SHS Physical Science Q1 SLM - 3

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Physical Science – Senior High School
Quarter 1 – Module 3: Polarity of Molecules

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Cyrus R. Untalan

Jocelyn Navera
Brenly Mendoza
Kristina Nieves
Bebelyn Nocomora

Language Editors:
Diana Desuyo

Layout Artist:
Jose P. Gamas Jr.

Ray Daniel Peralta

Determine if a molecule is polar or
non-polar given its structure

Supplementary Learning Module for Senior High School Learners

Polarity of Molecules

In this time of pandemic where we are battling against

COVID-19, an enemy that our eyes cannot see, we
became more conscious in terms of our hygiene. We are
wearing face mask to avoid the virus from entering our
respiratory system. We wash our hands regularly to kill the
virus using soap. We use alcohol and hand sanitizer to
sanitize our hands. But, did you ever wonder how these safety precautionary
measures protect us from the virus? How can soap and alcohol prevent the spread of the
virus? Those questions can be understood if we know the properties and molecular structure
of the substances such as compounds and other matters. Molecular structure determines how
molecules interact with other molecules or chemicals. Chemists and microbiologists are able
to design better and more effective vaccine or medicine because of their understanding of
molecular structure of substances.

In this module, you will be exposed on the molecular

structure of molecules specifically the geometry of
molecules which is very important in understanding the
physical and chemical behavior of substances.
You must also be acquainted with molecular polarity
which is the most important consequence of molecular
• identify
geometry. You should understand the difference
a problem
• formulate a hypothesis
between the two types of molecules according to polarity,
the polar molecules and the nonpolar molecules. In here,
you will realize that the polarity of molecules do not
depend solely on the type of bond present but also on the
shape of the molecules.
This module contains some activities that can help you

enhance your understanding on the molecular structure
of substances. Remember that in this way, you can
appreciate more the things that you are using in your
everyday living.
This module has two lessons:
Lesson 1: Electronegativity
Lesson 2: Molecular Geometry: VSEPR (Valence
Shell Electron Pair Repulsion) Theory

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Define electronegativity
2. Recognize the electronegativity of elements in the periodic
3. Explain the VSEPR theory
4. Draw the geometry of molecules using the VSEPR theory
5. Distinguish between polar and non-polar molecules

How to learn from

this module

Here’s a simple guide for you in going about this module:

1. Take your time in reading the instructions.
2. Follow the instructions very carefully.
3. Before working on the activities, answer the 10-item
test in order to determine how much you know about
the lessons in this module.
4. Check your answers with the given answer key at the
end of this module.
5. Be very honest in answering the test items so you may
gauge the previous knowledge you have.
6. Read each lesson and do activities about polarity of
molecules that are provided for you.
7. Perform all the activities diligently to help and guide you
in understanding the topic.
8. Take the self-tests after each lesson to determine how
much you understood the topic.
9. Answer the post-test to measure how much you have
gained from the lessons.

Good Luck and have fun!

Directions: Identify what is asked or described in each
item then write the letter of the correct answer. You may
refer to the periodic table on the previous page.

