Reviewer Finals
Reviewer Finals
Reviewer Finals
considered of lower levels than humans. - Since death is a natural phenomenon and a natural human condition, it is important
for someone to prepare herself/ himself for her/ his impending
Kinship by blood
- the basic unit of society
- t is defined by Kingsley Davis as a group of people related by
consanguinity that maintains close relationship to each other
A family of orientation is the type of family that one is born into and
grows up with, usually as a child of two parents.
Family of procreation, which is the type of family that one creates
through marriage, adoption, and
other legal processes, usually as one of the parents
Kinship by Ritual
Fictive kinship- a kinship based on social agreements such
as friendship instead of adoption, blood (consanguinity), or
marriage (affinity) that creates a relationship “ ...
Compadrazgo is the Spanish term for “co-parenthood,” which
is actualized by the godparents after being part of rituals or
ceremonies, like baptism, weddings, and religious
▪ Divorce is the legal termination of marriage, which means that the marriage
was valid, but the couple have decided to formally separate.
Politics of Kinship
If the father has the final decision in the family, the family is described
as a patriarchal household.
If the mother’s decision has a greater impact, the household is a
matriarchal one.
If the parents have equal power, then an egalitarian household exists
Politics Among Family Members Political dynasties, or families hat hold political power
for generations.
In vertical political dynasties, politicians from the same family hold different
positions in the government at the same time. In horizontal political
dynasties, members of the same family hold the same position over time.
Frequency Polygon
- Presents trends and patterns in data. It is almost the
same with histograms; however, frequency polygons
Bar Chart make use of midpoints to represent values and
- Typically used to compare values and levels of data. It is frequencies connected by lines.
usually used for nominal and ordinal types of data.
Tip: Identify the types of variables of the data to be presented (i.e., nominal,
ordinal, interval, ratio) in order to choose the appropriate graphical
Histogram presentation that will best visualize your quantitative data.
- Represents the distribution of data given a certain range.
It is mostly used for interval and ratio types of data. Levels of Measurement
Nominal variables
- no quantitative or numerical equivalent
- pie charts and bar charts
Ordinal variables
- can be ranked and be put into order
- bar charts Differences of Folk, National, and Ethnic Dances
Interval variables - Lopez (2006) also indicated that dance should meet the
- can be ranked and be put into order following criteria to be considered as a Philippine folk dance:
- quantifies the distance ➢ It is conventional.
- histograms and frequency polygons ➢ It is expressive.
Ratio variables ➢ The simple, fundamental rhythm dominates folk dance
- can be ranked and be put into order and defines a movement pattern.
- quantifies the distance ➢ It has unknown choreographers or was created
- has absolute zero point through communal efforts.
- histograms and frequency polygons ➢ Dance plays an essential role in the life of folk people.
- The term folk dance is interchangeably used with national
PE & HEALTH P.E and ethnic dance. Traditional dances of a particular country
Dance as Cultural Expression are folk dances, but national dances are also traditional folk
"Dance is an art that deals with human body motions." dances with a national dimension. They are recognized and
— James K. Feibleman commonly danced in a given country, often with many regional
Philippine Folk Dance variations.
- Folk dances are dances associated with and performed by a - Filipino dances like cariñosa, kuratsa, and pandanggo, which
particular community or tribe. They are the cultural, traditional, are common all through the region, are examples of national
or recreational dance styles that have developed and been folk dances. For instance, the islands of Luzon and Visayas
passed down through generations in a given country. have varying versions of the pandanggo. Though it may seem
- Folk dances are all connected with a specific community's strange, dancers from a locality may also have various ways
way of life, such as customs, ceremonies, and work. of executing it.
Majority of these dances are linked with religious traditions,
stemming from passions, superstitions, festivals, birth
ceremonies, courtship, marriage, death, war, and a plethora of
other topics shared by people all over the world.
- "Folk dancing has become a clear manifestation of passions,
particularly relevant thoughts, or the recreation of customs and
activities that constitute a significant part of their culture and
pattern of everyday life." - Duggan, Schlottmann, and
Rutledge (1948)
- According to Lopez (2006), Philippine folk dance is defined as
a traditional means of expression that employs bodily actions
of redundant patterns linked to definite features of rhythmic
beats or music.
the body as an instrument and let the dancer know how The Origins of Modern Dance
to control and use it. - In America and Germany, modern dance has evolved
- It also shows basic dance skills to ensure an effective independently.
and precise movement. Many modern dance - In Germany, it is regarded as an expressive dance, or in their
techniques were developed by modern dance language, Ausdruckstanz (aus-druk-stants). A community of
choreographers, but the main aim of each technique is pioneering dancers began practicing this dance format during
"to advance an instrument, which is the human body, the start of the 20th century and adapted a new step that
that is capable of expressing any aspects of human suited the tempo and pulse of the era. This dance is different
behavior" (Horwitz 1979). from ballet.
