Sourdough Starter From Scratch

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Starter from
Step 1: 
 Step 2: 

Initiate the Starter Feed the Starter
Duration: 2 days Duration: 3-5 days

Mix: Prepare a fresh mix using:

100g of whole rye flou 75g from the jar (the bubbly, smelly
mixture from step one
125-150g of warm water (30-35ºC /
86-95ºF) adjust the water quantity 
 100g of flour(split into 50g whole rye
to achieve a hummus-like consistency. flour and 50g unbleached all-purpose
or bread wheat flour
100-125g of warm water (30-35ºC /
86 - 9 5 ºF)

Place the new mixture in a clean jar, mark

the level, and leave it loosely covered 

in a warm place (26-30ºC / 78.8-86ºF)
for up to 24 hours.

The fermentation cycle will now take fewer

hours – approximately 24 hours. Repeat
this feeding cycle.

As the starter matures, the fermentation

cycle will speed up, and within a few days,
it will only take about 12 hours. Feed 

the starter every 12 hours at this stage.
You'll see the starter bubbling and
growing in volume. Once it reaches its
maximum – what we call its peak – and
starts to fall, leaving marks on the jar
walls, it's time to proceed to step two.

Place the mixture in a clean large jar

with a capacity of 0.7-1L (23.7-33.8oz).

Mark the initial level and loosely cover

the jar, then leave it in a warm place
(26-30ºC / 78.8-86ºF) for up 

to 48 hours.
Freshly Fed / Mid Cycle / At its Peak / Fallen

Step 3:
Your starter is ready for baking when:
Mature the Starter Itmatures quickly (within 4-6 hours 

Duration: 2 days at 26-30ºC / 78.8-86ºF
Appears healthy(triples in size, 

Once your starter matures in less
than 12 hours, move to a new full of bubbles
feeding schedule with a 1:2:2 ratio Smells pleasant(yogurty, milky, 

(1 part starter, 2 parts flour mix, slightly sour)
and 2 parts water):
At this point, you can begin storing your
50g of mature starter from the ja starter at room temperature.
100g of flour(split into 20g 

whole-rye flour and 80g 

unbleached all-purpose or bread
wheat flour
100g of warm water (30-35ºC /

Place the mix in a new, smaller clean jar

with a capacity of 0.5L (16.9oz). Mark 

the level, cover the jar loosely, and leave
it in a warm place (26-30ºC / 78.8-86ºF)
for up to 12 hours.

Note the change in the smell of your

starter; it should now be less unpleasant,
resembling a sour, milky aroma.
Step 4: 

Maintain the Starter
Once your starter is ready for baking,
you can move it to room temperature
and establish a regular feeding routine,
twice a day, with a 1:2:2 ratio:

20g of mature starte

40g of flour mix (split into 20%
whole-rye flour and 80%
unbleached all-purpose or bread
wheat flour
40g of water

Allow it to ferment on the counter 

for 12 hours at room temperature.

At this stage, you're ready to prepare Remember, to keep your sourdough
your first dough – it's time to bake! starter strong and robust, it needs
some time to stabilize. Don't rush 

At this point, there is no need to throw to store it in the fridge too soon.
away your discard anymore! You can Maintain it at room temperature 

now keep it in the fridge for up to 7 on your countertop for about 2
days and use it for our delicious weeks. In the meantime, you can
discard recipes. already bake your very first loaf.

Build your sourdough starter and bake your first delicious bread using video
tutorials with detailed instructions and professional guidance on

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