Question No. A B C D Answer Key: Scheme R2016 Semester 8 Course Code CSC802 Course Name Distributed Computing

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Scheme R2016

Semester 8
Course Code CSC802
Course Name Distributed Computing

Question No. Question a b c d Answer Key

_____ transparency hides that a resource may move to the another Migration Replication Migration
Access transparency Failure transparency
1 location. transparency transparency transparency
Location Migration
_________ transparency hides failure and recovery of a resources. Access transparency Failure transparency Failure transparency
2 transparency transparency
Transaction Enterprise Resource Transaction
Which of the following is a form of distributed information system? Home system Pervasive system
3 Processing System Planning system Processing System
Processor-pool Workstation server
Which of the following is not a distributed computing model? Failure model peer-to-peer Failure model
4 model model
Which of the following is not a layer in architecture of grid Remote reference Remote reference
Collective layer Connectivity layer Fabric layer
5 computing? layer layer
6 NOS supports ________ OS in all nodes. Same Different Linux based Windows Based Different
7 DOS gives the view of ___________ System. Multi-processor Uniprocessor Multi-controller Virtual Uniprocessor Virtual Uniprocessor
Fault tolerance in distributed systems is the method used for
Heterogeneity Security Flexibility Reliability Reliability
8 ___________.
Hiding the complicacy of the system from user in distributed
Heterogeneity Security Flexibility Transparency Transparency
9 environment is known as _____.
A distributed system is a collection of _______________ computers
Independent Interconnected Interrelated Shared independent
10 that appears to its users as a single coherent system.
Local and remote Objects are referred
Movement of object Movement of object
objects should be by logical names
from one system to Sharing of objects moving from one
Which of the following is correct about migration transparency? accessed in a which hide the
the other is invisible without interference system to the other
uniform way physical location of
to user is invisible to user
11 the objects
Middleware called __________ for connecting independent
Homogeneous Glue-code Heterogeneous Concurrent Glue-code
12 systems together and makes them work together.
13 MPI_bsend is equivalent to _____. One way RPC Two wayRPC Synchronous RPC Asynchronous RPC One way RPC
14 _______socket primitive attach local address to the socket Accept Bind Connect Listen Bind
15 The calls, whose caller has expired due to node crash, is known as orphan dead alive request orphan
In which type of communication, messages are stored as long as RMI based RPC based
Persistent Transient Transient
16 sender and receiver are executing? Communication Communication
Group Message Queuing Message Queuing
Amazon SQS is an example of _______. RPC RMI
17 communication System System
18 The client stub is called by the __. server client host client and server client
19 Which ordering uses global timestamps as message id? Total ordering FIFO ordering Causal Ordering Absolute Ordering Absolute Ordering
Stream Oriented Group Stream Oriented
Isosynchronous is a type of which communication _____. MOM IPC
20 Communication Communication Communication
21 In Raymond’s Algorithm, TOKEN is held by which node of the tree? Left most Leaf node Right most Leaf node Root node Intermediate node Root node
At any point of time number of coordinator in distributed system
At least one One and only one At most one More than one One and only one
22 is______.
prevention from the prevention from the
Which of the following should be satisfied for proper prevention from the prevention from the Prevention from the
deadlock & deadlock &
synchronization in distributed systems? deadlock is must starvation is must livelock is must
23 starvation is must starvation is must
Scheme R2016
Semester 8
Course Code CSC802
Course Name Distributed Computing

Question No. Question a b c d Answer Key

How the processes are organized in a ring structure, in case of Both logically and
Logically Physically Randomly Logically
24 token passing approach of distributed systems? physically
Each process should get fair chance to execute the critical region,
Safety Liveness Fairness Scheduling Fairness
25 defines which property of mutual exclusion?
Time interval from a request send to its critical region execution Synchronization
System throughput Message complexity Response time Response time
26 completed is called ________. delay
Maekawa’s algorithm is a ___________ mutual exclusion
Token-based Voting-based Non-token based Tree-based Voting-based
27 algorithm.
Only one node can be in possession of the privilege (called the
privileged node) at any time, except when the privilege is in transit Richart Agrawala's Maekawa's Raymond Tree based Raymond Tree based
Lamport’s algorithm
from one node to another in the form of a PRIVILEGE message. This algorithm algorithm algorithm algorithm
28 is true for which mutual exclusion algorithm?
29 Lamport’s algorithm is used for __________synchronization Deadlock Physical Clock Logical Clock Election process Logical Clock
In Suzuki-Kasami's mutual exclusion algorithm, synchronization
0 or T 1 or 2T 3T 4T 0 or T
30 delay is ______. (T is time unit)
31 Which one is coordinator selection algorithm? Ring Algorithm Lamport's Algorithm NTP Berkeley Algorithm Ring Algorithm
In mutual exclusion, ‘no deadlock or starvation’is guaranteed by
Serialization Liveness Safety Deadlock detection Liveness
32 the property of ______.
Holding information Holding REQUEST Holding information
The holding (H) parameter in Raymond’s tree-based algorithm Executing critical
Holding token about node having messages for about node having
represents the process/node is _______. region
33 path to token node deferred replies path to token node
Logical clock Physical clock Scalar clock Vector clock Physical clock
Berkely’s and Christian’s clock synchronization methods are type
synchronization Synchronization synchronization synchronization Synchronization
of _______.
34 method method method method method
Any process who
Select process with Select process with Select process with
What is key idea to select coordinator in Bully Algorithm? identified that Random
highest ID lowest ID highest ID
35 coordinator is failed
Number of REQUEST messages for entering the critical region can Singhal’s heuristic Raymond’s tree- Ricart–Agrawala's Singhal’s heuristic
Lamport’s algorithm
36 vary from N/2 to N in which algorithm? (N: Number of nodes) algorithm based algorithm algorithm algorithm
The network Time protocol (NTP) which is widely used for clock Offset delay Offset delay
Differential Delay, NTP time stamps, Physical clock delay,
synchronization on the Internet uses the ___________ method. estimation, estimation,
Binary tree Quorum hierarchical tree
37 The design of NTP invloves a ________ of time servers. Hierarchical tree Hierarchical tree
38 ______ algorithm works fine with low latency algorithm. Berkeley Lamport's Vector Cristian Cristian
It reduces the It makes minimum It makes minimum
It reduces response
Which statement is false about Scheduling? waiting time of each It avoids deadlock utilization of utilization of
39 job resources. resources
In which approach of distributed computing, workload is divided
Load Balancing Task assignment Load Sharing Load Balancing
from heavily loaded nodes to lightly loaded nodes in an attempt to Process migration
approach Approach Approach approach
40 ensure good overall performance ?
The aim of load sharing approach is to refrain nodes from being
Dead Idle Strong Busy Idle
41 _______ nodes.
The sender-initiated policy is preferable at _______________
Light to moderate, Light to moderate, Light to high, Light to moderate, Light to moderate,
system loads. However, the receiver-initiated policy is preferable at
moderate high moderate light high
42 _______________ system loads.
Scheme R2016
Semester 8
Course Code CSC802
Course Name Distributed Computing

Question No. Question a b c d Answer Key

Virtualization that creates one single address space architecture is
Loosely coupled Peer-to-Peer Space-based Tightly coupled Space-based
43 called ______.
Which of the following technique is not used for scheduling Load balancing Task assignment Load sharing
FCFS approach FCFS approach
44 processes in Distributed System? approach approach approach
Co-operative Load balancing Probabilistic Static scheduling Load balancing
Load estimation policy is to be considered in designing ______.
45 algorithm algorithm algorithm algorithm algorithm
Parallelism, blocking No parallelism, Parallelism, non No parallelism, non Parallelism, blocking
Characteristics of threads are ______.
46 system calls blocking system calls blocking system calls blocking system calls system calls
Deterministic and probabilistic algorithms are the types of Static Load balancing Dynamic Load Static Load balancing
Distributed Centralized
47 _____________. algorithm balancing algorithm algorithm
Process of suspending execution at source and resuming at
Freezing Suspension Distribution Migration Migration
48 destination is known as_________.
The following statement “Please give me load” is an example of
Receiver initiated Sender Initiated Load estimation Load predication Receiver initiated
49 which policy?
Suspending, migrating all resources as well as process and then On demand On demand
Total Freezing Pre Transferring Total Freezing
50 resuming is known as ______. Exchange migration
Migrating some resources, Suspending the execution, migrating the On demand On demand
Total Freezing Pre Transferring Pre Transferring
51 process and then resuming is known as ______. Exchange migration
Which policy determines when it will be
Selection policy Transfer policy Location policy Information policy Transfer policy
52 necessary to transfer the process from one node to another?
No need to assign.
In static load balancing, the processes are assigned to the Process will be
Compile time Run time Any time Compile time
processors during ______. excecuted in its own
53 source node.
In which technique, processes are reassigned at the runtime
Dynamic load Dynamic load
depending upon the situation that is the load will be transferred Task assignmnet Static load balancing Hybrid technique.
balancing balancing
54 from heavily loaded nodes to the lightly loaded nodes.
Scheduling Scheduling
Process assignment algorithms that algorithms that
decisions should be Heuristic methods Algorithms provide operate based on the operate based on the
dynamic i.e based on requiring less near optimal system information about information about
What is true about "No a priori knowledge about the processes " ?
the current load of computational performance with a the chracteristics and the chracteristics and
the system and not efforts minimum overhead resource resource
on some static policy requirements of the requirements of the
55 processes processes
In case of good process migration mechanism, _______________
means failure of any node other than the one on which the process Robustness Efficiency Transparent Interference Robustness
56 is running should not affect the execution of process.
There is a need to
schedule the Some CPUs may Some CPUs may
A system with "m" CPUs and "n" processes has the following case
processes on CPUs remain idle or work Each process is This kind of senario remain idle or work
"m>n" in case of task assignment approch how scheduling will
and several on processes allocated to one CPU does not exist on processes
takes place ?
processes may be allocated earlier allocated earlier
57 assigned to each CPU
Scheme R2016
Semester 8
Course Code CSC802
Course Name Distributed Computing

