Tecnical Reference Variable Speed Drive Template

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PowerFactory 2021

Technical Reference

DIgSILENT Variable Speed Drive Template



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December 1, 2020
PowerFactory 2021
Revision 1


1 Introduction 1

2 How to use this Template 1

3 Model Description 2

4 How to Customise the Model 3

4.1 Load Flow Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

4.1.1 Changing the rated voltage of the rectifier’s AC supply side . . . . . . . . 4

4.1.2 Changing the rated power of the VSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

4.1.3 Changing the transformer type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4.2 Short-Circuit Calculation (VDE / IEC / ANSI / complete) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4.3 Dynamic Simulation (EMT only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4.3.1 Initial state of simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4.3.2 Motor start-up sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4.3.3 Steady state speed reference changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4.3.4 Changing the switching frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

List of Figures 10

List of Tables 11

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2021, Technical Reference i

DIgSILENT Variable Speed Drive Template (DIgSILENT VSD 200kW)
2 How to use this Template

1 Introduction

This document describes the Variable Speed Drive (VSD) template “VSD 200kW” that is deliv-
ered with PowerFactory , its applicability and possible configurations.

The “VSD 200kW” template is a generic model of a variable speed drive based on diode bridge
rectifier (on the supply side) and a two level inverter stage (on the motor side). An intermediate
circuit composed of two DC buses and a DC capacitor interfaces the two sides. The AC rectifier
is rated to 0.56 kV AC while a transformer is included in the template to provide a standard
0.4 kV AC supply terminal.

The template can be used for the following studies:

• Load flow analysis

• Motor starting in EMT-Simulation
• Steady state speed control in EMT-Simulation

2 How to use this Template

PowerFactory contains pre-defined templates of dynamic models for different generic power
system equipment types. The global library template “VSD 200kW” is located in the path shown
in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: VSD 200kW Template path in the global library

Using the templates is simple, just click on the General Templates button ( ) from the Drawing

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DIgSILENT Variable Speed Drive Template (DIgSILENT VSD 200kW)
3 Model Description

Toolbar and select the desired template in the following window. Thereafter you can place the
model in the single line diagram. For this you have to click once in the single line diagram,
bringing the undeployed model diagram (linked to the mouse pointer), and followed by a second
click that creates a new model of the selected template in the single line diagram. Each dynamic
model consists of several elements in the single line diagram plus a composite model, which is
located in the grid (grid folder visible in the Data Manager).

After you placed all models in the single line diagram you have to close the selection window
of the templates, this terminates the template insertion mode. The VSD model appears in the
diagram as a single rectangular symbol. To connect the VSD to a busbar, right click on the
VSD, choose “Connect Element” and link it to the busbar to which you want to connect it in
your network (by default a 0.4 kV terminal is required). To observe the composing elements of
the VSD, simply right click on the VSD and select “Show Graphic”. A new single line diagram
named “VSD” will be shown as in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2: Generic Variable Speed Drive - Single Line Diagram

If you want to delete a model you have to keep in mind that the model consists of visible elements
in the single line diagram and of a composite model which is only visible in the Data Manager
(e.g. within the corresponding Grid folder of the project). Delete both the single line diagram
elements and the composite model for a complete model removal.

3 Model Description

The VSD model is represented in the single line diagram by a rectifier (ElmRec), a DC capacitor
(ElmScap) and a PWM converter (ElmVsc) connecting to an induction motor (ElmAsm). The
VSD controller is represented by the composite model VSD Model. This composite model can
be found either through the link Plant Model on the Basic Data page of the PWM Converter or
using the Data Manager and locating it within the corresponding grid folder.

The composite model VSD Model is created from the frame definition VSD V/f PWM. The dia-
gram representation of this frame is shown in Figure 3.1.

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DIgSILENT Variable Speed Drive Template (DIgSILENT VSD 200kW)
4 How to Customise the Model

Figure 3.1: Generic Variable Speed Drive Control Diagram (∗ .BlkDef)

The shown slots are briefly described in Table 3.1. Each slot is assigned to either a DSL model
or a PowerFactory element, such as a asynchronous machine (ElmAsm).

