TitanRod E Book Final

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"This eBook provides general information
only and is not intended as medical advice.

The author is not a medical professional. Any

exercise program, including those described
in this eBook, carries the risk of injury.

It is recommended to consult with your

doctor before starting any exercise program
to reduce the risk of injury. The information
presented here does not replace medical
advice from a licensed physician.

Readers should always consult with their

doctor regarding their health. Exercise
programs and supplement regimens pose
inherent risks of injury or death.

Prior to starting any exercises or taking any

supplements described in this eBook, it is
important to seek advice from your personal
Hey, welcome to the world of penis enlargement
exercises! Yup, you read that right. We're diving into
techniques and methods aimed at boosting the size
and strength of your manhood. But hold up, before
we get into the nitty-gritty, let's chat about some
important stuff.

First things first, let's talk about what it really takes to

see results from these exercises. It's all about
dedication and sticking to it. Just like hitting the gym,
you gotta put in the work consistently if you wanna
see those gains. No quick fixes here, my friend. It's all
about putting in that sustained effort over time.

Consistency is key. You can't just do these exercises

once in a blue moon and expect magic to happen.
Nah, you gotta establish a routine and stick to it like
glue. Whether you're trying out manual stretching or
exercises that require equipment, it's all about
staying committed to that regular schedule.

And let's talk about patience. Rome wasn't built in a

day, right? Well, the same goes for building up your
size and strength down there. It's gonna take some
time and patience, my friend. So don't get frustrated
if you're not seeing huge changes right away. Trust
the process, stay committed, and you'll start seeing
results before you know it.
Now, while we're focused on pumping up your package,
let's not forget about your overall health. Eating right,
staying active, and getting enough rest—it all plays a role
in maximizing the effectiveness of these exercises. We'll
dive deeper into that in another chapter, so stay tuned.

So, ready to dive into this journey with me? Let's arm
ourselves with knowledge, determination, and a solid
commitment to self-improvement. Together, we'll tackle
this journey towards a bigger and stronger you!
Alright, buckle up because we're diving into a topic
that's crucial for any discussion about penis
enlargement: erection quality. Now, you might be
thinking, "Wait, isn't this book about making my
manhood bigger?" Well, yes and no. See, here's the
thing: improving your erection quality can actually
make a huge difference in how your package looks and

Let's break it down. Erection quality refers to how firm,

strong, and long-lasting your erections are. And guess
what? It's not just about how good they feel during sex
(although that's definitely a bonus). Nope, better
erection quality can actually make your member
appear bigger. How's that for a win-win situation?

Picture this: when your erections are at their best, your

penis is fully engorged with blood, making it appear
fuller and more impressive. And here's the kicker—most
guys would gain up to an inch in length just by
improving their erection quality. Yep, you heard that
right. You could be packing an extra inch without doing
a single enlargement exercise. Pretty sweet, huh?
But how do you go about improving your erection quality,
you ask? Well, it all starts with taking care of your overall
health. Yep, I'm talking about eating right, staying active,
and getting enough rest. I Know you probably heard
about that a hundred of times, but I’ll reveal to you the
real stuff.

See, when you're in good shape physically, your blood

flow improves, and that's key for getting those rock-solid
erections. Plus, cutting back on unhealthy habits like
smoking and excessive drinking can do wonders for your
performance between the sheets.

But hey, don't worry if you're not at your peak just yet. We'll
be diving into more tips and tricks for improving your
erection quality throughout this book. So stick with me, my
friend, because by the time we're done, you'll be sporting
erections that'll make heads turn (and maybe even gain
you that extra inch you've been dreaming of).

I think more importantly than all the PE exercises is

maxing out the dick you have. So here is what I think is a
comprehensive list of things that can affect erectile
function. Including the problems and how to fix it.
Testosterone (Test)

So on a physiological level. You can have zero

testosterone and still have the ability to get an
erection. That being said, Test is related to low libido
and in some cases erectile dysfunction. However,
studies show that even with very low levels of test,
erectile function can be normal. However, there is
zero doubt that healthy test levels are associated
with higher quality erections.

Things like diet and sleep can affect test levels, so be

aware of other factors that can be contributing to
poor EQ.

If you suspect a low test, go get tested. Signs of low

test include, fatigue, lethargy, low sex drive, fat gain,
muscle loss. It's easy and pretty cheap and in the US
there are literally mail in kits you can use. If low in
test, you can talk to your doctor about ways to
naturally increase test, or even Hormonal
Replacement Therapy (TRT).
There are natural supplements like
Tongkat Ali or Fadogia Agrestis that have
been shown to increase test naturally.


