Fintech For Dummies

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» Defining FinTech

» Distinguishing FinTech’s dimensions

» Understanding financial technology


» Looking at the size of FinTech around

the world

» Checking out important FinTech




Navigating the FinTech MA


inTech has undoubtedly become one of the hottest topics in business. Web
searches for the term fintech in Google have grown exponentially in the last
several years, so it’s obvious that people are curious about it. But what is it,

and why is it relevant to today’s financial industry? This chapter looks at those
very basic questions, helping prepare you for the more detailed information you

discover later in this book.

Having FinTech knowledge gives you a competitive advantage in your personal


career, because FinTech experts are in high demand globally. Reading this book
will also empower you to help your institution innovate and develop its services
faster than your competitors. Globally, the FinTech market is booming, and we see
investors investing across all stages of FinTech companies’ life cycles.

CHAPTER 1 Navigating the FinTech Landscape 7

In 1996, Michael Goodkin, Mitchell Feigenbaum, Nigel Goldenfeld, and Alexander Sokol
teamed up to form Numerix, a software company created to supply the finance indus-
try with quantitative research and tools.

Each founder had already had great success in his own right. Michael Goodkin was
a quantitative analyst and author of the book The Wrong Answer Faster. Mitchell
Feigenbaum was a MacArthur Grant recipient and one of the pioneers of chaos theory.
Nigel Goldenfeld was a statistical physicist and director of NASA Astrobiology Institute for
Universal Biology. Alexander Sokol was a writer and professor at the University of Illinois.

Numerix was initially a think tank for mathematicians, computer scientists, and theoreti-
cal physicists in search of uses for a series of financial industry–specific projects. The
first Numerix product was a software tool kit leveraged to speed up Monte Carlo simu-
lations, tree and difference finite methods, and value-at-risk calculations. It sped up the
computation time by factors of four, while not negatively impacting the accuracy of the
results. Merrill Lynch and Price Waterhouse were the first companies to deploy this
product in 1998.

The use of the Numerix Monte Carlo method provided more accurate pricing faster.
This enabled banks to mitigate their intra-day risk more effectively.

Between 1998 and 2003, Numerix focused on creating many projects, some paid for by
clients but most based on a desire to solve perceived financial industry–related prob-
lems. By 2003, the company had amassed 20 different kinds of potential products in
search of clients. However, the company was distracted and unfocused and had spent
more than $25 million to create a business that was barely generating $4 million in
annual billings. During the summer of 2003, a multibillion-dollar financial service com-
pany attempted to buy Numerix for $5 million, only to have its offer rejected by the pri-
mary shareholder. The company at that time was a broken start-up building ‘“cool”
technology for the sake of it rather than solving real market problems. At this stage, it
was going out of business unless it could get backing from committed investors to pivot
into a new product or approach. Sometimes parallel changes in the market environ-
ment enable your pivot timing.

What Is FinTech, Anyway?

There are many definitions of FinTech, but for the purposes of this book, this one
is the most relevant: FinTech companies are businesses that leverage new tech-
nology to create better financial services for both consumers and businesses. Of
course, that begs another question: What is financial technology? We define it as all

8 PART 1 Getting to Know FinTech

parts of technology that help provide financial services and products to custom-
ers. Those customers can be individuals, companies, or governments.

FinTech is also frequently used as an umbrella term for various subcategories, such
as WealthTech and RegTech. You find out more about these subcategories in
Chapter 2.


The desire for greater profits drove the financial industry to create new instruments
that were of significantly higher risk. Credit default swaps (CDS) and mortgage backed
securities (MBS) became the instruments of choice for many hedge and investment
funds that were promising high rates of return to their investors. However, these
instruments were complex and not easy to price. MBS and CDS often had many differ-
ent components bundled within them, making it hard to determine the true value of
what was being sold or bought. This was a real market problem that Numerix could

Coauthor and Numerix CEO, Steve O’Hanlon joined Numerix in January 2002 to lead
global sales, marketing, and support. In 2004, Greg Whitten, chairman of the board and
CEO, appointed Steve to run the day-to-day operations as president and COO. Steve’s
primary goals were to refocus the company and eliminate all the distractions. Steve set
forth five tenets of operations to bring clarity of purpose and focus to the 50 employees:

• Evolve as a financial-focused software analytic company for derivatives.

