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Nutrition and Nutraceutical Supplements for the Treatment of

Hypertension: Part II
Mark Houston, MD

From the Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Hypertension Institute of Nashville, Saint Thomas Medical Group and
Health Services, Saint Thomas Hospital, Nashville, TN

Vascular biology, endothelial and vascular smooth muscle, mation, and autoimmune dysfunction initiate and propagate
and cardiac dysfunction play a primary role in the initiation hypertension and cardiovascular disease. There is a role for
and perpetuation of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, the select use of single and component nutraceutical
and target organ damage. Nutrient-gene interactions and supplements, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals in the
epigenetics are predominant factors in promoting beneficial treatment of hypertension based on scientifically controlled
or detrimental effects in cardiovascular health and hyper- studies, which complement optimal nutrition, coupled with
tension. Macronutrients and micronutrients can prevent, other lifestyle modifications. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich).
control, and treat hypertension through numerous mecha- 2013;15:845–851. ª2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
nisms related to vascular biology. Oxidative stress, inflam-

In part I of this 3-part series, the pathophysiology of salt-sensitive patients than in salt-resistant patients,
hypertension based on 3 finite responses of inflamma- independent of BP.3 Increased sodium intake has a
tion, oxidative stress, and immune vascular dysfunction direct positive correlation with BP and the risk of CVA
were reviewed. The Dietary Approaches to Reduce and CHD.3 The risk is independent of BP for CVA, with
Hypertension (DASH) diet was briefly discussed related a relative risk of 1.04 to 1.25 from the lowest to the
to these concepts. In part II, the role of specific nutrition highest quartile.1,3 In addition, patients will convert to a
recommendations, minerals, food groups, and nutra- nondipping BP pattern with increases in nocturnal BP as
ceutical supplements in the treatment of hypertension sodium intake increases.1,3
was discussed in more detail. Increased sodium intake has a direct adverse effect on
endothelial cells.4 Sodium promotes cutaneous lym-
SODIUM REDUCTION phangiogenesis; increases endothelial cell stiffness;
The average sodium intake in the United States is reduces size, surface area, volume, cytoskeleton,
5000 mg/d, with some areas of the country consuming deformability and pliability, endothelial nitric oxide
15,000 to 20,000 mg/d.1 Epidemiologic, observational, (NO) synthase (eNOS) and NO production; and
and controlled clinical trials demonstrate that increased increases asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), oxi-
sodium intake is associated with higher blood pressure dative stress, and transforming growth factor b (TGF-
(BP) as well as increased risk for cardiovascular (CV) b). All of these abnormal vascular responses are
disease (CVD), cerebrovascular accident (CVA), left increased in the presence of aldosterone.4,5 These
ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), coronary heart disease changes occur independent of BP and may be partially
(CHD), myocardial infarction (MI), renal insufficiency, counteracted by dietary potassium (K+). The endothelial
proteinuria, and increased sympathetic nervous system cells act as vascular salt sensors.4,5 Endothelial cells are
activity.1 A reduction in sodium intake in hypertensive targets for aldosterone, which activate epithelial sodium
patients, especially in salt-sensitive patients, significantly channels and have negative effects on release of NO and
lowers BP by 4 to 6 mm Hg/2 to 3 mm Hg that is endothelial function. The mechanical stiffness of the cell
proportional to the degree of sodium restriction and plasma membrane and the submembranous actin net-
may prevent or delay hypertension in high-risk patients work (endothelial glcyocalyx) (“shell”) serve as a
and reduce future CV events.2 “firewall” to protect the endothelial cells and are