1. According to the electronegativity difference of a molecule, if the molecule has an

electronegativity difference of 0.5 to 2.0 the molecule is said to be ____________.
a. nonpolar b. polar c. ionic d. metallic
2. The electron pair in a C - F bond could be considered…
a. closer to C because Carbon has a larger radius and thus exerts greater control
over the shared electron pair
b. closer to F because Fluorine has a higher electronegativity than Carbon
c. closer to C because Carbon has a lower electronegativity than Fluorine
d. an inadequate model since the bond is ionic
3. Which of the following represents a non-polar covalent bond?
a. H-O b. C-N c. C-C d. S-O
4. Which element is the least electronegative?
a. Hydrogen b. Chlorine c. Carbon d. Fluorine
5. Electronegativity of elements in the periodic table tends to __________
a. decrease from left to right
b. increase from top to bottom
c. increase from left to right
d. increase and decrease depending on the element
6. A lone pair is defined as _________.
a. a pair of nonbonding electron c. a pair of bonding electrons
b. an electron pair in the central atom d. both b and c
7. Which statement correctly describes the Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion
(VSEPR) Theory?
a. The valence shell electrons are given by the group number in the periodic table.
b. The valence shell electrons are the outermost electrons of the atom that are
involved in bonding.
c. The valence shell electron pairs repel one another and tend to stay as far apart
as possible.
d. The valence shell electron pairs are the lone pairs of the atom.
8. It is important to know the geometry of a molecule because the geometry
a. will give the Lewis structure of the molecule
b. affects the physical and chemical properties of the substance
c. will determine whether the molecule is ionic or covalent
d. A, B, and C
9. Predict the geometry and polarity of the CS 2 molecule.
a. linear, nonpolar c. bent, polar
b. linear, polar d. bent, nonpolar
10. If there are four (4) electron pairs around the central atom of a molecule, these electron
pairs are in a _________________ arrangement.
a. linear c. trigonal pyramidal
b. trigonal planar d. tetrahedral

Hi! How did you find the test?
Please check your answers at the answer key section and
see how you did. Don’t worry if you got a low score, this just
means that there are more things that you can learn from
this module. So, hop on!

Lesson 1: Electronegativity
In Grade 9, you were able to learn that elements in the periodic table combine with
other elements to form substances and compounds through chemical bonding. You have
already been acquainted with the different properties of elements like boiling point, melting,
point, oxidation number etc. In this module you are going to explore another property of
elements found in the periodic table. Are you ready? Let’s do this.

Activity 1. The Mystery Word: Four Pics One

What is the mystery word are we looking for? Look at the
given set of pictures in A and B and find out what do they
have in common. Rearrange the letter below then combine them together to find
what we are looking for.

Unlock the mystery word by combining the two words in A and B to form a single word. What
is the mystery word? Write your answer below.

How did you find the activity? I hope that you were able to unlock the mystery word
that we are looking for. What’s the word again? Yes, you’re right the word is
ELECTRONEGATIVITY. Do you have any idea what is this all about? Well don’t worry if you
haven’t because this module will help you discover its meaning and importance. Unlike the
pictures showing negativity I just hope that you’re an optimist (positive thinker) and would try
your best to accomplish this module no matter how difficult it is. Let’s try the following activity.

Activity 2. Molecular Polarity

(Based on Electronegativity Difference)
Directions: Predict whether the bond of the following
molecules is polar or nonpolar based on the electronegativity
difference of the elements/atoms present. Refer to those given
in the electronegativity trend in the periodic table and the bonding range in
Table 1 below to determine the bond type formed. Write your answer on the table provided
Table 1: Bonding Range

Electronegativity Difference Bond Type

0 – 0.4 Nonpolar covalent bond
0.5 – 2.0 Polar covalent bond

2.1 above (between metals and nonmetals) Ionic

Electronegativity Trends in the Periodic Table


Electronegativity Electronegativity Molecular
Molecule Bond Type
Values Difference Polarity
Example:H2O H = 2.1, O = 3.5 3.5 – 2.1 = 1.4 Polar bond Polar molecule
N2 N = 3.0, N = 3.0 3.0 – 3.0 = 0 Nonpolar bond Nonpolar molecule











Based on the given activity, describe a polar covalent bond and a nonpolar covalent bond.
Write your answer on the space below.

How does the electronegativity difference of the atoms in a covalent bond affect the polarity
of the bond? Write your answer on the space below.

How does molecular polarity related to the type of bond of a compound? Write your answer
on the space below.

Electronegativity refers to the extent of attraction of an

atom for a shared pair of electron. It is a measure of the
attraction of an atom for electrons in a covalent bond. The
larger the electronegativity of an atom, the more strongly it
attracts electrons. The greater the difference between the
electronegativity of the two atoms involved in the bond, the
greater is the polarity of the molecule. Using the periodic table,
electronegativity increases from left to right which means that nonmetals are more
electronegative than metals.

