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Factors that influence the accuracy of intraoral scanning of

total edentulous arches rehabilitated with multiple implants:
A systematic review
Ana Larisse Carneiro Pereira, MSc,a Míria Rafaelli Souza Curinga, MSc,b
Henrique Vieira Melo Segundo, Predoctoral,c and Adriana da Fonte Porto Carreiro, PhDd

The introduction of intraoral ABSTRACT

scanners in dental practice has Statement of problem. The direct digitalization of completely edentulous arches rehabilitated with
provided benefits such as the multiple implants still represents a limitation regarding obtaining accurate images for prosthetic
elimination of the impression purposes.
stage and conventional mate-
Purpose. The purpose of this systematic review was to present the factors that may influence the
rials, greater patient satisfac- accuracy of intraoral scanning of completely edentulous arches.
tion (since it does not involve
harmful stimuli such as suf- Material and methods. This review was carried out according to the Preferred Reporting Items for
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) criteria and registered with International
focation, choking, and palate Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) (CRD42020171021). Three examiners
irritation), lower clinical time, performed an electronic search in the Medline/PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus, and Web of
a 3-dimensional preview of Science databases for articles published up to January 2021.
the definitive prosthesis, and
Results. The electronic search resulted in 11 498 studies. After removing duplicates, 11 347 studies
easier laboratory-professional remained. Twelve studies were selected (10 in vitro and 2 in vivo) according to the eligibility criteria.
communication and data Several factors were found to influence the performance of intraoral scanners (Carestream Dental
storage.1-3 and TRIOS, 3Shape presented the best results), the intraoral scanning technique (Promoting
However, digitizing eden- physical paths that join the digitization bodies can increase the accuracy of transferring the
tulous ridges remains prob- position of the implants), environmental conditions (temperature: 20  C to 21  C, air pressure:
lematic because of the lack of 750 to 760 ±5 mmHg, air humidity: 45%, angle and distance between the implants: up to 15
1 degrees and 16 to 22 mm, and the material of the scan body: PEEK more accurate).
anatomic features, more chal-
lenging with multiple implants, Conclusions. The accuracy of the intraoral scanning of completely edentulous arches is affected by
because of the difficulty in factors such as the type of intraoral scanner, scanning technique, environmental conditions, angle
differentiating scan bodies by and distance between implants, and material of the scan bodies. (J Prosthet Dent 2021;-:---)
the scanner software program
and, consequently, capturing their position accurately.4 with the imprecision of these images, such as the
The accuracy of edentulous scans has been improved acquisition technology present in the scanner,7 operator
by providing heterogeneous objects along the edge and experience,8 start of the scanning technique9 and arc
giving the scanner a reference to make the process complexity, ambient lighting conditions,10 and material
2 ,5 ,6
faster. However, other factors have been associated of the scan bodies.11-13 The purpose of this systematic

Supported by CAPESdCoordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (no. 88887.531281/2020-00). The authors declare no conflict of interest.
PhD student, Department of Dentistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, RN, Brazil.
MSc student, Department of Dentistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, RN, Brazil.
Predoctoral student, Department of Dentistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, RN, Brazil.
Professor, Department of Dentistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, RN, Brazil.


