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Single-Objective Optimal Design of A High-Performance Wind Turbine Airfoil Family

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Received 9 October 2023, accepted 7 November 2023, date of publication 9 November 2023, date of current version 20 November 2023.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3331760

Single-Objective Optimal Design of a

High-Performance Wind Turbine Airfoil Family
Department of Energy Power and Mechanical Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China
Corresponding author: Di Gao ([email protected])

ABSTRACT The development of high-performance wind turbine blade airfoil families is an important
research topic in wind power generation technology. Using the NACA63 series airfoil as the initial airfoil, the
XFOIL software based on the panel method is used to calculate the airfoil’s lift-drag coefficient. Secondly,
an improved Hicks-Henne shape function is employed to define the airfoil’s geometry. Finally, a single
objective optimization model is established based on three optimization algorithms (genetic algorithm,
particle swarm optimization algorithm, and particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithm), which takes
the control coefficient of shape function as a variable, the maximum of lift coefficient and lift-drag ratio
as the goal, and satisfies the geometric and aerodynamic constraints. Different angles of attack, Reynolds
numbers and weight coefficients are considered, there are seven groups high-performance airfoil families
ASQ8). The lift coefficients and lift-to-drag ratios are higher than those of the initial airfoil under the same
operating conditions, and have been applied to the actual 1.2MW wind turbine blades. The results show
that the output power and wind energy utilization coefficient of the new blades are significantly improved,
further proving that the new airfoil family has superior aerodynamic performance.

INDEX TERMS Wind turbine, airfoil family, high performance, single objective, optimal design, aerody-
namic performance.

I. INTRODUCTION performance of its airfoil is a fundamental factor in determin-

Energy is an important material basis for the survival and ing the power characteristics and load characteristics of the
development of human society, is crucial to economic devel- wind turbine [3]. Therefore, the design and development of a
opment, social progress and national security, and occupies a special airfoil family to meet the performance requirements
major position in the development strategies of all countries of wind turbines are of great significance to improve the
[1]. With the rapid development of the economy, fossil energy efficiency of wind turbines and use wind energy resources
sources are becoming increasingly depleted and environmen- safely as well as reliably.
tal problems are becoming more and more prominent. Wind In the early days, wind turbine airfoils were mainly
energy, which is a renewable new energy source, is gradu- selected from aviation low-speed airfoils, such as the US
ally gaining popularity because of its abundant reserves and NACA series [4], but with the development of wind power
non-polluting characteristics, while the development of wind generation technology, it was gradually found that due to
power generation technology is an important way to allevi- different operating conditions, aviation airfoils were not well
ate energy shortage and reduce environmental pollution [2]. suited to meet the requirements of the special operating envi-
Wind turbines are the key power equipment in wind power ronment of wind turbines, so various countries developed
generation technology, and the blade, as the core component their own special airfoil families for wind turbines, such
of the wind turbine to capture wind energy, the aerodynamic as the US NREL-S series [5], the Swedish FFA-W series
[6], the Dutch DU series [7], the Danish RIS8 series [8] and
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and the Chinese NPU-WA series [9], etc., as shown in Fig. 1.
approving it for publication was Ehab Elsayed Elattar . These airfoils have been widely used on various types of
2023 The Authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License.
VOLUME 11, 2023 For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ 128261
Z. Zhang et al.: Single-Objective Optimal Design of a High-Performance Wind Turbine Airfoil Family

FIGURE 1. Research and development history of the wind turbine blade airfoil family.

wind turbines, and there is still room for improvement in the target airfoil with the maximum lift coefficient or maximum
development of airfoil families as the understanding of wind lift-to-drag ratio is obtained empirically. The second is the
turbine systems deepens. inverse design method, which gives the ideal target pressure
Wind turbine blade shape is obtained by stacking multiple distribution (or velocity distribution) under the design state,
airfoils, and airfoil according to the relative thickness of and determines the corresponding airfoil geometry when the
the different divided into the blade tip airfoil (the portion given flow field characteristics are satisfied by iterative cal-
beyond 80% of the blade spanwise position), the mid-blade culation of the flow field. The third is the direct optimization
airfoil (the portion between 30%-80% of the blade spanwise method, which combines the airfoil flow field solution pro-
position), the blade root airfoil (the portion within 30% of the cedure with the optimization procedure to find the extreme
blade spanwise position), which, the blade tip airfoil maxi- value of the objective function under the constraints by
mum relative thickness is generally not more than 21%, the perturbing the airfoil shape to obtain a new airfoil shape
mid-blade airfoil maximum relative thickness in 21%-28% that satisfies the conditions. In the optimization process, the
between, the blade root airfoil maximum relative thickness optimization algorithm has a crucial influence on the final
is above 28%. The portion of the wind turbine blade in the design result. Gradient-based algorithms (finite difference
spanwise position of 70%-90% can capture more than 60% methods, local linearization methods, adjoint methods, etc.)
of the wind energy, therefore requires the blade tip airfoil have fast search speed, but the solution searched for maybe a
to have a high maximum lift-to-drag ratio, a small running local extreme value rather than an optimum value. Random
angle of attack, good stall characteristics and geometric com- class algorithms (genetic algorithms, simulated annealing
patibility. The blade root airfoil mainly takes into account algorithms, ant algorithms, particle swarm algorithms, etc.)
the complex flow characteristics of large running angles of have a long search time but introduce random parameters
attack and easy separation and uses a relatively thicker airfoil in the search for the optimal solution, which can break out
to obtain greater structural rigidity and geometric volume, of the local extreme value trap and are global optimization
while requiring a high lift coefficient. The mid-blade airfoil algorithms. In contrast, the optimization algorithms must be
needs to integrate the design requirements of the blade tip and based on high-confidence estimates of aerodynamic char-
root airfoil, and should have a relatively high maximum lift acteristics, mainly CFD, XFOIL, artificial neural networks,
coefficient so that the chord length of the blade can be reduced deep learning, agent models (Kriging model, response surface
when designing the blade tip speed ratio, thus reducing the model, POD model), etc. The main contents of the existing
load on the blade during operation [10]. literature for airfoil optimization design are shown in Table 1
There are three main methods of developing airfoil fam- of the Appendix.
ilies. The first is the positive design method, in which the Tang et al. [11] used the control coefficients of the
aerodynamic characteristics of the airfoil are calculated based Hicks-Henne parametric method as design variables, the
on existing airfoil data and the designer’s experience, through maximum mean lift-to-drag ratio and the minimum fluctu-
continuous correction of the initial airfoil, combined with ation range of the lift-to-drag ratio as objective functions,
numerical simulations or wind tunnel test methods, and the genetic algorithm and Kriging model were used to establish

