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Take control of every machine

SIMOTION: the powerful motion control system

for all requirements.

Answers for industry.

The SIMOTION motion control system
can simply handle any discipline

State-of-the-art machines must continually fulfill even higher requirements. Optimum product quality,

higher productivity with ever-increasing cycle rates and maximum availability with minimum life cycle costs

are demanded. The consequence – electronic components are replacing mechanical ones. Not only this,

a wider range of tasks has to be tackled, higher numbers of axes controlled and shorter innovation cycles

must all be addressed along with keeping up with quickly changing market demands. Machine price?

Operating costs? It goes without saying that these must be kept as low as possible.

Our answer to this complex range of issues – no matter what requirements you place on your machine:

SIMOTION. The scalable motion control system offers you the highest degree of flexibility. It allows central

or distributed machine concepts to be realized as well as PC, controller and drive-based solutions.

No matter what your application is, with SIMOTION you can depend on user-friendly engineering

and fast commissioning – a precise jump to increase your level of competitiveness.

One system. From a single source. Every degree of freedom for higher flexibility
Using SIMOTION, you can automate even the most The modular design of our leading-edge motion control
complex machines with the highest efficiency. The system addresses the trend towards increasingly modular
motion control system offers a whole raft of tools, which machine concepts: With just a few modules, many differ-
supports you over the complete life cycle of a machine. ent machine versions can be implemented and scaled –
Already in the development phase, these simplify assuming, of course, that every module has its own em-
planning and provide valuable diagnostics functions bedded intelligence. This is the reason why our SIMOTION
for commissioning. software covers all functions, and with PROFINET and
The overall concept has one objective: to achieve the PROFIBUS, offers the optimum interfaces for communica-
highest degree of simplicity. This is because the more tion between the various modules.
complex the requirements, the simpler it must be to
handle the solution. This means that you profit from our wide range of
With SIMOTION, you can depend on significantly shorter powerful and innovative standard automation and
development and engineering times. As a consequence, drive components based on a common platform.
your machines are launched faster into the market. At the Further, when implementing your application, you
same time, you profit from high cycle rates as interfaces can select between several platforms and programming
are reduced – with guaranteed optimum product quality. languages. The advantage: high-performance machines
with a higher degree of flexibility, shorter mechanical de-
sign and commissioning times with lower machine costs!

Thanks to the perfectly harmonized hardware and soft-
ware modules, with SIMOTION you can rely on an almost
unlimited degree of flexibility. When all is said and done,
the system proves itself day in, day out in the widest
range of sectors:
• Packaging industry
• Plastics industry
• Glass industry
• Wood processing
• Metal forming technology
• Textiles
• Printing
• Converting
• General machinery construction

SIMOTION facilitates:
• High performance, flexible and innovative machine designs
• High cycle rates with a maximum product quality
• Lower costs over the complete life cycle
• Shorter time to market

Three strategies for your success:
hardware, software and engineering that are
perfectly harmonized with one another
Motion control is becoming increasingly significant when designing machines that control complex, fast and precise
motion. With SIMOTION, a new system philosophy was selected in order to keep the control of tasks as simple and flex-
ible as possible: motion control has been merged with PLC and technology functions. This concept allows axes and ma-
chines to be controlled using just one system. Technology functions provide support – for instance, the closed-loop
pressure control for hydraulic axes.
This completely eliminates interface problems between individual components, often critical from a time perspective.
This reduces the programming and diagnostics time for the complete machine. With SIMOTION, you can enjoy the
same level of user-friendliness as you would with a PLC system.

Unified, integrated engineering with

a complete system
The SIMOTION system comprises three components: The system philosophy
the engineering system, run-time software and
hardware platforms. With SCOUT, SIMOTION not only PLC functionality
(IEC 61161-3)
offers an integrated, seamless engineering system, but it
also provides all of the tools required for programming
The system philosophy of
and parameterizing, testing and commissioning as well as
diagnostics – all from a single source. Motion control SIMOTION
(e.g. positioning,
synchronous operation ...) Motion control, PLC
Run-time software – and technology
simply program motion control functions are merged
The run-time software has a modular structure, and com- Technology
prises a PLC according to IEC 61131-3 and optional func- functions
(e.g. hydraulic and tempera-
tions, such as positioning, synchronous operation, output ture control, cams ...)
cam and interpolation. These functions are available as
additional commands. As a consequence, you can gener-
ate motion sequences just as simply and flexibly as a PLC
program. Being able to be freely programmed – in con- Engineering system Run-time software
junction with the excellent motion control functions – SI- • For programming, • PLC
MOTION is the ideal automation platform for all produc- parameterizing ... • Positioning
tion machines where motion has to be controlled. • Graphic or text- • Synchronous
based programming operation
• Testing and diagnostics • Camming
The optimum platform for every machine type • Interpolation
You can select from three hardware platforms in order
that you also have every degree of freedom in the applica-
tion. You decide which platform suits your machine the
best. Once applications and software modules have been
created with the engineering system, they can be used on
all three platforms. The various platforms can also be
combined with one another. Once generated, a program Hardware platforms
can run in the drive, in the PC and in the controller with- • Controller-based
• PC-based
out incurring any additional costs.
• Drive-based

