5inchhieght Gain

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Grow taller

Get real results

Over 12 wks
Be healthier
Be confident
Simple principles
Be a happier you
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

CHAPTER 1: Introduction – What 5InchHeightGain Is About

CHAPTER 2: Nutrition – Boost HGH & Other Hormone Levels

CHAPTER 3: Macronutrients – Learning To Count Them

CHAPTER 4: Sleep – How To Grow While You Sleep

CHAPTER 5: Posture – Is Your Posture Making You Shorter?

CHAPTER 6: Exercise Plan – What Will Be Required

CHAPTER 7: Week 1-­3 – Introductory Exercises (Spinal Decompression)


CHAPTER 8: Week 4-­6 – Specific Regime (Tendon & Ligament Stimulation)

CHAPTER 9: Week 7-­9 – Advanced Regime 1

CHAPTER 10: Week 9-­12 – Advanced Regime 2

CHAPTER 11: Additional Training & Tips

CHAPTER 12: Height Gain Scams & How To Avoid Them


CHAPTER 13: Learn How To Appear Taller In Minutes

CHAPTER 14: Finishing Up – Leave A Review!

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
2 Main Factors Behind This Program
Before we begin any routines with certain nutrition or exercises, I would like to give you a
quick run down on the most important factors resulting in growth.
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Number ONE -­

HGH (Human Growth Hormone) is the main hormone in the human body that will result in
bone growth. There are several different hormones that we will be covering in this book to
target all of them from all areas. It is known that young children and teenagers, when they
are going through puberty have high levels of certain hormones running through their
body. It is because of this that we see young individuals growing taller, but as someone
gets older we do not see so much growth. It is because of a lack of these hormones.

Now it is possible for people to get HGH from the doctors, which would need an injection
to get your levels higher resulting in growth. However it is very hard to get these
prescriptions and they are only given to people with extreme growth disabilities that

probably have never had much HGH. They have a deficiency of it and that’s why only a
select few can be prescribed it. On-­top of that it is extremely expensive and also is not
natural, it is an artificial form of HGH, which still does most definitely work but we will be
increasing your own body’s natural HGH levels.

Other important hormones do come in to play, for example testosterone is a large factor
resulting in muscular growth. It is also required for overall bodily growth along with a few
other hormones. We will be learning in this blueprint, how to optimize and increase all
these hormones resulting in an extreme growth spurt increase, similar to a young child or


Number TWO -­

You MUST stimulate the growth of cartilage discs in the spine and also decompress the
spine. There are 33 discs in the human spine, 7 of these are in the cervical vertebrae, 12
are in the middle of the back, 5 discs are in the lumbar of the spine, 5 discs are in the
sacrum and also 4 discs are in the coccyx.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
These bones have a more elastic texture than other bones, because these bones are
usually used as shock absorbers in daily activities. If each segment of disc thickened 3
millimetres, then your spine would grow 4 inches longer.
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Cartilage thickens on your backbone when you sleep. You can prove it by measuring your
height before and after sleep, I guarantee you your body will be taller when you wake up.
When you return to daily activities, that part will shrink again.

To increase your height, besides stimulating the growth of cartilage in the spinal discs,
you can also stimulate other cartilage potentially becoming thicker. Other cartilage is the
epiphyseal line. The epiphyseal line functions as a growth plate on the thigh, where the
tendon attaches to the lower leg bone. Epiphyseal line also functions as a shock absorber
between the joints.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Boost HGH & Other Hormone Levels
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As I had mentioned previously one of the main factors in the 5InchHeightGain blueprint,
that has carefully been constructed by our team over the last few years is the HGH

There are 8 different vitamins, minerals and other hormones which we will use in this
cocktail that will in turn effectively raise your HGH levels through the roof. This will give
your body the growth spike needed in these next 12 weeks to achieve best results.

You will not need to spend hundreds of dollars to purchase these products but can merely
find them in your cupboard at home and in certain foods. Keep reading on to understand
what we will be using and why.

Number 1 -­L-­Glutamine
Researchers at the Louisiana State College of Medicine gave their subjects 2 grams of L-­
Glutamine dissolved in a cola drink.

After 90 minutes of consuming the glutamine-­cola, human growth hormone levels were
significantly increased among the test group.

Number 2 -­L-­Arginine
L-­Arginine has been shown to increase growth hormone levels in a handful of studies.

In one study the researchers gave their subjects a mixture of L-­arginine and L-­leucine,
surprisingly their growth hormone levels increased by 700%.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Number 3 -­Vitamin D3
Activated vitamin D3 is actually not a vitamin at all. It’s a steroid hormone that regulates
up to 1,000 human genes.
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In the University of Genève in Italy, researchers suggested that vitamin D is highly related
to bone growth, and later on it became clear that vitamin D plays a key role in multiple
processes, which help your growth hormone levels to increase.

Add the fact that vitamin D is also good for boosting your testosterone levels and many
other bodily functions, and you have a great reason to start supplementing with D.

Number 4 -­Melatonin
Melatonin is a hormone in the brain that is called the “sleep hormone” or “night hormone”,
as it improves sleep quality drastically.

Recently one study found out that melatonin supplementation before bedtime increased

growth hormone levels by 157%.

One way to naturally increase your melatonin production during the night is to sleep in
a completely dark room. By this I mean completely dark, as it has been studied that even
a single led light in a microwave oven or similar is able to interfere with the pineal glands
ability to produce melatonin throughout the night.

Number 5 -­L-­Leucine

L-­Leucine was very effective in a study where the researchers combined it with L-­Arginine,
with a huge 700% increase in growth hormone levels those two amino acids might be the
best growth hormone boosters discovered so far.

Also it has been shown in dozens of studies, that L-­Leucine improve bone growth, protein
synthesis, helps with weight loss, and helps to build lean muscle mass, all of which are
very clear signs of increased HGH levels.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Number 6 -­L-­Ornithine
Japanese researchers found out that 8 grams of L-­Ornithine before sleep, consumed by a
man who weights 80 kilograms, will lead to a 300% increase in HGH production.
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Polish researchers also took a study where the researchers gave their subjects 10 grams
of L-­Ornithine before a weight lifting session. The results were of significant growth
hormone increase in all of their subjects.