Having an injury from PE like hard flaccid,

nerve damage, or even things like a blister
can affect EQ. Often times a drop in EQ is
the first sign of a pending injury.
Diagnosing your injury, then finding the
appropriate treatment and recovery is key
to reversing low EQ from an injury. Go talk
to your doctor if you think you have an

Over work

Over working the penis during PE from what

I've read is a common cause of low EQ It
results from microtrauma to the blood
vessels and structural issue of the penis. It is
similar to a fatigued skeletal muscle having
decreased performance. Some exercises can
also fatigue pelvic floor muscles as well. So
the combo of weakened tissue and fatigued
muscles leads to decreased EQ.
Good thing is that this is an easy fix. With
appropriate time off you should expect
complete recovery. I do think it's important to
have at least 1 rest day built into your routine for
this exact reason.
Pelvic Floor
Pelvic floor weakness or tightness, can lead to
decreased poor EQ or even complete ED.

Lack of Nitric Oxide (NO)

Your erections are dependent upon Nitric oxide.

So if you don't have enough NO in your body,
EVEN WITH VIAGRA, you will not have an erection.
This can only come from diet or supplements.
Good thing is it's an easy fix. Eat more foods like
watermelon, or just buy a supplement.

Porn/Excessive masturbation

So by itself, porn doesn't cause erectile dysfunction in

most studies. However, what it can do is decrease
your sexual appetite. For example, if you masturbate
to more and more perverse things, it’s going to make
it a lot harder to get hard and have meaningful sex.
There is something called "Sexual Anorexia",
where because you masturbate so much to
porn, you don't desire normal sexual intimacy.
You can also deplete dopamine stores with
excessive masturbation to porn.
To fix this you need to simply abstain from porn
and masturbation. Stop all porn and
masturbation for a while.

I think you would be surprised by how much

things can improve even with only a few days
away from it. Excessive masturbation can
fatigue the tissue in the dick also.

Nicotine has been proven to lead to increased

rates of erectile dysfunction. It literally limits
blood flow to the penis. Quit all smoking and
nicotine ASAP to maximize EQ, as well as for your
overall health.

Poor sleep

This is one of the most underrated components of

good erection quality. You need to have good
sleep hygiene. It’s different for everyone but at
least 7-8hrs of uninterrupted sleep is ideal. This is
necessary for health hormone levels like Test and
GH as well as things like healthy nocturnal
erections. I think this is one of the top 3 most
important things on this list. To correct poor EQ
from this just get better sleep.

Excessive Alcohol Consumption

What I'm talking about is alcoholism or alcohol

Mild to moderate alcohol intake is ok, but heavy
intake or alcohol abuse will negatively impair EQ
and lead to permanent ED if not careful.
Poor diet/No exercise

Summary is that diet and exercises are crucial

for health body functions and appropriate
blood flow. cardiovascular exercise is
essential for maximum EQ

Mental Factors Like Anxiety, Depression, or


The best thing to do is to figure out the root

cause of your stress or anxiety in find solutions
to cope with this.

There are also supplements like

Ashwagandha which I have posted about
before that can clinically reduce stress and
cortisol levels. I HIGHLY recommended to
adopt meditation as your 1#habit.

Health Issues Like High Blood Pressure,

Diabetes, High Cholesterol

I am not going to spend much time going

into detail on this.

But these conditions have been clinically

proven to cause erectile dysfunction and poor
erection quality.

The best thing to do is get these illnesses

under control to correct poor erection quality
as a result of these diseases.
I always say if you raise your testosterone levels
you solved 95% of your problems. So this is going
to be an essential guide to raise your
testosterone levels naturally.


The most powerful way to increase testosterone

production is with the help from the sun. Humans can
only absorb vit. D and metabolise it trough direct sun
exposure, all animal sources contain insignificant
amounts of vit. D.

The average adult male needs about 20 000UI of vit. D

daily in order to function optimally and to be free out of
any disease.
Your body requires vit. D in order to produce
You know, there's this interesting connection between
building muscle and testosterone. Back in ancient
Greece, they had this thing where they'd work out
naked on sunny beaches to get strong. Turns out, when
sunlight hits your body, it can boost testosterone
production, especially if it hits your private parts

So, sunlight really affects testosterone levels. From

November to April, when there's less sun, testosterone
drops. But when spring and summer come around,
testosterone levels go up until they peak in October.
And here's something fascinating: more sunlight
means more chances of making babies, with June
having the highest conception rates.

People living closer to the equator, where it's sunnier and

less rainy, have an advantage all year round because of
this testosterone boost. When Europeans moved to
sunnier places, birth rates shot up, partly thanks to the
extra sunlight boosting testosterone.

Studies even show that sunlight makes a big difference.

When your chest or back catches some rays, testosterone
goes up by 120%. But when it's your private area getting
some sun, testosterone spikes by a whopping 200%!
Regular sunbathing combined with exercise is like a
magic formula for building muscle and keeping your
body healthy and ready for making babies.

Now, about those guys in the U.S. with low testosterone

levels—there are millions of them! But here's the thing:
most don't even know it. They might be facing issues
like sexual prob-lems, feeling tired, down, or having
trouble sleeping. And guess what? These could all be
signs of low testosterone, but many doctors miss it or
blame it on stress or getting older.