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Z. Zhang et al.: Single-Objective Optimal Design of a High-Performance Wind Turbine Airfoil Family

an airfoil optimization model for the S809, and it was found Kaviani and Mohammad [17] used PSO optimization
that the range of the standard deviation fluctuation of the lift- algorithm to optimize the airfoil S818, S825 and S826,
to-drag ratio of the optimal airfoil was reduced by 17.96%, described the airfoil geometry with CST parameterization
and the mean lift-to-drag ratio did not decrease. method, maximized blade power generation, constrained the
Saleem and Kim [12] used 12 geometrical parameters of relative thickness conditions of airfoil, and the optimized
the NACA-9415 as design variables to control the shape of airfoil increased the power generation of wind turbines by
the airfoil. The objective function was designed to maxi- 2.68%.
mize the airfoil lift coefficient, optimization was performed Ju et al. [18] combined airfoil functional integral theory
using a single-objective genetic algorithm developed in MAT- and the Hicks-Henne method and used PSO algorithm to
LAB, and aerodynamic analyses were also carried out by establish optimization models for the airfoil Risø-A1-15 by
using the XFOIL code, and saved aerodynamic characteris- taking the linear weighted sum of maximum values of lift-to-
tics including lift coefficients, drag coefficients and pressure drag ratios at different angles of attack as the objective, and
coefficients for the evaluation of the fitness function in the the first 10 coefficients as the design variables. The results
optimization algorithm. The results showed that the angle of showed that the new airfoil’s lift coefficients were improved
attack was 0◦ , the optimized airfoil increased the lift coef- by an average of 38.62% and 6.48%, and the maximum
ficient by 18%, and the lift-to-drag ratio increased by 34% lift-to-drag ratio was improved by 6.02% and 1.75%, respec-
compared to the NACA-9415 airfoil. tively.
Ram et al. [13] used the composite Bessel curve to define Chen et al. [19] combined the improved particle swarm
the geometry of the airfoil, considered the geometrical con- algorithm and the parametric expression method of the air-
straints of the airfoil to maximize the lift-to-drag ratio as the foil based on the general integration theory to establish an
objective function, and used a genetic algorithm to optimize optimization model taking into account the aerodynamic per-
the airfoil USP07-45XX. After optimization, the lift coeffi- formance and static aeroelasticity, and took NACA 64618 as
cient of the airfoil USP07-4510 showed little variation under the initial airfoil, calculated the aerodynamic performance of
both smooth and rough conditions, with lift-to-drag ratios that the airfoil by RFOIL, and the new airfoil finally obtained was
were all superior to those of SG6043. conducive to reducing the torsional displacement of the blade
Li et al. [14] proposed an aerodynamic design concept tip and improving the ability of suppressing the torsional
to meet the requirements of ‘‘high efficiency, low ultimate dispersion of the blade.
load, stability, and wide operating range’’ of the blade, and Liu et al. [20] combined GA and SA algorithms to optimize
established an integrated optimization platform for the overall the design of the airfoil NACA4418 with the maximum lift-
design of thick airfoils by combining the genetic algorithm to-drag ratio as the objective function, constraining the airfoil
and the Isight, adopted the B spline curve to describe the thickness variation within 5%, and the maximum thickness
geometry of the airfoil DU97-W-300, and carried out the is located at the position of 0.24∼0.35 of the chord length.
aerodynamic performance calculations based on the RFOIL, The airfoil optimized by the improved simulated annealing
and the new airfoil obtained finally had a high design coeffi- genetic algorithm showed a 21.97% increase in lift-to-drag
cient of lift, an acceptable maximum lift-to-drag ratio, a mod- ratio and a more uniform pressure distribution.
erate stall parameter, and a desirable stability parameter. Wen [21] used a Bezier polynomial to simplify the airfoil
Ribeiro et al. [15] combined genetic algorithm and ANN curve into eight pairs of coordinates and used a GABP artifi-
to optimize the airfoil GA(W)-1 with the maximum lift-to- cial neural network to optimize the design of the S809 airfoil.
drag ratio as the objective function, constrained the maximum The method used 1446 sets of data as the training set and
thickness and minimum thickness of the airfoil, and used 50 sets of data as the test set. The prediction results of the
CFD method for the flow field analysis to establish the airfoil artificial neural network for the maximum lift-to-drag ratio
optimization model, and the optimized airfoil lift-to-drag and the maximum lift coefficient were both 90% accurate.
ratio was about 100, and artificial neural network was able The drag coefficient of the optimized airfoil was unstable, the
to model the airfoils with large attack angles and reduced the lift coefficient was better and the maximum lift-to-drag ratio
computation time by nearly 50%. of the airfoil was significantly better than that of the original
Wang et al. [16] used airfoil functional integral theory to airfoil.
describe the geometry of the airfoil, maximized the lift-to- Wei et al. [22] selected the coordinates of eight Bezier
drag ratio under smooth and rough conditions at multi-point curve control points as design variables, and used the lift-to-
angles of attack as the objective function, used PSO optimiza- drag ratio increment and variance as optimization objectives.
tion algorithm to calculate the aerodynamic performance of NSGA II was used to optimize low Reynolds number airfoil
the airfoil with the help of RFOIL software, and carried out E387 by direct search method. After optimization, the lift-
the optimal design of the airfoil WQ-A. The optimized WQ- to-drag ratio variance of the airfoil was smaller, and the
A B210 airfoil exhibited a better average lift-to-drag ratio in airfoil was increased evenly at different angles of attack,
the range of 2◦ ∼12◦ attack angle, which was improved by while maintaining similar characteristics to the original
about 6.25%. airfoil.

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Z. Zhang et al.: Single-Objective Optimal Design of a High-Performance Wind Turbine Airfoil Family

