
aivatfc'Okkalakm devara nandadivigege ganafigalala pratyeka eiuie sopfige Tonda Jid(JuJige-yeppat-»
tara raauneya Ekkalarasam inukhyav agi naj-prabhu Chittavura KaJa-Gava^daPum (pthers «a>wed)
liamasta-prabhu-gavundugalum tam-tamia-uralu varsharti-prati devavige kotfca pauav aydu Nagarakhan-
dav*eppattara maaoeya Sovi-deva-mukhya Konavabfeiya Prithiyi-Settiyam {others named) samasta-
prabbu-gavimdugaliitti tam-tamai-ufala varshara-prati devargge kotta-paiiav aydu Edeuad-eppatfcara
manueyam Sovarasa-Praiiamarasa-mukhyav agiy agrabiram Eleseya mahajanaugalum Kuppagedeya
mahajanangalutn Osayiira-Bhiva-Gavundanum {others named) antu samasta-prabbu-gavuiji4Pga|P>P
Tarshakka ur-ura!u panav aydam kottaru {further grants) priyadia ar orbbar i-dharma«
mam pratipalipar avarggaiu Kuru-kshetradoja Gayeyoju Gangeyolu VaraiiftsiyoJ Arghyatirtthadoju
T*da-,4».8tra-prayukta-niyama-nisbt!uta-vipra-k6tige koti-kavileyana vidhiyiiid ubhaya-nmkhiyaiu bayasi
kuduTerppa punyatithiyol itta punya-pbalamarp padevar saiid&bam unte {usual final verses).
van& vana-tarun agair ddahau mulaiii rakshati 1
^kulaip sapdahati saha-mulam vina§yati H

Hiriya-mathad acbaryya - Mdliga-Madbiikesvai’a-papdita-devaruv avai'a putra Dharmraasiva-devaruiri

■tamma Mulasthana-devara Iceriyolago padavana-keriyalli Manigaja MahMeyi-Settiyarige hattu-
kaiyya maaey ondu | teakana keriyalli Mapigara-Lakmi-Settiyai'ige battu-kaiyya mapsy. oaduvaip
sarva-uaipaiyav a-cbaiidrS.rkka4arani-baram salvaat agi kotfcar ||i§riman-maha-mandalesyaraip E kkat-
arasana daadanayaka-Kapiarasam W-GayaieSvara-devarge koijavisadalli bitta ettu hattu 11-

■im pamas S'ivabbyatn sanucharabhyani 1|

namas tuuga-siraS-cbumbi'cbapdra-chamara-charave |
trail6kya-nagararambba-miila-stambhkya S’ambhave ||
namaS 4asvatikananta-j&anaisvaryyauiayS.tmatie i
8ankalpa-saphala(in)-BraUma-3tambharambhaya SkrabhaTe 1|

<}aii44y»ram painab H
vyatnilrakinma-yarnaaip pada-sarasijav a-pada-paiikejakaqi hrid-|
yyomavasaip Trimurttisvarara vara-gu^am trai-jagatrkaryyav ant a- |
vyoraAdhikm Mabesaqi kudug abhiiaatamam Kesirajauge nichcha j|

utpalamUe 1| a'-jagadalll mavtya-bhuvanatn kadu rayyav adarkke sam- |

rajitav appa Bh3,rata*niabitalav allige Kuntaja-kshiti |
bhrajitav a-vasundliareyavam Mayan uydade tanda VishnpvnI |
rajita-chakravavtti vibhu Bijjana-Devane tajdan arttbiyim ||

Trachana 11 a-samasta-bhavana-bhavanasry a si’i-pritbvi-vallabham i mabarajadhiraja | paramelvaram f

parama-bbattaraka i Kalacbaryya kuja-kamala-marttauia | kadana-pracliaada I mixna-Kanakachala l
■pubkatai’-aditya \kaligal-aukusa i gaja-samanta sarapagata-vraja-panjara i pratapa-Laiikesvara |para-
nan-sabodara \ S'anivara-siddbi l Giridurga-malla \cbalad-anka-Bama |vairibha kaptbirava |Nissanlu;—
maliAdi-samasta-guiia-namangal ellam yatbarttha-iiamangal ada ^limad-Bijjana-Devam prithv.i'va|ija—
m a n i^daii ent endada |1
^l4!'ddu1avikl■ldita ;j prltbvi yd, Pmtbund para chiratarani mudbeuagotvarn gita
seyam Bijjana-Deva-patta-mahisln-Vrittiiu cbirara kridate 1
*So in the original.
160 Sbik& rpur Taluq.
ratnaip deva tathaiva bhati bhuvane ve}adhipadhasthale
Vishnor vvaksliasi kaustubham nripa-vara-praudhena sa slagbata H
■vachana || a-bhuja-bala-chakravartti-tanujam 1 manuja-Mauojain i lajadhiraja j raja-marttandarn t
Isadaua-prachanda 1 mrigaraadamoda | vitaraiia-vinodam raya-Murari Sovi-Devam vasudhatalam-
ellaiuam sukbadin aid ire 1|

kanda || tat-samanantaradol dhare-1

g utsavamam madl satya-Saucba-bratada Sa- I
ritsuta-doreyam uava Puru- 1
kutsam Saftkamma-Devan aldam dhareyam ||

allini balikkav Ahava- I

raallam tad-anujan udatta-sauryam marttau-1
dollasita-tejan aprati- l
mkllam dliatrisaa agi sukhadiad irdda ||

utpalamale 1| Gaula-mada-dvipa-kshubhita-kesavi ChauUka-sainya-machchha>8an- |

chalita-galan'Andhra-vasudheSa-ghanaghana-dakshinamlara l
MaJava-raja-hamsa-nichayodgata-meglia-nikaya-nisvaTiam i

palisidam mahi-talaman Ahavamalla-nripalan alkarim |1

vacbana || a-raja-cliakiesva[ra]na raj}'a-pradhana-saktigale maha-pradbauar adar avara svabbava-sa-

marttliyara ent eudade 1|

lloka II Kuntalalokanad eva KaScbi »kbalati sanabhramat I

ayi Laksbmana-dandasa pritbvi tvayy eva rSgini ||

kanda 1| gandina Yijayadityana i

nmndalimam suttu Chola-Hoysala-rajyam i
go^d ulida-ripurDripalaran i
andalavam daiidauatba-Cbandngi-deva ||

utpalamale || vairi-nripala-patta-mabishi-vara-pandara-gan^a-kantiyain |
sairene-getta-chataka-kulam hima-dtdbitiy cudn shatpadam 1
cbara-sitabjam endii kalaharasa-kularn bisa-kandam 6ndu safi- I
charisi lokamam nagisugum vibhu Rechana-daiidanathana H

champakamale 1| para-bita-vrittiyol Sibi parartthadol a-Uavinandanam urita- l

daratege Dliarmma-nandanano mum toneyappad adakkuv allada- 1
para-hita-vrittigam vitaranonnatigam vara-satya-vanigain i
dorey enal are S6vana-chamupatiyant ir ila-talagradol ||

utpalamale || deseya gajangalalli sura-danti mrigaligajol mrtgeSvaram 1

kasavaradalli Ratnanidbi nald-uikayadol Indraii abdhiyol 1
misuguva pal-gadal jasaman aldavol enduv alamba-pempu-ve-1
tt esadan ila-tal4gradol anam vibbu Kavana-dandanayakam |j
Vbchana 1| ant aneka-guna-ganalankrita-maba-pradhanar-sahitam srimad-Ahavamalla-mabipalakam
Mman-maba-pradhanam sakala-giinMhanani Bbaradvaja-gotra-pavitrain \ Kesava-deva-Pampambika-
pautram \Holalamarasa-Durggambika-putrani |Lakbma-devi-man6-nayana-vallabbam \bhaya-16bba-dur-
labbara l kadana-Trinetram | vibudha-jana-mitram | puratanamatya-charitram i sakala-guna-p^tram |
samadbigata-pauclia-maha-3abda maha-samanta-senapati bahattara-niyogadhishthayakam i sakaja-
laksbml-nayakam vairi-bbaya-dayakan emb i-binida-gupa-iiama-yatharttha srimat-Kesimayya-danda-
S hik^rpuf T aluq. 161
n^jakanani karalu dakshi^a dig-bhagada bhan^aravMa-deSamam bappanane dashta-mgraha>Sisbta-
pratipajanam malpud endu Banavase-nadara kodal caaba-prasMam endu kaykonda-mab&matyana
mabad-gupiabg4 ent endade ||

utpalam^le || Manu-chaya-sevya vpitti nija-vritti puratana-r4ja-niti t&in |

tanag ajavatta nitiye parartthaine tanna bhujarjjit^rtthav a- |
}dana mabimoanatitvame nijonaatiy S.Srita>tasbti tannad end |
enipa negajteyinde sale jivise KeSava-dapdauiyakaip ||
malevavar ilia gapn^-esavar ill idir-appavar ilia tejav end |
ulivavar ilia tantapipar ill ujt-id-irppavar ilia kayda band |
alevavar ilia tanna birud allade kabbada gitadalli m§,r- I
taleyavar ilia Krisb^^a-vibbu*KS§ava-deva-cbamupa-rS.jyadol jl

kanda 1| ir-mmadi Chanikyange pa- 1 *

dir-mmadi S'akajukage Bbrigug entuip t&ip |
nftr-mmadi Hariyindain sa- |
sir-mmadiy enal e$ava mantri-Kd§ava-d§va |1

fa t toimahS,-pradbS,natn Krisbnia-K^a^^a-d^va-da^dan^tbana saobivdttatnar ent endade It

ka II nadavaji Manu-ch§,ritryaip |
nudiy avitatba-vpitti bbakti-bhS,vaip, S'aivam |
gedego^d ippud enipp i- |
bedagim Narasinga-Nayakargg eijey §,varp H
balmeya mktinol eip i
Kali-kalmasba-rahUabge Tikka-rSjftfig ulid 1- 1
pul-rnknasaram dorey ene l
kal mlimkadantut endad ent ante ditaip |l
baravadu kfirttade deyvada i
barav adu me^ alladirddan kdadav ant I
baratam barisavan enal I
baravam barisuvan endum ein B&cbayya 11
bhaiiddra-Sovi-dSvam 1
bbapdaraip vandi-janake hofigala leCta^kkam |
bbapdSrirvesarin anyarl
ppajadita-nivahakk avishayar avar S-doreyar ||
patiya manadalli kS,ryya-1
pratatiye tanag uradavandir-edeyol Mrityu- 1
pratatiye bSdal surabhi- j
pratatiye tan enisi toravam Chamayyani, H
bhakti S'iva-padadoJ endum i
s&ktiye nudivalli para-bitartthadoj atya-1
saktiy enimrdda gupadim |
dik-tatiyol mepeye Bichirajatn jasavaip H
arttbarijaneya vyasanav ad |
avttbigal isbt§,rttba-siddhig allade pepat-ond- I
artihakk allam Sale S’iv a -1
tirttba Sri-DksirSijan ftrijita-tejam H
162 Shik^rpur Taluq.
Tft II mattav l-rSjadhir§ja-pradhanaatahkarana-rupar appa karagiangala ifiahatvamarp pSlvade H

II sarasa-ka^dndra-saipstuta-gunar kKamalasana-vaktra-sambhayar |
ppara-hita-kS,ryya-dhuryyar uchitokti-vilasa-nikaya-varyyar a- |
darita-dhar&mara-prakarar abdhi-samana-gabhira-dhirar f-1
srara-pada-bhakti-Idlar enipar kkara^anga} ad entu u6]padaip ||

va II antum alladeyum Lakshmi-deva-dandaaathana rajad-raja-tejo-rupar appa Hiriya-Vit^arasa-

nuin iChaDidugi-deva*dandaa§,yaka-prachaijda-d6r-ddanda-svarupaaum |Vaji-kuja-tijakam iBharadvaja-
g6tra.-pavitraip l Ittigeya-Duggi-S'etti-priya-putram i Desiya-dandaiiayakam Chikka-Vittharasanuni i vasu-
dhaika*bSndhava R§chanaiya-dandan§,yakara ch§;ru-ch§,ritryad aatir oppavam y6dhyi-tantr^dhishthS.ya-
ta-KeSam-deranuip |Soyanaiya-dapdanayaka-rajya-lakshini-tanujan enisida Kava^aiya-Nayakaruin KSi-
va9aiya-daii.dauayakara prachanda*k6d^nda-kanda-rechanad antir oppava Rechaijaiya-Niyakanuin
enisida raj&dhyaksha-sabitaip samasta-pradhanarim pariTfitan agi |tri-bhuvana-vibhavendram | sitaja-
chandraip Banavase-pannirchclihasiramaman antab-pravishtav appa Hayve-Santa}ige-Yededore-pra-
mukha-d§§amam sukha-sat-katha»viii6dadind ajuttav irdda vaddolagada samayadol dharmma-prasafiga*
mam pnttisidan atana niti-chaturyyamumam pur&tisayamumam pelvado H

mattebhayikridita ||muni-charitrane Kapilonuata-kulam rupasviye Kesavang i

enasum nachchina nandanain S'iva-dfige sri-Vamasaktisa-san-1
muni-hast^kita-mastakam chaturane pel Svami-devam ditakk |
ene pempim chalad-anka-Eaman osedam murum-puramatyaka |j
utpala II sthiratege Mefu sach-charitado} Mauuv adya-kavindra-vrittiyol |
Sarasati toda pasati samara gunam ujladav Arkka-sunuv a- 1
sthirategav a-charitrategav a-rasa-vrittigav a-dharitriyol i
dorey ene Savi-deva-sachivaip mudadim nudidam yathartthavam ||
ka rakshasan enasida Baliy and |
i-kshetradoj irddu kottu Manvantaradol |
sakshad Indraney enisidan j
kksharikam pogajal ariyen am Balipuramam ||

va II ada-k&rapav illi mattav enanum dharmraavam majpud endu bejal odalie tad astuv endu sriman-ma-
ha-mandalesvaram Tailaha-Devanuv avara bbavan 'Eraharasanum Srimad-rajadhani-Balipurada patfa-
Bia-svami Maji-Settiyarum pattana-svami Mechi-Sebtiyarum Paacba-matha-Hiriya-raatbad acbkryyar
Maiiga-Dbarmmasiva-devaram PaSoba-libgad kcbat-yya RudraSakti-dSvarum Tripurantakad-acb&ryya
JfianaSakti-devaru pramukha-nagara-paScba-matba-murum-purada Saudore-bei'gga^e Savi-devanUm
tat-pratibasta Cbatena-Tippauanum 1 Kannarana karumadadoj emb ant ettisida jasad-atti-gandarum |
Konkauamam sadbisi Vijayadityanal kappamam konija ga^da-raarttarjdaruip | MalaparoJ-gandam
Hoysala-vira-Ballala-Devange santosbavam m idi mannaueyarn badada janaika-manyarum enisidar
antum alladeyum ||
vri II stbirar ati-dbirar aSrita-janesbta-pbala-pradar eka-vikyar I-|
Svara-pada-bbaktar Iju-samayafigala sirae podajda nitig a^ i
karav enisirdda sacb-cbaritar uddbata-satvar udagra-punyar I - j
darita-viSisbtar embud idu saipstutiy altu Bananju-dbamimara ||

int aneka-prakiradim stdyamanar appa srfmad-AyyavoJe-Cballunkbpramukbaneka-grama-nagara-kbe^a-

kbarvvada-madamba-dr6pamukba-pnra-pattatia*stha LaJa-Gaula-Earnnata-Bangala-Kalmiradi-dig-de-
ia v a s ig a ja ........pp ubbaya-nanl-d§5igal anavarata-tejo-r&par appa sthaja-purusbar mapigara-Maba-
devi-Setti manlgara-Maili-Setti mani5glra-Padma-Set$i manigaja-Manika-Se|ti S'iva-pada-llkhara-Mari-
S h iM rp u r TaJuq 163
S'et^i S6vi-Setti Holli-Setti S&^ige-Machi-Settiy olag§.gi samasta-va^ig-dh&rrmnikaravaip mahaniya-
p a .. shadani mS,4i svasti §rimat-Kalachuryya-bhuja-bala-chakravarti vira*Narayapi-Ahavamalla-Deva-
varsbada 3 QeyaPlava^samvatsarada S’rlva^a-babuja 1 3 .. Adiv§,ra-sa6kramana-vyat!patad andu I Ba}}i-
gaveyaBapafijigaralUya a*putrika-mritaka-dhanav ellaip Siimat-Gavai^fivara^ema m&ta,..di-deTa-
kaiyyakke nagaradalliy a-putrika-dhanav appudu NagarSSvara-devargge mattam paneha-matha mdj^iup.
purav eluip Brahmaparigalal ellav all-alliya m r i....... narappud all-alliya devarig endu firimad-Gavaf-
e5vara-d§vara §ri-p§,dadalli ^rtmat-Kelimayya-daflidaaayaka karanangai pradhSnar talara-sahita dhare
. . . . sarrya-byiha-parihS.rava,gi a-chandrarkka-taram-bararSalvaatAgi ko^taa i-dbarmmamaiii nSd-arasu
galuv adhik§,rigaja nagara-paScba-matba m ujum -pura...................................... ri-danda6ga|uip prati-
palisuvaf 11i-dharmmamaa avan agiyuv alidavaaj arasinge rSja-droha nadinge sapiaya*dr6ha {usml
final phrases and verses).
On a stone near the same temple.
Srimat-parama-gambbira-sy§,dvaddm6gba-lafichhanam i
jiyat trai|6kya-pathasya Sasanam Jina-^asanain 0

svasti samasta-bhuvaaMraya SriTppithvi-vallabha mahardjadhiraja paramS^vara paraaia-bhattarakam

Satyasraya-kaja-tilakam Cbalukyabbaranani Srimat-Trailokyatnalla-Devara vijaya-rajyam pravarttise
tat-pada-pallav6pa§6bhit6ttamaugam svasti samadhigata-pancha-maha-sabda maha-mandalesvaram
Banavasi-pura-varesvaram MahS,lakshmMabdha-vara-praslLdam tyaga-vinodam ayad-achSryyan a-
sahaya-Sauryyam gapdara gandam ganda-bbSrundam milru-r&yastbana-kali biruda-mandalika-vrisha-
bha-S'aiikaram kaligaja mogada kayi birudar-Mityam pratyaksha-Vikramaditya iagad-eka-dani-na-
madi-samasta-praSasti-sahitam 6riman.maha-mandale§varam C b a .. nda-Rayarasar Banavasi-pannir-
cbchbasiraman Mattam iral rajadbani-BaJligaveya nelevidiaoj S’aka-varsha 970 neya Sarvvadhari-
samvatsarada Jyeshtha-§uddha*tray6daSi-Adityavaradandu Jajabuti4ri-S’antiaatba-sambandhiy appa
Bajagara-ganada Meghanandi-bhattarakara Mshyar appa KeSavanandi-ashtopavasi-bhalMara basadige
puja-nimittadim dhara-pMwakam Jiddulige 70 ra baUya r§,jadhani-BaJligaveya pdlleya-bayalol
bherupda-galeyol kotta galde mattar aydu adara sime {details of boundaries)

dharmmena ^aUryya-satyena tyagSna cba mabitale |

gapda-bberuuda-sadfiSyd na bhuto na bbavisbyati 1
{usual final verses)

Banavase-desad olagana i

Jina-nilayam Visbnu-nilayam Isvara-nilayam ]

mum-gana-tillayam ivatn RM i
yana besadiin Nagavarmma-vibbu madisidam H

On a viralcal to the left of the same temple.

svasti srimat-Yadava-NMayana bbuja-baja praudha-prat§.pa cbakravarti §ri-Ramacbandra-Raya*vijan

ya-rajyodayada 14 neyaTMapa-saipvatsarada VayisMba-suddha 10 la Sriman-mft-prabhu Ddyiga Che*
. . . . cbalad-aAka Madi-Settiya........... mutti kadidaUi............... . y AlameleyoJ ane kedahi ta}t iyidu
. . . . sura-loka-praptan kda 11 *
364 S hik arpu r T aluq.
At the same village, on a stone in the way to Anevatte.

iri 6in nam$ MrHya9S.ya ||

jayaty avishkritain Vish^ior vvaraham kghobhitarp^iavajp |

dakshindanata-daipsbtragra'visraata-bhuvabaiii vapuh ||
Barvveshv 4rambba-kalSshu trayas tri-bhuvaneSvarak |
derail disantu nab siddhiqi BrahmeS3.na-Janarddanah j|
S'ri-kanta-pati vikramarjjita-BaJi-ksboultalaip vilva-16-1
kaika-stutya-daSaratara-yutan udyachcbhabkba-chakr&bja-la- |
kshmS,kirnpatma-karagran enna-vol ivaip tan endu sanandadind |
a-kalp§.yuvan ige EesaTa-cbambpabg ^galuip Kefiavam |1
amritarobhor^i-SayySsadanadoJ uru-v5chi-salnuttufiga-mafich&- |
grima-S'eshanaJpa-taJpa-sthaladol agba*haram S'ridharain y6ga-nidro- |
dyaraadind irdd erddu visvojjanana-vidhige chittain daral tanna s&ma-l
rttbyame rup adante nlibby-ambiirubadin ogedam cbinmayam Fadmafiadmam
kramadiin tat-Padmajaip madida sa^ja-jagach-chakradojil&deyaiii ma-1
dhyama-lokam chelvan a-lokadojav ati-manohariy Sgirppnd atyu- 1
ttama-Jambu-dvfpav fi,-dvfpadoJav atilayani Bharatorwitalam ma- |
ttam enittanutn lad-urrritaladolar anisatp Knntala-kshdpi rayyain ||

va Dtat>Kanta}a.dharata}adhipatyaman ta|di ||
ka l|paramarHari-nabhi-kamalo* |
darado} janiyisida vinuta-Chaturasyana b h i- 1
Buratara-savyetara-doj- 1
parigbadin udayisidud alte Cbajukya-kulam ||

tat-kula-prabbaraip ||

vfi II sipuv eled uyda bbfttajaman eyde rasatajadinde tanda ta- 1

d-ripuva parakramakke nija-vikramav irmmadiy S.ge Battari* |
nd apahritav ada visva-dharapi-tajamatn bidad ildnkonda T ju- i
lapa-nripan §,dar uddharisidan dal atarkya-ChaJukya-vainSamani ||
ra I] tad*anantarai!i ||

ejeyam tan-nandanam tajdidan avanata-varddbishfliu-SatySSraydrvvi- 1

taja-pajam mattav allirn babke tad-anujatS,tmajan tSldidam d6r- 1
wala-dripfcam Vikramankam baiika tad-anujain t&Ididajn charu-cbandrd- I
jTala*kirtti-vyapta-saptarnnava-parivFita-bhii*cbakran app Ayyapayyam ||

ka II tat-prithvi-paty-avaraja- I
n utpatita-ripu-nripaja-kujan akhila-vipa- I
ficbit-parigatartti-naga-vida- |
4at-pavi sanibrita .. raipban a-Jayasimham II
ijeyam tamaja-kuja-kun-1
tajeyam nava-p0ga-k&nda-maridita-gaJa-kan- |
daleyam bbubbrit-kucha-man- |

am tat-tanayan aldan Ahavamallam ||

S h ik ^ p n r T alu q.
jaDa>nathatp taD>nppa-nan> |
danaa a-S6mesvaram tad-anujarp Perinma- I
4i-nirpam tad-apatyam bhft- |
Tinatain BhulSkamalian 4tana tanayam ||

vri I M&laVa-ma-lavadi-baraparp dhrita-pallava-Pallavkvani* |

pa}aka-manda}am mukuJa-hasta-yugatta-lalata-Lata-bhfi- i
mi-lalanadhipatp vipad-anuna-KaJinga-kalingan embud a - 1
bhiJa-parakrania-kramaDaa eyde jagam Jagadekamallanam 1|

kam a-nripan-aniijam inahimk I

dh&nam ripu-nikara-gaja-ghata-vighatana-pafi- |
ch^nanan udara, paka (
....................Nftrmmadi Tailam H
ta i tat-kaladol |
vfi I dharapi-chakrakk adhishthanam id (tnisidud atmiya-dor-ddapdam unma- I
tta-ripu-bratksu-vata^anade tanidud asata-khajgahi vidvad- i
Tara-cbetar-priti-saiitarpanade sada . . . . karfndro- 1
tkara-karnnakirpnav ayt ujvala-yaiav enipam Bijjala-kshoiiipiilam i|

kam p husiy altu vira-bhdjya |

vasundharH,y emba vakyam ene dhareyam sa-1
dhisidam tenk abdhiye bada- 1
ga-sime Chaiukya-katakav ene ba .. . . 1|
............... §,tangara ma-1
tte rapSyatangav eyde visvasateyam |
dorekojipan id em chitramo \
parakramodyoga-bhagi Bijjala-DSvam 1|
▼a II Bvasti samadhigata-paficha-mah4-sabda maha-rajadhirkja Kalaujara-pura-varadhiSva ................
vrishabha-dhvaja damaruga-t&ryya-nitgghoshana Kajachuryya-kula-karaaja-marttanda kadana-pra-
<3ba^da< mana-KanakJichaia subhatar-adifcya kaligaj-ankusa gaja-samanta saranagata-vajra-pafijara
prat3,pa ............n§,ri-sahodara S ’anivara-siddhi Giridurgga-malla Chalad-auka-Rama vairibba-kaytbi-
rava nis§afika-malla-nS,madi-pra^asti-sahitani 8i'imat*bhnja-bala-cbakravarlti Tribhuvanamalla-
Bijjala»Devatasara vijaya-rajya.. .. ttarabbivridclhi-pravarddhamlnam a-chandra-taraip saluttam ire |

katn II tad-bhftpa-pada-padma-mi-1.
Jad-bbringaip Brahmya-sila-samba-pata-1
prodbhinna-KaJi-nagam ni- |
tyodbhava-nidhi KSSirSja-dandadhisam || _

Tft Q 3,-chamunatha-chudamani........vataranam ent endode ||

kam II Brabmana kuladol Paraina- 1
Brahma-yidam sakala-muni-janananda-karam |
Brabmarsbi putti negaldan a-1
jihma-charitrambur&si Bharadvajam I|
▼a II tad-vatnSadol anSka-vipr6ttama-pravartta . . . . . . mariadol I
'■ s.
kam p ogedam Brahma-gu^iakara- |
n aganya-puny&dayam disa-kari-danta» I
S h ik a r p u r T a lu q ,

nuga-kirtti budha-nutoda-1
ra-guuain Chamunda-Rkjan ftrjjita-tejaip 1|
Sitana sati sakala-kala- I
nutana»Bharati nirantarodara-gano- |
........... d^da| akhil5> I
rvvi-talado} Muddiyakkan abaia-ratnam [|
avar-irvvarggam magandir mMaau-mulii-cbaritana Marapayyaip Mandj&-|
ta-vilasam Vama-d^vam jana-nutan enisirdd Echa-dap^adhipam ch i- |
ru-vivekam Bichirajam vitarapa-nijayam KeSavi . . . . . . I
dhavan a-G5vindaa atmairita-bhudha-jana-varddbishnu tatp Vishuu-derani [).
parikipod avatbl tarn n i l - 1
varinde kiriyam samantu piriyam matl- f
irvvarin ene sad-guna-nikari |
karan enisid amala-kirtti KeSava-Rajaip 1|

kain 11 Ratiyam P il’vratiya(tn)n Aru- i

. . . . yam Bharatiyan eseva-rupim pempim |
pati-hitadim chadurini ta t- )
sati Pampa-divi nadeyuia dhikkaripaj H
vri 11 tad-apatyam nitya-danakk akhila-budha-janam vandanayattreg ishia* |
prada-tirttha-britav atmacharana-vidhig anuua-bra . .i a - d l v i - I
spada*§atr6dyat-prapa-santatig avani-talam kirttig aiantaraip s i- |
lad enal sat- sevyan adam Holalamarasan atmanvayambhSdbi-chandram 1[

kam II Bhfi-devige pempim Si- i

ta-devigc pursha-bhaktiyim sampadadiin !
S'ri-devige tat-sa[ti Diirg-] J
ga-divi samantu barppaj oregam doregam 1|

va II avar-irvvarggani H
udayisidani pratapa-nidhi Kesava-Devan udatta-sach-cbari- j
trada nevadinde tat-Krita-yugam parivarttise tann atarkya-yA- |
kyada nevadinde Rama-visikhain parivarttise kirtti-ru . i .. |
vada nevadinde vasaradolam parivarttise cbandrikotkaram ||
indu-varam nilalk aridar illiye nindode dani Karupan emb |
ondu negajteyam negajalivene S ’udrakan alte viran emb |
ondu pogalteyam podaralivene kemrnage tappi bpda ma .. .. |
. . ndu manatn karam kasarutirppudii Kesava-dapdanathana ||
pusiy altu belparatp pu- j ttisuva besam Barmmanadu samant avaraip ra- |
ksbisuva besam tannadu gada | nisadam Keiavan id 6n udattano dhair^oi |f
vri 11 kula-jatam dbanyan o .. .. uisida manujam dhanyan adam vinodabk |
olagidam vanyan alpajiyan anuvaradoj toridal dhanyan atyu-|
jvala-kirunyavalokam nelasida-kripanam dhanyan end ande vidyi- |
baladim dandidbipam EeSavanan eradavaip nadeyum dbanyan alte ||
munidade Keiiraja-pritaneivaran-ijnege sidhyav aytu Saft-1
kanamale sanda Santalige korvvid agurvvina Tigarachehe-m a-1
llana-nele Gavatur mMogala-nil Siribr vVanavisi-durggav u - 1
rw inav enisirdda Kopdarate Halve uega^teya Gatti Hetti}aip ||
•ShikSrpur T a lu q . M7

nirutatp dandadhipam Kelavaa-asadrisa-satuniirttiyatn Kltmaipi

parimuktakaran aiaip bajikav avana darvvam-vikraotetna^ k 6-1
sari ka^d andind a(Jaugitt avana babaJa-tSjoipSu-sanddhad ond-el-1
taravaip kaputte nichchatn rauguj-udayipan akshobhano vasarendraip 1|
kaip l! Inajaip kotta toval S'ibi- 1
muni kott a^ag a-DadhicM kott elvugaj em |
dhanadante s^yyaTe pe} I
enutam hofigalaae Kesavam ku|utirppam i|
vpi dhurado} KaSava-dandanalhana bhujdtkhatasi-ghatakke vi- 1
§va-ripiirvvi§varar afiji butt adardu jivam betfeod emm-emma-ka- i
nlaran old int idu rakshisutt iduve dayvam tan enutt a-vadh(i- |
tkaradiad aduda huttan uduva-krita-vyaparav i-dhatriyoi. |l
Muravidveshig ad entu Varddhisuteyujii tat-Satyabhlma-iuano- 1 ,,
liariyuip S'ambhug ad entu Pdm atiyuv ant.ScGangeyum striyar S.- |
dar enipp antire Kesavabge nuta-Lakshmi-deviyum bhagya-bba-1
surey app a-Siri-devi.. satiyar adar 116ka-samstutyeyar )j
tad-amktyanj kirttivettam dhareyoj anupamara Donarajani bhudh^shta- |
prada-chanchat'kalpa-bhajam nija-kula-kumudaaanda-rajaip vadhd-driii-1
mada-bhfingi-harsha-sampadaka-vadana-safdjam suiijdnga-r&jain |
viditodyat-satya-bhajam ripu-gaja-mrigarajam samagrogra-tejaip ||
katp i husi-uelasada nudi Ibbbada I
deae porddad udd.rav ojpu kundada cbaritam |
masnlada jasad esakaip bha- 1
tisuvade Narasinga-Nd.yakang ivu sajam H

▼a II mattam tan-mabatlararol H
ka i sachivagrani karyyaka- |
ryya-cbaturata-guna-Bribaspati-nutam nityo* 1
pacbitaTyajodhanan Mrita- 1
nic.haya-vivarddhakan_udara-nidbi Tikkarasain 11
pratihastam d^na'gu^a* I
pratihastam cbaru-obandra-nirmmala-kirtti-1
dyuti-visaracbchbadita-dik- l
tati Mammarasam dbaritriyo} pesarvettara i|
amaja-gupan amaja-kulan a- 1
tyamala-charitraika-nilayan amaja-naya-pra- I
kraman ama|a-ya^6»r6cbis-1
samavyita^aliy enisidam Rechcbarasam H

r&j&dbyaksbada karanangaj H
karanam Urabmya-cbavitra- |
bbaranam S'ri-vara-padabja-yuga-seva-shat-1
charanain yipad-vipa§cbit- |
iaraijam Sri-Chattirajan esedam dbareyol 1|
karana-fiiromajni vibudho- I
tkara-cbintama^^i nijS,nvayambara-bb&8yat- l
tara^iy eDa\.pe8ar-yadedam |
dhareyoj Mail&ran amala<cbaritadbS,rani ||
I ft S Sliikarpur Taluq.

parichita-bahu-nS,taka>k^* I
vya-rasaip budha-jana-mano-madhubrata-nuta-ta-1
marasam kara^S^grani Pd> |
tarasatp 8va*kula-prabh&ta*jana>siddha-rasam [|
parama-Sri-Eedare* |
svara-deva-padabja-bhfiagan anavarata-kri(t)t6- 1
ddhura-S'iva-katha-prasangaiii |
karanada Mahadeva-Nayakam Manu-charitam |1
vri II dhare uichchaip pogalgiim gpihita-Kama}a-dfig-r6chiyani Nachiyaip |
sarasaneka-kavi-brajSgra-uibit6dyat-premanam Somanam 1
sthira'Chittatta-Mukundanam su-jananaip Govindanam kirtti-pan* |
(Jurita-vyoma-karaudanaip padepinim Marttapdanam santatarp ||

-<a R autu samasta-dharmmadhyaksbangalurn rajadhyakshangaluv cnisida karapangaj*verasu iarap&-

gata*rakshamai.iiyum nija-vamSa-chudamaniyuv enisida dapdanayaka-Kesava-Devam Banavase-pannir-
chhasiramumam dushta-nigraha-Sishta-pratipaJanadim pajisuttam rajadhani-Balipuradoi irdd oadit.
divasav asthaaa-maEidala-madhya-sthitanutn sakala-pradhaaa«parijana-pura-jana-parivyitan fig irppu-
dum alliy uohitavasarajnanum aSesba-dharmmajnanum enisida ||
vri II Vanajaja-chittajam vibhu-Marichige Kasyapan atmajatan a- |
tana kuladalli RIvapa-chamupa-sutam vibhu-S6nian§.than a- i
tana tanayam S ’ivaika-Saraiiam vibhudhagrani Chatti-rajan |
tana sati MMiyakkan avarg atmabbavaip sukritartthi Rechanaip ||
ka II duritari-manobhangaraan |
uru-Lakshmi-natya-rangamam sat-sukha-sa- l
gara-ghana-taraftgamaip Re-1
charasam dharmraa-prasadgamam puttisidam |I

tad-vakyav eat eudo^e i

idu dal n§n§,-yuga-prasthitav idafoje munn ddi-dan^Mhipar mma- |

dida satraraina-devaspada-vipuja-tad§,ga'prapa-sadku}am b h ft-)
viditam tan ddud adam Balipurav idu dharmmddbhava-sthanav ent i- 1
Hi ditam Sri-Kesava-sthdpanaman pdarisalk akkuv atyanta-punyam (|

ka II parikipode sakala-homa- |
dhvara-japa-niyamangaj.ndav agada pupyam |
dorekolgum sa}e Kesava- 1
paranaega-pratikriti-pratishthd-vidhiyiin |1
mattam |
bhu-danada pempaip sam* |
padipod ant alU dhanya-sasyangal eni- 1
tt dduv anittuv ananta-pha- |
lodayavam maikuv endo4 Sn endapudo ||

va IIadu-karanadin illi bhavadiya-namankitav enipa Kesavapuramuman alii Vira-Kesava-deva-devayata-

namatnam nimmisido^ aihikadol amala-Mrttiyu(ip)v amutrikadol akhija-punya-pdrttiyiim plramdrtthi-
kadoj parama-sukha-sampattiyura akkum endu dandanatha-chudamapiya manado} irddudan abhinayi-
suvanante nudiyal adam maoadegopd'i dan4an&,tha-cbadaratnaip Balipuradakshipa-dig-vibhd-
gadol akhila-dharmma-sasya—samvarddhaiia—bhumiyuip samibita-sakala-phaja-samudaya-janma-
S h ik arp u r T a lu q . 169

bhflmiyum enisid ativipuJa-darppaaa-saraataJa-bhfipradSsainaiji sri-Pdadavara pratishtheya P ^ c h a -.

lingad acharyya Sarvve5yara-pandita*devaFa harggade-Sayiya^ana senabova-Kanoapana mattam,
avara samasta-parigrabada kayyo} settiyar-ppr^akha-nagara-paScha-ma|ha-m%uin-purada Baa*
nidhiyol dhata-pdrvvakaFagi paded a-mandhara-bbupradesadoj jl
vfi II tam pashapadi-karmmantara-paripatiyam Padmajam IdkadoJ bi-1
ttai'isalv^kam dal end iiifc ida ple pa^iyacbch&gi luadi^tan emb ant |
■ire chalvaip tajdi dfin-maDidaaav enipa lasat-Kesavavasattiam ttir-1
bbhara-bhakti-bhrajitaip m&^isidan eseye dandadhipaip KeMraja^i ||
kaip [| tad-devalaya-vipula-pu- |
roddeiadoj eseye VirakeSavapuramaip I
hrid-daubpidad-odavind aty- i
uddama-yaSap-pratana-nidbi madisidam ||
y& II anantarav ati-pritiyim daudaaalba-mani-maii4anam tat-puravaramaip H
kam II ati-mridula-tuV'k^-pron-1
nata-mancba-lasad-viSala-paryyaJadi- I
tati-sahitaip vipra-tatige kottan
auttt mMe'
TO idu krita-kalpa-jaama-ni}ayaip ditav iot ida vi^va-v6dad a- i
bhyudaya-nivasav int idu pavitra-charitra-gunakaram samant
idu ghana-punya-sampada-niketanav embinav oppi torutir- 1
ppudu sale VirakSSavapuram dharapi-navaratna-nupuram |)
I anantaraip tat-puri-vritti-pradatta-nimlttam ||
kam II parikipode Sauryya-nidhi b ba-I
sura-tejo-nidbi viveka-nidhi vimala-ya66-1
tkara-nidfaiy ad§.ra-nidhiy ene |
. piridum pesar-vettan Ekkalarasam dhareyol 1!
y& II antu sakala-guuakarauuip Gabga-vam§a-varddhi-varddhana.sudh§,karanuv enisid Kkkalarasatiu*
maip tat-pradb3.na-Kara'ayyanumaia sandhi-vigrahi Mabadevanumam Jiddu|ige-nada samasta-prabhu-
g§,vandagaluman odambadisiy avara kayyoju raanneyav*4ya-dS,ya-kiikulav ant anitfujinaip Be|vapiya>
hajlige sarvvanamasyavagi dhara-pbrvvakatp paded a-srUnad-rajadhani-Balipurada pattapaskvi Kirtti*
Setti-Mechi-Setti-pramukha-samasta-nagara-janafigala Pancba-matliad achkryya Dharmipaiivardevara
Hiriya-matha-§ri-Jagadekamalle§varad acharyya Muliga-MadbukeSvara-papdita-devara Sri-Paficba-
lingad aeh&ryya SarveSvara-papdita-devara mattam alliya herggade-Sayitnarasana Sri-Tripur&atakkd’
acharyya Jaanasakti-papdita-devara mattam alliya herggade Veppamarasana §ri-K64iya-mathad
Acharyya Vamaiakti-papdita-dSvara mattav elum*Brahraapurigala Sannidhiyoju samasta-dharmtnd^
ddharakaip inaha-pradhanamKasapayya-Sayakanan-anukulateyolaip maha-pradhina Banavase-n&da-
herggade-dandanayakam Ke^mayyain karana-sainetarp S'aka-varsham 1080 licya BahudhAnya-
samvatchharada Pushyada pupuaniUSomavArav-uttarayana-sa&kranti-vyatipata-sdmagrahapad andu
srimat-KeSavapurada Srl-Vira-Kesava-devara j^je-panaskara^naivedya-nandadivige-Chaitra-pavitra-
matakula-nava-karmmakkav a-Ke§avapurada yaraa-niyama-svadhyaya-dhyana-dharapa'maunAnush-
thana-japa-samadhirSila-sampannar aupasanagnih6tra-dvija-guru-devata*puja-tatpararum shat*
tarkka-mitnamsAueka-sAstra-vi^aradaruin yajana-yajanadhyayanAdhyapana-dAna-pratigraha-shat-karm”
ma*nirataruv agmsbtomadi-sapta-soma-samstha-samavastitaruv aneka-purana-smriti-maSjari.bhA8hya-
yakrishta-maotrakshararuip pratipanna-^ilakshararu marttapd6ivala-kirtti-yutaruvan0ka*yajSavabhri'
thavagahaua-pavitrikrita-sakala-maftgalaspada-sarirarum appa Srimat-sarvva-namasyada Brahma-
puri-Ke^avapuradalli Sri-Jagadokamallesvara-devarige vpittiy era^u PaSchalinga-devarige yyittiy
170 Shikarpur Taluq.

eradu 4r!-Kedara-devarige vfittiy eradu Brahmanarige vfitti mftvatte^tu pfijari-vyitti ondu m&lag&ja-^
Trltti ondu antu vr ttl iiMvattayakkam sarvvanaiuasyada-haUi tJeliiva^iyaaii samasta-prasasti-sahitaip-
-inmaaa-maadaleSvaram Gauga-ramSa'varddhi-varddhana-sudhakaranam 8aka}a-dharmm6ddh&ranuip
sakala-gupaspadanum appa Tailaha-DevarasatiuiTt tarmma bh^va Eraharasanum ha^ava|a-GaAga'^
^aau yirddu tamma boppam Ekkalarasauum madida dharmiaama punarddattiy agi a-haUiya m an.
ney»«aya-daya-kanike-kirukula yinituraatn Sri-Keshava-devara sri-padadalu dhare eyadu bi^ta-tri-^
bhdgabhyantara-siddhiy appudant &gi bitta dharmmamanu Mmana-maha-pradhanam K eiim ayya-
daiOLijianayakara tarmm-aradhyar appa yama-myama-svadhyaya-dhyana-dbarana-maun§,uusbthaua'
japa samMhi-sila-gUQa-sampanuarum vibudha-jana-pFasa'bnarum sakala-sakayi-nikunitnbadh&raruip:
gamabharanaruip 8amasta4a8tragama>vich^ra-charu-6baiiuramm Gautama-mum-nandanairuiix BalU
pura-Dak8hina Kedare5vara-deyara dibya-srl-pada-padmarMhakarum appa Srimad-raja-guru-Vama-
6akti>devara kalam karchchi dhara-p&rvvakam m4di kot^an a-stbajamamaip Brahmapurigal-araykcyU'
mam allige herggade-Savimarasanfi ayafige vumbali Belva^iyalli maragu^diya galeyala gardde mattaru
ondu §rt-KeSava-devarige gardde mattaru ondu gavuijikeyan u|ibi mMadudaqi garu-deyaruqt bergga-
4eyum maha-janakke harchchi-yikkuvaru yilli tam-tarmma-maneyalu yirddavarig> vyittiy un|u yirada>
vara vritti devarige a*Tyittiga4o|age bha.tta-Tyitti ondu kbap^ika-Tyitti ondu agniahtage-vyHU ond^.
pftjari*malaga,ra-Tritti-sahita aydu-Trittiyavaruni nadadumbaru §,-purada sime enl entendade m&dA^u
Hemmldiya^ basadiya keyya hadurapa nil-gallu mere tenkalu Bbagavatiya koyya badagapa-sime
mere haduvalu Paucbalibgada k eyyi mSre badngaiu Hemm&diya basadiya nela mere a-devarige
tala-vrittiyanu 5ri-Kedara-devara haUi KiyurBalligayeyalu a-dSvarige pada-pdjeyaiii kottnkopdu nive*
dya-Chaitra-pavitrakkam devar-agrisanavagi pravasiga-6rahmapar*ayvara grasakkaip naduvantS.gi
narapati>go}ada kelage kachchhaviya galeya gardde, mattar ondu puradolage devara. nand&dirigege
gUpa 1 n mattam a-devarige i stastisrituat-KaIachuryya-chakrarartf:i Ni.88abka-malIaSabkama>D4ra.
varshada 3 neya Vikari-samvatsarada Chaitrada pjappame-SdiuavaTa*Vieba-8abkranti-vyatip&ta-Sdma
grahapad-andii sri[aan-mah3,>pradh3.nam 8§nadbipati. Banavasc-n^d^ Iierggado dapd^nHyakaip KeSi>
rajayyafigalu \
a riy e H sva a ti c h h a la r a a r tth i-^ a p d ft p a r a -n y ip a -jiv a p a h a r a p a k a r a -Y a m a -d a p d a I
s a d 'g u p a ^ t ^ t n a -k a r a p d a k a v i-ja n a 4 is h te 8 h ta r v a n a ja -v a n a > m 4 r tt a p d a ||

M ok a I! d r im a t-K e ia v a -d a p d e ^ a -k ir tt i-V a lU v ir d ja te (
d is a -u a g a n a tik r a in y a ^ H a i'i-b a s o p a h a a a n a t ||

enisida Ke4ir^ja-dapdanay4katn tanna madisida Sr!-Ke$ava-devara p&je*puna8kara>naivMya:nand&*

divigo-Chaitra-pavitra-matakdta-nava-karmraakkarp devar-agrasana—yippatta-manusya-pravasi^-
Brahmanara bliojanakkav endu Nagarakbapdavreppattorojagapa Karineleyam munna Batida?
nikeya firi-Somanatha-devarige bitta hajli Edeyalkaravam kftdi tiyuttirddudain ariman-maha*map'
daiesvaratp Gupta-vatpsa-varddbi*varddhana-sudhakaranuip firi-GalagS5vara-devara divya-M-pMa*
padmarMhakanum para-bala-sadhakanuni appa Juyi-D^varasanutp tat<-pradhiinaip Vasudeva^Naya-
banaip a-Ebchayyauum Dasimarasanutn Susabga-devarutn Snman-mah^-manda}elvaraip Kadambs’
!ku]ia-kaina{a-marttapdauum JayantbMadhukeSvara>devara labdha-vara-pra8&danum husivara-Sula
nigatauka-malla-namadi-samasta-praSasti-sahitatn srimatu Boppa-devarasarum tat«pradhdnaai
'Tikkayya-pramukha-samasta-parivararaum sriman-maha-samantaip Sabka-Gauda-pramukha-Nb.
garakbandav-eppattara prabhu-gavupdagatu sahitavagi §ri-Ke5ava-dbvara sn-padadulu laila}tke
manneyav aya dbya kiyukula kapike yint, initumam dharey eradu KeSava-devarigani Somanathao
-devarigam kottaru alii huttida-dhanavam a-yeradu-dharmmakkam samavagi bachchi- nadasuvaru
^ u su a l final phrases and verses).

*So iu the original.

S h ik S .i* p u r T a l a q , m

Belvaijiiyal p f i m a N a r a p a t i-S 'e ttiy a b a s a d ig e s a lu tt ir d d a s a r v v a -n a m a S y a d a m a tta 2 h o r a g fig

K eSarapurakke |! Srim a (stops here) *
Atil^ samAplace, on a stone near {he BaiagtyaH-hop^a.
8 v a sti'8 a tn a sta -su ra su ra -m a 8 ta k a -m a k u t£ lsm a -ja la -ja }a -d h a u ta -p a ^ a i| i« |
p ra s ta fe -J in e a d ra -S a s a n a m a a ta ch ira tp b h a d r a m akhila-bbavya-jan & h 3,ipi |i
S ritB a t-p a ra m a -g a m b b ifa -s y a d -v k d a in o g b a -la fich h a n a m |
jiy a t tr a il6 k y a * n a th a s y a Sasanaip J in a 4 a s a n a m H

• ra lti t a m ^ ^ b i b ii ^ a a a i r a y a S r i'P fI th v i'v a lla b h a u ia h ^ r a jM b ir a ja p a ra in e s v a ra p a r a m a - b h a ^ r a k a iia

S a ty S Ira y a -^ V e l'U ia k a q i C h a la k yS ,b b a ra 9 a m S ilm a t-T r ib h u v a n a m a lla -D e v a r |1

Tiri |1 ^ a g a ip Ch6ia.vantSa&g e o a s a n a^^iyajram L 4 ia -b b 6 p a iig e bsl.ha- |

b a ia d in d a tn t o j i m i r u t t a 4 a s id u b h a y a -cb a k re S a -s a tn a n fci-b h ftb h T it-t

k u ^ a m a ^ t a n n 4 r id u g r e b b a d ia u ja d a r e b e u k o iy d a C h a p ik ya -ra ^ yo - 1
jvia|a-liiakshm i-n§,than a j d a ^ b h a v a n a -ja n a -n u V ik r a m id ity a -IW v a in H
D ^ ta 'Q a tb a > m a h 4 > b fa a y a ‘ jv a r a k a r a ip C b o ] ^ a - K ^ § . n t a k a q i |
Saa^8^ir&bga«]Sa}iAga>yafiga>Magadhandbravanti*PS.&cMia>>, |
..,rgjS.ya| | i-n iau| i-la}ita'padaip p ftr b b a p a r a m b b d d h i-y e - i
^ b ra m ^ ta ra > S a i}a > k e}i*yib b a T a in C m | u k y a -d ik -k u n ja r a q j ||
N a ^ i b i o k k a r a d i m D a n a v a > p a tiy> n ra m a m s!|dan-ai^ia i^^mu R u d ra n i* |
b e ra a k -K a il4 s a m a ip tb g id a n -a la v a^ay a r t t a r t t iy im c W m in a o a a ip n e* t
era d I n d r a b g it t a o - ^ r p p i r p p a k b i| a -d b a re g a t a -k s b a t r a in a p p a n t e dh&tr!<' I
j ^ a a i ^ p a t ^ n d u - s & l k o n d a n a c b a ia m e c h a la in V i k r a m ^ i t y a n iu n a ||
pttduy e k a h y a r g g a tn 8 n o rb b a n e , t a le y a l idaqa s a ly e q e n d S ,-in ah& -K br» |
m tnada bien m n d § «B h ttja b g & d b ip a n a p e d e g a iin ^ M ii a - k u n ja r a * s k a n - 1
dh a^ in & -b b b b h rid -d a y ^ m b V a d in a k h ila -d h a r g -b b a r a m a tn t a n d a v ik rS r |
n ia 4 a b a ip itp t a b n a t61o| pada|am iris id a ip V ik r a m a d ity -D S y a ip ||

a a t a d h a r e y a t p n is h k a n la k a ^ 8 a k b a > sa b k a th a *viQ 6 d a d in d E t a g ir iy a n e le v id in o l r a jy a tp gayy*

a t t a in ir e || ta t-p & d a rp a d in 6 p a ^ y fc f s v a s t f s a m a ^ ig a it s -p a id ia -m a h a s S ^ b d a . m a h firs a m a n tS d h ip a ti
m a b 2 i ^ a c h a 9 4 t ^ < ^ 4 a n S y a k a m d u r| ja n a < b h a y a -d & y a k a ip b a n d h u -ja a a -b a n d h u ra -k u m u d a ^ u d h & k a ra ip .
y ip r a -d ir & k a r a tp S a r ts y a ti-s a m a y a 's a m ttd d h a r a n a ip gu n a ^ gavibharapaiiiL G batura-chaturS,iuuiai|i
n k r a m a -p a a c b a t t a n a t p p ra tA p a -s a h a y a m p a tU b ita -V a in a tS y a ip p ia u p a r a g a p d a n a b ita -k tija r k a m a la -
ra n a < T b d a p d a tp yinay& valdkatii k ir t t i-p a t a k a m s& h a sottu b g a ip S r im a t-T rib h u v a n a m a U a -D S v a -ch a ra p a -

ta ra d r a h a -b h r ib g a -n a m a d U s a m a s tH -p r a S a s ti'S a b ita ip s tim a d d a p d a n d y a k a tp B ^ m m a > D e v a q i II

v f i t t a I! d h a re g e lla ip t a n n a babS^-balada n e ja v a ta n n a p m u ta n n u g r d -tS ja s - {

sp h u rila m t a n n a r p p n ta n n or-n ttu diya n ila v u t a n n ft r jjit a -k b y d t iy -o ip a - •
cbcibariy a g u t t ir p p in a m ra n jis i 8 a k a iia -g a n a n a ig gh y a > ra tD a k k e r a t a ^ J
karan ^ a m d a p d a n S t b a g r a n i saka{a> jagaD -n iau dan aT p 6 a rm m a > i)d ya i| i I!
J a b a k e lla in tfin e k a n u u m g a tiy n m e n is i ta n n im r ip u -k s h a t r a -n a k s h a -1
tia-nik& yaqi nillajd e lla m m a su le K a V > m i}a d -d b v a n ta in a r k k ild a \ihrh- 1
tahiyarji m ik k S | g ey in d a n i b e ja p e s a k a m a n i n t ir d d a p a m V ik ra m & d i- i
tyan a tS ja i-c b a k r a m irp p a n te T o l a n a v a d b i-s a tv o d a y a n i B a r m m a -D § y a n i I
H ariyim c b a lit a m & dnd a b k a d a c b a le n d r a q i d a it y a n im s b r d d u d u r -1
bb i ra s S -g a rb b a m a n a d a y a n i^ a n a p o y lim p b y it fi,§a-gai6t- |
ka ra m en d a n d iva ra lU d h ir a -g u n a m e l l i t t e n d iv a m n a k k n d h i - 1
k k arip an i n i§ cb a la tn a d a d h a ir y y a -g u q a d o jp im B a rm m a -d a y d d d h ip a q a H
17^2 S h ik a rp u r T alu q.
kuduv-edeg adud em ina^agal adude vitiain aratiyain paijal* |
vadip-edeg adud em baride pottiral adude *kaydu “satyamam {
nudiv-edeg adud em pusiyal adude nalige yindu kirtti dain- |
gudiva^e Barmma-Devan anitum ksha^ad unnatiyam negarchchidaip ||

antu pogarttegain negarttegam nelay ada sriman-maha-senadbipati mabi-pradhanaip dandan& yaktM

Barmma-Devarasar bBanavase-pannirchehhasiramuip Santalige-sasiramum padinent-agrah&ragalmw*
dushta-nigraha-risishta-pratipajanatn geyd anubbavisuttatn rajadhlni-BaJligaveyol ire H
vritta II Jinanatha-svami deyvaip nija-guru Gunabhadra-bratindrain jagat-p&* i
vane tay Jakkabbe S6mam janakan avaraiani Mechi Bhagabbe pupyS.6- l
gane mavam 16ka-pujyaip gu^a-nidhi Kali-d§vam budh§,dharan end-and |
anavadyam Singan ep kevalame hitakarottubiga-dhrmma-prasabgairi I1
vSneyada sime dharmmada tavar-mmane satyada jatima-bh&mi p&n- I
tanad eyuvattu pempinad agunti vivekada btdu-danav ^r- j \
ppina ka^iiy eiidu bapnipudu bhd*valayam Pratikantha-Singaliam 1
Jina-pati-pada-pankaruha-bhflftganan udgha-guna-prasaflganaiii ||
barepada balme bajaneya birtnapam oppuva lekkad oje S a fi-1
kara-sutanol SarasvatiyoJ Amb^PiasananoI vicliArisal |
dore sari patiy endii nikhi}6rbbtoe bapbisut irppud ended §m'i
piriyano Sifigan ujvaja-ya^o-vibhavam pratipanna-Mandaram ||
iuchi Sura-sindhujam Sura-saridbhavanind Anila-priyatmajaip 1
^uebi Gaganapaga-tanayanim Pavamaua tanftjanim Sttkaip I
fiuobi negajd a-Nadisutanin a-Kapi-rajanin a-Sukarsbiyiin j
Suebiy ene sandan e-doreto Saucha-gunam Pratikaptba-Singaha 1|
pbala-bbaritamra*bburuhake pakshi-gapani bbraaiaraji pd.rpa*safi* |
kuja-nava-saurabbakk eraguvante budhaji niyogam emba di-1
valigeya parbbadof bare yath^cliitadim tapipim bajikke ,sa2'^ l
chajataram a-niyogam enut irppudu gosane Singa-rajanaip ||
para-hltamam kadangi nere madale kaltan aiesha-sad-budhdt- I
karaman oraldumannisale kaltan edar ppirid emba sishtaraip |!'!
poreyale kaltan ultama-gunadhikarol dorey appan endu ma- |
chcharisale kalian intut idu kalta-gupam Pratikaptha*Si6gana ||

kanda || Jina dharmmambara-dinapam |

Jina-dharmraa-sudhamburasi-varddhana-chandram |
Jina-dharrama-prakaraiu |
Jina-pati-charapambujata-bhrlngain Siuga ||

int enisida gupangaj tanage sahajam age uegalda srimat-Pratikaptha-Singayyam dharmma-katha-

kathana-prasangamam puttisi srimat-Permmadiya basadig ondu-badamam sri-Ballavarasaralli padedu
kudim endu tann afdange binnapam geyyal srimad-dapdanayakam Barmma-Devatat-sammandham ella -
mam nija-svamige binnapam geyye ||Srimat-Tribhuvanamalla-Devar Srimach-CbaJukya-Vikrama-varsha
2 neya Pingala-samvatsarada Pushya-sudda 7 Adityavarad-andin-uttarayapa-sankrantiyaparbba*nimit-
tam rajadhani-Balligaveyol tamma kuraara-galadandu madisida irimach-Chalukya-Gafiga-Permmanadi-
Jinalayada devargg archchana-pujanabhishekakkam bhogakkam rishiyar-ahara-danakkam mele basa-
diya khanda-sphutita-nava-karmmada besakkam agi II !

vritta II jasam einb ujvala-dipti pajjajise bhavy^imbhojini-raji ra-1

jise dushkarmma-tamo-balam bedare loka-stutya-Jainagama- 1
Shik4rpur Taluq. 173

prasara-vyoma vibhagado} sogayikumi ratua-traya-Sn-gu?ia- 1

vasatha-ki-Guaabhadra-deva-munipainbhojata-mitrodayaiii 11
kanda |1 eao-duraip parama-ta- \p5*aidlii taa-inaiii-ganela-saiadharumi lasad- 1
jnana-param negajda Maha- 1 sena-brali lad-braiisa-sishyar nnegaldar j]

vritta li odavida sabda-sastrad edeyoj bhuvana-stuta-Pujyapadar em- 1

budu nejre tarkka-iistrada vivekado], iat A.kalanka-devar em- 1
budu kavita-guijitkara-mahatvadoj eyde Sasnantabhadrar em* |
budu sale RamaSena-vibudbottainarara nikhilorbbara-janam 1|

aatii samasta-sastra-paravfira-paraga paraaia-tapas-charaua-niratar appa si'i-MAla-saflghada SSna-

ganada Pngarirgachchliada srimat-Piamasera-panditargge dharji-p&rbbakam sarbba-namasyaip road»
kotta Banavase-pannifchclihasirada kampauam Jid(}ulige 70 ra bajiya badiam Manevatie 1 | {usual
Und phrases).
irimad-Gunabhadra-devara guddara Chavuiidaraayyarn b^^l’edam mangala maha sri


A( the same village, on a stone in Aridre->natJiada Channaj>pa’$

S'ripati cbakra-dhari Garudasanan amburahakshan AdrijS,- |

ta-pati Sftla-dhari vrishabhasanan abhyadhikekshanam Vacha^- |
Sri-pati paSa-dhari ka}ahamsagan ashta-mitakshan end ivar |
ttraipurusbar tri-loka-jana-pujitar igem ag ishta-siddhiyam [j

STUSti samasta-bhuvanasraya §ri-pyithvi-vallabha maharajadhiraja paramesvara parama-bhattaraka

Satya3raya-kula-ti\akam Chalukyabharanam mallikamodanr marppade-Bhimam raya-gaja-kesari
gandai’ola gaud* ganda-bang&,ram Ch616gra-kalanalam Cb6la-bhan(Ja9 ^pekslia vidagdba-raya-pavitra-
cliadamaai avi-raya*taleya-kafavaltam ari-raya-sel -vara raya-pratapaiityaiu tejo-marttandaip
5auryya*Narayaniam raya-munnira-badavanajam chauvjina-Sahasrab^hn rd,ya*jagajhampi kJrtti-Vidya-
dharam kodanda-Ramam kimach-Chalukya-vamsodbhavam sriraat-Tailapa-Pevara vijaya-rajyam utta*
r6ttarabhivriddhi-pravarddham§,nam sl-chandrarkka-taram-baram saUittam ire [1

dhareyara CMluky&nvaya- | d arasugaj ekona-shasbti-simhasanam 1

dar Ayodhyk-pura-varadoju |param5tsavadihdam irddu tad-vamSa-bhavaip 1|
jaya-vanit§8aip Satya- t sraya-Devam Brahma-kulaman olupina Satya- 1
8raya-ku]av ene sakala-dhari- I triyan ajdam sarbbabhauina-vesar eser inegaip J
a-SatyS,§raya-k«ladoJ i- i Ja-sudati4ain pratdpi NArmmadi-Tailam |
Vasava-vibhavatn ripu-san- 1 trasi yaS6-bhasi sakala-dhatriyan ajdaip |i
Rattara kaige virdd e|eyum i paitamumara Ratta-iAjyad arasugalam mum- 1
bittu tayid otti Ratta-gha- i rattam Chajukya-rajya-pattaman antam j|
&-Jayasifigha-nr!palam t Bhoja-nripambhoja-rajan inanibha-tejam |
R^jendra-Gliola-gaja-rariga- i rajam rajadhirajan enipudu piridS jl
pasarisi parbbi gondaRsi ninda tamas-tarnamam teralcbi band |
osed inan Sruvant udaya-parbbataraam Kali-kalad elgeyam |
deaeg ide tu^di taldi Kyita-laksbmiyan ojpina telpugal jagakk i
esed ire sifigha-vishtaraman ejidan a-Jayasifigha-vallabham 1|
M^iavam elumarn pnduke-gatRsidatt areyalti Ch§ranum |
Gholanumam saraudradolag arddtdud arddidan andii tSjad-urbb j
174 S h ik a rp u r T a lu q .
eju-samudramum gajiye parbbi podaldudu dig-jayam disa- 1 .
pajaran ajkisitt idiral ampavar ar jJayasingba-Devana 1!
tatu-pada-padmdpajivi |{ svasti samadbigata-paiicba-iriaha-sabda inaba-inapda}l§Taram Banaylisi-
pura-varS,dhUvaram Chamun^a-labdha-vara-prasadam vairi-ghata-kesari sujana-kaiv&ran ^robaka-
Trinetram madad-ane-dhavalanj byala-gaja-mallam matta-matanga-bbimam fiarajnagata-vajra-pafija-
ram ripu-kuDjaraakula ari-baia-timira-marfctai.i4‘^ nudidante gan^a safigrama-Rdman abhimana-M^ru
jagad-eka-viratn vira-Viihyadharani katakada govan achajita-dhairyya sa-bhatS.ri-darppa-dalaDam
vairi-gharattara mandalika-lalata-pattam Sattigaaa chattain Srimad-Ijiva-be^afiga-Devara magaip
sdman-maha-inay^i^I^sraraip Euadamarasaru Banavasi-paPnirchchhisiramumam 3anta4i>sasirama'
mam Hayrey-aynujuman ubhaya-sainyadipaSchima-samudra-paryyaatam-baram sukha-sankatha-vino-
dadim Balipurada nelevidinolu rajyaip geyyuttam irddu S'aka-varsha 941 neya Siddbartti-samva-
tsarada Pushya-Suddha-bidige-Adityavarad-andin uttaraya^a-safikrantiya-parbba-nimittadim Mftla-
sthana-KaadikesTara>devara devalyakaoi jirpnoddbarain madiy a-devara nivedyakkam kha^da-
sphutita-jinmoddbarakkam (here follow details of gift and boundaries] a-devara puje-punaskarakkarp
nitya-nivedyakkav alliya khapda-spbutita-jirnpoddharakkav endu kottaru svasti yama-niyam&-
sana-pranayama-pratyahara-dhararia-maunanusbthana-japa-samadhi-sila-sampanDar appa M m atu
Muliga-S'ivasakti-papdita-devara kalaip {stops here).

At the same village, on a stone near the Panchdinga temple.
pratyaksha-vaslu-vishayaya jagadd-bitaya
visva-sthiti-prajaya-sambbava-karaiiaya |
sarvvatmane vijita-kopa-ManobbavAya
tubhyam namas tri-bhuvana-prabbave S'ivaya 1|
jagad-aschaiyyada Rajasbya-makhamam bedal mahartthaughav a- |
vagem eyd a .. .. Vibhisbiiana meg aksbepadiip pogi va- |
Btngalam kappaman alii konda mugurdirddar pPapdavar bBa|}igb- |
vege vand ayvaium aydu-lingaman ivaip samsthapanam mbdidar 1|
Bvasti samasta-bhuvanab’aya §ri-pritbvl-vaUabba maharajadbirajaparamesvara parama-bhattarakam
Satyasraya-kula-tilakam Chajukyabbaranam mallikamodam marppade-Bbimam raya-gaja-kesari
gandaro}. gapdara gaiida-banga.ram Cbologra-kalanajaip Ch61a-bhaudapapeksbat{i vidagdha-raya-
pavitra-chudbmapi ari-raya-taleya-karavattam ari-raya-selevam raya-pratbpadityam tejo-martlandam
sauryya-NArayanain raya-nira-badavanala chauvana-Sabasrababu raya-jagajbampam kirtti-Vidyadba-
ram kodaacla-Ramaip srimaj-Jagadekamalla-namadi-samsta-praSasti-sabitaip irimaj-Jayasimba-Devar
pPottalakeraya nelevidinol siikba-sankatha-vinodadim rajyain geyyuttum S'aka-varsha 957 neya Yuva-
samvatsarada Pusbyada panrnnamasiy-uttarayana-sankranti-vyatipatam Adityavarad-andu svasti
samasta-tarkkadi-sastra-paravara-paragam vadi-Rudra vadibba-mastaka- nakbasphajana-ki^ora-kesari
vadi-mabarapya-dava-dabanatn dushta-vadi-nishtbura-patishtba-Saiddulaip Bauddhabdhi-badava-
mukbam Miinamsaka-dhatridiiara-vajram Lokayata-maha-taru-vidarana-krakacham Sankhybhindra-
ruiidra-Vainateyam Advaita-vadi-bbuja-kutharaii Akalanka-Tripura-dahaDa-Trinetram Vadi-gharatta-
disapatta Madhava-bhatta-gharatta p Jfianananda-mada-bbanjana ViSvanaJa-pralayogranalan Abhaya-
chandra-kalanalam Vadibha-siraha-sarabbam Vadiraja-mukba-mudra Nayavadi-diSapattain Naiyayika-
samraksbanaika-daksham sva-paksha-poshana-para-paksha-dbshana-patiitara-Viiincham-Vagvadbu-
mandaDan asthana-PadmasaDam viveka-Narayanam gamaka-Mahesvaran qpanyksAraarapagA-pra-
vabam vyAkhyAna-keli-lampata-manobara-sarasiruba-bbringam (n)avadata-kirtti-dhvajan amalina-
P A N C H A U N G A S T O N E IN SC R IP T IO N (SK, 126).
S hikarpu r T a lu q .
charitrani dvishta-darppish^-pandita-gala-KaJa-pasam vMi-Digamfaara-dhuuiaketuip Vidi-B udra-
gana-namaukitar appa §rimal-LakuJi§vara-panditargg3 Banavase-paanirchchhasirada r&jadb&Qj
Baljigaveya KaJ^makbi-Brahmachari-sthanaqi Pandava-pratishjheya Panchalifiga-deyara dSgulada
kha^da-sphutitada raatakkam devara gandha-dhupi-niredyakkam alliya vidyartthi-tapasviga}-&h&-
r&chchhadanakkam sarvva-kara-b&dhS,-parihara sarwa-namasyaip dhara-purvvakadindam Sy-ftra
baJliya polad-oja kachchheviya galeyoj bitta (here follovPdetaUs of gift and final phrases ^ verses).
Mahadevd devas sakala-jagad-aradbya-cbarapas
trayi-prokto dharmmali krama-ghatita-yarimMrama-vidbih |
tayor yo vyakuryyad urijinam anayos tasya nidadhe
Mrasy anghrim vMi-praJaya-dahano’ hajp nyipa-sabhe ||
int i-dharoiinainam nagaraip pratipaj-iauvadu naishthikar alladara poramadisi kaleyudu 1|

On the same stone.
STasfci samasta-nripa-jiBba-sfcutya Satya................paramSsvaram Kuvajala-pura-var&fivarain Nandagiri'-
nS,tbam mada-gajendra ......................................... Gabga-Gaflgeyaip Ganga^sarbbanuin ch^ritra.............
.....................................makuta-chudaniani ^riinach-Chalukya..........................bi-saipvatsarda Pusbya-
baimja-daiam iya................... .. PafichaIingad-Uma-Mahe5vara-derargge d h a m m a ........................
pft-dontav ondu | Pnfiohalingada..........................................

Near the same temple, on the step of the Jiddihere.
svasti samaSta-bhuvanaSrayaip sri-prithvi-vallabhatn maharajldhirajaip paramfesvaraip paratna,
bhattarakaip SatyMraya-kuJa-tiiakani Chajakyabhai’anain 4ri-Bhuvanaikamalla-Devar BafiikS.purada
nelevidinoj sukha-safikatha-viaodadim rajyani geyyutt ire tat-pada-padmopajivigai appa svasti bhuva
........................inalla........................................... ram ekaram ........................................... padi-m & p............
.. ■.................... .... palanam .......................................... sukha-safikatha-vinodadinda ...........................
neya Rakshasa-sainvatsarada Pushya^uddha ............uttarayatta-sankranti-nimittadi S r i ................
................... jivitava nadesuvantagi ...................... . . . kalam karchchi dhara-purvvakatp madi. ..
....................ko^ta Jiddulige................. GobbaJJiya...................................Brahinaya . Siimat rajadhya-
kshad irm m a^i.................................yata kS,lam karchchi dhara-pttrvvakaip madi kudie padeda Bana-
v a si........................ Nagarakhanda' .70 ra baliya. agrabaram kambha gale 1 pravisbtam bitti geyye
{here follow usual final phrases <&verses), ant a-pariyaip kachchhaviya uu,rairppadimbarum.............
deyadiin irppadimbarura devarige .......................................... ikkadavari .. vattiy ilia

On a stone at the bund of the same tanJe.
jayaty avishkritain Vishnor vvarahatp kshobhitarnnavarn i
dakshinonfiata-damshttagra'visranta-bhuvanam vapuh y
svasti samasta*bhuvanasraya Sri-pritbvi-vallabha maharajadhiraja parameSvara parama-bbatt&rakaip
SatyMraya-kula-tilakam Cha^ukyabharanam siimad-Bhavanaikamalla-Devara vijaya-rajyam uttarotta-
rabhivriddbi'pravarddhamanattt a-chandrarklca.tS.ratn saluttana ire Baukapurada uolevidinol tat-
pada-padm6pajivi samadhigata-paficba-maha-sabda mah l^samantadhipati maha-prachanda-dayda-
nayakan asthSna-vastn.uayakarn niyega-Yogaudharayanam cliatura-parayayarn viveka-V'idyadharam
sakala-kala«dliarani Ilara-cluraria-smarana-parinataatabkaranam Chalukya-rajya-samuddharanarp
vikramottungan asahSya-singa srimad-BhuvanaikamaUa-Deva-padaravinda-sbatcharanam samasta.
176 S liik a rp u r T a lu q ,
gaua-gauabharanam sritnaa- iiaha-pradhanani hiri-saadhUvigrahi mane-vergga^e-dandaaayakaa-
UdayiidityaQa bianapadim Sriiaad-Bhuvanaikamalla-Devar Saka-varsha 993 neya Virodhikrit-sani-
vatsarada Pusbya-suddha 1 Soiaavarad-andia-uttarayaria-saiikrauti-parbbha-nimittadim rajadhani-
Bajligaveya Hariliaraditya-devargge snana-nivedyakkam degulada besakkam mathada biyakkam 5ri-
satya-jSananandadvaita jyoti-svarupaf appa ^rimat-prajaava-iiadaaanda-GunagalJa-y6gigaJa kalam
karchchi dhara-piirvvakani sarbba-namasyain sarbba-badha-paribarani agi bitta Banavase-pannir-
chchhasirad i kampaaain Jiddupga 7 0 ttapa baliya bi^atn Btdiringejey ondu (nSml final phrases).
^I'inian-mukti-radhu-li l la-mangala-tilakan esedan advaya-mabiijiio-1
ddamam sampftrBinaip vi- | dya-mdrtti jitatman aksharam GunagaUa i!
Achalana-deseyind udayisu-1 va characbaraai Adiaianinde po^ag anav alt end |
achajita-chittadin irppam j pracha^idaa advaiti nirupainara Gupagalla |!
sarbbajSam sarbba-gatam | sarbbatman enipp-agurbbin advaita-dhfyie.ra i
nirbbaaa-yogi ^ntam | sarbbatp sarbbiya»karauam Gu^agalla p
jS§name na ninag odal esev | anandam torppuv ellam enna nelal ma- 1
tt enum ber ill emban 1- 1 la-nutan advaita-Sekliaram Gatiagalja |!
anandAdvaya-satya-1 jSanamayar nnegaldar a . . l a ,. 1 nishkala-na- 1
danandar tan-nama- 1 dhinar Guctagalla-Nagavarmnaacbaryyar i|
vritta l: dorekond i-dehado} moiiaman ele Gunagallaryya niin maflidu beAkopd I
ari.shad-vargganga}am bhedaman ijrid a}ipam bittii karramafigal ellam \
beras an end irpp ahafikarman avayavadim suttu sanandadindaip 1
paripurnna-jyoti nin ag ire bidavaje pel mukti ninnam munindra p
trivadi |j mukti-sri-satig a n u - | raktaip samsara-Ti- |
raktam.nirbbishaya-mrapekshatn sucbi jlvan- |
muktam nirbbani GupagaJJa [|
al eld a-basatiangaj i ejuman eldu n ir -!
mmulisi paridan ari-shad-vargga........... |
kalagniyante Guyagalla p
ajiv agnnu vairagyam l tayisal . . . . bhyasara i
nere bbakti santi dhyiti tusbtiy emb ivar- i
kk erevatt ag ijdain Gunagajla 1]
akkara 1! eseva Kondali-n§,dojagana Tmnbigereya mftdana-simeyind olage |
Mosale-madiivina paduvaua-simeyol Nagesvaram Svayambhd-nijeyain |
jasada Balipura-varadol YogeSvaram Hariharadityatn . , •• sayanan emba |
pesara devaram devMeyangaJatn m§,disidar gGuuagalla-devara ||

kanda jl Kiru-dojeya tenka-dadiyoj. | Kuruvattiya peinpn vetta Muttur-edeyo] |

nere Siddha-tirttbamam jaga- |m ajiyal Gunagal}a*deva-imini nirrnmisidaiii |l

trivadi |1 nudiva tatvada matain l bidalajrv . . enuvam |

nudivaliyante nadevajiy enisidam |
nudidante gandarp Guyagalla |1

vri II karunadin ojlitage Ounagalla-maha-niuniyante santataip I

bharavasadinde tat-padam id i-kramadini nadedafige sadhyam end 1
eradunian avagam tijipi besarad irppa dayajuv appa sa-1
d-guru vaded ande sishjar-abhivaSchcbey ad agade sidhhiy agade ||
kiduge inano-malam nadege talva-vichS.ra-samadhi chittadoj |
scdar velag itlavol belagutirkk avadatam ardpa-dipam a- |
Shikdrpur Taluq, 177

ga4am ajiv onde nilke guru-dSva*padambaruba-pras§damai!i I

p a d e d a t i ................... s a k a la -S is h y a -ja n a tp s u b h a m a k k e m a b g a }& II

firimat-Pratikantha-K§,aiarajaip baredam l|
At the same place, m a 2nd stone,
narasiipba'Vapub kritva 6ama-ldka«bhayabkaram |
Hirai|iyaka4ipum jaghne tasmai siipb3>tmane namab ||
firimaoh-Ch§,lukya-cbakre3varan ata|a-ba}aoi Tailapatp tibra-tejd* |
dhamani Satya§rayam vikrama-gaya-ni}ayam Vikramadityan atyu-1
ddamanj sand Ayyauam sahasa-nidhi Jayasimham dhai’A-chakra-lakshmi-1
dliamiini Traijokyaoiallam uegale iiegaidad i-prajya-Chalukya-rSjyaip II
tan-nyipa-nandanam bhuvana-vandya-gunatp Bhuvanaikamalla-D§« I
van naranSitba-rajya-ramani-ramaijiya-pararddhya-bhushaijiaiji I
Pannaga>raja-bb&3bana-padabja*par§ga-pavitra-sekharaip |
pronnata-kirtti-didbiti-sudhS.-dhavalikfita-visva-vi8htapaip H
svasti saoiista-bhuvanasraya §rl-pfithv5-vallabha mahdrA.j§,dbiraja paramesvara parama-bbattarakaiji
Saty3Araya*kuJa-tilakani Chalukyabharananj arimad-Bhuvanaikainalla-Devara vijaya*rajyam uttaro-
ttarabhivriddlii-pravard Ihaiaanaai a-chaa irarkka-taraip saliittain ire [|

vrltt i !l a-prithvUvara-pada-pankamha-seva-tatparam viki'ama- I

tApa-proddalauahita-prakaran anya-kshouipalarcbcbita- 1
Sri-paddmbmniliain virodhi-nripa-chndaropit&jfia-prabhA. |
vopetam Bhuvanaikavirau esedaip Srt-Ganga-Chakrayudbaiji ||
kanda 11Sri-mahimS,rnnavan akhija- \kshmanaara-cbakreSan atma-bhuja-baja-vijayfi-1
ddaraain Brahma-Kshatra-si- 1 khamani rajadhirajan Udeyadityam ||

svasti samasta-bhuvana-stuta-Brahma-Kshatra-viranvaya Sri-pritbvi-vallabba mabS,rajadbirajam para-

meivaram KolaJa-para-vareSvaraip Nandagiri-natbatp mada-gajendra-laachchhanaip SdmSfivara*
labdha-vara-prasadam Gabga-Kusumayudham nanniya-Gangatn jayad-uttarangam sakala-jana-cbin-
tiniacii mandalik’^-iiakuta-chadarnaai grimad-Gaaga-Pertnnaaaadi-Bhuvanaikaviran Udey&ditya-
Devam Banavase-pannirchchhasiram Santalige-sasiramumam Maijdalt-sasiramaip padinept-agra-
h^ramnmam dushta-nigraha-viiisbta-pratipajanadin aluttuin pratyanta-vasigal appa Chera-Choja-
Papdya-Pallava-prabbriligalan a\ed atandu kappamam kondu chatur-vvarddhl-paryyautam nelanaip
nimirchcbi vijiglsha-vrittiyan appukeydu sukha-saftkatha-vinodadim rajadhani-BaUigaveyol irddu
dbarrama-buddhiylm nija-3vami srimai-Bhavanaikamalla-Devargge binnapam geydu Paramesvara-
datti madi rajadhani-Balligaveya Perggattad eriya raegana sriman-Narasimha-devara degulada
besakkam dova-pdjegitn Saki-variha 977 neya llakshasa-Saravatsarada Pushya-saddha 1 Somavarad-
andin-uttarayana-sankranti-parbba-olmittadin alliya mukhyar appa, srimat-Purnnananda-bhattS.-
rakara kalam karchchi dhdra-piirvvakam saibba-namasyam age biita Banavase-naija kampanaqi
Mttguada-paaneradi'a baliya bada Ktindavige J {rest contams usual final phrases and a verse).\

At the same place, on a 3rd stone.
jayaty Ivishkritam Vishndr vvaraham kshdbhitdrnnavam |
daksbiEtoniiata-damshtragra-viSranta-bhuvanatn vapuh ![
svasti ^ri-vanit8.rppifa-1 vistii’n^drasthalatn ripu-braja-rnasta-' J
nyasta-oharai^ain samasta-ja- 1 na-3tuta*sita-kirtti Vikramdditya-nripain J
178 S h ik arpu r T a lu q .
aii-raya-jagadajam d ik -1 kari-danta-vilagna-kirtti murttibh&ta-1
Smaian eka-chhatrikrita- \dharatalam Soina-vamia-chudaratnain p
ai-valainam toj-valamam I bal-valamam toji miruvar i-bhubhujar e- 1
vejveno .............. I aj . vesadolii vairi-vira-kolahalana |1

svasti sainasta-bbuvauasrayain ^r!-prithvi-vallabham maharajadliiraja parameSvara parama-bhatta-

rakaip Satyasraya-kula-tilakim si'inaach-Cha}ukyabharanam Srimat-Tribhuvanamalla-Devara nija-
vijaya-rajyatn uttarottaiabhivriddlii-pravarddhamanam a-chandrarkka-tS.ram-baram saluttam ire
Kalyanada nelevidiaoju sukha-sankatha-vinodadim rdiyani geyyiittanl ire ||

lat-pada-padma-madbukafan ( utpatita-ba}avad-ahita-bahu-balam vi- 1

dvat-pujyam guna-ratna-sa- | ritpatiy enisidan Anantapala-chamflpam 1]
pati-hitaroj ellav aggada i pati-hitan atisuchigal enisi negajdavarolu inikk (
atiSuchi dakshar eaipp a- j .. dakshan Anantapila-dandadhiSam i|

svasti samadbigata-paficha-maha-sabda maha-samantadhipati maha-prachanda-dapdanayakani

yibudha*vara-dayakam su-jana-prasarma nudidu matt ermam gotra-pavitra i>arangand-putram turaya*
Revantasn vairi-Kritantaip sabasottungau ayyana singam namadi-samasta-praSasti-sahitam ^riman-
mah§,-pradbana banasa verggadie-daiidanayakan Anantapalarasaru Belvala-miinbru Puligere-munfifu
Banavasi-paanirchchhasirarau saptarddha-laksbaya-paanayamain padedu sukaa-sankatha-vinoda-
diip pratipal.isuttan!i ire tat-prasadasadita-Vanavasi-dv^dasa-saliasradhikara-lakshmt-vibhasiyum
sakala-giina«gaQ5dbhixsiyara euisida Govinda-Rajan e-dorey en[t] endade I|
sri-vanita-kucha-samarita- | pivara-vaksha-sthajara lasad-gu^a-mapi-ma- |
Ja-vilasitan en esedano | Gdviadaip madavad^ahita-danuja-Mukundaip li
Saran emag endu bandad ariyatn rpared antade bbS.ladol podald |
uriv uri-gapnan ugra-phaoi-kupdalamaip kiviyol karabjadoj |
su-rucbira-s61amaiii mijupa dadegalam nija*vaktradoJ vibhi- I
karam ene tojugutn samara-rangadol i-rana i*afiga-Bhairava |i
vara-vidya-nidhi Ke^raja-vibbugam Nilabbegam pu^ti bha-1
sura-kirtti-priya dani sanda-gona-ratiiain Dasirajain Para- 1
lara-gotr§.mbara-tigmar6chi janakaip tay . .. nana-guiia- ||
kare Somambikey eadad i-bbuvanadol Govindan em dbanyano |j

a-8amasta-guna-gana\>barananum vibudha-jana-^arauanum nija-viSuddha-kirtti-cbandrika-prabhava-

vikasita-jagad-valaya-kairavanuip rana-ranga-Bbairavanum visharoa-haya-Vatsa-rajanutn su-kavi^ura-
bbujanum enisida maba-pracbanda-dandanayakam Qovinda-Rajam Banavase-pannirchchhasiramu-
mam vadda-ravulamumam chhatra-cbchbayeyiin ciihappaimad achcbu-pannayamarp padedu sukha-saft-

katha-vinodadim pratipalisuttam ire tadiya-sandbi-vigrabadhiSvaran app Isvarayya-Nayakana vam-

6avataraoi ent endode ||
srimat-sakala-munindra-si- j kbamapi bbuvatjaika-viuutan ati-vimalataram I
§ri-mahitara negarddatn guna- | damam dvija-kuia-varishtbati enipa VaSisbta ||
ene negalda Va§istha-mun!n-1 drana gotradol ogedan akbija-jana-nutam idu t&n]
enipa Siriguppe-goladol 1 vinayambudbi durita-kula-gbarattaip Chattaip ||
- ene sanda Chattapangam i vinuta-yasovatiy enippa Bbogambikegam |
janiyisidar sakala-jagaj-j jana-vinutar bBsichirajariura Basavananum [|
avar-agrajar-anujatain I vividba-gun&jankritam Virfipakshan enal |
bhuvana-nutan ISvarairi pem-1 pu-vettan Kvara-pad&bja-yugaja'bhramaram ||
S hik4rpur T aluq. 179

var&ii-parivritakbila- | dharaniyoj p61vad ainma polk euia purusha- 1

karadojfe purusha-karado- 1 } araqi negard iSvararyyanani poltapare ||
Mandara-dhairyyan apratima-sahasaa asrita-raja-kira-ina-' I
kandaa aniiaa-dani Narugimdada vipra-ginagragafliyau ft* I
nandita-bandhu-varggan tvaii embudu bhu-talav emnia vira*G6- 1

viadaiia sandhi-vigraliiyaa Isyaranaip su-janaika-bandhuvaip ||

jaaakaip B i ........galabbeya sutaip M >Lhattapam ............ |
lyyaua Nalabbeya hermmagaj tanage t4y Bhagayve ........... f
. . . . . . ggu^i Bachiyum . . . . . . . ViHipakshan int |
ene dhanyam Naruguudad U va ra .............................||

a . . . . . . . . rataa-majalaukaranuip | bliuJha-janadh5,ra........... ch a ru -ch a............... . nirmmala-yaiah.

patakanum |Goviiida-raja-cbaraiia-aarasiruha-chaScUarikanum I tat-prasadasadita-sandhi-vigrahadhi-
svaraiiam app Isvarayya>Nayak ira i grimach-Chalakya-Vikrama-varsba 28 neya SvabhS,nu-sam atsa-
rala Pushya-ba 10 oakravarad-india-uttarayapa-saakrainanadal dharmma-kdi'yya-tatparyya-chittaa
agi nasli dliacinrai.sain) baadlui yemba niti-vakyartthamam samartthisi Kuntala-dharLtri-kanteya
vilola-kimtala-kalapadant osera Banavase-pannirchchhasirakkav alaAkarav 4gi torppa BaUigaTCy-
attara-dig-bhagada Perggaftad eriya m%ana Srlman-Narasimha-devara gandba-dhdpa-dlpa-natvedya-
khanda-sphutita-jlrapoddharak endu maha-rajadliani^BaJligaveya-nagaramum paficha-matha-sthana-
muip 1 Srimad-dap-lanayakatp Govindarasaruoa ariye Banavasa.pannlrchchhasirad ojagapa kampa*
pani Jidijuligey-erppataya bajiya bS.dam Pakka^ey iifodeyam Kavibandhavana maga Rudramayyjuia
magatp Nakanan a-Pakkaleya bh6tniyolage tanu umbajiya manyada keyyolage kachchhaviya gad»m.
badol ayrattu kamraa garddeyam sarvva-badha-parih&raip sarvva-nanaasyara agi kalam karchchi
dhar3,-ptirvvakan» mad* kudalu padeda kottan a-keyya chaturaghata-^uddhiy ent endade ||

vritta !1 aninae^eadrMeyol sasana barapaoian ant irdda kalgaj div&krit- |

tanujaSa-vaktradoJ Bendeyakeyeya ja]& lhi§a-d;k-k6Vi varddW- 1
Sana kdshthS-bhagadattal Balina^ar .d i Siiuatttadim S'rtpurakk im- |
bine pod adhvam Kubera^eyoJ Aleya-kolam sime tS,n &ge tdrkkuip j]

{here follow further details of gift and usual final verses),

At the s inie plaee, on a st >ne to the south of the Kdlamma temple.

................dha n a d i............ . . nrltalapa-vA,aa........... ........ neyam lobha-prabhS,.............mapi negajd

U day§.'litya-De....... tann alkarirn band eradafig ill cyda d a t a ............... . do] m&rantavafig ill asuvina
d a seyo]......... . nata-ya^n tldayaditya-dandalhinatUtiip l|..............ch ak riy ettlba vikrama-lakshmi- ■
sadbakana naehclila-uttaranga antu pogiltegam negaltegaip ekkalavapam d d a ........... day&-
dityana blnnapadim kiinal-Bhiivauaikam alk-Derara.......krit-samvatsarada Pushya-sudda-padivaip
SSm avarada....................... parbba-nimittam rajadhani*Bal]igaveya Perggattad e r iy a ................. degu-
lada besakkana pannirbbar-bhbhagcivara bhikshegaip . . .................... ppannirbbar-&,hara-danakkani
v y a k h y a ........................ppaanirbbar-aharakkam a v a r a ............ jivitakkam alliya mukhyar pPdrnna-
n an d a-b h a ......... rbba-namasy.xTn sarbba-badha-pariharamagi bittam Banavase-pannirchcha...............
70 ya baliya badaip Mittasiy onda || {uswA find phrases) .........rnmarajaip barevara.........S m ti
3riman-Ma]adalftra Vasudeva-gbosasargge Kesava-devara Brahmapuriy S,ge danaip gojta kachcha-
viya galeya gardde matter eradu H '
*This inscription is much defaced.
180 S h ik d r p u r T a lu q .


Oiasto'te in KalUt-m'ttJiad'i Ohanna-Basavayya's garden.

naaias tuaga-SirS-chumbi &c. ||

s r a s t t s a n a s t a -b h u r a la l r a y a q i ^ r x -p r it b r i-v a lla b b a m a b a r a j^ d h i r a ja p a r a m e l r a r a p a r a m a -b h a t t a r a k ^
S a tya ira y a > k ii| a -ti| a k a ip O h ^ u k y a b h a ra Q ia m $ r im a d * B h u l6 k a iu a lla -D e r a r u E a ly a ^ a d a n elev i4 > Q a Iu
S 'ik b a -s a a k a t b a > v in o la d u n I'ajyara geyu ttan a ir e ta t -p a d a -p a d in d p a jiv i s a m a s ta ^ p ra s a s tU s a liita tp
m a u -m a h a - r a a ^ 'jiiie k a r a B aaavA -seya T a ila h a -D e v a r a b e s a d iip la t-p S -d a -p a d m o p a jiv i m a p d a lik a ^
M a s a n ly y a m a a i - r 3 ,ja d h l i u - B a l i p a r a l a s a u a s ta -p ra S a s ti-s a h itjla e k a -g a Q a -g a v ia J a a k & ra ra ip s a m a '
8 t a * b a d h a -ja a a ih a r a r a t p c h a ta s -s a o a a y a -s a m u d d h a r a Q a -d b tr a r a n i S a r a p a g a t a -v a jr a r p r a k a r a n iip
ir w a r a -s e t^ ig a lu n a a g a r a -p a a c h a -m a t h a n g a la lli s a m a s t a - p r a la s t i- s a b it a n e k a - g u r i^ a b k r it a - s a t y a '
5 a u ch a c!i§ .ra -a a y a -v ia a y a -4 ila -s a tix p a a n a ra in s r i- K a lik a - d e n - la b d h a - v a r a - p r a s a d a r a m p a ic b a -lo b b d h i'
p a t ig a lu iii t a t -s a b k a -p a r ir a k s h it a r a in a p p a ir iin a t -K a t a k a d a -m a b b - n a g a r a d Ojaga^ia G a ^ ia v a r m m a -S e t ti
b a a d a K a ^ ik a -d e v iy a a it y a -a iv e d y a k k a r n p d ja -p u u a s k a r a k k a v e n d a b e d id a d e s v a s ti S r im a c h -C h a ju k y a '
V ik r a m i - v a . . . . 5 6 n jy a V ir a d h a k r it -s a n v a t s a r a l A s h a d b a d a m a v a s y e . . . . . . n a y a n a -s a b k i a m a p a d
a n d a k a l- g a r o h c b i d b d r i-p u r v y a k a r p k o t t a (here follow details of gift and usual final phrases).

At the same vdhge, oa a broken Jina idol in Ghanna~BasaVappa’s field.

CNSgari characters)

svasti sri Gbitrakuta naiyad-avali Malavada S'aatinatha-d§ya-s:itninaadha sri-Balotkdra-ga^ia Muni-

e b iilr a -s id liv a ti- Uvara sisi ia Aaantikirfcci-levaru hegada Kesava-derange dbara-pbrvvakam m&di
koteru praUiisbte punya santi (here follow details of gift),

At the same village, on a stone lying on the bund of the Al!iho^4<*.

namas tunnga-Sira^-chumbi &c. 1|
Srimach-ChaJakya-chakrSSvaran atuja-balam Tailapaip tibra-t§j6-1
dhainam Salydlrayaip vikrama-gupa-nijeyam Vikramddityan aty-u-1
dddinam sand Ayyanam sahasa-nidhi Jayasimhatn diSb-cbakra-Iakshmi' |
dhamam Trailokyamallatp vinamita-ripu Som&svaram sdrbbabhaumam ||

..................................raallam Chalakya-chakravartti-laldma........................ . m allam ......... . . eka-

chcbhatradin aldu .. v-ankakara d hara.................... .. ................diksha- •Sana.............kSta ..
b h a sra ........... sbottam a ................................... kramakaradim................................................Vikramaditya-
Devam svasti saiaista-bhuratiasrayatn sri-pnthvbvallabham maharajadhirajam parainelvara paranaa-
bha^arakam Satyakaya-kula-tilakam Ghalukyabbarapaip srimat-Tribhuvanamalla-Bfirara vijaya-

rijya n attarettarabliivL'iddhi-pravardlhamanam a-chandrarkka-taram saluttam Etagiriya aeler!di*io]l

sukha-sankatha-ritiodali:n rcxjya'p geyyatbam ire tat-pada-padinopajivi srasti samadhigata-paficha-
m abvsabla null i-san m taihipati maha-prachanda-dandauayaka........... .................. nu-jana-bandhu-
kumuda-suIhakava .. .. .. ..dtvakara Sarasvati-samaya-samuddharaiiaiu guna-gapabbaranamjita-
r a n x ................ebatuva-Chaturan in xm vikraraa-paiiehananam pratapa-sahayam pati-.. ta-Vainatfeyam
sajanx-m ikbx-darppxnani a^rita-iana-sxntarppanam pisuiyara gandaa ahifca-kuJa-kamaJa-Tana-vIdap-
da n viaayaralokxm ktrtfupatakani sabasottangam srimat-Tribbnranamalla-Deva-cbarana-sarasiruha-
b'lringx-nxraxdi-sa n ista-pias isti-sahitatn <ritnaii-mah§.-seiiadhipati mabd-pradhanaip dapdanlyakam
S liik a r p u r T a lu q . 181

Barmmadeyarasaru sriniaolx-Chalukya-Viki'ama-varishada yeradaneya Pifigalarsamvatsarada

Maghada punnema-Somavaradandiaa-soma-grahana-parwa-nimittadim rajadhani-BalJigaveya pujari
Singana madisida Mallikarjjuna-devara snaua-nivedyakkatn alUya kereya garttegaip satrakkani
dhara-purwakam sai’vva-nainasyav age kotta Jiddulige-erppattara baliya bada Haravura 1 yi-dbarm-
mamaia malagara-kottali taleva a dharmma .................. mukyavagi dharmmamaoi keykondu nada-
yaxa {usual final phrases and verses) svasti Srimat-pavitra........... ..ta r a kalaqi karcbchi dhar&-
pumakaip ....................... ... dimay tayyanum Singaaa.................................

At the same village, on pieces of stone in the yard near th - Badagiyara-ho^da.
srimat-parraa-gambbira-syad-vadamogha-lafichchhanam t
jiyafc trailokya-aalbasya s a s a ............... sanam H
STasti saraasta-bliuvanasraya sri-pritbvi-vallabba maharajadhiraja paramSSvara..........bhattSrakanj
A * *
Satyasraya-kula-tilaka Chalukyabharaijara sriinat-TraiJokyaraallaa-Ahavama .. .. . sukha-sankatUa-
Tinodadim rajyam gcyy attain irey ire [|
vritta II Malepar mmajampar ill akramadi.. ,tar atarppar ill urkki darkkun-1
dale-vayv udvrittar ill ottaji-verasu kurumbar ttararnb irppar ill e*-1
ttalu . . . . bai'ppa daj], end uriva ripugaj ill etnbinain Kuntalorvvl- i
tilakarp Trailokyamalla-kshitipatige dhara-chakrado.. .. ka-chakra ||
rnaata-Surashtta-MaJava-Dasarnna-su-KoSala-Keraladi-de- i
satavikadhipar mmaledu nillade kappaman ittu uirmmita- |

ghatadoi irppa .. . ajav i-doret Ahavamalla-Devana |1 *

kaiida 1! intu chatur-auta-dbatri- l kanteyan ajayadisi cbakravartti-^riyain 1

tarn taledu sukbade pala-ka- J Ian tava tava-nidhig adhiSati Akayamallani |j

w H ta !1 Ma .. .. dhravanti-Vanga-Dravila-Kuru-KhasAbhira-Panchala-Lala- t
digalaip pes eje kondum kavardum asadajaip kottajam goiidum a j’6- |
Jige dandum t6la-tiuuni manada tavakamum pogad end ludranani ka- 1
di gelal kapparn godal varisi tajardan Skangadiin sarvvabhauinam |1
gagana*navanka- sankhye S'aka-kaJadoJ agire Kijakabdakam
negaje tadiya-Chaitra-babuJfehtamiyoJ R aviv^
niige Kuruvarttiyo} parama-yoga-niyogad^
jagad-adhipam trivishtapaman eridan

kanda |! a-Chalukya-lalama-ma- 1 h i-ch a k ^

trachala-jaladbi-paritaman I a-cbj
vyittam 1!.. . - dita-vyoma-navanka-san^
bdada VaiSakbada Suddha'^a
radol aityaflta-Knlir^

vrittatp II jayamaip dharmii

trayamaip tann i
brayadiip santa^
flayado} lokakke

182 S h ik & rp u r T a lu q .
Tjittaiii 11 nava-rajyarp vira-bhojyara pugal id avasaram suttuvem Guttiyam mu* |
ttuven emb i-garbbadim Cholikan adhika-bajam mutti mar-gguttiyatn pa-1
pnuvudam ke}d ett enutt ettida turaga-dbajan tage saytagad agrS,-1
havadol bebgottu Somesvara-nrlpana ba|akk odidaip Vira-Cbolain 1|
pesaram ke}.d a}ki bejkurttudu para-dharapi-inai?(Jalam gapdu-gett-aj- I
vesanam pundattu Sauryyonnatig agid asubrin-mapdalam melpan S.var. |
jjisid ond ajfia.Wiseshakk ejasidudu subrin-lna^dajam santam int 1
d esakam kaiga^me SomeSvara-nripati mahi-chakfatnatii p&}isattaip 1|
antak-kan^akaraip padalvadisi dargg^dbiAaram dushta-sS.- |
manta-drdharan addhatltavikaraip nirmmiilanani geydu v i - 1
krS.ntaratigalaip kalalchi dhareyam nishkaptakaip mddi ni-1
Schiutaip An-Bhavaaaikamalla-tnahipaip rajyaip geyntt irppinaip ||

vachana || tat-pada-podm opajiti Bam adhigata-paficha-m aha-Aabda-m aha-m andalelvaran udfira-M ehfi-
fiyaraip chalake balgap^aip Aauryya-m arttapdam p atig Ska-dashaip sabgram a-Garttdaip manuja-M &a-
dh&taip kirtti-vikbyS.taip gdtra-m &pikyatp vivSka-ChSpikyain para'n& ri-sah6daraip vira-Vyik6daraiii
kddap^a-P& rtthaip saujanya-tirtthaip m ap^alika-kapthiravarp p ara-ch a k ra-B h aim aip ra y a -d a p ^ -
G dpalatp M alaya-m apda}ika-m pga-A d.rddd{iiii Ar!m at-Trai}dkyam aIIa-DeTa-pida-pa& kaja*bhram aram
ftrf-BhuTanaikam alla-Tallabha-rajya-sam uddbarapam pati-httabharapaip mandabka-M akaradhTajaip
vijayarktrtti-dbTajatn m apdalika-T rip§tram ripu-r^ya-m apdalika-Y am a-dapdain jay^bgan^libgita-dor-
ddapdaip Tisu^ara-gapdam gapda-B bbrilravan em b iva m odaU ge palavum anvartthkbka-m&Iega!iia
a ja b k a r i s i |

katn II Trailokyam alla-Tallabhan- | enisidaro|age m ikka pasayitanupi m i- |

kk alnm m ikk apm ina b a - | llM aip Lakshm apane peraran apvarum oJarS ||
Bhuvanaikam alla-DevaDa |.bhavaDado}aip tane mS.nasaip t&oe mahb-1
vyavasfi.yi t&ne vijaya-1 pravarddhakau tbne pasayitaip L aksbm a-nfipaip y
a n t e n is i

v ji II apug a l k aiyya d a fiauryyad i\ vijayad a j C halukya-rSjyakke k &-1

rapam M tn]ilbltanakke n e ;e d kattayad m ikka m a- I
nnapey m&ntanad 6 } negalte-va^ed a } vikrantad a j m ejad &l |
rapad S^dana nachchuv av-e^eyolam viSvasad a j Lakshm apaip ||
ra jja d oja in praja-parijanatu kopdade ch akresar i- |
b f i m m e y i n d e B anavasi-dS A am arri ia s a n a t n |
3 ,-8 a d h a n a -8 a m eta ip k o ( t a k a r n p y a d iin I
i;an e s e d a in b h a - b h a g a d o } L a k s h m a p a in H
J p a n e n a g a - P e r m m a d i 'D I v a b g e n § * i
e n a g a ip P e m m a d i g a m S ifig ig a ip |
end a g g a y s i k a r u p y a d iip i
^atn L a k s b m a b g e S d m a S v a ra ip g
^ a g e N o ja m b a -S in d a v a - |
l^ a m adiy a d a bha- |

ni^da l a i a - y i - 1
^ a v a n a ik a -v a lla b h a tn ||
^ a n a ip v lr a -n i-1
3atp p r a ta * |
^ip la n jik a - f
a i-la k s h m a n a ip L aks=hm apa^ II
t p i li
P l l l ‘f | t f f i s ' t 1^ f I I|t9 1 PS
a s Si Cs-I
ll,?. i-,& il;ll |.l.f:s-^|Sr’l.fe­ s ■l'|c|.
J ^-SS §■fS injlS"sf
f "i
^ .W lit fl

'■ f f t l l M lillt lii

;i^^ Uodl AJ


WS S s.5i S ^“5;
fpjg S>S V a-s l ' * f
'8Ba>■SnS aS 'S,^
iii-i| s iM f . t P s i S 5I. sl Tf J .-ite
*^U eAf'irs
3 \fSs
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p | lii| | it| | ? s A 3 S..
■^ffi i i l i i tp ttii im if 1* i>i-t
?, rf-s. s
Shiklrpur Taluq, 18t

kaip II baliv aleva maleva kelev ada- |taleva palauchaleva Malepar-elvatp mujidaiP^ i
maleyada keleyada baliyada i Maleparaa isuvesake besasidaip Lakshma-npipMP i
vri 11 dh&liyan ittu Konka^amau abkaniy okkidapam tagujda Komb-i
§}aman atti mutti Male-yejumaii S. •. murchchi mukki ni- 1
rmmftlisidappaa endu Malepar ttalo- ddrade Rayadanda-G6- 1
p^a-nyipange mundu varid eadudau eadapav ein pratapiyo 1|
§,}»valam ujlad aSva-balam ilia bhataSva-balafigal uJladam )
t6]i-valain ilia bhfitya-haya-dor-bbalam ulladam ervvalaiigaj ill 1
vesageyyad Ske balivar malepar mmaley embud en adaip |
belvalam age munt ulidanallane Lakshniapan emba Kavajuiani H
kavi durggam cbaturaAgaip bayase dajavulam dh§4i sftj ejf enipp &- |
havadol Chalukya,-R§,mam besase ripu-balakk ennan IndyMy-annaip I
Bhavan-anuatp Bhadran-annaip sidkla balagad-annaip jyala-jv§,liy-annaip 1
Javan-annam Mariy-annam samara-samayadoj Lakshma^am Mman-annaip K
kudureya mSle bil parasu 6dlige tirike bhiyidivalain e- i
ttida karaya^am atidava karkkade p^rava cbakram endodi ent I
odaravar entu payisuyar entu tayumbayar enta.nilpar ent |
odayavar. enta Lakshiuapano} antu barduiikuyfpr aoyarbbftbbajar ||
!yal bandage kalpa>yrikshaiU idiraip band {inta vidyisbtaraip |
fldyal bandad akala-mptyn ^rapky&tdvanipklarain | •
kkyal bandade vajra-Saila-kyita'durggaiii laulya-bhkyaip parar I
striyal bandade Ravai;atmaja-chamb<yidraya9 cun Laksbma^aQi U
bisup alid arkkau'urkk udignm indavakkati kalalgnm agasain \
kasignra M<talaip tadargum ambudbi battugum illi Lakskmapaip |
pasidodam krgge tepparaman oddidodaip manam olda kbdi ^bbi' 1
drieidodam anya-nkrige tnaruldodam ahavadol maraldadaQi ||
S'atrnghuaip Hari*§aaryyan APgada*bhujaqi Sugrivan atme&a«Satt« |
mitram Bkman apamaraip flara-varaip Duiyyodbanain Bb!nia>gk> I
(tra)tratp Bhishma ‘Vudhiehthiraip Guru Eyipain sat-Kannpan end ande dal I
chitraip bhavtse Lak8bma*bbdpa-cfaaritaip Rknikyapaip Bbkrata H
kalitanam ilia cbdgige vadanyate meygalig ilia chS.gi mey> |
galiy enipaiige Saucba-gnpam ilia karam kaH-cbkgbfiaacMgain |
niIe>QQdi-v5je yilla kali cb&gi mah^-Sucbi eatya-vkdi map- |
d4ikarol itan endu poga}guip b o d h a -m a p d ^ B^sbma-bhbpaDa H

kaip.ll muniyiip kisukapchuvar o s e - 1du naguvar int inite peyara muuisuip mccbcboip I
muniyise munida Javaip ha- 1 rshan kge harshain gayyishabba-Iaksbmaip Lakifc~

ene negsdda Lakshma-bhdpain | vinamita-ripu-nyipati-makuta-ghaVtita-cbarapMp |
BanaTase-pannirchcbhksira-1 man H|atuip sukhadin arasu-geyyutt ildaip B
ire Banavase-pannirchchha- | sirakkara arttbkdhikariyutn karyya-dhura* |
ndbaranutp tad-rajya-samn-1 ddharapannm ene negalda mantri mantri-nidh&DM|l |

11 kavita-chbtAkkura-Sri-mada*kala*k4akapth&pamaip kkvya-saudhk- 1
rppaTa-yela-pbrnpa-cbandraip sama-Tishama-mabS.'kaTya-valli-taldntd- 1
tsaya-chanchacb-cbancharikaiii yasndheg esedan uryyi-nutaip dapd&Qdtha* I
pravaratp fiii-S'kntinktliatn p8rama>Jma>matambhdjint-rajahamsai)i |
1B4 S h ik a rp u r T alu q.
kunayafigal Jaina-marggamritadoJ ire jala-kshiradant alii sad-va-1
kya-uisatochchanchuvindam kumata-kalusha-paniyamam tuMi Jaina- i
nana-niryyat-tatva-dugdhamritaman akhila-Bhavyotkarani mochchal asv&-1
dane-geyv-olpindam adam parama-Jina-matambhojiai-rajahainsa li
paramatmaip nishthitatmam Jiuapati parama-svaini tad-dharmiuam. annmaip |
guru-vandyam Varddhamana-brati-pati janakam sanda Goviuda-Kajam 1
piriy-an^iam Kannaparyyam tanag adhipati Lakshma-kshamapMan atma- I
varajam VagbMshanam Revanaa ene negaldaip dhatriyoj S’antinatham ||

kaip fi sahaja-kavi chatura-kavi nis- i sahaya-kavi sukavi sukara-kavi mithyatva-1

paha-kavi subhaga-kavi nuta-ma- | ha-kavindram SarasYati-mukha-mukuraiji H
sukara-rasa-bhavadiip va- 1 rnnakadim tatvarttha-nichayadim sliktam enal |
Sukumara-charitamam pej* 1 da kanndragrani Sarasvati-mukha-mukura ||
asahayaa §.giyum suja- | na*sahayam inada-vihinan agiyum a rtlh i-1
prasarotkata-danadhika- | n asadrusa-vibhavam Sarasvati-mukha-mukura (]

vri II Harabas^kasa-Gangi-jala-jalaruha-nihara^nihara-dhatri- 1
kara-tarS,-Bharati-dig-radani-radaila-piyu8ha-dindira-mukta- I
kara-kundetidrebha-hams’ojvaja-vifeda-yaso-vallabhaip S aatinatha [[
odaveyan olpioim padedu punjisi pdjisi kona-tanadol (
niadagade Sishtar-ittadege bandhugaj-illameg appud endum e- |
nn odame sariram ennadu niyogada parvvatn id ennad endu me- I
Jpadadirim endu gosane toja lvu d u ....................S'antinathanE^ 11 ‘

kani II ene negalda S ’antinatham |Jina-saSana-sat-sarojini-kalabamsam 1

viuayade nijadbipati-La- I kshma-nripange su-dbarmma-karyyamaiji binnavikn^ y
chaSchach-cbamikara-ra i ttanchita-Jina-Rudra-Buddha-Hari-vipra-kulo- I
........... .. ba-saitkujadiip I Pancbaraatba-sthanam enisngum Bali-nagara II
T& Uantu samasta-devata-nivasa-pavitribbatam appa rajadbaniyoj ada Jina-dbavmma-prabbavamai)^
pSlvade II

vri I) sale Jambu-dvipam ojpam talcdudu palavum . . .. Bharatorrvi- j

valayam tad-dvipado} raujisugum esegum a-ksbetraclol Kuntalara Ku- |
nl,aladol santain basantam Banavase Vanavasorvviyo} Bhavya-sevyam I
Baji-nama-gramam a-gramadol amara-nutam S'dnti-tirttbela-vasain ||

kam p a . .. •. rmma-nirmmita- J m adam ^ija-kannmam age madisu kolvo- ||

dudu ninage dhammam embudum i adarkke baged-andu dharmma-nirmmala-chittaijfill

vri II Jina-natbavasamani Vasava-kritam ene munna^bt sila-karmmadim §a- 1

sanani appant hg iral madisi balike m ............... stambhamarp taj-1
Jina-geha-dYaradol nirmmisi vilikhita-namanka-malavali-sa,. i
sanamam chandrarkka-taram nile nilisidan era dbanyano Lakshama-bbfipaip g

kam II mige Muja-sangbado?- De- i siga-gapadol sanda Koiidakundanvayamam |

ja g a ti-ta .................... nt Xire negalcbidar nnegalda-Varddbamana-munindrar H

vri |l padedade pempan eyde vadeyar srutamam srutad ondu maymeyam |

padedade divyam appa tapamam padeyar ttapamaia nirantaram )
padedade kirttiyaip padeyar i .. . . 1 . .. gupafigalam |
padivade Varddhamana-muni-pufigavairi.antire muune n o n tu .... H
S h ik d r p u r T a lu q . 185
sautatam ondi ninda tapadol Srutado} gupado^ viseshar I- I
na intivar ellariip, piriyar iiitivar aggajad agraganyar or- j
ant-ivar endu kirttipudu kiirttu ................deva-si- |
ddhanta-munindraram nata-narendraran abdhi-parita-bMtaJaip H
munis apam S.gal aga munisiip muniyum, muni-vandyaa &gan |
munisu mamatVadim mamate mayeyiu ant adu lobhaditn prava- I
rddhanakaram e u d u ...........vita-kashayar 4da sa-1
n-muni Munichandra-devare dharitrige deva .. devar allare ||
B&ra-kal§,-prab6dhita-sudarakar urj jita-sadhu-sangha-ni-1
etarakar a .. j&ta-mahijata-vidarakar ugra-karmma-saip-1
harakar a ty-u d a ra ............... Sarwapandi-bha-1
ttarakar alte bhavya-sukum&raka-kairava . ■ .. dhipar H
cbara-bhaya .. charadoj adbhutadiip viparitam y adaip I
baredude yautram o............tautram ....................... ..

jita-Kusumastrar <irjjita-ya§6-dhanar §,rjjita-pupya-kammar a- |

nvita-bahu-§astrar adruta-suSiJar adhabkfita-kiibisar prabo- I
dbita-budha ............................................... | -

. . . . .. abbiriimtar M-Maghananduderar ppalavuip Jina-ni}ayaftgalan akbi^drani bappise Ba})iga ..

........................................... Jina-pbjabhi . . . . rchchana-niratan §,harMi-dana-pravarddhana-SiJatn nuta-
b h a v y a ............................. h^-mapdalesraram Laksbmarasam ki-Mallik&moda S'antiuyba-Ji .. . . . .
................... KUaka-saipyatsarada Bhadrapadada punname-Somavarada........................ Desiga-gapada
Tajakolaavayada Magbapaadi-bbat^dra............................. rgge muunatii Srtmaj-JagadSkamalla-Ddvai!
bBallig§.reya ............................. Ide mattar ppanperadu alliya Gojapayyana basadige .............................
irltnach-Chl,}ukya-Ganga-Permmanadi-Vikramaditya-Devar .......... . . . . . . mumam Nandana-vanada
basadige pdrvvadin nadeva.................... bhftpam samuchita-vinayam binnapam g e y y e ..........................
darppa-d§vam 1|anagha-sri-Saatitirtthesvara-pada.-....................vidhi-sahitam ^asanaip mddi kotta . .
..(usual final phrases m i verses). . . . Jiddub'geg ulida nalk-^p pommanig arddham.........................
eradakku Krishna-bhupiakk aday-are kisii adar-areyuin no(Ji siddhayam akkutn ||........... .... g&
Dasojaip khapdarisidaip mangala maha k i ||

. M the same village, ott a stone near the SUeTcola.
namas taflga-giras-cbumbi &c 1|
namas tamra-jatH-jala-ba^a-chandrarddba-dhyipe |
Brahmapda-mapdaparambha-purppa-kambhaya S'ambhavS ||’
jayaty ayisbkfitam Vishpor vvaraham ksh6bhitarppavam I
dakshiponnata-damshtragra-viSrdnta-bbuvanatn vapuh j|

Sei-G6Yiuda-BS.ja Vaisbpava-chdddmapi nudidante-gapda ||

S'rikytaip §Mvata-la- |kshm i-kytaqi nija-tajodara-stbita-loka- 1

16katp bagegopdaip nata-1 nakaukan anauta-bhoga-Sayanau anantaip ||
S'rivaran-esev'udarada pon- 1 d&yarey-aralojagim kamala-vanav alardudid §jp |
bhSivise chitramo t^n e n a -1 1 ivana mukha-kamla-vanav arald esed irkkuip ||
18f S h ik a rp u r T alu q.
a-devana manadoj munn i a-devam pinge mangalavahar ogedar 1
ddedipj'ainana-dipty-a- | chchhadita-dig-valeyar amala-guna-gana-nijayar ||
S,-manasa-bhava-sambhava- | t; i-maLiyau udatta-mahimar aldar ppalaruip |
bhuraipatigai Chajukya-ku- 1 lamala-rataa-pradipar a-pratiriipar j|
a r a r iin .b a j[ik k e {
ejeyam rasegarddod ana- i kulav adi-Varahan ettuvant atma-bhujS.- i
baladim para-iiiipa-gateyam | salilau uddharisi sarvvabhaumam Tailain ||

vri varddhiye ^i.ne ta ina bhuja-garvvadiii arjjisid urvvig indu sam- |

sparddbeyin urvvi-parvvida jasakke dig-antame simey-ambinam |
durddhara-bahu-vir\yan eleyam bagegondu Chajukya-rajya-sam- |
varddhanan aldan ulpala4irab-kamalarchchita-Chandika*padam ||

ka hrit-k'Jan arafige kuja- | kutkijam permmeg enisi negajdam rara-l

jat-kirtty-amara-d iuni-Hima- |vat-kutkilarn pratapa-Sailam Tailani ||
jaya-lakshmi-kantam tat- | priya-tanayau udara-vira-cbaritam Satya. |
firayan al<hi}a-raja.dharinma- | srayan aldam dhareyan abdhi-pariveshjitamam ||
Vikraaian urjjita-aija-bbuja- | vikramaa ajdam dharitriyam tat-tanujam |
S'akran ivan emsi nata-para- 1 chakram dik-chakra-vartti-teja^-ohakraip ||
kurmmanavol ejeyam Dasa- i varmmam kinnelakev irddu tajedane tajedani |
nurmmadi mSl enal adyara i permmege nija-mahime tad-anujam vasumatiyam |
baiphima. d-asi-lata-nakha-1 samharita-vairi-gaja-ghata-patajain n i-j
chcham harshita-bhuvanam Jaya- 1 simham tat-tanujan ajdan i-vasumatiyajp g
dhareyaip naga-tufiga-payo- 1 dhareyam puga-prakanda-bandhura-myidu-kan-|
dhareyani pallava-lalita-1 dhareyam tat-tanujan aldan Ahavamallaip 0
bbuvana-stutyam negajd A - l havamallagrajan udattan ildam dhareyam |
Bhuvanaikamallan a-bhu-1 dhavan-atiujam Vikramankan apagata-^ankaip g
abdhi-pariveshtitaman a- j kshubdha-inano-jajadhi vijaya-lakshmi-sava-1
sbtabdha-ghanasam prathama-ka' i kub-dhavan ivan enisi visva-vilvambhareyaip g
madbyama-loka-pajan enisi pratipajisuvalli ||
ar S.r a-a;hni a-Varicha-bhayade nadugar bbliitiyindani fiara? bo-1
kk &r ar aiu ha-dainyar chcharana-sarasija-prantadol mulgar a-Sau-i

virAbhirAnd ra-Golla-prabhritigaJ avanipalakar nnolpudum che* |

to-rodha-krodha-baddha-bhrukuti-puta-vitankam nyipam Vikramahkam g
gata-velam Chojan utpallava-kajita-karam Pallavani sambhramanve- |
shita-bhubhyid-randhran Andhram kvathita-prithula-hrij-jangajam Singajatp lafi- 1
ghita-majain Majavam jarjjara-bhuja-kudharam Giirjjaratn baldane san-1
tatav atmiya-prataponnatiyin enisidatn Vikramaditya-Devam ||
inisan alurttu nind urade kadade geyyade dhare pejda dan- |
dina ghatey aney*aj-madada dhai'eyoj arddudu Kafichi mim . . . |
. . nivisi Kafichi tenka-mogav adade danid ari-rayar ilia ke- |
mmane moneg intu baldaleyar end alevam ripu-raya-bhumbhukaip g
bhuri-bhujoddhuratara-tara- | variya variyoj oraldu nir-mmanasevol |
vira-iri nelas irppaj a-“l ^^aratav anapaye raya-kojahajana ||
Chajukya-mabisana kur- | Bbal-al-nirolage node polevutt irpp fi-1
bajeg ereyoduv ari-nara- ipa jar^gaja-ghategaj en id ond achchariyfi g
6^ida Lalaip kivi-vidid- | adida ChoJ^m vinashta-rajyain baikaip |
bedida Kajifigan eip bhaya-1 kud a llafe pagege raya-koJahaJana g
S hik ^ rpur T a lu q . 187

enisi Kalya^ia-pura-varada nelevidinol sukha-saiikatba-vinodadim rajyain geyyuttam ire tat-p&da

padmopajtvi !|
vri II manava-rupadind ogeda kalpa-kujam dvija-pdrvva-janma-krid- |
dana-phalodayani sukrita-janma-griham su-kavindra-brinda-hfia- |
manasa-rajabamsau apapapa-kalapan enutte ragad u- |
ddaniyin oldu baimipa jauangai aaaatav Anantapajana ||
nambida bbaktiy ond e Girijadbipanoi bhuvana-stutain ya^a- |
Jambanav onde mat adirad aatade Ravana-kotiyum rana- 1
dambaradiudav onde jayaS&li-nijodgha-bhujasi-lekhey e-1
k embudo lokadoj guna-gana.ngal auantav Anantapajana ||
avasarav age parddu kivi-varchchuva sangarav age nddi be- J
rcbchuva patiy-artthavam kajal-odarcbchuva mattina dandanayakar |
ssavane virodbiy-aH-garuJan urchcbuva lakshmiyan aldavange sa- |
rcbchuva nelanam payodbi-varav eyde nimircbcbuv AnautapaJanoJ ||

tat-pada-payoja-rajiva-nijaya-rajahamsanum tat-priya-devaranum dvija-varanmp jagad-varanuv enisi ||

vri Vanavasaip vana-vasav ayt itara-dapdadhi^ar ajdandu si- |
shta-nikayakk animitta-mitrau anavadyachara-patram jaga- |
d-vinutam tanna niyogadoj vipula-rajya-Sri-samuddama-yav- |
vana-vasam budharg adud adav enipam Govinda-dandadhipaip ||
Kamalapr6dbhava-vam§a-sambhavaro}ellam sanda tann arppu ta- |
nna mahatvam negald irdda tann arivu tann ajfiA-pbaJam tanna ki- |
rtti mabi-chakraman ellamam bejage daudadhiSa-ratnam Cbaju- i
kya-mabinatha-bhujasi-dandav enipam Govinda-daiidadhipam ||
enag im svecbchha-vihara-vyatikarav ogedatt eke Govinda-dande- I
Sana cbittanx dripta-sapatnika-baja-dalanodrekadoj taltud inn a-1
tanol ant ugrari-vira-vratikara-gati-mad-bimba-sambbedanam kern-1
mane tan im pogad end udbhayade tapanan ind adan uttapta-dShaip ||
manadol ma,ntaijav irdd arati-nripa-vamSonmulanam geyyal i- i
rppinav a-matan abhuta-chara-vacbana-vyAparav atmavani- 1
janitotpata-satangalind aridu bhitatmar nripar bbandu to- |
ttane kandar ggad id em pratapa-parand Govinda-dandSdhipara ||
dig-daham vairi-nirnnaSanav odavidud alt-alt udagra-krudh-ugram |
dig-danti-vrata-netraruna-rucbi deseyam parvvit alt-alt id udyad-1
dig-devi-kuiikuma-sthasakav enal urigaj suttan uchchhishta-rosha- I
prag-deSam satru-de^angalan atula-baJa-bbrAji Govinda-Rajatn ||
karp I tojaguva-rannada sodarvol l belagidapam Vikramanka-nripan-araraaneyo} I
toled itara-chamupa-tamo-1 majamam Govinda-Raja-dandadhisairi ||
...........mirade . . . . . |page padakrantam age jasadim dig-bhi- 1
ttigajam dhavalisidam dhare | pogajal Govinda-Eaja-da^dadhiSam ||
Raya-3halappana bbuja-kau- 1 ksbeyakav enip alavan anta Gdvinda-chamfl- |
nayakanoj senasuvavam | nayakadol senasuv-odeda kajam polkuin 1|
ettapa para-mandalamum i mutting olagAgi daradant irppuvu kA-1
yd ettalodan emam id en u- 1 dvrittano ransp-ranga-Bhairavaip Govindaip j|
vri 1tande jagaj-janabhivinutam purushagrani Dasi-Rajan A- |
nandita-bandbu-sbnrite pativrvate Sovala-Devi matri de- |
188 S tik a r p u r T aluq.
vain Daaujaatakani gaij adhidaivam id Sm kyita-kyityan anyia G6-1
vinda-cham&pan urjjita-Parasara-gotra-pavitran urvviyo| l|
gadya |1 svasti samadhigata pa5cha-maha-§abda maha-samantadhipati maha-prachaijda-dandanayar
karp ^ishteshta-janabhishta-phala-pradayakam iS ’ri-kanta-kauta-sri-pada-pankaja-siJimukhara 1samara-
mukha-Shanmukham i Latanvaya-lalata-mangala-tilakam i dbarmma-Sravapa-j&ta-barsha-puJakarn
kirtti-kaumudi-vikasita-dig-vadha-nayana-kairavarn i rana-ranga-Bhairavaip i Tribhuvanamalla-DSva-
Tijaya-dakshina-bbuja-dandam I vipranvayodayachala-m&rttapdarp i namadi-samasta-pralasti-sahitatp
firiman-mahd-pradhanam maae-verggade-dayidan§,yakani Govindamayyam Banavass-pannircbchh&y-
iramuip SaataJige-sSryiramiup erad.-ayu-nftruip va^da-ravulanum pannaya........... ttam irddu firtmad-
rSjadh§,ni-Balipura-varadol (1
kaip II pede-varal-ele-visiloj tej- | podeya*alar alardd eseye Padmajam rafijipa-pfi- |
midivol ire lileyim pM- 1 g a d a l............................. Sayana [|
vyi II tered urugalgajind ogedu mejuday-antire dugdha-.. . . -si- |
karava-kath6ra-ketaka-daja-pravibb^si-pay6dhi-putrik§,- j
Smara-dara-h&sa-pe§ala ....................... pamam |
viraohisal oppuv AbdhiSaya-mbrtti-samanvitam ^ge ragadiip ||
kaip II ubhaya-dvMaSa-murttiyaa 1 abhinuta-Subha-mfirtti vipujatara-kirtti cham ft-1
................................. I ., bh^nu Bhairavaran esevinaip mMisidaip ||
Jalasayanan-odane bandudo I jalanidbi kaliputte magaja mdhadin ene kau- i
golip-amaja-jala^aya . . | ........................... • sedam |l
xaadisi |) svasti yama-niyama-svadhyaya-dhyana-dharana-mdnanusbtbayia-japa-samadhi-Sila.gupd-
petaruip |jagaj-janaika-putarum i akuptha-Vaiku . . . . . . kyita-tadiya-pada-pitbopakaptha-bhatalaruip
kirtti-viya.... rafigipi-pravaba-purita-viyat-tajaruip i ajimha-brahmyanushthgipa-nishtharaminija-pavi-
.... . . . shtharurp |................. krita-Satamakha-prabhavakampita-S'atamakharam | chatur-vveda-
Chaturmmukharuip |vipra-vamSa-pradiparuip i avandhya-Saparum j §reyo-nidhana-dipa-varttigaJaip |
.................... galum enisid irppat-ayvad-irvvar-mmahajanafigalge srimach-Chalukya-Vikrama-kdlada
39 neya Jaya-sarpvatsarada Cbaitrada punnave.Adiv§,ra-grabana-vyatipata-sankra................... para-
inesvara-dattiagi tammra-^asanam padedu srimad-rajadhani-Balipurada tajavritti Savatikbandada
bayalam kalgarchcbi dhara-purvvakam sarvva-namasyam tri-bhogabhyantaratp sarvva-badha-parih^rav-
Sgi kottar A-vyittige sime (here follow details of boundaries) ant alii devara nitya-nivedy a-pfijd-punaskara-
Chaitra-pavitra-kbapd^-spbutita-jirppoddbarakke (here follow details of gift and usual final phrases),

On another stone in the same place,
namas tufiga-fic. ||
pratishtba lok&n&rp ruchira-phala-safigbaika-vipapir
vibbAtinaip in&ta patim anusaranti nija-gunail^ i
yadiye damshtrAgre sthiratara-padeyam vasumati
sa Visbpub krodatma sUra-ripu-vijetA vijayatS |1
ambbodher udvahan urvvim adi-Potri punS.tu vab |
........... mitopa................................... udayacba}a1^ ||
cbiraya S'ivaySr bbbyAt safigamo manga|aya vab |
anasS jagataip jAgraj-janmani svayam eva yab ||
vira-Ballala-bhupSla-rajya-siudhn-sudh§,nidhi^ 1
Kum§,rab Padmi-DevS’yam jivyad a-ebaudra-tarakarp ||
pyithvi pyitbvya samaip lakshmir akshina yat-sam&Sray§. 1
asti Yadava-bhup^n&ip kBhun^ ’’^ti-kulaip kulaip ||
' pid a.
S h ik a rp u r T a lu q . 189

S'aja-narapatir "byaghram halva ^rihita-SallikayS.

guru-nigaditaip Karifiinatoktam vachah paribhavayau |
Hoyisa^a-padam[................Jviclhdya jagat-trayS
muni-jana-mano-nirbhitatvam byadhad a-pari§ramain !|
Murari-charanambhoja-makaranda-madhubratab I
tatra vitrasitaratir jiato Vishnu-mahipatib II
Narasiipha-mahipalala sulas tasm M aj^yata I
yas ta tiaiiganad vastu jatam artthi-gaflib dadat ||
vira-Ballala-bhupalas tanujas tasya bhupatSb I
yat-vikrama-kramam srutva viMrniiaiii vidvisham urab ||
......................... poja-vilasat-patrarikurab parwate* l
....................mauli-mauktika-ma^i-bhrajisbriu-pMambujab 1
sri-Ballala-nripadhipab kshitim imam akramati smasramab I!
yad-dvip6dyan-madam6da-chale dik-kufijara-braje i
S'esha-sirshniva yad-doshni Dhata dhatri*ta]ain nyadhafc 1|
asya vira-Ballala-bhupaJasya-pada-padmopajivi sakala-lakshmi-patis Chbavana-senapatir gguna-rat-
nakarab 1
gunanam gapane tasya guninab kab kavih prabhuh |
yasya vikrama-danabhyam vismritau simha-Sdryyajau 1|

tasya VisVamitra-gotra-pavitra-Chavaiia-dandadhipates Cbendala-Debyam prachyam ahaskara(y) iva

samutpannas sakala-kamala-patih prakliv ata-raya-dandaG§,tha*ganda-pendara-lanchhanab dva-
saptatau yoga-nipunali Padmi-Devas [sjdranam agraiiir ggayakair ilthaip gtyate 1|

tyajata samara-varttam Padmi*Devena bhftpa

bbajata charana-mulam . . . . amushya i
........... divyaip gauda-pendara . . . . . .
pratikriti-mahita .. m pa§ya padavanamr&m ||
yasya...........sastra-pariSrama- goshthishu |
tyakta-kdse prachalite kripaiie lilaya kvacbit i
kampante ko^am utsrijya jitas satru-mahibhujab !l
yasya i
vira-lakshmt-samudvahe khadga-dhara-purassaram |
vidvisbatsu........................ piSachali . . . . . .......... |}
iena vira*BallaJa-bhdpena prasadikritam sapta-dvipalanbrita-dhararti-lalamopamaiia-Jambu-dvipe s a -
rabhdta-Bharata-varsha-madhya-vartti.Kuntala*bbutaJalankafafia-Vauavasim dvadasa-sahasra-sammi-
tam bh&mina tri-bhogabbyantaram blmSjanali i tad-de§a*jananigrib6pamane 1 surasura-pratishthita-
lihga-sabasra-prasiddha-mabasii vividha-srati-svara-sammilat-tri*sandhyam-abhihanyamana-ghanat6d-
ya-nM 6pahata.......... Balipure nivesita-skandhavarab Padi»i*Devab tat-pura-prasiddha-Hutavahai-
pratisbthitasyal AgaikarabhidbS,na-sujaDa-prasiddha-kalatiiaya*sampanna-pada-pankaja-pftjS,-rachana-
chaturali sa dandadhipab praticlinain tarn devam ................tatia sthalacharyya-parampara-prasiddhir
idriSi 1| '
asti Srotriya-s'ddhanta-sudhi-siiidhu-kaieliiidbib I
KumiiraSiva-devakhyab svAgamachara-darppap.ab !l
tasya VamaMvaS Sishyas sad-achara-parAyapab V
kulam et&.drisam laksbmih yeaavapa mbni-SriyS. ||
~ il Q
190 S b ik a rp u r T a lu q ,
auto DevaMvas tasya bh6ga-m6ksh6chita-bi’atah |
yas ttt sarvva-guiiair yyukto babyas sebyah priyaiivvadah |1

taiji Devasivain ahaya sa cha Padma-daudadhipatib i Saka-nripa-samvatsaram arabbya ^atadhika-


sahasropari sapta-daSaine Ananda-samvatsare MarggaMrsha . . . . . . . yani Somavare byaUpd,ta«

y6gS tasyaiva Agni§vara-stha]asya auga-bhSgadi-samaSta-deva-karyya ... ....ta s y a DevaSiva-pay^i*
tasya padau prakshalya purwa-prasiddha-pura-kshotra-rupaip nidhi-niksbepa-sabitaiii sthaja-vrittiip
*raja-rajapur8ha-yir-Yvalaii abgali-pr§ksbaniyatii sarvva-namasyam kyitva dhara-pfim akaip datta-
vSiU I tam imam sakala-jana-barshotkarshaip i adhah-kpitasesha-kalmasham dana-vibhavam avaldkya p

s a m a ra ...............viras Sakti-yuklah kum&ro

vijita-ripu-samajab kamininani Manojab i
bahu-guna-ma^i-sindhus sacb-cbaritraika-bandhur
viSada-vitata-kirttir dharani-punya-mfirttib 11
api cha ||
dvirada-giri-samudyad-dbatu-dh§,ra-pravahaib I
samara-bhuvi samantad varddhitd. vira-lakshmi-
sulalita-jala-keii-saukhya-sakhyas tatinyab II
so’yam Ekala-bhupo’pi kale pu^y&tmake tadd. 1
AgniSvara-sthaJam sarvva-namasyam kritavan muda 1| ^
tatra pura-ksbetrayob Karn^iata-vanya sima-prasiddhir idrisi (here follow details of boundaries and
usual final verses) 6m namas S'ivaya ||
A t the same village, on a vtraMl near the $ond of the Hosa-matha.
svasti Srimatu bhuja-bala-cbakravartii Bijjana-Devarasaru sukha-sankatha-vinodadilp rajyam geyyi-
iittam ire Banavase-nada daudanayakaip Padmarasana besadira Dakshina-Kedara-devara pad6,r&-
dhakarum appa VamaSakti-devara bandiya bididalli Tonavattiya meregara Babeya-Nayaka k a d i-
svarggasthan adalli a]iya Madukeya-Babeya kalian irisi vira-sa|an ettisida 1|§ri

On a vtraJcal on the bund of the same pond. ,

svasti Srimatu Yadava-cbakravartti sri-vira-Ramachandra-Raya-vijaya-rajyodayada 14 neya Tarapa-

samvatsarada Chaitra-su 1 Adivaradandu svasti ^rimatu ubhaya-nana-deSiya-vira-BapaSj . pavinaip
BalJigrameya chalad-anka-Madi-Settiyaru Kuppeya mutti kadidalli vira-Meyi-devanu y&la mele yaja
kadali tajt iridu meradu balu-dalegalam hiridn sura-Joka-praptan ada ||mangala mah6 Srib ||

On a stone at the same place.
6rimach-charu-guriS,mbudhib prakatita-prakbylti-kantS-patis
tyagenatmaja-bh6,ra-§rmkhaja-lasad-. akhandita.. .. bh6- i
so’yatp iri-g a ^ a .................... l&mbika-vallabhab |1

Byaya-sa^vatsarS pr6dyan-mase cbASvija-namani i

chaturddasy^tn.^hanuvar6[,. . J'gamad divatp H
irimad-Yadava-Narayapa bhuja-baJa-praudha-pratSpa-cbakravartti 8ri-vira-R3,machandra-Rayara
'- A
rajyabbyudayada 16 neya Byaya-samvatsarada ASvija ........................... Somav&radandu bh&ra-
*So in the oriRinal.
S h ik a rp u r T alu q, 191
bajavanu Simha-dSva-pada........... vana-jita................. yaka sanda TStya-N&yaka Bala-Mularaya-
(^aka h a d i.............................N ayaka..............maleya-raya-sthapanacharyya Nefliapala-devaaa sarv-
PS,nga-lakshini Yallabayiya kumara sakaja-gu^a-sampannan appa Ga^eSvaranu §,tana praneSvari Bom-
^mayi kudi patibratl-gunadim agni-praveSam madi sarigratna-rangadolu svargga-praptar adaru man-
ga la mah§, sri
At the same village, on a vtrakal near the TripurantaJca temple,
svasti samasta-prasasti-sahitaqi ^riman-maha-pradhaaam Ereyayana-daniakaru SiAgi-Devana mele
nadedtt kadida ||Tripurantakara*bagila Tippu-bova palambaram konda sura-loka-praptan ada 1|atana
viragallu ||
On a 2nd stone at the same place.
svasti Srimat-vira-Ballala-Devara varshada 17 neya Parabhava-sanivatsarada Karttika-ba 1 S6
BalligAmeyadal ujja Nagi-Setti sile y a .................... k edisi............ ya-Ketanahalliyali daiad-ajigarodane
tage . . . tajt irida palarain kondu sura-16ka-pr§.ptau ada ||

On a 3rd stone at the same place.
6m namaS S’ivaya svasti kimat-Kalachuryya-chakravartti Ahavamalla-Deva-varshada Sarvvari-sain-
vatsarada Phalgunad amAvase-Somavaradandu §rimanu-maha-pradhana anta[h]pura-verggade maha-
pasayitam KeMmayya-dandanAyakaru Banavase-pannirchhasirama dushta-nigraha-sisbta-prati-
palanavam madutta maha-rajadhani-Balligrameyalu sukha-saakatha-vinodadi rajyaip geyutta yidda
onda devasam srimatu tanna leAka vurwatya-birudaran ervvatti badivatn Savagadada-n&yakara tale-
yam kava birudara g6va varige tappuva ISnkaragaiidaS'iva-pada-sekharani maha-Mahesvaram tajara
Ketamalla-Hayaka-pramukhavagi Mayileya bavarakke halaraip hejalu yelariuda muAguJa-dayavagi
nadedu yidir-antararp halaraip kondu svami-karyyavam nerahi sura-loka-praptan adan atange paro-
ksha-vinayaman avara bbava Kajeya-Nayakanu maga Mahadeva-Nayakanu Padmavve-Nayakitiyum
nilisida vira-sasana mangala maha §ri
On a ith stone at the same place.
svasti kimatu Yadava-chakravartti vira-BallaJa-Deva-varshada ] 5 neya Krodhi-samvatsara-Chai-
tra-§uddha 10 Sdmavaradandu svasti samasta-prasasti-sahitam §riman-maha-pradhanam bahatara-
niyogS, . . . . nara-devadhipati sam ala...........lakshmi-patig .. yogyata-Yogandharain pati-karyya-dhu-
randharaip raya-dandanatha ganda-pendaram Sriman-maha-pradhanam Goparasa-dandanayakara
Srimatu Banavase-pannirchchhasirakke rajadhani Balligrameyamam n§,davamam dushta-nigraha-
sishta-paripalanam madi sukha-sankatha-vinodadim rajyam geyyuttam i r e ....................Srimad-anAdiy-
agrahAra-Jamburu-siddhayake «xika.. talevi kattisi maggavam b a ^ i........... .. ........................... nayakani
te tk a nama ............. ....................................... ................... sabbaya ............. .................. dayav Sgadam
nayakachSryyam kadana-Tripetram para-nari-sahodarain............................ adhikam n u d id a ............
nayakaram .........Devapa-Nayakaru (rest illegible)

At the same village, on a pillar in the Anantas'ayana temple.
.........................svasti sri Kalachuriya .. ........... chakravartti Tribhuvanamalla Bijja[ua-D6va] Chaitra-
sudda 1 Adityavara-suryya-grahana-vyatipatadandu, "fiirapeya-Ndyakana putra Qajyeya-sAhapi
192 S h ik a rp u r T aluq.
ma^isida sri-Gundesvara-de?ara puje-panaskarak endu Banavase-nada heggade dandanayakann
mayyangdla kattid-alagu Suryya-Devana putram gotra-pavitram S'iva-pada-sekharaia BaiJiga^
talaya Sovoya-Nayakanum pa}ihata*gararia ... gajum pura-nagarangala sannidhiyol pattanaJ!
talafikeya sunkadayadolage 10 vittingam vettina suukamam dh^ra-pui’vvakam madi bittar (wswa?
phrases) S’iyaika-Saranaiii Reoharasana barepa |
At the same village, on a virakal in the gateway of the Kds'imatha,
jiyat trailokya-natbasya sasanam Jina-^asanam ()
priya-sucharitre bbavya-jana-bandhave .... .. sami Maji-Se- |
ttiya sati Jaina-dharmmada tavarmmaney a-pati-bhaktiyalli Si- 1
teya negalda Timaureya samana negajteye Padmlyarkkan o-1
rmmeye ..... . samadhi-vidhiyim padedal sura-loka-saukhyamam ||
Arham ||svasti srimatu Yadava-chakravartti vira-Ballala-Deva-varsada 16 re neya VisvavasU’^saipvat-
sarad uttarayanada sankranti-Pusyad-aroavase-Adityavaradandu pattana-svami MaR-Settiyara madia-
valige Padmauve su-chittadim samadhi kiidi svargga-praptey adalii mafigala maba Sri SrirVita-
ragaya namah ||
At the same vUlage, on a vtrajcal in Patel Garjina Channa-Vtrappa's garden.
svasti samasta-bbuvanasrayam Sri-prithvi-vallabham mahirajadhirajara paramesvaram parama-
bhattarakam Satyasraya-kula-tilakam Chalukyabharanam srimat-Tribhuvanamalla-Devaru vijaya-
rajyam uttarottarabhivriddhim a-chandrarkka-taram-baram saluttam ire tat-pada-padmopajivi svasti
sri................ matu Ghalukya-Vikrama-varshada 38 neya Nandana-samvatsarada srimatu piriya-
dandaaayaka Anantapajayyana besadi srimatu dandanayaka Govindarasaru Banavase-pannirchchha-
siramuma aluttam ire sri......... dandanayaka Govindarasara basadinde Balligrameya turu pariyalu
kadaKaouiya-Revayya-Nayakam palambaru maleharam kondu turuvam magulchi sura-loka-praptan fida
jitena labhyate lakshmir mritenapi surangana 1
ksbana-vidhvamsane kaye k§, chinta marane rane !|

At the same place, on another stone.
oin namas S'ivaya svasti Srimatu Kajacburyya-bhuja-bala-cbakravartti raya-Murari Sdvi-DSva-
varshada 4 neya Khara-samvatsarada S'ravapa-bahujad ain5.vasye-Somavaradandu Srimatu-r&ja-garu
VamaSakti-devara putra Dasi-Setti Muddauveya maga.........Holeya-Nayaka........ . . . . . dajjiyim
baruttam SSliyura Sandad edeyalli pajambar kkalla ................nayakaru ba^a........... tagey avara
kadi kondu sura-loka-praptan adan atana virav ent eudade ll
vri II uravariyinda duradolu tagida vira-dhanurddhararkkalam i
tvaritadin ecbchu kur-gga^egaRm dhareg ikki karam kadafigi bho- l
rggared irad eydi ge^galane kitt iriv ankada nayakarkkalam i
surigeyan antu kondu dhurado} ijd aRdaip pade-mechche Helliga ||
ka II mechch emag end agasadim | chechcharam ilitandu kopdu podar nnajavia-1
d achcharasejar ^aradin i d achcharivade bhu-janaAgal a-Helliganam ||
Somoja-Barmmojana kelasam ||manga^a mah& Sri
ShiMrpur Taluq. 193

At the same village, at the bottom of the Qaru^orJcamhha near the gateway.
fivasti samasta-bhavauaSrayani Sri-prithvi-rallabhaQi maharajMhiraJaip parameSvaram parama>
bhait&rakatn Safcyaaraya-kula-tilakam Ghalaky^bharapam irlmat-Tiailokyamalla-D^vara vijaya-r4jyao»
uttar6ttarabhivriddht-pravai*Mhaina*i,!n a-cbaadrarkka-tlram-baram saluttam ire tat-pada-padm6pa»
j i n samadhigata-paScha-inaha-Sabda raaha-ina^idajlsvarairi Banavasi-pura-varS^raram Mahalakahm^-
labdha-vara-prasadara tyaga-vinoda ayadacharyyan asahaya-^auryyam gap^ara ga^daip ganda-bbe-
ruydam mdru-rayasthana-kali biruda-tnandalika-vfishabha-S’ankaraip ripu-nripa-bhayankaraai
taligaja mogada kai birudar-adityam pratyaksha-Vikramadityam ganda-kaj&nalam Konkapa-dallajaip
gapdara Meru asrita-jana^kalpa-taru vibudha-santarppanam mandajika-mukha-darppauaa ari-

maudalika-gaja-ka^thirava Ahavamalla-Devana Ha^uvam Satru-kshatrabdhi-badabanalam Kanagile-

vft.da"davanajam Kaunama-di4apattam Duddha-gbarat\aai jagad-eka-dani §riman-maha-mapdal§S-
W a in Chavunda-Rayarasara Banavase-paunirchchasirainumam Santalige-slsiramumaip Haivey-
aynuyutnam paschiraa-samudi’a-paryyantam-baram aluttam ire 1

§ri-vibhavam prasiddhi-nega|.d’ AhaVamalla-maha-mahisanin- 1

d dvagam oppe dana-gunad unnatiyaip nere taldi visva-vi- |
dya-vidarg artthaniam piridan iva negalteya dauiy endu |
na-vidbadiade vapnipud ija-vajayaip jagadeka-daniyam jj
Inajaae dani daaigalo} ataau miinte hiranya-dani varp- 1
nanege birapya-dana-guuam ondum ad Sguvad enda mecUchad o- |
rbbanane hiranya-dani gaja-d&oi turangama-dani divya-va-1
stra-nikara-daniy eodu mahi vaynipud i-jagadeka-daniyaip ||
negalda vampaka-vrajake rayana kotta podajda pouna-rA- |
sigaluman umnadebha-nivahaAgaJmnani bahu-varyna-vaji-rd- 1
jigalutnan eyde nodi manam ikki galillene sattu mayda 16- K
bhigala pavangojal manujar irkk Ajan ddadam em samartthane 1|
besanaip Traijokymallam besasidan. el ele bandapatn rdyan ant d- |
besanaip kaikondu bhu-mandalaoium ajidud im barad ek irppan end t-1
rbbisidar dangai- ssuruldar mmalepar ahita-sainantar aUadidar nu6-1
di sadijdar gGurjjarar ssanchalisidar adhikar Chera-ChoJddi-bh&par ||
ariyaiig nrkkudi ballidange gha|a-sarpparp gandu-dorppaiiige ma- 1
ri ranS,rambbige kala-chakrain urad atarppang agui'bb appa da- j
11-uri markkolya bhatange tarn bara-sidil dor-ddarppadind urkki ma-1
chcharipaAg achchariyim kolalk elalda siipham ganda-kajanajaip i|
ejeyol baled adardii disa- j valiyan d6ngudi raaraldu pallavisi nabha-1
athaladiin matt attal id em i baledudo kirtti-late gapda-kaidnajana |
fiVasti firiman-maha-maydalesvarain Chanmyda-Udyarasar sSaka-varsha 969 tteneya Sarvvajit-
flamvatsarada VaiSakha-Suddha-daSami-BrihaspatiVaradandii §rimaj-Jagad6kamallesvai’a-Devara
m unte ganda-bheruuda-stambhamam nilisi maha-tyagam geydu Sritnad-AnantaSivacharyyara
ia la r p karchchi dhara-purvvakam madi BherundeSvara-deTargge Jiddulig-elpattara baliya Harva-
Garbbururaam (here follow details of further gift and their boundaries) sarwa-namasyaip
sarvva-badha-pai'iharam agi kotlar (usual final phrases and verses) mattav i-degulada pratibaddhav-
Age Kunda-Rajana tange Bichabarasige urim mudiaya Bheruydesvarada tala-vritti pulJeya-bayala
m hdaya pattugsyale Bhernyda-galeyal kotta galdeya niattar pattu idain pratipl}isidange purvrokta-
RAma-prartthaneya phala
Sliikarpur Taluq.

Ai the same Village^ on the S'ula-Brahmayyana-kaUu in Kit{adaha}li Ghanna-Basappa'i ‘bacJc-yard.
svasti saniasta-bhuvauasryam sri-pnthvi-vallabha maharajadhirajani parameSvaram parama-bhatt4»
^^akaip Satyasraya-kuja-tilakam Chalukyabharanaip 4rimat-Trail6kyamalIa-Deva-vijaya-rajyain uttar5»
ttarabhivriddhi-pravarddhamauain a-chaadrarkka-tararn saluttam ire tat-tanubbavam 6rimach-Ch^
Jukya^Gauga-Perminanadi Vikrama ... Devar Gangavadi 96 sayiramumam dushta-nigraha-vilisbta'
pratip^anam geyd ajuttaia ire 6ri-Ballavaras ir pPanungalla kotege vijayain geyye snmat-Kadamba-
Satya^raya-Devam Kanauur aJiUtain ire Tuluva-Chandigam ....... beralge vejeyen endu nudidu ^ri-
Baliavarasar sSatyasraya-Devanu Banavaseya koteyumaip Pannirchchhasiradal pas§,ya , ..... deva
vrittiyumam da} e geydu kotta beralam kad ye S'aka-varsha 981 neya Vikari-sarpvatsarada Maga-Su
4 ^dityavaradaudu Permtnaju-devalyakam Tuluva-Chandigam BhSrundlesvaraman eri .. . bild Srina
mone-negedu . . .. suradoka-pratan adam
At the same village, on a stone in the burial ground.
names tuDga-siras-&c. ||
6m namas S’ivaya Ganapatibhyo namah ||svasti samasta-bhuvanalrayain Sri-prithvi-vallabbam maha-^
raj4dhirajam parameivaram parama-bhattarakam Satyafiraya-kula-tijakam Cbalukyabbarapaip jnalli-
klmodam raya-gaja-kesari gandaroj gaudarp gapda-pendaram Chologra-kalanalam vidagdha-r%a ..
•vitra-guna-maui ari-raya-taleya karavatta raya-pratapa............ .. sauryya-Ullrayauam chauvana^
Sabasrabahu....................Devara ^rimaj-Jagadekamalla-Deva-namUdi-samasta-praiasti-sahitaip
singa-Devar gGhattadakereya nelevidinal sukha-sankathS,-vm6dadim rSjyam geyyuttam ire Saka-
varsha 960 neya Bahudhanya-samvatsarada ............ AdityavS.radand uttarayana-sankrantiyandu
svasti yama-niyama-svadhyS.ya-dhyana-dharatia-mauaanushtbana-jap8-samMhi-8bad-afig6peta .. ..
......... sastra-paravara-paragar avadata-kirtti................. bhayapahara.........kuJa-samUddhararia
guna-ratna-nidhana jana ........Bh^rati-kar^napiira Rudravatara .. .# sarovara-rajahatnsa..........
. . . . .. kundala-ganda-sthaja nija-kirlti-stbagita-nabhas-sthala .. ......... vakhandana Parbbatavajiya
Kaldmukhara gauda................... gaveya santati ....... Ssimat-Kriyasakti-papdita-devara kalaiii
karchcbi Benakanakojada Siddhe§vara-de . . . . degulava mS,di i-devara gandha-dbdpa-nivedyakkam
alliya vidyartthi-tapodbanar-asanichchhadanakk endu Bepneyake.reya kejago kachcbhaviya galeyol
bitta matter ppanneradumani Benakanakoladim paduvalu purakke mattav a-ga}eyoJ mattar eradu-
mam bittar {rest contains usual final phrases and verses).
kanda ||anivini geyd i-dharmmao |aniyaram alidange peratu gatiy ill k-bal-1
kani Varanasiyal bra-1 hmanarum pasugalraan alidan Ajagujig ijidam |j
alipinoj i-dharmma......... ... saman............ te.re
{rest effaced).

At the same village, on a stone to the north of the gateway of VanaMhondada Basappu's temple.
svasti sri Vinayaditya Rajalraya sri-pritbivi-vallabha maharajadhiraja paramesvara bhatara prithivi-
rajyam keye sn-Pogilli-Sendraka-mahar&jar Nayarkhandamum JeJugur-^lgeyan ajuttu Kandarbor
adhikarigal age periya-osageyura alavanavum aputraka porudum&n vittar Vajlirggameyara Dasa-
diiyuni Amaliyara d§vadiyutp .Yedevalliyara devad'yum Alamvalliyara-Eavichandanuin Sokka-
Gfi,mu£!idarum Edeya-Gamn^ij ii'tim Mol iura Maniya-Gamunferuip Nagavaljiyarum Audugiya gamigar
ruip Nirilliya-Siude,ra-gamigarum mukham a|e eradum nalke raja-^ravitam age prasadain keydar idan
alivon VaranSsiyaJul sasira-kavileytim parvvaruman konda paScba-maha-pataka-samyutan akkum



Shikarpur Taluq. 195

idaQ kole irelpattarujam okkaltanaip keyroa a*vittidalli yejeyade ke^uge idaa kadu salrou paramar
kalyaya-bhagigai appor aelanuni yejeg a-p8lrvvarun» prajeyuip tajftige

At the same place, on a vtrakal.
syasti srtmatu Yadava-chakravartti vira-Ballala-Deva 28 aeya varisa Dundumi-savachcharadaadu
A ■ A
bahtdad amase-dip^lige entaneya devasa Adivaradaadum Agiya-Bomrnayyaaa maga Siriiand
..h a l'i hudida Baleya-daariayakaau lage-sura ba[n]du Baniydrabavarada kuduva gajadali tajt iridu
sttra-loka-prapitaa M a atana tamma Radisadimu vadisida

On a 2nd stone,
syastL Srimata Ghalukya-Vikrama-varsba mavatt-elaneya Yijaya-saipvatsara-S'ravaga-bahula...........
8riinaa-mah§,-pradhana-vara Kovaiya-dandaaayaka ........... .. Gbvmdarasaru tenkana-Goggiya
mel etti Kalluratp satta mele ............... kS.legadalu Ballabana Sirikama-sahaai .. ,. paya-Nayakan-
aliya Bopeya-saharii p a la v a m ............... praptan d,da

On a Zrd stone.
syasti Srinaata Kalaclmryya-chakravartti Ahavstmalla-Deva-varshada 3 neya Sarvyari*sainvafcsarad
K4rfctika-siidda 1 padiva-Ydivaradaudu Magandiya Skarasatnaiya-dapdi>''^^yi‘'[ka] Taatrahala-Hejale-
N&yakaQam muttikolluvalU HeJaya^Nayakana m aja Ketanaaa §,taua hiad ikki halaran ant iridu
aura-loka-praptaa Man adatara ganda li pattauada kula-karani
On a Uh stone.
sm ti ....k r a v a r tti ........................ yanau Ahavamalla-Deva-varshada 8 neya S'nbhakrit-samvat-
sarada Asbadha-bahula-pafichatni-Sornavaradandu ........... yana maga Virapana tamma Podaleya
handi-beteya podallL kalitanam berasi taJt ifidu suradoka-pr&ptan ada

On a 5th stone.
arasti Sriman-maha-maadalesvaram Chamunda-Rayarasar Banavase-pannirchchhasiramain sukhadin
ajuttam ire 968 neya Vyaya-samratsarada Marggasira-sudda 5 ........... varadandu rajadhani-Balliga-
Teya Setti . . . yaaa aliya Soyalera-Nagadevaya .. . . . giyabbe-settitiyu ta m m a .........................

On a 6th stone.
syasti srtmatu nija-bhuja-chakravartti Sanivara-siddhi Giridui’gga-malla chalad-anka-Raman ekafiga-
viratp Bijiana-Deyara vljaya-rdjyadalli Banayase-nadatp Kariya-Kesimayyan4iikeyalli tatu-samayadalli
Bandalikeg etti padedalli Agarakka-Naganaan alutauavam madi sura-16ka-praptan ada

On a 7fh stone,
5m namaS S'ivaya p svasti samasta-prasasti-sahitain srtmatu Kalachuryya-bhuia-baja-chakravartti
Bijjapa-Deva rndyaneya Bahudbanya-samvat'arada Bhadrapada-bahula 14 Mangalavaradandu
196 ShiMrpur Taluq.
Dasiraeyana maga Ketana BaUigr&raeya tujuvaip magurchchi sara-loka-pr^ptan ada devariJ.
kadida |
jitena labhyatS laksbmib &c. ||

At the same village, on the flooring stone in front of the Sifd temple in Sileko^a.
Bvasti kimach-Chalukya-pratapa-chakravartti-Jagadekamalla-Deva-vai'shada 11 neya Vibbava-sainvat-
sarada PhalguijLa-§uddha-ekadasi-Adivaradanda Srimatu-Brahma-Kshatiiyariinavotpanna BihUa-
gotrada Bhiikshi-Nayakara sutatp Tihu^ia-Nayakaru Govindapurada panchavimsati Narayapa-devara
Brabmapurigaja kayyal agnishtbagege kotta gadya I ja vriddhiyal mahajanangaj a-cbandrarkkaip
nadasavaru S'rivatsa-gotrada dan.daaayaka-Bammarasana tammam Basavarasa kotta ga 1 Baytaleya
Sovarasa kotta ga 1 Vaishnava-Pandada-Nayaka kotta ga 1 ivara vriddhiyal agnisbthageyatti nadasii-
varu Jalagin-adhikari Sdvarasa kotta gadya 1 ra vriddhiyalu Brahmanargge gandhava mabajaaafigaj
A-ohaadrarkkam nadasuvaru (usual final phrases').
At the same place.
svasti gi’imach-Chillukya-pratapa-chakravartti-Jagadekamalla-Deva-varSada 12 neya firi-S'ukla-
samvatsarada Vaisakha-bahula-amlvasye-Sotnavaradaadu §riman-maha-pradhaham sin&dhipati
Banavase-nada harggade-dandanayakam kumdram Bhulokamalla-Devarasara saudhi-vigrabiy Acha-
rasaru Goviadapurada panchavimsati Narayana-devara Brahmapurigala kayyalu parvva-parbbada
sauparnnada tambulakke bitta gadyd^a 1 ra vpiddbiyal mahajananga} d-chandrarkkaip nadasavaru f

At the same place, A
svasti srimach-Cbalukya-Vikrama-chakravartti-Tribhuvanamalla-Deva-varshada ?] 3 neya Adgira-saip-
vatsarada Vaisakha-babula 11 S'ukravdradandu sriman-maha-pradhanam Bhivanayya-dapdanayakara
marmmam maha-pradbanatp senddhipati savaSigal-adbisblbayakara Banavase-nada herggade-da^^a-
nayakam Malli-Devarasara mavara madhya-deai-maba-pradbaaam sandhi-vigrahi Kdladi-tombbatt-
araja ChavuudahaUiya Devappeya-Nayakara marmma Kirugeriya maha-prabhu Chavupdarasar Sri-
mach-chaturwimSati-JalaSayana-devaralli ubhayekadaSiyal 2 r Brahmauiara agrasanakke kotta gadyd-
na 1 ra vriddhiyalu mahajanangala chaiidrarkka-taram-barani nadasuvaru |j avara putraip Maijugi-
DSva JalaSayana-devara dikhege devasa 2 ^ sevanti-pushpakke kotta . 1 ra vriddhiyalu mahdjanafi-
ga4u chandrdrkkaip-baraip nadasuvaru ||mahgala maha Sri Sri

At the same village, on a stone in Gurupadappa's field.
svasti Sri jayabhyudaya-S'alivahana-Saka-varusha 1652 ya Sadharapa-saip-Magha-Su 10 yallu Garar
jina S’anta-Odera mavina-topam m a n e................nadasuva dharmmakke a-chandrarkkam astu

At the same village, on a stone in the Jakkawana matii.
namas tuhga &c., ||
svasti samasta-praSasti-sahitani Sri-Ya .....................chakravartti vtra-BallaJu-Ddva*varshada 11
neya .. khi-samvatsarada Chaitra-su 13 S6mavd[ra]daadu srimad-rajadhani-Baligrameya ................
Sliikarpur Taluq. 197

hari Hdnuugundada Chaadi-Setli Jakkiya Jadiip tefikalu gabde kamma 10 main Ammesvara ...
vara nivedyakkam kka^).dia-sphutita-jirat}6ddha . . kaip Panchamatha .. matha BkSrande&varad
acharyyar mMdliga'PadaMva-devara kaluiii karckchl . . . . dhara-pdrvvakaip madi bit^ar {ysml final
At the same viUage, on a stone in BaHi-KA^appa's field.
svasti Sri bhuvanASrayaip sakala-prithvi-vallabham r&ja-ra-|
ja-Btutyain paramesvarain parama-bhattarajp nij§tyugra-te- |
jas-tigmamSu Chalukya-ehakri.. . . Satyasrayadhiia-vam-1
Sa-stomarpnava-parijatan adatam Traijdkyama ... patp ||
Adi-nfipa-chai itan akbila-vi- j nddade rajyam geyuttani irdda sukha . . . . |
[Kada]ravajliya vidino-11 adaradim sarvvabhauman Ahavamallam |1
anatoddriptari^.. pajaran adataled atandu jiy ayya bApp emb-1
inegain padAnata-Kshatriya........... dol kayyan H tatp......... .. |
anituip dig-danti-dantam-barara esed ire nishkantakatp •. viSva-1
vaniyaip Trailokyamalla-kshitipati sukhadiip santam Aluttam irddam 1|
......... . padambuja-madhu- |karan ene Sahavasi Haoipa-Chattam negardam | •
dharaniyo .. kula-vadhu l Girisuteg ene Nagiyakkan abala-tijakam ||
vineyada . . . . satyada tavarmmane chagada janina-bhumi mAn- |
tanad erevatpi mikk arita . . . . o]pina ratna-raSi r&- I
pina n id h i.. nettane kiilangano Madana chitta . |
jana-nuta Nagiyakkan abaja-janadol nava-ratnam alla}A H
aduv ele .. .. besan allade pendatig untu dushtaram |
kidisuva sishtaram porevan ugra . . appa nada-per-1
ggadetanara ant adan taledura Ahavamallana chitta-vrittiyo .. |
. . . . enalke polva navar ar ggala Bappure Nagiyakkanam 1|
kanda H negajdirdda BalUgaveyo-11 agauya-punyatme Nagiyakkani Tar A- |
Bhagavatiyam madisidal l .. lalana-vilasa-mukha-mapdaneyatn U
Yacbanam Hantu ...nna m adisida.... Bhagavatig archcbana-pAjana-niinittakam eadu'khanda-spbutita""
. . . .. du cbakravarttige binnapam geydu ParameSvara-datti........... 989 neya Plavanga-sam-
vatsarada S’ravaria-... .......... prabha Bauddha-bhalarara kalam karchchi dhara-purbba . . ...
Pancbatnatba-sthana (here follow usml final phrases and verses) senabova Chavundamayyam baredani
sAstra-karmmi Chavupdoya kbandarisida^a |1
On a stone at the same place.
svasti sri bbuvanasrayam sakala-pritlivi-vallabham raja-rA-1
ja-stutyam paramesvaram parama-bhattara(ka)m nijatyugra-te- |
jas-tigmamSu Chalukya-ehakri negald A-SatyaSrayadhiSa-vam- j
Sa-8t6marnnava-parijatan adatatp -5«Trail61cyamalla-bhupam ||
Adi nripa-charitan akhila-vi-1 nodade rajyam geyuttam irdda sukhadin Sir |
Kadaravaljiya bidino-1 } adaradim sarbbabhauman Ahavamalla ||
anat6ddnptlri-[.. jpajaran adataled atandu jiy ayya bapp emb-1
inegatp p:\danata-Kshatriya-tati-besadol kayyan itta .. .|

*So ja the original.

198 S h ik 4 r ^ u r T a lu q .

auitum dig-danti-dantam-fearam esed ire ni8hkantaka,m *hikdi ^

vaniyaip 'I'raijokyamalla-kshitipati sukhadim santam a|uttam irddam |1
sandam Trailokyamallam bhavaui gede gajarudbaa adaga} aUa- )
didan Indraiti maggidatn Parakan adaridaa ugr^ntakain berchcWdani dai- |
tya-dui atmam Vardhin^tham nadugidan Anijain sukkidam Yaksban ulJ-aJ- l
kidan ISain bbitiyindaip bedarindan ene m§,5anipar &r bbfimipalar H

tat-pada-padmopajivi samasta-prasasti-sabitam sriraan-maba-pradbanam savasigal-adhishtb&yakani

Bedarigupe-bhandari sarbbadhyakshaip dandanayakain Rupa-bbattayyafigalu vadda-ravulamumam
hadinent-agrabaramumaip dushta-nigraba-§isbta*pratipalanaip madulttita irddu negald irdda BaUi*
gaveyala Srimatu Jayanti pra Bhauddba-vibaravamJraMisi tavageyum tamma madisida Tara Bbaga-
vatiya gri-Kesava-devara Lokesvara-deva Bauddba-devara allrya samasta-parivara*devara arch-
cbaaa-pujana-nimittakkarn ni&le khanda-sphutita-nava-karmmakkaip ydginiyara kusa^yara sanyasigaja
aliara-danakkaip Saka-varushada 986 Vi§v§,vasu-samvatsarada M§;rgga§ira-suddba-tadige-Bribas-
pativaradandu ohakravarttiga binnapam geydum ParameSvara-datti sarbba-namasyaydgi Jiddujige-
nS.d-olage Harige Mundase Balligaveya*nagara-Pancbamatba-sth§.nav ojagagi RameSvara-devara
hadavapa Apnigattina kelage kachcbhareya gajeyalu gadde mattar Ajru (rest contains details of
hdundaries and, final phrases and verse).

At S'kihalfi (same hobli), on a stone in front of the KalUivara temple.
6m namas S'ivaya
namas tabga &c. ||
ekd devas sa jayati S'ivah kevala-jfi&na-murtti
*................tri-bhuvanam idah yadri-bhuta-prapa&cha |
yat kdta*sthaqi .. .avin§,-bhava-sambandba-y6g4t
misribbdtaip tad akhila-jagaj-janma-bijam namami ||

srasti samadhigata-paScha-maba-^abda mabarajadbirajam Kalanjaaa-pura-varadhiivaram suvarnna-

Trisbabha-dbvajam damaruga-turyya-nirghgbosbapam Kalachdriya-kuja-kamala-martfcandam kadana-
pracbapdaip mana-Kanakachalain subbatar-adityaip kaligal-an . . sam gaja-saiiianta ^arapagata-
Tajra-paSjaram pratapa-LankS^varam para-nari-sabodaram ... vara*-siddhi Giridurgga-malla chalad-
anka-Rama vairibha-karithiraTa nissauka-mallan ity-afdy]-akhi}a-hamA........... virajitam appa irim ad-
bhuja-bala cbakravartti raya-Murari Sovi-DSvam Kalyanada nele . . . . . sukba*6abkatha-vin6dAdiiri
Kfijyam geyvuttam ire ||
ade senanika-matta-dvirada-ghana-ghata........ninadara |
ade senamka-yodha-prabala-baja-dhanur-ddandaptafika-ninadatn |
ide senanika-vaji-prakara-kara........... sangbatta-ghosbam i
kadanakk eytanda Soma-ksbitipatiy enutam bhitiyim gudu gonda . ||

.............samadbigata*paficba-maba-5abda maba-mandajesvaram Banavasi-piira-varadhi^varam Jayaati-

Madbu ........ labdba-vara-prasada mrigamadamoda Triyaksba-kshuma-sambharam chaturasiti-
nagaradbi ............ lochanam cbatur-bbhuja jagaddhitashtada^aivam&dha-dikshita Himavad-
bhiramam Kadamba-cbakri . . . . . ra-Tarmma-maha-mab5pala-ku|a-bhushanam permmatti-turyya-
nirgbgboshanam sakba . . . . virajamana-manottufiga-simha-laSchhanam dattartti-kaficbana samara-

*80 in the original. ,

ffpur m

■ ^ jfs bar§,bliara?iai]n markkolvavara ga^da pratapa-martta^^amanidaVika « . . . ....... MmS.VaU'-

virajitam appa Srimaaa maha-maadalosTa....................paamrchliasiramumani sukha-8afikatbl,-mo*
dadi r l ................ . . . [pa]dm6pajivl ||
kbapda-kap^lar antarUkapa^av urastba^a . . .............................. I
.................. m^&gni-vi|6chanav it^ ..d c b a n a ......... |
c b a ... .8 1 .................................................................................... I
inapdaJa-nMba maiidaJika-Bhairavan ein b a ............... dbaritri .. ||

. . . . . . . . dbyana-dbarana-mondnusbtba.................. ............. ... Nagarasi-pandita-devara putra . . . .

..................................kesvara-pandita-devargge .................n e y a ............................................Dev-arasaruin
samasta-parigrabaip .. ....................................erada hit|ak&jaruin Keti-Setiyum ........................... ...
jnuadana makkiya-bayalolage..................................... devarige gadde kamma 50 kodiya Sdmaua . . . .
... . ........... Somaaatha-devarige kala-vesake bitta gadde m atta..........................

At the same village, on a vtraJcal in front of the AnjanSya temple.
avasti Srimatu Yadava-Narayaiiam bbuja'bala-[pra]tapa-cbakravartti §ri-Ramacbandra[.. ] jyada 3 jja
neya Bbdva-saipvatsarada Chaitra-bahula 10 So............................ navaru . . leyabajliyahaydu Bevuda-
6 au 4a Bacbcha*Gauda . . . . . . . . mummari-dandamam nefeya kopdubobali Alateya Macheya-Naya-
kanu a da ba ...................kddi halabarumam sura-loka-prdpta.................yavaru gaudu«samasta-praje«
ga}a baunerada............... kadi kandirddu keyi kainba 5 ..........................

Ai MaWnahalli (same JiohU), cma stone in front of the KaWivara temple.
Sjp namai S'ir&ya ^

namas tubga &c. II

svasti Srimatu Yadava*chakraTartti-BallaJa-Deva-varisada hanneradaneya K^ayukta-samvatsarada
Bbadrapada-bahula-dasami-Budhavaradandu srimatu sarvva-namasya anadiy-agrah§.ratp Chikka-Kere-
jftra bajiya b^dada Malieyanayakanahajiya Srimanu maha-mapdale§varani Chattarasa-Deran iridu
* tajuvaip kopd^bohalli a*hajiya Hocha-^vunda tajfc ijidu ^lalarain kondu turuvaip magurcbcbi sura-
16ka-pr3.ptaD M a
Cbat^a-Jiyan idiran adirade |
katt-aiugalatp ta}ut ifidu geludu jat^igana |
bMu magau enatain n a ii-)
nalid oyidam surabganeyaru d§va-16kakke 11
nelam ellam maruvakkam &gi magujpam tana ayadim node mar-1
vvalam ellaip tale . . . . tage bharadim Hochaip-gavundam maha- 1
bajan ugrantakan-andadinde palaram peseje kond ikki mey- |
gali sasirvvaran eyde mechehisi SurSndravasamam porddidam ||
jitena &c. 0

17 5
On a stone near the same temple.
svasti srimat-pratapa-bhuja-bala-Singhaiia-chakravartti-Vihala-Deya-varshada hadinaraneya Chitra-
bbanu-saxnvatsarada Palguna-bahuia 8 Somavaradalu srimad-anadiy-agrahai am Chikka-Kereyura
baliya bada Malleyanaykanabajliya Madara-Masaniganu tefikana-Nayakaru kari4ileya haydu tu-
300 S hik& rpur T a lu q .
m sm
Jiafam. koipijuhohaga §,-Masaniganu tagi ta}t iridu palaraip kondu turuvaqj magulchl BUil
priptan ada ||Siimatu asesha-maMjanafigalu . . . . . . saoia8ta>prajegalu mukhyavagi B a .. Garadana '
a van a .. ttaru-G avu^arige. . ga 1 .. kereya ke}age . . ............................ . bittaru

At Tdlagunda {same hobli), on a pillar in front of the PrayavSs'ima temple,
aiddhaiB *D am a£ S 'iv k y a

jayati yiava-veda-sanghata-niichitaika-murttis san^tanah

Stha^ur indu-rasmivach-chhurita-dyut^maj-jat&-bbara-^landana^l f
tarn anu bhusura dvija-pravaras Sama-rg-Yajur-veda-vadinak
yat-prasadas trayate nityam bhuvana-trayaip papmaiid bhayat B
anupadam Surendra-tulya-vasash Kakusthavarrama viSala-dbih
bhApatish Kadamba-Sen&nir Bribad-anvaya-vyoma-chandramah |
atha babhbva dvija-ku}am prAmi^u-vicharad-gupSndv-amsu-mapdalani
try-arsha»vartma HS,riU-putram fisbi-mukhya-Manavya-gotra-jain B
pravachanavagaha-nishnataip vidhivat-saipiddbagni-soinapaQJ (
akrifia-cl)S,turmmasya-b6meshti-pasu-parvvanH-sraddha.paush|ikain B
griha-samipa-de^a-sainrudha-vikasat-kadambaika-padapaip 4
tad-upacharavat tada^ya tar6s sananiya-sadharmyam asya tat
pravavrite satirtthya-viprapain prachuryyatas tad-viseshapam J
evam agate Kadamba-kule sriman babhuva dvijottamah
namato MayuraAarmmeti §ruta-sila-§aucbady-alankfitah |
yah prayaya Pallaveiidra-purim guruna samaip Virasarmroan4
adhijighamsur pravachanaip nikhila-gbatik^m vivesasu-tarkkaka|i B
tatra Pallavasva-samsthena kalahena tivrepa rosbita^
Kali-yuge ‘sminn abo bata kshatrat paripelava viprata yatah |
guru-kulani samyag araddhya ^akbam adhityapi yatnatah
brabma-siddbir yyadi nripadhina kim atar param dushkham ity ata|i |
ku^a-samid-drisbat-srug-ajya-cbaru-grabanadi'dakshepa panina
udvavarlia diptimacb cbbastram vijigisbamano vasundharam |
yo' anta-palan Pallavendrapam sahaea v'mirjjitya samyuge
addbyuvasa durggamam atavim S ’riparvvatantara-samsritam ||
Sdade kar§,n brihat-Bana-pramukbat b'ahbn raja-mandalat
ayam ebhir Pallavendranam bbrikuti-samutpatti-karanaih i
si^pratiifia-paraaotthana-laghubbish kritartthaiS cha veshtitah
b b u s ^ p a ir ivababhau balavad-yatra-samutthapaneua cha !|
abbiyu^kshayagateshu bliri^am KaSchi-nareadreshv aratisbu
vishama-v^a-prayapa-samwesba-rajanishv avaskanda-bhiimisba |
prapya seaa-s%araip teshara prabaa ball syeuavat tadd,
dpad-atmaa d b ^ ’ayamdsa bbuja-khadgam anatty-apak*ayah ||
Pallavendra yasy^ saktim imam labdbva pratapanvayav api
napyarhau niskey^sity uktva yam mitram evasu vavrire j
sam^ritas tada mah'ipalaa araddhya yuddhesbu vikkramaib
prapa patta-bandhal-sampujam kara-pallavair Pallavair ddhritam B
S h ik a rp u r T alu q. 201
bhafigurormmi-valgitair &ritjad-AmararnnavambIiash.kritavadhiia
Prem§,rantam ananya-saficharana-samaya-sthitaip bhumim Sva cha|
vibudha-sanglia-mauli-samnirishta-charanaraviadash Shad^nattah
yam abhisbiktavan anudhyaya Senapatiiii Matribhis saha ||
tasya putrash Kangavarmmogra-samaraddbvara-prainsu-vesbtiitali
prauata-sarvva-mandalotkrishta- sita-cbamaroddhuta-sekhara^ I
tat-sutash Kadamba-bhAmi-vadhu-rachitaika-natho Bhagirathak
Sagara-mukliyas syayam Kadamba-kula^prachchbanna-janma janadhipati |1
atha nripa-mahitasya tasya putrali
prathita-ya5a Ragbu-parttbivah prithu-^rib |
Prithur iva pritbivim prasabya yo’rin
abrita parakramatas sva-vamSa-bbojyam ||
prati-bbata-(ya) samaresbv arati-sastro-
llikbita-mukbo’ bbimukha-dvisham prahaitta |
i^ruti'patha-nipunasb kavih prad^ta
vividha-kala-kusalar praja-priyai cha ||
bbratasya cbaru-vapur abda-gabbira-nado
moksha-tri-vargga-patur an-vaya-vatsalas cha |
Bhagiratbir imarapatir mriga-raja-lilah
Kakustba ity avaui-raandala-ghusbta-kirttib ||
jyayobbis saha vigrabo’ rtthisbu daya sarayak praja-palanam
diaabhyaddbaranam pradhaai-vasiibbir mukbya-dvijabhyarbanatn |
yasyaitat-kula-bhusbauasya nripateh prajGottaram bhashapam
taip bhupash khalu menire sura-sakham KUkustham atragatatn il
gharmmaki’anta iva mriga-gana vriksha-i'ajim pravisya
cbcbhaya-seva-mridita-manaso nirvritim prapnuvauti |
tadvaj jyayo-vihata-gatayo baridhavas sanubandhah
prapus sarmmavyatbita-manaso yasya bhumim pravisya ll
raatta-dvipendra-mada-vasita-gbpuresbu \
sangita-valgu-ninadesbu gribesbu yasya
Laksbmy-angana dbritimaU suchiram cha reme (1
siiehadara-prauaya-sambbrama-kesarapi l
^rioianty auSka-nripa-sbatpada-sevitani
yo’ bodhayad duhitri didhitibhir iiriparkkah |1
yan daiva-sampamiam adina*vesbtam
&akti-tray6petam aibasanastbam 1
seshair ggunaib pancbabbir apy asaddhyas *
samauta-cbudamanayab pranemuh |j
say iba bliagavato Bhavasyadi-devasya siddhy-^layA
siJdha-gaiidharvva-raksho-gap lis sevite i
vividha-niyama-homa-diksha-parair brabmanais
snatakais stuyamane sada mautra-vadais subhaih |
sukritibhir avanisvarair atma-nisreyasam prepsubhis
Satakarnnyadibhis iraddhayabbyarchchite 1
202 Shik^rpur Taluq.

id a m u r u -s a lilo p a y o g a s r a y a m b h fip a tis h k tlra ya m a sa

K a k u s th a -v a r m tn a ta ta k a n v s u b h a m ||
ta s y a u r a s a s y a n a v a -s a u k h y a -v is a la -k ir tte h
p a tta -tr a y a r p p a u a -v ir a jita -c h A .i’ u -m u r tt e h |
s r i-S 'a u t iv a r n im a -h r ip a t e r v v a ra -^ a s a n a -s th a h
K u b ja s s v a -k a v y a m id a m a § in a -t a le lile k h a (|

n a m o b h a g a v a te S th a n a k u n d A r a -v a s in e M ahadevaya n a u d a tii s a r v v a -s a m a n t a g a t o ’y a m adh iv& sa b

s v a s t i p r a ja b h y a i t i |1

On a small pillar in front of the same temple.
sv a sti s a m a s ta -b h u v a n a s r a y a m § r i-p r ith v i-v a lla b h a m m a h & ra ja d h ira ja p a r a m e s v a r a p a r a m a -b h a t t 4 -
rak a S a ty a sra y a -k u ^ a -tila k a rn C h a iu k y a b h a r a n a tii J a g a d e k a m a lla s r im a j-J a y a s im b a -D e v a r a ta jy a m
u tta r o t ta r a b h iv r id d h ig e s a lu t t a m ir e S a k a -v a r is h a 9 5 0 n e y a V ib h a v a -s a n iv a ts a r a d a P u s h y a -S u d d h a 1
S o m a v a r a v -u tta r a y a ^ a -s a iik r a n tiy a u d tt § r im a d * a n a d iy -a g r a h a r a S th §,n a k u n d ftra m ftv a ttirch ch h §r
s ir a m s a k a la m ir d u k i- P r a ^ a m e § v a r a - d e v a r a g a ^ im b a d a g a je y a p ram d.n u m a ru h a n n e ra d u a-
c k a u d r a r k k a -t a r a m -b a r a ip n a d e v a n ta g i m a(Jida d h a r m m a {usual final phrases).
On a stone in front of the same temple.
svasti samasta-bhuvan&sraya Sri-prithvi-vallabhaiii mah^rajadhiraja param§§varaip parama*bhafta-
rakain Satya§raya-kula-tilakam Chalukyabharananx §rimat-Tribhuvanamalla-Deva-vijaya*r&jyam
uttardttarabhivriddhiy 5.>chandrarkka'taram>baraip saluttam ire || svasti satnasta-bhuvana-sains-
t&yamanasesha-lokaika-pitamaha-hirauya'garbbhavBrahma-sainsthapita-Srimat-trailokya-natha’ Pra-
^ianiesvara-devadhi8hthita-visisht§,grahar&dhisvarar Ahichchhatra*sam§.gatar ddvadasa-sahasr^-
gQihotra-parivfita-dvattrimSat'Sahasra-sahkhya-sametar yama-niyama-gunopetaru BrahmSndra'
g itra r dharamara-sat-patrar mMayuravarmma-Ufipasyasht&daSaSvamedhadhvara-daksbiii6palabdba>
chatus-chatvarimiiad-uttara—§ata—gramadhishth&yakar ssandigdha—vipuja—dharmma-nirppayakar
aneka-yajnavabhritha-punyambu-niyatabhi8hikt5,rddra-U)Atddhajar mMahavira-vedi-dhvajar Brahma^
raja-sabha-pujagra-grahigaj 5.Srita-jana-man6-ranjita-phala-d§.yigaJu veda-veddngop&nga-mimaip-
s§,di-8astra-shat--tarkka-smriti~purapa-k§,vya-nataka--vishaya—Farojim-bbSskarar budhar-bridaya-ku-
muda-vana-mukuja-mkara-vikasita-sudhakararu dambba-darpa-krodha-Iobha-mada-matsaryya-durv*
vishaya-durita-guna-diiraru sishteshtli-janadhfi.raru Sarat-samaya-Subhr&bhra^dugdharniiava-Rajata-
giri-himakaranibha-vilada-yaSo-rasigal vidvaj-jana-ratna-raSigalu naya-vinaya-saujanya-satya-^aucha-
chara-dhairyya-maryyMadi-gu^a-HiniS.layar ddvija-kula-kamala-vana-kamalalaya-Kunta]a-vishay-
S-figau&-lal§.tna-kbachita-ratnar shat-karmma-nirataru §rauta-smartta»dharmmdnu8hthS.na-paray-
anar vvidvisbta-NIrayapar ahita-vana-dikkunjararu ^arapagata-vajra-paujararu ^&p&nugraha-Sama-
rttbar svadhy§,yadhyayana-dhy&na-dbS.ra^ia-m6a5nushth&na-japa-samadhi-guna-sampannar appa
firlman-mab§,-vadda-grama-Tgi9 agttad(ira muvattirchchhasiratp kelam ildu Ob§,Jukya-Vikrama-var-
sbad a p a d in a je u e y a P r a jllp a t i-8 a m v a t s a r a d a u tta r a y a n a -s a n k r a u t iy -A d it y a v a r a d a n d u fir im a t-T iv u la -
V 5 ,s u d e v a r a b iu n a p a d i S n m a tu Y a m e S v a r a -d I v a r ig e n iv e d y a k k e K a d a ch a n a b a J J iy a K a iy a g ilu g a tta -
d in d i l i d a k u jiy a o p iy iip k e ja g e B it t a y y a -G e s a ,v a y y a n a k e y im p a ^ u v a lu k h ila -d h a rm m a d in i b it ta
k e y i g u ^ ig a n a lu m & ;a -m a t t a lu a b k a d a la tn m a tta 3 {usual final phrases and verse) sva sti In t n a t u
Y a m e S v a r a -d e v a r ig e M o je y a r a la d r a g e je y a k e la g e t e n k a p a b a jli Y a m IS v a ra -d e v a rig e kam m a 30-
C h a u d r S fiv a r a 'd e v a r a k e y a t e b k a ija b a ji C b it t a y a b it a d h a r m m a m a ta lu {finalimprecatoryphrases).^
S h ik a r p u r T a lu q . 203

On a stone in front o f the same temple.

s r a s ti s a m a s t a -b h a v a tia s r a y a m §ri-prith vi-\ rallabh a m a . . ja d h ir a ja p a ra m e S v a ra ip p a r a m a -b h a tt i-

A • * **

ra k a m S a t y M r a . . . la - t ija k a in C h a ja k y a b h a ra cia a i S r im a d -A h a v a tn a lla -D e v a . . . . . . . . . r a jy a m

u tta r6 tta rS .b h iv rid d b ig e s a iu t t ir e t a t - p a d a - p a ............................ b h ra ia a ra ip s r a s t i s a m a d h ig a t a -p a S c h a -
m a h a -^ a b d a m ahd, . . . T a ila p a u -a u k a -k a r a g a ja k e b a l-g a ^ id a s a m a n t a ..............r a p a g a t a -v a jr a -p a fi-
ja r a m S rim a d -B h im a ra sa . ............si-p a n riirch cb h a sira m u q » S a ftt a jig e -s a y ir a m u m K i ................e jp a t t a m
agraharaip SavasigudigefeyamaQ auunga .......................ire tak-pdda-padmopajivi samasta-ra]ya-bha-
. . . . rdpita-mahatnatya-padavi-yirajamanatn Maleraja ............... .. firimat-perggade-KaJimayyangaJ
S ’ a k a -v a r s h a 9 1 9 tta n e y a H e . . la m b i-s a m v a t s a r a d a ........... .. . . s u d d h a 5 A d ity a v a r a d a n d u {details of
gift and narns of witnesse‘i) ba ra d ora se iia b o v a P o l e ......................... (final phrases),
On a virahal in front of the same temple.
Bvasti S r im a tu K a la c h u r y y a -c h a k r a v a r t t i-R a y a m u r a r i-S o v i-D e v a -v a r u s h a d a V ir o d h ik r itu -s a m v a ts a r a -

d a A s v ija » b a h u la 4 n e A d iv a r a d a n d u s rim a n u m a h a -p r a d h a . . . . B a n a v a s e -u a d a -h e g g a d e -d a n d a n a y a -
k a C h o jik y a -K e s im a y y a n u S a n ta jig e -n a d a b a jiy a b a d a d a A J a h d ra n i f i d u p e n d ir a U(Je a c h c h i k o n d u -
h o b a lU k u ja 't ila k a n a p p a M u k k a d a r a -S 6 v i-S e tiy a m a g a m K a le y a -N a y a k a t a ja -k u d n r e y a (m )ii i f i d a
p a la ra m k o n d u tu su v a m m a g u je h i s u r a -lo k a -p r a p t a n a d a || d ta n a m a g a m S o m e y a - B a m m a y y a n g a ja

p a ro k s h a -v in a y a d iin m a d i k a la n n iris id a ru I|

d v a v im a u p u ru sh a u lo k e s u ry a -m a ^ td a la -b h e d in a u I

p a rib ra d y o g a -y a k ta ;l c h a r a n e s A r a -m u k h e h a ta h ||

At the same place, on a S rd drdkal
............... k^lavarsha §ri-pyithivi-vallabha maharajadhira.ja parabaeSvara parama-bhat|araka Khndara-
B a lla h a ip rA jy a m g e y y e B a a a v a s i-n a d a .......................Saukaragapdiftn & la tt ir e S 'a k a - n r ip a -k a ja t it a -
s a m v a t s a r a r s a ta iig a l .................p ra v a rttis e B h M r a p a . . m & s a ..................... p a r iv iid a ip kand<t kot^ a s a m a
.................... e n d u b a g e d a n endadle

jitS n a la b h y a t e & c . |1..............................