As guys age, their testosterone levels naturally start to

drop. Lifestyle stuff like stress, bad diet, not moving
enough, smoking, drinking, and even certain meds can
make it drop even faster. And here's the frustrating
part: even though a guy's total testosterone might
seem okay, his free testosterone—the important stuff—
could be seriously low.

Most docs won't even think about treating low

testosterone unless it's really, really low. So, tons of guys
are out there feeling lousy, and nobody's giving them
the help they need.

Zinc is needed for testosterone production too. Zinc

deficiency causes low testosterone, infants who were
deficient in zinc developed hypogonadism later in life.
How to increase Zinc:

Synthetic zinc cannot be absorbed by the body and it's a

waste of money. One can increase their zinc levels only by
correcting their lifestyle habits and eating foods rich in
Oysters contain more zinc per serving than any other
Red meat

Avoid eating legumes, they inhibit the absorption of zinc in

the blood.
Magnesium is also needed for
testosterone production.

How to increase Magnesium:

Eat Spinach.
Leafy greens in general
Pumkin seeds.
And finally your body needs cholesterol to
produce testosterone. There's a big
misconcep-tion that cholesterol is bad for
you, but it depends on the type of
Another reason for the decline in
testosterone levels in men of today is
unadequate intake of the right cholesterol

How to increase HDL cholesterol:

Healthy Fats:
Raw, free range whole eggs
Extra virgin olive oil (2-3 table spoons
Coconut oil (1 table spoon daily).

Here I will list shortly all the foods,

beverages and habits that lower testosterone

Peanut butter
Food from plastic box, container
Pasteurized milk
Cheap yogurt
Canned foods
Heavily processed foods
Vegetable oils
Beer (beer contains phytoestrogens)

Any type of alcohol-anytime you indulge in high

amounts of alcohol, your testicular function and with
that testosterone production is supressed for the next
48 hours.)

It takes a long time for the liver to brake down alcohol

and detoxify the blood efficiently. That's why chronic
drinkers are usually the same guys: Balding, high
body fat %, etc.
Fruit juice from the
Any type of pharmaceutical drugs (Yes, popping
xanax like candy in fact suppresses testosterone
Smoking marijuana
Taking drugs

Finasteride destroys 5-alpha reductase genes in the

liver, muscles and testicles for zeroing sex drive, soft
erection and muscle twitches, low ejaculation volume
and semen production disorders.

Many guys over the world report lowered sex drive,

erection power, seminal volume and Testosterone
levels after taking Finasteride for just under 60 days.

Note: It may take up to 3 years before experiencing

the first negative side effects of the devastating
castrating effects of Finasteride!
It has been also reported that it may stimulate breast
tissue in men, or at least change the fat distribution
around the chest, but it always drops down
testosterone by at least 30% in the long term usage.

Note: Finasteride causes such negative side effects

long term because it decreases the testicular
function, this lowering total testosterone, DHT and free
testosterone levels.
3.1:The Power Of Semen

Semen contains human growth hormone, Insulin-like

growth factor-I, alpha2-macroglobulin, testosterone,
and other therapeutic and pharmaceutical proteins.
Pre-puberty overmasturbation may limit the body and
penile growth.

Vasectomy can significantly drop hGH and

testosterone at about 30-60% and 25-53%,
respectively, in seminal plasma.

The dangers of over-masturbation/over-ejaculation:

One of the primary reasons why men of today suffer
from low testosterone levels is over-
masturbation/over-ejaculation. Watching excessive
pornography and pornography in general is the
number 1 leading cause of masculinity in crysis of

Pornhub has been exposed as "trafficking hub" this

Chronic over-masturbation causes the hypothalamus-
pituitary-adrenal axis in the neuroplastic state to
chronically, excessively convert dopamine into
norepinephrine for sympathetic nervous Fight and
Flight responses to stimulation, and the resulted
norepinephrine induces inflammatory hormone
prostaglandin E2 for hyper-sensitization of your penis
and prostate, leading to precum leakage and body
pain. It also constricts your arteries for testicular
Over-masturbation/over-ejaculation causes:

Pre-mature ejaculation
Soft erections
Erectile disfunction
High penile angle (downward crooked penis)
Temporal decrease in penile size by 1-2cm in
length and 0.5-1cm in girth (over-
masturbation/over-ejaculation induced penile
Pre-cum leakage
Watery cum
Low ejaculation volume
Blurry vision
Anxiety (one of the major symptoms)
Testicular pain
Lower back pain (rare)
Shrinks the hair follicles

Dark circles (dark eye circles are a result of

hyperactive tyrosinase for skin pigmentation
around the eyes, in conjunction with arterial
and venous constriction.

Tyrosinase tunes L-Tyrosine and L-Dopa into

melanin, a class of compounds responsible for
skin pigmentation, instead of dopamine to
drive the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular

Damaged arteries and veins around the eye

circles trap the melanin for semi-permanent
skin darkness.

Regular exercise helps men stay fit and

healthy by naturally boosting testosterone
and pre-venting its breakdown. How you
exercise—how long, how hard, and how often
—can affect your testosterone levels.

