Progress in Multivariate Cryptography Systematic Review

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Progress in Multivariate Cryptography: Systematic Review,

Challenges, and Research Directions

JAYASHREE DEY and RATNA DUTTA, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystem (MPKC) seem to be promising toward future digital security even in the
presence of quantum adversaries. MPKCs derive their security from the difficulty of solving a random system
of multivariate polynomial equations over a finite field, which is known to be an NP-hard problem. This arti-
cle aims at presenting a comprehensive survey that covers multivariate public key encryption and signature
schemes specifically targeting toward security, efficiency, and parameter choice. The survey starts by giving
an overview of the existing security challenges which include structural attacks such as MinRank attack, dif-
ferential attack, and finding Gröbner basis for direct attack, and so on. Additionally, it discusses the necessary
algorithms for the implementation of the multivariate schemes. This study also compares the promising mul-
tivariate encryption and signature schemes. The critical open challenges that are reviewed in this survey will
serve as a single comprehensive source of information on multivariate encryption and signature schemes and
a ready reference for researchers working in this rising area of public key cryptography.

CCS Concepts: • Security and privacy → Public key (asymmetric) techniques;

Additional Key Words and Phrases: Post-quantum cryptography, multivariate polynomials, HFE polynomials,
diophantine equations, MQ problem

ACM Reference format:

Jayashree Dey and Ratna Dutta. 2023. Progress in Multivariate Cryptography: Systematic Review, Challenges,
and Research Directions. ACM Comput. Surv. 55, 12, Article 246 (March 2023), 34 pages.

Towards meeting the growing demand for security in advanced computational scenarios, it is a
continuous endeavor to formulate and develop cost-effective strong security primitives. Multivari-
ate public key cryptography is one of the main approaches to ensure safe communication in a
post-quantum world. In the last few years, Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystems (MPKCs)
have been seen to be considered as a possible alternative to the public key cryptosystems like RSA,
Diffie-Hellman key exchange, DSA, elliptic curve algorithms, and so on. which are secure under
number theoretic assumptions. In 1994, Shor [102] showed that quantum computers can break each 246
of these systems in polynomial time. As soon as large quantum computers become a reality, the se-
curity of cryptosystems based on number theoretic assumptions will be questionable. The modern
idea to design a multivariate cryptographic scheme was introduced by Matsumoto and Imai [78] in

Authors’ address: J. Dey (corresponding author) and R. Dutta, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, West
Bengal 721302, India; emails: [email protected], [email protected].
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ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 55, No. 12, Article 246. Publication date: March 2023.
246:2 J. Dey and R. Dutta

Eurocrypt 1988. Multivariate cryptography is the generic term for the asymmetric cryptographic
primitives based on multivariate polynomials over a finite field. The security relies on solving a
set of multivariable polynomial equations over a finite field which is NP-hard in general. So far
quantum computers have not yet been able to solve a set of multivariate polynomial equations
efficiently and are unlikely to provide any advantage against such a problem. The National In-
stitute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced a call for ideas for quantum-resistant
algorithms in December 2016. Besides, government organizations like the European Commission
and the Japanese Society promoted science finance research programs to enhance post-quantum
cryptography research.
Most of the MPKCs do not have a formal security proof. The security is analyzed theoretically
and experimentally based on selected parameters. In a multivariate public key encryption scheme,
an encryptor encrypts a message x using his public key P which is an injective map, and outputs
the ciphertext P (x). The public key P consists of a composition of certain multivariate affine
maps and a central map which is MQ polynomials in general. The corresponding secret key
consists of the central map and the affine maps used in P. On the contrary, in a multivariate
signature scheme, a signature is generated using the secret key and is verified using the public
key. To generate a signature for a message x, the signer computes z utilizing his secret key
information in constructing the public map P. The verifier, having the public key P, checks the
validity of the signature z where x is the corresponding message. In direct attacks, an adversary
tries to solve the public system P (x) = y for x directly by finding Gröbner basis using various
algorithms such as F4 of Faugère [50] and F5 of Faugère [51]. Structural attacks such as rank
attacks and differential attacks utilize the structure of the central map of a multivariate scheme
to recover the composition of the public key. In MinRank attack [72], the adversary finds a linear
combination of the quadratic forms associated with the public key polynomials of low rank
and is able to recover the secret key of multivariate scheme. A differential attack [55] searches
for symmetries or invariants of the differential G (x, y) = P (x + y) − P (x) − P (y) + P (0) of
the public key P which are then used to analyze the structure of the scheme and recovers the
central map.
One of the main advantages of MPKCs is the speed of encryption and signature verification.
For a multivariate encryption scheme, an encryption algorithm is easy and efficient as it is a sim-
ple computation of P (x) for plaintext x using a public map P. On the other hand, the decryption
algorithm is comparatively slower and costly as it involves solving system of linear equations
and finding pre-image under MQ polynomials. This requires the use of heavy computational al-
gorithms like Gaussian elimination, Berlekamp algorithm, and so on. It is hard to invert the public
map P and recover the message without knowing the secret key. In case of signature schemes, the
inversion of public map P is required to generate a signature corresponding to a message whereas
verification needs a simple computation of P (x) for message x using a public map P. Multivariate
schemes are in general very fast and efficient and look attractive for signatures on low-cost devices
like Radio Frequency IDentifications (RFIDs) or smart cards [29].
Although MPKCs have been very productive in designing quantum-safe cryptographic proto-
cols, they have public keys much larger than lattice-based cryptosystems and classical schemes
based on number theoretic assumptions. Furthermore, most of the multivariate public key schemes
do not have formal security proofs.
This article focuses on providing a rather complete relevant literature survey on multivariate
public key encryption schemes and signature schemes. Different aspects are presented on the most
promising multivariate public key encryption and signature schemes together with an overview
on the suggested practical parameters and discussion on their security and efficiency.

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 55, No. 12, Article 246. Publication date: March 2023.
Progress in Multivariate Cryptography 246:3

1.1 Contribution
Efficiency and security are the two main issues of any cryptographic primitive. Achieving both si-
multaneously is a challenging task and has been the priority of the research community even since
the birth of applied cryptography. In 2017, Ding and Petzoldt [39] provided a review on promis-
ing multivariate encryption and signature schemes. The review was mainly focused on conveying
the status of MPKC along with a preliminary sketch of the security, efficiency, and limitations
rather than concentrating on giving a description of existing attacks and necessary algorithms
for the schemes. Later, Hashimoto ([62], [63]) presents surveys on MPKC that provide an idea of
some schemes with security analysis and discuss some open problems in that area. But those lack
a complete discussion of the promising constructions that have enriched the area. In 2020, Ding,
Petzoldt, and Schmidt [40] published a book (second edition) that contains more fresh new ideas
and research results on multivariate cryptography in detail besides demonstrating the basic es-
sential ideas, methods, and examples. We emphasize that our article will help the researchers to
get an immediate idea of the present scenario in this area. Moreover, in the last two years, more
research was done on MPKC due to the development of new attack strategies. Hence, we strongly
believe that a comprehensive survey is essential for interested readers who are planning to initiate
research in this area.
The primary focus of this survey is to provide a systematic review on the multivariate encryp-
tion and signature schemes covering the security, and efficiency aspects. We omit some earlier
multivariate encryption schemes like MI [78], basic HFE [84] and some of their variants due to the
lack of security as well as efficiency. We have described the Simple Matrix [107], ZHFE [98], HFERP
[69], and EFLASH [17] scheme in this survey. Although most of the above-mentioned schemes are
not fully secure, those seem to be promising candidates to design new multivariate schemes in up-
coming days. Almost all the signature schemes are mainly encouraged by the idea of Oil Vinegar,
Rainbow, and HFE equation-based schemes. Also, schemes like Unbalanced Oil Vinegar (UOV)
and Rainbow are useful in designing some other primitives like identity-based signatures and ring
signatures and may be effective in devising further constructions in the future. We have tried to
give a description of the schemes like Oil Vinegar [85], Rainbow [42], HFEv- [95], and HMFEv [94].
We discuss state-of-the-art security challenges, their countermeasures, and necessary algorithms
that are useful for cryptanalysis as well as for designing secure multivariate cryptosystems. This
article does not attempt to solve any new challenge. We investigate the critical open challenges
and suggest directions for future research toward provisioning efficient and secure solutions for
multivariate cryptosystems.
In particular, the principal contributions of our work are as follows:
— We present the essential background knowledge for MPKCs, its functionalities, and its re-
lated concepts. The goal is to enable the new readers to get the required familiarity with the
multivariate cryptography and its relevant definitions. It is notably needed to understand
the methodology, advantages, and challenges affiliated with the MPKCs.
— We also discuss the essential algorithms for the implementation of the multivariate schemes.
In multivariate cryptography, decryption or signature generation requires the use of costly
algorithms like Gaussian elimination, Berlekamp algorithm, and Relinearization technique.
It is necessary to know the algorithms so that a clear scenario can be viewed by a new reader
regarding the utilization of those procedures in MPKCs.
— We present and discuss the existing attacks associated with MPKCs such as direct attacks,
rank attacks, differential attacks, and so on. We also describe the necessary algorithms which
an adversary can exploit to launch an attack on a scheme.

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— We systematically present an overview of some promising encryption schemes and signature

schemes with the parameters that were suggested to avoid existing attacks. We also discuss
the efficiency and limitations of the schemes besides discussing the attack possibilities on
those designs. Furthermore, we present a summary of the NIST candidates in all the three
rounds of the prestigious competition. Finally, we furnish the list of lessons learned, open
problems, and future directions based on our survey.
To the best of our knowledge, this survey explores nearly all primitives and aspects of the multivari-
ate cryptography, discusses the most promising encryption and signature schemes in detail along
with a brief description of the existing attacks and heavy computational algorithms used during
decryption procedure or signature generation and highlights the advantages and limitations of the
schemes. The article intends to support the enthusiastic readers to understand the scope of MP-
KCs, to learn the impact of possible attacks on the schemes and to indicate the possible directions
to design more efficient and secure multivariate schemes. We believe that some characteristics
of multivariate schemes make these attacks practical. These characteristics include the low rank
property of the central map, the low rank of the affine maps, and some other structural weakness.
Hence, the purpose of our work is to promote the MPKC research on the earnest requirement to
prevent various attacks.
Organization of Article: The rest of this article is organized as follows. The preliminary back-
ground on multivariate cryptography are presented in Section 2 to make the survey self-contained.
In Section 3, we discuss some structural attacks on MPKCs. Then we illustrate the designs of some
promising multivariate public key encryption schemes in Section 4 and the constructions of some
signature schemes in Section 5. We present an overview of the submissions in NIST competition
in Section 6. In Section 7, some observations on MPKCs are outlined and a few possible directions
are indicated. Finally, we conclude in Section 8.

The one-wayness of multivariate polynomial maps depends on the difficulty of finding solutions
to a system of multivariate polynomial equations. This problem is referred to as the MP problem.
In particular, if the multivariate polynomials involved in the MP problem consist only of quadratic
polynomials, the problem is called the MQ problem.

Definition 2.1 (MQ Problem). Consider a system of m multivariate quadratic polynomials

f 1 (x), f 2 (x), . . . , fm (x) in n variables x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n defined as

f 1 (x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) = fi(1)
j · xi x j + fi(1) · x i + f 0(1)
i=1 j=1 i=1

f 2 (x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) = fi(2)
j · xi x j + fi(2) · x i + f 0(2) ,
i=1 j=1 i=1

fm (x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) = fi(m)
j · xi x j + fi(m) · x i + f 0(m) ,
i=1 j=1 i=1

with coefficients fi(k ) (k )

j , fl , 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n, 1 ≤ k ≤ m, 0 ≤ l ≤ n and the variables x i , 1 ≤ i ≤ n
are elements of a finite field F. The MQ problem is to find a vector x = (x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) such that
f 1 (x) = f 2 (x) = · · · = fm (x) = 0.

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Progress in Multivariate Cryptography 246:5

The MQ problem is proven to be NP-hard even for quadratic polynomials over the field GF(2)
A public key encryption scheme consists of four probabilistic polynomial time algorithms
(PPT) Setup, KeyGen, Encrypt, and Decrypt where
Setup(1λ ) → pp, KeyGen(pp) → (pk, sk), Encrypt(pp, pk, x) → c, Decrypt(pp, sk, c) → x.
Here λ is the security parameter, pp is the set of global public parameters, pk and sk are respec-
tively public key and secret key, x is a plaintext and c is the corresponding ciphertext. To construct a
public key encryption scheme whose security is based on the MQ problem, pp is generated and pub-
lished by running Setup algorithm where λ is the security parameter. The algorithm KeyGen(pp)
is invoked by a user who selects an easily invertible quadratic map F : Fn −→ Fm and composes
it with two invertible maps S : Fm −→ Fm and T : Fn −→ Fn to hide the structure of F . The
algorithm outputs the public key pk = P = S ◦ F ◦ T and the secret key consists of S, F and T . The
encryptor uses his public key pk = P and encrypts a message x ∈ Fn by computing the ciphertext
c = P(x) in Fm by running Encrypt(pp, pk, x). To decrypt the ciphertext c ∈ Fm , the decryptor
uses his secret key sk = (S, F ,T ), runs Decrypt(pp, sk, c) to compute y = S −1 (c), u = F −1 (y) and
recovers the corresponding plaintext x = T −1 (u).
On the other hand, a signature scheme is a tuple of four PPT algorithms Setup, KeyGen, Sign
and Verify where
Setup(1λ ) → pp, KeyGen(pp) → (pk, sk), Sign(pp, sk, d) → z, Verify(pp, pk, d, z) → 0/1.
Here λ is the security parameter, pp is the set of global public parameters, pk is the public key,
sk is the secret key, d is a document and z is the corresponding signature to the message d. To
build a signature scheme that relies on MQ problem, pp is generated and published in Setup phase
taking the security parameter λ as input. In key generation phase, a user runs KeyGen(pp) that
chooses an invertible quadratic map F : Fn −→ Fm and composes it with another two invertible
maps S : Fm −→ Fm and T : Fn −→ Fn to mask the structure of F . The algorithm outputs the
public key pk = P = S ◦ F ◦ T and the secret key sk consists of the maps S, F and T . To generate
the signature z ∈ Fn for a document d ∈ Fm , the signer uses his secret key sk = (S, F ,T ), runs
Sign(pp, sk, d) to compute y = S −1 (d), w = F −1 (y) and z = T −1 (w). To check the authenticity of
the signature z ∈ Fn for the document d ∈ Fm , the verifier uses the public key pk = P, executes
Verify(pp, pk, d, z) and checks whether d = P (z) or not. If d = P (z) holds, the signature is accepted,
otherwise rejected.