Three platforms – one goal: maximum flexibility

The compact solution: SIMOTION D The modular solution: SIMOTION C The open solution: SIMOTION P
directly in the drive for the widest range of applications for PC-based tasks
A perfect symbiosis: SIMOTION D is With four onboard interfaces for analog or SIMOTION P350-3 with the Windows XP
directly integrated into SINAMICS S120 as stepping drives as well as several digital in- operating system and the compact
a control module. This not only saves puts and outputs, SIMOTION C240 is an es- SIMOTION P320-3 embedded-PC with the
valuable space, but ensures that the pecially flexible controller in an S7-300 Embedded Windows Standard 2009 oper-
system has an outstanding dynamic mechanical design. Further, a SIMOTION ating system are equipped with a real-
performance. C240/C240 PN can be expanded using I/O time expansion for SIMOTION. As a conse-
SIMOTION D is available in two mechani- modules from the SIMATIC S7-300 range. quence, SIMOTION P can address the
cal designs – as single-axis system Two PROFIBUS ports with PROFIdrive and highest performance requirements (e.g.
• SIMOTION D410-2 with multi-axis an Industrial Ethernet connection ensure for high dynamic control circuits for
option (blocksize format), and as multi- perfect communications with other parts hydraulic applications with closed-loop
axis system of the machine. With the distributed archi- position and pressure control) as well as
• SIMOTION D4x5-2 in four performance tecture, drives and I/O can be connected tough environmental conditions. In addi-
versions for up to 128 axes (booksize through PROFIBUS or PROFINET (C240 PN). tion to SIMOTION applications, other PC
format). Further, the bus systems can be used for applications can be processed at the same
These options guarantee the highest communications with operator devices – time. This industrial PC is offered with sev-
degree of scalability and flexibility. for example, from the SIMATIC HMI range eral panel versions with different screen
Motion control and technology functions – or with higher-level controls such as sizes – controlled from a keypad, mouse or
as well as PLC and closed-loop drive con- SIMATIC S7. SIMATIC HMI panels as well as touch screen. The drives are decentrally
trol are integrated in a compact module. PCs with WinCC flexible or OPC interfaces connected via PROFINET.
This means that this device not only con- can be used as operator systems. Optimally suited for:
trols the various motion sequences, but Optimally suited for: • Applications that require an open PC
also the complete machine. • The highest degree of freedom when environment
Depending on the SIMOTION D version, selecting drives • Applications with short controller
SIMATIC HMI devices can be connected • A wide range of process signals cycles, for example, for hydraulic
via PROFINET, PROFIBUS or ETHERNET • Retrofit applications using integrated systems
for visualization and operation. analog interfaces • Ultra-compact applications that require
Distributed I/O are connected via that the control and visualization run
PROFINET or PROFIBUS. on a single hardware platform
Optimally suited for: • Extensive data management,
• Compact machines evaluation and logging
• Distributed automation concepts
• Modular machines
• High-speed axis couplings
SIMOTION offers:
• Simple and fast engineering
• Application-orientated hardware platforms
• A flexible, scalable system and therefore the highest
security for your investment

One tool – all tasks:
the SIMOTION SCOUT engineering system

With the SCOUT engineering system, we placed the highest significance on its user-friendliness so that you

can fully utilize the performance of SIMOTION.

Just one system is used for engineering the motion control, PLC and technology functions as well as con-

figuring the drives. Configuring, programming, testing and commissioning: Everything can be graphically

handled from just one workbench. In conjunction with intelligent user navigation, a context-sensitive help

and the automatic consistency check, SIMOTION significantly simplifies programming motion control solu-

tions, especially for entry level personnel. Further, all of the tools belonging to SCOUT are integrated in

the user interface to make engineering even more efficient. SCOUT can be used as standalone tool, or in

conjunction with SIMATIC STEP 7.

SIZER engineering
Auslegung mit SIZER Project management
Projektverwaltung Test

Konfiguration HMI engineering

FUP ST StructuredText
ST Structured Text Cam
Kurvenscheiben- Commissioning
Editor drives

Drive Control Chart
Control Chart Motion
Motion Control Chart
Control Chart

One system – As all of the various drive tasks are to be addressed, basic
one data management load characteristics as well as complex load and travel
All of the information belonging to a machine, such as curves can be entered into the system. Further, based on
configuration data, programs, motion profiles and drive the functionality of CAD Creator, you can quickly access
data are saved in just one project. When a drive is com- all motor-specific 2D/3D dimension data.
missioned, the necessary data can be simply called from
the central project management. Fast project generation
With the SIMOTION easyProject project generator, you can
Components are perfectly selected – from the drive to create a loadable and runnable engineering project espe-
the control cially simply and quickly. Predefined basic and modular
Using the simple to operate SIZER software configuration tool, machine functions can be integrated in new as well as
not only can the drive devices and motors be selected and di- also in existing SCOUT projects. More detailed information
mensioned, but also the supplementary components neces- is provided in the sector solutions section.
sary for the particular drive solution defined – up to the appro-
priate cables. The software has been designed to address the
solution-oriented perspective of the user, and using intelligent
functions and resources, simplifies the complete engineering
process to create a complete drive solution with the required SIMOTION SCOUT – the highlights:
specifications. SIZER navigates users step-by-step when en- • Simplest handling
gineering the drive solution. The status in the drive engi- • All of the engineering functions in one system
neering workflow is graphically displayed. Every engineer- • All of the components are quickly configured
ing step is performed using screen forms. • Powerful commissioning and diagnostic functions

Simply practical: Programming

SIMOTION provides you with every degree of freedom when it comes to programming. This is because the

system can speak several “languages” at the same time. In addition to the ladder diagram (LAD), function block

diagram (FBD) and the text-based high-level language ST (Structured Text according to IEC 61131), motion

sequences can also be programmed using Motion Control Chart (MCC). Expanded control tasks can be easily

implemented in a structured fashion using Drive Control Chart (DCC).

