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Cryptography and Network Security

Principles and Practice 6th Edition

William Stallings Test Bank
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Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition, by William



T F 1. Once the plaintext is converted to ciphertext using the

encryption algorithm the plaintext is then used as input and the
algorithm is applied again.

T F 2. There are no practical cryptanalytic attacks on 3DES.

T F 3. A mode of operation is a technique for enhancing the effect of a

cryptographic algorithm or adapting the algorithm for an

T F 4. The XTS-AES standard describes a method of decryption for data

stored in sector-based devices where the threat model includes
possible access to stored data by the adversary.

T F 5. S-AES is the most widely used multiple encryption scheme.

T F 6. Given the potential vulnerability of DES to a brute-force attack, an

alternative has been found.

T F 7. A number of Internet based applications have adopted two-key

3DES, including PGP and S/MIME.

T F 8. The sender is the only one who needs to know an initialization


T F 9. A typical application of Output Feedback mode is stream oriented

transmission over noisy channel, such as satellite communication.

T F 10. Cipher Feedback (CFB) is used for the secure transmission of

single values.

T F 11. Cipher Block Chaining is a simple way to satisfy the security

deficiencies of ECB.

T F 12. It is possible to convert a block cipher into a stream cipher using

cipher feedback, output feedback and counter modes.

T F 13. Cipher Feedback Mode conforms to the typical construction of a

stream cipher.
Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition, by William

T F 14. OFB mode requires an initialization vector that must be unique to

each execution of the encryption operation.

T F 15. The XTS-AES mode is based on the concept of a tweakable block



1. In the first instance of multiple encryption plaintext is converted to __________

using the encryption algorithm.

A. block cipher B. ciphertext

C. S-AES mode D. Triple DES

2. Triple DES makes use of __________ stages of the DES algorithm, using a total of
two or three distinct keys.

A. nine B. six

C. twelve D. three

3. Another important mode, XTS-AES, has been standardized by the __________

Security in Storage Working Group.



4. The _________ and _________ block cipher modes of operation are used for



Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition, by William

5. __________ modes of operation have been standardized by NIST for use with
symmetric block ciphers such as DES and AES.

A. Three B. Five

C. Nine D. Seven

6. The output of the encryption function is fed back to the shift register in
Output Feedback mode, whereas in ___________ the ciphertext unit is fed back
to the shift register.

A. Cipher Block Chaining mode B. Electronic Codebook mode

C. Cipher Feedback mode D. Counter mode

7. The simplest form of multiple encryption has __________ encryption stages and
__________ keys.

A. four, two B. two, three

C. two, two D. three, two

8. The __________ algorithm will work against any block encryption cipher and
does not depend on any particular property of DES.

A. cipher block chaining B. meet-in-the-middle attack

C. counter mode attack D. ciphertext stealing

9. The __________ method is ideal for a short amount of data and is the
appropriate mode to use if you want to transmit a DES or AES key securely.

A. cipher feedback mode B. counter mode

C. output feedback mode D. electronic codebook mode

Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition, by William
10. _________ mode is similar to Cipher Feedback, except that the input to the
encryption algorithm is the preceding DES output.

A. Cipher Feedback B. Counter

C. Output Feedback D. Cipher Block Chaining

11. “Each block of plaintext is XORed with an encrypted counter. The counter is
incremented for each subsequent block", is a description of ___________ mode.

A. Cipher Block Chaining B. Counter

C. Cipher Feedback D. Electronic Codebook

12. The __________ mode operates on full blocks of plaintext and ciphertext, as
opposed to an s-bit subset.



13. Because of the opportunities for parallel execution in __________ mode,

processors that support parallel features, such as aggressive pipelining,
multiple instruction dispatch per clock cycle, a large number of registers, and
SIMD instructions can be effectively utilized.



14. __________ mode is suitable for parallel operation. Because there is no

chaining, multiple blocks can be encrypted or decrypted simultaneously.
Unlike CTR mode, this mode includes a nonce as well as a counter.



15. Both __________ produce output that is independent of both the plaintext and
the ciphertext. This makes them natural candidates for stream ciphers that
encrypt plaintext by XOR one full block at a time.

A. CBC and ECB B. OFB and CTR

C. ECB and OFB D. CTR and CBC

Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition, by William


1. The__________ is a technique in which an encryption algorithm is used multiple


2. The most significant characteristic of __________ is that if the same b-bit block
of plaintext appears more than once in the message, it always produces the
same ciphertext.

3. A __________ is a technique for enhancing the effect of a cryptographic

algorithm or adapting the algorithm for an application, such as applying a
block cipher to a sequence of data blocks or a data stream.

4. Five modes of operation have been standardized by NIST for use with
symmetric block ciphers such as DES and AES: electronic codebook mode,
cipher block chaining mode, cipher feedback mode, __________, and counter

5. One of the most widely used multiple-encryption scheme is __________ .

6. "The input to the encryption algorithm is the XOR of the next 64 bits of
plaintext and the preceding 64 bits of ciphertext" is a description of __________

7. The simplest mode of operation is the ___________ mode, in which plaintext is

handled one block at a time and each block of plaintext is encrypted using the
same key.