2.1 HFE Polynomial [84]

Let F be a finite field of size q, n be a positive integer, д(y) ∈ F[y] be an irreducible polynomial of
degree n and K = F[y]/(д(y)) be the extension field. Let ϕ : K → Fn be an isomorphism defined
by ϕ (u 1 + u 2y + · · · + unyn−1 ) = (u 1 , u 2 , . . . , un ).
A polynomial is said to have Hamming weight W if the maximum of the q-Hamming weights
of all its exponents is W . Here the q-Hamming weight of a non-negative integer is defined as the
sum of the q-digits of its q-nary expansion.

Definition 2.2 (Hidden Field Equations (HFE)). An HFE polynomial F : K → K is a polynomial of

the form

ai j X q +q +
i j i
F (X ) = bi X q + c,
0≤j ≤i i=0

with Hamming weight two where the coefficients ai j , bi , c ∈ K.

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If deg(F (X )) ≤ d holds for a fixed positive integer d, F (X ) is said to be an HFE polynomial with
bound d.

2.2 Polynomials of Degree Increasing Type [81]

Let Z[x] = Z[x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ] denote the polynomial ring with n variables and Z ≥0 be the set of
non-negative integers. For a vector i = (i 1 , i 2 , . . . , i n ) ∈ (Z ≥0 ) n , we define x i = x 1i 1 x 2i 2 . . . x nin and
i= 1≤j ≤n i j ∈ Z ≥0 . Let X be a multivariate polynomial of degree w X defined by
X (x ) = X i 1 i 2 x 1i 1 . . . x nin = X i x i ∈ Z[x],
(i 1,i 2, ...,i n ) ∈Λ i ∈Λ

where Λ ⊂ (Z ≥0 The degree of a multivariate polynomial refers to the maximal of the sums of
)n .
all the powers of the variables in each term. We consider the support of X defined by ΛX = {i ∈
(Z ≥0 ) n |X i  0}.
Definition 2.3 (Polynomials of Degree Increasing Type [81]). Let σ : Zn −→ Z be a map defined

by σ (i) = i. A polynomial X ∈ Z[x] is said to be a polynomial of degree increasing type if σ |ΛX
is injective where σ |ΛX is the restriction of σ to ΛX . In other words, X is said to be a polynomial
of degree increasing type if and only if X has at most one term of degree k for each k ∈ Z.
For example X (x, y) = 9x 4y 2 + xy 2 + 3xy + 2x + 7 is a polynomial of degree increasing type.

2.3 Eulerian Equation and Eulerian Map [108]

Let q be a prime, F be a finite field with cardinality q and F∗ = F \ {0}.
Definition 2.4 (Eulerian Equation). An equation of the form x α = b, b ∈ F, α ∈ Z, is said to be
Eulerian equation over the field F if gcd(α, q − 1) = 1. This equation has a unique solution in F.
Definition 2.5 (Eulerian Map). A multivariate map f : Fn → Fn is said to be an Eulerian map
over the field F if it is an injection into (F∗ ) n when restricted to (F∗ ) n . The equation f (x) = b,
b ∈ (F∗ ) n has a unique solution x ∈ (F∗ ) n .

2.4 Berlekamp Factorization [5]

Given a monic univariate polynomial f ∈ F[x] where F is a finite field, the Berlekamp factorization
algorithm aims at finding distinct irreducible factors of f . Consider the theorem stated below.
Theorem 2.6. Let F be a finite field. If f ∈ F[x] is a monic polynomial and a polynomial h ∈ F[x]

satisfies hq = h mod f , then f (x ) = c ∈F gcd( f (x ), h(x ) − c).
The polynomial f can be expressed as a product of k irreducible factors f 1 , f 2 , . . . , fk as follows.
— Step 1. Make f square-free.
— Step 2. Construct the matrix of transformation B corresponding to the map h → hq − h.
Note that the polynomial h satisfies hq = h mod fi for 1 ≤ i ≤ k. The kernel of this map
h → hq − h asks for all vectors v such that vB = 0. The dimension of B is k which is the
number of distinct monic irreducible factors of f (x ). If rank of B is r , the number of distinct
monic irreducible factors is k = n − r .
— Step 3. Find a basis {h 1 , h 2 , . . . , hk } of the null space of B.
— Step 4. If k = 1, f is irreducible and the procedure will be terminated. If k ≥ 2, a non trivial
factorization of f (x ) will be gcd( f (x ), h 2 (x ) − c) for all c ∈ F by Theorem 2.6. If k factors of
f are not obtained using h 2 (x ), then gcd( f (x ), h 3 (x ) − c) will be computed for all c ∈ F. The
process will continue until the computation of all k factors of f (x ).

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Progress in Multivariate Cryptography 246:7

2.5 Relinearization Technique [71]

The Relinearization technique solves a overdetermined system of multivariate quadratic equations.
Suppose a system consists of m quadratic equations in the n variables x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n . Then one
proceed as follows:
— Introduce a new variable yi j for each quadratic monomial x i x j for i, j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} to obtain
a system of linear equations.
— Solve the system using Gaussian elimination.


The purpose of an attack on any cryptosystem is to recover plaintext x from a given ciphertext
c which is equivalent to solving an instance of the MQ problem over a finite field. Although the
MQ problem is NP-hard, some techniques are helpful in practice. In this section, we give a rough
idea of some significant attacks on MPKCs such as direct attack, MinRank attacks, and differential

3.1 Direct Attack

— Gröbner bases. One significant way to execute the direct attack on MPKCs is by finding Gröbner
bases. In 1965, Buchberger [12] presented the Buchberger algorithm to calculate them. The concept
behind the attack is to consider a ciphertext c and solve the system P (x) − c = 0 for the plaintext
x by searching a Gröbner basis of the ideal generated by the polynomials P (x) − c. The main
cost of the Gröbner basis attack lies on the computation of the Gröbner basis.
Definition 3.1 (Gröbner Basis). A subset G of the polynomial ring F[x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ] over a field F

is said to be a Gröbner basis with respect to the term order ≤ if it is finite, 0  G, and f −→ 0 holds

for all f ∈ Id(G) where f −→ 0 indicates that the remainder of division f by G is zero and Id(G)
denotes the ideal generated by G. If I is an ideal of F[x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ], then a Gröbner basis of I is a
Gröbner basis G such that Id(G) = I .
Note that, a solution of all the polynomials of G must also be a solution of all polynomials of
P (x)−c as P (x)−c and G both generate I . In [15], the efficiency of multivariate quadratic public key
operation against its direct attack is precisely analysed to understand the role of the field equations
in the attack besides optimizing implementations for those operations on various finite fields.
— XL algorithm. In 2000, Courtois et al. [25] proposed the eXtended Linearization (XL) algo-
rithm which is useful for direct/algebraic attacks. The XL algorithm is used to solve a system of
quadratic equations.
Let F be a finite field and consider a system of multivariate equations p j = 0 for 1 ≤ j ≤ m
where each p j represents multivariate polynomial in the form f j (x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) −b j for f j ∈ F[X ] =
F[x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ] and b j ∈ F.

Now we consider all the polynomials of the form rj=1 x i j · p j of total degree ≤ d where d is a
positive integer. Let Sd be the linear space spanned by the polynomials.
XL algorithm follows the steps described below.

— Step 1. Compute all the products in the form rj=1 x i j · p j ∈ Sd of total degree ≤ d where
r ≤ d − 2.
— Step 2. Execute Gaussian elimination on the equations derived in Step 1 considering each
monomial in the x i having degree ≤ d as a new variable. The monomial ordering must be
done in such a way that all the terms with one variable (say x 1 ) are eliminated at the last.

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— Step 3. Suppose Step 2 produces at least one univariate equation in the powers of x 1 . Solve
the equation using Berlekamp’s algorithm to get x 1 .
— Step 4. After getting x 1 , simplify the equations and repeat the process to get the values of
the other variables x 2 , x 3 , . . . , x n .
There are several variants of XL that have been proposed, such as FXL, XL2, and MutantXL. FXL
is generally used to find a solution to a system at a lower degree. It fixes the values of some
variables before involving the XL algorithm. The variant XL2 is helpful for use over the field GF(2).
The primary concept of MutantXL is to privilege some polynomials of a lower degree during the
elimination process of XL.

3.2 MinRank Attacks

Another attack on MQ-based encryption schemes is by solving instances of the MinRank problem.
Precisely, the aim of such attack is to split the public key P = S ◦ F ◦T into the private key (S, F ,T ).
The MinRank problem is NP-complete and firstly introduced by Buss et al. [13]. The minors method
by Bettale et al. [6], the Kipnis-Shamir (KS) method by Kipnis and Shamir [72] and the linear
algebra search by Goubin and Courtois [59] are familiar techniques to solve a MinRank problem.
Definition 3.2 (MinRank Problem [59]). Let F be a field and r be a positive integer. Then Min-

Rank(r ) problem asks to find a non-zero l-tuple (λ 1 , λ 2 , . . . λl ) ∈ Fl such that Rank( li=1 λi Mi ) ≤ r
holds for a given set {M 1 , M 2 , . . . , Ml } ∈ Fn×n .
The purpose of MinRank attack is to get the knowledge of the private key (S, F ,T ), starting
with the function S. After that, the attack continues to reveal the quadratic coefficients of F and
the function T . Once those are recognized, one can determine the constant and linear coefficients
of F by gaussian elimination.
The work of Verbel et al. [110] reconsiders the KS approach to solve MinRank problem focusing
on a precise set of instances that induce an extremely overdetermined system called “superdeter-
mined”. More interestingly, for such instances, the complexities of the approach for some multi-
variate schemes are carefully analysed. Another considerable improvement in algebraic techniques
for solving the MinRank problem was suggested by Bardet et al. [4]. It is built on top of a break-
through work of [3] demonstrating an improvement over Gröbner basis computation for solving a
system of equations. In [4], Gröbner bases computations for specific parameters were thoroughly
bypassed while possessing only linear systems.

3.3 Differential Cryptanalysis

In 2005, Fouque et al. [55] suggested an attack using differential cryptanalysis to PMI [31] encryp-
tion scheme by producing practical decryption functions. More precisely, for any given ciphertext
c, the associated plaintext x can be found using a calculated function rather than solving a system
for ciphertext c. The main technique involved to determine such a function is the use of differen-
tial and the bilinear function. For a public key function P : Fn −→ Fm and k ∈ Fn where F is a
field, the differential of P with respect to k is dPk (x) = P (x + k ) − P (x) and the bilinear function is
B(x, k ) = dPk (x) − dPk (0). Using differentials of quadratic functions P to get bilinear functions is
the main idea of the attack. The attack uses the fact that the differential of the public key in a mul-
tivariate quadratic system is a linear map and encloses invariants like the dimension of the kernel
from which data of the secret key can be acquired. In case of the PMI scheme, the dimension of
the kernel helps to revoke the perturbation by recognizing the suitable components. The work in
[55] presents two algorithms to rebuild the kernel. The key point is to establish a bilinear relation
between the ciphertext and the kernel whereby one can retrieve the plaintext by solving a linear

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Progress in Multivariate Cryptography 246:9

system. More precisely, the bilinear maps yield a bilinear system in terms of the plaintext x and
the ciphertext c.