2 Volume - Issue -

Table 1. Search strategy applied to databases

Clinical Implications Database Search Strategy
Medline-PubMed Attempt 1 ((Dental implant) OR (edentulous)) AND
The intraoral scanning of completely edentulous Cochrane Library ((Digital workflows) OR (intraoral digital) OR
arches is impacted by a series of factors that Scopus (three-dimensional) OR (accuracy)) AND
Web of Science ((implant impression) OR (dental models) OR
compromise the accuracy of virtual images for (dental impression materials) OR (analog-
prosthetic purposes. In this sense, the use of the digital conversions) OR (analog-digital))
Attempt 2 ((implant impression) OR (dental models) OR
intraoral scanner from Carestream Dental and (dental impression materials) OR (analog-
TRIOS, with scanning techniques that promote the digital conversions) OR (analog-digital)) AND
((Digital workflows) OR (intraoral digital) OR
physical union of the scan bodies, with (three-dimensional) OR (accuracy))
environmental conditions where temperature is Attempt 3 ((Digital workflows) OR (intraoral digital) OR
between 20  C and 21  C, air pressure between 750 (three-dimensional) OR (accuracy)) AND
((Dental implant) OR (edentulous))
and 760 ±5 mmHg and 45% air humidity, 15-degree
angle, and 16- to 22-mm distance from the
implants, and PEEK scan bodies, can contribute to
more accurate images. strategy that captured the largest number of articles
remained. Then, all titles were analyzed, the duplicates
were removed, and the abstracts of these articles were
review was to identify factors that can influence the ac- evaluated through the defined eligibility criteria. Conflicts
curacy of the virtual image obtained by intraoral scanners among the examiners were resolved by a fourth examiner
and optimize their clinical protocol. (A.F.P.C.).
Data were extracted from the included studies and
MATERIAL AND METHODS tabulated by one of the examiners (A.L.C.P.) and then
verified by another examiner (M.R.S.C.) according to the
This systematic review was structured based on the author, year, type of study, study groups, sample,
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and number of implants and arch, scanners used, scanning
Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)14 and in accordance with the technique and conditions, software program, evaluation
models proposed in the literature.15,16 In addition, it was methods, and the main results. An evaluation of the
registered on the International Prospective Register of quality of the included studies was carried out based on
Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) (CRD42020171021). the adapted critical appraisal skills program (CASP)17
For inclusion in this review, articles had to meet 2 and the methodological index for nonrandomized
criteria without language restrictions. First, they must studies (MINORS).18 Initially, the studies were evalu-
have evaluated a factor that may have influenced the ated by using the CASP tool with 12 specific criteria.
intraoral scanning accuracy of a completely edentulous Each of the criteria described was scored by 3 answer
arch with multiple implants by comparing it with a options: “yes”, “no,” or “unclear.” The maximum
reference method (laboratory scan of gypsum cast or achievable score for each question was 12. The adapted
impression or coordinate measurement machine). Sec- MINORS scale consists of 10 criteria, with the addition
ond, the study had to be a randomized clinical trial of 2 items proposed for in vitro studies. Each item was
(RCT), prospective or cohort, and retrospective or in vitro. scored from 0 to 2: 0 (item content not reported), 1 (item
Excluded were literature reviews, case reports, studies not content reported, but inappropriately), and 2 (item
available in the databases or not sent by the authors, and content sufficiently reported). The maximum possible
studies that only presented the history of digital tech- scores for the vitro studies were 20 and 24 for in vivo. In
nologies applied to the digitization of multiple implants this evaluation method, 2 studies were excluded2,12 for
in completely edentulous arches. The population, inter- presenting a randomized design, in vivo2 and in vitro,12
vention, comparison, outcome (PICO) question was, respectively. A meta-analysis was not possible because
What factors interfere with the accuracy of the intraoral of the lack of methodological homogeneity in the
scanning of completely edentulous arches rehabilitated included studies.
with multiple implants?
Three independent examiners (A.L.C.P., M.R.S.C.,
H.V.M.S.) conducted an electronic search in the Medline/
PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus, and Web of Science After removing duplicates, the electronic search resulted
databases for articles published up to January 2021. The in 11 347 articles. The selection using the title and
descriptors and multiple conjunctions used are described summary and applying the eligibility criteria resulted in
in Table 1. Three search strategies were determined 26 articles to be further evaluated. After this stage, 12
based on the keywords corresponding to letters P, I, and articles were included in the review. All studies were
C of the PICO. After application in the databases, the published in the last 5 years (2016 to 2021) (Fig. 1).


- 2021 3

Medline/PubMed Web of Science Cochrane Library Scopus

(n=7.804) (n=1.421) (n=548) (n=1.725)

Total (n=11.498)

Duplicate removal (n=151)

Records screened based on title and

abstract (n=11.347)

Articles excluded after title/abstract screening

(n=11 321)
Full-text articles assessed for eligibility
Partially edentulous arch (n=6);
Studies unavailable for download (n=5);
Study outcome did not answer the PICO question in this review (n=3)
Number of eligible studies

Studies included in systematic review


Figure 1. Flow diagram of search process.