Vecchia et al. [23] combined Nash equilibria (NE), genetic axis wind turbine (SHAWT) and showed that high thrust
algorithms (GA), PARSEC and Games Theory to establish an and aerodynamic stability performance improvements can be
airfoil optimized design model, using XFOIL as an external achieved by modifying the blade shape.
aerodynamic solver, and applying a fixed transition at 5% Miller et al. [29] used Bezier curves and XFOIL software
of the chord length on the upper and lower sides of the to design a flat-backed airfoil family, and the new airfoil CU-
S809 airfoil. Starting from the original airfoil coordinates, W1-XX family, provided equal or better performance than
the optimization process was run with a range of PARSEC other airfoils.
parameters varying by 10% relative to the starting param- Ju et al. [30] based on the small sample neural network
eters, without any geometrical or aerodynamic constraints, applied particle swarm optimization algorithm to establish an
resulted in an increase in airfoil thickness and curvature and airfoil aerodynamic performance optimization design model
an increase in lift coefficient. for NACA4415 airfoil under multiple constraints. The results
Lee and Kwon [24] used Latin hypercube sampling to showed that the new airfoil improved the maximum lift coef-
randomly select a set of design variables within a given range, ficient by 6.96% and the maximum lift-to-drag ratio by 7.37%
the Hicks-Henne shape function was used to determine the within the range of main running angle of attack.
designed blade spanwise cross-sectional profile, and applied In addition, many other researchers consider the effects of
coupled CFD-CSD methods and the optimization methods noise, turbulence, stiffness, roughness and other factors to
based on ANN and GA to find the optimum blade shape. optimize the design of wind turbine airfoils from different
This optimization resulted in a 0.82% reduction in the energy perspectives. In this paper, a single-objective optimization
cost of the NREL VI rotor blade after optimization, and design method for airfoil families is established consider-
the energy cost of NREL 5 MW wind turbine blades was ing different angles of attack, different Reynolds numbers
reduced by 1%. and different weight coefficients, and finally, the new airfoil
Zhang et al. [25] used a fourth-order polynomial function family with high performance is obtained. Through analysis
to describe the airfoil profile and used the lift force calculated and discussion of the optimization results, the rationality
by the Kuta-Jukovsky (KJ) theorem as the objective function and effectiveness of the optimization method are verified,
to optimize the NACA4412 airfoil profile using the cuckoo to broaden the ideas for the design of special airfoil families
search algorithm (CSA). The results showed that the average for wind turbines.
lift-to-drag ratio coefficient and the maximum lift-to-drag The main contributions of this paper are: (1) Establish-
ratio coefficient of the CSA-KJ4412 airfoil increased, and ing a single-objective optimization mathematical model for
the average lift-to-drag ratio improved by 4.53% compared high-performance wind turbine blade airfoil families, and
to NACA4412. obtaining seven groups of airfoil families (ZDGN-ASG,
Akram [26] developed an integrated code based on a ZDGN-ASP, ZDGN-ASPG, ZDGN-ASR1, ZDGN-ASR5,
genetic algorithm to optimize the asymmetric NREL S809 ZDGN-ASQ3, and ZDGN-ASQ8), whose lift coefficients
airfoil by using the Class Shape Transformation (CST) and and lift-to-drag ratios are superior to those of conventional
PARSEC parameterization methods to analyze its aerody- families under both design and non-design conditions. (2)
namic characteristics and maximize the lift of the airfoil. The The new airfoil family has widened the region of the high
results show that the CST-optimized airfoil improves the lift lift-to-drag ratio at most angles of attack, especially at the
coefficient by 11.8% and the lift-to-drag ratio by 9.6%, while design angle of attack. The distribution of pressure coeffi-
the PARSEC-optimized airfoil improves the lift coefficient cients is improved with the increase of Reynolds number,
by 10% and reduces the lift-to-drag ratio by 2%. and the pressure changes are smoother. The maximum lift
Oh [27] described the geometric shape of the airfoil DU21- coefficients and lift-to-drag ratios of the new airfoil family are
A17 based on a parametric approach of Bezier curves, used better than those of the conventional families under different
the polynomial response surface method (RSM) and artificial weight coefficients. (3) Applying the new airfoil family to
neural networks (ANN) to construct an alternative model with the actual 1.2 MW blade, the output power obtained from
the maximization of the lift-to-drag ratio as the objective the new blade in the range of wind speed 8∼11 m/s and the
function, and used a genetic algorithm to optimize the design. wind energy utilization factor obtained from the range of tip
The results showed that when the provided dataset had high speed ratio 5∼7 are significantly improved compared with
complexity, the ANN-calculated proxy model has high pre- the initial blade.
diction accuracy, but when the dataset has low complexity, This paper is organized as follows: Section II introduces
the accuracy of the RSM decreases. the aerodynamic performance calculation method, Section
Benim et al. [28] combined computational fluid dynamics III describes the airfoil parametric modeling method and
(CFD) analysis with response surface methodology (RSM), verifies the feasibility of the method, Section IV introduces
bi-objective mesh adaptive direct search (BiMADS) opti- three single-objective optimization algorithms, Section V
mization algorithms, and automated geometry and mesh establishes the mathematical model for airfoil family opti-
generation tools to develop an automated two-dimensional mization, the optimization results are analyzed and discussed
airfoil shape optimization procedure for small horizontal in Section VI, the results of actual blade performance are

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verified in Section VII, and conclusions and prospect are coordinate points, and the use of airfoil coordinate points as
given in Section VIII. design variables in the optimization process will make the
optimization process cumbersome and difficult to converge.
II. AERODYNAMIC PERFORMANCE CALCULATION Therefore, when optimizing the design of the airfoil, a rea-
METHOD sonable parametric method should have the controllability
Accurate and efficient calculation methods for airfoil aero- and completeness to accurately and flexibly describe the
dynamic performance are a necessary prerequisite for the geometry of the airfoil with as few characteristic parameters
optimal design of wind turbine airfoils. The main calculation as possible, while controlling the overall trend and local vari-
methods are based on the panel method for the uncompress- ations of the geometry through the characteristic parameters.
ible potential flow equation and the boundary layer equation, There are various ways to parametrize express the air-
computational fluid mechanics method based on Reynolds foil according to different mathematical models, and the
mean NS equation and wind tunnel experiment method. The commonly used parametric methods are the shape function
CFD method is costly and time-consuming, and the method perturbation method (polynomial shape function, Hicks-
of establishing a turbulence model and judging the transition Henne shape function), control point method (Bezier func-
is incomplete, which limits the application of this method in tion, B-spline function), composite mapping method (shape
the optimization design of airfoils that require iterative calcu- function), etc. Among them, the Hicks-Henne shape function
lation. Although accurate experimental data can be obtained perturbation method has the advantages of smooth airfoil
from wind tunnel experiments, they are limited by the exper- shape, fewer design variables, less oscillation, accuracy and
imental conditions, and the experimental period is long and stability, It’s widely used in the field of airfoil optimization
expensive. The method based on the panel method of solving design. The basic principle is to superimpose the perturbation
the completely incompressible potential flow equation cou- terms of thickness and curvature onto the base airfoil to
pled with the boundary layer integral equation is widely used achieve the expression form of the new airfoil, while the
in the iterative design of wind turbine airfoils, as it ensures standard Hicks-Henne shape function has poor control over
a rapid and robust solution, while taking into account the the trailing edge of the airfoil, limiting the sample space of
presence of a viscous boundary layer to make the calculation the airfoil in the optimization design process. This paper,
results accurate and reliable. therefore, uses an improved Hicks-Henne shape function
The basic principle of the panel method is to lay out the sur- to characterize the airfoil in the form of a new trailing
face source intensity distribution or surface vortex intensity edge shape function added to the original shape function to
distribution on the airfoil surface and superimpose it on the improve the problem of insufficient trailing edge perturba-
straight uniform flow to solve for the flow field. The process tion. The calculation formula of the improved Hicks-Henne
is to divide the airfoil surface into a sufficient number of finite type function is:
panels, arrange the surface sources or surface vortices on each
panel, establish a linear system of equations satisfying the k=n
no-penetration boundary conditions and the airfoil trailing yu = yo_u + ck fk (x) (1)
edge Kutta condition at the control points on each panel, k=1
and finally solve the system of equations to determine the k=n
panel strength and obtain the disturbance velocity potential to yl = yo_l + ck fk (x) (2)
further calculate the airfoil surface pressure distribution, lift  k=1
drag and moment. The XFOIL program based on the panel 0.25 −20x
 x (1 − x)e
 k=1
method is used to calculate the aerodynamic parameters of fk (x) = sin (πx )1<k < n
3 e(k) (3)
the airfoil. It is characterized by its high computational effi-
αx(1 − x)e−β(1−x) k = n

ciency, short computing time and high accuracy of the results.
The reliability of the XFOIL program has been verified by a e(k) = ln 0.5/ ln xk 0<xk < 1 (4)
large number of tests, and it can be seen from the literature
[31] that the computational results of the XFOIL code are In the equation, x is the chord coordinates of the airfoil;yo_u
in good agreement with the experimental values. Therefore, and yu are the vertical coordinates of the upper profile of the
the XFOIL calculation program is used in this paper for the base airfoil and the design airfoil respectively;yo_l and yl are
optimal design of the airfoil. the vertical coordinates of the lower profile of the base airfoil
and design airfoil respectively; ck is the control coefficient for
III. PARAMETRIC MODELING METHOD the shape function fk (x), which is also the design variable for
The airfoil parameterization is the basis for the optimal design the geometry of the airfoil, and its range of values determines
of wind turbine airfoils, which determines the size and com- the size of the airfoil design space. xk is the design node and α
plexity of the design variable space and is used throughout is the value of the change in the control slope, generally take
the whole optimization design process, having a significant α ∈ [5, 15]. β is the control decay rate coefficient. In this
impact on the optimization results and efficiency. The airfoil paper, we use the reference value α = 8β = 10 given in the
geometry is generally represented in the form of discrete literature [32].

