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Tamil Nadu Board Question Paper For Class 12 Physics 2015

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Question Paper 2015 March

Class 12 Physics,Paper–III
Time: 3hours Maximum Marks:150
Instruction:(1) Check the question paper for fairness
of printing. If there is any lack of fairness, inform the
Hall Supervisor immediately.
(2) Use Black or Blue ink to write and pencil to draw
30 × 1=30
Note: (i) Answer all the questions.
(ii) Choose and write the correct answer.

1. The self–inductance of a straight conductor is:

Ans: The self–inductance of a straight conductor is zero because

of the absence of enclosed loops in the straight conductor.

2. When a material particle of mass m0 attains the velocity

of light, its mass becomes:

Ans: As an object approaches the velocity of light that is

186,000 its mass rises very fast and becomes infinite so does the
energy required to move it.

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3. When a drop of water is introduced between the glass

plate and plano convex lens in newtons rings system, the ring
Ans: The ring system contracts because the diameter of the rings
will increase as it is inversely proportional to the refractive

4. The average energy released per fission is:

Ans: The average energy released per fission is 200 MeV that is
fusion means breakeing up of a heavier nuclie to form two light

5. Which of the following is lepton?

Ans: electron is one of the six lepton.

6. The direction of the electric field in the millikan’s oil

experiments acts:

Ans: The direction of the electric field in the millikans’s oil

experiments acts as downwards so that the drop parcticles rises.

7. In a X–ray tube the intensity of the emitted X–ray beam is

increased by:
Ans: In a X–ray tube in intensity of the emitted X–ray beam is
increased by increasing the target potential as it increases the
velocity of the electrons.

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8. The nature of the electrostatic force and the nuclear force

between the neutron and the proton inside the nucleus are
Ans: The nature of the electrostatic and nuclear force between
neutron and proton is both attractive.

10. In an AC circuit the instantaneous values of emf and

current are e=200 (wt–pi/3); i= (wt + pi/6) the phase relation
between the current and the voltage is:
Ans: The relation between the current and the voltage is the
voltage lags behind current by phase angle of pi/3.

11. Electromagnetic waves are:

Ans: Electromagnetic waves maybe transverse or longitudinal in


12. Which of the following quantities are scalar:

Ans: Electric force is a scalar quantity as it doesn’t depend on

the direction.

13. Point charge +q, +q, –q, –q are placed at the corners
A,B,C and D respectively. O is the point of intersection of
diagonals AC and BD. The resultant electric field intensity at
point O is:

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Ans: The resultant electric field intensity is zero as the electric

potential is also zero.

14. Phosphor–bronze wire is used in the suspension in a

moving coil galvanometer because it has:

Ans: phosphor bronze wire is used in the suspension in a

moving coil galvanometer because it has small couple per unit

15. In phase modulation:

Ans: In phase modulation only the phase of the carrier waves

16. A coil of area of cross section 0.5 meter square with 10

turns is in the plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic
field of 0.2 wb/m sq .the flux through the coil is:

Ans: Flux=NBA

Where N= no.of turns

B=magnetic field

A=area of cross section

According to the formula



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17. A light of wavelength 4000 A travelling a distance of 2

micrometer produces a phase change of:

Ans: the phase change of the light wavelength is zero.

18. Which of the following does not allow d.c to pass

Ans: Capacitor doesn’t allow d.c to pass through.

19.A logic gate which has output 1 only when the

complements are input to each other:
Ans: The NOR gate has output 1 only when the complements
are input to each other.

20. In joule’s calorimeter experiment when a current of 1

ampere is passed through a coil for a known interval of time
t the temperature of the water increases from 30 to 33
degree Celsius When a current of 2 ampere is passed
through the same coil placed in the same quantity of water
and for the same time ,the temperature of the water
increases from 30 degree Celsius to :

Ans: The temperature will change from 30 to 36 degree Celsius

when a current of 2 ampere is passed through the same coil
placed in the same quantity of water and for the same time.

21.A hollow metal ball carrying an electric charge produces

no electric field at points:

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Ans: A hollow metal ball carrying an electric charge produces

no electric field inside the sphere as an electric field inside the
sphere is zero.

22. The electrons in the atom of an element which determine

its chemical and electrical properties are:
Ans: Valence electrons determine the chemical and electrical
properties in the atom of an element.

23. Printed documents to be transmitted by a fax are

converted into electrical signals by the process of:

Ans: The printed documents to be transmitted by a fax are

converted into electrical signals by scanning.

24. The unit of molecular polaisability is:

Ans:The unit of molecular polaisability is C–1M2V.

25. The stopping potential of a metal surface is independent

Ans: The stopping potential of a metal surface is independent of
the intensity of the incident radiation.