• Replace the “term software pricing model” with “recurring software subscription

• Complement direct sales initiatives with a partner strategy that licenses some or all
financial asset class pricing capabilities to financial software companies that require
Numerix’s caliber of analytics.

• Eliminate 17 of their then-20 products. Take the three remaining products and
merge them to create a groundbreaking multi-asset class pricing tool.

• Shut down CrossAsset software, a majority owned Numerix company, to eliminate

a $5 million annual spend.

CHAPTER 1 Navigating the FinTech Landscape 9

Analyzing FinTech’s Dimensions
FinTech may sound simple from the definition you read in the preceding section,
but there are multiple dimensions. You need to think about each of these factors:

»» Which part of finance is being impacted (financial sector)?

»» Which business model is being used?
»» Which technology is being used?
FINTECH Circle has coined the term Fintech Cube to describe the intersections of
these factors. Figure 1-1 illustrates this cube, in which there are three axes: the
financial sector on the x-axis, the business model on the y-axis, and technology
on the z-axis.

The Fintech Cube
financial sector,
business model,
and technology
Source: FINTECH Circle, 2020

Each of these dimensions can be further categorized. For example, Figure 1-2
expands on the concept by adding key areas of financial services that can benefit
from FinTech. All financial sectors are shown on one side of the cube, including
retail banking, trading, and insurance (among others).

Figure 1-3 summarizes the most important business models from business-to-
consumer (B2C), business-to-business (B2B), business-to-business-to-consumer
(B2B2C), to business-to-government/regulator (B2G), to platform-based business
models, crowdfunding, and peer-to-peer (P2P) lending.

10 PART 1 Getting to Know FinTech

Key areas of
financial services
that benefit from
Source: The Fintech Cube, FINTECH Circle, 2020

A dimension of
main business
Source: The Fintech Cube, FINTECH Circle, 2020

Figure 1-4 shows the third dimension — the technology being used, which can
range from cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learn-
ing (ML), blockchain (distributed ledger technologies), the Internet of Things
(IoT), and quantum computing, to augmented and virtual reality. Part 2 covers
these technologies in more detail.

FinTech start-ups, for example, can now be more easily categorized and com-
pared. For example, you may have a retail banking (financial sector x-axis) solu-
tion focused on the business model of B2C and using various technologies, such as
cloud, big data analytics, and AI. Such a company would be called a challenger
bank, sometimes also referred to as digital bank or neo-bank.

CHAPTER 1 Navigating the FinTech Landscape 11

Numerix established clear internal and external branding as a software company
focused on the derivative and over-the-counter (OTC) markets, servicing the needs of
the four core trading desks: fixed income, equity, foreign exchange, and credit. Its inter-
nal communication was constant and consistent about being a financial analytic soft-
ware company. Externally, it participated in 15 different industry-specific trade shows
in different parts of the world to make itself known, while developing industry contacts
and leads resulted in product sales.

The financial software industry was fraught with legacy sales models. One of the most
common was the perpetual license model (PLM), which involves an initial license fee
(ILF) upfront and then an annual maintenance fee (AMF) of about 20 percent of the ILF
for each subsequent year to receive supports and updates. The ILF payment ensures
perpetual rights to use the software even if the client stops paying annual

The other popular software license type in 2004 was the term license model (TLM). It
required an ILF similar to a PLM, but generally the ILF for a TLM was lower, because a
TLM would generally have a five-year term, after which the client had to renew by
paying the original TLM ILF fee to continue to use the product. Like a PLM, the TLM
would have an AMF equal to 20 percent of the TLM ILF, and this too would be paid

Numerix successfully shifted from a TLM to a subscription license model (SLM), which at
that time was common for enterprise software but not for financial software. Since
Steve O’Hanlon came from the Enterprise software world, he moved Numerix into the
new world of a SLM. This change shifted the way clients paid for Numerix products. For
existing TLM Numerix clients, Numerix took the sum of ILF and five AMF periods, added
them together, and then divided by 5 to determine what the SLM would be for renew-
ing clients. For example, if a client originally paid an ILF of $100,000 and an AMF of
$20,000 each year for five years, where the client’s first-year payment would be
$120,000 and each subsequent year would be $20,000, the client would have spent over
five years the sum of $200,000, Numerix divided the $200,000 by five years, making the
SLM price $40,000 per year. Numerix then used the same logic when re-creating the
TLM as an SLM price book. This SLM enabled Numerix to have recurring billings of
83 percent of the gross in 2019.

