Unit 2

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The objectives of water treatment are:

(i) To remove objectionable colour of water

(ii) To remove unpleasant taste and odour

(iii) To remove dissolved gases in water

(iv) To remove suspended, colloidal and dissolved impurities in water

(v) To remove hardness of water

(vi) To reduce corrosiveness of water

(vii) To remove the disease producing micro organisms (pathogens) from water.

(viii) To make water suitable for domestic and industrial purposes.


Unit Operations: Treatment done by physical or mechanical methods are called as unit

Eg: Screening, Filtration, Sedimentation etc.

Unit Processes: Treatment done by employing chemical or biological methods are called as
Unit Processes.

Eg: Coagulation, Chlorination etc.

The important unit operations employed in water and waste water treatment are:

1. Gas transfer: Aeration

Water is exposed to oxygen, to remove dissolved harmful gases (CO2, H2S) and Iron-
Manganese from water. Aerators may be Gravity aerator, spray aerators, diffusers etc.
2. ION Transfer

(i) Chemical coagulation - Removal of colloidal particles - Coagulant is added to water to

form clusters which settle rapidly.

(ii) Chemical precipitation - Chemicals are added to precipitate out the dissolved impurities.
Eg: Precipitation of carbonate hardness by adding lime.

(iii) Ion exchange - Interchange of ions between water and solid ion exchange media. Eg:
Water softening process.

(iv) Adsorption - Ions are removed from solution and concentrated at surfaces of adsorbent.
Eg: Activated carbon adsorption.

3. Solute stabilization

Water is stabilised and objectionable solutes are converted into unobjectionable forms.

(i) Chlorination - H2S is oxidised into sulfate

(ii) Liming-CO2 is converted to soluble bicarbonate by passing through limestone.

4. Solids transfer.

Removal of solids from water.

(i) Straining - Removes floating and suspended impurities using Screens.

(ii) Sedimentation - Removal of suspended solids in settling tanks under gravity.

(iii) Floatation - Suspended solids gets attached to floatation agents that lift the particles to
surface - removed by floatation devices.

(iv) Filtration - Suspended solids are trapped on the grains of filter media (sand, coal,
granular materials)

5. Nutrient or Molecular Transfer

6. Interfacial contact

7. Miscellaneous operations:

(i) Disinfection - Removal of pathogens from water

(ii) Desalination - Convertion of salt water into fresh water

(iii) Fluoridation - Adding fluoride to water

8. Solids concentration and stabilization – Used in waste water (sludge) treatment to increasw
the soilds concebtration of sludge.

(i) Thickening

(ii) Centrifuging

(iii) Sludge digestion


• It is an important unit operation of gas transfer.

• In this process, water is brought in intimate contact with air, so as to absorb oxygen and to
remove carbon dioxide gas.

Objectives of aeration are:

(i) It removes tastes and odours caused by gases due to organic decomposition.

(ii) It increases the dissolved oxygen in water.

(iii) It removes the hydrogen sulphide and odour produced.

(iv) It decreases carbondioxide of water thereby reduces its corrosiveness and raises its pH

v) It converts iron and manganese, from soluble and insoluble state so that these can be
precipitated and removed.

(vi) It kills bacteria to some extent.

(vii) It helps in mixing of chemicals.

Types of Aerators :

The aeration of water can be carried out in the following ways:

1. Spray Nozzles: In this method, water is sprinkled in air or atmosphere through special
nozzles which breaks the water into droplets, thus permitting the escape of dissolved gases. It
requires considerable head of water (0.75 to 1.5 kg/cm2) required for the working of nozzles.
The nozzles function efficiently at a pressure of 10 to 14 m head of water. The carbon dioxide
gas is removed upto 90%.

2. Cascade aerators: It is the simplest form of gravity or free fall aerator. Weirs and
waterfalls of any kind are cascade aerators. A simple cascade consists of a series of three or
ten steps of concrete or metal. Water is made to fall through a certain height (1 to 3m) over a
series of steps, and due to this it comes into close contact with air (atmospheric oxygen).
These aerators take large quantities of water in a comparatively small area at low head. They
are simple and easily cleaned. They are made of robust and durable materials with a long life.
The plates are made of cast iron, RCC, timber or glass. The aerators are preferably installed
in open air, or may be in a room which has plenty of louvered air inlets. The cascade aerators
are efficient in raising dissolved oxygen content of water, but CO, removal is only in the
range of 60 to 70%.

3. Air diffusion: In this method, perforated pipe network is installed at the bottom of the
aeration tank, and compressed air is blown through these pipes. The vino compressed air is
bubbled up from the bottom of the tank. As the air bubbles olqu bovou travel upward, it gets
thoroughly mixed up with the water in the tank, thus causing aeration. Air diffuser basins
have a retention period of about 15 minutes and a depth of 3 to 5 metres.
4. Trickling beds (Gravel bed aerators): In this method, the water is allowed to trickle down
the beds of coke, limestone or anthracite supported over the perforated bottomed trays,
arranged vertically in series. Generally, three beds are used, the depth of each being about
0.6m with a clear distance of about 0.45m inbetween. The water is applied from the top
through perforated distribution pipes and allowed to trickle down, up to the bottom bed.
During this downward motion, the water gets mixed up with air, and aeration takes place. The
size of the coke used ranges between 50 to 75mm. This method is better than cascades, but
less effective than spray nozzles. This method is more efficient in CO, removal than other

5. Inclined apron aerator with riffle plates: In this type of aerator, water is allowed to fall
along an inclined plane or apron which is usually studded with riffle plates in herring bone
fashion. The breaking up of the sheet of water will cause agitation of water


Limitations of Aeration :

Aeration has the following limitations :

(i) It is not an efficient method of removal or reduction of tastes and odours caused by
chemical released from industrial wastes.

(ii) Aeration may add more oxygen in water making it more corrosive and may necessiate de-

(iii) Iron and manganese can be precipitated by aeration only when organic matter is not

(iv) Possibility of air borne contamination in water.

(v) Additional lime may be required to neutralise the CO, that would be removed by aeration.

(vi) Aeration is economical only in warmer months.

De-aeration :

De-aeration is the removal of excess oxygen in water (caused by aeration). The de- aeration
proccess is carried out by allowing the water to trickle down through gravel layers in a closed
vessel at a pressure of about 1/30th of atmosphere. The dissolved oxygen can also be
removed by chemical methods or by boiling.


The very fine suspended and colloidal particles in water do not settle under gravity In plain
sedimentation thanks. Such particles can however, be removed by increasing their size and
mass i.e., by changing them into flocculated particles. To achieve this chemicals called
coagulants. are added to water which forms gelatinous precipitate called 'floc'. Most of the
colloidal particles in water are negatively charged. The coagulants (positive charge)
neutralize the negatively charged colloidal particles and allow them to coagulate
(agglomerate) and form a gelatinous precipitate called 'floc' to which more and more particles
get attracted and absorbed, forming bigger sized flocculated particles. The flocculated
particles due to increase in size and mass readily settles in the sedimentation tanks. The
chemically assisted sedimentation process also known as clarification comprises of following
three stages:

(i) Addition of measured quantities of chemicals (coagulants) to water and thorough mixing
is done in a Flash Mixer.

(ii) Formation of precipitate which coagulates and forms floc which happens in a Flocculator.

(iii) Settling of flocs in a Sedimentation Tank.

Coagulation is the first stage which refers to the formation of precipitate and destabilisation
of charged colloidal particles.

Flocculation - is the second stage which refers to the slow mixing technique promoting
agglomeration of stabilised particles.
Factors affecting coagulation:

(i) Type of coagulant,

(ii) Quantity or dose of coagulant

(iii) Characteristics of water.

• Type and quantity of suspended matter.

• Temperature of water

• pH of water

(iv) Time and method of mixing – short period of violent agitation (chemical mixing)
followed by gentle stirring (floc formation)


i) Alum or Aluminium sulphate

ii) Chlorinated copperas

iii) Ferrous sulphate and lime

iv) Magnesium carbonate

v) Polyelectrolytes

vi) Sodium aluminate

i) Aluminium sulphate (or) Alum

• Its chemical composition is Al2(SO4)3 18 H2O

• Most common and universal coagulant used.

• It requires presence of alkalinity in water to form floc. Many waters have bicarbonate

Alum dissolved in water, hydrolyze into Aluminium Hydroxide (insoluble – floc)

Al2(SO4)3 18H2O + 3Ca(HCO3)2=2 Al(OH)3↓ + 3CaSO4 +18H2O + 6CO2↑ The Aluminium
Hydroxide floc so formed is insoluble in water.

Limitations of using Alum :

(i) CO2 formation leads to corrosiveness in water.

(ii) Calcium sulphate formed causes permanent hardness in water.

If water is not naturally alkaline, lime CaO or hydrated lime Ca(OH)2 is added to

Al2(SO4)3. 18H2O + 3Ca(OH)2 = 2AI(OH)3 + 3CaSO4 + 18H2

Sodium carbonate or soda ash can also be added to increase alkalinity.

Al2(SO4)3. 18H2O+ 3Na2CO2 = 2A/(OH)2 + 3Na2SO4+3CO2+18H2

Soda ash does not cause hardness, but it is expensive than lime and is used less. Alum is
effective at pH 6.50 to 8.50

Alum Dosage - 10 to 30 mg/litre of water. Its dosage depends upon turbidity, colour, taste,
pH and temperature.

Alum reduces turbidity, taste and odour. It produces crystal clear water. It is cheap and
commonly used. But it is difficult to dewater the sludge formed.

ii) Chlorinated copperas

Hydrated ferrous sulphate is called copperas (FeSO4. 7H2O)

• It has high solubility.

• It is used after oxidation to ferric sulphate [Fe 2(SO4)3] and ferric chloride (FeCl3) by mixing
with feed from a chlorinator. The ferric sulphate and ferric chloride are called chlorinated

6FeSO4 .7H2O + 3Cl2 = 2Fe2(SO4)3 + 2FeCl3 + 7H2O

Chlorinated copperas form ferric hydroxide floc.

Fe2(SO4)3 + 3Ca(OH)2 = 3CaSO4 + 2Fe(OH)3

2FeCl3 + 3Ca(OH)2 = 3CaCl2 + 2Fe(OH)3

They are effective in removing colour also.

Ferric chloride (ferrichlor) is effective over pH 3.5 to 6.5 and above 8.5

Ferric Sulphate (Ferrisul) is effective over pH 4 to 7 and above 9.

iii) Ferrous Sulphate (Copperas) and Lime

Lime is added with ferrous sulphate to increase the reaction rate.

FeSO4 7H2O + Ca(OH)2 = Fe(OH)2 + CaSO4 + 7H2O

Ferrous hydroxide Fe(OH), - floc formed is soon oxidised by dissolved oxygen in water and
ferric hydroxide Fe(OH), is formed.

4Fe(OH)2+O2+ 2H2O = 4Fe(OH)3

The ferric hydroxide is a heavier floc.