Bond polarity based on the electronegativity (EN) difference between the atoms present in a
molecule is one good way to determine the polarity of a molecule, whether a molecule is polar
or nonpolar. Please take note of the following:

• Polar bonds occur when electron pairs are unequally shared due to the difference in
electronegativity of the atoms. The greater the difference in electronegativity between
two atoms, the more polar their bond is. Unequal sharing of electrons between atoms
creates a dipole (two poles) ( ). This means that one end of a polar bond is more
negative while the other end is more positive. The atom with higher electronegativity
value increases in electron density and thus, develops a slight negative charge or
partial negative charge (δ-). On the other side, electron density is less on the side of
the atom with lower electronegativity, and that atom gains a slight positive charge (δ+).

In figure 1, you will see that,

• Fluorine attracts electrons more strongly
Partial Partial than hydrogen creating a dipole moment
positive negative pointing the arrow towards fluorine
since; fluorine (4.0) is more
electronegative than hydrogen (2.0).
• The fluorine end of the molecule has
higher electron density than the
hydrogen end.
• Therefore, H – F bond is a polar bond.
Hence, HF is a polar molecule.

Figure 1: Electron cloud model for hydrogen-fluorine bond

• Non polar bond develops if both atoms equally share a pair of electron between them.
This happens when the bonding atoms have approximately equal ability to attract
electron on each side (equal electronegativity value). The electron density is spread
evenly (or essentially evenly) between the two atoms in the bond. Since a pair of
electrons is shared equally between atoms, there is no partial charge created, hence,
no dipole moment.

In figure 2, you will see that,

• F-F bond creates no dipole moment
since their electronegativity value is the
same having an electronegativity
difference of zero (4.0 – 4.0 = 0)
• Therefore, F – F bond is a nonpolar
bond. Hence, F2 is a nonpolar

Figure 2: Electron cloud model for fluorine-fluorine bond

Good job in finishing the activity! Now, take time to process the information you acquired by
accomplishing the next task.

A. Identify the kind of bond (polar or nonpolar) between the atoms of the
following compound

1. Ammonia (NH3). _______________

2. Carbon tetrafluoride (CF4). _______________
3. Sulfur dichloride (SCl2). _______________
4. Bromine gas (Br2). _______________
5. Carbon dioxide (CO2). _______________

B. Which of the compound in Part A is/are nonpolar molecule?


You have completed the task in the first part of this module!
How did you find the activities? I hope that you were able to
learn the importance of knowing the electronegativity
difference of the atoms in predicting the polarity of molecules.
In Self Test 1 you are correct to have identified bromine gas
as a nonpolar molecule because of the nonpolar bond that
exist between bromine atoms (Br-Br) having an
electronegativity difference of zero (0). Actually, aside from
bromine gas, carbon tetrafluoride (CF4) and carbon dioxide
(CO2) is also a nonpolar molecule though the type of bond is
polar bond having an electronegativity difference of 1.5 and
1.0 respectively.
Maybe you’re now wondering how it happened. As what I have
said earlier, you will realize that the polarity of molecules do
not depend solely on the type of bond present but also on the
shape of the molecules.
So, here it is. You are about to explore another factor that
determines the polarity of molecule which is the molecular
structure. Hop on and keep learning!

Lesson 2: Molecular Geometry: VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair
Repulsion) Theory
The shape of molecules plays an important role in complex biochemical reactions such
as those between protein and DNA molecules. In Lesson 1, we discussed electronegativity as
one of the factors to determine the polarity of molecules. Here we will study another factor
which is the shape, or geometry, of molecules. Geometry has an important influence on the
physical and chemical properties of molecules, such as density, melting point, boiling point,
and reactivity. We will see that we can predict the shapes of molecules with considerable
accuracy using a simple method based on Lewis structures.
To help you become familiar on the different geometrical shape of the molecules, let’s do an

Activity 3: What Shape is this?

Match the geometrical shape in A with its corresponding
name in B. Write your answer on the blank provided with the
name itself.