12 PART 1 Getting to Know FinTech

The key
t­ echnologies
used to achieve
Source: The Fintech Cube, FINTECH Circle, 2020

As another example, you may have a WealthTech company that sells its software
to hedge funds. You could describe it as being focused on asset management
(x-axis), B2B business model (y-axis), and using several types of technology from
the z-axis in combination.

Understanding What Has

Changed in FinTech
There have been tremendous changes in the financial technology landscape in the
last decade. We look at these changes and their effects in detail in Chapter 2, but
it may help to survey the basics here as well. Consider the following:

»» Just 20 years ago, it would have been very expensive to launch a FinTech
company, whereas today the required expenditure is much more affordable.
The decreasing technology costs have reduced the barriers to entry.

»» The funding landscape is also different now. Twenty years ago, there was little
funding available for early-stage FinTech firms, but today venture capitalist
and corporate venture arms of both financial institutions and tech companies
invest large sums in scalable FinTech companies. (See Chapter 16 for more

»» The industry dynamics have also changed. Previously, technology suppliers to

financial services firms were seen as pure vendors. Lately, there has been a
powershift in which FinTech companies, larger scale-ups, and unicorns are
clearly seen as partners or competitors to established financial players. Even
tech giants such as Facebook and Google, which have historically focused on

CHAPTER 1 Navigating the FinTech Landscape 13

e-commerce or social media platforms, have moved into the FinTech arena. In
China, we have seen Ant Financial and WeChat taking leadership positions
with their FinTech offerings, which are integrated into their other services in a
seamless way.

Established financial institutions should read this book to understand how the
tech giants embraced the digital age and transformed the industries they now
dominate. They need to appreciate how they can adopt their own transformation
rather than be disrupted by new firms entering the industry.

Traditional banks have already seen their revenues and margins decrease as
FinTech firms have undercut their prices on, for example, foreign exchange, lend-
ing, payments, and traditional banking services, particularly as open banking is
promoted by regulators.


Coauthor Steve O’Hanlon worked in the enterprise software arena before he came to
Numerix. He leveraged the skills from those experiences to make Numerix an early
adopter in the financial software markets by implementing an SLM. The concept of
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) was still in its infancy, and the cloud offerings that are
available today weren’t offered (see Chapter 6 for more about the cloud). Introducing
an SLM (which was more common in enterprise software sales) to the financial software
market enabled Numerix to become an early adopter of a license approach that the
industry embraced. It’s still the approach Numerix uses with its products today. This
very early approach brought greater market value for Numerix investors.

Having witnessed the growth of Intel with its Intel Inside strategy, Steve reasoned that
Numerix pricing analytics could be licensed in part or whole to financial software com-
panies that lacked the ability to price complex derivatives. His mandate in January 2004
was to complete the software development kit (SDK) for the pricing analytics so that any
financial software vendor could easily consume Numerix pricing analytics. This strategy
has endured since 2004 and has resulted in 90 global partners that represented nearly
half of Numerix revenue in 2019.

Many FinTech firms today should investigate the potential to partner with complemen-
tary software providers, especially larger firms that have established sales with large
financial institutions, to piggyback on their success, while also reducing their own dedi-
cated sales force requirements.

14 PART 1 Getting to Know FinTech

Asset managers have already seen their margins reduced by a move to passive
rather than active asset management, but this has further developed into robo-
advisors that use algorithms to disintermediate financial advisors and portfolio
managers. Equally, the insurance industry has found that companies using pre-
dictive analytics, based on big data access, are better able to price and manage
risks than they have.

In all of these organizations, boards need to develop new strategies based around
digital transformation and innovation teams that will work in conjunction with
existing product and business development. They must also work with technology
teams to help them determine how they compete in this new environment. Of
course, one of their biggest hurdles will be themselves as they need to instill a new
culture that embraces change from the top down. Flip to Chapter 17 for more dis-
cussion on this topic.

