Rizal Chap 9-16
Rizal Chap 9-16
Rizal Chap 9-16
* and the bridge where the saint was hurled (3) to f ind out for himself how the Noli and
into the river Brunn, according to Viola, nothing his other writings were affecting Filipinos and
happened in this city. Spaniards in the Philippines: and
VIENNA (capital of Austria-Hungary), known as the (4) to find out why Leonor Rivera had
“Queen of Danube”, famous in songs and stories remained silent.
Danubian Voyage (Danube river cruise)Lintz
In a letter to Blumentritt, written in Geneva on
MUNICH, they stopped here for a short time for
June 19, 1887, Rizal said:“ Y o u r a d v i c e t h a t I
the famous Munich beer, best in Germany
NUREMBERG, one of the oldest cities in Germany
r o m t h e r e i s v e r y benevolent, but I cannot
accept i t . I cannot endure the l i fe in Madrid during the first days after arrival to protect him
where everything is a voice in the wilderness.” My from enemy assault. His own father would not let
him go out alone, lest something might happen to
parents want to see me, and I want to see them
him. I n C a l a m b a , R i z a l e s t a b l i s h e d a m
also. All my life I desire to live in my country by the
side of my family. Until now I am not Europanized l
ike the Filipinos of Madrid; I always l ike to return f i r s t e x p l o i t a s a physician was the
to the country of my birth.”I n R o m e , o n J u n e successful operation on his mother sightless eyes.
29,1887,Rizalwrotetohisfather, News of the successful operation spread far and
wide. Patients from Manila and the provinces
a n n o u n c i n g h i s homecoming. “On the 15th
flocked to Calamba.
of July, at the latest,” he wrote, “I shall embark for
Rizal, who came to be called “Doctor Uliman”
our country, so that from the 15th to the 30th of
because he came from Germany. His professional
August, we shall see each other.”Delightful Trip to
fees were reasonable, even gratis to the poor.
Manila. Rizal left Rome by train for Marseilles, a
Within a few months, he was able to earn P900 as
French port, which he reached without mishap.
a physician. Rizal opened a gymnasium for young
folks, he introduced European sports. He t r i e d t
On July 3 , 1887 , he boarded the steamer stics,2.fencingand3.shootingsoas
Djemnah, the same steamer which brought him to to
Europe five years ago. There w e r e a b o u t f i f t
ypassengers,including4English,2 discourage the cockfights and gambling.
G e r m a n s , 3 C h i n e s e , 2 Japanese, and
many Frenchmen.
Storm over the “Noli.”A few weeks after his arrival,
a storm broke over his novel. One day Rizal
received a letter from Governor General Emilio
Arrival in Manila.Rizal’ s voyage from Saigon to Terrero to come to Malacañang.
Manila was pleasant.
Somebody had whispered to the governor’ s ear
On August 3, 1887 the moon was full, and he slept that the novel contained subversive ideas. He
soundly the whole night. The calm sea illumined denied it, explaining that he merely exposed the
by the silvery moonlight was a magnificent sight truth, but he did not advocate subversive ideas.
to him. On August 6 th he arrived in Manila. He
Governor-general asked the author for a copy of
disembarked shortly after nine o’ clock that night. Noli so that he could read it. Rizal had no copy
He stayed in the city for a short time to visit his because the only copy he brought home was given
friends. He found Manila the same as when he left to a friend. Rizal visited Fr. Francisco Sanchez, Fr.
it five years ago. There were the same old Jose Bech, and Fr. Federico Faura. He had a
churches and buildings, the same holes in the spirited discussion with them about the Noli, and
roads, the same boats on the Pasig River, and the Father Faura ventured an opinion that “everything
same hoary in it was the truth,” but added: “You may lose your
walls surrounding the city head for
it.”R i z a l ’ s l i f e i s w a s i n j e o p a r d y b e c a
Happy Homecoming. On August 8th , the two days security, he assigned a young Spanish lieutenant,
after his arrival in Manila, he reached Calamba. Don Jose Taviel de Andrade, as bodyguard of Rizal
His family welcomed him affectionately, with belonged to a noble family. He was cultured and
plentiful tears of joy. Paciano did not leave him
knew painting, and he could speak English,
French, and Spanish. Governor-general Terrero
Amoy – the first stop over of the ship Rizal did not
read the Noli and found nothing wrong in it. The
get off the ship for the following reasons: He was
Archbishop of Manila, Msgr. Pedro Payo (a
not feeling well,
Dominican), sent a copy of the Noli to F a t h e r R
ectorGregorioEchavarriaofthe It was raining hard &
UniversityofSantoTomasfor He heard that the city is dirty.