Graphic programming – with MCC

The intuitive user prompting of MCC –
Motion Control Chart – makes it easier to
program even the most complex motion
functions. The machine sequence is
clearly and transparently shown using a
flow diagram. In addition to motion con-
trol commands, there are also commands
to access I/O, logic and arithmetic opera-
tions, sub-routine calls and even com-
mands to control the program flow.

Proven standards from the PLC

environment: LAD and FBD
A high-performance editor is available
both for programming in LAD as well
as in FBD. In addition to standard logic
functions, all of the motion control and
technology functions can be used in LAD/
FBD. Blocks programmed in other
SIMOTION languages can be simply
called. Further, when programming with
LAD or FBD, users can profit from user-
friendly functions such as declaring
variables “on the fly” and the automatic
syntax check. Further, programs can be
toggled between LAD and FBD displays
at any time.

X1 Y
Synchronous gear X2
operation on Axis_2
Leading val. = Axis_1 XC S
1 EN
Wait for
input signal Light barrier
PI Controller
Target position = 1/1
product length + Target = Length + offset W1 Y
offset value
Positioning, relative KP YI
to the target position Axis_1
0 S

Synchronous gear Axis_2
operation off T2
Programming example with
Motion Control Chart (MCC)) Configuration example of Drive Control Chart (DCC)

One standard – also for motion control: PLCopen Once generated, charts can be simply called, re-used and
The PLCopen blocks for motion control, integrated in the combined with other program sections in order to form a
system, are especially suitable for programming in a PLC- complete program.
type view. They are saved in the command library and can
be used in all of the languages. LAD or FBD is most suit- Cam editor for an even higher degree of user-friendli-
able – especially for entry-level personnel. In addition to ness:
certified single- and multi-axis blocks, extended functions The basic scope of SCOUT includes editors, which can be
are also available. used to create cams in tabular form or as polynomial seg-
ments. Using a graphically supported wizard, cams can be
Highest efficiency when structuring the program: Struc- very easily configured in compliance with VDI2143. Com-
tured Text ST plex motion relationships can also be simply and graphi-
Using Structured Text ST, the complete functionality and cally programmed using the SIMOTION CamTool cam edi-
flexibility of the SIMOTION system can be used in an envi- tor.
ronment that is suitable for high-level languages. This re-
sults in extremely efficient programming. High-performance and flexible: C/C++ programming
Blocks generated in ST can be called in all of the other Using C/C++ programming in the Windows environment,
SIMOTION languages at any time. additional functions and function blocks can also be creat-
ed in user libraries (SIMOTION CLib Studio). These can be
Easy-to-configure technology used in all SIMOTION languages (MCC, LAD, FBD, ST,
functions: Drive Control Chart DCC DCC).
It is extremely simple to configure open-loop and As a consequence, the system can be expanded to include
closed-loop control functions using the DCC Editor. additional functions and performance features, including
Multi-instance-capable function blocks are selected from a know-how protection.
predefined library and are graphically interlinked with one
another by dragging and dropping them. With DCC, there
are no restrictions regarding the number of functions that
can be used. The block library includes a wide selection of
closed-loop control, arithmetic and logic blocks – as well
as extensive open-loop and closed-loop control functions.
Open-loop and closed-loop control structures configured
using DCC are transparently displayed. Effective programming in all languages:
• Automatic completion (autocomplete)
• Tooltip
• Table editing with functions similar to the
office environment
• Search/replace
• Fast entry into programming using MCC
• Simple PLC programming using LAD and FBD

Highest functionality: the run-time system
Using SIMOTION, a wealth of motion tasks associated with different machines can be very simply handled – this

is also made possible using a special architecture developed for the run-time system. Basic functions – such as

the PLC functionality – are already integrated in every SIMOTION device.

The performance can be expanded to specifically address the application using technology packages and func-

tion libraries. Technology packages provide complete functions, for instance for motion control or temperature

control. On the other hand, the function libraries include standard functions for frequently required tasks. It

goes without saying that you can also create your own libraries with functions that you have generated yourself.

The combination of technology packages, function libraries and run-time system results in the unique function-

ality of SIMOTION: Scalability, flexibility and expandability – from commissioning through operation up to main-


Scalable Technology in objects

• Using various function levels as well as software mod- The object-oriented system philosophy of SIMOTION of-
ules and technology packages fers scalable motion control functionality – from output
• From basic control functions up to cams and cam tracks, through positioning, synchronous
complete mechatronic sequences operation and camming up to 3-D path interpolation with
transformations for a wide range of handling kinematics.
Flexible So-called technology objects (TOs) form the basis. These
• Using an integrated, freely programmable include axis, synchronous object, path object, cam, output
PLC acc. to IEC 61131-3 cam, measuring input and external encoder. As standard,
• Using technology packages that can be freely TOs are equipped with a high degree of functionality.
instantiated with an extensive command set They are generated, configured and parameterized in pre-
• Through the possibility of operating servo, vector, cisely the same way and permit an extremely simple view
stepping and hydraulic drives of the technology functions. The TOs run in the back-
ground and provide their functionality everywhere (just
Expandable like drivers).
• Using standard functions in the function libraries A fast controller clock cycle is decisive for high-speed
applications. Servo drives with Dynamic Servo Control
High performance (DSC) can be implemented with position controller clock
• As a result of the powerful real-time operating system cycles of 125 µs – and hydraulic drives with position
with task-oriented execution levels (from isochronous controller and pressure/force controller cycles of 250 µs.
to sequential) Axes can be especially effectively optimized as a result of
• For short terminal-terminal and terminal-axis response the comprehensive range of options to influence the
times control (e.g. a speed controller reference model).
• For high machine cycle rates