Ferrous sulphate is effective at pH range above 8.5

iv) Magnesium Carbonate and Lime

When Magnesium Carbonate and Lime are dissolved in water, magnesium hydroxide and
calcium carbonate are formed. Both Mg(OH), and CaCO3 are soluble in water resulting in
formation of sludge which is a slurry.

MgCO3 + Ca(OH)2 Mg(OH)2 + CaCO3

Due to slurry formation, it is not commonly used. However, it removes organic colour, iron
and manganese.

v) Polyelectrolytes

Polyelectrolytes are high molecular weight water-soluble polymers.

They are anionic, cationic or non-ionic. The dosage is 1 ppm.

Cationic polyelectrolytes are available under trade names Floccal N, Magnifloc972,

Mogu1980 and are used independently.

Other polyelectrolytes are used as coagulant aids with alum in order to reduce the amount of
primary coagulant required.

vi) Sodium Aluminate

Sodium Aluminate Na2Al2O4 is alkaline and used less due to high cost. It removes both
temporary and permanent hardness.

The effective pH range is 6 to 8.50. Its reaction with Calcium and Magnesium salts are as

Comparison of Alum and Iron salts (as coagulants)

(i) Iron salts produce heavy floc due to which more suspended matter is removed than with

(ii) Iron salts are good oxidising agents and remove H2S and its corresponding taste and

(iii) Iron salts are effective over wide pH range.

(iv) Iron salts cause staining and growth of iron bacteria in distribution system.

(v) Iron salts impart more corrosiveness to water than alum.

(vi) Skilled suspension is required for handling and storing of iron salts, as they are corrosive.
No such supervision is required for alum.

(vii) The time required for floc formation and settling using iron salts is much less.

(viii) Formation of mud balls with iron salts is less compared with alum.

Alum is preferred as coagulant for treating raw waters

Problem 2.1:

Determine the quantity of alum required in order to treat 13 million litres of water per day at
a treatment plant, where 12 ppm of alum dose is required. Also determine the amount of
CO2 gas which will be released per litre of water treated.


Quantity of water to be treated = 13 × 106 litres/day

Alum dose required = 12 ppm = 12mg/1

Amount of alum required per day = (13 x 106) x 12 mg = 156 kg.

Chemical reaction involved is given by:


The constituents of a coagulation sedimentation plant or Clariflocculator are:

(1) Feeding device

(2) Mixing device or mixing basin

(3) Flocculation tank or flocculator

(4) Settling or Sedimentation tank

A Clariflocculator containing all these four units is shown in figure


The chemical coagulant is fed (either dry or solution) into raw water through the feeding

The (water + coagulant) mixture is thoroughly mixed and agitated in the Mixing

The coagulant causes the very fine suspended and colloidal particles to agglomerate and form
'floc', which happens in the flocculation tank.

The flocculated water is finally passed into the sedimentation tank where these flocculated
particles settle and are removed.

Each of these four units is discussed in detail below:

1. Methods of feeding coagulants / Feeding devices

a) Dry feeding

b) Wet feeding

a) Dry feeding

The chemical coagulant is fed into raw water in powdered form.

Simple in operation, requires less space and cheaper. However dosage control is difficult.
Coagulant (powder) is kept in hopper bottom of tank. Agitating plates prevent arching of
coagulant. The dosage is regulated by the speed of toothed wheel/helical screw which in turn
is controlled by venturi device installed in the raw water pipes.

The quantity of coagulant released is in proportion to the quantity of the raw water entering
the mixing tank.
(b) Wet feeding:

The chemical coagulant is fed into raw water in solution form. The wet feeding equipments
are costlier, but they can be easily controlled and adjusted. The coagulant solution is prepared
and stored in a tank, from where it is allowed to trickle down into mixing tank. A conical
plug type arrangement is used to regulate the rate of coagulant discharge proportionate to the
rate of raw water flow. The mixing basin and float chamber are interconnected so that water
level is same in both. As the flow of water increases, the depth of water in mixing basin as
well as float chamber increases and thereby lifting the float. As float rises, the pinion and
pulley lifts the conical plug allowing more flow of coagulant solution into mixing basin.
When water flow decreases, conical plug descends down and reduces the coagulant feeding
rate. Thus coagulant dosage is automatically controlled. The chemical which are corrosive in
nature create problems in wet feeding.
2. Mixing Devices

After addition of coagulant to raw water, the mixture should be thoroughly and vigorously
mixed so that the coagulant gets fully dispersed into water. This violent agitation is achieved
by mixing devices such as centrifugal pumps, compressed air and mixing basins. The mixing
basins are normally adopted and they are of the following two types:

a) Mixing basins with baffle walls

b) Mixing basins equipped with mechanical devices

(a) Mixing basins with baffle walls: Rectangular tanks which are divided by baffle walls.
The baffles are provided in such a way that the water flows in the following pattern.

(i) Horizontally around the ends of baffles.

(ii) Vertically over and under the baffles.

The disturbances/ hindrances created by the baffles to the flow creates sufficient agitation
and mixing The velocity of flow is controlled to a value of 0.15 to 0.45 m/s.

The detention period is 20 to 50 minutes. They are less efficient and are used only i small.

b) Mixing basins with mechanical devices - Flash Mixer

• The mechanically agitated mixing basins provide the best type of mixing. T chemical added
to raw water is vigorously mixed and agitated by a flash mix for rapid dispersion in water.

• A Flash mixer consists of a rectangular tank provided with an impeller fixed an impeller
shaft. The impeller is driven by an electric motor at a high a variable speeds. The intensity of
mixing depends on the temporal me velocity gradient (G).

The coagulant is brought by the coagulant pipe which discharges it under impeller. The raw
water from inlet is also deflected by baffles towards impeller. The thoroughly mixed water is
taken to the flocculator.

• A drain valve is provided to remove sludge from the bottom of flash mixe

• The speed of impeller is kept between 100 to 200 rpm.

• The detention period is 1/2 to 2 minutes (30 to 60 seconds).

• The value of G is 300 s-1

• Power required is 1 to 3 Watts per m3/hr of flow.

c) Centrifugal pump

Raw water is pumped into the settling tank. Chemical is added to the suction line of

When water with coagulant passes through the impeller of pump, mixing is created.

d) Compressed air agitation

In this, raw water and coagulant are agitated vigorously by diffusing compressed air from
bottom of the mixing basin.
(e) Narrow mixing channel with flume

The Coagulant is fed from the feeding tank'

The turbulance caused by vertical baffles and flumes mixes the chemical thoroughly.

3. Flocculation Tank or Flocculator

The violent agitation in a Flash Mixer should be followed by a slow and gentle stirring to
permit agglomeration of floc particles.

From the mixing basin, water is taken to the flocculator where it is given slow and gentle
stirring motion.

They are rectangular tanks with paddles operated by electric motors. The water from the
flocculator is taken to the sedimentation tank.

The paddles rotate at 2 to 3 rpm speed. The detention time is 20 to 60 min (30 m normally).
The velocity gradient is 20 to 80 s1. The clear distance between paddles an wall or floor is 15
to 30cm.
The purpose of the flocculator is to facilitate 'floc' formation. The floc so forme should not be
allowed to settle in the flocculator.

The velocity of flow is not important in the design of flocculators, because th rolling motion
created by the paddles prevents settling of floc.

Design Criteria for Flocculator

(i) Depth of tank - 3 to 4.5 m

(ii) Detention time - 10 to 40 min (30 min normal)

(iii) Velocity of flow - 0.2 to 0.8 m/s (0.4 m/s) normal.

(iv) Area of paddles - 10 to 25% of cross-sectional area of tank.

(v) Outlet flow velocity - 0.15 to 0.25 m/s

(vi) Power consumption - 10 to 36 KW/mld.

(vii) Velocity gradient (G): 10 to 75 s-1

4. Sedimentation tank (Clarifier)

Similar to plain sedimentation tanks, except that the detention period is less (2 to 4 hrs) and
has a higher surface loading (overflow) rate of 1000 to 1250 1/hr/m 2 or 24 to 30 m3/d/m2 of
plan area.


It is a combination of coagulation and sedimentation tank. It consists of a plain floc chamber
(without mechanical devices) followed by a sedimentation tank. Detention period for floc
chamber is 15 to 40 minutes and for settling tank is 2 to 4 hours. The depth of floc chamber is
half the depth of settling tank. The water from mixing basin enters this tank and the clarified
water comes out at the outlet end. The design is similar to a sedimentation tank except that it
is deeper 3 to 6 m. They are cleaned at 6 months interval.

Problem 2.2:

Design a coagulation-cum-sedimentation tank with continuous flow for a population of

60,000 persons with a daily per capita water allowance of 120 litres. Make suitable
assumptions where needed.


1. Design of Settling Tank

Average daily consumption = Population × Per capita demand

= 60,000 x 120 = 7.2 × 106 litres

Maximum daily demand = 1.8 × Average daily demand

02 = 1.8 × (7.2 × 106) = 12.96 × 106 litres

Assuming detention time of 4 hours (between 2 to 4 hours)

Capacity or Volume of Tank = Discharge x Detention Time

Volume = 12.96×106 / 24 x 4
= 2.16 x 106 litres = 2.16 x 103 m3

Assuming, surface overflow rate as 1000 litres /hr /m2 (between 1000 to 1250 l/hr/

Q = 12.96 × 106 l/d = 540 x 103 1/hr

Assuming width of tank as 12 m,

12 x L = 540 m2

L= 45 m

Volume = L x B x H = 2.16 × 103 m3

45 x 12 x H = 2.16 x 103


Extra depth for sludge storage (1 in 50 slope) = 45/50 = 0.9m

Assume Free Board = 0.5 m

Overall depth = water depth + sludge storage + free board

= 4 m +0.9 m + 0.5 m

= 5.4 m
Provide settling tank of dimensions 45 m x 12 m x 4m

2. Design of the Floc chamber

Depth of floc chamber = ½ x depth of settling tank

1/2 x 4.5 = 2.25 m

Assuming period of flocculation (detention period) as 20 minutes. (between 15 to

40 min)

Volume or Capacity of chamber =Q x Detention time

12.96×103 /24×60 =180m3

Area required = Volume / depth = 180/2.25 = 80m3

Using same width = 12 m,

Length of flocculation chamber = 80 /12 = 6.67 m

The dimensions of Floc chamber are = 6.7 m x 12 m x 2.25 m


Plate and Tube Settlers have been developed as an alternative to shallow basins and are used
in conjunction with both existing and specially designed sedimentation basins. Plate and
Tube Settlers are shallow settling devices consisting of stacked offset trays or bundles of
small plastic tubes of various geometries. They are used to enhance the settling characteristics
of sedimentation basins.

The shape, hydraulic radii, angle of inclination, and length of the plate and tube settlers will
vary according to the particular installation. Normal practice is to Insert the plate or tube
settlers in sedimentation basins (either rectangular or circdar) of sufficient depth. The flow
within the basin passes upward through the plate or tube modules and exits from the basin
above the modules. The solids that settle out within the plates or tubes move by means of
gravity counter currently downward and out of the tube modules to the basin bottom.