8. The requirements for encrypting stored data, also referred to as ___________ ,

differ somewhat from those for transmitted data.

9. The __________ block cipher mode of operation is a general purpose block

oriented transmission useful for high speed requirements.

10. "Input is processed s bits at a time. Preceding ciphertext is used as input to

the encryption algorithm to produce pseudorandom output, which is XORed
with plaintext to produce next unit of ciphertext", is a description of the
_________ mode of operation.

11. The _________ must be a data block that is unique to each execution of the
encryption operation and may be a counter, a timestamp, or a message
Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition, by William

12. A __________ cipher can operate in real time and eliminates the need to pad a
message to be an integral number of blocks.

13. Hardware efficiency, software efficiency, preprocessing, random access,

provable security, and simplicity are all advantages of __________ mode.

14. The plaintext of a sector or data unit is organized in to blocks of 128 bits. For
encryption and decryption, each block is treated independently. The only
exception occurs when the last block has less than 128 bits. In that case the
last two blocks are encrypted/decrypted using a ___________ technique instead
of padding.

15. The __________ standard describes a method of encryption for data stored in
sector-based devices where the threat model includes possible access to
stored data by the adversary. Some characteristics of this standard include:
the ciphertext is freely available for an attacker, the data layout is not
changed on the storage medium and in transit, and the same plaintext is
encrypted to different ciphertexts at different locations.
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in Europe and N. America, while several species of Palaemon occur
in lakes, streams, and estuaries of the tropical Old and New World.
The expeditions of Moore and Cunnington to Lake Tanganyika
brought back an exceedingly rich collection of Prawns, comprising
twelve species, all of which are peculiar to the lake,[173] and this is all
the more surprising since Lakes Nyasa and Victoria Nyanza are only
known to contain one species, Caridina nilotica, which ranges all
over Africa and into Queensland and New Caledonia. The
Tanganyika species, however, all belong to purely fresh-water
genera, and do not afford any suggestion that they are part of a relict
marine fauna. It would appear that they have been differentiated in
the lake itself during a long period of isolation.
Two groups of Brachyura, viz. the Thelphusidae and the
Sesarminae (a sub-family of the Grapsidae), are fresh-water.
Thelphusa fluviatilis is an inhabitant of North Africa, and penetrates
into the temperate regions of the Mediterranean, and is said to be
exceedingly common in the Alban Lake near Rome. Both these
families have representatives on land, e.g. Potamocarcinus in
Central and South America, and certain species of Sesarma, and the
closely related Gecarcinidae of the West Indies.
The remaining families to be dealt with are the two Crayfish
families—the Astacidae and the Parastacidae—which live in rapidly
moving rivers and streams, and occasionally in lakes. A few species
of both families have taken to a subterranean mode of life, and
excavate burrows in the earth, e.g. the Tasmanian Crayfish, Engaeus
fossor. The distribution of the Crayfishes has long engaged the
attention of naturalists. It was first seriously studied by Huxley,[174]
and has subsequently been followed up, especially in North America,
by Faxon[175] and Ortmann,[176] but our knowledge of the South
American and Australian forms is still very incomplete. The
Astacidae inhabit the northern temperate hemisphere, the
Parastacidae the southern temperate hemisphere, the tropical belt
being practically destitute of Crayfishes. Of the Astacidae the genus
Astacus (Potamobius), including the common Crayfishes of Europe,
occurs in Europe and in North America west of the Rockies. The
genus Cambaroides, which in certain respects approaches
Cambarus, is found in Japan and Eastern Asia. The very large genus
Cambarus, on the other hand, only occurs in North America east of
the Rockies, so that Cambaroides occupies a very isolated position.
The occurrence of a Cambarus, C. stygius, in the caves of Carniola,
has been recorded by Joseph, so that it would appear that this genus
had a much wider range formerly than now.
Of the southern temperate Parastacidae, Australia and Tasmania
have the genera Astacopsis and Engaeus; New Zealand has
Paranephrops, South America Parastacus, and Madagascar
Astacoides. The last named genus is rather isolated in its characters,
possessing a truncated rostrum and a highly modified branchial
system, but it agrees with all the other Parastacine genera, and
differs from the Astacidae in the absence of sexual appendages on
the first abdominal segment, and in the absence of a distinct lamina
on the podobranchiae. The largest crayfish in the world is Astacopsis
franklinii, found in quite small streams on the north and west coast
of Tasmania. Specimens have been caught weighing eight or nine
pounds, and rivalling the European Lobster in size. Crayfishes
appear to be entirely absent from Africa.
It seems reasonable to suppose that the two families of Crayfishes
characteristic respectively of the northern and southern hemispheres
have been independently derived from marine ancestors, which have
subsequently become extinct. Their complete absence in the tropics
is striking, and Huxley drew attention to the fact that it is exactly in
those regions where the Crayfishes are absent that the other large
fresh-water Malacostraca are particularly well developed, and vice
versa. Thus the large fresh-water Prawns are typically circumtropical
in distribution, while the South African rivers abound with River-
crabs, which, in general, are found wherever Crayfishes do not occur.
A few of the more interesting features in connection with the
distribution of fresh-water Crustacea have now been touched upon.
With regard to the origin of this fauna, we can see that a number of
the species are comparatively recent immigrants from the sea,
working their way up the estuaries of rivers, a proceeding which can
be observed to be taking place to-day in a district like the Broads of
Norfolk. Others, again, but these are few, appear to be true relict
marine animals left stranded in arms of the sea that have been cut off
from the main ocean, and have been gradually converted into fresh-
water lakes and seas. Such are, perhaps, Mysis relicta and the rich
Gammarid fauna of Lake Baikal, a lake that, in the presence of Seals,
Sponges, and other marine forms, has clearly retained some of the
characters of the ocean from which it was derived. The majority of
the fresh-water species, however, have probably been evolved in situ,
and their origin from marine ancestors is lost in an obscure past. The