Short, intense workouts tend to increase

testosterone the most, while long, frequent
workouts can decrease it.

Studies suggest that 45 to 60 minutes of

exer-cise is optimal for boosting testosterone,
but after that, levels may start to drop.

Maintaining healthy testosterone levels is

essential for muscle growth and repair.
Overtrain-ing, with frequent and extended
workouts, can lead to symptoms like muscle
soreness, de-creased performance, fatigue,
and a bad mood. Here are some guidelines to
maximize the effects of exercise on
Focus on short, intense strength training sessions.
Limit workouts to 60 minutes or less.
Exercise intensely no more than 2 or 3 times a week.
Separate aerobic exercise from strength training sessions.
Change your exercise routine every 8 to 12 weeks for optimal

Additionally, make sure to prioritize sleep by going to bed

early, ideally before 10:00 PM. Go-ing to bed late can reduce
melatonin production, a hormone vital for regulating sleep,
di-gestion, metabolism, and testosterone production.

Practicing good posture, like the Super-man pose, and

taking deep breaths can also help increase testosterone
levels naturally.

Remember, it's not just about taking testosterone

supplements; it's about understanding how your body works
and optimizing its natural functions to stay healthy and

The best example, 18 year old Steve Reeves:

And lastly don't let yourself down. You may want to limit
cortisol release as much as possible.
There are few supplements which increase
testosterone production and they are as follows:

Ashwagandha has been shown to increase
testosterone levels by 15% in healthy young men,
which is substantial amount.

Boron has been shown to increase free bioavailable
testosterone in the blood
DIM is the one of only two natural supplements
without negative side effects which actively battles
estrogen by detoxifying it and eliminating it not just
from the blood, but from the liver.

Chrysin is the modern best mega supplement for
testosterone increase and estrogen control, it has the
similar effects of DIM in handling estrogen, however
Chrysin also is very anabolic and has been reported
to increase total testosterone by whooping 30%. It's
not like tribulus terrestris, tribulus doesn't work at all.
Now this is the stuff all you have been waiting for.

Beginner Manual Length Routine:

Beginner routine

This routine is designed around maximizing beginner

gains and should be undertaken for around 6
months or till you reach 1 inch gained. After that point
you will move on to and intermediate routine with

This is all manuals, so no devices required. There is

no specific time for you to do this and it can be
performed anywhere. Some people have noticed
somewhat better results when doing manuals under
hot water, you may want to perform some of this
workout in a hot shower.

The first exercise is a helicopter, literally helicopter

your dick in circles. This promotes blood flow.

The second exercise is a static stretch. This involves

pulling your penis in one direction and holding it.

The third exercise is called a side to side. This is

similar to a static stretch but instead you pull the
penis from side to side while maintaining tension.

The fourth exercise is called a between the cheeks.

Stretch the penis, place it between the butt cheeks
and hold.
The sets and reps are

Helicopters 2 sets 15 secs 30 secs rest

Static stretch straight out 3 sets 20 secs 0 secs rest

Static stretch straight down 3 sets 20 secs 0 secs rest

Static stretch Left 3 sets 20 secs 0 sets rest

Static stretch right 3 sets 20 secs 0 sets rest

Static stretch up 3 sets 20 secs 0 sets rest

Rest 1 minute

BTC stretch 3 sets 30 secs 30 rest

For progression a month after starting add 5 seconds to each

static every 2 weeks.
Beginner Manual Girth Routine:

The workout has three phases:

Blood Vessel Dilation:

We are going to open up the capillaries so that way they are

ready to stretch and engorge later.

Tunica Breakdown:

This is the limiting factor for girth gains. The Tunica is a small
sheath of fibers that surround the penile chambers sort of like a
webbing. If the tunica is still stiff you will not be able to over
expand the capillaries for girth gain. Most men have two layers of
tunica. The lucky ones have one and the hard gainers probably
have three.


This is where we actually gain girth. After the tunica is broken

down the capillaries can over expand and stretch out. Overtime
they heal and adapt to a larger state.

Blood Vessel dilation


Erection level: 40-60

Lube up!
With a V or claw like grip grab your semi erect member
from the base. At the bottom of the “V” (where the two
fingers meet at the palm) the Corpus Spongiosum (the
“stem” on bottom of the shaft) . Tighten the grip so light
pressure is placed on the sides (you should bulge out a
little bit).

You then slide your hand up to the tip slowly and

consistently. That is one rep. Repeat with the opposite

You should not go over head keep the work on the shaft

The motion should be something like a pull away so if you

are using your right hand it should pull the penis to the
right as you do it. And vice versa to the left

Each rep should be 2-3 seconds. I prefer to time my sets.

Sets should be one minute to start

You can work up to five minutes over time

Tunica break down:

Blood Flow Restricted (BFR) Semi Erect Bend:

This is my variation on an old school exercise.

It is a little advanced. Go Slow. and Do not overbend.

Erection level: 50-70 %

With your semi-erect member. Grip the base with an “o”

shaped grip to not let any blood out.

