KicktheButtcolouringbook VictorianAboriginalartforourlittledeadlyartists-FKB

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A colouring book filled with Victorian Aboriginal Art
for our little deadly artists
This deadly colouring book
belongs to:

This colouring book was made with the

support of these Aboriginal artists:

Leah Horvath (Kuku Yalanji)

Leroy Gittens (Yorta Yorta, Wemba Wemba)
Ian Harrison (Gunai Kurnai)
Tristan Williams (Wiradjuri, Wotjobulak)
Ian Harrison– Shield 2017

The air around someone smoking cigarettes is toxic and inhaling even small
amounts can make smoke-free adults and especially children get as sick (or
more sick) than if they were smoking themselves
Leah Horvath—Koori Koala

Smoking near pregnant

women may cause
miscarriage, low birth
weight and a more
difficult labour
Smoking near your bubup (baby) puts them at risk of SIDS, asthma,
croup, slower growth and ear infections.

Leah Horvath—Gum Leaves

Don’t cuddle bubup after smoking. Poisons from
smoking land on clothes for bub to breathe in or
suck on (third-hand smoke)

Leah Horvath—Platypus
Tristan Williams– Dingo Puppy

Pets that live at your home can get smoking related illnesses
(cancer, heart problems, pneumonia) if you smoke near them
Leah Horvath—Our Country

Children who live in homes where people smoke get sick more often with
colds, breathing problems such as asthma, and ear infections
Leroy Gittens—Bunjil

Third-hand smoke is the toxic residue (dust and chemicals) left on

walls, floor, furniture, clothes and hair from cigarette smoke.
Leah Horvath—Magpie Goose in the Wetlands

Keep your car and

home completely
smoke free, even when
the kids are away
A smoke-free environment is the only way to fully protect non-smokers from the
dangers of second-hand smoke

Leah Horvath—Big Barramundi

Babies who breathe second-hand smoke are more likely to die unexpectedly from
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

Tristan Williams—Crocodile
Children are at a greater risk
from the poisons in cigarette
smoke because their bodies
are still growing and immune
systems developing

Ian Harrison—Turtles 2018

Smoking cigarettes in another room with the door closed and fan on still puts
your kids at risk of sickness from third-hand smoke which is the residue left
on walls, floor, furniture, clothes and hair.

Leah Horvath—Deadly Stingray

Ian Harrison—Snake 2018

Children who live in homes where people smoke are more likely to take up
smoking when they grow up.
Leah Horvath—Deep Sea Turtle

Since 2010, it is illegal to smoke in a car with someone under 18 even if the
car is not running, the windows are open, or the roof is down.
Ian Harrison—Brolga 2018

Air purifiers and air fresheners do not

remove the poisons in cigarette smoke.
Keep your home and car smoke free
Leah Horvath—Sun Bathing Snake

smoke creeps
under doors,
windows, and
through cracks.
Smoking in a different room
cannot protect children's lungs from
the poisons in cigarette smoke.
Babies and young children are often not able to speak up for
their right to have clean air. But you can.

Ian Harrison—Fish 2018

can reduce
amount of
milk supply,

Leah Horvath—Jumping Joey

Toxins in tobacco smoke can affect the normal function of the umbilical cord and
placenta, reducing oxygen supply to the baby

Ian Harrison—Lizards 2018

Parents who don’t smoke inside their home are more likely to quit,
and have a better chance of staying quit.

Leah Horvath—Seahorse Just

Hanging Around
Our children are
our future
Keep you home and
car smoke-free

A colouring book proudly produced by

Dandenong and District Aborigines
Co-operative Ltd
Tackling Indigenous Smoking Team
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