Crustacean fauna of the Caspian Sea[177] shows us in an interesting
manner the effects of isolation and changes in salinity, etc., on the
inhabitants of a basin which once formed part of the ocean. The
waters of the Caspian Sea are not fresh, but they are on the average
about one-third as salt as that of the open ocean. The Crustacea,
described by Sars, belong to undoubtedly marine groups, e.g. the
Mysidae, Cumacea, and Amphipoda Crevettina, but the remarkable
feature of these Caspian Crustacea is the great variety of peculiar
species representing marine genera which are very poorly
represented in the sea, thus indicating that the variety of the fauna is
not due to a great variety of species having been shut up in the
Caspian Sea to begin with, but rather that, after the separation from
the sea, the isolated species began to vary and branch out in the most
luxuriant way—whether from lack of competition or owing to the
changing conditions of salinity it is difficult to say. As an example,
the Cumacea of the Caspian Sea are ten in number, all belonging to
peculiar genera related to Pseudocuma, except one species which is
included in that genus. These Caspian forms make up the Family
Pseudocumidae, which contains in addition only two marine forms
of the genus Pseudocuma (see p. 121). A very similar condition is
found in the numerous Amphipods of the Caspian Sea. Considering
the enormous changes that must have taken place in the distribution
of land and water even during Tertiary times, it is astonishing that
the fresh waters of the world do not contain more species in common
with the ocean, but it must be considered that the limited area and
comparatively uniform conditions of fresh-water lakes and streams
would only permit a limited number of these forms to survive which
could most easily adapt themselves to the changed conditions. And
these would in all probability be the littoral species that were in the
habit of passing up into the brackish waters of estuaries and lagoons,
so that the uniform and limited nature of the fresh-water fauna can
be accounted for to a certain extent by this hypothesis.
We have seen in dealing with the marine Crustacea of the littoral
zone that the chief condition determining their distribution is
temperature, and that the world may be divided into three chief
areas of distribution for these animals, viz. the north temperate
hemisphere, the tropics, and the south temperate hemisphere. It
seems that the same division holds good for fresh-water Crustacea.
We have already seen that the Crayfishes follow this rule, being
practically absent from the tropics, and represented in the two
temperate hemispheres by two distinct families, the Astacidae in the
north and the Parastacidae in the south. Characteristic of the tropical
belt are the absence of Crayfishes and the great development of
Prawns and River-crabs. In the case of Entomostraca the great
majority of the genera are cosmopolitan, especially those which live
in small bodies of water liable to dry up, because these forms always
have special means of dissemination in the shape of resting eggs
which can be transported in a dry state by water-birds and other
agencies to great distances; but those genera which inhabit large
lakes are more confined in their distribution. The Copepod genus
Diaptomus, characteristic of lake-plankton, ranges all over the
northern hemisphere and into the tropics, but it is almost entirely
replaced in the southern hemisphere by the related but distinct
genus Boeckella,[178] which occurs in temperate South America, New
Zealand, and southern Australia, and was found by the author to be
the chief inhabitant in the highland lakes and tarns of Tasmania,
Diaptomus being entirely absent. Of the Cladocera there are a
number of pelagic genera (e.g. Leptodora, Holopedium,
Bythotrephes) entirely confined to the lakes of the northern
hemisphere. The distribution of Bosmina is interesting. This genus is
distributed all over the north temperate hemisphere in lakes and
ponds of considerable size, not liable to desiccation; in the New
World it passes right through the tropics into Patagonia,[179] the chain
of the Andes doubtless permitting its migration. In the tropics of the
Old World it is unknown, but it turns up again, as the author recently
found, as a common constituent in the plankton of the Tasmanian
lakes. There is another instance of a group of Crustacea,
characteristic of the north temperate hemisphere, being entirely
absent from the tropics, at any rate of the Old World, but
reappearing in the temperate regions of Australasia. The commonest
fresh-water Amphipods in this region belong to the genus
Neoniphargus, intermediate in its characters between the northern
Niphargus and Gammarus, but grading almost completely into the
latter. Both Niphargus and Gammarus are absolutely unknown from
the tropics, but whether, like Bosmina, they occur in the Andes and
temperate South America is not known; it seems, however, probable
that they have reached Southern Australia by way of South America
rather than through the tropics of Asia and Australia, where there is
no range of mountains to permit the migration of a group of animals
apparently dependent on a temperate climate. The other common
fresh-water Amphipod in temperate Australia and New Zealand is
Chiltonia, whose nearest ally is Hyalella from Lake Titicaca on the
Andes, and temperate South America.
The Anaspidacea and Phreatoicidae, which are so characteristic of
temperate Australia, and are generally of an Alpine habit, have never
been found in South America, but the Anaspidacea are represented
by numerous marine forms in the Permian and Carboniferous strata
of the northern hemisphere, so that it is probable that this group
reached the southern hemisphere from the north through America.
The distribution of the fresh-water Crustacea, therefore, in the
temperate southern hemisphere affords strong evidence in favour of
the view that the chief land-masses of this hemisphere, which are at
present separated by such vast stretches of deep ocean, were at no
very remote epoch connected in such a way as to permit of an
intermixture of the temperate fauna of New Zealand, Australia, and
South America. While this connexion existed, a certain number of
forms characteristic of the northern hemisphere, which had worked
through the tropics by means of the Andes, were enabled to reach
temperate Australia and New Zealand. The existence of a coast-line
connecting the various isolated parts of the southern hemisphere
would, of course, also account for the community which exists
between their littoral marine fauna. It is impossible to enter here
into the nature of this land-connexion which is becoming more and
more a necessary hypothesis for the student of geographical
distribution, whatever group of animals he may choose, but it may be
remarked that the connexion was probably by means of rays of land
passing up from an Antarctic continent to join the southernmost
projections of Tierra del Fuego, Tasmania, and New Zealand.