Related works. Designing efficient and secure multivariate encryption scheme is a challenging
task. Research on MPKCs were not very successful in the mid 1980s. In Eurocrypt 1988, Matsumoto
and Imai [78] proposed C* cryptosystem which is also referred as MI cryptosystem. This was the
first multivariate encryption scheme based on the idea of a BigField families of multivariate en-
cryption schemes where the central map is defined over an extension field. The cryptosystem
C* was defeated in 1995 by Patarin’s algebraic attack via linearization equations [83]. In 1996,
Patarin [84] designed the Hidden Field Equation (HFE) cryptosystem. But, Kipnis and Shamir
[73] found a way of recovering the secret key of HFE cryptosystem and proposed MinRank attack
in 1999. Later in 2001, Courtois [26] improved the Kipnis-Shamir MinRank attack. Following this
work, multivariate encryption schemes like Perturbed Matsumoto-Imai with Plus (PMI+) by
Ding [31] in 2004 and Internally Perturbed HFE with Plus (IPHFE+) by Ding and Schmidt [41]
in 2005 were proposed using perturbation from the Big Field families of multivariate encryption
schemes. These designs are not efficient in terms of key storage and speed. The scheme HFE with
Minus (HFE-) has been considered as a candidate of HFE schemes. However, HFE- is not effi-
cienct in terms of speed similar to IPHFE+ and PMI+. Furthermore, the security of HFE- seems to
be questionable due to an attack by Vates and Smith-tone [109] in 2017. In 2008, Chen et al. [19]
suggested a multivariate encryption scheme MultiHFE, a multivariate version of HFE. Although
the scheme was very efficient, it was broken by Bettale et al. [6] in 2013 using a generalization
of the Kipnis-Shamir attack against HFE construction that exploits the low rank property of the
system. In 2013, Tao et al. [105] came up with a new and efficient multivariate encryption scheme
Simple Matrix that uses a large matrix algebra structure. The idea was improved later in 2015 by
Tao et al. [107]. The security of Simple Matrix encryption scheme has been studied carefully by
Moody et al. [80] in 2014. In 2014, Porras et al. [98] proposed ZHFE which is an interesting con-
struction of multivariate encryption scheme that overcomes the security weakness of HFE-based
multivariate encryption schemes. The idea of the construction is inspired by the first steps of the
Zhuang-Zi algorithm by Ding et al. [33]. In 2017, Ikematsu et al. [67] presented a new efficient
algorithm for the secret key generation for ZHFE that avoids slow key generation of the original
ZHFE. However, ZHFE seems to be vulnerable due to a key recovery attack by Cabarcas et al. [14]
in 2017. In 2015, a new encryption scheme SRP (Square, Rainbow, and Plus) by Yasuda and Sakurai
[114] came up using the stucture of Square encryption scheme [23], Rainbow signature scheme
[42], and Plus technique [34]. The scheme SRP fails to be an ambitious encryption scheme due to
an attack by Perlner et al. [89] in 2017. The encryption scheme HFERP (HFE, Rainbow and Plus),
introduced by Ikematsu et al. [69] in 2018, utilizes a similar construction as SRP with an HFE prim-
itive replacing the Square polynomial and seems to be secure against all existing attacks. In 2015,
Okumura [81] presented a completely new method of building a public key encryption scheme
Diophantine Equations Cryptosystem (DEC) based on Diophantine equations of degree increasing
type. He used an analogous method to the Algebraic Surface Cryptosystem (ASC) proposed by
Akiyama et al. [1] in 2009. DEC also could not survive due to a polynomial time attack by Ding
et al. [37] in 2016. In 2017, Ustimenko [108] proposed a new construction based on Eulerian equa-
tion without giving any security analysis. In the same year, the multivariate encryption scheme
EFLASH was proposed by Cartor and Smith-Tone [17] that uses the central map of MI cryptosys-
tem. The crypanalysis of Oygarden [82] in 2020 shows that EFLASH does not offer the desired
level of security. In 2018, Yasuda [113] introduced a new mathematical problem, constrained MQ
problem, obtained from the MQ problem and proposed an encryption technique using pq-method

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Table 1. Comparison of Multivariate Encryption Schemes

Scheme Advantages Disadvantages Proposed Attacks
MI [78] first multivariate scheme not secure algebraic attack [83]
HFE [84] efficient than MI not secure MinRank attacks ([73], [26])
MultiHFE [19] multivariate version of HFE weak security MinRank attack [6]
Simple Matrix [105] no low rank property of the central map, non-negligible structural attack [80]
fast decryption decryption failure probability
Improved Simple Matrix [107] negligible decryption failure probability, weak security combinatorial rank attack [2]
fast decryption
ZHFE [98] Efficient than basic HFE variants slow key generation MinRank attack [14]
SRP [114] small blow up factor between plaintext and ciphertext space minrank weakness MinRank attack [89]
HFERP [69] small blow up factor between plaintext and ciphertext space, –
no minrank weakness decryption is slower than SRP
DEC [81] efficient, can be broken with high probability attack via weighted LLL reduction [37]
short key sizes under some assumptions
EFLASH [17] efficient decryption strategy decryption failure possibility algebraic cryptanalysis [82]
[20] new central trapdoor weak security algebraic Attack [68]
[113] enhances the security of any weak scheme comparatively large key sizes –

whose security relies on the hardness of solving the constrained MQ problem. For prime numbers
p, q with p < q, the pq-method transforms an encryption scheme in MPKC over a field F having
cardinality p, to an encryption scheme over the field E having cardinality q. Later in 2020, another
encryption scheme was proposed by Yasuda et al. [115] exploiting polynomial equations over real
numbers. In the same year, Chen et al. [20] proposed a new encryption scheme for multivariate
quadratic systems. Later, Ikematsu et al. [68] showed that even if the minus and plus modifiers are
used to prevent known attacks like linear equations attack, MinRank attack, and algebraic attack,
an attack exploiting linear algebra is applicable for this scheme. Very recently, Smith-Tone [103]
came up with a new approach to design a multivariate encryption scheme inspired by the concept
of random linear codes.
Multivariate public key encryption is an active area of research nowadays. Table 1 shows a rough
comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of promising multivariate public key encryption
schemes. We provide below a description of some selected multivariate encryption schemes to
illustrate the difference of the procedures among the several variants of multivariate public key
encryption schemes.

4.1 Simple Matrix ([107])

In 2015, Tao et al. [107] suggested Simple Matrix scheme using a large matrix algebra structure.
The scheme is an improvement of the construction by Tao et al. [105]. The protocol executes the
following steps.
Description of the scheme
— Setup(1λ ) → pp: On input a security parameter λ, a trusted authority chooses a finite field
F having q elements and positive integers r , s, u, v, m, n where m = s (u + v), s ≥ r and
(n − r (u + v − s))(n − r (u + v − s) + 1) ≤ 2m. The user publishes the public parameters
pp = (F, q, r , s, u, v, m, n).
— KeyGen(pp) → (pk, sk): A user takes public parameter pp as input and executes the follow-
ing steps.
(i) Consider three matrices A = A(z) = (ai, j )s×r , B = B(z) = (bi, j )r ×u and C = C (z) =
(c i, j )r ×v where ai, j are chosen randomly from the set {z 1 , z 2 , . . . , zn }, z represents the vec-
tor (z 1 , z 2 , . . . , zn ), bi, j and c i, j are randomly chosen linear combinations of the elements
from {z 1 , z 2 , . . . , zn }. Then set D = AB = (di, j )s×u , E = AC = (ei, j )s×v and construct the
central map F : Fn −→ Fm defined as F (z) = (D (z), E (z)) consisting of m = s (u + v)
components of the matrices D = D (z) and E = E (z). Note that,

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F = (d 1,1 , d 1,2 , . . . , d 1,u ; d 2,1 , d 2,2 , . . . , d 2,u ; . . . ; ds,1 , ds,2 , . . . , ds,u ; e 1,1 , e 1,2 , . . . , e 1,v ;
e 2,1 , e 2,2 , . . . , e 2,v ; . . . ; es,1 , es,2 , . . . , es,v ).
(ii) Select two invertible linear maps S : Fm −→ Fm and T : Fn −→ Fn and finally compute
the map P = S ◦ F ◦ T : Fn −→ Fm where ◦ stands for map composition.
(iii) Set the public key pk = P and secret key sk = (S,T , A, B, C). The public key pk is made
public while the secret key sk is kept secret to the user.
— Encrypt(pp, pk, x) → c: An encryptor uses public parameter pp and his public key pk = P
and produces a ciphertext c ∈ Fm for a message x = (x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) ∈ Fn by generating
c = P (x) and sends c through a public channel.
— Decrypt(pp, sk, c) → x: A decryptor, having secret key sk = (S,T , A, B, C), performs the
following steps to recover the plaintext x from the ciphertext c = P (x):
(i) Compute y= (y1 , y2 , . . . , ym ) = S −1 (c) where m = s (u + v) and set two matrices D and E
y1 y2 ... yu ysu+1 ysu+2 ... ysu+v
 yu+1  , E =  ysu+v +1
. . . y2u  . . . ysu+2v 
D =  .
yu+2 ysu+v +2
... ...
 y (s −1)u+1 y (s −1)u+2 . . . ysu   ysu+(s −1)v +1 ysu+(s −1)v +2 . . . ysu+sv 
(ii) Find a vector z ∈ F satisfying F (z) = y as follows.

(a) Let A = A(z), B = B(z) and C = C (z). If the rank of the matrix A is r , then an r ×s matrix
W (left inverse of A) exists and satisfies W A = I where I is the r ×r identity matrix. Also
compute D = D(z) and E = E (z) from y = S −1 (c) satisfying D = A B and E = A C.
(b) Construct the equations W D = B, W E = C as W A = I . By interpreting the elements of
W as new variables, obtain r (u + v) linear equations in sr + n unknowns corresponding
to sr variables for W and n variables z 1 , z 2 , . . . , zn .
(c) Eliminate the sr elements of W from these equations and solve the system of r (u +v −s)
linear equations in the n variables z 1 , z 2 , . . . , zn . The dimension of the solution space of
this system is very small. Let Gaussian elimination eliminates U unknown variables. By
writing these U variables as linear combinations of the remaining unknown variables
and substituting these equations into the central polynomials of F (z) = y, obtain a
new system of m = s (u + v) quadratic equations in the remaining n − U unknown
variables. When the number n − U is small enough, the system can be solved efficiently
by Relinearization technique of Kipnis et al. [71]. Note that the condition (n − r (u + v −
s))(n − r (u + v − s) + 1) ≤ 2m is required to apply the Relinearization technique for
solving the system.
(iii) Finally, recover the plaintext x = (x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) ∈ Fn by computing T −1 (z).
We note that, T −1 (z) = T −1 (F −1 (y)) = T −1 (F −1 (S −1 (c)) = T −1 ◦ F −1 ◦ S −1 (c) = (S ◦ F ◦ T ) −1 (c) =
P −1 (c) = x where c = P (x).
Security analysis: Smaller fields are not appropriate to avoid the larger size public keys. Tao
et al. [107] recommended that the field GF(232 ) is most suitable for the scheme Simple Matrix.
For field GF(232 ), the probability of decryption failure is about 2−64 which is less than the proba-
bility of decryption failures for smaller fields GF(216 ) or GF(28 ). The other parameters are set as
s = r + 1, u = r , v = r , m = 2r (r + 1), n = r (r + 1). Tao et al. [107] analyzed the security of
Simple Matrix for all known attacks against multivariate public key encryption schemes including
(high order) linearization equation attacks, rank attacks, direct/algebraic attacks. The linearization
equation attack was introduced by Patarin [83]. The high order linearization equation attack was
proposed by Ding et al. [35]. For reasonably chosen parameters, high order linearization attacks
against Simple Matrix are shown to be completely impractical. There are two different types of

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rank attacks - MinRank attack/LowRank attack [59] and HighRank attack [24]. The complexity of
the MinRank attack against Simple Matrix is O(q 4r r 6 ) while the complexity of the HighRank at-
tack is O(q 2r r 12 ) where q is the number of elements in the field F and the parameter r is the number
of columns of the matrix A. In the HighRank attack, an adversary randomly chooses linear combi-
nations of the public polynomials intending to select a polynomial whose rank is significantly less
than full rank. The rank attacks against Simple Matrix are shown to be infeasible with a proper
choice of the parameters. A careful complexity estimation of direct attacks was also provided by
Tao et al. [107]. Later in the year 2014, a key recovery attack on Simple Matrix scheme by Moody
et al. [80] using a differential invariant property of the core map is shown. More interestingly, from
an analysis on a MinRank attack method by Apon et al. [2], it is evident that the security of this
improved version that uses rectangular matrices is quite weak than that of the square version, al-
though the strategy of using rectangular matrices lowers the decryption failure rate. Surprisingly,
the decryption failures can still be exploited in a concrete reaction attack [2] that diminishes se-
curity. The complexity of the MinRank method is O(nω q 2s+1−r ) while it is O(nω q 2s−r ) in case of
reaction attack where ω is a linear algebra constant. Therefore, this encryption technique using
matrices needs significant attention.
Efficiency: The key generation algorithm needs two matrix multiplications over F while the en-
cryption is a simple evaluation of the quadratic map P at x ∈ Fn . The decryption requires solving a
system of r (u +v) linear equations in sr +n unknowns by Gaussian elimination and Relinearization
technique which is costly. The size of the secret key sk is large as sk contains three large matrices
along with two linear transformations.