26. In hydrogen atom which of the following transition

produces a spectral line of maximum frequency:

Ans: 21 transition produces a spectral line of maximum


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27. A graph is drawn taking potential difference across the

ends of a conductor along the X–axis and current through
the conductor along the Y axis .The slope of the straight line

Ans: The slope of the straight line gives the resistance.

28. In beta decay:

In beta decay neutron number decreases by one.

29. The ratio of the radii of the first three bohrs orbit is:
Ans: The ratio of the radii of the first three bohr’s orbit is 1:4:9.

30. In a plane transmission grating the width of a ruling is

12000A and the width of the slit is 8000A, the grating
element is:
Ans: The grating element is 200 micrometer.

15×3 = 45
Note: Answer any fifteen questions.
31. State columbs law in electrostatics:

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Ans: Columbs law states that the magnitude of the electrostatic

force of attraction or repulsion between two point charges is
directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes of the
charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance
between them.

32.A sample of HCL gas is placed in an electric field of

2.5×10000.the dipole moment of each HCL molecule is
3.4×10to the power –30 cm. Find the maximum torque that
can act on the molecule.

Ans: E=2.5×10 power4

P=3.4×10 power–30

Torque = PEsin0



33.Define resistivity of a material. Give its S.I unit:

Ans: The electrical resistivity is the electrical resistance which

stop the flow of electrons, per unit length and per unit of cross
sectional area at a specific temperature. The S.I unit of electrical
resistivity is the ohm meter.

34.Compare emf and potential difference:

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Ans: Emf is the maximum potential difference between the two

electrodes of the cell in an open circuit. It is independent of
resistance of the circuit.


Potential difference is the difference of potentials between two

points in a closed circuit. It is proportional to the resistance of
the circuit.

35. Write any three applications of superconductor:

Ans: Superconductors are used in magnetic resonance

imaging(MRI),nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR),magnetic
confinement fusion reactors.

36. State Flemings left hand rule:

Ans: Fleming’s left–hand rule states that if we stretch the thumb,

the forefinger and the middle finger of our left hand such that they
are mutually perpendicular to each other. If the forefinger gives the
direction of current and middle finger points in the direction of
magnetic field then the thumb points towards the direction of the
force or motion of the conductor.

37. An AC generator consists of a coil of 10,000 turns and of

area 100 cm square .The coil rotates at a regular angular
speed of 140 rpm in a uniform magnetic field of 3.6×10
power–2 T. find the maximum value of emf induced:

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Ans: N=10,000

A=100 cm square=10 power–2 meter

v=140 rpm=140/60=7/3rps


Emf induced= NAB (2piv)


=52.8 volt

38. Define quality factor:

Ans: The quality factor is the resonance frequency divided by

resonator bandwidth.

39.On what a factor does the amount of optical rotation


Ans: Optical rotation depends on concentration path length

temperature wavelength of the light used amd the solvent.

40. A plano convex lens of radius 3 cm is placed on a

optically flat glass plate and is illuminated by
monochromatic light. The radius of the 8th dark ring is
3.6mm.Calculate the wavelength of the light used.

Ans: R (8) = under root (n/\R/u)

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3.6×10power–4 = under root (8 × wavelength × 3)

Wavelength = 5.4 × 10power–9cm

41.What is ionization potential of an atom:

Ans: The ionization energy or ionization potential is the energy

necessary to remove an electron from the neutral atom. It is a
minimum for the alkali metals which have a single electron
outside a closed shell. It generally increases across a row on the
periodic maximum for the noble gases which have closed shells.

42.The rydberg constant for hydrogen atom is

1.097×10power7 per meter. Calculate the long wavelength
limit of lyman series.

Ans: 1/wavelength=1.097×10 power7 (1/1square–1/2square)

Wavelength=1215.67×10power6 meter

43.Define threshold frequency:

Ans: Threshold frequency is the minimum frequency of light
which causes electrons to be emitted from a metal surface.

44. Define curie.

Ans: Curie is the unit of radioactivity corresponding to
3.7×10power10 disintegrations per second.

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45. What are the precautions to be taken by the people who

are working in the radiation laborartories:

Ans: The precautions to be taken are use time, distance,

shielding, containment to reduce exposure, Wear dosimeters if
issued, avoid contact with the contamination, wear protective
clothing that if contaminated can be removed.

46. Different methods of doping a semiconductor:

Ans: There are two techniques of doping ion implantation and


47. State demorgans theorem:

Ans: Demorgans first theorem states that the complement of the
sum of the two or more variables is equal to the product of the
complement of the variables. The second theorem states that the
complement of the product of two or more variables is equal to
the sum of the complements of the variables.

