Exalted 3rd Ed. Combat Primer For Players
Exalted 3rd Ed. Combat Primer For Players
Exalted 3rd Ed. Combat Primer For Players
Some things about this system aren’t easy to grasp right away. This FAQ should help. This
advice applies to any (Solar) character with any combat ability. This advice refers to combats
that are an actual threat - not insignificant opponents who haven’t figured out their own
insignificance yet.
I have a charm that gives me a free full Excellency in X, shouldn’t I use that before I
spend motes?
No. This is actually a waste of motes. You will regain 5 motes per round, up to your cap. If you
avoid spending motes in the first round, you have thrown away the 5 motes you would have
otherwise regained. Save this ability for mid to late combat.
Won’t all of this advice make my Anima go Iconic within the first 2 turns?
Yes, but if this fight is an actual threat to your life, your character is probably more concerned
with immediate survival than long-term social & political repercussions.
Even when spending very aggressively, you’ll still have enough motes by round 5 to power
almost any charm. You will also have spent more motes by round 4 than you have in your total
mote pool.
What is the best way to gain initiative & prevent your enemies from having it?
Succeeding at Withering attacks against your enemies. Making sure your enemies fail their
Withering attacks.
Any enemy you can hit in the first round, who isn’t already Crashed. You’re trying to crash them
and gain Initiative for yourself. It doesn’t matter if it’s the Big Bad or his minion - his minion is
likely to be easier to farm for initiative anyway.
Attacking in the first round should take priority over moving to attack the optimal target or re-
positioning for Cover (the Cover mechanic doesn’t provide that much defense, anyway).
If I use the (somewhat aggressive) strategy that is proposed in this FAQ, won’t my ST
catch on and counter it?
1. Your ST might thank you because combats no longer drag on forever.
2. It’s actually really difficult to counter.
a. Even with really high defenses and high soak, it’s hard to stop a Solar rolling 25+
dice, and further improving their withering attacks with Charms.
i. If their defenses are this high, it’s even more important to dump motes
into the attack.
b. The only real counter is for NPCs to use low-cost attacks that force you to spend
loads of motes on defense, only to discover that you needn’t have bothered.
i. If this happens, the NPCs are still not actually making any gains early on
in the fight, and you are.
Fighting like this would be bad roleplay. My character would never fight like this.
They would if they’re supposed to be good at combat in the world of Exalted. This is simply how
the system works. The most unique hero in the world still has to obey the fundamental laws of
nature of the world they live in.