examination by a committee of the faculty. This
report of the faculty members of the University of Hong Kong A British colonyRizal stayed in Victoria
Santo Tomas stated that the Noli was “heretical, Hotel He met Jose Maria Basa, Balbino Mauricio,
impious, andscandalous in the religious order, and Manuel Yriarte(son of the alcalde mayor in
anti-patriotic, subversive of public order, injurious Calamba)
to the government of Spain and its function in the According to Rizal in his letter to Blumentritt, is a
Philippine Islands in the political order. small, but very clean city. Many Portuguese,
Hindus, English, Chinese and Jews. There are some
Filipinos exiled in Marianas Islands since 1872,
Governor-General Terrero was sent the novel to they were former financiers and rich but now
the Permanent Commission of Censorship which poor, gentle and timid.
was composed of priests and laymen. The report
of this commission was drafted by its head, Fr. Rizal’s Visit to Macau, A Portuguese colony near
Salvador Font, Agustinian cura of Tondo.It found Hong Kong. Rizal together with Basa boarded a
the novel to contain subversive ideas against the ferry named Kiu-Kiang going to Macau.
Church and Spain, and recommended “that the Jose Sainz de Varanda – among one of the
importation, reproduction and circulation of this passengers
pernicious book in the
Don Juan Francisco Lecaros – a Filipino gentleman
Islands be absolutely prohibited.”Despite the who is married to a Portuguese lady. Rizal and
government prohibition and the vigilance of the Basa stayed in his house for two days while they
cruel Guardian Civil many Filipinos were able to were in Macau.
get hold of copies of the Noli which they read at
night behind closed doors. Thanks to Governor- During Rizal’s two week vacation in Hong Kong, he
General Terrero, there were no mass studied Chinese life, language, drama and customs
imprisonment or mass execution of and found out the following which he wrote in his
diary: The celebration of the Chinese New Year
Filipinos. He refused to be intimidated by the was quite very noisy due to the continuous
friars who clamored for positive repressive explosion of firecrackers on the streets. The lauriat
measures against people caught reading the novel party, wherein the guests were served a variety of
and vindictive action against its author. dishes, shows lavishness and hospitality among
Chapter 12 HONGKONG, MACAU & JAPAN 1888 the Chinese. The Dominican Order, the richest
religious order in Hong Kong, had millions of
Rizal leaving the Philippines for the Second Time dollars deposited in various banks earning very
Hounded by powerful enemies, Rizal was forced to high interests. The graveyards for Catholics,
leave his country for the second time in 1888. He Protestants and Muslims were well maintained.
was 27 years old, a practicing physician, and a
recognized man of letters. After six months of DEPARTURE FROM HONGKONG
staying in the Philippines Rizal left via the steamer February 22, 1888 – Rizal left HongkongOceanic –
Zapiro bound for Hong Kong. an American steamer, his destination was Japan
nths ago
Chapter 13 RIZAL IN JAPAN -The Land of the Rickshaw– a popular mode of transportation
Cherry Blossoms which he did not like in Japan.
Rizal left Hong Kong on board of the Oceanic, an Rizal and O-Sei-San A samurai’s daughter of 23
American steamer on his way to Japan.He arrived years old and had never experienced true
in Yokohama, Japan and stayed for one day in love.Usui – San, her father; a store owner A
Grand Hotel. woman of beauty, charm, modesty and
intelligence. Speaks French and English
Rizal in Tokyo- After spending a day in Yokohama,
Rizal went to Tokyo and stayed in Tokyo Hotel for When Rizal first introduced himself to her, he took
five days. Tokyo Hotel- where Rizal stayed from of his hat as a sign of respect ( A German
March 2-7 in Japan Rizal’s letter to Blumentritt. custom)O-Sei-San – was more than Rizal’s
Tokyo is more extensive than Paris. The walls are girlfriend for she was his guide, interpreter and
built in cyclopean manner. The streets are large tutor. She improved his knowledge of
and wide
the Japanese language She eases the pain left by
JUDO – Japanese art of self defense KABUKI – Leonor Rivera.