On a Iroken stone to the north-east of the same temple.
vana fivara p a r a ........................ bharana ......................malla-DSva .. uttarS ... b hi-
Sallutt ire s v a ............ ncha-maha-§abda mahd.-mapda}e^vara.................. vareSvaram Ch^--
muijdd,»labda..Tara-prasa . ............. namadi-samasta-prasaeti-sa. ............Ifiva-bedefiga-Deyara magaip
f i r i ......... . .. rasar»^bBanavasi panairchchhasiramumam sukha-sanka ... •. ttam ire tat-p&da-pad-
m b p a ji........... paryyantam Banavasiyo . . . . . . {rest Ulegilte). .

. On a stone to the north of the same temple.
6in namas tunga-jata-chandra-chandrikabhoga-bhfttaye i
Bhavani-dor-llatS.-gadha-parirambhaya B'ambhave 1(
204 S h ik arp u r T alu q.
sarvveahv ai ambba-kMeshu trayas tri-bhuvaneivarati |
deva di^antu nas siddhim Brahme^ana-Janarddanah 1|
sarvvakaram aseshasya jagatas sarvvada Mvam 1
go-brahm ana...........cha sivam bhavatu sarvvada |1
sivam adau sivam madhye sivam aiitye cha sarvvada |
sarvvesham S'iva bhaktanam maiiujanah ch tachchliLvam 1|^
srimad-devmlhi-devam pranava-pati mahi-soma-suryatma-vayu-1
vydmagiiy-amba-prajata-prayula-tanu B havani........shnu-.. dhas |
§rimat-pravyanjaka-prasphurad-ati4a-daya],6kanam danda-natho- |
ddamam srl-Kesi-Raja-pramukha-nikhila-bhaktargge markk.........• •• ||
siimach-chid-rupan adyam praiiava-pati mahad-veda-sampadakam nis- l
sima-vyapara-loka-traya-karana-lasad-vanchheyam {aldi tadda- |
matrodbija-yonitvadin udayisidam Sarvva-vamangadind u- l
ddamam prabhava-mula-prakriti-mahad-ahahkara-yuktaip Mu ..||
kaip a-Padmakshana vara-na-1 bhi-padmadiu ogedan udita-veda-mukham Va- |
ni-pati visvotpalti- 1 vj aparam hiranya-gai bbham Brahmain ||

kam II tri-jagad-vandyana matadim |

tri-jagamau ant alii deva-tiryag-manuja- I
brajamam karmmakarmmaman |
ajayya-mati padedan aprameya-maha .................... |{
vri i|vitataneka-sarit-pati-pravrita-Jambudvipa-pitharn prati- 1
shthiti-lingakritiy agi kang eseda torkkum Meru taii-Meru-par- |
vvatadim tehkana-bhagadol Bharata-bhuchakram karam rayyav a- I
kshitiyol nade virajikum vasumati-srl-kuutalain Kuntalam |[
trivadi || adu karmma-bh&miy appudarihdav alii ma- i
dida-karmma-bijam sata-koti-pbalavam i-1
vudu bitti belava teranante |!

tad-de^adbipatyadolu Parame^varana babugaloj udayisidam .. .ta-Kshatriyananataram negajda Ghalu-

kya-vamsadolu ||
tanayaip Taila-nripange Sattiga-nripam tan-nandanam Vikraman- |
kana jatam negald Ayyanange Jayasimham tamman atange nan- 1
' A

danan ad Ahavamallan atana magam Permmadi tat-sunu So- |

mana putram Jagadekan atan-anujanj ^ri-Taila-bbupalakam ||
iutu CbaJukya-vamSada Kshatriyaru kramadiin rajyan-geyye tat-kaladoju ||svasti samadhigata-paScba-
maba-Sabda maha-maudaleSvara Kalanjara-pura-varadhisvara suvarnna-vfishabha-dhvaja damaruga-
tbryya-nirggboshana Ka|achuryya-ku}a-kamaja-marttaiida kadana-pi-achanda mana-Kanakachala
su-bbatar-aditya kaligal-aukiisa gaja-samanta saranagata-vajra-panjaram pratapa-LaiikeSvara para-
narl-sahodara S'anivara-siddbi giri-durgga-malla chalad-anka-Bama vairibha-kanthirava nissanka-
malla-namadi-samasta-prasasti-sahifcam §rimad-bhuja-bala-chakkravartti Bijjana-Devarasaraprabhava-
pratapam'ent endade I1
vri I jagamam kayyanisitt arpp ahimakara-sama-sparddhiy adattu tejam |
mige-vandatt abdhiyam gunp alerduduKaliyam charu-charitrav ugra- 1
ri-gana-pranambuvindam tanidud asi-lata-yashti digdanti-danta- |
DUgav adatt udgha-kirtti-prasaram enisidam Bijjala-ksbopipalam ||
ShiHj:pur Talu^. 201
▼a II t a t - p ^ a - p a d m o p a j i v i m a h a -p r a d h a n a B a a a v a s e - a a d a d a a d a a ^ y a k a ip K e S im a 7 ya&ga}>aDTaya<
m a m p 6 }v a d d ||
Vfi k u la -d e y v a n t O i r y e ia u a p r a tim a -t^ ja iii B ijja -b b & p a | a k a ip |
n a la v in d a m poradiiJidaD S . - H o j ^ - r S j a m ta iid e t § .y ,D u g g a 9 a «4
b b e la s a l-la k s h a p e ta n e n a ) negdjda Bharadraja-gotrodajri- /
c b a la -c h u d a -r a v i d a ^ d a n a t h a 't iia k a m s a m a n y a o eKeSavani //
ta n u -sa u n d a ry y a d o| In d ra ja Q i s iib a g ia o } P a ,fp d fu d h a a i aitiyol i
M a n u c h a tu r y y a d o j A b ja ja m p a ra -h ita -b y a p a ra d o | Khecbaram f

g h a n a 4 a u r y y 6 h n a tiy o } n e g a ld a 'R a g h u -R A m a m ta n e n u t t a m j a g a j - |
ja n a m i-K ela V a -d a ?id a n §.th a n a n a n iiin a-pritiyiip b a ^ y ik u ip ||
k an i II n e g a jd a r p p ra d h a n a r ataA g |
aganita-mati*NSrasiipha-Devanum auda- 1
ryya-gu^abdhi Dd];^amarasauuT |
agadha-gambfakan anupamani Tikkarasaip ||

ta I rfijadhyakshada karapaAgaJu II
Vfi II janam ellam pogalgum vivSka-nidhiyam kayvaradiip Chatti-ra- |
janan a-dig-niraha>prararttita-ya§am Mai|ara-da9dMhjnA- 1
tbanan andaryya-gupabdhi Pdtarasanam nana-nayopaya-char-1
chchana-Cha^ikyanan arkkarim saka|a-lakshmi-dhamaaaip Sdmanaip |

Tft. ekibhS,yadolaip madhyasta-vrittiyojaip na^eva |1

v^. II ]\|aDa>margga-pratihasta*Targgaai avar &rar endad i-Rebba-rk> |
3^ andnam guni Varmma-rajan anavadyam Revagaip Sarbba-dS* |
van udkttam Suchi Sdman u.jjala>ya§ain Martta^daa A-6oyda-rd-1
jan anindyam vibhu Mallaparyyan inibar ssad-dhamma-tatparyyakar 0;

va II inttt. samasta-pradhana-rdjAdhyaksham pratiha^ta*parijana>pura-janani berasn mah&TpradhAnaip

E^ava^iaflidattayakaiii Banavaje-pannirchohhasiratnam dnshta-nigraha-sishta-pratipalariadiip pg^sl
TB^a^aiii-Balipuradol kdd oudu-divasav asthana-maiidala-madhya-sthitana saka^a-parijana-pari-
Tfitan Agirppudav illiy nchitavasarajnannv akSsha-dharmmajnanuv enisida ||

vpi II Vanajaja-chittajam vibhu-bM cbige Kasyapan S,tma-j§.tan a - |

tana knladalli Revarasan Atana annu veveki S5man a- |
tana tanayani S’ivaika-saranam vibudhagrj^i Cha^tl-rajan 1
tana sati MSdiyakkan avai^ Atma-bhavaip snkritartthi Recha^iani ||
kaip II 8ara,siruba-tati dinakara- |
k ar^ in d aiarva.nte janada manam alarvinegam |
sarasbkti-yuktiyiip Re- 1
charasaip dharmma-prasangamaip puttisidam ||

va II anttt dharmnia prasaAgamam pu^^isi bhumi-danada grama-d§,nada mahatnayatnuman anna-

ddnada mabonnatiyumam vidya-ddnada mabatvamumam pejgum ad ent endade ]|

S16ka II earvvesbam eva danknktp bhdmi-danam param smyitam |

8arvva-p|.pa«barain tadd bi svarggyad cbkhnp mmanisbinah ||
t^asvino’ tha yajvAna^ satyavanto babu-§rutal^ |
gnrn-deva-paras chaiva natikramanti bbumi^daQi ||
nasti bhtlini-samaip dknain nasti bhdmi-samo nidbih {
nasti satya-samd dharmm& na papam anyitlit paraip ||
sama^sasya-jaldpetani sama-b&dha-vivayjitani |
gr&maip S'ivkya yd dadyat tasya punya-phalaip Sfipu ||
2Q6 Shik&’pur Taluq.
siiryya-k6ti*pratika5air ddivya-stri-koti-sairiyutai^i I
sainyuktak k6ti§6’nekai]h sarvva-k§,ma-samanvitailb li
vimanair gr§,ma-dan§na tri-sapta-k«la“Samyuta(i)k j
yatbeshtain aiSvare lokS kridate kalam akshayaip !|
ann§,t parataram loke na bhutatp na bbaviehyati i
anna-miilam bhavSt saryvam sarvvam ann§ pratishthitam H
anna-dab prana-dab proktah prana-daS cbapi sarvva-dal.i l
tasraad anna-prad&nena sarvva-d§.na-pbalam labbefc ||
trailokyam chaturo varpn§,§ chatvarai cha8ramS.h ppitbak 1
Brabmidya deratas aarvva vidya-dS.ne pratisbtbit&^i I),
upadhy^yasya yo vrittiip datvMbySpayate janan |
kin na dattam bhavet tena dharmma-kamarttba-dar3inl,(ip) H
chbatrS,p§.in bbojanabhyanga-vastram bbiksb^m athapi ya I
datva pripnoti purushab sarvvan kaman na sainSayab II ;
yat punyam tirttha-y&tr&yam yat punyani yajvan&ip tathS |
tat punyam kSti-gu^itani vidya-d&nal labhen narah ||

va II end int aneka-prakaradolu bahu-vidha-dana-pba}a-mah§,tmyamatn p§}vuduip harsh6tkarsha-chittan

agi tad-dharmoia karana-yogya-stbanamatp vicbarise mattam Recharasan endan ad ent ended akhija-
16ka-nimmana{na)-pravaiia-naatiy enisida Hiranyagarbbba-datta-d?atrimSat-sahasra*dvija-8amaj&-
bharariamum tat-Sarojagarbbha-pratishtbita-PrapavSSvara-dSva-pramukha-dSvakula-virajitamuip
tacb-Chaturmmukba-vinirmmita-Brahma-tirtba-pavitritamumam atibahala-aarvvartakSdyana-pari-
vritamum enisi sogayisuva Stbdnugftdha-n^ma-grdmav adu sakala-dharmma-kara^a-yogya-sth&naTalli
m&di^^*snkritaT akgbaya-pba^aman igur ene karana-sametam tad astuv end asthdna-mapd^l^dind
erddu bandu Sthanugudba-gramada 5ri-PranamS5vara-devargge viiesba-pujeyam madisiy alii yama-
niyama-svadhy%a-dbyana-dbdfana-inaunanushthana-japa-samadhi.MJa-sampannar aupksaiiagnihdtra-
dvija-guru-devata-paja-tatparamra sbat-tarkka-mimkmsan&ka-Sasira-vi^&radaruip 8hat-karmraa»nira-
taruv agnisbtomadi-sapta-saipstba-samstbitaruip marttandojvaia-kirtti-yutaruv aneka^yajfi&vabhyi-
tavagahana^pavitrikfita-Saviraram enisid anadiya sarvva-namaSyad agrah§,rain Sth5i.iugudha-graniada
muvattircbcbbasirvvar mmabajananga|a vedanti-Svayamp&ki-dSvara mattav alii naderanubharane-
k§,ra berggade karapa N&gara-khapdada Manneyaip Bandanikeya Sovarasa Mkap.a Goydapa BSgura
Keta-gavunda Magundiya Sabka-gavunda Malavalliya K^ta-gavunda Koiyavattiya Pritbivi-setti Kiru-
vadeya Masai^i-settiy int ivaru-pramukha Nagara-khayd^da samasta-prabbu-g&vundagal d-Kampayada
heggade karayanga} ant anibara sannidhiyol devar-afiga-bhoga-ranga-bboga-nitya-naimittika-pGje-gad-
dttge-bali-boma-chaitia-pavitra-m&takuta-nava-karmmakkain nSlku-veda-khandikav eradu-bhata-vntti
Eannad-akshara-siksbe ghaliyarav arum-kbaydikad upadbyaya-chhaUara grasa-vastrakkain satrak-
fcav endu Kasapayya-Nayakana Vavaya-Devan-anukdlateyim Kefiava-daydanayakanum karayabgaj-
um Saka-varsham 1079 neya Kvara-samvatchharada Pusbyada puyyami-S6mavarav-uttar&yaya*sa6-
kramaya-vyatipktadaudu Banavase-pannircbchhtlsirada kampayam N^ara-khayda 70 ra baliya
badatn Hiriya-Tagulattiyam Tayagundura nairutyada Konavaneya bayalumain purvva-maryy&deya cha-
turagbata-Sima-suddhiyim tri-bh6gS.bbyantarain dharS,-p&rvvakam madi bittar albya parithavaneya
kramav ent endode Tagulattiya Mulasthana-dSvargge mattar oudtf alllya gaudan-umbaji matta 2
mattam Konavaneya bayalojage Rigveda-kbandika 1 Y ajum edadalli pada kham 1 kalpada kham 1
Samavedada kham 1 sabda-Sastra-rfipavatara-nyasa kbam 1 Prabhilkara-vedanta kbam 1 ant arakkam
pratyekav are-vattara lekkade mattam 3 vedantada Svayamp3,ki-8vamigalge matta 1 davasigarige
matta 1 hMotada m ^egarage kamma 20 antu matta 5 kamma 20 n ujiye meltlda bhumiyalu
bhatta-bhagadi pada-bhattadolage devargge nitya-naimittik^da iiaivi§dyaik ondu-saravatsarada bhatta-
vam kalad ujida bhattadolaiip Tagujattiyal puftida dravyadojag ombhagaman devargge kalad u}ida
Shik& rpur T a lu q . 207
bhagada poano}av §,-bhattadolatii nitja>sthiti devara satrav ag umba Brahma^ara 30 khai^^ikake chha-
tr a .. sa lekkade . khan^ikadal umba chhatraru 48 derara p^jari-maniyari 2 antuSO kkavaffikkura
bb§.nasittiyaru 8 rgge jivitaiii ga 6 sirege pana 6 chbatra 50 kkam sirege pratyekaip pa 2 lekkade ga
10 yagge Va^davaradol abhyanga Somavaradolu 30 manushya-Brahraanar-uguram kajava n&ridana
jivitain ga 4 aggislagege ga 5 kkain na^ad upadhyaige ga 5 bS.la-likheya fi§.stradavaru pura^amain
heluTar-agaisIhageya ho^eyal eU-akstbate darbha-gandhainumaip satra-khandikadal unda Brah*
manargge tamb&|amai|i kuduvaru mattain devargge TaguJatti-arddhadoV ada dravyadoja Becbarasa-
Hattagaja-Chau^arasa-MahadSva-TikajjangaJu bit^a-totafigajolam SiddhahaJli matta pfirvva-vritti
sapta-divyadalum bhaktaru initajojada dravyadojage nitya-gadduge-puje-dhflpariti
naivedya nandidivige nityam sahasra-tila-homav int initumam nityam nadesutta tiAgal-difigaloJ 2 d ash-
tami 2 chaturddaSiy am§.v5.sye paur^inamSisye vyatipata-saAkramanav emba-parbbangajalu nitya-naimit*
tika-pujeyam mA^i sS^strad upadhyayaru S'ivavarmmad 4reneya 'SantyS-dhyayamainjapangeydalli he][da
kramadim deyar-epta-dikkinoj madiy alliya mantradim baliyan ikki desavan ajva Ksha-
triyanumaip gS-brahma^arumam yajam§,nanumain barasuya-nx mattanx varsbadolage baba maba-parv-
vauga} 2 d kyaaa 2 visa soma-sdryya*grahapay Ai&da-Mrtika-MAgba-VaiAakbada punigiamigalal ond-
ondu-divasada pftjey A^^aru-tingaia pba|amaa iguv a-parbbapga}o} devargge sabasra-ga^dugeyaip.
prarambhisi pupyaha-vachaneyam ma^i lastra-kbaydikadavaru ra6ga«iol vidyS.-manda]a guru- mapda}a
S'iva-mau(j£4ay emb ma^daja-trayamau uddharisiy arcbcbisi 6anty&dhyayamani japisuvaru veda-
kba^idikada nllvaruip 4 praSasta-kalaSafigalalu udakamam tumbi saryyaaladbi-g6r6chana-siddb3,r-
ttha-paacba-pallava-paucha-chaUi-paficba-gavyav fejadi-cbandaiiadi-mangala-dravyaflgalaa ikki n5,lku-
dikkiqiol irdda nalku-yMado^aga^a Radra-saktaaga|[am japaugeyvarr anisakke gadduge paranavAgalu
devargg eutu-terad-arggbya-paficba-gavya-pauchainiitamani m&di yave-g6dhuvey-akkiya hittinim bisi-
niriip aelliy*arislnadim majianavatp madi ku§6daka>gaudbddaka-parp6daka-pbal&daka*suvarnnodaka-
ratnodakadim snapanavam m&diy anantarav a^nalkum kalaSavam pi^idu samudra-purvvakav appa
Rigvedada mbpim ruchigajiiii mabgalabbisbekamam ma^i paScba-saugandba-gandhangaliin pusi
gbrita-diparitigalam kottu nalku-taRgeyalu paficha-rabgad akkiyind oppani ma^i hittina sodara dadbi-
durwa-veras aratiyim nivalisuvalli maAgala-gita-vadyanaka-turyya-sabkha--kahaJaravadiip mS.di
payasa-ghrita-bbaksha-bbojyanna-paua-danadigalira lliySdyacbamaniya-kaigbatti-tamb^^amaIp ko^t
&-parvvangalal ayuta-homa Baligramada aamasta-devata-pfijeyam maduvud alliy uttarayanadol
devargge nfiru . . . . tuppadiip snapanavam madi sayirad-entu-kannaydale-biivind onde-maleyam ma4i
pujisuvudu Maghada punuamiyalu ghrita-kabajavam m§,duvadu CbaitradoJ mahapAjeyain m&di
maba-rathadojakke rajadhirajan olakke devarain biyayab-geysi ebhatra-obdmara-dbyaja-patake-kalaiaip
kanna4i-bberi-mangaja-turyya-§ankha-kabajaravaip. kaiy-divige, gita-vMya»nrityadirp grama-vidbiyol
tolalchi barisi nilisuvad (usual final phrases and verse) 6m namas S'ivaya
At the same plow, on a second stone.
sri'Madbavaya namab [1.
• bbu-kanta-bhoga-rangikyita-nuta-Drja-sad-damsbtrika-koti-pitbarp 1
S ’ri-kanta-ka . . . . slana-masriya-lasat-kunkumalabkritorain t
16kllgba-ksbala-dikshamarasarid'abala*sadma-sa . . sa .'•1
i. y . ksha .. vama . . nimag oldu veld ig adi-P6tri&a-g§.trah ||
khyatam Hoysana-Raya-maJ I bitala-pati . . . . . . va-kul^tilakangam I
jatam Nri8iinba-vallabba(Deva)n i fttang ogedaip prat&pamidbi Ballajam ||

svasti saraasta-bhuva ... prithvi-vallabham YadaVa-kulambara-dyumani arfctbi-jana-chintamaBii Male-

ra ja -ra ja ................... na-prachanda pratapa-chakkravartti vira-Ballaja-Devarasaru sukha-saiikatha-
208 S h ik a rp u r Taluq;:.
m 6 4 a d i i i i E & jyafi-geyyutte,m ir e Ut a t u -k a la d o ju ||s y a s ti p r a § a s ta -8 a m a s ta * v a 8 tu -v is ta ja -s a g is tu ta .s a m -
k d n t a - K a n t a l a - m a 9 d 4 ^ ’ J u a n d a D a -sa k a | a 'ja Q a -m a a u -> n a y a n a b h ira m a ra m a n e k a -§ a k a ,‘ pha]a-kja8m a-kus-
in a r v d tir T ia ia }a -k a m a la -k u v a la y a -v ila s i-s a r 5 v a r a -v a r a -ta ta k a "ta ta -k a }ita * k a | a m a -k 'M d r a * k g d a r 6 d § .r a ip
B a u a v a s e -m o d a l e n isid a n e k a -m a ^ d a U S J S v a r a ^ M u k l ^ ^ ^ a - I ^ ^ a w b a i p ja ga d ra n a -
g r a b a -T ig r a h a n t d & n a -v ia d d i d a k s h i^ a -p a t h a d o ja v ip r a -k u la m a n a y a -k e y in e ja a i p a d ey a d e tadeyade
n a d iid A h ic b c h h a tr § g r a b § .r a in a n a rS d U isi s a d h is i padeda p a n n its^ sira g n ib d tra > *^ a T iir^ -d v a tn ti)§a d -
v ip r ^ 'k u t u m b a m a ^ , m q n d j^ tu ta n d u c b a tu r -y y u g a -p r a s id d b a -v iS u d d h a -o l^ tu iA b fc q d h ^ n a -C h a ta r m m tt-
b b a -p ra tiB h | b ita rP ra 9 a m e S v a r a -p ? a n )u k b a - 8u r a -p r a t i 8b th ita -i)a n c h a —L ifig& bn git^ i~ < drttba-k8h etradolu
n 6 d i m a d id a r a a b a g r a b a r a n i S tb a g iu g & d b a -p u ra d a p o r a v o ia l e q t en e |1 /

v r itta II a r a v e y im p o d a ld a -g ili-v i^ d u g a liiii k a la m d le y a u g a lim |

v a r ija -s b a q d a d im b a b a -t a | a k a d in u gd h a «la tA .«g rih a b g a | in
ch a r u -v a n a fig a liip b e la d a -k g y o la d iip ^ g a y ip p a -T & n a ,.
d& r a tia o b b ik u ip a iriy a k a m b o la d ^ a n te d b a r a ta | ig r a d o |
k a n i II k a tta lis u T e}ey a -k a iu a g im f

s u t t ir id e le r a U i ........... y t a c b e n -d e & g u -p h a la m |
. . . . ra lk id a a n ^ ra b g a ip |
b it t a r is a lk a r id u T a q a g n n d u r a v a n a ip ||
A fig a b h a v a ip a a d g a d ig a tu | )
tiA g a le p o in . d ii* a p a r a -s u d b e nirfttai|i 1 /
p iA g a d a m a d b a > v a n a -p a la m |
s a ip . . . . s a la b e ja lu d e m b u d 6 a a c b c b a r iy § ||

T q c b a u a ||ad e a t e n e b e je d a m a le y a ja -p a d u k ia a m a r a i nedfs^kajagara i j n m k 6 r a i.la v a & ga 1 m 6 ta }q A g a i

c b & t a I c b a m p a k a I b a k a -b a k u | a I aS 6ka i p fig a -p u n n a g a | n a g a *la ta -vit6 n a d olQ ,| , v o d ip a l.b d d in a l
t a r k k a d a ta r k k is u v a i t a n t r a d a m a n tr a -v a d a d a I k a T i-p a th a n a > k a th b a p a d a ; l . y s
k a l t p p a la t n b u y a p a lv a n -t e ja d a -v ih a A g a -t a t iy in d a t i s a y is it a N andanam an ip,..
m a t t a v d r in a b a g r a h lr a d a m a b im e y e n t e n e || ,

▼fitta II vedani nMk avai;*angam a ju kdrupiin mimaq|)se-k69da^trayaip |’

bading dduva tarkkam 6 ja padinept-udyat -purApa-spti* |
pr6dttrbb6va-vi5e8ha»vasta*bharat6dy-aScbat-ka}a-kau§aJaip |
M a d e v a A g e ta d -A ja e y itp d v ija r ig A -S ri-T 4 p a g u n d A rin a ||
cb a ru * g b y ita «d a d b y > a m ik s b 6 > | v a ra -p a §a «p a y a 8 a *p a y d > ru cb i«p u r6 d 6 $ a i}i |
p ir id & -p u ra d o }a g e n u t i> | 3 u ra > m ith u n a ip p o g a }u t ir k k a m a n ila ip n i l e y o l ||

Tacbana ||a-gramadoda vibudhargge Cbakradharan e a t ante buddhi>cbakradiiiigr6iuakke barppa duri>

taAga}aip paribarisi bitam an dobariaara kdrapadiip Chakra............ vesarain padeda vainSam ad ent ene ||

T fitta II m d T a ttits a s ir a k k a m t ila k a m o t o d a v d 1 6 cb a n a > stb 6 n a m e m b i - 1

bbdvani lokdntaraAgakk udayisal eeav a-Cbakraya>kbyata*vai!i§a* I
bySypttdnanta>yipra.prakara-samadbikam s&tvikanj satya*Si]ani I
deya-Brahnaagra.pAjSrparan ene negaJdMn Makimayya-dyij6 . . . ||
Manu>mihrggan3 sacb-cbaritraip vinuta-saka}a*sastrdBvitaip satya-yakyaip I
janatiUprakbydtan atyuijjita[.. Tibbavain Brabma-vaipldyatdraip |
janae^ndyakdran end i*8akada^badba>janBm bappisal ballar.ill end |
ene yi§ydmitra*g6tra^ negaddan edeyol t-MakUrdjaAkan ^ad II
padedfarttbaip badha«k6|igA6rita*janakk isbtargge 8isb|atgge ban- |
d adhanargge sat-kayi-kadambakk intu Gdvindan iy |
S h ik d rp u r T a lu q . 209

e^eyol kalpa-mahijav enda dhareyalU pritiyiip b^ipenal |

pa4edaip Maki-budbatp supatraaan i}M6kaika-sat-patran^ [|

ka II atana tanayatp bbu^^ana* |

kby&ta-yaSaqa gotra-varddhi-varddhana-cbandraip I
priti-karaip budharg eilam |
bbfttajadoilu Makimayya-viprain negaldaqj H

i-kptak;ityaaa santatiy enfc ene ||

jana-pati-P&^dug ayvaru tandbhavar-ol sale Vamanaip Trilo- 1

chanaa atuja-prabh&va-paran Isvaran ojpina G6paa d,«Nyisini- 1
hanum o}agagi tat-taaeyar intu jagakk atisSvya-vamia-ma^i- I
(Janar ene ba^^ikuni sakaja-v^rudhi-vesbtita-bhdtaj&gradol 1|

kanda ||hsxo\.. ativikbyataip^ |

deyva-vidaip M-Trijocbanarmabidevain |
kaivanda kalpa-bbdjada |
meyvaliyaip tega^d ati ka . . darg iyan ||

vfitta II jana-nuta-Sila 6ila-gupa»sampada sampada-yukta yukta-saj- 1

jana>jana[<>». ]bandhurarkath&gama-k6vida-inflrtti mdrtti-san- |
khanita-gu^ja-prabhava Bbava-pada-paydraha-bhribga kej Tri}6- 1
chana ninag ar ssam&nar akbi]6rvvareyol gupa-ratna-bhSsbapa ||
vri 11 Sara[8i]jasambhavaqi bhakntiyim PranameSvarana pratishtheyain |
virachisitakke nutana-Virafichiy[av]ol negajd i-Trilocbanam |
pirid atibhaktiyind eseva MMhava-d&vara supratishthey S-g l
ire nere m ^ idaip Kamala-Bbl^ritiyam purad illad^irppinam ||

ka II nirmmala'cbittam Tjlttaip |
dharmma*rati priti racbirargapa-ga[pa]-nikaram t
permmeyum &g ire ne[ga]}d |
Bemmakam m&trUvamSav Utaue dbanyatp ||
janake pardpakari JEeSaran atana sdna llchan
tana tanayaip jagakk eseva Vamanan &tana putri dhatriyol |
• jana-nnte MS,chikawe sutar ayvara Kontiye m&te M&kima- 1
yyana vara-kantey [ . . ]enal Srp kyitakrityano pSJ Trijocbanan ||

kanda ||Ratigaip Sarasatigaip Pd- 1

rvvatigam Arundhatig ayvadiy ene matt anti
atisayada pupyavante |
ksbitiyo}u Machiyave matey atag ene dbanyan I1

yk H antu mabantar ubhaya-kttla-viiuddha-prasiddhar-udaradal ndayisi viveka-viddsha-naya-vinaya-

vaidika-laukika^satya-sattcha-dayd-ddkshinyav-ddiyada-aueka-gupa-pdtran d-Trilochanarddvan onua*
ay ummaUsi nirmmala-dharmmav enag d-cbandra-tara sthiram appud enda dorakoluynd ene kanasi*
a o )a anapama-mablmaip Praydga-Paramedvaram §ri>MMbava sddbu'vatsalaip vatsa-Prahard-
daikge katabadol irddante kapiyod irddapan enda pelda bijayangeyda supratishtbitav adadri-Madhava*
ddvargge S'aka»var8hada ?1123 neya Siddhartthi-samvatsarada Chaitra-sa 11 Adivdra-vyatipdta-
saAbramapadanda mft[Ta]ttit8dsiray-a§§sha'mabajanafigala Sri-padavanu Vdmayya Trijdchana-
210 S h ik a i'p U i’ T a l u q .

deva l^vara-deva Goviiula-deva Narasinga-devan iat iy-ayvaruip uparjjisi tamma vrittiyolage

{here follow details of gift aiid usual final phrases) sri-Madhava-devargge Daudey® Sovi-settiyaru
bit^a nadadivigege Trijochana-devana kaiyal aydu-kamma totavam marugonda bitta 11
S.tana mabimey ent ene H

yella-viddeya nere ballain 1

ballafig odanariyam bedida[va]rgg i
ill emb erad-akkaramam i
^kallam Daydey^ Somam H
In the lower part of the north side of the roof of the ranganiay,{apa of the same temple.
svasti Srimatu bbaja-bala-chakravarfcti Bijjana-Devarasara tat-p§,da-padm6pajivigal appa Banavase*
pannirchchhS,sirada hejjunka vaddaravajada dandanayaka-Mayi-DSvarasaru sii'Prapameivara-
devargge sthana-nivMya-nandadivigeg endu devara totad4 a .. ke ele battada su6ka sam a-bM hSr
parihara mattam bra adakege lakkakke pa I yiat initum Saka-varsha 1D79 neya l^vara-samvatsara ..
sbyada punpami-Somavara-uttarayapa-vyatipatad aadu miivattirchchhasirake . . nadalu dhara-piirT-
Takam m&di bitja dharmmavan {usual final phrases).
. On the side of the same stone.
.................... samasta-prasasti. . . . srl^uaa-ma .. . , Srara vIra'Oadamba .. ■•j juna-Deva'Hola •• •• Be}>
Tala Banava . . . siratna Santalige-sayi.. . . ma sukhadim dush^a . . . ha-Sish^a-pratipa .. . rajyafi-
geyvuta . . .Srimatu . . . . samara Vishauvriddba . . . . rasa-gotrada . . . . . kravintara m arm m a.. ..
Dhadhimayyange -. . kabbegam puttida . . . . drodeyam pa§u . . . . m r a martnma .. korade . . . . Sad-
kapana pe^da ■• tra-pavitra dava . . . lukya*vikrama*v . . . . neya Rakshasa-samva . . . . drapada-
bahu . . . . Kanneya-sankraraa . . . . du sri-Prariame. . . . vargge ondu nandd»di.. ra ira . . . . nadavant a
. . . . mahajanafigala . . . . kotta Lokkiga . . . . ponna b a d d i............a-chandrarkka . . . . nadayisu {u su a l
final phrases).
On a stone helow the bilva-tree to the north east of the ^cme temple.
namas tunga &c. 11

svasti satnasta-bhuvanasrayam sri prithvi-vallabba maharajadhirdja raja .. ramdsvara parama-bbatta-

rakaip SatyaSraya-kuja-tilakam Chajukya . . ria srimat>Tribhuyanamalla-Devara rSjyam utta-
rottardbbivriddhiy a-cbaudrarkkaip saluttam ire .. da-padradradbakatp 5atru-bala-sddhakan asthana-
vastu-nayakam dvija-kaja-kamaja-marttapd^' ka ... . pracband^ da^danayakan Anadtapdjaa eradaru-
ndra Banavasi-pannirchchasiramam sukhadin ajuttam ire a'lriman-mahl-pradh§,naiii bd^asu-mane-
veggade Ananta .. ra prasada-samasadita-prapta-laksbmi-nijayam tat-pada-padmopajivi ||

vara-vidya................Raja*vibhugarn Nilabbegam put^i bha- |

sura-kirtti-priyan agi sanda gUtia-ratnam Dasiraja .. gdtratti- t
bara-tigmarochi janakam tay cham-nand-gund-1
kare Somambike yandad i-bhuvanadi;...... dan em dhanyano |1

k €anaasta-guna-ganabbaranam vibudba-jana-sarananuip nija-visuddha-kirtti........ prabha-vikasita-

jagad-vajaya-kairavanuip rana-radga-bbairavanum bisbama-baya-Vatsa-raja.. kavi-sura-bbujanuv e'ni-
sida mab^.-pi’achanda-dandati^yakam Gdvinda-Raja Banavasi-pannirch'cbhasiranluma vaddaravnjavii-

*So in the ‘”’iginal.

S h ik arp u r T a lu q . 2U

maiii perju&kamumam eradum bilkadeyamam sukha-sankatha-via6da .. pratipajisuttam ire |tat-pada-

padmopajivi Aatarvediya ^ri-Rama-dattiya ashta-sahasra-safikbya-GaVehu-gramam puttid-uru Madhava-
bha^taru tande tay Janaki Vatsa-gotra-Gaurabbey atte So4dalan anujaip daijdanayaka-Goydarasau
mayduaaip Prithividharam Trivaji-bhattaru Sriman-mah§,-yad4agr§.mamaiia T^ijagundaralupergge[de]-
tanaip geyyuttam iidu dbafintaa-prasaagadi kereyaa iagalisala bhami kudiiv endu muttirchchhasi-
rakke binaapaiigeyda prasatiHa-chittaragiy dnndatn badagana hadiya beddeyalu bhdmiyaip ku4e Cha-
Jukya-Vikrama-kalada niuvatteradaneya Sarvvajit-samvatsaradaChaitra-suddba-tadige-Brihaspativara-
daltt kejeyaa agalisi niraip pa4eda degulavaip madi aravap^geyal ambaligaip nir-ejeva manigaip
keyege pa4i salisuvudarke keyeya kelage ojhara {here foUow details of gift and imal final phrases
and verse).
Janaki petta-tay negalda-Madhava-bhatfare tande vira-vi- |
dyS,-nidhi Qoyda-Raja vibbu bhavan eual vara-Vatsa-gotra-mauli* i
bhS,nu-kul6ttamam Raghuja-datti Gavehuve puttid-ur § rita -j
jfiana-vidhana-kovidan enalke Goviudaran em kritartthano H

PrarianiS^v^ara-dSvara keriya mane-dere k a ju .........................ktt |Jokkdja bairada H

M the same village, on a wooden pillar of the AVtrahhadra temple.
Sri-gurttv§ gati Saliva[ha]na 1736 ne S'riniukha-sam- i da Aivijaisudba 12 la Oad!ba}ii-gaa |
Patta^aanu tanna bhaktiyinda yaradu 2 mun4'ge'ckitravannu madisiddu

At the same village, on a stone belonging to the north outlet of the great tank,
svasti Sakba-Bfipa-k§,latita'samvatsa .. sataftgal entu-aftya-ayvatt-entane ... Manmatba-samvatsaram
pravarttise Vaisaka.. barasi-BrIbaspativ§,ram age Santa...,.rapeggade svasti samasta-bhara-nirkpa...
mah^ai§.tya-gu5ia-sampanna .. -. i ............... nasrayan §,sraya*man6haraip nanni . . . . gam bageyaip
nataqi . . . . chairegge ........... sampattivadigatp Brahaspatbsamam .. Srimat-pegga4e-Pv4iyyamma
Tarjtagunddr-kkeyeyaqj kattisL devarige nivedyakkatn naadadivigegam mattal aydu keyeya kelage
tofcamam mattal ondu keyegala mattal ippattu grauta ippattara mattal gajde innurana yelkopd'i
devargge aeyegaip bitta keyegala na . .. ,. vadda berisakk epatta*gatta {rest illegible).
19 5
At the same village, on a viraJcal at the edge of the patSl Bahgappa's field,
Bvaati S'aka-varsha 930 ae Plavafiga-samvatsarada Jyeshtha-mi,sada luddha-bidiye-Bribaspativarad
andu SUntaVige-fiayirad arasan Oddammaaaraa iruvMale pebdartt de .. aya-turu pariyeyu navidara
Gosasi-Gultlgain katti sattu sura-lokakk oda S,tana pendati Efukkabbege na4a ganda-gusanu vetta
magatn Jlya-Saautanau kalian eresida maagala baredaip Saliigayya

At Ohihkamdgadi {same hobli), on a pillar in the mdosure of the Basava'nha temple,
{East side) svasti Srimat-pratapa-chakravartti Yadara-Naraya^a Hoysala-vu’a-Ballala‘ D!&va-varshada
23 neya \
\ a
dorevett Augira . . tsararp negalda-mksa S'rkvanam §uddha-va- |
saram al derisi S'ukravaramu . . . . . . . . Pilshya-gh^ra-sa-1
dhy .. su .'. bahay A s h ^ a ................ • •• param v i ...........sat- 1
karanam taitilam i .......... ndida vibhatam kftde pu •• yim ||
212 SM k& rpur T alu q.
J in a 'T ^ y a m p t a - s e T e y im m a n a d a m ith ja tv ^ m a y a t ii p i6 g e da> |
rs a n a -s a tp S u d d h a te -T e tta c h it t a d o d a v in d a n t a r > m a h i. . p t i . . |
a h itttip ta n n a v i r a lla v e n a . . . . b a g e y a ip b it t a . k u s h - . . . . tm a>ia* |
d d h a - n a y a m ta n u a . . d S v a t a } d i g iu ia m a iii J a k k a v v e n i ^ a y s u t a i p ||
m a t i J iu a -p a d a -p a & k a ja d o | a n v ita m M u d u d fis h t i n§,sik&* |
g r a t e y o ]o n in d a v ^ g a m a * p a d a & g a }a n a lis u t ir d d u v a g a }u ip )
6ruti-yaga]aip .. dfishti-yuta-sanyasanaip neredoppe naka-sa&-1
gati-vadeda} samS<dhi-Tidhiyiin rare Jakkaley ejp kritfi.rttbeyd ||
sale . . ha-dhTaatadindam mugida hridaya-nirejamaqi Jaina-vakya- |
m a . . bhanu-jyotiyindam vikachisiy adarol deva-dev$sanam nil-1
cha|am agirdda •. saatoshado^e Jiaapanam jaaisutt S>*lata-kd> I
m a}e bi^ta^ Jakkiyakkain tanuvaa ulidar ar ppo^var embantu taunaiu ||
kshayamaip mithyatva-karmmakk amarda gu^ada sainyaktva-sa . . . eamYfi- I
ddhiyumam mnmrnS.di de^a-5ratam aa anitumam kondu nirmdhe tiy -ta n -1
deyumaip bittande saQy§.saman ama}inavatpi pftnda Jain§ndra-pada-1
drayam ain cbittaysi Jakkavve d a l e s e .. . . a .......................... ||

. . . . ta^arSane vist&rita-su........... .. ...............ra-kalSvara Jakkale-n&rijanang.... t i .........................

. . . . neneyuta Jakkale tanuvaip bitt^gal ante sukuma • . . sudhyana-p^’ya-samavasarapaman anft-
ko}aip pokka Jinan abhivandisnva..................

(S o u th tid e )
firimat-pupya-phalM abhM bbuvi suta samanta-mukhyasya yk
sarvvaina-padaravindam asakpit samp&jya bbakty^ isat |
fiuddba-dhyana-viSodbi-bodbita-manaj-parvvam samadhi-kramais
B&Scharyaip tyajati sva-debam apuvach chhid-Jakkal^mb§> said f|
cbittani vistaryya puijiyasrava-kara^a-vidbaa sam a-kanm aftpi n&M-
karttum tyaktv^ vimoham sadayam upaSamaip prilpya ch&tmdpaydgaip |
Buddba-dhySnamrit&mbbar-pluta-ma . . . . Jinindrasya piid&ravindaip
prasth&pyMokya debaip tyajati tpipam iva finmati Jakkal§,mb& ||
sv&tmanushthita-sainyainatta-vijasat-samyaktva-pbtena y& |
sams^riirp.9 aTa-p§Tam S.su taranodydgaip samutpMinI
obitram d§va>gatim prati tyajati kiip dSban tu Jakkatnbik& I|
ghpta>dadhi>vara-dugdhair abbishincbyS^rcbcbya tirttb&n |
na bhajati b ^ d i triptiip JakkalS,mbil sra-deb&t
samavasarapa^uatbani drasbtn>kam§, prayS,ti ||
d§>nanviteti ga9 a>ratna*vibhbshiteti
£&nt3id sarvva-janatiisu dayiUpareti |
Jain^am6kta.charit§,nugat|ti bbavy&h
k§ na stavanti bhavi Jakkala>y6shitam ||

(West side)
dSviy enippa Jakkala*mahfi.-satiy-ndglia-charitramaip k a ]^ I
6r!-vibhavangalam vividba..dS.namaa §.tta.Jiu§ndra-bhakti>saqi-|
bh§,vita.sat-satnadhi-mptiyitn sukpt&rttbiga) hvo kfrttisar 0
S h ik a rp u r T a lu q , m

vanitS,-bMshane sach-charitravati tay Lachchavve 8S.mauta-Ma9» I

dana-Muddaip janakam vindta-Bharataiii kantaip sutatvopade-1
sanan a-Srimad-Auautakiitti-munipaii) pujyam Jina-sv^miyend |
ene Jakka . • .. vainia-Mla . . . samyaktvam jagat-pavana H
............... dige Jinaga . . . . Jina-mataiii matig d>Jiaa-s& .. sat-pada^ |
nadeg odauadiy ayt ene Jiudktiyan 6di tad‘ agamS.rtthaniaip |
nade tilidante niuktig irad eydipa sila-guya-vratddhvadol |
naded edegeyda} alke gada Jakkale-nari Mahendra-kalpadol ||
nereye munindraruoi pogajid an^m tale dage parigraha&ga}aip 1
toredii grihita-sapyasanadim nija-Mndhava-m6ha-pa§amain |
pajidu suvritte Jakkalemaha-sati chittaman apta4atvadol J
nirisi samadhiyiip nereye sadhisidal sura-ldka-saukhyamatp H
tajard irad ^ka-parSva-niyama-sthiti dfjshti su-nasikagraditp |
kalivede balpu bajk irade mey midukadade Jaina-bbakti san- i
chadisade m ^ a d uchcbarisi pa&cha^padanga}an atma-tatvado^l i
nelasida sat-samddhi-vidhi Jakkale-ndrig id ekka-lavapaip ||

{N0rtk side) 6ri-Jinendra ||

tyaktvd deham vimobdd brata-guna*charita-6reni-msrepi-inarggad
aruhya svargga-durggaip nija-bhajana-balad era yat tad gfihitva |
y&haip Jakk§,mbikasmin divi divijavaro’bhuvam dtoia-prasadad
itthaip tushtava gatvd samavasarana-bhusthani natendram JinSndram g
Jina-nath&bhishavangalim Jina-gun-sl6traftgalindain dinar- |
chchaneyindam Jina-bhaktiyim Jina-munindraliara-danahgaliin |
Jina-T&,ky&rttba-vich§.radind aledu inithya-marggamam tatva-bha-1
raneyiin pett amaratvadind e;agida) Jakkayve Jaindfighriyol 11
tatvaman a-Jinendra-matadim tilid ujvajam Ada §uddha-dpi- 1
ahtitva-gunArkkanind alare illa-guoia-vrala-varijali mi* |
thyatva-tamas-tamam pareye sat-patha-varttiniyagi Suddha-sam- 1
vitvadin eydidaj negalda Jakkale-nAri surAndra-lokamapa H
lalita*pativratacharapa-chAru-nadi-salila-pravahadiin i
kali-malamam kalalchi nija-nirminala-kirtti-lata-vitAnamaipl
bajeyisi lila-Sali-vanamam parivarddhisi pup.ya-naudattan- |
gajane nimirchchi Jakkale valaip padedaj sumano-vibhutiyam H
parikisi sad-budhar ppogaje tanna charitra-gupahka-maleyain |
virachisi suprabandhamane dik-kula-bhittigalol teralcbi mutn-J
bavedudan igal a-divija-l6kadol oppuva lekha-jAladoi i
bareyipan endn Jakkale maha-satiy erida} alte saggamam 1|
pugey avasarppayain Bharatad Iryyeyol anvitam ada bhoga-bhu- 1
migaja viramadol sukfita-dushkyita-varttaney Agi eanda kA- 1
la-gata-cha . . tu . J antyadole pafichama-kaladol ondid anda . \
. . . mahAtmaroJ guname Jakkale-nAriyol uttarottaratp 1|

O il a stone in front of the sum temple.
Srimat-parania-gambhira-syad-vadAmogha.laflchbanain j
jiyat trailAkya-naihasya SAsanam Jina-sABanam I1
214 Sbik& rpur T aluq.
§ri rajippudu dharminadiqi niyata-dharmtnam Sautiyitn santi-vi- 1
staram Kuathu . . . ...................................... . •\
... . yakar vinuta-Dharmmam S'aati sat*Kunthuv emb- |
i-Ratnatraya-devar urjjitam enal dirgghayumara sriyumain ||
prakatara vyapta .. . . ........................raya-r&pam nitya-bhavani vikar-1
trikaru aveshtita-maruta-tritayav §,-shad-dravya-sampanna-va- |
rttakam oppirddudu no(Je na^eyuv adh6-madhy6rddhva-l6ka .. i
... . lokakk esedirppud ant ubhaya-karmmodyoga-nirmmana-sal- |
lilatn dvipa-samudra-vargga-vajayibh&ta-prabhata*sthaji- 1
m a }a ]a ............... bhu-ramanatp jagaddhitan i-mahatvakk enalk eip |
naduv oppam bettudo tam lavaria-jaladhi ranuam manal Lakshmi ntr-1
vepn odaripp a-kalpa.vfiksha-prasava........... d eveiven ojpam ]|
kaip II 7ar-va}aya-nikarav emb 1
nirv&liya nadiave neradu jambfl-chinham i
sarvinav ipsita-phalamam |
parvinav ejeg imb id aytu Jambd-dvipam ||
idu Jambu-dvipa.. . . n idu surorvviruhaudaryyadiiid int I
idu rajad-dhairyyadind int idu janita-Jina-sthdna-bh6g6pay6ga- i
bhyudaya-sri-lileyiip Recharasana teradind unnatatvakke pakk a-1
dud enuttam cbandra-suryyd . . . . . . . . rdrajisirkkuni ||
dorevett d-MSruvin teukana-deseyoj ad en ojppuvett irddudo Sri- j
Bharata-kshetram karam tumbigaja madhura-mandra-STarodgitadim me- I
11-eraling alla(Juv ell ell elem a ...............pushpangalim hanna-gonchal-1
veragindaqi chutavalli-vitatiga} esed a-lasya-sarasyadindam ||
kam II Srimaj-janadiip sumano- 1 dhamateyim bhramara-Sobheyim Kar^ndta-i
simeyan a-Bbarata-sri- 1 . . . torp p u .......... nade Kuutala-dSSam ||

vachana || mattam alii janada konteyum gunada vyavaharamuni binadada vyavasdyamum rasada
tojregalin eseva kelt-vauangalum birayigal Kamana . . yikke . . yeyaip gondirppa Jileyim nereda-kama-
JimgaJuip Vasanta-kelige sameda pondonigala-gondalamum dharmmakke nermmamUip bbdgakk figara-
mum ada ghatikd-stbanamurn ratna-samriddhige soltu sa .. .. magaj gondud enipa parikheyim raja*
ma^daja-sainajam enipa k§,miniyara raukha-kamala-nikavamum grama-nagara-kbSda-kbaryvana-ina-
damba-dronamukha-pura-pattana-rajadbanigala bana ......... m elli nojvadav alii meredu nava-vidbam
I g i torppa KuntaJa-deSakke ||
ka II kraraadim vikramadim da- | na-raanohara-vrittiyim Chalukya-nripalo-1
ttamar Stma-kirttiy a-bbu-1 rainanige muttugala today enal priyar adar ||
Cbajukya-bbiibhujar ddivi-1 k^jiyol ire perage uereye kampuvol irddar |
bbu-vadhuge Rattar avaram i sovuttam Tailan ajdidain neje dhareyam H
avard a-Tailafige SatyaSrayane magan avang atmajam Vikraman tan |
avanind ant Aayya^iam tam kiriyane Jayasimhaicikanum tamman ant A- |
bavamallaoi tat-sutam tat-tanayan esava Somesvaram tan-maKiSan- |
ge vajam Permmadi-Devam magan avana magam tane Bbulokamallam ||
samauisit avabge Jagade-1
kamallan enisirdda putra-rupade tejo-1
ramaoiyatey avan anujam i
ramanarn meredaip jagakke Nurramadi-Tailain ||
S h ik S r p u r T a lu q , tll^
bajikam nalaviqi sarddal i Chalukya-rajya-Ranle Bijjalorvvipatiyam |
KaJacburi-tUakanan em pep- ( gaja chittam liosataQ arasut irppudu hosate |

Tyi II dadegaj uut ivafige rauado} sale inuduvav erid-fi.neyol 1

ko^ugal uptu matt-eradav ankusadanna............... ga I
.. dojav ant av anya-nripa-rakta-visinchanar end a r a t i....... !
dd odade nilvan avan enut irppudu Bijjalanaip jagaj-janam l|
asi-late kude gapdu maguldatt ahitavanip§,Ja-bhftmi-pep |
masagidud anjad antavarol a-sura-k^nteyarg Snta-betav u- 1
bbasav enisittu k^did ede nettara-jaugine kes-oranteyam |
pasarisit endu bandu §arap embudu Bijjalanam dvishaj-janaip ||
baledant a-Bijjalang en adat esedudo pej S'imhajadhi^varam be-1
ttajigam Nepajakam ghat^ivalan adapad^ Kerajaip Gujjaram kam- t
maligaip matt-a-Turushkaip kudure vesadavani Lfi,lan ad acbchul&ytaip t
heleyam Papdyam Kalingam kari-paricbaran ag aj-vesengeyye niohcham !|
jagamaip sampritiyim Bijjala-nripatiya tamtnaip bhujS.-garvvadiip Mai-1
Jugi-Devaip p&Jisuttam meyeda balikav a-Bijjal6rvviSa-pautram |
tri-gupibhiita-pratapam tajedan ejeya .. Xandara-kshopipam taj- 1
jagati-nathanutatam bajikam avaniyam ta}didaip S6yi-Devaip ||
kramadim Karppatamam Kuntajaman olavinim tijdi tajkaysi ra m y^ - I
gaman imbim bimbip ojpam pa^edu pritbula-Latakke KdSchi-pradSSa-1
kke manambett eyde ragam budida-kara-3ar6j§.tainam nidiy &-M-1
yamur§,ri-ksh6pipam mediniyaP inisu vand §ka-bb6gyakke dandatp jl
atana tamman ftijjita-gupaip vibhu-Mailugi-Dgvan §,Jdidam 1
bha-tajamarp bajikkam avanim kiriyatan enippan kdodam 1
khyatiyin firggav alte biriysltan enal dhare S'ankamorwipa-1
brata-nutaqa dbara-valayaraaip pariraksbisutirddan olmeyim jt
kaip !! S ’aAkana kirtti-prabbeyin- )
data kamini bbumi gaura-rucbiyind esed Sm |
Saakiiiiyadalo gita- |
lankrita-n§,n§--vin6da-vilasita-gatiyim H
vri II savan ar nNisiafikamalla-kshitipatige tacb-chakriyindam balikb A-1
havamallam Riya-Narayapan adhika-gupam S ’abka-bbfipanujaip bhfi-'|
bhuvanaradbyam dbar3,-mapda}araan atuja-ddrddapdadin ta^didaip n6J- I
pavarg eka-cbcbbatramam meysiri merevinegapi prajya-samrajyadindam ||
kramadind §,-Bijjal6rvvipatige padedu saptlnga-sampattiyaip ma-1
ttain adam tacb-cbakriyind ittalum odavida rS.j&vali-lilegam tan-1
dum id e saptSfigamam kanisidan ene jagam mantradim tantradiip vi- |
kramadim §riyim sad-ach^radin osed esedam R&cbi-dand^dhin&tham il
Kalachuryya-ksbitipala-rajya-late parvval tanpa d6§-Sakbeyam |
vilasan-Mandara-sanugam vibudha-sevyam vistrita-cbcbbayan a-1
8khajitattdaryya-vijasa-bh3.si sumanas-sampBrppan udyad-yaSab* I
pba^adim B§chana-dandan§,tban esedam lokaika-kalpa-drumatp II
Jinanam tanna manam manab-prakritiyarn sad-vidyey a-vidyeyain I
tanuv ant A-tanuvam vilasav adan udyal-laksbmiy a-laksbmiyam |
vinutaudlryyaT adam jagatn jagaman imb i-Mpttiy klibgisal |
3ana-vandyai?i vibbu-Recbir&jan esedain cb&ritra-ratndkaram ||
Shik& rpur T alu q.
kavi-tati balmeg olagise kHmiiuyar sobagiage sole bel- I
pivai’gal udara-vrittig olavim uara.iasanavS.ge rajyam u d - 1-
bhavadin odarchchi Jaiua-samayambudhi kirtti-sudhaniiaTiin poda|- I
ke vadeye Rechirajan esedain jasadim vasudhaika-bSndhavam U
uadeda-nelani ranorvrareyoj ant anitum tanag ajja-pajjariip |
padeda-nelan dal emban asig anya-nripSjaran ikkad ante kij- |
tade ka^u-dosav emban asahani mige bengude patte t4ne befl-1
guduvavol emban In adataud kali-Rdcha:pa-dandan4yakaip jj
anupama-dana-iauryya-rana*iaui7 yaman «-vogaldappen am dvishaj-1
janaparoj onduv achcharasiyargge sayambarav Sge saggadoj i
janiyisit Indra-bhuruhake toranadin tavil embud eyde md-1
dini vasudhaika-bSndhava-chamupati Rdchanan §m kritartthand II
pede-vani S’eshanoJ Sarasijddaran ambudhiyol mfigaAkav and j
udupanol Adrijarddhav Abhavangadol 4-mada-lubdha-bhpingav ir- 1
pp ede dig-ibhafigftloi kurupn ddrppinegam jagamam musudkit ill-1
gadal ene kirtti Rechan esedam jasadim vasudhaika-bSndhavam ||
S'rivachchajp siriyiin samriddhan esev a-Naglmbika-sdnu bhd- I
g4vasatp vasudhaika-bSndhavan ud4ram stutya-Gauri-sukha- j
iri-vishtam Vrishabhadhvaja-priyatamam NarSyanStmddbhavam I
bbSvaip bettire chelvan end enisidam iri-Rechi-da^dadhipam I|
taradinj desadgalum iri-Kalachuri-kula-chakreiarim pettud i-N4- 1
gara-kbandakk artthivatt a-nriparoj pa(Jed imbindav ald-irppan 4-Rd- (
cbarasaip tan ended d-vanpipudo nisadav i-desadind oimeyam bi-1
ttaraditn pankeja-rupam Banavasey adajoj iriya-vol irppud embejn 8
knsuma-rajam rasavaji tajir sdvadaduva klra-jSJav emb |
esakade chalvuv Sjida-nelam nele-verchchida pugojam bisur- 1
pp esagada-nun-bisal sujiva kamm-elar ikshise hachchan oppuv-4- 1
gasav eseyalke nSd esavud entu Basantada srishtiy embinam |)
kam a-N4gara-khandaman a- 1
Jp-a-nripa-vinuta-Kadambar ant a-nripa-sa- 1
ntanambujadoje sakala-ka- 1
]a-ni}ayam Brahma-bhdbbujam janiyisidam 1| ,
a-vibbuvingam Cbattala-1
Devigav udayisidan akhila-niti-krama-saip-1
irf-vadhug eseyalke sauryyad oppain Boppatn ||
medinige Boppa-DIvanin l
adudu hage hugada b4)a balvSliy avaug |
adal vallabhe vinuta- 1
S'ri-Deviy avargge put^idam Soma-nripam ||
m tl nadi-galalande muddu-nudi satya-patakan enippud oppid a-1
tt adi Nigajafika-mallan ene rajipud oje Kadamba-Rudran emb-1
odetanavam nega}chidudu Gandara-davaniy-emb-namamam |
padedndu Soma-bhumipana iauryya-gupavaliy Im kritartthand |
ninag ant a-kamam iga^ ke^eyan enipudam tdrppuvol emman erchche- |f
chchu nitantam ninna padakk eragipan enutam kSnteyar jjole kalg&- 1
S h ik 4 r p u r T a lu q .

nana-kS,smira-dravai|i pattida nigajada Cha6g^vaa-aiigakke sev4- 1

janitaragambol aga} Hiejrevud anudinaip S'oma-bhaiili^a-pMaip ||
munidorje Soma-bhdpaa eraag irppedey a-Banavasey ant ad ant |
aniturn ad igaj atana bhujasi-lata-vritav aytu pokku sil- |
kinol ire pollad end ahitar ddi sanmdrada T%gau(}a |
anuniisi velegop^u snkharp irppar idSn adatinge nontand J1
birodar bbhttorvvip&lar mMadana^paravasibhuteyar vidyey-uljar I
ssarari-endar sserakar bbdlpavarg old Iran !-Soma-bhftmt- i
^raran endum r^adiip sabgatamaia abbayamaip bdtavatp tusbtiyam sayt-l
irayaip Sampritiyatn belpudan enejanay audaryyadiqi yaryyanadaip |l
tdja todarppu machchip-erde-yarttuga chumbisuy-imbu Soma-bhd- 1
pajanol eka-bhogyav enisal tanag dgiral §.-stbalaAgalam 1
palipa kApu bira*8iri Laksbmi Sarasvatiy ende sairipal l
meiisal ivale peraran endene Lacbchala-D&yiy oppnval 1|
enip a-dampatiy-olmeg aggalisal oppam prAjya-sSmrAjya*ka- 1
mini mAdal bigiyappan eytare pardrvvJpalarim kappay int |
inisum mAdad iralke dushta-tati tftppam pu^tidaip Boppan etnb- |
inegaip Boppa-nripalan-apratima-punyain rajisitt uryviyol ||
kfttp ij i-Borppam Ddvakig ad |A-boppatn tappad appan arid era ktrtti- 1
iri bAy-deyedode kanalk i
1-bandude bhuvana-nikarav ene peaavva^edain |
yyi Unagey altey erne yikkatirdda-hudioept-akshohint-sAneg and |
uguriip satta Hirayiyakakshakan enippang and adem bit^ -k ap g |
,agid-ant A-bbayadinde benda Madanang-and a-mahAbbagar»an- 4
mugey end i-vibhu-Boppa-Devan alevam gatyadhikanyaugbamam H
kadana-krideyol ujla- ninna dayey Ak int orrameyum tojad i- |
Madana-krideyol uttudam mayedadam nir-vokkadam nAna putt- |
u dal ondirddadav ittodana taleyane sainpritiyam toyey end |
odayim melise kAnteyar mmeyevan i4rt-Bo{^a-bhupalakara l|
ka II siriyind oppuva Bandhava- 1
purav Atana rajadhaniy ant a-puradol |
, ta-rachik.'pada*kAnti S’Antinathatp meyevara ||
tri II pal-abhishAkav ant enil ad adadav alliy adrisyam appa pA- 1
mAle padakke januvarav ikkidodani nirairv-ushija-tSyadim 1
lileyi majjanakk eyeye vamade ^itajavAgi barppavem |
salave S'Antinathana inahA-maliiraatvaman oldu bannisal II
kaip 11 enip AsthAnachAryyam j
muni-vinutam Bbanukirtti-siddhanti jagajr I
jana-vandyaip nija-guru-kuja- 4
vanajarvikaSaman odarchchuvam tapadindani []
alardud ad eat enal A-guru- 1
kulav a-Gautaman enippa ganadharanind it- 1
tal aneka-MAIasafigba- 1
Tija-yati-patiy Ada Kondakundanvayadol |l
S h ik 4rpu r
Sri-RaTa^andi'siddha' |
ntarava-saroTarakke todav enipam vS,k- 1
§ri-ramya-Padmaijiandi-ta- 1
p6«rame pidid irdda padmana ene tach-chhishyam j|
tan-inuni-natbaDa sishyam |
Manmatha-saha vallad angana*rati-sukhamatp |
san-muni-sad-guru-kuvaiaya- i
bhfin mati posat enisi uega|dan li-IVIunicliandratn {|

v^i II lokaman aWga'^ be}agidam jasadigt Muiiichauara-devati a» i

prakrita-Jaiha-yoga-niJayaip prakatikrita-[ta]tva-nirggayain |
6vikrita4abda-^&Stran urar5krita-tarkka-kal4-kalapaa d- |
rikfita-kavya-natakan bdhah-krita-MinapatSka«vikramain ||

kaip I tach-chhishyaip praka^krita-kir- 1

tti-chchhatrain Bhanukirtti Krai«u’-ggana-bhu- I
mi-chchhanna-Tintrigika-su- i
gachchham srf-Nunna-vainsan esedam jagadol II

Tfi II SS,Qta-ras6ttha-m6rtti dig-ibha-braja-mastaka-vartti-kirtti said- 1

dhantika-chakravartti Jina-pMa-nidhMa-su-dtpa-vartti chai- 1
rantana-Jaina-yogi-sama-varttiy enal muni-Bbanukirtti pern- |
pam tajedam sva-mantra-gati dhftrtta-janakk ativarttiy einbinam |]
niyatam tan-muni-natha-Sishyan esedaip san-margga-sainpattiyiiBi |
Nayakirtti-brati-nayakam vibudha-vafichha'^&yakam Jaiha-ta- 1
tva-yatharttii5gatna-kayakam krita-ya^as-saip8nfi.yakaip dhvaipsitft- 1
bhaya-nisyandita-Pnrpasayakan udagrauddryya-sand&yakam ||

kanda || ant esed achS.ryyS;valiy- 1

itn tijid agamafigalam Jina-samay6ch- 1
chintSmani Sankara-sa- |
naantam S'antiyane ^aftkaran enipam It
vidita-parakraman enip k- l
Kadamba-uripa-tijaka Boppa-Devana rSjya- i
bhyudayakke tane modal eni* |
sidan a-samanta-S'a6karam nayadindaiM ||
8§,manta-S’afikanind ud- |
dS.mate-vaded irdda Napdu-vamsada siri munn- |
e-malkey embpd anvaya- I
ramege to^avMan amaJa-saftgam Singam ||
Siftgana k§.ntey alte siriy &tana kesara-maley amba chel- 1
viug e^egoijtdu Ma{an avarg &dan avabg epeyfige Ma}iyakk- 1
am gupa-yukti-kantey avarg imbine puttidan Ekkan Ekka-gau- |
da6g anujatan a-Eereyamam mejfedam* stuti-jivanddayain (|

kam II amidinara avar-icbchh^-jani- |

ta-phajam balaye tanna kdlgajan aira- 1
ysi nitantam Kereyaman a- |
dan avam . • resavve nallal adaln nalavim ||
S hik4rpu r T alu q. HI
T fi !1 avar*irvarggav ud& ttan ap pan en isird d 4-Boppa-g& TUEidan u - |
dbbaramatp t&nu Tndatta-v^ittiyam anunaudaryamuip pem m ey o* i
ppavud ag ire put|i kirtti'padedam tann-ichchevol Cltaki-gau- |
di vin&t^gaja-rarddbiyoi padeye sat-punyMkanaip S'abkanam ||
yararvanit4>vaSankaraa arM-nripa}a-bhaya&karaip Jine^ |
Svara-yati-kifikaram STa^pati-chitta-madankaran ishtavargga-Safi- 1
karan akhi}artba-sa8tra-su-dridbabkaraa atma-sakhankaraip maad- 1
haraa ene S‘a6karaiu padedaa oppe charitradoiam ... rttiyatp ||
dinam ellaip dana-keit-samayame tanag end embinatp nitiy ellaip |
taneg eud Sgirdday eudembinav ari-ku}av ellani sva-kha]|gahatai|i |
kiniyargg end ^dud end etnbina vodamey ad allatp jagat-poshapakk em« i
binav §r8^manta<S'abkam neg4 dan e^egav 4a&kay agalke taanigi g
pathikaftg isbta&ge Sishtabg adhanan enipavang artti-yMabge nity&|
tithig alg anyabge manyaftgay avanibejeya .. bn-get^aftge bh^ra- 1
grathitafig ent embavang en enuten udisidafig &rggav old ittu daustbyaf I
yyatheyam mapippan eni m^ntanada ka^iyo s^inantaroi S^lakarlfikani |
pati«mantra-praadhi. sevaka-tati aifahankaramaqi manyar o}panx i
kshiti san-maryyMeyam bandhugai anudiba-san-manavaip dhanamikar
matiyam k&nt&>janam m ey ^ iy a n akbiia>yandi-bfajam dh&< |
..........b a p p ik u m p n n y a d a ta v a r o d it a ip n o d e sa m a u ta > S 'a :d k a m |i

kaim k a jey en ip a sttrab hig e le g a la 1

m ayey en isid a kalpa>vrik8ha-phaia>tatig ep eye |
k a s e v a ................. ..... dslrate |
m e je v u d u s& m a n ta -S ’a fik a r a n o l a n a v a ra ta m H

TO y in e y a -ra sa A g a U m ta ^ ip i y A c h a k a ra m m a n e g o y d a s a n t a t a q i 1
k a n a k a d a bA diin it t u m ige^Bokkim s e v y a r a ..............1
......... ........ a m a r u g o ^ d a v a r a n a le g e y a in p r a b h u -S 'a A k a r a ip ylaSd* 1
d h a n a n e n ie ird d a n a lla d o d e m A ra y a iA r a s a n A - n ^ y a m a t p ||

kam I e n is id a S 'a A k a r a -s I m a - t
n ta n a k A n tey a .................. yin d n p e sasyS.- I
v a n i J a k k a p a v v e y u ip K A - i
m a n a s ir i k a p -d e r a d a l e m b in e s o g e y is id a r [j
S 'a n te y a s b n u S 'a A k a r a -ta n k d b h a y a n u d g h a * fe a d a m b a »U u d ra »S r 1
m a n ta s a m a y a * p ra a u ta m v a s a d h a ik a ^ b A n d h a v a A g f
a n t e s e d a p ta -m a n t r i y ib b tt* 6 o p p a n o d a i< ^ c h id a m o } m e g oppaim ain |
San tate d a n a y a ^ m u ch a rita ip s ir i k6m a|a*rftpay o p p ir a l |f
.. ............ n a d S vatey en d j .
e n e n e g a ld A -J a k k a p a v v e ta n u v im m a n a d in i |
M a n a s ija n n m J in a n n tn ta n n |
in iya A g a b h a y a -b h a y a -s a k h a y a d e n e k a r a v eS ed a l 11
J in a * s a m a y a -b h a k tiy iip s a - |
................... s u p u t r a r ir v v a r in e ^ e S 'A - \
s a n a -d e v ig e v a lla b h a n a - j
tyau n vadan i^ J a k k a ^ a v v eg id u v e viSi&Bhaip 1{
a -J a k k a n a v v e y -a g i’a -t a - 1 ,
n A ja m m e je d a m ja g a k k e s u ja n a -M a n o ja n i 1
pfiji ............... I
‘ . . . . saka^a-gu^a-nikara-dhaiuatn Somam II
Tritta ||,tanu punyodaya-sobhitatn nimirda-toj audarya-ramyain mukham I
jana-sammohana-satya-vritta valaga^ dakshipya-dirgha . - . 1
................ ... ti rupake yatha rupaip tatbS, 6ilav end |
ette samanta-lalama-Sonaan esedam saundatyya-chaturyyadiin H
karadindam tegeyal sa^akti n i ........... vandS,.............|
. ra-putraip nuta-Jakkanavveya magaip kan^hiravardhapa-1
kk erevam S6ma*sah6darain siiuteyoj Muddayya Muddayyan a - 1
■-' •' daiadim kalpa-kujatamain padevan end a-chatamam varddhipam II
-ft kajp I ant enisal S'ankara-sa-I
mantain sakaJatra-putra-bandhaTa-mitrS.* |
nantanvayan esedam niS- |
cbintam dbarmm§.i’ttha>kaina-vargga>sumarggam ||
anupamitaschaiyyatri S'a- 1
ntinathan end &*sthalS.nabandhadin imbim |
J in a -g fib a m ^ m M a g u ^ iy o J |
vinutam sdtnantha-S'ankaram m&^isidara ||
yril! pratibimbam pada-gbatamaip kajevud a-rangakke kambhakke hyid-|
gatamam ma^pudu sd,labaSjikegalatp chitrippud S.-bbitti-san- 1
tatiyaip jaftgama-cbitradind ene jatiam samantha-S'ailkani jagan- 1 ^ ‘
nutamam ma^isidam JinSndria-gtihamam Md,gmidiyol ragaditp 1|
a-bhuvanaika-mandana-Jinalayamam nalevinde n6di Sft- j
ryyabharapdhvayam Balipuri-Tripurantaka-sari-samstutarp |
dobhisutirddud i-basadi Tirthakarar sS'iva-sat-padasthar end 1
a-Bhava-bhavadim muni-vararp' sthala-vyittiyan ittan uttamain ||
kam it sthiravag ir ittan adakeya i maran ayndj-ulia-toptav d,-pM6i.4 aiji I
berasu subbdmiya mattar I w a re garddey ad*ondu-gS.pav end int initaip |
■ (Tri II ant a^dharmma-nikayainam sulisutaip ny§.y&ijjita-dravyadind I
ant ivutt akbiJaSeyaip sad-upabhoganikamaip bhdgisutt | ’’
ant a-S'afikama-Deva-chakri nadedam BaMla-bhftp&lanam l
santam tanna pad&bja-seTege-daral fiauryyarnpavaip ghurnpisal i
kam II naded &taua lakshmiy kay- |
pi4 id o4 agon4 akbila-dap^anatha-sametam |
na^etandu T^nagandaSa i
nade-vidinol irddan arthiyim pala-devasam ||
ire Rechana-dapd&dhi-1
Svaram Jin&Svara-padabhivandane end opp- 1
ire bandam MSgudig a- |
daradiin sri-6 oppa*bhdpa S'ankara-sahitam ||
bandn JinelTara«padamaip |
bandisi Jina-muni-padambajakk eragi Jin6 - 1
n m a n d ir a m a ip nd^i d p i^ M - 1
nandaip vasudhaika-b&ndhavam bapnisidatn ||

anttt p og ftld u tri< b h 6 g^ ' |

bhyantaray 3,girdda Tajaveyam sarvva-nama- r
S h ik a r p u r T a lu q . 221

§yam tejo-samya-same- \
tam taj-Jiaa-pfl-jeg eadu parikalpisidaip 1|
svasti samasta-bhiivanasrayatn 3ri-prithvi*vallabhai]i maharajadhiraja Kdlaajaiia-pura-varadhisvaraiti
pratapa-Laiike^varatu sauryya-paachaaanatn gita-Chaturananam ^ubhatar-S,dityatp Bij'ja-bhubhuja-
patyam gaja-samanta jaya-kamini-kaatam suvarnna-vrishabha-dhvajam Kajachuryya-rajya-lakshmi-
pratishthitayata-bhujaip R§,ya-Narayaaim Bharat^gatnambhodbi-parayapam Giridurgga-mallam ;§ri-
mad-Ahavanaallam Mocleganura nelovidinala sukha-sankatha-vinodadim r&jyaip geyyuttam ire tat-
pada-padtnopajivi srimau-niaha-pradhanam bahattava-aiyogMhipati maha-prachanda-dandanayakam
Rechi-Devarasaa a-Magaiy liya Ratnatraya-devara basadiy-acharyyar Bhanukirtti-siddhanta-devaraip
barlsi munaam samadhigata-pancha-maha-§abda mah3,-niandale3varani Baaavasi-pura-varadhisvaram
Padnaavati-devi-labdha-vara-prasMam mrigamadaraodam raarkkola-Bhairavam KMamba-kanthi . .
........... katnini-lolam husivara salam nigalaaka-inaUaa asu-hrit-sella gapdara-davarii subhata-airo-
mani ity-akhila-namavali-samalaakritan appa Boppa-Deva . .. bajiya ba(Jam TaJaveyaip tri-bhoga-
bhyantava-viSuddhiyina sarvva-badha-pariliaram sarrva-namasyav agi parikalpisidudara S'aka-varsha
*nura-nalkeneya......... ........... suddha-panchami-Budhavaradand a-Ratnatraya-devar-abhishekady-
afigi-bh\ga-radga-bh5gakkani rishiyav-ahara-dana'ckain vidyartthigala........................b a sa d i pesa
................ khanda-sputita-jirpnoddharakkav eiidu a-sriinan-Mula-sanghada Kraiiur-gganada Tintrika-
gachobhala Nuima-vara^ada srimad-Bliamikirtti-siddhanta...........k o t t a .................. maha-pradhanara
krita-jayakarshana-v-ldbanam dhanui'-vidya-Dbanaajayan akarntiifca-rana-i'abhasa-bhita-bhu .....
........... da-Vidyadharam kavya-kala-dharaa enipa Murari-Kesava-Dev'aage dharmma-pi’atipa|aaaaiani
«ainarppisidaa ataiia prabhavam entendode 1|

vfi 11 Giri^ana drishti .................... .. ...................Maiiumata |

sara-yashti-Partthaiiaa udanvita-baadhura-vega-srishtiy o n l |
ire garivetta tamia saralim gari mudi divakke pari dus- |
stara-ripa kadi g a ............. . .. n a ............. Murari-Kesava ||
. . . . §,-basadiyal otnme aana-de^ada vyavaharigaj tanda-bhandada krayakke nalkum ethajada
bapadju-mumnaurl-daridaTium ........... .. . tta ............... kana mridu-bridaynri\gi ya-stba]avam
pokku raarida bhaiidada p3bge visa malavege haga javajakke bele int initumaip .................. .
dharnaraamam prati .. dar aneka-janmarjita-papa-badheyani pariharisi nana sukangajan-anubhavisu-
va r pratipalisade kidisidavar eleneya-narakamam pak k u ............................ var li (usual final verses).

At the same village, on a Stone near the basti.
svasti srimatu Yadava-Narayaaa bhuja-bala-pratapa-chakravartti sri-Kandara-DSvana 1 1 neya Naja-
samvatsarada .. tra-bahula-amavase-Vaddavarad andii Mudiya sa .. .. vanta sanyasana-samadhiyam
^ m adi sugati-praptan adarp maugala maba sri sri gaja-sailendu-saianka ............ Karttika-kyishna-pak-
sbam ene himana .............................S'anivarav irttarayapa ... s a ................. prapash|a... devara guddaa
eseva S'A,nta...........•navaranu samanta mu . . . . - .manadolu ta pancba-padavam chiutisutta............
maramu .. svargga-janakke apta-janam parivaram bandhu-janamum aSrita-janamum niled ella-
r a t n ................ sarau iUad endu ... Juttiddaru

purusha-nidhananatn sakala-bhogiyau asrita-kalpa-vrikshaatiin |

nara-sura-dhenu vandi-sura-bbuja naviaa-Manoja-rupana |
gura-pada-bhakti .. J prabhava-savanta muvvana . . . . voydeni .. |
karupi vidhatramula .. pada-16bhiga}im................... .. »....()
(rat ejacel).
So in the orif^inal.
222 S h iM rp u r T aluq.
At ike same place.
svasti sriinatu Yadava-Narayaria pratapa-chakravartti ........ Devara varshada 28 neya‘ S'arvari-
samvatsarada Karttika ..............Chikka-Magadiya akkas&le Bammoja sa............ vadira. . . .. gat i ..
......................................................................................................... neyde pupdu sat-purusha-singhan udatta-
nidhi sach-charitam padedaip sainMhiyatp ||

padedii iamadhiyan inn or . . |

padal-a^ard amara-purak epagi deva-nikayaip 1
gedegodare sura-sukhamam i
padedara Bammojaip amala*Jina-bhavaneyim |1

At the same place.
Srimaj-Jaina-padambujata-janita-'sri-kantey-eaib-andadiin |
bhdmi-prastute dana-dharnuna .................. . -..................i
Katnastra-pravibhaa-rdpin aleva . .. S'antiyakam jaga- i
kk e mat andina Siteyiip . . . . Vag-deviyind aggalam ||
janakam Sankaya-Nayakam janani taia Muddavve S'antiivaram |
JinanS.tham tanag ishta-deyrav esev-a-sad-bhavyar§ gdtradim |
muni-nathatn Nayakirtti-deva-muniy arMhyam dal end andad ar |
vvanita-ratnam enippa Santaleyavol dhanyarkka} 1-dhatriyal ||
danada gupad-unnatiyim i
ta.n i-dhareg adbikey enesi Santave sukhadim I
dhyanisi Jina-pati-padamaip i
tan aididal amara-16kamaip halar ariyal |i

At the same place.

Sii svasti Srimatu Yadava-Narayana pratapa-chakravartti.. •. dhavi-samvatsarada A^vayuja-bahuja 5

Somavara............... sana-samadhiyini padedu sugati-praptan Ada m a g a .............................. Virddhi-
samvatsarada Chaitra-su 2 S’ukravaradanda Biroja mudipi sugati-praptan ada il maiigala maha Sri Sri
................Bespativarad andu Boramave sannasana-samAdhiyain..................Ada]u mangaja maha Sri 1|

At t1ie some place.
svasti srimatu Yadava-NArayanaip bhuja-baja-pratapachakravartti Hoysala-vira-Ballala-DAva-varttsha-

da 21 neya PrajApati-samvatsarada MArggaSira-suddha 7 Adivaradandu il

Sri-Jina-raja-rAjita-pada-dvayamain nalavindam ojpe mum i

pAjisi................taj-Jina-smarapadiip gata-jivite Malle-gavundi tatpj
pAjita-Devaraja-padeyAdal id achchariy altu muktiyaip |
sajadin iyal arppa Jina-bhaktiy ad enuman iyalArade ||
gum Sakalachandra-munipar |
paramSgamam agamain JinSndram deyvain |
para-”bitam cne subha-charitain i
vara-guni Mallavve-gaudig ene voppadar Ar 1|
S liikarpur T alu q. ^ ^23
At the same village, on a virdkal in the yard of the KaMsvara temjgk.
•vasti srimatu YMava-Narayatiam bhuja-b4a-pravu(ia-pratapa-chakravartti Sri-Rama[chandra]-R&y-
ana rajyodayada 14 ueya Svabhanu-samvatsara Jeshta-su 11 Budhadandu Chikka-M§.gadiya...........
ja-Nayakauu dMJiyan .. dalli talt ijridu meradu sura-lokake praputaa ada mafigaja maha

On a 2nd vtralcal.
svasti srimatu Chalakya-Vikrama-varshada hadtuaydeneya Pratnodiita-samiratsarada Karttika-suddha-
panchami-Adityavara Boppa-D&Va Nagari-khan4a 70 kke n^r-ggavujjdu geyvutt iralu Tripurantaka-
derarig ajuya Kiri-Maguadiya turu harivalli surig iyidu meredu sura-16ka»praptan ada>||

On a 3rd virakal.
Srimach-Ch^ukya-Vikraina-kalada padioareneya Prajotpatti-samvatsarada Phalgu^ia-suddha-daSami-
BfihaspativS,ra Srimatu Boppa-Dera ffegara-kha 70 ttakke nar-ggarupdu geyye srimatu Tripurautaka*
dlrarig a}va Kiyiya-Maguu4iya malaparu mutti tururam kondu peudir udiyan urcbchi popalli Kachi-
Settiya magam Tailama tururam magurchchi surig iridu meredu sura-ldka~praptan ^da ||

On a ith vtrahal.
.................... ...ryy a bhuja-ba|a chakravartti R ayam u ................d a l O n e y a Durmmukhi-sainvatsara-
d a ............... Adivaradaudu Sriman-maba-tna^^alesra............... ra-kha^du-eppattuman a^uttire Sri..
........... Sraraip Vikramaditya-Uera Banavase«paiiDirchchba............ .. ma sakhadim rajya^ geyyutt-
am ire srtman-na}-pi'a....... gavundani Chikka-MAgundiiyalu sukhadiadam ire pri ... tram Boppa-6 a-
vunda Chaurodeyim baruttiralu m alaha........... lu Karadiya KAleyanu besasalu palaraip tagi ta . .•
c^eradu sura-loka-praptau ada H

On a 5th virakal.
Srimatu ChaJukya-Vikrama-varshada...........ydeneya Pramodftta-satnvatsarada Karttika-suddha-pafi.
chami- Adityavara Boppa-Dera Nagari-klia^da 70 kke nar-ggavundu geyuttiralu Tripm^ntaka*d§rarig
aluva Kiriya-Maguudiya Eka-gavunda tufu harivalli s a r i ...........mefedu sura-loka-paptau ada ||

At Kddihalli {same h(Mi), on a vtrdkal to the north of the MdfMvara temple.
Srimatu 13 ...ne Prajotpatti-samvatsarada MArgasira-ba 7 S6-lu Kodihajiya Marava Bommc-gaudana
maga Kappap^a kajlaru bdyidalli srargga-lokastau adauu Atanige kallu-pratishthe.

At the same village, on a stone in the haek-yard of KariyappcCs Basappa.
Srimatu Sidhappa-Nayakaru Bhairappage ASirvadA
KOdibalU-Basavappanu hujutu baudu pundutana madutidha Mauche-Baramana tale-hoyidu kashta-
batta^dge S’ivapurada-sime Kodihalli-gramadinda tanage uttaravada nmbali nashtasaha ga 14|| l||o
224 S h iM rp u r Taluq.
ice akala-shetravagi hakida pagadi-hana barabek endu varata maduttare heraja-nashta sahakii utta-
rava kot^a umbali-pagadi kodalare pMisikombadiri appaney agabak endu hejikolutan endu arikeyad-
alli yt-Basavappage uttarava kotta umbajige ak5.la-chetrava.gi bakida-pagadi barabedav endu Visn-
satn- 1 rada Jeshta-siida 2 lu appa^e agede a-pramanu yi-Basappage uttaravada uinbajige akala-
chetrav-agi hakida pagadi bareyada-riti kattumadiside snneyalli yi-bage hana barabek endu kelal5-
gadu yi-valle senabavara kadatakke barasi tirigi koduvadagi vale 1

On a 2nd stone at the someplace.
Yuva-sarn- |da S'ravana-su 15 lu Tavanidi-kdte-tbai;iyake pravesa Yisvara-saip-1 da Jesh^a-su 1 1»
Maficbe-Baraniana nigiabake nirupu bandalli yi-su 14 lu nigraba madidanu Udre-santeyalu
namas tunga-&c. 11
svasti sri jayabbyudaya-nripa-S'alivahana-saka-varusha 1680 neya Bahudbanya-nama-samvatsarada
Jeshta-su-10 lu ^riraat-Keladi-Somasekbaia-Nayakaru Bbairage barasi kaluhisida karyya KodihalJi-
Basavanu pundatana-macjutidda Manehe-Baramana tale-boyidu kashta-battidbene umbaji palisi-koja-
bek endu helikolutbane a-riti appaney agabek endu S'ivalingappanavaru belifcon(Ja-sainbanda uttarava
kotadu 1 Udugane-siine-sthajada' senabava barakotta chappu-pramainu yi-magani-Sivapurada-sime,
Kodihali-gramadinda huttuvaliyinda ga 6 nilisida nashtadinda ga 7 || 3 l.o ubhayani ga 13 f, 3 |;o yiga
hechidu pagudiyinda huttivaji-mele ga 1 kke o-l jo lu ga H2i|o nasbtadabagye kbdida dasdhada sistu
<j-[o ubhayam ga 1|3 ubhayam ga 14 il I li o hadinalku-varahaim aru-hana-adavanu yi-Basavage Man-
che-Baramana tale-boyidu kasbta-pattabagye umbaliyagi uttarava kottidh^ve rekhe pramanu bhuimi
vingadisikottu yi-kagadava senabavara ka^itakke barasi tirigi yivana vasakke koduvadagi srijnatu
Sidhapa-Nayakaru Bhairappage a§irvada i Kodihalli-Basavapanu punijatana-madutida Mafiche-Bara-
mana talehoyidu kashtabatta-samanda Sivapurada-sime-Kodiballi-gramadinda huttuvaliyinda ga 6
nilisida nashtadinda ga 7 |1 3 |i o ubhayam ga 13 l| 3 ||o yiga hechchida pagudiyinda huttuvaJi-mSle
ga 1 kke o- 1 1 o lu ga (( 2 ll o nashtada bage kudida dasohada sistu o“ .;o ubhayam ga |i3 ubhayam
ga 14 II I 110 nu umbuli uttarava kotiu pr5ku nirupavagi ade gadi-kalu hakisi-koduva riti appapey
agabek endu yi-Basavapanu holikojuthaii endu arikeyadalli ybsime K6dibaJ}i-grainadinda yi-Basavapp-
age uttaravada umbuli ga 14;| I |;o hadinalku varabannu arana-addada bbumige hujurind-ub'gada-
na kalubikotu gadi-kalla bakisi-kodabeli Babudhanya-sarnvatsarada Margi:^ira-ba 11 appane-agiade
5-pramanu yi-sime Kodihallli-gramadinda yi-Basavapage uttaravada umbuli ga 14]| i ||o ke gadi-kalla
bakisuva-bage hujurinda u^agadana kajuhiade cbau-gramadavara tarasikondu nirupu-parmanu
bbumige yivana muntitu gadi-kalla hakisikotu a-vivarike hujuru barasi-kalahodu yi-vale senabovara
kaditake barasi ttirigi koduvadagi Valle 1
At Uarige (same hobli), on a virahal to the north of the MalUMrjma temple.
namas tunga-&. 1|
svasti srimatu Yadava-Narayapam bbuja-bala-praudha-prdt&pa-chakravartti. sri-vira-Eamachandra-

Raya-rajyodayada 25 neya Jaya-samvatsara ... ... su 7 A ||Harigeya Nila-gaudaua maga Malla-gauda

atana maga Sova-gaudan ataua maga Bomma-gaudlanb tarn vibbaru hadiavani. . . . veyadese Indfir-
aluvinali tujugojalu maralchi rana-suraragi iridu meradu sura-16ka-praptar adaru | Malikarjjuna*
samipadali H
jitena labhyate laksbmib j] {usual final verses).
sri-Nilakantha-dev5ya namab || sri-raya-hadada-Narayapamsakala-saukyadhipatisri-cba. . . . Changa-
de<a-N5ya . . a-Na-gavudana.magaBoma-gaudanu turuvamaralchidabira-sirigemechch-esava. .
kejeya kejage gadde .. . rannu ko^taru nettaru-godagiyagi |1 mangala maba Iti ^ri, biragalla . . . . .
ojana mom .. Ma.raga-voja
SHkarpur Taluq. . 225

On a 2nd viraJeal at the same place.
Sarvvari-samvataarada Phalguaa-su 12 Mam svasti §rimatu pratlpa*chakravartti IToyisana-bhuja-b4^
^ri-vxra-Ballala-Rayaaa Srimanu maha-pradhana Toya-Siageya-da^nayaka H^auflgala Basavaiya-
Naykaau Vudareya koteyalli thanantaravagi yidalli sritnanu maha-majcidajesvaram Banka-Naykan-
ajiya Gangeya-sahani Beyama-saha^ii Javaneya-Nayka yi mfivara samvarane-sahita 'bandu mutti
kadidali talt iridu mejradu sura-loka-praptan ada |i
jitena labhyate &c. 1|
namas tdnga'&c, ))
Atana tamma Pdrisaya nilisida kalla mangala maha k i ||

On a stone in Nirvdni Kariya's lani^ west of the village.
namas tunga-&c U
svasti sri jayabhyudaya*S'alivahana-saka-varu5a ^a 1594 Paridhavi;samvatsarada ASada-^u 10 la
drimatu Keladi-S’ivappa-Nayakara putrarada Soma^ekhara-Nayakara punya-striyarada Chennainaji-
yavaru Harigeya tajavara Nagana maga Kottige kotta bhd-svasti bijavari o- 1 | ke hakkalu saha
rekhe ga 3 mum varahana hajada gaddeyannii umbajiyagi bittevagi 1 ninha santana-parampariyagi
At Kamsdge {same hobli), on a vtrahal in front of the Edm§Svara temple.
svasti sri pritbvi-vallabbam maharajadhirajam ^ramesvaram Yadava-Narayana Dvaravati-pura-
varadhidvaram pratapa-chakravartti Hoysana vira-Ballala-Deva-varshada 20 neya Prabbava-sam-
vatsarada Bbadrapada-bahuja-dasami-i.divaradandu §ninanu maba-pradhanaip Pratipanna-Sara-
suryya-Deva-daiinayaka Taladi kabadu sriman-naju-prabhu Kaouasogeya Yarakavi-gaudana tamma
Ecba-gaudanu . . . . Pancbalara Butan iridu tujuvam koudubSballi.......resvariya banadalli tufuvanx
magurcbcbi talt ifidu sura-loka praptan Sda ||

On a 2nd mraJtal at the same place,
** A

svasti S r i.......... - . . simba-Deva-varsha ...........BabudbAnya-saipvatsarad ASvayuja-ba 10 Bri*dallu

Kanasogeya Malli-Settiya maga Devannaiiu ubbeya-Gatta-saJage baballi kaUaru tagidade palabaraip.
kondu surig-ijidu meradu sura-loka-praptan ada i
jitena labbyate &c, ||

At Kauli {same hobli), on a virdkcd in front bf the KaMsvara temple.
namas tunga-&c. t|
svasti samadbigata-pafioba-maba-sabda................... Jiduvajigey-eppatuma sukba .................. yuttam
ire Ta^agundura ba . . . . ,,suyegolal endu Baudalikeya .. .. .. -Sigi=Setliya maga liama-Setti . . .
siya kS.ydu palaram ta^t iridu konda . . . . . . t endode
. . cbalacbalade maleg ancbade I
Kalaleya pa . . rapadol adbhutav agalu t
226 S h iM rp u r T aluq

lalaneyar uydaru Ramana |

•• .................. daiaviy . . . . vanana .. H
jiteaa labhyate '&o. ||
On another virahal at the same j^ace.
svasti Srimata Yadava-NS,rayanara bhuja-bala prat^pa-cbakravartti yeradaaeya Kandari-Deva-varshada
Kilaka-saipvatBarada Karttika-su-purnnami-Sukravaradalu an&di-saipsiddham appa dibya-lifiga-
Pranamanatha-devara dibya4ri-pMa-padmaradhakaram appa Taaagund<ira mfivattichchMaira-maha-
janangaja bajiya badada Karileya Majliya Homma-gaudaaa maga Panama-gauda Kalaaeyaheriyalu
vilra gidinalli kadi palaram kondu migil iridu meradu sura-16ka-praptan adanu i atana viramam
kaadu mahajanangalu raechchi Huligilukondada iputtana devara keyya badagana ttiakkeya keyya
chikka-gajeyalu nettaru-godegeyagi bitta kamma 12 sarbba-badhe-pariharartthav^gi salisuvaru
mangala mah§, ^ri iri Sit |{
jitena labhyatS &c. ||
Malloja m§,dida viragallu.
21 8
On a stone in Adavayya’s wet-land, north-east of the same village.
{Usual final phrases) svasti srioiat-Vikramadityau a-prithuvi-rajyam keye ludarasam Jodur-fijge ale
Pesalkondan Palfimbara-ere-veji aje devargge kottadu or-mmattal keyu {usual imprecatory phtases).

At Bandalike {same hohli), on a stone at the entrance tu the hasti.
svasty Akalavarisha sri-prithuvi-vallabha maharajadhir5.ja paramesvara parama-bhat^araka Sri-
Eannara-Devara rajyam uttarottarabhivriddhige saluttire Saka-nripa-kalS.tita-samvatsara-satafigal.
•«ptuaura-miivatta-nalkaaeya Prajapati-samvatsaram pravarttise svasti samadhigata-pancha-maha-
sabda maha-samantam Kalka-devaysar-anVayadol Kalivittarasar BanavS.si-pannirchohhasiramaa
ajuttire Nagarakhandam elpattarkkam Sattarara Nagarjjana nSl-gavu^du gayyuttu Sri-Kalivit{arasara
besadol atitan adod atana gavundig arasar nn41-g^vuuda-pantaman ittode Jakkiyabbe n&l-gavundu
geyyuttire Nanduvara Kaligam perggedietanam geyy© Sandigara kudivujdam Kodangeydrgge perggede-
tanam geyyuttire elpaditnbarum tniinftrbbarum JakkiyabbeyoJ nudid Avutavuram bidisidor Jakki*
yabbe Nagarakhaydam elpattarkka AvutavuroJ ada n&l-g&vuydav Sgaraara bisuto| devarakke Jakki*
liyoi nMku mattal keyyam kottaj ||
vrittam ||uttama-prabhu-sakti-yukte Jinendra-s§,sana-bhakte kan-1
ty-atta-vibhrame Jakkiyabbe samantu NSgarakhandam el-1
pattumam vadbuvagiyum aija-vira-vikrama-garbbadim |
pett avam pratipalisutt osad ijda} ijd avasafiadoj ||
tanu rujeyaip pudungujise sanisriti-bhogam asaram endu nich-1
cbinisi nija-priyatmajege santatiyam kared ittu moha-ban-1
dhanada todarppinol todaJida mbhisi n i .......... i;a balle bandu Ban- |
danikeya tirtthadol tojadud achcbariyaip . . . . Jakkiyabbeya ||
Tasa-jalar§,si-vS.ridapatbaip S'aka-bhA ... tabda-saftkye var- |
ttise Babudb^nyam emba varisbam trika-m3.sada*kS,}a-pak8badol |
' A
dasamiyol Arkya-vS,rad uditodita-vejeyoj aijmi bbaktiyim |
basadige vandu nonta .. m apurbbataram gada Jakkiyabbeya ||
Shikarpur T alu q. 227
baredoip Nagavarmma devarakke kotta key ga Ayutavurggam kalantaradoj moha-sandom paScha-
maha-patakaa akku
yasya yasya yada bhumis tasya tasya tada phalam |
(on the side) i-kalla Sandigara ku^i . . . . Muddan nicisidom . . . . Bele^ammaaa magani
On a Slone to the north of the same basti.
svasti Saka*nfipa-kajatita-samvatsara-sataaga 938 Raksbasa-samvatsaram . . . . t t i s e svasti ^ri
pritbuvi-vallabha..........harajadhir§,jaip Chalukya-vatp ... vam Jayasimha-D6vam rajyam geyye ..
udayyaqi Baaavasi-pamiircbchhasira . - . n aluttiro Sagarakhandam ejipattu ;.. Sattarara Nagarjjunay-
yam naJi-g3,vun.du geyyuttire Sautalige-tnad-arasara . . . . . . ddammana Santarana male Mftkarasain
dhai ittalli Nagarjjunayyaaa magam Manneya Nagavarinnaa taaum dhali varidalli sattu sura-lokakke
sandam ||
tande tanag iye bb&rama-1 n ond-uttaram 3ge salisi nija-s&hasadun |
kundade dbare pogaiuttire | Baadaiiikeya N&gavarmmaa amala-charitraip 11
Sattajara Nagavarraman u- |ddtta-gunam pu^fe kirttiyum dharinmamuoi ir- j
ppattu-tale-raregam esedire | sattu surMganeyarodane sukbadind ildaip 1
atauo^a satta EJeya Basavauge oudu mattal keyyagi Nag4rjunayyaauni Nijabbeyum pepge nade-
yisuvar 1|
On another stone to the north of the same hasti.
bhadram Samantabhadrasya Pfijyapadasya sau-mateb |
Akajabka-guror bbhftyat 6asanaya Jiuesinab ll
srimat-parama-gambhira-syad-vadamogba-lafichbanam |
jiyat trailokya-nathasya Sasanam Jina-Sasaaarp H
svasti Sn-pramadb^pramoda-janakam yasybru-vaksha-sthalam
yad-dor-ddaada-Kyitanta-vaktra-vivara magnani dvishat-partthivaibi |
yasyeyam vasudha chatur-jjalauidhi-vyav^shtitfi, preyasi
jiyaohchhri-Bhuvaaaikamalla-nripatis so’yaip natanandanab ||
tenedain narap§4a‘ mauji-vi}asau-inanikya-li4baughri^a
Srimad-Malla-sutena Sasanam ah5 dattam dvishan-mbtbinb I
abaradi-cbatur-vvidbam muni-gatie dauam cba yasya priyatn
tenaptam Kujachattdra-deva-mumna §ubbrabbra-sat-k!rttin§-(m) 1|
srasti 8amasta-bbuvan§,3raya §ri-prlthvi-vaUabba mabarajadbirdja paramelvara pararaa-bhattaraka
Satyasraya-kula-tijakam Chalukyabbarauam ^limad-BhuvauaikaTaalla-Devara vijaya-rajyam uttarot-
tarabhivriddhi-pravarddbatnanam a-obaudrarkka-tarara-baram saluttum ire Bankapurada nelevidinol
sakba-sabkatba-viuodadiiii rajyatn geyyuttuiaa ire |1 tat-pada-padmopajivi svasti samasta-bhuvana-
prastata-Brahma-Ksbatra-viranvaya §ri-pritbvi-vallabba mabar ijadbiraja paraaaSsvaram K6laja-pura-
varesvarara Saudagiri-uatbam mada*gajeadra-laQchhauani Padmdvati-labdba-vara-pra...........Kusuma-
yudhain Vikranaa-Gaagani jayad-uttaraugam ...... . mai^i mapdialika-makuta-cbfidamapi srimacb-
C h a -.........Permmadi Bhuvauaika-virau Udey4dityanum Cb3,lu............la-stainbham nafa-vaidyani
kamara-ma^dalikara Buddhara . . . . . . . geyyalu Mtnad-Bbavanaikamalla»Devaru Bhara . . . . .
kravartti-navikritam appa Bandanikeya tirttba . . . . . . S'aatiQ§,tba-dSva.......... ta-navikai’a .. .. la-
pravarttaua .. .. .. kalantarita-pu . . . . . . . aava .. . ^. da kampanam N3.garakhauda . . y , . b M a
...........S'aka-varsha996 raueya A ............da Pushya-naasad' uttarayana-sabkramana ............
228 Shik^rpur T aluq.
^ri-Miila-Sanghanvaya-Krapur-ggaua chchhada srimad-ubhaya-siddhanta-rarddhi-chfli ........
ppa Ratnanandi-siddhanfca-devara ^ishyaru K u la ..........devara kalam karchchi sarvva-namaiyai^
dhara-purvva . . . . bra-sasanamum sila-§asanamura madi .......... (usual final phrases and verses)
. . . . tam ritokti-sahitam.............. ... kham mukhabja-lasita...................matodayam sada .. . . . . .
madan enbinam negalda...........................(usual final verse).

222 ~

On the right side post of the door-fratne of the same hasti.

kamadarban nu tire ka karetisbtatra kadhika |
kadhikasti tato raka karate bandba-damakd, ||

On the left side post of the door-frame of the same basti.
CSame as No.. 222J.

Oh a pillar near the door of the same basti.
saatam tS Jiaa'bhu-nutam mata-mamatvam tena cbainaS-chuta
tejo-mandira raja-nandita-tate kanjanma-vara§i-bhu- |
bhft-saratula-janmateta tapana-spharabhirama-dyute
tatvena svavate nama STa-tatatatabhushita te di§am 1|
S'ante bhutata-bhute^S,in temara nanara matS |
bhu rajate tejara bhftta-nate mama te nata 1|

At the same vittage, on a stone in front of the S'dntUvara basti.
kavi*nivaha-stutam negajda Recha-chamupatiyim bajikkam a- |
bhavanadoj int aaanta-Jina-dharmmavaQ uddharip arddha-Reohanaiii |
suriditam age B&adhava-puradhipa S’anti-Jinesa-tirtthamaiii i
Kavadeya Boppaa uddbarisidaip Yadu-vallabha-raiya-bhdlapain ||
madagidal ead em dbaQamam |
padevane nal-derada danatnam madalak ea> |
d odameyaa arjjipan §.riip I
kadu-janam babhyarojage Kavadeya Boppam |)
6rimat-parama-gambbira-syad-vadam6gha-la5chhanatn |
jiyat traijokya-naihasya iasanam Jina-§asanaip |1
vasudha-kahteya kuhtajoparnam enipp i-Kuntala-kshoniyam |
pesarvett a»nava-Naiida'Gupta-kula-Mauryya-kshmapar aldar llasaj- 1
jasad anmar kkali-Rattaf kjdar avarim Chalukyar ajdar vvajik I
esedirdd k-KaJachuryya vam^ajaroj ajdam Bijjala-kshonipaip ||
alliin bajikke dhareyol |
ballidaram tajrida'hija-bhujasiyin adatamt
Bailala-nripam dhareyain |
sal-lileyitt ajdan akhiJa-deSaip pogalal ||
atana vain§&vataram ent ene U
vrittain HKrishuana nabhi-pankajajan app Ajanitn voged Atriy Atrijam |
vishpupadavabhksi Sasi put^idan atana vaipSa>sambharaip |
Shik& rpur T alu q. m9

Jishnu-parlkramani puru Puraravan a-Nahu§am Yayati ra- 1

jishnu Yaduttamam kramade tat-tad-apatyar enatke puttidar ||
Sajan adaip Yadu-vamiadoJ mudad avani Vasantik4-dSviy§. |
chajanaradhaneyam poiiarchchi S’aSak&dyad-gramadol pa^dod a- |
gale t§,ip per-bbuli poy Sal endu seleyam Jama-bratindraqi jagat- |
tilakain kottode poyye Poysala-vesar ttaa adud i-dhS.triyol |1
sele sindada kav agire 1
mttlisindaip payda paliye puliyagire taip i
tolatoja toldapudu YadU-nripa- i
baladol puliy-eseva-sindav andind ittal ]|
Salanindani balikam nripalakar aaekar yYadave4ar mmaht* I
talamaip palisidar bbalikke VineyMiiyafige putram jagat- |
tilakam munn Ereyafigan adau Eyeyabgan'g oppe Ballalaiiu;^ |
vilasad-Visbnuvum arkka-tejan XJdayadityMkarimp puttidar ||
avarol ranjipa Vishnuvarddhana-nripang §.dam sutaip inedini- 1
dbaran app a-Narasimha-bbftpah adatam tan-Narasimhafigain ut-l
saradind Echala-Devigaip Yadu-kula--pr6ttamsan adain sut’aip I _
bhuvauanandana-murtti kirtti-nileyaja Ballala-bhdpa}akam II
nirid idir-antararam nija- I
charanakk eragidaran osedu rukshisi dbareyatn |
paripalisutam sukhadind |
ire Vijayasatjiudradalliy §,-Ballalani ||
dharanirkapteya mukhadant 1
ire Banavase-nadu raSjisuvud adarol Nsi- 1
gara-khapdam tilakadavol |
parisobhipud ava-kalamuin siriy-odayiip ||
firur nnandanaditn lata-bhavanadind ftiAr ttatakaflgalind J
urur ttalt-ele-valliyim kolagaliad iirfir ppalorbbijadiiid |
Ardr kkabbipa tontadim kalaveyind firdr praja-vratadind |
urur ddeva-grihangalim vibudharind ftrur kkaraip rafijikuiu 1|
paralol parusam dhenftt' |
karadol sura-dheau nandanadol amafa-kujam ||
karam esevant ire sale Na- 1
gara-khap(Jadol esevud eseva Bandhava-nagaram ||

vri I adu ba|asirdda naudanadia ambuja-shan^adin ol-gavuflginim 1

pudid-ele-valJiyim belada-^§.liyin oppuva kopteyiqi samant |
odavida-lakshmiyim vibhavadirp vilasaj-janadirn su-deva-ge- |
hada kadu-chelvinindam Alaka-puramam nagutirppud ormmeyurp I|
adan alvaqi praje mechche gaiidan adatam Kadamba-vainsodbhavani |
mudadim Soma-nripatoaajatan enisirdd A-Boppa-DSvafige putt- 1
ida sat-putran anuna-^auryya.nijeyain Kandarppa-saa-miirttiy a- 1
bbyudeyalaakritau atta-kirtti-ramapaip Sri-Brahma-bhApS.lakam ]|
&-Banda?iikeya S'§,ntin^tha-devara mantapamam m&4isi Kavadeya Boppi-Settiyaru sarvya-nany^aya.
maip ma4idaip U “

Nagara-khandadol Harana vaktradavol nega}d agrah&ram ayd |

agalum oppuguin nikbila»veda-purana-sumti-sastra-tarkk- 1
230 S h ik a rp u r T a lu q .
agama-k3.bya'nataka-katha-smriti*yajSa-vidh£inaittam mano* I
ragadia 6duv-6disuv asesha-mahajanad ondu-ghoshadiin U
pratyeka-Brihaspatigal |
nityanushthana-charu-ch Sritia-parar i
ssatya-yatar ttejadoj S.- |
ditya-Sadpisar al!iy irppa mSjanav ellaiii j|
Kereyftra S'ambhu-devaney i
ajitakkam sakaja-viddegajgam sale ka^ - 1
dejravly enisirppan avanam |
nepe polalu nereyaa Ajanuin a-Bharatiyuin ||
urade Bapanju-dharmmadojagani nayadim nadeyuttam irpparaip |
taridu su-dharmmadim nadevaram pratipajipa Settikavvey-ak- 1
karina-sutange pupiya-nidhi Sankara-settige setti-guttar ar |
ppepar epe satyadim vibhavadim nuta-sauryyadin udgha-dhairyyadiip J
tanag ayyam S'ankaram taj-janani negajda Jakkavvey aptatp Jinaip san- 1
muni-vandyain Bh§,aakirtti-brati-pati guru Ball&Jan ajdam vineyar |
ttanag ishtar kk^nte Lacbhchhambike sati sati-nute Jakkavve-MallavvegaJ nan-1
daneyar bBallaJa-Devam sutan eney esedam vira-samauta-Muddaip ||
kavigala Muddan aSritara Muddan anathara Muddan ishtan-app- |
avargaja Muddan artthigaja Muddan edar-nnele-gopda sishta-ban- |
dhavar-esev-ondu-Muddan enasuip parivarada Muddan angana- 1
nivahada Muddan eyde salipaip prabhu-Muddan ila-tajagradol [|
svachhchbatara-kirttiyindaip i
Kachhchhaviy&r-adeya Bittiyarasaqi jagamaip |
prachhchbadiMdan avafig ati- 1
tuchhcbhar enipp Aradeyar ad Sm pel ei^eye ||
bh&gadol aty-unnatikkeyini balpiip sat- |
ty&gadin arivind egeyfi |
Begura prabhuge Maja-gau^afig anyar ||
sogayippa Kanpasogeya |
negajdirdd Erakati-gaudan ayitavan §,rppani |
mriga-ripu-vikramamam nere |
pogajalk a-JalajabhavanuuQ §n artta(rp)pane ||
MalavaJPj-Eraha-gaudang l
eleyoj saman appar unte satyadin apivim |
vilasat-tySgadin aty-aj-i
jvaja-kirttiyin adhika-iauryyadim sad-gunadiip ||
chalada nele chagad agaram 1
alaghu-guuafigaja nidhanam apitada tavar uj- .1
jvala-kirttiya karuv enipam |
sale halarim Dabbaldra Soma-gavupidam i|
mudade Munichandra-siddhS,n-1
ta-devar-alkapina-Mshyar anupama-vidyar |
mmada-rabitar ssale negaldar 1
vvidita-gupar ILalitakirtti-siddhante^ar ||
avar-^nandana-nandanan |
avani-sajpstutyam enipa K^nflrggana-kai- 1
Shik^lrpur Taluq. 231

rava-chamlran enisi negajdam |

viveki S'ubhachandra-vinuta-pa^^ita-dSvani ||
majinate illada kuudani |
taleyada sale Rahu-pidey aidada dosha- |
vajiyol pariyisad Asti- 1
chalak e}asada chaadran euisuvatp S'abhachandraip ||
Bandauikeya tirtthavan k - 1
nandAcharyyaravol uddharisidam jagad-a- 1
naudakara-Lalitakirttiya |
nandana S’ubhachandra-vinuta-papdita-devani |1
kusuma-bratadoj ambujarp jaladhiyoj dugdhabdhi taraliyoj l
sasi chintamani kalgajoi tarugajol kalporbbipain ratnadol i
misup-a-Kaustubham oppuvante Jiaa-yogi-brAtadoJ ranjiparp |
jasad Antnam S'ubhacbanara-deva-muniparp Kanhrggaiioddharakaia II
int idu chitram embinegam eyde mosar ppojrasuse pAIgaJ 6r- 1
antire puttiao] page jalatiiayani nava-pushpa-maJikA- |
santatiyindam Ad-afcisayam-veras oppuva S'AntinAtha-tir- 1
tthantara-pAripatyad eserarn S'ubhachandra-munindrau ormmeyuin ||
Siimad-BallAla-bhApAJakana vinuta-san-mantri viprAnvayAbja- 1
stomSdyad-bhanu NArAyana-pada-kamala-dvandva-bhringarn yaias- 1
dhAmam sAhitya-vidyAdharan akhila-gunalaikritam mAntana-pfA- |
ddAraam ki-Mallan i-Bandanikeyan olaviin pAlisutt irppan olpim 1|
ka^ivam marantaram bAgade karagisuvara Satru-sainyangalam san- 1
gadak ellaip dhairyya-varppa-krama .. iiaseye tAtp toruvaip kirttiy-achchaip |
kadu-chelv appantir achohottun akhila-disa-danti-dantangaloj noj- |
pade sautaip Kamiflatakk ant odeyan enisuvam Malla-da^d^dhinatham ||
A-Kammatada Sri-Mallana pradbanan enipa l|

vri [1 alare virodhi-santamasam ajkirey Atavikodgha-kairavam l

sale podald eyde saj-jana-bisam pravikasainan eyde rAgata ag- |
galisire mitra-chakra-chayadol belepam nuta-viAva-dhAtriyam I
salalita-mfirtti kirtti'nidhi Suryya-t hauiApati suryyan-andadiip ||

antu pogaite-vaded adhikari Malli-Settiyaruip dvija-vaip.ia-kattia}a-sAryyaa appa SAryya-devanuni

yama-myama-svAdhyaya-dhyAna-dhArana-maunauushthAna*;apa-samadhi-sila-sampannar appa NAgara-
khapdad-ayd-agraharad asesha-mahAjananga|am sakala-sahitya-vidya-vilAsini-viJAsa-murttiy enipa
Kejfeyura yAradeyam S ’ambbu devanum svachchhAchchha-QaAgAmbha-sadriksha-kirtti*vallabhan enipa
Kachhchhaviy-Aradeya Bit,timarasanutp Banafija-dharmtna-vArddhi-varddhana-chandra-lAkhey enipa
TribhUvanamalla-Settikavveyuni tad-apatyani Aauryya-uidhanan appa S'abkara-S’ettiyuin sakala-
yAchaka-jana-manobhilashita-phala-pradamara-kuja-sadrikshan appaSaAkara-sAtnantanandana-nanda-
naip bhavya-jana-bAndhavan appa nal-prabhu samanta-Muddayyanum ratna-trayAbharaua-bhushitaii!
appa BAgftra MAla-gaudannm deva-dvija-guru-bhaktan appa Kanuasogeya EfakAti-gaadanuin nikhijar
gunAJankritan appa Malavalli-Eraha-gaudanum vineya-gupa-nidhanan app Abbalura Soma-gaudai-
nuin int inibarum mukbyavAgi NAgara-khapdav-eppattara samasta prabhU'gAvupdugaJ ekasthar
Agirddu Saka-varsha 1125 sale Rudhirodgari-samvatsarad uttarayana-sankramapa-nimittavAgi
Bandapikeya Ari-S'antinAtha-devar«abhi8hekashta-vidhArchchane-puja-vidhan6chita-brayakkain alliya
patra-pAvulakkam khanda-sphutita-jUppoddharakkain chaturvvan.mad ahara-danakkam end alliya
tirtthAchAryya S’ubhachandra-pandita-dAvara kalani kai’chchi sarbbabadha-parihAravAgi tamm-anita-
232 Shik& rpur T alu q.
ruin dhara-purbbakam madi bitta dati yent endade Javajiyuin GangavaUiyurn sthala-
Trittiyurii Aruralu nandadivigege nAlku-pa^ama in Muddeya-sAvantam Chikka-Maguydiya- badaga^-
ojpiyitii paduvalu 500 marada adake>d6tamuip int initumain bittaru dharmmadiin pratipalisuvant*
appavaru Gafigeya tadiyalu sahasra-kavileyain nava-ratna-bhfisha^ain madi eahasra-Brahma^arige
danam madida phalav i-dharmmakk alivan annayamam manado} chinti^idan Avonatan anitu-kavile-
yum an anitu-Brabmanarumain Gangeya tadiyol ajida papa ||{usual final verse).

On a second stone to the north of the same basti.
iri-Mula-sangba-jaladhau samuditya nityaip
Kranurgganojvaja-sudhambhasi Tintrifliika- 1
' gachchhachchhake Lalitakirtti-munAr vvineyab
asambara-sriyam abbachchhubhachandra-dAval^ |1
varA chandra ] mahati bakshatre’^vini-saSjnike I
dain§ jyotishi Krittika •• p a r i .. saubhagya-y6gfi va^ig-
namadyotkarane sva . . ya S'ubhachandrakhya-brati yogata^ ||
sanyasya sarrva«saAgani pa^han pancha*padani cba |
samihito nirvvavrite S'ubhachandra-vratisvaraJti ||
Bharat Adhisvaranind amanda-S'ubhachandrabhikhyanind endu bha- 1

sura-Jaina-brati-nathan appa viditAnandAbhidhacharyya ... I

........... S'ubhacbandra-deva-muniyind .., Adud aty-Arjjitaip |
sura-rajyorjjitavappa .. jagat-pavanam ||
Banda^iikA-matbadhipati-S 'anti-JinavasatbagradoJ jagam i
b a ......... maptapaman oppire madisi tanna kirttiy-a- t
nanda . . nade bhA-bhuvana-mantapadoJ . . . ...........1
sanda samadhiyanda........n a-S'ubhachandra-samyutam H Arx

On the south-west pillar of the rangamantapa of the sarhe basti,
(PFes# face) svastiArimatu Abhayachandra-siddhanti-devarugala ^ishyaru ..kkana adata Mur&ri-
Deva-dAna-pratipalaka-vamSodbhavaru Charukir tti-pandita-devaru Hiriya-Mahaligeya Pancha-bastiya
jirnnoddbarava riiadida.ru a-sthanakke arasindalu nadindalu bidisikonda vritti A-Tajuguppeya
bastige purvva todagi sandu babudu | BaleyagArp | Baleyahajli | Tagudavattiga yi-mfim-Arfi sarw a-
mAnya Arasiyakereya kelage TAluguppeya gaiidugaju bitpadu 4 hAda | Muruvattura gaudugala
Biragau^danakereya kejage bittadu 4 hAda i vidala 2 sasava beruvade 1 0 yettu hadineptu kampapa*
dalu saluAdu l Battiyakeri sarvvamAuya l Baleyagarali gurngaja bi^ta bhumi alliya mAla-sthAnake 4
bAda I hacbchada 20 mAnya yettu hachcbada sarvvamAnya sameya-samucbchayada bhAgavat^igeya
PaScba-basti yi-dhannm akke...........fudarukhana hadinentu sameyavu karttaru 1! sri Ari

On the east side of the same pillar.
yad-bhA-visraaya-vAstu-AAnti-Jina-neyain AreyasatAnitam
yan-mra-bhrami-jAti-bhAti-jid-anAji-svAspade sAdayam |
chakram chitram ihAri»vairijid alam namrendra-bhAri-stute
teuA jeya-vidheya-16ka-chakitatanka*vyayam tach cba te U
S bik irpu t Taluq,

b h i^ tS saia-k§,mSSa S '4 ate mMsinitA tara I

7&bitabiia-bhiadh&b4 sdriu arakshatad ina II
anuldma*pratil6ma-S16ka-dvaya IL
bh^sate nuta-kame§a Sante mS,tanita tava I
vatatanitamatite§& Sam eka tanute sabhS. II
aauloma-pratilomaikarapa-^loka J]
saAgaraniyamad ^va na vande’nya-matam hitarp |
saflgatagama-nathatvan nam^tno vanajn atenu !)
mugida-kadeyinda mat ondu ^
safigaraniyamM eva na vande’nya-matam hitarp |
tain hitarp manya-devam na vademaya niragasam |
anul6ma-pratil6maika-§16ka II
(vide separate page for this landha).
On the north-west pillar of the same mai}tapa.
(East side).
yat-samsuchana-pfijita^ga-mahitatithyam surai rakshitam |
yad-bhuri-bhramaiiena vamyam atularidhvamsane chinmayam i
chakram viSruta-vastu-vritta-mana-jeyam deva-jatanate |
tenejeya-vidheya-loka-chakitatauka-vyayaip tacb cha t§ ||

yWlokavanu chakra-bandhadalli odikombudu i karnnika-madhya-aksharada vajeyava modalugopdu

n&lkaneya va}eyadalli Jina-stutir iyam yamba prabandhada n^mavan odikombudu yentaneya va|eya-
1 i
dalli Suri-virachita yendu kavi-namavan odikombudu yi-prakaradale halku-ehakravanix odikombudu I
mama manasa vama§a-Jinan§,m anam^tatln )
tatamanaman§,n &ji-§amavasana ma mama 11
gata-pratyagataika-§16ka (vide separate page for this iandha),

On the north-east pillar of the same mantapa.
yat-samsftchitakam vadanya-mahitain kamam varS,ri-stutam 1
yad-v&ri-bhramapaih sam&nam atuiam sant^tma t§ tb svayam i
vrittam k&rita-niti-chakra-mahitatikrtoti geyatp pate |
tene jeya-vineya-16ka-vrijinS.tanka-vyayam tach cha te H
(vide separate page for this handha).
On the south-east pillar of the same mantapa,
yat-sarnsftehita-vastu-vritti-mahima yam yakshakai rakshitam 1
yad-vari-bhramanatiramyam atuiam Santakrite chinmayam i
vrittam vismaya-kari chakram ari-ghati*dhvamsa-jata na te |
tene jeya-vidh§yad6ka-vrijinatahka-vyayam tach cha tb ||
(vide separate page for this handha), ;
In the yard of the same hasti, on a tombstone to the north.
(The inscription is much defaced).. -. sasanakke esav i-Sasana-devi Jinendra-p&je.......... jita-deva-kante
Jina-yogi-nikaya-samagra............... bratey . . tiraabe vibudhalige tam sura-dhenu y e m ............ negalda
234 S h ik d rp u r T a lu q .
S6mala-de?i...........pujegana m u n i............ b r a ja ............. prav5itti*Jina-padambhoja»sad-bhaktiyoJa. . . .
b»’atadi-gupa-sand6ha . . * . . . . tandege . . . . vag ar ddore eve' bhu-chakradali kanteyaru H
6rimad*bba...........rdttama-lasat-6ri-tirttha>S§,ntaSvar6 - 1
ddama-stana . . . . m ^ p oudu sad-danadiud |
§m ant S.-Subhachandra.................... ynin no}pad |
rama*raunaT enippa Somave 16ka>traya......... . ||
. . . . la-devi Jaiaa-pada-p&j&-d§,na>sil§diyi* |
................rottarain sandirdda samyaktvadiip |
santar bbapvise........... daip kS.l&ntadal nirmma|ain I
suntan cbittav enalke bi . . . . . . . . d^ratvamain t^ id a l II

Ai the same village, on a stone in the tanJc.
A ' A

Saka-varusa 1318 Dhatri-saipvatsara-Ashadha-suddha 1 A Srimatu Bana-devige amj-itapadige gadi-

bhumi sarvamanya dandiya-bayalu chatu-sime Kevalipurake dhara-purvaka Chanchali-Odeyaru
bittadu Varanasi-Kurukshetra-nura-yevtu Brahmara kapileya konda dosa ka 30 g a d e . . k h a l O
Nagare Yarebajigatta mere . . . . ...........Lachayya-devige dbara-purvvakay agi kotta bhumi Deviyar
purake bayalu pftrva da . . . .

On a stone on a mound in the south wasteweir of the same tank.
gubham astu || namas tunga-&c. ||

svasti iri jayabhyudaya........... varusha griman-maharajadhiraja raja-paramegvara . . . . . . . Krusbta-

Kaya-mabarayaru Vidyanagara . . . . samasta-rajya-sarpstutya............ s a m a y a ......... . Banavase
............... lu Cbandraguttiya............ maganiyola..............ppodeyarige Chandragutti-gramanu....................
amarakkepalisida sammandba a-Nanjyap-Oderu tamma manusbyaru ........nirupadindalu ...dhya-
Nayakarige dharmav agalen du ........................ kerege prati-varuBbavl keyeya tegasuva •. ............... ...
muvaru-geyiva s§.virada tota-stajavand kotteA kAla-kalake tegaeuvahage gaiidu-prajegalu senabo*
yarige kattumadi ........... ajupidam tamma mAta-pitrugala gd-BrAhmanara Varan^siyalu . . . .
pataka yi-gasanaya baradata Bandalikeya pAryyada akkasale Ga,ur6jana maga .......................

At the same village, on a stone in front of the Maharnaumi-mantapa.
namas tasmai Varahaya lilayg. bharate mabiip |
khurantara-gato yasya Mdruh khavakbavayate ||
m a d b y e.......................... ................................ mandajaip
yasyagesha-jagan-nutasya yilasad-damshtggra-koty-uddhritam i
dhatte nutana-kdtaM-daJa-ka . ......................................
. . . . ko}a-tanu8 tanotu sa Haris ireygmsi bhAygmsi yaK ||
Gdyindah sura-ynnda-vandita........................
................d-aindaydltbitaJasachchbrindiyara-gyamaiab I
sindhuraruna-kdmajd yara-rucham Gdp!-jananam priyalti 1
grim a.......................................................... vah Kegayah 1|
amritS.mbhddhi-niya8ain |
KamalAsana-janma-bbSmi kamaj&ksham S'rl- 1
Shik&rpur Taluq. 23i^

rama^iairi Prasanna-Kesaya- 1 ^
......... ................................. dyataji adaip j[
agal §;-prastharado|u II

S'riSana nabhiyind ogedati Abjajan atana putran .^jtri T i - |

reSan avauge p u .................. ...................|
. . S'aSi-vamiado} Yaduy enippanipAdudu Y^daTakbyam ur- I
Tvisa-kulaip ta .. yado} adaa .. ....................... ||
.. . . puradiiB Sa}a- 1
bhuramanam Tufigabhadre-puttida punyo- l
rvvi-ramapige tanna-m anah-I,
prerita-phala-siddhi'vadeyal........... 11
............ ge nirantaram a-Soseyftra divya-Va- 1
santikeyam Salavanipaa archchisut irdd e^eg oadu pundari- |
kam talade .. .. . . yal muni-nathau orvvan a* |
tyauta-tapar-prabhava-yutan ant adan ikshisutam daytovitam 1|
b a la y a ....................................... I
..................... kadutirppud idan aSjade poy |
seleyind ene munipajSa- i
bajadim Saja-nripati poydu Poysalan &dam ||

&,...Hoysalakhyam matt antav’argge puliy-undigeyiup.a-divijarchchitey enipa S'alapurambikeyola

......................................yam I
padujav enal tanna bhuri-bhuja-baladol tajedam 1
madavad-ripu-mada-marddanan i
uditodita-vidita-kirtti Vinayadityam H
.......................... \
.. yel negalda-KeJeyabarasigam adairi i
bhu-vinuta-kirtti-vijaya- i
sri-vanita-priya bhujangan Eyeyanga-nyipam ||
..........................na dajig idirchcbi kadi sa- 1
ptafigaman lye kapd ujida bhupatigaj turagangalain made- 1
bbafigalan uUa ponga}uvane........... |
. . gaja nine balle 6aran embar idircbchar ad enduv ajiyo] 1!
a-janan§.thana chitta-sa- |
rojakara-rajahainsi vikasita-sita-pab- |
keja ................... I
. . nip agra-mahishiy Echale negaldal 1|
a-dampatige tandbhavar j
M a r bBallaJa-Vishnuv-Udayadityar 1
M -d ayita r avari .........................
.....................nojol avasav enasuin 11
prathamoktam nS. Vishnuti |
pfithuvi-patiy embud-uJla-k^ranadindain l
mathita-ripn ... .............. |
................ akhiJa-vibudhahlMam H
kula-nagad unnatirkkeyan adhabkarip-^-divij&laya-vrajani |
jajadhiya gunpan SJi . ............................................... .... a- 1
2S$ Tir *taluq.
Vajabhiya permmeg irmma^iya permmeyan i t d a mab%fahara-sa4 - 1
ku}av ave peJaVS dharege V ish^u-m abi.............. .. ................ ||
.................... gratti Vishijuving arasi-Lakhma-Devigam puttidam |
Narasimhani ripu-kumbhi-kumbha-dalana-prodgirnna................|
................................. -. . kavatarapatn na!rmmalya-sat-ktrty-ala6-
karanatp vairi-nripaja-darppa-hara^am s§,hitya-sandha . .. |i
.............................si sangara-rangadoj §,nt-arati-m§,- |
tanga-kulaliya prabala-mastakav ir-bbagiyagi polal ut- i
t a ............... ............ rasijpha-vikramaip |
sifigada vikramakke migil endu pogalvudu bhuri bhutalam II
a-prithvipati-Narasimha-vibbugam....................................... I

.................... bhasyey Echaley enipp a-patta-madevigam )

bh&p68hmsha'maiii-prabh§,rupa-padaip sangrama-panchanana- |
............................. .....................................dam Ballala-bhupalakam p
atana sahasamatn pejvade ||
yesakada ganda-lachchanada nachchiua Papdyaa uda . . . . - .. i
................dan adam kadupind ujad eydi virar ar- |
bbisi manam ikki takk ajiyal a-sramadim kshaua-matradinde sa- 1
d i s i ....................sudha-taladoj nimircbchidam ||
MalaporvviSaroJ andin-indin-edeyol virakk udarakke nir- |
mmala-sahitya.................. .................................................. .. dor- I
bbalak arpping adatinge tann orege varpp urvvi^ar *irllutaiim i
kali-Ballala-nfipalakam M a lap arol-ga n d a .............................||
Chola-pronmada-gandha-sindhura-ghata-pancbananaip Lala-bbb- 1
palambboaidbi-badav§,gni MagadbS.mbb6j&ta-chandratapam i
.....................................................Kalinga-praj&- |
paJananga-MabeSvaram Yadu-varam Ballala-bhbpaiakatp ||
kayvaliya jaya-^riyum i
m e ................................. - . Ballalam i
sayvajiye nadeda logara i
bay-vayolu barppa kirtti-vanitege kbrppatn (i
Cbola-Varaja-Laja-Kha.................. 1
_ A
. . . . Turushka-Cbera-Maru-Malava-Magadha-G&rjjar-Audbra-Ne-1
pajara tejavam masujisutte disaliyan-^Jdu ni^du ba .. |
.............................rppav int ijatalagradol |j

antenisida samasta-bbavanaSrayamSri-prithvi-vallabbammaharajMbirajara . . . . . Yadava-ku}.

Ambara-dyumani samyaktva-cbudamani Maleraja-raja Malaparol-gapda gapda-bberunda . . . . . . Giti-
durgga-raalla chalad-anka-Rama nisianka-pratapa-cbakravartti HoysaJa-sri-vira-BallaJa-Deva dushta-
nigraha-sishta-. - ...........n eka-chchhatradind aiuttuinsukha-saukathA-vinodadim rajyam geyyuttam
ire tat-pada-padmopa . . . . . . . . .
........................................... udara-si’i-vilS,sam vacba- 1
Sri-kantam chatur-abdhi-mudrita-dharitri-pbrit6dyad-yala§- 1
§ri-kSnta............... ................ shta.kalpa-drumam i
lokayka-stutan agi permme-vadedam §ri-Mallan i-dh&triyol ||
atana vamSa............... ii
*So in the original.
S h ik S rp u r T a lu q . 2§ f

. . . . . . . . kunta|a-bia*vadh^a^ pdlt irpp^Epl.nS,4iBol |

tijakajp t4n eual ^ ra h ira v ^ a g a i^ .N ^ i,v e tad*gr&m i

T84a*t4jaiii naga|dai^ Wdha-prakara-s^vyaip sat-ka44"SaHipkdaip [|
&-8aka]a-kala-dbarana ma- i
,bb&si^Tanl ire tant^a^ I ^
idi^ura-mati MaUi-d^rab ddaybip ^eydaip A
4 > M a lli*d S V a -y ib h a . ... f
•i . . i . i j .. . . i , . . .i . ya k afi^ y a t i- j
prSmam odavalke puttidan i >
' i*m abijro| B b& skar& ryyaQ a e b a li t a - d h a ir y ja in li
S.tana k S b t e b b 4 i . .. lir - f
y v i-ta n u jS ,te g a rp n e g a }d A r u a d b a t ig a ip d o r e v e ttu v a ip § a -s a S «’ |
j i t a m a n e y d e y u d d b a r is i ^ e m p in a i^ .... |
m a t u g a lg e n e l e y ^ i n e g a }te y a n ^ | d a ] d t r v iy o } j|
ant avar irvvar &rjjisida purvva-bhavSdita-pupya............j
... kulaman ellaman uddbarisalke paftit em* I
b antire Malli-deva-vibbu puttidan .. .uttama-satvbn Indir4- ij
kAnta>padam............................. .........guna-brajaip i|
para-bitad irkke dharmmada nimirkke ka|anghada sd.rkke iatya>TSp i
kya-rateya b&lke m§.ntanada majke i . . . . . . . i ; . ................ |
................todarpp udarad'a podarppu vivekad adarppd nikkuvaip |
dbarapiyo} endu Kamraatada Mallanan ellaru voldu banpi . • •• ||
.................... du takkude KaSyapa-gotra-sambhavam i
Sirig adhinathan embod adu sS,jame Bhagyavati-priyagrajani i
dha ............................................................... skara-sClnuv eudod inn i
urutara-tejanam pogajTare poga|var vvibhu MalU-devanaip ||
Ouru-Budha-Kavi-parivritadiip |
p i ............................................................. ddsha- 1
karan enisad ampiti^aran ene |
dbareyo} Kammatada Malli-ddvarp neg4daip ||
pati-hitadin Arundhatiyatp I
n u t U 'L a k s b m iy a n a n u k a rip a l |
s a t i J a k k a le y e n e n e g a }t e -v a 4 e d a ip M a lla m ||
a t a n a s a k a i a 'j a g a . . . . |
.............................................. ...n a y f i r i
n v it a n a tsm a y a iii W ^ d a i p |
n u t a n a - M a n u v e u is i 6 b 3 ,8 k a ra m g u 9 a * n i}a y a i)i i
E a m a i3 ,n a n d a n a § 4 s h a -d d s h a -r a h i ........... ................. I
. . m a n a s -s S v y a n u d a g r a .-t§ ja n a k h iJ a -d h y A n ta -p ra d ip sim y a S o - |
r a m a p a m K d § y a p a * g d tra -j§ ita n e n e s a n d a 'B h a s k a r a b g §,v a g a ip |
...........................................................B b A s k a r a n a n u r w i- m a p d a la m b a n p ik u n »
t a d « a n u ja u A ij ji t a - t 4 ja in |
v id ita .-k a J a -k o v id a m M a n o b b a v a -r d p a ip |
s a d . a m a l a ..................................................... . . I
.. . ........................................................... s a d e v a n e ra d a rg g iv a m |j
2S3 ShijkArpur T a lu q .
tanag Abjodarau ishta-^eyvav adhipaia BaHAla-bMpalakam i
janakam Bhaskara-varyyan ambike gupa-prakhyfi,........... 1 .
........... ..........................ryye Jakkale kaja^hyar vvamsa-varddhishnugaj |
tanayar bBhaskara-Vasudevar enal i-^ri-Mallan em dhanyano li
tadam o.......... .. kara-prabhavam entene 1|
janata-samstuta-mArgganatn pravi}asat-padmanaa6t8aha-var- j
ddhananam Vishpu-padai ......................... .. . . . ka-man- 1
dananatn sat-kavi-mArgga-raSJakanan adam Sftryya-dandadhina- |
thanaa udbhrajita-tejauam padapini...................................||
modaloju manusha-vritti paatte purushatyam matte vipratyam ant |
adarol viSruta-vidde matta vimalacharain bajikk udda ,.. |
...................... . Idu dana-gunadiip kirtty-angana-kantan app- l
udu dandadhipa-Suryya-deva-vibhug akkum mikkavargg akkuve |l
v id itA ........................ I
.................. .. chamupan-udgha-tejakke mano- |
mudad alarvvudu airi*Mallana t
sad-ukti-sandarbha-garbbha-vadana-sardjam |l
ant enisida s u n ....................karuip atma-nandanan appa Bachayyanuv anukula-vrittiyam ta]ed ire
Ari-Malli*devain dharmmodyuktan agi H
dhareyojag oppu . . . . . . . . . . Jam tad-ur- i
vvareyoje Kuntajavani karam rachiram Vanavase-deSav a- 1
dhareyoj ativa-ramyav adajol neje Nagarakhapdav e .. i
............... parav oppuvud A-vishayAntarAladoJ H
tilaka-tamaJa-taJa-sahakara-karaSja'kadamba-nimba-pa- |
taJa-taru-saAghadim iuka-pika-bhramara . . . ................|
.................. .......... SAJi-Vana-rajigaJiiri jalajAta-shandadim |
vijasitam agi Bandajike malpudu ndlpara kapge harshamam j!
a-rajadhaniyol tad- |
bhA-rajyakk adhipan enisi So . . . . i
.................... dalanan a- 1
dara-gupa dharapi pogale negajdam munnam 1|
tridasar mmuvatta-muvar ttridivadol eseyutt irppavol i-mahi ,., |
............................ mArum parigapitade bhAdeyar agalkuyej end |
uda-dhai'A-pAryvakam vrittigalan olavinind ittan udyad-ya^as sam- I
p a ........................ dhayapura-v(?,radoJ Sovi-deya-ksbitisaip 1|
sad-amalara appa dharmmaman adam tad-apatyan enippa Boppan ol- |
d ada viparita-dhatri...............................................bajikk ay an- 1
t adu-Yadu-rajyadoJ sthirate yettire Malyapa-dapdanAyakam i
padujay enalke palisidan apt aduvaip bajikaip sa-ragadim J|
............... .. varam §ri-Malli-devam gupA- 1
dbha .. yad vishayAdhikara-padamam pett alii sallileyiud |
A-S6ma-kshitipala dattiyan adam ta d -bh A ...................|
. . sarvvavani kArttu kirttisut iral kottam punar-ddhAreyim |i
tad-iladevara dharmmamutn pura-vara-sri-^obbeyura tanna chit- I
tadol atyuttama-satva-ma...............................lli-deyam mano- i
mudadim punya-nivasamam durita-sangba-trAsamum saiikhya-sam- 1
padad AvAsaman oldu madisidan i-g r A .................... .. |j
S h ik ^ rp u r T a lu q . 23d

........ . .. .. devata-pratishteyanum Brahmaua-pratishtejanum madi devara devMayada kha^uja-sphu-

tita-jirnnoddharakkajp devara naivedyakam nand^divigegaip........... jivitakkam Ctiaitra-pavitra-gra-
hana-sankramanadi-naimittikakam vritti-valifcam belkenda nad-adhik^ri-maga Sdryya-deva-daupa-
y a k a ...........6ri-Malli-devam tad astuv endu svasty-aaavarata-parama-kalyanabhyudaya-sahasra-
phala-bhoga-bhagini dvitiya-Laksluni-samaae kalahamsa-yaae .. varddhamaaaauaa-nava-yauvaao-
dirane l sakala-lakshana-sampurnpe i rupa-lavanya-vag-vibhavodite i chaadrikMakshmi-kama-samr^-
................... hi§a-manab-kuvalaya-sarach-chaadra-rekhe i rd.ja-patra-kap61a-mrigamada-patra-rekhe t
hava-bhava-vijasini viaaya-vibhasini .. .. ti patibratarundhati sahaja-siddha-sarasvati savati-mriga-
sarddu}e | Saranagata-vajra-panjareyar appa srimat-piriy-arasiy Abhinava-Ketala-mahadevi . . . . bin-
napam geyd a-deviyarum tavum irimat-pratapa-cbakravartti-vira-Balllla-devargge bianapam geydu
kimat-Saka-varshada 1129 neya Prabhava-samvatsarada S'ravanadk paurnnarai-spma-grahana-Bri-
haspativaradandu tri-bhogabhyantara-siddhiyim dhara-purvvakam madisi . . . datti | Tevettav enaba
gramav adakke sime {here follow details of boundaries and further grants) yint initumam dhara-purvva­
kam madi kottaru t a-mahajanangala vrittiya kula {here follows the list gfvrittidars and (heir gifts).
svasti firimatu Hoysaja-pratapa-chakravartti vira-Ballala-Devana ^-chakravartliya pattad arasiy
Abhinava-Ketala-mahadeviya Nagarakhanda-nada-prabhu-gavundugala nagara mummuridandada
yint ivar anumatadim a-deviya tamma'Madhava-dannayakanu i anantarada Vibhava-samvatsarada
Maghada paurnnami-Brihaspativara-sonia-grahapadaudu Bandalikeya stbajadalli bhumiyam
Brahmauarige sarvva-badha-pariharavagi dhara-purwakatp madikotta vrittiga}a kramav ent
endade (here follows the list o f vrittidars).


At the same village, on a stone to the right of Anekal Sdmayya's temple.

firi 11 namas tunga-§ira§ &c. H
S'ri-kantam tanna padodaya-nakha-nikaradharadoj bimbisuttaip l
svikarara bettu pattum-tanugala polepim matsya-kdrmmavatd,r§,- |
nikaip rSjippavol deseg avatarauam dorppinam ranjip a-Gau- j
ri-kantam S'omanatham kudug abhimatamam Macbag a-cbandra-tarain II
bhuvanahgal padiaalkumam padedu tann-ond-ashta-m&rttitvadiip |
Bhavan emb i-hesaram nimirchchi Girij^-premorwa-Gafiga-dharam \
pavamaaa-priya-chandra-s&ryya-nayauabjam bySma-keSam SadS.- l

Siva-rupam mejred irddan adi-puru§am munn Isyarain saivatam H

a-Parame^vara.ug8 S'iva-Saktiya satva-rajas-tamo-guipa- l
byapaka-vrittiyim janiyisirddudu m& jagav alii puaya-pun-,|.
jopamam euto madhyaraam enippudu madhyama-lokam embinam 1
rftpa-vilasadiud esedud urvvare vurwareyall ad embinam 1)
... Bev ejum dvipav elum kadala bajagav elum kuladriudi:ay ejum j
misupind oppirdda vara-grabada hesar av eluni mahaivarggav elum I
rasey ad i-mujagani tannane balasire Idkakke madhyasta-vritti- l
prasaram'binp unnatatvam mered ire meregum Meru Machambol imbiin ,1
Meru nameravam padedu Kimpurusam pariveshtisitt adam i
nerit id endu harsha-bharadim Ilari-varsham enutte varsha-san-j
dharav i J end adam mudade pordde Himachajav a-uagakke Gan • j
ga-ramaniyav eudu Bharata-kshiti sarddudu dakshipaseyam jl
bSjise dakkeyum priyara mell-erde tumbigal imbu-vettiral |.
rajisi pade kendajire kaida]av 4gire manda-marutain |
SM k& rpur T a lu q ,
1 i >• .. ii,i 4 (>. UL-
yo^ise ta ia m a rp R a tiy a n §,4 ise M a n m a t b a n ,|
s a ja v e n ip p u d a lte B h a r a t a b v a y a m a iii B b a r a t S r v v ig u r v v in iip !1

k a iid a || M m a jja u a r s o b h e y o } a^' |

bbumi-vadbag esada tane mSl enipidariad |
lip^tb Kaatala-gupa«> | ^
p^taaip to^eyaJnke Kuntajdrvvare^ eseguip ll
Ji]0L?hQy6yavoLjire tSjdr t
by^bay.kd i'^ Q t a la k k e rSjdvaliy uV I
s|bfdii|i,^duddmaDnam I
b^Tb3}adinde.!$5marfaipfia>prabhavain li
^Qm^PYaya-DTipaa A6va- 1 , . .
ttbamano} olaviude Sastra-paripatiyaip kalu* I
|;d-mabipaiii Sdmaip vi< 4
d y d * m a h im e y ia a jd a p a k h ija - b h d m i - t a l a m a ip 11 , ^ .j ,
g u r u v A S va tth ^ m a n 4 * S o i^ a n ia a t i- m u d a d iip s m a S r a -k d r c h d id -k a lA p d t - |
k a ra -rS k h a -v y a p tiy a in m § .d is u te P a r a S u r A m a -p r a k S p a g n i b h u p a - | ^
}a r a n im b im tu^tuvand d t a n a n a t i-m u d a d iin k A d u ta n Q -o n d u * c h ib n a m > |

b e ra s it ta m ra g is u tta q i E a la c b u r i- v e s a r a q i t a t -k i4 a k k ; Id v a ra m S a in H
a n tr ia t o n d u -d in a iii m a n d > m a d a d in A lv a t t h a m a n u m S o m a - b b a - |
k a n ta d b U a a u T a r t t b iy in d e s e y a E a ila s ^ d r ig A - P a r r v a t i- |
k a n ta x ^ d b a n e g e a d e p 6 g e n u t a n A -N a n d a -k s h itiS a iii s u k b a - I

sv A n ta m p a jis u tird d a n f l a - p a d a m a m n A Q A -pra su n a A ga ^ im ||

S’ivanam putrartthadim mani palavu-devasav ArAdhisuttirdden Atmod- |
bbavanam karunyadim S'ankaran enag inasum kottan ill endu cbintA- |
dharan Agal cbinte vAdembavol eseva^kadamba-prasunaligal ki- |
ttuvudam kand A-nripam pAjisidan Abbavanam tat-prasunangalindam j|
pAjipudum Bbayam baravau ittu Kadamba-kolAbbidbApadiip |
rAjipa-putrar irvvar avanipatig Adapar ant avarggp pim^i
ypjisi Aastra-SAstra-kaleyaip paripAlis enutte S ’ambhuy A- I
yAjaimn EvarAipsanodan appaysala mei^edAUa tat-ku]atp, ||
A-KAdamba-ku^odbbavar mmei^edar ant ArE^rttiyarmmAAkaauip |
ioka-prastuta-Maylavarmaanm avargg A-praa|ii y id y ^ a m A ' l
nika-^ri-vibbavAgalaip p ajeyal A-EAdaipba-yaipapip ypAas- 1
svikAram beres oppidatt akhiia-rAjaiAvaryya-sampattiyim B,
KaJacburyyAmnAya-rAjyam be}agi bbuyanamaip SAmanim Pemmaniip nir- |
maJa-bbAvam bettu Yogorvyipanin esedu bhogangajiiin Vajrampi dSr. |
vvalaraaip kaikoplji YAga-ksbitipatiyaii ati-sthairyyadim tAJdi sankbyA* I
viiavAg irdd.oppi PermmAdiyin odavidud a-Bijjap6rvviApuinda^ ll
KAdambam Mailavarmmang esed udiyisidan Taylan A*Tayla*bbApafig I
Adain Sri-S'antan A-S'Anta-nripatige mudaditp puttidaip Mailan A-bhA- |
padi-prakbyAta-bbApar ppalar ayaniyan A}dar w a jik k pppe Boppaip |
B'ri-DAvi-vallabbam rAjisidan avaniyam lileyim pAlisattaip 1|
nisada firi-Bijjanorvvipatiy-esakadin A-GAqjaraip perjjaraip bott I
esakaip gettiS'ip Kabngam ka^idan e^isidaip MA^ayam mA-layam mAr* |
cbcbbisidatn bhitAngan AAgam bbaya-butavaba-Absbkaip Turusbkam snruldani
bisutaip . Cbolan AV&byo}e nadadan Atandbran Agirddan Andbrain ||
S h ik a r p u r T a lu q . 241

nija-Sauryyodrekadiin nurmmadipa maganan H-Bijjaua-ksIionipalaqj l

tri-jagan-natham ayajaa-rachita-bhuvana-yatham vrishodyad-Tarftthaip |
vijitaagddbhata*yuthain Purikara*ni|ayatp Sdman§,thai!i ku^al pet- (
tu jaya-sri'dhamanam Somanaa ama}a-gU9 a-stdmanam r^Jisirddaip II
k^yaluv iyalaqt me;eyad urbbiparind a^ig ardda bhdmiyain i
jiy ene dhS,tri kay ene TirodhigaJ artthade tyipli-vettu hd- |
hoy ene Tandig4 dhareyan oppuva kddlno} 6tti t&Jdidam |
Bdyamurariy emba hesar oppire Soma-mahi^areSvariaip ||
Ehasanam sildu Ka^hganam ualapiumdaip hd|du Kimmiranaip 1
nisadam nuugi Turusbkanaip no^edu CherdrbbiSanam tindu t e - 1
gi Surashti-a-prabhuvam tajakke deged imbim teda kayighatte gon(J 1
esagum rakkasiyante mikk-asi karam .. Soma-rdjdndrana |1
Kadatubam Tailanind itt akhiia-jagatiyam rakshisal daksbar ill.end |
ddam chinta-bharam tan anivisalade chintamani-prayav agal )
S'ri-Dovi-vallabham Bopparasan atula-sad*bhaktiyim putra-kam a-1
hladaip ^ri-Somandtha-krama-kamalaman aradbipam premadindaip ||
bharadim Dakabina-Somandtha-padaTnam putrartthadim bhaktiyiin |
' a
Siriyd-deviyuv atma-nisbthey odavind aradhisal kottan I - J
ivaran imbioa KaJacburyya-vainSad esakaip Kadamba-ram§.<ikke m ey-1
daral d-Rayamurari-Soma-samanam sad-gatranam putranatn ||
kottu Eadamba-Rudran ivan end olavinde vibhhtiyinde bott l
ittu lalatadol kanasinita dave Dakshina-Somanathan old 1
uttu sudhambara-pratatiyain mige Nandiyan erl bandu kapg I
ittala voppi Soma-vesar ildodan a-sati karidaj artthiyiip ||
kand a-pafigina putranam padedu S6tnam namadind endu kay- |
kond imbim nalidade rajisidan ant a-S6man ndyat-sudha- j
pindam nirmmalan ejge vadivada somam t^n enal dhMri shat- |
kbapdorvvi-tala-vartti-kirtti-Madana-Sri-mfirtti-sampattiyim ||
nripan int avano dhanyafi eyde nudiyal kalvande chelv kytu Sa- 1
tya-patakahvayav artthiyinde na^eyal kaluvande chelv Sytu bhft-1
mi-paritam Nigalanka . . . . vesar end Snandad i-dbatri bg.n- I
nipud i-S6mana satya-vakya-vdasach-chaturyyamaig sauryyamain |1
husivara-sulav emba tisu^atp nuta-Satyapatakan embud ond |
esakada Janhavi-ramani gaijdara-dsivaniy emba namadind |
eseva-kar6ti-m§,le-yuta-S6ma-sam^khyeye Soman endu ban- 1
yisuvudu dhatri mandalika-Bbairavanam Nigalanka-mallanam ||
jana-nutav adud int eseva Satyapatakana satyad SJge S o - 1
mana nayanotsava-prakriti gapdara-davapiy ol-gupam K adam -1
bara npipa rajisirdda sumanah-prabhavam Nigalanka*malla-bhfi-1
pana jaya-kirtti manda]ika-Bhairavan uddhata-§atru-marddanatp II
munisindarp bhrA-viJasam nosal-a^ardu bhajakshiyan torppa Cheng- \
alvana r&p AndhasurSkarade pada-nigalakilitaip tore m^yam- 1
panan i-E^damba-Rudrara bhugu-bhuga-bhugitodreka-kopagniyiin nup- 1
nane nufigalk ^van §,vom baRk enut ari.bhhpa}aru(nu)na alukutirppar ||
lileyin aguma^e Banavasege vira-rasain podalda b&l- |
teliy id embinam ba)asi rakshise tannaya t6Ju-bal-jasam |

t4 2 S h ik ir p u r T a lu q .
sale bedafigU'TCtta posa-suggiyan §.rjjise n&du n^de sau- 1
khy§.layav age madidudu Satyapatakana raja-vaibhavam H
vijigishu Soma-pado- l
pajivi S6ma-nripa-khalga-valli-vi!asan- I
nija-vira-rasam Soma- |
prajarnnavodvichi'Machi sogayisi torppam ||
sarauendar-edeya kai mach- i
charip-adatara mogada kai jana-stuta-Mahe- 1
Bvara-tatiya mugida kai bel- 1
para pidi-kai Machigam chatur-bbhujan ada i|
gand ulidu sitagar ellam I
pendiravolu kurula beraja huralam kottum i
. kandum* nadevaru sitagara- |
gandam sri-MMii jadiran asiyan enuttaiji |1
sitagara-gaiidan eydidan enal kahalaravav anya-bhubhujar i
Bsatiyara rupinim pididu pendira kaigalan ode mandiyol |
mati-mared alii dampatiy enal satiy am patiy endu surujal |
pati sati nambadantut avarg adudu Machana khalga-rochiyim ||
yidu Nigalankamallana bhujasiya kurpp idu S6m a-bbupaa-a- 1
bhyudayav id olpu-vett-eseva Satyapatakana nanniy-elge yint |
idu meredirdda mandalika-Bhairavan-uddhura-bhala-netrav em- 1
budu dhare vira-vaibhava-kala-balamam ruta-vachi-Machiya ||
ta}a hedey agal ikkida suvarnnada mudrike ratnam age safi- \
chalip-ugur ella sand eseva daiitada pantigaj age raudradim 1
belada sukopav embude visam tanag agal arati-jivavam |
ghajil ene nungatam naliyut irddndu Machana bdhu-pannegam 1|
atang acharyyar w i- 1
khyatar iri-Devaiakti-yati-pati vi- l
dyati^aya-saktiyim bhd- 1
mi-taladolu Devaiaktiy ene mered irdda ii
a-Devasakti-munipana |
padambuja-lakshmi tanna vaksha-sthrta-lak- i
shmi-deviyan odavise nutan |
adam MSchatn guru-prasadada phaladim 1|
a-munipan-anugrabadim i
kamitamam padedu Somanathana pada- 1
bjamodada saviy arid ud- 1
d§.matp sri-Machiy amritarochiyol esevam 1 !

sarasivol ire dhare Banavase 1

saroja-pariSohheya........................ i
t ire Nagari-khandam su- 1
sthira-tejam Soman inavol alarisuva II
taradim porn-balegal paii-golegal uguva pervvadinim teiigugaj kay- |
viripim barpp-ambuvim mavugal eseva rasasaradiip karvvugal sur- |
vvura-sohkind okka-sarim bajedu b a]i[.. ]vant ellav ondagiy ^-Na- |
gari-khauda-prantadol kai pariyise belagum kude kedara-varggam ||
nayaka-ratnan alte Gupabhushana-santatig imbin-aSjanam )
Nayaka-Machi Bandanikayol nere madisidam jaya- I
S liik4rp u r T alu q^ 243

firiya vil&sa-gehav ene tani S'iva-gehaman a-S’ivalaya- 1

Sriya padakke rajisavud §,-purav avrita-nupuropamam H
ant Ananta-bh6ga-maniinaya-raga-rafijita-vepi-yudha-S6manatha-vara-prasadasMita-sakala-maa6-
ratha-phalanum i Devaiakti-brati-natha-prasadasadita-MaheSvaracharamrita-prakshaJita-manomala-
num I. Soma-bhumMvara-mandaJagra-cha^da-rochiyum | Soma-rajodaya-prachiyuip | sitagara-gapda-
num I dharminamrita-pi^danuin |kaligala mogada kayyum l gunigaja mugida kaiyyum enisida Naya-
ka-Machi Nagar-khandada Bandanikeyolu Boppa-bhupoddesadim Boppesvaralayamam madisi nija-
svainiy appa Soma-bhumipatig a-dharmraa-nirminapa^ada permmeyam toriy a-devar-ashta-vidhar-
chchanegam Chaitra-pavitradi-parvvakam a-yura Chinchiyabeya Haravariya holadallu bidisida gadde
mattar eradur-ai'e matta a-darmmakke Lachchala-Deviyaru kedageya sarivinalu bitta gadde yare
mattaru | Sobakeyana koninalu sayira-marada tonta mattam ayn&rvvaru bitta sunka hasurnbege visa
voiidu 4 heringe visam karii | nandadivigege bitta ga^a vondu i telligara ayvatt-okkaluin bitta sautige
Toadu I
mattam Srimatu Kalachuryya-bhuja-baja-chakravartti Rayamurari Sovi-Deva-vatshada 7 neya
Vijaya-samvatsarada Pusya-suddha 13 S6raavS.radandu malia-mandaleSvaram Sovi-Dev-arasana
pradhanam Hattabova Nacharasam Nagari-khaiidav Ede-nada Jiddujigeya hejjurika vadda-ravulakke
nadevuttam Bandanikeya Chikka-Macheya-Nayakana ^ri-Boppe^vara-devara nandadivigeyam nadesu-
vantagi Muchchundiy-uralu Keta-gavundana senabflva-Sankaniiana prajegalasannidhanadal a-vura haru-
vettinalli yippatt-ettin-okkalu dereya-vafam mule-sunkav ena hejfidadam sarvva-kalam pariharav ondu-
ganad okkala dera yiuitumam dhara-purvvakam madi bitta int initumam S ’aka-varshada *1194 neya
Nandana-samvatsarada Magha-bahuta-amavasye-Somavara-sankrama^am kiidida punya-tithiyolu
Chikka-Macheyam-Nayakam mula-sthanad acharyyarn Kalamukharu monanushtbana-japa-samadhi-
Mla-guna-sampannar appa KalyanaSakti-panditara kalam karchchi dhara-purvvakam mM i kotta ..

. At the same temple, on the base of the inside pillar.
svasti Srimatu Kalachuryya-chakravartti Nissankamalla Sankama-Deva-varushada nalkaneya Vikari-
samvatsarada uttarayana-sahkaramapa-vitipata-Somavara sriman-maha-mandajesvarain Boppa-Dev-
arasaru sarvva-namasyad agrahara Binnegeriya Saukara-Narayana-devara naivedyake Bandanikeya
stalada Sireyahaliyalu bi . mattar ondu gade ajupidavaru Varanasiyali kapile Brahmanara kondavaru

On a virakal lying behind the same temple.
jitena prapyate lakshmir mritenapi surMgana i
kshana-vidhvamsi-kaye’ smin ka chinta marape rape il
namas tunga'kiraS-chumbi-chandra-ch&mara-charave i
trailokya-nagararambha-mula stambhaya S'ambhave 1|

svasti Sriraatu Cbalukya-Vikrama-varsbada 53 neya Kilaka-sainva§charada Vaisakha-sudha-paficha-

mi-Adivaradandu Srimatu Bandapikeya s§,inanta-Bopparasara nad-olaginde bijeyarn geyuttam iralu
Karineleya turuva Kallamanneyaru kopdlu poguttire ajdam besasalu Bireya-Nayakana maga Heggade-
Bammabeyana maiduna Bammapa tupuva pintikki surig ijridu mejedu sura-loka-praptan 4da ||

At the same village, on a mdstt-hcd to the south of the Banasahkari temple.
svasti srimattt rajadhiraja paramssvarasri-vira-pratapa-Mallikaq'juna-mabaraya-rajyabhyudaya Saka-
varusha 1369 ne Prabbava-samvatsarada Bhadrapa[da]-su 5 Guruvaradalu Katbariryya-Nariyappa-
*So in the original: perhaps it is a mistake for 1094.
244 S hikarpu T T a lu q .
Nayakkara maga Maduvarasa-Naykaru sarggasthaa adalli atana sati BuUarasi-KannayigaJu
gaui^^ni^ vijaya-Sriyaa eyidi sara-loka-praptar adaru mangala m aha Sri


(M a at the sameplace.
srasti Sritnatu-rajadhiraja rS,ja-paramesvara Srt-vira-pratapa-Yinamadi-Deva-Eaya-inahar§,ya*rajya-
bhyudayada S'aka-varusha 1364 neya Duudabhi-sanivatSarada Karttika-Suddha 11 Somavaradalu Sri-
matu-Nagarakhandeya eppa[tta]kke negajte-va4a.da rajadhamBandaJikeyaKadambara Soyi-DSv-arasara
maga Madukanna-Nayakkaru avara maga Bayicharasaru avara ajiya Sftrappa-Nayakaru Banavaseya
kSiluvaUi Kappegejrey emba gramavanu kat^ikon^a yiddalli tirthadavaru dhajiy yittu bandu mutti-
dalli rana-ranga-dhiraragi palaran iridu kadikandamayavagi avaru alii biddaru sura-loka-praptar adaru
mafigala maha Sri Sri
jitena labhyate lakshmir mrit^napi surangana |
kshaya-vidhvainsane kaye ka chinta marape rane ||


On a stone near the same temple.

namas tunga-&c. ||
Dhatu-samvatsarada ASada-suddha 1 A srimatu Sri-rajadhiraja raja-parameSvara Sri-vira-Harihara-
Raya sukha-safikatha-vinodadim rajyS. uttarottara saluttam ire ||
vanadhi-vritorvvaranganeya kttntajadant esadirdda Kuntaja- |
vani-viSayakk id alte mukham embarol avagam oppi tojugum |
Banavase-nad adakke todav irppavol (id) irddudu visva-dharuni- i
jana-nutam appa Bandajike sand-Amardvatiyantir oppuguin [|
S'akha-varuSa 1318 Dhlitu-samvatsarada ASdda-suddha 1 A Srimatu Bachappa-Vodeyaru Goreya-
Siiphasana...........rdjyam uttarottara saluttam ire Nigarakhapdeyada-nada volagana Bandanikeya
Banda-deyaviya muudana Khemalapurada chatus-simeyojage pftrvvada-deviya acharyyaru muntada
prajegajim sunkam paficha-garukha tajavara-aya nidhi nidhana daSa . . . . enM adu dSviya jirnna-
uddharake deviya amjitapadiya Purada bhumi tehkalu NS,kkereya kodiyim kandiya khalanu Manneya-
Muntu-Naya Vadeya-Nayka deyiri siddhayapayinda ga 1 2 honnanu kujava kadidu sarvvamS.nyavagi
bitteu pftrwadalli chatu-simege kallu-natta-bhumiyanu bitbefr Muntu-Ndyaka dhareyan ejadu kotta
totha adakeya-mara 600 devige kotheu ... gala totha Chikka-MSgudiyalli adakeya-mara badagana
Toragereya modala-vadavayali 200 sthaja kot(evu sunkhakke mukyarappa Bollarsara Anantappagalu
Udoyappagaju Deviyapuradojage pancha-garuke su[nka] a d a .....................deviya madannada avasa-
rakke bitbeii ............... vajave heruva yettu ma 1 0 nu dhara-p&rvvakavagi sarvvamS,ny& | tajavap-
kaige mukyarappa Naraseya-Naykauu tuppada-ChaudappagaJu Deviyapuravanu sarvvamanyavagi
bitbeii dhara-purwakha (here foUow final phrases and verse), svasti Sriyim Srimattu Banda-
deviya divya-Sri-pada-padmaradhakajum appa mftligarum m8na-anushth6,na-japa-tapa-samadhi'
Sila-guna-sampaanar appa Earn.. .. pujita Koijdalabhara^a-dSviya acharyyaru Malli-devara maga
Bayichi-deva kejeya kelage mftru-bana-keyya Devipuravanu mS.disi........... jimna-uddhS,rava madisi-
deij . . . . neya santana............... Sri-Bana-devige Devappagalu Bandajikeyalu a-dSviya amritapadi
nandadivige-parvv6tsahakke sarvvamanyavagi kujava kadidu bittadu ga 30 honuu .. . . ||
S h ik a rp u r T a lu q , a is

P&9<Jj«-mandaladalu bana-sahite Tolachakodindalu Brahmanige bon .. .. s&kshige banadali baoda}

&gi Baadalike-deviya jalrige b ih a . . . . pfirwadalu baha .. parasege (sfo/)$ here)-
At the same village, on a stone lying in front of the SahasraliiigSs'vara temple,
Mt aamas Siraya |
namas ttthga-&c.. !l
arighnam asta p
pratyaksha-vasta-vishayaya jagaddhitaya
viSva-sthiti-pralaya-sambhava-karanaya i
sarvvatmane vijita-kopa-manobbaviya'
tuljhyam namas tri-bhuvana-prabhave S'ivaya j|
eko devah sa jayati S'ivab kSvala-jnana-mhrttih
devi sa cha tri-bhuvanam idain yad-vibhutah prapanchab j
yat kutastbam mithunam avinibhava-sambandba-yogit
misribhbtatp tad akhila-jagaj-janma-bijam namami H
Slaghyatn janraa Sruti-parinalis sat-kriyayatn prayrittib
praudhiS §astre lalita-raadhura samstuta bharati cha |
sphita lakshmir vvapur api dridbam ChandralekhSiiikamaul$.
yushmat-seva-phala-virahitam sarvvam 6tat palalam ||
vanadhi-vritdrvvarabganeya kunta}ad-ant esedirdda Kuntali- |
yani-vishayakk id alte mukham embavol avagam oppi tojrugum !
Banavase-nad adakke todavippavol iddudu viSva-dharini- I
jana-nutam appa Baadanike sand-Anaarayatiy-antir oppuguip li
ari-Kailisa-nagendradindam avatiram-geydu fia§vad-dayi- I
lokam bbfL-hitam age Bandanikeyol pratyaksham igirdda GaU- 1
ri-kantani bhuvana-trayirclichita-padabjam Machiginkabge m ijk 1
a-kalpaipL manad arkkajind anudina-Sriyum jaya-Sriyumatp ||
STasti samasta-bhuvanaSrayam Sri-pritbyi-vaUabha mabarajadhiraja parainSsvara paravna-bhattarakam
Kalafijara-pura-varadhiSvaram suvarnna-vrishabha-dhyajam damaruga-tftryya-nirgghSshanam Srimat-
Kajachuryya-bbuja-bala-chakravartti Tribhuvanamalla-Deyaru 8ukha-safikathi*yin6dadi rajyatp
geyyuttam ire ll
vritta 11 bhuja-baja-cbakrayartti Kalachuryya-kujambara-bhana vairi- bhb-|
bhujaran ati-pratipadin adafigisi pibgisi dharini-jana- |
brajada daridrati-gunaman ambudhi-sitne-varam ninaircbchidaip |
vijaya-vinSdi Bijjala-mahipati bhutalamam nirantaram H
atana rijyabhyudayadol i
atata-yaSan aliya-Barmma-dandadbisam |
pritiyin ajvatn bhuvana* |
khyitiya Banavasi-deSamain vikraraadim 1;
dharmmimbbonidbi-mijuva- 1
durmmada-viriri-darppa-dajanam jan ati- \
iarmma-gunatp Bandanikeya I
Barmmarasam pempu-vettan avani-tajadoj H
vinayambbonidhi vikramaika-rasikam Sishtesbta-pankejini- i
dinanatham prabhu-mantra-iakti-niratam darppishta-vidvishta-ka- )
nana-davinalan endu baninise janaip tan-nandanam tyaga-bho- 1
ga-nutain Bopparasam negalte-vadedam viSvambhara-bhagadol ||
246 S h ik a r p u r T a lu q .

a-vibhugam K ^m ba> uia- {

hivallabha-S'anta-nripa'taiitlbhaiVe oiriya- 1
Devigam atmajan adaip |
bhuvailabiiati eriisi begalda SSmd-uj-S^iWin H
vri Mi-Varabanagi dhareyam pratipalisi pempu-vetta D&-
modaran embud i-jagada dusthitiyaip ki^isalke bbi^pa'ra* |
p-ada viSishta-kalpa-kujain dmbadu Vairiijanakke siipha-rfi- 1
p-kda Npsiinhan embada dhantri nega|teya Sdyi-Dgratia ||
iiara^§.rthi-vrata*rakshi-karapa'-pari9ataip tanna tibrasi vidvit- i
taruDi-Taidhabya-diksb^lcarkria'paripataib tanna dSr*mma'!k^a]arn baud |
eradabg isbtartlba-tushti-kard9a-parii.iatain tana udSratvam kyt em- 1
bara mktaqi uanni m&rppam uirupaTna-mahimam Sd^i'Deva-ksbitiSain p
dese-desejrol tkrani-bididu pkriiva virara-sekke gapdadiln i
visasana-bbbini koj-midula nettara kkrggesatim tagujdu bar- |
ttisuva kabandhadind ojeva lohita-dharegajiip nabham vigur- l
vvisuvud id ein «icbitranio Kadambara Soman idirchchid-ajiyoj 1|
tanu tauuVatn taruinbe iriige kur-asi kur-asiyam palaucbe thopp- |
ene karuj l^degoad a^agu tbipp-ene rakta-vari bapp- i
cue inarul krddu vairi-ufiparam chaladindame kadi gelva vi- |
rano} idiraotu gelv-adatan kvano SSinanoJ aji-rangadoj j]
iSrimata Mk]ala-devi ma- \
bi-manita-cbarite satya-nidhi parijana-chin* i
taniapi Kkdambanvaya- |
Soina-nfiparddhafiga-lakshmiy enisidaj alte ii
vritta II jagamaip raksbisidattu kirtti mugilatp muttittu pemp atm a-da- |
na-^tipain jiy enisittu viSva-janata-samStutyam adattu sa- 1
tyk-gupkm tkn ene Sovi-Deva-nripa-iajya-sri-jaya-Sriy eiial i
flegajd i-Malala-Dgviy-annatiyan inn e-vanyipo^b aydipbm ||

tat-pada-padmopajivi Macbeya-Nayakaua vamSavatkrav ent ene ||

vittaykda nanriiya dayad ar- |

ppina kfirppina kulada chalada charitrada pemp i
andpaifiam ene Mkcbayyana (
janakaip Masanayyan adhika-mabimeyan antam |!
kanda 1| ksbiti banyise negalda pati- i
brate gunavati bhkgyavati yasovatiy emb un- 1
natiyam prabhu-Masauayyana |
sati taledaju Malliyakkan ene pogaladar ar ||
tat-suta I
S'iva-tatvam S'iva-dharmma-nirmmala-gunajdmbam S'ivaradhanatn |
S’iva-puja-vidhi salgum i-vibhuvinitn dhatri-janakk endu taqi I
S'ivan iyal padeda} MaheSa-varadiip Mallawe vikhydtanam I
S'iva-padambuja-bbringanai|i taneyanam sad-vkchiyam Mkcbiyam P
kanda ||vinaya-nidHi Mkleyskkam |
jananiy enalu Tantrapkla-Mallayynm taj- I
‘ShikArpui* T alu q. 247
fanakan ene Suggiyakkaip |
jana-nute bhagyavatiy appud eii achchanyS jf
gunavati satyada Sauchada I
kapi S ’iva-dharmraanuckaiite 'snbratfe pati-Bfid- 1
shaiae 5l&chayy^ana sal'y-ag- j
rapi jpa^ed^Q S'U'ggfyaMari alyunrialiyain j|
Iri-mahitaifi aakailst-kala- 1 S
dilaHi4’$ S'iva-^hamma-dirraiiAjam iifa-iri- |
ramam dam yald-nidht^
Sdttam Maeliayyaiii-atniajaip keva|a»ie ||
mattav ai-MacHeya-Nayakana mahimey e-doret etido^e II
kanda || sri-ramapam klacbeyyaip I
dhiram Talarikeya suukad adhikaram vis- |
tarise Soma-nripaja-ku- |
maram sarvvadhikariy ene pesar-vadedam ||.
vri II vinayam sajjana-harsadam prabhute loka-stutyam olp isbta-^i- |
shta-nikayotsavakari dharmma-charitarp sat-pujitain visva-dig- |
vanita-chandana-lipta kirtti para-nari-durav acbarav ayt 1
enal e-vejvudo Machigaukane volara dhanyam mahi-chakrado} )(
patig arttharjjaneyim praja-pratatigam maryyadeyam dapjad un- 1
natiyim svapuado} appadam pusiy ad entum porddad atmiya-san- 1
nuta-satya-bratadim virodhi-balamam beukojva vikrantad a- |
yatiyim nayaka-Macliigaftkaue volain vikhyatiyam tajdidam ||
kanda || naya-dauam anna-dauam |
priya-danaip vastra-hema-danam dharmmo- I
daya-danatn san-mano- I
, daya-danam Machigankan firjjiia-danartj |1
vritta II para-vadhug ase-geyyada rhanain jagamam porev arpp asatyadol j
poreyada vapi vairi-jayamam padev acharanain kaJafikado| |
nereyada kirtti pujita-Mahl^a-padambuja-bbakti tan ad ach- i
chariy ene baiipisalk alave inSchiyan ahava-... y a ^ ||

antu Macheya-Nayakam nija-gotra-mitra-kalatra-putra-pavitritan enisi sukhadin ire tad^uruvuiii

jagad-guruvnv enisi || .

vritta II yama-mukhyashtAhga-yoganubhavar- akhiJa-vedShta-siddhdfata-S'aiva- |

gama-dugdhambhodhi-parayapar amala-kald-jnana-sarar prasiddho- 1
ttama-ydgindragragapyar nirupama-mahimkiankritar ppeinpu-vettar i
krama-yiiktar khyata-KalafnUkha-mukha-tiJakar dDevaSakti-bratindrar |l '
svasti yama-niyama-svadhyaya-dhyana-dharapa-maunanushthana-japa-saraadhi-sila-sampannar Agho-
ra-labdha-vara-prasAda-prasiddhamtn appa Bamraakura Hiriya-mathad acharyyat dDeva§akti-devara.
Machaya-Nayakafige karupyadind anugraham madal atanum dharmma-tatparan agi |1

vri I eseyal chitra-vichitra-patra-nutamain prasadamarn nade kal- i

vesadim madisi ihMi pongalasamam devalayagrakke ra- 1
jise tad-jfiar bbagegopdu bappisuvinam tat-pupyamam kude perch- l
cbisidara supprabbu Macbigankan asakrit-sat-kirttiyain dfiktriyol (j
248 S h iM rp u r T alu q.
kanda II parivara-devata-vis- |
taramatn linga-pratishtheyaip m&(Jisidain |
niravadyam Bandapiikeya. |
puradoi Machayyan adhika-pupyodayadim |i
antu madisi tad-anantarav a-Macheya-Nayakam tamm-aldaip sriman-maha-mandalesvaram Sovi-Dev-
arasara hesarim M-Somesvara-devar endu hesaran i^al arasar a-devar-anga-bhogakkav a-devalayada
mata-kuta-pras&dakkav alliya tapodhanar-ahara-danakkav end Attikojaua kejage bitta gadde mattam
mufu hiri-kereya kelage sasira marada sthajad adake-dopta NS,gara-kha9 dav»erppatt-Ajali!lial ondu
honnu kanike ayvatt-ettina kodavisa bitavaijav aut eradu-visada davasayada sutka Srimat-piriy-arisi
Majala-Deriyar a-devara nandadivigeg endu bitta ganav ondu yiut i-vriltiya earwanamasyavagi
bi^taru mattav avara pradhana Nakarasan a-Some^vara-dSvara nivSdyakk endu Kaniiasogeya Kuti-
kereya kelag alliya miiliga BClha-gauda sahita bitta gadde mattar oiidu matta Konavattiya naj-prabhu-
Prithvi-settiyaru-mukhyav ayniirvvaruv irddu sireya majavege hofig are-visa hasumbeg are-visa
davasada hering are-visava bittaru mattam iriman-maha-praddhanam Banavase-pannitchchhasirada
hejjunka vadda-ravujada dandaaayakam Bicharasaru devara nandS,divigeg endu thanogava heringe
b^Jeyam bittaru mattam Mirinjeya vadda-vyavab§.ri Ballaya-sabaai Hemmi-setti Someya Kongeya-
sahani Kaneyan int ivaru-mukhya-saraasta-pelavigar irddu kudureg eradu-bagavam bittaru govar
eradu-hagavam bittaru int initu-vrittiyumam Saka-varsha 1084 neya Chitrabhanu-samvatsarada
Magha-Suddha-daSami-Budhavarav-uttarayapa -sankramapa-vyatipMam kudida punya-dinadoju
Macheya-Nayakam Somesvara-devargge safvva-badha-parlharavagi kot^ar i-sthanav appudu Brahma-
chari-mathav (MsmZ fhial phrases and verses) Somesvara-panditaru i-Bireya-jiyaruv illiya sthanikaru 1|
kalukutiga Ketojafige athanikar ippattu-kamma-gaddeyan umbajiyarn salisuvaru ||

On a vtraJeal near the same temple.
namas tubga>&c. ||
svasti samasta-praSasfi-sahitam firimat-Sevananvayambara-dyumani Yadava-chakravartti Siinhaya-
A 'rf
DSva-varshada Bh&va-samvatsarada Vaisakha-suddha-pancliami-Adivaradandu aneka-kari-turaga-
ratba-§ubhata-chaturanga-balam berasi Dronapalan-odagudi §rimati-maha-mandalesvaram Bandana-
keya Bammi-Devarasaru Vuddareya muttidalli
*piditandan balu tappe taleyam mddalsi mum ko^dn tann |
odeyam nodi bhatarkkajam khadgadim .. rbi bobbiriyutum I
kadi-khapdaftgalo} ipdey&<?id adataip mattorvvan ill embavol |
nadevam perggade-Machanind adatar ar sangrama-rangoddhatar ||
stutigeyyalk anya-sainyam pogaje nija-balam p§,(}e Ganddharvvar ettam |
kshitiyol kirtti-pratanam pasarise samarotsabakMi-jitarp* I
dhrutiyindam praptan adam sura-yuvati-kuchabhSga-saukhyakke nichcham |
matiyindam svami-bhakti-bratadolu nirantam MS,ohan(a v)aunnatya-suchan |i
talaram perggade tan enippa ba geyam kayvam nija-svamiyam |
tujilal-permmeyan agalante merevam kattaju tarn sorppinam |
paliyam papaman agiiiyauti tu}ivain viSvasi tann^aldano} j
taledam herggade-Sdman-atrna-taneyam M^cham maha-svarggamam it
2 4 4

On a 2nd virakal at the same place.

svasti Srimatu Yadava-cliakravartti vira-Ballala-Deva-varsada f l 3 neya Dundubhi-samvatsarada
Magha-bahiila 14 Soinavara-S'ivaratriyandu Udareya kotiyanu Ballala-Devanu ., lagge maduvalU
*So in the original. +So in the original: but should be 39.
Shi:k4ri)uic T£tlti|. m :

Sampageya .. • yalli sriman-maha-pradiianarp Maileyaiia-da^aayakara pelalu .. .. ta ■. chchin-A.iu

Bandanikeya parivara ya-Nemma*Madeya^ana maga ,Hariyaaaau 'adaaaraam koada Odareya koteya
sarige hati munnayoja bidu halaram tajat iriduy adubhutavagiy a^utanain madidata . .. aum p ad -
varam meche kulavam bejagi sura*16ka-prS,[p]taa ada |f

Oit a third vtrah^ at the same place.
svasti srimatu Kajachurjfya-chakrayartti Baya-Narayatlaa Ahavaiflalla-DIva-vairshada 4 neya S'a-
bhakritu-satnvatsarada AlSrgasira-ba l O S o i syasti lfinian-inah&-ma^idalesvaram Boppa-D§varasar
Sajttna-Mabadeva-danaayaka-kauikeg Eseleyaha|lige bijayaip gaidalli Maluge-DSvana dalab§,ram Baji-
gavege hogattarp matumdtim bavarav agalu Murari-Soinayana maga Dadeya K.atiga-Nagana kajedu
besasal fiddana kontavam konda palaram talfc iridu meradu sura-16ka-praptan M a |] atan-ajutanake
mechi Murari-Someya kala iiirisida y
At the same village, on a vlrakal near the HanWnanta temple.
.......... samasfa-bhuvanasrayam sri-prithv5 vallabhara maharajadhirajam paraaiesvaram . . . bhai-
tarakam SatyaSraya-kula-tiJakam Chalukyabharanam sri'mat-Tribbuva . . . . vara vijeya-rajyam utta-
rottarabbivriddbi-pravarddhamanam a- . •. .. raip-baratp saJiittam ire svasti samasta-praaisti-
sahitam Sriraan-maha-pradhanam da .................. inane-verggade-daudanayaka Salipayyangaja
besadi Srimaa-maha-pradhanam .........................Ilamayyangalu Baiiavasi-pannircbchhasiramuman
ajuttire tat-pada-padmo ............ .. samasta-prasasti-rahitam .sriman-maha-samaataip Bopparasaru
arddhanga-Lakshmi-sa.. .. parama-kalyanabhyudaya-sahasra-phala-bhoga-bhagini dvitiya-Lakshml..
. . . . yar appa Srimata S'riya-Deviyaru samasla-praja-parigraha-ga . . . . Ideya-sthanadalli Chalukya-
Vikrama-varshada 48 neya S ’obhakritu-saipvatsarada Vaisakha-bahula 10 Adivaradaiidu govara
Marauana magam Dekeya-Nayakam arasarn kumaranam hadadade Kondasab^viya Brahma-devange
tanna sidi-daleyam kottehen endu harasalu arasam kmnaramia hadadade taiina sidudaleyain ko ..
...tta galde . 10 dipavali geyalu ku ........... . biratia a-baSadiya panda salisnvaru {usua^
imprecatory phrases).
At the same village, on a virahal Hear the Trimurti temple.
Sn svasti srimatu Yadava-Narayana pratapa-chakravartti vira-BallaIa-Oeva-var§ada ?42 neya Bhava-
sotsarada Palguna-suddhada 5 36-varadandu svasti Srimatu sakala-laksbrrti-pati bS.hattara iiiyogadhi-
pati maba«vadda-bebari sri-Kamata-Male-Settaru Suryya-dannayakaru sahita Gavamaleya-Nayakana
karedu balaSalu Baleyaha|liyain niridu tuyuvam kondu bahali Kavada-vana-dalavara .. -. .. Settiya
SS,niyabeya sahani basana kadidalli halarara kondu talut iridu meradu sura-loka-pr^ptan ada yatana
virav ad ent endade i
*paridu............ da bhujamutn Garudatp gaganagradindara ar- |
dd erage badiven appalise ta huyid endu no . . . . Srayadim |
...d iridadutam meyahalirddu Manneya viramam saraan-|
tara Malla-Nayakam subhata-birama mareyan aji-rangadol- ||
bira...................... migaya vairi-varggamam l
karunada . . . . doyad i-subhatagraui payye dharatalagradoj I
pariparidarddu bala- . rane nettaru bimmane . kke ynddhadol I
nari .. m ^ id a m subhat.................... ............... u aji-raftgadol |j
*Krom here, the inseription is much defaced.
250 S h ik d rp u r T alq q.
Oni a second viraJcal at the same place,
Bvasti srimatu tri-bhuvana-vikhyatarn rajadhiraja raja-paramMvara Y&dava-NS,r§,yaiaatn pratapa-chakra-
vartti bhuja-bala*viram Singapa-Devana nija-vijaya-rSjyada padinalkaneya Svabhanu-samvatsarada
Ph§,lgnna-8uddha-a8btami-S6niaviradalu Mujuguada-dharanadalli Jayya-rahutana bavaradali Bokey-
ana Boppeya-N&yakam kayid iridu meredu sura-16ka^j*apitan adain ||avana prat§,pam ent endade I|
pidid itandene b^lu-daleyao enutaip mfidalsi mnfikopdu tann- 1
odeyam nodala vain>vira-balamaip pokk okkilikkuttav &- |
kadadutt attida muttidatu samarado} kond ikki ma;antaraiu I
padadam Jayava^rahutange bemaram Boppaip rapakk oppamam ||
and ivan ar endu Jayavaiii besagolalu husivara sula gandara-d^vani nigala&ka>Bamini-Derana mala-
gam Bokana Boppan enal kanalda ||
gadanisi kudureya dajamam |
jadidare Jaya-rahutan adam |
baded otti kudureyav &neya I
kede kutti konda Bokana Boppain ||
g a ja -m a .. .................. |
nija-gali yattal a-gaja- i
bajisittn rapa-raaga-dblraniip |
bhuja-baja Boppan ifivalli ||
tatisi pattiy addanada binnanamam meirad ella virarum |
safisi bobbidal savadig akka^ay end irid cchchi tayuvar |
totige kotey-andadi kal& ........... kkav enuttam eydal ul- |
latada patte pulti chamarabgala tokkeya Bappan oppidam ||
antu viraran ojakondanam sura-kanneyaru vinianaftgalim sura-Iokak oydidara

On a third vtraJtal at the same place.
svasti Bamasta-bhuvanasraya Sri-pritbvi-Tallabha mabarajUdhiraja parame^^vara parama-bbattaraka
Satyk§raya-kuia-tilaka Chajukyabharana §rimat-Triblmvanamalla vira-S6m§^vara-Deva-varsbada 5
ncya ViSvavaBU-samvatsarada Chaitra-ba I 4 8 6 i^riman.mahS.-mavdaJesvaramSovi-Dev-arasanaTis&la-
vaksha-stbaJa-nivasiniyar appa Siimat-piriy-arasi Lachchala-Deviyaru svarggastheyar agal a-deviyar-
oda saven endu mun-uudida bhasheyan ejapi satta vara-lokan appa Bokana vinkada birad unnatiy-
agra-bhavav entene ||

kanda || chalade tale-guranaduva |

kaliyain nin endu karad odeyam . . tapp 1
alagbu-parakrama Bokaip |
talegottarn veje valig urvvare pogaja} II
kattayada-bhasheya nudi i
kettadu . . . . . . . bhav aytu sat-sura-bhujam )
pottadudu jagadol cnal |
toUene bakadi ........................... . I!
. . . . . . . sura-dundubhi- |
nadav eseye gaganantara................|
S h ik arpu r T a lu q . S5l

........... r artthiyam Boka^anain ||
juattam ataoa blranaain n a y a ................ vara sand §.tana hep4k'*iuakkaliga BiJagejeya ............. .
Taralura .. hanan udayav i n t i .....................................