St. John’s College, Cambridge, University Lecturer in Palaeozoology

Among the many interesting groups of fossils found in the

Palaeozoic deposits there is none which has attracted more attention
than the Trilobites. As early as 1698, Edward Lhwyd, Curator of the
Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, recorded in the Philosophical
Transactions the discovery of Trilobites in the neighbourhood of
Llandeilo in South Wales; and of one of his specimens he remarked
that “it must be the Sceleton of a flat Fish.” In the following year the
same writer gave in his Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia
descriptions and figures of two Trilobites which are evidently
examples of the species now known as Ogygia buchi and Trinucleus
Although Trilobites differ so much from living Arthropods that it
was difficult to determine even whether they belonged to the
Crustacea or the Arachnida, yet one of the earliest writers, Dr.
Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary of the Royal Society (1753),
recognised their resemblance to Apus (see pp. 19–36). This view of
their affinities was adopted by Linnaeus, and has been supported by
many later writers. Another early author, Emanuel Mendez da Costa,
thought that the Trilobites were related to the Isopods, an opinion
which has been held by some few zoologists of more recent times.
The Trilobites form the only known Order of the Crustacea which
has no living representatives. They are found in the oldest known
fossiliferous deposits—the Lower Cambrian or Olenellus beds, where
they are represented by 19 genera belonging to the families
Agnostidae, Paradoxidae, Olenidae, and Conocephalidae. From the
variety of forms found and the state of development which they have
reached, it is evident that even at that remote period the group must
have been of considerable antiquity; but of its pre-Cambrian
ancestors nothing is yet known; consequently there is no direct
evidence of the origin of the group.
Trilobites form an important part of all the faunas of the Cambrian
system; they attain their greatest development in the Ordovician
period, after which they become less numerous; their decline is very
marked in the Devonian, in which nearly all the genera are but
survivals from the Silurian period; in the Carboniferous, evidence of
approaching extinction is seen in the small number of genera
represented, all of which belong to one family—the Proëtidae, in the
relatively few species in each genus and in the small size of the
individuals of those species. In Europe no representatives of the
group appear to have survived the Carboniferous period, but in
America one form has been recorded from deposits of Permian age.
Trilobites seem to have been exclusively marine, since they are
found only in association with the remains of marine animals. Their
range in depth was evidently considerable, for they occur in many
different kinds of sediment, and were apparently able to live
regardless of the nature of the sea-floor—whether muddy, sandy,
calcareous, or rocky. In some cases they occur in deposits containing
reef-building corals and other shallow water animals; in others they
are associated with organisms which lived at greater depths. The
group appears to have had a world-wide distribution, for the remains
of Trilobites are found in the Palaeozoic rocks of all countries. Their
range in size is considerable; for whilst a large proportion of the
species are about two or three inches in length, some, like Agnostus,
are only a quarter of an inch long, others are from ten to twenty
inches long, the largest forms including species of Paradoxides,
Asaphus, Megalaspis, Lichas, and Homalonotus.
The feature in a Trilobite which first attracts attention is the
marked division of the dorso-ventrally flattened body into a median
or axial part, and a lateral or pleural part on each side. It was this
character that led Walch, in 1771, to give the name by which the
group is now known. The axial part of the body contained the
alimentary canal, as is shown by the position of the mouth and anus,
as well as by casts in mud of the canal which are found in some
specimens. The trilobation of the body is quite distinct in the
majority of Trilobites, but in a few genera belonging to the Asaphidae
and Calymenidae (Fig. 136) it becomes more or less completely
In most cases the only part of the Trilobite which is preserved is
the exoskeleton which covered the dorsal surface of the body. That
skeleton consists largely of calcareous material, and shows in
sections a finely perforated structure. Generally it is arched above,
but in some cases is only slightly
convex; in outline it is more or
less oval. Three regions can
always be distinguished in the
body of a Trilobite—the head, the
thorax, and the abdomen or
The carapace which covers the
head is known as the cephalic
shield (Fig. 137, A, 1), and is
commonly more or less
semicircular in outline, but varies
considerably in different genera.
Only in a few cases, as in some
species of Agnostus (Fig. 146), is
its length greater than its breadth.
The axial part of the cephalic
shield, called the “glabella” (Fig.
137, A, a), is usually more convex
than the lateral parts (“cheeks” or
“genae”), and is separated from
them by longitudinal or axial
furrows (b). The shape of the
glabella varies greatly; it may be
oblong, circular, semi-cylindrical,
pyriform, spherical, etc. Its
relative size likewise varies; thus
in Phacops cephalotes it expands
Fig. 136.—Homalonotus in front and forms the larger part
delphinocephalus, Green, × 1. Silurian.
(After Zittel.)
of the head, whilst in Arethusina
(Fig. 151, B) it is narrow and
short, being only about one-half
of the length of the head.
Fig. 137.—Calymene tuberculata, Brünn. × 1. Silurian, Dudley. A,
Dorsal surface: 1, head; 2, thorax; 3, pygidium or abdomen. a,
Glabella; b, axial furrow; c, glabella-furrow; d, neck-furrow; e,
fixed cheek; f, free cheek; g, facial suture; h, eye; i, genal angle; k,
axis of thorax; l, pleura. B, Ventral surface of head (after
Barrande): a, hypostome; b, doublure; c, c′, facial sutures; d,
rostral suture; e, rostral plate. C, One segment of the thorax: a,
ring of axis; b, groove; c, articular portion; d, axial furrow; d-f,
pleura; d-e, internal part of pleura; e-f, external part of pleura; e,
fulcrum; g, groove. D, Coiled specimen: a, glabella; b, eye; c, facial
suture; d, pygidium; e, rostral suture; f, continuation of facial