To be self-cleaning, plate or tube settlers are usually set at an angle between 45° and 60°
above the horizontal. When the angle of inclination of plate or tube is more than 60° the
efficiency of the settling basin decreases. If the plates and tubes are Inclined at angles less
than 45°, settler will tend to accumulate solids, which must be flushed out periodically
(usually with high pressure hose). The need for flushing poses a problem with the use of plate
and tube settlers where the characteristics of the solids to be removed vary from day to day.

Tube settlers are a light weight structure composed of closely spaced tubes on an incline
(usually between 45° and 60°). Clarifier up flow is passed through these tubes. Settling
within these tubes and contact clarification of fine floc results in a build-up of particles on the
tube surfaces. Particles combine to form agglomerates which become heavy enough to slough
against the upward flow and slide down the tube slope to join the sludge blanket below.

Tubes are supplied in module form - each being 1 meter wide by 1 meter long by 0.67 meters
high. The modules are arranged on a supporting framework to form a layer within the
clarifter. The tube settlers are suspended at a height 700mm below the top water level.

The above figure shows the supporting framework, module installation and settler positioning
at Inlet clarifter in waste water treatment.

The framework is held up bv a number of 'hooks' over the top rim of the ciarifier tank. This
was done to minimize the installation time. The entire installation may be completed in three
days in an existing Water Treatment Plant, the clear water storage was filled to capacity prior
to installation of the tube settlers to allow for the three days the plant was off line.

Advantages of tube settlers are:

• Solids removal efficiency will be higher leading to clarified water turbidity as less than 10

• Hence the load on the filter will be less.

• Treatment plant capacity of the existing Water treatment Plant could be increased by 50 to

Advantages of Plate settlers are:

• Compact design: Space saving; Cost saving;

• No moving parts: Low maintenance; No spare parts;

• Simple installation: Saves money; Immediate start-up at full capacity

• Ease of access: Individual removal of each lamella plate; Easily available for inspection;

Sludge handling benefits: High underflow sludge concentration; Low cost for sludge

• Flexible system: Retrofitting of existing tank; Custom design;

Disadvantages of Take settlers/plate settlers are

• Algae growth in tubes and platen may cause maintenance and odor problems.

• Easy to clean in Lamella but not in Tubular Module.

• Careful attention is necessary far, the design of inlet and outlet stucture to I avoid
turbulence and uneven flow.

• Sometimes high pressure hose water is injected to flush out the solids.


The original Pulsator Clarifier was developed in the early 1950's. Now it is a properitory item
designed and installed by M/s.Degremant private Ltd.

Components of Pulsator clarifier are:

Vacuum chamber, vacuum pump and vent valve

1. Raw water distribution channel and perforated distribution pipes.

2. Lamellar Plates and/or Tubes for clarification.

3. Clarified water collection laterals and channel.

4. Sludge collection and concentrator Schematic and view of Pulsator clarifier are shown
Working Principles of Pulsator Clarifier

• It consists of a flat-bottom tank with a series of perforated pipes at its base to distribute the
raw water uniformly over the entire bottom,

• Coagulated water to pulsator flow intermittently through perforated pipes.

• Coagulant water is stored in the upper part of the vacuum chamber for a given period by
creating vacuum.

• The hydraulic force in then released, and the coagulated water is pulsed at a high velocity
through distribution pipes into the Pulsator.

• Sludge blanket in the pulsator flocculates and remove the particles.

• A set of channels (launders) is provided at the top of the Pulsator to collect the clarified
water evenly.

• By removing the air by suction from the vacuum chamber vacuum is created. As a result,
the water level rises gradually inside the vacuum chamber. When it reaches a set level
between 0.35 m and 0.45 m above the Pulsator water level, a contact suddenly opens an air
inlet valve.

• Atmospheric pressure is immediately applied to the water stored in the vacuum chamber,
which pushes the water into the perforated distribution pipes at high speed, When the water
level inside the vacuum chamber reaches the low level approximately 10-20 cm above that in
the Pulsator, the air inlet valve is closed and the cycle begins once again with creation of

• The sludge blanket in the bottom part of the Pulsator is subjected to alternating vertical
motions. It expands when the water rushes from vacuum chamber during drop, for a short
time (5-20 sec.) and then shrinks (packs) during vacuum creation which lasts 25-50 seconds.

• Thus once in about 60 sec the water is pushed into pulsator through sludge blanke and the
sludge blanket expands and shrinks once during that time.

• Frequency of pulsing is adjusted according to turbidity in raw water; For high turbidity
shorter pulse interval (30 to 40 sec) and for low turbidity longer puls interval (45 to 60 sec) is

• The sludge blanket gradually increases in volume due to entrapping the impuritie To
contained in the feed water. When the level of the sludge blanket rises above specified level
(weir level) and sludge spills into the concentrators.

• Sludge concentrator contains number of hopper bottomed tanks; The sludge i extracted from
the concentrators at regular intervals.


The process of passing the water through the beds of granular materials (filters) known as

Purpose of filtration :

(i) To remove very fine suspended and colloidal particles that do not settle in th
sedimentation process.

(ii) To remove dissolved impurities in water.

(iii) To remove pathogenic bacteria from water.on (iv) To remove colour, odour, turbidity in

Types of filters:

(i) Slow sand filters

(ii) Rapid sand filters

(iii) Pressure filter

Theory of filtration:

During filtration, the following actions take place:

(i) Mechanical straining

(ii) Sedimentation

(iii) Biological action

(iv) Electrolytic action

(i) Mechanical straining (for coarser particles)

When water passes through the filter media (sand), the suspended particles larger than the
pore-space of the filter media get trapped and removed. The trapped particles form a mat on
the filter media and help in straining more impurities.

(ii) Sedimentation (for finer particles)

The voids of the filter media acts as small sedimentation tanks and fine particles giare
removed by settling.

(iii) Biological action

Certain microorganisms and bacteria present in the voids of filters form coatings over the
sand grains. These organisms utilize the organic impurities in water as their food and convert
them into harmless compounds by biological metabolism. They form a layer on the filter
media called "schmutzdecke or dirty skin". This layer further helps in absorbing and straining
out the impurities in water

.(iv) Electrolytic changes (Ionisation)

The sand grains of filter media and impurities in water are oppositely charged. When the
impurities come in contact with the sand grains, their charges get neutralised and changes the
characteristics of water making it purer. After certain period of time, the charge of sand
grains gets exhausted and should be restored by ge of s din cleaning the filters.

Filter Media:

Sand (fine or coarse) is generally used as filter media and supported on gravel.

(i) Sand:
The properties of filter sand are :

• It should be obtained from hard and resistant quartz or quartzite.

• Free from dirt and other impurities.

• It should not loose more than 5% of its weight when placed in hydrochloric acid (HCI) for
24 hrs.

• Specific gravity = 2.55 to 2.65

• Effective size (a) 0.2 to 0.4 mm - slow sand filters.

(b) 0.35 to 0.55 mm – rapid sand filters..

• Uniformity co-efficient

(a) 1.8 to 2.5 - slow sand filters

(b) 1.3 to 1.7 - rapid sand filters

The uniformity characteristics of sand are expressed in terms of

(a) effective size (b) Uniformity coefficient.

Effective size or diameter (D10) represents a size of sieve in mm, throuth which 10% of the
particles will pass i.e.,are finer than this size. Similarly, D 60 size represent a size such that
60% particles are finer than it.

Uniformity coefficient (Cu) is a measure of the particle range i.e. variations in size of

(ii) Anthracite - Crushed anthracite can be used as filter media separately or combined with
sand (mixed media). It is costly than sand.

(iii) Garnet sand - It has high specific gravity (4.2) and is a dense material. Due to high cost,
it cannot be used as a sole filter material. However, it can be used in mixed-media 30 so

(iv) Other materials - Locally available materials such as shredded coconut husks, burned
rice husks, crushed glass, slag, metallic ores etc. can be used as filter material.
Slow Sand Filters (SSF)

The efficiency of slow sand filters is high and they can remove larger percentage of cy of
slow and filterich 000 oval base to siziano T suspended impurities and becteria. The
efficiency of bacteria removal is 98 to 99%.

These filters can also remove odours and tastes caused by organic impurities (algae and
plankton). They are less efficient in removing colour and can remove turbidity only upto

They are not suitable for sedimented waters with high turbidity.

The rate of filtration is less (i.e. 100 to 200 litres per hour per to rapid sand filters.

They also require large area of land and are costly to install.

Their use has therefore decreased and are preferred only in smaller water treatment

Construction of Slow Sand filters

A slow sand filter consists of the following parts:

(i) Enclosure tank

It is an open basin, rectangular and built below ground level. The water-tight tank is
constructed of stone/brick masonry with coating of water proof material. The floor has bed
slope -1 in 100 to 1 in 200 towards the central drains. Surface area of tank varies between 50
m2 to 1000 m2. Rate of filtration is - 100 to 200 litres of water per square meter. Depth of tank
varies between - 2.5 to 4 m.

(ii) Filter media

It consists of Sand layer, 90 to 110 cm thick placed over gravel.

Effective size - 0.2 to 0.35

Uniformity coefficient - 2 to 3

Sand is placed in layers of 15cm, with finer sand on the top layer and coarser sand

(iii) Base material (Gravel)

The base material is gravel, which supports the sand. It consists of 30 to 75cm thick gravels
placed in three to four layers, each of 15 to 20 cm depth. The coarser gravel in the bottom
layer and finest gravel in the topmost layer. The gravel size in different layers is given below:

Top 15 cm layer – Gravel size 3 to 6 mm

Intermediate layers - 6 to 20 mm / 20 to 40 mm

Bottom most 15 cm layer - Gravel size 40 to 65 mm

(iv) Under-drainage system

Filter media (sand) and base material (gravel) are laid over the under-drainage system. It
consists of a central drain and lateral drains. Laterals are open jointed pipe or porous drains
placed at 3 to 5m spacing on the bottom floor and sloping towards the central drain. Filtered
water is collected by the laterals and discharged into the central main drain and then to the
filtered water well.

(v) Inlet and Outlet arrangements

An inlet chamber admits water from the plain sedimentation tank and distributes over the
filter media.
A filtered water well on the outlet side, collects the filtered water coming out from the main

An adjustable telescopic tube in the outlet chamber maintains constant discharge through the

Inlets and outlets are controlled by automatic valves.

(vi) Other appurtenances

* Vertical air pipe – is provided passing through the sand layers for proper functioning
loving 192 of filtering layers. O

* Arrangements to control depth of water above sand layer (1 to 1.5m)

A meter is used to measure the flow and a gauge to measure the loss of head.

Operation and cleaning of Slow Sand Filters.

The treated water from the sedimentation tank is allowed to enter the inlet chamber of the
slow sand filter and get distibuted uniformly over the filter bed. The water percolates through
the filter media and gets purified during filtration. The water then enters the gravel layers and
comes out as filtered water. It gets collected in the laterals (porous pipes), which discharges
into the central main underdrain and finally into the 'filtered water well'. The filtered water is
then taken to storage tanks for supply and distribution. The rate of filtration is kept constant
by the telescopic tube.

