Nejmcpc 2100283
Nejmcpc 2100283
Nejmcpc 2100283
From the Departments of Medicine Dr. Matthew J. Emmett (Medicine): An 81-year-old man was admitted to this hospital
(K.A.H., A.E.F.) and Radiology (R.J.G.), with fever, cough, and shortness of breath during the pandemic of coronavirus
Massachusetts General Hospital, and
the Departments of Medicine (K.A.H., disease 2019 (Covid-19), the disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome
A.E.F.) and Radiology (R.J.G.), Harvard coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
Medical School — both in Boston. The patient had been in his usual state of health until 3 days before this admis-
N Engl J Med 2021;384:2332-40. sion, when fever and cough developed. On the morning of admission, he noted an
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcpc2100283 abrupt onset of shortness of breath at rest and dyspnea on exertion. There was also
Copyright © 2021 Massachusetts Medical Society.
substernal chest pain on the left side that worsened with deep breaths and when
he lay down. The patient’s son called emergency medical services, and the patient
was brought to the emergency department of this hospital for further evaluation.
On arrival at the emergency department, the patient described ongoing chest
pain and shortness of breath. The son reported that the patient had fallen at home
2 days before admission, but the patient did not remember falling and the son was
not able to provide details about the nature or circumstances of the fall. The pa-
tient reported no pain in his abdomen, arms, legs, or groin and no headache.
The patient had a history of hypertension. During a previous evaluation for
cough, he was reportedly told that he had a lung disease that had “caused the lung
tissue to harden.” Before the onset of his most recent symptoms, he had walked
outside on a daily basis without limitation from shortness of breath. He took an
unknown medication for hypertension. The patient did not smoke tobacco, use
illicit drugs, or drink alcohol. He lived in an apartment with his wife.
On examination, the temperature was 37.9°C, the blood pressure 157/95 mm
Hg, the pulse 112 beats per minute, the respiratory rate 30 breaths per minute,
and the oxygen saturation 91% while the patient was breathing ambient air. The
respiratory rate decreased to 28 breaths per minute and the oxygen saturation
improved to 96% with the administration of supplemental oxygen through a nasal
cannula at a rate of 4 liters per minute. The body-mass index (the weight in kilo-
grams divided by the square of the height in meters) was 22.8. Retractions were
noted in the supraclavicular areas. Inspiratory crackles could be heard at the lung
findings on imaging studies that would suggest the findings on the patient’s chest radiograph
a chronic fibrotic process, and the patient has — peripheral patchy opacities — SARS-CoV-2 is
no coexisting conditions such as rheumatologic the most likely infectious pathogen.6
disease that can be associated with nonspecific
interstitial pneumonitis. Acute interstitial pneu- Other Considerations
monia and cryptogenic organizing pneumonia In many ways, this patient’s history and presen-
are diagnoses that are typically made only after tation reflect what we now recognize as classic
infection has been ruled out, since their mani- features of Covid-19 — fever, cough, hypoxemia,
festations, and even their histologic patterns of patchy peripheral opacities, and common labora-
diffuse alveolar damage and organizing pneumo- tory abnormalities. However, the description of
nia, are commonly seen with infection. There- an acute worsening of shortness of breath and
fore, these two diagnoses should be considered the onset of focal pleuritic chest pain, although
only after an initial evaluation for infection has nonspecific, should arouse concern about acute
been performed. Acute eosinophilic pneumonia3 pulmonary embolism in any clinical context.
can be manifested by peripheral patchy opaci- If I am correct that this patient has pneumo-
ties, such as those that were seen on this pa- nia associated with Covid-19, the rapid progres-
tient’s chest radiograph, and the diagnosis re- sion of his hypoxemia suggests that ARDS may
quires the finding of eosinophil predominance have developed as a complication of the Covid-19–
on bronchoalveolar lavage. However, the demo- related pneumonia.7 The Berlin definition of
graphic features of patients with acute eosino- ARDS includes both a ratio of partial pressure of
philic pneumonia do not match those of this arterial oxygen (Pao2) to fraction of inspired
patient; although this type of pneumonia is oxygen (Fio2) of 300 mm Hg or less and a posi-
more commonly diagnosed in men than in tive end-expiratory pressure of at least 5 cm of
women, it is also most frequently diagnosed in water. However, the patient’s worsening clinical
patients 20 to 40 years of age. Therefore, inter- trajectory is troubling, and his ratio of Pao2 to
stitial lung disease does not seem to be the most Fio2 suggests that he would meet this hypoxemia
likely cause of this patient’s acute pneumonia threshold if an arterial blood gas measurement
syndrome. were obtained.8 Complicating this conclusion is
the development of a likely pulmonary embo-
Infectious Pneumonia lism, which would, in part, explain his hypox-
All that being said, the most likely diagnosis in emia. In fact, the mechanisms of hypoxemia for
this patient is community-acquired pneumonia.4 each of these pulmonary diseases are synergistic
The differential diagnosis of community-acquired and are probably worsening his hypoxemia be-
pneumonia is broad, and in many cases, a yond the independent effect of each disease.