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As the airfoil shape parameterization has an important individuals with high fitness and eliminate poor individuals
influence on the convergence of the optimization solution, with low fitness in each generation; the crossover operation
it needs to be checked analytically by geometric conver- is to obtain new individuals by exchanging some genes of
gence and aerodynamic convergence. A comparison of the two parent individuals, which can improve the global search
Hicks-Henne shape function parameterization method with ability of the genetic algorithm; the mutation operation is to
the initial airfoil shapes NACA63418, NACA63427 and change some gene loci on the chromosome of individuals,
NACA63436 is shown in Fig. 2 to analyze the residuals of which can improve the diversity of individuals in the popula-
the airfoil shape fit at different orders, where x/c ranges from tion to a certain extent. The control parameters of the genetic
-1 to 0 for the top surface of the airfoil and from 0 to 1 for the algorithm affect the accuracy and efficiency of the optimiza-
bottom surface of the airfoil, and the smaller the value of the tion process, and suitable parameters need to be selected for
upper and lower airfoil fit residuals, the more the fitted airfoil the solution. In this paper, the genetic algorithm is optimized
shape closer to the initial airfoil shape. As can be seen from with a population size of 50, a crossover probability of 0.5,
the graphs, the fitted residuals are less than 2e-3 at the 7th, a mutation probability of 0.5 and a maximum evolutionary
7th and 6th orders respectively, and the parameterized airfoils generation of 200, while other parameters are set by default.
are essentially the same as the initial airfoil, indicating that
the Hicks-Henne shape function parameterization method is B. PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM
highly reliable in describing the airfoil geometry. Further The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm [34] is an
analysis of the aerodynamic convergence characteristics of intelligent evolutionary algorithm that simulates the move-
the airfoil, using the XFOIL program to calculate the pressure ment behavior of a flock of birds gathering, migrating and
distribution of the fitted airfoil and the initial airfoil, the foraging to find food through the sharing of position and
pressure distribution trends for the angles of attack of 5◦ , 6◦ velocity information between individuals. The flock of birds
and 7◦ respectively match very closely with the initial airfoil, is abstracted as a swarm of particles without mass and vol-
indicating that the fitted airfoil can be used instead of the ume, with velocity representing how fast the particles move
initial airfoil to analyze the aerodynamic characteristics. The and position representing the direction in which they move.
control coefficients obtained by applying this parameteriza- The finite number of possible solutions to the optimization
tion method to the remaining NACA634XX series airfoils are problem is initialized as a swarm of particles, each particle
shown in Table 1. judges the current position of its virtues or defect degree
based on the fitness function in the algorithm, and compares
it with the virtues or defect degree of the historical optimal
IV. SINGLE OBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM position to find the current individual extreme value, and then
A. GENETIC ALGORITHM shares the individual extreme value with the other particles
Genetic algorithm (GA) [33] is an efficient, parallel, global in the whole swarm, taking the optimal individual extreme
search modern optimization method combining Darwinian value as the current global extreme value of the whole swarm.
evolution and Mendelian genetics. The principle is based on All particles in the swarm adjust their velocity and position
a coding mechanism, which starts from a randomly generated according to the current individual extreme value they find
initial population, simulates natural selection and heredity in and the current global extreme value shared by the whole
which the phenomenon such as replication, crossover and swarm, so that the algorithm moves on to the next iteration.
mutation occur, and follows the principle of survival of the When the individual fitness of the particles within the swarm
fittest, gradually generating a near-optimal solution in the does not change significantly or the optimal particle position
potential solution population, thereby evolving the population in the solution space is found, the whole swarm stops iterating
and eventually obtaining the optimal individual. The advan- and outputs the optimal position of the entire swarm, i.e. the
tages of this method are its simplicity, generality, robustness, optimal solution to the optimization problem.
and no strict requirements on the search space in the opti- The optimization process of the particle swarm algorithm
mization process. It can quickly find the optimal solution is shown in Fig. 4. The core step is to updating the posi-
in a large and complex search space and avoid falling into tion and velocity of each particle in the population, and the
a local optimum and has been used in wind turbine airfoil velocity update is the core of the core. The velocity of a
optimization design problems maturely. particle is divided into a weighted vector sum of velocities
The basic process of a genetic algorithm is broadly divided in three directions: inertia-holding part, self-aware part, and
into several steps: determining the basic parameters, devel- social-aware part. The inertia-holding part represents the
oping a coding scheme, generating an initial population, inertial flight of the particle along the current velocity and
determining the fitness function, performing genetic oper- direction, belonging to the previous velocity of the particle;
ations, generating a new population, and stopping iteration the self-aware part represents the particle’s own thinking
when the conditions are met. The optimization process of and is the distance between the particle’s current position
a genetic algorithm is shown in Fig. 3, where selection, and its own best position; the social-aware part represents
crossover and mutation are the three core operations of a information sharing and cooperation between particles and
genetic algorithm. The selection operation is to select good is the distance between the particle’s current position and the

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FIGURE 2. Comparison of parametric airfoil shape and initial airfoil shape.

TABLE 1. NACA634XX series airfoil parameterized control coefficient values.

group’s best position. The advantage of the particle swarm iteration process, but the convergence speed is slow. The
algorithm is that the principle is simple, easy to implement, particle swarm algorithm, by sharing information between
fewer parameters need to be adjusted and convergence is particles, makes the algorithm converge fast but easily fall
faster. In this paper, the number of particles is 25, the inertia into local optimum. For this reason, the selection, crossover
weight is 0.75, the acceleration factor is c1=c2=2, the max- and mutation operations of the genetic algorithm are embed-
imum number of iterations is 150, the accuracy error of the ded in the particle swarm algorithm to form the particle
optimal solution is 1e-6, and the other parameters are set by swarm optimization and genetic algorithm (PSOGA) [35],
default. which can maintain the information exchange between par-
ticles and the population diversity, avoid falling into the local
C. PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION AND GENETIC optimum and improve the search efficiency of the algorithm.
ALGORITHM The main difference of the PSOGA algorithm is that after
The selection, crossover and mutation operations in the the first velocity and position update of the swarm particles,
genetic algorithm allow the algorithm to have a wide search the updated particles are evaluated again using the fitness
space and a strong global search capability in the optimization function, based on which the swarm particles are selected

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Z. Zhang et al.: Single-Objective Optimal Design of a High-Performance Wind Turbine Airfoil Family

FIGURE 3. Genetic algorithm optimization process.

