IPBT Course 3
IPBT Course 3
IPBT Course 3
Teacher • http://www.
The DepEd Teacher
in collaboration
Philippine National
Research Center for Teacher Quality
Course 3 - The Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers and its Aligned Systems
and Tools
elcome to Course 3 of the Teacher Induction
Program! This course will help you to become familiar
with the Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers (PPST) as the new framework for teacher quality. It
will guide you towards understanding the expectations of
teachers and how DepEd’s systems and tools are aligned with
the standards.
Intended Course Learning Outcomes
Course Outline:
Module 1 – Achieving Teacher Quality through PPST
Module 2 – Embedding the PPST in HR Systems
Module 3 – The Results-based Performance Management System
Estimated Time Required: 7 hours Portfolio Output: Lesson Plan
Module 1 – Achieving Teacher Required Tasks
Quality through PPST • Video Viewing
• Reading • Discussion Activity
Intended Module Learning Outcomes: • Formative Quiz
At the end of this module, you should be able
to: Required Resources
• DepEd Order no. 42, s. 2016 National Adoption and
Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards
1. identify and navigate through the salient for Teachers
features of the PPST (Domains, Strands, • https://www.deped.gov.ph/wp-content/
Indicators, and Career Stages); and uploads/2017/08/DO_s2017_042-1.pdf
• Online or hard copy of PPST Booklet
2. develop a deeper understanding of
expectations of teachers as described in
the PPST.
Module Outline
Session 1: The PPST Career Stages
Session 2: The PPST Domains,
Strands and
Career Stages
Beginning Stage Proficient Stage Highly Proficient Stage Distinguished Stage
Beginning Teachers have gained the Proficient Teachers are professionally Highly Proficient Teachers Distinguished Teachers embody the
qualifications recognized for entry into independent in the application of skills consistently display a high level of highest standard for teaching
the teaching profession. vital to the teaching and learning performance in their teaching grounded in global best practices.
process. practice.
Management of Learning
Professional Development
Read the following scenarios and choose the career stage that aligns best with the described practice.
Try it:
Indicator 3.4.2 means that the indicator is under:
Which domain?
Which strand? Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers 1
Which indicator?
1. The PPST defines teacher quality in the Philippines. It sets clear expectations along well-
defined career stages.
2. In order to help teachers seamlessly integrate the PPST into their practice, the PPST shall be
used as a basis for all learning and development programs, selection and promotion, and
performance appraisals for teachers.
3. The PPST booklet describes the expectations of teachers organized through its salient
features: the Domains, Strands, Indicators and career stages.
4. The PPST has 4 Career Stages, 37 Strands, and 7 Domains. There are 37 indicators for each
career stage.
Let’s check your understanding of the PPST domains. Use a copy of the PPST to match the following
scenarios with
Community Personal
Learning Diversity of Curriculum Assessment & Linkages and Growth &
Environment Learners and Planning Reporting Professional Professional
& Pedagogy
Engagement Engagement
Learning Environment
Diversity of Learners
Go through the PPST booklet and read through the Domains and Strands. Use the table below to
identify Strands which you think could be challenging for you.
If there are specific indicators which you wish to know more about, you may read through the PPST
Scenario 3: Teacher Ruth’s Supportive Scenario 4: Possibilities in the Life of a Newly Hired
Mentor Teacher
Teacher Ruth is in her second year of Teacher Abel is a newly hired teacher. Prior to his work in
teaching. She is quite a fast learner when it DepEd, he had been working as Department Head in private
comes to using the PPST for her
Having the right perspective about the PPST and the different HR systems can help you plan your career and move
forward according to your short- and long-term professional goals. Reflect on what you have learned from readings
and activities in Section I of this Module. Answer each reflective question in the I-chart, or information chart, below.
Share your insights with your mentor at your next mentoring session.
I-Chart on HR Systems
HR System What did I learn? What can I do with what I What are the implications
learned? of my new learnings with
my current practice?