Question No. Question a b c d Answer Key

SC is only applicable
SC allows for high SC allows a client to distributed shared
SC is the strongest SC is the strongest
From the given options select the appropriate statement for availability during thread to read a stale memory systems and
and yet practical and yet practical
sequential consistency(SC). periods of network value of some not applicable to
consistency model consistency model
disconnectivity variable distributed storage
58 systems
59 All techniques of Fault tolerance must rely on ______. Integrity Dependability Redundancy Synchronization Redundancy
Linearizability, FIFO,Casual, FIFO, Casual,
The data consistency models in the descending order of their Casual,Sequential, Sequential,Casual,
Sequential, Casual, Sequential, Sequential,
strictness in consistency are _____. Linearizability,FIFO FIFO,Linearizability
60 FIFO Linearizability Linearizability
Transparency that allows movement of resources and clients within
Concurrency Performance Replication Mobility Mobility
61 a system is called ______.
Many applications tolerate some amount of inconsistency and
accept that the replicas eventually become consistent over a period Data-centric Client-centric Server Centric Database-centric Client-centric
of time. For example, DNS and web caches server. Which consistency model consistency model consistency Consistency consistency model
62 consistency model is useful in this scenario?
The method(s) that is/are used for backward recovery in Checkpoint and Checkpoint and
Checkpoint Message Logging Recovery Point
63 distributed computing is ______. message logging message logging
_____ is the key technique that is needed to achieve fault
Availability Redundancy Scalability Heterogeneity Redundancy
64 tolerance.
Writes by a single process are seen by all other processes in the
order in which they were issued; however, writes from different Causal Consistency FIFO consistency Sequential Strict consistency FIFO consistency
processes may be seen in different orders by different processes.”, Model Model Consistency Model Model Model
65 above statement defines which consistency model?
66 A server changes from the correct flow of control______. Crash Failure Byzantine failure Response Failure Timing Failure Response Failure
67 Which is not the ways mounting of the file system? Boot mounting Auto mounting Explicit mounting Copy mounting Copy mounting
Name system in the Address messages Address messages
What is the characteristic of Naming and Name resolution? Virtual Circuit Message Switching
68 network. with the process-id with the process-id
They save the
They save previous
Which of the following is true in case of the NFS server? They are stateless current state of the They are stateful They are stateless
69 request
70 Remote login is a best example of ____. Distributed OS Disk OS Network OS MAC OS Network OS
Hadoop Distributed
Which one of the following is not a distributed file system? Andrew File System Network File System Fast File System Fast File System
71 File System
The characteristics of NFS protocol are
i. Search for file within directory
ii.Read a set of directory entries i,iii ii,iii i,ii,iii iii i,ii,iii
iii. Manipulate links and directories
72 From given options, which one is true?
Improves availability Decreases Improves availability
What are the advantages of file replication? Decreases availability Increases Cost
73 & performance performance & performance
To made file To make faster For transparent To make faster
File caching is done _____________. For Mobile access
74 available access access access
Scheme R2016
Semester 8
Course Code CSC802
Course Name Distributed Computing

Question No. Question a b c d Answer Key

Server checking whether file is updated in cache or not before
Client Validation Server Validation Client updating Server Updating Server Validation
75 using it is known as_____.
76 ____________ files are read only. Mutable Immutable Setup Recursive Immutable
In which technique of cache updation -Files are modified and in Quorum based
Write through Read any write all Write back Write through
77 parallel cache memory is also updated ? protocol
Transparency, User Opacity,User Immobility , Transparency, User
mobility, mobility, Transparency, mobility,
A DFS should provide following services____. Performance, Performance, Performance, Performance,
Simplicity and ease Simplicity and ease Simplicity and ease Simplicity and ease
difficult to use.
78 of use. of use. of use. of use.
File services should be provided across different operating systems
Openness Scalability Reliability Heterogeneity Heterogeneity
79 and hardware platforms is called as _____.
______supports reliable servers for all network clients accessing Distributed Asynchronous
Andrew File System Synchronous System Andrew File System
80 transparent and homogeneous namespace file locations. management System system
Professor M. Professor James Professor M.
Andrew File system was designed by ___________. Mr. Peter Andrew Google
81 Satyanarayanan Andrew Satyanarayanan
Mapping of domain Resources Key Performance Backup nodes IP Mapping of domain
Resource Record in DNS has_____.
82 Name to IP address consumption records Indicator for Domain Address Name to IP address
Which of the following is not the major component of a distributed
Storage Service True file service Name service Authorization service Authorization service
83 file system : ______________.
The principal transparency issue related to naming is
Replication Location Migration Access Location
84 ______________ transparency.
In the client - server system having memory with disk , the file can On any machine in On Storage area
Sever's main memory On cloud Sever's main memory
85 be stored in _____________location . network network
1010_R16_CompVIII_CSC802_DC_Sample Questions

Q A Parallel computer is the computer system capable of
A Parallel Computing
A Centralized Computing
A Decentralized Computing
A Distributed Computing
Q A distributed computer running a distributed program is known as
A Distributed Process
A Distributed Application
A Distributed Computing
A Distributed Program
Q Uni processor computing is known as
A Centralized Computing
A Parallel Computing
A Distributed Computing
A Grid Computing
Q Which of the following is true about heterogeneous architecture?
A There is no mixed architecture style at one abstraction level
A Heterogeneous architecture implies increased time efficiency

If the general structure of a system is connected using one architecture style, and each
A component can use a different one, this is one example of heterogeneous architecture
A Heterogeneous architecture implies decreased time efficiency

Q The transparency that enables multiple instances of resources to be used, is called

A Replication transparency
A Scaling transparency
A Concurrency transparency
A Performance transparency
A paradigm of multiple autonomous computers, having a private memory,
Q communicating through a computer network, is known as
A Distributed computing
A Cloud computing
A Centralized computing
A Parallel computing
Q Multithreading is also called as ____________
A Concurrency
A Simultaneity
A Crosscurrent
A Recurrent
Q The technique that increases the system’s productivity.
A multiprogramming
A multitasking
A multiprocessing
A single-programming
Q Multithreading is also called as ____________
A Concurrency
A Simultaneity
A Crosscurrent
A Recurrent
A technique that allows more than one program to be ready for execution and
Q provides the ability to switch from one process to another.
A multitasking
A multiprocessing
A multitasking
A multiprogramming
Q Multiprogramming is mainly accomplished by:
A os
A software
A hardware
A program
In a multi-processor configuration two coprocessors are connected to host 8086
Q processor. The instruction sets of the two coprocessors
A must be same
A may overlap
A must be disjoint
A must be the same as that of host
Q Multiprogramming systems:
A Are easier to develop than single programming systems
A Execute each job faster
A Execute more jobs in the same time period
A Are used only one large mainframe computers
Q A multiprocessor operating system must take care of
A authorized data access and data protection
A unauthorized data access and data protection
A authorized data access
A data protection
With ................ only one process can execute at a time; meanwhile all other process
are waiting for the processer. With .............. more than one process can be running
Q simultaneously each on a different processer.
A Multiprocessing, Multiprogramming
A Multiprogramming, Uniprocessing
A CMultiprogramming, Multiprocessing
A Uniprogramming, Multiprocessing
Q Asymmetric multiprocessing systems of the computer system use
A master relationship
A slave relationship
A master slave relationship
A serial processing
Q What of the following system is not multi-processor system?
A A system with multiple CPU, each CPU contains a single core.
A A system with a single CPU that has two core.
A A system with multiple CPU, each CPU contains two cores.
A A system with a single CPU that has a single core.
Q Which of the following is not an advantage of multiprocessor systems
A Increased throughput
A Economy of scale
A Increased reliability
A Optimise the program size

