Curriculum Map Science4

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Learning Area: ______SCIENCE ______ Grade/Year Level: __________Grade 4________

Most Essential Learning Instructional

Quarter Content Activities Assessment Standard
Competencies (MELCs) Materials
First 1. Classifying 1. Classify materials based on  ‘SELFIE with  Real objects Formative Content Standard:
Quarter materials based the ability to absorb water, your’ that absorbs  Seatwork The learners
September - on their float, sink, undergo decay.  “What am I?” water, float, demonstrate
November properties (1) Identification via sink, and understanding of
(Matter) slideshow decay grouping materials
WEEK 1-3 pictures/ real  PowerPoint based on their
materials  Google Sheets Summative properties;
 Table completion  Learning
2. Physical  YouTube Activity Changes that materials
Change – Phase Video Sheet undergo when exposed
WEEK 4 Changes 2. Describe change in solid  Video  Objects inside  Long Quiz to certain conditions.
materials when they are presentation the house like  Online
bent, pressed, hammered, or  Material Analysis paper, sponge, Exam Performance
cut. (2) etc. Standard:
3. Chemical  YouTube The learners should be
Change Video able to recognize and
 practice proper handling
Video  Materials that
WEEK 5 presentation of products;
can be used in
3. Describe changes in
 Demonstration this topic.
properties of materials evaluate whether
and group  PowerPoint
when exposed to certain changes in materials are
observation  Google Docs
conditions such as  Individual useful or harmful to
4. Changes that temperature or when mixed observation  YouTube one’s environment.
may be Useful with other materials. (3) Video
or Harmful to  Video  Google Sheets
the presentation
WEEK 6 Environment  Fill-in the table
 Word Cloud
4. Identify changes in
materials whether useful or
harmful to one’s
environment. (4)
Second 1. Major Internal 1. Describe the main function  Video  YouTube Formative Content Standard:
Quarter Organs of the of the major organs. (1) presentation  PowerPoint  Seatwork The learners
August - Human Body  Naming parts  Organ chart demonstrate
December (WEEK 1)  Online recitation understanding of how
(Living the major internal
Things and 2. Communicate that the organs such as the brain,
Their 2. Diseases and major organs work together  Video Summative heart, lungs, liver,
Environment Caring for the to make the body function presentation  PowerPoint  Learning stomach, intestines,
) Major Internal properly. (2)  Online recitation  YouTube Activity kidneys, bones, and
WEEK 2 Organs Sheet muscles keep the body
 Long Quiz healthy;
3. Animal 3. Infer that body structures  Online
Habitats help animals adapt and  Online recitation Exam Animals have body parts
survive in their particular that make them adapt to
 Simple research
habitat. (3)  PowerPoint land or water;
 Table completion
 Google Docs/
Plants have body parts
that make them adapt to
 Matching parts land or water;
4. Plant Habitats 4. Identify the specialized  Online recitation
structures of terrestrial and Different organisms go
5. Life Cycle of aquatic plants. (4)  Video through life cycle which
Humans, presentation can be affected by their
 PowerPoint
Animals, and 5. Compare the stages in the environment;
WEEK 4 Plants life cycle of organisms. (5)  Online Recitation  Kahoot
 Group activity- Beneficial and harmful
comparing using interactions occur
WEEK 5 Venn Diagram  PowerPoint among living things and
 YouTube their environment as
 Google Docs they obtain basic needs.
 Video  PowerPoint
6. Describe the effect of the presentation  YouTube Performance
environment on the life  Online recitation  Kahoot Standard:
cycle of organisms. (5)  Question and  Google Docs The learners should be
6. Beneficial and answer able to construct a
WEEK 6 Harmful 7. Describe some types of  Enumeration prototype model of
Interactions in beneficial and harmful organism that has body
the Ecosystem interactions among parts which can survive
organisms in their in a given environment.
environment. (6)
Third 1. Effects of Force 1. Explain the effects of force  Video  PowerPoint Formative Content Standard:
Quarter on Objects when applied to an object. presentation  YouTube  Seatwork The learners
December - (1)  Demonstration  Toy cars, clay, demonstrate
February 2. Characterize magnetic  Online recitation magnets, iron understanding of force
(Force, force. (1) filings, battery that can change the
Motion, and shape, size, or
Energy)  PowerPoint Summative movement of objects;
2. Light, Heat, and  Video  YouTube  Learning
Sound Energy. presentation  Metal tube, Activity How light, heat, and
 Individual wood, etc. Sheet sound travel using
3. Describe how light, sound, Observation  Long Quiz various objects.
 Google Docs
and heat travel. (2)  Group  Online
4. Investigate properties and Observation Exam Performance
characteristics of light and Standard:
sound. (2) The learners should be
able to demonstrate
understanding of
of light, heat, and sound.
Fourth 1. Types of Soil 1. Compare and contrast the  Online recitation  PowerPoint Content Standard:
Quarter (WEEK 1-2) characteristics of different  Venn Diagram  Mentimeter The learners
February - types of soil. (1)  Observation  Google Docs demonstrate
April (Earth understanding of the
and Space) 2. Sources and  Online recitation different types of soil;
WEEK 3 Importance of 2. Explain the use of water  Video  PowerPoint
Water from different sources in Presentation YouTube The different sources of
the context of daily  Describing  Google Docs water suitable for human
activities. (2) scenario consumption;
3. Trace and describe the
importance of water cycle.  Video Components of weather
3. Components of (2) presentation  PowerPoint using simple
WEEK 4-5 Weather,  Online recitation  YouTube instruments;
Weather  DIY Wind Vane  Paper cups,
Instruments, 4. Use weather instruments  Fill-in the table straw, BBQ The Sun as the main
Weather Chart and describe the different sticks source of heat and light
weather components in a  Google Sheet on Earth.
weather chart. (3)  Video
5. Identify safety precautions presentation Performance
4. The Sun – during different weather Standard:
 Observation
Importance, conditions. (3)  PowerPoint The learners should be
 Online recitation
WEEK 6 Effects on able to practice
 YouTube
Living Things, precautionary measures
 Google Docs
and Safety in planning activities.
Precautions 6. Describe the change in the
position and length of
shadows in the
surroundings as the position
of the Sun changes. (4)
7. Describe the effects of the
Sun to human activities. (4)
Prepared By:


SCIENCE 4 Teacher

Checked/ Approved By:

Science Coordinator

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