The DepEd HR systems are interrelated and anchored on the PPST. These HR systems are put in place to support
teachers’ continuing professional development. Optimizing use of the PPST and the HR systems enables teachers to
pursue their professional goals. The HR systems are intended to support them.
Recommended Further Readings: DO 2 s., 2015, DO 001 s., 2020, DO. 78 s., 2007
Required Reading: RPMS-PPST Manual for Teachers and
School Heads, page 10
Session 2: The PPST, RSP and the Merit Selection Plan (MSP) of DepEd
What do you know What else do you want What did you learn How will you learn
about? to know? about the PPST and HR more?
systems? e.g. read from online
Phase II:
Performance Monitoring
and Coaching
Phase IV:
Performance Rewarding
and Development
Figure 5: The Results-Based Performance Management (RPMS) Framework (DepEd, 2019, 69)
In order for teachers to optimize the benefits from RPMS-PPST, they need to internalize the standards and
performance management processes. This entails collaboration with peers and mentors. Since the RPMS cycle is
embedded in teachers’ daily job, continuous feedback is needed to support them until the RPMS processes become
The strategic alignment of the RPMS and L&D with the PPST is very
evident in the RPMS-PPST processes. All throughout the performance
cycle, teachers continually monitor their
still needs to participate in L&D RPMS is supported by relevant L&D activities for
activities to address his developmental teachers. All professional development (PD) for
needs. teachers should be relevant, needs-based and anchored
on the PPST. This strategic alignment of L&D system
Summary with RPMS, PPST and R&R is designed to bring about
L&D is strategically connected with the DepEd’s intended outcomes.
RPMS and PPST. Each cycle of the
Required Task 2: Professional Development Plan
Prepare your Professional Development Plan that you intend to implement for the current school
year, using the template provided below:
In five (5) minutes, list down all things you know about RPMS.
Start with basic one-liner information. Check these as you
proceed with this session.
Category Definition
Effectiveness/Quality The extent to which actual performance compares with targeted performance.
The degree to which objectives are achieved and the extent to which targeted problems
are solved.
Timeliness Measures whether the deliverable was done on time based on the requirements of the
law and/or clients/ stakeholders.
Time-related performance indicators evaluate such things as project completion
deadlines, time management skills and other time-sensitive expectations.
Numerical Adjectival
Performance represents an extraordinary level of achievement and commitment in terms of
quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity, and initiative.
5 Outstanding Employees at this performance level should have demonstrated exceptional job mastery in all
major areas of responsibility. Employee achievement and contributions to the organization
are of marked excellence.
Performance exceeded expectations. All goals, objectives and targets were achieved above
the established standards.
4 Very Satisfactory
Performance met expectations in terms of quality of work, efficiency, and timeliness. The
most critical annual goals were met.
3 Satisfactory
Performance failed to meet expectations, and/or one or more of the most critical goals were
not met.
2 Unsatisfactory
Performance was consistently below expectations, and/or reasonable progress toward critical
goals was not made. Significant improvement is needed in one or more important areas.
1 Poor
DepEd Order No. 2, s. 2015, otherwise known as Guidelines on the Establishment and Implementation of the Results-
based Performance Management System (RPMS) in the Department of Education, adopts the Civil Service
Commission’s Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) and stipulates the specific mechanisms, criteria
and processes for the performance target setting, monitoring, evaluation, and development planning (Enclosure p. 3,
DepEd Order No. 2, s. 2015).
This DepEd Order provides for the establishment and implementation of the RPMS in all DepEd schools and offices,
covering all officials and employees, school based and nonschool-based, in the Department holding regular plantilla
positions. For school-based personnel, the RPMS shall be used only as an appraisal tool, which shall be the basis for
training and development (DepEd Order No. 2, s. 2015).
Similar to the 4-stage SPMS Cycle, the RPMS follows a 4-phase cycle that covers performance for one whole year
(DepEd Order No. 2, s. 2015):
Category Definition
Effectiveness/Quality The extent to which actual performance compares with targeted performance.