With the opposite hand, Grip so the thumb is 1 inch from the

You then bend towards the thumb side (the thumb acts a
fulcrum) bend for two seconds.
Do the same motion in the up the shaft until it's about
3/4s of the shaft and work your way back down.

Switch hands and sides when done.

Each bend does not have to be the same angle or

going in the exact same direction.

you might bend perfectly left on one, and then left

and little upwards on the next. this is fine and should
be encouraged

You should feel a stretching sensation on the

opposite side of the thumb and pressure where the
thumb is.

Start with a small bend and gradually increase it over


Work up to five second bends over time.

For a particularly tough tunica you might want to

bend going diagonal up (up and to the left/right)
and diagonal down.

this will hit the tunica on another axis breaking down

fibers running in the other direction, but this is
unproven an pure speculation on my part.

Most users wont need to do this, probably 1/10 men.

Vessel Over-Engorgement

Modified Jelq

With an almost erect penis, grab your member with an okay grip at
base. Firmly grip not allowing blood out. Slide your grip no more that one
inch halfway up the shaft. Hold for up to 30 seconds, switch hands and

Workout Write up

You should be seated on the edge of chair/bed or standing for all the

Start with 4 days a week you can work up to every day a week

more time or more sets should be added after six weeks.

I designed this workout to maximize tunica breakdown. This

process takes a while normally 3-6 weeks. But I have noticed
that the bends have significantly sped tunica break down for
me after I take a break from PE. I would suspect it increase
breakdown by 20% to 50%

This two routines are ALL YOU NEED to gain an inch on your
What are the Kegels?

Let's talk about Kegel muscles. You might think they're

only for women, but actually, everyone has them.
These muscles are located in the pelvic floor, just under
the prostate and near the rectum, ending at the anus.
They play a crucial role in bladder control, bathroom
use, bowel function, and even sexual performance.

Interestingly, men often overlook their Kegels because

they aren't emphasized much. Women, on the other
hand, tend to focus on them due to childbirth, bladder
control, and their impact on vaginal tightness, which
affects sexual experience. It's just easier for women to
access and work these muscles.

This book aims to shift your perspective on Kegels and

highlight their importance. Regularly exercising these
muscles can benefit you in various ways. If you
struggle with bladder control or experience urine
dribbling after urination, Kegels can help. Plus, they can
enhance muscle control in the genital area, leading to
better sexual function.
How Do I Find My Kegels?

Ever had to stop your pee midstream? Yep, that's your

Kegel muscles at work! And ever felt the need to hold in a
fart during a date or meeting? Those same muscles are
clenching for you. They're like your unsung heroes, saving
you from awkward moments without you even realizing.

Now, here's a surprising fact: the best way to exercise your

Kegels is by lying on your back. Just tense up those
muscles like you're holding something back, and you'll feel
a pull, maybe in your perineum. That's the area between
your scrotum and anus, but let's keep it professional and
call it the perineum.

When you're lying down, those muscles might pull up and

back, giving you the sensation of holding something in. It
might even feel like you need to pee, but don't worry, that'll
fade as you get more familiar with your body and Kegels.

If you're having trouble pinpointing those muscles lying

down, no worries. Just wait until you need to pee again.
Try stopping the flow halfway through, and you'll definitely
feel them. It's a handy trick to help you identify and work
those muscles effectively.
How to Exercise Your Kegels

When it comes to working out your Kegel muscles, this

method is a winner. It's simple, doesn't need any equipment,
and it's safe and quick. Plus, just a few minutes a day can
help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

Now, when you're doing these exercises, try to avoid holding

your breath. Just breathe normally and focus on keeping
your abdomen and butt muscles relaxed. If you're not sure
you're hitting the right muscles, try stopping your pee
midstream to feel where they are, or imagine holding in gas.

Here's how to do the exercises:

Step 1: Slowly count to five while gently squeezing your Kegel

muscles. Keep your breathing steady and stay relaxed.

Step 2: Hold for a count of five, making sure to breathe


Step 3: Slowly count to five as you release your Kegel

muscles back to resting position.

Step 4: Rest for 30 seconds to avoid cramping.

Step 5: Repeat steps 1 through 4 ten times.

Step 6: Do these exercises three times a day—morning,

lunchtime, and before bed.

Remember to stay hydrated and eat enough protein to keep

yourself healthy throughout the week.
These supplements aren't miracle growers, but they
can boost your sexual health and performance by
improving erectile quality (EQ), testosterone
production, sperm health, and libido.

NAC: So many benefits it doesn’t fit in here (research it)

Omega-3 Fatty Acid: Omega-3 is essential for hormone

production. If you eat fish regularly, you might not need
a supplement.

Damiana (Turnera Diffusa): Used as a natural

aphrodisiac, it reduces the sexual refractory period and
may protect testes from toxins.

Horny Goat Weed:

Contains icariin, a weak PDE-5 inhibitor, which increases
blood flow to the penis for better erections.