The evaluation of the quality of the studies, individ- surfaces. Only 1 study12 opted to start scanning with the
ually, is shown in Table 2 (CASP) and Table 3 (MI- occlusal-palatal surfaces with a wave movement and
NORS). According to the CASP scale, all eligible studies digitized the other areas subsequently (Table 5).
were rated “no” for criteria 5, 6, and 10, except for clinical Five studies13,19-25 reported ambient conditions at the
studies for criterion 6, resulting in a total score of 9 time of intraoral scanning, and 2 studies19,20 had a more
(in vitro studies) and 10 (in vivo studies). As for the controlled environmental setting: the temperature
MINORS scale, all studies evaluated had scores of 18, (20  C), air pressure (760 ±5 mmHg), and humidity
indicating lower risk of bias, as the value was below the (45%). In contrast, Mangano et al22 reported a different
maximum score of 20. temperature (21  C) and air pressure (750 ±5 mmHg) but
Of the 12 studies included, 52,9,19-22 reported the in- similar humidity (45%). Two studies13,25 reported using
fluence of the intraoral scanner on the digitization of standardized temperature and humidity but did not
completely edentulous arches restored with multiple provide specific information on their ranges.
implants. Three in vitro studies19-22 conveyed the evo- All included studies reported the number of implants
lution of the accuracy results of CS intraoral scanners and the arch evaluated, but 1 study did not specify
(Carestream Dental) by comparing them with those of the arch.21 The data recorded were 4,9,25,23 5,23 and
other manufacturers, and a randomized controlled clin- 62,12,13,19-22,21,23 implants for the maxilla. In addition, 2
ical study2 investigated the CS600 scanner. Three included studies evaluated variables in the mandible and
studies9,19,20 pointed to the TRIOS3 intraoral scanner as a used 4 implants.11,24 Five studies9,22-25 reported results
viable option for digitizing such arches (Table 4). for the number of implants and their relationship with
Nine studies2,9,11-13,19-25 evaluated the intraoral the distances and/or angulation of the implants (Table 6).
scanning technique used to capture the position of Three studies11-13 addressed the effect of the type and
multiple implants. Three studies19-22 reported using the material of the scan body on the accuracy of intraoral
zigzag scanning technique; 3 studies2,13,24 immobilized scanning (Table 7).
the scan bodies with either a composite resin,2 a geo-
metric device,24 or dental floss13 to provide a physical
path between the implants to make scanning faster; and The present review aimed to identify comparative studies
4 studies9,11,13,25 began the scan from the occlusal surface with a primary outcome directed to a factor that may
of the scan body, followed by the buccal and lingual have influenced the accuracy of the intraoral scanning of


4 Volume - Issue -

Table 2. Quality assessment of included studies (CASP)

Study Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Overall
Imburgia et al, 201719 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 9
Mangano et al, 201620 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 9
Rech-Ortegra et al, 201821 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 9
Cappare et al, 20192 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 10
Mangano et al, 202022 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 9
Çakmak et al, 20209 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 9
Huang et al, 202011 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 9
Chochlidakis et al, 202023 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 10
Arcuri et al, 201912 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 9
Mizumoto et al, 201913 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 9
Iturrate et al, 201924 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 9
Mizumoto et al, 201925 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 9

Table 3. Modified methodological index for nonrandomized studies (MINORS)

Imburgia Çakmak Huang Iturate
et al, Mangano Rech-Ortegra Mangano et al, et al, Chochlidakis Mizumoto et al, Mizumoto
Evaluation 201719 et al, 201620 et al, 201821 et al, 202020 20209 202011 et al, 202023 et al, 201913 201924 et al, 201925
A clearly stated aim 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Inclusion of consecutive 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Prospective collection of 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Endpoints appropriate to 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
the aim of the study
Unbiased assessment of the 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
study endpoint
Follow-up period 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
appropriate to the aim of
the study
Loss to follow-up less than 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Prospective calculation of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
the study size
An adequate control group 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Contemporary groups 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Baseline equivalence of 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Adequate statistical 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total score 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
0 (item content not reported), 1 (item content reported, but inappropriately), and 2 (item content sufficiently reported).

completely edentulous arches restored with multiple and ultrafast optical scanning, while the latest version of
implants. The selection of the intraoral scanner, the the CS (3700) uses active triangulation with a combina-
scanning technique, distance and angulation of the im- tion of intelligent tonality through the bidirectional
plants, and digitization bodies are factors to be consid- reflectance distribution function. This method allows the
ered for the direct acquisition of accurate images of CS3700 to collect shadow values from 3D surfaces by
multiple implants. considering variations in lighting conditions. Another
The different intraoral scanners reported in the novel feature of the CS 3700 is the incorporation of the
studies included in this review2,9,19-22 present various “stop & go” system (When one removes the scanner
technologies to determine the spatial coordinates of the from the oral cavity and resumes the process from any
object to be digitized, either by triangulation, by laser point already scanned, recognition is immediate, making
confocal scanning, or by active wave sampling. The scanning faster.).
studies included in this review identified the CS intraoral Of the techniques of intraoral scans, methodological
scanner (Carestream Dental), followed by the TRIOS standardization and studies that evaluate all possible
(3Shape A/S), as the most accurate option for digitizing existing techniques to indicate the most suitable for each
multiple implants. The TRIOS uses confocal microscopy type of arch are still lacking. However, the current results