48. Draw the circuit diagram of AND gates using diodes.



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50. Define modulation factor in amplitude modulation:

Ans: Modulation factor describes the extent to which the

amplitude of the carrier wave is changed by the audio signal:

7 × 5 = 35
Note: (i) Answer Question No.53 compulsorily.
(ii) Answer any six of the remaining 11 questions.
(iii) Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
51. Write the properties of electric lines of forces:

Ans: The properties lines of force start from positive charge and
ends on a negative charge. The electric lines of forces always
enter or leave the charged surface normally. Electric lines of
force can never intersect each other. The electric lines of force

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cannot pass through a conductor. When two like charges are

placed closer to each other the electric lines of force present
between them will become enlarged in length.

52. Obtain the condition of the bridge balance in the

wheatstone bridge:
Ans: The ratio of the arms R1 and R2 is equal to the ration of
the arms R3 and R4 this is the balanced condition in the
wheatstone bridge.

53. The effective resistance are 10 ohm, 2.4 ohm when two
resistors are connected in series and parallel .What are the
resistances of individual resistors:
Ans: R1 + R2 = 10 when in series

1/R1 + 1/R2 = 1/2.4 when in parallel

(R1 × R2)/(R1 + R2) = 2.4

(R1 × R2) = 2.4×10

(R1 × R2) = 24

R1 + 24/R1 = 10 from first equation

On solving we get

R1 = 4or 6ohm

R2 = 6 ohm and vice versa

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54. A moving coil of galvanometer of resistance 20 ohm

produces full scale deflection for a current of 50mA. How
will you convert the galvanometer into:
A) An ammeter of range 20 A

B) A voltmeter of range 120 v

Ans: converting to ammeter

50mA= 0.05A

20 ohm


Current across shunt=20–0.05=19.95A

20 × 0.05 = S × 19.95

S =1/19.95

S=0.05 ohm (parallel)

Converting to voltmeter

High resistance must have a drop of 120–1 = 119Vwhen 0.05A

current flows through it.


R = 2380 ohm (series)

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55. Explain the energy loses in a transformer .how are they


Ans: The energy loses in a transformer are of two types:

hysteresis loss and eddy current loss .The minimize the losses
core made up of silicon steel or crgo steel is used or by
staggering the iron core.

56. State and prove Brewster’s law:

Ans: Brewster’s law is the relationship for the light waves

stating that the maximum polarization of a ray of light may be
achieved by letting the ray fall on the surface of a transparent
medium in such way that the refracted ray makes an angle of 90
degree with the reflected ray.

u=tan ip

u= (sinip)/(sinir)

Tanip= (sinip)/(sinir)

57. Write any five properties of X–ray:

Ans: They have wavelength between 10A to 0.01A, in free

space they travel in straight line, it cannot be focused on a single
point, they are invisible to the eye, they cannot be heard.

58. Explain Lorentz–fitzgerald contraction with example:

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Ans: The shortening of an object along its direction of motion as

its speed approaches the speed of light, as measured by an
observer at rest with respect to the object. For example consider
a train carriage that moves with constant speed along a straight
track, past us who stand on the platform watching it. Light that
leaves the back of the carriage will arrive at our eyes coincident
with light from the side of the carriage as well as the carriage is
Lorentz contracted.

59. Derive an expressive for the de Broglie wavelength of

matter waves.
Ans: E=mc^2



60. The binding energy per nuclear for carbon 12 nucleus is

7.68MeV and that for carbon 13 is 7.47MeV.calculate energy
required to move electron from carbon 13:
Ans: Total binding energy of carbon 12 = 12×7.68 = 92.16MeV

Total binding energy of carbon 13 = 13×7.47 = 97.11MeV

Energy required to move an electron=97.11–92.16=4.95MeV

61. Explain function of transistor as switch:

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Ans: in transistor, unless a current flows in the base circuit there

is current can flow in the collector circuit. The transistor can be
switched on and off by changing the base. There are a few
applications of switching circuits operated by transistors.

62. With the help of a block diagram explain the operation

of FM super heterodyne receiver:
Ans: the block diagram explains that the rf amplifies the
received signal intercepted by the antenna. The amplified signal
is then applied to the mixer stage. The second input of the mixer
comes from the local oscillator. The two frequencies of mixer
generate an IF signal of 10.7 MHz. This signal is then amplified
by the IF amplifier. The output of the IF amplifier is applied to
the limiter circuit. The limiter removes the noise in the received
signal and gives a constant amplitude signal. The output of the
limiter is now applied to the FM discriminator which recovers
the modulating signal.