Motion Synchro-
Control nous Interpolation/
Basic operation handling

Position- Cam Temperature

ing control

Function libraries and technology packages are part of the run-time system

Seamlessly synchronous The resulting advantages:

All motion control components (SIMOTION, drives, bus • High accuracy and repeatability even
system, I/O modules with precise timing, synchronous for fast machine cycles
user programs) operate in absolute clock synchronism. • High product quality and productivity through
This means that the input signals from the I/O and the optimized machine cycles as a result of deterministic
drives are sensed in synchronism with the processing cy- system components and short cycle times
cle in the control – and are therefore available in the user • High dynamic performance through constant deadtimes
program with absolutely precise timing. This synchronism and high gain factors in the control loops
is ensured using an isochronous fieldbus (PROFINET or
PROFIBUS), essentially acting as the master clock cycle
generator for the complete machine.

For distributed, modular systems, the bus clock cycle is

transferred to a second bus line, subordinate to the
SIMOTION, without requiring any additional overhead.
This means, for instance, that synchronized axes can be
synchronized with one another on almost any number of
coupled controls. Further, these can also operate with dif-
ferent application and control clock cycles. This facilitates
scalable solutions and therefore also large axis groups –
and at the same, time modular machine concepts can be
implemented based on standard components.

Simple commissioning:
configuring, testing and diagnostics

Simply harmonized: configuring the axes The data that has been acquired can also be saved and
Axis handling is also significantly easier than with conven- when required compared with more recent traces. Fur-
tional systems as a result of wizards that navigate the user ther, the automatic controller settings, measuring func-
through the process. Intelligent axis objects can be set up tions, function generator, FFT analysis and the display of
in the software. They include all of the relevant informa- the frequency response as Bode diagram simplify commis-
tion – such as the axis name, the connection of the asso- sioning and optimization of the machine.
ciated drive, encoder type with resolution, closed-loop po-
sition control parameters and even the mechanical axis Including diagnostic and test functions
system data – which can be saved and visualized. Any Extensive support during commissioning, testing, diagnostics,
type of axis can be addressed and information about its service and maintenance ensures short optimization times,
operating state can be called using the user program. minimized downtimes when faults occur, maximum process
SINAMICS drives and I/O are simply and symbolically as- transparency and therefore an even higher productivity. Tool
signed from a selection list – and communication is auto- tips show actual values, data types and comments of the vari-
matically setup between SIMOTION and the drive. ables directly in the program sources. The status program pro-
vides more detailed information: variable values are displayed
Everything at a glance at the axis control panel exactly as they are generated at the particular code location
SCOUT also has an integrated axis control panel that can when the program is being executed. Further, break points
be used to simply commission the various axes. This can with defined, adjustable system responses facilitate effective
be used to traverse, test and optimize any axis using the debugging. And last but not least, variables from all project
commissioning PC – also without a user program. elements (also across several devices) can be displayed and
controlled together in a watch table that can be structured as
Simple commissioning: testing and diagnostics required.
To commission the user program, SCOUT offers test and Further, all SIMOTION systems have an integrated diag-
diagnostic functions that are used in the PLC environ- nostics buffer that records important events (e.g. module
ment, for example displaying the status of blocks and vari- and CPU faults, alarms) in the sequence in which they oc-
ables and setting break points. In addition to these test and cur; users are also directly navigated to where the fault is.
diagnostic functions, the trace function, which is also integrat-
ed in SCOUT, significantly simplifies commissioning and trou-
bleshooting – also across several SIMOTION CPUs.
As a consequence, program variables, the position actual
value and the following error can be simultaneously re-
corded in the shortest system clock cycle, for instance.

The trace function integrated in SCOUT
simplifies commissioning and troubleshooting

Comparison functions for projects Advantages of SIMOTION IT

Components associated with different projects can be • Higher machine availability
compared down to the finest detail – in fact, even for the through shorter downtimes
graphic programming languages MCC and LAD/FBD. • Faster diagnostics and troubleshooting
• Online-offline comparison allows the target device and • Diagnostics without engineering system and project
project to be aligned with one another • Simple upgrade installation
• Offline-offline comparison allows projects to be merged • All data for optimization
and maintenance work
SIMOTION IT: Internet-based diagnostics, maintenance • Access to versions, variables and system states (e.g.
and operation alarms, faults, utilization level)
Using SIMOTION IT, you can access data that previously was only • Web-based machine management and operation
able to be read out by the programmer. And assuming the ap- • Based on HMTL and XML
propriate authorization , you can also modify this data. All you • JAVA applications are possible via the integrated server
need is a PC with a standard browser and an Ethernet cable. And
the browser is simply transformed into a diagnostic tool and HMI In this case, suitable protective measures must be taken
in one: In addition to the standards (variable list, diagnostics (these include IT security, e.g. network segmentation), in
buffer etc.), from the axis overview up to the run-time trace with order to guarantee secure operation of the plant or sys-
graphic display and measurement cursor, you obtain a wealth of tem. Additional information on the topic of industrial
information about the status of the machine – both locally as security is available in the Internet at
well as using remote access via a secure tunnel from anywhere
in the world. This means that manufacturers can maintain their
own machines without having to actually be on-site.
Further, accessing all the process value analyses, going far
beyond existing diagnostic pages of the HMI, represents an
important information source for minimizing downtimes and
basis for future updates.
SIMOTION permits:
• Fast commissioning and short downtimes
through extensive diagnostic functions
• Diagnostics, maintenance and
operation through the Internet

SIMOTION and the SINAMICS S120 drive
system: a perfect team


ET 200 ET 200 ET 200


Main machine Machine module 1 Machine module 2

The modular SINAMICS S120 drive system is used for high-performance applications in industrial machinery and

plant construction. With a wealth of components and functions that are optimally harmonized with one another,

it can be optimally adapted to address your particular requirements. SINAMICS S120 can be used for high-perfor-

mance single-motor drives and coordinated drives (multi-axis applications) with vector functionality for the

highest torque precision or servo functionality for the highest dynamic performance. SIMOTICS motors for mo-

tion control applications extend from servomotors, main motors (synchronous or induction), linear motors up to

torque motors.