The degree to which objectives are achieved and the extent to which targeted problems are
Timeliness Measures whether the deliverable was done on time based on the requirements of the law
and/or clients/ stakeholders.
Time-related performance indicators evaluate such things as project completion deadlines,
time management skills and other time-sensitive expectations.
Numerical Adjectival
Performance represents an extraordinary level of achievement and
commitment in terms of quality and time, technical skills and knowledge,
ingenuity, creativity, and initiative. Employees at this performance level should
5 Outstanding
have demonstrated exceptional job mastery in all major areas of responsibility.
Employee achievement and contributions to the organization are of marked
The Office Performance Commitment Review Form (OPCRF) shall be accomplished by the head of
school, e.g. School Head, Head Teachers, including designated Teacher-in-Charge, to reflect the office
KRAs, objectives and performance indicators. Other personnel with administrative functions, but are
not head of office, must craft their own IPCRF.
The Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) is a mechanism used by government employees to
evaluate the tasks completed by teachers over the course of a year. The teacher’s major output is their performance on
providing quality basic education service.
Employee development is a continuous learning process that allows an employee to achieve his or her
personal goals within the framework of the organization’s goals. Employee creation is a joint responsibilit
of the person, manager, human resources, and the organization.
• Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular No. 6, s. 2012 provided for the establishment of an
institutionalized performance management system in the public service.
• Department of Education (DepEd) Order No. 2, s. 2015 adopted the CSC’s Strategic Performance Management
System (SPMS) as the Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) of the Department.
• The RPMS is done as a cycle of 4 phases. There are corresponding forms and activities in each phase of the
RPMS Cycle.
Figure 11: Issues raised by teachers in the National Validation of the PPST
Figure 12: Issues raised by Supervisors and Principals in the National Validation of the PPST
Key developments in the creation of the PPST-aligned RPMS are shown on Figure 3.
KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
Teachers who were categorized under the default Proficient career stage used these RPMS Objectives (or PPST
Objective 2: Use a range of teaching strategies that enhance Indicator 1.4.2: Use a range of teaching strategies that enhance
learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills. learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills.
Objective 3: Apply a range of teaching strategies to develop Indicator 1.5.2: Apply a range of teaching strategies to develop
critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking
skills. skills.
Objective 4: Manage classroom structure to engage learners, Indicator 2.3.2: Manage classroom structure to engage learners,
individually or in groups, in meaningful exploration, discovery and individually or in groups, in meaningful exploration, discovery and
hands-on activities within a range of physical learning hands-on activities within a range of physical learning environments.
Objective 5: Manage learner behavior constructively by applying Indicator 2.6.2: Manage learner behavior constructively by applying
positive and non-violent discipline to ensure learning-focused positive and non-violent discipline to ensure learning-focused
environments. environments.
Objective 6: Use differentiated, developmentally appropriate Indicator 3.1.2: Use differentiated, developmentally appropriate
learning experiences to address learners’ gender, needs, learning experiences to address learners’ gender, needs, strengths,
strengths, interests and experiences. interests and experiences.
Objective 7: Plan, manage and implement developmentally Indicator 4.1.2: Plan, manage and implement developmentally
sequenced teaching and learning processes to meet curriculum sequenced teaching and learning processes to meet curriculum
requirements and varied teaching contexts. requirements and varied teaching contexts.
Objective 8: Participate in collegial discussions that use teacher Indicator 4.4.2: Participate in collegial discussions that use teacher
and learner feedback to enrich teaching practice. and learner feedback to enrich teaching practice.
Objective 9: Select, develop, organize and use appropriate Indicator 4.5.2: Select, develop, organize and use appropriate
teaching and learning resources, including ICT, to address teaching and learning resources, including ICT, to address learning
learning goals. goals.
