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Unsupervised Feature Extraction With Autoencoders For EEG Based Multiclass Motor Imagery BCI

This document discusses using unsupervised autoencoders to extract features from EEG data for motor imagery classification. The key points are: 1) Autoencoders are used to transform EEG signals into weight vectors, representing the signals in a new domain. Features like autoregressive coefficients, Shannon entropy, and wavelets are extracted from these weight vectors. 2) A rectangular window is used to capture local features from the EEG data. The extracted features are then used to train an SVM classifier. 3) The method is tested on two publicly available EEG datasets, achieving average accuracies of 95.33% and 97% for 4-class motor imagery classification, outperforming other recently reported methods.
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Unsupervised Feature Extraction With Autoencoders For EEG Based Multiclass Motor Imagery BCI

This document discusses using unsupervised autoencoders to extract features from EEG data for motor imagery classification. The key points are: 1) Autoencoders are used to transform EEG signals into weight vectors, representing the signals in a new domain. Features like autoregressive coefficients, Shannon entropy, and wavelets are extracted from these weight vectors. 2) A rectangular window is used to capture local features from the EEG data. The extracted features are then used to train an SVM classifier. 3) The method is tested on two publicly available EEG datasets, achieving average accuracies of 95.33% and 97% for 4-class motor imagery classification, outperforming other recently reported methods.
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Unsupervised feature extraction with autoencoders for EEG based

multiclass motor imagery BCI
Souvik Phadikar a, *, Nidul Sinha b, Rajdeep Ghosh c
Neurology Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar, Silchar, Assam, India
School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT Bhopal University, Kotri Kalan, Madhya Pradesh 466114, India


Keywords: Decoding of motor imagery (MI) from Electroencephalogram (EEG) is an important component of BCI system
Autoencoder that helps motor-disabled people interact with the outside world via external devices. One of the main issues
BCI associated with the multiclass classification of MI based EEG is the informative confusion due to non-stationary
characteristics of EEG data. In this work, an innovative idea of transforming EEG signal into a new domain,
EEG Signal Transformation
Feature Extraction
weight vector of autoencoder, unsupervised neural network, is proposed for the first time to solve that confusion.
Motor Imagery These weight vectors are optimized according to that particular EEG signal. The features: autoregressive co­
Wavelet Transform efficients (ARs), Shannon entropy (SE) and wavelet leader were extracted from the weight vector. A rectangular
windowing-based feature extraction technique is implemented to capture the local features of the EEG data.
Finally, extracted features were used in the support vector machine (SVM) as a classifier network. The proposed
method is implemented on two openly available EEG dataset (BCI competition-III and Competition-IV) to vali­
date the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed methodology over the newly reported methods. For four-
class EEG based MI classification, the proposed technique has achieved an average test accuracy of 95.33% and
97% for dataset-IIIa from BCI-III and dataset-IIa from BCI-IV respectively. The experimental results reveal that,
the proposed technique is a promising solution to improve the decoding performance of BCIs.

1. Introduction In the MI based BCI systems, initially features are extracted from the
EEG signal. These features are then integrated into a feature array, and
BCI creates a communication pathway between neuronal system and these arrays are further used to train the machine learning models. The
external devices to decode the intent of operator into computer in­ performance of these machine learning models depends on two major
struction by distinguishing a task associated with neuronal activity (Das factors (i) discriminative feature extraction and (ii) training algorithms.
et al., 2016). Several techniques are used to capture the neuronal ac­ The best performance will be achieved if these features are discrimi­
tivity inside the brain. EEG is one of them and widely used due to its non- nating for each class of the data. However, in EEG based BCI system,
invasive nature and high temporal resolution. It captures the electro- three main challenges such as: artifacts, non-stationarity and mis­
chemical fluctuations inside the brain by means of electrodes on the labelling of training feature sets can degrade the performance of the
scalp. The MI classification through EEG is one of widely used BCI ap­ systems. Eye blink and facial muscular activities, considered as biolog­
plications. The cerebral activities of MI can be triggered when a person ical artifacts, are unavoidable contaminations that are measured
imagines any movement of his body parts. If these cerebral activities are together with neural activities and thereby distort valuable information
properly translated, then the findings can be used to interact with (Jafarifarmand et al., 2017). The variations seen in different neuro­
external devices such as BCI based wheel chair for physically challenged physiological conditions of subjects in terms of degree of alertness while
patients and service robot for several motor neuron diseases (e.g. the signal recording sessions are occurring can cause the immense non-
Poliomyelitis, Parkinson disease, etc.) (Ang & Guan, 2017; Sun et al., stationarity in the EEG signals (Krauledat, 2008). The improper imagi­
2019). The EEG pattern identification, therefore, plays a key role in the nation of mental tasks and inappropriate class lsabelling result in devi­
applications of BCIs for MI. ation in the training data. Various intelligent methods have been

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: phadikar@wisc.edu (S. Phadikar), nidulsinha@ee.nits.ac.in (N. Sinha), rajdeep.ghosh@vitbhopal.ac.in (R. Ghosh).