A. Tetrahedral
. B. Linear
C. Bent
D. Trigonal planar
1. ________________ 2. ________________ E. Octahedral
F. Distorted octahedron
or (seesaw)
G. Trigonal bipyramidal
H. Trigonal pyramidal

3. ________________ 4. ________________

5. ________________ 6. ________________

7. ________________ 8. ________________

You have just encountered some of the geometrical shape that a molecule should be
oriented. We use a ball and stick model to represent a molecule in which there is a central
atom where the surrounding atoms are bonded at specific angle to minimize the repulsion as
suggested in the VSEPR Theory.

Molecular geometry pertains to the three-dimensional
arrangement of atoms in a molecule. Geometry affects the
physical and chemical properties of molecules and their
reactivity towards other molecules. Molecular geometry can be
determined by experiment such as x-ray diffraction. The
approach in predicting molecular geometry is called the
Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory (VSEPR).
The key ideas of the VSEPR theory are:
1. Electron pairs stay as far apart from each other as possible to minimize repulsions.
2. Molecular shape is determined by the number of bond pairs and lone pairs around
the central atom.
3. Treat multiple bonds as if they were single bonds (in making the prediction).
4. Lone pairs occupy more volume than bond pairs. Lone pair – lone pair repulsions
are greater than lone pair – bond pair repulsions which in turn are greater than
bond pair – bond pair repulsions
To describe the difference between lone pairs and bonding pairs, please refer to the
illustrations below.

In the Lewis structure of F2 molecule on

the right, it shows that there are a total of
six (6) lone pairs surrounding the F and
only one (1) bond pair between two F.
bond pair

In the Lewis structure of CO2 molecule on the

lone pairs lone pairs right, it shows that C at the center has no lone

o bond pairs
pair while oxygen bonded to it has 2 lone pairs
each having a total of 4 lone pairs. Carbon and
both oxygen are bonded through double bond
which count as 2 bond pairs thus, the molecule
has 2 bond pairs.

lone pair

In the Lewis structure of NH3 molecule on the right, it shows that

N as the central atom has one (1) lone pair while the bonding H
atom has none. There are three (3) bonding pairs as shown.
bond pairs

To minimize the repulsion, electron pairs (bond pair and lone pair) should be oriented
accordingly. Table 2, shows the arrangement of a specific number of electron pairs and its
corresponding VSEPR Shape.
Table 2: Arrangement of Electron Pairs and its Corresponding VSEPR Shape

Number of Electron Pairs of the Arrangement of Molecular Geometry

central atom Electron Pairs (VSEPR Shape)
(with no lone pair)

Trigonal planar Trigonal planar
(with no lone pair)

(with 2 bond pair and 1 lone Trigonal planar

(with no lone pair)

4 Pyramidal
(with 3 bond pair and 1 lone Tetrahedral

(with 2 bond pair and 2 lone Tetrahedral

Trigonal bipyramidal bipyramidal
(with no lone pair)

(with no lone pair)

Note that the arrangement of electron pair does not necessarily mean the same to its
molecular geometry. The molecular geometry is determined by the position of the nuclei of
the atoms. We do not “see” lone pairs.

Guidelines for Applying the VSEPR Model
1. Write the Lewis structure of the molecule, considering only the electron pairs around
the central atom (that is, the atom that is bonded to more than one other atom). For a
molecule in which the atom is bonded to another single atom like O 2 and HCl,
the geometrical shape is obviously linear.
2. Count the number of electron pairs around the central atom (bonding pairs and lone
pairs). Treat double and triple bonds as though they were single bonds. Refer to Table
2 to predict the overall arrangement of the electron pairs.
3. Use Tables 2 to predict the geometry of the molecule.
4. In predicting bond angles, note that a lone pair repels another lone pair or a bonding
pair more strongly than a bonding pair repels another bonding pair. Remember that in
general there is no easy way to predict bond angles accurately when the central atom
possesses one or more lone pairs.

Let’s use the guidelines for sample molecule:

Example 1: Predict the molecular geometry of water, H2O.

Solution We follow the preceding procedure for constructing the VSEPR Model.
Step 1: Draw the Lewis structure of water.

Step 2 Count the number of electron pairs around the central atom. There are four electron
pairs around the central atom: two bond pairs and two lone pairs.