Salt sensitivity (≥10% increase in mean arterial regulated by serum sodium, K+, and aldosterone within
pressure with salt loading) occurs in about 51% of the physiologic range.4,5 Changes in shear–stress-depen-
hypertensive patients.3 CV events are more common in dent activity of the endothelial NO synthase located in
the caveolae regulate the viscosity in this “shell.”4,5
High plasma sodium gelates the shell of the endothelial
Address for correspondence: Mark Houston, MD, Hypertension cell, whereas the shell is fluidized by high K+. Blockade
Institute, Saint Thomas Medical Plaza, 4230 Harding Road, Suite 400, of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) with spirono-
Nashville, TN 37205
E-mail: [email protected]
lactone (100%) or amiloride (84%) minimizes or stops
many of these vascular endothelial responses and
Manuscript received: April 22, 2013; revised: August 26, 2013;
accepted: August 28, 2013 increases NO.4,5 NO release follows endothelial nano-
DOI: 10.1111/jch.12212 mechanics, not vice versa, and membrane depolarization

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decreases vascular endothelial cell stiffness, which is <4.0 meq/dL, there is an increased risk of CVD
improves flow-mediated NO-dependent vasodilation.6 mortality, ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrilla-
In the presence of vascular inflammation and increased tion, and CHF [REF 10 PART 1]. Red blood cell K+
high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), the effects is a better indication of total body stores and CVD
of aldosterone on the ENaC is enhanced further, risk than is serum K+.10–13
increasing vascular stiffness and BP.7 High sodium K+ increases natriuresis, modulates baroreflex sensi-
intake also immediately abolishes the angiotensin II tivity, vasodilates, decreases the sensitivity to catechol-
(AT2) receptor–mediated vasodilation with complete amines and AT2, increases sodium K+ ATPase and DNA
abolition of endothelial vasodilation within 30 days.8 synthesis in the vascular smooth muscle cells, and
Thus, it has become clear that increased dietary sodium decreases sympathetic nervous system activity in cells
has adverse effects on the vascular system, BP, and CVD with improved vascular function.11 In addition, K+
by altering the endothelial glycocalyx, which is a increases bradykinin and urinary kallikrein; decreases
negatively charged biopolymer that lines the blood NADPH oxidase, which lowers oxidative stress and
vessels and serves as a protective barrier against sodium inflammation; improves insulin sensitivity; decreases
overload, increased sodium permeability, and sodium- ADMA; reduces intracellular sodium; and lowers pro-
induced target organ damage.6–8 Certain single nucleo- duction of TGF-b.11
tide polymorphisms (SNPs) of salt-inducible kinase I, Each 1000 mg increase in K+ intake per day reduces
which alter Na+/K+ ATPase, determine sodium-induced all-cause mortality by approximately 20%. Potassium
hypertension and LVH.9 intake of 4.7 g/d is estimated to decrease CVA by 8% to
The sodium intake per day in hypertensive patients 15% and MI by 6% to 11%.11 Numerous SNPs such as
should be between 1500 mg to 2000 mg. Sodium nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C (NR3C2), AT
restriction improves BP reduction in patients who are type I receptor (AGTR1), and hydroxysteroid 11 beta
taking pharmacologic treatment, and the decrease in BP dehydrogenase (HSD11B1 and B2) determine an indi-
is additive with restriction of refined carbohydrates.10 vidual’s response to dietary K+ intake.13 Each 1000 mg
Reducing dietary sodium intake may reduce damage to decrease in sodium intake per day will decrease all-cause
the brain, heart, kidney, and vasculature through mortality by 20%.11 A recent analysis suggested a dose-
mechanisms dependent on the small BP reduction as related response to CVA with urinary K+ excretion.14
well as those independent of decreased BP.10 There was an RRR of CVA of 23% at 1.5 g to 1.99 g,
A balance of sodium with other nutrients, especially 27% at 2.0 g to 2.49 g, 29% at 2.5 g to 3 g, and 32%
K+, magnesium, and calcium is important, not only in over 3 g per day of K+ urinary excretion.14 The
