SE10179 Software

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Client: Geoquip Vessel Name: Geoquip Elena Future Services

IMO: Birkedalsveien 24A
Client PO No: 008110 Client Contact: Nico, Jeremy 4640 Søgne, Norway
Project: SE10179 Service Manager FS: Glenn Ervik Reg. No. 920 648 207
Location: Amsterdam Service Engineer / Lead: Peder Date: 29.08.2023

Hydraulic: Mechanical: Electrical: Software: x Inspection: x

Work to be performed, brief description:


Daily reporting:
AHC test, functions works OK, but we experienced oil leak on the AHC hoses. We changed AHC pipe, welded over reductor to fix oil
leak on the hoses connection. Constant tension worked also fine, but we were testing it during high waves so the load reading were
very unstable and so was the tension on the hook. We downloaded cell calibration tables into PLC, to be checked with higher loads.


We installed new joysticks in both armrests. Based on old documentation we have prepared a wiring diagram update to simplify the
joystick replacement procedure. We wired in new JC300 potentiometric joysticks in place of the old ones, these joysticks are fortunately
very similar to the old ones. See attached “Joystick Replacement Revision” for reference.

We tested signals coming to the PLC from both joysticks with shutdown crane, the analog values change smoothly, digital
(direction switches/alarm acknowledge) also checked and found working.

We performed live tests of crane movements with new joysticks, also some small load lifts. The operators report that the joysticks now
"feel" better. The jerking from slewing in one direction has not disappeared and the crane is primarily used in slow mode.

It was reported that the Touch Screen reboots randomly during operation. Checked wiring and replaced power supply connection. This
was solved eventually.

We supported the ETO with crane equipment maintenance:

• Main winch spool camera is now operational and available to the operator;

Date: 29.08.2023
• Windshield wiper electrical connections fixed and mechanical adjustments done.

We assisted in preparation for joint diver and crane operations.


Reoccurring alarms were received on the HMI, that 690 V supply is missing, together with HPU Motor 2 Tripped and Start/Stop Error.
The Phase monitor and PTC relays shut down and tried to restart when the error was received. Running the motor locally proved to be
a suitable temporary solution, as it works normally in local mode. Below some pictures of the issue:


Regarding HPU Motor 2 tripping error, together with ETO we found that the monitoring relay may have damaged contact, it was
decided to make an electrical bypass of the contact (photo below). This resolved the issue and HPU Motor 2 can be started remotely
from the touch screen and the alarms stopped appearing.

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HPU oil tank was verified that the oil level reading on the HMI corresponds to visual level indicator on the oil tank.

Subsea lift was performed using the Whip Winch, everything went smoothly; the lifted cover is now on deck (photo below). Crane
worked smoothly.

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Camera showing the main winch spool


As the touch srreen has been moved from Profibus to Profinet Network, this causes a flashing SF error lamp on the PLC. For

Together with the operator we checked the wire counter reference function and found everything is working fine.


Based on HMI profibus network indication, we concluded that profibus line from PLC to RIO inside +CC-105 cabinet is
OK, but after that none of the devices are communicating with the PLC. Based on this information we assumed that
Profibus repeater is inside +CC-105 cabinet is broken or connected incorrect, because this is a place where crane top
profibus line (for luffing, knuckle, main winch and aux winch encoder) and crane bottom profibus line (for slewing
encoder and +CC-108 RIO) are connected together and both of these lines are not working.

As we troubleshooted Profibus repeater, it turned out that repeater works fine, but profibus line connected to it (line from
+CC105 RIO to profibus repeater next to it) had a partially broken plug.

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This caused termination resistor on the plug to be actived all the time (no matter what it was set on at ON/OFF switch),
for this reason profibus communication did not reach any device past the +CC-105 RIO. We manually (with screwdriver)
moved termination resistor slider to OFF with plug disassembled. Reason for this plug to be broken is unknown.

After above fix, top part of the network went online (Top profibus line that goes trough 4 encoders).

Bottom profibus line was still not working (line that goes through slewing encoder and +CC-108 RIO). We terminated
profibus line inside the slewing encoder. This allowed profibus to reach slewing encoder, indicating that profibus has
problem communication with +CC-108 RIO.

With crane operator and ETO we tested crane operation. Crane was functional (all moves work), but without +CC-108
RIO communication, we did not have MRU data reading (MRU is located inside +CC-108), so with this setup crane AHC
function did not work.

With crane operator and ETO we tested crane operation from remote emergency operation pendant, all works.

We troubleshooted bottom profibus line issue. Re-made profibus connection inside +CC-108 cabinet, re-set termination
resistor ON on profibus plug inside +CC-108 cabinet, switched OFF termination resistor inside slewing encoder.

After above work, profibus communication with +CC-108 cabinet was OK, all profibus communication was OK.

Reason for bottom line profibus failure is not 100% know, possible reasons:
1. Bottom profibus line goes trough slewing slipring, this is a moving electrical connection (allows crane
to slew/rotate indefinitely without risk of ripping cables apart), when crane is not in used for long period of time, tracks of
the slipring can become corroded/covered in patina, causing problems with electrical connections. Day before we moved
all crane functions, this may have fixed/removed patina by mechanically wearing out the sliprings back to OK state.
2. Or possibly one of the profibus connections was not 100% solid/it was loose, after re-making profibus
connection issue was fixed.

With all network ok, we tested crane function and AHC, all works. Please note that we verified AHC on calm see in port,
AHC functions responded OK, build up pressure in the winch drive, but moves were very small.

Together with ETO, we have gone through electrical cabinets, I explained our performed work, cause of problems and
general explanation of system operation.

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