Objective 10: Design, select, organize and use diagnostic, Indicator 5.1.2: Design, select, organize and use diagnostic,
formative and summative assessment strategies consistent with formative and summative assessment strategies consistent with
curriculum requirements. curriculum requirements.
Objective 11: Monitor and evaluate learner progress and Indicator 5.2.2: Monitor and evaluate learner progress and
achievement using learner attainment data. achievement using learner attainment data.
Objective 12: Communicate promptly and clearly the learners’ Indicator 5.4.2: Communicate promptly and clearly the learners’
needs, progress and achievement to key stakeholders, including needs, progress and achievement to key stakeholders, including
parents/guardians. parents/guardians.
Crafting of IPCRF Teachers craft their own objectives and IPCRF is prepared, standardized, and
performance indicators aligned with the PPST
Associated Tools Teachers may use varied forms for Use a common (Classroom Observation
classroom observation Tool) COT that is aligned with the RPMS
Have you already encountered the indicators used in SYs • The Results-based Performance Management
2018-2019 and 2019-2020? If so, briefly summarize your System (RPMS) was aligned with the Philippine
experiences during the RPMS-related activities? Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)
anchored on the provisions of DepEd Order No.
42, s. 2017, and due to the feedback of field
personnel during the National Validation Study of
PPST to integrate PPST with other existing HR
• Key Result Areas and Objectives in RPMS are
based on Domains and Indicators in the PPST,
Each phase of the cycle happens in a specific timeline within the rating period and requires the accomplishment of
specific activities using PPST-based tools, as shown in the matrix below:
* The timeline may be adjusted for RPMS 2020-2021 because of the COVID-19 Situation
Following activities in Phase I from June to October, In Phase II, coaching, feedback, and appropriate
about 2 classroom observations are conducted before interventions shall be provided whenever necessary
the Mid-Year Review in November. The exact timing is within the year covered. All key inputs, feedback, and
agreed by both the Rater and the Ratee. In this time, the other evidence of performance for the entire year shall
preparation and organization of RPMS Portfolio must be recorded in the Performance Monitoring and
have also started. Coaching Form (PMCF). The Mid-Year Review, which
happens in November, is prescribed to determine the
progress of a teacher in achieving the RPMS Objectives.
In Phases III and IV, teachers and their raters will have
to discuss and agree on the teacher’s final performance
rating based on actual accomplishments within the
rating period. The IPCRF-Development Plan will then be
finalized. This marks the end of the RPMS Cycle for the
rating period and begins again in the next school year.
For teachers, below is the matrix of ratee-rater-approving authority intended for the RPMS:
Ratee Rater Approving Authority
(Teachers who submit portfolios as (School Heads, Assistant Principals, Head
evidence of their teaching performance) Teachers, and/or Master Teachers who rate
teacher portfolios to assess teacher performance)
Head Teacher Small and Medium Divisions
Principal/School Head
Master Teacher Assistant Superintendent
Large and Very Large Divisions
Small and Medium Divisions
Principal/School Head
Teacher Assistant Superintendent
Large and Very Large Divisions
ALS Implementers
Master Teacher/Head Teacher/Assistant Principal Principal/School Head
Summary/Key Learning
Study the following scenarios and decide which of the options may be applied to each statement.
A. The data presented is sufficient to infer the statement.
B. The data presented is not sufficient to infer the statement.
C. The statement is false based on the data presented and/or the guidelines.
Scenario: A Division issued a Memorandum with the attached Ratee-Rater-Approving Authority matrix that shall be used
for the IPCRF of SY 2019-2020.
School A, a secondary school in this Division has 200 Teacher I-III, 10 Master Teachers I-II, and 4 Head Teachers III and
The RPMS tools are the major PPST-based tools that teachers need to be familiar with. There are two (2) RPMS Tools
intended for 2 career stages:
1. RPMS Tool for Teachers I-III (Proficient Teachers)
2. RPMS Tool for Master Teachers I-IV (Highly Proficient Teachers)
See Figure 17.