reducing and controlling BP, but also in decreasing CV recommended daily dietary intake for patients with
and cerebrovascular events.10 An increase in the sodium hypertension is 4.7 g to 5.0 g of K+ and <1500 mg of
to K+ ratio is associated with significantly increased risk sodium.10–13 Potassium in food or from supplementa-
of CVD and all-cause mortality.10 tion should be reduced or used with caution in patients
with renal impairment or those taking medications that
POTASSIUM increase renal K+ retention such as angiotensin-convert-
The average US dietary intake of K+ is 45 mmol/d with ing enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor
a K+ to sodium (K+/Na+) ratio of <1:2.10–13 The blockers, direct renin inhibitors, and serum aldosterone
recommended intake of K+ is 4700 mg/d (120 mmol) receptor antagonists.15
with a K+/Na+ ratio of about 4:5:1.10–13 Numerous
epidemiologic, observational, and clinical trials have MAGNESIUM
demonstrated a significant reduction in BP with High dietary intake of magnesium (Mg++) of at least
increased dietary K+ intake in both normotensive and 500 mg/d to 1000 mg/d reduces BP but the results are
hypertensive patients.10–13 The average BP reduction less consistent than those seen with Na+ and K+.16 In
with a K+ supplementation of 60 to120 mmol/d is 4.4/ most epidemiologic studies, there is an inverse relation-
2.5 mm Hg in hypertensive patients but may be ship between dietary Mg++ intake and BP.16,17 The
as much as 8/4.1 mm Hg with 120 mmol/d (4700 maximum reduction in clinical trials has been 5.6/
mg).10–13 In hypertensive patients, the linear dose- 2.8 mm Hg but some studies have shown no change in
response relationship is 1.0 mm Hg reduction in sys- BP.17 The combination of high K+ and low sodium
tolic BP and 0.52 mm Hg reduction in diastolic BP per intake with increased Mg++ intake has additive antihy-
0.6 g/d increase in dietary K+ intake that is independent pertensive effects.17 Mg++ also increases the effective-
of baseline dietary K+ ingestion.11 The response ness of all antihypertensive drug classes.17
depends on race (black > white) and sodium, magne- Mg++ competes with Na+ for binding sites on vascular
sium, and calcium intake.10–13 Alteration of the K+/ smooth muscle and acts as a direct vasodilator, like a
Na+ ratio to a higher level is important for both calcium channel blocker. Mg++ increases prostaglandin
antihypertensive as well as CV and cerebrovascular E and NO; regulates intracellular calcium, sodium, K+,
effects.11,12 High K+ intake reduces the incidence of and pH; improves endothelial function; and reduces
CV (CHD and MI) and cerebrovascular accidents hs-CRP, AT2, and norepinephrine. Mg++ binds in a
independent of the BP reduction.11,12 If the serum K+ necessary cooperative manner with K+, inducing endo-

846 The Journal of Clinical Hypertension Vol 15 | No 11 | November 2013 Official Journal of the American Society of Hypertension, Inc.
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thelial vasodilation and BP reduction, inhibiting nuclear inhibitor peptides. Val-Pro-Pro and Ile-Pro–Pro given at
factor Kb, and reducing oxidative stress.17–19 5 mg/d to 60 mg/d have variable reductions in BP with
A meta-analysis of 241,378 patients with 6477 an average decrease in pooled studies of about 1.28 to
strokes showed an inverse relationship between dietary 4.8/0.59 to 2.2 mm Hg.27–29 Milk peptides are benefi-
Mg++ and the incidence of ischemic stroke.20 For each cial in treating the metabolic syndrome.29 The clinical
100 mg of dietary Mg++ intake, ischemic stroke was response is attributed to fermented milk’s active
decreased by 8%. A meta-analysis showed reductions in peptides, which inhibit ACE. Bovine casein–derived
BP of 3 to 4 mm Hg/2 to 3 mm Hg in 22 trials of 1173 peptides and whey protein–derived peptides exhibit
patients (45). Mg++ may be supplemented in doses of ACE inhibitor activity.27–29 These components include
500 mg/d to 1000 mg/d chelated to an amino acid to B-caseins, B-lg fractions, b2-microglobulin, and serum
improve absorption and decrease the incidence of albumin. The enzymatic hydrolysis of whey protein
diarrhea.17 Adding taurine at 1000 mg/d to 2000 mg/ isolates releases ACE inhibitor peptides.