Remark 1 (Decryption Fails when Rank(A) < r ). The probability of decryption failures is approx-
imately q s −r1 +1 . By an appropriate choice of the parameters s and r , the probability of decryption
failure can be reduced to a negligible value. However, finding a general solution is still an open

4.2 ZHFE ([98])

In 2014, Porras et al. [98] presented ZHFE employing a new strategy to use HFE polynomials in
order to recover low rank weakness of basic HFE schemes. The formal description of the protocol
is given below.
Description of the scheme
— Setup(1λ ) → pp: On input a security parameter λ, a trusted authority selects a finite field
F having q elements, fixes a positive integers n, d 0 and considers the field extension K =
F[y]/(д(y)) where д(y) ∈ F[y] is an irreducible polynomial of degree n. The trusted authority
publishes the public parameters pp = (F, q, K, n, d 0 ).
— KeyGen(pp) → (pk, sk): A user takes public parameter pp as input and performs the follow-
ing steps.
(i) Select two high degree HFE polynomials F , F˜ and construct a low degree polynomial Ψ
from F and F˜ as follows adapting the technique of Porras et al. ([97]).
 q i +q j + n−1 b X q i +c, F
(X ) = n−1 q i +q j + n−1 b̃ X q i + c̃
(a) Let F (X ) = n−1
0≤j ≤i a i, j X i=0 i 0≤j ≤i ã i, j X i=0 i
be two HFE polynomials over K where the coefficients ai, j , bi , c, ãi, j , b̃i , c̃ ∈ K are to be
(b) Construct a low degree polynomial

Ψ = X (α 1 F 0 + · · · + α n Fn−1 + β 1 F0 + · · · + βn Fn−1 ) + X q (α n+1 F 0 + · · ·

+ α 2n Fn−1 + βn+1 F0 + · · · + β 2n Fn−1 ),

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of Hamming weight three with Fi (X ) = [F (X )]q , Fi (X ) = [F(X )]q , i = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1.

i i

The coefficients ai j , bi , c, ãi j , b̃i , c̃ ∈ K in F and F˜ as well as the scalars α j , β j ∈ K, j =

1, 2, . . . , 2n are determined in such a way that makes the deg(Ψ) ≤ d 0 and Ψ can be easily
inverted using Berlekamp algorithm.
(c) Select scalars α j and β j randomly to produce a linear system whose solution provides the
coefficients of F and F. The linear system, obtained by equating coefficients of X d in Ψ
equal to zero for d > d 0 , has more variables than equations. Thus nontrivial solutions can
be obtained.
(ii) Choose two invertible affine transformations S : Fn → Fn and T : F2n → F2n and finally
construct a map defined by P = T ◦(ϕ ×ϕ)◦G ◦ϕ −1 ◦S: Fn to F2n where G = (F , F) is the core
map, ϕ : K → Fn is the isomorphism defined by ϕ (u 1 +u 2y +· · ·+uny n−1 ) = (u 1 , u 2 , . . . , un )
and ◦ is the map composition.
(iii) Set the public key as pk = P and secret key as sk = (S,T , Ψ, {(α j , β j ), j = 1, 2, . . . 2n}). The
public key pk is made public while the secret key sk is kept secret to the user.
— Encrypt(pp, pk, x) → c: On input the public parameter pp, public key pk and the message
x, the encryptor computes the ciphertext c= (c 1 , c 2 , . . . , c 2n ) = P (x) ∈ F2n for a plaintext
x = (x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) ∈ Fn using his public key pk and sends the ciphertext c through a public
— Decrypt(pp, sk, c) → x: The decryptor, having public parameter pp, secret key sk =
(S,T , Ψ, {(α j , β j ), j = 1, 2, . . . 2n}) and the ciphertext c, performs the following steps to re-
cover the message x.
(i) Compute (w 1 , w 2 , . . . , w 2n ) = T −1 (c) = T −1 (c 1 , c 2 , . . . , c 2n ) and calculate (Y1 , Y2 ) =
(ϕ −1 (w 1 , w 2 , . . . , w n ), ϕ −1 (w n+1 , w n+2 , . . . , w 2n )).
(ii) Invert the core map G = (F , F) by solving the equation G (X ) = (Y1 , Y2 ). The solutions of
the equation are part of the roots of the low degree polynomial Ψ , obtained from Ψ and
(Y1 , Y2 ) as in the following proposition.
Proposition 4.1 ([97]). The set of pre-images of (Y1 , Y2 ) under the map G = (F , F) is a
subset of the roots of the low degree polynomial
 j−1 n q i −1 q i −1
Ψ = Ψ − 2j=1 X q i=1 α i+n(j−1) Y1 + βi+n(j−1) Y2
where (Y1 , Y2 ) be an element in Im(G) ⊆ K × K.
Determine the set U = {X ∈ K |Ψ (X ) = 0} consisting of the solutions of G (X ) = (Y1 , Y2 ).
For each X ∈ U, compute ϕ (X ) ∈ Fn and perform the transformation S −1 (ϕ (X )) ∀X ∈ U.
(iv) Finally, using the public key P as redundancy information, find the original plaintext.
Note that P is an injective mapping. Using ciphertext c and the candidate plaintext
x = S −1 (ϕ (X )), X ∈ U, check whether P (x) = c or not and recover the correct
We note that, S −1 (ϕ (X )) = S −1 (ϕ (G −1 (Y1 , Y2 ))) = S −1 (ϕ (G −1 ◦ ϕ −1 × ϕ −1 (T −1 (c)))) = (S −1 ◦ ϕ ◦
G −1 ◦ ϕ −1 × ϕ −1 ◦ T −1 )(c) = P −1 (c) = x.
Security analysis: The practical parameters for ZHFE were suggested as (q, n, d 0 ) = (7, 55, 105)
by Porras et al. [98]. Direct algebraic attack by Faugere and Joux [52] and the KS MinRank attack
by Kipnis, and Shamir [73] are two attacks that have broken the security of multivariate public
key encryption schemes based on HFE polynomials. Although ZHFE belongs to the same family, it
overcomes the weakness against direct algebraic attack. Porras et al. [98] claimed that KS MinRank
attack does not succeed for ZHFE due to the use of two high degree HFE polynomials in construct-
ing the core map. An improved security estimate is provided by Zhang et al. [118] for the original
parameters of ZHFE. In 2016, Perlner and Smith-Tone [90] studied the rank structure of ZHFE,

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discussed parameters for ZHFE against rank and direct attacks and investigated the security
against differential adversaries. Moreover, the work presents a modification of ZHFE engaging
the minus modifier which optimizes the key size while maintaining the security and performance
properties as ZHFE. Later in the year 2017, Cabarcas et al. [14] showed that although the core map
in ZHFE uses two HFE polynomials of high degree, their low rank property makes ZHFE vulnerable
to KS MinRank attack whereby they recovered a secret key for ZHFE with (q, n, d 0 ) = (7, 55, 105)
in approximately 264 operations. The expected complexity of the attack is O(n ( logq (d0 ) +2)ω ) where
d 0 is the degree bound for ZHFE and 2 < ω ≤ 3 is a linear algebra constant.
Efficiency: The key generation algorithm is time consuming as the secret key computation in-
volves constructing a low degree polynomial Ψ from two high degree HFE polynomials. The en-
cryption process is just an evaluation of the map P at x ∈ Fn . The decryption needs invocation of
Berlekamp algorithm which is much faster for ZHFE compared to other HFE-based schemes. Note
that ZHFE requires solution of a low degree polynomial Ψ for decryption while other HFE based
schemes needs solution of higher degree polynomial.

4.3 HFERP ([69])

HFERP is introduced by Ikematsu et al. [69] in the year 2018 using HFE polynomial, Rainbow sig-
nature scheme and Plus technique. This scheme is an improvement of the SRP encryption scheme
proposed by Yasuda and Sakurai [114]. The scheme is described below.
Description of the scheme
— Setup(1λ ) → pp: Taking input the security parameter λ, a trusted authority executes the
following steps to output public parameters pp.
(i) Fix a finite field F having q elements and degree of extension d of K, an extension field
over F.
(ii) Choose h positive integers o 1 , o 2 , . . . , oh and set
n = d + o 1 + · · · + oh − l, m = d + o 1 + · · · + oh + hr + s, n = d + o 1 + · · · + oh
where r , s, l are three positive integers and h is referred as the number of layers.
(iii) Publish the public parameters pp = (F, d, K, o 1 , o 2 , . . . , oh , h, r , s, n, n , m).
— KeyGen(pp) → (pk, sk): On input public parameter pp, a user performs the following steps
and outputs public-secret key pair (pk, sk).
(i) Choose an HFE polynomial f with high rank. Note that f (X ) ∈ K for X ∈ K. Let πd be
the projection onto the first d coordinates defined by πd (a 1 , a 2 , . . . , an ) = (a 1 , a 2 , . . . , ad )
and ϕ : K → Fd be a linear isomorphism over F. Then construct a multivariate quadratic
πd ϕ −1 f ϕ
map G H : Fn → Fd using πd , ϕ and f as G H : Fn −→ Fd −→ K −→ K → Fd .
(ii) For each layer 1 ≤ k ≤ h, set vk = d + o 1 + · · · + ok−1 , Vk = {1, 2, . . . , vk }, O k =
{vk + 1, vk + 2, . . . , vk +ok } and construct a multivariate quadratic map G R,k : Fn → Fok +r
by choosing ok + r multivariate quadratic polynomials of the form
д(x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) = α i, j x i x j + βi, j x i x j + γi x i + η,
i ∈O k , j ∈Vk i, j ∈Vk ,i ≤j i ∈Vk ∪O k

where α i, j , βi, j , γi , η are randomly chosen from F. Define a multivariate map G R : Fn →

Fo1 +···+oh +hr by setting G R = G R,1 ||G R,2 || · · · ||G R,h .
(iii) Generate another multivariate quadratic map G P : Fn → Fs which consists of s random
multivariate quadratic polynomials of the form
д (x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) = α i, j x i x j + βi x i + η ,
1≤i ≤j ≤n 1≤i ≤n

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where α i, j , βi , η are randomly chosen from F. Form the central map G : Fn → Fm by

setting G = G H ||G R ||G P .
(iv) Select an affine embedding map S : Fn → Fn and an affine isomorphism T : Fm → Fm
and finally compute F = T ◦ G ◦ S : Fn → Fm where ◦ stands for map composition.
(v) Set the public key pk = F which is made public whereas the secret key sk = (G, S,T ) is
kept secret to the user. Note that the component G H of G contains the information of the
HFE polynomial f .
— Encrypt(pp, pk, x) → c: For a plaintext x ∈ Fn , the encryptor computes the ciphertext as
c = F (x) ∈ Fm using the public key pk = F and sends c over a public channel.
— Decrypt(pp, sk, c) → x: For a ciphertext c = (c 1 , c 2 , . . . , cm ) ∈ Fm , the decryptor uses his
secret key sk = (G, S,T ) where S : Fn → Fn and T : Fm → Fm are affine maps and
G : Fn → Fm is the central map parsed as G = G H ||G R ||G P where G H : Fn → Fd ,
G R : Fn → Fo1 +···+oh +hr and G P : Fn → Fs and proceeds as follows.
(i) Compute B = (b1 , b2 , . . . , bm ) = T −1 (c), set Bd = (b1 , b2 , . . . , bd ) and finds B 0 = ϕ −1 (Bd )
where ϕ : K → Fd is a linear isomorphism over F. Then extract f from the component G H
of G in the secret key sk, invert f using the Berlekamp algorithm to find the pre-image
R = f −1 (B 0 ) of B 0 and compute D 0 = ϕ (R) ∈ Fd .
(ii) For each k = 1, 2, . . . , h, set Bk = (bmk +1 , bmk +2 , . . . , bmk +ok +r ) where mk = vk +
(k − 1)r , construct a set of linear equations G R,k (D k−1 , X k ) = Bk with respect to X k =
(xvk +1 , xvk +2 , . . . , xvk +ok ) and solve this system of ok variables to get the solution D k . Note
that D k−1 and Bk are known and X k is unknown.
For instance, let k = 1. Then v 1 = d, V1 = {1, 2, . . . , d}, O 1 = {d + 1, d + 2, . . . , d + o 1 },
m 1 = v 1 = d. Using the values of D 0 = {x 1 , x 2 , . . . , xd }, solve the system of o 1 + r
linear equations in the o 1 variables xd +1 , . . . , xd +o1 given by G R,1 (D 0 , X 1 ) = B 1 i.e.,
G R,1 (x 1 , x 2 , . . . , xd , xd +1 , . . . , xd +o1 ) = (bd +1 , bd +2 , . . . , bd +o1 +r ). Note that the multivari-
ate polynomials used for defining the map G R,1 forms a system of linear equations as the
vinegar variables x j , j ∈ V1 = {1, 2, . . . , d} are known. Then the system can be solved by
gaussian elimination.
(iii) Finally compute D = D 0 ||D 1 || · · · ||D h and recover the plaintext x by calculating S −1 (D).
We note that, S −1 (D) = S −1 (G −1 (B)) = S −1 (G −1 (T −1 (c))) = (S −1 ◦ G −1 ◦ T −1 )(c) = F −1 (c) = x as
c = F (x).
Security analysis. Ikematsu et al. [69] proposed the following single-layer parameters for 80-bit
security q = 3, d = 42, o = 21, r = 15, s = 17, l = 0, D = 37 + 1; q = 3, d = 63, o = 21, r = 11, s =
10, l = 0, D = 37 + 1 and the following double-layer parameters for 128-bit security q = 3, d =
85, o 1 = o 2 = 70, r = 89, s = 61, l = 0, D = 37 + 1; q = 3, d = 60, o 1 = o 2 = 40, r = 23, s = 40, l =
0, D = 39 + 1 where D is the bound of the HFE polynomial.
The scheme is proven to be secure against direct attack by Faugere et al. [52], MinRank attack
by Perlner et al. [89], rank attacks by Goubin et al. [59] and UOV invariant attack by Kipnis et al.
[71]. The detailed complexity estimation of those attacks is illustrated in [69]. Ikematsu et al. [69]
provided a concrete bound of the degree of regularity of public key of HFERP. The complexity of the
algebraic attack against HFERP is O(n2 logq D +6 ) when the degree of regularity is at least logq D+
2 for sufficiently large n and small odd q. The system of multivariate quadratic equations obtained
from any ciphertext in HFERP behave like a system of random quadratic equations with respect
to direct attacks. When minors modeling method is applied to HFERP, the estimated complexity
of the MinRank attack is O(m2 logq D +2 ).