Number 7 – Mucuna Pruriens

This is one hell of an amazing testosterone and dopamine booster, however recent
studies show that this testosterone booster is also a potential growth hormone booster.

Mucuna pruriens boost growth hormone levels because it contains high levels of L-­Dopa,
a precursor of dopamine which has been scientifically proven to help your pituitary gland
release more human growth hormone.

Number 8 -­GABA
GaBA or Gamma-­Butyric acid, is a neurotransmitter that’s found primarily in the human
brain. The human body derives GaBa from glutamine.

GaBa has been shown in studies to increase growth hormone levels. The increase is
always quite significant, as the subjects HGH levels quadrupled.

Other Factors To Take On Board:

Eating sugar will always lead to insulin spikes. Insulin spikes will then lead to suppressed
levels of both, growth hormone and testosterone. Adding on top all of the other negative
effects sugar has on hormones, it wouldn’t be too bad to leave it out of your diet

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint

Surprised too see water on this list? – Well it’s one of the most important ones. Although
technically it isn’t a food, but it really can increase Human Growth Hormone levels
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naturally, along with other hormones like testosterone.

When you’re drinking a lot of water, you’re constantly hydrated which helps your
hormonal system to operate at it’s peak 24/7.

To maximize the anabolic effect of natural growth hormone, you should also boost your
testosterone levels naturally.

As you can see by all this, Human Growth Hormone levels are quite easy to manipulate, so
if you ever were thinking about going in for a HGH treatment to receive injections. Think

So now that we have science out of the way, how can we can get these ingredients
to boost our HGH?

Thankfully these ingredients can be found in most foods.

The 5InchHeightGain cocktail will consist of:

1) 150 grams of Goji Berries (if you can’t find them use blueberries)
2) 100g Pineapple

3) 100g Watermelon
4) 50g Fava Beans
5) Green Tea
6) 4 Cod Liver Oil Capsules

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint

You need to get in all of the ingredients listed above every morning and night after
exercise without missing it for the 12 -week period, or however long you continue using it
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until you reach your desired height.

Personally what I prefer to do is put the goji berries, pineapple, watermelon and fava
beans into a blender with some apple or orange juice and turn it into a decently tasting

After that I recommend to separately have your green tea and cod oil liver capsules. This
is for best taste but you can work with whatever is best for you as long as you consume
these foods.

This HGH cocktail shoulder be taken directly after each exercise session in the morning, as
well as at night. So you will be having it 2x per day every day of the week.

Now if for any reason you can’t find some of the ingredients, or you just don’t have time to
make this cocktail every morning and evening then I have a surprise for you...

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Learning To Count Macronutrients
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As the most important part of your nutrition is going to be getting in the required foods
listed above. It is also vital that you are consuming the right foods. Simply for the reason
that if your HGH levels are increasing and your body is wanting to grow taller, you need to
fuel it for it to grow.

Its just like someone that wants to be a bodybuilder, someone in the gym can not simply
go and lift weights and put on mass amounts of muscle like some of the biggest guys out
there. It is a large combination of different things, how could their muscle get bigger just
from training if it did not have the right fuel, enough protein, carbohydrates and fats.

The exact same principles apply to get taller, if your body wants to grow; it needs the
correct foods to fuel itself for it to do so. So any individual perusing this course with a

poorly laid out diet and food plan will not see the most optimal results possible. You want
to do everything in your willpower to get the most potential in the next 12 weeks.
You want to be a changed person.

Great, so now that we know all of this, well what should we do?

Any individual no matter who you are, what colour, shape, size or sex needs at least 3
meals a day to keep them fuelled, if not even four. These foods should be coming from
good sources.

There are 3 main macronutrients that we consume everyday of our life’s in the foods that
we eat. They are:

- Proteins
- Fats
- Carbohydrates
- And, technically, alcohol is a stand -in fourth

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Protein comes from many different sources, here are just a few listed below.
• Tuna or most any fish.
• Cottage cheese.
• Eggs (especially the whites).
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• Chicken breast (boneless skinless).

• Turkey breast (boneless skinless).
• Lean beef.
• Low fat or no fat cheese.
• Low fat pork.
• Milk protein isolate.
• Whey protein.

Carbohydrates comes from many different sources, here are just a few listed below.
• Sweet potatoes.
• Oat meal, oat bran, oat bran cereal (i.e. cheerios).
• Bran cereal.

• Brown rice.
• Wheat bread
• Beans.
• Low fat popcorn
• Fruits
• Dextrose (during workout)
• Vegetables.

Fats comes from many different sources, here are just a few listed below.
• Olive oil.
• Nuts
• Egg yolks.
• Fish (salmon especially).

All other fat should come as a by -product of your carbohydrate and protein intake.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Each macronutrient yields a certain number of calories.

- One gram of protein yields 4 calories.

- One gram of carbohydrate yields 4 calories.
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- One gram of fat yields 9 calories.

- One gram of alcohol yields 7 calories.

Here is a nutritional label, we can see that there are 13

grams of protein, so we will times this by 4 calories.

We can see that there are 36 grams of carbohydrates so

we will times this by 4 calories as well.

We can see that there is only 1 gram of fat so we will times

this by 9 calories.

Protein = 13 x 4 = 52
Carbohydrates: 36 x 4 = 144
Fat: 1 x 9 = 9

If we add all of these together we end up with 205, this is

the amount of calories in anything that you are consuming
when it is written on a nutritional label. 144+52+9 = 205 calories

Be careful when reading food labels to note how many servings are contained in what

you are eating. There are micronutrients in all food but they do not contain calories.
Remember that for foods such as fruits and vegetables, look them up online to find their
total calories and the macronutrients in them as they obviously do not have a nutritional

It is important in your diet while gaining height not just to make sure that your intake is
sufficient on enough calories but to make sure that you have a good plan as to how many
of the different macronutrients are in your food plan.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
This is because of a few different reasons. Lets say for example that someone was eating
pop tarts all day long, 3000 calories worth for that matter, yes they would be able to
survive. But certain things would take a massive hit, which is why we just can’t allow this
while following the 5InchHeightGain blueprint as it would discourage growth.
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If your body is not receiving adequate protein from several different sources it will not give
your bones the strength to grow, you may also experience extreme strength and muscle

If your body is not receiving adequate carbohydrates, you and your brain will lack energy,
you will be deprived and feel weak. You will not be giving yourself the energy that you
need for your body to become taller.