d enhances the antihypertensive effects of Mg++.17 Mg++ Marine collagen peptides (MCPs) from deep sea fish
supplements should be avoided or used with caution in have antihypertensive activity.15,29,30 Bonito protein
patients with known renal insufficiency or in those (Sarda orientalis), from the tuna and mackerel family,
taking medications that induce Mg++ retention.17 has natural ACE inhibitory peptides and reduces BP
10.2/7 mm Hg at 1.5 g/d.15,29,30
ZINC Sardine muscle protein, which contains valyl-tyrosine,
Low serum zinc (Zn++) levels in observational studies significantly lowers BP in hypertensive patients.31 Ka-
correlate with hypertension as well as CHD.21 Zn++ is wasaki and colleagues treated 29 hypertensive patients
transported into cardiac and vascular muscle and other with 3 mg of valyl-tyrosine sardine muscle concentrated
tissues by metallothionein.21 Genetic deficiencies of extract for 4 weeks and lowered BP 9.7 mm Hg/
metallothionein with intramuscular Zn++ deficiencies 5.3 mm Hg (P<.05).31 Valyl-tyrosine is a natural ACE
may lead to hypertension.21 There is an inverse correla- inhibitor. A similar study with a vegetable drink with
tion of BP and serum Zn++- and Zn++-dependent enzyme- sardine protein hydrolysates significantly lowered BP by
lysyl oxidase activity. Zn++ inhibits gene expression and 8/5 mm Hg in 13 weeks.32
transcription through nuclear factor j-b and activated Soy protein lowers BP in hypertensive patients in most
protein-1 and is an important cofactor for superoxide studies.33–35 Soy protein intake was significantly and
dismutase.21 These effects as well as those on the renin- inversely associated with both systolic BP and diastolic
angiotensin-aldosterone system and sympathetic nervous BP in 45,694 Chinese women consuming ≥25 g/d of soy
system effects may account for Zn++ antihypertensive protein over 3 years and the association increased with
effects.21 Zn++ intake should be 50 mg/d. age.33 The systolic BP reduction was 1.9 mm Hg to
4.9 mm Hg lower and the diastolic BP 0.9 mm Hg to
PROTEIN 2.2 mm Hg lower.33 However, randomized clinical
Observational and epidemiologic studies demonstrate a trials and meta-analyses have shown mixed results on
consistent association between high protein intake and BP with no change in BP to reductions of 7% to 10%
reduction in BP, incident BP, and stroke.22,23 Animal for systolic BP and diastolic BP.33–35 A recent meta-
protein is less effective than non-animal or plant pro- analysis of 27 trials found a significant reduction in BP
tein.22,23 In the INTERSALT study of more than 10,000 of 2.21/1.44 mm Hg.34 Fermented soy at about 25 g/d
patients, those with a dietary protein intake 30% above is recommended. The optimal protein intake, depending
the mean had a lower BP by 3.0/2.5 mm Hg compared on level of activity, renal function, stress, and other
with those that were 30% below the mean (81 g/d vs factors, is about 1.0 g/kg/d to 1.5 g/kg/d.