pathogen may not be identified. However, em- The mechanisms of hypoxemia associated
pirical treatment should target the most common with ARDS include shunt (the perfusion of non-
pathogens, which include Streptococcus pneumoni- ventilated lung units) and low ventilation-to-
ae, and atypical pathogens such as Mycoplasma perfusion ratios in certain regions of the lungs
pneumoniae, legionella species, and Chlamydia pneu- whereby the degree of perfusion is out of pro-
moniae. It is also vital to keep in mind the epide- portion to the degree of ventilation; both of
miologic characteristics of respiratory viruses these mechanisms result in a reduction in oxy-
(e.g., seasonal influenza) in order to appropri- genated pulmonary capillary blood, as well as
ately consider viral causes of pneumonia. This systemic hypoxemia. The primary mechanism of
patient presented in Boston during the spring of hypoxemia in patients with clinically significant
2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic had a sub- pulmonary embolism is also a low ventilation-
stantial presence and the number of hospital- to-perfusion ratio. When a clot obstructs blood
ized patients was rapidly increasing.5 He also flow to one portion of the lung, the nonperfused
has laboratory findings that have been com- lung becomes so-called dead space (ventilation
monly reported in patients with Covid-19, in- without perfusion), and the cardiac output is
cluding lymphopenia and elevations in d-dimer, diverted to the remainder of the lung. Conse-
ferritin, and C-reactive protein levels and in the quently, the nonaffected lung has a net increase
erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Together with in perfusion (with the assumption that no clini-
Synergistic effects of
ALVEOLUS FLUID pulmonary embolism
and pneumonia
or ARDS create a
state of hypoxemia
Pulmonary venous
Pulmonary artery Diversion of blood results
return to the left side
(oxygen-depleted in an increase in blood
of the heart
blood from the right flow to other regions
side of the heart)
Figure 2. Synergistic Effects of Pulmonary Embolism and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
Occlusion of the pulmonary vasculature with a clot results in lung units that are ventilated but not perfused — so‑called dead space.
Dead space decreases the efficiency of minute ventilation but does not itself cause hypoxemia. However, when part of the pulmonary
vascular tree is occluded and cardiac output is preserved, pulmonary arterial blood flow is diverted to the remaining lung units. To
maintain a normal ventilation‑to‑perfusion ratio and therefore oxygenation, ventilation to these lung units must increase proportionally.
If the patient is unable to sufficiently increase ventilation, particularly in the context of concomitant parenchymal disease such as pneu‑
monia or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), this regional increase in blood flow results in ventilation–perfusion mismatch
and hypoxemia.
cally significant right ventricular failure is pres- evolving ARDS limit his ability to augment effec-
ent). If a patient is able to augment local ventila- tive alveolar ventilation in the regions affected
tion to match this increase in perfusion, then by the clot, and the clot may have caused inef-
hypoxemia does not occur. However, if a patient fective perfusion in the regions of his lung that
is unable to augment ventilation sufficiently, are spared by Covid-19 (Fig. 2).