Received 9 August 2020; Received in revised form 26 August 2022; Accepted 22 September 2022
Available online 26 September 2022
0957-4174/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Table 1
Different feature extraction technique used in EEG signals for MI classification.
References Feature Extraction Technique Classifier Dataset Used Mean
Accuracy* (%)

Ang et al., (2012) CSP Features Naïve Bayesian Parzen Window BCI-IV (IIa) 71.73
Kam et al., (2013) Logarithmic values of normalized variances using LDA BCI-IV (IIa) 60
non-homogeneous spatial filter
Aghaei et al. (2016) Spatio-Spectral features using Separable Common Linear minimum mean distance BCI-IV (IIa) 65.4
Spatio-spectral Patterns (SCSSP) classifier
Rathee et al., (2017) Spectral features using filter bank common spatial SVM BCI-IV (IIa) 58.14
pattern (FBCSP)
Jafarifarmand et al., (2017) Artifact Rejected CSP (AR-CSP) Adaptive resonance theory (ART) BCI-IV (IIa) 85.49
based neuro-fuzzy classifier
Dose et al., (2018) Principle component analysis (PCA) with CNN The Physionet dataset 68.51
convolutional neural network (CNN) (Goldberger et al., 2000)
Amin et al., (2019) Spectral and temporal features using multi-layer CNN BCI-IV (IIa) 75.7
Ai et al., (2019) CSP and local characteristics scale decomposition Spectral regression discriminant BCI-IV (IIa) 79.7
(LCD) analysis (SRDA)
Zhang et al., (2019) One-versus-rest FBCSP Long short-term memory (LSTM) BCI-IV (IIa) 83
Sreeja & Samanta, (2019) Wavelet energy Sparsity based classifier BCI-III (IIIa) 91.84
Jafarifarmand & Modified CSP with joint approximate ART based neuro-fuzzy classifier BCI-IV (IIa) 62.66
Badamchizadeh, (2020) diagonalization (JAD)
Ma et al., (2020) Power spectral density (PSD) Visual geometric based CNN BCI-IV (IIa) 96.26
Wang et al., (2020) CSP + Auto regressive Naïve Bayesian Classifier (NBC) BCI-IV (IIa) 86.01
Fadel et al., (2020) Azimuthal equidistant projection and Clough- CNN The Physionet dataset 70.64
Tocher algorithm
Wu et al., (2021) Tangent Space Mapping (TSM) SVM BCI-IV (IIa) 77.33
Hou et al., 2022 Bispectrum, Entropy and CSP (BECSP) SVM BCI-IV (IIa) 71.61
Chen et al., 2022 Filter bank channel group attention (FB-CGANet) Neural Network BCI-IV (IIa) 79.4
All the results in the table are presented from the original paper.

developed in the literature to deal with the EEG artifacts (Ghosh et al., EEG signals. The performance depends on the spectral filter for which
2019; Phadikar et al., 2020a; Phadikar et al., 2020b). The mislabelling the frequency band is usually predetermined and fixed manually. In
features can be figure out with the help of expert EEG specialist and AAR-based approaches, time information is ignored. In wavelet trans­
carefulness during recording and labelling the features. However, to form based techniques, considering coefficient vectors at different level
deal with the non-stationarity of EEG signals is a challenging task in EEG as a feature of EEG signal increase the computational complexity of the
pattern recognition. Several strategies such as transforming the EEG system. However, challenges remain in achieving higher classification
signals into frequency domain, time–frequency domain etc. are accuracy to improve the performance of real-time MI-based BCI.
employed in feature extraction stage to deal with challenges in EEG It is quite difficult to decode four-class MI tasks from the EEG data
based motor imagery recognition. because of its non-stationary nature. Hence, the derived features may
As this paper focuses on multiclass MI classification, several research not be entirely discriminative. To address the challenge of finding
articles on multiclass MI classification have been surveyed and pre­ discriminatory features for four-class MI classification because of highly
sented in Table 1. However, among all the methods, the common spatial random and non-stationary EEG signal, an innovative idea of trans­
pattern (CSP) is most frequently used as a technique of feature extraction forming the EEG signal in a new domain i.e., weight vector of unsu­
for MI classification. Initially it was developed for two class data clas­ pervised neural network has been proposed in this paper for four-class
sification, and then modified for multiclass classification problem. MI classification for the first time. An efficient feature extraction method
Basically, in CSP, the data of two classes are spatially filtered to maxi­ is developed rather than improving the classification algorithm to
mize the difference in variance between two classes. Before imple­ enhance the performance of BCI.
menting the CSP to decode the MI, EEG signals are bandpass filtered In view of the above, the main features of the innovative method
between a wide frequency band (4 to 40 Hz). The performance of CSP is proposed in this paper are:
highly depending on the selection of frequency band. It is therefore
necessary to select a frequency band or a wide frequency band for the a) It is a fully automated, unsupervised, and data-driven feature
specific characteristics, but this process is very inconvenient. If the extraction method using individual autoencoders for each EEG
frequency band is incorrectly used, then the performance of BCI system channels, which does not require any help of experts or prior
degrades. To overcome this problem, several extensions of CSP have knowledge.
been proposed in the literature such as filter bank common spatial b) The proposed novel feature extraction method can adaptively cap­
pattern (FBCSP). In FBCSP, the EEG (4 to 40 Hz) is divided into multiple ture the intention of motor movements from the EEG data.
smaller frequency bands, and then CSP is applied for feature extraction c) It extracts discriminative feature sets in new domain in which the
(Rathee et al., 2017). Recently, various methods are employed to classifier can achieve higher classification accuracy for four-class MI
transform the EEG signals into images to extract the prominent features data.
for MI tasks (Fadel et al., 2020). The recordings of all the electrodes are
converted into 2-D images, thus the problem of EEG signal classification A new hypothesis is proposed in this paper as: when an EEG signal is
becomes an image classification task. fed to train the neural network, is it possible to represent the EEG signal
From the previous research, it is observed that the CSP and transform in terms of their weight vector from the input layer to hidden layer of a
were widely used as feature extractors in the four-class MI classification. neural network? Because, the weight vectors of the neural network are
The commonly used CSP algorithm, however, recognizes only spatial- optimized according to the input data fed to the network. Hence, the
based features while paying no attention to the spectral properties of input signal can be represented as optimized weight vectors of the