44 g/d).22 However, lean or wild animal protein with less
saturated fat and more essential omega-3 fatty acids may AMINO ACIDS AND RELATED COMPOUNDS
reduce BP, lipids, and CHD risk.24,25 Soy protein and
milk protein also reduce BP.22,23 Office BP was decreased L-Arginine
by 4.9/2.7 mm Hg in patients given a combination of L-arginine and endogenous methylarginines are the
25% protein intake vs the control group given 15% primary precursors for the production of NO, which
protein in an isocaloric manner.26 The daily recom- has numerous beneficial CV effects, mediated through
mended intake of protein from all sources is 1.0 g/kg to conversion of L-arginine to NO by eNOS. Patients with
1.5 g/kg of body weight, varying with exercise level, age, hypertension have increased levels of hs-CRP and
renal function, and other factors.10 inflammation, increased microalbumin, low levels of
Fermented milk supplemented with whey protein apelin (stimulates NO in the endothelium), increased
concentrate significantly reduces BP in human stud- levels of arginase (breaks down arginine), and elevated
ies.27,28Administration of 20 g/d to 30 g/d of hydro- serum levels of ADMA, which inactivates NO.36–40
lyzed whey protein supplement rich in bioactive Human studies in hypertensive and normotensive
peptides significantly reduced BP over 6 to 8 weeks by patients of parenteral and oral administrations of
8 to 11/6 to 7 mm Hg.27–29 Milk peptides that contain L-arginine demonstrate an antihypertensive effect given
both caseins and whey proteins are a rich source of ACE alone or with N-acetyl cysteine.36,37 The BP decreased

Official Journal of the American Society of Hypertension, Inc. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension Vol 15 | No 11 | November 2013 847
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by 6.2/6.8 mm Hg on 10 g/d of L-arginine when given 6 g of taurine for 7 days. The BP reductions
provided as a supplement or through natural foods to ranged from 9 to 14.8/4.1 to 6.6 mm Hg.24,47 The
a group of hypertensive patients.36,37 Arginine produces recommended dose of taurine is 2 g/d to 3 g/d, at which
a statistically and biologically significant decrease in BP no adverse effects were noted, but higher doses up to
and improved metabolic effect in normotensive and 6 g/d may be needed to reduce BP significantly.24,47
hypertensive humans that is similar in magnitude to that
seen with the DASH I diet.36,37 A meta-analysis of 11 OMEGA-3 FATS
trials with 383 patients administered arginine 4 g/d to The omega-3 fatty acids found in cold water fish, fish
24 g/d found average reduction in BP of 5.39/ oils, flax, flax seed, flax oil, and nuts lower BP in
2.66 mm Hg (P<.001) in 4 weeks.38 Although these observational, epidemiologic, and prospective clinical
doses of L-arginine appear to be safe, no long-term trials.25,48–54
studies in humans have been published at this time and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) at 2 g/d reduces BP by
there are concerns of a pro-oxidative effect or even an 8/5 mm Hg and heart rate by 6 beats per minute in
increase in mortality in patients who may have severely 6 weeks.48 Fish oil at 4 to 9 g/d or combination of DHA
dysfunctional endothelium, advanced atherosclerosis, and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) at 3 to 5 g/d reduces
CHD, ACS, or MI.39 In addition to the arginine-NO BP.25,48–54 Eating cold water fish 3 times per week may
path, there exists a nitrate/nitrite pathway that is related be as effective as high-dose fish oil in reducing BP in
to dietary nitrates from vegetables, beetroot juice, and hypertensive patients, and the protein in the fish may
the DASH diet that are converted to nitrites by also have antihypertensive effects.48
symbiotic, salivary, gastrointestinal, and oral bacteria.40 Omega-3 fatty acids increase eNOS and NO, improve
Administration of beetroot juice or extract at 500 mg/d endothelial dysfunction, reduce calcium influx, reduce
will increase nitrites and lower BP, improve endothelial plasma norepinephrine, increase parasympathetic ner-
function and increase cerebral, coronary, and peripheral vous system tone, and suppress ACE activity.25,48–54 The
blood flow.40 recommended daily dose is 3000 mg/d to 5000 mg/d of
combined DHA and EPA in a ratio of 3 parts EPA to 2
L-Carnitine and Acetyl–L-Carnitine parts DHA and about 50% of this dose as GLA
L-carnitine is a nitrogenous constituent of muscle combined with gamma/delta tocopherol at 100 mg/g