Fats are extremely important, obviously the good ones of course. They help to keep the
body’s hormones regulated, so we can say that if this is not on point, it will be hard to
boost HGH, or any other hormones for that fact. If your body is not receiving adequate
fats from the right sources it will be tough to reach your maximum height potential. This is

why we want to be doing everything perfectly for perfect results.

So we have macronutrients sorted now, what next?

It is also extremely important to make sure that not only are you covering the right
macronutrients, but you are also receiving the right amount of calories in total.

If your body is trying to grow, and it requires the energy intake of 2500 calories, but you

are only eating 1500. It will be hard once again to get the most potential out of your

Everyone is of a different age, shape, size, color, race and sex. We are all extremely
unique, and because of this reason and many others factors we cannot all follow the same
food plan. A 30 year old man will eat a lot more than a 10 year old boy.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
So how do we find out how many calories to eat?

There are two parts to this equation, the first one is to find out your BMR (basal metabolic
rate). This is done using an online calculator which will take your height, weight, age, sex
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and put out a number which is your BMR.

Your basal metabolic rate is the amount of calories that your body would need to
consume to stay its current weight and maintain itself if you were to be lying down all day
not moving or doing anything.

There are few different online calculators that you can use, personally I prefer this for its
ease of use and accuracy. You can find it here at:

http://www.bmi -calculator.net/bmr -calculator.php

Lets take a look at my own results:


So at my current statistics using this easy calculator tells me I have a BMR of approx 1960.
This is how many calories I would need to consume everyday to keep things running
smoothly if I was lying down not doing anything. However peoples energy expenditure
every day varies a lot, dependant on how physically active you are at your job, school or

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Part 2 of the equation, Using the Harris Benedict Equation

This is a simple step but very important, to determine your total daily caloric needs,
multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor as follows:
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• If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie - Calculation = BMR x 1.2

• If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1 -3 days/week) : Calorie -Calculation = BMR x 1.375
• If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise 3 - 5 days/week) : Calorie -Calculation = BMR x 1.55
• If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6 -7 days a week) : Calorie -Calculation = BMR x 1.725
• If you are extra active (very hard exercise & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie -Calculation = BMR x 1.9

Personally I am moderately active, so I will take my BMR of 1960 and times it by 1.55, this
gives me 3038. This is the required caloric intake that I need to use when growing taller,
you will not permanently have to follow this diet plan so strictly and make sure you are
getting enough of the right foods in the right quantities but for the next 12 weeks while
your height is increasing, this is important.

3038 would be the minimum amount of calories I would consume per day, it does not
matter if you go slightly above, but I would do anything to make sure I’m tracking my
intake and not getting any less.

So once we know how many calories to intake, how many should be proteins,
carbohydrates and fats?

Every individual is safe by using the 40/40/20 rule. This means that 40% of your total

calories should come from protein, 40% of your total calories should come from
carbohydrates, and 20% of your total calories should come from fats.

Remember to take into account that 1 gram of fat yields 9 calories unlike a protein or
carbohydrate which yields 4.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Lets work this out and use myself for this example. From the Harris Benedict Equation I
need 3038 calories, this is what my macronutrient intake should look like:

Protein – 1215 calories divided by 4 gives us 303 grams of total protein.

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Carbohydrates – 1215 calories divided by 4 gives us 303 grams of total carbohydrates.

Fats – 608 calories divided by 9 gives us 67 grams of total fats.

So using all of this will give you personally the specific amount of calories from which
macronutrients to fuel yourself while growing taller. This along with the Growth Hormone
Drink contains substances crucial to the success of this blueprint and cannot be skipped at

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Sleep Is Crucial To Growth
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Sleep is absolutely critical to bone growth, or any growth in the body for that matter.
Getting the right sleep, which is undistracted in any way and also the right amount will
yield a large potential of results when gaining height.

If you are not giving your body enough recovery time or time to grow you will simply
not achieve your goals. It is not just for this fact but also that a large amount of HGH is
released every night when you sleep. What we want to do is optimize this the best way
possible to have the largest amount released.

It is during deep sleep that growth hormone does its job of thickening and lengthening
your bones. So appropriate sleeping time (the longer, but more importantly the better)
and correct sleeping posture is very important for your body to grow. Sleep is defined

as a natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which the eyes usually close
and consciousness is completely or partially lost, so that there is a decrease in bodily
movement and responsiveness to external stimuli.

During deep sleep, growth hormone produced by your pituitary gland is released
into your blood stream and travel through your body and causes the thickening and
lengthening of your bones. Therefore, you should achieve “deep level” sleep on a daily
basis in order to coordinate your affords of exercises and proper diet. The following are
some helpful tips on how to easily achieve deep level sleep.

• Sleep on a comfortable and firm mattress, also sleep in a room that is dark, quiet and
fresh smelling.
• Keep your hands and feet warm. Scientific studies have shown that warm hands and
feet will help induce REM (rapid eye movement) deep sleep. Cold hands and feet will
keep you from deep sleep.
• Drink a big glass of water before going to bed and when you wake up; this will help
clean out your system.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
• Practice total relaxation and deep breathing for a few minutes before you go to bed.
• Relax from head to toe. Close your eyes and relax every part of your body.
• Maintain a habit of sleeping at the same time everyday, including weekends.
• Sleep on your back with a flat pillow under your knees. This will align your spine
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properly and prevent any backaches caused by sleeping in a bent position.

Undoubtedly, the quality, quantity, and type of food we eat affect our height, growth, and
health. We cannot emphasize enough how important your food intake is in determining
how much growth you can possibly obtain. The types of food you eat will either improve
or decrease your growth potential.

As we discussed earlier a large part of this program will come down to decompressing the
spine, and as we know when we sleep our spines decompress pressure from the disks. So
not getting enough sleep every night is simply just not sufficient.