Table 3.1: Description of Composite Frame Slots

Slot Name Description Needed Type

Motor Slot for the driven Induction Motor (Main slot ElmAsm
- if the motor is set to “out of service” then the
dynamic model will be disabled)
mdm Slot for the Motor Driven Machine element ElmMdm
Speed Control Slot for speed controller for the start-up and DSL-Model
steady state periods
Switch Slot keeping a reference to the motor breaker ElmCoup
V/f control Slot for look up table of the V/f references DSL-Model
PWM Converter Slot for the PWM Converter (motor side in- ElmVsc
verter unit)

4 How to Customise the Model

You will find in this section a description on how you can configure the model from the tem-
plate according to your specific needs. The configuration is sorted to the calculation functions
because there are fewer configurations needed for load flow calculation than for a dynamic

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DIgSILENT Variable Speed Drive Template (DIgSILENT VSD 200kW)
4 How to Customise the Model

4.1 Load Flow Analysis

The template supports in Load Flow calculation both operation modes (in service / not operating)
as follows:

• both VSD and motor in service - the VSD main supply breaker is closed and the motor is
operating (switch “Motor Breaker” is closed)
• VSD in service, motor disconnected - the VSD main supply breaker is closed and the
motor is not operating (switch “Motor Breaker” is open)
• VSD and motor disconnected - the VSD main supply breaker is open and the motor is not
operating (switch “Motor Breaker” is open)
• VSD disconnected, motor in service - this operation scenario is not valid and will generate
a load flow calculation error.

4.1.1 Changing the rated voltage of the rectifier’s AC supply side

The rated voltage of the AC supply side can be changed either by only varying the rated voltage
on the HV side of transformer “Tr Rec” or, if necessary, by adapting several further parameters
related to the rectifier element:

• Change the rated AC voltage of the rectifier type (Basic Data page of the object “Rectifier

• Configure accordingly the transformation ratio of the converter transformer “Tr Rec”, i.e.
the LV side rating of the transformer type needs to be identical to the rectifier rating, while
the HV side rating needs to be identical to the AC supply voltage.
• Change the rated DC busbar voltage of the positive and negative DC terminals according
to the calculated rating in the rectifier type (Basic Data page) - i.e. half the rated rectifier
DC voltage on each terminal
• Change the rated DC voltage of the DC capacitor to a value equal to the rated rectifier DC

4.1.2 Changing the rated power of the VSD

Rated power needs to be changed in several locations:

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DIgSILENT Variable Speed Drive Template (DIgSILENT VSD 200kW)
4 How to Customise the Model

• Rated power of the rectifier type (in Basic Data page of the type). Set this value so that it
accounts for the motor rated power plus the total losses in the VSD;
• Rated power of the supply side transformer type (it has typically a similar rating as the
• Rated power of the PWM converter (in Basic Data page of the PWM converter element).
Set this value so that it accounts for the motor rated power plus the losses in the cable (if
existing) and converter

4.1.3 Changing the transformer type

The transformer type can be changed directly from the single line diagram, as it is typically done
(e.g. open the Edit Dialogue of the transformer element and change the referenced Transformer
type). Special care should be taken in the Rectifier element, where the commutation reactance
should be updated according to the newly changed transformer reactance (i.e. compute the
ohmic reactance of the transformer and set this value to parameter “Commutation Reactance”
in the Load Flow page of the rectifier element - refer to below figure).

Figure 4.1: Commutation Reactance parameter of the Rectifier element

4.2 Short-Circuit Calculation (VDE / IEC / ANSI / complete)

The short-circuit behaviour of the model is completely determined by the elements interfacing
with the AC side. The IEC 60909 standard mentions that a short-circuit current contribution
shall be accounted for VSDs only in the case of reversible drives (i.e. bidirectional rectifiers). As
the topology chosen in this template does not allow a power flow from the intermediate circuit
(DC capacitor) to the supply side, the short-circuit current contribution is set to zero.