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S. Phadikar et al. Expert Systems With Applications 213 (2023) 118901

information of the input vector. The architecture of autoencoder is

shown in Fig. 1.
By taking × as input vector, autoencoder maps the input vector to a
hidden layer representation y with deterministic mapping as:
( )
y = fencoder WeT x + be (1)

where, We and be is the weight and bias vector respectively of the

encoder and fencoder is the activation function of the neurons in the
encoder. The output of the autoencoder z, has the same phase as x, is
then extracted by mapping the hidden layer representation or code y
using the transformation.
( )
z = fdecoder WdT y + bd (2)

where Wd and bd are characterized as the weight vector and bias vector
respectively in the decoder. fdecoder is the activation function of neurons
in the decoder. In autoencoder network, training can be done by mini­
mizing the reconstruction error which is measured as squared error. The
autoencoder finds the appropriate parameters θ = {We , Wd , be , bd }
Fig. 1. The architecture of autoencoder. Xi, hi and Zi denotes the input node, through minimizing the cost function.
hidden nodes and output nodes respectively.
E(θ) = L(x, z) + λ‖W‖2
network. If it is possible then that the feature values can be extracted
from a particular weight vector characterizing a particular EEG signal in ∑
= ‖xi − zi ‖2 + λ(‖We ‖2 + ‖Wd ‖2 ) (3)
new domain. i
To test the hypothesis, an autoencoder neural network is used to find
the unique weight vector for each MI EEG signal. The autoencoder has where, λ‖W‖2 is a regularized parameter to avoid the over-fitting by
been used in this paper as it produces the same output as the input. minimizing the L2 norm of parameters, and L(x, z) is the reconstruction
Hence, it is a data driven network. As a result, the weight vectors are error. The weight vector W = We (:) can represent the MI signal in new
updated according to EEG data. Once the weight vectors are computed, space.
then spectral features are extracted through a slid-windowing method
using rectangular window function. The windowing-based feature
2.2. Feature extraction
extraction technique is implemented to capture the local features of EEG
data. The window size is selected through proper technique. Then all the
Although several feature extraction methods have been developed
windowed feature values are concatenated to form a feature vector.
for MI EEG classification, selecting a suitable method for selection of
Finally, these feature vectors along with feature labels are fed to the
features for higher classification accuracy is still a thought-provoking
SVM network as a classifier. Once the training of classifier network is
task for effective EEG classification. Finding a good feature set for a
completed, test EEG signals are used to test the network and fed to
binary classification task may not be so difficult but for a complex multi
autoencoder to compute its unique weight vector. Now the feature
task classification, getting discriminative feature set is really a chal­
values are extracted and predicted through the previously trained SVM
lenging task. In the proposed work, four feature values are extracted
network. This method is fully automatic and unsupervised. The pro­
from the weight vector for the corresponding EEG data.
posed system is compared with the conventional MI based BCI systems
(Jafarifarmand et al., 2017; Ai et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2019; Sreeja &
2.2.1. Autoregressive (AR) coefficients
Samanta, 2019; Ma et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2021; Chen
The AR model is a representation of a type of random process in
et al., 2022) and also achieved the highest classification accuracy. The
signal processing; as such, it is used to characterize such time-varying
proposed system is validated with publicly available two datasets. Same
processes (Neumaier & Schneider, 2001). In parametric method, it es­
feature sets are also extracted from the original EEG data (without
timates the PSD of an EEG. Therefore, there are no chances of spectral
transforming the EEG) and the performance is compared with the pro­
leakage. Hence, it yields better frequency resolution. The PSD is esti­
posed method. The proposed system does not use any channel selection
mated by measuring the parameters of the linear systems under
method for achieving higher accuracy than the conventional methods.
consideration. The signal can be represented as a linear combinations of
To the best of our knowledge, this is the maiden attempt of feature
p previous values of the same signal. The signal x[n] at the time instant n
extraction methods for the EEG based MI classification. The benefits of
can be modelled as:
the stated model are established through the exploratory outcomes as
explained in this paper. p