As other factors in this course are the real focus, it is still important to make sure
everything is in check, your sleep included because without it you are very potentially

limiting yourself and not get the best results possible.

Last but not least, sleeping in correct posture can significantly maximize your growth.
This is because when you sleep, your spine decompresses, you want to allow your body
to be most suited for it to undertake this. It is important that you sleep flat on your back,
without a pillow.

You may find that getting into these regimes may be a little difficult at first but after the
first few weeks of this program you will adapt and they will become second nature to you
without having to worry about the little things.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Is Your Posture Making You Shorter?
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One of the basic things that people wanting to increase their height seem to forget and
miss out is the issue surrounding their posture. You may remember your mother telling
you as a child to ‘sit up straight’ or ‘stop slouching’ or even ‘put your shoulders back when
you walk’. Well it seems that in this circumstance mother was actually perfectly correct!

There are a multitude of scientific papers supporting the benefits associated with a good
posture. These are not only physical but psychological too.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
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However for the purpose of this we will be focusing on the issues surrounding your
posture and if it could possibly be making you shorter than you are! Yes it’s true; a poor
posture can lead to you losing several inches off your potential height. Next time you
are in a public place take a look around, you’ll see that a bad posture is quite common.
Ailments such as bowleg syndrome or hunching shoulders are not as uncommon as you
might think.

So How Does This Happen?


Well there are several factors, which will contribute to an individual’s bad posture. Some of
these are present at birth but for the majority it is something that develops over time due
to the way your body is treated.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
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Let’s begin with exercise. A lack of regular exercise can lead to weakening of the muscles
in the back and in the stomach regions. These are your primary stabilizing muscles so
a weakness here can lead a body prone to injury. More importantly it means that the
imbalance of muscles can lead to your spine adopting a more unnatural hunched over
position which means you will lose some of your height. Not only will a poor posture
cause you to lose some of your height and make you appear shorter, but it will also have
the knock on effect of potentially causing chronic ailments later on in your life too.

Some of these can include:

• Constant and/or acute and/or chronic pains. Particularly lower back pain, stiffened
shoulders, neck discomfort and weak core muscles.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
• Possibility of auto -degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis or
osteoarthritis due to weakening of muscles and increased pressure on joints.

How to deal with posture related problems

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A great way to relieve these conditions and even avoid the development of them in the
first place is through a series of regular stretching and core muscle targeting exercises.
Over time this type of intense routine stretching will strengthen your muscles and help
keep your spinal column in line and in the correct posture. This will have the roll on effect

of helping you maintain a healthy posture in your everyday life.

You may want to consider visiting a medical professional before beginning any serious
exercise program to double check that there are no underlying problems and issues that
you might otherwise be unaware of. This will help you avoid making any ailment worse.
Always begin your programmed exercise gradually and make sure you listen to what your
body is telling you!

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
The 5 Most Common Posture Related Problems

The human body is a fantastic piece of biological equipment which is essentially a strong
movable frame (which we know as the skeleton) surrounded by a series of strong flexible
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muscles which are connected to the skeleton by ligaments.


The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
This ingenious set up means we are able to move around at our will with a large degree
of freedom and control. However due to the nature of our daily lives in this day and age,
many of us develop poor posture. This means we do not hold our body in a good position
when doing things such as walking or sitting at a computer desk. This is a concern for
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many as a good posture provides us with a series of benefits such as a strong spine, and a
higher sense of self -confidence. It also gives the impression to others we encounter that
we are strong, intelligent and capable. There is also a more serious effect of having a poor
posture that is far more relevant to you.

Having a poor body posture will effectively reduce your height and make you look far
shorter than you actually are. For those of us looking for ways to increase height naturally
this is a major problem as height and posture are closely linked and impact on one

You’ve probably noticed that as people age they can sometimes begin to stoop over

and their spines start to hunch forward.

This means that you will likely see a good deal

of older citizens who look substantially shorter
than yourself. In fact, in truth they are
probably no shorter than you, but the
poor posture they have developed gives the
impression that they have lost height. The
same can be said of many people these days.

Modern working jobs such as typing and

writing means that some of us hold our
bodies in a bad posture for hours at a time,
each and every day. Over time this can cause
bad posture all the time and as we already know posture and height are linked together.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
There Are Many Posture Related Problems But Here Are The Most
Common 5:
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Titled Pelvis Problem –

Your pelvis has a particular purpose in your body. It acts as a lever and has a big impact
on your posture and height. Sometimes individuals who are overweight will develop a
problem known as ’tilted pelvis’ whereby the weakened stomach muscles means the
weight pulls the pelvis forward which induces a bad posture which reduces your height.

Knock-­Knees & Bow-­Legs –

These are two quite common conditions that are the opposite of one another but have
the same negative effect on posture and height. Sufferers generally walk with the majority
of their weight either on the instep or the out -step, which can induce a poor posture and
again steals inches from an individuals height.

Rounded Shoulders –

This is also a fairly common condition where the individual suffers from an abnormality in
the curvature of his or her spine, which makes the shoulders push forward and look like
the individual is hunched over. Obviously somebody in this position will be losing height
as they will be bent forward more than usual.

Joint & Foot Pain –

Those people who suffer with a poor posture can also experience difficulty in their joints
and in their feet too. Normally this is due to the skeletal system becoming poorly aligned
and so pressure is placed on areas of the body which are not designed to take it.

Chronic Disorders –
In more serious cases it is possible for individuals with a poor posture to develop chronic
ailments as a result. The poor posture will mean blood flow and circulation can be limited
and unsteady which over time can lead to problems with bodily functions and internal

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
What Will Be Required
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The exercise plan of the 5InchHeightGain blueprint is one of the most vital important parts
of this program so taking your time with these exercises to make sure that they are done
properly, and also done everyday is crucial. Keep in mind that it may take between four to
six weeks for results to start showing.

Remember the whole way through that if you follow this blueprint correctly and do
everything that is mentioned above you are guaranteed results by the end of the 12 week
period and you will never look back. These results also won’t be ones that only last for a
certain period of time but are ones that will last forever, when you gain the height using
these methods it is permanent. This coupled with working on making yourself appear
taller will give so much more height than you would have ever previously had.