using the ranking method. After that, the velocity and position improving the optimization efficiency. It is not restricted by
of the particles are crossed and mutated to produce a new the structure of the problem and shows a good performance
generation of particles, and then the particles in the swarm in solving the complex and nonlinear optimization problems.
move on to the next iteration by tracking the new individual It has been widely applied in practical applications such
and global extremes, and so on until the particles in the as model parameter optimization in machine learning and
swarm find the optimal solution. The optimization process of design optimization in the engineering field.
the particle swarm genetic algorithm is shown in Fig.5.The Particle swarm algorithm is an optimization algorithm
parameters of the particle swarm genetic algorithm can be set based on group intelligence that searches for the optimal
according to the principles of the above two algorithms. solution by simulating the particle’s movement and commu-
nication with each other in the search space. Its advantage lies
in the fact that it can converge to the local optimal solution
D. REASONS FOR CHOOSING THE OPTIMIZATION faster, and it also has a certain global search ability, which
ALGORITHM is advantageous in dealing with high-dimensional, complex
When choosing an optimization algorithm, some of the and nonlinear optimization problems. It is simple and easy to
more common and classic algorithms, such as genetic algo- implement and has fewer adjustments of parameters. It is suit-
rithms, particle swarm algorithms, and their combinations, able for continuous optimization problems with constraints
are selected because they possess specific advantages and or multi-peak functions, and is widely used in different fields
applicability that make them well-suited to addressing a wide such as function optimization, production scheduling, neural
range of problems. The use of three different optimization network and decision tree training optimization, etc.
algorithms allows for a more comprehensive demonstration Particle swarm genetic algorithm is an optimization
of the characteristics and applied range of the various algo- algorithm that combines natural evolution and group intel-
rithms and allows for a comparison of their performance and ligence, which has both the global search ability of genetic
effectiveness in solving problems. algorithm and the local fine search ability of particle swarm
Genetic algorithm is an optimization algorithm based on optimization algorithm. This algorithm can not only enhance
the principle of biological evolution, that searches for the the coverage of the search space but also deal with large-scale,
global optimal solution or near-optimal solution by simu- high-dimensional optimization problems more efficiently and
lating the hereditary and mutation process in nature, it is quickly find the global optimal solution when dealing with
less sensitive to the selection of initial parameters, has par- the problem with multiple local optimal solutions. The search
allelism, and can process multiple solutions at the same time, process is relatively stable. It has been widely used in many

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Z. Zhang et al.: Single-Objective Optimal Design of a High-Performance Wind Turbine Airfoil Family

FIGURE 4. Particle swarm optimization algorithm process.

application areas, such as power system optimization, path of magnitude, 0.01 times the lift-drag ratio and lift
planning, deep learning, etc. coefficient are taken as the optimization objectives, and
In this paper, the aforementioned three optimization algo- the multi-objective optimization solution is effectively
rithms are chosen because of the simplicity and easy transformed into a single-objective solution problem.
understanding of the algorithms, which can conveniently With reference to the operating conditions of horizontal
implement parallel computing and make them more efficient axis wind turbine blades, the design Reynolds number
in dealing with large-scale and complex problems, and their of the airfoil is finally determined to be 3e6. According
effectiveness and reliability have been verified in many prac- to the design requirements of the blade airfoil, the
tical application scenarios, and they have certain versatility attack angle of the blade tip airfoil is determined to be
and adaptability. However, with the continuous development 2◦ , the attack angle of the mid-blade airfoil is deter-
of technology, new optimization algorithms are emerging, mined to be 5◦ , and the attack angle of the blade root
such as simulated annealing algorithms, ant algorithms, etc., airfoil is determined to be 10◦ . The objective function
which may require more in-depth research and understand- is expressed as:
ing, as well as more parameter adjustments and finer settings,
which may increase the difficulty and complexity in use, and f (x) = q1 × 0.01 max(Cl/Cd) + q2 max(Cl) (5)
thus may not be preferred choice. where q1 and q2 are the weighting coefficients and are
taken as 0.5 respectively.
OPTIMIZATION The improved Hicks-Henne shape function control
1) Objective function In this paper, the maximum lift- coefficient is used as the design variable, and the airfoil
to-drag ratio and lift coefficient of the wind turbine parameterization calculation program is written based
airfoil are taken as the multi-objective optimization on MATLAB. Usually, the number of design variables
function, the weight coefficient method is adopted, increases in the process of parametric modeling and the
and the weight coefficient of optimization variables is ability to characterize the airfoil profile is enhanced,
set as 0.5. Since the numerical difference between the but too many control variables will greatly increase
lift coefficient and lift-drag ratio is nearly two orders the optimization time. Considering the influence of the

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Z. Zhang et al.: Single-Objective Optimal Design of a High-Performance Wind Turbine Airfoil Family

FIGURE 5. Particle swarm genetic algorithm optimization process.

control coefficient on the coverage characteristics of be determined according to the actual requirements of
the airfoil design space and the freedom characteristics the airfoil. The main geometrical constraints in the
of the profile, 7 or 6 coefficients were selected from optimization design are the range of values of the
the upper and lower airfoil surfaces as the variables for design variables, and the aerodynamic performance
optimal design: constraints are reflected in the constraints on the ini-
tial airfoil lift coefficient and lift-to-drag ratio under
c = [c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 , c6 , c7 , c8 , c9 , c10 , the design angle of attack: i.e. Cl > Cl0 ;Cl /Cd >
c11 , c12 , c13 , c14 ] (6) Cl0 /Cd0 , where Cl0 and Cl0 /Cd0 are the lift coefficient
and lift-to-drag ratio of the initial airfoil.
where c1 ∼ c7 is the upper airfoil control coefficients
and c8 ∼ c14 is the lower airfoil control coefficients.
3) Constraints To avoid the appearance of control coefficients established
There are two types of airfoil optimization constraints: by the improved Hicks-Henne shape function method that
geometric constraints and aerodynamic performance do not have the features to control the shape of the air-
constraints, the former mainly refers to the range of foil, the design variables are controlled within the range of
values of the relevant control parameters of the airfoil [-0.005,0.005], as shown in Fig. 6. In addition to consider-
profile curve that can be modified during the para- ing the aerodynamic constraints of the airfoil, the structural
metric modeling of the airfoil; the latter refers to the requirements should also be met, taking into account the
aerodynamic performance related parameters of the torque characteristics of the wind turbine airfoil during actual
airfoil, such as lift-to-drag ratio, lift coefficient, drag operation and the mutual compatibility of the designed airfoil
coefficient, etc., while the specific constraints need to with other wind turbine airfoils, the maximum thickness of

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FIGURE 6. Airfoil design space.