SINAMICS S120 is available in different types of construction and covers the range of power ratings from

0.25 up to 4500 kW for supply voltages 1AC 230 V, 3AC 380–480 V and 3AC 500–690 V.



SIMOTION D410-2 DP, snapped onto a offers various
SINAMICS S120 Power Module performance levels

SIMOTION P and SIMOTION C with SINAMICS S120 SINAMICS Safety Integrated for the drives
SIMOTION P and SIMOTION C handle the automation of In conjunction with SINAMICS S120, also for SIMOTION,
the complete machine or machine module. The closed- the complete range of presently available integrated safe-
loop drive control is realized in the SINAMICS S120, which ty functions is available for applications up to SIL 2 (IEC
communicates with SIMOTION via PROFINET or PROFIBUS 61508), Category 3 and PL d (EN ISO 13849-1): Safe
DP. Torque Off (STO), Safe Stop 1 (SS1), Safe Stop 2 (SS2),
Safe Operating Stop (SOS), Safely Limited Speed (SLS),
SIMOTION D and SINAMICS S120 Safe Speed Monitoring (SSM), Safe Direction (SDI), Safely
Motion control tasks are becoming increasingly more Limited Position (SLP), Safe Position Transfer (SP) and Safe
complex – and the requirements placed on precision and Brake Control (SBC). Innovative safety concepts can be
speed are increasing as well. SIMOTION D was created by cost-effectively implemented based on this extensive
integrating SIMOTION into the high-performance SINAMICS range of safety functions.
S120 drive system. This means that SIMOTION D is the
response to the challenge of having to control many
coordinated axes with high cycle rates.
This is made possible by the distributed automation struc-
ture, where the machine is split up into various axis
groups – each with its own SIMOTION system. Further,
you benefit from a compact machine design.
With SIMOTION D, different performance versions are
available. Whether as single-axis system with multi-axis
option SIMOTION D410-2, which can be directly snapped
onto the SINAMICS S120 PM340 Power Module in the
blocksize format, or as scalable multi-axis system SIMO-
TION D4x5-2 in four different performance versions in the
booksize format. The highest degree of scalability and
flexibility makes it simpler for you to adapt the automa-
tion to address the requirements of your particular ma-

full flexibility for machine concepts

SIMOTION C – Controller-based



ET 200


Communication alternatively via PROFIBUS DP

Three SIMOTION hardware platforms provide you with Machines with servo drives …
… are completely controlled by SIMOTION, for example
the required flexibility to optimally adapt your motion using a SIMOTION C240 PN. This device processes all of
the input/output signals and coordinates the motion of
control system to your machines. the various servo drives. The process signals are connect-
ed via central I/O at the controller or using distributed I/O
stations connected to PROFINET or PROFIBUS DP.
The system is optimally supplemented by SINAMICS S120
servo drives, for example. A SIMATIC operator panel is
used for operating control and visualization, which is
connected to the controller via PROFINET, Ethernet or

SIMOTION P – PC-based SIMOTION D – Drive-based


Industrial Industrial
Ethernet Ethernet

ET 200 ET 200 ET 200


Communication alternatively via PROFIBUS DP Communication alternatively via PROFIBUS DP

For modular machines … Multi-axis applications

… SIMOTION can fully leverage its complete flexibility. Machines with many axes represent a challenge for any
This is because the different machine segments can be motion control system. This is because the system and bus
controlled from a SIMOTION system, even from different load increases with each additional axis. SIMOTION ad-
SIMOTION platforms. dresses this issue using a distributed automation architec-
For instance, one segment with a servo drive and distribut- ture. The machine is subdivided into various modules,
ed I/O, can be controlled from SIMOTION P - the industry which in turn are each controlled from a SIMOTION sys-
PC. tem.
Another segment and an autonomous module, which also The individual systems are connected with one another via
has several servo drives and distributed I/O, is controlled PROFINET or PROFIBUS DP. The bus load is now significant-
from a SIMOTION C controller. ly lower, which means that machines with many axes, in-
Solutions based on SIMOTION D can also be directly inte- volving complex functions and high demands on the per-
grated in the drive. SIMOTION systems and servo drives are formance can be automated. The SIMOTION D drive-based
synchronized via PROFINET/PROFIBUS DP with PROFIdrive. version is especially suitable as a result of its compact de-
The user interface on SIMOTION P can be very simply con- sign and fast communication within the axis group.
figured using WinCC flexible. It is also possible to engineer
the HMI application using other tools. OPC is used to con- Hydraulic applications ...
nect the system and variables. ... with their high-speed control loops for position and
pressure control can be implemented using the fast, dis-
tributed ET 200S I/O; these are preferably connected to
SIMOTION via PROFINET, therefore permitting the shortest
control cycles. In addition to electric drives, this also allows
hydraulic drives to be synchronized with one another – the
ideal basis for seamless and integrated automation solu-
tions such as e.g. conveyor belts and press lines.