The exercises in this program are not difficult although there is a beginning stage and also
an advanced one in later weeks. They will not take you copious amounts of time and you
will become quicker at them after the first few days of having them in your routine.

You do need to push yourself with these exercises, but you do need to take in
consideration your ease and care. You do not want to put any strain on your ligaments,
joints or tendons as this could affect the bones that they are jointed to and encourage
them not to grow to potential. Also without taking ease and care, this could potentially
result in injury in a rare case. This could take you out of the program and you would have

to restart it from the beginning once your injury has healed.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
There will be 4 parts to this exercise regime, they will all take place over different weeks
throughout the program. See below:

Week 1 -3 Introductory Exercises (Spinal Decompression)

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Week 4 -6 Specific Regime (Tendon & Ligament Stimulation)

Week 7 -9 Advanced Regime 1
Week 9 -12 Advanced Regime 2

There will be quite a few exercises to learn and do which will not be hard or difficult, but
you will need to put them into routine and get them done everyday.

As we advance through this program I will explain to you exactly why these certain
elements are specific and necessary to success of your growth.

In week 1 -3 the introductory exercises must be followed continuously throughout

the program right up to the end of week 12, or beyond if you would like to further the

program to continue your growth. This is necessary as these specific exercises will
decompress the spine, and that is needed throughout all 12 weeks to allow passive

Without further ado, lets get stuck into the program!


The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Weeks 1-3 & Beyond
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Introductory Exercise – Spinal Decompression

These exercises must be performed day and night, once in the morning as soon as you
wake up and also right before you go to sleep at night.

This must be done consistently and followed right throughout the 12 -week period.
These will be the only exercises you follow for the first 1 -3 weeks, after that they will be
continued and used in conjunction with the other stretching routines.

As mentioned above, this is vitally important as this is the spinal decompression phase
and we need to keep it decompressed right throughout the program to stimulate and
encourage growth. This will occur with these exercises because it will create a lower

pressure in the disc that will cause an influx of healing nutrients and other substances into
the disc. Let us Begin…

Exercise #1

Always start your routine with this stretch. Simply get in the above position and gently
pull your knee to your chest and hold for a count of 20 seconds. Slowly lower the leg and
repeat the other side. Do each leg 3 times, make sure you do not force it or you can cause
yourself significant lower back pain.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #2
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Simply suck/contract your belly button downwards (not by deeply inhaling) and tighten
your buttock muscles, now hold this position. Do 4 sets of this each for 15 seconds long.

Exercise #3

Assume the above position. Now tighten your stomach and buttocks to lock your spine in
place. Slowly lift your left arm upwards like a railroad crossing -gate; keep it moving until
it rests on the ground next to your side. Simultaneously do the same thing with your right
arm only in the opposite directions. Both arms are going in opposite directions. Do 2 sets
of 20 repetitions with each arm.

Exercise #4

Assume the above position, tighten your tummy and slowly raise your knee towards your
chest. Keep your tummy as tight as you can as you lower it back down to the ground.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Repeat this with the other limb. To make this more difficult, lift your head off the ground
as well and hold it up as you do the leg -ups. Complete 2 sets of 10 repetitions with each
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Exercise #5

Tighten the tummy and slowly lift the left arm and right leg simultaneously. Hold this for
15 seconds and return them to their original positions. Repeat this on the other side and
complete 4 repetitions with each leg.

Exercise #6

Take two or even three pillows and lie on top of them as shown. Slowly raise your left leg

(keeping it straight) upwards and hold it at the top for 20 seconds. Slowly lower and repeat
with the other limb. Only raise your leg to a comfortable height. Don’t go so high that it
causes pain. You don’t have to go very high for this to be effective. Complete 1 set of 3
repetitions with each leg.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #7
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Take two of even three pillows and lie on top of them as shown above. Note that the
pillows are more forward on the chest than compared to Exercise #6. Also note that you
should use a little pad for the forehead. Slowly raise your left arm (keeping it straight)
upward and hold it at the top for 10 seconds. Slowly lower and repeat with the other arm.
Only raise your arm to a comfortable height. You don’t have to go very high for this to be
effective. Complete 1 set of 3 repetitions for each arm.

Exercise #8

Take two and even three pillows and lie on top of them as shown above. Simultaneously
lift the left arm and right leg slowly upwards. Don’t force it but just go as high as you can.
Hold this top position for 10 seconds and then lower. Repeat this on the other limb and
complete 1 set of 6 repetitions each side.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #9
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Start with your left leg fully extended (straight). Tighten your tummy and slowly skim your
left heal towards your buttock, then left the leg and curl your heal towards your chest.
Reverse the direction and return the leg slowly to the original position. Repeat this with
the other leg and complete 2 sets of 10 repetitions.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Weeks 4-6
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Specific Regime (Tendon & Ligament Stimulation)

Exercise #1

In the standing position, raise both your arms up into a horizontal plane stretched out
as far as they can extend. Rotate your arms in a circular motion approximately 1 foot
in diameter, extend your arms back as far as possible at each rotation. Remain in this
position and do not let your elbows bend, after rotating clockwise for 30 seconds then
rotate anti -clockwise for another 30 seconds. Repeat this process twice.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #2
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

In the standing position facing a wall stand right up nice and close against it, from there
you will fully extend one hand while keeping both your feet flat on the ground. Reach for
your highest point possible and hold it there for 15 seconds, switch to the other hand and
repeat the process again holding it there for 15 seconds. Repeat this process three times
on each side.

Once you have completed this turn to your side so it is facing the wall and again fully
extend your arm as high as you can reaching for the highest point while keeping your feet
flat on the ground. Hold for 15 seconds, then repeat this on the other side using the other

arm and complete this three times on each side.

