General Biology 1 - Lesson 8

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biyaya ed sikamin maninisya ed sika.

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nga annak Mo. Ken protektaran nakami kuma manipud ti
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How is your day so
Q. What is mitosis and its
FQ: Why is the process
of mitosis vital to life?
Here are the
objectives of
today’s lesson…
-Describe the stages of
mitosis/meiosis given 2n=6

-Explain the significance or

applications of mitosis/meiosis
a. Familiarize the different
stages of meiosis.

b. Expound the significance

and applications of mitosis.
Activity 1:
Direction. Categorize each of the
descriptions under MI – Mitosis,
ME – Meiosis, or BOTH.
Monitors diploid number of chromosomes
Involves crossing over
Chromosomes shorten and become visible
Produces 4 cells when completed
Involves only 1 division
Reduces chromosome number
Produces genetically identical cells
Forms mature gametes
Produces variety of cells
Occurs in animal cells
Occurs in plant cells
Involves chromosome movement
Goes through 2 division
Produces haploid number
Forms skin cells
Produces 2 cells when completed
Cell membrane pinches in
Activity 2:

Let’s Name the Phases

Direction. Analyze the illustration
and name the phases of meiosis.
- Sexual reproduction requires
fertilization, the union of two cells from
two individual organisms.
- If those two cells each contain one set of
chromosomes, then the resulting cell
contains two sets of chromosomes.
- Haploid cells contain one set of
chromosomes. Cells containing two sets
of chromosomes are called diploid.
- The number of sets of chromosomes in a
cell is called its ploidy level.
- There are two rounds of division, the
major process and the stages are
designated with a “I” or a “II”.
a. Meiosis I, is the first round of meiotic
division and consists of prophase I,
prometaphase I, and so on.
b. Meiosis II, in which the second round
of meiotic division takes place, includes
prophase II, prometaphase II, and so
Meiosis I
- The G1 phase, which is also called the
first gap phase, is the first phase of the
interphase and is focused on cell growth.
- The S phase is the second phase of
interphase, during which the DNA of the
chromosomes is replicated.
- Finally the G2 phase, also called the
second gap phase, is the third and final
phase of interphase, in this place, the
cell undergoes the final preparations for
Phases of
Meiosis I
I. Prophase I
- Nuclear membrane breaks down
- Centrosome and centriole begin to move
- Spindle fiber start to assemble
- The duplicated chromosomes condense
an homologous chromosomes begin to
pair up
II. Metaphase I
- Spindle fiber align the homologous
chromosomes in the metaphase plate
- Each side of the equator has
chromosomes from both parents
II. Metaphase I (cont.)
- To summarize the genetic consequences
of meiosis I, the maternal and paternal
genes are recombined by crossover
events that occur between non-sister
chromatids of each homologous pair
during prophase I.
III. Anaphase I
- Paired homologous chromosomes
separate from each other and moves
toward the opposite side of the cell
- Sister chromatids remain attached
IV. Telophase I
- Spindle fibers disassemble
- Cytokinesis
When did the centrosomes duplicate?
- In some organisms, the centrosomes
duplicate between meiosis I and II, even
though DNA is not copied during this
When did the centrosomes duplicate?
- For instance, the centrosomes duplicate
between meiosis I and II during
spermatogenesis, sperm production, in
When did the centrosomes duplicate?
- The diagram below, which shows two
centrosomes at the start of meiosis II,
assumes that the centrosomes were
duplicated between meiosis I and II.
When did the centrosomes duplicate?
- In other organisms, however, the
centrosomes do not duplicate at all
between meiosis I and II.
When did the centrosomes duplicate?
- Instead, the two centrioles that make up
a single centrosome separate, and each
acts as a separate spindle pole during
meiosis II.
- This pattern of centriole separation is
seen in insect spermatogenesis.
Phases of
Meiosis II
I. Prophase II
- The centrosomes and centrioles move to
opposite sides of the cell and spindle
fibers start to assemble
- Chromosomes condense and the nuclear
envelope breaks down
II. Metaphase II
- The chromosomes line up individually
along the metaphase plate
III. Anaphase II
- The sister chromatids separate and are
pulled towards opposite poles of the cell.
IV. Telophase II
- Nuclear membranes form around each set
of chromosomes, and the chromosomes
- Cytokinesis splits the chromosome sets
into new cells, forming the final products
of meiosis: four haploid cells in which each
chromosome has just one chromatid.
IV. Telophase II (cont.)
- In humans, the products of meiosis are
sperm or egg cells.
How meiosis "mixes and matches" genes?
- The gametes produced in meiosis are all
haploid, but they're not genetically
How meiosis "mixes and matches" genes?
- For example, take a look the meiosis II
diagram above, which shows the products