the system with a link to the future

Part of Totally Integrated Automation PROFIBUS: the fieldbus proven worldwide

SIMOTION is an integral component of Totally Integrated In the meantime, with 40 million installed nodes,
Automation (TIA). With TIA, Siemens is the only manufac- PROFIBUS has proven itself as fieldbus across the board.
turer that offers an integrated and seamless basis to im- For motion control applications, several SIMOTION devices
plement customized automation solutions – across all sec- can be quickly and reliably linked via PROFIBUS at the pro-
tors, from goods in to products out. cess level.
Totally Integrated Automation sets itself apart as a result
of the standard data management, engineering and com- PROFINET: company-wide automation –
munication for all products and systems. With reduced en- seamless connectivity
gineering costs, it ensures the highest degree of transpar- The unique level of integration and seamlessness of TIA
ency across all levels. From the field level through the can be implemented with PROFINET, the open and non-
production control level up to the company’s ERP level. proprietary Industrial Ethernet standard. PROFINET can be
This unique level of seamless integration is a defined used to simply implement extremely fast isochronous
property, which is already taken into consideration when drive controls – and TCP/IP communications can be used
our products are being developed. This reduces the com- at the same time without any restrictions.
plexity of automation solutions, secures the optimum in-
teroperability as well as a high degree of investment secu-
The TIA Portal – the new engineering framework – will
support SIMOTION.


Warehouse and logistics

Packaging machines
Printing machines
Machine tools
Production lines Performance reserve
Bus cycle

10 ms 1 ms 100 µs 10 µs


Communication mechanisms

standing performance.
Standard I/O,
Acyclic data, diagnostic basic drive Fast I/O,
Already today, you can
information applications motion control implement all of your
applications with
PROFINET. With cycle
TCP/IP times of 31.25 µs, the
up to 250 µs up to 31.25 µs PROFINET standard
Real Time Isochronous Real Time for Simotion offers
sufficient reserve to
PROFINET address your require-
ments in the future.

Motion Control via PROFINET: of the ring, this means that the communication can re-estab-
if your machine needs even higher performance lish itself in the shortest time using the redundant path. As a
PROFINET is the open and innovative Industrial Ethernet consequence, plant downtimes can be avoided and the neces-
standard that meets all requirements of the automation sary maintenance as well as repair work can be carried out at
environment. the opportune time without being subject to time pressure.
Fast motion control applications require precise and de- For motion control applications, PROFINET in ring-type to-
terministic data exchange. For isochronous closed-loop pologies offers extended media redundancy which oper-
drive control, this is realized by using PROFINET with Iso- ates bumplessly without any reconfiguration time. When
chronous Real-Time (IRT). The different cycles of a system communication is interrupted (e.g. broken cable) the pro-
(reading in actual values, network, CPU processing and cess continues without interruption.
setpoint output) – also for standard TCP/IP data traffic
running in parallel – are synchronized. PROFIdrive: the well proven drive interface
The short PROFINET cycle times make it possible to increase The PROFIdrive drive profile from PI (PROFIBUS &
the productivity of machines and to guarantee product quality PROFINET International) defines the functional interface
through high clock cycle precision. between controls and drives for PROFINET and for
Isochronous real-time communication and standard IT PROFIBUS. PROFINET users who are already operating
communication can run in parallel on the same cable drives using PROFIBUS benefit from this: When changing
without mutually disturbing each other. PROFINET uses over from PROFIBUS to PROFINET, the user program does
standard TCP/IP for parameterizing, configuring and diag- not have to be changed
The Ethernet standard means that PROFINET can operate at
high data rates. As a consequence, flexible configurations
with many drives and SIMOTION devices are possible. Using
PROFINET with IRT, several SIMOTION controllers can be syn-
chronously coupled with their associated drives. This means SIMOTION permits simpler handling and:
that large plants and systems with almost any number of syn- • Perfect integration into every automation solution
chronized drives can be implemented. through TIA
PROFINET offers increased system availability by applying • Optimal compatibility with all of the usual standards
media redundancy, i.e. the network is configured using a ring-
type topology. If communication is interrupted in only a part
SIMOTION: The basis for integrated
high-performance sector solutions
Modern machines place the highest demands on automation and drive technology. Innovative technologies are

demanded in order to continually increase and optimize the productivity. Further, there is a clear trend towards

flexible, modular concepts as well as state-of-the-art solutions for service, maintenance and connection to

supervisory control systems. The demand for low engineering and operating costs makes it imperative to have

seamless and integrated automation concepts – from the field up to the company supervisory level.

With PROFINET, SIMOTION and the SINAMICS S120 drive system, Siemens offers the perfect basis to reliably

fulfill all of these requirements.

Well-conceived down to the finest detail: This innovative approach has already proven itself in
modular machine concepts numerous industries such as in the printing-machine in-
SIMOTION and PROFINET create the prerequisites for mod- dustry. This approach allows a flexible and quick response
ular and scalable machine concepts that simultaneously to changing market and customer requirements. Deter-
allow the implementation of high-speed control loops. ministic real time and short cycle times ensure optimized
For instance, these are absolutely necessary for hydraulic machine cycles – and in turn, constant high product quali-
applications in metal-forming machines. The design of ty and productivity. Not only this, the integrated, seam-
modular machines is based on standard hardware and less networking using just one single bus system reduces
software components. The modules can be easily han- the operating costs. Redundant concepts secure a high
dled, simply adapted to specific requirements and sepa- machine and plant availability.
rately tested. Finally, they can be easily interlinked with
one another to create individual machine versions.