Lastly standing with your back up against the wall, extend both of arms until they are
completely straight and reach once again for the highest point on the wall while keeping
your feet completely flat on the ground. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat this process 3

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #3
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Stand completely straight while extending your arms above your body as high as you
can with your fingers interlocked. Stretch your body powerfully upwards while keeping
your feet flat on the ground. From this position you must remain in the same plane of
movement without tilting forwards or backwards, but moving from side to side as the
diagram shows. Go slowly to prevent any injury and repeat this ten times on each side of
your body.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #4
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Get into the starting position as in figure 1 by lying flat on your back with your arms
running straight down your sides. Bring your knees up as high as they can go while
extending your heels off the ground onto your toes. From here you must clench your
buttocks and extend your hips up towards the roof. Hold this position for 30 seconds and
slowly come down and relax. Repeat this process over three times.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #5
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Start in the standing position with your feet placed just outside your shoulders and your
arms running directly straight down your body. Without letting your knees bend, you will
tilt over with your hips having your arms completely straight trying to reach as far as you
can towards your ankles. Make sure you hold the stretch at the bottom for 10 seconds,
complete this exercise slowly and repeat this process five times.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #6
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

In the standing position, position your left foot back to your rear while elevating your

ankle off the ground. Raise your right arm until it is parallel with the ground, keep it
straight and fully extended the whole time. From here you must slowly reach towards the
ground trying to reach your most far point while keeping your left leg completely straight.

Hold the stretch at the bottom for 10 seconds and slowly move back to the starting
position. Repeat this exercise on the other side of your body using your right foot and left
arm. Complete this five times on each side of your body, with every movement completely
focused on achieving a great stretch.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #7
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Lie completely flat on your back on a firm but comfortable surface. Have your body
completely straight with your arms extended directly down your sides. While keeping your
legs straight and fully extended slowly raise them up to yourself until your toes come over
and they can reach the ground.

Your arms must remain straight and flat on the ground. Hold your toes on the ground
for 15 seconds and then slowly let them return. While it is important for your toes to
touch the ground, this can be difficult for some people so go as far as you can without
having any strain and still getting a good stretch. If your toes cannot touch the ground,

continually keep working until they can. Perform this exercise six times.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #8
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Stand positioned up with your hands up onto a chair approximately waist -height. While
keeping both of your legs completely straight begin to raise one of them up into the
air while tilting your torso over the chair. Come over as far as you can until you feel the
stretch. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then repeat on the other leg. Complete this
exercise on both legs 3 times each.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #9
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

In the standing position, interlock your hands and fingers and raise them behind your
head. Use your hand and arm muscles to push your neck down while resisting with

your neck muscles. Not to the point where this could strain a muscle in your neck but
just gently. Come all the way down until your chin touches your chest and then release
backwards. Repeat this procedure 5 times, then rest for 30 seconds and repeat it another
5 times.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #10
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Start by lying down on a flat but comfortable surface with your body straight and arms
by your sides. Raise one up with a slight bend in the knee while having the heel remain
touching the ground. Now with one leg, raise it all the way up as high as it can go while
keeping your hands straight down along your sides, this is the position shown in figure 1.

Now keeping everything in place, take your hands and grab your shinbone and gently pull
it down as low as it will go resulting in a great stretch. Slowly release and lower it back
down to the ground. Now repeat the same movement with the other leg, make sure at
the top you are holding the stretch for 10 seconds, complete this exercise on each side 5

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Weeks 7-9
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Advanced Regime 1

Great so you have finally made it half way through the program! I am excited for you to
have made it here, you may have already realised so far that it takes a lot of discipline to
make sure that you have everything in check, but the results are well worth it as you will
be experiencing already.

Remember the first 6 weeks of the program are just the kicking off stage while everything
crazy is right about to happen now over the next 6 weeks until the end. The results will
surprise and amaze you.

Keep going strong with your diet, making sure you are having the HGH cocktail and are

eating the correct calorie requirements containing the correct macronutrients for your

It is all in this leading up stage till now where your body is ready to start growing at a rapid

Without further ado lets move onto the next stage of this program remembering to keep
in mind that you are still continuing with the introductory exercises to keep your spine

Lets begin with these next few exercises, which are part of the advanced stretching

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #1
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Begin standing up straight with your hands by your sides and your back facing a wall. You
may want to begin about 1 foot away from the wall and over the next 3 weeks you can
gradually start improving your distance. Raise your hands up above your head and slowly
start leaning back towards the wall as shown in figure 2 until you can touch the wall.

Keep your feet flat on the ground, hold in this position for 20 seconds and then return to
starting position. Repeat this exercise over 3 times.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #2
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Get into the starting position by lying on your back, flat on the ground. Find a firm but
comfortable surface, elevate your hands above your head so your body is in a completely
straight line. Slowly without allowing any other joints to move, raise your hips up towards

the ceiling while squeezing your buttock muscles. You will not need to pause and squeeze
on these ones but simply complete 3 sets of 20.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #3
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Begin by lying with your back flat on the ground, raise your knees up half way so they are
slightly bent as shown in figure 1. Interlock your hands and fingers and place them behind
your head on your neck. Raise your body so your torso is directly up, reach your left elbow

to touch your right knee, and your right elbow to touch your left knee. Make sure you are
customizing yourself to this and stretching as far as you possibly can. Complete 3 sets of
10 knee touches on each side.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #4
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

As shown in figure 1 above, get into starting position with your head at shoulder width.
Place your hands on your hips. With your right hand, slowly reach down towards your left
foot, and your left hand reaching towards your right foot.

Stretch as far you can, you will notice fast improvement with this stretch over the course
of 3 weeks. If it becomes easy just to touch your toes, try to place your hand flat onto
the ground. Remember with these exercises always to challenge yourself to make

improvements. Hold at the bottom for 5 seconds, repeat this exercise over 12 times on
each side.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #5
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Place yourself in the starting position shown in figure 1 with your back lying flat on a firm
surface. Place your hands under your buttocks, this is used to support your lower back as
it will feel uncomfortable on your spine when your legs are raised.

Make sure you are keeping your legs completely straight the whole time, slowly raise them
up so they are pointing towards the roof. From here start opening them up until you feel

a stretch in your groin, hold this stretch for 10 seconds, then close your legs and slowly
lower them to the ground. This exercise must be completed 8 times.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #6
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

For this next exercise you will either need a pull -up bar or an obstacle that you will be
able to hang from. Grab the bar and with a completely straight body gently swing back
and forth while trying to accelerate your body downwards stretching yourself out.