x[n] = − a[i]x[n − i] + e[n] (4)
2. Materials and tools
where, e[n] is a zero-mean white noise, a[i] is the ith coefficient of the
2.1. Autoencoder model with order p. A total p number of AR coefficients are used as
feature values in this work. However, the selection of order p is very
An autoencoder is a neural network, based on unsupervised machine sensitive because, the estimates generally improve with increase in
learning algorithm that captures the signature inside the EEG data (Liou order but at higher computational cost.
et al., 2014). It mainly has two parts: encoder that maps the input into a
code, and a decoder that maps the code to reconstruct the original input. • Burg’s Method to Estimate the AR Model
Weights between layers are updated according to the training algorithm
to minimize the reconstruction error. As the reconstruction error is small Several strategies have been proposed for the estimation of AR
enough, the code could be assumed to incorporate most of the models. The Burg’s method is widely used in EEG based classification of

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mental state. It directly measures the reflection coefficients without • Selection of Base Wavelet
using the autocorrelation function (Al-Fahoum & Al-Fraihat, 2014). This
approach estimates data records of PSD that exactly look like the orig­ The selection of appropriate base wavelet (mother wavelet) may
inal. For a detail description, interested readers may refer to (Stoica & affect the calculation of SE feature vector in wavelet domain. Hence, a
Moses, 2005). cross-correlation based approach is proposed to check the performance
of all the available wavelet bases for EEG based MI signal classification.
• Determination of AR Model Order The cross correlation between MI signal and the wavelet functions are
calculated and the function is selected which gives the maximum value.
While designing an AR model, it is important to define the order of The correlation Xcorr between the EEG signal of interest X and the mother
the model which best fits the data. It depends on the data sampling rate wavelet function Y is.
because, the AR model estimates the present value of data using the ∑
(X − X)(Y − Y)
number of past data samples. Sum-squared error (SSE) is a widely used Xcorr = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
̅ (10)

tool for determining the order of an AR model. The lower SSE indicates (X − X)2 (Y − Y)2
the order of the model that best fits the data (Anderson et al., 1998). As
suggested by Anderson et al. (1998), for EEG based mental state clas­ 2.2.3. Wavelet fractal estimates
sification, AR coefficients of order 6 best fit the data. Two fractal parameters from DWT coefficients are estimated and
used as features. The width of singularity spectrum and the second
2.2.2. Wavelet packet entropy cumulant of the scaling exponents are obtained as features. The width of
The wavelet transform is widely used in feature extraction due to its singularity spectrum derives the multi-fractal nature of the EEG signal.
capability of capturing the local features of an EEG signal. It is difficult The scaling exponents are scale based exponents describing power-law
to use such coefficients directly as features because of its wider length. behaviour in the signal at different resolution. The second cumulant
Hence, for better classification, some higher-level features may be broadly represents the departure of the scaling exponents from linearity
extracted from these coefficients. Entropy is a tool to capture the un­ (Leonarduzzi et al., 2010). Both the features are calculated from wavelet
certainty of a given system and commonly used in information theory leaders. The wavelet leaders estimate the multifractal spectrum based on
and signal processing (Li & Zhou, 2016). In this work, Shannon entropy wavelet transform.
(SE) is directly calculated from the wavelet packet decomposition Let ψ be a wavelet function having various null moments and fast
(WPD) coefficients of the weight vector. The WPD is an extension of
decay and dilated by scale 2j and translated to time position 2j k. It can be
discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The key difference between WPD and
assumed that, each wavelet coefficient Cjk corresponding to the wavelet
DWT is that, it decomposes not only the approximation coefficients but
transform of the series {x(i)} is localized on the dyadic interval (Leo­
also the detail coefficients simultaneously. As a result, the WPD has same [ ]
frequency bandwidth in each resolution while DWT does not. For an narduzzi et al., 2010), Ijk = 2kj , k+1
. Then the dilated intervals can be
EEG signal x(t), the coefficients can be derived as: computed as:
⎧ [ ]
d0,0 (t) = x(t), k− 1 k+2

⎪ √̅̅̅ ∑ 3Ijk = , (11)
⎨ di,2j− 1 (t) =
2 h(k)di− 1,j (2t − k), 2j 2j
k (5)