Solutions for industrial sectors

Converting Metal Forming Printing Packaging Textile Plastics Handling

Injection Molding
Converting Library Hydr. deep draw Print Standard Intelligent Belt Weaving Handling Toolbox


Flying Saw Servo Press AddOn ReelStand Cartoner Warping TopLoading


Traversing Drive Feeder AddOn Sigate Baggers + Wrappers Roving Frame Handling Basic


Line Axis Roll Feed AddOn WebAccu Modular Machine Draw Frame Vision Integration


Rotary Knife Transfer Segment Offset Software Toolbox Comber


Splice Control Segment Gravure Line Integration Ring Spinning

Winder Register Control Standards Chem. Fibre Spinning

Print Diag

ProjectGenerator SIMOTION easyProject

Axis Function Block Message Handling Ethernet Communication OMAC HMI Template

Startup Check Interpreter Energy Acquisition DPV1 Services HTML for commissioning

Basic functions SIMOTION easyBasics

SIMOTION easyProject project generator: Faster to the individual packaging line:

significantly higher efficiency Optimized Packaging Line
SIMOTION easyProject is a tool that significantly speeds Optimized Packaging Line is a standard automation
up generating a standard project basis for machine appli- architecture that is optimally tailored to the specific
cations. Time and costs can potentially be slashed by up requirements of the packaging industry. It precisely
to 80 %. addresses the issues that are relevant in this industry:
lower life cycle costs, increase productivity and shorter
Highlights: time to market.
• Creation of a new project or even These types of solutions are based on international stan-
integration into an existing project dards such as OMAC and PROFINET. Engineering costs are
• Flexible selection of predefined basic and modular ma- significantly reduced – also for line integration, as well as
chine modules, which can be combined to immediately risks in the ramp-up phase. The standardization of compo-
create a runnable project nents also provides advantages when it comes to service
• Standardized, maintenance-friendly application structure and support as in this case, spare parts stocking as well as
• Automatic module configuration special know-how can be minimized.
using the selected hardware
• Connection to HMI via predefined modules (e.g. mes-
sage handling)
• HTML pages, which support commissioning and service
via SIMOTION IT, are automatically generated for each
• Use of standards (e.g. OMAC, PLCopen, OPC-XML)
• Modularization of machine functions according to the
international ISA-88 standard
Comprehensive information ...
Further, SIMOTION easyProject is structured so that you can ... on our skill sets in the various sectors within the
also integrate your own blocks into this generic workflow to framework of SIMOTION is available under
automatically generate applications.

Our support services:
the team at your side

Our support team is there to support you in every Competent application support for your sector
The Siemens portfolio addresses the complete automation
area so that the automation of your machine runs environment – from drive technology through machine con-
trol systems, including software systems. Our specialists
as efficiently and smoothly as possible. know and understand the various industry sector require-
ments from a large number of successful projects. They apply
this experience to develop innovative ideas and user-specific
machine concepts hand in hand with the machinery OEMs.
Our specialists and application support personnel accompany
your projects, on-site, from the initial planning through
commissioning – from the original idea up to the operational
machine. In turn, they are supported from a series of
Application Centers in Germany, Italy, the US and

Application support includes the following range

of services:
• Selecting the optimum solution packages from
our product portfolio
• Developing and providing customer-specific
• Providing support during testing and

Finite Element Method
and simulation

Simulation 52 Hz
81 Hz
27 Hz

L s

1 10 100 f/Hz

Mechatronic Support: Service from Siemens:

for a harmonized system you can depend on it
Mechatronic machine concepts are based on mechanical Siemens offers dependable service worldwide. From the
elements, electric drive systems and motion control hotline to personal service 24 hours a day. Customers
software. The more perfect these three components are receive precisely the help and support that they require.
harmonized with one another, the higher the efficiency of This support ranges from quick information on a simple
the complete system. We have many years of experience problem up to having a qualified technician on-site for
in these three areas and we can support you by being able competent service.
to simulate your entire machine. With our mechatronic
support, we can optimize the precision and productivity
of your machines – both for existing as well as new
machines. Machine concepts can first be compared,
changed and optimized – also with new mechatronic
components. The results obtained are secured and proven
through simulation as this precisely emulates the
real machine.

More information on application support:

More information on mechatronic support:

An overview of data, functions, features

SCOUT engineering system

Workbench concept All of the tools have been integrated, uniform look & feel, predominantly graph-
ics-based tools, wizards, consistency checks, central data management
Programming PLC, motion control All using the same languages, even in the same program
and technology functions
Programming languages IEC 61131 languages: Structured Text, ladder diagram and function block
diagram as well as Motion Control Chart and Drive Control Chart.
Motion control functions for all languages as system functions as well as certified
PLCopen blocks are available
Variables Elementary data types (bit, time, string, numerical data type) as well as user-
defined data types (arrays, structures, enumerations, etc.)
Cam configuration Tables or polynomials according to VDI 2134, up to the 6th order, graphic cam
editor (optionally, using the CamTool), import/export (e.g. Excel)
Know-how protection for user blocks Possible, with password
Libraries System and user libraries
Loading the application Via PROFINET, PROFIBUS or Industrial Ethernet
or using a card reader, directly to a memory card (SIMOTION C, D, P320-3),
hard disk (SIMOTION P350-3)

Commissioning the drive Integrated in SCOUT

Commissioning the axis Axis wizards for simple parameterization, axis control panel, automatic controller
setting, trace (oscilloscope function), measuring functions, etc.
Program test and diagnostics System states, program status, variable status and control, cross-reference list,
trace (drive variables, PLC variables), graphic program tracking in MCC,
break points