D-Aspartic Acid: Stimulates natural testosterone

production and can boost libido, especially in men with
low testosterone and LH levels.
Maca Root: Known for increasing sperm health, libido, and
energy levels, it may also reduce prostate size.

Fenugreek Extract: Improves sperm health and balances

sex hormones by raising testosterone and LH while
lowering prolactin levels.

Tribulus Terrestris: Enhances libido, may marginally

increase testosterone, improves sperm health, and can
improve erection quality.

L-Citrulline: Boosts nitric oxide production, improving

erectile quality and flaccid hang.

Remember, always follow recommended dosages for

these supplements to avoid any adverse effects.
Premature ejaculation is a common issue among men
in the bedroom. About 20 percent of men may
experience it at some point in their lives, with younger
men being most affected. It can take a toll on self-
esteem, confidence, and relationships, and in severe
cases, lead to psychological issues.

Premature ejaculation happens when a man ejaculates

too soon for his partner to enjoy sex. This can occur
shortly after penetration or even before it. Men who
struggle with this often feel anxious before and during
sexual activity, which can worsen the problem.

There are two main types of premature ejaculation:

lifelong and acquired. Lifelong premature ejaculation
starts early in life, often due to habits developed during
adolescence. Acquired premature ejaculation tends to
occur later in life and can be linked to psychological or
health issues.

Certain health conditions like high blood pressure or

diabetes can contribute to premature ejaculation.
However, for some men, the issue improves with practice
and lifestyle changes. Exercises like Kegels can help
improve muscle control, while lifestyle changes such as
reducing tobacco and alcohol intake and managing
stress can also make a difference.
Short-term solutions like special condoms or numbing
creams can be helpful in some cases, providing
temporary relief by decreasing penile sensitivity. These
products typically contain safe numbing substances like

Using a thicker condom can help reduce sensitivity, but it

may also decrease pleasure and affect erection quality.
For men dealing with premature ejaculation, exercises to
improve ejaculation control are often recommended.
Kegels are commonly suggested, but we won't cover them
again here.

Instead, let's explore other exercises that have helped

many men with premature ejaculation:

Edging or the "Stop-Start" Technique: Masturbate as usual

but stop before reaching the point of ejaculation. Use a
scale of 1 to 10 to gauge arousal level, and avoid going past
7 or 8. Take deep breaths and wait until arousal decreases
before continuing.

Mixing Oral or Manual Stimulation: If nearing ejaculation

during intercourse, switch to oral or manual stimulation for
your partner. This helps maintain arousal without the risk of

The Squeeze Technique: Squeeze the area between the

shaft and glans of your penis to delay ejaculation.
Experiment to find the right timing, but limit its use to 3 to 5
times per session to avoid affecting erection quality.
Having Sex More Often: Regular sexual activity can help
desensitize you to sensations, improving control and
relaxation during intercourse.

Sex Toys: Male sex toys can be useful for practicing

ejaculation control and enhancing sexual experiences.

These exercises and strategies offer practical ways to

manage premature ejaculation and improve sexual

Ejaculating before sex is a common tip for men struggling

with premature ejaculation. Doing so can reduce sensitivity,
giving you more time during intercourse. However, this
might not work for everyone, especially if it's hard to get an
erection afterward.

Distracting your mind can help control ejaculation.

When you feel close to climaxing, think about something
unappealing to delay orgasm. While effective, this
method might lessen enjoyment for some.

Taking deep breaths can ease anxiety, a common

cause of premature ejaculation. Inhale through your
nose for 3-4 seconds, then exhale through your mouth.
Deep breathing boosts oxygen levels in your blood,
helping you relax and feel happier.

Communication with your partner is crucial.

Discussing concerns openly can reduce anxiety and
strengthen your relationship. If issues persist, seeking
therapy may help uncover deeper issues contributing to
premature ejaculation.
The male enhancement industry can be overwhelming with
its array of options like pills, pumps, surgery, and more.
Sorting through the scams and finding the truth can be

Many male enhancement products are pricey and can

potentially harm the sensitive tissues of the penis. In this
chapter, we'll explore some popular options to help you
understand how the industry works and distinguish between
what's beneficial and what's not.

Penis pills are notorious in this industry, often promising

unbelievable gains in size in a short time. While some
men are skeptical, others desperate for results may try
them. However, there's little evidence that these pills
provide lasting growth. Some may even contain
ingredients like maca or horny goat weed, which can
improve sexual performance but do little for actual size

The 30-day money-back guarantees offered by many

pill companies can give the illusion of growth due to
short-term improvements in erection quality. But for
genuine male enhancement, safer and more effective
options exist. It's wise to consult a physician before trying
any products to ensure they're safe and suitable for you.
Surgical procedures are often seen as a more reliable
option for male enhancement. A skilled surgeon can
potentially make significant changes that can positively
impact a man's life.

However, like any surgery, there are risks involved.

Complications such as temporary or permanent erectile
dysfunction can occur, along with other issues if proper
post-operative care isn't followed. While complications
aren't common, they are possible and should be

Male enhancement surgery is a complex topic beyond

the scope of this book. It's crucial to view it as a last
resort, especially considering the risks involved. Surgery
may be recommended in specific cases, such as for men
with micropenis, but it's typically advised only after
exploring other options.

