Aberrant Storytellers Screen
Aberrant Storytellers Screen
Aberrant Storytellers Screen
" " l r r U", ISBN 156504-627-7 WW8501
$14.95 US.
Printed in USA
Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869) 7
After months of secrecy and rumor- According to John Byrnes, stock analyst
quashing, Viacom and Microsoft publicly for Scardino, Jovanovich and Ethridge,
announced their merger into a single “Microsoft has been under pressure to
conglomerate to be called ViaSoft. The diversify for the last three years. T h e
combination of
news dramatically raised the stock prices
of both companies, as investors rushed their antitrust case,
to acquire a part of what industry ana- the stormy resigna-
lysts say is undoubtedly going to be a tion of Bill Gates, From Time Magazine,
major player in multiple industries welland Apple’s renais- November 2 1, 2002
into the new century. sance has sent their
stock into a slow
Microsoft hopes to use this merger to but steady down-
make up for Apple Computer’s dramatic ward spiral. This surprise merger with
four-year rally, which Viacom, from what I can
has led t o t h e see, appears to be
Cupertino-based very well
thought out
and should
give them
the stability
market share t h e y ’ v e
at the expense needed, although they’ll never
of Microsoft and its allies, Dell, be where they were at their apex
Intel, and Compaq. three to five years ago, especially
now with Apple’s G5 machines de-
Viacom, o n the other hand, which vouring market share.”
owns MTV, Blockbuster Video, UPN,
Showtime, Spelling Entertainment, Peter Cavallino, CEO of Microsoft,
Paramount, and Simon & Schuster, will keep that position in the new cor-
will benefit from having Microsoft’s poration, and Sumner Redstone,
technical proficiency turned to its en- Viacorn’s president, will be the new
tertainment endeavors, which have chairman. “The great thing about a
been slow to capitalize on the OpNet merger like this,” said Cavallino, “is
and most other technical develop- that there’s very little redundancy.
ments of the last decade. There’s no need for a round of layoffs
because everyone is needed doing what
T h e talks that led up to the merger they’re doing right now.”
were kept highly secret to prevent
speculators from prematurely impact- Since the ViaSoft announcement, ru-
ing the stock prices. mors have been flying about a proposed
merger between Apple and Disney, but
n o word has been forthcoming from
Cupertino or Anaheim.
Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
In what may be the year‘s most astonishing fairy-tale ending, Microsoft Corporation hired the young nova
Mungu Kuwasha for what has only been described as “a truly remarkable sum of money.” Kuwasha, whose nova
abilities allow him to interface with computer systems without the need for equipment, had been going to school at
the University of Burundi as well as working full-time in the computer center to support his ailing parents and six
younger siblings. That’s where a Microsoft corporate recruiter named Miriam Blackwell discovered him.
“Oh, it was awful; that poor man had circles under his eyes from lack of sleep and he could never take a day off
without falling behind somewhere. Professors at the university saw his ability as a neat trick at best and had him
patching buggy amateur software applications. When 1 saw what he could do 1 immediately called Redmond and
arranged for a visit. Let me just say, our engineers were amazed, absolutely amazed, and we decided to hire him on
the spot. His family will receive an amount equal to three times what Mungu was bringing in while working at the
university and he’ll be living in the United States and working at various Microsoft research campuses, able t o use his
marvelous talent in ways that can help revolutionize software development. It really is a win-win situation.”
Mr. Kuwasha himself is in extremely good spirits regarding the recent shift in career paths. “Before, 1 work all
the time and 1 make no money. Now, 1 work sometimes and 1 make lots of money. 1 no longer have to worry that my
family will go hungry. 1 am very happy to be working for Microsoft. They are very good to me.”
Mr. Nakamura,
ViaSoft has reconsidered your generous offer t o purchase our new Shadow Tracker RM technology.
Please forgive our previous poorly considered refusal. Provided you arrange t o take possession of all docu-
ments, prototypes and materials associated with ST RM, on or by the 18th of September (Le., tomorrow),
we will gladly sell it t o you at the most generous price you named in your letter to us dated May 22,2006.
Raymond Chu, Director o f Special Projects, ViaSoft
Amy: Well, Paul, f i r s t Ij u s t wanted t o say t h a t Ijust love your show. My sister and I
watch every night before we go t o bed. We have them all on disk.
Paul: Hey, Amy, that's fantastic. We love t o hear that. What's your question f o r
Ironskin Andy tonight?
Amy: Well, I...umm, was wondering if Andy had ever given girls a real, you know, try,
because my sister and I both ...well, we, like, think he is t h e hottest, and I mean t h e
hottest nova on t h e planet. He's j u s t so, like, studly and wholesome a t t h e same time.
Paul: I t ' s up t o you if you want t o answer that one, Andy. Ouch.
Andy: No problem, Paul; Iget t h a t one all t h e time. To be honest, Ican't say that I
have t r i e d them, Amy, but I can't say Ihave any real inclination t o do so, either. My
partner, Jake "The Dragon" Korelli and I just celebrated our second anniversary last
month, and we're p r e t t y happy together. Thanks for your interest, though.
Justin: Kickass! Hi Paul, hi Andy. I've, like, always wanted t o live in Ibiza, and Ijust
wanted t o ask Andy what it's like living there. I s it like sex and drugs a11 t h e time?
Slash cool!
Andy: Well, it's like a party all the time, Justin. We novas can party f o r days and days
and days and days without stopping, and it gets really crazy. Now don't confuse t h e
town of I b i z a with t h e island. The town of I b i z a is almost all novas and paparazzi
these days thanks t o the presence of t h e Amp Room, and there's basically one big
party going on from April until September, day and night, rain or shine. The other
towns on t h e island aren't so novacentric and keep more civil hours.
Justin: Damn, Iwish Iwere a nova. What's t h e weirdest part about living in Ibiza? IS
there, like, a downside?
Andy: Yeah, actually, there is. My partner and I are both p r e t t y laid-back, normal
guys, but there are some novas out there who get a l i t t l e ...odd. A l o t o f those types
wind up in I b i z a because they like what I refer t o as t h e "novacentric" lifestyle, and
they know t h a t in a place like I b i z a where there are over a hundred novas a t any given
time, folks won't gawk if they see a woman with blue skin o r a guy walking down t h e
street with tentacles sprouting f r o m his r i b cage.
Justin: Wow! What's the weirdest ab-umm, nova you've ever seen in Ibiza?
Andy: Um... Well, Justin, for a number of reasons, I'd rather not answer that. IS
that okay?
Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
From Novelty form letter, “Response # ”I
Thank you for contacting Novelty, the world‘s only universal consulting and solution
firm. Whether you need a crime investigated, a technical system analyzed, or a competitor’s
tactics dissected and explicated, no problem is too complex for Novelty.
Our founder and primary consultant, Amanda Wu, is among the planet’s most brilliant
novas. No assignment comes through Novelty that Ms. Wu does not peruse personally, so
you can be confident that your query will be addressed by her or the individual she deems
most qualified to do so.
accordingly. Novelty retains the right to decline clients based on the results of the credit
check. Those clients lacking sufficient credit may still engage the services of Novelty by paying
the full fee in advance as well as a fully refundable contingency deposit in equal amount.
Lastly, Novelty has developed such standing in the consulting world that we must now
inform potential clients of an estimated one-month waiting period for our services. Novelty
refuses to compromise the unmatched quality of its analyses in the name of speed, thereby
assuring every Novelty client our full and unremitting attention. We apologize for any
inconvenience this may cause. If, however, yours is a particularly time-sensitive matter,
Novelty has recently adopted a policy allowing clients to place bids on our newly available
ASAP service. Opening bid currently stands at eight million dollars (US).
Thank you very much for contacting Novelty. We look forward to helping you find the
answers vou need.
To: Amanda Wu
From: Johnny Rose
CC: Nobody yet
Subject: Urgent
Figured the only way to get you to read opmail from your late unlamented employee was to mark it urgent. For
your sake, 1 hope it works. If 1 may be so brazen, I would wholeheartedly recommend reading this letter through to the
Now that 1 have your attention, 1 have a little story I’d like to tell you.
Once upon a time, there was a very bright American nova who escaped his zealot-infested hometown of Tulsa,
Oklahoma and went to work for a big, bad multinational consulting firm in Hong Kong. Very Bright American (or VBA for
short) did a bang-up job as the number two brain and earned aforementioned big, bad multinational consulting firm (or
BBMNCF for short) enormws amounts of money and a significant portion of BBMNCF‘s currently impeccable reputa-
One day, the wicked queen who ruled the BBMNCF got her panties in a wad because VBA had the audacity to
suggest an alternative (and clearly superior) analysis to one that her royal pampered highness had written for one
of VBAs key accounts, and within a week VBA was out on his ass, banished from the BBMNCF forever.
Surprise, surprise. But I’m not bitter. Much.
VBA then follows his uncannily accurate intuition directly into the motherload of evidence, finds a veritable
trove of dirty deals (which the evil queen should have been clever enough to eschew in the first place), tells the
world, ruins her business, very possibly gets her arrested, and takes over the multinational consulting firm, which
he rules as a benevolent and much-beloved leader for the rest of his long healthy nova life. The end.
Don’t like the ending? Change it.
Do 1 want Novelty? Not really, but it wwld m&e for a great revenge, wouldn’t it?And you’re wapped up in enough
ugly shit that it would be really easy to pluck it from your crooked little fingers. For me, anyway. The moment ViaSoft and
Apple found out that you’ve been playing them against each other to make money, your days in the sun would be over.
Conflict of interest, hello? Not at all clever. Very easy to get caught. Not the high-quality ratiocination 1 would expect from
you. Makes me wonder if you’re even a nova, becauseyour thinking processes resemble those of a spikehead. Oh, and
then there’s that little “crimes against humanity” thing, but let’s not even go there. Yes, 1 did find out about that.
So this is how we’ll play it from here on o u t You tell me how valuable my silence is, you name a figure, 1
double it, you pay me, 1 go away, build a castle in southern Oregon and we never cross paths again. The end. Like
this ending better? Me too.
Now, the old noggin suggests that there’s about a 39%chance that you would find me easier to live with were
1, say, the unfortunate victim of some third-rate Bangkok snuff film and then sent all unceremoniouslike to a ren-
dering plant in the forgotten wilds of Asia. You have a lot of money riding on this and gods know you’re not nearly
so stable as you pretend to be.... We can turn this into a high-stakes worldwide chess match if you want; 1 have my
pawns, rooks, bishops and knights picked out and lined up, but 1 don’t think you’re ready to risk the consequences
that would Follow this particular checkmate. Let me know if I’m wrong. You believe way too much in your own PR
propaganda, Amanda, and I’d love to prove myself smarter than you in a big, ugly, decisive sort OF way. Fuck with
me and 1 will maneuver your bitch ass into jail and take your company out from underneath you.
If you’d had the humility to refrain from firing me over some petty ego bruise, this would never have come
to pass. Don’t forget that.
The game is afoot. How shall we play it?
To: Amanda Wu
From: Johnny Rose
CC:[recipient list suppressed]
subjed: Don’t Cry For Me North Korea
Well, it’s been over a week now and still no check. I n the meantime I’ve avoided the poison in my
water, the driverless armored car and that sloppy sniper you visited upon me. 1 accept your conditions of
war. By now you’ve dealt with the aftereffects of my EMP grenade. You’re a bright girl; you didn’t need
those silly computers anyway. I’ve taken the liberty of initiating a little chitchat session with some ac-
quaintances of mine at the South Korean consulate. They’ll be very, very interested in your recent desta-
bilizing hijinks. Does this up the ante any? 1 hope so. 1 know that this is precisely the type of thing that,
ideally, you’d like t o take care of yourself, Amanda, but just try to get off that little island kingdom of
yours. You’ll find that leaving Hong Kong is a much bigger pain in the ass than it’s ever been. Try it. You’ll
see what 1 mean.
You know, my mother said that 1 should just use my novasonic brain and make my own uberfortune.
Given the ludicrous amounts of money networks like N! are tossing around these days, it wouldn’t be that
difficult t o go on jeopardy and win a few million, but that doesn’t have the same “fuck you” Hallmark
sentiment attached to it, know what 1 mean? Maybe it’s just an ego problem. Maybe it’s just two person-
alities that should never have been working together coming into conflict. Maybe it’s because I’m a Taurus
and you’re a Scorpio. Then again, maybe you’re just a pathologically greedy and manipulative bitch.
Hmmmmm. Wonder which it is? You know where my money’s at.
You can still contact me t o pay me off. Please don’t. This is turning into way too much fun.
War: what a beautiful choice.
Berringer, it’s Amanda. Things are not as they should be, so listen very attentively. Look, I’m
going to need t o call in a few of those favors you owe me from the London conundrum of last year.
I’ve recently developed a bit of a malady that quite handily prevents me from leaving Hong Kong.
I’m unable(!) to analyze the exact vectors the disease is using to keep me down, but it’s quite virulent.