At Sirehalli {same hdbli), on a vlrahal in front of the entrance of the Hanumanta temple.
avasti srimatu Kajachuryya bhuja-baja-chakravartti Bijjana-Deva-nripa........................ Khara-samvat-
sarada Jeshta-bahu|a 8 mi-Sukravaradandu........................ pramukhar agire . . .. vaddana.............
............... beggade-dandanayaka ............... dapdanayaka..................... kudi k^di solt ddibdhalli Sovi-
Devarasana Nayaka ... Kesa-Boppan-abya Macharasa-Nayakaua .......................da .. keyal ittu adda-
gadiyal onde-billinala murn-sayira-kudur......... kurdileya kadadala ksdahi hannondu kudiriya hidida
bahalli a d d a g a .........................haris'dalii kajagama kadi sura-loka-praptan ada 1|eppatt-okaluip ke . .
.................... Set^iyurp mechche hala-keyyatn kottaru mangaja maha ^ri baradaip senabo . . . .

At the same village’, on a inastikal in front of the KaMivara temple.
Bvasti Sri jayabhyudaya iri-vira-Pratapa-Deva-Rayaru sukha-sankatha-vinodadim rajyaam geyiiittam
irdda Shaka-va 1338 neya Durmukhi-samvatsarada Ashadha-su 15 Guruvaradalu Sirahajiya ga&d^
. Boimna-gaudaru atana sati Harimai sura-loka-praptav adarii |! mangala maha gri

At Togarase (same hohli), on a stone in front of the MaUikdtjuna temple.
K rodbi-san i........... ke kartarada Keladi-SadaUva-Raya-Nayakaru Togarasheya Mallikarjunage ^ p a -
xadhanege madida dharmina yi-stanake saluva Ganachariya ga 4 varaha ..............18 diparadhanege
bit^a sarvanianyava madidanta darmma avavan adara tappidare VA.rariasiyali g6va-konda pSpake
hoguvanu vlra-padake sallauu y5-dharmake arasige binnava madi yi-darmmake sakaravagi binnava.
m adisidavaru........... bajliya G apacha.............Parvata-vodeyaru.

At the same village^ on a stone in rdjdngana fidd, north of the village.
Sriinann-ajuva Muga^teya Sambaiya Haliya-gaiidara maga Banadi-gaadanu Bettada Mallikarjuna-
devarage bitta na-khaudugada bumiyanu bhumi-chandrar ujlanna-bara palisudu S'a 1360

At the same village, on a stone near the field of the Fahchavannagi’ inafha, north-east o f the village.
Srimatu Babu .. nya-samvatsarada Cbaitra-.. hula 1 dalA Vi . . papna-Nayakaru Togarasiya araji-
Sidha-Vira-vodeyaru devara matada . • . ke ayavaru hiriya . . . . Sastri mauu nalku-kha . . . . gade-
bhumi yi-darma tapidavage Varapasili govu-konda papakke hdgali.

At Malavalli (same hohli), on a pillar in front of the KaMhvara temple.
(Cave character}} and Prakrit language).
Siddhain Hjayati bhagavan Mattapatti-dev5 Vaijayanti-pura-raja Manavyasa-gotto Hariti-putto Vinhu-
kaddachutu-kulananda Satakanui anapayati mahavalabliara rajjukam aya-dhaua-vaddhatichcham
^JS2 Shik4i*|jur Taltiq.
Bhagava-tosha-patiyasim sukhaavayam gamahara-Sahal4tav!m |[ Mattapat^i-dSva-bhogam mah^-sura-
riam thauamm atina-rachchaya savva-pariharena vitarasam abhata-ppavesam samsiddhikam eyvam
uchitaip savva-parih3,rena Takifichi-puttaya Bahma-dejjam dinnam Kondinyasa-gottaya Hariti-puttaya
Kondamanaya ivvaddhatii bitiya-gihma-pakkam padama-divasam padama-sammachcharam
dinnanr •... ||
On the same pittar,
[Cave characters and Frakrit langiatge),

siddham ||jayati bhagavan Mattapatti-devo Vaijayanti-dhamma-naabarajadhiraje patikata-saujjhayi-'

chachchaparo Kadambauam raja S'iva[khada]vaiiamaii'\ Manavyasa-gottena Hariti-puttena Vaijayaiiti-
patina puvva-dattitti sotvena parityakthena manasa.pi sa matulaya bitiyam dattam Koaninyasa-gottaya
Kosiki-puttaya Kondarnana-kula-tilakaya Siri-Nagadatiaya pavvocbita ggama Somapatti Kongiiiaga-
ram Mariyasa Karipendula I'ara-Muchchundi Kunda-MucbchuEL(Ji Kappennala Kundatapukam Vettakki
Vegiiram Konatapukam Ekkaddbaharatn Sabala eta garaa abhata-ppavesam samsiddhikam savva-
pariharena dinuam aya-balarp vaddhati 4 savvachchliaram padama-sarada-pakkham bitiya-divasam
padama-nakkhattam Rohiniyam samppadattam cba ta deva-bhogaip maha-saranna-Mattapaiti-deva-
ya II uktam khandu Visvakamma Bahmam.dejjain se Kadambesu fidhamate visasattu chatu-vejjam
siddhitam nigama-viditam cba evam rajS. anspayati Nagadattena appakte ucbita-saile tambbe likha-^'
pitam jayati Lokanatho iiandantu go-bBamhapa siddhir astu Irif astu p

At the same village, on a broTten Oarutla-kamlha in front o f the Rdmanta~dSva temple.

svasti Srimatu Bhu(r)16kamalla-.............1.3 neya Kajayuktakshi-samvatsara ,. Magba-sudha 7 Adi*

varadandu Nagara-kbauda-epp.itta.ra bajiya badam M a !a v a ]liy a p ra b h u G ada-gau n dan a tam m a
.M ap iyam iiam suryya-kiranim am m idisi pratisbteyam m a jis i d i jj m x iig a ta inaha Sri |1

On a. stone in the lioppaja of the same temple.
namas tubga-&c. Ij
svasti samasta-bbuvanaSrayam sri-prithvi-vallabba ma^rajadbirajam paramesvaram parama-bhatta-
rakam Satyasraya-kula-tilakam Chalukyabharana^^ ^rtmatu pratapa-chakravartti Jagadekamalla-
Devara vijaya-iajyara ultarottarabhivtiddhi-pravardmiainanain a'Chandrarkka-taram-baram saluttam
iralu Kalyanada nelevidinolu sukha-sankatba-vinodadim rajyam geyyuttam ire ||tat-pada-padmopa*
jivi II svasti samasta-prasasti-sahita Sriman-maha-pradhanan a’ntarpuradhyaksbam k a ri...................
sabana-verggade srikaraaa-biri-Kannada satidhi-vigrabi pasayitam mane-vei’ggade senadbipati hadapava-
da^danayakam Bamma-Dav-arasarn Banavase-nadan aluttire t svasti samadhigata-pancha-maha-^abda
maba-mandalikam vijaya-laksbmi-kanta chanda-ripu-nripati-marttanda kadanakk-olgandam mftrttatliy-
iriva marege-vare kayvarn Chaturbhuja-devi-labdha-vara*prasadam Bhagavatiy-abkakaram ^ri-
Pranamesvara-deva-labdha-vara-prasada Bandanikeya-pura-varadhisvarani namadi-piasasti-sahitam
kriman-maha-maiydalikam S6vi-!>evarasaru 1! svasti srimat-pratapa-chakravartti Jagadekamalla-
varsbada 10 neya Prabbava-saravatsarada Asveyja-suddha-tadige-Somavaradandu svasti Srimat-
Nagara-kbanda-yeppattara baliya bada MalavaUiya prabhu Gada-gavuiidam ki-Kali-devara devalya*
inam madlsi kalasavobanam madidam H mattam ayanim piriyannam Eraba-giivudam Bhagavati-
deviya madisida || svasti sri-Kaii-deva-padaradliaka Mahesvara-jana-kalpa-vriksha satya-Radbeya
Baueba-Gangeyam bilu-vidde-Ramam bantara-bhavam nudidange-ganda ayyana-singa annan-anka*
Shik& rpur T a lu q . 253

kaja Mudda-gavu^aip Sapta-Matrikiyarain ina<Ji8idam |) sltanim kiriyatp 6ri-Elni§svara-deva-labdha-

vara-prasada SLva-p§.da-(8hatcharana)-kamala-bhringa para ... Jimfttairahanaip para-vadhfi-kanda
Gada-gavudana gandhavsira^ia Keta-g^vudaip Srt-VfiSabU^svara-dfivaram m4^isida |j ^taoiip piri**
yam Maniyamma suryya-kira^amatp nxadisidam || avasti 3iimat-Kali-d§va-pS.da-pafikaja*bhramara
Siva-pSda-sekharaip satya-saucha-giina-sampannam prabhu-mantrotsaha-Sakti-sampannaip nudida-
matt ennaa asrita-jaiia-kalpa'bhujam Kancha-gaundaaa putra kala<-^kumada‘-raua'mSxttap4& Kail*
yuga-Baua pramatha-gana-chiatamaijiy eniaida MaJavaUiya prabhu Gada-gava^am-modftjagi tam -
mutt ay varum m§,4isi mattam (m)a-devara nivSdyakka Chaitra-pavitrakkauttarS.yana-8aukr&nti-vyatt-
patadandu bitta mattar ondu 1 a-dSvar-acharyya Gangarasi panditage grasake bi^a kamma 1 0
tarn a-devargge baygina-iiivedyake bhattaya herge bajla e .. arisina hSrge m§.ji4aU visa 1 gafde Kesiyfc-

kereya harihu |1 Nulaftgeriyim tha^antarada sunkada Pomma^ayya-NSlyakaru Achimayyanuni devarA

nanda-divigege Kali-d&vargge varshatp-pratige bi^ta phaija 6 11 svasti srt-mula*sth§lnada Bame»varar
devara» nivedyakkam Chaitra-pavitrakkam bitta gayde matta 1 p&jari-jtyange bi^ta kamma 10 dAvara
badagapa kojavariya kelagana keyi | {mml finxl phrases and verse).

On a vtralcal behind the temple.
8vasti irimatu YS.dava-NarAyana-pratApa*chakravartti-Siiphana-Peva-[va]ri8ada H Subh&na-saipvafe-
sarada Bhadrapada-ba .. Bri-varadandu Earineleya L 3&kayit,l*^aykaru yi-tuyuvaiii koyi^n hohltUi
Malavalliya Mava-buva a^abaadu palaraip konda tuyavaip kalcbi sura-loka-praptan ada |1 svaati
manu-mahA-maiidalesvaram Nigaldra Bommi-Devarasaru M.a}avaUiya gavu^ugaju prajegajujp Cbikka*
bovana apma Mava-bovana alatanake mechi aetaru-godageya keyi Ga^rudageyeya kejage kA 3
jiten a labhyatS &c. [1
yidan alidauge .. papa H
On a second virakat
Bvasti irimatu KaJachuryya-bhuja-bala-chakravartti-R&yatnur§,ri-Sdvi-D§va-[va]ri8ada 9 neya Khai'a*
saipvatsarada Pdlugupa-sudha 10 dasami-AdivAradandu Majavalliya Kacha-gaddana besavaga g6var*»
Jaka-bovana maga Hikaraya-he .. . . . su'ra-loka-prAptan a d a n u ..............

On a third vtrakal.
svasti srimatu Yadava-Marayana-pratapa-chakravartti-Sitnhapa-Deva-varushada 10 ChitrabhAnn*
saqjvatsarada Karttika-sudha-paSchami-Somavaradandu . . . . toradu MaJavaUiya Midakara kAdi sura-
loka-praptan Ada
jitena prApyate &c. ||

On a fourth vtrakal.
svasti srimatu Yadava-NarAyapaip p ra tap a ........chakravartti Kandbara-Deva rAjyam geyyuttam ire
PvAkshasa-samvatsarada MAgba-suddha 15 A Srimanu-uiahA-mandale^varaip Bommi»Devarasaru
Banavura vAnautaradal idalli Santa^agabe . .. haidali Vi^isa-Getaya palavan ... iridu sura-loka-
praptan Ada Hatana heggadeya bajikeya .. Bommi-Deva atana makkajige kotanu |
■*So in the original: perhaps it is a mistake for lamala.
254 Shik& rpur T a lu q .
Ai Mdyitamtmmmuchchadi (same hdbli), on a stone to the right of the entrance of the
BdmSs'vara temple.
svasti srimatu Rayamurari-Sovi-DSva........... Yuva-saipvatsara-PMguna-ba 13 Adivara s r i . . . . . .
graharam Turabagana Hosamara su ra giy a ................ tnrugojali Muchup^iy^^ Gova . i .. v. na maga
Nagaya-Nayaka ......... .. Itaua virakke mechchi bita 1| » ............... ' '

On a stone to the left of the same entrance.
svasti Srimatu Yadava-Naraya^iain prat§.pa-cbakravartti ^ri-Singana-Deva-varsha 10 neya Chitrabhanu..
samAjatsarada Chaitra-su 13 Adivaradandu Srimatu Tribhuvanatnalla Prithvi-Setti Kamaiya staja
Kareneleyalu maleharu .. . tujuvam kon^u hShalU Hiriyamuchup(Jiya Kanaka-bokana magarn Biva-
b 6kanu Halamoja .. tajut ifidu tujuvam maralichchi sura-loka-praptan adaii atafig i-Pritlwi-Setti
Bommayyanu kadave ...gejeya sarivinallu bitta gadde gaflia ga . . . . . . i . . . . . .. maha . . . . . . . .

On a pillar of the ro.hga-man,tapa of the same temple.
svasti srimatu bhuja-bala-chakravartti-Tribhuvanamalla-Deva‘ varshada 11 neya *V'yaya-sainvatsarada
Vaisakha-siida 14 Soinavara-vyatipl-fedandu Bauavase^n^jda hej juAka-vaddaravulada heggade-Nara-
na-Deva-pramukha-karanangaJu Mtimchundiya Sn-Kamesvara-devara nanda-divigeg eridu Sadyojata-
flevara sri-padaradhakam Rudra^akti^devara kaiyyalu dbarA-purwakaip madi bndu-ganada tejeyam
bittara i-dharmmavaii avan orbband piratip§.Jisuva (stops here)'.
At the same village, on a stone near the KaWs'vara temple.
namas tunga-&c.. ||
svasti Srimatu Jagadekamalla-Deva-varsba,da 5 neya Duudubhi-samvatsarada PbSlguna-suddha 5
Somavaradandu Nagari-khanda-yeppattafabaliya-bada Muchchundiya Ramesvara.d§vargge Mallikarjju-
na-devarggam naivedyakkam nanda-divigegain Maniieya S6vi-devanu Tribhuvana-gdvundanum
■eppatt-okkalum Arasiyakereya SomeSvara-papditara kalam karchchi dhard-purvvafcatn madi bitta
gardde Attikereya teiika-godiya kamma 60 pujarige kamma' 10 (usml final phrases).
matham idu naishtika^matham i- p
ma|had odeyain Brahmacharyyam illadod and i- |i
mathadim poyamadisuviid j-1
matha Sarathiya-mathada sadtatiya matiiain |j

On a stone ah the same place.
namas tunga>&c. ||
svasti samasta-bhuvanasrayam Sri-prithvi-vallabha mahafajadbiraja paramesvara parama-bhatta-
rakam Kalachuryya-kuja-kamaja-marttaiida bhuja-bala-chakravartti Tribhuvanamalla-Devara vijeya-
rajyam uttarottarabhivriddbi-pravarddhamanam d-chandrarkka-tSram-bara saluttam ire tat-pada-
padmopajivi Kasapayya-Nayakam Banavase-pannirchasiramujnaip dushta-n igraha-sisbta-pratipSJa-
nadim Balligrameyolu rajyam geyyuttara ire || Sriman-mabS.-mapd^J®^’^^*^ BandhavapuradhiSvaram
Chaturbbhuja-devi.labdha-vara-prasadara Srimatu PranameSvara^devara pSdaradhakaip para-ba}a-
s&dbaka markojvara ganda Sdvi-Devarasana pratapam ent endade H
1 .'f *So in the original: perhaps a mistake for Kshaya.
Shik4rpur Taluq, 255

chan4a-ripu-nripati-tama-mar- 1
tta ^ d a m kadan a-prachau daa ahitara ga^di^ii) I
maii4alika-vanaja-vana»ve- |
d a ^ d a m B a n d h a v a p u r§.d h in a th ^ S o m a ||
trideyaip lakshmi-vadhii-map^ana-mani-bhavanaip Mhu-dapdam jaya-§ri- |
sudati-nritya-firamodyad-vipula-kanaka-daBi^aiii sudhll-smera-piiraip I
vadanam vak-k§,mini-narttana-kanaka-gfihaiii tan enal kirtti-kanta- |
spadan adaip Sovi-Devam vibhudha-jana-sur6ndr8,van!ja-prabhava ||
antu N agari-kban da-yeppattun iara sva-dbarm m adiip pratipS.Usi ra jy a m g e y y a tta m ire || srim atu
Kannasaviya p r a b b u D evarasana O h agala-D eviya pu tra ViSTS,mitra*g6tra-pavitra par§.AganS,-putra
srimatu S o vi-D ev^ ra sara m ane-verggade sarvvadhikari mabi,*pradh§.naiij dap4an&yaka N & karasa
Mucbcbundiyan a liitta ta m m a bhava CViakrapani-Devaru Keta-gS^rupdanum cp p a tt^ k k a lu ayim a-.
n pig a ru m ird d u S a k a-v arsb a d a 1 0 8 8 neya Parttbiva-sainTatsavada S'r&yapa-suddba 13S 6m a v& ra-b ya ti-
pata-sankram anadaiidu Srim atu Jagadekam allesvara-devara nftuda-divigegam naivedyakkam G baitra-

paitrakkatp b itta gardde Alake.reya kelage kam m a 7 5 matbad-S.(jharyyara grasakke Attikereya kejage
kam m a'25 devara ba d u ga n a desej^a m ane 1 4 g a n a '] deVa’ rl,ya-boflg& visa 1 staiada B an an jiga-b asu -
bsge baga 1 svasti y am a-n iya m a -svad h yaya-d h yan a-d b arap ^-m 6n & au sb tan a'jap a-sam §,d b i-sila-gu p a-
sampannar appa Srim atu S a ra th iy a N ir v v a n b d e r a r a m am m andir appa Kriy^Sakti-devara putra S 'iv a -
Sakti-deva-guru*cbaranaradhaka S a d yojata-d evara SiSya RudraSakti-dSvara' kalam karcbchi d b a r a -
purvvakaip m a.li h 6tu m a n n in a garddeya b itta d h a rm m a |f i-dharinma pratipalisidata V aran asiyolu
sasirvvaru deva-B rahm an arige sa yira-k a y iley a b ira n y a -sa h ita ko^ta pbala |j ‘ '

matbam idu naishtika-matbam i - 1

matbad odeyatp Brabmacbaryyara illadod and i*l
m a th ad iip poram adisuvud i - 1
* m a t b a A rasikereya N o n a m b esva rad a m athada santatiya matba|l

bareda senabova Rayarasa 11

s v a -d a tta m para-dattS,m va y6 h areta vasundhSr&m i
sb a sb ti-v a rsh a -sa b a sra n i vishjayatp jS,yat§ krimib ||

ida geyda M aJavaUiya C b ik k o ja |l

At the tame village, on a stone near the KatlSs'vara temple.
svasti Sri Vijayaditya-SatyaSraya pritbvi-vallabba mabarajadbirSja parama-bhattara rajyarpravartta-
aarp keye pritbuvi-vallabha Senavara-bhfivarakke A rkkesari.............. mariyade Mugunda-nadoje ..
...........Karayanayyangala kayyol a d ................ .. Mayigatta-kkbyitigaju Naga ...............madisidaju
deguja M u icb u n d i-S ri. . . . . ratn am adarkke kottadu pattera . • ■ d&gula Narayanayyaugalu
&-kkoreteyum irvvara . . . a d ak k e sakki (here follow names &c. of witnesses and usual final verse).

Ai the same village, on a dipa-^tambha in front of ike KaUes'vara temple.
svasti samasta-prasasti-sabitam srimad-anadi-Mucbukundapurada prabbu Keta*gaundana senabovam
KriyaSakti-devara Sisbya Srimad-anadiy-agraharaip Tapakunddra Ndpame . . . . . . namasya KeSava*
deva m ld isid a sftryya-kirapa .............. mabd,-mapdaJeSvara . . . . . . M u c b c b u p d iy a .....................gaiindanuin
samasta . . . . Vitddu sri-RS,mSSvara-devara tirttb a k k e............go^taru namaS S'ivdya ||

* So in the original.
25C S h ik d rp u r T alu q.
On a vlrakal near the same temple.
svasti Srimatu Chalakya'Chakravai’tti-S6me§vara-Deva^[va]rSada 2 neya Plavafiga-samvatsarada K k t,
tika-bahula-paficIiami-Sukravaradanda svasti §rimanu-maha-M3,Ueivara vlra>Saaitara Singa-Dev>
arasaru Hiriya-Jamburaa ijrida tuyavam koridu hohalli MuchuijKjiiya huliya jafigujiya kottajiya ......... ,
6jan-a}iya M&rojana tamma Sadeya-Nayaka .tajt iridu meredu turuvam maguchi palara kondu sura,
16ka-pr§,ptan ada ||

At Hdrdmuchcha^i-agrahdra (same MU), on a stone lying in front of the KaWs'vara temple.
svasti II
namah pbtrindra-pithaya hanisdUamsaya bhS.svatS |
sama8ta-tatv£tdhar&ya jy6tis-stambh4ya S'ambhavS ||
tad-vi6v6pakriti-vinMin&’stu 8 'aures saukaryyam kim api samihitaptaye vah |
yasyorvvy§, s&maiu Udadhi-plat& pratishthS,m dainshtragre’labhata jagat-traya^
sya vfittih |j 2 ||
sv&&ga-sukha<sthdnaatah s6’ aant6’ nanta-saukhyadS vas stat |
yat-phapam ekam auaataip sphurad-eka-til5,ukavat parishkurut§ # 3 H
nyastSva sarvvlpsita-bhdga-pd>tram saishaaidam vd’vatu bhdtadh^tn i
.bM tan i sarvvapy api dharayanti ya pusbpati chanvitam eti nama |1 4 B
vyastambh6dhir vvijita-vasudhd vikramaudSryya-simi
6rimaa &kas sa vahati nidhis te^asatn Jamadagnyalb |
yak kshm§.bhukta-mada*taralitam Kshatram utkritya sarvvam
tarn etaip drag udadhi>ka}itS.m Brahma-bhogy^ip ckak&ra || 5 ||
asti svastimat&m udSra-ya§asam ekairayaS §rSyas§,tn
bhk-S'akrS,yita-Sam8i-bh6ga-vibhavaS sri-Bukka-nania nripah 1
yasyaujamsi jayadbhutdd iva yaSo-dhakkayit^s sarvvato
dik-k(Ueshv abhighoshayanty alam av§,k-prak-pratyag-ambh6dhaya^ li 6 |1
tasyasti sasta-yaSaso naya-Sauryya-mukhyaiti
kbyslto gupair .jjagati Madhavay ity amatyah )
yo Brahma jihma-damanadhikritak pavitram
Kshatrara cha jaitram abhayaya bhuvo bibhartti 1| 7 1|
gotrS y6’ n,girasajn prachanda«tapasaS Chaiipda-prithvisura-
prashthad udbhavam §tya niti-sarapau dattSni dhiyam Dhaishapim |
sdris sann api 9arvva-d§.nava-manah-pralh&da-dan6chitain
yad bhflyah kavitam vyanakti taimte no kasya tSn§,dbhntain ll 8 ll
yas saksh&d Giril§,vat&ra-vapusha^ KMvilase^itu!^
sodbh^sadbhutaya katiksha-kajaya nitak prath^ip S'ambhavim |
jeta Saktibhir isatatmabhir imam chS,mum cha Idkaip javad
Sjaishit kiyato‘paranta-vishay§,n yat sSstu kasya stutib I! 9 |j
yah kritva khija-bhutam aupanishadam dur'vvavadhkonmada- .
vyalatahkada-dur-nnaydgra-gahanotsMena vartindjvalatn |
Brahmam dhama sudfiram apy aviratam prasthapayan aplav§.d
aryyams tena nuto budhair upanishan-margga-pratishthS.-guruk li 10 I|

svasti samasta-vasumatt-chakranta-vikhyata-vikramasya §nman-mah§.-r£ljS.dhiraia*r§.ja-parameSva^

rasya purvva-dakshina-pa§chima-samudr§.dhipater vYasundharS,-vadh&-kanthayita*Bcaiakftt§,dri*pari-
Sliik^rpur Taluq, 257

maba-siipbasana*Sikhar4dhir6ha*kaut&b^a-prahTikrit§,khi|a-$lmauta>raja-saip8adab §ri>Tiira-Bakka»
RSjasya vikrama iva jagad-rakshayai saksMt-parigribtfca-pavitra-purush&karab sd’yaip 6nmaa'
Madhavamatya[s tajsyaiva sri-vira-Bukka-bhupater ddesat pa3chiina-sariDnatha-patyyanta.rajy§dhipat*
ja m angikfitya tad>rajya-y6gak§h3mS.nvikshan§.nuparddbena ilnmat-K^ivi}d.sa-Kriyb|akti-S'iva>dai§)ka-
disbtena suddha«S'aivkmn^ya*vartmank nijeshta-lifiga*kritadbishtbS,Darp deva^dSvatp Srimat-Tryamba-
katiatharp nitya-naimittikS.tmabbih kriya-niyama-ka|apair yyatha-k^lam yajaim atha kad&chit kha-
faadhra-kara-kumudabaadhavaukita-S'atavabaaa-saka-varsha-varttmah KUaka-Sarat-Kkrttikasya
tach-cbbikha-ratua-sdmMhipatya-saoibaDdba-mahimul, viSesha-vababhataip S’ivasya pushnatyft^
krisb^ashtemyam tad>riipa-S'i7a-saQdhy§,Qasishtain pbmam eka*varsb&nushtbitam naimittikam
tnabacbcbhaiva-Tratam adyapayaa mahato'sya vratasya matabga-daaena syganya-prakarsham
icbcbhata svkmina Bukka*R§.jSaa grama-pradanayadishUb 8va-vritti-klriptS,rttha-Tyay§naiva tavade-
kam cbikirsbamy aaujatdbiti tam eaam arttbam anujfiapya Chandrakuta-pura-pradbknake Maijdal&“
■sb^adaSaka-nainani sva-rasbtra-ma^dale Nagara-kba94al‘b.ya-ma3a4alasya madbyayarUioatp PjdkSa-
palli'Sabitam Teva^ta-yaktam cha Machchap4>-aatnakaip Brahma-dkykrbaip gr§,matn tan*ma94^^^*
mbla'patibbyo^vadharyya jtaip eba tSbbya eva tat-k§.la-kuldrha-dbaQa-vyaydaa kritvfi, taa eva chasya
mabato dharmmasya j^yad-arkkenda-tarakatp 3va^santana>paramparayi palanaykbgik&ryya grd.-
■masya cha sva-vratodyapana-karmmabhiyashtavy&shta-VidyaSvarapadeSeaa VidySIvarapuram iti
nama kyitvli tat-kala-samagritayam vidvad-Brdhma^a-parishadi prakrisbla-vidyS-paramaiSvarySba
sakshad-VidyeSvaravatara-parusba-bhbtau samagraya cha p&tra-guQa-sampada svarjanma*d§sa*di§&
cha sarvvdttar&qi4 Ohd,rd,yai^tyaticharapkmaaya>pdrag4u Ti44shata4 dba suddha-Slyamnayanudishta-
vartmaaa oityMibhib kriya-vi44shair nnirantaram Ashtamftrttijya-parayan^a Eaimiran Brahmapdtta*
maa Abbydsiti-vritti-vibhaktaip 8a-vyakta-sthapita-chatar-ddig-anta.3iin§.6kaip grAmaip tfebhyab *va-
bhogaya datta-sva-hasta-idsanah samyak-praddna-vidhina 8uyar9 Eia-8alila*dhd.rarppana-pbmakani.
pr&dat I tdsham ayam svardpatS vritti-vibhagah ||tatra f
vidvain svantar andiritadi saka|aip TUvambhardatam jagad
viksbantd sva>maidd)i-map4&l^a'y^ 7 ^ * ^ s h a 9dnugrahat |
karupyd.mrita>nirbbhai'aip bhagavatah K&lmira-chbdd'inapBr
Tyd,khyd.Dava6ardditaip Tijayatd taa*naitilaip Idcbanain ||
■nd-m (here follow names and other particulars o f vrittiddrs).

*vibudh6 Vi4vand,tharyya-siin6r dshd Phapisituh |

4d,san6ktimayi va^i pripd,tu budha»samsadi ||sri
S'd,rngaravand,m Kathand.m Ramadeva-sun6 Mallapd,nuja-Lahideva-bhattdnam 8va-hasta»likhitaip ||

On the same stone.
dip Bvastl drimaj-jayabhyudaya-S’aka-varsha 1291 Kilaka>saipvachharada Kdrttika-duddha 1 Bha-
nuvaradalu sriman-mabarajadhiraja srt-vira-Bukka-Rayara Sriman-niaha-pfadbana Madarasa-04i-
yarige Banavaseya-nada paimirchchhd,sirada ojagapa CtuUiya-rajyada hadinentu-kampaniake mu-
kbyar apparum sakala-gunalafikritarum nu4 idu-tapparuip dhdrmma-pratipa,lakarum appa E4ena4a
firimad-anadiya piriy-agrabd.rada Yalasiya Ramaiipa( others named) olagdda 8amasta-gau4u-prajega}u
tammoja sarvva-sanmataragi Madarasa-04eyaru maduva dhapmma-nimittavdgi koHa kraya-patrada
Perhaps it is a mistake for vidushS,
258 S h ik ^ rjiu r T a lu q .
kramar ent endare natnma hadineritu-kainpanada ojagaijia Nagara-khandeyada eppattaja olagana
Muchchundiya kuja Tevatta-sahitav &gi varaha ga 30 a-kaluvaJi-MuttahaUiya kuja varaha |a 1(>
ubhayaip varaha ga 40 aksharadalu varaha nalvattu honnige yathoktavaha kraya aidu-iha^iyagi
varaha ga 200 aksharadalu varaha ga yinati;u-hoQnanh ko^du namma hadineotiU-kampa^akke
hadinentu udiugoreyauu kondu a-honnanu udugoreyauu nav-ellarft sarathe-mariy§,deyalfi hachchi-
ko^idu modala kuja varaha ga 40 honnanO.. .. hadineptu-kampaijada m§le hasarisi barasikopdu Ma-
darasa-Odeyaru maduva dharmiuakke n§,u kottsii Madarasa-O^eyaru ma(Jida yi*agraharavatifl
chandrarkkavagi namma makkaju-makkaju dappade palisi-bahav e iid u ............... v ellarii sarvva-
Sanmatavagi sahiranyodaka-dana-dhara-piirvvakavagi Madarasa-O^eyarige Ico . . .. yiht appttdakke-
namma hadinentu-kampanada gaudugaja su-hastada oppa 5ri-M adhu........................

At SdMr (Mugatagere MU), on a stone on the tank-Jmnd.
svasti sarnadhigata-pancha-maha-Sabda mah§^sS,mantadhipati sakala-prithivi-vallabha Nfipatubga-
Deva Sriinad-A.tn6ghavarsha-Devar prlthivi-rajyam geye svasty amalina-darsana sakala-bhuvan§,-
maudajakranta-kirtti vurodeva-vala §ri-Jagesi Ch§,nta-raja-kula-tilaka Santajgeya samastamuman
4Je Tehka^avaUiya guddara Pubbamigange MaJiAgi-gamigittiyange puttida iri-Maraip Isavfirani.
kottu se .. .. m ildum . fidarum beje mattarum kottoni Sri-Mara-Gosasi svasti firi-S'ihgavoja vesa-
geydo ................mama
At the same village, on a stone in front of Vira-Sahg'appa's house.
svasti sri-Kannara-Vallaha ppithuvi-r&jysn ^ y y a l svasty anavadya-darSana mahogra-kula-tilaka naya*
ppratapa-sampannam para-chakra-ga^^aip • odam ballatam Sriinat-Vikramaditya-Santaran arasu-
geyyuttum ire Ereya-Permmadiya Santa-KAmapank magani Binayitam Bihayitana magam svasti
samasta-bhara-nirodhita-dhuradol ol*gap.datn ,..rk k illadktan kchara-parau anyaya-varjjitan alipilla-
data para-venina bagegam varadoip sami-hitanx Skntarana .4riy-AchaJavi §rimat-Chandigam svasti Sa-
ka nripa-kalatita-Sambatsarangaioi entu-nhya-ippataydaneya varsham pogi Dundumiy emba varsham
pravarttise KatUmarar kkereyumani ka^tisi dAgulam mkdlsi i-kattam padi salisalendu kottudn yi>
palam nirvvariyoj beJeva-mapnuUan itajbla mattalg or-kkapdugam geydu kottudu yidain kadonge
asvamedada palam idan aJ.idom Barapasiyuman i-kavileyuman alida patakaip. ||

At the same place,
svasti Sri-prithvi-vallabha mahardjadhiraja paramesvara parama-bhattarakam SatyMraya-kuJa*
tiiakam Chajukyabharanam........... Deva chatus-sagara-paryyantam uttarottara-rkjyabhivriddhige
saluttav ire ||svasti samadhigata-pancha-maha-sabda mahk-mapdaje^vara *Banav&ba-pura*varkdhipaip
........... labdha-vara-prasadam vairi-ghata-kesari . . . . jana-kayvaran arohaka-Trinetrani m a d a ............
dhavajam vyala-gaja*mallam matta-mataAga-bhima.. SaranAgata-vajra-panjaratp ripu-kuja-k&Ja ..••
vairi-bala-timira-marttayda nudidante-gaiida........... RAman abhimSna*Meru jagad-eka-vira para ..
. . dhara Tivujara-Mari mam .. ta}a-prahAri kada . . Ja*g6van achalita-dhairyya subhatar-ijarp.,
pada .. nu mandalika-lalata-patta S’attigana h a t t a ........... gharat^ Srimad-Iriva'bedaAga-Devara ...
gam Srimat-Kundamarasara dharrama-kAryyakke maga perggade-Khetemalla-pramukha-kara .. agra-
harara SaliyAra mahajanakk alliya kattara kattisalu Saka-varisha 939 [PiAgaJIa-samvatsara . . . . 1
Somavaradandu soraa-grahxna .. Brahmanargge Kapnasogeyam hastodakam geydu kotta dharrama.
vam Maka-raja pratipalisuvam sri-ganda-Bhairava i (usual final verse S phrases).
Perhaps it is a mistake for Sanavdsi.
S tik & rp u r T alu q. 259

. 286
M {he same place.
.................... Saleyura m ahajaaake padedu . . . . kottu bh&miyam ko^du M hasadlm Chaudiy-
arasaru devargge g o tta r a d a ja dharmmav entendade ondu nanda-divigeyuin niY§dyavui{j nitya-sthiti
nadevuva avara putrar Annayyanum C h i^ y y a n u n i................... sidargge Vaia^asiyoJ sasifa-ka?ileyaip
kotta-pupyav idaa a jid a age sasira-kavileyaii alida-patakam ma . . . . key mattal eradu ||

Ai Kara^ihalK (s^we hohli\ on a stone in Kare-Qaud’s wet-hnd, northrwest of the village.
srasti samasta-bhuraDaSrayam Sri-pyithvi^vallabha maharajadbiraja parameSYatratu paramarbhat|ai^
rakam Saty^rayaT-kuja-tiJakaiii Cha^akyabhara^am Snm t-Tribbavanam aU a*PeYa-vijaya-^jyata
uttarottarabhiYyiddhi-praYarddhamanam A-chandrarkka-taram-baraip saluttam ire, |l Srimad-Isiva.
bedaaga-DeYara m aga Srimata Kaadamarasaip BanavM'panairchchhasiramnmaip. . SiiAtalige'
saairamumam sukha-saukatha-Yinodadind §.luttaiu ire Saka-varsha 9 33 ueya ParidhaYi-samYatsarada
Pushya-suddha 13 Som avaradandu svasti yama-niyania-SYMhyaya-dhya,na*dhara^a-inaunaDU8hth§,na'
paraya^a-japa-sam adhi-Sila-sam paanar achalita-dhairyyar aneka-tarkjka-^d.stra-kusala*Yeda-paragaC
appa 6r!m ad-agrahara-SaliYurada mahajana-sasirbbargge ViSvamitra-gdtrada Todaka Kesarayya
tanna patni Marabbe dharm m aka aaakl^aY aguttiralu Chandesvara-doYara niYddyakkaip dipakkaqi
pada-pdjeyam kottu k o^ d ^ ChandigaYo}aIa uaduYana holada kujiya keyya poreya guaigaoalu m attar 1
iat i-dharmma nadeyuttam iralu K esim ayyan i; kMadbarmmaman eydal dy-ayyana maga Kappi*
mayya a-dharm m am am pratipaiisuttam iral a-keyge nir*erade be^eyadudafiip dharmma>8dnyaY
kdapud adu-karanadim

kftpo'nyasya gbatd'nyasya raj ju r anyasya Bharata i

omb i-nysiyadim tanage m adalu sam artthya nejeyade tanna piriya magaju Jaunabeya pati Gautama-
gotrar aty-unnata-SYa-darar ati-dharaim a-niratan appa Madimayyangalaipi karedu ay-ayya*nyayd-
paqiittam appa drabyam an ikki punar bbharauarp mddidan int i-dharinmamam (usual final phrases
and verses). '
A copper s'dsana in possession ofthepatelof Biugtdagere (scme^ hMi).

nam as tuAga>&c. |{

•Yasti 6ri Salivahana-laka-varasa 1341 neya Vikari-samYatsarada Pusya-b^ 30 $clryy6paraga»pupya-

k&ladallu Srimad-rajadbirAja raja-parara§lYara §ri-Yira-pratApa l)§v|-RAya-mabarayara H am pe-
HastinaYatiyada A negondi-durgake saluYa, Vidyanagaii-nelevidinaUa maha-rayadbAni-simbasaUadalla
sanaasta-rajyangajanu sva-dharm adim pratipalisi adibarutippa . kAladoju ,: tat-pAda-padma-jiYiganu
Bacbanna-Vodera tatmnandiru maha-pradbAni M allappoderu Gutti-durggavannu.mAdutippa kAladoJu
karttara nirapadalu VanaYase-pannicbbAsirake saluYa Cbandragutl^i-Yentheyolagaua Yadavatta-nada
sriman-Malenaballi-chATudige saluYa M ugnjikereya gi’Amada gaAdanu YAdaYa-kulada Tirutnala-
gaudage barasikotta Sasanada kram av entendare H yi-M ugujikere-gram adinda rSkhe slstu gade mare
manabu bedalu sa b ija v a rik b a 37|2 ke ga 3 1 6 | 2 ke rekhe uttara-mAnyagalu D&YvsAta uttara saha
hMoAoi (here follow the details) uttarake bijaYari k b a 5|2. ke ga 46| 2 bdgalagi sudha-sistu
bijaYari k b a 32 kke ga 3 0 0 ha valage barada-pratnanu uttara-maDyavaunu nadasikottu aramanige
8aluva-ban.avannu kAlAYadiYaJage nilaYa-madikolade salisi gramavannu ruttava mAdi gaisikondu
ninna santana-param pareyagi anubhavisikondu bahudii yandu , barasi-kotta Magajikere gramada
gaudikege YAdaYa-kulada firum ala-gau dage barasi-kotta ^Asana
260 Shikarpur Taluq.
sva-datt&m para-dattam v& yo hareta vasundharam |
shasbti-varsha-sahasrani vishtayam jayate krioiih 1|
Mallarasa-O^eyara baraha H Sri-Virftpaksha ||

At the same village, on a mraTtal in front of the Patrikaite-inatha, sotdh-east of the viUage.
. . . . 5 6 n e y a V ir o d h ik r it u -s a m v a t s a r a d a a k s h a y a - t r it iy a l v a s e y a d u C k a t t a n a h a U iy a M a lla da^aja-
. . r a B a m m a M u g u la g e r iy a la k a la b i f i d a s u r y y a -g r a h a ^ a d a lu s n r a * ld k a -p r a p t a n a d a ||


At the same village, on a virahtl in front of the MaUSivara temfle.

syasti sriiuatu Jagadekamalla .. •. neya Durmmati-samvatsarada Chitra-suddba 1 S6mav4radandu
Telunga-nad-ojagaua Madaviyakereya Keti-settiya Baga^iabbeya putra g6tra-pavltrain Malleyaip in-
toatu Mugujageriya maradeya S6Timayya-arada . . . . drayya-pramukha-samasta-prajangajuv ijdtt..
. . ku4 alu matta ||
sura . . b a y e ........... yattire i
narar ella jiy enalke siityya<^raba9am I
doreko|e Teluiigada Mallaip |
sura-gapikeyar uyye sbryya-lokakk 6da |1
suryyaya uania || ravari B5,mojana kelasa


At Mattihofe {same hdbli), on a stone in the bed o f Madagada tank, north-east of the vtdage.
[The first part is gone) 6ri-Mechi-Set^i b a u ta n a ......................... S'arada-dlvige saman appa magalu
K ach ana........... ||

a -n eg a ld a -B a ch ik a b b ey - |
a n d n a -k a t lk^ham a v i . p a la . . . . ..
..............gragapiya........... abhi* |
m^nakanam rajadhani Balipura-vara ..

................kampauadol i - ........... seva mariyd, . . . . . . dut^ara gS.Jam satyada gadiy e n is i............ sett*
visvambhareyol || . . . . . . . u cb ita ob a ra ............. haram nega^d otti setti-bala ... ripu-matta-dvipa-
simban enipa sabasa-tubgam ...........sannibba nava . . . . kaSatp saka|a>gapa*niTasain D&sain II *

D5suganindatn ba^iyo^ |
S'ri-satig epe enipa D6rakabb3,mbikeyum |
. .................................................... . I
. . sakalam pogaje negaldar a-dampatiga| II
a-negajda M6cbi-Settiya |
vanita-ratnam yinila-kuntale vanaja* |
nane Dorakabbe negaldaj l
vanadbi-vrita-dharatalam kay-mugiyal II
vri purusbana laksbmi-vutsava .. ............. graha-saikulakke ban- 1
dburatara-Sitarocbi.............. magadha-vandi-janakke kalpa-val- )
larig eue dore lakshmiyan ura-sthajadoj n ila ............... .. tat- 1
paratege Mecbi-Setti neley adan ... ta-pupyavantano (|
*It has teen found impossible to put this into verse.
Shik& rpur T a lu q . 261
aatu samasta-guna-sampaaQaa appa MSchi-Sattiyuin aiiavarata-paraina-kalyaiiabhyudaya-sahasra-
phala-bhoga-bhagini dvitiya-Lakahmi-samaney appa Dorikabbeyuip saiuasta-guija-saijipaanaa appa
Mariyaseya Dasi-Settiyum rajadhaai-Balligaveyal ishla-vishaya-kama-bhogaugajan anubhavisutta su-
kha-sankatha-vinodadiu ildu dliarmma-katha-kathatia-prasaftgadiip dharmma-chittam putti Mariyase-
yalutatnma pratishthe-madlda ^ri-Mallikarjjuna-devara nitredyakkam pfltjegani tapodhanar-alanach.-
chhaiianakkarp verkiiveada Mechi-Settiyum Chavarajauutp Taaagundura btdiaoj kimaa-No!amba-DSva-
rige binnapam geyye sakarauyadira padeda syasti yaina-niyama-svadhyaya-dhyaua-dhara^a-praviayama-
priityabarady-aneka-tarkka-iastra'paravara-pa[ra]gar asesha-dik-prakaia-kirtti-dhvajar apai’a-pauru-
sha-vyapara-parayanar vvicliitra-charitra-gupa-samUdra-chatus-samudrar appa Srimad-lttegeya-
saiitatiya Bhujangavaliya S'akti-parsheya Ka|amukhagraganyar appa Srimat-TriJochanapapdita-devara
^ishyarojag agraganyarum utkrishtaruni appa srimad-Vareavara-papdita-devargge Snmach«Chalukya-
Vikrama-varsbada prathamanaya Na|a-samvat^arada Pasbya-ba 3 Somavaram uttarayana-safikranti-
parbba-nimittadim dhara-purbbakatu ma di . deva-dvija-guru^sauiiiidliiyol sarbba-nama8yaral,gi alliya
devara keraya kelage kachchhaviya galeyalu ko^ta ■gardde niatta 2 allim mudalu befddale matta 3
antu mattaru 5 |

kanda |) i-dattiyan anunayadiip i

kada mahapurushan amala-Ganga-nadiyo} 1
v§da-vida . . sasira- 1
go-datiaman ittud ondu phajamaoi padegum ||
a}ipind int i-dharmmamaa )
ajidavan a-dvijarum anitu kayilegalumaa a . . |
. liyade tat-tirtthanga}oi t
ajida mah&-papiy akum akiim amoghaip ||
{usud final ve rses) * ........karitam idam deva-kulaip ||

At Tuynharahosuruisam&hdbli),.on asbm near the Bdmh'vara temple.
dm namaS S'ivaya H
namas tuiiga-&c. n
pantu v6 jalada-Syamas Saraga-jyS.-gb§,ta-karkkaiah |
trai!6kya-Tnandapa-stambhS,§ chatvaro Hari-b&bavah ||
'Gaaapataye naniab Hsvasti samasta-bhuvanaSrayaip In-pritbvi- vallabha maharajadhlraja parameSvara
parama-bhattarakam SatyaSraya-kula-tiJakam Chalukyabbaranam Srimat-Tribhuvana^alla-Devara
vijaya-rajyam uttiTottarab'hivriddlii-pravarddhamaiiani a-chandrd.rka-tdram saluttam ire II Yuva-
rajam Chalukya-Pallava-Permmanadi Vira-Nojamba Jayasitpha-Devaru Banav§,se-pannirchchhasira-
muip Santajige-sasiramunian erad-arunuriimam sukha-sankatha-vinodadind aluttam ire svasti ChaJ'
ukya-Vikrama-kalada 4 neya Siddharttbi-sainvatsarada Magha-suddha 1 Adityavara-uttarayapk-
•saftkranti-vyatipatam s&ryya-grahanadanda sVasti yama-tiiyama-svadhyaya-dhyana-dharana-indna-
nusbtbana-japa-samadhi-Mla-sampannarappasrimad-agrahara!p[Bhatt3ra-Posavura Qr-odeya-pramukha
mahajanatn sasirvvara kayyoju svasti yama-niyama-svadhyaya-dhyana-dharana*m6nanushthaua-japa-
samadhi-sila-sampaiinaruip chalur-vveda-vedanta-siddhanta*shat-tarkka-sakala-sastra-parav4ra-para-

yapar appa srimad*agrabava Isavurada pefvvaruvanr Bharadvaja-gotrada Madada-Napimayyana

putrnm Divakara-sarvvatithyaru Ilosavdra bhiimiyarp kraya-dfinam gopda dhara-purvvakain m&4i
satrakke bitta ga',eya niafctal erada Maaara-bayala naduve birapada baykolini badagal AJariyipa.
*In KS»ari oliaraoters.
262 ShikSirpur T a la q .
tenkaltt ||mattam kraya-danaqj gondu piriya-kerege dharmmakke bi^ta keyi plriya-kefeyira Sinda*
gattakke panda barchchala modalalu gajeya mattal eradu int i-dharmmamaip tnalpa-kaladalu Isa*
Turada sasirvvaruip Ilittijada muTattirchchhasiramura ajiye madida dharnunam {mml final phraser
and verses) Mudravaiiada perggade Govinda-rajana tammam Konima-rajaip barevara badagaip BM-
rath'-karnriapura U6ilpika-lal3,ta-pattam Sarasvati-ga^a-pada -paikaja-bhramaram Jina-padarMhakaip
Padmojana §ilpika«karmma Hint i-sasana-dhammam chandr&rkka-sthayiy akke maftgala maha sn

On a second stone at the same place.
uamas tu&ga-&c. ||
Ga^apatye namah ||Sarasvatyai namab II
Bvasti samasta-bhuvanaSrya §ri*prithvi*vallabha maharS.j§,dhiraja paramesvara parama-bhattarakarp
Satyasraya-kuja-tiiakam Chajukyabharapam Mmat*Tribhavaaaaialla-De7ara vijaya-rajyam uttaro-
ttarabbivriddhi-pravarddhamanam S,-chandrS.rkka-tdrara saluttam ire tatu-pada-padmopajivi samadhi-
gata-paiicha*maha-5abda taahd*samantddhipati mahS.-pradhanani dandanayaka-Govindarasain Bana-^
Tase-pannirchchhasiramumam vad^a-rayulamumam sukha-sankathS.-vin6dadind ajuttam ire I| Chlju-
kya-Vikraraa-varshada 32 neya Sarvvajitu*saipvatsarada Pusbya*suddha-panchami*Adityavdram-utta-
raya^a-sankraati-yyatJpatadandu svasti yama-niyama-svadby§.ya-dhyAna-dharana-m6nanushthana*
japa-samadhi-guna-^ila-satnpannaru cbatar-weda-vSdAnta-siddh&nta-sakala-lastra-pravina-shatu-
tarkka-karkkaSar appa ^rimatu Bbat{ara-Posavftra mahajanain s&sirvyargge munn att-a.riva-Vai§ya-
kula-tilakam Raja-vallabha-Settiya tanaya su-putrah kula-dipakah sSmanta-Manika-Setti satrakke
kAlani kachchi Ambalagattada kejage gejeyal arevattara-gaj,deya bejasina bhattadalu pancha-pamam
berasu ba}i-sahita sasirad-inndtvvara grS,samaip na^eyisumntagi aa int i-dharmmamum(MS«a? final
phrases and verses) Srimatu Perggade K m m a-rajana likhita I Babojana besa ||Sri Sri
On a third stone at the same place.
svasti samasta-bhuvanMraya Sri-prithvi-vallabha mabdrajadhiraja parameSvara pararaa-bhattSraka
Satyasraya-kula-tilakiim Chalukyabharana Srimad^Bhuvanaikamalla-DSvara vijaya-rajyam uttard-
ttarabbivyidhi-pravarddhamanam a-chaadrArkka-taraip saluttam ire |1 tat-pada-padmopajivi ||svasti
samadhigata-pancha-maha-Sabda mabA-samantadhipati mahar-pra . . pda-dandandyakan asth&na-
vastu-nayaka niyoga-Y6 . . rayauarachatura-parayanarp viveka-VidyAdbaraip .... kaHdharatp vikramott-
uiigau asahaya-singa namadi-samasta-pra-[sa]3ti-sahitaip Sriman-maha-pradhAna...... sandbi-vigrahi
inane-verggade-daudanayakain Udp[j’a]-dityam Banavase-patiichchasiramum Santalige-sA...mutp chatu-
grAinagaJan anubhavisuttam sukha . n arasu-gayvattav ire srimat-piriy-arasi MA,. .deyara binnapadiip ||
Saka-varsha 995 ne . Pramadicba-sainvatsarada Pushya-bahula 5 Adityavaram uttarAyana-safikranti-
vyatipatadandu Srimad-agraharam Bhattara-Posavura Mdlasthaiui sri-RameSvara-devarargge gandha-
dhupa-nivedyakk endu elpatt-okkala maduveya pandara panama suleyeralliyA kannadi-vapamumann
chandrarkka-taram bittar i-dharmmaman (usual final phrases and verse) .. deya kftdidadle ad 1 1 |
ikkula akki om-mana tuppa aivattu adake innuru ele RamASvara-devaringe nadavudu [I
On a fourth stone at the same place.
svasti samasta-bhuvanasraya sri-prithvi-vallabba maharajadhiraja parameSvara parama-bhattaraka
SatyaSraya-kuJa-tilakaip ChAJukyabhavapatn Srimat-Tra'lokyamalla-DSvara vijaya-rajyam uttarottarA-
bhivriddhi-pravarddhamanam A-shandrarkka-taram-baranj saluttam ire || Saka-varsha 986 neya
SH k& rpur T a lu q . ^63

Kr6dhi-samvatsara-Pushya-babuial3 Adityavara-uttaraya^a-sankrantiyandu || svasti yama*iiiyama'

8vadhyaya-dhyana»maunanashtha^a-japa-samadhi-8ampanna vidita-vIda-vSd&uta-tarkka-vyakarana-
do} parichitar yagnihotrarum devat§,-vara-prasadar appa ki-flosavfii a 8§,sirbbara kaiyya koni^Vi
Attiyarakolada Tapara-Nagayyagam Jogabegaip pu}/^ida maga Sti-M allikarjjuua-dema d M Jakka*
Settiy atana pe^dati Ghattabeyum Mdlasthana-Ramesvara-dSvara nivedyak enda . . . . . naishtika’
tapddhanakaqj b itti mattara . keyi derariada . . . . kapi badaga banda baginada i-dharmmaVa {usmt
fitted phrases and verses) Bhiirdjaua maga B a n a ..............
On a stone under the tamarind tree in the site of the ruined village,
namas tuiiga-&c ||
grasti samasta-bhuvanakaya ki-prithvi-vallabha luaharajadhuaja parame^vara parama-bhattara-
kam Satya4raya-ku}a-tilakam Chalukyabharanam §rimat-Tribhuvauamalla-Devara vijaya-rSjyam
uttarottarabhivpiddhi-pravai'ddhainauam a-chaadrUrkka-taram-baram saluttam ire ||tksyanuja |1
vritta II vinayakk aspadani ada Vikrama-No}ambam Vikramaditya-De- 1
vana chittakk avalambam ada ke}eyam Chajukya-R^ma-kshiti- 1
fiana kond erida kurmme-vett auuga-dammam raya-Kandarppa-de* l
vana sammohana-purpa-bauam enal inn e vappipani bapnipam ||
pogeyutt ildappud innum Daha}e Hima-nagaraiiyamam La}an innum I
pugal end ildappan innum nelasade Tivulani Lankeyim teAkal 6(}al |
bageyutt ildappan innum mulidapan enutuni Konkanam sankeyiip gun- |
du-go}utt ildappud e-ballidano chakita-vidvit-kadambaip No}ambaip ||
vachana || enisida samasta-bhuvana-saipstuyamana-loka-vikhyMa-Pallavanvaya-Sn-mahi-vallabhaip
^uva-rajarp raja-parameSvaraqi vira-Mahesvaram vikramabharaiiam jaya-Laksbmi-ramapa Sarapagata-f
lakshamapi Cha}ukya-cMdamaui kadana-Tripetram Kshatriya-pavitraip matta-gajaAga-rajaip sahaja-
Manojam ripu-raya-kataka-sftrekaran anpan-ankakara Srimat-Trai}6kyamalla Vira-No}amba Pallava-
Permm&nadi Jayasingha-Devar ||
vri II Puligejre Ke .. . Reppu.male Kasavajatp Bauavase-nadu Be}- |
valam o}agagi dakshipa-payodhi-varam nelail adud ellamani |
kha}arau idirppi santosadin a}d adhikaip Yuva-raja-lakshmiyaip |
sale nele fa}di santara ire- Vira-No}amba-mah§,-mahtbbujaip |1
ka II iat-pada-payoja-sevS.- |
tatparan aka}anka-charitan uddhata-ripu-bhA- 1
bhrit-pati dapdidhipa-sam- 1
pat-pati pati-k9,ryya-sadhakatn Bala-Bevaqj 1|
vfi II Jinanatham svami deyvam pati saka}a-mahi-vallabbam Sifigi-Devftip 1
vinutam Sri-Makapandi-bratipati guru f&y Sintiyakkam sutam ni- |
ti-nidhanam Lakshman S,tm§,ftgane sale negald a-Mallika-kSntey endand |
anavadyam dapdanathagrapi gupi Bala-Devain-boi S,vam kritarttham ||
ari-dag emballi t^m balligam asada}am i-k&ryyyam emballigam sap- |
garam anmutt endud emballigam ej:degadarnip bi^ig emballigam bSJ- 1
para tapdakk iven emballigam ati-Sucbiy emballigam Balligam bapp- \
are ParttbeDdrejya-Bhimantaka-Bali-Manu tUn endo4 im dbanyan &vani ||
fka li odavuttirdude karam ar- i
j)p odave}adudu Jaina-dbarmmam odan-adidud o}p | .
264 S h ik a rp u r T a lu q .
odane sal-vokud unt en |
e d e y o j k a lta n e g u n a fig a la m B a la -D e v a m ||
a r a iy v a d e K a li- k a la d o li
arum Bala-Devan-orege vandapare gupo- I
darateyoj arivinoj vak- ||
sarateyo} dana-dharmmado} para-hitadoj ||
va II euipa mahimonnatiyim negalda sainadhigata-paScba-maha-sabda maha-samantadhipati maha-
prachanda-dandauayakara sishteshta-phala-dayakam pratipanua^mauda . . . . vibhava-Purandaram
Jina-charana-kamala-bhringatp sahasottungatp samyaktva-ratnakaram budha-ku[muda]-sudhakara
Padmavati-labdha-vara-prasada diiarmma-viuodasujana-jar.a-naraas-sarojini-... . hamsam Sarasrati-
karuiiavatamsam Irimat-Trailokyamalla Vira-Nolamba P allava-P erm m an adi........... simlia-Dera-
padaradh ak am p a ti-k a r y y a * s a d h a k a m n a m a d i-s a in a s t a -p r a s a s t i* s a h it a t p ^ r i .............. d a n d a n a y a k a m
Bala-Devaiyyam Banavase-pannirchchhasiramumaip Padjnen^-agraharamumam .. ............... madada
su fik a v u m a m d u s h ta -n ig r a h a -s is h ta -p r a tip a la n a d im a jd a n u b h a v is u t t a m r § ja d h § ,n i-B a .. n ire C h a ju k y a -
A ,•
Yikrama-kWada 4 neya Siddharttha-samvataarada Pusyad anaavasye-Adi.................. sankra(va)nti-
s u r y y a -g r a h a n a d a a d u P a n a a le y a -k o ^ e y a n e l e v i d i n o j ..........................b in n a p a d im s a m a s t a -p r a d h a n a r a p e -
iik e y im c h a u d h a re -T a d e y e ra m V a s u d e v a ................... p a n n ir c h c h h § ,s ir a d a k a m p a n a m E ije v a tte -e lp a tta y a
bajiy-agraharam T e m ......... kat^ava dharmmake va^da-iAvuJamuqi perjjunkamuni eradutp - ...........
. . . . n ltlk a -la k a y a d a k e g e p u ttid u d e lla m a ti ^ -c b a n d r a r k k a . .. . . . d h arm m araan (usml finalphrases
and verses).
At the same village, on a vtrajcal in the Oovernment waste land.
Srimach-Ch^lukya-Vikrama-varshada ha 14 neya Sukula-samvatsarada KS,rttika-suddha-pafichamr
Adivaradandu Hosavura Jambdra-gadiya kajagav embudam fsavdrada Maja-dalaram. kejdu banda
Posavura sasirvvaralli beaanatn bedikonda pero^tinge varidu- palaram kondu sura-loka-prdptan-ada ||
atage Hosavura-savirvvarum karunya-geydu cbandrdrkka-taram-bara na^evantage gajaya mattara
garddeyum eradu-mattaru berddaleyu maneyumam kottaru i Natdjana maga Kadojana madida kala

' 300
At S’tlavantanaleoppa (same hdbli), on a stone on the tanh-hmd.
s v a s ti s r im a tu K a la c h u r y y a b h u ja -b a ja - c h a k r a v a r t t i R a y a - N a r a y a n a •. . . s v a s t i s rim a t* S a k a -v a rs k a
1102 neya Sarvvadhari-samvatsarada ...pa 1 Adivaradandu'^rimad-anddi-agrahara Jambflra-
h a l l i y a ............................ty a -D e v a n a m a g a P d p d y a - D e v a r a s a n U d d a r e y a l i . . . . . . it t u d r a n i{id u U d e y a *
b b e -s d le y a m k o n d u tu r u v a m k o y h o g u t t ir a lu K a r i m a r a L ild ja n a L d p a lo ja n u i-a v a s a r a v a m keli-h aJahal
e n d u h a rita n d u t a g i t a l t i j id u . . . h a la r a k o n d u tu r u v a m m a g u lc h i s u r a -lo k a - p r a p t a n a d a .

At Sanda (satne hdbli), on a stone lying in Sasave-Oaud's bacJc-yard.
sri-Gapadhipataye namah | Sri-gurubhyo nama^ | svasti samasta sri-vira-Harihara-Rayanu prithvi-
rajyara geyyutt irdda-kaladallu Aragada Hadineptu-kampapad olagana Neluvajige-nadinge mukhyav-
ada Sandada B61a*gaudara maga Buja-gaudaru najavada .. . . nt i-S'aka-varusa 1323 neya Vi^n-
samvachharada Magha-su 4 So svarggastar adaru | avara madavajige Tydyand . . . mddida .. ...
S h iM rp u r T a lu q , 266
On another m&stikal at the sameplace.
Jakka-gaudana maga Nagappanu ivarggastan S,da §,tana madavajige Ta6gi-gafldi [saba]gamana
At the same village^ on a vtrakal to the left of the Kdrdgaya temple^
’ §ri svasti S'aka-nvipa-kalatita-samvatsara-§atangal 938 oeya Na}a-samvatsaraiji pravarttise irim aj-
Jayasingha-Vallabham prithivi-rajyam geyye arimat-Kauda-Rajam Banavasi-n&^am pratipSliso 6ri-
Ghandada besa*magaip KaiiitiiMa Barmmam pen^ir udeyu .. ,. sattam 1|

dvav imau purushau Idke 8uryya-man4 ala-bhediaau i

parivrad yoga-yukta§ clia ranechabbioiukhS bafta^ 11

emba nyayava kaikondam | Kattakarjjanana Mla-karmma ij Baraimana magam Chikk am kallaip

ailisidam | Maramayyaua likhitam |1
At the same village^ on A stone in Palshtra$ij4's wetland.
naraas tunga-&c. l|
svasti Mmach-Chalukya-pratapa-chakravartti ........ Jagadekamalla-Devara vijaya-rSjyam utta-
rottarabhir.rlddhi-pravarddhamaaam ^-chaadirarkka-taram-baram sallattatu ire tat-pada*padm6pig!vl
$rimaQ-maha-pracha:a4a-da^4au%aka iiaja Banavase-pauairchchhasiramaip pratipSlisattaui
ire II svasti yama*niyama-svadhyaya'dhyaaa-dh§,raQa-japa*samadhi-§ila>gupa-saia . . . . . . drimad»
anadiy-agraharani Sandada tuuvattircbchhasirakke ^rimach«Ch§.^ukya.. .• varushada 1 2 aeya S'ukla^
saip . . . . ASvayija-bahuJa 5 S'ukravara-vya........ dandu. Isvara-jiyana putra Da . . . . pada-pdjeya
kot{u iri-K a . . . . . devara uivMyakke dSvara bhaviyim . . . . . lu kopdu bi^ta keyi kamma
(usual final phrases).
On a stone at the entrance of the pond.
Srimat-parama-gambhira-syad-vadamogha-laiichhanam |
jiyat trail6kya-n5,thasya Sasanam Jina-Sasanara |l

avasti samasta-bhuvanasrayam §ri-pritbyi-vallabha maharajadhiraja paramS^vara parama-bhatfS-

raka Satya^raya*kuja-tilaka Cbalukyabharaaa ^ri.liat-Tribbuvanamalla-Devara vijayaTajyam uttardt*
tarabbivriddhi-pravarddhamanain d-chandrarkka tarain-baram saluttam ire 1|tat-pMa-padmopajivi B
svasti samadhigata-paScha-maha-^abda inaha-samantadhipati maha-pracbanda-dapdaaayaka vibudba-
-vara-dS.yaka sajana-prasanna nu^idu matt enaam gotra-pavitra parangana-putra...........sottuAgao
ayyaaa-singa namadi-samasta-prasasti-sahitam iiri . . . . . . . . . vergga.de manc-verggade-dapdana-
yakaa AuantapalayyamGajaganda-aru-adjumam B anavase.. . ........... muma saptarddha-lakshmay*
achchba-paaaayamumam padeda sukba-sankatha-viaodadim.......... .... tat-p&da-padmdpajivi ll
S ’ri-vanita-kucba-sambhrita- |
pivara-vaksha'SthaJam lasad-guna-mani .. |
................ sakaja-vibhudha-janata........... j|
^Probably a mistake for sapt&rdd'ha-lakahey.
266 S h ik a r p u r T a lu q .
fi-samasta-gitcia-ga^abharaflianu vibudha-jana-para......... . viiasita-jagad-valaya •• •• vauum raija»
ranga-Bhairaranani sakaja-su-kayi-jana-ka ................vira-lakshmi-vilasanum Anaatapaja-prasidan
uditadhikara-lakabmi-viiasaaum........................... .. [Gojviudarasam Vaaavase-paanirchchhasii’aioumaiii
Melpat^ya vadda-ravulamu........................ nodadim pratipajisuttam ire |1
Sriyaip nija-bhuja-baladitp |
d a y M a -b a }a ...... ............ . . . i
................................... n a- 1
jeyam ripu-nripa-payoja-somam Somam (!

fi nega .................... ^.gala maha....bey ogevavol aaata-ripu-vogeda................. . . . . mahipati-pratima-

pratapa-nijayaip nija-sanfcatigosuge putte ripu ......... . .. .. v._,. . . putfcidam Sovarasa || •. . . ja--
madaa-apmin-arpp ene kattayade chaladol odavid unnati-nabhamam......................... r eip puttidar ||*
t^aran emag ennad §vud emag S-besaa avadu buddhiy ennadura |
barisi nitS,ntam ejisida billavol uddhata-vrittiy . ne pep- |
dira kelado} kejaldu bimva bide biruv adhika-vairi-bhfi- 1
paraa atan attara maru|a tandama nodane Sdma-bhdmipam ||
kiip kajpa-druuaa-vallari kimu Ratib SringAra-bhangi-guroh
kipi va chandramasi kala vigalita lavanya-papya dirafi |
samyag-darsana-Revati kimu para Somambika rAjatS
rajni sa Banavasi-SSma-nppater jjata maaovallabhA ||
sloka II kshira-siadhor yyatha Lakshmir himAmSor iva didhitib |
tathA tay6s sute jate Jina-SAsana-devate |j
purvvam VirambikA jAta tato’jany UdayambikA |
iti bhedaip tayor mmauye sad-gupais samatA dvayoh ||
kiip Devendra-vimAna esha kimuta §ii-NAgaraja^rayah
kim Hemacbala-iai}a ity- auudinaip Sabkaip dadbanatp jane |
bbaty atyunnatimaj Jinendra-bbavanam tAbbyAnr vinirmmapitam ||
todare todanku maobcbarise gaptala silkida-gala vukke mAr- 1
nudidade jibvamaip pi^idu kijpa todarpina paSav ended ent |
edaruva(va)r entu macbebaripar entu karain kadi keydu dappama[m] |
nudidapar appa bArppu mulid Ambada Jfijinol anya-bhubbujar ||
bidad edare sepasi chunna |
nudivar i-manneyara benna baram midiyim |
pedetale-varam majp-otfcuva |
kadu-gali Sasi-vi§ada-kirtti Juja-KumAra |!
f Javan ere bacbcbit embinegam ant-ari-bhuparan atti kondu kA- 1
guva tave tindu teguva tadagadidi ... va beniia-baran et- |
tuva pididacbchi mukkuva pasugajidim badagindiy aduv a- |
hava-bhuja-fiauryyamam . . l i biradan ended inn Argg era pogajar nnegalda
KumAra GajakSsariyam [f
aramaneyole........... ....................... I
.........................ndu bigidu saAgaram adande 1
Airaleya mungalg epey ani- 1
p-arasar ppoltapare k u ................ . . . . . . . . |i
*It has been found impossible to put this into verse. +So in the copy.
SMkSrput* Taluq. 267
............... de mogamarn tiripuvarin . . . dade naguvar anyar Ambada Jftjaiii m u n i..........................yaip
ripu-janakkam artthi-janakkaip || anupamara enisida g u n a ........................ viritam enipa dana-guna-
doju mattavana d o r e y a .................. tajado} |1 afcan ajiya || khandadoji ........................................... .
nedu mujegalam m u r l^ ........... ....................................

At PmSdahalli (same hobli), on a stone in front of the Sidda-BdmShara temple.
firi'gurubhyo namab || namas tunga-&c. (|
r, ,
namas tasmai Yarahaya lilayoddbaratS mabiip |
kbura-madbya-gatd yasya Meruh kha^akhanayate |j
Cbalukyanvaya-bhupaJa-Sabakaradayah purA |
tad-vamsS Jinadattakhyo Vira-S’antarasadayah i!

antavara rajavaliy entene ||

Ohajukya-kulake tilakam |
bbup§lam kaJa-Rabu ripu-nivahakkam |
Cholama-bbApatiy esadan i- 1
la-cbakram pogaje negale nijad unnatiyam ||
virada kaniy enisippan u- 1
dara-gnyam tanage nijadin ire nripa-Bira |
. . radavol ire dbaritriya i
saram sarttaleda rajya-kaminig iga} ||
po^e-sendam poded aduvaip sidilan asa-danti-danta6ga)iin |
giduvam kijdalalartti [ . . . . ]n adatim pattirdda*simhanga}afp |
todeyam poydu kerajcbi kA(Ji pidivam tann ondu dbr-ggarbbaditni
pade-mat all idu Bira-Derana sutam Brahmana dharA-cbakradoJ 1|
Bommarasa-vara-tanftjam |
Tammarasam dharmma-mbrtti sadu-guna-nUayaip J
vunnata-bhuja-baja-tejam |
eannatan A yuvati-nikara-vara-Kusumasaraip ||
ant avara birudavajiy ent ene 1 svaati irimanu maha-mandaJAsvaraip arasabka-karagasam murtti-RArA-
yanam vijasa-vallabharn ativi«hama-bayaradha-praudha*Rekba.Reyantanumt para-baJa-KrilAnta vayiri-
mapdalika-gala-ganda-gattari | silkeda kbala-nirmula LaJa-Raya-mana-marddana Kadamba-BAya-
vibhada Konkariiga-Baya-bentekaja Talu-RAya-pratislltacbariya . satya-ratnAkara §arapAgata-vajra-
panjaram i paSchima-samudrAdbipati Patti-Pombucha-pura-varAdhisraraip srt-Billesvara-dlvara dibya-
firi-pada-padumArAdhakan appa Tammarsanu SAntaJige-rAjyake mAviniiyappa Hosagundadalli sukba*
'sankatba-viuodadim rAjyam geyuttam ire ||tat-pAda-padmopajivi ||
dbsaka-sameya-yidAra^a- 1 patutara-kalagni-Rudra-sadru§a*kr6db6 |
S'iva-sameya-dugdba-sAgara- 1 samvarddbana-sambbramIksbitA Somab II

ant A-Somaiya-NAyakana biradavaliy ent ene Hsvasti Aritnanu mabA-pradhanarn bAbaltari-niyogAdhi-

pati niyoga-Yogandhara parivAra-pArijata i mandalika-stbApanAehAryya.......................... Karabatta-
malla saranagata-vajra-panjaram S'iva-satneya-vArddbi-varddbana-sudhakara Kali-yuga-Virabbadra
MAheAvara-ganavatara svAmi-vaSchakara ganda Art-S’ivarasi-devara dibya-Ari-pAda-padumAradbakaip
Ari-MallinAtb ana labdha-vara-prasadan appa pradbana-mukbya-Sonaeya-NAyakabge Sandada KAJiya-
gatta kattisidalli ||svasti yama-niyatna-svAdhyaya-dhyAna-dhArana-maananusbthAna-japa-tapa-sama*
•As this portion is very much defaced, it has been found impossible to put this into verse, t So in the original.
268 S h ik a rp u r T a lu q .

dbi-sila-gu^a-sampanaarum | yajaaa-yajana-yadhyayaaa-yadhy^pana-pratigraha-iatu-kamma-mrata-
rurp I aapaaana-agaihotra-dvija-gura-devata-pdja-tatpararum i Rig-Yajus-Sama-Adharyvaua-chatur-
vveda-Tedanga-satu-tarka-byakaraDLa-3mriti-purS.adga!nadi-chatub-shasht.i-kala-parinatarum appa Sa()-
4Uya-gramada asesha*mah£ijaaaQga}utamuioJ aykamatyadala a-Someya-Nayaka kattisida K§,liyagatta-
va Sdmanathagattey eadu hesarittu Srimad-aaadiy-agrah^ram Tatnbagana Hosaura mabajanaflgaja
Yeijevolala mabajanaagaiu Salura ndiahajaaauga|a Banaivura mahajanangala Birugunjiya
raahajaaangaju j Kotturahaliya mahajaaangalu i shaniiavati-gr3,[nada yasesba-mabajaaaa-
gaium I Neluyaligeya-aadla sanaasta-prabhugaiu'ii Panyadahaljiya Bayicha-gavudaau sriinan-maha-
maridalesyaram Tammarasauu yiat ivara saiaakshadalu Saka-varusada 1209 neya Sarbbajitu-sam*
vatsarada Asada-su 1 Guruvaradalu Agaadada alesa'inaliajanafiga Ju a-S6meya-Nayakange tamm-iira
Bojayaaa-bayalu KaRyagattina kejage tota kam ba 30 dra na4uvana Bhayirava-devara teukana mane
Bammukhada mane kayi 21 yint ivanu sarvvain§.nyavagl dh&ra-puryvakavagi kottaru || a-Sapdilya-
gramada pravishta Punyadahalliya Hiriya-MSdala gaudikeya ashta-bh6ga-t§ja-samya 1 Huniseya-keie-
ya haruhinalli gadde kamba 50 Sindanagereya haruhiaali hana--Bantlieya bhumi arevattaru antu
m attaru.. .. v6ra madhyada badaga-vagila Kiriya-Modala mane kaya 2 2 | yittt ivake ava badhe banda­
ged a-mahajanangald a-Neluvaligeya gavudn-prabhugald d-dharmmake ydva-badhe bandade pari-
harisi koduvaru H{usml final phrases and verses} barasidavariged baradavarigeu mangaia maha
5ri 6ri Sri Chika-Modilu Bayicha-gaudadge urabap Huriise-ke.reya harilinialli gadde ka 50 Sindana-
gejeya barahinalli ... santhe bhdmi kam 50 antu . . . . Sri Sri Sri

At GoddanaJcoppa (same hdbli), on a stone in front of the MaMri-Lingappa temple.
daidas tudga*&c. ||
Bvasti samasta'bhnvanaSraya^ Srf-pritbvi-vallabba mabarlijadhiraja paramesvara para[ma]-bhatjaraka
Satyasraya Bukka-Raya-kula-tilaka Sri-Virupaksha*ddvara dibya-Sri-pdda-padmaradhakarum appa

Haribara-Rdyana snkha-rajyaip geyya kaladalu Srimali-mahd-pradhanar appa Mallapp-Odeyaru Ara-

gada rajyava mddlnva kaladali syasti Sri jayabhyudaya-Saka-varusa 1312 neya Pramodota-samvatsa-
ra-Marggasira-babu}a-amavdse-sury6paraga-vitipata-sankranti-maba-tifchiyali Neluvajige-nad-oja-
gana Neluvlgila-maha-gramadali srimatu idayilara-devaringe &-Neluvagila Sdntappa-Nayakka devara
amruta-padige nalkii honna teruvk bbdmiy^nd kottarn ubhaya-Nana-DSsa chhapanna-dSsa dSvarA
amruta-padige bitta manya ayvattunalku maggd vondu gapam vondu alliya hadike yishfatid Sufika-
karukavann saryvaibanyavagi nadd-‘desa samastar olidu kottaru (usual final phrases).
At the same village, on a stone in Goggada Mallappa's dry-land, near the eastern tcaste-mir
of the Bdmandgati tank.
. . ............... bhd-chandrarkka-samiranianaja*viya ...........................................bhishta-phala-pradahsura-
gaua-3tutyeSvare5as s a d a ................vima}ita-kall6la*ma}a-yi}as6nna ................................bu-ratnadiyiin
ranjisittadame J am b d .................... vikata-makutam embantevol udbhrdjat-ka . . . . . . . . . . . . . varsham
a-Himachala? ant a -B h ara........... ... do^n bhdmi kdrttu . . . . ttire nisitaip d i n d ....................ba|ikam
bhuvana-Sri Bijjaporvvipang oldaju stri-nava ................ .. d anvaya-pravarttana-byatyayadolu ||
vri II dhareyaip............... janapada-sam patti................. I
dbareyam nana : .................................... . I
...................................................... I
................................ .................ba,lam vira-Ballala-DdTam ||
•The inscription is much defaced.
Sbik&rpuE T a lu q . 269
vri 11 Cholorvvi^andhakara-dyuma^i . . ........... i
............................. vanjpaja-matta- i
byaiebhoclichayda-kauthiravan a tu ja .. ......... |
....................................................... ' ........ D§vam I!
Ta II svasti samasta-bhuvanairayam Iri-prithvi-vallabham ...........m a ^ samyaktva-cM4^ma9i M ale-
raja-raja Maleparoj-ganda ......... . Bhiinaa ity*Mi-n§,mavali*vir&jainanar appa irtmat*prat&............
tddhamanam fi,-chandrarkka-taraia-baram saluttain ire tat-pada-padm6p a jm
............. ..........J
........... putran adan atana pesaram |
Haran ittan oldu ... .1
varan em

. . . . hitam nalidu geldu bhuja-baladim tad- j

dhareg adhipan adan end opp |
...............bda maha-manda}esvp.raip Kjarjahata-pura-var^hi^yaraip MaJachi-devMabdha ................. ..
maa^ajam nila-dlivaja-virajamana dana-^^aniua mallaji-turyya-nirggbo . . . . . . PhariirSja-vaipSa
sajanavatamsa vy3,ghra-mriga-Ianchchhanam v ia iy d g a ........... ” . . . r-abkusatn vairi-vana-davam
Sindara-Devam Nidudoja Sinda Karahada- . . . . r4jyam geydar avaroju ||
kam II piriyan ene negajda kali-Chatt- |
arasangam P 6ra ........................... 1
..............................udajisidam 1)

tad-anantararp tad-anvayadolu ll
vri 11 ......................Malli-nripalan adan ud- l
dyotita-vikramam tad-anu jajp peaar Aiharas aip tad-atmajaip I
{other half'fs effaced)
tad-apatyan akhila-lakshmi- 1
sadanaip kadana^prachandan apratima-yaiam |
vidajita-ripu-kuja . . .. |

. . . . Sindara-Devam malk ipt i . . . -. danvayaa I§vara-tnaiida}esa . . . . yam p a ............... = . . . . . . .

.. paredu . . . . nadugal avpv endad Edevetta-eppattu . .. va lig e ......... . b a li., n a d o ja .....................
70 K ajiga . . . . . r&jyam ta p a g ekAyattavage BanavSiSi-desa-Lakshmige nivasa-bhavanav, eniaida 5rl»
madu Bejagava ............... re tat-pada-padmopajivi 1|
vri 11 anupam a-sandhi-vigrahi ganagrapi tan en isird d a ............ |
manam o s e d it t a ..................... K eaim eyargg avar Adar Atmajar |
jjana-nuta-S'Antanuni.................. |

paramaip S ’ripati-Parsvanatha-charap§,mbh6ja-dvayodagra-shat- |
cbaranam sannuta-bhavya-sebya-vibhavam .................. 1
.............. ' . ............................................pnpyadim |-
piriyam tS,n ene S ’antiyannane valain dhanyaip perar ddhanyare ||
kanda 1|A ................ taneyam )

270 Shik& rpur T alu q.

...........vatiy enisi dha- j

ra-vajeyadol eseva sandhi-vigrahi-S'aata 1|
........... negardda...................................................... I
............................... Kafichanabhadharad-ante dbairyya-ban- 1
dburaa amara-dru .......................... ..................... |
dbarege . . sanlbi-vigrahi-ga^agraELi S'§,ntaae dbanyan urbbiyoj
vn I mrupame satya>sangra.......................................|
dara-giri-dhairyye ParSva-Jinapanghri-saroruha-datta-cbitte su- 1
stbire vara-saadbi-vigrabi-ga^agraQi S 'a n ta .................. .......... |
.....................................................allale sacb-cbaritradim |l
kam ardampatigala pupyadin j
adam magan adika-daoa-chiDt§,ma9i sam- |
.................... ............... I
..................... sandbi-vigrabiy fcb a !|
Tri II vadanam Vag-vanit&-vi|asa-sadanam vakaha-stbajam Laksbmig a^ |
spada uttuaga-bbujatn.............................................. I
.........................Tadbfi«kat§k8ba>bhaTanaip embinam chelTU-vet-i
tudu naisarggade- sandhi*vigrabi-§ir6mani . . . . . ... ||
.................... diȤS,stra-prakara-vividha-bhai8hajya-danaiigalindaip I
subba>cbaritrangalindatii para-bita-gu^adindaui brat§,chS.radindaij;i I
s u b b a ....................... ............... .. vinutaip Idrtti-kkntam |
prabhu-mantrStsslba-sakti-traya-yutan adbikaip Sebyan int fcbi-rajain 1|
vira>6ri.nidbi MallUdeva .. . . ............... |
. .................................................... \
............ sand Edevet^a BaUavey enipp i-n ajgalol kirtti-vi- |
staram dana^vinddan oldu K d p a p a 4 r i........................ .... H

. . . . bhavana............ nuta-bhabyane JinapatiǤri-pada'padm d,rcbchaka........................... Malli-devanoJ

em manyane..................... v ib h u ..................meymege Sitd-devi € b a t a .............. tiega}da]a. . . . . . . danan-
ant esada Bbaskarana tan& ja........... vara-guni sandbx......... vettan Kvara-snta Malian e m b a ............
tad-anujan udkra-cbaritraip... . . . bjdura-parlkraraan e n a l .............................. || S'ri-tanuj&tege
gabanave................ge sallade vimaja-bhabyate vik ra m a .............yand oppade S&sana-ddri nama . . . .
............sannute chitrave bhu-taldgradoj .. . . . . Tevakiy-ante bharttru-sarnyute G ir ija .......... .

. . stbira Laksbmiy-ante s u p r i.........................^iy-ante tan atiSayisirddal Icbarasan-afigane S o ............

yolu 11
cb a ru te............... tannoju ...................... noj udgha-gham- 1
bbirate tannoj uttamike tannol udagra ...................... S,irit-a- 1
dharate tannol a g g a ..........i . . . . nol e n u tta ............ |
................. ••niy Icbi-raja-rathini-patiy-aagane Sdviyakkanaip ||

Bvasti Sriman-maha-raandalesvara M alli-deva............. matu sandhi . . . . chayya tanna gavudikeya

Gaggana-Hosavftrolu tanna madida Kvaresvara-ddvargge asbta-yidb§,rchchanegam . . . . jirppdddbara
.....................Saka-varsbada 1119 neya Pibgala«samTachcbarada Magba*su 14 .ByibaT&raV'Utta*
rayana-sankrama ........................................... Sirirantagereya ke}age adake-tdta kamba 6 gadde
(here follow lomdaries & details o f gift) yint initumam Dharmmarasi*papditara maga . . . . devara
kklani karchcbi dba,ra-puryyakaip madi kottaru 1|a-dSvara............i-6 rl,hmapai'U 2 0 vurim tenkalu
S h ik & rp u r T a lu q , 271

Hosagereya kejage gadde beddale mattaru ] 0 adake sitae' pa^ivalu M&rasiai ............ (usual fined
phrases and verse) flvareSrarada totadim paduvalu basadiya tdta kamba 6 alii Brahmapuri tota
kamba 20 ||
316 -
At Oogga (same hobli), on a stone to the east of the SHdhSs'vara temple.
. . . . sthiti'pralaya-sambbava........... | I
sarTvS,tmane vijita-k6pa................|
. . . . . . . . . . . . tri-bhuvana-prabhavS S'ivS.ya ||

arasti samasta-bhumaaSrayaip iri-prithvi-vallabha mah§,r§jadhir^ja parameSvara parama-bhattaraka

Saty&Sraya-kula-tilakam ChalakyUbharaaara Srtmat-Tribhuvattamalla-Devara vijaya-r&jyain uttarOtta-
rabhiTriddhi-pravarddhamanam a-chandrarkka-taram-baram salattam ire li svasti samasta-prasasti-
sahitara ir!maa-maha>pradh&nam daiidanayakaip Gdvindarasara Banarase-pannirchchhlisiramumaip
sukhadia alutt iral a-bajiya katnpana Ede .. t^e 70 kka svasti samadhigata^pancba-mabH-sabda
maha>manda]ika . . . . . shta-bhaya-daykaip Karahada<para-TarS4hUvaratii kadana«MahS.. . . Malachi-
devMabdba'Vara-prasidasadita-samasta-mahi’ maaida ... rijaya>lak8hmi-karpuia-ka9d&ls> nija^dhvaja*
virajamana daaa-Kdnina raallali-turyya-ghoshana gapa^ratna-bhftshanani Sinda-mftrttapda >* ya-
dorddanda Phapiraja-vamSa sujanavatatnsa vydgkra-mriga-ldnchhana viaiyoga-kdnchaaa sauryya-
parayana Tairi-Naraya9a.namd,di-pra3asti-sahitatp sriman-mabd-inandalikam Gha||ara8arn.............. .
. . yaaagi sukhadin alattiral d-bajiya H ebbala................bhu hegade-Galiinayyana tnagam Sarvvanya*
Setti tamma madisi . . . . valeyakke khapda-3pbu|ita-nava-kartnma-p0.ja-Qimittakkain .......................
. . . . cbhatrarggam asanachchbddanakkam vritti vekkav enda ||svasti §r!macb-Ghdtakya*Vikrama«

varshada 41 neya Hemalambi-samvatsarada Gbai ........... su 1 Adivftfadandina soma^grabapa*

parwa-nimittadandu................ .. mnkba-sameya.sanmddbaraaa S’akti-parisbeya Parwatdvaliya A i . ,
.. ka-saatatiya Eriyadakti-pai^ditara didyar ||

pa.i^dudn pasa-bandhav emba to . . . • duritdvalty emba kambbamaip |

moiridudu Kdman emba p a rik a ta ra ............... attigond^l dnt |
ijidudu indriyangal emb arikeya paaeba-taskararan asram adi. . otti kdpaditn |
muriduda Budra-munipatiy emba maddndba-sindbura................||
3.-muni-raja[tp] satyada i
sime dayd-purada karppuraqi S'iva-samayada . . |
ddmaniy ene raiijipaip Budra-munilaip ||

svasti yani-niyama-svddbyaya-. . . . dhyana.dbli,ra9 a-maunanu8htbaBia-japa-samldhi-sila.guna-sam-

panaar a p p a ................Idm atu RudraSakti-panditargge Sarvvanya-Setti kdlaip karcbchi dbdrd-piir-
vvakam degala . . . . kana Kaggacbegondada kelage kacbchhaviya gajeya gadde matta 1 deguladitp
b a d a g a l.................... le mara |] bdviyinf mudala tOta nandd-divlgege man-epue gd^a 2 (usual final
phrases and verse).

At the same village., on loth sides o f the door frame of the VlrAbhadra temple.
(Left side)
m l d l s i ^ ^ Jiudlayamav . . . . elliyum ilia dr enal I
nade virdjisal Belagavattiya*nadol anflna-bbaktiyiip |
272 S liik & rpu r T a lu q .
kMe TibMtiy ashta-vidharchchauey emb iS. kundad antu kon^- j
adutav ippen induv enal Ichaiiau-antire bhabyan kyava(na)ni II
fl.rol tappade basadiyan |
firantire madi Belagavattiya-n&dam i
dharinige negalda Kdpa^ak- j
orage tnadidan udara-aidhiy Icharasan |l
{right side)
£][eyana deyvav a M ada tanuaya deyvam ad S.iid atanpl |
nerada gu^ioimatikkey adu tannaya iuikka-gu^idnnalikke ka^i- 1
deradad ad §.va dharmmav adbia£Lthano![ aut ade tanna dharmmav end i
e^akade mantriy-ichanana vallabhe Sovala-Devi bhS-vipal H
nagenage mogav am^ajamam |
mige mriga-yikshapiainaQ iksha^ain mige mrigadharanam l
tegale mokba-ka^^i phelyam I
tri-guvWduda njnpa ydp“ Sdvala-D^vi ||
On mother stone at the same place.
{The top portion is ^aced). . . » . . . . . . . achchariyd ............ .. . b u d d h i............... bbochchaiada..........
. . vira-B allala................arasanka-kara ...... .......... . volagag a n e k a ....................Chattarasa.....................
a-dampatigala pupyadin |
adaiti magan adhika*.....................)
............... ..............I
................vikbyata-sandhi-vigrahiy Icba y
abhayabkiadi-sastra .......................................|
6ubha-oharitra[nga]lindam para-hita-gunadindam bratachkradindaip |
§ubha ..... ...................urvi-nntaip kirtti-kauta- |
prabhu-mantrotsaba'Saki-traya-yutan adhik^ip sebya . . .. . . 11
pati-hite Sitey-ante Jinaparchchaki Tevakiy-ante bharttri-sam -1
yute Girijatey-ante .............. .... Lakshmiy-ante su- |
brate negalda Timmave . . . . . . . nvite Vd^iy-ante tan |
atiSayas i r d d 4 .........................afigane S6vala-Devi dhatriyol |1
.........sati Padmasarabbavanol Adrije C h an d ra ..................nol I
parama-sukha-praiaste Siri Vishiauvinol nelasippa'm ^keyim |
stliiratara......... .................. . . Sovala-D&vi mandnuragadim |
nirupa[ma]-sandln-vigrahi-sikhama4y Ichanol i - ................ II
yinta dharmmamane ma .. mkdi tad-acharyydvaliyan abhivarpriisi Srimatu............... . . Pujpasarana
................anada rati-ragamam bisutu maclichittMana kaddend erad anghri-dvaya-m djadoj..........
. . . . Juhumba barpad uddhata-vira-bratam aty-anupamam ChandraprabbdcharyyaroJ ||. . •■dodda
nodado jayalamba*sim8 . . . . rajana turi pade si}du paScha-visbaye............gajan ikkim end i-bhikara-
mada-vira-bhatarkkala dhuradol. a r v n s i ............Baftgara-bhayamam . . . . . . .. rara sSne madandba-
sindhuram 11 firimanu [ma]ba-manda}eSvara Malli-Dev-arasara sandhi-vigrahi......... na sati Sovala-
DSviyaru tanna tammayam Yicbayana paroksha-vinayake........... y asankhyata-gapada Jagavattigeya
basadiya S'dntlnatba-devar-ashta-vidba ........... dli^’a-danakkatp jtrnnoddharakkav endu S'aka-
varshada 1130 neya Prabhava-sam . . . . . sdma-grabapia-vUipatadandu bitta gadde kapiba 50
b in u k a ...........paduvana-voui tenkalu Kesaragatta m o d a .............hiriya . . . . . badagal. Kareyakola-
nim paduvalu...........kejage hd-dorita . . . . . . . . .
S h ik a rp u r T a lu q . 273

On a third stone at the same place.
(The top portion is effaced) . . neka-rishiya ................... VaiSkkha-suddha 5 Bri . ................ ... •
adake sima badagalCi................vaaa tumba kejage pa^uvalu ............................mattara 1 . . . . ba 50
adake chatus-sime nafta kalu . . . . . . ba 5 devara naada-divigege gapA 1 hatt-ettiua vakkaln . . . .
. . . . hudike-dere hadiyade ga asagara vokalu 1 yint inituma sunka.......... .. Virupayyadgalu vita
datti samasta-prajegal irddu kotta dhauyava ga nellu ko 2»avaneko 2 ko 1 yint anita
dharmmamam srimatu SovalarDeviyaru i-.......... kanya-dana madi Vasupftjya-devara kala karcUchi
dhSra-purvvaka madidaru yint i-dharnamanaam Naga-gaudaa ,. naya-prabhetey agi pratipajiauvara ||
(usual final verses).
At Tdlagunda (Talagunda hobli), on a stone near the slake o f the hig tanh.
svasti Sakha-nripa-kalatita-samvatsara-sataugal eiitu-auj*ayvatta-entattey[a] ^Matnaata-sanavatsaraiil
pravarttise Vaisaka-barasi-Brihaspativaram age Santa .. ra peiggade svasti samasta-bhara-nirii.......
mahamatya-guna-sampannam visi . . . . nasrayaip (n)asraya-man6haraiii Nanni .. . gam bagey aji-
Vatam sauvuchave .. .samyaktva-vedanga Bfihaspati-samana srimam pergge^e-PuJiyyamma T&nagund-
ur-kereyam kattisi devara nivedyakkam nanda-divigegam mattal aydu keyeya kejage tontada mattaj
ondu kirugala mattal irppattu antu ippatt-am mattal galdeyaip nura-kayyoj kottu devargge keregaip
bitta keregalanu . ondu barisakke pattu-gadyana panni . . tappade kereyo}g ayvudu ava . . (ustM^
final phrases).
At Belagdve (same hohli), on a stone in BMma’s wet land.
...............................nayakasya prasadena Sri-Durggayai namah y svasti samasta-bhuvanSira . . . . .
......... rajadhiraja paramesvara parama-bhattaraka Satydlraya-kaja-tilaka Obajukya ..................
lokyamalla-Deva-vijaya-rajyam uttavottarabhivriddhi-pravarddhamanam d-chaUdrarkka-taraip-barani
............. pada-padm6pajivi !| svasti samadhigata-pancha-maha ... maha-mapdalesvara . . . . . . . .
dhi^varam vairi-Narayanam subhaga-Charayanam pratipaksba-bkikara.. .. ratnS.ka ...................KoJIi-
pakeya k&vam mare-vuge kdvara. sauryyamatn merevam.. . . . . . . las&manta...........chattam idrap^
gata-vajra-pafijaram ripu- . ja-kunjarana dakshipa-di§a*kavatani para-bala-ni§§. ..............s§.manta-
bandika^ani vikranta-KauntSyatn satya-R&lhSyain au(Jidu-matt-enaaiJi sajana-prasaunatti ...........
Bakala-kaladharampara-nari-putramSatru-nikshatram alrita-jana-kajpa-vrikshanam§,di-sama.. . . . .
sahitam Srimana-mahd-mapcjalesvaram Sidgana-Devarasar .. Esakod-erppatturaam Kela ...............
Banavase-pannirchchhasiramumaip Santalige-sayiramumam dushta-nigraha-^ishta-pra .. .. ...........
pasehima-samadra-paryantam-baram sukha-sadkatba-vinodadim rajyatp geyyuttam irddu S'aka-va ..

. . . . ya Partthiva-samvatsarada Pushya-suddha 10 Mityavarad-andin-nttarayapa-sadkranti...........

. . . . BalUgaveya Baliya-pratishthe Bhagavati, BaUiyabbe-deviya devalyamaip ju’pnoddhara-...............
nadava tala-vfitti katsaviya-gajeyolam mattalu hadineutuma a-deviya p u ra .......... a-keriyim padu-
valu pU'dontav aruma matta mudalu Nagarabaviya k e .......... kkam mane hadinentuman d-deviya
snana-nivedyakam alliy acharyyara grasakkam kala .................jirnpoddliarakkav e .. .. .. yama-
myama-svadhyaya-dhyana-dharana-monanUshthapa .......... sila-guna-sampannar appa irima-palliy
acbaryya Lakshraapesvara-S'iva-papdjtara ka[lam karchchi] dhara-purvvakam sarvva-namasya-sarvva-
badha-parihS,ram agi bitta taja-vritti {here follow details of boundaries and usual final phrases and
akarakarakaras tu go-sahasra-vadhas smritak 1
nivrittikarakaras tu go-koti-phalam a§nute 1|
*Perliaps a mistake for Mamnatha.
274 S h ik S rp u r T alu q.
it ■
On a stone in front of the sluice of Mdsti,r Malaga tank,
(Arabic and Persian characters)
Bismillah ir-rahmaii ir-rahtm
la-illaha illallaha
Muhammad ar^rasul-Ullahi

inasarun minnallShi wa fathun lih his&r-i zafar asar

Skharibuu wa bash-sharil-mo 2dar ahdi Shl.h-i din panab
®minina fa-allaho- 3khilafat>o-adMat-i dastgah
^khairun hahza ^Sultan M uham m ad ’Adil Shah
®wa ho-va ar-hamur rahimtu 5ibn-i Ibrahim ’ A dil Shdh
6khaldaUahn t ’alla mulkaho
’’wo sultanaho

ikutaba-hu al-abud Muhammad K hin ibn-i ^ j a Farid sar-i silkai khwasan-i Shahi ba-taufiqai
illahi wo ba-khfiwatai shahfina daman i kdshish ba-daf’aye kufra-i fujra
2wo zabdir-ilslam-i sa’adat hamrah bar zada bina-ihis&r-i ferozy shi’ dr da? san-i bazar wo chihal
wo do wo Earanjam d§d wo azin jibat khidmatash bamanzilla*i khabdl rasid daulat kbwahi
3wo halal namaki ba-minsa>i zabhr jalwah gar ghasht f i san 1045 B ijri itmam ydft

(Kam o4a characters)

!-kalla gud^ada myale dakshapa-dikkina kvate-bdgala myale yittu Sakha 1785 ne Eudhirodgdri-sam*
Vataarada S'ravana-stidha 8 yalli tumbina myMe yit^idhe Yingreji-sarafeara kharchu ‘ ra&di ke}agina
tumbu hostagi kattisidhe sann 1863 yisari
_____ _



At Romaii, on a stone in the yard of the McMitedtjuna temple.

.................... Bvasti anavarata-parama-kaly§.uS.bhyudaya-3ahasra-paJa-bli6ga-bhagini dvitiya-Lakshmi*
samane samast^ntabpura-mukha-mandani savati-mada-bhanjane asrita-jana*kamadbeuu Srimat-
TraiJflkyamalla-Deva-viAala-vaksha-sthaJa-nivasiiii Srimat-piriy-arasi Hoysala-DSviyar Kalyapada
oeleTi^ino} sukba-sanlcatha-Tmodaditn rajyam gbyyut ilda Banav^e>pamiirchcbhlsiradd kampaQiaiti
BaUavi'erppattara ba}iya Tungabhadreya ta^iya Ona^Uy^ Macba-gl.mu94^au ma4isida MallikS§>
vara-tirlthake Saka-rarsba .977 neya Jaya-saiiiYatsarada Pushya-suddba-dvada8i-uttarS.yaija-saft,
kr&ntiy andu devargge bi^ta be][dale.............. . devargge 4 erttu g ^ a ........... {vmtA final phrases
and verses')
On a viraJcal to the ead of the mme iempte.
avasti S a k a - v a n l a 9 8 6 K r S d h i-s a m v a tS a r a d a V aU akha s a 5 V ad^ avd rad an d a E d e t o je y a P e n U tn a ^ i
P a r iy a p a O D n a.liyan i.n d u tu y u p a r iy a lu K a rggejre Y ir a -M I c h a -g & v u n d a n a ta m m a S d ra a ^ U rtip ^ a ip

tu ru p a r iy e s u r a - l o k a - p r a p f a n a d a m II .

At the same ptoee.

s v a s ti P a k a -v a r is h a 9 8 6 K i* d d h i-s a (p T a ts a r a d a V a iS a k lu i'S a 6 V a 4 $ iV § b id a n d a E d e t o ie y a P e n n i a l 4 i
P a r iy a p a O o n & liy a ii ir i d u t u r u p a r iy e Y a ^ e v ftr -o ^ e y a in N § ,g ila - S u d d k ^ a n a tb a g a ip E S t a w a h u k f ^ d u
p e y a p id g a d e tu ^ u v a g e la d u in a n d u s u r a -lo k a -p r a p t a & dam ||

At the sameplace.
s v a s ti S a k a 9 8 6 E r d d b i-s a m v a ts a r a d a V a iS d k b a * s u 5 V a 4 4 d .v 4 ra d a a d u E d e to jfe y a P erm m & d i P a r i­
y a p a O n n a jiy a n i j i d u t u ;u v a k o p 4 u p e p 4 'r * u d e y a n u , l c b i . . . .y e p a r iy e kandu ra era . . , . n a 4 e
b a lo k k a lu N a g i la - M d } a y y a i n tu jru v iu g a d d a b a p d u s u r a -ld k a -p r d p ta n d d a ip ||

At Didaguru (Honnali hohli), on thepedestal of a 'Jain idol standing against the hind*
wad of Bdnumanta-dSva's ear-shed.
firi-Mula-safigba Kanbr ............ cbS.ryya .Pdlacbandra-devarige Mesbapashana-gachchha..........
herggade-Jakkayyanuin taima madavalige Jakkawevutp Didugftroju chaityalayamaiii m§4isi Su-
parsva-devara 6u-pratiiBbtheya ma4iy il-ddvarigevuip risbiyar4hsira-danakkaip nellu-belava mattar
ondu eUu navai.te mattar ondu adake-donta kamma 15 initavaip d-diandrarkkaip saluvantigi
kottam svasti
At Kwuvadagaddo {same hdhli)^ on a stone to the south ofthe ’BdmSs'vara temple.
iri I namas tubga-&c, ||
£rimau-mab5,-ina9dale§vara mabdr&jddbir&ja raja-paramelvara chatus-samudiidhipati muju-rdyara
gapda firi-vira Haribara-RS,yaru Vijaysnagariyalu stbira-rajyaip geyuvut irddalli [(Saka-varusada
276 H on n M i T a lu q .
1312 neya Promoduta-samvatsara-Karttika-su 1 So |1 irimat-Harihara-R&yarige dharmmav aga-
bekendu.. . prabhugaju adhikari-Saugarsa (others named) ojagada samasta-gail^jda-prajegaluip ubhaya
Dana............... tamma A.aev§riya-n§ld-olaga^a Auvakanana-goateyaau Kuruvada RameSvara*devara
nanda-divige nayivedyakk ondu Aliira chatu-siaiey-ojagagi RamSSvara-d&varige pura-varggavagi bittu
kotta dhannma a-Kuruvada Ranaefevara-devara mAdapa Tuagabhadreya samtpadalu Aiivakkana-
gundige gudiya kambhavana natta chatus-simege liftga-mudreya kalla uatta kottu a-iiranft. Rilme-
Svara-devara hesaralu Ramapurav endu hesara kottu nad-ellarA bhfl.mi-chadran ullannakaram dhareya
epedu kotta pura-vargga §,-purakke suaka anupu taravaiike sarwam anya &r obbarft hogabaradu yi-
dharmmakke a}apidavarge (Mswal final verses and phrases).

On a second stone at the same place.

names tunga-&c, ||
bhu-chandrarkka-sikhi-vy6ma-aiarut-var-ya[.iva]-saajnakab I
payad v6 Ramanatho'yaip yavach chandr§,rkka-bhMharS.b II
turugi podajda-ki....................................rati-jat§.-jfitaniam i
mirupa-sasanka-lSkhe veras and ahi-vallabhanim todarchcbi ban- i
doje ........................................... . . . devan anata-bhakta-varggamaia l
Kujuvada Eamanathan olavind abhirakshisutirkke santatam ||
Bvasti samasta-bhuvanaSrayaip Sri-prithvi-vallabham mabar&jadhirajam paratnesvaraip parama-
bbatlarakam Yldava-kulambara-dyumapi Bamyakt[v]a-cuudamapi Maleraja-raja Malaparol-gapda
kadana-praohanda S’anivara-siddhi Giridurgga-malla chalad-anka-RS,ma ni^Sanka-pratapa-chakra-
vartti Raktakshi-samvatsara-Jesbta-bahula-dasami-Somavaradandu Srimatu-Hoysana-vira-BaMJa-
Deva-vijaya-rajyam uttar6ttai'ahhivriddM-pravarddhama.nam a-chandr§,rkka-taram-baram saluttam ire|l
Sragdhare |1Cholorvvisandhakara-dyumayi pi’uthu-Kal ngabi-pakshisvaram Ne- i
pala-kshmapaJa-Saita-prabaJa-kuliSan AndhrS,vanipala-matta* 1
vyalebh6chchan(][a-ka^thiravan atula-bajain Malavaranya-davam |
Chd.Jukyambh6ja-cliandra-pratiman enisidaip vira-Ballalu-Devain H
tat-pada-padmopajivi ||
kanda 1|arasanka-karagasana san- j
gara-devaip M£4ati-pras§,danvayan I- j
svara-mapdaJeSa*tanayam 1
pararttha-nidhi Malli-Devan adatara-deva ||
tat-pada-padmopajivi ||va I1 svasti samadhigata-paScha-maha-§abuda-maha-savanta-chfidamapigalum
uddanda-s&,m>inta-garvva-sarvvasva-sujekararum aQe-Ventekayaruip vairi-samanta-gajlnku§arum Satra »
mattebha-mastaka-vidarana-kesarigalurp sat-kulonnata-sambhavaruip sad§,-dharmma-pratipa}aka-
rum Srimad-Ramanatha-labdha-vara-prasadarum appa Savanta-Bdvayyaip dharmmamam pratipali-
suttam ire ||

cbaladindam bare kajav aydi maleyatn pokk adutam tamma dor- I

bbaladind ugra-madebbamam pididavar Chchalukya-cbakrelvarargg 1
olavind olbasa . . . . kott avargge savanta-n§,mankusan- 1
galan int anvitam aytu tanna kuladoj Samanta-Buvankanam 1]
adatind anta-padatiy emba maleyoj krur§,riy emb uddhato-1
nmada^danti-brajamam nijonnata-chalat-tibrasiy emb afikusa- |
HonB^Ji T alu q. 27T

kke ditam tarn kasam agi sintu jayam emb alanadol ^att avam I
padujaiu tan enal ampar ar ssamaradol Samanta-Biiv&nkanoJ !|
kanda g tad-anujan udara-cbaritam |
kadaua-krida-vilasan uddhata-darppam i
bidura-parakraman ejeyoju j
viditaip Sdmanta-Raman ahava*Bhima |l,
atana tanfibhavarp vi-1
khyata-yasaip krdra-vairi-mattogrfebha- |
brata-mrigarajan enipam |
bhu-taladolu Rayamallan a-pratimallam y
iubha-charitaip pararttha-nidhi satya-gupanvitan lkshuch§,pa-saa- |
nibhan abhimana-murtti vinayabharanaip rana-dhiran unnat5iQi |
subhagan anuna-dana-nidhi tan ene sanda negaite-vetta na} - 1
prabhuteya Bovi-Settiy esedain nisadam vasudha-tajdgradol |i

ant Srsthanad acharyyar-anvayavajiy entendade l|

vfitta il ara,dhyam sura-iaja-pfi.jita-lasat-padarnbujd,ta-dvayarii |
6ri Ramam Kali-devan atma-janakam lokaika-vandyaip jana- |
dharam sannutav-Ekabuchi janani prodd&ma-sat-kirtti-vi* |
staram Siugajayam nijanujan enisal Mlphayyan ein dbanyand
arivinol agam§,rttha-paribhS,vaneyol nija-mantra-saktiyoj I
nereva-tapali-prabhava-gupad unnatiyol sakalarttba-S&strado} |
Kuruvada Raraan§,tha-pada-pankaja-bri)ngano} eyde ballano} i
mered idir-appar ar vvinuta-Padmasivaiikanol i-dharitriyoj 1|

int enisid ach&ryyarim piijya-pada §rimatu Moj^a-Gujuvada R§,mesvara-d^vargge bhftmiya-sthajangal

avuv endo^e ||Sriman-maha-maflidale§varam.......rasa-Devanum S4vanta-Buvanum irddu bitja bhuini
TJgureya modal*ottina badaga deseya paduvalu Bandivoje ba^aga-deSe gejrey-o}ag&gi mattal uji
&iStaladaIli Madanabagina Rd,ma-Setti Buveya-samantana kaiya p&jeya kotu vita bhumi Ramanatha-
devara naivedya nanda-divigegam mattal ondu ! svasti yama-niyama-svadhyaya-dhyana-dharapa-
ffionanushtana-japa-samadhi-sila-guna-sampannar appa sritnad-an&diy-agrabaram Nelavattiy-asesba-
mabajanangaj ... K ujuvada Ramesvara-devara naivedyakke Gaftgasagara-bayalojage bitta gardde
Gangana-galeyalu kamba muvattu ji mane kayi [|
firiman-nal-prabhu Bami-Setti tanna Kabkanabaljiya stbaladalU Kuruvada Ramanitba-devara naive-
flyakke Kadavada kereya kejage bitta bbumi. mattal ......... Brabmauara satrakke bitta bbumi
mattal ondu antu mattal 25| S§,yauta-Buvayya Bdfiftralli bitta bbumi Gangana-gajeyalu mattal
ondu 11 Aiyyapura Sa&ka-gavundanu Rameivara-devargge Gangana-gajeyalu mattal ondu Deviya
samipa Nandiya pratishteya madi bitta H Samanta-Ramayam Kotehajalli Badumbeya kodadalli
kamba ippatu Hbadaga vupiseya kodadra kejage Gangana-gajeyalu bedale kamba 30 II Ballaja-
Devana Saviua-beggade Gafiga-nadan ajutirddu Earaanatha-deyargge KdtSbaJalli mS,ra kobd“ bitta
bbumi Gangana-galeyalu Bejlakolana sare matta 1 ||

Mridan osed agalum padedu raksbisutikke manonuragadim I

todard ari-kumbbi-kumbha-da]an6ddbata-kesariyam vinutanam |
tadeyade vandig iva-vibbavonnatanam kelayam vilasiyam I
Padavaja-Galanam samara-lokanan firjjita-dana-Mlanara ||
278 H onnjU i T a la q .
garubhyo nama^ Gangaaa-nada nal-prabliu Bidir<jya Hatjavaja-Kilayyaiii Hiriya-Begdrali Savanta-
Bameyaaa kaiyala marakonda bitU bhdmi NakhareSvarada tenka^a Aladakon^ada samipadala
mattalu 1 || Belagarattiya ManchUDeraaa hejiuakada Devarasani R&mesTara*deTara d^vata*
bharanamam jimnidddharaTain madisi tanna HadavaVa-haUiya Holavasagat^adola kohina padava^e-
yalli Gangana-galeyalu mattalu 2 ||Kufuvada Begufa Gavare^rara-devara sthaja-vrittig eadu a-derara
te^ka^a deselu mattal oip I || Chikka-BSgdralli s^Vanta ... . tamm ayyam Raya-dSvaaa hesaralu
pratishthe ma^ida Raye^vara-devarggaip Ku;urada Safigamelvai-a-dSvarggam Belada Kuruvada
Goravageyeya kejage Ga6gaaa-ga}elu mattalu 2 || ant 8.. . mattaip Padmasiva-deraru...............a
Mallikarjjana-dSvargge khaufjia-sphuiita-jirnnoddh^ravam mM isidar a l i i . . . . Gangana-galelu..........
(usual final verses and phrases).
firi-Ramanathaya namah ;i mattam a-aneya-harikayara vritti avuv endade (here follow the details).
anupaman enipa charltrada |
vinayada vitaranada kulada vikramad edeyol |
tanag eney ill euiparp me- |
diniyolu sale Ma^>aliya MScha-gavundan akava-dhira ||
svasti Srimatu Bejagayattiya suAkada Derarasanu Virupayyanu Nakapnanum Edarajte BaJlave-nada
twnkavan S,lutirddu Raktakshi-8am[va]tsara-Pusya-suddhav-uttarayaua-sa6kramaua-Vaddavaradandu
Moya-Guyuvada Ramanatha-devara PuradahaUiya suAkavam d§[va]ra naivedyake bit^udu idan avan^
orrvan alipidaip pancba-maM-p§.takaTaa eydura ||
Mman-nal-prabhu Bidareya HaiJavala-K4Jayya nl^a-heggade Chaudaiyya Samanta-Eameya Sam-
anta-Bflvayya Hoysapa-Boppa-gau^a Manaliya M3,cha-gaa4a ellA samasta-gaudugaluv idu Kuyuvada
Ramanatha-devara til tthamani Hoysana-vira-Ball&la-Devarige toyi bi^sida dharmma a-dSvara tirtthada
bh(i-ho .. samipav endu dSvara pura-varggama Hiri-Begura GavayeSvara-dSvara samipada stliajada
mane-deye sunka kodavisa gkna-deye tipe-su6ka sarwa mannapeyam mSdi dhark-purvvakain [madi
bitta pura-vargga 1a-Hiriya-Be[g6]ra sthalada B&maiiatha-devargge GavarSivara-dSvargge'bitta bhft-
miya sthajav ^vud en[da]de Qiere come the details).
On a stone to (he north of the same temple.
M I uamas tuhga*&c. ||
svasti samasta-bhuvanyrayam Sri-prithid-vallabhaip mah§,rS,j§,dhirSjam paramelvaram parama-
bhattarakaip Yadava-kulambara-dyumani samyaktva-chftdamapi MalerSja-rAja Maleparoju gan^a
kadana-prachanda Sanivara—siddhi Giridurgga.malla chalad-ahka-Rama sahgrima-Bbima
ChoJu-rSjya-pratishthapanacharyya bhuja-baja-chakravartti Hoysaua-vira-Narasimha-Derara vijaya-
rajya-uttarottarkbhivriddhi-pravarddhamanam S,-chandrarkka-t§.ram-baraip saluttam ire S’aka-
varshada 1150 neya SarTvadh§.ri-sarjivatsarada Bhadrapada-^uddba-panchami-ifdivaradandu srimatu
Moya-Guyuvada Ramanatha-devara nitya-naivMyakkaixt uandd,-divigegendn bittaip
miruguva .. vereyan ddain I
tolepa jata-mapdaligradolu tajeda Bhavain |
Kuyuvada RS.m5svaran edev |
ayiyade kodutikku Padmaiivan-abhimatamain ||

yint enisid icharyyarim pajS,-padeda ki-Rdmanatha | na^a-heggade-Haribaiya Sivegaiyya Hiriya-

Beghra paduvaua ere-hallade mMa tota-gondu paijuva Niyakittiyakeyeya ke}age Gadgana-gajeyalli
matta I kamba 10 sri-RS,man§,tha-devara nandadivige-naivMyakam bitta bhftmx chandritrkkar
nRinatn avara santS.nabIiivriddhi |]
H o n n ^ i T a lu q .
Draupatige patiye Siteya 1
h6U8UT eggaJada-Dharaui-boyiti dhareyol |
h o d e h u l l a b is i p iid is i |
padedalu Tungabhadra-madhyada moranani H

♦antu Matanga-risihiy-aSrayavappa vatabyadalli Yanarija-Raman einba Bovaamp Dbarapbboyitiyuip

hodehullakke paudal ma^i p a la m ............tSi-bhaktiyam m M i paritushtaragi kelavu«kli.la Brahmara
kalasdtpatti Tungabhadre vuttara-gdmiyagi baba sameyada Dava-ma$am neradu prasuta*kMada mere
dappi bappa Tungabbadreyam kap^u morana nadavikki prasiite aha maha-satiyam ad^i Tuagabbadre
hacbii harivudurn a>betu dakshiua-Varanasi Sid>H§.manata-devara dibya-ksbetramaip kapda kritd*
rtthar ada Sinda-kula-bhupati Isvara-Deva Mada-Deva MaJii-Devaavara sthaia-vrittiyal lmeya-harika;a
gaudugala sthaja Chikka-Begdra Edsdra-Baveya-savaula Kotehaja HuUeya-savanta Hiriya-Begura Na-
geya>Nayaka yivara mukbyavagi Ghikka-Begura sthaladalli arasuga^u bitfa bhumi R§,manMha-devara
nandadivige-naivedyakke a-chandrarkkar u^inain saluttam ire ||Gangana-na^a nal>prabhaga^a
Hadava]a-Ka}aiyya na^a-heggade-Chaudaiyya Savanta-Rameya Hoysapa-Boppa-gauda Nadigeya
Charti'gauda Koilanamogbeya Ganga-gauda yivaru-mukhyarappa samasta-naj-prabugal irdu sri
Ramanatha-devara tri-kala-puje bhoga nandadivige nichcha-pancb&mrita 6ri-gaadba okkul-akkt
yiy ella naivedya om-mana tuppa Bhairavafige obbaj-akkiya naivMya anta nichcha 5 ba}l-akkiya
paiji tuppa sal[lu]ta Chaitra-pavitra-parvvava yathdkta-ribhaTadi yi-dharmma malpudu || devara hd-
dotara sakuva malegarange kamba 20 gadya 21 sam a-cbittan^ prljisura pQjarige jtvita-gadyapa 2
kamba 1 0 1 derara trUkala-bbuga-maduva jagalek^^a&ge gadyS, 2 kamba 10 saukbadarange gadyapa
hana 12 akbaudita-nandMivige gana 1 i-kshetrada anashtbdna-Tdsigaiige ann^bchMdaneya
draivudu kbap^a-sphuta-jirnpodharava madisuvudu varsbam-prati soteya dliavajita mdlpudu 1! i-musa
modalo^age aru dbarmmakke anukdlan adatane acbaryya dtaaa be^ita ke|idu np^aruttar irala
sthanabbivpiddhi ahudu yi-dbarmmava araiyada gavu^ingebm arasinge mahd.-papa 1|
intu ekkoti'tapodbanarum asaukbyata-gapangajuip mummadi-dap4abgaluip PanaicbcbbS,sira Billa md-
nurvrar enisida |1 svasti samasta-vastu-vistirnna sapta-sagara-dig-valeya'pariYrita-bb&taJa-khyataru
iesha-bbukta-Sesba-nirmm&lyadbipati-.. . . desaruip S'iTaratri-kath&nvita-S'ira-prasapPamtn Dropa*
airmmita*vidita-bilu>viddek§.;arum Karnpadbraja>lducbbana>lancbhitaram S'iran Osed Arjunaiige
kirata-rflpu-vejadiip Pa§upatafltramaip kotta Kirdtanvayarum ek-aksb6bipi madiye dkaStbara pancba-
dasa-aksbohipi madiye kareyalu pa|ta kambada kaka-patdka-bastaruqi esuvar-aditya-sauryyonnataruip
kad-dne*mallarurn kadana-pracbapdarum saigoIa-Parttbarum gaja*bydghra-simba-betekdrarain asa*
haya-B&raruip nodi tappad esuva kapp-ambinavarutn para-sainya-gaja>k§sarigalutn sainasta-Tikbyataj.
appa ainurvva-STamigala yikkida baisapige ettida tdrapa .. kshapd}akarum abhirndna-dhana-jiva.
rakshitarum neva-node-gapdarmp adavi-bhapdararuip dkdbga-viraruip para-chakra-mallaraqi sva-
sameya^harmma-pratipalarutn Kuruvada-Ramanatha-devara labdha-vara-prasannaruni
srim at-sannuta-Kuruvada-)
R a m a b g a t i - b h a k t i- y u k t a n d r jjit a - la k s h m i- \
ra m a n e n e D od d a v a d a d a |
Rameya-samantan esedan ahita^Epitdntam ||
Doddavadada Soineya-savantana maganu Rameya-savanta | Hoysana^bidina parama-vi^vdsigaj appa
Hannichchitasira Billa md-ndrTvam mukhyar appa Hakkiya Someya-savanta atana tamma Chandra*
mau}i avara inakkaiu Rameya-sdvanta Masaneya-sdvanfca Ambiga-udyaka mottake mukhyar appa
Someya-uayaka sabitar dgi Cbikka-Mottada ha ... gadana Eeyeya-ndyaka atana tamma Earadana
Bammeya-nayaka Hiriya-Mottada Kdjeya-nayaka Rdjaya»ndyaka ant d-samasta-ambiga-ndyakarum
Bidina B ora Chippana Bamma-heggade Maliga Bidina mukhyar appa sdvantaruin bdraraip Edatoye-
n id a Mapdali-ndda bdvaru mukhyar appa samasta-dlegolegaluip BanaTase-nada Pdpdya-ndda ale-
•From here; the composition of this inscription is very irregular.
280 H o n n a li T a lu q .
golegajuiii samasta-nalicu nada-bovarum irddu BaJ}eya Kuruvada Begura biluT adike a-vura ambiga-
dereya Riimanatha-devara nand&divige naivedyakke bitta dharmma a-chandrarkka-taram-baranj
saluttam ire {stops here).
On a stone near the ma^tapa o f the main entrance, south o f the same temple.
firi I uamas tu^ga-Sc. ||
svasti vijayabhyudaya-S'alivahana-iaka-varuSa 1470 neya Kaja-samvatsara Mdgha-su 14 Guru
Srimad-rajadhir&ja raja-parameSvara Sii-vira-pratapa §rl-vira-Sadasiva-ri,aya-maharayaru Vidyana-
gariyali sthira-sambrajya patta-yuktaragi sukha>sankath^-vinddadalli deva-brahmariarige su-dharm-
ma-yuktaragi yi-Hattanada-veijteyakke sa W a Bale-nad-ojagana Honuali-simeya Tungabhadra-
madhya-p*!ilavada Kuruvada Ramesvara-devarigu . . . . da Apastamba-sutrada Yaju5-6akheya sri ..
.......... Jaya»Deva maha a r a ............nayakara a jiy a ............. maha-arasugaju suryya-grahana-pujuya-
....... Brahmana-puje abhisheka nayivedya...........nanda-dipti afiga-ranga-vayibhavakkagi Keja-
diya Sadasiva-Raya-nayakarige amara-magagiyagi ko^ta yi-HonnaJi-simey-oJagaija Kuruvada Ra-
mesvara-devarige praku-ta}avarike bhumi tettu babattidda Kuruvada gra 1 Morasagondanahalli
gra 1 Aragada-ventbeyake saluva Sirigere-nad-ojaga^ia Haranahalli-sthajakke saluva Edekopad-
grA 1 Kayive Sirigiripurada gra 1 antij gra 4 nu talavarikeyauu bidisi sarvva-namasyavagi samarpa
pisideA | a-gramagala cbatus-simey-ojag&da nidhi-nikshepa-jala-pashana*akshini-agami-siddha-
sadhyangal emba ashta-bhoga-tSjas-svamyavanu Kuruvada Rameavara-deyarige samarpisidefl. {usml
final,verses ani phrases) . . . . Yechapa-daaa .. ra makaju Sadasiva-Raya . . . . lakaru §ri yi-Sasanava
hoyidata .. sak h e.................... Sri
At the same temple, near the mouth of the conduit by which the water used for bathing the image escapes.
namas tufiga-&c. ||
dushitAsesha-daitySpdrA bbishanas sarppa-bhushaipah |
sankhyAuyaaamra-^vvaiiia-kinkarab patu S'ankarah |1
svasti Sri prithvi-vallabhani maharajadhirajaip paramesvaraip parama-bhattarakam SatyaSraya-kuJa-
tilakam Cbajukyabharanairi Srimat-Tribhuvanamalla-Devara rSjyain uttarottarabhivriddhi-pravar-
ddhamanam a-cbandrarkka-tAram-baram saluttam ire tat-pada-padmopajivi 1! svasti samadhigata*
pancha*maba-Sabda maha-samauta vira-Laksbmi-kAntara gotra-pavitram sajanaika-mitram .. -
janadbaram guna-ga^Ladharam kure ku .. .. vairi-ghata-sarppana tappe-tappuvam bigiden.. moppuvaip
pusiy-ambud-illa bhaya-lobham iUa kamise KAmam sAbasoddAmam namadi-samasta-prasasti-sahitain
Srimanu-maha-sAmanta-vaua-gaja-kesari NAgayya-Nayakatn suka-saAkatba-viuodadimMiindali-sayirada
...............ralu suka-sankata-viuodadind iralu Cbalukya-Vikrama-kalada 36 neya Khara-samvatsarada
Vaisaka-suddha 1 Somavaradandu . . . . gu^a-sampamiam nudidu matt-ennam gAtra ............................
. . . . . . . putram bandhu-janak.AdhAram ...........sakaja-jana-stutyaip dharmma ( the stone is broken).

At the same place.
namas tuAga-&c. II

........... samasta-praiasti-sahitam Sri.. . • . . floysapa-Sri-vira-Narasiuga-Dev-arasara . .. i-asamudra-

dalu stbira-rAjyam ge.......... ha-mandaleSvararp mavan-abkakAfa............ Garudam satya-Naray-
ananu s a .......... Ghola-kataka-sAjekAfa gAyigovala sa .......... Mauneyara-gapda raja-NArayapa
B r a -'.......... . Dovara maga Gabga-Perumale-Devam sa .. . . Dorasamudrake vijayam geyidu
H on n a li T a lu q . 281
Hojeys ,-Honaura-nadalu s a ......... . dali Sakha-varashada l J 1 2 n e y a S a .. . . Chaitra-suddha 10 Soma-
Tarada adu Mo . . . . Ramanatha-devara darusana ma(Ji a-srJ............. . paijige Kolliganagattada vitti-
y o la g e j... . naduve Sasaveyahala-bhii .. - . tta bhumi mattalu 1 yi-dharmmava .. . . davanu ananta-
. kala-si|khadi .. .. §ri mangala maha hti

' 12

On a mraJcal to the north of the same temple.

&imatu YMava-Narayanam bhuja-bala-pravuda . .. vartti Ramachandra-rajy6dayada-(yada)
Sarbbadhari.. .. S’ravaaa-sudha-pafichami-Somavaradala.............. Ramanatha-devara dibya-^ri-pada-
padm§,radhakarum appa . . . . yi-Devara maga Komme-Nayaka Edavateya Baljere iri-Kuruvada Ram a-
natha-d§vara de . . stanad acharyya Bayicharasa-de7ara...bh{inii hu-dotada mundana konauada ..
vonda m atlaru..

At BallSs'vara {same hobli)^ on a stone in Bharanappa's field, south of the village.

.......vallaba mabarajadhiraja paramesvara .. ..rasar Marasatya pritbuvi-rajyatn geyye Iiidra Banavasi-
pannichcbasiramuman ale Saka-rarsham elnura-tombatta eradaneya varsba pravarttise Madi-
fira Bi .. .. bala-gonda . . . . turugojoj sattu sarggam' e .. .. ida sale ., voge immattar mapna kottar
irvva .. mere i svasti ^ri iot i-dliarmma . . . . . rgge raja-mana panuir-mmattagal


A t Kuruva {same hdbli), on a stone in front of the Bj^^va temple.

namas tunga-&c. H
svasti samasta-bbuvana§rayam iri-prithvi-vallabham maharajMhirajam\narameivara pararaa-bbattS,-
rakam'^ Satyasraya-kula-tilakam Cbajukyabbaranam Mmat-Tribhuvanmalla-Devara rajyam uttaro-
ttarabbivriddbi-pravarddbamanam a-chandrarkka-taram-baram saluttam ire tat-pada-padmopajivi ||
svasti Satyavakya Koiigunivarmma dharmma-maharajMbirajam Kojala-pura-vare^vram Nandagiri-
nMham mada-gajendra-laficbbanam Padinavati-labdba -vara-prasadam mrigamadamodam nanniya-
Gaftga jayad-uttaranga Rakkasa-Gafiga srimat-Tribhuvanamalla-Gaftga-Permmadi-Devaru sukha-
saukatba-vinodadind aluttam ire |j 8amadbigata-pancba-maha4abda maba-s&manta vijeya-laksbmi-
kantam gotra-pavitrara sujanaika-mitram vandi-janadh§,rani guna-ganadharam kftre kurppaiii vairi-
ghatasarppam tappe tappuvam bigid eutam oppuvam nudidante gandain raacbcharipara gandam(n)
ekanga-viram virayataram marevuge kavam piridittu mareram pusiy embud ollam bhayadobbam illam
kamini-K§,mam sabasoddamaa iduvar-adityam dala-mukbadityam nudiy Ska-vakyam Chola-mauikyam
sahasottungan amiana-singa *vana-gaja-kesari S'iva-pada-§ekbaram namadi-samasta-prasasti-
sahita Sriman-raaha-samantan OttigbatUyaiginangal H Chalukya-Vikrama-kala 1 neya Nala-
samvatsarada Cbaitra^suddba 5 mi-Adivaradandu Mandali-sayirada kampanam Cbilftruballe-
muvattara pravisbta bada Kotepuradalu yeka-bbogam gavundikeyam sakbadind aluttam iralu vyati-
pata-saakraiitiyandu Nage^vara-devara pratisbte madida S ’ivalyada jirnaa kalu-vesana m&.disida Ku-
juvad-acharyya Padmasiva-devarige eka-bliogastbav agi savanta-Raraayya sarvva-mannaueyagi kalaip
karchcbi dbara-purvvakam madi bitta datti A-devara nivedyakke bitta gaddo kamma 5 a-devalya-
dim muda devara nivedyakke- bitta berddale mattar 2 pujarigara atitbi . abbyagatarggam bitta
berddale mattar 2 patraip, palayigam paduvarggara bitta berddale mattar 5 saiikbada . . . . vange
devargge patre darppana .. dange bitta berddale mattar 1 ............devara nandadivigege bitta
gana 2 devara pura .. . . . . b i t t a . .. .{usual final phrases and verse),... perggade-Birayya
* So in the original
282 H o m id li T alu q.
.. .. tayyanu perggade-Baykayyaaum perggade . . . . . . senabova-CMkanpanum int i-n4lvarud
dSvargge nivedyakke bitta matta 2 yint idam tappade pratipajisuvar (m)iat i-sasanamam Wareda
senabova Narauayya [1 Kdtehala savanta-Ramaiyya Padiaastya-devarige Nagesvara*devastlJ!ana7a
dbara-purvvakara jna^i kottar i-sthaaava kallu-vesaaa madisidaru devariad alliya ke.reya kattijsidara
a-dharaimava kaudu pritiy tanna hesara Ke^ava-devara pratish^eya madisida purvva-sas
bitta bhuinivolagagi . . . . Kofceliala badiaga-deseya gottuga Sifiyapakereya mu^a-gbdiya •
Gaugana-galeyalli 60 kamba keyya Nagesvara-deyarige bitfa bhumi -.. .. chandrarkkar uJlinaJ

At the same vUlage, on a stone near the dhvaja^stambha in front of the Balls Lihgappa temple.
sri-gurubhyo nainah i
nama's tunga-&c. H
Yadava-yaipgddbhavav ent eadade 1|
dbarey-atl^aya-bharamumaip |
pariharisalu Rama-Erishnar udayisal o^ane |
vara-vaipSain sandam ija- |
gurutara-vikhyata-kirtti............. ••dikani B
alii samasta-bhd-vanita . . . . B
....................................................dode . . . . . . I
.. n adiy ada nripar embare Jayatugi'Devan atmajanx %
ballidaa ^ ^ tod a ya n ndatta-parakraman atyadarggadiad |
arig agra^Pyan enal oppida kirttig adhisa Sifighananx H
bi^u nim Keraja ninaa rajya-madamaip Hatmnirane viraditn i
keda*bed igalu baudu kS.p odeyanatp kappaidgajam begadim j
kodu nim Kodkana Choja ninna balupiip nim barppud ind dga .. |
. . . . Kandara-Deva....... n enutaip dvarddbipar s§,ruvar |1
a-Kaadarana taneyatn i
svikari . alliaa pagevar-ellata siriyam l
Sri-kaateg arasaa §.datn |
bhu-kaminig olida Ramachaadra-mabindranx li
svasti srl pritbvi-vallabhanx mahdrdjMhirajam paramos vara parama-bhatidrakam Dvaravati-pura«
varMbisvara Yddava^kula-katnala-kajika-vikasana-bhaskara MdJava-raya-Madana-Trinetra Gurjjara-
raya-varandnku^a Telunga-rdya-stbapanacbaryya Hoyiaana-raya-saiprajya-laksbmi-barapa-pra-
cbanda-dor-ddap^a ari-rdya-jagajbampa-kampanicbdryya sri-Yadava-Nardyapa pravu^ba-pratapa-
cbakravartti M*vira-Eamachandra-D§va tat-pada-padmopajivi srimatx-maha-pradhaaam r&ya .. da-
natha kaligal-ankusa S'ridharana pratapam ent endade H
Dh§,radbiSasya Bhojasya kirttir ekdkinx sail |
adya S'ridhara-dandeSa-kirttih sabacbari sakhi t|
idu sakala-vibudha-jaua-sarp8tuya!naaaa0ka-mja-vi^adatara-vara-gapa-ratn.akaraax vairi-jan a-Bhaira-
vam YadaTa-Dripeadra-rajya-dbaureya-dik-ku3.jaramk§,iniai-jaaa-man6-raS.janamMallikarjjuna-dapda-
n§,thamala-ya§6.v3,rdclhi-varddhana-sudbakaraivx sakaja-sahityakaram cbaturyya-Chaturmmukbanx
vidvajjana-sakhanx nikhlla-kalatraa . .. gaJ-ankusamP'ridharandtban ajiya. . ............... hd-pradhanaiii
kaligal-ankasam . . . . dannayakara momma Lakami Jevana pratapav etit endade ||
* .............. patita-mastake lochaixe satru-na.............................bbagadgalolu cbamatkriti . . . . traya
*As it is very much defaced, it has been found impossible to put this into Terse.
Honn&li Taluq. 283

..................................... piriyano} puUva-hejjeyol oppe Maheadra-................ vand alii tSyisidam . . . . . . .

maja barpure Raya-ravutte . . . . agurvviniin hogalvar . . . . ra-dandanS.thana ||
dig-ibha-bratadoj Indra-danti .. dhisa-bratadoj........I
....... bdhigaloj pal-gadal adri-sa£i.kuJadol Asvapaadri devarkkajoj i
............................... pempu-vadadirppam Yadavadhisaa-d» |
lagadol Lakshmana-dandanatha meredaip vairibha-vajraakasam ||
svasti Sri prithvi-vallabham maharajadhirAjaiii HoyisaDia-yira-BaUAia-D&m’a Tungabhadreya paS*
chima-tiradolu Jalevaleyalli tamnaa taude Narasiuga-Devaaa hesara liAga-pratishtheyaip
a-sthajavanu M allikarjjuna-gurugalige........... niyata-karatfliigi dhAra-piirvvaka madi ttadayafctira k&-
lantaram k a ra ... tad-anantarani 11 svasti sri Yadava*Narayayam bliuja-baja praudba-pratApa-cha-
kravartti S ii-v ira ........... jaya-rajyddayada S'aka-varuia- neya Byaya-sanivachhchbarad A8vayija^
ba 10 Guruvaradaadu Srimau-mahA-pradhanaip rAya-dayda •. . . kaligal-ankusa Vithala-daii^aya-
kara momma Lakuma-Deva-daapayakaru BaUapapattaaadala si&a-sa6katha*vinodaduri rAjyam ge
....... (stops here).

. At ChUuru (same hdbli), on a stone tying behtyi the SdmSs'vara temple.

namas tuAga>&c. ||

svasti Srlmtu YS.dava-NarA[ya]nam bhu3a-[bala]-praudba-ptatapa‘<5bakravartti Sri-vira-Raya-Rdma-

chandra-DavaRa vijaya-rajyodayada S'aka-varsha 1207neyaPartthiva-saipyatsaradaMagha-ba 30 S5-
mavaradandii byatipatadauda svasti sri raya-hadepa Sdrayatiani Sri*Brahma-D§va-Naykara Chilara Srf-
Parasurdmesvara-devariage dipa-varti sadha 10,8 nadasuvantagi ko^ta bhdmi devara paSchima-bhd-
gada Bendeyaghattadojage kamba 40 mattana ajavaitegeya dharmmaka devara dgndyada gdtinalUy
ondu mattaru 1 ke selavagi ajvatigeya ndlka-tifligala sadha ko 5 bbattada ambakajava nadasavudu
anupina-praveSadoJage a-chaadrarkkam sadha ta 1 n eltikoflda ajjavatigeya nalku-tingaju ambakaja-
vanum devarigevum Brahmanarigevu vileyava uadasuvantagi Haruva-jiyadge vrittiyagi bitta dharaa-
ma I Childra thaiiaataravdgiy iha vira-pafivara d-vuraParalaram§Svara'devaranitya-padiya guggala*
dhdpak endu kotta dharmma rahutadge muru-tidgalidge ta 2 kal-ajidge md.ru-tidga}idge td ] yi-m ari-
yddeyallL dr adadam thandataravagi yiddavara yi-dhatmtaava n5di nadasMake bitia dharmma 1m ad-
gala maha sri

At MManahhdvi (same hobli), on a stone to the south of the MddhavaiSva temple.
Sri 6m namaS S’ivaya If namas tudga-&c. 11 .
bhd-chandrdrkka-samirandnaja'viyat-toyatma-murttis sadd
Parvvatyas sita-16Ja*netra-sukhada-(t)trail6kya-S6bhdspadali |
bhaktdbhishta-phala-pradas sura-gapa-prastutya-SiddheSvarab
payad iSvara-bhfimipalam amajam sri-Siada-vamS6dbhaTam I]
jalanidhi-parivrita-vasudhd- I
talam ellaman atula-vijaya-bhujadind oppal |
tajedam mudadindaip dor-1
vvala-chakreS varan enippa Simhana-Rdyam ||
svasti samasta-bhavanaSraym sri.prithvi-vallabham maharajadhirajam Yadava-Nardyana pratapa-
chakravartti Siiphala-Devaaa vijaya-rajyam uttarottardbhivridlhi-pravarddhamdnam d-ohandrdrkka.-
284 HounS,]i T a lu q .
taram-baram saluttam ire ||tat-pada-padmopajivi Vaiika-ravuta Banavase-patmicbchhasirad adhika*
ram geyutt ire I tachchhimhaja-rajyabhyudaya-karanavada Sindanvayav ent ene I

Surasindhuge Bhava-sangam |
dorevettire putraa adan atana pesaraip i
Haranittau olda Saindhava- 1
varan end uragadhiraja-raksha-sahitam ||
Karahadajne tanage neleyag |
iral ahitaran alidu gelidu bhuja-baladindam i
dhareg adhipan adan end ur- i
w are Sindhu-kulavataranam sale pogalgum |1

svasti samadhigata-pancha-maha-sabda malia-manija|e3varatn Karahata-pura-varadhisvaram Malachi-

devi-labdha-vara-prasadasadita-samaata-mahi-mandalam vijaya-Lakshmi-karnna-kundalam nila-dhva-
ja-virajamana dana-Kanina mallali-turyya-nirggho^anam guna-ratna-bhu^anam Sindhu-kula-kamala-
marttandam vijaya-dor-ddanidarn Phaniraja-vamsa suianavatamsain bydghra-rariga-laSchchhanam
viniyoga-kanchanam sauryya-parayanam vairi-N§.rayanam Karahada-nal-saSiradolagada aneka-
deSangalan aldan atana vam^adolu yanekaru rajyam geydar avarolu |j
piriyane negalda kali-Cha-1
ttarasangam Lokabarasigam taneyam Jo- i
garasam tat-sutan ene Cha- i
ttarasam tan ajdan eseye vasudhaTtalavaip ||
vonde-turugavam paysi i
sandalisida-vairi-balaman ajiyol alid k- 1
tand odavi tanna kilt ala- l
gindam sugi . . . . . meyedan a-Lakha-nripaJam ||
atana tammam bhuvana- i
khyata-yaiam Malli-Devan ene tad-anujan ud- |
dyotitan Aiharasain vasu- i
dha-tala-pati tat-tanubhavam Rayarasam ||
tad-apatyan akbila-lakshmi- l
“Sadanam kadana-prachandan apramita-yaiam |

madavad-vedanda-rupan I^vara-bhupam ||
adatim §ri-Pandya-nripam |
vidalita-ripu Malli-Devan ene EAyam sam- 1
mudadim, Vijaya-nripalakan |
udayisidar ttat-kumarakar bhutaladoljl
Sinda-kulambara-dyumapiyam kali-Malli-nripaJa-putranam i
Mandara-dhairyyanam vibudha-rakshakanam . . . . vamSanaqi ]
. . Mukunda-pada-yuga-pankaja-bhringanan i-jagaj-janain i
........................ podaviyol i - ........................ ran udgha-punyanam ||
giri-rajang a-Girisute |
saradhige Siriv udayipante . . . . . . . . . Devi- 1
varan app Isvara-bhumi- 1
fivarange Sovala-kumariyum Kalaleyum ||
H o n n ^ li T a lu q . ' 285

S'rikanthaAgarp vara-Giri- |
ja-kantege jata-Kuraran iat Isvara-bhA-1
mikantafigain Chattaleg |
akalpa-sthayi-Kesavakhya^kumatam ||

antu p o g a ................ neleyag Uvara-Devarasara n§,dugaj avuv endade ||Yedayatta 7 0

Tajyadoju Kumaravritti .. Kotehala Chiluru M acid ali........... . . Yedemale 7 0 Koj^iga........... ..
...........a-kejre 12 m a u a .........................................Dchchafigi 3 0 m§,tru-pakshav innftru . . . . . SattaVge
.......... N a g a ri-k h a .................. Jidduvaji ...................... Devarasaru . . . . sukhadim ............ .. m ire tat-
p 5 d a ......................... M a lla ^ a .................. .............uchita.................dhareg ................................... .. ratnam ||
........................ a-Parvvatiyam sucharifcradol a-patibratadoj a.................... gunavati enipalu ||^-daropa-
tigala p u ................ p u t t id a ...................sodayati ftrjjita-mati mMiniyolu . . .. Singam ||
............Lakshmi-Nrisimha •. .. .................. n akhija-kaja ........j
...................... m a u tri...... ..............avara-narapati-san-maiitri maatrajnaiie Va- |
k p a t i ................... Yogandhara-vara-charitam slaghya-sad-rftpane Sri- I
patiy-oppam biran u rw i-taladoj adhigunottungane mantri-Sifigam y
guuavantar ssujanaika-patrar a m a }a r .......... grajatanujar |
pranutaudaryya-viveka-satya-nidhiga} sad-rS,ja-vidya-Sir6- |
manigal SrKvara-bhumipalana suhrit-san-inantrigal Rima-Lak-1
shmanar-ant oppire Singa-mantri-tilakam Iri-Malligamatyanum 1|
tanag a - . . . . simham janakaii anupamam Soma-dandMhinatham 1
janani p ra stu ty e ......................... .. .. gu^ottufigan i-mantri-Siflgam l
tanag-annam Srf^varorbbipatiyoje . . . . trOdbhavam saj- I
jana-manyam shishta-fcalpadrumau amama karaip dhanyan i-mantri-Malla^ ||
a............................pati-hita-dharmma-patni Siriyavvege bhagy5p§ta-suputra-kula-dipakau enal agraja
........................ varushada 1144 neya Chitrabhanu-saiiivaohchharad-ASvayuja^uddha 11 VaddavSrad-
andu Srimatu Nelavittiy-aSesha-maha-janangalum Bejagavattiya mftliga Bolnma-gavuda MAIa-gavu-
d a ........... gavudanum Kodamogheya sahavaseya......... vadeyaaga]um Bidatura K§ta-gavuda OnnA}iya
Bomma-gavudanum Hattivura Biyama-gaudanurp Medura Ka}a-gavudanum int ivaru-iaukhyay§,da
samasta-prabhu-gavundagaja sanutnatadim Srimanu-maha-mandadesvarain Isvara-Devarasarggain
heggade-Linge ... yyangalu . . . . bogina ashta-bho . . . . tejaa-svamya-prabhutva . . . . makkaju-makka
. . . . a-chandrarkka-taram-baram saluvant a g i ............... a-sthajada Mallika .. na-devarige............
... 4 basadige heggere .......... kulu matta ....... . {rest illegible),

A t Soratur {same hobU), on a vtrakal east of the KaTlappa temple.
svasti Saka-nripa-kalAtita-samvatsara-satangal entanfir-aiyvatt-elaneya Vija . . . . . [Suvarnuavarsha]
Talla[bha] mprithvi.rajyara geyye Banavasi-pannirchchasiravam ganda . . . . Santaran ajuttire ..
M alega........... gad endu pala ...........sattu .. .. ge s^iada

On a second tArakal at the same place.
STasti Saka-nripa-ka]atita-samvatsara-satangal entanur-ayvattrSIaneya Vijaya-samvatsarani pra-
Tarttise S’ uvarnnavarsba-Valla[bha]m prithuvi-rajyam geyye Banavasi-patmirchchasiramam
cbalad-anka-Ramani Sauta[ra] nelanan ^Juttire RattapaJJi Polaganu...........ayara . . . . . sanda ..
..........ok k a la ........................... ........................ sattu subba-gatige sandam
286 H onn& Ji T a lu q .'

On a third viraMl at the same place.
svasti Saka-kalam eijtanujr-ayyatt-elaueya Vijayam emba varshaip pravarttise Suvarppavarsha
prithyi-rajyaip geyye BanavUsi-nadaiii chhalad-anka-Raman Santaran §4e RattapaJUya Folaganu . . . .
. . p a l l i ................... . Eanda-gavun^ana munde nindu ■ Rapigavallain palaranci ta}t ii^ida satto.
Bu-gatige sandam avar-abbe Siriyakkaip kallatp nirisidala I

At Chikkayerehalli (same hobli), in the yard of the JtdmSivara temple.
om nama^ S'ivaya | namas tufiga>&c. ||.
vritta 11 s6markk&nala-marutambara-dhara-t6yS.tma-rftpain kaJS.-1
dhamalankpita-cMru-jftJan a-bhavam §ri-R§,mauathaip sura* I
stdma-prastutan ige n^J.prabhuv enipp i-KSta-gauiJaiig ija- |
prSmafig ftijjita-dharmrnikange padapiip ^rggh&yumain iriyumajp 1|

p arid h a vau -m atsya-p u cb ch h ah a ta-m ak ara-k arS .sp h a}an ab b i|a -n a k ra* |
sp h u ritodyach -ch him lu m & ra-kram aua-sam u ditd ch chap^ a-v& tdb higM fcfld - |
d h u ra'v ich f'S ik a rau gh a'S th a gita-n ik b ila -d ig -m ap ^ ^ laip ra 0 jik o ip bh& - |
sara-Jam bu>dvipam am su ttijid ak h i|a*d h arab h 6ga*b h ad ram sa m u d ra ip y
ra^ll ^-samudrada suttiag olag&da Jambu-dvipada madhya*prad§dado} ||
vyi 11 sura-vidy&dhara-dampati-prakaradiip chaiidrS,):kka-tarS,*gapdt -1
kara4dbbdinchita-mlkha}^-va|ayadim sat*k§.3bhaadddtpta*ban' |
dhura-g6trafihalad unnata-pratibbeyiip kalpabghrip&rama-vis* |
taradint raSjipud ujvaldrjjita-yaiaS-SrUsuadaraqi Maudaraip 1|
kaip |l §.*Mandarakke dakshiiua- 1
bhA'iuapdalam esevud alii Bbarata*ksbetraip |
S'n*ma94&nam ene tdrkkuin |'
Bbb-m^niaig amardu niinirda Knntala*dl§atp H
Eunta}a*de§aip hasta*ta* |
l&ntaradol bhumi kurttu kot|ant ire nifi- 1
chintadia ^Ididar akbila-su* |
kbaip tammoj balasi balaye'ChS^ukya-nripar H
Ta li tad-anantaraip tad-anvaya-pravarttana-vyatyayadoj U
vri II KamathldbiSa-Phapiudra-dik-karigal iu tam*tamma keji-vildr |
sa-manab-pritiyol irppud S,yata*mah&-bhb-bh&ramain talvuva |
§ramav fik int inibarggav Sip taleyal in salreip dal embante dur- I
ddama-d5r*ddap^ade tS^didam vasudheyaip........................|j

(10 lines ^aceS).

a-Belagavarttiy-arasugal-anvayavataray ent endade 11
yyitta H Stata-klrtti Macbarasan S^van i|S-ta|amaip vibh0.ti*vett* |
atana tamman unnata-bbujam negajyaip sale Malli-DSyan ud- I
dyOtita-yikramam tad-anujaip pesar-Aibarasaip tad*Stmajaip •
bbO-taJa-sevyan firjjita-gunonnatiyim kali RSya-bhabhujaip H
H onn^U T alu q. m
kaiQ II tad-apatyaa akhi}a->Jakshmi- 1
sadanaip kadana-pracha^dan apramita-yalam |
vidajita*ripu-kula-na}itu- 1
madavad-vedanda-rupan Isvara-bMpain II
arasanka-karagasam S in -1
dara-dSvaip MaJati-prasManvayan I- j
^vara-mandaJSia-tanayaip 1
pararttha-nidhi Malli-DSvan S-ldaxn dhareyam ||
a-iifipa-tanayan ud&ram 1
manita-manyaip viniijjitkhita-Sainyatp 1
sunrita-vaehanam dhareyoj 1
tan eniaal pempu-vettan ^vara'bhdpaip ||
iat*p&da*padmdpajivi nat-prabhu HattiViira Keta-gaTupd^n-anvayayataraT eut endado li
vyitta II Banavase-nada BaUaveya-kampanad flrjjita-lakshmiy ambinaip I
janad anur^adind esepa tdrppad agurwina Hattivdra oan. I
dana-vana-rajiyiqi baled alumbade tdyava gandha-sajiyind j
anupama-ramya-hannmya-tatiyind ati-«evyam ad enta norppadaip (|
Mlro} I
v r i II p ir iy a ip s e v y a * g u u a fig a lim v ib h a y a d in d a a d & ry y a d iip d h a iiy y a d iip |
p ir iy a m s a n d a -v iy e k a d im v in a y a d im d a k s h ip y a d itn p u p y a d iip |
p ir iy a m S ’ a iik a r a -p a d a -p a A k a ja -n a m a t -s a d -b h a k t iy iip y u k t iy iip |
p ir iy a m B a is a r a -D a s a -g a u d a a e s e d a ip v i§ y a m b h a rd -b h fig a d o | I|
S ^ v ib h u v in a k u la -v a d h a s a m - 1
b h k y it e p a t i-h it e y e n ip p a p e m p itp n e g a ld a l I
b h ft -v a n it e y a su te y a v o l k- 1
S o v a b e - g a y u p d i v iS y a -v iS y a m b b a r e y o l ||
a -d a m p a t ig a ia p u p y a d i* 1
n k d a ip p a t r a ip p r a p k t a « b u d h a - m it r a ip s a m - 1
p k d it a -y a s d -v it k n a m |
m k d in iy o l K e t a -g a u p d a n k h a v a - la n p d a in H
m eired u fiija - b h a k liy im k ftr - 1
t t e i a g i s i t k ip p a tiy a n k t a n « a u g a n e g n p a d iiit |
n e r e y a y d e y k d a s a y p in d |
E rey a b e-g k v u p d i'p u tra va tiy ene negaldal 1|
K eta n a tam m aip bbuyan a-vi-1
n u ta -y a la in M kla-gaupdan uru-bhuja-dapdam |
b b d -ta la d o la pesarvettani |
nu tan a-R avi-tan ayan en ipa dknonnatiyiip ||
a-M aJa-gaupdan-afigane |
bhk-m kniniy-antir eseya-vibhavada pem pijp |
tam arasa-vadane bad h a-ch ia-|
tam apiy ene M kja-gaupdiy esed a j dhareyo} ||
tat-tanoyarp n ija-k u la-sam - \
p atti sudhavarddhi-yarddhanddaya-cbandrain j
vfitta -b h u ja n enisi n egajdan a -1
dktta-yasaip Hattiy&ra D ksa-gavupdam |I
^83 Honnaji Taluq.

vri II gupada banambe pempina tavarmmaae satyada bittu sarvva-la 1

kshanada nidhanav apmin-er^vatt abhimanada rasi dharmmad oj-1
gani nayad akaram vibhavad urjjita-bhumiy enal prabhutvad a-1
grani sale Hattivflr-eseva-Dasa-gavupdane dhanyaa urvviyoj |]
atana kS-nte charu-vibhav6imate sevya-guna-pranute vi- 1
jnata-kala-kalape su-charitra-vibhiishaue dana-Mle vi- |
khyata-patibrata-prabhuteyaip nere taldi manonuragadim |

bhu-tajadol negajte-vadedal. pesar.Achave-gaundi santatam ||

ka II a-Dasa-gavundangam |
A *

medini-vikhyatey Achi-gaundigav olavind i

adaip magan akhija-jana-11
hladakaram K e t a ............................ tarn ||
sri-Ramesvara-pMa-pafikaja-lasad-bhringatn gunottungan ur-i
vvi-ramS,nvita-l)asaa-agra-ta ..................................m ]
kshirambhodhi-gabliiran uttama-budhadhararp nutain k irtti-v i-1
Btarain nal-prabhu i£eta-gaudan e ..............................|;
atata-kirtti kirtti-vanitabhinutaip nuta-sevya-sat-kaja- 1
nvita-gunam guna-pranuta-vandi-janam ja n a ................vi- i
khyata-subandhu ^andhu-vibhavabharanam rana-dhiran embud i-1

bhutalav Acha-gaundiya tanubhavanam sale Keta-gaundanam ||

sthirane Mandara-dhairyyaa atma-hitane Sri-Ramaiiatharchchakaip |
dharani-visruta-sat-kaja-cbaturane Brahmagrajain santane j
vara-Gafiga-ramapi-priyani nija-kula-prastutyane sevya-Bai-1
sara-vam§6dbhavan ftrjjita-prabbuteyol prakby^tane KIteyaiii 1|
para-vadhug Mdavafige §avanS,rtthige vairige bejpavang ivam 1
sura-sarid-atmajaip Garudan abdhi Javatn Ravijatau endu sach- 1
charitanan aptanarp sthiranan ol-galiyam pirid iva daniyam |
dhare pogalguin mand-mudade nal-prabhuvam sale Keta-gaundanaip [
katn II imb arid ivam S'iva-pa- 1
dambuja-bhringain day&nvitaip dhiraip dhar- |
mmambudhi-chandran enippam I
kim babuna sakala-gunarsametam Retain ||

vinayame bela-geyi vidvaj-|
jana-santeshaname r&si satyame bitt end |
enisida maymeya pervvela* i
sina siriyim Mala-gaundan esedam dhareyo] ||
a-vibhuvin-anujan akhila-ka- 1
Ja-vibhava-vilasatp vinaya-vi^ruta-guna-sam- 1
bbavitan ene iiegaldam sale |
bhu-valayadoj amaja-kirttig anmam Barmmam ||
vpi II sangata-chakravaka-mithuna-stani charu-saroja-vaktre san- i
mangala-gatre sach-charite mina-sulochane sad-gabbire tam |
Gangeyavol samaut esadu Gaftgave-gaundi negalte-vettaj ut- 1
tunga-bbuja-pratapa-nidbi Keta-gavundana kante santatam ||
H on n ^ Ii T a lu q . 289*

mattam ||
pati-hite t^ne sach-charite tan6 guriinvite taiie sat-kalor- |
jjita-m ati tane sevya-vibhavonnate tane vinuta-satya-sam-1
yute sale t&n enal vinuta-KSta-gavuniJana dharmflia-patni tau l
ati§ayav eOibinam negajda} uttame Kdjave^gaupdi dh^triyol |1
vinutamiri-Hattiyilra prabhuv ene negajd i-Keta-gaupdange putrari
jjana-sevyam Dasa-gaundam tad-anujan esedam Macha-g&vnpdan ant a- i
tana tammara Chiya-gaupdam tad-anujan atulam Raman urvvi-lalamam |
vi ........................ budha-ntdhi vasudhd-vigrutam Ndga-gaupdam ||
alliya sthanapati ||
s r i ............................ 1-
................ganan adhigatagama-vidy^- 1
paragan amala-tap5-nidhi |
dhdripi,........................................... ]|
tad-apatyam nuta-dharmma-karyya-niratain sahitya-vidya-viSd- i
radan u ..................................................... vicbara-k6- I

vidan Ecbambikey-atmajam vinutan aty-audaryya-sampannau J

a ................................ M-RamanatMrchchakain ||
kaip. II samauipud aihika-vibbavam |
nimird esagum kirtti-valli |
......................... mant |
amardikkuip dhar'mma-t at parang arid upte ||

endu dharmmaman abhivarppisal a dharmmamane mukhyam madi || svasti §riman-nal-prabha

Hattirura Keta-gavupdan akbija-bandhu-jana-parivritan agirddu 6ri-RamanS,tha-devara pdje-punas-
karakkam nanda,-divigegam nitya-nivedyakkam Chaitrarpavitrakkaip mS,ta-kfttakkam khapda-sphu-
tita-jirpnoddharakkav anga-bhoga-ranga-bhogakav endu S ’aka-varshada 1 1 3 0 neya Vibhava-samvat-
sarada Kdrttika-§u 15 S6m.avdra-vyat5pata-saukramapadandu heggejeya badagapa-kSdiyalli mattar
om 1 v&rim paduvapa nadu-kumbadalli moge mattar ondu 1 Aihanagattada kejagapa yere
mattar ondu 1 antu muru-mattaram devargge dhara-purwakam m§,di kot^aru ||kerege Hiriyakere-
ya tenkapa-kodiyal ere kamba ayvattu 50 Chikkanakerey-Apiyakopdad olagapa badaga-deseya
keAgadu kamba 5 0 ||antu kerege mattar ondu || namas S'ivaya a-Hattivura hola-simey entendads
mudalu Chattabey-&la tenkalu Bajjegereya kodiya mattad-odavu haduvalu Bikkeyamoradiya tenka-
pa-negila-kallu badagalu negila-kallu iSanyadalu Dugiya-Bammana kojadindaip badagalu Honna-
vareya ko}a mere ||
kam II virachisidan oppe Laksbmi- |
dbara-tauayaip Rama-devftn i-^asanamam |
baredam Padumarasam kap- | ,
darisidan idan Attiyojan firjjitavAgal 1|
(usual final verse).
firi-Ramanatha sarapu Sriman-maha-pradhanam TudapiUe-dapnayakanu sUnkada heggade Viru-
payya-NakayyaftgaJu sahitav agirddu ^ri-Ramanatha-devarige bitta gdpa I hatt-'ettina-vakkalu-dere
sunka vondu hudunke-dere sahitay anituvam bittaru ll

- 26
On a vtraMl in the endoswe of the same temple,
svasti 6riman-maha-mandale§varam Sinda-Govinda sitagara-gapda Patala-chakravartti arasanka-
iaragasa birudar-ankusa maleya tottale-duliva Malaparo]u gapda kadana-prachapda Nissanka-malla
290 H orin a li T a lu q .
subhatar-aditya rafirtti-Narayanam Majachi-deviyara vara-putrariuna KfesaVa-devara dibya-M-pada-
A * ' *
padinaradhakanum appa Isvara-Devarasara Belagavarttiya nelavidinol irdda Edavatte Ballare
Miiduvale mu 30 Narivajige 40 sukha-saukatha-vinodadim rajyam geyuttire Saka-varshada 1093
Nandana-samvatsarada Magha-su 14 A. Santaligeya arasu Singi-Devanu dhajiyagi baadu Hattivuraa
ijidu danavam kopduhohalli Dasa-gailijf' {stops here),

On another viralcal at the same place.
Bvasti 6r!man-mahd,-mapdale§varam Yi^vara-DSvarasaru Belagavattiya nelevidiaol irddu Banavase-
nada BaJJayeya Edavatte-nadu Muduvalla 30 NarivaUge 40 sukha-sankatha-vinodadim rajyam geyu-
ttam ire yire ||Saka-varuSada 1093 Nandana-saipvatsarada 14 A. Sa[n]taligeya-nada arasu Singi-
Devanu dhaji-marggadim bandu Hattivura Soratturan iyida turuvam konidu bohali Mattala-Dasayana
maga Chilaya I Mattala-Mallayana maga K^tayanu yiut ivaru anna-tammaudiru kaijdu herahingade
parid eydi tagi tajt-ifid echcUa Javan okilikidante palabaranx kondu billa dandegondu ghena kittu ku-
dureyajp tividu tujuvam hintiki sura-16ka-pr&ptar adaru 1|and ent endade Chilayangani Be}avu-ga-
vudige huttikk udiysida suputra-kula-dipakanu gofcra-chintamaiiiyum appa Mattala-Daseyanu nilsida
bira-gala II ^ ^
jitena labhyatS &c. [|
On a third virahal at the same place.
svasti sriman-maba-mandale^varain Malli-Devarasaru Belagavattiya nelevidinolu yirddu Edavatte
BaJlave Muduvalla 30 Narivajige 40 yint ivan ajutta sukha-sankatba-vinodadiip rajyam geyutta ire
^ A

Saka-varisada 1118 Pingaja-samvatsarada Vaisakha-su 10 Adivaradandu Vumma-Devi Kavudi-vojey-

alli bida bittu dh^i-marggadim Bejagavattige bandu kAdi kettu liogutta Kattagiyall idda jiva-dana-
vaip kondu-hohaga nAdavaru huyyalAgi haridu bavaravaip hididalli matt alii Malayana maga Chilayanu
kAde haridu herahingade Hattivura MAdauameyya Voddanakefeya kejage tagi tajt-iridu Javan
okilikidante palabaram kondu bilam dapdegoridti ghepa kittu kudureya tividu sura-loka-praptan Ada J
ad'ent endade ChilayaAgam Mallave-gavudigani huti vudayisda suputra-kula-dipakanu gotra-
chintAmaniyuv appa Birayanu nilsidam bira-gala ||

M the bottom of the pillar o f the rahga-maniapa o f the same temple,
namas tufiga-&c. 1|
svasti Sri Sa[ka]varsha 1215 neya Vijaya-sUinvatsarada Pushya-su 1 SomavAradandu ... sri-YAdava-
NArayanam bhuja-baja.. .. (2 lines gone) rasaru vijaya-rajyodayain geyyu tt.. . . . . .. Sri-Eamanatha-
devara devAlyada jirnnoddharada dbarmmakke A-devara pradishte ......... nada suAkavanu sarvva-
m anyavagi............bitta dharmmakke (usual final phrases).

On a viraltal in the field north of the same temple.
(The top portion is gone) svasti Srimam SatyaSra[ya] pyithuvi-vallabha mahArajadhiraja paramesvara
bhattaraka .. kaJi-Vikramaditya prithuvi-rajyam keye Vallavarasara vesadol osedad andu tatu A-kaJi-
galan kolvali perajdanam sandar Magusadi , . ara pade ...... ; raAytu ............ vojaduda Magusadiya-
Madagalu ... kottane -. .. n iridu sarggalaya (rest effaced).
Honn^i Taluq. 291

Ai D&s%rahitti {san^e hobli), o-j a copper plate belonging to b^iiigappa, son of Samerayara
*Tasibaaivritta-padliave gati |1 I^aluke-Rangasovi-padhave gati ji HattiTRangasomi-padhave gati )[
rajeki Hire-Hauumapaaa loakkat Tula-Ranamapana makka Yimiaa4i'Hanumapana makkana komarli
kKengapana makka yirttaghe Basavapa-aidlia Basava'koiaararu ]|
namas tuuga &c, ||
sriman mainatta sosta sriraali-mania.. sri-jaya-Salivahaaa-Laka-vamsa tI3 9 9 vara§a Plavanga-aama-
samcharada Palugai>a-su 12 S'atvar&dala |1Dasarahatti-Raagasvami shulii yeiu-gii4kiaU kaJaidSdi vaja-
ganahuttada vajage yidda Rangasvami vudhupalaradhu S'anivarada parva*kaladalli mdvattu-ghaligeya*
la Ranaachaudhriaa embali Kaiali markadojage butUdaatha Rangasvamiya sevige vu'Jumadi Sameraya
Titnmapana Dasarabatti Rabgapa Buttiyapaligu Hatti*Kafigasv§.miya Samerayatanavu namma nayauu
heji ticisiko4abeka eada he}L-kon(Jalli avara ricbaravudiralli aiiu-maaeya higadadever£l,dliu niva niva
yittandadavaru kudi devara muade pavadha-m&didhalladbe veradhu yendu yjbbarigu heji yidarava-
4age geddavarige Samerayataiia kodabeku yeada .. yi-katta ma^isi nivu summaae hogakSligadha
mvu nivu yittanda kddli vabba-vabbana hone ko{u sotavarige ga 100 geddavarige 50 1 yi-ritiyalu hope
kotu bogabeku yendu hejidalli a-^m^tige Dasaraha(;ti Samer^ya-Rangappage Nemafcti Yujani-Gauda
honi Vu^amaddi Sameraya-Timmapage tane Viri-Gauda Timraapanu honi yi-ritiyalu boni kotta
bandu Hatti-Rahgappana ga4> munde Tirumali-Dasaiyana siraga-pavada mM idalli dhintattakke
pavadage dhare sariy endu vayidha-madidalli dhiranartakke pavada gedditu || pavarilakke kudida
janarannu yalla samastaru, k&didaga manige hodaru ra y g&.Javaru vichira "mMidalli Botavar yarn
geddavaru yarn yendu kelidalli kapdantMvaru devaru Dasarabatti SamSraya-Rangappanu geddaDu
"Vudumaddi Tippappanu sotanu yendu helidaru vajittu nivu adida-prak§,rakke namma hapa(bac7c)
vannu kodi endu kelidalli avarige tamma tamma hapavanu verasidaru | devaru nimage vandu arike
madikkoUuttene nanagd yelu-nuru mattige karchu bittu yidakke devara daya haradij nanage vanda
gramavannu palisabeku yendu kelikondalli avarige valj.ifctu yendu Dasarahattiy eraba gramavanu
hakikottaru yi-grainavaimu kala-kalakke ga 50 ke rukka yidhikke yidannu ninu ninna janaft saha
vupdu-baruvadu yandu heRdaru \
\ninna mani marri grama madikondu anubbavisi-kombudu Dasara-
hatti Sameraya-Rabgapanu devaru namma . . . . namaga vandu ... . .j.=. bSku yendu ra |1 gaRge
(here follow details of gift.) vandu-kandugada prakard appanekottaru y DasarahatR Samer5.ya-Raugap-
page Sameraya-Kanadana rajyada vivara MaJenahalR-simeSiraogge-sime YikkSri-sime Bejagutti-sime
.. yindhanu yi-Rangappanu anubhavisabeku yendu . . . . kotta tdmbrada sasaba sahi || D§,sarahatti
Sameraya-Rangappa madida pavada manya 1 nu bandbuta Rangappa.. .. r u ........................pakkava
saha kottaru ]| yidakke sakshi || (here follow names of witnesses).

At Belagutti (Belagutti hdbli), on a virahal to the west of the Siddhisvara temple.
svasti samasta-praSasti-sahitam srimaa-mahl*raandaje5varain Malli-Devarasaru sukha-sankath^*
vinodadinr rajyaip geyyu tta m i.. 1109 neya Plavanga-samvatsarada Karttika-babuJa-am^vS.sye-
Somavaradanda 1|
vritta II Chatta-nripalakatn berasu Pd.irdyanum 6vade N&livarttiyaip i
tottane paydu jiva-dhauara ellaman agaje kondu poge benn- i
atti terajchi taR iridu pervvadeyam turuvam magurchcbi tdm |
Chatteya-Nayakam pa^edu mecbchi[si]danr sura-kanneyarkka}a (1
*The orthography of this insoription is very bad, and it is expressed in a very corrupt and illiterate manner.
11399= Durmmukhi; Hava*ga;r 1349. -
292 Hoanali Taluq.

Malla-nripajakam besase perggade-Mallana putrau ajiyoJ |

tallajav appinam pagege sarr-ene kilt alagim turangamam 1
bill-aniyam karult iridu chechcharav ^-tuyuvam inagurchchi tan |
illade Chikk-Cbattan amarabganeyarkkajo} oldu kddidani |j
ka^idadol iridiyadi bisu-nettarol okujikiijiyadi pechcbi mar- i
kondodan echcha punigara pandaleyam po^e-sendan adid-og- |
gandan ivan dal end em posa-muttina seseyan ikki kude kai- |
kond odan oydar achcharasiyar kkali-Cbattanan aji-rangadoj ||
nachcbi pored aldanain sale |
mecbchisi turuvam magurchchi marppadeyam talt j
acbch irida . . . . puraftgalan l
orchchatamain kondan alte nayaka-Chattam 1|

Bvasti sriman-maha-mandalesvaram Malli-Devarasarura Kanna-Gavundaca Bomma-Gavundauum

Halliya Mara-Gavundanum Ganjiya Maka-Gavundanum Ubbaravaniya-sthal.ada gadde^kamma 1 ra
Hosagereyojage ..kuri-kam m a 25 alii navane kamma 50 Chattaya-Nayakana makkalu^^makkalu
varam salisuvaru {usual final phrases').

On a third virakal at the same place..'
sri-Govindaya namali ll svasti samasta-praSasti-sahitam sriman-maba-ma^daleSvaram Malli-Devara-
saru Belagavarttiyoln sukha-sankatha-vinodadiin rajyaiir geyyuttam ire S'aka-varshada|^H18 neya
Nala*samvatsara-Chaitra-bahula-ekadasi-S6mavaradandu |!

kaip 11 tott enal Umma-Bayiya J

katt-algal kudure-verasu turugole kett a- 'i
Gatteya-Nayakan urad irid i
oltajeyind ant avam magiilchidan ig a l H
vritta 11Boppa-Devi-sametav irddu besasal Malla-kshamapalan int i
oppam-bett idir-anta-vairi-balamatn befikondu tibrasiyim 1
topp end ovade poydan angarikarol ballal karam Gatteyam i
bapp end t-dhare bannisalke padedam svarggapavarggangalam ll
bharadira Malleya-Nayaka-priya-sutam Gattayyan ugr^jiyol i
turagam muttidod ikki tat-turagamam ball-algalatp khadgaditn |
karulum kandamum ali-susuvinegam Sri-Rafiga Govind enutti
uru-tejam paded apsaro-gana-yutarn Vaikupthamam pordidain 11

intu kadi palaraip kondu turuvam magurchchiy angarika Malleya-Nayaka Macheya-Nayakara magam
Gatteya-^layaka sura-loka-praptan ada u srimat-Malli-Devarasaru samasta-pradhanarum JJmuliga-
Bamma-Gavundanum sabitavagirddu Gatteya-Nayakamalutanakke mechchiy UbbaramS^niyalu gadd®
kamba 10 Sovabarasiya-kereya keja beddale kamba 20 salisuvar p.

On a fourth virahal at the same place.
namah S'ivaya || svasti samasta-prasasti-sahitam §riman-maha-mandal&§varam -Malli-Devarasaru
Bejagavatiyolu sukha-sankatha-vlnodadim rajyam-geyyuttm ire S'aka-varshada 1118 neya Nala-sam-
vatsarada V,ai§akha-suddha*paurnnami-Vaddavaradandu ||
Honnali Talut, 298

kam II Umma-Bayiya dhajiy ad 1

ommeye kavi-tando8 eydi safigarad e^eypl l:
TammaUy appinav ari-balav |
ammi kafult iridaa u;ade n^yaka-Maila^ ||
vyi II tode kadiy-opinaip bariy eraj-kelan ommeye chekke-v6pitiarp
nadu bile-Topinaip tale kanakkenal aga} urnldu pdpinaip |
todardaran 6rade angaruka-Maileya-Myakan atma-kbadgadiip |
kadu-gali poydu-voyd irade mechcbisidain sura-kanneyarkkalaip ||
bh§-sura*Mrtti-vett eseva Malla-nripa}akau-afiigarakkaa 1
Kesava-N&yaka-priya-sutam kali*Maileyan &tma-khadgadind I
asurav appinam ripu-turauga-balangalan ikki gellaraip |
sasigan olpu-vett amara-kaminiyarkkaloj oldu kudidam 1|

Ta II antu kadi palaram kondu turuvam magulobi sura-16ka-prS,ptan &da |i S'iv§,ya namah || Siddhe-
fivaraya namah ||

4 0

On a sixth virakal at the same place,

...........svasti samasta-pra^asti-sahitam firimati-maha-manda].e§varam Malli-Devarasaru Be. sukba-
sahkathai-vinodadim rajyaip geyyuttam ire S ’aka-varshada 1118 neya N a . VaiS^kha-saddba*
pfirnnami-Vaddavaradandu |i
kam II bharadind Umma-Bayiya i
t a .........................dhanamain pdgal |
parid echchu Jedar-Appam |
turavaip pint-ikki k y id a m tat-kshartadol 1|
. . rad idirsida punigara pan-daleyam payiy echchu thidl tatr I
tared a r id a ........... rahga-balamam kali ki^t alaginde seneyatp |
parivariyappinam tavisi J e d a r a .......... meyan-Appugam bajald I
oragi surahgana-janada tdloj avam sura-lokav eydidam ||
Appan ivam pararttha-nidhiy appau ivam kali dani kurmmeyind I
appan ivam paraAgane........... sacharitra^una-pranutan int |
appau avan end eseva Jedara-S6meyan-Appanam . . ............I
- . ppi tand oydav achcharasiyarkkal id em sura-16ka-sSvyan6 ||

intu kadi palaram .......................... tuyuvam magurchchi Jedara-SSmeyana magan Appugaip sura-Ioka-
praptan ^dam || '

On a seventh viralcal at the same place.
6m namah S'ivaya Hsvasti samasta-praSasti-sahitam Sriman-maha-mandaleSvara Srimad-IfivararDSv-
arasaru Belagavarttiyolu . . . . rajyarn geyyattav iral ondu-divasam...........Malla-Set^iya magaip K&Je*
yam S ’aka-varshada 1137 neya Yuva-samvatsarada Aivayuja-ba 10 Somavaradandu ||
kaiegadoj Kvara-kshiti- 1
palam besasalke paridu .................... la i
Ka}anavol alurdu Ealaiu |
balim tayid urade kondu sarggakk ogedam ||
294 Honnaji Taluq.
paredam irddud ettaluip ne-1
ttara poual ant okku karu . . supida-kha^^ai^ I
............................ .......................... ...... I
. . adbhutav aytu Ha}andrid-S.haTado} ||
antu Hdi . palaraip kondu sura-loka-pr^ptaQ adam (|

On an eighth virahal at the same place.
6ip namah S'ivaya ||
Sinda-kulambara-dyumaniyain kali-Malla-nripala-pulranain 1
Mandara-dhairyyanaip vibudha-rakshakanam Phauiraja-vainSanam |
. . . . Mukunda-pada-pankaja-bhringanan i-jagaj-janam |

. . . . ISvara-Devarasam...........Bejagavattiyam............. . . danam p ad eda .......................... Bejagavatti-

kSteyau....... tad-balam p a t t i......... ola p ok k a .............. idirantu ka^ida......... k on d u ............ (rest effaced}.

