Advancing Basic Education in The Philippines
Advancing Basic Education in The Philippines
Advancing Basic Education in The Philippines
Day 7 Assignment:
Practice Shared Reading, Peer Evaluate
Note: This assignment has 2 parts. Please read the instructions carefully. This is a paired activity.
Task 1: Practice shared reading with visualizing using one of the digital supplementary reading materials
provided to you or a printed book you have. Record a video demonstrating the shared reading with
visualizing strategy.
Day 7 Video Presentation Rubric: Shared Reading with Visualizing SCORE: /16
Book selection Selects a text Selects a text Selects a text Does not select a
that is that is that is somewhat text that is
appropriate for appropriate for appropriate for appropriate for
learners age, learners age, the learners age, the learners age,
level, and level, and level, and level, and
interests with interests with a interests interests
links to SEL + link to SEL + GESI
GESI that
conveys positive
visual messages
Reading aloud Models fluency Models fluency Reads aloud with Does not read
by reading aloud by reading aloud fluency but may fluently and
clearly at an clearly at an make some makes multiple
Learners Asks students to Asks students to Asks students to Does not ask
demonstrate visualize parts of visualize parts of visualize parts of students to
visualizing the text and the text and the text but may visualize parts of
share the picture share the picture not have them the text or share
in their mind in their mind share the picture the picture in
(orally or in (orally or in in their mind their mind
writing/pictures) writing/pictures) (orally or in
using specific
strategies like
sketch to stretch
B. Instructions
● Select one of the digital samples of supplementary reading materials which is suitable for your
students and links to SEL or GESI. You may also select a book you currently have. Read the
considerations for book selection again to help you choose.
● Practice reading the text on your own. Introduce the book by showing the cover, mention the
title, the author and illustrator, and include the publishing date or the “birthday” of the book if
possible. Then read the story.
● When you are ready, take a video of yourself showing the visualizing strategy while doing a
shared reading with a student or another person. You may read the entire story if it is short.
Take note of the length of the book for each grade level. Remember: the younger the student,
the shorter the book.
● Upload your video to the Google classroom.
● Name your video file as such: District_training group_Surname_First name_Day7Assignment
C. Submission of output
The video is due at the end of Day 7 or on the day it has been agreed upon by your training
group. You must upload your output to the Google Classroom. Contact your facilitator or ICT
support for assistance in uploading your output. They can also help you plan an alternative
option for submission if needed.
If making a video and uploading it to the Google classroom is challenging due to technological
limitations and unstable internet connection, you can opt to practice the strategy live with a
colleague. Then submit the template of the rubric completed with a rubric score as MOV. Refer
to the template attach to this assignment sheet.
Name your rubric file as such: District_training group_Surname_First name_Day7rubricscore
D. Campaign: Join our collective effort or campaign to build local resources for teachers!
● You may choose to contribute your video to ABC+’s campaign to put together local video
resources to be shared back with you and other teachers.
● Joining the campaign is voluntary. If you wish to make a contribution, please fill out the waiver
attached to this assignment sheet, and then upload it in the Google classroom together with
your video.
● If there are children in your video, kindly ask their parents or legal guardians to sign the consent
form attached to this assignment sheet.
Task 2: Peer evaluation of your video demonstrating the shared reading with visualizing strategy or live
teaching demo.
A. Checklist: The shared read aloud video or the live teaching demo will have to demonstrate the
following. Use the checklist for the Shared Reading Peer Evaluation. Make sure to have someone
evaluate you and then evaluate one of your peers.
B. Instructions
● Show your video to a fellow participant and have her or him evaluate your video, your book
choice, and the questions you asked. If allowed by IATF, another option is to do this activity face
to face and demonstrate how to conduct ‘’shared reading with visualizing” with a co-teacher.
● Make sure to follow IATF protocols of small groups, social distancing, and always wearing of face
mask and face shield. Then, have your partner evaluate you and vice versa.
● Use the checklist for peer evaluation. You will have to use this sheet twice - one as being
evaluated and another as a peer evaluator. Refer to the template.
● Upload your peer evaluation/s to the Google classroom.
C. Submission of output
The peer evaluation file is due at the end of Day 7 or on the day it has been agreed upon by
your training group. You must upload your output to the Google Classroom.
Contact your facilitator or ICT support for assistance in uploading your output. They can also
help you plan an alternative option for submission if needed.
Day 7 Assignment:
Practice Shared Reading, Peer Evaluate
Instructions: Put a check mark under the appropriate criteria and then write your score in the upper
right corner of the table.
Day 7 Video Presentation Rubric: Shared Reading with Visualizing* SCORE: /16
Book selection
Reading aloud
Models visualizing
*Only use this as MOV if you are unable to send a video due to technological limitations and unstable
internet connection and conducted a live demo teaching instead with a colleague.
Day 7 Assignment:
Practice Shared Reading, Peer Evaluate
I agree that Research Triangle Institute, and any Research Triangle Institute project or project partner
(together “RTI”), may photograph or record me and/or the child or children listed below, and that I have
the right to grant this consent. RTI will be the exclusive owner of the pictures or recordings and may use
them, as well as our names and likenesses, for any purpose, in any medium, in any place, at any time.
I understand and agree that the pictures or recordings may be edited or used in any way without my
knowledge or approval. My participation is voluntary and neither I nor any child listed below will receive
financial compensation of any type now or in the future.
I release RTI and any related entity or individual from any and all liability relating to these pictures or
recordings for me and any children listed below. I also waive any moral rights, privacy rights, or similar
rights that may apply.
Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________