primarily involved in the oxidation of fatty acids in of DHA and EPA to get the omega 3 index to 8% to
mammals that improves endothelial function, NO, and reduce BP and provide optimal cardioprotection.54 DHA
oxidative defense, while oxidative stress and BP are is more effective than EPA in reducing BP and should be
reduced.41,42 given at 2 g/d if administered alone.48,49
Human studies on the effects of L-carnitine and acetyl–L-
carnitine are limited, with minimal to no change in OMEGA-9 FATS
BP.43–45 In patients with the metabolic syndrome, Olive oil is rich in omega-9 monounsaturated fat oleic
acetyl–L-carnitine at 1 g twice daily over 8 weeks reduced acid (MUFA), which has been associated with BP
systolic BP by 7 mm Hg to 9 mm Hg, but diastolic BP was reduction in Mediterranean and other diets.55–60 Olive
significantly decreased only in patients with higher oil and monounsaturated fats have shown consistent
glucose.45 Low carnitine levels are associated with a reductions in BP in most clinical studies in humans.55–60
nondipping BP pattern in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM).46 Systolic BP was been reduced by 8 mm Hg (P≤.05) and
Doses of 2 g to 3 g twice per day are recommended. diastolic BP was decreased by 6 mm Hg (P≤.01) in both
clinic and 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM)
TAURINE in the MUFA-treated patients compared with the
Taurine is a sulfonic beta-amino acid that is considered polyunsaturated fatty acid–treated patients.55–60 In
a conditionally essential amino acid, with its highest stage I hypertensive patients, oleuropein-olive leaf (Olea
concentration in the brain, retina, and myocardium.47 eurpoaea) extract 500 mg twice a day for 8 weeks
In cardiomyocytes, it represents about 50% of the free reduced BP 11.5/4.8 mm Hg, which was similar to
amino acids and has a role of an osmoregulator, captopril 25 mg twice a day.59 Olive oil intake in the
inotropic factor, and antihypertensive agent.24 European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and
Human studies have noted that essential hypertensive Nutrition (EPIC) study of 20,343 patients was inversely
patients have reduced urinary taurine as well as other associated with both systolic and diastolic BP.56 Olive
sulfur amino acids.24,47 Taurine lowers BP, systemic oil inhibits the AT1R receptor, exerts L-type calcium
vascular resistance, heart rate, and sympathetic nervous channel antagonist effects, and improves wave reflec-
system activity; increases urinary sodium and water tions and augmentation index.60
excretion; increases NO improves endothelial function; Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) also contains lipid-
decreases AT2, plasma renin activity, aldosterone, soluble phytonutrients such as polyphenols. Approxi-
intracellular calcium and sodium; and has antioxidant, mately 5 mg of phenols are found in 10 g of EVOO.
anti-atherosclerotic, and anti-inflammatory activities.47 About 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil is equal to
Fujita and colleagues24 demonstrated a reduction in BP 40 g of EVOO, which is the amount required to get
of 9/4.1 mm Hg (P<.05) in 19 hypertension patients significant reductions in BP.

848 The Journal of Clinical Hypertension Vol 15 | No 11 | November 2013 Official Journal of the American Society of Hypertension, Inc.
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FIBER (3A4 and 4F2) and reduction in serum levels of the

Clinical trials with various types of fiber to reduce BP pharmacologic treatments that were given simulta-
have been inconsistent.61,62 Soluble fiber, guar gum, neously.70 c-Tocopherol may have natriuretic effects by
guava, psyllium, and oat bran may reduce BP and inhibition of the 70pS K+ channel in the thick ascending
reduce the need for antihypertensive medications in limb of the loop of Henle and lower BP.71 Both a- and
hypertensive patients, diabetic patients, and hyperten- c-tocopherol improve insulin sensitivity and enhance
sive-diabetic patients.61,62 The average reduction in BP adiponectin expression via peroxisome proliferator-acti-
is about 7.5/5.5 mm Hg on 40 to 50 g/d of a mixed vated receptor c–dependent processes, which have the
fiber. There is improvement in insulin sensitivity and potential to lower BP and serum glucose.72 If vitamin E
endothelial function, reduction in sympathetic nervous has an antihypertensive effect, it is likely small.