On a virahal to the east of the same temple.
svasti samasta-bhuvanaSrayanx iri-prithvi-vallabhatp YMava-Narayariam pratapa-chakravartti Sim-
haJa-Devara vijaya-rajyav a-chandrarkka-tarara-baram saluttam ire || tat-pada-padmopajivi Honna-
Bammi'Setti Banavase-nada m§lS:}ikey-adhik^am m M utt ire ||
arasahka-karagasam Sin- I
•dara devain Malachi-prasadanvayan 1- 1
§Tara>manda}e§a'tanayaip I
par&rttha-nidhi Ee§ap6rTTipa|ain negaddain |t
svasti samasta-prasasti-sahitam 6rimana ma^dale^raram ESsava-Derarasaru 6e}agavattiyo}u sn-
khadiip r3;jyaip geyyutt iral ondu-devasaip Honna-Bammi-S’ettiy^ m^le nadedu Sovi-devana Bamma-
nani besase S'aka-varshada 1154 neya Ehara-samvatsa[ra]da Phalguna . . Adivaradanda

munisindam Honna-Bammaip nijarturaga-da|aip sudi seud-samdhaip |

ghana-ghoshaii-gondii nuhkalk atu}a-bhuja-ba]aip EglavorTvisan-Sjai* |
panadiip tan kfi ma;S,nt-ari-balav anitaip poyda kond ikki Soy-d^ |
vana tammam Bamman old achchara-ga^ikeyaro} kddi srarggakke sandani ||

antu kadi tajt iridu palaraip kondu sura-loka-praptan §.daip || oip namaS S ’ivaya ||

On another vtrakal at the same place.
svasti samasta-bhuvanasraya iri-prithvi-vallabham maharS,jadhir4jain yadava-Nard.yapam bbuja-ba|a-
pra - . . . . chakravartti Siiphala-Devara vijaya-rSjyam 5,-chandra-tS,raip saluttire tat-pada-padmdpa-
jtvi M^yi-Deva-dapnayakaru Banavase-n&da mel5.Jikey-adhikaraip madntfc ire ||

Sinda-kulambara-dyumaniyam kali-Malla-nrip^a-putranaip |
Mandara-dhairyyanaip vibudha-rakshakanatp PhapirSja-vapiSanaip I
sanda-Mukanda.pMa[.. . . ]-pahkaja-bbfiiigaDan i-jagaj-janaip |
kundade bapuikum dhareyol tivara-DSvanan udgba'pupyanatil j|
H p n n a ji T a lu q , 29^
srasti sam asta-praiasti-sahitam Siiiaanu m aha-m aQ^^M vara ............ ISrara-pSvarasaru •• •• •
s u k h a d i r ^ y a ip g ey u tt ir a l o n d u - d i v a s a i p ..................... .k a - v a r g h a d a 1137 n e y a Y u v a -g a jp v a t -
sarada............B^haspativaradaDdu ||

v fi II ..................... sa y y a n a d a ta in d k a jit t u . . ja y a n i |
b it^ m ddr-vra .. . . . dauamani band ikki tat-seneyam |
. .. . aga}e tagi kadi palarani bennatti ta^t irdda t&ld |
attnttam taveko^du vaji-sabitaip pokkaip saravasamaip II
.................galiy ubjiaya-bala mechchalu tdld ijidu . . . . poydata......................... p&di •• •• lachehafltaT
enipa Murari-Soya . . . . || sftsida-Sindav o k k a ......................... tadedu t u jd a ........... kM i
t a j t i^ id u ^ p a la r a ip k o n d u su ra -lok a ^ p ra p ta n a d a a i || . . . . U v a r a -D e v a r u k o t | a ......... ... B e ja g a v a r t t i-
y a lu g a d d e kam ba 31 b e }d a le k a m b a r a iii . . . < a t a n u .............T a m t n a y y a b it t a ip ga^de m a k k a }u -
makka|u-yarain salisuvara |l nam a§ S 'ivaya ||

On a stone near the southern wall of the same temple.
nam as tufiga>&a ||

rri II KamathadM^a-Phafldndra-dik-karigaJ in tamtamma*k§li-vij£i- 1

sa-manah-pritiyol irppud ayata-maha-bhd-bhararam t&JduTa-1
^ramav ek int ini .. n taleyal i . sS.Iven dal erabante dur*l
ddama-dor-ddandade tajdidam vasudheyain BaU&}a-bhdpa4akam ||
katp II Ratigain Bharatigav Aran- | '
dhatigam migil enipa rapu-ch&turyya-pati- 1
brata-gu^adin oppe mabirn^-1
nvite Padumala-Deviy agra-mahishiy enippaj ||
tat-pada-padmopajivi TAdapille-da^payakaru Bejagavarttiya n&d«adhikAr^ geyyutam ite ||
toda} illad onde nudi lb- 1
bhado} ondada manam edambad illada eharitam |
m adar illada sampadaT emb |
ida sAjam TMapiUe-dandadbipanol ||

A-6e}agavarttiya manneyar-anvayav entene ||

a-nripan ndara-cbaritani |
manita-mAnyaip vinirjjitAhita-sainyain |
B A opta-vacbanam dbareyoj |
tAn enisal pempu-vettan fsyara-bbdpaip II
arasabka-karagasam Sin- 1
dara dbvain Ma}ati-prasadAnyayan 1- |
fivara-mapd^lb^a-tanayatn |
p a r A r t t b a -n id h i M a ll i- D I v a n A }d a q i d b a re y a n t ||

tad-apatyan akbija-laksbmi-1
sadanam kadana-pracbaudan apramita-yaSaip |
TidaUta-ripa-kn}a-na]ini- |
madarad-vedapda-rApan fsrara-bb&pam ||
tat-pAda-padmSpajivi ||,
296 H o n n ^ lf.
^Tann^-Gavu^^aiiiiai tan^^aitf-r
sanData->iiia6 K£|a-Gau9 dan; atana pafraiQ (
mua nega|dar inn ir d.r enal |
unnata-vibhu Bamma-Gaundan eMdaip dhareyoj ||
para-hitan endu sacb-charitan endu dayaparaa eudu saj-jaa5t- 1
kara-parirakshaparpranayan e a ^ ’^ditddita-bhsigyan endu su-l
sthira-mati SiddhanS,tha-chara9 a0ibuja ..........................vi-1
staradole varn^iJ^am Beiagavarttiya muliga Bamma-Gaun . . . • H

................... gupa>sampannaa appa Malli-Gau^anu ||

tat-tanayain saka^a . . .. |
. . . . saujanya-vibbava-ratnakaran a-1
tyuttaman enipam dhareyoj |
Tritta>bhujaip ESitna-Gau^dan ahava-§aundatp |{

svasti Sriman-maha-mapdajesvaraip ISvara-Dlyarasaruip tamma mava Nallamarasanum alliya

gaudugajum irddu S'aka-var8^da 1097 neya Manmatha-samvatsarada VaiSakha-fiuddha 11 Brihas-
pativara-vyatlpatadandu Hosagereya kejagaria-bhlltniyam pratyefeam kamba 30 tamma Brahma-
puriya 22 Brlhmanara kMam karchchi dbar§.-purvVkam madi sarvva-badha-pariharam madi kotta-
ru II mattam mOdana bayala Kajeyanakereya tenkapa-kodiyalu gadde kamba 10 Govinda-bhat-
targgaip Bamadeva-pauditarggam kottaru || SOmesvara-bhattargge KaJeyanakejey-ola-meyyalu
gadde kamba 5 kottaru {usual final verse) 6qi namaS S'ivaya |f M rayap aya namab ||

On another stone at the Sameplace.
jayanti Siddhanatbasya pada-pa&k^|a-pa........... |
.................. matta-bbpbg3,6ga'saAginab l(
svasti Sri prithvi-valla . . . . parameSvara parama-bhattarakagj SatyaSraya-kuJa . . . . Srimat-chakra-
vartti-SomeSvara-Devaru sukha-sau......... . ..j y a m geyuttire 1) tat-p&.da-padm6pajivi ||s v a sti. . . .
maha-Sabda mah§,-man(jajelvaram Karahata-pura .... Majati-dlvi-labdba-vara-prasadasadita-sama..
. . . . Jaip vijaya-Lakshmi-karnna«kundaJa m ja-dbvaja-yiraja.............. ..idna mallaji-turyya-nirggho-
shana gu^a-ratna-bhO ........................ di-namavaji-virajam&nar appa Sriman*maha............... . Malli-
Devarasaru Bejagavarttiya nelevidinoju . . . . geyuttam ire ||
kanda ||arasanka-karagasain Sin- 1 ^
dara devarn Majati-prasidanvayan I- 1
........nidhi Malli-Devan adatara devam [1
tat-p§,da-padm6pa . . . . 1|
aradhyam Girijadbipam pati nutam sri-Malli-D§vaip janS.- |
dh§,ram Mikkara-Saudi-panditan enippani tande Honnauve tay |
dhiram tarn Perumaju tann-anujan S.-KanvS.hvayatp gotra . . r
st§,ram pempina sunka-verggade valam Devappan urvvi-nutaip ||
. . antum alladeyuin ||
Manu-mdrggam praputa-tri-varggan uchitam san-manamuip dauamuin I
jana-santoshapa-vi . . . sbapam udafichat-kirttiyuip murttiydni 1
tanag int i-gupav ekkalavapav enal sat-pavanaip M alli-D S-1
vana herjjunkada DerarSjane valaip dbanyain peji;ar ddhanyarS ||
S o m i l ji T a lu q . 297
inta pogajte-vetta herjjufikada Devamiaaaip kareda Sriman-maha-ma^^aleSvaram Malli-Devarasara
firimat-Siddhesvara-devara Sri-karyyak endu tamma Sivatada Neluvagilahajliya . mfi(jalu KOradi-
kere tenkalu Da^diganodavinabalia pa4aval era^a va|a>vfikslia badagalu BbrmgS,riyabaUar iata
cbatur-agb&ta-iuddbavagi S'aka-varsbada’ l l l O neya KUaka-samvatsarada Puahya-suddba-ashtami-
Somavara-vuttarayania-safikramaaa-vyatipatadandu bi^tu alliya sufikamam bid eoal ante geyven
endu ka,ruka-deje g§,ria-dej:e budake-deye bifavaaav ippatt-ettin-okkalu-deye berjjunka kodavisa*
bandara-baria-sahitaip Srimat-Safikar&si-pa^ditara kala^i karchchi dh§ira-pdmakam jn&di kottaru
(usuai final virse) 6m namal S’ iv&ya Usri Sri
On a virJccd near the entrance, (it the sameplace.
svasti eamasta-prasasti-sahitain sriman-mahS,-mai3idaleSvaram Tailapa-Devaru Banavsisi-pannichchhS;-
siramum Beluvalav-eradaru-nftrumam S^ntalige-sasiramucaam Mapdali-n§,dumam Hanufigal-ainflyu-
mam tribbogabhyantara sukba-rajyam. geyyuttav irddu Srimacb-Chalukya-Vikrama-varSada 55 neya
Sadbarana-samratsarada Karttika-suddba 2 Somavaradandu Tailaha-Devaru svarggav Sralu Srimat-
hannirvvara-ganda Dasaraeana tantrapaja bannirvvaru maoneyara tantrapalara ganda Masanayyana
tamma Boppana veje.vakiyani nilisi Tailaba-Devana kude srarggasthan S,galu j svasti Sriman-maba*
mandaleSvara Mayuravarma-Devaru mandaJika-Masapayyanu Srikarana-sahita samasta-parigra-
mum iridu Boppana sameyi-jdjake kotta gadyanam- nfljumam Masariayyana makkaju-makkaj-varam
salisuvaru (| Vamadeva-panditaru samasta-gauvudagalum ildu Stana kalu uilisidaru j|

On another vtraMl at the sameplace.
6m namab S ’ivaya Ij svasti samasta-bhuvanaSrayam Sri-prithvi-yallabbani mah§.rajMhir3jam Yddava-
Narayapam pratapa-chakravartti Simhala-DSvara vijaya-rajyam a-chandrarkkam-baram saluttire |)
tat-pada-padmopajivi Mayi-D6va-dannayakaru Banavase-n&da m61alikey-adbik&raip w&ddttire il

Sinda-kulambara-dyumamyaip kali-Malla-nyip^a-putranaip I
Mandara-dbairyyanatp vibndba-rakshakanaip Pbapiraja-vaipsanam {
sanda-Mukunda-pada-yuga-parikaja-bbringanan i-jagaj-janam 1 , .

kundade bappikuip dhafeyoj ISvara-D6vanan udgba-pubyanaip 1|

svasti samasta-praSasti-sahitaip srimanu*mahS,-manda}6svaraip Isvara-Devarasaru Beiagavattiyolu

sukhadi rajyaqi geyyutam ire US ’aka-varsbada 1138 neya Dh6tu-saipvatsarada VaiS&kha-Su 5 Bfiha-
v&radal iSvara-Devaip Chiupeya-sabaniiyaip besase ||

Madanabagam Be^ar |
bbbedisi payd iridu turugajain kaykopd i- I
podar ene muJida-Javanant I
adaip bennatti patta-sahani-ChiJj^ain H
bharadindam parid eydi BSda-vadeyaip kapd 6rddu benkondu tat- 1
turagaip v§.yu-jav4dhikani pariyisuttaip kutti kond ikki tacb- i
chhiramani t6m pod^-seydan 6de padapind ajdaip karam mecbchal ach- I
cbariy S.gal turuvam magulcbi pageyaip parddinge birdd ikkidajp U
sabgara-rangadoi atidbi- 1
ram gui.ii-jana-sevyan ivanoj 6,r ssari Chipna- |
y y a ig enal ISvara-bhupana i
dingarigarn svami-karyya--hita-rata-jivam 1|
298 Honti&U T a lu q .
antu svami-karyyadiip Chi^riayyaip svarggasthan age dingariga-vfittiyagi Butanakoja^ada kejagfr
gadde matta 1 Attikajeya kelage beddale matta 1 Morftralu ga 1 vam Kvara-Devarasaru Chi^i^ayana
magaugam atana tamma Yaukayyana makkalu-iiaakka|ge salisuvara yidan a^hidain maba'P&takaik
akku II uamaS S'ivaya ||
On a third virahal.
6m namah S'ivaya ||svasti samasta>pra§asti-sahitam Sriman-maha-m a^dalelvaram satya-ratnakaram
fiara^agata-vajra-pafijaraip arasanka-karagasam BiIleSvara*d6va-pad&r6dbakatn para-baja-slidhakar-
appa Bira-USvarasaru bbuja-baladim BelagavattiyoJ r% a in geyyuttire || S ’aka-varshada 1167 neya
Krodhi-varshada VaiS&kha*5u 5 Guruvaradal tiakhkha9ap4|a Kali-Devam dhajittu Hattivura
bavarado} ||
ittulid-4-Lakhkbapapa}an4 kudurega} dhalittu seudchcha^aj- I
jajadbi-dhvanadia ujgimi poymi baral 4-bhit6rvvip4}6dgha-mari- |
^a}ikddyad-bala>s4garam pe;ramadutt ipp aisakam munchi tad- |
bajamain kadi terajchi konda palaraip vaiebitradind Aichugaip ||
parfeda-karuj-midujugajiip |
nore-nettara ponalga}inde k a ^ d ^ a kesari^ I
siram urujva-mandadiip bhi- |
karav Ayt and Aicban ij:ida saAgara-rangaiii ||
si^il adasi podieya-tejradiip |
padey-aivaman uruje po^edu balamaip kondaqi |
kadu-galiy-Aichuganam taj- i
todan a«khechariyar oyye saggain bokkam ||
GuttanahaUiya Kaleyana tammatp ledk-Aichaip sora-loka-praptan adaip |j

Behind the same temple.
S'ivaya || namas tuAga-&c. ||
ja ya [nti SiddhanAtba] sya pAda-paAkaja-pAmsavab I
sura-vidyAdharadbiSa-matta-bhfiAgAnga-saAginab II
bbtl-cbandrarkka-samira^Anajia-vlya . . . . rttis sadA
PArvvatyAs smita-loja-netra-sukhadas traiJ6kya-66bhaspadab I
bhaktabhi8bta*phaja‘ prada8 sura-ga^a-prasta........... . |
.. yAd Kvara-bhftmipajam amala-sri-Sinda-vaniS6dbhavam |j
namah Siddhe^varAya S'ambhave ||
vaJi-vegAbhila........... Ja-parikaJltaip ghftr^iijitAbhyarpya'parA- 1
chchaJitAvartta-pranrityat-prachura-jalacharaip vidrumodagra-muktA- |
phaja-§akti-vyakta-kambu-prata ............................................. ; I
....................... dvlpamam sutt iyid ati-bahaJa-dhvAnav ambhd-nidhAnani |f
A-JambA*dvipa-rajang a m a la ..................................
....................sura-stoma-dhAmabhiramain |
bhrAjat-tara-4alAuka-dyumani-ma9i-ga9Ala6krit6ttuAga-4riAga- I
kam II A-Mandarakke dakabina- 1
bha-mapdal^’Q! esevud alii Bharata-kshStraip |
Honn&Ji T alu q. 299
6ii->ma94^Dain eue torkkam |
b M -m § ............................. II
.............. ; ....................... dhatar |
wiraiigana-virajita-bhujadoju padujaip |
ta^edar anekar mmudadiiii |
ChSjukya-bhdpar a p ra ti.................d oj 1|
vn dhareyatp varidhi-mekhajollasiteyjun lil3.4ata-paliav§.-1
dhareyaip v is tri............................. 1
........nandanaJi-viJasat-piigaFprakapdodgha-kan- |
dhareyam dor-vvala-chakravartti tajedam Sri-Bijjanorvviva . . . .
• ........................ .......... I
........................ . . .................... . varidhi-ba4a'V&na|agi 1
Md}ava-vanya-dava-§ikhi Gdrjjara-megba-marut samagra-Ne-1
plL|a-mada..................................gaip kalUBijjapa<-bh&mipa}aaaip
ka II d-vibhuvin-anujan akhija-ka- |
ia-vibhavaqi pempu-vetta sad-guna-vrindakk |
d r d sa ...............................................I

16Ia-bhujasi-gbata-ga]itahita-gandha-gajSndra-ktHnbha*muk- I
t^liyan andu ni|a-nava-nirada-yah-fcana....................|
................................................................ chataka-saAghadind ad I
bbijav enippud achchariye Mailugi-DSvan^udagra-vikramaiii |(
ka &tana manmaaip bhuvana- |
kby§,ta ........................................................I
.... ••.........................ya-nidhi negajdam I
bbtl-taladolu s3.basabkan apagata-Saukaip ||
Tfi I firt-yuvatiSanam nikbija-bbft-valayadbipaoaip saroja .. |
................................................ lakshita-gatranaip oayd* |
p§.ya-sametanain budha-vindtanan Mrita-pdrij3.tanain |
Riya-Murdriyaip padeda ba^pipud i-dbare S6yi>Dlvanatp || .
........................................... tan I
ud§.tta-vibbav§,marendran udvritta*bhujalp |
8adama}a-gupan i-dhareyo}u |
tad*anujao ene negaldan eseye Mallugi-Deva I|
8uman6-bbudbara-k!Jit§,ya........................... bharamai]i tSJdida* I
firamamaip mapipea ende Edrmma-Pbapabbrid-‘dig>dantiga}g ande sam* I
bhramadim , . . . . cbaki'avartti vijayS.Iaftkaran int oppe Sab-1
kama-Devam ta^edaip dhar^-valeyamam prochchapda-ddr-ddap^aditp ||
Tlridbiyant agadha-mahimaspadanaixi bahu-ratna-Sobbeynni |
Meru^irindradante kanakanvitanuip vibhu . .. .. ■ nuip |
Varijanabhanant amita-vikramanum kamalaksban embud i- /
dbbripi Safikamdbka-narapblanan ftijjita-pupya-jijana ||
gmti samasta-bbavanEiSraya . . . . pritbvi-vallabbam mabarajadhirSjam parameivaraip Ka}&ajara-
pura-Taradbisvarani suvarnpa-vfishabha-dhvaja damaruga-tdryya-nirggboshana kadana-pracha . ...
... ditya kaligaJ-ankusacbalad-anka-Rama §nmat-Kalacburyya-bhuja-ba}a-chakraTartti... Sabkama-
D§rara Kaly&pada nelevidinoju sukba . . . diip rbjyip geyuttire tat-pada-padmopajivi firfma...........
senadhipati bahattara-niyogadhipati raya-dandianbtha gapda-pepdafan uddanda . . . . samasya-sflre-
H<ftmal5 Talufci.

kajfa ari-biruda-mandajika-mastaka-§iila Velnada-Choleya-rajya-nirmmflJatia Hoysana-dilapatto Kon-

kaaa*bhayaakaran ity-atli., .. Ji-virajam^nar appa §nmat-K&vanayya-daadanayabara ||
vri II satataip vi^ruta-sat-kaja-chaturane Brahm^tmajaip bM-taJa- \
stuta-s5,marthyane Jakkapauveya sutain tejah-prabhavodayo- 1
ddhatane Teja-chamupan-agrajan udagrarati-sSna-chayon- |
natiyind irddane sand-A^astya-kalajam dand§,dbfpam KS,vaii2lip II
karavajahaiiyim padati-balamam tat-saiiiika-bratadim I
turaga-stoma...................... .................................................. 1
....................... . . . . . . . . . priatatiyaip nufggontutum BhimanoJ |
dorevettam kadana-pracha^^^'^n eiiisal da^dadhipatp Kava^am ||
va IItad-anujan-anvayavat§,rav entendode ||
Sagarahvaya-janapada-laksh- 1
mige janma-sthananx enipa Baliharoju sand 1
aganita-mati Bankarasam |
negaldam bhu-taJa-vinuta-Kasyapa-gotrara ||
avani-vikhyata-dana*gunad unaatjyim l
liaviy-arasam bhavipad A-1
Ravitanayangam chatur-ggunam paficha-gupaip 1|
a-vibhuvin-S.tnaajam sam- i
bhavitan akhilorvvi-kajpa-mahijaramam |
firi-viaadanvayan ejeyoju i •
........... m ene negajdan eseye vibhu-Baftkarasaip |1
tat-taneyaip dvija-ku}a-sam- |
patti-sudha-varddbi-varddbanodaya-chandraip 1
Tritta-bhujan enisi negaldan u- i
dattaip MadSva-dandanayakiui ejeyol ||
Kavi-^utra-priya-sunug iva-gu^iav Sn &§charyyave saiii^yad ut-1
sava . . . . . . . . . . . gahaname Gauri-tanfijange bhft-1
bhuvana-prastula-ldrttiy appud aride MadSva-day^^dhipafig-1
e vilasbchita-sat-kaja-parichayam Brahmagrajafig 'arggaVe ||
va II ant'enisid amatya-sampatti-pramukba-nikhiJa-Kalachuryya-rajy&bbyudaya-karaiiav &da Sindfir
nvayavataxav'ent endade ||
vri IIS'iva-Sindhu-priya-sa6ga4ind ogedan and orvvain kum&ram inahot- I
savadindam Girij§,-mauo»ramanaa and anvarttham appantii iSain- |
dbavan e .. -......... dHan oldn jpesaram tan alkariip dbaririi-)
dhavan ag end tJragMhirdja-vilasad-raksbl-sametam BhaVatp ||
ka i|p u li........................ i
k a l i ........ tanna sutan enuttajn Gauri- i
lalaneSa............. |
............... .. li-pMan nnidu taciichhi§u belada |)
va II £i-Parame§varam tanna putrauge-Majati-deviyam safigramakke sahi,yey ag endu besasi Nidudoja-
Sindan end eradeneya........... padedu |)
ka !| Karabadame tanage neley k- i
giral ahitaran aledu geldu bhuja-bajadiip t a d - 1
dhareg adhipan g,dan end ur- 1
w are Sinda-kul§,vataraharp sale pogalguip ||
H o n n ili T alu q. 301
...........mah&-Sabda malia-manda]e§vara Karah^ta-pura-varMhi^vara Malati-devi-labdha-vara-pra-
aSdasadita-samasta-mahi-mandalani vijaya-lakshtfli-karnna-kUEidalam . . . . virajamaua dana-Kanina
mallaJi-tdryya-nirgghoSaeam gu^a-ratna-bhusaiiaiji Smda-kula*kamaja-marttanda vijaya-dor-ddan^^
Pbapiraja-vamsa sujaa&,vatamsa byagbra-mriga-laucbhanatsi niyoga-k^ficbanaiji iauryya-para-
yaaam vairi-N§,rayaijani arasan[ka]-karagasam biiudar-afikusa vairi-vaiia-davain Sindara deratp
Kidudola-Sindaip Karahada-nals&sira-volagag aneka-deSafigalaa ajvau &tana vainSadol auekara
rajyaip geyidar avaroju
vfi IIadataran atti metti ripu-birara bitmanainaip kajalohi mt- 1
rida su-bhatarkkalam pariye poyd idirainparan ikki khadga-dau-
dadin ujfad ajiyoj vijaya-laksbmig adhlsvaran ad udfitta-^aur- 1
yyada kaniy embinam Piriya’ Chattarasaip pesarvettan u m iy o j ||
kam 11 sri*nidhi vinite nikhija-ka- |
Ja-nidhi saubhagya-bhagya-nidhi sebya-gui)am- i
bhonidhi tat-sati pati-hite i
manini sale Dorabarasi pempiip negajdaj I1
tat-taneyaa ejeyaa ajdaa u- (
dattam Jogarasan ataa-afcmajan avaui - )
bbrit-tijakan enisi negajdam |
vritta-bhujam pempu-vetta kali-Chattarasam ||
vachana ||tad-anantaram tad-vamsadol ||
vri II atata-kirtti bh&-bbuvanamam dhavajippud ajurvvavappa da- |
natisayam sura-drumaman ejipud 6yadft,saAgar&ngan6t- |
pata-uijasi bhitiyan ad agade vairige malpud eadod ant i
itan id eip pratapa-nidhiyo kali-Macba-nrip&Jan urvviyoj H

kam II pinde turagamane payisi j

sandanisida vairi-balaman fi.jiyol aled a- j
tand odavi tanna kijt-a}a-1
gindain salag ijidan urade M&cba»nrlpalarp |1
a-nripan-anujan ud^ram |
manita-maiiyam vinirjjitahita-sainyam 1
sunrita-vachanaip dhareyoj 1
tdu enipain Malli-Devan adatara deva |!
garu-bhujan atana taminam |
Icara-kajita-nijasi-vegadindam nriparam I
dhuradol ir id u ........... Ai- i
harasam pesarvetta.. . . . . . . dhatri-taladoj |!
kayalum arfthige bejpudan |
iyalum i-nripa-sutam samartthan enuttam |
Eayarasanan akhila-janam l
jiy ene bannipud adatta-kirtti-priyanaip ll
tad-apatyan akhija-lakshmi-1
sada,nam kadana-prachandan apramita-ya^am |
vidalita-ripu-kuja-nalini- l
.madavad-veda^da-rupan Isvaia-bhupam ||

jEidJ-ingtvdalante j)8mpu-vaded Isvara-bhupana kirttiyam kajafl- |

kaagedegopda-cbiindraman ad gala polvane vairi-tuiga-sau- i
3©2 H o u n ^ li T a lu q .
dhangajoj urvvi parvvida kajufikege tanuaya lakshma ... gam |
lafigisidagal ond inisu p6lvade p o lk e ........... ejgeyol ||
madavad-vairi-kulantakatp guru-bhujaqi §ri-Pa9(Jya-Devarri jana- l
bhyudayam sri-uidbi MallUDevan adatam .. yam nayopaya-sam-1
padaa int i-vijayam v i . . . . vijayajankaraa end endu 16- i
kadavar vvari^pise sat-kumarar esedar vviSvambhara-bhagadol ||

va IIantu pogaltegani negajtegaip neley enisida kumarar Manage besakeyye nija-vijaya-bhuja-baladim

p6rvva-purusharind uparjjisida n^dagal av §.vuv endade H Edevattey-erppatturji .. yajige-nalvattuip
Ballave 70 Hojaluru . . .. Santajigeyalli Mudavara 80 Yadasule ye 70 Kadambajike-nadojage
KoJJiga 70 aivatt-arum B ^ d ^ .. . . t e 70 Bhranti 30 A r a k e r e ........... nujavojalu 12 AttigSri 12
EJambeju 12 int i-nadugala rajyani tanag ek6,yattav §,ge BanavAsi-de^a-lakshmige v i l a s a ...........
enipa Belagavarttiya nelevidinola sukhadin arasu-geyyuttam irala 1|
kana 1) Slva-p^dambuja-bbringaip |
S'iya-chara?ia-sar6ja-bhakti................ |
........................... .............. vidya- I
pravaraip Maley&Ja-Devan ejeyoju negaldam ||
.. chchhedana-patu-katMran ene pesarvettaip |
sacb'chbastrambu |
. . . . gupa . . ma-Devan ivara devarn H
tat-t6pasa-taneyam S ’iva- | •
chittan e n a la ........... ....... | ~
vrittam tadiya-Sishyan u- |
d6.ttan........................ ||
para-hitan 6,-yati-putraip i
Hara-chara^a-dhy&na-pari^iatlntahkara^iaip I

dbare pogalalu nega}da Sabka . . •• ||

. . . . y§,dano padapinim vidyadharam vamniy a- |
dano men Indra-tanO................ko^i- 1
d a n e ............................................ . I
. . . . viSruta-Sankarasi-yatipam Siddhesvararadhakaip ||
svasti ya ............... p ra n a ya m a ................. irimatu Saftkarasi-panditar a-nripange dharmmamau
abhivarnnise kam II* ............ arddikkum dharmma-tatparabg aridunt§ || va |1 endu dharmmamane
mukhyam madi ........... Siddheivara-deva .............dyakke khaiida-spbutita-jirnnoddbarakkav endu
S'aka-varshada 1102 neya S'arvvari-samvatsarada Vai^akha-suddha 8 Somavaradandu Siiraan-
maha-mandale§vara . . . . vara . . . melaikeya Mahadeva-da^nayakaru tanna kumararam heggade-
Sayyanna heggade-Somayyanum heggade-Malayyanum heggade-Bammayyanuip int i-pradhanarum
dannayaka-Madhuvannanutn gaudugaluin sahitav agirddu tanna Belagavartti ........... IJiya heg-
ge.reya kejage Gangana galeyalu koyi mattaru hadinaydaip 15 Safikarasi-painditara kalam karchchi
........... a-holakke simey entendade mudalu Deh6rada keyeya mudana kodi te n k a lu ...........................
purvva sthaja-vritti §rimat-Siddhe5vara-devarggam Das6§vara-devarggam mathada-hoya ...........va
50 mattam daimayaka-Madhuvaiyana maga S6mayyan §,tana............madisikond a-keyeya badaga-
godiyalu bitta beddale kamba 5 0 ................telligar a-devara nand6,-divigge bitta..gayia .............
. . . . kain II virachisldano P ailam m a..............................(usual final verse).
*The first portion o£ this verse^is completely eflaced.
H onn& li T a lu q . 303

(o» the top) §nman-maha-mai>dalesvaram Malli-Devana tajayam Bidda9 ana Boppeya-Nayakant

tann-ijdana kaiyalu padedu Sri-Ke§ava-devargge Siddheivara-devara gaddeyim tenkalu bi^ta gadde
kamma 10 ondu-ganada honge vana vond-eley-okkala sarige yale IQO S'ivaya namaii ||

At the same viUagey on a 'drakal near a waU to the east of tlw Channa-KSs'ava temple.
svasti samasta-prasasti-sahitam sriinan-maha-ina]a4aj^varain Malli-Devarasaru sukba-sankatha-
?in6dadim rajyani geyuttire S'aka-varshada 1117 neya Raksha sa-sainvatsarada Chaitra-Suddha 5
Bfibaspativaradandu ||

vfitta II Malli-npipajakaip besase machcharadindame RattepaUiy a- |

balla^iyam karutt irid idircbchidaram tave konda seueyoj |
tallalamani tagujchi kati-pallatav llgire poydu vairiyam i
Kalleya-Nayakam karame mecbchisidam sura-kanneyarkkalana H
tarataradiadav Urddisuya poyv okuva ntokuv ankegoj- i
varan adatim kaj^utt ifidu sangaradol Javan okkilikkid ant> |
ire nere-madid angarika Kallcya-Nayakanatn inahotsavam j
beras idirgondar achcharaseyarkkai id eip kaliyo vildsiyo 1|
karuja todarppu koJ-midula-jajrike kaii^ada ; . . . tuldi ne- 1
ttara ponal attey attu|i........... ga|a tintipiy adud §qi janam |
pirid irid-S,va............................... . Nayakan ajt-raAgado} |
sura-purav eydipam nija-bhujoddhata................varaijam ||
antu . . . . palaram kondu sura-loka-pr^ptan ada g SiddheSvaraya nacaab ||

At KuldhaUi village {same hdbli), on a virakcH in Nahjayya's field near Pdlara-mara^, south-west
of the village.
namas tunga &c. ||
avasti Bamasta-pra[Sa]sti-sabitam ^rimanu maba-mandaleSvarapi satya-ratunakaraip ^aranagata-
vajra-pafijaram arasanka-karagasain birudar-ankusam mfirtti-N&rayanara vi\asa-tallabbaip Sri-
BilleSvara-devara dibya-§ri-p§da-padumarMhakain para-bala-sadhakarum appa SrimaVkumaja-Bira*..
Devarasaru Kalliseyalu sukha-sabkatba-vinodadiip rajyam geyvutam irddalli Saka-varsba 1168
neya Visvavasu-Eatnvatsarada Jeshtha-Su 13 S'ukravarada .. Boppula samasta*sena-nayakara
aamasta-sannaba-sahita Kudaliya mutti sriman-maba-pradhanam babattara niydgadbipati sakala-
lakshmi-pati Sevuna-sannahana-samuhanum appa S'ridbara-danpayakara kude talt irid ekkatujadoj
nkkilikki kaduvalli maba-pasS.yitam Babbara-bah§, Setuvina B a.. na madida pratSpav entendodo I|
dharini vorbba vira-narapMakanam .. deyvadantaban I
dare negalteyam kadupumam manamatn manavS,re node pem- |
M5,riyol a-maba-pralaya-Bhairavanante virodbi-sainya-sam- |
haraka nimma (setu) Setuvina Bam , . yan orbbane pundu madidatn 1|
Vira-nripaja kej kaligal-ankusa ninnaya raya-raiitar i
bhbhorenal e .. .. marmaled idirchcbida-v5ra-vir6dhi-sainyamam i
Bhairavanantire .................... endu pundanam |
virada setu Setuvina Bammayanam . . galgum jaga-trayam 1|
antu nija-patige . . . . pun- 1
dante kataradoje tividu parivaram . . . . i
504 H on n^ U T a lu q .
.. ure suriye pfi-majay i
iatu Sadasiva-padake Bim . . am saudam ||
namo’ stu paramatmanS li Setuvina Bomeyage kotta valitavanu henijiru-makkajige salisi sukadim
papa . . tu II tamma Eyeyamanu bira-gala niiisi pratip§,lisidanu ||S'antin^tha ||

On another Vtrakal at the same place.
svasti Samasta-praSasti-sahitam Srimanu maha-ma^daje^varam satya-ratnakaram saranagata-vajra-
pafijaran arasanka-karagasa birudar-ankusam murtti-Narayanam vilasa-vallabham Sri-Bille^vara-
dSvara dibya-Sri-pada-padm^radhakaniiqi para-bala-sadhakarum appa fe’xmatu Bira-DSvarasam
sukha-sankatha-vinodadim prithvi-rajyam geyvuttum BalalagondaJ astbS,navagi vaddolagam got^-
iddalli Patta-sahariada Gangeya-sahauiy-ajiya fechaya kotta bhS,sey entene para-bajam samasta-dala-
bharam sahitam uravanisi nftkidalli rkjadhyaksham hididu bide kataradim kuyuhina kuduregajaip
arikeya nayakarain tividu para*balamaiB ka}aku}amam maduven endam pana-sattigeyam padedtt
sukhadin irppinam || Srimanu maha-mandal^svaram Dekarasanum Ch^Jangiya Bireya-Nayakanuin
tamma samasta-dala-bharam berasu Nemattiya bayalolu moharisi nfikidalli || ^rimanu maha-pra-
dh^nam Medimeya-Ntyakanum S'ridhara-Devanurp Koppala eamasta-hadi-parivara-sahitaJp moharisi
oadedu tagi Javan okkilikkidantir - adbhutamage heseje kopda bennattidalH para-ba}adava neleya
inoharam sankajisi kudikoudu nunkidalli pachanam bitt ikkidagalu li

Birarasange kotta hosa-dSsiya bhlseyan Snan emben a- |

veleya moharam pralaya-varidhiyante layagpiyantir k- i

Mariya mfiriyantir ayeyattidod Echarian indu vairi-sarp- |

haraman i-kataradoie mdd<iven endan adante madidam ||
palaram kuri-dayidayidaip |
palaram sijd otti ka<Jida dese-vali geydaip |
‘ palararp b&tdale vididaip |

kali chaladi katarad Echigatp rapa-dhtraip ||

kuruhina kuduregatain sand |
ayikeya n§,yakaran iridu ba|edam meyedatp i
■ nere-gali katarad Echaip l
karev-alar-vaje mole suriye sarggake sandam |l

endu tanna kotta baseyain phrayisi S'aka-varsbada 1169 Plavanga-Saipvatsa[ra]da Vai^Skha-su 10

Bri-dand arasu parivaram mecbche deva-lokakke sandar ||

At Saulahga {same hobli), on a stone near the ShiJcdrpur-road.
svasti sri jayabhyudaya-S'alivahana-saka-varusha .. 1493 neya Prajapati-sapivatsarada Vai^akha-
ba 13 Somavaradalu ^riman-maba-manda}esvaram Gava-Kajayanavaru tamma taude Venkat&dri-Raj-
ayanavara uttara-kriya maduv&galu tamma tandege pupyav &gab§k endu Anegondi-mathada Vijendra-
vodeyara mathakke dharen eyada Saulangada-gramakke Subham astu sri

At Nydmati {same hdbli), on a stone in the "baclt-yard of the Vtralhadra temple.
svasfi S'aka-kalam entu-nfira-ombbatt-aydaneya S'rimukha-sainvatsarAntarggata-PAlguyia-bahula-
paSchami-Brihaspativaramum Saukrantiyandu Nelmabbeya karamara Bidi-eradu*kanae •• daflaip
H onn&li T a lu q . S05
gottain pannera^u kavileyara dSvarggem vittaip kereyau agalasidoni flafige meyde . . . . lyadojuip
Be}e mattaru Kakkarana ............................................................

On a vtrahal to the east o f the same temple.
svasti §rimach-Chalukya-Vikrama*kalada 50 ueya Visvavasu-samvatsarada Bh&drapada-suddha .
Adivaradandu kimad-agrah§,ram Nelavattiya turuvam Bejagavattiya Deseyain kondu^podalli chippi-
ga-Padmana maga Chikka turuvam pintikki kudure-mel5}5g iyidu sattu suradSka-praptanMaud
aS§sa-mahajanafigal mechchi Padmange nettaru-godagey agi bitta beddale gajeya mattal ondu

On a virakal at the same place.
svasti samasta-bbuvanasraya Sri-pvithvi-vallabba mahar5,j§,dhiilja param&svara parama-bhattarakaip
SatyaSraya-kula-tiJakam Chalukyabharanam §rimat*TribhuvanaccaUa.Devara vijaya-rSjyam uttarotta-
rabbivfiddhi-pravarddhmanam a-chandrarkka-tarain-baraTn salnttam ire tat-pada-padmopajivi 1 iri-
Chalukya-Vikrama-varshada ‘28 neya Subha ., samvatsarada As5.da-ba 1 Brihavaraip vyatipata-
dakshinayana-sahkramana .. svasti yama^-niyama-svadUyaya-dhyapa-dharapa-maunanushtlna-japa*
samadhi-sila-sampannaru sujana-piasanuaru §ri-Narasiniba-deva-labdha-yara-prasS.darum an^ka-
tarkka-sastra-vyakarana-chchhand6}aftkara-kavya-n&takanga}olu . •. taruqj samastaojana-pAjitarnm
gotra-pavitrarum charu-charitrarum .. chadainaijigaju bkndhava-jana-rakshamanigaju sarap igata -.
vajra-pafijararu Nadegoi.ite-maliaru chatuiyya-Chaturananaruin dvija-jana-darjdrSdri.. jraru sukara-
sukavi-pika-nikara ...k d raru m ba h u .. Jadhararumekafiga-viraruBrahma-vaipsa-varddhanaram5§rita*
jana-cbintamauigalu vidagdha-vidvai-jana*pujkgraganigalupidai‘ppitdrati*mada-iiivkraparu chatus-sa-
mudra-paryyanta-yaso-bhagigajum enippa srimad‘ Uttamada-Bhattagrafliey-agrah§ram Nelavattiya
sasirvvanim mahajanamum irddu Kasyapa-gotradharam Madbava-Saiafigi-K5savayyana ptttra gotra-
pavitra BittimayyaAge k^rupyaip geydu pada-pdjeyam kottu kbapd'kada dbarmmake Kodasigeyalu 16
kamma tdntamain sarwa-badba-paiibaraip madi nadeyisuvar ipmal fincflphrases and verses).

On a stone to the north of the same temple.
CSame as I^o. SSJ.

On a stone in the yard of the same temple.
svasti Srimanu . . . . prithvi-vallabham mahai aj&dbiraja rdja-paraniesvara Sri-vira-pratapa-Harihara-
mabarayara kumara Sri-vira-pratapa........... Rdya*mahdr5,jaru Vijeyanagariya nelavidino}u sukba-
sankatha-vinodadim rdjyam geyyuttirdd on du -d eva.. ..M§,rapaya Rcddada gova Nigajafika-malla
k b a d g a .......abitara-kolva aruvattaru-mapdlikara gapda S ’ata-'*51akyn-naiaman emba rayaip . . . .
. ffadda-Raiana kum§,ra Ouali-Rajam Baljiya-iiada Ntlavattiya . . riittam iiddalliSaka-varusa 1326
........... Su[bbanu] (s#ops here)
At Surahonne {same hohli), on a stone in the hach-yatd of S'iva-L’ngapi a, son afS'idcla-Basappa.
namas tu6ga-&c |l

svasti §ri bhuvanasrayam sn-prithvi-vallabham Friinart-maharajadbiraja raja-param^svara pdrvva-

paSchima-dakshiua-samudradbipati ari-iaya-vibhada ashtardikku-raya-mano-bbayabkara Iri-vira-
Harihara-maharayaru Hastinavatiya duggada Vijayanagariya nelav54ino]u sukha-sankafha-vin6dadiin
i^Jyani geyyuttam irdalli tat-pada-padmopajivi sriman-maba-pradhana Turaka-daja-vibhada sapta-
306 Honnaji Taluq.

Kouka^a-dhiiji-patfca Kadamba-s&reka,fa Kadamba-pura-jana-pratipalaaa Gova-pura-vartadhisvara sri-

Vira-Vasaiita-Hadhava-Rayara kumara ^riman-maha-raantrisvaram Rangiyi-pratapa Giridurgga-malla
A A . *
Konkaya-pi'atishthaeharyya Atre/a-gofcra-kulodbhavaa aha Bachanna-Rayaru Gora-pura-varadhisvara
Kadamba-Raja-simhasauadhishtitan agi sukha-sahkatha-viaodadim rajyam geyyuttacu irdalli Chandra-
gutti-Banavase-Koakaya-Rangiyi-inodalada-samasta-rajyavanfi pratipalisuttani viddalli tat-pada-
padmopajivi Kausika-VMvamitra-gotrada Nandaurada sunkada Bollarasara maga Anaatappagala
Paudya-nada ojagana Holaguiidiya-purada Baliaatha-derara amruta-padige a-Balinatha-devara
adhishtayakaru raya-raja-guru Khandeya-Raya Kha]^§vara-deva-ayyanavara pada-prakshalyavam
madi hiranya-udaka-sahavagi dhara-purvvakavagi kotta dhamma-sasanada kramav eat endare svasti
sri jayabhyudaya-S’aka-varu^a savirada-miindra-hadirientu sanda varttamana hattombhattaneya
Dhatu-saiyyatsarada A4ada-su 15 Budhavarada soma-grahayada puyya-kaladalu a-Balinatha-devara
amrata-padige namma sunkake saluva Guttiya ventbeyake saluva Bajiya-nada olagana- Nemattiya-
gramada kaluvaji Sarahonneya-puradalu namma sunkake saluva grama gadyana panchagaruka
magga-dere-mudre-dhanam am maduve-dere g&na-dere budike-dere kulume-dejfe savautike muntada
yenulla-sunkavanu a-Balinatha-devara amruta-padi-nanda-divigege namma stri-putra-jnati-savanta-
dayadyar-anuraata-purassaravagi dharl-pbrvvakavagi kotta-dharmma-sasana (usual final phrases).
su-ruchira-Padmagarbbha Siri-vkllabha mahgaja-namadheya sad-1
vara-muni-vrinda-vaudita jaga-tray-rakshaka kanjajaksha bhu- |
vara-sura-natha-vandita-pada-dvaya pavana-mftrtti Mandara- 1
dbara vara-Narasihya pore Bollarasatma-Anantar&jana ||
Honnakeyi-BollarSjanu |
nirnnamavey M an endu pathaka-nikaram j
ninnane harut-irddaru I
sannuta-guna AnantarSja badavara-bhagyam ||
akshayam agire dharmmama i
n i(ri) kshisi rakshisida puyya-purushargg akkum l
bbaksbisidatana sant^- |
na-kshayam ayuSa-ksbaya kula-kshaya vinasanam akkurn ||
At ChatnahaUi (same hoUi), on a stone to the west of the Sankara-linga temple.
Augirasa-sam j rajeSri i Muriga-guru-Siddba-svamiyavai-a gaddige-matbakke Kejadi-Basappa-Naya-
kara bhakti.
On a stone lying in Ytrahhadra's aralle-landf south of the same village.
^ri 1 namas tuhga &c., ||
svasti ................DvdrS,vati-pura-varadhisvara Cbola-Raya-stSpandchAryya P§,ndya-Raya-pratisbta-
charyya Magara-Raya-raastaka-Sula Kadava-Baya ... ksba ari-raja-gaja-kesari raya-mfiyu-raya-gayda-
berunda sarira-sampattig ose-maduva-rayara-ganda Hoyisana bbuja'bala-prat§,pa-cbakravartti sri-vira-
- A
Ballala-Devaru pritbvi-rajyain geyyuttiballi Saka-varushada 1237 Ananda-samvatsarada Margga-
sira-ba 7 Guruvaradalu svasti srimatu Bejiya-nada Belagavattiya-santana manneya srim ad-anadi..
. . ram Nemattiya srimad-asesba-mahajanangalu Belagavattiya-mftliga Nagaganada Hattivflra Bicba-
gavuda (others named) mukhyavada samasta-gavudagalu sanumatadiip emmoj ekastaragi emma
nada Cbattanahaliyanu Cbenneya-Naykana maga Kallappana maga Sankappange gavudikeyana
* koduvadakke a-santana-mabajana-gavudagaju a-Kallappana maga Sankappana kayali fat-kalochita-
kraya-drabyavanu kondu a-Kallappana maga Sankapange §,-CbettanahaUiya gavudike asbta-bhoga-teja-
H on u ali T alu q. 307
samya vuinbali kereya kejage vajagagi.. mannu-sahitavagi vumba}i mattaru 6 dandigege maru 2 na(Ja-
vattakke kauisakke teruvudu a-chaudrarkka-tarain-baram saluvantagi dMra-purbbakaiii madi kottara
yint-appudakkev a-saatana-mahS,jana-gavuduga}a voppa iri Chenna-KeSavanatba Sri-Heiumalakoti
Bejagavattiya §ri-Siddhanatha mangaja maba Iri

At KmMva (same hohti), on a stone in Qdyada-Sanna^^a’s field.

Duudubhi-samvatsarada Margasira-su 10 lu Ayanura tJala-Sidhapa-gaudaru Kuiiko-Virabhadra-de-

vara devastaaa-katusutidali Kuakoda vakalu-maga Gayada Devannaua maga Ramagana mMe kalu-?
bidu S'ivadhinavada-samandha S'ivarpitav agi sil§,-stapitava madi kota bhAmi

At the some village^ in EudradSpa’s field.
........... varusada 1243 neya .. . .. samvatsara-Vaisakha-su ................ mab&-mandaleivarani Tribhu-
v a n a ................yara makkalu Chemieya-Naykana Kallappanavaru sukha saiikatba-vinbdadim rajyaiji
'g e y u tta m ire avara anna Viraya-Bayirannanavaru §varggastar adalli a-Kallappanavaru a-hiriya
an^ana selavagi Kunkuvada Viresvara-devarige amrita-paclige bitta ke .. 20 kamba pa .. dh^rati
purbbakav£igi bitta kalla-nattu kotfcaru madgaja maba ^ri

At OundichalnahaUi (same fidbli), on a stone near a mined temple in the Karavina-Mvalu.
svasti ^rimatu-Mara-Bammarasara njeya-rajyatn uttar6ttar&bhipravarddhamana,in y&-cbandr§,rkkar
tajam-baram saluttam ire || ViSvavasu-samvatsarada Marggasararsudba *saptami-S6mavaradandu Y t-
sfira-kalvaliy-appa Hiriya-Chigarasina Jid da^au d a ........... a Made atana maga Taila*gauda........... ..
Jiddesvara-devarige kundu . . . . bittu nilsida nisaddi mabgala maba Sri

At Joga (satne hobli), on a stone in wet-land—Survey No. 79.
svasti samasta-bbuvanaSrayam sri-pritbvi-vallabham mabarajMbirajam parama-mabMvaram parama^
bhattarakam Satyasraya-kula-tijakaqi Cbalukyabbara^am Srimatu Bbuvanaikamalla-Devara vijaya-
rajyam uttarottarabbivriddi-pravarddbam&naip cbandrarkka-t3.ratn-baraip saluttam ire tat-pada-pad»
mopajivigal appa svasti yama-...svS,dhyaya-dharana-mauaaDU8btana-japa-samadbi-sampannar appa
srimad-agrabara Isavurada mabajanam sasirvvarum ijdu Saka-varsha 993 ya SMhara^a-samvatsarada
Pavusya-babula 5 Adivara-uttarayaua-sankrantiyandu Belguudada Lokka-gavundana Mabadevargge
snana-nivedyakke H ekultiya kereya bayalalugalde gajaya matta 1 bejdaleya matta 3 (usual final
phrases and verses').
At Ghanikatto (svne hobli), on a pillarlpf the Kallu-rnalha, south of the village,
sri Yiva-samvacbarada KMttika?sudba-pMyadalu | prattama Cbinikatteya Viratta-matbada Vira-
Mahesvarada Anoadani-svamigalige | sa[j]iana-sudha-Sivacbara-sarapannarada hujiiru-pradhMi-
Virabhadrappa-DSvara baktiya kalla-inatha || avara putra Gurappa-Devara bhaktiya kalla-bavi I
Yikrama-samvatsarada S'ravana-sudha-padya . . . .
^08 H o n n a li T a lu q .

At Va4§rahatturu (same hohli), on a copper pHate helonging to MvAi-Mallappa. son of Gvru-Basayya.

namas tunga && ||

svasliSri vijayabhyudaya-S'alivahana-iaka-varsha ir>55 neya Angirasa-samvatsarada Chaiira*§u 1 lift
faimalu Yikkeri-hosa-p^theya vajaga^a Mailaia-d§vara devatft-vechchake Edava-Murari Kote-kolft-
ta la yiSuddha-Vaidikadvaita-siddhanta-pratishthftpaka y'iva-guru-bhakti-parayayarada Keladi-Ven-
katappa-Nftyaka-pautrarada Bhadrappa-Nayakara pfitrarada Virabbadra-Nayakarft ^kotta dharma-
fiasanada kiamav entendare Yalagajale-siiue-vajagana Yalagajale^grftmadatli (here follow details],
ga 12 hamieradu-varahana bhftmiyanu S'ivarpitavagi kpttevagi ft-bhftmige salava sarva-s\amyat£
vanu praku-mariyftdeyalli ftgumadiko^du devata-vechake kalam-pratiyalft nadadu-baba-bage kotta
aditya-chandrav anaJo’ nilaS cha &c. 1!
At Isardpura (same hdbU), on a stone in Mallappa's field,
svasti svagatam artthinah k r a tu ............................ . . . dhiyatam
........................ vikrama . trayi-padain datiaip jalam patyatam |
ma dehity DSana...... Harir ayam pfttrain ka .. sthapakam
yity ftvam Balinftrchcbito. makha-mukhe payat sa v6 I'amanah H

svasti samasta-bbuvanaSraya Sri-ppithvi-vallabhaiii Sriman-maharajadhiraja raja-parameSvaram

pftrvra-pakhima-daksbina-samudradhipati ari-ra,ya-vibhft(Jaip ashta . . . . manft-bhayankara bhashege-
tappuva-rayara-ganda Sri-vira-Harihara-Rayaru Hastinftv^tiya durggada Vijayanagariya pattanada
nelevidinolu sukha-sankatha-vinodadim rajyam gejiottam iddalli |1 a-Harihaia-Rayana kumftranft
sriman-maha-mandaleSvara Chikka-Raya-Vodeyaru Aragadalli mftvattftju-kampauavanfi Male-rftjyada
pattana-Aragadalli Chikka-RSya-Vodeyarum sukha-saftkathft-vinodadiin raiya-maduva kaladalli tat-
pada-padmopajivi 1 iiiman-maha-pradhftnara I ari-r&ya-bhayafikaram i mftvara-rayara-gayda I Tu-
ruka-dada-vibhada vairi-raya-mastaka-sftla I • • • • • bandi-vimftchana dushta-nigraha-Sishta-pratU
palaka |deva-Brahmaaa-jirnua'dharmmoddhftraka laranagata-vajra-pafijara Iri-Vira-Vasanta-Madha-
va-Rayanu Araga-Gutti-mfivattayu-kainpanavanft Aragada-pattanadalli suklia-sankatha-vinftdadiip
rajyam maduva kaladalli tat-pftda-padmopajivi Roddada gftva........ | subhantar-ahava para-nari-
sahodara kha .. ........... sahasra.........dara bhitaram k o ll a .................... . ayivatt-aju mandajikara . . . .
gada Basavappaga|a maga . . . . . . •. gaja tamma Bairappa-Nayakara ta ra n ia ................ppa-Nayafi'
kara maga Basavappa-Naya ...........|1svasti ^ri jayabhyudaya-S'alivahana-saka-varshangalu sftvi-
rada-mftnftya-ondane S iddhartthi-samvatsara-Bbftdrapada-bahuJa-satti-Mangalavara 1 svasti Sriuaa-
tu veda-margga-pralishlacbaryya a b b a ................rada Narftyapa ^arapSgata-vajra-panjara dushta-
nigraha-Sislita-pratipftlaka shadu-darSaua-sthfipaiiacharyya gana-vir6daya sabanna-vidya-vilasa-para
........... rappa §riman-maha .. . prativadbbhayankara parama-Vaishnava-pariiata-Mfiyavadi-kolahala
mantravadi-bhayankara-pralayauala deva-Brfthmania-virodhi-dushaka-sirach-chheda (stops here).

At SdsuvehalU (Sdsuvehalli hohli), on a vtrahal in s'dnahhoga Siddappa’s yard, to the south of .
the KallUvara temple,

................ Srimad-anadiy-agrahara Kuniganagatta............ .. rajise !l Yamanam Duggana nijade . .

. . vistaram entendade ]' samasta (2 lines gone) Dugganum ll piiredu sura-sastragala (3 lines gone)..
H on n ^ li T a lu q . 3 Qg

...................................... darano |
sura-pura sandane drumaman .. ttujege . . . . enendu podano I
sura-gapik§,-man6hara-rat6tsaradal .. nu oldu podano ||
piridunaoii alte to .. . nakaman eydidan endu D ug^paip |

utpalamale I!-. ndada piu dadi...........S'akiuiyargge ntja-khadga-kaja .. |

.. ndagarujgajind anata-vairi-§ir6tpala-maleyindav k- \
dandikeyiin ........................ flariyanpana tamma Duggauo} |]
ganda kali dora-gandan oldin oseduip dhuradol sura-kaaneyarkkajam |j

4katnpakamale ||karu .. d arpp a ..........................................ttarana Dugga^an ardd i;id ahavMgauam ||

' batteya k§.legam ide sai- 1

............ gga-merevang end ijid o-1
. . an otti ripuvain |
metti divak adardan alley .. ra Duggaip ||
S ’aka-varsha 1111 Sautaya-samvatsarada Margga§ira-Suddha-ekada§i-A.dityav&ra-vyatipS,tadandu
^riinat-Raji-Settiyara maga Dugganam Hariharakke hogi barutt-irddalli Nittlira HarivS.Jad edeyania
goddi-saladalli batteya kajlaram tagi tall iridu palaram kondu sura-loka-praptan adam || namaS
S'ivaya ||
87 ’
At MdvmaMte (same hobU), on the stone-sM) over the doorway of the LabshmhNarasimha temple in
Gdnigara Edmay.rtOi's field.
svasti Srimatu Sri-Vishiiuvarddhana-Yadavi-kuJambar^vam sale Vijaya-Narasiipha-Devana rS,jyadalli
firi-Lakshmi-Narasimhaya namah l| svasti Srlmatu P§,i^dya-nS,d-olagana iriraad-an§,dy-agrah§,ram
KoUinaghattad asSsa-mah&janangala sanumatadindaip Lakshumi-Narasiinha-dSvara praditteyam
mada .. .du a-Ko}ligauagattada Hebbd.ruva De^iya-darnjandyakan appa Devappangalu a-KoUiganagatta-
da ha]i Mdvanakoteya holake Tungabadia-yettaradali bandu..talu bdmiya as§sa-inabajananga)a
kayali dham-purbbakam md^isikondu Subanu-satnvacharada Chaitra-masada sudda-dasami-Soma-
vdra-Pusya-nakshatra ........ la . . nadali d-Lakumi'Narasifiga-devara praditeyaip madidaru d-
devarigam nitya-naimitt6tsava-p6ja-vidhanakam b i ^ a ...........kotta mangaja maha agraharada
untada bomiyalli gade bedale^. agi ondu matalu bdmiyam matam Kusugura kejreya tenkania
kodiya bomiyali ondu matalu bumiyatn matam Lakumi-Ndrasinga-ddvara-purada keyeya mudapa
.. ya Sasavihaji holada . . . . k a l u .. . . k a l u g a d i md^alu ... vananakeye-ojage ga(Jiyagi m u vata..
kamba keyam . . . . matalu eradu muvata .. kamba bdmiyam sarvvana[ma]syavagi asesa-majanagaju
Lakumi-Narasiipha-devara sri-hatadali dhara-pu[rva]ka ................... !l .. Iriuiam Hebaruva-Devan
.. nu Hoisana-vira-Vijaya-Narasifiga............. ddsi-nakarada samakam ...svaratp samakam balala...
mundrbbara samakaip .. . . . , modaldgi hadinept^ same[ya]davarigam kaladeyagi kotaru ishta-
kam paripalisadavaru hadinentu-samayakam drohi (v)i-3a§ana-mariyddeya...................

90 .
At Kuriigodughatta (same hdbli), on a stone near the entrance of the S6m§s'vara temple.
namas tunga &c. || *
firi namad S'ivaya II svasti dri yaydbhyudaya-S’afca-varusha 1213 neya Vikritta-samvats,arada Vayi-
dakha-suda 1 Bri dandu i svasti drimauu-maba-man(Jaledvaram Dvaravati-pura-varadbisvarara Male-
raja-raja Malaparoju gancla gapda-bherunda kadana-pracbap^a' S'anivdra-siddhi Giridurgga-mallan
asaMya-dura ekanga-vira nissanka-pratapa-chakravartti Hoysana bhnja-bala sri-vira-Narasimha-
Devarasaru Dorasamudrada nelevi<}inali sukha-sankathd-vinddadim prithvi-rajyaip geyyuttam irddali
Gaiigavadige . . . nada rajya . . . . vada Kaivara-rajadhanige sikhamapiappa Cheluvi e-Devarasaru
-_______ ‘ ... ■■ - '
•These verses are mostly effaced.
310 H o n n d li T alu q.
.. Srimanu-maha-mapdaje^varam mavan-ankakararutn vlraditya satya-N&raya^a Saranagata*
vajra-paujara Choja-kataka-surekara gayi-g6vaja . . . . yaka-ganda ..N 4rayapa Brahmadhir§.jarum
appa Gaaga-Perumale-DeTarasaru Pandya-nad-ojaga^ia Kojigauagattada vittiya valite^vararagi
rajyam geyiatt irddalli sva^ti srimad-anadiy-agraharam Chojanaahadevipuravada Kojiganagattada sri-
mad-asesha-mahajaaanga}a adhidevatejappa sri-MMhava-devarggevu Iri-Somanatha-devarigevii
kotta bhumi Kesariyakereyalu Devigejeya . . . . h i a d e BaJJigereya volage Ganga-Perumaje-Devaru
purbbadalu . ..y a n a chatur-asrayadi . , . . il eadu yeradu-varasha ...ded irddu yi-dharmma-
vanu pratipalisi chatur-^srayadalum kalla nettu .. .. dhareyagi ko^ta bhftmi 1 {usual final txrses
and phrases), mangaja maha Sri

At the same village, on apiUar in Ounmahjappa's field.

v&g-artthav iva sampfiktau va-gafttha-pratipattaye I
jagatah pitaraa vande Parvvati-ParameSvarau ||
{west face) svasti s r im a ........... maharajS,dbi .. . . . . paramSSvararn parama-bha ................. .............
........... chudamaai.. .. pratapa-chakravartti.........vira-Ballala-Devarasaru sukha-sankatha-viuodadiip
ra jy a m ...... virddam S'aka-varsha 1133 aeya *ViSvavasu-sarnvatsarada . Sravapa-chaturt'thi-Brihas*
pativaradanda sri svasti yama-riiyama-svadhy&ya.dhyS,aa-dharana maunanushthana-japa-samadhi-Mla-
guna-sampanna shodasa . . . . dvija-guru-d§vata .. .. leSvararuip ...................................aneka-yajna-
vabhfithavagahana-pavitrikrita . sariraruni Rug-Yajas-Samatharva^a-chaturveda ........... narum
aneka-sakala-sastra-praviiiarnm .. .. ^a-kUpdalabkarana-bliushitaruip apaSabda-varjjitarum 'sa -
Sabda-pada........... hichchhatraavitaram appa SFimad-anadi-agraharam . . . . JayyavaJege TS^Jama-
Jageya nava-Dvaravati tialka-diSa-varada samasta-Nfe^-DesigaRg SSrayam enippa K o}liganaghat^
doria Dravija-desarappa Periy§,nda-Hebbaruva-pramukkavad aSesRa-mah&janangalu tamma stbaja-
mariy&deya mahimey appuda .. .. TJdayMri-paduvala............teik a k e badaga Himavanta-pariyanta
saluvantagi svasti samasta-vastu-vi8tiruipa-ghiiranit4rwava pancha-Sata-vira-l&sana-labdhaneka'
guaa-ganala6krita satya.sauchachara-charitra-naya*vinaya-vijfiana-Vira-Ba9 aSja-‘darmiiia . . . . . . . .
viSuddha-gadda'dhvaja-virS,jitauana-sahasa*iSam&li6gita-vaksha-sUiala bhuvana^parakramonnatardifl
Baladeva-VasudSva-KhaudaR-Mii {south faee~i3 lines are ^aced) janangaluin nalkam*nadifigs kotta*
Sasanadim Sasana-mariyadeyain miridev §,dade satnaya-drohigalu B a^aB ji.. . . . . . . ru n^ttaru gaiyara
aftgadigeyum .. gapakeyutn maggaVyam .. sahita mangaja aah3. s r i ' Sri Sri-GavarSSvara-devarig
asislia-mahajaaailgajuin aaivSdyakke kotta gajde kam . . . . . . ....

92 •
Ai Chikka-Hdlivdna {same hohli), on a mdsdJcal in Survey No. 39, west of the village.
Sri-Hariharaya namab nirvvighnam astu mande-gamuijida Soyana inagaip V ira-N ara-na.......Vorivana
BommarNayaka[iia]-maga}u Ka|a-Devi sahagamana mlididalu maiigala maha

On second mdstikal at the same place.
Gbitrablianu-sani 1 Mdglia-ba 14 S5 [] -sa . . . ta Gbikka^asi .. . bdyi safagamanava
On a fourth atone at the same place.
namas tuB ga-^. ||
svasti Sri jayabbyadaya-S'aka'Varasha 1324 ne Chitrabbanu-samvatsarada Magba-ba 14 Sd
Kurapivaka . . . . maga ........ Sakanpa dtana madavajigs Deva*a4kitti svrrrggasthar adaru ...
WisvavasatasHOV} ll33=*PrajAti*tti. -
H oim M i 'Taluq. 311

At Singatigere (same on a stone near the Basava temple.
.................. . 1318 sauda Dhatu-sam Asvayuja-su 1 ^riman-inaMr&i&dhiraja raja-paraineSvara
ki*-vira-pr&,tapa-sri-Hariha'ra-Raya prithvi-rajyara geyuttire........... R am&iiakereyo.........gere kaluve-
hindu Srifflattu Soya-N^yka . .. ya kalam .. .. Naykana maga NS,geyapniann •• .............
. . kannarasara kumara Nagaijafigalu
On a second stone at the same place.
M svasti irimata Yadava-NS.rayanatn pratapa-chakravartti Hoyasaua vira-Narasinga-Deva-rajya-
bbyudaya-Vikraora-varshada . . . Byaya-s airiYatsaiada .Bbadrapada-ba 12 JBrihavaradandu Srimatu
maha-maudalesvaram Sindha-GdTinda sitagara-gajida Pataja-chakravartti Yisvara-Devarasara Ara-
keje-nadiAge launidu dhaiiya bejidade Malevctran ij^ida Ilanyiisigeyam go^du hohaga §rimanu«mab§.’
pasayitarum appa vira-NarasiAga-Devara kattid-alagina makkaju da^^ada munde akasala Ramo*
ja n a maga KAmojam kapdu hatige-kakkedeyam kopdu.tagi tajt i[ri]du Prajnananda-devara §ri-pada
Baran euuta sura-loka-praptan ada
At Ghennamdmbdpura (same hobli), m a stoHe to the wist o f the Hanmianta temple.
sri-Vainana-devara mudre-kalu |
. namas tuQga>&c, ||
fivasti kijayabhyudaya-S'alivAhana-iaka-varsha 1607 Krodbaiia-sam-MArgaSira-su 2 lu Bhagaaagarada
M atu-S'ahaji.. d u ru -S 'a h a ji.. Birayana Gana-S'aha]i.. .. valagapa Chennamambapura.. agraharakke
kotu nirOpa .. li nirOpa hanau . . . . pradhani sasana-madi kotu chatu-Mme . . . . Vamana-imidre 4ila-
sthapaneyanu................ anu i|
lo t

At Arakere (same hobli), in the enclosure of the NdgStvara temple.

iri svasti sakaja-jagati ... charita maharajadhirAja parameivara parama-bhatt^raka SatyHSraya-
kuja-tijaka Chalukya-vamsodbhava snmat-Trailokyamalla-DSvara rajya . . . . . . chandrfukka-tAram-
baratn salu ttan yre | svasti samadhigata-pancha-maba-sabda Pallavanvaya iri-pritb'vi-vallabha Pal-
lava-kula-tijakanamogha-vakyam Kanchbpura................. . TraiidkyamallaNanni-No.. bai-PallavaPe-
............Kogaji-aynurit......... clpattu-pura-gramamaii AJuttam ire Saka-varsha 969 neya Sarvvajitu-saip-
vatsarada Pushya-suddha paSchami-Brihaspativaraip uttarayapa-sapkraiitiyandu Arakefeya firodeya
Kesimaya .. .. b h 6 . . v a j a ........... panditara kalaip kalchi dhara-pilrwakam Nagl^vara-dSvaiige
degulada paduva kamma 4.| matakke tefikanake... kamma 4 i antu galde piatta 1 urim bora beddale
m i t t a ......... ra haduvarggam pa.rekerege lenkapa kf>4iyali gajde mattar 1 beddale mattar 5 x-dharm-
mam chandrarkka-taram-baram salvadu (usual final phrmes f; verses).

Tn th'. same enclosure,
firi-NageSvara-dOvara .. . ..ll
namas tungar&c. ||
firt .. .t maxya-prapata-mahi . .. .. ......................... Stajan Abjasambhava-sutain six-Naganathatii..
. . . . . . . . . .isubham ain chandrArkkar ujlannegam|| svasti Samasta-bbuvanasraya Ari*p|-ithvi-valla*
bha roahArAjadhiraja paramAsvaram pai'ama-bhattArakaid . . . . . . . . . . ohintAma^i nissafika-pratapa-
*Xhis inscription is very nmoh effaced.
3 12 Honndli Taluq.

chakravartti Hoyisala-vira-Ballala-Dev'a-vijaya-rajyam uttarottarabhivriddhi-pravarddhamanatn

a-cliandrarkka-taram............. - ................ bare .......................... karagasa-galam am ................. ggauamaa
&nt irivatp tave-kondu ........... .............. gganey ene v i f a ........................................ sayira-Nonarabava(Ji-
nadojagana ................. dushta-nigraha ...................................... MS,la-TauJava-kuJa-ku}a (3 lines gone)
S ’ankara-devana vamsavataram eatene.................................................... p ergg ad e............ devana .. Nele-
vettanfir-odeya Nagana punyada punjam embinam |[ a u t u .....................Malli-Devanind olpu-vetta
maM-prabhu Nagarasa M -N agM vara................pratishtlieya madisid alliya sthanacharyyar appa ..
....................patiya mahime entene li*m ||S'iva-dharmmottara-soma-S'ambhuva......................yoga-paS-
chakshari-pra ... agama-kovidam .........................n u m a ta .............S ’aivagam acM radoJ..........................
............... embud ilia Bairava-yati-tauu................................... .. . vadeya |j Sri-NageSvara-devar-anga-
bhoga-nivedyakkarti nauda-divigegaip khanda-sphutita-jirpnoddhara-Chaitra-pavitra . . . . Saka-varsha
1125 neya Dundhubhi-sainvatsarada Maghad’ amavasye-Somavara-vyatip&ta-sankramapa-sdryya-
grahanada divya-tithiyalli Ya .. ya Sovacharyyar appa Bairava-yatigala kMa toledu dhara-pftryvakam
madi bitta bhumige (here follow details') devara nanda-divigege sarvva-badhe-pariharavagi salusuva
gana voadtt mummuri-daadangala bitja ddya sauteya daya kodake aravd.ii-enae herifige nura-ele horeya-
.. tu basubege adike 2 bhattake sodige bhata (usual final phrases). /

On another vtrdkal at the same place.
Bvasti arimatu Hoysana-vira-BallaJa-Deva .. samvatsarada . . . . Kaleya-Nayakaau Arakere. tuju-
vanu kalaru konda-hohali Arakere-voda . . . Ma}a-b6vana tamma M allaya-N ayaka.. biddali nettaru-
godage a-Kaleya-Naykanu............... .......................
At HosahaUi (same hoUi), on a stone to the south o f the Ts'eara temple.
firi-Kamanalha-deva saranu ||
namas-tufiga &c. 1!

jiyat trailokya-nathasya S&sanam dharmm^-sasanam |j

svasti yama-niyama-svadhyaya-dhyS,na-dbara5ia-mauiianu8htbdna-parayana-3apa-samadhi-sila-gupa-
sampannaruip sakala-sastra-parinataruin chatui'vveda-p§,ragarum S'iva-dhannma-pratltarutp sakaja-
guDia-sampannar appa kimad-anadiy-agraharam Kotiganapurada Hebbaruva Vore-Govilli-Dasaru
mukhyavagi asesha-mahajanafi[ga]lu tamma sri-Harade^-kaluvaJli HosavalJi iri-R a .. devara khauda
spbutita-jirnnodharakkam devara uitya-nivedyakkani tapodhanara grasakkam asesha-mahajanang-
alige binnaham geyidu kudi.. gaudugaja ga^da Rama-g^vu^danuip Chilftra Gogga-gavundanuip Base*
gkva^danum Mallikarjjuna-paaditara kalain karchcbi dhkrd.-pdrbbakain madi bitta ere (here follow
details and usual final phrases).
At Eanagavddi (same hoUl), on a virakal to the north of the Fanchaling$s'vara temple.
svasti Srimatu Saka-varusbada 1240 neya Kajayukti-sanivatsarada Pusbya-su 10 S6-vkradandu svasti
srimatu pratapa-cbakravartti Hoyisana Sri-vira-Ballala-Rayana biriya-maneya pradhani Baicbeya-
daunaykara mayiduna Sankiya-sabaniyaru Gbattada kelaga^a Cbandayurada Basava-Devana m§le
nadadalli Cbandauravanu kidisi Mutta.. nadadu kadidalli srimanu-maba-savanta-savaatddbipati gan-
' dara gova moliara-Murari . .. kottu kqdureya katuva maudalikara ganda . . . . maudalikara
*As it is very mucTi defaced, it has beau found impossible to put this into verse.
H on n a li T a lu q . 313

Kareya Yibbara-NS.ykana komara Safitgiya-Mykaru a-Gliattada kajagadall irddu bajada kad© kadi
Tujavara kedisi Davadana-tirththain miudu Vayakuntha-loka-vasakke praptan adanu ||yi-biragalla
puje-punaskarake uriip m u d a ^ a ........... Brahmapuriya .. . padavalu pancha-linga-de.............kam-
ba 12 nu Sankiya-sahanigaru bitta dham m a yi .. . (usual final phrases).

At Keralagun^i (same hobli), on a atone in front of the Is'mra temple.

Bvaati sacaasta-bhavauairayam pj-ithn-vallabham mabar§,jadhirajam param^svara parama-bhattS,-

rakam Satya&raya-ku}a-tilakam Cbalukyabharanam §riinat-Trail6kyamalIa-Devaru chatus-samudra-
paryyantaip-bara sukha-sankatha-viaodadim rajyaip geyattam ire i tat-pada-padmopajivi samadhi-
gata-pancha-maka-sabda Pallavanvaya sri-prithvi-vallabhatn Pallava-kula-ti}akan eka-vafchya Irimat-
Trailokyamalla Nolamba-Pallava-Pennmaaadi-D^rara Dadirvvalige-sasiravum Ballakunde-mflnfljuip
Konadiybrumam sukba-safikatba-vinodadi rajya-geyyuttam ire tat*pada^padm6pajivi samasta-r^jya-
bbara-airupita-mabamatya-padavi-virajamaQa maaonnata prabhu-rnautrotsaba-sakti-traya-sampaana
S'iva-pada-sekhara pati-hita-Garuda natnadi-samasta-prasasti-sahita (south face) ^rimat-Trai}6*
kyamalla Nojatnba-Permmadi raj[y]am aaubavisitam ire Saka-varlsa *986 J aya*samvacharada ..
heya N%ilugundiya-vur-odeya Hittamayya sujya-grahapadalu Mallikarjuna-dSvarggo gadde ka 400
beddale ma 4 M am ., likabeyya k&la kachi dbara-purbbaka madi kotta g o . , sasana (usual final
phrases and verse) Mallikarjjuna madisida d S g u la ...................

*So in the original: but 986“ K rldhi; Jaya = 976.

7 0

At HalekattaJagere (Basavapattaija MU), on a stone to the east of the Hanumdnta temple.

Srl-Hariharaya nanaah I svasti Sri S'aka-varusha 1199 neya YiSvara-samvatsarada J6shta-su 2 Gu
Yidava-Nirayautam bhuja-bala'praudha-pratS.pa-chakravartti Sri-Ramachandra-Raya-rajyodayg
Srimatu r£i.ya-raja-guru Renuka-devaau sri-Harihara-devara aflga-bhoga-ranga-bhoga . .. lagapa
Kattalegeyeya .. .. satnanvita - .. a-ohandrS,rkka-sthayiy&gi dhara-p&rvvakam madi ....netti-
yalli.... punyaip padadu kondanu (usual final verse).

At the same village, on a stone in the front wall of the RdmSSvara temple,
namah S'iT§,ya | svasti samasta-bhuvanasraya iri-prithuvi-vallabha maharajadhiraja . . . . Mahadeva-
R5,ya (4 lines gone) Kattalagereya .. ...................Sri-deva .. nandMivigege saluvantagi bi^ta
bhumi Hiriyakejey..............kojagava deva........................... .. yi-dharmmamam pratipajisidavaru
V^raii&siya ViSySSrara-devaringe amrita-padige salige kamba .., (usual final phrases).

At Kariganur (same hobli), on a stone near the KallSsvara temple,

Sri 1 namas tuiiga-&c. ||

Rudbir6dg§,ri-satnvachbara-S'rS,vana-ba 3 lu firi-Kariganfira Kali-dSvara pftjarigalige Kariganftra

gaunda-prajegala paiarigajige tenge bitta 22 .. ra a4ugu|a........... illade tappade nadasi baheil
ishtake avan. obanu p ra .. kriti m§,di alapidanthavaru Kali-devara hariv&pake visavan ikkidu (usual
final phrases).
On a stone e'» the same temple,
namas tunga-&c. ||
svasti samasta-bhuyanasrayam Srl-prithvi-vallabha mah§,rajadhir§,ja paramSSvara parama-bhatt&raka
Yadava-kulambara-dyumani saryyajna-chudamapi Maleparoju gan^a kadana-prachanda S’aniv^ra-
siddha Giridurgga-malla nissanka-pratapa-chakravartti Sri-vira-Hoysa].a-Ball§,la-Deva ra vijaya-
rajyam uttar6ttarabhivriddhi-pravarddhamS.nam a-chandrarkka-taram saluttam ire (5 lines effaced)
Mulasthanada ... vage •• naivedya nand^-divige Chaltra-payitram.......... . k k e nadayantSgi Saka-
varsha 1142 neya Vikrama-srmvatsarad A§ada-su 8 S6mav&ra-dak8kin§,yana*sankramapa-byati-
patadandu (rest effaced).

At Tydvanagi (same hohli), on a viraTcal to the east of the KaMs'vara temple.

(The top portion is ^aceS) Chajukyabharapa Srima ... malla-DSvam prithvi-r&jyam geyyuttam ire
Saka-varusha 9^14 ya Nandana-samvatsarada .. hayoje

Srimad-Ahava (rest effaced). ■ ”

O hannagiri T a lu q . 31§

On the eastern side of the same stone.
(3 lines gone) gotra-pavitram para-nari-putram ...deva mahS.-kirata praJeya-HJtoalaiia m§....chakraip
ripu-ku]a*Takraip ...... . namadi-prafiasti-sahitam firimatu Be}a-8avuigLdan-a]iya Nepgeya-Malla
kefeyaip kattisi d&gulaman ettisi ade-sthalada bh^ akke 300 kasama ga|[deyu 3 mattar e|eya
.. mattaru keyuv inituvam bittu eukadin ^Juttara i^du No]ambana prast§.vadol m odal4n besana pa4ft>
du ChOJana maba-s&aege parisi kari-turaga-nara-padati*varggamam pa^alvadisi yij;idu saggastan §gi
deva-lokakke eanda ||

On the western side of the same stone.

6ri . . . . §ri-Pallavarasar-anvayadim svasti samadhigata-paficha-maha-Sabda Pallavanvayam §ri-
pritbvi-Yallabham Pallava-ku|a-tilakan eka-vakyam Kanchi-pura-vareSvaram Srimat-Trailokyamalla
Nolamba-Pallava-PermmS.nadi-Devaru daliyaii ittu Batnmukftralu bittu samasta-vastu-gupa-sampan-
nanu {stops here).
At the same village, on a copper plate belonging to Nddiga Guru Rao,
natnas tunga-&c. ||
avyad avysthataisvarya-karand Varaiiananab i
varadas ttvra-timira-mihird Hara-nandanab H •
sriman fi,di-Varah6’yam srSyase bhuyase'stu sab |
gadbam ^Ubgit^ yena mMini inodate sada {i
asti Kaustubba-Kalpa-dru-Kama-dbenu-sab6darah i
Ramanujas sudhadhama kshira-s§,gara-sambbavab i|
udabbOd anraye tasya Yadu-nama mahipatih |
palitaip yat-kulam y§na Vasuderena bhbtaje ||
abbot tasya kule Sriman prabbur guru-gupodayab 1
apasta-dosba-samsargas Sabgamo nama bbupatih \
tasya GaurOmbika-nama mahisbi samabhud vara |
manamya-guparama vallabbasya manonugO I|
Kapardind yatba Gauri S'acbiva Namuchidvishah i
Pitamabasya Savitri CbbOya Dinamaper iva !|
vilasa-vibhramollasa-tiraskrita-Tilottama |
Anasuyapi sSsfiya. yat-pOtiTratya-sampada ||
asau Haribarah Kamp6,Bukka-Ray6 mabipatih j
Marapo Muddapas cbeti kumOras tasya bhOpateb i!
pancbanam samabbut tesbaip prakbyato Bukka-bhupatiti ]
pracbanda-vikrafmo] madhye PandavOnam yatharjunah ||
dik-karindra-sudhaureya-daksbi . . . . . . . . . dhurah |
Bukka-Rayas tatah SrimOn Osid Obava-karkaSah ||
yat-sevasakla-ra .. vidadhati paritah tandavan inand;aleSO
vaktre Susbkas TurashkO^ babu-bbaya-bharitati Kobkapati sankayasan I
Andbra randhrOny avindann Udaya-girivare GurjarA. jarjarabgab
Kambboja bbinna-dhairyah sarabbasam abhavan prapta-bhabgab Ka}inga!ti |(
316 C h a n n a giri T a lu q .
ahina-bhagya-sampattilti asau raja-§ikhamaiiib |
tasyagrajas tyaga4il6 namna Hariharo nripaLi H
rajadhirajas tejasvi yo iija-param e,karah |
sarva-8amanta*bh6pala-bhujangama-Vihangarat ||
raja-iaja-bhujango yab para-raja-bhayankarah. |
Hindu-raya-krita-trano dusbta-sarddula-marddanab. 1|
yad-rajadh4ni Vijaya-aagari sa-jayodaya |
rajfiam chakasti vikhyata-rajadhani kritMraya n
^ishtas samrakshita yena dushta-nigraha-kS,rina l
labdha d ia vidushatn pritiS slaghyo Hariharo nyipab ||
yat-shodafia-mahadana-samayodita-varina |
ramya-buddher aparasya varddhito dharma-padapah ||
S'alivahana-niruita-Saka-varsha-kramagat& |
rasa-chandragni-vidbukS tasmia BhS,vakhya-vatsare !i
. VaiSakhe masi paurnamyam divase grahaue vidhob i
sangame Tungabhadr§,y& Haridraya^ cha pavanS [I
ksbetre Harihar^khye'smin k6ti-tirtha-samdkule |
GuharanyabhidbS punye sarva-dharma-vivardhane |l
Kudrapade maha-tirth§ &dyd Haribaratmake |
devarshi-siddha-gandharva-vidyadhara-nishevite [|
yogi-sanddha-safikirne Guharanya-Sthale 5ubhe \
tu!4purusha*mukyani kpitva danani mantape ||
suprasannd mahipalo iaj§. HariharfeSyarab I
tulite Hastinavatya Vutsangi-venthya-bhutaje H
iri-Mabarabgake r§,jye MadakaryS.kbyar8}mani |i
Cb&ndrama^dala-nadau cha ramye Madakarirsthale ||
S'rivatsa-g6tra-jataya Y&jusbaya tathaiva cha |
Yindrakauthyavalakhyaya Narasim-bhattaya dhimate jl
daivajnaya dadau vritti-dvayam Hariharo nripah |
tatraika jyotishim vrittih apara lekhanasya cha 1|
VerikatSSalayat prachyd.m diSi deyagratas sthitani |
Bramha-namaka-sad-gramani mahS-Ramesvaralayam |!
Haridra-tira-sambhdtam mah§,-punya-vivarddhanam |
tasya Tayavya-dig-bh&gl gramantarain .. sthitam ||
Pavajakattiti vikhyatam dadau HariliarMva.rah I
vipraya tasmai vidushe grama-dvayam anuttamain [|
sarvamanyam chatus-sima-sahitani cha samaiitatah |
nidhi-nikshepa-p&sbana-siddha-sadhya-jalanvitam i!
akshiny-agami-saipyuktair ashta-bhogais samanvitam l
vapi'kupa-tatakadi-kachchharama-samanvitam ||
putra-pautradibhir bhogyam kramad a-chandra-tarakam |
danasya vikrayasyapi ydgyam vinimayasya cha ||
^riman Hariharo raja m^natnyo manasyinam i
sa-hirapya-payo-dhara-puryakam pradadau muda |i
Narasim-bhattaya vipraya sa tu santushta-manasah |
rajne chaiva^isham chakre chiram jiveti sa dvijah !l
C h an n agii’i Taluq. 317

Brahma-namnas chatur-dikshu sild-sthapanam uttamam |

karayam^sa rajasau tath& Pavalakattekam |
gramasyapi chatur-dikshu Silam Vamana-mudrayS |
sahitain sthapayam4sa raj§, Harihare^varah 1 '
vidadhS ^ftSvatain dharmrnam etam a-chandra-tarakam ||
aditya-chahdrav &c, || (usual final verses),
At Medahere (same hdbU), on a stone in the pujdri's threashing floor,
S'arvari-samvatsara-Magha-suddha 1 lu Srimatu Halag-oderu Kariy-oderu Nuggihajiya Haaumanta-
devaru Basavapinana gudiyanu katisidaru ataha maga Kahgaja-devaru parade^dtauadali idu tiri-
tandu Hauumanta-d^vara gudige katu-panjarava madisi samastarigu dharmma kktti b a ra b ^ cndu
lipi-sasanava madisi uilisidauu

At the same village on a stone near the MadhuM'^ara temple east of the Mage.
...................................Chajukyabharapam 6rimat-Trail6kyamalla...............................yjiddhi-pravarddha-
manam S-chandrarkka-taram-baram (6 lines gone) marttapda • ................mapdajika . . . .
g a p d a .................... sri-Vishnuvarddhana-maha..................... ja yM tya ................sukha-sankath §,-vin6da-
dim rajyam geyvuttum dakshipa-di^avarakke dig-vijaym geyrandu Madukakereyo}age bitta vidiuol
tat-p§,da-padm6pajivi svasti samasta-guna-sampannanum endu matt enisida p&tra-sekaraip dharmma-
raksha-karana sthana-jyo . . . . . dhS.tri-kirtti-gupa-ratna-bhhshana mS,vaua gandhavarana bhadra-
jana-p§,da-repu .. . .
.. ya mitra ^rimatu Chaltujuvada Macha-Gavupda tanh A r u ............... Mallik-
arjjuna-devara anga-bhogakkam nivSdyakkain alliya tapodhanara grksakkam eihdu binnapatp geyyalu
Saka-varisha 985 neya S ’chhakritu-samvatsarada Chaitra-su 13 Adityav&radahdu i r i m a ............... t
aydu ga^de mattar eradii beddale matta .. nalku etta gapav oudu int initaj^olage............... kav ahga-
bhbgakka kha 5 kamma tdptamu Aregepeya modal eriyal 1 matta................... rige kamma 450 .. hari-
kaja Nanaakange kamma 450 badagapa p a l u ............... varige matta 1 papek&farige m a ............... .
devariga nanda-divigege k o ........... 6rimat-Macha-Gavupdanam gurugal SakaJSSvara-papdita-devara
mathada n a i .............. n ahara-danakke hiriya-kejeya badagapa bayalalu garde matta 1 .. .. . dalu
beydale matta 2 (usual final phrases and verses).
At Siddharamatha (same hobli), on a broken stone south-east of the BAmh'vara temple.
Sri _ namas tuflga-&c. ||
svasti samasta-bhuvanaSraya Sri-prithvi-vallabha mahArajadhiraja paramesvafa parama-bha ...........
rapani srimat-Tribhuvanamalla-Deva . . . . mAnam AchandrArkka-tararn-baram saluttam ir e ................
........................ nikara-korakita ... . sila Anartti. . . . . . . Kunihgilu-koteya pokka vide . . . .
kirtti-valli-pa......................... (usual final verses).
vritta !| .............................................................. ... .. bhum- j
bhukan akkum viparitadol nadedavam Gahga-Gaya-VAranA- |
si-K urukshetra....................... . taAgaJam konda pa- |
takau akkum bidad irkkumm A-purushau . . . . -duva SthAuamam ||
*kauda || . . . . . . . kula mukhyam ene param ailya . . . . ka-sthAnam divya-sthAnam illig ...................
sthanyabdake tapodhana-sthAuA..i.. |l
maftgala maha sri
*As it is very much defaced, it has been found impossible to put this into verse.
3 18 Ohannagiri Talnq.
At Moradi {same hobli), m a stone in the MalWs'vara temple on the hill west of the village.
namas tufiga-&c. ||

Bvasti In vijayabhyudaya-S’aliv^hana-Saka-vanishangalu *1637 neya S'ukla-nama-saipvatsarada Vai-

ISkha-ludha 12 ....... Itiman-maha~acharyya ................ ? Kariyappa-Nayakara pautrar^da
Medakerje-Nayaka ...putrarada Bommaima-Niyakaru ^pastamba-sfitrada Bharadvaja-gotrada i
Aruveli-Hari-bhat^ra pautrarada Vengam-bhattara putrarada S'i . . .. ma-bhattarige barasi kotta
yeka-bh6gyad agrabarada dana-lasanada patra-kranaav eat endare !| namma hiriyarugalige sukritav
igabek endu I nl,vu ajuvantha rajya Sante-Benuftra simey-olagana Demachayvana-durggav emba
gramavannH yi-mahl,-Vai8akha-luddha-paurnnami-punyakaladala S'ivarppitavagi sahiranyodaka^
daaa-dhara-pfirvakavagi kottu yidheve | yldakke salava Icadarambha-uirarambha-nidhi-nikshepa-jala-
pasha^a-akshiria-againi".. .sadhyangal emba asbta-bhoga-tejoparjjaneyanuu anubhavisikondu namag
aSirvada madikondu nimma putra-paramparyya a-chandrarkka-sthayigallgi sukhadalli yirabek endu
barasi kotta dana-patra (usual final verses) ............................ - ..............
At Hire-KdgUum {same hobli), on a stone in the hack-yard of Patel Vifahhadraya’s house.
- namas tunga-&c. ||
svasti sri-Soma-vamlad udayati nripatir jJaitugis tat-suto'bhut
. ,. Bhillamakhyas tadanu vijayate Simhanal chakravartti 1
tasmat Sarangapanis prati-nripati-bala-brata-vidrl,vak6’ yam
vira-sri-Mahadeva-Raya-nripatis trailokyam l,kramati ||
svasti sri-Nimbi-Rajat samudayati sutas Chatta-Rd.jas tadiyo
bhrata bhasvat-prat^pah praguna-guua-ganalafikritah Kucha-RSjah |
Brahma-Kshatra - niti-lanti-nipunau gotranvitau Kaulikav
etau Iri-Mabadeva-Raya-sachivau bhumau chiram iibyatam ||
indnr bandhubhir anganabhir aparah Karad’yam u rw ita je
jatah kalpa-tarur vvanipaka-janais tejobhir apy aijyam a |
so’ yam Chatta-taaubhavo vijayate Chavunda-dandadhipah ||
panditaib parisamstutyah. khanditarati-mandalah |
Chavundal chanda-dorddando jiyad a-chandra-tarakam ||
yesh|,m adhvara-homa-dhuma-nivahair nnilalam etan nabho
yeshl,m kirtti-bhara . . . . bhramupa . . sobhavilatn dig-gajdh I
yesham veda-ravais samasta-girayo’bbdvan param vagminas
tesham Dakshina-Bhaskarahvaya-purim vande sad-l,nandinim ||
vidya-vinaya-saujanya-tyaga-sahitya-sodari |
Dakshinaditya-nagari-kirttib kair iha varnyate ||
kankal6jvalad-ugra-kaja-vilasad-bhitaku}a bhdtald |
pade mat eni gadiy-anka-Bhima .. gedar kad-ane mallam gadam |
[ ............... ............ ] . . . bala-balumeg ad ar ampar i-gapdarol ||
mattam a-medini-maa.jaladol Indrdpabbdga-bhajauarum i S'ankara-sama-tejarum i para-sa’maya-
kula-Vindhyatavi-davanalamm |uddanda-mandalika-dapda-khaakarum |cbanda-prachaiida-mandita-
bhuja-danda-kddanda-khanditarati-mandajarum | nana-samaya samuddhara^iarum | larapdgata-vajra-
*So in the original: but S'uH a=16U ; 1637=Manmatha. fThese verses are incomplete in the original.
Chaimagiri Taluq. 319

panjararuffi i pratibhata-satnaya-samuha-vichchhedakarum | kaiiaka-dand^ra-viraja(ta)manairavata*

kaka-dhvajaiuip 1 samaya-samuha-dharmma-chaki’a-varttakaruiii | nan§,-samay§,bhim&na-samsthapa»
karuip 1 Skhapda-prachaniJa'inaha-Bhairava-padaravinda-dvkadva-sam^adhakavuiii l Sri-Bilesvara-
devara dibya*§n-pMa-padm6pajivigalam appa a4avi>Kandarpparapard,kramam pdlva^e J|
Malaparola gap4^>^ eoipar |
chbaligalu Sarap endu banda bhitara k&var |
kaladalu Kaulikar eiabaru l
kaligalu kadane-mallar agapita-cbaritar ]|

svasti samadhigata-pancha-maba-sabda Dvaravati-pura-varadhisyara suvarppa-Garu^a-dhvaja Yadava-

kula-kamalik§,-vikasa-bhaskai-a ari-raya-jagajhampa Malava-Raya-Madana-Tri^^tra Gftrj jara-Raya-
bhayankara Telunga-Raya-sirab-kamala-nalonmulana ity-adUnamavali-guna-gapalankrita Srf-Maba-
deva-Raya-vijaya-rajyodaya tatu-pada-padmopajivinau paropakara-ni [ra]tau §arapagata-vajra-pafijarau
kirtti-kdnta-manoharau jagad-vala*pe8ala-Hanumanla-dhvajau kimau-maba-pradhanam Cba^tarasa-
Kucbarasaru Nonambavadi-muvattirchhasirada Arvvatt&ru-badadolagana Betdra nija-rajadhaniyola
sukha-sankatlid-vinodadim rajyam geyvutt irdda samayadala Sritnad-aaadi-mahdgrahara Dakshipd-
ditya vojalada Kogilura §ri-Billesyara-devara dhftpa>dipa*naivedya-mukhya-samasta-§n-karyyak6suga*
ra S'aka-varsha 1190 aeya Vibhava-samratsarada Karttika-ba 30 mam sujya-grahanadalu a-stbS-
nika-Dapdapapi-gurugala kalara to}adu a-Chattarasani pat|ada*hiriya-kumd(ra]-Ghdvundarasaru dhar^-
purvvakamagi sarvva-namasyavagi Matikattada kodiyim paduvalu manala-keyi Tigula gbaleyalu ma-
ttaru 2 Apinakatteyolage gadde a-ghaleyalu kamma 100 intinituma ohaadrarkka-tdraip-baram salu-
vantagi a-gramad aravatta-nalvaru mukbya yetu . . tta stbana-mdnyaugaja samakshadalu kottaru I1
nadolage biluvadike yenu bandodain Kogilura Hajiruldra hadikeya Billdsvara-devara dhdpa-dipake d -
sta|ada Maka-b6va-Kala-b6vangala mamma Baicba-bovanu tammaya Kdva-bovand nadasi koduvard

At the same village, m a stone to the south of the entrance of the KaWs'vara temple.
Sri-Gapapataye namab H
namas tunga-&c H
daipsbtrdgre^dddhrita bbftmib .. saptarppavatmika \
jballariva Vardhasya........... mbu-pallavd It .
svasti sri-Soma-varnMd.udayati npipatir Jaitugis tat-sut6’ bbdt
. . . . Bbillamakhyas tadanu vijayate Simhapas chakraVartti j
tasmat Saraugapapib prati-nripati-bala-brata-vidrdvako’yam
vira-Sri-Mahadeva-Rdya-nripatis trailokyam dkramati ||
svasti sri-Niinbi-Rajdt samudayati sutaS Cbatta-Rayas tadiyo
bbratd bhdsvat'pratdpa-praguna-gupa-gapdlankritali Kficbi-Rdjah J
Brahma-Kshatra-sva-niti-Santi-nipupau gotraavitau KauSikdv
etau §ri-Mahadeva-Rdya-sacbivau bbumau chiram jivyatd .. |l
indur bandhubbir angandbhir aparap Kamo’yam urbbitale
jatabkalpa-tarur vvauipaka-janais tejobbir apy arjyamd 1
sd’ yam Cbat|a-tandbbav6 vijayatd Chdvnnda-dapdddbipah ||
panditaib parisamstutyab kbapditdrati-mandalabi 1
ChdvupdaS cbauda-ddrddapdd jiyad d-chandra-tarakara |1
vidyd-vinaya-saujnya-tyaga-sdbitya-sodari i
Dakshipaditya-flagaid-kirttib kair iha varnyatd I
320 Channagiri Taluq,

svasti samadhigata-pancha-maha-sabda Dvaravati-pura-varadhisvara suvamna-Garuda.-dhvaja Yadava-

kula-kamala-*kavika-vikasa-bhaskara ari-raya-jagajhampa Malava-Raya-Madaaa-Tri^etra Gdrjjara-
Kaya-bhayankara Telu[nga]-Eaya-sirah-fcama}a-naJ6nmuJana ity-§.di-namavali-garialankrita-6ri-Maha-
deva*Raya-vtjaya*rajy6daye tat-pada-padmopajiriaau paropakara-niratau sarauiagata-vajrarpanjarau
kirtti-kanta-manoharau jagad-dala-..................................... Srlman -mahapradhana-Chattarasa-Kuchara-
s a r a ........................ sirada fmuvattaru-badad olagana . . . . . nija-r§,jadhaniyoJu sukha-sankata-vinoda-
dim rajyam geyyut ire . . . . . . lu ^rimad-anadiy-agrahara Dakshipaditya ., ..............sri-Svayambhu-
Kali . .. vargge dhupa-dipa-naivedya........................ karyyagdsugara S'aka-varsha 1190 neya Vibhava-
Samvatsarada Karttika-ba 30 ... surjya-grahanadalu a-sthaaika-S6marasi-Acharasigala kalam tojadu
a-Chattarasara patteda hiriya-kumara Chavudarasaru dhara-purvvakam madi sarvva-namasyavagi
pdrvva*8thanavau a-sarvva-svamya-sahifca chandrarkka-taram-baram saluvantagi a ........... saluvudu
m ukhya...........sthS,na-maayagalu..................... kshadalu kottaru {usual final verse).

On a virahal west of the same temple.
Bvasti srimatu Yadavaraya-Narayauaip bhuja-baja.praudha-pratapa-chakravartti |Sii-vira-Raina-Deva-
.. ' ^
vijaya-rajyodayada 14 Ikaneya Chitrabbanu-samvatsarada Bhadrapada-ba 10 Adivaradalli Chavupd-
arasara jnayiduiia Goparasanu Nagavi-Kaiasapurad edeyali kadi S'iva-loka-praptan adanu firi-AchaJa-
natha saranu Iri-Virabhadra sarapu
In the same place, on a 2,nd vtrakal.
svasti srimatu Yadavaraya-Nar§,yauam bhuja-ba}a-praudha-prata;pa-chakravartti ^ri-vira-Rama-Deva-
vijaya-rajyodaye 12 neya Pramathi-sainvatsarada Magha-ba 30 Gu sriman-maha-pradhanam raya-dan-
danatha pesani-Hanuma Sri-vira-Chavundarasaru Kujrugoda-nada Doravadege Muinmadi-Singeya-
Ndyakana mele nadadu kadi halav-alu-kudureyam kondu S ’iva-loka-praptan adan ad ent endade 11
bhutaladaUiya bhogam l
tirddudu yitaftge marttyadall irabaradu i
begam tannire end Acha- |
Jesvaran and oppugonda Chavundanumam H
yitange takkuJ allind |
arum enabeda munna likhitaksharamam I
bared ittad asakyam maru- 1
. . .. tta Vidbatra keli manavar ellani H
maradirdan andu marttyada i
balakeya ne.rey ajidan alii moksha-lakshmiyam |
sadu-guru-Lakshminatham |
yidirgondam Chattau-apuga-Chamundauumam H
kattisid uppara-mudiyam |
ettisidam Abhavan-olda-Nandiya sindam \
ho iighe ughe end enutam i
VirSsvaran oppugonda Chavundanumam 11

On a stone near the Mathacla MarcAayya’s house south of the same temple.
Santhe-Beunura Siddhalinga-devara matake Hanumapa-Nayakaru kota manya
•Perhaps a mistake for kaWcd^ fiio in the original.
O hannagiri T alu q. 521

At the same village, on a stone south of the ruined Isvara temple.
BTasti Sri S'aka-varsha 1217 neya Manmatha-samvatsarada VayiSaJ£ha*stt 1 0 So svasti Srimatu
Tadava-Narayanaip bliuja-bala-praudha-pratapa-chakravartti Sri-vira-Rama-Deva-vijaya-tSjyodayg
tat-pada-padmopajivi Sriman-maha-mapdaleSvara vairi-ma^dajika . . . ......................V a s u d e v a ..
(8 lines effaced) Billesvara-dSvara............... geyagi kujirdda K dgiM ra................. Sova-boYa-Baicha-
bovangaBge kattite pattam a vittute bottute yiti ba^tinadi yint i-satya-kalalam page puge halara
here taip . . . . la sagi cbandrarka-t§.ratn-baram nadisuvanta k o t a ............................ san^ maagaja
maba Sri
At GhikJoa-Kdgilur {same hobli), on a stone in the enclosure of the Hanumanta temple,
Sri-Gaiiadhipataye namah subham astu i Boleya-Kamaija-Nayakaua mommakkaiu Huiya-Tirnma^a-
Nayakaru Aaanda-samvatsarada Vai^§.kha-Su 15 S ’ akra-sotfla-grahapa-punya-kaiadalU Chika-K6«i-
Ihranu a-Chika.......... {usual final phrases and verse) yi-d eva ra ............. Tipaua

At NUagere {same hobli), on the inner wall of the Vircibhadra temple.
Sri-guruve saraau | Sri
puttutal adi-Rudranam satya-samudraiiaip Virabhadrau a- 1
. . shtigalinda . valageyinda ... tar endu .. ... |
gotiisi toiamam gadiiita ... yenut arddadeye....... I
bittade mh-jagana bedaje heje .. b arddade summaa itdda
auatara tolgalam kadidu phsa .. dorade ka .. raya Da- i
kshana tale goi^dau a-tale •. ge mu ., tiyalk .. degottu Devara- 1
jaua pati-Sastramani seledu krish^amyigajinav etti siddha-Ru- |
drana suta Virabhadrau era ... madidau eyde yogamam ||
dhura-dhiram raadr§,Tataraiu durita-kula-nivS,raip pratapaika-Sdraip )
Hara-putram . . . . putram sura-nara-vara .. pS,traip pu^yaip pavitraip i
ta . . daksham Daksha-siksham tri-bhuvaua-jana-rakshaip S'ivach§,ra-dak3hami
. . ra-raudram tanu Rudram karuna-rasa-samudram maha-Virabhadrarp H

. . . . ra-raya-rS,ya •. kantaka-raya-taja-prahari ari-raya-vibhada para .. gaja-mastaka-Siila Virata-

Raya-uirdhumakau emba rayara raua-Bhai . . . . ra-viliara ari-raya..................................... rS.ya............
ra HarihareSvarain Hsvasti Sri jay^bhyudaya-Saka-varsha . . . 25 ......... . varttamaua Tara...............
Nitagereya Sri-Virabhadra-devara pratishte ayitu | svasti Srimaa-maha,rS,]‘adhiraja raja-parameSvara
parama-bhattaraka Dvaravati-pura-var^dhiSvara Sri-vira-Bukka-Raya . . . . svasti Sriman-maharajadhi-
raja raja-parameSvara parama-bhattaraka Dvaravatt-pura-varadhiSvara VijayS,uagariya Hastiuavatiya
pratapa-Harihara-Rayaru sukha-rajyam geyyuttam iralu !1 a-pratapa-Harihara-Rayana hiude yi .. .
. .. varamam ...ra chaadrayudha-Saiikha*chakra-gaja....... Tumbaia-gava B a s a .......... . . ram dana
maudalikara gatida DummiyaYare-Gangeya-Nayakaru §,-Gafigeya-Naykara maga Sirangauatha-’N aya-
karu sukha-sankatha-viuodadiip rajyapi geyyuttam iralu a-N itagereya........... Sri-Virabhadra-deva-
rige amyita-padi gad.de b e d d a ........vdrige agu^ya-dikkinalu yereya-bhumi nandS,divigge kot^aru..
... Sri-Virabhadra-devarige Dumrniya Bya-Pem m aya-Naya........... • Ndykaru taunaya Gaugurali
kotta vritti Cirige nayirutya-dikkipa..-. paduva h a . ..Nitagereya Virabhadra-devariga Kodeuada
Rama-gaundan-ojagada samasta-gauudu-prajegalu kotta uaudadlvige urige uayirutya-dikkinali Nita­
gereya sime-vottininda dariya paduva gadde mannuviu ikkuja 1| Qme follows a number of other grants
322 C h a n n a giri T a lu q ,
and usual final phrases) vaatga\& mahk sri .. .. gaun^ana makkalu Kala-gau5i(Ja {others mtned)
devalyava m§,(Jisidavaru |1 .. devara devalyava madisi. . . . nahalJiya.. . . na maga Mallojanu


'At Kaggatt&r {same fi^li), (m Iffce in front of the Virdbhadra tem ^.

(North side— i5 lines are effaced) yamaip bitaruli&-8tha4ada asafi,khyataru Vira-S6manS,tha-deva[raJ

a&ga-bhdga*radga S'ivarchaneyali V u da .. gere majjaaak ij-asiko^dalli h a^ a .. dam kottara ||mattaiji
. . . . ya-saliagi........... hana Ballayya Ammayya Il§,jayya Kesava-sahattiya Siriyanna Rdnayya Bam-
meya-sahaniya aliya KeSiyaua-Goudayya Perutnaie Kdchaiya-sahaiiiya MS.rayya-mukhyavdda samasta-
sahani-yekkatigaru §ri-Vira-S6man5,tha-devargge bitfa datti II Arppadeya Basariya-kojana modaleriya-
lu bittadu Gangana galeyalu kamba ippattam dhara-pflrbbakam ma^i kottaru |) mattam sari badiva
Rdpayyanu tanna kejeya kelage Gangana kamba hattam dhara-pdrbbakam m&di kottanu (|

(east side— 60 lines are effaced ) li Huligereya Sdmauatha-devara kshetra sanyasi-Honna-.. kaja pra-
sanna-Somanatha-devara............... yara kalasadinde.. .. devara Honnayya .. ... - Ramayya ■. . mula
pari .. yambhu-devara Saflkayya .. .. na makkalu ga .. lingipa ...............................................gain sri-
Vira-Somanatha-devara pratishtheyam madidalli a-sthalada manneya Savira-nada manneya Singa-
Chettarasa §riman-naj-prabhu Bire-Gauda (others named) int ivar-ojagada BiRchey-eppattara-
prabhu-gavudagalum ................ (west side— 70 lutes are effaced) kavadam a-parivarav a p p a ...............
ttu-kottaji KaRka-deviya....................putrar appa ippatta-nalvaralli mukhyar appa Ammi-Setti BhAiii-
Settiyara priya-putrar appa Chincbayya,.. RAchayyafigalu madisida firi-Vira-SomanAtha-devara tri-
kflta-devAlyam Herflra nagaram ., ,ya sri-pada-padmaradhaka RAchayya (others named) DAsara Gaflga
m a . . d a kelasada §as travan otteyittu hodade a-sthaRidalu irabek endu tarama hesaran ikkiy
endade Chifichayyanu kottu nambugole hesaran iki iastravam hosidanu ||Chifichayya-Ddchayyagala-
tande Somayya tayi Maravye aradbyaru SaAgayya Aradhyara madavaRge Boppavve

(south face— effaced).


At Hirevude (same hohli)\ on « stone in Dodd<^savakfga's land, north of the village.

Bvasti. samasta-bhuvanASrayam iri-prithyi-vallabha mahArajAdhirAja paramdAyaram parama-bhattA-
rakam Satyasraya-kula-tilaka .. .. ChAlukyAbharapam Arijnat*Tribhuvanamalla-DAvara rA jya.. tta-
rottarAbhivriddbi-pravarddhamAnam A-chandrArkka-tAraip-baram saluttam ire 1 tatu-pAda-padmopa-
jivi samadbl . ta-pancba-mabA>Aabda mahA-maudaddSyarani. . . . sasirada ...............chudAmapi nija>
ku]a-kamala-mArttandain parichchhedi-gapdaip .. jiga-ChoJarmano-bhaAga srimat-Tribhuvanamalla-
Deva-padAbja-bhriAga .. man-mahA-mapdaJdsvarain Tribhuyanamalla-PApdya-Deyaru Nojamba .. .
muvattirchhAsiramam dushta-nigraha-viSishta-pratipAJanadun rAjyain .. .. re ||........... paricfaehhedi-
............... .. tana ta n d a ............... pdAralu.................. ... .. vag iuta berasi | Vikram a'kAIada...........
BrihaspativAradandu | .. . . ...........................


At Mantarugatta (same hobli), on a stone near the village entrance.

Arimatu Mummadi-Efenumappa-NAyakaru Krodhana-saipvatsarada Asvija-suda-pafichamili B a fa rA
VeAkatayage Matarugatada grAmava bata-agrarara kotadu (usual finedphrases).
O hannagiri T alu q. 323

At BiUahalli {same.hMi^, on vtrakal in the KdtUs'vnro> temj^le north of i%e yiU^e.
........................putra Haiva ................................... . . . . . . . . . . . g&vu9 (J a n u ........................ nMraya firt-
prithvl-vallabha mah&rajadhir&jaip Hoyisana-prat^pa-chakravartti vira-N^aBiinha-DevarrSjyada
Virddhi-samvatsarada Pash^a'ba[hu]la-daSami-Bphaspativ4radalu sura*ldka'pr&ptar

At the same place, on a 2nd drdkal.
Bvasti $rimatu yishnuvarddhana-pratapa-chakravartti vira-Ball&}a rajyam geye Raudri-Sajiivatsarada
Marggasiira-Pti8liya-suddha-saptami-Adivara[daJu BillahaUiya Billa-gavu^an^ maga Madi-gati^auu
Bedarodane kadi svargga-praptau Adanu |j mafiga^a mahA sri

At Astdpura (same hohli), on a stone in the hatt^hola west of the vUlage,
namas-tu^ga-&c. 1|
svasti samasta-bhuvanasrayam sri-pritiyi-vallabham maharajadhir&jaiii parameSvaram parama-
bhattarakam Satyalraya-kuja-tilakam GhAlukyabhara^am ^rima[j]-Jagad§kamalla-Devara vijaya-rl,-
jyam uttarpttBirabbiyfi^dbi-pravarddhamaaam ^-chandrarkka^aram^baram saluttam ire tat-p&da-
padnippajivi (1 syasti ^ainadbigata-pafieha-maha-Sabda mahl-mandajesvaratn K§,ncbt-pura-var§,dhi-
Svaram Nojambavadi-mftvattircbchasiramatp tri-b^ogabhyantaram dush^a-nigraha-Mshta-pratipala*
nadim paRsut^ rajadhani-Uchcbangiya nelevidinalu sukha-saukat§.-vin6dadim rajyam geyuttam ire
tat-pada-padumopajivi l
madavad-ari-nriparan ajiyoi t
adirade befikoi^da dbareyan unnafca-Sauryyam j
padulisi pajisi kirttiyan |
edavisidajp gupia-vibbS.si manaeya-Sdma || ’
a-maha-eamanta-Sovr-Devagam S6vala-DSvigaip udiyisidaip Edavari-Deva |]
atam samasta-gupa^yi- t
khyataui bhdtaladol eseye dharmmagalan udito- i
ditadindam pratipajisal j
udayisidam Soma-Devan-aougiua-patra 1|
dhareyum varddhigaliupikuladrl-kalamum dig-daatiyum chaadra-su- 1
ryyarum uRaanegam eyde nilke da^eyam sad-dharmmamum kirtfciyum |
[ ................................................. ................. .. JsSmrajyamam satyamam |
parid ond uanatiyam S'ivam dayeyin a-kalpantara-sth^yuva ||
uuijida nudi Rama-ba^aip 1
todard-edeyola Bbiman arttu ku^uvade Karnnam i
pa^iy enisi negalda namm i« \
Edavari-DAvange kuchita-manneyar ddoreyS 1|
badatanav adud eadu budha-koti vimohisi baudu muade niad |
adigide bfedaRvane manan-gi(Jalivaae pogi bannim end l
edey udiy Udalivane mano-mudadiip kared ittu keygajaip i
bide mugiv aje dal negaldan i-dhareyol Ed.ev&ci-DevanS H
Siisalugereya mulasthaaa-Mallikarijaaa-dSvarige Edavariyarasa DeVarasi-panditarige balaip
karchcbi dh&ra-purvvakain m&di Wtta dharmma Hiriyake.reya kejage gadde kamma 500 Kirugejreya
324 C h a n n a g iri T a lu q .
kelage hiidouta kammain 100 devalyakke purvvadaju bedalu mattaru 2 devara tana-divigege gacia 1
devara paSchimadalu mfiru maneya niveshana (usual final verses and phrases) int i-sasauamam bare-
darn Mapdaliya guru Trilochaua-devaru nyunaksbaram adhikaltsharaip va tat sarvvam piraluanam iti

A ' ' ‘

Af Astdpanahalli (same hobli), on a stone to themortfi of jlhe,86m§s-vara teinpleii,

namas tonga-&c. II
.. . tu jagat-traya-natha jnkua-kajadhara-iietra-tritaya phapi-pati vi ............................. maajdana
S'ambhub |1
svasti samasta-bhuvanasraya Sri-prithyi-va......... . Svaram parama-bhattaraka' Satykiraya-ku|a-tilaka
Chalukya.. .. chakravartti Jagadekaiualla-Devara vijaya-rajyam u tta '. . . nam S.-chandrarkka- ‘
taraip-baram Kalyanada-nelevidiao} sukha-sankatba-vinOdadim ra . . .. .1 i^! tat-pM a-^admopajM f|
pranata-pratyanta-dhatrisvarara talegalo} kayyan . . . . vo}- |
gupav opputtirppfuam raksbipan ati-kfipeyim 'ixiijri maj f . . .. |
.... .. andu kond ikkuvan adatarati a-baja poyliip pa^alpatt- |
aneyal matt-atte tattutt iriyi ............... ya-Paridya-ksbiti5aln 11
atana tanayam bbuvanar |kbyktaiil Nviga-^Nahusha-Na}a-Bha,. i |
. . . sauryyado} arppino} |ktata-yaiadinde Vira-Pandya-kshitipam |j
svasti samadhigata............... ha-§abda inaha-ma^idale^varaip K^ebt-piira-vai*adhMyafam'Tfadditabii'
fiambara-dyumani . . . . . tamani nija-kula-kamaja-marttandam parichcbedi-ganda Rkjendrb-Cbdja-
manobhaiiga ja y k ............... j-Jagad^kamalla-Vira-Papdya-Devaru’ N'onambaykcii-ibuka'^tircllch^^ira-^
main d u sbta............... pratipalanadim Ucbcbaftgiya nyavidinoju buka-kankatha-yinodadiin'rk. . .
.. ttam ire tat-pada-padmopajivi li
gbana-sauryyau abhayan airita- | '
jana-kalpkvanijan a ............... adatarajinallam
vinaya-nidhi vikrama-kranaa-I
dhanan en ene yaSodhikam S6yarasam ||
§ , ............................. . na- V '
khyatiya S6barasi sadubudha-stute negarddal . ' f
Siteg Arundhatige Kubbrij- i !
jatege migil esekad arppi . le mantanadol' ||! :
ant avarge tanujan adam i
Kantu-pratibham gunkinbunidhi jaya-lakshmi'-'^f ‘
. . . . bhii-bhuvana-stutan |
Antakan ene ripu-balakke Yadavari-Deva |!
ktana vallabheyar jja g ii-I
ti-taja-vi .. teyar ggupadhikeyaru sain- 1
bhbta-Subha-matigal eual i- |
bhutala[doJ] poga}al aridu Dharariidbrangam jl
bbu-nute Chandala-Deviy a - f
nuua-gunanvitey enippa Gangaraki saro- i
janaue Honnarsiyuin u- 1
ddaniya ^akti-trayangal andadth esevar ],
Hara-satige migilu rupim I
Sarasatig eney enipa bahu-kaja-parinatiyina i
O h an n agiri T a lu q . 325
Harisutana satiya sobagina |
dorey ene Gangavveg itara-satiyar ddoreye |1
mattam §,-Edavari-Devana pratapav ent endode |!.
panidaqa boyd anya-sainya-dvipa-haya-bhata-sandohamaip tanna tojo} |
kuniyalk uts§,hadiDdam jaya-siri siri talt appiral tannan i-dha- 1
rimyaoi PS.ndyavani5ang alavadisuvan i-varddhi-tiraip-barain ba- j
ndapadoj markkondarani taltajid E<iavari-Devam jagat-stufcyan adaip ||
eley anitum rasataladol ardire kapd>i Varaha-vfeSamalii l
taledu Gadadharam negapi pott ireyum kali kaydu nfiAkal.ag- l
galisi daridratar^JlnavadoJ ardda dharitriyan oho taima kp- |
4o}e negahittu keyajave bhu-nutay apnana gandha-varana ||
odavida danadindam eredafigam S.ra.t^am iva torppa kflr- |
idav enisirppa k6d-eradarini negard UDnata-vainsadi^ sagS« |
trada kadu gddi netrada madhu-tsaviyindam agurwu-yettu p61- I
tudu digu-dautiyam vijaya^karanay aunana gandha-y§,ra^ia II
ant enisida pogarttegaqi negarttegaip neleyagi || syasti samasta-prasasti-sahitam trl-bhuvana'-jana-
stutam Jagadekamalla-Vira-Pandya-Deya-chitta-sar6yara*r§.ja-haqfisairi tri-bbuyana-praSpjpsa. dS.yiga-
manheya-mj*iga-bentekara ripu-maridaja-sii.rekara kddi kutakke tappuya manrieyaita' gapda, kaiapa-
prachapda uddauda-ripu-mada-niyarapam anpana gandha-yarana GhandraSekh^a-nakiia*chWdra-
chandrikasyadana-chakoram sarasa-mridu-geya-karnnapura satya-HariSchandra prajk-p§,}an6pendra
ity-adi-nama}ika-yirajitar appa irimadu-Biliche-yeppattara maaneya Yedavariyarasaru Susula-
gereyali sukhadini rajyara geyVUttam irdda srimatu pratapa-Cha}ukya-chakrayartti«Jagad§kamalla-
varSSada 11 neya Vibhaya^sam........................ yaradandu Sri-Somesyara-deyar-aAga-bhogakkani piya-
•....................................puryyakam niM i bitta datti deyalyakk i ^ a ..................... deyalyakke mdda
kaungina td t a .................... .. ............. ; d^yalyadini haduya ma .................. ............................
4 0

At KdMpura (same hdbli), on a stone near the kaUu-iuraju west of village.

gyasti irimatu |) S'aka-yarsha 1148 Parttiya-samyatsarada VayiSakha-Su 5 Bri i Hoysapa-N&rasimha-
Devara rajyad%ndu Hadalakereya Hariy 6r-odeyana kala kejage GayudiyahalJiya turn haruyalli ba(Ji-
gi Makoja yiridu sura-16ka-praptan adallige badagapa holada kat|e ereya badaga mani kamba hattu
Soyur-odeya kotta ka 10

At Hosahalli (same hoUt), on a stone near the livara temple,


fiubham aatu Plavauga-saipvatsarada ASada-ba 1 Mangalayara I k a . . lika Sa .. mmana kAladalui

Sante-Bennvlra Jdummadi-Hanumappa-Nayakaru || Siinhada Malli-bhafta-up&dhyara makka|a | •
Ningapa-bhattarige sa-hirapy6daka-dh&ra-pfiryyakaykgi kottadu ^ilA-iasapada chungadeya ayigu-
}ada gade ^ubham astu | HosabalUya staladalu Chikkana*gaTudamm nada senaboya Mallarasayya
Sdlekeseya Hiriyappana maga senaboya Puttapna . . . . •. .. .. barasida saSana............

On a stone on the hand of the Badi^-SdU-tanK
{Persian characters and langmgi).
Bismillah ir-rahm&n ir-rahim
iBa nam-i jahS.n dar-i' jkn afrin Haktm-i sakhun bar zaban Afrin
326 C h a n n a giri T a lu q .
2ze barkat-i Muhamuiad Mustafa sallallah-o-alaihi wo sallam dar ahd-i Sultan
^Muhammad Sh§,h Ibrahim Khan Khaa-i-Kh§.n§,n n&m ast farkbunda bauz

^khub se’bat shudan bauz khw^ham bast

blsamilla rahim&nnu rahimma || ha ||div% a SulMna Mabammadu PSiduSSba ba HKbanakbSua-
skbebaru ||6ri*GangarVi§vesvaraya namab | nirvigbnam astu ||
namas tuAga &c. fi 1 II
B^inanyo'ymn dbarma-s§tur &c. ||2 ||
mad-vatp§ajab &c. |! 3 ||
lavakaS cba varabai cba mabisb! kunjaras tatbd. |
upadesbta cba kartta cba sbad §te syarga-gajuinah ||4 ||
tatakam dbana-nikshepani Brabma-stbapyam S'ivMayam |
vanani santatih putrSb sapta-santfinam ucbyate ||5 ||
svasti Sri jayabbyudaya-S'31iv&hana-Saka-varusha 1575 daneya Vijaya-satpvatsarada Bbadrapada-
sudba S GaruTS.ra-Srati-naksbatradalli baradantb^ SS,sana ||
Kusumastram sama-rupa SSkba-Malikam TesarS.da sukumajanam |
bosa-sasi.. yaSonchitam daya-nidbim dbura-vira L&r .. uaguip |
Sasi-S3,ntain sukumara Badeya-Malikaqi tat-sbna SSku-Mallikam | ‘
desey-artiyal saha SasanavUnu nilisirdud ad atisayatn || 6 ]|
dbareyoju Basavapattana- 1
k ora-daksbipa-dikkil iruva Sendra-dbareyoju 1
paramaranyam ad S.gire |
moreyittaru sakala-janaru chorara bhayakam ||7 ||
nadigaru settaru jiga^u |
rM ipa . . . margga-mandi pelal bharado}u |
nadina dore Badeya-Mallikanu |
noduvanim u^t id etidu manasige tandaip ||8 {;
ballidanu baba<parS.krami |
nillade tarn pogi sakalam ele>mara..taragalan |
ellayanu katrisi mudadiin |
Mollipurar emba gramavanu kattisidaip O9 |1
m9ru-bhavanado}u rSjipa |
chS,ru vichi . dalli mereva giriyoluv alHna saro- |
yarav enisuva ke;eyanu |
dbarunipati nilisi kirttiyo^a mun-deseyojn f l O ||
param3.-Nandana-samvat- |
saradolu hajarattu P3,ttuSS.hage jadar 4g* i
ira harasikopd^n oli I
varekejfeyani nilisi Patush& ............. nalu ll 11 H
bittisuvenu gadi illade i
uttuma MmeSa-KS.Sig edey S,duvarige 1
nityaip kabb-S.ley S.disiy |
. . ra pabaravatigeyan ikkuven enutain II 12 ||
C h a n n a g iri Talttq.
tefigtt rasa-y&ie raja-1
naftgalu modalMa n&gavalliya sahitaiji I -
hiagade bittiei prajegaja I
tuaga-balam na^isiko^^a tave santasadiin il 13 II
yt'dharapiyq Basavapattaqad |
^Wiyoluip r&ya-rekhe r% adoJ ellS- 1
m S din i........... rapyafigajal |
M a bajikk init adana sistige horataip H 14 II
satta chata-siiue-gavu^aru |
uttuma-nS.4igara set^i praje pariviraip I
aty-adhikS,nandado}a j
bittaradind oppi ko^ta uutaQapbh&mim || 15 i
nindavan 5.gali athavS. |
chhaadadi t&m Musalmanaa Sda^e matt 1
banda«dhore nadasikoqdare |
chandrarkaru ujjadanaka kirttiyan SJvaqi ||16 |1
yidakke tappidare HiPduva |
mudadind . . . KMiyali govatp koyidayan |
idakke Masalam&na tapala i
vidhavidhadi masitiyali pandiya kondava || 17 ||
Hindaya nadasaln E5Sige |
kundade tam poda-phalayu paramiyushyam I
muade Musalamana nadasalk D, - 1
nandadi Makkavanu pokka phalav ahud idariin |118 i
dhore-r&yana Eh&nakhanige I
siri sampada hechchal endu yinit i-dham avai
k a r a .. •. yidhanu Badeya-Mallikanu |
prati-bala-ma . . asaM .. dada-dhtram ||19 ||
dharey olagana sat-purafiaru |
karupadol i-Sasanayanu vdd i-kejreyaiu |
nere kan4 i-kshapadindain |
pariharipudu sakala-sampadanr kai-sai‘ggum || 2$ ||

(usual final verses) Sri-DSsa-kulakaraui Chikanqa (others named) iyaru muntdda sanjasta-mabS*na^a
i-rajyakke kartan^gi bandatd i-dharmava nadisade . . kila mS>didare nl^igaru maatS.dayaru aya-
rige h&U kSli goqda na^asade upekshe ma^ida gaud-arasa Sivi«hira kuI§,cbSrrake horagu || Brab*
mana-prajegalu sabhe-sandhya-mantapakke horagu

At the same place, m the 2nd stem.
CPersidti eharaeters and languagej.

Abu-Bakr Umar.Usm&n Ali
iB i’ adaz hamd-i Ehuda wo na’ at~i Basul alaihis-salat-o-was-satam
*&nke dar ahde Pddsh3,h»i-Din pqnS,h SultSu Muhammad ibn-i Ibr§,him 'Adil Sh&h Gh&zi
328 C h a n n a g ir i T a lu q .

8mu’ amala-i Sultduuagar takht-i istikhamat*i Kh&a-i Wala makau Khan-i-Khanaa Vazir-i Hukumat wo
^sipah salar bM , Khwaa-i bargha-ai u Bari-Malik bia-i Lar Khan ibn-i
^Shekh Malik Haraldar mu’amala-i mazkar in hauz ra ke Musamma ba Wall
*Sarur ast basta basabab anke daran rozha andukai ta-ghye-ardar mizaj-i
^mubarak Badshah pidid amad nazar kard ke chun shifa rdzy shavad binS,-i hauz
^hwahaiu kard dar neyat ast b M se'hat rdzai wafadi shad nazar lazim didab
9 ......... ba itmam rasanid wo mauza ai Walipur ke bar hukm i firman ashraf
Wkhariji Vilayat wo rakbm-i mu’ amala mazkftr ast ba ndm-i Shekh Malik
Ufirzand-i Bari Malik ke ham nam-i jadd-i khish ast ba sbrat-i inam-i abdi
Wmarhamat ghashta bar ke khalal kuuad mal dn wo zina zadah bdsbad. San 1064
.......................... ............................................. ...................... azim buvad ab«i d mudam
T4cbun s h u d ......... .. .............................. ............ . ......... .................. d ke W ali Surdr ast nam

At Bo'Q.iragatta {same holti), on a vtrakal east of the MaWs'vara temple.
Bvasti samasta-bhuvanasrayana §rf-prithvi-vallabbam mabdrdjadbirajam param§svaraip Dvaravati-
pura-varddbisvaram Yadava-kulambara-ayumaiji sarvvajna-chddamafli Maleraja-raja [Malajparoju
ga^^da gaoda-bbern^da kadana-pracbandan asabaya-sdran dkdnga-vira S'aniyara-siddbi Giridurgga-
malla cbalad-adka-fiama Magara-rdjya-nirmmdlanam Cboja-rajya-pratishtbacbdryya nissanka-
pratdpa-cbakravartti Hoyisana firi-vira-Ndrasiinha-Devana rajya . du || svasti samasta-prasasti-
sahitaip Sdsalugejeya vittiya Dopdaragattada drimdn-nMu-prabbu Bira-gavundana maga Sanka-
gdvuridaDa maga Bira-gavuda Malla-gavudana maga Sanka-gavuda yibaru Bira-gavuda Sankayanu
Sarvvajitu-samvatsarada Sravana-suddha i l S6 tujuvam .. yalu sura-ldka-praptan adudakke Sarvva-
dbari-samvatsarada Magha-suddha 13 Gu Punarvasu-nakshatra-Visbkambba-yoga-Taila-kara^adandu
Bira-gavuda-Sankayyangalu sura-loka-praptar ddudakke p d je '.. k a li. . dnkke gadde ka 5 beddale
ka 10 Bira-gavuda Sanka-gavuda.... 1 dgi gavudikege saluva vumbaji-sasana-kramav ent en..........
}ada t6ta-sahita gadde mattaru 3 Eadala-gauda mattaru 3 belid'ale niattaru a.rn 6 antu ma 12

At HirS-Md(Id}u {same hoTM), on a stone north of the KSsava temple.
svasti Sri jayabbyudaya-Salivdhana-iakharvarusa 1600 neya Sidbarti-ndma-sarnvatsarada Kartika ..
lu Basavapatanada Nava ... 11a Divd .. ra .. .. .. S’ubbedara Lingapanavaru Kam .. na matada
dharmake Nallura-simege saluva Hird-Madahdlu-gramavauu kottu . yidake tapidare Makkar
dali handi koyida b d g e ............
At the same vilhge, on a stone to the north of the McdWhara temple!
{MaTirafthi characters and languagej, *

Sri Subham astu S ’ivaliftga-sthapand kardna go-dana bhd-dana biranya-ddna.. va dpale mdtd-pitaru
va aksbaya-punya dni dpanasi jiva-pada-prdpta mba^avuna jirniia-uddbdra kardna dpala indma
sthall ikkade devasthana bandbdna'S'ivalinga-kripa-kataksba

On a second stone.
CMahratthi characters and language).
............... san sanivatsa . . . . Kartika-suda .. ptami-Somavdri Sa . . Benndra Hanumapa . ikd .-. haja
. . . . Dadaji-Rdyd-Rdvaydsi Hire-Mddahdla indma asata tethe a .. .. n i . . .. ga bhdmi . . . . ta asatd
... prapa-pra . . . ka punasstapana kardna bbdmi-dana-go-ddna-biranya-ddna {stops here).
Chajm agiri T alu q. 329

On a Brd stone.
subham astu i &ri*Mallikarjjuna-devara padav§ gati Naja-saipvatsarada Karttika-sudha-da^ami-
Somavara-divasa Santhe-Bennura Haaumapa-Nayakara...........daSi Raya-rayanu Hire-Ma<jlahala-
gramadalli bahu-kala nela . . ka.- .. dali Tungabhadrege S ’iva-pada-S'ivalinga-devara sthapane mUdi
go-dana-bhh-dana tamma m§.tri-pitrige akshaya-punya .. galiyandu........... ............ .
At Udava (same hohli), on a stone in front of the Hanumantd temple.
svasti Sri jayabhyudaya-S'alivahana-§aka 1680 Bahudha.aya-nama-sam j] S'ra | ba |1 10 yalu raj§sri-
S'rimanta Sa . Sara Jamindara sahavagi Basavapatana Sagara-pSte Settara bajige Marilingapaaava-
rige Setitanada bage palaki-umbali Shlekere-sime-vaiaga^a'Koleda U d e.. da-gramavaunli prhka pra-
kara nadisi baruta yidalli h&,vu i-gramada sila-stbapana niadisi kotu yidbeve &-cbandr&.rkka-st&'yi«
ga^agi nimma saatana-parampareyagi aaubhavisikonda bahadu ||
aho R§,gbava rajendra sapta-kalpanujivanam l
na Sri^Omi na pasyami svayaip-dattapah&ripam j|

At NalTcudare (same hoUi), on stone near the wall of the Brahmes’vara fetnph.
namas tunga-&c. 1).
Bvasti samasta-bhuvanaSrayam Sri-prithvi-vallabham raaharajadhirajaiix paramesvarani Dvaravati-
pura-varUdhiSvaram Yadava*kulambara-dyumani sarwajua-chdcjamam Maleraja-raja Malaparol
gan,da gap^a-bherundaa asahaya-Sdra S'aiiivara-siddbi Giridurgga*malla chalad*ahka-R§,ma vairt-
bha-ka9:thiravam Magara-rajya-nirmmulanain Chola-rajya-pratishthdcharyyanum Srimat-pratdpa-
chakravartti-HoyiSala-Sri-vira-Narasiipha-Devaip Cholu-na^a Pafichala-nelefidinolu dushta-nigraha -
fiishta-pratipalanam madi sukha-sahkatha-vinodadim rajyaoi geyuttam ire |1
dig-adhisar vvarddhiyind attale madagidar d-diggajanikama^ vd-1
jigaiaip vyomagradindam dinapan ijipan a-dibya-ratnechchheyini Vd-1
sugi Pdidjastban adand udadhi-valayad urvvitalaip ta[t-]sthaa &dan- |
du gajdSva-brata-ratnangalan avarg ujipam vira*Ballala-bhdpam II
viradoj unnatikke Yadu-vaipSajaroJ kali-Narasimhanaixi |
dhirana virad elgegala pejvade kautukain intu nojpad i- 1
dhariniyarkkal app arasugaj palaram tave kondu bopadiip |
bhorene Kadavam Magara-Pdndyana bennoju dhaU ittano |
varidhi mereyagi dhareg orvvane gap^anu HoySapSSrarain ||
narapati Narasiiphanol idirchchad ad echcharad emba bhitiyim |
harapada hanig anji Javanaip marevokku bardunkuvopa ra- |
yara nadu-benno} undigeyaa ottuven end amrMmSu tajdan end |
eraleyan endad e-vogalvud unnatiyam S'asi-vamSa>ratnaham |
irige neley dgi vidyS,-1
srig agaram enisit igal i-Kelkudare !
Srige modal enisit i-bhu- I
bhSrgadol *fir-adeya-grama-chftd[aratnani j]
dhiran udara-Satyapana Padmeyan alvan ilatalakke vi- |
staram enippud &r-adeya-gr§,mavanam pratip§,lisutta tam i
*Perhaps a mistake for <tr-od eya .
330 C hannagiri T a lu q .
dh§,ri9 iyalli vunnatan adara-guiiam dharey eyde baiinikum j
Varijalochan itta varamain sthiradiude iaSabkan ullinarp H
sach-charitaa amala-guna-gaua- 1
bidichatike paropakari ^ila-vyasanam |
mecbchisuvam sajjanaram |
mechchadar kv bBamma ninna vasudh^-tajadol ||
nayavatiy endu Mlavatiy endu kajavatiy endu sad-g'uqia-1
nvayavatiy endu dharmmavatiy endu day§.vatiy endu pujgiya-sa- I
nchayavatiy endu kirttisuvad ftr-a<Je-B6kanii; pefmtneVetta k&^-1
nteyan olavindk Muddale-mah^satiyam' negald iijagaj-janaip 1!
Bhanusuta-Danavendrana v
danam modalS.ge vidya-vitara^a-Silani |
lane pratibimbiknin sale i '
bhd-nuta-Basavanana hasta«dairppana>ta|adot ||
neg4<3a suvarni^a-vaatra-vara-bhushana-rajiyan enan ittadaip |
bageg a^am ilia tarn tanivaisantosamani inanak ira dehiga^g I
aga^ita-tfiptiyam padevud ond amritannadi anna-danamum 1
jagak esevante koti-guni vur-ade-Sankan id em kritartthano II
nudidade Rama-bapa karad ittade Gutlan udara-marggadiin |
Mridana'varam ditam manade mechchidan ada4e ivan embudum 1
ku^uvade: chagi dbarmmade Yudhishthiran end akhijorvvi bannikum |'
tadeyade biju biduvana Muttanan airita-kalpa-bhdjanam |f
gunif enipam saujanyadk t
kaniy enipam vibudha*tatige koduvadn chinta- 1
maniy enipam g6tra4ikha- i
maniy enip ur^adeya-Muttan avani-taladol ||'
vadanadoj agaluip nalidil narcbchisuva} iru ta -k a n te santatam I
mudad esev-akshadoj nelasi yirppa[ ad avaga punya-kante vun- 1
mada-bala-bahu-gehad ojagirdd atiSobhise yiva-kdnte sam* |
pada padavettud i«negalda Y&r>ade-Chandranan enebanmpein ||
dharmmada Mem dharmmada tavarmmane dbanum ada bittu styad& I
dharmma-guna-prabhava‘ m ahim am budbi nirunna^a-dham m ad agarain |
dbarmma-sakh&ya dharm m a-nidhi dharm m a-paraip S'iva-dharmma-dipakain |
dharmma-nidh^nan endu dhare kirttisut irppudu Chaiidra-Devanatn I1
6rima .................... Bokana |
iri-kirttige nelegajagi puttidar d g 4 i
Srimad'Va^sbtafgdtram 1
srimatu Muddaleya sutaru sukhadind irppar ||
bhasura-tejadoj dinapan ivedeg Arkkasutani kaidgamA- |
bhy§.sadol Abjagarbbban uru-mantrado]ain Suramantri bhogadoj |
Vasavan ant-aratige Dhananjayan end akhiiorbbi kirttikuin l
Uvara-bhaktan kr-odeya-Deva^anam sauu-mAna*daniyain. ||
esev emba kajpa-taruvaip |
vosedum late vaUi pavvvid antire ninn i- 1
pesar emba kirtti-ravigain i
posat &dudu k-I)kvanafige gupa^vibhavaAgal |1
O hannagiri T alu q, 331
Srimaa-mahapasllyita parama-vi^vasi muliga-hegga(Je|Bainmayyanuiii Basavayyanuin Padumayyanum
svasti yama-aiyaDaa-svadliyaya-dhyana-dliarai^a-maunaausht'iana-japa-sainadhi-iila-gupa-sampaana-
rutn avupasaaagiiihotra-dvija-gura deva,ta-puj.i-tatpararum appa 8rimaa-inaha*a&J-prabhutarum pard-
pakara-pariaataruni pariksba-daksharam prabhu-mantrotSaha-sakti-traya-sampaanaram appa Nel-
kudureya vur-adeya-S'ankara-Devanuip Madayyanutp Bhaskara-Devanutp Efaribara-DIvanuip Mu^-
tayyanum Lokayyauum Abbucbiya Kallayyanann NArayapa-Davanutp Devayyanuip Chaadayyanaip
Satyaninaaum Acbyuta-Devaa-oJagada vur-adeyaru S'aka-varabam 1156 neya Vijaya-saipvatsarada
Marggasifa-§u 10 Bri-Pusbya-nakshatra-vyatiyapata-Dbanus-sankraatiyalu Nelkudureya Iri-Brahmdi-
yara-devara aaga-bboga-rdbga-bbdga-kha^^a-spbutita-jirijiidddh&rakkam endu Bonteya Vdipardsi-
garugala kalam karchchi dbdra-pbryyakaip mddi bi^^a bb&mi (12 tines fottowing contain details of
gift and usual final phrases and verses) yur-odeya Cbandra-Deyana barepa mabgala mahA Sri Sri
yijeyad-DaSakirtti-ddyar yyirachisidar eaeya Sasana-kyitiyaip g&nadalu arayan-e^^ie PasuvagSriya ..
.. m ittika BbarameSvara-dSyaradu |t Sankaroja hoyida SAsana
On a vtrakal outside the same temple.
syastiSriinatuS’aka-yarusbada 1164 S'ubbakfitu-samyatsarada VaiSakba-suddbaS S'u Srimad-anadiy
agrabaram Mayasura m an da ........... radavura................. Nelkudureya gadiya page Bedara balu-manu«
s'ya Dugi-Seti Somayyana maga Bommeya-Ndyakanu tagi talt ijridu'Suran dgi Sri-Hari .. sarau eodtt
Bura-loka-praptan Adanu
On a second viraMl in the same place,

svasti Sri jayabbyudaya-S'aka-varusba 1199 ae ISvara*samyatsarada VaiSakba-su 15 So Nelkudure-

yali Hiriya-Borumaua maga Nagaya-Naykauu turu bariyali kadi talt iyidu sura-loka-praptan Adali Atana
yirakke mecbcbi Nelkudureya satnasta-&r-odeyaruqr Jeya-Deva-danpayakarum .. samasta-prajegalu
atafige Kogilura darilyijip badagalu Tajakattada binde kamba 15 nu kalla nattu nettaru-geyiydgi
kottu rasige mora-vatava ko^taru {usual final phrases).

On a third vtraJcal-in the same place.
svasti Sri jayabbyudaya-S'aka-varsbada 1201 neya Pra[m§.]ti-samvatsarada ASvija-su 15 S6 Nelkudu-
reli Ayara Cbava-gaudana maga Mareya-NAykanu turu hariyalu . . kadi talit iridu sura-loka-prAptan
Adalli Nelkudureya samasta-vur-odeyarum Jeya-DSva. . . . yarum samasta-prajegaluin Atana virakke
mecbcbi Kogildra dariyiip badagalu Ta}akattada teukana k6diya binde Grangana-galeyalu kamba
15 nu nettaru-geyiyagi kalla nattu kottaru mangala maha Sri badagi Kankeye .. .. li moya-vattavagi
On a stone near the Hdlappana matha south of the same temple.
{AU the first part, 41 lines, is effaced)...........................................Samanta-NAj
stbira-satya-bratau atta ........................... I
........prabbu dhAtriyol ene n e g a ld a ................. |.
......................... ......... ishta-mitra . . . . t&ip |
s u r a .................. Hantana gunaip Samanta-NAganpanam
atana s a t i ............... |
................... 1
882 C hannagiri T alu q.

....................ya-guuam l
bhutajadoju pogalal §,rggam atidana

Dundubhi-samvatsarada uttarayapa-sankrantiy-ainavasye-Adivara................. ta-Nagaimam §ri-Ket&S«

vara-sthanavam Rudrasakti-guru........... dh&ra-purvrakam tii&di kotta devalyada khanda-sphutita-
jirnnoddharavam........... ranga-bhoga tri-kala-niredya naadadivige inisuvam nadesuvantagi bitta ..
dere .. di bayala naduva gadda Gaiigana ga}eyalu mattaru 2 (usual final phrases and verses).

At the same village, on a stone near the road in the bacJc-yard.

namas tunga-&c. ||
....................bhuja viaam ra..................... nika-stoma-marichi-manjari-yiraji.. .. pada . . . . ' ..............
. . . . . inani Vikram adka............................... . .. .. sta^huvauyrayani sri-prithvi-vallabhatn maharajS,-
dhirajara parame^varatn parama-bhattarakam S a ty a ................tijakam Chalukyabharanam kimat*
Tribhuvanamalla ................ ya-r&jyam uttarottarabhivriddhi-prava . . . . natn a-chandrarkka-tyam
saluttani ire tat-pada-padm6pajivi I
........... ... ^arppita-aakha-mukuram.....................|
jana-rakshS-SaDti-diksha-guru vijaya . kranta . . . . lakshmi-i
. . vasam charu-chandra.. . . . . viSada-yaio-vallari-yyapta-lokam I
vanadhi-vyavSshtitoryvi ..............sedan A-Raya-PA^idya-kshitiSaip ||
. . . . m a h a - ........... Kalanjapara-varadhtsvaram nija-kula-kamaja-marttan^am pariohchh§di-gau-
^am Rajiga-Chola-manobhangam ^rimat-Tribhuvanamalla-Deva-padabja-bhringain naaiadi-samasta-
praSasti-sahitam firimat-Tribhuvanamalla-R&ya-P&pdya-Devaru Nojaiubavadi-mfivattirchchh&siramu-
mam Santalige-sisiramumam tri-bhogabhyantaraip dushta-nigraha-Sishta-pratipalanadiin pajisuttum
rajadha ............... vina nelevidinoju sukha-sankatha-vinodadirp rajyaip geyyuttam ire | tat-pada-
padmopajivi i|
kanda [j nambida r a y a ........... Jang j
irabine samrajya-rAjyadoJu nilisida pein- 1
parp b e ......... . dh§,trig a- i
lumba parichchbedi-gaJf(Ja Pallava-Raya !j
Turaka-ma . . ta parid eydi i
.............'. kaydu-yidiye pul-vi(Jiyade nint I
ari-si . . ........... pari |
dhurake parichchhedi-gapda Pallava-R&ya ||
atana b i.......... dagradolu vira-bhaya- |
. . . garadiin khacharakritiyiip . . . . rddanam |
bhutala-., kravarttiya ba . . ' ............... ... i
dutanan ikkidaiu dharege m e c h ...........Arjjunan ikkuy-andadim 1!
a-mah&-samantam vira-laksbrai-kantam........... ............. nistarain srimat-parichchhedi-gaiida Palfava-
Raya Bijiche-yeppattumaip Pumini-hanneradumam tri-bhogabhyantararu dusjita-nigraha-^ishja-
pratip^anadiin palisuttam ire 1|

kanda ||dbiram Somana.doreg oreg I

arutn nindapar i-Kfitayuga-Trete-Dya- (
param-Kali-yugadolagana I
birar udara-pratapigaju dharnima-parar ||
Channagiri Taluq. 333
kadanadol &nt ari-bhfiparan |
adirade beAko^da tanna pempu urvvareyam I
pudid ire pajisi dhAtriyan |
odavisidam guna-vibhasi Sova-nripalam 1|

S,-maha-8amantam vira-lakshmi-kantam sishta-nidlmnam dana-KAninani nAmadi-samasta-prasaSti"

eahitam sriman-uiaha-samanta-Soraarasar a-BUichey-elpattairalli manneyamam sad-dharmma-prati«
pajanadim p5,\isuttam ire sri svasti samasta-vastu-guna-sampannain nudidu mattenDam sishta-janS.-
dbaram gotra-vistdrarn sakala-yiichaka-brinda-sandoha-sahaya ••. dana-Kan!nam vibudha-
vanaja-vana-kalahamsam Sarasvati-kanthavataipsam deva-dvija-gurn-padab^a-bhringa sahas6ttufiga-
namadi-samasta-prasaati-sabitam sriman-maha-prabhu Keii-rajana mahatvanubhavam ent endade ||
kanda ||purushArttliada kani satyada i
karu permmeya nermmaip endu vibudhagranigal \
karani arttiyinde pogajalu 1
dharfg escdaip Kesi-rajan urjjita-teja'p 1|
vpitta II vinaya-nidhanan urjjita-aiaha-mahimaspadan abdhi-veshtita- 1
vanitaja-pujyan isbta-iana-kajpa-mabiruhan eka-v5.kyan ent l
aminayaditn budbar ppogalvar agajum i-negajdirdda Kesi-j'a- 1
janan ina-tejanam dvija*sarojanan aSrita-kajpa-bhujanam (|
kanda ||atana sati gupavati vi- i
khyatiya Sitegam Arundhati-devigam em i
mate sari pa^iy endu dlia- |
ratalav a-Cliakan abbeyaip bannisugura l|
vachana H ant a-KASyapa-gotra-pavitran appa Kdai-rajaAgata a-inaha-sati-ChAkanabbegam A-
................ .................. I

udiyisiy Adityan entu ja ga in a m ......... . t |

udiyisiy Irugarn mudadind |
odavida Idrttiyolii jaganian eip belagidauo ||
a-Kesi-raja-vibbugam |
Chakanikabbegam udatta-gunau ogedan i}a- |
lokaika-pujyanam ripu- j
nikara-bbayankaranan Iruganam dhnre pogajgum ||

vritta II nudivudu satyadoj nadl'vud utfcama-dharminadoi olpin-elgeyam t

pidi pidid antutam bidadir end Irugaip moiey unba kaladoi 1
tadeyade kel udatta-gunan im tiji yammavan endu gallamam |
midi mididandu tay kalise kaltan akbaudita-ehanda-vikrama ||
. dumaneya baykey Irugam |
paejed odave budhajig anyar arjjisida dhanam |
kadala naduvana dharadharad |
etjeyapa Phanipatiya pedeya manikam enikuip |[
vinayambhonidbi satya-§aucha-nijayam sad-dharmnna-Dharmmatinajani f
vanadbi-vyavjita-dbatri-vSsbtita-yaiatp netrambujStam jagaj-1
jana-pAjyaip sajanaika^bandhavan ila-lokaika-kalpa-drumaip |
Manu-marggaip ripu-kaja........... Tidvaj'janaik^rayara 0
• 84
334 C h an n agiri T a lu q .

dhurado} marant arati-pratatiyan aled atandu kondikkugum band 1

ered-artthi-brata .. d edara . . . . kuip tannan avoin 1
Saranam nin endaram ralcshisuguin Iruganam vipra-vamsambujarkkani |
vara-kantanika-Maram guna-yutan asati-duran ekafiga-virain H
dhareyalu tanuaya tejani l
parayalu madisidan artthiyind Iraganan ji- ^
chchariy a .. punya-puSjara i
su-i’uchiram Iruge^a-bhavanamam kyita-kyityam ||

atana sati l|
vyi ii cbarU'Cliantre baiidliu-jaua-vatsale gotva-pavitra sad-guna- i
dhare mahanubhave S'iva-bbakte patibrata-yuktey endu tain i
dharini bannisal iiegaidaj i-Bhavyakabbego bliiuabigradoi |
nariyar aruv Sin doreye polisal x-subba-laksUaiiangiyoJ ||

endu bhuvanam pogale Hsvasti samasta-vaatu-gima-sarapannarum sii -MaUebvara-dharinraa-nirmmala-

rum appa sriniat-BiJiclie-yeppattaya ba|iya bada ..s a v a ji .. SaratavaUiya Sallura Manujavojalu-
hanneradara baMya bada Malligeya Harakali-haniieradaya baliya badam Kunkuvadaliali’int iy-ayd-ura
ur-o<Jeya sriman-maha-prabhu Irugamayya-Nayakar svasti sri Clialukya-Viki’ania-kalada 48 neya
Krodhi-samvatsarada Pausya-paurnnimasye-Sdinavara-vyatipatottarayana-sankrauti-nimittadim Hosa-
valliya Irugesvara-devargg auga-bhogakkam nivedyakkam pujarigala biyakkam atithiy-abhyagatar-
anna-danakam bitta deva-dattiya dharmmani ent eudade H svasti yama-niyaina-svadhyaya-dhyaua-
dharana-maunanushthana-japa-samadhi-sila-guria-Sampannar appa Srimatu S'ikb^iva-gurugalakalam
karchchi dhara-p&rvvakam madi Karukeya D&sayana-kejeya kejagana gajde mattar eradu Bidigana-
kereya paduvaiia-kddiya ... mattani nalku galdeyiiyi paduvaua KujuvadalU sasira-kavuugina-marada
totam galdeyim tafikana Nandana-vana-sahita pu-dontaiu ondu-man-cime g.ana vondu tippe-
suftkamum devara puravarggada kerige tere ya . pannayada heggadj-LaJiarasa bitta sunka herige na..
bele horegey ayvatt-ele kere godangi Chavuiidabbe-gattakke gal, le mattar ondu Kesavagattakke
galde mattar ondu keregajge bittuva ... ttaringe rauvattu-kojaga .. (usml final phrases and verses).

A( the s%me village, on copper plates in possession o f Bdlahasavayya.
(I a) Sri-Ganadhipataye namali nirvighnam astu iubhaui astu i
namas tuuga>&c. ||

svasti Sri jayabhyudaya-S'alivahana-saka-varusa 1487 neya Raktakshi-samvatsarada Magha-Su 15

Saumyavara-chandropar£lga-punya*kaladalu Srimatu HemadrUmabam-Meruvina dakshina-dig-bhaga
Jambixdvipa Iak8havu-yipataru-savira*y6jana madhya-rashtra-Kuntala-desadbipati Tungabhadra-
tiradim Hampa-pati Sri-Viriipaksha-lingana nirupadim Vidyaraijyara-Sripadangaia namadehadira Hari-
hara-Deva-mabarayaru kati pratishteyagi nint a-Vidyanagariya simhasanake karttarada srimad-
rajadhiraja raja-parameSvara Sri-vira-pratapa Sri-vira-Rama-Deva-Baya-maharayaru ratna-simhasana-
rudharagl snkha-sankatba-vinodhadim prithvi-rajyam geyutt iralu j avara karyyake karttarSda l
Srimatu Puvala-varaSoddharakEi, Hanumi-Nayakara makalu Billappa-Kayakaru Keugappa-Nayakaru 1
S'rivatsa-gotrada Apastambba-sutrada Yajus-sakheya Yindrakagti-Avala-Malli-bbattara makalu
Appa-bhattaru tamma Lingana[ge] barasi kotta dbarmma-sasanada kramav ent endare j Puvala-
vaQisoddharaka Hanumi-Nayakara makalu |Billappa-Nayakaru Kengappa-Nayakaru Santhe-Bennftra
sime . . ristarknoditavagi navu sadhisuva muhurtta,-sadhanada samayadalli 1 S'rivatsa-gotrada Apa-
Channagiri Talnq^ 3 8^

stambha-sfitrada Yajus-Sakheya Yindrakanti-Avala-Malli-bhattara makkalu Appa-bhattaru tamma

Liagananu saha iiavu purvlkaru namma biriyaru (7J) padadanta stala:maneya kadukofl^du
nimma alritaragi yidavi | yitalagi sistu madida sitae stalada seuabovike- jydtishya saha namage
palisikolabek endu hejikolalagi j Uohahgi-ventadoiag ina Sante-BennCirige saluva sime gramanugrama-
gala sta}ada seuabovike a-sitne jyotishya-purohitya-muutadanu piirvva-staladavara ahudu yambida-
riuda dana-dhar^purvakavagi Eamarppana madi kotevagi niru niin-putraTpautra-pajramparyyavdgi
a-chaudrarka-sthayigalSgi a-Sauthe-Bsnutira-sime stha]ada seaabovikenu barakondu a-sime-jyotishya-
dharmavannu nadasikondu parvva-mariyadiyalli svasthi umbuli vavtaue hola gadde beddalu kada-
rambha niraramba aya-svainya suvaruadaya sarva-teja-sramyavannu anubhavisikondu bahiri yandti
Puvala-vamSodharaka Hanutni-Nayakara makkalu Bdlapa-Nayakara Keugappa-Nayakaru | S’rivatsa-
A* A
gotrada Apastamba-sutrada Yajus-^akheya Yindrakauti-Avala-Malli-bhattara [majhaju Apa-bhattai’u
tamma Linganage dana-dhara-purvakavagi Sauthe-Beunura-sime , stajada seuabovike Jyotisya
purobityake saba barasi kotta dharmma-sasana I yi {II u) nt apudako saksbigaju (
aditya-chaiidrav &c. || {usml final verses).
'At Alalcamlu {same hohU), on a stone south-east of the rahga.-mant.apa of the JaWs'vara temple.
srimat-traiiokya-pujyaya sarvva-karmnia-su-sakshin6 |
pha’ adaya uamo nityam S'aukraya mabatmaue ||
namas tunga &c. ||
Sri-dayitam Salan embaip j
Yadava-kuladalli putti yati-pati paliyaru 1
badeyi poy Sa}au eiie inuniyT |
adesadiu eydi poydu PoysaJan adain [|
modalol Poysala-rajya-lakshmiy-odavam tol-valpiniip tajdi tann |
udayam raSjise tanna balp odave tann arpp §re tana §,jSe mi- |
fe disa-chakrainan oUikondit Talakadam GaAga-rajyakke tatp |
modaladam Yadu-vaip4a-varddhanakaratp sri-Visbnu-bhupalakani ||
va il ya-maha-mandalesvarana tanujaua pjrmraeyam pe'vado |
vri !| kulajane Yadavanvaya-sivdmini bejpavargg ivane vadbu- J
tilakey enippa Lakshmiya magam kadu-chelvane lokav ellavam j
sale nile kava Vishniuvina pntrakan eudade banpisalke bbu- |
vajayadoj arppar aro Narasimha-nripajakanarn nirantarain |1
Narasimha-bhupagam tam |
piriy-arasiy enippa patta madevigav ant- 1
ii’ad udayisidam 1
biruda .. bBallaJa-Devan esegurp dhareyol ||
va !1 yatan-alavigaleda darppamam pelvade \
\gadya li svasti samasta-bliuvana§rayam iri-prithvi-valla-
bbam mabarajadbirajam Yadava-kulambara-dyumani samyaktva.chuclJmani Dvaravati-pura-varadbisva-
ram S ’asaka-pura-uivasa-Vasantika-deviya labdha-vara-ptasadanurp kiman-Mukunda-padaravinda-
vandana-vinddanum aksbuuna-lakshmi-lakshita-vaksbab-i'rade^anum §vetatapatra-Mtalikrita-bbd-
talanum sangita-prasanga-bhangi-saiigata-chatura-Bharatauum tarkka-vidya-vistara-vicbara-nirata-
num sabda-vidya-samagra-laksbana-susiksbitanum veda-vidya-pariksba-daksbanum gaja-raja-gapda-
vijaya-diadimayamanoddamara-madbukara-pinchliatapatranitp para-vadbu-putranuip srimat-Tribbu-
vanamalla pratapa-cbakravartti PoysaJa-vira-BallaJa-DeVaru saptarddha-laksba-pdtviyan a-chand-
rarkka-taram-baram eka-cbhatra-chchhayeyirn sukha-sankatha-vinodadl i'ajyaip geyyuttam ire ||tat-
pada>padmdpajivi ||
336 C h an n agiri T a lu q .

Ereyang'Brasaiia kMadol |
ejagad aratigaja balpinind eragisuvam |
ujrad ant aratig Antakan |
ariyire Vaijarasauain mahi-maiidaladol !l

va II atana darppamam ^elvade II .

vri II Bedarabafikiy emba vaiiad antavan Aggada-Rayan 64e Hem-1

madiya muate billa-birad ankada pandaley onde-kolinoj I
nid irad ambai Antaradal adufa haddinal oiidu kaynuvam i
nodidavargge sauke migal echcha negaltej'a Vayja-bhAmipani ||
kan^-anibina bii’udan adain |
tinnam tam padeda Raya-Hemm5,diyo]am i
bapnisuven embag anupattia* j
V aniiaip Vaijaiasa nialpa darppara jagadol |1
kap9-ambum*birudada Vayjana-nfipang ad angana-kanteg:mii
bannippangav asadbyav agal ogedaip !5ri-^>ad!i*b!uipa)a Nad- 1
annafigam eatiy ada Nagnle-maliA-Jri-kantcgam puttidam i
Kappum-n ikraia-devan itta varadim Iri-Vayia-bl.Ap&jakam 1|
yenag adu de\ va namma kulakam chalakaip balupinga orvva be]k |
anupama-VaV;a-n;a'idalikagam sati-Vaijala-Devig embudam |
anudina tamma deyva Padupiavati-deviya nicbchav archcbisal |
manam osed ittaj ake vara-putrakanam kali-Barmma-bhftpanaqi ||

atan-anvayamatp pelvade ||
kulamam pervade Ganga-vam'^a-lilakam san-miu t ’yam pel vadanti
Alarvillange cliatur-ggupaip para-hita-vyaparamain pejvadam |
nelak artt ittapan ugca . . . tarad ond atApamam peivadam |
nil© m&taduvan ayvat-irbbai'-a]avam ^ri-Bamnia-bhflpalakam [|

vishama-vritta |1 bbayamam vidvisbta-saiuyakk al hayaman atibbitargge bejp-artthamam be- I

]pa-yaso visti’u am artthi-jaatatige rati-saniinohamam kanteyargg ittu sau-|
J ^ A
janya-sad-vrittiyan aid 0[>pida Vnyjarasana tanayam Ksbatra-.vaipsenduv A- 1
fandiya Barmniam kirtti-darnimam pada-naJa-janata-varmman uddama-sarmma |
ari-vaiggam raudra-marggam berasu DasasiiakAradind ajig apm all
^iramam tad-vegadindani Dasaratlia-fanayam payal echebante marant- 1
ariyam kaiiuambin-atam i :pu-iiram an J it Ganga-viiarijunam safi-1
gara-dhiram thippan-echchaip jaya-vadlju nalivim narttisal Barmma-bbiipa H
bara-sidil atti kolva tejadind urad ant ari-nianda}ikaram |
tariye rtinagradol nerada bhAta-pi-’a d ada Dakinimayaip i
bir.iv ni i-b'rar-attemayam aytu jagakk ati-raudram agal ant |
iridu iiegaltegaTn padedan i-dhareyol I all'Pamma-bhftmipaip H
esed irdda Bamma-bh&pana |
va avaitti/ enipi a Ganga-nc&devige taip |
jaseyim put idan adaiaip |
visbasanadoju Satra-lall: Jim Naradmbaip ||
, S'nkaflitbaqi paramAyuvam saka’ r.-^ aksbminSithan aiSvaryyama^ I
lokoti atti-nimitta-karayan Ajanx sat-putrana^ k&rtttt bh‘ » |
Channagiri T a lu q . 337
16kadhi§vara-Bammi-Deva-tanayaip Sri-Narasimhorwipang i
ekibhavadin ige bejpa varamam chandrarkka-taraip-baraiii ||
ari-bbftpS.la-§iranga}inde soreyam tad-bShu-sandohadiip |
kareyaip dan(Jige mMi benn-eseva?biviip tantiyam kat^i tad- 1
dhuradoj padutav ippaj oldu nalayim Sri-kantey Snandadiip |
dhara9U6ttanja-N§,rasimha-nripanaip sad-bhS.vadiip bhd . . . . ||
kari-patiy appa Mljava-mabipati bantina Laja-bhamipam |
turaga-chayafigajind eseva Gdrjjara-bhftpati Chola-bhftbhujam |
nered idirantu tagi rana-rangadol orbbaae kadi geldan i- I
narapati Balla-bhftpana besaip paded i-Narasimha-bhftbhnjam ||

Bvasti samasta-vasumati-tala-khyataiii Ganganvaya-prasatam i Kobgulivarmma-dharmma-maharaja-

dhirajam 1 KoJala-pura-varadbiSvarain i Padmavati-deviya labdha-vara-pr§,sadanum | Gafiga-GangS-
yanum |jayad-uttaranganuni j pratapa-Mah6§varanum j Nandagiri-ndthanum t manuja-Mandhata*
nuip 1 paripanthi-Parthanum i gandara tirthanum aniyo(Je gapdanaip rapa-ranga-niranuip 1 billafika-
karanuip 1 kayuambinatanuip esuvar-adityauum dhava-jattalattanum vairi-gharattanum sara^dgata-
v a j r a - .............. para-bala-bhaya6kart\num baptara bavanuip | mafeflge-kavanuin tappe-tappuva-
num t magujdade jfcppuTanum ad ent oppuvanum |yinti-namavaji-prasasti-sahitar appa driman-maba-

m andal'ka Narasimharasaru Asandiya nelevidinoju sukha-Sankathd-vinodadim rdjyaip geyyuttam

ire tat-pdda-padmopajivi li svasti samasta-prasasti-sabitam Mmatm-Mudagereya mahd-prabhu . . . .

gauda Keta-gavudi irbarggam snputran Adi-gaddanu ||

anunayadim Bamcsvaraman |
anu pam a....................yo} |
anupama-gupa-ni}eyain jana- i
vinutan enisid Adi-gaupijaii ant dr ddhanyar ||
*ant enisid ^di-gaupdan- I
gam Ma . . gavudigam tanfibhava . . . Bila-gavupdanu su-1
putrab kula-dipakan emb-1
i-uydyaman anukarisidaip naahi-raapd4^doiu ||
ant d-Bila-gavuudadgam |
Bdga-gaupdigam ............... . . . puttida tanfijar j
Edma-gavupdanum Bdcha- \
* A *
gaundanum Adi-gavundan enisidar ddhareyolu ||
Ramain sakaja-kajarjjita- i
. ................... Bucham I
nirmmala-kirtti-viSaJam |
A , / '
Adiyane muvar ttandjar ddar ddhareyolu ||
ant eniaida Asandi-ndda m a h a ........... ......... dakti-traya-guna-sampannar appa Rdina-gaun^angam
. . .. vindya-bandhu-jana-pujiteyappa Ganga-ganndigam . . . . . . . . . . . . pu^tidaru Bila-gaundanum
Hariyama-gaundaiium Beja-gaundanum Loka-gavupdanum Bficha-gavupdan emb-i-sutaram pade-
daru I ...................gavudigatn su-putra-kula-dipakaru puttidar Bila-Gavundanum Eama-Gavundanum
Kdga-gavun(Janum puttidar ent ene 1! antenisida Iriman-maba-ndlprabbu Mudugereya. Rdma-garun-
daftu Halakdlanahalliyam madi Bilasamudra-yemba k ereyam k atti.... . Bucbasamudra-yemba keye-
yaip kattisi Billedvara-linga-pratishlbeyarp devdlayavam mddisi ttaka-varshada 11 .. neyaSrimukha-
*So in the original.
23H Channagix'i T a lu q .
Banivatsarada Ihalguna-suddha 5 Bfibaspativaradandu 'uttarayana-saukranti-vyatipata .. jiyafi-
ga}a kalam toladu dhara-purvvakaia madi Srl-BilleSvara-devara a&ga-bh6ga-aaivedya*kha:^da‘ Sphatita'
jirnnoddhara-Chayitra-pavitra-naudadivige-nitya-nayimittikakke bitta datti (here fdUm details) sri-
BilleSvara-devara Brahmapuri-Madhava-bhattaru avara maga Somayyabgalige Bilasamudrada ba^a-
gana-kodiya hinde gade kamba.. . . Machisattiya-kereya tenkana-kddiya hinde gade kamba 100 Bila*
samudrada vojagapa deva-danadim badagalu beddale . . . . sri-Bille^Tara-devara p'ratisbtbacharyyar
appa raja-guru Kriyasakti-devargge firim baijagalu devk-danada keyiip badagalii beddale .. . int iva
danadoppadiyagi bittu saluudu (mml final verses andphrases ; also details ofloundaries) namaS S'ivaya
A A ... A
svasti srimatu raja-guru Kriyasakti-devaru Asandi-nada Elkkoti-tapodhanaruip Idura maga
Haadange diksheyam madi Halakalanahaljiya §ri-Billesvara-devara stbanada Mattadere-nada
sameyada hadike linga-dere tapodhauara hadike int i enu hadike bandadanii sarbba-namaS-S'ivaya-
vagi bitta datti || svaSti srimdtu §ri-HartUara-devara salakacM riyappa S'ivaddya-bhattopsldbya-
rige Madhava-bhattara gaddeyini badagalu [gadde sa . KriyaSakti-gurugala haBalitii badagalu bed-
dale sa vandii vesa vaiidu [I M m atd BilleSvara-devara ch attakke deva-danadim badagalti gade sa 2|
Machisettiya-kereya badagaria kodiyalu chatrakke beddale s a 3 . . . i h l i-dharmmakkte n . . . . w.

At BanMkere (same liobli), on a stone near the SiddardmMSva temple.
svasti Srimatu Saka-varsba *sahasrada Vikrama-samvacharada i Chaitra-suddha-ashtmi-Adivaradalli
... ra-Bakkana-Vodeyara maga Ganga Selara Settiha}|i-pattariakke bandu kadida-andu dalavara
Ere-Permma-Jfayaka muvara rayara ga^dana mayuduna bantara bava para-n4riya sddara hiriya»-
Nageya-Nayaukanu Gangu-Selarana dajadali kkdi bidali nkdu-dajavajra Yere-Pemmeya-Nayakanu
atana tamma adapada Nage-Nayakange tana mano-hutsabadiuda Baakekeyeyanu netaru-kodagiyagi
kottaru maugala maba
At Hodigere (same hdbli), on a stone in Gau4a-Pui{a~Basappa's field.
Dummi-sayiradalu Bhumi-Viraktayyangala matha

At GoppSnahaUi (same hdbli), on a stone in the enclosure of the Ahjaniya temple.
Kengapa-Nayaka Dombara Kengapage kota uru bumi chandran iruudu (usual imprecatory

At Chikka-Gahguru (same hohU), on a stone in the Siriyappa temple behind the ISvara temple.
Subbam astu i namas tunga-&c. li

svasti sri jayabbyudaya-S’alivahana-saka-varuSa 1485 daneya Duudubhi-saravachoharada ASadha-

Su 3 S'ukravaradalu sriman-maharajadbiraja raja-paramelvara sri-vira-pratapa sri-Sadasiva-maba-
rayaru sukha-sankatba-vinodadim pritbvi-rajyam"gaiiita yiralu Ayyana-Maluka-Vodeyarige Dummi-
Simeyanu amarake palisi yirutiralu Ayyana-Malukara tbanadara Dilavara-Voderu rajyadolage
gauda-praja-nayaka-makalige upahatiya madalagi Santhe-Bennura Hanuuie-Naykara maka}u Pilapa-
Nayakaru Diimmi-simeya stalake saluva Chikka-Gangura Gavudayyanu Maluka-Vodeyara padar
bajige kalubutiralagi a-Cbika-Gangfira Gavudayyani Dilavaranu yeda d.drili taleyanu boyda sudino
*So in the original: hnt Vikrama = 1023 and 1000 = Paingaja.
OKannagiri T a lu q . 389
Maluka-Voderu keji tamma ujigada Chimmana-Vo^eyaiu . . . . . . nabovanavara kaiyya Santhe-
Bennara Pilla-Naykarige Dummi-simeyanu p§,lisi modal irda Dilavaran emba thapadarauu Sge-
noyikki Chikka-Gangiira Gayudayyage Chikka-Qafigftra sta]adali putra-pautra-pS,ramparey&gJ
flettaru-godigiy agi yi-Gavudayyana makajige palisidd ere-holadojage $2 manajina-holadojage 8 3
ubheya 165 da holaau chaadra-suryyar ullantanaka undu aaubhavisikombud endu p&lisidaru (usual
final pTirases).
At Lakshmisdgam (same hohli), on a second stone near the Eammanta temple,
Dhatu-saipvatsarada Magba-ba 5 lu Hodigere-sime nadiga Baukipurada Mallapa | Timmapana maga
Rafigapana umbali Lakshumasagara-grS,nia
At KaUuJcere (Tjhrdni hobli), on a stone in the mukha-imntapa of the. Belts'vara tempU-
svaati 6ri jayabhyudaya |1namas tufiga-&c. ll
srimat-trailokya-pfljyaya sarbba-karrama-su-sakshine I
phaladaya namo nityam S'afikar§.ya namo’stu tS j]
Sajan emb urbbisan oryyani S'asakapurada V^santikS.-d§viyam ni* I
Ichala-cbittam maiiad aradhisav edeyol ad ond ugra-5arddulain uchchhrin- t
khala-kayatn paye p§,rsya-stbita-Jiaa-munipam kuScharaam ko^tu nin i - 1
sejeyim ^ardddlamam hoy Sala yeae Ba}iyam Hoysajar bbhupar adaP ||
andu-modaldge se}e puli |
sindadol k e Poysalanvayar bbhupalar <1
ppiadam selevinay ei'ajegal-1
audadiu oduvar ar&ti-nripar ahavadolu ||
jagati-kaijtaka-kausika-brajam adangal vishnU-chetas-tamaip |
biga-pikgal pata-raja-mapdajam ativaip kundal ugr§,ri-dai- i
tya-ganam bejkural iatu Hoysa,la-kubhyid*vains6dayMidndradiad |
ogedam tejamam appukeydu Vinay&dityain jagaWochanam |1
avan arasugeydan alliudav anantarav §,tan-augabhayau Efeyangam I
dhavaja-clichhatra-chchhayeyo} avanitalav ellamam kulilkddisidain !{
anga-vilasade Rati-ere- |
yangam vibhavatisayade S ’achi-ereyangam |
tunga-bhuja-bajade Siri-eje- 1
yangam migil ensi sogayisuvan Ereyangain II
Pullasara-rupar aprati- i
mallar sat-putrar adar Ereyauga-mduo-1
vallabheg I^chala-Devige |
Ballalam Bitti-Devan Udayadityam |]
Puraharana muru-kangaloj i
uri-gannapratimam adavol inuvar-ss6-1
■dararol vikramad oclavind |
aras adam Vishuu-mdrtti Vishnu-narendram II
modalol Hoysala-rajya-lakshiniy-odavam t6!-va1pinitn tajdu tanu-l
udayarp ranjise tanna balp odave taua-arpp eye taan*ajSe mi- I
re disa-cbakravan ottikoudu Talakadam Ganga-rajyakke tani f
modaladam Yadu-vamsa-varddhana-karam k’i-Vislipu-bhdpaJakaip II
340 C h an n agiri T a lu q .
&-Vishnugav a-Lakshmi- i
Devigav udaysidan Arigabhavan *A6gabhavaud i
i'v ih h r a tn a m ^ d o ^ a m in it |
avede balpinsi Narasimha-nar^ndrain H
ajurvvud tanna tejav ari-manijaladim rjpu-sainya-m&.insadiiii l
tajirvvudu tanna khalga-late vairiya pepdira suyya-gajiyiip |
milir'vYudu tanna ketana-patam dare tanna sitatapatradiin 1
ku]irvvud id en a-mS.nushamo raja-gunam Narasimha-Devana |1
anavadyekshana-matsyan anghri-kamathaip grivS.-varS,hain su-ma- |
dhya-Nrisimham kshiti-man(Ja|akramana-keli-Vd,manain §atru-Sa- !
sana-Rama-tritayam sva-ydga-bala-Buddham dub-prajonmata-Ka- I
Iki nijadhisa-dasavat^ran ogedam Ballala-bhupalakam j|
Magaregan S,jiyol sugidu kolv ibbam int ivu Cholan attid a - 1
negal ivn Pabd[y]anam sejadu Kadava-Rayanuv itta matta-ha- 1
stigaj ivu nodim endu Narasilnhana balmege mechchi noduvar i
vvageyojag ajki Siipha^ana L§,Jana Gaulana rayabharigal 1|
dneya*nayakange nepad-aneya-nayakan allad S.nan emb |
i-nudi yevud endu Narasijnha-mahipati nuru-g§,vudam i
tS,n irad etti inudana-diSavarad uddhataram poralchi imr- |
aneyan oddid a-Magaran-anegalam piditandan a^vadim ;i

svasti samasta-bhuvanasrayam pritbvi-vallabbaip mahar§jadhir&jam pararaSIvaram parama-bhatta-

rakani Satya§raya-kula-tilakam Dvar&vati-pura-varadhMvaraip Yadava-kulambara-dyumani sarvvajfia-
cM damani Maleraja-raja Malaparoju gan(}a kadana-prachanda ganda-bberundan asabaya-Sdran §kan-
ga-vira S'anivara-siddhi Giridurgga-malla chalad*anka-Rama Magara-rajya-nirrnmfl}ana Ch6Ja*rdjya*
pratishlhacharyyanum srimat-Tribhuvanamalla niSSadka-pratapa-chakravartti Hoysa}a-sri-vira-Nara-
aiiiiba-DSvaru saptarddha-laksha-prithviyan a-chandrdrkka-tarana-baram eka-chcbhatra-chchhayeyiin
sukha-sankatha'Viuodadim rajyain geyyuttam ire Htat-pdda-padmopajivi ||

Ereyang-arasana kalado-1
I ej^agad-ardtiga^a balpinind epgisuvatn |
urad dnt ardtig Antakan i
afiyire Vaijarasanain mahi-manidaladol |1
B§darabankiy-emba vanad-antavan Aggada-Rayan 6de Hem- j
ma(Jiya muute billa-birud ankada papdale vonde-kolinoj i
nid-irad ambarantaradal aduva paddino^ onde kapnutnatu I
uodidavargge sadke migal echcba negartteya Vaija-bdmipain |1
kaun-ambum^birud ada Vaijapa-nyipafig ad adgana-kantegam j
banpippangav asadhyav agal ogedain Iri-Nada-bhupdla Nad- |
'Stpnangam satiyada Nagale-maha-§ri-kantegam puttidam I
Kannam-mfirara-devan itta varadiiii ki>Vaiia-bhupaJakani H
enag adu deyva namma kulakam chalakam bal[u]pifiga orvva belk |
anupama-Vaija-mandaJikagam sati Vaijala-Devig embudum )
anudina tamma deyva Pad[u]mavati-dSviya nichcbav archcihisal | •
' manam osed ittal ake vara-putrakanam kali-Barmma-bhdpanain ||

•So in th« original.

C hannagiri T aluq. 341

ari'Targgani raad>:a<mat‘ggam berasu DaiaSirS.k^riidind Sjig ammal |

fiiramaqx tad-T§gadiadaqi Dalaratha-tanajatp paj^al echcbante m dfln t I
ariyaip ka^aambia-S^^tatp ripu-sira uralal Ganga-viratjjunam sab- I
gara-dhirani thippea echchaip jaya-vadhu nalavim narttisal Barmma-bhfipaip H
esadirdda Bamma-bhftpana |
vaSavarttiy enippa Ganga-mkdevige tam {
jaseyiip put(idan adatam |
TiSasanado^u Satra-dallalam Narasimbam ||
kari-patiy appa Majava-mablpati bay^ina LS,la-bbbmipaiii |
turaga-cbayabgaliiid eseva Gbrjjara-bbbpati Cbola-bhbbbujaip l
nerad idirS,ntu t&ge ra^a-rabgaddt orvvane kadi geldaa i- i
narapati Balla-bbupana besam-baded i-Narasiipba-bh&bbujaip H
pratipak8ha-ksbiti-daksba-dak8hii)a-bbuj§,-dand§.ri-da9 davida- |
Tita-satru-ksbiti-sabkulauga} enas unt i-bandaa i->bandau end 1
ati-vibbrantiyin ugra-mandalikar ant allallig antante be- |
cbcbutav irppar bbuja-skJi-Bamma-nripanol marampare bbbbhujar i|
-svasti samasta-vasumati-ta}a-khy&ta Ganganraya-prasftta Kofiguji-dharmma-varmma-mabarajadbi-
raja K61ala-pura-varadhi§vararp | Padmavatf-deviya labdha-vara-prasadanum Ganga-Gabgeyamim
*dayad-uttarafig.inutp pratapa-Mabesvaranum Nandagiri-nathanuip manuja-Md.ndbatatium paripanthi-
Partbanum gandara-tirttauuip a^ivodie gatidanatn rana-rauga-dbiranuni biU-abka-k^anum kapp>
ambin-atanura esuvar-adityanuip bhava-jattala{tatiuni vairi-gharattanum SaranSgata-vajra-paSjara-
num vairi-dik-kuajaranum para-bala-bhayabkaranum ba9tara-b§,vaaum tappe tappuvanutp magujdade
leppuvaauin ad entu voppuvanuQi yint i-n§,m§.vali-prasasti-sabitar appa Sriman-maba'iuandalika
Vaijarasa-Devanu snkha-sankatbb-vinodadim Asandiya nelevidiool §rchandrarkka-t&ram-baram
rajyam geyyuttain ire 1| tat-pada*padm6pajivi ||gurabhy6{yi) namab 1|svasti Sriman-mah§.-n&lprabhu
Hiriya-Bela-gavudagam Keta-gaudigain puttida sainasta-guva-satnpannan appa nkjprabhu Adi-gaa^a-
gam Maka-gaudigatp pu|tidb suputra kula-dipakan enisida samasta-gupa-sampannan appa Be}a>
gaandagam Baga-gaudigam puttida su-putrab kula-dipakarum app Adi-gaft^a Rbma-gavuda
Kanna-gavuda Bamma-garuda .. gauda emba tanujar adaru |1
svasti samasta-prabbu-mantrotslba-iakti-traya-gupa-sampannanum parangana-putranum gStra-pavi-
tranum bandhu-jana-man6-nayana-mukala-vikasita-5arach-chandranum abbimSna-Mandara-girindra-
num mare-vokkara kavanum aSrita-jana-kalpa-vriksbanum karyya-Bribaspatiyuni ga(Jiy-anka»Bbima-
num iri-Be!esva[ra]-devara dibya-dripMa-padmaradhakanum appa 6riman-maba-na}prabhu Kalla-
kereya Kanna-gaudanu Saka-varshada 1143 neya Vikraina-satnvatsarada VaiSakba-suddha 5 Adi-
varadandu Sri-Bolesvara-devara S'ivalinga-pratishtheyaip S'ivalayamam madii uttarSyana-sankramapa-
Boma-grabana-vyatipatadandu Someivara-^urugala kalam tojadu dbS,ra-pfirvvakaip madi devargge

nandadivige-naivedya-Chaitra-pavitrakke kotta gadde vurindam ISanyada MaruIana-baJlada baliyalu


aa 4 allirp badagana beddale saveya bija sa 6 gaua vali 3 svasti srimatu Asandiya vrittiya Hebbariya
vurodeya Markanda-deva Kalakeyeya Bela-gauda (filhers named) mukhyavada samasta-prabbu gaudu-
gain 11 Hojalakereya vrittiya Gundiyamaduvina Boppa-gauda (others_named) olagada samasta-prabbu*
gavudagajii . . danabkla Molaba(a Kaliakejjeya sima-sammandhakke todakki devana samipakke
hogi devanu Silugodinalu boya bida bittidalli .Ballala-Devanum paficba-pradb^narum tiddida
Icrama ent endada Nonambavadigam Gangavadiya eradu-nMa sime GangavkdigQ Gdjiyakallu Had-
angiya-betta Ilakiyadope Tajiyakatta paricbcbbedige barida Bidiraballa hola-sime Sime I1svasti Sriman.
maba-mandajika Bammarasa-DSvanu sn-BeJeSvara-devargge anga-bhoga-rabga-bhogakhanda-sputita-
jirnnoddbara Chaitra-payitra naivMya nandadivige patra-pavulayint inifakam bitta datti Puniybdana-

• So in the original.
.C banrjaglri ,| a lu q .
halliya yoJagQ gay^dange ko4agi-hattada gald e salage hattu bi^ala salage hattu a-vura cliatuk*8ima»
Baramandha Uakiyahajjiya hindaiia Bettahalliya ns^tta kal ondu tenk«ya ha^ada bajiya
natta kal ond\i Kariya-kejege h iriva kai)iya.baliya ba^aga^a nalta kalondu lie^gade-Macbanaballiya
m a s a la .... ..m u g g u ., natta i^alpndu hajeya baU gu^eya b a^ a ga , 4?sey,a nalta kal ondii Ajeyana-
keyeya mudana kodiyalu natta kal on d ii.. lada tefikana .deseyalu ^natta kal ondu Hakkiyahalliya
paduvana bettada paduva-deseya natta kal ondu at • urs), chatus-sime n^figala.maba 1! §ri Saka-varsha
1141 kkaneya Visu-samvatsarada dvitiya-Jeshtada ama[v]A8e-S6jmavara . . Buryya-grabauadandu.
firiotanu . . diya .. kya*bandari Salagayyaftgalu sunka^bikAri Jait^ yya........... devara §ri...................
nandadivige naivMyakke yarsha nibandiya.................... {usual, final phrasiss and verses).......................

On a stone in (he rahga-manlapa of (ho KaMs'vara, temple in (he same village.
................................................. . dyumaiji samya. . . . . . da ganda prachanda-ganda............... rgga^
malla cbalad-anka-Rama nissaftka^pratai ........... .'i yasamudrada nelevidinolu dusbta ..... ..
katba-vinodadim rajyam uttarottarAbbivridhi .. ........... .. . . . . . . . . . ram bara saluttam ire yire |
tatu-pMa-padmopa .. ‘
......... . ra*dbaram bhuja-viiyya-iija-pratAparsan- i
dohadoj a . . . . . . . 1 ......... ...s a in ik a - i
■ byuhaman avagam tavipa chanda-parakraman endod im . |
.. . . . . .. .. '. . . lakta-Ballu-nyipaJanoJ ar idicbebuvar ||
Bvasti samasta . . . . taja-kbyatanum Gafiganvaya-prasfltAnum, Kobgulivarmma-dharmnaa-maharaja-
dbirajanuip Kolala-pura-varadbi^varanum Padmavati-devi-labdha-vara-prasadanum Ganga-Gangeya-
iiuni jayad-uttaranganuin vaudi-jana-kalpa-bbujanum pratapa-Mabesvaranum: Nandagiri-nathanum
itnanuja-MandbAtanum paripanthi-Parthanum gaudara-tirttbauum mada-gajendra-lafichananum
viniyoga-kafichananuDj GaAga-kularkamala-marttandanmp ajode^ igandanuni rajja-rauga-niranuip
Ianka-ka.raiiuip kappambin-atanutp esuvar-adityanum abava-jattarattanum vairi-gharattanum garai^a-
gata-.vajra-paSjaranuip yairi.rdik-kunjaranum para-bt4a-bhayafikaraaum satya-ralpakaranum baptara
bavanum majeyogp kavanum tappe tappuyanu^ magujdade yeppuvanunj ^ad entum oppuvanutn yint
i-namadi-prasasti-sahitar appa irimanu-mabA-mapdalika'Barmmarasa-Beyaru ^sandiya pelavidinoju'
dushta-nigraha4ishta-pratipajanam geydu ^ukha-9?inkatba-vinodadini rajyam uttarottarabhiyriddbi'
prayarddbamanapi a*cbaadrarkka-tS,rani-bara saluttam ire yire ||
,, pratipa^sha-kshiti-daksba-dakshipa-bhuja-danda.. . . . . yida-|
rita-satrjU-kshiti-sa6ku}ara neleye [ .. . . ]i:bandan i-bandan end |
gtirvibhrantiyin ugra-mandalikar[.. . . ]allallig antante be- 1
.chchutay irppar bbhuja-saji(gam) Barmma-nripanol ma.rampare bbdbhujar ||
., Star a tanayain jaga-vi- 1
khyAta-yafsaip] Narasimha-bhupan ati-baja-rupaip i
vita-ripu-niyahan akhiio* I
rbbita]a-nrip£-mastakagra-mapiyane negajdain ||
syasti srimatu maha-nSlf rabbu Hiriya-Beja-gaVcpdagani KSta-gayupdigani puttida samasta-guna--
sampannan appa ..nalprabhu Adi-glvupdagain MAka-gAyupdlgam puttida su'-putra kula-dipakan
enisida samasta-guna-sampannan appa Beja-gayupdagaip BAga-gayupdi^am puttida suputra Adi»^
.gavupdagam , Maka-gAvupdigani npttida , KamaTigavupdan-olagAda Buputra-bandhataru italla-

s a d a * 1 1 0 4 y a .S A ry y a ri-sa p ^ y a tsa ra d a C b a it r a -s u 1 S o m a y a r a .s u r y y a -g r a ]^ p a d a ,n d A ^ n ja tu B i r i y a -

g u r u -d e v a r a p a d a -p r a k s b a la p a m m a d i, d h a ra »p & ry y a k a m j p a d i b i t t a yA riip t s a n y a d a ,,M iu d d a g a u n -

•So in the original. ' ^ ^
CJiaiyp,giri JCaliiq.
danakefeya kejage gadde salage aiydu sa 5 allin\pQ»uda beddale Gangana mattal eradu 2 |i alliiji
mftda bettada goudiya bedala mattal ondu J1 antu matta mftru 3 nand&divigege gana 5 dal aravana
epv>e devar aya nacju bitta dharmma heribge mule-vatta' baUa ondu uppu mdna ondu e}Ja
mana eradu ele heringe nvlju |1Svasti ^rimalu Asandiya vrUtiya HebSriya dro^eya Mdrkkanda-deva
Kallakefeya-rBela-gavu^da Xoffeers iwmed) ojii^ada .Bamasta-prabhu-gavundugal-ojagada Hojala-
kereya vrittiya Guudiyaniaddyitta Bpppa-gaTpnda. nami) pjagada ,8a,masta-prabburglvupdi“
galu. Oddanahalu Molahaju KaUftkejreyp siinaf-sammaudhakke todaki duTana samipakke bogi devanu
Silugodinalu hora-bida bit^idalli devanuip paficjkaTiuradh^nm’uip tidida kramav ent , ondade Nonam-
bavadi(ram) Gangavadiya yaradu-nada sime Gangavadige Gujiyakallu H&dangi^etta Hakkiyadoae
Taliyakatta parichchhedige harida BidirahalJa hola^sime ssme 11 («s«aZ final ferss).

7 3 (?>is)
At tM same village, on a stone in the Anjanii^atemi^x.
.........................................., . .......................... , rajS,dk!}J:^j9.,r§ija-pi*^a>ii§|y.ara cbatus-samudradhipati...
yijaya-Bukka-Raya-maharf,yara kumara sr^vlra-p^atapaTt)eva-Rpya-maba)r|yara maneya heggade ...
ranna •. . . Nayakara ubala-M yakage .. . ... tanake k o ............. J354 .n.eya Paridhavi-saQi.yat-
sarada 3'rayana-Su 10 Adivaradftndu,, §n-!yanunxaniA*d,§yara, pratisbtoyanu. mddisi devalayavanu
madisi d evara ........... gadde ,ma •. ja k a .. .. y,a, biude „TjrumaIa-d0 ■•• kajjjuna-
devara gadeyim paduva •• gadeyiip tenkalu .. holadiqi mddillu yi-chatu . gaoa bijavari grama
. . . iialu nagula drim ten . . . . bijavari naguja Bayjrava-devarige nayivddyake .................. holadiip
indda (enkalu grama b i ....................... . (usual final phrases and verses).

