Answer Course Book 3

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Coursebook 3

Module 1 – Achieving Teacher Quality through PPST

Session 1 – The PPST Career Stages
Required Task 1: Activity
1. What are the professional practices displayed by a Proficient, Highly Proficient and
Distinguished Teacher in terms of the following?

Professional Practices Proficient Teacher Highly Proficient Distinguished Teacher

es Teacher

Teaching Proficient Teachers Highly Proficient Distinguished

Characteristics are professionally Teachers Teachers embody
independent in the consistently display the highest standard
application of skills a high level of for teaching
vital to the teaching performance in their grounded in global
and learning teaching practice. best practices. They
process. They They manifest an exhibit exceptional
provide focused in-depth and capacity to improve
teaching programs sophisticated their own teaching
that meet curriculum understanding of practice and that of
and assessment the teaching and others
requirements. learning process.

Management of They display skills in They have high They are recognized
Learning Programs planning, education-focused as leaders in
implementing, and situation cognition, are education,
managing learning more adept in problem contributors to the
programs. solving and optimize profession and
opportunities gained initiators of
from experience collaborations and

Collaboration and They actively They provide support They create lifelong
Partnerships engage in and mentoring to impact in the lives of
collaborative colleagues in their colleagues, students
learning with the professional and others
professional development, as well
community and as work
other stakeholders collaboratively with
for mutual growth them to enhance the
and advancement. learning and practice
potential of their
Professional They are reflective They continually seek They exhibit
Development practitioners who to develop their commitment to inspire
continually consolidate professional the education
the knowledge, skills knowledge and community and
and practices of Career practice by reflecting stakeholders for the
Stage 1 teachers on their own needs, improvement of
and those of their education provision in
colleagues and the Philippines.

2. What do you think is your current Career Stage?

I think my current career stage is in the Beginning Teacher based on the Philippine Professional
Standard for Teachers (PPST) Career Stages (DepEd Order No.42, S. 2017, Enclosure 1, 9).
Even though I already experience teaching in the field in three years I do know that I still need to
improve and develop my professional knowledge and skills to give the quality education that
students deserve. I also think that learning from my mentors and other colleagues can help a lot
for me to improve as a teacher.
3. What do you think would support you to advance to the next Career Stage?
I think the support that would help me to advance to the next career stage is the support of the
principal, my mentor, colleagues and peer teaching. The Department of Education can also
support by providing quality professional development trainings and seminars.
4. What Career Stage do you aspire to ten years from now?
I aspire myself in the Philippine Professional Standard for Teachers (PPST) Career Stages
indicator is the distinguished teacher.
5. Are there aspects of your teaching practice that exceed practices articulated in the
Career Stage 2 descriptors? If yes, please cite them.
6. Is it possible for a newly hired DepEd teacher to exhibit teaching practices in Career
Stage 3 and 4? Explain your answer.
Yes, it is possible for a newly hired DepEd teacher to exhibit teaching practices in Career Stage 3
and 4. There are teachers who met and acquire the skills and knowledge in the career stage
indicator 3 and 4 because they are that competent.
Session 2 – The PPST Domains, Strands, and Indicators
1. The PPST defines teacher quality in the Philippines. It has domains which describe the
expectations required of Filipino teachers to be effective in the 21st century in the
Philippines. How many domains does the PPST have?
The PPST have seven (7) domains.
2.The Domains collectively comprise of strands that refer to more specific dimensions of
teacher practices. How many strands does the PPST have?
The PPST have thirty-seven (37) strands.
3.The PPST defines the work expected from teachers across different career stages. How
many career stages are there?
The PPST have four (4) career stages namely Beginning, Proficient, Highly Proficient and
Distinguished Teacher.
Try it:
Indicator 3.4.2 means that the indicator is under:
Which domain? Domain 3: Diversity of Learners
Which strand? Domain 3 Strand 4: Learner in Difficult Circumstances
Which indicator? Proficient Teacher (Plan and deliver teaching strategies that are responsive to
the special educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances, including: geographic
isolation; chronic illness; displacement due to armed conflict, urban resettlement or disasters;
child abuse and child labor practices)