- Famous techniques in modern dance: ▪ Graham - The pioneers of expressive dance were Isadora Duncan,
technique Ruth St. Denis, and Ted Shawn. They all studied ballet, but
▪ Humphrey-Weidman technique did not find it enough for their movement styles and
▪ Limón technique temperaments (Minton 1984). They found ballet confined and
▪ Cunningham technique eventually dismissed it (Anderson 1986)
▪ Hawkins technique - Isadora Duncan's dance style comes from the center of the
▪ Horton technique body and provides the impulse for motion. She called it the
▪ Nikolais or Louis technique solar plexus or emotional center. Her dance looked “natural
Improvisation and free-flowing that it looked like it was created on the spot”
- This corresponds to the natural motion of dancers in (Minton 1984). She wanted to replicate ancient Greek classical
response to the choreographer's recommendations. values in her dance. She placed less emphasis on dramatic
Different images, thoughts, emotions, or other impact and concentrated on pure motion and the use of the
stimulating events may lead to improvisation. Modern body.
dance gives the dancer a great deal of freedom. - Ruth St. Denis formed a dance where she depicted an
Choreography Egyptian goddess. It also showed impressions of the styles of
- Modern dance gives flexibility to choreography. This ethnic dance. She married Ted Shawn and they both formed
type of dance form reflects much of its creators' the traveling dance group Denishawn who toured all over the
personal and emotional perceptions. United States. In comparison to other founders of modern
- The purpose and style of dance choreography are not dance, St. Denis and Shawn did more than just introduce
confined to specific areas or subject matters, allowing contemporary dance to Americans.
choreographers to select themes and styles by - They set up schools and educated many young dance artists
themselves and according to their requirements who became imperative figures in modern dance. Doris
(Minton 1984).
Humphrey, Charles Weidman, and Martha Graham were some of covering distance, shifting direction, gaining
the students of these influential teachers. momentum for another movement, or gaining
- Martha Graham was one of the first students who left Denishawn. height.
After some time, she became a soloist and famous choreographer
and founded the Martha Graham Dance Company. She formulated
her style of movement based on her expressional needs. The
concept that was based on contraction and release in the torso
extended the basic breathing process (Reynolds 1979). For over
70 years, she has performed, choreographed, and chose the term
'contemporary dance' rather than 'modern dance.'
- Several prominent individuals played a significant part in the PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT
development of modern dance. Some of them are Mary Wigman,
Charles Weidman, Erick Hawkins, Merce Cunningham, Agnes de Lesson 1: Family Systems and Structures
Mille, José Limón, and Lester Horton. Each of them formed with
their dance groups, which remain until today. Family
- It is traditionally known to be the basic unit of society
The Basic Modern Dance Skills and a primary agent of socialization. The family has
- According to Hays (1981), modern dancing is based on simple always been influential in your development. Family is
locomotor and non-locomotor skills. The implementation and the primary setting where you learn how to
integration of meaning to the movement transform it into dance communicate and relate with other people.
- The primary modern dance skills are as follows: Basic Functions of Family
▪ dance walk – the alternate transfer of weight from one Successful families are functional families. The family performs
foot to the other in an even rhythmic pattern through functions in order for the society to survive.
the dance. This dance skill helps maintain the body The family exists to fulfill its function to reproduce which is
weight and prepare it for the next step. There are necessary to maintain the population of the society.
several directions to which walks are done in the It is also responsible for socialization and education of its
dance: members by transmitting the necessary knowledge, skills,
➢ forward values, traditions, and beliefs, among others, from one
➢ backward generation to another.