At TavareTtere (same hobh), on a.stone south of the NihhanthHvara temple.

............................................................................................... .. . . pura-varadh5§varam Yddaya-kulambar^rdyu-

mapi samyaktva-chudamani Malaparo ................................... . maba-mandalelvara ..........................
tat-sutarp 5rima ............................................ . Kofigu Nangali....................... . . . S’anivara-siddhi p iri-
durgga-m alla.................................. nippa Hoysala yira-Balld .......................• •»• • pokkante. v!ra .. . . .
. . . . . . . . ... . tta jiy a ................... . . .. ^. Jte baha-baladim . . . jana e n alu ........... ..............................
........................ sampannaru vinaya . . . . charita-brataip . . . . . . . . d initum S’abkara-Devana vanite
Suggavve...............................sogayikum ................ vineya.............. r intu . . . . jagadoju.. •. yyar ddhara-
....... paru 11 Tavaregereyo ............ . . . •- bhavam pogajalke n e g a l d a m . niyama-svadhydya-
flbyana-dbarapa-maunanusbtana-japa . . . . guna-sampannaruin | aupasanagnihotriyaruip...........tS ..
pdja-tatpararum m arttapdojvaja-klrtti. . . . yajana-ydjanay adhyayana . . . . prati*karmma-niyataruip
............... pavitrikrita .. . . . . . . . . kanneya................. karmma-Shanmukharuip . . . . ............kanniya . .
. . . . ya kereya d u ........svasti drimatu Saka-varishada fsasirada tombhattAraneya Sarvvajitu-samvat-
sarada Phalgupa-suddha-pancbami-Brihavara-Pushya-nakshatradandu ......... . ..... ...............kalyapa
........ mddalu chika-kefeya . . . . . . Jage Gadgana gha ... kattadakejeya kejagapa gadde kamba
hadimd;u beddale kamba . . . tondu . . . . muyatt&fa k h a p ......... .. devarige . . yddykke .. ,.
final phrases <md verse) madgala mabafiri ||

.7 5
On a pUhr inside the same temple.
Saba-Deva Yishu-^amtsaradal ddibauda Tapagunddrinda bareda senabova Nagayjft
•The inscription is very much efface}. tS'aka 1096ja Vijaya; Sarvajit=I09».
244 C h a n u a g iri T a lu q .

At the sim village, on ■a stone hi front o f the Hanumanta temple.
iThe first line is effaced). namas tuftga-&c. ||
svasti sri jayabhyudaya-S’alivjhana-saka-varusha 1468 neya saluva varttamana-Vilvavasu.sainvat-
Barada Bhadrapada-sa 12 lu Adityavaradalu sri-vira-pratapa-Sada§iva-Ilaya-mahai%ara karyyake
kartarada Rama-Raj-Oieyaru uayindara Kon . . . tara d^sada nlyindarige kaja-tejige suuka..........
BarvTa-svamyavSigi kottarii \{usual imprecatory phrases).

At the same village, on a stone in Ndaamangala Siddamma's field.
namas tunga-&c. ||

svasti samasta-bhuvanaSraya Yadava-kul§,mbara-dytt .............................. Sanivara-siddhi Giridui’gga*

malla chalad-aiika-Rama niMauka Hoysaia-c’n akravartti vira-Ballala-Devaru Vijayasamudrada
nelevidinolu suka-sankatha-vinodadini........... geyyuttam ire yire ....................... •.......................svasti
samasla .. ................ irimata Asandiya ............. , ............tha-vinodadim ................................... ................
............ ........... vola d oje ..............po^e . . pa.leya b dristi.................Adisidan ahavadolu bhubhujanurp |[
Ataua putrana permmeyam pelvade Ganga-ktilambara-dyumaniiyaip mada {stogjs here).

At Ghmnagirij m copper plates in possession of Koratagere Siddappa.
[la ] Sri-Divijendra-vandita-padainbuja nata-hrit-payoja-mitrodayag aty-uunatochava dharmma-sudha-
bdhi-puraa-cbaadrodiya nadaaadhi ParameSvaran ivud emage ishtartha-siddhiyam |( iri-Hampe-
Virupakshane gatiy endu sri-Harihara-lingana pAdave gatiy endu yi-sasanava barevudakke subham
astu Dvaparav ada Kali-pramaniadaU Jambu-dvipavan ajid A-rayara hesarugalu Dharma-Rayanavaru
Bvargakke paguvaga Pariksha-Rayage pattava katti hodamele Pariksha-Rayaii alida varusa 30
avana maga Janamejaya-Rayan ajida varusa 7 mAIe avara vam^avu nirvaipsa avara uligadavavu
Chendragupta^RAyan A[ida varu.sa 500 Vikrama*RAya ajuva dipadali medini Bilaja Soraagonda*
gaudana maga]u Chelugura Chelye-Sugandhiye vesaru a-hennina kajantrakke bahaga Kampalake
adikavAda Jambu-dvipake kulachalake pramAna-u}a Viragolala Chejugura Chendainute-rAjanu Atana
tamma Balamute Padmaua-NAyaka Buma-NAyaka yinfc i-sahasa-u]]a sapanugra-samartavu sahavAgi
manya-martandaiu kudi bhAmiya teralisikonda banda vivara yant endade munde nadava vistaravum
munde bhumiya teralisikonda hoguva suddi Vikratnage muttalu hodare yashtu suddbi nanna simeya
Tiaddu kageya korakondu hodano A-henanu bidilike sammandavilla Batige suddiya heji a-Batiyu
idkakke bahu-durjana !a bA[vey ayitu yendu avaru samastaru tijidu yechi S'iva-matan ada .. [Ih] yi*
pApakke nAvu bilvadu uchitav alia avava-bageyala ujudu hoguvade melu buddbi yendu gafidage
helalu gaudanu maaasigi birusav agi tanna anpa-tammagaja tanna hondi lioradantavara ka-
rasi yigale mano-begadali horaduvadu yi-Jambu-dvipakke besara madidare yanna kulakke kshiijan
eno yi-henna kotare bannakke sAvira turuva hodasidaru A-suddhi gaudage turuvina Keta-gonda sud­
diya helida koparudhanagi kupidavu mise kangulu kemp-adardavu a^adavu hubuguju a-mele
aga begadali yanna beana katti bAruvavaru banni bAradavaru nimma buddhi yidda hage nadako}|i
yemba matige hadinentu-jati nur-ondu-kula morad edditu bandiya j6disitu bandi jodu 700 ga 75
Kampala 6000 kuriya Kampala 3000 s.ilia yeti dare moga]uva.. dhi terajituyint i-manya-marttanda-
ra vivara Muttigaragiulada Timma {others named) [J la ] yint i-praje*samastara vivara Bajada-
DAma-gaula .. nu kuj i-bandige sayignikanagl yiddanu Sogadanora Virana-gauda (oikers nawid)
*The orthography and thp Lin? lage o£ this inscription are very corrupt,
C h an n agiri T alq q. 34 5
yint i-hanaeradu-mandi ayagarara vivara (names given) yint i-ayagararu gaudaua samipadali nadadaru
yi-ritiyali samastaru bhumi-va(Jakoudu teraVtu kula,bandi 70 a-baydige bajadavara mokantra haddu-
kagege vele-vejeke kula chaluta baiidaru dhareyu [ I I &] vibhaga aguvante nadadaru na^adu B h ^ t-
rathiya samJpakke bahavelege rayage suddi sdchiaalu raya bahu-koparu^anagi mandi-marbalake
appaneya ittu bidalike samraandhav ilia yendu kadudu hi^ita hodam endu nirapa^eya p&lisidanu
a-suddiyu Batti libradali nadiya hadu hog endu suddi kalivisidanu a-suddiya keji jana parivlira
hasuvu sisuvu badavaru yanninda sere liogutare yandu Bilala biridina prachanda tan arSaUioga'
davara karakopdu Mahanadiya sanoidhige bandu hachadara hasi yanna u[ivi torn yanna tayi ninna
mareya bidenu ninu karuna palis emba velege ... vesusi haruvS. MaliS.nadiyu ddriya kotaju hav-
§,-samayakke rayana marbala bandu tudikitu kadana-prachanda sarva-jana-raksha-palaka dhura-
dhira Bilalanu yidiragi nindanu 8 divaSa kaditu r^ja.. .ndi praje saha sagituv i-baladali bijvaru biddu
raktada kodi Mahanadiya kuditu [ I I I o ] amele Kalaratre-K&niiama Baire-devaru Eampa[ada Vo*
bula-devaru Chikka-devaru Banada-S'ankari Kajamma Vira-Hanumanta-devaru yi-devasthanada
kripeyinda nuki bandaru nuki bandu yi}u Babaya arasikorajaru tamma gurutina mandi-makalu arasi-
daru ade^gramava katti hesaru Arasikere yendu hesara madidaru allinda mundakke allinda mundakke
yaradu bhS,ga vaditu Badmania-Nayaka Bala-Nayaka sarvaru vibhagavAgi Chinnanagiriya mulege
terajitu Somagonda-gauda CShelugura ChandamUte avara tamma Kendu[a Dumma-RAja yint i-sama*
staru praje sujanyaru yejuva vejyadi Bairuva-devar alii nintitu allinda mundakke terajitu m&ru*
dinada payipava vandu-dinakke bandu yiladu dodiya hakidaru mungaru munchitu kogilu*dhvani
doritu ade-hesaru Kogiluru yendu katti gramava madidaru allinda yidar etti devarige dhftpara haki­
daru ade Dhdpada-marudi updele*bidda Baiyatanagere yendu gramava madidaru k-gramakke Hap^n-
Somayya avanu gaudana hesaritta maga alii nintanU Edgildrige kaivada badagi kammkra akaskle
muruku-bombe-Paruvoja senabdga kamiiri Timmapa talavAra Laki Mendra Mari-Lakkaiyya EelasSra
Dodasaiikapa agasara Eingavanta Ujapa Ma’digara HatikAra liaduru-dasa yint i-kaivada saha Bilala
Somagopda-gauda Kogilura-gramava mddi tana tammana Bhima-gopdana yitu mundakke terajidaru
yibhagavagi terajidaru kula bandi ninta Baiyakakanuru yemba gramava madi Bajd-dorige nemisida
yi-ritiyali Cheju (III6)gura Chandamute Kendula Dumma-Rajanu yi-ritiyali samastaru kudii m§.tanadi
ade Nittigere yemba gramava madi adakko Sogadanora nemisi Kampalava terajisikopdu baba Vejego
Raja-lingavu ya[ade alle nintitu yenu karapa yaladu yemba velege Chelagiira Chandamutena
hepdati besanadaln |avali-makaja Bdgirattiya hesara karadaru Doda-Gahga Chika-Ganga add-
hesaran ikki gramava madidaru Hire-Ganghru Chika-Ganguru A-gramagala Hujenora Mallapa-
gaudage nemisidaru munde Yammedoddige Bijala Somagopdanu tanua tammagalu ydju-mandi saha
kaiyivada saha Dodige nadadaru ade Yammigandru yemba gramava madidaru ade stS.varavdgi nintaru
munde gramav-adi-gramagala katidaru Kalaratre-Kannamma ninta stavaradali Kajalagatta yamba
gramava madidaru hire-maga Hiriuru yeifiba gramava madidanu turuvu moga}ida ubida Baiyabhada-.
yamba hesaru a-graraakke Eenguriya kurubara Eeta-gaudana nemisidaru munde baraguda bida
Baiyabaraguru-yemba gramava mS-di Hatenorige nemisidaru Kendula Duma-Rajana hesarali
Dummi-yamba gramava madidaru Gunjiganuru saha yi-gramangalige Bilala Soraagopda kaivada
saha nintaru nintu yirutt iralu S'alivkhana-sakad a .. r5,jyavan a)ida rayarugala hesaru vivaravaip
peluve Sinda Balaian alida avana hinde vira-Balalan aRda yint i-nava-Balalaru alidaru avara hinde
aRdavaru Siva-Rayan ada Krishpa-Rayan aRda Achynta-Rayan alida Deva-Rayan aRda Mala-
Rayan aRda Choja-Rayan aRda Bilama-Rayan aRda


Dafe 1513 A.D.

Obeisance, to Gauadhipati. Obeisance to S'ambhu, beauteous with the chamarA-like crescent
moon kissing his lofty head, the original foundation pillar of the city of the three worlds. Way the rod,
the tusk o f the sportive Boar form o f Hari, protect you, supported on which, the Earth, surmounted
with Hemadri as a kalasa, displayed the brightness o f a canopy. Way ihat brightness which disperses
the darkness o f troubles be for your happiness, which thotTgh an elephant {(jaja) was not-elephant
(Agaja) born, and is worshipped even by Hari.
A glory (Chandra, the moon) there is, who rose like butter from the churning by the gods o f the
great milk ocean, the disperser o f darkness. He had a son, unequalled in penance, rightly named Budha:
by w'hose merits his son was Purdrava, who by the power o f his arm cut short the lives of his enemies ;
A ^ ^
his son was Ayu ; whose son was Nahusha; his son was Yayati, fierce in war on the earth. That
famous one’s sou was Turvasu, husband o f Devayani, the equal o f Vasu.

In that line shone Timma-bhdpati, whoso wife was Devaki : as famous among the Tuluva kings

as Krishna was in the Yadu line. From him sprung Kvara-kshitipalaka, whose wife was Bukkamd i
without reproach, o f unimpaired good qualities, a crown-jewel o f kings. From that fortunate one
sprang king Narasa, as KAma was born to Krishna the son o f Devaki. Quickly damming up the
Kaveri when in full flood, and crossing over, he seized the enemy alive in battle, and taking possession
of him and o f his kingdom, made the pattana whose fore-name is S'rirahga his own abode, and set up
the pillar o f his fame so as to gain the praise o f the three worlds. Having conquered Chdra, Ch6}a
and Pandya, as well as the lord of Madhiira whose pride was his ornament, the fierce Turushka, the
Gajapati king also, and others besides ; from the banks of the Ganges to Lanka, and from the eastern
to the western mountains, he placed his commands like a garland on the heads of all kings. In
Ramesvara and other holy places had he from lime to time bestowed the sixteen manner of gifts
with a heart full of joy, according to the rules and associated with wise men ; thus multiplying the
fame he had already gained among the inhabitants o f the three worlds.
From Tippaji and NagalA-Devi, by king Nrisimha, were born respectively the king Vira‘ Nrisimha
and the king Krish9 a..Raya, as from KausalyA and Sumitra by Panktiratha (Dasaratha) were born
the two sons Rama and Lakshmana.

YirarNarasiinha, established on the jewel-throae in Vijayanagara, by his fame and policy putting
to shame Nriga, Nala and Nahusha, turning all hearts to himself, ruled the kingdom from Setu to
Sumeru and -from the eastern to the western mountains. All manner o f gifts had he made in Kanaka-
sada, ill the temple of Virupaksha, in the city of the lord o f Kajahasti, in Venkatadri and in Kanchi;
in S'risaila, in S'onasaila, in the great Haribara, in Ahobala, and in Sahgaina, in S'riraiiga, in
Kumbhako^a, in the great Nandi-tirtha freeing froin sin, in Nivjitti,. in Gokarna, in Kama-^Stu and in
all other holy places in the world r so that the streams o f water poured out with his gifts from the
beginning formed a flood that covered again the mountain’ , which, trodden to dust by the hoofs of
S him oga T a lu q .
the troops of his horsemen, were exposed to have their wings cut off by Indra’s discus weapon. (Here
follow the names o f a number ot gifts he haff nradg). Having,,ruled tp the full unopposed, this king of
the earth, lamed for his virtues, went to svarga, as if to rule th® fe^hgdom o f the sky.

Mightier even than him, tlie king Krishna-Kaya bore , up.,., the earth on his shoulders as if a
jewelled epaulette. Fi’om his wide-spread fame all nature became as i f o f the same (white) colour, so
that Purari (S'iva) could be distinguished only by the eye in bis forehead, Padmaksha (Vishnu) by
his four arms, Padmabhu (Brahma) by his four faces, K aji by her swordj Hama (Laksbmi) by her
lotus, Vani (Sarasvati) by the lute in her hand. Overcome by h.s glory, the sun sinks into the western
ocean as if quite unable to endure its distress o f mind. As if fearing that the seven oceans would
provide a refuge to his enemies, they were dried up with the cl mds o f dust raised by the earth tram­
pled to pieces by the troops o f his horsemen, but they vrere formed again by the measureless streams
poured out with the brahmaiida, svai-^a-Meru, and other his great gifts. As though, in order that the
donations and wealth ho had given might be long enjoyed, he would stay,the chariot o f the sun and
provide resting places for the gods, he erected pillars, stretching like mountain peaks into the sky,
tilled with the accounts of his victorious expeditions to each point o f the compass and with the names
o f his titles. In Kanchi, S'rr^aila, S'tnichaja, Kanakasabha, Vehkatadri and other places, so as to add
greatly to his glory, did he again and again bestow the great gifts described in the sastras, together
with the grants assoc'ated with them.

Punisher of war like hostile kings, abl i in protecting the world which is in the aimfe o f S'esha,
punisher of kings who break their word, giver of joy to bis dependents, fierce in war, styled rajadhi-
raja and raja-paramesvara, sultan over the Hindu kings, destroyer o f the tigers the evil, ganda-
bherunda, distinguished by these and other titles ; served by Afiga, Vanga, Kajiiiga and other kings
with such words as “ Look on us, great king 1 Victory ! Long life !” -rh is generosity praised by the wise,
this king of kings Krishna-Baya, established on the jewel-throne in Vijayanagara, daily surpasskig
Nriga and all others, shone in the power o f good fortune and the fullness of farne from the eastern to
the western mountains and from iho extremity o f Hemachala to Setu,
(On the date specified) in the presence of (the god) Virffpaksha on the bank o f the Tungabhadra
river, the great Krishna-Raya,— on the application o f the excellent minister Tippasoina, son of the
Kaudhachara Brahman, the minister Madappa,— granted to VisveSvara, a highly esteemed teacher,
versed in the irawm and smdrto, ever performing the six rites,— son o f Madbavaradhya, o f the
Haritanvaya, Apastamba-sutra and Yajus-^akha,— the village named Bhaudaripalji, in the country be­
tween the Tunga and the Bhadra called Yedatore, in the Honnflr-.ftme of the S'nrafiga kingdom, giving
to it another name of Krishnarayapuia, situated east of Siriyur, south-w'est o f Benldpura, north of
■Jannapura; free of all imposts, with the hidden treasure, underground stores, rocks, actualities,
potentialities, springs, present profit and future profit ; for sole enjoym ent; with the trees also, the
wells, ponds and tanks, and marshy grou nd; to be enjoyed by liis son, grandson and so on in
succession, as long as moon and stars endure, with power to give away, mortgage or sell. Suri’ounded
with all manner of learned men and officials, Krish^ia-Deva-Maharaya, with desire and good will,
made the grant with the gift of a gold coin and pourjng o f water. Here follows a desciiption of the
boundaries in the language of the country.

Thus is the sasana of Krishna-Raya, whose wealth is praised by the needy throughout the world,
whose great gifts are the support ( f the company of great poets.

By command o f Krishria-Deva-mabaraya, Sabliapati composed this copper sasana with pleasing

expressions. The carpen'er Viranachirya, son o f Mallana, engraved it. (Usual final verses)
(Signed) sri-Viiupaksha.
S bim oga T aluq.

Dcde 104 1 A.D.

Obeisance to Gar^esa and S'ambha, and invocation of the Boar (as in No. 1). Praise of Sadasiva
aud Lakslimi-Nrislmha,

There is a celebrated king, Keladi-SadMiva, \shose policy instructs all kings in their conduct.
From.Sahkeudra, born'from his womb, sprang the estimable .great Venkata-bhupati, a head-jewel o f
all kings ; a moon to the lotuses the faces o f hostile kings, his valour an adamantine armour to the
Karnata country, llis two lotus-feet illuminated with the crowns of prostrate kings, in truth a
Hariocliandra. A full moon to the line of the famous king Keladi-Sadasiva, a lion to the elephants
opposing kings, an ocean of treasure to the good, in ws.ilth a KubSra, an abode of learning and in­
telligence, to the company o f good poets a Bhbja, of excellent qualities, was the king Venkata. A.
■diamond elephant-goad to the lusty elephants the group o f the bounding Taulava rdjas, a sun to dis­
perse tha thick, dariniess the numberless Kiratas, a boundary mountain to stop the great ocean of the
Mlechchhas ever seeking to overfl )\v»the south in victorious expeditions, his arm of unequalled valour,
was the king Venkata.

His son was king i'hadra, tilled with respect, his mind like a bee at the lotus-feet of Sadasiva.
By-favour o f .S'iva, king Bbadra had a son, wise, intelligent and brave, the king Virabhadra. H ein
all affairs was a help to the rajadliiraja raja-paramesvara, the great lord eJithroned, named Vehka-
tadri, being to him like a long right arm, possessed o f fame and valour, devoted to the objects of
human desire. To the southern kings alarmed by the great artfiy of the Patus&.ha he gave protection,
■distinguished for his enlightened policy and bravery. Enquiring after the agraharas formerly established
by kings on the throne, ha protected them ; skilled in mimute researches into the essence o f religion.
Desirous of establishing the Advaita philosophy of the pure Vedas ; possessed of the title Yadava followed
by the word Murari. Plunderer of the forts o f hostile kings ; servant of gods, cows and Brahmans ;
a head-jewel o f faith in S'iva. The lotus-hand o f king Viraljhadra glistens with water for the tree of
merit nourished by the libations of his gifts. The lotus-eyes of the wives of lbs proud enemies water
the tree his arm o f valour and Ccuuse it to doubly glitter. Seeing the streams poured out with his
gifts to Brahmans by the king Virabhadra-Nayaka, saying “ I shall be exhausted ” , the pure water
■ocean established itself at the farthest point.'
He had a good minister, bearer of the burden of his master’s affairs, versed in the Vedas, Sastraa
and fine arts, skilled in royal policy, a treasury o f the six q'lalities, adorned with the three powers

o f increase, o f the Vasishta-gotra, Asvalayana-sulra and Bahvricha-pravara, le9.rned, a brother to the

wives of others, officer over Krishii.vPiaya’s tre.isury of gold, great grandson of Narayana-prabhu,
grandsQo of the mantri Ramakrishna, and son of the mantri Purushottama,

The king Virabhadra, being pleased with the virtuous qualities of that mantri named Rama-

krishna, like Brihaspati to S'akra, made to him a grant in the Araga-mandala which he hud inherited,
in the Gajanur-Vime on the bank of the Tuiigabhalra, fjr an agrahara named Triyambaka-pura, o f the
five hamlets Nandigeri, Kolatadi, Sakharebayal, Tattikere, and Hebbayal. (with all the usual rights,
on the date specified) at the time of the sun’s eclipse, in the ,K6tisvara-S'iva-kshetra, worshipped by
perfected rishis.
And the treasurer Ramakrishna-mantri, having given to many Brahmans gifts o f gold
for mari’iage and vpamijana, and made the white horse gift, also granted to them the five
villages given to him by king Virabhadra. Moreover, besides the temples of Triyambalcesa and Gopala-
-j- — - ^ ^ ^ --------------- . . . ------------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- -

i'li'is is the last or outermost of the seven oseans. * *

4 Sbimoga Taluq.

Krishna, which faced one another^ he erected a temple o f the god Virabhadra ; and Triyambaka-purat
brightened with these, he gave to Brahmans o f many iakhas, gotras and sutras, whose names and
gotras are here written in the language o f the countty.
The grant is hefe repeated in Kannada with some variations, and with particulars o f the revenue
value of the villages. (Customary final verses) (Signed) iri-Veukatadri.

D a te\ ^ n A .I).
(On the date specified) Keladi SomaSekhara-Nayaka caused to be written and gave to Harugol-
Mudalihga and the other boatmen o f the Tungabhadra river o f S'im oge, a copper §asana as follows:—
Whereas you have applied for the grant o f an umhali,— so that you remain under the control of
the S'imoge fort, and keeping harigots, ferry across passengers going to and fro, taking money from,
them, and will when necessity arises provide abundance o f harigols for the seiwice o f the palace,—
we have granted to you land assessed at 24 varaha from the Korlahalli village in the Gaianur-^me,
within the four boundaries of which, whatever rights there may be according to old custom, you may
take possession o f and enjoy, free o f all taxes, you and your posterity in succession.

And whereas formerly during the siege of S'tipoge, the former lord S'ivappa-Nayaka-ayya wrote
and gave an order, by which the tolls on passengers by the road were given to Rahga-Boya and two
others (named), and the tolls o n .. . ............................ received through the watchmen were given to
three others (named),— to these six persons We have also remitted the harigol fee.
Thus much that you may enjoy, and look upon the service o f the palace as your lot, have we
given this copper Sasana,

Date 1122 A.D.

May it prevail, the honourable supreme profound sydd-vdda, a fruit-beariog token, the doctrine
. o f the lord of the three worlds, the Jina doctrine.

Be it well. When the refuge o f all the world, favourite o f earth and fortune, maharajadhiraja
paramesvaraparama-bhattaraka, glory o f the SatyMraya-kula, ornament o f the Chajukyas,— Trailokya-
malla-Deva’s victorious kingdom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun, mcon and
s ta r s :—

The descent of the Gahga-line was as follows :—

From the time o f Vrishabha-Tirtha, a joy to the minds o f all the blessed, victorious over the Kalr
age, increaser o f the brightness o f fortune, in due succession, in a happy time, in Ayodhya-pura, the-
founclation pillar to fam e,— was born the great lord o f the earth, a head-jewel o f the incomparable
Ikshvaku race. When the great king HariSchandra, the sole' ruler in the world, by the strength of his-
arm putting down the titled, filled with ripe wisdom, had been for a loJig time (ruling) in peace.

His son, whose fame was like the moon or Ham ’s smile, united with good qualities, destroyer o f
the race of proud enemies, skilled in the atts, freed froni evil, equal to Surendra,— was Bharata,
uononred by poet kings. To him, famous, an abode of unimaginable merit, first of the good, of cele­
brated family, Vijaya-mahadevi, noted for uprightness, 'was the wife •, and Bharata, honoured by the-
learned, was like Bhavaja himself in all the world. When the longing o f pregnancy arose in th a t,
Viiaja-mahadevi, that delicate one felt a desire to bathe in the Ganges, covered with dancing waves,,
filled with fish, chakravaka birds and shining swans, its banks gay with numbers o f climbing plants,.,
Shimoga Taluq, 5

the abode of pleasant fresh cool soft perfumed breezes. Like a royal swan, going with some female
companions to the river Ganges, which was full, she entered with joy, and swijnraing about and singing,
free from care, regained her brightness. Thus getting rid o f her longing by swimming in the rivrr
Gahga, she returned to her house, and completing nine months, bore a son. To him, for the reason
that that beautiful one boro her son after bathing in the Gauga river, to tliat master o f the lady
Earth, was given the auspicious name of Gahgadatta. .

To that Gangadatta w'as born a son named Bharata; and to him a son named Gahgadatta. To
the treasury,of good qualities, Gahgadatta, avas born his daughter’s son, a treasury of intelligence,
Harischandra, praised as a merciful king, and renowned in the world. And to that best of .kings
was born a son named Bharata ; and to him a son named Gahgadatta.

The Gahga line thus continuing,— when NemUvara-Tirtha, a light to the Hari-vainsa, was flourish­
ing,— there was bora, a sun in the sky o f the Gahga-kula, of brilliant splendour, the king named
Vishimgupta. That m march of the earth, having gained the empire, was in Ahicbcbhatra-pura in
peace, when, at the time o f the nirvv&na of Nemi-Tirthakara, he performed the Aindradbvaja-phja., at
which Gevendra was pleased, and in his poleasure gave to Vishnngupta the unequalled Airavata.*
When it is said that by Jina-puje the priceless (blessing of) niuMi is obtained, is all else a great matter ?
To that Vishniugupta-maliaraja and to Frithvimati-mahadevi w’ere born the sons Bhagadatta
and S'x’idatta. On his. giving to Bhagadatta the Kajinga country, he ruled over the Kajihga country
as Kajihga-Gaiiga aud was la poace. 0 .i the other hand, the treasury o f extended fame^ the best o f
kings, Vishnugupta, gave to king S'ridatta the lusty elephant and the whole kingdom. While thus
from S'ridatta downwards the elephant was adopted as thfiir crest,— Priyabandbuvaraima aiose and
protected the whole earth by his policy, inaccessible to fear and avarice, Ailing with smiles o f joy the
lotus-face of the young Lady Fortune.

While that Priyabandhu was thus ruling a peaceful kingdom, at that time Par5va-Bhatt§.raka
having obtained Kevalajmm, Saudharmmendra came and performed on which Priya­
bandhu himself, also came with faith and performed Indra, being pleased with his faith, gave to
him five ornaments, saying,— “ If in your lino any who countenance falsehood (or false faith) should
arise, they (the ornaments) will disappear.” Tims saying, and giving to Ahichchhatra the name o f
Vijayapura, DevSndra departed.

On the other hand, the Ganga line, waxing greater like a full moon, continued to flourish. And
in that line, to the king Kampa was born a son named Padmanabha. He, from having no sons, being
afflicted in mind, worshipped the S'dsana-divute who was the dep(»itory o f Padmaprabha’s energy,
and by divine mantras brought her into his power. Having thus mlistered her, be gained bis end, and
obtained two sons, whom he named Rama and Lakshmaua. The two, continuing in per-^ect friend­
ship, while only at play growing like the moon to fulness o f beauty, by the power and practice o f
learniug advanced wonderfully in the earth, till their fame spread to the points of the compass, and
striking against the regent eleplia;nt made him shake, excelling by the weight o f their fortune.

While they were thus in peace, Mahipala, the ruler o f Ujjayini-pura, besieged them, demanding
the ornaments. On which Padmanabha, his face distorted with rage like Kritanta, said,— “ Form e
to give them away is impossible ; for you to put them on is not proper ; stop quiet (but) i f you have
come to make war, I will iu a minute close with and kill you, and show my valour” .

Thus saying, he took counsel with h's ministers, and sent (his sons) away, with his younger sister
a virgin, and forty-eight chosen Brahmans ; and as they were going to the south, gave to Rama and
Lakshmana the names Daeliga aud Madhava.

^India’s [Isp'iant, the elepliant at the cast point of the compass.

6 Shimoga Taluq.

Continuing by daily journeys, they came to a pleasant place, where they saw the extensive Perar,
a joy to the mind o f the pure Lakshmi, and a hill covered with flowering minddra, narnSru and sandal
trees. Seeing that tiaiiga-Herur, they pitched their camp on the bank o f a tank there, and seeing a
chailt/dhya, with fall devotion walked round it three times, and giving praises, saw the voyager to the
farthest shore o f ihe ocean of learning, the full moon to the ocean the Jina congregation, possessed
o f patience and all the ten' excellent religious qualities, his good life a secure wealth,, rejoicing in
the modest, his fame extending to the four oceans, keeping at a distance from the evil, a sun in
the sky of the Kranur-gana, devoted to the perfonnance o f the twelve kinds c f penance, promoter
o f the Gihga kingdom,— sri-Simhanandy-acharyya, and doing reverence to him through faith in
the guru, made known to him all the object o f their coming. On which he, taking them by the
hand, made them proficient in the art o f learning, and after some days causing by his faith the
goddess Padmavati to appear, obtained a boon, and gave them a sword and the whole kingdom.

While the munipati was looking on, iMadhava, honoured by the learned, shouting, struck with
all his might a stone pillar,' when it (the pillar) broke with a noise o f cracking ; what cannot brave
men do? Seeing that energy, the munipati, making a coronet o f the petals o f the Icarnnikdra, bound
it on, blessing them as honoured by the good, scattering grain (over them), giving them with a pleased
mind the dominion of all the earth, making his peacock fan a signal flag fo r them, and furnished them
■with numerous attendants, elephants and horses.

Having thus put them in possession o f all the kingdom, he gave them the following advice :—
I f they fail in what they have promised ; if they do not approve o f the Jina sasana ; if they seize the
wives o f cithers ; if they cat honey Or flesh ; if they form relationship with the low ; if they give not
o f their wealth to the needy ; if they flee from the field of battle :— ^j'our race will go to ruin.

Having thus said,— the lofty Nandagiri being their fortress, K uvalala their city, the Ninety-six
Thousand their country, the blamelefs Jina their lord. Victory their companion in the battle-field, the
Jina mata their faith,— with ever increasing gi-ealness, the kings Dadiga and Madhava ruled over the

And the boundaries o f that country were,— on the north, the lim it touched Marandale ; east,
To^da-nad ; on the west, the ocean and the place called Cheram ; south, Kongu. Moreover, having
subdued all the enemies that were within these limits, the Gahgas made firm their dominion over
80 much, the circle o f the Gangavadi Ninety-six Thousand.
Being thus lords o f the earth, the two, Dadiga and "Madhava, when coming to subdue the
Konkana country, saw Maiidali, whose greatness was as follows :— Celebrated in the earth as
Mahendra-pura in the Krita age ; it became still more known as Madaua-pura in the Treta ; was
praised by the good under the third name o f Mandala-pura in the Dvapara ; and continually increas­
ing, this pura was called Mandali in this Kali age. On the outskirts o f Maudali, thus known by
four names in the four ages, seeing a large tank attractive with the white water-lily and the thousand­
leaved lotus in blossom and the sound o f many fish, they pitched their camp thei'e. On seeing the
beauty o f the hill, the ornament of tlie Kranur-ggana, Simhanandy-acharyya, proposed that they
should makea chaityMaya there, which taking as a great favour, they caused a chaityalaya to be made.

And after some days going to Kolala, they were ruling the kingdom in peace. And as the Gafiga
line continued to increase, to Dadiga was born a son named Madhava, who ruled the kingdom. His
sou was Har varmma. His son was Vishnugopa, who associated with falsehood (or a false creed), on
which these ornaments disappeared. His sou was Prithvl-Ganga, who favoured the true faith. His
son, who tripped up and cast down the titled, was Taclangala-Madhava.

*Inscriptions are unanimous in stating that this blow was struck with the sword.
Sliimoga Taluq. 7

His soa was Avinita-Ganga, who, born to be a ruler of the tartb, caused joy to be born for the
wise, Macliiava-raja’s grandson, profound as the ocean. He, hearing the expression sata-jivi (as his
destiny, in order to test it) eagerly jumped in and crossed over, amid the applause of the learned, the
Kaveri which had come down in fearful flood, a moon to tlie lotus the eye of the Lakshmi of valour,
while his attendants stood still and gazed, and his fame made the Circuit of the points of the compass
which were astounded, the supreme Jaiua footprint being fixed in liis heart as on a rock of mount Meru.
Having thus crossed over and survived, in his line was Durwinita-Ganga; who had (a son)
^lushkara ; and his was S'rivikrama ; his son waS Bhuvikrama; his sons wt re Nava-Kama and Eraga.
O f them, E ja ga had a son Ejteyanga ; from liim sprang S'rivallabha ; from him, S'ripurusha; from
him, S'ivamara ; and from him, Marasimha.
In his own pgrson subduing the Malava Seven, and setting up a stone inscribed Vvith the letters
Ganga-Majava ; completely casting aside Chitraltuta •, king Marasimha slew,in a great battle Jayakesi,
the younger brodier o f the king of Kannamujje ; and increased his reputation for valour.

Marasiinha’s son (was) the unequalled Jagattufiga, to the lord o f world-purifying fortune was born
the celebrated king Eachamalla, walking in the way of Mann, the Gafiga head-jewel, lord o: the lady^
Victory, lord of the kings of the earth, a moon to the ocean the Jina dharmma, an abode of all good
qualities, a great Eaja-Vidyadhara.

His grandsons were Marujayya and Biituga-Permmadi; whose ofi’spring was Ereyapa ; whose son
was' Vira-Vedafiga ; to whom was born, great in learning, of the form of Mara, of pleasing manners,
acquainted with the essence of all sciences, soft in speech, E^hamalla., subduer o f enemies.

From that Eachamalla (sprang) Ereyanga ; whose son was Bfitnga ; whose sou was Marula-Deva',
whose son was Guttiya-Ganga ; from him (sprang) Marasinga, who vmpunted on a deer ; his sou wa8
Govindara ; his son, Saigotta-VijayMitya ; from whom (sprang) Eachamalla ; from him, Marasifiga *,
whose son was Kuruja-Rajiga “, from him, Garwada-Ganga; Govindara’s younger brother’ s son was
Mamma-Govindara. The cocoa-nut palm he broke in two, the areca palm he plucked up, with Ms
left hand he seized even a lusty elephant and made it stop so that it could not move,— (this) Gafiga
was he an ordinary king, Eakkasa-Gafiga ? His younger brother was Kaliyanga, with whom while the
Gafiga line was continuing:—
The descent o f the ficharyyas of the Kranur-gaiia was as follows :—
A dweller in the south country, promoter o f the family of the cMefs of the Gafiga territory, lord;
of the §ri-Mfila-safigha, was the mupi named Simhanatidi. After him were Arhadbaly-acharyya,
Bettada-Damanandi-bhattaraka, Balachandra-bhatt\raka, Meghachandra-traividya-d^va, Gunachandra-
pandita-deva. After him, becoming great in the world by his qualities, the brilliance of his speech
spreading abroad the glory o f his qualities, his eloquence growing in fame like a moon, was Gunanandi-
deva, a Brahma to grammar. After him, adorning the throne o f Akalauka, a celebrated emperor of logic,
a lion to the elephant disputing speakers, a lusty elephant to the lotus garden the group o f opposing
speakers, a sun to the darkness Bauddha speakers, Indra to the mountain chain the Saukhyaspeakers,
an axe to the tree the Naiyyayika acharyyas, a fierce gale to the rain-cloud the Mimam«-a creed, a
moon in raising the waters of the ocean the Siddhanta, proficient in all literature, by disposition free
from fear, a sun in the sky o f the Jina congregation, was Prabh?ichandra-siddhanta-deva, of the Id-
Mula-saiigha, Kondakundanvaya, Kranur-gana and Meshapashana-gachchha. His disciple, the
faultless Maghanandi-siddhanta-deva, preserver o f the established Jina doctrine, shone with the growth
of the true doctrine ol the Jina faith. His disciple, Chaturasya (Brabma) in skillful speech, in com-
mand Isa (S’iva), in universally pervading qualities. Vishnu, in greatness o f enlightenment a Bauddha,
firm was he. in this Jaina practice,—what a marvel o f dexterity was this in him who was considered an
•ornament of the loftiest siddhanta, the illustrious Prabhachandra.
8 Shiraoga Taluq.

Kis colliagues wc-re Auautaliryya-muiii; also Munichandra-muni ; to whom the lauded siddhanta
being ever present i i the Ibraa o f the p ire scripture, he was uneqaulled, famous, great, reverenced
by th3 world, exalted, enlightening the universe, o f unassailable wisdom in the earth. His disciplei
a wild-fire in consuming the forest disputant speakers, Hara’s frontal eye to Kama such speakers,
the king of beasts in splittwg the temples o f the lusty elephants such speakers,- may be prevail—the
wise S'rutakirtti. Defeating poets, decUimers, speakera,. disputants and all such, Kanakauandi, re­
joicing in the traividija, was truly described in the courts o f kings as Tribhuvana-malla Vadiraja.
His colleague, posstssed of good life, performer of penance, the head of the Kranur-gana, benevolmt,
iavourite c f fortune, versed in siddhaata, of wide-spread fame, Wms Madhavachandra. His disciple>
a moon in raising the waters of the o ce a i o f science, destroyer o f the pride of till ;d speakers, thus
did he ever shine in the world, the traividya-Balachandra-yatiudra.
Prabhachandra-slddhanta-dSva’ s disciple, whose fame danced about in the earth like a white
umbrella, his greatness shone like a man'dapa on mount M§rn, the clustre o f his g.x)d qualities was as
bright as a garland of pearls, by nature among the good, was Budhachandra-deva. (His further

praises, in the same style). While this ornament o f the Achai'yya-Parameslithi line, builder up of
the Jina abode, Budhachandra-pa^dita-deva, was Sourishing ;—

Prabhachandra-siddhanta-deva’s lay-disciple, favourite o f the goddess Victory, a moon in raising

the ocean his family line, praised by the world, of pleasing form, a bee at the two lotus-feet of Jina,
was Barmma-Deva, the Bhujabala-Gahga.

Thus celebrated, Barmma-Deva, the Bhujabala-Ganga Permmadi-Deva, made the hasadi— which
Dadiga and Madhava had formerly established xm the lull o f Maudab, and for which the kings of his
Gahga I ne hxd continued to provide the offerings, and which they had afterwards caused to be built,
c f wood,— ’the chief of all the ha^adis hitherto existing or in future to be established in the Edadore-
Seveaty of the Maudali-Thousand, giving it the name o f Pattada-basadi (the Crown basadi), and en­
dowed it with certain lands (specified).''

While these still continued to the Pattada-lirtha basadi, his sons were— the lord o f the wealth of
victory, Marasihga ; his younger brother, the celebrated Nanniya-Ganiga ; his younger brother, famous
and o f great valour, Rrkkasa-Gaiiga ; his younger brother, head o f the brave, a lamp to the abode o f
fortune his line, Bhnjabala-Ganga.
That Marasiuga-Deva granted certain lands (specided) in A rlravajli. Moreover, Maghanandi-
slddhanta-deva's lay-disciple, Maraslnga-Deva, and h:s younger brother, Pfabhachandi a siddhanta-
deva’s lay-disciple, Nanniya-Gahga-Deva, made a grant o f certain lands (specified) in Siriyfir.

Barmma-Dava, Marasihga, Nanniya-Ganga,— ^S'aka976 V ija[ya), 987 [?Visvava]su, 992 Saumya.

And Anantaviryya-siddhanta-deva’ s lay-disciple, Rakkasa-Ganga, made a grant o f land (specified,

with boundaries).

And Munichandra-siddhaiita-deva’s lay-disciple, by the power o f his arm pulling up the trees
hostile kings, besieged and took their fortresses, and became celebrated for his strength, Bhujabala-
Gahga, an ornament o f kings. Thus praised, Bhujabala-Gahga-Permmadi-Deva, in the S'aka year 1027,
the year Sarvvajitu (&c.) made a grant of lands (specified, with boundaries) in Heg-Ganagile, for the
daily offerings and worship of the Pattada-tirtha basadi o f Mandali, and for the food o f the rishis.

And Prabhachandra-siddhanta-deva’s lay-disciple was Nanniya-Gahga-Permmadi-Deva. To

that Bhujabala-Gahga was born the son, to whom all the points o f the compass were obedient, anointed
ruler o f the kingdom, Nanniya-Ganga. His might the support of the earth as far as the points o f the
compass, his fame dancing on the moustaches o f the regents o f the eight quarters,'his splendour
Shimoga Taluq. 9

surpassing that p f the submarine fire,— how great was Nanniya-Gahga, From the reflection of the faces
o f prostrate kmgs in his toe nails, like Dasanana ; from the Sakti weapons in his victorious arms, like
Shanmukha i from the skilful Varti or speech in his mouth, like Chaturvadana the fame of Gahga
was multiplied in every face. Springing like a great lion on the elephants at the points of the compass,
he makes them crouch down with a stroke of his hand ; with his toe he kicks away a mountain, breaks
in half cocoa-nut trees and areca palms, surpassing Pantidola who lifted S a m b u s a ila th u s was
Marasinga' praised.

Be it well. Satyayakya Kofigulivarmma dharmma-mah^ajadhiraja param^vara, boon lord of

Kojala-pura, lord o f Nanda’giri, having the crest of a lusty elephant, a skilful Virincha, obtainer o f a
boon from the goddess Padmavati, fragrant as jasmin, Nanniya-Ganga (a Gahga of truth), yayad-
ttMarmga, an autumn moon to the water-lily the Ganga-kula, Devendra to the chiefs, an elephant to
the lotus garden proud enemies, bearing a bow of flowers (Manmatha), champion of champions, cham­
pion over the evil, with these and all other, names and titles,— Nanniya-Gauga-Perummadi-Deva
caused the Patlada-tirtha basadi of Mapdali, which his grandfather had erected, to be eonstracted-of
stone ; and in the S'aka year 1043, the year S'ubhakrit (&o), for the Pattuda-basadi,— having erected
for the promotion of the faith the Kuruli and other basadis, (altogether) twenty-five chaityalayas,—
Prabhachandra-siddhanta-deva’s disciple made grants o f certain lands, and the customs dues o f

And Nanniya-Gafiga-Deva and his patta-mahadevi Kanchala-Devi having made a vow to the
goddess Padmavati, obtained Hermmadi-Deva and granted a tribute of five pai}a from the villages o f
the nad that he govenied, to continue as long as sun, moon and stars.

Budbachandra-pandita-deva’ s lay-disciple, in his rage plucks out the tusks o f the elephants at the
points of the compass, causes the constellations of stars to fall like hailstones, and swallows the ocean
dry,— this hero Permmadi-Deva. (Usual final verse.)

Date 1218 A.T).

Praise o f S'ambhu.

Be it well.— Descended in the line o'" Satyavakya Kohgultvarmma dharmma-maharAjadhiraja

paramesvara, boon lord o f Kolala-pura, lord of Nandagiri, crowded with kings he had subdued, having
the crest of a lusty elephant, obtainer o f a boon from the goddess' Padmavati, fragrant as jasumin, the
Ganga-Gangeya, in truth a Radheya, jayad-uttaranga,............... Parttha to the lines o f enemies, a
Ganges flood to the high road of the Gadaga-tirltha, exciting the love o f courtesans, head o f the Ganga-
kula, a perfect ocean o f jewels, the king Dadiga-Madhava,--(vrere) Jayad-uttaranga Rakkasa-Ganga,
Bhujabala-Gafiga, Vira-Ganga Nanniya-Ganga Hermmadi-Deva.

After whom, in t h e ......... . . Hoysaja line,—&juhfi (? pointed weapon) to Chola, a cut-throat

to Malava, a Makali who attacks and devours to the Cheras, a lusty trampling elephant to Varaja, a
dart in the body of Khacha, a horsewhip to the back of Nepfila, even now is he approaching,— such
was the agitation that king vira-Vishnu created in the territories o f hostile kings. To that Vishnu-
varddhana’s son Narasimha and to Echala-Devi was born vira-BallMu-Deva (his praises).

While in the residence of Dorasaraudra, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom :—

Now has the earth one umbrella, but two Cupids, three eyes, four true gods (or, chief deities), five
oceans, six . . . . , seven seasons, eight chief munis (or, rishis), nine regent elephants, ten great trea-

This seems to have heen another name for Hm (see Ko. 6). This word is not in any dictionary, and its meaning is matter
of conjecture.
10 Shimoga Taluq.,

sureSji— thus was he celebrated, vira-BallaJa-Deva. Choja, come and do obeisance •, Kajinga, I say, do
your trick s; ........... Ghera, march off to Koytur, you must not cross this boundary ; Panchala, march
off to your residence, go ................... ;— thus do the generals proclaim their peremptory orders in vira-
Ballaja’s victorious expeditions, carrying canes in their hands. Listen,— like the shade of the mango
when shooting forth in spring to those who take shelter ; like the shade o f the hood of the terrible
serpent o f the last day to his enemies ; like the shade of the expanded lotus to the goddess of victory ;
so the shadow o f vira-Balla!la’ s arm was a cage of adamant to the earth.

Be it well. When the refuge o f all the world, favourite o f earth and fortune, the maharajadhi-
raja parame^vara parama-bhattaraka, boon lord o f Dvaravati-pura, sun in the sky o f the Yadava race,
perfect head-jewel, obtainer o f a boon from the goddess Vasantika, fragrant with musk, raja oftheM ale
rSjas, champion over the hill chiefs, a male hherun^O", self-contained hero, Saiiivara-siddhi, giri-durgga-
malla, a lion to the elephant his enemies, the ni^anka Hoysana pratapa-chakravartti vira-Ballala-
Deva was in the residence o f Dorasamudra, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom :—

A dweller at his lotus-feet was Madhus&dana-Deva, whose descent was as follows :— The general
Goggi was the extender of the celebrated Rakkasa-Ganga’s kingdom, a cbampioii o f extreme bravery^
the embodiment of the fame o f Rachena. (His further praises). T o the general Goggi and to Mai-
lave-Rani was born Mudiyana, an ornament o f Nanniya Gaiiga’ s kingdom, who was celebrated fcr
speech without falsehood. (Omitting laudations) to Mudiyana and his wife Jakkale was born Vibhu-
Ganga, who was superior in counsel to Guru, Kamandaka and Damana, Chanakya, Bhatti and
Yogandhara. His wife was Vijjale-Rani, and they had a son Madbusudaua (his praises).

In Mudu-Ganga-ur, which is Khandali-pura in Mandali-nad, Gaiiga had caused to be securely

erected the GangeSvara temple. To Ibis Madhusuclana had a door made.

(On the date specified) the nal-prabhu Madhusudana-Deva, caused to he built the Gangesvara
temple in the name of his father, and washing the feet o f Amritarasi-guru’s grandson Somesvara-
guru, made to him a grant of land (specified) for the ceremonies and perpetual lamp.

Bate alout 1060 A.D.
The maha-mandalesvara Bhujabala-Ganga Permmadi-Barmma-Deva made a grant of land (speci­
fied) for the Pattada-basadi o f the Mandali-tirtha. And his crowned queen Gaiiga-mahadevi, his son
Maras'nga-Deva, his younger brother Satya-Gahga, his younger brother Rakkasa-Ganga, his younger
brother Bhujabala-Ganga, his son Marasinga-Deva Nanniya-Gaiiga-Perminadi, all made grants of land

And in the villages of the nad which he ruled he gave a tribute o f 5 paiia to the goddess
Padmavati, to continue as long as sun, moon and stars.

Bate ? 1722 A.B.


The feet of Gurulinga-svami are the only refuge. May it prosper. Oin, Obeisance. Praise of
(On the date specified) for Keladi Somasekhara-Nayaka’ s father-in-law Nirvanaiya,— Harakeri, a
votary of'Hole-Basavaiya, caused to be built for the Virakta-matha, through the ageucy o f Guru-
Basava-svami, the Basavana-vaddu (or dam) in Hayiniir on the bank o f the Tufiga, above the tomb o f

'sach of these figures represents one more than the orthodox number.
Shimoga Taluq. 11
Date ? 1 0 8 5 ^ .D ,
(On the date specified) was this sasana set up. Praise o f the Jina-iasana. Obeisance to Vitaraga.

When the refuge of all the world, favourite of earth and fortune, maharaj-adhiraja paramesvara
parama-bhattaraka, glory of tlie SatyaSraya-kula, ornament of the Chalukyas, Tribhuvana>Malla-D§va
was in the residence o f Kalyana, ruling the kingdom in peace ;—

May he prevail, his fame pervading all the points o f the compass, a moon in raising the ocean the
Ikshvaku-vaipsa-kula, born in order to protect the Jina-dharmma of the Kailasa mountain, a second
^Bhagirathi (or son o f the Ganga)i

Be it well. Master of all the world, sun in the sky of the Ikshvaku-vam4a-kula, by his valour
Tiaving captured Kanyakubja . . ........................... piercing the liead o f its ruler with his arrows,
"to kings a Partha, in the game of war a Dhananjaya,— was Dhananjaya. His wife was Gandhari-
Devi and their son Harikhandra. R6hi[neya] ............................... whose other name was Dadiga-
Madhava. When all those kings o f the Gahga line, increasing like the moon from new moon day, were
prosperously ruling the kingdom :— a sun in the sky o f that line, a head-jewel of the Gangas, was

Famous as a king (with other praises) was Kali-Gahga-Deva’s son Bannina-bhupalaka.

Praise o f the Gangara-Bhima, Bhujabala-Ganga.
To .. . . Permmadi-Bamima-Deva and to Ganga-mahadevi, who w-as ivckoned as bom in the
-Pandya-kula, was born, like the three jewels, a son^ Marasinga (his pra'ses).

After him, when Satyavakya Kohgunivarmma dharmraa-maharajadhiraja paramesvara, boon lord

-of Kuvalala-pura, lord of Naudagiri, (with other titles), Nanniya-Gaiiga, jayad-iittaraiiga, the maha-
mandalesvara Tribhuvana-Malla GangaTPermmadi-Deva having brought under his command the Gafiga-
vadi Ninety-six Thousand,—Tribhuvana-Malla-Beva having favoured him with the Mandali Thousandl
belonging to it, with all the rights as regards treasure trove and underground stores, according to the
rule o f one-third,— was ruling the kingdom in peace :—

Praise of Ganga-nripa and Kali-Gahga-bhupati. Ganga-bhupala’ s younger brother was Govindara.

When these two were ruling the kingdom in peace : —

There was Poleyamma (his praises). He, by his wife Keleyabhe, had a son Nokkayya, who
married Kaleyabbe and Malliyabbe, the daughters of Kencha-Gavunda o f Mandali, Kalabbe-gaviti
d)ore a son Gujjana, who was tenfold of his Tathtr, and received the name o f Permmadi-Gavunda.
Malliyabbe bore a son Jinadasa, While Nokkayya was living happily along with these two sons,
•Gahga-Permmadi-Deva paid a visit to Tattekere and gave him the whole of the government. The
great minister, the senior perggade Nokkayya (with numerous titles, and pi-aises), beloved by all in
perggade-Gahga’s house, enlarged a tank, formed paddy fields, erected a temple, and established
places for distribution of water and food. And the basadi he built shone with the big tank of Tattekere
surrounding it. His elder son Gujjana being opposed to it, when he had gone to sarggi, Nokka-Perggade
erected two Jina temples, in Harige and Nellavatti.

And for those two hasadis of Nellavatti and Tattikere, on the death o f Jinadasa, as a reward of
perggade Nokkayya’ s boldness and liberality, Gahga*Pefmmadi-Deva granted the royal insignia of two
horns, a canopy, cMimras, and big drums ; and as a return gift, presented him with the gavunJa
vritti of eight villages (named), twenty horses, and five hundred sjaves, together with the fixed rent o f

The reference is apparently to Bhishma, called also Gangaputra. Or, ? three sons; the others not named.
12 S h im oga T a lu q .
the villages, and also gave him, free of all imposts, Panasavadi, for as long as sun, moon and stars-

And perggade Nokkayya who had acquired such greatness, being the lay-disciple o f Prabhachan-
dra-siddhanta of the Mula-sangha, Krapur-gana and MSsbap§.sh§,pa-gachchha, erected four basadis, and-
made grants o f land (specified)i for the sthaqapatis o f the Gapa-gachchha.

And Gahga-Permmadi-Deva granted for the basadi the shop tax and customs dues of Tatt“kere
(Usual final phrases).

The minister for peace and war, Dfima-Raja, dictated and wrote the poetry o f the Sasana. It was-
inscribed by Santoja and Padma.
Bate ? abotd 1400 A.D.
Be it prosperous. Praise o f S'ambhu.

,. ....................................................in Gajanur belonging to the kingdom o f Araga.............. when Timma


•^ ..V od eyar, son of Devappa-Danpayaka-Vodeyar o f Araga, was ruling the magapi ;— (great
part defaced: apparently) Vehkata-Nayaka caused to be erected a temple o f Kanganatha i n ...............
in the kingdom o f Mapdali, and endowed it with land. Siriyoja, son o f M allojayya of G§,janur, erect­
ed the temple and inscribed the sasana.
Bate 1120 A.B.
Be it w ell— When against the entitled to the fiye great drums, maha-mandalesvara Tribhu-
vana-malla Bhujabala-Ganga-Permma(Ji-Deva, (on the date specified), the maha-mandaleSvara Poysala-
Bitti-Deva’s dapnayaka Boppapa rose and came ;— ^in the battle o f Halasur, while his master was-
looking on at his boldness, Bammaya-Nayaka, the servant born to Chambavanasi by his . . .
Butabbe, attained tp the world o f gods.

Bate 112^1 A.B.
(On the date specified) when the maha-mapdale^vara Tribhuvana-malla Nanuiya-Ganga-Perm-
madi-Deva went t o ................................................... piercing, attained to the world of gods.

Dafe ? 1 1 0 3 /l.D .

(First part gone). When the maha-mapdalesvara Tribhuvana-W alla..................... was ruling :—
................(on the date specified) set up a linga, erected a temple and put up the Tcalasa, and washing
the feet o f Jagadindu-Papdita o f Parvvatavalli, made a grant of land (specified) for the god Jakkes-
vara which he had established.
Bate 1\22 A.B.
Praise of the king. (On the date specified) when Tribhuvana-Malla Nanniya-Ganga-Permmadi-
Deva was looking on pleased and making much o f him :— Sahani-Mara, slaying the enemy, giving
pleasure, drove off many by the power of his arm, and making a stand in the great battle, went to
the world o f gods.

^Several of tlie nioasnrements arebj- tlie G u n i , i a n a m a tta .

Shimoga Taluq. U

Date 1696 A,D.
(On the date specitied) Keladi Ghennamaji caused to be written and sent to Derappa . . . . . . i.
a business (order), granting to ............... deva o f Giijandr, land (specified) in the village o f Kadukalu
o f the Gajanar-sime, as a da^dige mtibali. And for the purpose of setting up on the land boundary
stones marked with the linga, sent olficials from the preseu<^> who, assembling the neighbouring
villagers, let the stones into the ground according to the instructions written by the gadi . . . kara.

This paper will be entered in the senabova’s Jcadita, and again returned to him.

■ D ate\niA .D .
Praise of S'ambhu. (On the date specified). Aliya’ -Jiirv&naiya and Mariyanna, grandson of Mari-
Basavanna, seuabova o f the Gajanur41rae*sthala, built houses for Brahmans at Harakeri on the bank
o f the Tungabhadra, granted uftdra for the agrah&ru, and Set up this stone for that Kasinathapura
Date 1309 A.D.
Bhimanatlia is the refuge. (On the date specified) when the pratapa-chakravartti Hoysana vira-
Ballala-Devarasa was in Dorasamudra, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom, with a fame impressed’
on the four oceans;— and when Devappa-HariyappS,— the strong man o f Lakkanua, the minister for
peace and wav of that king’s house, —was the sarmMhikari pf Hadavajike-nad ;— the 60 farmers,
120 sthdnas and 1700 Gavare-gandas of Hadavalike-nad in Gafiga-Mandali, assembling in Knsugur,
declared to Devappa-Hariyappa, the sarwddhikdri of Hadavalike-nad, that for the estate granted by
you and others, the 60 farmers, 120 sthdnas, and 18 castes for the god Bhimanatha, there are no
imposts v it is free of all taxes. Thus have we of our own will given it as a work of merit.

Signed for the nad ;— sri-Bhimanatha. Malaparol-gajtidft- -

Date 963 A.D.
(On the date specified) when Kannara-Deva was ruling the kingdom o f the world :— in Santalige
.. the nal^gavunda o f Arigeri in . . . dyalige-nad . . .. .. . erected a temple. His younger brother
Bettuga died among the cows . . . Govi-Gavunda set up this Stone.

Dale 1115 A.D.
(On the date specified) the maha-manda]6svara Tribhuvana-Malla PermmMi-Gannara-Deva,
releasing Manneya-Goggarasa, son of the possessed o f all titles, the great feudatory ManneyarBammarasa
o f the Edavale Seventy, a n d .. .. took him along with him and eared for him, when he died in the
hands o f the ruler who had trusted him, and attained to the world of gods. His younger brother,
Manneya»Odamarasa, on behalf o f the children he had brought up, Agachi and Todaketanu, fighting
with Masana who took away their crown, set up a stone and made grants of land (specified) for those
two children. The protector o f this is Oddamarasa. (Usual final phrases).

Son-in-law . understood, though the #ords themselves are common

The signification
. .
of the words used here .
k rifi-'g eyd u is. not enough.
14 Shimoga Taluq.

Date ? about 070 A-D.
Wli2U Satyavakya Kougiinivai'mma dhannma-maharajadhii'aja paramesvara, supreme lord of
[K6iala]-pura, sriraat-Permmanadi was ruling the kingdom of the world and Kote . . . . was ruling
the Mandali-nad Thousand Chola, son of Allamma-Gavuiyda o f .. .. fell among the cows of Gangayur.
The victor gains s p o il; the slain, too, the celestial nymphs :
What feai’ then of death in war to him who for a moment seeks the close encounter ?

Names of five others who ended their lives with him.

Date 15U A.D.^
(The whole o f the first part corresponds with that o f No. 1 above).

(On the date specified), on the banks of the Krishna, [Krishna-Raya-maharaya] gave to Triyam-
baka, son of Ilanhe-Tipparasa, o f the Asvalayana-sutra, Vasishthauvaya and Rik-sakha,— in the

Ganga-Mandali-nad o f the Gajanur-sthala of the Araga kingdom, the village of Urulcaduvur (boundaries
specified), with its hamlet Danayaka-Hosahalli, and the village o f Mattur.

And Ti'iyambaka at the same time gave to Harihararadhya, son of Madhavkradhya, of the Koti-

§anvaya, Apastamba-sutra, YajuAsakha and llarita-gotra, the well-known little village (grdmafikdm) of
Urukadavur. And certain other villages (named) Triyambaka gave to Dandaubhalai and Aubhaia.
And the village of Mattur he divided into 120 shares, and reserving 30 for himself, presented the
remainder to the Brahmans (here follow details o f their names, &c. and the boundaries).

The concluding part is as in No. 1 above.

Date 1621 A,D.
Praise o f S'ambhu and Gapapati?

When the rajadhiraja raja-paramesvara Rama-Deva-maharaya, seated on the jewel throne, was
ruling the whole world : —among the chiefs who were around him was Kenga-nripa. ' His son was
Hanuman. On the day of his son’s marriage, when he was making many gifts, the desire arose in him
to make a grant of land. He accordingly gave to Puttapa o f Bilige, the village o f Yai’aggahalu on the
bank o f the Tungabhadra, in the Gahga-MandaJi-nad o f the Gajanur-sime o f the Araga venthya, the
abode o f the god Mallesa, otherwise called S'ankara ; also its hamlet Kalikoppa, with all rights pertain­
ing thereto.
And Puttapa, dividing the same into ten shares, bestowed them on Brahmans (as per details given)..
Witnesses to this— sun, moon and the other gods. (Usual final verses)
(Signed) Si’i-Gopala-Krishna Ari-Rama

Date 1670 A.D.
Praise o f S'ambhu. (On the date specified), to Keinpunanje-Deva, disciple o f the possessor of the ,
pure S’ivachara of the good, great mahat of heaven and eaj’th, Kuppastakanthe-Man6hara-lDeva,— the
illustrious Edava-.Murari, plunderer of forts, establislier of the pure Vaidika advaita-sicldhdnta, devoted
S liim oga Taluq. 15
to faith'in S'iva and the giu'u^ Sdtnasekhara-Nayaka, son o f S'ivappa-^^ayaka, grandson o f Siddappa-
■Nayaka, and great-grandson o f Sankanna-Nayaka, born in the family o f Keladi Sadasiva-Riiya-Nayaka,—
made a grant as follows ;— In Balikoppa 6f Bidirur having built a matha in t>ur name, and made tho
Vasikrita-matha subordinate to you, of the pack bullocks which bear loads for its service we have
freed (from transit dues) 50 bullocks, as a gift to S'iva. On these bullocks you may load goods,
areca-nut, pepper, fringed silk cloths, dried cocoa-nuts, grass, husked rice, rice in- the husk, salt,
tamarind, jaggory, oil, ghi, baskets, . , catechu, tobacco, cloths, <fec,— an(kregistering the colour and
age of the bullocks in the tMims o f Ikkeri, Durgga, Vasuda*e, Sakkarepattajja, Kamanadurgga-hobali,.
the hobali below the Ghats, as well as the custom-house at Chandavto— you may pass your loads and
carry on the performance of the six kinds of ceremonies •, you and your disciples in succession may
continue to enjoy this order in peace as long as sun and moon endure. (Signed) sri-Sadaiiva

Date 1712 A.D.
Praise of S'ambhu. (On the date specified), to Basavalihga-Deva, disciple o f the possessor of the
pure S'ivachara of the good, great mahat o f heaven and earth, Charumurti-Mahesvara Basavalihga-Deva
o f the upper cave,—Edava-:\)ur§,ri, plunderer o f forts, establisher of the pure Vaidika advaita-siMhmia,
devoted to fiiith in S'iva and the guru, Basavappa-Nayaka, son of Cliennamaji the lawful wife of Soma-
^ekhara-Nayaka, grandson of S'ivappa-Nayaka, and great-grandson of Siddappa-NAyaka, born in the
family of Keladi Saclasiva-Ilaya-Nayaka,— caused to be written and given a grant of land as follows :—
Mariyappa having applied that a written sasana might be granted for the uHdra gift to the above, it
is written and *given that we have separated from the SakkarebayaJu Village, land (specified) of the
value of 30^ varalias, from the iitidra held by Lokaya for his share as manager in the Triyaffil)aka-
pura agrahara of tho Gajanur-mme, and granted it, as an offering to S’iva, with all rights (specified),
to you and your disciples in succession as long as sun and moon endure.

Wherever a yogtsvara once performs worship of S'iva-linga, there all Iwly places abide &r ever,
Guha. A single gift made through love of Hara with faith in S'iva, is declared to free from sin and
procure moksha. (signed) ki-Sadasiva.
Bate ? 1413 A.D.
The greater part o f the inscription is defaced.

(On the date-specifie’d) when the maliarAjadhiraja raja-paramesvara vira-pratapa Harihara-

[Raya-]maharaya'was in-the residence of [Vidjyanagara, ruling the kingdom o f the earth :-^by that
maharaya’ s.'order, ......................... erected a temple of Narasimha.

When Yere-Bamma’s son Lakka-Raja, or the maha-nayakicharyya Yere-Lakhe-Ndyaka, was

ruling the ., .........Dummi~nad and Banur-nad, there being a great forest in the direction o f .............
a hamlet of Bankiyapura; .[he ? cleared away] the forest, appointed a site, constructed a tank, and built
two villages liaiped' Narasimhapura and Lakshmipura. And these two.villages, with all the rights
pertaining thereto, he presented to (the god) Lakshmi-Narasimha. And for the ’ residents o f those two
villages, the taxes on marriages,.................. . oil-cake, cows, she-buffaloes, he-buffeloes, horses,
carts, b u llo ck s ............. and on the produce of the gardens belonging to these villages, the storeliouses,
sugarcane mills, the transit dues in Bankiyapura on the areca of the rent-free garden attached to the
temple, the transit dues on loads of betel leaf coming from ...............the transit dues on the areca of
the rent-free garden attached to the temple in Barandur . . , ..................-all these, whatever may be. the
18 S him oga T a lu q .
revenue from them, order ot the maharaya were remitted. And Siddapanna granted to the god
the transit dues of the Bankiyapura (Mda, and the transit dues let out on contract for articlea
coming from beyond the river. Some other grants by individuals.

(Final veraes, mostly as usual, but including the following:) A ruined family, a breached tank or
pond, a fallen kingdom, whoso restores, or repairs a damaged temple, acquires merit fourfold of that
which accrued from them at first.

The head of the Vahkipuri temple was Chennapacharya, son o f [Purushojttainarya, a Yaikanasa
o f the Kasyapa-gotra.

Through the favour o f Lakshumikanta was this fortunate sasana set up within the precincts.

(On the date specified) when the maharajadhiraja raj.i-paramesvara vira-Harihara-Raya-maha,'
raya was in Vidyanagara, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom :— Sihgaya-Nayka o f Bidare
? made a grant to the god Lakshmi-Narasimha.

Date ? 1134 AD.
In the time of the favourite o f earth and fortune, maharajadhiraja paramesvara parama-bhatta-
raka, glory o f the Satyasraya-kula, Chajukya . . . . . . . . . (on the date sp e cifie d ).................... , the son
born t o ....................Deva and t o ..................... .. having bathed, went to the world o f the sun. His wife
Deviyakka, performing the vow to her husband, in the Uttava village o f Edatore-nad in the Mandali
Thousand, went to the world of gods. H e r . . . . . . set up this stone.

The water o f this tank should stand to the height o f a man, and belongs to Tiinmalapura.

D afeU 8 0 A.D.
When the maha-mandalesvara Hoysala vira-Balla]a-Deva was in the residence of Dorasaraudra,
ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom ;— Hiriyappa being the naj-prabhu o f the Mgndali Thousand;—
when Halliya-ganda drove away the cows o f the village belonging to Balla-Gavunda, son of Kalli-Setti,.
the son o f the head-merchant, lord of the forest, Hoysaja-Goyi-Setti,— (on the date specified) Sibayya
ran out, slew several men, recovered all the cow's and attained to the w'orld o f gods.

Also....................confronted them, slew several, and doing his iduty to his master, attained to tlia
world o f gods.

DatelUO A.D.
(On the date specified) in the maha-mandalMvara Nauniya-Ganga-Permma^i-Deva’ s nad, the sob

o f Bittimayya, oilman in the family of the raaha-prabhu Sinda-G&munda o f Adavigove, having gone with
the expedition to Lokigupdi, Torahara-Kalaya (carried off) the cows o f , the village. On return from
that war, he slew his head-servant, seized his horse, and fighting against the hostile force which had'
turned back the arrow,in the hands of his younger brother Kusa, recovered the cows, and the oilman
Barmmanna attained; the world o f gods.
Sbitnoga Taluq. 17

Bah ? 1122 A.D.
Praise of S'ambhu,

When ihe refuge of all the world, favourite o f earth and fortune, the maharajadhiraja paramea-
vara paraina-bhattaraka, glory of the Satyasraya-kula, ornament of the Cha|ukyas, Tribhuvana-Malla-
Deva’s kingdom was increasing on all sides, to continue as long as sun, moon and stars :— A dweller
at his lotus-feet,—
The lofty Nandaghi being their fortress, Kuval&la their city, the Ninety-six Thousand their
country, the blameless Jina their lord. Victory their companion on the battle-field, the Jina niata their
faith,— with ever increasing greatness the kings Dadiga und Madhava ruled over the earth. And the
boundaries o f that country were,— on the noi'th, the limit touched Marandalo -, east, Tonda-nad ; on
the west, the ocean [and the place called Cheram ; s o u t h , Ko h g u . Moreover, having subdued all
the enemies that were within these limits, the Gangas made firm their dominion over thus much, the
circle o f the Gangavadi Ninety-six Thousand.

And after . . . . Ganga, Were . . . . the fearless Harivarmma ; Vishnu-nripa; (much here defaced,
but see No. 57 below), S'ripurusha ; S'ivamara ; ........... the raging flame o f fire to hostile kings,
Vijeyaditya ; ....................Marasinga ; the curly headed {Irnnila) prince, the renowned Maruja ; that
glorious king’s eldest son, Satyavakya ; o f unshaken bravery, Gamada-Ganga ; the only brave generous
and pure one, in the world, ■Guttiya-Gahga; delighting in the power of his arm, a terrifying brave,
Rachamalla, tlie glory of kings ; .................................able to stop a lusty elephant so that it could not
move, was he an ordinary man, chief in strength, the renowned Eakkasa-Gahga.
2Among those' thus descended in the celebrated vTahga-vamSa were Dadiga’s son Churchchuvayda-
•Gahga; his son Prithvi-Gahga •, his sou S'rivikrama ; his son Bhuvikrama •,............... S'ripurusha;
that king’ s son S'ivamara-Deva •, his son Ketaya-Perminadi; his son Butuga-Permmadi; his son
M arula-Deva; his younger brother Guttiya-Ganga -, his son Marasihga ; his son Yajeyahga-Deva ;
his son Barmma-Deva.

W hile thus these descendants of the Gahga-vanisa ruled the kingdom :— Prabhachandra-siddhanta-
deva’s lay disciple was Bhujabala-Ganga llermniadi-BArmma-Deva, whose patt i-mahadevi w a s ...........
........... and their sons were Marasiftga,............ Ganga and Bhujabala-Gahga.

In firmness surpassing mount Meru, in profundity the ocean, in bravery ths son of Surendra,
in great gifts the tree o f plenty, in skill Pafichalv, tluis does the earth describe the grbat victor o f war,
Ganga. What he said was the truth, what he did was a sasana, what be smote was stricken as if with
a thunderbolt, what h e ........... was death,— what king in the whole world was like the brave Ganga ?

Ills patta-mahadevi, the daughter of Paddiga-bhupa, was Ganga-mahadevi ; whose eldest son—
Satyavakya Kongunivarmma dhaimma-maharajadhiraia paramesvara, boon lord of Kuvalala-pura,
lord o f Nandagiri, surrounded wuth conquered kings, having the crest of a lusty elephant, a skillful
Virincha, obtaiuer o f a boon from the goddess Padmavati, fragrant with jasmin, Nanniya-Ganga
(a Ganga o f truth), jaijad-uUarahga, an autumn moon to the waterlily the Gaiiga-kula, Devendra to
the chiefs, champion over proud hostile chiefs, champion over the evil, with these and other names
and titles,— Nanniya-Ganga Permniadi-Dova, when in the residence ol Edehalli, ruling the kingdom in
peace and wisdom :—
A dweller at his lotus-feet, was the nal-prabhu of the Ededore Seventy, a bee at the lotus-feet
of Jinendra, Sincla-Gavunda ; whose wife, head of. the Mahesvara-gana, was Naga-Gavundi. When
they were living happily, in Viragrama, (on the date specified), at the time of the sun’s eclipse, washing
See No. 4 above. Tins seems to bemostly arepetition in prose of what has beforebeenstatedin verse.
18 S hitnoga T a lu q .
the feet o f Brahmesvara-Deva, priest o f the god Siddhesvara, they made a grant for the decorations^
distribution of food, temple rep a irs,............. . o f land (specified.)

Date ? 1180 A.D.
(With usual titles), Hoysala-Deva’s greatness was as follows ^Without effort he captured Nila-
giri, Hadiyaghatta, the seven Male, Kanchi, Tuiuva, Rajendrapura, Kolala, and Bayal-nad,— Vishnu*
varddhana-Deva, Moreover he captured Talakadu, Gahgavadi, Nolambavadi, Kohgu, Nahgali, Bana-
vase, Hanungal, Halasige, Ve[nu]grama, Uchchahgi, Ballari, F.odda, and Vallur.— Having taken
all these forts and countries, glorifying by his bravery the goddesses o f Valour, Victory and Fortune,,
having gained fame in this world and happiness in the other world,— the nKaha-roandalesvara Vishnu-
varddhana-Hoysala-Deva ruled the kingdom of the earth.

His son was vira-Narasimha-Deva ; whose eldest son, vira-Ball^a-Deva, when in the residence of
Dorasamudra, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom :—

A dweller at his lotus-feet, the nal-prabhu o f the beautiful Mandali Thousand, head-mer­
chant, worshipper of the feet o f Jinendra,— Hoysala-Goydi-S'etti, was in Ededore, together with his
sons Balla-Gavunda and Boppa-Gavupda, living in happiness, promoting by kindness to others long life,
health and wealth,— one day, hearing the recital o f S'iva-dharmma, (on the date specified), at the time
o f the sun’s eclipse, he made a grant of land (specified) for the decorations and ofl'erings o f the god
Siddhesvara, for the distribution o f food and temple repairs. (Usual final verse).

Dafe ? 1203 A D .

(On the date specified) Boppa-Gauda, Govinda-Gauda and H ad avala ................ made a grant o f
land (specified) for the repairs o f the temple o f Siddhesvara and for distribution o f food.

Date t about 1122 A.D.
Praise o f S'ambhu. Whea the refuge o f all the world, favourite o f earth and fortune, the maha-
rajadhiraja paramesvara parama-bhattdraka, glory o f the Satydsraya-kula, ornament o f theChalukyas,—
Tribhuvaua-Malla-Deva’s victorious kingdom was increasing on all sides, to continue as long as sun,
moon and stars :—

A dweller at his lotus-feet,— Satyavakya Kohgulivarmma (and other titles as in No, 39 above)—
Nanniya-Ganga Permmadi-Deva was in the residence o f Edehalli, ruling the kingdom in peace and
wi^om :—
A dweller at his lotus-feet,................Gafigaya and his eldest son Hadavale Hemmadi-Devarasa
were living in happiness ;— One day, hearing the recital o f S'iva-dharmma, H adavala.. .. made a grant
of land (specified) f o r ................

This lard, Nanniya-Ganga-Deva having given it, receiving......................... by the good work o f
Sihga-Gavuda, secured fame in this world and happiness in the other world,

D ate ? 1 1 7 2 AD.
(T h e first part corresponds with th at o f N o . 4 0 above). W h e n v ira -B a lla la -D e v a was in the resid­
ence o f Dorasamudra, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom :—
S h im oga T aluq. 19
A dweller at his lotus-feet, the naj-prabhu o f the Edadore-Seveuty (? and) Mandali Thousand,
Nema-veggade, with several others (named), while living in happiness, (on the date specified), made
a grant o f land (specified) for the god, washing the feet of Bagavadi Somesvara-pandita, who Wade
over the temple to Nagarasq son of Dasara-Jiya of Golibidu.

And by order o f Goydi-Setti, the goldsmith Chattoja’s younger brother Malloja constructed the
tank to the north of the town and erected the temple. (Usual final verses).

Bate about 1122 A.D.
Corresponds throughout with No. 42 above, except that the grant was made for the god Kawathe-
,§vara, whose temple had been erected in stone.

Bate? 1172 A.D.
The first part cniresponds with that of No- 40 above. The same persons as in No. 43 make a
grant for the god, washing the feet o f Mallikarjuna-guru. (Usual final verses). Grants made by word
o f mouth, with the mind, or with pouring o f water, deliver from Naraka as long as sun and moon

Date 7 U i8 A.D.
(Oil the date specified) Raghava-Timmarsayya made to KallagOndi-Gauda o f Narasipnra a grant
o f a here-mdnya as follows :— Whereas you have constructed the tank o f Dodderi in our Bankiyapura-
lime, and set up images, we confer upon you land (specified), to be enjoyed free o f all imposts by you,
your son and grandson in succession, (Usual final phrases).

Written by Malli-Gonda o f Bilike. [The work done by] the smith . . . . , the carpenter . . . . and
the goldsmith Halage o f .. ur.

Date 7 1088 A.D.
(On the date*specified) all the Brahmans o f Kfitinamaduvu, except Kempidiya, the ? temple priest
o f their village, made to the Bidire Nayaka’s daughter Kachama-NAyakiti a grant of 12 varaha for
her Jiarivdna (or tray, i. e. for her support). (Usual final phrases.)

Date ? about 1200 A,D.

Om. Obeisance to S'iva, Praise o f S'ambhu, Obeisance to the Siddhas and the Guru.

When (with usual titles) vira-Ballala-Deva was in the residence of Dorasamudra, putting down the
evil and upholding the good, in the enjoyment o f peace and wisdom, his kingdom extending on all sides,
to continue as long as sun, moon and stars :—

A dweller at his lotus-feet, Sihga-Nayaka made a grant of land (specified) for the Mulasthana
god o f Makanahalli, washing the feet of Madhava-pandita,
20 Shimoga Taluq.

Date ? 1108 A.D.
Om. Praise of S'ambliu.

When the favourite o f earth and fortune, the maharajadhiraja pararaesvara farama-bhattaraka,
glory o f the Satyasraya-kula, Tribhuvana-Malla-Deva’s victorious kingdom was extending on every side,
to continue as long as sun, moon and stais :—

And Tribhuvana-malla, boon lord o f Kojala-pura, obtaiuer of a boon from the goddess Padmavati,
champion over the evil, Bhujabala-Ganga-Permmadi-Deva was ruling the Gahgavadi Ninety-six Thou­
sand and the Meghutti-Mandali Thousand in peace and wisdom ;

A dweller at his lotus-feet, Keta-Gamunda, son o f Chatti-Gamunda o f Baljigave, (on the date
specified), washing the feet o f Srikantha-paiidita, that heggade Ketanna made a grant of land
(specified) for the offerings and decorations of the god Siddhesvara. (Usual final verse)

54 '
Date 1216 A.D,
Praise of S'ambhu. Invocation of the Boar form o f Hari.

iThere is, everywhere famous, a head-jewel o f kings, the sou o f Vira-Pratapa, and moon to the
womb o f Devi, like Rama among the Ikshvakus and Kamalapati among the Yadus,— celebrated in the
earth by the name of Vira-Balla (his praises). Vira Balla-Raya, seated on the throne in Hosalapuri,
ruled the whole world from Setu to Sumeru, putting to shame by his policy and government Nala,
Nahusha, Nriga and other kings of old.

When the king Ballala was ruling the earth, surrounded with sons, grandrons, feudatories and-
councillors, on a certain occasion he came to the region o f the dsrama o f Durvasa on the bank of the
Tuhgabbadra, and made many gifijs to the Brahmans. And (on the date specified), at the time of the
moon’s eclipse, he made, in the presence of (the god) Bhimesvara on the bank o f the Tonga, a grant
o f the Sogane village in the Ganga-Mandali-nad of the Svarnagrama-sthala o f the Araga-ventha king­
dom, to Brahmans of the Rig, Yajus and Sama Vakhas, giving it another name o f flosalefepura (its
boundaries), with all rights pertaining thereto. This he presented to eleven Brahmans, calling them
separately before him, and appointed land o f the value o f 3 nishJia for the god Vittbalesa, aiid the same
for the god S'ankara. (Here follow names, &o< o f the donees).

(Usual final verses are given with-some variations. A ls o ;— ) Whoso help a Brahman that is in
distress and devoted to me, them will I speedily deliver out of trouble, as a king helps all his subjects
or a father his chidren out o f sorrow, as a powerful man rescues him self or the head elephant
(his fellow)elepbauts. Such a king, seated in a car brilliant as the sun, freed from all
misfortunes of this world, will be in happiness with Indra,

Date 11G7 A.D.
(The greater part is defaced) After praise of the Hoysalas ;— praise of Hemma’ s son Govinda.

The general Kala had two wives, Kamale and Pei’nimale, who was the senior, Kamale had two
sons— Madiga and Balluga. Permmale had two sons— Baiohana and Sihgana. The senior o f these
four was Mada (his praises).
r " facedto bolegible- The copy seems tobe made up partly of
Tliere are many peculiarities in this inscription, probably
lue to its being printeci from a 'manuscript copy in theposs" recoliedicrs of Yifnjanagar grants, andcannot berelied on. ,
,>?sion of the Brahman?, the stoneitself being too much de*
^ liim oga T alu q. 21
The general Hemmadi, ia the name of his mother Kalavve, erected a temple o f Kalesvara ; and
Jiis son Kaleya bad it built of stone, and (on the date specified) made for it a grant of land (specified),
■syashing the feet o f Kalyana-pandita. Malloja, son o f ..........., built the garlha-griho:

Here follows a list of the villages the general’s family had formerly received.

Date 1125 A.D.
Praise of S'ambhu. When the refuge of all the world, favourite o f earth and fortune, the
maharajadhiraja paramesvara parama-bhattaraka, glory of the Satyasraya-kula, ornament of the Cha-
lukyas, Tribhuvana-Malla-Deva’s victorious kingdom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as
sun and moon :— A dweller at his lotus-feet,—

The lofty Nandagiri being their fortress, Kuvalala their city,, the Ninety-six Thousand their
country, the blameless Jiiia their lord. Victory their companion in the battle-field, the Jina mata their
faith,— with ever increasing greatness the kings Dadiga and Madhava ruled over the earth.

The kings o f the celebrated Ganga line having thus ruled the kingdom When, with all titles,
the maha-mandalesvara Tribhuvana-malla Vira-Gatiga-Permmadi-Deva was ruling the kingdom in
peace and wisdom .-—(on the date specified) the general Gangiraayya (with various epithets) having made
an attack upon th e......... o f BelagavarttI, discovered its strength, and many being killed, he perceived
that ho too (would fall), and this Hanumau o f Vira-Gauga, displaying his valour for his master, bring­
ing down the pride o f all the men who attacked him, went to the world o f gods amid thes ap»
plause o f the world. Further praises of the general Ganga.

Date 1115 A^D.

Praise o f the Jina sasana. When the refuge o f all the world, favourite of earth and fortune,
the maharajadhiraja paramesvara parama-bhattaraka, glory of the Satyasraya-kula, ornament of the
Chalukyas, Tribhuvana-Malla-Deva’s victorious kingdom was extending in all sides, to continue as long
as sun, moon and stars :— A dweller at his lotus-feet,'—

The lofty Nandagiri being their fortress, KuvalMa their city, the Ninety-six Thousand their
country, the blameless Jina their lord, victory their cimpanion in the battle-field, the Jina mata their
faith,—^with ever increasing greatness the kings Dadiga and Madhava ruled over the earth.
And the boundaries o f that country were,— on the north, the limit touched Marandale ; east,
Toiida-nad •, on the west, the ocean and the . .. that was Chervole •, south," Kongu. Moreover, having
subdued all the enemies that were within these limits,-the Gangas made firm their dominion over thus
much, the circle of the Gangavadi Ninety -six Thousand.
Here, after this Ganga, were the fearless Harivarmma ; Vishnu-nripa ; the true lance, Tadangala-
Madhava ; after him, Churchchuvayda-Ganga; S'ripurusha ; S'ivamM’a ■, the king who was death to
kings, that Sayigotta ; a flame o f raging fire to hostile kings among the island rulers, Vijayaditya ;
Marasinga who mounted t h e ......... ; Kurula-Rajiga ; the celebrated Manila ; that glorious king’s eldest
sou Satyavakya ; of unshaken bravery, Uarvvada-Ganga ; the only generous and pure one in the world,
Guttiya-Ganga ; rejoicing in the power of his arm, the unequalled brave, the glorious king Eachamalla ;
able to break in two cocoa-nut trees, pull up areca palms, and with his left hand stop a lusty elephant
■so that be could not move, was he an ordinary man, Rakkasa-Ganga ?
22 S h im o g a T a lu q .

Thus^ among the descendants o f the Ganga-vaipsa were Dadiga’ s son Churchchuvayda-Gahga, his-
son Durvvinita, his son S'rivikrama, his son Bhuvikrama, his son S'lnpurusha-maharaja, his son S'iva-
mara-Deva, his son Ereyahga, his son Butuga-VermmMi, his son Maruja-Deva, his younger brother
Guttiya-Ganga, his grandson Marasihga-Deva, his son Kali-Gaiiga-Deva, his son Barmma-Deya..
While thus the descendants o f the Ganga-vamsa continued to rule the kingdom ^—

A dweller in the south country, promoter o f the family o f the chiefs o f the Gauga territoty, lord’
o f tite sri-MuIa-sangha, was the muni named Simhanandi. Of great fortune in the Kondakundanvaya,
which was a brilliant spotless moon in the sky o f the sri-Mdla-saugha, a glory to the Jina-dharmma,^
was the Kranur-gana, a joy to all people. In the line o f that gana, like a jew el in the ocean, a
garland on mount Mem, the tilaJca on the forehead, moonlight to the moon, or a swarm of female
bees to the lotus o f the pond, was born, a purifier o f the Jina-dharmma, Balachandra, His disciple,-
a spotless moon in the sky of the Jiua-dharmma, a lord o f fortune in the realm o f severe penance,
praised by the rulers of the earth, an ocean o f both siddhanta, a moveable holy place, a sun to the
lotus the faces of the blessed ones, was Prabhachandra-siddhanta-munindra, bis fame like the milk
ocean extending to all the points o f the compass. His disciple, o f high qualities, preserver of the Jiiia
faith, first among poets, declaimers, speakers and disputants, a head-jewel o f pandits, Gunanandi-Deva
shone in the world. His colleague, is any one able to tell his praise ? Give up your titles, oh Sda-
khya ; trust not in your power o f speech, crouch down and be quiet, Chharbbaka ; Naiyyayika, raise
not your head, keep low ; lo, here he comes and will simply disgrace you,— Gunachandra-Peva, without
fault, a lion to the elephant opponent speakers. His colleague, how can I find a simile for him ? (not)
the Ganges water, it is covered with scum ; (nor) the celestial elephant-, its temples are soiled with ra t;
S'ambhu, his throat is marked with poison ; the moon, it is covered with spots ;— so pure was the
fame o f Maghanandi-yamina and his life of penance.

The disciple of that emperor o f virtuous life and king o f muni-rajas,— filled with the pure exalted
wisdom of the ocean of siddhanta revealing the forms o f good and evil as proclaimed from tiie lotus-
mouth o f the holy Arhat-paramesvara parama-bhattaraka, who is entitled to the five great drums, and
distinguished by the (five) maha lidlyana,^ the eight great ^yrdtihdryya^ and the thirty-four atisaya^—^
celebrated in all the world, o f a mind disciplined in quietness, patience, self-control and restraint, a
jewelled ornament on the breasts o f the goddess o f Speech, was Prabhachandra-siddhanta-deva. To
describe whom his great fame spreading like the waves o f the celestial Ganges to all the points of
the compass, his grand form like that o f a tree sprung from the soil o f h's splendid life, the mango
sprout in the Jcalasa the firm high breast o f the Speech goddess, a moon to the milk ocean of siddhanta,
was Prabhachandra-Beva. In the form of a new gamdjiara, a bee at the lotus-feet of the being
worshipped by the people o f the three worlds, perfect in wisdom and the iraividya,^ a great poet in both
(languages),® was the wise Prabhachandra.

Tliis is mostly a repetition in prose of \vha( goes Iteforo in subliikshitS, iiabho-gHti, aprani*vadhatvaj bhuktya-bhavatva,
Terse. upasarg^bhSvatS, cbaturmukhata, sarvavidyeshatvaj achclihl-
The paurha-nialtd-Jxahjdna are garhliavatarana, juumS- yatva, aimksliaspandatvn, samat'’a-kes'anakliatva ; (derSpa-
Wiishekia, x>arimsl!LkraTnanaj kevala-juana, and moksha. nitStis'aya)—sarv drdha •Magadhi-bliashS, sarva^jana-maitri,
sarvarttu-phaladi, Sdars'a-tala-saona-bhumib, surabhi-gandbft*
The afhfii-mahu-prdtihdnjtja are:—as'oka-vfiksha, pushpa-
nibib, sarva-jaii^uaiida, Vayu-kumaro, pus'amita'dhulyadi,
vri?(iti, Jivya-iiUvaui, chamaw, siiphtsana, hhamanilak, dun-
m^hakura^ra-krita-gsLiidbodaka, p4da-iiyasa-#apta-purah
dubhi, and atapatra-traj a. pri.sbta phalabli5ra*namM-s'alySdi, iiirmalakasatva, nirmala-r
The fJiaius-tri7n$*fid“ati3'rnja ai*e:—(suhajatis'aya)—iiitya- dis'as'va, pnrdbh^gjx^dbarmmaebakra, aabta-mangala.
nisTaJatva, ninnalatvaj kshira-gaura-rudhiratva, sama-cliutu- 5
The t r a i v i d i j a are:—sTibd%ama, yuktylgama and param4-^
nisra*sttrpstliana, vajra-vrishahha-aarS-cVia-saijihnnaTia, suru- gnma.
yiutva. gura>thitva, sulakshanatra, aprjimita»viryyatva, priya* ® 1 .
? Sanskrit and Prakrit,
Infa-vaJitva ; (ghatikshayaj^tis'aya)—gavy6ti-s'ata*chatushtaya*
Slum oga T aluq. 23
His colleague, a moon o f pure fame, free from pride, an ocean of the. jewels o f unequalled good
qualities, a sun to the lotus garden the Kranur-gaija, thus is hc described in the world,— Ananta-
viryya-siddhanti. His colleague, guarded in thought, word and deed, disciplined by the careful prac­
tice o f the five samiti,^ was the treasury of penance, Munichnndra-brati, lord o f the whole siMhdnta.
The lay-disciple o f the so celebrated Prabhachandra-siddh&nta-deva was Bhujabala-Ganga Perm-
madi-Barmma-Deva. Overthrowing powerful enemies and defeating them in great battles, did he
stop ?— quickly attacking them, he captured the enemies' city, their fort and their territory, so that
the earth praised Barmma-Deva as having extended his dominion by the power of his arm,— what a
form o f bravery was Permmadi- To the proud who fell Upon him, to kings who sought refuge with
him, to men who came begging, he was (respectively) a mountain of the gods, a cage o f adamant, and
a tree o f plenty,— Barmma-Deva, a god to the brave.

T o describe this Barmma-Deva’s patta-mahMevi;— a female- bee at the lotus-feet of Jinendra,

her beautiful form adorned with good qualities, like a W alsi among women, was Ganga-raahadevi.
T o this great consort were born the sons— Marasinga, Satya-Ganga, Kali-Rakkasa-Ganga, and
In firmness not mount Meru, in depth not the ocean, in bravery not the son of Surendra, in great
generosity not the tree o f plenty, in skill not the conqueror o f P&Schala,— but the most distinguished,
says the world, is the great victor in war, Ganga. I f he speaks, (it is) truth ; if he does, a sasana; if
he gives, Rama’s arrow ; if he takes in exchange, fixed with glue; if he stops, death ; if he walks,
bestowing benefits, (that is) the road ; good qualities, his body— who among the kings in the earth
follows a policy IHce yours, king Kall-Ganga ?

His younger brother, a bee at the lotus-feet o f Pai’sva-Jinendra enthroned, an ornament of the
Gahga-kula, having punished his enemies, of a form like Bhavaja (the god of love), of a fame established
at the points of the compass,— who in all the earth is equal to you, king Bhujabala-Ganga, the only
terror to the chiefs ? His patta-mahadevi, whose younger brother w a s ............... , obtained the crown
o f her crowned lord and o f G angavadi.................................

The eldest-son o f Ganga-mahadevi and Bhujabala-Ganga-D§va (with praises) was Nanniya-Ganga,

(whose ? younger brother was) Satya-Ganga.

When Satyavakya Kongunivarmma dharmma-maharajadhiraja paramesvara, boon lord o f Kuva-

lala-pura, lord o f Nandagiri, having the crest o f a lusty elephant, (with other titles as in No. 39
above), Nanniya-Ganga was in the residence o f . . .. ; ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom :—

The governor o f Kalamburu-nagara, Barmmi-Setti, erected a Jina temple (its praises). (Praises
o f his younger brother and his wife, very much defaced).
To provide for the ceremonies o f the hasadi he had erected, and for gifts of food to the rishis,
(on the date specified), Nanniya-Ganga-Permmadi-Deva gave, and Barmmi-Setti received and madfr
over, washing the feet o f S ’ubhakirtti-Deva-bhattaraka o f the Meshapashana-gachcha, free of all
imposjts, the land (specified). Usual final verses.

6 1 -6 2
, Date 1287 A D.

When (with usual titles) Somelvara-Devarasa’s son Narasihga-Devarasa was in the residence o f
Dorasamudra, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom; — ahd the great minister, a second Ravuta-raya>

The •paiichnsamifi are:—iryyS, hhSshS, eshanS, SdSiia-nikshepanS, alSkita.pSna-bliSjana.-

2i Sliimoga Talliq,

.............................Janneya- (or Madugeya*)Daiinayaka was is the residence o f Kudale, ruling in peace

and wisdom :—
(On the date specified) Bommarasa of Hosagunda,— when Kudali was entered, the cows captured,
and Bennavali-Janne-gum’s village ruined,—-stopped the riot, fought and slew and went to svarga.
And that Bomaie-Nayka’s wife, . . . . bave-Naykitti, gave arm and hand* and went to sargga. But
her son Pilleya-Nayaka, performing the further ceremon'es, set up this Uragdl in the presence of
the god Honnesvara, and made a grant o f land (specified) for the offerings to that god Honnesvara and
for carrying On the worship o f the hiragcd, washing the feet of Janneya-guru. That Janneya-guru and
his successors will carry on the worship of that Uragal vie most firmly believe.

Date 71U2 A.D.
Hay it prevail, the honourable supreme profound sydd-vdda, a fruit-bearing token, the doctrine o f
the lord o f the three worlds, the Jina doctrine.

Be it well When the refuge of all the world, favourite of earth and fortune, the maharajadhiraja
paramesvara parama-bhattaraka, glory of the Satyasraya-kula, ornament o f the Chalukyas, Tribhu-
vana-Malla-Deva’s victorious kingdom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun, moon
and stars;—
“ What, has that Vikramahka fastened a fetter on me ? Oh, oh, corning like Kina^ana (Yama) with
anger, will such a warrior refrain from taking off my head ? W hat shall I do ? ” — thus saying, and
through terror seeing this in his dream, he wakes up in agitation, saying “ This is truly astonishing,”
and looks about in great bewilderment here and there for his head 1^

A dweller at his lotus-feet, was Ereyahga-Hoysala’s son-in-law Hemmadi-arasa, the greatness of

whose fame was as follows;— Through him have I seen the limit o f the seven seas, the peaks of the
seven mountain chains, the groups of elephants at the points o f the compass, thus does the Lakshmi
o f fame rejoice; the breadth of his intelligence, his ability, his progress, his enjoyment, his greatness,
were considered ? extraordinary— Hermma-Mandhata-bhupa.

Be it well.— Praise of the line o f Hoysala kings. In it (omitting laudations) wms Vinayaditya,
whose wife was-Xelayabarasi. Their son was Ereyahga, who was a powerful right hand to the Cha*
lukya king. Trampling down the Majava army, h e'did not spare Dhare, but burnt and scattered i t ;
Chola he dragged out, and completely plundered his capital, this powerful one ; Kalinga he broke and
ruined so that the rulers on all sides heard of the'might o f his arms,— thus did he gain renown, the

king Ereyanga. His wife w'as Echala-Devi, and they had three sons,— Ballala, Vishnu and Udaya-
ditya. The middle one became the chief. Koyalur, celebrated in the world, so also Talavana-pura
and Rayarayapura were consumed in the flames o f his glory. His wife was Lakshma-Devi, and their
son was Narasimha.
The king Hemma made a Jina temple o f the Kranur-gana of the Meshapashana-gachchha and

Be it well. When (with usual titles) the pratapa Hoysala Narasimha-Deva, putting down the
evil and upholding the good throughout all the world, was ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom
in the residence o f Dorasamudra:—
His minister (with praises) was Tippana-bhupati, whose younger brother was Naga-chamupati,
whose wife was Ghamala-Devi, and she made a grant o f ................

Tiidt 15, became sati^ by burning to death Avith her This extraordinary verse is quite isolated from the eoiitex<>
busband’ n body. and contains no exjilauatiou of what it refers to, except that
Vikramahka, that is Triblmvana-JIalla, inspired great terror*
Shim oga T aluq. 2S

The descent o f the Ikshvaku-vamsa was as follow s: (The suct;eoding portion corresponds with
the following passages in inscriptions above)— No. 4, from “ From the time of Vrishabha-Tirtha,” to
“ the circle of the Gahgavadi Ninety-six Thousand ; ” and from “ He, hearing the expression Satajivi,"
to “ as on a rock of moant Meru. ” No. 57, from “ After . . . . Ganga ” to “ Rakkasa-Gahga. ” No. 4,
from “ In his own person to “ Raja-Vidyadhara.” No. 57, from “ Thus among the descendants ” to
“ Anantavirya-siddhanti.” A wild fire in consuming the forest disputant speakers, Hara’s frontal eye
to Kama such speakers, the king of beasts in splitting the temples of the lusty elephants such speakers,
may he prevail,— the wise S'rutakirtti. His colleague, defeating poets, declaimers, speakers, disputants
and all such, Kanakanandi, rejoicing iu the iraividya, was truly described in the courts o f kings as
Tribhuvana-malla Vadiraja. His colleague, guarded in thought, word and deed, disciplined by the
careful practice of the five samiti} was the treasury of penance, Munichandra-brati, lord o f the whole
siddhitnia. His disciple,— why praise him at length ?— saying “ Riches I have, what shall 1 do with
them ? ” he became a wishing-stone this munipati, . . . . . . . . in Kuruli, a union o f virtue and praise.
^Yho was greatly devoted to penance ? if we enquire,— thinking o f the feet o f Kanakachandra-
munindra removed all the sins of the blessed people (the Jains); in this there is no mistake, it is
true,....................and constant. His colleague,— o f the pure life of a muni, protector of the Jaina
gasana, patient, praised in the world as having destroyed all passion and enmity, intimate with all
good qualities, was [Majdhavachandra-Deva, emperor of good living. His colleague,— a moon to the
ocean the sastras, ever a destroyer o f the pride of titled disputants, thus did he shine in the world,
traividya-Balachandra-munindra. His colleague,—those who disregarding dharmma, give not where it
is right, and shelter themselves between round thighs and full breasts, being yogis only in their dark
cloths, can such compare with the lover of gifts, Madhavachandra-Deva ? .. .. Satya-Ganga having made
a grant to him in Kurnli, by the distribution of food and money so that no one complained that he
was not fully satisfied, Balachandra-bratipati was honoured by all the world aS jt, what a marvel was
^his.................... His colleague,— even now famous in the Kopaua-tirtha, which is distinguished among
the millions of Jaina sacred places, was Yaddacharyya-bratipati, more honoured than even Nemi-D^va. ■
All the world, moveable and immoveable, was purified when Nenii-Deva was born, the jtya of all whose
feet were most honoured. His colleague,— with great eagerness satisfying the wants of the poor, his
dependents, his family and the four castes, a wishing-stone to the learned, MMhavachandra received
the praise and applause o f the whole world. His colleague,— ^by self-constraint at the direction o f his
guru having gained greatness in all the six harnmas, a mill in grinding the grain his enemies, he put
to flight the sdMnis, (Idkinis,........... , Mari and other devils, so that all the world was witness, and
even Devendra.

The lay-disciple o f Prabh&chandra-siddhanta-deva, thus celebrated, was Bhujabala-Ganga Herm-t

madi-Barmma-Beva. Overthrowing powerful enemies and defeating them in great batths, did he
stop ? — quickly attacking them, he captured the enemies’ city, their fort and their territory, so that the
earth praised Barrama-Deva as having extended his dominion by the power o f his arm— what a form o f
bravery was Hermmadi.

To describe his patta maMdSvi:— a female bee at the lotus-feet of Jinendra, her beautiful form
adorned with good qualities, like a JcalaSa among women, was Ganga-mahad§vi. To this great con­
sort were born the sons— Marasihga, Satya-Ganga, Kali-Rakkasa-Ganga and Bhujabala-Ganga.

A bee at the lotus-'’eet o f Parsva-Jinendra enthroned, an ornament o f the Ganga-kula, having

punished his enemies, of a form like Bhavaja (the god o f love), of a fame established at the points of
the compass,— who in all the earth is equal to you, Bhnjabala-Gaflga, the only terror to the chiefs?
T —— ^ ^ - ■
See note niiclor ]S’o. 57 above.
26 S h im o g a Taluq.
ilis patta-mahadevi,............... assuming the crown for her king and for Gangavacli, can others be
compared with Gauga’ s pa^ta-mahMevi. Who can sufScieot’y praise Gahga ? (Praise of Chandala-Devi).

To Bhujahala-Ganga-Deva and to Ganga-mahadevi was born Satya-Ganga, to describe whose

greatness;— (his praise). His queen was Kafichala-Devi. (Praise o f their son, Gahga-kuniara).

When the maha-ma^dajesvara Ereyahga'Hoysana-Deva’s son-in-law, surrounded with champions,

impaler of liars, his father-in-law’ s lusty elephant, Hermmadi-DSva, wms in the residence of Haiige,
ruling tho Kdedore-[Mandali] Thousand in peace :— having made a chaityalaya in Kuutalapura, to
provide for the worship, for food to the four castes arid four sects, for repairs o f the temple, and for
making this the chief station for all, assembling the chiefs and fanners o f Yedadore-Maiidali-nad and
charging them to protect the work of merit, in the S'aka year 089, the year Plavariga, &c., washing
the feet o f their (? family) guru Prabhachaudra-siddhanta-deva, he made a grant of the village with all
rights pertaining, free of all imposts.

Moreover, when that omniscient king, Satya-Gariga-Deva, was in the residence of Edehalli, ruling
the kingdom in peace,— he mttde the Gahga-Jinalaya in the Kuruli-tirttha, and in the S'aka year
1054,' the year Nandana, at the time o f the moon’s eclipse, washing the feet of his (r own) guru
Madhavachandra-Deva, made a grant o f ................

Aud iu the presence o f the maha-mandalesvara Gauga-Hermmadi-Deva, the sarvvadhikari,

Heggade o f Bagi, Lokkimayya’s son Heggade-Chandimayya sold his gm4Hce land in Kuruli to Kaliyara-
Malli-Setti, who, in the presence of the king, made a grant of it to Balachandra-Deva. And Siriyama,
Setti and his sons made a grant o f their gau^ike land in Hallavur, [? in the presence of] Nanniyarasa-
Deva, to Balachandra-Deva. (Here follow boundaries and final verses).

Date ? 1204: A.D.
(On the date specified) when vira-Ballala-Deva was iu the residence o f Dorasamudra, ruling the
kingdom in peace :— in the presence o f the great minister Hiriya-Hedeya-Asavara-Marayya, all the
chiefs and farmers (many n a m e d )............... for Nemichandra-bhattaraka-deva, the excellent acharyya
in Kuntalapura;— savanta-Marayya making inquiry, defaced by force the stone sasana which had been
w ritten....................and the naj-prabhus, with the oflBcer savanta-Marayya, washing the feet o f Nemi-
chandra-bhattaraka-deva, wrote and gave a stone siisana .........................

Date a 1227 A.D.
(On the date specified), the treasury of modesty, Balachandra, expired in the tomb and gained
svarga. (His praises).

To daily discipline both mind aud body, Nemi-Deva is the only one able.

Date 1313 A D .

When the pratapa-chakravartti Hoyisana vira-Balla}a-Devarasa was ruling a peaceful king­

dom :— after the Turaka war, on the occasion o f his son vira-Ballala-Raya from p ijji entering the city,
(on the date specified, 6th May 1313) he released the taxes old and new, and those for destruction
and injustice, in Chikta-Kudali and Hauasavadi belonging to the god Ramanatha o f KudalL
(Usual final verses).

'These fisures should be 1034, as the S'aka year 1034=VirSdhikrit: Nandana = 1034.
S him oga T ahiq. 27

Bale 1320 A.D.
Praise 01 S'ambha. (On tho date specified),— (with various titles, among which are) a feyer
through fright to Choja, MaJaVa, Gaula, and Gurjjara •, a Vishnavarddhana, sun o f the south, emperor
- of the south,— vira-Balla}a-Devarasa, and (with various epithets) the einhracer o f the whole kingdom,
the minister Bembeya-Da'npayaka............... having shown favour to Madhava, he thought to make a
grant for the god Rama of Kudali. And that Madhava, the s o n o f . . va-Raya, (with various epithets),
being in receipt of ? six taxes from the Gangana-nad and the neighbouring distriots— with the 60 Tiomu
which he obtained from the road to the town o f KMuli, gaining the possession of land valued at 60
'hoana, that Madanna, with the sixty farmers, the himdred and twenty temple priests, and others,
presented it ‘or the decorations of that god RAma. Of old taxes or new taxes there is not one.' For
the perpetual lamp one min of oil frhm the mill will be granted. (Usual imprecations)
Written by the lord o f poets (kavUvara) Bramma-Deva.

Date i m A .R
Praise of S'ambhu ; and o f Viththaia-mantri.

(Ou tlie date specified), at the time when the maliarajadhiraja raja-pararaMvara vira-pratapa
Harlha'-a-maharaya’s perfect reflection, Deva-Raya-maharaya, was in Vijayanagara, in the presence o f
the god Virupaksha, maintaining the observances o f the various castes, and ruling the kingdom in
•peace and wisdom to Venkap^a-bhatta (praised at length, hut much defaced) wgs given a stone
liasana as follows:—

By order of Deva-Raya-maharaya, at the time when Viththanna-Odeyar was ruling the Araga
kingdom,— to Venkanna-upadhya, reciter of the purana before the god Ramatoatha o f Kfidali, which
is the soutliern Varanasi and great Prayaga at the junction of the Tmiga and Bhadra,— was given
the 15 gadyana payable to the palace from the village o f Hanasavadi, assigned for the offerings of that

god Ramanatha, situated in the Kudali-nad of the Araga kingdom, together with the right of residence-
there, free of all taxes. (The grant is repeated with variations,) (Usual final verses).

Written by Vithanna,
Bate 1431 A,I).
Obeisance to Ganadhipati. Praise of S'ambhu.

(On the date specified), at the time when the maharajadhiraja raja-parame^vara vira-pratapa
Yijaya-Raya’s son, Pratapa-Deva-Raya-maharaya, seated on the throne in Vijayanagara, in the presence
of the god Virupakslia, maintaining the observances o f the various castes, was protecting the’ kingdom
in peace and wisdom, and bearing the burden o f the empire ;— having made the tuld-pumsha and
other great gifts,—

By order o f Pratapa-Deva-maharAya, the great minister of his house,— Formerly, under Bukka-
Raja, (omitting laudations) was the great minister Baichapa-dandanayaka; whose son was Maiigappa-
dandadhipa ; his son, famous as the king o f Mahishmati, was Baichapa-dandatiayaka; whose son was
Rayaniia-Raja.—at the time when that Rayanna-Oijeyar was righteously governing, in the
Araga kingdom, the Hanagavadiya-Bhagada-nad of Anaveri-nad, and the Holeya-Honnur-nacl,— all
the farmers and subjects o f those two nads, agreeing among themselves, gave to that Raya'nna-
Odeyar a Sasana of a gift o f land as follows :—
28 S b im oga T aluq.
(Oil the date specified), for the chliatra and other works o f merit which Eayanna-Odeyar estab­
lished, for the love of .. . .. Mahesvara and Lakshmi-Narayana, in the presence of all the gods of
Kudali, which is the southern Varanasi, the great Prayaga and the original llarihara at the junc­
tion of the Tanga and Bhadra, we have given that Daimayakapura, free of all taxes. The 155 homu
which according to the order of the former valers (hiriya-imneyavaru) was fixed as the revenue of
that village of Dannayakapura, together with the 35 homu which the Nayakavadis formerly received
from the produce, as well as all the gardens, store houses, paddy fields, dry 'fields, etas (or ydtas),
embankments, channels, irrigated land, forest land, areca trees, cocoanut trees, jack, mango, hog
plum, tamarind, plantain, brinjal and other trees, whatever there may be ; with the petty cultivation,
greens, straw and sticks, and other produce ; with also the remissions of the former rulers, (such fis)
forced labour for wood for camps, forced sales or purchases ; also the nad dues, (such as) taxes on
artisans, village gadydna, the five kinds o f workmen, tax on oil-mills, tax on Vtortoises, stamp on
looms, inward and outward transit duties, taxes on marriages and all others, whatsoever they may
b e ; together with customs dues, food for watchmen, loading of sweepings, Gaudu’s c l a i m a l l
these, within the four boundaries of that Dannayakapura, have we given. (Here follow the boundaries).
And this Dannayakapura we have formed into a srotriya and dividing it into 20 shares, have g'veii
it to the Brahmans of Kfidali ; and have further given them 8 honnii for the purpose o f constructing
a tank and planting gardens. And the income from that Dannayakapura being insufficient, for the
rest we have given 7 varaha from the customs-dues of Beluguli, belonging to the god Narasimha.
Chandi-Dikshita of Kudali and four others (named) the 20 Brahman shareholders of Dannayaka­
pura will receive the -13 honuu, and the 7 from Beluguji, both together 50 honnu, and daily feeding
14 Brahmans at the god’s chhatra, will carry on from life to life the works of merit without fail.
I'ayanna-Odeyar’s approval:— sri-Triyambaka.

Date 1292 A.D.
Praise of S'ambhu. (On the date specified), in the reign o f the praudha-pratapa-chakravartti,,
IloYsann vira-Narasinga-Devarasa a grant for the ofi'erings of the god Raraanatha.

Date i 1296 A,D.
Ill the ivigii o f ............. (nn the date specified), ............... N ayaka,............ of Someya-Nayaka,
the guard of the house o f .......... dannajmka, senior minister of vira-Narasinga-Deva’s house, when
having gone to see some Bengal gram sown, was returning, . . . . attacking him in the hill, he fought,
slew him and fell. On which bis elder brother Hari-Deva set up this Mragal for him.

Praise of S'ambhu. (On the date specified), in the kingdom of the pratapa-chakravartti, Hoysaiia
vira-Narasiniha-Devarasa ;•—by order of the maha-maudalesvara (with numerous titles).. .. Devarasa,
the great minister Madaneya-dannajmka’s son, Ciiiklm-Madaneya-dannayaka, and Madaneya-dannaya-
ka’s SOD, Aiinaya-Nayka,— the sarvvadiiikari Narana-Deva of the customs and others (named) the
chief votaries, made, for a perpetual lamp for the god Narasimha of Kudali, the southern Varanasi
at the juiu ticn of the Tuiiga iiml Bhadra, a grant from the ? petty tolls of Sugur in the Gaiiga-
Mandili kingdom. And Chikka-Madaneya-dannayaka granted, for the offerings, the inward and out­
ward transit dues of Belagnli in Magatafiga-uad.
S h im o g a T alu q. 29
Date ? 1154 A-D.
(UougTi Ndgari characters,)

Praise of S'ainbhu. la v o ca tim o f the Boar form o f Vishnu, Oh supreme guru, enriched by
v ictory ,...........without a second,— the guru sandals do I reverence. 5ri-Gajapati.l

May there b e ........... The Sasana of Iri-S'ankara.

Auspicious and well known in the world is the S’ringeri throne ; where is the auspicious chief
Sarasvati guru, bora as a part (or emanation) o f S'ankara. Having established a great ruler in
Viiyanagara, prosperous is Vidyarapya-muoi^vara. May Gangadhara protect you.
O f the earth fifty crore yojanas in extent— the guru— there are twice seven worlds— by the
people— eighteen thousand riskis, beginning with S’aunaka— S'ankara— prosperous with wide-spread
fame— ^Rudrasakti— who, himself Sarvesvara, is resplendent— S'ankara be to thee for victory— thus is
it said in the first part o f the S'anlcara-vijaya.'^

^Be it well. Entitled to the five great drums ; his life (or soul), of earth water fire air and
others the twenty five elements ; abode o f the sole Parabrahpaa and the Ohkara ; skilled [? in travels]
over the Meru, Himachala, Malaya, - . ,Mahendra, Kanya, Trikuta, Viiidhya, Sahya, . . . . Varaha,
Bhadra, Brahma, Nila, Varuna, Kanya, S'ringa, Agastya and other mountains, in the midst of the four
oceans surrounding Jambu-dvipa, created by the other Brahma ; acquainted with the languages o f the

Andhra, Dravida, Haiva, Tulu, Malaya, Kalara, Kalamula, Traigartta, Kuru, Gandhara,...........
Karpata, Vihvaya, Matra, L a ^ , Pandya, Pujaka, . . Kuru, Turushka, Simhaja, Gauda, Kera]a,.i
K onkana,............ Anga, Karata, OJhra, Para, Sindhu and other thousand countries ; accomplished
in receiving the respect of kings ; .......... .. .. acharya of Bharatindra-gurn’s sthdna ; praised by the
groups o f munis as continuer o f the temple rites of Vasishtha, Visvamitra, Kasyapa, Atri, Devala,
Narada and other ancient risliis ; well acquainted with the 32 great religious asanas ; acquainted
with the strength and power of the svadhishthdm and other thousand bodily marks ; perfect in gaya-
yoga, mahd-yoga and brahma-yoga descended from ancient times ; knowing the proper form o f the
groups o f s’aktis o f gods and demons, hri, §n, the mothers, place, condition, and gifts ; knowing
the prohibitions of the nigama and dgama ; having heard and gone to the end o f vedanta, astrology,
logic, arithmetic, music, prosody, lexicography, poetry, drama, rhetoric, orthography, the preservation o f
bodily health, the protection o f religion, palmistry, omens, ? shadows, dancing, singing, indications o f
the soil, examination o f gems, painting, and all acknowledged sciences ; master of entering another’s
body, of influencing and drawing others to himself, and the 84 branches o f learning;— .sri-Vijaya-
fiankara-Bharati-guru, bhattacharya, Visvarupacharya, acharya reverenced by Vaishnavas ; victorious
over the Ramanuja doctrine, over Bhagavad-aradhya, Nilakanth-aradhya, Vajranakharadev-aradhya,
. . . . Samant-aradhya, accepted by those of other faiths, over Mandanamiira, guru of Sai’asvati the
partner of Brahma, resident o f Kasi, and over the arguments of Sarasvati, proficient in all knowledge ;—
S'anhara-Bhdrafindm, wandering at will by his own authority ; refuting with their doubts the opinions
of opponent speakers ; worshipper at the Rudralaya and other 68 S'iva-ksh^tras, 68 Vishnu-kshe-
tras, 56 S'aktis, 21 Ganapati-sthanas, 12 Adityas, 64 chief Yogini-sthalas, 32 Bhairavas, o f the
feet o f ^kamSa-Rudra, K6ti-Rame§a, LakshmaneSa, Rudrapada, Vishnupada, Harihara, Hiranya-
garbha, and the goddess o f Learning ; acquainted with the original pure and the mixed S'aivachara j
promoter o f the religion o f vibhuti (ashes) and rudrdhsha (rosary) ; devoted to the Rudra practices ;

This m»y perhaps be meant for a signature. copies of the S'ankara-vijaga available to us.
4hese seem to he quotations, only a word or two being given It is very difficult to mate any connected sense o r
from each, to be 611ed up. They have mot been found in the translation out of this inscription.
so S h im o g a T aluq.
having the symbols of the red ochre cloth, the rod and the gourd dish ; reverenced by the resident
acharyas o f the S'li-sthana and of a thousand m athas; his sandals worshipped in all countries;
able in protecting Yadava Sringavarya, who begged for food and w a te r; supporter of Kadamba-Raya;
........... ofD eva -R a ja:—

With the twofold witness o f the world-protector Hari, united with the Varaha(or Boar), and the

ndga seal,— Araga 1, Chandraguptarati l,-^—(these) Purandara-Raya descendant of the Kadamba-vamsa,

united to (i. e. ? made over to) the sandals worshipped by kings (i. e. to the guru), as suitable for his
own enjoyment, (on the date specified). (Here follow details o f a number o f other grants, of land
and dues).I

(The grant is repeated). At the feet o f (with a further tong list o f titles) VidyMankara-Bharati
and his guru successors,— Purandara-Raya,- ornament o f the Efidamba-kula o f the Soma (or Lunar)
r a c e , ....................

Usual final verses and certain benedictions.

(Bound the margin). The grant (specified) formerly made by ? Aditya^-Sindhu, has been confirmed
by the hand of Harihara, Fame and wealth be to him.
(? Signature) Sii-guru-Vidyalankara-Sarasvati.


Date ? 1235 A.D.

(Rough NAgart charaettrS.)
Seal,— (obverse) a Boar : (reverse) Sri-VidySiankara.

Srim Uim sauh do I first remember. Harihara and Varaha are witness.
Tripurasundari, mistress o f the S'richakra, and Bharati do I reverence. Here follow quotations
(as in No 79 above, only tw o or three words o f each being given) said to be from the S'aivdgama^
DSvi-rahasya of the S'anJeara-vijaya, and the nigama.
Be it well. To (with numerous epithets, among which are) chief o f the disciples in succession o f
. . . . -bbattaraka, Gauda, Govinda, and S'ankara ; worshipper o f the feet o f Sarasvati established by
Mandanamisra, resident o f Ka^i ; — the guru Vijayaiankara-Bharati, o f the S'rividyaradhaka-sam-
pradaya, S'rividyS,radhaka o f whom at the time when the golden rain descended the Yadava-Narayana
Bhujabala-chakravarti was the great friend ;— was given, in the middle o f the Sahyadri countiy,
situated to the south o f the great Himavad mountains,— when the mahara [ja ] pratafpa] Kadamba-
Raya was in the Araga-kampana, protecting Samantadurga and Banavase in peace® ; in the twentieth
Manmatha (year) of the S'Ali era,4 &c.— the S'ringapuri and other great agraharas, described (as
specified) in the S'anhara-vijaya.
S'ringapura, Vidyaranyapura and Padmanarfiyapapura,— each containing 360 shares for Brah­
mans (with various praises) o f the Xaiyapa, Gautama, Bharadvaja, Vasistha, KauSika, ViSvamitra,
Kaundinya, Jamadagni, Jabali, Atri and others 112 gotras,— were given with pouring of water to

Then follows a further grant of a great number o f villages (named) forming an estate yielding
12000 nishha. Then follows a list o f the insignia and symbols belonging to the guru VidySsankara-

In one place occurs the phrase PuraiiiarCt^hAryA^ahAma : equally difficult to make any connected sense or translatiois
whether the last word is meant for Furandara’ s wife’s name from.
it is impossible to make out. Such seems to he the meaning.
This inscription is a similar one to No. 70 above, and W date is given in a Very peculiar manner.
S h im oga T alu q. 31

Bharati-svami, and a list o f countries from south to north of Jambu-dvipa, in which, as stated in the
S'mTeara-vijnya, between Setu and Hiraa the S'ankararya-guru is worshipped by 2032 great Brah­
Sarasratl-Bharatindra travelled to the holy bathing places, hermitages, forests, mountain chains,
and oceans, all over the world. Usual final verses.
(? Signed) 6ii-Kadamba S'ri.
Vale 1668 A.D.
Praise o f S'ambhu. (On the date specified), to (with usual ascetic titles) Narasimha-Bharati-

svami, consecrated by the lotus hands of Vidyaranya-Bharati-svami of the sampraddya of Ammaji-

sv a m io fth e Kudali-matha—was given, by (with usual Keladi titles) Somasekbara-Nayak, son o f
S'ivappa-Nayak, grandson of Sidapa-Nayak, great-grandson o f S'ankanna-Nayak, bom in the line of
Kejadi-Sadasiva-Raya-Nayak,— a grant as follows :—
Whereas formerly Hiri-Venkatapa-Nayak granted to. Ammaji-svami for the Kfidali-matha the
Kerehalji and Gavatflr villages,— ^and these having afterwards become ruined, were in the year Plavanga,
& c, rebuilt and again granted (with details as specified);— Now you having established in our name the
agrahara o f Somasekharapura, and presented a list o f the Brahmans belonging to it (here follows the
list), we make over land o f the value o f 260 viU’aha 1 hapa for the agrahara, the temple, the dJiarma-
satra o f the Kuda|i-matba and the Eaii-dharma, with all rights pertaining (as usual). Usual final
(Signed) siUSadMiva,
Date IQ83 A,D.
May it be fortunate. Praise o f S'ambbu.

(On the date specified), we (with usual ascetic titles) S'ankara-Bharati-svami, consecrated by the
lotus hands o f Narasimha-Bharati-Svami, o f the sampraddya o f Ammaji-svami o f S'ringeri,— make a
grant as follows, to provide for the services (specified) o f the god Chandramaulisvara, set up in the
stone temple which Sabugisa-Krishnapa has erected in Tfidavi, within the estate of our matha :—
. A
Whereas formerly in Kanasinakate, belonging to Anaveri in the Honnfir-Sime, which was an endowment
o f our matha, certain land yi-'lding altogether 22 varaha (as specified) was granted ;— ^the remainder
o f the land we now grant in the month Ashadiha, &c, at the time of the sun’ s eclipse, with all rights
pertaining thereto (as usual) Usual final verses.
(Signed, in Nagari)~5ri-Vidya§ankara.

Date 1587 A D.
Obeisance to VenkatSsa. I take retuge at that pair o f objects^ to be worshipped by the gods, by
the merit of whose touch the stone became the gem a woman. I take refuge v/ith that Vishvaksena,
whose retinae, the Elephant-faced (Gauesa) and a hundred more, remove the impediments o f wor­
shippers. May the r'gbt tusk of the Boar, the sportive form o f Hari, protect you ; uplifted on which
the Earth rested as a canopy, with Hemiidri as its pinnacle. May that bright one be for fortune,
the disperser of darkness, who though an elephant {gaya) was not-elephant (Agajd) bom, the delight
o f the five-faced (S'iva).

Rama’ s fs«t, the contaet’ of which released Gautama’s wife Ahaly*, as foretold, from the curse which had doomed her t#
hecemo a stone.
32 Shimoga Taluq.
Victorious is the luminary (Chaodra, the Moon), which sprang from the milk ocean,— the left eye
o f Hari, the support of the chahoras, and nourisher o f the gods. His grandson was Budha’s son Puru-
ra v a ; whose (son) was Ayu ; his son Nahusha ; from whom was born Yayati ;from him Puru. In his
race was brru the king Bharata ; in his line S'antanu ; fourth from him was Yijaya ; from whom was
born Abhimanyu ; from him Parikshit. Nanda was the eighth from him ; ninth from which king was
the king Cha'ikka ; seventh from whom, glorious as S'ripati. was Narendra with the fore-name RAja ;
from him king Bijjalendra was the tenth ; vira-Hemm^i-Raya was third from him, tlie lord of M ay^
puri, who prostrated himself before Murari.

Fourth from him was Tata-Pinnama, at sight o f whom the groups of his enemies trembled ; from
whom was born, the capturer from the enemy of seven forts in one day, the king Soma-Deva ; his
brave son was Raghava-Deva; from whom was king Pinnama, the lord of Araviti-nagari ; whose son
was the king Bukka, who firmly established the kingdom o f SaiuVa-Nrisimha.

(Omitting laudations) king Bukka married Ballambika ; and that Ballama bore to her lord Bukka
a son Rama-Raja. Though it had 70000 horse and an army o f foot, he conquered in battle, did he
not ? the Adavani hill-fort, and put to flight Kasapp-udaya, who vied with Indra in power. The lofty
Kandannavali-durga, he conquered by the great might o f his arm, so that his prosperity was proclaim­
ed aloud ; and the water from the feet o f Hari established there, he drank— owing to his faith-—as if
nectar, in spite o f the poison his kinsmen had put into it.

The king Rama-Raja’s wife was Lakkambika ; and their son was S'rirahga-Raj a. His wife was
Tirumalambika, who bore in succession the sons Rftma-Raja, Tirumala-Raya and king Vehkatadri.
Rama-Raja, having destroyed all his enemies, ruled the circle o f the woi’ld ; and Vehkatadri was to
him as Lakshmana to Rama.

Among the three sons o f S'rirahga, Tirumala-maharaya, having conquered all his enemies, was
anointed to the throne and ruled the whole world. In Kanchi, STirahga, S'eshachala, Kanakasabha,
Ahobaladri, and other places, again and again did he bestow gifts in temples and bathing places, of
gold, tiM-purusha and others, besides subordinate gifts.

After him, his son S'rirahga*Raya, born from Vegalamba, was celebrated. Established in Udda-
giri, he conquered Kondavidu, Vinikonda-pura and other fortresses, and with the malcara and other
insignia took up his residence in Penugondia-puri, a jew el to the circle o f the world. When in accord­
ance with the rales he was anointed to the throne by chief Brahmans, he distributed gifts on every
side. Thus, having subdued all his enemies, he was protecting the whole world, when S'rirahga-Raya
attained to the feet o f Murari.

Then his younger brother Venkatapati-Deva-RA.ya, born from Vegalamba, the son of Tirumala-
DSva-Baya, established in Suragiri on the throne o f the empire, ruled the earth in justice, having
been anointed to the throne by Tatayaryya, the guru of his own gotra, and other chief Brahmans ;
immediately on which he subdued the Yavanas, and thus ruled the earth. Venkatamba, Ragha-
vamba, Ped-Obamamba and Pin-Obamamba were his wives. His troops o f horse and elephants, with
his weapons and umbrellas, being seized in battle by the brave soldiers o f this powerful king,— the
son o f Maluk-Ibhuramu (Malik Ibrahim) went to his house in despair, and well beaten (niaha mardda)
exemplified his name Mahamadda-S'ahu [Muhammad-Shah]. When he bore the world on his
shoulder like au epanlette, the lord o f the serpent world and the mountain chains, being relieved o f
their burden, resorted to Vrishasaila [Tirupati] and served [the god] VSiikatadhisvara.

When, (with various epithets), born in the Atreya-gotra, daily praised with folded hands by a
crowd o f admirers with shouts o f V ictory! Long life 1— ^served as doorkeepers by the Kambhoja, Bhoja,
Sliimoga Taluq. 33
Kalinga, Karahdta aad other kings ; holding by his own authority the throne o f Kar^ata ; having
destroyed all his enemies from Setu even to Hiinadri,-^the great Venkatapati-Deva-Raya was ruling
the whole world (on the date specified), in the presence o f the feet o f Venkatela, he made, to

Malla-Jyosya, of the Rathitara-gotra, A^valayana-siitra and Rik-sakh&, son o f Mat-somayaji, and

grandson o f Honnendra o f Harhe,— a grant of the two villages, Kalidevapura belonging to Malnur-
sthala in the great Penugonda kingdom, and Vandanur, (with all usual details), both o f them
otherwise named Venkata-maharaya-samudra.

The sasana was composed by Krishpa-kavi K&makoti, grandson of Sabhapati; and engraved by
Viranacharya, son of Ganapaya.
(Signed, in Kannada,) 6ri-Venkate^a.

. Date 1527 A.D.

Corresponds with No. 1 above, down to line 58.

(On the date specified), in the presence o f VithalSSvara on the bank o f the Tungabhadra, Kri-
shna-Raya-maharaya made, to the pararaa-hamsa parivraja-mahatma, who- had seen the farthest
point o f grammar and logic, the chief establisher o f the Vaishnavagama-siddhanta, in interpreting
the vedas and sastras a Brihaspati, his feet illuminated by the jewels in the crowns o f great kings,
without pride an expounder o f the way o f righteousness, belonging to the Kudali Arya-matha, his body
untouched by sin, disciple o f Raghupati-yatindra,— Nirayana-yatindrft, a grant o f 5 villages (named),
A -
in the Araga-venthe, (with all the usual details).

Celestial witnesses ;— Sun and moon, wind fire and sky, earth and water, heart and Yama, day
and night, morning and evening,— these know the deeds o f a man. IJsual final verses.

Revenue {rSkhd) o f the villages (specified). Total 210.

(Signed, in Kannada,) ^ri-Virupaksba.

Date 1527 A.D.
Corresponds throughout with No. 84 above, except in the donees and the villages granted.

Krishna-Raya-maharaya made, to the parama-hamsa parivraja-mahatma, who had seen to the

farthest point of grammar and logic, his intelligence sporting like a peacock among the six systems o f
philosophy, chief establisher o f the Vaishnavagama-siddhanta, in interpreting the vedas and agamas
a Brihaspati, .his feet illuminated by the jewels in the crowns o f great kings, without pride expound­
ing the path o f righteousness, S'esha in human form, having subdued the internal enemies, his h a ir'
standing on end with ecstasy at the worship o f Purana-purusha (Vishnu), a sun to the lotus the M a-
dhvacharya creed, disciple o f Brahmanya-tirtha, pure in body as Brahma,— Vyasatirtha-yatindra, a
grant o f Gaurapura, belonging to Hanugal-sime in the Bank&pura-venthe, (with all usual details).
And he, forming it into 30 shares, distributed them to the god Rama o f the matha and other gods, and
to Brahmans (as specified). The details o f the village are repeated in Kannada.

The iasana was composed by Sabh&pati, and engraved by the carpenter Viranacharya, son o f
Mallanatha. Usual final verses.

Shares given to the manager and two other Brahmans.

(Signed, in Kannada,) srI-Virapaksha
S h iiiid g a Taluq[.

Date ? about 1750 A D .
{Sanshrit and Mahratti.—Seali tt peacock).
Praise of S'ambhu.
When, the refuge o f all the world, favourite o f earth aad fortune, mahSrajadhiraja parame-
fivara, boon lord o f Ay6dhy§,-pura, bom in the Solar race (8iirya-'kula)f having a flag bearing the crest
o f a golden peacock, purified by the burden o f the 6Mdasi (or eleventh day) fast, Vaishnava emperor,,
a spear for the heads o f hostile kings, a pure Gangeya, the powerful lord o f Lanka, a brother to the
wives of others, a cage o f adamant to refugees,— adorned with these and other names and royal titles,
son o f the emperor Rukumanga, who Was the son o f the emperor H^ma,— the emperor Dhammanga
was in Ay6dhya-puri, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom :— ^in the year Ananda, when making
a victorious tour in the South,— (no more can be understood o f what follows than that a grant o f land
was made). Usual final verses.
Date aboi4 124,5 A.D.
(The inscription is very much effaced). Praise o f S'ambhu.

The first part relates to the Hoysalas, but apparently attributes to Vishnuvarddhana all the Ganga
titles,(Satyavakya Kongulivarmma &c.), and represents him as descended in the line o f Rakkasa-Ganga,
Bhujabala-Ganga, Vira-Ganga, and Nanniya-Ganga. Then follow references to Narasimha and BallSJa
When, (with usual titles), vira-SomeSvara-Deyarasa was in Kappanflr, ruling the kingdom [in
peace and wisdom] :— A dweller at his lotus f e e t , ....................

Date 1203 A D .
Praise of S'ambhu. When (with usual titles) Poysaya vira-Balla4a-Deva was in the residence of
Dorasamudra, ruling the kingdom in peace and w isdom ;— A dweller at his lotus feet, the great
minister Hiriyapadiya......... whose descent was as fo llo w s M a ra s in g h a -v ib h u ’s wife was Lokkiyakka
or Lokkambike ; their sons were Malli-deva and ? Mari-Setti. T o M&ri-Setti and . . . . were bom
MAraya, Kenchava and Chikatamma. Praise o f Mara, doorkeeper to vira-BallaJa He, in the name of
his younger brother Chikkatamma, erected a temple, and made a grant (specified) for the senice,
offerings, food of ascetics and repairs o f the temple. And a ll the people aad farmers o f ? Gangana-
nad made grants (specified) for the god ChikkeSvata from the customs-dues.
(On the date specified), Savanta-Marayya, washing the feet o f MallifedijuDa-papdifa, disciple of
, Suryyabharana-deva, acharyya o f Tripurdntaka at the eastern gate o f S'riparvvata,— ^madeovertO
him the ChikkeSvara temple. And o f the 100 bullocks granted tO the temple, 20 Were allowed to the
paltana-svami Goyi-SettL Usual final verses.
Date 1111 A D .
Praise of the Jina Sasana.

When (with usual titles) ChMukya Tribhuvanamalla’s victorious kingdom was extending on all
sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars:— Here follow particulars o f the Hoysalas, very much
effaced. Praise o f Ketavve, lay disciple o f Munichandra-siddhanta-deva, disciple o f Emnakanandi-
traividya-deva, (? descended from) S'ubhachandra-deva.
j— ' '' ' ' '
The inscription is in perfectly preserved Nlgart characters, and in a curious nnature of Sanskrit and Mahratti, engraved
on copper plates said to have been discovered about 50 or 90 years ago,when digging in the ground.
:a ’I'aiuq.^ ^5

Bitti-Cera, Bhujabala-Ganga-Berfittnia4i, Batmna-6 au9(Ja (? and) the n^J-prabhu, in the 35th

year o f the Chalu^ya-Yikrama-k&Ia, the year Vikruta, &e., fliade a gtaat o f land (Sjiecified), With
six hoasee, and one oil-mill, tfsaal final terses. Coinpesed b y Kanakahahdbtiaividya-dhva’s lay
didciple, the senabfiya B 6ga-d^va.

J )a t6 a io v i 916 A .t) .
Celebrated in all the world, known for policy and modesty, o f character a? pure as the sky, of
good conduct, to bad warriors the terrifying sound o f the war drum, lord o f Nandagiri, born in the
Ganga-vamSa, a vision o f excellence, by nature ftandarppa, beloved by all,— was Bhtuga.

W hen Ereyappa-Permm&di had assumed the crow n ;— ^and Bntuga was governing the M a a ^ li-
nad,— to his queen Chikkabbe he granted a tank behind the laSari (tree) north o f the northern
Gannikere, for the god. While BilJara Pocharasa was governiUg, he granted this iSsana for S'iva.

DcUe 1113 A,D.
Having the honourable supreme profound gyM-^vMa as a fruit-bearing token, may it prevail,
the doctrine of the lord o f the three worlds, the Jiua doctrine.

When the refuge o f all the world, favourite- o f earth and fortune, mahar&jMhiraja paramelvara
parama-bhattaraka, glory of tho Satyasraya-kula, ornament o f the Ch^ukyas, Tribhuvanamalla-
Deva’s victorious kingdom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :—

A dweller at his lotus feet, adorned with all wealth and virtue, h ie fame proclaimed throughout
the ocean-girdled earth, o f a form like Cupid, a full garland to the round breasts of the goddess o f
Victory, a tree o f plenty in granting desires, studying and understanding the sciences and §,gamaS,—
was Gangarasa, charming in the world. His further praises, styling him jayad-utidtatiffa. Thus
celebrated, Nitivakya Konguuiyarmroa dharmma-mahiirajadhirfija paramfilvara, boofi lend of H u ti-
ja4a-pura, lord o f Nandagiri, endowed with all good qualities, having the crest of a lusty elephunit,
fulfiller of the mind’s desires o f the learned, obtainer o f a boon from the goddess BadiUlivaH, sceuted
like musk, moofl to the waterlily-pond the Gangu-kula, Indra to the' UiOUfitain the mandalibas,
elephant to the lotus-pond the hostile mayda«bkas, punisher o f the evil,-^With these names and all
other titles, the cuaha-mandaleSvafa Tribhuvauafiaalla Bhujabala*GaUga>d*ermtldifidi'Beva’s crowned
q u een ,... . ? for her younger brother Pattiga-Deva, assumed the Orowii tO GangavSdi,- who is equal to
her ? She was superior to a ll queens and all kings.

To them Were b om , ornaments o f the Ganga-kula, Ganga-tiripa, WSrasinga-firipa, Goggi-nyipa,

and Kaliyanga-uripa, the best o f sofis. Sons o f the lord o f K6j41a-pura, having the crest Of a luSty
elephant, elephants to the lotuS-pOnd the hostile kings, they all shotie aS great warriors.

When that celebrated Ganga-Permmadi-Dfeva, Qanga-mahhdevi, and their family o f sons, were
in the Mandali Thousand, in the residence o f EdehaUi, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom :—
t la t maha-ma^dalesvara’ s other half was Bachala-t)l^i, (her praises). The way in which she capti­
vated her husband was lik e a play {ndfoka), said he gave her the title o f p&tm-jaga-dale.

When (with numiero'us epithets) Bachala-D^vi was happy in Bafiniheyfe, confirined in its enjoylifent
to the third generation ; her mother was the cha.mberlain’ s wife . . . . . . . . . M d her senior elder
brother was BS.hubali ; with whom taking counsel, she erected in Bannikeye S beadtiful Jida teihple.
36 Shimoga Taluq.
Among the aanghas the best is the sri-Mula-sangha ; and in it the Desiga-gana . is the c h ie f; o f
w h ic h ...............Bachala-Devi was a lay disciple. And for that Desiga-gapa she made the chaityalaya,
an ornament to the Mapdali Thousand. In the ocean-girdled world celebrated is the Gangavadi-nad ;
in it celebrated is the Mandali-nad, to which as the face Bannekeye was its nose : may Pargvanatha
its lord grant every blessing to Bachala-Devi. For that god, in the 37th Chalukya Vikrama year,
the year Nandana, &c., Bhujabala-Ganga-Permmadi-DSva, Ganga-mahadevi, perggade-Bachala-Devi,
and the princes Gangarasa, Marasinga-Deva, Goggi-Deva, Kaliyahga-Deva, and all the ministers, in
the presence o f the nad-prabhus, made a grant, free o f all imposts, o f Budangere in the Mandali
Thousand, certain lands in Bannikere, a garden, two oil-mills, and certain customs-dues in both those
towns. Benedictions and imprecations. Grant to the stone mason Kaloja (?for engraving the grant),
and for the dancing girls. Praise of Subhachandra-deva-munipa, son o f Maladhari-deva-yamina of
the Desiga-gana.

The Lokkigundi prabhu Erakanna granted for the decorations o f the god 1 i Lokki gadya^ia, to
increase by interest, and some land.


Date 1738 A.D.

(On the date specified) Kejadi SomaSekhara-Nayaka granted to Raghuraja-tirtha-svami o f the
Kfidali stone matha, in exchange for Chennagondana-koppal in the Gajanur-§ime, SavagondanahaJJi
in Yedatore Haramagata, as an offering to S'iva.


DateW^l A.D.
Praise of S'ambhu. When (with usual Chajukya titles), Bhfilokamalla-Deva’s victorious kingdom
was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :—
A dweller at his lotus feet, Satyavakya Konguriivarmnla dharmma-maharajadhiraja paramS-
^vara, boon lord of Kojala-pura, lord of Nandagiri, having the crest o f a lusty elephant, (and other
titles as in No. 97 above), with these and all other titles,— was Bhulokamalla Vira-Ganga-Permmadi-
Deva, long may he live.

When (with numerous epithets) the Jina worshipper, the raaha-vadda-vyavahari Siddhige-Setti’s
and Vira-Gangarasa’ s friendship was permanently continuing -And Vira-Gangarasa having built a
fort at Kannakapura in Mandalimafi in the Gangavddi Ninety-six Thousand, confirmed to the third
generation, was ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom >,—

Siddhige-Setti’s special patron Ankamayya-Nayaka and Bhaskara-Setti had a well dug in front
of the Mulasthana temple to the east of that fort, and for the well, on the application o f the several
parties, Gangarasa and Rudramayya, the Odeya of Bannikere, in the 57th Chalukya Vikrama year,
the year Plavanga, &c., at the time of the moon’s eclipse, made a grant o f land (specified). Usual
final verses.
Uafe 1215 A.D.
(The first part is effaced). When, (with usual titles), vira-BalLd}a-Deva was ruling the kingdom
in peace and wisdom:— (on the date specified) Ballala-Deva’ s crown groom, Ayibeya-saharii, through
his’ sons-in-law (named), repaired the temple o f Mallikarjuna ; and Bada-Setti and all the people o f
Motta made for it a grant o f land.
Shimoga Taluq. 87

Date 1211 ± D .
Certain Settis (named) made a grant to . . yanandi-bhattaraka-deva, (on the date specified),-
when Hoysana vira-Ballala-Deva was ruling the kingdom of the world. Praise of the Jina SasanUf
Usual final verses.
Date "i m<6 A.D.
Obeisance to Ganadhipati. Praise o f S'rijaya (substituted for S'ambhu).

(On the date specified), when Hire-Hanumappa-N ay aka’s son Rangappa-N%aka was protecting
the go4i,— and Mayagonda-Gau(Ja managing the Kodamagi ga^h— He came to their house and
demanded their security. On which Mayagonda-Gauda gave Timmappa as security, and Kariyanna,
gauda o f Hole-Honnur, gave Mallappa as security. And asking permission, Mayagonda-Gauda
requested a han^ege,^ and giving a feast (as specified) to Brahmans and gaudas, performing worship
and carrying the god Hanumanta of Anuv^ri in procession behind an elephant, they set out with the
haijidege,^ when the Nadiga Yankappa, prostrating himself, made petition and fixed the banyan
tree as the boundary, setting up a stone. And to Mayagopda-Gauda was given land (specified).
Imprecations. Witnesses.
Composed by sy^nabhoga Yankanna.

Date ? 1558 A.D.

■Similar in character to No. 107 above.
Hiri-Venkatapa-Nayaka of Aniveri . . . . Hire Rahgappa-Nayaka made a grant of Tammasamudra
to the queen and to Hiri-Yaukatapa-Nayaka ; and on their asking for the land he granted it. And
they established a village named Nagasamudra. And approving of that, Mallapa-Gauda made a
grant to his daughter. Witnesses. Composed by Bhata Nairapa.

Date ? 950 A.D.
Praise of the Jinn, iasana ................ erected Jina temples in Pojalu and Kumbasike, to continue
as long as Pombuchcha ; setting up Lokkiyabbe in the Jina temple. And [with the permission o fj
Jinadatta-Raya, the ruler Bommarasa and various Gaudas (named),— (on the date specified), certain
Settis made an annual grant for it. Imprecation.

Jinadatta-Raya, who granted Kumbase-pura for the anointing o f Jina, was born in the Kanaka-
kula, of the line of the Kalase kings. He also gave certain land.

Praise of S'ambhu. Imprecation.

When, entitled to the five big drums, maha-mandalesvara, lord o f the northern Madhura, boon
lord o f Patti-Pombuchcha-pura, receiver o f *a boon from the goddess PadmAvati, the S'antara sun.
The composition is very corrupt and the translation Apparently an unbumt clay pot, carried round bound­
conjectural. aries. I f au# mj|take is made in tracing the boundary
the pot breaks.’
38 Shimoga Taliiq

praised by all people, omniscient in policy, a master at games with the ball, to women Manoja,.
to horses Vatsa-raja, bee at the lotus feet o f Jina, to niandalikas a hheru'ii,do,, the sole donor in the
world,— with these and all other titles, the maha^mandaleSvara, Vira-Santara-Deva's victorious king­
dom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :—

dwelling at his lotus feet, were the great minister Kum ara-Ereyam a; adorned with all good
qualities, the patta-sahani Bammayya ; and, born to Masana-Gavun4a o f .. miyahalji and to
Kalabbe-Gavun^iti, Santana-Gavunda. All these made, for the god Brahmesvara, a grant o f land
(on the date specified). Details o f the land. Usual final verses.

Patta-sani Bammayya, Masena-GSvunda and his son S3,ntara-Gavuuda made a further grant,,
washing the feet o f Maleya-Jiya.

pate ? 1188 A.D.
When [ ? vira-Ballaia-] Deva was ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom :— . . .. -Gauda o f
Siriur, a-hamlet of the immemorial agrahara Kansaur, fought for the cows that were harried, and
attained to the world o f gods (on the date specified).

Date 1718 A.D,
(On the date specified) Kejadi Soma^ekhara-NAyaka wrote and despatched to RAyappa an order
as follows:— the herdsman Gaujoji of Honnali fort, when a tiger had been committing ravages
(rd&4a) for many days in the Balafir pass o f the Honnali-Aime, cut down that tiger and died. His sons
Kanoja and Masanoja having applied for an wmba/t,— as recommended by our son-in-law ......... , we
grant them rice land in Haranahajji as ai} umhali.
;:o :c

D a te ? 1446 A.D.

[In the reign ofj Mallikarjuna-Deva,— Madi-Gavuda, son o f Naga-Gauda, son o f TSji-Gavu^a,
fighting with wrestlers {pdlwdn=pailavdn), went to the world o f gods. His younger brother Chan-
nappa put up this hira-Jcallu for him.
Date ? 1446 A.D.

At the time when Madi-Gavuda fighting with wrestlers, went to svarga, laying an ambush for
those who fought with her father, H ariyak k a........... and went to the world o f gods. Her junior
uncle Chenna put up this hiragal.

Date 1061 A.D.

When, •(with the usual Chajukya titles), Trailokyamalla-Deva’s victorious kingdom was ex*
tending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :— ■

A dweller at his lotus feet, entitled to the five big drums, maha-samantMhipati, maha-prachanda-
dandanayaka, (and other epithets),— ^with these and all other title s ,........................ verggade*danda-
n a y a k a ,............................. — (with various epithets, including) Naki’ s lusty elephant,— with these and
all other titles, the dandanayaka Kesi-Raja, and, shining with all good qualities, the perggade
Ayvamayya, (on the date specified), made a grant for some god. Usual final verses,

Date about 1060 A.D.
In the same reign as No 5 above, Fa grant by Nani-veggade, ?governing Banarasi,

Date ? about 1080 A.D.

Praise o f the Jina sasana, a cause o f jo y to the lotus pond the righteous, o f the highest virtue,
extending a hand to pull out those who are sunk in the ocean o f family cares. Praise o f . . .. who

erected a Jinalaya to Adi Brahma

When, (with usual Chajukya titles), Tribuvanamalla^Deva’ s victorious kingdom was extending
on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and Stars:— And, Tribhuvanamalla .. was ruHng
Banavase,— Bineya Bammi-Setti built and endowed a Jinalaya, and erected a satra for the thousand
Brahmans of t h e ........... agrahara. (Much o f the inscription is effaced).

Date 1021 A.D.

When the favourite o f earth and fortune, JayaSifigha-DIva’ S kingdom was exteuding on all
s id es:— And, entitled to the five big drums, mahA-mau4alA§vara, receivet the boon o f a title
40 S h ik a rp u r T aluq.
from Chavu^4^^f—Kuadaka-Kaja was governing the Bauavase Twelve Thousand and the Eighteen
agraharas, in peace and wisdom (on the date specified) on the death o f Lokayya, Biyya Ketayya set
up this stone, that his merit might continue as long as sun moon and stars. (k)mposed by Pega ;
engraved by Paduyya.

Bate "iabout 640 A.D.
In the immemorial agrahara....................king Polekesi’s ........... .made the temple.

Date 1063 A.D.
When, (with usual Ghajukya titles), Trailokyamalla-Deva’s victorious kingdom was extending on
all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :— A.nd, a dweller at his lotus feet, entitled to
the five big drums, the maha-maijidalesvara, boon lord o f Banavasi-pura, receiver o f a boon from Mahar-
Lakshmi, exalted sporting niyakaxjharyya,— with these and all other titles, the maha-maudaleS-
vara (Ihamunda-Nayaka was acting as king over the whole of the [Bauavase] Twelve Thousand, in
peace and wisdom i— And, bearing the burden of the whole kingdom, famous for his skill in govern­
ment, council and effort, Sovanathaiya was governing.. .. (on the date specified) a grant o f the va^da-
ramla and perjjunhi (or principal customs dues) was made for the g o d ........... o f the . . . . agrahara.
Kava's quick writing.

The asagas (or washermen, named) and all the hottalis uniting, will give 1 pana a family to
provide lamp oil and sandal for (the god) Vinayaka.


Date ? 1192 A.D.i

(Nandi Ndgari characters)

Obeisance to Gauesa.2 Victorious is the Boar, the manifested form o f Vishnu, which dispersed
the waters of the ocean and bore up the peaceful earth on the tip of its strong right tusk.

Be it well. When, the refuge of all the world, favourite o f earth and fortune, maharajadhi-
raja raja*parame§vara parama-bhattAraka, boon lord o f Hastinapura, to riders Bhagadatta, bestow-
er of widowhood on the wives of hostile kings, sun to the lotus the Pan(Java-kula, single-handed
hero, firm in the battle field, disperser o f Asvapati-Raya, destroyer of Gajapati-Raya, smiter on the
head of Narapati-Raya, tanner of the deer the feudatories, terrifier o f the four, quarters o f Konka^a,
chachcha-pufa-chdcha-puta, player on the pure sdmnga and the Brahma vim, which issued from the
lotus mouth of Isvara, skilled in the sciei'ce of music, learned in many sciences, skilled in the
Bcieuce of the Korantaka Vyali Nagarjuna and other incantations, his lotus feet reverenced by
crowds, a fire of the last day in daily destroying the race of hostile kings, a son to the wives of
others, having a flag with the crest o f a golden boar, adorned with the glory o f all dynasties, born
in the Soma-vamsa (or Lunar race), son of the emperor Parikshit,-—the emperor Janamejaya was
in Hastinapura, in peace and wisdom -.—On the occasion of his leaving his kingdom and coming to
the South on an expedition of victory, in the presence o f the god Harihara, at the junction o f the
Tungabhadra and the Haridra,— in (? the year) reckoned as ka-ta-ka-m (1 1 1 .5), the third day of the
dark fortnight o f the month Chaitra, Monday, under the constallation Visakha, at the sankranti
and vyatipita,— performing the serpent sacrifice (sarpa-ydga),— to the Brahmans o f the immemorial

The pro/ciseiJ date is 3108 B. C ! See No'. 45.’helow Perhaps not in the original.
S h ik a r p u r T a lu q . 41

agrahara Begur, situated in the Badagaaa Yedanai Seventy, o f the Banavase Twelve Thousand,—
(uamdy) Soaieevara-patkivardhana of the Kanna4a-^akha. and S'rivatsa-gotra •, Madhava-pat^a-
vardhana of the Kannada-^akha and Vaeiehta-gotra ; Narayana-patkivardhana o f the Kannada-
Sakha and G vitam i-gotra ; Vishna-dikshita o f the Kannada-aakha and ViSvamUra-gotra ;— these
four being the chief ;— to one thonaand three hundred Brahmins, at the moment of beginnfng the
sa rp a -y y j, before the blessing, the emperor being pleased, presented five-fold gifts,— umbrella,
palanquin, throne with guards, the token of a coin, a section pole,— and, together with the eight
rights o f full possession, receiving obeisance from all, the village o f Begur, on the east bank of the
Kumadvati river, with, attached to it, Gekarnapali, Basavapura, Aisvaryapura, NalnvSgilu, two
Mugalikeres, Ketatti, Koppe, Champaka-tirtha, Kenchapura, Dhfipapura,— these twelve villages.
Here follow details o f the boundaries. Usual final verses.

Date 1098 A.B.
Obeisance to that Boar which in spert lifted up the Earth, in the middle of whose hoof Mem
rings out.
When, (with usual Ghalukya titles) Tribhuvanamalla-Deva was in Kalyapa, ruling the kingdom
in peace and wisdom :—
By order of the dweller at his lotus feet, entitled to the five big drums, maha-samantadhipati,
maha-prachauda-dandanayaka, Anantapala,— the manager o f the va4(ia-rdi>ula-smM (or customs)
o f the Banavasi Twelve Thousand, the dandanayaka Madi-Raja, in the 22nd Chajnkya-Vikrama
year, &c., remitted for the god Vishnu o f Marasinga's Begur agrahara the vaida-rdmla-sunlia on three
lakhs of areca nut, and from the Tdrukula-sunka which helouged to him, the dasavawJa (? ten per cent)
of the billiode ou the load o f (betel) leaves, and the visa (one-sixteenth) on money ? changed.

And at the same tim e,........... heggade-klandanS,yaka, by order o f Mahadeva-bhalta, remitted the
pamiii/a-sanlci, and Vittarasa remitted pamdya-S'mka of the village.
And at the same time, by order o f ........... ryya and the other accountants o f the Twelve
Thousand,................ remitted .. . . .. in the perjjunJca (or heavy customs) o f the various villages ;
and t h e ........... o f the ................on betel leaves and grain. Usual final verses.

Date 1089 A.D.
T o the form o f pure wisdom, whoso eyes are the three vedas, for the sake o f prosperity, obei­
sance,— the bearer o f the crescent moon.

When (with usual Chalnkya titles) Tribhnvanamalla-Deva’s victorious kingdom was extending
on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :— possessed of all good qualities, Chattagfisi,
son o f Kala-Gamunda of Amba, worshipping the feet of— characterized by self-control, subjection,
repetition o f the vedas, meditation, abstraction, silence, propriety, prayer, religious vows, and so
forth ; skilled in the Mimamsaka, Lokayata, Bauddha, Sankhya, Vaisesbika and other sdstras and
dgama<i; performers o f the agnishtdma and all other sacrifices ; reverenced by the learned ; the
foremost of the thirty-two thousand com pany; obtainers of threefold fame in many (branches of) kruti,
smriti and the meaning o f sruti \— the thonsand and three hundred Brahmans of the agrahara Begfir,
and obtaining their consent,— in the 14th year o f the Cbalukya-Vikrama-kala, &c., to provide a
saira for distributing food to those of the country and those from other parts, made a grant o f 25
Ttamma o f rice-land, according to the Kachchave pole, under the Kadamba-gatta, and a site for one
house. Usual final verses.
42 S h ik arp ftr Taliiq.
Date 1085 A.D.
The refuge of things visible, benefactor o f the world, cause o f preservation destruction and
creation to all existence, soul of all things, victor over wrath and desire,—rto thee obeisance, lord
o f the three worlds, S'iva.

In the same reign as No. 14 above ;— Appana-bhatta, son o f Naraua-bhatta, son o f Soviyaua-
bhatta, manager o f Kollaga,—-worshipping the feet o f— shining like lotuses with the brightness in
their breasts Irom ........... of the causer o f the creation preservation and destruction of ah worlds,
Brahma, seated on the lotus in the navel o f the recliner on the serpent, having Garuda for his
banner ; marked by the characteristics of the Rig-Yajus-Sama and Atbarbba vedas, with their angas
and updiigas; given to performing sacrifices; promoting sacrifices, study and instiuction ; purified by
the agrdshtdma and other the seven soma sacrifices ; four-faced like the petals of the red lotus ; versed
in the sdstras, the six angas, the eighteen stnrHis, the.purauas, kavyas, the meaning o f natakss, the
use o f granlhas, the explanation of words, and in easy angas and upaSgas ; established in the practi­
ces of Mahesvaras, Vaishnavas and other creed s; acquainted with the t a e ts o f the Nyaya,
Vaiseshika, Lokayata, Saukhya, Bauddha, Mimamsa and other systems o f logic ; equal to the seven
rishis ; of single speech ; the flag of their fame displayed in all pointa o f the compass ; meritorious
. . . of the thirty-two thousand ; obtainers ol a boon irom the god Mallikarjuna,— the ihcufar.d and
three hundred of agrahara Begur, in the 10th Cbajukya-Vikiama year, & c — established in the usual
ascetic virtues (named), celebrated in the Kapi-gotra, settled in Kojlagara, Appana-bhatta, son o f
Narana-bhatta, son of Soviyana-bhatta, performing the worship of their feet, presfnted 10 mafia o f
rice land measured by the Kachchavi pole, under the Narila tank, for a satra lor daily feeding Brah­
mans, both of that country and strangers ; also a house for the satra. Usual final verses.

Date 1088 A.D.
A similar grant to No. 16 above, in the same reign, by 5'antana, in the 13th year o f the Chaju-
kya-Vikrama-kala, &c,, at the time of the moon's eclipse.

Date U58 A.D.
Praise of S'ambhu. To the form of pure wisdom, whose eyes are the three vedas, for the sake
of prosperity, obeisance,— the bearer of the crescent moon.

When, entitled to the five big drums, maha-mandalesvara, boon lord of Kajanjara-pura, having
the flag o f a golden bull, and the sounds of the da^maruga (drum) and tvryya , sun to the lotus
the Kalachuryya-kula, mount Meru in self-reliance, a sun to good warriors, an elephant-goad to
the brave, an elephant feudal chief, a cage o f adamant to refugees, a valiant lord of Lanka, a
brother to the wives of others, S'anivara-siddhi, Giridurggamalla, in energetic warfare Eama, a lion
to.the elephant his enemies, Nissanka-malla,.— with these and all other titles, the bhujalala-cbakra-
vartti Tribhuvanamalla Bijjana-Devarasa was ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom ;—
And, entitled to the five big drums, maha-maiidalesvara, boon lord o f Kolala-pura, lord of
Nandagiri, having the crest of a lusty elephant, obtainer o f a boon from the goddess Padmavati,
scented with musk, the GaAga Gangeya, jayadnittaratiga, in resistance a Bhaiiava,— with these and
Shikarpur Taluq. 4a

all other titles, the maha-m^iudalekara Nanniya-Gaaga-Permmadi-Devarasa was ruling the Edevatte
Seventy, the Ballave Seventy, Narivelige and the immemorial agrahara BegCir, in peace

Here follow verses in praise o f king Ganga ; the thousand and three hundred of the immemorial
agrahara Begur ; its god Mallikarjjuna ; the senabova Madimayya ; his wife Ketabbe : their son
Soma ; his guru Bhaskara-deva ; and his elder brother Masaneya.

That senabova Sova-Gauda, for the prosperity of Madimayya, (on the date specified), at the
time o f the sun’s eclipse, worshipping the feet o f the thousand and three hundred, and obtaining their
approval, made, for the g )d Mallikarjjuna, to provide for ablutions, offerings and temple repairs, a.
grant o f rice land (specified), measured by the god's pole. Usual final verses.

The Sasana was engraved by Yamiyanna o f M Ira v a li; and Composed by Nadimayya o f . . suvari^

Bate 1066 A B .

Om. The refuge o f things visible, benefactor of the world, cause of the preservation destruction:
and creation of all ex'stence, soul of all things, victor over wrath and desire,— to thee obeisance, lord
o f the three worlds, S'iva.

When, (with the usual ChMukya titles), Trailokyamalla-Deva’s victorious kingdom was extending,
on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars:—
And, a dweller at his lotus feet, entitled to the five big drums, maha-mandalesvara, (with
various epithets), Lakshmarasa, putting down the evil and upholding the good in the Banavase Twelve
Thousand, was ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom ;— And Jyogayya was governing the
Edeveite Seventy as its chief {manneya), in peace ;— dispersing the ranks of the elephants and de­
feating the enemy’ s force, he gave pleasure in the ehakri Tailapa’ s war, Kontada Bira. (Omitting
laudations) Of Vaisya descent, and the Baljiga-kula, his son was S om a ; whose son was Bituda
Sarvvanya. He, halting at Marasinga’s Behfir, constructed there the Birudasarvvajna-gatta and
other tanks ; and to provide a satra for food for the students in the matha of the god Mallikarjuna
there, gaining the approval o f -the manneya Jyogayya and of Keta-Gavunda the gavunda of the
Behur-sthana, (on the date specified), at the time o f the moon’ s eclipse, washing the feet of Trilocbana-
pandita-deva, disciple o f Kashmira-pandita-deva, made a grant o f land (specified). Usual final verses.

Bate 1032 A.B.
The refuge o f things visible, benefactor o f the world, cause of preservation destruction and
creation to all existence, soul o f all things, victor over wrath and desire,— to thee obeisance, lord o f
the three worlds, S'iva. Victorious is S'ambhu, at the clapping of whose ash-covered hands, the
sun and moon are shaken, Sesha coils himself tight, and the sea is agitated.

When, the refuge of all the world, favourite of earth and fortune, the maharajadhiraja para-
raesvara parama-bhattaraka, glory o f the Satyasraja-kula, ornament of the Chalukyas, an ornament
of power, champion among champions, a sun in glory,- in might Narayana a skilful Charaya^ia, ..
.. .. Sahasrabahu, to hostile kings Rahu, in fame Vidyadhara, in valour S'ridhara, with the bow
Rama, the equal o f Bhima, scented with jasmin, rejoicing in gifts, a cane in the hand for the
heads of hostile kings, a glorious sun among kings, gold among champions, gallant o f the Kali age,,
a dart to the hearts o f hostile kings,— Jagadekamalla Jayasimha-T)eva, together with his own
victorious army, was enjoying himself in sports in the residence o f E t a g i r i •
44 S liik a r p u r T a lu q .

(Ou the dute specified) Marasiaga Gavunda of Behur in the Edavatta Seventy o f the Banavasi
Twelve t housand, having obtained the name Jagadekamalla-Gavu^da, all royal symbols, and new
glory in war, —for tiie repairs of the S'iva temple whic'i his younger brother Daka-Gavunda had
erected, and for establishing thj wsrship anew,—petitioning that he might make a grant, at the
uUardyim sanhmimiia 0^thxt after worship o f the god, with'the witness of gods Brahmans
and guru, the elder brother made a grant o f lands (specified) under the tank of the temple o f the
wife o f Gauavarmmayya, (son) of Padmanabhayya, minister o f Vijayaditya-Deva ; and in the areca
garden, one areca nut a year fi'om ^ach tree ; the customs on betel leaves ; the site for a house
from outside the main gate on the east and the notth point o f the southern bridge to the temple on
the ea st; for the perpetual lamp 6 oil-mills.

Date 1050 A.D.
And the chief of that nad, (with various epithets, including) a valiant Tunga, Chavva’s lion,—
Manniya Jogayya, (on the date specified), at the tiine o f the sun’s eclipse, made a grant for the
aame god, of lands (specified). The people o f his house at Dfivangere will maiutaiu this. Usual
■final verses.
(The grant was made) washing the feet o f ........... disciple of Kasmira-pandita-deva, ? supporter
o f the Kalamukhi-samaya.
Date 1515 A.D.
Obeisance to Ganadhipati. Praise of S'ambhu.
(On the date specified,) Triyambakarasa, son of Tipparasa o f S'ivaiiasamudra, son o f Hauni
Madarasa, of the Asval.ayana-sutfa and Vasishta-gdtra,— made, to Harihararadhya, son o f Madbava-
radhya-odeyar, of the Apastamba-sutra, Harita-gotra and Kotisanvaya,— a grant o f an agrahara
as follow s:—

When Krishna-Raya-maharaya was ruling the kingdom in peace, that Raya granted to us for the
office of Nayak the MalenahaRWime,— the village o f Bayirapura in which, otherwise called Harihara-
pura, belonging to Madaravalji, at the time o f the sun’ s eclipse, have we granted to you as an agra­
hara (with all usual details). And the grouud o f that village being close to the river and too small for
a residence, we have granted s'ufficient additional ground in Arisinageri. Usual final verses.
Composed by Triyambaka^dasa.
Date ? 1050 A.D.
When (with usual Chalukya titles)........... victorious kingdom was extending on all sides, <Sc.—
<on the date specified)........................
Composed by Uevarasi-Jiya of Nagavaiji. Engraved by the lion o f achariyas, Lokoja.

- . 27
Date ? 1664 A.D.
(On the date specified), from devotion to Keladi Venkatappa-Nayaka, a grant was made for the
Champakasarasi-maha-mahatta’s matha o f Anandapura, by Keladi S6maSekhara-Nayaka, o f the
village o f MadaravaUi in the Mahadevapura-sime, as an uttdra (rent-free grant) for the cMturtndsya
S'iva worship.
S h ik a r p u r T allin . 4&

Date about 400 A.D.
Coufirmed.i In ^ri-vijaya-Vaijayanti,® tho dharmina-maharaja— purified by raeditatiou ou Svami-
Mahaseua and the group o f mothers,^ o f the Manavya-golra, a son o f Harid, versed in the views he
had formed on the sacred writings, *— of the Kaclambas, sri-vijaya-siva-Mandhatrivarmma, a collection
of many great merits accumulated fx-om a very long period, possessed o f extensive supremo firmness
acquired in war,— in the second year [of his reignj, on the full mooii day o f Vaisakha,— in the limits
of the Kodmala village, with pouring of water and gift (of a coin),— together with a cot, clothing
and food,— free from the entry o f soldiers, ? safe from tlie inroads of thieves,— to D&vasarmnia, o f the
Kaundinya-gotra, [bis] dattdnuytga (or pwru), a Taittiriya-Brahmacharf,— gave the pdJa o f land
named Modakaraui, by the royal measurement 20 nivartlanas (in extent).

W hoso through indifference or injustice takes away this, becomes guilty of sin. And it is said—
Whoso takes away land given by himself or by another, cooks in hell for sixty thousand years. Whoso
protects it will reap the reward. And it is said— By many kings has the earth been enjoyed, Sagara
and oth ers; whosesoever at any time is the land, his is then the profit.
This tablet (pattiM) was written by Damodaradatta, private secretary (rahaspddhijirita).

Date 1051 A.D.
When (with usual Chalukya titles) Jayasingha-Deva’s victorious kingdom, for as long as sun
moon and stars, was extending on all sides ; —
And, a dweller at his lotus feet, entitled to the five big drums, maha-man(Iale.4vara, boon lord
o f Banavasi-pura, obtainer o f a boon from Ch&,munda, a lion to the herd o f elephants his enemies,
praised by the good, a Triiietra among riders, white as the river of joy, a royal wrestler, with
elephants, protector o f the army, a sun to the darkness the enemies’ forces, a cage of adamant to
refugees, an elephant-goad to tire elephant his foes,— with these and all other titles, Iriva-Bedenga-
Deva’s son Kundamarasa, was ruling the Banavasi Twelve Thousand, and the Saiitajige Thousand, by
the hilavritti and enjoyment for three generations ;— And his son, entitled . to the five big drums,
maha-sa nanta, lover o f the Lakshaii of victory, his father’s lioft (a'jyana sing i), son o f a lion, fierce
in war, a sun among princes, son o f a chieftain, shears to champions, a lion to the elephant riders,
a glory to his army, destruction to opponents, a titled hhSruiupi to feudatories, feudatory to three
kings, a mirror to the face o f titled champions, wrestler with the elephant the evil, a dart to the
heart o f the wicked, husband to tall an 1 titled wives, a Garuda to feudatories, his long arms em­
bracing the goddess o f victory born from the churning o f the ocean the Tivu].a forces, husband to
titled wives in whatever direction the wind blows, the gallant of the Kali age, Kundama’s warrior,—
with these and all other titles, Satyasraya-Deva was ruling the Santalige Thousand in peace and
wisdom (on the date specified), fn ’ the daily offerings and temple of the gods Pingalesvara and'
Sayambhu o f the Mindalli mulasthaaa at the Kodala-tirtha, he made a grant of land (specified),
in the Sattigala plain below the bank of the Gange.re, south of the tirfcha ; washing the feet o f
Santa^iva-blialara, disciple o f Palachandra-Jiya. Usual final verses.

The proper translation of this term is much The six mothers of Svdrai-JIahdsena, the god of war,—
disputed. It may mean either as.aho .-c, or “ accomplished” identified with the Pleiades
or “ may it endure,” or “ olelsance to the Siddhas,” &o. 4
The exact signification of this difficult phrase, which oc­
»• e. Banavasi. curs in a great many Kadamba iiiscri])tionf, is matter of
46 S liik a rp u r T a liiq.

Date 1028 A.D.
A similar grant to No. 30 above, very much defacedj

Date 1377 A.D.
When Hari!iara-[kaya-maharaya] was ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom:—

At the time when the great minister Madarasa-O.leyar was ruling Aimga, Gutti, and the other
Sringdoms of the hill country (male- lSia) ; —(on the date specified) all the Drahmans of the two Kan-
'nur agrabaras in ilArahali-nad and of [E]diha]li arid Gavalur, and of the Seventy villages, and all
>the gaudiis and chiefs of the niid, nude a grant of rice-land (specified) belonging to the Gautama
village for the god Narasirpba o f the hill of the Gautama village ;— ind Kondamani-Ramaya-Naya-
ka’s son Tala-Nayaka and the Brahmans of Harahali-nad, having made application to all the nad
ch efs, tiaiisferred it with pouring of water. Usual final verses.

D ate ? 144 .0 A .D .
Praise of S'amblni. When Immadi-l’ ratapa-Deva-Raya was ruling a peaceful kingdom ;— (on
the date specified) BIiayirava-Gauda, son of Itama-Gauda of IJarika, went to svargga. On which bis
wife Bhayiri-Gaudi united with him perfjiMicd sahagumana. They obtained m uM i in the time of
Mallarasa-Odcyar of Gove Chandragutti.

Date 1417 A.D.
(Oil the date spe sified), wliau the maharajadhiraja parainesvara vira-pratapa Deva-Baya was on
the throne of Vijayanagai i, protecting the whole kingdom in peace and wisdom : —

And, by order of Deva-Raya-Odeyar, the Gove Gutti kingdom was under Virupa-daiiayaka, and
be was in Gliandragutti,— Rama-Gauda having gone to his presence, was there united to the feet of
the gods Irngapa-Vodeyar having taken note of his condition, sent f ? the body) from Gutti to
Harika, on which Rama-Gauda’s wife Homma-Gamji, uniting with Rama-Gauda, performed
■saluzgamana, and Riraa-Gauda and Bommaka took svaigga by force ; on account of which this si7«-
&dsena was written.

Date 1191 A.D.
When, entitled to the five big drums, the mah3.-mandaleWara, boon lord of Patti-Pombuchcha-
pura, ob'ainer of a boon from the goddess Padmavati, the Santara sun, praised by all people,— Vira-
Santara-Deva was ruling the Ivingdom in peace and wisdom :— And the king’ s warrior, champion over
slanderers, Mada ........ sahau', was ruling the kingdom ;—Annadani-Buvana (on the date specified),
when Ekkalarasa of Uddare was within the thdna of Jambur, [with] lladavala-Mabiyaiiiia . . . . ga}a-
Gauda, collecting the na .l servants, marched and laid siege. Then Ekkalarasa escaped and-fought,
laying Wiiste, but being w-orsted, fled, — when Birana fell upon him , pierced his horse, seized his
money and si tying him, went to av'irggi. H's wife Biyavve, when setting up this stone, died along
with Iiim, .'ind look svrrryga by force Pia’se of the battle-field.
S b ik a rp u r T alu q. 47
Date 1430 A.B.

Praise of S'ainbliu. (Ou the date specified), when the rajadliiraja raja-paramesvara vira-pratapa
Vijaya-Eaya-maharaya’ s son Deva-Raya-mahaiaya was in the city o f Vijayg,nagari, ruling the king­
dom in peace and wisdom :—

And the treasurer Arasappa’s son Handiya-Raya was ruling the Gove Chandi agutti kingdom ;—
the pLiest of the Somayi temple of Posagunda ......... ... . . Sovirasa, having ? secretly made
application, attacked Posagunda, when Kenche-Gauda, son of Sata-Gauda of Hannekere, the chief
benefactor of Posagunda, on the prison being plundered, fought and fell. When erecting this stone
a grant of land (specified) was made to Kenche-Gaiid I’s guru S'ivaratraiya-Odeyar. Names of those
who sped him to soargga, set up the stone and made the grant.

The stone was engraved by Tammoja’ s son Kalikoja.

Date 1268 A.D.
When the Yadava-Narayana, the strong-armed pratapa-chakravartti Mahadeva-Raya's general
Baligo-Deva raised a force and marched against Kava-Deva,— Vithala-dannayaka dosing with him,—
Tapuke-dannayaka’s champion having effected the meeting,— Tapuke-da^payaka’s champion, Vithaia-
dannayaka’ s olficer, Rayauaya, (on the date specified), fought in the war, distinguished himself,
and went to the world of gods.

Date 1719 A.D.
May it be unobstructed. Praise of S'ambhu.

(On the date specified), to Keladi Somasekhara-Nayaka, Honnappa-Setti’s son Nirvauaya having
made petition, and his grandson Kolatur-Setti having stated that a grant should be made for the Vi-
rakta matha erected by son-in-law Mali-Setti for the Brahmans o f the Beluvandur-s^ime, in the village of
Bilugunji,—the sum o f 85 gra was received at his hands into the palace, and lands (specified) granted.

Kolatur-Setti’ s wife Chenna and his grandson Basavapa unite 1 in this work of faith.

Date 1524 A.D.

(On the date specified), there being a conjunction o f eight planets, in Guttanahalji belonging to
Barur— which S'rikaraua-Tnyambaka-arasu had granted to Somi-Setti, son of Mali-Setti of Gadigu, as
a magaiii in the 'Koppa-sime,— we have granted land (specified) to provide for offerings at the three
seasons to (the god) Siddhe-deva of Barfir.

Date KX77 A.D.

At all times think o f. S'ambhu the supreme lord, o f unfading form, his feet reverenced by the
chief gods and serpents, destroyer of sin, ................ Kalesvara.
48 S h ik a rp u r T a lu q .
When, (with usual Clialukya titles), Tribhuvanamalia-Deva's victorious kingdom was extending-
on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :—
And, a dweller at his lotus feet, entitled to the five big drums, maha-samantadhipati, maha.
prachanda-dandanayaka, (with various other epithets, including) the Chanakyaof Manikyapura,— with
thess and all other titles, the great general, great minister and dandanayaka, Barmma-Devarasa,
putting down the evil and upholding the good in the Banav^se Twelve Thousand and the Santaji
Thousand, was ruling the kingdom in peace and w i s d o m ( o n the date specified), Bidiyabe and
Bidiyamayya’s son, Ddyima-G$sasi, having built the southern tank n ear.. . . ,on the ? side c f the chan­
nel,— approving o f the work o f merit, Bittimayya the chief o f Biriyur, and all the Brahmans, assem­
bling together, made a grant of land - Specified) to Diyima-Gosasi.

And that Dayima-Gosasi, at the time of the uUardyaria sankrdnii^ made a grant from the land
for the offerings and lamp of the god Mulasthana-Siddhesvara. Usual final verses.

Daie'i 1192 A D .i
{Nandi NdgaH characters)

Victorious is the Boar, the manifested form o f Vishnu, which dispersed the waters o f the ocean,
and bore up the peaceful earth bn the tip of its strong right tusk.

Be it well. When, the refuge of all the world, favoui’ite of earth and fortune, maharajadhiraja
paramesvara parama-bhattaraka, boon lord of Hastinapui a, to riders Bhagadatta, bestower o f widow­
hood on the wives o f hostile kings, sun to the lotus the Pandava-kula, fierce in fighting, a bow to-
Kalinga, a sun among champions, single-handed hero, firm in the battle-field, disperser o f Asvapati-
Raya, destroyer of Gajapati-Raya, smiter on the head o f Narapati-Raya, a Revanta to the bold lines
of horsemen, tanner of the deer the feudatories, daily terrifier of the four quarters o f Konkana, a
son to the wives o f others, having a flag with the crest o f a golden boar, adorned with the glory o f
all dynastii's, born in the Sbma-vainsa (or Lunar race), sou o f the emperor Parikshit,'-^ — the emperor
Janamejaya, was in Hastinapura, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom :— On making an expedition
o f victory to the South,— in the presence of the god Harihaia, at the junction o f the Tungabhadra and
Haridra— in (? the year) reckoned as lia~tn~ha-m (1115), on . .. , the . . . . day o ' tire dark fortnight o f
the month Cbaitra,........... Jearana, uttarayana sa . •. mdvyatipdta, at the sun's parha, at the moment
when it was half eclipsed,— performing the serpent sacrifice {sarpa-ydga),— to Brahmans o f the.
Gautama-grama, situaled in the kharapana Santalige Thousand, within the Banavase Tw-elve
Thousand,— (namely) Gbvinda-pattivardhana o f the Kannada-Sakha and Gautama-gotra ; Vam ana-
pattavanihana of the Kannada-saklia and Vaslshta-goira ; KeJavayajya-diksliita of the Kannada-
Sakha and Bharadvaja-gotra ; Naraica-dikshita of tlie Kannada-oaklia and S'rivachchha-gotra ;— these
four being the chief, to thirty-two thousand Brahmans o f various gbtras,— at the moment o f the con­
cluding portion of the rites of the sarpa-ydgu, tlie benedictory prayers being offered, the emperor being
pleased, presented five-fold gifts,— unbreila, palanquin, throne with guards, the token o f a coin, a
section pole,— anl, together with forced labour from the nad, the customs-dues there, and the eight
rights of full possess'on,— tliese tsvelve villages situated in Gautama grfima,— Nadavalli, Badaballi,

Chikka Harika, Donanduru, Talangere, Sull godu, Togarii, Gaiiia, Alum , Baclieyanahalli, Charopa-
godu, and Kira-Sampagbdu,— free from all imposts, w-ere given, with pouring r f w-ater. Here follow-
boundaries of the villages. Usual final verses.

Tho profepse'l dateis 3102 B. 0, ! Cf. No. 12 above, and .LoolvS like Paiok?liit,
"?sa. B6 b e lo w .
S liik a rp u r T alu (;. 49
Date ? about 890 A.D.
(It is difficult to understand or explain either the method or contents o f this inscription, which is
engraved on the front aud back o f a stone slab, in good Haja Kannacla, characters. A number of
donations similar to those in the original inscription seem to have been inserted in smaller characters
between the lines or wherever there was a space).

Contents of what appears to he the original inscription.

{Front) Be it well. The samanta Ramadavanathaka gave to (the god) Gantamesvara-bhattara
ball (oblation), to continue as long as moon and stars ; bali for three hundred and sixty days. The
lamp, to continue as long as moon and stars, the enclosure wall {praMra) and the tower {gopura)
were given by Malavantu.

T o the thousand o f Gautama-grama were given three sale (hall, or public room), to continue as
long as moon and stars. (All the donations consist of sale, “ for as long as moon and stars.” Only the
donees therefore will be mentioned here, noting when the sale given is more than one). To the three
thousand o f Mavalli. To the Brahmans of Bralimapura. To the Brahmans of NirVareru. To the thou­
sand o f Polalu. To the thousand of Kuppatur. To the thousand o f Tadamur. To the Brahmans o f
Mittise, To the thousand o f Elese. To the thousand o f Muttaguppe. To the Brahmans of TAga-
ratte. To the Brahmans o f Veliyur, two. To the Brahmans o f Bannihr, two. To the Brahmans of
Kesavur. To the Brahmans o f Sarede, two. To the thousand of Muuiyur. To the Brahmans o f
Veluvay, two. To the Brahmans of Pettila. To the Brahmans o f Kakiyad. To the Brahman Kochal.
Be it well. Besugi o f the^ Digalar gave a thousand cows and four streets i this is full standing

space for the cows. The wives of Adepa, Muddappa, Ramaga and Elekesi, for their marriage, gave to
Gautamesvara a lamp and an ornamented hall {prasidctha sale). Vijakesari-amma gave a swing, and
Sante Ereyamma a sale.

Be it well. Medagondavara’s son Kavade gave a lamp . . . . vara’s son Sirideva gave a sale for
tlie Gautuma temple.

To the Brahmans o f Niyur was given a sale, for as long as moon and s ta r s ............... E.reyave
built a temple aud gave land to the Brahm ans........... a lamp, stile...............................

(BacX:) Be it well. Manara-padumadigal gave to the Gautuma temple a sale, for as long as
moon and stars.

Be it well. B.inigira K iii iam n i Prithivi-Gesiisi Kannippariisa’s son— (here benediction and
imprecation intervene). Arasi Makotti gave for the Gautuma temple. Ajavarmmai asa, son o f the

Written by Kaninachari.

Be it well. When tlie favourite o f ea,rth and fortune, the maharajadhiraja parame^vftra, Kann-
arasa was ruling the king.loin o f the w orld:— Banigara's son, Kanapori Dhamma-Nayiga gave two
S(ih, for cooking and eating, as long as moon and stars. Benediction and imprecation.
Be it well. When Gondarasa was ruling the kingdom of the world :— Kolavara Kovaya gave for
tlie Gautuma temple a lamp and a sale, for as long as moon and stars. Benediction and imprecatiou.
A ' '

Be it well. Atreya-basadigaJ Magattira Kavagetiga (gave the same)

THs inscription has no connection with the preceding one. A mistake was made in numbering when the original was printed.
60 S h ik a rp u r T alu q.
Be it well. Kodala Jakkara Polejamina, a sale and seventeen dharaiia, . . . . for as long as moon
and stars. Benediction and imprecation.

Contents of intermediate lines.

(Gilts of sale as in the other part. The only important ones are)—

Be it well. When Sa itarasar was ruling the kingdom ;— Ungilan gave to the Brahmans of Ga-
vhda a s&le, for as long as moon and stars.

"ihe Kulainba .^jammarara give for the Gautuina temple a lamp.

Date 10G8 A.D.
In the reign of Trailokyamalla-Deva, (on the date specified)'.

Praise of S'ambhu. When, entitled to the five big drums, the inaha-mandalei5vara, lord o f the
north -rn Ma lhura, boon lord o f Patti Pombuchcha-pura, obtainer o f a boon from the goddess Padma-
v a t i,............. having the crest of a lion, born in a gloiious race, (with many other epithets, mostly
effaced), the Santara sun,.......... — adorned with these and all other titles, [? Vira-S'antaraditya] was ^
ruling the kingdom of the world ;— apparently a grant for the god Gautame^vara o f the Gauj agra-
hara, whose Brahmans are praised for their ascetic virtues and learning. Usual final verses.
This sasana was composed by Yadevojalaye, son o f ? Masaka ; and engraved by Maroja’s grand­
son Majavoja.

Date ]027 D.A.
Praise of S'ambliu. With all titles, the maha-mandaleWara Vikrama-S'Antara S'l ivallabha-Deva
made, to (possessed of the usual ascetic virtues) all the thirty-two thousand Brahmans o f the immem­
orial agrahara of G.uida, (on the date specified), a grant o f land (specified), wmshing their feet.