√̅̅̅ ∑ The wavelet leaders djk are computed as:
⎩ di,2j (t) = 2 g(k)di− 1,j (2t − k)
{ }
djk = sup |Clh | : Ilh ⊂3Ijk
where h(k) and g(k) denote high pass and low pass filters respectively, The most important key factor about the wavelet leader is the search
and di,j is the WPD coefficients at the ith level and jth node. The energy at for the greatest wavelet coefficients in a narrow time neighbourhood for
ith level and jth node can be derived by wavelet-energy, defined as: a given time and scale (Leonarduzzi et al., 2010). The singularity

N spectrum (SS) determines how many singularities are there. However,
Ei,j = ‖di,j,k ‖2 (6) the SS can be easily computed from the structure function (SF). The SF is
k=1 computed from the wavelet leader as:

where, N denotes total number of coefficients in the corresponding node. ( ) 1 ∑ nj

S q, 2j = |djk |q (13)
The SE of jth node at ith level is calculated based on the probability nj k=1
distribution of energy as:
If the signal {x(i)} shows some form of self-similarity, the SF decays
∑ as power laws of the scales. The exponents of these power laws are called
( )
SEi,j = − Pi,j,k *log Pi,j,k (7)
k=1 scaling exponents (SE) and are computed as:
( ( ( )))
log2 S q, 2j
where Pi,j,k is the probability of the kth coefficient at its corresponding SE(q) = liminf (14)
node and is defined as:
j→0 j
Finally, the SS can be obtained from the SE via Legendre transform
‖di,j,k ‖2
Pi,j,k = (8) (LT) as:
q (1 + qh − SE(h) ) (15)
Finally, the SE feature vector is computed by cascading all the SEs
from every node of level M. The width of the SS is measured as the difference between maximum
SE = (SEi,1 , SEi,2 , ⋯, SEi,2M )i=M (9) and minimum value in the D(h) and the second cumulant of the SE are
used as feature values.
All the feature values are extracted from the autoencoder weight

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vector using non-overlapping slid windowing technique using rectan­ and test dataset through holdout cross validation (CV) technique. The
gular window function. Here, p number of AR coefficients, 2M number of CV partition usually divides the datasets into training and test (holdout)
Shannon entropy and two wavelet fractal estimates are extracted from set. This partition depends on a scalar r, called holdout parameter. When
each window. Finally, (p + 2M + 2) * S number of feature values are 0 < r < 1, this approach randomly selects r*n observations for the test
concatenated to form the feature vector, where S is the total number of set, where n is the total number of observations. When r is integer, this
rectangular windows to cover the whole weight vector. method randomly selects r observations for the test set.
2.3. Multiclass SVM classifier Accuracy(Acc) = (16)

The SVM is the most widely used classifier that utilizes the strategy of TP
Sensitivity(Sen) = (17)
supervised machine learning. SVM can competently categorize non- P
linear data by means of kernel trick. The SVM uses training data to
create an optimal hyper plane, with the aim to classify test data (Hsu & Specificity(Spe) =
Lin, 2002). Some unique features of different datasets are obtained and N
provided to the classifier. The optimal hyper plane, known as support
vectors, is made to get a decision boundary from the adjacent samples of precision = (19)
different datasets. If the datasets are linearly indistinguishable in the
original finite dimensional, then the data can be re-mapped into suffi­ where, TP (true positive) denotes the number of correctly predicted
ciently higher dimensional space to reduce the non-linearity. To address positive MI class and TN (true negative) represents the number of
the higher dimensionality, kernel trick is used for better classification correctly predicted negative MI class. P denotes the total number of
and less effort. However, SVMs were originally designed for two-class positive class present in the observation and N denotes the total number
classification problem. Some extensions of SVM have been proposed in of negative class present in the observation.
the literature for multiclass classification problem. These extensions are
1-against-1, 1-against-all, DAGSVM etc. (Hsu & Lin, 2002). 3. Proposed methodology