The water entering the slow sand filter should not be treated by coagulants, because it may
affect the formation of 'dirty skin or Schmutzdecke layer' and the functioning of the filter.

The depth of water above the sand layer should be kept equal to the depth of filter sand.

The loss of head called filter head or filtering head is limited to a maximum value of 0.7 to
1.2m. It is the difference of water levels between the filter tank and filtered water well. It is
the resistance offered by the sand grains to the flow of water. For a freshly cleaned filter unit,
the resistance offered is less, loss of head or filter head is small, say 10 to 15 cm. But as
filtration continues, due to clogging of filter bed, the head loss will go on increasing. When
this head loss becomes high i.e. 0.7 to 1.2m, the filter unit must be cleaned.

The cleaning of slow sand filters is done by scrapping and removing the 1.5 to 3cm of top
sand layer. The top surface is finally raked, roughened, cleaned and washed with good water.
The amount of wash water required is 0.2 to 0.6 percent of the total water filtered. Cleaning is
repeated until the sand depth is reduced to 40cm. Then new sand is added. Though the
quantity of wash water required is less, cleaning involves lot of manual labour.

Slow sand filters work on the principles of mechanical straining and microbiological action.
A surface coating is formed over the filter media by sticky deposits of partly decomposed
organic matter. This layer is called 'Schmutzdecke' or dirty skin. This layer being sticky
absorb more impurities on it which is decomposed by the micro organisms present in it. The
layer increases in thickness as the filtration continues.

After 2-3 weeks of starting the operation of filters, the uppermost layer of sand will be coated
with a thick film of algae, bacteria, protozoa, suspended particles and organic matter. The
efficiency of the filtration process depends on the formation of 'Schmutdecke layer'. The
bacteria in the layer breaks down the organic matter into simple unobjectionable compounts.

Efficiency and Performance of Slow Sand Filters

The rate of filtration is 100 to 200 litres per hour per m2 of filter area.

They are highly efficient in removing suspended solids and bacteria. The bacteria removal is
98 to 99%.

They also remove odours and tastes due to organic impurities (algae and plankton.)

• They are less efficient in removing colour of raw waters.

• They can remove turbidities only upto 50 mg/l. They are not suitable for highly 201 abnU
turbid waters.

• They are suitable for small treatment plants for purifying water with low colours, low
turbidities and low bacteria.

• Because of the slow rate of filtration, they require large area.

• They are costly and uneconomical for large WTPs.

Guidelines for Design of Slow Sand Filters :

The Manual on Water Supply and Treatment prepared by CPHEEO (Central Public Health
and Environmental Engineering Organisation) gives the following guidelines :-

Description Recommended design value

Hence, use 6 filter units with one unit as standby, each unit of size 36 m x 18 m, arranged in
series with 3 units on either side.

Rapid Sand Filter

Rapid Sand Filter: Gravity Type

Rapid sand filters are of two types:

(i) Gravity type - It uses larger and coarser sand as filter media to increase the rate of

(ii) Pressure type - Water is filtered under pressure, thereby increasing the rate of filtration.

A gravity type rapid sand filter consists of the following parts:

1. Enclosure Tank:- It is smaller in size, generally rectangular in shape, constructed 3.5m.

Surface area of each unit is 20 to 50 m2 and are arranged in series. The L/B ratio is 1.25 to
1.35. RCC or CI troughs are provided in the tank to distribute water during operation and for
collection of wash water during cleaning (backwashing) m.pables

2. Filter Media (Sand) : Sand should be free from dirt, organic and suspended matters Hard
and resistant preferably quartzite; depth of sand 0.6 to 0.9m; Effective size 0.35 to 0.6mm;
Uniformity coefficient 1.2 to 1.7. Due to increased effective size and decreased uniformity
coefficient, the void space is more which increases the rat of filtration.

3. Base Material (Gravel): The sand media is supported on graded gravel layers Gravel
should be free from clay, dirt and organic matter and should be hard, durabl not and round. Its
depth is 45 to 60 cm and normally laid in layers:

4. Underdrainage system: It serves two purposes

(i) Collects the filtered water

(ii) Distribute wash water uniformly upward during cleaning (backwashing)

The under drainage system consists of manifold and laterals. The manifold is a 40cm
diameter pipe running lengthwise at the centre of the floor bottom. Laterals are 10 cm dia
pipes that take off from the manifold in both direction at right angles at 15 to 30 cm spacing.
There are two types of manifold and lateral systems:

(i) Perforated pipe type: In this, the lateral drains are provided with holes at bottom side.

(ii) Pipe and Strainer type: In this, strainess are placed on laterals. A strainer is a small brass
pipe closed at its top by a perforated cap.

The following rules are followed in the design of under drainage system :

a) The total cross-sectional area of perforations = 0.2 percent of total filter area.

(b) The cross-sectional area of each lateral = 2 to 4 times total cross-sectional

(c) The cross-sectional area of the manifold = twice the cross-sectional area of the lateral

5. Other Appurtenances

(i) Wash water troughs: They are provided at the top of filter to collect the backwash water
and to drain it into gutters. They are CI or RCC troughs of square, V-shaped or semi-circular
provided across the width or length of tank at a spacing of 1.5 to 2m. The bottom of the
trough is kept atleast 5cm above the top level of sand.

Size of the trough can be found by using the following expression:

Q = 1.376 by3/2


Q = total water received by the trough, in m3/s

b = width of trough, in m

y = depth of water at the upper end of trough, in m.

(ii) Air compressors: They supply air for the agitation of sand grains during backwashing.
The wash air storage tank should hold atleast double the capacity of air required to wash one
filter. The compressed air is supplied at the rate 0.6 to 0.8 cubic metre per minute per m2 of
filter area for 5 minutes.

(iii) Rate control device: Flow of influent, effluent, wash water supply and wash water waste
must be controlled. A constant rate of filtration is maintained irrespective of the head loss by
using rate controllers (venturi type). Otherwise sudden change in the rate of filtration could
damage the sand filter bed.

Working and washing of Rapid Sand Filters :

The working of rapid sand filter is controlled by 6 valves:

Valve A : Inlet/ Influent valve through which water from coagulation- clarification basin
enters the filter unit.

Valve B: Filtered water storage tank valve.

Valve C: Waste water valve to drain water from main drain.

Valve D: Waste water valve to drain water from inlet chambers

alve E: Wash water storage tank valve

(i) During Normal Working condition:

All valves are closed except A and B, which are kept opened.

Valve A: To permit water from coagulation-sedimenation basin to inlet chamber.

Valve B: To carry filtered water to filtered water storage tank. 2 m head of water is
maintained above the sand bed.

Filtration rate is 3000 to 6000 litres/hr/m2 of filter area

(ii) During Backwashing :

The Loss of head initially in a clean filter bed is usually 15 to 30 cm.

As filtration continues, impurities are trapped in the filter media and it provides greater
resistance to the flow of water, due to which the head loss goes on increasing.

The permissible head loss in rapid sand filter is 2.5 to 3.5m.

When head loss increases beyond permissible value, the filter bed requires cleaning, which is
done between 2 to 4 days interval.

During backwashing, high velocity air and water is made to flow upwards either in
combination or first compressed air followed by wash water.

The following sequence of operations is followed :

Close influent Valve A - Allow the filter to operate till the water level falls to the edge of
troughs or 15 cm from top of sand.

Close effluent valve B. Open air valve F - Air is blown at a rate of 1 to 1.5 m3 of air/min/ m2
of filter area for 2 to 3 minutes which loosens the scum/ dirt.

Close air valve F.

Open wash water valve E - and waste water valve D-Wash water jets flow upwards (and the
waste water from backwashing is drained into

Cleaning is continued till the wash appears clear.

Close wash water valve E. Close waste water valve D.

Allow the solids to settle and form sticky layer on filter media.

Open valve C leading filtered water to wash water drain for few minutes.

Close valve C.

Open valve B - Normal filtration operation is continued.

• The permissible filter bed expansion during backwashing is 25 to 50% of its depth.

• Rate of application of wash water is 600 litres per sq. m. of filter area.

The rapid sand filters get clogged very frequently and have to be washed every 24 to 48
hours. Normally 10 to 30 minutes is required for backwashing.


Problem 2.4:

Design a set of rapid gravity filters for treating water required for a population of 50,000; the
rate of supply being 180 litres per day per person. The filters are rated to work 5000 litres per
hour per sq.m. Assume whatever data are necessary.

Hence, two units of size 10 m x 6.75 m are provided with one additional unit as stand-by.

Problem 2.5:

Design a rapid sand filter for 4 MLD of supply with all its principal components.


Water required per day = 4 million litres

Assuming 4% of filtered water is used for backwashing

Total filtered water required per day

= 1.04 x 4 ML = 4.16 MLD

Assuming 0.5 hr (30 min) is lost in backwashing everyday

Filtered water required per hour = 4.16/23.5ML/hr (operation time is 23.5 hours)

= 0.177 ML/hr
Assuming rate of filtration = 5000 l/hr/sq.m.


Area of filter required = 0.177 x 106/5000

1/hr / 1/hr/m2 = 35.4m2

Sbie Todtio no almstel 28

Assuming that 2 units are provided

Area of each unit =35.4./ 17.7m2

Assuming = L/B =1.5

Area = L x B = 17.7 m2

(1.5B)B = 17.7

B = 3.43 m/L = 1.5 x 3.43 = 5.14m

Hence, adopt 2 filter units with dimensions

5.2 m x 3.4m

Design of under-drainage system (Manifold and Lateral system)

Total area of perforations = 0.2% of total filter area

(assuming 13 mm dia)

= 0.2 /100 x (5.2×3.4)

= 0.035 m2

Total area of laterals = 2 x total area of perforations

= 2 x 0.035 = 0.070 m2

Area of manifold = 2 x area of laterals

= 2 x 0.07 = 0.14 m2

Diameter of manifold (circular pipe) π/4 I d2 = 0.14 m2

Use 45 cm dia manifold pipe laid lengthwise along the centre of filter bottom. Laterals are
laid perpendicular to manifold width-wise at spacing of 15 cm.

The filtered water from the Slow or Rapid sand filters normally contains some harmful
pathogenic (disease causing) bacteria. These bacteria must be killed in order to make the
water safe for drinking. The process of killing these harmful bacteria is called disinfection
and the chemicals used in this process are called disinfectants. Disinfection not only kills the
bacteria during treatment but also prevents any recontamination during the distribution of
water to the consumer. The disinfectant chemicals used should therefore be able to give
residual sterilizing effect for a long period.

Minor Methods of Disinfection

1. Boiling of water (Sterilization): Most effective method since boiling of water kills all the
bacteria and micro-organisms. However, this method is not feasible for large scale public
water supplies. During epidemics, the consumers are advised to boil the water before

2. Treatment with excess lime: Excess lime added increases the pH of water to greater than
9.5, when E-coli present in water will die. The bacterial removal efficiency is upto 99 to
100%. However, the excess lime added has to be removed by re-carbonation or other suitable
methods, before supplying it to the consumers. The dosage of lime is between 10 to 20 ppm
of Calcium Oxide.

