Mulugeta A.: Chapter One

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Distributed Systems

Chapter One

Mulugeta A.

What is a distributed system ?
 A distributed system is:
 A collection of autonomous/independent computing
elements that appears to its users as a single coherent

 This definition refers two features of distributed system

 Computing elements of distributed system are independent
 Users or applications perceive a single system

Collection of autonomous nodes
 Autonomous computing elements also called nodes
 Can be of either HW or SW
 Behave independently of each other
 Each node have its own notion of time
 There is no global clock.
 Leads to fundamental synchronization and coordination problems.
 However, these nodes collaborate to achieve a common
 Realized by exchanging messages with each other

Coherent system
 A single coherent system – users believe they are dealing
with a single system
 The difference between components as well as the
communication between them are hidden from users
 Users can interact in a uniform and consistent way regardless
of where and when interaction takes place

 Examples
 An end user cannot tell where a computation is taking place
 Where data is exactly stored should be irrelevant to an application
 If or not data has been replicated is completely hidden
 Note:- Autonomous elements have to collaborate to
achieve this goal
 The middleware layer extends over multiple machines, and offers each
application the same interface.
 Goal is to hide the heterogeneity of the underlying OS and HWs
 What does it contain?
 Commonly used components and functions that need not be implemented by
applications separately.

Figure 1-1. A distributed system organized as middleware.

 it is a software that usually referred as the OS of distributed
 Manage resources for its applications
 Moreover, it offers services that can also be found in most operating
systems, including:
 Facilities for inter-application communication.
 Security services.
 Accounting services.
 Masking of and recovery from failures.
 Example middleware service.
 Remote Procedure Call (RPC) - allows an application to invoke a
function that is implemented and executed on a remote computer as
if it was locally available.

Examples: Automatic Banking (Teller Machine) Systems

Network of Workstations

Goals of distributed systems
 Should you build distributed systems just because you can?
 Should you build distributed systems for problems that can be solved by
a single machine?
 NO
 There are 4 goals that should be met to make building a
distributed system worth the effort. 
 Resource Accessibility - Easy to access and share resource
 Distribution Transparency - Hide the fact that resources are distributed
across the network
 Openness - The system should offer services according to standard rules
that describe their syntax and semantics
 Extensible: easy to add / replace components
 Scalability - Size scalable, geographically scalable, administratively

Resource sharing/accessibility
 An important goal of distributed system is to make it easy for
users(and applications) to access and share remote resources.
 Resources can be virtually anything,
 Typical examples, storage facilities, data, files, services, and networks
 Benefits
 Economic
 It is cheaper to have a single high-end reliable storage facility be shared than
having to buy and maintain storage for each user separately.
 Encourage collaboration and exchange of information
 allowed geographically dispersed people work together by means of groupware
software such as
 Collaborative editing, teleconferencing, and so on
 Bit Torrent – allows users to share files across the Internet

 Challenges of resource sharing is Security,

 E.g. email spam, DOS attacks
Distribution Transparency
 DS hide the fact that its processes and resources are
physically distributed across multiple computers
 DS that is able to present itself to users and applications
as if it were only a single computer system is said to be
 That is, invisible, to end users and applications.
 The concept of transparency can be applied to several
aspects of a distributed system.
 The most important ones are shown on the next slide.

Types of Transparency in a Distributed System
Transparency Description
Access Hide differences in data representation and how an object is accessed

Location Hide where an object is located

Relocation Hide that an object may be moved to another location while in use

Migration Hide that an object may move to another location

Replication Hide that an object is replicated

Concurrency Hide that an object may be shared by several independent users

Failure Hide the failure and recovery of an object

Figure 1-2. Different forms of transparency in a distributed system (ISO, 1995) .

The term object refers to either process or resource

 To hide replication from user is it necessary that all replicas have

the same name?

 Would you think that it is possible to implement replication

transparency without location transparency ?