Japanese drama play
Rizal and Osei – San are both theatre addicts. They
Juan Perez Caballero – secretary of the Spanish attended some kabuki plays such as;
legation visited him in the hotel inviting him to SendaihagiManjiro Nakahama Chushingura
stay in the Spanish legation. Knowing that it is a
Rizal fell greatly in-love with O-Sei-San that he was
plot to monitor him, Rizal accepted the offer for
tempted to leave the Philippines and settle down
the following reasons:
in Japan. He was offered a job in the Spanish
Legation Paciano – wrote to him reminding him of
his duty and why he left the Philippines in the first
Tetcho Suehiro Became a member of the Japanese Utah – where he saw Mormons, thickly populated
Imperial Diet (Parliament)Wrote to novels:Nankai- Colorado – a lot of snow and pine trees
New York – which he considers a big city Where
Daiharan(Storm Over the South Sea) – 1891 he stayed for three days He left the United States
resembling Noli Me TangereO-unabara (The Big for Liverpool, London on board the City of Rome,
Ocean) – 1894 – resembling El Filibusterismo the second largest ship in the world. Great Eastern
– largest ship in the world during his time.
Died in 1896 at age 49 due to heart
Nebraska – Omaha City, as big as San Francisco
attack.Advocates of Freedom Rizal Tetcho Suehiro
Missouri River – twice as big as Pasig River
Chapter 14 . Via the steamer Belgic, Rizal arrived Chicago – a lot of Indians in cigar stores Albany –
in San Francisco, USA on April 28, 1888. where he saw the Hudson River
2 agencies that certified Belgic is free from cholera RIZAL GOOD IMPRESSIONS OF AMERICA
epedemic: The America consul of Japan The
Material progress of the country as shown in its
British government of Hongkong
cities, farms, and industries The drive and energy
Cholera – raging epidemic in the Far East of the Americans
according to the Americans All passengers are
The natural beauty of the land The high standard
quarantined for safety Rizal was surprised because
of living
there is no outbreak of the disease in the Far East,
thus he joined other passengers in protest. The opportunities for better life offered to poor
643 Chinese coolies boarded the ship the coolies
from China were displacing white laborers in Non-existence of true civil liberty, as Negro cannot
railroad construction camp. But Rizal was marry an American and vice versa.
questioning how come 700 bolts of silk were
The existence of racial prejudice as shown in their
unloaded without fumigation. After a week Rizal
hatred of the Chinese, Japanese and Negroes. The
together with other first class passengers were
valuing of money over human life
permitted to land. But the Japanese and the
Chinese and passengers belonging to the second Lack of racial equality
and thirds class remained aboard.
The land par excellence of freedom but only for
Rizal stayed in Palace Hotel (then a first class the whites. Rizal said this to Jose Alejandrino, an
hotel) in San Francisco He stayed there for two engineering student form Belgium
days GROVER CLEVELAND- was the president
when Rizal visited the United States Chapter 15 LIFE AND WORKS IN LONDON(1888-
LELAND STANFORD – the founder and benefactor
of the Stanford University was then a senator Stay in London Lived in London May 1888 to Mar.
representing California. 1889 3 REASONS WHY HE STAYED THERE:
GEORGE WASHINGTON – one of the great men of To improve the his knowledge of the English
new York whom visited his memorial. The 1st Language.
president of the US. To study and annotate Morga’s Sucesos de Las
Islas Filipinas
studies to theirs. Thus we shall progress the faster
because we can go on from where they left off.