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DIgSILENT Variable Speed Drive Template (DIgSILENT VSD 200kW)
4 How to Customise the Model

4.3 Dynamic Simulation (EMT only)

The main purpose of the model is to observe the behaviour of the VSD using a dynamic simu-

The model is generic and open - you may configure it according to your needs. A short de-
scription of various useful parametrisation procedures is detailed in this section. As the model
is representing the PWM switching, the simulation step size should be set to a value at least
one order smaller than the equivalent switching period (e.g. for a PWM modulation frequency
of 1000 Hz, a simulation time step of maximum 0.1 ms should be chosen).

4.3.1 Initial state of simulation

The motor may be configured to start initially either from a steady state point close to nominal
speed or from a standstill point. This is achieved via the circuit breaker “Motor Breaker” explicitly
drawn in the single line diagram of the template (diagram “Variable Speed Drive”) and interposed
between the PWM converter and the motor. To start the simulation from motor standstill set the
breaker to open. To start the simulation from nominal speed, close the motor breaker.

4.3.2 Motor start-up sequence

If the motor breaker is initially set to open, a start-up sequence may be simulated via a parameter
event. You should do the following actions:

• Open the “Simulation Events” dialogue via the Edit Simulation Events button.
• Create a new parameter event (.EvtParam), configure the target element as being the
“Speed Control” common model, set the parameter to be “start command” and set the
value to 1.
• Configure the time instant of triggering the event exactly when the starting of the motor
should occur.

The starting configuration is set via the parameters of the “Speed Control” common model
(Figure 4.2), as below:

• Tstarted - total starting duration (in seconds)

• Tinit - initial (constant) speed sequence duration (in seconds)
• InitialSpeed - value of the initial (constant) speed (in per unit)
• FinalSpeed - value of the final reference speed in steady state operation (in per unit)

• Ki and Kp - steady state PI regulator gains (in per unit)

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DIgSILENT Variable Speed Drive Template (DIgSILENT VSD 200kW)
4 How to Customise the Model

Figure 4.2: Generic Speed Control Block Parameters

An example of a start-up behaviour is shown in the figure below, as well as the meaning of each
of the available parameters.

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DIgSILENT Variable Speed Drive Template (DIgSILENT VSD 200kW)
4 How to Customise the Model

Figure 4.3: Example of a start-up procedure: motor speed (measured and reference)

4.3.3 Steady state speed reference changes

To change the operating speed of the motor in time, the input signal wref of the block “Speed
Control” is available. This input signal may be changed during the simulation either via a pa-
rameter event or by adding a speed reference block to the VSD composite frame.

4.3.4 Changing the switching frequency

To change the switching frequency of the PWM converter (inverter side), the parameter “Modu-
lation frequency” can be adjusted in the EMT-Simulation page (Figure Figurefig:PWMFreq).

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DIgSILENT Variable Speed Drive Template (DIgSILENT VSD 200kW)
4 How to Customise the Model

Figure 4.4: EMT-Simulation page of the PWM Converter

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DIgSILENT Variable Speed Drive Template (DIgSILENT VSD 200kW)
List of Figures

List of Figures

2.1 VSD 200kW Template path in the global library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2.2 Generic Variable Speed Drive - Single Line Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

3.1 Generic Variable Speed Drive Control Diagram (∗ .BlkDef) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

4.1 Commutation Reactance parameter of the Rectifier element . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4.2 Generic Speed Control Block Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4.3 Example of a start-up procedure: motor speed (measured and reference) . . . . 8

4.4 EMT-Simulation page of the PWM Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

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DIgSILENT Variable Speed Drive Template (DIgSILENT VSD 200kW)
List of Tables

List of Tables

3.1 Description of Composite Frame Slots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

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DIgSILENT Variable Speed Drive Template (DIgSILENT VSD 200kW)

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