Let yourself hang and feel the pull. This will further decompress your spine and allow
certain nutrients to flow through the spinal column. Slowly swing back and fourth
completing this 15 times.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #7
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Standing straight with your feet close together in a narrow stance and your hands running
directly down your sides.

Raise your hands above your head pointing towards the roof with your hands internally

rotated, this must be done while in conjunction with raising your heels off the ground.
Raise up as high as you can go allowing a good stretch all right throughout your body, you
will not need to hold up the top but simply complete this 30 times.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #8
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Replicate figure 1 by standing up straight with your feet just outside of shoulder width.
Interlock your hands and fingers and bring your hands behind your head placed on your
neck. Begin by lowering your torso down towards the ground, when you reach as far as
you can go extend your arms from your neck towards the ground and reach until you can
touch the ground. Hold this position for 20 seconds and repeat this exercise 6 times.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #9
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Find an object such as a desk, bed or anything that you can lock your feet under. Make
sure your legs are completely straight and your torso is directly raised upright pointing
towards the roof. Interlock your hands and fingers together while placing your hands on
the back of your neck as shown in figure 1. Slowly lower your torso downwards towards
the ground until you reach a 45 -degree angle. Now rotate your elbows around as shown
in figure 2 making sure that every time you turn you are spinning around as far as you can
go. Rotate both clockwise and anti -clockwise, do 5 rotations on each side and then rest
for 15 seconds. That is 1 set complete, complete 3 sets in total.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #10
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

In the final exercise for the first advanced routine, place yourself on your stomach lying
flat on the floor. Interlock your hands and fingers together bringing them behind your
back, keep your shoulders back and fully extend your arms, allow your chest to raise a
little off the ground. Now raise your legs as high as they can go, this is all shown in figure

From here you can lower one foot until your toes touch the ground and slowly change feet
as one remains in the air while the other can touch the ground. While this is being done

you must stretch your arms as far as they can go while bringing them out and around the
front of you making a circular motion outwards from your body. This is by far the most
difficult exercise in the advanced regime, which may take you a little practice to get right.
Complete these movements for 90 seconds without stopping.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Weeks 10-12
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Advanced Regime 2

Exercise #1

Begin this exercise in the standing position with your feet parted just outside shoulder
width and one foot just in front of your body with your hands by your sides as shown in
figure 1. From here lean forwards with your torso keeping your left hand on your knee,
which is in front. Perform this exercise slowly and really work on lowering yourself to the
floor as much as possible achieving the best stretch that you can get. Hold this stretched
position at the bottom for 10 seconds and return. Perform this exercise 5 times on each
side of your body.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #2
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Assume the position on a chair as shown in figure 1. Make sure you are holding a
completely straight body with your hands down your sides and your ankles up on the
ground. Make sure you have enough stability with your buttocks placed on the middle of
the chair. From here crunch your legs up while in conjunction with wrapping your hands
around your legs as shown in figure 2. When you reach the top make sure to squeeze your
abdomen tight, slowly lower your legs and arms back to the starting position. Perform this
exercise 10 times.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #3
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

From the standing position elevate yourself onto your toes with your hands internally
rotated directly above yourself. Reach up to the highest point possible while keeping your
feet touching the floor. Use your best efforts to stretch your abdomen and spine upright

as much as possible and not just standing there with your hands above your head. Hold
the top position for 3 seconds, perform this exercise 15 times.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #4
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Assume the position as shown above in figure 1 by sitting on a comfortable surface, I


would suggest a bed. Place both your hands behind your buttocks with your legs pointing
directly infront of you. From here slowly rotate your neck around and gently stretch.
Perform this exercise and complete 20 rotations, both clockwise and anticlockwise.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #5
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Assume the position as shown in figure 1 by lying on a comfortable surface, I would once
again suggest a bed. Place both your hands on your hips and elevate your buttocks off
from the floor with your legs pointing directly upwards. From here slowly rotate your feet
around about a 1 foot radius. Perform this exercise both clockwise and anti - clockwise
with your legs as if you were pedaling a bicycle. Complete 20 rotations with both legs.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #6
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Assume an upright standing position with your legs at shoulder width and your arms
outwards from your body raised up to a parallel level with the floor. While keep your
arms locked in to this position, move side -by -side down towards the ground stretching
the oblique’s of the abdomen. This will also decompress the thoracic vertebrae and allow
minerals and nutrients to flow within. Move through the exercise slowly and complete 20

stretches on each side of the abdomen.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #7
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Begin this exercise in the standing position with your feet shoulder width apart, interlock
your hands and fingers and place them behind your head bracing your neck as shown in
figure 1. From this position gently tilt forward as far as you can go down and then return
to the starting position. When lowering your torso over make sure to brace your abdomen
and feel the stretch in your lower back. Complete this exercise 15 times.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #8
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Assume the starting position as show in figure 1. Find a comfortable surface to sit on with
your legs positioned out in front of you. Take both your hands and reach towards your
feet feeling a strong stretch in your lower back and hamstrings. Hold the end position as
far as you can reach for 20 seconds and return back to the starting position having 10
seconds rest. Repeat this exercise over 3 times.

Exercise #9

Begin by standing up nice and tall, place your

hands behind your back. Now we will rotate your
shoulder joint around clockwise 5 times and then
switch to rotating it anti - clockwise 5 times, this

will be 1 set complete. Make sure when you do

this that you are covering the largest circumference
with your shoulders possible resulting in the best
overall stretch. Repeat this exercise again
completing 5 sets in total.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Exercise #10
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

We have finally made it to the last exercise for the advanced stretching routine. Begin by
finding a comfortable area to lye down on, I would again suggest a bed. Fully extend your
body out as far as you can with your hands raised above your head continually working on
stretching. While maintaining this position you must use your torso to rotate both 3 times
clockwise and 3 times anti-clockwise. Remember to keep holding a straight position with

your body and not allowing your body to bend at any joint.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Additional Training & Tips
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

As we know, some of us grow quicker than others; this is because not everyone
experiences a growth spurt at the same time. Here a few extra tips to help assist you
along your 12 week journey that you can put into place.

Make sure you get enough vitamin D from the Sun!