Date about 1076 ^ .D .
(The beginning, which apparently contained a date, is gone). H ivin g lathed in the iirtha o f the
god Gautesvara, Gauda was granted a work o f merit, to be valid as long as the Solar, Lunar and
other races (continue). Praise of the Brahmans (who caused the grant to be made)— the perggade ..
.. deyya and the treasurer (pottha-grdhaka) Janarddanayya.
Gautamesvara is Somesvara with all his constituent parts (specified), is he not 1 Adorned with
thirty-two thousand ornaments, worshipping the feet of ttvelve thousand agnihotris walking in the

path of Manu,— was the agrahara Gauda. To the seven sons born from the lotus,— Adi Marichi,
Atri, Angirasa, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu and Vasisbta, —they may be described as equal, like, alike,
similar, the same, uniform,— the world-renowned Brahmans, the meritoi’ious ones o f Gauda.

When Bharata in former times was bearing the burden o f the kingdom and fixing the customs-
dues, out of regard for the god Gautesvara o f Gauda, he granted the two customs taxes. The ancient
tax the vadla rdvula, and the perjjunlca which the king’ s feudatories enjoyed, had thus continued
t o the god, free of al' imp ists, from the time o f Bharata.
On hearing the detailed description of this grant, he (? Janarddanayya) and Bhaskarayya gave for i
the £ o l of gods the vajda-rdvala smha and the perjjmka on four lakhs of areca-nut. Usual final verses.
S h ik a rp u r T alu q, 51

The painter Jakka’s unbali was a mattd o f rice-land, and exemption from house and cattle tax
And other gifts not mentioned were made by these thirty-two thousand, the.. . . of many ages. Usua
final verse.
Date 1159 A.D.
(On the date specified),— praises of the ascetic virtues and learning of the Brahmans of Oauda,
and o f Kumara-Birarasa. Kala-Sankanna having harried the cows o f........... ? Hayya fought, recovered
the cows and died, whereupon the celestial nymphs came down and bore him away to the world o f gods.

Pleased at his bravery, all the thirty-two thousand Brahmans of (iauda and Kumara-Birarasa
[made a grant for him]
Date 1076 A.D.
(Very much defaced). When (with usual Chalukya title s )....................Deva’s kingdom was ex­
tending on all 8 des, to continue as long as sun moon and stars;— And ....................................was
ruling t h e .................... Three Thousand in peace and wisdom ;— (with the usual ascetic virtues) the
thirty-two thousand Brahmans o f the great Gauda agrahara, (on the date specified),— ? Kali-Santara-
Deva having laid siege to .. ... . . . , [the son ofj Lokkabbe o f Gauda having fought and slain,—
they granted an unhali for him, with exemption from taxes on house and garden, land rent and
Emigration (gtile)
The painter Jakka’ s urjbali was a ni'Mla, with freedom from cattle and house tax, granted by
the thirty-two thousand for as long as sun and moon.

By the victor is obtained Lakslimx (wealth, spoil) ; by the slain, also, the celestial nymphs :
what fear then of death in war to him who for a moment, seeks the close encounter ?

Date 1075 A.D.
When, (with usual Chalukya titles), Bhuvanaikapaalla-Deva's victorious kingdom was extending
on all sides, to continue as long as moon and stars ;—

And, a dweller at his lotus feet, entitled to the five big drums, maha-mandalesvara, [Satyava]
kya Gaaga-Permmanadi Udeyaditya-Deva, putting down the evil and upholding all in the Banavase
Twelve Thousand and the Santali Thousand, was ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom ; Venna-
kabbe (her praises), (on the date specified), {rest gone).

Date ? 357 A D.
In an extraordinary jumbla of old alphabets.— Seal^ an Elephant.
Be it well. Success through the adorable Padmanabha, resembling (in colour) the cloudless sky.

A suu illumining the clear firmament of the Jahnaviya (or Gahga)-kula, of strength aud valour
acquired from the great pillar of stone divided with a single stroke o f his sw ird, adorned with the
coronet of hannifcira petals, was sriman Kongulivarama dharama mah irajadiraja.

His sou was Vishinugopa-maharajadhiraja.

His sou, boon lord o f Kolala-pura, a sun to the Gahga-kula, havaig the crest of a lusty elephant,
obtainer o f a boon from the goddess Padmavati,— Tadiogala-Madhava-Rdya, in Talavaiia-pura, in
52 S b ik a rp u r T a lu q .
the S'aki year eyes, hills, ? nine (279) the year S'adharana, oa the new moon day o f Paiguna, Sun­
day, - -in Devauur in Kare-nadi Rama-deva, the good son o f the Yarakula Madhi-gavuda, having
pierced Henjara, and with great pleasure delivered over Raja-Malla’ s wife and guards,— pleased there­
at, gave him land (its boundaries)

Of the witnesses,— He o f the Edena(J Seventy, witness.

Date 1027 A.D.
Be it well. W hen— a garland to the great Ugra-vamsa which is renowned among all the people
in the world, its victories praised in song, fortunate and unequalled a royal swan in the lake the
northern Madhura-puri; boon lord of Patti Hombulcha-pura, obtained through the favour o f Padma-
vati ; performer to the full o f the tuln-punisha, hiranya-garliha and the three original superior gifts ;
having the crest o f the king of beasts \ born in a splendid line ; Trinfttra o f good warriors unwearied
in many battles; a sou to the wives of others ; a sun to Male ; a powerful champion to elephants ;
to horses Vatsaraja ; to women Manoja •, an acharyya of the Bhrigu-m ata; firm as the king of
mountains ; a lio i to the herd of elephants hostile princes ; a fiend to hostile kings ; a death-noose
to his opponents the Nrisingha-kula; delighting in royal studies ; Nanni-Santara with these and all
titles, Annala-Deva was ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom :— (on the date specified) he made a
grant o f land, free from all obstiuction, in Kudigere in the Kodana(J Thirty o f the Santalige Thousand,
for the god Narayana o f the temple of the Perbbarvva Madhavayya, son o f Arasimayya, the chief o f
Tiigaracl e. Usual final verses.

Date ? 1523 A.D.
Praise of S'ainbhu. (On the date specified), the sons and grandsons o f Tirukanayya, having set
up tin gjd Tiruvengal matlia in the village o f Tagarate in Tora-nad, made for it a grant o f 70 varaha
and certain land (specified).

Date 1556 A.D.
Praise of S'ambhu. (On the date specified), at the time when Sada§iva-Nayaka-ayya o f Keladi

was protecting the Araga-Sime in order that merit m’ ght accrue to him, Chikkadasaiyya, grandson
of Tirukanaiyya of Tirikisettiyakoppa, who was the reflection of TiruvengalanS,tha of Tagarate, at the
time of o f the moon’s eclipse, made a grant of lands (specified) to provide for a satra for daily feeding
three Brahmans.

Witnesses,— Sun and n.oon, &c. Usual final verses.

Date 1162 ^.Z>.
In the 5th year o f the Kalachuriya emperor Bij jana, the yt ar-Chitrabhanu, &c,— When Bijjana-
Deva’s force marched to destroy Tagarat», the eastern guard {miula dal&ra), the son o f Jakka o f Ma-
sana, attacking and slaying, turned h'm back and went to the world o f gods. Being ordered by the
emperor Bijjaia, the Balagaru Bamma-Pandya.................... strengthened on the east the force which
had come to destroy Tagarate................... and gained the victory.
S h ik a r p u r T aluq. ‘6 3

Bate 1376 A.D.
Obeisance to Ganidhipati. Praise o f S'ambhu.

In the victorious (reign ot) kingdom o f (with usual titles) vira-Bukka-Baya, (on the date speci­
fied), the dear son o f the Brahmans o f Tagarati in Tora-iiaJ, Bommfija’s sou Siriya Maloja, when
Tagarati was surprised by a force and the cows captured, slew t h e ..................... and pursuing the
robbers, killed them and went to Kailasa. The Brahmans erected this stone.

Bate ? 1124 A.B.
(W ith the usual ascetic virtues and vSdic learning) the Brahmans o f . . . . ,wheh?Ba8ava brought
an army in the day time, (on the date specified), and surrounding the agrahfira o f Tagarfite, laid siege
to the fort, and Govafaja’s son slew the hidden spy and died, (? erected this stone).
Verses in praise o f his bravery.

Bate 993 A.D.
(On the date specified), a record of some one who fell in fight.

The victor obtains spoil j the slain, also, the celestial nym phs: what fear then o f death in
war to him who for a moment seeks the close encounter ?

Written by Hakaiyya ; engraved by Talara’s son . . . . ..

Date 1115 A.B.
Praise o f S'ambhu. When (with usual Chfijukya titles) Tribhuvanamalla-D§va’s victorious king­
dom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :— in (with thO usual
ascetic virtues) the agrahara o f Tagarate, in the year Manmatha &c., the .. th ChSlukya-Vikrama
year from Tribhuvanamalla-Devarasa’s assuming the crown,—^................the guard {ddldra) Bimma
o f Bibba, son o f ............... , fi*ught, died and went to; the world o f gods. Verses in his praise.
Imprecation. Final verse as in No. 59 above. 'Obeisance to Ganapati.

Date 978 A.B.
(On the date specified), at the time o f the sun’s eclipse, Datteya and Tikkayya having made her
understand the great good fortune (to be obtained at such a moment), Ponnabbe gave money to the
Brahmans of Tageratti, and saying— ‘Give them as much as they want’, bought and gave them land.
Imprecation. Bfiua-Gosasi set up this stone.

Date ? ahoui 1070 AJD.
When, entitled to the five big drums, the mahfi-mandallsvara, master of the northern Madhufii,
boonlord o f Patti Pombuchcha-pura, obtainerofa boon frpm the goddess Padmavati, scented like musk,
the Santara sun, praised by all people,— Trailokya-malla Vira-Sfintara-Deva went to svargga \^\yj
64 S h ik a r p u r T a lu q .
direction o f the worshipper o f his feet, Bittiyauna o f Pura,— the servant of his lord, (with other
epithets), the Gavunda o f Porapaje, bearing the burden oa his back for three days more, released i t i ;
and on account o f the death of Sautara-Deva, receiving from ? his successor, the maha-ma^daleSvara
. . . . Santara-Deva, the money he favoured for preserv.ng (? his m em ory) — the thousand o f Kaiinavur
nnd Anna set up this stone for his mother Saihabbe.................voja engraved it.

Date 1063 A.D.
(The first part is gone). By, (with various epithets), the learned in all science, the titled
omniscient,— with these aad all other titles,— Trailokya-malla Vira-Santara-Deva, (on the date speci­
fied), at the time o f the moon’s eclipse, for (with usual ascetic virtues) the Brahmans o f the Ghatjada-
kattige of the agrahara Kan^av&r, were remitted all the taxes and kirulcula which had been imposed
hy those born in the Santara family,— washing their feet, to continue as long as sun moon and stars.
Usual final verses, to which are added— As soon will the sun that rises in the east rise in the
west, as he who claims to be a brave man destroy a grant, flee from battle, or seduce the wife
o f another.— A sin committed in another place is destroyed in a place o f merit ; but a sin committed
in a place of merit remains as if stuck with glue.

Date ? about 500 J.D.
t e it well.
S n-MadhuvarmmI, . . . . o f the Kadambas,— purifi ed by meditation on Svami-Maha-
sena and the group o f Mothers, of the Manavya-gotra, sons o f H ariti,— gave to Narayapaiiarmma of
the Gautaraa-gotra, with pouring o f water, a royal allowance in the big plain o f the tank o f the
S'atomahila village, and one allowance o f twelve . . . . i n Ketakapfida. It is said also,— Whoso seizes
on land given by himself or by another, is born a w o rm in ordure for sixty thousand years.
At the top of the stone is an unfinished final verse, and the name o f S o m a . . . . o f the Kasyapa-
Date ? 1061 A.D.
When, with all titles, the maha-mau^alesvarj. Kayavir-arasa was ruling the kingdom o f the
world (on the date specified)............... slew [the robbers], recovered the cows and gained the
world of gods. To Ibha^a, son o f the all virt.mus fculptor Biyagopa, was granted certain land
(specified). Final verse as in No 59 above.

Date ? 1077 or 1127 A.D.
In the 2nd C-hafukya Vikrama year,2 &c, Manneya having ? driven away the cows o f the immem­
orial agrahara Tanagundur, the king ordered th na to be guarded, on which Dasi, the watchmau o f
Mutagi, recovered the cows and gained the woi Id o f gods. The thirty-twm thousand, taking pity on
bis son, will give him a maita of rice-land measured by the long rod in the tank area, a house, and
freedom from taxes. In the presence o f Malli-Setti was set up this stone, the work o f Hoyoja, for
Dasaya, the son-in-law of the Diva (fisherman) Qk^aya,.

Munna m4xu-devasam’ ene hennorh&ran ettilcondn tere- ■with the 2nd. Ch&lukya ViVrama year. The only way to re­
—It is difficult lo undersiand what is meant by this. concile the two seems to be to read SSnd C. V, year, Pla
The year given is Pla, which ca«not he made to agree [vanga]. If the 2nd year is to stand, it would be Fingala.
S h ik a rp u r Taluq. 55
Date ? 1002 A.D.
Be it well. When the lord of all the world,i favourite o f earth and fortune, the mabarajadhirS.ja
paramesvara parama-bhattiraka, Satyasraya, the glory of his family, ornament o f the Ch&lukyas,»
was ruling the kingdom o f the world;— And, entitled to the five great drumsj the mahi-samanta
Bhima-Raja was governing the Banavase Twelve Thousand and Ottayya was the nal-gavunda
(on the date specified), the gavunda of Uttarani, Kondesara Butagosi, having set up a lin g a a n d
erected a temple, made a grant for the god o f one gu-^igana mafia o f rice land, and gave for the
god a cow. Imprecation.

T o the Uttarani gavunda, Kondesara Butagosi, three parts ; and to Kondfesara Jogayya, one

Date^ 1051 A.D.
(On the date specified), the vira-kal o f the coppersmith.. .. Setti o f Karadi. When he went to
svargga, his wife Nagamma performed sahdgamana (or was burnt) along with him, and this mdsti-Jcal
was set up for her.

73 '
Date ? 1048 A.D.
(On the date specified), along with Vire-Nayaka, Bommanpa, the son o f Gudda-Gauda o f Chikka
Jambur, fought in the battle field in the Divigeyahalli war, and gained the world of gods.

Be it well. Having acquired the usual ascetic virtues (named) ; o f characters made all clean by
(study of) the well known veda, vddanta, agama, the six schools o f logic, the five grammars, and 80
forth ; their heads purified by the final ablutions of the agnishtoma, atyagn’shtoma, ukthya, shodasi,
vS.japeya, atiratra, uptoryyama, and saptasomasamstha ;— the thousand Brahmans of the agrahara
Jambur, and Kesavqjhar o f the Atreya-gotra,— with obeisance,— (on the date specified), as a work of
merit for the agnishtige, granted 30 kamma of rice land ; for the Silent ascetic of their matha, 16 gad-
yana for salt and o i l ; for cloths, 12 gadyana; for cow-dung 4 gadyapa ; for the meal on the 5th day
o f the dark fortnight, 2 gadyana; for dishes, 2 gadyana ;for pickles, 2 gadyana:— altogether a fund of
38 gadyana. Usual final verses, among which are added,— Whoso spoils cooked food, or forgets a
kindness, or seizes on land,— these three will not return from hell as long as sun and moon endure.
The donor of land is happy in svargga for sixty thousand years ; whoso takes it away or approves of
its being taken away dwells in hell. To those who support the agnishtige and the matha will be end­
less merit. Composed by Nagadasayya. Obeisance to Agni.

This inscription, though well engraved and quite clear, contains some peculiar features.—Instead of the usual samasta-bhuva-
nds'rayam, we have samasta-bJiuvanisvarapa j instead of Satyasraya-kula-tilakam, we have Saly&B'rayam, Tmlot-iilakam ; the
name of the king therefore is not mentioned, unless Satyasraya is intended for it. For the date, the year is given as S'aka 934,
S'ubhatrit, hut S'aka 934 was VirSdhikrit, and does not fall within SatySs'raya’s reign. On the other hand, S'uhhakrit was
S'aka 924, which is within his-reign. There seems therefore to he a mistake in the second figure. As a rule the long vowels
are omitted.
56 S h ik a rp u r Taluq.
Date 1175 A.D.
In i^e 8th year o f the Kajachurya emperor Rayamurari-S6vi-Deva, the year Jaya &c., by order
o f the thousand o f the imroemdrial agrahara Jambhr, the fisherman Bacheya,— when Singada Mancha-
GaU(Ja o f Bittieyflr penetrated into the town, dishonoured Qit. unloosed the waists o f) the women and
carried off the cows,— killed many and gained the world o f gods. The victor obtains spoil; the slain,
also, the celestial nym phs: what fear then o f death in war to him who for a movement seeks the
close encounter ?
Date 1114 A.D.
In the 38th C'haiukya Vikrama year, the year Jaya & c , Voppa, (son) o f Divabe of Jambur, in
the Badaur forest when his assailant being frightened ran away, killed several and gained the world
o f gods. Hekke Rajana erected the stone an account o f his death. Final verse as in No. 7 5 above.

Date 1110 A.D.
In the 35th ChMukya Vikfania year, the year Vikrita & c., when in the war o f . . .. against the
immemorial agrah§,ra Jambfit, his servants came and encamped in the plain, Nagaiipa, son of ■ ,
slew the servants there and gained the world o f gods. Final verse as in No. 75 above. The sculptor
Ket6ja, son o f the lusty elephant to [titled sculptors}, Chattoja, made this stone.

Date 1160 A.D.
In the .. year o f the strong-armed emperor Bijjana-Deva, the year Pramadhi &c., when the hos­
tile Kallarasa laid siege to the immemorial agrahara Jambur, being ordered by the thousand, the
fisherman Bitteya killed many, pierced the horse and gained the world o f gods. Final verse as in
No. 75 above.

Date 1691 A.D.
Copy o f orderi issued (on the date specified). Keladi Channammaji,—
Kalle-Gau(Ja o f Chikka Jambfir in the Ddagani-mme, an adherent of S'iva-Voder, having pre-
sented himself, stating that in the year S'ukla (1689 A.D.), during the op[)res8ion o f the’ Mogals, he
had paid money from his own hand and erected cattle-folds, and taken great trouble in laying
plans,— and requested that he might be- granted an urnbali, and that an endowment might be
granted for his gurn Harasftr Lihgappa-deva o f the Chikka Jambfir aradhya station, and for the
Virakta matha erected by his father Ga.nge-Qa.nda.,—urnbali and uttdr are: granted to him from this
village as follows :— from the shist 12 ga and from the former fixed . . . . 23 ga, both together 35 ga,
to the guru 9, and the matha 3. And to mark out i\xe uttdr land from the town lots, with stones
stamped with the linga, our servant Channa-Mallana has been sent from the presence, who will
’ assemble the people o f the four boundary villages, mark out the land separately in the presence o f all
claimants, set up the boundary stones, cause this paper (Tedgada) to be entered in the senabova’s

NirUpa py'Cbii,
S h ik a rp u r T aluq., 57.

Tia4itta> (or aeoouat book),; and return it to him (tte donee), to be brought into effect from the date
(first specified). The order ends. ‘ n^^iga (^ ) Rangap^a : the astrologer o f the place, L ifi^ -
bhatta : the sonabbora,. S'ivaramajjna; o f Taraka.
D aiW inm A.J).
la the reign o f the YMava-Narayapa-chakravartti Simba^a-Deva, (on the date specified), app^fr-
eutly some cows weie stolen and recovered.

Date 1030 .4.2).
When, a bee at the lotus feet of— . . . . . , boon lord o f . . .. pura, obtainer of a boon from
Chamunda, a lion to the herd of elephants his enemies, supporter ol the good, a Trinetra to riders,
? famous for great gifts, Iriva-Bedanga-Deva’ s son Kundamarasa,— entitled to the five big drums,
maha-samanta, death to his enemies, Narayapa to the camp, champion over champions, the sun
in fight, promoter o f the sons* o f chiefs, a'savv forth e heads o f hostile chiefs, a god in giving,*—Brhhma.
Bevarasa was ruling the Nagarai-kharida S e v e n t y A r i d ’ Bharatimayya tvaS rdling 'the Hundred »
Nagarjjuna was the nfir-ggavunda; and ^^raja-Gavunda wak the ar*ggav'unda';— (oh ffie' date
epecified) a w'lWn (o f latid) was granted under itariiiele. Usual ffnal versesi’ ’ " ‘‘

, Date iC sY A.D.
4 - •■■■',. ' t'-).- >.! .1
Obeisance to Ganadhibati. Praise of S'ambhu.
•-■ , ■ ' ■ f; .j;, ' ...ui
(On the date specified), Keladi Channamaji,— Viraya of Bilaki, an adherent o f Chennavira-dava,
having represented that thei endowment for the god Vlrabhadra o f Bilaki in the Ddagapi-iime was
insufficient,— niade grants o f ?' rice fields (|specified) for the’ offerings arid perpetual latrip' Of the god.
This grant will be maintained without obstruction. Fortune.


Date 1058 A D.
jA-- ' ; -.-f
W hen, (with usual phajukya titles), Ahavamalla-Deva’ s kingdom was extending on all sides,
to continue as long as sun moon and stars
Be irwell. When (praised! by all kings, Satyayakya Konguiiivarmma dharmma-maharajadhi-
raja, boon lord of Kolala-pura, lord o f Nanda^ri,' having the cresl of a lusty elephant, obtainer o f
a boon from Fadmavali, Nanmya-Ganga( the Ganga Cupid, a head-jeWeriri the crowri o f chiefs,—-
Chalukya-Ganga-Permmanadi Vikramaditya-DSv^ putting down the evil and upholding all in the
Ganga-maudala Ninety-six Thousand,— within the Vanay&si Twelve Thousand, the Santalige
Thousand, and the Nolambavadi Thirty-two Thousand,— was in the royal city Balligftve, ruling the
kingdom'in peace and wisddrii’:-ik . i *

And, appointed to the burden o f the whole kingdom, distinguished with the high rank o f great
minister, having acquired the three powers o f ruling, counsel and energy,— the Perggade Naranayya,
chief of the karanas, was enjoying, (anubhavisuttam ire) the BanavS.se Twelve Thousand ; Arasimayya
o f the Jiddalige Seventy being the naj-gavunda ; and Machayya, son o f Goggi-Setti o f Adigattej
being'the fir-gavunda ’'" ' ' ............. '-j :

Kirftpa bandu.
55 S h ik arp u r T a lu q .
(On the date specified), hearing the outcry that a force o f B ldas had penetrated into Mud-
yangeri, seized the cows and dishonoured {lit. unloosed the waists o f) the women,— ^not disregard­
ing it, Macha-Garu^ia attacked and fell upon them,— and thinking that the meaning o f the Terser
“ The victor gains s p o il; the slain, too, the celestial nymphs : what fear then o f death in war to him
who for a moment seeks the close encounter ? ” applied to his own fate, he carried on the fight to the-
end, taunted the manliness o f the opposing force, recovered the cows in Belagavatti, and killing,
many, gained the world o f gods as a mighty champion.

His elder brothers Chi^ta-G§,vunda and Micha-Gavunda, his wife Chagiyabbe, and his son Alayya,.
washing the feet o f the Brahman Madurayya, made a grant o f 30 hamma o f rice land and 1 matta
o f field. Usual final verses.

Date ? 1192 A.DA
{Nandi NdgaH characters)

S Ankara is the refuge. May it be fortunate. (The first portion corresponds with that o f No. 45^
above.)— at the junction o f theTungabhadrA and Haridra, in the presence o f the god Hatihara,— in
(? the year) reckoned esJca ta ha m, on Monday in the dark fortnight o f the month Chaitra, under the
Bhararit maha-nakshatrs, at the moment oi sankranti and vyati-pdta,— ^performing the sarpa-ynga (or
serpent sacrifice),— before the blessing, the emperor (Janamejaya) being pleased, made five-fold gifts,—
umbrella, palanquin,2 coin, section-staff,— and for the duty o f astrologer, presented, with all cere­
mony, (? fees) from the villages o f Hire Jarobfir, Masfir, Gotevaraha and Bailor, to Brahmans, the chief
one being S'ankara-Lingana Joyisa, son o f Chikka ChhAtyebha, son o f ChhAya-bhatta, o f the Kannada-
Sakha Vasishta-gStra A§valayana-sutra and Eik-lakha. Boundaries o f the four places; to continue
for the duty o f astrologer as long as sun and moon, as a gift to Krishna.
(? signed) Ari-rdya-hula'Vtlaya-M ldntda (fire o f the last day in destroying hostile kings’^
families). Usual final verses,

Date 1131 A.D.
In the 55th Chalukya Vikrama year, the year Virodhakrit &c, at the time of the sun’s eclipse,
the servants of the tuppada bdgal (or ghi gate) to the queen o f Hoysaja Balla}a-Deva, in order tO'
provide for the offerings to the god BallAsvara, deposited a fund o f . • •. with the pujari Lokimayya,
2 Jion from the interest every year to be given to the god MalleSvara. The Odeyars o f the family
o f Lokimayya in sucession will continue this payment and maintain the grant. Imprecation.

Date 7 about 1200 A.D.
The na}-prabhu, the Nandinagara nad-gauda, [erected this pillar] in the mantapa o f the god K§-
dara with ornamentation.

Date ? about 1200 A.D.
The great minister Birayya-da^idanayaka made the southern face secure, with ornamentation.

The professed date is 3103 B. 0 ! Of. Nos. 12 and 45 above. Throne with guards, is omitted.
T h e in s crip tio n is fu ll o f m istakes.


h Ld
2 h-
ShikarpuP T a lu q . 59

Date 1093 A.D.
In the 15th Chaiukya Vikrama year, the year S'rinoukha &c,— Haleya-Nayaka’s «ei h e v K o.. ya-
Nayaka ............................ slew many and gained the world o f gods.


Date 1885 A.D.

(On the date specified), the 24th o f December 1885, at sunrise, the great Chama-Eaja-VadSr o f
Maisur visited this Belagavi in order to see the Kddaresvara and other temples, and was greatly pleased.
It appears that ha will make arrangements for appointing servants for the god and for repairit>g the
temple. The Balligavi patel Kallumani Gaijiua Channapaiya set up this. Written by Gatjina


Date IIQQ A.D.

A . ^ .

Om. Obeisance to Siva. Praise o f S'ambhu.

May it be well with the minister o f king Murari o f the Kajachuryya»kula, the minister Ke^ava,
as long as moon and stars endure.
Be it well. The refuge o f all the world, favourite o f earth and fortune, the mahdrSjadhiiaja
paramesvara pararaa-bbattaraka, boon lord o f Kajanjara-pura; having the flag o f a golden bull, re­
sounding with the and turyya^ a sun to the lotus the Kajachuryya-kuja, fierce in fight, in
dignity Kanakachala, a sun o f good warriors, an elephant-goad to the brave, a master of elephants,
a cage of adamant to refugees, in valour the lord of Lanka, a brother to the wives of others, S'ani-
vara-siddhi, Giridurgga-malla, in energy in war Rama, a lie n to the elephants his enemies, NiS-
sanka-malla,— ^with these and other true names, the bhujabaja-chakravartti Tribhuvanamalla Bijjana-
Deva, was daily in the enjoyment o f the lady Earth ; to describe whom :— ^The earth, which of old,
through the stupidity o f Prithu had for a long time been reduced to the condition of a cow, being the
chosen crowned queen o f Bijjana-Deva, rejoices greatly ; like the jewel which, covered up under the
lord o f the sea-shore, became the TcausttAha on Vishnu’s breast, so by the king’s choice she became as
renowned. Dispersing the darkness the hostile kings, causing the groups o f waterlilies (otherwise,
the joy of the earth) to increase, and the lotus faces o f his enemies’ wives to wither,— like the moon
rising from the ocean, the king S6ma o f wide extended fame rose from the ocean king Bijjana.

When that bhujabaja Tribhuvan^malla’s son, the rajadhir&ja, a snn among rajas, (with various
other epithets)— the emperor RayamurS.ri-S6vi.Deva, surrounded by all the ministers, was ruling the
kingdom in peace and wisdom ;— sending for— entitled to the five big drams, mabS-sSmanta, com­
manding an army and seventy two other appointments, skilled in rule counsel energy and the other
modes o f policy, the great minister, sarvvddhiMri and great receiver o f favours,— Byajike KSsimayya-
dandanayaka, he favoured him with orders to administer all the countries attached to the treasury o f
the south, putting down the evil and upholding the good. On which it was accepted as a great favour
by the mahS-pracban^a-dandanatba ; to describe whose greatness;— This is no other than the VidyS-
dhara world, or the multitudes of paradise, or the host o f Gandharwas, or the groups o f Kinnaras—
(snch was) the crowd o f the Cars o f kings who perished at the beginning o f Byalike Kesimmayya’s
victories. His practice was that o f the Manus, the policy he adopted was the policy of the ancient
m Shikarpup Talaq*
kings, the good o f others was the wealth he acoumnlated, the promotion of the greatness of his ruler
was his own greatness, the satisfaction o f his dependents he reckoned as his own satisfaction,— thus
did Kesava-dandand^aka live and increase.
'While, with so many marks o f greatness, he was, protecting in peace at the same time the T»3da-
vadi Thousand, the HS.nagal Five Hundred and the Banavase Twelve Ihousand,— coming to inspect
his own country, and seeing the beautifully built temple, the jewels, the worship, the golden Icdlaia,
the gifts of learning and gifts o f food, and the many religious acts, of the god the southern Kedare-
,|vara o f the immemorial city the capital B^ligfve,-rrhe said, “ This is double o f Varayasi, a hundred­
fold, of j^edara, a thpusand-fold of S'rlparvvata,— I must therefore here perform some work of merit,
that I may obtain my objects j” — and approaching the ^chaiyya o f the temple, the raja guru-dSya, he
no^ed for a long time bis pre-eniinence in all learning. In grammar, Paiiini p a n d i t ; in polity and
discernment, S'rihhdshantlcharyya'; in drama and the science o f music, B harata-m uni; in poetry,
Subandhu him self; in siddhinta, Lakiijidvara ; in S'iva devotion, Skanda ;— thus in the world is he
truly styled the rdja-guru, the yati Vamasakti. In these and many other ways extolling him, he
made known to him his own charitable intention ; on which he said, “ Be it so ; i f you make any
benefaction, we will accept i t.”
W'hereupon, in the 16th Kajachuryya year, the year Sarvvadhari, &c., at the time of the
moon’s eclipse, he made a grant o f Ohikka Kaynugi in the Yelambirktimpana o f tbe Banugal-
nad, fpr tke service and d^cofatione pf . the god the sputheru Kedaredyara^ for the repairs o f the
temple, for gifts o f food to the Brahman ascetics, and gifts o f learnipg,— washing the /eet o f the
^ h aryya of the temple, thp raja-guru-deva, the dear disciple o f Gautama^deva,— with enjoyment for
three generations, fo continue as long as sun moon and stars . And making application to E&yamurari
SoyirDeva, obtained, a copper bringing it, Bolika KeSimayya made it over with
ppuripg of water.

Whoso maintains this grant will f^W^rd O' bestowing a thousand cows, thtir horns
and Imo.ff decorated jvyith, go.id apd mapy jew els, to a ,tbousan,d high-born Brahmans, preservers o f the
pacred fireas directed ip the Kuruksbltya and other eminent holy
places. , Wbpso d^atEoys i i wiW w!^p s^t thatj adnte.ipQipppt in tbq.se sacred
idaces ,s}ays with hi? PW« bap4 those ^rabm ans and those ppw f ,In type yritness whereof is the
iy a tb '^ ^ b oso takes away land presented by him self or by another, i,s born a worm in qrdure for
sixty thousand yeat?.
Bate 1422 A B.
Be it well. When the refuge of all the world, favourite' o f earth and fortune, the maharajddhi-
rSja rajarparameSvara virarPrati.pa''Deva-'Baya’8 son Vijaya-Haya-maharaya was ip the residence o f
Hastinavati,, rpluig the kingdom in peace and wisdom
And the great minister Bayicheya-dappayaka’s s o n ........... was governing . . . .
Thq dc^rfya pf the gads Siddhelyara and Panchq^yara, the principal ones of Kudigere in Kpda*
a id , was Buili-deya. His praises, stating that he wpS a moop to the ocean the Gautamanvaya, and
son o f Bommi-deya; iu the form pf &jdng%nM, he was ever in full devotion a master o f the Barama-
4lva aggtf^ilMS. (0^1' the date specified), saying ‘ this worljd is not a ^rest for nqe ’ BuUi-deva went to
thp world of gods, being welc.otned by the, <IP®9®® ,®f .SurSndra. His three wives, with dignity gave his
h ^ y tq this tog^b, phenna B u ll^ a, Hacha|e, and the tall Jdadhukaya, filled with pity'for one
•another. ”■ ’ ’ ■••■-■>.. ..........-< .. f
1094 d JD,

Praisie o f S 'a m b h u a a d t h e ^ a r f o r m o f V is h ^ a .

W h e n , ( w it h u s u a l C b M u k y a t i t le s ) , T r ib h u v a n a m a lla - P e v a ’ s v ic t o r io u s k in g d o m w a s .e x t c n d io g
m a l l s id e s , t o c o n t in u e a s l o n g a s su u m o o n a n d s t a r s :—

Be it well. Famed in all the world ; obtainers o f five hundred Tira*Sk8anas ; adorned with
clastres o f many good qualities; true, pure, o f right conduct, and m odest; ipaintaiaers o f the vlra*
Balanja dhannma ; distinguished by the flag with a white h i l l ; born entirely from KhandaU Mula-
bhadra ; possessors of thirty two veldma, eighteen cities, sixty four yoga-pifhas, ^ d sixty four ghatika-
sthams ; supreme lords o f Ayyavoje-pura ; cages o f adamant to refugees; giving much and forgetting
it ; protectors o f those who come for shelter ; brothers to the wives o f others ; trees of plenty to their
dependents ;— with these and all other titles, the pattana-svami of the great city the capital BaJU-
gave, the nad-svami, the senabuva and manigara, and various Settis (all named), t i e whole of
the mummuri-danda o f the town, together with the jagati-samAham ( ? porters), the four ovagalUi
the sixty kAtali, and the traders in grain (davasi vartligalu) o f the town, being present :—

Reckoned as the great chief o f the S'akti-parishe in the world, an ornament to the Muvara-kopeya-
santati o f the Parvvatavaji, was Kedarasakti-munipati. His chief disciple Was S'rikaptha-pandita,
o f whom what more can ba said than that be was himself M kupSa in the w orld, and farther, shone
as the equal of omniscience. To his disciple, (with the usual ascetic virtues), proficient in philosophy,
logic, grammar, poetry, drama, music and many other branches o f literature and learning, the dchdr-
yija o f the god Nakharesvara o f Tavaregere in the southern quarter,— S6m§§vara-papjita-deva,— (on
tlie date specified), at the time o f the sun’s eclipse,— for the service and decorations o f the god, for
repairs o f the temple, for gifts of food to the students and ascetics there,— Washing his feet, the
whole town uniting, made grants o f dues (as specified). This work o f merit was approved and assist­
ed by Chavvouda-Bovam. Imprecation.
Date 1 2l 5 , i l . D .
Praise o f S'ambhu. iDweller in the mountain, without descent, united with the Bull,— S'iva,—
destroyer of the live-arrowed, together with Uma, do I reverence, bearer of the moon on his crest.

Be it well. Refuge o f all the world, favourite o f earth and fortune, mahfir^jkdhiraja paramesvara
parami-bhaltiraka, boon lord o f Dvnravati-pura, a sun in causing the lotus the Yadava-kula to un­
fold,-a goad to the elephant Gfirjara, masher o f the Majava woman, plucker tip by the roots of the
lotus the head of the Telunga king, to hostile kings ? overwhelming,^ Baya-Narkyana, Simhaua-Deva’s
valour was as follows ;— To the darkness the army o f the Karnnata king, a destroying thunderbolt
disappearing with a roar ; to all 4he troops o f the Malava elephants, a crushing lion ; to the ocean
the multitude of the Telunga king’ s array; ever a roaring Agastya ; head over all kings,— Simhaija
ever triumphs.
A dweller at his lotus feet, the great minister, sarvvddhiJcdri, great supreme confidant, Raysi-
nayaka-N.arayana, Mayideva-pandita’s glory was as follows :—^The king Simha having communicated
with him and committed to him all business anxiety, was always engaged in the enjoyment o f
family pleasures, while he, fixed on the king’s business and the satisfaction o f the subjects,
having defeated all enemies, was bearing the burden o f the world.
The first part of the verse is a ^ries of pirns on the Word OagiayAamjiam—.the. long gown, extending to the feet, of
goti-a. i Jogatis, a class of female devotees.
62 S h ik a rp u r T a lu q .
So also the great receiver of gifts, sarovMhihdri, supreme confidant, the gan4<i-pen<!dra Hem-
laayya-N&yaka’s gl>ry was as follows ;— Having Lakshmi in his heart, and Sarasvati on his tongue.
Fame, distressed at these co-wives, has gone to the points o f the compass, Woi shipper o f the feet of
Vaidyan&tha, the disciple of S6mesvara-yati; bee at the lotus feet o f Bhima ; may he be happy, the
king Hema, His wife was Ruppnbayi (her p raise).H fhat husband and wife in the enjoyment oPpeace
and wisdom came to Bajig&ve, the glory o f whose chief god the southern Kedaie^vara is as
follows Whom Brahma, Vishnu and Indra praise with devotion in the middle o f Baligiaina with
words taken from the vedas, whom the sidihas cherish in their hearts, that S'iva, inexpressible,
in the form of wisdom, do I reverence. And praising Virupaksha, dwelling in the Koti-niatha, is
Vamaiakti, great in penance like Upamanyu o f old.

Seeing there the enjoyments o f the god, and the fullness o f the learning and piety o f the dcMr-
yya, S'rikan^ha-deva’s disciple, the mah3.brati Vamasakti-deva,— for the perpetual lamp of the god
Kedare^vara, for sandal, sectarian marks,* flowers, incense, lamps, o f f e r i n g s , C h a i t i a puri­
fication, S'ivaratri, the offerings at the three seasons, and the ceremonies at the paiicha-parvva and
eclipses,— (on the date specified), Hemmayya-Nayaka, washing the feet of VainaSakti-deva, tlie dcMr-
yya o f the temple, made from the customs dues of the BanavTlse-nad grants of the tax on seven families
included in the kejjimlia ; and ifl the petty tolls {Idruhida stmJca), and for loads o f jewels silk and
grains, granted a free pass for 25 local bullocks ; and 2 local oil mills in Sirivolal. Final benedictious
and imprecations.

Date 1179 A.D.
Om. Obeisance to S'iva. Praise o f S'ambhu. Obeisance to the raja-guiu.

The opening portion corresponds with that o f No. 92 above (omitting the reference to the minis­
ter KeSava).
To describe the valour o f that rajadhiraja’ s dear son :— Dispersing the darkness the hostile
kings, increasing the groups o f waterlilies (otherwise, the pleasures o f the world), withering up the
lotuses the faces o f the wives o f hostile kiugs, a moon full o f rays (or wisdom), lord o f the moonlight
his great fame, the king S6ma arose from the ocean king Bij Jana- Thus born, and ruling the w'bole
world under his single umbrella, was Rayamuyari-Sovi-Deva, whose younger brother was as follow s:—
After him, making a festival for the earth ; in truth, purity and devotion, the equal o f Bhishma •, a
new PurukUtsa;—Sankama-Dava ruled the World. Gauja has sent elephants ; Tnrushka, horses •, the
Simhala king, pearls ; Choja, white cloths ; Magadha, musk ; the Majaya king, sandal •, the La^a king,,
young girls ;—thus were announcements o f the twice five heralds being continually heard in the assem­
bly o f the king Sankama-Deva.

Along with the various ministers of that maharajsldhiraja chakreSvara’ s kingdom, who in many
wiys had freed the circle o f the earth from enemies,— inc’ uding the great minister and senior danda-
nayaka Laktni-deva, the minister tor fo”eign aff airs Chanduugi-diva, the sole friend o f the world
Rechanayya-dandaniyaki, the sarwadhikari S6va9.iyya-dandanayaka, the commander-in-chief o f all
the army Kavaniayya-d i^ d n iy a k a ,— coming with pleasure to the south, and seeing in Balligrame,.
the chief place in the Banavasj Twelve Thousanl, the three pinnacled temple of the god the south­
ern Kedsbresvara, the arbour inantapi, the jewels, worship, many golden kalaSas, the gifts o f learning
and gifts o f food, and the many religioia acts,— saying This is trnly the southern K edara; here we
must perform some work o f merit,” — he saw the Scharyya o f the temple, the r3ja-gura-deva, and ob-
S h ik ar'p u r T al6q. 6S

served for a long time with astonishment the greatness of his penance and his ability:— in grammar^
PSipini pandita ; in polity and discernment, S'ribhushap&ch^yya ; in drama and the science o f music,
Bharata muni; in poetry, Magha himself ; in siddh&nta, NakuliSvara ; in S'iva devotion, Skanda ;
by his natural virtues that raja-guru triumphs ever,— VHmasakti-yati, Such were this master o f many
virtues, the dear son o f Gautama,— and, seeking to promote the truth, king Sankama.

(Oa the date specified), for the decoration and service o f the god Ked^r^lvara, for repairs o f
the temple, for gifts of food to ascetic^ and Brahmans,— the emperor Sankama-Deva, washing the
feet o f the temple acharyya, the raja-guru Vamasakti-dSva, made a grant o f Kiru-Bajlig^ve in the
Jiddullge-kampana, to be held free of all imposts, as long as sun m oon and stJtfS endure. Usual final

Be it well. The raaha-maudalesvara Tailaha-Deva, and the maha-man^aleSvara Yeraharasa,

coming and seeing the work of merit, said “ This temple belongs to the family of the gurus o f our
line ; we must here perform some work o f merit.” To describe these incliners to works o f m erit;—
T o the fiorcj enemy who com os to fight, he gives the world of the gods ; to him who comes with affec­
tion to visit him, fullness of wealth ; to the trembling will he give a hard fate, let us see, he will
treat him kindly ;— thus is E'ckala-nripa’ s son king Tailapa, with pride, with affection, or with pity
o f heart, ever gaining approval. The glance o f the eyes o f the que6ns o f kings Who have fled in war is
unnoticed, the flashes o f Eraharasa’s new sword so fill the earth with fear.

Th 13 entitled in s i m any ways to praise and fame, the mshd-m ipialesvara Tailaha-Deva and the
maha-mand desvara Yeraharasa-D5va, for the great offerings and perpetual lamp, at the same time as
formerly written, washing the feet o f the temple ach&ryya, the riya-guru V&ma§akti-deva, made a
grant o f the imweyi, together with the Jsirukula dya and ddya, to continue as long as sun moon and
stars. Final verse as in No. 92 above.

Date \ISQ A.D.
(0.1 the date specified) for their having erected the mantapa o f the god KedS,ra within the
centract time, the raja-guru-deva being pleased, made a grant of 150 Jcamma of rice land in Kiru-
Balliglve, to B isaioja, Chavoja and Singoja, these three, to contiune, free o f all imposts, as long
as sun and moon. Also he granted to them Siruvejal in the Beduge Seventy, with enjoyment for
three generations.

Date 1103 A.D.
Praise of S'amb'm. Invocation o f the lord o f Parvrati.

B i it well. His broad chest embraced by the goddess of fortune, his feet placed on the heads of'
crowds of kings, praised by all people, o f pure fame, Was king Vikram§,ditya.

A bee at his lotus feet, was the general Anantapaja ; (his praises). When, entitled to the five big
drums, maha-samantadhipati, maha prachanda-dan^aullyaka, (with various other epithets), a moon to
the waterlily the Lata-kula, a bee at the lotus feet o f Hara,— Auaiitap&ja-dapd^’^^y^ka, having received
the two Six Hundreds, and the Banavase Twelve Thousand, together with the va^da-r&vula and
the psrjiu'iha, was protecting them in peace and wisdom ;—
Sbilgarpur Slaiuq.

4 4welier a t his lotas feet was Qj^inda, the .tauarvaaga^Bhairaya ; (praises o f bis raleur). His
jrouager brother was Mukuada X o the (treasory o f learning, the lord Kesiraja, .and to Nilabbe, was
})am Dasiraja, a sun in the sky o f the Para^arat^otra. d ie the lather, and Sbmambike the mother,
e f Qdriada (His farther praises, in the form o f question and answ er). When, (with rarious epithets),
the raya-ranga-Bhairava, a tree o f plenty to all good poets, Vatsa>raja to unruly horses, rejoicing in
the fortune o f the autiiority c immitted to him by AnautapMa, the dan^anayaka Qovindarasa, having
received the rdvula o f Melvatte, with the two hilhode. and the perjjunht, was protecting them
in peace and w i s d o m J '

Reckoned as the great chief o f the S'akti-parsh? in the ear th, an ornament o f the Muvaru-
koyeya-santati o f the Parvvat&vali, was Kedarasakti-yatipati. That munindi-a’s famous disciple
was S'nkantha, a peacock to the mango garden the learned. His mind in the lotus the feet of Hara,
in the lotus of his face the beauty Bharati, in his character purity, in all patience India’s regent
elephant, thus h id he established his brilliant fame,— -the ornament o f munlndras, S'rikantha-deva,
glory o f the learned, an ocean o f logic. That great one's disciple, and his equal,— the Chaitra (or
spring) season to the mango tree Akalauka, a moon to the ocean Lokayata, a regent elephant to the
earth Sankhya, a pearl ornament for the conch-like neck o f the lady Mimamsa, a sun to the lotus
Sugata,-^such was the fame won by the logician Someivara-sAri, leader of the Naiyyayikas. Some
are learned logicians, some are clever in conversation and discourse, some are skilled in the drama,
some are able at good poems, some are versed in grammar, — but i f it be asked who is master of all
these ? who in the world is skilled in them a l l ? —the celebrated ocean o f learning. SomeSvara.
-(Hiiving acquired the usual ascetic virtues, with other epithets), a sun in unfolding the lotus garden
the ny iy/i-sditrs, au autumn moon in raising the ocean the vaisSshiJea, a jewelled ornament in pro­
ficiency in the ^ bee at the lotus o f his guru, spring to the mango garden the
s'abdct-s'd^lra, with the rise o f wisdom causing the Ldkulasiddhdnta to bloom, in unequalled reason­
ing the river of the gods in flood, having a multitude o f disciples nourished by the power o f the
counsels given by himself, in rhetorical learning a great river in flood descending from mount Meru,
satisfying Paramelvara by the Strength o f his devotion, the sole resting place o f blameless pum
penance, his fame moonlight rejoicing the circle o f the earth,— with these and all other titles, was
Some^vara-paydita-deva. .This celebrated munuiAtha having made known to him the secret o f fame,
Krishya-Raja’s younger broiher Govinda reverenced bis feet, a clustre o f affection, a jo y to all
the wise : and—

Be it well. When, (vvith usual Chajukya titles), Tribhuvauamalla-Deva’s victorious kingdom

was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars, and he was in the residence
o f Kalyaua, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom in the 27th Cha}ukya-Vikrama year, the year
Chitrabhanu &c, washing the feet of S6m6Svara-paydita-deva, dchdryya of the temple o f the southern
Kedaresvara o f the Tavaregere of Bajligave, which appeared as an ornament o f the Banavase Twelve
Thousand, (a country) that resembles the waving clustres o f curls {Jcmtala) o f the lady the Kuntala
land,—the dandanayaka Govindarasa, for the incense, lights, and offerings o f the god Kedaresvara,—
'made a grant o f ths p^rjjuifa, v tdd'i-^dvuli md the two hilkorfe on two lakhs of areca-nut in what­
ever place they may be taken for sale. Usual final verses.
WithappiMved sweet expressions, in order that it might give dignity to his smaller utterances
. and become a sasanv o f fame, d il he write this Aasana,— the Nitalaksha (Isvara) among fast (or
extempore) poets (ds'M-fetrj). On examination w ho is eq;ial to the lord Malli-d§va ? I f two from two
sides should together co:ne writing it down from the end and reading it out, he would arrange the
poem so read out, wh ttever it m'ght be, as a new poem ; repeat four stories from hearing them
related ; and make calculations in any given figures ;— all this was he able to do by mental effort.
•Shikarpur Taluq. 66

a full bjra Sara5vata, a Brahma of speakers, an emperor o f many modes o f ascertainment {avaiha-
-tam), is Mallilcarj jima-bliatta, the lotus-born among poets.

7M(e 1113 AM.
HevereticeJ by the three worlds, the 6asana of Lakupsa is 9U£reme, the bestower of benefits
seen and unseen on those who have acquired his favour. A dancing-master who with the baton of
the vedas directs the steps of the dancer the group of dharmmas, his Sasana is supreme, the bestower
of good fortune on the three worlds. The heart of Brahma shining as a stone on which is inscribed
the sasana o f the vedas which extol the abode o f Visvanatba, he is supreme, the unthinkable, able
in protecting the three worlds, the bearer on his crest of the crescent moon.

*iVar appearing to him as tears, and a battle as filled with demons, thus did Soaiesvara-muui
see them, a delight to speakers.

Be it well. The autumn full moon in the sky of the Chajukya line, praised by great poets, his
fame like the rays of the moonlight, liis lotus feet rever.mced by the heads o f hostile kings, gratifier of
all the h >st o f Brahmans (hliu-ddva) by his gifts, chief of universal emperors (sdrvvabhauma), of ex-
•ceeding might, was Vikramaditya-Deva. To give up their titles, forsake the pleasures of the lands they
ruled and dwell in thickets on the mountains, thence on coming forth again to battle to leave their
wives behind and form alliance with the celestial nymphs,— such is the occupation he provides for his
enemies,— Vikramaditya-Deva.

When, having obtained such glory and fame, the refuge of all the world, favourite o f earth and
fortune, the mabarajadhiraja paramesvara parama-bhattaraka, glory o f the Satyairaya-kula, orna­
ment of the Chajukyas,— ^Tribhuvanamalla-Deva’ s own victorious kingdom was extending on all sides*
to continue as long as sun moon and stars, and he was in the residence of Kalyana, in the enjoyment
of increasing supreme happiness (pam raa-M yana), protecting the whole earth under the shadow o f his.
sole umbrella in peace and wisdom ;—

The Chandra-vamSa (or Lunar race), famed of old in the world, obtained royal rank ; but greatly
exalting that fame in that they were moans without spot, having thus no equal in I’egard to fame or
name, truly renowned, the theme of eulogy to many great poets, having themselves acquired fame,
were the Pandyas ; — among which worthy ones, many sons of kings (arasu-maJdal) havifig been born,—

In the Krita-yuga, to the accomplisher of his desires Jamadagni, the husband of Renuki,® was
born the powerful bearer o f the Parasu (or axe), the slayer of the son of Kritaviryya, who murder­
ed the guru. And twenty-oue times slaying all the kings in the world, he bestowed the circle o f the
earth as far as the ocean upon the Brahmans {dharani-divar) ; but considering that he should not
dwell in the property of the Brahmans, he turned back the sea with the tip of his bow, the son of
Rehuki,2 praised by the learned. Having left not even space for a drop (kam) in the place occupied
by the Western Ocean, that lord obtained from the favour of Phanikahkana (S'iva) the Seven Kohkana
as his abode.

To the lady the Kohkana country thus created by Parasu-Rama, Hayve was like' her (Jcanlcana)
(or bracelet) ; in which, as the beautiful chief gem, shone forth Sisugali. Notorious enemies, from the
courage {kalitmia) imparted to the children (sisu) born there, were turned to cowards ; hence wag this
■great royal city called Sisugali.

The meaning of this versa is obscure. The reoogniged form of this name is RSijuki.
66 Shikarpur Taliiq.

There many Panijya kings having continued to ru le:— His fame rejoicing tlic hearts of all people
in the world like the moonlight, from the ocean o f the Chandra-vamsa arose the king Chandra. The
jewel of women, Kamraala-Devi, Wi>rthy o f prais) frotti all, was like the bright moonlight to that
Chandra (or moon), and extended liis‘‘g!ory by4ier union with him. A son was born to that husband
and wife, as if from Lakshrai and Vishnu, most beautiful, rejoicing the hearts o f the coyest fair
ones,— Kama. And clever, of high qualities and beauty, Bhagala-Devi, a Rajaputri jewel, like a Rati to
this Kainn, Inmame this lord’s beloved wife. No light armed one,— to that Pdiagala-Devi, and to that
great king Kama, was born with spotless fame, surpassing Indra in the splendour of his wealth,—
Chandra. To whom is any courage left after belolding this brave one ; where will any strength of
arm remiin after opposing this strOng-anned one ; the proud retain their usual firmness only as long
as his brows are straight on his face (». e. until he frowns) ;— thus does the world praise Chandra.
Praised by all people in the world, her fame her wealth, Savala-Devi, o f firm coojug.il devotion, this
woman like Rohini, became the wife to this Chandra. T o that lord and to Savala-Devi was born
a son, devote! to the faith of S iva, rich in spotless glory,— Kaina-D6va, a god among the brave. The
fortune of a hero was to him .as his Rat", great wars were as his spring season, with him by nature
abode the power with poisoned arrows to send brave enemies to the society o f the celestial nymphs,—
thus does all the world, declaring him to be indeed Kama-deva (the god o f love), praise Kama-Deva.

When thus, like the nose to the face o f the lady the Papdya line, seated on the Pandya throne,
entitled to the five big drums, the maha-maniJaleSvara, boon lord o f Gokania-pura, head jewel of
the Pan ly i-vamia, a cattle rope to champions, to others’ wives the son o f the river (Bhishma), a joy
to the learned, the protector o f ths Konkaua-rashtra, a stake for impaling liars, an abode o f fame,
Nigalanka-inalla, bearing the lotus feet o f Tribhuvanamalla-Deva as a crest on his head, a root for
the plantain tree valour,— with these and other titles, Tribhuvanamalla-Kama-Devarasa was ruling
the kingdom, in peace and wisdom :—

One day, in a discourse on S'iva-dharmma,— ‘ Dharmma is the root o f the vine o f fame ; dhar-
mma is beloved by both worlds; save the man devoted to dharmma there is none worthy o f reverence
in the world’ ;— being quoted as a precept o f the S'iva-dharmma,— and from the divine discourse o f the
worshipper of spirit, the eminent Sarasvata, Somesvara-papdita,— having conceived a desire to perform
a work of S ’iva-dharmma;—
On the Adhipati giving the VanayS,si country to the protector o f the grove o f the vine king Tri-
bhuvanamalla’ s fame, the protector of all the learned, Anantapala,— he, accepting the same,
assigned it over,— and by his order, the dweller at his lotus feet, the rana-ranga-Bhairava,
distinguished for the courage of the lion, known for his good qualities, his elder brother’s warrior,
o f wide spread fame, Krishna-Raja’s beloved younger brother, without pride carrying ou t orders as
being a great distinction,— was governing Banavase,— ? gambler (juju) o f the Malapas, o f unspotted
purity, of highest fame, treasury of glory,—Govinda.

In the royal city Balipura, which shone as an ornament to the Banavase-nad, that king, in order
to acquire the unbali land, below the lotus garden, belonging to Mechi-Setti, son of Bhuvaiiaika-Setti,
the son of Mechi-Setti who h a ! acquired the title of pa/iam-sdvi 'town m ayor),— washing bis feet,*
made a suitable agreement, and with the knowledge of the priests o f the five mathas, the townsmen,
and the three pMra? belonging to the great royal city Bafligave, bought 110 Icamma, free from all
objection, with pouring of water.

This seems to be so stated in the inscription, but is oppos­ Brahman guru. The author apparently has some hidden
ed to the usual custom, which applies only to the feet of a meaning iu the expression iSlgarchchu.
Shikarpur TaltHp 67
And the priests o f the five matlias in that great royal city Balligave,— the acharyya of theptV/ya
(or senior) matha, 6 autasiva-paijdita; the acharyya o f the Panchaliuga, Kriya§akti*pandita ; the
acharyya of Triparaotaka, Knyasakti-pandita ; and Muliga Ponneya-jiya;— and of the townsmen,
Barmiua-Se^ti, son o f Entheya, and others :— all these, the priests o f the five mathas, the townsmen,
and the t h r e e g i v i n g the land which was to be acquired QieH follow ilw boundaries),—rhe with,
devotion to S'ankara took the land, 110 Tcfimmi, the daodadhisvara-Govinda, praised by &U people
in the world, considered as the king of that uad, publicly, with washing of the feetd And thart land
Mechi-Setti will continue well to cultivate, free o f all charges ; and the five mathas and townsmen will
carryout the assignment, free of all charges. Having made this settled agreement, afterwards,-**-
Having acquired renown in the S'akti-parishe of the Mhvara-koneya sant&na o f the Parvvatam-
naya, like the rainy- seas >n to the cltdlaha birds the disciples, were the Kalamukhas •,among whom was
the faultless S'rikautha, praised by the learned, the son o f Kedarasakti, Over cherishing S'rikantha
(S'iva) in the lotus o f his heart, his holy throat {^rt kantha) retaining the blessed words uttered by the
munipati.' Understanding the p iramiinidgama, skilled in overpowering eloquence, like the purest gold
if it had acquired perfume, having placed the lotus feet of Kvara <>n bis head, self-chosen husband
o f the wife sovere pitianc?, distinguished by aU the qualities, was S'rikanlha-yogiSvara.
Srikantha’s, son, reverenced by tho world o f yatis, was Somesvara, S'rikantha (S'iva) in the form o f a
munisvara, Vaikuntha (Vishnu) to the Asura sin, the throats (feiw/fea) of the learned filled with the
sound o f his compositions.
Soliciting the tin s esteemed worshipper o f spirit, who was possessed o f the usual ascetic virtuea,
(named), pleasing to the learned, a Brahma in memory, quick iu composing, the nectar o f the lotus ,
poetry, a mirror to the face o f declaimers, pleasing in speech, a master o f eloqnenc-e, strengthening the
qualities o f sinless penance,— the distinguished SArasvata, Somesvara-paridita-deva, to accept thia
work o f merit, aud having obtained his favour,—

For the repairs o f the temple o f the soethern Kedare^vara,— ^lord o f the three worlds, on the
bank o f tho Tavare-geja (or lotus tank) to the south o f the royal city Ba41ig§,ve, which was like the
head to the Banavase Twelve Thousand,— for sandal, flowers, incanse, lights, offerings and all
manner o f services, and for the food o f the ascetics and others there, with all rites,— in the year
giri (7), Bhavaldehana (3), the 37th Vikrama® year, the year Nandaua, &e,— that land, admired
in the earth,— the ornament o f kings,— for the gratification o f the lord whose form consists o f earth
sun water and the other elements,-^washing the feet o f that universally praised distinguished
Sarasvata, radiant with ascetic virtues,— that glorious and famous one made the grant with joy,
with pouring of water. Usual final verses.

So as to win the praise o f poets, the poet very clever in composing (ali-patu-kavi), the servant
(kulkzra) o f the Sarasvata lord, Mallikarjjunaryya, wrote this S'iva-dharmma-sasana so as to be a new
(model):— the universal emperor o f mne monicsS (dMran.&’ Sdrvvahhauym), Mallikarjjuna-bhatta o f
Gobbur, a Shanmukha among good chief poets.

May prosperity be to the S'iva Sasana.

Bate m 3 A.J).
Obeisance to S'ambhu, boa iteous with the ohamara-like crescent moon kissing his lofty head,
the origin il found ition-pillar of the city o f the three worlds. Obeisance to the two S'ivas(t. e,, S'iva
and Parvati), with their respective attendants.
See note on p. 66.
That is, Ch^lukya-Vikrama year. I See concluding stafementg of No 98 above.
68 Shikarpur Taluq.

By comaiand o f th^ parj muni Vidyabliaraaaryya h ivia^ obtained the management of the
Kedara matha, may the sight of the divine nectar o f the god Kedareavara’s mercy ever protect
Gautama, a present manifestation of the ancient Gautama muni.

From the midlie o f the lotus navel o f the lord of the goddess o f Fortune was bora the lord of
the godless o f 3peo.;h ; from whose powerful arms, protectors o f the sea-engirdled earth with
the might o f their owii invincible arms, parts o f the lord o f the goddess of Fortume, were bora the
Cha}ukya kings.
Among them, in the might of his strong arms like Vishnu who crushed in battle ihe Asura that
had carrried off the earth to the infernal regions, and brought it back, was the king Taila. Tailapa-
Deva’s eldest son was the lord Sattiga, IIis son, master o f the lady Fortune, was Vikraraa. ills
younger brother, an axe to the vine the territories o f his enemies, was the king Dadavarmma, His
aon, lord of the lady E irth, Jayasimha, protected the earth with affection. Of natural courage,
Ahavatnalla.was his son. His eldest son, favourite of the earth, everywhere an unequalled wrestler
was Bhuvauaikamalla.
After him, among those Chalukya kings, o f astonishing fem e, the world praising him as having
the character of the sixteen (great) kings, was PermmSdi-Deva, his younger brother. As if afraid
of the reproach that ever of old forgetting his greatness be was underneath, bearing up the whole earth
in the Tortoise incarnation, from that time Hari resumiag his greatness had com e to bear up the
earth fro n above, such was VikramMitya-Deva. In the stream the sword o f the Chajukya emperor
dwells the Lakshral of Victory in order by its ablution to purify the earth from the impurity ai.d evil
which had accumulated from its long stay in the arms of the kings of the Kali age. The palace of
the king was flooded with streams of the ichor o f rutting elephants and the foam from the mouths
o f horses, brought and handed over by the groups of hostile kings he had subdued. T hat the Malava,
Chola, Gauja, Magadha, Anga, Turushka, Kajinga, and Vanga kings, trembling, submit to his
commands with fear, m iking friendship, agree with all he says, and are in the enjoyment of them
kingdoms,— this I know ; for were it not so, he wouli at once without pity have sent those great kings
to enjoy the kingdom o f the gods,— this lord o f Kuntala.
To Permmadi-Raya thus famous, like a faultless gem from the Rohana mountain, like the moon
from the milk ocean, like the sun from the eastern mountain, an ornament to the race o f kings, bright
with intelligence, o f wide spread glory, was born the king Soma. When he was born, forthwith afffic-
tion was born to the lines o f hostile kings, great love for liim was born throughout all the Kuntala
country, to the ever celebrated Bharat! a companion was born,— what kings could compare with this
king ? When he was yet a boy, he wanted the jewels in the crowns of hostile kings, and the jewels
on the temples of their elephants, to bind on the string round his waist. As soon as he began to
walk, the hostile kings began to walk away into the forest, through fear ; as soon as he began to
talk, their talk was conffnei to wild men of the jungles. When he wants to play at ball, he does not
care to play with balls, and will net play without the heads o f hostile kings,— who can measure the
strength of arm and might of this king ? The pure sea o f the emperor Vikrama’ s jo y was filled up,
the lotuses tlu hands of his euimies ware folded together, the waterlilies the eyes o f the whole world
were filled with laughter,— when the king Soma rose above the great mountain o f the east. Re-
lieving Adiiesha of the weight of the earth which truly prevented his turning so that he could see bis
own body, and the Tor toise king whose back was scarred with bearing up the burden o f the earth)
saying let those living creatures be at ease, he bore up the earth in his own mighty arms, the
poverful Chalukya king Soma. His wide chest was a beautiful palace for the lady Fortune, his
sharp svord was a jew jllei pleasure-house for the fortune o f Valour, his lotus face was a dancing-
stage for the f)rtuna of Wisdom,— thjsa various fortunes did he support in his mighty arms, this
S h ik a rp u r T alu q. 69
BMlokamalla. The jewels in the crowns o f prostrate hostile kings the constellations, his own fame
the moonlight, his rise causing the flocks o f chakora birds all the people in the world to escape the
heat,— this king was rightly named Soma (the moon), and thus did he shine— the king S6m§lvara.
Though the brightness o f his rays (or gifts) gratifies the gods (or the learned), though an ornament
to S'rikai^tha (or, the throat o f S'ri), rejoicing the waterlilies (or the circle o f the earth),— thus
greatly praised he may be, but being without faults and so without spots can this Soma be compared
with the Soma (or moon) in the sky ? The flames o f the fury o f hostile kings are quenched at once
at mere mention o f the water the terrible sword o f Somesvara. Kuntala being like the tresses
{leuntala) o f his loved one, Ktinchi like her glittering zone {Jidnchi), and the stream o f fair women
in his female apartments like the copious streams accompanying his gifts, he rose to conquer all
around him, and ensuring peace with the glory of his mighty arms, he was the only one who ruled
the world,— the king Soma. That he had not get punished Yama for unceremoniously carrying off
those whom he protected, that he had not yet secured Maha M§ru to bestow in gift, that he had not
yet been a refuge to Mainaka and other great mountains,— these causes daily plunged him into a sea
o f anxiety,— the king Somesvara-Deva.
When this celebrated Chalukya emperor, the king Somesvara Bhulokamalla, with the intention
o f making a victorious expedition to all parts, came to the South, and had fixed his camp in peace
and wisdom in the Hulluni tirtha,— on his making a speech on the subject o f dharmmaj seizing the

The head jewel o f the Kadamba-vam§a, crest jewel in the crown o f chieftains, a wisbing-stone
to the learned, a famous mountain o f courage, Taila,— Virata-nagari his abode, boon lord o f Vana-
vasa-pura, a pearl garland to the goddess o f Victory, Taila, a great favourite o f his lord,— rising,
stood with his lotus hands folded, and said ; ‘Deva a petition’ ,—

‘ Among the myriads o f countries the famous Kuntala country is the best ; in it the Banavase-
Had is the b est; in which, if well considered, Balligave, the treasury o f good people, the mother of
cities (patfanangala tavarmmane) is the best, its fame being spread throughout the whole world
bounded by the ocean. Being the sole abode o f the learned (otherwise, the gods), it is like Amarfivati;
being filled with' happiness (otherwise, serpents), it is like the splendid Bh6gavati-pura; and in wealth
may be compared with A lakapura;— thus celebrated throughout the sea-engirdled earth, what city
can compare with Ba}ligave ?
‘ T o describe the qualities o f its citizens :— Hospitable to strangers, of one speech, the birth­
place o f prudence, the dwelling place o f dharmma, a theatre for the performance o f excellent poets, a
simple mine o f honour, performers o f the pure worship of Hari, Hara, Pankajasana (Brahma), Jina
and other gods,— who in the sea-encircled earth are equal to the great citizens of Balligave ? As by the
bestowal o f perishable articles they can obtain -neither this world nor the next, they from time to
time stock their shops with the imperishable, the citizens (or merchants) o f that famous town. Like Sura-
pati in being the resort o f the learned (or gods) ; like Iiidra’ s great elephant in shining with moisture
(or wealth) •, like the Moon in beaming with rays (or, wisdom ); like the Serpent king in maintaining
the earth (or, patience) ;— who in this world are equal to the great citizens o f Balligave ?

* And to the people o f that town,— like the tusks to the elephant, like the dreadful canine teeth
to the lion, like the great wings to the sarabha, are the chiefs or lords (prdbhugal) of the city.

‘ A ndthere the temples of Hari, Hara, KamalAsana, Vltaraga and Bauddha, like the five
arrows in the world, shine as the five mathas in that city.

‘ And there are three puras, like three eyes o f Samagra Lakshmi, or like three pearl neck-
j ets round the throat o f that fair one.
70 Shikarpur Taluq.
‘ Aad to the south of this BaUigave, the native home o f all beauty and all d h a m m a , is situ­
ated a lotus pond, close to which, as if all the immeasurable merit acquired by its citizens had
combined into one abode of S'iva, is a beautiful temple to the god called Nagaresvara.

‘ The southern Kedara is the mean? o f the absolution o f sin, the very presence o f S ’iva mani­
fested to all the citizens, visibly displaying all the glory o f the Krita-yuga. Moreover the course
o f the saored bathing streams there is like that o f the Ganges at Kedara, the lofty tower of the
S'iva temple piercing the sky rises up like the peak o f Kedara, and the holy ascetics performing
penance there are like the holy ascetics at Kedara whose minds are bent on the performance of the
most difficult penances,— thus this is a new Kedara, the standing crops o f its fertile fields resem­
bling the horripilation arising from the S'ivalinga worship, its temple the abode o f Paramelvars.
‘ The god Kedara therein, who, thinking with supreme benevolence On his faithful worshippers,—
afraid of the cold and unable to make the distant pilgrimage (to K edara)— frees them from all sins
(here), the brightness o f whose lotus feet is an ornament on the heads o f the gods prostrate) before
him,— may he protect you, the wearer o f the crescent moon.

‘ As if proclaiming that here is firmly fixed the lord o f the Krita-yuga, dreading the guilt of
the wicked o f the Kali age, like a strong fortress, well built, is its encircling w all

‘ And its matha shines like the Kamatha (or tortoise), as a support o f all people ; like Pura-
shasimha, as distinguished for the slaying o f Hiranyaka§ipu (otherwise, for gifts o f money and food) ;
like Kurukshetra, as the abode of Sarasvatl (otherwise, learn in g); like the Khachara-loka, as sur­
rounded with Vidyadhara chiefs (otherwise, great mep o f learning); like the Mandara mountain, as
the most excellent on all sides ; like VasudSva, as rejoicing in the sound o f the words o f Akrura
(otherwise, gentle words) ; like the abode of Bhavani, as filled with the rites o f Brahmacharis ; like a
prudent man, as beautified with the ornament o f learning ; like the banks o f the Godavari, in minis­
tering to the service o f Gaulamaryya.

‘ To describe the descent of the line o f gurus o f that matha :— In the Muvarakoneya-santati
o f the devout Parvvatavali was he born, the lord o f unblemished fame, Kedarailakti-pan^ita-deva.
S'rikantha, like a pearl necklace to the throat o f Sarasvati, a touchstone for testing the gold o f
learning, reverenced by the world, was his disciple. After him, that munipa’s disciple, a moon in
raising the tide of the great ocean o f learning, was Somesvarfiryya, a sun to the blue waterlily
Kama (or desire). After that, the equal o f the celebrated Bharabbuti,! was celebrated that fortu­
nate munipa’s younger brother, Vidyabharapa, a faultless oruament o f learning, an ornament o f the
lady fame. A thunderbolt in splitting the great boulders the Bauddhas, a lion in tearing open the
frontal globes of the elephant the Mimamsa creed, a sun to the cluStre of waterlilies the Syad-
vada,— shines Vidyabharaiia, a true ornament and muni o f the Naiyyayikas. W hen having no
desire to pass his time in any other business but the cultivation o f learning, he made over the busi­
ness of the matha to his own senior disciple, with ability tO promote the guru-kula, Vamasakti-
munisvara, The moon with great difficulty sheds its rays o f nectar over the ocean-girdled earth,
hut what is that ?— like a sun of a thousand rays the unspotted wise Vamalakti illuminates the
matha and remains for its protection’ .—

On his thus making petition, hearing of the greatness of the virtue o f the matha, and o f the
devotion to virtue, learning and penance o f the acharyyas of the m atha, the hair of his body stand­
ing erect with pleasure, ha gazed with brightened eyes on the face o f the Kadamba lion, and
saying,“ W e must perform some work o f merit in that temple,” — inquired “ What towns are there

It is not clear who is meant b y this*

SHkarpur Taluq. n

near to It ? ” Oa which he replied— “ Let not the Deva perform a different work o f merit. I have
already performed a certain work of merit there for the increase of the Leva’ s victorious kingdom.
Let it by pouring of water from the Leva’s own bands be confirmed, to endure as long as sua
and moon.” .

Accepting that proposal,— for the repairs o f the temple, for gifts o f food to the ascetics, for
gifts of learning, and the worship of the god,— in the 3rd Ch^ukya-Bhuloka year, the year Kila«
ka, &c.,— sending for Vidyadhara^a-deva, and washing his feet, he presented, with pouring o f water.
Tadavanale in Jiddulige-nad, together with the Hakkaje field as a sfhala-vriUi in that nad, with
enjoyment for three generations ; and on betel leaves, areca-nut, grain and all other articles required
io r sale, purchase or consumption, he remitted the vadda-rmuja, hejjmJca and all other customs
duties, and made the gift with all ceremonies.
Then that Vidyabhara^a, despising it as being a cause for the destruction o f the various
pleasures o f learning and the happy state of yoga, made it over to his own world-renowned senior
disciple Gautama-muni, with the headship of the matha.

Like bright lamps, many munindras, abodes o f the highest good qualities, had illumined that
matha ; after whom the muni Gautama, a pure jewel lamp, like a young bud, ever shone in it with
world-wide fame, while all the world folding their hands addressed him as Jiya. The fortune o f the
Kedara temple was planted, as i f a tree o f plenty for the world, through SomSsvarfiryya, firm ia
.penance. After him, through Vamasakti it threw out branches, was filled with sprouts, blossomed,
and spread into all the world. Then through the great Gautamficharyya it bore fruit.

Usual final verses.

Date ? 1181 4 .P .
The r^ja-guru VamaSakti-deva, and his disciple JnfinaSakti-deva, will maintain the land
(specified), the 10 ga in money, and three houses in the town, granted (on the date specified) to the
dancing girl . . . . Mallave and the drummer Madiga as a temple endowment.
Date 1162 A.D.

Om. Obeisance to S'iva. Praise o f S'ambhu.

The veda its root, its firm fence the nyaya and other sastras, the smriti and others its branches,
the virtues and desires o f the good its sprouts, their deeds its blossoms, the commandments of the
S'iva Sasana in the heart’ s meditations its fruit,— may the tree o f plenty the virtue o f VamaSakti-
muui, grant your desires. His long arms its branches, his hands its sprouts, its blossoms his gentle
smiles, his locks fallin g'as far as his auspicious feet its descending roots, embraced by various
fruits the siddhis and by the celestial vine the mountain-daughter,— may the parijata tree S'iva,
grant to the king Bij ja la daily his desires.
Be it well. Entitled to the five big drums, maha-mandalesvara, a clustre of rubies to the
crown great feudatories, his feet the seat of the vanquished, boon lord o f Kalafijapura, having the
flag of a golden bull, and the sounds o f the damaruga (drum) and- turyya, a sun to the lotus
the Kalachuryya-kula, fierce in war, in dignity the Kanaka mountain, a sun to good warriors, an
elephant goad to the brave, a cage of adamant to refugee elephant chiefs, in valour the lord o f
Lanka, to others’ wives a brother, S'auivara-siddhi, Giridurggamalla, in active war Rama, a lion
to the elephant the enemy, NiSsanka-malla,— with these and other titles, the bhujabala chakra-
vartti Tribhnvanamalla Bijjala-Levarasa’ s glory was as follows
72 Shikarpur Taluq.

The fierce flames o f the courage of his enemies being quenched by the streams o f glory from tho
dazzling sword in his powerful arms, this great king Bijjala having gained a name so that there w ai
no other king besides, now rules the world as its sole monarch. The black serpent his terrible sword
enters the ant-hills the faces of mighty hostile kings, is nourished by their blood as i f milk, swallows
up their breath as if wind, and is ever excited by the flames o f hunger. The jewels from the crowns
o f fierce opposing kings lying scattered on all sides like hailstones, the flashing of weapons like
lightning, the streams of blood falling in all parts like a deluge o f rain,— the battle field in front
o f Bijjala-Deva resembles the rainy season. Entrails being poured out in rolls, warriors sinking
covered with wounds and lying side by side with their horses, while headless trunks dance aroundi
and the abandoned female rakshasas assemble and enter the field for a feast of blood,— wonderful is the
war of this Giridurggamalla. If he speaks, it is like letters cut in the rock on MSru or M andara;,
i f he gives, it is the destruction of the poverty of the supplicant; if he protects, there follows neither-
old age nor death to the race of refugee kings ;— say not, brother, that he can be compared with
other kings,, the king Bijjala, terrible in war.

A dweller at the lotus feet of this foundation abode of honour and glory, the king BijjalarDeva,.
was Kasapayya-Ndyaka. To extoll his qualities :— what is reckoned as rubbish (Jcasa), at a single
glance of his that moment appeared as shining gold (Tcasavara) to all his friends and from house to
house of all those o f good birth ; so that the name o f Kasapayya-Nayaka became famous throughout
the sea-engirdled earth. His heart at the lotus feet o f S'ankara, distributing the gold he bad justly
acquired to his friends, displaying the terror of his mighty arms in the war against the enemies o f
his lord ;— was he a common man in the world, the jewel in the crown o f the people, Kasapaya ? A
bee at the lotus feet o f Hara, surrounded with men famous for every branch of learning, sole orna­
ment o f good warriors ;— was he an ordinary man, Kasapaya, in the world ? In taking sole charge
o f a country ruined by the administration of others and bringing it into prosperity, in conferring
benefits on others, who can compare with Kasapaya ? --

With the permission of that great one, Bammarasa was the ruler o f the Banavdse-nad. To de­
scribe the greatness of his qualities,— By his government nourishing as with showers o f milk the crops
the learned among the Brahmans and his friends, ever was he praised, possessed o f all the various
learning in the world, and reverenced with folded hands as Barmma, the bestower o f blessings
{sarmnza-Mrmmanam) on his dependents. Certain governors who were learned have gained a name
as governors, but what governor was also learned like him, Barmma, the delight of all the learned ?

Inspectors to see that the Lakshmi of that Bommarasa’ s government was free from adultery, and-
also royal inspectors, were the £\e7carmanis,— S'ridhara-Nayaka, AchapLa-N&yaka, Chattimayya-
Nayaka, Malliyana-Nayaka, and Tikkamayya-l^ayaka,— these shone like the five senses to king B ijj­
ala-Deva. To describe the greatness of their qualities ;— Benevolent to others, powerful as the ocean,
in ministerial skill unmatched, bold as fierce lions, able in detecting frauds, superior to all opposition,
their great fame like the sound of the turyya, strengthened with all manner o f self acquired merit,

devoted to the faith of the feet o f Hvara,— how great were these Ttarnams ?

And moreover, a sun (ravi) in causing to unfold the lotus the face o f that Bammarasa’s great
fortune, was the great minister Kavi-Deva; the greatness o f whose qualities was as follow s:—
W hile the lotuses the faces of the chief ministers expand under the pure rays o f the counsel o f
Bavi-Deva, why do the lotuses their hands become folded together ? and why do the waterlilies the
eyes o f the goddess the fortune of Bammara’s growing kingdom become wide open ?— this is a wonder
In tlie w orW .
Shikarpur Taluq. 7a
While all these, united in the enjoyment of peace and wisdom, were one day discoursing on
dharmma, —(saying), There is the Kdijiya-matha, the place o f the southern Kedara, being like a
field Q^idra) the crops standing on which resemble the hair o f the body standing erect from joy at
the worship o f the S'ivalinga ; the place appointed for the performance o f the rites o f devotee
Brahmachari S'iva munis ; the place for the recital o f the four vIdas, the Rig Yajus Sama and
Atharvva vedas, with their angas; the place for commentaries On the Kaum3,ra, Papiniya, S'akatlU
yana, S’abdanulasana and other grammars; the place for commentaries on the NyS,ya, Vai^eshika,
Mimamsa, Sankhya, Bauddha and others the six Aarkam; the place for commentaries on the
Lakuja-siddhanta, the Patanjala and other yoga-Sastras; the place for the eighteen puranas, the
dharmma-sastra, all poems, dramas, comsdies, and every branch o f learning ; the place where food
is freely distributed to the poor, the destitute, the lame, the blind, the deaf, story tellers, singers,
drummers, dute players, dancers, eulogists, the naked, the wounded, ksTiapanakas (Jaina sannyasis),
ikadandi, tridandi, hamsa, parama-hainsa and other beggars from all countries; the place for the
treatment o f the diseases of destitute sick persons ; a place o f security from fear for all living
things ;— in this place we must perform some work o f merit, for the purification of our property, our
livelihood and thrice seven generations o f our families .— While they were thinking in this manner,—

Bijjala-maharaja, having come there in order to subdue the Southern region, and encamped in
BaU'gave, was in the enjoyment of peace and w isdom ;—

They all united coining, seated themselves and were discoursing on the dharmma o f the K6diya»
matha, when Kasapayya-Nayaka rising, and standing in front of his mahslraja, folding his lotus hands
said “ Deva, a petition ” and spoke as follows : —

‘ The southern Kedara ie the means of the absolution of sin, the very presence o f S'iva tnanifest-
ed to all the citizens, visibly displaying all the glory o f the Krita-yuga. Besides this, its jnatha is
like the ancient Kamatha (or tortoise), a support o f all the world ; like Purushasimha, distinguished
for the slaying {ddna) o f IliranyakaSipu (otherwise, for gifts of money and food) ; like Kurukshetra>
the abode of Sarasvati •, like the Khachara-loka, surrounded with Vidyadhara chiefs (otherwise, great
men of learning) ; like the great Mandara mountain, most excellent on all sides ; like V^sudeva,.
rejoicing in the sound o f Akrura’ s words (otherwise, gentle words) ; like the abode o f Bhavani, filled
with the holy rites o f Brahmacharis.

‘ Descended in the line o f the gurus o f that matha, the disciple of Gautamacharyya, is Vama-
Sakti-muniivaracharyya. To describe the greatness o f that munisvara As lights o f the line o f
gurus, many muuisvaras, abodes of the highest qualities, have illuminated that matha ; after whom
the muni VamaSakti, a pure jewel lamp like a young bud, brilliant as the moon or the rays of the sun,
filled with light the whole world, which with folded hands addressed him as Jiya. His face a dancing,
stage for Vani, his true heart a jewelled abode for the destroyer o f Madana, celebrated throughout
the world is Vamasakti-pandita-deva. Though in the vines the arched eyebrows of the fair he has
placed his sugar cane bow, in their glancing eyes his flowery arrows, and thus become famous,—
from fear o f the severity o f Vaiua^akti*muui's penance, the god o f love confines himself in the earth
to the thoughts o f the mind.

‘ Therefore were the Deva to perform in that matha some work of merit,' it will endure as long as
sun and moon.’

Oa his saying thus, the king Biijala taking it to mind,— for the decoration of the god Dakshina
Kedaresvara, for gifts o f food to the ascetics, for gifts of learning, for repairs o f the temple, and for
satisfying the good and the beloved,— in his 6th year, &c., at tlie time o f the sun’s eclipse, washing
74 Shikarpur Taluq.

the feet o f Gautama^haryya’s disciple VS,maiakti-pandita*deva, made a grant o f Kirugeri in the

Huiidred-hi^fJt, with enjoyment for three generations.
Usual tioal verses, including— Those who seize on the property o f gods or Brahmans, will be
born as black serpents dwelling in the hollows o f dried up trees in the thirsty forests o f the Vindhya
Also he granted Chi^tftru in the Pa^idya kingdom, Ayirane in the Gutojala-kampana, Koneya-
Neralige in the K&ladi Ninety, and Sidiyanfiirudivige in Sattajige-kampapa with enjoyment for three
generations. Also Changiiru MattihaUi in B^shr-kampapa, Javali in Nagarikhande, with enjoy­
ment for three generations, washing the feet o f the raja-guru VAma§akti-deva.
And on that occasion, on the application o f Soyi-Devarasa o f Banda^ike, Chandugi-Deva and
Lakumi-Deva-dan^ayaka, ha granted for the decorations o f the gods Dakshina-Kedaresvara of the
K6diya-matha, Somanatha, and BrahmSSvara o f AbbalAr,— Karinele, Maruvase, Mutinahalli and Kun-
dangi in Nagarakha^de-kampaya, and Ohikka Karnriuge in Hanungal-kampana. Be it well. Fortune.

D a te 1149 A .D .
Om. Obeisance to S'iva and S'iva, with their respective attendants.
The veda its root, the Ny^ya and other lastras its Secure fence, the smriti and others its branches,
the virtues and aspirations of the good its sprouts, their deeds its blossoms, the observance of
the S'iva sasana its fruit,— the tree o f plenty thy dharmma, ^ri-Gautam§,charyya, gratifies all desires.

From the lotus navel o f the lord of S'rt sprang Brahma ; from his arms came forth and shone
in the world many S'antara kings. Being free (s'dnfa) from the quality o f darkness [tamos), com­
pletely free [s'anta) from hosts o f powerful enemies by the might o f their arms, free (sdnta) from
fear or avarice,— they acquired the name o f S ’antara in the world.

Among them,— able in forcing by his power unyielding hostile kings to say the same that he
did,— was a rare one in the earth, Ammai^a by name. His brother [sahajdta), who established bis
power in the world, an ornament o f the royal line, o f great fame, was Singi-Deva by name. The
celebrated Ammana-Deva’ s son, a spear for the heads c f hostile kings, a treasury o f fortune to many
subject kings, in firmness the famous mountain,— was Taila. That king Taila's son, king Kama, dear
to the Lakshmi o f the great empire o f the S'antara mai^dalesvaras, destroyer o f S'arabara fierce
enemies, of universal command acquired by the use of the Santapana (otherwise, his tei’rible) arrow,
became famous. (Omitting laudations), That lord’ s wife was Bijjala-Devi. To those two was born the
S'antara king Jagadeva (His praises, stating that) he W'as a moon to the Ocean the Jina dharmma.

That Jagalevarasa’s mother Bijjala-Devi’ s sister was Chaltala-Devi; to whom and to Vijayadifya-
Deva was born a pure Kshatra son Jayakesi, who was reckoned as Jagaddeva's elder brotber,
(His praise, saying that) He sub-dued all his enemies and ruled the Seven Konkaua. That Jaga-
deva’s younger brother was Singi-Deva.
Thus reckoned as the younger brother to Jayakesi-Deva, and the elder brother to Singi-Deva,-—
when, entitled to the five big drums, the maha-maijdalSsvara, boon lord o f Patti-Pombuchcha-pura,
obtainer of a boon from the goddess Padmavati, scented with musk, acquainted with the science o f
politics, omniscient in literature, fighter with kings, a stake to the titled,— Tribhuvanamalla Jaga-
■devarasa was in the residence of Seta, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom :— one day sur­
rounded by skilful learned men and his attendants, he was discoursing on dharmma, and said :—
As water though of one substance is used under many names ; so one is the Divine essence but it
is served under many modes of life (or ? systems).!
' 1 A ^ ^ ^ \ I T
Ekam eva paya^-tatvaip iiJnS-nama-nisli^vitaip 1tathaikam devati-tatvaip ninSs'rama-nislilvitaip ||
S h ik a r p u r T a lu q . 75

On his thus saying, at that opportunity,— a bee at the lotus feet o f Hara, (with various praises)
Bamiuarasa, folding his lotus .hands, made a petition as follow s:— ‘ The southern KMara is the
means o f the absolution o f sin, the very presence o f S'iva manifested to all the citizens, visibly
displaying all the glory o f the Kfita-yuga, To describe the qualites o f the great acharyya o f that
Kedara-sthana,— Gautamaryya ;— Like bright lamps many munindras, abodes o f the highest good
qualities, illumined that m a th a ; after whom the muni Gautama, a pure jewel lamp like a young bud,
ever shone in it with world-wide fame, while all the world, folding their hands, addressed him as
Jiya. Therefore any work o f merit performed there will be unfading and the means o f absolution
from all sin.’

On his thus making petition, taking that to mind, coming to Ba^Jigave,— in the Chajakya prat&-
pa-chakravartti Jagadekamalla’s 13th year, the year S'ukla, &c., at the time of the moon’s eclipse,—
in the presence o f the lotus feet o f the god Dakshina KedareSvara,— Jagadevarasa and his son (tanna
Ttumara) Baramarasa united, washing the feet o f VMi-Vidyabharaua-pandita-deva’s disciple Gauta-
ma-pandita-deva, and with pouring o f water, made, for the offerings to the god, for repairs o f the
tem ple, for gifts of food to the ascetics and for gifts o f learning, a grant o f Kundftr in the Kodanad
T h irty o f the S'antalige Thousand, with enjoyment for three generations. Also certain rice land
(specified). Usual final verses.
Also, on that occasion, he granted Abbase and Hosava}}i in the Koijandd-kampana, and Govin-
daaahajji in Muduvalala-kampana (with usual details).
May it be well with the S'iva sdsana.
S'ri. Om. Obeisance to S'iva. Praise o f S'ambhu.

Be it well. When, (with usual Chajukya titles), Traildkyamalla-Deva’ s victorious kingdom was
extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars ;—
At that tim e,—Be it well. When, (with titles as in No. 102 above), the mabA-maydalesvara
Bijjana-Derarasa was ruling all the countries, putting down the evil and upholding the good:—

And, his maha-prachanda-dandanayaka, a terror to his enemies, without any motive a friend to
the people in the world, purifier o f his gotra, spirited amoUg clever people,— Mahadevarasa was
ruling the Banavase Twelve Thousand in peace, associated with the embodiments o f the mind o f
Bijjana-Deva, wishing-stones in granting the desires o l their dependents, suns in dispersing the dark»
ness the poverty o f the needy,— PStarasa, Chattimarasa, Padmarasa and Sovarasa, these four Jcara^
His great minister, a jew elled ornament o f ministers, in form a KA.ma, a bee at the lotus feet o f
Hara, the s fie protector o f the learned, the beloved son of Ananda-bhattdpadhyaya, who was an
honoured resident o f Rayanarayana-pura, o f the Vrisha-gana, purifier of his gotra, the dear son oF
Gaurala-Devi,— with these and other names, was MS,yi-Devarasa. And besides this,— (his further-

This great minister, Herggade-Dandanayaka o f the vad(la-rdmla‘ hejjunlca o f the Banavase

Twelve Thousand,— Mayi-Devarasa, being at peace in the residence o f the royal city Bajjigrime,
one day, surrounded by all the learned men and attendants, delivered a discourse ou dharmma :
which they, taking to mind, spoke as follow s:—

‘ The southern KedAra is the means o f the absolution o f sin, the very presence o f S'iva mani«
fested to all the citizens, visibly displaying all the glory o f the Krita-yuga. And the matha there is
76 Shikarpur Taluq.
like the ancient Kamatha (or tortoise), a support for all the w orld ; like the milk ocean in giving birth
to Lakshmi (or fortu n e); the delight o f Purariapurusha (or men o f puranic lore) ; like the grove of
Bhavani in being ever pervaded with the pure life o f Brahmacharis; like Kurukshetra in shining with
the Sarasvati (otherwise, learning) ; like the Khachara-loka in being surrounded with Vidyadhara
kings (otherwise, chiefs o f learning); like Kailasa in being protected by beautiful gods and goddesses
(otherwise, Vama§akti-deva).

* And to describe the descent o f the gurUs o f that matha :— In the Mfivarakoneya-santati of
the devout Parvvatavaji was born, praised for his pure fame and glory, Gautama-munipa. That
Gautama’s son, an intoxicated bee at the lotus feet of Girijel’s lord, his face free from passion, of
worthy life, was VaraaSakti-pandita-deva. The fortune o f the KedS,ra-sth§,na was as a kalpa vine
horn in the earth, raised on the soil of his unshaken penance by Some^vararyya, afterwards well
nourished and covered with branches and blossoms through Gautamaryya, till its fame has spread
over all the world through V3,ma§akti-munindra. His face a pleasure-house for V§,nr, his true
heart a pure jewelled house for the destroyer o f Madana, of world-wide fame was VamaSakti-
pandita-deva. Through him let some Work o f merit be performed here.’

On their thus speaking, taking that to mind,— Be it well. In ChS.lukya Trailokyamalla's 6th
year, the year Yuva, &c.,— washing the feet o f— Be it well.— having acquired all the ascetic virtues
(named), the delight o f the learned, acharyya o f the temple o f the god Dakshina Kedare^vara o f the
royal city Balipura, Vamasakti-pandita-deva, and w ith pouring o f water,— for gifts o f food to the
ascetics, for the offerings to the god, and for repairs o f the temple, remitted both the va^da rdvula and
Aeyyuw/ca, and the bilko(le-sunJca on the hard areca-nut, the produce o f the god Kedare^var/i’s
garden, and all the pamdya-smka on the belel-leaves from that garden, to be continued free of
all imposts. Usual final verse (not completed).

Date 1163 A.D.
Obeisance to S'iva. His shining pure body composed o f the earth and other elements, able in
creating in sport the three worlds which grow with his nourishment, the object o f the love he creates
in the Mountain daughter, dwelling in security in the happy abode o f the golden mountain, living in
unending glory along with Uma, bearer o f the crescent moon,'— may the lord o f the Bhdtas ever bo
for your prosperity. Ever supporting Lakshmi on his breast, with his hand the chief o f mountains G6-
varddhana, in his navel the Lotus-born (Brahma), the firm earth^on his back, in his eyes the sun
and moon, enduring glory in his body,— may he be for the happiness of all worlds, Vishpu, the lord
o f the Yadavas.

Be it well. Refuge o f all the world, favourite o f earth and fortune, maharajadhiraja paramS-
Svara parama-bhattaraka, glory o f the Yadava-kula, ornament o f the Hoysajas, the pratapa chakra-
vartti vira-Ballala-Deva’s descent was as follows :— First of that (line) was vira-Ballaja ; whose
brother was Vishuuvarddhana ; whose son, o f world-wide fame, was king Nrisimha.

By whom the whole earth acquired a glory worthy of kings, by whom all the elephants hostile
kings were destroyed without remedy, by whom ths lamp of his fame was hung up in the world,
was tlie valiant king vira-Nrisimha. Destroying fierce enemies with his claws, o f deep terrific roar,
his rolling eyes rad with fury, adorned with a mane o f glory, bringer o f happiness to all three
worlds, himself the Chakri (Vishnu) o f the circle {chakri) of the world, Narasimha shines, the glory
o f kings the Yadu chief in the world. An ocean that had not been swallowed by the muni in anger,
S tik arp u i* T a lu q . 77

a kalpa kijja that was not a tfee, a Mamiara mountain that had not suffered disgrace by being lifted
up by Surari, a lion not bora in the form o f an auim alj^such in profundity, in ability, in celebrated
dignity, in courage, was, the king Narasimha. Grinding the backbones o f unyielding hostile kings
and marking its forehead with the powder, splitting the heads as they rolled off on every side and
hinging the brains round its neck, drinking its fill o f blood from their skulls,— the Kali, the sword
01 this king Narasimha, dances with joy on the battle field;
To him was born, an ornament to all the world, enriched with great fame, a son, the king
Ballala, who ruled over the whole earth. To describ.'! t!u glory o f that king's valo i r : — Ghoja was
driven out of his mind •, Paniya, giving up his desire to stay longer, escaped by night to the summit
o f a mmntain, trembling, tjgcther with his a rm y ; besides these, Vangi, Kalinga and Magadha,
kings over mighty hosts, fled in terror on hearing the terrible sound of the Hoys4a emperor’s twang-
■ ing bow. In the might o f his arm, Bhima ; in raising the tides of the ocean of fame, Soma ; in vic-
t>ry ill battle, R im a ; in beauty o f form, Kama ; like a ruby among all the kings of his line ; '- h e is
victorious, a light to the world, the king vira-Ballala>. LMa stood bewildered {Mlot), Magadha trem-
bled (agidi), so [A.nlhra] went blind {mdhai), Gauja was split in two {saula}, that Konkana king was
terror-stricken, thatNepaJa dropped his bow, Malavagave up hope, entered the desert plain (rndla) and
fell, Chola took to howling {gopi),— on vira-Ballala-Deva flashing his sword. Forsaking their own
kingdoms, saying ‘ Let us save our lives,’ the enemies trembling climbed into trees, fled and took
ship, while soiile mounted (*. e , tojic sanctuary) ou ant-hills, and crowds o f kings ascended to hill
forts ; — thus did tlie good warrior, king vira-Ballalo. mount up and I’ide forth like the Sun, dispersing
the darkness his enemies.
Without a second, a moon in raising the tide in the ocean his ministers, there shone in the
earth^as a minister, Eraga-dandarat, Wtiosa ability was Set up in the temple o f the world for the crea­
tion of merit, whose generosity was devote 1 to satisfying the desires o f suppliants throughout the
worll, whose c o ir a g e w a s exercised in the destruction of enemies throughout the world,— ^ittay he
tiv*, Ereya ia ch um inayaka, as long as the earth endures, The face of the waterlily clharmma, the
moonlight the efforts o f dependents to increase his merit, the deep ooean learning, the chakora birds
the learned,— causing (respectively) to unfold, to increase, to rise, to be filled with joy,— Ereyapa
shone with astonishing fame, like a moon in the earth.

When that •hamunatha, having united in one government thoBanavase Twelve Thousand and the
Bantalige Thousand, was ruling ; owing to a discourse one day on dharmUiu, observing for a long
time the temple o f Kedara, and the glory o f the penance o f the priest o f that temple, the r4ja-gnru
Vamasakti-deva, — that great one’s possession o f all the ascetic virtues (named) ; his being surrounded
with disciples devoted to the ashtdnga-yoga which he expounded to them ; his lotus feet Covered with
clustres o f bees the large sapphires set in the crowns o f friendly kings bowing before him, the swords
in whose right hands were able in protecting the whole earth girdled with the ocean, which is the
treasury of all precious things ; a portable tree o f plenty for giving joy to poets, declaimers, orators,
■conversationabsts and other manner o f leaimed m en ; able in giving decisions on the meaning o f the
Vedanta, siddhanta, agama, the six systems o f logic, all branches o f grammar, pure dharmma-5§.stra,
and all oth ef sciences ; skilled in splitting as with a thunderbolt the j4tam o f the mountains oppO'»
nent speakers ; a chalcdra to the moonlight from the moon the rays from the toe-nails o f the moon-
xrested (S'iva) which are irradiated with the large and brilliant constellations in the crowns of the
ever adoring deities ; a supporter o f all the companies o f poets; devoted to gifts o f food, gold, virgins,
cows, lands, and gifts o f freedom from fear, o f medicine, and all other benefactions ; abee at the lotus
feet o f K a r a ; the ten points o f the compass tinted with his fame as white as the autumn cloud, quick-
-silver, the starry mountain (Kailasa), the milk ocean, the autumn moon, the light of the moon, rock ^
78 Shikarpur Talitq,
crystal, pure sandal, beauti.'iil cow’ s milk, snow, a coach shell, o r S'an k ara’ s body ; a pleasant abode
for the lady panance ; a rain cloud showering gold to gratify those o f his eulogists who are consumed
by the fire of dreadful poverty ; putting far from him the sinful ; im penetrable by untiuthfulness j
beloved by his dependants; worshipper o f the holy lotua feet o f the god Dakshina Kedaresvara of
the immemorial city, the royal city (rdjadhdni) Balipura ; master o f all kinds o f spells ; was Vama-
Sakti-dev.v; whose paternal descent was as follows :— Of the Parvvatavali, although a companion (o
the lady the fame o f merit, although having as children the company o f the learned, and although
the beloved one o f morality, yet having the designation o f yati, was there a wonderful muni in the
world, Gautama. As o f old the gods and deities by churning the ocean obtained Iiidra's elephant, the
Jewel of women Lakshml, the ornamental kmstuhha, and Sarasvati,— so this good son, virtuous,
righteous, generous, did the world-renowned Gautama obtain, the excellent Varaa§akti-yati. His
commands on the heads o f kings, his fame in the dwellings o f the learned, his mind at the feet of
the lord of the life o f Parvvati, his occupation distinguished in ability to protect the world,— long
may he live, the world-renowned bhratindra Vama^akti. A mountain for the rising sun of logic, an
ocean for the jewels good poems, clever in investigating the principles of grammar, foremost in for­
mulating prosody, an only treasure to those who desire instruction in such learning, an expounder
o f principles,— thus do all the learned extol the wonderful VamaSakti-yamina. With those who
with cheeks puffed out play all manner o f iunes on the flute, with singing women who give forth
enchanting songs with clear modulation o f the seven notes,i and with those who play sweet sounds
on drums ? bound to their waists,—is he the most skilled in the world in daily performing pleasant
dances,— VamaAxkti-bhratindra. One man composes the aphorisms o f a science, another ana­
lyses the words, and yet another makes the commentary ; but the marvel here is that Vama^akti
occupies himself alone in both composing, analysing, commenting, and even instructing those who
do not understand.

When that emperor, having made an expedition o f victory to the north, was in the residence of
Lokkigundi, ruling the kingdom o f the world in peace and wisdom :—

A dweller at his lotus feet, was the great ministei*,' sarvvddhikdri, great master o f the robes,
protector iu safety of the YMava camp (or capital), hunter o f hostile kings, plunderer o f foreign
territories, worshipper of the lotus feet o f the god Vis'vanalha, subduer o f foreign armies, a.
mill-stone to enemies, rana-ranga-Bhairava, mahd<-yrachaii(j,a-dan4andyalca, terrifier o f his eneniies,—
Ejfeyanna; to describe whose pure d e s c e n t P r a i s e d by all the people in the world was Maramayya,
whose wife (with praises) was Nagala-Devi. Their son was Barmma, worthily so called, whose
younger brother was Eraga, born to purify the Bali race.

That chamunatha, for the worship o f the god Dakshina Kedaresvara o f Balipura, the royal city
o f the Banavase Twelve Thousand, for the offerings, perpetual lamp^ Chaitra purification, and many-
other festivals, f)r gifts of food to the ascetics, and temple repairs, fo r all these purposes, made a.
grant of Ohiyaua-SaliyCir in the Muddha-Kund&ni-vritti in the Santajige-nad o f his government, with
freedom from all imposts, for the first 18 gady3.ua payable to the treasury, and freedom froin Jtaftu-
guUige and piadd-ddna, to continue as long as sun and moon, (oii the date specified), washing the
feet o f the raja-guru V5,masakti-deva, and with pouring of water by his MahUraja, Usual final verses.

The poetry is Maleya’s, pan(}ita o f kavirS,jas : the writing (or engraving) is the stone-mason
Qiattaya’s. ■ ■

The semi notes (the Hindu octave) »r« aa, ahadja ; ri^ riahabha ; ga, g&ndMra •, madhyama \pa, panchanm-, dhd,".
^ f i a i v a i a } n i , nishO/dhct.
S h ik a r p u r T a lu q . 79

D a'e 109S A B .

Praise o f S'ambhu. Be it well. W hen, (with usual ChS.Jakya titles), Tribhuvanamalla-Deva’ s

victorious kingdom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and sta rs:—
A dweller at his lotus feet,— Be it well. Entitled to the five great drums, maha-s§,mantfidhi-
pati, maha-prachanda-dandanayaka, chief over the palace property, a moon to the watcrlily Brah-
maiis, an oeeati o f truthfulness, a Yogandhara in business, a leader in the game of war, worshipper
o f the feet o f Tribhuvauamvlla-Deva, subduer of foreign arahies,— with these and all other titles,
was the great minister, s ipjriatendeut o f the female apuftments, regulator o f the companions, tlie
senior Lala Kannada rnioister for peace and war, the mane-vergga^e, the great minister dandanaya-
ka-Bhivanayya through whom,— Be it well. When with all titles, the great minister, dandanaya-
ka Padinanabhayya was protecting the Banavase Twelve Thousand in peace j— to describe the great­
ness o f its'royal city :—
W ith clustres o f lotus, with swarms o f bees, with mango groves filled with beautiful swans,,
parrots and cnckoos, surrounded with climbing betel vines, areca palms, bignoni is, and mmJiulcmda,—
Balligave wai like the twiningjcurh (Jimldi) of the lady the Kuntala country
A s from the womb o f Konti were born the five PapdavaSj so, obtaining fame in the world, equal
in beauty to king Kantu (the god o f love), were born from the womb o f Chikaicabbe. They were
Batumadavarasa, next younger to him Nagidevayya-Nayaka, next to him Tikarasa, next to him
Lokarasa and Jogarasa, which two had minds ever devoted to works of merit, government, bravery,
and doing good to others These two, considered a f rare huatan oceans of glory and wealth, to the
north o f the Tavaregera (or lotus tank) south o f the royal city Balligrame, set up the gods LokeSvara
and 36ge5vara, and for the decorations of these gods, theOhaitra petrification, the offerings, and
the food o f the pfijari, bought certain laud (specified),— and in the presence of the pattamsdoi (or
town mayor) and all the towusmeu ; Gammauda-savi Sankarayya ; senahhova Sankarayya ; Sandhore
C hittim ayya; the fichfiryya of the senior matha Bherunde^vara, Gauja-pa^idita-deva ; the aefiaryya
ofP anch a Linga, S ’rikantha-pa^fiita-deva ; the Scharyya of Tnpurantaka, Chaturanana-pandita ; the
firyya o f the Miilasthana and the five mathas, Muliga-Honneya^jlya; the school students ; the savfisi
o f the Bauddha temple, N agiyakka; all the'Brahmans o f the Brahmapuris o f the city ; the mani‘
gdra N agi-S etti; the togam M achi-Setti; minda-guidati N am i-Setti; and all the mummuri-dan^a ;—
thus in the presence o f the whole city, (on the date specified), Bammi-Setti gave to Lokarasa for
the god 50 Tcarnna from his umhali (land). Usual final verses.

Date about 1078 A.D.

May he— the master of the Bhulas, lord of the gods,—be to ybu— he ornamented with serpents,
who w ith the flame o f the central eye in his forehead consumed Manmatha, S'ambhu, having araHJ/jF
and the other without birth, Bhima, the self-existent, lord of the. Mountain daughter, re*
moT.)r o f the fears o f his faithful ones, Bharga, —for great happiness. , .
. ■ Be ifc well; Among the Chalukya kings praised in all the World, &s,, Trailokyamalla’s beloved
son (om itting landationsp Vikramaditya-Deva was seated oa the throne. What ether kings in the
world cou ld withstand Tribhuvan unalla His younger brother was Jayasimtm. Praise o f Nojamba,
to whom all kings bowed down and who so shot bis arrows that they wont through the. body and

, The are eight supernatural faculties, m a h i m d f prah/fingeij is'itva j

80 S h ik a rp u r T a lu q .
Clime out at the li.ick. (The inscription is defaced all down the middle). Through his aid the
Seven Konkanas brca ue like'bracelets (kanham) to the emperor.
? When TainOa-ehainupa was governing the Santalige Thousand : —
In the worlil-reno vued S'akti-parshe, in the Muvara-konieya'Santati f? o f the Parvvatavali],
shone Kedarasakti-tn i iipati. His disciple, an ornament to the Lakula-samaya was Rudiabharana.
His disciple was VahnikUmuni (his praise, including) ? a hand to Lakula.
Some grant was m ile for a temple, on the date specified, the year o f which (according to the
Vikrama-kala) is gone. Usual final verses.
Date about 1164 A.D.
A. ■
Om, Obeisance to .S'iva. Praise o f S'ambhu. Obeisance to Hara. May Hari and Kara
A ’
I! ’■ ed with S'ri and Gi'-ija, ever grant all your desires, chamupati Mahadeva. May iSvara ever
P’^otect Mahadeva-rbamfipa.
From the lotus navel of the lord o f S'ri was born the lord o f the goddess o f speech ; from
whose poverful arms were bprn, celebrated in the world, all the Chalukya kings. Among them,
(omitting laudations) the cause o f trembling to the L ata king, the Majava king, Cherarama and the
Ourjjara king, was Ta la. His son was Satya^aya. His son was Vikrama. His younger brother
was Dasavannma. H s son Was Jayasimha. His son was Ahavamalla. Ilis son was Bhuvanaika-
malla. His younger brother was vira-Permmadi-RAya. By his valour having subdued the circle o f
the earth as far as the noints o f the compass, Vikramtiditya ruled so that all hostile kings bowed to
his commands. His son. was Bhulokamalla, who as Somesvara bore up the burden o f the wmrld.
After him was .Tagalekamalla, who by churning with the Mandara mountain his arm the ocean the
aroies o f the hostile Thvla and Giirjjara kings oMained herds o f elephants, wealth, and troops o f
ho ses. After him was bis younger brother, doable o f Dasakantha (Ravanal, tenfold o f DaSasatabhuja
(Karttaviryanjuna), a hundred fold o f Rama, a hundred fold o f Mahe^a,— the king Tailapa, also
called Trailokyamalla.
Thus,—Be it well. When Trailokyamalla-Deva o f unparalleled glory was ruling thc^king­
dom at that time,— Be it well. Entitled to the five b ig drums, the maha-mandale5vara, boon
lord of Ivalanjara-pura, having the flag of a golden bull, haying the sounds o f the damaruga and
iuriiga, sun to the lotus the Kalachuryya-kuja, fierce in fight, in honour the' golden mountain, a
sun to g i o l warriors, . .. a cige o f adamant" to refugees, in valour the lord o f Lanka, a brother to
the wives o f others, 3' inivara-siddhi, Giridurgga-malla, in energy in war Eama, lion to the elephant
his enemies, Nissankamalla,— witk these names and all other titles, was the mahfi-mandale§vara.
[Bijjana]. To describe his greatness:— (from here the inscription is much defaced).
Oue day, when he was ruling the kingdom,— -Mahadeva-danflanSyaka,— whose father w as Wa}a
, his mother Padraambike, his gotra Agastya, Then follow praises o f KSlidasa-chamupati. Also
Mahadeva is said to have slain with h is sword S'rivatsa-daiidesa.
Thus,' when seated on the chariot o f Bijjape^vara’s mind, he was ruling the Banavase country
(its praise) ; an ornament to which was the great city Falipura (its praise). One day, when MahS-
devarasa was in this beautiful Balipura, ruling the kingdom in peace and w i s d o m ( v e r y much de­
faced here) the famous muni Kfidarasaktilvara de'ivered a discourse on Sharmma. His text was
this,— “ Whoso sets un but one linga, obtains a mvriad-fold all the merit described in the dgamas^
Inquiring into the m"aning o f this saying, and feeling inclined to set up a god, ? he came, and saw
Vamasakti. To describe the spiritual descent o f that rauniSvara: — In the M&vara-koneya-santati»
S h ik a rp u p T a lu q . 81

reverenced by Devavrata-niuni,................ were KldS.ra5akti and S ’rikantha. S'rikaptha’s disciple

was Soinesvara, whose disciple was........... , whose disciple was Vamasakti^vara.. ..

Be it well. 'Mahadeva-da^danayaka, washing the feet o f Vamasakti-pa^dita-deva, priest of the

Kodiya-matha, set up in the name of his father the god [? Ma]lapesvara, and (on the date specified,
the year is gone), at the time of an eclipse of the sun, made grants for it in the usual manner.

Other grants follow for three gods. Usual iinal verses.

Date about 1070 A.D.
Praise o f S'ambhu. When, (with usual Chajukya titles), Bhuvanaikatnalla-Deva’ s victorious
kingdom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars : —

And, a dweller at his lotus feet, praised by all the world, of Brahma-Kshatra heroic descent,
favourite o f earth and fortune, maharajadhiraja paramesvaia, boon lord hf Kolala-pura, lord o f
Nandagiri, having the crest of a lusty elephant, obtainer of a boon from Sdme^vara, the Ganga
god o f love, Yikvaxae. G3i[Lg&,3ayaA-uttaranga, a wishing stone for all people, a head-jewel in the crowns
o f chiefs, —Chalukya-Ganga-Permmadi Bhuvanaika-vira Udeyaditya-Deva governing first Gangava4i>
and also the Banavase Twelve Thousand and the Santajige Thousand, was ruling the kingdom in
peace and wisdom

The beloved o f his heart and eyes, constant sharer in a thousand supreme delights and plea­
sures, equal to a second Lakshmi, by nature formed for good fortune, in gifts the vidyadhari (or
fairy) o f the world, skilled in all accomplishments, with eyes of the wild partridge (chaliora),
with graceful languid gait, devoted to singing and dancing, a head-jewel of intelligence, a protecting^
jewel to dependents, to beggars a moving trea8ure*urn, obtainer o f a boon from the gi)ddess S’arada,
Udayaditya-Deva’ s other half,— was Lachchala-Devi. Mistress o f astonishing fueling and sentiment
in bright and new modes of charming, (her farther-praises). (The rest effaced).

' Date about ^070 A.D.
Fanned by breezes from the waving chamaras in the hands, their arms jangling with bracelets,
o f the celestial nymphs ; h isiop-k n ot moistenM with the water o f.th e celestial river; the god o f
gods ; praised by the three worlds ; may he grant all desires, the beloved o f Gauri’s heart. Two
more verses invoking Mahela. •
The Chalukya emperor o f surpassing power, Tailapa; the abode of brilliaht fame, SatyMraya ;
the dwelling place of the quality o f valour {vihrama\ Vikramaditya ; the gainer o f great glory,
A yyaua; the mine o f energy, Jayasinga; the home of the fortuue of the empire of the world,
Trailokya-malla ;— when these appeared, the great Chfllukya kingdom gained renown. That cele-
brated master of victory won in w^r (dhava), Ahavamalla-Deva, dear to the heart of the beautiful
lady.Earth whose zone is the girdle o f the ocean, a moon filled with the nectar' of pleasant speech,
the resting place of the fortune o f the beautiful Chalukya kingdom, acquired renown by the valouj^
o f his own powerful arm. Unless saying ‘you are my refuge,’ he remained with hands folded in fear,
that Trailokya-malia— Ammamma !* — .with anger Inarched against his enemy, plundered him,
besieged him, trampled on him, uprooted him,— such was the report. His son was Bhuvanaika-
malla, an ornament to the kingdom, his bead at the lotus feet of S iva, his fame as white as
moonlight. The destruction caused by his elephant among the elephants of the enemy described.

An exclamation.
82 S h ik a rp u r T alu q.
Be it well. When, (with usual Chalukya titles), Bhuvanaikamalla-Deva’ s victorious kingdom
was ext ending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :—

Devoted to the service of that king’s lotu s feet, destroyer o f the pride of valour of his enemies, his
lotus fiet reverenced by foreign kings, invested with foreign power placed on th e heads o f hostile
kings, distinguished as Bhuvaiiaika-vira, was the Ganga ehakraijudhci. An ocean o f greatness,
empeDr o f all the Brahmans, distinguished for victory with his own strong arm , a Brahma-Kshatra
crest-jewel, rajadhiraja,— was Udayaditya. Ordinary chieftains .. ................ are they champions over
you ?— say, Bhuvanaika-vira. {TTw rest of the stone is hrolcen off).

Date about 1080 A.D.
Praise o f S'ambhu. When, (with usual Chd.lukya titles), Trihhuvanamalla-Deva’s victorious
kingdom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :—

And, a dweller at his lotus feet, entitled to the five big drums, maha-samantadhipati, the great
minister and dau(Janayaka, the manS-verggade-dandanayaka Gundamarasa was ruling the hampana,
th.g agrahdra, both the vadda-rdvula and the liejjimTca, and the Wkode^ in the Banavase-nad:—

Considered a'later bom Krishna in his family, entitled to the five big drulns, maha-samanta-
dhipati, maha-prachanda-dandanayaka, liberal to the learned, Vatsa-raja to horses, in form Maiioja,
in interest in others Jimutavahana, a Bhairava in heating down enemies, ready for war, able in ruling
territory,— with these and all other titles, Jakkamarasa, having made obeisance to the god Sarwesvara
of BaraliakoJi, and having seen the divine Linga, being filled with devotion, reflecting that he must
provide for the bathing and worship o f the god ,— made grants as follow s:— in the market for" each
ptremdnfa o f betel leaf, 1 pana a month ; in all the customs offices 2 Tcanthe-vana ; and for areca-nut
passing both ways, 2 areca-nuts per load. And the pattana-savi o f the royal city Balligrame and all
the townsmen gave for the purification festival'^ ; and in the shops 1 ha o f paddy for the offerings
at the parma. And the lidijujige Seventy gave 1 kan^he-vana. A n d Bala-deva, the ? mandra o f
Hebe and all the betel sellers there, according to their families, gave 25 . . Other grants by various
trades. All this he assigned to Kamalasaoa-pan^ita, the chintdyaJca o f the god.

Date 11^9 A.D.

Obeisance tf) S'iva. Praise of S’ambhu. I am obedient to the words o f Dhruvesvara-guio, the
disciple o f Vadiriidr.i, wh’ch are like a bunch of sprouts from the tree o f plenty on the ears o f the

When, (with usual Chalukya titles), Bhulokamalla-Deva’ s victorious kingdom was extending on
all sides, to coutluue'as long ,as sun moon and stars :—

The sculptors, possessed of unblemished virtues, Bavaaa and the distinguished Ravana, good
workmen, not a little attentive to dhamma (or moral duties), brothers^ o f high unblemished character.
Their father was PAghava, their mother Ballavve, their friends and relations Gauri^a Dasas (or
servants of Gaurisa), Gautamaryya, reverenced by a multitude o f munis, and the others who were
achdryyas of the K6di*matlia were their religious teachers ;— how great then^ was their fame in the
■world ?

SCALEIg, ? f

S h ik a rp u r T aluq. '83

Those two, Bavana and Ravana, in order to clear an aspersion on their own race of the sculp­
tors, set up an imago of the god Kusuvesvara, and calling together Mechi-Setti, Kirtti-Setti, with
all the chief people o f the town, and the five mathas, along with them presented that temple of the
god Kusiivesvara to Gautaraa-deva as attached to the god Kedai esvava. Whereup)n Gautama-
deva (on the date specified), in presence o f all the townspeople and the five m'athas, made for the
decorations and offerings o f the god, a grant of 60 Tcamma o f rice land (as specified). And Mechi-
Setti, Kirtti-Setti and the other chief townsmen, on account of their having been spectators of such
a pure work o f merit, for the repairs o f the temple remitted for ever the land rent of the house
which Bavana occupied. And the fifty families o f oilmen granted for the perpetu d lamp one sontige
o f oil from their mills. And Khevale-Gavunda and all the headmOn of the tailow, for the god’ s
Chaitra purification festival, granted one pana a year from each family ; and in case of a marriage,
one pana from the bridegroom’ s party and one pana from the bride’ s party, and the money for
husunibe (red safflower). Usual final verses. Obeisance to S'iva.

bate 1203 4-D. .
In the Yadava emperor vira-Ballala.Deva’ s 13th year, the year RudirSdg^iri &c.,— Amritachan-
dra-bhattaraka’ s lay-disciple Kesava-Setti’ s (son) Mada'J’ya, expired with samddhi rites, and gained
the world o f gods.
Bate 1096 A.B.
Praise o f S'ambhu. When, (with usual Chaiukya titles), Tribbuvanamalla-Deva’s victorious
kingdom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars:— ■

The senior among the Chalukyas was king Tailapa ; after him, a touchstone for valour, was king
Trailokya-inalla ; after him, surpassing all the Other kings in abilility, in Courage, in perfect enjoy­
ment, in generosity, in his form of god-like glory, in fame, was Vikramaditya-Deva. W’ hen Tribhu-
vauamalla Permmadi o f mighty arm was ruling the whole earth t—

A head-ornament o f good warriors, a terror to the enemy, was the general Kalidasa. The hostile
Laja king, Magadha, N epaji, Panchala, Choja and others, he plucked up and slew, bringing in and
handing over their treasury, their numerous big elephants, their wives and their horses, and brought
t h e ........... lands into subjection to the ChMukya emperor f amed for his valour,— this terrifier of his
enemies, Kalidasa. That lord’s junior uncle (kipiy-ayya) was Sarwa-Deva-dandfidhipa; (his praise)^
T o describe his d e sce n t:— (omitting landatioiis) Born a Brahman o f the Vatsa-gotra and the Kamme-
kula w a s ........ T o Chavunda-chainupati and to his wife Keleyakabbe was born Nagavarmma-danda-
dhUa. His wife was Nagiyakka. T o them were horn Sarvvadeva-vibhu and ChaVun^a-dandSdhife
may they live as long as sun and moon. The brothers Sarvva-Deva and R5,ya were like Rama and
Lakshmana ; inay they continue for a .lakh of Dlpavali festivals. May Mahesa grant to Sarvva-Beva
and Chavuuda-Kaya great wealth. May S'arvva, the lord of alt, protect with affection Sarvva-Deva
and Raya. The Mandara mountain was discredited through Hari, the ocean through the churning o f
Mandara, the earth through the ocean,— can either of these compare with Chavunda-Raya. Younger
than Raya w.as Bidda, Praise of Sflrvva-D$va, whose word was like letters engraved on mount Mern^
his courage that o f the lion. His wife was Santala-Devi. Their son was Sovi-Deva, born by the favour
o f the god Sdmesvara o f Pulikara-nagara. His favourite god his protecting king the ChAJuhya
emperor, his father Nagavarmma, his motlier NS.giyakka, his guru Vamadeva-brati, his younge
brothers Raya and Bidda, his son Sovideva,—^liow fortunate was Sarvva-Deva.
84 S h ik a rp u r T aluq.
The spiritual descent of his gurus will 1 relate, la the line o f the emperor o f KalS.mukha munisi
the heavenly seer Kasinira-deva, was Trilochana-munindra; whose senior disciple was Varesvara-
deva. Through the teaching of that Varesvarannunindra, the pure minded Sarvva-Deva caused to'he
made us an ornament to the famous Tripurdlnlaka in Valligr^maj a temple of Sarvvesvara with a
golden kalaSa (as the pinnacle). As if Indra had come to see this Bali royal city, the most beautiful
to the eyes in all the earth, and had caused his viniana to stop there, so wonderful was the Sarvves­
vara temple.

Entitled to the five big drums, mahst-samantadhipati, maha-praohanda-dandanayaka, bestower

o f benefits on the good and his friends, a moon to the ocean the Brahman race, a Edhapa mountain
of the gems good qualities, an ornament o f the good, promoter of his master’s affairs, a pleasure to
the mind of his lord, breaker of the pride of his enemies, a follower of the rules of justice, of unshak,
en valour,— with these and all other titles, the da^^anayaka Sarvva-Devarasa, (on the date speci­
fied), for the god SarvvSsvara which he bad set up in the royal city BaUigrame, along with the
minister making application to the emperor, as a gift to Paramesvara made a grant o f land (specified),
washing the feet o f Varesvara-pa^dita-dSva, possessed o f all the usual ascetic virtues. Usual final
Date 1103 A.D.
Praise of S ’ambhu. Be it well. Entitled to the five big drums, the mahS,-ma5idaleSvara, boon
lord o f Kojala-pura, obtainer o f a booh from Padmavati, rajadhiraja Permmadi-Deva,— in the 27th
Chalukya-Vikrama year, the year ChitrabhUnu &c., when Vadera Echarasa attacked the camp {bidu)
and Iragarasa’ s warrior .. ,. the Alamgdnte Thousand;— There was born Mallayya Kariyaya-
Nayaka. His son-in-law, obtainer o f a boon from Padmavati, warrior with the bow, Bibaya-Nayaka,
champion beloved by the army, champion in cutting to pieces, begging for a marriage gift,,
leaving HaruvaaahaUi, besieged KedS,ra, and fighting with the Bedar A yW asa , slew him and gained
the world of gods. The victor gains s p o il; the slain, too, the celestial nymphs: what fear then o f
death in war to him for a moment seeks the close encounter ?

H 7

Date 1118 A.D.

{Wdgari chtiraeters)

Praise of S'ambhu. Triumphant is the Earth, fixed on the tip of the tusk o f the original Boar,
xesemhling Vishnu’s foot at the source o f the Mand§,kini (or Ganges),

From a drop of sweat from the broad forehead of Hara. in the ground under a hadamba tree,
sprang Kadamba, with four long arms hnd an eye in his forehead, like another Purari (S'iva), cul­
tured with pure and high learning. From him was born one, subduer o f the earth by the power of
his sword, his own arm an invincible armouiv the king Maynravarma. From him, like the sun from
the eastern mountain, arose the king Ravivarm^- His offspring was Nrigavarma ; from whom sprang
Kirtivarma. In his line was the king Vikraraa-Tailapa, as watchful with the sword in bis hand as
a black serpent with hood expanded, destroyer of all his enemies ; reioioing in the waters o f the
final ablations of whose sacrifices performed from his birth, and in the shade o f the rows o f whose
sacrificial posts, the four-footed bull (clharina) even now wanders about at will. In lus line was
born the heroic king Tailama, winner o f the hand of the ocean-girdled lady Earth, captivated by his
courteous manners. A hero was bom from him, the sole incarnation o f the fortune o f the worlds.
S h ik a rp u r T a lu q . 85
chief in the thraa worlds in liboralifcy, tha king Katnx-Deva, whose bounty is ever proclaimed by the
heralds from road to road, frona city to city, from villa:’ e to village, in all directions. From that
king K im a was born the king M illa, in the milk ocean of whose fame the mundane egg floats like a
tortoise. That king Malla’s crowned queen was Padmavati, to the Nilakantha of whose fame the sky
is like the blue spot on the throat. Basavala-Devi became that king's favourite queen, and
from hor was bora, a new M adam (or god of love), the king Soma. Selecting certain essential
particles from the sun, the moon, Meru and the tree o f plenty, Brahma with eagerness created from
them the king Soma, else how are their best qualities found in him ? On whose setting out on aa
expedition o f victory, the people are amazed to see his enemies swooning away as his kettle-drums
are sounded.

Bo it well. When, entitled to the five big drums, the mah3,-mandale|vam, boon lord of Banavasi-
pura, ob'.ainer o f a boon from the god Jayanti Madhakesvara, tlie discus-bearer to all the mountains
the race o f kings, having moonstone pillars o f victory set up in the great Hisnavat mountains proclaim­
ing his high fame, a sua to tiie lotus the Kil.imba-kala, his tw) lotus feet covered wiih the crowns of
foreign kings, having the sounds o f the psr,m,tti aid tfirifa, distinguished by the monkey flag and the
lion crest, rich in the possessio i o f his own ministers established in eighty-four towns, his body puri­
fied by the final ablutions after many liors‘-sacrifices, obtainer of a boon from the goddess Ajja, an
ocean o f truthfulness, breaker o f the pride o f his enemies, a cag^ of alam ait to refugjes, au elephant
goad to the brave,— adorned with these and other names, Yira-S6ma-bhumipati was protecting the
Banavasi country and all other parts o f the world without oiieinies,— listening to stories of merit from
the ministers o f clharina, and desiring by the establishment o f an agraharu to make his own birth
bear fruit,— (on the date specified), at the’ time of au eclipse of the sun, male a grunt of the threa
villages Senavall', Kachhavi Mavinahalli, and ItipaU', in HunnihaUi-kampans, (their situation), to 67
Brahmans o f various gotras, with all rights, and freedom from all imposts. (H.Te follow details of
tile donees). W ith one share for Siddhesvara, and one share for the vedas and sastras, altogether 69-
shares. And to the manager o f the village, Raghava, certain land, (specified) was gi?en by the.
Brahmans for Iiis own use. Boundaries. Usual final verses.

Dale 1054 A D.
The lords o f S'ri, Van! and Girija ; seated on Garufla, the swan and the ox ; dwelling on the^
ocean, the lotus and the lord o f mountains ; having the colour o f the bee, the red lotus and the moon j
possess.id of tin qualities ni satvt, rajas and tamas ; having two, eight and three eyes Govinda
(Vishnu), Abj ija (Brahma), and S'ankara (3'iva), these three males, may they ever protect us. Praise
o f S ’amhhu

Be it well. When, (with usual Chalukya titles), Trailokyamalla-Deva’s victor'ous kingdom was
extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars ;—

Verses in praiso o f Ahavamalla, describing him as— A lion to the lusty elephant Chola, a
mighty gale to the heavy cloud Kajingu, a sun to the darkness Psinchala, a wild-fire to the forest
Magadha, a thunderbolt to tho mouutain-chain Malava, a Garu^ato the serpent Kerala, a submarine
fire to the ocean the Nepala army. Also, as king who can eqial him ? can Yayati, or Bhagiratha,
or Purukutsa, or Pururava, or Dilipa, or Bharata, or Nala, or Nahusha ? In a moment he sent the
f^even Malava, which came against him, to destruction ; the Seven Konkups and Severn Male, which
united together, ho terrified an I force I to obey him ; in the middle o f battle tlie Chola king
€6 S h ik arp u r T a lu q .
exhausted his valour and died ; the chief kings of all the islands brought tribute,— how great a warrior
was Trailokyamalla.
Be it well. With all titles, iu the middle of the immemorial city, the royal city Balligrame, the
va4da-byaoalidri (or senior merchant), Halikabbe’s (son) S6vi-S'ctti, (on the date specified), being
moved to perform a work of merit, set up a linga, aud giving it the name o f Abliinava-Somesvara-
deva,— for t!ie bathing of the god, offerings, perpetual lam pi and the food o f the dchdryya there,
granted as a certain land (specUied). Iis b uiudaries. Also a flower garden and shops
(specified). These, washing the feet of the drddhy't, the i^aftanada-muliga, Jnanasiva-deva, he
made over witli all ceremonies, freed from all imposts.

Date about 1150 A .D .i

That temple in course of time falling to ruin,— in the presence o f the p ittana-sdvi Mechi-Setti,
Kirtti-Setti, all the nayaras and the five ma{has\oi Muliga-Madhukesvara-pandit|i*deva, priest of
the hiriya-rmtha BheruudMvara ; Sarbbeivara-pandita-deva, priest o f the Pancha Linga ; and Jnana-
§akti-deva, priest of Tripurantaka ;— all the mummuri-danda, and all the Desi merchants, with the
manigdi;a Mabadeva-Setti, taking this in hand as a work o f merit belonging to them, gave to that
god the name of Gavaresvara and repaired the temple.

Titles of the Five hundred (who took p.art) ;— Bp it well. F am el throughout the world ; having
acquired five hundred lira-kasams ; adorned with many good qualities, truth, purity, good conduct,
policy, condescension, and prudence ; protectors of the vira-Banwjii-dharmma ; conspicuous with the
flag of the holy h ill; their breasts embraced by the Lakshml o f unfailing energy ; great in the earth
through bravery ; bora in the race o f Vasudeva, KhandaJPand Mulabhadra ; obtainers of a boon from
the goddess Bhagavati ; having thirty-two v§0:>ia, eighteen cities, sixty-four loga-pithas, and dsramas
at the four points of the compass ; born to wanderers over many countries ; beginning from the
'Krita-yuga, the Treta, Dvapara and Ivali-yugas, o f the sect o f Brahma, Vislinu and Mahesvara. The
earth as their sack ; the eight regents at the points o f the compass as the corner tassels ; Vasuki as
the girth ; tho sjrpent race as the cords ; the b e td poudi as a secret pocket; the horizon as their
lig h t ; a sharp sword as their wood knife ; the invaluable articles in their bags as their wealth visiting
the Chera, Cliolu, Pandya, Maleya, Magadha, Kausala, Saurashtra, Dhanushtra, Kurumbha, Kainbhoja,

Gaulla, Lala, Barvvara, Parasa, Nepala, Ekapada, Lambakanina, Stri-rajya, Gholaniukha,^ and many
other countries ; and the gramas, nagaras, hhSdas, hharvvadas, madamlm, paftarns, drdndmukhas,
sanwakanas,— the cities of the elephants at the cardinal points ; and by land routes and water
routes penetrating into the regions of the si.x continents ; with superior elephants, well bred horses,
large sapphires, moonstones, pearls, rubies, diamonds, lapis lazuli, onj’x, topaz, carbuncles, coral,
emeralds, harhMtana and various such articles ; cardamoms, cloves, bdellium, sandal, camphor,
musk, saffron, malegaja, and other perfumes and drugs ; by selling which wholesale, or hawking
about on their shoulders, preventing the loss by customs duties, they fill up the emperor's treasury
o f gold, his treasury o f jewels, and his armoury o f weapons ; and from the rest they daily
bestow gifts on pandits and munis fully versed in the chatus-saimya sliacl-darsana ; and the hundred
thousand benedictions they invoke, accepting and placing on their heads, counting them as Mahadeva
and their ishta-dSva; enjoying in great comfort, merit, wealth, pleasure and property (the
four objects of human desire) ; carriers with asses and buffaloes, adorned, with red trappings ;

This inscription follows the first without any break, being Some of the forgoing descriptions are of the nature of puns.
in fact connected with it by a suffix to the last letter, in Tlie last four names indicate countries whose inhabitants
the middle of the 23rd line. ave respectively one-footed, long-eared, amazons, and butter­
milk faced.
S h ik arpu r Talu({. 87

the sixteea o f the eight uade, gavaregas^, gdtrigas, settis, settiguttas, anMMras, Uras, lira-
vanigas, gmdlgas, gavundas, gdvunda-svdmis^— thus with ? spear-headed rods in their hands, with
an elephant as their bh6ri (kettle-drum), the Bheri (a sect) as their maddale (tabor), white um­
brellas as their canopy, the mighty ocean as their moat, Indra as tlie hand-guard, Varu^a as the
•standard-bsarer, Kubera as the treasurer, the nine planets as a belt, Rahu as a tassel, Ketu as a
■dagger, Kulika as the fi jht, the sun and moou as the backers, the thirty-three gods as the spectators ;
they draw forth the sword kshame (patience), and with it piercing the enemy named Jerodha (anger) i
-having the davaruga and pm-nirghgMsham o f the Sons o f warriors who have fought and won. Five
•hundred svamis o f the auspicious Aiyyavole, the best among their people, o f utlsullied hirae, o f lofty
and brilliant glory, in truthfulness like Gangeya, in firmness like Duryyodhana, in might like Bhima-
rsena; like the elephant, they attack and k i l l ; like the cow, they stand and kill* like the serpent, they
kill with poison ; like the lion, they spring and k ill; wise as Brihaspati; fertile in expedients as Nara-.
y a u a ; perfect in disputes as Narada-rishi •, raising a fire, they seize like death ; the gone Mari (or
epidemic) they make fun o f ; the coming Mari they face ; the tiger with a collar on they irritate ; on
th e moving cart they place their feet'-, clay they set fire to : of sand they make ropes ; the thunderbolt
they catch and exh ib it; the sun and moon they draw down to earth : knowing, the contents o f the
■Gudda-idstra, which directs the conversation o f the three worlds, they converse about the frontal eye
and four arms o f Isvara-bhattaraka, the loud laughter o f Brahma, and the madness of Bhagavati. in
the case o f a sack which bursts from the contents collected from the points o f the compass, an ass
which runs away (laden) with grain, a wounded and fallen body, a cart that has been robbed, a
blood load tliat has been lifted, a bar o f gold that has been seized, a tax that has been evaded, a cry of
looting, an assembly connected with caste customs, a bargain that has been made,— they are not ones to
fail ; taking the head o f au intruder as the tassel', they bind the enemy’s hand aS a badge (on a pole),
nnd parade a b o u t; gambling they w ill not allow ; to a dead body they are good.i

Be it well. T o the Five hundred svamis of Ayy3.volc, possessed of all titles, having made pro­
stration with the -six members, salute with joined hands raised to the head, pull out that sack, and
present offerings of food, 0 Setti ! To the Five hundred svamis o f Ayyavole present the idmMla in a
tray, wishing them all good fortune.

Be it well. The ever supremely happy Five hundred, with the pattana-ddvi Mechi-Setti, Kirtti-
Setti and all the townspeople, fur the decorations o? the god GavareSvava, and repairs of the temple,
granted the follow'ing dues ;— The stops o f the naganis, 10 visa a year for each ; the gold merchants,
10 visa a year for each ; the local gavares, I pam a year per sack ; the grayam o f other countries,
I lidga a year per sack ; for camphor, musk, saffron, sandal, pearls and all such commodities sold
by weight, ‘i Jodni per pan ; local cloth merchants and foreign cloth merchants, 2 hdni per pon ; for
black pepper, cummin seed, mustard, sada flower, bisliop’ s weed and coriander, 1 visa per pon ; for
sugar, asafcetida, dry ginger, long pepper, cardamoms, green ginger, turmeric, and all drags and
roots sold by weight, 1 visa per pon.

The dandanayaka manag’ng the hejjunJca md vadda-rdvula granted the customs dues on one
load in ten ; the merchants who load from the place and all merchants from abroad, 1 mdna per load;
the forty families o f flower-sellers, 1 garland for each basket; the thousand tdnihuUgas, 1000 leaves
for each family for the Chaitra snii puvitra festivals ; the fifty families of oilmen, 1 fonfige for each
mill, for the lights o f the god.
The mmneya o f the Jiddulige Seventy, Ekkalarasa and other chief men (named), gave for the god
5 pa}),a a year for each village. The mmneya of the Nagarakhanda Seventy, Sovi-deva and chief

Many of the above phrases are difficult to translate, and the meaning is often far from cle r.
89 S h ik a rp u r T a lu q .
mjii (named), 5 j)a«c8 a year for each village. The mamzej/cs o f the Edenad Seventy, Sovarasa Pra_
namarasa and chief men (named), 5 pana a year for each village.

• Farther grants. Usual final verses.

The priest of the Hiriya-matha, Muliga-Madhukesvara-pandlita-deva and his son Dharmmasiva-

deva presented two houses in the streets of their Mulasthana god to two Settis (named). And the
malia mandalesvara Ekkalarasa’s dap^anayaka Kamarasa granted for the god Gavaresvara the hoda~-
vtsa on ten bullocks.
Date 1181 A.D.
' Om. Obeisance to S'iva and S'iv^ and their attendants. Adored be S'umhhu, beauteous with
the chamara-like crescent moon kissing his lofty head ; the original foundation-pillar o f the city o f
the three worlds. Adored be S ’ambhu, o f a form of eternal wisdom and glory, by the accomplish­
ment o f his designs the origin of the Brahma pillar. Obeisance to Ganesa.

May Mahesa, whose 1 itus feet are tinted with the radiance o f the rubies in the crowns of the
hosts of gods prostrate b?fore him, which feet rest on the heaven o f the hearts of the lords of the
Trimurti, of exalted quilities, the creator o f the three worlds, sovereign o f all below the sky,—
daily grant to Kesiraja his desires.

In that universe the world o f mortals is the most beautiful, and in it the most glorious is the
Bharata regi to, i i which the Kuntala country is the most br.lliant, which country, in the same
manner as Vishnu win brought back the earth carried off by Maya, the glorious emperor lord-
Bijjana-Deva ruled with desire.

That protector of the dwellings of all lands, favourite o f earth and fortune, maharajadhiraja
paramesvara pararaa-bhattaraka, sun to the lotus the Kalachuryya-kula, fierce in war, in dignity
the golden mountain, a sun among good warriors, an eleph-ant goad to the brave, master of ele­
phants, a cage of adamant to refugees, in valour the lord o f Lanka, to others’ wives a brother, S'ani-
vara-sidJhi, Giridurgga-inalla, in energy in war Eama, a lion to the elephant his enemies, KisSan-
ka-malla,— ^having these and all other descriptive names, which with him were real,'— Bijjana-Deva
ruled the circle of the earth as follow s:— the Earth, which through Prithu was o f old by ignorance
for long turned into a cow, having in the present age become the crowned queen o f Bijjapa-Deva,.
greatly rejoices ; shining with the brilliance o f the irt cict s stone, which, lying first in the ocean,,
then cast on the shoi’e, then on a rook, at last becatne the kamtuhha on Vishnu’ s breast,— thus is
it extolled, being exalted by this king’ s favour.
When that mighty emperor’ s son, a Manoja among men, rajadhir^ja, a sun among kings, fierce
in war, fragrant as musk, lover of bounty, Rayamurari-Sovi-Deva had ruled the whole world in
peace ;— .kfterwards, his equal, as if celebrating a festival Tor the earth, in . truth and purity the
equal of the son of Ganga, a new Purukatsa,— Sank.araa-Deva ruled the earth. After that, Ahava-
malia, his younger brother, of exceeding bravery, glorious as the sun, Apratiinalla, was in peace-
as idle lord of the earth. An enraged lion to the lusty elephant Gauja, a net cast upon the shoab
A •
o f fish the Chaulika army, a south wind to the rain-cloud the Andhra king, a constant thunder-
^ A

clap to the royal swan the Majava king, ---the king Ahamalla [iroteCted the earth,with affection.
That imperial king’s powers of government became his chief ministers, whose natural ability
was as follows At the mere sight o f your Kuntala (or curly locks) her Kanchi (or zone) slips off '
with agitation, 0 Lakshmaiva-dapdesa, so much is the earth in love with you. Having burnt the-
ShikarpuT Taliiq. 89

territory o f the brave VijayM itya, having taken the Choja and Hoysala kingdoms, the remaining
hostile kings he troubles,— the daudanatha Chandugi-deva. The lustre of the beautiful pale cheeks
of the crowned queens o f thy hostile kings, the cMtaka birds losing patience take lor the moon,
bees for white waterlilies, swans for the stalk o f the lotus, and wander about causing the
world to laugh,— lord Rechana-dapdanatha. In doing favours to others S'ibi, ia giving charity
I^arna, ini^ benevolence to mankind the son o f Dharmma,— besides being more than equal to
these in benefaction, generosity and true bountiful words,— who was equal to Sovana-ohamu-
pati throughout the world ? Among the regent elephants Airava';a, among animals the lion, in gold
mount Meru, among the gods Indra, among the oceans the shining milk ocean, such great fame did
he obtain and increase his glory in the world,— the lord Kavaua-dandanayaka.
SO many exalted qualities, the king Ahavamalla,

Surrounded by the great ministers adorned with

calling for the great minister, a repository of all good qualities, purifier o f the Bharadvaja-gfitra,
grandson of Kesava-deva and Pampambika, son of Hojalamarasa and Durggaifibika, beloved of the
heart and eyes o f Lakhraa-devi, unassailable by fear or avarice, in war Trinetra, friend o f the learned?
his life that o f the ministers o f old, a combination o f all good qualities, entitled to the five big drums,
the mahd-saimnta sSndpati, superintendent over seventy-two ofiicials, master o f all wealth, terrificr
o f his enemies, possessor of these true titles and epithets,— Ke^imayya-dan^anS-yaka, and saying,
‘ Govern the country which is the treasury of the southern region like a father, putting down the evil
and upholding the good ’ — gave him the Banavase-nfid, which was accepted as a distinguished favour
by that great minister : to describe whose qualities

The honourable life o f the Manus was his life-, the policy of the ancient kings was the policy he
adopted, wealth for others was the wealth he had acquired by his arms, the promotion of his ruler’s
greatness he counted as his owui promotion, the happiness of his dependants he reckoned as his
own happiness,— thus during his life-time did he increase his glory, Kesava-dapijanayakar None were
conceited, none conspicuous in splendour, none in opposition, none calling out for influence, none cre­
ating a disturbance, none who were in suffering, no enemies filled with anger, none who in addition
to their titles had their heads turned by the songs o f poets,— in the kingdom of the lord Krishna-KeSa-
va-deva-chamupa. Double o f Chanakya, tenfold of S'akaluka, a hundredrfold of Bhrigu, a thousand­
fold o f Hari, thus much did he exceed them in glory, the minister Kesava-deva.

And that great minister Kfishna-Kesava-deva-dapdanatha’s principal councillors were as foll­

ows :— His life that o f Mann, in conversation not uttering vain words, by his faith having gained the
position o f a S'aiva,— being o f such glory, who was equal to Narasinga-nayaka. In affection and speech
free from the sins o f the Kali age, except to Tikka-raja, to apply to these men of straw the name
‘ king ’ was like calling a stone a je w e l: this is true. What I wish for God will cause to come at
my wish, what I do not want he will prevent from coming, thus used to say Bachayya, The treasurer
Sovi-deva was a treasury to his dependents, why praise him? for others called treasurers, what respect
have they from the learned, what sort o f kings are they ? A reflection o f the affairs in the mind o f
his lord, to those who try- to stop him like the messengers of death, to supplicants like the cow o f
plenty, thus did Chamayya appear. His devotion at the feet of S'iva, gentle in speech, eager to do
deeds o f benevolence, possessed o f such qualities, Bichiraja’s fame shone to all the points of the com­
pass. Only for the purpose of gratifying the desires o f supplicants did ho take tlie trouble of acquiring-
wealth and for no others, the S'iva-tirtha, Dasiraja o f exalted gloiy.

Moreover, to describe the greatness of the Jeara^ams who were like embodiments of the benevol-.
ent wishes o f that rajadhiraja’s minister Of qualities praised by skilful great poetf, born from the
face o f Brahma, able in doing good to others, excelling in the pleasure of agreeable conversation,
90 fcjliikarpur T a lu q .
beloved by the assembly of the Brahmans, profound as the ocean, devoted to the faith o f the feet o f
S ’iva, with what esteem should those kar anams be regarded.
Besides these were, the embodiment o f the regal glory o f Lakshmi-deva-dandanatha, Hiriya-
Vittharasa ; ChairJugi-deva-dandanayaka, an embodiment of fierce m igh t; an ornament o f the Vaji-
kula, purifier o f the Bharadyaja-gotra, the dear son of Duggi-Set|i of Ittige, the Desiya-dandanajaka
Chikka-Vittharasa; the follower o f the life o f the chief friend o f the world Eechanaya-dandanayaka>
master ol the art o f war, Kesava-deva ; like a sea to the Lakshmi of Sovanayya-dandauayaka’s king­
dom, Kavanayya-aayaka ; like a bow discharging the arrows in Kavanayya-daudanayaka’s powerful
hand, Rechanayya-nayaka.
While, surrounded by these royal inspectors and all the ministers, the Indra of the glory of the
three worlds, a cooling moon, was ruling the Banavase Twelve Thousand, including Ilayve, Siinlali-
ge, Yedadore and other countries, in the enjoyment of peace and wisdom :— on the occasion o f his
holding a great court, a discourse on dharmma was started, describing his skilful policy and the glory
o f the city, in this wise, by,— his life that o f a muni, o f the exalted Kapila-kula, himself the embodiment
o f beauty, equal to Kesava, the sou o f l^achchi, his head marked by the hands o f the S'iva seer
the excellent m uii Vamasaktisa : name him so clever,— Svami-deva,— to truthfully state whose glory,
as exalted as the energetic warrior Rama, minister o f the three puras ;—
‘Tn firmness, o f Meru ; in holy life, of Manu ; in providing a theme for the first chief poets, o f
Sarasvati ;— the equal, the peer, the facsimile ; to good qualities a quarry ; o f that firmness the
abiding place, of that character the abode, of that sweet theme the home :— so is this lord truly cele­
brated in the world,” — thus did the councillor Savi-deva with joy state the truth.

Ti e glory o f tha city :— “ The nakshasa Bali having in his time dwelt in this kshetra, made gifts,
and in the course o f maijuaztoms been considered as Indra himself,— 1 literally know not h o w to
praise (the greatness of) Balipura, Tliere ore here perform some other work of merit.” —

Immediately saying * Be it so,” — the maha-mandalSsvara, with Tailaha-Deva. their brother-in-

law Eraharasa ; the pattypi-svami of the royal ci y Balipura, Ma}i-Selti, and the pattana-svami
M echi-Setli; the priest o f the Pancha-maiha Hiriya-inatha, Muliga Dharmmasiva-deva : the priest o f
the Panoha-Linga, Rudrasakti-deva; the priest o f Tripurantaka, Jnfinalakti-deva ; and the other
chief men,— the Saudore-herggade o f the town, the five mathas, and the three puras, S&vi-deva ; his
deputy, Chatigia Tippaiia •, the celebrated champions who lifted him up as if into Kannara's upper
storey ; the suns among champ’ous who subdued Konkana and took tribute from Vijayaditya ; those
who having given pleasure to thi champion over the Malapus, Hoysala-vira-Balhlla-Deva, had gained
honour and were reverenced by a l l : And besides these,— firm, o f great prudence, granters o f their
desires to dependents, of one word, devoted to the feet of Ilvara, followers o f the policy which raises
the prosperity o f countrijs at the right seasons, o f good character, o f unshaken truth, o f exalted
merit, beloved by all, which is no flattery, members o f the Bananju-dharnima ;— thus entitled in many
ways to honour, residents of Ayyavole, Challunki and many other chief gramas^ nagaras, JcMdas,
Icharvvadas, madamhas, drondmulchas, puras, and patianas, o f Lala, Gaula, Karnnata, Bangala,
KaSmira, and other countries at the points of the compass ; the two sects o f Nana DeMs, the Ma-
nevarate and Jorupa local men ; the manigdra M§,nika-Setti and other settis (named), all o f the
merchants,—forming an immense [assembly] :—■

Be it well. In the 3rd year of the Kajachuryya bhujabala-chakravartti Vira-Narayana Ahava-

malla-Deva, the year Plava &c,— all the property of Bananjigas o f BaUtgave dying without sons, for
the festivals and sacred rites of the god Gavai-e.svara ; the property o f those who die without SODS ill
S h ik arpu r T a lu q , 91

the nagara, to the god Nagaresrara ; and in all the .five mathas, the three puras, and the. seven Brahr
mapuris, in whichever unclaimed properly accrues, to the god o f that quarter;— these at the holy-
feet o f the god Gavaresvara did Kesiuiayya-daiidaaayaka, with his karanams, pradhanas and tala-
ras, pouring water, bestow, free from all imposts, to endure as long as sun moon stars and sky.
Usual final verses,
Bate 1048 A.D.

Having the supreme profound sydd-vdda as a fruit-bearing token, may it prevail, the doctrine
o f the lord o f the three worlds, the Jina doctrine.
Be it Well. When, (with the usual ChMukya titles), Trailokyamalla-Deva’s victorious king­
dom was continuing :— And with head shining under the leaves of his feet.,— entitled to the five big
drums, the maha-mandalesvara, boon lord of Banavasi-pura, obtaiuer of a boon from MahMakshmi,
delighting in giving, superintendent of the revenue {dyad-dcMryrja), of unassisted valour, champion
over champions, gand'X-hhdrunda. a brave at the courts o f three kings, S'ankara to the Vrishabha
titled chieftains, a hand on the face o f the brave, a sun among the titled, a manifest Vikramaditya,
JagadeJcaddni,— with these and all other titles, the maha-mandalesvara Cha[mu'|ada-BayaraSa
was ruling the Banavasi Twelve Thousand ;— in the I’oyal city Baljigave, (on the date specified),
to provide for the worship at the basadi of Kesavanandi-ashtopavasi-bhalara, disciple of Megba-
nandi-bhattaraka, o f the Balagara-garia connected with Jajabuti S ’antinatha,— he made a grant
o f 5 mafia o f rice land, according to the hhSrunda pole, in the deer plain of the royal city Baljigave,
in the Jiddujige Seventy, (Boundaries o f the land).
By dharmma, by courage, by truth, and by generosity, the equal of the ga?iclad>Mmnda in the
earth, there has not been and will not be. Usual final verses.
In the Banavase country, Jina habitation, Vishnu habitation, Isvara habitation, and habita­
tion for the muni gana, these, by order o f Raya, did the lord Nagavarmma cause to be made.

Date 1284 AT).
In the 14th year of the YMava-NarAyana bhuja-bala prau(Jha-pratApa-chakravartti Rama-
chandra-Raya’s victorious reign,— the year Tirana when the mahd-prabhu Dayiga-Chen .. . .

laid siege to the energetic warrior Madi-Setli’s [ku]ppe and fought, . . . . . . . . in Alamele making his
elephant fall down, slew him and gained the world of gods.

Date 1159 A.D.
Om. Obeisance to Narayana. Supreme is the Boar form of the resplendent Vishnu, whjch
dispersed the waters of the ocean and bore up the peaceful earth on the tip of his strong right tusk.
May the gods who are lords o f the three worlds, the origin o f all things, grant us the fulfilment

o f our desires,— ^Brahma, Isana and Janarddana.

M ay Kesava the lord of S'ri, who by his steps acquired the empire of Bali, united with the ten
incarnations praised as one by all worlds, holding in his hands the §ankha and chakra, with the sign of
the lotus,— looking upon him as himself, grant to Kesava-chamiipa to live till the destruction of the
world. On the summit of the waves o f the milk sea does he repese on his extensive couch the
serpent AdiSesha. W hile thus the destroyer o f sins was reposing in the sleep o f yoga, his mind being
92 S h ik a rp u r T a lu q .
directed to the creation of the world, as if his power had assumed a separate bodily form, from the
lotus of his navel sprang in submission Brahma.

On surveying the circle of all the worlds created iirorder by Brahma, the most beautiful is the
central one (the earth); in that world the most pleasing region is the delightful Jam hhdvipa;
and is that dvyp% the most excellent is ihe Bharata land ; and in that land the Kuutala countiy
the most worthy.

These who obtained the sovereignty o f that Kuntala country, \vere Lorn from the full w'ater-jar
in the shining left hand of Brahma, who sprung from the lotus-navel of the resplendent Vishnu, were
they not ?— the ChMukya-kula.
Of that family the progenitor, who, dispersing his enemies, secured the sovereignly, and his power
being double that which his enemies obtained from the infernal reg’ons, rescued from the Rattas the
whole world which they had seized, was king Tailapa, who exalted beyond belief the Chajukya
line. After him, his son ruled the earth, the ever prosperous king Satyasraya ; and following after
him, his younger brother's son obtained it, the mighty Vikramanka. After him, his younger brother
obtained it, with wide-spread fame as bright as the pleasant moon, emperor o f the world surrounded
by the seven oceans, Ayyapayya. That king’s younger brother, plucker up o f the lines o f hostile
kings, a thunderbolt to the mountain the anxieties o f the learned, remover of the affictions o f the

earth, was Jayasimha, His son Ahavamalla then ruled, the earth, whose tresses are the groves of
tamdla trees, whose throat is ornamented with the stems of young areca palms, w'hose breasts are
the swelling mountains. The next ruler was that king’s son SomeSvara, whose younger brother was
the king Permmadi, whose son, praised in all the world, w'as Bhulokaraalla. His sou, le ft Malava
without possession, forced the Fallavas to hold the sprouts, made Lata place his hands together on
his forehead, and filled up the troubles of Kalinga,— thus does the world describe the unequalled
valour of Jagadekamalla, That king’s younger brother, o f great liberality, a lion in the des­
truction of the elephants the groups of his enem ies,........... .. was Nurmmadi Talla.
At that time was Bijjala king, who bote up the earth with the strength o f his might, whose sharp
sword was as a serpent swallowing up the air o f the breath o f his boasting enemies, from whom all the
learned obtained great joy, whose fame tilled the ears o f the elephants at the points o f the compass.
The saying that heroes should possess the earth was then not in vain, for he brought into subjection
tbc earth from the ocean on the south to his northern boundary the Chalukya capital (or encamp­
ment), like an infuriated elephant to the hostile, and showing friendship to those who came to war,
how wonderful was his exercise o f valour, Bij jala-Deva.

Be it well. When, entitled to the five big drums, the maharajadbiraja, boon lord o f K ajanjara-
pura, having the flag of a golden bull, with the sounds of the damaruga and turyya, a sun to the lotus
the Kalachuryya-kula, fierce iu war, in dignity the golden mauntain, a sun to good wari’iors, an
elephant-goad to the braves, master of elephants, a cag? of adamant to refugees, a brother to the
wives of others, Sanivara-siddhi, Giridurggamalla, in energy in war Rama, a lion to the elephant his
enemies, Ni^sanka-malla,— with these and other titles, the bhiijabala-chakravartti, Tribhuvanamalla
Bijjala-Devarasa’s victorious kingdom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon
and stars;—

Resting like a bee at the lotus feet o f that king, with the thunderbolt of his Brahman virtue
splitting the mountain the evils of the Kali age, an ever productive treasury, was Kesiraja-dandadhxsa.
T ie descent of this head-jewel o f commanders was as follovTs In Brahma’ s family, having a per­
fect krow’ edge of Parama Biahma, a joy to all the munis, was born the celebrated Rrahmarshi, an
ocean c f virtuous conduct, Bharadvaja. Among the many great Brahmans descended in his line, there
S h ik arp u r T a lu q .
arose, a treasury o f all Brahman virtues, a procurer of immeasurable merit, o f a fame which reached
the tusks o f the elephants at the points of the compass, of high qualities praised by the learned, .
Chamunda-Raya, o f exalted glory. His wife, in all accomplishments a new , Bharati, a permanent
treasury o f generous qualities, known through all the world, was Mudiyakka, a jewel of women. To
those two were born the sons (with praises) Marapayya, Vama-deva, Echa-dandadhipa, Bichiraja,
Kesava, Govinda and Vishnu-deva. On examination, the junior o f four yet their equal, and the senior
of two, a mine o f every good quality, of unspotted fame, was Kesava-Raja. Rati, Faivvati, Arundhati
and Bharati, in beauty, glory, conjugal affection, and intelligence, his wife Pampa-devi completely put
to shame. Their son, for whose daily distribution of charity the entire number of wise men was not
sufficient, for whose devotion and pilgrimages all the holy bathing places did not suffice, for whose
circumambulations and penances all the temples of Vishnu and the other great gods were too few,
for whose erection o f and water-sheds the world was too small, for whose fame the space
between the points o f the compass was too conSned, Holalamarasa, obtained the worship of the good,
and was a moon to the ocean his race. To the Earth goddess in glory, to Sita-ddvi in devotion to
her husband, in fortune to the goddess S'ri, his wife Durgg§,-devi was in every way equal and simi­
lar. T o those two was born, a mine o f glory, Ke^ava-Deva, whose virtuous life the Kyita-yuga made
its excuse and came to an end,-whose pointed speech the arrow o f Rama made its excuse and turned
aside, the daylight o f whose splendid fame moonlight made its excuse and vanished. Farther verses
in the same strain.
On his beconring angry there were brought under the orders of this ruler Kesiraja,— Sankana-
male, the famous Sautalige, the powerful and fierce Tdgarachche-malla’s territory, Gavatfir,
Mogala-nad, Sirivur, the Vanavasi hill-fort, Koridarate, Hayve, the celebrated Giitti, and Hettila.
(Farther verses in his praise). As the destroyer o f Murajhad the daughter of the sea and Satyabhama,,
and S'ambhu had Parvvati and Gauge as wives, so to KIAava, the admired Lakshmi-devi and the
fortunate beauty Siri-deyi became the wives, praised in all the world. His minister (witli praises)
was ? DonarAja. Also Narasinga-NAyaka. And among his great men wore (with praises) the chief
councillor Tikkavasa •, his other hand Mammarasa ; and Rechcharasa. And the royal inspection
accountants,— Chattiraja, Mailara, Potarasa, Mahadeva-Nayaka, Nachi, Soma, Govinda, and

W hen, surrounded with all these judges, and chief officers of the royal pivsence, the jewel o f
protection to refugees, the head-jewel of his race, the dandanayaka Kesava-Reva, protecting the
Banavase Twelve Thousand, was in the royal city Balipura,— one day, when seated in the centre
o f the clrcb o f the court, surrounded by all the ministers, royal attendants a id people o f the
city,'— one who knew'the most auspicious moments, and was acquainted with all w'orks of merit,—

Sprung from the mind o f the lotus-born (Brahma) was the lord Marichi, whose son was
Ka&yapa. In his family was born the general Revana, whose son was the lord Somauatha,. whose
son was Chatti-rAja. His wife was MAdiyakka, and their son was Rechana —

Recharasa commenced a discourse on merit, which was a defeater o f evil designs, a stage for
the highest Lakshmi to dance upon, a mighty wave from the boundless ocean of heavenly joy. His
speech was as follows ;—

“ This (city) indeed has been progressing for many ages ; and has become known in all the world
for the ^c^^ras, pleasure gardens, temples, large tanks, and lines o f water-sheds established by the former
early dandadhipas. This Balipura is a place for the birth of merit. If, then, the god Kesava were
permanently established here, it would be a work of the greatest merit. I f well considered, merit
which all burnt-offerings, sacrifices, incantations and appointed acts o f devotion could not procure,
94 Shikarpur Taluq.

would be obtained from the ceremony o f suitably establishing tbe image o f the supreme lord Keiava.
Moreover,— if the distinction of a gift of land be secured, what can be said o f its continually increas­
ing fruit (or reward), equal to tbe crops and vegetation grown thereon. For this reason, were a
Kesavapura foon led here, named after yout lordship, and in it a temple erected to the god vira-
Kesava,— you will obtain in the present world unspotted fame, in the next state o f existence the full­
ness of all merit, and in the end supreme felicity.”

When he thus spoke, expressing the very thoughts of the jewel of daridan§.thas,— taking the words
to mind, that crowning ornament o f dandandthas acquired in the southern quarter of Balipura a
tract of land fertile to produce all manner o f fruit, very extensive and level as a mirror, from Sarw e-
svara-pandita, priest o f the Five Lingas established by the Paudavas, from its herggade Sayiyana
and senabova Kannana, and all their connections, in the presence of the settis, the chief townsmen,
the five mathas and the three paras,— with pouring of water,— and in that, pleasant tract, arranging
and transforming to the utmost timber and stone, as if striving to add to all the variety o f forms in
which Brahma had created wood and stone, the dandadhipa KeSiraja with exceeding devotion built
for the god Kesava au abode filled with beauty and a jo y to the sight.

And on a large piece of land in front o f that temple, this treasury of the benefits derived from
charity, in the fullness o f his heart’s pleasure, built a town and named it Virake^avapiira. Then
that jewel of dandanathas gave that town, filled with commodious houses, having cots in each
chamber containing the softest beds, and all manner o f vessels, to a band o f Brahmans, This donei
that Virake^avapura was everywhere praised as the indigenous place o f growth for kalpa-vrikshas,
a place fo: the continual cultivation of all the vedas, a mine o f purity and virtue, a place in which to
acquire the most exalted merit,— and was as an aoklet for the Earth goddess, set with the nine

Then, for the purpose of granting shares {vritti) for that puri,— obtaining the consent o f (with
vario IS praises), the moon to raise the tide in the Ocean the Ganga-vamsa, Ekkalarasa ; his minister
Kamayya; his minister for peace and war, Mahadeva ; and o f all the chiefs and farmers o f Jiddulige-
nad,— he acquired at their hands the village of Belvani, together with the (taxes) mmneya, aya, ddya
and Jcirukula ;— in the presence of the paffana~sdvis o f the royal city Balipura, Kirtti-Setti and
M echi-Sttti; and all the chief townspeople ; o f Dharmma§iva-deva, priest o f the five mathas ; o f
Muliga-MadhukeSvara-pandita-deva, priest o f Jagadekamallesvara o f the Hiriya-matha; o f Sarvvefi-
vara-pandita-deva, priest of the Pancha Linga ; of its herggade Sayimarasa ; o f Jnanaiakti-paii<fita-
dSva, priest o f Tripurantaka; and its herggade Vepnamarasa ; o f V4maiakti-pandita-deva, priest
o f the Kodiya-matha ; and o f the seven Brahmapuris,— with the assent o f the great minister K a -
sapayya-Nayaka,— the great minister, the Banavase-aad herggade, the dandnnayaka Kesimayya,
together with his accountants, (on the date specified), at the time o f the moon’ s eclipse, for tbe
worship, ceremonies and offerings o f the god Virake§ava o f Kelavapura, for the perpetual lamp,
the Chaitra, pavitra, decorative buildings and any new ceremonies,— gave, in the manner approved
by all,—for (with praises o f their ascetic virtues and learning) those occupying the Brahmapuri
Kesavapura,— to the god Jagadekamallesvara, 2 shares ; to the Pancha Linga god, 2 shares ; to the
god Kedara, 2 shares ; to the Brahmans, 38 shares ; to the piljdri, I share ; to the garland maker,
1 share altogether 46 shares, in the village o f Belvapi.

And, with all titles, the mandaleSvara, a moon in raising the ocean the Ganga-vamSa, promoter
o f all works o f merit, a basis of all good qualities, Tailaha-Devarasa,— his sister’s husband Eraha-
rasa, and the hadavala Gangaija being present,— in order to renew the gift o f his father Ekkalarasa,
gave up the mmnSya, dya, ddya, Ttdnilte, and kkukula for three generations, pouring water on the
feet o f the god Kesava.
Shikarpur Taluq. 95-

And the great minister Kgsimayya-danidanAyaka, washing the feet o f his drdd&yo,— possessed
o f the usual ascetic virtues (named), kind to the learned, patron o f the assemblies o f good poets,
delighting in gifts o f food, gold, virgins, cows, lands, shelter, medicine and many other gifts, an
ornament o f the Lakujagama, skilful in his investigation of all the sastras and Sgamas, som ^r
^autama-rauni, worshipper o f the lotus f^et o f the god Dakshipa-KSdare^vara of Balipura,— the raja-
guru VamaSakti-deva, gave to him that pdace and the superintendence of the Brahmapuris. And fot
that the herggade Savimarasa, as dya, made a grant o f an unibali o f one niatta o f rice-land in Belva^i
according to the maragundi p o le ; and one matta for the god Kesava. What remains o f the
gaudikey the guru-deva and herggade will divide among the Brahinans.
In this (pura) the shares {vritti') belong to the occupants of the houses (to which they are attached),
hut the shares of unoccupied houses belong to the god. And among those shares, the bhatta-vritti
one, the khandika-vritti one, the agnishtike-vritti one, together with the phjari and garland-maker’s
vrittis, altogether five shares, will be in continuous enjoyment.

H ere follow the boundaries of the pura.

A s a tala-vritti for the god, he obtained in Kiru-Balligave, the village of the god K edka, per­
forming worship to the feet to that god, and presented for the offerings, the Chaitra and pavltra,
for food for the god, and for feeding five Brahmans from other parts, one matta o f rice laud by the
Tiochchavi pole under the Narapati-goia ; and for the god’s perpetual lamp, one oil-mill in the town.

Dale 1179 A.D.

Moreover for that god,— Be it well. In the Kalachuryya-cbakravartti Nissanka-malla Sanka-
ma-Deva’ s 3rd year, the year Vikari &c, at the time o f the moon’s eclipse,— Karinele in the NSgara-
khaneja .Seventy, which had been granted for the god Kesava that the great minister and general,
the Banavase-nad herggade, dandanayaka Kemrajayya (his praises) had set up, together with Edey-
alkara, a village formerly granted for the gOd Somanatha o f Bandaniike, having been swallowed up
{Uruttirddudu), —the maha-mandaleSvara, a moon in raising the ocean the Gupta-vam§a, worshipper
o f the lotus feet o f the god Gajagefivara, subduer of foreign armies, Jogi-Devarasa, with his minister
VasudSva-Nayaka, Kfichayya, Dasimarasa, and Susanga-dSva,— and the mahA-mai^daleSvara, a sun to
the lotus the Kadamba-kula, obtainer o f a boou from the god Jayanti Madhuke^vara, an impaling
stake for liars, Nigalanka-malla, with these and other names, Boppa-D&varasa, with his minister
Tikkayya, and all his other chief attendants,— the great sAmanta Sanka-Gauda, and all the chiefs
and farmers o f the Nagarakhanda Seventy, presented at the feet of the god KeSava the hildlike,
rtmvneya, aya^ ddya, Mrulcula, and Mnike, and granted them for the gods Kesava and SomanAtha,
the funds derived therefrom to be divided between the two. Usual final verses.

, In Belva^i the 2 matta previously belonging to Narapati-Set^i’s basadi are excluded from
Date 1077 A.D.
Be it well. His feet bathed in streams o f radiance from all the crowns o f gods and demons, may
JinSndra’ s Sasana he ever for the prosperity o f the Bhavyas (or faithful, the Jains). Having the su­
preme profound sydd-vdda as a fruit-bearing token, may it prevail, the doctrine of the lord o f the
three worlds, the Jina fiasana.
B e it well. Refuge o f all the world, favourite o f earth and fortune, the maharajadhiraja para-
meSvara parama-bhattAraka, glory o f the SatyA§raya-kula, ornament o f the ChAIukyas, was Tribhu-
96 Shikarpur. Taluq.

vanaraalIa-D§va. To use his sword on the Chola king he thought not much o f ; to the LM a king ha
showed the might o f his arm, overcoming him ; and the feudatory kings o f both emperors who felt
upon him, mounting his furious elephant he chased them away, and became the lord o f the shining'
Lakshmi of the Chalukya kingdom,— praised by the three worlds, Vikramaditya-Deva. To the lord
o f Dh'ara the source of a great fever of terror, to Chola a fierce Yama o f the last day, his feet rever-

enced by the crowns of the lines of Saurasbtra, Anga, Kalinga, Vanga, Magadha, Andhra, Avanti and
Panchala kings,— the Gh^ukya regent elephant sports in the forests and mountains on the shores of
the eastern and western oceans. The valour of him who in the form of Narasimha tore open the
breast of the Danava lord, the strength of him who united with Rudra lifted up Kailasa, the daring o f
him who not retaining his skin gave it up to Indra, the resoluteness o f him who in order to destroy
all the Kshatriyas in the earth slew the kings twenty one times,— Vikramaditya, are yours. Why
share it with others ? I am able alone to bear it,— thus saying, from the back o f the great tortoise,
from the heads o f the lord o f serpents,' from the shoulders o f the regent elephants, from the cavities
and roots of the mountains, boldly lifting off the burden o f the world^ he brought and placed it
securely in his own arms,— Vikramiditya-Deva.
When thus having freed the world from every enemy, he was in the residence o f Etagiri, ruling
the kingdom in peace and wisdom t—
A dweller at his lotus feet,— Be it well. Entitled to the five big drums, the maha-samanta*
dhipati, maha-praohan^i-dandanayaka, (with various epithets), was the dandanayaka Barmma-
Deva. (Verses in his praise). Thus the abode of praise and fame, when the great general and great
minister, the dandanayaka Barmma-Devarasa, protecting and enjoying the Banavase Twelve
Thousand, the Santalige Thousand and the Eighteen agraharas, Was in the royal city Baljigave ;—

Jiiianatha-svami his god, his'own guru Gunabhadra-bratindra, his mother Jakkabbe, Soma his
father, his younger brother Mechi, Bhagabbe h's wife, his father-in-law K ali-deva,— w'as Singa Uq
ordinary man ?— great as a benefactor, in union with dharmma. (Verses in his praise, calling him
All these good qualities being natural to him, Pratikantlia-Singayya, having commenced a
discourse relating stories o f works o f merit,— made petition to his ruler, saying,— '* Obtain from
Ballavarasa a village (Mda) and give it to the Permmadi ba'sadi.” — ^Whereupon the dandanayaka
Barmma-Deva having represented the whole o f the circumstances to his own lord,— Tribhuvanamalla-
Beva, in the 2nd Chalukya-Vikrama year, the year Pingala, &o., for the services of the god of the
Chainkya-Ganga-Permmanadi Jinalaya which he had made in the royal city Balligave when he was
a prince (or boy, hmdra), for the worship and anointing, for the offerings, and food o f the rishis, as
well as for repairs of the basadi and new works,— Praise of Gupabhadra-deva, whose colleague was
Mahasena-brati. His disciple, by all the people in the world said to be in grammar Pujyapada, in
logic Akalanka-deva, in pretry Samantabhadra, was Ramasena— to him, who had thus reached the
farthest shore o f the oce.in of all sciences, ever devoted to the performance o f penance, to Kama-
seha-pandita of the si’i-Mula-sangha, Sena-gana and Pogari-gachchha, with pouring o f water and all
tlfe ceremonies, he gave the village of Manevane in the Jid(Julige Seventy o f the, Banavase Twelve
Thousand kampana. Usual final verses.
Gunabhadra-deva’s lay-disciple Chavuudamayya wrote it.

Date 1019 A.D.
The husband o f S'ri, bearer o f the discus, whose seat is on Garuda, having eyes like the lotus ;
the husband o f the Mountain daughter, bearer o f the triclont, whose seat is on the bull, having aU
S h ik arp u r T alu q. 97

€xfcra e y e ; the husband o f the Speech goddess, bearer o f the noose, who rides on the swan, having
just eight eyes ; — may these three, worshipped by the three worlds, grant us our desires.

Be it w e ll When, the refuge o f all the world, favourite o f earth and fortune, maharajadiraja
.paramesvara parama-bhattaraka, glory o f the Satyasraya-kula, ornament of the Chajukyas, per­
fumed with jasm in, a Bhtma to hostile forces, a lion to the elephant rival kings, champion among
champions, golden champion, a fierce fire of the last day to Chola, eager for war with Chola, a puri-'
fying head-jewel to clever kings, a saw for the heads o f hostile kings, a rod for hostile kings, a
brilliant sun among kings, a sun in glory, in valour Narayana, a submarine fire to the ocean of
kings, to tho four-arrowed a thousand-armed, the monkey to the world of kings, in fame a Vidya-
dhara, in skill with the bow Rama, born in the Chajukya-vamsa,—-Tailapa-Deva's victorious kingdom
was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :—

O f the kings o f the Ch^ukya dynasty who ruled the earth, one less than sixty having sat
upon the throne in Ayodhya-pura with great glory ;— Born o f that race, the lord of the goddess of
victory, Satyasraya-Deva ruled the whole world so .t hat o f the families descended from Brahma the
Satya4raya-kula was reckoned the most excellent, until be obtained the name o f a sdrhha-hhaunia
(or universal emperor). In that Satyasraya-kula, lord of the lady earth, the glorious Nurmmadi Taila,
an Iiidra in power, a terror to his enemies, of brilliant fame, ruled the whole earth. The earth and
the crown having fallen into the hands o f the Rattas, he drove the kings of the Eatta kingdom be­
fore him, put them down and overhelmed them, this millstone to the Rattas, and took possession o f
the crown o f the Chalukya kingdom. That king Jayasingha, a brilliant sun the king of lotuses (am-
ihoja) to king Bhoja, the king o f beasts to the elephant Rajendra-Chola,— is it much to call him
rajadhiraja ? Dispersing the overspreading darkness, and causing his greatness to shine forth into all
the w orld, as the morning sun mounts up above the mountain of the east, so, subduing the growing
power o f the Kali-yuga, leaving it no place, and revealing to the world the delicate virtues of the
Krita Lakshmi, he mounted up on his throne o f splendour, the king Jayasingha. The Seven Majavas
he made to tie up their bundles ; chasing after Chera and Chola, he made them plunge into the sea ;
thus the splendour o f his fame passed over the seven oceans and filled the regions beyond, his con­
quests in all quarters put to shame the regents at the points of the compass ;— who can stand against
Jayasingha-Deva ?

A dweller at his lotus feet,— Be it well. When, entitled to the five big drums, the maha-manda-
lesvara, boon lord o f Banavasi-pura, obtainer o f a boon from Chamunda, (with various other epithets),
Sattigana chattam ( ? Sattiga's chief man), Iriva-bedanga-DeVa's son, the maha-mandalesvara
Kundamarasa, [protecting] the Banavase Twelve Thousand, the Santalige Thousand and the Hayve
Five Hundred, ?with both rights (ubaya tdmgadi), as far as to the Western Ocean, was in the
residence o f Balipura, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom (on the date specified), he repair­
ed the temple of Mulasthana NandikeSvara, and for the offerings to the god, and temple repairs, made
grants o f land (specified), washing the feet of (with the usual ascetic virtues) Muliga-S'iva^akti-
Date 1036 A.D.
T o him who manifests himself clearly in all things, benefactor of the world, the creator pre­
server and destroyer o f the world, victor over the angry Manmatha,— obeisance to thee, lord of the
three worlds, S'iva.

That they might perform the world-astounding Rajasuya sacrifice, in order to obtain the great
wealth (needed for it) . . . . going and reproaching Vibhishaua, taking from there articles and tribute,
the Psln^avas having returned, came to Balligave, and the five set up five Lingas.
98 SHkai’pur Taluq.
Be it well. When, (with titles as in No. 125 above), Jayasimha-Deva W'as in the residence o f Potta^
Jakere, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom :— (on the date speciSed), to— B e it well. Having,
crossed over to the farthest shore of the ocean of logic and other sciences, to speakers a Rudra, a
young lion in splitting the skull o f the elephant speakers, a wild-fire to the great forest speakersi
a fierce and powerful tiger to evil speakers, a subiaarius fire to the Bauddha ocean, a thunderbolt
• to the Miinamsaka mountain, a saw for catting down the Lokayata great tree, a great kite to the Sankhya
serpent, an axe to the tree Advaita speakers, a Trinetra in burning the Tripura Akalanka, displacer o f
Vadi-gharatta, a millstone to Madhava-bhatta, breaker o f the pride o f Jnauananda, a fierce fire o f
cUssolution to Yisvanala, a fire o f the last day to Abhayachandra, a sarabha to the lion Vadibha
(or to VMibha-simha), sealer up o f the mouth of Yadiraja, displacer of Ayavadi, the sole able support­
er of the Naiyayikas, in maintaining his own side and in disgracing the other side an able Yirinchi
(Brahma), an ornament to the Speech goddess, at court a Padmasana, in intelligence Narayana,
among declainers Mahesvara, in disputation like the river of the gods, in the sport o f making comm­
entaries a bee to the lotuses the minds o f those who love it, his white fame his banner, o f pure char­
acter, a noose of Yama to hostile proud pandits, to Digambara speakers a falling star, having the
name Vadi-Rudraguna,— Lakuliwara-pandita,— for the repairs o f the temple of the Pancha Linga
set up by the Papdavas, the Kajamukhi Brahmachari-sthaiia o f BaJligeXve the royal city of the Bana-
vasi 'twelve Thousand,— for sandal, incense and offerings for the god, for food and cloths for the
students and ascetics, fre^d from all taxes, with all ceremonies and pouring o f water, made grants
o f land (specified). Usual final verses.
MahMeva is god, his feet worthy o f worship by all the xvor’.d. The rule enjoined in the three
Yedas for the order o f castes and asramas is dharnima. W hoso casts aspersion on these two (state­
ments), on his head will I place my foot in the king’ s assembly.i
This work o f merit the town will maintain ; let the irreligious leave it entirely alone.
D a fe ? 1118 J .D .
Be it well. Praised by a 1 kings and people, Satya[vaky ■ ■ ., paramesvara, boon lord o f
Kuvalala-pura, lord of Nandagiri, having the crest o f a lusty elephant,.. •, Nanniya-Ganga, Ganga-
Gangeya, the G anga-Sarbba,........... head-jewel in the crest o f ...........in the - . .. Chajukya-Yikra-
ma year, the year ? Yi'ambi, &c., made a grant o f a garden for the god Uma-Mabesvara o f the
Pancha Linga. Also for another god one matta ofland. ,
Bate 1075 A.B.
Be it well. When, (with usual Chalukya titles), Bhuvauaikainalla-Deva was in the residence
of Banldpura, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom :—
And, a dweller at his lotus feet,5 ................, was governing................... in peace and wisdom ;—
(on the date speciSed) a grant of ? Gobballi in the JiddaUge-nad was made, washing the feet o f ..
............... Usual final verscs-
Bate 1071 A.BA
Invocation o f the Boar form o f Yishnu.
When, (with usual Cbal'ikya titles), Bhiivanaikamalla-Deva’s victorious kingdom was extending
OB all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars, in the residence o f BankSpura :—

This verse is said to be taten from KttmJiila-bhatta. Very much of the inscription is eflaced.
Tliis inscription folloivs the preceding one on the same
^ •
Among the sealptures at the top of the stone is an image

slene. But if the first Vilambi ; ffer that he taken as the of GunagaHa, with an inscription over him as follows
date, it ?rouId he too early for LLe Chaiukya-ViUrama era. s'rtmad G u yagaJta-divsra dibya-mertti'.
Shikarpur Taluq. 99

Oa the applicatioa of— a dweller at his lotus feet, entitled to the five big drains^ maha-samanta*
dhipati, maha-prachanda-dandanayaka, chief over the-property o f the court, in business a Yogandha-
Kaya, perfect in skill, in intelligence a Vidyadhara, possessor o f all arts, his mind bowed in medita­
tion on the feet o f Hara, raiser o f the Ohalukya kingdom, pre-eminent in valour, unassisted lion,
bee at the lotus feet o f Bhuvatiaikamalla-Deva, adorned with the clustre c f all good qualities, the
great minister, senior minister for peace and war, mane-verggade-dandanayaka, Udayaditya,— Bhuva-
naikamalla-Deva, (on the date specified), for the bathing and offeriugs of ths god Hariharaditya o f
the royal city Bajligave, for the work o f the temple and expenses o f the matha, washing the feet Of
the Advaita luminary delighting in true wisdom, rejoicing in the sound of the pranava (the syllable
oni), Gunagalla-yogi,— with all ceremonies, made a grant, free of all imposts, of Bidaringeri in the
Jiddulige Seventy o f the Banavasa Twelve Thousand kampana. Usual final verses.

As an ornamental (sectarian) mark on the brow o f the lady without a second in greatness,
complete, an embodiment o f learning, having conquered his spirit, undecaying, was Gunagajla,
Farther verses praising him as an exponent of the Advaita doctrine, and calling him iu one place
Gunagalla Nagavarmmacharyya. In Kondab-nadl, to the east of Tumbigere and west of Mosale-
madu, he erected the temples o f Nagesvara and Svayambhu, and in Baiipura the temples o f Yoges-
vara, Hariharaditya, and Vassayana. Oa the southern bank of the Kiru-dore (little river), at Muttftr
belonging to Kuruvatti, he created the Siddha-tirttha. More verses in his praise.

Pratikantha KamarS,ia wrote it.

Bate 1075 A.B.
Obeisance to the lion-souled, who, taking the form o f the man-lion, destroyed H'.rapyakaSipu,.
the terrifier o f all the worlds.

The Chalukya emperor o f great power, Tailapa ; o f brilliant fame, Satyasraya an abode of’
valour, Vikramaditya ; greatly exalted, Ayyana ; a treasury pf energy, Jayasitnha; an abode for the
Lakshmi o f the dominion of the world, Trailokyamalla; from these did the great OhIJukya empire'
gain renown. The son of that king, worthy of reverence from all in the world, was Bhuvanaykamalla-
Deva, the chief ornament o f the wife his father’s kingdom, his head purified by tliO. dust from thfr
lotus feet o f S'iva, the brightness o f the nectar of his fame illumined all the regions.
Be it well. When, (with usual Chajukya titles) Bhuv.anaykamalla-Beva’s victorious kingdom
was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :— A servant of the lotus feet
o f that king, (with various epithets), was the Bhuvanaykavira, the Ganga Chakrayudha (Vishdu), thn
Brabma-Kshatra head-jewel, the rajadhiraja Udeyaditya.