Unless 1 can heal things myself, only my wayward priest is capable of curing me at this point. You’ve
taken confession from him before, 1 believe. He was the angel 1 sent t o you in your hour of need. You
remember Father Gianni Rossellini? 1 need you t o track him down f o r me before things get any
worse. 1 believe him t o be in New York o r possibly Tulsa of all Godforsaken places. 1 sent him sev-
eral postcards last week, but none of them seems t o have reached him, so I’m asking you t o attend
t o things personally. He’s a good man who knows his stuff, but you’re more than up to conveying my
need despite your extreme prejudice concerning matters religious. I’m sure you’ll choose just the
right words to say t o make things all better. Sooner is better than later.
You know 1 appreciate this.
Take care, sweetie. Bye-bye.
Your Holiness,
1 am so honored that you have agreed to meet with me. 1 think it will be a wonderful
opportunity for you to see that novas are just like other people. My mother is very proud. She is
delighted almost beyond speaking and wanted me to tell you that she prays for your health and
well-being every day.
1 know you are a busy man, but 1 think it’s so important that the Church take a position on
me and others like me that 1 must speak with you. 1 know you are a good man and a fair man and
you will listen with an open mind.
My brother tells me that there are those in the church who feel that novas are less than
human. 1 hope to show you in the course of our conversation that that is entirely untrue. But that
conversation must wait a few weeks more. In the meantime, my prayers are with you.
In Christ,
Cardinal Alta,
You know well that We hold your counsel in high esteem. Time and time again you have
brought clarity where it was most needed. Your most recent recommendation moved Us to
reexamine the phrasing of Ad Dei Lucern word by word. While We can appreciate the points
you make, Our heart is very clear on this matter. Ad Dei Lucern shall go out exactly as written.
Thank you for your kind advice.
I n Christ,
Mario Bardi, Benedict XVI
a t St. I’E
To the Venerable Brethren, the Patri- molIrn
archs, Primates, Archbishops, Bishops,
and other Local Ordiniirics in Peace i d
muc I I -bc
Communion with the Apostolic See.
Alta WRS a i m iieneclicr ,\ v I s con-
Venerable Brethren, Greetings and fidant and primary advisor. The
Apostolic Rened i ct ion. pope himself t l c i i \ w - t x c l the bene-
I t is ever O u r duty to guide a11 persons of diction*
whatever origins toward the light ofGod. as “‘mar
This We are expected by God to do with- and a tn
out prejudice or bias o f a n y kind. None who of God-
piously seek salvation shall be turned away. came 3s a E1
Thinking on the troubled nature of recent \‘ntic:in,
e\ynts are we brought to reiterate this excellent health only w e k s ~ p .
highly salient point.
The last seven years have seen the emergence everywhere around the globe of a new
people, gifted by God with remarkable abilities. These persons are called “novas” by
the various media, and by that term shall We refer to them also.
There are factions who claim that these novas are other than human, that they are
not capable of salvation or that they are tools of a darker power. Such opinions have
too frequently reached Our ears of late and trouble Us greatly. Our heart has been
vexed as We have heard it said that these new and greatly blessed children of God are
simply beasts of burden meant only to serve the secular needs of governments, to
fight petty wars in the names of the highest bidding regimes, to correct the errors of
misguided humanity, and to be managed like livestock.
Against policies such as these, which violate the principal rights of the human per-
son and trample on the sacred liberty of the children of God, all Christians from
every part of the world, indeed all men of good sense, cannot refrain from raising
their voices with Us in real horror and from uttering a protest deploring the deranged
conscience of their fellow men.
As we are troubled when we see our nova children treated like beasts, so are We
likewise troubled when we see small but vocal factions of novas claiming superiority
over mankind and glories that rightfully belongs to the Lord. We maintain that the
appropriate relationship of nova and non-nova is one of equality and brotherhood.
Having wimessed novas engage in acts of great virtue as well as terrible cruelty, it is clear
to Us that they are children of Adam with souls and all concomitant talents and failings.
They, too, are stained by originalsin; and they, too, may attain salvation through the most
holy intercessionof the Blessed Virgin Mary and her son, Our Lord JesusChrist.
We do proclaim novas the blessed work of God possessed of souls, needing apostolic
love and guidance, and We welcome them into Our fold. It is Our sincerest wish that
by setting this example of acceptance and Christian love, We may help usher in a new
day of peace based on justice, liberty, and the care of all souls, both human and nova.
Given at Rome from St. Peter’s, on the fifteenth day of June,on the Feast of the
Sacred Heart of Jesus in the year 2005, the sixth of Our Pontificate.
Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
Greetings and blessings. 1 understand how valuable your time is, but 1 have a question for
you. 1’11 be brief. A week ago 1 gave a sermon concerning the lives of the saints and how emula-
tion of their good deeds can exalt man and bring him nearer t o God. As part of this sermon, 1
explained the criteria for canonization - selfless good deeds and three miracles - and later,
when Mass was over, the most adorable little girl ran up and asked if novas are saints, because
they do good deeds and they have abilities that certainly appear to the common man t o be mi-
raculous. l would have just made up something on the spot, but her parents were there by that
point and it was clear that they wanted an answer, too. I’m reasonably certain that novas do not
achieve sainthood so easily, but I’m unclear how to explain this more clearly. Would you have any
recommendations on how to treat such an awkward question? According to the definition 1 usu-
ally give, most of Team Tomorrow would qualify as saints, and this, 1 think is probably not as it
should be.
Thank you so much for your attention in this matter,
Fr. Robert lanuzi
Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow
Deerfield. 1I
The virtuosity you demonstrated with Aka is appreciated. Now that you’ve proved yourself, 1
think that perhaps you may be the proper tool for another of God’s works. Benedict XVI refuses to
play ball with Opus Dei where novas are concerned. While his other views are tolerably in line with
ours, he is catastrophically out of step when it comes t o seeing novas for the potential threat they
pose. With the promulgation of A d Lucem Dei, he has essentially won that battle. While 1 would
love to get him out of there, and replace him with, say, Herranz or Cipliani, one poisoning a year in
the Vatican should probably be our upper limit. Besides, Bardi is just too damned popular with the
cardinals right now, and between the lot of them 1 think they might have enough of an inkling to
know which way to point the accusatory finger. As if this weren’t bad enough, His Holiness has
made it clear that he would like that liberal Pentilla from the USA to be his successor, and that we
cannot abide. An American pope? Not while there’s breath in my body.
Here’s the direction in which we need things t o go. This is more complex than a clever
poisoning, so pay attention: Since Benedict XVI i s so fond of novas, 1 want novas to play a key
role in his undoing. Your job is to supply the novas and the motivation. Teragen members would
be most convenient and believable, but I’m not picky. DeVries is fine as a last resort, although 1
don’t know how far we can trust their discretion; it may not be up to our necessarily exacting
standards. Utopia affiliates are out of the picture: too much potential for investigation there.