The segmentation of the head is indicated by transverse furrows

on the glabella (Fig. 137, A, c, d). In some cases these furrows extend
quite across the glabella (Fig. 147), but commonly they are found on
the sides only and divide the glabella into lateral lobes. Only the
posterior or “neck-furrow” (Fig. 137, A, d) is continued on to the
cheeks, and the segment which it limits anteriorly on the glabella[180]
is known as the occipital or neck-ring. In front of the neck-furrow
there may be three other furrows, so that altogether five cephalic
segments are indicated by the furrows of the glabella. Commonly all
the furrows are distinct in the primitive types; but in the more
modified forms some, especially the anterior, become either reduced
in size or obsolete. The actual number of furrows present
consequently varies in different genera, and may even differ in
different species of the same genus. In a few genera all the furrows
are either indistinct or absent, as for example in Ellipsocephalus
(Fig. 150, B). In some cases four furrows are present in addition to
the neck-furrow; this is due to the division of the anterior lobe of the
glabella by fulcra which are developed for the attachment of muscles.
When the glabella reaches the front border of the head the two
cheeks are separated (Fig. 150, I); but in other cases they unite in
front of the glabella (Fig. 150, C). The outer posterior angle of the
cheeks or genae (“genal angle,” Fig. 137, A, i) may be rounded,
pointed, or produced into backwardly directed spines (Fig. 140). The
marginal part of the cephalic shield is often flattened or concave; this
border may be quite a narrow rim as in Calymene (Fig. 137, A), but
in some genera (e.g. Trinucleus, Fig. 140, B; Harpes, Fig. 150, A;
Asaphus) it attains a great development. Each cheek is usually
divided by a suture—the “facial suture” (Fig. 137, A, g)—into an inner
and an outer part; the former is the “fixed cheek” (e), and the latter
the “free cheek” (f). The course of the facial suture varies in different
genera: on the posterior part of the head it begins either at the
posterior margin (Fig. 150, C) or at the posterior part of the lateral
margin (Fig. 151, C, D); at first it is directed inwards, and then bends
forward, forming an angle. In front it may (a) end at the front margin
(Fig. 147), or (b) be united beneath the front margin by a rostral
suture (Fig. 137, B, d, D, e), or (c) unite with the other suture on the
dorsal surface in front of the glabella (Fig. 151, C). In the last case the
free cheeks also unite in front of the glabella.
The facial suture is one of the distinguishing features of the
Trilobites, and may have been of some use in ecdysis. In only a few
forms is it absent, as for example in Agnostus (Fig. 146) and
Microdiscus. In the former, however, Beecher states that a suture is
really present, but, unlike that of most other Trilobites, it is situated
at the margin of the cephalic shield, and consequently the free cheek,
if present, must be on the ventral surface. Lindström and Holm, after
a re-examination of well-preserved specimens, deny the existence of
a suture in Agnostus. By most authors Olenellus is said to be without
a suture, but Beecher maintains that although the fixed and free
cheeks have coalesced, yet a raised line passing from the eye-lobe to
the posterior margin marks the position of the suture; this view is
not accepted by Lindström.
The existence of a facial suture in Trinucleus has likewise been
disputed. But Emmerich, Salter, and M‘Coy[181] have maintained that
a suture is present in a normal position on the dorsal surface,
extending from the posterior margin just within the genal angle to
the eye (when present), and from thence bending forward and
ending on the front margin near the glabella. It must be admitted
that no indications of the suture are seen in the majority of
specimens, perhaps owing to the fact that most examples of
Trinucleus are in the form of internal casts; perhaps also to the more
or less complete coalescence of the fixed and free cheeks, since in no
specimen has the free cheek been found separated from the rest of
the head, as occurs not uncommonly in many other Trilobites. The
probability of the existence of a suture receives some support from
the fact that one is found in the allied genera Orometopus and
Ampyx (Fig. 140). Barrande and Oehlert deny its existence in
Trinucleus. There is, however, in that genus a suture running close to
the margin of the cephalic border,[182] and joining the genal angle so
as to cut off the genal spine. Lovén and Oehlert claim that this suture
represents the facial suture, but in an abnormal position; this view,
however, is not accepted by Beyrich. In this connection it should be
noted that in Acidaspis, whilst the majority of the species possess a
facial suture, there are two in which it has disappeared owing to the
fusion of the fixed and free cheeks. Such being the case, it seems not
improbable that the curved line passing backwards from the eye in
Harpes may mark the position of the suture; but it is stated that the
only suture present in that form runs at the margin of the cephalic
border, and is similar to that of Trinucleus. This matter will be
referred to again when discussing the nature of the eyes in
Trinucleus and Harpes.
The relative sizes of the fixed and free cheeks obviously depend on
the position of the facial suture; when this starts on the lateral
margin of the cephalic shield and passes forward to the outer part of
the front margin, the free cheek will be a narrow strip; when, on the
other hand, the suture starts from the posterior margin and runs
close to the glabella, the free cheek will be relatively large and the
fixed cheek narrow. The fixed cheek is small in Phacops, Cheirurus,
and Illaenus; relatively large in Remopleurides, Phillipsia, and
Stygina. It was suggested by M‘Coy[183] that the free cheek represents
the pleura of an anterior segment which has not become fused with
the other cephalic pleurae. The fixed cheek appears to be formed of
the coalesced pleurae of the other cephalic segments, but of those
pleurae the only indication seen in adult specimens is in the neck-
ring; in young specimens of Olenellus, however, the presence of
other pleurae is indicated by furrows on the cheeks in front of the
A pair of compound eyes are
present in the majority of
Trilobites. Each eye is situated on
the free cheek, at that part of its
inner margin where the facial
suture bends to form an angle
(Figs. 137, A, h, 138). The position
of the eye is consequently
determined by the position of the
facial suture; it may be near the
glabella or near the lateral margin
of the head, and either as far Fig. 138.—Phacops latifrons, Bronn, ×
1. Devonian. Showing large compound
forward as the first segment of eye. (After Zittel.)
the glabella or nearly as far back
as the neck-furrow. In many
Trilobites the eye is more or less conical, with its summit truncated
or rounded, but in some genera it is ovoid, or crescentic. In Aeglina
(Fig. 150, H) the eye is flattened and scarcely raised above the
general level of the cheek. The eye of a Trilobite is oriented so that its
longer axis is parallel or nearly parallel to the axis of the body (Fig.
150, G); but in one case (Encrinurus intercostatus) it is placed at
right angles to this axis. The size of the eye varies considerably; it is
largest in Aeglina, in which it covers nearly the whole of the free
cheek; it is small in Acidaspis and Encrinurus.
Though the eye is always entirely on the free cheek, the adjoining
part of the fixed cheek is raised to form a buttress on which the eye
rests; this buttress, which is known as the “palpebral lobe,” is seen
clearly when the fixed cheek is removed. The eyes of Trilobites are
always sessile; for although in some species, such as Asaphus
cornigerus, A. kowalewskii, and Encrinurus punctatus, they are on
the summits of prominent stalks, yet those stalks are immovable.
Three types of compound eye have been recognised in
Trilobites[184]—holochroal, prismatic, and schizochroal.
Fig. 139.—Eyes of Trilobites. (After Lindström.) A, B,
Sphaerophthalmus alatus, Ang. Upper Cambrian. Vertical and
horizontal sections, × 100. C, Asaphus fallax, Dalm. Horizontal
section, × 60. D, Nileus armadillo, Dalm. Vertical section, × 60, a,
prismatic lenses; b, cuticle; c, part of free cheek. E, Dalmanites
vulgaris, Salt. Part of eye, × 30. F, Dalmanites imbricatulus, Ang.
Vertical section of eye, with a part of the free cheek on the left, ×
60. G, H, Harpes vittatus, Barr. G, The two lenses of one eye, × 8;
H, vertical section of the same, × 60.