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Efficiency. The key generation involves composition of certain maps whereas encryption requires
evaluation of central core map F = T ◦G ◦ S : Fn → Fm at x ∈ Fn . Decryption needs execution of
Berlekamp algorithm to find the preimage under an HFE polynomial which is utilized in solving
system of linear equations in each layer. As the secret key contains the data used in constructing
the central map G together with two affine maps, the size of the secret key is large.

4.4 EFLASH ([17])

The scheme EFLASH is presented by Cartor et al. [17] in 2017. The protocol executes the following
Description of the scheme
— Setup(1λ ) → pp: A trusted authority takes security parameter λ as input, selects n, m, d such
that m ≥ n and m < d and chooses a finite field F having q elements. Here d (> n) is the de-
gree of the extension field K over F. It publishes the public parameter pp = (F, q, n, d, m, K ).
— KeyGen(pp) → (pk, sk): On input public parameter pp, a user performs the following steps
and outputs, public-secret key pair (pk, sk).
(i) Set the map f : K −→ K defined by f (x ) = x q +1 for an integer θ , select two affine maps

S : Fd → Fd and T : Fd → Fd and finally compute P = π ◦T ◦ ϕ −1 ◦ f ◦ ϕ ◦ S ◦ τ : Fn → Fm

where ϕ : Fd → K be a linear isomorphism, τ is a linear embedding from Fn → Fd ,
π : Fd → Fm be a linear projection and ◦ is the map composition.
(ii) Set the public key pk = P which is made public whereas the secret key is set as sk =
(S,T , f , τ ) which is kept secret to the user.
— Encrypt(pp, pk, x) → c: To encrypt a message x ∈ Fn , the encryptor computes the ciphertext
c = P (x) ∈ Fm using his public key pk = P and sends c over a public channel.
— Decrypt(pp, sk, c) → x: Having secret key sk = (S,T , f , τ ) and a ciphertext c, the decryptor
proceed as follows to recover the message.
(i) Generate c = c||ca ∈ Fd appending every possible ca ∈ Fd −m to c where a = d − m and
compute v=T −1 (c ). Here the plaintext x and the output v of T −1 (c ) = ϕ −1 ◦ f ◦ ϕ ◦ S ◦ τ
are related by linearization equations, u = ϕ ◦U (x) , v = ϕ (v) where U = S ◦ τ (technique
similar to that used in Patarin et al. [83]). Observe that v = T −1 (c ) = ϕ −1 ◦ f ◦ϕ ◦S ◦τ (x) =
ϕ −1 ◦ f ◦ ϕ ◦ U (x) and v = ϕ (v) = f ◦ ϕ ◦ U (x) = f (u) as u = ϕ (U (x)).
(ii) Solve the linear system defined by the linearization equations. If the linear system gives a
solution x satisfying c = P (x), the process stops.
Security analysis. Cartor and Smith-Tone [17] suggested the parameters of EFLASH as (q, n, d, m)
=(2, 80, 101, 96) for 80-bit and (q, n, d, m) = (2, 134, 159, 150) for 128-bit classical security levels.
They also suggested (q, n, d, m) = (2, 160, 181, 176) for 80-bit and (q, n, d, m) = (2, 256, 279, 272)
for 128-bit quantum security levels. The scheme EFLASH is shown to resist three known attacks
including direct algebraic attack by Faugere et al. [52], MinRank attack by Bettale et al. [6] and
discrete differential attack Dubois et al. [47]. They have estimated the complexity of direct attack
and MinRank attack. An algebraic cryptanalysis is shown by Oygarden et al. [82] against EFLASH.
They developed a way to measure the degree for the systems of equations arising from the scheme
EFLASH. Their estimation shows that the 80-bit security parameters of EFLASH can provide at
most 69-bit security.
Efficiency. The public key generation includes composition of maps S,T , f , τ whereas encryption
is simply computation of the public map P at x ∈ Fn . Decryption needs to solve a linear system of
equations defined by the linearization equations at most q a times as the decryptor appends every
possible ca to c to generate c = c||ca ∈ Fd for the ciphertext c and proceeds to find the plaintext
until he gets the original one.
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4.5 Other Constructions

— DEC ([81]): The Diophantine Equation Cryptosystem (DEC) was proposed by Okumura
[81] in 2015. DEC is a public key encryption scheme hath is based on the difficulty of solving
diophantine equations of degree increasing type.
The key generation of DEC needs only integer additions and multiplications whereas the en-
cryption algorithm executes moduler exponentiation, polynomial multiplications, and additions.
More interestingly, the secret key contains only an integer vector. However, the decryption pro-
cess is comparatively slower due to the execution of Extended Euclidean algorithm for finding gcd
and modular multiplicative inverse calculation.
The scheme DEC was proposed as an analogue of the Algebraic Surface Cryptosystem (ASC)
of Akiyama et al. [1]. Okumura discussed the security of DEC by reduction to a multivariate equa-
tion system against rational point attack of Ivanov et al. [70], ideal decomposition attack of Faugere
et al. [54] which break the one-wayness of ASC. Despite its efficiency in terms of storage, DEC
seems unfortunate due to a polynomial time attack of Ding et al. [37] that employs weighted LLL
reduction against DEC by showing that the security of DEC cryptosystem relies on searching com-
paratively short vectors in some lattices derived from a ciphertext and a public key. In three steps
the attack transforms the one-wayness of DEC into locating proper solutions of linear systems
obtained from public information utilizing a linearization technique that is enabled from the three
ciphertext polynomials. In each step, a linear system is obtained which possesses a proper solu-
tion, i.e., a suitable lattice point in the lattice which is the solution space of that linear system.
The solution acquired in the first step is used to form a linear system in the second step and the
solution received from the second step leads to the construction of a linear system in the third step.
In this way, the message is retrieved with sufficiently high probability by involving some modular
arithmetic technique and the Babai nearest plane algorithm. Locating a correct solution in the first
step and consequently in subsequent steps is essential for the attack. The thorough experiments
in [37] exhibit that DEC with 128-bit security is vulnerable due to the attack.
— New Multivariate Cryptosystems Based on Hidden Eulerian Equations over Finite Fields ([108]):
Ustimenko [108] proposed a multivariate public key encryption scheme in the year 2017 based on
Eulerian equations over finite field. The author of [108] has not discussed the security and effi-
ciency of the scheme. The idea of using Eulerian equations over a finite field requires a prudent
analysis. However, the decryption includes inversion of some certain maps and solving triangular
system of equation multiple times. The size of the secret key is large as the decryptor must have
knowledge of the large data to recover the plaintext.


Related works. It is generally agreed that multivariate cryptography turned out to be more pros-
perous as an approach for building signature schemes as those provide the shortest signature
among post-quantum algorithms. In the last few years, a huge variety of multivariate signature
schemes have been proposed.
In 1997, Patarin [85] introduced Oil Vinegar signature scheme where the idea behind the scheme
is that certain solvable quadratic equations can be generated if random values are assigned to some
variables. Later in 1999, Kipnis et al. [71] proposed UOV scheme by modifying the original Oil Vine-
gar scheme as the security of original Oil Vinegar scheme is questionable due to the attack by Kip-
nis and Shamir [72]. In 2001, Patarin and Courtois [87] proposed a multivariate signature scheme
QUARTZ based on the concept of HFE constructions. While QUARTZ produces very short signa-
tures, the signature generation process is very slow. In the same year, a signature scheme SFLASH
was proposed by Patarin et al. [86] that follows a earlier design of Patarin et al. [88] introduced

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in 1998. Although both the signaure generation and verification of SFLASH are fast, making the
scheme applicable in low cost smart cards, unfortunately SFLASH could not survive due to an at-
tack by Dubois et al. [47] in 2007. Later in 2015, Chen et al. [22] developed an asymmetric digital
signature scheme PFLASH which can be seen as a direct descendent of the scheme SFLASH. In
that year, Zhang and Tan [117] proposed a new signature protocol MI-T-HFE as a competitor of
QUARTZ. The core map used in MI-T-HFE is similar to that of HFEv type construction. The scheme
is efficient in terms of public key size while its signature size is twice than that of QUARTZ. In
2005, Ding and Schmidt [42] suggested a new signature scheme Rainbow improving the efficiency
of the UOV signature scheme. Although the balanced Oil Vinegar scheme was broken by Kipnis
and Shamir [72] in 1998, both the schemes Rainbow and UOV seems to continue to offer promise
for post quantum cryptography. In 2010, Petzoldt et al. [92] presented an idea to reduce the public
key size of the UOV signature scheme significantly. Furthermore, in 2010, Petzoldt et al. [91] ex-
tended the idea to get smaller public key than that of Rainbow. In 2017, Lifted Unbalanced Oil
Vinegar (LUOV) was introduced by Beullens et al. [10] to achieve better key sizes, signature sizes,
and speed. LUOV is another modifiaction of the UOV signature scheme. Apart from LUOV, there
are several improvements on UOV which are discussed in Subsection 5.1. The scenario of UOV
and Rainbow has been changed due to two efficient attacks of Beullens [7] – the intersection at-
tack is effective to both UOV and Rainbow and the rectangular MinRank attack is applicable only
on Rainbow. Both the attacks reduce the key recovery cost compared to existing attacks. In 2017,
Casanova et al. [18] suggested a Great Multivariate Short Signature (GeMSS) having benefits
of small signatures and fast verification process. GeMSS can be seen as an immediate lineage from
QUARTZ and adopts some design techniques of the multivariate signature scheme Gui of petzoldt
et al. [95] introduced in 2015. Although GeMSS has been selected for the third round of the NIST
Project, recently an efficient key recovery attack by Tao et al. [106] makes the scheme vulnerable
indicating that both the Minus and the Vinegar modification fail to enhance the security of the
basic HFE. In 2017, Petzoldt et al. [94] proposed a efficient signature scheme HMFEv which is a
modification of the encryption scheme MultiHFE [19]. In 2018, the first provably secure MQ signa-
ture scheme SOFIA was proposed by Chen et al. [21] where the construction utilizes an extension
of Unruh’s transform for 5-pass identification schemes. In 2020, Kundu et al. [75] designed a digital
signature protocol providing short signature based on the Multivariate Cubic problem using the
central map of HFE and the idea of Rainbow. Recently, a study on a new perturbation was intro-
duced in [53] that claims to strengthen the security of some well-known multivariate families like
HFE and UOV.
In 2011, Sakumoto et al. [99] suggested public key identification protocols by constructing statis-
tical zero-knowledge argument of knowledge based on the MQ problem, assuming the existence of
a non-interactive statistically-hiding and computationally-binding commitment scheme. In 2016,
Chen et al. [66] introduced the first provably secure signature scheme MQDSS based on the MQ
problem. The fundamental concept behind the scheme is to involve Fiat-Shamir transform to the
5-pass multivariate identification scheme of Sakumoto et al. [99]. MQDSS is also a part of the first
and second rounds of the NIST competition. Later in 2020, Beullens came up with an efficient
signature scheme, MUltivariate quaDratic FIat-SHamir (MUDFISH), having security proof in
the quantum random oracle model. In his work, Beullens first presented a Sigma protocol for the
MQ relation and then employed the Fiat-Shamir transform to obtain the signature scheme. He also
claimed that MUDFISH is better than MQDSS in terms of efficiency, especially from the aspect of
signature size and speed on the NIST platform.
In 2013, Shen et al. [101] introduced the first identity-based multivariate signature scheme
Identity Based Unbalanced Oil Vinegar (IBUOV) from UOV signature scheme. Later in 2019,
Luyen [76] proposed a method to design an EU-CMA secure identity-based signature scheme

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Table 2. Comparison of Multivariate Signature Schemes

Scheme Advantages Disadvantages Proposed attacks
Oil Vinegar [85] requires very little RAM in smartcard implementations not secure algebraic attack [72]
UOV [71] efficient and secure than Oil Vinegar parameters must be chosen carefully to avoid attacks intersection attack [7]
QUARTZ [87] produces short signatures, no practical attack slow signature generation -
HFEv- [95] faster than QUARTZ, short signatures restricted to the field GF(2) attack using projection [38], Minrank attack [106]
SFLASH [86] fast decryption, smaller public key, useful on low cost smart cards not secure differential attack [47]
PFLASH [22] strong security and easier to implement, slower than Sflash -
on a smart card without an arithmetic coprocessor
MI-T-HFE [117] smaller public key than QUARTZ larger signature size than QUARTZ -
efficient than UOV and Sflash in terms of speed, Minrank attack ([11],[4]), Rainbow-Band-Separation attack [44],
Rainbow [42] better choice for practical application parameters must be chosen carefully to avoid attacks intersection attack and rectangular MinRank attack [7],
differential attack [9]
GeMSS [18] short signatures, faster than quartz large public key Minrank attacks ([106], [4])
HMFEv [94] efficient in terms of performance and memory requirements, costly decryption HighRank attack [61]
smaller key size and signature size than Gui and Rainbow