1 leave it to you to determine how best to bring the Vatican into conflict with the nova or
novas of your choosing.
1 expect great things from you.
As your pastor I can tell you that we believe in the inherent dignity
and worth of every person, nova or otherwise. As a church, we seek
justice, equity, and compassion in human relations. We seek the
acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in
our congregations, and again, novas are no exception. So, our rela-
tionship to novas? We extend our love to them. We hope for their
ethical and spiritual well-being. And, most importantly, we include
them in our prayers.
Let our beacon, the lighted chalice, always guide us, and our nova
sisters and brothers, with an affirming flame. Amen.
The missionary emphasis of the Church is perhaps one of its most recognized characteristics.
By following the biblical tradition of sending missionaries two by two, we have increased the size
of our world congregation from six courageous persons in 1830 to nearly twenty million in 2007.
Our missionary program is the most successful the world has known, and 1 truly believe the
Heavenly Father looks down and smiles on our efforts. After much prayer and personal searching
on my part, the Lord has granted me a revelation concerning cur missionary work and the directions
we need to go from here.
Brothers, 1 believe it may be time to emphasize our missionary work with those great men
and women called novas. The responsibilities they shoulder every day are enough to pummel any
one of us into the very dust. These hard-working young men and women work their minds every
day, they work their bodies every day, but 1 don’t see that their souls are receiving much guidance.
Without spiritual guidance these young people can wind up in moral swamps like lbiza, Spain,
where drugs and sin are the order of the day. It is that sort of behavior that leads to despair and
bitterness, which in turn lead to hostility and anger, and from there to the terroristic perdition
of the Teragen. These powerful young people must at least have the opportunity t o hear the
gospel if they are to avoid such fates.
To that end, 1 have asked the missionary training center in Provo to create a program for
especially gifted missionaries. They will be instructed for three weeks in what 1’11 call here
“nova-ology.” For those three weeks, these Elders will learn the in-depth history of the nova
phenomenon, not just what they get from N! or other sensationalistic OpNet programs, but the
true, first-person accounts of what novas go through, from their “eruption” to working with
Team Tomorrow or one of the other groups. After getting a feel for what novas have gone through,
these missionaries will be sent to nova hotspots: New York, Bahrain, Mexico City, Addis Ababa,
Venice, Talaud lsland and other places where nova populations are concentrated, including Ibiza.
1 look forward to hearing your carefully considered impressions. May the Lord bless each
of you in your contemplations.
Since rely,
Matthew C. Bormuth
President Bormuth,
As you know, the Heavenly Father has gifted the great family we have in the Church with no
fewer than five novas: more than chance would predict. Elders Christoff Weaver, Mark Bennett,
and Urumbu N!Godatu and Sisters Tyson Smiley and Maria Peralta-Perez are all Latter-Day Saints
in good standing. What some might attribute to luck, 1 can confidently say is the Lord helping his
one true Church on earth to flourish.
1 have received some troubling news of a very personal but important nature, however,
from wr nova brothers and sisters. Elder Bennet and Sister Peralta-Perez both accepted invitations
extended by Project Utopia to visit one of their Rashoud facilities t o learn the use of their new
abilities. The long and the short of the story is that they both came back infertile. Elder Benner,
while only twenty-five, is already the father of three beautiful children, and Sister Peralta-
Perez has one child OF her own as well. These are clearly not people for whom infertility has
been a problem. 60th of these good people were hoping for large families and a great deal of
sadness has been brought forth by this development. While 1 would like to say that this is just an
awkward coincidence, certain recent reports in the news make me leery of doing so.
It is our recommendation that, before any more of our nova Brothers and Sisters accept
invitations to study with Utopia or any other non-LDS organization, we give them options. Do
we have the facilities or the trainers at 6YU to handle the education of a nova?
1 have sent tentative letters to Elders Weaver and N!Godatu and Sister Smiley recommending
against visiting any Utopia facilities or accepting anything given them by Utopia’s friendly staff.
IF the situation is as it appears, it is possible that Utopia is not as benevolent as it would like
to appear. 1’11 leave the ramifications OF that for you t o ponder.
Your Brother in Christ,
David Moulton,
Assistant to Families
~ ~
Ms. ThunderLove,
I thank you for your gracious invitation but, for any number of reasons, I do not
believe I am the person you really want to speak to your convocation. Correct me
if I am mistaken, but what I believe you are looking for is a nature spirit, a dryad, an
incarnation of Pan, or perhaps a living, breathing embodiment of the Green Man. I
am, alas, none of these things. I do not hail from the forest’s deepest penetralia; I
do not frolic with unicorns; and, most of all, I am not a god. I come from Manches-
ter, a rather grim factory town in England not unlike your Detroit. I don’t dislike
animals, although neither do I frolic with them. And as for what I am: First and
foremost, I am a research scientist. I am also a Taurus, a cricket player, an uncle,
a member of the Labor Party; and it is also true that I was once an ecoterrorist at
one wildly idealistic point in my life. And, yes, I am a nova, and one whose abilities
involve harnessing the natural world to my will. This does not give me the wisdom
you crave. This does not give me an overview of the Grand Scheme of Things. It
simply means that I have a quantum-basedability to perceive and manipulate earth
and plants and living things in the same way that a number of people now manipu-
late computer code as their livelihood. While I can certainly empathize with your
motives, I would kindly thank you to refrain from pinning your romantic notions on
So as not to be entirely unhelpful, may I recommend that you contact the New
Zealand nova dubbing herself Belladonna? She and I see each other around, and
not only is she a little more spiritual, to understate the point, but the fact that she’s
a woman will mesh tidily with the ecofeminism that so frequently pervades neopagan
thought. Utopia and DeVries both find her a little too frightening to use in their
operations with any real frequency, which leaves her with far more time than I have
for speaking engagements and the like.
I do hope that this letter doesn’t seem too brusque, but I find the numbers of
individuals who want me to be a god instead of a scientist are disturbingly high,
and I’d like to see those numbers drop precipitously.
Best of luck in your spiritual quest,
Dr. Spencer “Antaeus” Balmer
Dearest Sheila,
I would be honoured to come to America to speak to your convocation on
the sacred occasion of the Solstice. It will give me a reason to leave New Zealand
on the longest night of the year and come up to visit the longest day. Unless
there’s a theme you’d like me to stick to, I’ll plan on giving one of my favorite
presentations titled “The Darker Nature.” It’s part sermon and part performance
piece, really, and I daresay it’s quite engrossing. Previous audiences have re-
sponded to it with a powerful outpouring of emotion. In particular, I think you’ll
love the special effects; they convey quite an impact.