the constraint is controlled within ±5% and the maximum curvature position xcam , and each parameter is a dimension-
thickness position is controlled between 25% and 40%. less quantity relative to the chord length c of the airfoil.
The aerodynamic parameters include the lift coefficient, drag
VI. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS OF OPTIMIZATION coefficient and lift-to-drag ratio coefficient at the design
RESULTS angle of attack. The maximum relative thickness of the
A. ANALYSIS OF AIRFOIL FAMILY OPTIMIZATION RESULTS new airfoil geometrical features ranges from 11.5%c to
Fig. 7 shows the geometric shape comparison of the 36.5%c, with the maximum thickness position between 31%c
NACA634XX series airfoil family after optimization by three and 36%c from the leading edge, the maximum curvature
algorithms. Compared with the initial airfoil, the optimized between 1.6%c and 3.6%c, and the maximum curvature posi-
airfoil is more convex on the upper surface and more concave tion between 33%c and 58%c from the leading edge point.
on the lower surface. Compared with the initial blade tip The lift coefficient and lift-to-drag ratio of the three algo-
airfoil (NACA63412, NACA63415, NACA63418), after opti- rithms optimized airfoils are better than the initial airfoil.
mization, the leading edge of the blade tip airfoil remained The PSO algorithm, PSOGA algorithm and PSO algorithm
unchanged within 0-0.02c, and the trailing edge of the airfoil optimized airfoil have the largest lift-to-drag ratio at 2◦ angle
changed greatly within 0.9c-1c. The thickness of the upper of attack among the blade tip airfoils, with 8.942%, 17.925%
surface of the airfoil increased and the thickness of the lower and 23.287% improvements, respectively, when compared
surface decreased under the three optimization algorithms. to the initial airfoil. The GA algorithm, PSOGA algorithm
Compared with the initial mid-blade airfoil (NACA63421, and PSO algorithm optimized airfoil have the largest lift
NACA63424, NACA63427), after optimization, the leading coefficient at 2◦ angle of attack, with 11.774%, 23.389%
edge of the mid-blade airfoil remained unchanged within and 28.665% improvements, respectively, when compared
0-0.05c, and the trailing edge of the airfoil changed lit- to the initial airfoil. The PSOGA algorithm, PSO algorithm
tle within 0.9c-1c. After optimizing NACA63421 by the and GA algorithm optimized airfoil have the largest lift-to-
PSOGA algorithm, the upper and lower surface thickness drag ratio at 5◦ angle of attack among the mid-blade airfoils,
increases and decreases to the greatest extent, while after with 8.579%, 13.727% and 10.099% improvements, respec-
optimizing NACA63424 by the PSO algorithm, the upper tively, when compared to the initial airfoil. The PSOGA
and lower surface thickness increases and decreases to the algorithm, PSO algorithm and PSOGA algorithm optimized
greatest extent. Compared with the initial blade root airfoil airfoil have the largest lift coefficient at 5◦ angle of attack,
(NACA63430, NACA63433, NACA63436), the leading edge with 8.438%, 15.674% and 8.820% improvements, respec-
and trailing edge of the blade root airfoil after optimization tively, when compared to the initial airfoil. The PSOGA
are unchanged, and the upper surface thickness of the opti- algorithm optimized airfoil has the largest lift-to-drag ratio
mization NACA63436 airfoil by the three algorithms changes at 10◦ angle of attack among the blade root airfoils, with
little. 17.949%, 18.507% and 10.491% improvements, respectively,
The new optimized airfoil is named ZDGN-ASY-XXXX, when compared to the initial airfoil. The PSO algorithm,
where Y represents the optimization algorithm, where G rep- PSOGA algorithm and PSOGA algorithm optimized airfoil
resents the genetic algorithm, P represents the particle swarm have the largest lift coefficient at 10◦ angle of attack, with
optimization algorithm, PG represents the particle swarm 8.471%, 8.3% and 7.797% improvements, respectively, when
optimization and genetic algorithm, and XXXX represents compared to the initial airfoil.
maximum relative thickness of the airfoil. Table 2 shows
the optimized airfoil family geometric characteristics and B. OPTIMIZATIONS OF AIRFOIL SHAPE AT DIFFERENT
aerodynamic performance data. The geometric parameters ANGLES OF ATTACK
include maximum relative thickness Tm , maximum thick- To ensured that the optimized new airfoil can achieve better
ness position xtm , maximum curvature Cam , and maximum performance over a wider operating range, the aerodynamic

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Z. Zhang et al.: Single-Objective Optimal Design of a High-Performance Wind Turbine Airfoil Family

FIGURE 7. Comparison of airfoil geometry before and after optimization.

characteristics and pressure coefficients of the ZDGN-ASY- The larger the area enclosed by the pressure coefficient curve,
XXXX airfoil family and its respective corresponding initial the greater the pressure difference between the upper and
airfoils were calculated and compared over the range of lower surfaces of the airfoil and the higher the lift of the
0◦ ∼20◦ angles of attack, and the results are shown in airfoil. In the range of 0.5c-0.7c, the pressure on the lower
Figs. 8∼10. The lift coefficients of the airfoils optimized surface of the new airfoil family is higher than that of the
by the three algorithms were improved at different angles initial airfoil at the design angle of attack, while the pressure
of attack. The lift coefficients of the blade tip, blade middle on the lower surface increases and the pressure on the upper
and blade root airfoils are improved to a greater extent at surface decreases in the rest of the range, resulting in an
angles of attack 0◦ ∼5◦ , 7◦ ∼12◦ and 13◦ ∼20◦ respectively, increase in the lift coefficient, an increase in the lift-to-drag
and the slope remains consistent in the attached flow region. ratio and better aerodynamic performance. The maximum
At most angles of attack, especially the design angle of attack, positive pressure coefficient values for both the initial and
the lift-to-drag ratio of the new airfoil family is higher than optimized airfoils are located at the leading edge of the airfoil
that of the initial airfoil, and the highest lift-to-drag ratio of and are around 1. The bottom end of the negative pressure
the optimized airfoil is significantly increased, and the high coefficients for the blade tip, blade middle and blade root
lift-to-drag ratio region is widened, thus ensuring that the airfoils are around −1, −1.6 and −2.5 respectively. The
wind turbine blade still has good aerodynamic performance optimized surface pressure coefficient curves of the blade tip
under non-design conditions and enabling the wind turbine to airfoil are fuller than those of the initial airfoil, the upper
maintain a high power coefficient over a wide range of wind and lower surfaces of the mid-blade airfoil have a smooth
speeds. transition in pressure difference, and the upper surface of the
Different airfoil geometry causes different surface pressure blade root airfoil has too much curvature, resulting in a strong
distributions, which affects its aerodynamic characteristics. pressure shock wave at the back of 70% of the chord length.

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TABLE 2. Optimized airfoil family geometric characteristics parameters and aerodynamic performance data.

In summary, the design results show that the new airfoil Reynolds numbers and the aerodynamic data at the set angle
family obtained through the optimization of this paper has of attack. The new optimized airfoil is named ZDGN-ASYY-
good aerodynamic performance under both design and non- XXXX, where YY represents the Reynolds number, where
design conditions, verifying the feasibility of the optimization R1 represents the Reynolds number of 1e6, R5 represents the
design method. Reynolds number of 5e6 and XXXX represents the maximum
relative thickness of the airfoil.
Compared to the initial airfoil, most of the opti-
C. OPTIMIZATIONS OF AIRFOIL SHAPES AT DIFFERENT mized airfoils have a reduced maximum relative thickness,
REYNOLDS NUMBERS an increased maximum relative curvature, a forward shift in
The Reynolds number of the airfoil at different radius sections the maximum thickness and maximum curvature positions,
of the wind turbine blade is different, and the magnitude of and an increased lift coefficient and lift-to-drag ratio at the
the Reynolds number will change the flow state of the airfoil set angle of attack. Under the condition that the Reynolds
boundary layer, thus affecting the aerodynamic characteris- number is 1e6 in the whole range of attack angle from 0◦
tics of the wind turbine blade airfoil, so it is necessary to to 20◦ , the maximum lift coefficients for the new airfoil are
optimize the airfoil shapes for different Reynolds numbers. 1.493, 1.478 and 1.456, with differences in the maximum
Considering the actual operating conditions of commonly lift coefficients are 0.003, 0.126 and 0.103, and the max-
used wind turbines, two cases of Reynolds number Re=1e6 imum lift-to-drag ratios are 122.409, 119.935 and 84.243,
and Re=5e6 were taken to optimize the NACA634XX series respectively, with differences in maximum lift-to-drag ratios
airfoil. The optimization algorithm is PSOGA, and the opti- of 5.592, 13.512 5.530; under the condition that the Reynolds
mization mathematical model only changes the Reynolds number is 5e6, the maximum lift coefficients for the three
number. Due to space limitations, NACA63415, NACA63424 airfoils are 1.880, 1.646 and 1.495, with differences of 0.116,
and NACA63430 are selected as the initial airfoils for opti- 0.131 and 0.102,, and the maximum lift-to-drag ratios are
mization. Figs. 11 to 13 show the distribution of aerodynamic 172.723, 160.212 and 146.618, respectively, with differences
characteristics and pressure coefficients before and after opti- of 19.431, 7.968 and 18.578. The trend in the graph shows
mization of the three airfoils at two Reynolds numbers, where that the maximum lift coefficient and the maximum lift-to-
T, Cp, Cl and Cl/Cd represent the differentials in geomet- drag ratio of the optimized airfoil both increase with the
ric data, pressure coefficient, lift coefficient and lift-drag increase in Reynolds number, the pressure coefficient distri-
ratio between the optimized and initial airfoils at the same bution improves with the increase in Reynolds number and
Reynolds number respectively. Table 3 shows the geometrical the pressure changes more smoothly, which helps to improve
characteristics of the optimized airfoil family at different the force performance of the airfoil.

