Sourdough Starter From Scratch
Sourdough Starter From Scratch
Sourdough Starter From Scratch
Starter from
Step 1:
Step 2:
Initiate the Starter Feed the Starter
Duration: 2 days Duration: 3-5 days
100g of whole rye flou 75g from the jar (the bubbly, smelly
mixture from step one
125-150g of warm water (30-35ºC /
86-95ºF) adjust the water quantity
100g of flour(split into 50g whole rye
to achieve a hummus-like consistency. flour and 50g unbleached all-purpose
or bread wheat flour
100-125g of warm water (30-35ºC /
86 - 9 5 ºF)
Step 3:
Your starter is ready for baking when:
Mature the Starter Itmatures quickly (within 4-6 hours
Duration: 2 days at 26-30ºC / 78.8-86ºF
Appears healthy(triples in size,
Once your starter matures in less
than 12 hours, move to a new full of bubbles
feeding schedule with a 1:2:2 ratio Smells pleasant(yogurty, milky,
(1 part starter, 2 parts flour mix, slightly sour)
and 2 parts water):
At this point, you can begin storing your
50g of mature starter from the ja starter at room temperature.
100g of flour(split into 20g
whole-rye flour and 80g
unbleached all-purpose or bread
wheat flour
100g of warm water (30-35ºC /
Build your sourdough starter and bake your first delicious bread using video
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