One caveat: Please see the attached rate sheet for my speaking fees. If
they are within your means, please complete and return the subsequent forms
including the liability waiver.
From letter t o the Editor (one week after above taken power away From the people in the countries where
speech) by Miriam ben Shea they are numerous. They have taken jobs From the normal
Rabbi Dov Youdovin asks us where our golem is. men and women who needed them. They have monopolized
Where our savior is. Rabbi Youdovin, why not ask where the attentions of the thinkers, the artists, and the leaders.
our Meniah is? Isn’t that what you’re looking For? And Should the day ever come when the novas decide to leave,
you should know that answer. Jews don’t believe in to Follow their own paths, where will thosecountriesbethen?
Messiahs, we believe in helping ourselves. We control our Jews have Forever been a self-reliant people with
own lives. For centuries, through plagues and pogroms, great achievements and strong, sensible Families. We
we have done what we needed to do to get along, and For have a history OF men OF great mystical power and women
centuries it has been enough. And yet now we suddenly of great intellectual ability. They led our people, and they
need novas to make our way in the world? Have Jews inspired our people, but they were never above the
become so weak? We can always hope For divine inter- people or separate From the people, like novas are.
vention, but to expect it, or to kvetch when it is not Forth- No, Rabbi Youdovin, we have no need For novas.
coming, is wrong. Jews have always been self-reliant. IF we make a mess,
You want a Jewish superhero? Let me tell you about we clean it up ourselves, and novas would just weaken
a Jewish superhero. His name was Moses, and he led our our resolve. YHVH has blessed us with Freedom From
people out OF slavery, but never made it to the Land OF these “superheroes” because Jews, among all others, do
Milk and Honey because his ability with miracles made him not need them.
arrogant. We don’t need any more of these superheroes. Sincerely,
We don’t need to rely on anyone but ourselves. Novas have Miriam ben Shea
Novas are beings of profound power. They possess SECRETS that few baselines can
ever hope to share, but even these Potent secrets can be derived from an understandina
of the KABBALAH. Kabbalah means ‘‘tradition,” and entails the entirety of Jewish mysticis6
but by far the greatest single element is the ZOHAR, or “Book of Splendor.” Through an
understanding of the esoteric Kabalistic traditions can all things be understood. Including
the secrets of the novas.
The Kabbalistic Sephiroth all correspond to particular ANGELS, and as angels are but
manipulators of the power of YHVH (Shekhinah), they are very like NOVAS, who are
maniwlators of QUANTUM. These CorreSDondenCeS can be made manifest by noting
1 directions and tendencies of famous novas.’
** the fugitive queen.
Looks like we’re safe for the moment. The gematrial value of Gevurah begins at 46,764, signified
by the word devoz ved. Even the most overenthusiasticand imaginative nova-spotters, counting mitoids
and other hopefuls, have suggested a maximum nova population of 8,146 worldwide, so either the
incidence of eruptions will have to go up drastically, or we have a long time to figure this out. Novas
don’t seem to be breeding much, so maybe that will keep the number down. The judgment (Din) will
reach its worst point with the number 46 (15 13 12) (however you want to interpret that number. 1
really don’t think it refers to 46,151,312, but if it does, I’m not going to worry about this anymore), the
number of the dark angel, which must be the Qlippoth (shell) of Gevurah indicating Golab (or Golachab)
the “Flaming One.” I’ve put this through the computer a thousand times, and cross-referencing it with
the online Zohar keeps getting me the name Dev (or Div or Dov) Sammael. Do what you will with that.
How you pulled me into this 1 don’t know. Women aren’t even supposed to study Kabbalah, and
here you tell me I’m the only one who really understands it? 1 have nothing to say to that. Well, oy
gevalt! might come close. At least 1 meet the age requirement.
Don’t tell anyone we’re doing this. The rubber room ward of Tel Aviv General is not where 1 want
to spend the rest of my days, thank you very much.
Zeva B.
The city of Shiraz was ve nearly destro ed today in what was originally thought
to be a terrorist attack. e real cause, owever, was one angry nova. Faruq al-
Hadim, a nova who erupted only last week in Shiraz, was being led to his execution
for "acting as an ally of Shaitan among the Arab peoples" - the standard charge
leveled by Shi'ite extremists against novas -when he apparently became resentful
of the treatment he was receiving. Witnesses say that flames appeared from no-
where around al-Hadim and an enormous firestorm surged out from the angry
nova in a half-kilometer radius. Thousands are presumed dead and property dam-
age is estimated at several hundred million euros.
Team Tomorrow Central was on the scene within 30 minutes and was eventu-
ally able to contain the inferno and take the contrite al-Hadim into protective
custody. According to Team Tomorrow spokesman Caestus Pax, "We are speak-
ing with Faruq now. His actions of earlier today were the tragic outcome of a
very complex web
of events and preju-
dices. While we do
not condone his be-
havior, it takes only
a small amount of
empathy to under-
stand the emotional
forces which caused
him to lash out with
such anger at the
people who were
going to execute
him simply for be-
ing who he is. Team
Tomorrow is in dia-
logue with the Ira-
nian government
even now with re-
gard to what might be done about this situation and what kinds of reparations
may need to be made."
Teragen spokesman Raoul Orzaiz was leaving for a weekend off the coast in Spain,
but felt free to offer a one-word commentary on the Shiraz tragedy: "Bravo."
Shi'ite extremists are calling for the immediate death of al-Hadim.One survivor
of the Shiraz firestorm released a letter over OpNet shortly after al-Hadim was
taken into custody. "The devils of Team Tomorrow will clearly take the side of
one who serves the same master. They will do everything in their ability to shield
al-Hadim the destroyer from the consequences of his actions. He has killed thou-
sands and yet they will insist that he is innocent. What will it take to get justice
for the dead?" Team Tomorrow Central has not yet responded to these accusa-
tions, nor is it known if they intend to.
The Shiraz incident is the latest example of the difficulties between Shi'ite and
nova. Eight months ago, Souhir Ben-Hamida, the nova popularly known as Ser-
aph, was attacked in her home by a mob wielding pistols and rocket launchers.
She escaped with minimal damage, but she no longer feels safe returning to her
native Turkey and is living in the USA as a political exile.
Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
From N! special
“A World of Novas”
Bombay, India
Nowhere has the emergence of novas had the impact on religion that it
has in India. With the world’s densest population, India boasts an amaz-
ing 847 known novas within its national boundaries, a number that
seems to resonate disturbingly well with the country’s polytheistic
Hindu population.