IBS-Rainbow from Rainbow construction. Another multivariate identity-based signature scheme

based on the hardness of the isomorphism of polynomials problem was proposed in [49] which is
efficient in terms of storage.
In 2011, Wang et al. [111] introduced an idea to design a multivariate ring signature scheme
with a security model. Later in 2017, Mohamed et al. [79] suggested an efficient method that ex-
tends multivariate signature schemes to ring signature schemes and applied the technique to the
Rainbow construction. A Ring signature scheme allows a member of a group of users (named ring)
to sign a document anonymously so that no one receives information of which member has signed
the document except the actual signer. The signer members, who have their own signing keys, can
generate signature for the document on behalf of the ring. The above-mentioned scheme grants
perfect anonymity for the signer (as member of a group) as well as shorter ring signatures than
all previously suggested post-quantum ring signature schemes. Earlier in 2015, Zhang et al. [116]
proposed a threshold ring signature scheme based on the MQ problem by improving the scheme
of Petzoldt et al. [93]. In a t-out-of-N threshold ring signature, t users can sign a document jointly
and anonymously for a group of N users. Recently in 2021, Duong et al. [48] proposed a new and
improved technique to design multivariate threshold ring signature scheme where the signature
length is shorter than that of Zhang et al. [116].
In 2011, Yang et al. [112] introduced the first multivariate group signature scheme based on Iso-
morphism of Polynomials (IP) Problem. The signature size of the protocol is independent of
the number of group members while the manager’s public key remains linear to the number of
group users. Last year, a secure multivariate group signature scheme was suggested by Kundu et al.
[74] employing a 5-pass identification protocol and multivariate signature scheme as its building
blocks where signature size, manager’s public key size, and signer’s secret key size do no rely on
the number of group users.
In 2017, Petzoldt et al. [96] introduced a method to construct an efficient blind signature scheme
from Rainbow multivariate signature scheme. A Blind signature scheme permits a user, who has
no access to the secret signing key, to get a signature for a document on behalf of the owner of the
secret key (the signer). The key point is that the signer gains no knowledge about the content of
the message nor the signature, generated during interaction. The above-mentioned blind signature
scheme satisfies the usual blindness criterion and unforgeability criterion adapted to multivariate
quadratic signatures and produces short blind signatures. In 2020, Duong et al. [64] came up with
a new idea to design multivariate blind ring signature scheme by combining the concept of blind
and ring signature to increase flexibility in real life aspects, e.g., e-banking.
In the area of digital signatures, a large number of practical and well-understood multivariate
schemes exist. Table 2 shows a rough comparison of advantages and disadvantages of promising
multivariate public key signature schemes. There are mainly two types of existing signature

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designs- SingleField schemes like UOV and Rainbow and Big Field schemes like HFEv- and
HMFEv. The schemes UOV and Rainbow follow a similar design strategy employing Oil Vinegar
polynomials whereas HFEv- links the HFE design with the Minus and Vinegar modifiers and
HMFEv combines the Vinegar modification to MultiHFE construction. We present those signature
schemes below to show the concept behind their constructions.

5.1 Oil and Vinegar ([71])

In 1999, Kipnis et al. [71] proposed Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar scheme. This can be seen as a
secure variant of original Oil and Vinegar scheme which was broken by Kipnis and Shamir [72] in
Description of the scheme
— Setup(1λ ) → pp: On input a security parameter λ, a trusted authority selects a finite field
F having q elements, chooses positive integers n, o, v such that n = o + v, V = {1, 2, . . . , v}
and O = {v + 1, v + 2, . . . , n} and a hash function H : {0, 1}∗ −→ Fo . It publishes the public
parameter pp = (F, o, v, V , O, n, H ).
— KeyGen(pp) → (pk, sk): A user inputs public parameter pp and proceeds as follows.
(i) Choose a central map F : Fn −→ Fo that consists of multivariate quadratic polynomials
f 1 , f 2 , . . . , f o where
f k (x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) = aki, j x i x j + bi,k j x i x j + c ik x i + d k ,
i ∈V j ∈V i ∈V j ∈O i ∈V ∪O

with randomly chosen coefficients aki, j , bi,k j , c ik , d k ∈ F, k = 1, 2, . . . , o. Here, first v variable

x 1 , x 2 , . . . , xv are vinegar variables and last n − v = o variables xv+1 , xv+2 , . . . , x n are oil
(ii) Select an invertible affine map T : Fn −→ Fn and compute P : Fn −→ Fo by setting
P = F ◦T.
(iii) Set the public key pk = P which is made public whereas the secret key is set as sk = (F ,T )
which is kept secret to the user.
— Sign(pp, sk, d) → z: The signer uses the hash function H : {0, 1}∗ −→ Fo to compute w =
H (d) ∈ Fo , generates a signature z ∈ Fn for a document d and performs the following steps.
(i) Compute a pre-image x = (x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) ∈ Fn of w = (w 1 , w 2 , . . . , w o ) ∈ Fo under the
central map F as follows.
(a) Choose the values of the vinegar variables x 1 , x 2 , . . . , xv randomly.
(b) Substitute the values of the vinegar variables x 1 , x 2 , . . . , xv into the polynomials
f 1 , f 2 , . . . , f o . Due to the structure of the central polynomials f 1 , f 2 , . . . , f o , o linear
polynomials f1 , f2 , . . . , fo in the o oil variables xv+1 , xv+2 , . . . , x n are obtained.
(c) Solve the resulting linear system fk (xv+1 , xv+2 , . . . , x n ) = w k by Gaussian elimination
where k = 1, 2, . . . , o.
(d) If the system has no solution, choose another set of values of the vinegar variables
x 1 , x 2 , . . . , xv and repeat the steps.
(ii) Compute the signature z ∈ Fn of the document d by z = T −1 (x).
— Verify(pp, pk, d, z) → 0/1: To verify the authenticity of the signature z ∈ Fn , the verifier
finds w = H (d) ∈ Fo and computes w = P (z) utilizing the public key pk = P and public
parameter pp. If w = w holds, verifier accepts the signature; otherwise, rejects.
Correctness follows from the fact that w = P (z) = F ◦ T (z) = F ◦ T (T −1 (x)) = F ◦ T ◦
(T −1 (F −1 (w))) = F ◦ (T ◦ T −1 )(F −1 (w)) = (F ◦ F −1 )(w) = w.

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For o = v, the scheme is called balanced Oil Vinegar (OV) while for v > o, the scheme is called
UOV signature scheme.
Security analysis: In 1998, original Oil and Vinegar scheme or balanced Oil Vinegar scheme was
broken by Kipnis and Shamir [72]. The cryptanalysis of [72] also works for v < o. In the attack of
[72], one looks at the quadratic forms of the o public equations to separate the oil variables and the
vinegar variables. On the other hand, the cases v > o are much more complex. The suggested prac-
tical parameters (F, o, v) for UOV scheme are (GF(28 ), 28, 56) for 80-bit security, (GF(28 ), 35, 70)
for 100-bit security and (GF(28 ), 45, 90) for 128- bit security. Note that, choosing variables o and v
using v ≥ 2o is preferable to avoid the attack [72]. In 2021, Beullens [7] proposed the intersection
attack, an improved key recovery attack, that downsizes the key recovery cost compared to exist-
ing attacks. It follows the concept behind the Kipnis-Shamir attack along with a system-solving
strategy like the reconciliation attack [44].
Efficiency: The key generation involves the composition of several maps. The signature gener-
ation is comparatively fast as it requires to solve a system of linear equations using Gaussian
elimination and matrix inversion over a small finite field. The verification algorithm needs evalua-
tion of the central core map P for a signature z ∈ Fn . The secret key needs to store the data of the
polynomials in central map F and the affine map T which are necessary in constructing P.
Variants of UOV: As UOV needs to use a large public key, several methods have been proposed
to address the issue.
— Lifted Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar (LUOV) [10]: This proposal chooses the UOV keys over
the smallest field F of cardinality 2 and lifts those to a larger field, resulting a remarkable
reduction of the public key size of UOV. Also, the scheme works favourably in terms of
signature sizes, key sizes and speed with existing signature schemes.
— Block-Anti-Circulant Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar (BAC-UOV) [104]: This technique to com-
press the UOV public keys exploits block-anti-circulant matrices which offer a compact rep-
resentation as the remaining components can be figured out from the first row of a block.
— UOV using an arbitrary quotient ring (QR-UOV) [56]: This work utilizes a public key which
is expressed by block matrices whose components are related to an element of a quotient
ring F[x]/( f ) using an injective ring homomorphism between the quotient ring F[x]/( f ) to
the matrix ring Fl ×l for a polynomial f ∈ F[x] of degree l. For NIST recommended security
levels, the approach helps to acquire a smaller public key than that of the 3rd round finalist
Rainbow while not increasing the signature size significantly.
— MAYO [8]: This variant of the UOV scheme employs a UOV map with a small oil space which
causes a compact representation of the public key. When the oil space is very small, the com-
plexity of the key recovery attacks increases. The unique technique of MAYO solves the crisis
by “whipping up” the UOV map into a larger one having a satisfactorily bigger oil space.
— UOV-Pepper [77]: This variant of UOV offers a method to use a new perturbation called
“Pepper” and degree 3 UOV to design signature protocol which is claimed to be fast and
resist all known attacks, particularly the Gröbner basis attacks and the MinRank attacks.
The Pepper perturbation operates for the public key equations with at least degree 3. The
authors also claimed that the size of the signatures can be very short while retaining a
reasonable public key size.

5.2 Rainbow ([42])

The scheme Rainbow was proposed by Ding and Schmidt [42] in the year 2005. Rainbow can be
portrayed as a multi-layer construction of Oil-Vinegar scheme and its generalization.

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Description of the scheme

— Setup(1λ ) → pp: On input a security parameter λ, a trusted authority proceeds as follows
to output public parameters pp.
(i) Pick a finite field F having q elements. Choose a sequence of integers 0 < v 1 < v 2 < · · · <
vh+1 = n. Also let Vi = {1, 2, . . . , vi }, O i = {vi + 1, vi + 2, . . . , vi+1 } and oi = vi+1 − vi for
i = 1, 2, . . . , h.
(ii) Select a hash function H : {0, 1}∗ −→ Fn−v1 and publish public parameters pp =
(F, (v 1 , v 2 , . . . , vh+1 ), H , oi , Vi , O i , i = 1, 2, . . . h).
— KeyGen(1λ ) → (pk, sk): A user inputs public parameters pp and performs the following
steps to output public key pk and secret key sk.
(i) Choose central map F : Fn −→ Fn−v1 which consists of n − v 1 quadratic polynomials
f v1 +1 , f v1 +2 , . . . , f n given by
f k (x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) = aki, j x i x j + bi,k j x i x j + c ik x i + d k ,
i ∈O l j ∈Vl i, j ∈Vl ,i ≤j i ∈Vl ∪O l

where k = v 1 + 1, v 1 + 2, . . . , n. Here, aki, j , bi,k j , c ik , d k ∈ F are randomly chosen coefficients

and l ∈ {1, 2, . . . , h} is the only integer such that k ∈ Ol . Note that these are Oil and
Vinegar polynomials with x i , i ∈ Vl being the Vinegar variables and x j , j ∈ Ol being the
Oil variables.
(ii) Select two invertible affine transformations S : Fn−v1 −→ Fn−v1 , T : Fn −→ Fn and
compute P = S ◦ F ◦ T : Fn −→ Fn−v1 .
(iii) Set the public key pk = P which is made public whereas the secret key is set as sk =
(S, F ,T ) which is kept secret to the user.
— Sign(pp, sk, d) → z: To generate a signature z ∈ Fn for a document d, the signer uses
the hash function H : {0, 1}∗ −→ Fn−v1 , computes w = H (d) ∈ Fn−v1 and proceeds as
(i) Compute y = S −1 (w) ∈ Fn−v1 .
(ii) Find a pre-image x = (x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) ∈ Fn of y under the central map F in the following
(a) Choose the values of the vinegar variables x 1 , x 2 , . . . , xv1 randomly.
(b) Substitute the values of the variables x 1 , x 2 ,. . . , xv1 into the polynomials f v1 +1 , f v1 +2 ,
. . . , f n.
(c) For l = 1 to h, execute Gaussian elimination on the polynomials f k (k ∈ Ol ) to obtain
the values of x k (k ∈ Ol ). Now put the values of x k (k ∈ Ol ) into the polynomials
f k (k > vl +1 ).
Suppose l = 1. Then, k ∈ O 1 = {v 1 + 1, v 1 + 2, . . . , v 2 }. Hence, there will
be a system of o 1 linear equations having o 1 unknowns xv1 +1 , xv1 +2 . . . , xv2 from
f v1 +1 , f v1 +2 , . . . , f v2 , which can be solved by Gaussian Elimination. The so computed
values of xv1 +1 , xv1 +2 , . . . , xv2 are put into the polynomials f v2 +1 , f v2 +2 , . . . , f n . Next,
for l = 2, k ∈ O 2 = {v 2 + 1, v 2 + 2, . . . , v 3 }. So, again a system of o 2 linear equations with
the o 2 unknowns xv2 +1 , xv2 +2 . . . , xv3 can be obtained from f v2 +1 , f v2 +2 , . . . , f v3 and
then the system can be solved using the method of Gaussian Elimination. Again the com-
puted values of xv2 +1 , xv2 +2 . . . , xv3 are put into the polynomials f v3 +1 , f v3 +2 , . . . , f n .
By repeating this process one can get values for all the variables x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n .
(d) If the system has no solution, choose different values of x 1 , x 2 , . . . , xv1 and repeat the
(iii) Compute the signature z ∈ Fn for the document d by z = T −1 (x).