1. In the holochroal eye (Fig. 139, A, B) the lenses are globular or

biconvex and close together, so that the cornea is continuous over
the entire eye. Examples of this are seen in Bronteus and
2. In the prismatic type (Fig. 139, C, D) the lenses are prismatic
and plano-convex, and the entire surface of the eye is covered by a
smooth cuticle. The lenses are close together and usually hexagonal,
but occasionally rhombic or square. Near the margin of the eye the
lenses may become irregular, giving rise to a border in which the
prismatic structure is more or less indistinct. The prismatic type of
eye is found in the genera Asaphus, Nileus, Illaenus, etc.
3. The schizochroal eye occurs only in the family Phacopidae (Fig.
139, E, F). The lenses are biconvex and are separated by portions of
the cephalic shield, so that each lens appears to rest in a separate
socket, and the cornea is not continuous for the entire eye. The
lenses are circular in outline, but owing to the upward and inward
growth of the interstitial test they may appear, on the surface, to be
hexagonal. The diameter of a lens may be as much as 0·5 mm. The
crystalline cones have not been preserved. In specimens of Phacops
rana, in which the inner face of the lens is more convex than the
outer, J. M. Clarke[185] has obtained evidence of a posterior
spheroidal cavity in addition to the anterior corneal cavity. The
complete separation of the lenses in this type of eye has led to the
suggestion that the schizochroal eye is an aggregate rather than a
compound eye. But the difference between this and the holochroal
eye is probably less than appears at first sight if the statement made
by Clarke is confirmed, namely, that in young specimens of
Calymene senaria the lenses are relatively large and similar to those
of Phacops, whereas in the adult the eye is holochroal.
These three types of eye, according to Lindström, have appeared
successively in chronological order: the prismatic occurring first in
the Olenus beds (Upper Cambrian), the holochroal first in the
Ceratopyge Limestone (Uppermost Cambrian), and the schizochroal
first in the Ordovician. The number of lenses in the eye varies
greatly. For example, in Trimerocephalus volborthi there are 14
only, whilst in Remopleurides radians there are as many as 15,000.
Even in different species of the same genus there may be
considerable differences. Thus Bronteus brongniarti possesses 1000,
B. palifer 4000, lenses in each eye. The number increases from the
young up to the adult, but decreases in old age. The lenses are
usually arranged in alternating rows. In Trilobites with a conical eye
the outer segment of the cone bears the visual surface. It has been
stated that the eyes of Trilobites resemble those of Isopods,[186] but
close comparison is difficult to make, since in Trilobites no part of
the eye beneath the lenses is preserved. In some genera a threadlike
ridge, called the “eye-line,” passes from the glabella, generally from
the front segment, to the eye, where it often ends in the palpebral
lobe; this eye-line is found in nearly all genera which are confined to
the Cambrian period, and persists in a few of later date, as for
example in Triarthrus, Euloma, and some species of Calymene from
the Ordovician; in Arethusina and Acidaspis from the Silurian; and
in Harpes from the Devonian (Fig. 150, A).
In Harpes and in some species
of Trinucleus eyes are present,
but have been stated to be of a
different type. They are described
as simple eyes, and have been
compared with ocelli; they are
never found in Trilobites which
possess the compound eyes
described above. In Harpes (Fig.
150, A) the eye is near the middle
of the cheek, in the position
where compound eyes occur in
other genera; it appears to consist
of two or three granules or
Fig. 140.—Trinucleidae. A,
Orometopus elatifrons, Ang. × 5.
tubercles which are really lenses,
Restoration based on specimens from and is connected with the front of
the Upper Cambrian (Tremadoc) of the glabella by an eye-line. No
Shineton, Shropshire. B, Trinucleus facial suture can be seen,
bucklandi, Barr. Ordovician, Bohemia. consequently the whole of the
A complete but not fully-grown cheek is stated to be the fixed
individual showing eyes. Natural size.
cheek.[187] In Trinucleus (Fig. 140,
(After Barrande.) C, Ampyx rouaulti,
Barr. × 3. Ordovician, Bohemia. (After B) a single tubercle is found on
Barrande.) the middle of the cheek in the
young of some species, and is
sometimes connected with the
glabella by an eye-line; the latter disappears before the adult state is
reached, and in some species the tubercle also disappears, but in
others (such as T. seticornis, T. bucklandi) it persists in the adult