- 2021 5

Table 4. Effect of intraoral scanner type on intraoral scanning accuracy

Study Evaluated Groups Results
Cappare et al2 Conventional moldingdCIG; CIG DIG
Digital moldingdDIG. 16:45 ±4:49 8:59 ±2:46
Additional time: 06:02 ±2:01 (P<.05) Additional time: 2:34 ±1:02 (P<.05)
Number of resumes: 2 Number of resumes: 7
Çalmak et al9 Fully edentulous master model; Trueness Precision
New IOS (VV-IOS) 3D distance (deviation): 3D distance (deviation):
Commonly used IOS (TS-IOS). VV-IOS: 79 ±50 (P<.001) VV-IOS: 20 ±14 (P=.015)
TS-IOS: 60 ±19 (P=.010) TS-IOS: 9 ±5 (P=.038)
7S-LBS: 34 ±17 (P<.001) 7S-LBS: 7 ±7 (P=.015)
Angular deviation: Angular deviation:
VV-IOS: 0.30 ±0.21 (P<.001) VV-IOS: 0.092 ±0.052 (P<.001)
TS-IOS: 0.32 ±0.12 (P<.001) TS-IOS: 0.04 ±0.031 (P<.001)
7S-LBS: 0.60 ±0.88 (P<.001) 7S-LBS: 0.38 ±0.47 (P<.001)
Imburgia et al19 Partially edentulous arch FEM
Completely edentulous arch
Trueness: Precision:
CS3600: 60.6 (±11.7) P=.047 CS3600: 65.5 (±16.7) P<.001
TRIOS3: 67.2 (±6.9) P<.001 TRIOS3: 31.5 (±9.8) P<.001
Omnicam: 66.4 (±3.9) P<.001 Omnicam: 57.2 (±9.1) P<.001
TrueDefinition: 106.4 (±23.1) P=.012 TrueDefinition: 75.3 (±43.8) P<.001
Mangano et al20 Partly edentulous arch; Fully edentulous arch
Completely edentulous arch.
Trueness: Precision:
TRIOS: 71.6 ±26.7 (P<.001); TRIOS: 67.0 ±32.2 (P<.001)
CS350: 63.2 ±7.5 (P<.001) CS350: 55.2 ±10.4 (P<.001);
Zfz Intrascan: 103.0 ±26.9 (P<.001) Zfz Intrascan: 112.4 ±22.6 (P<.001)
Planscan: 253.4 ±13.6 (P<.001) Planscan: 204 ±22.7 (P<.001)
Mangano et al22 Completely edentulous master model. Mesh/mesh: Nurbs/nurbs:
CS 3700 (erro médio 30.4 mm) ITERO ELEMENTS
ITERO ELEMENTS 5D (erro médio de 16.1 mm)
5D (31.4 mm) PRIMESCAN (19.3 mm)
i-500 (32.2 mm) TRIOS 3 (20.2 mm). i-500 (20.8 mm)
TRIOS 3 (36.4 mm) CS 3700 (21.9 mm) CS 3600 (24.4 mm)
CS 3600 (36.5 mm) VIRTUO VIVO (32.0 mm)
PRIMESCAN (38.4 mm) RUNEYES (33.9 mm)
VIRTUO VIVO (43.8 mm) EMERALD S (36.8 mm)
RUNEYES (44.4 mm) OMNICAM (47.0 mm)
EMERALDS (52.9 mm) EMERALD (51.9 mm)
EMERALD (76.1 mm) DWIO (69.9 mm).
OMNICAM (79.6 mm)
DWIO (98.4 mm).

Table 5. Effect of intraoral scanning technique on accuracy of intraoral scanning

Study Scanning Technique
Cappare et al2 Three scanning steps:
1: Scanning with immobilized scan bodies;
2: Soft tissue;
3: Interim prosthesis.
Çakmak et al9 Occlusal surface, followed by buccal and palatal surfaces, as recommended by another IOS manufacturer.
Huang et al11 Scan always initiated from occlusal surface.
Arcuri et al12 Starting from occlusal-palatal ISB surfaces with inclination of scanner of approximately 45 degrees and wave motion in anterior
area to avoid division of image. Oral aspect and any other missing areas scanned later.
Mizumoto et al13 Scan occlusal surface, then buccal surface and then palatal surface.
Imburgia et al19 Zigzag scanning technique.
Mangano et al20 First quadrant (maxillary right), from buccal to palatal and back, moving slowly forward so that teeth, scan bodies, and gingiva
scanned from buccal to palatal (and back), passing over occlusal plane.
Mangano et al22 Zigzag scanning technique.
Mizumoto et al25 Scan occlusal surface, then buccal surface, and then palatal surface.