Highlighting the Size of Global FinTech

Figure 1-5 shows some data from the “Innovate Finance 2019 FinTech Investment
Landscape Report,” published in partnership with PitchBook. It shows that FinTech
hubs are globally diversified, but some are more dominant than others, particu-
larly China, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

FinTech hubs are
Source: Innovate Finance, 2019 FinTech Investment Landscape Report,
PitchBook. Data has not been reviewed or approved by PitchBook analysts.

CHAPTER 1 Navigating the FinTech Landscape 15

Although FinTech investment fell to $35.7 billion in 2019, as shown in Figure 1-6,
this was largely driven by a sharp fall of funding to Chinese FinTech firms.

A 2019 drop in
global FinTech
Source: Innovate Finance, 2019 FinTech Investment Landscape Report,
PitchBook. Data has not been reviewed or approved by PitchBook analysts.

While FinTech investment decreased in Asia in 2019, long term we believe that
Asia will be a growth engine for the global FinTech sector. Meanwhile, all other
regions’ total investment increased, primarily due to the number of large size
deals that were completed (see Figure 1-7).

i­nvestment in
Europe and North
continued to
increase in 2019.
Source: Innovate Finance, 2019 FinTech Investment Landscape Report,
PitchBook. Data has not been reviewed or approved by PitchBook analysts.

16 PART 1 Getting to Know FinTech

When Steve O’Hanlon took the helm in January 2004, Numerix was distracted and unfo-
cused and was building more products than it could possibly ever sell through its four
direct salespeople. Steve, a veteran of seven software start-up companies over
37 years, believed that focus was the only way a start-up would have a chance to grow into
a larger company. He determined that at least 17 of Numerix’s 20 products had a com-
pletely different market focus or would need a different sales approach. Four salespeople
could never focus on more than one of these products. In addition, none of the products
were complete and were in various stages of product maturity. This lack of focus was the
main reason Numerix sales weren’t growing significantly enough for the size of company it
was. Steve made the choice to eliminate 17 products and focus on the three core pricing
analytic products: Numerix Toolkit, Numerix Engine, and Numerix Library.

The Numerix Toolkit was sold to financial quants as a stand-alone tool where they
would use an SDK to create their own applications on top of the Toolkit. Its sluggish
sales led Numerix to create the Numerix Engine product, a full application for pricing
fixed income, credit, equity, and foreign exchange derivatives. The Engine was built on
top of the Toolkit, so it effectively rendered the Toolkit product obsolete.

In 2002, Numerix’s then-CEO hired a financial software quant to build the next genera-
tion of the Engine, which was dubbed the Numerix Library. This dual focus of building
the same product twice became known in Numerix as the “Pepsi Challenge.” The then-
CEO created competition between the Engine and Library development teams. This
meant that the four sales reps were attempting to sell both the Engine and the Library.
When clients asked about the difference between the two products, the sales rep would
state that the Engine was legacy with more features, but the Library was next-generation
and would eventually catch up to the Engine features. Potential clients were understand-
ably not thrilled with that answer, and it was yet another reason for insignificant billing
growth at Numerix.

Steve identified the problem in the sales approach and sought to rebrand the products
to stop the confusion. He immediately took the Toolkit out of the price book so that
salespeople could no longer sell it as a separate product. He eliminated Toolkit, Engine,
and Library product names and instead began using the company name, Numerix, as
the product name.

Steve then renamed the Engine Numerix 3.0 and renamed the Library Numerix 4.0.
He refocused the Numerix 3.0 product (the Engine) developers on Numerix 4.0 (the
Library). Just a couple of developers were left to maintain Numerix 3.0. His goal was to
speed up the process of enhancing Numerix 4.0 with new features and features that
were only in Numerix 3.0.


CHAPTER 1 Navigating the FinTech Landscape 17


All this new work became known as Numerix 5.0, which was delivered at the end of
2004. The sales team could show the road map that took all the features of Numerix 3.0
and moved them to Numerix 4.0, resulting in Numerix 5.0. This sales story was very
focused, and prospective customers could clearly understand the benefits of licensing
4.0 knowing when they would get the gap fillers from 3.0. It was this single focus that
caused Numerix billings in 2004 to nearly double over the prior year!