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— Verify(pp, pk, d, z) −→ 0/1: To verify the signature z ∈ Fn , the verifier uses the hash function
H to find w = H (d) ∈ Fn−v1 and computes w = P (z) where pk = P is the public key. If
w = w holds, the verifier accepts the signature; otherwise rejects.
Correctness follows from the fact that w = P (z) = S ◦ F ◦ T (T −1 (x)) = S ◦ F ◦ (T ◦ T −1 )(x) =
S ◦ F (F −1 (y)) = S ◦ (F ◦ F −1 )(S −1 (w)) = (S ◦ S −1 )(w) = w.
Security Analysis: The suggested practical parameters (F, v 1 , o 1 , o 2 ) for the Rainbow signature
scheme with two layers (h = 2) are (GF(28 ), 17, 13, 13) for 80-bit security, (GF(28 ), 26, 17, 16) for
100-bit security and GF(28 ), 36, 22, 21) for 128-bit security. Rainbow signature scheme can be seen
as a multilayered version of UOV signature scheme. The scheme seems confident against direct at-
tacks and UOV attacks. The currently-known attacks against Rainbow are Minrank attack of Billet
et al. [11] and the Rainbow-Band-Separation attack of Ding et al. [44]. Rainbow-Band-Separation
attack attempts to obtain affine maps that convert the public polynomials into the polynomials as
in the central map of Rainbow to find an equivalent key for forging a signature. Later in 2021, Rain-
bow faced the rectangular MinRank attack of Beullens [7] that reduces key recovery cost for the
parameters proposed in the NIST competition. Beullens used rectangular matrices in their attack
instead of square matrices. He showed the presence of another instance of the MinRank prob-
lem within the public keys of Rainbow. Rainbow is also vulnerable to the intersection attack of
Beullens [7]. Therefore, a proper selection of Rainbow parameters is essential due to these attack
Efficiency: The Key generation involves the composition of several maps while the signature
generation requires solving linear systems of equations using Gaussian elimination method and
matrix inversions over a finite field. Rainbow reduces the number of variables in the system which
leads to better performance along with short key sizes and signatures. The verification algorithm
needs evaluation of central core map P at the signature z ∈ Fn . The secret key contains the data
used in constructing P which is needed to sign a message. The scheme is very easy to execute and
can be used on embedded devices.

5.3 HFEv- ([95])

In 2015, petzoldt et al. [95] proposed HFEv- based multivariate signature scheme, Gui, which
can be seen as an extension of HFEv- signature protocols. HFEv- variants are very attractive for
multivariate digital signatures. Here, we describe the technique behind the construction of HFEv-
signature schemes.
Description of the scheme
— Setup(1λ ) → pp: A trusted authority takes a security parameter λ as input, selects a fi-
nite field F with q elements and chooses positive integers D, a, v and n such that n be
the degree of the extension field K of F. The trusted authority publishes public parameters
pp = {D, a, v, n, F, K }.
— KeyGen(pp) → (pk, sk): Taking public parameters pp as input, the user proceeds as follows.
(i) Select a central map f : K × Fv −→ K of the form
q i +q
j i ≤D
q i +q j i
f (X , u 1 , u 2 , . . . , uv ) = ai j · X + bi (u 1 , u 2 , . . . , uv ) · X q + c (u 1 , u 2 , . . . , uv ),
0≤i ≤j i=0

where ai j ∈ K, bi : Fv −→ K is a linear function, c : Fv −→ K is a quadratic function and

u 1 , u 2 , . . . , uv are vinegar variables. Let, f¯ = ϕ −1 ◦ f ◦ (ϕ × iv ) : Fn+v −→ Fn is a quadratic

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 55, No. 12, Article 246. Publication date: March 2023.
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polynomial map where ϕ : Fn −→ K be the canonical isomorphism between defined by

ϕ (x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) = ni=1 x i · X i−1 and iv is the identity map from Fv −→ Fv .
(ii) Choose two affine transformations S : Fn −→ Fn−a and T : Fn+v −→ Fn+v and compute
P = S ◦ f¯ ◦ T : Fn+v −→ Fn−a .
(iii) Set the public key as pk = P which is made public and the secret key as sk = (S, f ,T )
which is kept secret to the user.
— Sign(pp, sk, d) → z: On input the public parameters pp, secret key sk and a document d, the
signer generates a signature z for the document d ∈ Fn−a by performing the steps below.
(i) Compute y = S −1 (d) ∈ Fn and Y = ϕ (y) ∈ K.
(ii) Choose random values for the vinegar variables u 1 , u 2 , . . . , uv ∈ F and substitute them in
the polynomial f to find fu .
(iii) Find preimage X of Y under fu by solving the univariate polynomial equation fu (X ) = Y
using Berlekamp’s algorithm and compute x = ϕ −1 (X ) ∈ Fn . Set x = (x ||u 1 ||u 2 || · · · ||uv ).
(iv) Generate the signature z ∈ Fn+v for the document d by z = T −1 (x) ∈ Fn+v .
— Verify(pp, pk, d, z) −→ 0/1: To verify a signature z ∈ Fn+v for the document d, the verifier
computes d = P (z) ∈ Fn−a and compares it with d. If d = d holds, the signature is accepted,
otherwise rejected.
Correctness follows from the fact that d = P (z) = S ◦ f¯ ◦ T (T −1 (x)) = S ◦ f¯ ◦ (T ◦ T −1 )(x) =
S ◦ f¯( f¯−1 (y)) = S ◦ ( f¯ ◦ f¯−1 )(S −1 (d)) = (S ◦ S −1 )(d) = d.
Security analysis: The suggested practical parameters (F, n, D, a, v) for HFEv- signature
scheme are (GF(7), 62, 8, 2, 2) for 80-bit security, (GF(7), 78, 8, 3, 3) for 100-bit security and
(GF(7), 100, 8, 4, 4) for 128-bit security. The possible attacks on HFEv- based signature schemes
are the MinRank attack of Kipnis and Shamir [73], direct algebraic attack [27] and differential at-
tack [16]. A rough complexity estimation of the MinRank attack on HFEv- based constructions is
given roughly by O(qn(r +v+a−1) · (n − a) 3 ) where r is a parameter that depends on D and q. Also,
Ding and Yang [43] estimated an upper bound for the degree of regularity of direct attack using
Gröbner basis against HFEv- constructions. However, in 2018, Ding et al. [38] proposed new at-
tack strategies against the scheme HFEv- by employing the idea of projection. In 2021, Tao et al.
[106] suggested an improved MinRank based attack on HFEv- signature scheme showing that the
present approaches are incapable to provide a secure and efficient signature scheme from the HFE
construction. By  employing   the minors modeling method, the estimated complexity of the attack
+1 ω
on HFEv- is O n+v+d d +1 where d = logq (D) and 2 < ω ≤ 3 is a linear algebra constant. This
ascertains that the Minus and Vinegar modification do not provide an extra advantage in the se-
curity of HFE constructions as the complexity does not depend on the number a used for Minus
modification and polynomial both in n and the number of Vinegar variables v. Therefore, all HFE
signature variants including HFEv- face a polynomial time attack for a fixed D. Taking a very
large value of D is highly required to encounter the security requirements, but it causes a slow
and inefficient signature generation.
Efficiency: The key generation includes the composition of certain maps. The signature genera-
tion is costly for HFEv- as it needs the invocation of the Berlekamp algorithm for the inversion of
a univariate polynomial equation over an extension field. The signature verification is simply an
evaluation of the quadratic map P at z ∈ Fn+v . In the signature generation of Gui, one needs to in-
vert the HFEv- polynomial k times resulting k times slower signature generation than that of HFEv-
and also a considerably slower signature generation than that of UOV and Rainbow although Gui
furnishes the shortest signatures among all existing schemes.

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Progress in Multivariate Cryptography 246:25

5.4 HMFEv ([94])

In 2017, Petzoldt et al. [94] suggested a signature scheme Hidden Medium Field Equations with
a Vinegar variation (HMFEv), more specifically, a Vinegar variation of MultiHFE encryption by
Chen et al. [19].
Description of the scheme
— Setup(1λ ) → pp: On input a security parameter λ, a trusted authority chooses a finite field
F of cardinality q and an irreducible polynomial д(x ) ∈ F[x] of degree l. Let K = F[x]/д(x )
be the extension field over F. The trusted authority also selects positive integers m, n, v such
that n = m.l, a hash function H : {0, 1}∗ −→ Fn and publishes public parameter pp =
{F, q, l, H , K, n, m, v}.
— KeyGen(pp) → (pk, sk): Taking public parameters pp as input, a user executes the following
steps to output public key and secret key.
(i) Select a central map f : K m × Fv −→ K m that consists of m components f 1 , f 2 , . . . , f m
given by

(i )
f i (X 1 , X 2 , . . . , Xm , u 1 , u 2 , . . . , uv ) = ar,s Xr Xs + br(i ) (u 1 , u 2 , . . . , uv ) · X r +
r =1 s=r r =1
c (i ) (u 1 , u 2 , . . . , uv ),
(i )
where ar,s ∈ K, linear functions br(i ) : Fv −→ K and quadratic maps c (i ) : F v −→ K for
i = 1, 2, . . . , m.
(ii) Choose two invertible affine maps S : Fn −→ Fn and T : Fn+v −→ F n+v and compute P =
S ◦ f¯ ◦T : Fn+v −→ Fn where ϕ : Fl −→ K is an isomorphism defined by ϕ (y1 , y2 , . . . , yl ) =
l i−1 and f¯ = (ϕ −1 × ϕ −1 × · · · × ϕ −1 ) ◦ f ◦ ((ϕ × ϕ × · · · × ϕ ) ◦ i ) : Fn+v −→ Fn is
i=1 yi x     v
m times m times
a multivariate quadratic map. Here, iv is the identity map from Fv −→ Fv and n = m · l.
(iii) Set public key pk = P which is made public whereas the secret key is set as sk = (S,T , f )
which is kept secret to the user.
— Sign(pp, sk, d) → z: On input public parameters pp, secret key sk, the signer generates a
signature for a document d by computing the hash value w = H (d) ∈ Fn first and then
performing as follows.
(i) Compute y = (y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ) = S −1 (w) ∈ Fn where n = ml.
(ii) Now compute Yi = ϕ (y (i−1).l +1 , . . . , yi .l ) ∈ K for i = 1, 2, . . . , m.
(iii) Choose random values of the Vinegar variables u 1 , u 2 , . . . , uv ∈ F and substitute them into
the central map components f 1 , f 2 , . . . , f m to obtain fu1 , fu2 , . . . , fum where

(i )
f i (X 1 , X 2 , . . . , Xm , u 1 , u 2 , . . . , uv ) = ar,s Xr Xs + br(i ) (u 1 , u 2 , . . . , uv ) · X r +
r =1 s=r r =1
c (i ) (u 1 , u 2 , . . . , uv ).
(iv) Use the XL algorithm or a Gröbner basis method to compute X 1 , X 2 , . . . , Xm such that
fui (X 1 , X 2 , . . . , Xm ) = Yi , i = 1, 2, . . . , m.
(v) Compute x = (ϕ −1 (X 1 ), ϕ −1 (X 2 ), . . . , ϕ −1 (Xm ), u 1 , u 2 , . . . , uv ) ∈ Fn+v .
(vi) Generate the signature z ∈ Fn+v by z = T −1 (x).
— Verify(pp, pk, d, z) −→ 0/1: The verifier, on input public parameters pp, public key pk, a doc-
ument d and the signature z, checks the validity of the signature z ∈ Fn+v for the document
d by computing w = H (d) and w = P (z). If w = w holds, verifier accepts the signature,
otherwise rejects.
Correctness follows from the fact that w = P (z) = S ◦ f¯ ◦ T (T −1 (x)) = S ◦ f¯ ◦ (T ◦ T −1 )(x) =
S ◦ f¯( f¯−1 (y)) = S ◦ ( f¯ ◦ f¯−1 )(S −1 (w)) = (S ◦ S −1 )(w) = w.
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Security analysis: Petzoldt et al. [94] suggests the parameters (F, m, l, v) of HMFEv
as (GF(31), 2, 28, 12) and (GF(256), 3, 15, 16) for 128-bit security, (GF(31), 2, 40, 17) and
(GF(256), 3, 23, 21) for 192-bit security, (GF(31), 2, 55, 21) and (GF(256), 3, 31, 26) for 256-bit se-
curity. The authors also have analyzed that HMFEv is resistant to attacks like direct algebraic
attack of Huang et al. [65], MinRank attack of Bettale et al. [6] and Quantum attacks of Schwabe
et al. [100], differential attack of Daniels et al. [30] and an attack against the original MultiHFE
encryption scheme of Hashimoto [60]. They have estimated complexity of direct attack and Min-
Rank attack. The complexity of direct algebraic attack depends on the degree of regularity ([36]).
From their experiments it is clear that the upper bound of the degree of regularity of a direct attack
against HMFEv is relatively tight. Besides, the MinRank attack and differential attack
 seems  ωinfea-

sible to this scheme. The complexity of the MinRank attack is estimated as O n+m+v+1 m+v+1 for
a linear algebra constant ω. HMFEv is more secure against the MinRank attack for a larger vine-
gar parameter v. Also the Vinegar variables can cleverly remove all the differential symmetries. A
careful study on the structure of HMFEv and its security against the HighRank attack is discussed
by Hashimoto [61] who exhibits that the vinegar  modifier
 is not enough to ensure security against
n+v+1 ω
HighRank attack having complexity O m .
Efficiency: The key generation includes the composition of some maps. In the signature gener-
ation procedure, the most costly part is the execution of the XL algorithm or the Gröbner Basis
method. The signature verification is simply an evaluation using the quadratic map P at z ∈ Fn+v
and a hash computation.

Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization is a competition and program declared by NIST to
develop standards to include post-quantum cryptography. Several attempts have been made to
design and standardize fresh quantum-safe protocols in the competition which is now in its third
round. Table 3 presents a summary of the multivariate candidates submitted in the three rounds
where most of the submissions are signature schemes. The details of all the potential candidates
are available in [28]. Although Himq-3 guarantees a fast signing process, its security becomes
questionable due to the singularity attack method of Ding et al. [46] that performs a signature
forgery. Also, a modification of parameters of LUOV for the second round occurred as Ding et al.
[45] introduced the Subfield Differential Attack. Later Ding et al. [32] shows that the Nested Subset
Differential Attack, a modification to the Subfield Differential Attack, can practically break the
level I security parameters of LUOV under 210 min only. The security of Gui is also at stake due
to [106]. The schemes GeMSS and Rainbow in the second round are greatly affected by the attack
in [4]. Rainbow reaches the third round of the competition as a finalist along with one alternate
candidate GeMSS which strongly follows the idea of HFEv- signature scheme. Last year the security
of both candidates face questions due to the attacks ([7], [106]). The attack on Rainbow in [7]
lowers the key recovery cost by 217 , 253 , 273 factors for the parameter sets offered to the second
round of the competition targeting the security levels I, III, and V respectively whereby reducing
the same by 220 , 240 , 255 factors respectively for the third round parameters. The latest approach of
key recovery attacks against Rainbow by Beullens [9] seems the most efficient. The key recovery
is very much practical for the NIST security level I parameters. On a standard laptop, the secret
key can be recovered after nearly 53 hours of computing time, especially for the second round
parameters of security level I. The rank attack in [106] breaks all the recommended parameters
against GeMSS, especially for the higher security categories. A very large value of D (degree of
the HFE polynomial) is required to fulfill the security requirements of NIST, yielding an inefficient

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 55, No. 12, Article 246. Publication date: March 2023.
Progress in Multivariate Cryptography 246:27

Table 3. Multivariate Schemes Submitted in NIST

Rounds Encryption schemes Signature schemes

1st CFPKM, Giophantus DualModeMS, GeMSS, Gui, HiMQ-3, LUOV, MQDSS, Rainbow
2nd – GeMSS, LUOV, MQDSS, Rainbow
3rd – Rainbow (finalist), GeMSS (alternate candidate)

Table 4. Key and Ciphertext Sizes of Multivariate Encryption Schemes based on MQ Problem
Scheme Public key (Field elements) Secret key (Field elements) Ciphertext (Field elements)
Improved Simple Matrix [107] m
2 (n + 1)(n + 2) m(m + 1) + n(n + 1) + (sr + ru + rv)n m
ZHFE [98] n(n + 1)(n + 2) n(5n + 3 + d 0 ) + 4n2 2n
m−m 2
HFERP [69] m
2 (n + 1)(n + 2) n (n + 1) + m(m + 1) + 2 (n + 1)(n + 2) + d 1m 1 m
EFLASH [17] m
2 (n + 1)(n + 2) 2m 1 (m 1 + 1) + m 1 (n + 1) + m 1 m
n, m, n , m 1, m 2, d 0, d 1 are positive integers, n < m, n > n, m < m 1, d 1 > d 0, m 2 < m.

Table 5. Key and Signature Sizes of Multivariate Signature Schemes based on MQ Problem

Scheme Public key (Field elements) Secret key (Field elements) Signature (Field elements)
Oil Vinegar [85] n−v
2 (n + 1)(n + 2) n−v
2 (n + 1)(n + 2) + n(n + 1) n
2 (n + v + 1)(n + v + 2) (n − a)(n + 1) + (n + v)(n + v + 1) + (2d + 1)n (n + v)
HFEv- [95]
2 (n + 1)(n + 2) (n − v)(n − v + 1) + n(n + 1) + (n + 1)(n + 2)
n−v n−v
Rainbow [42] 2 n
n2 n2 n
2 (n + v + 1)(n + v + 2) n(n + 1) + (n + v)(n + v + 1) + n + + + 1) (n + v)
HMFEv [94] l 2l ( l
n, a, v, d, l are positive integers n > a, l |n.

signature generation process. Hence, the strategies in GeMSS are not adequate to acquire high
security levels while maintaining efficiency.


After our extensive study on the MPKCs and their security and efficiency related aspects, we now
summarize our lessons learned, before presenting the probable future challenges and research di-
rections. Some of those are already discussed in earlier sections. In Tables 4 and 5, a theoretical
comparison of some promising encryption and signature schemes based on MQ problem is given,
focusing on the key sizes, ciphertext size, and signature size. However, remaining challenges and
open research concerns are outlined in this section. With the use of multivariate polynomials over
a finite field, MPKCs provide a practical solution to ensure safety in communicating information
in presence of post-quantum adversaries. However, most of the multivariate public key cryptosys-
tems analyze their security theoretically and experimentally based on the selected parameters as
those do not have security proofs. Nevertheless, MPKCs provide faster encryption and signature
verification. The research community is putting a lot of effort to design schemes with enhanced
security and devise new techniques to make the primitives more practical. Despite the fact that the
authors of [108] have not discussed the security and efficiency, the strategy to use hidden Eulerian
equations over finite fields may be useful in the future to devise new multivariate schemes. The
encryption scheme EFLASH is a projected C ∗− scheme [88] with a parameterization that follows
the conception of expanding the size of the codomain to avoid ciphertext collision and eliminates
decryption failures with a much smaller blow-up factor. Although the scheme ZHFE seems to be
a better way to design a multivariate encryption scheme, it can not survive due to a practical key
recovery attack that exploits the low rank property of ZHFE by adapting the minors modeling ap-
proach to the KS attack. HFERP covers the weaknesses of SRP by substituting the weaker Square

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 55, No. 12, Article 246. Publication date: March 2023.
246:28 J. Dey and R. Dutta

layer with a higher rank HFE polynomial to avoid MinRank attack and holds the comparatively
small blow-up factor between the plaintext space and ciphertext space without an essential dou-
bling the size between plaintext and ciphertext. The Rainbow signature scheme is one of the fastest
available signature schemes and requires simple linear algebra operations like matrix-vector mul-
tiplication and solving linear systems over small finite fields in signature generation. Rainbow
does not need a cryptographic coprocessor and can be implemented on low-cost devices. The ap-
proaches to address the issue of the large public key of UOV are quite interesting, although there
is a practical attack on LUOV by Ding et al. [32] as well as a structural attack on BAC-UOV by Fu-
rue et al. [57]. The signature scheme HMFEv is the Vinegar modification to the MultiHFE scheme
where the number of components in the central map is reduced to enhance efficiency. Both the
schemes Gui and QUARTZ utilizes the concept of HFEv- type protocols. Besides, Gui and QUARTZ
signature scheme are mainly limited to the field GF(2) while HMFEv uses larger fields which al-
lows reducing the number of variables and consequently the public key size in the system. Also
for high levels of (quantum) security, HMFEv provides shorter keys than that of Gui and Rainbow.
Although most of the schemes have large secret key as it needs to store several maps that are
required in the multivariate trapdoor, DEC only needs to store a vector of length n over Z. MQ
cryptography has a terrible track record as most of the ideas have been broken. Indeed, an attack
on DEC, which is supposed to be a candidate of PQC, shows the significance of thoroughly inves-
tigating this cryptosystem further. Hence, more careful design strategies are required for building
MQ trapdoors. From the improvement perspective, MPKC seems to be a good promise toward
future digital security in the post-quantum era. In the recent future, the area will constantly be de-
veloping. Hence, we now discuss a few research directions that could be exploited in the upcoming
— In the last few years, several encryption schemes have been proposed using MQ polyno-
mials. No MQ encryption scheme has withstood the test of time, while several MQ signa-
ture schemes have. Although there has been quite a bit of progress, there are various major
challenges left in this area. Solving some of these numerous rather exciting challenges that
remained unattempted could reveal new tracks both from theoretical and practical points
of view. Simple Matrix scheme for encryption uses a large matrix algebra structure which
leads to a large public key and secret key. In the basic version, three square matrices have
been used while the scheme has been generalized by utilizing non-square matrices instead
of using square matrices in the improved version. The decryption procedure is a little expen-
sive here. During the inversion of the trapdoor, a decryption failure occurs for a particular
case. So finding a general solution is required. Besides, a recent attack [2] shows that the
technique used in Simple Matrix might be able to reduce the decryption failure rate than
that of the basic version, but actually, it weakens the security. Employing matrix structure
in a different approach may help to remove the problems.
— Several constructions have been proposed using the rainbow polynomials that make the
scheme simple and easy to implement while their practical security is well understood. But
the recent attack strategies in [7], [4], and [9] are a major setback for Rainbow. Therefore, a
fresh and concrete idea to use the rainbow polynomials is highly required to design multi-
variate trapdoors.
— Recently an attack in [106] causes a great defeat for all HFE signature variants like HFEv-.
Therefore, searching for new techniques to employ the HFE polynomials in designing pro-
tocols is essential. Also, a study on the situation on HFERP and EFLASH is quite required
as the support minors modeling method [4] and the new MinRank type attack [106] have
entered into the scenario of MPKC.

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Progress in Multivariate Cryptography 246:29

— The security of MPKCs relies on the MQ problem which is mathematical in nature. Recently,
a new mathematical problem called the constrained MQ problem [113], which originated
from the original MQ problem, is introduced along with a thorough analysis of the difficulty
level of solving the problem. The authors of [113] also suggested a new method, named pq-
method, to design encryption schemes based on the difficulty of solving the constrained MQ
problem. The pq-method intends to convert a multivariate encryption scheme over a smaller
field to a multivariate encryption scheme over a larger field, which helps to enhance security.
Therefore, a careful investigation on the constrained MQ problem is needed as the problem
is very much attractive and expected to be studied by numerous strategies to design new
— Recently, a multivariate encryption scheme [103] has been proposed by employing the idea
of linear codes. The concept of combining the multivariate construction with linear codes
is impressive. Therefore, a thorough study on the construction is required to explore the
— Many application-specific variants of signature schemes with security reduction from MQ
problems have remained largely unexplored. We concentrate our main focus on designing se-
cure and efficient ring signature, blind signature, and proxy signature. Ring signature has po-
tential applications in e-voting, anonymous authentication for ad-hoc groups, whistle blow,
and so on. Blind signature is a crucial technique to provide anonymity in many information
systems such as e-cash, e-voting, sensor networks, power industry, and smart grid systems.
Proxy signatures have found numerous practical applications where the delegation of rights
is quite common, particularly in distributed systems, Grid Computing, mobile agent applica-
tions, distributed shared object systems and mobile communications. Therefore, one may in-
vestigate whether the HFE central map can be employed in designing efficient constructions
for the above variants of signature schemes and raise their profile with security reduction
from MQ problems which have not drawn much attention despite their importance.

Several promising multivariate public key encryption and signature schemes have been described
in this survey which can be used for constructing more efficient and secure schemes in the future.
Description of some earlier schemes have been left out. The area is still growing and seems to
have a bright future in the post quantum world. This survey is addressed mainly to researchers
already having a solid background in cryptography and basic algebra. The multivariate public key
schemes described here are summarized and might lack some details that can be found in the
original articles.

The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable suggestions and
comments which greatly improved the quality of the article.

[1] Koichiro Akiyama, Yasuhiro Goto, and Hideyuki Miyake. 2009. An algebraic surface cryptosystem. In Proceedings of
the International Workshop on Public Key Cryptography. Springer, 425–442.
[2] Daniel Apon, Dustin Moody, Ray Perlner, Daniel Smith-Tone, and Javier Verbel. 2020. Combinatorial rank attacks
against the rectangular simple matrix encryption scheme. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Post-
Quantum Cryptography. Springer, 307–322.
[3] Magali Bardet, Pierre Briaud, Maxime Bros, Philippe Gaborit, Vincent Neiger, Olivier Ruatta, and Jean-Pierre Tillich.
2020. An algebraic attack on rank metric code-based cryptosystems. In Proceedings of the Annual International Con-
ference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques. Springer, 64–93.

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Received 28 June 2021; revised 25 September 2022; accepted 2 November 2022

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 55, No. 12, Article 246. Publication date: March 2023.

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