Q What is the other name for object middleware?
A Object request interface
A Object Request broker
A Object enabled broker
A Object enabled interface
Q A “glue” between client and server parts of application.
A Middleware
A Firmware
A Package
A System Software
A type of middleware that allows for between the built-in applications and the real-
Q time OS?
A Firmware
A Embedded Middleware
A Database middleware
A Portals
Q Middleware forms a layer between
A application and distributed platforms
A several individual computers
A application and client
A server and client
Q Middleware systems follow
A middleware solution
A specific model
A specific architecture style
A specific protocol
A typical _________ program creates some remote objects, makes references to these
objects accessible, and waits for clients to invoke methods on these objects.
A Server
A Client
A Thread
A Concurrent
Q From the following which is not a type of Communication
A Persistent and transient communication
A Synchronous and asynchronous communication
A Persistent synchronous and persistent asynchronous communication
A Non persistent communication
Q What is true about asynchronous communication
in asynchronous communication most of the time there is no reply from the reciever
A end
A Sender and reciver process need to be active at the time of communication
A it uses procedure calling at the server's side
A in asynchronous communication there is always a reply from the reciever end
An email service is a typical example of messaging service, where a sender sends an
Q email message to recipient.
A It never waits for a reply from the recipient
A it always waits for a reply from the reciepient before sending next
A it will always send the reply email message to the sender.
A it is a type of synchronous communication
Q Which of the following is not a classification of group communication?
A One to Many
A Many to one
A Many to Many
A Many to All
Which of the following is not commonly used semantics for ordered delivery of
Q multicast messages are:
A Absolute Ordering
A Consistent Ordering
A Casual
A Non- Casual
Q The data sequence of information that is time-dependent is called ___________
A Stream of data
A traditional data
A transactional data
A spatial data
Q Which of the following is not an example of stream data
A Video
A Audio
A large data files
A text
Q MPI and sockets are examples of
A Message oriented transient communication
A message oriented persistent communication
A Mobile Oriented Communication
A Object oriented permanent Communication
Q The sever and client computer interact with each other using ________
A Specific Port Number and IP Address
A MAC Address
A MAC Address and Port Number
A MAC Address and IP Address
In consistent ordering when recieving the message each member calculate its
Q proposed sequence number by using the function____________
A max(Fmax, Pmax) + I + i/N
A min(Fmax, Pmax) + I + i/N
A min(Fmin, Pmax) + I + i/N
A max(Fmin, Pmin) + I + i/N

A socket uses ____________ to transmit data between the sender and the reciever.
The Resource Reservation Protocol is __________________ layer protocol designed
Q to reserver resources in Distributed Computing.
A Transport Layer
A Network Layer
A Interface Layer
A Internet Layer


Q Which of the following disadvantages follows the single coordinator approach?

A Bottleneck
A Slow response
A Deadlock
A One request per second

Q Which are the two complementary deadlock-prevention schemes using timestamps?

A The wait-die & wound-wait scheme
A The wait-n-watch scheme
A The wound-wait scheme
A The wait-wound & wound-wait scheme
Q A process can enter into its critical section ____________
A anytime
A when it receives a reply message from its parent process
A when it receives a reply message from all other processes in the system
A when it receives a reply message from its child process
Q If a process is executing in its critical section ____________
A any other process can also execute in its critical section
A no other process can execute in its critical section
A one more process can execute in its critical section
A every process can execute in its critical section
Q In distributed systems, a logical clock is associated with ______________
A each instruction
A each process
A each register
A Many registers

Q When resources have multiple instances ________ is used for deadlock Avoidance.
A Bankers algorithm
A Resource Allocation Graph
A Semaphores
A Phishing
Q Synchronization tool is?
A thread
A pipe
A semaphore
A socket
In which the access takes place when different processes try to access the same data
concurrently and the outcome of the execution depends on the specific order, is called
A dynamic condition
A race condition
A essential condition
A critical condition
Q Process synchronization can be done on which of the following levels
A hardware
A software
A both hardware and software
Which of the following process can be affected by other processes during execution in
Q the system?
A init process
A child process
A parent process
A cooperating process
Q How can we avoid deadlock
A Resource Allocation must be done at once
A there must be a fixed number of resources to allocate
A all deadlock process must be aborted
A inversion technique can be used
A minimum of _____ variable(s) is/are required to be shared between processes to
Q solve the critical section problem.
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4

Q Which of the following conditions is not requied to solve the critical section problem?
A Mutual Exclusion
A Progress
A Bounded Waiting
A Sharing
The segment of code in which the process may change common variables, update
Q tables, write into files is known as ____________
A program
A critical section
A non – critical section
A synchronizing
A situation where several processes access and manipulate the same data concurrently
and the outcome of the execution depends on the particular order in which access
Q takes place is called ____________
A Data consistency
A race condition
A aging
A starvation

The address of the next instruction to be executed by the current process is provided
Q by the __________
A Program counter
A CPU registers
A Process stack
A Pipe
Q Which system call returns the process identifier of a terminated child?
A wait
A exit
A fork
A get
A thread shares its resources(like data section, code section, open files, signals) with
Q ___________
A other process similar to the one that the thread belongs to
A other threads that belong to similar processes
A other threads that belong to the same process
A different threads that belong to the different process
_________________ is often used for implementing specialized threads within a
Q process.
A Team model
A Dispatcher worker model
A Pipeline model
A Light model

Q The capability of a system to adapt the increased service load is called ___________
A scalability
A tolerance
A capacity
A polling
Q Logical extension of computation migration is
A process migration
A system migration
A thread migration
A data migration
No special machines manage the network of architecture in which resources are
Q known as
A Peer-to-Peer
A Space based
A Tightly coupled
A Loosely coupled
Q Scheduuling of threads done by
A input
A output
A operating system
A memory
Q For execution on process need
A Throughput
A Timer
A Resources
A Access Time
Q Message passing system allows processes to __________
A communicate with one another without resorting to shared data
A communicate with one another by resorting to shared data
A share data
A name the recipient or sender of the message
Q Which is not an examples of state information ?
A Mounting information
A Description of HDD space
A Session keys
A Lock status
Q Which policy used in load balancing algorithm
A standard policy
A variant policy
A location policy
A random policy
Q Select the correct sequence for process migration
freezing the process- Transfer the process- forward the message- communicate
A between cooperating process
Transfer the process- forward the message- communicate between cooperating
A process-freezing the process
forward the message- communicate between cooperating process-freezing the process-
A Transfer the process
communicate between cooperating process-freezing the process- Transfer the process-
A forward the message
____ can be defined as a lightweight process, a part of process which is to be
Q executed sequentially on one core
A method
A Thread
A virtualization
A client server
Q _____ is defined as that feeling something when it is not actually present
A method
A Thread
A virtualization
A client server
Q What is common problem found in distributed system ?
A Process Synchronization
A Communication synchronization
A Deadlock problem
A Power failure
What are the advantages of token(with rings) passing approach ? I. One processor as
coordinator which handles all requests II. No starvation if the ring is unidirectional III.
There are many messages passed per section entered if few users want to get in
section IV. One processor as coordinator which handles all requests V. Only one
Q message/entry if everyone wants to get in
A I, II and V
A I, II and IV
A II, III and IV
A II, IV and V

Q Which are the two complementary deadlock-prevention schemes using time stamps ?
A The wait-die & wound-wait scheme
A The wait-n-watch scheme
A The wound-wait scheme
A The wait-wound & wound-wait scheme
In wound-wait If a young process wants a resource held by an old process, the young
Q process will _____
A Killed
A Wait
A Preempt
A Restarts and wait
Q Election message is always sent to the process with _______
A Lower numbers
A Waiting processes
A Higher numbers
A Requesting Lower number of resources
Which algorithms are used for selecting a process to act as coordinator or sequencer?
I. Centralized algorithm II. Election algorithm III. Ring algorithm IV. Chandy-Misra-
Q Haas algorithm
A II and IV
A II and III
Q What is interprocess communication?
A communication within the process
A communication between two process
A communication between two threads of same process
A Comunication of process
_____________ enables the migration of the virtual image from one physical
Q machine to another.
A Visualization
A Virtualization
A Migration
A Virtual transfer
Q If one thread opens a file with read privileges then ___________
A other threads in the another process can also read from that file
A other threads in the same process can also read from that file
A any other thread can not read from that file
A all of the mentioned