IOS, intraoral scanner; ISB, scan body.

show a positive relationship between changes in the Environmental conditions during the scanning pro-
technique for intraoral scanning and the final quality of cess may be another factor contributing to the inaccuracy
the prosthetic work. Cappare et al2 and Iturrate et al24 of scanning multiple implants. The included studies
showed that providing a path between the scan bodies standardized the ambient temperature at 20  C to 21  C,
with composite resins or a geometric device can make the air pressure of 750 to 760 ±5 mmHg, and air humidity of
scanning process more fluent and precise. 45%.19-22 Combined, these settings simulate a low


6 Volume - Issue -

Table 6. Effect of distance and angulation of implants on accuracy of intraoral scanning

Distance and Angle Effect
Study Number of Implants and Arch Distances EIM-Master SDM-Master
Rech-Ortegra et al21 6 1-2 0.020 ±0.074 (P=.146) 0.037 ±0.017 (P<.001)
2-3 0.109 ±0.075 (P<.001) 0.070 ±0.029 (P<.001)
3-4 -0.123 ±0.054 (P<.001) -0.123 ±0.016 (P<.001)
4-5 0.026 ±0.041 (P=.001) 0.057 ±0.027 (P<.001)
5-6 0.030 ±0.027 (P<.001) -0.023 ±0.022 (P=.009)
1-4 0.039 ±0.064 (P=.002) -0.021 ±0.056 (P=.255)
3-6 -0.046 ±0.054 (P<.001) -0.109 ±0.058 (P<.001)
1-6 0.068 ±0.099 (P=.001) -0.118 ±0.078 (P=.001)
Çakmak et al9 4 (maxilla) d Distance (mm) Angular (degrees)
Scanner type df (2)/F ratio (25.732)/P<.001 df (2)/F ratio (3.689)/P=.028
Scan body position df (3)/F ratio (4.623)/P=.004 df (3)/F ratio (.477)/P=.699
Scanner type × scan body position df (6)/F ratio (4.069)/P=.001 df (6)/F ratio (.125)/P=.993
Chochlidakis et al23 4, 5, and 6 (maxilla) 4 implants: 139 ±56 (P=.191)
5 implants: 146 ±90 (P=.191)
6 implants: 185 ±81 (P=.191)
Iturrate et al24 4 (mandible) D12: TRI group (agp_N: 17 ±15/agp_Y: 12 ±7); TRU group (agp_N: 20 ±16/agp_Y: 8 ±6); ITE group (agp_N:
26 ±17/agp_Y: 12 ±11)
D13: TRI group (agp_N: 70 ±44/agp_Y: 34 ±31); TRU group (agp_N: 55 ±40/agp_Y: 20 ±11); ITE group
(agp_N: 69 ±39/agp_Y: 46 ±28)
D14: TRI group (agp_N: 101 ±75/agp_Y: 73 ±61); TRU group (agp_N: 85 ±58/agp_Y: 35 ±22); ITE group
(agp_N: 189 ±70/agp_Y: 83 ±52)
Mizumoto et al25 4 (maxilla) P1: stitched 114.57 ±33.2/unstitched 120.94 ±18.43
P2: stitched 89.42 ±28.12/unstitched 115.83 ±38.3
P3: stitched 170.51 ±58.41/unstitched 198.0 ±34.2
P4: stitched 196.2 ±71.3/unstitched 206.28 ±37.54