As outlined in the second session of this Module, the RPMS is aligned with PPST as seen in the RPMS Tools. Figure
17A shows the alignment of the RPMS with the PPST through the KRAs and Objectives, and Figure 17B highlights the
Means of Verification (MOV) and the Performance Indicators.
results of the self-assessment will guide teachers on which indicators they must improve and the areas
where they need coaching and mentoring.
There are two (2) SAT-RPMS (see Figure 21):
1. SAT-RPMS for Teacher I-III (Proficient Teachers)
to gain an overall picture of the teachers’ strengths and needs. This summary helps in the
the PPST indicators. This system also ensures that the results of RPMS data are used properly and efficiently, as
Refer to your COT rating sheets, SAT assessment results, and IPCRF-Development Plan, if you have any. Reflect on
your teaching performance based on the results that these forms reflect. Briefly discuss what you have discovered.
There are a lot of support materials developed by RCTQ and BHROD to supplement all tools and
associated tools for the PPST-aligned RPMS. Some of these support materials can be seen in Figure
25. All these materials can be accessed at http://deped.in/RPMSPPSTSY
Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers
re • Associated tools are other tools that are used in the PPST-aligned RPMS. These tools are used to help generate
es: data of teachers’ performance, which are utilized to support the Learning and Development and Professional
Development of teachers. These include COT, SAT, and the IPCR Data Collection Forms.
• Support materials are other materials used to promote further understanding of the PPST-aligned
The Teacher Induction Program - Core Course 3
You’ve come to the end of this course.
Once you’re done, kindly input your score here: Input your score here.
Additional reminder:
Compile your portfolio output/s and make sure that your mentor has
checked your coursebook.
Domain Broad conceptual sphere of teaching and learning practices defined by specific strands in
the set of professional standards for teachers
Concrete, observable and measurable teacher behaviors/practices covered in every
strand in the set of professional standards for teachers
More specific dimensions of teacher practice under every domain in the set of professional
standards for teachers
High performers DepEd teaching personnel who are able to perform beyond expectations
High potentials
DepEd teaching personnel who are high performers and have the aspiration to take future
leadership positions in DepEd
Performance Indicators In the RPMS Tools, the performance indicators provide descriptions of quality and quantity
The Classroom is an assessment tool that is used to measure classroom performance of teachers against
Observation Tool (COT) a set of PPST classroom observable indicators
is an RPMS associated tool that helps teachers reflect on the different performance
The Self-Assessment indicators related to their professional work. The results of the self-assessment will guide
Tool (SAT) teachers on which indicators they must improve and the areas where they need coaching
and mentoring.
Professional is used to improve or correct performance of employees with Unsatisfactory and Poor
Development Plan performance ratings.
is an individual’s target based on the Office performance targets and measures in the
Individual Performance OPCRF.
Commitment and Review
Form (IPCRF)
Office Performance summarizes the targets, performance measures, budget and responsibility centers of the
Commitment and Review Office.
Form (OPCRF)
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http://deped. in/RPMSManualver2019
Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired Teachers
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Research Center for Teacher Quality. 2018. The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers slide presentation.
Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) Manual for Teachers and School Heads
Mr. Donnab
Jerso el
n Bihasa
Education Program
Specialist II,
Dr. Joy Hardy
Deputy Director
Jonathan Baniaga
Carlos B. Llamas III
Ma. Sonia A. Tomalabcad
Alma Belarmino
Maribel Perez
Gladys Uy
The Teacher Induction Program - Core Course 3
Ruth Mae Ellorin
Aris L. Solis
Layout Artist
Layout Artist
NEAP ICT Technical Support
Region IV-A
Region VI
Region VII
Division of Cavite
Division of Iloilo
Division of Bohol
Division of Quezon
Division of Negros Occidental
Division of Cebu
Division of Batangas
Division of Antique
Division of Negros Oriental