Q A replica set can have only ________ primary.
A One
A two
A three
A zero
Q Two types of subscriptions present for replication is _____________
A push and pull
A throw and pull
A push and throw
A Pull and throw
Q _________ class contains an implementation of a proxy.
A client
A server
A object
Q In GFS, Chunk replicas are created for three reasons: ___________________
A chunk creation, re-replication, and rebalancing
A chunk deletion, re-replication, and rebalancing
A chunk creation, re-replication, and resharing
A chunk creation, chunk deletion, and rebalancing
Hide differences in data representation and how a resource is accessed” which type of
Q transparency is this?
A Relocation
A Failure
A Concurrency
A Access
Q Logical extension of computation migration is
A process migration
A system migration
A thread migration
A data migration
Q Processes on the remote systems are identified by ___________
A host ID
A host name and identifier
A identifier
A process ID
Q To what extent inconsistencies can be tolerated depends highly on the usage of a
A replication
A duplication
A resource
A data
The ----------- of distributed system is determined primarily by the degree to which
new resource- sharing services can be added and be made available for use by a
Q variety of client programs
A Openness
A Resource Sharing
A Transparency
A Scalability
Q Hide that a resource is replicated is known as___________transparency
A Replication
A Location
A Migration
A Relocation
Q Hide the failure and recovery of a resource is known as which transparency
A Failure
A Location
A Migration
A Relocation
Q Hide where a resource is located which type of transparency is this?
A Location
A Migration
A Relocation
A Access
Q What is WPA?
A wi-fi protected access
A wired protected access
A wired process access
A wi-fi process access
Q Which is not an examples of state information ?
A Mounting information
A Description of HDD space
A Session keys
A Lock status
Q What are the advantages of file replication ?
A Improves availability &performance
A Decreases performance
A They are consistent
A Improves speed
The portion of the process scheduler in an operating system that dispatches
Q processes is concerned with ____________
A assigning ready processes to CPU
A assigning ready processes to waiting queue
A assigning running processes to blocked queue
A assigning new processes to cpu
Q What are the characteristics of data migration?
A transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required
A transfer the computation rather than the data
A execute an entire process or parts of it at different sites
A execute limited portion of data
Q What are the characteristics of process migration?
A transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required
A transfer the computation rather than the data
A execute an entire process or parts of it at different sites
A execute limited portion of data
Q Which one of the following is not shared by threads?
A program counter
A stack register
A program counter and stack
A register
Q A process can be ___________
A single threaded
A tripalthreaded
A single threaded and multithreaded
A doublethreaded
Q Replication should be used when which of the following exist?
When transmission speeds and capacity in a network prohibit frequent refreshing
A of large tables.
When using many nodes with different operating systems and DBMSs and database
A designs.
A The application's data can be somewhat out-of-date.
A When using some nodes with selected operating system.
Storing a separate copy of the database at multiple locations is which of the
Q following?
A Data Replication
A Horizontal Partitioning
A Vertical Partitioning
A Horizontal and Vertical Partitioning
Q A distributed database is which of the following?
A single logical database that is spread to multiple locations and is interconnected
A by a network
A loose collection of file that is spread to multiple locations and is interconnected
A by a network
A A single logical database that is limited to one location.
A A loose collection of file that is limited to one location.
Q Which of the following is a disadvantage of replication?
A Reduced network traffic
A If the database fails at one site, a copy can be located at another site.
A Each site must have the same storage capacity.
A Each transaction may proceed without coordination across the network.
Message passing provides a mechanism to allow processes to communicate and to
Q synchronize their actions ________
A By sharing the same address space
A without sharing the same address space
A by sharing the same Process Identifier
A by sharing the same process number
Q Which layer is the layer closest to the transmission medium ?
A Physical
A Data link
A Network
A Transport
Q A group server is responsible for_______ & ________ groups
A clean and deduct
A program and make funtional
A create and destroy
A advance and fail
TCP is reliable _______ protocol which supports reliable point to point
Q communication in distributed system.
A network
A transport
A communication
A system
Q Communication channels may suffer through
A protocol
A transport
A arbitrary failures
A reliable communication
Q Arbitrary failure may ouccur in form of
A duplicate message
A protocol
A reliable communication
A address spacde
Q SRM protocol stands for
A Scalable Reliable Multispreading
A Scalable Recovery Multicasting
A Scalable Reliable Multicasting
A Scalable Recovery Multispreading
Q In RPC system, which of the following failure may not occur
A The client cannot locate server
A The client crashes after sending a request
A The server crashs after receiving a request
A The request message from the client to the server is obtained


Q Hide the failure and recovery of a resource is known as which transparency

A Failure
A Location
A Migration
A Relocation
Q Hide where a resource is located which type of transparency is this?
A Location
A Migration
A Relocation
A Access
Q What is WPA?
A wi-fi protected access
A wired protected access
A wired process access
A wi-fi process access
Q Which is not an examples of state information ?
A Mounting information
A Description of HDD space
A Session keys
A Lock status
Q What are the advantages of file replication ?
A Improves availability &performance
A Decreases performance
A They are consistent
A Improves speed
The portion of the process scheduler in an operating system that dispatches processes
Q is concerned with ____________
A assigning ready processes to CPU
A assigning ready processes to waiting queue
A assigning running processes to blocked queue
A assigning new processes to cpu
Q What are the characteristics of data migration?
A transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required
A transfer the computation rather than the data
A execute an entire process or parts of it at different sites
A execute limited portion of data
Q What are the characteristics of process migration?
A transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required
A transfer the computation rather than the data
A execute an entire process or parts of it at different sites
A execute limited portion of data
Q Which one of the following is not shared by threads?
A program counter
A stack register
A program counter and stack
A register
Q A process can be ___________
A single threaded
A tripalthreaded
A single threaded and multithreaded
A doublethreaded
Q Replication should be used when which of the following exist?
When transmission speeds and capacity in a network prohibit frequent refreshing of
A large tables.
When using many nodes with different operating systems and DBMSs and database
A designs.
A The application's data can be somewhat out-of-date.
A When using some nodes with selected operating system.
Storing a separate copy of the database at multiple locations is which of the
Q following?
A Data Replication
A Horizontal Partitioning
A Vertical Partitioning
A Horizontal and Vertical Partitioning
Q A distributed database is which of the following?
A single logical database that is spread to multiple locations and is interconnected by
A a network
A loose collection of file that is spread to multiple locations and is interconnected by
A a network
A A single logical database that is limited to one location.
A A loose collection of file that is limited to one location.
Q Which of the following is a disadvantage of replication?
A Reduced network traffic
A If the database fails at one site, a copy can be located at another site.
A Each site must have the same storage capacity.
A Each transaction may proceed without coordination across the network.
Message passing provides a mechanism to allow processes to communicate and to
Q synchronize their actions ________
A By sharing the same address space
A without sharing the same address space
A by sharing the same Process Identifier
A by sharing the same process number
Q Which layer is the layer closest to the transmission medium ?
A Physical
A Data link
A Network
A Transport
Q A group server is responsible for_______ & ________ groups
A clean and deduct
A program and make funtional
A create and destroy
A advance and fail
TCP is reliable _______ protocol which supports reliable point to point
Q communication in distributed system.
A network
A transport
A communication
A system
Q Communication channels may suffer through
A protocol
A transport
A arbitrary failures
A reliable communication
Q Arbitrary failure may ouccur in form of
A duplicate message
A protocol
A reliable communication
A address spacde
Q SRM protocol stands for
A Scalable Reliable Multispreading
A Scalable Recovery Multicasting
A Scalable Reliable Multicasting
A Scalable Recovery Multispreading
Q In RPC system, which of the following failure may not occur
A The client cannot locate server
A The client crashes after sending a request
A The server crashs after receiving a request
A The request message from the client to the server is obtained
Which application-level protocol plays a crucial role in carrying out the data
Q definition and manipulation in addition to X-500 features?
X.500 Directory Service is a standard way to develop an electronic directory of
people in an organization so that it can be part of a available to anyone in the world
Q with Internet access.
A social directory
A local directory
A global directory
A personal directory
Q X.500 Directory is also called
A global Yellow Pages directory
A global Blue Pages directory
A global White Pages directory
A global Black Pages directory
In X.500 Directory you can search for hundreds of thousands of people from a single
Q place on the _______________.
A World Wide Web.
A at one place
A World directory
A Words largest file
The distributed global directory works through a __________________ and one or
Q more central places that manage many directories.
A registration process
A saccession process
A application process
A distribution process
Q X.500 directory uses _______.
A User Information Tree
A Directory Information Tree
A Person Information Tree
A system Information Tree
Q In X.500, each local directory is called a _____________________.
A Directory System Agent
A Local System Agent
A Personal System Agent
A Secret System Agent
In X.500 the user interface program for access to one or more DSAs is a
Q ___________________.
A Directory User Agent
A System User Agent
A Network User Agent
A World User Agent
Q DUAs include whois, finger, and programs that offer a_____________.
A graphical user interface.
A system interface.
A Local user interface.
A global user interface.