From the lateral position of these eyes they can hardly be
compared with the median simple eye of other Crustacea. In Harpes
it is more probable that, as suggested by J. M. Clarke, they are
schizochroal eyes imperfectly developed. Their structure (Fig. 139, G,
H) is somewhat similar to that of schizochroal eyes, and moreover, in
one species, H. macrocephalus,[188] there are, in addition to the three
main tubercles, other smaller tubercles in regular rows. Further, the
eye-line occupies the same position as in other Trilobites which have
undoubted compound eyes. The absence of a facial suture cannot be
taken as evidence against these eyes being of the ordinary type, since
in some species of Acidaspis (e.g. A. verneuili, A. vesiculosa) which
possess compound eyes there is, in consequence of the coalescence of
the fixed and free cheeks, no suture.
In some species of Trinucleus (Fig. 140, B) the simple eye is found
in the same position as the eye in Harpes, and if, as some writers
have maintained, there is evidence of the existence of a suture in that
genus, then there is no reason for regarding the eye as other than a
degenerate form of compound eye. The probability of its being such
is supported by the existence of a compound eye in a similar position
in the allied form Orometopus (Fig. 140, A) which possesses a facial
In some species of Trinucleus (Fig. 140, B) and Ampyx there is a
small median tubercle on the front part of the glabella, which from
its position may be a simple unpaired eye, but its structure appears
to be unknown.
Some Trilobites possess no eyes. Well-known examples of such are
Agnostus, Microdiscus, Ampyx, Conocoryphe, and some species of
Illaenus and Trinucleus; such blind Trilobites are almost confined to
the Cambrian and Ordovician periods. All the forms of later periods,
with the exception of a species of Ampyx, and possibly one or two
other species, possess eyes. In addition to those undoubtedly blind
forms Lindström considers that most of the Olenidae and
Paradoxidae were without eyes. Many of the members of these
families possess a lobe closely resembling a palpebral lobe, and a
corresponding excavation in the free cheek; such forms have been
generally regarded as possessing eyes; and the absence of any
indication of lenses in those cases, on which Lindström lays stress,
has been explained by the comparatively imperfect preservation of
these early Trilobites. The development of the supposed eye-lobe in
some of the Paradoxidae and Olenidae differs from that of the eyes in
other families of Trilobites. In the latter the eye appears first at the
margin of the head and always in connexion with the facial suture.
But in Olenellus, in which there is said to be no facial suture,
development shows that the crescentic eye-like lobe (Fig. 145, E) is
really of the nature of a pleura coming off from the base of the first
segment of the glabella. In Paradoxides, which resembles Olenellus
in many respects, a facial suture is present and forms the outer
boundary of the eye-like lobe, but it is developed subsequently to the
appearance of the latter, which seems to be similar to that of
Olenellus. In some genera of the Olenidae the eye-line, which comes
off from the first segment of the glabella, ends in some cases in a
swelling or knob which has hitherto been regarded as a palpebral
lobe, but according to Lindström’s view no trace of an eye has been
found in connexion with that lobe, nor is there any space between the
lobe and the free cheek in which the eye could have occurred. If this
view is correct it follows that the majority of the Cambrian Trilobites
were blind. The earliest genus with eyes would then be Eurycare
found in the Olenus beds of the Upper Cambrian. Sphaerophthalmus
and Ctenopyge, found in the higher beds of the Cambrian, also
possessed eyes, but Olenus and Parabolina were probably blind.
On the ventral surface of the head there is a flat rim around the
margin (Fig. 137, B, b); this rim or “doublure” is the reflexed border
of the cephalic shield. In many Trilobites its median part in front is
cut off by sutures so as to form a separate plate (e); such is the case
when the two facial sutures (c, c′) cut the anterior margin of the
cephalic shield and are continued across the doublure, where they
are joined by a transverse or rostral suture (d) just below the margin.
When, however, as in Phacops and Remopleurides, the two facial
sutures unite on the dorsal surface, in front of the glabella, the
median part of the doublure is not separated from the lateral parts,
or from the dorsal part of the cephalic shield.
Fig. 141.—A, Hypostome of Bronteus polyactin, Ang. showing
maculae, × 4. B, Left macula of Bronteus irradians, Lindst. × 12.
(After Lindström.)