Step 3: Use Tables 2 to predict the geometry of the molecule. The arrangement of
electron pairs are tetrahedral

Step 4: Determine the molecular geometry. Since the two lone pair is not considered since
this cannot be “seen”, therefore, the molecular geometry is bent.

Step 5: Draw the molecular geometry as shown in Table 4

You’re now familiar with the molecular geometry as described in the VSEPR theory. Let’s now
use the information in Table 2 to connect its relationship with some molecules used in the
previous activities.

Activity 4: Molecular Architecture (Part 1)
Given the Lewis structure of the following molecules, predict
the VSEPR Shape that corresponds to the structure of
molecule. Draw the molecular geometry. Use the information
in Table 2 for your answer.

Number of Molecular Geometric

Lewis Electron Geometry Sketch
Molecule of Electron
Structure Pairs of the (VSEPR
Central Atom Shape)
Ex. 1. CO2 (no lone linear linear

o pair)
(2 bond pairs bent
Ex. 2. H2O tetrahedral
and 2 lone

Ex. 3. CF4 (no lone tetrahedral tetrahedral




SO2 o o


How did you find the activity? I hope that you were able to determine the geometry of
molecules from the Lewis structure. Knowing the geometrical shape of simple molecules
applying the VSEPR theory, you are now ready to perform the next activity.

The VSEPR model generates reliable predictions of the
geometries of a variety of molecular structures. Chemists use
the VSEPR approach because of its simplicity. As mentioned
earlier, aside from electronegativity as factor to determine the
polarity of molecule, molecular geometry applying the VSEPR
theory is one good way to determine whether a molecule is
polar or nonpolar. Looking at the geometry and arrangement of
molecule we can easily determine the polarity of a molecule.

Here are some points to remember to determine the polarity of molecules base on the
geometrical arrangement of molecules.
Nonpolar molecule

• A molecule is nonpolar if the shape of the molecule is symmetrical. This is due to the
equal sharing of electrons hence, no dipole moment is produced thus, the valence
electrons are shared equally on both sides of an atom. Example: O 2 , F2, Cl2 and other
diatomic molecules containing atoms of the same element.

• The central atom does not have lone pairs, thus all its electrons were equally shared
to another atom of the same element. Example: CF 4 and CO2

In here you have found out that though

CF4 and CO2 have polar bond according
to their electronegativity difference, but
the geometric structure shows that the
molecule is a nonpolar molecule.

Polar Molecules
• A molecule is polar, if the shape of the molecule is asymmetrical. This is due to the
unequal sharing of electrons between atoms creating a dipole moment. Example: HCl,
HF where Cl and F atoms are more electronegative than H atom

• The central atom or one of the central atoms has lone pair. Example: H 2O and NCl3

• The central atom does not have lone pair but bonded to atoms of different kind. This
will affect the polarity of molecule due to the differences on electronegativity. Example:
CH2F2 and OCS

I hope that the discussion above helps you differentiate polar molecule from nonpolar
molecule. To check your understanding about molecular polarity, let’s identify the molecules
in Activities 4 and 5 if the molecule is polar or nonpolar.
Now, let’s combine the concepts discussed in Lesson 1 and 2 by performing the next activity.

Activity 5: Polarity of Molecules

Direction: Complete the table below with the necessary

information learned from Lesson 1 to Lesson 3. Use separate
sheet of bond paper for your answers.

Bond Molecular Geometric Polarity of
Molecule negativity Reason
Polarity Geometry Sketch Molecules
No lone pair at the
Ex. 1
4.0 – 2.5 = Polar Nonpolar central atom and the
CF4 Tetra-
1.5 bond molecule bonding atom are of the
same kinds of element

Ex. 2 3.5 – 2.1 = Polar Polar The central atom O has

H2O 1.4 bond molecule lone pairs
No lone pair at the
Ex. 3 3.5 – 2.5 = Polar Nonpolar central atom and the
CO2 1.0 bond molecule bonding atom are of the
same kinds of element









Answer the following questions.