Q X.500 is implemented as part of the ______________ in its Global Directory Service

A Distributed Computing Environment
A User fraindly Environment
A Global Computing Environment
A World Computing Environment
X.500 is a way to route e-mail as well as to provide name lookup, using the
Q _________________.
A Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
A Directory Access Protocol
A Global Directory Access Protocol
A Local Directory Access Protocol
Q X.500 is a series of ________________ covering electronic directory services.
A system standards
A networking standards
A computer networking standards
A operating system standards
Q The protocols defined by X.500 include
GNS allows you to locate services via an _________ wherever the service is located,
Q whether on the local system or on a remote node.
A user name
A arbitrary name
A system name
A address name
The ___________ can be deployed such that it services all or a portion of your Qnet
Q nodes. And you can have redundant GNS servers.
A GNS server
A IS server
A DNS server
A system server
Q Google Distributed System is
A arbitrary system
A search engine is now a major player in cloud computing.
A GNS server
A computer networking standards
Q Google is a _______based corporation
A Japan
A Rasia

Q Google was born out of a research project at Standford with the company launched in
A 1995
A 1992
A 1997
A 1998
Q In global google sysytem The user can expect query result in
A 0.7 seconds
A 0.4 seconds
A 0.2 seconds
A 0.8 seconds
to locate and retrieve the contents of the web and pass the content onto the indexing
Q subsystem. Performed by a software called
A Googlebot.
A Gobot.
A bot.
A lebot.
Q In global google sysytem indexing define as
A index for the contents of the web that is similar to an index at the back of a book
A Serial nos
A Serial nos in parrallel
A index of data
In global google system index of links is also
Q maintained to keep track of
A links to a given site
A links of user
A links to programs
A links of user queries
Q In global google system Ranking algorithm is called
A SyatemRank
A LinkRank
A PageRank
A IPRank
In global google system offering application-level software over the Internet
Q as
A web application
A user application
A link application
A system application
Q With the launch of Google App Engine, Google went beyond _____________.
A software as a service
A service provider
A quality as a service
A data as a service

Q Other organizations are able to run their ______________on the Google platform.
A own web applications
A own services
A own queries
A own network programs
These are sample MCQs to indicate pattern, may or may
not appear in examination

Program: BE Computer Engineering

Curriculum Scheme: Revised 2016
Examination: BE SEM VIII
Course Code: CSC802 and Course Name: Distributed Computing
Time: 1hour Max. Marks: 50

Note to the students:- All the Questions are compulsory and carry equal marks .

Q The ability of distributed system to hide the fact is known as? M

A Openness 0
A Scalability 0
A transparency 1
A Homogeneity 0
Q What is RMI ? M
A Remote Message Invocation
A Remote Method Invocation
A Remote Method Information 1
A Remote Message Initialization
Q what is mean by MOS? M
A Multiprocessor operating system
A Multicomputer operating system
A Middleware operating system 1
Q which Layer is not part of Grid Computing M
A Fabric Layer
A Data link Layer 1
A Collective Layer
A Resource Layer
Q which is not type of Distributed computing system? M
A Grid Computing
A Cluster Computing
A Health Care System 1
A Cloud Computing
Q Which Distributed System Model deals with Communication? M
A Security Model
A Fault Model
A Interaction Model 1
A Architecture Model
Q IP packet is encapsulated in a M
A data link layer 1
A physical layer 0
A network layer 0
A transport layer 0
Q IPv6 address is M
A 32 bits 1
A 48 bits 0
A 128 bits 0
A 16 bits 0
Q The application layer packet is encapsulated in a M
A TCP or UDP packet 1
A IP packet 0
A Presentation packet 0
A data link layer 0
Q ISO OSI Model is invented by M
A Zimmerman 1
A Dennis Richie 0
A Lamport 0
A Zippy 0
Q Middleware is an application that logically lives (mostly) in the M
A application layer 1
A Transport layer 0
A IP packet 0
A Presentation packet 0
Q The example of persistent communication is M
A Email 1
A Network communication 0
A file transfer 0
A sending messages 0
Q CPU scheduling is the basis of ___________ M
A multiprocessor systems 0
A multiprogramming operating systems 1
A larger memory sized systems 0
A first-come, first-served scheduling 0
Q With multiprogramming ______ is used productively. M
A time 1
A space 0
A money 0
A ready 0
Q What are the two steps of a process execution? M
A I/O & OS Burst 0
A CPU & I/O Burst 1
A Memory & I/O Burst 0
A OS & Memory Burst 0
A process is selected from the ______ queue by the ________
scheduler, to be executed.
A blocked, short term 0
A wait, long term 0
A ready, short term 1
A ready, long term 0
Q In the following cases non – preemptive scheduling occurs? M
A When a process switches from the running state to the ready state 0
A When a process goes from the running state to the waiting state 1
A When a process switches from the waiting state to the ready state 0
A shortest job scheduling 0

Consider the following set of processes, the length of the CPU

Q burst time given in milliseconds. P1 - 6, p2 - 8, p3 -7, p4 - 3. M
Assuming the above process being scheduled with the SJF
scheduling algorithm.
A The waiting time for process P1 is 3ms 1
A The waiting time for process P1 is 0ms 0
A The waiting time for process P1 is 16ms 0
A The waiting time for process P1 is 9ms 0
Preemptive Shortest Job First scheduling is sometimes called ____________
A Fast SJF scheduling 0
A EDF scheduling – Earliest Deadline First 0
A HRRN scheduling – Highest Response Ratio Next 0
A SRTN scheduling – Shortest Remaining Time Next 1
Q What is ‘Aging’? M
A keeping track of cache contents 0
A keeping track of what pages are currently residing in memory 0
A keeping track of how many times a given page is referenced 0
A increasing the priority of jobs to ensure termination in a finite time 1
Q A semaphore is a shared integer variable that can not M
drop below zero
A 1
be more than zero
A 0
drop below one
A 0
A that cannot be more than one 0
Which of the following for Mutual exclusion can be provided by
mutex locks
A 0
binary semaphores
A 0
both mutex locks and binary semaphores
A 1
A none of the mentioned 0
When high priority task is indirectly preempted by medium
priority the scenario is called
priority inversion
A 1
priority removal
A 0
priority exchange
A 0
A priority modification 0
A monitor is a module and monitor which of the following can
shared data structures
A 0
procedures that operate on shared data structure
A 0
synchronization between concurrent procedure invocation
A 0

A all of the mentioned 1

Which of the following process can be affected by other
processes during execution in the system?
init process
A 0
child process
A 0
parent process
A 0
A cooperating process 1
In which the access takes place when different processes try to
access the same data concurrently and the outcome of the
execution depends on the specific order, is called

dynamic condition
A 0
race condition
A 1
essential condition
A 0
A critical condition 0
You are synchronizing your clock from a time server using NTP
and observe the following times: [4 points] a. timestamp at
client when the message leaves the client: 6:22:15.100 b.
timestamp at which the server receives the message:
7:05:10.700 c. timestamp at which the server sends the reply:
7:05:10.710 d. timestamp at client when the message is
received at client: 6:22:15.250 To what value do you set the
client's clock?
A 07:05:10.780 1
A 08:05:10.780 0
A 09:05:10.780 0
A 10:05:10.780 0
Suppose that two processes detect the demise of the
Q coordinator simultaneously and both decide to hold an election M
using the bully algorithm. What happens?
Each of the higher-numbered processes will get two ELECTION
A messages, but will ignore the first one. The election will 1
proceed as usual
Each of the lower-numbered processes will get two ELECTION
A messages, but will ignore the first one. The election will 0
proceed as usual
Each of the lower-numbered processes will get two ELECTION
A messages, but will ignore the second one. The election will 0
proceed as usual
Each of the higher-numbered processes will get two ELECTION
A messages, but will ignore the second one. The election will 0
proceed as usual
What is the advantage of a vector clock over Lamport's logical
A Catch causality 1
A avoid deadlock 0
A avoid linear relationship 0
A set nonlinear relationship 0
___algorithm for coordinator election assumes that no process
Q can fail during the election procedure until the new M
coordinator has been selected.
bully algorithm
A 1
Ring algorithm
A 0
A Lamport algorithm 0
A Suzuki Kasami algorithm 0
A client's clock reads 3:20:00. The server's clock reads 3:10:00
when they synchronize using the Berkeley algorithm. Assume
message delays are negligible. What is the time at the client
Q after M