 An open distributed system is essentially a system that offers
components that can easily be used by, or integrated into other systems.
 It often consists of component that originate from somewhere as well
 How?
 Components adhere to standard rules that describe the syntax and semantics
of what services those components have to offer
 Define services through Interfaces using interface definition language(IDL)
 It captures only the syntax of services like function name, parameter, return
type etc
 Semantics (what those services do) specified in natural language

 By openness we want to achieve
 Interoperability
 Implementations from different manufacturers can work together by
merely relying on the standard rules
 Portability
 Applications from one distributed system can be executed on another
distributed system that implements the same interface
 Extensibility
 Easy to add or replaces components in the system
 Flexibility
 Easy to modify/customize the system/component to a specific need
 Flexibility is achieved by separating policy from mechanism

Policies versus mechanisms
 policies
 Which operations do we allow downloaded code to perform?
 Which QoS requirements do we adjust in the face of varying bandwidth?
 What level of secrecy do we require for communication?
 mechanisms
 Support different levels of trust for mobile code (like Applets)
 Provide adjustable QoS parameters per data stream
 Offer different encryption algorithms
 Observation
 The stricter the separation between policy and mechanism, leads to many configuration
parameters and complex management.
 Hard coding policies often simplifies management and reduces complexity at the price
of less flexibility.
 Solution – Find the right balance
 Practice shows, provide reasonable defaults for parameters
 There is no obvious solution
 Scalability is the ability of a system, network, or process to handle a
growing amount of work in a capable manner(with no significant loss
of performance)
 Measured in three dimensions
 Size scalable
 Can easily add more users or resources to the system
 Geographically scalable
 Can easily handle users and resources that may lie far apart
 Administratively scalable
 Can easily managed even if it spans many independent administrative
 Observation
 Most systems account only for size scalability
 Often solved by : multiple powerful servers operating independently in parallel

Size Scalability problems
 When services are implemented/running by means of a single/few
tightly coupled servers in the distributed system.
 The server, or group of servers, can simply become a bottleneck when it needs
to process an increasing number of requests.
 Root causes for size scalability problems with centralized solutions
 The computational capacity, limited by the CPUs
 The storage capacity, including the transfer rate between CPUs and disks(I/O
transfer rate)
 The network between the user and the centralized service

Size Scalability problems - Examples

Figure 1-3. Examples of scalability limitations.

Problems with geographical scalability
 It is difficult to scale existing distributed systems that were designed for
local-area networks into WAN
 Many distributed systems assume synchronous client-server
 Client sends request and waits for an answer.
 Latency may easily prohibit this scheme.
 WAN links are often inherently unreliable:
 The effect is that solutions developed for local-area networks cannot always
work on wide-area system
 Example, simply moving streaming video from LAN to WAN is bound to fail.
 Lack of multipoint communication(like broadcast),
 Unlike LAN, a simple search broadcast cannot be deployed.
 Solution is to develop separate naming and directory services to find hosts and

Problems with administrative scalability
 Finally, a difficult and in many cases open, question is
 How to scale a distributed system across multiple, independent
administrative domains?
 The major problem that needs to be solved is that of
 Conflicting policies with respect to resource usage (and thus payment),
management, and security
 Examples
 Grid computing: share expensive resources between different domains.
 Exception: several peer-to-peer networks
 File-sharing systems (based, e.g., on BitTorrent)
 Peer-to-peer telephony (Skype)
 Note: in such systems end users collaborate and not administrative entities.

Scaling techniques
 There are basically three techniques for scaling:
1) Hiding communication latencies,
2) Partitioning and Distribution
3) Replication

Scaling techniques
1) Hiding communication latencies, it is applicable in
the case of geographical scalability.
 The basic idea is try to avoid waiting for responses to
remote service request as much as possible.
 Make use of asynchronous communication
 Make request and do other useful work up until the response
turned in
 Problem: not every application fits this model.
 Reduce the overall communication between client and server
 Move computations to client
 See next slide