3. Treatment with ozone: Ozone gas is faintly blue gas of pungent odour and is

Because of its instability, ozone readily breaks down into oxygen and nascent oxygen (O).
The nascent oxygen is a powerful oxidizing agent and removes the bacteria as well as organic
matter from water. The dosage is 2 to 3 ppm and contact period is 10 minutes. In addition,
Ozone removes the colour, taste and odour from water. However, it is very costly.

4. Treatment with iodine and bromine: Addition of iodine and bromine to water kills the
pathogenic bacteria. The dosage is 8 ppm and contact period is 5 minutes. They are not used
for treating large scale public supplies, but may be used for small water supplies for army
troops, private plants, swimming pools Is etc.
4. Treatment with ultra-violet rays: UV rays are effective in killing both the active bacteria
as well as spores. Though Sun is a powerful source of UV rays, it requires large exposure
area and long time. Hence UV rays are generated by mercury vapour lamps enclosed in a
quartz globe. Water should be made to flow in thin films over the lamp and it should be
colourless with turbidity less than 15 ppm. This method is costly and hence not commonly
used except in private buildings, office buildings, institutions and swimming pools.

6. Treatment with potassium permanganate: Common method in rural areas. Potassium

permanganate (KMnO,) is dissolved in a bucket of water and is mixed with the well water.
The dosage is 1 to 2 mg/L with contact period of 4 to 6 hours. Addition of potassium
permanganate imparts pink colour to water and the water should not be used during the first
48 hours.

7. Treatment with silver, called Electro-Katadyn process: Silver when immersed in water
exerts an inhibiting action on bacterial life. Silver ions, with or without activators (palladium
or gold) are deposited on particles of granular activated carbon. Bacteria laden water
contacting the silver impregnated carbon release minute quantities of silver - 25 to 40 ppb
which acts as a disinfectant. The contact time varies from 10 to 60 minutes. Since silver is
costly, this method is suitable for small installations or for private individual houses.


Chlorine is universally adopted for disinfecting public water supplies. It is cheap, reliable,
easy to handle, easily measurable and capable of providing residual disinfecting effects for
long periods, thus affording complete protection against future recontamination of water in
the distribution system. The only disadvantage is that when used in excess, it When chlorine
is added to water, it forms hypochlorous acid or hypochlorite ions, which have immediate
disastrous effect on microorganisms.

Cl2+ H2O → HOCI (hypochlorous acid) + HCI

HOCI→ H+ (hydrogen ion) + OCH (Hypochlorite ions)

The hypochlorous acid is unstable and may break into hydrogen ions and hypochlorite ions.
The above reaction is reversible and depends on pH of water. The sum of hypochlorous acid,
hypochlorite ions, and molecular chlorine existing in water is called free available chlorine.
Out of these, hypochlorous acid (HOCI) is more destructive and the pH of water is
maintained slightly less than 7, so as to control the dissociation of HOCI.

Moreover, the chlorine will immediately react with ammonia present in water to form
The chloramines formed are stable and are found to possess disinfecting properties. When the
added chlorine has consumed all the ammonia available in water, then it will persist as free
chlorine. The combination of chlorine with ammonia in the form of chloramines is called the
Combined Chlorine, and is less effective in causing disinfection compared to free chlorine.

The free chlorine as well as the combined chlorine (chloramines) will cause germicidal action
on bacteria and pathogens. The free chlorine will instantaneously kill the pathogens, while
the combined chlorine will provide long term germicidal effect.

In general, most of the waters are satisfactorily disinfected if the free chlorine residual is
about 0.2 mg/l, 10 minutes after the chlorine is applied.

Various forms in which chlorine can be applied:

• Liquid chlorine or chlorine gas

• Hypochlorites or bleaching powder

• Chlorine tablets

• Chloramines ie., mixture of ammonia and chlorine

• Chlorine dioxide

(i) Bleaching powder: Bleaching powder or calcium hypochlorite Ca(OCI), is a chlorinated

lime containing about 33% of available chlorine. It loses its strength during storage or
exposure of air. It is therefore used only on small installations or under emergency

The process of chlorination with hypochlorites is known as hypochlorination. ovito

Commerical compounds such as HTH (high test hypochlorites), Pittclor, Pittcide, no
Hoodchlor etc are used instead of bleaching powder. The HTH has chlorine content of 65 to
70%. Hypochlorites are applied to water as a solution by means of hypochlorite feeding
apparatus. It consists of a solution tank connected to a constant level feeding tank. The
dosage of the solution is adjusted by means of an adjustable pinch clamp.

(ii) Chloramines: Chloramines, the combination of ammonia and chlorine are widely used as
they produce a more stable disinfecting residual than produced by chlorine alone. In this
treatment, ammonia is added to water just before the chlorine is applied. The usual
proportions are 1 part of ammonia to 4.5 parts of chlorine by weight. Ammonia may be used
in the form of gas or liquid or ammonium sulphate or ammonium chloride. Since the
disinfecting action of chloramines is slower than chlorine alone, a contact period of 2 hours
should be provided before the water is used.

(iii) Free Chlorine: Chlorine is generally applied in gaseous form or in liquid form. Gaseous
chlorine is a greenish-yellow poisonous substance, with a typical odour and is 2.48 times
heavier than air. Liquid chlorine is amber coloured oily liquid and about 1.44 times heavier
than water. Unconfined liquid chlorine rapidly onino vapourises to gas, 1 volume of liquid
yields 462 volumes of gas. Chlorine is stored and supplied in liquid form in metal containers
under pressure. Since liquid chlorine is highly corrosive, the cylinders containing liquid
chlorine are provided with special fittings. Chlorine gas is a respiratory irritant and it can
cause varying degrees of irritation to skin, mucous membranes and respiratory system.
Chlorine cylinders should be stored in a cool well-ventilated room. The chlorine dose
depends upon : Organic matter present in water, pH of water, amount of carbon dioxide
present in water, temperature and time of contact.

(iv) Chlorine Dioxide: Bactericidal properties of chlorine dioxide is greater than chlorine.
The chlorine dioxide gas is unstable, and is therefore produced at the

It is harmless in aqueous solution. It does not react with organic materials to produce any
harmful substances. It has greater oxidizing ability than chlorine. The dosage varies from 0.5
to 1.5 ppm and is not affected by variations in pH. However due to its high cost of
production, it is rarely used.

Forms of Chlorination

Depending upon the stage at which chlorine is applied to water, chlorination may be of the
following forms:
(i) Plain chlorination: The application of chlorine to raw or untreated water supply as it
enters the distribution system. It also includes the chlorination of raw waters in tanks or
reservoirs to check the growth of weeds, organic matter, algae and bacteria. It also removes
colour and odour from water. This is done when water is relatively clear with turbidities less
than 20 to 30 ppm. The normal dose is between 0.5 to 1 ppm.

(ii) Pre-chlorination: It is the application of chlorine to water before its treatment yllups
(filtration or sedimentation). This helps in reducing the amount of coagulants required
because of the oxidation of organic matter by chlorine. The dosage of chlorine is adjusted
such that the chlorine residual is 0.1 to 0.5 ppm.

Advantages of pre-chlorination:

• It reduces the quantity of coagulants required

• It reduces the bacterial load on filters

• It controls algae and plankton growth in basins and filters

• It eliminates tastes and odours

(iii) Post-chlorination: It is the application of chlorine in water after its treatment. This is the
standard procedure followed in which chlorine is added to water as it leaves the rapid sand
filters and before it enters the distribution system. The dose of the chlorine should be so
adjusted that the residual chlorine is about 0.1 to 0.2 ppm. It is useful for protection against
recontamination during distribution.

(iv) Double or multiple chlorination: It refers to the application of chlorine at two or more
points in the purification process. Generally, double chlorination is resorted to, in which
chlorine is applied just before water enters the sedimentation tanks, and after it leaves the
filter plants. This is done specially when raw water is highly The advantages of double
chlorination are similar to those of pre-chlorination with greater factor of safety against
pathogenic microorganisms.

(v) Break Point Chlorination: When chlorine is applied to water, two actions take place one
after the other:

• Chlorine acts as disinfectant and kills bacteria.

• Chlorine acts as oxidizing agent and it oxidizes the organic matter.

Chlorine Demand: Chlorine compounds are good oxidizing agents and hence they react with
organic and inorganic impurities present in water, before the disinfection is achieved. The
amount of chlorine consumed in the oxidation of these impurities is known as chlorine
demand of water. Only after the chlorine demand of water is fulfilled, the chlorine will
appear as free available chlorine to kill the pathogenic microorganisms. Chlorine demand is
therefore, the difference between the amount of chlorine added to water and the quantity of
free available chlorine remaining at the end of the specified contact period.

Break point chlorination is a term which gives us an idea of the extent of chlorine to be
added to the water. In fact, it represents, that much dose of chlorination, beyond which
any further addition of chlorine will equally appear as free residual chlorine.

When chlorine is added to pure water which has no organic impurities But, water generally
has some impurities or chlorine demand and as such results in curve ABC, shown in figure
2.21. When chlorine is added to the water, it first reacts with the ammonia present in the
water, so as to form chloramines. The residual chlorine curve (AB) therefore increases with
the applied chlorine dosage but shall be slightly less than the applied chlorine as some
chlorine is consumed for killing the bacteria. If the addition of chlorine is continued abizorby
beyond the point B, chlorine oxidizes the organic impurities in water and therefore, the
residual chlorine curve falls down, (BC). This point "C" is called the break point, as any
chlorine that is added to water beyond this point, breaks through the water and totally appears
as residual chlorine. The addition of chlorine beyond break point is called break point
General practice is to add chlorine beyond the break point and ensure a residual of 0.2 to 0.3
mg/l of free chlorine.

(vi) Super chlorination: Super-chlorination is the application of excessive amount of

chlorine (5 to 15 mg/l) to the water to give about 1 to 2 mg/l of residue beyond the break
point. This may be required in some special cases of highly polluted waters containing high
concentration of organic impurities, or during pinsgro di epidemics of water borne diseases or
when water contains cysts of E. histolytica (organism causing amoebic dysentery).
Sometimes, even higher doses may be used and the resultant water is dechlorinated before

(vii) Dechlorination: It is the process of removing excess chlorine from water before noision
distribution to the consumers to avoid chlorine tastes. It should be done in such a way that
some residual chlorine remains in water. Dechlorination is achieved either by aeration or by
the use of chemicals such as sodium thio- sulphate, sodium bio-sulphate, sodium sulphite,
activated carbon, potassium permanganate or sulphur dioxide in gas or liquid form. Sulphur
dioxide and sodium disulphite are preferred for large supplies. Sodium dioxide gas is applied
in the same manner as the chlorine gas with contact period of 10 minutes and dosage of 0.3 to
0.6 ppm. Super-chlorinated water may also be filtered through beds of granular activated
carbon, when excess chlorine oxidizes carbon to carbon dioxide due to which odour, taste and
colour are removed.