A 03:15 1
A 04:15 0
A 05:15 0
A 06:15 0
A client's clock reads 3:20:00. The server's clock reads 3:10:00
when they synchronize using Cristian's algorithm. Assume
delays are negligible. What is the time at the client after

A 03:20:00 0
A 03:05:00 0
A 03:15:00 0
A 03:10:00 1
Q The ring election algorithm works by: M
Having all nodes in a ring of processors send a message to a
coordinator who will elect the leader.
A 0

Sending a token around a set of nodes. Whoever has the token

is the coordinator.
A 0

Sending a message around all available nodes and choosing

A the 0
first one on the resultant list.
Building a list of all live nodes and choosing the largest
A 1
numbered node in the list.
Which event is concurrent with the vector clock (2, 8, 4)?
(3, 9, 5)
A 0
(3, 8, 4)
A 0
(1, 7, 3)
A 0

A (4, 8, 2) 1
Q The Ricart & Agrawala distributed mutual exclusion algorithm M
Less efficient and less fault tolerant than a centralized
A 1
More efficient and more fault tolerant than a centralized
A 0
More efficient but less fault tolerant than a centralized
A 0
Less efficient but more fault tolerant than a centralized
A 0
Q A bully election algorithm: M
picks the first process to respond to an
A election request. 0

relies on majority vote to pick the winning

A process. 0

assigns the role of coordinator to the

processs holding the token at the time of
A 0

A picks the process with the largest ID. 1

Q Which mutual exclusion algorithm works when the M
membership of the group is unknown?
A 1
A 0
A 0
A Token Ring. 0
Q Which set of events is concurrent (all events are concurrent M
with each other)?
A (3, 1, 5, 7), (3, 2, 6, 7), (2, 1, 6, 8) 0
A (2, 1, 3, 4), (2, 2, 3, 3), (3, 3, 2, 5) 1
A (1, 2, 3, 4), (2, 3, 4, 5), (3, 4, 5, 6) 0
A (1, 5, 6, 7), (1, 4, 5, 7), (1, 3, 2, 2) 0
Q stream oriented communication is suitable for applications like M
A All the mentioned 1
A audio 0
A video 0
A movie 0
Q What is interprocess communication? M
A communication between two process 0
A communication within the process 1
A communication between two threads of same process 0
Q Which one is the disadvantage of Remote Procedure Call M
A There is no flexibility in RPC for hardware architecture. 1
A support process oriented and thread oriented models. 0
A The effort to re-write and re-develop the code is minimum 0
Many of the protocol layers are omitted by RPC to improve
A 0
Q What is DGC? M
A Distributed Garbage Collection 1
A Digital Garbage Collection 0
A Distributed Garbage Connection 0
A Digital Garbage Connection 0
Q An RMI Server is responsible for _______ M
A All mentioned above 1
A Creating an instance of the remote object 0
A Exporting the remote object 0
A Binding the instance of the remote object to the RMI registry 0
Q RMI stands for? M
A Remote Mail Invocation 0
A Remote Message Invocation 0
A Remaining Method Invocation 1
A Remote Method Invocation 0
A typical _________ program creates some remote objects, makes
Q references to these objects accessible, and waits for clients to M
invoke methods on these objects.
A Server 1
A Client 0
A Thread 0
A Concurrent 0
A typical __________ program obtains a remote reference to one
Q or more remote objects on a server and then invokes methods M
on them.
A a) Server 0
A b) Client 1
A c) Thread 0
A d) Concurrent 0

Q The ___________ layer, which provides the interface that client M

and server application objects use to interact with each other.
A Increasing 0
A Count 0
A Bit 0
A Stub/skeleton 1
Q A layer which is the binary data protocol layer. M
A stub layer 0
A skeleton layer 0
A remote layer 0
A transport protocol 1
Q A middleware layer between the stub skeleton and transport. M
A remote layer 0
A instruction layer 0
A reference layer 0
A remote reference layer 1
Q An object acting as a gateway for the client side. M
A skeleton 0
A stub 1
A remote 0
A server 0
Q A gateway for the server side object. M
A skeleton 1
A stub 0
A remote 0
A server 0
Q RMI uses stub and skeleton for communication with the ________ object.M
A client 0
A remote 1
A server 0
A any 0
Q Brain of computer is ____________ M
A Control unit 0
A Arithmetic and Logic unit 0
A Central Processing Unit 1
A Memory 0
Q What does MBR stand for? M
A Main Buffer Register 0
A Memory Buffer Routine 0
A Main Buffer Routine 0
A Memory Buffer Register 1
Any electronic holding place where data can be stored and
retrieved later whenever required is ____________
A memory 1
A drive 0
A disk 0
A circuit 0
Q Which of the following is the fastest means of memory access for CPU? M
A Registers 1
A Cache 0
A Main memory 0
A Virtual Memory 0
Q In the instruction ADD A, B, the answer gets stored in ___________ M
A B 0
A A 1
A Buffer 0
A C 0
Q What is Inter process communication? M
allows processes to communicate and synchronize their
A 0
actions when using the same address space
allows processes to communicate and synchronize their
A 1
actions without using the same address space
A allows the processes to only synchronize their actions without communication
A communicate with one another without resorting to shared data 0
Q Message passing system allows processes to __________ M
A communicate with one another without resorting to shared data 1
A communicate with one another by resorting to shared data 0
A share data 0
A name the recipient or sender of the message 0
Q Which of the following two operations are provided by the IPC facility?M
A write & delete message 0
A delete & receive message 0
A send & delete message 0
A receive & send message 1
Q The link between two processes P and Q to send and receive messages M is called ___
A communication link 0
A message-passing link 1
A synchronization link 0
A share data 0
Q Which of the following do not belong to queues for processes? M
A Job Queue 1
A PCB queue 0
A Device Queue 0
A Ready Queue 0
Q When the process issues an I/O request __________ M
A It is placed in an I/O queue 1
A It is placed in a waiting queue 0
A It is placed in the ready queue 0
A It is placed in the Job queue 0
Q What will happen when a process terminates? M
A It is removed from all queues 1
A It is removed from all, but the job queue 0
A Its process control block is de-allocated 0
A Its process control block is never de-allocated 0
Which of the following are models of middleware that are
belong to distributed object technology.
Which transparency deals with providing efficient access to the
system by hiding the implementation details.
A Location Tranparency
A Access Tranparency 1
A Network Tranparency
A Failure Tarnsparency
The main disadvantage of P2P model are _______________________
& _______________________.
A lack of scalability, high complexity 1
A support for scalability, low complexity
A lact of scalability, high simplycity
A support for scalability, high simplycity
In which model, there is no distinction between the client &
server process.
A clent-server model
A Master-slave model
A P2P Model 1
A fault model
which of the service offered by middleware is used to do query
on the distributed objects?
A Messaging service
A Persistance service
A Concurrency service
A Querying service 1
which of the service offered by middleware is allows to share &
access the resources Concurrently?
A Querying service
A Persistance service
A Concurrency service 1
A Naming service
Q Which of the service is not offered by middleware ? M
A Persistance service
A Translation service 1
A Querying service
A Concurrency service
The ______________ is always a controller in the client-server
A Client
A Slave
A Server 1
A User
Q The Stub & Skeleton is used in__________________ Middleware. M
A web service
which of the service offered by middleware is used to provide
Q security to the various shared resources provided by the M
A Persistance service
A Querying service
A Naming service
A Security service 1
The ___________________ fault describes the worst possible fault
semantics where any type of error may occur.
A Timing
A Arbitrary 1
A Omission
A Non-timing
The capabiliy of a system to detcet & recover from failure is
known as _____________________.
A fault tolerant & portable 1
A scalable & robust
A fault tolerant & robust
A potable & scalable
__________________ transparency makes sure that even if the
Q servers are migrated from one location to to the other, they M
will not affect the performance of system.
A Location
A Migration 1
A Network
A Concurrent
The high availability & load balancing are the key features of
A Cluster computing 1
A Grid computing
A Centralized computing
A Single Computing
Two clocks are said to be synchronized at a particular instance
of time if the difference in time values of the two clocks is less
than some specified constant. The difference in time values of
two clocks is called ___________
Clock Frequency
A 0
Clock drift
A 0
Clock skew
A 1
A Clock Ticks 0
Q What is common problem found in distributed system ? M
Process Synchronization
A 0
Communication synchronization
A 0
Deadlock problem
A 1
A Power failure 0
If timestamps of two events are same, then the events are ____
A 1
A 0
A 0
A non-monotonic 0
Q If a process is executing in its critical section, ________ M
any other process can also execute in its critical section
A 0
no other process can execute in its critical section
A 1
one more process can execute in its critical section
A 0
A none of the mentioned 0
Q A process can enter into its critical section _______ M
A 0

when it receives a reply message from its parent process

A 0
when it receives a reply message from all other processes in
A the system 1

A none of the mentioned 0

Q For proper synchronization in distributed systems _____ M
prevention from the deadlock is must
A 0
prevention from the starvation is must
A 0
prevention from the deadlock & starvation is must
A 1
A none of the mentioned 0
In the token passing approach of distributed systems,
processes are organized in a ring structure _____
A 1
A 0
both logically and physically
A 0
A none of the mentioned 0
In case of failure, a new transaction coordinator can be elected
by _____
Cristian's Algorithm
A 0
Bully algorithm
A 1
Both bully and Cristian's algorithm
A 0
A None of the mentioned 0
In distributed systems, election algorithms assumes that _____
a unique priority number is associated with each active process
A in system 1

there is no priority number associated with any process

A 0
priority of the processes is not required
A 0
A none of the mentioned 0
According to the ring algorithm, links between processes are
A 0
A 1
Both bidirectional and unidirectional
A 0
A None of the mentioned 0
What are the characteristics of mutual exclusion using
centralized approach ?
One processor as coordinator which handles all requests
A 0