➢ sideward (grapevine action) Each member of the family is provided with an identity and
▪ run – Similar to the walk, it is characterized by the corresponding social roles.
alternate transfer of weight from one foot to the other in The economic support function of the family is fulfilled
an even rhythmic pattern, but faster. A smooth run can through provision of basic needs like food, shelter and
take place using toes reaching forward, with the ball of protection to its members.
the foot hitting the floor first, followed by the heel to
withstand the impact. Its uses in dance include
Since the family is the child’s first social environment, it is on hierarchy and lineage, but also important
expected to provide caring ang nurturing interaction by giving information on the family’s medical history,
emotional support. psychological health and relationship status through
Kinds of Family Structure
Traditional Structure (Berns 1997, 94) Purpose of Genogram
- Nuclear Family- composed of a father, a mother, and
the child/children When making a genogram, it is understood that there is a goal for
greater understanding of one’s roots. It is a process wherein
- Extended Family- includes the grandparents and/or
results bring light to different aspects of an individual’s life.
relatives of the nuclear family
Emerging Structure (Steinmetz and Stein 1998, 103-114)
Tracking of Patterns. Genograms reveal different patterns
- Single Parent- can occur through death, that may have long been in play in a family’s history. From
separation/divorce, or adoption without marriage simple traits like inclination towards sports or music to
- Blended Families- also referred to as stepfamilies patterns in substance or drug abuse.
where both parents bring children from a previous
Tracking of Medical History. Genograms can help in
evaluating the health risks that a family or individual faces.
- Homosexual/Lesbian Families- occur when two Knowing pre-existing conditions or an individual’s
homosexuals living together raise child/children from predisposition to certain diseases can help one better
previous relationships or through adoption prepare.
- Cohabitation- involves an unmarried male and female Understanding Emotional Relationship. Genograms can
living together raising child/children of their own or also reveal the quality of relationships that family members
through adoption were or are in. It helps to identify support networks,
resources, and possible conflicts that may affect marital or
Healthy families exhibit the following key characteristics: sibling or familiar relationships.
➢ The family members display love and appreciation for one Family and Individual Therapy. Genograms are used as a
another starting point of therapists in assessing the status of a
➢ They have open and honest communication family or an individual in the middle of an issue. Because a
➢ They have unity and respect for individual differences therapist can assess family dynamics and issues through
➢ They have clear and well-defined values and standards this visual, it helps in the solution-making part of the
➢ They have effective stress-coping strategies therapy process.
All families from all over the world encounter trying times. In the
Specific Traits Philippines, however, there are certain challenges that Filipino
families face more than other groups.
- If you would like to cite specific traits of individuals in Abuse. The act of inflicting pain towards someone purposely
your family, you are free to do so. Again, just include and repeatedly over time. In the Philippine household,
symbolisms made in the legend. abuse and violence come in many forms – physical,
psychological, sexual and nowadays, online. This is now
one of the challenges faced by families which definitely affect - Use “I” messages to address how you feel instead of
the quality of relationships and family ties. Not only women in putting the blame on someone else. Have the goal of
the home are subjected to this kind of act but also the children. attacking the issue and not each other.
Poverty and Parent Absenteeism. Recent surveys say that - Deal with the issue at hand or one issue at a time.
more and more Filipinos consider themselves poor as - Clarify the meaning of statements said instead of
compared to the previous years. Poverty is on the rise. assuming and building it up in one’s head.
Because of this, families find themselves in a situation that - Empathize and understand one another when in an
leaves them no option but to do what it takes to survive. argument.
Negative Influence of Media. Media, although many times a - Remember that no matter how angry you are, the goal is
source of overflowing information, may also prove to cause to find a solution or to compromise to the problem.
difficulty and stress in family ties. When not supervised
properly, children and families may focus on the negative Spent Time Together. Make time for family. In today’s busy
values being promoted online (on television, movies and on world, it is definitely a challenge to prioritize the family.
print). However, quality time is needed to recharge, renew and build
new memories together. It will be the foundation of a strong
Tips to Strengthening Family Ties
family in times of difficulty.
With all the challenges and changes that families face today, there is a
- Try to stay away from social media and gadgets. -
need to commit and prioritize family relationships. Here are a few
Learn to focus on each other.
ways to strengthen family ties.
- Listen to each other’s stories and enjoy each other’s
Communicate effectively. Listening is a big part of company.
communicating positively.
Share and cooperate. Sharing is not limited to material
resources within the families. This process of sharing and
- Give someone your full attention when it is someone’s turn
cooperating makes everyone in the family involved and builds
to talk.
relationships as well.
- Talk to a family member with respect and avoid judging and
criticizing harshly.
- Share responsibilities at home like chores and other tasks
- Be open and honest with their feelings without insulting or
- Cooperate in coming up with rules at home
putting another person down.
- Show love and affection, praise and apologies through Connect to the bigger community. Strong families also get their
meaningful words. strength from the bigger community outside their own unit.
Fight Fairly. Even the strongest of families fight which is a - Being involved in activities in the village, church or
normal occurrence in any household. The key though is to fight school