To say that a spiritual renaissance has swept India’s Hindus would
not be overstating the situation. According to Dr. Danit Bijali, direc-
tor of Project Utopia’s Rashoud Facility in Bombay, ”The emergence
of novas at this time ties in very neatly with Hindu cosmology. As
souls proceed through samsara, or the cycle of death and rebirth, or
reincarnation as it is called in the West, the soul becomes closer to
perfection. The closer the soul is to perfection, the more enlightened
it will be; the more enlightened it will be, the more power it will have.
This is how Hindus think of novas - souls that have finally come so
near to moksha, or the liberation from samsara, that they begin show-
ing great power over the world.”
Novas tie into Hindu spirituality in more ways than one, however. Other
Hindus believe that novas are the avatars of various deities. While Hin-
duism recognizes several hundred spirits, demons, and gods, the big
three Hindu deities are Brahma, the creator; Vishnu, the preserver; and
Shiva, the destroyer. These three are frequently represented as having
avatars, or mortal incarnations which are their tools for interacting with
the mortal world. Many Hindus think of novas as being avatars for the
gods. To that end, many Hindus make offerings to novas as a form of
bhakti, or love directed toward a deity. Many novas in the more rural
regions of India are content to be treated as gods or holy men, accepting
the offerings of local farmers in return for demonstrations of maya, or
power. Maya is a concept taken directly from the Vedas, one of the
sacred books of the Hindus. Meaning, alternately, magic and illusion,
maya is the concept through which these novas have come to under-
stand their nova abilities. In many cases, the subconscious desires that
shape the manifestation of a particular nova’s abilities appear to draw
on India’s vast wealth of Hindu sacred texts, most notably the Vedas
and the Upanishads. Kanjan Baru of Sri Lanka, shown here, is every
bit the avatar of Shiva Nataraja, that is, Shiva in his aspect as the Lord
of the Dance. Baru has been claiming to be an avatar of Shiva now for
nearly three years, and the villagers who worship him feel blessed by
his choice to manifest to them. He uses his powers to help the local
farmers, and in return they feed him, wait on him, and allow him
mating access to the women of the village.
lkeep readinq,
Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
As part of its modernization program, Project Utopia has been sending
small teams of nova representatives into some of these rural areas to
explain to both nova and farmer alike the actual nature of these ”gods”’
powers. Surprisingly, even when the concept of novas is explained to
the inhabitants of these rural areas, they remain steadfast in their be-
havior toward these new ”gods,” and some have even gone so far as to
refer to Project Utopia’s efforts in this sector as a form of
neoimperialism. According to Nandakumara Singh, professor of eth-
nology at the University of Bombay, ”These people in the country’s
interior, away from the cities, are not very sophisticated, you know. By
following the karma-marga, a strict observation of the caste system, these
individuals expect to attain happiness and dharmic fulfillment. When
avatars of Shiva or Krishna appear, you know, it is quite clear that those
persons are to be treated like Brahmins, or great priests or teachers.
Treating them as peers would be impious, to say the least. And really,
you know, does the West worship their novas any less?”
These controversial attempts to prevent novas from posing as avatars
have been surprisingly unsuccessful thus far, and some have backfired
spectacularly. In one notable and oddly unpublicized case that took
place early on in Utopia’s deculting crusade, Eric Huffman, a talented
American nova and veteran of many Utopia-funded missions, was sent
into the Indian hinterland alone to dissolve the cult that had formed
around a recently erupted nova who called herself Kali-ma, The Blood
Queen, a popular goddess of death. Huffman disappeared and was
presumed dead, but stories have found their way down the Ganges
that suggest that he may have found a new life as a god more interesting
than life as a Project Utopia representative. Utopia declined to comment
on the story, and its official stance on Huffman is that his current where-
abouts are unknown.
For the moment, the powers that be in Project Utopia continue their
crusade to interpose themselves between self-proclaimed nova gods
and their devout worshippers, with lackluster results. Novas, it would
appear, strike a chord in the minds of many millions of Hindus, and
after reading about the exploits of the gods for so long, they’re not
willing to give up the real thing.
Good work on the Larson job. Very subtle. Your discretion is appreciated.
We’ve found another one. Charlotte Holden (a.k.a. Ghostdancer) is thought to be on the island of
Ibiza, frequenting the Amp Room. Possible Teragen sympathies.
Standard visibility protocols. ASAP.
We’ve recently learned that there is another first-degree contact of Jennifer’s running around, probably being tar-
geted by the same people who killed Landers. Her name is Charlotte Holden, used to go by the code name Ghostdancer
when she was doing work with Utopia. We’ve traced her to Ibiza, specifically the Amp Room (of all places). She may have
been in the Amp Room while we were having our meeting on the first and we wouldn’t even have known - a thought that
Frustrates me to no end. We think she is a friend of Andy Vance’s, possibly staying with him and his lover, Jake Korelli.
That’s just a hunch, mind you, but it’s better than nothing.
Holden is a very sharp - and very odd - woman. We think it’s highly likely that she’s been marked for disappear-
ance. Find her before they do. We’d really like to know if Jennifer told her anything that we don’t already know. 1 suspect
that might be the case, actually. Bring her into the fold if you can. At the very least, make sure that she realizes that she has
someone she can turn to. From what Andre has told me of her approach t o life, 1 suspect it will be pointless, but be sure to
let her know that she’s not alone in this.
Your help in these matters is invaluable.
Thank you so much,
5. R.
hardcopy and on two silicon chips. At fint, Holden thought If the characters begin asking randomlyabout Holden,
Landerswas nuts -but Jennifer was deadwithin the week. they’ll immediately get pointed to Andy Vance, the Amp
It was only a Few + after Landen’death that Chiraben ioom’s “Face Man” and second in command. Vance will be
:irculating aroundthe club, wearing nothingbut a thin coat-
made his attempt on Holden as she made her sunrise walk
home from the Amp Room. The Proteus assassin Chiraben ing of liquid latex, which fits fine with the dress code at the
had been assigned to “mop up” known contacts of Landen 4mp Room. He’ll be polite but brief with anyone who is still
before they could bring compromising information to light. lully clothed and not partying. Asked about Holden, Vance
Chiraben underestimatedHolden’s combat abilities, Mill seem sad and tell the players that they’re too late, that
however. Before he could lay a claw on her, she laid him iolden was murderedyesterday in acar bombing. He’ll seem
Ibiza: Day 2
The next morning at El Divino Cafe, Andy will intro-
duce the char& to his husband Jake Korelli, one of the
Amp Room’s bouncers and a freelance elite for the DeVrks
Agency. “Korelli,” though, isn’t really Korelli. Vance is letting
the shapeshifting Holden check out the party herself while
playing a minor role in the bre&fast conversation. Vance will
ask again why the players want to know about Holden, and
what their god is. If anything sounds suspicious, Vance will
ask very specific questions that might clarify their mission a
little. “Jake,” in the meantime, will l i quietly while eating
a seemingly unending breakfast. If players try to question
Jake, he’ll just tell them that Holden was m e Andy‘s friend.