1. How are nonpolar molecules formed?


2. How are polar molecules formed?


3. Do polar bond always produce polar molecules? Explain.


4. When is molecular shape symmetrical and asymmetrical?


Good job in finishing the activity! Now, take time to process the information you acquired by
accomplishing the next task.

For questions 1 to 4: Choose the letter that corresponds to the best answer.

1. Which of the following molecule will exhibit tetrahedral geometry?

a. CCl4 b. CO3 c. O3 d. PCl5
2. The geometry of the molecule BF3 is
a. linear b. tetrahedral c. pyramidal d. trigonal planar
3. If there are three (3) electron pairs around the central atom of a molecule, these
electron pairs are in a _________________ arrangement.
a. linear b. trigonal planar c. trigonal pyramidal d. bent
4. Predict the geometry and polarity of the CS 2 molecule.
a. linear, nonpolar c. linear, polar
b. tetrahedral, polar d. bent, polar
5. Which of the following compound correctly matches with its molecular geometry?
a. Carbon dioxide (CO2) : Tetrahedral c. Water (H2O) : Linear
b. Ammonia (NH3) : trigonal pyramidal d. Oxygen (O2) : Bent

Complete the Concept Map below using the words written
inside the box.

Symmetrical VSEPR Theory Non polar molecule

Nonpolar bond Lewis Structure Bond Polarity
Asymmetrical Molecular Geometry Polar Molecule
Electronegativity Polar bond VSEPR Model Dipole

Molecular Polarity

can be determined by these two factors

determines Arrangement follows the

uses a structure as a prediction according to a
guide known as theory known as

having electronegativity
having electronegativity difference of 0.5—2.0
difference of 0—0.4 uses a model to determine
the geometric arrangement
of electron pair
has positive and negative
poles referred to as
will always form
Arrangement of electron
pairs could be

will form
Equally shared electron
will form pair will produce

Unequally shared
electron pair will produce

Congratulations on finishing the supplementary learning
module! You have just an amazing learning journey and for sure,
you will have the same in the succeeding modules. Please take
note that on the next module you will learn how the understanding
of the polarity of molecules can be used to explain several
properties like how soap can able to kill viruses and bacteria and
how chemist develop vaccines and medicines to cure several
diseases. Good luck on your next learning journey!
This time, share to the class your final insights by
completing the following sentence prompts.

To strengthen what you have learned in this module, perform the following additional tasks:
Studying the molecular structure of a substance is a difficult thing to understand
because of its particle nature that even our naked eye cannot see. That is why scientist uses
a model to understand their properties and behavior.
Your task is to create a 3D (three dimensional) VSEPR Model of a molecule of your
choice using any recyclable materials. Choose a molecule of at least 3 atoms. You can
choose from among of the molecules presented in this module. Create at least one 3D
molecule. Build your model with the correct number of bonds in the correct places and different

colors or sizes representing the different elements. Be creative and resourceful in constructing
your 3D VSEPR Model. Refer to the rubric below for you to be guided in making your 3D
VSEPR Model.
Molecular Model Rubric

Unsatisfactory Below Average 6 Very Good Excellent 10

2 pts Average 4 pts 8 pts pts
Molecular Student puts Students Students Students Students
Structure together balls build a have the have the have the
and sticks model that correct correct correct
that do not has the number of number of number of
represent the correct atoms and atoms. atoms.
actual number of color code Atoms are Atoms are
molecule they atoms color them, but color coded, color coded
had intended coded, but they do not and and
in any way. neglect size, represent represent represent
bond type actual Relevant relevant
and relevant sizes of sizes of
orientation sizes. The actual actual
altogether. types of atoms. They atoms. They
bond or the connect the connect the
spacial atoms using atoms using
orientation the correct the correct
are not clear bonding bonding type
or not type (single, (single,
represented. double, double,
triple). triple), and
the actual
orientation of
the molecule
in space
Creativity Students did Students Students Students Students
not add color, created a created a created a created a
no effort put model; it model, it was model that molecule
forth. The lacked color color coded, was color with a lot of
model was and appeal, and had coded, color, coded
not unique. some effort. some showed atoms, were
The model appeal, effort good effort, very visually
was not was visible. and had a appealing.
unique. The model lot of visual The student
had some appeal. The created a
different model had unique
aspects, but some model with
was not different many
unique. aspects. different