B i it well. W hen, praised in all the world, of the heroic Brahma-Kshatra line, favourite of earth
and fortune, maharajadhiraja paraniesvara, boon lord of K6|ala-pura,lord of Nandagiri, having the
crest of a lusty elephant, receiver o f a boon from Somesvara, the Ganga god of love, mnniya~Ganga,
ayad-uttaramja, a wisbing-stone fo r all people, a head-jewel for the crest of chieftains, srimadGanga-
Permmanadl Bhuvanaykavira Udeyaditya-Deva was ruling the Banavase Twelve Thousand, the
Santalige Thousand, the Mandali Thousand and the Eighteen agraharas,—having shaken and moved
away the neighbouring-Chera, Chola, Pandya, Pallava and other kings, and taken tribute from them ;
having extended his territory as far as the four oceans and accomplished the desire to be a great con­
queror •,— was in the royal city Balligave in the enjoyment of peace and wisdom — being desirous Of
performing a work o f merit, making application to his own lord Bhuvanaykainalla-Deva,— as a gift to
Paramesvara, he made a grant (specified) for the god Narasimha of the temple above the bank o f the
Pergatta o f the royal city Balligave, (on the date specified), washing the feet o f Purnnananda-
bhat^raka, the chief man there. Usual final verses.
100 S liik a rp u r T a lu q .
B a teW U A.D.
Supreme is the Boar f trm o f the resplendeat Vishnu, which dispersed the waters o f the ocean
and bore up the peaceful earth on the tip o f his strong right tusk.
Be it well. His broad chest occupied by the goddess o f fortune, his feet placed on the heads of
his enemies, his fame extolled by all people, was the king Vjkramaditya. Chainer up of hostile kings,
his fame spread to tho tusks of the elephants at the points o f the compass, a Manmatha in bodily
form, having brought all the world under one umbrella, a head-jewel o f the Soma-vamsa. Displaying
the power of his army, the power o f his arms, and the power o f his sword, what can I say of the
hostile kings reduced to the state of servants o f this terrifier of brave enemies.
Be it well. When, (with usual Ch^ukya titles), Tribhuvanamalla-Deva’ s victorious kingdom
was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars, and he was in the residence
o f Kalyana, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom :—

A bee at his lotus feet, (with praises) was Anantapala-chamupa. Be it well. When, entitled to
the five big drums, maha-samantadhipati, maha-prachanda-dandanayaka, (with other epithets), his
father’s lion,— with these and all other titles, the great minister, the banasa-verggade-dandanayaka
Anantapalarasa, having leceived the Bejvala Three Hundred, the Puligere Three Hundred, the Bana-
vase Twelve Thousand, and panndya of the Seven-and-a-half-Lakh (country), was protecting them
in peace and wisdom:—
Through his favour having obtained the government o f the Vanavasi Twelve Thousand, brilli­
ant with all good qualities, was Govinda-Raja : (his praises, styling him) the rana-ranga-Bhairava. To
the lord Ke^iraja and to Nilabbe was born DaMraja, o f the Parasara-gotra. He was the father and
Somambike the mother o f Govinda.
When, (with praises), the maha-prachanda-daudanayaka Govinda-Raja, having received the
Banavase Twelve Thousand, the vad(}a-rdvula, and the acliclm-^anndya of the- fifty-six under the
shadow of his umbrella, was protecting them in peace and wisdom :— his minister for peace and war
was I^varayya-Nayaka; w'hose descent was as follow s:— A head-jewel of all munindrae, the sole
object of praise in the world, of spotless fame, a garland o f good qualities, the best o f the Brahman
race, was Vasishta. In his gotra, in the Siriguppe-go]a, was born Chatta. To him and to Bhogambike

were born Bachiraja and Basavana. To these elder brothers the younger brother was I5vara. He
was head o f the Brahmans o f Arugunda, and all the world praised as the joy of his family, ourvira-

Govinda’s minister for peace and war, Isvara. (Some farther details of his relatives, much effaced).
(With various epithets), Isvarayya-Nayaka, (on the date specified), being inclined to perform a
work o f merit, and believing in the saying— “ There is no friend like merit” ,— for the god Nara-
simha above the tank o f the Perggatta to the north o f Balligave, which was an ornament to the
Banavase Twelve Thousand that shone like the wavy curls (Jcuntalct) o f the Kuntala country,— with"
the knowledge o f the townsmen of the great royal city Baljigave, of the five matha sthanas, and of
dandanayaka Govindarasa,—-having purchased certain land (specified), granted it ; (its boundaries).
And the ministers for peace and war o f the Vanavasi Twelve Thousand will give 1 gadyana a
year ; the hliatta guttas 1 pa ; the king's servants 1 0 vi. Usual final verses.
Date 1072 A.D.
The inscription is much defaced.
Praise o f Udayaditya-dandadhinatha. On the application o f Odayaditya, in the reign of Bhuva-
naikamalla-Deva, (on the date specified), a grant (specified) was made for the same god as above,
washing the feet o f Purnnananda-bhattfiraka. Usual final verses.
S h ik a rp u r T a lu q . 101
Bate n s i A.B.
Praise of S'a'.nbhii. Be it well. When, (with usual Chajukya titles), BhMokamaHa-Deva was
in the residence o f Kalyana, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom :—

A dweller at his lotus feet, was— with all titles, the maba-maudalesvara, Tailapa-Deva of Bana-
vase,— by whose order, the dweller at his lotus feet, the mandalika-Masaneyya, (with praises) the
two settis o f the royal city Balipura, the chiefs of the workers in the fire metals in the five mathas,
and the guardian o f the customs-duties in the Katakada-mahanagara (or capital town), Guija-
varmma-Setti, coming, for the goddess Kalika, (on the date sped led), made a grant o f land (speci­
fied). Usual final verses.

Bate ? alout 1075 A,B-
(Ndgari characters).

Be it well. Of the Chitrakutamnayad-avali, connected with S'antinatha-deva of Malava, of the

Balotkara-gana, was Munichandi a-siddhanta-deva, whose disciple .4nantak5rtti-deva made a grant to
heggade Kesava-deva (Jiere follow the details).

Bate 1078 A.B.
Praise of S'ambhu. Genealogy o f the Chajukya kings (as in No. ISO above).
Be it well. When, (with usual Chalukya titles), Tribhuvanamaila-Deva’ s victorious kingdom
was extending on all sides, to continue as-long as sun moon and stars, and he was in the residence
o f Etagiri, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom :—■
A dweller at his lotus feet,— Be it well. Entitled to the five big drums, maha-samantadhipati, mahfir
prabala-dandanayaka, (with other epithets),— the great general, great minister and dandanayaka,
Bariumadevarasa, (on the date specified ) at the eclipse of the moon, for the god Mallikarjjuna which
pujaii Singana o f the royal city Balligave had established, made grants (as specified). Usual final
Bate 1068 A.B.
Having the supreme profound sydd-vdda as a fruit-bearing token, may it prevail, the doctrine o f
the lord of iho three worlds, the Jina doctrine.
Be it well. When, (with usual Chalukya titles), Trailokyamalla Ahavamslla-Deva was ruling
the kingdom in peace and wisdom :— (mutilated verse to the effect that) no evil persons or enemies
were left in the country by Trailokyamalla, the glory o f the Kuntala laud. The worthhss kings o f
Lata Kalihga Gahga Karahata Turushka Varala Chbla Karnnata Surashtra Malava Uasarnna
Kosala Kerala and other countries did not remain insolent, but gave tribute and stopped within their
appointed boundaries,— ^how great was the power o f Ahavamalla-Deva. Thus uniting to himself the
lady earth in the four quarters, and gaining the Lakslimi of empire, for a long time Ahavamalla was
the master o f undiminished wealih Slaying Magadha Audhra Avanti Vanga Dravila Kuru
Khasa Abhl^a^ Panchala Lala and others so that a stench arose, plundering them, and taking tribute
togetuer with their forces, and reducing them to servitude, the muscles o f his arm and the energy o f
102 S liik a rp u r T a lu q .
his miacl not being exhausted, he fought against ladra, defeated him, and on his giving tribute, made
friends with him, and returned alone, a universal emperor. In the year reckoned by sTcy, nine and
numher (990) o f the S'aka-kala, the year Kilaka, on the 8 th day o f Chaitra bahula, Sunday (29th
March 1063 A.D.), thereby increasing his fame, he performed in Kuravartti the rites o f supreme yoga,

and in the Tungabhadra the master o f the world king Ahavamalla ascended to heaven.
Th.^ eiilest son of that great emperor and ornament o f the Chalukyas, mighty to rule the earth
surrounded with chains o f mountaius and oceans, so as to continue as long as the moon : in the year
reckoned as above by. shy, nine, and numher o f the S'aka'^kala, the year Kilaka, on the 7th day of
VaiSakha A^ddha, under the star tjya (Pushya), on Friday, (the sun being) fully in the sign of
Cancer, (1 Ith April 1063 A.D.), Somesvara assumed, with the troops o f elephants and horses, the
jewels, umhv dla, and throne, the honours o f the kingdom. Victory being brought to dharmma, reli­
gious associations to the good, tha three objects of human desire to his mind, the earth being made
happy with distribution o f honours and gifts, the time was like that of the Krita-yuga, and the begin­
ning of his reign raised the desire of the world towards him, how fortunate was he as universal em­
peror. At that juncture,— saying “ A new reign ; (a kingdom) fit for a hero ; this is the time to invade
i t ; I will surround Gutti and besiege it” in this pride, Cholika, with an immense army, laid siege
and was doing damage. On hearing which, he said “ March,” and when the cavalry force which was
sent came into contact, in a fierce battle which gave him no rest, Vira-Choja showed his back to king
Somesvaia's army and fled. So that the circle o f foreign kings learning his name were impotent and
feared, enemies giving up their pride took service as servants, friends submitted with pleasure to
the orders of OU3 who did not forget clemeuoy,—so great was his glory, when the king Somesvara
was protecting the circle of the earth. When, putting down the wicked within his territories, uproot­
ing the chiefs of hill forts, evil treacherous feudatories and obstinate wrong-doers, and removing
powerful enemies,— having thus rid the-earth of troubles, the king Bhuvanaikamalla was ruling the
kingdom ; —
A dweller at his lotus feet, entitled to the five big drums, the maha-mandalesvara, (with numerous
other epithets), a tiger to the deers the hill chiefs, a bee at the lotus feet of Trailokyamalla-Deva,
promoter of the kingdom of the king Bhuvanaikamalla,-—adorned with these and many other true
titles, among those reckoned as servants o f king Trailokyamalla the chief master o f robes, the chief
servant, the chief able-bodied brave, was Lakshmana,— are there any who know not this ? In Bhuva-
naikamalla-Deva’ s palace he was the chief man, he was the great manager, he was the promoter o f
victory, he was the master of robes, Lakshma-nripa. A beloved servant, an active and brave servant,
a victorious servaut, a servant who was iudispensable to the Chalukya kingdom, in military service an
accomplished servant, a strict revenue servant, a greatly honoured servant, a servant o f rank, a servant
who had acquired fame, a courageous servaut, a sporting servant, a servant in war, an intimate
and trusted servant of his ruler in all circumstances,— was Lakshmana. While in two reigns the
subjects and foreigners alike praised him, two emperors in one (and the same) affectionate manner
wrote a sasana and gave him the Vanavasi country, together with horse elephant crown and army,
and sustained him with their favour,— thus'Lakshmana shone throughout the world as the mandalBra-
Triuetra. Junior is king Vikrama-Ganga to me ; to that Perramadi-Deva the next junior is Vira-
Nolamba-Deva ; to me, to Permmadi and to Singi you are the junior ; but to you all (the rest) are
juniors ; thus with favour exalting him, Somesvara gave to Lakshma full and dignified rank. Laksh­
mana becoming the lord of the great Banavase-nad, Vikrama-Nolamba becoming the lord o f Nolamba-
Sindavadi, Ganga-mandalika becoming the lord of the territory beginning from Alampura,— Bhuva­
naikamalla, in view o f their being as a long bar (or bolt) to the south, gave them those countries.
(Verses in praise o f Lakshmana). Assaulting Konkana; he is treading it down like his stirrup ;
driving back the seven Koinbu, he pursues and catches them ; the seven Male he makes to bend
S H k a rp u r T alu q. 103

down, breaks and uproots them ; thus saying, the hill chiefs, without showing (or lifting)
their heads, agree to what the king R§,yada9 da-G6pala says before he speaks, how great was be.
(Farther verses in his praise). Satrughna (or the destroyer of his enemies), the valour of Hari, An-
gada’ s arm (or an arm with a bracelet), Siigriva (or with a beautiful throat), his lord’s Saumitra (or
good friend), Rdma in being without ignorance (or a joy to the ignorant), among men Duryyodhana,
Bhima in body, Bhishma Yudhishthira (or firm in fi.erce warfare). Guru Kripa (or o f great mercy),
the good Karnna (or having good ears),— this being king Lakshma’s description, it is wonderful to
find in it (both ) Rdmdyana and Bhdrata.
W hen thus celebrated, the king Lakshroa, his feet crowded with the crowns o f prostrate hostile
kings, was ruling the Banavase Twelve Thousand, and governing in peace :— The minister who was
the chief treasury officer o f the Banavase Twelve Thousand, the bearer of the burden of its affairs,
and the proaaoter of that kingdom, a kokile bird to the mango grove poetry, a full moon to the
milk ocean o f poems, a bee in giving pleasure to the clustres of blossoms of the vine great poems in
one or in various metres, was the world-renowned dandanatha S'S.ntinatha, a royal swan to the
lotus the supreme Jina creed. Many impurities having corrupted the nectar of the Jaina-margga,
like water and milk, with the bill o f good doctrine he separated the water of evil creeds, and made
the good creed which issued from the mouth of Jina fit to be imbibed by the Bhavyas with joy,-—
hence was he called the royal swan to the lotus the supreme Jina creed. Jinapati was his supreme
lord, his guru Varddhamaiia-bratipati, his father Govinda-Raja, his elder brother Kannaparyya, his
ruler the king Lakshma, his younger brother VAgbhdshana Revana. A born poet, a skilful poet, an
unassisted poet, a good poet, a beautiful poet, a poet banishing falsehood, a fortunate poet, a praised
lord o f poets, was Sarasvati-mukha-mukura. Filled with beautiful taste, with imagination, and with
truthful description, did he compose the SuJcumdra-charita, the chief of great poets, Sarasvati-mukha-
mukura. Like llara’ s smile, the water o f the celestial Ganges, the lotus, frost, snowy mountains,
the moon, the Kailasa mountain, the autumn cloud, the milk ocean, the stars, Bharati, the tusks of
the regent elephants, nectar, foam, pearl oyster.s, jasmine buds, Indra’s elephant, or a swan,— white
was the unspotted fame of S'antinatha. (He accumulated jewels, but instead o f hiding them in a
corner, used them for the relief o f the distressed).

Thus celebrated, S'autinatfaa, a swan to tha lotus the Jina ^asana. with modesty made petition
to his own master, king Lakshma, regarding a work o f merit, (saying)— “ With lines of temples of Jina,
Rudra, Buddha, and Hari, decorated with gold and jewels, Bali-nagara is well-known as the place of
five mathas. To describe the glory o f the Jina-dharmma in this royal city, purified by the dwellings
o f all the gods :— Among the many countries in Jamhu-dvipa t h e ................. .i s the Bharata land ;
in it is the Kniitala country, in which like perpetual spring is Banavase, and in the Vanavasi country is
Bali-grama, frequented by tha Bhavyas, and in it the S'anti-tirtheia temple, praised by the gods. It
is now built o f wood ; to build it o f stono would be a source of merit to you, ” Taking that to mind,
and desirous o f performing a work o f merit, the king Lakshma built o f stone that abode of Jina,
as if erected by Indra to endure in permanence, and afterwards set up a stone pillar at the great
gateway o f the temple, on which was inscribed a Sasana containing all his names and titles, to con­
tinue as long as sun moon and stars.

Moreover in the Miila-sangha, the Deiiga-gana, and Kopdakundanvaya,............... was celebrated

Vardhamana-munindra , bis praises. (The rest o f the inscription is very greatly defaced). Praise
of Munichandra-deva-siddhanta. He wrote a yantra which scared away the serpents, pisachas, bhft-
tas, vihagas, the fierce nine planets, the S'akinis, niSacharas, . . . . Praise of Maghanandi-deva, who
erected Jina temples ..... ..........
104 Shikarpur Taluq.

The maha-mapdalSsvara Lakshmarasa, for the Mallikamoda S ’antinatha tem ple, (ou the date
specified) granted to Maghanandi-bhattara, o f ................Desiga-gapa and Talakolauvaya, certain land
(specified), which formerly Jagadekamalla-Deva .,• • • • '• of Balligave. And . . . . ............which Cha-
lukya-Ganga-PermmaDadi-Vikramaditya-Deva................to Golapayya^s basadi, a n d ................. which
from of old belonged to the Nandana-vana b a s a d i,................making an humble petition at a suita­
ble opportunity.................... Usual final verses.
.................................JDasoja engraved it. Great good fortune.

Date 1114 A.D.

Om. Praise of S'ambhu and o f the Boar.

Govinda-Raja, head-jewel of Vaishnavas, a champion as good as his word.

The lord o f S'ri, the lord of eternal salvation, having in his womb all worlds, worshipped by
the dwellers in heaven, reposed on his couch the body o f the serpent, the eternal one. From the
blossom of the golden lotus in the navel o f the lord o f S ’ri sprang, as if a garden o f lotuses, the
wonderful one whose face was bright as their reflection. To gratify the longing which that god had
formerly in his mind, were born the promoters o f fortune, their fame illuminating all the points o f the
compass, repositories o f all good qualities. From those mind-born ones sprang the glorious ones the
many kings who ruled the earth, pure gems o f the Chalukya-kula, o f unequalled forms.
After them, as the original Boar raised up in peace the earth which had been carried down to
Patala, so did he deliver as if in sport the land which had fallen into the hands o f foreign kings,—
the universal emperor Taila. As if the ocean itself was the boundary o f the land he acquired by the
might of his arm, the points of the compass were the boundary to his fame which outshone the moon,
taking it into the protection of his powerful arms, the promoter o f the Chalukya kingdom ruled over
it, offering up the full-blown lotuses the heads of his enemies at the feet o f Chaudika, Ilis praise.
Then his son Satyasraya ruled the earth surrounded with the ocean. His son Vikrama then ruled. His
younger brother Dasavarmma, stooping down like the tortoise, took up the burden of the earth with a
hundred-fold the power o f his predecessors. Then, slaying the herd on herd of elephants his enemies
with the lion talon his sword, his son Jayasimha ruled the earth, causing it ever to rejoice. His son

Ahavamalla ruled the earth, whose swelling breasts are the mountains, whose throat is adorned
with the soft stems o f areca palms, whose lips are the tender leaves o f sprouts. Praised by all the

world, Ahavamalla’s elder brother Bhuvanaikamalla then ruled the earth, and then that king’s
younger brother Vikramanka, who knew not fear. As Indra had all the regents at the points o f the
compass under his sway, so he brought all kings into subjection. When he was ruling this middle
world, who like the terrific Maricha did not tremble ? who did not with fear put themselves under his

protection ? who did not withhumifity prostrate themselves near hjs lotus feet,— the Sanvira, Abhira,
Andhra, Golla and other kings,— when he with anger knit his brows in a frewn, the king Vikra-

manka. Chela lost his boundaries, Pallava held his hands full of sprouts, Andhra hunted for caves
in the mountains, Singha]a’s burnt heart was turned to a desert, Malava was jumped over, Gurjjara’g
arm was shattered,— thus did he treat them with his continually increasing power, Vikramaditya-
Deva. There being no one there to make a stand or fight against him, Kauchi was overwhelmed in
the stream of the rut of his elephants ; and that if he went south from Kanchi there was no brave
king to make war against, this alone was the regret of this terror to hostile kings. Farther verses in
his praise. Lala fled, Chola held his ears and shook, Kalinga. his Idngdom ruined, begged for
alms,— who would be without fear before this disturber of the kings?
SMkarpur Taltiq. 105

When he was in the residence o f Kalyaija-pura, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom
A dweller at his lotus feet, (with praises o f his liberality), was Anantap§.la. His faith only in
the lord o f Girija, the praise o f the world and extension of his fame hts one desire, in the pomp of war
like a myriad Ravanas, to such a victor what is the, use o f a sword, thus was it said of the qualities
-of Anantapala. In time of necessity, whispering in the ear ; when they see war, escaping ; confusing
the business o f their master; with such dandanayakas can he be compared, who draws out-the entrails
o f the enemy, brings their wealth to his ruler, and extends his territory as ftir as to the ocean,—

A royal swan dwelling in the lotus garden o f his feet, his beloved brother-in-law,^ a chief Brah­
man, and exalted in the earth, Vanavasi being but a forest dwelling (viaa-vdsa) when other dap4a*
dhisas ruled it, a friend to the g iod without any motive, the supporter of those o f blameless conduct,
praised by a ll the world,— during his government, through the full growth of royal fortune it became a
youthful dwelling (ijavvan'i-vdsa) for the learned,— such was Govincla-danijadhipa. Among all those
born o f the Brahman race, his valour, his greatness, his wisdom, the power of his command and
his fame illuminated the whole circle o f the world,— this jewel of dandadhisas, the sword in the
hand o f the Clialukya king,— Govinda-dandadhipa. Farther verses i» his praise. Like a jewel lamp
be dispersed the darkness the faults o f the other generals in king Vikramanka’ s palace,— G6vinda-R4ja-
dandadlilsa. His father was Dasi-Raja, his mother S6vala-d§vi, his god Vishnu, his gotra Parasara.

Be it well. W hen, entitled to the five big drums, the maha-saittantadhipati, mahA-pracIianda-
dandanayaka, (with other epithets), au auspicious forehead-ornament of the Latanvaya, pleased to
horripilation on listening tq cViarmm'i, rana-ranga-Bhairava, a rod in Tribhuvanamalla-Deva’ s vic­
torious right hand,— with these and all other titles, the mah^-pradhana, the mane-verggade-daiida-
nayaka Govindamayya was ruling the Banavase Twelve Thousand, the Saiitalige Thousand, the two
S ix Hundreds, with the vadda-ravula and imnnaya, in the royal city Balipura ;—

He caused to be made an image of Vishnu reclining on the serpent, Whose head was resplendent
with jewels, while Brahma shone in the lotus o f his navel like its ovary, and Lakshmi sat gently smil­
ing, the spray from the waves o f the sea enfolding her like a garment of Mtaki blossoms. He also
made images o f his twice twelve varied forms.

Having so done, he granted to— (with the usual ascetic virtues), performets like S'atamakha
(Indra) o f a hundred sacrifices, the four-faced (Brahma) to the four vedas, lights of the Brahraian race
potent in their curses, wicks to the lamp of good fortune,— 25 Brahmans, (on the date specified),
at the time o f the eclipse,— having received it with a copper sasana,— the Savati-khanda plain in the
tala-vritti o f the royal city Balipura, washing their feet, and wuth -all ceremonies, with enjoyment to
three generations, free o f all imposts. Its boundaries. .Also for the god’s daily offeidngs and repeated
offerings, Chaitra, pavitra, and temple repairs, he granted other land (specified), with 4 gardens, 4
oil-mills, 4 shops, betel leaf . . . . and certain dues (specified). Usual final verses.

Bate 1194 X D .
Adored be S'ambhu, beauteous with the chamara-like crescent moon kissing his lofty head ; the
original foundation-pillar o f the city of the three worlds. Triumphant is the Boar form of Vishnu,
victor over the enemy of the gods, on whoso strong right tusk is supported the earth, a residence
for all people, the sole market for all pleasant fruits, the mother of wealth, in disposition devoted

properly a liusb.iud’s brother, which is out oi the question here.

106 IShikarpur Taluq.

to her husband. May the original Boar, wliich raised up the earth from the ocean, protect you . . . .
. . . . May S'iva and S'iva be ever for your good fortune, whoso union is the cause o f the birth of the

May the moon to the ocean king vira-Batlala’s kingdom, Kumara-Padmi-Deva, live as long as
sun and moon endure. There is the family of the Yadava kings, subduers of their enemies, the protec­
tion of the earth and of increasing wealth. S'ala slew the tiger at the bidding o f the muni and from
his exclamation in the Karanata language acquired the name o f Iloysala for his line. In that line was
born Vishnu, whose son was Narasimha, who thinking nothing of the spoils o f his conquests gave them
away to supplicants. His son wiis vira-Ballaia, on hearing o f whose valour the hearts of his enemies
w;ere broken. When he was ruling this world, his feet illumined by the jewels in the crowns o f
prostrate kings, the rut from his elephants drove away the elephants at the poiiits o f the com­
pass, so that as it had been placed on the head of S'esiia, Brahma now placed it on him ; —

A dweller at that king vira-Ballala’ s lotus feet, lord oi all wealth, was Chavaira-senapati, au
ocean o f good qualities. To reckon up the sum of his good qualities what poet is able ; his valour
and bounty caused the lion and Karna to bs forgotten. To him, the purifier of the Visvamilr.i-gotra,
Chavaua-daiidadhipati, and to Chandala-Devi was born, like the sun in the east, the famous raya-
daiidanatha, having the gand i-peiyldra decoration, skilled in seventy-two modes o f yoga, Padmi-Deva,
whom the singers extol as the foremost o f the brave : his praises. -

Being favoured by that king vira-BallaJa with the Vaiiavase ' Twelve Thousand country,— the
ornament of the Kuntala region, situated in the Bharata-varsha, the most excellent iu Jambu-dvipa,
the glory of the seven islmds which form the earth,— with enjoyment foe three generations,— ^having
established his camp in Balipura,— which was like a mother’s house to that country, famous for a
thousand lingas set up by gods and asuras, resounding with the recitation of the &ruti, and the
sounds o f musical instruments at the three daily seasons of worship,— Padmi-Deva-dandadhipa was
daily engaged in the wofsliip of the god Agnisvara set up by Agni.
To describe the line of its acharyyas :— a moon to tho ocean the S'rautriya-siddhanta, was Ku-
marasiva deva, a mirror to the rules o f his own agama. His disciple was VamaMva, devoted»to
the path of the good. His sou was Uevasiv.a, engaged in rites to secure happiness (here) and
salvation (hereafter).

Summoning that Devasiva, that Padma-dandadhipati, (on the date specified), for the decorations
and all other affairs of the Agnisvara temple, washing the feet of Devamva-pandita, made a grant
of the formerly well-known sthala-vriiti o f the city, with all rights, and with the finger exhibited
(foi'biduing entry) to the two forces, those of the king and those o f the king’s a g e n t s ,- —freed from all

An;l seeing this work of merit, (its ,praises), the king Ekala at the Same auspicious time made a
grant. Boundaries. Usual final verses.


Date about 1160 A.D^,

Be it well. When the bhujabala-chakravavtti Bijjana-Devarasa was ruling the kingdom in peace
and wisdom ;— by onler of the Banavase-nad-dandanayaka Paclmarasa, on the ? captive (bandi) of
Vamasrdvti-deva, worsliippr-r of the god Dakshina-Kedara, being seized, the Toaavatti meregara,
Babeya-nayaka, fought and attained to svargeja. His-son-iii law set up this stone for him.

Mdja~rt/ ‘apursha^yir-vra?an aiigvli-pr^kshantt/r2m.


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Shikai-pur T a lu u . 10 7

Date 1281 A Z>.
Be it well. la the 14th year of tlie victorious reiga of the Yadava-chakravartti vira-Rama-
chaudra-Raya,'—when^ celebrated among both iSana-Resis of the vira-Bananja, Madi-Setti of BaRU
grarae besieged Kuppe and fought,—the heroic Meyi'deva, when men were fighting one on the top of
another, piercing through them, striking off lieads with his sword, attained to the world of gods.
i)« fc 1286 .4.Z).

An ocean of good qualities, lord of the goddess of great fume, in giving away the chain (of the
cradle) on which he carried his son, Nenapalaka and his wife Yellambika......their son Ganesvara.
In the IGth year of the Yadava-Narayaua bhujabala-praudha-pratapa-chakravaitti vira-Rama<.
chandra-Raya,— the chain (of the cradle)-. .. at the feet of the god Simha,-. . . . . Nfi^apala-deva and
his wife Yellu-bai’s son Ganesvara and his wife Bommayi, together in conjugal affection, entered the
fire on the field of battle and gained svargya.
Bate about 1220 A.D,
Be it well, When, with all titles, the great minister Ereyapa-danaka marching against Singu
BSva, fought,—Tippu-bdva of the Tripurantaka doorway, killed many and gained the world of gods.
His Uragal.
Date ? 1186 A.D.
Be it well. In the I7th year of vira-Ballala-Deva,— Nagi-setR who was in Balligam e............. .
fighting with the raiders in KetanahaU', and killing many, gained the world of gods.

• 144
Bate 1181 A.D,
6m. Obeisance to S’iva. Be it well- In the time of the Kalacharyya-chakravartti Ahavamalla-
Deva,—when the great minister, verggade of the female apartments (anialipura), great master of
robes, I'.eslnuWya-daudanayaka, protecting the Banavase Twelve Thousand, was in tbe great
royal city Balligrame, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom :—one day, on his ordering (with
various epithets) the talara Ketamalla-nayaka and others to the battle of Mayile, marching on
before all the others, and killing many who opposed him, he did his duty to his lord and gained the
world of gods. His brother in-law, with liis son and daughter set up this vtra-s’dsana for him.

Bate 1184 AD
Be it well. In the time o f the Yadava-chakravartti vlra-BallSJa-L'eva,— 'when, with all titles, the
great minister, (with other epithets), ganda-penddra, Goparasa'-dandrnayaka, protecting Bajlfgrame,
the royal city (or, capital) o f the Banavase Twelve Thousand, a n d th en a d , wasrulir g the kingdom
in peace and wisdom :— in the fixed rent o f the immemorial agrahara Jumbur, Icoxs that are tied to
the roof with a r o p e ,... .
108 S b ik a r p u r T a lu q .

Date about 1160 A.D.
Be it well. la the time o f the Ka]aohuriya bhujabala-chakravartti Tribhuvanamalla Bijjana-
Deva,— at the time o f the sun’ s eclipse,— for the wprship o f the god Gundesvara which Hirapeya-
nayaka’ s son Gajjeya-sahani, had set up, and for the temple which the Banavase-nad-heggade, dani-
danayaka-Kesimayya had built,— the talara Soveya-uayaka o f Balligave, ia presence o f the................
and townspeople, made a grant (specified) from the castoms-duties payable to him for the office of
talara. Usual final verses.
The writing of Rocliarasa, whose sole refuge is S'iva.

Dale ? 1186 A.D.
Praise of the Jina Sasana. Praise o f Padmiyakka, who through the rite o f samddhi (or the
tomb) obtained the happiness o f the other world. Be it well. In the 16th year o f the Yadava-
chakravartti vira-Ballala-Ueva, i\\e pittaiia-svanii Mali-Setti's wife Padmauve, of her own will enter­
ing the tomb, gained svargga. Great good fortune. Obeisance to Vitaraga.

Date 1110 A.D.
Be it well. When, (with usual Chal ikya titles), Tribhuvanamalla-Deva’s victorious kingdom
was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars ;—
And a dweller at bis lotus feet,— Be it well. (On the date specified), when, by order o f the
senior dandanayaka Anantapalayya, the da^idan.ayaka Govindarasa was ruling the Banavase Twelve
Thousand ; —by his order, when the cows o f Bajligrame were harried, Kaniya-Revayya-nayaka fought,
slew many, recovered the cows and gained the world of gods.
By the victor is gained s p o il; by the slain, too, the celestial nymphs : what fear then o f death
in war to him who for a moment seeks the close encounter.

15 0
Dale 1171 A.D.
Om. Obeisance to S'iva. In the 4th year of the Kalachuryya bhujabala-chakravartti Eflya-
murari-Sovi-Deva, —(on the date specified), when the raja-guru Vamasakti-deva’s grandson was
tjoming from .. . . , at the Saliyur junction some robbers attacked him, when . . .. N ayaka fighting
"them, slew them and gained the world o f gods. Verses in praise o f Ilelliga’ s bravery.
Somoja Barmmoja’ s work. Great good fortune.

Date 1047 A.D.
Be it well. When, (with usual Chajukya titles), Trailokyamalla-Deva’s victorious kingdom was
extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :—
And, a dweller at his lotus feet,— entitled to the five big drums, the maba-mandaleSvara, boon
lord of Banavasi-pura, obtainer of a boon from Malialakshmi, rejoicing in gifts, acharyya o f the
revenue, (with other epithets), a brave at the courts o f three kings, S ’ankara to the bull titled chiefs,
terrifier o f hostile kings, a hand on the face o f braves, a sun o f the titled, a manifest Vikramaditya,
S h ik a rp u r T a lu q . 109
making sport o f Konk iua, Aliavanaalla-Deva’ s Hauuvaoi, a wild-6re to Kanagile-vida, thruster aside
of Kannaaia,--the niaha-mandalesvara Chavunda-Rayarasa was ruling the Banavdse Twelve Thousandj
the Silntalige Thousand, and the Hayve Five Hundred, as far as the Western Ocean ;— Verses in his
praise, styli ig him jafja'Wca-Mni (the sole donor in the world), and describing the glory of his ele­
phants and horses. The Qurjjara, Chera, Ghoja and other kings were moved at the grandeur o f
Be it well. The maha-inandaleWara Chamunda-Kayarasa (on the date specified) erected a
gfin'Ja-lMritnfJ'i pillar in front of the god Jagadekamallesvara, and giving away freely, washing the
feet o f Anantasivacharyya, made a grant of land (specified) for the god Bherundesvara. Usual final
A grant to Bichaharasi, younger sister of Kunda-Raja, who was attached to this temple. Bene­
Date \0m-A.D.
Be it well. W hen, (with usual Chalukya titles), Trailokyamalla-Devn’s victorious kingdom was
extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :—

And his son, Chalukya-ganda-Permmanadi Vikramaditya-Deva was ruling the Gangavadi Ninety-
six Thousand ;— on Ballavarasa paying a visit to the Panungal fort,— Kadamba Satyasraya-Deva
ruling Kananur,— Tuluva Chandiga saying “ I will not let (the nail) grow to my finger,’’— Ballava^^
rasa and Satyasraya-Deva making a grant o f the Banavaso fort and a temple endowment in the
Twelve Thousand,— cutting off the finger which he had given, (on the date specified), at the Perm-
m ^u temple, Tuluva-Chandiga, climbing to Bherundesvara (see No. 151 above), leaped upon
the point of a spear, and gained the world of gods.

Date 1039 A.D .
A * - ■
Praise o f S'ambhu. Om. Obeisance to S'iva and to Gaiinpati.
Be it well. When, (with usual Chalukya and other titles, including) ganda-penclara, a great
fire o f the last day to Chola, Jakadekamalla-Deva,— with these and all other titles, . siuga-Deva
was in the residence o f Ghattadakere, ruling- the kingdom in peace and wisdom:— (on the date
specified), washing the feet of (with numerous praises) KriyMakti-papdita-deva, making the temple
of Siddeh'ara o f Benakanakola, made for the god grants of land (specified). Usual final verses.

Date about 685 A.D.
Be it well. When Vinayaditya Rajasrayn, favourite o f earth and fortune, maharajadhiraja
parameWara parama-bhattaraka, was ruling the kingdom of the world :—

.\nd Pogilli-Sendraka-maharaja was ruling the Nayar-khanda and the Jejugur government
Ktadarbo,. being an official, granted the festival (dues) at ? new moon, the alavana, and ? the
property o f those who die without heirs. Iii the presence o f a number of persons (named), and so
that the kings o f both nads should hear, he made the grant. Usual final verses.

Date ?1202 A.D.
Be it well. In the ? 28th year o f the Yadava-chakravartti vira-Ballala-Deva, on the 8th day o f
the dtpali,— Agiya-Bommayya’ s son Sirinnara, when the burning was reduced, joining the dannayaka,
110 S M k a rp u r T a lu q .
oa his giving battle at Bauiyiir, piercing through, gained the world of gods. His younger brother set.
up this stone.
Data 1113 A.I).
Be it well. (On the date specified), when the great minister Kovaiya-dandanayaka [?was ruling],
and Govindarasa, marching upon the southern Goggi, burnt Kallur,— in the war Bopeya-sahani, son-
in-law of . . . . .. slew many and gained the world o f gods.

Bate ? 1180 J .D .

Be it well. In the 3rd year o f the Kalachuryya-chakravartti Ahavamalla-Deva,'— when So-

varsrmaiyya-dandanayaka of Magundi besieged Tantrapala Helale-Nayaka, Kelaya-Nayaka’s son
Ketama-Nayaka being stationed behind him, slew many and gained the world o f gods. The hija-
Tiurani of the city [? wrote this],

Date I1S3 A.D.

Be it well. In the ? 8th year o f the Kalachuryya-chakravartti Ahavamalla-Deva,— ^iranas
younger brother Podaleya having gone to a boar hunt, showed great bravery, pierced it and gained
the world o'' gods.
Date 1046 A.D.
Be it well. When the inalia-mandalesvara Uhainunda-llayarasa was ruling the Banavase Twelve
Thousand in peace (on the date specified), the son-in-law o f the Setti of the royal city Bal]igave,
Sovulera-Nagadeva and Nagiyabba-settiti, for their family ............... *

Date about 1160 A.D.
Be it well. In the victorious reign (or kingdom) o f the nija-bhuja-chakravartti, Sanivara-siddhi,
Giridurggamalla, (with other epithets), Bijjana-I'eva,— when the Banavase-nad was under the
government of Kariya-Kesimayya,— at that time, when he marched aginst Banda}ike, Agarakka-
Naganna, doing him service, gained the world o f gods.

Date IU8^ A D.
6m. Obeisance to S'iva.— Be it well. In the 3rd year of the Kajachuryya bhujabala-chakravartti
Bijiapa-Deva,—DAsimaya’ s son Ketana recovered the cows o f BaJ}igrame, gained the w'orld o f gods,
and was united to the god of gods.

By the vief'"- . gained spoil; by the slain, loo, the celestial nymp>hs: what fear then o f death
in war to him who for a moment seeks the close encounter.

D a fe ll4 9 A D .

Be it well. In the 11th year o f the pratapa-chakravartti Jagadekamalla-Deva,— Tihuna-Nayti-

ka, sonof Bhukshi-NAyaka of the Brahma-Kshatri race and Bihila-gotra, gave to the hands of th
Shikarpur Taluq. X ll

25 Brahmacharis o f tho god o f Goviadapura for the agnishtage^^ 1 gadyana, from the interest o f
which those Brahmans will perform it as long as sun and moon endure. A number o f others (named^
made similar grants for the same purpose. Usual final phrases.

Date 1149 A.D.
Be it well. In the 12th year of the Chalukya pratapa-ohakravartti Jagadekatnalla-Deva,— the
great minister and general, son o f the heggade-dandanayaka of Banavase-nad, Bhulokamalla-Deva-
rasa’s minister for peace and war, Acharasa gave to the hands of the 25 Brahmacharis of the god
Narayana of Govindapura for a tdmhula of young leaves at the p.irvv.is^ 1 gadyhna, from the interest
of which those Brahmans will provide it as long as sun and moon endure.

Bale ? 1092 A.D.
Be it well. In the ? 13th year o f the Ohalukya-Vikrania-chakravartti Tribhuvanamalla-De-
va,— the great minister Bivanayya-daiidanayaka’s grandson, the great minister and general, superin­
tendent o f the guards over the female apartmiButs, heggade-dandanayaka of the Banavase-nad, MaUi-
devarasa’s father-in-law, great minister o f tlie m'ldhg'i-tUsa, minister for peace and war, Cevappaya-
Nayaka of ChavundahalU in the Kaladi Ninety-six, his grandson, the mahaprabhu of Kiriigeri,
Chavendarasa, for the purpose of feeding ‘2 Brahmans at both SMdasis from the 24 o f the god Jala-
Sayana, gave 1 g idyana, from the interest of which those Brahmans will carry it out as long as sun
and moon endure.

And his son Mailugi-Deva, to provide jasmin flowers twice a day for the head of the god Jala-
§ayana, gave the same.
Date 1731 A.D.
Be it wall. (On the date specified), grant of Garaji S'anta-Odeyar's mango grove and house,
to continue as long as sun and moon endure.

Date ? 1182 A.D.
Praise o f S'ambhu. Be it well. In the ? 11th year o f the Yadava-chakravartti vii’a-BallMa-
Deva,— Chandi-Setti o f the royal city BaUigrarae made a grant o f land (specified) for the god Am-
meivara, washing the feet of the achS,ryya o f Bherundesvara, Muliga-Padasiva-deva. Usual final
Date 10C7 A.D.
Be it well. Praise of Trailokyamalla. With a life like that o f the first kings, ruling the
kingdom in peace in the residence o f [K;kla]ravalli, was the universal emperor (sdrvvahliauma)
Ahavamalla. When he thought to cross over into the territory o f kings who had not submitted, in
order to subdue their pride, they fell at his feet, saying, Long life, Sir ! {jtg-ayga) ; Father (bdpu) !
When, thus freed from all enemies as far as the elephants at the points of the compass, Trailokya­
malla was ruling the whole world in peace :—

A bee at his lotus feet, was the Sahavasi Hampa-Ghatti, whose wife was Nagiyakka; her praises.

(Her husband) held the office of nad-perggada, .and gave satisfaction to the mind of Ahavamalla,—
who was equal to Bappura Nagiyakka ?
1 12 S H k a r p u r T a lu q .

la the celebrated Balligave, Nagiyakka caused to be made Tara B ba ga va ti; aud for its worship,
and temple repairs, making petition to the emperor, as a gift to ParameSvara, (on the date specified)’
washing the feet o f Bauddha-bhalara, made a grant of land (specified). Usual final verses.

The senabova Chavundamayya wrote this. The observer of the §astras, Chavundoja, engraved it.

Date 1065 A.l\
The first part corresponds with that o f No. 169 above.

A dweller at his lotus feet, with all titles, the great minister, superintendent of the guards of
the female apartments, U’easurer o f Bedarigupe, the general superintendent and clandandyaka Rupa-
bhattayya, when he was protecting the vadda-rdvula, and the Eighteen agraliaras,— in the celebrated
Balligave he caused to be made the Jayanti chief Bauddha vihara,— and to provide for that and for
the worship o f the Tara Elragavati which he (or ?h is younger brother) had made, and o f the gods
Ke^ava, Lokesvara, and Bauddha, and all their attendant gods, for temple repairs and new work, for
gifts of food to the yoginis, the Jcusalis (or ? clever women) and the sartnydsis,— (on the date specified),
n tik'ng petition to the emperor, as a gift to Paramesvara, with all ceremonies) inado a grant of land
(sp jcitied). Usual final verses.
Date about 1170 A.D.

Om. Obeisance to S'iva. The only god, victorious is S'iva, with his form o f all wisdom, th e ,. ...
of the three worlds, wdio reduces the universe to ashes. The original, through whose union with
Amba the elements are mingled together, that seed from which all the world is born, do I reverence.

Be it well. When, entitled to the five big drums, the maharajadhiraja, boon lord o f Kalanjara-
pura, having the flag p f a golden bull, having the sound o f the damaruga and turyya, sun to the
lotus the Kalachuriya-kula, (with many Other epithets), Sanivara-siddhi, Giridurggamalia,— with
these and all other names, the bhujabala-chakravartti Rayamurari-Sovi-Deva was in the residence
o f Kalyana, ruling the kingdom in peace and Vr’isdom ; —

Hearing the rounds made by the elephants, the hoises and the bows in tlie van o f his march, all
the hostile kings, filled with fear at the advance of king Soma, hide them selves...........

When, entitled to the five Hg drums, the inaha-mandalesvara, boon lord o f Banavasi-fura,
obtainer of a boon from Jayanti Madhu .. .. , scented with musk, born from the eye o f the three­
eyed and U m a,.. .. o f 81 towns, having au eye in his forehead, having four arms, friend o f the world,
performer of 18 horse sacrifices, having bound his lusty elephant to a crystal pillar set up on the highest
peak of the Himavat mountain, splendid with great glory, an ornament of the Kadamba-chakri
[Mayujravarunva’s family, having the sounds o f i\\opermniatH andi turyya, (with other epithets),—
adorned with these and all other names, the maha-mandalesvara........... was ruling the [BanavaseJ
Twelve Thousand in peace and wisdom ;—
A dweller at his lotus feet,— (the inscription is much defaced here). A gi ant was made for the-
god Somanatha. -
Dale 1269 A.D.
Be it well. In the 3rd year o f the Tadava-Narayana, the bhujahala-pratapa-chakravartti
R:imachandra-Deva,— When certain gaudas in .. leyahalli killed the mummiiridanda and went away^
Macheya-Nayaka stopping them, slew many and gained the world of gods. The farmers and all the
subjects made a grant of land for him.
ShikArpftr T alu q 113

DcOe ? 1198 A.D.
Ora. Obeisance to S'iva. Praise o f S'ambhu.
Be it well. In the ? 12th year o f the Yadava-chakravartti Ball§,Ja-D§7a, when the mahS-ma^tJa-
leSvara Chattarasa-Deva, entering the village of MalleyanayakanahalJi, belonging to the all-worship­
ful agrahai’a Kereyar, took the cows and departed, Hocha-gaviujda of that village, fought, slew
many, recovered the cows, and gained the world o f gods. Verses in his praise. By the victor is gain­
ed s p o il; by the slain, too, the celestial nymphs ; what fear then of death in war to him who for a
moment seeks the close encounter ?
TMe 1223 A.T),
Be it w ell In the I6th year o f the pratapa-bhajaba}a-chakravartti Singhapa-D6va,— Msidara-
Masatjiga o f Malteyanaykanahalli attached to the immemorial agrahara Chikka-Kereydr,— when the
southern Nayakas crossing over the black rock, carried off the cows,— attacked and pierced them,
slew many, recovered the cows, and gained the world o f gods. All the Brahmans and subjects
made a grant o f land for him.
Dale dbmt 450 A.D. •

Siddham. Obeisance to S’iva. Victorious is the one form filled with all the combination o f
v5das, the eternal, Sth&nu,^ adorned with shining matted hair intermingled with the light o f the
moon. After him the Brahmans, the most excellent of the twice-bom, reciters o f the S§,ma, Big
and Yajur vedas •, whose favour daily preserves the three worlds from the fear o f sin.

By degrees the equal o f Surfindra in wealth, was the king KakusthavarmmS,, o f great intellect,
the Kadamba Senani (or god o f war), the moon in the sky o f a great race (brihad-anvaya).
Now there was a family o f the twice-born, the circle o f the moonlight o f whose virtues was
widely extended, born in the gotra o f the H§,ritiputra, the chief yishi Manavya, of the path o f
three yishis. Their hair was wet with constant bathing in the holy water o f the final ablutions
after many kinds o f sacrifices, perfect (masters o f learning) in having performed the avagaha (or
bath on completion o f vedic study), maintaining the (sacred) fire according to precept, and drinking
sd»»a juice. The interior o f their house resounded with the six modes o f reading (the sacred books),
preceded by the syllable 6m, and they grew fat on full ckdturmmdsya hdmas, sacrificial animals
and the funeral offerings at the parvvas. Their house was the daily resort o f guests, and they
performed the bathing and daily rites at the three times. They had one htdaniba tree, sprung up
and blossoming in the space near their house ; from tending which they acquired the name and
qualities o f that tree, and it was the general designation o f that group o f Brahmans.

In the Kadamba family thus descended, was an illustrious one, an eminent twice-born, named
MayviraSarmma, adorned with sacred learning, good disposition, purity and other such (virtues),
He set out for the city of the Pallava kings, together with his guru ViraSarmma, and desiring to.be
proficient in prioiekint, euterel into all religious centres {ghati0) and (so) became a quick
(o r ready) debater (or disputant).

There, being enraged by a sharp’ quarrel connected with the Pallava horse (or stables), he
said— ^In this Kali-yuga, Oh! sham e'; through the Kshatras Brahmanhood is (reduced to mere)

'WrittSa in with the dental »

114 Shik4rpftr T a lu q .
grass, if, even though with perfect devotion to the race of gurus he strive to study the sfdkhd
(or branch o f the veda to which he belongs), the fruition of the vedas {brdhtna-siddhi) be depend­
ent on kings. What can be more painful than this ?
Therefore, with, the hand accustomed to handle hus’a grass, (sacrificial) fuel, stone, ladle, gbi,
and oblations o f grain, he seized flashing weapons, resolved to conquer the world. Quickly over­
coming in fight the frontier guards o f the Pallava kings, he to ok up his abode in an inaccessible
forest situated in the middle of S'riparwata. H e levied m any taxes from the great Ba^a and other
kings, from which causes the Pallava kings were made to frown. But they (those causes) also helped
him to make good his resolution and carry out his designs; and he shone surrounded by them as
with ornaments, and with the preparations for a vigorous campaign.

The kings o f Kanchi, his enemies, coming (against him) eagerly bent upon war, he journeyed
under difficult disguises and penetrating to their camping grounds by night, came upon their ocean
o f an army and smote them down like a powerful falcon. Eating the food o f disaster and being
helpless, he made them bear (after him ) the sword in his hand. The Pallava kings having
experienced his power, saying (to themselves)— ^Even (our) valour and ancestry hre not (found)
worthy of salvation,— quickly accepted friendship with him. By his brave deeds in battle he
brought honour to the kings who followed him, and he (himself) obtained from the Pallavas the
honour of a crown borne in the sprouts {pallava) of their hands ; as well as a territory bounded
by the water o f the dancing waves, retiring and advancing, o f the Amararppava, as far as to the
limit of Premara, with an undertaking that it should not be entered (or invaded) by others. And
having meditated on Senapati, together with the Mothers, he was anointed by Shadanana, whose feet
are illumined by the crowns o f the host of gods.

His son was Kanguvarmma, surrounded on high by the sacrifices o f great wars, all kings bow­
ing before him, bis head fanned by beautiful white chkmaras.

His son, made the sole lord of the lady the Kadamba land, was Bhagiratba, the great Sagara
himself secretly bom in the Eadamba-kula.

Then the son of that honoured king, o f wide-spread fame, the king Raghu, o f great good fortune,
like Prithu having defeated his enemies by his valour, caused the earth {prithuvi) to be enjoyed by
his own race. His face marked with the weapons o f his ememies in combat with opposing warriors,
smiter of enemies who withstood him, versed in the path o f the s'ruti, a poet, liberal, skilled in
many arts, and beloved by his subjects.

His brother, o f handsome form, his voice like the sound from the clouds, diligent in (striving for)
moksha and the three objects of human desire, affectionate to his family, the king Bbagirathi, in
sport the king of beasts, his fame proclaimed him throughout the world as Kakustha, Whose war,
with the best {iydya), kindness to the needy, just protection o f his subjects, lifting up o f the humble,
honouring the chief twice-born with the best o f his wealth,— his intelligence being the greatest orna­
ment to this king who was an ornament to hiS family,— caused the kings to consider him as Kakustha,
the friend of the gods, come here. As herds o f deer tormented by the heat, entering into groups o f
trees, take refuge in their shade and obtain relief for their panting minds, so relatives and depend­
ents exposed to injury from superiors iiydya) obtained comfort to their troubled minds by entering his
country. With their accumulation of all manner o f the essence o f wealth, with gateways scented with
the ichor from lordly lusty elephants, with the sweet sounds o f songs,— the goddess o f Fortune con­
tentedly (or steadily) enjoys herself in his houses for a long time. This sun among kings, by the rays
his daughters, roused up the beds o f lotus the families o f the Gupta and other kings, whose fila­
ments are affection, regard, love and respect, served like bees by many princes. He had the help o f
the gods, was surrounded by the prosperous, possessed the three energies, and was seated on a
throne, reverenced by head-jewels o f feudatories not to be subdued by the other five qualities.
S h ik a rp u r T a lu q . 115

He, here,— ^io the sid Jhi-^iviag temple of the divine Bliava, the origin il god, served by the hosts
of sidJhas, gandharwa^ and rakshasas, ever praised by Brahmans devoted to the various modes o f
niya)m, ho not and clUaha, and by those who have completed study, with auspicious repetition o f
mantras; worshipped with devotion by Siltakarnni: a n l other fortunate kings seeking to obtain
moksha for theinsolves,— in order that it might with great ease be proviJed with water,— king Ka-
kusthavarmma— made this auspicious tank.

Being ordered by his son, the king S'antivannnix,— of wide faino from new-found happiness, of a
beautiful form adorned with the acquisition o f three crowns,— Kubja (the hunchback) ha ! this his
own poem inscribed on the surface of this stone.

Obeisance to the divine Mahadeva, dweller in Sthanakundftr. Prosperity to this place to which
all from all sides come. .Be it well with its people.

D atei 1029 A.D
Be it well. When, (with usual Chafukya titles), Jagadekamilla Jayasimha-Deva’ s victorious
kingdom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun aud.m oon:— (on the date specified)
all the thirty-two tliousand o f the immemorial agraiidra Sthanakuadfir being present, they made a
grant of laud (specified) for the god Prau imeivara, Usual final verses.

17 8
Date 1092 A.D.

Be it well. When, (with usual Chalukya titles), Tribhuvanamalla-Deva’ s victorious kingdom

was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars ;— the chiefs ^of all the agrahara
which is the residence o f the lord of the three worlds, Prauamesvara, set up by the praised of all
worlds, the only grandfather o f all the worlds, the golden-wombed Brahma; having Come from
Ahichohhatra; 32,000 in numbor, having gained 12,000 (or sacred fires) ; possessed o f
the qualitijs wu.osu and niyama; their bodies purified by bathing in the holy tirtiha near the five great
lingas set up by Brahma, Indra, Chandra, Yaraa and A g n i; among Brahmans, truly worthy ;resid*
ents o f 144 villages acquired as donations for the 18 horse-sacrifices of king Mayuravarmmd; dedd-
ers o f disputed points in all dharinma ; the hair of their heads w et with bathing in the holy water
o f the filial ablutions after many sacrifices ; their symbol the altar of sacrificial fire* ; receivers Of
the first reverence in Brahman and royal assemblies; giving joy to the minds of their dependents
by fulfilling their desires ; suns to the lotuses, subjects of the veda , vSdanga, upanga, mim§insa and
other ^astras, the six systems o f logic, smriti, purilna, poems and dram as ; moons in causing the
buds to uul’old in the garden o f watarlilies, the mind of the wise ; keeping afar from deceit, pride,
anger, avarice, lust, envy, evil things and wicked qualities ; supporters of their friends and relatives ;
a multitude of pure fame white as the bright cloud of the autumn season, the milk ocean, Kailasa or
snow ; a clustre of jewels of learned men ; Himalayas o f gentleness, hum ility, kindness, truthfulness,
purity, courage, good manners and other virtues ; jewels set in the fron ta l ornament o f the lady the-
Kuntala-vishaya, a garden of the lotuses, the twice-born race ; diligent in perform ing the six rites;,
devoted to sraiita, sinartta aud dharmma practices ; to enemies, Narayanas ; regent elephants to the
unfriendly ; cages o f adjimant to refugees ; potent to curse or to b less; having acquired the habits
cf the repetition o f the vMas, study, conte aplatiou, restraint, silence, performance o f duty, prayer,
_ „ . . . ^ ^ ^
mahamm-vidi-dhvaj ar. *
116 S h ik a rp u r T a lu q .
and meditation ; of the 32,000 o f the great chief village of Tainagundur some being present,— (on the
date specified), on the application o f Tivula-Vasudeva, they made a grant o f land (specified) for the
offerings to the god Y araesvara. Usual final verses.

Date 997 A.D.
Be it well. When, (with usual Chalukya titles), Ahavamalla-Ueva’ s victorious kingdom was
■extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moou and stars ;—

And, a bee at his lotus feet,— Be it well. Entitled to the five big drums, m aha-........... , Tai-
lapa’s warrior, (with other epithets), Bhimarasa was ruling the [Banava]si Twelve Thousand, the
Santajige Thousand, the Ki ....S e v e n t y , the agrahara, and Savasigudigejre . . . . ;— a dweller at
his lotus feet, holding the rank of great minister, .. . . o f the Male-r.\jas, the perggade-Kalimayya,
(on the date specified), made a grant from the mameya o f the Nariyalige Forty to ? Kayimma ..
............... Usual final verses
Datef 1170 A.D.
Be it well. In the time o f the Kalachuryya- chakravartti Eayamurari-Sovi-Deva,— when the
great minister, the Banavase-nad-heggade-daiujianayaka Chojikya-Kesimayya penetrated into Ala-
hfir belonging to Santalige-nad, and unloosing the waists of the women, departed,— (he ornament of
the nad family, Mukkada-Sovi-Setti’s son KaJeya-NSyaka, pierced through the local horse, slew
many, recovered the cows and gained the world of gods. His son Someya Bammaya erected this
stone as a memorial for him.

These two (classes of) men in the world (are those who)* burst through the orb of the sun,—
the sannyasi absorbed in j'oga, and the (man) slain in battle in the face of heroes.

Dale ? about 950 A.D,
Be it well. When Akalavarsha, favourite of earth and fortune, mahanijadhiraja paraniesvara
pai’ama-bhattaraka, Khandara-Ballaha was ruling the kingdom :— and Sankaragancla was ruling the
Banavasi-nad ;— (on the date specified), seeing [the enemy] run, and bearing in mind the saying,—
By the victor is gained s p o il ; by the slain, too, the celestial nymphs : what fear then of death in
war to him who for a moment seeks the close encounter;— ......... . ................

Date ? aioti# 9S0 A.U.

The inscription is much defaced. When, (with usual Chalukya titles), Ahavamalla-Deva’s
victorious kingdom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :— And,
entitled to the five big drums, the malia-mandileSvara, boon lord o f . . . . , obtainer o f a boon from
Chamunda,— with these and all other titles, Iriva-bedanga-DevaV son . . . . rasa was ruling the
Banavasi Twelve Thousand in peace and wisdom :— .A dweller at his lotus feet,................

Date 1158 A,D.

Om. Obeisance to S'ambhu, in the enjoytaent of the moonlight from the moon on bis lofty top-
knot, tightly embraced by the long vine-like arms o f Bhavani. At the beginning of all undertakings,
may the three gods wlio are lords o f the three worlds grant us their fulfilment,—Brahma,-Hana and
S h ik a rp u r T aluq. 117

Janarddana. May all the world be ever happy in every form ; nlay cows and Brahmans be ever
happy. Happy iu the beginning, happy in the middle, and happy at the end and for ever; thus
happy may all S ’ivabhaktas and mankind be.
The great god o f gods, master o f the syllable 6m, his body a union formed of earth, moon, sun,,
spirit, air, sky, tire and water, [the lord of] Bhavani,.. .. exhibiting iu his eyes the tokens of his love
and his great kindness,— grant to the chief of dandauatlias Kesiraja and to all his other faithful
o n e s ......

The supreme mind, the first, the master o f the syllable dm, the obtainer of the great veda, con­
ceiving a desire for the boundless work o f the creation o f the three worlds,....... Through the female
principle of the germ o f the protoplast was born, from the left side of Sarvva, of great splendour,
the original o f matter, self-conscious, Mu[rari]. From the lotus navel of that Padmaksha was born,,
his mouth uttering the veda, the lord of Vapi, able for the task o f creating all things, the golden-
wombed Brahma. By desire of him who is reverenced by the three worlds, he produced the three
worlds, with the hosts o f gods, animals and men therein, and good and evil deeds,— the invincible
in wisdom, the immeasurable in majesty'.
Jambu-dvipa, surrounded by many vast oceans, as its pedestal, Meru shone to the eyes like a
linga set up on i t ; south o f that mount Meru was the Bharata continent; and in that beautiful land
most delightful was Kuutala, like curls {Jcun(ala) to the lady earth. That being a land o f merit, the
seed of deeds done there yields fruit a himdred-crore-fold, like the produce of seed sown.

In the sovereignty o f t’.rat country, after the many Kshatriyas born from the arms of Parame^-
vara,— in the celebrated Chalnkya-vamSa— the son of king Taila was the king Sattiga ; his SOQ was
Vikramanka ; from whom was born the celebrated Ayyana; to whom Jayasimha was the younger
brother ; his son was Ahavamalla; his son was Permmadi ; his son was Soma ; his son was Jaga-
deka ; whose younger brother was king Taila. In tliis manner the Kshatriyas of the Chalul<ya-vam§a
having ruled in succession,— at that time,—
Be it well. Entitled to the five big drums, the maha-mandalesvara, boon lord of KdlASjara-pura,
having the flag o f a golden bull, and tlie sounds of the ^amaruga and turyija, a sun to the lotus the
Kalacliuryya-kul i, fierce in war, in dignity the golden mountain, a sun to good warriors, an elephant
goad to the brave, master o f elephants, a cage of adamant to refugees, in valour the lOrd of Lanka,
to others’ wivts a brother, Sanivara-siddhi, Giiidurgga-malla, in energy in war Kama, a lion to the
elephant his enemies, Nis^anka-malla,— with these and all other tiths, was Ihe ,bhuja-bala chakra-
vartti Bijjana-Devarasa : to describe whose glory and valour (praise of these).

A dweller at his lotus feet, the great minister, daijdanayaka o f the Banavase-nad, Kesimayya’s
descent was as follows His family god Girijesa, the glorious kiiag Bijja his ruler, Hojala-raja his
father, his mother Duggaiiabbe, like a sun to the eastern mountain the Bharadvaja-gotia,^—was
Kesava an ordinary man ? In beauty o f form, the son of India ; in charm, the flower-arrowed (god
o f love) ; in policy, Manu ; in skill, Abjaja ; in friendly dealing with others, Khecliara ; in great and
exalted bravery, the celebrated Raghu Rama,— thus do the people of the world with affection describe
His great distinguished ministers were (with praises) Narasimha-deva, Donamarasa, and Tik-
karasa. The royal inspection karanams were (with praises) Chatti-raja, Mailara-da^dadhinatha,
Potarasa, and Soma. Of one mind with both those heggades and karanams, and neutral between
them, were (with praises) Rebba-raja, Varmma-raja, Revana, Sarbba-deva, Soma, Milrttanda, Goyda-
raja, and Mallaparyya.
118 S liik a rp u r T a lu q .
When, surrounded wiih all these ministers and royal inspectors, together with his retinue and
the townspeople, the great minister Kesava-dapdanayaka, putting down the evil and upholding the
good in the Sana vase Twelve Thousand, was in the royal city Balipura,— one day, seated in the middle
o f his court, surrounded by all his attendants,— there, One who knew the most suitable occasions, and
was acquainted with all dhannma,-^'Piom the mind o f the lotus-born (Brahma) was born the lord
Marichi, w'i Oj’ sou was Kaiyapa: in his line arose Revarasa, vvhose son was Soma, whose son was
Cbatti-raja, whose wife was Madiyakka, and their son was Recha^a.— as the sun brings joy to the
lotuses, so causing pleasure to the people’ s minds, Recharasa, with eloquent and well-chosen words
commsncjd a discourse on dliaiun na ; in which he described the glory of gifts o f land and gifts of
villages, the distinction of gifts o f food, and tho greatness of gifts o f learning ; as follows :—

“ Of all gifts a gift of land is the best, it is said ; this frees from all sin, this obtains svnrgga, so
say the learned. Ascetics, sacridcers, the virtuous, deep students, th >se who reverence gurus a ud gods,
will not dispute this, 0 king.i No gift is eq ia l to gifts o f laud, no treasure is equal to land, no
other gift is so allied to truth, as than untruth no sin is greater.— ^The merit and reward o f the gift
to S ’iva of villages, together with all their crops and streams, and freed from all b u rd e n s,—listen.
In crores of varied curs, s'liuinj with the splendouf o f crores o f suns, surrounded with croros o f celes­
tial nymphs, filled with all he may desire, and aocompauiei by twenty-one generations o f his line,
shall the donor o f villages come to the fsvara-loka, there to live for time without end in the enjoy­
ment of all delights.— Than fjo d tiure is nothing bitter in the world, neither has there been nor
will there be : food is at the root o f everything ; all depend on food ; a gift o f food is declared to be
a gift of life ; a gift of life is a gift o f a l l : therefore a gift o f food procures the merit o f all gifts.—
The three worlds, the four castes, each o f the four asramas. Brahmans and gods are all comprised in
gifts of learning : whoso gives a vfitti to a teacher and thus provides instruction for the people, what
gift has he not made, for procuring merit, pleasure and wealth (the three objects o f human desire).
Whoso supplies students with food, unguents, and clothes, or else gives them alms, that man will have
all his desires fulfilled, of this there is no doubt. Whatsoever merit arises from pilgrimages to holy
bathing places, whatever merit from perfjrming sacrifices, a crore-fold greater merit shall the man
obtain who makes gifts o f learning.”

Listening to the manifold glory o f the reward o f so many diffei’ent kinds o f gifts, his mind being
greatly filled with joy, he inquired in what place such gifts might be worthi’y made,— on which Re­
charasa spoke as follows “ The gift o f the golden-wombed (Brahma) who is the skilful creator o f
all worlds, adorned with a collection o f 32000 Brahmans, shining with the god Pranavesvara set
up by him born from the lotus womb (Brahma) and other temples, purified by the Brahm a-tirttha
created by that four-faced (Brahma), surrounded by gardens yielding all manner o f fruit,— is the
beautiful village named Sthanugudha. It is a place fitted for every work o f merit. Any good work,
done there will yield an undying reward.”

Whereupon, saying, together with his karanas, “ Be it so,” — rising up from that court assembly,
and coming and performing special worship to the god Pr8name.svara o f the Sthanugudha village,—
in the presence o f the 32000 Brahmans,— who had acquired the habits o f yama, niyama^ svadhyaya^
dhyina^ dhdram, maum, anushthdm, jap% and. samMhi who pev'^ovmei aupdsana agnihotra and
the worship of Brahmans, gurus and gods ; versed in the six systems o f logic, the mimamsa and many
^astras; diligent in performing the six rites ; engaged in the agnishimna and other the seven kinds o f
sacrifice ; of fame brilliant as the sun ; their bodies purified by the final ablutions after many sacri-

This seems to be a quotation, as well as several other For iiieauiiig of these terms see No. 178 above.
passaj^es in th is d iscou rse.
S h ik arpu r T alu q. 119
fio3s;— of the im ns iu rial all-worsbipfal agrah§,ra Sthluiugii^ha graaia; the vedaatis and srayampS.*
i i s ; the ? inaoter of cerenoaies ; the herggades and kararias, Maaneya o f Nagara-khajiiJa, Sovarasa
of Bandanike, Nakana, Goydana, Keta-glvunda of Begur, Sauka-gavunda of Magundi, Keta-gavui^da
o f Ma}avalli, Prlthivi-settl of Ko^iivatti, _MiS3.a6-setti o f Kii'uvatje, these and other chief persons,
all the prabha-gxvualis o f Nagara-khiijda, and ths hoggaies and kara^aais of that kampana,— ia
the presence o f all these,— for the decorations and illutninatioas of the god, the daily worship
ga<l(fuge, the offerings and oblations, Chaitra and pavitra (festivals), decorative buildings and new
works, four veda-khaudika, two bhatta-vjitti, and for skilful teachers (ghafgdi^) o f Kannada letters
•six k h au iik is, for the food, clothing and latra for the teachers aad students,— with the approval o f
Kasapayya-Nayak-a and Vavana-Deva,— Kesava-dandauayaka and the karanams, (on the date speci-
vfied), made a grant o f Hiriya-Tagulatti in the Nagara-khauda Seventy o f the Banavase Twelve
Thousand, and to the south-west o f Tapaguudiir the Konavane plain, within the four ancieht
customary boundaries, with enjoyment for three generations.

And the settlement there made was as follows : —for the Mulasthana god o f Tagulattij ohe
•matta; the gauda’s umbap. o f that plaee, 2 inatta ; a n l in the Konavane plain, the Rig-veda
khandika 1 ; for the Yajur-veda, the pada-khandika 1 ; the kalpa-khanijika 1 ; the SS,ma-veda kha®-
■dika 1 ; for the science o f language, putting down forms and derivations, khandika 1 ; the Pra-
bhakara-vedanta khandika 1 ; total for those 6 at 4 m itta eaeli, -3 matta. For the vedanta
svayampiki svamis, 1 m it t a ; for the preparers o f grain, 1 ra itta ; for the gardener o f the flower
garden, 20 kam m a: total 5 matta 23 kamma. D elicting this, from the remaining land and from a
■quarter o f the rico produced after deducting the rice for the daily a u l special offerings to the god
for one year, fro.m the remaining rice and from half the money raised in Tagnlatti, provision will be
made for feeding 30 Brahmans daily in the g)V s sa^ra, and for 48 students of the 6 khandika ; the
god's pujari and maniyari 2 ; total 80 : for the cooking of which there will bo 3 female cooks, for
-whose livelihood 6 ga, for cloths 6 paiia, and for cloths for 50 students at 2 for each 10 ga ; for oil
baths for them on Saturdays and for the livelihood of a barber for paring the nails o f 30 Brahman
men on .Mondays, 4 gadyana; for a chafing dish, 5 gadyaaa ; for the .teacher o f Kannada, 5gadyana.
The Sastris who teach boys and the reciters of puranas will give good grain, darbhha (grass), and
sandal to the Brahnans round the chifing dish, and ti nb'Mi to the Brahmans who eat in the
suJm khau lika. And fro a half tin m)ney from Tag ilafcti, and from the money from the gardens
given by Recharasa and others (named), and from the m ).n y offerings o f devotees for the seven
divy%, there, sh a ir be performed daily the throne worship, worship with incense, with offerings,
perpetual lamp, au 1 daily a thousand burnt offerings of sesamum seed.

Aud from month to month, on the twe 8th and two 14th days, new moon and full moon, and the
vyatipati and saukramaiia conjunctions, after performing the daily and the special worship, the
teachers o f sastras, reciting the S'mly-alh'jAyi, the 6th of the S'(va,-iharin:m, in the manner there
prescribed making circles on the eight sides of the g o i, and with tlie mantras from that work placing
offerings of food in them, will pronounce a blessing on the king who rules the country, on cows and
Brahmans, and on the director o f the ceremonies.

And whenever they happen in the year, on the maha-parvvas, the two equinoxes and the two
solstices, on tho eclipse of sun or moon, on the full moon days in Ashadha, Karttika, Magha»
find Vaisakha,* on which occasions the service performed brings as much merit as worship for six
mouths,— at these conjunctions they will begin the performance of a thousand gaddttge,^ performing
the pmydhct-vdchane. The sastra-khandikas will draw three circles,— the vidya-mandala,
guru-mandala and S ’iva-mandala,— and worshipping them, will recite the S'dnty-dShydya; then

The reason for naming them in this order is said to be a memorial verse beginning i-ka-mi-vai.
From the description this was evidently an alhisMTca ceremony.
130 S h ik arp u r T alu q.
the four veda-khaadikas, filliag four large . /c'iZcisas with water, putting therein all manner or"
perfume drugs, gall of kine, white mustard, the live kinds o f sprouts (mango, wild fig, banyan, sucred'^
fig and waved leaf fig), the five kinds of bark, the five products of the cow (milk, curds, ghh
urine and dung), cardamoms and other such, sandal and other such, all auspicious things,— will
stand at the four points of th j compass, and recite the Budra-suJctas from the ffiiir icdas. The-
gadduge being thus ended; they will present to the god eight kinds o f libations, and preparing the-
five products of the cow (see above), and the five nectars (cocoa-nut milk, curds or plantain, ghi,.
honey and sugar), will anoint him with this, and mixing the flour o f barley, wheat and rice with
warm water, and with (powdered) myrobalau and tunneric, will bathe him with kusa-water, sandal-
water, flower-water, fruit-water, gold-water and jewel-watei’.

After that, holding those four kalasas, and chanting the three richer o f the Rig-veda, with the.
appropriate signs {mudra), they will perform the auspicious bath and apply (to- the god) the five sweet,
perfumes (two kinds of civet, scented vermilion powder, superfine camphor and musk.) Then
adorning him with cloths, and tying on the sacred thread, they Will make offerings of madhti-ijarlcJca (a
dish o f plaintains, honey and curds), and dclwun'miya (water for rinsing out the mouth), and wor­
shipping him with flowers, fruits and a mantapa o f cooked food, will offer incense and waving o f '
lights fed with ghi. And in four metal trays making lamps of flour decorated with the five kinds o f
coloured rice, together with curds and pmicuin grass, will wave the lights, raising the while the
sound of auspicious songs, musicnl instruments, kettle-drums, trumpets, conchs and horns ; and making,
offering with pdgasa (food prepared with milk, rice and sugar), ghi, eatables, dainties, gifts o f food,,
water and other things, will give dchamaniya (see above), haigha'ti (a ball of perfume for applying to
the body) and tdmhul'i (areca-nut and betel-leaf).
And at those parruas will be offered ten thousand ho nas (burnt offerings made by casting clari--
fied butter into the fire with recitation of maiilrus), and ball (off'trings of food), and worship performed,
to all the gods in the village. And at the ^^'f(X^dpal^a, bathing the god with 100 tolas of ghi, they w ill,
worship him with 1003 walerlilies made into one garland. And on the Maglia full moon a ball of
ghi will he made ; and at Chaitra, performing the niahi-yuje (or high mass), they will place the god
either on a high car or on a rujddhiraja (some vehicle or v.ihma) and with umbrellas, chamaras,-
banners, flags, kalasas, mirrors, kettle-drums, festival trumpets, conchs, horns, hand lights, songs,,
musical instruments and dances, making a procession through the streets of the village, wall return,
and put him in his place.
This work of merit, the king who rules the nad, the lieggades and karanams, and the 32000,.
each considering it as their own work of merit, will maintain by remitting all the taxes on it in their
several places. Thus will they gain all the reward o f the merit of all tirtthas, gifts, vedas and sacri­
fices, and receiving honour especially in the Rudra-loka and in the other lokas, will be happy for time
without end. Those who destroy this work of merit incur the unending guilt of the five great sins,,
and for time without end will roast in a thousand hs’tls. Usual final verse. Om, Obeisance to Siva.-

Bate ?1200 A.B.
Obeisance to MMhava. His strong tusk a pedestal for the enjoyment o f the lady Earth, his
chest marked by the tints of tbs saffron oa the breasts of the lady Fortune, in washing away the sins
of the world a Ganges stream,.. . . may he who took the form of the original Boar grant you your desires.^
To the famous Hoysana king, the ornament of the Yadava-kula, was born the king Nrisimha
to whom was born Ballala.
S h ik a rp u r T a lu q . 121

Be it well. When, (with usual titles), the praUpa-chakravartti vira-Ballila-Devarasa was

ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom :— At that time,—

Be it well. In the earth, renowned as being widely filled with all good things, encircled by the
waves o f the waters of the fall ocean, the most beautiful region is Jambu-dvlpa; to which lady as h$r
curls Qcmtala) is the Kuntala country ; to which as ornaments, filled with groves pleasing to the eyes and
minds o f all people, containing vegetables, fruit, Sowers and gardens, shining with ponds full of lotus and
waterlilies, and with large tanks having rice fields on their banks, were many fertile counti'ies

The king o f which, the lord of Banavase and the many other countries, Mukkanpa Kadamba, an
embodiment o f kindness to tbs world, delighting in gifts,— seeking with desire in the region o f the
South {daksTiina-patha) for the tribs of Brahmans (vipra-huh), and not finding any,— without
delay went forth, and doing worship to the Ahichchatra agrahara, succeeded in obtaining
thirty two Brahman families purified by 12030 agnihbtras, whom sending before him, he brought and
established in the' outskirts o f the city, in the great agrahara o f Sthanugndha which he founded in the
tract he had noted, where were the god Pranamesvara, famous throughout the four yugas as set up by
the pure and dexterous {chitwa) Ghaturmraukha (Brahma), and the iirUhct encircled by the five Lin-
gas set up by that and other gods.

Verses in praise o f Tanagundiir, with a list o f the trees that grew there. And the various
kinds o f birds there imitated the sounds o f reading, disputing, discussions o f logic, tantras and
mantras, recital or narration o f poetry, as wall as the secret signs o f sacriticers, which they had
learnt. The four vedas, tlu ir six angas, ths three kandasot mim§,msa, the six systems o flo g ic studied
for discussions, the eighteen chief pur^nis and smritis, skill in (estimating) apparent elevations,
in various kinds of buildings, music and other elegant arts,— by the decree of Madeva were
possessed by the Brahmans o f Taiiagundur. Oblations of rice, ghi, curds, boiled and coagulated
milk, sacrificial animals, oblations o f milk rice and sugar, milk, cakes of ground rics, abound in this
village,— thus does each pair of gods praise it throughout the night.*

In that village, like Chakradhara (the discus-bearer, Vishnu) to the learned, from their
averting evils that threatened ths village and doing good with the chakra (or discus) o f wisdom, was
a race (vams'a) which had acquired the cognomen o f Chakras. To the 32000 a glory or an ornament,
the attraction of all eyes, (with other praises), in that famsus race arose the Brahman lord Maki-*
mayya, of the Visvamitra-gotra. His son was Govinda, whose son was Makimayya. He had five sons—
Vamana, Trilochana, l^vara, Gopa, and Nrisimha. Among them, praises o f Trilochana. As the lotus-
bom (Brahma) had (formerly) set up Prapamelvara, so, like a new Virinchi (or Brahma), this cele­
brated Trilochana set up the god Madhava, not allowing Kamala (Lakshmi, or his— the founder’s—
wealth) and Bharat! (his wisdom) to be jealous of one another. His mother was o f the Bemmukara*
vamsa. A benefactor to the world was KSsava, whose son was Echa, whose son was Vamana, whose
daughter was Mkhikave, the mother like Kunti o f five sons, the wife o f Makimayya.

It was once when Trilochana-deva was full of anxiety to perform a work o f merit which should be
permanent, that in a dream the glorious supreme lord o f Praydga, Madhava, appeared to him, and
saying— 'As to the boy Praharada I was in the pillar, so will I he in the stone’ ,— vanished. For
this god MMhava set up in consequence, (on the date specified), the five brothers (above named),
worshipping the feet o f all the 32000 Brahmans, made grants of land (specified), for the decora­
tions and illuminations of the g o i. Usual final verses.

Vh.ese being all articles for sacrificial offerings to ttie gods.

3 1
122 B h ikarpu r T a lu q .
Aud Dandeya Sovi-Setti. made a grant to Trilochana-deva for tha perpetual lamp of the god. To
describe his greatness :— He was well acquainted with all learning, but to a learned man he knew
not (that is pretended not to know) how to read ; to say to beggars the two letters i-ila (no) he had
not lo a rn t;— Dandeya Soma.

Date 1158 A.D.
Be it well. The bhujabala-chakravartti Bijjana-Devarasa,— a dweller at his lotus feet, Mayi-
devarasa, dandanayaka of the hejjmha and vacJia-ramla o f the Banavase Tw^elve Thousand, for the
temple worship and perpetual lamp o f the god Pianamosvara, granted the custoras*dues on the areca-
nut, betel-leaf and paddy o f the god’ s garden, free of all imposts. And on the areca-nut of the
country, 1 pa per lakh. Thus much, (on the date specified), did he grant with pouring o f water to
the thirty-two thousand. Usual final verses.

Date ? 1075 A.D.
The whole of one side is eifaced.
When, with all titles, the maha-mandalelvara vira-Gadamba, • . . rjjuna-Deva, protecting
Hola . . . . , Belrala, the Banavase Twelve Thousand and the Santalige Thousand, was ruling the
kingdom in peace ;— Deva . . . . (on the date specified), to provide one perpetual lamp for the god
PranameSvara, gave to the Brahmans . . . . from the interest on which they will carry this out as
long as sun and moon endure. Usual final phrases.

Date 1107 A.D.
Praise o f S'ambhu. Be it w ell When, (with usual Chajukya titles), Tribhuvanamalla-Deva’s
•kingdom was extending an all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :—

And, the worshipper of his lotus feet, subduer o f the enemies’ forces, chief over the property o f
the court, a sun to the lotus the Brahman race, the maha-prachancJa-dapdanSyaka Ananfapala was
ruling the two Six Hundreds and the Banayasi Twelve Thousand in peace:— the abode o f the Lakshmi
of the favour he had acquired o f that great minister, the hanasa-mane-vegga4e Anantapala, and s.
dweller at his lotus feet,—To .. raja-vibhu and to Nilabbe was born DasirAja. He was the father
and Somambike the mother o f (with various epithets) the rai;ia-ranga-Bhairava, the maha-prachapda-
dandanayaka Govinda-Raja, who was protecting the va4da-r&vula, the perjjmJca and the two
Mlhide o f the BanavAse Twelve Thousand in peace and wisdom:

A dweller at his lotus feet,— the eight-thousand village of Gavehu in the Antarvedi, granted by
Rama, being his birth-place; Madhava-bhatta his father ; his mother JA naki; o f the Yatsa-gotra ;
Gaurahhe his mother-in-law ; Soddala his younger brother; the brother-in-law o f dandanAyaka Goyd-
arasa ;— Prithividhara Trivali-bhatta, when acting as pergga^e ia the great chief village TAnagnn-
ddr in consequence of a discourse oa merit, made petition to the 32000, saying— Give me land in
which to have a well (kerey dug.— And they agreeing, granted him land (specified), whereupon (on the
date specified) having a well dag, obtaining water, and making a temple,— to provide for a gruel man

^Kete generally n u n s a tank in which the Wgter is collected by means o f an embankment on sloping ground ; but here
it is eridently used for an open well which is descended by a flight of steps.
S M karpur T a lu q . 123
at the water-shed and a boy to give water, and for the maintenence of the w'ell, ho made a grant o f
land (specified) under the well, and land for a grove, doing worship to the feet ot* the 32000. Usual
final verses.

Details o f his birthplace and family repeated. The house tax in the street of the god Prapa-
m esvara................ Jakkoja wroste (or engraved) it.

Bate 1813 A.B.
The guru is the only refuge. (On the date specified),'the gau ia of DadihalU) Puttaima, o f his
faith had images engraved on the two posts.

Date 935 4 .Z )'

Be it well. (On the date specified), the perggade of the Santa[!ige] Thousand, who had
attained the rank of great minister, (with various epithets), the perggade-Puliyyarama, causing the
Tauaguudur tank to be built, griinted under it laud (specified) for the offerings to the god and the
perpetual la up. Also for ? guarding the tank, and for (reading) granthas.

Bale 1007 A.D.
Be it well. (On the date specified), when the king o f the Santalige Thousand, Oddammana
carried off the good looking women and the ? temple cows, the barber Gosasi-Guluga stopped
him, died and went to the world o f gods. For his wife Hukkabbe, the son she bore, Jiya Sanutanna
set up this stone. Written by Salugayya.

Date ? 1212 4 . D.

Be it well. In the 23rd year^ o f the pratfipa-chakrawartti, the Yadava-Narayana Hoyfiaja

vira-Ballala-Deva,— (at the time specified in full detail, but much defaced), through imbibing the
nectar of Jina teaching, having given up the false impressions of the mind, and being filled with
desire to attain to the purity set forth in the doctrine,— having given up all, saying, ‘ not so much as a
grain is mine’, Jakkavve, thinking on her god, came to a decision. Thus placing herself at the lotus
feet of Jina, fixing her eyes on the tip of her nose, and listening to the words of the dg%im,— with
ears and ayes having completed samyasam, by the rite o f samMhi (or the tomb) Jakkale attained to
the company of heaven.

(The entire inscription is filled with the praise o f her devotion and penance, some parts in
Sanskrit and some in Kannada).

Her mother was Lachchavve, her father Matidina-Muddi, her husband the renowned Bbarata,
her instructor in penance Anantaklrtti-munipa.

She had her life, character and titles composed in pootry such as to gain the approval o f the
learned, and having it inscribed beforehand so as to reach all points of the compass,— saying *I will now
take it to heaven and have it inscribed among the gods’, the mahasati Jakkab ascended fo svargga.

The date is siven as BalWla’s 2Srd year, ths year ^girasii, but thesj do aot agree*.
124 Shikarpur Taluq

Dale ? 1182 A.D.
(Much o f the first part is defaced).

Praise of the Jina Sasana. May Dharmma. S'anti and Kunthu, the Eatiiatraya god, grant long
life and prosperity. Description of the adho, madhya, and urJhva Wkas,................ . surrounded by the
three winds and containing the six substances. In the . . . . ...16ka, surrounded by groups o f islands
and seas, and containing wide expanses of land .....................In the salt ocean was sand of jewels, a
kalpa-vriksha with blossoms for L a k sh m i............. Enclosed by a hedge of waters, having the sign o f
the jantbu, whose fruit gratifies all desires, the abode o f sunlight, is Jatnbu-dvipa, This Jambu-dvjpa
in various qualities (named) was o f ripened greatness like Recharasa. (In it), south of Meru, is the
Bharata-kshetra ; description of its beauties. Filled with prosperous people, abundance of flowers, and
the brightness of bees, the Karnp.ata-Mine was an ornament to Bharata •, in which was the beautiful
Kuntala-desa. With myriads of people, practices o f virtue, agreeable occupations, streams of the
(nine) sentiments, pleasure gardens, separated lovers, splendid tanks, full lotus beds, gilded boats
for spring festivals, gUatiha-slMnas the supports o f dharmma and mines o f enjoyment, moats which
were as if the sea being overcome had returned here on account of the collection o f gems, groups of
the lotus faces of beautiful women fair as the moon, gramas Niagaras karvvanas madambas
drd/idiniihhas pura'i paHanas and rdja lhdnis, on whatever side one looked, in these nine forms did the
Kuntala-deia shine'.

In succession, by valour, generosity and agreeable manners the great Chdjukya kings became
the beloved o f the lady earth, to whom their fame was as an ornament o f pearls. When the Chalo-
kya kings were engaged in the pleasures of heaven, after them the Rattas came into full view of the
lady earth; but driving them off, Taila ruled the whole world. To the charming Taila, Satyasraya
was the son ; his son was Vikrama; to whom .\yyapa was the younger (brother); whose younger
brother was Jayasimha ; his sen wae Ahavamalla ; his son was Somesvara ; that king’s son was
Permmadi-Deva; whose son was Bhulokamalla ; his son was Jagadekamalla ; whose younger brother,
in form and splendour-a g'ory to the earth, was Nurmmadi Taila.
After that, the Iiakshmi o f the Chajukya kingdom with pleasure associated with king Bijjala,
the Kalaohuri ornament; what? is the disposition of women to seek after something new, a new
thing ? Verses in praise of his bravery. How Bijjala's greatness increased, say :— the king o f Simhala
carried his tray, the Nepala king was his perfumer, Kerala was liis betel-bearer, Gurjjara was his
artificer, Turiishka did horse work, L ^ a was his attendant servant, Pandya was his ?cripple,
Kajinga was the attendant on his elephant,— thus did they daily do the work o f servants. The king
Bijjala’s younger brother Ma'lugi-Deva protected the earth with affection and with the might o f his
arm ; after him that king Bijjala’s grandson, the king Kandira bore up the earth with threefold
valour; that king’s junior un:le (anutdla), Soyi-Deva, afterwards bore up the earth. In succession
drawing to himself Karnnati and Kuntala and embracing them, and seeing his goodness reflected
in those beautiful bodies, he set his’ mind upon the broad Ldtai and the Kanchi district,2 and stretch­
ing out his loving lotus hands to them, that king Rayalnurari brought so much o f the world under one
possession. His younger brother, o f lofty qualities, Mailugi-Deva ruled the earth ; after him his
younger brother, but in fame the elder of all, the king S'ankama protected the earth with affection.

His praise. Who was equal to (this) Ki^sankamalla ? After him Ahavamalla, Raya-N&rayana, the
younger brother o f king S'anka, bora up the earth with great might, causing it to shine forth with
universal splendour under his sole umbrella.
1 ^ 1 2 ' ^ i
P tit}iu la -L a ta \ the "brow or tore- 1 Kdnch%riyraclh'a, Xhs KSncht district: otherwise, theTe-
hcad ef the earth. 1 gion ot the zone or waistband,
S h ik a r p u r T a lu q . 125
In succession, having obtained the seven-fold wealth of empire for that king Bijjala, and caused
the same seven-fold wealth to be visibly enjoyed by the line of kings who succeeded that em­
peror,—delighting in council, policy, bravery, fortune, and good character, shone Recha-dandadhi-
natha. Ilis arm like its branch on which the vine the kingdom of the Kalachuryya kings might
spread, whose root was on the slopes of the shining Mandara mountain, tended by the wise, of wide­
spread shade, distinguished by the fruits of unceasing liberality, a mind perfect in goodness, and
exalted fame,— Rechana-dandanatha shone as the only halpa-drwm in the world. Farther verses in
his praise, styling him vaiudhaiha-bdnclhavam (the only friend in the world). A S'rivatsa, of abund­
ant wealth, the son of Nagambika, an abode of pleasure, the only friend in the world, generous, the
admired Gauri his wife, having the flag of a bull (iriskabhai, born the son of Narayaua,— how glorious
was Eechi-daiidadhipa.

Having received in succession (various) countries from the emperors of the Kalachuri-kuia, on
his desiring this Nagara-khanda, he received it from those kings, that Recharasa, and ruled it with
exceeding glory,— how can 1 describe its prosperity under him ?— 1 will say that it was like a lotus,
in which Banavase was like the S'ri. Its attractions (described) were like those of the spring season.

In the lotus of the line o f the Kadambas, reverenced by kings, who ruled that Nagara-khanda,
was born, an abode o f all learned arts, the king Brahma. To him and to Chattala-Devi was born,
by his skill in all policy and his bravery agreeable (oppa) to the lady royal governmeat, Boppa,
Through Boppa-Deva the earth was freed from all enmity as a means o f gaining livelihood ; his wife
was S'ri-D evi and they had a son the king Soma. When learning to talk, for his charming words he was
called Satya-pataka; when he began to toddle about, he was called Nigalanka-malJa ; when his
strength began to appear, he was called Kadamba-Rudra ; when he acquired dominion, he was called
Gandara-davani (a cattle-rope to champions) ;— bow great was the list o f the king Soma’s vaKant
qualities. That Kama is now your friend is evident from his discharging his arrows continually at us
to make us fall at your feet—thus saying, women dropped down before him, and the vermilion on their
faces falling on the feet of this nigalada-cliangdlva (? ruler o f anklelted dancers) was the token o f
the passion with which they daily did service at the feet of king Sdma. If the king Soma be angry with
us, the whole o f that Banavase will become twisted like a vine round the sword in his hand ;
it is not well for us to be caught in this trouble ; —thus thinking, his enemies fled till they saw the
sea-shore, and there passed their time in peace :— how great was his valour. Another verse praising
his liberality. His wife was Lachchala-Devi. To that couple was born (with praises) Boppa. His
praises, comparing him with Krishna and stating that he had an army of eighteen ahsMhini

His royal city (rdjadhdni) was the wealthy Bandhava-pura, in which shone S'antinatha,.his feet
illuminated by the rays from the jewelled crowns of gods, Jcliacharas, and serpents. With however
much milk he is bathed, it disappears ; though garlanded with flowers down to his feet, they vanish ;
though bathed with hot water, he on the contrary becomes cold ;— is this not sufficient to describe
the greatness o f S'antinatha.

The dchdryya of that temple was Bhanukirtti-siddhanti, praised by munis, causing the lotus
the family o f his o\yu guru to unfold by his penance. That guru-kula was descended from the gana-
dhara Gautama, after whom were many yatipatis o f the Mula-sangha, in the Kondakunddnvaya. An
ornament to the lake the words o f Ravariandi-siddhanti was his disciple Padmanandi, like a lotus
{padma) in the hand o f the lady penance. His disciple was Munichandra. He ever enlightened the
world, an abode o f unusual Jaina yoga,— published commentaries, made the science of grammar his
own, adopted the rules o f logic, explained poems and dramas, and despised the assaults of the fish-
bannered (the god of love). His disciple, who displayed the umbrella o f fame, was Bhanukirtti, o f the
126 Shikarpur Taluq.

Kranor-gana, Tintrinika-gachchha, and Nunna-vamsa. His body wet with rasa (the spirit of
patience), his fame on the heads of the elephants at the points o f the compass, a SaiddhantikW
chakravartti, a lamp to reveal the hidden treasures at the feet of Jina, foUow'er o f the ancient Jaina
yogis, was the muni niiaaukirtti. His disciple (with praises) was Nayak!rtti-brati.

Hiving l e a n s ! the dgarnas from this line o f gurus, the chintdimni o f the Jina-saraaya, S'an-
kara-saaianta, ui.vle S anti and was a benefactor {ia >hara). For the increase of the kingdom of the
Kadamba king Boppa-Deva, Sankara was justly considered the first person. In the Nandu vamSa
which was exalted by samanta-S'anka, was born an ornament to the Hue, Singam. His wife was
Maliyakka, and their son was Ekka-gauda, whose younger brother was Kejeyama. Kereyama's wife
was . resavve, and their son was Boppa-gavunda His wife was Chaki-gaudi, and they had a son S'anka
or sam'inta-S’anka. Several verses in his praise. His wife was Jakkanavve. Her eldest son was Soma,
whose younger brother was Muddayya.
Thus esteemed, S'aukara-s.amanta caused to be made for S'antinatha, on account o f his connec­
tion with the place, a splendid Jina temple in Magudi. The image removes the impurity of the feet,
reflects in the hall and pillars the thoughts o f the heart, gives life to the lines of figures, and makes
the walls appear as if moving,— such were the comments of the people on the Jinendra temple which
samanta-S'aukara caused to be made in Magundi. Beholding with approval that Jinalaya, the sole
ornament to the world,—-the Tripurantaka-sfiri o f Balipura, named SuiyyS-bharana, having praised it,
so that this basadi was a joy (both) to the Tirtthakar and to the devout followers o f S'iva, from affec­
tion (bhiva) to Bhava (3'iva), that eminent muni granted for it an excellent sthala-vritti, consisting
o f a garden of 500 areca trees, a flower garden, good rice-land and an oil-mill.
Thus providing for that work of merit to continue, and distributing his justly acquired wealth
so as to supply the wants of h is dependents,— that S'ankama-Deva-chakri marched away and joined
the king Ballala, and by service at his lotus feet was causing the ocean o f his valour to roar aloud.
Marching out, taking him by his fortunate hand, and bringing him along with him, together with
all the other dandanathas, he (? the king) was for some days in the residence o f Tauagunda. While
there, Rechana-dandadhMvara came to Magudi for the purpose of worshipping the feet o f Jinelvara,
together with the king Boppa and S'ankara. Having come, he worshipped the feet of Jinelvara,
did obeisance to the lotus feet o f the Jina muni, inspected the Jina temple, and being greatly pleased,
the sole friend in the world praised it. Thus praising it, he granted for it Talave, with enjoyment
for three generations, and all rights, for the Jina tvorship.

Be it well. When, the refuge of all the world, favourite o f earth and fortune, maharajadhirija,
boon lord of Kalanjana-pura, in valour the lord of Lanka, in courage a lion, a Brahma in song, a
sun to good warriors, the son o f king Bijja, master o f elephants, beloved o f the goddess of victory,
having the flag o f a golden bull, having with his long arm established the Lakshmi o f the Kajachu-
ryya kingdom, Raya-N§,rayana, having crossed over the ocean o f the Bharatagama (or science of
music), Giridurgga-malla,— srimad Ahavamalla, was in the residence of ModeganSr, ruling the king­
dom in peace and wisdom :—

A dweller at his lotus feet, the great minister, master over seventy-two officials, the maha-pra-
chanid a-dandauayaka, Rechi-Devarasa, sending for Bhanukirtti-siddhanta-deva, priest of the basadi
o f the Ratnatraya god o f Magundi,— (on the date specified) ^ made over to that Bhanukirtti-siddb&nta-
deva, o f the Miil i-sangha, Kranur-gana, Tintrika-gaChchha, and Nunna-vam^a,— for the bathing o f the
Ratnatraya god, the decorations, illuminations, food o f the rishis and students, and temple repairs,—

All that appears of the year is Saka^varsha nira~nal7cane (the Saka year 1C4), the name of the year having gone, but there
jjB no doubt that 1104 is meant, the tbou^nd being dropped.
Shikarpur Taluq. 127
Talare ia . . . . beleya-ba(Ji which before, eatifcled to the five big drams, the mahSriaa^dialfilvara,
booa lord o f Baaavasi-para, obtaioer of a boon from the goddess Padmavati, scented with musk,
a Bhairava to opponents, the Kadamba lion, the delight o f tbe goddess . . . , a stake to , NigOp
lanka*malla, a cattle-rope to champions, head-jewel o f good warriors,— adorned with all these names,
Boppa-Deva, bad settled on it for three generations, freed from all imposts.

And he committed to the great minister,— skilled in securing to himself the fruits o f victory,
aDhananjaya in the Science o f archery, listener with pleasure to the sound o f w a r,, . .7 ........... Vidy^-
dhara, proficient in poetry and the arts,— Miirari-Kesava-Deva, the maintenance o f the work o f
merit. T o describe his greatness :—verses in his praise.

And in that basadi, at one time the Bananju o f the four places (or stations) and the muM-
granted certain dues (specified) on the value of the treasure brought by all merchants of
various countries. Usual final verses.
Baii 1256 A.D.
B e it well. In the 11th year of the Yadava-Narayana bhujabala-pratapa-chakravartti Kandara-
Deva,— S& . . . . vanta of Mudi, performing (the rite of) the sanmjasma tomb, attained to the happy
state. H is farther praises. (The inscription is much effaced).

A similar record for the goldsmith Bammdja.

Bate alout 1190 A-D.
Memorial of the death o f Santiyakka or Santale, whose father was Saukaya-Nayaka, her mother
Muddavve, her favourite god S'antUvara Jinanatha, her priest Nayakirtti-deva-muni.


Memorial o f the death o f Birdja and Bommavve.

Dafc? 1211 ^.Z).
Be it well. In the ? 21st year of the YMava-Narayapa, the bhujabala-pratapa-chakravartti
Hoysaja vira-Ballala-Deva,— Malle-gavundi obtained mukti Her guru was Sakalachandra munipa,
her god Jinendra. •
Bate 1283 A.B.
In the 14th year o f the Yadava-Narayana, the bhujabala-praudha-pratapa-chakravartti Rama-
[chandra]-Raya,— . . . . ja-Nayaka o f Chikka-Mdgadi, in . . . . slew (many), distinguished himself
and gained the world o f gods.
Bate 1090 A.P.
Be it well. (On the date specified), when Boppa-Deva was holding the office o f ndr‘ggdvw^4(^
o f the N&gari-khanda Seventy,— the cows of Kiri-M3,gupdi, which were in the service o f the god
Tripurantaba, being harried, . . . . stabbed with a dagger, distinguished himself and gained the world
o f gods.
128 Shikarpur Taluq.

(On the date specified), when Boppa-Deva was holding the office o f nar-ggavunda o f the Nagara-
khanda Seventy,— the hill chiefs having laid siege to Kiriya-Magun^i, which was in the service of the
god Tripurantaka, captured the cows, unloosed the waists of the women, and departed,— Kachi-
Setti’ s son Tailama recovered the cows, stabbed with the dagger and gained the world of gods.

Bate 1176 A.B,

In the 10th year of the Kajachuryya bhujabala-chakravartti Rayamurari-Sovi-Deva,— when the

maha-mandaleSvara.. .. was ruling the N^gara-khanda Seventy,— and the maha-mandalesvara Vikrama-
ditya-Deva was ruling the Banavase Twelve Thousand kingdom in peace,— and the ndl-^dbhu-
gdvunda was in peace in Chikka*Magundi,— when Boppa-gavuuda was coming from Chaurode, being
ordered by Kaleya o f Karadi, he slew many, distinguished himself and gained the world of gods.

Bate 1090 A.B.
(On the date specified), when Boppa-Deva was holding the office of ndr-ggdvunda of the Nagari*
khanda Seventy,-^Eka-gavUnda o f Kiriya-Magundi, which was in the service o f the god Tripurantaka>
when the cows were harried, stabbed with the dagger and gained the world o f gods.

Bate ? 1391 A.B.
(On the date specified), Kapanna, son of Marava Bomme-gauda of Kodihalji, was killed by robbers
and went to svargga.
Bate dbmd 1757 A.B.
Siddapa-Nayaka to Bhairappa (sends) blessing.*

In the matter of Kodihalli Basavappa, who cut off the head of Mancha Barama when he was com­
mitting lawlessness behind the presence, and suffered much trouble,— he certifies that for the uttdr-
wnbaU belonging to him in the Kodihajji village of the S'ivapura-mme, rated, together with mshta, at
ga 1 4 . 1 , the pagadi money for the time the land was put out of season should come to him : prays
for protection, and requests that orders may be passed. On this petityon, an order was given to this
Basavappa in the year . . . . . Jeshta suddha 2, that the pagadi (for the time as above, repeated) should
not be given to him. That order is now confirmed. Petitions of this kind from the country for pay­
ment of money are not to be made. This vale will be entered in the senabava’s iM^ata and returned.
1 vale.
Bate 1758 A.B.
Having entered the guard-house of the Tayanidi fort in the year Tuva, S'ravana su 15,— orders
were sent in the year Isvara, Jeshta su 1, to ai-rest Manche Baramana, and he was airested this su
14 in the Udri fair.
1 ; ■ ^ ; ~ ; ^ ^
The epistolary style for ao e^der or superior to a junior or inferior.
Shikarpur Taluq. 129

Praise o f S'ambhu. Be it well. (On the date specified)^ Keladi S6maiSkhara*Nayaka wrote to
Bhaira the following m a tter:— EodihaUi Basava, who cut off the head o f Manche Barama who wa^
committing lawlessness, and suffered much trouble, states that his umlali should be protected, and
S'ivaliftgappa having stated that orders should be passed to that effect,— the following M&r is granted*
(Here follow the details). And this Basaivappa having applied that the boundary stones o f the uttdr-
umlali formerly granted to him may be set up for the land now granted, in accordance with his
petition we have sent from the presence our servant (blank) who will carry this out in the presence o f
those o f the four boundary villages, and will report to that effect to the presence. This vdU will be,
■entered in the senabova’ s kadita and returned, vale 1.
Date about 1294 A.D.
Praise o f S'ambhu. Be it well. In the 25th year o f the Yadava-Naraya^a, the bbujabaJa-prau-
dha-prat&pa-chakravartti vira-Eamachandra-Eaya,— Soma-gauda of Harige and his son Bomma-gauda,
when in the destruction o f Indur tHe cows were carried off, recovered them, fought like heroes o f war,
distinguished themselves, and gained the world o f gods, close to Mallikdrjjuna. By the victor is gained
s p o il; by the slain too, the celestial nymphs : what fear then of death in War to him who for a
moment seeks the close encounter. Usual final verse. Obeisance to the god Nilakantha.
For the gaudas who recovered the cows, Changadeva-Nayaka, approving o f their bravery, made
a grant o f land as a nettara-godagi.. . . . . . 6ja*s grandson Majaga-voja engraved this UragOl.
Date 1181 A.D.
(On the date specified)i the pratapa-chakravartti Hoysana bhujabala vira-Ballala-R§,ya’s great
minister Toya-Singeya-da^iiayaka, when Basavaiya-N§,yakadf H^nungal was inside the guard-house
in the Udare fort,— on the maha-mandaleSvara Banka-Nayaka’s son-in*law Gangeya-sahani, Beyama-
sahani and Javaneya-Nayaka, these three, coming with all appliances and laying siege,— he tought,
slew , distinguished him self and gained the world o f gods, By the victor is gained &c. (as above).
Praise o f S'ambhu.

His younger brother Parisaya put up this stone.

Date 1672 A.D.
Praise o f S'ambhu. B e it well. (On the date specified), Kejadi S'ivappa-Nayaka’s son Soma**
fiSkhara-Nayaka's wife Chennamaji, gave to ^Kottige, son o f the Harige talavdra Naga, a grant o f
land (specified) as umlali, to be enjoyed by his posterity in regular succession.

Date ? 1186 A.D.
Be it well. In the ? 20th year o f (with usual titles) Hoysana vira-BallfiJa-Deva, when the
great minister Pratipanna-Sarasuryya-DSva-dappayaka was guarding Taladi,— ^the ndl'j^aVhu Kana-
soge Yajakavi-gauda’ s younger brother Echa-gauda, on the Panchala-Biita killing the (herdsmen) and
carrying off the cows, recovered the cows in t h e ......... . reSvari wood, and slaying, gained the world
of gods.
130 S liik a r p u r Taluq.
D a<c? 1158 A.D.

Bs it well, In the . . .. year o f .. .. simha-Deva, Kanasoge MaUl-Setti’ s son I'evaniria wheri.

coming to the double line o f Ghats was attacked by robbers, and killing many, slabbing with the-
dagger and distinguishing himself, he gained the world o f gods. By the wctor is gained &c. (as above).

Late 7 about 12i0 A.D,
Praise of S’ambhu. Be it well. When, entitled to the five big drums, . . . . . . was governing
the Jiduvalige Seventy in peace :— . . . o f Bandajike coming to plunder the .. . . o f Tanagunddr,
Sigi-Setti’s son Rama-Setti being on guard at . . . , pierced and killed many and was borne away by
the celestial nymphs. By the victor is gained &c. (as above).

Late 1248 A.L-
Be it well. In the 2nd year o f the Yadava-Narayana, the bhujabaja-pratapa-chakravartti Khari-
dhara-Deva,— Panania-gauda, son of Majliya Homma-gauda, cowherd o f the worshippers of the lotus
feet of the immemorial divine linga the god Prapamanatha, the thirty-two thousand Brahmans o f
Tanagundur, fighting among the trees of the village in Kalaseyaheri, killed many, pierced much,
distinguished himself and gained the world o f gods. Seeing his bravery, the Brahmans iwere pleased*
and granted for him land (specified) as a nettara-godege. * By the victor is gained &c. (as above).

Malloja made this viragal.

Late about 1080 A.D,
Usual final verses. Be it well. When Vikramaditya was ruling the kingdom of the world
and Iiidarasa was ruling the Jodur government; and Pesalkonda was ruling . . . . . . ...h gave land
(specified) for the god. Imprecation.

Date 913 A.D.
Be it well. When Akajavarisha, favourite o f earth and fortune, mahdrajadhiraja paramesvara
parama-bhattaraka, Kannara-Deva’s kingdom was extending on all sides ;— in the S'aka year 834,
the year Prajapati, &c.,— When, entitled to the five big drums, the maha-samanta Kalivittarasa, of
the Kalki-devaysar-anvaya, was ruling the Banavasi Twelve Thousand,— on Sattavasa Nagarjjuna,
who was holding the office of ndl-gavun(Ja of the Nagarakhanda Seventy, dying under the orders of
Kalivittarasa, the king having given to his wife the grade o f nal-gavund^y and Jakkiyabbe was hold­
ing the office o f ndl-gavunda,— and Nanduvara -Kaliga was holding the office o f perggade]— and ? the
survivor o f the Sundiga tribe was holding the office o f perggade to Kodangeyur,— the Seventy and the
Three Hundred granted Avutavur to Jakkiyabbe as promised. And Jakkiyabbe, in giving away the
dues of the ncd-gdvunda in Avatavur on account of the Nagarakhanda Seventy, granted 4 mattal o f
ricc-land in Jakkili for the temple.

Skilled in ability for good government, faithful to the Jinendra sasana, rejoicing in her beauty,
Jakkiyabbe, when having received the Nagara-khanda Seventy, she was protecting it well, though a
Shikarpur Taluq. 13X
ffomia, iu tha pride o f her owa heroic bravery,— at that time, bodily disease having made inroads
deciding that worldly enjoyments were insipid, she sent for her daughter and making over to her
her posterity, freed herself from the entanglement o f the chain of desire, . . . . . . came and in the
tirltlia o f Bandaryike, 0 wonder, forsook (the body) of Jakldyabbe. In the S'aka year reckoned by
vasu, jalardsi, and varida-patha (840), the year Bahudhanya &c., she came to the basadi in full
faith and performed the vow,’ ...........Jakkiyabbe..

The writer was Nagavarhama. Imprecation. Usual final verse.

This stone was set up b^ Mudda'of the Sandiga tribe, .. ..s o n of Beleyamma.

Date 1015 A.B.
Be it well. (On the date specified), when the favourite of earth and fortune^ the maharajadhi-
raja, born in the Chalnkya yamSa, Jayasimha-Deva was ruling the kingdom; —and., ndayya was
ruling the . o f the Bauavasi Twelve Thousand,— ^^and Sattarara Nagarj junayya was holding the office
o f ndl-gdvun^a ot the Nagara-khanda Seventy,*—on MdkaraSa making an attack upon . . ddammana
Santara, the . . . o f the king o f Santa),ige-nad, NiVgatj junayya’s sou Manneya Nagavarmma, on
joining in the attack, died and gained the world o f gods. His praises. For Eleya Basava who died
with him, Nagarjjunayya and-Nijabbe will maintain one matta of fice-Iand.

J)aie 1075 A.D.
Prosperity be to the sasana of Samantabhadra, o f the learned Pujyapada, o f Akalanka*guru,
(the sasana) of the lord Jina. Having the saprenie profound spd3-t;dc?a as a fruit-bearing token,
may it prevail, the doctrine o f the lord of the three worlds, the .lina doctrine.
Be it well. His broad chest the cause of joy to the goddess of Fortune, his long arras a Yama
into whose mouth hostile kings are plunged, he whose beloved is the earth encircled by the four
oceans,— long life to the king Bhuvanaikaraalla, a joy to those who reverence him.

By him, his feet illumined by the jewels in the crowns o f ’prostrate kings, the son of Arimad
Malla, was this sasana given, the destroyer o f his enemies, delighting in donations to mupis Ol
food and the four kinds o f gifts,— and (it was) received by Kulachandra-deva-muni, of fame white as
the pure cloivS.
Be it well. When (with usual Cbalukya titles), Bliuvaiiaikamalla-Deva’ s victorious kingdom was
extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars, and he was in the residence o f
Bankapura, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom •,— a dweller at his lotus feet,— Be it well.
W hen, praised by all the world, o f the heroic Brahma-Kshatra race, favourite of earth and fortune,
maharajadhiraja paramesvara, boon lord of Kolaja-pura, lord of Nandagiri, having the crest o f a ’
lusty elephant, obtainer of a boon from Padmavati, the Ganga god o f love, Vikrama-Ganga,
uttatanga, bead jewel o f chieftains, ChaQukya] Permmadi Ehuvatieka-vira. Udeyikditya, . . . . . . w a s
ruling ; — Bhuvanaikamalia-Deva, for the S'antmatha temple which Bhara . .. chakravartti had' newly
erected in the itriha o f Bandanlke, made a grant of land in NagayakhairJa, (on the date specified),
washing the feet of Kula . . . . deva, disciple o f Paramananda-siddhanta-deva o f the Sri-Mula-san-
ghdnvaya and Kranur-ggana, who had gone -to the farthest shore of the ocean of both siddhdntas,~~
giving him both a copper §asana and a stone sAsana. Usual final verses.
133 S h ik a r p u r T a lu q .

2 2 2 to 2 2 4
Bate ?al)oul 1100 j4.D.
S'lokas arranged in ehalcra-handhas ^or the lines o f a wheel-lvke circle, with axle-box and spokes.
Bate 1204 A.D.
Praised by the company of poets, the celebrated Recha-chamftpati; after him, hajf a Recha in
promoting the Jina-dliarmma in the world, Kavade Boppa, ornament of the Yadu king’s kingdom,
promoted the/frffea of S'^nti-Jina,— the lord of Bai,uhava-pura. Why keep wealth; it should be
accumulated in order to be given away in the four kinds o f gifts,— thus said „the most wise among
Bhavyas (or the Jains),— Kavade Boppa.i
Having the supreme profound sydd^vdda as a fruit-bearing token, may it prevail, the doctrine of
the lord o f the three worlds, the Jina doctrine.
The Kuntala country, which is like curls {Icmtafa) to the lady Earth, was ruled by the renowned
nine Naudas, the Gupta-kula Mauryya kings; (then) the lords of brilliant fame, the brave Eattas
ruled ; after them the Chalukyas ruled ; after them king B ijjala of the celebrated Kajachuryya-vamia.
After that, subduing the powerful, a hero with the sword in his own hand, the king Ballaja ruled the
earth with grace, while all lands applauded. To describe his descent :— Usual account o f the rise and
genealogy o f the Hoysa}as, to Ballila.
Putting down those who withstood him, and gladly sparing those who fell at his feet, that
Ballala was protecting the earth in peace, in Vijayasamudra.

Like the face to the lady Earth shone the Banavase-nad, on which Nagarakhanda at all times
was conspicuous like the tilak'i, a sign of good fortune. Here'follows a description of its groves, gard­
ens, tanks &c. In Nagara-khanda,— among gems the parma (or philosopher’ s stone), among cows
the celestial cow, among gardens the tree of the gods,— shone the splendid Bandhava-nagara. Descrip­
tion o f its attractions. Its ruler, born in the Kadamba-vamia, Soma nripa’ s son Boppa-Deva, had a
son Brahma-bhupalaka. Kavedoya Boppa-Setti erected a mantapa for the god S'antin&tha o f that
Bandanike and dedicated it with all ceremonies.
In Nagara-khanda, like the mouths of Hara, were five agrabaras, from which proceeded the
sounds of all the Brahmans reading and teaching the reading o f all the vedas, puranas, m oral
precepts, Sastras, logic, agamas, poems, dramas, stories, smriti, and rules for sacrifices. Praise o f
the Brahmans there. Kereyilr S'ambhu-deva was so versed in all learning that Aja and Bharati can­
not compare with him. Verses in praise of Settikavve’ s son Sankara-setti o f the Bananju-dharmma ;
o f s§,manta-Mudda, whose father was S ’ankara, his mother Jakkawe, his friend Jina, his guruB hanu-
kirtti-bratipati, his r ul e r Ballaja, his wife Lachchambike, his daughters Jakkavve and Mallavve, bis
son BallkJa-dSva ; of Bittiyarasa, owner of Kachhchhaviyur: o f Mala-gauda, prabhu o f Begur : o f
Eyakati-gauda o f Ka^nasdge : o f Eraha.gauda o f MalavaJU ‘ Soma-gauda o f Abbalur.
Munichandra-siddhanta-deva’ s favourite disciple was Lalitakirtti-siddhanti, His son, a moon to
the ocean the Kanur-ggana, was S'ubhachaudra-pandita-deva. He raised op the tirttha o f Bandanike
as its fiivourite acMryya. He obtained p&ripatya (or management) o f the S'dntinatha-tirttha.
The king Ballaja’s celebrated minister,— a sun to the lotus the Brahman race, a bee at the two
lotus feet of Narayaria, a fortunate abode of fame, in literature a Vidyadhara, adorned with all good
qualities, exalted in honour,— Malla, protected this Bandauiike with affection. Praise of the valour
o f Kammata Malla-dandS,dhinatha. His minister was Suryyya-chamfipati.

The thus celebrated official Malli-Setti; a sun to the lotus the Brahman race, Sfiryya-deva ; all

All the foregoing seems to be added after the completion of the sSsana.
Sliikarpur Tahiq. 133

the Brahmans, possessed o f the usual ascetic virtues (named), o f the five agraharas o f Nagara-khapda;
the lover o f all learning, S'ambbu-deva, the master o f Kereyur; of fame-pure as the water of the
Ganges, Bittimarasa, master o f Kachhchhaviyur; a ray of moonlight in raising the waters o f the ocean
the Bananju-dliarmma, Tribhuvanamalla-Settikavve and h^^r sou S'ankara-Setti; a tree of plenty in
gratifying the wishes of supplicants, S'ankara-samanta’ s son, the friend of the Bliavyas (or Jains),
the nal-prabhu Maddayya ; adorned with the ornament o f the three jewels, Begur Mala-gauda ;
devoted to gods Brahmans and gu ru,' Kannasoge Erak&ti-gau^a ; adorned with all good qualitias,
Malavalji Eraha-gauda ; a treasury of modesty, Abbalur Soraa-gauda ;-^these chief persons, and all
the subjects and farmers o f the Nagara-khanda Seventy, uniting together, (on the date specified), for
the bathing and eight manner of ceremonies o f the god S'antinatha of Bandanike, for expenses con-,
nected with the worship according to ritual, for vessels and cloths, for temple repairs, and for distri­
bution o f food to the four castes,— washing the feet of the priest of the tirttha, S'ubhachandra-pandita-
deva,—‘made grants (specified). Usual final verses.

J)afe 12\B A.3,
B om in the ocean of the Sri-Mula-sangha, of the Kranur-ggaiia and Tintripika-gachchha, obedi­
ent to Lalilaldrtti-muni, S'ubhachandra-Jeva shines in the sky as far as the. points of tile compass,
(On the date specified) he went to svargga. Having renounced all in sannyasana, repeating the five
words, with firm mind, he departed. From Bharatesvara ........... ............................... .............for the
mathadhipati of Bandanike was erected a mautapa in front of the S'anti-Jina basad i............... .. ..


Date ? alxmt 1200 A.t>.

Be it well. Abiiayachaudra-siddhanti-deva’s disciple, born in the family o f the protectors o f ..
. . . .. Miiriiri-Deva’ s gifts, Chariildrtti-pandita-deva, repaired the Paucha-basti of Hiriya»Mahalige.
F or that temple, the grant from the king and from the nad originally made for the basti of Tala-
guppe may be applied, namely, Baleyagaru, BaleyahalU and Tagaduvattiga,— these three villages,
free o f all imposts. Also certain lands (specified).

The eighteen castes are agents for this work of merit.

228 to 2 3 1
Date "i about 1100 .4.
These are metrical puzzles, s'loJcgs arranged in chah'a-handhas, or the divisions of a vvheel-like
circle with spokes, (similar to No. 222 to 224 above). The author o f 228 describes his composition
as containing anulmm and pratiloma s'Wkas in o n e ; that is, they may be read forwards or back-
wards.t In 229, directions are given as to what letters to begin with. The last verse of this is said
to be a gatapralyXgata s'loJca, that is, it may be read forwards or backwards.* The author’s name
o f the whole appears to be Suri, and he calls his composition a prahandha named Jinastuti.

Date about 1200 A.D.
The inscription is much defaced. It records the death of Somala-dSvi or Somavve with -the
performance of Jaina rites at the Santisvara basadi. Her guru was S ’ubhachandra, and the in­
scription pi-aises her liberality and Jaina devotion.

'*The difference between anuldma pmtiUmci, and gata prafyagata verses seems to be that in tbe former each or every alternafe
line may be read .separately, in the latter the whole ver^e must be read together.
’ ' ‘ ' u
lO"! S h ik arp u r T a lu q .'
D a<c? 1396 4 .D .

(On the date specified), for the offerings to B ana-de/i, certain land (specified) was granted, free-
of all imposts, by Chauchali-Odeyar. Imprecation. Some other land granted to Laohaya-devi.

Ddie about 1510 A.D.
Praise o f S'ambhu, (On the date specified), when the ftiaha-raja,dhiraja raja-param esvara.......
Krishna-Raya-maharaya was in Vidyanagara, ruling the whole kingdom .. .. :— Having received the
Chandx’agupti village in the Chandragupti magani o f the Banavase [Twelve Thousand] for the office
o f amara~\ndyalia\, Nanjyap-Odeyar, by order o f . , . . and that merit might accrue to .. . dhya-
Nayaka, for the purpose of clearing out the tank every year, granted land for a garden o f 1000
(areca trees). Imprecation. .

This sasaua was written by . . . son o f Gauroja, former goldsmith of Bandajike.

Date 1207 A.D.
Obeisance to the Boar, who lifted up thj earth in Sport, Meru being like an atom in the middle
o f his hoof. May the Boar who bore up the earth on the tip o f his tusk, which resembled a newly bud­
ding Mtahi blossom, grant you great prosperity. May GoVinda, worshipped by the hosts o f the gods,
. . . . dark coloured like the blue waterlily, his body marked red with the dye from the breasts o f
the go]gis of whom he is the lover, grant you .. . . , Kesava.

Dweller in the milk ocean, the birthplace of Karaalasana, with eyes like the lotus, the lover o f
S’fi, Kesava directed his thoughts to the creation of the world. At that juncture, from the navel o f
the lord o f S'ri was born Abjaja ; his son was Atri, whose son was the lord o f the stars (Chandra) ..
In the Lunar race arose Yadii, from whom was the family o f Yadiva kings. In that . . . . Said, king
o f the region in which the Tungabhadra is born, in order to obtain the accomplishment o f his
mind’s desire, was as always doing worship to the goddess Vasantike o f Soseyur, when g tiger . . . .
which the muninatha engaged in penance seeing, said— ‘ This is always giving trouble ; without fear
hit it with the cane {foy selcyindam).'' On which, by virtue o f the munipa’s command, the king Sa]a
smote it and became Poysala. And his descendants thus through the favour o f the goddess o f S'aSa-
pura acquired the name Hoysala and the tiger crest.

Usual genealogy of the Hoysalas. Of Ballala, after mentioning his defeat o f Paudya and cap­
ture of Uchchangi, it is said that— to the great herd o f lusty elephants Chola he wms a hon, to the
ocean the Lala king a submarine fire, to the lotus Magadha m oon ligh t,................to the god o f love
Kalinga a Mahesvara. His fame, eclipsing that of Chola, Varala, Lala, Khacha,................Turushka,
Chera, Maru, Malava, Magadha, Gurjjara, Andhra, and Jlepala, spread to all the points o f the

When, (with usual titles), the nissanka-pratapa-chakriivartti Hoysala vira-Ballala-Deva was

ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom under his sole umbrella •-—
A dweller at his lotus feet, (with praises), was Malia, To describe his d e s c e n t A n ornament
to Eral-nad was the agrahara Nfiglve, in which wms the funous- Hrishikesa. His son was Malli*
deva, whose son was Bhaskararyya. His wife was........... . and their son was Malli-deva or Kammata-
Malta, o f the Kasyapa-gotr i, the elder brother o f Bhagyavati. His wife was Jakkale, and'their soa
JSliikarpur Taluq. 135
was Bhiskani, whose you!iger brother was' Vasudera. Praise of Siiryya-(JaDL4&dhiaatha, whose Soa
was Bachayya. To them Malli-dSra haviag made kaovva his desire to psrforai a work of merit,
they approved.

In the world beautiful is the Kuutala laad, in which is the charming Vanavase country ; in it is
the Nagara-khanda, in which was the agreeable Bandhavapura. The list of its trees and other
attractioasi In that royal city {rajadhaiu), was formerly a king o f that country famed for his liberality,
Sovi-deva. He gave to thirty-three Brahmans, who on earth corresponded to the thirty-three gods in
heaven, a grant o f vrittis in Bandhavapura; an I his son Boppa m-iintaiaed the work o f mel'it with
affection. Afterwards, it was confirmed iu the Yadu kingdom, and maintained by Malyapa-dandani-.
yaka. After that, Malli-deva, on obtaining the government o f that country, renewed the grant origin­
ally made by the king Soma.

And having in mind to promote that work of merit to Brahmans, and the beauty of the city,
Malli-deva had this temple made, and having set up the god and the Brahmans,— the n&d-adhikS.ri’s '
son Suryya-deva-dannayaka said, Land is wanted to provide for repairs to the god’ s temple, for the
god’ s offerings, peqeetual lamp, the livelihood o f t h e . , and the special services of Chmtra, pavitra,
sankramatia and such others” — on which .Malli deva said “ Be it so.” Thereupon, making application
to ,— Be it well. Sharer in a thousand pleasures o f perpetual good fortune, considered a second
Lakshmi, (with other praises), the senior queen Abhinava-Ketala-mahadevi,— that queen and him*
sMf made petition to the pratapa-chakravartti vlra-Balla}a-Deva, and (on the date specified), at
the time o f the mom ’s eclipse, made grants o f land (specified). Boundaries, and list o f Brahmans
who received shares.

Date 1209 A.D.

Be it well. With the approval of the Hoysaja-chalcrvartti vira-Ballala*Deva’s crowned qtteen
Abhinava-Ketala-maha,devi, of the chiefs and farmers bf the Nagara-khanda*nad, and of the mum*
mundandas o f the town,— that queen’ s younger brother Madliava-danpayaka, (on the date specified),
at the time o f the moon’s eclipse, made a grant o f land in Bandujike to the Brahmans, as follows ;
(here follows the list).
Dale 1174 A .D ,
Obeisance to S'ambhu, beauteous with his lofty head kissed by the chamara-like crescent ihoon,
the original foundation-pillar o f the city o f the three worlds. May the lord o f Oauri, Somanfi.tha,
in the mirror of whose toe-nails the lord of S ri seeing ten reflections of his body was led to assumfr
the fish, tortoise and other incarnations, grant to Macha the fulfilment of his desires as long as
moon an.d stars endure.

Having bjgottm the fourteen worlds, and by virtue of his eight forms having proclaimed hiS
name Bhava, possessing the love o f Girija and bearing up Ganga, having as his lotus eyes the friend
o f the wind (fire) the sun and moon, the sky his hair, the form Sadasiva, he shone o f old as the original
• A

mcule, the eternal Mvara! To that Paramesvara, through the pervading influence of the satva, rajas
aud tamas qualities of S'iva’ s energy, were born the three worlds; in which, a collectiCm of merit, was
the middle world, which shone in beauty as the perfect earth. The seven islands, the seven oceans,
the seven mountain chains, tlie seven days, the seven planets, the seven horses of the sun, the infernal
regions and others the three worlds, surroundiig it ; t^tanding in the m 'dlle o f the world, broad anfi
136 S h ik arp u r T a lu q .
lofty '; shone Meru, like Macha, with glory. Morn producing namSru (trees), I’aised itself surrounded
by Kimpurushas, and bounded by continents (vafsha). Among them, SO called from its weight o f
happiness {^larslia-hhara), is the Ilari-varsha, in which on the south side o f the Himachala, was si­
tuated the Dharata-varsha, the beloved of Ganga. The beating hearts o f lovers sounding like the
cfaJcke (drum) ; the hum of swarms o f bees, like the so-igs ; the gentle breezes causing the leaves to
clap togetiler, like the cymbals (or castanets); — truly it seemed as if Manmatha (the god of love)
was secretly making Rati dance, and hence was the Bhai’ata land named from Bharata (the art o f
music and dancing), To the prosperous people of the country, being like the curls (Jciintala) of the
lady earth, the Kuntala country obtained its self*expressive name (guna-ndma).

Like clustres of flowers for earrings, so were the royal line of the Lunar race who formerly ruled
Kuiitala with glory and might. Of the Somauvaya (or Lunar race) was a king who learned the use
of weapons from Asvatthama, and became proiicient,— and that king Soma by the power of his
knowledge ruled the whole world. His guru A^vatthama causing with affection the mustaches and
beard o f that Soma to grow thick, as i f for ornament, when Tarasurama with a raging fire of fury carae-
to swallow up the kings, with great affection preserved him, and together with a sign (or crest), the
name of Kalachuri to that family,— this Isvar^mSa.
'While it was so, one day when in tlie joy o f their lieavts Asvatthama and the king Soma
went to the shining Kailasa mountain in order to worship the lord o f Farvvati,— the esteemed king
Nanda with a peaceful mind was worshipping the feet o f S'iva with various flowers, . He had previ­
ously for many days worshipped S'iva with the desire o f obtaining a son, and when he was filled with
distress, saying “ S'ankara has not in the least favoured me with my heart’ s desire," as if saying “ Do
not be distressed,’ ’ some Jcadamia flowers fell down as if plucked. Seeing which, that king worshipped
Bhava with those flowers. On his so doing, Bliava granted him the boon. And saying “ Two brilliant
sons under the name o f the Kadamba-kula will be born to this k in g; you join them and instruct them
in the use o f weapons,” S'ambhu brought that king and ISvaramsa together,— by which that family
became illustrious. Born in that Eadamba-kula, Klrttivanmna and Maytavarmma, having acquired,
the gloiy of all learning from Droni, that Kadamba-vam^a obtained fame together with all royal
The rule of the Ka]achuryya line gave light to the world through Soma ; through Peinnia it be­
came spotless ; through Gorvvapa it was distinguished for enjoyments ; through Vajra it acquired
might o f arm ; king Yoga obtained it .with stability ; through Permmadi it tasted happiness and ,
approved o f i t ; and acquired power through king Bijjana.

To the Kadamba Maytavarmma was barn T a yta ; to that king Tayta was (the son) S'anta ; to
that king S'anta was born Maila. After ha and many other celebrated kings had ruled the earth,
Boppa, the husband o f S'li-Devi, protected the earth with affection.

Verily through king Bijja’s splendour,— Giirjjara was seized with a great fever (perjjara) and
lost his glory ; Kalinga came to his end (kHida) ; Malava contented himself with but a little wealth
(ind-lavtt) ; Anga fainted through his terrified limbs (hMt-dnga) ; Turiishka, shrivelled up (s'usJilca) by
the flame of fear, rolled on the ground ; Choja, forsaking all, fled together with his people (dl-dli) ;
Andhra became full of holes {randhra).- The king Bijjana was given by Somanatha a son of hundred­
fold valour. Soma, who received the name Raya-Murari. Splitting Khasa, cleaving Kah'nga, devouring
Kimmira, swallowing Turushka, eating up the Chera king and belching, bringing to the ground the
Surashti a chief and poumling him,— thus, like a female fiend {mlcJcasi}^ did the great sword (milcic-asi)
o f Soma-rajendra act.
Since the Kadamba Taila there has been no one worthy to protect the whole world, thus think-
ing, and distressed on this account, the husband of S'ri-Devi, Bopparasa, with great devotion
f ■■ ■ " I j ^ 7 I *1

_J. -;fv«i SJ.r

DOORWAY o r S0ME:3VARA tem ple , b a n d a l ik e

S h ik arpu r Taluq. 137

worshipped the lotus feet of Somanatha to obtaia the jo y o f a son. And when with eagerness Sirjya-
devi also with devotion worshipped the feet of the Dakshiinia Somanatha with the desire for a son,
Isvara with pleasure granted a son equal in bodily might to that Rayamurari-Sdma, who should
transfer the glory of the Kalachuryya-vamla to the Kadainba-vamsa. Having given him, in order
that he might be recognized as the Kadamba Rudra, Dakshin.i Somanatha appeared to that wife in
a dream, clad in white garments, mounted on Nandi,— and marking the (child’s) forehead mi\xvihhuli
(or ashes), gave him the name Soma. The sou thus obtained, dandling in the name of Soma,— as he
grew he appeared like a ball of curds, and like the moon of the lii st day of tiie waxing fortnight daily
increased until the light of his fame spread Ihroughout the six continents of the world as an incarna­
tion o f the god of love himself. When he was learning to talk he received the name of Satyapataka
(flag o f truth), and when he was learning to walk he received the name Nigalanka-maila,-'thus did
all the world praise Soma’ s truthfulness, his ability and courage. His name husivara-sula (a stake for
liars) was the tisula, (trident), his SatyapaMlia was the lady Gangas, his name gandara-ddvani (a
cattle-rope to champions) was the garland of skulls, wiiile his appropriate name of S6ma proclaims
him as Soma himself, thus does all the wmrld praise Nigitlanka-malla. Farther verses in the same
strain, and saying that hostile kings trembled before him,

A dweller at the feet of the victorious Soma, his hero spirit delighting in ki g Soma’s sword, like
a great wave (vichi) of the ocean Soma’s subjects, d;d Machi appear. Verses praising him in highly
hyperbolic style. His acharyya was the celebrated Devasakti-yatipati, through whose favour he
obtained wealth and his heart’s desire.

In the lake Banavase, Nagari-khanda was like a lotus, for unfolding whose beauty Soma was like
a sun. Description o f its vegetation and fruit trees. The jewel of Nayakas, decended from Guua-
bhushana, the Nayaka Machi erected there in Bandanike a S'iva temple, around which the town shone
like a jewelled anklet. (VVilh various epithets), the Nayaka M^chi erected in Bandanike belonging to
Nagari-khanda, by direction of the king Boppa, the Boppesvara temple ; — and explaining to his own
lord king Soma the extent o f that work of merit, —for the eight kinds of ceremonies of the god, the
CJhaitra, pavitra, and other parvvas, made a grant of land (specified). And Lachchala-devi made a
grant of land (specified) for the same. Also the Five hundred remitted certain customs duties
(specified), and for the perpetual lamp granted an oil-mill. And the fifty families o f oilmen granted
1 sorige (o f oil).
Moreover, in the 7th year o f the Kalachuryya-bhujabala-chakravartti Rayamuriiri-Sovi-Deva, the
year Vijaya.&c., the maha-mandaleivara Sovi-Devarasa’s minister, Hat^abova^ Niicharasa, managing
the hejjmTca and vadda-rdvula o f Jiddulige in Ede-nad o f Nagari-khanda, granted for the perpetual
lam p, in Muchchundiyur, in the presence of the chief men (named) and subjects, the family tax for
20 bullocks, and the customs duties on whatever loads they might carry. Also the family tax on one
oil-m ill.

This much,(on the date specified),* Chikka-Macheya-Nayaka. washing the feet of the Mulasthana
acharyya, the Kalamukha, possessed o f the usual ascetic virtues (named), Kalyanasakti-papdita,
made o v e r ....................
Dafe 1180 M.Z).

Be it well. In the 4th year o f the Kalachuryya-chakravartti Nissankamalla Sankama-Ddva,—

the maha-mandule§vara Boppa-Devarasa, for the offerings o f the god Sankara-Narayapa o f agrahara
Binnegeri, made a grant o f land in SireyahaUi belonging to Bandanike.sthala. Imprecation.

TMsis one year earlier than the date previously given just above.
138 S h ik a r p u r T a lu q .

Bate ? 1128 A,B.
By the victor is gained spoil &c., (as above). Praise o f S'aujbhu.

Be it well. (On the date specified), when sS-manta^Bopparasa o f Bandanike was making a tour
in the na^, the people o f KaUamanne captured the cows o f Karinele and were going off,— when, by
order o f his ruler, Bammana, brother- in-law o f Bireya- nayaka’s son Heggade-Bammabeya, recover­
ing the cows, stabbed with the dagger, distinguished himself and gained the world o f gods.

Date 1447 A.D.
Be it well. In the reign of the rajadbiraja parameSvara vira-pratapa Mallikarjjuna-maharaya,
(on the date specifiel), when Kathariryya-N3,riyappa-Nayaka’s son Maduvarasa-Nayaka went to
svargga, his wives BuUarasi and Kannflyi cast themselves into their husband’s victorious fortune and
gained the world o f gods. Great good fortune.

Date 1442 A.D.
Be it well. In the reign o f the raj^dhiraja raja-paramesvara w a-pratapa Immadi-D6va-Eaya-
maharaya, (on the date specified), when Maduka^jna-Nayaka, son o f the Kadamba Sdyi-O^varasa o f
Bandalike, the famous royal city of the Nagarakhande Seventy, his son Baicharasa and .his son4a^
law Surappa-Nayaka had blocked up Kappegere, a hamlet o f Banavase, —and the people of the tirtha
coming, laid siege to it,— like brave men, killing many, and being cut to pieces, gained the world o i
gods. By the victor is gained spoil &c., (as above)

Date ? 1396 A.D.
Praise o f S'ambhu. (On the date specified), when the rajadhiraja raja-parame^vara vira-Hari-
hara-Uaya’ s kingdom was extending on ail sides in peace and wisdom:— To the lady the o ce a o -
gtrdled earth like curb (Jcmtala) shone the Kuntala country, to which like the face was the Banavase
nad, an ornament on which, admired by all the people in the world, was Bandanike, beautiful as
Amaravati, (On the date specified), when Bachappa-Vadeyar was on the throne o f S6ve, extending
the kingdom on all sides ;— Within the four boundaries of Rhemalapura in front o f the (temple o f
the) goddess Banna o f Bandanike in the Nagarakhanda-nad, for the repair o f the (temple o f the
goddess, will be assigned customs duties from the former priest of the goddsss and other subject8)t
the tax from the five classes o f artisans, the ialavdra dya, hidden treasure, underground stores, . .
A number o f other grants for the goddess.

In the Pandya-mandala wandering in the forest, and (coming) from Kod also to Brahmani . . . .
. , . . a s she came through the forest to bear witness, those who come to the jdtre (or car festival)
of the Bandalike goddess^..........
Date 1163 A.D.
A ' '

Om. Obeisance to S'iva. Praise of S'ambhu. May it be unobstructed. The refu g e o f t ilin g
visible, benefactor o f the world, cause of the preservation destruction and creation o f all existetjc?^

Vhis aeema to be a fragment of some afhcHa-mdh&tmya.

S M k arp u r T a lu q . 139

soul o f all things, victor over wrath and desire,— to thee obeisance, lord of the three worlds, S'ivaL
The only god, victorious is S'iva, the form o f all wisdom, and also D e v i; whose possession are tho^
three worlds, unchaugeable in the universe,' ever united, through. whose union the essence o f a ll
•'things is mingled, the seed from which the world is born do I reverence. Honourable birth, k n o w
ledge o f the Sruti, performance o f good deeds, ability in science, gentleness in speech, increase o f
wealth, soundness o f body,— are the reward of serving you, Moon-crested o n e ; Without this all else is
: straw.

T o the ocean-girdled lady earth like curls (Jcmtala) was the Kuntaja country, to which like th®
face was the Banavase-nad, an ornament to which, admired by all the people in the world, was
-Bandauiike, which was like Amarawati. May the lord o f Gauri, who descending from the Eaildsa
mountain was incarnate for the perpetual good o f the world and manifests himself in B a n d a g e , b is
lotus feet worshipped by the three worlds, grant to Mdchiga daily prosperity and the fortune o f
■victory to the end o f the age.

Be it well. W hen, (with usual Kalachuryya titles), the K4achuryya-bhujabala-chakravartti

Tribhuvanamalla-Deva was ruling the kingdom in peace and w i s d o m T h e bhujabaja-chakravarttii,
a sun in the sky o f the Eadachuryya-kula, by his valour forcing hostile kings to hide thenlselves and
retreat, removing the poverty o f multitudes o f people in the earth, extended his territory as far a s
the shore o f the ocean, the delighter in victory, the king Bijjala.

During the increase o f his kingdom, o f exalted fame, his son-in-law Barmma-dandadhiSa ruled
th e famous Banavasi country with glory. Putter down o f the evil-disposed who trespass over the
ocean o f dharmma, and an asylum of the good, Barmmarasa of Bandanike gained f&me.in the world.
H is son (with praises) was Bopparasa. To him and to Siriyd-Devi, daughter o f the Kddamba king
S'anta, was born the king Soma, or Soyi-Deva. Verses praising his valour. His wife was M alala-
D e v i; her praise.

A dweller at his lotus, feet, Macheya-Ndyaka’ s descent was as follows : His father was Masan-
ayya, whose wife was Malliyakka, and their son was Machi. His wife, the daughter o f Tantrapala
Mallayya and Majeyakka, was Suggiyakka ; her praise. Their son was Soma. Mdchayya was tfaa
manager of the customs duties o f Tajafike, and his son Soma gained a name as sarvvddhikdri. Verse®
in praise of Mdchiga. His guru, considered to be a,jagad~guru, proficient in the eight branches o f
y&ga, having crossed over the milk ocean o f all the vedanta, siddhanta and Saivagama, possessing
the essence of the knowledge o f all pure ai'ts, chief o f the most celebrated yogindras, adorned with
unequalled greatness, famous and addicted to method, an ornament to the face (muTiha) o f the cele­
brated Kalamukhas, was DevaSakti-bratindra.

Be it well. Possessed o f the usual ascetic virtues (named), obtainer o f a boon from Aghora,
Acharyya of the celebrated Hiriya-matha of Bammakuru, was Deva^akti-deva, through whose favour
to Machayya-Nayaka and kindness he became devoted to dharmma. Causing a tower (prdsdda), deco­
rated with carvings and figures, to be erected of stone, and a golden haJas'a to be made for the pin­
nacle of the temple, he in many ways increased his fame in the world. He also set up a linga,
with the associated gods, in Bandapike.

Having thus done, after that, Macheya-Ndyaka having in the name of his ruler the maha-mapda-
ledvara Sovi-Devarasa given it the name o f the god SomeSvara,— the king, for the decorations o f the
god, for the ornamental work and tower o f the temple, and for the food o f the ascetics there, mad®
grants of land (specified), and in Ajalur a tribute o f one h o m u , with the ho^avisa Uravai»a of 5ft
bullocks, and two visa o f the customs duties on grain. And the senior queen Mdlala-Devi granted
fo r the perpetual lamp one oil-mill. Also his miuistcr Nakarasa made a grant o f land (specifiedl
140 Shikarpux’ T a lu q
for the offerings to the god. And the nal-prabhu and the Five hundred granted certain dues (specified).
And the great minister, the dandanayaka o f the hejjunica and va4(^a-rdvula o f the Banavase Twelve
Thousand, Bicharasa remitted for the perpetual lamp a bele on a load ? going to the (Mna. And the
vadda-vyavahari of Mirinje, Ballaya-sahani, and others (named) all the people o f the pSfe (or market)
being present, granted for a horse, 2 haga ; for cowherds, 2 haga.

Thus much, (on the date specified], Macheya-Nayaka made over, free o f all hnposts, for the god
SomeSvara This temple is a Brahmachari matha. Usual final verses.

Soraesvara-paiidita and Bireya-jiya are the priests here. The priests will grant to the stone­
mason Ketoja an umbali of 20 kanama o f rice-land.

Date 1214 A.D.
Praise o f S'atnbhu. Be it well. In, with all titles, the sun to the sk y 'th e Sevaua line, the
Yadava-chakravartti Siinha^a-Deva's (reign), the year Bhliva, &c., when with a large force o f the
four arms, —elephants, horses, chariots and good warriors,—joining with Drornapala, the maha-
ma^dalesvara Bammi-Devarsisa o f Bandaplke besieged Uddare,'—did he (simply) seize and bring in
(a prisoner) and take away his life with his head ?— he taunted (the enemy), laid siege, and while his
master was looking on, causing the warriors to cry out with his sword, roaring like a lion, he chopp­
ed them in pieces, and danced about so that all said there was no other like perggade-.VIacha in
the field of battle. The foreign array praising him, his own army applauding, and the gandharvvas
singing, he was victorious on the battle-field so that his fame was spread abroad, and by his valour
he gained the happiness of enjoying the celestial nymphs, and by his wisdom and devotion to his lord
Macha became ever celebrated. Unshaken, remembering that he was a per£9«de, he guarded his lord ;
a brave servant, he shone so as to acquire greatness ; a bound servant, he shed his blood, trod down
blame and sin like fire, winning th e. affection o f h's ruler,— tVie horggade Soma’ s son Macha, and
gained the great svargga.
Date ? 1203 A D.
Be it well. In the Yadava-chakravarUi vira-BallaJi-DSva’s 13th year,* the year Dundubhi, &c.,
on S'ivaratri, when Ballaja-Deva attacked the fort o f O d a r e ,....................at the bidding of the great
minister Malleya-dannayaka, his intimate servant, the Bandanike guard Nemma-Madeymua’ s son
Hariyapa, taking a shield, and climbing the steep o f the Udare fort, dropped down in front, and
killing many, discharging his duty in an astonishing manner so as tO win the applause o f his master
and his a'.tendants, bringing glory to his family, ho gained the world of gods.

Date 1183 A D.

Be it well. In the Kalachuryya-chakravartti, Riya-Narayana, Ahavamalla-Deva’s 4th year, the

year S'ubhakrit, &c,— Be it well. When the maha-mandalS.4vara Boppa-Devarasa himself paid a'visit
to Esaleyahajli for Sanna-Mahadeva-dannayaka’s tribute, the musketeers o f Maluge-Deva’s army
being on the march to Bajigave, through ? misunderstanding a fight arose, in which Murari-Soma’ s
son Dadeya ffariga-Naga being ordered to destroy them, took a shield and spear, and killing many,
distinguished himself and gained the world o f gods. The king being pleased with his service, MurSiri-
Soma erected this stone.

S o in th« orig in a l, but should b e 3oth t o corresp on d w itli D u n d u b h i.

S h ik a rp u r T alu q. 141
D a ie'1123 4 .Z ).
When (with usual Chajukya titles), Tribhuvanamalla-DSva’s victorious kingdom was extending
on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars:—

A n d , by order of— ^with all titles, the great minister - the mane-verggade-dandan&yaka, Sali-
payya,— the great m in is te r........... Ramayya was ruling the Banavasi Twelve Thousand a
dweller at his lotus feet, with all titles, when the maha-simaota Bopparasa and bis wife SiriysUDevi,
surrounded by all the subjects, were in the temple at the rice-fields, (on the date specified), the cow­
herd Marana’ s son Dekaya-Nayaka made a vow, saying-*“ I f the king obtains a son, I will give my
head to swing on the polei for the god Brahma of Koiiujasab^vi” .................. gave rice-land
to provide for a line o f 810 lights . . . . and for ? expenses o f the basadi. Imprecation.

BaU ? 1215 4 ,0 .
Be it well. In the Yadava-Narayana, pratapa-chakravartti vira-Balltila-Deva’s ? 2nd year,2 the
year Bhfiva, &c.— ^Be it well. Lord o f all wealth, master over seventy-two officials, the
65/iari (or great senior merchant), Karaata-Malla-S'etti, with SAryya-dannayaka, sendingforG ava-
maleya-Nfiyaka and engaging his service,— when he penetrated to BaleyahaUi and having captured
the cows was returning,— the watchman o f the Kavada forest, by order o f ......... Sfiniyabe’s sahani,
fighting, slew many, distinguished himself and gained the world o f gods. Verses in praise o f his

Bale 1224 A.B.
Be it well. In the 14th year of— renowned in the three worlds, the raj5,dhir§,ja raja-parameivara,
the Yadava-Narayapa, pratapa-chakravartti bhujabala vira-Singana-Deva’s own victorious reign, the
year Svabhanu, & c , in protecting Mujugunda, in the fight with Jayya-rahnta, Bokeya-Boppe-N&yaka
slaying and distinguishing himself, gained the world o f gods. Verses in his praise.

Bate 1185 A.B.
Be it well. In (with usual Chalukya titles) Tribhuvanamalla vira-Somesvara-Deva's 5th year,
the year Viivavasu, &c,,— when the dweller on the broad chest of the maha-mandalSsvara Sovi-
Devarasa, the senior queen Lachchala-Devi went to svargga,— fulfilling, the vow he had previously
uttered, saying ‘I will die with the DIvi’ — be died. To describe the greatness of the pride and
heroism of Boka who (thus) went to the other world On his master calling him, saying, “ Y ou are
th e brave man who with resolution have spoken o f taking off your Head,” — with no light couraga
B oka gave his head, while the world applauded saying “ He did so at the very instant” . The word
•poken with full resolve is not to be broken,.. . . (praise of hi^ bravery). A grant was made for
w ife and children.

*The 0>4* or iron hook by which a S'fidra is suspended and swiinii! round at the hook-swinging festival, the hook beiai
passed through the ainewg of the back.
%o correspond with Bhiva, should be *3nd. . ,,
142 S liik a rp u r T a lu q .
DattU m i A.D.
Be it well. lu the .. year of the Kalachuryya bhujabala-chakravartti' Bij j a n a - D e v a , .. the
year Khara &c.,—'whea S6[vi-Deva] avjd other ch ie fs .................the heggatle-daudanayaka joining fight
with . . . . ...dandanayaka, he was defeated and fled,— Sovi-Devarasa’ s M y a k a , Kesa-Boppa’s son-in-
law Macharasa-Nayaka, . . . . . . when three thousand cavalry were put in line, stopped them with one
bow,; a n d ......... . capturing eleven horses, brought them in . . .. fighting in the battle, gained the W'orld
of gods. The seventy families and . . . . Setti being pleased made a grant o f rice-land for him.

Date U 1 6 A.I).
Be it well. (On the date specified), when Pratapa-Peva-Raya was ruling the kingdom in peace
and wisdom :— the Sirahalli gauda, Bomma-gau<Ja and his wife H arim aji gained (he world o f gods.

Bate ? 1544 A.B.
(On the date specified), Keladi Sadasiva-Raya-Nayaka made a grant (specified) for the worship
with lights o f the god Mallikarjuna o f Togarashe. Imprecation, Those who caused this grant to be
made are .. nahalji Ganachari and Parvata-vodeyar.

Date ? about 150 4 .
(Cave charaeters and Pfdhrii

Siddham. Victorious is the adorable Mattapatti god.

The raja o f Vaijayanti-pura, o f the Manavya-gotra, a H^iritiputra, joy o f the Vinhukaddachutu-

kula, Satakarnui, commands the maMvalaibham rajjuJcam^ :—

May life and wealth increase. Suited to please the Divine, a source o f continued happiness, the
grant o f the village Sahalatavi,— for the enjoyment o f the Mattapatti god, a place for great sages,—
for our own safety,— with freedom from all taxes, free from disturbance, not to be entered by sol­
diers, fully prepared,—thus well- suited, with freedom from all taxes,— to the son o f Takinchi, is
given as a Brahman endowment,— ^to Kondamana, of the Kaundinya-g6tra, a Haritiputra,
Thus is current the second fortnight of the hot season, the first day o f the first y e a r ,...............
when this is given.
2 6 42
Date 7about 250 A.D.
('Care characters a nd P ra lc rit laniiumie)

Siddham. Victorious is the adorable Mattapatti god.

By the dharmma-maharajadhiraja of Vaijayanti, versed in the views he has adopted on the sacred
wyitings,3 raja of the Kadambas, Siva[skanda]varmma, o f the Manavya-gotra, a Haritiputra, master

*The ra jju k a s were officials appointed by As'oka in the 3rd century B. C., a.« he .says “ for the instruction of the faithful.”
From the name they were apparently revenue officers.
■'This follows the preceding on the same pillar.
This difficult phrase, which occurs in so many Kadamba grants, has been translated by Dr. Kielhorn,—“studying, the
eq u ital (of good or evil) as his sacred text.” ('Up. Ind., VI, 15).
iShikarpur T alu q. 143
of Vaijayanti:— ownership o f the estate formerly said to be given having been abandoned,— with
full mind, to the maternal uncle o f . pi, l the grant is made a second time,— to Sirl-Nagadatta, o f the
Kaundinya-gotra, a KauSiki-putra, ornament of the Kondamaija family,— o f villages well-suited as
before,— Somapatti, Konginagaram, Mariyasa, Karipendula, Para-Machchundi, Kunda-Machchundi,
Kappennala, Kundatapukani, Vettakki, Veguram. Kouatapukam, Ekkaddhaharam, Sahala,— these
villages, not to be entered by soldiers, fully prepared, free from all taxes, are given.

May life and strength increase. In the 4th year, the first fortnight o f the autumn season,
the second day, (under) the first asterism Rohini, moreover, was the grant made. This is for the
enjoyment o f the god, for the great refuge the Mattapatti god.

As told, Visvakarmma engraved the Brahman endowment.

This Kadamba and the good senior minister, may they have trust. Confirmed by the four
vSdas, and prescribed in the nigamas. Thus does the lAja command.
By Nagadatta was it caused to be written on a pillar of unburnt suitable stone.

Victorious is Lokanatha (the lord o f the world). May cows and Brahmans be happy. May it
be confirmed. May it be fortunate.

Date 1139 A.D.
Be it well. In Bhlilokamalla-Deva’s 13th year, the year Kalayuktr, &c, the prahhu o f Mavalli
in the Nagara-khaiida Seventy, Gada-gauda’s younger brother Mariyarama, had (an image o f) the
•sun with rays made, and set it up.
Date 1147 A.D.
Praise o f S ’ambhu. When, (with usual Chalukya titles), the pratapa-chakravartti Jagadeka-
malla-Deva’s victorious kingdom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and
stars, and he was in the residence o f Kalyana, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom:—

A dweller at his lotus feet,— Be it well. When, with all titles, the great minister, inspector of
the female apartm ents,......................... sahana-verggade, ^rikarana, senior Kannada minister for peace
and war, master o f robes, mane-verggade-senadhipati, the betel-bearer dandanayaka, Bamma-Dev-
arasa was ruling the Banavase-nad ;—
Be it well. Entitled to the five big drums, the maha-mandalika, beloved o f the goddess o f vic­
tory, a sun to fiery hostile kings, a good champion for war, watching the face o f those who are pre­
paring to attack, obtainer of a boon from the four-armed goddess, Bhagavali’s warrior, obtainer of
a boon from the god Pranamesvara, boon lord of Bandanike-pura,— with these and other titles, the
maha-mau(Jalika Sovi-Devarasa,— in the pratapa-chakravartti Jagadekamalla's 10th year, the year
Prabhava, &c.,— the prahhu of Malavajli in the Nagara-khanda Seventy, Gada-gavunda, causing the
temple o f Kali-deva to be made, mounted a halasa upon it. And his elder brother Eraha-gavuda
had the goddess Bhagavati made. And, a worshipper of the feet o f Kali-deva. a tree of plenty to
Mahe^vara’s people, in truth Ra-3heya, in purity Gangeya, Rama in the science of archery, the soul
o f warriors, a champion as good as his word, his fivther’s lion, his elder brother’s warrior, Mudda-
Gavuda had the Seven Mothers made. And his younger brother, obtainer o f a hocfn from the
Ramesvara, a bee at the lotus feet of S'iva, .......... Jirautavahana, to others’ wives a child,'GSda-

^All that appears is . piav and the first letter cannot he identified from the trace left.
144 S h ik a r p u r T a lu q .

^aruda’ s lustjr elephant, Keta^avuii4a had the god Vrtsbabh^rara made, His elder brother Maai-
yamma had (an im a ^ of) the sun with rays made.

Thus, (with rarious epithets), Kancha-Gau^iila’s sons, these five, having made these,, for the
offerings to the gods, the Chaitra and pavitra, (at the time specified), made a grant o f land (specified).
Also for the food of the god’s priest Gangarasi-pandita. Some other grants for the gods. Usual final


Bate 1223 4 .D .
Be it well. In the YMava-Ndrayauia, the pratapa-chakravartti Simha^a-Deva’s 11th year, the
year Subhanu, &c.— When Lenkaya-Nayafca o f Karimale captured the cows here and departed,— Mava-
bora o f MaJavaUi apposed him, and s'.aying many, recovered the cows, and gained the world o f gods.

Be it well. The maha-mai^(,U3^VA*^ft Nigalfir Bommi-Devarasa, with the farmers and subjects of
Ma^avalli, approving o f Ghikka-bova’s elder brother Mava-bova’s service, granted land (specified) for
him as a nettaru~gd<Iage,

By the victor is obtained s p o il; by the slain, too, the celestial nymphs ; what fear then o f death
in war to him who for a moment seeks the close encounter. Imprecation.

B a i e 7 n n A .Z ) .
Be it well. In the Kalachuryya-bhujabala-chakravartti Rayamurfiri-S6vi*D6va’ s ? 9 th year, the
year Khara, &c.,— by order o f Kacha-gauda o f Majavalji, the cowherd Jaka-bova’s son Hikardya ..
.. . . and gained the world o f gods.

Be it well. In the Yadava-Narayana, the pratapa-chakravartti Simhana-Deva's 10th year, the year
C'hitrabhanu, & o,,—opening........................ Midakara o f Majavalli, fighting, gained the world o f gods.
By the victor is obtained, &c., (as above, in No. 268).

Date 1256 A.D.
Be it well. When the Yadava-Narayana, the pratapa-chakravartti Kandhara-Deva was ruling
the kingdom :— (on the date specified), when the maha-manfial^Svara Bommi-Devarasa was within
the grass land o f Banavur and ? sprang upon SantaSagabe,— Vidisa-Getaya slaying many, gained the
world of gods. His heggade’s girl {bdliJce), Bommi-DSva gave to his children.

Date 1066 A,D.
Be it well In the bhujabala-chakravartti Tribhuvanamalla*Deva’s 10th year, the year Kshoya,
&c.,— the heggade of the herjjimh» mi4a-r&mla o f the 6anavase-nfi4r Nfiiapa-Dfiva and other
karanams, for the perpetual lamp of the god Ramesrara o f Muchchupdi, gave^ pouring water on the
hands o f Rudralakti-deva, worshipper o f the feet o f Sadydjfita-deV«, the tax on one oil milL
S liikarpup 145


Praise o f S'ambhu. Be it well. In Jagadekamalla-Deva’s 5tli year, the year Dundhabhi, &c,,—
ib r the offerings and perpetual lamp of the gods I^me^rara and MalliHrjjana o f Machchun^i,^—
Manne Sovi-deva, Tribhuvana-gavupda and the seventy families, washing the feet of Arasiyakeje
Somesvara-papdita, made grants o f labd (speeified). Usual final verses.
This matha is a naishtika-matha (or matha o f firm devotees): if the master of this matha is
without Brahmacharyya (or religious abstinence) he shall be expelled fro,*n the matha. Tins matha
is a descendant o f the Sarathi-matha,

Date 1165 A.D.
Praise of S'ambhu. When, (with usual Cha|ukya titles), Tribhuvanamalla-Deva’s victorious
kingdom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars ;—
A dweller at his lotus feet,— when Kasapayya-Najaka was protecting the Banavase Twelve
Thousand, and ruling the kingdom in BaUigr&ma ; —the maha-mandal^svara, boon lord of Bandliava’-
,pura, obtainer of a boon from the four-armed goddess, worshipper of the feet of the god Praname&vara,
subduer o f foreign armies, champion over enemies, Sovi-Devarasa’ s glory was as follows^:*—his praises,
styling him the master o f Bandliavapura. Thus wliea he was protecting the Nagari-khapda Seventy
in his own right (sva-dharmtmclim) ;— the son of Devarasa, lord o f Kanparasavi, and o f Ch5gala-
Devi, o f the Visvamitra-gdtra, Sovi-Devarasa’s mine virggade, sarvvadhik&ri and great minister,
■fiandaaayaka Nakarasa, ruling Muohchundi,— his brother-in-law Chakrapani-DSva, Keta-gavunda, the
seventy families and the ^ve rmanigtsheing present,T-(on the date specified), for the perpetual lamp
o f the god Jagalekamalleivara, for the offerings, Chaitra anl pavitra, granted land (specified;; also
-for the food o f the dcharyya o f the matha ; bssidas 14 houses and one oil-mill. And the local Bana-
jigas granted certain dues (specified). And washing the feet of Rudra5akti-deva, disciple of Sadyd-
jata-deva, worshipper o f the feet o f S'irasaktkleva-giiru, son of Kriysisakti-deva, grandson o f Sarathi
Nirvvana-deva,-—tlie land was made over to him. Usual final verse.

This matha is a naishtika-matha (see No. 276 above) : if the master of this matha is without
Brahmacharyya he shall be expelled from the matha. This maiha is a descendant of the Nopamb-
•esvara-matha of Arasikeye;

Written by senabova Rayarasa. Engraved by Majavalti Chikkoja.

Date about 700 A.D.
Be it well. When, Vijayaditya-Satyasraya prithuvi-vallabha mahsirajadhiraja parama-bhatt&ra’s
Teign was continuing ;— to the prithuvi-vallabha, the king Sepavfira, A rk k esari...........in Mfigunda-
n f i d ........... to the hands of Narayapayyai ................
MAyigatta-kojeti Naga . . b e caused the temple to be made of Mujchupdi . . . . and ma^e^gi^uts
fo r it.' Witnesses. Usual final verses.
Date about 1120 A.D.
Be it well. W ith all titles, the chief o f the i nmeraorial agrahara Muchulcunda-pura, Ketar
gaupda’ s senabova, disciple o f Kriyfisakti-deva, Napnme . . . o f the immemorial agrahara Tapakup'

Mucli of the inscription from here effaced.

146 S h ik a rp u r T a lu q .
dur, Kelava-deva, bad a sun with rays’ made, and the m aha-m andalelvara........... with Mtichchuudi
. . . ha-gauiida and all the . . . . being present, gave it to the tirttha o f the god llamelvara.

Date 1127 A.D.
Be it well. In the Chalukya-chakravartti Somesvara-lleva’ s 2nd year, the year Plavanga, &c.,—
when the maha-Mahesvara vira-Santara Singa-Devarasa, penetrating to lliriya Jambur, captured the
cows and was departing, Sadeya-Nayaka of Mudiundi attacking him, distinguished himself, recovered
the cows, slew many and gained the world o f gods.

Date 1368 A.D.

Be it well, Obeisance to him whose pedestal is the great boar, shining upraised upon the
mo intain, the supporter o f all the tatva, a pillar o f light,— S'ambhu. May the boar nature o f him
who rejoices in doing good to the world grant your desires, he whose tusk bore up the earth plunged
into the ocean and with it the three worlds. May Ananta, who himself is the abode of happiness, be
for yoUr happiness, one o f whose heads is adorned with supporting the earth which resembles a
sesamum seed. May the earth, whoss part it is to gratify all desires, protect you, which being com ­
posed o f the elements (bhuta) is rightly named hMta'ihatri.
Having turned back the ocean and conquered the earth, the acme of might and liberality, the
sole repository of fame, was Jamadagoya, who, slaying the Kshatras that from enjoying the earth
ware filled with pride, made it as far as encircled by the ocean the possession o f the Brahmans.
There is, possessed o f all good fortune, the sole refugj of liberality and fame, in wealth an<J
enjoyment like Indra,— the king named Bukka, whos3 valour is loudly proclaimed by the sound o f
the dram his fame to all the points o f the compass as far as the southern eastern and western oceans.
To him so famous,— distinguished for policy and courage, renowned in the world for his good
qualities, is the minister named Madhava. Who is invested with authority for punishing the evil,
and with Brahman purity and Kshatra victorious power for protecting the earth from fear. Bora from
the Brahman Chaundaj who was an austere ascetic in the Angirasa-g6tra, ho is an astonishing expert
in policy, like Brihaspati in exceeding wisdom ; and though a suri (or learned man), is always com­
posing poetry which gives new pleasure to the minds o f all,— what a wonder is be. Who, through the
astonishing favour of his master Kasivilasa, a manifest incarnation o f Girisa, gained celebrity as a.
S'aiva; by his masterful energies subdued this world and the next, and was speedily the conqueror
of how many countries on the shores of the Western Ocean ; what mdre can be said in his praise. Who
cleared and made plain the ruined path of the upanishais, which was overgrown and dangerous from,
the serpents the proud advocates of evil doctrines ; so that though Brahmajs dwelling is so far, he
was ever helping the worthy to go there without a guide, and was praised by the wise as the gura
who established the path o f the upanishaSs.

Be it well. Of a val )ur celebrate I throughout all the circle of the world, the maharajadhiraja
raja-paramesvara, the master o f the eastern southern and western oceans, who, on mounting the great
throne o f the new Vijayanag.ira which was like the principal jewel in the middle o f ti e pearl necklace
the Tungabhadra, that encircled the Hemakuta moiintarn as if it were the throat o f the lady earth,
caused all kings to prostrate themselves as his feudatories, was vtra-Bukka-Raya ; whose minister Ma-^
dhava, who was if his (the king’s) valour had become incarnate in a holy man for the protection o f
world, by the order of vira-Bukka-bhupati, having accepted the government as far as the Western
S h ik a rp u r T a lu q . 147
Ocean,— in order to have an overaight of that kingdofa without trouble, on the advice of the S'iva guru
Kasivilasa Krlya§akti, he worshipped in the (uannec o f the S'aivammya the god of gods embodied in
his own favourite linga, Tryambaka-natha, by means of daily special ceremonies, and by a number o f
rites and practices.
Then, at a certain time reckoned by hha, randhra, kara and Icumuda-hdndhava (1290), the ^'.ita-
vahaua S ’aka year Kilaka being current, ou the day ■■govemdd by the moon, the crest jewel whose
glory is cherished with affection on the head of S'iva (Monday), the 8th o f the dark fortnight o f the'
autumn (month) Karttika,— in order to fulfil the great S'aiva vow which ha had commenced with
special rites a year before as directed in the S'iva-saitdhjd, desiring to make the donations required-
to complete that great vow,—•having received permission from his lord Bukka-Raja to make a grant
o f a village, he petitioned him, saying, “ From the funds of my own property I will carry out your
order ; give me leave ” and obtaining his consent,— in his own Eighteen-mandala country, of which
the chief place is Chandrakuta-pura, purchasing at the price o f the day, with the knowledge o f the
authorities o f the mandala, Muchchiiridi, together with Palasapalli and Tevatta, situated in Nagara-
bhanda, suitable for a grant to Brahmans,— entrusting to those authorities the management o f this
great work o f merit to continue as long as sun and moon, and giving it the name of Vidyesvara-pura,
after the eight Vidyesvara who were the objects o f adoration in his vow,— summcning to an assembly
'learned Brahmans, themselves like incarnations o f Vidyesvara, pre-eminent .by their virtues and the
country o f their birth, travellers to the farthest point of the Chdrdyaniyi-aUchamndmndyi, daily
observers o f all the rites appointed in the pure S'ivdmndya, ever devoted to the worship of the Ashta.
murtti, Kasmir Brahmans,— formed 80 shares, and bestowed these with all usual rights and cere­
monies, with a Sasana from his own hand. (Here follow the names and other particulars o f the
donees). May the language o f this Sasana composed by the learned Phamsitu, son o f Viivanatharyya,
meet with the approval o f the wise. The own handwriting o f Lahideva-bhatta, son o f Ramadeva o f
the S'arngarava Kathas.
Pate 1368 A.B.
(This is the deed o f sale o f the villages above purchased. They were sold for 200 varaha, five
times the value o f the annual rent, and a present o f 18 cloths for the representatives o f the 18
kampanas o f the Gutti kingdom o f the Banavase Twelve Thousand nad).
Bate aiout 830 A.D.
Be it well. When, entitled to the five big drums, the maha-samantadhipati, favourite o f all
the world, Nripatunga-Deva, §rimad Amoghavarsha-Ueva, was ruling the kingdom o f the world:—
Be it well. When, of pure doctrine, his fame spread all over the worl 1, . . . . . Jagesi(? Jayagesi),
ornament of the S ’auta-raia-kula, was ruling the whole o f S.intajige ;— To Pubbamiga of the lay-

disciples of Teukanavalli and to Millingi-gamigitti was born Mara, who gave Isdr and along with it
certain laud,— Mara Gosasi. The work o f Singavoja.

Bate 902 A.D.
Be it well. When Kannara-Vallaha was ruling the kingdom o f the world :— Be it well. When,
o f faultless doctrine, glory of the great Ugra-kula, possessed of policy and valour, champion over
foreign kings, able in detecting evil,— Vikramaditya Sautara was ruling as k in g; —Chandiga,? son of

Achalavi and (with various epithets) Santara, sou o f ? Amblnayita, son o f Ereya-Permmadi SAnta-
K am spa,— (on the data specified), caused the Kattanara tank to be built, and a temple to be made.
And that it might be carried on, made a grant o f land (specified). Usual final phrases.
S h ik a rp ilr T a lu q ,
Date 1017 A Z ?;
Be it well. When, (with usual Chalukya titles), [Tribhuvaaamalla]-t)§va’s kingdom, extending
afl far as the four oceauj?, was continuing
Ba it w*ll. Eutit’e l t> the five big drams, ths maba-mandleivara, boon lord of Banav3.si-pura,
"(with var’. ou! epitile's, includin ') the sole hma in the wurld (jagaiSha-vlm), a Mari to theTivuJas,
Sattiga’ s /a.'/cf,— Ijr’va-bedanga-Deva’ s son Kundamarasa’ s agent for works o f merit and ? son Kheta-
aaalla and others having built for the Brahmans o f agruhSira Saliyur the pond o f that place, (on the
date specified), at the time o f the moon’s eclipse, made a grant o f Kannasoge to the Brahmans.
Maka-raja, gairda-Bhairava, will protect this.. Usual final verses..

Date ? about 900 A.t>.
Giving money to the Brahmans o f Saliyur and purchasing land,-^Chandiyarasa granted it for the
god, to provide one perpetual lamp and a daily offering. His sons Ranayyn and Chittayya will carry
this out. Usual final vers©s.


Date 1012 A.D.

Be it well. When, (with usual Chalukya titles), Tribhuvauanialla-Deva's victorious kingdom
was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars i—rand, Iriva-bedanga-Deva’s
son Kundainarasa was ruling the Banavasi Twelve Thousand, and the Sautalige Thousand in peace
and wisdom ;— (on the date specified), of tlie thousand Brahmans (wiih usual ascetic virtues and
leaniiig) of agrahara Saliyur, Todaka Kesavayya and his wiie Marabbe being' disposed to perform
a work <f merit, purchase.l land (specified) and granted it for the go I Chandesvara.
While this work of merit was co.itinuing, Kesimayya having died, and his son Kappimayya
was carrying it on,— being unable to raise water to that ric-e-land, so that it bore no crop,— the work
o f merit being in danger of being ruined, and— according to the suit in the BJidrata, in which the well
belonged t i oae man, the pot to another, and the rope to another,—rbeing without ability to do any­
thing, he sent for Madimayya, the husband of his elder daughter Jannabbe, who expended what
money was necessary and restored the work o f merit. Usual final verses.

Date 1420 A.D.
Praise of S’ambhu. Be it well. (On the date specified), .nt the time o f the eclipse of the sun,—
when the rajadhiraja raja-paramesvara vira-pratapa Deva-Raya-maharaya was in the residence of

Vidyfinagari belonging to Anegondi-durgga, which is Hampe Hastiuavati, on the throne o f the great-
royal city, protecting all kingdoms and ruling by his own righ t;—
A dweller at his lotus feet, Bachana-Voder’s younger brother, the great minister Mallappoder
was ? governing Gutti-durgga ; — by order o f the sovereign, he granted to Tirumala-gauda o f Muguli-
kere belonging to Malenaha)li chavadi, in Yadavatta-nad of the Chandragutti-venthe belonging to the
Banavase Twelve Thousand, a ^asana as follows -Here follow details of the village, which is made
over with an injunction to pay the rent punctually to the palace without any default. Usual final verse.
MaTarasa-Odjyar’s writing; (.sfytted)—Virupaksha.
S H k a r p u r T a lu q . 149
Date ? 1432 A.V.

(Oa the date specified), the Chattanaha]li watchman,' Mafia’s {?soa) Bamma having caught a
? thief in Miiguiugeri, at the time of the sun's eclipse gained the world of gods.

Date 1141 A.D.
Be it well. In Jagaclekamalla-Deva’s .. year, the year Durmati, &c., Malleya, son of KSti-setti’s
(wife) Bagarabbe, of Madaviyakere in I ’elunga-nad, when Sovimayya o f Mngulageri-maradi......... .
............all the subjects made a grant for him. Verse praising his bravery and saying that during the
eclipse o f the sun he gained the world of gods. Obeisance to the sun.

■The sculptor Ramoja’s work.

Date 1077 A.D.
The first part is much effaced. Apparently contains an account of the descent and virtues o f
Mechi-Setti and Dorakabbe.
Thus when, possessed o f ali good qualities, Mechi-Setti and the sliarer in his joys, equal to a
.second Lakshmi, Dorakabbe, with Mariyase Dasi-Setti were in the royal city Bajjigave in tho enjoy­
ment o f their desires, in peace and wisdom ;— from hearing a discourse on merit, having conceived the
desire to perform a work o f merit, —for the offerings to the god Mallikaijjuna which they had set up in
Mariyase, for the worship and food of the ascetics,— Mecbi-Se^ti and €havaraja, making petition to
Nolamba-Deva in the residence of Tanagundur, and having obtained his favour,— made to— With
praises of their ascelio virtues and learning, llie chief of the KalS,mukhas o f the S'akti-parshe of the
Bhujangavali of the Ittige-santali, Trilocbana-paJidita-deva’s chief disciple VareSvara*pandita-deva»
(on the date specified), in the presence o f the god, Brahmans and the guru, a grant of land (specified).
Usual final verses.
Date 1080 A.D.

Om. Obeisance to S'iva. Praise of S’ambhu. Obeisance to Ganapati.

B e it well. When, (with usual Chajukya titles) Tribhuvanamalla-Deva’s victorious kingdom was
extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars;—
And the Yuva-rSja Chalukya-Pallava-Permmanadi Vira-Nojamba Jayasimha-Deva was ruling
the Banavase Twelve Thousand, the Santalige Thousand and the two Six Hundreds (on the date
specified), at the time of eclipse of the sun, at the hands of, with the usual ascetic virtues, the chief o f
the thousand Brahmans of the agrahara Bhattara-Posavur,— with praises o f their ascetic virtues and
learning, the chief o f the Brahmans of agrahara Isavura, Macjada-Naiiimayya’s son Divakara-sar-
vvatithya, having purchased land (specified) in Hosavur, granted it for a salra. Usual final verses.
The Mudravana perggade Govinda-raja’s younger brother Komma-raja, the servant of writers,
an earring for Bharati, (? wrote it).

The’ frontal ornament o f sculptors, a bee at the lotus feet of the Sarasvati-gapa, worshipper o f
the feet o f Jina^ Padmoja’s sculptured work.
May this iasana-dharrama endure as long as sun and moon.
160 S h ik a rp u r T a lu q .
Date 1108 A.D.
Praise o f S'ambhu. Obeisance to Gaijapati and to Sarasvatt
Be it well. When, (with usual Chalukya titles), Tribhuvanamalla-Deva’ s victorious kingdom
was extending on all sides, to contiune as long as sun moon and stars ;—

And, a dweller at his lotus feet, entitled to the five big drums, mahS.-samantadhipati, the great
minister, dandanayaka Govindarasa was ruling the Banavase Twelve Thousand and the vad4a-rdvula
in peace and wisdom ;— (On the date specified) tC the thousand Brahmans o f Bhattara-Posavur (with
praises of their ascetic virtues and learning), the glory o f the Vaisya-kula, Raja-vallubha-Setti’s son
samanta- Manika-Setti, washing their feet, made for a satra a grant o f land (specified) from the
produce o f which to feed 1200 at the five parvva seasons, together with bali. Usual final verses.
Perggade Komma-raja’s writing. Baboja’s work.

Date 1074 A.D.
Be it well. When, (with usual Chalukya titles), Bhuvaiiaikamalla-Deva’s victorious kingdom
was extending on all sides, to contiune as long as sun moon and stars :—

And, a dweller at his lotus feet,— Be it well. Entitled to the five big drums, mah§.-samantadhi-
pati, the great minister, dandanayaka, chief over the property of the court, (with other epithets),
the great senior minister for peace and war, the mane-verggade-dandanayaka Udeyaditya was acting
as king over the Banavase Twelve Thousand, and the Santalige Thousand, with the enjoyment o f four
villages -by order of the senior queen Ma .. de, (on the date specified), to provide sandal, incense
and offerings for the Mulasthana god Rameivara o f the agrahara Bhattara-Posavhr, he granted the
money for tnarriage-pandals of the Elpatfc-okkal (or seventy families) and the money for looking-
glasses o f dancing girls, to continue as long as sun and moon. Usual final verses.

Two kula o f rice, one mana o f ghi, fifty areca nuts and one hundred betel leaves will be given
to the god Ramesvara.

Date 1065 A.D.
Be it well. When, (with usujil Ch&lukya titles), Trailokyamalla-Deva’ s victoi'ious kingdom was
extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars (on the date specified),purchas­
ing land (specified) from (with praises o f their ascetic virtues and learning) the thousand Brahmans of
Hosavur, Jakka-Setti,— son o f Attiyarakola Tapara-Nagayya and Jogabbe, a servant o f the god Malli-
karjjuna,— and his wife Chattabbe, made a grant o f it for the offerings of the god Mfilasthfi-na-Ramei-
vara. Usual final verses.
Bhuvoia’ s son Bana ........................

Date 1080 A.D,

Praise o f S'ambhu. Be it well. When, (with usual Ghajukya titles), Tribhuvanamalla-DSva’s
Tictorious kingdom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars:—

His younger brother, an abode o f modesty, Vikrama-Nolamba ; a cherished companion o f Vikra-

maditya-Deva’s heart; a beloved younger brother who, having won over the Chalukya king RSma, had
S liik a rp u r T aliiq. 151

mounted up and gained his affection ; the fascinating flower-arrow o f the god o f love the king
what more can be said in his praise ? Pahale is still smokiiig ■, L ila is still tryipg to enter the forest
o f the Hima mountain ; without stopping, Tivn|a is still trying to run south from Lanke ; Konkana
still thinking he will be angry is filled with anxiety ;— how mighty is Nolamba, the terror o f the
group o f his enemies.

Thus considered,praised in all the earth, of the world-renowned Pallavauvaya, favourite o f earth
and fortune, the Yuva-raja raja-paramesvara, an heroic Maliesvara, an ornament of victory, beloved
o f the Lakshml o f victory, a jewel o f protection to refugees, the Ch&iakya crest-jewel, in war a Tri-
netra, a purifier o f the Kshatriyas, to lusty elephants an Anga-raja, by nature the god o f love, plund­
erer o f the camps of hostile kings, his elder brother’ s warrior, was Trailokyamalla Vira-Nojamba
Pallava-Permmanadi Jayasingha-Deva. When, making the evil to tremble, he was ruling happily all
the land as far as the southern ocean, within Puligere, Ke V Reppu*male, Kasavajam, Banavase-
nad and Belvala, and with great firmness securely holding the Yuva-raja Lakshmi, was at peace,—
the great king Vira-No}am ba;—

Devoted to the service of his lotus feet, of unblemished character, master over powerful hostile
kings, master o f the wealth o f dandadhipas, carrier out of his master’ s affairs,— was Bala-Deva.
Jinanatha bis lord and god ; his master, the king o f all the earth Shigi-Deva ; the Celebrated M^aka-
nandi-bratipati his guru ; his mother Santiyakka ; his son, Labshma ; his wife, Mallika ;— who was
so fortunate as the chief dandanatha Bala-DSva. Verses in his praise.

When, having attained such greatness, entitled to the five big drains, the mah§,*Bamantadhipati,
maha-prachanda-daiidanayaka, (with other epithets, including) obtainer o f a boon from the goddess
Padmavati, an earring for Sarasvatt, worshipper of the feet o f Trailokyamalla Vlra-Nolamba Pallava-
Permmanadi Jayasimha-Deva, carrier out of his master’s affairs with these and all other titles, the
great minister, dandanayaka-Bala-Devayya was ruling and in the enjoyment o f the Banavase Twelve
Thousand, the Eighteen agraharas, and the customs of , in the royal city Bajlipura];— (on the
date specified), at the time o f the eclipse of the sun, on the petition o f ............... in the residence o f
the Pannale fort, and the statement of all the m in isters,.......................... . remitted for the work o f
merit in . . . . katta o f the agrahara T u rn ........... in the Edevatte Seventy of the Twelve Thousand
•bampana, the vadda-rdmla, perjjmJca and two lilloode ... .on all the produce of four lakhs o f areca-
nut. Usual final verses,

Bate 1089 A.B.
(On the date specified), when there was a tight about the boundary o f Hosavur and Jambfir,—

Mala, the watchman o f Isavur, hearing o f it, came and asking permission from the thousand o f Posa-
vfth, attacked a great crowd, slew many and gained the world of gods. For him, the thousand
•of Hosavur showing favour made a grant o f lands (specified), to continue as long as sun moon and
Natoja’s son Kadoja made this stone.

Bate ? 1180 A,B.
Be it well. When the Kalachuryya bhujabala-chakravartti Raya-Ndraya^ia N i .............. . : —
(On the date specified), the immemorial agrahara Jambur.......................when . . . . tya-Deva’s son
Pandya-Devarasa placed a force in Uddare, and entering the town, carried off the dancing girl Ude-
152 S h ik a rp u r T a lu q .
yabba and the cows,— Kariiuara Liloja’s (son) Lopaloja, heaving of the opportunity, shouting and
falling upon h i m ,...................... . .. recovered the cows, along with the others, and gained the world
o f gods.
Bate i m A.D.
Obeisance to GanMhipati and to the gurus.
When, with all titles, vira-EIarihara-Raya was ruling the kingdom o f the world :— Buja-gauda^
son o f Bola-gauda o f Sanda, the chief place o f Nelvalige-nad in the Eighteen kainpana o f Araga, ..
.. (on the date specified), went to svirgga. His wife ? Tyaya performed [saMgiumnal.

Date7 about liO l AM.
Jakka-gauda’s son NS.gappa went to smrgga. His wife Tangi-gaudi performed sahdgamam.
Date m e A.D.
Be it well. (On the date specified), when Jayasingha-Vallablia was ruling the kingdom o f the
world :— and Kunda-Raja was protecting the Banavasi-nad ; — Chanda’s servant son, Karnmara Bar-
mma, [ ? released] the women and died ; making good the text,— By those two (classes of) men only ia
the disk o f the sun burst through ; the sanayasi absorbed in yoga, and he who dies facing the foe in
battle. Kattakarjja’s stone work. Barmma's son Cliikka set up tin sto.'ie. Maramayya’s writing.
Date 1089 A.D.
Praise o f S'ambhu. Be it well. Whoa the Ghalukya-pratapa-chakravartti Jagadekamalla-
Deva’s victorious kingdom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars
And, a dweller at his lotus feet, the maha*prachai.rda-daadanayaka . . . . Raja was, protecting
the B,anavase Twelve Thousand to the 32000 of Sanda, (with usual ascetic virtues), Isvara-jiya’s ,
son Du . . . (on the date specified), performing the worship of their feet, purchased land (specified)
and granted it for the offerings to the god Ka .. .. Usual final verses,

Dak about 1100 A.D.

Praise o f the Jina sasana. Be it well. When, (with usual Chalukya titles), Tribhuvanamalla*
Deva’s victorious kingdom was extending on all sides, to cofttome as long as sun lUOon and stars : —
And, a dweller at his lotus feet,— Be it well. Entitled to the five big drums, the raaha-saman-
tadhipati, maha-prachauda-dandanayaka, (with other epithets), his father’s lieu,— with these and
all titles, t h e ........... verggade, the mane-vergg.ide-dandanayaka AnantapMayya, having received
the Gajagauda Six Hundred, the Banavase Twelve Thousand, and the aoliGhhrt.panndga o f the '
Seven-and-a-half Lakh (country), was ruling them in peace and wisdom ; —
A dweller at his lotus feet, when (with various epithets, including) the rana-ranga-Bbairava,
enjoyer o f tiie Lakshmi of the high authority favoured by Anantapala,— Govindarasa was protecting
the Banaviise Twelve Thousand and the Melpatte va^^a-rdvula in peace and wisdom His son
(with praises) Was Soma or Sovarasa, whose wife was S6m§,mbika, and they had two daughters,
VirambUca and Dd lya nbika. Thes? t vo caused a Jina temple to be erected.
S b ik a rp u r T a lu q .
Praises o f the valour o f Amba Jiiju-kuinaraf also called Kumara Gajakesari. His son-in-law,
. . . . (The inscription is much defaced, and who Jftju was or what connection he has with the subject
o f the inscription is not clear). '
Dafe 1287 A,I).

Obeisance to the gurus. Praise of S'ambhu and o f the Boar.

There were the Chalukya kings Sahakara and others formerly. In that line were Jinadatta,
Vira-S'SiUtarasa and others ; whose royal genealogy is as follows;— A glory to the Chafukya-kula,
(with praises), was the king Ch6}ama. Brave and generous was the king Bira, through whose union
with the lady his kingdom she became eminent. His son was Brahma. Bommarasa’s son was
Tammarasa, whose titles were as follows :—

Be it well. When the raab§,-maudale4vara, a saw to those called kings, in form NS,rayana, fond
o f pleasure, in riding the most vicious horses a Rekha Revanta, a Yama to foreign armies, shears to
the throat o f hostile chiefs, Uprooter of the wicked when caught, breaker of the pride o f the J^S^la
king, destroyer o f the Kadamba king, hunter o f the Konkani king, setter up of the Tula king,
a n ocean o f truth, a cage o f adamant to refugees, master o f the western ocean, boon lord of Patti-r
Pombucha-pura, worshipper o f the divine lotus feet o f the god Billesvara,— Tammarasa was in Hpsa-
gunda,. the chief jewel o f the Santajige kingdom, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom:—

A dweller at his lotns feet, was S6ma or Somaiya-Nayaka, whose titles were as follow s:— Be i t ,
well. The great minister, master over jeventy-two officials, in business a Ydgandhara, to his attend­
ants a tree o f paradise, establisher o f chiefs, victorious warrior, Karahatta-malla, a cage pf ada­
mant to refugees, a moon in raising the waters o f the ocean the S'iva-samaya, the Virabhadra o f
the Kali-yuga, an incarnation o f the Mdhe§vara-gana, champion over traitors to his lord, worshipper
o f the lotus feet of S'ivarasi-dSva, obtainer o f a boon from Mallinatha,— to the chief minister, Somaiyya-
Nayaka, on his having the Kaliya-gatta of Sanda built,— (with praise of their ascetic virtues and learn­
ing) all the Brahmans o f Sandilya, agreeing among themselves, gave to it the name of Somanatha-
gattA And in the presence o f the Brahmans o f the immemorial agrahara Tumbegana Hosaut, Ede-
vojalu, Sal&r, Bannivffr, Birogunji, and KotturahaUi, o f all the Brahmans o f the 96 villages, all the >
chiefs o f Nelnvali-nad, Bayiche-gauda o f PunyadahaUi, and the maha-mapdaleivara Tammarasa,— in ^
the presence o f all these, (on the date specified), all the Brahmans o f Agunda inade to Someya-Nayaka ^
a grant o f various lands (specified) and a house. Whatever trouble arises about these, those Brah--
mans and the farmers and chiefs o f Neluvalige will dispose o f it. Usual final verses.
Great good fortune to those who caused it to be written and those who wrote it.
Grant of an wmbaZi (specified) to Bayiche-gaufia.