Table 7. Effect of material and type of scan body on accuracy of intraoral scanning
Study Scan Bodies Results
Huang et al11 Group I (DO): Digital impressions using Precision: Trueness:
original scan bodies; Median (IQR) Median (IQR)
Group II (DC): Digital impressions using Group I: 48.40 (40.80-57.90) mm Group I: 35.85 (29.80-49.10) mm
CAD/CAM scan bodies without extensional Group II: 48.90 (38.70-85.40) mm Group II: 38.50 (35.35-52.58) mm
structure; Group III: 27.30 (22.50-35.50) mm Group III: 28.45 (24.88-36.43) mm
Group III (DCE): Digital impressions using Group IV: 19.00 (15.70-22.75) mm Group IV: 25.55 (22.98-28.90) mm
CAD/CAM scan bodies with extensional Group IV more accurate than all other groups. No significant differences found between OD and
structure; Among the IOS groups, the DCE group was the most DC (P=1.000), OD and DCE (P=.461), DC and DCE
Group IV (CI): Conventional splinted open- accurate. (P=.133), and CI and DCE (P=1.000).
tray impressions.
Arcuri et al12 Polyetheretherketone (Pk), titanium (T) IOS investigated influenced by ISB material with PEEK Angulation of implant significantly affected linear
and Pk with a titanium base (Pkt). reporting best results in linear and angular deviations, while position of implant affected
measurements followed by titanium, PEEK-titanium angular deviations.
resulting as least accurate.
Mizumoto et al13 AF (IO-Flo; Dentsply Sirona), NT (Nt-Trading Accuracy affected by both ISB and scanning technique Scanning techniques with different surface
GmbH & Co KG), DE (DESS-USA), C3 when using IOS. modifications resulted in deviations in distance
(Core3Dcentres) and ZI (Zimmer Biomet ZI scan body had significantly smaller distance similar to those of technique, without any
Dental) deviation, while immobilization of scan bodies with modifications.
dental floss led to significantly greater distance Use of different ISBs led to significant differences
deviation in scan time.

IOS, intraoral scanner; ISB, scan body; PEEK, polyetheretherketone.

temperature, low atmospheric pressure, and maximum above the ideal range, a pause in the scanning process is
relative air humidity, which is considered to be an ideal indicated to allow the scanner to cool.
environment. Although the studies have not discussed Arakida et al26 reported that the color temperature
the relationship between environmental conditions and (3900 K) and the luminance of 500 lux of the environ-
the precision of intraoral scanning, we believe that high ment are ideal for making a digital scan and that the
ambient temperatures lead to fogging of the scanner lens, higher the ambient lighting, the longer the sweeping
thereby distorting the image. If the temperature does rise time. Revilla-León et al10 reported that the lighting


- 2021 7

conditions significantly affect the mesh quality. Another conditions of the scanning environment in the oral cavity
factor of concern is the intensity of the scanner’s laser to provide an ideal 3D image.
illumination. Under extremely high intensity, the sensor
becomes saturated, preventing the system from calcu- CONCLUSIONS
lating the position of the dots and forming an accurate
Based on the findings of this systematic review, the
final image.27
following conclusions were drawn:
Variations found in the results regarding the scan-
ning techniques can be related to confounding factors 1. Different factors can influence the quality of the
such as a possible threshold of implant distances virtual image.
considered acceptable by intraoral scanners to obtain 2. Among the current devices, the intraoral scanners
accurate images. The accuracy of digitization of the scan and technology used by Carestream Dental and
bodies in a completely edentulous arch was reported to TRIOS, 3Shape presented favorable results for
be <193 mm, while for arcs with reduced distances, it digitizing such arches.
was <103 mm.28 The intercylinder distance considered 3. The intraoral scanning technique that provides a
digitizable by the scanner is between 16 and 22 mm. physical path joining the scan bodies, ambient
Even though some studies began within this threshold conditions (temperature: 20  C to 21  C, air pressure
(16 to 22 mm), their data still showed an increase in 3D 750 to 760 ±5 mmHg, and air humidity: 45%),
deviations for distances9,25 and angles.25 After critically angulation and distance between implants (up to 15
appraising these articles, a reduction in the position- degrees and 16 to 22 mm distance between im-
capture accuracy of the implants, from the first quadrant plants), and the material of the scan body (PEEK is
to the last area to be digitized, is apparent25 (that is, the more accurate) can increase the accuracy of trans-
start of the arch being scanned will have greater pre- ferring the position of the implants.
cision than at the end of the digitized arch). The loss of
precision throughout the scan can be explained by in-
terruptions in the recognition of regions by the REFERENCES
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22. Mangano FG, Admakin O, Bonacina M, Lerner H, Rutkunas V, Mangano C. BRAZIL
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23. Chochlidakis K, Papaspyridakos P, Tsigarida A, Romeo D, Chen Y-W, Copyright © 2021 by the Editorial Council for The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.
Natto Z, et al. Digital versus conventional full-arch implant impressions: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prosdent.2021.09.001


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