Curriculum Design

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TITLE: Strategic Instruction Model for Digital Readers: The lifeline of education
Built a nation of readers that possesses a stronger comprehension towards
academic successes

empower independent learners to inherently flex in school and beyond

Leading to sustainability
As we were just hit by a pandemic that shut down the economy and schools, it made us
accelerate to the digitization of our services; design, performing arts and entertainment, non-profit,
healthcare, education, government services, etc.
The education sector was greatly affected by this traumatic event that this covid-19 has
brought. We were transitioned into a whole new face of education from conventional face-to-face
to distance learning. This has been a challenge for over a year now. And it was fulfilling that
everyone in the sector was doing their best as they cope with this trend while ensuring their safety
and the well-being of their learners.
As we move toward globalization and everything just works in the digital world, education
disparities are evident especially in remote areas.
With COVID-19, a meaningful internet connection is now a prerequisite to be “productive,” as
reiterated by countless self-help articles on productivity in times of crisis. Only 55 percent of
Filipinos and only 26 percent of public schools are capable of a meaningful internet connection. The
remaining 74 percent of public schools that cannot make the transition to e-learning, will have their
productivity and education dependent on one factor they cannot control: an internet connection
(CNN Philippines).
This number has something to do with how should we address problems that confront in
terms of delivering quality education. The recently concluded PISA showed relevant results that
indicated the quality and equity of learning outcomes of students where the Philippines scored
lower on reading, mathematics, and science. The country’s average score in reading was 340 score
points. In mathematics and science, students in the Philippines scored 353 and 357 points,
respectively. Over 80% of students in the Philippines did not reach a minimum level of proficiency
in reading, which is one of the largest shares of low performers amongst all PISA-participating
countries and economies. This is the most heart-breaking part. Ironically, the Philippines, among
Asia's countries, has a literacy rate of 98.18%.
As I felt alarmed with PISA results, I believe that the curriculum I am crafting is promising.
This will help address the reading needs of all learners.

learn metacognitive reading strategies and techniques to substantially aid learners
to increase reading speed, become more efficient readers, and help them
comprehend various texts;

Detailed Description of Curriculum:

This curriculum will be mobilized digitally as we navigate to the new normal or what
many call "schools reimagined". This should be practiced for 1 hour/day x 3 days/week for
3 quarters duration. The remaining 1 quarter will be for feedbacking and evaluation of the
program. Instructors and learners should meet onscreen at least once a week. Instructors
will be given time to prepare and develop both on-screen and off-screen instructional
materials, check learners' work submissions, distinguish who needs support in the long
run, monitor progress, to sustainability
and suggest recommendations for development.

Learning Teaching-
Evaluation Reading Resources
Content Learning Activities
Objectives Equipment

Acquired Preview on Create a web Write a Developmental

motivation to how reading graph showing resolution Reading 1
improve reading started the benefits of drawn from Canva
skills by gaining an reading your recent Zoom
impression and discovery Google
appreciation of the about reading Classroom
wondrous origin of

Acquaint oneself Skill ladder of In pairs, present Write a a brief Developmental

with the reading Goodell the main points individual Reading 1
skills ladder from the Skill essay on: RubiStar for
Apply some of the 1. Phonics Ladder of "Becoming a scoring rubrics
skills in the ladder 2. Place of Goodell that Lifetime ReadTheory
through reflection Articulation would greatly Reader" online activity
sharing 3. Basic Sight impart student's Quizzes on the sheets
Words learning . skill ladder will Nearpod online
4. Using be reading materials
Structural administered The use of
Analysis online gamified online
5. Idioms and Scoring Rubrics quiz like quizziz
Figurative will be provided and RPG
Language playground
Google Classroom

Learning Teaching-
Evaluation Reading Resources
Content Learning Activities
Objectives Equipment

6. Finding the
main idea
7. Classifying and
Organizing Facts
8. Inferring
Meanings and
10.Using Parts of a
11. Using a
Leading to sustainability
12.Using Reference

Acquaint oneself Language Memorize and Select 1 excerpt Developmental

with the Characteristics take a video when from a speech of Reading 1
characteristics of and it delivering the orators, statesmen Copy of "I am a
language relationship to chosen verses or politician then Filipino"
reading from Carlos P. report to the class Video recorder
Romulo "I Am A the use of Zoom
Filipino". Report appropriate Google
the appropriate language. Classroom
language used in Scoring Rubrics
this speech in your will be posted

Grasp the concept Metacognition Provide Prepare texts and Developmental

of developmental Speed Reading comprehension online Reading 1
Reading Scanning vs. questions e.g Is instructional RubiStar for
Motivate mastery Skimming reading a passive activities to allow scoring rubrics
on reading Top-down, activity? Explain. students ReadTheory
strategies and Interactive and Allow students to experience the online activity
techniques Bottom-Up apply lexical, concept of these sheets
Appraise the Approach syntactic. techniques and Nearpod online
significance of semantic rules to strategies on reading materials
comprehension in phonemic output comprehension. The use of
the development of gamified online
reading quiz like quizziz
Acquired regard on and RPG
the types of reading playground
comprehension Zoom
Google Classroom

Learning Teaching-
Evaluation Reading Resources
Content Learning Activities
Objectives Equipment

Construct meaning Poetic Language Provide poem Read the excerpt

Literary texts
from literary texts Tone vs. mood and literary from the "Feast of
Gain deeper Characterization pieces for the Dead" by C.
understanding and Introduction to interpretation Kudret. Then
appreciation for the the elements of discuss its
value of literature story and parts elements
of the plot

Concluding Activity: Themed Reading

Our final output is Themed Reading. This will be done synchronously where the class is
assigned to select a theme (In the jungle, Under the sea, Harry Potter, Pajama Party, etc.)
for their reading activity. Whatever the theme they may choose must be manifested; may
it be in their costume or any representation of it. The class will be assigned to 1 reading
material. They will be given time to read the material. Afterward, the teacher will call
students to ask comprehension questions based on the reading material. The following
activities will be presented as well to further assess the learners' comprehension
You’re Hired READING TASK- students select a character from a book and consider
what might be a good job for them. They can choose something completely suitable
job for them. They will also make sure to explain why their chosen character would
be a great employee and what special skills they would possess to make them ideal for
the role. Really sell their chosen character explaining all the great attributes they
possess. This will be done through an interview-like setup.
Dear Diary READING TASK- students will place themselves in the shoes of one of the
characters and write a diary entry of a key moment from the story. They must try to
choose a moment in the story in which the character has plenty of interaction and
emotion to share in a diary entry. Their diary entry should be around a page in length
and contain information they learned from the book when the character was in that
specific place and time. The use of canva will be utilized.

Developmental Reading 1 by Aida S. Villanueva, Ph.D. and Rogelio L. Delos Santos

Pearson Hall, J.R (December 2011). Strategic Instruction Model in support of Center for
Research on Learning secondary literacy

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