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Z. Zhang et al.: Single-Objective Optimal Design of a High-Performance Wind Turbine Airfoil Family

FIGURE 8. Comparison of aerodynamic characteristics of the blade tip airfoil with pressure coefficients at 2◦ angle of attack.

D. OPTIMIZATIONS OF AIRFOIL SHAPES AT DIFFERENT on the optimization results. According to the design require-
WEIGHTING FACTORS ments of wind turbine blade airfoil, the weight coefficient
In the optimization mathematical model of the airfoil family, q1=0.3, q2=0.7, and q1=0.8, q2=0.2 are selected to opti-
the selection of the weight coefficient has an important impact mize the NACA634XX series airfoil, and the optimization

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Z. Zhang et al.: Single-Objective Optimal Design of a High-Performance Wind Turbine Airfoil Family

FIGURE 9. Comparison of aerodynamic characteristics of the mid-blade airfoil with pressure coefficients at 5◦ angle of attack.

algorithm adopts PSOGA. The optimized mathematical shows the comparison between aerodynamic characteristics
model only changes the weight coefficient in the objec- and pressure coefficient of the optimized airfoil under differ-
tive function, and the rest remains unchanged. Figs. 14∼15 ent weight coefficients. Table 4 shows the geometric feature

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Z. Zhang et al.: Single-Objective Optimal Design of a High-Performance Wind Turbine Airfoil Family

FIGURE 10. Comparison of aerodynamic characteristics of the blade root airfoil with pressure coefficients at 10◦ angle of attack.

parameters of the optimized airfoil family and aerodynamic coefficients, the optimized new airfoil is named ZDGN-
data under the set Angle of attack. Under different weight ASYY-XXXX, where YY represents the weight coefficient,

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Z. Zhang et al.: Single-Objective Optimal Design of a High-Performance Wind Turbine Airfoil Family

FIGURE 11. Comparison of aerodynamic characteristics before and after optimization of NACA63415 at different Reynolds numbers and pressure
coefficients at 2◦ angle of attack.

where Q3 represents the weight coefficient q1=0.3, q2=0.7, 1.697, 1.637, 1.563, 1.564, 1.440, 1.394 and 1.350, respec-
Q8 represents the weight coefficient q1=0.8, q2=0.2, and tively, the maximum lift-to-drag ratios are 140.989, 151.037,
XXXX represents the maximum relative thickness of the 151.519, 154.098, 152.636, 156.783, 129.389, 107.953 and
airfoil. 87.447, respectively. Due to the different emphasis of the
Compared to the initial airfoil, most of the new airfoils objective function on lift coefficient and lift-drag ratio in
have a reduced maximum relative thickness, an increased the optimization design, the obtained geometric parame-
maximum relative curvature, a forward shift in the posi- ters, aerodynamic parameters and pressure distribution of
tion of the maximum thickness and maximum curvature. the optimized airfoil family are different, which need to
The lift coefficient is increased by 1.2% to 14.7% at the be selected based on the design requirements in practical
set angle of attack, and the lift-to-drag ratio is increased application.
by 2.6% to 23%. In the whole range of attack angle from
0◦ to 20◦ , with weight coefficient q1=0.3 and q2=0.7, VII. ACTUAL BLADE PERFORMANCE VERIFICATIONS
the maximum lift coefficients of the optimized airfoil fam- A. NEW AIRFOIL FAMILY BLADE RECONSTRUCTIONS
ily are 1.807, 1.730, 1.747, 1.694, 1.552, 1.563, 1.424, MODELING
1.401 and 1.508, respectively, the maximum lift-to-drag To verify the universality and replaceability of the new air-
ratios are 148.267, 148.394, 154.791, 151.166, 155.203, foil family on the actual blades, the wind turbine power
155.783, 133.145, 108.072 and 86.633, respectively. With of 1.2 MW, a blade length of 29 m, a maximum chord
the weight coefficient q1=0.8 and q2=0.2, the maximum lift length of 2.43 m and a maximum twist angle of 13◦ was
coefficients of the optimized airfoil family are 1.792, 1.765, selected, with the blade airfoil type NACA634XX and the

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Z. Zhang et al.: Single-Objective Optimal Design of a High-Performance Wind Turbine Airfoil Family

FIGURE 12. Comparison of aerodynamic characteristics before and after optimization of NACA63424 at different Reynolds numbers and pressure
coefficients at 5◦ angle of attack.

TABLE 3. Geometric feature parameters and aerodynamic data of the optimized airfoil family with different reynolds numbers.

aerodynamic parameters shown in Fig. 16. Only the replace- B. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF AERODYNAMIC
ment of the relevant airfoil is considered, without considering PERFORMANCE
the optimization of the chord length, twist angle and relative GH-Bladed software was applied to analyze the aerodynamic
thickness. characteristics of the blade, mainly to study the output power

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Z. Zhang et al.: Single-Objective Optimal Design of a High-Performance Wind Turbine Airfoil Family

FIGURE 13. Comparison of aerodynamic characteristics before and after optimization of NACA63430 at different Reynolds numbers and pressure
coefficients at 10◦ angle of attack.

TABLE 4. Geometric feature parameters and aerodynamic data of the optimized airfoil family with different weighting factors.

and wind energy utilization coefficient under different incom- conditions, to verify the feasibility of the optimized new
ing wind velocity and blade tip speed ratio variable working airfoil family in the blade design, the calculation results are

VOLUME 11, 2023 128279

Z. Zhang et al.: Single-Objective Optimal Design of a High-Performance Wind Turbine Airfoil Family

FIGURE 14. Comparison of optimized aerodynamic characteristics and pressure coefficients for weighting factors
q1= 0.3, q2=0.7.

TABLE 5. Comparison of the new blade and initial blade output power and wind energy utilization coefficient.

shown in Figs. 17 ∼ 18. The rated wind speed of the new with the initial blade, it increased by 7.172%, 10.963%,
blades (ZDGN-ASG-XXXX, ZDGN-ASP-XXXX, ZDGN- 8.094%, 5.328%, 5.123%, 14.767% and 8.621%.
ASG-XXXX, ZDGN-ASQ3-XXXX, ZDGN-ASQ8-XXXX, Generally, the tip speed ratio of a three-blade wind
ZDGN-ASR5-XXXX) is 12m/s. The rated wind speed of turbine is about 5 ∼ 8. When the Reynolds number is
the new blade (ZDGN-ASR1-XXXX) is 11.5m/s. When the 1e6, the optimal tip speed ratio of the initial blade is
wind speed of the new blade is 11.5m/s, the output power 7.3 and the maximum wind energy utilization coefficient
of the new blade increases the most than that of the initial is 0.471, and the optimal tip speed ratio of the new
blade, which is 0.070MW, 0.107MW, 0.079MW, 0.052MW, blade (ZDGN-ASR1-XXXX) is 7 and the maximum wind
0.050MW, 0.127MW and 0.085MW, respectively. Compared energy utilization coefficient is 0.472. When the Reynolds

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FIGURE 15. Comparison of optimized aerodynamic characteristics and pressure coefficients for weighting factors
q1= 0.8, q2=0.2.