2.4. Datasets This paper proposes a novel method of unsupervised feature

extraction for EEG based MI classification. The basic architecture of the
In this investigation, two datasets were used: one for validation and proposed system is presented in Fig. 2. At first, the MI related EEG signal
another for comparison with other recently reported methods of EEG is fed to an autoencoder and the weight vector which minimizes the
based MI Classification. reconstruction error in the autoencoder is extracted. Then the S * p
number of AR coefficients, S * 2 M number of wavelet packet entropy and
2.4.1. Dataset IIIa from BCI competition III 2 * S number of wavelet fractal estimates are extracted from the weight
Dataset IIIa from BCI competition III (Blankertz et al., 2006) has been vector of corresponding MI data using a non-overlapping rectangular
used to validate the proposed system. The data consist of recording from window. Finally, the feature-label pairs are fed to a multiclass SVM
the three subjects (k3b, k6b, I1b). The subjects performed four MI tasks classifier to train the model. The proposed method is implemented in
according to a cue. The subjects were imagining the movements of left MATLAB R2019a and evaluated for BCI-III and BCI-IV dataset. The
hand (class-1), right hand (class-2), tongue (class-3), and foot (class-4) proposed work achieves a higher classification accuracy as compared to
while relaxing in a chair with armrests. The experiment consisted of the conventional methods (Jafarifarmand et al., 2017; Ai et al., 2019;
several runs with 40 trials each. After the trial began, the 2 s were silent, Zhang et al., 2019; Sreeja & Samanta, 2019; Ma et al., 2020; Wang et al.,
an acoustic stimulus started at t = 2 s to indicate the beginning of the 2020; Wu et al., 2021; Chen et al., 2022) reported for EEG based MI
trial, and a cross “+” was displayed. Then, from t = 3 s, an arrow to the classification.
left, right, up or down was displayed for 1 s and at the same time, and the Stages of the proposed model.
subjects were asked to imagine a movement of left hand, right hand,
tongue or foot according to the arrow until the cross disappeared at t = 7 • Four class MI data were segmented from the dataset and a new
s. Each of the four cues is displayed ten times within each run in a dataset were created.
randomized order. • The EEG data from each class from the new dataset are fed to the
autoencoder. After minimizing the training error of the network, the
2.4.2. Dataset IIa from BCI competition IV weight vector from input-to-hidden-layer is extracted. This weight
To demonstrate the superiority of the proposed model over other vector represents the corresponding EEG data from each class.
recently developed methods, the dataset IIa from BCI competition IV • The weight vectors (representing the original EEG signals) were
(Tangermann et al., 2012) has been adapted. This dataset consists of partitioned into a training set and test set using the CV partition
EEG data from 9 subjects (A01 – A09). The subjects were imagining the technique with holdout parameter p = 0.3. 70 % of the data were
movements of left hand (class 1), right hand (class 2), tongue (class 3), selected randomly for the training purpose and 30 % of the data were
and foot (class 4) while relaxing in a chair with armrests. The recorded selected randomly for the testing purpose.
data consisted of 22-channel EEG signals. The data were sampled at 250 • A feature extraction window of size 1 s (250 samples) is slid forward
Hz. in each weight vector (training set) to extract the above-mentioned
feature values, i.e. AR coefficients, wavelet packet entropy,
2.5. Performance metrics wavelet fractal estimates. Hence, total (p + 2M + 2) * S number of
feature values are concatenated to form the feature vector, where S is
The following parameters are used in this paper to evaluate the the total number of windows to cover the whole weight vector.
performance of the proposed methodology for four class MI EEG clas­
sification. The metrics are used after separating the dataset into training

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Fig. 2. The basic architecture of proposed system.

Likewise, test feature sets were also extracted using the same optimum threshold values for different level were calculated through
method. grey wolf optimizer (GWO). Because for simultaneous optimization of
• Finally, the training feature-label pairs were fed to a multiclass SVM number of parameters (here thresholds at different levels) meta-heuristic
to train the classifier network. optimizers like GWO is the best option. The muscle artifacts are removed
• To test the trained classifier network, test feature sets are used and through the method described in Phadikar et al. (2022). After success­
the performance is evaluated. fully removing the artifacts from the created dataset, the MI related EEG
data were fed to the autoencoder for the following steps.

3.1. Data preprocessing 3.2. Extraction of weight vectors from the autoencoder

The data were recorded in 6 runs (sessions) separated by short breaks Before partitioning the data into training and test dataset, the main
for each subject. One run consists of 40 trials (10 for each of the four dataset (containing 72 trials) were fed to the autoencoder. Individual
possible classes), yielding a total of 240 trials per session. In the pro­ autoencoder was trained for particular EEG signals (for example: if there
posed method, single trial for each of the four possible classes from 6 are 10 EEGs, ten individual autoencoders were trained). When all the
runs (sessions) was used to create the main dataset for the proposed autoencoders were trained, their optimized weight vectors correspond­
algorithm. Hence, 4 × 6 = 24 trials (out of 240 trials) were extracted ing to the particular EEG signals were extracted. Hence, the proposed
from each subject. The data were recorded from the three subjects, as a technique transformed the EEG signals and represented them in a new
result 3 × 24 = 72 trials were extracted and the main dataset were domain/space (i.e., weight vector). Hence, the autoencoder acted as a
created. transformer (not as a classifier). The activation function of encoder
The EEG data is very sensitive to various artifacts such as eyeblink, network is selected as log-sigmoid function. For the given input, Xi , the
muscle etc. These artifacts should be removed otherwise result in encoder output will be yi ,
misclassification. In this paper, the eyeblink artifacts are removed
through the method described in (Phadikar et al., 2020a). At first the yi = logsig(Wi Xi + be ) (20)
identified corrupted EEG was decomposed into wavelet coefficients up
to level 6 using Daubechies wavelet (vanishing moment as 8). Both the logsig(z) = (21)
1 + e− z
decomposition level and wavelet function were selected through the
techniques described in Phadikar et al., (2020a). Then the approximate To minimize the error defined in equation (3), scaled conjugate
coefficients (ACs) were thresholded in backward manner using the op­ gradient (SCG) algorithm (Møller, 1993) is used as a training algorithm
timum threshold values followed by inverse wavelet transform (IDWT) in autoencoder. The weight vectors are selected, when the autoencoder
to reconstruct the original EEG signal. The AC at level 6 was thresholded reconstruction error is minimized. The number of hidden nodes in the
and used in IDWT together with the un-thresholded detail coefficient hidden layer were selected using trial and error method. However, this
(DC) at the same level (i.e., level 6) to get back the AC at level 5. Then, EEG segment is linearly separable or not, is not known. Hence the
AC at level 5 was thresholded using different threshold value and used in number of hidden nodes is selected as 30, 50 and 100 and the training
IDWT with DC at the same level (i.e., level 5) to get back the AC at level errors of the autoencoder are compared in the Fig. 3. From the figure, it
4. Likewise, the backward thresholding of the ACs followed by IDWT is is evident that, the error is the minimum with fast convergence when the
continued till the artifact free EEG signal is reconstructed at level 1. The number of hidden nodes is 50. After extracting all the weight vectors