London was a safe place for him to carry on his
fight against Spanish Tyranny Filipiniana studies. Annotating Morga’s books Spent many days in the
Completing annotating Morga’s books Wrote reading room of the British Museum reading
many articles in La Solidaridad Penned Young Morga’s books and old stories of the Philippines
Women of Malolos Had Wrote a letter to Blumentritt on Sept. 17,
1888Mariano Ponce urged him to edit a
romance with Gertrude Beckett
newspaper but refused
Trip Across the Atlantic Made friends in his
Short Visit to Paris and Spain September 1888 he
Atlantic voyage Amazed some American and
visited Paris for a weekEntertained in a gay French
European passengers Had a chat with newspaper
men but became disappointed Arrived on Metropolis by Juan Luna and his wife He returned
Liverpool May 24, 1888“Liverpool is a big and to London Dec. 11, 1888 he went to Spain Met
beautiful city and its celebrated port is worthy of Marcelo H. del Pilar and Mariano Ponce
its great fame. The entrance is magnificent and
Christmas in London Rizal returned to London on
the custom house is quite good.”
Dec. 24, 1888 and spent his Christmas and new
You Life in London year ‘s day with the Becketts. He sent a gift to
Blumentritt and Dr. Carlos Czepelak Received a gift
Went to London May 25, 1888. Stayed as a guest
from Mrs. Beckett
at Dr. Regidor’s home Became a boarder at the
Beckett’s by the end of May Was called “Pearl of Rizal becomes leader of Filipinos in Europe Chosen
Man” by Dr. Reinhold Rost Played Cricket and to be honorary president Wrote a letter of thanks
Boxing with Dr. Rost’s sons. adressed to the members of Asociacion La
Solidaridad on Jan. 28, 1889Letter content When
Good and Bad News from Home Bad News
defeated never surrender Great deal of integrity
Persecution of the Filipino patriots who signed the
and much good will
“Anti-friar Petition of 1888”Persecution of
Calamba tenants Furious attacks on Rizal by Rizal and the La Solidaridad paper,
Senator Salamanca and Vida in the Spanish Cortes
GRACIANO LOPEZ founded La Solidaridad on
and by Desengaños (Wenseslao E. Retana) and
Feb.15,1889 at Barcelona Marcelo H. del Pilar
Quioquiap (Pablo Feced) in Spanish newspapers
about their newspaper Rizal congratulated Lopez
Rizal’s brother-in-law, Manuel Hidalgo was exiled
Jaena and the associates and wrote articles
in Bohol Laureano Viado, his friend was arrested
and jailed because copies of Noli were found in his Mar. 25, 1889- Published First Article in La
house Solidaridad Los Agricultores Filipinos (The Filipino
Farmers) Depicted the deplorable conditions in
Good and Bad News from Home Good News. Rev.
the Philippines which cause the backwardness of
Vicente Garcias’ defended Noli against the attacks
the country. The Filipino farmers has to struggle
of the friars. Content of the letter We young
not only against petty tyrants and robbers. Against
Filipinos are trying to make over a nation and
the first, defense indeed was permitted; against
must not halt in our onward march, but from time
the latter not always… After the floods, locusts,
to time turn our gaze upon our elders. We shall
fires, bad harvests, and the like the farmer
wish to read in their countenances approval of our
capitalist has to deal with constable who takes
actions. We are anxious to learn of the Philippines’
away from his laborer s for personal service, some
past which we need to understand in order to plan
public works repair of roads, bridges and others;
intelligently for the future. We want to know all
with the civil guards who arrests them for various
that our ancestors knew, and then add our own
reasons sometimes for not carrying with them
their personal cedulas (certificates) for not Fell in love with Rizal helped him in his painting
saluting properly, and sculpture“Gettie”Rizal finished 4 sculptures
Promotheus Bound The Triumph of Death over
First Article in La Solidaridad For being suspicious
Life, The Triumph of Science over Death
persons or for no reason whatsoever, and they
Composite carving of the heads of the Beckett
manacle them to clean the barracks and thus
compel the capitalist to live on better terms with
the chief and, if not, they take away his carabaos, Adios London Rizal’s sculptural works Prometheus
oxen, inspite of many protests. At times it is not Bound The Triumph of Death over LifeThe Triumph
the constable or the civil guard who of Science over Death Carving of the heads of the
3 Beckett sisters March 19, 1889 - he leaved
opposes so indirectly the minister of colonies. An
official of the court or the provincial government,
dissatisfied with the farmer, urgently summons Chapter 16 IN GAY PARIS, 1889 - 90
this or that laborer, if not two or three. The
After his trip to London, he move to PARIS. Timely
unfortunate man underyakes a trip of two or three
there is an International Exposition being held at
days, uneasy and distrustful, spends his savings,
arrives, presents himself, waits, returns the next
day and waits, finally to be asked a frown and the Rizal’s roommates (a) Captain Justo Trinidad –
look of a judge, abstruse and unknown things. He former gobernadorcillo & a refugee from Spanish
is lucky if he comes out free from questioning, for tyranny; (b) Jose Albert – young student from
not infrequently after it, he is sent to jail from Manila.
which he comes out lateras stupid as before.