SIMOTION run-time system

Output cams High-precision individual output cams and cam tracks, switching cams,
distance-distance cams, distance-time cams with max. switch-on length,
dynamic cams, counting cams
Axes Virtual axes, speed axis, positioning axis, synchronous axis, path axis,
cam axis, electric and hydraulic drives, stepping drives, pressure control/pressure
Measuring inputs High-precision measuring inputs –
e.g. for print-mark control, flying measurement, etc.
Cams Cams can be scaled, offset and changed over while in motion;
cams can be calculated and changed from the user program,
the number and size only depend on the available system resources
Interpolation Linear, circular and polynomial interpolation in 2-D and 3-D,
including transformations for various handling kinematics

SIMOTION hardware platforms
Memory medium for user data Micro Memory Card P320-3: CF card Compact Flash Card
P350-3: hard disk
RAM (work memory) 40 Mbyte 24 Mbyte, can be set up D410-2: 48 Mbyte
to max. 100 Mbyte D425-2: 48 Mbyte
D435-2: 64 Mbyte
D445-2: 128 Mbyte
D455-2: 256 Mbyte
Retentive memory 107 Kbyte 15 Kbyte, with UPS 256 D410-2: 108 Kbyte
Kbyte D425-2/D435-2: 364 Kbyte
D445-2/D455-2: 512 Kbyte
Minimum clock cycle time for a user 0.5 ms 1 ms/0.25 ms5) D410-2: 1/0.5 ms 2)
task D4x5-2: 0.5/0.25 ms 3)
Max. number of axes 32 128 D410-2: 8 (typically 2 to 3)
D425-2: 16 D435-2: 32
D445-2: 64 D455-2: 128
Integrated drive control – – D410-2: 1/1/1
(Servo / Vector / V/f) D4x5-2: 6/6/12
PROFINET IO interfaces, number C240: – P320-3: 1 (3 ports) D410-2 DP: –
C240 PN: 1 (3 ports) P350-3 DP: 1 via MCI-PN D410-2 DP/PN: 1 (2 ports)
(4 ports) D4x5-2 DP: –
P350-3 PN: 1 (4 ports) D4x5-2 DP/PN: 1 (3 ports) 4)
PROFIBUS DP interfaces, number 2 P320-3: – D410-2 DP: 2
P350-3 DP: 2 D410-2 DP/PN: 1
P350-3 PN: – D4x5-2: 2
Ethernet interfaces 1 P320-3: 1 D410-2: 1
P350-3: 2 D4x5-2 DP: 3
D4x5-2 DP/PN: 2
Additional interfaces – Additional PC interfaces Test sockets
Onboard inputs/outputs 18 DI, 8 DO – D410-2: 5 DI, 8 DI/DO,
3 F-DI (= 6 DI),
1 F-DO (= 1 DO),
1 AI (U/I)
D4x5-2: 12 DI, 16 DI/DO
Additional inputs/outputs Central or distributed via Via PROFINET Via PROFINET, PROFIBUS or
Drive interface, digital Via PROFINET or Via PROFINET or Via PROFINET or PROFIBUS with
Drive interface, analog 1) C240: 4 drives (analog or P350-3 DP: ADI 4 D410-2/D4x5-2: ADI 4
stepping) integrated C240/ or IM 174 or IM 174
C240 PN: ADI 4 or IM 174
1) Hydraulic drives also via ET 200 I/O; stepping drives also via IM 174; ADI 4 and IM 174 are connected via the PROFIBUS interface
2) 1 ms when using the TO axis and the integrated drive control
3) 0.5 ms in conjunction with integrated SINAMICS S120 drives; 0.25 ms in conjunction with run-time levels SERVOFast and IPOFast (only D435-2 DP/PN, D445-2 DP/PN and D455-2 DP/PN)
4) Optional second PROFINET interface via CBE30-2 (4 ports)
5) 0.25 ms for fast I/O and hydraulic drives, connected via PROFINET IO

Components that can be used with SIMOTION

Siemens drives For example SINAMICS S110/S120

Third-party drives Via PROFINET IO or PROFIBUS DP with PROFIdrive

Via analog setpoint interface All drives with analog ±10 V setpoint interface and
RS422 incremental encoder or SSI absolute encoder
HMI systems SIMATIC OP/TP 177B, MP 177, OP/TP/MP 277, MP 377
SIMATIC Mobile Panel 177/277; SIMATIC Panel PC 277/477/577/677/877
PCs with visualization software WinCC flexible and WinCC from V7.0
PCs with any visualization software and OPC/OPC XML
I/O SIMATIC ET 200M, ET 200S, ET 200SP, ET 200eco, ET 200eco PN, ET 200pro
All certified PROFINET IO devices and PROFIBUS DP standard slaves
Here you can
watch videos on
everything to do
with the motion
control system

Siemens AG Subject to change without prior notice The information provided in this brochure contains merely gener-
Industry Sector Order No.: E20001-A320-P650-V4-7600 al descriptions or characteristics of performance which in case of
actual use do not always apply as described or which may change
Motion Control Systems Dispo 06372
as a result of further development of the products. An obligation
P.O. Box 31 80 WÜ/42585 SIMO.52.3.01 WS 11123.0 to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if express-
91050 ERLANGEN Printed in Germany ly agreed in the terms of contract.
GERMANY © Siemens AG 2012 All product designations may be trademarks or product names of
Siemens AG or supplier companies whose use by third parties for
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