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Fig. 3. Performance of the autoencoder with different configuration.

(Wi ) from 72 trials, the weight vectors are separated into training and
Table 2
test set using the holdout CV algorithm. In the CV partition algorithm,
Wavelets vs Average cross correlation.
the holdout parameter, p is selected as 0.3 and as a result, 70 % of the
total weight vectors were randomly chosen to form train set and 30 % Wavelets Xcorr Wavelets Xcorr Wavelets Xcorr
weight vectors were kept as test set. Finally, the data were paired with Haar 0.12 db11 0.02 coif2 0.02
data labels (four motor imagery tasks) and is ready to be applied for the db2 0.05 db12 0.02 coif3 0.02
db3 0.04 sym2 0.05 coif4 0.02
next steps.
db4 0.04 sym3 0.04 coif5 0.02
db5 0.03 sym4 0.03 fk4 0.06
db6 0.04 sym5 0.03 fk6 0.04
3.3. Feature extraction from the weight vectors db7 0.02 sym6 0.02 fk8 0.03
db8 0.02 sym7 0.02 fk14 0.03
A windowing feature extraction method is proposed in this work. The db9 0.01 sym8 0.02 fk18 0.01
rectangular window slides across the weight vector and the features are db10 0.02 coif1 0.04 fk22 0.02

computed. Each window will calculate the p number of AR coefficients, db: Daubechies; sym: Symlets; coif: Coiflets; fk: Fejer-Korovkin wavelets.
2 M number of wavelet packet entropy and two numbers of wavelet
fractal estimates as a feature values from the EEG segments. Hence, each the equation (9), 2 M = 16 wavelet packet entropy will be computed
EEG signal will be represented as (S × r) number of feature values. from a window. Finally, the second cumulant of the SE and the width
Where r is the total number of feature values extracted from a window. of the SS is measured from the equation (14) and (15) respectively
r = p + 2M + 2
(22) from a window.
• In total (6 AR coefficients + 16 wavelet packet entropy + 1 SE + 1
SS) = 24 features are extracted from a window. Now, the window is
• In computing AR coefficients, the selection of order p is a key factor. slid forward to cover all the samples of the weight vector. Finally, all
As the researchers in (Leonarduzzi et al., 2010) suggested that, the the feature values computed from every window are concatenated to
order 6 is significant in AR model for mental task classification. form the feature vector, which consists of (150 * 24) = 3600 feature
Hence, the order of AR model p = 6 is selected in the proposed values.
methodology. Also, the Burg’s method (described in section II) is
used to estimate the AR coefficients due its low computational cost.
• Then to calculate the wavelet packet entropy, SE is calculated from 3.4. Classification
the wavelet coefficients of windowed EEG signals. One major issue in
the computation of wavelet-based SE is the selection of proper On the classification stage, 1-against-all SVM classifier is used in this
wavelet function. Several wavelet functions are available in the work for four class MI data classification. Then the feature-label pairs
wavelet families, and every wavelet function has different charac­ were fed to the classifier to train the network. Additionally, the Gaussian
teristics. As a result, entropy will be different for different wavelet kernel function is used in the classifier for better classification.
functions. However, in this work, a proper technique for selection of
appropriate wavelet function is adopted. The correlation Xcorr be­ 4. Experimental results and discussion
tween the EEG signal of interest X and the mother wavelet function Y
is calculated using equation (10) to match the best suitable wavelet The created dataset was fed to the autoencoders. Individual
function for EEG based MI analysis. The wavelet function is selected autoencoder was trained for particular EEG signals. When all the
which gives the maximum value. In this work, total 30 wavelet autoencoders were trained, their optimized weight vectors correspond­
functions (Haar, Daubechies with vanishing moment ranging from 2 ing to the particular EEG signals were extracted. After successfully
to 12, Coiflets with vanishing moment ranging from 1 to 5, Symlets partitioning the weight vectors into training set and test set, the features
with vanishing moment ranging from 2 to 8, Fejer-Korovkin wavelets were extracted through a rectangular slid window from both the weight
with vanishing moment ranging from 4 to 22) are compared with MI vectors. The selection of size of the window is very sensitive because
related EEG data. For each wavelet function, the average Xcorr is lower size results in a large number of feature values which may be
shown in Table 2. From the table, it is evident that, the Haar provides redundant and higher size result in a smaller number of feature values
the maximum correlation among all the wavelet functions. Hence, which may result in poor classification. The window slides forward
Haar is selected as a mother wavelet function to decompose the across the weight vector. So, depending on the size of weight vectors, the
windowed EEG data using WPD up to level 4. Hence M = 4, and from window size is selected as 125, 250, 375, 500, 750, 1000, 1250 and 1500