6.8, 7, 7 and 7, respectively, and the maximum wind energy
utilization coefficients were 0.478, 0.478, 0.480, 0.480,
0.480. When the Reynolds number is 5e6, the optimal
tip speed ratio of the initial blade is 7.2, the maximum
wind energy utilization coefficient is 0.479, and the opti-
mal tip speed ratio of the new blade (ZDGN-ASR5-XXXX)
is 7, and the maximum wind energy utilization coefficient
is 0.480.
In this paper, the power obtained by the new airfoil family
in the wind speed range of 3 ∼ 7m/s is not much different
from that of the initial blade. The power obtained in the
wind speed range of 8∼11m/s and the wind energy utilization
coefficient obtained at the tip speed ratios range of 5 ∼ 7 are
compared with those of the initial blade, as shown in Table 5,
where △ and % represent the difference values and percent-
ages of improvement compared with those of the initial blade.
FIGURE 16. Aerodynamic profile parameters of blades.
It can be seen that under the same working conditions, the
output power and wind energy utilization coefficient of the
new blade is significantly improved. In addition, the aerody-
number is 3e6, the optimal tip ratio of the initial blade namic shape of the new blade is not the best aerodynamic
is 7.2, and the maximum wind energy utilization coeffi- shape corresponding to the new airfoil family. If the new
cient is 0.477, the optimal tip ratios of the new blades airfoil family is optimized, the blade performance will be

VOLUME 11, 2023 128281

Z. Zhang et al.: Single-Objective Optimal Design of a High-Performance Wind Turbine Airfoil Family

FIGURE 17. Comparison of wind power curves.

FIGURE 18. Comparison of wind energy utilization coefficient.

1) A single-objective optimization mathematical model of (ZDGN-ASG, ZDGN-ASP, ZDGN-ASPG, ZDGN-
a high-performance wind turbine blade airfoil family ASR1, ZDGN-ASR5, ZDGN-ASQ3 and ZDGN-
is established, and seven groups of airfoil families ASQ8) are obtained by considering different angles of

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TABLE 6. Summary of work on wind turbine blade airfoil optimization.

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TABLE 6. (Continued.) Summary of work on wind turbine blade airfoil optimization.

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TABLE 6. (Continued.) Summary of work on wind turbine blade airfoil optimization.

attack, different Reynolds numbers and different ratio are higher than those of the initial airfoil at dif-
weighting coefficients. Their lift coefficients and ferent angles of attack, different Reynolds numbers and
lift-to-drag ratios are better than those of the ini- different weighting factors, and they increase with the
tial airfoil family in both design and non-design Reynolds number.
conditions. 3) When the new airfoil family is applied to the actual
2) The maximum relative thickness of the optimized new 1.2MW blade, the output power and wind energy uti-
airfoil is decreased, the maximum relative curvature lization coefficient of the new blade are significantly
is increased, and the maximum thickness position and improved. It is proved that the new airfoil family has a
maximum curvature position are shifted forward. The wide range of universality and replaceability and has a
maximum lift coefficient and maximum lift-to-drag good engineering application prospect.

VOLUME 11, 2023 128285

Z. Zhang et al.: Single-Objective Optimal Design of a High-Performance Wind Turbine Airfoil Family

IX. FURTHER WORK [15] A. F. P. Ribeiro, A. M. Awruch, and H. M. Gomes, ‘‘An airfoil optimiza-
In order to design a wind turbine blade that meets the require- tion technique for wind turbines,’’ Appl. Math. Model., vol. 36, no. 10,
pp. 4898–4907, Oct. 2012.
ments of high efficiency and full performance, it is necessary [16] Q. Wang, J. Wang, J. Sun, J. Ren, and Q. Wei, ‘‘Optimal design of
to further consider embedding the structural attributes into wind turbine airfoils based on functional integral and curvature smooth
the airfoil family optimization mathematical model, so as continuous theory,’’ Aerosp. Sci. Technol., vol. 55, pp. 34–42, Aug. 2016.
[17] H. Kaviani and M. Moshfeghi, ‘‘Multi-megawatt horizontal axis wind
to obtain a new airfoil family with both aerodynamic and turbine blade optimization based on PSO method,’’ Aerospace, vol. 10,
structural advantages. At the same time, it is necessary to no. 2, p. 158, Feb. 2023.
carry out the wind tunnel experiments and field experi- [18] H. Ju, X. D. Wang, and J. H. Lu, ‘‘Aerodynamic optimization design of
wind turbine airfoil based on hybrid parameterization and particle swarm
ments to verify the aerodynamic performance of the new algorithm,’’ Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, vol. 44, no. 5, pp. 473–479,
airfoil family and the wind energy capture ability of the new 2023.
blade, in order to further demonstrate the accuracy of the [19] G. Chen, J. Chen, Z. Y. Sun, and X. P. Pang, ‘‘Airfoil design for wind
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128286 VOLUME 11, 2023

Z. Zhang et al.: Single-Objective Optimal Design of a High-Performance Wind Turbine Airfoil Family

ZHAOHUANG ZHANG received the M.D. degree YUNFEI QI was born in Anhui, China, in 2000.
in mechanical engineering from the Beijing Grad- He received the B.D. degree in mechanical design,
uate School, North China Institute of Water manufacturing, and automation from Hefei Uni-
Conservancy, in 1990, and the Ph.D. degree in versity, Hefei, China, in 2022. He is currently
management science and engineering from North pursuing the M.D. degree in mechanical engineer-
China Electric Power University, Beijing, China, ing with North China Electric Power University,
in 2008. Beijing, China.
Currently, he is a Professor with North China
Electric Power University. He has published nearly
100 academic articles, including more than 30 SCI
and EI articles, published two academic works, and has obtained more
than 20 national authorized invention patents. His current research interests
include failure prevention in the working process of power machinery,
operation theory and application of underground advanced construction
equipment, and energy conversion safety and energy saving. He is a member
of the Institution of Engineering and Technology and the National 863 Expert
Database, the Jiangsu Science and Technology Consulting Expert, and the
Beijing Science and Technology Award Review Expert.

DI GAO was born in Hebei, China, in 1993. She KEFENG CHENG was born in Shanxi, China,
received the M.D. degree in mechanical engineer- in 1998. He received the M.D. degree in mechan-
ing from North China Electric Power University, ical engineering from North China Electric Power
Beijing, China, in 2019, where she is currently University, Beijing, China, in 2023, where he is
pursuing the Ph.D. degree in power machinery and currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in mechanical
engineering. engineering.
Since 2019, she has been conducting research Since 2020, he has been conducting research
on the theory and application of the interaction on the operation theory and application of under-
between flowing air and wind turbine blades. ground advanced construction equipment.

VOLUME 11, 2023 128287

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