• Iron and Manganese salts are generally found together in well water or anaerobic reservoir
waters, in invisible dissolved state.

• When exposed to air, these reduced forms slowly transform to insoluble visible oxidized
ferric iron and manganic manganese.

• The reddish tinge in water is due to the presence of iron and brownish tinge due to
manganese. When their concentration exceed 0.3mg/l, they becom objectionable due to the
following reasons:

(i) Cause discolouration of clothes- due to deposition of red/brown coloure oxides of


(ii) Cause incrustation of water pipes- due to deposition of ferric hydroxi and manganese
Remedy: Periodic flushing of small distribution pipes may be effecti in removing
accumulation of rust particles.

(iii) Cause unpleasant taste and odour.

(iv) Cause troubles in various manufacturing processes.

(v) Promotes growth of bacteria (Crenothrix) in water mains. Elimination iron bacteria is
difficult and expensive.

(vi) Sulphate iron cause acidity and corrosive action on iron and brass.

The iron and manganese may be present in water either in combination with organ matter or
without such combination and the treatment differs accordingly:-

1. Iron and Manganese without combination with organic matter.

• They can be easily removed by aeration followed by coagulation, sedimentati anf filtration.

Aeration → coagulation → sedimentation → filtration

• The different methods of aeration/ aerators adopted are: oib tunglue

(a) Cascade aerators

(b) Spray nozzles

(c) Trickling beds

(d) Diffused aeration

Note: The different types of aerators are discussed in the previous section.

• By aeration, the soluble ferrous and mangenese compounds present in wat are oxidized into
insoluable ferric and manganic compounds, which can sedimented out easily.

The precipitated floc can be made to settle down in settling tanks or be furth removed in
gravity or pressure filters.

The following reaction takes place :

4Fe +02+ 10 H2O = 4Fe(OH)3↓ + 8H

1mg of Fe requires 0.14mg of O2.

A reaction period of about 5 minutes or less, at a pH of 7 to 7.5, and 0.14mg of oxygen is
required to convert 1mg of ferric iron to ferric hydroxide.

The amount of oxygen required for the oxidation of ferrous iron is only about 0.14 part per
part of iron, so that slight agitation with air is sufficient.

When iron is present as ferrous bicarbonate:

Fe (HCO3)2 + 2H2O = FeO + 2CO2 + 3H2O

4FeO + O2 = 2FeO3

Fe2O3 + 3H2O = 2Fe(OH)3↓

In case of manganese,

6Mn + 3O2 + 6H2O = 6MnO2↓ + 12H

1 mg of Mn requires 0.29 mg of O2

Manganese removal requires a pH adjustment upto 9.4 to 9.6.

The oxidation can be accelerated by addition of alkaline substances such as lime, soda ash or
caustic soda.

2. Iron and Manganese bound with organic matter:

• It is difficult to break the bond between them to cause their removal.

• The bond is broken by adding lime, and thereby increasing the pH of water to 8.5 to 9 so
that iron and manganese can be precipitated; or by adding chlorine lo suping or potassium
permanganate. Once the bond is broken, they can be removed by the aeration procedure as

Alternatively, the aerated water is allowed to trickle over contact beds of coke, gravel,
crushed pyrolusite, followed by sedmentation and filtration.

• If organic acids are present; aeration, dosage with lime, sedimentation and filtration are

3. Manganese Zeolite:

This medhod is adopted when water does not contain large amount of iron or dioxide. As raw
water passes through the bed of zeolite, the iron and manganese are oxidised to insoluble
hydrated oxides that are removed by filtration. After the zeolite becomes exhausted, it is
regenerated by backwashing with potassium permanganate.


• The optimum concentration of fluoride in drinking water should be 1 to 1.5 mg/l;

(preferably 1 mg/l)

• It is believed that fluoride deficienty in water causes dental caries (weaker tooth and
enamel) in children. It is also believed that fluoride stimulates bone formation, reduces
hardening of arteries and also helps in the treatment of osteoporosis.

• Due to this belief, if water is deficient in fluoride, fluoride compounds ar added to water in
the form of sodium fluoride (NaF), sodium Silico flourid (Na2SiF6) and hydro-fluosilicic
acid (H2SiF), and this process is calle "Fluoridation".

However, when the fluoride levels are in excess of 1 mg/l in water, it leads to th following

(i) Dental fluorosis - discoloured, blackened, mottled or chalky white teeth an pitting of

(ii) Skeletal fluorosis - Severe and permanent bone and joint deformations. (iii) Non-skeletal
fluorosis :

• Gastro-intestinal problems (abdominal pain, diarrhoea, constipation)

• Neurological disorders (nervousness, excessive thirst, frequent urinatio Fluorosis can

damage the foetus and also adversely affect the IQ of childre Fluorosis is an irreversible
disease and it has no cure.

Therefore, the excess fluoride has to be removed from water. The technique removal of
fluoride from water is known as "De-fluoridation".

Methods of defluoridation:

The following technologies are generally used for removing flourides from wat bos

(1) Absorption by Activated Alumina (AA), commonly known as Prasa Technology;

(2) Iron Exchange Adsorption method;

(3) Nalgonda Technique; and

1. Prashanti Technique using adsorption by activated alumina (AA).

In this method, the raw water containing high contents of fluoride, is passed (percolated)
through the insoluble granular beds of substance like Activated Alumina (AA), or Bone Char,
or activated carbon, or serpentinite, or activated bauxite; which we adsorbs fluoride from the
percolating water, giving out defluoridated water.

Activated alumina, is found to be an excellent medium for removal of excess fluoride. It is

higly selective to fluoride in the presence of sulphates and chlorides, when compared to
synthetic ion exchange resins.

The adsorption process is best carried out under slightly acidic conditions (pH = 5- 7); the
lower value of pH is more effective for its removal.

The activated alumina, after becoming saturated with adsorbed fluoride, can be cleaned and
regenerated by back washing with 1% caustic soda solution (NaOH).

2. Ion Exchange Adsorption Method :

The ion exchange process is similar to the zeolite process for removing hardness from water.

The process however, uses a strong base anion exchange resin (zeolite) in the chloride form.
As the water passes through the bed of the resin contained in a pressure vessel, fluorides and
other anions like arsenic, nitrates, etc., present in the water are exchaged with the chloride
ions of the resin, thus releasing chlorides into water and adsorbing fluoride ions into the resin.
The arsenic and nitrate ions also get removed in the process. When the resin gets saturated
with anions like fluoride, nitrate, arsenic etc. the same can be cleaned and regenerated with 5-
10% sodium chloride solution (brine), and the bed is returned to service.

During regeneration, the process gets reversed, as the anions absorbed on the resin get
replaced by chloride ions and discharged into waste water.

The capacity of a plant based on this technology may range from 500 l/h to 5000 l/ h. The
method ensures high efficiency of fluoride removal (besides removing nitrates, arsenic, etc.)
But it requires regular replacement of resin, and large amount of salt (NaCl) for regeneration
of resin. The method is very costly and "after sales service" in villages is poor. The safe
disposal of waste water from regeneration, containing high concentrations of toxic fluoride,
nitrate and arsenic ions etc. again poses serious problems.

3. Nalgonda Technique :
This technique is widely used in Indian villages. This technique is simple and economical
than the ion-exchange processes, since it does not involve regeneration of media, and
employs chemicals which are readily available, and easy to operate and maintain, using local
skills. Nalgonda technique, not only helps in the removal of fluoride, but also helps in
removing colour, odour, turbidity, bacteria and organic contaminants from raw supplies.

Nalgonda technique uses aluminium salt (alum) for removing fluoride. The raw water is
firstly mixed with adequate amount of lime (CaO) or sodium carbonate abizo (Na2CO3) and
thoroughly mixed. Alum solution is then added, and water is stirrred slowly for about 10
minutes, and allowed to settle for nearly one hour. Th precipitated sludge is discarded, and
the clear supernatant containing permissibl amount of fluoride is withdrawn for use.

The added lime or sodium carbonate helps to ensure adequate alkalinity requi for effective
hydrolysis of aluminium salts, so that the residual aluminium does remain in the treated
water. Bleaxching powder is also generally added with li prior to the addition of alum, to
achieve simultaneous disinfection of treated wa L00 and also to keep the system free from
undesirable biological growth.

4. Reverse Osmosis Process :-In this method, the raw water is passed through a s permeable
membrane barrier, which permits the flow of clear water through it and blocks the flow of
salts including fluorides. This method is generally adop for desalination for removing salt
from water and has been thoroughly explai under 'Desalination'. This method is however
rarely used solely for defluorida of village water supplies due to prohibitive high cost and
poor after sales servic machines using such a treatment technology, although the method is
capabl fficiency without the use of any chemicals.

Choosing a particular defluoridation method :

The choice of technology depends upon the fluoride levels in water and the volume of water
to be fluoridated. The various merits -demerits of these technologies are also kept in view,
which is illustrated in Table.


• The reduction or removal of hardness from water is called water softening.

• Hard water causes the following problems :-

(i) It causes more consumption of soap in laundry work.

(ii) It causes modification of colours and affects the dyeing industries.

(iii) It causes serious difficulties in the manufacturing process such as paper making, al grind
ice manufacture, Rayon industry etc.
(iv) It causes choking and clogging of plumbing fixtures.

(v) It causes scale formation in boilers and hot water heating system.

(vi) It makes the food tasteless, tough or rubbery.

Objectives of water softening are:

(i) To reduce the soap consumption of water

(ii) Improve the food taste

(iii) To reduce the maintenance of plumbing fixtures

(iv) Prevent scaling of boilers

(v) Improves the efficiency of manufacturing and dying processes.

(vi) Improves the efficiency of filtration etc.

• Temporary/Carbonate Hardness - is caused by the carbonates and bicarbonates of calcium

and magnessium. Temporary hardness can be easily removed by boiling or adding lime.

• Permanent / Non-carbonate Hardness is caused by the sulphates, chlorides, nitrates of

Calcium and Magnesium. This cannot be easily removed and requires special methods of
water softening such as lime-soda process, Zeolite process or Demineralisation.

Methods of removing Temporary Hardness :-

1. Boiling:

• Calcium carbonate is not readily soluble in water.

• It may exist as Calcium bicarbonate in water, which easily dissolves in water containing
Carbon dioxide.

When the water is boiled, CO2 is released, leading to precipitation of CaCO3 which can be
removed by sedimentation process in a settling tank.

• This method cannot be used for Magnesium carbonate and Magnesium bicarbonate, since
MgCO3 is soluble in water.


• Boiling does not remove temporary hardness caused by magnesium.

• Boiling is unfeasible and uneconomical for public water supplies.

2. Addition of Lime

Lime (CaO), generally hydrated lime [Ca(OH)2] is added to the water. The following
reactions take place :

The calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide are precipitated which can be removed in
the sedimentation tank.