It requires request,reply and release per critical section entry

A 0

The method is free from starvation

A 0
A All of the mentioned 1
What are the characteristics of fully distributed approach ? I.
When responses are received from all processes, then process
can enter its Critical Section II. When process exits its critical
section, the process sends reply messages to all its deferred
requests. III. It requires request, reply and release per critical
section entry IV. One processor as coordinator which handles
all requests

A 0
A I and III 0
III and IV
A 0
A I and II 1
What are the advantages of token(with rings) passing
approach ? I. One processor as coordinator which handles all
requests II. No starvation if the ring is unidirectional III. There
are many messages passed per section entered if few users
want to get in section IV. One processor as coordinator which
handles all requests V. Only one message/entry if everyone
wants to get in

I, II and V
A 0
I, II and IV
A 1
II, III and IV
A 0
A II, IV and V 0
Single coordinator approach has the following advantages :
Simple implementation
A 0
Simple deadlock handling
A 0
A 0
A All of the mentioned 1
Which are the two complementary deadlock-prevention
schemes using time stamps ?
The wait-die & wound-wait scheme
A 1
The wait-n-watch scheme
A 0
The wound-wait scheme
A 0
A The wait-wound & wound-wait scheme 0
If an old process wants a resource held by a young process, the
old one will wait happens in _______
A 0
A 1
A 0
A None of the mentioned 0
In wound-wait If a young process wants a resource held by an
old process, the young process will _____
A 0
A 1
A 0
A Restarts and wait 0
Q Election message is always sent to the process with _____ M
Lower numbers
A 0

Waiting processes
A 0
Higher numbers
A 1
A Requesting Lower number of resources 0
Which algorithms are used to handle mutual exclusion in
distributed systems?
A 0
A 0
Token ring
A 0
A All of the mentioned 1
Which algorithms are used for selecting a process to act as
coordinator or sequencer? I. Centralized algorithm II. Election
algorithm III. Ring algorithm IV. Chandy-Misra-Haas algorithm

II and IV
A 0
A 0
II and III
A 1
A II 0
Q What is UTC ? M
Universal Centralized Time
A 0
Unique Coordinated Time
A 0
Universal Coordinated Time
A 1
A Unique Centralized Time 0
Q In Cristian algorithm the time sever is ____ M
A 1
A 0
Some internal passive some interval active
A 0
A None of the mentioned 0
What are the problems of clock synchronization in distributed
operating systems ? I. Processses make decision based only on
local information II. The relevent information is scattered
Q among multiple machines III. A single point of failure in the M
system should be avoided IV. No common clock or other
precise global time source exists

II, III and IV

A 0
I, II and IV
A 0
I, III and IV
A 0
A I, II, III, IV 1
A ____________is a quartz crystal that oscillates at a well-defined
Counter register
A 0
Quartz crystal
A 1
Constant register
A 0
A None of the mentioned 0
The ______________ is used to store a constant value that is
Q decided based on the frequency of oscillation of the quartz M
Counter register
A 0
Quartz crystal
A 0
Constant register
A 1
A None of the mentioned 0
The ____________ is used to keep track of the oscillations of the
quartz crystal.
Counter register
A 1
Quartz crystal
A 0
Constant register
A 0
A None of the mentioned 0
The value in the counter register is ____________ by 1 for each
oscillation of the quartz crystal.
A 1
A Incremented 0
A Doubled 0
A None of the mentioned 0
An external time source that is often used as a reference for
Q synchronizing computer clocks with real time is the __________ M

Universal Centralized Time

A 0
Unique Coordinated Time
A 0
Unique Centralized Time
A 0
A Universal Coordinated Time 1
The computer clock differs from the real time clock is known as
Quartz crystal
A 0

Clock drift
A 1
Clock skew
A 0
A None of the mentioned 0
In ________________________ each node periodically sends a
message to the time server.
Passive Time Server Centralized Algorithm
A 1
Active Time Server Centralized Algorithm
A 0
Global Averaging Distributed Algorithms
A 0
A Localized Averaging Distributed Algorithms 0
Q Cristian’s Algorithm is _____ M
Passive Time Server Algorithm
A 1
Active Time Server Algorithm
A 0
both (a) and (b)
A 0
A None of the mentioned 0
Q Berkeley Algorithm is ________ M
Passive Time Server Algorithm
A 0
Active Time Server Algorithm
A 1
both (a) and (b)
A 0

A None of the mentioned 0

Q The difference between logical and physical clocks ? M
Logical clocks measure the time of day and Physical clocks are
used to mark relationships among events in a distributed
A 0

Both are the same

A 0
Physical clocks measure the time of day and Logical clocks are
used to mark relationships among events in a distributed
A 1

A None of the mentioned 0

__________ is a process that prevents multiple threads or
Q processes from accessing shared resources at the same time M

Critical section
A 0
A 0
Message passing
A 0
A Mutual Exclusion 1
In which algorithm, One process is elected as the coordinator.
Distributed mutual exclusion algorithm
A 0
Centralized mutual exclusion algorithm
A 1
Token ring algorithm
A 0
A None of the mentioned 0
When resources have multiple instances ________ is used for
deadlock Avoidance.
Bankers algorithm
A 1
Resource Allocation Graph
A 0
A 0
A All of these 0
Q The Bankers algorithm is used ______ M
to prevent deadlock
A 1
to rectify deadlock
A 0
to detect deadlock
A 0
A to solve deadlock 0
In ____ only one process at a time is allowed into its critical
Q section, among all processes that have critical sections for the M
same resource.
Mutual Exclusion
A 1
A 0
A 0
A Starvation 0
____are useful for the enforcement of mutual exclusion and also
Q provide an effective means of inter-process communication. M

A 0
A 1
A 0
A Addressing 0
A ___ is a software module consisting of one or more
procedures, an initialization sequence, and local data.
A 1
message passing
A 0

strong semaphore
A 0
A binary semaphore 0
____lends itself to implementation in distributed systems as
Q well as in shared-memory multiprocessor and uni-processor M
A 0
message passing
A 1
strong semaphore
A 0
A binary semaphore 0
State whether the following statements are correct for the
characteristics of monitor
i) The local data variables are accessible not only by the
monitors’ procedures but also by the external procedure.
Q ii) A process enters the monitor by invoking one of its M
iii) Only one process may be excluded in the monitor at a time.

i and ii only
A 0
ii and iii only
A 1
i and iii only
A 0
A All i, ii and iii 0
____are used for signaling among processes and can be readily
used to enforce a mutual exclusion discipline.
A 1
A 0
A 0
A Addressing 0
In distributed systems, a logical clock is associated with
each instruction
A 0
each process
A 1
each register
A 0
A none of the mentioned 0
In distributed systems, what will the transaction coordinator
starts the execution of transaction
A 0
breaks the transaction into number of sub transactions
A 0
coordinates the termination of the transaction
A 0
A all of the mentioned 1
Q In distributed systems, transaction coordinator M
starts the execution of transaction
A 0
breaks the transaction into number of sub transactions
A 0
coordinates the termination of the transaction
A 0
A all of the mentioned 1
What are the characteristics of tightly coupled system ? i)
Different clock
Q ii) Use communication links M
iii) Same clock
iv) Distributed systems
A 0
i and iv
A 0
i, ii and iii
A 0
A ii, iii and iv 1
Which of the following variable wait within the to enable a
a condition is defined by a condition variable
A 1
objects Boolean objects can be used by condition variables
A 0

semaphore must be used

A 0
A all of the mentioned 0
Q Synchronization tool is? M
A 0
A 0
A 1
A socket 0
Process synchronization can be done on which of the following
A 0
A 0
both hardware and software
A 1
A one of the mentioned 0
Q How can we avoid deadlock M
resource allocation must be done at once
A 0
there must be a fixed number of resources to allocate
A 1
all deadlock process must be aborted
A 0
A inversion technique can be used 0
What are the advantages of token(with rings) passing
approach ?