Scaling Techniques (1)- Hide latency

Figure 1-4. The difference between letting (a) a server or (b) a

client check forms as they are being filled.
2) Partitioning and Distribution
 Involves taking a component, splitting it into smaller parts,
and subsequently spreading those parts across the system. 
 Example: Domain Name System (DNS),
 See next slide

Scaling Techniques (2)- Distribution

Figure 1-5. An example of dividing the DNS

26 name space into zones.
Scaling techniques
3) Redundancy/Replication
 Is to make copies of data available at different machines
 Replication has the following advantages
 Hide much of the communication latency problems mentioned
 Improves availability
 Helps to balance the load between components leading to better
Caching is a special form of replication
Caching is a decision made by the client of a resource and not
by the owner of a resource.
Caching and replication leads to consistency problems

Pitfalls when Developing Distributed Systems
 False assumptions made by first time developer:
 The network is reliable.
 The network is secure.
 The network is homogeneous.
 The topology does not change.
 Latency is zero.
 Bandwidth is infinite.
 Transport cost is zero.
 There is one administrator.
 Note:-
 When one of these fail, it is difficult to mask unwanted behavior
 Most of these issues will not most likely show up in non-distributed
applications development

Types of distributed systems
 Three types of distributed systems
 High performance distributed computing systems
 Distributed information systems
 Distributed systems for pervasive computing

Distributed Computing Systems
 Used for high performance computing tasks
 Examples distributed computing systems
 Cluster computing systems
 Grid computing systems
 Cloud computing systems

Cluster Computing Systems
 In virtually all cases, cluster computing is used for parallel
programming in which a single (compute intensive) program is run
in parallel on multiple machines.
 A typical cluster system consists of a collection of compute nodes
that are controlled and accessed by means of a single master node.
 Nodes are connected through a LAN.
 Nodes are essentially homogeneous (Same OS, near-identical hardware )
 The master node typically handles
 The allocation of nodes to a particular parallel program,
 Maintains a batch queue of submitted jobs, and
 Provides an interface for the users of the system.

Example cluster configuration
General configuration of Linux-based cluster called Beowulf

Figure. An example of a cluster computing system.

• Note:- there is also another configuration (symmetric approach) of Cluster system
where there is no master node. A good example is MOSIX
Grid Computing Systems
 In contrast to cluster computing, grid computing
 Have a high degree of heterogeneity
 Dispersed across several organizations
 Can easily span a wide-area network
 The goal is to bring users and resources from different organizations together
to allow collaboration among them
 Establish Virtual Organization (VO)
 Members belong to the same VO has access to the resources that are provided to that VO
 Focus of the software design for grid computing
 Providing access to resources from different administrative domain to only those users
that belong to a specific VO
 Typically, resources are
 Compute servers (including supercomputers, cluster computers),
 Storage facilities and Databases.
 Networked telescopes, sensors, etc

 The issues in grid computing is architectural issue.
 An architecture initially proposed by Foster et al. [2001] is shown
below, which still forms the basis for many grid computing systems.

 Fabric layer
 Provides interfaces to local resources at a specific site.
 These interfaces are tailored to allow sharing of resources within a virtual
 Typically, they will provide functions for querying the state and
capabilities of a resource, along with functions for actual resource
management (e.g., locking resources).
 Connectivity layer
 Consists of communication protocols for supporting grid transactions that
span the usage of multiple resources.
 For example, protocols are needed to transfer data between resources, or
to simply access a resource from a remote location.
 In addition, the connectivity layer will contain security protocols to
authenticate users and resources.

