Thermodynamics 02

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Thermodynamics I

ME 371
1. Basic Concepts
Dr. Sachin L. Borse
Associate Professor,
College of Engineering, Shaqra University, Dawadimi, KSA
(Formerly Professor,
Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering , Pune, India.
Formerly Hydraulic Design Engineer,
Klein Schanzline Becker Pumps, India)

College of Engineering, Shaqra University,
Dawadimi, KSA
Course ME 371 Thermodynamics II 3(3,1,0)
Basic concepts, energy transfer, first law of
thermodynamics, second law of thermodynamics, Entropy,
Carnot and Carnot reverse cycle, Rankine Cycle, Vapour
compression refrigeration cycle.

1.1 Thermodynamic system
Thermodynamics:- It is the science of the relations between heat,
Work and the properties of the systems.
Thermodynamic system:- it is defined as a quantity of matter or
region in space upon which attention is focused for study.

Fig 1. System and its surrounding

Surrounding : - Every thing outside system is surrounding.
System boundary:- it separates system and surrounding. Boundary
may be fixed boundary or moving boundary.
1.2 How to choose system boundary
•Decide your goal of studdy
•We must decide boundary for each system.
•Select boundary so as to obtain best possible information on
how it behaves.
•Boundary may be different for different study.
•You must be clear in defining what constitutes your system
•The boundaries may be at rest or in motion.
•Choose a system with defined quantity of mass, the
boundaries must move in such way that they always
enclose that particular quantity of mass if it changes shape
or moves from one place to another.

Fig 2. System with one boundary having motion

1.3 Types of Systems
1)Open system: - Mass, work and heat can cross the

Example:- Boiling water in pan with addition of sugar. Here

boundary is formed by water surface and pan surface. Steam
leaves system, sugar comes in system, heat come from bottom,
some heat leaves from top.
2)Closed system:- Work and heat can cross the boundary.
Mass cannot cross the boundary.

Example:- Air compressed in piston-cylinder. Here mass

cannot cross boundary but work and heat can cross
3) Isolated system:- Neither energy nor mass can cross the

Example:- Closed thermas flask. Neither heat not mass can

cross the boundary,
1.4 Pure substance
Pure substance :- is defined as substance having
homogeneous and uniform chemical composition
Examples:- air
steam-water mixture
combustion products

Following is not pure substance

mixture of air and liquid air as proportion of H2 and N2 is
different air and liquid air.
1.5 Thermodynamic properties
Properties of system:- Characteristics by which physical
condition of system may be defined is called as property.
Examples:- pressure, volume, temperature,
Types of properties,
Intensive properties: -these properties are independent of
Examples:- temperature, pressure, u, h, s

Extensive properties:- these properties are dependent on

Examples:- volume, energy
1.6 State of system
“State of system is the condition of a system defined by the
values of its properties”.
It gives a complete description of the system. Any operation in
which one or more properties of a system change is called a
change of state.
For pure substance, state of system can be defined by
specifying any two intensive properties. This is known as
two property rule.
Once any two properties of pure substance are known other
properties can be determined by using thermodynamic
1.7 Thermodynamic Process
“The series of states through system pass is called as path of
“The series of states through which system passes if defined by
relation then called as thermodynamic process”

“Changes state such that final state same as initial is called as

thermodynamic cycle”. Example-process starts from with state 1
and then passes to state 2 via a. From state 2 process passes to
state 1 via b. Hence process 1-a-2-b-1 is cycle as comes backs to
original state 1.
1.8 Equation of state
Ideal gas:- it is gas which follows ideal gas equation. Ideal
gas equation is

Where, p = absolute pressure of gas in Pascal.

Absolute pressure = gauge pressure + atmospheric pressure.
V= volume of gas in m3.
m = mass of gas, kg
R = gas constant, J/KgK
T = Temperature of gas in Kelvin
T = t +273
t = temperature of gas o Celsius
This equation is also called equation of state. Real gas do
confirm to this equation of state accurately at low pressure and
high temperature.
1.8 Equation of state
Gas constant for different gases,

M = molecular weight of gas.

=8314/28.96 = 287 J/kgK ……..air

=8314/32 = 260 J/kgK ……………O2

=8314/44 = 189 J/kgK ……………CO2

=8314/28 = 297 J/kgK …………..N2

1.8 Equation of state
Molecular weight of different gases,
H2= 2.02
He = 4
CO = 28
1.8 Equation of state
Alternate way of equation of state is,

Where, p = absolute pressure of gas in Pascal

Absolute pressure = gauge pressure + atmospheric pressure
V= volume of gas in m3
n = number of moles = m/M
= universal gas constant = 8314 J/Kg mol K
T = Temperature of gas in kelvin
T = t +273
t = temperature of gas o Celsius
1.9 Thermodynamic Equilibrium
For obtaining a state of thermodynamic equilibrium the
following three types of equilibrium states must be achieved :
1. Thermal equilibrium. The temperature of the system does
not change with time and has same value at all points of the
2. Mechanical equilibrium. There are no unbalanced forces
within the system or between the surroundings. The pressure in
the system is same at all points and does not change with
respect to time.
3. Chemical equilibrium. No chemical reaction takes place in
the system and the chemical composition which is same
throughout the system does not vary with time.
1.10 Work
“Work is said to be done if force applied and causes
If force is applied and displacement zero, no work is done.
W =F*dS
dS = Displacement, m
S = position
W= work done, J
F = force, N
Force very small strip, work done will be,
dW =F*dS
dW =(P*A)*dS
dW=P*dV since AdS = dV = change of volume
1.10 Work

Pressure for small trip is considered constant as p, very small

1.10 Work

Work done at constant volume:-

Va= Vb
dV= 0

1.10 Work
Work done at constant pressure:-
V1 = initial volume
V2 = final volume
pa = pb Constant
p1 = p2 Constant

1.10 Work
Work done at constant temperature:-
pV = constant = C

V1 = initial volume
V2 = final volume
p1 = initial pressure
p2 = final pressure


1.10 Work
Work done at constant temperature:-

1.10 Work
Work done for reversible adiabatic process:-
1.10 Work
Work done for reversible adiabatic process:-

Calculation of Cp and Cv of a gas k

Cpk = specific heat of gas k at constant pressure, J/kg K

Cvk = specific heat of gas k at constant volume, J/kg K
Rk = gas constant of gas k, J/kg K
Mk = molecular weight of gas k, J/kg K
1.10 Work
Work done for polytropic process:-

Similar to reversible adiabatic process

1.11 Zeroth law of thermodynamics
“If body A and body B are in thermal equilibrium with body
C, then body A and body B are also in thermal equilibrium”

If body A and body B are in thermal equilibrium with body C

TA = TC and TB=TC
Then we can write,
Application:-application of zeroth law of thermodynamics is
temperature measurement by temperature measurement device.
1.12 First Law of thermodynamics
“Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can be
converted from one form to another”
First law of thermodynamics states possibility of conversion
of energy from one form to another.
For cycle

Algebraic summation of heat = Algebraic summation of work

Algebraic summation considers sign of quantity.
Heat added to system +ve sign
Heat rejected by system -ve sign
Work done by system +ve sign
Work done on system -ve sign
1.12 First Law of thermodynamics
For process
Heat supplied to system is utilized in two parts, to do the work
and change the energy of system.

Q = Heat added to system

W = Work done by system
∆E = Change in energy of system

If kinetic and potential energy is ignored then,

∆U = Change in internal energy of system

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