Methods of removing Permanent Hardness:

The different methods of removing permanent hardness are :

(1) Lime - soda process

(2) Base - Exchange process/ Zeolite process

(3) Demineralisation process

1. Lime - Soda process:

• In this process, lime [Ca(OH)2] and soda ash [Na2 CO3] are added to hard water; which react
with calcium and magnesium salts, to form insoluble precipitates of calcium carbonate and
magnesium hydroxide.

• These precipiates can be sedimented out in a sedimentation tank.

• The chemical reactions which takes place are :

This process removes the following:

• Carbonate hardness (both Ca and Mg)

• Non-carbonate hardness of Mg is converted into non carbonate hardness Ca, which is

removed by soda.

• Removes free dissolved CO2

• Equipments required for this process are :(Similar to coagulation process)

(i) Miving Tank - Lime and soda ash are added to raw water and mixe

(ii) Flocculation
(iii) Sedimentation - The precipitates formed are made to settle in the tank. The detention
time varies between 2 to 4 hours.

• The dosage of lime and soda required for softening, depends upon the chemical quality of
water and the extent of hardness removal desired.

Advantages of Lime -soda process:

• Economical

• Easily combined with other water treatment methods.

• Lime and soda used in combination with coagulants, reduces the dosage of coagulants.

• Increases pH of water and thus reduces corrosion of pipes.

• Increases pH which kills the pathogens.

• Reduces mineral content of water.

• Removes iron and manganese to some extent.

Disadvantages of Lime-soda process:

• Large quantity of sludge, precipitates of CaCO, and Mg(OH), is formed, which requires
proper disposal.

• Careful operation and skilled supervision is required.

• Recarbonation of water is required; otherwise it will cause incrustation of pipe walls.

(siiloss beau)

• Zero hardness cannot be achieved. Hardness removal is only upto 50 mg/l.

Recarbonation of softened water:

The very fine precipitates of calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide, may sometimes
not settle in the sedimentation tank. These particles may deposit on filters and cause
enlargement of sand grains i.e. incrustation of filter media and distribution pipes.

To prevent this, the softened water leaving the sedimentation tank should be recarbonated by
passing carbon dioxide gas.
In Recarbonation process, the insoluable carbonates combine with carbon dioxide to form
soluable bicarbonates.

The CO2 gas to be blown in water can be produced by burning coke, gas or oil.

2. Zeolite or Base-exchange or Cation-exchange Process:

• Zeolite are naturai salts or clays, hydrated silicates of sodium and aluminium, Issimodo or
synthetic resins.

• General formula is :

• Zeolites have the property of exchanging their cations.

• During water softening, Sodium ions of zeolite are exchanged with Calcium and
Magnesium ions in hard waters.

• The chemical reactions involved are:

• The Ca and Mg zeolite is regenerated by treating with 5 to 10% solution of sodium chloride
(Brine solution)
• A zeolite softener resembles a sand filter in which the filtering media is zeolite. They may
be either gravity filters or pressure filters. The pressure filter type zeolite softener commonly
used is shown in figure 2.23. It consists of a closed steel cylinder containing a bed of zeolite
(0.75m to 2m thick). The hard water 300 litres per sq.m per minute (0.1 to 0.3m/min) When
the sodium salts of zeolite are exhausted, it is regenerated by backwashing with 10% brine
solution with 10% bri (Nacl).


(i) Water of zero hardness can be achieved; useful for textile industries, boilers

(ii) Plant is compact, automatic, easy to operate.

(iii) No sludge is formed. No problem of sludge disposal.

(iv) RMO (Running, Maintenance and operation) cost is less.

(v) Also removes iron and manganese from water.

(vi) No problem of incrustation of pipes.


(i) Not suitable for treating turbid waters.

(ii) Process leaves sodium bicarbonate in water, which causes foaming in industrial or boiler
feed waters.

(iii) Costly and not suitable for treating water containing iron and manganese iron or
manganese zeolite cannot be regenerated back into sodium zeolit zeolite gets wasted.

3. Demineralisation Process:

• Demineralisation means removal of minerals from the water.

• This can be used for producing water of any desired hardness or mineral

The demineralised or deionized water is as pure as distilled water and suitable for industrial
purposes especially high pressure boilers.

• Demineralisation involves passing water first through a bed of cation exchange resins and
then through a bed of anion exchange resins.

(a) Cation-exchange process - is similar to zeolite method, and hydrogen ion exchanged.
The cation exchange resins are phenol aldehyde condensation pro having base exchange
properties. Their chemical formula is H,R, where H repre hydrogen ions and R represents
organic part of the substance.

The chemical reactions involved are :-

In the cation exchange process, acids [carbonic acid, hydrochloric acid, sulp acid etc.] are
formed, which are removed by the subsequent anion exchange pro

(b) Anion - exchange Process:

The anion-exchange resins are condensation products of amines with formalde with anion
exchange properties i.e., hydroxyl ions (OH) is exchanged. The cher formula of resin is ROH,
where OH represents hydroxyl ions and R represents org part of the substance.

The chemical reactions involved are:


2ROH + H2SO4 → R2SO4+2HOH

The water coming out from the anion-exchanger will be free from minerals. ziwiadio

When the resins get exhausted, regeneration is done as follows:

(i) Regeneration of cation exchange resin - By treating with dilute hydrochloric acid or
sulphuric acid.

(ii) Regeneration of anion-exchange resin - By treating with sodium carbonate solution.

2RCI+ Na2CO3 + 2H2O → 2ROH + 2NaCl + CO2↑ + H2O

Problem 2.6:
Design a zeolite-softener for an industry, using the following data:

(i) Quantity of soft water required per hour = 25,000 litres.

(ii) Hardness present in raw water as CaCO, = 400 ppm

(iii) Hardness to be obtained in the treated supplies = 50 ppm

(iv) Ion exchange capacity of zeolite = 10 kg of hardness per cu.m of zeolite

(v) Salt required for regeneration of exhausted zeolite

= 50 kg per cum of zeolite.

Also assume that the industry works for 2 shifts of 8 hours each, per day. M suitable
assumption wherever needed.

Solution :

• Quantity of soft water required per shift of 8 hrs.

= 25,000 1/hr × 8 hr = 2,00,000 litres.

• Hardness removal is upto 50 ppm out of total hardness of 400 ppm.

• Percentage removal desired= 350/400 x100=87.5%

• As the zeolite process reduces the hardness to zero; a part (87.5%) of raw water is treated to
obtain zero hardness and the balance (12.5%) is not treated and added as raw water, to
achieve hardness of 50 ppm.

The quantity of water to be treated per shift

= 2 x 105 x 0.875 1.75 x 105 litres

The amount of hardness to be removed per shift

= [Quantity of water treated per shift in litres] x [hardness in mg/l]

= (1.75 x 105) × 400 mg/l

= 70 x 106 mg = 70 kg.

The quantity of zeolite resin required

Hardness to be removed in Kg / Ion-exchange capacity of resin in Kg/cu.m

= 70 Kg / 10Kg/cu.m = 7 cu.m

Assume number of units as 6 with one unit as standby.

Volumt of one unit = 7 cu.m / 5 =1.4 cum

Provide 6 (5+1 standby) units with volume 1.4 cum, i.e. of area = 1m2 and depth =


In 8 hours of shift time, assume regeneration process will take one hour and the
The quantity of salt required for regeneration

= 50 kg/cum of zeolite

= 50 kg/cum x 7 cum

= 350 kg.

Using 10% brine solution (10 kg salt dissolved in water to make 100 kg solution

350 kg of salt will produce

350×100/10 = 3500 kg of water solution

= 3500 kg /1000kg/m3 =3.5 cum

Provide two tanks of 1.75 cu.m capacity each. Assume the diameter of tank as m, then the
depth required

Using free board = 0.15, Overall depth = 1.55 + 0.15 = 1.7m

Overall tank size will be = 1.2 m dia x 1.7 m depth

Check for contact period

Flow rate over zeolite bed

= volume of water treated per shift /operation hours of zeolite

= 1.75×105 /7 litres/hr =25,000 litres/hr

Rate of filtration = Flow rate of water over zeolite bed / surface area of zeolite

= 5,000-83.31/m2/min

= 0.083 m/minute > 0.3 m/min

It is less than 0.3 m/min, Hence OK.

Contact period (i.e. Average time of travel through the bed)

= Depth / rate of filtration = 1.4 m/ 0.083 m/min

= 16.9 minutes > 7.5 minutes

Hence design is OK


• Only 0.5% of the earth's water is potable. The remaining 97% is ocean water and 2.5% is
brackish water.

• Natural water can be classified according to their TDS values.

Due to the scarcity of fresh water, it has become necessary to convert salt water into potable
fresh water, and the process is called Desalination. It also reduces the Total Dissolved Solids
(TDS) in water.

Desalination is a costly process. The water obtained by desalination proves much costlier
than the naturally available - treated water. Research is going on to reduce the cost of

Methods of Desalination:

The various methods which are generally adopted for the conversion of salt water into fresh
water are enumerated below:

(1) Desalination by evaporation and distillation.

(2) Electrodialysis method

(3) Reverse Osmosis method

(4) Freezing process

(5) Solar distillation method and

(6) Other methods.

1. Desalination by evaporation and distillation:

This is the most commonly used method of desalination. In this method, Sea or saline water
is boiled in giant vessels called evaporators, to produce water vapours which are caught and
condensed into fresh water.

• An evaporator consists of a metal box in which the salt water (brine) is heated by a nest of
pipes carrying very hot steam.

• Heat passes from the steam through the pipe walls and boils the brine.

• The boiling brine evaporates and the vapour is led into a second box, where another nest of
pipes, filled with cold brine, condenses it to fresh and pure water. The heat coming out from
the vapour, during cooling operation, warms the cold brine, which is then sent to the

• These evaporators are efficient but are prone to 'scaling'. The scale consists of lime stone,
chalk and plaster of paris, which gets deposited on the metal box evaporator. This problem is
overcome by pretreatment of the raw brine (salt water) through pH control and decarbonation
or by lining the evaporator tubes with teflon.

In order to reduce the cost of distillation, the following new methods have been developed to
conserve the heat energy and fuel used in the process:

(i) Vertical Tube Evaporators (VTE)

(ii) Multistage Flash Evaporators (MSF)

(iii) Multieffect Multistage flash evaporators (MEMS)

(iv) Combined process (VTE / MSF)

Vertical Tube Evaporators (VTE)

• A single effect evaporator is shown in Figure.2.24 oil to aboston

• The steam from boiler heats and vaporises the salt water.
A Multiple Effect Evaporator is shown in Figure 2.25. In this, the water evaporates at the
highest pressure in the first effect. The vapour is condensed in the second effect to evaporate
an equal amount of vapour. Similarly, the third evaporator acts as condenser for the second
and so on. The temperature and pressures in the successive evaporators will go on reducing
so that salt water may boil at low temperature and pressure.