i) One processor as coordinator which handles all requests

ii) No starvation if the ring is unidirectional
Q iii) There are many messages passed per section entered if few M
users want to get in section
iv) One processor as coordinator which handles all requests
v) Only one message/entry if everyone wants to get in

A 0
ii and iii
A 0
i, ii and iii
A 0
A i, ii and iv 1
In which the access takes place when different processes try to
access the same data concurrently and the outcome of the
execution depends on the specific order, is called

dynamic condition
A 0
race condition
A 1
essential condition
A 0
A critical condition 0
Q A semaphore is a shared integer variable that can not M
drop below zero
A 1
be more than zero
A 0
drop below one
A 0
A that cannot be more than one 0
Which of the following for Mutual exclusion can be provided by
mutex locks
A 0
binary semaphores
A 0
both mutex locks and binary semaphores
A 1
A none of the mentioned 0
When high priority task is indirectly preempted by medium
priority the scenario is called
priority inversion
A 1
priority removal
A 0
priority exchange
A 0
A priority modification 0
A monitor is a module and monitor which of the following can
shared data structures
A 0
procedures that operate on shared data structure
A 0
synchronization between concurrent procedure invocation
A 0

A all of the mentioned 1

Which of the following process can be affected by other
processes during execution in the system?
init process
A 0
child process
A 0
parent process
A 0
A cooperating process 1
In which the access takes place when different processes try to
access the same data concurrently and the outcome of the
execution depends on the specific order, is called

dynamic condition
A 0
race condition
A 1
essential condition
A 0
A critical condition 0
You are synchronizing your clock from a time server using NTP
and observe the following times: [4 points] a. timestamp at
client when the message leaves the client: 6:22:15.100 b.
timestamp at which the server receives the message:
7:05:10.700 c. timestamp at which the server sends the reply:
7:05:10.710 d. timestamp at client when the message is
received at client: 6:22:15.250 To what value do you set the
client's clock?
A 07:05:10.780 1
A 08:05:10.780 0
A 09:05:10.780 0
A 10:05:10.780 0
Suppose that two processes detect the demise of the
Q coordinator simultaneously and both decide to hold an election M
using the bully algorithm. What happens?
Each of the higher-numbered processes will get two ELECTION
A messages, but will ignore the first one. The election will 1
proceed as usual
Each of the lower-numbered processes will get two ELECTION
A messages, but will ignore the first one. The election will 0
proceed as usual
Each of the lower-numbered processes will get two ELECTION
A messages, but will ignore the second one. The election will 0
proceed as usual
Each of the higher-numbered processes will get two ELECTION
A messages, but will ignore the second one. The election will 0
proceed as usual
What is the advantage of a vector clock over Lamport's logical
A Catch causality 1
A avoid deadlock 0
A avoid linear relationship 0
A set nonlinear relationship 0
___algorithm for coordinator election assumes that no process
Q can fail during the election procedure until the new M
coordinator has been selected.
bully algorithm
A 1
Ring algorithm
A 0
A Lamport algorithm 0
A Suzuki Kasami algorithm 0
A client's clock reads 3:20:00. The server's clock reads 3:10:00
when they synchronize using the Berkeley algorithm. Assume
message delays are negligible. What is the time at the client
Q after M

A 03:15 1
A 04:15 0
A 05:15 0
A 06:15 0
A client's clock reads 3:20:00. The server's clock reads 3:10:00
when they synchronize using Cristian's algorithm. Assume
delays are negligible. What is the time at the client after

A 03:20:00 0
A 03:05:00 0
A 03:15:00 0
A 03:10:00 1
Q The ring election algorithm works by: M
Having all nodes in a ring of processors send a message to a
coordinator who will elect the leader.
A 0
Sending a token around a set of nodes. Whoever has the token
is the coordinator.
A 0

Sending a message around all available nodes and choosing

A the 0
first one on the resultant list.
Building a list of all live nodes and choosing the largest
A 1
numbered node in the list.
Which event is concurrent with the vector clock (2, 8, 4)?
(3, 9, 5)
A 0
(3, 8, 4)
A 0
(1, 7, 3)
A 0

A (4, 8, 2) 1
The Ricart & Agrawala distributed mutual exclusion algorithm
Less efficient and less fault tolerant than a centralized
A 1
More efficient and more fault tolerant than a centralized
A 0
More efficient but less fault tolerant than a centralized
A 0
Less efficient but more fault tolerant than a centralized
A 0
Q A bully election algorithm: M
picks the first process to respond to an
A election request. 0

relies on majority vote to pick the winning

A process. 0

assigns the role of coordinator to the

processs holding the token at the time of
A 0

A picks the process with the largest ID. 1

Which mutual exclusion algorithm works when the
membership of the group is unknown?
A 1
A 0
A 0

A Token Ring. 0
Q=QUESTION question_description question_explanationquestion_type question_difficulty
A=ANSWER answer_description answer_explanation answer_isright answer_position

Q What is not a major reason for building distributed systems? M

A Resource sharing 0 1
A Computation speedup 0 2
A Reliability 0 3
A Simplicity 1 4
Q What are the characteristics of a distributed file system? M 1
A Its users, servers and storage devices are dispersed 1 1
A Service activity is not carried out across the network 0 2
A They have single centralized data repository 0 3
A There are multiple dependent storage devices 0 4
Q A DFS is executed as a part of M 1
A System specific program 0 1
A operating system 1 2
A File system 0 3
A Application program 0 4
Q The NFS servers M 1
A are stateless 1 1
A save the current state of the request 0 2
A maybe stateless 0 3
A statefull 0 4
Q A single NFS write procedure ____________ M 1
A can be atomic 0 1
A is atomic 1 2
A is non atomic 0 3
A is automatic 0 4
Q X.500 is a M 1
A directory services 1 1
A naming services 0 2
A Replication services 0 3
A Consistency services 0 4
In X.500, hierarchical organization of entries which are distributed
Q across one or more servers is M 1
A Directory System Agents (DSA) 1 1
A Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) 0 2
A HTTP 0 4
Q Which is NOT the characteristic of a DFS? M 1
A reliability 0 1
A Scalability 0 2
A Transperency 0 3
A Upgradation 1 4
Q Which is not possible in distributed file system? M 1
A File replication 0 1
A Migration 1 2
A Client interface 0 3
A Remote access 0 4
Q What is DFS(Distributed File System)? M 1
is a file system that is distributed on multiple file servers or multiple
A locations 1 1
A is a file system that is distributed multiple times 0 2
A is a file system that is on centralized location 0 3
A is a file system that access any file 0 4
Q What is the advantage of caching in remote file access? M 1
A Reduced network traffic by retaining recently accessed disk blocks 1 1
A Faster network access 0 2
A Copies of data creates backup automatically 0 3
A Faster backup 0 4
Q Which is NOT the characteristic of a DFS? M 1
A reliability 0 1
A Scalability 0 2
A Transperency 0 3
A Upgradation 1 4
In a distributed file system, _______ is mapping between logical and
Q physical objects. M 1
A client interfacing 0 1
A naming 1 2
A migration 0 3
A heterogeneity 0 4
In distributed file system, when a file’s physical storage location
Q M 1
A file name need to be changed 0 1
A file name need not to be changed 1 2
A file’s host name need to be changed 0 3
A file’s local name need to be changed 0 4
In distributed file system, _______ is mapping between logical and
Q physical objects. M 1
A client interfacing 0 1
A naming 1 2
A migration 0 3
A hetrogeneity 0 4
Q What are not the characteristics of a DFS? M 1
A login transparency and access transparency 0 1
A Files need not contain information about their physical location 0 2
A No Multiplicity of users 1 3
A No Multiplicity if files 0 4
Q The mount mechanism ________ a transitive property. M 1
A exhibits 0 1
A does not exhibit 1 2
A may exhibit 0 3
A executes 0 4
__________ mounts, is when a file system can be mounted over
Q another file system, that is remotely mounted, not local. M 1
A recursive 0 1
A cascading 1 2
A trivial 0 3
A non recursive 0 4
Q The NFS protocol __________ concurrency control mechanisms. M 1
A provides 0 1
A does not provide 1 2
A may provide 0 3
A may not provide at some time 0 4

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