Answer Course Book 3
Answer Course Book 3
Answer Course Book 3
Management of They display skills in They have high They are recognized
Learning Programs planning, education-focused as leaders in
implementing, and situation cognition, are education,
managing learning more adept in problem contributors to the
programs. solving and optimize profession and
opportunities gained initiators of
from experience collaborations and
Collaboration and They actively They provide support They create lifelong
Partnerships engage in and mentoring to impact in the lives of
collaborative colleagues in their colleagues, students
learning with the professional and others
professional development, as well
community and as work
other stakeholders collaboratively with
for mutual growth them to enhance the
and advancement. learning and practice
potential of their
Professional They are reflective They continually seek They exhibit
Development practitioners who to develop their commitment to inspire
continually consolidate professional the education
the knowledge, skills knowledge and community and
and practices of Career practice by reflecting stakeholders for the
Stage 1 teachers on their own needs, improvement of
and those of their education provision in
colleagues and the Philippines.
Session 2: The PPST, RSP and the Merit Selection Plan (MSP) of DepEd
Required Task 1: Preliminary Activity
What do you know What else do you want What did you learn How will you learn
about? to know? about the PPST and HR more? e.g., read from
systems? online sources
Statement Response
Both teachers may use the PPST tools to identify their TRUE
strengths and areas in which they may need support.
Both teachers can have their L&D needs addressed through TRUE
Question Response
Which of the following explains why all three of them Teachers Rona All teachers
need to participate in L&D activity relevant to their and Evalou need need to attend
needs? L&D to address L&D to address
their their
developmental developmental
needs while needs
teacher Rex need
to address his
performance gaps
Scenario 1: Classes have ended. Teachers Rona, Eva Lou and Rex are planning for their
development needs. Teacher Rona shared with the group that she struggles to meet the
indicators in Domain 2 of PPST. She has been challenged in managing her learners’
behavior. Teacher Evalou admitted that she has not fully developed all core competencies
indicated in the RPMS. Teacher Rex is the top performer among the three. He just got an
“Outstanding Rating” for the school year. Teacher Rex feels that he still needs to
participate in L&D activities to address his developmental needs.