of meiosis for a cell with 2n equal to 46
How meiosis "mixes and matches" genes?
- As it turns out, there are many more
potential gametes types than just the
four shown in the diagram, even for a cell
with only four chromosomes.
The three main reasons we can get many
genetically different gametes are:
1. Crossing over (prophase I) - The points
where homologues cross over and
exchange genetic material are chosen
more or less at random, and they will be
different in each cell that goes through
The three main reasons we can get many
genetically different gametes are:
1. Crossing over (prophase I) (cont.) - If
meiosis happens many times, as in
humans, crossovers will happen at many
different points.
The three main reasons we can get many
genetically different gametes are:
2. Random orientation of homologue pairs
(metaphase I). - The random orientation
of homologue pairs in metaphase I
allows for the production of gametes
with many different assortments of
homologous chromosomes.
The three main reasons we can get many
genetically different gametes are:
3. Random fertilization – During sexual
reproduction, the male and female
gametes that fuse to produce an
offspring are selected randomly from the
pool of male and female gametes.
How meiosis "mixes and matches" genes?
- In a human cell, the random orientation
of homologue pairs alone allows for over
8 million different types of possible
How meiosis "mixes and matches" genes?
- When we layer crossing over on top of
this, the number of genetically different
gametes that you—or any other
person—can make is effectively infinite.
Stages of Spermatogenesis
1. With the onset of puberty, when a boy is
11 to 14 years old, dormant,
unspecialized germ cells, called Type A
(pale) spermatogonia (spermatogonium
– singular), are activated by secretions
of testosterone
Stages of Spermatogenesis (cont.)
2. Each spermatogonium divides through
mitosis to produce two daughter cells,
each containing the full complete of 46
Stages of Spermatogenesis (cont.)
3. One of the daughter cells is a
spermatogonium, which continues to
produce daughter cells. The other
daughter cell is a primary spermatocyte,
a large cell that moves toward the
lumen of the seminiferous tubule.
Stages of Spermatogenesis (cont.)
4. The primary spermatocyte undergoes
meiosis to produce two smaller
secondary spermatocytes, each with 23
chromosomes: 22 body chromosomes
and 1 X or 1 Y sex chromosome
Stages of Spermatogenesis (cont.)
5. Both secondary spermatocytes undergo
the second meiotic division to form four
final primitive germinal cells, the
spermatids, which still have only 23
Stages of Spermatogenesis (cont.)
6. The spermatids develop into mature
sperm without undergoing any further
cell division. Each sperm has 23
chromosomes. The entire process of
spermatogenesis takes about 64 days.
Stages of Oogenesis
1. The oogonium, the diploid precursor
cell of the ovum, is enclosed in a follicle
within the ovary.
Stages of Oogenesis (cont.)
2. The oogonium develops into a primary
oocyte, which contains 46
chromosomes. The primary oocyte
undergoes meiosis, which produces two
daughter cells of unequal size.
Stages of Oogenesis (cont.)
3. The large of the daughter cells is the
haploid secondary oocyte. It is perhaps a
thousand times as large as the other cell
and contains most of the primary
oocyte’s cytoplasm, which provides
nourishment for the developing ovum.
Stages of Oogenesis (cont.)
4. The smaller of the two daughter cells is
the first polar body. It may divide again,
but eventually it degenerates.
Stages of Oogenesis (cont.)
5. The large secondary oocyte leaves the
ovarian follicle during ovulation and
enters the uterine tube. If the secondary
oocyte is fertilized, it begins to go
through a second meiotic division, and a
second polar body is “pinched off”. It,
too is destined to die.
Stages of Oogenesis (cont.)
- It fertilization does not occur,
menstruation follows shortly, and the
cycle begins again.
Stages of Oogenesis (cont.)
6. During the second meiotic division, the
secondary oocyte is completely reduced
to haploid number of 23 chromosomes
and is called ootid.
Stages of Oogenesis (cont.)
- When the haploid sperm and ovum nuclei
are finally ready to merge, the ootid is
considered to have reached its final stage
of nuclear maturity as a mature ovum.
Stages of Oogenesis (cont.)
7. The haploid nuclei of the ovum and
sperm unite, in a process called
fertilization, to form diploid zygote.
- Chromosomes are the cell's way of neatly
arranging long strands of DNA.
- Non-sex cells have two sets of
chromosomes, one set from each parent.
- Meiosis makes sex cells with only one set
of chromosomes.
- For example, human cells have 46
chromosomes, with the exception of
sperm and eggs, which contain only 23
chromosomes each.
- When a sperm cell fertilizes an egg, the
23 chromosomes from each sex cell
combine to make a zygote, a new cell
with 46 chromosomes.
- The zygote is the first cell in a new

Direction. Do advance reading


Cell Malfunction

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