^ Date 1390 A.1).
Praise of S'aiubhu. Be it well. At the time when, (with usual titles o f the ChSlukyas), thp- ^
glory o f the Bukka-RAya-kula, worshipper of the lotus feet o f the god ViiApAksha,— Harihara-Raya
was ruling a peaceful kingdom ;— And the great minister Mallapp-Odeyar wss carrying on the Araga
k in g d om ;—

Be it w ell., (On the date specified), at the eclipse o f the sun, for the god M ayilka of Neluvagil
in Neluvalige-nAd, Neluvfigil Tippa-NSyaka granted land yielding 4 honnu. And both (sects o f) Nana
Delsas and th ose o f the 56 countries granted the manya on 54 looms and 1 oil-mill, and the haSilce ot-
the place. Usual final phrases.
im S h ik a rp u r T a lu q .

Date 1198 A.D.
(The inscription is too much defaced to make out any continuous meaning). It first mentions-
king Bijjaua, and than vira-Ball§.la-Deva. While the latter was ruling, a dweller at his lotus feet,
.......... had a son, to whom Hara gave a n a m e ,........... and he acquired the doininion o f the world.

Entitled to the five big drums, the mahfi-maudalelvara, boon lord o f Karahata-pura, obtainer o f
a boon horn the goddess Majachi, . . . . having a blue flag, and the sounds maUali and turyya,
o f the Phautraja-vamsa, having the crest of a tiger and a deer (uj/djfhm-mr^a-Iailchhana), Sindara-Devaf-,
worshipper of the feet of Nidugoi S'ankara, was ruling the kingdom. With him was Kali-bhatta’s son
...........and in his line were ? MallalipMa, whose younger brother was Harasam, his son was .,
"whose son was ............................................... the kingdom being united in one under him, he was
considered the resting place for the Lakshml of the Banav&si country.

. A dweller at his lotus feet, was the matchless miuister for peace and war, ... . > . . . . , . -, w hose..
sons were S'anta...........Praise of S'antiyanna or the minister for peace and war, S'anta, To him and-
his wife . . . . was bom icha. Praise o f the minister for peswjo and war, Ichi-raja. To Malli-d§Ta
and Sita-devi was born Bh&skara, whose son was Malla. Ichbr^ja’s wife was Sdviyakka.

Malli-deva, for the eight manner of ceremonies o f the god livareivara which he had made in
Gaggana Hesavfir belonging to his gavud^^ and for the temple repairs, (ou the date specified)i
made grants o f land (specified), and certain dues. Usual final verses.

Date 1117 i .D .
Praise of S'iva. Be it well. When, (with usual Chalukya titles), Trijihuvanamalla-Deva’ s
victorious kingdom was.extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars:—
And,.—Be it well. With all titles, th e , great minister, the ^thllanfiyaku - Qoxindarasa was
ruling the Banavase Twelve Thousand in peace;— And in the Edevatta Seventy o f that karopana,—
Be it well. Entitled to the five; big drums, the maha-maudalika, (with other titles as in No. 315
above, including) boon lord o f Karaha^a-pura, obtainer o f a boon from the goddess Majachi, haying,
ahlue fiag,.and the sounds pf the mallali &
n.dLtu,ryya, thp sun, o f thp JPhauicaja-vamla, haying ^
the crest of a tiger and deer \vydg1wa-'mriga4mchham'\y—'i\xQ mahA-mandalika Chattarasa was
ruling in peace ;—
The prabhu o f HebbAla, the heggade Galiinayya’ s sou Sarvvanya-Setti,. for repairs o f the ., . .
temple he had made, for new ceremonies and special services, for food and cloths for the [ascetics]
and students,— (on the date specified), during the moon^s eclipse,— washing the feet o f (with usual
ascetic virtues and other praises). Rudra^akti-paudita, disciple of KriyAAakti-pau^ita, promoter o f
the Kalamukha-sameya,of the S'akti-paridhi o f the Parvvatavaji, and A .. ka-^santati,—-made a grant
o f land (specified). Usual final verses.


Date about 1205 A.D.

Echana caused a Jiualaya to be made such that no town anywhere in Bejagavatti-nad had the
like, and thus made Belagavatti-nad equal to Kopana. Praise o f the minister ^ohaua’a Wife
ShilarpUr Taluq. 196

Date. 1207 A,D.
(The first part is gone, and much o f the inscription is effaced).

Praises of Echa and his wife Somala-Devi. Praise o f the line o f their gurus— the only name
remaining being Chandraprabhach4ryya,

The maha-mapdalesvara Malli-Devarasa’s minister for peace and war Echa’s wife Sovala*
D evi, on the death o f her younger brother Icha, erected a b a s a d i a p d , for the eight kinds o f
, ceremonies of the god S ’^ntin&tha, and temple repairs, (on the date specified),' at the moon’s eclipse,
made a grant o f land (specified).

Date (Aout 1201 A.D.
(The first part is gonCj and much o f the inscription is effaced).

A grant o f land by Virupayya. A grant o f various kinds o f grain (specified) by S6vala-D6vi,

and the gift o f a virgin,— made with washing the feet o f Vasupfijya-deva. This work o f merit Ndga*
gauda will protect as the light of his eye. -Usual final verse.

Date 935 A,D.
Be it well (On the date specified),— Be it well. (With various ephithets), the great minister
perggade Puliyyamma causing the tank of Tiuagunda to be built,— for the offerings to the god and
the perpetual lamp made grants o f land (specified); and making it over to the town, left the grant
fo r the town and the tank, with directions for a certain payment to be made every year for................
Date 1046 A.D.
................ obeisance to DurggS,.
Be it well. W hen, (w ith usual Chajukya titles), Trailokyamalla-Deva’s victorious kingdom was
extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars

And, a dweller at his lotus feet,— Be it well. Entitled to the five big drums, maha-maudallS-
vara, (with various ephithets, including) guardian of Kollip^se, the door o f the South,— with these
and all titles, the maha-mandalMvara Singanna-Devarasa, protecting the Esukodu Seventy, E e la ..
. . . . the Bauavase Twelve Thousand and Santajige Thousand, was ruling a kingdom as far as to the
W estern Ocean, in peace and wisdom (on the date specified), he repaired the temple of the goddess
Bhagavatt Balliyabbe, set up near Balligave, and made for it grants o f land (specified), and gave 18
houses for the para o f the goddess. And for tlie bathing and offerings of the goddess, for the food
o f the priests and temple repairs,— washing the feet of (with usual ascetic virtues) the priest o f the
place Lakshmanesvara-S'iva-pandita,— ^granted a tdla-vriUi (specified). Boundaries. Usual final verses,

Date 1632 A.D.
CArabic and Persian cbaratUrs.J

In the name o f God, the merciful and gracious.

There is no God but God, and Muhammad is the prophet of God.

15S S h ik arp u r T a lu q .
Help from God and victory is near. Give the good news to the faithful that God is the best
protector, and He the most merciful.

This fort (is) a sign o f victory in the reign o f the Defender o f the Faith, with the power of the
Khilafat and justice,—-Sultan Muhammad Adil Shah, son o f Ibrahim Adil Shah. May God preserve
his kingdom for ever.

Written by Muhammad Khan, son of Raja Farid, chief of the royal grandees,— by the favour
of God and by the royal power.— As an attempt to repel the wicked infidels and to establish the aus­
picious Islam, the foundation was laid of the victory-indicating fort in the year 1042- From this
cause his service was accepted, and his wish for the (establishment of) the royal power and his
loyalty made manifest. Completed in the year 1045 o f the Hijra.

Bate 1863 A.B.

(Katinado. cfiaracters.J

This stone was over the south gate of the fort on the hill. In the S'aka year 1785, the year
Rudhirodgari, &c., it is placed here over the sluice. The English Government, expending money, built
the lower sluice anew in the year 1863 A.D,

uj' ^
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Bate 1055 A.D.

............... Be it well. When the shjlrer in a thousand pleasures of unceasing supreme good
'fortune, equal to a second Lakshmi, an ornament to the face of all the female apartments, breaker
o f the pride of co-wives, a cow of plenty to dependents, reposing on the broad chest of Trailokya-
malla-ItSva,— the senior‘queen Hoysala-Devi was in the residence o f Kal/ana, ruling the kingdom
in peace and w i s d o m f o r the Mallikelvara-tirttha which Macha-Gavunda of Onnali had made on
the bank o f the Tungabhadra in the Bajiavi Seventy o f the Banavase Twelve Thousand kampana,
. (on the date specified) she made a grant of land (specified), and 4 bullock oil-mills. Usual final
Bate 1064 A.D.
Be it well. (On the date specified), when the Edatore Permmadi Pariyapa penetrated to
■OnnaU and harried the cows,— Karggare Ira-Macha-gavunda’ s younger brother Soma-gavunda, chasing
■the cows away, gained the world o f gods.
Date 1064 A.D.
On the same occasion as in No. 2 above,— the Yadevur-odeya Nagila Muddayya’s son Ketanna,
seeing it, without turning back, winning the caws, gained the world of gods.

Date 1064 A.B.

On the same occasion as above,— when the Edatore PermmMi Pariyapa penetrated to
-Onnali, seized the cows and unloosed the waists o f the women, seeing it, Nagila MIlayya o f the . . . .
family, stopping the cows, gained the world of gods.

Date 7about llGO A.B.

For the achkyya Balachandra-d^va of the §rl-Mula-sangha, Ka^fir-gapa and ? Meshapash&na-
:gachchba,—the herggade Jakkayya and his wife Jakkavve, caused a chaityalaya to be rnade in
, Didugfir, and setting up the god SupdrSva, made grants of land (specified) for the god and for gifts
o f food to the rishis.

Date 1390 A.D.

Praise of S ’ambhu. When the maha-man^aleSvara, maharajMhiraja raja-paramelvara, master
o f the four oceans, champion over the three kings, vira-Harihara-Raya was in Vijayaiiagari, ruling
a secure k i n g d o m ( o n the date specified), in order that merit might accrue to Harihara-fidya, a
greAt number o f gau^as and others (named) raadsi a-grant of Aukaraniagonte in their Anaveri-na^
158 H on n a li T alu q.

for the perpetual lamp and offei'ings of the god R lm eivafa of Kuruva, and Alur with its four
boundaries for a pum vargga for the god, erecting a pillar at the Auvakkanagundi temple near the
Tiiagabhadra to the west; and placing stones marke.1 with the linga at the boundaries, gave it the
name o f Ramapura after the god Rame^yara.

That pura is freed from customs duties, anupu, taravdli and all other imposts. No one whatever
is allowed to go there. Usual final verses.

Date 1204 A.D.

Praise o f S'arabhu. May he who is composed o f the eight elements (named), Ramanatha, protect
you as long as sun moon and earth endure. May Kuruva Ramanatha (with various praises) ever
preserve the company o f faithful worshippers.
Be it well. When, (with usual titles),— (on the date specified),— Hoysaria vira-BallaJa-DSva’s
victorious kingdom was extending an all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars : —A sun to
the darkness the Ch6)a king, the king of birds to the extended serpent Kajinga, a powerful thunder­
bolt to the mountain the NepMa king, a fierce lion to the rutting rbgue-elephant the Andhra king, a
wild-fire to the forest the mighty Malava, like a moon to the Chalukya lotus,— was vira-Balla}a-
Deva considered.
A dweller at his lotus feet, a saw for those called kings, a god in battle, obtainer o f the favour o f
Malati, Isvara-mandale.^vara’3 sou, a mine of wealth for others, was Malli-Deva, a god among the brave.

A dweller at his lotus feet,— Be it well. When, entitled to the five big drums, crest-jewel o f
great feudatories, plunderer o f everything o f which fierce feudatories are proud, hunter of elephants,
an elephant-goad to hostile feudatories, a lion in splitting the skulls of the rutting elephants his
enemies, born in a good and exalted family, ever a protector of dlvoria.'wr,, obtainer o f a boon from (the''
god) Ramanatha,— Savanta-BCivayya was protecting works of m erit; — 0 .i its coming in bewilderment
to the forest and sporting on tho hill, by the power of his arm he captured a great rutting elephant
for the Chajukya emperor, who in return for his ready aid gave him the name of Savanta as an
elephani-goad, and thus he became kuown in his family as Savanta-Buva. When it Is said that he
subdued with the elephant-goad his sharp sword the herd of fierce elephants his enemies in the hill
of a foriuidable advancing army, and bound them with ease to the elephant-post of victory,— wha
could stand in battle before Samaata-Buva ? His younger brother was Samanta-Rama, a Bhima
in war. Whose son was Rayamalla, an unequalled wrestler {maUa).
Praise o f the Bwi-Setti, And the descent of the aoharyya of the temple th e re ;—
Worshipper of the tw> lotus feet of Ram i reverenced by the king of the gels, Kali-deva his father,
A - ^

Ekabuchi his mother, Singajaya his younger brother,— bow fortunate was Machayya. His younger
brother, with praise of his learning and penance, was Padm a% a. _
'And the lands belonging to the g o l Ramesvara of Mora-Guruva whose feet were worshipped by'
this acharyya were as follow s:—The maha-mandalesvara .. .. anasa-Oava and savanta-Buva being
present, they granted land (specified), which Rama-Setti had pirted with to Samanta-Biiva, for the
y'offerin gs and perpetual lamp of the god Ramanatha. And, with the usual ascetic virtues (named)*
all the Brahmans of the immemorial agrahara Nelavatti made a grant for the god of 30 poles o f
lice-land according to the Gahga pole, and a site for a house.
A great number of other grants for t h s ' g el follow ; aueng these it is stated that Sanba-ga*
Yuijda o f Ayyanur sat up a Nandi near the goddess ; that Ballaja-Deva’s Savipa-hegga^e m a d e a

Vha e^mposiiioa of thie ani the following inscriptians of tha same placate very irrejnlar.
HonnMi Taluq. 159

grant while ruling Ga&ga-na^ ; that Devarasa of Belagavatti Mafichi-Deva’ s kejjunlca, I’epaired the
temple o f Ramesvara ; that savanta .. ■. having set up the god Raye^vara in Chikka Begur in the
name o f his father Raya-deva, made a grant for that god and the god Sangatneivara o f Kuruva ;
that PadmaSiva-deva repaired the temple of Mallikarjjuna. Here follow usual final verses.
Then the elephant-couriers (Mrikdri^) made a grant.
Be it well. Devarasa and others (named) of the customs of Belagavatti, ruling the customs of
Edavatte and Ballave nads, (in the same year) remitted the customs duties of the god’ s .pura.
And the nal-prabhii aud all the gaujas (a number named) showed the tirtha of the god Rama^
natha to Hoysai^a vira-Ballala-Deva, and obtained from him an order that the god’s land ejctended
to the river for the pura ; and release of the brass-tax, custo as daes, ko.jivim, oil-mill tax, tax
on manure pits, for Hiri-BIgur, the neighbouring place of the god Gavarelvara. The lands granted
for the gods Ramanatha and GavajeSvara of Iliri-Begur were as follows t— (here come the details).

Dat6 1228 A.D.
Praise of S'ambhu. When, (with usual titles), the establisher of the Ch61a kingdom, the
bhnjabala-chakravartti floysana vira-Narasirpha-Deva’s victorious kingdom was extending on all
sides, to continue as long as sun nioon and stars ;--(O n the datj specified), for the daily offerings
and perpetual lamp of the god Ramanatha o f Moja-Guruva, he made a grant. May the Bhava who
wears the young moon on the top of his matted hair, EamSsvara o f Kuruva, grant to Padma^iva
without delay his desires.
Details of land granted by hsggade Haribuiya and others (named).

The equal of Draupadi or Site, Dharapi-boyiti, spreading reed-grass on the ground and plaiting
it together, obtained a mora (or winnowing basket)' in the middle o f the Tungabhadra. Thus, in
the shed which was Matahga-rishi’s Mrama^ the Bova named Vanaraja-Rama and Dhararii-b6yiti>
making a pandal with resd-grass, dwelt there for some time with devotion to S'iva, in complete satis­
faction. When the period for the Tungabhadra, which is born from Brahma's halasa, to come in the
northern channel, and the nine months (for the, woman), had expired, and it was the time for her
delivery, they saw the Tufigabhadra coming down overflowing its banks ; on which they placed that
mo,ra in the middle, and seeing a devoted wife had borne a child, the Tungabhadra divided and
flowed on.

Beholding the southern Varandsi, the holy kslietra o f the god Ramanatha, formed from this
cause, and being satisfied, the kings t^vara-Deva, Mada-Deva and Malli-Deva o f the Sinda-kula, and
various savantas (named) o f Chikka-Begfir and Basfir,.the places o f the chief elephant-couriers o f
their sthala-vrilti, made grants of land in Chikka-Begiir for the god. And the rnal-prabhus (named)
made grants for providing oTjrings (specified) at the various seasonal festivals. Also for the
gardener of the god’s flower garden, the pujari, the beater of the cymbals, blower of the conch, fo r
food and cloths for devotees residing there for bathing, and for temple repairs and annual white
washing. Benedictions and imprecations.

Be it well. With a long string of epithets, the Five hundred svamis, and a number o f othCiTS
(many named) including savantas, the 300 Billas o f the. Ninety-six Thousand, the boatmen^ the
Mvas, and the dlegolejas made a grant of the fallen areca-nuts in Bajle^ Kuruva and Begflr, and the
boatmen’ s tax in those places.

It is in the form « f a sho'el or scoop, but much widor.

160 H o n n ^ i T a lu q .
Dat& 1557 A.D.
Prais3 of 3'amblui. (Oa the date specified), wh^n («dth usual titles) vira-Sadailiva-Ilaya was in
Vidyanagari, ruling a secure empire in peace and wisdom for the god Ramesrara o f Kurnva in the
middle of the Tungabhadra, in the Honnali-sitne o f Bale-nad belonging to this Hattana-vente,— some
person whose name is effaced, granted 4 villages (named) ^hich had been formerly given for talav&-
abolishing the talavirike,— for the god Rame^vara o f Kuruva in the Honna}i-sime which had
been given to Keladi Sadasiva-Raya-Nayaka as an amara-magani. Usual final verses.

The engraver o f this Sasana w a s ........... .. ..

Dale nil A.D.
Praise of S'ambhu. The terrifier o f ail the Daily as, having serpents for his ornaments, un­
numbered gods worshipping and serving him,— may Sankara protect you.
Be it well When, (with usual Chalukya titles), Tribhuvanamalla-Deva’ s victorious kingdom
was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :—
And, a dweller at his lotus feet, entitled to the five big drums, ■mah^-sS.mauta, (with various
epithets), a lion to the wild elephants samantas,— Nagayya-Nayaka was in the . . . . o f the Mandali
Thousand in peace and wisdom ; —(on the date specified), with various epithets,. . . . . . . (rest effaced).

Date ? 128!) A.D.
Praise of S’ambhu. When, with all titles, Hoysana vira-Narasihga-Oevarasa was in Dora-
samudra, ruling a secure kingdom ; — And, the mah§,-mandale^vara, his father-in-law’s warrior, (with
other epithets). B r a . . . Dava’ s son Ganga-Perumlle-Deva having been to Dorasamudra and
[returned], was in the Hole-Hounur nad in p ea ce;— (on the date specified), having paid a visit to
the god Ramauatha o f Mo[ra-Ku£uva], he made a grant of land (specified) for it; Imprecation.


Date 1288 A.D.

In the Yadava-Narayana, the bhujabala-praudha-chakravartti Ramachandra’s reign, the year
Sarbbadhari &o.,— the worshipper o f the divine lotus feet of the god Ram anatha,. . yi-D ova’s son
Komme-Nayaka made a grant o f land (specided) in Bnllere o f Edavatta, for the god, to the temple
priest Bayicharasa-deva.l

Date 870 A.D.
When t h e ...........vallabha, maharSjadhiraja paramelvara, .. •. rasa Marasatya was ruling the
kingdom o f the world.— And Indra was ruling the Banav§,si Twelve Thousand;— (on the date speci­
fied), B i . ha}a-gO)nda o f Madiur. .. died among the cows, and ascended to sargga. Grants o f land
(specified) made for him.

Such is the apparent purport of the inscription, but it is very irregular.

H on n a li Taluq. 161
Date 1076 A.D.
•Praise of S'ambliu. Be it well. When, (with usual Chajukya titles), TribhuYanamalla-DeTa’s
victorious kingdom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :—
A nd,—Be it well. When Satyavakya Kongiinivarmma dharmina-mahar§jS,dhiraja, boon lord o f
Kojala-pura, lord of .Nandagiri, having the crest of a rutting elephant, obtainer o f a boon from Padma-
yati, fragrant as musk, nanniya-Gange, jayad-uttaranga, RakkasarGanga,— srinjat Tribhuvanamalla
Ganga-Permmadi'Deva was ruling in peace and wisdom ; —
When, entitled to the five big drums, the maha-samanta, (with various other epithets), the
Chola ruby, his elder brother’s lion,— with these and all other titles, the maha*samanta Ottighatti-
yanna, (on the data specified),! was ruling in peace the (jotmindhke^ with enjoyment for one generation,
in Kotepura belonging to the Cbilurubal}e Thirty o f the Mandali Thousand karapana;— to Padma§iva-
deva the priest o f Kurnva, who had repaired with stone work the Siva temple in which the god
Ndgesvara was set up, the savanta Ramayya, washing his feet, made a grant of land (specified), with
enjoyment for one generation, for the god. Also land for the dancing-girl, pdlayiga, and- the
singers, and for the man who brings Ml-patre leaves, and others. Usual final verses.

This sasana was written by senabova Naranayya.

The Kotehaja savanta Ramayya made over to Padmasiva-deva the Nagelvara temple. And as
he had carried out the stone work of the temple, and built a tank for the god,— seeing this work
o f merit, he with affection set up the god ? Ke.sava in his own name, and made for it grants of land
including those given by the previous §asana.

Date 1286 AZ>.
Obeisance to the gurus. Praise of S'ambhu.
The birth o f the Yadavn.vamsa was as follows To relieve the excessive burdens o f the world,
R&ma and Krishna were boro, on which that exalted family at once became the most honoured and
famous in the earth. The first o f those unequalled ones who acquired completely the lady earth was
Jayatugi-Deva2 ; whose son was the valiant Singhana. Quit, KIraJa, the pride of your kingdom ;
.Hammira, do not ruin yourself with valour; come at once, see the master, and quickly pay tribute,
you Kgnkana; Choja, instead o f coming with your force, . . . . . . thus do the heralds o f Kandara-
jDIva make proclamation. That Kandara-Beva’ s son, who made his own all the wealth o f his ene­
mies, became the king o f the lady Fortune aud loved the lady Earth, was the king Samachandra.

Be it well. The favourite o f earth and fortune, maharajadhiraja parameSvara parama-bhattara-

ka, boon lord of Dv3,ravatl-pura, a sun in causing to unfold the lotus the Y&dava-kula, a Trine-
tra to the pride of the Majava king, an elephant-goad to the Gurj jara king, establisher of the Telunga
king, a fierce hand on the bracelet o f the Lakshmi the Hoysana king’s empire, to hostile kings a
jagajhampa-Jcampandcharyya, the Yadava-Narayana, (was) the praudha-pratapa-chakravartti vira-
A dweller at his lotus feet, , was the great minister, raya-dandaii^tha, an elephant-goad to the
brave, S'l-idhara ; whose glory was as follows:— The DhaiA king Bhoja’s fame was hitherto alone,
now S'ridhara’s fame has become a companion to it. Of this ocean of many true aud perfect gems

The 1st year of the Chalukya-Vifcrama-kala, the year Nala.

sentence is much effaced, but the meaning seems to be as given.
1 62 HonnMi Taluq,
praised by all the learned, the Bhairava to his enemies, the regent elephant in bearing up the
kingdom of the Yadava king, a joy to the hearts o f women, a moon in raising the waters of the pure
fame of Mallikarjjuna-dandanatha, a mine of all literature, in skill Chaturmmukha, the friend o f
the learned, in the form of all arts, the elephant-goad' to his enemies, S'ridhara,— the son-in-law, . .
. . . . was the great minister, an elephant-goad to the brave,................dannS,yaka’s grandson, Lakumi-
Deva; whose glory was as follows :— (verses in his praise, much defaced).

Be it well. The favourite of earth and fortune, the maharajadhiraja Hoysana \ira-Ballala-Deva,
having set up a linga at Jalevalei on the western bank of the Tungabhaclra in the name o f his father
Narasiiiga-Deva, gave that place to Mallikarjjuna-guru, free from taxes, and so it was continuing. But
in course of time it had come to be taxed.

Afterwards,— Be it well. During the increase of the Yadava-Nar.ayana, the bhujabala-praudha-

pratapa-chakravartti vira-[Ramachandra’ s] victorious kingdom, (on the date specified), when the
great minister, the raya-dandanatha, elephant-goad to the bravo, Vithala-dannayaka'’s grandson,
Lakuma-Deva-dann&ynka was in Bajjapapattafia,^ ruling the kingdom in peace and wdsdom
{the inscription stops here).
Date 1286.^.2).
Praise of S'ambhu. Be it well. During the increase o f the Yadava-NS,rayana, the bhujabala-
praudha-pratapa-chakravartti vira-Raya-Ramachandra-Deva’s victorious kingdom :— (on the date
specified), the royal betel-bearer Narayana, Brahma-Deva-Nayaka, to provide for a constant display
o f 108 lights for the god ParasurAmesvara, made a grant o f land (specified). Also for a water-shed,
and to pi’ovide for gruel mixed with buttermilk during the four months the water-shed i s . open.
On entering upon the (? season) following, 1 W’ will be collected permanently ; and that, as in the four
months of the water-shed, gruel with buttermilk may be offered to the god and to the Brahmans,
together with betel-leaf, has this grant been made to Haruva-jiya. And the guards in the Chilhr thdpa
made a grant for bdellium and incense for the godj— the mounted guards 2 ta for three months ; the
foot guards 1 ta for three months ; to be continued by whoever is stationed in the thaija.

Date 1222 A.D.
6m- Obeisance to S'iva. Praise o f S'ambhu. (With various praises) may SiddheS vara pro-

tect lSvara-bhumipS,la, born in the pure Sinda-yam^a. •

Taking charge of all the ocean-girdled earth with his mighty victorious arm, he supported it
with affection, the strong-armed emperor Simhapa-R^ya.
Be it well. When the refuge of all the world, the favourite of earth and fortune, the maha­
rajadhiraja, the Yadava-Naiayana, the pratapa-chakravartti Simhaja-Deva’ s victorious kingdom was
extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :—
And, a dweller at his lolus feet, Vanka-ravuta was carrying on the government o f the Banavase
Twelve Thousand ;—

The Sindanvaya out o f which arose the growth o f that Simhala’ s kingdom was as follows On
the river o f the gods^ obtaining union with Bhava, a son was born, whose name was Karavita and

The first letter is doubtful. %'he third letter is doubtful.

3 4
Probably iSra, a copper coin worth 2 cash. S u r a -s in d h il, the Ganges i but Sindhu is also.the Indus.
Honnali Taluq. 163 ^

Saindhava-vara^ with the great Itiag of the serpents as his protector. Karahada being his territory,
he shook and subdued his enemies, and by the might of his arm became the master of the world,—
thus does the earth praise him who was incarnate in the Sindhu-kula.

Be it well. Entitled to the five big drums, the maha-mandaleivara, boon lord of Karahata-
pura, through obtaining a boon from the goddess Majachi having acquired the whole circle o f the
earth, an earring to the Lakshmi ot victory, distingliished by the blue flag {nUa-dhvaja)^ in liberal­
ity Karna, having the sounds of the mallali and turyyci, a jewel ornament o f good qualities, a sun
to the lotus the Sindhu-kula, a great arm of victory, o f the Phaniraja-vaip^a. (the race of the king
of serpents), a head-jewel of the good, having the crest of the tiger and deer {bydghra mriga Idnch-
clihamm), expender of gold, having reached the limit o f bravery, to enemies a Narayana,— he ruled
over many countries in the Karahada Four Thousand- In his family (uams'a) wore many who ruled ;
among whom, to the greatly praised hero Chattarasa and to Lokabarasi was the son Jogarasa. His
son was Chattarasa, who ruled tlie world with glory. In his family {vamk'i), charging forward on
one horse and attacking and dispersing tlio massed cavalry o f the enemy’s force, ................shone
? Lakha-i nripaja. His younger brother, whose praise was in. all the world, was Malli-Deva ; and his
younger brother, o f true greatness, was ? Harasa, master o f the world. Uis son was Rayarasa. His
son, an abode for the goddess of victory, fierce in war, of unmeasured feme, in the form o f a, rutting
elephant in tearing up the lotuses the families o f his enemies, was Isvara-bhfipa. The sons born to
him were the brave Paudya-nripa, the destroyer of his enemies, Malli-Deva, Uaya, and the joyful
Vijaya-nripala. A sun in the sky o f the Sinda-kuja, son of the brave Malli-nripaja, in firmness Manda*
ra, protector of the learned, w a s ...........whose sou, a bee at the two lotus feet of Mukunda, whom
the people in the w o r ld ...........was .. .o f great merit. As to t b ek i ng o f mountains the Mountain-

daughter, and to the ocean Siii were born, so to the king llvara, the husband of .. .. DSvi, were
born the daughters Sovala and Kalale. As to S'rikantha and to Girija was born Kuvara, so to the
king ISvara and to Gbattale was born a son Ke^ava.

And the countries belonging to that IsVara-Devarasa were the f o l l o w i n g T h e Edavalta 70 2

............... in the .. .. kingdom, Kumaravritti, Kotehaltt, Chilfir, Mandi^h,.................the Edemale 70
K o llig a ......................... the Uchchahgl 30, ? on the mother’s side (mdku-pdksha) the Two-Hundred. .
,. . Sattalige................Nagarikhapda............... Jiddvalige,..
When that . . . . Devarasa was . . . . in p e a c e A dweller at his lotus f e e t ,............... Mallaya ..
Praise of his wife. To that couple was born Singa. He was king Isvara’s minister, as well as his
younger brother Malliga ; their praises. To him and to Siriyavve was born a s on . . . . ? who, (on the
date specified), with the consent of all the Brahmans of Nelavitti, and the gaudas (named) of Belaga-
vatti and other places (named),— the heggade Linge .. . . [ ? having made application] to the maha-

mapdalMvara Hvara-Devarasa, made a grant o f land (specified) for the god Mallikaqjuiia, and for ? the
b asad i..

• 21
Date 934 A.D.
Be it well. (On the date specified), when [Suvarnnavaraha] was ruling the kingdom o f the
world ;— and . . . . Santara was ruling the Banav&si Twelve Thousand ;— .. Malega .. . . slew many,
died and gained the happy state.

^his name has been purposely scored over.

The inscription is very greatly defaced here, large patohea being gone from the surface of the stone.
164 H on n a li T a lu q .
D a te A .D .
B3 it well (On the date specified), whea SuvarunavAra!ia-Valla[bha]ca was ruling the kingdom
o f the world :— and, a Eama in energy in war, Sintara was ruling the country o f the Banavasi Twelve
T h o us an d -R a tt a pa ll i Polaga ...........................................died and gained the happy state.

Date 934 A.D.
Corresponds with No. 22 above nearly throughout, and adds— His wife Siriyakka set up this
Date 1208 A.D.

Om. Obeisance to S'iva. Praise of S'ambhu.

In the form of the moon, sun, fire, wind, sky, earth, water and mind ; his beautiful matted
locks adorned with a digit of the moon ; the unborn ; Ramanatha, praised by the host o f gods, may he
grant to the nal-prabhu Keta-gauda, beloved o f the world, o f exalted merit, long life and prosperity.
Lashed into great waves by blows from the tails o f big fish, by the feet o f crocodiles, and the
wind caused by the rushing along of porpoises, so that the spray covered up all the points o f the
compass, such was the ocean which surrounded the extent of Jambu-dvipa. In the middle o f that
ocean-girdled Jambu-dvipa,— with groups of the couples of gods and vidyadharas, with a pure shining
girdle of sun moon and endless constellations, with the glory of mountain-chains filled with pure
gold, vnth extensive groves of trees of plenty, shone with great splendour the beautiful Mandara.
To the south of Mandara is the earth, in which is the Bharata-kshetra, in which, like an ornament to
the lady earth, is the Kuntala country. Earth having placed the Kuntala country in their hands,
they ruled it without anxiety, with .all increasing happiness,—the Chalukya kings. Afterwards, when
the continuance of that line was diverted,— as if saying ,“ Let the tortoise, the serpent and the
regent elephants sport according to their pleasure and minds’ desire ; why should they have the
trouble of bearing up the great burden o f the earth ? I am sufficient to support it,” — he bore up the
earth with his mighty arm,— (10 lines here have ieen purposely completdy effaced).
The descent of the kings o f that Belagavartti was as f o l l o w s ( w i t h various praises o f each)
Macharasa ; his younger brother, Malli-Deva; his younger brother, Aiharasa ; his son, Raya-bhfibuja ;

his son, Isvara-bhupa. A saw to those called kings, the Sindhara king (dSva), o f a line favoured by
Malati, the son o f fsvara-maadale^a, a mine o f wealth for other’s,— Malli-Deva ruled the world. His
A ' ' ’

SOU was Isvara-bhfipa.

A dweller at his lotus feet, tha naj-prabhu Hattivur Keta-Gavunda’ s descent was as follows :—
In the Ballave-kampana o f the Banavase-n§.d is Hattivfir; its praises. In that town distinguished
(in every way) was Baisara-Dlsa-Gauda. His wife was'Sovabe-Gavundi. Their son was KSta-Gauuda,
whose wife was Ereyabe-Givundi. Keta’ s younger brother was Mala-Gavu^da, whose wife was Mala-

Gavundi. Their son was Hattivfir Dasa-Gavunda, whose wife was Achave-Gaundi, and their son was
Keta-Gauiida; his praises. His younger brother was Mala-Gaunda, whose younger brother was
Bomraa, Keta-Gavmida’s wife was Gangave-Gaupdi, and he also had the wife IvMave-Gaundi. The
names of their sons.
The priests o f the temple there (this portion is much ^aced).
Honn41i T aluq. 166
Be it well. The nal-prabhu Hattivar Keta-Gavunda, surrounded by all his relatives,— for the
worship and ceremonies o f the god Ramapatha, the perpetual lamp, daily offerings, the Chaitra and
pavitra, hew decorative works, temple repairs, decorations and illuminations, (on the' date specified),
made grants o f land (specified). Obeisance to S'iva.

Composed by Lakshmidhara’s son Rfima-deva, this ^asana was written by Padmarasa and e n - .
graved by Attiyoja. Usual final verse. Ramanatha is our refuge.

The great minister Tudapille-danaayaka, and the customs hegga4es Virupayya and Nakayya,
granted for the god one oil-mill, the family tax on 10 bullocks, and the customs duty on one
? hudunlte.
Dale 1173 4 .D .
Be it well. When the mahfi-manidalesvara, the Sinda Govinda, champion over adulterers. Pa-
tala chakravartti, a saw to those called kings, an elephant-goad to the titled, treading the mounta,in8
into a heap, champion over the hill chiefs,* fierce in war, Ni^sahka-malla, a sun to good warriors,
a Narayana in form, a boon son of the goddess Malachi, worshipper of the divine lotus feet o f the

god KeSava,—Isvara-Devarasa was in the residence o f Belagavarfcti, ruling ip peace and wisdom the
k iu ^ om of Edavatte in Bellave, the Muduvalla 30 and the Narivajige 40 ; — (o.i the date specified),
when the king of Santajige, Singi-Dev.i, coming on a raid, entered Hattivur and carried off the
cattle,— Dasa-gauda . . . .

' Date-\n-2A.D.

Be it well. When the maha-mand ilesvara Isvara-Devarasa was in the residence o f Bejagavatti,
ruling in peace and wisdom the kingdom of E(Jivat.le-aa(J in Baljave of the Banavaae-nd4, the Mudu-
valla 30 and Narivajige 40 ;- '( o n the date speciffod), when the king of Sautalige-nAd coming by way o f
a raid, entered Hattivfir and Sorattilr and carried off the cows,— Mattala-DAsaya’s son Chilaya and
Mattala-Mailaya’s son Ketaya, these two brothers, seeing it, without holding back, sprang forward,
attacked, shot arrows, and like a destruction by Yama, slayin; many, capturing the archers, drew their
daggers and piercing the horse,—-recovered the cows, and gained the world o f gods.

Mattala-Dasaya, son o f Chilaya and Belavu-Gavudi, set up this htra-gal By the victor is gained
spoil •, by tbs vanquished, too, the celestial nymphs : what fear then o f death in war to him' who for
a moment seeks the close encounter.
Date 1197 A.D.
Be it well. When the maha-maudalesvara Malli-Devarasa was in the residence o f Belagavatti,
ruling in peace and wisdom the kingdom o f Edevatte Ballaye, the Muduvalla 30 and Narivajige 40
(on the date specified), when Uma-Devi leaving the camp in the Kavndiiriver, came by way o f a raid
to Bejagavatti, and fighting, was defeated, and seizing the cattle in Kattagi was departing,— tho na4
people came out in a body and gave battle, when, along with Malaya’s son Chilaya, springing out,
Mfidanameyya attacked below the Voddanakere, and slaying many, seizing the archers, drew his
dagger, stabbed the horse and gained the world o f gods.

Biraya, son of Chilaya and Mallave-gavudi, set up this Vira-gal,

M a U f a r o ] gary}cit_ aWell-known epithet o£the Hoysalas.

166 H on nM i T a la q .
Bate 1294 A.B.
Praise of S'ambhu. Be it well. (0^^ tli® specified), when the Yadava-Narayana, the
bhujabala-[chakravartti Ramachandra-DevaJ’s victorious kingdom was increasing:— .. .. for the repair
o f the temple o f Ramanatha and the setting up o f the g o d , ...........granted the customs duties o f the
na4. Imprecation.

Bate about 1090 A.B.
. . . . . . Be it well. When SatyaSraya, favourite o f earth and fortune, maharajadhiraja para-
meSvara bhattaraka, the brave Vikramaditya was ruling the kingdom o f the world :— when acting
under the orders of Vallavarasa, and saying ‘I will kill those braves’,— the great ruler arrived at
Magusadi, and the royal army having.. . . , — in the battle Madaga of Magusadi...................... . killing,
ascended to the abode o f sargga.
Bate 7 1667 A.BA
This copper plate inscription is mostly unintelligible, being expressed in a very corrupt and
illiterate manner. It appears to refer to some dispute which was settled by an ordeal or by a present
o f cloths to the god. A grant o f villages was also made ? to the losers.
At the beginning are mentioned Basavapa, son o f Kehgapa, son’s.son o f Immadi-Hanumappa,
son o f ? Tula-Hanumappa, son o f Hire-Hanutnappa. (These are names o f Basavapatna or Sante
Bennur chiefs, later the Tarikere family).

Bate 1187 A.B.
, Be it well. When, with all titles, the maha-mandaleSvara Malli-Devarasa was ruling the
kingdom in peace and wisdom :— (on the date specified), Pandya joining with Chatta-nripala having
sudd.enly sprung up m Nelivartti and at once carried off all the live cattle,— pursuing after them,
driving them off, piercing through the great army, and recovering the cows, Chatteya-Nayaka gain­
ed and pleased the celestial nymphs. Verses in his praise.
Be it well. The maha-mandalesvara Malli-Devarasa, together with various gaudas (named),
made grants of land (specified), to be continued to Chattaya-Nayaka’s children’s children. Im prec­
Bate 1196 A.B.
Obeisance to Govinda. Be it well When, with all titles, the maha-mandalesvara Malli-DSvarasa
was in Belagavartti, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom — (on the date specified), Ummk-Bayi’ s
warriors suddenly coming with horses, when seizing the cows, were defeated, and Gatteya-Nayaka
with great bravery attacked them, and drove them back. At the bidding o f king Malla, with whom
was Boppa-Devi, Gattaya fought among the body-guards and pursuing the enemies with his sharp
sword so that all the world applauded, gained the release (from transmigration) o f svargga. Farther
praise o f Malleya-Ifayaka’ s son Gatteya.

*The date given in the inscription, S'aka 1S99, does not agree with the cycTio year mentioned, and is much too early for
tie chiefs .named. 1 have given what seems to be the approximate date.
flo n n ^ li T aluq. 167

Malli-Devarasa, 'with all the miaisters aild Bamma-Uavunida) approving o f Qatteya-N&yaka’s

service, made grants o f land (specified) for him,

38, 4 0
Date 1196 A.D.
Similar memorials on the same occasion,~(38) for the body*gnard KeSava-NSyaka’s son Maileya,
and (40) for Jedara Someya’S son Appuga.

Date 1215 A.D.
A _ A
Om. Obeisance to S'iva. Be it well. When, with all titles, the m§,h§,-mandaleivara Kvara-
Devarasa was in Belagavartti, ruling the kingdom in peace and w i s d o m o n e d a y ............... Malla-
Setli’s son KIleya (on the date specified), being ordered by tsvara-Dfiva in the battle, . . . . foughti
and gained the world o f gods.

Date dbovit A.D,
Om. Obeisance to S ’iva. When the sun in the sky o f the Sinda-kula, king Malla’s son, (with

other epithets, including) of the Phapiraja-vaipla,............. .. Ilvara-Devarasa was in Belagavatti

(some fight took place at the Bejagavatti fort).i

Date 1232 A.D.
Be it well. When the refuge of all the world, favourite o f earth and fortune, the Y M ava-
Nar&yana, the pratapa-chakravartti Sinrbala-DSva’s victorious kingdom was continuing, to endure as
long as sun moon and sta rs:—

, And, a dweller at his lotus feet, Honna-Bommi-Setti was holding the superintendence
hey-adhikdram) o f Banavase-nad,—the'saw to those called kings, the Sinda god (dSmm), descended
in the line favoured by Malachi, ISvara-raaudaletvara’s son, the king Kesa was distinguished.

Be it well. When with all titles, the mandaleSvara KeSava-Devarasa was in Belagavatti, ruling
the kingdom in peace,—'One day he marched upon Honna-Bammi-Sefti, and on Ms ordering Soyi-
deva’s (younger brother) Bamma, (on the date specified), when Honna-Bamma in anger, with his own
horsemen and a large army came shouting to drive him back,— ^in accordance with king Kesava’ s
order, he mounted and attacking and slaying the whole o f the boasting enemies’ force, Soyi-deva’s
younger brother Bamma joined the apsara nymphs and gained to svargga.

Date 1215 A.D.

Be it well. In the same reign as in No. 43 above,— when M£tyi-Deva-dannS.yaIva held the
superintendence o f Banav[as)e-n§.d,— with titles as above, king Malla’ s son Ilvara-Deva was gaining
great merit. When he was in Belagavatti, ruling the kingdom,— one day (on the date spepified)
some hero fought in a battle and being wounded, entered with his horse the abode o f smrgga. A
^ a n t of land was made for him.i

Xhe inscription is much effaced.

168 H onn& li T aluq.

Bats 1175 A.B.

Praise of S'ambhu. Saying “ why should the tortoise, the serpent and the regent elephants bear
up the great burden of the world? I am sufifioient to do that” ,— the king Ballaja took up the earth
in his mighty arms. His senior queen was Padmala-Devi.

When, a dweller at his lotus feet, Todapille-dannayaka was holding the government of Bejaga-
vartti-nad ; his praise.

The descent of the worthies {mmmyar) of that Belagavartti was as follows :—(with praises) Isvara-
bhupa. The saw to those called kings, the Sindara god (divayi), descended in the line favoured by

Malati, Isvara-m.vndalesvara’ s son Malli-Deva ruled the earth. His son (with praises) vvas IsvarS-
A dweller at his lotus feet, (with descent), was Bamma-gaupda o f Be)agavartti, whose son was
Malli-gauda, whose son was Kama-gauda.

Be it well. The maha-mandale^vara I4vara l)evarasa, his father-in-law Nallamarasa and the
gaudas o f the place being present, (on the date specified), made a grant Of land (speciSed) to the 22
Brahmans of his Brahmapuri, washing their feet. Also grants (specified) to Qdvinda-bhatta, Rama-
deva-pandita, and Somesvara-bhatta. Usual final verse. Obeisance to S'iva and to Narayana,

4 6

Date 1189 A.D.

. . . . a bee at the lotus feet of Jayanti Siddhanatha.
Be it well. When (with usual Chajukya titles), the emperor Somesvara-Deya was ruUng the
kingdom in peace:—
And, a dweller at his lotus feet,— Be it well. Entitled to the five big d}rums, the maha-may^a-
lesvara, boon lord of Karahata-pura, descended from a line favoured by a boon from the goddess
MalaH, an earring for the Lakshrai o f victory, distinguislied by the blue flag (iiUa-dhvaya), having the
sounds o f the wiaZfalt turyya^— with these and other names, the maha-mandale^vara Malli-
Devarasa was in the residence of Bejagavartti, ruling the kingdom in peace — his praise.
A dweller at his lotus feet, was Perumala, whose father was Mikkara-Sandi-pandita and his
mother Hounauve His younger brother, o f the Kanva-gotra, was the sunlM-verggade Devanna ; his
praise. Sending for this generally praised Devanna o f the herjjmka, the maha-maiidalelvara iVlalli-
Devarasa, for the service o f the god Siddesvara, made a grant of Bringariyahajji (on the date speci­
fied), and directing him to release the customs duties, freed it from artisans’ tax, oil-mill tax,
? partnership tax, Krarawa, the family tax on S 0 bullocks, JierjjmJca, Jco^avtsa, and handara-Jiay.a, —
washing the feet o f Sankarasi-paudita. Usual final verse.

Bate 1130 A.B,

Be it well. When, with all titles, the raaha-maudale.svara Tailapa-Deva was ruling the peace­
ful kingdom of the Banavasi Twelve Thousand, the BeJuvala two Six Hundreds, the Santalige Thousand,
the MaudiU-nad and the Hatiuugil Five Huudeed, with enjoyment for thra.e generations:— (on the
date speciSed) Tailapa-Deva ascended to s r : i r ^ , — ou which, the champion over twelve, Dasarasa’ s
tantrapdla (or secretary, guardian of secrets), champion over the tantrapdlgs o f the twelve worthies,
Masanayya’s younger brother Boppana, making good his word (given) for the occasion {vSle-vdkyam),
H on nali T aluq, 169
want to svargjt with Tailaho-Dera. On which,—> Be it Well. The maha-maaijalesrara Mayhra-
varma-Deva,— the maEnlalika Masanayya, with the ^ribirana and all the attendants being present,—
for Boppa’ s time vow {amvvja-jola) granted 100 gadyapa, to bo continued to Masanayya’s children’s
children. Vamadeva-paiidita, all the gi adi s being present, set up this stone.

Bate 1216 A.D.
Om. Obeisance to S'iva. Be it well. When the refuge o f all the world, favourite o f earth
and fortune, the maharajhdhiraja, the Yadava-Narayana, the pratapa-chakravartti Simhala-Deva’s
victorious kingdom was continuing, to endure as long as sun moon and stars

And, a dweller at his lotus feet, Mayi-Beva-danuayaka held the superintendence o f the Banavase-
nad ;— The sun in the sky of the Sinda-kula, Malla-nripMa’s son, (with other epithets, including) o f
the Phaniraja-vamsa, waS livara-Deva.
Be it well. When, with all titles, the raaha-maridalesvara Isvara-Bevarasa was in Belagavatti,
ruling the kingdom in peace; — (on the date specified), having ordered Chiniieya*sahai^i,--the Idadana-
baga Bedas having made a raid and carried off the cows,—like an angry Yama, the patta-sahayi
Chiupa pursued them. Hasting after them, on coming in sight of the Beda force, he shouted,
/ and charging on his horse which was as fleet as the wind, he played at ball with their heads, and
performing astonishing feats, recovered the cows, and made a feast for the kites.— Who had a servant
A '

like Chinnaya was to I^vara-Deva ? Thus having carried out his master’s orders, he went to SvafggUy
on which Isvara-Devarasa made a grant of land (specified) as a dingariga-vritii (or servant s means
o f livelihood) to his son and to his younger brother Yankayya, to be continued to children’s children.
Date 1244 A.B.

Om, Obeisance to S'iva. Be it well Whan, with all titles, the mah^-mandale^vara, att oceatt
of truth, a cage o f adamant to refugees, a saw to those called kings, worshipper of the feM o f the god
Bille5vara, subduer o f foreigd armies,— Bira-Devarasa was in Belagavatti, ruling the kingdom with
his strong arm (on the date specified) Lakhkhanapala Kali-Deva having raided,— in the battle o f
Hattivur, when the angry Lakhkhapapala’ s horsemen were charging, and his army like the roaring
ocean were coming on, seeing the terrified king and his chieftains preparing to go forth with an ocean
o f an array to meet them, he attacked the (enemy’ s) force beforehand, and driving them hack, slew
many in an astounding manner,— Aichuga. Description of the battle-field. Like a thundei'bolt he
fell upon the horses o f the army and throwing them down, slew the force, the mighty brave Aichuga,
and the apsara nymphs bore him away to sagga,— GuttanahaBi Kaleya's younger brother, the servant
(lenha) Aioham, gained the world o f gods,
Dafe 1180 A,D,

The inscription is much effaced.

Praise of S’ambhu. May Isvara ever protect the king Mvara, born in the Sinda-vamsa^
Obeisance to Siddhesvara and S'ambhu.
Description o f the earth, in which, to the south o f Mandara, was Bharata-kshetra; in which was
.. which the Chalukya kings for a long time ruled. Then the powerful emperor Bijjana obtained it.
His treatment o f Malava, Gfifijara, Nepaja and other kings described. H is younger brothef was
170 H o n u M i T a lu q .

Maijugi-Deva. His grandson was ? S'anka. His ? son was Raya-Mur^ri S6yi-Devaj whoso younger
brother was Mallugi-Deva. (Then conies) Sankama-Deva.
Be it well. When, (with usual Kajachuryya titles), the Kajachuryya bhujabala-chakravartti ..
. . Sankama-Deva was in the residence o f Kalyania, ruling ihe kingdom in peace and wisdom ;—
A dweller at his lotus feet, the . . . senadhipat, master over seventy-two officials, the raya-
dandanatha, ganda-penddra, (with other epithets), uprooter o f the ? Velnada Choleya kingdom, dis­
placer of lloysaua, terrifier of Kohkaiia,— adorned with these and other names, was Kavanayya-
dandanayaka, the sou o f Brahma and Jakkanauve, and elder brother o f Teja-chamupa, born in the
Agastya-kula. His younger brother’s descent was as follows ;— In Bajihara, the birthplace of the
Lakshmi of the country named Sagara, shone Bankarasa of the Kasyapa-gotra ; (?whose son) was
Eaviyarasa. His son was Bankarasa. His son was MfLdeva-dandau^yaka.
The descent of the Sindanvaya, which was the cause of the growth o f the wealth of that minister
and of all the rest o f the Kalachui'yya kingdom, was as follows :— From the union in love o f S ’iva
and Sindhu' was born a son with great glory, and in proof thereof, Bhava, the husband o f Girija, gave
him the name of Saindhava, saying, “ Be a king in the earth,” and appointed the king o f the serpents
for his protection, .................. being his son, the husband o f (ia tiri............ and eating that fruit, the
child grew. And Parame5vara directed the goddess Msilati to assist his son in war, and gave him
a second name o f Nidudol (long-armed) Sinda. Karahada being his country, he subdued all enemies,
and by the might of his arm became the king o f that land,— thus does the world praise the descent
o f the Sinda-kula.
Entitled to the five big drums, the maha-mapdale^vara, boon lord o f Karahata-pura, through
the boon obtained from the goddess M§,lati having become the possessor of all the earth, (with other
epithets, including) distinguished by the blue flag, having the sounds o f the •malldi and turgya, sun
to the lotus the Sinda kula, of the Phaniraja-vamsa, having the tiger and deer crest, the Sindas’
god {devam),— Nidudo) Sinda was ruling many countries included in the ICarahada Four Thousand.
Among the many of his line who ruled the kingdom, (with praise o f his bravery) was Piriya-Chatta-
rasa, whose wife was Dorabarasi. Their son Jogarasa ruled the earth, whose son was Chattarasa.
Afterwards, in that family (vams'a) was Macha-nripdja. His younger brother was Malli-Deva,
whose younger brother was .. harasa. His son was Kvara-bhflpa, Whose sons were Pandya-Deva
and Malli-Deva.

When these sons were acting under his orders, the nads won by his own arm or inherited from
his ancestors, were as follows:— the Edevatte 70, the [Narijgalige 40, the BaJJave 70, the Hojahir
in Santalige,— the Muduvara 80, the Yedasuleya 70 ; in KadambaRke-ndd,— the Kolb'ga 70 ;■
the Fifty-six Bada . . . . te 70, t h e ........... 30, Arakere , the .. -• nujavojalu 12, the A ttigeri 12,
the Elamberu 12. The kingdom of these nafls being united under him, when he was in the residence
o f Belagavatti, the joy o f the Lakshmi of the Banavasi country, ruling in peace :—

A bee at the lotus feet of S'iva, [protector] of those who put faith in the feet o f S 'iv a ,.............
distinguished for learning, celebrated in the Maleyala king’s te r rito ry ,........... .. an axe in cutting
d o w n ......... . was . ma-Deva, generous as a god. That ascetic’s sou was .. . ........... whose disciple,
................son o f . . ta -N ayti,......................... was Sankarasi-yatipa, worshipper o f Biddhesvara.

Be it well. Possessed of the usual ascetic virtu es,................................. Sankarasi-papdit'a having

expounded the dharmma to that k in g ,............................ he conceived the desire to perform a work o f
merit. And considering dharmma to be the chief thing, for the god PrithviSvara, (on the date specified),

^ See note 4, p . 162 above.

H o n n a li T a lu g . 171
the maha-mandallsvara................... MahMe\ra-;lannS,yaka aad a number o f heggades and others
(named) being present, made a grant of land (specified). Its boundaries. Also a grant by daima-
yaka Madhupaiya’s son Somayya; and the oilmen granted an oil-naill for the god’s perpetual lamp.
Composed by Pailamraa

(And) the maha-mandale^vara Malli-Deva’s watchman, Bidda’s (son) Boppeya-Nayaka, rectjiving

it from the hands o f his ruler, made a grant o f land (specified) for the gods Kesava and SiddheSvara.
Also one pawa per honnu from each oil-m ill; and from each row o f betel-leaf sellers, 100 leaves.

Date 1195 A.D.
Be it well. JIVhen, with all titles, the maha-raaudale§vava Malli-Devarasa was ruling the
kingdom in peace and wisdom:— (on the date specified), being ordered by the king, Kalleya-Nayaka
attacked t h e ...........o f Efattapalli, and aiming at and piercing those who opposed him, creating
alarm in the ai'my, when they were in perfect confusion he fell upon the enetny and gained the
approval of the celestial nymphs. Verses describing his bravery. He slew many and gained the
world o f gods.
D a te m 5 A.D.
Praise of S'ambhu. Be it well. When, (with titles as in No. 49 above), Harabara-Devarasa
was in Kallise, ruling the kingdom in peace and w i s d o m ( o n the date specified), ? Boppula with
all his officers and battle array having besieged Kudali, and joining fight with the great minister,
master over seventy-two officials, master of all wealth, collector of SevU^a’s battle array, S'ridhara-
danpayaka,— the great favourite, Babbara-baha, Banana of Setu, piercing and cutting down with
one stroke, fought and displayed his valour as follow s;— verses in praise of his bravery, A grant
o f land was made for his wife and children. His younger brother Eyeyama set up this Uragal.

Date 1247 A.D.
■ Be it well. When, (with titles as in No. 49 above), Bira-Devarasa was ruling the kingdom o f
the world in peace and w isdom ;— he held an assembly of braves at his court, in which the Pattsu
sahapi Gaugeya-sahapi’s son-in-law Echaya gave his word as follows:— “ When the enemy’s army, with
all the forces, comes and attacks with fury, so that the royal inspectors are taken prisoners,— with my
dagger stabbing choice horses and notable chiefs, I will throw the enemy’s army into confusion.” When,
having thus said, he had received the Umbrella which was the stake, and was in peace;— the maha-
mapdales'vara Dbkarasa and Chelangi Bireya-Nayaka, with all their forces united, advanced into the
plain of Nematti.— On which the great minister Medimeya-Nayakaand S'ridhara-Beva marched forth
with all the attendants o f the,line in Koppalu, and attacking them, drove them back. Then the enemy’ s
force getting mixed up with the force collected on the field attacked them so that they had no time to
cook. Thereupon, what can I say of him who gave such a novel promise to Birarasa?— ^The host at that

moment, like alast deluge, like the last fire, like Kamari’s fury, being chased and fleeing, Echaija stood,.
and as he had said, “ A slaughter o f the enemy with this dagger will 1 make,” so he did. Many he gash­
ed and tore to pieces, many he split and cut to pieces, many he seized alive by the head,— the brave
Echiga o f the dagger, the hero in war. Choice horses and noted chiefs he stabbed, and distinguishing
himself, as the rain of flowers was falling upon him, he gained svargga. Thus fulfilling the word he
hud given, (on the date specified), winning the applause o f the army, he gained the world o f gods.
172 H o m ia li T alu q.
Date 1571 A.D.
Be it well. (On the date specified), when the maha-mandaleSvara Gava-Rajaya was performing
the funeral rites for his father Venkatadri-Rajaya, in order that merit might accrue to his father,
he made a grant of the village of Saulanga to Vijendra-vodeyar’s matha of the Anegondi matha.

Date. 974 A.D.
Be it well. (On the date specified), the blacksmith Bidi .. o f Nelmabbe made a grant of two
virgins and twelve cows for the god ; had a tank dug...........................

Date 1125 A.D.
Be it well. (On the date specified), the cows o f the Nelavatti agrahara being carried off by
Dese of Belagavatti, the tailor Padina’s son Chikka recovered the cows, and stabbing a man on
horseback, died and gained the world o f gods. All the Brahmans, approving, made a grant o f land
(specified) to Padma as a nettaru-go4age,
Date A.D.
Be it wells When, (with usual Chajukya titles) Tribhnvanamalla-Deva’ s victorious kingdom
was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stajB :—

Dwellers at his lotus feet, (on the date specified),— ^Be it well. Possessed of the usual ascetic
virtues (named); manifestly good people ; obtainers of a boon from the god NArasirpha ; versed id
the many (branches of) logic, : science, grammar, rhetoric, prosody, poems, and dramas ; honoured
by all people ; purifiers o f their gotra; of: good character ; crest^jeWels o f the B'g-teda ; protecting
jewels o f their dependents ; cages of adamant to refugees ; Nadegonte-raallas skilled in ; re­
movers of the poverty o f Brahmans; nourishefs o f the groups o f parrots good poets ; encouragers
o f many sports ; the sole heroes in the world;-promoters of the Brahma-vamsa ; wishing-stones to
their dependents ; reverenced by the most learned men ; averters of the pride of arrogant enemies ;
their fame spread as far as the four ocsans the- thousand Brahmans of the excellent ? rice-produc­
ing agrahara Nelavatti, having favour on Madhava-Salangi KesaVayya's son Bittemayya, worshipping
his feet, gave him the garden land (specified), for the hhaiicIilca-Sharmmd.^ Usual final verses.

Date 1103 A.D.
A grant in the same reign and on the same date, by the same Brahmans.


Date ? 1403 A.D.

Be it well. When, (with usual titles), Harihara-maharaja’ s son, vira-pratApa......... . . . . Raya
maharaya was in the residence of Vijayanagari, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom:—one day,

Wrestlers of castles in the air. Many of the epithets are unsuitahle to Brahmans, and seem to be used ironically.
Grant $ot the recitation of some portion of the Teda.
H onn§,li T a lu q . 173

Mjlrapaya, cowherd o f Rodda,— the Nigalafika-m0.Ua, . . . . . . ..champioa over sixty-six chieftains,

the king called S'ata-S’§,lukya-Bamma .. .. madda-RS.ja’s son ?On&li-R3,ja, the . . . . o f Nelavatti in
BalJiya-na,^, being present, (on the date specified) . i .......... (stops here).

JDate 1396 A.D.
Praise of S'ambhu. Be it well. When, (with usual titles), vira-Harihara.mahS.raya was in the
residence of Vijayanagari in the Hastinavati fort, ruling the kingdom in peace and Wisdom ■

And, a dweller at his lotus feet, the great minister, destroyer o f the Turaka army, reducer of
the Seven Konkanas to dust, plunderer of Kadamba, protector o f the people o f Kadamba-pnra, boon
lord o f Gova-pura, Vtra-Vasanta*Madhava-Raya’ s son,— great lord of ministers, the llafigini glory',-
u *
Giridurgga-malla, setter up of Konkana, born in the AtrSya-kula, Bachana-Raya, boon lord o f GovS-
pura, established in the Kadamba-RSja’s throne, was ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom, pro­
tecting Chandragutti, Banavase, Konkapa, Rafigipi and aU the other kingdoms

A dweller at his lotus feet, o f the Kautika-ViSvamitra-gdtra, the NandS-ur customs-officer Boll-
arasa’s son, Anantappa, for the offerings to the god Bfijindtha o f Hoiagup4i*pnra in Pandya-na^,
washing the feet o f that god’s proprietor, the rHya-rajj^uru, Khapdeya-M ya KbaJe^vara-dSva-ayya
granted a Sasana as follows *.— (on the date specified),^ at ths time o f on eclipse o f the moon, we
grant for the offerings to the god Bd.linS.tha from the customs-duties payable to us in Honneyapura,
a hamlet o f the Nematti village in Bajeya-ndd, belonging to the Guttiya-vSpthe, the village money
? rent, the artisan tax, loom tax, sale of branded cattle, marriage tax, oil-miU tax, the hu^ike
tax, the furnace tax, the sdvmtike and all other taxes whatever they may be, with the approval o f
our wife, son, relations, feudatories and claimants. Usual final verses.

May (with various praises) the god Narasiniha protect Bollarasa’s son Anantaraja. The name o f
Honnakeyi Bollardja has passed away; the company o f eulogists look only to you, Anantardja, the for­
tune o f the poor. Usual final verses.

Date X752 AD.

(In the year specified), Keladi Basappa-Nayaka’s devotion to the matha o f the Muriga-gnru
Siddha-svdmi’ s throne.

Date? m i A .D .
Praise of S'ambhu. Be it well. When, (with usual aud other titles, including) establisher o f Chfila-
Raya, setter up of Papdya-Raya, a stake for the head o f Magara-Raya, •• . . . o f Kafiava-Raya,— the
Hoys ana bhujabala-pratapa-chakravartti vira-Balldla-Deva was. ruling the kingdom of the world ;—
(on the date specified),—

Be it well. All the Brahmans of the immemorial agrahara o f Nematti and a number of Gaudas
(named), uniting, in order to provide for the gau^ihe o f ChattanahalU in their nad, purchased land
(Specified) and granted it to Chenneya-Nayaka’ s son Kallappa’ s son Safikappa as an umbaU. Imprec­
ation. Signatures.

The numhev is given of both the expired and the current year.
lU | IoB u a li X a lu q .

Date ? 126? JJ).
(Oa the date specified), when Ayauur H^la-Siddapa-gaa^a was having the temple o f Virabba'
dra o f Kunko built, a stone fell on Kamaga, the son o f the cowherd DSvappa o f the cultivators o f
Ennko, and he became subject to S’iva (». e. died^. Whereupon this stone was set up and land given as
an offering tg S’iva.

P<^ 1320 A .p.
(On ,tihe date specified), th^ njah^-ipf^dfililSyara . . . . ’s fo n phenneya-
Nayaka’s son Kallapa was ruling the langdom in peace ^ wisdom on his elder brotlier Viraya-
^syiran^a going to svargga^ he ® (specified) (or the god VireSvara pf Kuukuva.

Date ? 1185 A.D.
Be it well. When Mara Baminarasa's victorious kingdom was extending on all sides, to conti­
nue as long as sun moon and star? :— (on the date specified), Jidda-gauda o f Hiriya Chigarasi, a
hamlet of Isur, having [gone to svarggal, his son Taila-gauda made a grant for the god Jiddesvara
and set up this monument (msaddU).


Pqtc 1071 AD.

Be it well. When, (with usual Ch§,Jukya titles), Bhuvanaikamalla-'DSva's victorious kingdom-
WS.S extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars: — llwellers at his lotus
a - ■ ' ■ " A

feet,— possessed of the usual ascetic virtues (named), the thousand Brahmans of agrahara Isavur,
(on the date specified), for the bathing and offerings of the god Mahadeva (? set up by) Lokka-
gavunda of Belguuda, made a grant of land (specified). Usual final verses.

Date ? 1636 A.D.
(On the date specified), for the Vira-Mahesvara Annadani-svffmi o f the first Virakta-m atha o f
Chinikatte, a stone well was devoted,— in the stone matha devoted by the pure S’ivachfira minister
o f the presence (Jiujur-pradhani) Virabhadrappa-Deva,— by his son Gurappa-Deva, (on the date

Date 1632 A.D,
Praise of S’ambhu. (On the date specified), for the temple expenses o f the god Mailara in the
new pete of Ikkeri,—-the Edava-Murari, Kote-kolahala, establisher of the pure Vaidikadvaita-
siddhAnta, studying devotion to the S ’iva-guru,— Kejadi Venkatappa-Nayaka’s grandson, Bhadrappa-
Nayaka’s son,,Virabhadra-N§.yaka granted a dharma-^asana as fo llo w s:— a grant o f land (specified)
in Yalagalale, with all rights.

Righteous witnesses :— ^Sun and moon, wind and fire, sky, earth and water, conscience and
Yama, day and night, morning and evening ; these know the deeds o f a man.
•Honn^i 'TaJuq* 175

J379 4 v f .

M%j V^maoa, w bo was worshipped by Bab at the begianiag o f the sacrifice, protect yoi^ (The
first part o f the verse is iocomplete, hat maatioriH Ushaaa as warniag the king against the request
for the three paces o f ground by Vfi.niana).

Be it well. When, (with usual titles), Harihara Uky^ was in Hastinavati, ruling the kingdom
in peace and w i s d o m a n d that Harihara-Raya’ s son, the mah^-mapdaleSvara Chikka-Rjiya-Vo^eyar
was in Araga, the city o f the Male-rAjya (or hill kingdom), ruling the Thirty-six kampapa* in peace
and wisdom ; —

A dweller at his lotus feet, the great minister, a terror |;o hostile kings, champion over the
three kings, destroyer o f the Turuka army, (with other epithets),— Vira-Vasanta-Madhava-Eaya was
in the city o f Araga, ruhng the Araga and Gutti Thirty-six kauipapa in p^ace and wisdom

A dweller at his lotus feet, ? the guardian of Rodda, the champion who capt ir.'d the .. o f fifty-six
diieftains, (with other epithets), Basavappa’ s son Ma ■• ’s younger brother Bairappa-Nayaka’s younger
brother . . . . Nayaka's son Basavappa-Nayaka, (on the date specified), to the establisher of the path
o f the vedas, (with other epithets), the establisher of the six darsanas,— Pratiyadi-bhayankara,
a tree o f paradise to the supreme Vaishnavas, confounder o f the Mayavadis (Sm artas),.a terrific
fire of the last day to Mantravadis, splitter o f the skulls of those who oppose and aspei’se gods and
Brahmans, {stoics here).

Bate 1189 A.B.
Verses in praise of Duggana’s bravery (mostly effaced). (On the date specified), Raji-Setti’s
son Duggana, when returning from Harihara, in the ? line of barren trees near Harivala belonging to
Nittuir, highway robbers attacking him, he stabbed and slew many and gained the world of gods.

P ofe 11.63 A.D.
Be it well. In the reign of Vijaya-Narasiinha-Deva of the family of Vishnuyarddhana
Obeisance to Lakshmi-Narasimha.

Be it well. With the approval o f all the Brahtpans of the immemorial agrahara KolRnaghatta
in the Pandya-nM, having set up the god Lakshmi-Xarasitnha,— the Hebbaruva o f Ko}Jiganagatta,.
the Desiya-dandanayaka Devappa, saying that it is too high for the Tungabhadra to come to the
fields of Mavinakote, the village of Kolliganagatta, had a well made, and (on the date specified) granted
it with land for the god.

Date 1290 il.Z).
Praise o f S'ambhu. When, (with usual titles), Hoysana bhujabala vira-Narasimha-Devarasa
was in the residence of Dorasamudra, ruling the kingdom o f the world in peace and wisdom the
crest-jewel of the royal city Kaivara of th e.. .. kingdom belonging to Gahgavadi,^ Cheluvide-Pevarasa’s
______________________________________________ /______________________________
There is some, confusion in the way the places are mentioned here.
*Vhis name and most of the sentence to this point is doubtful.
J76 Honn&li Taluq.

(? son),— the maha-rnanidalesvara, his father-in-law's warrior, (with other epithets), plunderer o f the
Chola uAinp (oi- capital), the Brahmadhiraja Ganga-l’ erumaie-Devarasa, as lord o f Kojiganagatta-
vritti in Papdya-n^d, was ruling the k in gd om ;— he made grants of land (specified) for the god
Madhava, the chief god o f all the Brahmans of the immemorial agrahara Cholamahadevipura, which
is Koligauagatta, and for the god Somanatha. Usual final verses.

Date ? 1185 A.D.
When (with usual titles), the prat§,pa-chakravartti vira-Ballsila-Devarasa was ruling the kingdom
in peace and wisdom :— (on the date specified),— with praise o f their ascetic virtues and learning,
connected with Ahichchatra, the Dri.vi}a-desa Periyarida-Hebbaruva and others all the Brahmans of
the immemorial agrahara KolJiganaghatta, a refuge for all the N§,na-De§is from Ayyavajege, Tala-
majage, the new I)var§,vati, and the four points of the compass,— in order that the rules {mariyMe)
of their place might gain honour, and be observed from east to west and from south to north as far
as Himavanta,—

Be it well. A roaring ocean all of gold ; having obtained five hundred vira-Sasanas ; adorned
with a clustre o f many good qualities, truth, purity, good character, justice, modesty, . . . • ; followers
o f the Vira-Bapan ju dharmma; distinguished by the flag o f the white h ill; their chests embraced by
energy ; exalted in the earth for courage ; descended from Baladeva, VasudSva, Kbandali and Mula-
bhadra ; [nearly a hcAf of the ms&ipfion is here efface^.
All the Brahmans gave . . . . for the offerings to the god Gavayesvara.

Date ? 1403 4-D.
Obeisance to Harihara. May it be unobstructed. The mande-gfimunda Soya’s son called Vira-
Nara, Urivana Bomma-Nayaka’s daughter KS,la-dSvi performed sahagamam.

Date ? 1403 A.D.
Similar to No. 92 above.
Date 1403 A.D.
Praise of S'ambhu. (On the date specified), Kuranivaka........... ’ s son .. sakapna and his wife -
PSva-nakitti went to svargga.
Date 1S96 A.D.
(On the date specified), When, (with usual titles) Haribara-Raya was ruling the kingdom o f the
earth :— ., ...........................


Date 1 l\<o% A.D.

Be it well. When, (with usual titles), Hoysana vira-Narasinga-Deva’s kingdom was increas-
•— (on the date specified), the maha-mandalesvara, Sindha-Govinda, champion over adulterers.
H on nM i T alu q. 17 7

the Pataja-chakravartti, I^vara-Devarasa being aijgry with Arakeje-ua4, having ordered a raid,
Malevdr was entered and Hannisige captlredj— when, seeing the great master o f fobes^ vira-Nara*
sihga-Deva^s ? warrior’ s son in front § f the army, the goldsmith Ramoja’s son Kamoja, taking a
shield and a dagger, attacked, stabbed^j^j,nd saying— “ the feet o f the god Prajnananda are my re­
fuge,” — gained the world of gods.

Date 1686 A.D.
Praise of S'ambhu. Be it well. (On the date specified), Matur-Shahaji o f Bhaganagara,.. dura-
Shahaji, .. Biraya’ s Gaiia-Shahaji and others granted a nirupa to the Ghennamambapura agrahara,
giving certain land marked out by stones stamped with the V&mana.

'Date 1048 A.D.
Be it well. When, (with usual Chajukya titles), Trailokyamalla-Deva’ s kingdom was extending-
on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars : —

And-,— Be it well. Entitled to the five big drums, of the Pallavanvaya, favourite o f earth and
fortune, glory o f the Pallava-kula, o f unfailing word, boon lord of Kanchi-pura, . . . Trailokyamalla
Natmi-[Nolam]ba Pallava-Pe[rmmauadi] was ruling the.. ............................. the Kogali Five Hundred,
............... ..pu ra and seventy sub-villages ; — (on the date specified), the fir-odeya of Arakere, Kesi-
maya .. . washing the feet o f ..............pandita, made a grant o f land (specified) for the god Nage§~
vara. Usual final verses.

Date 120-3 A.D.
(The inscription is very much effaced).

Obeisance to the god Nagesvara. Praise o f S’ambhu. May Nagan^tha g ra n t................ ...
as long as sun and moon endure.
Be it well. When, (with usual titles), Hoysala vira-Ballala-D^va’ s victorious kingdom was ex­
tending on all sides, to continue as long as suu moon and stars :—iTtiis part is all gone).
The maha-prabhu Nilgarasa, having gained the favour of Malli-Deva, set up the god NageSvara.
Account o f the temple priest (all effaced). For the god Nagesvara, (on the date specified), at the
time of the eclipse o f the sun, washing the feet o f Sovacharyya Bairava-yati, a grant o f land (specified)
was made. Usual final verses.

Date ? about 1185 A.D.
Be it well. In the . . . . year o f Hoysana vira-Ballala-Deva, when . . . . Kaleya-Nayaka carried
off the cows o f Arakere, Mala-bova’s younger brother Malla-nayaka fell, and for him was granted a
Date 7 about 1250 A. H.
The god Ramanatha is our refuge. Praise of S'ambhu. May it prevail, the sasana o f the lord
of the three worlds, the dharmma-sasana.
178 H on n ^ li T a lu q .
Be it well. With prciise of their ascetic virtues and learning, were the Hebbaruva \ojfe-G6vilii-
Dasa and others, all the Bmhiuans of the immemorial agi’abara Kotiganapura For the god Rama
o f their Hosavalli, making application to all the Brahmans, certain Gaudas (named) made a giant
o f land (specified). Usual final verses.
Date^ni'b A.B.
Be it well. (On the date specified), the pratapa-chakravartti Ilovsana vira-Ballala-Raja’s
Bcnior house-minister Baicheya-da^inayaka’ s brother-in-law Sahkiya-sahaui marching against Basava-
Deva of Chandavur below the Ghats, he destroyed Chandavur and marching to Mutta.. .. was fighting,
when the maha-savanta-savantadhipati, (with various epithets), son of both Nayakas o f Kare, Saft-
giya-Nayaka, being in the battle of the Ghats, fought with the army, destroyed the Tiilnvns, bathed
in the ? Davadana-tirttha, and gained the residence o f the Vaikiintha-loka. A grant of land
(specified) was made for maintaining the worship and ceremonies o; this hlnujal. Imprecation.

Date ? 1054 A.D.
Be it Well. When, (with usual Chajukya titles), Trailokyamalla-Deva was ruling a kingdom as
far as to the four oceans, in peace and wisdpin :—

And, a dweller at his lotus feet, entitled to the five big drums, of the Pallavanvaya, favourite o f
earth and fortune, glory of the Pallava-kula, o f one word,— Trailokyamalla Nolaraha-Pallava-Permnia-
nadi-Deva was ruling in peace and wisdom the kingdom of the Dadirvva][ige Thousand, the Balla-
kunda Three Hundred and Konadiyfir ;—
A dweller at his lotus feet, distinguished by the rank o f great minister entrusted with the burden
o f the whole kingdom, (with other epithets),i— Trailokyamalla Nolamba Permmadi was enjoying the
kingdom; (on the date specified),2 the Nerilagundi fir-odeya Hittamayya, at the eclipse o f the sun,
made a grant of land (specified) for the god Mallik&ijjulia, washing the feet of Ma .. likabe. Usual
final verses.

There seems to he a gap here, and the text continues on another side of the stone.
2 ,
Tlie date is given as S aka 9’36, Jaya, but 97^ expired = Ja,ya.

Bate 1277 A.D.
Obeisance to Harihara. Be it well. (On the date specified), when the Yadava-Nar^yana, the
hhujabala-praudha-pratapa-chakravartti Ramachandra-Kaya's kingdoih was i n c r e a s i n g t h e raya-
rajagura Renuka-deva made a grant for the god Harihara. Usual final verses.

Bate about 1265 A.B.

Obeisance to S ’iva. Be it well. The refuge o f all the world, favourite of earth and fortune,
the mahArAjadhiraja Mahad5va-Raya........... (a grant o f land for a god). Nearly all effo.oed,

Bate ? 1263 A.B.
Praise o f S'ambhu. (On the date specified), the farmers and subjects o f Kariganftr remitted to
the pujdris o f Kall-deva o f Kariganfir the tax on 22 goats. Imprecation.

Bate 1220 A.B.

Praise o f S'ambhu. Be it well. When, (with usual titles), vira-Hoysaja-Ballala-Deva’s vic­
torious kingdom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars : — a grant
for a god (much effaced) — (on the date specified).

Bate 992 A.B.

When, (with usual Chalukya titles) Ahavamalla-Deva was ruling the kingdom of the earth ;—
(on the date specified), A h a v a ........... (rest effaced)-

Bate about 1050 A.B.
When, (with various epithets), Beja-Gavunda’ s son-in-law Nenigeya-malla having built a tank,
erected a temple, and made for it a grant o f land (specified), was ruling in peace ;— in Nolamba’s
opportunity," having received an order for the first rising, he put to flight Ch6Ja’ s great army, over­
threw elephants, horses and foot-soldiers, and slaying them, went to svargga and gained the
world of gods.
■rr'' 9
Bate about 1050 A.B.
. . . . from the Pallava Icing’s line,— Be it well. Entitled to the five big drums, o f the Paliavan-
vaya, favourite o f earth and fortune, glory o f the Pallava-kula, o f one word, .boon lord o f KSnehi-
pura,— ^Trailkoyamalla Nolimba-Pallava-Perinmadi-Deva making a raid, and leaving (his force) in
Bammukur, . . . . (stops here).
18 0 O bann agiri T a lu q .
Dale 1394 A.D.
Praise of S’ambhu. May the elephant-faced protect us. May the original Boar be for our
good, tightly embraced by whom the Earth ever rejoices.
From the milk ocean arose the moon, brother o f the Kaustubha, Kalpa-dru and Kama-dlienu,
and younger brother of Rama ; in his line was born the king Yadu. In whose line, which was
protected by Vasudeva, arose the king named Sahgama. His wife was Gaurambika, and they had
the sons Harihara, Kampa, Bukka-Raya, Marapa and Muddapa. Of these, the middle one, king
Bukka became celebrated. As his sword danced about on the battle field, the faces o f the Tnrushkas

shrivelled up, Konkana S'anka was filled with fear, the Andhras ran into caves in the direction of
Udayagiri (or the eastern mountain), the Gurjaras lost the use o f their limbs, the Kambhojas’ cour­
age was broken, the Kalihgas were defeated. His eldest son was the king Harihara, rajadhiraja raja-
paramesvara, (with other usual titles). W ho was in the celebrated royal city Vijayanagari, and
the streams poured out by whom in making the sixteen great gifts nourished the tree of dhurma.
(On the date specified), at the time o f the moon’s eclipse, at the junction of the Tungabhadra and
Haridra, in the kshetra named Harihara, where a myriad Urlkas unite, having the name Guharauya,
at the great Rudrapada-tirttha, the first in possessing the form o f Harihara, the abode o f gods, rishis,
siddhas, gandharvas and vidyadharas, having made in a mantapa the tuld-purusha and other gifts,—
the king Raja-HarihareAvara, in Madakari in Chandramandala-nad in the Madakari-Mme o f the
Maharauga kingdom in the Utsangi-yenthya equal to Hastinavati, gave to the astrologer Narasimha-
bhatta, also called Indrakantha, of the Srivatsa-gotra and YajuA^akha, two villages,— one for
jyotisha, and the other for writing this,— Brahmagrama and Pavalakatte, (their situation), with all
rights and ceremonies.
And the Brahman Narasimha-bhatta received them with joy, and blessed the king that he
should live for ever.
(Witnesses)— Sun and moon, &c. Usual final verses,
Date ? 1120 A.D.
(On the date specified), the master of Halagu and Karuja, Nuggihalji Hanumanta-deva, had the
Basavanna temple built. His son Kahgaja-deva having wandered abroad (as a mendicant) and
brought alms, had •&Tcatu-panjara made for the god Hanumanta, and that fame might com e to all,
had a lipi-&dsana made and set it up.

Date 1063 A.D.
When, (with usual Chajukya titles), Trailokyamalla-Deva’s victorious kingdom was extending
on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars:—

A n d ........................................ Vishnuvarddhana-malia................. .. [Vijjayadityai was ruling the

kingdom in peace and wisdom ;—

When he was making an expedition o f victory to the South, in the camp which he made in
Mudukakere, a dweller at his lotus feet, (with various epithets), his father-in-1 iw's rutting ele­
phant,— Chalturuva Macha-6avun(Ja, for the decorations and offerings o f the god Mallikarjjuna o f his

All the first part of the inscriltion to this point is very much effaced.
O banuagiri T alu q. 181

town, and for the food o f the ascetics there, haring made petition, (on the date specified), made a
grant o f land (specified), and one oil-mill.
He also made a grant o f land (specified) for Sakalesvara-papdita-deva’s ma|ha, and for gifts^of
food. Usual final verses,
Dafo cAout 1080 A.D.

Praise o f S'umbhn, When, (with usual ChH)akja titles), Tribhuvanamalla<Dera’ s victorious

kingdom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars:— (The rest is too
much effaced to make out any connected meaning, but a forcible entry into the Kuningil fort is
mentioned). Usual final verses.

Praise o f the place.

Date ? 1689 A.D.
Praise o f S'ambhu. (On the date specified), the mahfi-ma94al4charyya . • •. ? Kariyappa*
NIyaka’s grandson, Medakere-Kfi,yaka's son, Bommanna<N3.yaka, gave to Arnveli Bari-Bhat|a’s grand-
son, Vehgam-bhatta's son, S'i .. ma-bhafta, o f the Apastamba-sfitra and Bhfiradv^'a-gfitra, the grant
of an agrah4ra, with enjoyment for one generation, as f o l l o w s I n order that our forefathers may
attain merit, we have given the village of Demachayayana-durga in the Sante-0euu4r-sime o f the
kingdom we are ruling, as a grant to S'iva, with all the usual details. Usual final verses.

Date 1268 A,D.
Praise o f S'ambhu. Be it well. In the Soma-vamsa arose the king J a itu ^ ; his son was the
king named Bhillama. After him shone the emperor Simhaija. From him Sarahgap§.ni, who put to
flight the armies o f his enemies. (Then) the heroic Mahad4va-Raya seized the three worlds.

Be it well. From Nimbi-Raja was born Chatia-Raja, whose brother was Kficha-Eaja. These two
were skilled in the policy of the Brahma-Kshatras and in patience, o f the KauHka-gotra, Mahadeva-
Raya’s councillors, long may they live in the earth. Chatta’s son was Ghaunda-dand&dbipn- Braised
on all sides by the learned, having destroyed all his enemies, may the mighty Chaunda live as long
as moon and stars endure.

The smoke from their performance o f various sacrifices clouding the sky, their fame transforming
the elephants at the points o f the compass into" Airavatas, their recitation o f the vedas rousing the
echoes of the mountains,— their town named Dakshina-Bhaslcarapuri do I reverence with pleasure.
Being the sister o f learning and other good qualities (named) who will not honour Dakshihaditya-
nagari. It waa surrounded by terrible forests. Various praises o f their valour and virtues ; calling
them wrestlers with wild elephants.

Be it well. When, entitled to the five big drums, boon lord o f Dv&r&vati-pura, having the flag
of a golden Garuda, a sun in causing to unfold the lotus the Y&dava-kula, springer upon hostile
kings, a Trinatra to the pride o f Malava-Raya, terrifier of Qurjara-Raya, rooter out o f the lotus
the head of Teluuga-Raya,— adorned with these and other names, Mahadeva-Raya’s victorious
kingdom was increasing :—

And, at the time when, dwellers at bis lotus feet, devoted to doing good to others, cages of
adamant to refugees, beloved o f the lady fame, having the flag o f pesaja-Hanumanta,— the great
182 Ohannagiri T aluq.
ministers Chattarasa and Kucharasa were in their own royal city Betdr in the Arwataru-bada (Sixty-
six villages) in the Mouambavadi Thirty-two Thousand, ruling the kiagdom ia peace and wisdom;—-for
the incense, lights, offerings and all temple affairs of the god BilleSvara o f the immemorial agrahara
Dakshinkditya-volalu, which is Kogilur, (on the date specified), at the time o f the eclipse o f the sun,
washing the feet of the sthauika Dandapani-guru, that phattarasa’ s crowned eldest son Chauiidarasa,
with all ceremonies, made a grant o f land (specified) by the Tigula pole. This much the sixty-four
o f the village granted to continue'as long as sun moon and stars, in the presence o f the yStupoiiu}
and the worthies o f the' place, m iatever biluva^im may be imposed in the ndd, Mfika-bdva and
others (naiiied) o f that place will devote to the incense and lights o f the god BillSSvara.

Date 1268 A.D.
Obeisance to Gapapati. Praise o f S'ambhu' and the Boar.
Be, it well. In the S6ma-vamia; arose the king Jaitugi ; his; son was Bhillama after whom
shpne the emperor Simhana. From him the king Mahadeva-Raya overcame the three worlds..

Be it well. From Nimbi-Rdja, &o. (as in No. 21 above).

Be it well. When, entitled to the five big drums, &c. (corresponds from this point with No. 21
above, except that the grant is made for the gofi Svayambhu Ka .. .. , washing the feet o f Somarasi

and Acharasi).
Date 1282 A.D.
Be it well. In the 14th year of the Yadava-Narayaua, the bhujabala-praudha-pratapa-chakra-
vartti vira-Rama-Deva’s victorious reign, the year Chitrabhanu, &c.,— Chavundarasa’ s brother-in-law
Goparasa, fighting in the direction o f Nagavi-Kalasapura, gained the world of S'iva.
A ^

Achalanatha is our refuge. Virabhadra is our refuge.

Date 1280 4 .D .
Be it well. In the 12th year o f the same reign,— the great minister, the raya-dandanfitha,
pesani-Hanuma,— vira-Chavundarasa having marched to Doravade in Kujugodu-nad against Mum,
madi-Singeya-Nayaka, and fighting, having slain many men and horses, gained the world o f S'iva-
as follow s:—
Having finished all the enjoyments in the world, he must not stay any longer in the world o f
mortals, quickly bring him, said AchaleSvara, approving o f ChA.vupda. Let no one say that none
was equal to him ; it is impossible to set aside the letters (of fate) formerly written ; all are the
sport o f Vidhatri. Thus he forgot the ways of the mortal world, and came to intimately know the
moksha Lakshmi, while the great guru Lakshminatha came' to meet Cbatta's son Ch&munda. They
raised for him an uppara-mudi, together with the Nandi flag beloved o f Bhava, and shouting
Ho ! tlgh'j 1 Ughe !* committed to Vire^vara the gauda Chavunda.

Date ? about 1610 A.D,
Grant made by Ilanumappa-Nayaka to the matha of Sidclhalinga-deva o f Sante-Bennur.
This nnnsual expression .seems to be Teluga. These are tingayit cries.
O hannagiri T aluq. 183
‘ i..

7)afe l295 A.i),

Be it well. (On the date, specified),, in the r^ifn of ,( wi t h titles as in No. 23 abOTe), vira-
Rama-Deva :— a dweller at his lotus feet, -the maha-tnandalSSvara, (many lines here effaced). A
grant was made apparently to Sova-bova and Baicha-bova, but a number of unintelligible expressions
are introduced.

Bate ? 1§75 A.D.
Obeisance to Ganadhipati. B61eya>Kaniana-N&yaka’ s, grandson Hiriya-Timmauna-Nayaka, (on
the date specified), at the time o f the eclipse ol the sun, ? mado a grant o f Chikka-Kfigilfir...........
Usual final verses.

i 1^'
Date 1404 A.D.
The guru is our refuge. Some verses describing the birth o f Rudra’s son-as Virabhadra for the
destruction o f Daksha, whose head was cut off and the head o f a goat fixed on him.

Be it well. (On the date specified), the god ,V irabhadra o f Nitagere was set up.
Be it well. W hen, (with titles as below for Harihara} vira*Bukka-Raya...........the mahfirajadhi-
rfija paramfiSvara parama-bhattfiraka, boon lord o f Dvaravati-pura, pratfipa-Harihara-Raya o f
Vijayanagara Hastinavati was ruling a peaceful kingdom :—

The bearet behind that pratapa-Harihara-Raya o f ? various w eapon s.............................was Ejfe-

Gangeya-Nayaka o f Dummi. When his son Siraifiganfitha-Nfiyaka was ruling the kingdom in peace
and wisdom he made a grant o f land (specified) for the god Virabhadra o f Nitagejfe. And for
the same god, Dummi Era-Pemmaya-Nayaka’s . . . . Nayaka made a grant in Gangftr belonging
to him. #
A number o f other grants for the same god by various people.

Names o f Gaupdas who had the temple built. It was built by Malloja, son o f .................... o f-.
t)ate 1 alout 1050 A.D.
Names of Sahanis who made a gmnt o f land for the god Vira-Somanfitha, by the Gafiga pole.
Also grants for the same by Singa-Chattarasa o f the Thousand nfid, and the nal-prabhu and others
of the Biliche Seventy. Names of Settis who had the three-pinnacled temple made.
And various ? work-people (nam ed).and Dfisara Ganga placed the tools of their work as secur­
ity, but on requiring their names saying ‘You must stop in this place’ , Chinchayya gave the names o f
the trustworthy and sharpened the tools.
Bate ? 1083 A.B.
Be it well. When, (with usual Chfilukya titles), Tribhuvanamalla-Deva’s kingdom was extend­
ing on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :—

bjaiirge portions of the inscription are effaced.

184 C h an n agiri T alu q.
And, a dweller at his lotus feet, entitled to the hve big drums, the maha-ma^daleSrara, crest*
jewel of th e '...........Thousand, a sun t o the lotus his own family, a champion cutting on both sides,
defeater o f the designs o f [R&]jiga-Ch6Ja, a bee at the lotus feet o f Tribhuvanamalla-Deva,— the
maha-ma^dalSsvara Tribhuvanamalla-PAij^ya-Detra was ruling the Nojambava^i Thirty-two Thou­
sand kingdom, putting down the evil and Upholding the good ,-— rest is nearly aU effaced).
Date ? 1625 A.D.
Mumma^i-Hanumappa-NAyaka, {on the date specified), granted to Bhatta-Venka$aya the
Matarugatta village as a bhatta-agrahAra. Imprecation.

Dote 1170 A.D.

......... . gAvnndn, in the reign o f (with usual titles), the Hoysana pratApa-chakravartti vira-Nara»
• iiphapD A va, (o n th e d a te s p e c ifie d ), g a in e d th e w o rld o f g o d s .

Zhife 1200 A.O.
Be it well. When the pratApa-chahravartti vlra-BallAia was ru lin g:— (on the date specified).
BillahaUi Billa-gauda’s son AfAdi-ganda, fighting with the BAdas, gained svargga.

Date t \U9 A.D.
Praise of S'ambhu. Be it well. When, (with usual ChAlukya titles), Jagadekamalla-Deva’s
victorious kingdom was extending on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars :—

And, a dweller at his lotus feet,-—Be it well. Entitled to the five big drums, the maha-manda-
leSvara, boon lord o f Kanchl-pura,* protecting the NoJambavAdi Thirty-two Thousand, was in the
residence of the royal city Uchchangi, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom
A dweller at his lotus feet, who had gained great fame by the conquest o f hostile kings, was
Soma. To that maha-sAmanta Sovi-DAva and to Sovala-Devi was born Edavari-DAva, who was a
great promoter of works o f m erit; verses in his praise.
For the god MallikArjjuna o f Sosalugere, Edavariyarasa, washing the feet o f Devarasi-pandita,
made a grant o f land (specified). Usual final verses.
This Msana was written by Tril6chana-deva, guru of Mandali. Any letter in defect or in excess
notwithstanding, the whole is genuine.
Date 1149 A.D.
. Two verses in praise of S'ambhu. Be it well. When (as in No. 38 above) JagadAkamalla-
Deva’s victorious kingdom was extending, and he was in the residence o f Kalyaua :—

A dweller at his lotus feet, (with praises) was the king PAudya. His son (with praises) was
Be it well. When, entitled to the five big drums, the mahA-mauduIAAvara, boon lord o f KAnchi-
pura, sun in the sky of the Yadu-vamsa, wishing-stone to .. . . , a sun to the lotus his own family.

T h e raler’ s n a m e 19 not “but see N o . 39 belovr.

C hanna^iri T a lu q . 18 5

champion cutting on both sides, defeater o f the designs of Rajendra-Ch61a, beloved o f the goddess of
victory,— Jagadekamalla Vira-Pandya-Deva, protecting the Noniambavadi Thirty-two Thousand, was
in the residence of Uchchafigi, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom ;—
A dweller at his lotus feet, (with praises) was Sovarasa. His wife was Sobarasi, and they had
a son Edavara-Dhva, whose wires were Chandala-Devi, Gangarasi, and Honnarasi. Praises o f Edarari,
calling him his elder brother’s rutting elephant.
Be it well. When, (with a number o f epithets), the chief o f the Biliche Seventy, Edavariyarasa
was in Susulagere, ruling the kingdom in peace ;— (on the date specified), he made a grant of land
(specified) for the god SomeSvara.
Date 1225 4.D .
(On the date specified), in the reign o f Hoysapa Narasimha-Deva, when under the channel of
the ur-odeya, Hari o f Hadalakere, the cows o f Gaudiyahajli were harried, the carpenter Makoja
slew and gained the world o f gods. On which a grant o f land (specified) was made for him.

Date ? 1601 A,D.
(On the date specified), Sante-Bennur Mummadi-Haaumappa-Na^yaka gave to Simhada Malli-
bhatta-upadhya’s son Ningana-bhatta a grant o f land (specified). Names of persons (? to carry out
the grant). The §asana was written b y ...........
Date 1653 A.D.
CPeraian characters and lafiguagej.
In the name o f God the merciful and gracious.

In the name o f the Ruler o f the Universe and Creator of life ; the perfect Lord who hath given
speech to the tongue.
By the blessing o f Muhammad Mustafa (the peace and blessing o f God be on him !)— in the
reign o f the Sultan Muhammad Shah Ibrahim, Khfi,n-i-Khanan, the blessed tank is named ...........
........... .................. After the full recovery of the king will I construct this tank.
(Kannada characters and language)*
In the name o f God the merciful and gracious. The Divan o f SultS,n Muhammad Padshah
Obeisance to Ganga Visve^vara. May it be unobstructed.

Praise o f S'ambhu. Usual final verses.

The quail and the boar, the she-buffalo and the elephant, the teacher and the performer (of
the work),— these six went to svarga)- A tank, hidden treasure, establishing the vedas, a S'iva
temple, groves, family, sons,— these seven are continuous progeny, it is said.2
Be it well. (On the date specified) was this sUsana written. In the form of the flower-arrow­
ed (the god of love) was Shkha Malik ; whose son, with fame like that o f the new moon, a mine o f

This is e."H to b3 taljen from tlie Masft-MiaAatmya of the Vaya ox ottier purSna', and relates to the merit arising from
making a tank. A quail once scraped a hole in the ground ; a boar came and made it larger; a buffalo and an elephant each
5n lum enlarged it still more ; a holy man then pointed out that it could he made into a tank or pond, and the king to whom
lie|;a»e this adxioe carried out the idea. For their shares in this work of merit they all went to svarga or paradise.-
These seven confer continuous honefit, and their reward is unending.
186 Ohannagiri Taluq.

mercy, a hero in war, was Lar-[Khan] ; his son, mild as the moon, was Badeya-Malik ; his son was
Seku Maiiik. By the desire o f the people was this ^asana set up.
Beyond the south o f Basavapattana in the world, the ? S ’endra country being a great forest
all the people made complaint o f the fear of robbers. The nadigas, settis, jiy a s, and those con­
stantly travelling by that road having said this,—rwithout delay, the master of the . . . . took it into
consideration, and said “ I will.see what there is there.” And that able one, going hiniself without
hesitation with great courage, cut down all the bushes and trees, and built there a town called Molli-
pura. And in the mountains he made a tank such that the three worlds were astonished, and
acquired great fame.
In the year Nandana (1652 A.D.) the honourable the Padshah being ill, he offered prayers on
his behalf and laid the foundation o f this Tavarekere (or lotus tank). And said— ‘ I will sow without
limit ; and to those travelling between the excellent Ramesa and Kasi will daily supply milk from
sugar-cane mills and set up water-sheds. I will without interruption plant cocoa-nuts, juicy plan­
tains, royal and other rice, with betel vines, SO that all the people shall be prosperous.’ —This
land at first was included in Basavapattaria under the rdya-r§kha, but afterwards, all the land
becoming covered with forest, it was excluded from the sist. Now, to the farmers from the four
quarters, the chief nadigas, settis aod their dependents, he with great jo y freely gave the land.
Benedictions and imprecations for Hindus and Musalmans.
That fortune m aybe to the dore-rdya, the hMn-lcMn, did Badeya Mallik, subduer o f foreign
armies, unassisted hero, establish this work o f merit.
Usual final verses. Names of officials and others who were to maintain the w ork. Imprecation.

Z>ufe 1653 A.D,
(Persian characters muI language).
Abu-Bakr. Umar. Usman. Ali.

After glory to God and praise to the Prophet (peace and blessing be on h im !)— In the reign of the
Padshah and defender of the faith, Sultan Muhammad, son of Ibrahim ’ Adil Shah Ghazi, in connec­
tion with Sultan-nagar, which was given for the residence o f the lord o f dignity and great honour,
the minister and commander-in-chief o f the kingdom,— His personal attendant Bari Malik, son o f
Lar Khan, son of Sheikh Malik Havdldar, built this tank named Vali Surur, for the reason that on
that day a slight change for the better occurred in the blessed health o f the king ; and vowed that
when the king should fully recover he would complete it. While he was o f this mind, on a certain
day the king was restored to health, and he was thus under obligation to fulfil his vow. The construc­
tion of the tank was accordingly completed, and the district of Valipur was presented for ever under
the high authority of this edict and duly registered for the benefit o f the said tank, in the name o f
Bari Malik, the namesake o f his grandfather. Whoso meddles or interferes with the enjoyment o f
the benefit is accursed and illegitimate.

In the year 1064 ............. the water in it was plentiful and will last for ever. The date o f the
completion of the tank will be found in— ” its name is Vali Surur ” (joy o f a friend).

Date 1229 A.D,
Be it well. In the reign of, (with usual titles, including) the uprooter o f the Magara kingdom, the
establisher of the Chola kingdom, the ni.4§anka-prat§,pa-chakravartti Hoysana vira-Narasimha-Deva ;—
Ohannagiri Taluq. 18 ?

Be it well. W ith all titles, the aa}-prabha of Do^daragajta in Susalagere-vitti, Bira-gavun^a’ s

sou Sanka-g&vunda’s son Bira-gavuda, and Malla-gavuda’s sou Sanka-gavu^a, these two, when (on the
date specifled) thq^cows were harried, gained the world o f gods. On the date (specified) on which
they went to the world o f gods, a grant o f land (specified) was made for them, and an uw^li-
s'asma erected.

Bate 1679 A.B.
(On the date specified), the Basavapattana Nava[b] Divan’s . . . . Subedar Lihgapa, for the Kato
.. . matha, made a grant o f Hire-Madahalu village belonging to Nallur-Mme. Whoso causes this
to fail is guilty o f killing swine in Mecca.

Bate ? about 1615 A.B.
{^Mahratti cTiaraoters and language).
May it be fortunate. Having established a S'ivalihga, with gifts of cows, land and gold, in
order that his father and mother might obtain Undying merit, he^ repaired the temple.

Bate ? 1616 A.B.
fMahmtti characters mid language).

(On the date specified— the year is gone), Sante-Benniir Hanumappa-N&yaka’s . •. Dadfiji
Raya-Ravaya made a grant of Hire-MMahalu, again establishing . . . . with gifts o f land, cows and

Batet A.B.
The feet of the god Mallikaxjuna are our refuge. (On the date specified), Sante-Bennfir Hanu-
mappa-Nayaka’s . . . . d§,si R5,ya-raya having from a long time held land in Hira-MadahS.lu, sot up
there S'iva-p4da and a S'ivalihga temple on the Tungabhadra, with gifts o f land and cows, that his
father and mother might attain to the world o f undying merit.

Bate 1758 A.B.
Be it well. (On the date specified), the Srimauta Sahib, with the Sar-Jamindar,— in the
presence of the Settis of the Sagara-p§te o f Basavapattaua,— granted to Marilingapa for the office
o f S'etti, as a palaki-uwbali, the village o f Udova belonging to Kole in the Sftlekere-sime, and set up
this stone, confirming its enjoyment, as long as sun and moon endure* by your posterity in regular
succession. O h ! Raghava-Rajendra, though living through seven halpas I have never heard of o r
seen any one who has taken away what he had given.2

Who ? No name is mentioned.—See No. 48.

Said to ha^e been spoken hy Jimbavanta to KSma on his proposing to carry away a jewelled tray which was found buried
in the ground oi ESrana’ s palace. But EJina liaviig bestowed Banka on Tibh’shana, is remiided that he should not remove
anything from it.
1 88 G h a n iiagiri T a lu q .

Date 1233 A.D.
Praise of S’amblui. Be it well. When, (with usual titles, incliuling) the uprooter o f the
Magara kingdom, the establisher of the Ch6}a kingdom,— the pratapa-chakravartti Hoysala vira-
Narasimha-Deva was in the residence o f Pafichala in Ch6}u-nad, ruling the kingdom in peace and
The regents at the points of the compass placed their elephants and horses beyond the ocean,
the sun did not descend from the sky, on account of his valuable jewel Vasugi remained in Patala,—
for the ocean-girdled earth having become his, thus only did king vira-Ballala leave them in possession
of their elephants horses and jewels. Among those of the Yadu-vamsa the brave Narasiipha having
slain many kings, did he pursue after Kadava, Magara and Pandya to attack them in the rear ?—
when he was the sole king over alt the earth as far as the ocean,— the Hoysaua king. Through fear
o f being seized by the king Narasimhaif he appeared before him, Yama hides himself, while tlie moon
stands ready with its deeri as if to stamp it in the middle o f the backs of his flying enemies.

Here follow a number o f verses each in praise o f some ur~a(Jeya (apparently equivalent to ur-
(With praise o f their ascetic virtues and devotion to sacrificial rites) the maha-nal-prabJiutas,
and (with praises of their skill in government, &c), the ur-odeyas (many named),— (on the date
specified), for the decorations and illuminations o f the ged Brahmesvara o f Nelkudure, and for temple
repairs, washing the feet o f Bonte Vamarasi-guru, made grants o f land (specified). Usual final verses.
Written by the ur-odeya Chaqdra-deva ; composed by Dasakirtti-deva ; engraved by Sankaroja.
Date 1242 A.J).
Be it well. (On the date specified), the immemorial agrahara Marasftr..............................on the
boundary o f Nelkudure, Somayya’ s son Bommeya-N&yaka, attacldng Dugi-Setti, the strong man o f the
enemy’ s Beda force, slew him, and having become a hero, saying ‘ Hari is my refuge’ , gained the
world of gods.
Bate 1277 A.B.
Be it well. (On the date specified), in Nelkudure, Hii-iya-Bomma’s son Nagaya-Nayaka, when
the cows were harried, fighting and slaying, gained the world o f gods. Pleased with his bravery, all
the Hr-odeya$ o f Nelkudure, Jeya-Deva-daiinayaka and all the subjects made a grant o f land (speci­
fied) as a neitaru land. Imprecation.
Bate 1279 A.V.
Similar to No. 54 above, but relating to Mareya-nayaka.
Bate ? 1142 A.B.
(All the first part, 41 lines, is effaced)

~ Samanta-Naganna, (on the date specified) for the temple o f the god Ketelvara which he had
given to Rudra5akti-guru, for the decorations o f the god, the offerings at the three seasons, and
perpetual lamp, made a grant o f land (specified). Usual final verses. -
j ■ -j- - ' ■ —; ; ~
A cco rd in g t o tlic H in d u b e lie f th e marks on t h e m oon represent a deer.
C h a n n a g iri T alu q. 18 9

Betie 1125 4.Z).
Praise o f S'ambhu

When, (with usual Chajukya titles), Tribhuvanamalla-Deva’ s victorions kingdom was extending
on all sides, to continue as long as sun moon and stars:—

And, a dweller at his lotus feet, (with titles as in No. 33 above), Tribhuvanamalla-Eaya-Pandya-
Deva, protecting the Nojambavadi Thirty-two Thousand and the Sautalige Thousand, with enjoyment
for three generations, was in the residence o f the royal city . . . , ruling the kingdom in peace and

A dweller at bis lotus feet, (with praises, very much effaced), the mah§.-samanta Pallava-
Kaya was protecting the Bijichi Seventy and the Dummi Twelve, with enjoyment for three generations.
And the maha-sanianta Somarasa was protecting with due rights the roanneya in the Bijichi Seventy;—
Praise of the maba-prabhu K ^ i-rdja, whose wife was Chakanabbe. Their son was Iru g a ; his praises.
His wife was Bhavyakabbe. He built a temple o f IrugeSa.

Be it well. The ur-o^eya o f Basavali, Saratavalli and Nallftr in the Bijichi Seventy, Mallige in
the Manujavojalu Twelve, and Kuhkuvadahalli in the Harakali Twelve,— these five towns, the maha-
prabhn Irugamayya-Nayaka, (on the date specified), for the decorations and offerings o f the god
ImgeSvara, the livelihood o f the pujdri, and distribution of food to guests and the destitute,— made
grants o f land (specified), washing the feet o f (with the usual ascetic virtues) S'ikhafiiva-guru.
Also an oil-mill and certain dues (specified).

Usual final verses.

Daie 1565 A.7).

Obeisance to Ganadhipati. Praise of S ’ambhu,

(On the date specified), at the time Of the moon’ s eclipse,— when the master o f Kuntala, the
middle region 126,000 yojanas (in extent) o f Jambu-dvipa, situated to the south o f Heml,dri maha-
M eru; lord o f the throne of Vidyanagari which Harihara maharaya built and consecrated in the
name o f Vidyaranya-sripada, who was in the form o f the Virupaksha-liuga, the master o f Pampa on
the bank of the Tungabhadra ; —the rajadliiraja raja-parameiivara vira-pratapa vtra-Rama-Deva-
Raya-mahS,raya, seated on the jewel throne, was ruling the kingdom o f the world in peace and

The agent for his affairs, promoter o f the Puvala-vamsa, Hanumi-Nayaka’s sons Billappa-
Nayaka and Kengappa-Nayaka, caused to be written and given to Lingana, younger brother of Appa-
bhatta, son of Indrakantl-Avala-Malli-bliatta, of the S'rivatsa-gotra Apastamba-siitra and Yaju^-Sakha,
sidhanm-kdsana as follows :— You having stated that—“ We are old residents, and preserving the
places obtained by our ancestors, have been yOur dependents. The offices of senabhfiva and jyotisha
of the country since brought under the sist should be granted: to us” ,— and the former residents
affirming that the offices of senabhova, iyotisha, purohita and others in all the villages belonging to
the Saate-P>3nnur-sime in the Uchchaagi-vente, were held by you,— we therefore grant them to you,
as a gift to Rama, to be enjoyed by yon, your sons, grandsons and posterity in regular succession;
and you may take possession of all the dues and rights (specified) belonging thereto in the Sante-
Bennur-sime, according to former custom.
190 O lia n n a g ir i T a l u q .

The grant is repeated three times.

Witnesses Son and moon, &c.

Usual final verses, (si^»c(i)~sri-Elim a.

JM e 1214 A .B .
Praise o f Sankara and B'aihhhu, Usual account o f the 'Hoj’sa4aa, to Balla}a.

Be it well W hen, (with ustial and other titles), Tribhuvanamalla pratapa-chakravartti Poy-
sala-vira-Ballala-Deva, with the Beven-and-a-half-Lakh cou n try under his sole umbrella for as long
as sun moon and stars endure, was ruling the kingdom o f the earth in peace and wisdom : —

A dweller at his lotus feet,— ^in the time o f king Hreyahga, a subduer by force o f enemies who
would hot submit, was Vaijarasa in the world. To describe his pride ;-^when Aggada-Raya ran into
the Beijarabahki forest, in front o f Hemmadi he aimed an arrow a t him from bis bow, which not
only went through his skull, but continuing on, to the amazement o f the spectators bit one eye o f a
kite that was flying in the sky,—this famous king Vayja. For this extraordinary feat he received
fr o m ’Hemmadi-R4ya the ftitle ^eye^rrow,),-rhQW can I describe the pride o f Vaijarasa’ s
achievements in the world ? To thehing Vayja who;receiyed th© .title Tcann-atnbi and,to his wife was
rborn theking JJAda. To-Nadan^a and his wife,J(agale,.^!the,boon pf tl^.three-eyed^od,.w as born
-the king Vayja. rFrom his-saying this is,m y .deity, the only .light o f my fanai|y, character and
-power,— to Vayja’ mandalika, and to his wife Vayjala-Devi, from her daily worshippii^g her deity the
the goddess Padumavati,— was born a son, the brave king ,Barmma. To describe his d.esce.nt :rr-a
glory of the Ganga-vamsa, (with other praises). His wife was Ganga-madevi, and they had a son
Narasimha. May S'rikantha grant long life, the lord of Lakshmi all wealth, the cause o f the birth
of the world, Aja, a good son, through love o f the king Bammi-Deva’ s son, the king Narasimha, and
increasing boons as long as sun moon and stars endure. The master of elephants the Malava king,
the Lala king with his warriors, shining with masses of horsemen the Gurjjara king, and the Chola
king,— he opposed, attacked and on the field o f battle fought by himself, on receiving the order from
king Ballu,— this king Narasiinha.

Be it well. When, born in the Ganganvaya renowned in all the world, Kongulivarmma dharm ma-
maharajadhiraja, boon lord of Kolala-pura, obtainer of a boon from the goddess Padmavati, the
Ganga Gangeya, jayad-uttaranga, prat§,pa-Mahesvara, lord o f Nandagiri, (with various other
epithets),— with these names and titles, the maha-mandalika Narasiipharasa was in the residence o f
Asandi, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom ;—
A dweller at his lotus feet,— Be it well. With all titles, the Mudugere maha-prabhu was . . . .

gauda; to whom and to Keta-gaudi was. born Adi-gauda. To whom and his wife Ma . gaudi was
born Bila-gauuda, To whom and to Baga-gaundi were born Kama-gaimda, Bucha gaunda and Adi-

gaunda. O f them, to the Asandi-nad maha-prabhu Rama-gauuda and Ganga-gaurnii were loom Bila-
gaunda, Rama-gaunda and Naga-gaunda.
The thus esteemed maha-nafprahhu Mudugere Rama-Gaunda made Halakalanahajli, coiistrucled
the Bilasamudra tank and the Buchasamudra tank, and setting up the linga o f ilie god Billesvara,
and erecting a temple, (on the date specified) washing the feet o f .. ., jiya, for the decorations and
offerings of the god Billesvara, temple repairs, Chaitra, pavitra, perpetual lamp, daily and special cere­
monies, made grants of land (specified) by the ottola pole. Also grants to Somayya, son of Madhava-
bhatta of the god’s Brahmapuii, and to the raja-gum Kriyasakti-deva |who consecrated the god.
Usufi.1 final vcuses*.
Chaunagiri Tduq. 191
Be it well. The r§ja-gam E riy^akti-dera and the F4kd$i ascetics o f ^8andi-n§.4> performing
the consecration o f Idnra's son Ha^d^ to the temple o f the god BilleSvara, granted him certain dues

Be it vrell. Grants' were also made for S'iyadera>bhattdp§,dhya, scUdMcharya^ o f the god
Harihara; and for the chatra o f the god BilliSvara.

Date ? 1100 A.D.
Be it w ell (On the date specified), when .. Bakkanna-Vodieyar’ s son Ganga Sel&r came to
SettihalU-pattania and foughtj— the watchman Ere-Permma-Nfi,yaka’ s son (with various epithets)
Nage-Nayaka, fought in Gahgu Selar’ s army and fell,— on which the watchmaa and his younget
brother, in the jo y o f their heart, granted for him Bankekeie as a nettaru~godige,

Date ? d>out 1565 A.D.
Bhumi-viraktaya’ s matha in the Uummi Thousand-

Date? (O)out 1565 A.D.
Kengapa-Nfi,yaka granted this land to the tumbler Kengapa, for as long as the moon endures.

Date 1562 AJ),

May it be fortunate. Praise of S’ambhu.
(On the date specified), when, (with usual titles), Sadasiva-maharliya was ruling the kingdom
o f the world in peace and wisdom
The Dummi-fiime being favoured to Ayyana-Maluka-Vodeyar as an amara,— Ayyana-Maluka’s
thmaddr Dilavar-Vodeyar destroying the children o f the farmers, subjects and chiefs in the king­
dom,— Sante-Benuur Hanume-Nayaka’s son Pilapa-N%aka and Gaudayya o f Chikka-Gafigfir in the
Dummi-Sime were being sent to the feet o f Maluka-Vorleyar, when Dijavar cut off that Gaudaj^a’s
head in a cross road. Maluka-Vodeyar hearing the report, sent his servant Chimmana-Vodeyar,
and granting the Dummi-mme to Sante-Bennur Pilla-Nayaka, tortured and put to death the former
thanadar Dilavar, and gave Chikka-Gangur to Gaudayya’ s children as a nettara-godagi. Imprecations.

Date ? 1577 A.B.
(On the date specified), the nadigar o f Hodigere-^ime, Bankipura Mallapa, (granted) to
Timmapa’ s son Rahgapa the Lakshumasagara village as an unibali.


Date 1220 A.D.

Praise of S'ambhu and S'ankara.

When a certain king named Sala was with undisturbed mind worshipping the goddess Vasantika
o f Saiakapura, a fierce tiger, with unshackled body, sprang out, when the Jina-munipa sitting at

A man who answers questions by putting a saldka or stick into a book at random and so finding a saitable passage.
192 Channagiri Taluq.

the side gave him his ^;MA7c7ja (whisk o f peacock’ s feathers), aad said “ with this se/c (cane) hit
(hoy), Sala, the tiger," from which time the kings became H oysajas, Thenceforth the cane being
on their tiger flag, the kicgi of the Hoysala line seemed in the cane to be holding up (a warning)
finger to the fleeing hostile kings in battle. .Like a sun rising upon the eastern mountain the
Hoysala-vanaaa, dispersing the darkness his enemies, &c., was born the king Vinayaditya. After
he had ruled, his son Ejeyafiga kept all the world cool in the shade o f his white umbrella. In
bodily pleasure as greater than Rati’s husband {ereyangam), in great glory than S'achi’s husband
iereijangam), in lofty might of arm than Siri’ s husband {ereyangam), did Ereyanga shine. Their
forms like the god o f love, unequalled wrestlers, were the sons born to Ereyanga’ s wife Echala-
Devi,— Ballala, B.tti-Deva and Udayaditya. Like the flaming central eye o f Purahara’s three eyes
jim ong the three brothers, by his great valour he became the king, in the form o f Vishnu, the king
Vishnu. First taking into his arm the Lakshmt of the Hoysala kingdom which was his inheritance,
as his strength increased he imposed his commands on all the points o f the compass, and seizing
Talakadu, became the first to the Gahga kingdom,— this promoter of the Yadu-vamsa, the king
Vishpu. To him and to Lakshmi-Devi was born, with the glory of the god of love, the king Narasimha.
His glory spread over the lands of his enemies, the vine his sword was nourished with the flesh o f
hostile armies, his banners fluttered in the wind o f the sighs o f his enemies’ wives, the world was
cooled by his white umbrella,-^what a marvel was the king Narasimha. In his clear eyes, the fish ;
in his feet, the tortoise ; in his throat, the b oa r; in his waist, Nrisimha ; in the sport o f acquiring
the world, Vamaaa (or the dwarf) ; in subduing his enemies, the three Ramas ; in the force o f his
own yoga, Buddha ; in putting down the evil, K a lk i;— thus combiuing in himself the ten incarn*
ations, was born the king Ballaja. These elephants are what Magarega (or the Magara king) gave=
in war ; these are the elephants Choja s e n t; these ratting elephants are what Kadava-Raya seized
from Pandya;— see, said with admiration at Narasimha’s power, trembling on account o f their
enmity, the envoys o f Simhapa, Laja and Gaula. Saying, what word is this that I am called
master of elephants when there are no troops of elephants o f which I am master,— the king Narasi­
mha, marching without stopping for a hundred gavudas, overthrowing formidable enemies in the east,
captured the hundred elephants with, which Magara came against him, and brought them in with
bis horse.
Be it well. When (with usual ChMukya and Hoysala titles, including) the uprooter o f the
Magara kingdom, the establisher of the Choja kingdom,— Tribhuvanamalla nissanka-pratapa-cbakra-
vartti Hoysala vira-Narasimha-Deva, having the Seven-and-a-half-Lakh country under the shadow
o f his sole umbrella for as long as sun moon and stars endure, was ruling the kingdom in peace and
wisdom :—
A dweller at his lotus feet, (here follows the account of Vayja and bis descendants, as in
No. 64 above).
Be it well. When, (with titles as in No. 64), the maha-mandalika Vaijarasa-Deva was in the
residence of Asandi in peace and wisdom, ruling the kingdom to continue as long as sun moon and
stars ;—
A dweller at his lotus feet,—Obeisance to the gurus. Be it well. T o the maha-nalprabhu
Hiriya-Bela-gavuda and to Keta-gaudi was born the nalprablm Adi-gauda ; to whom and to Maka-
gaudi was born Bela-gauda. To him and to Baga-gaudi were born Adi-gauda, Raina-gauda, Kanna-
gauda, Eamm.a-gauda and .. gauda.
Be it well. (With various epithets), the maha-nalprabhu Kallakere Kanna-gauda, (on the date
specified), having set up the S'ivalihga o f the god Bele^vara, and built a S'iva temple, at the time o f
the moon’s eclipse, washing the feet of Sdmesvarf.-guru, for the god’s perpetual lamp, offerings, Chai-
tra and pavitra, made a grant of land- (specified).
Ohannagiri Taluq, 193
Be it well. The ur-oieyi of Hebbari in the Asandi-vfitti, Markka^da-deva and a number o£
:gaudis fuamed), also a number o f gaudaS (named) of Holalakere-vritti, disputing regarding the
d)oanda’*y o f B.idanahalu, Molahaju and Kallakere, went to the king (diva], when the king had
pitched his camp outside Silugodu,— and the following was the correct settlement made by Ballaja-
Beva and the five m i n i s t e r s T h e boundary o f the two nads NoyambavMi and Gangavadi;— for
Gafigaradi,— Gub'yakallu, the Hadangi hill, Hakiyadone, T aliyakatta; the division runs along the
feld boundary o f Bidarahajji,


Be it well. The man lalika Bammarasa-Deva^ for the decorations and illuminations o f the god
Bejesvara, for temple rcpair.s, Chaitra, pavitra, offerings, pey>etual lamp, vessels and cloths, made
•grants of laud (specified). And,(on the date specified), at the time of the sun’ s eclipse,, the treasurer
Salagayya and the superintendent o f customs, Jatayya, granted annual dues for the god. Usual final

Dale 1180 A.D.
(The first part is gone),

When, (with usual titles), the nissanka-pratapa-chakravai’tti [vira-BalIala*Deva was in the

residence o f? Vija]yasamudra, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom, to continue as long as suit
moon and stars

A d w e lle r a t h is lo t u s fe e t , (w ith v a r io u s p r a is e s ) w a s B a lla « n r tp § la .

Be it well. W hen, born in the •Gahgknvaya renowned in all the world, Kongnjivarmma
dharmma-maharajadhiraja, boon lord o f Kolala-pura, obtaiaer of a boon from the goddess PadmaVatf,
the Ganga Gaageya, jayad-iUtaranga, (with various other epithets, including) lord o f Nandagiri,
having the crest o f a rutting elephant, sun to the lotus the Ganga-knla,— with these names and
titles, the maha-mandalika Barmmarasa-DIva was in the residence o f Asandi, ruling the kingdom
in peace and wisdom, to continue as long as sun moon and s t a r s H i s son Narasiipha-bhfipa was
celebrated in the world.

Be it well. T o the maha-najprabhu Hiriya Bela'^avnpda &e. (as in No. 72 above), Eam a-
gavunda and his brothers set up tbe-S'ivalinga o f the god Adinatha in Kallakere, constructed a tank,
erected a temple, andJbr the decorations and illuminations o f the god, temple repairs and offerings,
(on the date specified), at the time o f the, eclipse o f the sun, washing the feet o f Kariyaguru-diva,
made a grant of land (specified); and for the perpetuaLlamp 5 oil-mills. Also certain dues (specified).

Be it w’ lL The ur-odeya o f Hebbari, &c. (as in No 72 above, but omitting Ballala before^ Deva
and the five ministers).

7 3 (his)^ -
H ateU n 4 .D .'
(The first part is gone). When, (with usual titles), Vijaya-Bukka-Raya-mahUraya’s son, y!ra-'
pratapa Deva-Raya-mah§,raya’ s mans-kcyp'xde • • . ...(on the date specified),Ifet up the god
Hanumanta, erected a temple, aud for the god made a grant o f land (specified). Also for the offerings
to the god Bayirava.. Usual final verses.
194 O lxan n agiri T a lu q .
-Pafe ? 1168 AJD.
(The greater part of the inscription is effaced).
During the Hoysala period, some chief born to S'ankara-Deva and Suggavve, washing the feet
o f.. .. .. (on the date specified), made for some god a grant of land (specified). Usual final verses.

Daie’i 1121 A.D.

Saba-Deva (in the year specified) ran and came from Tauagundur. Written by senabova Nagaya^

Baie ? 3545 A,I).
Praise o f S ’ambhu. Be it well. (On the date specified), yira-pratapa Sadaliva-Raya-mahara-
ya’ s agent Rama-Raj-Odeyar granted to the barber Ko ..............the caste tax o f the local barbers,.
with all ceremonies. Imprecation.
Date about 1180 A,D.
Praise of S'ambhu. When, (with usual titles), the Hoysaja-chakravartti vira-Balla]a-Deva was-
in the residence of Vijayasamudra, ruling the kingdom in peace and wisdom —

(The rest is all effaced ; apparently relates to the Gahga king o f Asandi).
Date 7 about A.D.
iRis lotus feet reverence 1 by the chief gods, sunrise to the lotuses the hearts of his wor­
shippers, of highest happiness, mooorise to -the ocean o f nectar dharma,— Paramesvaia, may he
grant to us the fulfilment of our desires.
Hampe Virupaksha being the only refuge, the Harihara linga’ s feet the only refuge,— the
writing of this sasana, may it bo fortunate.
After the Dvapara, the names of kings who ruled Jarnbu-dvipa during Kali ;— Dharma-Raya y
when he was* going to svargga, he bound the crown on Pariksha-Raya ; and Pariksha-Raya ruled
fo r 30 years ; his son JanamSjaya ruled for 7 years, after which his vamSa came to an end:
(became nirvams'a). His servant (minster, Uligadava) Chandagupta-R&ya ruled for 500 years.
In the days when Vikrama-Raya was ruling the earth, (there was) Bilaja Sdmagorida-gauda’s-
daughter *, Chejugur Chelve-Sugandhe was the name of that woman. Attached to Kampaja, which in
course of time would come to him, was Viragolaja, equal in extent to the mountain-chain of Jambu-
dvipa ; the Raja o f which, Chelugur Chendamute, his younger brother Balamute, Padmana-Nayaka
and Buma Nayaka, these mighty ones, united with those powerful to curse or bless, and those who
were suns in honour, came, having left their land, in the following manner The report o f what they
were going to do, and that they were abandoning their land, having reached Vikrama, (he said),
*Will they go ? what report is this ? can they carry off a kite or a crow from my country ? I have no
intention of letting the woman go.’ On telling the report to Bati, he said, “ Wicked men have
~ j , - .. ^ . •

The language throughout is very corrupt, and the meaning often doubtful. The record implies a migration from some north­
ern district (PKampili) into the parts around Channagiri, at the time when the Muhammadans were in the ascendant there
(a« shown by the reference to BSbaj’a), after the fall of Vijayanagar.
C h a n n a giri T a lu q . 195
become very powerful in the e a r t h a n d it becoming known to all, they considered, and advised
thegauda, saying—“ It is not right that we should fall into this sin, and disgrace the Siva religion i
it is better to escape in whatever way we can.” The gauda, pleased in his mind, sent for his brothers
and relatives, and said, “ W e must at once depart, quick as thou gh t: ,think that if we get a (bad) name
in Jambu-dvipa it will be ruin to our family.” The cowherd Keta-gopda now carried to the gauda
the offer, T f you give up the woman, I will drive over to you a thousand cows o f each colour.’ On
hearing that, the gauda was filled with rage, his mustaches danced up and down, his eyes grew red,
his brows were knotted together, and he thereupon said ‘ Come quickly, those who intend to follow
m e ; those who will not come, do as you please.’ At this word the tumult o f the eighteen castes and
the hundred and one families arose, and they yoked their carts.. O f carts 700, ga (?gaudas) 75,
with 6000 o f Kampala, and 3000 sheep o f Kampala,— these carts, grinding the earth, set out.
(Here follow lists o f the manya-marttan^as, gaudas,. and Syagaras who went]. All these went with
the gauda, and broke the ground with their departure, 70 cart-loads o f families, who, by means o f
those who had no carts, threw from time to time food to the kites' and crow s,' and marched on as if
to break the world in two, until they came near the Bhagirathi.
The report being then carried to the king, he was in a great rage, and ordering out his forces,
directed them saying,— “ Do not let them go : stop them, seize and bring them b a ck ?” On that, Batti
sent a message, saying, ’'‘Cross over the river at once. ” Hearing which, Bilala Saying (to himself), the
people with all their retinue, cows, children, and the poor will be made prisoners on my account,— with
fierce valour calling together the chief men, came near to the great river (or Mahanadi), spread bis cloth,
and said,— “ Show me salvation, m other; I will not leave your protection ; show your merey.” On
which, saying, ‘ Who is it beseeching me ?’ the'great river (or Mahanadi) gave them passage. At
that time the king’ s army came to seize them, and the fierce in war, the preserver o f all the people,
the brave Bilala opposed them, and fought for 8 days. Meanwhile the cows, carts and people crossed
over, while a stream of blood from those who fell in the attacking force ran to the great river (or
Mahanadi). . After that, by the favour o f various gods (named), they pushed on and halting, blessed
(arisidaru) Babaya,i as well as all their chief men and children. And building there a village, they
named it.Arisikere.
After that they formed two divisions. Padmapa-Nayaka and Bala-Nfiyaka with all their party
went to the direction o f Chennanagiri. When S6magouda-gauda,ChelagUr Ghandamute, and his young­
er brothers Keiidala and Dumina-Raja, and all their subjects Were rising up, the god Bhairava stood
there. Going forth, and doing three days’ journey in one, they halted and made'an encaSnpment. The
early rains (mungdru) then set in, and the note o f the k6gilu (or cuckoo) was heard. They therefore
gave the place the name of Kogalur and built a village. Thence going forth, they burnt incense (dupa)
to the god, and that (place) became Ddpada-maradi. And at the place where the leaves on which
they ate® fell, they made a village called Bayatanagere. For that village his son named Hande-S6-
maiya was made the gauda, aiid he remained there. Then follows a list o f village artisans appointed
to Kogalffr by Bilaja Somagonda-gaudn, who stationed his younger brother Bimagonda there,'and
went on with another division. And where the carts with families slo.ipe 1 he made a village named
Baiyakakanur, and appointed to it Bala-dore. In the same manner Chelugur Ghandamute, Kendula
_and Dumma-Raja met and had a consultation with all the people, and then made the village Nitti-
gere, and appointed to it Sogadanora.
When they were leaving Kampala, the Raja-linga drew itself away and stopped there. The
reason for its drawing itself away was that Chelugur Chandumute’ s wife became with child. Her

The Muhammadan name for. the paiya or hand with fingers outspread, which represents the five holy persons of Islam.***
The leaf plates used by the Hindus.
196 Channagiri Talnq.
two children were called Do44a*Gafiga and Chikka-Gahga, after the Bhagirathi " And in their names
were made the villages Hire-Ganguru and Chikka-Gahguru, and they appointed to them Hulenora
Malana-gauda. Then Bilala Somagondi, with his seven brothers and his attendants, went on to
Yemtnadodi to camp, and stopped there permanently, naming it Yemmiganur. They also built villages
and hamlets. Where Kalaratre-Kannamma stopped, they made the village. Kalalagatta. His eldest
son (hire maga) made tliriyur. Where the cows lowed, they made Baiyabada, and appointed to it the
Keiiguri Kuruba (or sh3pherd) Keta-gau^a, And where the stayed, they made Baiyabaragur,
and appointed to it Hatenora. In the name o f Kendula Dumma-Raja they made Dummi and also
Gunjinur. And in these villages Bilaja Somago^da-gauda and his attendants settled.
I will state the names of the kings who ruled the present kingdom (adya-rdjya) in the S'aliva-
hana ^aka to the. time of their settlement 5— Sindu Ballala ruled 5 after him vira-Balla}n- ruled ; thus
nine Ballalas ruled ; after them the Siva king Krishua-Raya ruled *, Achyuta-Raya ruled ; Deva-Raya
ruled ; Mala-Ray<» ruled ; Ch5la-Raya ruled ; Bilania-Rfi.yat ruled.

I’erhaps meant for Bilala gomagonda, the leader of the migration


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22 SliiniQga Taluq


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26 Shimoga Taluq.


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28 Shimoga Taluq.


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30 Shimoga Taluq.

' f^nsrSssc&jjS^TjsJrsSoortOT
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2 . . £Oc©s;'d^ddrtd;djii?d?o . . . | ^ o d J id ^ .................................................

(53o^s3^r! aoddo djstBd.)

ejS ^ 5ojs^aOv e ^ e s iicJ d dS?od?j'^?5<5j5V'r^

5 ' X 2 ' 2"*

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®s5odeX/$^'^23Sd5o?0S835|;t®/i3oeS3j3dbdl I ©^TSrfri^d®3^ds^JJ«fiDSS35»o383»

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54 S h im oga T alu q.

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SosSjS^a^l^ li SS3ort8!^d3S5Jl^^^t

sSdtf coJs^sOv £ 3 d d rs^ sdid ?3iisJ^^d tS^ssii^d Sood «i&sSo^«3 sS ^ d osi

^djj8® 6' 6" X 2' 9".

^dsJoTJi ort
(sSim^rt vio sJ^ d v'j 5?j®t?'^.)
d£i=s* r . . . T^E^di^r
WoTii^di doyfj'.tfrt^pajdod
« &r?t0jasS?8 d!^s^®‘^a33rci^rfc{®rf38odo^
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doEfiffi djs's'dad.di V cidsisr
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56 Shimoga Taluq,

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58 Shimoga Taluq.

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Shimoga Taluq.

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68 Shimoga Taliiq.

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7 4 Shiiaoga Taluq.


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rv 75




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96 Shimoga Taluq.

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98 Shimoga Taluk,

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^5d35«! 4 ' X 2 '.

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118 Shimoga Taluk.

T ^^zS r^cJS5i)c5 So^SoJficJosJdo.

2 ' X V 6 ".


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120 Shiraoga Talo^.

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S5t5^ zS^drJscdd to v ’/^ r^JS>%jSaS^€ ?5e&?^tfo^
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s^sSiaea 3 ' Q" x 2'.
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Shikarpul? Taluq.
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^^OSedocT^ODii ^ diiJ . . . . 7^^riorew v’9'ai^ •
si <0- -
Shikarpu^ Taluq.

^® ffe3!^ ^5}8£<^ rrfi33ii?^ aS 32^i3?aj3..................................

(5i03OtS ^gJD 2MZScJj3S;®^f\^.)

«sc3 ? s o js ^ a O v s s r i i S r s i)r 3 (^ .

sSosij^ s s r i t i ^ d i i v ’a— e S r f jD ^ .

3 s j i^ r iv o .

l ? ;^ Jo csp rt.

®a/^^=5^^3o5da)oa^5±lSo33 V S ^ d ^ U S ^ s O

V 3 jD 3 = ^ 5 ii= 5 ^ ^ id . .

‘ ’a o f^ o r t ie ^ s ir fs ij^ d s ijr fi^ o S D S K i^ D s a J d ^ ^ ^ i^ a

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2S t KSioc^rt.

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Vo i) O ^ £>S -■ '- « ' Vo tc »
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(rfOOo^S =!^e« oi^S^^oJ^^f^^;^.)

«i>zS? S3^So3ticS0 ®d05^05?d^5dd ? 1 o ^ o =5^ao,

^ d jse® 2 ' 6 " X 1".

cSsjjTia oTicdd: o23«Sod'\W3 ® eSH^JS I ^JsdcSszSo^^v’rBtSssrtdiicda

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S b ik arp u r Taluq^.

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S2s3^ i^ V ci© .


8hikarpur Taluq,

• • • •

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®rfi^S35i!So®5r?dgr^3jecOoW^=^j3?^aj55^D;^^?\/se^5So5 . .
. . . 0*^rSo'5'ja^ . . . . i^?Sj®djoif\75asi5Sd . . .
^Vod n 23s^«og^57lv?>7v3d75d^Si^eS0^dn)5)3??^j:)3rtor?del^rt«3j^p|
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S hik arpu r T a lu q .


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208 Shikarpur Taluq.

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212 Shikarpur Taluq.

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218 Shikarpur Taluq.

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328 Shikarpur Taluq.


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230 Sliikarpur T a lu q .


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250 Slykarpur Taluq.

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282 Shikarpur Taluq.


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284 Shikarpur Taluq.


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286 Shilsarpur Taluq.

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288 Shikarpur T a lu q .

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7 8
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324: Shikarpur Taluq.


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326 S h ili^ u r Taluq,

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328 Shikarpur Taluq.


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342 Shikarpur Taluq.




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346 Shikarptix’ Taluq.

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^^Daa3dddi^?^ddd2i5io|jd=g'di5|^^od3ai3=^D5cdo Code
®^3t)Sej'^^^Sdj®da^d^ddda^^^dsddr3^ ^®^sj3TOfieJdsSJ^dSod3^d^dd«sdo:^ddad?35w^^J3ofJ
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®cdaS(j3^dcd3d^dd37S n^o^'^aii ^ d js^ d jsd d o

354 Shikarpur Taluq,

^ j» f3js?
j}5£|?0O33^o7^?5JSM JS^CJS^Sid J9 t»

2oj5?3vQcJo ^ jj^eOv 5ov^ ?3^ c?o r ^ o d p ^ sojs^rJos^ nsSr^ ^ a d r s p s r fd ® ,

3' X 2'

^e5j»7jJStfrt«ro:« 1 ^?5j5^rfo^ot^ajo?J:5^ I ®doS3?So«ft3o«PV

t3j5t DSJ30c3»r1iS=#^oap eOv r^psrt d sojSD rffi.

^5dsp8 6' X 2' S"


SsJa?^=5^s3j® ^Vsiavs^ivs-T^jstooJ,
fO «<,
555:?®^ &<^iodoi3rj!3S rfsSoSSosPj®
«< ^

6 ........................5i33irS5jS!)05ij5i2SV’dc35 ejirf
.................................. z3j6^ d2(5j*>JP3'^j9;^3 r . . S tfJiSgoOepj'?
8 sO??^o$jJ35:isS3j^23^5lj®5^rsj9i1j®?^v‘o^?K Jsi ,
...................zSF^odo^sS^r^a^^cdijSjsv’J ® ^ *1 ^tJcd^o
............................ ?525S^SZS?jo3j ^ ? 3 . . . . ^!jcd3oc33?35

................................ tPV’oS^tfsOO^V'zJtsrfo II li e#J8?^?J®;^r^5S0^^5CfCj^Kf3

................................ ^ ? J s v 'd 3 ^ w ^ v ’os^3$^e|^o:^T^o5>^tf5:S?S^3V‘eP

1 ® ............................ z3?sSo II si II ? ^ ? ^ ? i5 i3 ^ ^ 3 s S jj5 ^ o i.'o ^ t^ ^ ^ 5 i| j^ o

1 1 ............................ Si3Pj?jSi^=^£^3®ra5d3PlSi3dD5KC5aj5i3«3

15 . «p^rf3?i®|^ac3Jsi»5i??S05a35ii3ci(is^^?;i3i^j^3
16 ZS F'Sil3risi53S^oS351^ F'S^tioSOC5ori£33^ si^^j^^si
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18 ........... .... , {o^os5Szi3rtw^^3SS£Ps;aoi^r|^tfrt^3i53SJi;3oJ§jsS^d

19 _ , ........................... B ^djsossiiorl^t^^ci^dsosii^idsiD s^^^tjtfosiisv’i^eS^S^y

20 ............... d3o!is;'o^?v’i;^2dr)D3£dsi®?iropi=5^?P??i^3wVi^J80d^^?ii1.^r5
21 ..............80£vSoai;io^?o3SSc3JSii^O?JSJ^^SJ^rf05c£^rSoJ)?Ja3jB^7l

........... sdO^tJo'B^OTioSS^D^KJnJirforJOCJ . .
23 .......... D52:^G7^o:5^tf5idjsv’oII=^GIIlci8cdD?S;5^s^=5^S^5^dd5rto:53sicJ
24 .............. 75odi£ahdo^z^?So^do^zS7S^ai3tSjs:’s'3 l| ^ ll . . . . sgd
25 ...........sSo^33sv’535rfs5ozSj^tS;^S^rfoo!^S?d:)«o^75c^s^d7oo:^07i!^e8o
26 . . . . ;^<S3ji^?5jOv’«;^^t7ScS?5o=3^d?j3^2^osS5^^®rf5crio?5oJ)r:J^i^03gi=^osj'K5
27 . . 7i?o . . . j3^s5o;S5s^o®tC)
28 . . ^€zio . .
. , t8^=s^j33j|j®V.......................... ao “S'sVr?
30 D5a^o^Kli^^=ffSa33^^77^eC)fS533)f^5f^5Jsj^^7^?iJ3Ii73Sfl55f3?)?v'rf^prf5d2SS^rt^
II II 55KS^5:>d)do^^r^?onfissr^pS37;;5?i?od^r . . .
32 , c'sSodSjsTSD-j>
^ d)!o
0 . . . cdo’s^riesSicdid n
f^sdosdoids, 232<S&rddodssoddoo . . . . rfs
, ^»iOo^^3j35i5^F"c33^2^d?>§So2j3j8i^SSC^c3./S^dr^^^ds®o7ood^^^3^7552^I8^rioJj
34 . . cj2e3s^c^Qo^P|^aoo5ecd3o®s^?5Bi^cdi?s^?Srf«;o95^s^rs3j^r5S^t5^II=g^odIIej
35 cJjdot^cScsjOo ^ - . 63Sa33cir0<;5OSi53Vcrfidj5i^^dd*^Dr^&SodII
36 . ?5dz|^r..................... =3^o2^d8i5jai^cid^^^cd^F20o2|JoDdrf;dd^
37 . ^d7^do^Sr^?orirgsr^?§Bjod?3^d^di2^Fo5js'!?'o II ||JidDddodi^Tjo?^
38 . dDP\8z^^o3^rds^F£35533Jo^7idj®^di^d^2SJ^dj?^i3sdddo^Dr^&r!?!S5i^?§3®o
39 . . 7d^S?7^2^B^Qo II =5^0IIt5do3j3riS?’^P|^a?39dO5d07lfd^’3^nScd2So®sd0f’®do
40 . ^n?c^Drt^»0CS53SS ns|j n5SddoSS7^?i®sSvsd7!Jddo5d^J^V’oeJ^^n5)7^d8rod^o7^^J5So
41 . 5Sid20d^n3dodqSj®^to^2jjddo®s^o2adoESe;^5Sd^do^5jr^F?Sdo^S7^?io2dj®?sSoaS
42 DB2:^^=5^DJi:i^2i3^42^rodo/i'.?odc*2ji25J05^ori§ododd2od?i.'f©aod2^®3)258daodo*^
43 . :ifdi^oS-^^F’S“3od^SjS05d;o^J^^®^3o^^djCd0cd05^55^T^C«^£.^SlO®?25C®»OH
44 . 7jcj5cld^2i^s3o35?)2^^f335dodj®v’o^?^F!8?^^doai)dSc3j®?d^j®a)^ ...................
45 , gjjdd..................did2fiaO^?3aSd5jS^^3J5dda^2^F=5^................
46 . . i^doda............... dodo^dtddj9^?od5S^S..............
47 , . ................s^sSocsS^d^o^ssd^S'iddj....................
48 . . . ............ ddd:^ dod«sd ddddossa................
49 , . . ddriJpSdo^ . . . 33^?it^dd5ddo^f3o..............
50 , . . . dddoEsdoasdSjija . . . . SSdoddDS's^idi^^y . . . . . .
51 • • ^ II ^ ^ d d o 2 3 s J d d d d d . . . . d d w d S s d o v ’e j S a ^ ^ S ^ d i . . . .

52 . . Cd.odj35^dB®ddd^^53S^^ . . . . . . . . dod^®2§i^55sj5j6SlV5^^^^ . . . .
53 . , ^^?53%■0d5O^2fid^^FdOCd30!ff^023S.......... dOr^da;^^CdiOifdO^ . . . . fOOdSoJ
54 . .. 4^oSoog35dSdcOo?oi^Fl\addddod?3 . . . . cdosv’oIIajsdoJ............. d<5.®^v'o
55 . . ^jsv’i^d^^dJsojSjav’i^So'g’odcdj^v’idr^ . . . . vsSjSsqsjdJdo^JSV’?^ . . . . Sj9S?do^
56 , t>ScSj;2SDS2cd^^^3j'Sodocrid:^j$^J)cdD^do li T^^^^do^^sdoodi^ii^dodo^d^od . . . dodido^
356 S liik a r p u r T a lu q .


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. . II ^ ^ t f ? ^ d d ; f j s ? W a < > 5 S j l o ; S e ; 3 a i 7 5 B c r f : ; S j ® ^ W = 5 ^ o s O , t jjo B

3 1 6

essS? s»w/s^sO^ rljsi?^ n ^ s^ jrf eS'^ss??® ^ sd rd ® ?r^ o .

5' X 2 ' i"

...................rJ^S*^^aS3?3o^sS . . .


®d5J3?^Bsjo;S5^6o|jd«^?js^^o^5=5*jv’Ssi' . •
®doe0do7^eJii^_^Sii5 II ?S<j?o_7^5do?o_^7^?j_7i2oi^o3)^rfj

®f^®S^^J?^odoSJ33Cd3'3'o!^J3^SoddS?dOEO?S^75 •
^®2js rniddoj5dio?S3&)B»:5¥’oS doa20^aji'3*oK;6®oi:S
3, £0 ^ 7l?o ?j555Br\i^j3oE^sSiSoa73ai djSosdaotS'?^ ■.
iw -^r og—fi T O
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u . ISSOdiW;!; ^?=5^f^r^305lV'?5^V’^2Sj)05asrf®?3BJSS^?l>? .

^®e;?i^jso3-^?'^.^35£^r?0£®d^S53jai3dPSo?0ocS5d53i^roa . .

^®o;jodj3?d^f^o!S^?^oaW5So^73jW55arf;^c7j;32^^B^ . .

^‘'tfSdliSioSjst’^’saoa^oJj^icd^rsSDSodjpss^OoJsDsocjJ . •

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o ea^ sdd£3?S?5je)?5S 07^sd£^?5s^r?3D 3^Ziorf0 . . . .

®®lS»S0rf533O53?Jd332^de5i^!j'D^0d33j5^r^rf*)?Cd0«5 . . . .

^ % ? S o !d S a d 3 ^ o 3 5 }d a ^ S jo a ;^ d 8 ^ 5 II sjftS&dorfjsJfJdeioijJdosOiS . .


^®S3,?^j9o:Sv3oSeK)£i;zi3^aoBiaS3o?is?os^e30=#cd33jo£di^id ddoJdisSoa . . .
W , y ir y
^®D oS jsS =^J3t3jaoSSxeSSd3dodorfj5S33?i!iSci33oai5don®?S?Orf3 . . . .
-*> J- 9 9
2 ® o r f3 3 c i0 5 a i[o ]S );^ d ? c ^ ^ d 3 r fo d 3 3 ^ d d ^ ^ ^ F 'd o 3 s 5 ? j5 5 a o j3 id . . . . . .

® ^ ® 3 5 d je lcS o ;3 d o S 3 d d 3 ^ rf0 3 ^ 5 d o II 7 ^ ^ cd 3 5 ^ 3 ? )cd 3 5 ^ 3 ^ ^ 9 ^ . . . .

®*5S^o5z?i3d£®rf3'^c33?S3j:i3^PJja!j?Srfai^^^SJS}oK>5^ds^ ...................
® 3 s 5 3 ^ 0 5 jj:^ ^ g ^ sio a ^ ?^ r7 is ^ r?^ 7 5 5 ^ ^ e ;o = ^ j| ^ rq 3 3 D 3 ^ 5 ^ F 'S * o t3 t'd 3 . .

^ 0 - . f i O tS^rboaoftiSlTiS . .

®*e5!i3d II w sScBios^JJSSw tljstW jSonsa^IlTlrtsSjScS^rraesi j dsqSsd^r.

®®3daVf3(d^r?o7^<x33;^acdJ?d3ca3[d]=dS<3cdj'#j8^!;ao’#j9^rti!d3o?SiJ . .

® ^ to= S rJ^ ?3 s)3 ca od £ d s5 o5 ^ F ?d 3J 3 d rtd 3^ 2 0 5 j^ «7 ^ F = #J 8 ^ ^ e;5 d 3 S a d ^ 5 jo. -

?®sJ^rsj3p3^jSrto7lcd3^acd3W =^S«5W ^3^«®d33S3o'tf3SoiS5diSo3Sj3 . .

® ® ?^e^® !idtS^oS33C i3jS?3od^S ^!dO o^03odJJi a^rS^FTSs^rfSiS.®....................

n ""

ezS ^ TO S i^ d ^ d .t S ^ o d ? i3 o J d W 5 )r t© fj o S o d c^ j ^ iS c d o ® .

(tdtirl^S) (.li^rtsi)
'^oScdO ri ®^djs^jicJos5f3s ®®s5fSS^2S««p5o®iJ
®zScd^5»«« '^dej^;^js^5deJzS^l3 ■ejaS3d3(o)S>«jSd ®^^t3^5»ddo 1

®dd3!d?J^_cdi ^^«psJ5dv’3 II drtdrt ®®eWKj381^*^l5Bl

*jSaJ^5J3O3tf0 ^®sSj8rido253»d5o ^^eJic33!SSDiS3 ®®dacd3<5j8tdo$«J
^O aSSjsv’a *7d »asS '8'rtrf^
^ ^ cd 33 3^ s'si® d '■*®cd35»So9S8*i
’ cd3CT3d^Cd3S3=^ ^®^ddo^d'i?dj®sO .^®£fi-5- caOo^JSSia
* —o
•«d s<z»5i?5rf^F
^°JjBd3j3oddj®^75j®t ®'^£|^r^o33o2aefo

^^5de;j5t:i n ®'^So?Sdod3^J80 •*®2dd?jd3 •

U ^;;S53^r53od7S>i^

358 Shikarpui’ Taluq.

<|k «

1 3 . eS?5sSf5o5o'?r^3JjSt
i 4 . ri(2i^'^siiiziiiozS .
, . tf?53;^j®^83o5itfriof®


«5i3? J iv ’d ® _cc5^ =s^eji.

T ^
1 . * . . Cd37io^c<?d^,t3^z3Si»5jst^a5oe^cSo . ,
. . TSo^ S t^So . . . . . .
. . 4 . 05'?!^2^«3j8 ^ V sS ava ..................

6 . 1i'a^8^P^Sjl0^^o7^S^53^O II II esso&ijsie^^slsij
7 . »Se3ii?Wo^;!^4g|cS:jSo^d3odd|jv’o II T^oi^f^Sctfo . .
8 4 ?S^s5S^tfJSi^^e;j^c?®3od3sriOoJS5^®^Jo^v’ . . .
•ioSd?)3 o^a533^^dd2av^rfOlOi^sSO(880V
10 4 ^^2a^sSj8?S^rjjoi^J8^Vo^^?i5i^do?^?Sorid
U n ^dcs&o . .
12 dod5o7j3o5f^?J3?33teS5s3K53jd7?ojd^?)...................
. • ?S3aDv’oDtde053S ^tS^sio fi . . . .
14 . S^saT^ass^cdoTjpriorts^sSo^iS..............
15 . sii^js^a^napt^r^JSv^^iestSjs^i...............
16 • 8o3d^?i^d^?7J5V’^ ^ sisv ’( d ...................
17 . i^3v’BJv'o;d3iV’;35id£^t»................
18 . . . Tdsdo^rii^sloE^sdJSsde^ . . , . , .
• . . 8otsSaoSv’Swoi5i%J^^t...................
20 4 J9rl3f0d(^8j^j®dp®o . . . . . . •

21 . oso£^,?5oS>?)o5j3er{'.
. . 4 nio . o^ed?jj35

33 . 4 i^dsdoddjsv^t^s* .

34 . i3dc355SC^5j3 . • . .
25 4 0^ R . . .

. . . . . . 4•
^ Vcry
J i’Zri.
S5d? ^ V 'd^ ^ a ).

. odo . . 7 • 38 _ . «5d7jo^i*d . .
. eaftoOoSoe II ^ . . 8 14 •- . c^'s'rert^^'^d^ , ,
• VosSjst^*’^ • •
3 . iis $ ................... 15 ^ • ^^^^ortz5j9 • • • ».
. StdOoS"^ . .
• • '• • • 10
. sJsqssdoa , . 16 •"hzSo • • •
• •. . 11
. dowVi^o ', •
6 12 . 23d7j32S555 . .. 20
. II ^ II ...........................................
. Dsa^^TSo^aT^SooSj^e^ II «S5iJcs3»iS3ic»a53^j...........................
. lfJa^B^aoC?3jt52o^rt099aorfa^35W 3tfaoCjo!j0^...............................

. KlS8oJ?05Ja5:o!fa3rf35s[D5]E|^rS-3^5:Sa-al;^2ii(^^^s}oa300^aB23sgcs*>o^ .
, A
"><s ~DTjoeOjiiiSrJ's^SorfssS
j a . . .
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iJor1f3?3ja^5:?sJcJ^S^j^a5j3V’o . • . . .
^ -Bo)OS7^oaSj®s^jSs;Jj5i.s:^35iS?'cOoo’
s<i oj .j. o)qi . . . . .
30 CaJ5^<;Ssd^F5di;3330Ei5d53ia^O125SOd3^FSS?Cd0fS2p53?^Ff0^?dj^0 . . .
.............................T ^ cd ^ F . . ...........................
32 • c?5:srfdSairidoo2S?doyi;dos^^^?d?S^j5?5n3:5o:5d:So^z:^odo5doj8V’j5j8V'o .

33 v’o3o:o20Mje^rf)r^i^a?de^3isd3i^s333d5doo2^o^s^7ps259cd^Fi5j®v’o
34 . 25j8^(3jsi?j^25j®W3dJsv'os0^^;Jj®? O5i2drS^itl3jSlo)5V’^3jo^^SS^Ci30t
35 . riv’?i^53ooa?^?^d^jas^d2}jy^FV'^odzJj8^J^F?4 . . . . Tjortrf^cdiSSaa
36 . dd7?5^sdoj3Ji[o]rf?o[o]qSodo ||^55dj?S:)[3dijsS55dJo:l^?^d5di^rf5ddsid?i^Sr^
37 . ?S3j®?5ja)?5dej:5^DcdJdj^ojd:^5d^cdJocOJ5£^d5ocd3jd.®5^a?dcdi'tf5o . . .
38 0537ioK5Sj!^rtJ^rf25ris?e^rta306D?iacd0S7oSpni^sJ?dde53^^Ji . . .
39 . 2o5dn5>:d=^o23^f3;|^F?ip^d^55oaod=5^5d3:?Frf 0040 ;3cdi ^ ^ d s lo . . . . .
40 dor^!o£>3SS^dj^dorfo23^r?2|^=^o20 >to 23di=f . . . . .
41 . . So&cdo'# .
42 djja& idrtyi^’idcdo'^jsv^ciod^odwo . . . . . . .
43 .........................
360 Shikarpur Taluq.



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378 Honnal^ Taluq.


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380 Honnali Taluq.

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448 Channagii’i Taluq.

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450 Channagiri Taluq.

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452 C h a n n a g ir i Taluq.

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472 Channagiri Taluq.

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478 Otaimagiri Taluq.

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Introduction .
page 4 line 20 Peacock crest. (I see ftom an inscription at tJ&vangerei No, Ij that the Ghalu-
kyas claim to hare thceivsd the flag hf h pehcock’s tail froni Karttik§ya).
4 note 4 Pulomayi. (With the aid of Otker simitar coins the legeS3 has now been
fully read as Mdliarathisa, bat ii belongs to the
same period, and Satakafhi Kalalaya, who Was a Maharathi, was
probably a subordinate goTOfliior. SeO ^p. Iizd: Vll, “SI.)
11 1 19 for Mayta Tayta, read Mayla a»d Tayla
21 „ 10 Alampura. (There is an Alamparra (Sewell), Alaoipar.ii i(tlttnfer’ s Atlas)
on the east coast, at the junction of the GhingMpat and South Arcot
Districts, somewhat south of the mouth of the Palilr.)

27 „ 3 for Gioftapph read king Y6ga

34 „ 44 after name im&rl given by itarh, dtniUiitg Haravita and
35 „ 23 for Harasatn m id Aiharasdm:
38 „ 34

Roman Text
ii PhafiiSitu „ PhanBita

P 10 .1 4 for M a d a rk k a le read M a ra n d a le
14 5 after M ld h alv^ irt^eirt h fip ^ l and mUe ialth KnH
8 for la l^ n v a y a d o j read [H oy jS a la n v a y a d oJ
17 2) 13 )> m aU ni a m ^ li n i[ja ]
22 99 S G a n n a ra 99 G a h g a n n a ra
30 9 7i k u r u la r -d jig a m 77 k u ru la -ra jig a m
13 79
Id lv a -n a m a d a 79 k ijv a n d m a d a
18 77
. . ru g a 77 B fltu g a
39 f) 45 79 ch a n d rd ta p o 99 c h itr a m ta p o
58 }> 22 read o n b a c k o f th e s e a l, a n d carry from S ’lim i

}} for
62 5 sm M A va n i read sm A d a v a m
n iic h ita ik a U ich ita ik a

200 6 79 97

P 5 1 8 for daughter’s read beloved

12 28 99
Gannara „ Gahgannara
32 >) 14 after had insert Sapada's army of, omitting and an army
of foot
97 16 read EandanavoU
35 97 9 omit had
41 77 11 add (signed) Ari-raya-tala-prahari
45 77 7 for safe &G read from antashkaram and fore ;d labour.
52 97 14 9} a Send to „ Nrisingha to the dead, omitting to
15 omit the Nrisingha-kula
58 77 20 for Chatyebha read Ghhye-bhatta
71 77 7 17 Vidyadharaua „ Vidyabhara^a
( 2 )

98 1 10 pf A yav^ read N ayavA di

fo u g h t „ s e t o u t a lo n e , a s i f t o fig h t
102 ff 1 ff
1 ff d e fe a te d & c. „ d e fe a t h im , a n d m a k e h im

tr ib u te ,— t h is oiu T ei*sa l e m p e ro r.
109 » 16 ff gapda read G anga

116 99 2 8 ff 980 1040

136 W 30 .ff G orra p p a „ k in g Y o g a

33 ff M a y ta a u d T a y ta „ M ayk and T a y k
147 9f 41 ff A m b iu a y ita „ B in a y ita
148 }i 2 ff T rib h u ra u a m a lla „ J a y a s in g h a
154 » 8 ff w o rs h ip p e r & c. „ N id u d d l'S in d a w a s r u lin g
th e E a r a h a d a k in g d o m

ft l> tf read G h a tta ra s a

E a li-b h a t| a ’ s s o n ' '

ff 9 ff M a U a lip a k d » d H a ra s a m „ M a lla ^ u rip a k a n d A ih a r a s a m

99 33 ff p a r id h i „ p a riS e
163 ff 16 ff H a ra sa „ A ih a r a s a
171 ft 16 ft H a ra b a ra • „ K u m a r a -B ir a
189 ff 26 ff w h o w a s in th e fo r m „ b y ord er
191 tf 6 tf 1100 1340
192 ff 25 » th a t I a m c a lle d &e. „ t h a t o n ly a m a s te r o f e le p h a n ts ca n stand
before one who i s a master of elephants.
Kannada Text
CorrectiOQS iacluded in the R om aa T ex t, & c.
where the in s c rip tio n s were found.

Inscrip­ Inscrip­
Name. Taluq. Name, j Taluq.
tion No. tion No,

Abbaranaka^t^ Sh. 60 Devanagera Sh. 121-123

Ablagere Sh. 106 Didaguru HI. 5
Abbikoppa Sk. 39 Dodderi Sh. 46
Adaga^te Sk. 83-85 Do^dragatta Ci. 45
A Donehaili Ci.
AlahaJli Sh. 96-97 68
Dummajli Sh. 63
AlakanMu Ci. 64
Gajanvir Sh. 11
Anapura Oi. 34
Gama Sk. 9-11
Anaveri Sh. 102,103
Gauj Sk. 45-51
Antaragange Sh. 34
Goddanakoppa Sk. 313
Arakere Sh. 22,23
Gogga ' .. Sk* 316-321
HI, 107-114 Ci-
25 Gollarahalli 31
Arasanagere Sk. Sh-
GondichattanahaiJi 12-14
Arasauakatte Sh. 104
Gonibidu Sh- 50
AstapanahajU Ci. 39
Goppenahalli Ci- 67
Astapura Ci. 38
Govinakovi HI- 15
Ayanur -Sh. 124-125 Hr
,4 8 GundichatnabaJ{i 79-80
BabanahaUi Sh. sk
43-44 GuttanahaJU 43
Badesabi Ci.
16-17 Hale Annapura Ci. 63
Balle&vara HI. Ci.
. „ Kattalagere 2-4
Bandalike Sk. 219-250 Sk. 310-311
99-100 „ Amatikoppa
Bannikere Sh. Hi.
Hanagavadi 117
Barur ■Sk. 44
Harakere Sh. 6-7
Basavana Gangdr Sh. 5
Haranahalji Sh. 128
Begftr agrahara Sk. 12-23
Harige Sk. 211-213
Bejagami Sk. 87-170
UarobenavaJIi Sh. 61-62
Bejagere Ci. 1,83,323 Haromuchchadi Sk. 281-282
Beiagutti HI. 3 5 - 51 Sh-
97-100 Hebbande 89
BejimalKiru HI. Sk*
65 Hire-Haraka 36-38
Benkikere Ci. Sk-
„ Jambilr 74-78
Benkipura Sh. 30-31 Ci.
24 „ KogilAr 21-26
Bbairekoppa Shi „ Madalu Ci.
55-56 46-50
Bidare Sh. Ci.
90 „ Maiali 67
Bilaki Sh. Ci.
82 „ Ude 83
Sk. Hiri-Belugunji Ci.
36- 37 42
BillahaUi Ci. Hiriyur Sh. 36-45
Ci. 29-30
Bommanahalli Hittala Sk. 26
Sh. J05
Byadara HosahalJi Hodigere Ci. 66
Sh. 47
Chamatihalu Holalur Sb. 91*93
Sh. 116
ChamenahaJJi Holatihalu Sh. • 111
Ci, 59-62,83
Channagiri Holehatti Sh 101
HI. 74-76
ChatnahaUi Hole Honnur Sh' 109
HI. 104
Chennambapura Honnali HI. 1-4
Sk. 40-41 Sh.-
Chikka-Bejugunji Hosahajli 8
Ci. 69
Chikka-Gangdru HI. 115,116
„ Gonigere HI. 101-102 Ci. 42
Sh. 49 Sk. 314-315
„ GoppenabaUi Hosfiiru
HI. 92-95
„ Halivana Hutta Sh. ' 32
Sk. 79 A
„ Jambur Sh.
Ci. 27 Isalapura 87
„ Kogildr A ^
„ Magadi Sk. 196-207 Isarapura Sh. 126
Sh. 117 HI. 84
HI. 25-32
Cbikka-YerehaUi Isftr Sk. 5-8
HI. 18-19
Chilftr Ci.. 56
HI. 82 Itige
Chinikatte Joge 1 HI. 81
HI. 34
( 2 )

Inscrip­ inscrip­
Name. Taluq. Name. Taluq,
tion No. tion No.

KadenaudihalU Sk. 67 Nalkudure Ci. 52-55

Kadokallu Sb. 16-17 Nelavagilu Sb. 24
Kaggaturu Ci, 82 Nerlagundi HI. 119
Kallapura Sh. 110 Nerlakere Sh. 33
Kallukere Ci. 72-73,73a Nidigi Sh. 57-58
Kalliirgudda Sh. 4 Nitageri Ci. ■ 28
Kanasoge dk. 214-215 Nyamati HI. 64-69
EancheganahaUi HI 72-73 Padmagiri (Masajike) Ci. 80
Kanndr , Sk. 62-65 Pillangere 3h. 59
• KaradihaUi Sk, 287 PunedahaUi 3k. 312
Eaxigauur .. Ci. 5-6 Purale Sh. 64-67
Earinele .. Sk. 80-81 Ramapura Sh. 127
• EaSipura Sh. 18 ‘ Sakrebail Sh. 28-29
» •• Ci. 40 Salur Sk. 283-286
Eattige HI. 33 Sanda Sk. 301-309
Eauli Sk. 216-218 Sangatigere HI. 96
Eodamoge - .. Sh. 112 Sannivasa Sh. 119
EodihalU Sk. 208-210 Santagere Sh. 120
E6te-Gang4r Sh. 25 Sante Bennur Ci. 10-13
Kudagere Sk. 29-35 Santegadur Sh. 88
Eudli Sh. 68-86 SasuvehaUi Hi. 85-86
Eftlambi HI. 120-123 Saulahga HI. 60-63
EullahaUi HI. 54-59 S4vagondaJiahaUi Sh. 98
• Kumsi Sh. 114-115 Shikarpur Sk. 1-4
Euaduru HI. 105 Shimoga Sh. 1-3
Euaigalugha^ta HI. 90-91 Siddapura Sh. 51-53
Euijiihosur Sh. 118 Siddaramatha Ci. 19
Eufikova HI. 77-78 S 'ilavantanakoppa Sk. 300
• Euriiva m- 14 S'iralakoppa Sk. 86
■ Euruvadagad(Je Hi* 6-12 SirebaUi Sk. 171-172 •
Euskuru-agraiiara Sh- 19-21 251-252
Kyasaaakere m- 103 Sogane Sh. 54
Lakahmisagara Cf 70-71 Sarathru HI. 21-24
Madanabhavi Hr 20 Sugar Sh. 94.
MMarayalU Sk‘ 27 Sul§kere Ci. 41
Mkdenaba4U HI’ 13 Surahonne HI. 71
Madike Chilur Sh. 95 Surigehajli Sk. 291
Malava^Ji Sk. 263-271 Tadagani Sk. 66
MailenahalU Sk. 173-175 Tagarti Sk. 52-61
•Mapdalimaiha Sh. 9 Talagunda Sk. 176-195,
Maptarughatta Ci. 35 & 322
Maradi Ci. 20 Tanigere Ci. 14-16
Maaalikere- Ci. 79 Taralagatta Sk. 28
M&sur Sk. 324 Tattekere Sh. 10
Mattikote Sk. 292 Tavarekere C i. 74-78
Mattflr-agrahara Sh, 26 Timmalapura Sh. 35
MS.vanak6te HI. 87-89 ►Tirtha RftmeSvara HI. 52-53
M&viaakote HI. 118 Tirumalapura Ci. 58
Mayitammana Macbchadi .. Sk. 272-280 Togarse Sk. 253-262
Medakere Ci. 17-18 Tumbara Hosftru Sk. 293-299
MMiaa-Ha^asavadi Sh. 15 Tyavanige Ci. 7-9
M&gu^agere Sk. 288-290 Uduva Ci. 51
Muguiihaili Ci. 81-82 UttaranihalE Sk. 71-73
MuktSnahaiUi HI. 106 Vaderahatturu HI. 83
Muttige Sk. 68-70 Yaraganah5.}u HI. 70
N&gasamudra Sh. 107-108 ,, agrahara Sh. 27

Page Page,

Abbalur 28 Barmma-Devarasa .. '21,22 Boppa Devarasa 29

A b h im a n y u 41 BarmmarasA ’ 14 Boppana 1 0 ,3 1
A b h in a v a -K S ta la -D & v i 46 Basava-Deva 34 Bopparasa 1 1 ,2 4 ,2 8
i,': ■ Basavala-D§vi Brahnia 1 1 ,1 8
» 9> Mahadevi 32 10
„ S 6m 6S vara 19 Basappa N&yaka II .. 43 Brahmanyatirtha 42
A davaai ' 41 Basayappa Nayaka .. 39, 43, BraiDma-dSva 84
A d ity a -S in d h u 10 Bayicheya-daggS,yaka.. 39 Buchanan 10
A b a v a m a lla 13 Beda&r 1 Btthler, Dr. 5, 6, 7 ,0
A fa ich ch a tra 16.31 1 Bakka 41
A ir y , S ir Gr. B. 3 Belagami 46 Bukkama 40
A ja v a rm m a ra s a 9 Belagavartti 26 Bukka.Raya 38
A m m ana 17 Bembeya-dagnUyaka .. 34 Bulli-deva 39
A m o g h a v a rs h a 9.16 Beggur * 12 Batuga 13
23,24 Betftr 87 Carnatic Bijapur Balaghat 44
Anantapalayya 23 Bbadra 42 „ „ Payaughat 44
Anantavirya 3l Bhadrappa-Nayaka .. 43 Gbalikka .. 41
Andhrabbrityas 4 Bhagadatta. 14 Chajukyas .. ‘ IS
Arasappa 39 Bhagala-Devi . 26 Chajukya-Tribhuvanamalla 35
Arjuna 2 BhagavanUl-Indraji .. 5 Chamala-Deyi .. 31
A§6ka 4.16 Bhagavati Balliyabbe.. 19 Ohamugda-Nayaka . 9,20
• A^vatth§.ma 11 Bhagkatha 8 Raya .. 47
AyodhyS. 4 BMgirathi 8 „ Rayarasa. , 19, 20
Ayodhya-pura 4 Bhag4&np4ll 40 Chandavuur .. 34
Badiali-DSvi 13 Bbarata 14, 33, 41 Ghandiga .. ,17
BSchana-Raya 39 Bhat|ara-Posavur . ' 21 Chandra .. 26, 40
Voieyar 39 Bhava 84 Chandra Gupta .. 16
Bachappa Vogeyar • 39 Bhillama 37 Chandragutti .. 39
40 Bhlmarasa :18 Chan^ugi-Deva . . . 29
B&lachandra 31 Bhivanayya . 23 Charukirtti-paudita-deva 30
Bala-Deva 22 Blioja 37 Chatta ” .. 37
Bali 30 Bhujabala Ga6ga-PBmmadi- Chattala-D§vi •• 11, 17
Baliha^a 29 ‘ ^ Deva .. 81 Chatta-Raja .. 37
Balipura 25,27,30,32 Bhulekamalla .. 24, 25, Chat^arasa .. .35
Baliaja 36 BhuvanaikamallalS, 20,23, 24,25 Chavunda-Eaya .. 9
II 80,31,46 Bijapftr ' .. 44 Chennammaji 1 , 43
„ III Bijjala 3,26,27,28,30 Chikkabbe .. 13
„ DSva 33 ,, Devi .. 17 Ghikka-Magadi .. 83
Ballambika 41 BijjalSndra •• 41 „ Raya-Vodeyar.. 38
‘Ballavarasa 20 Bijjaga . 2 6 ,2 7 CholamabadSvipura .. 34'
BaJJigave „ Deva 25, 28 Colebrooke .. 3
BaUigrame 12,25,29 Bilhaga .. 20 Constantinople .. .4 4
Bamma-DSvarasa 25 Billappa-NS.yaka .. 44 Dadiga .. 15
Bammakbr 26,28 Binayita •• 17 Daksbiga BhS^skarapnri 37
^Bkmmarasa 17,28 Bira * .. 18 Dakshig§,ditya-nagari 37
,t Beva 10 Bakkanna Wo^eyar 34 D&ma-Raja .. 13
Bkndalike 27 Bitti-D§va 14 Damddaradatta •. 6
andaoike 25,28,39 Boka .. 25 Daggayakapura .. 40
Mhava-pura 30.32 B6}eya-Kamana:Nayaka 45 Daiavannma 23, 24, 25
^ a ra sa 29 Bommana-Nayaba .. 45 Dekaya-Nayaka .. 24
39 Bommarasa .. 18 DSvagiri .. 3
I3 Bommayi ^. 37 Devaki .. 40
44 Boppa ..11,14,82 Deva-R&ya .. 39
13 „ Deva ..1 1 ,1 2 ,3 0 DSvaiakti •. 28
Page Page Pago

DeraSaritima 6 Hemmayya Nayaka .. 37 Kalldrgudda J4

Devaliva 32 Hermmadi - •• 14 •Kalya^a 26
Dhanakataka 5 „ Barmma>Dera 31 Kama 17, 26
DhanaSjaya 14 Hermmk4i-D57a 31 „ D§va 10 , 23, 26
, Dh&ra 80 Hermma-Mkndbatarbbfipa ' 3 0 Kamraala-Devi 26
Dharaiii-bSyiti 38 Hire-Hanamappa-N&yaka 44 Kammata-Malla 32
Oharmmangada 4 Hire Mugalbr 2 Eampa 15
Diryajaam-KaSmira-deva 22, 23 Hire Kafigapppa-Nayaka 44 K&nanur 20
•Dorksamudra .. 34 Hiriya-Timmaija-Hkyaka 45 Kanchala Devi 14
Dovkdana-tirttha .. 34 Hit^abebbagilu 7 'Kancbi-pura 26
Durgga-devi .. '2 7 Hoernle, Hr. 7 Kandanavoji-durga . . 41
Durvksa ., 33 Holalamarasa 27 Kandara 27
Ekalarasa .. 32 Homma-Bomma-Setti 37 Kandbara-Deva .. - 37
Eraharaaa .. 2 9 , ‘ 30 Hosagu9.da 18 Kanguvarmma 8
Ejaga ,, 31 Hoysaja-Devi 19 Kanrianur 34
Ereyana .. 31 „ Ballkla-Deva I 31 Kannara-Dava II 16
Ejeyanga-Hoysala 30, 31 „ Goydi-Set^i .. 31 Kannarasa 9
Eseyappa _ .. 13 Hoysalas 30 Kanykkubja 14
EsaleyahaUi •• 30 Hoysaja-Vira-Ballaja-Deva 30 Kappegere 40
Etagiri .. 18 Ibrkbim Adii Sbkb . 44 Kariya-Kesimayya 27
Fleet, Dr, .. 6 Ikshvkku 16 Kariyappa-Nayaka 45
G^adhari-Devi .. 14 Immadi-Deva-Raya .. 39 Kasappudaya 41
Ga^ieSvara .. 37 IrivabeiJangatDeva •. 18 Kasapayya-Nayaka . . 28
Gaftgadatta .. 14 Iruga 24 Kavade Boppa 32
Ganga. kings. List o f . . 15 Irugapa-Vodeyar 39 Kava^ia 29
Gafiga Perumale-Dera 34 ISvara 40 Kavanayya 36
Gaiigas .. 12 „ Dera 36 1 „ daiydauayaka 29
Gaiigemayya .. 14 I^varayya-Nkyaka 23 \Kayavirarasa 35
Gafiga-Seldr .. 34 Jagadekamalla 18 25 Kedara^akti 22, 24, 46
Gauj 1, 9 Vira-Pandya Deva 26 Keladi kings. List o f .. 42
Gautama IT, 25, 27, 46 Jagadiva 17 Kellangere 1
„ grama .. 3 Jaitugi 3, 37 Kengappa-Nkyaka 44
Girij& .. 34 •T"i-kavTe 33 Kesimayya 27
Goggi .. 33 Jakkiyabbe 16 29
Goparasa .. 31 Jklevale 38 Ke^irkja 29
Govinda .. 23 Jambavanta 45 K§takapkda 9
„ IV .. 17 Janamejaya 1 Kbaravela 5
Govindarasa . 35 Jayasimba 2, 3, 23, 24, 25, 26 Kielbom , Dr. 6. 7
Gunagalla-Nagavarmm§icharyya21 layakesi 17 KirttivarmmA 10, 11
Gu^damarasa .. 22 Jayasimba D era .. 18 Kodanganfir 1
Gutti-durgga .. 89 Jayasingba .. 18 Kodmala 6
Hallav&r .. 31 Jinadatta Bkya ,. 17 Kogilfir 37
Handiya-Raya .. 39 Jnknasakti .. 46 Kdlala 15
’Hknugal . 10 JOgarasa .• 23 EoBganagatta 34
Hdnuftgal .. 3 J6gi-Devarasa .. 29 Konadiybr 26
Hanumi-Nayaka .• 44 Joparasa •. 37 Eondamkna 5
Harige .. 31 Kadamba Ajammarasa 9 Ko^gujivarmma 13
Harihara •. 3 Kadamba Bkya .. 11 Koyatiir 30
„ maMraya .. 41 Kadambas .. 6 Krisbna-Kandbara 37
„ Raya •• 10 Kadamba SatyaSraya Deva 9, 20 Krishnakavi KamakSti 45
„ „n .. 38 „ Soyi-Devarasa 40 Krisbna-Kesava-Dfiva 2?
Harischandra •• 14 Kakustba .. 8 „ Rkya
Harivarmmk ’• 15 KlkustbavaraamS. 8 ,9 iKubja
Hastinkpura 2 Kajacburyas .. 26 Kucha-Raja
H5ma .. 4 ‘Kalburga .. 34 Kftdagere
Hemma .. 30, 31 Kklidasa •• 23, 25 KAdaii
Hemmkdi-Arasa .. 30 Kaii-S&ntara-Deva .. 17 , KfidalAr
„ Kdya .. 41 Kallubarige . . . 34 Kumara-Padini-Di
Page Page
Kiindamarasa 18 May&ravarmmS. 4, 9, 22 13
Kuuda-RSja 18 „ DSva 10 Permm§4i 14
^KuntalS,-pura 31 Medakere-N§.yaka 45 „ Dera-Vikramaditya 24
Kappaga4de 1, 2 Mora-Gurava 32, 33 „ Raya 25
'Kuruva ' 83 „ Kufava 34 Persia 44
I Lachchala-DSvi 10,11, 13, 2 1 ,2 5 Mfigeaavarnuna 7 Phaplsita 38
|4i§,hid§va'-bhatta 38 Machchavdi 38 Pinuama 41
LakkUmbikS. 41 Mudukakefe 20 Piu-Obam4mb4 42
Ibakshmapa -. 15, 29 Mukka^ija-Kadamba 11, 32__ Pliny 16
: bakshmi-I)eri 27 Mummadi-Hpumappa-N&yaka 44 18
Lakuji^vara-papdita . ♦’ 19 „ Stttgeya 37 Poiek^si 18
bakuma-Dflva 37 Muhammad the Great 44 Pottalakere 19
' bar>lCbS.a 44 99 Gbah 42 Poysala-Bitfi-DeYa 31
Liagaana 44 Muran 41 Prabbiohandra 31
tLdkarasa 23 Nkcharasa 11 Prithvimati 14
J£acheya Ndyaka 28 N4ga 31 Priyabandhvl 14
Mfichi „ U Nkgadatta 6 Priyabaadhavarmma 14
Mackenzie, Col. Cplin.. 1 Nkgal^.'Devi 40 Puliyamma 17
34 9 14
Mkdappa - . 40 N&giyeikka 20, 23 Purandara R4ya 10
MadSva*dap.4anayaka 29 Nanda 41 Pusbpagadde 8
Mkdhava 34, 38 IS T an n i-S an tara-A m iala DSfa 17 R^gbava-Deva 41
Madhavach^iudra 31 N a n n iy a G a ilg a 13, 14 42
-Madhava-dapp^yaka 32 N a ra sa 40 Ragha 8
Madhuskdana 14, 33 N a ra tim h a 14, 31 Raghupati-yattndra .i 42
Madhavamjaik 3 I 30 Raj4dhir4ja*Venkat^dri 42
30 33 Rdjamalla .» 13
37 * » III 34 B4ja Nar^ndra 41
25 „ Bhirati 42 Bkjiga-Chdja << 22
15 N sU'aMhga.Deva 36 Rama 16, 45
11 38 „ deva 13, 37, 41
27 Nar4yana-yatmdra 42 » » 42
4, 6 Nayaktrtti II 39, 4o
31 N®matti 34 BAmakyishpa 43
42 Nepap4la-d§va 37 Ramapura 39
10 NidudSl Siflda 34 Bama-RAja 41
42 Isrimbi-BSja 37 Ramar4jo4eyar 41
39 Nirv^naiya 43 R&mas$aa-pap4ita 22
39 Ntfcimi,rgga ' 10 Rkmayya 24
• ■ 40 ISTrigavarmaidi 10 Randulba Kfakn 47
23, 32 Nripatuftga ^9, 16 Rafigappa-Ndyaka 44
26 Nftrmmadi W l a 18, 30 Rashtrakdtas 18
40 Oddamfina . 17 Ravirarmma. 10
45 Ottoman Saltan Amur 4th 44 R^yada^da-Gopkla 21
27 Padmandibha 15 Rayamur4ri-S6ma 11
30 Padman&bhayya 18, 23 „ S6vi*:D§Ta 11, 27, 28, 29
32 Padm4vati 10 R4ya^pa 40
43 hPailb^n 5 Odeyar 40
6, 7 Paiidavas 1 Rayarayapura 30
40 P&pdyas : 26 Reoha 32
14 Panufigal , -3 „ da)gid4dhinatha 30
9, 16 ParaSiliAma 11 R^ohapa OQ
41 Parjkehit 2, 41 Recharasa - 11, 27, SO
37 Pd,tu^!§,ha 42 Rodda 89
25 Ped-Obam§.mbS. 42 Rudr4bbarafla 22, 2 4 ,4 6
11 Pemma 27 RukmaAgada 4
8, 9 Perggade Nafanayya 13 Ruppubayi 37
Page Page Pagfr

40, 42 SOmanStha •• 21 Tribbnvanamalla

Pandya-Dera 22
S a b h S p a ti .
S6ma-Nlyaka .. 18
S a d a J ir a .. . 42
43 SSmafilkhara’Nayaka I 43 „ SomSfivara IV
„ N & ya k a
41 Trilocbapa
„ E ly a -
. 5 , ” Trilochanadlva
S a h a la ta r i.
,27 SSmelvara 19, 21, 22*™24, 25, i34t Trivaji-bhatta
20 Tudapille-dappayaka..
Sankam a
11, 27, 29 „ U
„ III . 24 Ucbcbangi
„ D iv a

„ BhOlSkamalla 10^ 24 Ocbchangi-vente

„ N Iy a k a . 43

26 tJddagiri
S 'a n k a ra -B h a ra tJ n d ra
Sanklndra: *• 42 „ papdita ‘
Safikiya-sahani •• 34 SOvana ■ • . 29 Uddare
S’&nta .. 11, 28 SoTi-bsva .. 32 Vaijayantt-pura
S'antann • , 41 ,, Dfivarasa - .. 25 Vaijarasa ..
S'lntaras 17 S6yi-Deya 27, 28 Vajra
S'antarasa ,, 9 >S'ridatta .. l4 Vali Sur&r
Sante Bennbr 44 S'n-DIvi .. 11 Valmiki
S’lntivamma •• 9 S'rtdhara . 37 Vama^akti
Sirangapini •• 37 S’Jdkantha . . 2 2 , 24 Vamasiva
' Sarasvati-Bhiratindra 42 S’rimauta SIhib - . 45 Vanaraja-Rlma
Sarvva-DIva -• • 23 S'lirabgam ,. 34 Vafika-ravuta
Satakarppi 4, 5 S'ri^Eaoga-RIja .. 41, 42 Vankipuri
SItavahanas «* 4 S'r!vatsa-dap45^ •. 25 Varapasi ‘ ..
S'atomahill •» 9 SthlnaknndOr .. 9 VarlSvara
Sattiga «• 24 S'ubhacbandra .. 32 VSgallmbI
^atya-Gafiga-DIvft- • 31 SMekere .. 44 Venkappa-bhatta
Batylsraya 18, 23, 25 Sultan Mahammad Adil Shah 44 Venkata
^ „ Diva • • 18 Suragiri .. 42 Venkatidri ...
Satyavakya Permmlnadi 13 Sdryyabbarapa .. 11 VenkatImbI
^Ivala-DIvi *• 26 Svami-diva .. 30 Venkatapati-DSva-Rlya 4 1 ,
Bavanta-Buvayya • • 32 Ta^aflgala-MIdhava-Raya 33 Venkatapti-B&ya II ..
Savi-deva 30 Tadagapi. • • .v 9 Venkatappa-Nlyaka
Senavaras »• 12 Tagaracbe .. 17 Vibhtshapa
Slndrakas 12 Taila 9, 10, 17, 23, 24, 25, 30 Vidyabharapa
,SIndraka-vishaya «• 12 Tailaha-DIva ., 10, 29, 30 Vidyinagara
Slndrika •• 12 Tailama .. lO ■ Vidyirapya
Shahii 44 Tailapa .. 10, 18,25 VidylSankara-Bharati.,
Shekn Malik 44 Takinclu .. 5 Vijaya
Siddappa-Nayaka 43 Tl^agnnda .. 7, H Vijayiditya
Silagodu. •• 33 Talavana-pura .. 30 „ Diva
.Siipbapa .. 33, 37 Tammarasa .. 18 „ Satyllraya
Simbanandi 16 TInagunda ... 11 Vijaya-mahldlvi
Sinooge •» 43 TanagundOr .. 32 Vijayanagar,
Sinda kings. List of • • 35 TIta-Pinnama .. 41 Vijaya-PSpdya
Sindas 34 Tatayaryya . 42 Vijayapura
Sipganpa-Devarasa . 19 Tattikere .. 13 Vijaya-Elya
(SingUDlva .. 17, 36 Tayla .. 11 Vijayasamudra .;
SirIJkoppa •• 1 Timma , 40 Vijyasamudram
Siri-DIvi •• 27 Tipp&ji ’ 40 Vikrama
• Siriya-DIvi .. 24, 28 Tippapa .. 31 Vikramaditya
Sisugali 26 TippasSina .. 40 „ Diva
gita-hopda •• 46 Tinlmalambikl .. 41 „ Slnti
k>ivaliugappa • •, •, 44 Tirumala-Elya .. 41 Vikraina-S'Sntai'i
44 Trail&kyamalla .. 13, 25 Diva
Sivappa-Nlyaka •* 43 „ Vlra-Santara-DIra - 17 Vikramanka
Sivaskandavamml • • 6 Tribhuvanamalla .. 13, 18 Vikrama-Tailapa
Soma 10,:n , 27, 28, 29 „ Deva.. ao Vinayiditya
„ Diva .. 41 17 „ RljUrayanc
Worlcs by the same Author.
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