Multistage Evaporation

Water can be boiled at low temperatures, by reducing the pressure. The hot brine can be
vaporised to a certain extent at a certain pressure; the colder brine left can also be vaporised
at still lower pressures and so on. This principle is used in 'multi-stage' evaporators i.e. water
is evaporated - condensed again and again in various stages. This technique efficiently
utilises the heat energy.

A multi-stage evaporator is shown in figure 2.26. In this evaporator, the operation is carried
out at low temperatures and pressures. The process is divided into different stages. The
temperature and pressure reduces at each stage. The heated brine is led into the first
compartment, which causes evaporation of some water, which is condensed and collected in
another compartment.

The colder brine goes to another compartment, where pressure is still less, thus causing the
evaporation of some of it, which is also condensed and collected. The process is repeated
until the vacuum is as high as is practically feasible, and all possible evaporation has taken
place. Finally, when the brine becomes so strong and temperature and pressure so low that it
cannot be evaporated and the remaining heat cannot be extracted, then it is thrown into the
oceans. Only this little heat is wasted in this method.

Multistage Flash Evaporation (MSF)

Flash Evaporation means the effect produced when hot salt water is suddenly cooled under
less pressure. Water is vaporised suddenly like a flash and the actual boiling point is never

The salt water is heated to the highest temperature using a heater. The hot brine under
pressure is sprayed through nozzle into the first chamber which is at a lower pressure and
cooler. The sudden change produces the flash action and the water will evaporate
immediately. The salt water passes through a number of compartments (flash chambers)
wherein flashing of the brine occurs at successively low pressures. The vapour released in
flashing each stage condenses to heat the incoming sea water and gives fresh water
Multieffect Multistage Flash Evaporation (MEMS)

In this method, the overall temperature flashing range is broken into a number of temperature
intervals. Within each interval, an individual single-effect multistage unit with its own heat
input, heat recovery, heat rejection and recycling stream operates. The first effect receives
heat from the external source while for the subsequent effects, the heat from the previous
effect is rejected to the brine of the next effect. This utilises the heat input efficiently.

2. Desalination by Electrodialysis method:

In salt water, H,O molecules are bonded together with sodium and chlorine ions. These
hydrogen-bonds between the H2O molecules and Na+ and Cl- ions must be broken up, in
order to separate the salt from water. These bonds where broken by heat in the "method of
distillation"; while in the "electrodialysis method", these bonds are broken with the help of

When an electric-current is passed through the salt-solution, the sodium and chlorine ions get
freed from water molecules, and they start moving towards their oppositely charged electric
poles. In other words, the +vely charged sodium ions will move towards the - ve pole.i.e.,
cathode, and the - vely charged chlorine ions will move towards the +ve anode. If these
cations (+ ve ions) and anions (- ve ions) are allowed to segregate in different compartments,
what is left, is fresh-water.

The segregation is achieved by means of thin plastic like sheets called 'membranes'.
A cell consists of a pair of cation and anion membranes installed in parallel between a pair of

A stack consists of a number of membrane pairs installed parallel between a pair of

electrodes (with spacers between each membrane).
For a big plant, stacks are hydraulically connected together, usually in parallel (sometimes in
series, also), as shown in figure 2.31. In such a plant, therefore, a large number of small
separations are hooked up together in parallel; and alternate kinds of membrane are stacked
with thin spacers in between each pair of opposites. Pores give excess at each level, so that
salt water could be forced in between the membranes, while less salty water could be pumped
out at the other side, which can be recirculated through other stacks of membranes. Since one
stack of membranes usually removes 50% salinity, very fine water could be produced in this
manner, using three to four stacks.

Advantages of Electrodialysis method are:

(i) Best method for salt water with moderate TDS (500 to 3000 mg/l)

(ii) It is a compact machine.

(iii) The cost of buying and erecting the plant is small.

(iv) It is easy to operate. It can be started and stopped in a few minutes.

(v) This is ideal for purifying water in a small town or at a remote place.

(vi) They can be assembled for different outputs just by changing the number of units added

3. Desalination by Reverse Osmosis process :

In this method of desalination, the water molecules and the salt ions are separated by forcing
the salt solution against a 'semi-permeable membrane' barrier, which permits the flow of
water through itself but stops the salt. In Osmosis, when salt solution is separated from pure
water by a semipermeable membrane, the pure water flows across the membrane until the
pressure on the pure water side become equal to the osmotic pressure of the salt solution.

But in reverse osmosis, the natural osmotic pressure is opposed by applying an external high
pressure on the side containing the salt solution. In other words, the natural osmosis process
is reversed, the external pressure forces pure water from salt solution to move across the
membrane towards the side containing pure water.

The external pressure applied should be atleast twice the osmotic pressure to achieve

a feasible flow. RO is usually operated at about 1000 Kg/cm2

The semi-permeable membranes are thin but dense and strong enough to withstand the high
external pressure.

The classification of membranes based on pore size and particle size removed, is given
(i) Micro filtration (MF)

(ii) Ultra filtration (UF)

(iii) Nano filtration (NF); and

(iv) Reverse Osmosis (RO)

• Microfiltration (MF) and Ultra Filtration (UF) are microporous membranes which remove
suspended small size particles by physical separation. They are low pressure processes.

• Nano filtration (NF) and Reverse Osmosis (RO) remove dissolved salts ions by osmosis. NF
is known as low-pressure reverse osmosis. NF and RO are high pressure processes and the
separation is by diffusion. RO rejects particles of size 0.0001 μm, whereas NF rejects
particles of size greater than 0.001 μm (nanometer)

Reverse Osmosis can be used for desalination with low pressure membranes (as Nano
filtration) of moderately salty waters (TDS of 1000 to 10000 mg/l); and with high pressure
membranes for severely saline waters containing TDS above 10000 mg/l. Sufficiently good
quality water containing TDS within 500 mg/l can be obtained by this method.

4. Desalination by Freezing process: This method is based upon the principle that when salt
water freezes, the ice formed in the beginning is almost free from salt. This ice, when melted,
can give us good water. The quality of water obtained is 20 satisfactory, but the cost of
production is high and prohibitive. A freezing process involves cooling of the incoming sea
water, freezing it to ice, separating the ice and brine liquor, melting the ice to give fresh water
and using the concentrated brine to chill the incoming sea water. Liquefied hydrocarbons (n-
butane) can be used as refrigerants. In direct contact refrigerating system, the refrigerated
butane is mixed with the salt water. Alternatively, pressure freezing; a high-boiling
hydrocarbon is frozen and mixed with prechilled sea water.

5. Desalination by Solar Evaporation Method :

The other desalination methods use thermal energy or mechanical power. But solar
evaporation uses solar radiation as the source of heat energy. The equipment required is
simple. The figure 2.37 shows a green-house type still, which may yield about 5 kg of fresh
water/day/m2 of basin surface, under good sunshine conditions. Salt water is contained in a
blacked bottom shallow through which absorbs the solar energy. The vapours rise and
condence on the glass or plastic surface, so inclined as to cause the collected water to flow to
a common reservoir. The glass surface must be frequently cleaned off dust etc. to keep them

6. Other methods of desalination: In this method, propane gas is allowed to combine with
salt water under controlled conditions of temperature and pressure. A chemical reaction takes
place between salt water and propane gas at temperatures higher than the freezing point of
water, forming ice like crystals. These crystals reject the salt and accept only pure water in
their composition. These crystals are separated from the brine, washed and decomposed to
form water. The propane gas released
Selection of a particular method of Desalination :

2200 Selection of the correct process, especially in the 500 - 5000 mg/l range (TDS), requires
careful evaluation of process efficiency, plant capital and running cost. The application of the
various desalination processes has been in the following categories of TDS waters.

Distillation and reverse osmosis have been widely used. Almost 75% of all desalination
plants are based on distillation.


Water treatment plants produce a wide variety of waste products as well as safe and gaseous
forms depending on the source of raw water and the type of treatment processes, commonly,
coagulation/filtration, precipitative softening plant, membrane separation, ion exchange,
granular activated carbon. The differences between the unit processes of the five plant types
listed above characterize the type of residuals generated at a given facility. In the current
regulatory climate, a complete management program for a water treatment facility should
include the development of a cost-effective plan to remove and dispose of residuals.

The following steps need to be considered when developing a comprehensive water treatment
residuals management plan:

• Characterize form, quantity, and quality of the residuals;

• Determine appropriate regulatory requirements;

• Select appropriate residuals processing/ treatment technologies; and

• Develop a residuals management strategy that meets both the economic and noneconomic
goals established for a water treatment facility.

What are the residuals categories?

Water treatment plant residuals form when suspended solids in the raw water react with
chemicals (e.g., coagulants) added in the treatment processes and associated process control
chemicals (e.g., lime). Some potable water treatment processes generate residuals that are
relatively easy to process and dispose. For example, leaves, limbs, logs, plastic bottles, and
other large floating debris separated from water during the initial screening process can be
disposed of at conventional solid waste landfills. However, most other treatment processes
produce more complex residual waste streams that may require advanced processing and
disposal methods to protect human health and the environment.

• The four major types of residuals produced from water treatment processes are:

• Sludges (i.e., water that contains suspended solids from the source water and the reaction
products of chemicals added in the treatment process). Pre sedimentation, coagulation, filter
backwashing operations, lime softening, iron 1800 and manganese removal, and slow sand
and diatomaceous earth filtration all produce sludge.

• Concentrate (brines) from ion exchange regeneration and salt water conversion, membrane
reject water and spent backwash, and activated alumina waste regenerate.

• Ione exchange resins, spent granular activated carbon (GAC), and spent filter media
(including sand, coal, or diatomaceous earth from filtration plants).

• Air emissions (off-gases from air stripping, odor control units, or ozone destruction).

Maintenance Scheduling

* Maintenance of each equipment is done as the recommendations of manufacturer.

* A History card is maintained for each equipment so that record is maintained for equipment
performance and maintenance.

* Good housekeeping is an important aspect of plant operation.

Pumping Machinery

• To run the machinery in a way so as to have free fall from invert of sewer.

• Mostly 2 or 3 pump sets are out of order.

• Minimum one pump be operated during night hours so that sewers are empty in morning.

Screening Chamber & Wet Well

• Regular Cleaning

• Disposal of Screenings

• Washing of Bar Screens

• Washing sludge layer from walls using waterjet

• Desilting of wet well once a year.

Cleaning Chamber & Fine Screens

• Should be scoured minimum once in a week.

• Fine Screens should be kept clean of all obstructions. If the screen are of mat typ

its operation should be adjusted such that a mat is always on the screen.

Grit Channel

• (1W+18) grit channels for peak flow.

• Should be used one at a time, alternatively everyday.

• Should be cleaned everyday.

• Proper & efficient removal of silt in grit channel will improve the functioning treatment.

Proportional Weir

• It is provided to maintain uniform flow on upstream and downstream of grit channel

• Must be calibrated so as to show the quantity of flow.

• Flow be recorded every hour. In SBR Plants the flow recording graphs are recorded in

Distribution Channel

• Must be cleaned every day.

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