Required Task 2: Formative Quiz

Scenario Answer Feedback
1. Teacher Joy, a Grade 9 b. Domain 2 - Learning Domain 4 – Strand 6
adviser, caught one of her Environment Management of learner
learners smoking along a behavior
secluded corridor when
going to the comfort room. Manage learner behavior
Teacher Joy asked the constructively by applying
learner to remain in the positive and non-violent
classroom after the lesson. discipline to ensure learning
During the conference with focused environments.
the learner, Teacher Joy
warned the learner to quit
smoking at school otherwise
his parents will be called for
a conference
2. During the post d. Domain 4 - Curriculum Domain 4 – Strand 1
conference, Mrs. Manuel, and Planning Planning and management of
being the school head and teaching and learning process
rater of teacher-ratee,
emphasized that the use of Model exemplary
varied learning materials practice and lead colleagues
aid learners’ understanding in enhancing current practices
of the lesson and allow in the planning and
learners to practice the management of
application of concepts. She developmentally sequenced
also mentioned that varied teaching and learning
learning materials also process.
cater to learners’ different
learning styles
3. Teacher Rolly, a Grade 7 d. Domain 4 - Curriculum Domain 4 – Strand 1
English Teacher, discussed and Planning Planning and management of
the rules on Subject-Verb teaching and learning process
Agreement in his lesson.
During group work, his Prepare developmentally
learners were tasked to sequenced teaching and
make a travel brochure for learning process to meet
a particular place. He curriculum requirements
reminded them to describe
the beauty of the place and
include short history while
observing correct subject-
verb agreement for their

Required Task 3: Reflection

Domains Challenging Why is it Input from the
Strands (you challenging? Mentor
may just (Gray area or (optional, but
indicate strand points for highly
numbers e.g. clarification) encouraged)

Content Knowledge and 1.2 Teacher is not yet

Pedagogy conducting

Learning Environment 2.3 Teacher is not yet

proficient when it
comes to
Diversity of Learners 3.3 Insufficient
knowledge in
dealing learners
with disabilities,
giftedness and

Curriculum and Planning 4.2 Having difficulty

in giving task that
will meet the

Assessment and Reporting 5.1 Having difficulty

in assessment

Community Linkages 6.1 Failing to

continue the
environment that
are responsive to

Personal Growth and Professional 7.5 Teacher is not yet

Development planning her

Required Task 4: Reflection

Based on the current default classification, in which career stage are you in?
I think my current career stage is in the Beginning Teacher based on the Philippine Professional
Standard for Teachers (PPST) Career Stages (DepEd Order No.42, S. 2017, Enclosure 1, 9).
Even though I already experience teaching in the field in three years I do know that I still need to
improve and develop my professional knowledge and skills to give the quality education that
students deserve. I also think that learning from my mentors and other colleagues can help a lot
for me to improve as a teacher.

Module 2 – Embedding the PPST in HR Systems

Session 1 –The PPST and DepEd’s Human Resource (HR) Systems
Required Task 1: Formative Test
Scenario I: Teacher Anthony’s Dreams
Answer: b. Attend as many learning and development activities to earn as many certificates for
Scenario 2: An Advanced Teacher at the Beginning Stage of PPST
Answer: a. Align with the PPST her professional teaching
Scenario 3: Teacher Ruth’s Supportive Mentor
Answer: c. Teacher Ruth may be awarded for her outstanding performance
Scenario 4: Possibilities in the Life of a Newly Hired Teacher
Answer: b. He may not need to undertake DepEd’s Induction Program
Scenario 5: Propelling Teachers Motivation
Answer: d. Make close friendships with their school head and Department heads

Session 2: The PPST, RSP and the Merit Selection Plan (MSP) of DepEd
Required Task 1: Preliminary Activity

What do you know What else do you want What did you learn How will you learn
about? to know? about the PPST and HR more? e.g., read from
systems? online sources

PPST How PPST help to PPST enables teachers By participating

measure my abilities as to seek professional professional
a professional teacher? growth development trainings
and seminars