 Resource layer
 Responsible for managing a single resource.
 It uses the functions provided by the connectivity layer and calls
directly the interfaces made available by the fabric layer.
 Collective layer
 It deals with handling access to multiple resources and typically
consists of services for resource discovery, allocation and scheduling
of tasks onto multiple resources, data replication, and so on.
 Application layer
 Consists of the applications that operate within a virtual organization
and which make use of the grid computing environment.
 Note:
 Typically the collective, connectivity, and resource layer form
the heart of what could be called a grid middleware layer
Cloud computing
 Provides computing services and resources (hardware and
software) over a network/internet
 Cloud computing is based upon the concept of utility computing
 Customers shall pay only based on a pay-per-use model
 It is characterized by an easily usable and accessible pool
of virtualized resources
 It is scalable as users can get more resources if more work needs to
be done

Cloud computing
 In practice, clouds are organized into four layers
 Hardware – contains resources customers never get to see directly.
 Infrastructure - Employs virtualization techniques to provide customers
virtual storage and computing resources
 Platform – provides API for developing Apps, Storage
 Application – Actual applications like suite of apps shipped with OSes

Cloud computing
 Cloud-computing providers offer these layers to their customers
through various interfaces 
 Command-line, Tools Programming interface and web interface)
 Cloud computing providers offer their services according to three
fundamental models
 Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
 Covering hardware and infrastructure layer
 Basic infrastructure like storage
 Platform as a service (PaaS)
 Covering the platform layer
 Database, web servers
 Software as a service (SaaS)
 Covering application layer
 Software that the clients need like text processor
Advantages of Cloud Computing
Trade capital expense for variable expense
 Instead of having to invest heavily in data centers and servers before you know how
you’re going to use them,
 You can pay only when you consume computing resources, and
 Pay only for how much you consume.
Benefit from massive economies of scale
 By using cloud computing, you can achieve a lower variable cost than you can get
on your own.
 Because usage from hundreds of thousands of customers is aggregated in the cloud,
providers such as AWS can achieve higher economies of scale, which translates into lower
pay as-you-go prices.
Stop guessing capacity
 Eliminate guessing on your infrastructure capacity needs.
 When you make a capacity decision prior to deploying an application, you often end up
either sitting on expensive idle resources or dealing with limited capacity.
 With cloud computing, these problems go away. You can access as much or as little capacity
as you need, and scale up and down as required with only a few minutes’ notice.

 Increase speed and agility
 In a cloud computing environment, new IT resources are only a click away,
which means that you reduce the time to make those resources available to
your developers from weeks to just minutes.
 This results in a dramatic increase in agility for the organization, since the cost and
time it takes to experiment and develop is significantly lower.
 Stop spending money running and maintaining data centers
 Focus on projects that differentiate your business, not the infrastructure.
 Cloud computing lets you focus on your own customers, rather than on the heavy
lifting of racking, stacking, and powering servers.
 Go global in minutes
 Easily deploy your application in multiple regions around the world with
just a few clicks.
 This means you can provide lower latency and a better experience for your customers
at minimal cost.

Issues of cloud computing
 Cloud computing is becoming so popular and common
 It allows organizations to outsource their IT infrastructure:
hardware and software
 Certainly a serious alternative to maintaining huge local
 However, it has certain issues to resolve
 Provider lock-in,
 Security and privacy issues, and
 Dependency on the availability of services

Examples(Amazon Web Services Cloud
 Some of the services provided by Amazon(AWS): Read the details of these
Services(use Overview of Amazon Web Services for reference)
 Software Development Kits
 Analytics
 Amazon Athena
 Amazon EMR
 Amazon CloudSearch
 Amazon Elasticsearch Service
 Amazon Kinesis
 Application Integration
 Amazon MQ
 Amazon SQS
 Amazon SNS
 Amazon SWF
 Blockchain
 Amazon Managed Blockchain

 Business Applications
 Alexa for Business
 Amazon WorkDocs
 Amazon WorkMail
 Amazon Chime
 Compute
 Amazon EC2
 Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling
 Amazon Elastic Container Registry
 Amazon Elastic Container Service
 Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes
 Amazon Lightsail
 AWS Batch
 AWS Elastic Beanstalk
 AWS Fargate
 AWS Lambda
 AWS Serverless Application Repository
 AWS Outposts
 VMware Cloud on AWS

 Customer Engagement
 Amazon Connect
 Amazon SES
 Database
 Amazon Aurora
 Amazon RDS
 Amazon RDS on Vmware
 Amazon DynamoDB
 Amazon ElastiCache
 Amazon Neptune
 Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB)
 Amazon Timestream
 Desktop and App Streaming
 Developer Tools
 Game Tech
 Internet of Things (IoT)
 Machine Learning