Penis extenders are devices in the male enhancement

market designed to add length to the penis over time.
They're popular because they can be worn discreetly during
daily activities like work or chores.

These devices work by applying gentle and continuous

pressure to the penis tissue, similar to how certain cultures
use rings or weights to elongate body parts like necks or
earlobes. By wearing the extender for several hours a day,
users can expect to see results over six months or more.
While penis extenders can provide good results, they
have some drawbacks. They can be bulky and
uncomfortable to wear, especially under tight
clothing. Consistency is key, and users must wear
them for several hours daily to see results.
Additionally, quality extenders can be expensive, and
cheaper options may not be as safe or effective.

If considering a penis extender, it's essential to

choose a reputable brand to avoid any potential
harm. While extenders mainly target length gains,
some users may experience girth gains as well.
Overall, they're worth considering for those seeking to
increase penis size with minimal effort, but other
options may be more suitable for some due to cost,
time commitment, and comfort concerns.
Penis pumps come in two main types: air-based
and water-based pumps.

Air-based pumps have been used for treating

erectile dysfunction and are quite well-known,
even among mainstream consumers unfamiliar
with male enhancement products. While they can
help with erectile issues and enhance sexual
desire, they're not primarily used for increasing
size. Some men have reported size gains with
extended use, but there are drawbacks.

One significant drawback of air pumps is the risk

of edema, which is a buildup of fluid in the penis
due to the vacuum created by the device. This
can lead to discoloration, discomfort, and
soreness in the genital area. Although there are
some ways to mitigate edema, they may not
always be practical or effective.

On the upside, air-based pumps are relatively

inexpensive compared to other options, making
them a viable choice for those on a tight budget
looking to improve sexual performance. However,
many consider them outdated compared to
newer devices like water-based pumps, which
we'll discuss next.
Penis hanging, an ancient method of male
enhancement, involves using a tool to hang weights on
the penis, creating tension that leads to micro-tears.
When these tears heal, they promote cell growth,
resulting in increased penis size over time.

Primarily used for length, some users also report girth

improvements with penis hanging. Unlike penis
extenders, which apply minimal resistance over long
periods, hanging tools exert significant tension in short
sessions. This approach aims to avoid damaging the
penis tissue that prolonged tension might cause.

Advocates suggest that when done correctly, penis

hanging can be safe and effective. However, others
warn of the risks of causing harm and advocate for
safer alternatives.

One advantage of penis hanging is the ability to

control the tension levels during each session, akin
to adjusting weights in a gym workout. This control
offers a more tailored approach compared to many
other male enhancement methods.

Penis hanging is considered an advanced

technique, recommended for users with at least 6 to
8 months of experience with other methods. It
requires a good understanding of one's body and
limits before attempting.
Penis clamping, primarily aimed at increasing penis
thickness, is considered an advanced method
suitable for experienced users only. This technique
involves using a device to apply pressure to the penis,
restricting blood flow while allowing minimal inflow.
Over time, this pressure prompts tissue growth
through adaptation.

However, clamping carries risks, especially for

beginners. Without proper practice, injuries such as
vein thrombosis and lymph vessel damage can occur
due to the intense pressure applied to the penis

While clamping can yield results over time, it's crucial

to approach it with caution. Advanced users may
consider it as an option, but safer and more practical
methods are available for most individuals.

This book is primarily designed to give you results only

using your hands without any devices.
If you decide to try one of the methods involving

When it comes to items like lube, toys, pumps,

extenders, clothes, and lotions, stick to products
designed for use around your genitals. Using
substitutes can lead to accidents and
uncomfortable trips to the ER.

Avoid taking unnecessary risks and check for any

allergies before using products. For example, if
you're allergic to latex, steer clear of latex-based
items near your private parts, as the reaction can
be severe.

Follow any care instructions provided with your

products. This ensures you use them correctly and
safely. If something goes wrong, you'll be able to
inform the manufacturer and ensure you're using
the products as safely as possible.
The most commonly reported male sexual issue isn't
premature ejaculation but erectile dysfunction (ED).
The good news is, in many cases, it's reversible.

So, what's ED exactly? It's when a man has trouble

getting or maintaining an erection firm enough for
sex. It's normal to have occasional difficulty, but if it
happens often or consistently, it's a big concern.

ED can have various causes. Stress and emotional

factors are common, as well as physical issues like
restricted blood flow to the penis due to nerve
damage. Sometimes, ED can signal more severe
health problems like heart disease or high blood
How do erections happen?

When a man feels sexually aroused, his nerves

release chemicals that increase blood flow to
the penis. This fills the two chambers inside the
penis, made of spongy tissue, causing it to
become firm for sex.

After orgasm, other nerves signal the penis to

relax, allowing the blood to flow back out, and
the erection goes away.
When not aroused, the penis is soft and limp. Its
size can change due to factors like weather or
mood, which is normal.