RSP How RSP help RSP processes the By attending the

beginning teachers to recruitment, selection Induction Program for
be familiarize to the and placement of Beginning Teachers as
Department of teacher to the public- well as through asking
Education system? school system. my mentor and other

MSP What are the Merit Selection Plan to Through continuous

necessary ensure that in all professional
qualifications and governance levels the development
competencies needed Department hires and
to be promoted? retains the right people
for the right job at the
right time, by strictly
adhering to the
principles of merit,
fitness, competence,
equal opportunity,
transparency, and

Required Task 2: Reflection

Reflect on your greatest learnings about meritocracy and fitness principles on hiring and
promotion. What does this tell you? How will you adjust your professional goal and
practice with DepEd’s expectations from its personnel? Write your reflections/insights on
the space provided below.
My greatest learnings about meritocracy and fitness principles on hiring and promotion is that
teacher applicants’ qualifications are assessed based on their merit and for a teacher to be
qualified for promotion, he/she must continue learning by gaining a master’s degree or a doctoral

Session 3: The Strategic Alignment of the RPMS with the PPST

RPMS My Intended Activities per Cycle

(What preparatory activities do you need to do in
between each cycle?)

Cycles Inclusive Dates

Phase I: 3rd Week of  Discussion of RPMS Tools
August (a week  Self-Assessment
before the start
Planning and
of classes)

Phase II: Year-round  Monitoring and Coaching

 Gathering MOVs and classroom observations
Monitoring and

Phase III: 2nd Week of July  Year-end Review and Assessment

(a week after  Evaluation of Portfolio
graduation)  Computation of Final rating
Review and

Phase IV: July and August  Submission

 Development Planning
Rewarding and

Required Task 1: Preliminary Activity


Required Task 2: Activity

Analyze the two (2) scenarios below and indicate whether the following statements are true
or false.
Scenario A: Teacher Paula is a new BSE graduate Major in Science who has been hired to
teach in a Junior High School.
Scenario B: Teacher Dennis has been teaching Science in a private school for the past four
(4) years. After he completed his doctoral degree, he applied to the same public high school
where Teacher Paula is working. Both Teachers Paula and Dennis are newly hired teachers
handling Science.

Statement Response

Since Teacher Paula is inexperienced, her L&D needs might TRUE

be different from that of Teacher Dennis, who has been
teaching for the past three (3) years.

Both teachers may use the PPST tools to identify their TRUE
strengths and areas in which they may need support.

Both teachers can have their L&D needs addressed through TRUE

Mentors’ feedback is important for both teachers to monitor TRUE

their own progress. They can get feedback from their mentors
whether formally or informally assigned.

Teacher Paula is a new BSE graduate Major in Science who TRUE

has been hired to teach in a Junior High School.

Session 4 – Role of RPMS-PPST in Teachers’ Learning and Development

Required Task 1: Activity

Question Response
Which of the following explains why all three of them Teachers Rona All teachers
need to participate in L&D activity relevant to their and Evalou need need to attend
needs? L&D to address L&D to address
their their
developmental developmental
needs while needs
teacher Rex need
to address his
performance gaps

Scenario 1: Classes have ended. Teachers Rona, Eva Lou and Rex are planning for their
development needs. Teacher Rona shared with the group that she struggles to meet the
indicators in Domain 2 of PPST. She has been challenged in managing her learners’
behavior. Teacher Evalou admitted that she has not fully developed all core competencies
indicated in the RPMS. Teacher Rex is the top performer among the three. He just got an
“Outstanding Rating” for the school year. Teacher Rex feels that he still needs to
participate in L&D activities to address his developmental needs.

Required Task 2: Professional Development Plan

Development Goal Development Activity L&D Modality Target Completion

(Target PPST Date

Content Knowledge I will use research-  IPCRF July 2023

and Pedagogy based knowledge and
principles of teaching
and learning to enhance
professional practice.

Learning Environment I will establish safe and  IPCRF July 2023

secure learning
environments to
enhance learning
through the consistent
implementation of
policies, guidelines and

Diversity of Learners I will use differentiated,  IPCRF July 2023

appropriate learning
experiences to address
learners’ gender, needs,
strengths, interests and

Curriculum and Adapt and implement  IPCRF July 2023

Planning learning programs that
ensure relevance and
responsiveness to the
needs of all learners.