The “labrum” or “hypostome” is attached to the doublure in front

(Fig. 137, B, a); it is commonly an oval or shield-shaped plate, but is
occasionally nearly square. Its surface is sometimes divided into two
or three areas by shallow transverse grooves (Fig. 141, A), Just
behind the middle of the hypostome, or when transverse grooves are
present either in or near the anterior groove, there are often found a
pair of small patches or “maculae” which are more or less oval or
elliptical in outline (Fig. 141). The maculae may be (1) surrounded by
a raised border, or (2) in the form of pits, or (3) raised like tubercles.
In some cases the entire surface of a macula is smooth and glossy; in
others either the whole or a part is covered with granules, and in the
latter case the granules may be limited to the internal third (Fig. 141,
B) or to the central portion. Sections of a macula show that the
granules are really globular lenses similar to those of the compound
eyes on the dorsal surface of the head. Some of the maculae which
are without lenses show no structure, but in others there is a spongy
or irregularly polyhedric structure with prisms, resembling the
marginal zone of the prismatic eyes of some genera. There seems no
doubt that the maculae with lenses are visual organs, and those
without are degenerate eyes. They occur in some genera which,
according to Lindström, are without eyes on the dorsal surface.
Maculae do not appear to be present in other Crustacea, but they
have been compared with a median organ, found just in front of the
hypostome in Branchipus.[189] Maculae, have so far been found in 136

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