In his spare hours, he used to dine at the house of
Writings in London La Vision del Fray Rodriguez the De Taveras:
(The vision of Fray Rodriguez)Published at
BarcelonaLetter to the Young Women of Malolos 1) DR.TRINIDAD PARDO DE TAVERA –
M.H. del Pilar Praise the young ladies of Malolos physician by vocation and philologist by avocation.
for their courage to establish a school where they 2) DR.FELIX PARDO DE TAVERA – also a
could learn spanish despite the opposition of Fr. physician by vocation and an artist & sculptor by
Felipe Garcia, Spanish parish priest of Malolos. A avocation.
Filipino mother should teach her children love of
God, fatherland, and mankind Filipino mother 3) PAZ PARDO DE TAVERA – wife of Juan
should be glad, like the Spartan mother Filipino Luna.
woman should know how to preserve her dignity 4) DON JOAQUIN PARDO DE TAVERA – an
and honor Filipino woman should educate herself, exile of 1872 who escape from Marianas & lived in
aside from retaining her good racial virtues; Faith France.
is not merely reciting long prayers and wearing
religious pictures, but rather it is living the real MR.EDWARD BOUSTED - was born in the Phil., the
Christian way, with good son of a rich French businessman of Singapore,
and had married a daughter of prominent Genato
morals and good manners. family of Manila.
Writings in London Specimens of Tagalog Folklore Two attractive daughter
Two Eastern Fables Requested by: Dr. Rost
1. Nellie – a fencer
TWO CLUBS FOUNDED BY RIZAL1. Kidlat Club 2. Mir Deas– Spanish newspaperman who was
Indios Bravos writing articles against Filipinos. Reasons that Rizal
marriage did not prosper
Kidlat Club – special club form in order to organize
Fils. In the French country Members: Antonio & :1. Adelina was not sure he loved her because of
Juan Luna, Lauro Dimagiba his broken engagement
TWO SATIRICAL WORK OF RIZAL La Vision de Fray 2. Rizal refused to accept the condition that
Rodriquez PorTelepono TWO MAGNIFICENT he will become a protestant like her
3. Adelina’s mother opposed the match
1. International Association of Filipinologist because Rizal was not rich enough to support a
family in style.
2. Modern Filipino College in
HongkongInternational Association of Chapter 17-RIZAL IN BRUSSELS, 1890
Filipinologist– association that aim to study the
January 28, 1890 – Rizal left Paris for Brussels,
Philippines from the scientific and historical piont
capital of Belgium. Two reasons:
of view.
1. The cost of living in Paris was very high
because of the international exposition, and
2. The gay social life of the city hampered his
President: Dr. Ferdinand Blumentritt (Austrian),
literary works especially the writing of his second
Vice President : Mr. Edmund Plauehul(French)
novel El Filibusterismo.
Counsellor : Dr. Reinhold Rost(Anglo-German),
Counsellor : Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor(Filipino-
Spanish) & Secretary : Dr. Jose Rizal (Filipino) LIFE IN BRUSSELS In Brussels, Rizal was busy
writing his second novel which was a continuation
Modern Filipino in Hongkong– a college that aims
of Noli.
to train and educate men of good family and
financial means in according with the demands of He was never idle even for an hour. Aside from
modern times and circumstances. writing its chapter he wrote articles for La
Solidaridad and letters to his family and friends.
MR. CUNANAN- who promised Rizal to help him
Being a physician, he spent part of his time in the
raise money as initial capital for the
medical clinic. For recreation, he had gymnastics
college.P40,000 – amount needed as capital for
at the gymnasium at target practice and fencing at
the college.
the armory.