 Management and Governance
 Media Services
 Migration and Transfer
 Mobile
 Networking and Content Delivery
 Robotics
 Satellite
 Security, Identity, and Compliance
 Storage
 Amazon S3
 Amazon Elastic Block Store
 Amazon Elastic File System
 Amazon FSx for Lustre
 Amazon FSx for Windows File Server
 Amazon S3 Glacier
 AWS Storage Gateway

Distributed Information Systems
 Enterprises might already have multiple networked information
 One that makes its services available to remote clients.
 Example a University might have Registrar system, HRM system
 However, integrating applications into enterprise wide information
system was painful
 Middleware is the solution
 Applications can be integrated at different levels
 Database level
 That results in Distributed Transaction Processing
 Application level
 Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
Distributed transaction processing
 Operations on a database are usually carried out in the form of
 A nested transaction is constructed from a number of sub-transactions
 The sub transactions could run in parallel on different machines to gain

Application integration at database level is

co-ordinated by transaction processing
monitoring (TP Monitor)

Transaction Processing Monitor (TP monitor)
 TP monitor is a middle ware
 Its main task is to allow application to access multiple servers/databases
 Clients combine requests for (different) servers; send that off; collect
responses, and present a coherent result to the user.

Enterprise Application Integration
 For applications decoupled from the databases they were built upon,
facilities were needed to integrate applications independent from their
 The Idea here is application’s component can directly communicate with one
 Inter application communication leads to different communication
 Remote procedure call or Remote Method Invocation
 Requests are sent through local procedure call, packaged as message, processed
and result returned as message from call.
 The disadvantage is that both caller and callee must be up and running at the
time of communication
 Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) (Publish/Subscribe model)
 Messages are sent to logical contact point (published), and forwarded to
subscribed applications
Enterprise Application Integration

Middleware as a communication facilitator in enterprise application integration.

Distributed Pervasive System
 The distributed systems discussed so far are largely characterized by their
stability: nodes are fixed and have a more or less permanent and high-quality
connection to a network. But
 pervasive systems. As its name suggests, pervasive systems are intended to
naturally blend into our environment.
 The separation between users and system components is much more blurred.
 There is often no single dedicated interface, such as a screen/keyboard
 Uses sensors and actuators

Types of pervasive systems
1. Ubiquitous computing systems
2. Mobile computing systems
3. Sensor networks

Ubiquitous computing systems
 User will be continuously interacting with the system, often
not even being aware that interaction is taking place.
 Poslad [2009] describes the core requirements for a ubiquitous
1. Distribution:- Devices are networked, distributed, and accessible in a
transparent manner
2. Interaction: Interaction between users and devices is highly unobtrusive
3. Context awareness: -The system is aware of a user’s context in order to
optimize interaction
4. Autonomy:-Devices operate autonomously without human intervention,
and are thus highly self-managed
5. Intelligence:-The system as a whole can handle a wide range of dynamic
actions and interactions computing system roughly as follows:

Mobile computing systems
 A simple definition could be: Mobile Computing is using a
computer (of one kind or another) while on the move
 Another definition could be: Mobile Computing is when a work
process is moved from a normal fixed position to a more dynamic
 A third definition could be: Mobile Computing is when a work
process is carried out somewhere where it was not previously
 Mobile Computing is an umbrella term used to describe
technologies that enable people to access services anytime and
Examples MANET

Sensor networks
 Consists of tens to hundreds or thousands of relatively small
nodes, each equipped with one or more sensing devices.
 In addition, nodes can often act as actuators
 A typical example being the automatic activation of sprinklers when
a fire has been detected.
 Many sensor networks use wireless communication, and the
nodes are often battery powered.
 Their limited resources, restricted communication capabilities,
and constrained power consumption demand that efficiency is
high on the list of design criteria.

End of Chapter1


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