then hypoxemia develops. Hypoxemia may occur Is there a relationship between Covid-19 and
if the clot is large and if there is very high local pulmonary embolism? Microvascular dysfunc-
perfusion of the preserved lung, but it can also tion is a well-known feature of ARDS, and up to
occur when ventilation is impeded by a separate 30% of patients with ARDS have pulmonary
process. A complex cascade of pathophysiologi- emboli.9-11 These emboli are traditionally thought
cal processes, including the release of inflam- to be in situ vessel thromboses rather than true
matory mediators, that occurs in response to an emboli associated with peripheral deep venous
acute pulmonary embolism can affect ventila- thrombosis. Another consideration in this pa-
tion–perfusion mismatch by causing local bron- tient is whether his clot is more directly related
choconstriction, vasoconstriction, and surfactant to Covid-19 than to ARDS, although there is no
dysfunction. In this patient, the pneumonia and way to easily distinguish the two. The elegance
d-dimer, fibrinogen, C-reactive protein, and fer- not measured in this patient. The classic labora-
ritin. Interleukin-6 elevation is another feature tory profile of Covid-19 is contrary to the usual
of SARS-CoV-2 infection, although the level was profile of disseminated intravascular coagulation,
in which the fibrinogen level is low, the pro- bolism severity index is a tool for stratifying
thrombin time and activated partial-thrombo- patients according to a high or low risk of
plastin time are prolonged, and thrombocytope- death and includes blood pressure, heart rate,
nia predominates. This patient had the profile oxygen saturation, age, and a history of cancer,
more commonly associated with Covid-19, which lung disease, or heart failure. Additional con-
is that of marked elevation of inflammatory siderations in the scoring system include respi-
markers, with a relatively preserved prothrombin ratory rate, sex, mental status, and body tem-
time, activated partial-thromboplastin time, and perature. The Pulmonary Embolism Response
platelet count. Team Consortium defines a pulmonary embo-
A d-dimer elevation alone (even when mark- lism as massive when the systolic blood pressure
edly elevated) is not sufficient to confirm a di- is less than 90 mm Hg or there is a need for
agnosis of venous thromboembolism, even in vasopressor support; a pulmonary embolism is
SARS-CoV-2–infected patients, since the d-dimer defined as submassive when the pulmonary em-
level can be elevated in many physiologic and bolism severity index score indicates high risk or
pathophysiological states. In patients with there is evidence of right ventricular dysfunction
Covid-19, an elevated d-dimer level has been as- (as observed on imaging or suggested by an ele-
sociated with numerous poor outcomes, includ- vated troponin or N-terminal pro–B-type natri-
ing ICU admission, the need for mechanical uretic peptide level). A massive or submassive
ventilation, thrombosis, bleeding, and death.16-18 pulmonary embolism is preferentially managed
Circulating d-dimers are generated after clot with mechanical intervention.20 In this case, the
formation and subsequent lysis. Initially, the patient’s condition was hemodynamically stable;
production of fibrinogen is enhanced by inter- thus, he was assessed as having a lower-risk
leukin-6, and fibrinogen is converted to a fibrin pulmonary embolism, for which anticoagulation
clot in the presence of thrombin. As plasmin alone was initiated.
breaks down the fibrin clots, D domains from In patients with pulmonary embolism, achiev-
adjacent fibrin monomers are released into the ing therapeutic anticoagulation early is associ-
circulation and can be quantified with the use of ated with decreased mortality21 and therefore is
the d-dimer assay. Thus, an elevated d-dimer critical to achieve expeditiously. However, the
level can occur in venous thromboembolism but use of dose-adjusted unfractionated heparin of-
also in small-vessel microthrombosis, endothe- ten fails to achieve a therapeutic effect on the
lial inflammation, cancer, advanced age, preg- activated partial-thromboplastin time within 48
nancy, and liver and renal failure. Because there hours after initiation.22 Low-molecular-weight
is no threshold of d-dimer level that distinguish- heparin at a weight-based dose is more biologi-
es thrombosis from endothelial damage alone in cally predictable and is associated with a lower
a SARS-CoV-2–infected patient, a high clinical risk of additional thrombus formation and
suspicion of venous thromboembolism is indi- bleeding, as well as smaller thrombi, than dose-
cated. For example, in a patient with worsening adjusted intravenous unfractionated heparin.23
respiratory status or hypotension that is out of The use of up-front direct oral anticoagulant
proportion to findings on chest radiography, ap- agents (factor II and X inhibitors) is also appro-
propriate diagnostic imaging is warranted, as priate for patients with lower-risk pulmonary
was the case in this patient. embolism. In this case, low-molecular-weight
Once thrombosis in the pulmonary artery is heparin was chosen to ensure rapid anticoagula-
identified, risk stratification is necessary to de- tion within the therapeutic range, to minimize
termine the appropriate treatment strategy — staff exposure to twice-daily injections, and to
specifically, the need for mechanical interven- avoid drug interactions.
tion as opposed to anticoagulation alone.19 This Because this patient received a diagnosis of
assessment is based primarily on the associated venous thromboembolism during his hospital-
hemodynamic effect. Options for mechanical ization, the venous thromboembolism is classi-
intervention can vary depending on local exper- fied as provoked. In cases of provoked venous
tise and institutional experience and can include thromboembolism, a finite course of anticoagu-
thrombolysis (systemic [at a full or reduced lation is usually advised, whereas longer-term
dose] or catheter-directed) or thrombectomy anticoagulation is appropriate in cases of unpro-
(catheter-based or surgical). The pulmonary em- voked thromboses.
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