The process Numerix went through in its analysis of the effect of conflicting software
and market perceptions is not unlike the analysis FinTech companies provide to their
banking customers. The need to identify redundancy, consolidate functions, and pro-
vide clear messaging both internally and externally is key to the modernization of finan-
cial institutions and a service that FinTech is integrally involved in.

Discovering a Few Important

FinTech Terms
Throughout this book, you find many terms to describe the various parts of the
FinTech industry and its inner (and outer!) workings, and we try to make this as
digestible as possible. To get started, though, here’s a core set of definitions that
it may help to have in your back pocket at the outset:

»» An application programming interface (API) is a software intermediary that

enables two applications to talk to each other. It delivers your message request
to a provider and then delivers the response back to you. (See Chapter 4.)

»» Data management means to collect, cleanse, manage, and analyze data to

generate additional business intelligence. (See Chapter 4.)

»» A decentralized application (DApp) stores data in a decentralized database and

uses decentralized computing resources in a peer-to-peer network. This open
source code can be accessed by all network members. (See Chapter 5.)

»» Digital transformation is the change that happens to a business when you

apply and integrate digital technology. It includes changes to business
processes, business models, domain expertise, technology, and culture.

»» Disruption refers to the way emerging FinTech firms and technologies are interfer-
ing or competing with the traditional way business has been done in the past.

18 PART 1 Getting to Know FinTech

»» Microservices is an approach to application development in which a large
application is built as a set of modular components. (See Chapter 4.)

»» Open source is software for which the source code is freely available to
anyone. Any capable programmers can then use, modify, and distribute their
own versions of the program. (See Chapter 10.)


In addition to building 20 software products pre-2004, Numerix had also created a com-
pany called CrossAsset Software LLC. Numerix owned 70 percent of it, and Toronto
Dominion and ICAP each owned 15 percent. CrossAsset Software focused on building a
front-to-back office trading system for Toronto Dominion. There were only 15 develop-
ers, and they were tasked with not only building the system but also building a
Bloomberg-like terminal.

CrossAsset software was losing $5 million per year, and there was no deliverable prod-
uct anywhere on the horizon. Therefore, when coauthor Steve O’Hanlon took over
Numerix in January 2004, one of the missions was to shut down CrossAsset Software
without incurring legal damage from ICAP or Toronto Dominion. By the end of March
2004, the partnership was successfully terminated and Numerix retained the rights to
the name CrossAsset Software, which was trademarked. The name CrossAsset eventu-
ally became the product name that replaced Numerix 5.0.

The company’s new approach focused developer efforts on creating a single pricing
platform that hedge funds, second tier banks, and partners could all use. During this
pivot, Numerix developed and used a tool kit of creative analysis that provided a way
forward to new and definitive software and services that would be utilized in the future
to support its FinTech customers in their transitions.

The problem the Numerix software was set to solve was to provide consistent and fast
pricing information across an entire institution’s workflow process. It was driven by
these considerations:

• Mass process analysis was nonexistent.

• Customers needed information on-demand.

• Financial deal structures were extremely fluid and ill defined.

• It was difficult to assess the impact of different models when pricing.


CHAPTER 1 Navigating the FinTech Landscape 19


• Customers needed to create dealer quality models that were flexible and provided
for customization.

• Traders required nearly instantaneous response time.

• End users wanted customizable views.

• Data needed to be mutable, delivered in the forms the user wanted.

Numerix software had the flexibility required to price the most exotic instruments and
was built on a world-class analytics library that had models in every asset class.

The Numerix differentiators were

• Depth of instrument coverage

• A wide range of models for each asset class

• Depth of domain knowledge within Numerix

• Ability to price exotics for the business lines they cover (Equity, FI, Credit, and FX)

• Instrument building capabilities

• A consultative approach to selling and deployment

• Ongoing support for the product after deployment

• A historical precedent of excellence

• A flexible technological infrastructure that addresses the needs of partners as well

as financial institutions

The way forward would incorporate

• Attacking the hedge fund market with analytics

• Capitalizing on the emerging market: credit

• Partnering with companies that could embed their analytics

• Moving upstream to second-tier banks with analytics

• Becoming the most pervasive analytics company in the world

In Chapter 2, we continue the story of Numerix, and you discover how this path forward
took shape.

20 PART 1 Getting to Know FinTech

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