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4 × 10 =40
Note: (i) Answer any four questions.
(ii) Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
63. Obtain an expression for electric potential at a point due
to an electric dipole .discuss the special cases:

Ans: E(q)=kq/(r–a)–kq/(r+a)=kq(2a/(r^2–a^2))

64 .Obtain a expression for the magnetic induction at a point

due to infinitely long straight conductor carrying current:
Ans: Db=u0/4pi×IDl sin0/r^2

In ABC triangle sin0 = AC/AB=AC/dl


Db = u0/4pi×1/a×cos fi dfi

By integrating

B = u0I/4pia(sin fi1+sin fi2)

65. Discuss with the theory the method of inducing emf in a

coil by changing its orientation with respect to direction of
magnetic field:

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Ans : By increasing the strength of the magnetic field – If the

same coil of wire is moved at the same speed through a stronger
magnetic field, there will be more emf produced because there
are more lines of force to cut.

66. What is emission and absorption spectrum. Explain the

different types of emission and absorption spectrum with

Ans: If a large enough voltage difference is applied between the

two metal plates, the gas atoms inside the discharge tube will
absorb enough energy to make some of their electrons come off,
i.e. the gas atoms are ionized. These electrons start moving
through the gas and create a current, which raises some electrons
in other atoms to higher energy levels. Then as the electrons in
the atoms fall back down, they emit electromagnetic radiation
(light). The amount of light emitted at different wavelengths,
called the emission spectrum.Atoms do not only emit photons;
they also absorb photons. If a photon hits an atom and the
energy of the photon is the same as the gap between two
electron energy levels in the atom, then the electron in the lower
energy level can absorb the photon and jump up to the higher
energy level.The absorbed photons show up as black lines
because the photons of these wavelengths have been absorbed
and do not show up. Because of this, the absorption spectrum is
the exact inverse of the emission spectrum.

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67. Draw a neat sketch of ruby laser. Explain its working

with the help of energy level diagram:

Ans: When light energy is supplied to the laser medium (ruby),

the electrons in the lower energy state or ground state (E1) gains
energy and jumps into the higher(pump) state (E3).The lifetime
of pump state E3 is very small (10–8 sec) so the electrons in the
pump state do not stay for long period. After a short period,
electrons fall into the stable state E2 by releasing radiation as
energy. The lifetime of met stable state E2 is 10–3 sec which is
much greater than the lifetime of pump state E3. Therefore, the
electrons reach E2 much faster than they leave E2. Thus an
increase in the number of electrons in the stable state E2 and
hence population inversion is achieved. The sketch of ruby laser
is given below.

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68: What are cosmic rays. Explain:

A) Latitude effect

B) Altitude effect of cosmic rays:

Ans: Ionizing radiation coming from the outer space is the

reason for leakage of charges in the gold leaf electroscope. The
ionizing radiation many times stronger than γ–rays entering the
earth from all the directions from cosmic or interstellar space is
known as cosmic rays.The variation of cosmic ray intensity (I)
with geomagnetic latitude (θ) showed that the intensity is
maximum at the poles (θ = 900), minimum at the equator (θ = 0)
and constant between latitudes of 420 and 900. The variation of
cosmic ray intensity with geomagnetic latitude is known as
latitude effect.variation of cosmic ray intensity (I) with
altitude (h) is known as altitude effect,

69. What is meant by feedback. Derive an expression for

voltage gain of an amplifier with negative feedback:
Ans:Feedback is the process by which a fraction of the output
signal, either a voltage or a current, is used as an input. If this
feedback fraction is opposite in value or phase to the input
signal, then the feedback is said to be Negative Feedback.

Expression–system gain=,G =Vout/Vin

G ×Vin=Vout

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G (Vin–BVout)=Vout

G Vin–BGVout=Vout

GVin=Vout (1+BG)


70. Explain transmission and reception of radar with block


Ans: Transmission and Reception of Radar: The block diagram

of a simple radar system is shown in Figure. This block diagram
indicates that the radar system consists of both the transmitting
and the receiving system.

The transmitting system consists of a transmitter and a pulser.

The receiving system consists of a receiver and an indicator. In
most of the cases, a single antenna is used for both transmission
and reception and this is achieved with the use of TR switch
(Transmitter Receiver Switch). This connects the antenna to the
transmitter during transmission and to the receiver during
reception. Moreover, this switch isolates the sensitive receiver
from the damaging effects of the high power transmitter–
receiver. The sensitivity of the receiver is very high. The
detected output is sent to the indicator. The indicator is a
cathode ray tube. The CRT displays the original transmitted

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pulse as well as the detected echo pulse along a horizontal base

line. The synchronizing pulse generated by the 'timer' is supplied
to both transmitting and receiving systems. So, the indicator
records the transmitted pulse as well as the returning pulse
simultaneously. The returning echo pulse appears slightly
displaced from the transmitted pulse and this displacement is a
measure of the range of the target.

The block diagram is drawn below.

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