system activity, and increase in renal sodium loss.61,62
VITAMIN C Vitamin D3 may have an independent and direct role in
Vitamin C is a potent water-soluble electron donor. At the regulation of BP.73–78 If the vitamin D level is below
physiologic doses, vitamin C recycles vitamin E, 30 ng/mL, the circulating plasma renin activity levels
improves endothelial dysfunction, and produces a and AT2 are higher.73–78 The lower the level of vitamin
diuresis.63–69 Dietary intake of vitamin C and plasma D, the greater the risk of hypertension, with the lowest
ascorbate concentration in humans is inversely corre- quartile of serum vitamin D having a 52% incidence of
lated with systolic BP, diastolic BP, and heart rate.63–69 hypertension and the highest quartile having a 20%
An evaluation of published clinical trials indicates incidence.73–78 Vitamin D3 markedly suppresses renin
that vitamin C dosing at 250 mg twice significantly transcription by a vitamin D receptor–mediated mech-
lowers BP 5 to 7/2 to 4 mm Hg during 8 weeks.63–69 anism via the juxtaglomerular apparatus. Vitamin D
Vitamin C induces sodium water diuresis; improves lowers ADMA, suppresses pro-inflammatory cytokines
arterial compliance, endothelial function, sympathova- such as tumor necrosis factor a, increases NO, improves
gal balance, aortic elasticity and compliance, and endothelial function and arterial elasticity, decreases
flow-mediated vasodilation; increases NO and PGI2, vascular smooth muscle hypertrophy, regulates electro-
superoxide dismutase, RBC Na/K ATPase, and cyclic lytes and blood volume, and lowers hs-CRP.73–78
GMP; activates K+ channels; and decreases adrenal Although vitamin D deficiency is associated with
steroid production, pulse wave velocity, augmentation hypertension in observational studies, randomized clin-
index, cytosolic calcium, and serum aldehydes.63–69 ical trials and their meta-analyses have yielded incon-
Vitamin C enhances the efficacy of amlodipine, clusive results.77 In addition, vitamin D receptor gene
decreases the binding affinity of the ATR1 for ATR2 polymorphisms may affect the risk of hypertension in
by disrupting the ATR1 disulfide bridges and enhances men.78 A 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of 60 ng/mL is
the antihypertensive effects of medications in the elderly recommended.
with refractory hypertension.66–68 In elderly patients
with refractory hypertension already taking maximum CONCLUSIONS
pharmacologic therapy, 600 mg of vitamin C daily The published literature documents significant reduc-
lowered the BP by 20/16 mm Hg.68 The lower the tions in BP with alterations in dietary intake of sodium,
initial ascorbate serum level, the better is the BP potassium, magnesium, and protein. In addition, nutra-
response. A serum level of 100 lmol/L is recom- ceutical supplementation with zinc, arginine, carnitine,
mended.63–69 The systolic BP and 24-hour ABPM show taurine omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin C and D will lower
the most significant reductions with chronic oral BP and improve vascular health. These treatments may
administration of vitamin C.63–69 In a meta-analysis of be appropriate together or as single treatment for initial
13 clinical trials with 284 patients, vitamin C at therapy in mild hypertension, in combination with
500 mg/d over 6 weeks reduced BP 3.9/2.1 mm Hg.69 drugs, or in combination with one another. Utilization
of combined treatments with nutrition, supplements,
VITAMIN E and drugs may reduce the need for more pharmacologic
Most studies have not shown reductions in BP with most anti-hypertensive therapies and reduce side effects.
forms of tocopherols or tocotrienols.10 Patients with type
2 diabetes mellitus and controlled hypertension (130/ References
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