PorTelepono– another satirical work of Rizal that
is a reply to fr. Salvador Font, who mastermind the
stated before that Rizal favored Lopez Jaena’s
banning of his Noli. – was published in booklet
founding of La Solidaridad in order to have an
form in Barcelona, 1889. – it describes in anical
organ of the propaganda. He used two pen names
vain Father Salvador Font and a friar in the San
Dimasalang and Laong laan.
Agustin Convent in Manila. Dimasalang – pen
name used by Rizal in writing Por Telepono. RIZAL’S ARTICLES IN LA SOLIDARIDAD
Adelina Boustead – another romance of Rizal in La Verdad Para Todos (The Truth for All), Verdades
Paris. Antonio Luna – a dashing man of violent Nuevas (New Truths), UnaProfanacion (A
Diferencias (Differences), but he wanted to finish his second novel before he
went to his grave.
Filipinas dentro de ClenAños (The Philippines A
Century Hence), IngratitudesSin Nombre (Without PREPARATION TO GO HOME In the phase of
Name), suffering which afflicted his family, Rizal decided
to go home. He could not stay in Brussels writing a
Sobre la Nueva Ortografia de la LenguaTagala (On
book while his parents, relatives, and friends in
the New Ortography of the tagalog Language),
distant Philippines were in despair. Hearing that
Cosas de Filipinas (Things about the Philippines),
Graciano Lopez Jaena was planning to go to Cuba,
Sobre la Indolencia de los Filipinos (On the he wrote to Ponce on July 8, 1890, opposing
Indolence of the Filipinos) Graciano’s plan of action. He said that Graciano
should not go to Cuba to die of yellow fever,
RIZAL CRITICIZES MADRID FILIPINOS FOR instead he ought to go the Philippines to allow
GAMBLING In Brussels, Rizal received news from himself to be killed in defence of his ideals.
Juan Luna,and Valentin Ventura that the Filipino in
Spain were destroying the good name of their ON TO MADRID, INSTEAD OF HOME Rizal did not
nation by gambling too much. These two heed the dire warnings of his friends. No threat of
compatriots in Paris urged him to do something danger could change his plan. Something,
about it. Accordingly, Rizal however, happen that suddenly made him change
his mind. It was a letter from Paciano which
wrote too M.H Del Pilar on May28, 1890 to related that the loss the case against the
remind the Filipinos in Madrid that they did not Dominicans in Manila, but they appealed it to the
come to Europe to gamble, but to work for their Supreme Court in Spain. Rizal wrote to M.H. Del
father land’s freedom. The gambling Filipinos in Pilar on June 20, 1890, retaining the latter’s
Madrid were angry when the learned of Rizal’s services as lawyer. He was going to Madrid in
moralizing. Thereafter, they called Rizal “Papa” order to supervise the handling of the case.
(Pope) instead of “Pepe”.
“TO MY MUSE” (1890)It was against a background
BAD NEWS FROM HOME Letters from home which of mental anguish in Brussels, during those sad
Rizal receive in Brussels, worried him. The days when he was worried by family disasters,
Calamba agrarian trouble was getting worse. The that he wrote his pathetic poem, A Mi. . . This
management of the Dominican hacienda poem lacks the exquisitry of To The Flowers of
continually raised the land rents until such time Heidelberg and is less polished than to To the
that Rizal’s father refused to pay his rent. Other Filipino Youth, but it is passionate in feeling.
tenants, inspired by Don Francisco’s
courage, also refused to pay their rents. brought some measure of cheer to the
Meanwhile, the tenants, including the Rizal family, despondent Rizal as he was preparing for his trip
were persecuted and ejected from their lands. The to Madrid. - The summertime festival of Belgium -
sad news from home depressed Rizal. His heart His romance with Suzanne Jacoby Like other
bled to know the sorrowful plight of his parents, woman,
brother and brothers-in-law.
Segunda Katigbak, Miss L
despair, Rizal had bad dreams during the nights in Leonor Orang Valenzuela, Leonor Rivera,
Brussels when he was restless because he was
Seiko Usui (O-Sei-San) Gertrude Gettie Becket,
always thinking of his unhappy family in Calamba.
Although he was not superstitious, he feared that Consuelo Ortiga y Perez, and the Bousted sisters
he would not live long. He was not afraid to die,
Suzanne Jacoby-fell in love with Rizal. She cried
when he left toward the end of July, 1890 for
Madrid, stopping for a few days in Paris.