The following terms used in this module are defined as

Bond pair – these are the valence electrons that take part in
the bonding during the molecule formation

Chemical bond – is the electrostatic force holding two or more atoms in a molecule

Covalent bond – the electrostatic attraction between atoms of the same nonmetallic elements
in which are equally sharing the same number of electron pairs

Dipole – are polar molecules with atoms arranged in such a way that they have permanent
positive and negative poles.

Electronegativity – Measure of the relative tendency of an atom to attract electrons to itself

when chemically combined with another atom

Lewis structure – is a representation of covalent bonding in which shared electron pairs are
shown either as lines or as pairs of dots between two atoms, and lone pairs are shown as
pairs of dots on individual atoms

Lone pair – these are valence electrons which do not take part in the bonding during the
molecule formation.

Molecular geometry – is the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in a molecule

Nonpolar covalent bond – it is the electrostatic attraction between atoms of the same
nonmetallic elements which are equally sharing the same number of electron pairs.

Nonpolar molecule – electron density is distributed symmetrically within the molecule

Polar covalent bond – it is the electrostatic attraction between atoms of different nonmetallic
elements which are not equally sharing the same number of electron pairs. The electron pair
is nearer the stronger atom.

Polar molecule – electron density is distributed asymmetrically throughout the molecule. It

contain a “negative” end and a “positive” end

Valence electrons – the electrons found in the valence shell of an atom in which can but may
not take part in the bonding during the molecule formation.

Valence shell – is the outermost electron-occupied shell of an atom; it holds the electrons
that are usually involved in bonding

Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Model – it accounts for the geometric arrangements
of electron pairs around a central atom in terms of the electrostatic repulsion between electron

Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory – it predicts that all electron pairs in the
valence shell around a central atom repel one another. They want to be as far apart from one
another as possible.

Directions: Identify what is asked or described in each item
then write the letter of the correct answer.

1. According to the electronegativity difference of a molecule, if the molecule has an

electronegativity difference of 0 to 0.4 the molecule is said to be ____________.
a. nonpolar b. polar c. ionic d. metallic
2. The electron pair in a H - Cl bond could be considered…
a. closer to H because Hydrogen has a larger radius and thus exerts greater
control over the shared electron pair
b. closer to Cl because Chlorine has a higher electronegativity than Hydrogen
c. closer to H because Hydrogen has a lower electronegativity than Chlorine
d. an inadequate model since the bond is ionic
3. Which of the following represents a polar covalent bond?
a. H-H b. N-N c. C-C d. S-O
4. Which element is the most electronegative?
a. Nitrogen b. Carbon c. Hydrogen d. Fluorine
5. Which of the following has a greater electronegativity?
a. Nonmetals b. Metals c. Metalloids d. Noble gas
6. The VSEPR Theory is used to predict the __________ of molecule.
a. electronegativity c. bond strength
b. molecular shape d. polarity
7. Which of the following structure of methane (CH4) satisfies the Valence Shell
Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory?
a. b. c. d.

8. It is important to know the geometry of a molecule because the geometry ________.

a. will give the Lewis structure of the molecule
b. affects the physical and chemical properties of the substance
c. will determine whether the molecule is polar or nonpolar
d. both B and C
9. The geometry of the molecule NF3 is
a. linear b. tetrahedral c. trigonal pyramidal d. trigonal planar
10. The molecule boron trifluoride, BF3, assumes a trigonal planar geometry with boron
as the central atom. Which statement correctly describes the polarity of the B-F bond
and the polarity of the molecule?
a. The B-F bond is polar; the BF3 molecule is nonpolar.
b. The B-F bond is nonpolar; the BF3 molecule is nonpolar.
c. The B-F bond is nonpolar; the BF3 molecule is polar.
d. The B-F bond is polar; the BF3 molecule is polar.


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