Vitamin D will help you to grow taller. There have been several studies of teenage girls,
which have found that girls who were vitamin D deficient were fatter around the stomach
and shorter than their non -deficient counterparts.

You should ensure that you get adequate vitamin D intake also because it decreases your

likelihood of suffering from multiple sclerosis, many common cancers, bone disease,
cardiovascular disease and respiratory illness.

Sun exposure is the best way to generate vitamin D. Failing that and provided that you
do not have a history of melanoma or skin cancer and do not burn very easily then you
should look to use a sun bed once or twice weekly on a moderate basis, ensuring you do
not burn.

Keep Active

Even though the daily exercise routines will get you moving and using muscles you should
aim to be active in other areas daily as well to help promote your growth over this 12 week
period. Swimming, aerobics, football, basketball, tennis and cricket are all a good way to
keep our bodies growing and physically active. Active involvement of our muscles not only
improves our growth prospects but also helps in detoxifying our body through sweating.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Will weight training stunt an adolescent’s growth?

The biggest concern amongst people wanting to get taller or those that are in a growth
stage is whether strength training will stunt their growth. This is a common public belief.
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

Is this belief true or just a myth? Science proves it is a myth. So where did this myth

This myth that strength training damages the growth plates of children, which would
cause decreased stature growth, is believed to have stemmed from an old report, which
examined children in remote areas of Japan. This report stated that these children, who
performed heavy labor, were short in stature. It should also be noted that these children
“performed heavy labor in mountainous villages for several hours a day” in addition
working and living on a poor diet.

From this, it was speculated that strength training could damage the composition of the
epiphyseal junctures, or “growth plates”, from which bone continues to emanate until
complete skeletal growth is achieved. This belief was not based on scientific findings, but

an anecdote. On the contrary to this belief, strength training improves the bone mass
density of children and adolescents. Osteoporosis, a progressive disease that causes
bones to lose their mineral mass and become brittle and spongy, is an ever -growing
disease that affects more than 20 million Americans.

Due to an insufficient intake of calcium, the body begins to use bone calcium for its
needs. This is a problem in itself, but is further aggravated by the sub -optimal levels of
bone mass on adults due to inactivity. Bone mass also decreases as one ages. Without
going into too much detail, exercise, more specifically weight bearing exercise, leads to

the buildup of calcium in bones, assuming calcium intake is adequate. By exercising at an

early age, children can give their bones a head start in the fight against osteoporosis.

Science does not support the myth that strength training has a negative effect on the
growth of children, but rather it has positive effects on the their bone health and growth.
These facts have lead to The American College of Sports Medicine, American Orthopedic
Society for Sports Medicine, and the National Strength and Conditioning Associate
supporting child and adolescent participation in strength training programs.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Malnutrition & Growing Taller Don’t Work Together!

Stunted growth is a common effect of malnourishment. Without the proper vitamins and
minerals, a child or adolescent is unable to gain weight and grow in height. Over time, the
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

person will weigh less and will be shorter than average for their age.
This delay in growth can continue as long as the child is malnourished. Even with proper
and effective treatment, an individual may never catch up to their peers, and may be
shorter than average their entire life.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
How You Should Avoid Them
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

As you are probably already aware, there are many different height gaining systems out
there, and they usually leave people walking away with disappointment. This is because
these programs do not use proven and tested methods, but merely have just thrown any
material together and are selling it to whomever they can.

It is important for someone to go with a product like 5InchHeightGain that has been
proven to work, by many different people, and on top of that having many different
positive reviews from real people around the world.

If you have already followed this blueprint right through you will already know that this
works, and I congratulate you because I bet you have never felt better before. Please
make sure you contact us to let us know your success story, and exactly how much height

you have gained. Also if you would like your story to be featured with us, be sure to send
us in before and after photos.

If you are just about to start the 5InchHeightGain blueprint, be rest assured that you are in
good hands, with top leading advice in the market and being a best seller. There are ways
to manipulate the growth process as they are outlined in this blueprint, however some
others just do simply not know how to gain height. These certain people will formulate
products together in the hope of making a quick sale.

I would love to be able to name out certain products that just simply don’t work but I
cannot. Be aware of height increase pills and supplements, these usually contain such
minor traces of the correct ingredients that will deliver such a poor boost in human
growth hormone levels. Not saying however any of these products could not be beneficial
to you, they will not deliver a rise in HGH that is noticeable enough to deliver height
gaining results. They will help with the process and can also deliver certain vitamins,
nutrients and minerals to your body which will help keep other hormones as well as HGH
within your body in check.

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Be sure to leave a review with us when you
have finished this blueprint, we would love
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

to hear your success!

Putting everything into place mentioned above and having been done correctly will
guarantee you your maximum height gain that your body can output. These certain
procedures need to be followed step -by -step exactly as they are laid out for you to reach
your maximum potential. It is important for you to have all procedures in place and you
are not just using the body stretching exercises or just the nutrition, but a combination of
both along with the other factors listed in this book will lead you to great results.

Step 1 –

Have your nutrition in check, make sure your calorie consumption and macronutrients
are specific to your own needs to grow using the BMR and Harris Benedict Formula to
make wise food selections. This will give your body the fuel needed to grow and also keep
specific hormones in place including your HGH.

Step 2 –
Most importantly make sure you are having the HGH cocktail full of the right amino acids
which in turn will make you hit a growth spurt. This is absolutely 100% necessary and
without it, it will conflict with your final result.

Step 3 –
Make sure you are receiving adequate amounts of sleep each night so that your spine
has time to decompress. Also so that your body has time to repair and deliver required
nutrients. You will grow in your sleep!

The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint
Step 4 –
Have your posture in check, analyse it and if it is not spot on, use the regimes above to
correct your posture. After all if your posture is not correct you are immediately
limiting your own height. Walking with bad posture does not give off a strong confident
You Are Just 12 Weeks Away

appearance; this can all be prevented following the steps above.

Step 5 –
The main focus around this program is also the exercise routines throughout the 12 -week
period. These cannot be skipped at all at any point as they are key to success for you to
reach your maximum height.

We look forward to hearing your success story and wish you all the best.

Jason Alessandrini & The 5InchHeightGain Team


The 5InchHeightGain Blueprint

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