If the characters seem overly i n t d in Korelli, he‘l claim
k has phone calls to make at home, something he‘ll do any-
. a good while. way after about an hcur of conveMti00 since Holden can
mly maintainKorellii appearance for an hour and a half with
ler Copycat enhancement. Characters have a slight chance
studying dance at
Northwestern University. When an ex-boyfriend began
stalking her, Holden opted to live the experience to the
fullest as a way of gathering material for her art. Over a
period of weeks she deliberately cultivated paranoia in
herself, thinking OF it as a radical form of “personality
modification.” The experiment went well until Holden
woke up one night to the sound of her stalker kicking in
her door. Her terror triggered her M-R node and she
disappeared, literally. Watching the stalker enter her
bedroom with a gun and not being able to Find her was
simultaneously the most terrifying and exciting moment
of Charlotte’s life. Fear and arousal, never exactly strang-
ers, are now close companions in Holden’s head.
After her eruption, Holden dropped out of college and
was bnefly affiliatedwith Utopia to learn how to use her nova
abilities. It was there that she met Jennifer “Slider” Landers.
Conclusions Landers seemed nice, but a little tame for Holden. Landers,
”La Vida Nocturna” comes t o a close as Privilege on the other hand, admired Holden’s “on the edge” approach
shuts its doors For a Few weeks of “remodeling and re-
pairs.’’ Characters may watch as Count Orzaiz allows
himself to be arrested and taken to the Spanish main-
land for interrogation. Vance is bothered by the death
at the club; he and Korelli take advantage of the tumult
to return to the United States to ensure a nova pres-
ence at the San Francisco Gay Pride festival. If the char-
acters need any more hints that it’s time to leave, they
may find tickets from lbiza to Marrakesh via Madrid
waiting for them wherever they’re staying, compliments
of Vance (if they’re Aberrants) or Orzaiz (who will help
any side provided it cheats Chiraben of his prize).
Dramatis Personae
Charlotte Holden
Background: Charlotte Holden grew up north of
Chicago in the affluent suburb of Winnetka. Holden was
an aggressive and somewhat unbalanced nonconformist
Marrakesh: Day 1
Most of the first day will be spent getting used to
the annoyances of the city: Moroccans make a habit of
“doing favors” for visitors and then demanding payment.
If the characters are unable to hide the fact that they’re
novas (or, Al’lah forbid, Flaunt the fact), the locals will be
particularly inhospitable. Only those who cannot avoid
speaking with the characters (hotel concierges, for ex-
ample) will do so. Others will pretend not to understand
anything but Arabic, whether or not that’s actually the
case. OF course, certain levels of Mega-Social Attributes
can change this for any given interaction, but after the
interaction ends, the baselines in question will be even
more wary and hostile toward the “devil novas.”
If the characters are reasonably subtle, have low
Taint ratings, and especially if some have the Dormancy
Background, it may be possible For them to pose as
baseline tourists, in which case they’ll be approached
by all manner of helpful natives offering to guide them
around the city, show them the souks (bazaar), or pro-
vide them with kiF(marijuana) Fresh from the neigh-
boring High Atlas mountains.
Utopia operatives receive communications warn-
ing them of the disappearance of novas Wardog and Zip
in the area and advising them to be alert and prepared
for danger at all times.
At Hotel La Mamounia, characters begin playing a
very strange game of hide-and-seek with Charlotte
Holden. Obviously, she’s not there under her own name,
and her Copycat enhancement gives her access to any
number of different visages. The party will likely need
to use quantum powers if they are to Find her on the
First day, because she’s posing as a male tourist From have mich chance of convincing them to follow her i
America named Mark Levy, and she’s doing very little her quest to learn more about the baraka cult. In th
but lounging by the pool . Following advice given to her case. it might work better if the Proteus ops don
by Orzaiz, Holden assumed the guise of a tourist who even catch up to Holden in Marrakrsh. Lead then
was leaving the day she arrived. By claiming to be Mark instead, to Holden‘s room overlooking the garden
Levy extending his stay, she makes it impossible for where a few documents are laid out suggesting tli*
Chiraben (or the characters) to track her down by Holden IS seeking refuge or meeting other Aberranl
check-in date. that night at a defunct rug warehowe located at 5
Rue Sidi El Yamani in Marrakesh‘. old town. It
Marrakesh: Day 2
Holden’s way of getting a free peek at the cult (an
By the second day, Holden is much more interested
its firepower) from a distance.
in the baraka cult than in the garden. Slider’s notes are
vague; the mention of the cult is a Few blunt sentences
at the end of a long list that tracks the establishment of
Rescuing Zip will be harder than it seems at first. As-
suming they’re able to defeat the heavily armed cultists and
the muscle-bound Alwan, and provided Khytam does not
distract them,they will need to ge+ the ravaged nova out of
the temple and out of M d e s h . They might risk taking him
to a hospital, but given his condition and the local attitudes
toward novas, they might choose not to. At the Storyteller‘s
discretion, a hospital might insist on calling the police....
If the characters are seen taking Zip anywhere, they
may be accused of attempted murder. If Zip is revived in Image: Alwan’s features are fine, but his complexionis
the temple, he will be in enormous amounts of pain as his mottled and vaguely unhealthy-looking; his muscles are gro-
conscious mind comes to terms with the trauma of the tesquely overdeveloped- a side effect of his addiction to
last four months all at once. He will not suffer quietly. the entire pharmacova of novaderived chemicals.