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proposed model. In the first case, the same feature sets were extracted
directly from the information signal and fed to the classifier (case-1). In
the second case, window-based features were extracted from the infor­
mation signal (case-2). In the third case, features were extracted using
proposed methodology i.e. from autoencoder weight vectors (case-3).
For all three cases, the performance is compared in Table 3. It is evident
from the table that, the classification accuracy using proposed model
(case-3) is higher than the other two cases. The multiclass SVM classifier
has been adopted through comparison with other classifiers. Linear
Discriminant Analysis (LDA) network also has been used to evaluate the
proposed method. Their performance is shown in Table 4. From the
table, it is evident that, the SVM shows the highest performance in terms
of precision, sensitivity, specificity and model accuracy.
The proposed system is also evaluated on BCI-IV-2a dataset. Table 5
represents the performance of the proposed system on the dataset IIa
from BCI competition IV. Among all the 9 subjects, subjects: A02, A03,
A04 and A08 the prediction is 100 % accurate for four-class MI EEG
data. The performance of proposed system is also compared with the
other recently reported methods (Jafarifarmand et al., 2017; Ai et al.,
Fig. 4. Comparison of different window sizes for feature extraction. 2019; Zhang et al., 2019; Sreeja & Samanta, 2019; Ma et al., 2020; Wang
et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2021; Chen et al., 2022) and shown in Table 6. It is
evident from the table that, the proposed approach gives better results
than other methods in terms of classification accuracy.
Table 3
Comparison among several case studies (on dataset IIIa BCI-III).
Methods Classification Accuracy (%)

Case-1 85 Table 5
Case-2 91.87 Subject wise performance comparison on dataset IIa from BCI-IV.
Case-3 95.39
Subjects Classification Accuracy (%) Average Accuracy (%)

A01 93 97
samples. The performance of the window sizes is compared in Fig. 4. It is A02 100
evident from the figure that, the window size of 250 samples has ach­ A03 100
A04 100
ieved the highest classification accuracy. Finally, the feature-label pairs
A05 97
were fed to the classifier to train the network. After successfully training A06 93
of the classifier, the trained model has been used to predict the test A07 93
dataset. A08 100
Three cases have been studied to check the superiority of the A09 97

Table 4
Performance comparison of the proposed system on dataset IIIa from BCI-III.
Class-1 Class-2 Class-3 Class-4 Mean Class-1 Class-2 Class-3 Class-4 Mean
Sensitivity 100 83 62 69 78.5 94 93 94 100 95.25
Specificity 89 90 95 97 92.75 99 98 100 97 98.5
Precision 76 73 84 86 79.75 97 93 100 90 95
Model accuracy 78 % 95%

Class-1 Class-2 Class-3 Class-4 Mean Class-1 Class-2 Class-3 Class-4 Mean
Sensitivity 84 66 97 69 79 100 97 100 96 98.25
Specificity 94 96 85 98 93.25 99 99 100 100 99.5
Precision 84 83 72 90 82.25 97 97 100 100 98.5
Model accuracy 80 % 98 %

Class-1 Class-2 Class-3 Class-4 Mean Class-1 Class-2 Class-3 Class-4 Mean
Sensitivity 68 93 79 77 79.25 97 90 94 92 93.25
Specificity 97 82 98 96 93.25 98 97 100 97 98
Precision 88 63 93 83 81.75 94 90 100 89 93.25
Model accuracy 79 % 93 %

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Table 6
Performance comparison of several methods on dataset IIa from BCI-IV.
Performance TSM FB-CGANet CSP-LCD One-vs-rest AR-CSP CSP-Auto Wavelet Energy PSD Proposed
(Wu et al., (Chen et al., (Ai et al., FBCSP (Jafarifarmand et al., Regressive (Sreeja & (Ma et al., method
2021) 2022) 2019) (Zhang et al., 2017) (Wang et al., Samanta, 2019) 2020)
2019) 2020)

Average 77.33 79.4 79.7 83 85.49 86.01 91.84 96.26 97

accuracy (%)

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