Assessment and Design, select, organize  IPCRF July 2023

Reporting and use diagnostic,
formative and
summative assessment
strategies consistent
with curriculum

Community Linkages Build relationships with  IPCRF July 2023

and Professional parents/guardians and
Engagement the wider school
community to facilitate
involvement in the
educative process.

Personal Growth and I will continuously  IPCRF July 2023

Professional improve my
Development professional
development that is
aligned with the PPST

Module 3 – The Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS)

Session 1 – The PPST-aligned RPMS
Required Activity 1: Reflection
What have you learned about PPST and RPMS as two separate entities in DepEd? How
about their alignment?
I have learned that Philippine Professional Standard for Teachers (PPST) articulates what
constitutes teacher quality through well-defined domains, strands and indicators that provide
measures of professional learning, competent practice and effective engagement across teachers’
career stages while Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) is an assessment
instruments used to ensure quality teacher performance.
DepEd-contextualized SPMS. It is an organization-wide process of ensuring that employees
focus work efforts towards achieving DepEd vision, mission, values, and strategic priorities. It is
also a mechanism to manage, monitor and measure performance, and identify human resource
and organizational development needs (DepEd Order No. 2, s. 2015, p. 3). The alignment of the
RPMS with the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers has led to the development of
new results-based assessment tools.

Session 3 – The RPMS Cycle

Preliminary Activity
Teacher Mary Grace finished two (2) classroom observations before the scheduled Mid-
year Review. Her principal asked her to update her Development Plan. What steps should
she take to do this?
I think Teacher Mary Grace should revisit the PPST and RPMS guidelines for her to reflect on
the action that she created and then develop the action that needs improvement.
Required Task 1: Scenario-based Activity
Study the following scenarios and decide which of the options may be applied to each
A. The data presented is sufficient to infer the statement.
B. The data presented is not sufficient to infer the statement.
C. The statement is false based on the data presented and/or the guidelines.

Statement Answer Feedback from your mentor

Statement 1: School A used all C. The statement is
Cases (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), and (v) in
false based on the
RPMS 2019-2020. data presented
and/or the
Statement 2: The Division is a C. The statement is
small division. false based on the
data presented
and/or the
Statement 3: In School A, the rater B. The data
of Teachers I-III is the Master presented is not
Teacher. sufficient to infer
the statement.
Statement 4: In School A, a C. The statement is
teacher III can rate a Master false based on the
Teacher. data presented
and/or the
Statement 5: In School A, the C. The statement is
PSDS can rate a Master Teacher false based on the
data presented
and/or the
Session 5 – Developing Lesson Plans as Quality Evidence for RPMS
Preliminary Activity
Choose a lesson plan which you have previously crafted. Enumerate all parts and describe
what you have entered on each part.
Lesson Plan for Math 9
First Quarter
Quadratic Equations
I. OBJECTIVES This is composed of content standard, performance standard,
most essential learning competency and objectives.
II. CONTENT This is the title/ topic of the lesson.
III. LEARNING This includes all the references use by the teacher as well as the
RESOURCES students.

This includes the following:

A. Review previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
IV. PROCEDURES E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (leads to formative assessment 3)
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in
daily living
H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson
I. Evaluating Learning
J. Additional activities or remediation

Required Task 2: Activity

Using either a lesson plan prepared by your mentor (recommended) or the lesson
plan/lesson exemplar you provided, check which COT Indicators (or RPMS Objectives) are
present. Elaborate on your findings. If an indicator is not present, is it possible to have it
present in the lesson plan? How?
1. Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas – I made sure
that the lesson integrates other content that incorporates to our new lesson
2. Use a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in literacy and
numeracy skills – I think I provided the learners different strategies for them to enhance
their understanding in literacy and numeracy.
3. Use effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies to support
learner understanding, participation, engagement and achievement – I provide questions
that support learners’ understanding, participation and engagement throughout the lesson.
4. Ensure the positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching and learning process – wherein I
incorporate activities like games that better capture the interest of the learners to facilitate
their understanding of the previous lesson.

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