If the characters rescue Zip and actually get him back Roleplaying Hints You are simultaneously ayatol-
to Addis Ababa or Monte Carlo, they will be media dar- lah and showman, leader and slave to your vices. You
lings for at least a week. If they are Aberrants (or Teragen can be extraordinarily resistant to intimidation or coax-
sympathizers), this may be their opportunity to tell the ing of any sort; if your drug supply is threatened, though,
world a thing or two about certain of Utopia’s ethically you fold instantly.
challenged activities. If they are Utopia agents, they will Nature: Thrillseeker (Addict)
be asked about everything they know about the baraka Allegiance: Baraka cult
cult in the presence of a nova with the Lie Detector en- Attributes: (figures in parentheses are after an injec-
hancement.The wrong answer c w l d indicatethat it’s time tion of mitelRed 7) Strength 5 (Mega l), Dexterity 3
to switch sides (if it’s not already too late) .... (5),Stamina 2 (5), Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3,
If the player characters are Proteus ops, they will Appearance 1, Manipulation 4, Charisma 3
have to keep a very low profile to avoid the kind of me- Abilities: Brawl 3, Melee 3, Might 5, Drive 2, Endur-
dia frenzy that could make them the topic of career- ance 3, Resistance 4, Linguistics 1, Medicine 2, Science
threatening, nosy investigative journalism. 3, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 2, Command 1, Etiquette 1
Backgrounds Backing 3, Contacts 3, Devices 4, Followers4,
MONACO - Founded in 1974 by His Serene Highness, Prince Rainier 111, father of our own Prince
Albert, the 34th annual International Circus Festival of Monte Carlo will gather some of the world’s finest
circus performers. Twenty-two circus acts, selected from a pool of over 400 entries, will be performed
from June 21-28, 2008, by artists from 14 different countries competing for the coveted Gold or Silver
Clown award.
Highlights of the Festival include Portugal’s infamous “rola rola number,” listed in the Guinness Book of
World Records; Canada’s Cirque du Soleil, which will execute a number designed especially for novas to
perform at this Festival; and the return of Michael Peeler, the famed Barnum Circus clown who won the
Silver Clown award last year, representing the United States. Also performing under the big top are present-
ers from China, France, Great Britain, Mongolia, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Switzerland, the Ukraine
and, for the first time, Brazil.
Cirque performers who dream of taking their place in this prestigious competition prepare for years in
hopes of winning the Monte Carlo International Circus Festival’s highest honor, the Gold Clown award. Each
act will be judged for its technical difficulty and creativity by a jury composed of seasoned circus profes-
sionals from around the world This year, Alain DuRosier, the world-renowned nova acrobat, will join the
Festival’s jury committee.
Presiding over the jury, H.S.H. Prince Albert will open the star-studded Festivities.
For reservations, call the Soci6ti des Bains de Mer at (800) 221-4708
WW8501 $11
0.5 **
5d10L 50 AfMsTw 3 7+1 0.5 **
Flechette Rifle +I 6d10L 35 ...e
c5 6d10L 30 Ms 2 8cl T 3 ..
Damage: Indicates the damage dice pool For the weapon.
Range: This gives the practical shot range in meters.
Mnv: Maneuvers lists the special attacks available to the weapon. EFfects of these maneuvers are listed in the
Combat section. AF = Automatic Fire, Ms c Multiple Shots, Sa = Semiautomatic burst, St = StraFing, Tw = Two
Weapons. Aiming, Cover, Cover Fire and Reloading apply to all weapons.
RoF: This represents the number of shots that can be made in one turn OF combat.
Clip: The number of shots a gun can hold.
Conc: Concealability of the weapon. P = Can be carried in a pocket; J = Can be hidden in a jacket; T = Can be
hidden under a trenchcoat; N = Cannot be hidden on a person at all.
Mass: The weapon’s mass in kilograms.
Cost: Represents the value of the weapon in Resource dots.
Stupendous: Olympic weightlifters look at you in awe. You deadlift 1000 (one ton) and gain [5] automat
Strength/ Might rolls and close combat damage dice pools.
Amazing: When your movingtruck breaks down, you just pick it up and carry it toyour new home. You deadlift
tons) and gain [lo] automatic successes to Strength/ Might rolls and close combat damage dice pools.
Incredible: You can toss automobiles for blocks. You deadlift 25,000 kg (25 tons) and gain [I51 automati
Strength/ Might rolls and close combat damage dice pools.
Spectacular You can juggle tanks. You deadlift 50,000 kg (50 tons) and gain [20] automatic successes to S
rolls and clae combat damage dice pools.
Godlike: Even other novas are impressed by your physical might. You deadlift 100,000 kg (100 tons) and gain I
successes to Strength/ Might rolls and close combat damage dice pools.
AV .e ..... N .
Club Str+ 4d10B ..e.. 7 e
LiFespan 150+years.
Stupendous: You can go for weeks without sleep, and your healing rates are tripled. Base Resistanceand Endura
extra soak against bashing damage and one extra soak against lethal damage.
Amazing: Torturers despair of breaking you. Your healing rates are Four times faster than a baseline's. Base Resir
character receivestwo extra soak against bashing damage and one extra soak against lethal damage, as well as one extra "
Incredible: Participatingin a few triathlons in a row doesn't even phaseyou. Your healing rates are Fwe times thu
injuries and pain reduce by three. The character receivesthree extra soak against bashing damage and two extra soak aga
Spectacular: Bullets practicaltybounce off your chest, and your healing rates are six times that of a baseline. Bas
character receivesFour extra soak against bashingdamage and two extra soak against lethaldamage, as well as two extra '
Godlike: Missiles practically bounce off your chest. Your healing rates ?re seven times better than any normal hur
reduce by f i e . The Character r e c e i w five extra soak against bashing damage and three extra s&k against lethal damage,
Safe Speed: Indicates the safest possible speed (in kilometers per hour) at which t o perform maneuvers in the vehicl
Max Speed: The highest possible speed (in kilometers per hour) for the vehicle. Maneuvers are extremely difficult, il
impossible, at this speed.
Maneuver: The maximum dice pool allowable by the vehicle type. Penalties (Le., damage penalties) should be applied
the character's dice pool before limiting the pool by the maneuver rating.
PassangemThe normal seating capacity of the vehicle.
Armor The protection afforded to passengersof the vehicle. Damage should be soaked by the vehicle before hitting
passengers. The rating in brackets indicates the minimum number of damage successes required to penetrate the
vehicle's armor. This rating is reduced by the damage add indicated for heavy weapons or nova @tacks.
Cost: Represents the value of the weapon in Resource dots.
gs of 3 each. Lifespan150+ years. Dice pool penalties due to injuries and pain are reduced by one. The character receivesone
id Enduranceratings equal 3 apiece. Lifespan 150c years. Dice pool penaltiesdue to injuries and pain reduce by two. The
health level.
mnal human, and your base Resistanceand Endurance ratings begin at 4 each. Lifespan 180+years. Dice pool penaltiesdue to
11 damage, as well as one extra “Bruised” health level.
ince and Endurance ratings equal 4 each. Lifespan 200c years. Dice pool penaltiesdue to injuries and pain reduce by Four. The
”health levels.
ur base Resistanceand Endurance ratings equal 5 each. Lifespan 250+ years. Dice pool pgnalties due to injuries and pain
s three extra “Bruised” health levels.