Real erectile dysfunction (ED) occurs when a

man struggles to maintain a firm erection for

Physical causes of ED include age, certain

diseases like diabetes, lifestyle factors like
alcohol or drug use, lack of exercise, or being

Though aging raises the risk of ED, not all older

men experience it; many can still have firm
erections in their 70s or 80s.
Emotional causes of ED may include mood
disorders like depression, stress, anxiety, or
relationship problems.
Can erectile dysfunction be fixed?

The good news is, yes, in many cases, it can be

reversed. Even if it can't be fully cured, the right
treatment can greatly reduce its effects.
There are two types:

Primary ED: Rare, when a man has never had a

firm erection.

Secondary ED: More common, when a man used

to have firm erections but no longer can.
Secondary ED is often easier to treat and may be

Primary ED usually needs more intensive care,

possibly including surgery.
Sometimes, treating the underlying causes can
reverse secondary ED without medication.
Treating Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

There are various treatments for ED, and they

depend on each person's needs. Lifestyle
changes can work for some, while others may
need medication or surgery. Thankfully, many
cases of ED can be treated without drugs or
complex procedures.

Short-term treatments can improve erections but

may not address the underlying cause of ED.
Certain drugs can increase blood flow to the
penis, offering temporary relief.

These are commonly used by men over 50 but

may be prescribed to younger patients or those
with conditions like atherosclerosis or diabetes.

Addressing the primary cause of ED can reverse the


For example, improving blood flow by losing weight,

exercising, or taking medication can help if clogged
arteries are the issue.

Low testosterone is another common cause, so

checking hormone levels is often recommended.
The Connection Between Anxiety and ED

Psychological or emotional factors can also

contribute to ED. Lifestyle changes like eating
healthier, exercising, and reducing alcohol and
tobacco intake can sometimes reverse it. Specific
exercises, including Kegels, can improve blood flow
and erection quality.

Some medications may have side effects affecting

erection quality or testosterone levels. In such
cases, discussing alternative drugs with your doctor
is advisable to find options without these effects.

Psychological or emotional factors can play a role

in ED. Making lifestyle changes such as eating
healthier, exercising, and cutting down on alcohol
and tobacco can sometimes help reverse it.
Specific exercises like Kegels can also improve
blood flow and erection quality.

Certain medications may cause side effects that

affect erection quality or testosterone levels.

If this happens, it's a good idea to talk to your

doctor about switching to different drugs without
these effects.
What causes performance anxiety?

Performance anxiety can stem from various

factors. Negative thoughts about one's
ability to perform well in bed and satisfy their
partner are common triggers.

Factors like self-esteem, penis size, and

societal expectations of masculinity can
directly influence these feelings.

A person's mental state also plays a role.

Stress from work or family problems can add
to performance anxiety.

It can affect individuals differently, leading to

issues like erectile dysfunction, premature
ejaculation, low sexual desire, or difficulty
reaching orgasm.
Managing Performance Anxiety

Preventing the cycle of performance anxiety is key.

When a disappointing sexual experience happens,
like premature ejaculation or difficulty satisfying a
partner, it's normal to feel upset. But dwelling on it
can lead to anxiety about future performances,
continuing the cycle.

Instead of fixating on past failures, focus on

improvement for next time. Reflect on what might
have caused the issue, like stress from work or
personal life. Addressing these stressors can help
prevent anxiety from affecting your performance.

Shift your focus away from anxious thoughts by

engaging your senses during sexual activity. Pay
attention to what you feel, see, and hear, rather than
analyzing the situation in your head. Using calming
music or aromas can also help.

Talking openly with your partner about your anxiety

can relieve stress and strengthen your bond.
Consider couples counseling or sex therapy for
additional support.

If anxiety persists despite efforts to manage it,

seeking help from a doctor is advisable. They can
assess any underlying physical or psychological
factors contributing to erectile dysfunction and
provide appropriate treatment.
Correctly measuring and documenting gives you objective
data to track if and how you have gained.
Just use a normal ruler for length
And for girth use a tailor’s tape
Like I said this book is designed to help you gain an inch on
your member without using any devices. If you at some
point decide to use any of the devices here is a list of
products I recommend.

In Conclusion,

I trust this book has shown you the vast array of

possibilities for male enhancement. While common belief
may suggest otherwise, you now possess the tools to
boost your confidence and sexual prowess significantly.

Struggling with sexual performance or feeling insecure

about penis size can be deeply distressing for many men.

Yet, it's empowering to realize how much control we have

over these aspects of ourselves. We can actively work to
improve our self-esteem and overall happiness.

It's undeniable that male confidence often hinges on

sexual performance and masculinity. If given the choice
between wealth and a larger penis, many would opt for
the latter. Learning how to achieve the size you desire
without complex methods feels like a game-changer.

Whether you aim to increase size or enhance sexual

performance, I hope the insights in this guide empower
you with lasting confidence and self-assurance.

Thank you for reading, and best of luck on your journey!

By Titan Rod
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